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我们可以用透明的方式来填补金融机构资产负债表上的亏空。 | The holes in financial institutions’ balance sheets should be filled in a transparent way. | zh-en |
亚利山大·亚科夫列夫1958年在哥伦比亚大学进修期间深受影响。 | Aleksandr Yakovlev was strongly influenced by his studies at Columbia University in 1958. | zh-en |
因此他们开始怀疑一个机构,而不是某位个人-他们甚至怀疑政府本身。 | So instead of mistrusting one person, they grew suspicious of an institution - even of government itself. | zh-en |
我们的外交政策必须保持希望和负责任地行动的能力。 | Our foreign policy must retain its hopefulness and ability to act responsibly. | zh-en |
毕竟,全球金融危机大大伤害了评级机构的整体信誉。 | After all, the global financial crisis badly damaged the credibility of ratings agencies as a whole. | zh-en |
气候变化风险固然严重,但并不是可持续性日程的全部。 | Climate-change risks, though serious, should not be mistaken for the entire sustainability agenda. | zh-en |
在一次委员会会议上,格鲁什科说道:“我的引擎可以把任何金属块送入太空。 | During one council meeting, Glushko said, “My engines could send into space any piece of metal.” | zh-en |
奢侈品要想发挥作用,社会必须了解它的价值。 | For luxury goods to have any function, society needs information about their cost. | zh-en |
20世纪80年代,最可怕的恐怖事件夺去了300多条无辜的生命。 | In the l980's, the worst terrorist incident killed 300 people. | zh-en |
但政治家和媒体对当前难民危机全心全意的关注掩盖了更广泛的移民问题。 | But the almost exclusive focus by politicians and the media on the current refugee crisis conceals wider immigration issues. | zh-en |
这些银行需要经受真正的压力测试,而不是今年早些时候搞的那种官样文章。 | The banks need real stress tests, not the official confidence game carried out earlier this year. | zh-en |
而该地区技术密集型活动正在快速接近北美和西欧。 | And technology-intensive activity in the region is fast approaching that of North America and Western Europe. | zh-en |
当局试图将政治与经济分割开来,但刘晓波证明了这是不可能做到的。 | The regime has tried to separate politics and economics, but Liu has shown that this is impossible. | zh-en |
与中央政府相比,次国家政府的地位存在极大变数。 | There is remarkable variability in the role of sub-national governments relative to central governments. | zh-en |
新国会和宪法议会必须与最高军事委员会谈判。 | The new parliament and constitutional assembly will have to lead the negotiations with the SCAF. | zh-en |
在1990年代早期吹捧其安全性的研究中并没有纳入商务使用者。 | Widely publicized studies in the early 1990’s touting their safety excluded business users. | zh-en |
在1990年代中早期为了解决银行的地产问题而一直压低利率。 | In the early to mid-1990’s, rates were kept low because of banks’ real-estate problems. | zh-en |
阻止这三种致死疾病是全球抵抗贫穷的关键步骤。 | Stemming the spread of this deadly trio of diseases is the linchpin in the global fight against poverty. | zh-en |
当然,政府的合法性或其他政策制定机构会决定具体的经济政策。 | Of course, the legitimacy of the government or other policymaking body will determine what is possible in economic policymaking. | zh-en |
世界被分为许多民族国家,每个国家控制着许多公共政策工具。 | The world is divided into nation-states, each controlling many of the instruments of public policy. | zh-en |
但必须按交易额对金属进行切割,再称出精确的分量。 | But the amounts had to be cut to the size of the transaction and weighed out with balance scales. | zh-en |
如果不进行政治改革,这种制度的存续是不可想象的。 | Without political reform, the long-run viability of such a system is in doubt. | zh-en |
无论如何,中国的高增长记录都已经无法持续了。 | In any case, China’s stellar growth record cannot be sustained. | zh-en |
随着全球污染和技术的出现,改变这一状况变成了一个越来越紧迫的问题。 | With the advent of global pollutions and technologies, remedying this is becoming an increasingly urgent problem. | zh-en |
我们必须谈判制定一项欧盟与俄罗斯联邦之间新的伙伴关系和合作协议。 | A new Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) between the EU and the Russian Federation must be negotiated. | zh-en |
尽管已离开教堂,我仍然敬畏神圣的真理。 | And, despite having left the church, I still feel a profound reverence for the holy truth. | zh-en |
枪支游说集团在美国仍然势力强大,政客不敢得罪他们。 | The gun lobby in the US remains powerful, and politicians are afraid to counter it. | zh-en |
但美国2014年的实际经济增长将维持在低于其真实潜力的水平。 | Yet America’s actual economic growth in 2014 will remain well below potential. | zh-en |
这是一个严重的指控,因为外国直接投资的亮点之一就是为当地创造就业机会。 | Another widespread claim is that Chinese companies prefer to employ their own nationals rather than locals. | zh-en |
此外研究也表明,在高度空气污染环境下即便显著降低空气污染也只能产生轻微的影响。 | Moreover, studies indicate that even significant air-pollution reduction starting at high levels will have only a minor impact. | zh-en |
欧洲央行大量买入国债将是较差的援助行动。 | Massive purchases of government bonds by the ECB would be the worst type of bailout. | zh-en |
2008年秋天以来,汇率波动逐渐减弱至危机前水平。 | After the autumn of 2008, exchange-rate volatility slowly receded toward pre-crisis levels. | zh-en |
据“世界粮食计划”统计,当地70%的人口缺少食品安全。 | According to the World Food Program, 70% of the population lack food security. | zh-en |
之后是一段时间的整合(包括2002年欧元纸币和硬币开始流通)。 | A period of consolidation (which included the introduction of euro banknotes and coins in 2002) followed. | zh-en |
在所有这三次夏天的危机中,修正技术性问题并不足以解决问题。 | In each of these summer crises, addressing the technical issue was not enough to solve the problem. | zh-en |
军队将军一向把军队机制放在其他之上,包括自己的上级。 | The generals have always placed the institution of the military above all else, including rulers from their own ranks. | zh-en |
通过专注经受战争破坏后的国家重建,我们的领导人成功创造了经济奇迹。 | By concentrating on reconstructing the country after the devastation of war, our leaders brought about an economic miracle. | zh-en |
当真正的民主主义在我们国家扎根之后,我们就再也不会被分割。 | Having laid the foundations of genuine democracy, our house will not be divided by anyone. | zh-en |
茶党(TeaParty)运动充分利用了公众的这种情绪,而奥巴马成了众矢之的。 | The Tea Party movement exploited this resentment, and Obama is now on the defensive. | zh-en |
而尽管实现停火的努力失败了,但外交努力并没有失败——至少没有完全失败。 | And while efforts to achieve a ceasefire have failed, diplomacy has not – at least not entirely. | zh-en |
我们可以设计能防止火在建筑物之间蔓延的城市。 | We can design cities that prevent fires from spreading from building to building. | zh-en |
现在的问题是21世纪的故事会怎样展开。 | The question now is what story will emerge from the twenty-first century. | zh-en |
但是,使用便宜的药物治疗急性心脏病却成本小、效果大。 | Treating acute heart attacks with inexpensive drugs is, however, cost-effective. | zh-en |
在一个人口迅速老化的环境中,这种情况对于总体消费来说影响巨大。 | Put this in the context of a rapidly aging population and the effects on overall consumption are dramatic. | zh-en |
该组织需要招聘更多的金融部门专家,减少对学术专业人士的依赖。 | The Fund needs to hire more financial sector experts, relying less on academic professionals. | zh-en |
如果LFPR在2009年10月失业率达到顶峰后保持稳定,现在的失业率将是9%。 | If it had stabilized when the unemployment rate peaked in October 2009, unemployment today would be over 9%. | zh-en |
只有欧洲公司削减开支、提高生产率,这种情况才有可能发生。 | This could happen only if European companies cut costs and increase productivity. | zh-en |
如今,欧元区正在复制全球金融体系1982年和1997年应对此类危机之道。 | The eurozone is now replicating how the global financial system dealt with such crises in 1982 and again in 1997. | zh-en |
这一货币制度只有在央行保持通胀可控承诺可信的情况下才能成功。 | Such monetary systems can succeed only as long as the central bank can credibly commit to keeping inflation under control. | zh-en |
但是,我们仍必须承认财政政策在货币联盟中的关键作用。 | Still, we have to acknowledge the vital role of fiscal policies in a monetary union. | zh-en |
政客们在1999年成立了货币联盟,尽管有人警告欧洲大陆的经济体之间多样性太大。 | Politicians launched monetary union in 1999, despite warnings that the constituent economies were too diverse. | zh-en |
正如英国自己指出的,发展中国家需要更多的援助和更公平的国际贸易体制。 | As Britain itself has pointed out, developing countries need more assistance and a fairer international trade regime. | zh-en |
据国际合作联盟披露,全球合作社成员已超过800,000,000人。 | The International Cooperative Alliance reports that more than 800 million people are members of cooperatives worldwide. | zh-en |
与发达经济体一样,新兴经济体在2000—2007年间经历了繁荣。 | Like the advanced economies, emerging economies experienced a boom in 2000-2007. | zh-en |
世界银行“银行”的这一称呼削弱了这一组织的重要性,也淡化了其角色的多面性。 | The World Bank’s designation as a “bank” understates its importance and its multifaceted roles. | zh-en |
除政府债券外更大范围的债券资产收益都明显下跌。 | The fall in bond yields has extended to a far broader range of debt than just government paper. | zh-en |
随着金融行业规模扩大,其盈利水平也随之提高。 | As the size of the financial industry grew, so, too, did its profitability. | zh-en |
与此同时,政府必须实施旨在引导针对具体疾病的投资的政策。 | At the same time, governments will have to implement policies aimed at guiding investment toward specific diseases. | zh-en |
预料中的明年全球贸易增长很可能不会发生。 | The projected increase in global growth next year will likely not happen. | zh-en |
上述问题在联合国发展计划署的年度报告中已是屡见不鲜。 | These problems have been cited, year after year, in the United Nations Development Program’s reports. | zh-en |
新兴经济体则将因为中国有所放缓但依旧强劲的7%年增长率而稳固下来。 | And emerging economies will be anchored by China’s slower but still-robust 7% annual growth. | zh-en |
SNP宣称北海石油所带来的额外收入将能抵消补贴减少。 | The SNP claims that additional revenues from North Sea oil would offset the subsidy. | zh-en |
20世纪90年代,我应邀以顾问的身份参与了两次宪法委员会会议。 | I was invited as an adviser to two constitutional committee meetings in Kyiv in the 1990's. | zh-en |
2012—2013年,来自公共资源的适应资金达到了230—260亿美元。 | Adaptation funding from public sources reached $23-26 billion in 2012-2013. | zh-en |
这意味着这些新公司所能提供的金融交易规模十分有限。 | This places a significant constraint on the size and type of financial transactions these new companies can offer. | zh-en |
一些大城市已经开始了示威活动,要求遏制政府官员中的腐败行为。 | Demonstrations begin in major cities, calling for an end to corruption among party officials. | zh-en |
汇款金额多数仅在100到300美元之间,它们几乎立即进入到家庭日常消费环节。 | Most are for sums of only $100-$300, and they normally go towards immediate household consumption. | zh-en |
对他们来说,债务国和债权国日渐分歧的经济目标才更有意义得多。 | For them, debtor and creditor countries’ increasingly divergent economic objectives are much more meaningful. | zh-en |
只有组织起广泛的联合政府,他才能避免其内阁垮台。 | An Ozawa government might be stable only if he could form a grand coalition. | zh-en |
举例来讲,亚洲57个跨国河流流域有53个未制定任何水资源共享或合作计划。 | For example, 53 of Asia’s 57 transnational river basins lack any water-sharing or cooperative arrangement. | zh-en |
在这里,提尔提供了一个他在PayPal首席执行官任上所获得的经验。 | Here, Thiel offers an example from his experience as CEO of PayPal. | zh-en |
NTC出现了常见的内部分歧,其成员和运转状况一直是个迷。 | The NTC has suffered regular internal disputes, and its membership and functioning are shrouded in secrecy. | zh-en |
亚洲需要调整适应增长放缓的新时期,同时解决普遍存在的不平等问题、改善稳定性。 | Asia needs to adjust to a new era of more moderate growth, while addressing widespread inequality and improving sustainability. | zh-en |
因为黑色颗粒含烟尘并能吸收阳光,他们被认为会导致全球变暖增加。 | Because black particles contain soot and absorb sunlight, they are believed to increase global warming. | zh-en |
美联储不仅是美国的中央银行,它也是全世界的中央银行。 | The Fed is not just the US central bank; it is the world’s central bank. | zh-en |
1910年,在海滨度假胜地参加自由贸易讨论会议的人数几乎达到了100万。 | Meetings in seaside resorts reached almost a million people in 1910. | zh-en |
在中国最近历史的大部分时期,我们一直把马克思主义看作是阶级斗争哲学。 | For most of our recent history, we saw in Marxism only a philosophy of class struggle. | zh-en |
中国中央银行行长最近也强调了这个基本观点。 | The governor of China’s central bank recently emphasized this basic point. | zh-en |
由于全球气候变暖,环境保护问题越来越受到人们的重视。 | It’s energy- and environmentally- friendly at a time when concerns about global warming are growing. | zh-en |
过去七年实际个人消费支出每年只增加1.4%。 | Real personal consumption expenditures have grown at just 1.4% annually over the last seven years. | zh-en |
全国大会是既是官僚和慈善家的聚会,也是一次产品展览会。 | The National Gathering was a trade show as much as an event for bureaucrats and philanthropists. | zh-en |
葡萄牙宪法法院驳回了该国的财政整合计划。法国新总理瓦尔斯也反对紧缩。 | Portugal’s Constitutional Court has thwarted the country’s fiscal-consolidation efforts. | zh-en |
GDI最近发布了2013年全球思想领袖100人排名。 | GDI recently released a ranked list of the top 100 Global Thought Leaders for 2013. | zh-en |
世界银行提供了2.5亿美元支持工业园的继续建设。 | The World Bank has provided $250 million to support the continued construction of these industrial parks. | zh-en |
美国跨国公司的全球竞争力以及它们将总部设在哪里关系到美国经济的健康。 | The global competitiveness of US MNCs and where they are based matter to the health of the US economy. | zh-en |
更多的公共服务将提供给新城市化进程中的农村居民。 | More public services will be provided to newly urbanized rural migrants. | zh-en |
曾在2011到2013年间任职副总理的苏尔科夫曾经当过普京办公厅的主任。 | Once Putin’s chief of staff, Surkov served as Deputy Prime Minister from 2011 to 2013. | zh-en |
无偿社区服务也将产生积分——而且可能比在岗工作时获得更多。 | Pro bono community service would also generate points – perhaps more than paid jobs. | zh-en |
如果重债国必须付出极高的风险溢价,它们的债务就会变得不可持续。 | If heavily indebted countries have to pay heavy risk premiums, their debt becomes unsustainable. | zh-en |
尽管不少贸易和投资协定正在谈判中,但大多是地区规模。 | Though trade and investment agreements are being negotiated, they are increasingly regional in scope. | zh-en |
投身于最低系列的足球或篮球的运动员得到的只是嘲讽而不是名气。 | To be a devoted football or basketball player in the lowest series brings ridicule rather than fame. | zh-en |
从1850年到1970年左右,快速的技术进步首先导致工资与生产率同步增长。 | From 1850 to 1970 or so, rapid technological progress first triggered wage increases in line with productivity gains. | zh-en |
国内生产总值是衡量我们的经济制度成功与否最为全面的标准。 | GDP is the most comprehensive measure we have of an economy’s success. | zh-en |
沙特最高乌里玛(宗教学者)委员会最近裁定示威行动是彻底的反伊斯兰行为。 | The highest council of Saudi religious scholars recently declared demonstrations to be categorically un-Islamic. | zh-en |
美国权力的更替首先是从东海岸到西海岸,然后到达南方。 | Power in America shifted first from the East Coast to the West Coast, and then to the South. | zh-en |
调查一直在持续,但东京警视厅也并未将任何嫌疑人提交给检察官。 | The investigation continues, and the MPD has not yet referred anyone to prosecutors. | zh-en |
货币政策可以做什么?形成资产价格泡沫。 | What monetary policy can do is create asset-price bubbles. | zh-en |
没有中国的切实政策步骤,当今大多数的全球经济问题都几乎无法解决。 | Most global economic issues today cannot be solved without policy steps in China. | zh-en |
世界上最大的独裁国家正准备击溃并占领历史上的第一个华人民主国家—台湾。 | The world’s largest dictatorship is preparing to crush and occupy the first Chinese democracy in history – Taiwan. | zh-en |
若不加以控制,子宫癌年致死数量将在2030年增加到430000。 | If left unchecked, the number of cervical cancer deaths is set to rise to 430,000 annually by 2030. | zh-en |