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战后时期出现的国际机构和合作关系既需要维持,也需要现代化。 | The international institutions and partnerships that emerged in the postwar years demand both maintenance and modernization. | zh-en |
军事干预的反对者用在伊拉克和阿富汗的失败作为例证反对采取行动。 | Opponents of military intervention cite failure in Iraq and Afghanistan to justify inaction. | zh-en |
信息通讯技术业所有企业已开始将透明度报告纳入行业标准范畴。 | Companies throughout the information and communication technology sector have started to make transparency reports an industry standard. | zh-en |
毫无疑问,经济发展的全部意义就在于降低无效率的成本。 | The whole point of economic development is, surely, to reduce the cost of inefficiency. | zh-en |
美国传递的信息是:任何和平协议只能牺牲巴勒斯坦权利来换取。 | The message is that any peace agreement can only come at the expense of Palestinian rights. | zh-en |
该计划在经济危机期间实施,是一项经典的凯恩斯主义应对措施。 | Implemented in the midst of an economic crisis, it was the classic Keynesian response. | zh-en |
在成熟市场,基础设施投资预计将在2017年达到4万亿美元。 | In mature markets, infrastructure investment is projected to reach $4 trillion by 2017. | zh-en |
必须付出巨大的努力和基础设施投资才能完成向可再生能源的过渡。 | Shifting to renewable-energy sources will require enormous effort and major infrastructure investment. | zh-en |
我们的社会科学越完善,我们的政策分析越无用。 | The more complete our social science, the more irrelevant our policy analysis. | zh-en |
2009年3月,电子和IT产品出口相比去年同期下降了25%。 | In March 2009, exports of electronics and IT products tumbled nearly 25% from the previous period. | zh-en |
美国仍然是IST背后的驱动力,并为其提供智力支持。 | The US remains the driving force behind the IST, supplying the needed expertise. | zh-en |
莫拉莱斯随即以绝对优势在2005年的总统选举中获胜。 | Morales went on to win the 2005 presidential election with an absolute majority. | zh-en |
尽管同样信仰伊斯兰教,但东西巴基斯坦之间存在相当大的文化和语言差异。 | While they shared a religion, Islam, there were major cultural and linguistic differences between East and West Pakistan. | zh-en |
国民议会授予戴高乐一年的法令执政权限。 | The National Assembly granted de Gaulle the power to rule by decree for a year. | zh-en |
比较塞拉利昂和博茨瓦纳两个国家,会发现相似的现象。 | A similar pattern holds true in Sierra Leone and Botswana. | zh-en |
更广泛地说,美国应该停滞利用叙利亚等国家作为反对伊朗的代理。 | More broadly, the US should stop using countries like Syria as proxies against Iran. | zh-en |
2011年以来,黎巴嫩几乎失去了全部约旦、伊拉克和波斯湾出口市场。 | Since 2011, Lebanon has lost almost all of its export markets in Jordan, Iraq, and the Gulf. | zh-en |
因此新加坡和日本能耗占国内生产总值的比例低于世界其他国家。 | As a result, they boast some of the world’s lowest energy consumption as a share of GDP. | zh-en |
解决办法取决于私人公司、非营利组织和政府之间的创新性合作。 | Solutions depend on innovative collaboration among private companies, non-profit organizations, and governments. | zh-en |
俄国被指对爱沙尼亚和格鲁吉亚发起服务阻断式攻击。 | Russia is blamed for denial-of-service attacks on Estonia and Georgia. | zh-en |
相反,创新正逐渐构建于将不同专家的知识进行融合。 | Instead, innovation is increasingly based on mixing and matching knowledge from different specializations. | zh-en |
在这一过程中,医疗和科技公司的合作将日益重要。 | In this process, partnerships between health-care and technology companies will become increasingly important. | zh-en |
到4月底,TARGET债务已高达990亿欧元。 | At the end of April, those debts amounted to €99 billion. | zh-en |
伊拉克战争所产生的影响结合了对社会稳定和安全两方面的巨大威胁。 | The ricochet effects of the Iraq War have combined to yield a mounting threat to stability and security. | zh-en |
作为在这一时期的大部分时间里担任瑞典贸易部长的人,我从来不阻碍或延缓进口竞争。 | As trade minister of Sweden for most of this period, I never hindered or postponed import competition. | zh-en |
那么多的人在那么多地方反抗着压迫,为争取自由甘愿冒险。 | Too many people in too many places are defying their oppressors and taking risks for freedom. | zh-en |
20世纪90年代末很好地说明了贸易理论在现实世界中的作用。 | The late 1990s offer a good illustration of how trade theory works in the real world. | zh-en |
美国不可拒绝支持中国扩大其在全球治理中的作用的努力。 | It cannot refuse to support China’s efforts to expand its role in global governance. | zh-en |
我们继续根据对中期物价稳定风险的判断指导我们的货币政策。 | We continued to guide monetary policy by our assessment of the risks to price stability over the medium term. | zh-en |
如果结构性改革实施不当,布里斯班峰会就将是一场失败。 | If structural reforms are not done right, the Brisbane Summit will come to be regarded as a failure. | zh-en |
但时至今日虽然贫困尚未被彻底消灭,但我们已经取得了显著的进步——和重大的胜利。 | But, although poverty has not been eliminated, there has been significant progress – and some major victories. | zh-en |
立法缩减开支已经有了很长的历史,但不过持续几年光景就又开始重蹈覆辙。 | There is a long history of legislating such spending cuts, only to reverse them in subsequent years. | zh-en |
然而变化中的经济平衡也会导致变化中的政治平衡。 | But changing economic balances also lead to changing political balances. | zh-en |
IMF希望与俄罗斯的紧张局面可以缓解,以使其他贷款人跟进。 | The IMF had hoped that tensions with Russia would ease, allowing other lenders to step up. | zh-en |
没有基础设施和人力资本,商业投资就不可能盈利。 | Business investment without infrastructure and human capital cannot be profitable. | zh-en |
新加坡可以继续成为中国的榜样,尽管其规模很小。 | Singapore should continue to be a role model for China, despite its smaller size. | zh-en |
到2014年,公众眼中的政府实用到几乎没有固定的价值观。 | By 2014, the government was perceived as being so pragmatic as to be almost value-free. | zh-en |
我们打开电脑和电灯时,并不了解会造成多少碳排放。 | When we power our computers and lights, we are unaware of the carbon emissions that result. | zh-en |
2010到2013年间地方法院共做出436起死刑判决。 | From 2010 to 2013, 436 death sentences were handed down by lower courts. | zh-en |
某些研究甚至表明热带气旋可能会更加“多雨”。 | A few studies have even suggested that tropical cyclones may be “wetter.” | zh-en |
理论上,低收入个人和家庭应该通过一次性转移支付计划补偿。 | In principle, low-income individuals and families could be compensated through lump-sum transfer programs. | zh-en |
但这场拔河十分重要,因为这说明了观点角逐的复杂程度。 | Yet this tug-of-war is important, because it illustrates the complex range of arguments that are in play. | zh-en |
还有很多人来自巴勒斯坦、索马里、苏丹、马里和尼日利亚等贫困和暴力频发的国家。 | Many others came from poor, violence-prone countries: Palestine, Somalia, Sudan, Mali, and Nigeria. | zh-en |
规模较小但更有竞争力的制造公司缺少在高科技领域扩张所需的资源。 | Smaller but more competitive manufacturing firms lack the resources to expand in more advanced technological sectors. | zh-en |
显然,德国政府控制着德国的公共财政。 | Obviously, the German government is in charge of the country’s public finances. | zh-en |
在2001年,一个非国家团体杀死的美国人比日本政府在珍珠港杀死的美国人还要多。 | In 2001, a non-state group killed more Americans than the government of Japan killed at Pearl Harbor. | zh-en |
但《里斯本条约》却给欧盟带来了混乱。 | But the Lisbon treaty has instead brought chaos to the Union. | zh-en |
联邦政府和美国50个州中的35个现在已承认同性婚姻的合法性。 | Same-sex marriage is now recognized by the federal government and is legal in 35 out of 50 states. | zh-en |
这个问题只有在开放授粉作物身上才会发生。 | But private corporations undertake only about half of all agricultural research, whether or not it involves genetic engineering. | zh-en |
剔除新加坡和文莱,东盟平均劳动生产率仍比中国低40%左右。 | Excluding Singapore and Brunei, average labor productivity in ASEAN remains about 40% lower than in China. | zh-en |
与此同时,美国从中产阶级社会变得日益贫富分化。 | In the meantime, America went from being a middle-class society to one increasingly divided between rich and poor. | zh-en |
而一个年龄不断增长且中产阶级不断增长的亚洲将会是新消费者市场的核心。 | An aging but increasingly middle-class Asia will be at the core of this new consumer landscape. | zh-en |
当发达国家面临逆境时,上述制度成功地调解了政治冲突。 | All of these institutions have successfully mediated political conflict during a time of great adversity in advanced countries. | zh-en |
更好的基础设施将意味着每年多产生200亿美元的收入和社会财富。 | Better infrastructure would mean an extra $20 billion a year of income and social welfare. | zh-en |
但就在一个月之后,欧洲中央银行最终介入以缓解恐慌。 | But, a month later, the European Central Bank finally intervened to quell the panic. | zh-en |
他们努力把媒体的注意力集中到美国帮助巴基斯坦人民的承诺之上。 | They worked to help focus media attention on America’s commitment to help the Pakistani people. | zh-en |
戈登的注意力放在了技术创新对美国真实收入的影响上。 | Gordon focuses on the effect of technological innovation on Americans’ real incomes. | zh-en |
要想成功,集团公司需要政府的支持和社会的接受。 | To succeed, conglomerates need the support of government and the acceptance of society. | zh-en |
但欧洲危机爆发后,这一目标实现起来更加困难了。 | But that goal looks harder to reach now than it did before the beginning of the European crisis. | zh-en |
在重新审视有关全球气候变暖的国际政策时,应当做两件事情。 | When the time comes to revisit international policies on global warming, two things should happen. | zh-en |
这是因为德国比法国和意大利等其他经济大国增长更为迅速。 | This is because Germany is growing faster than the other large economies, France and Italy. | zh-en |
爱沙尼亚和立陶宛也提出了申请,但却被拒之门外。 | Estonia and Lithuania applied as well, but were refused entry. | zh-en |
最终,这些信息将被数字化并在国际互联网上免费向所有有关的研究者和党派公开。 | Finally, this information should be digitized and made freely available over the Internet to all concerned researchers and parties. | zh-en |
1971年,技术性问题是美元在国际货币体系中的作用。 | In 1971, the technical issue concerned the role of the dollar in the international monetary system. | zh-en |
幸运的是,公众对化石燃料消费影响的认识越来越清楚。 | Fortunately, public awareness of the effects of fossil-fuel consumption is growing. | zh-en |
但就工作机会而言,Uber创造的工作机会比它破坏的还要多。 | In terms of work, Uber creates more jobs than it destroys. | zh-en |
在全球变暖这方面,也该是咱们恢复理智的时候了。 | With respect to global warming, it’s time we came to our senses. | zh-en |
集体决策由jirgas委员会中的长老做出,所有人都必须服从他们的决策。 | Collective decisions are taken by patriarchs in councils called jirgas , where all have to be in agreement. | zh-en |
在某种程度上,这一下降反映了现存债务市场价值的减少。 | In part, this drop reflects the reduction in market value of the existing liabilities. | zh-en |
但如今,它必须面对两大生存危机源头:希腊和乌克兰。 | But now it has to deal with two sources of existential crisis: Greece and Ukraine. | zh-en |
自然资源出口收入占到2008年公共部门总收入的25%。 | Revenue from natural-resource exports represented 25% of total income in the public sector in 2008. | zh-en |
因此随着收入增加,对食品的需求增加得更加迅速。 | So, as incomes grow, demand for food products grows even faster. | zh-en |
勿庸置疑,越南战争几乎在方方面面都与伊拉克战争有着很大的差别。 | Of course, the Vietnam War was different in almost every respect from the war in Iraq. | zh-en |
这些资金不包括为支持欧洲寻求庇护者而发行的长期债券。 | This could be added to the amount of long-term bonds issued to support asylum-seekers in Europe. | zh-en |
旨在平衡科学工作者上,稳定资金来源的结构性改革也十分关键。 | And structural reforms aimed at balancing the scientific workforce and stabilizing funding are crucial. | zh-en |
一方面,某些民粹主义领导人可能不会承认下届选举的结果。 | For one thing, some populist leaders may not accept the result of the next elections. | zh-en |
以色列诞生于战火中,并且在后来的岁月中一直伴随着刀光剑影。 | Israel was born in war and has lived by the sword ever since. | zh-en |
二十年前,地缘政治环境限制了美国外交政策真空的回力。 | Two decades ago, geopolitical conditions limited blowback from America’s foreign-policy vacuum. | zh-en |
美国国务院也将水升格为“美国外交政策核心关注点之一”。 | The US State Department, for its part, has upgraded water to “a central US foreign policy concern.” | zh-en |
利用这起事件来煽动伊斯兰恐慌可能对萨科齐的选举有利。 | Using his case to stoke fear of an Islamic threat to society might make electoral sense for Sarkozy. | zh-en |
新制造过程将结合特别设计的微生物和计算机特征的化合物,形成各种产品。 | New manufacturing processes will incorporate specially designed microbes and computer-characterized compounds into an array of products. | zh-en |
布什历史作用的最终界定还是要看伊拉克问题。 | The real question for Bush’s role in history remains Iraq. | zh-en |
政府雇员包括教师、警察、垃圾清洁工和军人。 | Government employees include teachers, policemen, trash collectors, and military personnel. | zh-en |
目前5.6%的失业率也不及欧元区的一半。 | The unemployment rate, now 5.6%, has fallen to less than half that of the eurozone. | zh-en |
拉丁原文被翻译成贵族的语言——法语,然后再翻译成英语。 | The Latin original was translated first into French, the language of the nobility, and then into English. | zh-en |
但这一新思想尚未对债券投资者和评级机构的行为产生重大影响。 | Yet this new thinking has yet to influence significantly the behavior of bond investors and rating agencies. | zh-en |
它还在寻求与欧洲国家进行更大的贸易合作。 | It is also seeking greater trade cooperation with European countries. | zh-en |
纳米技术提高了我们对材料的控制以及提供了提高现有技术和开发新技术的机会。 | Nanotechnology gives us increasing control over the material world, providing opportunities to enhance existing technologies and develop new ones. | zh-en |
但在1952年我出生时,台湾岛比非洲几乎所有国家都要穷。 | But when I was born there, in 1952, the island was poorer than almost every country in Africa. | zh-en |
在世贸组织协定中为发展中国家创造“政策空间”。 | Creation of a “policy space” for developing countries in WTO agreements. | zh-en |
这是发现巨量石油资源的发展中国家极其常见的情景。 | This is an all-too-common tale for developing countries that experience an oil bonanza. | zh-en |
相反在发展中国家,难产死亡仅仅被简单地被视为生命中的一种常态。 | For women in the developing world, by contrast, dying in childbirth is simply a fact of life. | zh-en |
所有国家——包括发达和发展中国家——所损失的税收收入以十亿美元计。 | All countries – both developed and developing – have been losing billions of dollars in tax revenues. | zh-en |
批评者认为这严重偏离了七十年来的和平主义。 | Critics view this as a radical departure from seven decades of pacifism. | zh-en |
结果是大量商品囤积在货仓中,而生产激励却遭到了误导。 | As a result, an enormous amount of goods are spoiled in storage, while production incentives are misdirected. | zh-en |
全球贸易在稳步萎靡,过去六个月以来几无增长。 | Global trade has steadily weakened, with almost no increase in the last six months. | zh-en |
三十年之前,美国的地方学区一直负责教育事宜。 | In the US until the past three decades, local school districts were responsible for education. | zh-en |
美国和英国的经济表现给欧元区提供了重要教训。 | Economic performance in the United States and the United Kingdom holds an important lesson for the eurozone. | zh-en |
直面这一现实将是2013年欧洲领导人的主要挑战。 | Facing up to that reality will be the main challenge for Europe’s leaders in 2013. | zh-en |
投票承认巴勒斯坦国地位就是投票支持和平。 | A vote for recognition of Palestinian statehood is a vote for peace. | zh-en |