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金融市场容易被操纵,因为他们不评价真相。 | Financial markets are vulnerable to manipulation, because they are not in the business of evaluating the truth. | zh-en |
而最终,技术还将取代新兴市场中的服务业岗位。 | And, eventually, technology will replace manufacturing and service jobs in emerging markets as well. | zh-en |
非洲矿物储量丰富的国家必须利用它们丰富的自然资源。 | Africa's mineral-rich countries must exploit their abundant natural resources. | zh-en |
如果赌注输了、银行倒闭,还有可能得到政府的买单。 | If they do not pay off and the bank fails, the government will probably pick up the tab. | zh-en |
疲软的粮食保障反映了当今世界的无序状态所带来的一切问题。 | Weak food security highlights all of the major problems of the modern world non-order. | zh-en |
多机构合作研究决策带来了合作团队研究的推进。 | The decision to conduct collaborative research across multiple institutions resulted in the development of cooperative group research. | zh-en |
这反映出政策想象力的巨大失败——这个问题相当紧迫。 | This represents a profound failure of policy imagination – one that must urgently be addressed. | zh-en |
而这一风险在标准普尔最近调低意大利主权评级一事中可见一斑。 | This risk was highlighted by the recent downgrade of Italy’s credit rating by Standard & Poor’s. | zh-en |
在英国国内,该法案导致很多重要问题都无法展开讨论。 | Within the United Kingdom itself, the law meant that many important issues could not be fully debated. | zh-en |
与此同时,世界银行和欧洲投资银行也不再向高排放煤电贷款。 | Meanwhile, the World Bank and the European Investment Bank have stopped lending to high-emission coal plants. | zh-en |
迈赫苏德据报道于2009年的8月死于一次美国无人机实施的轰炸。 | Mehsud was reported killed by an airstrike from a US drone in August 2009. | zh-en |
随着美国中产阶级的收入滞胀,美国人买不起越来越贵的房产了。 | With middle-class incomes in the United States stagnating, Americans could not afford ever more expensive homes. | zh-en |
一百万阿富汗儿童正身处沿巴基斯坦边境而设的难民营中。 | One million Afghan children are in camps along the border with Pakistan. | zh-en |
但随着信息技术的不断发展,保险技术也不断改善。 | But insurance technology is improving, aided by improved information technology. | zh-en |
例如意大利目前的经济年增长率只有1%,却必须为其主权债务支付7%的年利息。 | Higher interest rates, slower growth, and a weaker primary budget position all raise the debt-ratio trajectory. | zh-en |
波兰将举行自由公正的议会选举,而团结工会将参与竞争。 | Poland would hold free and fair parliamentary elections, and Solidarity would compete. | zh-en |
网络攻击也可以通过让商业网站瘫痪的途径干扰金融市场并造成巨大的经济损失。 | Cyber attacks may also interfere with financial markets and cause immense economic loss by closing down commercial Web sites. | zh-en |
按照本周签署的这项协议,该公司将继续保留这样的控制权。 | Under the deal agreed this week, it retains that control. | zh-en |
· 消耗经济表现较好时所积累的金融储备和财富。 | · Run down the financial reserves and wealth that were accumulated when the economy was doing better. | zh-en |
吸引年轻人欣赏表演艺术的最佳方式就是通过教育。 | The best way to bring youth to the performing arts is through education. | zh-en |
在持续14年的毁灭性战争中走出来的人们面临着巨大的挑战。 | After 14 years of devastating war, we faced enormous challenges. | zh-en |
但条约签署后三个月,肯尼迪就遇刺身亡。 | But three months after the treaty was signed, JFK was assassinated. | zh-en |
德国集中营旧址上建起了很多纪念碑,新的纪念碑还在不断树立。 | There are plenty of memorials on the sites of German concentration camps, and new ones are continually added. | zh-en |
第一是文化:保护和强化苏格兰民族身份。 | The first is cultural: to protect and strengthen the identity of the Scottish people. | zh-en |
气候变化已隐隐成为本世纪主要的长期环境问题。 | Climate change looms as this century’s primary long-term environmental challenge. | zh-en |
苏联解体后中央权威也随之分解了一部分,现在正在恢复。 | The power of the center is being restored, following its partial disintegration after the end of the Soviet Union. | zh-en |
制裁导致俄罗斯银行和公司无法进入西方金融市场。 | Sanctions have cut off Russian banks and companies from Western financial markets. | zh-en |
高价表明了全球化世界的资源短缺。 | High prices send a real message about scarcity in a globalizing world. | zh-en |
银行监管是有意义集体行动的最热门领域。 | Banking regulation is the most topical area in which collective action makes sense. | zh-en |
在无法获得桌面电脑或笔记本电脑时,学生可以使用智能手机或平板电脑开展学习。 | Where desktop or laptop computers are not widely available, students might use smartphones or tablets to augment their learning. | zh-en |
它不但要负责国防和外交政策,还必须负责关键经济政策。 | It must be responsible not just for defense and foreign policy, but also for key economic policies. | zh-en |
美国在HDI排行榜上位列第五,次于挪威、澳大利亚、瑞士和荷兰。 | America ranks fifth according to HDI, below Norway, Australia, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. | zh-en |
因此,不能说法国和德国银行没有遭受损失。 | Given this, it cannot be said that French and German banks did not suffer losses. | zh-en |
面对当今世界上的各个重大挑战,奥巴马采取了一种更加综合性的立场。 | In the face of the major challenges of our times, Obama has taken a stand with a comprehensive doctrine. | zh-en |
不过当大国合作完成正义的事业,世界就会变得更加安全和理智。 | But when the major powers cooperate in a just cause, the world is a safer and saner place. | zh-en |
在2009~2010年则相反,大银行仍试图维持其混业经营的广度。 | In 2009-2010, by contrast, the big banks were still seeking to maintain their existing range of activities. | zh-en |
自从1997~1998年危机以来,亚洲各国政府大多对IMF敬而远之。 | Since the 1997-1998 crisis, Asian governments have sought to keep their distance from the Fund. | zh-en |
事实上,中国国民的教育水平正不断提升。 | Indeed, the level of educational attainment in China continues to improve. | zh-en |
而目前进口享受补贴的食品的国家的情况将会恶化。 | Countries that import currently subsidized food will be worse off. | zh-en |
提出的科学进展需要得到独立的科学家认真的证实和复制。 | Proposed scientific advances require careful validation and replication by independent scientists. | zh-en |
如今,新闻通过网站、维基百科和博客评论板撰写和分解。 | News is now assembled and disseminated via Web sites, wikis, and the comment sections of blogs. | zh-en |
中央银行不应该仅仅关注市场的流动性。 | Central banks should not focus only on keeping markets liquid. | zh-en |
这种形式的政府支持相当于对大型银行的大规模隐性补贴。 | This form of government support amounts to a large implicit subsidy for big banks. | zh-en |
尽管这一过程包括了巨大的创新性破坏,但经济的高速增长抵消了产能过剩造成的损失。 | Though the process included significant creative destruction, rapid economic growth offset losses resulting from excess capacity. | zh-en |
但是俄国相对于欧洲强化的地缘政治地位掩盖了在其他领域上的巨大弱点。 | But Russia’s strengthened geopolitical position vis-à-vis Europe obscures grave weaknesses in other areas. | zh-en |
科学家必须探索出一条科学本身无法预知的道路,这需要每一步都做出正确的决策。 | Scientists must follow a path that is not scientifically predefined, and that requires decisions at every step. | zh-en |
新版诊断手册对抑郁症的定义单纯与症状相关。 | The definition of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) became purely symptom-based. | zh-en |
像CT扫描那样先进的X光诊断技术可以在可治疗阶段检查出许多癌症。 | Sophisticated X-ray diagnostic techniques such as CT scans make it possible to detect many cancers at a treatable stage. | zh-en |
Trichet在12月的新闻发布会上所声称的共识根本不存在。 | The consensus alleged at the December press conference simply did not exist. | zh-en |
这一努力要想成功,国际社会必须全面、迅速地与巴勒斯坦权力机构进行合作。 | If this effort is successful, the international community must cooperate fully and swiftly with the Palestinian Authority. | zh-en |
他的努力算不上有多成功,但确实设法避免了最坏结果。 | His efforts were not a complete success, but he managed to stave off the worst outcome. | zh-en |
据估计,发展中国家有20—40万医疗设备得不到充足的电力供应。 | It is estimated that 200,000-400,000 healthcare facilities in developing countries lack access to reliable electricity. | zh-en |
埃及已经修改了宪法,允许竞选总统。 | Egypt has amended its constitution to allow it presidential election to be contested. | zh-en |
在过去的十年里,我们看到了墨西哥向美国的出口量的确是大有提高。 | We see the enormous increase in Mexican exports to the US over the past decade. | zh-en |
欧洲所需要基础性制度变革,远远不止目前所讨论的那样简单。 | Europe requires institutional changes that are much more fundamental than anything discussed so far. | zh-en |
而在公司部门杠杆率已经过高的情况下,大面积扩张信用也不安全。 | And, with the corporate sector already overleveraged, a broad-based expansion of credit is not safe. | zh-en |
与此同时,经济表现在很大程度上取决于经济政策。 | At the same time, economic performance depends to a considerable extent on economic policy. | zh-en |
否决权不应该在群众暴行犯罪案例中使用,这一道德观点是压倒性的。 | The moral argument that the veto should not be used in cases of mass-atrocity crimes is overwhelming. | zh-en |
艾哈迈迪·内贾德赢得了选举,但结果是体制受到削弱。 | Ahmedinejad won the election, but the regime is weakened as a result. | zh-en |
其他坚持抵制的债权人(占债权人数量的6.6%)可以获得150亿美元。 | Other holdouts (6.6% of total creditors) would receive $15 billion. | zh-en |
• “虚拟化”过程——即将它们从现实世界中移出。 | • “Virtualizing” processes – that is, moving them out of the physical world. | zh-en |
非洲农业劳动力过生,其他工作岗位又过少。 | Africa has a surplus of agricultural labor and too few other jobs. | zh-en |
在任何一届美国总统竞选期间,保护主义都会一如既往地乘虚而入。 | In any US presidential election campaign, you can be sure that protectionism will break in, as it has. | zh-en |
部署在苏伊士运河东岸的以色列军队距离开罗只有100公里。 | Positioned on the eastern bank of the Suez Canal, Israel’s army was just over 100 kilometers from Cairo. | zh-en |
日本的政治领导层需要建立在竞争性,但却稳定的政治架构之上。 | Japan's political leadership needs to be founded on a competitive but stable political structure. | zh-en |
当然政府就是一个纯粹的服务密集型行业。 | The government, of course, is the consummate service-intensive sector. | zh-en |
这可能会产生积极结果,强调其他成员国同意的权力应该归还国家政府。 | This could have a positive outcome, highlighting powers that other member states agree should be returned to national governments. | zh-en |
气候变化被等同于“全球变暖”,但其实质内容要比变暖多得多。 | Climate change is equated with “global warming,” but much more than warming is involved. | zh-en |
尽管它的宪法严格限制了它向联合国安理会维和行动派遣战斗小组的能力。 | Yet its constitution severely constrains its ability to send combat units for the Security Council’s peacekeeping operations. | zh-en |
但它同时警告神学者无论他们多么不愿接受,经济学依然包含绝对的真理。 | But it also warns theologians that economics contains real truths, however unattractive. | zh-en |
但是我相信还是有可能对石油价格走势进行一个大范围的预测。 | But I do believe that it is possible to make a broad prediction as to where oil prices are headed. | zh-en |
根据《金融时报》的说法,他“笑着拒绝了。 | According to the Financial Times, he “laughingly declined.” | zh-en |
在最近举行的总统选举中,很多人都认为调和"两个乌克兰"是根本无法实现的目标。 | During the recent presidential election, many suggested that reconciling the "two Ukraines" was impossible. | zh-en |
恐怖主义所针对的已经不再是美国领导下官方支持的反恐行动。 | It is no longer aimed at official support of United States-led anti-terrorism activities. | zh-en |
2001年9月11日发生恐怖袭击后,布什总统开始推行单边外交政策。 | After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, President Bush embarked on a unilateral foreign policy. | zh-en |
2001年9月11日的恐怖袭击迫使我们做出强烈的反应。 | The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, required a strong response. | zh-en |
他乘坐公共交通工具出行,在公司食堂和员工一起吃午饭。 | He relied on public transportation and ate lunch with employees in the company's cafeteria. | zh-en |
但不断增大的债务负担表明这种形式的廉价政治已经走到了尽头。 | Growing debt burdens suggest that this form of cheap politics has run its course. | zh-en |
Räsänen和他的团队开始调查芬兰人对电动汽车到底有多大的潜在需求。 | Räsänen and his team started by measuring the potential demand for electric cars in Finland. | zh-en |
在这些国家中,管理问题和税收问题现在要比政治紧张局势更为深刻和一贯地影响信心。 | In these states, regulatory and taxation issues now affect confidence more deeply and consistently than does political tension. | zh-en |
私人企业也可以从理解iCrowd政治中获益。 | Private enterprises, too, benefit from an understanding of iCrowd politics. | zh-en |
但重点似乎转移到了鼓励城镇和农村地区的协调发展上。 | But emphasis seems to have shifted to encourage coordinated development between urban and rural areas. | zh-en |
在这方面,地方政府还帮助企业得以进入全球供给链。 | To this end, local governments are also helping entrepreneurs gain access to global production chains. | zh-en |
”正如中国和东盟国家签订了自由贸易协定那样,印度也应该效仿。 | Just as China has signed a free-trade agreement with ASEAN, India will seek to do so. | zh-en |
奥巴马野蛮的无人机政策遭到美国前总统吉米·卡特和世界众多杰出人物的一致谴责。 | Alongside many luminaries around the world, former US President Jimmy Carter has condemned Obama’s barbaric drone policy. | zh-en |
与此同时,近几个月的全球气温达到了130年以来的最高位。 | Meanwhile, global temperatures in recent months have been at their highest levels in records that go back 130 years. | zh-en |
政治领域的讨价还价暂告一段落,最终结果似乎并不出人意料。 | The political horse-trading is over for the time being, and the outcome seems assured. | zh-en |
而美国军事优势在实现美国的目标上也并不奏效。 | And America’s military superiority has not proved all that useful in accomplishing American ends. | zh-en |
他们必须将注重严格遵守崇高行为道德标准的文化内化。 | They must internalize a culture that values strict adherence to high ethical standards of conduct. | zh-en |
在阿富汗-巴基斯坦交界的广大山区,游牧民族自由地迁移着。 | Nomadic populations move freely back and forth across the vast and porous Afghanistan-Pakistan border. | zh-en |
但是我们真正应该追求的是培养推理策略,它能极大地增加人类的幸福。 | But what we should really be pursuing is development of the reasoning strategies that could substantially increase human well-being. | zh-en |
中国领导人明白自己的国家需要时间,空间和和平来发展经济。 | China’s leaders recognize that their country needs time, space, and peace for economic development. | zh-en |
所有国家都必须认真对待核恐怖主义威胁。 | All countries must take the threat of nuclear terrorism seriously. | zh-en |
相反,谈判进程理应寻求这些国家的加入。 | Instead, these countries should be included in the negotiation process. | zh-en |
而其他国家已经采取措施,使人们可以通过手机进行汇款。 | Other countries, however, have taken steps to make remittance transfers possible via mobile phones. | zh-en |
某一国家采取措施让这一产业存活下来对其他国家而言好像是不公平竞争。 | Measures to keep the industry afloat in one country look like unfair competition to others. | zh-en |
尼日利亚拥有居非洲首位的约1.7亿人口。 | With roughly 170 million inhabitants, Nigeria has Africa’s largest population. | zh-en |
开发这样的零售产品需要时间、尝试和一些真正的创新。 | Creating these retail products will require time, experimentation, and some real innovation. | zh-en |
金融一直是市场民主国家繁荣的核心动力,这也是当前金融业问题必须解决的原因所在。 | Finance has long been central to thriving market democracies, which is why its current problems need to be addressed. | zh-en |
伊朗从古至今就有着建筑设计的传统,带来过认知科学的重大发现。 | Iran has a tradition of architectural design that has revealed key insights to cognitive scientists. | zh-en |