# Common Python library imports import difflib from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor as TPE from multiprocessing import cpu_count # Pip package imports import pandas as pd from loguru import logger # Internal package imports from miner.core import IHandler, Converter from miner.footballdata.scrapper import FootballDataRequest __all__ = ["FootballDataHandler", "get_default_converter"] def get_default_converter(): try: from miner.footballdata.converters import SqlConverter logger.debug("Class \'SqlConverter\' selected.") return SqlConverter except ImportError as err: logger.warning(err) try: import pandas as pd # TODO: Return with the fallback pandas converter except ImportError as err: logger.warning(err) logger.debug("Class \'Converter\' selected.") logger.warning("No [db_conn, pandas] packages are found. Falling back to the default Converter. Please makes sure if this is the expected behaviour") return Converter class FootballDataHandler(IHandler): class SqlQuery(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def get_matches_where_odds_are_null(self, start_date, end_date): try: from db_conn.connection.postgresql import ConnectionPool from import get_matches_where_odds_are_null except ImportError as err: logger.error(err) return pd.DataFrame() else: pool = ConnectionPool() return pool.sql_query(get_matches_where_odds_are_null(start_date, end_date)) name = "Football-Data Scrapper" slug = "football-data-scrapper" version = "v0_1" default_config = { 'years': ["19/20", "18/19", "17/18", "16/17", "15/16", "14/15", "13/14", "11/12", "10/11", "09/10", "08/09", "07/08", "06/07", "05/06"], 'alias': { 'Wolverhampton': 'Wolves', 'PSG': 'Paris SG', 'Bremen': '<NAME>', 'Fortuna': '<NAME>', '1. FC Köln': 'FC Koln', 'Mainz 05': 'Mainz', 'Athletic': '<NAME>', 'Real Sociedad': 'Sociedad', 'ACR Messina': 'Messina', '<NAME>': 'Siena', '<NAME>.': '<NAME>', 'Deportivo La Coruña': 'La Coruna', }, 'multithreading': False, 'num_of_threads': cpu_count() } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['config'] = { **FootballDataHandler.default_config, **kwargs.get('config', {}) } kwargs['converter'] = kwargs.get('converter', get_default_converter()) m_kwargs = {**{ 'name':, 'slug': FootballDataHandler.slug, 'version': FootballDataHandler.version }, **kwargs} super(FootballDataHandler, self).__init__(*args, **m_kwargs) self._query_executor = kwargs.get('query', FootballDataHandler.SqlQuery()) # Create the singleton Sofa requester self._req = FootballDataRequest() def _get_close_match(self, name, fd_name_list): return difflib.get_close_matches(name, fd_name_list, cutoff=0.8) #if len(result) == 0: #pass #logger.error("Team name: %s not found in list: %s" % (name, fd_name_list)) #return result def _match_name(self, grp_data, football_df, key_var, curr_date): selected_match = pd.DataFrame() fd_home = football_df['HomeTeam'].to_list() fd_away = football_df['AwayTeam'].to_list() name_h = grp_data[key_var % 'home'] if name_h not in self._get_config('alias').keys(): result_h = self._get_close_match(name_h, fd_home) else: result_h = [self._get_config('alias')[name_h]] # 0 or more than 1 result. if len(result_h) != 1: # Match the away team names name_a = grp_data[key_var % 'away'] if name_a not in self._get_config('alias').keys(): result_a = self._get_close_match(name_a, fd_away) else: result_a = [self._get_config('alias')[name_a]] # If 0 result found, log error and continue if len(result_h) == 0 and len(result_a) == 0: logger.warn("At date: %s No matched name for: \'%s\' with the possibilities: %s. All possibility that day [Home]: %s | [Away]: %s" % ( curr_date, [name_h, name_a], (result_h + result_a), fd_home, fd_away)) elif len(result_a) == 1: selected_match = football_df[(football_df['AwayTeam'] == result_a[0])] else: # Select the row, where home teams are partially match, but filter with away team correctly. selected_match = football_df[((football_df['AwayTeam'] == result_a[0]) & ( football_df['HomeTeam'].isin(result_h)))] else: # Filter with home team only selected_match = football_df[football_df['HomeTeam'] == result_h[0]] return selected_match def _team_name_matcher(self, data, football_df, q, curr_date): for row_index, grp_data in data.iterrows(): try: selected_match = self._match_name(grp_data, football_df, "%s_team_short", curr_date) if len(selected_match) == 0: selected_match = self._match_name(grp_data, football_df, "%s_team", curr_date) if len(selected_match) == 0: continue q.update_match_statistic(grp_data['id'], selected_match) q.update_match_odds(grp_data['id'], selected_match) except Exception as err: logger.error(err) def _fetch_date(self, curr_date, *args, **kwargs): pass def _process(self, input_tuple): q = self._converter() tr, season, df = input_tuple football_df = self._req.parse_odds(tr, season) # Convert Date object df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'], format='%Y-%m-%d') try: football_df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(football_df['Date'], format='%d/%m/%Y') except Exception: football_df['Date'] =
pd.to_datetime(football_df['Date'], format='%d/%m/%y')
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso import pickle import os import warnings currentpath = os.getcwd() warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') rating_path = 'analysisapp/data/ratings.csv' my_rating_path = 'analysisapp/data/my_ratings_input.csv' movie_path = 'analysisapp/data/movies.csv' genre_path = 'analysisapp/data/genres.p' ratings =
from src.typeDefs.iexRtmRecord import IIexRtmRecord, ISection_1_1 import datetime as dt from src.repos.metricsData.metricsDataRepo import MetricsDataRepo import pandas as pd def fetchIexRtmTableContext(appDbConnStr: str, startDt: dt.datetime, endDt: dt.datetime) -> IIexRtmRecord: mRepo = MetricsDataRepo(appDbConnStr) # get iex rtm data for the range between start date and end date iexRtmMcvVals = mRepo.getIexRtmBlockWiseData('MCV (MW)', startDt, endDt) iexRtmMcpVals = mRepo.getIexRtmBlockWiseData('MCP (Rs/MWh) ', startDt, endDt) iexRtmMcvDf =
""" test the scalar Timestamp """ import pytz import pytest import dateutil import calendar import locale import numpy as np from import tzutc from pytz import timezone, utc from datetime import datetime, timedelta import pandas.util.testing as tm import pandas.util._test_decorators as td from pandas.tseries import offsets from pandas._libs.tslibs import conversion from pandas._libs.tslibs.timezones import get_timezone, dateutil_gettz as gettz from pandas.errors import OutOfBoundsDatetime from pandas.compat import long, PY3 from pandas.compat.numpy import np_datetime64_compat from pandas import Timestamp, Period, Timedelta, NaT class TestTimestampProperties(object): def test_properties_business(self): ts = Timestamp('2017-10-01', freq='B') control = Timestamp('2017-10-01') assert ts.dayofweek == 6 assert not ts.is_month_start # not a weekday assert not ts.is_quarter_start # not a weekday # Control case: non-business is month/qtr start assert control.is_month_start assert control.is_quarter_start ts = Timestamp('2017-09-30', freq='B') control = Timestamp('2017-09-30') assert ts.dayofweek == 5 assert not ts.is_month_end # not a weekday assert not ts.is_quarter_end # not a weekday # Control case: non-business is month/qtr start assert control.is_month_end assert control.is_quarter_end def test_fields(self): def check(value, equal): # that we are int/long like assert isinstance(value, (int, long)) assert value == equal # GH 10050 ts = Timestamp('2015-05-10 09:06:03.000100001') check(ts.year, 2015) check(ts.month, 5) check(, 10) check(ts.hour, 9) check(ts.minute, 6) check(ts.second, 3) pytest.raises(AttributeError, lambda: ts.millisecond) check(ts.microsecond, 100) check(ts.nanosecond, 1) check(ts.dayofweek, 6) check(ts.quarter, 2) check(ts.dayofyear, 130) check(ts.week, 19) check(ts.daysinmonth, 31) check(ts.daysinmonth, 31) # GH 13303 ts = Timestamp('2014-12-31 23:59:00-05:00', tz='US/Eastern') check(ts.year, 2014) check(ts.month, 12) check(, 31) check(ts.hour, 23) check(ts.minute, 59) check(ts.second, 0) pytest.raises(AttributeError, lambda: ts.millisecond) check(ts.microsecond, 0) check(ts.nanosecond, 0) check(ts.dayofweek, 2) check(ts.quarter, 4) check(ts.dayofyear, 365) check(ts.week, 1) check(ts.daysinmonth, 31) ts = Timestamp('2014-01-01 00:00:00+01:00') starts = ['is_month_start', 'is_quarter_start', 'is_year_start'] for start in starts: assert getattr(ts, start) ts = Timestamp('2014-12-31 23:59:59+01:00') ends = ['is_month_end', 'is_year_end', 'is_quarter_end'] for end in ends: assert getattr(ts, end) # GH 12806 @pytest.mark.parametrize('data', [Timestamp('2017-08-28 23:00:00'), Timestamp('2017-08-28 23:00:00', tz='EST')]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('time_locale', [ None] if tm.get_locales() is None else [None] + tm.get_locales()) def test_names(self, data, time_locale): # GH 17354 # Test .weekday_name, .day_name(), .month_name with tm.assert_produces_warning(DeprecationWarning, check_stacklevel=False): assert data.weekday_name == 'Monday' if time_locale is None: expected_day = 'Monday' expected_month = 'August' else: with tm.set_locale(time_locale, locale.LC_TIME): expected_day = calendar.day_name[0].capitalize() expected_month = calendar.month_name[8].capitalize() assert data.day_name(time_locale) == expected_day assert data.month_name(time_locale) == expected_month # Test NaT nan_ts = Timestamp(NaT) assert np.isnan(nan_ts.day_name(time_locale)) assert np.isnan(nan_ts.month_name(time_locale)) @pytest.mark.parametrize('tz', [None, 'UTC', 'US/Eastern', 'Asia/Tokyo']) def test_is_leap_year(self, tz): # GH 13727 dt = Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00', tz=tz) assert dt.is_leap_year assert isinstance(dt.is_leap_year, bool) dt = Timestamp('1999-01-01 00:00:00', tz=tz) assert not dt.is_leap_year dt = Timestamp('2004-01-01 00:00:00', tz=tz) assert dt.is_leap_year dt = Timestamp('2100-01-01 00:00:00', tz=tz) assert not dt.is_leap_year def test_woy_boundary(self): # make sure weeks at year boundaries are correct d = datetime(2013, 12, 31) result = Timestamp(d).week expected = 1 # ISO standard assert result == expected d = datetime(2008, 12, 28) result = Timestamp(d).week expected = 52 # ISO standard assert result == expected d = datetime(2009, 12, 31) result = Timestamp(d).week expected = 53 # ISO standard assert result == expected d = datetime(2010, 1, 1) result = Timestamp(d).week expected = 53 # ISO standard assert result == expected d = datetime(2010, 1, 3) result = Timestamp(d).week expected = 53 # ISO standard assert result == expected result = np.array([Timestamp(datetime(*args)).week for args in [(2000, 1, 1), (2000, 1, 2), ( 2005, 1, 1), (2005, 1, 2)]]) assert (result == [52, 52, 53, 53]).all() class TestTimestampConstructors(object): def test_constructor(self): base_str = '2014-07-01 09:00' base_dt = datetime(2014, 7, 1, 9) base_expected = 1404205200000000000 # confirm base representation is correct import calendar assert (calendar.timegm(base_dt.timetuple()) * 1000000000 == base_expected) tests = [(base_str, base_dt, base_expected), ('2014-07-01 10:00', datetime(2014, 7, 1, 10), base_expected + 3600 * 1000000000), ('2014-07-01 09:00:00.000008000', datetime(2014, 7, 1, 9, 0, 0, 8), base_expected + 8000), ('2014-07-01 09:00:00.000000005', Timestamp('2014-07-01 09:00:00.000000005'), base_expected + 5)] timezones = [(None, 0), ('UTC', 0), (pytz.utc, 0), ('Asia/Tokyo', 9), ('US/Eastern', -4), ('dateutil/US/Pacific', -7), (pytz.FixedOffset(-180), -3), (, 18000), 5)] for date_str, date, expected in tests: for result in [Timestamp(date_str), Timestamp(date)]: # only with timestring assert result.value == expected assert conversion.pydt_to_i8(result) == expected # re-creation shouldn't affect to internal value result = Timestamp(result) assert result.value == expected assert conversion.pydt_to_i8(result) == expected # with timezone for tz, offset in timezones: for result in [Timestamp(date_str, tz=tz), Timestamp(date, tz=tz)]: expected_tz = expected - offset * 3600 * 1000000000 assert result.value == expected_tz assert conversion.pydt_to_i8(result) == expected_tz # should preserve tz result = Timestamp(result) assert result.value == expected_tz assert conversion.pydt_to_i8(result) == expected_tz # should convert to UTC result = Timestamp(result, tz='UTC') expected_utc = expected - offset * 3600 * 1000000000 assert result.value == expected_utc assert conversion.pydt_to_i8(result) == expected_utc def test_constructor_with_stringoffset(self): # GH 7833 base_str = '2014-07-01 11:00:00+02:00' base_dt = datetime(2014, 7, 1, 9) base_expected = 1404205200000000000 # confirm base representation is correct import calendar assert (calendar.timegm(base_dt.timetuple()) * 1000000000 == base_expected) tests = [(base_str, base_expected), ('2014-07-01 12:00:00+02:00', base_expected + 3600 * 1000000000), ('2014-07-01 11:00:00.000008000+02:00', base_expected + 8000), ('2014-07-01 11:00:00.000000005+02:00', base_expected + 5)] timezones = [(None, 0), ('UTC', 0), (pytz.utc, 0), ('Asia/Tokyo', 9), ('US/Eastern', -4), ('dateutil/US/Pacific', -7), (pytz.FixedOffset(-180), -3), (, 18000), 5)] for date_str, expected in tests: for result in [Timestamp(date_str)]: # only with timestring assert result.value == expected assert conversion.pydt_to_i8(result) == expected # re-creation shouldn't affect to internal value result = Timestamp(result) assert result.value == expected assert conversion.pydt_to_i8(result) == expected # with timezone for tz, offset in timezones: result = Timestamp(date_str, tz=tz) expected_tz = expected assert result.value == expected_tz assert conversion.pydt_to_i8(result) == expected_tz # should preserve tz result = Timestamp(result) assert result.value == expected_tz assert conversion.pydt_to_i8(result) == expected_tz # should convert to UTC result = Timestamp(result, tz='UTC') expected_utc = expected assert result.value == expected_utc assert conversion.pydt_to_i8(result) == expected_utc # This should be 2013-11-01 05:00 in UTC # converted to Chicago tz result = Timestamp('2013-11-01 00:00:00-0500', tz='America/Chicago') assert result.value == Timestamp('2013-11-01 05:00').value expected = "Timestamp('2013-11-01 00:00:00-0500', tz='America/Chicago')" # noqa assert repr(result) == expected assert result == eval(repr(result)) # This should be 2013-11-01 05:00 in UTC # converted to Tokyo tz (+09:00) result = Timestamp('2013-11-01 00:00:00-0500', tz='Asia/Tokyo') assert result.value == Timestamp('2013-11-01 05:00').value expected = "Timestamp('2013-11-01 14:00:00+0900', tz='Asia/Tokyo')" assert repr(result) == expected assert result == eval(repr(result)) # GH11708 # This should be 2015-11-18 10:00 in UTC # converted to Asia/Katmandu result = Timestamp("2015-11-18 15:45:00+05:45", tz="Asia/Katmandu") assert result.value == Timestamp("2015-11-18 10:00").value expected = "Timestamp('2015-11-18 15:45:00+0545', tz='Asia/Katmandu')" assert repr(result) == expected assert result == eval(repr(result)) # This should be 2015-11-18 10:00 in UTC # converted to Asia/Kolkata result = Timestamp("2015-11-18 15:30:00+05:30", tz="Asia/Kolkata") assert result.value == Timestamp("2015-11-18 10:00").value expected = "Timestamp('2015-11-18 15:30:00+0530', tz='Asia/Kolkata')" assert repr(result) == expected assert result == eval(repr(result)) def test_constructor_invalid(self): with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, 'Cannot convert input'): Timestamp(slice(2)) with tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, 'Cannot convert Period'): Timestamp(Period('1000-01-01')) def test_constructor_invalid_tz(self): # GH#17690 with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, 'must be a datetime.tzinfo'): Timestamp('2017-10-22', tzinfo='US/Eastern') with tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, 'at most one of'): Timestamp('2017-10-22', tzinfo=utc, tz='UTC') with tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "Invalid frequency:"): # GH#5168 # case where user tries to pass tz as an arg, not kwarg, gets # interpreted as a `freq` Timestamp('2012-01-01', 'US/Pacific') def test_constructor_tz_or_tzinfo(self): # GH#17943, GH#17690, GH#5168 stamps = [Timestamp(year=2017, month=10, day=22, tz='UTC'), Timestamp(year=2017, month=10, day=22, tzinfo=utc), Timestamp(year=2017, month=10, day=22, tz=utc), Timestamp(datetime(2017, 10, 22), tzinfo=utc), Timestamp(datetime(2017, 10, 22), tz='UTC'), Timestamp(datetime(2017, 10, 22), tz=utc)] assert all(ts == stamps[0] for ts in stamps) def test_constructor_positional(self): # see gh-10758 with pytest.raises(TypeError): Timestamp(2000, 1) with pytest.raises(ValueError): Timestamp(2000, 0, 1) with pytest.raises(ValueError): Timestamp(2000, 13, 1) with pytest.raises(ValueError): Timestamp(2000, 1, 0) with pytest.raises(ValueError): Timestamp(2000, 1, 32) # see gh-11630 assert (repr(Timestamp(2015, 11, 12)) == repr(Timestamp('20151112'))) assert (repr(Timestamp(2015, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3, 999999)) == repr(Timestamp('2015-11-12 01:02:03.999999'))) def test_constructor_keyword(self): # GH 10758 with pytest.raises(TypeError): Timestamp(year=2000, month=1) with pytest.raises(ValueError): Timestamp(year=2000, month=0, day=1) with pytest.raises(ValueError): Timestamp(year=2000, month=13, day=1) with pytest.raises(ValueError): Timestamp(year=2000, month=1, day=0) with pytest.raises(ValueError): Timestamp(year=2000, month=1, day=32) assert (repr(Timestamp(year=2015, month=11, day=12)) == repr(Timestamp('20151112'))) assert (repr(Timestamp(year=2015, month=11, day=12, hour=1, minute=2, second=3, microsecond=999999)) == repr(Timestamp('2015-11-12 01:02:03.999999'))) def test_constructor_fromordinal(self): base = datetime(2000, 1, 1) ts = Timestamp.fromordinal(base.toordinal(), freq='D') assert base == ts assert ts.freq == 'D' assert base.toordinal() == ts.toordinal() ts = Timestamp.fromordinal(base.toordinal(), tz='US/Eastern') assert Timestamp('2000-01-01', tz='US/Eastern') == ts assert base.toordinal() == ts.toordinal() # GH#3042 dt = datetime(2011, 4, 16, 0, 0) ts = Timestamp.fromordinal(dt.toordinal()) assert ts.to_pydatetime() == dt # with a tzinfo stamp = Timestamp('2011-4-16', tz='US/Eastern') dt_tz = stamp.to_pydatetime() ts = Timestamp.fromordinal(dt_tz.toordinal(), tz='US/Eastern') assert ts.to_pydatetime() == dt_tz @pytest.mark.parametrize('result', [ Timestamp(datetime(2000, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), nanosecond=1), Timestamp(year=2000, month=1, day=2, hour=3, minute=4, second=5, microsecond=6, nanosecond=1), Timestamp(year=2000, month=1, day=2, hour=3, minute=4, second=5, microsecond=6, nanosecond=1, tz='UTC'), Timestamp(2000, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, None), Timestamp(2000, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, pytz.UTC)]) def test_constructor_nanosecond(self, result): # GH 18898 expected = Timestamp(datetime(2000, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), expected = expected + Timedelta(nanoseconds=1) assert result == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize('arg', ['year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'microsecond', 'nanosecond']) def test_invalid_date_kwarg_with_string_input(self, arg): kwarg = {arg: 1} with pytest.raises(ValueError): Timestamp('2010-10-10 12:59:59.999999999', **kwarg) def test_out_of_bounds_value(self): one_us = np.timedelta64(1).astype('timedelta64[us]') # By definition we can't go out of bounds in [ns], so we # convert the datetime64s to [us] so we can go out of bounds min_ts_us = np.datetime64(Timestamp.min).astype('M8[us]') max_ts_us = np.datetime64(Timestamp.max).astype('M8[us]') # No error for the min/max datetimes Timestamp(min_ts_us) Timestamp(max_ts_us) # One us less than the minimum is an error with pytest.raises(ValueError): Timestamp(min_ts_us - one_us) # One us more than the maximum is an error with pytest.raises(ValueError): Timestamp(max_ts_us + one_us) def test_out_of_bounds_string(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError): Timestamp('1676-01-01') with pytest.raises(ValueError): Timestamp('2263-01-01') def test_barely_out_of_bounds(self): # GH#19529 # GH#19382 close enough to bounds that dropping nanos would result # in an in-bounds datetime with pytest.raises(OutOfBoundsDatetime): Timestamp('2262-04-11 23:47:16.854775808') def test_bounds_with_different_units(self): out_of_bounds_dates = ('1677-09-21', '2262-04-12') time_units = ('D', 'h', 'm', 's', 'ms', 'us') for date_string in out_of_bounds_dates: for unit in time_units: dt64 = np.datetime64(date_string, dtype='M8[%s]' % unit) with pytest.raises(ValueError): Timestamp(dt64) in_bounds_dates = ('1677-09-23', '2262-04-11') for date_string in in_bounds_dates: for unit in time_units: dt64 = np.datetime64(date_string, dtype='M8[%s]' % unit) Timestamp(dt64) def test_min_valid(self): # Ensure that Timestamp.min is a valid Timestamp Timestamp(Timestamp.min) def test_max_valid(self): # Ensure that Timestamp.max is a valid Timestamp Timestamp(Timestamp.max) def test_now(self): # GH#9000 ts_from_string = Timestamp('now') ts_from_method = ts_datetime = ts_from_string_tz = Timestamp('now', tz='US/Eastern') ts_from_method_tz ='US/Eastern') # Check that the delta between the times is less than 1s (arbitrarily # small) delta = Timedelta(seconds=1) assert abs(ts_from_method - ts_from_string) < delta assert abs(ts_datetime - ts_from_method) < delta assert abs(ts_from_method_tz - ts_from_string_tz) < delta assert (abs(ts_from_string_tz.tz_localize(None) - ts_from_method_tz.tz_localize(None)) < delta) def test_today(self): ts_from_string = Timestamp('today') ts_from_method = ts_datetime = ts_from_string_tz = Timestamp('today', tz='US/Eastern') ts_from_method_tz ='US/Eastern') # Check that the delta between the times is less than 1s (arbitrarily # small) delta = Timedelta(seconds=1) assert abs(ts_from_method - ts_from_string) < delta assert abs(ts_datetime - ts_from_method) < delta assert abs(ts_from_method_tz - ts_from_string_tz) < delta assert (abs(ts_from_string_tz.tz_localize(None) - ts_from_method_tz.tz_localize(None)) < delta) class TestTimestamp(object): def test_tz(self): tstr = '2014-02-01 09:00' ts = Timestamp(tstr) local = ts.tz_localize('Asia/Tokyo') assert local.hour == 9 assert local == Timestamp(tstr, tz='Asia/Tokyo') conv = local.tz_convert('US/Eastern') assert conv == Timestamp('2014-01-31 19:00', tz='US/Eastern') assert conv.hour == 19 # preserves nanosecond ts = Timestamp(tstr) + offsets.Nano(5) local = ts.tz_localize('Asia/Tokyo') assert local.hour == 9 assert local.nanosecond == 5 conv = local.tz_convert('US/Eastern') assert conv.nanosecond == 5 assert conv.hour == 19 def test_utc_z_designator(self): assert get_timezone(Timestamp('2014-11-02 01:00Z').tzinfo) == 'UTC' def test_asm8(self): np.random.seed(7960929) ns = [Timestamp.min.value, Timestamp.max.value, 1000] for n in ns: assert (Timestamp(n).asm8.view('i8') == np.datetime64(n, 'ns').view('i8') == n) assert (Timestamp('nat').asm8.view('i8') == np.datetime64('nat', 'ns').view('i8')) def test_class_ops_pytz(self): def compare(x, y): assert (int(Timestamp(x).value / 1e9) == int(Timestamp(y).value / 1e9)) compare(, compare('UTC'),'UTC'))) compare(Timestamp.utcnow(), datetime.utcnow()) compare(, current_time = calendar.timegm( compare(Timestamp.utcfromtimestamp(current_time), datetime.utcfromtimestamp(current_time)) compare(Timestamp.fromtimestamp(current_time), datetime.fromtimestamp(current_time)) date_component = datetime.utcnow() time_component = (date_component + timedelta(minutes=10)).time() compare(Timestamp.combine(date_component, time_component), datetime.combine(date_component, time_component)) def test_class_ops_dateutil(self): def compare(x, y): assert (int(np.round(Timestamp(x).value / 1e9)) == int(np.round(Timestamp(y).value / 1e9))) compare(, compare('UTC'), compare(Timestamp.utcnow(), datetime.utcnow()) compare(, current_time = calendar.timegm( compare(Timestamp.utcfromtimestamp(current_time), datetime.utcfromtimestamp(current_time)) compare(Timestamp.fromtimestamp(current_time), datetime.fromtimestamp(current_time)) date_component = datetime.utcnow() time_component = (date_component + timedelta(minutes=10)).time() compare(Timestamp.combine(date_component, time_component), datetime.combine(date_component, time_component)) def test_basics_nanos(self): val = np.int64(946684800000000000).view('M8[ns]') stamp = Timestamp(val.view('i8') + 500) assert stamp.year == 2000 assert stamp.month == 1 assert stamp.microsecond == 0 assert stamp.nanosecond == 500 # GH 14415 val = np.iinfo(np.int64).min + 80000000000000 stamp = Timestamp(val) assert stamp.year == 1677 assert stamp.month == 9 assert == 21 assert stamp.microsecond == 145224 assert stamp.nanosecond == 192 def test_unit(self): def check(val, unit=None, h=1, s=1, us=0): stamp = Timestamp(val, unit=unit) assert stamp.year == 2000 assert stamp.month == 1 assert == 1 assert stamp.hour == h if unit != 'D': assert stamp.minute == 1 assert stamp.second == s assert stamp.microsecond == us else: assert stamp.minute == 0 assert stamp.second == 0 assert stamp.microsecond == 0 assert stamp.nanosecond == 0 ts = Timestamp('20000101 01:01:01') val = ts.value days = (ts - Timestamp('1970-01-01')).days check(val) check(val / long(1000), unit='us') check(val / long(1000000), unit='ms') check(val / long(1000000000), unit='s') check(days, unit='D', h=0) # using truediv, so these are like floats if PY3: check((val + 500000) / long(1000000000), unit='s', us=500) check((val + 500000000) / long(1000000000), unit='s', us=500000) check((val + 500000) / long(1000000), unit='ms', us=500) # get chopped in py2 else: check((val + 500000) / long(1000000000), unit='s') check((val + 500000000) / long(1000000000), unit='s') check((val + 500000) / long(1000000), unit='ms') # ok check((val + 500000) / long(1000), unit='us', us=500) check((val + 500000000) / long(1000000), unit='ms', us=500000) # floats check(val / 1000.0 + 5, unit='us', us=5) check(val / 1000.0 + 5000, unit='us', us=5000) check(val / 1000000.0 + 0.5, unit='ms', us=500) check(val / 1000000.0 + 0.005, unit='ms', us=5) check(val / 1000000000.0 + 0.5, unit='s', us=500000) check(days + 0.5, unit='D', h=12) def test_roundtrip(self): # test value to string and back conversions # further test accessors base = Timestamp('20140101 00:00:00') result = Timestamp(base.value + Timedelta('5ms').value) assert result == Timestamp(str(base) + ".005000") assert result.microsecond == 5000 result = Timestamp(base.value + Timedelta('5us').value) assert result == Timestamp(str(base) + ".000005") assert result.microsecond == 5 result = Timestamp(base.value + Timedelta('5ns').value) assert result == Timestamp(str(base) + ".000000005") assert result.nanosecond == 5 assert result.microsecond == 0 result = Timestamp(base.value + Timedelta('6ms 5us').value) assert result == Timestamp(str(base) + ".006005") assert result.microsecond == 5 + 6 * 1000 result = Timestamp(base.value + Timedelta('200ms 5us').value) assert result == Timestamp(str(base) + ".200005") assert result.microsecond == 5 + 200 * 1000 def test_hash_equivalent(self): d = {datetime(2011, 1, 1): 5} stamp = Timestamp(datetime(2011, 1, 1)) assert d[stamp] == 5 class TestTimestampNsOperations(object): def setup_method(self, method): self.timestamp = Timestamp(datetime.utcnow()) def assert_ns_timedelta(self, modified_timestamp, expected_value): value = self.timestamp.value modified_value = modified_timestamp.value assert modified_value - value == expected_value def test_timedelta_ns_arithmetic(self): self.assert_ns_timedelta(self.timestamp + np.timedelta64(-123, 'ns'), -123) def test_timedelta_ns_based_arithmetic(self): self.assert_ns_timedelta(self.timestamp + np.timedelta64( 1234567898, 'ns'), 1234567898) def test_timedelta_us_arithmetic(self): self.assert_ns_timedelta(self.timestamp + np.timedelta64(-123, 'us'), -123000) def test_timedelta_ms_arithmetic(self): time = self.timestamp + np.timedelta64(-123, 'ms') self.assert_ns_timedelta(time, -123000000) def test_nanosecond_string_parsing(self): ts = Timestamp('2013-05-01 07:15:45.123456789') # GH 7878 expected_repr = '2013-05-01 07:15:45.123456789' expected_value = 1367392545123456789 assert ts.value == expected_value assert expected_repr in repr(ts) ts = Timestamp('2013-05-01 07:15:45.123456789+09:00', tz='Asia/Tokyo') assert ts.value == expected_value - 9 * 3600 * 1000000000 assert expected_repr in repr(ts) ts = Timestamp('2013-05-01 07:15:45.123456789', tz='UTC') assert ts.value == expected_value assert expected_repr in repr(ts) ts =
Timestamp('2013-05-01 07:15:45.123456789', tz='US/Eastern')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Fri Jan 31 19:28:58 2020 @author: hcb """ import pandas as pd import numpy as np import lightgbm as lgb import os from tqdm import tqdm from sklearn.model_selection import KFold from sklearn.metrics import f1_score from config import config import warnings from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer, CountVectorizer from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD import geohash warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") trn_path = config.train_dir test_path = config.test_dir def mode_mean(x): return x.mode().mean() def get_data(path): df_list = [] for file in tqdm(sorted(os.listdir(path))): file_path = os.path.join(path, file) df = pd.read_csv(file_path) df['time_id'] = list(range(len(df))) df_list.append(df) df = pd.concat(df_list) return df def get_latlng(df, precision=7): tmp_df = pd.DataFrame() tmp_df['lng'] = df['lon'] tmp_df['lat'] = df['lat'] tmp_df['code'] = tmp_df[[ 'lng', 'lat' ]].apply(lambda x: geohash.encode(x['lat'], x['lng'], precision=precision), axis=1) code = tmp_df['code'].values return code def transform_day(df): df['day'] = df['time'].apply(lambda x: int(x[0:4])) df['month'] = df['time'].apply(lambda x: int(x[0:2])) df['hour'] = df['time'].apply(lambda x: int(x[5:7])) df['minute'] = df['time'].apply(lambda x: int(x[8:10])) df['seconds'] = df['time'].apply(lambda x: int(x[11:13])) df['time_transform'] = (df['month'] * 31 + df['day']) * 24 + df[ 'hour' ] + df['minute'] / 60 + df['seconds'] / 3600 return df def get_feature(df2, train): df = df2.copy() df['new_id'] = (df['渔船ID'] + 1) * 10000 + df['time_id'] tmp_df = df[['渔船ID', 'lat', 'lon', 'time_transform', 'new_id']].copy() tmp_df.columns = ['渔船ID', 'x_1', 'y_1', 'time_transform_1', 'new_id'] tmp_df['new_id'] = tmp_df['new_id'] + 1 df = df.merge(tmp_df, on=['渔船ID', 'new_id'], how='left') df['dis_path'] = np.sqrt((df['x_1'] - df['lat']) ** 2 + (df['y_1'] - df['lon']) ** 2) df['slope'] = np.abs((df['y_1'] - df['lon']) / (df['x_1'] - df['lat'] + 0.001)) df.dropna(inplace=True) tmp_df = df.groupby('渔船ID')['dis_path'].agg({ 'max', 'median', 'mean', 'sum' }).reset_index() tmp_df.columns = ['渔船ID', 'dis_path_max', 'dis_path_median', 'dis_path_mean', 'dis_path_sum'] train = train.merge(tmp_df, on='渔船ID', how='left') tmp_df = df.groupby('渔船ID')['slope'].agg({ 'max', 'median', 'mean' }).reset_index() tmp_df.columns = ['渔船ID', 'slope_max', 'slope_median', 'slope_mean1'] train = train.merge(tmp_df, on='渔船ID', how='left') tmp_df = df[df['速度'] > 0] tmp_df = tmp_df.groupby('渔船ID')['dis_path'].agg({ 'min', 'std', 'median', 'mean' }).reset_index() tmp_df.columns = ['渔船ID', 'dis_path_min2', 'dis_path_std2', 'dis_path_median2', 'dis_path_mean'] train = train.merge(tmp_df, on='渔船ID', how='left') tmp_df = df.groupby('渔船ID')['slope'].agg({ 'min', 'median', 'mean' }).reset_index() tmp_df.columns = ['渔船ID', 'slope_min', 'slope_median2', 'slope_mean2'] train = train.merge(tmp_df, on='渔船ID', how='left') tmp_df = df[df['速度'] > 0] tmp_df = tmp_df.groupby('渔船ID')['slope'].agg({ 'min', 'std', 'median', 'mean' }).reset_index() tmp_df.columns = ['渔船ID', 'slope_min3', 'slope_std3', 'slope_median3', 'slope_mean3'] train = train.merge(tmp_df, on='渔船ID', how='left') df['time_delt'] = np.abs(df['time_transform_1'] - df['time_transform']) df['dis/time'] = df['dis_path'] / df['time_delt'] tmp_df = df.groupby('渔船ID')['dis/time'].agg({ 'mean', 'median' }).reset_index() tmp_df.columns = ['渔船ID', 'dis/time_mean', 'dis/time_median'] train = train.merge(tmp_df, on='渔船ID', how='left') return train def get_feature2(df2, train): df = df2.copy() df['new_id'] = (df['渔船ID'] + 1) * 10000 + df['time_id'] tmp_df = df[['渔船ID', '方向', '速度', 'new_id']].copy() tmp_df.columns = ['渔船ID', '方向_1', '速度_1', 'new_id'] tmp_df['new_id'] = tmp_df['new_id'] + 1 df = df.merge(tmp_df, on=['渔船ID', 'new_id'], how='left') df['方向_delt'] = np.abs(df['方向_1'] - df['方向']) df['速度_delt'] = np.abs(df['速度_1'] - df['速度']) df.dropna(inplace=True) tmp_df = df.groupby('渔船ID')['方向_delt'].agg({ 'max', 'median', 'mean' }).reset_index() tmp_df.columns = ['渔船ID', '方向_delt_mmax', '方向_delt_median', '方向_delt_mean'] train = train.merge(tmp_df, on='渔船ID', how='left') tmp_df = df[df['速度'] > 0] tmp_df = df.groupby('渔船ID')['方向_delt'].agg({ 'min', 'std', 'median', 'mean' }).reset_index() tmp_df.columns = ['渔船ID', '方向_delt_min2', '方向_delt_std2', '方向_delt_median2', '方向_delt_mean2'] train = train.merge(tmp_df, on='渔船ID', how='left') tmp_df = df[df['速度'] > 0] tmp_df = tmp_df.groupby('渔船ID')['方向_delt'].agg({ 'min', 'std', 'median', 'mean' }).reset_index() tmp_df.columns = ['渔船ID', '方向_delt_min3', '方向_delt_std3', '方向_delt_median3', '方向_delt_mean3'] train = train.merge(tmp_df, on='渔船ID', how='left') tmp_df = df.groupby('渔船ID')['速度_delt'].agg({ 'max', 'median', 'mean' }).reset_index() tmp_df.columns = ['渔船ID', '速度_delt_max', '速度_delt_median', '速度_delt_mean'] train = train.merge(tmp_df, on='渔船ID', how='left') tmp_df = df[df['速度'] > 0] tmp_df = df.groupby('渔船ID')['速度_delt'].agg({ 'min', 'std', 'median', 'mean' }).reset_index() tmp_df.columns = ['渔船ID', '速度_delt_min2', '速度_delt_std2', '速度_delt_median2', '速度_delt_mean2'] train = train.merge(tmp_df, on='渔船ID', how='left') tmp_df = df[df['速度'] > 0] tmp_df = tmp_df.groupby('渔船ID')['速度_delt'].agg({ 'min', 'std', 'median', 'mean' }).reset_index() tmp_df.columns = ['渔船ID', '速度_delt_min3', '速度_delt_std3', '速度_delt_median3', '速度_delt_mean3'] train = train.merge(tmp_df, on='渔船ID', how='left') return train df_train = get_data(trn_path) train_ = df_train[['渔船ID', 'type']].drop_duplicates() df_train = transform_day(df_train) train_ = get_feature(df_train, train_) train_ = get_feature2(df_train, train_) train_.drop(['type', 'slope_mean1', 'slope_mean2'], axis=1, inplace=True) df_test = get_data(test_path) test = df_test[['渔船ID']].drop_duplicates() df_test = transform_day(df_test) test = get_feature(df_test, test) test = get_feature2(df_test, test) test.drop(['slope_mean1', 'slope_mean2'], axis=1, inplace=True) print('begin tfidf') data = pd.concat((df_train, df_test)) data['destination'] = data['lat'].map(str) + '_' + data['lon'].map(str) enc_vec = TfidfVectorizer() group_df = data.groupby(['渔船ID'])['destination'].agg({ lambda x: list(x) }).reset_index() group_df.columns = ['渔船ID', 'destination'] group_df['destination'] = group_df['destination'].apply(lambda x: ' '.join(x)) tfidf_vec = enc_vec.fit_transform(group_df['destination']) svd_enc = TruncatedSVD(n_components=30, n_iter=20, random_state=1996) vec_svd = svd_enc.fit_transform(tfidf_vec) vec_svd = pd.DataFrame(vec_svd) vec_svd.columns = ['svd_{}_{}'.format('destination', i) for i in range(30)] group_df = pd.concat([group_df, vec_svd], axis=1) train_ = train_.merge(group_df, on=['渔船ID'], how='left') del train_['destination'] test = test.merge(group_df, on=['渔船ID'], how='left') del test['destination'] data = pd.concat((df_train, df_test)) mode_df = data.groupby(['渔船ID', 'lat', 'lon'])['time'].agg({'count'}).reset_index() mode_df = mode_df.rename(columns={'count': 'mode_count'}) mode_df['rank'] = mode_df.groupby('渔船ID')['mode_count'].rank(method='first', ascending=False) for i in range(1, 4): tmp_df = mode_df[mode_df['rank'] == i] del tmp_df['rank'] tmp_df.columns = ['渔船ID', 'rank{}_mode_lat'.format(i), 'rank{}_mode_lon'.format(i), 'rank{}_mode_cnt'.format(i)] train_ = train_.merge(tmp_df, on='渔船ID', how='left') test = test.merge(tmp_df, on='渔船ID', how='left') def split_speed(speed): if speed <= 4: return 'low' elif speed <= 10 and speed > 4: return 'median-low' elif speed <= 18 and speed > 10: return 'median' elif speed <= 50 and speed > 18: return 'high' else: return 'very-high' tmp_df = data.groupby('渔船ID')['渔船ID'].agg({'count'}).reset_index( ) # , '方向skew':'skew' tmp_df = tmp_df.rename(columns={'count': 'id_count'}) train_ = train_.merge(tmp_df, on='渔船ID', how='left') test = test.merge(tmp_df, on='渔船ID', how='left') data['速度_type'] = data['速度'].apply(lambda x: split_speed(x)) group_df = data.groupby(['渔船ID', '速度_type']).size().unstack().fillna(0) group_df.columns = ['速度_' + f + '_cnt' for f in group_df.columns] group_df.reset_index(inplace=True) train_ = train_.merge(group_df, on=['渔船ID'], how='left') test = test.merge(group_df, on=['渔船ID'], how='left') for col in group_df.columns: if col not in ['渔船ID']: train_[col.replace('cnt', 'ratio')] = train_[col] / train_['id_count'] test[col.replace('cnt', 'ratio')] = test[col] / test['id_count'] train_.drop('id_count', axis=1, inplace=True) test.drop('id_count', axis=1, inplace=True) countvec = CountVectorizer() data = pd.concat((df_train, df_test)) code = get_latlng(data) data['destination'] = code group_df = data.groupby(['渔船ID'])['destination'].agg({ lambda x: list(x) }).reset_index() group_df.columns = ['渔船ID', 'destination'] group_df['destination'] = group_df['destination'].apply(lambda x: ' '.join(x)) count_vec_tmp = countvec.fit_transform(group_df['destination']) svd_tmp = TruncatedSVD(n_components=30, n_iter=20, random_state=1996) svd_tmp = svd_tmp.fit_transform(count_vec_tmp) svd_tmp =
from collections import defaultdict import pandas as pd from ..sql.functions import Column, AggColumn, min as F_min, max as F_max, col, _SpecialSpandaColumn from spanda.core.typing import * from .utils import wrap_col_args, wrap_dataframe class DataFrameWrapper: """ DataFrameWrapper takes in a Pandas Dataframe and transforms it to a Spanda dataframe, which can be manipulated with (Spark inspired) Spanda functions. Example: sdf = DataFrameWrapper(df) employee_ids = sdf.filter("is_employee").select("id") """ def __init__(self, df: pd.DataFrame): self._df = df @property def columns(self): return list(self._df.columns) @staticmethod def _tmp_col_name(cols): i = 0 col_name = '__tmp' while col_name in cols: col_name = f'__tmp_{i}' i += 1 return col_name @wrap_dataframe def intersect(self, other: 'DataFrameWrapper'): """ Return intersection of dataframes """ assert set(self.columns) == set(other.columns), "columns must be the same when intersecting dataframes" # TODO: CHECK return pd.merge(self._df, other._df, on=self.columns, how='inner').drop_duplicates() @wrap_dataframe def union(self, other: 'DataFrameWrapper'): """ Returns union of dataframes """ assert set(self.columns) == set(other.columns), "columns must be the same when unioning dataframes" return pd.concat([self._df, other._df], axis='index').drop_duplicates() def subtract(self, other: 'DataFrameWrapper'): """ Subtraction of dataframes (as sets of rows) """ assert set(self.columns) == set(other.columns), "columns must be the same when subtracting dataframes" return self.join(other, on=self.columns, how='left_anti') @wrap_dataframe def withColumn(self, name: str, col: Column): """ Returns a new Spanda dataframe with a new column """ return self._df.assign(**{name: Column._apply(col, self._df)}) @wrap_dataframe def distinct(self): """ Return new Spanda dataframe with no duplicate rows """ return self._df.drop_duplicates() def drop(self, *cols: str): """ Returns Spanda dataframe without the mentioned columns """ return*filter(lambda c: c not in cols, self.columns)) def count(self) -> int: """ Returns the number of rows in dataframe """ return len(self._df) @wrap_dataframe @wrap_col_args def filter(self, col: Column): """ Returns a Spanda dataframe with only the records for which `col` equals True. """ df = self._df if isinstance(col, Column): cond = Column._apply(col, df) return df[cond] elif isinstance(col, str): return df.query(col) else: raise NotImplementedError def agg(self, *agg_cols: AggColumn): """ Aggregate entire dataframe as one group """ grp_data = GroupedDataFrameWrapper(self._df, tuple(), {0: self._df.index}) return grp_data.agg(*agg_cols) def min(self): """ Compute minimum for each column in the dataframe """ return self.agg(*[F_min(c) for c in self.columns]) def max(self): """ Compute maximum for each column in the dataframe """ return self.agg(*[F_max(c) for c in self.columns]) @wrap_dataframe def sort(self, *cols: str, ascending: bool = True): """ order the rows by the columns named in cols. if ascending is True, it will be ordered in ascending order; otherwise - in descending order """ return self._df.sort_values(list(cols), ascending=ascending) def where(self, col: Column): """ Alias for `.filter()` """ return self.filter(col) def withColumnRenamed(self, old_name: str, new_name: str): return self.withColumn(new_name, col(old_name)).drop(old_name) @wrap_dataframe def head(self, n :int = 5): """ Return first n rows of dataframe """ return self._df.head(n) @wrap_dataframe @wrap_col_args def select(self, *cols: Column): """ Returns a Spanda dataframe with only the selected columns. """ metadata = {} df = self._df col_names = [] special_cols = [] for col in cols: if isinstance(col, _SpecialSpandaColumn): metadata.update({col._name: _SpecialSpandaColumn._apply_special_preprocess(col, df)}) for col in cols: if isinstance(col, Column): df = df.assign(**{col._name: Column._apply(col, df)}) col_names.append(col._name) elif isinstance(col, _SpecialSpandaColumn): df = df.assign(**{col._name: _SpecialSpandaColumn._apply_special(col, df, metadata=metadata[col._name])}) col_names.append(col._name) special_cols.append((col._name, col._transformation_type)) else: raise NotImplementedError for (special_col_name, trans_type) in special_cols: df = _SpecialSpandaColumn._apply_special_postprocess(df=df, col_name=special_col_name, trans_type=trans_type, metadata=metadata[special_col_name], all_col_names=col_names) return df[col_names] @wrap_dataframe def join(self, other: 'DataFrameWrapper', on: Union[str, List[str]], how: str = 'inner'): """ Joins with another Spanda dataframe. `on` is a column name or a list of column names we join by. `how` decides which type of join will be used ('inner', 'outer', 'left', 'right', 'cross', 'left_anti') """ assert isinstance(other, DataFrameWrapper), "can join only with spanda dataframes" assert how in ['inner', 'outer', 'left', 'right', 'cross', 'leftanti', 'left_anti', 'right_anti', 'rightanti', 'left_semi', 'leftsemi'], \ "this join method ('how' parameter) is not supported" if isinstance(on, str): on = [on] if how in ['left_semi', 'leftsemi']: # TODO: be aware some duplicate columns not in 'on' may exist return self.join(other, on=on, how='left').select(*self.columns).distinct()._df elif how in ['rightanti', 'right_anti']: return other.join(self, on=on, how='left_anti')._df elif how in ['leftanti', 'left_anti']: tmp_col = DataFrameWrapper._tmp_col_name(set(self.columns).union(other.columns)) tmp_df = pd.concat([*on).withColumn(tmp_col, 'A')._df.drop_duplicates(),*on).withColumn(tmp_col, 'B')._df.drop_duplicates()], axis='index') tmp_df = tmp_df.groupby(list(on)).agg({tmp_col: tuple}) tmp_df = tmp_df[tmp_df[tmp_col] == ('A',)] return pd.merge(self._df, tmp_df, on=on, how='inner').drop(tmp_col, axis='columns') else: return
pd.merge(self._df, other._df, on=on, how=how)
import os import pickle import re from pathlib import Path from typing import Tuple, Dict import pandas as pd import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from selenium import webdriver from brFinance.scraper.cvm.financial_report import FinancialReport from import SearchDFP, SearchITR from brFinance.utils.browser import Browser class Company: """ An instance of a Company can fetch useful information about Financial Reports, Social Capital and Registration Data """ def __init__(self, cvm_code: int): """ Parameters ---------- cvm_code : int CVM company code """ self.cvm_code = cvm_code def _save_files(self, driver, report_info) -> Dict: document_number ="(?<=\Documento=)(.*?)(?=&)", report_info['linkView']).group() # Create folder and save reports locally path_save_reports = f'{os.getcwd()}/reports' report_file = f'{path_save_reports}/{document_number}.plk' Path(path_save_reports).mkdir(exist_ok=True) # Check if report is available locally, otherwise scrape it. if Path(report_file).exists(): with open(report_file, 'rb') as load_report: report_obj = pickle.load(load_report) print("Carregado localmente!") else: report_obj = FinancialReport(link=report_info["linkView"], driver=driver).get_report() with open(report_file, 'wb') as save_report: pickle.dump(report_obj, save_report) return report_obj def get_social_capital_data(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Returns a dataframe including number of preference or ordinal shares for a company Returns ------- pandas.Dataframe Dataframe with Social Capital Data """ url = f"{self.cvm_code}" df = pd.DataFrame() try: html_content = requests.get(url).content.decode("utf8") social_capital_data = BeautifulSoup(html_content, "lxml").find("div", attrs={"id": "divComposicaoCapitalSocial"}) df = pd.read_html(str(social_capital_data), thousands='.')[0] df.columns = ["Type", "Quantity"] except Exception as exp: print(exp) return df def get_registration_data(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Returns a dataframe including useful information about company's registration data Returns ------- pandas.Dataframe Dataframe with Registration Data """ url = "" company_registration_data =
import os import re import datetime import copy import codecs from lxml import etree import pandas as pd from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql as psql from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, DATE from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker # EXTRACT def remove_special_chars(string: str) -> str: """ Replaces special char & with its xml equivalent. """ output = copy.deepcopy(string) output = re.sub('&', '&amp;', output) # output = re.sub('<', '&lt;', output) # output = re.sub('>', '&gt;', output) output = re.sub("”", '&quot;', output) output = re.sub("‘", '&apos;', output) output = re.sub("'", '&apos;', output) output = re.sub('"', '&quot;', output) return output def read_file(fn: str) -> str: """ Given a filename string, return the contents in string type with added data tags. """ data = '<data>' with open(fn, 'rb') as f: raw = file_data = remove_special_chars(codecs.decode(raw, errors='replace')) data += file_data data += '</data>' return data def read_xml(fn: str) -> etree._Element: """ Given an XML filename in string type, parse and return an XML object. """ xml = etree.fromstring( read_file(fn)) return xml def process_xml(dir: str) -> dict: """ Check errors and generates and error.txt """ fn = [] for _, _, fn in os.walk(dir): fn = fn data = {} final = {} logfn = open('errors.txt', 'w') for file in fn: try: d = extract_data(read_xml(file)) tmp_fn = re.sub('.pdf.*$', '', file) formatted_date = format_date(d['date']['text']) d['date']['text'] = str(formatted_date) data[tmp_fn] = d except Exception as error: logfn.write(str(file) + ": " + str(error) + "\n") final = {i: {k: v.get('text') for k, v in data[i].items()} for i in data.keys()} for i in final.keys(): final[i]['image'] = data[i]['image'] # inefficient / bad fix for now final[i]['images'] = final[i].pop('image') final[i]['title'] = i final[i]['raw_body'] = data[i] if final[i]['body'] == None: raise AttributeError('Body error for ' + final[i]['title']) logfn.close() return final def check_tags(data: etree._Element) -> bool: names = set([ 'date', 'docnum', 'doctype', 'subject', 'body', 'image', 'sign', 'signtitle', 'missingtext' ]) elements = data.findall('.//') tags = set([i.tag for i in elements]) diff = tags.difference(names) if len(diff) != 0: raise AttributeError( str(diff) + " are mislabeled / do not follow protocols.") return True def extract_data(data: etree._Element) -> dict: """ Converts xml data to dict with text and line numbers """ d = {} check_tags(data) d['date'] = find_tag(data, 'date') d['doctype'] = find_tag(data, 'doctype') d['docnum'] = find_tag(data, 'docnum') d['subject'] = find_tag(data, 'subject') d['body'] = find_tag(data, 'body') d['sign'] = find_tag(data, 'sign') d['signtitle'] = find_tag(data, 'signtitle') d['image'] = find_tag(data, 'image', all=True) return d def get_text(node): result = node.text or "" for child in node: if child.tail is not None: result += child.tail return result def find_tag(data: etree._Element, tag: str, all=False) -> dict: """ Handles missing attribute errors with default inputs """ d = {} tag_search = './/' + tag # to enable recursive search if all is False: try: tag_node = data.find(tag_search) d['text'] = get_text(tag_node) d['line_num'] = tag_node.sourceline except AttributeError: d['text'] = None d['line_num'] = None return d else: for i, j in enumerate(data.findall(tag_search)): d[i] = { 'text': j.text, 'line_num': j.sourceline } return d # TRANSFORM def rawstr(s): """ Return the raw string representation (using r'') literals of the string *s* if it is available. If any invalid characters are encountered (or a string which cannot be represented as a rawstr), the default repr() result is returned. """ if any(0 <= ord(ch) < 32 for ch in s): return repr(s) if (len(s) - len(s.rstrip("\\"))) % 2 == 1: return repr(s) pattern = "r'{0}'" if '"' in s: if "'" in s: return repr(s) elif "'" in s: pattern = 'r"{0}"' return pattern.format(s) def format_date(s: str) -> str: if s is None or s.isspace() or s.lower() == 'nd': s = '01/01/2050' formats = [ '%b %d, %Y', '%B %d, %Y', '%B %d, %Y', '%B %d,, %Y', '%B, %d, %Y', '%B %d,%Y', # '%d/%m/%Y', '%d/%m/%y', '%m/%d/%Y', '%m/%d/%y', # '-%m/%d/%Y' '%d %B,%Y', '%d %B%Y', '%B %d %Y', ' %b %d, %Y', '%b %d, %Y', '%d %B. %Y', '%d %B, %Y', '%b %d,%Y', '%b %d %Y', '%d %b %Y', '%d %B %Y', '%B,%Y', '%B, %Y', # '%d/%-m/%Y' ] s = s.strip().capitalize() tmp = '' for f in formats: if not isinstance(tmp, pd._libs.tslib.Timestamp): tmp =
pd.to_datetime(s, errors='ignore', format=f)
import os import pandas as pd from Utils import Truncate from Cajero import Cajero from Cliente import Cliente from Evento import Inicializacion, FinSimulacion, LlegadaCliente, FinAtencion, FinEspera class Controlador: def __init__(self, cant_iteraciones, tiempo, mostrar_desde, media_llegada, media_fin): self.cajero1 = Cajero("Libre", 1, 0, 0, None) self.cajero2 = Cajero("Libre", 2, 0, 0, None) self.cajero3 = Cajero("Libre", 3, 0, 0, None) self.cajero4 = Cajero("Libre", 4, 0, 0, None) self.mostrar_cantidad_iteraciones = cant_iteraciones self.tiempo = tiempo self.mostrar_desde_minuto = mostrar_desde self.media_llegada = media_llegada self.media_fin = media_fin self.acum_tiempo_utilizacion = 0 self.contador_clientes = 1 self.reloj = 0 self.eventos = [] self.clientes = [] self.cola = [] self.array_fin_atencion = [0,0,0,0] def inicializacion(self): self.llegada_cliente = LlegadaCliente(self.reloj, self.media_llegada, self.contador_clientes) self.fin_atencion = FinAtencion(None, 0, 0, 0) self.eventos.append(self.llegada_cliente) def llegadaCliente(self, evento_actual): self.contador_clientes += 1 cliente = Cliente(None, "", self.clientes.append(cliente) proxima_llegada_cliente = LlegadaCliente(self.reloj, self.media_llegada, self.contador_clientes) self.eventos.append(proxima_llegada_cliente) fin_espera = self.reloj + 5 self.llegada_cliente = proxima_llegada_cliente cajero = self.buscarCajeroLibre() if cajero is not None: fin_atencion = FinAtencion(cajero, self.reloj, self.media_fin, self.eventos.append(fin_atencion) self.fin_atencion = fin_atencion self.array_fin_atencion[ - 1] = fin_atencion.hora cajero.comenzarAtencion(cliente) cliente.comenzarAtencion(cajero) else: self.cola.append(cliente) cliente.comenzarEspera() def finAtencion(self, cajero, duracion): cliente_finalizado = cajero.cliente cliente_finalizado.finalizarAtencion() print("Cliente:", print("Cajero:", cliente_finalizado.cajero) if len(self.cola) >= 1: cajero = self.buscarCajeroLibre() cliente = self.cola.pop() fin_atencion = FinAtencion(cajero, self.reloj, self.media_fin, self.eventos.append(fin_atencion) self.fin_atencion = fin_atencion self.array_fin_atencion[ - 1] = fin_atencion.hora cliente.comenzarAtencion(cajero) else: self.array_fin_atencion[ - 1] = 0 def finEspera(self, cliente): if cola.index(cliente) >= 2: cliente.retirarse() self.llegada_cliente = LlegadaCliente(self.reloj, self.media_llegada, return def buscarCajeroLibre(self): ''' La función devuelve la primer máquina que encuentra en estado LIBRE ''' libres = list(filter(lambda c: c.estaLibre(), [self.cajero1, self.cajero2, self.cajero3, self.cajero4])) if len(libres) == 0: return None else: return libres[0] def crearVectorEstado(self, evento_actual): lista = ["Evento actual: " + str(evento_actual.nombre), "Reloj: " + str(self.reloj), "Tiempo entre llegadas:" + str(self.llegada_cliente.duracion), "Próxima llegada: " + str(self.llegada_cliente.hora), "Tiempo de atención: " + str(self.fin_atencion.duracion), "Fin de atención 1: " + str(self.array_fin_atencion[0]), "Fin de atención 2: " + str(self.array_fin_atencion[1]), "Fin de atención 3: " + str(self.array_fin_atencion[2]), "Fin de atención 4: " + str(self.array_fin_atencion[3]), "Cajero 1: " + str(self.cajero1.estado), "Cajero 2: " + str(self.cajero2.estado), "Cajero 3: " + str(self.cajero3.estado), "Cajero 4: " + str(self.cajero4.estado), "Cola: " + str(len(self.cola)), "Tiempo utilizacion 1: " + str(self.cajero1.tiempo_utilizacion), "ACUM tiempo utilizacion 1: " + str(self.cajero1.acum_t_utilizacion), "Tiempo utilizacion 2: " + str(self.cajero2.tiempo_utilizacion), "ACUM tiempo utilizacion 2: " + str(self.cajero2.acum_t_utilizacion), "Tiempo utilizacion 3: " + str(self.cajero3.tiempo_utilizacion), "ACUM tiempo utilizacion 3: " + str(self.cajero3.acum_t_utilizacion), "Tiempo utilizacion 4: " + str(self.cajero4.tiempo_utilizacion), "ACUM tiempo utilizacion 4: " + str(self.cajero4.acum_t_utilizacion), ] for c in self.clientes: lista.append("Cliente: " + str( lista.append(c.estado) cajero = c.cajero if cajero is None: cajero = "-" else: cajero = "Cajero: " + str( lista.append(cajero) return lista def crearVectorEstadoParcial(self, evento_actual): ''' La función recibe como parámetro el evento actual de la iteración y retorna el vector de estado correspondiente. ''' inicio_comunes = [ str(evento_actual.nombre), str(self.reloj), str(self.llegada_cliente.duracion), str(self.llegada_cliente.hora), str(self.fin_atencion.duracion), str(self.array_fin_atencion[0]), str(self.array_fin_atencion[1]), str(self.array_fin_atencion[2]), str(self.array_fin_atencion[3]), ] fin_comunes = [ str(self.cajero1.estado), str(self.cajero2.estado), str(self.cajero3.estado), str(self.cajero4.estado), str(len(self.cola)), str(self.cajero1.tiempo_utilizacion), str(self.cajero2.tiempo_utilizacion), str(self.cajero3.tiempo_utilizacion), str(self.cajero4.tiempo_utilizacion), str(self.cajero1.acum_t_utilizacion), str(self.cajero2.acum_t_utilizacion), str(self.cajero3.acum_t_utilizacion), str(self.cajero4.acum_t_utilizacion), ] return inicio_comunes + fin_comunes def crearColumnasParcialesDataFrame(self): ''' Crea una lista con las columnas correspondientes a los datos siempre presentes en el dataframe ''' inicio_comunes = [ "Evento Actual", "Reloj", "Tiempo entre llegadas", "Próxima llegada", "Tiempo atención", "Fin atención 1", "Fin atención 2", "Fin atención 3", "Fin atención 4", ] fin_comunes = [ "Cajero 1", "Cajero 2", "Cajero 3", "Cajero 4", "Cola", "Tiempo utilización 1", "Tiempo utilización 2", "Tiempo utilización 3", "Tiempo utilización 4", "ACUM Tiempo utilización 1", "ACUM Tiempo utilización 2", "ACUMTiempo utilización 3", "ACUM Tiempo utilización 4", ] return inicio_comunes + fin_comunes def agregarDatos(self, df_datos_fijos, df_clientes, evento_actual): vector_estado_parcial = self.crearVectorEstadoParcial(evento_actual) loc = len(df_datos_fijos) df_datos_fijos.loc[loc] = vector_estado_parcial for al in self.clientes: df_clientes = al.agregarDF(df_clientes, loc) return df_datos_fijos, df_clientes def simular(self): df_datos_fijos = pd.DataFrame(columns = self.crearColumnasParcialesDataFrame()) df_clientes =
import os from collections import defaultdict from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor import celescope import pysam import numpy as np import pandas as pd import logging from import format_number, log, read_barcode_file from import format_stat from import read_one_col, gene_convert, glob_genomeDir from import reporter @log def split_bam(bam, barcodes, outdir, sample, gene_id_name_dic, min_query_length): ''' input: bam: bam from feauturCounts barcodes: cell barcodes, set gene_id_name_dic: id name dic min_query_length: minimum query length ouput: bam_dict: assign reads to cell barcodes and UMI count_dict: UMI counts per cell index: assign index(1-based) to cells ''' # init count_dict = defaultdict(dict) bam_dict = defaultdict(dict) index_dict = defaultdict(dict) cells_dir = f'{outdir}/cells/' # read bam and split'reading bam...') samfile = pysam.AlignmentFile(bam, "rb") header = samfile.header barcodes = list(barcodes) barcodes.sort() for read in samfile: attr = read.query_name.split('_') barcode = attr[0] umi = attr[1] if not read.has_tag('XT'): continue gene = read.get_tag('XT') query_length = read.infer_query_length() if (barcode in barcodes) and (gene in gene_id_name_dic) and (query_length >= min_query_length): gene_name = gene_id_name_dic[gene] read.set_tag(tag='GN', value=gene_name, value_type='Z') index = barcodes.index(barcode) + 1 read.set_tag(tag='CL', value=f'CELL{index}', value_type='Z') # keep one read for each UMI if umi not in bam_dict[barcode]: bam_dict[barcode][umi] = read # count if gene_name not in count_dict[barcode]: count_dict[barcode][gene_name] = {} if umi in count_dict[barcode][gene_name]: count_dict[barcode][gene_name][umi] += 1 else: count_dict[barcode][gene_name][umi] = 1'writing cell bam...') # write new bam index = 0 for barcode in barcodes: # init index += 1 index_dict[index]['barcode'] = barcode index_dict[index]['valid'] = False # out bam if barcode in bam_dict: cell_dir = f'{cells_dir}/cell{index}' cell_bam_file = f'{cell_dir}/cell{index}.bam' if not os.path.exists(cell_dir): os.makedirs(cell_dir) index_dict[index]['valid'] = True cell_bam = pysam.AlignmentFile( f'{cell_bam_file}', "wb", header=header) for umi in bam_dict[barcode]: read = bam_dict[barcode][umi] cell_bam.write(read) cell_bam.close() # out df_index df_index = pd.DataFrame(index_dict).T = 'cell_index' index_file = f'{outdir}/{sample}_cell_index.tsv' df_index.to_csv(index_file, sep='\t') # out count_dict df_count =
pd.DataFrame(columns=['barcode', 'gene', 'UMI', 'read_count'])
# ***************************************************************************** # Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; # OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, # EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ***************************************************************************** import itertools import os import platform import string import unittest from copy import deepcopy from itertools import product import numpy as np import pandas as pd from numba.core.errors import TypingError from sdc.hiframes.rolling import supported_rolling_funcs from sdc.tests.test_base import TestCase from sdc.tests.test_series import gen_frand_array from sdc.tests.test_utils import (count_array_REPs, count_parfor_REPs, skip_numba_jit, skip_sdc_jit, test_global_input_data_float64) LONG_TEST = (int(os.environ['SDC_LONG_ROLLING_TEST']) != 0 if 'SDC_LONG_ROLLING_TEST' in os.environ else False) test_funcs = ('mean', 'max',) if LONG_TEST: # all functions except apply, cov, corr test_funcs = supported_rolling_funcs[:-3] def rolling_std_usecase(obj, window, min_periods, ddof): return obj.rolling(window, min_periods).std(ddof) def rolling_var_usecase(obj, window, min_periods, ddof): return obj.rolling(window, min_periods).var(ddof) class TestRolling(TestCase): @skip_numba_jit def test_series_rolling1(self): def test_impl(S): return S.rolling(3).sum() hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) S = pd.Series([1.0, 2., 3., 4., 5.]) pd.testing.assert_series_equal(hpat_func(S), test_impl(S)) @skip_numba_jit def test_fixed1(self): # test sequentially with manually created dfs wins = (3,) if LONG_TEST: wins = (2, 3, 5) centers = (False, True) for func_name in test_funcs: func_text = "def test_impl(df, w, c):\n return df.rolling(w, center=c).{}()\n".format(func_name) loc_vars = {} exec(func_text, {}, loc_vars) test_impl = loc_vars['test_impl'] hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) for args in itertools.product(wins, centers): df = pd.DataFrame({'B': [0, 1, 2, np.nan, 4]}) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(hpat_func(df, *args), test_impl(df, *args)) df = pd.DataFrame({'B': [0, 1, 2, -2, 4]}) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(hpat_func(df, *args), test_impl(df, *args)) @skip_numba_jit def test_fixed2(self): # test sequentially with generated dfs sizes = (121,) wins = (3,) if LONG_TEST: sizes = (1, 2, 10, 11, 121, 1000) wins = (2, 3, 5) centers = (False, True) for func_name in test_funcs: func_text = "def test_impl(df, w, c):\n return df.rolling(w, center=c).{}()\n".format(func_name) loc_vars = {} exec(func_text, {}, loc_vars) test_impl = loc_vars['test_impl'] hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) for n, w, c in itertools.product(sizes, wins, centers): df = pd.DataFrame({'B': np.arange(n)}) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(hpat_func(df, w, c), test_impl(df, w, c)) @skip_numba_jit def test_fixed_apply1(self): # test sequentially with manually created dfs def test_impl(df, w, c): return df.rolling(w, center=c).apply(lambda a: a.sum()) hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) wins = (3,) if LONG_TEST: wins = (2, 3, 5) centers = (False, True) for args in itertools.product(wins, centers): df = pd.DataFrame({'B': [0, 1, 2, np.nan, 4]}) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(hpat_func(df, *args), test_impl(df, *args)) df = pd.DataFrame({'B': [0, 1, 2, -2, 4]}) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(hpat_func(df, *args), test_impl(df, *args)) @skip_numba_jit def test_fixed_apply2(self): # test sequentially with generated dfs def test_impl(df, w, c): return df.rolling(w, center=c).apply(lambda a: a.sum()) hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) sizes = (121,) wins = (3,) if LONG_TEST: sizes = (1, 2, 10, 11, 121, 1000) wins = (2, 3, 5) centers = (False, True) for n, w, c in itertools.product(sizes, wins, centers): df = pd.DataFrame({'B': np.arange(n)}) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(hpat_func(df, w, c), test_impl(df, w, c)) @skip_numba_jit def test_fixed_parallel1(self): def test_impl(n, w, center): df = pd.DataFrame({'B': np.arange(n)}) R = df.rolling(w, center=center).sum() return R.B.sum() hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) sizes = (121,) wins = (5,) if LONG_TEST: sizes = (1, 2, 10, 11, 121, 1000) wins = (2, 4, 5, 10, 11) centers = (False, True) for args in itertools.product(sizes, wins, centers): self.assertEqual(hpat_func(*args), test_impl(*args), "rolling fixed window with {}".format(args)) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 0) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_REPs(), 0) @skip_numba_jit def test_fixed_parallel_apply1(self): def test_impl(n, w, center): df = pd.DataFrame({'B': np.arange(n)}) R = df.rolling(w, center=center).apply(lambda a: a.sum()) return R.B.sum() hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) sizes = (121,) wins = (5,) if LONG_TEST: sizes = (1, 2, 10, 11, 121, 1000) wins = (2, 4, 5, 10, 11) centers = (False, True) for args in itertools.product(sizes, wins, centers): self.assertEqual(hpat_func(*args), test_impl(*args), "rolling fixed window with {}".format(args)) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 0) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_REPs(), 0) @skip_numba_jit def test_variable1(self): # test sequentially with manually created dfs df1 = pd.DataFrame({'B': [0, 1, 2, np.nan, 4], 'time': [pd.Timestamp('20130101 09:00:00'), pd.Timestamp('20130101 09:00:02'), pd.Timestamp('20130101 09:00:03'), pd.Timestamp('20130101 09:00:05'), pd.Timestamp('20130101 09:00:06')]}) df2 = pd.DataFrame({'B': [0, 1, 2, -2, 4], 'time': [pd.Timestamp('20130101 09:00:01'), pd.Timestamp('20130101 09:00:02'), pd.Timestamp('20130101 09:00:03'), pd.Timestamp('20130101 09:00:04'), pd.Timestamp('20130101 09:00:09')]}) wins = ('2s',) if LONG_TEST: wins = ('1s', '2s', '3s', '4s') # all functions except apply for w, func_name in itertools.product(wins, test_funcs): func_text = "def test_impl(df):\n return df.rolling('{}', on='time').{}()\n".format(w, func_name) loc_vars = {} exec(func_text, {}, loc_vars) test_impl = loc_vars['test_impl'] hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) # XXX: skipping min/max for this test since the behavior of Pandas # is inconsistent: it assigns NaN to last output instead of 4! if func_name not in ('min', 'max'): pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(hpat_func(df1), test_impl(df1)) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(hpat_func(df2), test_impl(df2)) @skip_numba_jit def test_variable2(self): # test sequentially with generated dfs wins = ('2s',) sizes = (121,) if LONG_TEST: wins = ('1s', '2s', '3s', '4s') sizes = (1, 2, 10, 11, 121, 1000) # all functions except apply for w, func_name in itertools.product(wins, test_funcs): func_text = "def test_impl(df):\n return df.rolling('{}', on='time').{}()\n".format(w, func_name) loc_vars = {} exec(func_text, {}, loc_vars) test_impl = loc_vars['test_impl'] hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) for n in sizes: time = pd.date_range(start='1/1/2018', periods=n, freq='s') df = pd.DataFrame({'B': np.arange(n), 'time': time}) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(hpat_func(df), test_impl(df)) @skip_numba_jit def test_variable_apply1(self): # test sequentially with manually created dfs df1 = pd.DataFrame({'B': [0, 1, 2, np.nan, 4], 'time': [pd.Timestamp('20130101 09:00:00'), pd.Timestamp('20130101 09:00:02'), pd.Timestamp('20130101 09:00:03'), pd.Timestamp('20130101 09:00:05'), pd.Timestamp('20130101 09:00:06')]}) df2 = pd.DataFrame({'B': [0, 1, 2, -2, 4], 'time': [pd.Timestamp('20130101 09:00:01'), pd.Timestamp('20130101 09:00:02'), pd.Timestamp('20130101 09:00:03'), pd.Timestamp('20130101 09:00:04'), pd.Timestamp('20130101 09:00:09')]}) wins = ('2s',) if LONG_TEST: wins = ('1s', '2s', '3s', '4s') # all functions except apply for w in wins: func_text = "def test_impl(df):\n return df.rolling('{}', on='time').apply(lambda a: a.sum())\n".format(w) loc_vars = {} exec(func_text, {}, loc_vars) test_impl = loc_vars['test_impl'] hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(hpat_func(df1), test_impl(df1)) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(hpat_func(df2), test_impl(df2)) @skip_numba_jit def test_variable_apply2(self): # test sequentially with generated dfs wins = ('2s',) sizes = (121,) if LONG_TEST: wins = ('1s', '2s', '3s', '4s') # TODO: this crashes on Travis (3 process config) with size 1 sizes = (2, 10, 11, 121, 1000) # all functions except apply for w in wins: func_text = "def test_impl(df):\n return df.rolling('{}', on='time').apply(lambda a: a.sum())\n".format(w) loc_vars = {} exec(func_text, {}, loc_vars) test_impl = loc_vars['test_impl'] hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) for n in sizes: time = pd.date_range(start='1/1/2018', periods=n, freq='s') df = pd.DataFrame({'B': np.arange(n), 'time': time}) pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(hpat_func(df), test_impl(df)) @skip_numba_jit @unittest.skipIf(platform.system() == 'Windows', "ValueError: time must be monotonic") def test_variable_parallel1(self): wins = ('2s',) sizes = (121,) if LONG_TEST: wins = ('1s', '2s', '3s', '4s') # XXX: Pandas returns time = [np.nan] for size==1 for some reason sizes = (2, 10, 11, 121, 1000) # all functions except apply for w, func_name in itertools.product(wins, test_funcs): func_text = "def test_impl(n):\n" func_text += " df = pd.DataFrame({'B': np.arange(n), 'time': " func_text += " pd.DatetimeIndex(np.arange(n) * 1000000000)})\n" func_text += " res = df.rolling('{}', on='time').{}()\n".format(w, func_name) func_text += " return res.B.sum()\n" loc_vars = {} exec(func_text, {'pd': pd, 'np': np}, loc_vars) test_impl = loc_vars['test_impl'] hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) for n in sizes: np.testing.assert_almost_equal(hpat_func(n), test_impl(n)) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 0) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_REPs(), 0) @skip_numba_jit @unittest.skipIf(platform.system() == 'Windows', "ValueError: time must be monotonic") def test_variable_apply_parallel1(self): wins = ('2s',) sizes = (121,) if LONG_TEST: wins = ('1s', '2s', '3s', '4s') # XXX: Pandas returns time = [np.nan] for size==1 for some reason sizes = (2, 10, 11, 121, 1000) # all functions except apply for w in wins: func_text = "def test_impl(n):\n" func_text += " df = pd.DataFrame({'B': np.arange(n), 'time': " func_text += " pd.DatetimeIndex(np.arange(n) * 1000000000)})\n" func_text += " res = df.rolling('{}', on='time').apply(lambda a: a.sum())\n".format(w) func_text += " return res.B.sum()\n" loc_vars = {} exec(func_text, {'pd': pd, 'np': np}, loc_vars) test_impl = loc_vars['test_impl'] hpat_func = self.jit(test_impl) for n in sizes: np.testing.assert_almost_equal(hpat_func(n), test_impl(n)) self.assertEqual(count_array_REPs(), 0) self.assertEqual(count_parfor_REPs(), 0) @skip_numba_jit def test_series_fixed1(self): # test series rolling functions # all functions except apply S1 =
pd.Series([0, 1, 2, np.nan, 4])
import io import time import json from datetime import datetime import pandas as pd from pathlib import Path import requests drop_cols = [ '3-day average of daily number of positive tests (may count people more than once)', 'daily total tests completed (may count people more than once)', '3-day average of new people who tested positive (counts first positive lab per person)', '3-day average of currently hospitalized', 'daily number of vaccine doses administered beyond the primary series ' ] def save_file(df, file_path, current_date): # save/update file if not Path(file_path).exists(): df.to_csv(file_path, index=False) else: # get prior file date prior = pd.read_csv(file_path, parse_dates=['date']) prior_date = pd.to_datetime(prior['date'].max()).date() if current_date > prior_date: df.to_csv(file_path, mode='a', header=False, index=False) return def scrape_sheet(sheet_id): # load previous raw_data and get prior date raw_general = './data/raw/ri-covid-19.csv' df = pd.read_csv(raw_general, parse_dates=['date']) prior_date = df['date'].max().tz_localize('EST').date() # wait till 5:05 then check every 15 mins for update target = while < target: print(f"[status] waiting for 5pm", end='\r') time.sleep(60) # load data from RI - DOH spreadsheet gen_url = f'{sheet_id}264100583' df = pd.read_csv(gen_url).dropna(axis=1, how='all') date = list(df)[1].strip() date = pd.to_datetime(date).tz_localize('EST').date() if df.shape[0] != 27: print('[ERROR: summary page format changed]') while not prior_date < date: print(f"[status] waiting for update...{time.strftime('%H:%M')}", end='\r') time.sleep(5 * 60) df = pd.read_csv(gen_url) date = list(df)[1].strip() date = pd.to_datetime(date).tz_localize('EST').date() else: print('[status] found new update pausing for 2 mins') time.sleep(2 * 60) ## transform general sheet df['date'] = date df.columns = ['metric', 'count', 'date'] save_file(df, raw_general, date) ## scrape geographic sheet geo_url = f'{sheet_id}901548302' geo_df = pd.read_csv(geo_url) # get grographic date & fix cols geo_date = geo_df.iloc[-1][1] geo_date = pd.to_datetime(geo_date) geo_df['date'] = geo_date cols = [x for x in list(geo_df) if 'Rate' not in x] geo_df = geo_df[cols] geo_df = geo_df.dropna(axis=0) geo_df.columns = ['city_town', 'count', 'hostpialized', 'deaths', 'fully_vaccinated', 'date'] # save file raw_geo = './data/raw/geo-ri-covid-19.csv' save_file(geo_df, raw_geo, geo_date) ## scrape demographics sheet dem_url = f'{sheet_id}31350783' dem_df = pd.read_csv(dem_url) # make sure no columns were added/removed if not dem_df.shape == (31, 9): print('[error] demographics format changed') return else: # get demographics updated date dem_date = dem_df.iloc[-1][1] dem_date = pd.to_datetime(dem_date).tz_localize('EST').date() # drop percentage columns & rename dem_df = dem_df.drop(dem_df.columns[[1, 2, 4, 6, 8]], axis=1) dem_df.columns = ['metric', 'case_count', 'hosptialized', 'deaths'] # get data sex = dem_df[1:4] age = dem_df[5:17] race = dem_df[18:24] dem_df = pd.concat([sex, age, race]) dem_df['date'] = dem_date raw_dem = './data/raw/demographics-covid-19.csv' save_file(dem_df, raw_dem, dem_date) def scrape_revised(sheet_id): # load previous revised_data and get prior date raw_revised = './data/raw/revised-data.csv' df = pd.read_csv(raw_revised, parse_dates=['date']) prior_date = df['date'].max().tz_localize('EST').date() # load revised sheet & fix column names url = f'{sheet_id}1592746937' df = pd.read_csv(url, parse_dates=['Date']) df.columns = [x.lower() for x in list(df)] # test to try and make sure columns dont change if df.shape[1] != 36 or list(df)[6] != 'daily total tests completed (may count people more than once)': print('[error] revised sheet columns changed') return # check if updated if df['date'].max() > prior_date: df = df.drop(columns=drop_cols) # re order columns move_cols = (list(df)[6:11] + list(df)[22:31]) cols = [x for x in list(df) if x not in move_cols] cols.extend(move_cols) df = df[cols] df['date_scraped'] = datetime.strftime(, '%m/%d/%Y') save_file(df, raw_revised, df['date'].max()) def scrape_nursing_homes(sheet_id): # load prior date raw_facility = './data/raw/nurse-homes-covid-19.csv' df = pd.read_csv(raw_facility, parse_dates=['date']) prior_date = df['date'].max().tz_localize('EST').date() url = f'{sheet_id}500394186' df = pd.read_csv(url) # get date of last update date = df.iloc[0,0].split(' ')[-1] date = pd.to_datetime(date).tz_localize('EST').date() if not date > prior_date: print('\n[status] nursing homes:\tno update') return else: # fix headers df.columns = df.iloc[1] # drop past 14 days column df = df.drop(columns='New Resident Cases (in past 14 days)') df['Facility Name'] = df['Facility Name'].str.replace(u'\xa0', ' ') # random unicode appeared # fix dataframe shape assisted = df[df['Facility Name'] == 'Assisted Living Facilities'].index[0] nursing_homes = df[3:assisted].copy() assisted_living = df[assisted+1:-1].copy() # add facility type & recombine nursing_homes['type'] = 'nursing home' assisted_living['type'] = 'assisted living' df = pd.concat([nursing_homes, assisted_living]).reset_index(drop=True) # add date df['date'] = date save_file(df, raw_facility, date) print('[status] nursing homes:\tupdated') def scrape_zip_codes(sheet_id): # load prior date raw_zip = './data/raw/zip-codes-covid-19.csv' df = pd.read_csv(raw_zip, parse_dates=['date']) prior_date = df['date'].max().tz_localize('EST').date() url = f'{sheet_id}365656702' df = pd.read_csv(url) # check if updated date = df.iloc[-1][1].strip() date =
# # Copyright (C) 2019 Databricks, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # from distutils.version import LooseVersion import inspect import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pyspark import databricks.koalas as ks from databricks.koalas.exceptions import PandasNotImplementedError from databricks.koalas.missing.indexes import MissingPandasLikeIndex, MissingPandasLikeMultiIndex from databricks.koalas.testing.utils import ReusedSQLTestCase, TestUtils class IndexesTest(ReusedSQLTestCase, TestUtils): @property def pdf(self): return pd.DataFrame( {"a": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], "b": [4, 5, 6, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0],}, index=[0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 9, 9], ) @property def kdf(self): return ks.from_pandas(self.pdf) def test_index(self): for pdf in [ pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 5), index=list("abcdefghij")), pd.DataFrame( np.random.randn(10, 5), index=pd.date_range("2011-01-01", freq="D", periods=10) ), pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 5), columns=list("abcde")).set_index(["a", "b"]), ]: kdf = ks.from_pandas(pdf) self.assert_eq(kdf.index, pdf.index) def test_index_getattr(self): kidx = self.kdf.index item = "databricks" expected_error_message = "'Index' object has no attribute '{}'".format(item) with self.assertRaisesRegex(AttributeError, expected_error_message): kidx.__getattr__(item) def test_multi_index_getattr(self): arrays = [[1, 1, 2, 2], ["red", "blue", "red", "blue"]] idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(arrays, names=("number", "color")) pdf = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(4, 5), idx) kdf = ks.from_pandas(pdf) kidx = kdf.index item = "databricks" expected_error_message = "'MultiIndex' object has no attribute '{}'".format(item) with self.assertRaisesRegex(AttributeError, expected_error_message): kidx.__getattr__(item) def test_to_series(self): pidx = self.pdf.index kidx = self.kdf.index self.assert_eq(kidx.to_series(), pidx.to_series()) self.assert_eq(repr(kidx.to_series(name="a")), repr(pidx.to_series(name="a"))) # With name = "Koalas" = "Koalas" self.assert_eq(repr(kidx.to_series()), repr(pidx.to_series())) self.assert_eq(repr(kidx.to_series(name=("x", "a"))), repr(pidx.to_series(name=("x", "a")))) # With tupled name = ("x", "a") = ("x", "a") self.assert_eq(repr(kidx.to_series()), repr(pidx.to_series())) self.assert_eq(repr(kidx.to_series(name="a")), repr(pidx.to_series(name="a"))) self.assert_eq((kidx + 1).to_series(), (pidx + 1).to_series()) pidx = self.pdf.set_index("b", append=True).index kidx = self.kdf.set_index("b", append=True).index with self.sql_conf({"spark.sql.execution.arrow.enabled": False}): self.assert_eq(kidx.to_series(), pidx.to_series()) self.assert_eq(kidx.to_series(name="a"), pidx.to_series(name="a")) def test_to_frame(self): pidx = self.pdf.index kidx = self.kdf.index self.assert_eq(repr(kidx.to_frame()), repr(pidx.to_frame())) self.assert_eq(repr(kidx.to_frame(index=False)), repr(pidx.to_frame(index=False))) = "a" = "a" self.assert_eq(repr(kidx.to_frame()), repr(pidx.to_frame())) self.assert_eq(repr(kidx.to_frame(index=False)), repr(pidx.to_frame(index=False))) if LooseVersion(pd.__version__) >= LooseVersion("0.24"): # The `name` argument is added in pandas 0.24. self.assert_eq(repr(kidx.to_frame(name="x")), repr(pidx.to_frame(name="x"))) self.assert_eq( repr(kidx.to_frame(index=False, name="x")), repr(pidx.to_frame(index=False, name="x")), ) pidx = self.pdf.set_index("b", append=True).index kidx = self.kdf.set_index("b", append=True).index self.assert_eq(repr(kidx.to_frame()), repr(pidx.to_frame())) self.assert_eq(repr(kidx.to_frame(index=False)), repr(pidx.to_frame(index=False))) if LooseVersion(pd.__version__) >= LooseVersion("0.24"): # The `name` argument is added in pandas 0.24. self.assert_eq( repr(kidx.to_frame(name=["x", "y"])), repr(pidx.to_frame(name=["x", "y"])) ) self.assert_eq( repr(kidx.to_frame(index=False, name=["x", "y"])), repr(pidx.to_frame(index=False, name=["x", "y"])), ) def test_index_names(self): kdf = self.kdf self.assertIsNone( idx = pd.Index([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], name="x") pdf = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 5), index=idx, columns=list("abcde")) kdf = ks.from_pandas(pdf) pser = pdf.a kser = kdf.a self.assertEqual(, self.assertEqual(kdf.index.names, pdf.index.names) pidx = pdf.index kidx = kdf.index = "renamed" = "renamed" self.assertEqual(, self.assertEqual(kidx.names, pidx.names) self.assert_eq(kidx, pidx) self.assertEqual(, self.assertEqual(kdf.index.names, pdf.index.names) self.assertEqual(kser.index.names, pser.index.names) = None = None self.assertEqual(, self.assertEqual(kidx.names, pidx.names) self.assert_eq(kidx, pidx) self.assertEqual(, self.assertEqual(kdf.index.names, pdf.index.names) self.assertEqual(kser.index.names, pser.index.names) with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "Names must be a list-like"): kidx.names = "hi" expected_error_message = "Length of new names must be {}, got {}".format( len(kdf._internal.index_map), len(["0", "1"]) ) with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, expected_error_message): kidx.names = ["0", "1"] def test_multi_index_names(self): arrays = [[1, 1, 2, 2], ["red", "blue", "red", "blue"]] idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(arrays, names=("number", "color")) pdf = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(4, 5), idx) kdf = ks.from_pandas(pdf) self.assertEqual(kdf.index.names, pdf.index.names) pidx = pdf.index kidx = kdf.index pidx.names = ["renamed_number", "renamed_color"] kidx.names = ["renamed_number", "renamed_color"] self.assertEqual(kidx.names, pidx.names) pidx.names = ["renamed_number", None] kidx.names = ["renamed_number", None] self.assertEqual(kidx.names, pidx.names) if LooseVersion(pyspark.__version__) < LooseVersion("2.4"): # PySpark < 2.4 does not support struct type with arrow enabled. with self.sql_conf({"spark.sql.execution.arrow.enabled": False}): self.assert_eq(kidx, pidx) else: self.assert_eq(kidx, pidx) with self.assertRaises(PandasNotImplementedError): with self.assertRaises(PandasNotImplementedError): = "renamed" def test_index_rename(self): pdf = pd.DataFrame( np.random.randn(10, 5), index=pd.Index([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], name="x") ) kdf = ks.from_pandas(pdf) pidx = pdf.index kidx = kdf.index self.assert_eq(kidx.rename("y"), pidx.rename("y")) self.assert_eq(kdf.index.names, pdf.index.names) kidx.rename("z", inplace=True) pidx.rename("z", inplace=True) self.assert_eq(kidx, pidx) self.assert_eq(kdf.index.names, pdf.index.names) self.assert_eq(kidx.rename(None), pidx.rename(None)) self.assert_eq(kdf.index.names, pdf.index.names) def test_multi_index_rename(self): arrays = [[1, 1, 2, 2], ["red", "blue", "red", "blue"]] idx =
pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(arrays, names=("number", "color"))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Jul 2 09:25:41 2019 @author: michaelek """ import os import pandas as pd from pdsql import mssql from matplotlib.pyplot import show pd.options.display.max_columns = 10 date_col = 'Date_Time_Readings' output_path = r'C:\ecan\git\water-use-advice\2020-08-17' csv1 = 'L37-0812-m1.csv' csv2 = 'L37-0812-m2.csv' csv1_out = 'L37-0812-m1_fix.csv' csv2_out = 'L37-0812-m2_fix.csv' ######################################## ### Read and plot data ## Wap 1 df1 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(output_path, csv1)) df1[date_col] = pd.to_datetime(df1['Date'] + ' ' + df1['Time'], dayfirst=True) df2 = df1.drop(['Date', 'Time', 'GLOBAL.Flow1', 'GLOBAL.waterlevel'], axis=1) df2 = df2.drop_duplicates(date_col).sort_values(date_col) df2.rename(columns={'GLOBAL.Volume1': 'Acc'}, inplace=True) df3 = df2.copy() df3['sec_diff'] = df3[date_col].diff().dt.seconds df3['vol_diff'] = df3['Acc'].diff() print(any(df3['vol_diff'] < 0)) df2.set_index(date_col, inplace=True) df2.plot() show() df2.to_csv(os.path.join(output_path, csv1_out)) ## Wap 2 df1 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(output_path, csv2)) df1[date_col] =
pd.to_datetime(df1['Date'] + ' ' + df1['Time'], dayfirst=True)
import pandas as pd import numpy as np from openpyxl import load_workbook from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib import rcParams import matplotlib.ticker as ticker from collections import namedtuple import inspect import os from lcmod.core import make_shape, get_forecast def spend_mult(sav_rate, k1=None, k2=None, ratio=None): '''Returns the multiplier to apply to baseline spend to reflect a change in threshold (k1->k2), given the savings (drugs substitution) as a proportion r of the original costs k1 = (C1 - s)/dQ : k is cost/QALY, c is cost of drug, s is savings s = rC1, r=s/C1 : r is savings as proportion of initial costs k1 = (1-r)C1 : assume dQ is 1 as effects are all relative C1 = k1/(1-r) k2 = C2 -rC1; C2 = k2 + rC1 = k2 + rk1/(1-r) C2/C1 = (k2 + rk1/(1-r))*(k1/(1-r)) = (1-r)(k2/k1) + r ''' r = sav_rate if ratio is None: if (k1 is None) or (k2 is None): print('need a ratio or k1 and k2') return else: ratio = k2/k1 return ((1-r)*(ratio)) + r ##_________________________________________________________________________## def dump_to_xls(res_df, in_dict, outfile, append=False, prefix="", shapes=None, log=True, npv_rs=None, npv_yrs_lim=None, _debug=False): '''Dump a results DataFrame to an xls, with option to make shapes from a dict of scenarios or from a scenario alone, and/or passing shapes PARAMETERS res_df : the dataframe of results in_dict : the scenarios dictionary used to generate the dataframe of results outfile : the target file. NOTE NEEDS TO END xlsx - will be coerced append : if True will add sheets to the outfile target prefix : helpful if adding sheets - will be prepended to sheet names shapes : if a df of individual lifecycle shapes already exists, it can be passed in this parameter log : if True will append any log info to the parameters header npv_rs : pass a list of discount rates to get NPVs for all scenarios vs baseline npv_yrs_lim : if NPVs are being calculated, this optionally limits the number of years. Otherwise will be calculated over whole projection period ''' if _debug: print("\nIN FUNCTION: ".ljust(20), inspect.stack()[0][3]) if _debug: print("..called by: ".ljust(20), inspect.stack()[1][3], end="\n\n") # coerce if not xls.x if outfile.split('.')[-1] != 'xlsx': print('coercing outfile to .xlsx') outfile = outfile.split('.')[0] + '.xlsx' print('new name is ', outfile) # initialise vars params_header = None shapes_body = None # first get the params header and shapes, depending on input # if a policy is passed params_header = make_params_table(in_dict, log=log, _debug=_debug) shapes_body = make_shapes(in_dict, flat=True, multi_index=True) if _debug: print('\ngot header and shapes from in_dict:\n') if _debug: print("params_header\n", params_header, end="\n\n") if _debug: print("shapes_body\n", shapes_body.head(), end="\n") # if shapes are passed if shapes is not None: if _debug: print('preparing to overwrite shapes') shapes_body = shapes if _debug: print("new shapes_body\n", shapes_body.head(), end="\n") # assemble outputs shapes_out = params_header.append(shapes_body) main_out = params_header.append(res_df) annual_out = params_header.append(res_df.groupby(res_df.index.year).sum()) scen_sums_out = res_df.groupby(level=0, axis=1).sum() scen_sums_ann_out = scen_sums_out.groupby(res_df.index.year).sum() scen_sums_ann_diff_out = scen_sums_ann_out.subtract(scen_sums_ann_out['baseline'], axis=0).drop('baseline', axis=1) if npv_rs is not None: # get limit of yrs to plot - full df unless limited by npv_yrs if npv_yrs_lim is None: npv_yrs_lim = len(scen_sums_ann_out) npv_df = pd.DataFrame(index=npv_rs, columns = scen_sums_ann_diff_out.columns) for npv_r in npv_rs: npv_df.loc[npv_r,:] = scen_sums_ann_diff_out.iloc[:npv_yrs_lim,:].multiply((1 - npv_r) ** np.arange(npv_yrs_lim), axis=0).sum() = 'disc rate' # write out - either appending or making a new one, or not appending if append: if os.path.isfile(outfile): book = load_workbook(outfile) writer = pd.ExcelWriter(outfile, engine="openpyxl") = book else: print("could not find file to append to. will make a new one") writer = pd.ExcelWriter(outfile) # not appending else: writer = pd.ExcelWriter(outfile) shapes_out.to_excel(writer, prefix + 'shapes') main_out.to_excel(writer, prefix + 'main') annual_out.to_excel(writer, prefix + 'annual') scen_sums_out.to_excel(writer, prefix + 'scen_sums') scen_sums_ann_out.to_excel(writer, prefix + 'scen_sums_ann') scen_sums_ann_diff_out.to_excel(writer, prefix + 'scen_sums_ann_diff') if npv_rs is not None: npv_df.to_excel(writer, prefix + 'NPVs') if _debug: print("\LEAVING: ", inspect.stack()[0][3]) ##_________________________________________________________________________## def dump_shapes(scens): '''for dictionary of scenarios, dumps a single df with all the shapes - constructed from the Sheds etc, by make_shapes() TODO make this cope with dicts or list, with whatever depth ''' all_shapes = pd.DataFrame() for s in scens: for l in scens[s]: all_shapes[s,l] = make_shapes([scens[s][l]]) all_shapes.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(all_shapes.columns) all_shapes.columns.names = ['scenario', 'spendline'] = 'period' return all_shapes ##_________________________________________________________________________## def first_elem(in_struct): '''Returns the type first element of the input, be it a list or a dict ''' if isinstance(in_struct, list): return in_struct[0] elif isinstance(in_struct, dict): return in_struct[list(in_struct.keys())[0]] ##_________________________________________________________________________## def flatten(struct, _debug=False): '''Return a flat dict of spendlines, keys are tuples of the hierarchical name ''' out_dict = {} def _dig(in_struct, name=None): # if _debug: print('entering dig with', in_struct) if name is None: name = [] if isinstance(first_elem(in_struct), dict): if _debug: print('in a dict') for s in in_struct: if _debug: print('digging to ', s) _dig(in_struct[s], name + [s]) elif isinstance(first_elem(in_struct), list): if _debug: print('in a list') for s in in_struct: _dig(s, name + ['list']) else: # can't get it to use isinstance to id spendline here so have to do by default :/ if _debug: print('in a spendline I ASSUME - type ', type(first_elem(in_struct))) for l in in_struct: if _debug: print('element is ', l) out_dict[tuple(name + [l])] = in_struct[l] _dig(struct) return out_dict ###_________________________________________________________________________### def make_log(in_dict, _debug=False): '''Return a df with log contents of an input dict containing spendlines ''' pad = 25 if _debug: print("\nIN FUNCTION: ".ljust(20), inspect.stack()[0][3]) if _debug: print("..called by: ".ljust(20), inspect.stack()[1][3], end="\n\n") # first get a flat dict flat = flatten(in_dict) # instantiate the dataframe with the keys df = pd.DataFrame(columns=flat.keys()) # now go through each spend line, and then each log entry for line in flat: if _debug: print('now in spend line'.ljust(pad), line) if _debug: print('log is'.ljust(pad), flat[line].log) for entry in flat[line].log: if _debug: print('now in log entry'.ljust(pad), entry) df.loc[entry, line] = flat[line].log[entry] df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(df.columns) if _debug: print('leaving ', inspect.stack()[0][3]) return df ##_________________________________________________________________________## def make_params_table(pol_dict, index=None, log=False, _debug=False): '''Constructs a dataframe with parameters for spendlines in an input dict. There's a default set of row names - pass your own index if reqd TODO auto pick up index ''' if _debug: print("\nIN FUNCTION: ".ljust(20), inspect.stack()[0][3]) if _debug: print("..called by: ".ljust(20), inspect.stack()[1][3], end="\n\n") if index is None: index = """peak_spend_pa peak_spend icer sav_rate uptake_dur plat_dur plat_gr_pa plat_gr_pm gen_mult launch_delay launch_stop term_gr_pa term_gr_pm coh_gr_pa coh_gr_pm""".split() df = pd.DataFrame(index=index) flat_dict = flatten(pol_dict) for q in flat_dict: params = [flat_dict[q].peak_spend*12*12, # double annualised flat_dict[q].peak_spend, flat_dict[q].icer, flat_dict[q].sav_rate, int(flat_dict[q].shed.uptake_dur), int(flat_dict[q].shed.plat_dur), flat_dict[q].shed.plat_gr*12, flat_dict[q].shed.plat_gr, flat_dict[q].shed.gen_mult, flat_dict[q].launch_delay, flat_dict[q].launch_stop, flat_dict[q].term_gr*12, flat_dict[q].term_gr, flat_dict[q].coh_gr*12, flat_dict[q].coh_gr] df[q] = params if log: df = df.append(make_log(pol_dict, _debug=_debug)) df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(df.columns) if _debug: print('leaving ', inspect.stack()[0][3]) return df #_________________________________________________________________________## def make_shapes(scens, term_dur=1, start_m=None, flat=True, synch_start=False, net_spend=True, multi_index=True, _debug=False): '''For an input dict of scenarios (scens), return a df of shapes, ensuring differential launch times are handled. term_dur : minimum number of terminal periods to plot start_m : optional start month, otherwise range index synch_start : option to move index start according to negative launch delays ''' pad = 25 if _debug: print("\nIN FUNCTION: ".ljust(20), inspect.stack()[0][3]) if _debug: print("..called by: ".ljust(20), inspect.stack()[1][3], end="\n\n") if flat: scens = flatten(scens, _debug=False) pads = [25] + [8]*4 out =
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Aug 17 18:15:38 2021 @author: johan """ import os import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import tifffile as tf from scipy import ndimage from skimage.measure import regionprops, label import napari # Use GPU for processing import pyclesperanto_prototype as cle cle.select_device() def fractional_value(MapA, MapB): return np.sum(np.multiply(MapA, MapB))/np.sum(MapB) def distribution_moments(Image, Mask, **kwargs): "Returns histogram descriptors for Pixel values in an Image masked with a Mask (bool)" assert Mask.dtype == bool Prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '') nbins = kwargs.get('nbins', 100) Results = dict() values = Image[Mask == True].flatten() Results[Prefix + "_Median"] = np.median(values) Results[Prefix + "_Mean"] = values.mean() Results[Prefix + "_std"] = values.std() Results[Prefix + "_V10"] = np.quantile(values, 0.1) Results[Prefix + "_V25"] = np.quantile(values, 0.25) Results[Prefix + "_V75"] = np.quantile(values, 0.75) Results[Prefix + "_V95"] = np.quantile(values, 0.95) Histogram = dict() Histogram['hist'], Histogram['edges'] = np.histogram(values, nbins) return Results, Histogram def make_IF_mask(IF): labels = dict() labels['Background'] = 1 labels['Hypoxia'] = 4 labels['CD31'] = 3 labels['Perfusion'] = 5 # Hypoxia Hypoxia = np.zeros_like(IF, dtype=bool) Hypoxia[IF == labels['Hypoxia']] = True # CD31 CD31 = np.zeros_like(IF, dtype=bool) CD31[IF == labels['CD31']] = True # Perfusion Perfusion = np.zeros_like(IF, dtype=bool) Perfusion[IF == labels['Perfusion']] = True return Hypoxia, CD31, Perfusion def hist_to_file(hist, edges, file): df = pd.DataFrame() df['Frequency'] = hist df['Edges'] = edges[:-1] + np.diff(edges).mean()/2.0 # save centers of histogram bars instead of edges df.to_csv(file) return 1 def make_tumor_mask(HE): "Generates a binary mask of tumor areas (everything included)" print('\t---> Generating masks') labels = dict() labels['Background'] = 0 labels['Necrosis'] = 1 labels['Vital'] = 2 labels['SMA'] = 3 # Make Tumor Mask Tumor = np.zeros_like(HE, dtype=bool) Tumor[HE != labels['Background']] = True # set foreground to True Tumor[HE == labels['SMA']] = False # remove stroma tissue Tumor = ndimage.binary_fill_holes(Tumor) # Make Vital Mask Vital = np.zeros_like(HE, dtype=bool) Vital[HE == labels['Vital']] = True # Make SMA Mask SMA = np.zeros_like(HE, dtype=bool) SMA[HE == labels['SMA']] = True return Tumor, Vital, SMA def measure_vessel_sizes(label_img, **kwargs): pxsize = kwargs.get('pxsize', 0.44) label_img = label(label_img) regions = regionprops(label_img) Vessel_minor_radii = [prop.minor_axis_length * pxsize for prop in regions] # Vessel_major_radii = [prop.major_axis_length * pxsize for prop in regions] Vessel_area = [prop.area * pxsize for prop in regions] Vessel_area = np.histogram(Vessel_area) Vessel_radii = np.histogram(Vessel_minor_radii) return Vessel_area, Vessel_radii def pretty_picture(R, G, B, label): "Generate a prettyfied image for visualization" image = np.vstack([R[None, :, :], G[None, :, :], B[None, :, :]]).astype(int) image = image.transpose((1,2,0)) plt.imshow(image) plt.imshow(label, cmap='gray', alpha=0.5) def measure(segmented_HE, segmented_IF, **kwargs): "Measured defined features from provided input images HE and IF" pxsize = kwargs.get('pxsize', 0.44) HE_image = kwargs.get('HE_root', '') IF_image = kwargs.get('IF_root', '') directory = kwargs.get('dir', '') res_dir = os.path.dirname(segmented_HE) HE = tf.imread(segmented_HE) IF = tf.imread(segmented_IF) Tumor, Vital, SMA = make_tumor_mask(HE) Hypoxia, CD31, Perfusion = make_IF_mask(np.multiply(Vital, IF)) # Measure HE-related params meas = dict() meas['dir'] = directory meas['HE_input'] = HE_image meas['IF_input'] = IF_image meas['Necrotic_fraction'] = 1 -fractional_value(Vital, Tumor) meas['SMA_fraction'] = fractional_value(SMA, Tumor) # Measure IF-related params meas['Hypoxic_fraction'] = fractional_value(Hypoxia, Vital) meas['Vascular_fraction'] = fractional_value(CD31, Vital) # Vessel sizes Vessel_area, Vessel_radii = measure_vessel_sizes(CD31) hist_to_file(Vessel_area[0], Vessel_area[1], os.path.join(res_dir, 'Vessel_area_hist.csv')) hist_to_file(Vessel_radii[0], Vessel_radii[1], os.path.join(res_dir, 'Vessel_radii_hist.csv')) # Distance related features: Vessels EDT = ndimage.morphology.distance_transform_edt(np.invert(CD31)) * pxsize # get EDT EDT_fts, EDT_hist = distribution_moments(EDT, Vital, prefix='EDT_CD31') meas.update(EDT_fts) # Hypoxic-distance (HyDi) related features HyDi_fts, HyDi_hist = distribution_moments(np.multiply(EDT, Hypoxia), Vital, prefix='EDT_Hypoxia') # Save features df =
pd.DataFrame(meas, index=[0])
import pandas as pd import urllib3 as urllib import urllib.request as urllib2 import json import glob import IPython.display import re pd.options.display.max_columns = None http = urllib.PoolManager() # Load Facility Name to CMS ID json file fac2CMS_file = 'IL_FacilityName_to_CMS_ID.json' with open(fac2CMS_file) as f: ltc_name2cms_id = json.load(f) def getResponse(url): operUrl = http.request('GET', url) if(operUrl.status==200): data = jsonData = json.loads(data.decode('utf-8')) else: print("Error receiving data", operUrl.getcode()) return jsonData def facility2CMSNum (facilityName): regex = re.compile('\(\d\)') facilityName = regex.split(facilityName)[0].strip() if facilityName in ltc_name2cms_id: return ltc_name2cms_id[facilityName] else: return "No Match" # df_facilities.reset_index(inplace=True) # Needed because used group by to get facility level data ToDo: COnsider moving this code up # df_facilities['county-facName']= df_facilities['County'].str.upper() + '-' + df_facilities['FacilityName'].str.upper() # df_facilities['CMS_ProvNum'] = df_facilities['county-facName'].apply(lambda x: facility2CMSNum(x)) def pull_IL_json_from_file(file): ''' - Get IL data from JSON file Return: Reporting Date: str, DataFrame of Outbreak data: dict ''' #Get IL data from JSON ltc_data = getResponse('') ltc_data_json = json.dumps(ltc_data) # Extract Reporting Data reporting_date = '%d-%02d-%02d' %(ltc_data['LastUpdateDate']['year'], ltc_data['LastUpdateDate']['month'], ltc_data['LastUpdateDate']['day']) #Saving a copy of source data ltc_data_json = json.dumps(ltc_data) file = "Source_data/IL_" + reporting_date + "_LTC_data_Source.json" with open(file, "w") as f: f.write(ltc_data_json) # Get Reporting Date reporting_date = '%d-%02d-%02d' % (ltc_data['LastUpdateDate']['year'], ltc_data['LastUpdateDate']['month'], ltc_data['LastUpdateDate']['day']) return reporting_date, ltc_data def pull_IL_json_from_web(): ''' - Get IL data from JSON - Store IL data in Source Data w/Date Stamp Return: Reporting Date: str, DataFrame of Outbreak data: dict ''' #Get IL data from JSON ltc_data = getResponse('') ltc_data_json = json.dumps(ltc_data) # Extract Reporting Data reporting_date = '%d-%02d-%02d' %(ltc_data['LastUpdateDate']['year'], ltc_data['LastUpdateDate']['month'], ltc_data['LastUpdateDate']['day']) #Saving a copy of source data ltc_data_json = json.dumps(ltc_data) file = "Source_data/IL_" + reporting_date + "_LTC_data_Source.json" with open(file, "w") as f: f.write(ltc_data_json) # Get Reporting Date reporting_date = '%d-%02d-%02d' % (ltc_data['LastUpdateDate']['year'], ltc_data['LastUpdateDate']['month'], ltc_data['LastUpdateDate']['day']) return reporting_date, ltc_data def outbreak_df_from_file(outbreak_data, ltc_name2cms_id): """ From Json file: 1) return DataFrame augmented and save to file 2) return Summary data""" ltc_data = outbreak_data # TODO Refactor NAME # Extract Reporting Data reporting_date = '%d-%02d-%02d' %(ltc_data['LastUpdateDate']['year'], ltc_data['LastUpdateDate']['month'], ltc_data['LastUpdateDate']['day']) # Build DataFrame df =
""" Helpers for metrics """ import altair as alt import numpy as np import pandas as pd import streamlit as st from sklearn import metrics from xai_fairness.toolkit_perf import ( cumulative_gain_curve, binary_ks_curve) def confusion_matrix_chart(source, title="Confusion matrix"): """Confusion matrix.""" base = alt.Chart(source).encode( x="predicted:O", y="actual:O", ).properties( title=title, ) rects = base.mark_rect().encode( color="value:Q", ) text = base.mark_text( align="center", baseline="middle", color="black", size=12, dx=0, ).encode( text="value:Q", ) return rects + text def roc_chart(fpr, tpr, title="ROC curve"): """ROC curve.""" source = pd.DataFrame({"FPR": fpr, "TPR": tpr}) base = alt.Chart(source).properties(title=title) line = base.mark_line(color="red").encode( alt.X("FPR", title="False positive rate"), alt.Y("TPR", title="True positive rate"), alt.Tooltip(["FPR", "TPR"]), ) area = base.mark_area(fillOpacity=0.5, fill="red").encode( alt.X("FPR"), alt.Y("TPR"), ) _df = pd.DataFrame({"x": [0, 1], "y": [0, 1]}) baseline = alt.Chart(_df).mark_line(strokeDash=[20, 5], color="black").encode( alt.X("x"), alt.Y("y"), ) return line + area + baseline def line_chart(source, xtitle, ytitle, title): """General line chart.""" base = alt.Chart(source).properties(title=title) line = base.mark_line().encode( alt.X("x:Q", title=xtitle), alt.Y("y:Q", title=ytitle), tooltip=[alt.Tooltip("x", title=xtitle), alt.Tooltip("y", title=ytitle)], ) return line def precision_recall_chart(precision, recall, title="Precision-Recall curve"): """PR curve.""" source = pd.DataFrame({"x": recall, "y": precision}) return line_chart(source, "Recall", "Precision", title=title) def cumulative_gain_chart(percentages, gains, title="Cumulative gain curve"): """Cumulative gain curve.""" source = pd.DataFrame({"x": percentages, "y": gains}) return line_chart(source, "Percentage of samples selected", "Percentage of positive labels", title=title) def cumulative_lift_chart(percentages, gains, title="Cumulative lift curve"): """Cumulative lift curve.""" source = pd.DataFrame({"x": percentages, "y": gains}) return line_chart(source, "Percentage of samples selected", "Lift", title=title) def recall_k_chart(percentages, recall, title="Recall@K"): """Recall@k curve.""" source =
pd.DataFrame({"x": percentages, "y": recall})
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- """ Date: 2021/8/20 18:02 Desc: 东方财富网-数据中心-特色数据-股权质押 东方财富网-数据中心-特色数据-股权质押-股权质押市场概况: 东方财富网-数据中心-特色数据-股权质押-上市公司质押比例: 东方财富网-数据中心-特色数据-股权质押-重要股东股权质押明细: 东方财富网-数据中心-特色数据-股权质押-质押机构分布统计-证券公司: 东方财富网-数据中心-特色数据-股权质押-质押机构分布统计-银行: 东方财富网-数据中心-特色数据-股权质押-行业数据: """ import math from akshare.utils import demjson import pandas as pd import requests from tqdm import tqdm def stock_em_gpzy_profile() -> pd.DataFrame: """ 东方财富网-数据中心-特色数据-股权质押-股权质押市场概况 :return: 股权质押市场概况 :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ url = "" params = { "type": "ZD_SUM", "token": "<PASSWORD>459a279469fe49eca5", "cmd": "", "st": "tdate", "sr": "-1", "p": "1", "ps": "5000", "js": "var zvxnZOnT={pages:(tp),data:(x),font:(font)}", "rt": "52583914", } temp_df = pd.DataFrame() res = requests.get(url, params=params) data_text = res.text data_json = demjson.decode(data_text[data_text.find("={") + 1 :]) map_dict = dict( zip( pd.DataFrame(data_json["font"]["FontMapping"])["code"], pd.DataFrame(data_json["font"]["FontMapping"])["value"], ) ) for key, value in map_dict.items(): data_text = data_text.replace(key, str(value)) data_json = demjson.decode(data_text[data_text.find("={") + 1 :]) temp_df = temp_df.append(pd.DataFrame(data_json["data"]), ignore_index=True) temp_df.columns = [ "交易日期", "sc_zsz", "平均质押比例(%)", "涨跌幅", "A股质押总比例(%)", "质押公司数量", "质押笔数", "质押总股数(股)", "质押总市值(元)", "沪深300指数", ] temp_df = temp_df[ [ "交易日期", "平均质押比例(%)", "涨跌幅", "A股质押总比例(%)", "质押公司数量", "质押笔数", "质押总股数(股)", "质押总市值(元)", "沪深300指数", ] ] temp_df["交易日期"] = pd.to_datetime(temp_df["交易日期"]) return temp_df def stock_em_gpzy_pledge_ratio(trade_date: str = "2020-08-07") -> pd.DataFrame: """ 东方财富网-数据中心-特色数据-股权质押-上市公司质押比例 :param trade_date: 指定交易日, 访问 查询 :type trade_date: str :return: 上市公司质押比例 :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ url = "" temp_df = pd.DataFrame() params = { "type": "ZD_QL_LB", "token": "70<PASSWORD>f4f09<PASSWORD>59a279469fe49eca5", "cmd": "", "st": "amtshareratio", "sr": "-1", "p": "1", "ps": "5000", "js": "var rlJqyOhv={pages:(tp),data:(x),font:(font)}", "filter": f"(tdate='{trade_date}')", "rt": "52584436", } res = requests.get(url, params=params) data_text = res.text data_json = demjson.decode(data_text[data_text.find("={") + 1 :]) map_dict = dict( zip(
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import logging import requests import json from rasa_core_sdk import Action import pandas as pd from duckling import DucklingWrapper # from import SlotSet from import SlotSet from import AllSlotsReset from import Restarted logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) d = DucklingWrapper() class ActionJoke(Action): def name(self): # define the name of the action which can then be included in training stories return "action_joke" def run(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain): # what your action should do request = requests.get('').json() #make an apie call joke = request['value']['joke'] #extract a joke from returned json response dispatcher.utter_message(joke) #send the message back to the user return [] # class ActionAskModelYear(Action): # def name(self): # # define the name of the action which can then be included in training stories # return "action_ask_model_year" # def run(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain): # # what your action should do # user_message = tracker.latest_message['text'] # dt = d.parse_time(user_message) # model_year = dt[0][:4] if dt is not None else None # return [SlotSet("model_year", model_year)] class ActionGetModelYear(Action): def name(self): # define the name of the action which can then be included in training stories return "action_get_model_year" def run(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain): # what your action should do user_message = tracker.latest_message['text'] dt = d.parse_time(user_message) print(user_message) print(dt) years = [v['text'] for v in dt if v['value']['grain'] == u'year'] model_year = None if len(years) == 1: # dispatcher.utter_template("utter_ask_dob", tracker, silent_fail=True) model_year = years[0] # else: # dispatcher.utter_template("utter_ask_model_year", tracker, silent_fail=True) return [SlotSet("model_year", model_year)] class ActionVerifyDob(Action): def name(self): # define the name of the action which can then be included in training stories return "action_verify_dob" def run(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain): # what your action should do # user_message = tracker.latest_message['text'] # print(tracker.latest_message) dt = tracker.get_slot('time') age = None print(dt) if dt is not None: age = int(( -
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns from sklearn.cluster import KMeans import pandas as pd import numpy as np from PIL import Image def rgb_to_hex(rgb): return '#%02x%02x%02x' % (int(rgb[0]), int(rgb[1]), int(rgb[2])) # Convert PIL image to array img ="dogs.jpeg") np_array = np.array(img) print("Array shape") print(np_array.shape) print("\nDimensions of the Image") print("Height : " + str(img.height)) print("Width : " + str(img.width)) # Reshape the array in 2 dimensions flat_array = np_array.ravel() new_array = flat_array.reshape(np_array.shape[0] * np_array.shape[1], np_array.shape[2]) # Initializing the k means kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=3) print("\nCluster centroids") print(kmeans.cluster_centers_) # count elements of each cluster print("Elements of Each cluster ") unique, counts = np.unique(kmeans.labels_, return_counts=True) print(dict(zip(unique, counts))) df =
pd.DataFrame(new_array, columns=["col1", "col2", "col3"])
import argparse import itertools import multiprocessing as mp import os from inspect import signature import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd from Timer import Timer, timer import qpputils as dp try: from crossval import InterTopicCrossValidation, IntraTopicCrossValidation from queries_pre_process import add_topic_to_qdf except ModuleNotFoundError: import sys from pathlib import Path script_dir = sys.path[0] # Adding the parent directory to the path sys.path.append(str(Path(script_dir).parent)) from crossval import InterTopicCrossValidation, IntraTopicCrossValidation from queries_pre_process import add_topic_to_qdf PREDICTORS = ['clarity', 'wig', 'nqc', 'smv', 'rsd', 'qf', 'uef/clarity', 'uef/wig', 'uef/nqc', 'uef/smv', 'uef/qf'] # PREDICTORS = ['clarity', 'wig', 'nqc', 'uef/clarity', 'uef/wig', 'uef/nqc'] SIMILARITY_MEASURES = ['Jac_coefficient', 'RBO_EXT_100', 'Top_10_Docs_overlap', 'RBO_FUSED_EXT_100'] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='PageRank UQV Evaluation', usage='python3.7 -c CORPUS') parser.add_argument('-c', '--corpus', default='ROBUST', type=str, help='corpus (index) to work with', choices=['ROBUST', 'ClueWeb12B']) def calc_best_worst(full_df: pd.DataFrame, ap_df: pd.DataFrame, metric_direction): bw_param = max if metric_direction == 'best' else min _ap_vars = ap_df.loc[ap_df.groupby('topic')['ap'].transform(bw_param) == ap_df['ap']].set_index('topic') _results = [] for col in full_df.set_index(['topic', 'qid']).columns: pr_df = full_df.loc[:, ['topic', 'qid', col]] _result = {} for topic, _df in pr_df.groupby('topic'): _var_ap = _ap_vars.loc[topic].qid if type(_var_ap) is str: _pr_val = _df.loc[_df['qid'] == _var_ap, col].values[0] else: _pr_val = np.mean(_df.loc[_df['qid'].isin(_var_ap), col].values) if metric_direction == 'best': _var_score = np.count_nonzero(_df[col] < _pr_val) / len(_df) else: _var_score = np.count_nonzero(_df[col] > _pr_val) / len(_df) _result[topic] = {col: _var_score} _results.append(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(_result, orient='index')) df = pd.concat(_results, axis=1) return df def set_basic_paths(corpus): res_dir, data_dir = dp.set_environment_paths() cv_folds = dp.ensure_file(f'{res_dir}/{corpus}/test/2_folds_30_repetitions.json') ap_file = dp.ensure_file(f'{res_dir}/{corpus}/test/raw/QLmap1000') pkl_dir = dp.ensure_dir(f'{res_dir}/{corpus}/test/pageRank/pkl_files') return {'res_dir': res_dir, 'data_dir': data_dir, 'pkl_dir': pkl_dir, 'cv_folds': cv_folds, 'ap_file': ap_file} def init_eval(corpus, similarity, predictor): pth_dict = set_basic_paths(corpus) predictor_pkl_dir = dp.ensure_dir(f"{pth_dict['pkl_dir']}/{predictor}") predictions_dir = dp.ensure_dir( f'{pth_dict["res_dir"]}/{corpus}/uqvPredictions/referenceLists/pageRank/raw/{similarity}/{predictor}/predictions') ap_obj = dp.ResultsReader(pth_dict['ap_file'], 'ap') ap_df = add_topic_to_qdf(ap_obj.data_df) cv_obj = InterTopicCrossValidation(predictions_dir=predictions_dir, folds_map_file=pth_dict['cv_folds']) full_results_df = add_topic_to_qdf(cv_obj.full_set) return {'predictor_pkl_dir': predictor_pkl_dir, 'ap_obj': ap_obj, 'ap_df': ap_df, 'full_results_df': full_results_df, 'cv_obj': cv_obj} @timer def best_worst_metric(corpus, similarity, predictor, metric, load=False): assert metric == 'best' or metric == 'worst', f'The function expects a known metric. {metric} was passed' pkl_dir, ap_obj, ap_df, full_results_df, cv_obj = init_eval(corpus, similarity, predictor).values() _file = f'{pkl_dir}/{similarity}_{metric}_results.pkl' if load: _df = load_exec(_file, calc_best_worst, (full_results_df, ap_df, metric)) else: _df = calc_best_worst(full_results_df, ap_df, metric) _df.to_pickle(_file) return calc_s(cv_obj, _df) def calc_s(cv_obj: InterTopicCrossValidation, full_scores_df: pd.DataFrame): if hasattr(cv_obj, 'corr_df'): cv_obj.__delattr__('corr_df') cv_obj.full_set = full_scores_df score = cv_obj.calc_test_results() return float(score) def load_exec(file_to_load, function_to_exec, args=None): """ The function tries to load a pandas DataFrame from Pickle file, if the file doesn't exist it will use the function that was passed as an argument to generate a new DataFrame. The assumptions are that the pickle file is a pandas DataFrame (if exists) and the passed function returns a pandas DataFrame :param file_to_load: path to the file that should loaded :param function_to_exec: the function that will be executed in case the file doesn't exist :param args: single or list of arguments to pass to the exec function :return: pd.DataFrame """ try: _df = pd.read_pickle(dp.ensure_file(file_to_load)) except AssertionError: # Checking the signature of the function sig = signature(function_to_exec) if bool(sig.parameters): if len(sig.parameters) > 1: _df = function_to_exec(*args) else: _df = function_to_exec(args) else: _df = function_to_exec() _df.to_pickle(file_to_load) return _df def minmax_ap_metric(corpus, similarity, predictor, minmax): pkl_dir, ap_obj, raw_ap_df, full_pr_df, cv_obj = init_eval(corpus, similarity, predictor).values() _list = [] for col in full_pr_df.set_index(['topic', 'qid']).columns: grpby = full_pr_df.loc[:, ['topic', 'qid', col]].set_index('qid').groupby('topic')[col] _qids = grpby.idxmax() if minmax == 'max' else grpby.idxmin() _df = raw_ap_df.loc[raw_ap_df.qid.isin(_qids)].set_index('topic')['ap'] _list.append(_df.rename(col)) full_ap_df = pd.concat(_list, axis=1) return calc_s(cv_obj, full_ap_df) if minmax == 'max' else -calc_s(cv_obj, -full_ap_df) def run_intra_topic_eval(corpus, similarity, predictor): spam_time = Timer(f'working on {corpus, similarity, predictor}') pth_dict = set_basic_paths(corpus) # {'res_dir': res_dir, 'data_dir': data_dir, 'pkl_dir': pkl_dir, 'cv_folds': cv_folds, 'ap_file': ap_file} predictions_dir = dp.ensure_dir(os.path.join(pth_dict['res_dir'], f'{corpus}/uqvPredictions/referenceLists/' f'pageRank/raw/{similarity}/{predictor}/predictions')) cv_obj = IntraTopicCrossValidation(predictions_dir=predictions_dir, folds_map_file=pth_dict['cv_folds'], ap_file=pth_dict['ap_file'], save_calculations=True, test='kendall') result = cv_obj.calc_test_results() spam_time.stop() return {(corpus, similarity, predictor): result} def interactive_parameters(): # TODO: cover all options for the interactive choice with retries instead of fixed values corpus = input('What corpus should be used for evaluation?\n') while corpus != 'ROBUST' and corpus != 'ClueWeb12B': print(f'Unknown corpus: {corpus}\ntry ROBUST or ClueWeb12B instead') corpus = input('What corpus should be used for evaluation?\n') predictor = input('What predictor should be used for evaluation?\n') while predictor not in PREDICTORS: print(f'Unknown predictor: {predictor}\n try one of the available predictors instead, e.g.\n{PREDICTORS}') predictor = input('What predictor should be used for evaluation?\n') similarity = input('What similarity should be used for evaluation?\n') while similarity not in SIMILARITY_MEASURES: print( f'Unknown similarity: {similarity}\n try one of the available similarities instead, e.g.\n{SIMILARITY_MEASURES}') similarity = input('What similarity should be used for evaluation?\n') return corpus, similarity, predictor def run_all(metric_func): with mp.Pool(processes=40) as pool: results = pool.starmap(metric_func, itertools.product({'ROBUST', 'ClueWeb12B'}, SIMILARITY_MEASURES, PREDICTORS)) df = pd.DataFrame(results).T df.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(df.index, names=['corpus', 'similarity', 'predictor']) return df def load_single_per_topic_df(corpus, similarity, predictor): pth_dict = set_basic_paths(corpus) predictions_dir = dp.ensure_dir(os.path.join(pth_dict['res_dir'], f'{corpus}/uqvPredictions/referenceLists/' f'pageRank/raw/{similarity}/{predictor}/predictions')) cv_obj = IntraTopicCrossValidation(predictions_dir=predictions_dir, folds_map_file=pth_dict['cv_folds'], ap_file=pth_dict['ap_file'], save_calculations=True) df = cv_obj.load_per_topic_df() mean_val_per_topic = df.loc[:, df.columns != 'weight'].mean(1) return mean_val_per_topic, df.weight def load_full_per_topic_df(corpus): _list = [] # weight = None for similarity in SIMILARITY_MEASURES: for predictor in PREDICTORS: _sr, weight = load_single_per_topic_df(corpus, similarity, predictor) = similarity + ' ' + predictor _list.append(_sr) # = 'weight' # df = pd.concat(_list + [weight / weight.max()], axis=1) df = pd.concat(_list, axis=1) df.to_pickle(f'{corpus}_full_results_df.pkl') # df.boxplot(rot=45) # def main(args, load_results=False, interact=False): corpus = args.corpus pths_dict = set_basic_paths(corpus) if interact: print('\n\n\n------------!!!!!!!---------- Interactive Mode ------------!!!!!!!----------\n\n\n') while True: corpus, similarity, predictor = interactive_parameters() max_ap_score = minmax_ap_metric(corpus, similarity, predictor, 'max') min_ap_score = minmax_ap_metric(corpus, similarity, predictor, 'min') print(f'The MAP score using {predictor} for max PR queries: {max_ap_score}\n' f'The MAP score using {predictor} for min PR queries: {min_ap_score}') best_score = best_worst_metric(corpus, similarity, predictor, metric='best', load=True) worst_score = best_worst_metric(corpus, similarity, predictor, metric='worst', load=True) print(f'Predicting using {predictor} best var: {best_score}\n' f'Predicting using {predictor} worst var {worst_score}') elif load_results: res_df = load_exec(os.path.join(pths_dict['pkl_dir'], f'{corpus}_PageRank_results_table.pkl'), fun, corpus) print( res_df.to_latex(header=True, multirow=True, multicolumn=False, index=True, escape=False, index_names=True)) else: results_df = run_all(run_intra_topic_eval) print("\multicolumn{3}{c}{ROBUST} \\") print(results_df.astype(float).sum(1).loc['ROBUST'].to_latex(header=True, multirow=True, multicolumn=False, index=True, escape=False, index_names=True).replace('_', '-')) print("\multicolumn{3}{c}{ClueWeb12B} \\") print(results_df.astype(float).sum(1).loc['ClueWeb12B'].to_latex(header=True, multirow=True, multicolumn=False, index=True, escape=False, index_names=True).replace('_', '-')) results_df.to_pickle(os.path.join(pths_dict['pkl_dir'], f'AvgKendall_PageRank_results_table.pkl')) def fun(corpus): res_dir, data_dir = dp.set_environment_paths() raw_ap_df = dp.add_topic_to_qdf( dp.ResultsReader(dp.ensure_file(f'{res_dir}/{corpus}/test/raw/QLmap1000'), 'ap').data_df) grp_obj = raw_ap_df.groupby('topic')['ap'] avg_ap_df = grp_obj.mean() max_ap_df = grp_obj.max() min_ap_df = grp_obj.min() print(f'Average real MAP: {avg_ap_df.mean():.4f}') print(f'Maximum real MAP: {max_ap_df.mean():.4f}') print(f'Min real MAP: {min_ap_df.mean():.4f}') result = {} for similarity in SIMILARITY_MEASURES: print(f'Similarity {similarity}:') for predictor in PREDICTORS: max_ap_score = minmax_ap_metric(corpus, similarity, predictor, 'max') min_ap_score = minmax_ap_metric(corpus, similarity, predictor, 'min') print(f'The MAP score using {predictor} for max PR queries: {max_ap_score}\n' f'The MAP score using {predictor} for min PR queries: {min_ap_score}') best_score = best_worst_metric(corpus, similarity, predictor, metric='best', load=True) worst_score = best_worst_metric(corpus, similarity, predictor, metric='worst', load=True) print(f'Predicting using {predictor} best var: {best_score}\n' f'Predicting using {predictor} worst var {worst_score}') result[similarity, predictor] = {'Max MAP': max_ap_score, 'Min MAP': min_ap_score, 'Best Score': best_score, 'Worst Score': worst_score} df =
pd.DataFrame.from_dict(result, orient='index')
""" # install the package pip install deepctr # tutorial # github しかし、これは binary しか出来ないので適応不可能。 binary を無理矢理適応させるばあいは、非クリックデータを何らかの方法で生成する必要がある。 # ---- 次のアイデア ---- # github """ import tensorflow as tf import os import pickle import pandas as pd import numpy as np import copy from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error from src.module.tensorflow_DeepFM.DeepFM import DeepFM as DeepFM_ # インターフェース class DeepFM: def __init__(self, set_train_test_users, set_train_test_items, dict_genre=None, first_half_fit_only_fm=False, ctr_prediction=True): """ import pandas as pd DIR_DATA = 'src/module/knowledge_graph_attention_network/Data/ml' df_train = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(DIR_DATA, 'train_rating.csv')) df_test = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(DIR_DATA, 'test_rating.csv')) set_train_test_users = set(np.concatenate([df_train['UserID'], df_test['UserID']])) set_train_test_items = set(np.concatenate([df_train['MovieID'], df_test['MovieID']])) dict_genre = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(DIR_DATA, 'genre.pickle'), 'rb')) self = DeepFM(set_train_test_users, set_train_test_items, dict_genre) self.dfm_params['epoch'] = 10 self.dfm_params['batch_size'] = 64 users = df_train['UserID'].values items = df_train['UserID'].values ratings = df_train['Rating'].values, items, ratings) predicted = self.predict(df_test['UserID'].values, df_test['UserID'].values) # MAE of test-set print( np.mean(np.abs(predicted - df_test['Rating'])) ) # MAE of mean-prediction print( np.mean(np.abs(df_test['Rating'].mean() - df_test['Rating'])) ) ## まぁ、実際のテストをクリアできればOKとする。 """ """ 参考として、Movielens1Mデータで検証されたハイパーパラメータは以下の通り Deep Matrix Factorization Approach for Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems k(hidden-factor) = 8, γ(learning-rate) = 0.01, λ(regularization) = 0.045 K = [9, 3, 3]; Γ= [0.01, 0.01, 0.01]; Λ = [0.1, 0.01, 0.1] """ self.set_train_test_users = set(set_train_test_users) self.set_train_test_items = set(set_train_test_items) self.dict_genre = dict_genre self.first_half_fit_only_fm = first_half_fit_only_fm self.data_manager = Data_manager(set_train_test_users, set_train_test_items, dict_genre) feature_size, field_size = self.data_manager.get_feature_size_field_size() self.dfm_params = { "feature_size" : feature_size, "field_size" : field_size, "loss_type" : "mse", # "logloss" なら {0,1} の判別問題。 "mse" なら regression。 "use_fm": True, # fm-layer を使用 "use_deep": True, # deep-layer を使用 "embedding_size": 8, "dropout_fm": [1.0, 1.0], "deep_layers": [32, 32], "dropout_deep": [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], "deep_layers_activation": tf.nn.relu, "epoch": 30, "batch_size": 64, "learning_rate": 0.001, "optimizer_type": "adam", "batch_norm": 1, "batch_norm_decay": 0.995, "l2_reg": 0.0001, "l2_reg_embedding": 0.0001, "l2_reg_bias": 0.0001, "verbose": True, "eval_metric": mean_absolute_error, "greater_is_better": False, # 学習における損失スコアが大きい方が良いかどうか "random_seed": 2017, } self.ctr_prediction = ctr_prediction if self.ctr_prediction: self.dfm_params["loss_type"] = "logloss" def fit(self, users, items, ratings, test_users=[], test_items=[], test_ratings=[], **kargs): """ users = [0,0,1] items = [0,3,3] ratings = [3.,4.,5.] """ global_mean_bias_init = np.float32(np.mean(ratings)) global_mean_bias_init = 0.01 self.model = DeepFM_(**self.dfm_params, global_mean_bias_init=global_mean_bias_init, first_half_fit_only_fm=self.first_half_fit_only_fm) # もし、CTR予測の場合は、y=0のデータをランダム生成する。 if self.ctr_prediction: users = list(users) + list(np.random.choice(list(set(users)), size=len(users))) items = list(items) + list(np.random.choice(list(set(items)), size=len(items))) ratings = list((np.array(ratings)>0).astype(int)) + [0]*len(ratings) test_ratings = list((np.array(test_ratings)>0).astype(int)) Xi, Xv = self.data_manager.transform_users_and_items_to_Xi_Xv(users, items) if len(test_users)>0: test_Xi, test_Xv = self.data_manager.transform_users_and_items_to_Xi_Xv(test_users, test_items), Xv, ratings, test_Xi, test_Xv, test_ratings, early_stopping=True) else:, Xv, ratings, early_stopping=True, **kargs) # load data self.trained_users = list(set(users)) self.trained_items = list(set(items)) self.global_mean = self.model.predict(Xi, Xv).mean() def predict(self, users, items, *args, **kargs): Xi, Xv = self.data_manager.transform_users_and_items_to_Xi_Xv(users, items) predicted = self.model.predict(Xi, Xv) return predicted # prepare training and validation data in the required format class Data_manager: def __init__(self, users, items, dict_genre=None): """ users [array like object]: train, test set に含まれる user_id items [array like object]: train, test set に含まれる item_id dict_genre [dictionary]: ex) {item_id: [genre_id1, genre_id2]} tensorflow_DeepFM/example 内部のプログラム、特にDataReader.pyを読み、データの形式を解読した。 結論として、 item, user, genre の各IDは以下のように変換すればよい。 1) user = {0,1,2} → {0,1,2} *未変更 2) item = {0,1} → {3,4} *userからのインクリメントID 3) genre = {0,1} → {5,6} *itemからのインクリメントID 4) a interaction-sample [u,i,g] = [0,1,0]→[0,4,5] 5) Xi_train (X-index trainset) = [変換した[u,i,g]1, 変換した[u,i,g]2, ...] 6) Xv_train (X-value trainset) = [[1.,1.,1.], [1.,1.,1.], ...] user,item,genre はカテゴリ変数なのですべて1.となる。 7) y_train = [rating-score1, rating-score2, ...] *変換不要 EXAMPLE ------------- import pandas as pd df_rating = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(DIR_DATA, 'train_rating.csv')) dict_genre = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(DIR_DATA, 'genre.pickle'), 'rb')) users = df_rating['UserID'] items = df_rating['MovieID'] self = Data_manager(users, items, dict_genre=dict_genre) """ self.dict_genre = dict_genre # インクリメントインデックスを生成するオブジェクト self.inclement_index を生成する。 if dict_genre: dict_genre = {i:gs for i,gs in dict_genre.items() if i in items} n_genre = max([max(gs) for i,gs in dict_genre.items() if gs]) + 1 genres = list(range(n_genre)) else: dict_genre = {} n_genre = 0 genres = [] self.inclement_index = inclement_index(users, items, genres) # userとitemをインクリメントIDに変更する dict_genre = {self.inclement_index.transform([i], field='item')[0]:gs for i,gs in dict_genre.items()} # user, itemはそれぞれで2フィールド、ジャンルはジャンルラベルごとに別々のフィールドにわける。 self.re_dict_genre = {} for i,gs in dict_genre.items(): # re_dict は {item_id:(field_id, genru_id)}となる。 genre_one_hot_vec = [0] * n_genre for g in gs: genre_one_hot_vec[g] = 1 # カテゴリ変数はかならず整数の1とする。 self.re_dict_genre[i] = genre_one_hot_vec self.genre_indexes = self.inclement_index.transform(genres, field='genre') self.feature_size = self.inclement_index.get_feature_size() self.field_size = 2 + n_genre def get_feature_size_field_size(self): return self.feature_size, self.field_size def transform_users_and_items_to_Xi_Xv(self, users, items): """ users = [0,0,1] items = [1,5,5] """ Xi, Xv = [], [] users = self.inclement_index.transform(users, field='user') items = self.inclement_index.transform(items, field='item') for u,i in zip(users, items): if self.dict_genre: Xi.append([u, i] + self.genre_indexes) Xv.append([1, 1] + self.re_dict_genre[i]) else: Xi.append([u, i]) Xv.append([1, 1]) return Xi, Xv class inclement_index: def __init__(self, users, items, genres=[]): """ users = ['u0','u1',3] items = ['i0', 3] genres = ['pop', 'sf'] self = inclement_index(users, items, genres) self.transform(['u0', 'u1', 3], field='user', inverse=False) self.transform(['i0', 3], field='item', inverse=False) self.transform(['pop', 'sf'], field='genre', inverse=False) transformed = self.transform(['u0', 'u1', 3], field='user', inverse=False) self.transform(transformed, field='user', inverse=True) """ users = set(users) items = set(items) genres = set(genres) self.increment_cnt = 0 self.user_dict = {u:self.get_incremate_index() for u in users} self.user_inverse_dict = {v:k for k,v in self.user_dict.items()} self.item_dict = {i:self.get_incremate_index() for i in items} self.item_inverse_dict = {v:k for k,v in self.item_dict.items()} self.genre_dict = {g:self.get_incremate_index() for g in genres} self.genre_inverse_dict = {v:k for k,v in self.genre_dict.items()} def transform(self, xs, field='user', inverse=False): """ xs = [0,2] self.transform(xs, type='user') """ if inverse: if field == 'user': _dict = self.user_inverse_dict elif field == 'item': _dict = self.item_inverse_dict elif field == 'genre': _dict = self.genre_inverse_dict else: if field == 'user': _dict = self.user_dict elif field == 'item': _dict = self.item_dict elif field == 'genre': _dict = self.genre_dict return [_dict[x] for x in xs] def get_incremate_index(self): now_index = copy.deepcopy(self.increment_cnt) self.increment_cnt += 1 return now_index def get_feature_size(self): return self.increment_cnt if __name__ == 'how to use it.': ########################### # --- かなりシンプルなテスト --- sample_size = 1000 users = np.random.choice(range(100), size=sample_size) items = np.random.choice(range(100), size=sample_size) genre_dict = None ratings = users - items self = DeepFM(set(users), set(items)) self.dfm_params['batch_size'] = 64 self.dfm_params['epoch'] = 100, items, ratings) self.predict([10, 5, 10], [10, 10, 2]) # 正解は [0, -5, 8] である # 十分に小さなbatch_sizeかどうかは非常に重要 # これは学習テストのロス減少によって確認できる。 ########################### # --- シンプルなテスト1 --- sample_size = 1000 n_user = 500 n_item = 20 users = np.random.choice(range(n_user), size=sample_size) items = np.random.choice(range(n_item), size=sample_size) user_embedding = {u:np.random.rand(5)-0.5 for u in range(n_user)} item_embedding = {i:np.random.rand(5)-0.5 for i in range(n_item)} def rating(u, i): return 10*sum(user_embedding[u] * item_embedding[i]) + 3 ratings = [rating(u, i) for u,i in zip(users, items)] self = DeepFM(list(range(n_user)), list(range(n_item))) self.dfm_params['epoch'] = 100 self.dfm_params['embedding_size'] = 200 self.dfm_params['l2_reg'] = 0.0045, items, ratings) test_users = np.random.choice(range(n_user), size=sample_size) test_items = np.random.choice(range(n_item), size=sample_size) test_ratings = [rating(u, i) for u,i in zip(users, items)] predicted = self.predict(test_users, test_items) print( np.mean(np.abs(test_ratings - predicted)) ) print( np.mean(np.abs(test_ratings - np.mean(ratings))) ) # scaler を導入すると改善されるか? → 特に改善はされていない。 from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler scaler = StandardScaler()[[r] for r in ratings]) s_ratings = scaler.transform([[r] for r in ratings])[:,0], items, s_ratings) predicted = self.predict(test_users, test_items) predicted = scaler.inverse_transform(predicted[:,None]) print( np.mean(np.abs(test_ratings - predicted)) ) print( np.mean(np.abs(test_ratings - np.mean(ratings))) ) ########################### # --- シンプルなテスト2 bias とembedding あり --- sample_size = 1000 n_user = 500 n_item = 20 users = np.random.choice(range(n_user), size=sample_size) items = np.random.choice(range(n_item), size=sample_size) user_embedding = {u:np.random.rand(5)-0.5 for u in range(n_user)} item_embedding = {i:np.random.rand(5)-0.5 for i in range(n_item)} user_bias = {u:u/10 for u in range(n_user)} # 単純にidが大きいほどバイアスが大きい item_bias = {i:i for i in range(n_item)} # 単純にidが大きいほどバイアスが大きい def rating(u, i): return 10*sum(user_embedding[u] * item_embedding[i]) + user_bias[u] + item_bias[i] ratings = [rating(u, i) for u,i in zip(users, items)] test_users = np.random.choice(range(n_user), size=sample_size) test_items = np.random.choice(range(n_item), size=sample_size) test_ratings = [rating(u, i) for u,i in zip(users, items)] self = DeepFM(list(range(n_user)), list(range(n_item))) self.dfm_params['epoch'] = 100 self.dfm_params['embedding_size'] = 200, items, ratings, test_users, test_items, test_ratings) # 平均性能との比較 predicted = self.predict(test_users, test_items) print( np.mean(np.abs(test_ratings - predicted)) ) print( np.mean(np.abs(test_ratings - np.mean(ratings))) ) # オラクルとの比較 predicted = self.predict([200]*n_item, list(range(n_item))) answer = [rating(200,i) for i in range(n_item)] print(predicted) print(answer) print(predicted - answer) ## 内部の embedding を確認する。 feature_embeddings =["feature_embeddings"]) feature_bias =["feature_bias"]) ########################### # --- シンプルなテスト3 head-tail-new ID --- sample_size = 1000 n_user = 200 n_item = 50 ## id が後半になるほど学習セット中の出現率が低くなる。 p_user = 1/np.array(range(1, n_user+1)); p_user /= p_user.sum() p_item = 1/np.array(range(1, n_item+1)); p_item /= p_item.sum() users = np.random.choice(range(n_user), size=sample_size, p=p_user) items = np.random.choice(range(n_item), size=sample_size, p=p_item) user_embedding = {u:np.random.rand(5)-0.5 for u in range(n_user)} item_embedding = {i:np.random.rand(5)-0.5 for i in range(n_item)} user_bias = {u:u/10 for u in range(n_user)} # 単純にidが大きいほどバイアスが大きい item_bias = {i:i for i in range(n_item)} # 単純にidが大きいほどバイアスが大きい def rating(u, i): return 10*sum(user_embedding[u] * item_embedding[i]) + user_bias[u] + item_bias[i] ratings = [rating(u, i) for u,i in zip(users, items)] ## user=500 と item=20 はそれぞれ新規IDとなる test_users = np.random.choice(range(n_user), size=sample_size) test_items = np.random.choice(range(n_item), size=sample_size) test_ratings = [rating(u, i) for u,i in zip(users, items)] self = DeepFM(list(range(n_user+1)), list(range(n_item+1))) self.dfm_params['epoch'] = 300 self.dfm_params['embedding_size'] = 4, items, ratings, test_users, test_items, test_ratings) # 平均値予測との比較 predicted = self.predict(test_users, test_items) print( np.mean(np.abs(test_ratings - predicted)) ) print( np.mean(np.abs(test_ratings - np.mean(ratings))) ) ## 内部の embedding を確認する。 feature_embeddings =["feature_embeddings"]) feature_bias =["feature_bias"]) ## 可視化する(ID=500 まではユーザーで、それ以降はアイテム) import pandas as pd # [正常] 一部のembeddingがIDの増加に合わせて線形に変化している。これらはバイアス効果を一部学習している。 pd.DataFrame(feature_embeddings).plot() # [成功] DeepFM のバイアスの初期値を0付近にすることで、userのバイアスはオラクルに近くなった。 # [?] itemのバイアスはオラクルと逆にidが増加するほど減少している → おそらくembeddingがバイアスを学習してしまったゆえか? pd.DataFrame(feature_bias).plot() # 新規IDを確認する → ほぼ、初期値の0付近か? ## 新規ユーザー feature_embeddings[200] feature_bias[200] ## 新規アイテム feature_embeddings[-1] feature_bias[-1] ############################################## # --- IDとは無関係なランダムなバイアスで学習してみる --- sample_size = 1000 n_user = 200 n_item = 50 ## id が後半になるほど学習セット中の出現率が低くなる。 p_user = 1/np.array(range(1, n_user+1)); p_user /= p_user.sum() p_item = 1/np.array(range(1, n_item+1)); p_item /= p_item.sum() users = np.random.choice(range(n_user), size=sample_size, p=p_user) items = np.random.choice(range(n_item), size=sample_size, p=p_item) user_bias = {u:np.random.rand() for u in range(n_user)} item_bias = {i:np.random.rand() for i in range(n_item)} user_embedding = {u:np.random.rand(5)-0.5 for u in range(n_user)} item_embedding = {i:np.random.rand(5)-0.5 for i in range(n_item)} def rating(u, i): return 3*(sum(user_embedding[u] * item_embedding[i]) + user_bias[u] + item_bias[i]) ratings = [rating(u, i) for u,i in zip(users, items)] ## user=500 と item=20 はそれぞれ新規IDとなる test_users = np.random.choice(range(n_user), size=sample_size) test_items = np.random.choice(range(n_item), size=sample_size) test_ratings = [rating(u, i) for u,i in zip(users, items)] # ------------------------------ ############################################## self = DeepFM(list(range(n_user+1)), list(range(n_item+1))) self.dfm_params['epoch'] = 100 self.dfm_params['embedding_size'] = 4 self.dfm_params['l2_reg'] = 0.001, items, ratings, test_users, test_items, test_ratings) feature_embeddings =["feature_embeddings"]) feature_bias =["feature_bias"]) """ デバック self.predict([1]*n_item, range(n_item)) self.predict([0]*n_item, range(n_item)) [rating(1, i) for i in range(n_item)] """ pd.DataFrame(feature_embeddings).plot() pd.DataFrame(feature_bias).plot() """ 本テストは想定どおりの結果となり、成功したといえる。 その成功要因は、以下の変更を加えたことによる。 [1] 各id の embedding, bias の初期値を0付近のものに変更した。 [2] l2_reg の対象として embedding, bias を追加した。(おそらく、マイナーIDのweightが抑制されると思われるが、詳細は不明) """ # --- パラメータごとの影響を確認する。 self = DeepFM(list(range(n_user+1)), list(range(n_item+1))) self.dfm_params['epoch'] = 10 self.dfm_params['embedding_size'] = 4 self.dfm_params['use_deep'] = False, items, ratings, test_users, test_items, test_ratings) feature_embeddings =["feature_embeddings"]) feature_bias =["feature_bias"])
import asyncio from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple from dataclasses import dataclass, fields as dataclass_fields from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta, timezone from enum import Enum from itertools import chain, repeat import logging import pickle from typing import Collection, Dict, Generator, Iterable, Iterator, KeysView, List, \ Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Union import aiomcache import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pandas.core.common import flatten from sqlalchemy import sql from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import InstrumentedAttribute from sqlalchemy.sql.elements import BinaryExpression from athenian.api import metadata from athenian.api.async_utils import gather, read_sql_query from athenian.api.cache import cached, CancelCache, short_term_exptime from athenian.api.controllers.logical_repos import coerce_logical_repos from athenian.api.controllers.miners.filters import JIRAFilter, LabelFilter from athenian.api.controllers.miners.github.commit import BRANCH_FETCH_COMMITS_COLUMNS, \ DAG, fetch_precomputed_commit_history_dags, fetch_repository_commits_no_branch_dates from athenian.api.controllers.miners.github.dag_accelerated import searchsorted_inrange from athenian.api.controllers.miners.github.label import fetch_labels_to_filter from athenian.api.controllers.miners.github.logical import split_logical_repositories from athenian.api.controllers.miners.github.precomputed_prs import \ discover_inactive_merged_unreleased_prs, MergedPRFactsLoader, OpenPRFactsLoader, \ update_unreleased_prs from athenian.api.controllers.miners.github.release_load import ReleaseLoader from athenian.api.controllers.miners.github.release_match import PullRequestToReleaseMapper, \ ReleaseToPullRequestMapper from athenian.api.controllers.miners.github.released_pr import matched_by_column from athenian.api.controllers.miners.jira.issue import generate_jira_prs_query from athenian.api.controllers.miners.types import DeploymentConclusion, MinedPullRequest, \ nonemax, nonemin, PRParticipants, PRParticipationKind, PullRequestFacts, PullRequestFactsMap from athenian.api.controllers.prefixer import Prefixer from athenian.api.controllers.settings import LogicalRepositorySettings, ReleaseMatch, \ ReleaseSettings from athenian.api.db import add_pdb_misses, Database, DatabaseLike from athenian.api.defer import AllEvents, defer from athenian.api.int_to_str import int_to_str from athenian.api.models.metadata.github import Base, NodePullRequestJiraIssues, \ PullRequest, PullRequestComment, PullRequestCommit, PullRequestLabel, PullRequestReview, \ PullRequestReviewComment, PullRequestReviewRequest, PushCommit, Release from athenian.api.models.metadata.jira import Component, Issue from athenian.api.models.persistentdata.models import DeploymentNotification from athenian.api.models.precomputed.models import GitHubPullRequestDeployment from athenian.api.tracing import sentry_span @dataclass class PRDataFrames(Mapping[str, pd.DataFrame]): """Set of dataframes with all the PR data we can reach.""" prs: pd.DataFrame commits: pd.DataFrame releases: pd.DataFrame jiras: pd.DataFrame reviews: pd.DataFrame review_comments: pd.DataFrame review_requests: pd.DataFrame comments: pd.DataFrame labels: pd.DataFrame deployments: pd.DataFrame def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: """Implement iter() - return an iterator over the field names.""" return iter(( for f in dataclass_fields(self))) def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Implement self[key].""" try: return getattr(self, key) except AttributeError: raise KeyError(key) from None def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: pd.DataFrame) -> None: """Implement self[key] = value.""" for f in dataclass_fields(self): if key == break else: raise KeyError(key) setattr(self, key, value) def __len__(self) -> int: """Implement len().""" return len(dataclass_fields(self)) class PullRequestMiner: """Load all the information related to Pull Requests from the metadata DB. Iterate over it \ to access individual PR objects.""" CACHE_TTL = short_term_exptime log = logging.getLogger("%s.PullRequestMiner" % metadata.__package__) ReleaseMappers = namedtuple("ReleaseMappers", [ "map_releases_to_prs", "map_prs_to_releases", "load_releases"]) mappers = ReleaseMappers( map_releases_to_prs=ReleaseToPullRequestMapper.map_releases_to_prs, map_prs_to_releases=PullRequestToReleaseMapper.map_prs_to_releases, load_releases=ReleaseLoader.load_releases, ) def __init__(self, dfs: PRDataFrames): """Initialize a new instance of `PullRequestMiner`.""" self._dfs = dfs @property def dfs(self) -> PRDataFrames: """Return the bound dataframes with PR information.""" return self._dfs def __len__(self) -> int: """Return the number of loaded pull requests.""" return len(self._dfs.prs) def __iter__(self) -> Generator[MinedPullRequest, None, None]: """Iterate over the individual pull requests.""" assert self._dfs.prs.index.nlevels == 2 df_fields = [ for f in dataclass_fields(MinedPullRequest) if != "pr"] dfs = [] grouped_df_iters = [] index_backup = [] for k in df_fields: plural = k.endswith("s") df = getattr(self._dfs, k if plural else (k + "s")) # type: pd.DataFrame dfs.append(df) # our very own groupby() allows us to call take() with reduced overhead node_ids = df.index.get_level_values(0).values.astype(int, copy=False) with_repos = k == "release" if df.index.nlevels > 1: # the second level adds determinism to the iteration order second_level = df.index.get_level_values(1).values node_ids_bytes = int_to_str(node_ids) if second_level.dtype == int: order_keys = np.char.add(node_ids_bytes, int_to_str(second_level)) else: order_keys = np.char.add(node_ids_bytes, second_level.astype("S", copy=False)) else: order_keys = node_ids df_order = np.argsort(order_keys) if not with_repos: unique_node_ids, node_ids_unique_counts = np.unique(node_ids, return_counts=True) offsets = np.zeros(len(node_ids_unique_counts) + 1, dtype=int) np.cumsum(node_ids_unique_counts, out=offsets[1:]) groups = self._iter_by_split(df_order, offsets) grouped_df_iters.append(iter(zip(unique_node_ids, repeat(None), groups))) else: _, unique_counts = np.unique(order_keys, return_counts=True) node_ids = node_ids[df_order] repos = df.index.get_level_values(1).values[df_order].astype("U") offsets = np.zeros(len(unique_counts) + 1, dtype=int) np.cumsum(unique_counts, out=offsets[1:]) groups = self._iter_by_split(df_order, offsets) grouped_df_iters.append(iter(zip( node_ids[offsets[:-1]], repos[offsets[:-1]], groups))) if plural: index_backup.append(df.index) df.index = df.index.droplevel(0) else: index_backup.append(None) try: grouped_df_states = [] for i in grouped_df_iters: try: grouped_df_states.append(next(i)) except StopIteration: grouped_df_states.append((None, None, None)) empty_df_cache = {} pr_columns = [,] pr_columns.extend(self._dfs.prs.columns) if not self._dfs.prs.index.is_monotonic_increasing: raise IndexError("PRs index must be pre-sorted ascending: " "prs.sort_index(inplace=True)") for pr_tuple in self._dfs.prs.itertuples(): (pr_node_id, repo), *pr_tuple = pr_tuple items = {"pr": dict(zip(pr_columns, [pr_node_id, repo] + pr_tuple))} for i, (k, (state_pr_node_id, state_repo, gdf), git, df) in enumerate(zip( df_fields, grouped_df_states, grouped_df_iters, dfs)): while state_pr_node_id is not None and ( state_pr_node_id < pr_node_id or (state_pr_node_id == pr_node_id and state_repo is not None and state_repo < repo)): try: state_pr_node_id, state_repo, gdf = next(git) except StopIteration: state_pr_node_id, state_repo, gdf = None, None, None grouped_df_states[i] = state_pr_node_id, state_repo, gdf if state_pr_node_id == pr_node_id and \ (state_repo is None or state_repo == repo): if not k.endswith("s"): # much faster than items.iloc[gdf[0]] gdf = {c: v for c, v in zip(df.columns, df._data.fast_xs(gdf[0]))} else: gdf = df.take(gdf) items[k] = gdf else: try: items[k] = empty_df_cache[k] except KeyError: if k.endswith("s"): empty_val = df.iloc[:0].copy() else: empty_val = {c: None for c in df.columns} items[k] = empty_df_cache[k] = empty_val yield MinedPullRequest(**items) finally: for df, index in zip(dfs, index_backup): if index is not None: df.index = index def drop(self, node_ids: Collection[int]) -> pd.Index: """ Remove PRs from the given collection of PR node IDs in-place. Node IDs don't have to be all present. :return: Actually removed node IDs. """ removed = self._dfs.prs.index.get_level_values(0).intersection(node_ids) if removed.empty: return removed self._dfs.prs.drop(removed, inplace=True) for df in self._dfs.values(): df.drop(removed, inplace=True, errors="ignore", level=0 if isinstance(df.index, pd.MultiIndex) else None) return removed def _deserialize_mine_cache(buffer: bytes) -> Tuple[PRDataFrames, PullRequestFactsMap, Set[str], PRParticipants, LabelFilter, JIRAFilter, Dict[str, ReleaseMatch], asyncio.Event]: stuff = pickle.loads(buffer) event = asyncio.Event() event.set() return (*stuff, event) @sentry_span def _postprocess_cached_prs( result: Tuple[PRDataFrames, PullRequestFactsMap, Set[str], PRParticipants, LabelFilter, JIRAFilter, bool, Dict[str, ReleaseMatch], asyncio.Event], date_to: date, repositories: Set[str], participants: PRParticipants, labels: LabelFilter, jira: JIRAFilter, with_jira_map: bool, pr_blacklist: Optional[Tuple[Collection[int], Dict[str, List[int]]]], truncate: bool, **_) -> Tuple[PRDataFrames, PullRequestFactsMap, Set[str], PRParticipants, LabelFilter, JIRAFilter, bool, Dict[str, ReleaseMatch], asyncio.Event]: dfs, _, cached_repositories, cached_participants, cached_labels, cached_jira, \ cached_with_jira_map, _, _ = result if with_jira_map and not cached_with_jira_map: raise CancelCache() cls = PullRequestMiner if (repositories - cached_repositories or not cls._check_participants_compatibility(cached_participants, participants) or not cached_labels.compatible_with(labels) or not cached_jira.compatible_with(jira)): raise CancelCache() to_remove = set() if pr_blacklist is not None: to_remove.update(pr_blacklist[0]) if no_logical_repos := (coerce_logical_repos(repositories).keys() == repositories): to_remove.update(dfs.prs.index.get_level_values(0).values[ np.in1d(dfs.prs.index.get_level_values(1).values, list(repositories), assume_unique=True, invert=True), ]) time_to = None if truncate else pd.Timestamp(date_to, tzinfo=timezone.utc) to_remove.update(cls._find_drop_by_participants(dfs, participants, time_to)) to_remove.update(cls._find_drop_by_labels(dfs, labels)) to_remove.update(cls._find_drop_by_jira(dfs, jira)) cls._drop(dfs, to_remove) if not no_logical_repos: dfs.prs = dfs.prs.take(np.flatnonzero( np.in1d(dfs.prs.index.get_level_values(1).values, list(repositories), assume_unique=True), )) return result @classmethod @sentry_span @cached( exptime=lambda cls, **_: cls.CACHE_TTL, serialize=lambda r: pickle.dumps(r[:-1]), deserialize=_deserialize_mine_cache, key=lambda date_from, date_to, exclude_inactive, release_settings, logical_settings, updated_min, updated_max, pr_blacklist, truncate, **_: ( # noqa date_from.toordinal(), date_to.toordinal(), exclude_inactive, release_settings, logical_settings, updated_min.timestamp() if updated_min is not None else None, updated_max.timestamp() if updated_max is not None else None, ",".join(map(str, sorted(pr_blacklist[0]) if pr_blacklist is not None else [])), truncate, ), postprocess=_postprocess_cached_prs, ) async def _mine(cls, date_from: date, date_to: date, repositories: Set[str], participants: PRParticipants, labels: LabelFilter, jira: JIRAFilter, with_jira_map: bool, branches: pd.DataFrame, default_branches: Dict[str, str], exclude_inactive: bool, release_settings: ReleaseSettings, logical_settings: LogicalRepositorySettings, updated_min: Optional[datetime], updated_max: Optional[datetime], pr_blacklist: Optional[Tuple[Collection[int], Dict[str, List[int]]]], truncate: bool, prefixer: Prefixer, account: int, meta_ids: Tuple[int, ...], mdb: Database, pdb: Database, rdb: Database, cache: Optional[aiomcache.Client], ) -> Tuple[PRDataFrames, PullRequestFactsMap, Set[str], PRParticipants, LabelFilter, JIRAFilter, bool, Dict[str, ReleaseMatch], asyncio.Event]: assert isinstance(date_from, date) and not isinstance(date_from, datetime) assert isinstance(date_to, date) and not isinstance(date_to, datetime) assert isinstance(repositories, set) assert isinstance(mdb, Database) assert isinstance(pdb, Database) assert isinstance(rdb, Database) assert (updated_min is None) == (updated_max is None) time_from, time_to = (pd.Timestamp(t, tzinfo=timezone.utc) for t in (date_from, date_to)) pr_blacklist_expr = ambiguous = None if pr_blacklist is not None: pr_blacklist, ambiguous = pr_blacklist if len(pr_blacklist) > 0: pr_blacklist_expr = PullRequest.node_id.notin_any_values(pr_blacklist) if logical_settings.has_logical_prs(): physical_repos = coerce_logical_repos(repositories).keys() else: physical_repos = repositories pdags = await fetch_precomputed_commit_history_dags(physical_repos, account, pdb, cache) fetch_branch_dags_task = asyncio.create_task( cls._fetch_branch_dags( physical_repos, pdags, branches, account, meta_ids, mdb, pdb, cache), name="_fetch_branch_dags", ) # the heaviest task should always go first tasks = [ cls.mappers.map_releases_to_prs( repositories, branches, default_branches, time_from, time_to, participants.get(PRParticipationKind.AUTHOR, []), participants.get(PRParticipationKind.MERGER, []), jira, release_settings, logical_settings, updated_min, updated_max, pdags, prefixer, account, meta_ids, mdb, pdb, rdb, cache, pr_blacklist_expr, None, truncate=truncate), cls.fetch_prs( time_from, time_to, physical_repos, participants, labels, jira, exclude_inactive, pr_blacklist_expr, None, branches, pdags, account, meta_ids, mdb, pdb, cache, updated_min=updated_min, updated_max=updated_max, fetch_branch_dags_task=fetch_branch_dags_task), cls.map_deployments_to_prs( physical_repos, time_from, time_to, participants, labels, jira, updated_min, updated_max, prefixer, branches, pdags, account, meta_ids, mdb, pdb, cache, pr_blacklist, fetch_branch_dags_task=fetch_branch_dags_task), ] # the following is a very rough approximation regarding updated_min/max: # we load all of none of the inactive merged PRs # see also: load_precomputed_done_candidates() which generates `ambiguous` if not exclude_inactive and (updated_min is None or updated_min <= time_from): tasks.append(cls._fetch_inactive_merged_unreleased_prs( time_from, time_to, repositories, participants, labels, jira, default_branches, release_settings, logical_settings.has_logical_prs(), prefixer, account, meta_ids, mdb, pdb, cache)) # we don't load inactive released undeployed PRs because nobody needs them ( (released_prs, releases, release_settings, matched_bys, release_dags, precomputed_observed), (prs, branch_dags, _), deployed_prs, *unreleased, ) = await gather(*tasks) del pr_blacklist_expr deployed_releases_task = None if not deployed_prs.empty: covered_prs = prs.index.union(released_prs.index) if unreleased: covered_prs = covered_prs.union(unreleased[0].index) new_prs = deployed_prs.index.difference(covered_prs) if not new_prs.empty: new_prs = deployed_prs[[,, ]].loc[new_prs] min_deployed_merged = new_prs[].min() if min_deployed_merged < time_from: deployed_releases_task = asyncio.create_task( cls.mappers.load_releases( new_prs[].unique(), branches, default_branches, min_deployed_merged, time_from, release_settings, logical_settings, prefixer, account, meta_ids, mdb, pdb, rdb, cache), name="PullRequestMiner.mine/deployed_releases", ) concatenated = [prs, released_prs, deployed_prs, *unreleased] missed_prs = cls._extract_missed_prs(ambiguous, pr_blacklist, deployed_prs, matched_bys) if missed_prs: add_pdb_misses(pdb, "PullRequestMiner.mine/blacklist", sum(len(v) for v in missed_prs.values())) # these PRs are released by branch and not by tag, and we require by tag. # we have not fetched them yet because they are in pr_blacklist # and they are in pr_blacklist because we have previously loaded them in # load_precomputed_done_candidates(); # now fetch only these `missed_prs`, respecting the filters. pr_whitelist = PullRequest.node_id.in_( list(chain.from_iterable(missed_prs.values()))) tasks = [ cls.mappers.map_releases_to_prs( missed_prs, branches, default_branches, time_from, time_to, participants.get(PRParticipationKind.AUTHOR, []), participants.get(PRParticipationKind.MERGER, []), jira, release_settings, logical_settings, updated_min, updated_max, pdags, prefixer, account, meta_ids, mdb, pdb, rdb, cache, None, pr_whitelist, truncate, precomputed_observed=precomputed_observed), cls.fetch_prs( time_from, time_to, missed_prs.keys(), participants, labels, jira, exclude_inactive, None, pr_whitelist, branches, branch_dags, account, meta_ids, mdb, pdb, cache, updated_min=updated_min, updated_max=updated_max, fetch_branch_dags_task=fetch_branch_dags_task), ] missed_released_prs, (missed_prs, *_) = await gather(*tasks) concatenated.extend([missed_released_prs, missed_prs]) fetch_branch_dags_task.cancel() # 99.999% that it was awaited, but still prs = pd.concat(concatenated, copy=False) prs.reset_index(inplace=True) prs.drop_duplicates([,], inplace=True) prs.set_index(, inplace=True) prs.sort_index(inplace=True) if unreleased: unreleased = np.array([ unreleased[0].index.values, unreleased[0][].values, ], dtype=object).T tasks = [ # bypass the useless inner caching by calling _mine_by_ids directly cls._mine_by_ids( prs, unreleased, repositories, time_to, releases, matched_bys, branches, default_branches, release_dags, release_settings, logical_settings, prefixer, account, meta_ids, mdb, pdb, rdb, cache, truncate=truncate, with_jira=with_jira_map, extra_releases_task=deployed_releases_task, physical_repositories=physical_repos), OpenPRFactsLoader.load_open_pull_request_facts(prs, repositories, account, pdb), ] (dfs, unreleased_facts, unreleased_prs_event), open_facts = await gather( *tasks, op="PullRequestMiner.mine/external_data") to_drop = cls._find_drop_by_participants(dfs, participants, None if truncate else time_to) to_drop |= cls._find_drop_by_labels(dfs, labels) if exclude_inactive: to_drop |= cls._find_drop_by_inactive(dfs, time_from, time_to) cls._drop(dfs, to_drop) facts = open_facts for k, v in unreleased_facts.items(): # merged unreleased PR precomputed facts if v is not None: # it can be None because the pdb table is filled in two steps facts[k] = v dfs.prs = split_logical_repositories( dfs.prs, dfs.labels, repositories, logical_settings) return dfs, facts, repositories, participants, labels, jira, with_jira_map, matched_bys, \ unreleased_prs_event _deserialize_mine_cache = staticmethod(_deserialize_mine_cache) _postprocess_cached_prs = staticmethod(_postprocess_cached_prs) def _deserialize_mine_by_ids_cache( buffer: bytes) -> Tuple[PRDataFrames, PullRequestFactsMap, asyncio.Event]: dfs, facts = pickle.loads(buffer) event = asyncio.Event() event.set() return dfs, facts, event @classmethod @cached( exptime=lambda cls, **_: cls.CACHE_TTL, serialize=lambda r: pickle.dumps(r[:-1]), deserialize=_deserialize_mine_by_ids_cache, key=lambda prs, unreleased, releases, time_to, logical_settings, truncate=True, with_jira=True, **_: ( # noqa ",".join(map(str, prs.index.values)), ",".join(map(str, unreleased)), ",".join(map(str, releases[].values)), time_to.timestamp(), logical_settings, truncate, with_jira, ), ) async def mine_by_ids(cls, prs: pd.DataFrame, unreleased: Collection[Tuple[int, str]], logical_repositories: Union[Set[str], KeysView[str]], time_to: datetime, releases: pd.DataFrame, matched_bys: Dict[str, ReleaseMatch], branches: pd.DataFrame, default_branches: Dict[str, str], dags: Dict[str, DAG], release_settings: ReleaseSettings, logical_settings: LogicalRepositorySettings, prefixer: Prefixer, account: int, meta_ids: Tuple[int, ...], mdb: Database, pdb: Database, rdb: Database, cache: Optional[aiomcache.Client], truncate: bool = True, with_jira: bool = True, physical_repositories: Optional[Union[Set[str], KeysView[str]]] = None, ) -> Tuple[PRDataFrames, PullRequestFactsMap, asyncio.Event]: """ Fetch PR metadata for certain PRs. :param prs: pandas DataFrame with fetched PullRequest-s. Only the details about those PRs \ will be loaded from the DB. :param truncate: Do not load anything after `time_to`. :param with_jira: Value indicating whether to load the mapped JIRA issues. :return: 1. List of mined DataFrame-s. \ 2. mapping to PullRequestFacts of unreleased merged PRs. \ 3. Synchronization for updating the pdb table with merged unreleased PRs. """ return await cls._mine_by_ids( prs, unreleased, logical_repositories, time_to, releases, matched_bys, branches, default_branches, dags, release_settings, logical_settings, prefixer, account, meta_ids, mdb, pdb, rdb, cache, truncate=truncate, with_jira=with_jira, physical_repositories=physical_repositories) _deserialize_mine_by_ids_cache = staticmethod(_deserialize_mine_by_ids_cache) @classmethod @sentry_span async def _mine_by_ids(cls, prs: pd.DataFrame, unreleased: Collection[Tuple[int, str]], logical_repositories: Union[Set[str], KeysView[str]], time_to: datetime, releases: pd.DataFrame, matched_bys: Dict[str, ReleaseMatch], branches: pd.DataFrame, default_branches: Dict[str, str], dags: Dict[str, DAG], release_settings: ReleaseSettings, logical_settings: LogicalRepositorySettings, prefixer: Prefixer, account: int, meta_ids: Tuple[int, ...], mdb: Database, pdb: Database, rdb: Database, cache: Optional[aiomcache.Client], truncate: bool = True, with_jira: bool = True, extra_releases_task: Optional[asyncio.Task] = None, physical_repositories: Optional[Union[Set[str], KeysView[str]]] = None, ) -> Tuple[PRDataFrames, PullRequestFactsMap, asyncio.Event]: assert prs.index.nlevels == 1 node_ids = prs.index if len(prs) > 0 else set() facts = {} # precomputed PullRequestFacts about merged unreleased PRs unreleased_prs_event: asyncio.Event = None merged_unreleased_indexes = [] @sentry_span async def fetch_reviews(): return await cls._read_filtered_models( PullRequestReview, node_ids, time_to, meta_ids, mdb, columns=[PullRequestReview.submitted_at, PullRequestReview.state, PullRequestReview.user_login, PullRequestReview.user_node_id], created_at=truncate) @sentry_span async def fetch_review_comments(): return await cls._read_filtered_models( PullRequestReviewComment, node_ids, time_to, meta_ids, mdb, columns=[PullRequestReviewComment.created_at, PullRequestReviewComment.user_login, PullRequestReviewComment.user_node_id], created_at=truncate) @sentry_span async def fetch_review_requests(): return await cls._read_filtered_models( PullRequestReviewRequest, node_ids, time_to, meta_ids, mdb, columns=[PullRequestReviewRequest.created_at], created_at=truncate) @sentry_span async def fetch_comments(): return await cls._read_filtered_models( PullRequestComment, node_ids, time_to, meta_ids, mdb, columns=[PullRequestComment.created_at, PullRequestComment.user_login, PullRequestComment.user_node_id], created_at=truncate) @sentry_span async def fetch_commits(): return await cls._read_filtered_models( PullRequestCommit, node_ids, time_to, meta_ids, mdb, columns=[PullRequestCommit.authored_date, PullRequestCommit.committed_date, PullRequestCommit.author_login, PullRequestCommit.committer_login, PullRequestCommit.author_user_id, PullRequestCommit.committer_user_id], created_at=truncate) @sentry_span async def fetch_labels(): return await cls._read_filtered_models( PullRequestLabel, node_ids, time_to, meta_ids, mdb, columns=[sql.func.lower(, PullRequestLabel.description, PullRequestLabel.color], created_at=False) fetch_labels_task = asyncio.create_task( fetch_labels(), name="PullRequestMiner.mine_by_ids/fetch_labels") @sentry_span async def map_releases(): anyhow_merged_mask = prs[].notnull().values if truncate: merged_mask = (prs[] < time_to).values nonlocal merged_unreleased_indexes merged_unreleased_indexes = np.flatnonzero(anyhow_merged_mask & ~merged_mask) else: merged_mask = anyhow_merged_mask if len(unreleased): prs_index = np.char.add( int_to_str(prs.index.values), (prs_repos := prs[].values.astype("S")), ) if isinstance(unreleased, np.ndarray): unreleased_index = np.char.add( int_to_str(unreleased[:, 0].astype(int)), unreleased[:, 1].astype(prs_repos.dtype), ) else: unreleased_index = np.char.add( int_to_str(np.fromiter((p[0] for p in unreleased), int, len(unreleased))), np.array([p[1] for p in unreleased], dtype=prs_repos.dtype), ) merged_mask &= np.in1d(prs_index, unreleased_index, invert=True) merged_prs = prs.take(np.flatnonzero(merged_mask)) nonlocal releases if extra_releases_task is not None: await extra_releases_task extra_releases, _ = extra_releases_task.result() releases = releases.append(extra_releases, ignore_index=True) labels = None if logical_settings.has_logical_prs(): nonlocal physical_repositories if physical_repositories is None: physical_repositories = coerce_logical_repos(logical_repositories).keys() if logical_settings.has_prs_by_label(physical_repositories): await fetch_labels_task labels = fetch_labels_task.result() merged_prs = split_logical_repositories( merged_prs, labels, logical_repositories, logical_settings) else: merged_prs = split_logical_repositories(merged_prs, None, set(), logical_settings) df_facts, other_facts = await gather( cls.mappers.map_prs_to_releases( merged_prs, releases, matched_bys, branches, default_branches, time_to, dags, release_settings, prefixer, account, meta_ids, mdb, pdb, cache, labels=labels), MergedPRFactsLoader.load_merged_unreleased_pull_request_facts( prs.take(np.flatnonzero(anyhow_merged_mask & ~merged_mask)), nonemax(releases[].nonemax(), time_to), LabelFilter.empty(), matched_bys, default_branches, release_settings, prefixer, account, pdb), ) nonlocal facts nonlocal unreleased_prs_event df, facts, unreleased_prs_event = df_facts facts.update(other_facts) return df async def _fetch_labels(): await fetch_labels_task return fetch_labels_task.result() @sentry_span async def fetch_jira(): _map = aliased(NodePullRequestJiraIssues, name="m") _issue = aliased(Issue, name="i") _issue_epic = aliased(Issue, name="e") selected = [ PullRequest.node_id, _issue.key, _issue.title, _issue.type, _issue.status, _issue.created, _issue.updated, _issue.resolved, _issue.labels, _issue.components, _issue.acc_id, _issue_epic.key.label("epic"), ] if not with_jira: df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ for col in selected if col not in (_issue.acc_id, _issue.components)]) df[] = df[].astype(int) return df.set_index([,]) df = await read_sql_query( PullRequest, sql.join( _map, sql.join(_issue, _issue_epic, sql.and_( _issue.epic_id ==, _issue.acc_id == _issue_epic.acc_id), isouter=True), sql.and_(_map.jira_id ==, _map.jira_acc == _issue.acc_id)), sql.and_(PullRequest.node_id == _map.node_id, PullRequest.acc_id == _map.node_acc), )).where(sql.and_(PullRequest.node_id.in_(node_ids), PullRequest.acc_id.in_(meta_ids), _issue.is_deleted.is_(False))), mdb, columns=selected, index=[,]) if df.empty: df.drop([,], inplace=True, axis=1) return df components = df[[,]] \ .groupby(, sort=False).aggregate(lambda s: set(flatten(s))) rows = await mdb.fetch_all([Component.acc_id,,]) .where(sql.or_(*(sql.and_(, Component.acc_id == int(acc)) for acc, vals in zip(components.index.values, components[].values))))) cmap = {} for r in rows: cmap.setdefault(r[0], {})[r[1]] = r[2].lower() df[] = ( df[].apply(lambda i: [s.lower() for s in (i or [])]) + df[[,]] .apply(lambda row: ([cmap[row[]][c] for c in row[]] if row[] is not None else []), axis=1) ) df.drop([,], inplace=True, axis=1) return df # the order is important: it provides the best performance # we launch coroutines from the heaviest to the lightest dfs = await gather( fetch_commits(), map_releases(), fetch_jira(), fetch_reviews(), fetch_review_comments(), fetch_review_requests(), fetch_comments(), _fetch_labels(), cls.fetch_pr_deployments(node_ids, prefixer, account, pdb, rdb), ) dfs = PRDataFrames(prs, *dfs) if len(merged_unreleased_indexes): # if we truncate and there are PRs merged after `time_to` merged_unreleased_prs = prs.take(merged_unreleased_indexes) label_matches = np.flatnonzero(np.in1d( dfs.labels.index.get_level_values(0).values, merged_unreleased_prs.index.values)) labels = {} for k, v in zip(dfs.labels.index.get_level_values(0).values[label_matches], dfs.labels[].values[label_matches]): try: labels[k].append(v) except KeyError: labels[k] = [v] other_unreleased_prs_event = asyncio.Event() unreleased_prs_event = AllEvents(unreleased_prs_event, other_unreleased_prs_event) merged_unreleased_prs = split_logical_repositories( merged_unreleased_prs, dfs.labels, logical_repositories, logical_settings) await defer(update_unreleased_prs( merged_unreleased_prs, pd.DataFrame(), time_to, labels, matched_bys, default_branches, release_settings, account, pdb, other_unreleased_prs_event), "update_unreleased_prs/truncate(%d)" % len(merged_unreleased_indexes)) return dfs, facts, unreleased_prs_event @classmethod @sentry_span async def mine(cls, date_from: date, date_to: date, time_from: datetime, time_to: datetime, repositories: Set[str], participants: PRParticipants, labels: LabelFilter, jira: JIRAFilter, with_jira_map: bool, branches: pd.DataFrame, default_branches: Dict[str, str], exclude_inactive: bool, release_settings: ReleaseSettings, logical_settings: LogicalRepositorySettings, prefixer: Prefixer, account: int, meta_ids: Tuple[int, ...], mdb: Database, pdb: Database, rdb: Database, cache: Optional[aiomcache.Client], updated_min: Optional[datetime] = None, updated_max: Optional[datetime] = None, pr_blacklist: Optional[Tuple[Collection[int], Dict[str, List[int]]]] = None, truncate: bool = True, ) -> Tuple["PullRequestMiner", PullRequestFactsMap, Dict[str, ReleaseMatch], asyncio.Event]: """ Mine metadata about pull requests according to the numerous filters. :param account: State DB account ID. :param meta_ids: Metadata (GitHub) account IDs. :param date_from: Fetch PRs created starting from this date, inclusive. :param date_to: Fetch PRs created ending with this date, inclusive. :param time_from: Precise timestamp of since when PR events are allowed to happen. :param time_to: Precise timestamp of until when PR events are allowed to happen. :param repositories: PRs must belong to these repositories (prefix excluded). :param participants: PRs must have these user IDs in the specified participation roles \ (OR aggregation). An empty dict means everybody. :param labels: PRs must be labeled according to this filter's include & exclude sets. :param jira: JIRA filters for those PRs that are matched with JIRA issues. :param with_jira_map: Value indicating whether we must load JIRA issues mapped to PRs. \ This is independent from filtering PRs by `jira`. :param branches: Preloaded DataFrame with branches in the specified repositories. :param default_branches: Mapping from repository names to their default branch names. :param exclude_inactive: Ors must have at least one event in the given time frame. :param release_settings: Release match settings of the account. :param logical_settings: Logical repository settings of the account. :param updated_min: PRs must have the last update timestamp not older than it. :param updated_max: PRs must have the last update timestamp not newer than or equal to it. :param mdb: Metadata db instance. :param pdb: Precomputed db instance. :param rdb: Persistentdata db instance. :param cache: memcached client to cache the collected data. :param pr_blacklist: completely ignore the existence of these PR node IDs. \ The second tuple element is the ambiguous PRs: released by branch \ while there were no tag releases and the strategy is `tag_or_branch`. :param truncate: activate the "time machine" and erase everything after `time_to`. :return: 1. New `PullRequestMiner` with the PRs satisfying to the specified filters. \ 2. Precomputed facts about unreleased pull requests. \ This is an optimization which breaks the abstraction a bit. \ 3. `matched_bys` - release matches for each repository. \ 4. Synchronization for updating the pdb table with merged unreleased PRs. \ Another abstraction leakage that we have to deal with. """ date_from_with_time = datetime.combine(date_from, datetime.min.time(), tzinfo=timezone.utc) date_to_with_time = datetime.combine(date_to, datetime.min.time(), tzinfo=timezone.utc) assert time_from >= date_from_with_time assert time_to <= date_to_with_time dfs, facts, _, _, _, _, _, matched_bys, event = await cls._mine( date_from, date_to, repositories, participants, labels, jira, with_jira_map, branches, default_branches, exclude_inactive, release_settings, logical_settings, updated_min, updated_max, pr_blacklist, truncate, prefixer, account, meta_ids, mdb, pdb, rdb, cache) cls._truncate_prs(dfs, time_from, time_to) return cls(dfs), facts, matched_bys, event @classmethod @sentry_span async def fetch_prs(cls, time_from: Optional[datetime], time_to: datetime, repositories: Union[Set[str], KeysView[str]], participants: PRParticipants, labels: LabelFilter, jira: JIRAFilter, exclude_inactive: bool, pr_blacklist: Optional[BinaryExpression], pr_whitelist: Optional[BinaryExpression], branches: pd.DataFrame, dags: Optional[Dict[str, DAG]], account: int, meta_ids: Tuple[int, ...], mdb: Database, pdb: Database, cache: Optional[aiomcache.Client], columns=PullRequest, updated_min: Optional[datetime] = None, updated_max: Optional[datetime] = None, fetch_branch_dags_task: Optional[asyncio.Task] = None, with_labels: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, Dict[str, DAG], Optional[pd.DataFrame]]: """ Query pull requests from mdb that satisfy the given filters. Note: we cannot filter by regular PR labels here due to the DB schema limitations, so the caller is responsible for fetching PR labels and filtering by them afterward. Besides, we cannot filter by participation roles different from AUTHOR and MERGER. Note: we cannot load PRs that closed before time_from but released between `time_from` and `time_to`. Hence the caller should map_releases_to_prs separately. There can be duplicates: PR closed between `time_from` and `time_to` and released between `time_from` and `time_to`. Note: we cannot load PRs that closed before time_from but deployed between `time_from` and `time_to`. Hence the caller should map_deployments_to_prs separately. There can be duplicates: PR closed between `time_from` and `time_to` and deployed between `time_from` and `time_to`. We have to resolve the merge commits of rebased PRs so that they do not appear force-push-dropped. :return: pandas DataFrame with the PRs indexed by node_id; \ commit DAGs that contain the branch heads; \ (if was required) DataFrame with PR labels. """ assert isinstance(mdb, Database) assert isinstance(pdb, Database) pr_list_coro = cls._fetch_prs_by_filters( time_from, time_to, repositories, participants, labels, jira, exclude_inactive, pr_blacklist, pr_whitelist, meta_ids, mdb, cache, columns=columns, updated_min=updated_min, updated_max=updated_max, ) if columns is not PullRequest and PullRequest.merge_commit_id not in columns and \ PullRequest.merge_commit_sha not in columns: prs, labels = await pr_list_coro return prs, dags, labels if with_labels else None if fetch_branch_dags_task is None: fetch_branch_dags_task = cls._fetch_branch_dags( repositories, dags, branches, account, meta_ids, mdb, pdb, cache) dags, (prs, labels) = await gather(fetch_branch_dags_task, pr_list_coro) async def load_labels(): if not with_labels: return None if labels is not None: return labels return await fetch_labels_to_filter(prs.index.values, meta_ids, mdb) prs, labels = await gather( cls.mark_dead_prs(prs, branches, dags, meta_ids, mdb, columns), load_labels(), ) return prs, dags, labels @classmethod async def mark_dead_prs(cls, prs: pd.DataFrame, branches: pd.DataFrame, dags: Dict[str, DAG], meta_ids: Tuple[int, ...], mdb: Database, columns=PullRequest, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Add and fill "dead" column in the `prs` DataFrame. A PR is considered dead (force-push-dropped) if it does not exit in the commit DAG and \ we cannot detect its rebased clone. """ prs["dead"] = False if branches.empty: return prs merged_prs = prs.take(np.nonzero(( prs[] <= - timedelta(hours=1) ).values)[0]) # timedelta(hours=1) must match the `exptime` of `fetch_repository_commits()` # commits DAGs are cached and may be not fully up to date, so otherwise some PRs may # appear as wrongly force push dropped; see also: DEV-554 if merged_prs.empty: return prs pr_numbers = merged_prs[].values assert merged_prs.index.nlevels == 1 pr_node_ids = merged_prs.index.values pr_repos = merged_prs[].values repo_order = np.argsort(pr_repos) unique_pr_repos, pr_repo_counts = np.unique(pr_repos, return_counts=True) pr_merge_hashes = \ merged_prs[].values.astype("S40")[repo_order] pos = 0 queries = [] dead = [] acc_id_cond = PushCommit.acc_id.in_(meta_ids) min_commit_date = merged_prs[].min() committed_date_cond = PushCommit.committed_date >= min_commit_date substr = sql.func.substr(PushCommit.message, 1, 32) sqlite = mdb.url.dialect == "sqlite" for repo, n_prs in zip(unique_pr_repos, pr_repo_counts): begin_pos = pos end_pos = pos + n_prs pos += n_prs repo_pr_merge_hashes = pr_merge_hashes[begin_pos:end_pos] dag_hashes = dags[repo][0] if len(dag_hashes) == 0: # no branches found in `fetch_repository_commits()` continue not_found = dag_hashes[ searchsorted_inrange(dag_hashes, repo_pr_merge_hashes) ] != repo_pr_merge_hashes indexes = repo_order[begin_pos:end_pos][not_found] dead.extend(dead_node_ids := pr_node_ids[indexes]) repo_cond = PushCommit.repository_full_name == repo for pr_node_id, n in zip(dead_node_ids, pr_numbers[indexes]): if sqlite: # SQLite does not support parameter recycling acc_id_cond = PushCommit.acc_id.in_(meta_ids) committed_date_cond = PushCommit.committed_date >= min_commit_date substr = sql.func.substr(PushCommit.message, 1, 32) repo_cond = PushCommit.repository_full_name == repo queries.append([PushCommit.node_id.label("commit_node_id"), PushCommit.sha.label("sha"), sql.literal_column("'" + repo + "'").label("repo"), sql.literal_column(str(pr_node_id)).label("pr_node_id"), PushCommit.committed_date, PushCommit.pushed_date]) .where(sql.and_(acc_id_cond, repo_cond, committed_date_cond,"Merge pull request #%d from %%" % n)))) if not queries: return prs prs.loc[dead, "dead"] = True # we may have MANY queries here and Postgres responds with StatementTooComplexError # split them by 100-sized batches to stay below the resource limits batch_size = 100 tasks = [] for batch_index in range(0, len(queries), batch_size): batch = queries[batch_index:batch_index + batch_size] if len(batch) == 1: query = batch[0] else: query = sql.union_all(*batch) tasks.append(read_sql_query(query, mdb, [ "commit_node_id", "sha", "repo", "pr_node_id", PushCommit.committed_date, PushCommit.pushed_date, ])) resolveds = await gather(*tasks, op="mark_dead_prs commit SQL UNION ALL-s") resolved = pd.concat(resolveds) # look up the candidates in the DAGs pr_repos = resolved["repo"].values repo_order = np.argsort(pr_repos) unique_pr_repos, pr_repo_counts = np.unique(pr_repos, return_counts=True) pr_merge_hashes = resolved["sha"].values.astype("S")[repo_order] pos = 0 alive_indexes = [] for repo, n_prs in zip(unique_pr_repos, pr_repo_counts): begin_pos = pos end_pos = pos + n_prs pos += n_prs repo_pr_merge_hashes = pr_merge_hashes[begin_pos:end_pos] dag_hashes = dags[repo][0] found = dag_hashes[ searchsorted_inrange(dag_hashes, repo_pr_merge_hashes) ] == repo_pr_merge_hashes alive_indexes.extend(repo_order[begin_pos:end_pos][found]) if (resolved := resolved.take(alive_indexes)).empty: return prs # take the commit that was committed the latest; if there are multiple, prefer the one # with pushed_date = null resolved.sort_values([,], ascending=False, inplace=True, na_position="first") resolved.drop_duplicates("pr_node_id", inplace=True) # patch the commit IDs and the hashes alive_node_ids = resolved["pr_node_id"].values if columns is PullRequest or PullRequest.merge_commit_id in columns: prs.loc[alive_node_ids,] = \ resolved["commit_node_id"].values if columns is PullRequest or PullRequest.merge_commit_sha in columns: prs.loc[alive_node_ids,] = resolved["sha"].values prs.loc[alive_node_ids, "dead"] = False return prs @classmethod async def _fetch_branch_dags(cls, repositories: Iterable[str], dags: Optional[Dict[str, DAG]], branches: pd.DataFrame, account: int, meta_ids: Tuple[int, ...], mdb: Database, pdb: Database, cache: Optional[aiomcache.Client], ) -> Dict[str, DAG]: if dags is None: dags = await fetch_precomputed_commit_history_dags( repositories, account, pdb, cache) return await fetch_repository_commits_no_branch_dates( dags, branches, BRANCH_FETCH_COMMITS_COLUMNS, True, account, meta_ids, mdb, pdb, cache) @classmethod @sentry_span async def _fetch_prs_by_filters(cls, time_from: Optional[datetime], time_to: datetime, repositories: Set[str], participants: PRParticipants, labels: LabelFilter, jira: JIRAFilter, exclude_inactive: bool, pr_blacklist: Optional[BinaryExpression], pr_whitelist: Optional[BinaryExpression], meta_ids: Tuple[int, ...], mdb: Database, cache: Optional[aiomcache.Client], columns=PullRequest, updated_min: Optional[datetime] = None, updated_max: Optional[datetime] = None, ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, Optional[pd.DataFrame]]: assert (updated_min is None) == (updated_max is None) filters = [ ( [(PullRequest.closed, PullRequest.closed_at)], else_=sql.text("'3000-01-01'"), # backed up with a DB index ) >= time_from) if time_from is not None else sql.true(), PullRequest.created_at < time_to, PullRequest.acc_id.in_(meta_ids), PullRequest.hidden.is_(False), PullRequest.repository_full_name.in_(repositories), ] if exclude_inactive and updated_min is None: # this does not provide 100% guarantee because it can be after time_to, # we need to properly filter later filters.append(PullRequest.updated_at >= time_from) if updated_min is not None: filters.append(PullRequest.updated_at.between(updated_min, updated_max)) if pr_blacklist is not None: filters.append(pr_blacklist) if pr_whitelist is not None: filters.append(pr_whitelist) if len(participants) == 1: if PRParticipationKind.AUTHOR in participants: filters.append(PullRequest.user_login.in_( participants[PRParticipationKind.AUTHOR])) elif PRParticipationKind.MERGER in participants: filters.append( PullRequest.merged_by_login.in_(participants[PRParticipationKind.MERGER])) elif len(participants) == 2 and PRParticipationKind.AUTHOR in participants and \ PRParticipationKind.MERGER in participants: filters.append(sql.or_( PullRequest.user_login.in_(participants[PRParticipationKind.AUTHOR]), PullRequest.merged_by_login.in_(participants[PRParticipationKind.MERGER]), )) if columns is PullRequest: selected_columns = [PullRequest] remove_acc_id = False else: selected_columns = columns = list(columns) if remove_acc_id := (PullRequest.acc_id not in selected_columns): selected_columns.append(PullRequest.acc_id) if PullRequest.merge_commit_id in columns or PullRequest.merge_commit_sha in columns: # needed to resolve rebased merge commits if PullRequest.number not in selected_columns: selected_columns.append(PullRequest.number) if labels: singles, multiples = LabelFilter.split(labels.include) embedded_labels_query = not multiples if all_in_labels := (set(singles + list(chain.from_iterable(multiples)))): filters.append( sql.exists().where(sql.and_( PullRequestLabel.acc_id == PullRequest.acc_id, PullRequestLabel.pull_request_node_id == PullRequest.node_id, sql.func.lower(, ))) if labels.exclude: filters.append( sql.not_(sql.exists().where(sql.and_( PullRequestLabel.acc_id == PullRequest.acc_id, PullRequestLabel.pull_request_node_id == PullRequest.node_id, sql.func.lower(, )))) if not jira: query =*filters)) else: query = await generate_jira_prs_query( filters, jira, None, mdb, cache, columns=selected_columns) prs = await read_sql_query(query, mdb, columns, if remove_acc_id: del prs[] if in prs: cls.adjust_pr_closed_merged_timestamps(prs) _, first_encounters = np.unique(prs.index.values, return_index=True) if len(first_encounters) < len(prs): prs = prs.take(first_encounters) if not labels or embedded_labels_query: return prs, None df_labels = await fetch_labels_to_filter(prs.index, meta_ids, mdb) left = cls.find_left_by_labels( prs.index, df_labels.index, df_labels[].values, labels) prs = prs.take(np.flatnonzero(prs.index.isin(left))) return prs, df_labels @staticmethod def adjust_pr_closed_merged_timestamps(prs_df: pd.DataFrame) -> None: """Force set `closed_at` and `merged_at` to NULL if not `closed`. Remove `closed`.""" not_closed = ~prs_df[].values prs_df.loc[not_closed,] = pd.NaT prs_df.loc[not_closed,] = pd.NaT prs_df.drop(, inplace=True) @classmethod @sentry_span async def _fetch_inactive_merged_unreleased_prs( cls, time_from: datetime, time_to: datetime, repos: Union[Set[str], KeysView[str]], participants: PRParticipants, labels: LabelFilter, jira: JIRAFilter, default_branches: Dict[str, str], release_settings: ReleaseSettings, has_logical_repos: bool, prefixer: Prefixer, account: int, meta_ids: Tuple[int, ...], mdb: Database, pdb: Database, cache: Optional[aiomcache.Client]) -> pd.DataFrame: node_id_map = await discover_inactive_merged_unreleased_prs( time_from, time_to, repos, participants, labels, default_branches, release_settings, prefixer, account, pdb, cache) if not jira: return await read_sql_query([PullRequest]) .where(PullRequest.node_id.in_(node_id_map)), mdb, PullRequest, df = await cls.filter_jira(node_id_map, jira, meta_ids, mdb, cache) if not has_logical_repos: return df append = defaultdict(list) node_ids = df.index.values repository_full_names = df[].values for i, (pr_node_id, physical_repo) in enumerate(zip(node_ids, repository_full_names)): logical_repos = node_id_map[pr_node_id] if physical_repo != (first_logical_repo := logical_repos[0]): repository_full_names[i] = first_logical_repo for logical_repo in logical_repos[1:]: append[logical_repo].append(i) if append: chunks = [] for logical_repo, indexes in append.items(): subdf = df.take(indexes) subdf[] = logical_repo chunks.append(subdf) df = pd.concat([df] + chunks) return df @classmethod @sentry_span async def filter_jira(cls, pr_node_ids: Collection[int], jira: JIRAFilter, meta_ids: Tuple[int, ...], mdb: Database, cache: Optional[aiomcache.Client], columns=PullRequest) -> pd.DataFrame: """Filter PRs by JIRA properties.""" assert jira filters = [PullRequest.node_id.in_(pr_node_ids)] query = await generate_jira_prs_query(filters, jira, meta_ids, mdb, cache, columns=columns) query = query.with_statement_hint(f"Rows(pr repo #{len(pr_node_ids)})") return await read_sql_query( query, mdb, columns, @classmethod @sentry_span async def fetch_pr_deployments(cls, pr_node_ids: Iterable[int], prefixer: Prefixer, account: int, pdb: Database, rdb: Database, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Load the deployments for each PR node ID.""" ghprd = GitHubPullRequestDeployment cols = [ghprd.pull_request_id, ghprd.deployment_name, ghprd.repository_id] df = await read_sql_query( .where(sql.and_(ghprd.acc_id == account, ghprd.pull_request_id.in_any_values(pr_node_ids))), con=pdb, columns=cols, cols = [, DeploymentNotification.environment, DeploymentNotification.conclusion, DeploymentNotification.finished_at] details = await read_sql_query( .where(sql.and_(DeploymentNotification.account_id == account,, con=rdb, columns=cols,, ) = df = df.join(details) df.reset_index(inplace=True) df.set_index([,], inplace=True) repo_node_to_name = prefixer.repo_node_to_name.get df[] = \ [repo_node_to_name(r) for r in df[].values] return df @staticmethod def _check_participants_compatibility(cached_participants: PRParticipants, participants: PRParticipants) -> bool: if not cached_participants: return True if not participants: return False for k, v in participants.items(): if v - cached_participants.get(k, set()): return False return True @classmethod @sentry_span def _remove_spurious_prs(cls, time_from: datetime, dfs: PRDataFrames) -> None: old_releases = np.where(dfs.releases[] < time_from)[0] if len(old_releases) == 0: return cls._drop(dfs, dfs.releases.index[old_releases]) @classmethod def _drop(cls, dfs: PRDataFrames, pr_ids: Collection[int]) -> None: if len(pr_ids) == 0: return for df in dfs.values(): df.drop(pr_ids, level=0 if isinstance(df.index, pd.MultiIndex) else None, inplace=True, errors="ignore") @classmethod @sentry_span def _find_drop_by_participants(cls, dfs: PRDataFrames, participants: PRParticipants, time_to: Optional[datetime], ) -> pd.Index: if not participants: return pd.Index([]) if time_to is not None: for df_name, col in (("commits", PullRequestCommit.committed_date), ("reviews", PullRequestReview.created_at), ("review_comments", PullRequestReviewComment.created_at), ("review_requests", PullRequestReviewRequest.created_at), ("comments", PullRequestComment.created_at)): df = getattr(dfs, df_name) setattr(dfs, df_name, df.take(np.where(df[] < time_to)[0])) passed = [] dict_iter = ( (dfs.prs, PullRequest.user_login, None, PRParticipationKind.AUTHOR), (dfs.prs, PullRequest.merged_by_login, PullRequest.merged_at, PRParticipationKind.MERGER), # noqa (dfs.releases,, Release.published_at, PRParticipationKind.RELEASER), ) for df, part_col, date_col, pk in dict_iter: col_parts = participants.get(pk) if not col_parts: continue mask = df[].isin(col_parts) if time_to is not None and date_col is not None: mask &= df[] < time_to passed.append(df.index.get_level_values(0).take(np.flatnonzero(mask))) reviewers = participants.get(PRParticipationKind.REVIEWER) if reviewers: ulkr = ulkp = user_logins = pd.merge([ulkr].droplevel(1), dfs.prs[ulkp], left_index=True, right_index=True, how="left", copy=False) ulkr += "_x" ulkp += "_y" passed.append(user_logins.index.take(np.where( (user_logins[ulkr] != user_logins[ulkp]) & user_logins[ulkr].isin(reviewers), )[0]).unique()) for df, col, pk in ( (dfs.comments, PullRequestComment.user_login, PRParticipationKind.COMMENTER), (dfs.commits, PullRequestCommit.author_login, PRParticipationKind.COMMIT_AUTHOR), (dfs.commits, PullRequestCommit.committer_login, PRParticipationKind.COMMIT_COMMITTER)): # noqa col_parts = participants.get(pk) if not col_parts: continue passed.append(df.index.get_level_values(0).take(np.flatnonzero( df[].isin(col_parts))).unique()) while len(passed) > 1: new_passed = [] for i in range(0, len(passed), 2): if i + 1 < len(passed): new_passed.append(passed[i].union(passed[i + 1])) else: new_passed.append(passed[i]) passed = new_passed return dfs.prs.index.get_level_values(0).difference(passed[0]) @classmethod @sentry_span def _find_drop_by_labels(cls, dfs: PRDataFrames, labels: LabelFilter) -> pd.Index: if not labels: return pd.Index([]) df_labels_index = dfs.labels.index.get_level_values(0) df_labels_names = dfs.labels[].values pr_node_ids = dfs.prs.index.get_level_values(0) left = cls.find_left_by_labels(pr_node_ids, df_labels_index, df_labels_names, labels) if not labels.include: return df_labels_index.difference(left) return pr_node_ids.difference(left) @classmethod def find_left_by_labels(cls, full_index: pd.Index, df_labels_index: pd.Index, df_labels_names: Sequence[str], labels: LabelFilter) -> pd.Index: """ Post-filter PRs by their loaded labels. :param full_index: All the PR node IDs, not just those that correspond to labeled PRs. :param df_labels_index: (PR node ID, label name) DataFrame index. There may be several \ rows for the same PR node ID. :param df_labels_names: (PR node ID, label name) DataFrame column. """ left_include = left_exclude = None if labels.include: singles, multiples = LabelFilter.split(labels.include) left_include = df_labels_index.take( np.nonzero(np.in1d(df_labels_names, singles))[0], ).unique() for group in multiples: passed = df_labels_index for label in group: passed = passed.intersection( df_labels_index.take(np.nonzero(df_labels_names == label)[0])) if passed.empty: break left_include = left_include.union(passed) if labels.exclude: left_exclude = full_index.difference(df_labels_index.take( np.nonzero(np.in1d(df_labels_names, list(labels.exclude)))[0], ).unique()) if labels.include: if labels.exclude: left = left_include.intersection(left_exclude) else: left = left_include else: left = left_exclude return left @classmethod @sentry_span def _find_drop_by_jira(cls, dfs: PRDataFrames, jira: JIRAFilter) -> pd.Index: if not jira: return
# coding: utf-8 # ### SHL project # # * training module: shl_tm (under construction) # # * prediction module: shl_pm (completed) # # * simulation module: shl_sm (completed, pending OCR) # # * misc module: shl_mm (under construction) # # # ### data feeds: # # * historical bidding price, per second, time series (for machine learning, under construction) # # * live bidding price, per second, time series (for real time prediciton, completed. shl_pm) # # ### parameter lookup table/dataframe # # * parm_si (seasonality index per second) # # * parm_month (parameter like alpha, beta, gamma, etc. per month) # In[1]: import pandas as pd # In[2]: # function to fetch Seasonality-Index def shl_intra_fetch_si(ccyy_mm, time, shl_data_parm_si): # return shl_data_parm_si[(shl_data_parm_si['ccyy-mm'] == '2017-09') & (shl_data_parm_si['time'] == '11:29:00')] return shl_data_parm_si[(shl_data_parm_si['ccyy-mm'] == ccyy_mm) & (shl_data_parm_si['time'] == time)].iloc[0]['si'] # In[3]: # function to fetch Dynamic-Increment def shl_intra_fetch_di(ccyy_mm, shl_data_parm_month): return shl_data_parm_month[shl_data_parm_month['ccyy-mm'] == ccyy_mm].iloc[0]['di'] # In[4]: def shl_intra_fetch_previous_n_sec_time_as_str(shl_data_time_field, n): return str((pd.to_datetime(shl_data_time_field, format='%H:%M:%S') - pd.Timedelta(seconds=n)).time()) def shl_intra_fetch_future_n_sec_time_as_str(shl_data_time_field, n): return str((
pd.to_datetime(shl_data_time_field, format='%H:%M:%S')
import os import json import pandas as pd import numpy as np import logging import shutil from linker.core.base import (link_config, COLUMN_TYPES, LINKING_RELATIONSHIPS) from linker.core.files import LinkFiles from linker.core.memory_link_base import MemoryLinkBase from import generate_linking_summary logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MemoryLink(MemoryLinkBase): def __init__(self, project): if project is None: raise TypeError super(MemoryLink, self).__init__(project) self.matched_not_linked = None self.project_type = 'LINK' datasets = project['datasets'] self.left_index = datasets[0]['index_field'] self.right_index = datasets[1]['index_field'] self.left_entity = datasets[0]['entity_field'] self.right_entity = datasets[1]['entity_field'] self.left_index_type = None self.right_index_type = None def __str__(self): if self.project is None: return '' relationship = None for rel in LINKING_RELATIONSHIPS: if rel[0] == self.project['relationship_type']: relationship = rel[1] descriptor = super(MemoryLink, self).__str__() data_dict = json.loads(descriptor) data_dict['datasets'] = [dataset['name'] for dataset in self.project['datasets']] data_dict['Relationship_type'] = relationship return json.dumps(data_dict, indent=4) def load_data(self): logger.debug('>>--- load_data --->>')'Loading input dataset for project: %s with task id: %s.', self.project['name'], self.project['task_uuid']) datasets = self.project['datasets'] if datasets and len(datasets) > 1: self.left_columns += [datasets[0]['index_field'], datasets[0]['entity_field']] self.right_columns += [datasets[1]['index_field'], datasets[1]['entity_field']] if 'data_types' in datasets[0]: left_dtypes = {} for col_name, col_type in datasets[0]["data_types"].items(): left_dtypes[col_name] = COLUMN_TYPES[col_type] if self.left_index in left_dtypes: self.left_index_type = left_dtypes[self.left_index] else: left_dtypes = None if 'data_types' in datasets[1]: right_dtypes = {} for col_name, col_type in datasets[1]["data_types"].items(): right_dtypes[col_name] = COLUMN_TYPES[col_type] if self.right_index in right_dtypes: self.right_index_type = right_dtypes[self.right_index] else: right_dtypes = None try: left_usecols = datasets[0]['columns'] or self.left_columns except KeyError: left_usecols = self.left_columns logger.debug('Left columns: %s.', left_usecols) logger.debug('Left index: %s', self.left_index) logger.debug('Left data types: %s', left_dtypes) self.left_dataset = pd.read_csv(datasets[0]['url'], index_col=self.left_index, usecols=left_usecols, skipinitialspace=True, dtype=left_dtypes) try: right_usecols = datasets[1]['columns'] or self.right_columns except KeyError: right_usecols = self.right_columns logger.debug('Right columns: %s.', right_usecols) logger.debug('Right index: %s', self.right_index) logger.debug('Right data types: %s', right_dtypes) self.right_dataset = pd.read_csv(datasets[1]['url'], index_col=self.right_index, usecols=right_usecols, skipinitialspace=True, dtype=right_dtypes) logger.debug('<<--- load_data ---<<') def link(self, seq, relationship='1T1'): """ Links the matched record based on relationship type. Filters all the record pairs that don't agree on the relationship type. :param seq: sequence number :param relationship: Relationship type '1T1': One-To-One, default '1TN': One-To-Many 'NT1': Many-To-One :return: Linked record pairs. """ logger.debug('>>--- link --->>')'Linking the records pairs based on the relationship type.') match_file_path = self.temp_path + LinkFiles.TEMP_MATCHED_FILE matched = pd.read_csv(match_file_path, index_col=['LEFT_' + self.left_index, 'RIGHT_' + self.right_index]) group_field = 'RIGHT_' + self.right_entity filter_field = 'LEFT_' + self.left_entity if relationship == 'MT1': group_field, filter_field = filter_field, group_field relationship_group = matched.groupby(group_field) linked = relationship_group.filter( lambda x: len(x[filter_field].unique()) == 1) if relationship == '1T1': group_field, filter_field = filter_field, group_field relationship_group = linked.groupby(group_field) linked = relationship_group.filter( lambda x: len(x[filter_field].unique()) == 1) linked = linked.assign(STEP=seq)'Assigning link id to the selected subset of record pairs.') left_entity_id = 'LEFT_' + self.left_entity right_entity_id = 'RIGHT_' + self.right_entity link_index = linked.reset_index()[ [left_entity_id, right_entity_id]].drop_duplicates() link_index = link_index.set_index([left_entity_id, right_entity_id]) link_index['LINK_ID'] = pd.Series( [MemoryLinkBase.get_next_id() for row in link_index.index], index=link_index.index) link_index['LINK_ID'] = link_index['LINK_ID'].map( lambda x: '{:.0f}'.format(x) if pd.notnull(x) else np.nan) linked = linked.join(link_index, on=[left_entity_id, right_entity_id], how='inner') matched_not_linked = self.get_rows_not_in(matched, linked.index) matched_not_linked['STEP'] = seq logger.debug('<<--- link ---<<') return linked, matched_not_linked def run(self): logger.debug('>>--- run --->>')'Executing linking project %s. Task id: %s.', self.project['name'], self.project['task_uuid']) self.steps = {} self.total_records_linked = 0 self.total_entities = 0'Project steps: %s', len(self.project['steps'])) MemoryLinkBase.reset_id() for step in self.project['steps']: self.steps[step['seq']] = {}"Linking Step %s :", step['seq'])"%s.1) Finding record pairs satisfying blocking constraints...", step['seq']) self.pair_n_match(step=step['seq'], link_method=step['linking_method'], blocking=step['blocking_schema'], linking=step['linking_schema'])"%s.2) Identifying the linked records based on the relationship type...", step['seq']) step_linked, step_matched_not_linked =['seq'], self.project['relationship_type']) left_index = 'LEFT_' + self.left_index right_index = 'RIGHT_' + self.right_index left_entity_id = 'LEFT_' + self.left_entity right_entity_id = 'RIGHT_' + self.right_entity self.steps[step['seq']]['total_records_linked'] = len( step_linked.index.values) self.total_records_linked += len(step_linked.index.values) self.steps[step['seq']]['total_entities'] = len( step_linked.groupby([left_entity_id, right_entity_id])) self.total_entities += self.steps[step['seq']]['total_entities'] if not step_linked.empty: # Create EntityID - LinkId map left_links = step_linked[ [left_entity_id, 'LINK_ID']].drop_duplicates() left_links = left_links.reset_index().set_index( left_entity_id)['LINK_ID'] left_match = self.left_dataset.join(left_links, on=self.left_entity, how='inner') linked = pd.merge( left_match.reset_index(), step_linked.reset_index(), left_on=self.left_index, right_on=left_index, how='left' ) linked.drop(left_index, axis=1, inplace=True) linked.drop(left_entity_id, axis=1, inplace=True) linked.rename(columns={self.left_index: left_index}, inplace=True) linked.rename(columns={self.left_entity: left_entity_id}, inplace=True) right_links = step_linked[ [right_entity_id, 'LINK_ID']].drop_duplicates() right_links = right_links.reset_index().set_index( right_entity_id)['LINK_ID'] right_match = self.right_dataset.join(right_links, on=self.right_entity, how='inner') linked = pd.merge( linked, right_match.reset_index(), left_on=right_index, right_on=self.right_index, how='right' ) linked.drop(right_index, axis=1, inplace=True) linked.drop(right_entity_id, axis=1, inplace=True) linked.rename(columns={self.right_index: right_index}, inplace=True) linked.rename(columns={self.right_entity: right_entity_id}, inplace=True) linked.drop(['LINK_ID_x', 'LINK_ID_y'], axis=1, inplace=True) else: linked = pd.DataFrame() self.linked = linked if self.linked is None \ else self.linked.append(linked) self.steps[step['seq']]['total_matched_not_linked'] = len( step_matched_not_linked.index.values) if self.matched_not_linked is None: self.matched_not_linked = step_matched_not_linked else: self.matched_not_linked = self.matched_not_linked.append( step_matched_not_linked) self.left_dataset = self.left_dataset[ ~self.left_dataset[self.left_entity].isin( step_linked[left_entity_id])] self.right_dataset = self.right_dataset[ ~self.right_dataset[self.right_entity].isin( step_linked[right_entity_id])]"Number of records linked at step %s: %s", step['seq'], len(self.linked)) temp_match_file_path = self.temp_path + LinkFiles.TEMP_MATCHED_FILE # Delete temporary matched file. if os.path.isfile(temp_match_file_path): os.remove(temp_match_file_path)'Execution of linking project %s with Task id: %s is completed.', self.project['name'], self.project['task_uuid']) logger.debug('<<--- run ---<<') def save(self): logger.debug('>>--- save --->>') left_index = 'LEFT_' + self.left_index right_index = 'RIGHT_' + self.right_index left_entity_id = 'LEFT_' + self.left_entity right_entity_id = 'RIGHT_' + self.right_entity grouped = self.matched_not_linked.reset_index().groupby([ left_index, right_index, left_entity_id, right_entity_id]).agg( {'STEP': 'min'}) self.matched_not_linked = pd.DataFrame(grouped) # Storing linked data records."Preparing output files of the linking project %s with tsk id %s.", self.project['name'], self.project['task_uuid']) linked_file_path = self.project['output_root'] + link_config.get('linked_data_file', 'linked_data.csv') self.linked['STEP'] = self.linked['STEP'].map( lambda x: '{:.0f}'.format(x) if pd.notnull(x) else np.nan) self.linked[right_entity_id] = self.linked[right_entity_id].map( lambda x: '{:.0f}'.format(x) if
import os import tempfile import unittest import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sqlalchemy import create_engine from tests.settings import POSTGRESQL_ENGINE, SQLITE_ENGINE from tests.utils import get_repository_path, DBTest from ukbrest.common.pheno2sql import Pheno2SQL class Pheno2SQLTest(DBTest): @unittest.skip('sqlite being removed') def test_sqlite_default_values(self): # Prepare csv_file = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example01.csv') db_engine = SQLITE_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine) # Run p2sql.load_data() # Validate assert p2sql.db_type == 'sqlite' ## Check table exists tmp = pd.read_sql("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='{}';".format('ukb_pheno_0_00'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert not tmp.empty ## Check columns are correct tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_00', create_engine(db_engine)) expected_columns = ["eid","c21_0_0","c21_1_0","c21_2_0","c31_0_0","c34_0_0","c46_0_0","c47_0_0","c48_0_0"] assert len(tmp.columns) == len(expected_columns) assert all(x in expected_columns for x in tmp.columns) ## Check data is correct tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_00', create_engine(db_engine), index_col='eid') assert not tmp.empty assert tmp.shape[0] == 2 assert tmp.loc[1, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 1' assert tmp.loc[1, 'c21_1_0'] == 'No response' assert tmp.loc[1, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Yes' assert tmp.loc[1, 'c31_0_0'] == '2012-01-05' assert int(tmp.loc[1, 'c34_0_0']) == 21 assert int(tmp.loc[1, 'c46_0_0']) == -9 assert tmp.loc[1, 'c47_0_0'].round(5) == 45.55412 assert tmp.loc[1, 'c48_0_0'] == '2011-08-14' assert tmp.loc[2, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 2' assert pd.isnull(tmp.loc[2, 'c21_1_0']) assert tmp.loc[2, 'c21_2_0'] == 'No' assert tmp.loc[2, 'c31_0_0'] == '2015-12-30' assert int(tmp.loc[2, 'c34_0_0']) == 12 assert int(tmp.loc[2, 'c46_0_0']) == -2 assert tmp.loc[2, 'c47_0_0'].round(5) == -0.55461 assert tmp.loc[2, 'c48_0_0'] == '2010-03-29' def test_postgresql_default_values(self): # Prepare csv_file = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example01.csv') db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine) # Run p2sql.load_data() # Validate assert p2sql.db_type == 'postgresql' ## Check table exists table = pd.read_sql("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '{}');".format('ukb_pheno_0_00'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert table.iloc[0, 0] ## Check columns are correct tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_00', create_engine(db_engine)) expected_columns = ["eid","c21_0_0","c21_1_0","c21_2_0","c31_0_0","c34_0_0","c46_0_0","c47_0_0","c48_0_0"] assert len(tmp.columns) == len(expected_columns) assert all(x in expected_columns for x in tmp.columns) ## Check data is correct tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_00', create_engine(db_engine), index_col='eid') assert not tmp.empty assert tmp.shape[0] == 2 assert tmp.loc[1, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 1' assert tmp.loc[1, 'c21_1_0'] == 'No response' assert tmp.loc[1, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Yes' assert tmp.loc[1, 'c31_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2012-01-05' assert int(tmp.loc[1, 'c34_0_0']) == 21 assert int(tmp.loc[1, 'c46_0_0']) == -9 assert tmp.loc[1, 'c47_0_0'].round(5) == 45.55412 assert tmp.loc[1, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2011-08-14' assert tmp.loc[2, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 2' assert pd.isnull(tmp.loc[2, 'c21_1_0']) assert tmp.loc[2, 'c21_2_0'] == 'No' assert tmp.loc[2, 'c31_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2015-12-30' assert int(tmp.loc[2, 'c34_0_0']) == 12 assert int(tmp.loc[2, 'c46_0_0']) == -2 assert tmp.loc[2, 'c47_0_0'].round(5) == -0.55461 assert tmp.loc[2, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2010-03-29' def test_exit(self): # Prepare csv_file = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example01.csv') db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # Run with Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, tmpdir=temp_dir) as p2sql: p2sql.load_data() # Validate ## Check table exists table = pd.read_sql("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '{}');".format('ukb_pheno_0_00'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert table.iloc[0, 0] ## Check columns are correct tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_00', create_engine(db_engine)) expected_columns = ["eid","c21_0_0","c21_1_0","c21_2_0","c31_0_0","c34_0_0","c46_0_0","c47_0_0","c48_0_0"] assert len(tmp.columns) == len(expected_columns) assert all(x in expected_columns for x in tmp.columns) ## Check data is correct tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_00', create_engine(db_engine), index_col='eid') assert not tmp.empty assert tmp.shape[0] == 2 ## Check that temporary files were deleted assert len(os.listdir(temp_dir)) == 0 @unittest.skip('sqlite being removed') def test_sqlite_less_columns_per_table(self): # Prepare csv_file = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example01.csv') db_engine = SQLITE_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, n_columns_per_table=3) # Run p2sql.load_data() # Validate assert p2sql.db_type == 'sqlite' ## Check tables exist table = pd.read_sql("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='{}';".format('ukb_pheno_0_00'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert not table.empty table = pd.read_sql("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='{}';".format('ukb_pheno_0_01'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert not table.empty table = pd.read_sql("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='{}';".format('ukb_pheno_0_02'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert not table.empty ## Check columns are correct tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_00', create_engine(db_engine)) expected_columns = ["eid","c21_0_0","c21_1_0","c21_2_0"] assert len(tmp.columns) == len(expected_columns) assert all(x in expected_columns for x in tmp.columns) tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_01', create_engine(db_engine)) expected_columns = ["eid","c31_0_0","c34_0_0","c46_0_0"] assert len(tmp.columns) == len(expected_columns) assert all(x in expected_columns for x in tmp.columns) tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_02', create_engine(db_engine)) expected_columns = ["eid","c47_0_0","c48_0_0"] assert len(tmp.columns) == len(expected_columns) assert all(x in expected_columns for x in tmp.columns) ## Check data is correct tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_00', create_engine(db_engine), index_col='eid') assert not tmp.empty assert tmp.shape[0] == 2 assert tmp.loc[1, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 1' assert tmp.loc[1, 'c21_1_0'] == 'No response' assert tmp.loc[1, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Yes' assert tmp.loc[2, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 2' assert pd.isnull(tmp.loc[2, 'c21_1_0']) assert tmp.loc[2, 'c21_2_0'] == 'No' tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_01', create_engine(db_engine), index_col='eid') assert not tmp.empty assert tmp.shape[0] == 2 assert tmp.loc[1, 'c31_0_0'] == '2012-01-05' assert int(tmp.loc[1, 'c34_0_0']) == 21 assert int(tmp.loc[1, 'c46_0_0']) == -9 assert tmp.loc[2, 'c31_0_0'] == '2015-12-30' assert int(tmp.loc[2, 'c34_0_0']) == 12 assert int(tmp.loc[2, 'c46_0_0']) == -2 tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_02', create_engine(db_engine), index_col='eid') assert not tmp.empty assert tmp.shape[0] == 2 assert tmp.loc[1, 'c47_0_0'].round(5) == 45.55412 assert tmp.loc[1, 'c48_0_0'] == '2011-08-14' assert tmp.loc[2, 'c47_0_0'].round(5) == -0.55461 assert tmp.loc[2, 'c48_0_0'] == '2010-03-29' def test_postgresql_less_columns_per_table(self): # Prepare csv_file = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example01.csv') db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, n_columns_per_table=3) # Run p2sql.load_data() # Validate assert p2sql.db_type == 'postgresql' ## Check tables exist table = pd.read_sql("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '{}');".format('ukb_pheno_0_00'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert table.iloc[0, 0] table = pd.read_sql("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '{}');".format('ukb_pheno_0_01'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert table.iloc[0, 0] table = pd.read_sql("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '{}');".format('ukb_pheno_0_02'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert table.iloc[0, 0] ## Check columns are correct tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_00', create_engine(db_engine)) expected_columns = ["eid","c21_0_0","c21_1_0","c21_2_0"] assert len(tmp.columns) == len(expected_columns) assert all(x in expected_columns for x in tmp.columns) tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_01', create_engine(db_engine)) expected_columns = ["eid","c31_0_0","c34_0_0","c46_0_0"] assert len(tmp.columns) == len(expected_columns) assert all(x in expected_columns for x in tmp.columns) tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_02', create_engine(db_engine)) expected_columns = ["eid","c47_0_0","c48_0_0"] assert len(tmp.columns) == len(expected_columns) assert all(x in expected_columns for x in tmp.columns) ## Check data is correct tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_00', create_engine(db_engine), index_col='eid') assert not tmp.empty assert tmp.shape[0] == 2 assert tmp.loc[1, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 1' assert tmp.loc[1, 'c21_1_0'] == 'No response' assert tmp.loc[1, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Yes' assert tmp.loc[2, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 2' assert pd.isnull(tmp.loc[2, 'c21_1_0']) assert tmp.loc[2, 'c21_2_0'] == 'No' tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_01', create_engine(db_engine), index_col='eid') assert not tmp.empty assert tmp.shape[0] == 2 assert tmp.loc[1, 'c31_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2012-01-05' assert int(tmp.loc[1, 'c34_0_0']) == 21 assert int(tmp.loc[1, 'c46_0_0']) == -9 assert tmp.loc[2, 'c31_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2015-12-30' assert int(tmp.loc[2, 'c34_0_0']) == 12 assert int(tmp.loc[2, 'c46_0_0']) == -2 tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_02', create_engine(db_engine), index_col='eid') assert not tmp.empty assert tmp.shape[0] == 2 assert tmp.loc[1, 'c47_0_0'].round(5) == 45.55412 assert tmp.loc[1, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2011-08-14' assert tmp.loc[2, 'c47_0_0'].round(5) == -0.55461 assert tmp.loc[2, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2010-03-29' def test_custom_tmpdir(self): # Prepare csv_file = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example01.csv') db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE with Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, tmpdir='/tmp/custom/directory/here', delete_temp_csv=False) as p2sql: # Run p2sql.load_data() # Validate ## Check table exists table = pd.read_sql("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '{}');".format('ukb_pheno_0_00'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert table.iloc[0, 0] ## Check columns are correct tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_00', create_engine(db_engine)) expected_columns = ["eid","c21_0_0","c21_1_0","c21_2_0","c31_0_0","c34_0_0","c46_0_0","c47_0_0","c48_0_0"] assert len(tmp.columns) == len(expected_columns) assert all(x in expected_columns for x in tmp.columns) ## Check data is correct tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_00', create_engine(db_engine), index_col='eid') assert not tmp.empty assert tmp.shape[0] == 2 ## Check that temporary are still there assert len(os.listdir('/tmp/custom/directory/here')) > 0 ## Check that temporary is now clean assert len(os.listdir('/tmp/custom/directory/here')) == 0 @unittest.skip('sqlite being removed') def test_sqlite_auxiliary_table_is_created(self): # Prepare csv_file = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example01.csv') db_engine = SQLITE_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, n_columns_per_table=3) # Run p2sql.load_data() # Validate assert p2sql.db_type == 'sqlite' ## Check tables exist table = pd.read_sql("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='{}';".format('ukb_pheno_0_00'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert not table.empty table = pd.read_sql("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='{}';".format('ukb_pheno_0_01'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert not table.empty table = pd.read_sql("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='{}';".format('ukb_pheno_0_02'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert not table.empty ## Check columns are correct tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_00', create_engine(db_engine)) expected_columns = ["eid","c21_0_0","c21_1_0","c21_2_0"] assert len(tmp.columns) == len(expected_columns) assert all(x in expected_columns for x in tmp.columns) tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_01', create_engine(db_engine)) expected_columns = ["eid","c31_0_0","c34_0_0","c46_0_0"] assert len(tmp.columns) == len(expected_columns) assert all(x in expected_columns for x in tmp.columns) tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_02', create_engine(db_engine)) expected_columns = ["eid","c47_0_0","c48_0_0"] assert len(tmp.columns) == len(expected_columns) assert all(x in expected_columns for x in tmp.columns) ## Check auxiliary table existance table = pd.read_sql("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='{}';".format('fields'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert not table.empty ## Check columns are correct tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from fields', create_engine(db_engine)) expected_columns = ["column_name", "table_name"] assert len(tmp.columns) >= len(expected_columns) assert all(x in tmp.columns for x in expected_columns) ## Check data is correct tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from fields', create_engine(db_engine), index_col='column_name') assert not tmp.empty assert tmp.shape[0] == 8 assert tmp.loc['c21_0_0', 'table_name'] == 'ukb_pheno_0_00' assert tmp.loc['c21_1_0', 'table_name'] == 'ukb_pheno_0_00' assert tmp.loc['c21_2_0', 'table_name'] == 'ukb_pheno_0_00' assert tmp.loc['c31_0_0', 'table_name'] == 'ukb_pheno_0_01' assert tmp.loc['c34_0_0', 'table_name'] == 'ukb_pheno_0_01' assert tmp.loc['c46_0_0', 'table_name'] == 'ukb_pheno_0_01' assert tmp.loc['c47_0_0', 'table_name'] == 'ukb_pheno_0_02' assert tmp.loc['c48_0_0', 'table_name'] == 'ukb_pheno_0_02' def test_postgresql_auxiliary_table_is_created_and_has_minimum_data_required(self): # Prepare csv_file = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example01.csv') db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, n_columns_per_table=3, loading_n_jobs=1) # Run p2sql.load_data() # Validate assert p2sql.db_type == 'postgresql' ## Check tables exist table = pd.read_sql("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '{}');".format('ukb_pheno_0_00'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert table.iloc[0, 0] table = pd.read_sql("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '{}');".format('ukb_pheno_0_01'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert table.iloc[0, 0] table = pd.read_sql("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '{}');".format('ukb_pheno_0_02'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert table.iloc[0, 0] ## Check columns are correct tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_00', create_engine(db_engine)) expected_columns = ["eid","c21_0_0","c21_1_0","c21_2_0"] assert len(tmp.columns) == len(expected_columns) assert all(x in expected_columns for x in tmp.columns) tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_01', create_engine(db_engine)) expected_columns = ["eid","c31_0_0","c34_0_0","c46_0_0"] assert len(tmp.columns) == len(expected_columns) assert all(x in expected_columns for x in tmp.columns) tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_02', create_engine(db_engine)) expected_columns = ["eid","c47_0_0","c48_0_0"] assert len(tmp.columns) == len(expected_columns) assert all(x in expected_columns for x in tmp.columns) ## Check auxiliary table existance table = pd.read_sql("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '{}');".format('fields'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert table.iloc[0, 0] ## Check columns are correct tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from fields', create_engine(db_engine)) expected_columns = ["column_name", "table_name"] assert len(tmp.columns) >= len(expected_columns) assert all(x in tmp.columns for x in expected_columns) ## Check data is correct tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from fields', create_engine(db_engine), index_col='column_name') assert not tmp.empty assert tmp.shape[0] == 8 assert tmp.loc['c21_0_0', 'table_name'] == 'ukb_pheno_0_00' assert tmp.loc['c21_1_0', 'table_name'] == 'ukb_pheno_0_00' assert tmp.loc['c21_2_0', 'table_name'] == 'ukb_pheno_0_00' assert tmp.loc['c31_0_0', 'table_name'] == 'ukb_pheno_0_01' assert tmp.loc['c34_0_0', 'table_name'] == 'ukb_pheno_0_01' assert tmp.loc['c46_0_0', 'table_name'] == 'ukb_pheno_0_01' assert tmp.loc['c47_0_0', 'table_name'] == 'ukb_pheno_0_02' assert tmp.loc['c48_0_0', 'table_name'] == 'ukb_pheno_0_02' def test_postgresql_auxiliary_table_with_more_information(self): # Prepare csv_file = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example01.csv') db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, n_columns_per_table=3, loading_n_jobs=1) # Run p2sql.load_data() # Validate assert p2sql.db_type == 'postgresql' ## Check tables exist table = pd.read_sql("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '{}');".format('ukb_pheno_0_00'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert table.iloc[0, 0] table = pd.read_sql("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '{}');".format('ukb_pheno_0_01'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert table.iloc[0, 0] table = pd.read_sql("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '{}');".format('ukb_pheno_0_02'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert table.iloc[0, 0] ## Check auxiliary table existance table = pd.read_sql("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '{}');".format('fields'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert table.iloc[0, 0] ## Check columns are correct tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from fields', create_engine(db_engine)) expected_columns = ["column_name", "field_id", "inst", "arr", "coding", "table_name", "type", "description"] assert len(tmp.columns) == len(expected_columns), len(tmp.columns) assert all(x in expected_columns for x in tmp.columns) ## Check data is correct tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from fields', create_engine(db_engine), index_col='column_name') assert not tmp.empty assert tmp.shape[0] == 8 assert tmp.loc['c21_0_0', 'field_id'] == '21' assert tmp.loc['c21_0_0', 'inst'] == 0 assert tmp.loc['c21_0_0', 'arr'] == 0 assert tmp.loc['c21_0_0', 'coding'] == 100261 assert tmp.loc['c21_0_0', 'table_name'] == 'ukb_pheno_0_00' assert tmp.loc['c21_0_0', 'type'] == 'Categorical (single)' assert tmp.loc['c21_0_0', 'description'] == 'An string value' assert tmp.loc['c21_1_0', 'field_id'] == '21' assert tmp.loc['c21_1_0', 'inst'] == 1 assert tmp.loc['c21_1_0', 'arr'] == 0 assert tmp.loc['c21_1_0', 'coding'] == 100261 assert tmp.loc['c21_1_0', 'table_name'] == 'ukb_pheno_0_00' assert tmp.loc['c21_1_0', 'type'] == 'Categorical (single)' assert tmp.loc['c21_1_0', 'description'] == 'An string value' assert tmp.loc['c21_2_0', 'field_id'] == '21' assert tmp.loc['c21_2_0', 'inst'] == 2 assert tmp.loc['c21_2_0', 'arr'] == 0 assert tmp.loc['c21_2_0', 'coding'] == 100261 assert tmp.loc['c21_2_0', 'table_name'] == 'ukb_pheno_0_00' assert tmp.loc['c21_2_0', 'type'] == 'Categorical (single)' assert tmp.loc['c21_2_0', 'description'] == 'An string value' assert tmp.loc['c31_0_0', 'field_id'] == '31' assert tmp.loc['c31_0_0', 'inst'] == 0 assert tmp.loc['c31_0_0', 'arr'] == 0 assert pd.isnull(tmp.loc['c31_0_0', 'coding']) assert tmp.loc['c31_0_0', 'table_name'] == 'ukb_pheno_0_01' assert tmp.loc['c31_0_0', 'type'] == 'Date' assert tmp.loc['c31_0_0', 'description'] == 'A date' assert tmp.loc['c34_0_0', 'field_id'] == '34' assert tmp.loc['c34_0_0', 'inst'] == 0 assert tmp.loc['c34_0_0', 'arr'] == 0 assert tmp.loc['c34_0_0', 'coding'] == 9 assert tmp.loc['c34_0_0', 'table_name'] == 'ukb_pheno_0_01' assert tmp.loc['c34_0_0', 'type'] == 'Integer' assert tmp.loc['c34_0_0', 'description'] == 'Some integer' assert tmp.loc['c46_0_0', 'field_id'] == '46' assert tmp.loc['c46_0_0', 'inst'] == 0 assert tmp.loc['c46_0_0', 'arr'] == 0 assert pd.isnull(tmp.loc['c46_0_0', 'coding']) assert tmp.loc['c46_0_0', 'table_name'] == 'ukb_pheno_0_01' assert tmp.loc['c46_0_0', 'type'] == 'Integer' assert tmp.loc['c46_0_0', 'description'] == 'Some another integer' assert tmp.loc['c47_0_0', 'field_id'] == '47' assert tmp.loc['c47_0_0', 'inst'] == 0 assert tmp.loc['c47_0_0', 'arr'] == 0 assert pd.isnull(tmp.loc['c47_0_0', 'coding']) assert tmp.loc['c47_0_0', 'table_name'] == 'ukb_pheno_0_02' assert tmp.loc['c47_0_0', 'type'] == 'Continuous' assert tmp.loc['c47_0_0', 'description'] == 'Some continuous value' assert tmp.loc['c48_0_0', 'field_id'] == '48' assert tmp.loc['c48_0_0', 'inst'] == 0 assert tmp.loc['c48_0_0', 'arr'] == 0 assert pd.isnull(tmp.loc['c48_0_0', 'coding']) assert tmp.loc['c48_0_0', 'table_name'] == 'ukb_pheno_0_02' assert tmp.loc['c48_0_0', 'type'] == 'Time' assert tmp.loc['c48_0_0', 'description'] == 'Some time' def test_postgresql_auxiliary_table_check_types(self): # Prepare csv_file = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example01.csv') db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, n_columns_per_table=3, loading_n_jobs=1) # Run p2sql.load_data() # Validate assert p2sql.db_type == 'postgresql' ## Check auxiliary table existance table = pd.read_sql("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '{}');".format('fields'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert table.iloc[0, 0] ## Check columns are correct tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from fields', create_engine(db_engine)) expected_columns = ["column_name", "field_id", "inst", "arr", "coding", "table_name", "type", "description"] assert len(tmp.columns) == len(expected_columns), len(tmp.columns) assert all(x in expected_columns for x in tmp.columns) ## Check data is correct sql_types = """ select column_name, data_type from information_schema.columns where table_name = 'fields'; """ tmp = pd.read_sql(sql_types, create_engine(db_engine), index_col='column_name') assert not tmp.empty assert tmp.shape[0] == 8 assert tmp.loc['field_id', 'data_type'] == 'text' assert tmp.loc['inst', 'data_type'] == 'bigint' assert tmp.loc['arr', 'data_type'] == 'bigint' assert tmp.loc['coding', 'data_type'] == 'bigint' assert tmp.loc['table_name', 'data_type'] == 'text' assert tmp.loc['type', 'data_type'] == 'text' assert tmp.loc['description', 'data_type'] == 'text' def test_postgresql_auxiliary_table_constraints(self): # Prepare csv_file = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example01.csv') db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, n_columns_per_table=3, loading_n_jobs=1) # Run p2sql.load_data() # Validate assert p2sql.db_type == 'postgresql' ## Check auxiliary table existance table = pd.read_sql("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '{}');".format('fields'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert table.iloc[0, 0] # primary key constraint_sql = self._get_table_contrains('fields', column_query='column_name', relationship_query='pk_%%') constraints_results = pd.read_sql(constraint_sql, create_engine(db_engine)) assert constraints_results is not None assert not constraints_results.empty # index on 'event' column constraint_sql = self._get_table_contrains('fields', relationship_query='ix_%%') constraints_results = pd.read_sql(constraint_sql, create_engine(db_engine)) assert constraints_results is not None assert not constraints_results.empty columns = constraints_results['column_name'].tolist() assert len(columns) == 6 assert 'arr' in columns assert 'field_id' in columns assert 'inst' in columns assert 'table_name' in columns assert 'type' in columns assert 'coding' in columns def test_postgresql_two_csv_files(self): # Prepare csv01 = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example08_01.csv') csv02 = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example08_02.csv') db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL((csv01, csv02), db_engine) # Run p2sql.load_data() # Validate assert p2sql.db_type == 'postgresql' ## Check tables exist table = pd.read_sql("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '{}');".format('ukb_pheno_0_00'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert table.iloc[0, 0] table = pd.read_sql("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '{}');".format('ukb_pheno_1_00'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert table.iloc[0, 0] ## Check columns are correct tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_00', create_engine(db_engine)) expected_columns = ["eid","c21_0_0","c21_1_0","c21_2_0","c31_0_0","c34_0_0","c46_0_0","c47_0_0","c48_0_0"] assert len(tmp.columns) == len(expected_columns) assert all(x in expected_columns for x in tmp.columns) tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_1_00', create_engine(db_engine)) expected_columns = ["eid","c100_0_0", "c100_1_0", "c100_2_0", "c110_0_0", "c120_0_0", "c130_0_0", "c140_0_0", "c150_0_0"] assert len(tmp.columns) == len(expected_columns) assert all(x in expected_columns for x in tmp.columns) ## Check data is correct tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_00', create_engine(db_engine), index_col='eid') assert not tmp.empty assert tmp.shape[0] == 5 assert tmp.loc[1, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 1' assert tmp.loc[1, 'c21_1_0'] == 'No response' assert tmp.loc[1, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Yes' assert tmp.loc[1, 'c31_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2011-03-07' assert int(tmp.loc[1, 'c34_0_0']) == -33 assert int(tmp.loc[1, 'c46_0_0']) == -9 assert tmp.loc[1, 'c47_0_0'].round(5) == 41.55312 assert tmp.loc[1, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2010-07-14' assert tmp.loc[5, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 5' assert tmp.loc[5, 'c21_1_0'] == 'Maybe' assert tmp.loc[5, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Probably' assert pd.isnull(tmp.loc[5, 'c31_0_0']) assert int(tmp.loc[5, 'c34_0_0']) == -4 assert int(tmp.loc[5, 'c46_0_0']) == 1 assert pd.isnull(tmp.loc[5, 'c47_0_0']) assert tmp.loc[5, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '1999-10-11' tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_1_00', create_engine(db_engine), index_col='eid') assert not tmp.empty assert tmp.shape[0] == 3 assert int(tmp.loc[1, 'c100_0_0']) == -9 assert int(tmp.loc[1, 'c100_1_0']) == 3 assert pd.isnull(tmp.loc[1, 'c100_2_0']) assert tmp.loc[1, 'c110_0_0'].round(5) == 42.55312 assert int(tmp.loc[1, 'c120_0_0']) == -33 assert tmp.loc[1, 'c130_0_0'] == 'Option number 1' assert tmp.loc[1, 'c140_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2011-03-07' assert tmp.loc[1, 'c150_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2010-07-14' assert pd.isnull(tmp.loc[3, 'c100_0_0']) assert int(tmp.loc[3, 'c100_1_0']) == -4 assert int(tmp.loc[3, 'c100_2_0']) == -10 assert tmp.loc[3, 'c110_0_0'].round(5) == -35.31471 assert int(tmp.loc[3, 'c120_0_0']) == 0 assert tmp.loc[3, 'c130_0_0'] == 'Option number 3' assert tmp.loc[3, 'c140_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '1997-04-15' assert pd.isnull(tmp.loc[3, 'c150_0_0']) @unittest.skip('sqlite being removed') def test_sqlite_query_single_table(self): # Prepare csv_file = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example02.csv') db_engine = SQLITE_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, n_columns_per_table=999999) p2sql.load_data() # Run columns = ['c21_0_0', 'c21_2_0', 'c48_0_0'] query_result = next(p2sql.query(columns)) # Validate assert query_result is not None assert == 'eid' assert len(query_result.index) == 4 assert all(x in query_result.index for x in range(1, 4 + 1)) assert len(query_result.columns) == len(columns) assert all(x in columns for x in query_result.columns) assert not query_result.empty assert query_result.shape[0] == 4 assert query_result.loc[1, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 1' assert query_result.loc[2, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 2' assert query_result.loc[3, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 3' assert query_result.loc[4, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 4' assert query_result.loc[1, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Yes' assert query_result.loc[2, 'c21_2_0'] == 'No' assert query_result.loc[3, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Maybe' assert pd.isnull(query_result.loc[4, 'c21_2_0']) assert query_result.loc[1, 'c48_0_0'] == '2011-08-14' assert query_result.loc[2, 'c48_0_0'] == '2016-11-30' assert query_result.loc[3, 'c48_0_0'] == '2010-01-01' assert query_result.loc[4, 'c48_0_0'] == '2011-02-15' def test_postgresql_query_single_table(self): # Prepare csv_file = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example02.csv') db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, n_columns_per_table=999999) p2sql.load_data() # Run columns = ['c21_0_0', 'c21_2_0', 'c48_0_0'] query_result = next(p2sql.query(columns)) # Validate assert query_result is not None assert == 'eid' assert len(query_result.index) == 4 assert all(x in query_result.index for x in range(1, 4 + 1)) assert len(query_result.columns) == len(columns) assert all(x in columns for x in query_result.columns) assert not query_result.empty assert query_result.shape[0] == 4 assert query_result.loc[1, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 1' assert query_result.loc[2, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 2' assert query_result.loc[3, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 3' assert query_result.loc[4, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 4' assert query_result.loc[1, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Yes' assert query_result.loc[2, 'c21_2_0'] == 'No' assert query_result.loc[3, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Maybe' assert pd.isnull(query_result.loc[4, 'c21_2_0']) assert query_result.loc[1, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2011-08-14' assert query_result.loc[2, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2016-11-30' assert query_result.loc[3, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2010-01-01' assert query_result.loc[4, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2011-02-15' def test_postgresql_two_csv_files_query_single_table(self): # Prepare csv01 = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example08_01.csv') csv02 = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example08_02.csv') db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL((csv01, csv02), db_engine, n_columns_per_table=999999) p2sql.load_data() # Run columns = ['c21_0_0', 'c21_2_0', 'c48_0_0'] query_result = next(p2sql.query(columns)) # Validate assert query_result is not None assert == 'eid' assert len(query_result.index) == 5 assert all(x in query_result.index for x in range(1, 5 + 1)) assert len(query_result.columns) == len(columns) assert all(x in columns for x in query_result.columns) assert not query_result.empty assert query_result.shape[0] == 5 assert query_result.loc[1, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 1' assert query_result.loc[2, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 2' assert query_result.loc[3, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 3' assert query_result.loc[4, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 4' assert query_result.loc[5, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 5' assert query_result.loc[1, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Yes' assert query_result.loc[2, 'c21_2_0'] == 'No' assert query_result.loc[3, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Maybe' assert pd.isnull(query_result.loc[4, 'c21_2_0']) assert query_result.loc[5, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Probably' assert query_result.loc[1, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2010-07-14' assert query_result.loc[2, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2017-11-30' assert query_result.loc[3, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2020-01-01' assert query_result.loc[4, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '1990-02-15' assert query_result.loc[5, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '1999-10-11' @unittest.skip('sqlite being removed') def test_sqlite_query_multiple_tables(self): # RIGHT and FULL OUTER JOINs are not currently supported # Prepare csv_file = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example02.csv') db_engine = SQLITE_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, n_columns_per_table=2) p2sql.load_data() # Run columns = ['c21_0_0', 'c21_2_0', 'c48_0_0'] query_result = p2sql.query(columns) # Validate assert query_result is not None assert == 'eid' assert len(query_result.index) == 4 assert all(x in query_result.index for x in range(1, 4 + 1)) assert len(query_result.columns) == len(columns) assert all(x in columns for x in query_result.columns) assert not query_result.empty assert query_result.shape[0] == 4 assert query_result.loc[1, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 1' assert query_result.loc[2, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 2' assert query_result.loc[3, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 3' assert query_result.loc[4, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 4' assert query_result.loc[1, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Yes' assert query_result.loc[2, 'c21_2_0'] == 'No' assert query_result.loc[3, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Maybe' assert pd.isnull(query_result.loc[4, 'c21_2_0']) assert query_result.loc[1, 'c48_0_0'] == '2011-08-14' assert query_result.loc[2, 'c48_0_0'] == '2016-11-30' assert query_result.loc[3, 'c48_0_0'] == '2010-01-01' assert query_result.loc[4, 'c48_0_0'] == '2011-02-15' def test_postgresql_query_multiple_tables(self): # Prepare csv_file = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example02.csv') db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, n_columns_per_table=2) p2sql.load_data() # Run columns = ['c21_0_0', 'c21_2_0', 'c48_0_0'] query_result = next(p2sql.query(columns)) # Validate assert query_result is not None assert == 'eid' assert len(query_result.index) == 4 assert all(x in query_result.index for x in range(1, 4 + 1)) assert len(query_result.columns) == len(columns) assert all(x in columns for x in query_result.columns) assert not query_result.empty assert query_result.shape[0] == 4 assert query_result.loc[1, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 1' assert query_result.loc[2, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 2' assert query_result.loc[3, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 3' assert query_result.loc[4, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 4' assert query_result.loc[1, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Yes' assert query_result.loc[2, 'c21_2_0'] == 'No' assert query_result.loc[3, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Maybe' assert pd.isnull(query_result.loc[4, 'c21_2_0']) assert query_result.loc[1, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2011-08-14' assert query_result.loc[2, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2016-11-30' assert query_result.loc[3, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2010-01-01' assert query_result.loc[4, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2011-02-15' def test_postgresql_two_csv_files_query_multiple_tables(self): # Prepare csv01 = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example08_01.csv') csv02 = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example08_02.csv') db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL((csv01, csv02), db_engine, n_columns_per_table=999999) p2sql.load_data() # Run columns = ['c21_0_0', 'c21_2_0', 'c110_0_0', 'c150_0_0'] query_result = next(p2sql.query(columns)) # Validate assert query_result is not None assert == 'eid' assert len(query_result.index) == 5 assert all(x in query_result.index for x in range(1, 5 + 1)) assert len(query_result.columns) == len(columns) assert all(x in columns for x in query_result.columns) assert not query_result.empty assert query_result.shape[0] == 5 assert query_result.loc[1, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 1' assert query_result.loc[2, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 2' assert query_result.loc[3, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 3' assert query_result.loc[4, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 4' assert query_result.loc[5, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 5' assert query_result.loc[1, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Yes' assert query_result.loc[2, 'c21_2_0'] == 'No' assert query_result.loc[3, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Maybe' assert pd.isnull(query_result.loc[4, 'c21_2_0']) assert query_result.loc[5, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Probably' assert query_result.loc[1, 'c110_0_0'].round(5) == 42.55312 assert pd.isnull(query_result.loc[2, 'c110_0_0']) assert query_result.loc[3, 'c110_0_0'].round(5) == -35.31471 assert pd.isnull(query_result.loc[4, 'c110_0_0']) assert pd.isnull(query_result.loc[5, 'c110_0_0']) assert query_result.loc[1, 'c150_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2010-07-14' assert query_result.loc[2, 'c150_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2017-11-30' assert pd.isnull(query_result.loc[3, 'c150_0_0']) assert pd.isnull(query_result.loc[4, 'c150_0_0']) assert pd.isnull(query_result.loc[5, 'c150_0_0']) def test_postgresql_two_csv_files_flipped_query_multiple_tables(self): # Prepare # In this test the files are just flipped csv01 = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example08_01.csv') csv02 = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example08_02.csv') db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL((csv02, csv01), db_engine, n_columns_per_table=999999) p2sql.load_data() # Run columns = ['c21_0_0', 'c21_2_0', 'c110_0_0', 'c150_0_0'] query_result = next(p2sql.query(columns)) # Validate assert query_result is not None assert == 'eid' assert len(query_result.index) == 5 assert all(x in query_result.index for x in range(1, 5 + 1)) assert len(query_result.columns) == len(columns) assert all(x in columns for x in query_result.columns) assert not query_result.empty assert query_result.shape[0] == 5 assert query_result.loc[1, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 1' assert query_result.loc[2, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 2' assert query_result.loc[3, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 3' assert query_result.loc[4, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 4' assert query_result.loc[5, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 5' assert query_result.loc[1, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Yes' assert query_result.loc[2, 'c21_2_0'] == 'No' assert query_result.loc[3, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Maybe' assert pd.isnull(query_result.loc[4, 'c21_2_0']) assert query_result.loc[5, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Probably' assert query_result.loc[1, 'c110_0_0'].round(5) == 42.55312 assert pd.isnull(query_result.loc[2, 'c110_0_0']) assert query_result.loc[3, 'c110_0_0'].round(5) == -35.31471 assert pd.isnull(query_result.loc[4, 'c110_0_0']) assert pd.isnull(query_result.loc[5, 'c110_0_0']) assert query_result.loc[1, 'c150_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2010-07-14' assert query_result.loc[2, 'c150_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2017-11-30' assert pd.isnull(query_result.loc[3, 'c150_0_0']) assert pd.isnull(query_result.loc[4, 'c150_0_0']) assert pd.isnull(query_result.loc[5, 'c150_0_0']) @unittest.skip('sqlite being removed') def test_sqlite_query_custom_columns(self): # SQLite is very limited when selecting variables, renaming, doing math operations, etc pass def test_postgresql_query_custom_columns(self): # Prepare csv_file = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example02.csv') db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, n_columns_per_table=2) p2sql.load_data() # Run columns = ['c21_0_0', 'c21_2_0', 'c47_0_0', '(c47_0_0 ^ 2.0) as c47_squared'] query_result = next(p2sql.query(columns)) # Validate assert query_result is not None assert == 'eid' assert len(query_result.index) == 4 assert all(x in query_result.index for x in range(1, 4 + 1)) assert len(query_result.columns) == len(columns) assert all(x in ['c21_0_0', 'c21_2_0', 'c47_0_0', 'c47_squared'] for x in query_result.columns) assert not query_result.empty assert query_result.shape[0] == 4 assert query_result.loc[1, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 1' assert query_result.loc[2, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 2' assert query_result.loc[3, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 3' assert query_result.loc[4, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 4' assert query_result.loc[1, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Yes' assert query_result.loc[2, 'c21_2_0'] == 'No' assert query_result.loc[3, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Maybe' assert pd.isnull(query_result.loc[4, 'c21_2_0']) assert query_result.loc[1, 'c47_0_0'].round(5) == 45.55412 assert query_result.loc[2, 'c47_0_0'].round(5) == -0.55461 assert query_result.loc[3, 'c47_0_0'].round(5) == -5.32471 assert query_result.loc[4, 'c47_0_0'].round(5) == 55.19832 assert query_result.loc[1, 'c47_squared'].round(5) == round(45.55412 ** 2, 5) assert query_result.loc[2, 'c47_squared'].round(5) == round((-0.55461) ** 2, 5) assert query_result.loc[3, 'c47_squared'].round(5) == round((-5.32471) ** 2, 5) assert query_result.loc[4, 'c47_squared'].round(5) == round(55.19832 ** 2, 5) @unittest.skip('sqlite being removed') def test_sqlite_query_single_filter(self): # RIGHT and FULL OUTER JOINs are not currently supported # Prepare csv_file = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example02.csv') db_engine = SQLITE_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, n_columns_per_table=2) p2sql.load_data() # Run columns = ['c21_0_0', 'c21_2_0', 'c47_0_0'] filter = ['c47_0_0 > 0'] query_result = p2sql.query(columns, filter) # Validate assert query_result is not None assert == 'eid' assert len(query_result.index) == 2 assert all(x in query_result.index for x in (1, 4)) assert len(query_result.columns) == len(columns) assert all(x in columns for x in query_result.columns) assert not query_result.empty assert query_result.shape[0] == 2 assert query_result.loc[1, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 1' assert query_result.loc[4, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 4' assert query_result.loc[1, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Yes' assert pd.isnull(query_result.loc[4, 'c21_2_0']) assert query_result.loc[1, 'c47_0_0'].round(5) == 45.55412 assert query_result.loc[4, 'c47_0_0'].round(5) == 55.19832 def test_postgresql_query_single_filter(self): # Prepare csv_file = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example02.csv') db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, n_columns_per_table=2) p2sql.load_data() # Run columns = ['c21_0_0', 'c21_2_0', 'c47_0_0'] filter = ['c47_0_0 > 0'] query_result = next(p2sql.query(columns, filterings=filter)) # Validate assert query_result is not None assert == 'eid' assert len(query_result.index) == 2 assert all(x in query_result.index for x in (1, 4)) assert len(query_result.columns) == len(columns) assert all(x in columns for x in query_result.columns) assert not query_result.empty assert query_result.shape[0] == 2 assert query_result.loc[1, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 1' assert query_result.loc[4, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 4' assert query_result.loc[1, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Yes' assert pd.isnull(query_result.loc[4, 'c21_2_0']) assert query_result.loc[1, 'c47_0_0'].round(5) == 45.55412 assert query_result.loc[4, 'c47_0_0'].round(5) == 55.19832 @unittest.skip('sqlite being removed') def test_sqlite_query_multiple_and_filter(self): # 'RIGHT and FULL OUTER JOINs are not currently supported' # Prepare csv_file = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example02.csv') db_engine = SQLITE_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, n_columns_per_table=2) p2sql.load_data() # Run columns = ['c21_0_0', 'c21_2_0', 'c47_0_0', 'c48_0_0'] filter = ["c48_0_0 > '2011-01-01'", "c21_2_0 <> ''"] query_result = p2sql.query(columns, filter) # Validate assert query_result is not None assert == 'eid' assert len(query_result.index) == 2 assert all(x in query_result.index for x in (1, 2)) assert len(query_result.columns) == len(columns) assert all(x in columns for x in query_result.columns) assert not query_result.empty assert query_result.shape[0] == 2 assert query_result.loc[1, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 1' assert query_result.loc[2, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 2' assert query_result.loc[1, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Yes' assert query_result.loc[2, 'c21_2_0'] == 'No' assert query_result.loc[1, 'c47_0_0'].round(5) == 45.55412 assert query_result.loc[2, 'c47_0_0'].round(5) == -0.55461 def test_postgresql_query_multiple_and_filter(self): # Prepare csv_file = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example02.csv') db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, n_columns_per_table=2) p2sql.load_data() # Run columns = ['c21_0_0', 'c21_2_0', 'c47_0_0', 'c48_0_0'] filter = ["c48_0_0 > '2011-01-01'", "c21_2_0 <> ''"] query_result = next(p2sql.query(columns, filterings=filter)) # Validate assert query_result is not None assert == 'eid' assert len(query_result.index) == 2 assert all(x in query_result.index for x in (1, 2)) assert len(query_result.columns) == len(columns) assert all(x in columns for x in query_result.columns) assert not query_result.empty assert query_result.shape[0] == 2 assert query_result.loc[1, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 1' assert query_result.loc[2, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 2' assert query_result.loc[1, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Yes' assert query_result.loc[2, 'c21_2_0'] == 'No' assert query_result.loc[1, 'c47_0_0'].round(5) == 45.55412 assert query_result.loc[2, 'c47_0_0'].round(5) == -0.55461 assert query_result.loc[1, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2011-08-14' assert query_result.loc[2, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2016-11-30' @unittest.skip('sqlite being removed') def test_sqlite_float_is_empty(self): # Prepare csv_file = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example03.csv') db_engine = SQLITE_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, n_columns_per_table=3, loading_n_jobs=1) # Run p2sql.load_data() # Validate assert p2sql.db_type == 'sqlite' ## Check data is correct tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_00', create_engine(db_engine), index_col='eid') assert not tmp.empty assert tmp.shape[0] == 4 assert tmp.loc[1, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 1' assert tmp.loc[1, 'c21_1_0'] == 'No response' assert tmp.loc[1, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Yes' assert tmp.loc[2, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 2' assert pd.isnull(tmp.loc[2, 'c21_1_0']) assert tmp.loc[2, 'c21_2_0'] == 'No' assert tmp.loc[3, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 3' assert tmp.loc[3, 'c21_1_0'] == 'Of course' assert tmp.loc[3, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Maybe' assert pd.isnull(tmp.loc[4, 'c21_2_0']) tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_01', create_engine(db_engine), index_col='eid') assert not tmp.empty assert tmp.shape[0] == 4 assert tmp.loc[1, 'c31_0_0'] == '2012-01-05' assert int(tmp.loc[1, 'c34_0_0']) == 21 assert int(tmp.loc[1, 'c46_0_0']) == -9 assert tmp.loc[2, 'c31_0_0'] == '2015-12-30' assert int(tmp.loc[2, 'c34_0_0']) == 12 assert int(tmp.loc[2, 'c46_0_0']) == -2 assert tmp.loc[3, 'c31_0_0'] == '2007-03-19' assert int(tmp.loc[3, 'c34_0_0']) == 1 assert int(tmp.loc[3, 'c46_0_0']) == -7 tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_02', create_engine(db_engine), index_col='eid') assert not tmp.empty assert tmp.shape[0] == 4 # FIXME: this is strange, data type in this particular case needs np.round assert np.round(tmp.loc[1, 'c47_0_0'], 5) == 45.55412 assert tmp.loc[1, 'c48_0_0'] == '2011-08-14' assert tmp.loc[2, 'c47_0_0'] == -0.55461 assert tmp.loc[2, 'c48_0_0'] == '2016-11-30' assert pd.isnull(tmp.loc[3, 'c47_0_0']) assert tmp.loc[3, 'c48_0_0'] == '2010-01-01' def test_postgresql_float_is_empty(self): # Prepare csv_file = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example03.csv') db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, n_columns_per_table=3, loading_n_jobs=1) # Run p2sql.load_data() # Validate assert p2sql.db_type == 'postgresql' ## Check data is correct tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_00', create_engine(db_engine), index_col='eid') assert not tmp.empty assert tmp.shape[0] == 4 assert tmp.loc[1, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 1' assert tmp.loc[1, 'c21_1_0'] == 'No response' assert tmp.loc[1, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Yes' assert tmp.loc[2, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 2' assert pd.isnull(tmp.loc[2, 'c21_1_0']) assert tmp.loc[2, 'c21_2_0'] == 'No' assert tmp.loc[3, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 3' assert tmp.loc[3, 'c21_1_0'] == 'Of course' assert tmp.loc[3, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Maybe' assert pd.isnull(tmp.loc[4, 'c21_2_0']) tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_01', create_engine(db_engine), index_col='eid') assert not tmp.empty assert tmp.shape[0] == 4 assert tmp.loc[1, 'c31_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2012-01-05' assert int(tmp.loc[1, 'c34_0_0']) == 21 assert int(tmp.loc[1, 'c46_0_0']) == -9 assert tmp.loc[2, 'c31_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2015-12-30' assert int(tmp.loc[2, 'c34_0_0']) == 12 assert int(tmp.loc[2, 'c46_0_0']) == -2 assert tmp.loc[3, 'c31_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2007-03-19' assert int(tmp.loc[3, 'c34_0_0']) == 1 assert int(tmp.loc[3, 'c46_0_0']) == -7 tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_02', create_engine(db_engine), index_col='eid') assert not tmp.empty assert tmp.shape[0] == 4 assert tmp.loc[1, 'c47_0_0'].round(5) == 45.55412 assert tmp.loc[1, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2011-08-14' assert tmp.loc[2, 'c47_0_0'].round(5) == -0.55461 assert tmp.loc[2, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2016-11-30' assert pd.isnull(tmp.loc[3, 'c47_0_0']) assert tmp.loc[3, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2010-01-01' def test_postgresql_timestamp_is_empty(self): # Prepare csv_file = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example04.csv') db_engine = 'postgresql://test:test@localhost:5432/ukb' p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, n_columns_per_table=3, loading_n_jobs=1) # Run p2sql.load_data() # Validate assert p2sql.db_type == 'postgresql' ## Check data is correct tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_00', create_engine(db_engine), index_col='eid') assert not tmp.empty assert tmp.shape[0] == 4 assert tmp.loc[1, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 1' assert tmp.loc[1, 'c21_1_0'] == 'No response' assert tmp.loc[1, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Yes' assert tmp.loc[2, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 2' assert pd.isnull(tmp.loc[2, 'c21_1_0']) assert tmp.loc[2, 'c21_2_0'] == 'No' assert tmp.loc[3, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 3' assert tmp.loc[3, 'c21_1_0'] == 'Of course' assert tmp.loc[3, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Maybe' assert pd.isnull(tmp.loc[4, 'c21_2_0']) tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_01', create_engine(db_engine), index_col='eid') assert not tmp.empty assert tmp.shape[0] == 4 assert tmp.loc[1, 'c31_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2012-01-05' assert int(tmp.loc[1, 'c34_0_0']) == 21 assert int(tmp.loc[1, 'c46_0_0']) == -9 assert tmp.loc[2, 'c31_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2015-12-30' assert int(tmp.loc[2, 'c34_0_0']) == 12 assert int(tmp.loc[2, 'c46_0_0']) == -2 assert tmp.loc[3, 'c31_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2007-03-19' assert int(tmp.loc[3, 'c34_0_0']) == 1 assert int(tmp.loc[3, 'c46_0_0']) == -7 assert pd.isnull(tmp.loc[4, 'c31_0_0']) tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_02', create_engine(db_engine), index_col='eid') assert not tmp.empty assert tmp.shape[0] == 4 assert tmp.loc[1, 'c47_0_0'].round(5) == 45.55412 assert tmp.loc[1, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2011-08-14' assert tmp.loc[2, 'c47_0_0'].round(5) == -0.55461 assert pd.isnull(tmp.loc[2, 'c48_0_0']) assert tmp.loc[3, 'c47_0_0'].round(5) == -5.32471 assert tmp.loc[3, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2010-01-01' def test_postgresql_integer_is_nan(self): # Prepare csv_file = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example06_nan_integer.csv') db_engine = 'postgresql://test:test@localhost:5432/ukb' p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, n_columns_per_table=3, loading_n_jobs=1) # Run p2sql.load_data() # Validate assert p2sql.db_type == 'postgresql' ## Check data is correct tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_01', create_engine(db_engine), index_col='eid') assert not tmp.empty assert tmp.shape[0] == 4 assert tmp.loc[1, 'c31_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2012-01-05' assert int(tmp.loc[1, 'c34_0_0']) == 21 assert int(tmp.loc[1, 'c46_0_0']) == -9 assert tmp.loc[2, 'c31_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2015-12-30' assert int(tmp.loc[2, 'c34_0_0']) == 12 pd.isnull(tmp.loc[2, 'c46_0_0']) assert tmp.loc[3, 'c31_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2007-03-19' assert int(tmp.loc[3, 'c34_0_0']) == 1 assert int(tmp.loc[3, 'c46_0_0']) == -7 assert pd.isnull(tmp.loc[4, 'c31_0_0']) def test_postgresql_first_row_is_nan_integer(self): # Prepare csv_file = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example07_first_nan_integer.csv') db_engine = 'postgresql://test:test@localhost:5432/ukb' p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, n_columns_per_table=3, loading_n_jobs=1) # Run p2sql.load_data() # Validate assert p2sql.db_type == 'postgresql' ## Check data is correct tmp = pd.read_sql('select * from ukb_pheno_0_01', create_engine(db_engine), index_col='eid') assert not tmp.empty assert tmp.shape[0] == 4 assert tmp.loc[1, 'c31_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2012-01-05' assert int(tmp.loc[1, 'c34_0_0']) == 21 assert pd.isnull(tmp.loc[1, 'c46_0_0']) assert tmp.loc[2, 'c31_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2015-12-30' assert int(tmp.loc[2, 'c34_0_0']) == 12 pd.isnull(tmp.loc[2, 'c46_0_0']) assert tmp.loc[3, 'c31_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2007-03-19' assert int(tmp.loc[3, 'c34_0_0']) == 1 assert int(tmp.loc[3, 'c46_0_0']) == -7 assert pd.isnull(tmp.loc[4, 'c31_0_0']) def test_postgresql_sql_chunksize01(self): # Prepare csv_file = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example02.csv') db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, n_columns_per_table=3, sql_chunksize=2) p2sql.load_data() # Run columns = ['c21_0_0', 'c21_2_0', 'c48_0_0'] query_result = p2sql.query(columns) # Validate assert query_result is not None import collections assert isinstance(query_result, collections.Iterable) index_len_sum = 0 for chunk_idx, chunk in enumerate(query_result): assert == 'eid' index_len_sum += len(chunk.index) assert len(chunk.index) == 2 if chunk_idx == 0: indexes = (1, 2) assert all(x in chunk.index for x in indexes) else: indexes = (3, 4) assert all(x in chunk.index for x in indexes) assert len(chunk.columns) == len(columns) assert all(x in columns for x in chunk.columns) assert not chunk.empty assert chunk.shape[0] == 2 if chunk_idx == 0: assert chunk.loc[1, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 1' assert chunk.loc[2, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 2' assert chunk.loc[1, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Yes' assert chunk.loc[2, 'c21_2_0'] == 'No' assert chunk.loc[1, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2011-08-14' assert chunk.loc[2, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2016-11-30' else: assert chunk.loc[3, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 3' assert chunk.loc[4, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 4' assert chunk.loc[3, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Maybe' assert pd.isnull(chunk.loc[4, 'c21_2_0']) assert chunk.loc[3, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2010-01-01' assert chunk.loc[4, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2011-02-15' assert index_len_sum == 4 def test_postgresql_sql_chunksize02(self): # Prepare csv_file = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example02.csv') db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, n_columns_per_table=3, sql_chunksize=3) p2sql.load_data() # Run columns = ['c21_0_0', 'c21_2_0', 'c48_0_0'] query_result = p2sql.query(columns) # Validate assert query_result is not None import collections assert isinstance(query_result, collections.Iterable) index_len_sum = 0 for chunk_idx, chunk in enumerate(query_result): assert == 'eid' index_len_sum += len(chunk.index) if chunk_idx == 0: assert len(chunk.index) == 3 indexes = (1, 2, 3) assert all(x in chunk.index for x in indexes) else: assert len(chunk.index) == 1 indexes = (4,) assert all(x in chunk.index for x in indexes) assert len(chunk.columns) == len(columns) assert all(x in columns for x in chunk.columns) assert not chunk.empty if chunk_idx == 0: assert chunk.shape[0] == 3 assert chunk.loc[1, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 1' assert chunk.loc[2, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 2' assert chunk.loc[3, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 3' assert chunk.loc[1, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Yes' assert chunk.loc[2, 'c21_2_0'] == 'No' assert chunk.loc[3, 'c21_2_0'] == 'Maybe' assert chunk.loc[1, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2011-08-14' assert chunk.loc[2, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2016-11-30' assert chunk.loc[3, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2010-01-01' else: assert chunk.shape[0] == 1 assert chunk.loc[4, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 4' assert pd.isnull(chunk.loc[4, 'c21_2_0']) assert chunk.loc[4, 'c48_0_0'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == '2011-02-15' assert index_len_sum == 4 def test_postgresql_all_eids_table_created(self): # Prepare directory = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example14') csv_file1 = get_repository_path(os.path.join(directory, 'example14_00.csv')) csv_file2 = get_repository_path(os.path.join(directory, 'example14_01.csv')) db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL((csv_file1, csv_file2), db_engine, bgen_sample_file=os.path.join(directory, 'impv2.sample'), n_columns_per_table=2, loading_n_jobs=1) # Run p2sql.load_data() # Validate assert p2sql.db_type == 'postgresql' ## Check samples table exists table = pd.read_sql("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '{}');".format('all_eids'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert table.iloc[0, 0] ## Check columns are correct all_eids = pd.read_sql('select * from all_eids', create_engine(db_engine)) expected_columns = ["eid"] assert len(all_eids.columns) == len(expected_columns) assert all(x in all_eids.columns for x in expected_columns) ## Check data is correct all_eids = pd.read_sql('select * from all_eids', create_engine(db_engine), index_col='eid') assert len(all_eids.index) == 6 + 4, len(all_eids.index) assert 1000010 in all_eids.index assert 1000020 in all_eids.index assert 1000021 in all_eids.index assert 1000030 in all_eids.index assert 1000040 in all_eids.index assert 1000041 in all_eids.index assert 1000050 in all_eids.index assert 1000060 in all_eids.index assert 1000061 in all_eids.index assert 1000070 in all_eids.index def test_postgresql_all_eids_table_constraints(self): # Prepare directory = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example14') csv_file1 = get_repository_path(os.path.join(directory, 'example14_00.csv')) csv_file2 = get_repository_path(os.path.join(directory, 'example14_01.csv')) db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL((csv_file1, csv_file2), db_engine, bgen_sample_file=os.path.join(directory, 'impv2.sample'), n_columns_per_table=2, loading_n_jobs=1) # Run p2sql.load_data() # Validate assert p2sql.db_type == 'postgresql' ## Check samples table exists table = pd.read_sql("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '{}');".format('all_eids'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert table.iloc[0, 0] # primary key constraint_sql = self._get_table_contrains('all_eids', relationship_query='pk_%%') constraints_results = pd.read_sql(constraint_sql, create_engine(db_engine)) assert constraints_results is not None assert not constraints_results.empty columns = constraints_results['column_name'].tolist() assert len(columns) == 1 assert 'eid' in columns def test_postgresql_bgen_samples_table_created(self): # Prepare directory = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example10') csv_file = get_repository_path(os.path.join(directory, 'example10_diseases.csv')) db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, bgen_sample_file=os.path.join(directory, 'impv2.sample'), n_columns_per_table=2, loading_n_jobs=1) # Run p2sql.load_data() # Validate assert p2sql.db_type == 'postgresql' ## Check samples table exists table = pd.read_sql("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '{}');".format('bgen_samples'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert table.iloc[0, 0] ## Check columns are correct samples_data = pd.read_sql('select * from bgen_samples', create_engine(db_engine)) expected_columns = ["index", "eid"] assert len(samples_data.columns) == len(expected_columns) assert all(x in samples_data.columns for x in expected_columns) ## Check data is correct samples_data = pd.read_sql('select * from bgen_samples', create_engine(db_engine), index_col='index') assert not samples_data.empty assert samples_data.shape[0] == 5 assert samples_data.loc[1, 'eid'] == 1000050 assert samples_data.loc[2, 'eid'] == 1000030 assert samples_data.loc[3, 'eid'] == 1000040 assert samples_data.loc[4, 'eid'] == 1000010 assert samples_data.loc[5, 'eid'] == 1000020 def test_postgresql_bgen_samples_table_constraints(self): # Prepare directory = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example10') csv_file = get_repository_path(os.path.join(directory, 'example10_diseases.csv')) db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, bgen_sample_file=os.path.join(directory, 'impv2.sample'), n_columns_per_table=2, loading_n_jobs=1) # Run p2sql.load_data() # Validate assert p2sql.db_type == 'postgresql' ## Check samples table exists table = pd.read_sql("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '{}');".format('bgen_samples'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert table.iloc[0, 0] # primary key constraint_sql = self._get_table_contrains('bgen_samples', relationship_query='pk_%%') constraints_results = pd.read_sql(constraint_sql, create_engine(db_engine)) assert constraints_results is not None assert not constraints_results.empty columns = constraints_results['column_name'].tolist() assert len(columns) == 2 assert 'eid' in columns assert 'index' in columns # indexes constraint_sql = self._get_table_contrains('bgen_samples', relationship_query='ix_%%') constraints_results = pd.read_sql(constraint_sql, create_engine(db_engine)) assert constraints_results is not None assert not constraints_results.empty columns = constraints_results['column_name'].tolist() assert len(columns) == 2 assert 'eid' in columns assert 'index' in columns def test_postgresql_events_tables_only_one_instance_filled(self): # Prepare directory = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example10') csv_file = get_repository_path(os.path.join(directory, 'example10_diseases.csv')) db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, bgen_sample_file=os.path.join(directory, 'impv2.sample'), n_columns_per_table=2, loading_n_jobs=1) # Run p2sql.load_data() # Validate assert p2sql.db_type == 'postgresql' ## Check samples table exists table = pd.read_sql("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '{}');".format('events'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert table.iloc[0, 0] ## Check columns are correct events_data = pd.read_sql('select * from events order by eid, instance, event', create_engine(db_engine)) expected_columns = ['eid', 'field_id', 'instance', 'event'] assert len(events_data.columns) == len(expected_columns) assert all(x in events_data.columns for x in expected_columns) ## Check data is correct assert not events_data.empty assert events_data.shape[0] == 6 assert events_data.loc[0, 'eid'] == 1000020 assert events_data.loc[0, 'field_id'] == 84 assert events_data.loc[0, 'event'] == 'E103' assert events_data.loc[1, 'eid'] == 1000020 assert events_data.loc[1, 'field_id'] == 84 assert events_data.loc[1, 'event'] == 'N308' assert events_data.loc[2, 'eid'] == 1000020 assert events_data.loc[2, 'field_id'] == 84 assert events_data.loc[2, 'event'] == 'Q750' assert events_data.loc[3, 'eid'] == 1000030 assert events_data.loc[3, 'field_id'] == 84 assert events_data.loc[3, 'event'] == 'N308' assert events_data.loc[4, 'eid'] == 1000040 assert events_data.loc[4, 'field_id'] == 84 assert events_data.loc[4, 'event'] == 'N308' assert events_data.loc[5, 'eid'] == 1000050 assert events_data.loc[5, 'field_id'] == 84 assert events_data.loc[5, 'event'] == 'E103' def test_postgresql_events_tables_only_two_instances_filled(self): # Prepare directory = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example11') csv_file = get_repository_path(os.path.join(directory, 'example11_diseases.csv')) db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, bgen_sample_file=os.path.join(directory, 'impv2.sample'), n_columns_per_table=2, loading_n_jobs=1) # Run p2sql.load_data() # Validate assert p2sql.db_type == 'postgresql' ## Check samples table exists table = pd.read_sql("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '{}');".format('events'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert table.iloc[0, 0] ## Check columns are correct events_data = pd.read_sql('select * from events order by eid, instance, event', create_engine(db_engine)) expected_columns = ['eid', 'field_id', 'instance', 'event'] assert len(events_data.columns) == len(expected_columns) assert all(x in events_data.columns for x in expected_columns) ## Check data is correct assert not events_data.empty assert events_data.shape[0] == 11 cidx = 0 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000010 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 84 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == 'E103' cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000010 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 84 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == 'Q750' cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000020 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 84 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 0 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == 'E103' cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000020 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 84 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 0 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == 'N308' cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000020 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 84 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == 'J32' cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000030 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 84 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 0 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == 'N308' cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000030 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 84 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == 'Q750' cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000040 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 84 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 0 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == 'N308' cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000040 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 84 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == 'E103' cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000040 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 84 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == 'Q750' cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000050 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 84 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 0 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == 'E103' def test_postgresql_events_tables_two_categorical_fields_and_two_and_three_instances(self): # Prepare directory = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example12') csv_file = get_repository_path(os.path.join(directory, 'example12_diseases.csv')) db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, bgen_sample_file=os.path.join(directory, 'impv2.sample'), n_columns_per_table=2, loading_n_jobs=1) # Run p2sql.load_data() # Validate assert p2sql.db_type == 'postgresql' ## Check samples table exists table = pd.read_sql("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '{}');".format('events'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert table.iloc[0, 0] ## Check columns are correct events_data = pd.read_sql('select * from events order by eid, field_id, instance, event', create_engine(db_engine)) expected_columns = ['eid', 'field_id', 'instance', 'event'] assert len(events_data.columns) == len(expected_columns) assert all(x in events_data.columns for x in expected_columns) ## Check total data assert not events_data.empty assert events_data.shape[0] == 25 # 1000010 cidx = 0 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000010 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 84 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == 'E103' cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000010 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 84 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == 'Q750' cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000010 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 85 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 0 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == '1136' cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000010 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 85 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 0 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == '1434' cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000010 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 85 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 2 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == '1701' # 1000020 cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000020 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 84 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 0 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == 'E103' cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000020 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 84 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 0 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == 'N308' cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000020 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 84 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == 'J32' cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000020 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 85 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 0 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == '1114' cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000020 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 85 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 0 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == '1434' cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000020 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 85 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == '1136' # 1000030 cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000030 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 84 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 0 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == 'N308' cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000030 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 84 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == 'Q750' cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000030 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 85 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == '1434' # 1000040 cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000040 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 84 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 0 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == 'N308' cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000040 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 84 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == 'E103' cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000040 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 84 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == 'Q750' cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000040 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 85 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == '1114' cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000040 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 85 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == '1136' cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000040 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 85 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 2 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == '457' # 1000050 cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000050 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 84 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 0 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == 'E103' cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000050 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 85 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 0 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == '1434' cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000050 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 85 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == '1114' # 1000060 cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000060 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 85 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 2 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == '1114' cidx += 1 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'eid'] == 1000060 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'field_id'] == 85 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'instance'] == 2 assert events_data.loc[cidx, 'event'] == '1136' def test_postgresql_events_tables_check_constrains_exist(self): # Prepare directory = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example12') csv_file = get_repository_path(os.path.join(directory, 'example12_diseases.csv')) db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, bgen_sample_file=os.path.join(directory, 'impv2.sample'), n_columns_per_table=2, loading_n_jobs=1) # Run p2sql.load_data() # Validate assert p2sql.db_type == 'postgresql' ## Check samples table exists table = pd.read_sql("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '{}');".format('events'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert table.iloc[0, 0] # primary key constraint_sql = self._get_table_contrains('events', relationship_query='pk_%%') constraints_results = pd.read_sql(constraint_sql, create_engine(db_engine)) assert constraints_results is not None assert not constraints_results.empty columns = constraints_results['column_name'].tolist() assert len(columns) == 4 assert 'eid' in columns assert 'field_id' in columns assert 'instance' in columns assert 'event' in columns # index on 'event' column constraint_sql = self._get_table_contrains('events', relationship_query='ix_%%') constraints_results = pd.read_sql(constraint_sql, create_engine(db_engine), index_col='index_name') assert constraints_results is not None assert not constraints_results.empty assert constraints_results.shape[0] == 6 assert constraints_results.loc[['ix_events_eid']].shape[0] == 1 assert constraints_results.loc['ix_events_eid', 'column_name'] == 'eid' assert constraints_results.loc[['ix_events_field_id']].shape[0] == 1 assert constraints_results.loc['ix_events_field_id', 'column_name'] == 'field_id' assert constraints_results.loc[['ix_events_instance']].shape[0] == 1 assert constraints_results.loc['ix_events_instance', 'column_name'] == 'instance' assert constraints_results.loc[['ix_events_event']].shape[0] == 1 assert constraints_results.loc['ix_events_event', 'column_name'] == 'event' assert constraints_results.loc[['ix_events_field_id_event']].shape[0] == 2 assert 'field_id' in constraints_results.loc['ix_events_field_id_event', 'column_name'].tolist() assert 'event' in constraints_results.loc['ix_events_field_id_event', 'column_name'].tolist() def test_postgresql_phenotypes_tables_check_constrains_exist(self): # Prepare directory = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example12') csv_file = get_repository_path(os.path.join(directory, 'example12_diseases.csv')) db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, bgen_sample_file=os.path.join(directory, 'impv2.sample'), n_columns_per_table=15, loading_n_jobs=1) # Run p2sql.load_data() # Validate assert p2sql.db_type == 'postgresql' ## Check tables exists table = pd.read_sql("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '{}');".format('ukb_pheno_0_00'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert table.iloc[0, 0] table = pd.read_sql("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = '{}');".format('ukb_pheno_0_01'), create_engine(db_engine)) assert table.iloc[0, 0] # primary key constraint_sql = self._get_table_contrains('ukb_pheno_0_00', column_query='eid', relationship_query='pk_%%') constraints_results = pd.read_sql(constraint_sql, create_engine(db_engine)) assert constraints_results is not None assert not constraints_results.empty constraint_sql = self._get_table_contrains('ukb_pheno_0_01', column_query='eid', relationship_query='pk_%%') constraints_results = pd.read_sql(constraint_sql, create_engine(db_engine)) assert constraints_results is not None assert not constraints_results.empty def test_postgresql_vacuum(self): # Prepare directory = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example12') csv_file = get_repository_path(os.path.join(directory, 'example12_diseases.csv')) db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL(csv_file, db_engine, bgen_sample_file=os.path.join(directory, 'impv2.sample'), n_columns_per_table=2, loading_n_jobs=1) # Run p2sql.load_data(vacuum=True) # Validate vacuum_data = pd.DataFrame() query_count = 0 # FIXME waits for vacuum to finish while vacuum_data.empty and query_count < 150: vacuum_data = pd.read_sql(""" select relname, last_vacuum, last_analyze from pg_stat_user_tables where schemaname = 'public' and last_vacuum is not null and last_analyze is not null """, db_engine) query_count += 1 assert vacuum_data is not None assert not vacuum_data.empty def test_postgresql_load_data_non_utf_characters(self): # Prepare directory = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example15') csv_file1 = get_repository_path(os.path.join(directory, 'example15_00.csv')) # latin1 csv_file2 = get_repository_path(os.path.join(directory, 'example15_01.csv')) # latin1 csv_file3 = get_repository_path(os.path.join(directory, 'example15_02.csv')) # utf-8 db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE p2sql = Pheno2SQL((csv_file1, csv_file2, csv_file3), db_engine, bgen_sample_file=os.path.join(directory, 'impv2.sample'), n_columns_per_table=2, loading_n_jobs=1) # Run p2sql.load_data() columns = ['c21_1_0', 'c21_0_0', 'c103_0_0', 'c104_0_0', 'c221_0_0', 'c221_1_0'] query_result = next(p2sql.query(columns)) # Validate assert == 'eid' assert len(query_result.index) == 10 assert len(query_result.columns) == len(columns) assert all(x in columns for x in query_result.columns) assert not query_result.empty assert query_result.loc[1000041, 'c103_0_0'] == 'Optión 4' assert query_result.loc[1000041, 'c104_0_0'] == '158' assert query_result.loc[1000070, 'c21_1_0'] == 'Of course ñ' assert query_result.loc[1000070, 'c21_0_0'] == 'Option number 7' assert query_result.loc[1000050, 'c221_0_0'] == 'Option number 25' assert query_result.loc[1000050, 'c221_1_0'] == 'Maybe ñó' def test_postgresql_load_data_with_duplicated_data_field(self): # Prepare directory = get_repository_path('pheno2sql/example16') csv_file1 = get_repository_path(os.path.join(directory, 'example1600.csv')) csv_file2 = get_repository_path(os.path.join(directory, 'example1601.csv')) db_engine = POSTGRESQL_ENGINE # intentionally, load first "latest" dataset (since 1601 > 1600) p2sql = Pheno2SQL((csv_file2, csv_file1), db_engine, bgen_sample_file=os.path.join(directory, 'impv2.sample'), n_columns_per_table=2, loading_n_jobs=1) # Run p2sql.load_data() columns = ['c103_0_0', 'c47_0_0', 'c50_0_0'] query_result = next(p2sql.query(columns)) # Validate assert == 'eid' assert len(query_result.index) == 7 + 3, len(query_result.index) assert not query_result.empty assert query_result.shape[0] == 7 + 3, query_result.shape[0] assert len(query_result.columns) == len(columns) assert all(x in columns for x in query_result.columns) # this individuals should not have data for data-field 50, since we overwrote the old dataset (1600) assert pd.isnull(query_result.loc[1000021, 'c50_0_0']) assert pd.isnull(query_result.loc[1000041, 'c50_0_0']) assert pd.isnull(query_result.loc[1000061, 'c50_0_0']) # should keep "newest" data (in 1601, csv_file2) assert query_result.loc[1000010, 'c50_0_0'] == 1.01 assert query_result.loc[1000020, 'c50_0_0'] == 1.05 assert query_result.loc[1000030, 'c50_0_0'] == 1.21 assert query_result.loc[1000040, 'c50_0_0'] == 1.25 assert query_result.loc[1000050, 'c50_0_0'] == 1.41 assert query_result.loc[1000060, 'c50_0_0'] == 1.45 assert query_result.loc[1000070, 'c50_0_0'] == 1.50 # check other data-fields assert pd.isnull(query_result.loc[1000020, 'c103_0_0']) assert pd.isnull(query_result.loc[1000040, 'c103_0_0']) assert
pd.isnull(query_result.loc[1000060, 'c103_0_0'])
""" """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd def parse_data_elecciones_esp(votation_file): #Headers as rows for now df = pd.read_excel(votation_file, 0) ## circunscripcion circunscripcion = df.loc[:, :14] circunscripcion = pd.DataFrame(circunscripcion.loc[1:, :].as_matrix(), columns = circunscripcion.loc[0, :]) # Votes data = df.loc[:, 14:].as_matrix()[1:, 1:] m_circs = data.shape[0] n_parties = data.shape[1]/2 parties_b = df.loc[:, 14:].columns[1:] parties = [] votes, diputes = np.zeros((m_circs, n_parties)), np.zeros((m_circs, n_parties)) for i in range(n_parties): votes[:, i] = data[:, 2*i] diputes[:, i] = data[:, 2*i+1] parties.append(parties_b[2*i]) votes, diputes = votes.astype(int), diputes.astype(int) return circunscripcion, parties, votes, diputes def collapse_by_col(circunscripcion, votes, diputes, icol): if icol is None: l_n = ["Spain", 0, "Spain"] l = [l_n + list(circunscripcion.iloc[:, 3:].sum(0).astype(int))] new_circunscripcion = pd.DataFrame(l, columns=circunscripcion.columns) vts = votes.sum(0) dips = diputes.sum(0) return new_circunscripcion, vts, dips new_circuns = list(circunscripcion.iloc[:, icol].unique()) cs, m_circ, n_parties = [], len(new_circuns), votes.shape[1] vts, dips = np.zeros((m_circ, n_parties)), np.zeros((m_circ, n_parties)) for nc in new_circuns: logi = np.array(circunscripcion.iloc[:, icol] == nc) l_n = [nc, new_circuns.index(nc), nc] l = l_n + list(circunscripcion.iloc[logi, 3:].sum(0).astype(int)) cs.append(l) vts[new_circuns.index(nc), :] = votes[logi, :].sum(0) dips[new_circuns.index(nc), :] = diputes[logi, :].sum(0) new_circunscripcion =
pd.DataFrame(cs, columns=circunscripcion.columns)
import pandas as pd from texthero import nlp from . import PandasTestCase import unittest import string class TestNLP(PandasTestCase): """ Named entity. """ def test_named_entities(self): s =
pd.Series("New York is a big city")
# To add a new cell, type '# %%' # To add a new markdown cell, type '# %% [markdown]' # %% import pandas as pd import glob import os # %% home=os.path.dirname(__file__)+"/../" # %% df = pd.read_csv(home+'/COVID-19/dati-province/dpc-covid19-ita-province.csv') provdata = pd.read_csv(home+'/other_info/provinceData.csv') regdata = pd.read_csv(home+'/other_info/regionData.csv') # %% # rename columns df = df.rename(columns={ 'stato': 'Country', 'codice_regione': 'Region Code', 'denominazione_regione': 'Region', 'codice_provincia': 'Province Code', 'denominazione_provincia': 'Province', 'sigla_provincia': 'Province Abbreviation', 'totale_casi': 'Total Cases' }) df = df.astype({ 'Total Cases':'Int32' }) provdata = provdata.astype({ 'Population':'Int32' }) # %% df['Last Update'] = pd.to_datetime(df['data']) df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['data']).dt.floor('D') # %% # Previous Total Cases Previous Total Deaths Previous Total Recovered Previous Total Tests prev = df[['Date','Region','Province','Total Cases']].\ rename(columns={'Total Cases':'Prev Total Cases'}) prev['Date'] = prev['Date']+
"""Test the surface_io module.""" from collections import OrderedDict import logging import shutil import pandas as pd import yaml import fmu.dataio logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) CFG = OrderedDict() CFG["template"] = {"name": "Test", "revision": "AUTO"} CFG["masterdata"] = { "smda": { "country": [ {"identifier": "Norway", "uuid": "ad214d85-8a1d-19da-e053-c918a4889309"} ], "discovery": [{"short_identifier": "abdcef", "uuid": "ghijk"}], } } CFG2 = {} with open("tests/data/drogon/global_config2/global_variables.yml", "r") as stream: CFG2 = yaml.safe_load(stream) RUN = "tests/data/drogon/ertrun1/realization-0/iter-0/rms" CASEPATH = "tests/data/drogon/ertrun1" def test_table_io(tmp_path): """Minimal test tables io, uses tmp_path.""" # make a small DataFrame table = pd.DataFrame({"STOIIP": [123, 345, 654], "PORO": [0.2, 0.4, 0.3]}) fmu.dataio.ExportData.export_root = tmp_path.resolve() fmu.dataio.ExportData.table_fformat = "csv" exp = fmu.dataio.ExportData(name="test", verbosity="INFO", content="volumes") exp._pwd = tmp_path exp.to_file(table) assert (tmp_path / "tables" / ".test.csv.yml").is_file() is True with open(tmp_path / "tables" / "test.csv") as stream: header = stream.readline().split(",") assert len(header) == 2 # export with index=True which will give three columns (first is the index column) exp.to_file(table, index=True) with open(tmp_path / "tables" / "test.csv") as stream: header = stream.readline().split(",") assert len(header) == 3 def test_tables_io_larger_case_ertrun(tmp_path): """Larger test table io as ERTRUN, uses global config from Drogon to tmp_path.""" current = tmp_path / "scratch" / "fields" / "user" current.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) shutil.copytree(CASEPATH, current / "mycase") fmu.dataio.ExportData.export_root = "../../share/results" fmu.dataio.ExportData.table_fformat = "csv" runfolder = current / "mycase" / "realization-0" / "iter-0" / "rms" / "model" runfolder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) out = ( current / "mycase" / "realization-0" / "iter-0" / "share" / "results" / "tables" ) exp = fmu.dataio.ExportData( name="sometable", config=CFG2, content="volumetrics", unit="m", is_prediction=True, is_observation=False, tagname="what Descr", verbosity="INFO", runfolder=runfolder.resolve(), workflow="my current workflow", ) # make a fake DataFrame table =
pd.DataFrame({"STOIIP": [123, 345, 654], "PORO": [0.2, 0.4, 0.3]})
from numpy import mean,cov,double,cumsum,dot,linalg,array,rank from pylab import plot,subplot,axis,stem,show,figure import numpy import pandas import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from sklearn.preprocessing import scale from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from sklearn import cross_validation from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from sklearn import decomposition from sklearn import datasets # to pca 3 to visual def pca3perform(): data=pandas.read_table("data-encode.txt",sep=' ') print("success read test.csv file") #data=data.reset_index().values #data=data.as_matrix() y=data.iloc[0:,0] y=y.as_matrix() x=data.iloc[0:,1:] x=x.as_matrix() pca=PCA(n_components=3, copy=False) temp=pca.transform(x) print(temp,type(temp)) x=temp temp=pandas.DataFrame(temp) perform(pca,x,y) def perform(pca,X,y): fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(50, 50)) plt.clf() ax = Axes3D(fig, rect=[0, 0, .95, 1], elev=48, azim=134) plt.cla() for name, label in [('Setosa', 0), ('Versicolour', 1), ('Virginica', 2)]: ax.text3D(X[y == label, 0].mean(), X[y == label, 1].mean() + 1.5, X[y == label, 2].mean(), name, horizontalalignment='center', bbox=dict(alpha=.5, edgecolor='w', facecolor='w')) # Reorder the labels to have colors matching the cluster results y = np.choose(y, [1, 2, 0]).astype(np.float) ax.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], X[:, 2], c=y, x_surf = [X[:, 0].min(), X[:, 0].max(), X[:, 0].min(), X[:, 0].max()] y_surf = [X[:, 0].max(), X[:, 0].max(), X[:, 0].min(), X[:, 0].min()] x_surf = np.array(x_surf) y_surf = np.array(y_surf) v0 = pca.transform(pca.components_[[0]]) v0 /= v0[-1] v1 = pca.transform(pca.components_[[1]]) v1 /= v1[-1] ax.w_xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.w_yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.w_zaxis.set_ticklabels([]) def pcaana(A): # computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors of covariance matrix M = (A-mean(A.T,axis=1)).T # subtract the mean (along columns) [latent,coeff] = linalg.eig(cov(M)) # attention:not always sorted score = dot(coeff.T,M) # projection of the data in the new space coeff, score, latent = pcaana(A) print(coeff,score,latent) figure("init figure") #subplot(121) # every eigenvector describe the direction # of a principal component. m = mean(A,axis=1) plot([0, -coeff[0,0]*2]+m[0], [0, -coeff[0,1]*2]+m[1],'--k') plot([0, coeff[1,0]*2]+m[0], [0, coeff[1,1]*2]+m[1],'--k') plot(A[0,:],A[1,:],'ob') # the data axis('equal') subplot(122) # new data plot(score[0,:],score[1,:],'*g') axis('equal') show() return coeff,score,latent def en(X=[[0,0]]): X=X-numpy.mean(X,axis=0) [u,s,v]=numpy.linalg.svd(X) v=v.transpose() #v=v[:,:numcomp] return,v) def sigmod(x): return int(round(1.0/(1+math.exp(-x)),0)) if __name__=="__main__": pca3perform() exit() A = array([ [2.4,0.7,2.9,2.2,3.0,2.7,1.6,1.1,1.6,0.9],[2.4,1.7,2.9,2.2,3.0,2.7,2.6,1.1,1.6,0.9], [2.5,0.5,2.2,1.9,3.1,2.3,2,1,1.5,1.1] ]) data=pandas.read_csv("multi_phenos.txt",sep=' ',header=None) dtype = [('Col1','int32'), ('Col2','float32'), ('Col3','float32')] values = numpy.zeros(20, dtype=dtype) print(values,type(values)) index = ['Row'+str(i) for i in range(1, len(values)+1)] df = pandas.DataFrame(values, index=index) print(df,type(values)) print(data,type(data)) #data=data.reset_index().values data=data.as_matrix() print(data,type(data)) pca=PCA(n_components=1, copy=False, whiten=False) temp=pca.transform(data) print(temp,type(temp)) #temp=pandas.DataFrame(temp) """ for index, row in temp.iterrows(): for col_name in temp.columns: print("#"+row[col_name]) """ for i in range(0, len(temp)): temp[i]=sigmod(temp[i]) #this is save a txt file numpy.savetxt("multi_phenos_pca.txt",temp) d=
from pathlib import Path import pandas as pd import openpyxl class CompareFiles(object): def __init__(self, file_one_path: str, file_two_path: str): self.file_one_path: str = file_one_path self.file_two_path: str = file_two_path self.__validate__() def __validate__(self): """ Validates whether the file exists or not """ file_one = Path(self.file_one_path) file_two = Path(self.file_two_path) if not file_one.is_file() or not file_two.is_file(): print('No file found, exiting.') exit(-1) def compare_csv(self): file_one = pd.read_csv(self.file_one_path) file_two =
from pandas import DataFrame import numpy as np import nltk from collections import Counter from collections import OrderedDict from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer def extract_sim_words(model, brand, result_path, freq_dist, min_count, save=True, topn=20): df = DataFrame(columns=[['word', 'sim', 'freq']]) result = model.most_similar([model.docvecs[brand]], topn=topn) if save: for tup in result: if freq_dist[tup[0]] >= min_count: df.loc[len(df)] = [tup[0], tup[1], freq_dist[tup[0]]] df.to_csv(result_path + 'keywords/' + brand + "_sim_words.csv", index=False) return else: for tup in result: if freq_dist[tup[0]] >= min_count: df.loc[len(df)] = [tup[0], tup[1], freq_dist[tup[0]]] return df def extract_sim_brand(model, brand, result_path, save=True, topn=20): df = DataFrame(columns=[['word', 'sim']]) result = model.docvecs.most_similar(brand, topn=topn) if save: for tup in result: df.loc[len(df)] = [tup[0], tup[1]] df.to_csv(result_path + 'keywords/' + brand + "_sim_brands.csv", index=False) return else: for tup in result: df.loc[len(df)] = [tup[0], tup[1]] return df def cal_mean_cluster(df_result, cluster_idx, doc2vec_model, group_name='Cluster'): df = df_result[df_result[group_name] == cluster_idx] names = list(df['Name'].unique()) all_arr = np.zeros((doc2vec_model.vector_size, len(names))) for index, name in enumerate(names): all_arr[:, index] = doc2vec_model.docvecs[name] return all_arr.mean(axis=1) def print_result(vector, model, freq_dist, min_count, topn=50): df = DataFrame(columns=[['word','cos','freq']]) lst = model.most_similar([vector], topn=topn) for tup in lst: if freq_dist[tup[0]] >= min_count: df.loc[len(df)] = [tup[0], tup[1], freq_dist[tup[0]]] return df def save_brand_sim(model, sum_vector, name, save_path, topn=20): df = DataFrame(columns=('brand','sim')) lst = model.docvecs.most_similar([sum_vector], topn=topn) for tup in lst: df.loc[len(df)] = [tup[0], tup[1]] df.to_csv(save_path + name + '_simBrands.csv', index=False) return # 각 브랜드의 단어 분포 def brand_raw_freq(documents, brand): brand_review = [] for index, doc in enumerate(documents): if doc.tags[0] == brand: brand_review.append(doc.words) brand_review = [word for sent in brand_review for word in sent] corpus = nltk.Text(brand_review) freq = nltk.FreqDist(corpus) return brand_review, freq def extract_keywords(score_df, brand, documents, selected, path, min_count = 100): keywords = score_df[['word',brand]].sort_values(brand, ascending=False) keywords.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) review, freq = brand_freq(documents, selected, brand) keyword_count = [] df = DataFrame(columns=[["단어","확률유사도","빈도"]]) for index, row in keywords.iterrows(): if freq[row['word']] >= min_count: df.loc[len(df)] = [row['word'], row[brand], freq[row['word']]] df.to_csv(path + '/keywords/' + brand + '_Keywords.csv', index=False) def brand_freq(documents, selected_words, brand): brand_review = [] for index, doc in enumerate(documents): if doc.tags[0] == brand: brand_review.append(selected_words[index]) brand_review = [word for sent in brand_review for word in sent] corpus = nltk.Text(brand_review) freq = nltk.FreqDist(corpus) return brand_review, freq def clustering(model): brand_list = list(model.docvecs.doctags.keys()) hidden_size = model.vector_size print("num of securities : %s, num of dimension : %s" % (len(brand_list), hidden_size)) doc_arr = np.zeros((len(brand_list), hidden_size)) for index, name in enumerate(brand_list): doc_arr[index, :] = model.docvecs[name] return brand_list, doc_arr def tf_idf(documents, selected_words, brand_list, max_feature = 5000): total_freq = Counter() corpus = [] for brand in brand_list: review, freq = brand_freq(documents, selected_words, brand) total_freq += freq doc = ' '.join(review) corpus.append(doc) total_freq = OrderedDict(sorted(total_freq.items(), key=lambda t: -t[1])) vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(max_features=max_feature) tfidf_arr = vectorizer.fit_transform(corpus).toarray() col_name = vectorizer.get_feature_names() df_tfidf =
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import talib from talib import stream def test_streaming(): a = np.array([1,1,2,3,5,8,13], dtype=float) r = stream.MOM(a, timeperiod=1) assert r == 5 r = stream.MOM(a, timeperiod=2) assert r == 8 r = stream.MOM(a, timeperiod=3) assert r == 10 r = stream.MOM(a, timeperiod=4) assert r == 11 r = stream.MOM(a, timeperiod=5) assert r == 12 r = stream.MOM(a, timeperiod=6) assert r == 12 r = stream.MOM(a, timeperiod=7) assert np.isnan(r) def test_streaming_pandas(): a = pd.Series([1,1,2,3,5,8,13]) r = stream.MOM(a, timeperiod=1) assert r == 5 r = stream.MOM(a, timeperiod=2) assert r == 8 r = stream.MOM(a, timeperiod=3) assert r == 10 r = stream.MOM(a, timeperiod=4) assert r == 11 r = stream.MOM(a, timeperiod=5) assert r == 12 r = stream.MOM(a, timeperiod=6) assert r == 12 r = stream.MOM(a, timeperiod=7) assert np.isnan(r) def test_CDL3BLACKCROWS(): o = np.array([39.00, 39.00, 39.00, 39.00, 39.00, 39.00, 39.00, 39.00, 39.00, 39.00, 39.00, 39.00, 39.00, 39.00, 40.32, 40.51, 38.09, 35.00]) h = np.array([40.84, 40.84, 40.84, 40.84, 40.84, 40.84, 40.84, 40.84, 40.84, 40.84, 40.84, 40.84, 40.84, 40.84, 41.69, 40.84, 38.12, 35.50]) l = np.array([35.80, 35.80, 35.80, 35.80, 35.80, 35.80, 35.80, 35.80, 35.80, 35.80, 35.80, 35.80, 35.80, 35.80, 39.26, 36.73, 33.37, 30.03]) c = np.array([40.29, 40.29, 40.29, 40.29, 40.29, 40.29, 40.29, 40.29, 40.29, 40.29, 40.29, 40.29, 40.29, 40.29, 40.46, 37.08, 33.37, 30.03]) r = stream.CDL3BLACKCROWS(o, h, l, c) assert r == -100 def test_CDL3BLACKCROWS_pandas(): o = pd.Series([39.00, 39.00, 39.00, 39.00, 39.00, 39.00, 39.00, 39.00, 39.00, 39.00, 39.00, 39.00, 39.00, 39.00, 40.32, 40.51, 38.09, 35.00]) h = pd.Series([40.84, 40.84, 40.84, 40.84, 40.84, 40.84, 40.84, 40.84, 40.84, 40.84, 40.84, 40.84, 40.84, 40.84, 41.69, 40.84, 38.12, 35.50]) l = pd.Series([35.80, 35.80, 35.80, 35.80, 35.80, 35.80, 35.80, 35.80, 35.80, 35.80, 35.80, 35.80, 35.80, 35.80, 39.26, 36.73, 33.37, 30.03]) c =
pd.Series([40.29, 40.29, 40.29, 40.29, 40.29, 40.29, 40.29, 40.29, 40.29, 40.29, 40.29, 40.29, 40.29, 40.29, 40.46, 37.08, 33.37, 30.03])
import os import pandas as pd from numpy.random import default_rng def create_sample( input_file="../../classes_input/test_input.csv", output_file=None, percentage_sample=25, exclude_samples=None, ): if not output_file: exclude = "" if exclude_samples: excluded_names = [ os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(x))[0].replace( "test_input_sampled_", "" ) for x in exclude_samples ] exclude = f"_exclude_{'_'.join(excluded_names)}" output_file = ( f"../../classes_input/test_input_sampled_{percentage_sample}{exclude}.csv" ) rng = default_rng() input_df = pd.read_csv(input_file) all_classes =
from pathlib import Path import os import pandas as pd import numpy as np def get_country_geolocation(): dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) country_mapping = pd.read_csv( dir_path + '/data_files/country_centroids_az8.csv', dtype=str) country_mapping = country_mapping.iloc[:, [48, 66, 67]] longitude_mapping = {row['iso_n3']: row['Longitude'] for _, row in country_mapping.iterrows()} latititude_mapping = {row['iso_n3']: row['Latitude'] for _, row in country_mapping.iterrows()} return longitude_mapping, latititude_mapping def get_country_isocode_mapping(): dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) country_mapping = pd.read_csv( dir_path + '/data_files/country-codes_csv.csv', dtype=str) country_mapping = country_mapping.iloc[1:, [2, 8]] mapping = {row['official_name_en']: row['ISO3166-1-numeric'] for _, row in country_mapping.iterrows()} # add missing countries > 1000 students mapping['Taiwan'] = '158' mapping['Hong Kong'] = '364' mapping['Iran'] = '364' mapping['North Korea'] = '408' mapping['South Korea'] = '410' mapping['Vietnam'] = '704' mapping['United Kingdom'] = '826' mapping['Venezuela'] = '862' mapping['Russia'] = '643' mapping['Bolivia'] = '068' mapping['Côte d’Ivoire/Ivory Coast'] = '384' return mapping def get_output_filename(path, out_folder): outfile = Path(path).stem + '.csv' return os.path.join(out_folder, outfile) def write_csv(df, excel_file, out_folder, index=False): out_csv = get_output_filename(excel_file, out_folder) df.to_csv(out_csv, index=index) def clean_new_enrollment(excel_file, out_folder): df = pd.read_excel(excel_file) # remove empty row df = df.drop(6) # prepare headers headers = [] for i, column in enumerate(df.columns): first_header = df[column].iloc[1] if i == 0: headers.append('Academic Level') continue if pd.isna(first_header): headers.append(df[column].iloc[2]) else: headers.append(f'{first_header} {df[column].iloc[2]}') df.columns = headers # chose data rows df = df.iloc[3:8] write_csv(df, excel_file, out_folder) def clean_academic_level(excel_file, out_folder): # TODO change hyphen to null df = pd.read_excel(excel_file) df = df.drop([2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34]) # drop upto column 34 pre 2009/10 columns_to_drop = [i for i in range(33) if i != 1] # drop empty columns, every third column is empty empty_columns = [i for i in range(33, 62) if not (i+1) % 3] columns_to_drop = list(set(columns_to_drop) | set(empty_columns)) df = df.drop(df.columns[columns_to_drop], axis=1) df = df.reset_index(drop=True) headers = [] for i, column in enumerate(df.columns): if i == 0: # print(column) # academic level column headers.append(df[column].iloc[1]) continue first_header = df[column].iloc[0] if i % 2 != 0: year = first_header if pd.isna(first_header): headers.append(f'{year} {df[column].iloc[1]}') else: headers.append(f'{first_header} {df[column].iloc[1]}') df.columns = headers df = df.iloc[2:] df = df.set_index('Academic Level').transpose() df = df.reset_index(level=0) df = df.rename(columns={'index': 'Year'}) # = None # df.columns = df.iloc[1].values print(df) # df = df.iloc[2:38] write_csv(df, excel_file, out_folder) def clean_places_of_origin(excel_file, out_folder): df = pd.read_excel(excel_file) df.columns = df.loc[1].values print(df) def clean_top25_institution(excel_file, out_folder): df =
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time, copy import pickle as pickle import sklearn from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.metrics import log_loss from scipy.special import expit import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.ensemble import AdaBoostClassifier import statsmodels.api as sm import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.keras.models import Model, Sequential from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Input from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import LearningRateScheduler from tensorflow.python.eager.context import num_gpus from imblearn.over_sampling import SMOTE from imblearn.under_sampling import RandomUnderSampler from sub_utils import exp_decay_scheduler, keras_count_nontrainable_params, resample_and_shuffle, create_tf_dataset, reshape_model_input class Naive_Classifier: ''' Create naive baseline classifier, that assigns a constant surrender rate, regardsless of the feature configuration. Parameters ---------- rate: Constant probability prediction ''' def __init__(self, rate, ): self.rate = rate def predict_proba(self, X): pred = np.zeros(shape=(len(X),2)) pred[:,0] = 1-self.rate pred[:,1]= self.rate return pred def predict(self, X): return self.predict_proba(X) def predict_class(self, X, threshold=0.5): return self.predict_proba(X)>threshold def create_ann(widths: list, actv: list, dropout: float, n_input: int, lrate: float): ''' Create individual ANNs for ANN_bagging. ''' model = Sequential() for j in range(len(widths)): if j==0: # Specify input size for first layer model.add(Dense(units = widths[j], activation = actv[j], input_dim = n_input)) else: model.add(Dense(units = widths[j], activation = actv[j])) if j<(len(widths)-1): # No dropout after output layer model.add(Dropout(rate = dropout)) model.compile(loss = 'binary_crossentropy', metrics= ['acc'], optimizer=Adam(lr=lrate)) return model def hpsearch_ann(**params): ''' Use params obtained via a hpsearch to create an ann. This function is a helper function, to simplify the varying notation. ''' widths = [params['width_{}'.format(1+i)] for i in range(params['depth'])]+[1] actv = params['depth']*[params['actv']]+['sigmoid'] dropout = params['dropout'] n_input = params['n_input'] lrate = params['lrate'] model = create_ann(widths=widths, actv=actv, dropout=dropout, n_input= n_input, lrate = lrate) return model def hpsearch_boost_ann(resampler ='None', tf_dist_strat = None, **params): ''' Helper function to map params to ANN_boost object initialization. ''' N_boosting = params['n_boosting'] n_input = params['n_input'] boost_width = params['width'] actv = params['actv'] lrate = params['lrate'] return ANN_boost(N_models = N_boosting, N_input = n_input, width=boost_width, act_fct=actv, lr = lrate, resampler = resampler, tf_dist_strat=tf_dist_strat) class Logit_model: ''' A bagged version of the sklearn LogisticRegression model. ''' def __init__(self, params, poly_degrees, N_bag = 5, resampler = 'None'): self.poly_degrees = poly_degrees self.resampler = resampler self.N_bag = N_bag try: del params['random_state'] except: pass self.models = [LogisticRegression(**params) for _ in range(self.N_bag)] def fit(self, X_train, y_train): ''' Fit all individual models independently for data X, y. ''' for i in range(self.N_bag): # optional resampling if self.resampler == 'undersampling': X,y = RandomUnderSampler(sampling_strategy= 'majority').fit_resample(X=X_train, y=y_train) # shuffle data, otherwise all oversampled data are appended X,y = sklearn.utils.shuffle(X,y) elif self.resampler == 'SMOTE': X,y = SMOTE().fit_resample(X=X_train, y=y_train) # shuffle data, otherwise all oversampled data are appended X,y = sklearn.utils.shuffle(X,y) else: X,y = X_train, y_train X,y = sklearn.utils.shuffle(X,y) # polynomial feature engineering X_logit, y_logit = reshape_model_input(X, degrees_lst = self.poly_degrees), y # fit model self.models[i].fit(X_logit, y_logit) # [self.models[i].fit(*shuffle(X_logit, y_logit, random_state=i)) for i in range(self.N_bag)] return self # allow for one-line notation of creating and fitting the model def predict_proba(self, X): ''' Predict probabilities using the full ensembles of self.N_bag individual models. ''' X_logit = reshape_model_input(X, degrees_lst = self.poly_degrees) return np.sum(np.array([self.models[i].predict_proba(X_logit) for i in range(self.N_bag)]), axis = 0)/self.N_bag def predict_proba_running_avg(self, X): ''' Predict probabilities for all individual logit-models and report rolling average results, i.e. the benefit of adding more individual models to the ensemble. ''' X_logit = reshape_model_input(X, degrees_lst = self.poly_degrees) return np.cumsum(np.array([self.models[i].predict_proba(X_logit) for i in range(self.N_bag)]), axis = 0)/np.arange(1, self.N_bag+1).reshape((-1,1,1)) def predict_proba_individual(self, X): ''' Predict probabilities for all individual logit-models and report them as an array of shape (N_bag, len(X), 2). ''' X_logit = reshape_model_input(X, degrees_lst = self.poly_degrees) return np.array([self.models[i].predict_proba(X_logit) for i in range(self.N_bag)]) class ANN_bagging: """ Purpose: Build multiple ANN models, use the bagged predictor in combination with an optional resampling procedure to reduce the variance of a predictor. New version - compatible with hpsklearn optimized parameter values as input Initialize the architecture of all individual models in the bagging procedure. Inputs: ------- N_models: Number of models to be included in bagging procedure N_input: Number of input nodes width_lst: List containing the width for all layers, and hence implicitely also the depth of the network act_fct_lst: List containing the activation function for all layers dropout_rate: Dropout rate applied to all layers (except output layer) dropout_rate = 0 will effectively disable dropout resampler: 'None': No resampling 'SMOTE': SMOTE resampling 'undersampling': RandomUndersampling loss: loss function which the model will be compiled with. Standard option: 'binary_crossentropy' optimizer: loss function which the model will be compiled with. Standard option: 'adam' Outputs: -------- None. Creates self.model object with type(object) = dict """ def __init__(self, N_models: int, hparams:dict, tf_dist_strat, resampler = 'None'): self.resampler = resampler self.model = {} self.hparams = hparams = hparams['lrate'] self.tf_dist_strat = tf_dist_strat for i in range(N_models): # create model i try: with self.tf_dist_strat.scope(): self.model[i] = hpsearch_ann(**hparams) except: self.model[i] = hpsearch_ann(**hparams) # set ensemble model try: with self.tf_dist_strat.scope(): INPUT = Input(shape = (self.hparams['n_input'],)) self.ensemble = Model(inputs=INPUT, outputs = tf.keras.layers.Average()([self.model[i](INPUT) for i in range(len(self.model))])) # reduce learning rate for final fine-tuning of collective bagged model self.ensemble.compile(optimizer = Adam(, loss = 'binary_crossentropy', metrics = ['acc']) except: INPUT = Input(shape = (self.hparams['n_input'],)) self.ensemble = Model(inputs=INPUT, outputs = tf.keras.layers.Average()([self.model[i](INPUT) for i in range(len(self.model))])) # reduce learning rate for final fine-tuning of collective bagged model self.ensemble.compile(optimizer = Adam(, loss = 'binary_crossentropy', metrics = ['acc']) def re_init_ensemble(self): ''' Note: If we load old parametrizations by setting self.model[i] = value, the self.ensemble does not update automatically. Hence, we need this value for consistently loading old values. ''' # re-set ensemble model try: with self.tf_dist_strat.scope(): INPUT = Input(shape = (self.hparams['n_input'],)) self.ensemble = Model(inputs=INPUT, outputs = tf.keras.layers.Average()([self.model[i](INPUT) for i in range(len(self.model))])) # reduce learning rate for final fine-tuning of collective bagged model self.ensemble.compile(optimizer = Adam(, loss = 'binary_crossentropy', metrics = ['acc']) except: INPUT = Input(shape = (self.hparams['n_input'],)) self.ensemble = Model(inputs=INPUT, outputs = tf.keras.layers.Average()([self.model[i](INPUT) for i in range(len(self.model))])) # reduce learning rate for final fine-tuning of collective bagged model self.ensemble.compile(optimizer = Adam(, loss = 'binary_crossentropy', metrics = ['acc']) def fit(self, X_train, y_train, callbacks = [], val_share = 0.3, N_epochs = 200): """ Purpose: Train all model instances in the bagging procedure. output: \t None. Updates parameters of all models in self.model input \t X_train, y_train: \t Training data \t resampling_option: \t 'None': No resampling is performed \t \t 'undersampling': random undersampling of the majority class \t \t 'SMOTE': SMOTE methodology applied \t callbacks: \t callbacks for training \t val_share, N_epochs, N_batch: \t Additional arguments for training """ # handle pandas-datatype if type(X_train)==type(pd.DataFrame([1])): X_train=X_train.values if type(y_train) == type(pd.DataFrame([1])): y_train=y_train.values # check if GPUs are available try: N_GPUs = self.tf_dist_strat.num_replicas_in_sync() except: N_GPUs = 1 for i in range(len(self.model)): # utilze concept of resampling X,y = resample_and_shuffle(X_train, y_train, self.resampler) # transform into try: train_data, val_data = create_tf_dataset(X, y, val_share, self.hparams['batch_size']*num_gpus()) except: # go on with regular, numpy-data-type print(' could not be constructed. Continuing with numpy-data.') pass if len(self.model)==1: try: self.model[i].fit(x=train_data, batch_size= N_GPUs*self.hparams['batch_size'], epochs = N_epochs, validation_data = val_data, verbose = 2, callbacks=callbacks) except: print('using') self.model[i].fit(x=X, y = y, batch_size= N_GPUs*self.hparams['batch_size'], epochs = N_epochs, validation_split= val_share, verbose = 2, callbacks=callbacks) else: if i==0: # More compact view on models' training progress print('Data of shape {} '.format(X.shape) + 'and balance factor {}'.format(sum(y)/len(y))) # Start training of model print('Training Model {}'.format(i)) t_start = time.time() try: self.model[i].fit(x=train_data, batch_size= N_GPUs*self.hparams['batch_size'], epochs = N_epochs, validation_data= val_data, verbose = 2, callbacks=callbacks+[LearningRateScheduler(exp_decay_scheduler)]) except: print('using') self.model[i].fit(x=X, y = y, batch_size= N_GPUs*self.hparams['batch_size'], epochs = N_epochs, validation_split= val_share, verbose = 2, callbacks=callbacks+[LearningRateScheduler(exp_decay_scheduler)]) n_epochs_trained = len(self.model[i].history.history['loss']) print('\t ... {} epochs'.format(n_epochs_trained)) # plt.plot(self.model[i].history.history['loss'], label='loss') # plt.plot(self.model[i].history.history['val_loss'], label='val_loss') # plt.legend() # for _ in range(3): print('\t ... Fine tuning') # reduce learning rate self.model[i].optimizer.learning_rate = self.model[i].optimizer.learning_rate/2 try: self.model[i].fit(x=train_data, batch_size= N_GPUs*self.hparams['batch_size'], epochs = N_epochs, validation_data= val_data, verbose = 2, callbacks=callbacks+[LearningRateScheduler(exp_decay_scheduler)])#, initial_epoch= n_epochs_trained) except: print('using') self.model[i].fit(x=X, y = y, batch_size= N_GPUs*self.hparams['batch_size'], epochs = N_epochs, validation_split= val_share, verbose = 2, callbacks=callbacks+[LearningRateScheduler(exp_decay_scheduler)])#, initial_epoch= n_epochs_trained) # print(self.model[i].history.history) # n_epochs_trained += len(self.model[i].history.history['loss']) print('\t ... Overall time: {} sec.'.format(time.time()-t_start)) print('\t ... Done!') # plt.plot(self.model[i].history.history['loss'], label='loss') # plt.plot(self.model[i].history.history['val_loss'], label='val_loss') # plt.legend() # print('Final fine tuning of whole bagged estimator:') t_start = time.time() try:, batch_size= N_GPUs*self.hparams['batch_size'], epochs = N_epochs, validation_data= val_data, verbose = 0, callbacks=callbacks) except: print('using'), y = y, batch_size= N_GPUs*self.hparams['batch_size'], epochs = N_epochs, validation_split= val_share, verbose = 0, callbacks=callbacks) print('\t ... {} epochs'.format(len(self.ensemble.history.history['val_loss']))) print('\t ... {} sec.'.format(time.time()-t_start)) print('\t ... Done!') # Return object to allow for shorter/ single-line notation, i.e. ANN_bagging().fit() return self def predict(self, X): """ Purpose: Predict event probability for data Inputs: ------- \t X: \t Input data Outputs: -------- \t Predictions for all input data """ # handle pandas-datatype if type(X)==type(
""" Utilities to use with market_calendars """ import itertools import warnings import pandas as pd def merge_schedules(schedules, how='outer'): """ Given a list of schedules will return a merged schedule. The merge method (how) will either return the superset of any datetime when any schedule is open (outer) or only the datetime where all markets are open (inner) CAVEATS: * This does not work for schedules with breaks, the break information will be lost. * Onlu "market_open" and "market_close" are considered, other market times are not yet supported. :param schedules: list of schedules :param how: outer or inner :return: schedule DataFrame """ all_cols = [x.columns for x in schedules] all_cols = list(itertools.chain(*all_cols)) if ('break_start' in all_cols) or ('break_end' in all_cols): warnings.warn('Merge schedules will drop the break_start and break_end from result.') result = schedules[0] for schedule in schedules[1:]: result = result.merge(schedule, how=how, right_index=True, left_index=True) if how == 'outer': result['market_open'] = result.apply(lambda x: min(x.market_open_x, x.market_open_y), axis=1) result['market_close'] = result.apply(lambda x: max(x.market_close_x, x.market_close_y), axis=1) elif how == 'inner': result['market_open'] = result.apply(lambda x: max(x.market_open_x, x.market_open_y), axis=1) result['market_close'] = result.apply(lambda x: min(x.market_close_x, x.market_close_y), axis=1) else: raise ValueError('how argument must be "inner" or "outer"') result = result[['market_open', 'market_close']] return result def convert_freq(index, frequency): """ Converts a DateTimeIndex to a new lower frequency :param index: DateTimeIndex :param frequency: frequency string :return: DateTimeIndex """ return pd.DataFrame(index=index).asfreq(frequency).index class _date_range: """ This is a callable class that should be used by calling the already initiated instance: `date_range`. Given a schedule, it will return a DatetimeIndex with all of the valid datetimes at the frequency given. The schedule values are assumed to be in UTC. The calculations will be made for each trading session. If the passed schedule-DataFrame doesn't have breaks, there is one trading session per day going from market_open to market_close, otherwise there are two, the first one going from market_open to break_start and the second one from break_end to market_close. *Any trading session where start == end is considered a 'no-trading session' and will always be dropped* CAVEATS: * Only "market_open", "market_close" (and, optionally, "breaak_start" and "break_end") are considered, other market times are not yet supported by this class. * If the difference between start and end of a trading session is smaller than an interval of the frequency, and closed= "right" and force_close = False, the whole session will disappear. This will also raise a warning. Signature: .__call__(self, schedule, frequency, closed='right', force_close=True, **kwargs) :param schedule: schedule of a calendar, which may or may not include break_start and break_end columns :param frequency: frequency string that is used by pd.Timedelta to calculate the timestamps this must be "1D" or higher frequency :param closed: the way the intervals are labeled 'right': use the end of the interval 'left': use the start of the interval None: (or 'both') use the end of the interval but include the start of the first interval (the open) :param force_close: how the last value of a trading session is handled True: guarantee that the close of the trading session is the last value False: guarantee that there is no value greater than the close of the trading session None: leave the last value as it is calculated based on the closed parameter :param kwargs: unused. Solely for compatibility. """ def __init__(self, schedule = None, frequency= None, closed='right', force_close=True): if not closed in ("left", "right", "both", None): raise ValueError("closed must be 'left', 'right', 'both' or None.") elif not force_close in (True, False, None): raise ValueError("force_close must be True, False or None.") self.closed = closed self.force_close = force_close self.has_breaks = False if frequency is None: self.frequency = None else: self.frequency = pd.Timedelta(frequency) if self.frequency >
import pandas as pd def get_param_for_symbol(param, ary): for dict in ary: keys = dict.keys() if param in keys: return dict[param] def build_param_ary_for_param(symbolary, paramset, start): dict_df = {} for param in paramset: paramary = [] for symbol in symbolary: ary = start[symbol] value = get_param_for_symbol(param, ary) paramary.append(value) dict_df[param] =
pd.Series(paramary, index=symbolary)
import functools from tqdm.contrib.concurrent import process_map import copy from Utils.Data.Dictionary.MappingDictionary import * from Utils.Data.Features.Generated.GeneratedFeature import GeneratedFeaturePickle import pandas as pd import numpy as np def add(dictionary, key): dictionary[key] = dictionary.get(key, 0) + 1 def compute_chunk(chunk): timestamp = chunk.index.to_numpy().mean() dictionary = {} chunk['hashtags'].map(lambda x: [add(dictionary, e) for e in x] if x is not None else [0]) return timestamp, dictionary def get_popularity(chunk, result, s): out = [] result = copy.deepcopy(result) s = copy.deepcopy(s) for hashtag, timestamp in zip(chunk['hashtags'], chunk['time']): if hashtag is not None: index = np.searchsorted(s, timestamp, 'left') - 1 x = [result[index][1].get(h, 0) for h in hashtag] else: x = [0] out.append(x) return
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @author: hkaneko """ import math import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import sample_functions from sklearn import metrics, svm from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_predict, GridSearchCV from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier method_name = 'rf' # 'knn' or 'svm' or 'rf' add_nonlinear_terms_flag = False # True (二乗項・交差項を追加) or False (追加しない) number_of_atom_types = 6 # 予測に用いる原子の種類の数 number_of_samples_in_prediction = 10000 # 予測するサンプル数 number_of_iterations = 100 # 予測を繰り返す回数 fold_number = 2 # N-fold CV の N max_number_of_k = 20 # 使用する k の最大値 svm_cs = 2 ** np.arange(-5, 11, dtype=float) svm_gammas = 2 ** np.arange(-20, 11, dtype=float) rf_number_of_trees = 300 # RF における決定木の数 rf_x_variables_rates = np.arange(1, 11, dtype=float) / 10 # 1 つの決定木における説明変数の数の割合の候補 ocsvm_nu = 0.003 # OCSVM における ν。トレーニングデータにおけるサンプル数に対する、サポートベクターの数の下限の割合 ocsvm_gammas = 2 ** np.arange(-20, 11, dtype=float) # γ の候補 if method_name != 'knn' and method_name != 'svm' and method_name != 'rf': sys.exit('\'{0}\' というクラス分類手法はありません。method_name を見直してください。'.format(method_name)) dataset = pd.read_csv('unique_m.csv', index_col=-1) dataset = dataset.sort_values('critical_temp', ascending=False).iloc[:4000, :] y = dataset.iloc[:, 86].copy() y[dataset.iloc[:, 86] >= 90] = 'positive' # 転移温度 90 K 以上を高温超伝導体 (positive) とします y[dataset.iloc[:, 86] < 90] = 'negative' # 高温超電導体の数の調査 numbers = y.value_counts() print('高温超電導体の数 :', numbers.iloc[1]) print('非高温超電導体の数 :', numbers.iloc[0]) original_x = dataset.iloc[:, :86] original_x = (original_x.T / original_x.T.sum()).T # 標準偏差が 0 の説明変数を削除 original_x = original_x.drop(original_x.columns[original_x.std() == 0], axis=1) if add_nonlinear_terms_flag: x = pd.read_csv('x_superconductor.csv', index_col=0) # x = sample_functions.add_nonlinear_terms(original_x) # 説明変数の二乗項や交差項を追加 # 標準偏差が 0 の説明変数を削除 std_0_nonlinear_variable_flags = x.std() == 0 x = x.drop(x.columns[std_0_nonlinear_variable_flags], axis=1) else: x = original_x.copy() autoscaled_original_x = (original_x - original_x.mean()) / original_x.std() # オートスケーリング autoscaled_x = (x - x.mean()) / x.std() # オートスケーリング # グラム行列の分散を最大化することによる γ の最適化 optimal_ocsvm_gamma = sample_functions.gamma_optimization_with_variance(autoscaled_x, ocsvm_gammas) if method_name == 'knn': # CV による k の最適化 accuracy_in_cv_all = [] # 空の list の変数を作成して、成分数ごとのクロスバリデーション後の 正解率 をこの変数に追加していきます ks = [] # 同じく k の値をこの変数に追加していきます for k in range(1, max_number_of_k + 1): model = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=k, metric='euclidean') # k-NN モデルの宣言 # クロスバリデーション推定値の計算し、DataFrame型に変換 estimated_y_in_cv = pd.DataFrame(cross_val_predict(model, autoscaled_x, y, cv=fold_number)) accuracy_in_cv = metrics.accuracy_score(y, estimated_y_in_cv) # 正解率を計算 print(k, accuracy_in_cv) # k の値と r2 を表示 accuracy_in_cv_all.append(accuracy_in_cv) # r2 を追加 ks.append(k) # k の値を追加 # k の値ごとの CV 後の正解率をプロットし、CV 後の正解率が最大のときを k の最適値に optimal_k = sample_functions.plot_and_selection_of_hyperparameter(ks, accuracy_in_cv_all, 'k', 'cross-validated accuracy') print('\nCV で最適化された k :', optimal_k, '\n') # k-NN model = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=optimal_k, metric='euclidean') # モデルの宣言 elif method_name == 'svm': optimal_svm_gamma = optimal_ocsvm_gamma.copy() # CV による C の最適化 model_in_cv = GridSearchCV(svm.SVC(kernel='rbf', gamma=optimal_svm_gamma), {'C': svm_cs}, cv=fold_number, verbose=2), y) optimal_svm_c = model_in_cv.best_params_['C'] # CV による γ の最適化 model_in_cv = GridSearchCV(svm.SVC(kernel='rbf', C=optimal_svm_c), {'gamma': svm_gammas}, cv=fold_number, verbose=2), y) optimal_svm_gamma = model_in_cv.best_params_['gamma'] print('CV で最適化された C :', optimal_svm_c) print('CV で最適化された γ:', optimal_svm_gamma) # SVM model = svm.SVC(kernel='rbf', C=optimal_svm_c, gamma=optimal_svm_gamma) # モデルの宣言 elif method_name == 'rf': # OOB (Out-Of-Bugs) による説明変数の数の割合の最適化 accuracy_oob = [] for index, x_variables_rate in enumerate(rf_x_variables_rates): print(index + 1, '/', len(rf_x_variables_rates)) model_in_validation = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=rf_number_of_trees, max_features=int( max(math.ceil(autoscaled_x.shape[1] * x_variables_rate), 1)), oob_score=True), y) accuracy_oob.append(model_in_validation.oob_score_) optimal_x_variables_rate = sample_functions.plot_and_selection_of_hyperparameter(rf_x_variables_rates, accuracy_oob, 'rate of x-variables', 'accuracy for OOB') print('\nOOB で最適化された説明変数の数の割合 :', optimal_x_variables_rate) # RF model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=rf_number_of_trees, max_features=int( max(math.ceil(autoscaled_x.shape[1] * optimal_x_variables_rate), 1)), oob_score=True) # RF モデルの宣言, y) # モデルの構築 if method_name == 'rf': # 説明変数の重要度 x_importances =
pd.DataFrame(model.feature_importances_, index=x.columns, columns=['importance'])
# # Copyright 2020 EPAM Systems # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import functools import os from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Union, Any, Tuple, Type import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pandas.api.types as pdt import mlflow.models import mlflow.pyfunc # Storage of loaded prediction function MODEL_FLAVOR = None # Path to model's root MODEL_LOCATION = os.getenv('MODEL_LOCATION', '.') # Optional. Examples of input and output pandas DataFrames MODEL_INPUT_SAMPLE_FILE = os.path.join(MODEL_LOCATION, 'head_input.pkl') MODEL_OUTPUT_SAMPLE_FILE = os.path.join(MODEL_LOCATION, 'head_output.pkl') # pylint: disable=R0911 def _type_to_open_api_format(t: Type) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[Any]]: """ Convert type of column to OpenAPI type name and example :param t: object's type :return: name for OpenAPI """ if isinstance(t, (str, bytes, bytearray)): return 'string', '' if isinstance(t, bool): return 'boolean', False if isinstance(t, int): return 'integer', 0 if isinstance(t, float): return 'number', 0 if pdt.is_integer_dtype(t): return 'integer', 0 if pdt.is_float_dtype(t): return 'number', 0 if pdt.is_string_dtype(t): return 'string', '' if pdt.is_bool_dtype(t) or pdt.is_complex_dtype(t): return 'string', '' return None, None def init() -> str: """ Initialize model and return prediction type :return: prediction type (matrix or objects) """ model = mlflow.models.Model.load(MODEL_LOCATION) if mlflow.pyfunc.FLAVOR_NAME not in model.flavors: raise ValueError(f'{mlflow.pyfunc.FLAVOR_NAME} not in model\'s flavors') global MODEL_FLAVOR MODEL_FLAVOR = mlflow.pyfunc.load_model(MODEL_LOCATION) return 'matrix' def predict_on_matrix(input_matrix: List[List[Any]], provided_columns_names: Optional[List[str]] = None) \ -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Tuple[str, ...]]: """ Make prediction on a Matrix of values :param input_matrix: data for prediction :param provided_columns_names: Name of columns for provided matrix :return: result matrix as np.array[np.array[Any]] and result column names """ if provided_columns_names: input_matrix =
pd.DataFrame(input_matrix, columns=provided_columns_names)
import os import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pycompss.api.api import compss_wait_on from pycompss.api.task import task from data_managers.fundamentals_extraction import FundamentalsCollector from data_managers.price_extraction import PriceExtractor from data_managers.sic import load_sic from models.classifiers import train_attrs as attrs from settings.basic import DATE_FORMAT, DATA_PATH from utils import load_symbol_list, save_obj, exists_obj, get_datasets_name try: import pyextrae.multiprocessing as pyextrae tracing = True except: tracing = False @task(returns=pd.DataFrame) def get_prices(symbols_list_name, start_date='2006-01-01', resample_period='1W', only_prices=False): if tracing: pro_f = sys.getprofile() sys.setprofile(None) prices = _get_prices(symbols_list_name, start_date, resample_period) if only_prices: res = prices.price else: res = prices if tracing: sys.setprofile(pro_f) return res def _get_prices(symbols_list_name, start_date='2006-01-01', resample_period='1W'): print("Loading prices for %s [%s - end] %s" % ( symbols_list_name, start_date, resample_period)) df_prices = PriceExtractor(symbols_list_name=symbols_list_name, start_date=start_date).collect() # set common index for outer join df_prices = (df_prices .assign( date=lambda r: pd.to_datetime(, format=DATE_FORMAT)) .set_index('date') .groupby('symbol') .resample(resample_period) .ffill() .sort_index()) return df_prices @task(returns=pd.DataFrame) def get_fundamentals(symbols_list_name, start_date, end_date, resample_period): if tracing: pro_f = sys.getprofile() sys.setprofile(None) print("Loading fundamentals for %s [%s - %s] %s" % ( symbols_list_name, start_date, end_date, resample_period)) df_fund = FundamentalsCollector(symbols_list_name=symbols_list_name, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date).collect() df_fund = (df_fund .drop_duplicates(['date', 'symbol'], keep='first') .assign(date=lambda r: pd.to_datetime(, format=DATE_FORMAT)) .set_index('date') .groupby('symbol') .resample(resample_period) .ffill() .replace('nm', np.NaN) .sort_index() .assign( bookvaluepershare=lambda r: pd.to_numeric(r.bookvaluepershare))) df_fund = pd.concat( [pd.to_numeric(df_fund[col], errors='ignore') for col in df_fund.columns], axis=1) if tracing: sys.setprofile(pro_f) return df_fund def process_symbol(symbol, df_fund, df_prices, sic_code, sic_industry, thresholds, target_shift): # TODO remove this once pyCOMPSs supports single-char parameters symbol = symbol[:-1] bot_thresh, top_thresh = thresholds print("Processing symbol [%s]" % symbol) ds = pd.concat([df_fund.loc[symbol], df_prices.loc[symbol]], join='inner', axis=1) bins = pd.IntervalIndex.from_tuples( [(-np.inf, bot_thresh), (bot_thresh, top_thresh), (top_thresh, np.inf)]) df_tidy = (pd.DataFrame() .assign(eps=ds.basiceps, price=ds.price, p2b=ds.price / ds.bookvaluepershare, p2e=ds.price / ds.basiceps, p2r=ds.price / ds.totalrevenue, div2price=pd.to_numeric( ds.cashdividendspershare) / pd.to_numeric( ds.price), divpayoutratio=ds.divpayoutratio, # Performance measures roe=ds.roe, roic=ds.roic, roa=ds.roa, # Efficiency measures assetturnover=ds.assetturnover, invturnonver=ds.invturnover, profitmargin=ds.profitmargin, debtratio=ds.totalassets / ds.totalliabilities, ebittointerestex=pd.to_numeric( ds.ebit) / pd.to_numeric( ds.totalinterestexpense), # aka times-interest-earned ratio # cashcoverage=ds.ebit + depretitation) / ds.totalinterestexpense, # Liquidity measures wc=ds.nwc, wc2a=pd.to_numeric(ds.nwc) / pd.to_numeric( ds.totalassets), currentratio=ds.totalcurrentassets / ds.totalcurrentliabilities, # Misc. info symbol=symbol, sic_info=sic_code[symbol], sic_industry=sic_industry[symbol], # Graham screening revenue=ds.operatingrevenue, epsgrowth=ds.epsgrowth, bvps=ds.bookvaluepershare, # Target y=(df_prices.loc[symbol].price.shift( -target_shift) / ds.price) - 1, positions=lambda r: pd.cut(r.y, bins) - 1, ) .set_index('symbol', append=True)) return df_tidy @task(returns=1) def process_symbols(available_symbols, df_fund, df_prices, sic_code, sic_industry, thresholds, target_shift): if tracing: pro_f = sys.getprofile() sys.setprofile(None) merged_dfs = [] for i, symbol in enumerate(available_symbols): merged_dfs.append(process_symbol(symbol=symbol + '_', df_fund=df_fund, df_prices=df_prices, sic_code=sic_code, sic_industry=sic_industry, thresholds=thresholds, target_shift=target_shift)) df =
#!/usr/bin/env python import argparse import json import os import urllib from collections import Counter from datetime import date import requests import pandas class _REST(object): BASE_URL = '' def __init__(self, headers: dict, **kwargs): self.queries = {} self.headers = headers self.base_url = self.BASE_URL.format(**kwargs) for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) def set_query(self, queries: dict): self.queries.update(queries) return self def get(self, _id) -> dict: url = self.base_url if self.queries: url = '?'.join([url, urllib.parse.urlencode(self.queries)]) url = '/'.join([url, _id]) response = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers) return json.loads(response.text) def list(self) -> dict: url = self.base_url if self.queries: url = '?'.join([url, urllib.parse.urlencode(self.queries)]) response = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers) return json.loads(response.text) class Items(_REST): BASE_URL = '{user_id}/items' class Users(_REST): BASE_URL = '' def _args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process some integers.') parser.add_argument('-u', dest='user', default='itkr') return parser.parse_args() def _get_or_create_items(user_id): # ファイルから output_path = './output/likes_{}.json'.format('%Y-%m-%d')) if os.path.exists(output_path): return
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # pylint: disable-msg=E1101,W0612 from datetime import datetime, timedelta import pytest import re from numpy import nan as NA import numpy as np from numpy.random import randint from pandas.compat import range, u import pandas.compat as compat from pandas import Index, Series, DataFrame, isna, MultiIndex, notna from pandas.util.testing import assert_series_equal import pandas.util.testing as tm import pandas.core.strings as strings class TestStringMethods(object): def test_api(self): # GH 6106, GH 9322 assert Series.str is strings.StringMethods assert isinstance(Series(['']).str, strings.StringMethods) # GH 9184 invalid = Series([1]) with tm.assert_raises_regex(AttributeError, "only use .str accessor"): invalid.str assert not hasattr(invalid, 'str') def test_iter(self): # GH3638 strs = 'google', 'wikimedia', 'wikipedia', 'wikitravel' ds = Series(strs) for s in ds.str: # iter must yield a Series assert isinstance(s, Series) # indices of each yielded Series should be equal to the index of # the original Series tm.assert_index_equal(s.index, ds.index) for el in s: # each element of the series is either a basestring/str or nan assert isinstance(el, compat.string_types) or isna(el) # desired behavior is to iterate until everything would be nan on the # next iter so make sure the last element of the iterator was 'l' in # this case since 'wikitravel' is the longest string assert s.dropna().values.item() == 'l' def test_iter_empty(self): ds = Series([], dtype=object) i, s = 100, 1 for i, s in enumerate(ds.str): pass # nothing to iterate over so nothing defined values should remain # unchanged assert i == 100 assert s == 1 def test_iter_single_element(self): ds = Series(['a']) for i, s in enumerate(ds.str): pass assert not i assert_series_equal(ds, s) def test_iter_object_try_string(self): ds = Series([slice(None, randint(10), randint(10, 20)) for _ in range( 4)]) i, s = 100, 'h' for i, s in enumerate(ds.str): pass assert i == 100 assert s == 'h' def test_cat(self): one = np.array(['a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'c', NA], dtype=np.object_) two = np.array(['a', NA, 'b', 'd', 'foo', NA], dtype=np.object_) # single array result = strings.str_cat(one) exp = 'aabbc' assert result == exp result = strings.str_cat(one, na_rep='NA') exp = 'aabbcNA' assert result == exp result = strings.str_cat(one, na_rep='-') exp = 'aabbc-' assert result == exp result = strings.str_cat(one, sep='_', na_rep='NA') exp = 'a_a_b_b_c_NA' assert result == exp result = strings.str_cat(two, sep='-') exp = 'a-b-d-foo' assert result == exp # Multiple arrays result = strings.str_cat(one, [two], na_rep='NA') exp = np.array(['aa', 'aNA', 'bb', 'bd', 'cfoo', 'NANA'], dtype=np.object_) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, exp) result = strings.str_cat(one, two) exp = np.array(['aa', NA, 'bb', 'bd', 'cfoo', NA], dtype=np.object_) tm.assert_almost_equal(result, exp) def test_count(self): values = np.array(['foo', 'foofoo', NA, 'foooofooofommmfoo'], dtype=np.object_) result = strings.str_count(values, 'f[o]+') exp = np.array([1, 2, NA, 4]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, exp) result = Series(values).str.count('f[o]+') exp = Series([1, 2, NA, 4]) assert isinstance(result, Series) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # mixed mixed = ['a', NA, 'b', True,, 'foo', None, 1, 2.] rs = strings.str_count(mixed, 'a') xp = np.array([1, NA, 0, NA, NA, 0, NA, NA, NA]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(rs, xp) rs = Series(mixed).str.count('a') xp = Series([1, NA, 0, NA, NA, 0, NA, NA, NA]) assert isinstance(rs, Series) tm.assert_series_equal(rs, xp) # unicode values = [u('foo'), u('foofoo'), NA, u('foooofooofommmfoo')] result = strings.str_count(values, 'f[o]+') exp = np.array([1, 2, NA, 4]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, exp) result = Series(values).str.count('f[o]+') exp = Series([1, 2, NA, 4]) assert isinstance(result, Series) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) def test_contains(self): values = np.array(['foo', NA, 'fooommm__foo', 'mmm_', 'foommm[_]+bar'], dtype=np.object_) pat = 'mmm[_]+' result = strings.str_contains(values, pat) expected = np.array([False, NA, True, True, False], dtype=np.object_) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = strings.str_contains(values, pat, regex=False) expected = np.array([False, NA, False, False, True], dtype=np.object_) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) values = ['foo', 'xyz', 'fooommm__foo', 'mmm_'] result = strings.str_contains(values, pat) expected = np.array([False, False, True, True]) assert result.dtype == np.bool_ tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) # case insensitive using regex values = ['Foo', 'xYz', 'fOOomMm__fOo', 'MMM_'] result = strings.str_contains(values, 'FOO|mmm', case=False) expected = np.array([True, False, True, True]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) # case insensitive without regex result = strings.str_contains(values, 'foo', regex=False, case=False) expected = np.array([True, False, True, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) # mixed mixed = ['a', NA, 'b', True,, 'foo', None, 1, 2.] rs = strings.str_contains(mixed, 'o') xp = np.array([False, NA, False, NA, NA, True, NA, NA, NA], dtype=np.object_) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(rs, xp) rs = Series(mixed).str.contains('o') xp = Series([False, NA, False, NA, NA, True, NA, NA, NA]) assert isinstance(rs, Series) tm.assert_series_equal(rs, xp) # unicode values = np.array([u'foo', NA, u'fooommm__foo', u'mmm_'], dtype=np.object_) pat = 'mmm[_]+' result = strings.str_contains(values, pat) expected = np.array([False, np.nan, True, True], dtype=np.object_) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = strings.str_contains(values, pat, na=False) expected = np.array([False, False, True, True]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) values = np.array(['foo', 'xyz', 'fooommm__foo', 'mmm_'], dtype=np.object_) result = strings.str_contains(values, pat) expected = np.array([False, False, True, True]) assert result.dtype == np.bool_ tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) # na values = Series(['om', 'foo', np.nan]) res = values.str.contains('foo', na="foo") assert res.loc[2] == "foo" def test_startswith(self): values = Series(['om', NA, 'foo_nom', 'nom', 'bar_foo', NA, 'foo']) result = values.str.startswith('foo') exp = Series([False, NA, True, False, False, NA, True]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # mixed mixed = np.array(['a', NA, 'b', True,, 'foo', None, 1, 2.], dtype=np.object_) rs = strings.str_startswith(mixed, 'f') xp = np.array([False, NA, False, NA, NA, True, NA, NA, NA], dtype=np.object_) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(rs, xp) rs = Series(mixed).str.startswith('f') assert isinstance(rs, Series) xp = Series([False, NA, False, NA, NA, True, NA, NA, NA]) tm.assert_series_equal(rs, xp) # unicode values = Series([u('om'), NA, u('foo_nom'), u('nom'), u('bar_foo'), NA, u('foo')]) result = values.str.startswith('foo') exp = Series([False, NA, True, False, False, NA, True]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.startswith('foo', na=True) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp.fillna(True).astype(bool)) def test_endswith(self): values = Series(['om', NA, 'foo_nom', 'nom', 'bar_foo', NA, 'foo']) result = values.str.endswith('foo') exp = Series([False, NA, False, False, True, NA, True]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # mixed mixed = ['a', NA, 'b', True,, 'foo', None, 1, 2.] rs = strings.str_endswith(mixed, 'f') xp = np.array([False, NA, False, NA, NA, False, NA, NA, NA], dtype=np.object_) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(rs, xp) rs = Series(mixed).str.endswith('f') xp = Series([False, NA, False, NA, NA, False, NA, NA, NA]) assert isinstance(rs, Series) tm.assert_series_equal(rs, xp) # unicode values = Series([u('om'), NA, u('foo_nom'), u('nom'), u('bar_foo'), NA, u('foo')]) result = values.str.endswith('foo') exp = Series([False, NA, False, False, True, NA, True]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.endswith('foo', na=False) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp.fillna(False).astype(bool)) def test_title(self): values = Series(["FOO", "BAR", NA, "Blah", "blurg"]) result = values.str.title() exp = Series(["Foo", "Bar", NA, "Blah", "Blurg"]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # mixed mixed = Series(["FOO", NA, "bar", True,, "blah", None, 1, 2.]) mixed = mixed.str.title() exp = Series(["Foo", NA, "Bar", NA, NA, "Blah", NA, NA, NA]) tm.assert_almost_equal(mixed, exp) # unicode values = Series([u("FOO"), NA, u("bar"), u("Blurg")]) results = values.str.title() exp = Series([u("Foo"), NA, u("Bar"), u("Blurg")]) tm.assert_series_equal(results, exp) def test_lower_upper(self): values = Series(['om', NA, 'nom', 'nom']) result = values.str.upper() exp = Series(['OM', NA, 'NOM', 'NOM']) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = result.str.lower() tm.assert_series_equal(result, values) # mixed mixed = Series(['a', NA, 'b', True,, 'foo', None, 1, 2.]) mixed = mixed.str.upper() rs = Series(mixed).str.lower() xp = Series(['a', NA, 'b', NA, NA, 'foo', NA, NA, NA]) assert isinstance(rs, Series) tm.assert_series_equal(rs, xp) # unicode values = Series([u('om'), NA, u('nom'), u('nom')]) result = values.str.upper() exp = Series([u('OM'), NA, u('NOM'), u('NOM')]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = result.str.lower() tm.assert_series_equal(result, values) def test_capitalize(self): values = Series(["FOO", "BAR", NA, "Blah", "blurg"]) result = values.str.capitalize() exp = Series(["Foo", "Bar", NA, "Blah", "Blurg"]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # mixed mixed = Series(["FOO", NA, "bar", True,, "blah", None, 1, 2.]) mixed = mixed.str.capitalize() exp = Series(["Foo", NA, "Bar", NA, NA, "Blah", NA, NA, NA]) tm.assert_almost_equal(mixed, exp) # unicode values = Series([u("FOO"), NA, u("bar"), u("Blurg")]) results = values.str.capitalize() exp = Series([u("Foo"), NA, u("Bar"), u("Blurg")]) tm.assert_series_equal(results, exp) def test_swapcase(self): values = Series(["FOO", "BAR", NA, "Blah", "blurg"]) result = values.str.swapcase() exp = Series(["foo", "bar", NA, "bLAH", "BLURG"]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # mixed mixed = Series(["FOO", NA, "bar", True,, "Blah", None, 1, 2.]) mixed = mixed.str.swapcase() exp = Series(["foo", NA, "BAR", NA, NA, "bLAH", NA, NA, NA]) tm.assert_almost_equal(mixed, exp) # unicode values = Series([u("FOO"), NA, u("bar"), u("Blurg")]) results = values.str.swapcase() exp = Series([u("foo"), NA, u("BAR"), u("bLURG")]) tm.assert_series_equal(results, exp) def test_casemethods(self): values = ['aaa', 'bbb', 'CCC', 'Dddd', 'eEEE'] s = Series(values) assert s.str.lower().tolist() == [v.lower() for v in values] assert s.str.upper().tolist() == [v.upper() for v in values] assert s.str.title().tolist() == [v.title() for v in values] assert s.str.capitalize().tolist() == [v.capitalize() for v in values] assert s.str.swapcase().tolist() == [v.swapcase() for v in values] def test_replace(self): values = Series(['fooBAD__barBAD', NA]) result = values.str.replace('BAD[_]*', '') exp = Series(['foobar', NA]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.replace('BAD[_]*', '', n=1) exp = Series(['foobarBAD', NA]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # mixed mixed = Series(['aBAD', NA, 'bBAD', True,, 'fooBAD', None, 1, 2.]) rs = Series(mixed).str.replace('BAD[_]*', '') xp = Series(['a', NA, 'b', NA, NA, 'foo', NA, NA, NA]) assert isinstance(rs, Series) tm.assert_almost_equal(rs, xp) # unicode values = Series([u('fooBAD__barBAD'), NA]) result = values.str.replace('BAD[_]*', '') exp = Series([u('foobar'), NA]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.replace('BAD[_]*', '', n=1) exp = Series([u('foobarBAD'), NA]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # flags + unicode values = Series([b"abcd,\xc3\xa0".decode("utf-8")]) exp = Series([b"abcd, \xc3\xa0".decode("utf-8")]) result = values.str.replace(r"(?<=\w),(?=\w)", ", ", flags=re.UNICODE) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # GH 13438 for klass in (Series, Index): for repl in (None, 3, {'a': 'b'}): for data in (['a', 'b', None], ['a', 'b', 'c', 'ad']): values = klass(data) pytest.raises(TypeError, values.str.replace, 'a', repl) def test_replace_callable(self): # GH 15055 values = Series(['fooBAD__barBAD', NA]) # test with callable repl = lambda m: result = values.str.replace('[a-z][A-Z]{2}', repl, n=2) exp = Series(['foObaD__baRbaD', NA]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # test with wrong number of arguments, raising an error if compat.PY2: p_err = r'takes (no|(exactly|at (least|most)) ?\d+) arguments?' else: p_err = (r'((takes)|(missing)) (?(2)from \d+ to )?\d+ ' r'(?(3)required )positional arguments?') repl = lambda: None with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, p_err): values.str.replace('a', repl) repl = lambda m, x: None with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, p_err): values.str.replace('a', repl) repl = lambda m, x, y=None: None with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, p_err): values.str.replace('a', repl) # test regex named groups values = Series(['Foo Bar Baz', NA]) pat = r"(?P<first>\w+) (?P<middle>\w+) (?P<last>\w+)" repl = lambda m:'middle').swapcase() result = values.str.replace(pat, repl) exp = Series(['bAR', NA]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) def test_replace_compiled_regex(self): # GH 15446 values = Series(['fooBAD__barBAD', NA]) # test with compiled regex pat = re.compile(r'BAD[_]*') result = values.str.replace(pat, '') exp = Series(['foobar', NA]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # mixed mixed = Series(['aBAD', NA, 'bBAD', True,, 'fooBAD', None, 1, 2.]) rs = Series(mixed).str.replace(pat, '') xp = Series(['a', NA, 'b', NA, NA, 'foo', NA, NA, NA]) assert isinstance(rs, Series) tm.assert_almost_equal(rs, xp) # unicode values = Series([u('fooBAD__barBAD'), NA]) result = values.str.replace(pat, '') exp = Series([u('foobar'), NA]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.replace(pat, '', n=1) exp = Series([u('foobarBAD'), NA]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # flags + unicode values = Series([b"abcd,\xc3\xa0".decode("utf-8")]) exp = Series([b"abcd, \xc3\xa0".decode("utf-8")]) pat = re.compile(r"(?<=\w),(?=\w)", flags=re.UNICODE) result = values.str.replace(pat, ", ") tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # case and flags provided to str.replace will have no effect # and will produce warnings values = Series(['fooBAD__barBAD__bad', NA]) pat = re.compile(r'BAD[_]*') with tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "case and flags cannot be"): result = values.str.replace(pat, '', flags=re.IGNORECASE) with tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "case and flags cannot be"): result = values.str.replace(pat, '', case=False) with tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "case and flags cannot be"): result = values.str.replace(pat, '', case=True) # test with callable values = Series(['fooBAD__barBAD', NA]) repl = lambda m: pat = re.compile('[a-z][A-Z]{2}') result = values.str.replace(pat, repl, n=2) exp = Series(['foObaD__baRbaD', NA]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) def test_repeat(self): values = Series(['a', 'b', NA, 'c', NA, 'd']) result = values.str.repeat(3) exp = Series(['aaa', 'bbb', NA, 'ccc', NA, 'ddd']) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.repeat([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) exp = Series(['a', 'bb', NA, 'cccc', NA, 'dddddd']) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # mixed mixed = Series(['a', NA, 'b', True,, 'foo', None, 1, 2.]) rs = Series(mixed).str.repeat(3) xp = Series(['aaa', NA, 'bbb', NA, NA, 'foofoofoo', NA, NA, NA]) assert isinstance(rs, Series) tm.assert_series_equal(rs, xp) # unicode values = Series([u('a'), u('b'), NA, u('c'), NA, u('d')]) result = values.str.repeat(3) exp = Series([u('aaa'), u('bbb'), NA, u('ccc'), NA, u('ddd')]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.repeat([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) exp = Series([u('a'), u('bb'), NA, u('cccc'), NA, u('dddddd')]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) def test_match(self): # New match behavior introduced in 0.13 values = Series(['fooBAD__barBAD', NA, 'foo']) result = values.str.match('.*(BAD[_]+).*(BAD)') exp = Series([True, NA, False]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) values = Series(['fooBAD__barBAD', NA, 'foo']) result = values.str.match('.*BAD[_]+.*BAD') exp = Series([True, NA, False]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # test passing as_indexer still works but is ignored values = Series(['fooBAD__barBAD', NA, 'foo']) exp = Series([True, NA, False]) with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning): result = values.str.match('.*BAD[_]+.*BAD', as_indexer=True) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning): result = values.str.match('.*BAD[_]+.*BAD', as_indexer=False) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning): result = values.str.match('.*(BAD[_]+).*(BAD)', as_indexer=True) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) pytest.raises(ValueError, values.str.match, '.*(BAD[_]+).*(BAD)', as_indexer=False) # mixed mixed = Series(['aBAD_BAD', NA, 'BAD_b_BAD', True,, 'foo', None, 1, 2.]) rs = Series(mixed).str.match('.*(BAD[_]+).*(BAD)') xp = Series([True, NA, True, NA, NA, False, NA, NA, NA]) assert isinstance(rs, Series) tm.assert_series_equal(rs, xp) # unicode values = Series([u('fooBAD__barBAD'), NA, u('foo')]) result = values.str.match('.*(BAD[_]+).*(BAD)') exp = Series([True, NA, False]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # na GH #6609 res = Series(['a', 0, np.nan]).str.match('a', na=False) exp = Series([True, False, False]) assert_series_equal(exp, res) res = Series(['a', 0, np.nan]).str.match('a') exp = Series([True, np.nan, np.nan]) assert_series_equal(exp, res) def test_extract_expand_None(self): values = Series(['fooBAD__barBAD', NA, 'foo']) with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning): values.str.extract('.*(BAD[_]+).*(BAD)', expand=None) def test_extract_expand_unspecified(self): values = Series(['fooBAD__barBAD', NA, 'foo']) with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning): values.str.extract('.*(BAD[_]+).*(BAD)') def test_extract_expand_False(self): # Contains tests like those in test_match and some others. values = Series(['fooBAD__barBAD', NA, 'foo']) er = [NA, NA] # empty row result = values.str.extract('.*(BAD[_]+).*(BAD)', expand=False) exp = DataFrame([['BAD__', 'BAD'], er, er]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) # mixed mixed = Series(['aBAD_BAD', NA, 'BAD_b_BAD', True,, 'foo', None, 1, 2.]) rs = Series(mixed).str.extract('.*(BAD[_]+).*(BAD)', expand=False) exp = DataFrame([['BAD_', 'BAD'], er, ['BAD_', 'BAD'], er, er, er, er, er, er]) tm.assert_frame_equal(rs, exp) # unicode values = Series([u('fooBAD__barBAD'), NA, u('foo')]) result = values.str.extract('.*(BAD[_]+).*(BAD)', expand=False) exp = DataFrame([[u('BAD__'), u('BAD')], er, er]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) # GH9980 # Index only works with one regex group since # multi-group would expand to a frame idx = Index(['A1', 'A2', 'A3', 'A4', 'B5']) with tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "supported"): idx.str.extract('([AB])([123])', expand=False) # these should work for both Series and Index for klass in [Series, Index]: # no groups s_or_idx = klass(['A1', 'B2', 'C3']) f = lambda: s_or_idx.str.extract('[ABC][123]', expand=False) pytest.raises(ValueError, f) # only non-capturing groups f = lambda: s_or_idx.str.extract('(?:[AB]).*', expand=False) pytest.raises(ValueError, f) # single group renames series/index properly s_or_idx = klass(['A1', 'A2']) result = s_or_idx.str.extract(r'(?P<uno>A)\d', expand=False) assert == 'uno' exp = klass(['A', 'A'], name='uno') if klass == Series: tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) else: tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp) s = Series(['A1', 'B2', 'C3']) # one group, no matches result = s.str.extract('(_)', expand=False) exp = Series([NA, NA, NA], dtype=object) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # two groups, no matches result = s.str.extract('(_)(_)', expand=False) exp = DataFrame([[NA, NA], [NA, NA], [NA, NA]], dtype=object) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) # one group, some matches result = s.str.extract('([AB])[123]', expand=False) exp = Series(['A', 'B', NA]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # two groups, some matches result = s.str.extract('([AB])([123])', expand=False) exp = DataFrame([['A', '1'], ['B', '2'], [NA, NA]]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) # one named group result = s.str.extract('(?P<letter>[AB])', expand=False) exp = Series(['A', 'B', NA], name='letter') tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # two named groups result = s.str.extract('(?P<letter>[AB])(?P<number>[123])', expand=False) exp = DataFrame([['A', '1'], ['B', '2'], [NA, NA]], columns=['letter', 'number']) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) # mix named and unnamed groups result = s.str.extract('([AB])(?P<number>[123])', expand=False) exp = DataFrame([['A', '1'], ['B', '2'], [NA, NA]], columns=[0, 'number']) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) # one normal group, one non-capturing group result = s.str.extract('([AB])(?:[123])', expand=False) exp = Series(['A', 'B', NA]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # two normal groups, one non-capturing group result = Series(['A11', 'B22', 'C33']).str.extract( '([AB])([123])(?:[123])', expand=False) exp = DataFrame([['A', '1'], ['B', '2'], [NA, NA]]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) # one optional group followed by one normal group result = Series(['A1', 'B2', '3']).str.extract( '(?P<letter>[AB])?(?P<number>[123])', expand=False) exp = DataFrame([['A', '1'], ['B', '2'], [NA, '3']], columns=['letter', 'number']) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) # one normal group followed by one optional group result = Series(['A1', 'B2', 'C']).str.extract( '(?P<letter>[ABC])(?P<number>[123])?', expand=False) exp = DataFrame([['A', '1'], ['B', '2'], ['C', NA]], columns=['letter', 'number']) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) # GH6348 # not passing index to the extractor def check_index(index): data = ['A1', 'B2', 'C'] index = index[:len(data)] s = Series(data, index=index) result = s.str.extract(r'(\d)', expand=False) exp = Series(['1', '2', NA], index=index) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = Series(data, index=index).str.extract( r'(?P<letter>\D)(?P<number>\d)?', expand=False) e_list = [ ['A', '1'], ['B', '2'], ['C', NA] ] exp = DataFrame(e_list, columns=['letter', 'number'], index=index) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) i_funs = [ tm.makeStringIndex, tm.makeUnicodeIndex, tm.makeIntIndex, tm.makeDateIndex, tm.makePeriodIndex, tm.makeRangeIndex ] for index in i_funs: check_index(index()) # single_series_name_is_preserved. s = Series(['a3', 'b3', 'c2'], name='bob') r = s.str.extract(r'(?P<sue>[a-z])', expand=False) e = Series(['a', 'b', 'c'], name='sue') tm.assert_series_equal(r, e) assert == def test_extract_expand_True(self): # Contains tests like those in test_match and some others. values = Series(['fooBAD__barBAD', NA, 'foo']) er = [NA, NA] # empty row result = values.str.extract('.*(BAD[_]+).*(BAD)', expand=True) exp = DataFrame([['BAD__', 'BAD'], er, er]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) # mixed mixed = Series(['aBAD_BAD', NA, 'BAD_b_BAD', True,, 'foo', None, 1, 2.]) rs = Series(mixed).str.extract('.*(BAD[_]+).*(BAD)', expand=True) exp = DataFrame([['BAD_', 'BAD'], er, ['BAD_', 'BAD'], er, er, er, er, er, er]) tm.assert_frame_equal(rs, exp) # unicode values = Series([u('fooBAD__barBAD'), NA, u('foo')]) result = values.str.extract('.*(BAD[_]+).*(BAD)', expand=True) exp = DataFrame([[u('BAD__'), u('BAD')], er, er]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) # these should work for both Series and Index for klass in [Series, Index]: # no groups s_or_idx = klass(['A1', 'B2', 'C3']) f = lambda: s_or_idx.str.extract('[ABC][123]', expand=True) pytest.raises(ValueError, f) # only non-capturing groups f = lambda: s_or_idx.str.extract('(?:[AB]).*', expand=True) pytest.raises(ValueError, f) # single group renames series/index properly s_or_idx = klass(['A1', 'A2']) result_df = s_or_idx.str.extract(r'(?P<uno>A)\d', expand=True) assert isinstance(result_df, DataFrame) result_series = result_df['uno'] assert_series_equal(result_series, Series(['A', 'A'], name='uno')) def test_extract_series(self): # extract should give the same result whether or not the # series has a name. for series_name in None, "series_name": s = Series(['A1', 'B2', 'C3'], name=series_name) # one group, no matches result = s.str.extract('(_)', expand=True) exp = DataFrame([NA, NA, NA], dtype=object) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) # two groups, no matches result = s.str.extract('(_)(_)', expand=True) exp = DataFrame([[NA, NA], [NA, NA], [NA, NA]], dtype=object) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) # one group, some matches result = s.str.extract('([AB])[123]', expand=True) exp = DataFrame(['A', 'B', NA]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) # two groups, some matches result = s.str.extract('([AB])([123])', expand=True) exp = DataFrame([['A', '1'], ['B', '2'], [NA, NA]]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) # one named group result = s.str.extract('(?P<letter>[AB])', expand=True) exp = DataFrame({"letter": ['A', 'B', NA]}) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) # two named groups result = s.str.extract( '(?P<letter>[AB])(?P<number>[123])', expand=True) e_list = [ ['A', '1'], ['B', '2'], [NA, NA] ] exp = DataFrame(e_list, columns=['letter', 'number']) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) # mix named and unnamed groups result = s.str.extract('([AB])(?P<number>[123])', expand=True) exp = DataFrame(e_list, columns=[0, 'number']) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) # one normal group, one non-capturing group result = s.str.extract('([AB])(?:[123])', expand=True) exp = DataFrame(['A', 'B', NA]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) def test_extract_optional_groups(self): # two normal groups, one non-capturing group result = Series(['A11', 'B22', 'C33']).str.extract( '([AB])([123])(?:[123])', expand=True) exp = DataFrame([['A', '1'], ['B', '2'], [NA, NA]]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) # one optional group followed by one normal group result = Series(['A1', 'B2', '3']).str.extract( '(?P<letter>[AB])?(?P<number>[123])', expand=True) e_list = [ ['A', '1'], ['B', '2'], [NA, '3'] ] exp = DataFrame(e_list, columns=['letter', 'number']) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) # one normal group followed by one optional group result = Series(['A1', 'B2', 'C']).str.extract( '(?P<letter>[ABC])(?P<number>[123])?', expand=True) e_list = [ ['A', '1'], ['B', '2'], ['C', NA] ] exp = DataFrame(e_list, columns=['letter', 'number']) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) # GH6348 # not passing index to the extractor def check_index(index): data = ['A1', 'B2', 'C'] index = index[:len(data)] result = Series(data, index=index).str.extract( r'(\d)', expand=True) exp = DataFrame(['1', '2', NA], index=index) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) result = Series(data, index=index).str.extract( r'(?P<letter>\D)(?P<number>\d)?', expand=True) e_list = [ ['A', '1'], ['B', '2'], ['C', NA] ] exp = DataFrame(e_list, columns=['letter', 'number'], index=index) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) i_funs = [ tm.makeStringIndex, tm.makeUnicodeIndex, tm.makeIntIndex, tm.makeDateIndex, tm.makePeriodIndex, tm.makeRangeIndex ] for index in i_funs: check_index(index()) def test_extract_single_group_returns_frame(self): # GH11386 extract should always return DataFrame, even when # there is only one group. Prior to v0.18.0, extract returned # Series when there was only one group in the regex. s = Series(['a3', 'b3', 'c2'], name='series_name') r = s.str.extract(r'(?P<letter>[a-z])', expand=True) e = DataFrame({"letter": ['a', 'b', 'c']}) tm.assert_frame_equal(r, e) def test_extractall(self): subject_list = [ '<EMAIL>', '<EMAIL>', '<EMAIL>', '<EMAIL> some text <EMAIL>', '<EMAIL> some text c@d.<EMAIL> and <EMAIL>', np.nan, "", ] expected_tuples = [ ("dave", "google", "com"), ("tdhock5", "gmail", "com"), ("maudelaperriere", "gmail", "com"), ("rob", "gmail", "com"), ("steve", "gmail", "com"), ("a", "b", "com"), ("c", "d", "com"), ("e", "f", "com"), ] named_pattern = r""" (?P<user>[a-z0-9]+) @ (?P<domain>[a-z]+) \. (?P<tld>[a-z]{2,4}) """ expected_columns = ["user", "domain", "tld"] S = Series(subject_list) # extractall should return a DataFrame with one row for each # match, indexed by the subject from which the match came. expected_index = MultiIndex.from_tuples([ (0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), (3, 0), (3, 1), (4, 0), (4, 1), (4, 2), ], names=(None, "match")) expected_df = DataFrame( expected_tuples, expected_index, expected_columns) computed_df = S.str.extractall(named_pattern, re.VERBOSE) tm.assert_frame_equal(computed_df, expected_df) # The index of the input Series should be used to construct # the index of the output DataFrame: series_index = MultiIndex.from_tuples([ ("single", "Dave"), ("single", "Toby"), ("single", "Maude"), ("multiple", "robAndSteve"), ("multiple", "abcdef"), ("none", "missing"), ("none", "empty"), ]) Si = Series(subject_list, series_index) expected_index = MultiIndex.from_tuples([ ("single", "Dave", 0), ("single", "Toby", 0), ("single", "Maude", 0), ("multiple", "robAndSteve", 0), ("multiple", "robAndSteve", 1), ("multiple", "abcdef", 0), ("multiple", "abcdef", 1), ("multiple", "abcdef", 2), ], names=(None, None, "match")) expected_df = DataFrame( expected_tuples, expected_index, expected_columns) computed_df = Si.str.extractall(named_pattern, re.VERBOSE) tm.assert_frame_equal(computed_df, expected_df) # MultiIndexed subject with names. Sn = Series(subject_list, series_index) Sn.index.names = ("matches", "description") expected_index.names = ("matches", "description", "match") expected_df = DataFrame( expected_tuples, expected_index, expected_columns) computed_df = Sn.str.extractall(named_pattern, re.VERBOSE) tm.assert_frame_equal(computed_df, expected_df) # optional groups. subject_list = ['', 'A1', '32'] named_pattern = '(?P<letter>[AB])?(?P<number>[123])' computed_df = Series(subject_list).str.extractall(named_pattern) expected_index = MultiIndex.from_tuples([ (1, 0), (2, 0), (2, 1), ], names=(None, "match")) expected_df = DataFrame([ ('A', '1'), (NA, '3'), (NA, '2'), ], expected_index, columns=['letter', 'number']) tm.assert_frame_equal(computed_df, expected_df) # only one of two groups has a name. pattern = '([AB])?(?P<number>[123])' computed_df = Series(subject_list).str.extractall(pattern) expected_df = DataFrame([ ('A', '1'), (NA, '3'), (NA, '2'), ], expected_index, columns=[0, 'number']) tm.assert_frame_equal(computed_df, expected_df) def test_extractall_single_group(self): # extractall(one named group) returns DataFrame with one named # column. s = Series(['a3', 'b3', 'd4c2'], name='series_name') r = s.str.extractall(r'(?P<letter>[a-z])') i = MultiIndex.from_tuples([ (0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), (2, 1), ], names=(None, "match")) e = DataFrame({"letter": ['a', 'b', 'd', 'c']}, i) tm.assert_frame_equal(r, e) # extractall(one un-named group) returns DataFrame with one # un-named column. r = s.str.extractall(r'([a-z])') e = DataFrame(['a', 'b', 'd', 'c'], i) tm.assert_frame_equal(r, e) def test_extractall_single_group_with_quantifier(self): # extractall(one un-named group with quantifier) returns # DataFrame with one un-named column (GH13382). s = Series(['ab3', 'abc3', 'd4cd2'], name='series_name') r = s.str.extractall(r'([a-z]+)') i = MultiIndex.from_tuples([ (0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), (2, 1), ], names=(None, "match")) e = DataFrame(['ab', 'abc', 'd', 'cd'], i) tm.assert_frame_equal(r, e) def test_extractall_no_matches(self): s = Series(['a3', 'b3', 'd4c2'], name='series_name') # one un-named group. r = s.str.extractall('(z)') e = DataFrame(columns=[0]) tm.assert_frame_equal(r, e) # two un-named groups. r = s.str.extractall('(z)(z)') e = DataFrame(columns=[0, 1]) tm.assert_frame_equal(r, e) # one named group. r = s.str.extractall('(?P<first>z)') e = DataFrame(columns=["first"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(r, e) # two named groups. r = s.str.extractall('(?P<first>z)(?P<second>z)') e = DataFrame(columns=["first", "second"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(r, e) # one named, one un-named. r = s.str.extractall('(z)(?P<second>z)') e = DataFrame(columns=[0, "second"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(r, e) def test_extractall_stringindex(self): s = Series(["a1a2", "b1", "c1"], name='xxx') res = s.str.extractall(r"[ab](?P<digit>\d)") exp_idx = MultiIndex.from_tuples([(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0)], names=[None, 'match']) exp = DataFrame({'digit': ["1", "2", "1"]}, index=exp_idx) tm.assert_frame_equal(res, exp) # index should return the same result as the default index without name # thus doesn't affect to the result for idx in [Index(["a1a2", "b1", "c1"]), Index(["a1a2", "b1", "c1"], name='xxx')]: res = idx.str.extractall(r"[ab](?P<digit>\d)") tm.assert_frame_equal(res, exp) s = Series(["a1a2", "b1", "c1"], name='s_name', index=Index(["XX", "yy", "zz"], name='idx_name')) res = s.str.extractall(r"[ab](?P<digit>\d)") exp_idx = MultiIndex.from_tuples([("XX", 0), ("XX", 1), ("yy", 0)], names=["idx_name", 'match']) exp = DataFrame({'digit': ["1", "2", "1"]}, index=exp_idx) tm.assert_frame_equal(res, exp) def test_extractall_errors(self): # Does not make sense to use extractall with a regex that has # no capture groups. (it returns DataFrame with one column for # each capture group) s = Series(['a3', 'b3', 'd4c2'], name='series_name') with tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "no capture groups"): s.str.extractall(r'[a-z]') def test_extract_index_one_two_groups(self): s = Series(['a3', 'b3', 'd4c2'], index=["A3", "B3", "D4"], name='series_name') r = s.index.str.extract(r'([A-Z])', expand=True) e = DataFrame(['A', "B", "D"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(r, e) # Prior to v0.18.0, index.str.extract(regex with one group) # returned Index. With more than one group, extract raised an # error (GH9980). Now extract always returns DataFrame. r = s.index.str.extract( r'(?P<letter>[A-Z])(?P<digit>[0-9])', expand=True) e_list = [ ("A", "3"), ("B", "3"), ("D", "4"), ] e = DataFrame(e_list, columns=["letter", "digit"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(r, e) def test_extractall_same_as_extract(self): s = Series(['a3', 'b3', 'c2'], name='series_name') pattern_two_noname = r'([a-z])([0-9])' extract_two_noname = s.str.extract(pattern_two_noname, expand=True) has_multi_index = s.str.extractall(pattern_two_noname) no_multi_index = has_multi_index.xs(0, level="match") tm.assert_frame_equal(extract_two_noname, no_multi_index) pattern_two_named = r'(?P<letter>[a-z])(?P<digit>[0-9])' extract_two_named = s.str.extract(pattern_two_named, expand=True) has_multi_index = s.str.extractall(pattern_two_named) no_multi_index = has_multi_index.xs(0, level="match") tm.assert_frame_equal(extract_two_named, no_multi_index) pattern_one_named = r'(?P<group_name>[a-z])' extract_one_named = s.str.extract(pattern_one_named, expand=True) has_multi_index = s.str.extractall(pattern_one_named) no_multi_index = has_multi_index.xs(0, level="match") tm.assert_frame_equal(extract_one_named, no_multi_index) pattern_one_noname = r'([a-z])' extract_one_noname = s.str.extract(pattern_one_noname, expand=True) has_multi_index = s.str.extractall(pattern_one_noname) no_multi_index = has_multi_index.xs(0, level="match") tm.assert_frame_equal(extract_one_noname, no_multi_index) def test_extractall_same_as_extract_subject_index(self): # same as above tests, but s has an MultiIndex. i = MultiIndex.from_tuples([ ("A", "first"), ("B", "second"), ("C", "third"), ], names=("capital", "ordinal")) s = Series(['a3', 'b3', 'c2'], i, name='series_name') pattern_two_noname = r'([a-z])([0-9])' extract_two_noname = s.str.extract(pattern_two_noname, expand=True) has_match_index = s.str.extractall(pattern_two_noname) no_match_index = has_match_index.xs(0, level="match") tm.assert_frame_equal(extract_two_noname, no_match_index) pattern_two_named = r'(?P<letter>[a-z])(?P<digit>[0-9])' extract_two_named = s.str.extract(pattern_two_named, expand=True) has_match_index = s.str.extractall(pattern_two_named) no_match_index = has_match_index.xs(0, level="match") tm.assert_frame_equal(extract_two_named, no_match_index) pattern_one_named = r'(?P<group_name>[a-z])' extract_one_named = s.str.extract(pattern_one_named, expand=True) has_match_index = s.str.extractall(pattern_one_named) no_match_index = has_match_index.xs(0, level="match") tm.assert_frame_equal(extract_one_named, no_match_index) pattern_one_noname = r'([a-z])' extract_one_noname = s.str.extract(pattern_one_noname, expand=True) has_match_index = s.str.extractall(pattern_one_noname) no_match_index = has_match_index.xs(0, level="match") tm.assert_frame_equal(extract_one_noname, no_match_index) def test_empty_str_methods(self): empty_str = empty = Series(dtype=object) empty_int = Series(dtype=int) empty_bool = Series(dtype=bool) empty_bytes = Series(dtype=object) # GH7241 # (extract) on empty series tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, assert '' == tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty.str.title()) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_int, empty.str.count('a')) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_bool, empty.str.contains('a')) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_bool, empty.str.startswith('a')) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_bool, empty.str.endswith('a')) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty.str.lower()) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty.str.upper()) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty.str.replace('a', 'b')) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty.str.repeat(3)) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_bool, empty.str.match('^a')) tm.assert_frame_equal( DataFrame(columns=[0], dtype=str), empty.str.extract('()', expand=True)) tm.assert_frame_equal( DataFrame(columns=[0, 1], dtype=str), empty.str.extract('()()', expand=True)) tm.assert_series_equal( empty_str, empty.str.extract('()', expand=False)) tm.assert_frame_equal( DataFrame(columns=[0, 1], dtype=str), empty.str.extract('()()', expand=False)) tm.assert_frame_equal(DataFrame(dtype=str), empty.str.get_dummies()) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty_str.str.join('')) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_int, empty.str.len()) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty_str.str.findall('a')) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_int, empty.str.find('a')) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_int, empty.str.rfind('a')) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty.str.pad(42)) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty.str.split('a')) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty.str.rsplit('a')) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty.str.partition('a', expand=False)) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty.str.rpartition('a', expand=False)) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty.str.slice(stop=1)) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty.str.slice(step=1)) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty.str.strip()) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty.str.lstrip()) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty.str.rstrip()) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty.str.wrap(42)) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty.str.get(0)) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty_bytes.str.decode('ascii')) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_bytes, empty.str.encode('ascii')) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty.str.isalnum()) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty.str.isalpha()) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty.str.isdigit()) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty.str.isspace()) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty.str.islower()) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty.str.isupper()) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty.str.istitle()) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty.str.isnumeric()) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty.str.isdecimal()) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty.str.capitalize()) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty.str.swapcase()) tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty.str.normalize('NFC')) if compat.PY3: table = str.maketrans('a', 'b') else: import string table = string.maketrans('a', 'b') tm.assert_series_equal(empty_str, empty.str.translate(table)) def test_empty_str_methods_to_frame(self): empty = Series(dtype=str) empty_df = DataFrame([]) tm.assert_frame_equal(empty_df, empty.str.partition('a')) tm.assert_frame_equal(empty_df, empty.str.rpartition('a')) def test_ismethods(self): values = ['A', 'b', 'Xy', '4', '3A', '', 'TT', '55', '-', ' '] str_s = Series(values) alnum_e = [True, True, True, True, True, False, True, True, False, False] alpha_e = [True, True, True, False, False, False, True, False, False, False] digit_e = [False, False, False, True, False, False, False, True, False, False] # TODO: unused num_e = [False, False, False, True, False, False, # noqa False, True, False, False] space_e = [False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True] lower_e = [False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False] upper_e = [True, False, False, False, True, False, True, False, False, False] title_e = [True, False, True, False, True, False, False, False, False, False] tm.assert_series_equal(str_s.str.isalnum(), Series(alnum_e)) tm.assert_series_equal(str_s.str.isalpha(), Series(alpha_e)) tm.assert_series_equal(str_s.str.isdigit(), Series(digit_e)) tm.assert_series_equal(str_s.str.isspace(), Series(space_e)) tm.assert_series_equal(str_s.str.islower(), Series(lower_e)) tm.assert_series_equal(str_s.str.isupper(), Series(upper_e)) tm.assert_series_equal(str_s.str.istitle(), Series(title_e)) assert str_s.str.isalnum().tolist() == [v.isalnum() for v in values] assert str_s.str.isalpha().tolist() == [v.isalpha() for v in values] assert str_s.str.isdigit().tolist() == [v.isdigit() for v in values] assert str_s.str.isspace().tolist() == [v.isspace() for v in values] assert str_s.str.islower().tolist() == [v.islower() for v in values] assert str_s.str.isupper().tolist() == [v.isupper() for v in values] assert str_s.str.istitle().tolist() == [v.istitle() for v in values] def test_isnumeric(self): # 0x00bc: ¼ VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER # 0x2605: ★ not number # 0x1378: ፸ ETHIOPIC NUMBER SEVENTY # 0xFF13: 3 Em 3 values = ['A', '3', u'¼', u'★', u'፸', u'3', 'four'] s = Series(values) numeric_e = [False, True, True, False, True, True, False] decimal_e = [False, True, False, False, False, True, False] tm.assert_series_equal(s.str.isnumeric(), Series(numeric_e)) tm.assert_series_equal(s.str.isdecimal(), Series(decimal_e)) unicodes = [u'A', u'3', u'¼', u'★', u'፸', u'3', u'four'] assert s.str.isnumeric().tolist() == [v.isnumeric() for v in unicodes] assert s.str.isdecimal().tolist() == [v.isdecimal() for v in unicodes] values = ['A', np.nan, u'¼', u'★', np.nan, u'3', 'four'] s = Series(values) numeric_e = [False, np.nan, True, False, np.nan, True, False] decimal_e = [False, np.nan, False, False, np.nan, True, False] tm.assert_series_equal(s.str.isnumeric(), Series(numeric_e)) tm.assert_series_equal(s.str.isdecimal(), Series(decimal_e)) def test_get_dummies(self): s = Series(['a|b', 'a|c', np.nan]) result = s.str.get_dummies('|') expected = DataFrame([[1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]], columns=list('abc')) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) s = Series(['a;b', 'a', 7]) result = s.str.get_dummies(';') expected = DataFrame([[0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]], columns=list('7ab')) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # GH9980, GH8028 idx = Index(['a|b', 'a|c', 'b|c']) result = idx.str.get_dummies('|') expected = MultiIndex.from_tuples([(1, 1, 0), (1, 0, 1), (0, 1, 1)], names=('a', 'b', 'c')) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) def test_get_dummies_with_name_dummy(self): # GH 12180 # Dummies named 'name' should work as expected s = Series(['a', 'b,name', 'b']) result = s.str.get_dummies(',') expected = DataFrame([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0]], columns=['a', 'b', 'name']) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) idx = Index(['a|b', 'name|c', 'b|name']) result = idx.str.get_dummies('|') expected = MultiIndex.from_tuples([(1, 1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1, 1), (0, 1, 0, 1)], names=('a', 'b', 'c', 'name')) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) def test_join(self): values = Series(['a_b_c', 'c_d_e', np.nan, 'f_g_h']) result = values.str.split('_').str.join('_') tm.assert_series_equal(values, result) # mixed mixed = Series(['a_b', NA, 'asdf_cas_asdf', True,, 'foo', None, 1, 2.]) rs = Series(mixed).str.split('_').str.join('_') xp = Series(['a_b', NA, 'asdf_cas_asdf', NA, NA, 'foo', NA, NA, NA]) assert isinstance(rs, Series) tm.assert_almost_equal(rs, xp) # unicode values = Series([u('a_b_c'), u('c_d_e'), np.nan, u('f_g_h')]) result = values.str.split('_').str.join('_') tm.assert_series_equal(values, result) def test_len(self): values = Series(['foo', 'fooo', 'fooooo', np.nan, 'fooooooo']) result = values.str.len() exp = x: len(x) if notna(x) else NA) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # mixed mixed = Series(['a_b', NA, 'asdf_cas_asdf', True,, 'foo', None, 1, 2.]) rs = Series(mixed).str.len() xp = Series([3, NA, 13, NA, NA, 3, NA, NA, NA]) assert isinstance(rs, Series) tm.assert_almost_equal(rs, xp) # unicode values = Series([u('foo'), u('fooo'), u('fooooo'), np.nan, u( 'fooooooo')]) result = values.str.len() exp = x: len(x) if notna(x) else NA) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) def test_findall(self): values = Series(['fooBAD__barBAD', NA, 'foo', 'BAD']) result = values.str.findall('BAD[_]*') exp = Series([['BAD__', 'BAD'], NA, [], ['BAD']]) tm.assert_almost_equal(result, exp) # mixed mixed = Series(['fooBAD__barBAD', NA, 'foo', True,, 'BAD', None, 1, 2.]) rs = Series(mixed).str.findall('BAD[_]*') xp = Series([['BAD__', 'BAD'], NA, [], NA, NA, ['BAD'], NA, NA, NA]) assert isinstance(rs, Series) tm.assert_almost_equal(rs, xp) # unicode values = Series([u('fooBAD__barBAD'), NA, u('foo'), u('BAD')]) result = values.str.findall('BAD[_]*') exp = Series([[u('BAD__'), u('BAD')], NA, [], [u('BAD')]]) tm.assert_almost_equal(result, exp) def test_find(self): values = Series(['ABCDEFG', 'BCDEFEF', 'DEFGHIJEF', 'EFGHEF', 'XXXX']) result = values.str.find('EF') tm.assert_series_equal(result, Series([4, 3, 1, 0, -1])) expected = np.array([v.find('EF') for v in values.values], dtype=np.int64) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result.values, expected) result = values.str.rfind('EF') tm.assert_series_equal(result, Series([4, 5, 7, 4, -1])) expected = np.array([v.rfind('EF') for v in values.values], dtype=np.int64) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result.values, expected) result = values.str.find('EF', 3) tm.assert_series_equal(result, Series([4, 3, 7, 4, -1])) expected = np.array([v.find('EF', 3) for v in values.values], dtype=np.int64) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result.values, expected) result = values.str.rfind('EF', 3) tm.assert_series_equal(result, Series([4, 5, 7, 4, -1])) expected = np.array([v.rfind('EF', 3) for v in values.values], dtype=np.int64) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result.values, expected) result = values.str.find('EF', 3, 6) tm.assert_series_equal(result, Series([4, 3, -1, 4, -1])) expected = np.array([v.find('EF', 3, 6) for v in values.values], dtype=np.int64) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result.values, expected) result = values.str.rfind('EF', 3, 6) tm.assert_series_equal(result, Series([4, 3, -1, 4, -1])) expected = np.array([v.rfind('EF', 3, 6) for v in values.values], dtype=np.int64) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result.values, expected) with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, "expected a string object, not int"): result = values.str.find(0) with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, "expected a string object, not int"): result = values.str.rfind(0) def test_find_nan(self): values = Series(['ABCDEFG', np.nan, 'DEFGHIJEF', np.nan, 'XXXX']) result = values.str.find('EF') tm.assert_series_equal(result, Series([4, np.nan, 1, np.nan, -1])) result = values.str.rfind('EF') tm.assert_series_equal(result, Series([4, np.nan, 7, np.nan, -1])) result = values.str.find('EF', 3) tm.assert_series_equal(result, Series([4, np.nan, 7, np.nan, -1])) result = values.str.rfind('EF', 3) tm.assert_series_equal(result, Series([4, np.nan, 7, np.nan, -1])) result = values.str.find('EF', 3, 6) tm.assert_series_equal(result, Series([4, np.nan, -1, np.nan, -1])) result = values.str.rfind('EF', 3, 6) tm.assert_series_equal(result, Series([4, np.nan, -1, np.nan, -1])) def test_index(self): def _check(result, expected): if isinstance(result, Series): tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) else: tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) for klass in [Series, Index]: s = klass(['ABCDEFG', 'BCDEFEF', 'DEFGHIJEF', 'EFGHEF']) result = s.str.index('EF') _check(result, klass([4, 3, 1, 0])) expected = np.array([v.index('EF') for v in s.values], dtype=np.int64) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result.values, expected) result = s.str.rindex('EF') _check(result, klass([4, 5, 7, 4])) expected = np.array([v.rindex('EF') for v in s.values], dtype=np.int64) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result.values, expected) result = s.str.index('EF', 3) _check(result, klass([4, 3, 7, 4])) expected = np.array([v.index('EF', 3) for v in s.values], dtype=np.int64) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result.values, expected) result = s.str.rindex('EF', 3) _check(result, klass([4, 5, 7, 4])) expected = np.array([v.rindex('EF', 3) for v in s.values], dtype=np.int64) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result.values, expected) result = s.str.index('E', 4, 8) _check(result, klass([4, 5, 7, 4])) expected = np.array([v.index('E', 4, 8) for v in s.values], dtype=np.int64) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result.values, expected) result = s.str.rindex('E', 0, 5) _check(result, klass([4, 3, 1, 4])) expected = np.array([v.rindex('E', 0, 5) for v in s.values], dtype=np.int64) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result.values, expected) with tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "substring not found"): result = s.str.index('DE') with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, "expected a string " "object, not int"): result = s.str.index(0) # test with nan s = Series(['abcb', 'ab', 'bcbe', np.nan]) result = s.str.index('b') tm.assert_series_equal(result, Series([1, 1, 0, np.nan])) result = s.str.rindex('b') tm.assert_series_equal(result, Series([3, 1, 2, np.nan])) def test_pad(self): values = Series(['a', 'b', NA, 'c', NA, 'eeeeee']) result = values.str.pad(5, side='left') exp = Series([' a', ' b', NA, ' c', NA, 'eeeeee']) tm.assert_almost_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.pad(5, side='right') exp = Series(['a ', 'b ', NA, 'c ', NA, 'eeeeee']) tm.assert_almost_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.pad(5, side='both') exp = Series([' a ', ' b ', NA, ' c ', NA, 'eeeeee']) tm.assert_almost_equal(result, exp) # mixed mixed = Series(['a', NA, 'b', True,, 'ee', None, 1, 2. ]) rs = Series(mixed).str.pad(5, side='left') xp = Series([' a', NA, ' b', NA, NA, ' ee', NA, NA, NA]) assert isinstance(rs, Series) tm.assert_almost_equal(rs, xp) mixed = Series(['a', NA, 'b', True,, 'ee', None, 1, 2. ]) rs = Series(mixed).str.pad(5, side='right') xp = Series(['a ', NA, 'b ', NA, NA, 'ee ', NA, NA, NA]) assert isinstance(rs, Series) tm.assert_almost_equal(rs, xp) mixed = Series(['a', NA, 'b', True,, 'ee', None, 1, 2. ]) rs = Series(mixed).str.pad(5, side='both') xp = Series([' a ', NA, ' b ', NA, NA, ' ee ', NA, NA, NA]) assert isinstance(rs, Series) tm.assert_almost_equal(rs, xp) # unicode values = Series([u('a'), u('b'), NA, u('c'), NA, u('eeeeee')]) result = values.str.pad(5, side='left') exp = Series([u(' a'), u(' b'), NA, u(' c'), NA, u('eeeeee')]) tm.assert_almost_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.pad(5, side='right') exp = Series([u('a '), u('b '), NA, u('c '), NA, u('eeeeee')]) tm.assert_almost_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.pad(5, side='both') exp = Series([u(' a '), u(' b '), NA, u(' c '), NA, u('eeeeee')]) tm.assert_almost_equal(result, exp) def test_pad_fillchar(self): values = Series(['a', 'b', NA, 'c', NA, 'eeeeee']) result = values.str.pad(5, side='left', fillchar='X') exp = Series(['XXXXa', 'XXXXb', NA, 'XXXXc', NA, 'eeeeee']) tm.assert_almost_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.pad(5, side='right', fillchar='X') exp = Series(['aXXXX', 'bXXXX', NA, 'cXXXX', NA, 'eeeeee']) tm.assert_almost_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.pad(5, side='both', fillchar='X') exp = Series(['XXaXX', 'XXbXX', NA, 'XXcXX', NA, 'eeeeee']) tm.assert_almost_equal(result, exp) with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, "fillchar must be a " "character, not str"): result = values.str.pad(5, fillchar='XY') with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, "fillchar must be a " "character, not int"): result = values.str.pad(5, fillchar=5) def test_pad_width(self): # GH 13598 s = Series(['1', '22', 'a', 'bb']) for f in ['center', 'ljust', 'rjust', 'zfill', 'pad']: with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, "width must be of " "integer type, not*"): getattr(s.str, f)('f') def test_translate(self): def _check(result, expected): if isinstance(result, Series): tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) else: tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) for klass in [Series, Index]: s = klass(['abcdefg', 'abcc', 'cdddfg', 'cdefggg']) if not compat.PY3: import string table = string.maketrans('abc', 'cde') else: table = str.maketrans('abc', 'cde') result = s.str.translate(table) expected = klass(['cdedefg', 'cdee', 'edddfg', 'edefggg']) _check(result, expected) # use of deletechars is python 2 only if not compat.PY3: result = s.str.translate(table, deletechars='fg') expected = klass(['cdede', 'cdee', 'eddd', 'ede']) _check(result, expected) result = s.str.translate(None, deletechars='fg') expected = klass(['abcde', 'abcc', 'cddd', 'cde']) _check(result, expected) else: with tm.assert_raises_regex( ValueError, "deletechars is not a valid argument"): result = s.str.translate(table, deletechars='fg') # Series with non-string values s = Series(['a', 'b', 'c', 1.2]) expected = Series(['c', 'd', 'e', np.nan]) result = s.str.translate(table) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_center_ljust_rjust(self): values = Series(['a', 'b', NA, 'c', NA, 'eeeeee']) result = exp = Series([' a ', ' b ', NA, ' c ', NA, 'eeeeee']) tm.assert_almost_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.ljust(5) exp = Series(['a ', 'b ', NA, 'c ', NA, 'eeeeee']) tm.assert_almost_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.rjust(5) exp = Series([' a', ' b', NA, ' c', NA, 'eeeeee']) tm.assert_almost_equal(result, exp) # mixed mixed = Series(['a', NA, 'b', True,, 'c', 'eee', None, 1, 2.]) rs = Series(mixed) xp = Series([' a ', NA, ' b ', NA, NA, ' c ', ' eee ', NA, NA, NA ]) assert isinstance(rs, Series) tm.assert_almost_equal(rs, xp) rs = Series(mixed).str.ljust(5) xp = Series(['a ', NA, 'b ', NA, NA, 'c ', 'eee ', NA, NA, NA ]) assert isinstance(rs, Series) tm.assert_almost_equal(rs, xp) rs = Series(mixed).str.rjust(5) xp = Series([' a', NA, ' b', NA, NA, ' c', ' eee', NA, NA, NA ]) assert isinstance(rs, Series) tm.assert_almost_equal(rs, xp) # unicode values = Series([u('a'), u('b'), NA, u('c'), NA, u('eeeeee')]) result = exp = Series([u(' a '), u(' b '), NA, u(' c '), NA, u('eeeeee')]) tm.assert_almost_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.ljust(5) exp = Series([u('a '), u('b '), NA, u('c '), NA, u('eeeeee')]) tm.assert_almost_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.rjust(5) exp = Series([u(' a'), u(' b'), NA, u(' c'), NA, u('eeeeee')]) tm.assert_almost_equal(result, exp) def test_center_ljust_rjust_fillchar(self): values = Series(['a', 'bb', 'cccc', 'ddddd', 'eeeeee']) result =, fillchar='X') expected = Series(['XXaXX', 'XXbbX', 'Xcccc', 'ddddd', 'eeeeee']) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) expected = np.array([, 'X') for v in values.values], dtype=np.object_) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result.values, expected) result = values.str.ljust(5, fillchar='X') expected = Series(['aXXXX', 'bbXXX', 'ccccX', 'ddddd', 'eeeeee']) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) expected = np.array([v.ljust(5, 'X') for v in values.values], dtype=np.object_) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result.values, expected) result = values.str.rjust(5, fillchar='X') expected = Series(['XXXXa', 'XXXbb', 'Xcccc', 'ddddd', 'eeeeee']) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) expected = np.array([v.rjust(5, 'X') for v in values.values], dtype=np.object_) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result.values, expected) # If fillchar is not a charatter, normal str raises TypeError # 'aaa'.ljust(5, 'XY') # TypeError: must be char, not str with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, "fillchar must be a " "character, not str"): result =, fillchar='XY') with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, "fillchar must be a " "character, not str"): result = values.str.ljust(5, fillchar='XY') with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, "fillchar must be a " "character, not str"): result = values.str.rjust(5, fillchar='XY') with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, "fillchar must be a " "character, not int"): result =, fillchar=1) with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, "fillchar must be a " "character, not int"): result = values.str.ljust(5, fillchar=1) with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, "fillchar must be a " "character, not int"): result = values.str.rjust(5, fillchar=1) def test_zfill(self): values = Series(['1', '22', 'aaa', '333', '45678']) result = values.str.zfill(5) expected = Series(['00001', '00022', '00aaa', '00333', '45678']) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) expected = np.array([v.zfill(5) for v in values.values], dtype=np.object_) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result.values, expected) result = values.str.zfill(3) expected = Series(['001', '022', 'aaa', '333', '45678']) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) expected = np.array([v.zfill(3) for v in values.values], dtype=np.object_) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result.values, expected) values = Series(['1', np.nan, 'aaa', np.nan, '45678']) result = values.str.zfill(5) expected = Series(['00001', np.nan, '00aaa', np.nan, '45678']) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_split(self): values = Series(['a_b_c', 'c_d_e', NA, 'f_g_h']) result = values.str.split('_') exp = Series([['a', 'b', 'c'], ['c', 'd', 'e'], NA, ['f', 'g', 'h']]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # more than one char values = Series(['a__b__c', 'c__d__e', NA, 'f__g__h']) result = values.str.split('__') tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.split('__', expand=False) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # mixed mixed = Series(['a_b_c', NA, 'd_e_f', True,, None, 1, 2.]) result = mixed.str.split('_') exp = Series([['a', 'b', 'c'], NA, ['d', 'e', 'f'], NA, NA, NA, NA, NA ]) assert isinstance(result, Series) tm.assert_almost_equal(result, exp) result = mixed.str.split('_', expand=False) assert isinstance(result, Series) tm.assert_almost_equal(result, exp) # unicode values = Series([u('a_b_c'), u('c_d_e'), NA, u('f_g_h')]) result = values.str.split('_') exp = Series([[u('a'), u('b'), u('c')], [u('c'), u('d'), u('e')], NA, [u('f'), u('g'), u('h')]]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.split('_', expand=False) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # regex split values = Series([u('a,b_c'), u('c_d,e'), NA, u('f,g,h')]) result = values.str.split('[,_]') exp = Series([[u('a'), u('b'), u('c')], [u('c'), u('d'), u('e')], NA, [u('f'), u('g'), u('h')]]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) def test_rsplit(self): values = Series(['a_b_c', 'c_d_e', NA, 'f_g_h']) result = values.str.rsplit('_') exp = Series([['a', 'b', 'c'], ['c', 'd', 'e'], NA, ['f', 'g', 'h']]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # more than one char values = Series(['a__b__c', 'c__d__e', NA, 'f__g__h']) result = values.str.rsplit('__') tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.rsplit('__', expand=False) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # mixed mixed = Series(['a_b_c', NA, 'd_e_f', True,, None, 1, 2.]) result = mixed.str.rsplit('_') exp = Series([['a', 'b', 'c'], NA, ['d', 'e', 'f'], NA, NA, NA, NA, NA ]) assert isinstance(result, Series) tm.assert_almost_equal(result, exp) result = mixed.str.rsplit('_', expand=False) assert isinstance(result, Series) tm.assert_almost_equal(result, exp) # unicode values = Series([u('a_b_c'), u('c_d_e'), NA, u('f_g_h')]) result = values.str.rsplit('_') exp = Series([[u('a'), u('b'), u('c')], [u('c'), u('d'), u('e')], NA, [u('f'), u('g'), u('h')]]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.rsplit('_', expand=False) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # regex split is not supported by rsplit values = Series([u('a,b_c'), u('c_d,e'), NA, u('f,g,h')]) result = values.str.rsplit('[,_]') exp = Series([[u('a,b_c')], [u('c_d,e')], NA, [u('f,g,h')]]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # setting max number of splits, make sure it's from reverse values = Series(['a_b_c', 'c_d_e', NA, 'f_g_h']) result = values.str.rsplit('_', n=1) exp = Series([['a_b', 'c'], ['c_d', 'e'], NA, ['f_g', 'h']]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) def test_split_noargs(self): # #1859 s = Series(['<NAME>', '<NAME>']) result = s.str.split() expected = ['Travis', 'Oliphant'] assert result[1] == expected result = s.str.rsplit() assert result[1] == expected def test_split_maxsplit(self): # re.split 0, str.split -1 s = Series(['bd asdf jfg', 'kjasdflqw asdfnfk']) result = s.str.split(n=-1) xp = s.str.split() tm.assert_series_equal(result, xp) result = s.str.split(n=0) tm.assert_series_equal(result, xp) xp = s.str.split('asdf') result = s.str.split('asdf', n=0) tm.assert_series_equal(result, xp) result = s.str.split('asdf', n=-1) tm.assert_series_equal(result, xp) def test_split_no_pat_with_nonzero_n(self): s = Series(['split once', 'split once too!']) result = s.str.split(n=1) expected = Series({0: ['split', 'once'], 1: ['split', 'once too!']}) tm.assert_series_equal(expected, result, check_index_type=False) def test_split_to_dataframe(self): s = Series(['nosplit', 'alsonosplit']) result = s.str.split('_', expand=True) exp = DataFrame({0: Series(['nosplit', 'alsonosplit'])}) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) s = Series(['some_equal_splits', 'with_no_nans']) result = s.str.split('_', expand=True) exp = DataFrame({0: ['some', 'with'], 1: ['equal', 'no'], 2: ['splits', 'nans']}) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) s = Series(['some_unequal_splits', 'one_of_these_things_is_not']) result = s.str.split('_', expand=True) exp = DataFrame({0: ['some', 'one'], 1: ['unequal', 'of'], 2: ['splits', 'these'], 3: [NA, 'things'], 4: [NA, 'is'], 5: [NA, 'not']}) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) s = Series(['some_splits', 'with_index'], index=['preserve', 'me']) result = s.str.split('_', expand=True) exp = DataFrame({0: ['some', 'with'], 1: ['splits', 'index']}, index=['preserve', 'me']) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) with tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "expand must be"): s.str.split('_', expand="not_a_boolean") def test_split_to_multiindex_expand(self): idx = Index(['nosplit', 'alsonosplit']) result = idx.str.split('_', expand=True) exp = idx tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp) assert result.nlevels == 1 idx = Index(['some_equal_splits', 'with_no_nans']) result = idx.str.split('_', expand=True) exp = MultiIndex.from_tuples([('some', 'equal', 'splits'), ( 'with', 'no', 'nans')]) tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp) assert result.nlevels == 3 idx = Index(['some_unequal_splits', 'one_of_these_things_is_not']) result = idx.str.split('_', expand=True) exp = MultiIndex.from_tuples([('some', 'unequal', 'splits', NA, NA, NA ), ('one', 'of', 'these', 'things', 'is', 'not')]) tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp) assert result.nlevels == 6 with tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "expand must be"): idx.str.split('_', expand="not_a_boolean") def test_rsplit_to_dataframe_expand(self): s = Series(['nosplit', 'alsonosplit']) result = s.str.rsplit('_', expand=True) exp = DataFrame({0: Series(['nosplit', 'alsonosplit'])}) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) s = Series(['some_equal_splits', 'with_no_nans']) result = s.str.rsplit('_', expand=True) exp = DataFrame({0: ['some', 'with'], 1: ['equal', 'no'], 2: ['splits', 'nans']}) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) result = s.str.rsplit('_', expand=True, n=2) exp = DataFrame({0: ['some', 'with'], 1: ['equal', 'no'], 2: ['splits', 'nans']}) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) result = s.str.rsplit('_', expand=True, n=1) exp = DataFrame({0: ['some_equal', 'with_no'], 1: ['splits', 'nans']}) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) s = Series(['some_splits', 'with_index'], index=['preserve', 'me']) result = s.str.rsplit('_', expand=True) exp = DataFrame({0: ['some', 'with'], 1: ['splits', 'index']}, index=['preserve', 'me']) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) def test_rsplit_to_multiindex_expand(self): idx = Index(['nosplit', 'alsonosplit']) result = idx.str.rsplit('_', expand=True) exp = idx tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp) assert result.nlevels == 1 idx = Index(['some_equal_splits', 'with_no_nans']) result = idx.str.rsplit('_', expand=True) exp = MultiIndex.from_tuples([('some', 'equal', 'splits'), ( 'with', 'no', 'nans')]) tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp) assert result.nlevels == 3 idx = Index(['some_equal_splits', 'with_no_nans']) result = idx.str.rsplit('_', expand=True, n=1) exp = MultiIndex.from_tuples([('some_equal', 'splits'), ('with_no', 'nans')]) tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp) assert result.nlevels == 2 def test_split_nan_expand(self): # gh-18450 s = Series(["foo,bar,baz", NA]) result = s.str.split(",", expand=True) exp = DataFrame([["foo", "bar", "baz"], [NA, NA, NA]]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) # check that these are actually np.nan and not None # TODO see GH 18463 # tm.assert_frame_equal does not differentiate assert all(np.isnan(x) for x in result.iloc[1]) def test_split_with_name(self): # GH 12617 # should preserve name s = Series(['a,b', 'c,d'], name='xxx') res = s.str.split(',') exp = Series([['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']], name='xxx') tm.assert_series_equal(res, exp) res = s.str.split(',', expand=True) exp = DataFrame([['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']]) tm.assert_frame_equal(res, exp) idx = Index(['a,b', 'c,d'], name='xxx') res = idx.str.split(',') exp = Index([['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']], name='xxx') assert res.nlevels == 1 tm.assert_index_equal(res, exp) res = idx.str.split(',', expand=True) exp = MultiIndex.from_tuples([('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd')]) assert res.nlevels == 2 tm.assert_index_equal(res, exp) def test_partition_series(self): values = Series(['a_b_c', 'c_d_e', NA, 'f_g_h']) result = values.str.partition('_', expand=False) exp = Series([('a', '_', 'b_c'), ('c', '_', 'd_e'), NA, ('f', '_', 'g_h')]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.rpartition('_', expand=False) exp = Series([('a_b', '_', 'c'), ('c_d', '_', 'e'), NA, ('f_g', '_', 'h')]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # more than one char values = Series(['a__b__c', 'c__d__e', NA, 'f__g__h']) result = values.str.partition('__', expand=False) exp = Series([('a', '__', 'b__c'), ('c', '__', 'd__e'), NA, ('f', '__', 'g__h')]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.rpartition('__', expand=False) exp = Series([('a__b', '__', 'c'), ('c__d', '__', 'e'), NA, ('f__g', '__', 'h')]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # None values = Series(['a b c', 'c d e', NA, 'f g h']) result = values.str.partition(expand=False) exp = Series([('a', ' ', 'b c'), ('c', ' ', 'd e'), NA, ('f', ' ', 'g h')]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.rpartition(expand=False) exp = Series([('a b', ' ', 'c'), ('c d', ' ', 'e'), NA, ('f g', ' ', 'h')]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # Not splited values = Series(['abc', 'cde', NA, 'fgh']) result = values.str.partition('_', expand=False) exp = Series([('abc', '', ''), ('cde', '', ''), NA, ('fgh', '', '')]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.rpartition('_', expand=False) exp = Series([('', '', 'abc'), ('', '', 'cde'), NA, ('', '', 'fgh')]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # unicode values = Series([u'a_b_c', u'c_d_e', NA, u'f_g_h']) result = values.str.partition('_', expand=False) exp = Series([(u'a', u'_', u'b_c'), (u'c', u'_', u'd_e'), NA, (u'f', u'_', u'g_h')]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.rpartition('_', expand=False) exp = Series([(u'a_b', u'_', u'c'), (u'c_d', u'_', u'e'), NA, (u'f_g', u'_', u'h')]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # compare to standard lib values = Series(['A_B_C', 'B_C_D', 'E_F_G', 'EFGHEF']) result = values.str.partition('_', expand=False).tolist() assert result == [v.partition('_') for v in values] result = values.str.rpartition('_', expand=False).tolist() assert result == [v.rpartition('_') for v in values] def test_partition_index(self): values = Index(['a_b_c', 'c_d_e', 'f_g_h']) result = values.str.partition('_', expand=False) exp = Index(np.array([('a', '_', 'b_c'), ('c', '_', 'd_e'), ('f', '_', 'g_h')])) tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp) assert result.nlevels == 1 result = values.str.rpartition('_', expand=False) exp = Index(np.array([('a_b', '_', 'c'), ('c_d', '_', 'e'), ( 'f_g', '_', 'h')])) tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp) assert result.nlevels == 1 result = values.str.partition('_') exp = Index([('a', '_', 'b_c'), ('c', '_', 'd_e'), ('f', '_', 'g_h')]) tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp) assert isinstance(result, MultiIndex) assert result.nlevels == 3 result = values.str.rpartition('_') exp = Index([('a_b', '_', 'c'), ('c_d', '_', 'e'), ('f_g', '_', 'h')]) tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp) assert isinstance(result, MultiIndex) assert result.nlevels == 3 def test_partition_to_dataframe(self): values = Series(['a_b_c', 'c_d_e', NA, 'f_g_h']) result = values.str.partition('_') exp = DataFrame({0: ['a', 'c', np.nan, 'f'], 1: ['_', '_', np.nan, '_'], 2: ['b_c', 'd_e', np.nan, 'g_h']}) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.rpartition('_') exp = DataFrame({0: ['a_b', 'c_d', np.nan, 'f_g'], 1: ['_', '_', np.nan, '_'], 2: ['c', 'e', np.nan, 'h']}) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) values = Series(['a_b_c', 'c_d_e', NA, 'f_g_h']) result = values.str.partition('_', expand=True) exp = DataFrame({0: ['a', 'c', np.nan, 'f'], 1: ['_', '_', np.nan, '_'], 2: ['b_c', 'd_e', np.nan, 'g_h']}) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.rpartition('_', expand=True) exp = DataFrame({0: ['a_b', 'c_d', np.nan, 'f_g'], 1: ['_', '_', np.nan, '_'], 2: ['c', 'e', np.nan, 'h']}) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) def test_partition_with_name(self): # GH 12617 s = Series(['a,b', 'c,d'], name='xxx') res = s.str.partition(',') exp = DataFrame({0: ['a', 'c'], 1: [',', ','], 2: ['b', 'd']}) tm.assert_frame_equal(res, exp) # should preserve name res = s.str.partition(',', expand=False) exp = Series([('a', ',', 'b'), ('c', ',', 'd')], name='xxx') tm.assert_series_equal(res, exp) idx = Index(['a,b', 'c,d'], name='xxx') res = idx.str.partition(',') exp = MultiIndex.from_tuples([('a', ',', 'b'), ('c', ',', 'd')]) assert res.nlevels == 3 tm.assert_index_equal(res, exp) # should preserve name res = idx.str.partition(',', expand=False) exp = Index(np.array([('a', ',', 'b'), ('c', ',', 'd')]), name='xxx') assert res.nlevels == 1 tm.assert_index_equal(res, exp) def test_pipe_failures(self): # #2119 s = Series(['A|B|C']) result = s.str.split('|') exp = Series([['A', 'B', 'C']]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = s.str.replace('|', ' ') exp = Series(['A B C']) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) def test_slice(self): values = Series(['aafootwo', 'aabartwo', NA, 'aabazqux']) result = values.str.slice(2, 5) exp = Series(['foo', 'bar', NA, 'baz']) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) for start, stop, step in [(0, 3, -1), (None, None, -1), (3, 10, 2), (3, 0, -1)]: try: result = values.str.slice(start, stop, step) expected = Series([s[start:stop:step] if not isna(s) else NA for s in values]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) except: print('failed on %s:%s:%s' % (start, stop, step)) raise # mixed mixed = Series(['aafootwo', NA, 'aabartwo', True,, None, 1, 2.]) rs = Series(mixed).str.slice(2, 5) xp = Series(['foo', NA, 'bar', NA, NA, NA, NA, NA]) assert isinstance(rs, Series) tm.assert_almost_equal(rs, xp) rs = Series(mixed).str.slice(2, 5, -1) xp = Series(['oof', NA, 'rab', NA, NA, NA, NA, NA]) # unicode values = Series([u('aafootwo'), u('aabartwo'), NA, u('aabazqux')]) result = values.str.slice(2, 5) exp = Series([u('foo'), u('bar'), NA, u('baz')]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.slice(0, -1, 2) exp = Series([u('afow'), u('abrw'), NA, u('abzu')]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) def test_slice_replace(self): values = Series(['short', 'a bit longer', 'evenlongerthanthat', '', NA ]) exp = Series(['shrt', 'a it longer', 'evnlongerthanthat', '', NA]) result = values.str.slice_replace(2, 3) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) exp = Series(['shzrt', 'a zit longer', 'evznlongerthanthat', 'z', NA]) result = values.str.slice_replace(2, 3, 'z') tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) exp = Series(['shzort', 'a zbit longer', 'evzenlongerthanthat', 'z', NA ]) result = values.str.slice_replace(2, 2, 'z') tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) exp = Series(['shzort', 'a zbit longer', 'evzenlongerthanthat', 'z', NA ]) result = values.str.slice_replace(2, 1, 'z') tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) exp = Series(['shorz', 'a bit longez', 'evenlongerthanthaz', 'z', NA]) result = values.str.slice_replace(-1, None, 'z') tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) exp = Series(['zrt', 'zer', 'zat', 'z', NA]) result = values.str.slice_replace(None, -2, 'z') tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) exp = Series(['shortz', 'a bit znger', 'evenlozerthanthat', 'z', NA]) result = values.str.slice_replace(6, 8, 'z') tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) exp = Series(['zrt', 'a zit longer', 'evenlongzerthanthat', 'z', NA]) result = values.str.slice_replace(-10, 3, 'z') tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) def test_strip_lstrip_rstrip(self): values = Series([' aa ', ' bb \n', NA, 'cc ']) result = values.str.strip() exp = Series(['aa', 'bb', NA, 'cc']) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.lstrip() exp = Series(['aa ', 'bb \n', NA, 'cc ']) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.rstrip() exp = Series([' aa', ' bb', NA, 'cc']) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) def test_strip_lstrip_rstrip_mixed(self): # mixed mixed = Series([' aa ', NA, ' bb \t\n', True,, None, 1, 2.]) rs = Series(mixed).str.strip() xp = Series(['aa', NA, 'bb', NA, NA, NA, NA, NA]) assert isinstance(rs, Series) tm.assert_almost_equal(rs, xp) rs = Series(mixed).str.lstrip() xp = Series(['aa ', NA, 'bb \t\n', NA, NA, NA, NA, NA]) assert isinstance(rs, Series) tm.assert_almost_equal(rs, xp) rs = Series(mixed).str.rstrip() xp = Series([' aa', NA, ' bb', NA, NA, NA, NA, NA]) assert isinstance(rs, Series) tm.assert_almost_equal(rs, xp) def test_strip_lstrip_rstrip_unicode(self): # unicode values = Series([u(' aa '), u(' bb \n'), NA, u('cc ')]) result = values.str.strip() exp = Series([u('aa'), u('bb'), NA, u('cc')]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.lstrip() exp = Series([u('aa '), u('bb \n'), NA, u('cc ')]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = values.str.rstrip() exp = Series([u(' aa'), u(' bb'), NA, u('cc')]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) def test_strip_lstrip_rstrip_args(self): values = Series(['xxABCxx', 'xx BNSD', 'LDFJH xx']) rs = values.str.strip('x') xp = Series(['ABC', ' BNSD', 'LDFJH ']) assert_series_equal(rs, xp) rs = values.str.lstrip('x') xp =
Series(['ABCxx', ' BNSD', 'LDFJH xx'])
""" test_exploreDA -------------- The module which groups the main functions to explore a new data. """ import pandas as pd import numpy as np import datetime from Plotting.contdistrib_plot import cont_distrib_plot from Plotting.catdistrib_plot import barplot_plot from Plotting.net_plotting import plot_net_distribution, plot_heat_net from Plotting.geo_plotting import compute_spatial_density_sparse,\ clean_coordinates, plot_in_map, plot_geo_heatmap from Plotting.temp_plotting import temp_distrib from Statistics.cont_statistics import quantile_compute, ranges_compute,\ cont_count, log_cont_count from Statistics.cat_statistics import cat_count from Statistics.temp_statistics import count_temp_stats from Statistics.coord_statistics import mean_coord_by_values from SummaryStatistics.univariate_stats import compute_univariate_stats def test(): ## Parameters data contdata = pd.Series(np.random.random(100)) catdata = pd.Series(np.random.randint(0, 10, 100)) netdata = np.random.random((10, 10)) xt = np.random.random(100) timedata = pd.Series(np.random.random(100), index=[ + datetime.timedelta(e) for e in np.cumsum(xt)]) df = pd.DataFrame([np.random.random(100), np.random.random(100), catdata]) df = df.T df.columns = ['a', 'b', 'c'] ### Statitics testing # Categorical variable cat_count(df, 'c') # Continious variable quantile_compute(contdata, 5) ranges_compute(contdata, 5) cont_count(df, 'a', 5) log_cont_count(df, 'a', 5) # Coordinate variables (TORETEST :Fail) mean_coord_by_values(df, ['a', 'b'], 'c') # Temporal variable date_ranges = np.linspace(timedata.min(), timedata.max(), 5)[1:-1] count_temp_stats(timedata, date_ranges, tags=None) ### Plotting testing ## Testing univariate categorical variable plotting barplot_plot(catdata, logscale=False) barplot_plot(catdata, logscale=True) ## Testing univariate continious variable plotting cont_distrib_plot(contdata, n_bins=5, logscale=True) cont_distrib_plot(contdata, n_bins=5, logscale=False) ## Testing network plotting plot_net_distribution(netdata, 5) plot_heat_net(netdata, range(10)) ## Testing geospatial plotting # Parameters longs, lats = np.random.random(100), np.random.random(100) n_x, n_y = 10, 10 n_levs = 5 sigma_smooth, order_smooth, null_lim = 5, 0, 0.1 var0, var1 = None, np.random.random(100) coordinates =
pd.DataFrame([longs, lats])
import bisect import ifc.stockData as stockData import pandas as pd import numpy as np from datetime import datetime def get_series(ticker_sym, start, end): df = stockData.get_data_from_google(ticker_sym, start, end) return Series(stockData.get_data_from_google(ticker_sym, start, end)) class Series(object): """ used to represent a series of days """ def __init__(self, dataframe, config=None): self.df = dataframe self.max_win = 26 if config is None: # default settings self.mavg = [10, 30] self.macd = [(9, 12, 26)] self.ema = [] self.rsi = [14] else: raise NotImplementedError def run_calculations(self): """ runs a set of default calculations """ for w in self.mavg: self.calculate_mavg(w) for w in self.macd: self.calculate_macd(w[0], w[1], w[2]) for w in self.ema: self.calculate_ema(w) for w in self.rsi: self.calculate_rsi(w) def set_max_win(self, val): self.max_win = val if val > self.max_win else self.max_win def trim_fat(self, window=None): temp_win = window if temp_win is None: temp_win = self.max_win self.df = self.df[temp_win:] # drop the first n rows typically containing Nan def calculate_mavg(self, window=10, col='Adj_Close'): """ calculates a simple moving average """ self.set_max_win(window) name = "mavg_%s" % (window) self.df[name] = self.df['Adj_Close'].rolling(window=window).mean() return name def calculate_rsi(self, window=14, col='Adj_Close'): self.set_max_win(window) delta = self.df[col].diff() dUp, dDown = delta.copy(), delta.copy() dUp[dUp < 0] = 0 dDown[dDown > 0] = 0 RolUp = dUp.rolling(window=window).mean() RolDown = dDown.rolling(window=window).mean().abs() name = "rsi_%s" % (window) RS = RolUp / RolDown self.df[name] = 100.0 - (100.0 / (1.0 + RS)) return name def calculate_ema(self, window, name=None, col='Adj_Close'): self.set_max_win(window) if name is None: name = "ema_%s" % (window) self.df[name] = pd.ewma(self.df[col], span=window, min_periods=window) return name def calculate_macd(self, signal=9, fast=12, slow=26, col='Adj_Close'): """ MACD """ self.set_max_win(slow) signal_name = "signal_%s" % (signal) # ignore warnings for now # TODO fast_ema = pd.ewma(self.df[col], span=fast, min_periods=fast) slow_ema = pd.ewma(self.df[col], span=slow, min_periods=slow) name = "macd_%s_%s" % (fast, slow) self.df[name] = fast_ema - slow_ema self.calculate_ema(signal, col=name, name=signal_name) return name def calculate_mom(self, col='Adj_Close', window=1): """ Momentum Measures the change in price Price(t)-Price(t-n) """ self.set_max_win(window) name = "mom_%s" % (window) self.df[name] = self.df[col] - self.df[col].shift(window) return name def calculate_rocr(self, window=3, col='Adj_Close'): """ Rate of Change Compute rate of change relative to previous trading intervals (Price(t)/Price(t-n))*100 """ self.set_max_win(window) name = "rocr_%s" % (window) self.df[name] = (self.df[col] / self.df[col].shift(window)) * 100 return name def calculate_atr(self, window=14): """ Average True Range Shows volatility of market ATR(t) = ((n-1) * ATR(t-1) + Tr(t)) / n where Tr(t) = Max(Abs(High - Low), Abs(High - Close(t - 1)), Abs(Low - Close(t - 1)); """ self.set_max_win(window) i = 0 tr_l = [0] for i in range(self.df.index[-1]): tr = max(self.df.get_value(i + 1, 'High'), self.df.get_value(i, 'Adj_Close')) - min(self.df.get_value(i + 1, 'Low'), self.df.get_value(i, 'Adj_Close')) tr_l.append(tr) name = 'atr_%s' % (window) self.df[name] = pd.ewma(pd.Series(tr_l), span=window, min_periods=window) return name def calculate_mfi(self, window=14): """ Money Flow Index Relates typical price with Volume 100 - (100 / (1 + Money Ratio)) where Money Ratio=(+Moneyflow / -Moneyflow); Moneyflow=Tp*Volume Tp = (High + Low + Close)/3 """ name = "mfi_%s" % (window) tp = (self.df['High'] + self.df['Low'] + self.df['Adj_Close']) / 3 i = 0 PosMF = [0] while i < self.df.index[-1]: if tp[i + 1] > tp[i]: PosMF.append(tp[i + 1] * self.df.get_value(i + 1, 'Volume')) else: PosMF.append(0) i = i + 1 PosMF = pd.Series(PosMF) TotMF = tp * self.df['Volume'] MFR =
pd.Series(PosMF / TotMF)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Python tool to correct attenuation bias stemming from measurement error in polygenic scores (PGI). """ import argparse import copy import itertools import logging import multiprocessing import os import re import stat import sys import tarfile import tempfile from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple import zipfile import numpy as np import pandas as pd import statsmodels.api as sm import wget #################################################################################################### # The default short file prefix to use for output and logs DEFAULT_SHORT_PREFIX = "pgi_correct" # Software version __version__ = '0.0.2' # Email addresses to use in header banner to denote contacts SOFTWARE_CORRESPONDENCE_EMAIL1 = "<EMAIL>" SOFTWARE_CORRESPONDENCE_EMAIL2 = "<EMAIL>" OTHER_CORRESPONDENCE_EMAIL = "<EMAIL>" # GCTA version used when downloading GCTA_VERSION = "gcta_1.93.0beta" # GCTA executable used when downloading GCTA_EXEC = "gcta64" # GCTA URL (where to try to download GCTA from) GCTA_URL = "" # BOLT version used when downloading BOLT_VERSION = "BOLT-LMM_v.2.3.4" # BOLT executable used when downloading BOLT_EXEC = "bolt" # BOLT URL (where to try to download BOLT from) BOLT_URL = "" # Default number of blocks for jack-knifing DEFAULT_NUM_JK_BLOCKS = 100 # Threshold of number of jack knife blocks below which the user is warned MIN_WARNING_JK_BLOCKS = 20 # Name given to column of constant values added to the regression data CONS_COL_NAME = "cons" # List holding CONS_COL_NAME (this software passes column names are passed around via lists) CONS_COLS = [CONS_COL_NAME] # Result reporting values VAR_OUTPUT_COLUMN = "variable_name" UNCORR_COEF_COLUMN = "uncorrected_coef" UNCORR_COEF_SE_COLUMN = "uncorrected_se" CORR_COEF_COLUMN = "corrected_coef" CORR_COEF_SE_COLUMN = "corrected_se" OUTPUT_COLUMNNAMES = [VAR_OUTPUT_COLUMN, UNCORR_COEF_COLUMN, UNCORR_COEF_SE_COLUMN, CORR_COEF_COLUMN, CORR_COEF_SE_COLUMN] #################################################################################################### DEFAULT_FULL_OUT_PREFIX = "%s/%s" % (os.getcwd(), DEFAULT_SHORT_PREFIX) # Logging banner to use at the top of the log file HEADER = """ <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> <> <> Polygenic Index (PGI) Measurement Error Correction <> Version: %s <> (C) 2020 Social Science Genetic Association Consortium (SSGAC) <> MIT License <> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> <> Software-related correspondence: %s or %s <> All other correspondence: %s <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> """ % (__version__, SOFTWARE_CORRESPONDENCE_EMAIL1, SOFTWARE_CORRESPONDENCE_EMAIL2, OTHER_CORRESPONDENCE_EMAIL) # Formatted string to use for reporting to the log/terminal and also the results file RESULTS_SUMMARY_FSTR = """ N = %s Heritability = %s (%s) R Squared = %s (%s) Rho = %s (%s) """ # Used in the slot where standard errors would normally be reported (when jack-knife wasn't run) ASSUMED_VAL = "assumed" """ Class used as a holder for internal values """ class InternalNamespace: pass def warn_or_raise(force: Any, msg_str: str, *msg_args: Any): """ If force is False-ish, this throws a runtime error with message msg_str. Otherwise, it logs msg_str at a warning level. The message msg_str can be a %-formatted string that takes arguments, which are passed via msg_args. :param force: Determines if this should raise an exception or log a warning :param msg_str: String to log or use as exception message :param *args: Optional positional arguments that are inputs to msg_str formatting """ if not force: raise RuntimeError(msg_str % msg_args) logging.warning("WARNING: " + msg_str, *msg_args) def set_up_logger(output_full_prefix: str, logging_level: str): """ Set up the logger for this utility. :param output_full_prefix: Full prefix to use for output files :param logging_level: Level of verbosity of logging object. :return: Returns the full path to the log output file """ # This bit of validation needs to be done early here so that the logger can be created output_dir = os.path.dirname(output_full_prefix) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): raise FileNotFoundError("The designated output directory [%s] does not exist." % output_dir) # Construct full path to desired log output file full_logfile_path = output_full_prefix + ".log" # Set stdout handler level logging_level_map = {"debug": logging.DEBUG, "info": logging.INFO, "warn": logging.WARN} if logging_level not in logging_level_map: raise ValueError("Logging level %s not recognized. Please specify one of %s " % (logging_level, list(logging_level_map.keys()))) # Set logging config (message is timestamp plus text) logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', filename=full_logfile_path, filemode='w', level=logging_level_map[logging_level], datefmt='%I:%M:%S %p') # Create extra handlers to mirror messages to the terminal # (errors and warnings to stderr and lower priority messages to stdout) stderr_handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stderr) stderr_handler.setLevel(logging.WARNING) stdout_handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout) stdout_handler.setLevel(logging_level_map[logging_level]) stdout_handler.addFilter(lambda record: record.levelno <= logging.INFO) # Add the handlers to the logger logging.getLogger().addHandler(stderr_handler) logging.getLogger().addHandler(stdout_handler) return full_logfile_path def to_flag(arg_str: str) -> str: """ Utility method to convert from the name of an argparse Namespace attribute / variable (which often is adopted elsewhere in this code, as well) to the corresponding flag :param arg_str: Name of the arg :return: The name of the flag (sans "--") """ return arg_str.replace("_", "-") def to_arg(flag_str: str) -> str: """ Utility method to convert from an argparse flag name to the name of the corresponding attribute in the argparse Namespace (which often is adopted elsewhere in this code, as well) :param flag_str: Name of the flag (sans "--") :return: The name of the argparse attribute/var """ return flag_str.replace("-", "_") def format_os_cmd(cmd: List[str]) -> str: """ Format OS command for readability (used to display string used to execute this software) :param cmd: Command to be passed to os.system(.), stored as a list whose elements are the options/flags. :return: Formatted string. """ return "Calling " + ' '.join(cmd).replace("--", " \\ \n\t--") def validate_h2_software_inputs(user_args: Dict[str, str], parsed_args: argparse.Namespace, settings: InternalNamespace): """ Responsible for validating gcta/bolt flags for internal consistency and valid values (doesn't need to check for existence of files / directories, this is just for the flag values) :param user_args: User-specified flags :param parsed_args: Result of argparse parsing user command / flags :param settings: Internal namespace class """ # Classify GCTA-related flags for checking consistency required_gcta_argnames = {"pheno_file"} need_one_argnames = {"bfile", "grm"} optional_gcta_argnames = {"gcta_exec", "grm_cutoff"} | need_one_argnames required_bolt_argnames = {"pheno_file", "bfile"} optional_bolt_argnames = {"pheno_file_pheno_col"} # Set of all user flags employed user_args_key_set = set(user_args.keys()) all_software_args = required_gcta_argnames | optional_gcta_argnames | required_bolt_argnames | optional_bolt_argnames if settings.use_gcta: missing = required_gcta_argnames - user_args_key_set = "GCTA" exec_name = os.path.basename(parsed_args.gcta_exec) if parsed_args.gcta_exec else None else: missing = required_bolt_argnames - user_args_key_set = "BOLT" exec_name = os.path.basename(parsed_args.bolt_exec) if parsed_args.bolt_exec else None # Run different checks of flags depending on whether GCTA is needed or not if settings.calc_h2: # If all the required flags aren't specified, throw an exception if missing: raise RuntimeError("For %s to run, please specify the following missing flags: %s" % (software, {to_flag(arg) for arg in missing})) # Check to make sure bfile or GRM are specified need_ones_present = need_one_argnames & user_args_key_set if len(need_ones_present) != 1 and settings.use_gcta: raise RuntimeError("Need to specify one and only one of: %s", need_one_argnames) # Issue a warning if GCTA is specified by the user and it's not the expected executable name if exec_name: # check if an executable has been passed first if exec_name != GCTA_EXEC and exec_name != BOLT_EXEC: raise NameError("Specified executable [%s] is not the expected one: [%s]" % (exec_name, GCTA_EXEC if settings.use_gcta else BOLT_EXEC)) else: # If any GCTA-related flags are specified, warn the user not_needed = [x for x in all_software_args if x in user_args_key_set] if not_needed: extraneous_flags = {to_flag(arg) for arg in not_needed} warn_or_raise(settings.force, "The following unneeded flags were specified: %s", extraneous_flags) def validate_filedir_inputs(user_args: Dict[str, str], parsed_args: argparse.Namespace, settings: InternalNamespace): """ Responsible for validating the existence of files and directories (not file contents) :param user_args: User-specified flags :param parsed_args: Result of argparse parsing user command / flags :param settings: Internal namespace class """ # Check for output directory (somewhat redundant as the logging setup probably did this already) out_dir = os.path.dirname(parsed_args.out) if not os.path.exists(out_dir): raise FileNotFoundError("The designated output directory [%s] does not exist." % out_dir) settings.out_dir = out_dir # Check for regression data file if not os.path.exists(parsed_args.reg_data_file): raise FileNotFoundError("The designated data file [%s] does not exist." % parsed_args.reg_data_file) # If path to gcta executable is specified (and gcta is needed), confirm it exists if settings.calc_h2 and parsed_args.gcta_exec: if not os.path.exists(parsed_args.gcta_exec): raise FileNotFoundError("The specified gcta executable [%s] does not exist." % args.gcta_exec) # If grm info is specified (and gcta is needed), confirm it all exists if settings.calc_h2 and parsed_args.grm: grm_dir = os.path.dirname(parsed_args.grm) if not os.path.exists(grm_dir): raise FileNotFoundError("The specified grm directory [%s] does not exist." % grm_dir) if not (os.path.exists("%s.grm.bin" % parsed_args.grm) and os.path.exists("" % parsed_args.grm) and os.path.exists("%s.grm.N.bin" % parsed_args.grm)): raise FileNotFoundError("One or more of the expected GRM files " "(%s.grm.bin, %.grm.ID, and %s.grm.N) " "do not exist in directory %s." % (parsed_args.grm, parsed_args.grm, parsed_args.grm, grm_dir)) # If a phenotype file is specified (and gcta is needed), confirm it exists if settings.calc_h2 and parsed_args.pheno_file: if not os.path.exists(parsed_args.pheno_file): raise FileNotFoundError("The designated phenotype file [%s] does not exist." % parsed_args.pheno_file) # If bfile directory/file info is specified (and gcta is needed), confirm it all exists if settings.calc_h2 and parsed_args.bfile: bfile_dir = os.path.dirname(parsed_args.bfile) if not os.path.exists(bfile_dir): raise FileNotFoundError("The specified bfile directory [%s] does not exist." % bfile_dir) if not (os.path.exists("%s.bed" % parsed_args.bfile) and os.path.exists("%s.bim" % parsed_args.bfile) and os.path.exists("%s.fam" % parsed_args.bfile)): raise FileNotFoundError("One or more of the expected bed/bim/fam files " "(%s.bed, %s.bim, and %s.fam) do not exist in directory %s." % (parsed_args.bfile, parsed_args.bfile, parsed_args.bfile, bfile_dir)) def validate_numeric_flags(user_args: Dict[str, str], parsed_args: argparse.Namespace, settings: InternalNamespace): """ Responsible for validating numeric flags (e.g. to confirm they are within required bounds) :param user_args: User-specified flags :param parsed_args: Result of argparse parsing user command / flags :param settings: Internal namespace class """ # Include check for GRM cutoff here if bounds can be specified # Include check for weights if bounds can be specified # Check h^2 if it's specified h2_lower_bound = 0.0 h2_upper_bound = 1.0 if parsed_args.h2: if parsed_args.h2 < h2_lower_bound or parsed_args.h2 > h2_upper_bound: raise ValueError("The specified h^2 value (%s) should be between %f and %f." % (parsed_args.h2, h2_lower_bound, h2_upper_bound)) # Check R^2 if it's specified r2_lower_bound = 0.0 r2_upper_bound = 1.0 if parsed_args.R2: if parsed_args.R2 < r2_lower_bound or parsed_args.R2 > r2_upper_bound: raise ValueError("The specified R^2 value (%s) should be between %f and %f." % (parsed_args.R2, r2_lower_bound, r2_upper_bound)) # Check num blocks if it's specified if parsed_args.num_blocks: if parsed_args.num_blocks < 2: raise ValueError("The specified num-blocks (%s) is invalid" % parsed_args.num_blocks) if parsed_args.num_blocks < MIN_WARNING_JK_BLOCKS: warn_or_raise(settings.force, "The specified num-blocks (%s) should be at LEAST %f", parsed_args.num_blocks, MIN_WARNING_JK_BLOCKS) def validate_jackknife_inputs(user_args: Dict[str, str], parsed_args: argparse.Namespace, settings: InternalNamespace): """ Responsible for validating jack-knife-related flags for internal consistency :param user_args: User-specified flags :param parsed_args: Result of argparse parsing user command / flags :param settings: Internal namespace class """ # Classify JK-related flags for checking consistency required_jk_argnames = {} optional_jk_argnames = {"num_blocks"} if settings.calc_h2: # id_col is required if we need to run GCTA required_jk_argnames.add("id_col") else: optional_jk_argnames.add("id_col") if len(iargs.id_col) > 2: raise ValueError("Cannot specify more than two ID columns.") # Break down which flags the user set that are required and optional for GCTA to run user_args_key_set = set(user_args.keys()) # Set of all user flags employed all_jk_user_argnames = user_args_key_set & optional_jk_argnames # Right now, all are optional # Run different checks of flags depending on whether JK is being run or not if settings.jk_se: # If all the required flags aren't specified, throw an exception missing_req_argnames = required_jk_argnames - user_args_key_set if missing_req_argnames: missing_flags = {to_flag(arg) for arg in missing_req_argnames} raise RuntimeError("For JK to run, please specify the following missing flags: %s" % missing_flags) else: # If any JK-related flags are specified, warn the user if len(all_jk_user_argnames) != 0: extraneous_flags = {to_flag(arg) for arg in all_jk_user_argnames} warn_or_raise(settings.force, "The following unneeded flags were specified: %s", extraneous_flags) def validate_regression_data_columns(user_args: Dict[str, str], parsed_args: argparse.Namespace, settings: InternalNamespace): """ Responsible for validating the inputs related to column names in the regression data :param user_args: User-specified flags :param parsed_args: Result of argparse parsing user command / flags :param settings: Internal namespace class """ # Keep track of sets of columns to check (colname : error_val_user_for_checking_below) required = {"outcome" : True, "pgi_var" : True, "pgi_pheno_var" : False, "weights" : False, "id_col" : settings.jk_se, "pgi_interact_vars" : False, "covariates" : True} if "weights" in user_args: settings.weights = [settings.weights] # Read the first line of the file to get column names first_line_of_reg_data = pd.read_csv(parsed_args.reg_data_file, sep=None, engine='python', nrows=1) file_columns = set(first_line_of_reg_data.columns) logging.debug("Found the following columns in regression data: %s\n", file_columns) # Determine actual interaction and covariate column lists and record them to internal namespace for coltype in ["pgi_interact_vars", "covariates"]: pargs_val = getattr(parsed_args, coltype) if getattr(parsed_args, coltype): try: setattr(settings, coltype, determine_col_names_from_input( pargs_val, file_columns, parsed_args.force)) except: logging.error("Error matching columns for %s", to_flag(coltype)) raise # Set pgi pheno var to outcome if not set already (and then disregard, just check outcome) if not parsed_args.pgi_pheno_var: settings.pgi_pheno_var = settings.outcome required.pop("pgi_pheno_var") # Check flags to make sure required ones are filled in and anything specified maps to a column col_sets = dict() for colarg in required: # Get the set of columns listed / mapped to for the given column type cols = set(getattr(settings, colarg)) # Determine whether the list of columns for that type is empty or some don't map to file missing_cols = cols - file_columns not_specified = not cols # Run checks against the column type vis-a-vis whether it's required / has invalid values if missing_cols: # If any columns are specified, but are missing from the file column list, # throw unavoidable error raise LookupError("Could not find columns %s specified using the flag --%s " "in the list of columns %s in the regression data file." % (missing_cols, to_flag(colarg), file_columns)) if not_specified: # If it's not specified but required, then throw an unavoidable error if required[colarg]: raise LookupError("No value(s) specified for needed flag --%s!" % to_flag(colarg)) else: # Keep track of the set of file columns of the given type/arg col_sets[colarg] = cols # At this point, valid_coltypes only contains column arguments whose columns # actually exist in the regression file. Now we need to check that some columns weren't # specified more than once (with the exception of covariates and pgi_interact_vars) # If covariates and pgi_interact_vars are both specified, check if pgi_interact_vars is a # subset of covariates, and, if not, warn or throw and error depending on --force if settings.pgi_interact_vars: extra_interact_vars = col_sets["pgi_interact_vars"] - col_sets["covariates"] if extra_interact_vars: warn_or_raise(settings.force, "There are interaction columns specified (%s) not in the " "set of covariates", extra_interact_vars) # Check to make sure all remaining column sets pairs are disjoint for cols_pair in itertools.combinations(col_sets, 2): # Skip pgi_interact_vars and covariates comparison, which is a special case already handled if (cols_pair[0] == "pgi_interact_vars" and cols_pair[1] == "covariates") or ( cols_pair[0] == "covariates" and cols_pair[1] == "pgi_interact_vars"): continue # Check to make sure the given pair is disjoint (if not, throw unavoidable error) col_intersection = col_sets[cols_pair[0]] & col_sets[cols_pair[1]] if col_intersection: raise LookupError("Columns listed for flag --%s and columns listed for flag --%s " "share columns %s, and these sets must be disjoint." % (to_flag(cols_pair[0]), to_flag(cols_pair[1]), col_intersection)) # Log the covariates and interact columns found, depending on log level logging.debug("Identified the following covariate columns: %s", settings.covariates) logging.debug("Identified the following interaction columns: %s", settings.pgi_interact_vars) def validate_inputs(pargs: argparse.Namespace, user_args: Dict): """ Responsible for coordinating whatever initial validation of inputs can be done :param pargs: Result of argparse parsing user command / flags :param user_args: Flags explicitly set by the user along with their values :return: Dictionary that contains flags and parameters needed by this program. It contains user-input flags along with defaults set through argparse, and any additional flags added as calculations proceed """ # Create dictionary to be used as the internal store for flags and parameters settings = InternalNamespace() # Copy values from args to internal namespace (may be overwritten in the internal namespace) # Could this be done by just making a shallow copy of `pargs`? for attr in vars(pargs): setattr(settings, attr, getattr(pargs, attr)) # Check if heritability calculation(s) required and which software to use settings.calc_h2 = not pargs.h2 settings.use_gcta = settings.calc_h2 and "bolt_exec" not in user_args # Check if GCTA commands should have stdout suppressed settings.quiet_h2 = pargs.logging_level != "debug" # Check h^2 external software flags (should do this first to figure out if calc is needed, which # affects later validation steps) validate_h2_software_inputs(user_args, pargs, settings) # Check numeric flags validate_numeric_flags(user_args, pargs, settings) # Check existence of files and directories validate_filedir_inputs(user_args, pargs, settings) # Check regression data column inputs validate_regression_data_columns(user_args, pargs, settings) return settings def determine_col_names_from_input(exprs: List[str], cols: List[str], force: Any = False): """ Takes a list of (possibly wildcarded) input column names and a list of actual column names and determines which, if any, actual column names are matches. If any input column name expression does not match at least one actual column, an error is thrown (unless force is True-like, in which case a warning is logged for each unmatched expression). :param exprs: List of (possibly wildcarded) input expressions to map to the real column names :param cols: List of actual column names to match against :param force: Parameter to control whether an unmatched input results in a warning log or error :return A list of columns from cols that are matched by at least one member of exprs """ # Create set of column names by matching against input expressions colname_set = set() for expr in exprs: # Collect any columns that match the given expr matching_cols = set(filter(lambda col: re.fullmatch( expr.replace("?", ".").replace("*", ".*"), col), cols)) # If any match, add them to the accumulation set and move to the next expr if matching_cols: colname_set |= matching_cols continue # No column matched the given expr, either log a warning or throw an exception warn_or_raise(force, "Could not match any column name against column flag " "value [%s]", expr) return list(colname_set) def _get_parser(progname: str) -> argparse.ArgumentParser: """ Return a parser configured for this command line utility :param prog: Value to pass to ArgumentParser for prog (should be sys.argv[0]) :return: argparse ArgumentParser """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=progname) ifile = parser.add_argument_group(title="Input file specifications", description="Options for input files.") ifile.add_argument("--reg-data-file", metavar="FILE_PATH", type=str, required=True, help="Full path to dataset where coefficients are to be corrected. " "Contains outcome, genetic data / PGI, (optional) interaction terms, " "covariates, (optional) weights, and (if needed) IDs.") ifile.add_argument("--outcome", metavar="COLUMN_NAME", type=str, required=True, nargs=1, help="Name of dependent variable column in regression data file.") ifile.add_argument("--pgi-var", metavar="COLUMN_NAME", type=str, required=True, nargs=1, help="Name of PGI variable column in regression data file.") ifile.add_argument("--pgi-pheno-var", metavar="COLUMN_NAME", type=str, required=False, nargs=1, default=[], help="Name of column in regression data file corresponding to " "the phenotype in the PGI. If not specified, it is " "assumed to be the same column as the outcome column") ifile.add_argument("--pgi-interact-vars", metavar="COLUMN_NAME", type=str, required=False, nargs="*", default=[], help="Names of columns from the regression data file " "(separated by spaces, like VAR1 VAR2 VAR3) " " that should be interacted with the pgi. " "NOTE: These columns are assumed to be " "uninteracted on input! This software will " "handle the interaction!" "Use \"*\" for a general wildcard and \"?\" for " "a single wildcard character. Regular " "expressions are used to provide this " "functionality, so limit column characters to " "A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _, and -. If wildcarding is " "used, surround each term with quotes.") ifile.add_argument("--covariates", metavar="COLUMN_NAME", type=str, nargs="+", required=True, help="Column names from the regression data file of covariates to " "be included in the regression (separated by spaces, like " "VAR1 VAR2 VAR3). Use \"*\" for a general wildcard and \"?\" for a " "single wildcard character. Regular expressions are used to provide " "this functionality, so limit column characters to A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _, " "and -. If wildcarding is used, surround each term with quotes.") ifile.add_argument("--weights", metavar="COLUMN_NAME", type=str, nargs="?", default=[], help="Optional flag specifying a column name from regression data file " "to be used for weighted least squares.") ofile = parser.add_argument_group(title="Output file specifications", description="Options for output files.") ofile.add_argument("--out", metavar="FILE_PREFIX", required=False, default=DEFAULT_FULL_OUT_PREFIX, help="Full prefix of output files (e.g. logs and results). If not set, " "[current working directory]/%s = \"%s\" will be used." % (DEFAULT_SHORT_PREFIX, DEFAULT_FULL_OUT_PREFIX)) ofile.add_argument("--output-vars", metavar="COLUMN_NAME", required=False, nargs="*", help="To be used if only a subset of variables should be reported in the " "results file. Useful if controlling for many features but are only " "interesting in seeing the output of a small number. Specify as a " "whitespace-delimited list of variables exactly as they appear in " "your data. If you want an interaction term in this list, append " "\"_int\" to the corresponding covariate. If not specified, " "all independent variables will be reported.") paramopts = parser.add_argument_group(title="Optional parameter specifications", description="Choose to pre-specify h^2, R^2, and " "relatedness cutoff.") paramopts.add_argument("--h2", metavar="PARAM", type=float, required=False, help="Option to specify heritability of phenotype corresponding " "to the PGI. If not specified, GCTA will be run to calculate it.") paramopts.add_argument("--R2", metavar="PARAM", type=float, required=False, help="Option to specify the R^2 from the regression of the PGI on its " "corresponding phenotype. If not specified, it will be calculated.") paramopts.add_argument("--grm-cutoff", metavar="PARAM", type=float, required=False, default=.025, help="Relatedness cutoff for heritability estimation. " "Used when heritability is calculated. " "Defaults to 0.025.") h2software = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() h2software.add_argument("--gcta-exec", metavar="FILE_PATH", type=str, required=False, help="Full path to GCTA64 software executable. If this flag is not " "specified and GCTA is needed for heritability calculations, then it " "will be downloaded and extracted in a temporary directory that should " "be cleaned up after this software is finished running.") h2software.add_argument("--bolt-exec", metavar="FILE_PATH", type=str, required=False, help="Full path to BOLT-LMM_v2.3.4 software executable. This flag is an alternative " "to the --gcta-exec option and should be used if you are estimating " "heritability over a large sample (BOLT is more robust to larger datasets " "than GCTA, but GCTA has better behavior on smaller inputs). The software " "will assume that GCTA will be used for heritability estimation unless " "a valid path to BOLT-LMM_v2.3.4 is supplied. The path should end at the bolt " "executable, ie /path/to/bolt/BOLT-LMM_V2.3.4/bolt.") h2download = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() h2download.add_argument("--download-gcta", action="store_true", default=False, required=False, help="Use this flag to download GCTA for heritability estimation. ") h2download.add_argument("--download-bolt", action="store_true", default=False, required=False, help="Use this flag to download BOLT-LMM for heritability estimation.") h2opts = parser.add_argument_group(title="Heritability estimation flags", description="Flags relevant to estimating heritability (h^2) " "with either BOLT or GCTA. These flags are only needed " "if you are **not** specifying the --h2 flag. If " "neither executable is specified, GCTA will be used.") h2opts.add_argument("--grm", metavar="FILE_PREFIX", type=str, required=False, help="Optional argument to pass full prefix (directory included) of a " "pre-constructed GRM for GCTA heritability estimation " "(does not include .grm.bin, .grm.ID, .grm.N suffixes).") h2opts.add_argument("--bfile", metavar="FILE_PREFIX", type=str, required=False, help="Full prefix (directory included) of bed/bim/fam files to use in " "heritability calculation " "(does not include .bed, .bim, .fam suffixes)") h2opts.add_argument("--pheno-file", metavar="FILE_PATH", type=str, required=False, help="Full path to phenotype file for heritability calculation. The " "phenotype must correspond to the phenotype used in the " "construction of the PGI. Familiarize yourself with GCTA, specifications " "( and BOLT " "specifications ( " "depending on which software you want used.") h2opts.add_argument("--pheno-file-pheno-col", metavar="COLUMN_NAME", type=str, required=False, default="PHENOTYPE", help="Column name in --pheno-file that corresponds to the phenotype, if you are " "using BOLT to estimate heritability. ") jkopts = parser.add_argument_group(title="Jack knife standard error specifcation", description="Jack knife SE flags.") jkopts.add_argument("--jk-se", required=False, action="store_true", help="Calculate jack-" "knife standard errors for R^2, h^2, rho, and corrected alphas.") jkopts.add_argument("--num-blocks", required=False, type=int, default=DEFAULT_NUM_JK_BLOCKS, help="Number of blocks to use for jack-knifing. " "Defaults to %s if not specified." % DEFAULT_NUM_JK_BLOCKS) jkopts.add_argument("--id-col", required=False, nargs="*", metavar="COLUMN_NAME", default=[], help="Column name(s) in regression data corresponding to person-level ID." "This ID field must also correspond to the ID's in your " "bed/bim/fam and phenotype files. If specifying an FID and IID, be sure " "to pass the FID first.") controlopts = parser.add_argument_group(title="Control options", description="Flags related to program execution") controlopts.add_argument("--force", required=False, action="store_true", help="Flag that causes the program to continue executing past many " "situations that ordinarily cause it to halt (e.g. specifying " "an interaction column that is not also a covariate) This " "option is not recommended, but if it is employed, make sure " "to check the log / stderr for warnings to confirm that they " "are acceptable.") controlopts.add_argument("--logging-level", required=False, type=str.lower, default="info", help="Level of verbosity of log file. One of \"debug\", \"info\", or " "\"warn\". The \"debug\" level will be the most verbose, giving " "detailed information at all levels of execution. The \"info\" " "level is the default and is recommended if you are confident " "in your specification. Lastly, \"warn\" will print sparsely, " "only if something problematic is identified.") controlopts.add_argument("--num-threads", required=False, type=int, default=1, help="Optional flag to specify the number of threads for GCTA operations." "Encouraged for GCTA/BOLT operations over large datasets. As a rule of " "thumb, do not specify more threads than cores in your machine.") return parser def get_h2_software(dest_dir: str, gcta: bool = True) -> str: """ Downloads and unzips h^2 software from internet. Assumes the directory is temporary / this function is not required to clean up after itself. :param dest_dir: Destination directory specified by user to where GCTA will be downloaded. :param gcta: Indicator for whether or not GCTA should be installed (otherwise BOLT) :return: Full path to GCTA executable """ if gcta: # Construct the expected full path to GCTA executable full_path_exec = "%s/%s/%s" % (dest_dir, GCTA_VERSION, GCTA_EXEC) # Determine zipfile name and then full path full_path_to_zipped_file = "%s/" % (dest_dir, GCTA_VERSION) # Determine download URL and then fetch the file into the specified destination directory full_url = "%s/" % (GCTA_URL, GCTA_VERSION) else: # Path to BOLT executable full_path_exec = "%s/%s/%s" % (dest_dir, BOLT_VERSION, BOLT_EXEC) # Zipfile full path full_path_to_zipped_file = "%s/%s.tar.gz" % (dest_dir, BOLT_VERSION) # BOLT URL full_url = "%s/%s.tar.gz" % (BOLT_URL, BOLT_VERSION)"Downloading %s...", full_url), out=dest_dir) # read contents -- GCTA is zipped, BOLT is tarred (need to handle separately) file = zipfile.Zipfile(full_path_to_zipped_file) if gcta else # Extract the zipfile to the destination directory try: file.extractall(path=dest_dir) # Set permissions on GCTA executable to allow for use os.chmod(full_path_exec, stat.S_IXUSR) except PermissionError: logging.error("Make sure you have the proper permissions to execute files in the " "directory [%s].", dest_dir) raise"Successfully installed GCTA and updated permissions.") return full_path_exec def get_user_inputs(argv: List[str], parsed_args: argparse.Namespace) -> str: """ Create dictionary of user-specified options/flags and their values. Leverages the argparse parsing output to glean the actual value, but checks for actual user-set flags in the input :param argv: Tokenized list of inputs (meant to be sys.argv in most cases) :param parsed_args: Result of argparse parsing the user input :return: Dictionary containing user-set args keyed to their values """ # Search for everything beginning with "--" (flag names), strip off the --, take everything # before any "=", and convert - to _ user_set_args = {to_arg(token[2:].split("=")[0]) for token in argv if token.startswith("--")} # Since any flag actually specified by the user shouldn't have been replaced by a default # value, one can grab the actual value from argparse without having to parse again return {user_arg:getattr(parsed_args, user_arg) for user_arg in user_set_args} def estimate_h2(iargs: InternalNamespace, gcta_exec: str, pheno_file: str, temp_dir: str, grm_cutoff: float, grm_prefix: str, num_threads: int, suppress_stdout: Any = None) -> float: """ Use GCTA to estimate SNP h^2, assumes GRM is available :param iargs: PGI arguments :param gcta_exec: Full path to GCTA executable :param pheno_file: Full path to phenotypic file. :param temp_dir: Full path to temporary directory to use for GCTA results :param grm_cutoff: Relatedness cutoff :param grm_prefix: Full prefix of GRM files :param num_threads: Number of threads for GCTA. :param suppress_stdout: If not False-ish, routes GCTA stdout to /dev/null :return: GCTA estimate of heritability """ # Call GCTA to have it estimate heritability"\nEstimating heritability using %s..." % full_h_prefix = temp_dir + "/h2est" hlog_filename = full_h_prefix + ".log" if iargs.use_gcta: cmd_str = "%s --grm %s --pheno %s --reml --grm-cutoff %s --out %s --threads %s" \ % (gcta_exec, grm_prefix, pheno_file, grm_cutoff, full_h_prefix, num_threads) _log_and_run_os_cmd(cmd_str, suppress_stdout) else: cmd_str = "%s --reml --phenoFile=%s --phenoCol=%s --numThreads=%s --bfile=%s --maxModelSnps=2000000" \ % (iargs.bolt_exec, pheno_file, iargs.pheno_file_pheno_col, num_threads, iargs.bfile) # BOLT doesn't generate a log file so we need to capture stdout and put it in the right place cmd_str = cmd_str + " > %s" % full_h_prefix + ".log" if suppress_stdout else cmd_str + " | tee %s" % hlog_filename _log_and_run_os_cmd(cmd_str, False) # Scan the log file(s) to retrieve the value with open(hlog_filename, "r") as logfile: for line in logfile: if iargs.use_gcta: if "V(G)/Vp" in line: heritability = float(line.split("\t")[1]) logging.debug("Estimated GCTA heritability of the trait is %f", heritability) return heritability else: if "h2g (1,1):" in line: heritability = line.split(":")[1].split(" ")[1] logging.debug("Estimated BOLT heritability of the trait is %f", heritability) return heritability raise LookupError("Could not find heritability in logfile: " + hlog_filename) def _log_and_run_os_cmd(cmd_str: str, suppress_stdout: Any = None): """ Function to run something from the command line (after logging the command) :param cmd_str: The command to run :param suppress_stdout: If not False-ish, send command std output to /dev/null """ if suppress_stdout: cmd_str = cmd_str + " >/dev/null" logging.debug(format_os_cmd(cmd_str.split())) os.system(cmd_str) def build_grm(gcta_exec: str, bfile_full_prefix: str, grm_dir: str, num_threads: int, suppress_stdout: Any = None) -> str: """ Function to build GRM using GCTA. :param gcta_exec: Full path to GCTA executable :param bfile_full_prefix: Full prefix of bed/bim/fam files. :param grm_dir: Directory in which to place GRM files :param num_threads: Number of threads for GCTA operation. :param suppress_stdout: If not False-ish, sends GCTA std output to /dev/null :return: Full prefix of GRM files """ # Determine full path prefix for the GRM grm_full_prefix = "%s/%s" % (grm_dir, DEFAULT_SHORT_PREFIX) # Direct GCTA to create the matrix cmd_str = "%s --bfile %s --make-grm --out %s --threads %s" %\ (gcta_exec, bfile_full_prefix, grm_full_prefix, num_threads) _log_and_run_os_cmd(cmd_str, suppress_stdout) return grm_full_prefix def estimate_R2(data: pd.DataFrame, pheno: List[str], pgi: List[str]) -> float: """ Returns the R^2 from the regression of phenotype on PGI for the phenotype corresponding to the PGI. :param data: Pandas DataFrame containing phenotype and PGI. :param pheno: List containing column name in data corresponding to phenotype. :param pgi: List containing column name in data corresponding to PGI. :return: R^2 from regression of phenotype on PGI. """ reg = sm.OLS(data[pheno], data[pgi + CONS_COLS]) rsq = return rsq def adjust_regression_data(orig_reg_data: pd.DataFrame, iargs: InternalNamespace) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Performs fixes (not necessarily in this order): 1) Add a constant to the dataset. 2) Check for low variance columns. 3) Remove NaN's. 4) Standardize PGI 5) Generate interaction columns 6) Rearrange column order and omit unused columns :param orig_reg_data: Dataframe containing raw data :param iargs: Internal namespace for this software :return: Regression data processed as indicated above """ # Determine the lists of columns in the adjusted dataframe # (make sure order of w's is the same as z_int) iargs.z_cols = iargs.covariates iargs.y_cols = iargs.outcome iargs.wt_cols = iargs.weights iargs.z_int_cols = iargs.pgi_interact_vars interact_dict = {z_int_col : (z_int_col+"_int") for z_int_col in iargs.z_int_cols} iargs.w_cols = [interact_dict[z_int_col] for z_int_col in iargs.z_int_cols] iargs.G_cols = iargs.pgi_var + iargs.w_cols iargs.alpha_cols = iargs.G_cols + iargs.z_cols # Create the (blank except for column-labels) adjusted dataframe reg_data_cols = iargs.alpha_cols + iargs.y_cols + CONS_COLS + iargs.wt_cols + iargs.id_col reg_data = pd.DataFrame(columns=reg_data_cols) # Copy y, z, and wts columns over as-is (side effect: sets the number of rows in the DF) for cols in [iargs.y_cols, iargs.z_cols, iargs.wt_cols, iargs.id_col]: for col in cols: reg_data[col] = orig_reg_data[col].to_numpy() # Copy the PGI to the new DF, standardizing it on the way g_col_name = iargs.pgi_var[0] g_mean = np.mean(orig_reg_data[g_col_name]) g_std = np.std(orig_reg_data[g_col_name]) if g_std == 0.0: raise ValueError("PGI column \"%s\" has variance zero! Unable to proceed." % g_col_name) stdized_pgi_vect = (orig_reg_data[g_col_name].to_numpy() - g_mean) / g_std reg_data[g_col_name] = stdized_pgi_vect # Generate the interaction (w) columns # (multiply the correct z_int column component-wise by PGI and copy to new table) for z_int_col in iargs.z_int_cols: reg_data[interact_dict[z_int_col]] = np.multiply(orig_reg_data[z_int_col].to_numpy(), stdized_pgi_vect) # Set constant column (need to do that sometime after at least one other column is copied, so # the number of rows is determined) reg_data[CONS_COL_NAME] = 1 # Drop any rows / individuals in data with NaN present as a value reg_data.dropna(inplace=True) # Check for 0 variance columns and raise error if any (other than CONS_COL_NAME) exist. var_of_col = dict(reg_data.var()) zero_var_cols = {col_name for col_name in var_of_col if col_name != CONS_COL_NAME and np.isclose(var_of_col[col_name], 0.0)} if zero_var_cols: raise ValueError("Column(s) %s in data has/have a very low variance. " "Please remove it to allow matrices to invert." % zero_var_cols) return reg_data def se_helper(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.Series: """ Calculates the standard errors for a set of jack-knife runs :param df: DataFrame where each row is a JK iteration :return: Series containing the JK standard errors """ num_rows = len(df.index) return np.sqrt(float(num_rows - 1)) * df.std(axis=0, ddof=0) def jack_knife_se(iargs: InternalNamespace, reg_data: pd.DataFrame, pgic_result: InternalNamespace): """ 1) Assign each person to a jack knife iteration. 2) For each iteration: - restrict bfile, grm, regression data to people _not_ in block - estimate R^2, h^2, rho, alpha_{corr} - store results 3) Calculate SE's using formula :param iargs: Internal namespace object that holds internal values and parsed user inputs :param reg_data: Dataframe containing regression data :param pgic_result: Internal namespace object that holds initial pgic results """"Beginning jack knife estimation.") # Check for a number of blocks that's too large if iargs.num_blocks > reg_data.shape[0]: raise ValueError("You cannot specify more jack knife blocks than there are people in " "your --reg-data-file. You specified %s blocks, and your data is %s rows" % (iargs.num_blocks, reg_data.shape[0])) # Label iterations and duplicate ID col to make GCTA happy (if needed) reg_data_shuf = reg_data.sample(frac=1).reset_index(drop=True) if iargs.calc_h2: reg_data_shuf["FID"] = reg_data_shuf[iargs.id_col[0]] # If a second ID column is specified, use that, otherwise the two ID columns are equivalent reg_data_shuf["IID"] = reg_data_shuf[iargs.id_col[1]] if len(iargs.id_col) == 2 else \ reg_data_shuf.FID block_size = np.ceil(reg_data_shuf.shape[0] / iargs.num_blocks) reg_data_shuf["iteration"] = [int(i / block_size) for i in range(reg_data_shuf.shape[0])] # Gather results from each JK iteration uncorr_alpha_cols = ["uncorr_" + c for c in iargs.alpha_cols] corr_alpha_cols = ["corr_" + c for c in iargs.alpha_cols] result_cols = ["h2", "R2", "rho"] + uncorr_alpha_cols + corr_alpha_cols jk_res_table = pd.DataFrame(index=range(iargs.num_blocks), columns=result_cols) # Run the jack knife iterations for iter_num in range(iargs.num_blocks): iter_result = leave_out_est(iter_num, iargs, reg_data_shuf, iargs.grm, iargs.z_cols) h2_r2_rho = np.array([iter_result["h2"], iter_result["R2"], iter_result["rho"]]) jk_res_table.iloc[iter_num] = np.concatenate( (h2_r2_rho, iter_result["alpha_uncorr"], iter_result["alpha_corr"])) logging.debug("\nJack-knife result table:\n%s", jk_res_table) # Calculate standard errors se_vector = se_helper(jk_res_table) logging.debug("\nJack-knife standard errors:\n%s", se_vector) # Fill in standard errors in the internal namespace object pgic_result.h2_se = None if iargs.h2 else se_vector["h2"] pgic_result.R2_se = None if iargs.R2 else se_vector["R2"] pgic_result.rho_se = None if iargs.h2 and iargs.R2 else se_vector["rho"] pgic_result.uncorrected_alphas_se = se_vector.loc[uncorr_alpha_cols] pgic_result.corrected_alphas_se = se_vector.loc[corr_alpha_cols].to_numpy() def leave_out_est(iteration: int, iargs: InternalNamespace, reg_data: pd.DataFrame, grm_prefix: str, covs: List) -> Dict: """ Remove block from GRM and regression data and run estimation. Uses temporary directory indicated in iargs and assumes no responsbility for cleanup :param iteration: Current block number of jack knife iteration. :param iargs: Internal namespace object that holds internal values and parsed user inputs :param reg_data: DataFrame of regression data. :param grm: Full prefix to GRM files :param covs: Covariates in specification. :return: Parameter estimates as a dictionary """"\n============= JK ITERATION %s =============\n", iteration) # Make copy of internal namespace iargs_copy = copy.copy(iargs) # If we need a restricted GRM, make that now if iargs.calc_h2: full_path_to_restricted_person_list = "%s/removed_%s.txt" % (iargs.temp_dir, iteration) full_prefix_to_restricted_grm = "%s/removed_grm_%s" % (iargs.temp_dir, iteration) remove = reg_data[reg_data.iteration == iteration] remove[["FID", "IID"]].to_csv(full_path_to_restricted_person_list, sep=" ", index=False, header=None) grm_transformation_cmd = "%s --grm %s --remove %s --out %s --make-grm --threads %s" % ( iargs.gcta_exec, grm_prefix, full_path_to_restricted_person_list, full_prefix_to_restricted_grm, iargs.num_threads) _log_and_run_os_cmd(grm_transformation_cmd, iargs.quiet_h2) iargs_copy.grm = full_prefix_to_restricted_grm # Call the main procedure with a pared down dataframe and GRM (only included if it's needed) restricted_reg_data = reg_data[reg_data.iteration != iteration] iargs_copy.reg_data_file = None corr_result = error_correction_procedure(iargs_copy, restricted_reg_data) # Return the results in dictionary form return {"h2" : corr_result.h2, "R2" : corr_result.R2, "rho" : corr_result.rho, "alpha_corr" : corr_result.corrected_alphas, "alpha_uncorr" : corr_result.uncorrected_alphas} def calculate_corrected_coefficients(corr_matrix: np.ndarray, coefficients: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Generates corrected coefficients from a correction matrix and uncorrected coefficients :param corr_matrix: Correction matrix to use :param coefficients: Coefficients to be corrected :return: Array of corrected coefficients """ return np.matmul(corr_matrix, coefficients) def calculate_corrected_coeff_stderrs(corr_matrix: np.ndarray, var_cov_matrix: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Generates corrected coefficient standard errors :param corr_matrix: Correction matrix to use :param var_cov_matrix: Variance-covariance matrix of coefficients to correct :return: Array of corrected coefficient standard errors """ prod = np.linalg.multi_dot([corr_matrix, var_cov_matrix, corr_matrix.T]) return np.sqrt(np.diagonal(prod)) def calculate_center_matrix(V_ghat: np.ndarray, rho: float, z_int_mean: np.ndarray, z_int_cov: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the center matrix component of the product that is the final correction matrix. :param V_ghat: Covariance matrix of [G, z] :param rho: Value of rho to use :param z_int_mean: Mean of z_int :param z_int_cov: Covariance matrix of z_int :return: Center matrix to use in correction matrix product """ # Calculate values used later rho_sq_recip = pow(rho, -2) one_minus_rho_sq_recip = 1.0 - rho_sq_recip z_int_count = z_int_cov.shape[0] if z_int_cov.shape else 1 # Shape is () if 1x1 matrix # Take V_ghat, replace (0,0) entry with 1/rho^2, and modify the rest of the matrix as needed mod_copy_of_V_ghat = V_ghat.copy() mod_copy_of_V_ghat[0, 0] = rho_sq_recip mod_copy_of_V_ghat[0, 1:z_int_count+1] -= (one_minus_rho_sq_recip * z_int_mean) mod_copy_of_V_ghat[1:z_int_count+1, 0] = mod_copy_of_V_ghat[0, 1:z_int_count+1].T mod_copy_of_V_ghat[1:z_int_count+1, 1:z_int_count+1] -= one_minus_rho_sq_recip * (z_int_cov + np.outer(z_int_mean, z_int_mean)) # Return inverse of the previously calculated matrix logging.debug("\nuninverted center matrix = \n%s", mod_copy_of_V_ghat) return np.linalg.inv(mod_copy_of_V_ghat) def calculate_correction_matrix(G_cols: List[str], z_cols: List[str], z_int_cols: List[str], df: pd.DataFrame, rho: float) -> np.ndarray: """ Generates the correction matrix :param G_cols: List of columns in G vector = pgi_var column followed by interaction columns :param z_cols: List of columns in z vector = covariate columns :param z_int_cols: List of z columns that correspond (in order) to the non-pgi elements of G :param df: DataFrame with the required regression data :param rho: Value of rho :return: Matrix used to correct coefficients and standard errors """ # Determine the needed relevant smaller DFs from column subsets df_Gz = df[G_cols + z_cols] df_z_int = df[z_int_cols] # Useful values size_of_G = len(G_cols) # Calculate the V_ghat matrix (rightmost matrix of the 3-matrix product) V_ghat = np.cov(df_Gz, rowvar=False) logging.debug("\nV_ghat = \n%s", V_ghat) # Calculate center matrix (start with V_ghat, since it shares much of that matrix) z_int_mean = np.mean(df_z_int, axis=0) logging.debug("\nz_int_mean = \n%s", z_int_mean) z_int_cov = np.cov(df_z_int, rowvar=False) logging.debug("\nz_int_cov = \n%s", z_int_cov) center_matrix = calculate_center_matrix(V_ghat, rho, z_int_mean, z_int_cov) logging.debug("\ncenter_matrix = \n%s", center_matrix) # Calculate the correction matrix corr_matrix = np.matmul(center_matrix, V_ghat) # Almost correct, needs one more multiplication corr_matrix[0:size_of_G] *= np.reciprocal(rho) # Adjust to account for lefthand matmul logging.debug("\nCorrection matrix = \n%s", corr_matrix) return corr_matrix def get_alpha_ghat(y_cols: List[str], G_cols: List[str], z_cols: List[str], wt_cols: List[str], reg_data: pd.DataFrame) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Runs the regression to get the initial estimate of coefficients and standard errors :param y_cols: List containing the name of the outcome column :param G_cols: List of columns in G vector = pgi_var column followed by interaction columns :param z_cols: List of columns in z vector = covariate columns :param wt_cols: List containing the weights column if the regression should be weighted :param reg_data: DataFrame with the required regression data :return: Calculated coefficients, standard errors, and variance-covariance matrix """ # Set up the regression if wt_cols: reg = sm.WLS(reg_data[y_cols], reg_data[G_cols + z_cols + CONS_COLS], weights=reg_data[wt_cols]) else: reg = sm.OLS(reg_data[y_cols], reg_data[G_cols + z_cols + CONS_COLS]) # Calculate the regression reg_fit = return (reg_fit.params.drop(CONS_COL_NAME).rename(UNCORR_COEF_COLUMN, inplace=True), reg_fit.bse.drop(CONS_COL_NAME).rename(UNCORR_COEF_SE_COLUMN, inplace=True), reg_fit.cov_params().drop(CONS_COL_NAME).drop(CONS_COL_NAME, axis=1)) def error_correction_procedure(iargs: InternalNamespace, reg_data: pd.DataFrame): """ Implementation of error correction procedure. :param iargs: Holds arguments passed in by user. :param reg_data: Regression data. :return: Object holding corrected and uncorrected coefficients and standard errors along with rho, h^2, R^2, and sample size (n) """ # Create object to hold all the return values result = InternalNamespace() # If heritability is specified, add it to results, otherwise estimate it. result.h2 = iargs.h2 if iargs.h2 else estimate_h2(iargs, iargs.gcta_exec, iargs.pheno_file, iargs.temp_dir, iargs.grm_cutoff, iargs.grm, iargs.num_threads, iargs.quiet_h2) # Store sample size of data to report in results. result.n = reg_data.shape[0] # Determine R^2 (calculate if necessary) result.R2 = iargs.R2 if iargs.R2 else estimate_R2(reg_data, iargs.pgi_pheno_var, iargs.pgi_var) # Calculate rho based on h^2 and R^2 result.rho = calculate_rho(h2=result.h2, r2=result.R2) logging.debug("rho is estimated to be sqrt(%f/%f) = %f", result.h2, result.R2, result.rho) if result.rho < 1.0: warn_or_raise(iargs.force, "It is unexpected that your estimated rho (%f) = sqrt(%f/%f) " "is less than 1.0. You should double-check that the dependent variable in the R^2 " "calculation corresponds to the PGI phenotype.", result.rho, result.h2, result.R2) # Calculate initial regression values logging.debug("Calculating uncorrected coefficients(s) and standard error(s)...") result.uncorrected_alphas, result.uncorrected_alphas_se, var_cov_matrix = get_alpha_ghat( iargs.y_cols, iargs.G_cols, iargs.z_cols, iargs.wt_cols, reg_data) # Calculate the correction matrix logging.debug("Getting correction matrix...") corr_matrix = calculate_correction_matrix(iargs.G_cols, iargs.z_cols, iargs.z_int_cols, reg_data, result.rho) # Use that correction matrix to correct coefficients and standard errors logging.debug("Correcting coefficients and standard error(s)...") result.corrected_alphas = calculate_corrected_coefficients(corr_matrix, result.uncorrected_alphas) result.corrected_alphas_se = calculate_corrected_coeff_stderrs(corr_matrix, var_cov_matrix) # Set standard errors for h^2, R^2, and rho to be None (need jack-knifing to calculate those) result.h2_se = None result.R2_se = None result.rho_se = None return result def calculate_rho(h2: float, r2: float) -> float: """ Helper function used to calculate rho given h^2 and R^2 :param h2: Heritability :param r2: Coefficient of determination """ return np.sqrt(h2 / r2) def report_results(iargs: InternalNamespace, pgic_result: InternalNamespace): """ Function that handles logging results and writing them to a results file :param iargs: Internal namespace of values directly or indirectly from parsed inputs :param pgic_result: Results from the initial running of the pgi correction method """ # Determine output file full_outputfile_path = iargs.out + ".res" # Make standard error names a little shorter h2_se = pgic_result.h2_se R2_se = pgic_result.R2_se rho_se = pgic_result.rho_se uncorr_alphas_se = pgic_result.uncorrected_alphas_se corr_alphas_se = pgic_result.corrected_alphas_se # Construct results summary string results_summary = RESULTS_SUMMARY_FSTR % (pgic_result.n, pgic_result.h2, h2_se if h2_se else ASSUMED_VAL, pgic_result.R2, R2_se if R2_se else ASSUMED_VAL, pgic_result.rho, rho_se if rho_se else ASSUMED_VAL) # Send results summary to the log file, terminal, and .res file"\n\nResults summary:\n%s\n", results_summary) with open(full_outputfile_path, mode='w') as out_file: print(results_summary, "="*20, '\n', sep='\n', file=out_file) # Log and then write the coefficient results to the .res file out_data =
import os from functools import partial from typing import Any, Dict import numpy as np import pandas as pd import tensorflow as tf import torch from lenet_analysis import LenetAnalysis, get_class_per_layer_traced_edges from PIL import Image from torch.autograd import Variable from torch.nn import Module from torchvision.models import AlexNet from torchvision.transforms import transforms from nninst import mode from nninst.backend.pytorch.model import LeNet as TorchLeNet from nninst.backend.tensorflow.dataset import mnist from nninst.backend.tensorflow.graph import model_fn_with_fetch_hook from nninst.backend.tensorflow.model import AlexNet as TFAlexNet from nninst.backend.tensorflow.model import LeNet as TFLeNet from nninst.backend.tensorflow.trace import ( lenet_mnist_class_trace, reconstruct_trace_from_tf, ) from nninst.backend.tensorflow.utils import new_session_config from nninst.dataset import mnist_info from nninst.utils.fs import CsvIOAction, abspath from nninst.utils.numpy import arg_approx from nninst.utils.ray import ray_init, ray_map os.environ["TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL"] = "1" def iterate_model(module: Module, structure: Dict, action, *args, **kwargs): children = dict(module.named_modules()) for key, value in structure.items(): child = children[str(key)] if isinstance(value, str): name = value action(name, child, *args, **kwargs) elif isinstance(value, dict): iterate_model(child, value, action, *args, **kwargs) else: raise TypeError(f"value: {value}, type: {type(value)}") def to_numpy(tensor) -> np.ndarray: return def import_model_from_pytorch(): model = TorchLeNet() path = abspath("lenet_model.pth") model.load_state_dict(torch.load(path)) structure = { "features": { "0": "conv_1", "1": "relu_1", "2": "pool_1", "3": "conv_2", "4": "relu_2", "5": "pool_2", }, "classifier": { "0": "linear_3", "1": "relu_3", "2": "linear_4", "3": "relu_4", "4": "linear_5", }, } tf_to_torch_variables = { "conv2d/kernel:0": "conv_1/weight", "conv2d/bias:0": "conv_1/bias", "conv2d_1/kernel:0": "conv_2/weight", "conv2d_1/bias:0": "conv_2/bias", "dense/kernel:0": "linear_3/weight", "dense/bias:0": "linear_3/bias", "dense_1/kernel:0": "linear_4/weight", "dense_1/bias:0": "linear_4/bias", "dense_2/kernel:0": "linear_5/weight", "dense_2/bias:0": "linear_5/bias", } def fetch_variables(name: str, layer: Module): if "linear" in name or "conv" in name: if "conv" in name: variables[f"{name}/weight"] = np.transpose( to_numpy(layer.weight), (2, 3, 1, 0) ) else: variables[f"{name}/weight"] = np.transpose( to_numpy(layer.weight), (1, 0) ) variables[f"{name}/bias"] = to_numpy(layer.bias) variables = {} iterate_model(model, structure, fetch_variables) lenet = TFLeNet() input_tensor = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (None, 1, 28, 28)) lenet(input_tensor) tf.train.create_global_step() with tf.Session() as sess: for variable in tf.global_variables(): if != "global_step:0": variable.load( variables[tf_to_torch_variables[]], session=sess ) saver = tf.train.Saver(), abspath("tf/lenet/model_import/model")) def import_alexnet_model_from_pytorch(): model = AlexNet() path = abspath("cache/alexnet-owt-4df8aa71.pth") model.load_state_dict(torch.load(path)) structure = { "features": { "0": "conv_1", "1": "relu_1", "2": "pool_1", "3": "conv_2", "4": "relu_2", "5": "pool_2", "6": "conv_3", "7": "relu_3", "8": "conv_4", "9": "relu_4", "10": "conv_5", "11": "relu_5", "12": "pool_5", }, "classifier": { "0": "dropout_6", "1": "linear_6", "2": "relu_6", "3": "dropout_7", "4": "linear_7", "5": "relu_7", "6": "linear_8", }, } tf_to_torch_variables = { "conv2d/kernel:0": "conv_1/weight", "conv2d/bias:0": "conv_1/bias", "conv2d_1/kernel:0": "conv_2/weight", "conv2d_1/bias:0": "conv_2/bias", "conv2d_2/kernel:0": "conv_3/weight", "conv2d_2/bias:0": "conv_3/bias", "conv2d_3/kernel:0": "conv_4/weight", "conv2d_3/bias:0": "conv_4/bias", "conv2d_4/kernel:0": "conv_5/weight", "conv2d_4/bias:0": "conv_5/bias", "dense/kernel:0": "linear_6/weight", "dense/bias:0": "linear_6/bias", "dense_1/kernel:0": "linear_7/weight", "dense_1/bias:0": "linear_7/bias", "dense_2/kernel:0": "linear_8/weight", "dense_2/bias:0": "linear_8/bias", } def fetch_variables(name: str, layer: Module): if "linear" in name or "conv" in name: if "conv" in name: variables[f"{name}/weight"] = np.transpose( to_numpy(layer.weight), (2, 3, 1, 0) ) else: variables[f"{name}/weight"] = np.transpose( to_numpy(layer.weight), (1, 0) ) variables[f"{name}/bias"] = to_numpy(layer.bias) variables = {} iterate_model(model, structure, fetch_variables) alexnet = TFAlexNet() input_tensor = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (None, 224, 224, 3)) alexnet(input_tensor) tf.train.create_global_step() with tf.Session() as sess: for variable in tf.global_variables(): if != "global_step:0": variable.load( variables[tf_to_torch_variables[]], session=sess ) saver = tf.train.Saver(), abspath("tf/alexnet/model_import/model")) def lenet_model_fn(features, labels, mode): """The model_fn argument for creating an Estimator.""" model = TFLeNet() image = features if isinstance(image, dict): image = features["image"] if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT: logits = model(image, training=False) predictions = { "predict": tf.argmax(logits, axis=1), "logit": tf.reduce_max(logits, axis=1), } return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec( mode=tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT, predictions=predictions, export_outputs={"classify": tf.estimator.export.PredictOutput(predictions)}, ) def compare_predict(): def get_predict() -> pd.DataFrame: def get_row(image_id: int) -> dict: data_dir = abspath("/home/yxqiu/data/mnist/raw") model_dir = abspath("tf/lenet/model_import/") # model_dir = abspath("tf/lenet/model/") estimator_config = tf.estimator.RunConfig( session_config=new_session_config() ) classifier = tf.estimator.Estimator( model_fn=lenet_model_fn, model_dir=model_dir, config=estimator_config ) predictions = list( classifier.predict( input_fn=lambda: mnist.test(data_dir) .skip(image_id) .take(1) .batch(1) ) ) def get_image_val(image: Image) -> Variable: normalize = transforms.Normalize(mean=(0.1307,), std=(0.3081,)) transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor(), normalize]) tensor = transform(image).unsqueeze(0) image_val = Variable(tensor, volatile=True) return image_val image, label = mnist_info.test().image_with_label(image_id) model = TorchLeNet() path = abspath("lenet_model.pth") model.load_state_dict(torch.load(path)) image_val = get_image_val(image) model.eval() result = model(image_val).data.cpu().numpy() def map_prefix(map: Dict[str, Any], prefix: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: return {f"{prefix}.{key}": value for key, value in map.items()} row = { "image_id": image_id, "label": label, **map_prefix(predictions[0], "tf"), **map_prefix( {"predict": result.argmax(), "logit": result.max()}, "pytorch" ), } return row mode.debug() # mode.distributed() ray_init() # traces = ray_map(get_row, (image_id for image_id in range(mnist_info.test().size)), traces = ray_map( get_row, (image_id for image_id in range(10)), chunksize=1, out_of_order=True, num_gpus=1, ) return pd.DataFrame(traces) return CsvIOAction("compare_predict.csv", init_fn=get_predict) def compare_trace(): def get_trace() -> pd.DataFrame: def get_row(image_id: int) -> dict: threshold = 0.5 data_dir = abspath("/home/yxqiu/data/mnist/raw") # model_dir = abspath("tf/lenet/model_import/") model_dir = abspath("tf/lenet/model/") model_fn = partial( model_fn_with_fetch_hook, create_model=lambda: TFLeNet(data_format="channels_first"), ) tf_trace = reconstruct_trace_from_tf( model_fn=model_fn, input_fn=lambda: mnist.train(data_dir).skip(image_id).take(1).batch(1), select_fn=lambda input: arg_approx(input, threshold), model_dir=model_dir, )[0] def get_image_val(image: Image) -> Variable: normalize = transforms.Normalize(mean=(0.1307,), std=(0.3081,)) transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor(), normalize]) tensor = transform(image).unsqueeze(0) image_val = Variable(tensor, volatile=True) return image_val analysis = LenetAnalysis() pytorch_trace = analysis.infer_info(image_id).layer_traces( threshold, arg_approx ) print("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") def map_prefix(map: Dict[str, Any], prefix: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: return {f"{prefix}.{key}": value for key, value in map.items()} row = {"image_id": image_id} return row mode.debug() # mode.distributed() ray_init() # traces = ray_map(get_row, (image_id for image_id in range(mnist_info.train().size)), traces = ray_map( get_row, (image_id for image_id in range(10)), chunksize=1, out_of_order=True, num_gpus=1, ) return pd.DataFrame(traces) return CsvIOAction("compare_trace.csv", init_fn=get_trace) def compare_class_trace(): def get_trace() -> pd.DataFrame: def get_row(class_id: int) -> dict: threshold = 0.5 tf_label = "norm" torch_label = "best_in_10" tf_trace = lenet_mnist_class_trace( class_id, threshold, label=tf_label ).load() analysis = LenetAnalysis() torch_trace = { layer_name: ( get_class_per_layer_traced_edges( class_id, threshold, layer_name, label=torch_label ).index.get_values() ) for layer_name in analysis.lenet.weighted_layer_names } print("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") row = {} return row mode.debug() # mode.distributed() ray_init() # traces = ray_map(get_row, (image_id for image_id in range(mnist_info.train().size)), traces = ray_map( get_row, (class_id for class_id in range(10)), chunksize=1, out_of_order=True, num_gpus=1, ) return
import numpy import yaml import pathlib import pandas import geopandas as gpd from decimal import * def decimal_divide(numerator, denominator, precision): """Returns a floating point representation of the mathematically correct answer to division of a numerator with a denominator, up to precision equal to 'precision'. Inputs: numerator can be either a scalar value or vector. denominator must be a singular value. precision defines the order of precision, e.g., precision = 10 allows for ten orders of magnitude or 1e-10 decimal places. Note: No error catches are included. Python binary arithmatic errors occur for precisions greater than 1e-9 decimal places and this method ensures that the sum of weighted values is 1 (and not affected by binary arithmatic errors). """ result_list = [] fraction_decimal = numpy.around( numerator / denominator, decimals = precision ) # fraction_float = fraction_decimal # if type(numerator) == int or type(numerator) == numpy.float64: # getcontext().prec = precision # fraction_decimal = Decimal(numerator)/Decimal(denominator) # result_list.append( # numpy.around( # numpy.float(fraction_decimal), # decimals = precision # ) # ) # else: # for value in numerator: # getcontext().prec = precision # fraction_decimal = Decimal(value)/Decimal(denominator) # result_list.append( # numpy.around( # numpy.float(fraction_decimal), # decimals = precision # ) # ) # fraction_float = numpy.array(result_list) # return fraction_float return fraction_decimal def make_bins(lower_bound, upper_bound, step_size): """ Returns an ascending list of tuples from start to stop, with an interval of width and the center point values for intervals A tuple bins[i], i.e. (bins[i][0], bins[i][1]) with i > 0 and i < quantity, satisfies the following conditions: (1) bins[i][0] + width == bins[i][1] (2) bins[i-1][0] + width == bins[i][0] and bins[i-1][1] + width == bins[i][1] """ bins = [] center_points = [] for low in range(lower_bound, upper_bound, step_size): bins.append((low, low + step_size)) center_points.append(low + step_size/2) return bins, center_points def get_bin(value, bins): """ Returns the smallest index i of bins so that bin[i][0] <= value < bin[i][1], where bins is a list of tuples, like [(0,20), (20, 40), (40, 60)] """ for i in range(0, len(bins)): if bins[i][0] <= value < bins[i][1]: return i return -1 def place_into_bins(sorting_data, data_to_bin, bins): """ Returns 'binned_data, a vector of same length as 'bins' that has the values of 'data_to_bin' sorted into bins according to values of 'sorting_data.' Sorting_data and data_to_bin are 1D arrays of the same length. In our case, they are different attributes of vessels identified by MMSI. 'bins' is the output variable of the function 'make_bins'. """ binned_data = numpy.zeros(len(bins)) index = 0 for value in sorting_data: # accounting for no-data: -99999 if value > 0: bin_index = get_bin(value, bins) binned_data[bin_index] += data_to_bin[index] index += 1 return binned_data # def clamp(n, minn, maxn): """ Returns the number n after fixing min and max thresholds. minn and maxn are scalars that represent min and max capacities. clamp ensures that capacities are within min/max thresholds and sets n to minn or maxn if outside of thresholds, such that minn < n < maxn """ if n < minn: return minn elif n > maxn: return maxn else: return n def concat_shp(ship_type, shapefile_path): """ INPUT: - ship_type ["tanker", "barge", "atb", etc]: MIDOSS-name for ship type (see oil_attribution.yaml for list) - shapefile_path [Path]: e.g., on Salish, Path('/data/MIDOSS/shapefiles/') OUTPUT: - dataframe of all 2018 ship tracks for given ship_type """ for months in range(1,13): # set file location and name shapefile = shapefile_path/f'{ship_type}_2018_{months:02d}.shp' # import shapefile using geopandas monthly_shp = gpd.read_file(shapefile) if months == 1: print(f'creating {ship_type} shapefile for 2018, starting with January data') allTracks = monthly_shp else: print(f'Concatenating {ship_type} data from month {months}') allTracks = gpd.GeoDataFrame( pandas.concat([allTracks, monthly_shp]) ) return allTracks def get_doe_tanker_byvessel(vessels,doe_xls_path,fac_xls_path): """ Inputs: - vessels [list]: List of vessel names, e.g.["AMERICAN FREEDOM","PELICAN STATE"] - doe_xls_path [path]: Location and name of DOE data spreadsheet - fac_xls_path [path]: Location and name of facilities transfer spreadsheet Outputs: - cargo_transfers [dataframe]: 2018 cargo transfers to/from the vessels and the marine terminals used in this study, in liters. Transfers are grouped by AntID """ # conversion factor gal2liter = 3.78541 # load dept. of ecology data DOEdf = get_DOE_df( doe_xls_path, fac_xls_path, group = 'no' ) # extract tanker cargo transfers if isinstance(vessels, list): cargo_transfers = DOEdf.loc[ (DOEdf.TransferType == 'Cargo') & (DOEdf.Deliverer.isin(vessels) | DOEdf.Receiver.isin(vessels)), ['TransferQtyInGallon', 'Deliverer','Receiver','StartDateTime','AntID'] ].groupby('AntID').agg( {'TransferQtyInGallon':'sum', 'Deliverer':'first', 'Receiver':'first', 'StartDateTime':'first'} ).sort_values(by='TransferQtyInGallon',ascending=False) else: # if a string cargo_transfers = DOEdf.loc[ (DOEdf.TransferType == 'Cargo') & (DOEdf.Deliverer.str.contains(vessels) | DOEdf.Receiver.str.contains(vessels)), ['TransferQtyInGallon', 'Deliverer','Receiver','StartDateTime','AntID'] ].groupby('AntID').agg( {'TransferQtyInGallon':'sum', 'Deliverer':'first', 'Receiver':'first', 'StartDateTime':'first'} ).sort_values(by='TransferQtyInGallon',ascending=False) # convert to liters cargo_transfers['TransferQtyInGallon'] = gal2liter*cargo_transfers['TransferQtyInGallon'] cargo_transfers=cargo_transfers.rename( columns={"TransferQtyInGallon":"TransferQtyInLiters"} ).reset_index() return cargo_transfers def split_doe_transfers(doe_df): """ split dataframe of DOE transfers into two-way transfers (import and export) and one-way transfers """ one_way=pandas.DataFrame({}) two_way=pandas.DataFrame({}) count = 0 idx_taken = 0 # order transfers by time doe_df = doe_df.sort_values(by='StartDateTime').reset_index(drop=True) # categorize transfers for idx,deliverer in enumerate(doe_df['Deliverer']): if idx != doe_df['Deliverer'].shape[0]-1: if ((doe_df['Deliverer'][idx] == doe_df['Receiver'][idx+1]) & (doe_df['Deliverer'][idx+1] == doe_df['Receiver'][idx])): # count number of cases where there is a delivery both ways count += 1 two_way = two_way.append(doe_df.iloc[[idx]]) idx_taken = 1 else: if idx_taken: two_way = two_way.append(doe_df.iloc[[idx]]) idx_taken = 0 else: one_way = one_way.append(doe_df.iloc[[idx]]) idx_taken = 0 else: # categorize the last entry by comparing with the end - 1 values if ((doe_df['Deliverer'][idx] == doe_df['Receiver'][idx-1]) & (doe_df['Deliverer'][idx-1] == doe_df['Receiver'][idx])): count += 1 two_way = two_way.append(doe_df.iloc[[idx]]) return one_way, two_way def get_oil_type_cargo(yaml_file, facility, ship_type, random_generator): """ Returns oil for cargo attribution based on facility and vessel by querying information in input yaml_file """ with open(yaml_file,"r") as file: # load fraction_of_total values for weighting # random generator cargo = yaml.safe_load(file) ship = cargo[facility][ship_type] probability = [ship[fuel]['fraction_of_total'] for fuel in ship] # First case indicates no cargo transfer to/from terminal # (and a mistake in origin/destination analysis). # # Second case ensures neccessary conditions for # random_generator if sum(probability) == 0: fuel_type = [] else: try: fuel_type = random_generator.choice( list(ship.keys()), p = probability) except ValueError: # I was getting an error when including a '\' at the # end of first line, so I removed it.... raise Exception(['Error: fraction of fuel transfers ' + f'for {ship_type} servicing {facility} '\ + f'does not sum to 1 in {yaml_file}']) return fuel_type def get_oil_type_cargo_generic_US(yaml_file, ship_type, random_generator): """ Returns oil for cargo attribution based on facility and vessel by querying information in input yaml_file. This is essentially the same as 'get_oil_type_cargo' but is designed for yaml files that lack facility names """ with open(yaml_file,"r") as file: # load fraction_of_total values for weighting random generator cargo = yaml.safe_load(file) ship = cargo[ship_type] probability = [ship[fuel]['fraction_of_total'] for fuel in ship] # First case indicates no cargo transfer to/from terminal # (and a mistake in origin/destination analysis). # # Second case ensures neccessary conditions for random_generator if sum(probability) == 0: fuel_type = [] else: try: fuel_type = random_generator.choice( list(ship.keys()), p = probability) except ValueError: # I was getting an error when including a '\' at the # end of first line, so I removed it.... raise Exception('Error: fraction of fuel transfers ' f'for {ship_type} servicing {facility} '\ f'does not sum to 1 in {yaml_file}') return fuel_type def get_montecarlo_oil_byregion(monte_carlo_csv, oil_attribution_file, fac_xls, direction = 'export', vessel='tanker'): """ PURPOSE: Return dataframe of monte carlo attributions to facilities by import, export, combined and vessel-type INPUTS: directions['import','export','combined'] vessel['tanker','atb','barge'] OUTPUT: capacities DataFrame. For import or export, this dataframe has a Region attribution based on the location of the facility. For combined, the Region attribution is based on the location of the spill (as a US facility can be both an origin or a destination with conflicting region). TODO: - Update method for attributing spill region so it's by mask rather than by latitude """ # open montecarlo spills file mcdf = get_montecarlo_df(monte_carlo_csv) # Load oil Attribution File with open(oil_attribution_file) as file: oil_attrs = yaml.load(file, Loader=yaml.Loader) # Read in facility names facility_names_mc = oil_attrs['categories']['US_origin_destination'] # Load facility information facdf = assign_facility_region(fac_xls) # Add region based on spill location mcdf = assign_spill_region(mcdf) # ~~~~~ COMBINED ~~~~~ # query dataframe for information on imports & exports by vessel # and oil types if direction == 'import': capacities = mcdf.loc[ (mcdf.fuel_cargo == 'cargo') & (mcdf.vessel_type == vessel) & (mcdf.vessel_dest.isin(facility_names_mc)), ['cargo_capacity', 'vessel_dest', 'oil_type'] ] # Create a new "Regions" column to assing region tag, using # 'not attributed' to define transfers at locations not included # in our evaluation capacities['ImportRegion'] = 'not attributed' # Find locations with transfers in our facility list and # assign region tag. for idx,facility in enumerate(facdf['FacilityName']): capacities['ImportRegion'] = numpy.where( (capacities['vessel_dest'] == facility), # ID transfer location facdf['Region'][idx], # assign region, or capacities['ImportRegion']# keep NA attribution ) elif direction == 'export': capacities = mcdf.loc[ (mcdf.fuel_cargo == 'cargo') & (mcdf.vessel_type == vessel) & (mcdf.vessel_origin.isin(facility_names_mc)), ['cargo_capacity', 'vessel_origin','oil_type', 'SpillRegion'] ] # Create a new "Regions" column to assing region tag, using # 'not attributed' to define transfers at locations not included # in our evaluation capacities['ExportRegion'] = 'not attributed' # Find locations with transfers in our facility list and # assign region tag. for idx,facility in enumerate(facdf['FacilityName']): capacities['ExportRegion'] = numpy.where( (capacities['vessel_origin'] == facility), # ID transfer location facdf['Region'][idx], # assign region, or capacities['ExportRegion']# keep NA attribution ) elif direction == 'combined': capacities = mcdf.loc[ (mcdf.fuel_cargo == 'cargo') & (mcdf.vessel_type == vessel) & (mcdf.vessel_dest.isin(facility_names_mc) | mcdf.vessel_origin.isin(facility_names_mc)), ['cargo_capacity', 'vessel_dest', 'vessel_origin', 'oil_type', 'SpillRegion'] ] else: # update this error statement! print('get_montecarlo_oil_byregion[ERROR]: direction can only be import, export, or combined.') return capacities def assign_spill_region(mc_df): """ Reads in a monte-carlo spills DataFrame (from on file or combination of files) and creates a Region attribution based on oil spill region TODO: Update to use region masks (Ask Ben or Tereza) """ # define latitude bins lat_partition = [46.9, 48.3, 48.7] # define conditions used to bin facilities by latitude conditions = [ (mc_df.spill_lat < lat_partition[0]), (mc_df.spill_lat >= lat_partition[0]) & (mc_df.spill_lat < lat_partition[1]), (mc_df.spill_lat >= lat_partition[1]) & (mc_df.spill_lat < lat_partition[2]), (mc_df.spill_lat >= lat_partition[2]) ] # regional tags values = ['Columbia River','Puget Sound','Anacortes','Whatcom'] # create a new column and assign values to it using # defined conditions on latitudes mc_df['SpillRegion'] =, values) return mc_df def assign_facility_region(facilities_xlsx): """ Loads the facilities excel spreadsheet and returns a dataframe with that identifies the region the facility is in """ # Facility information facdf = pandas.read_excel( facilities_xlsx, sheet_name = 'Washington', usecols="B,D,J,K" ) # define latitude bins lat_partition = [46.9, 48.3, 48.7] # define conditions used to bin facilities by latitude conditions = [ (facdf.DockLatNumber < lat_partition[0]), (facdf.DockLatNumber >= lat_partition[0]) & (facdf.DockLatNumber < lat_partition[1]), (facdf.DockLatNumber >= lat_partition[1]) & (facdf.DockLatNumber < lat_partition[2]), (facdf.DockLatNumber >= lat_partition[2]) ] # regional tags values = ['Columbia River','Puget Sound','Anacortes','Whatcom County'] # create a new column and assign values to it using # defined conditions on latitudes facdf['Region'] =, values) return facdf def get_voyage_transfers(voyage_xls, fac_xls): """ PURPOSE: Read in voyage transfers for tankers, atbs, and barges and assign region attribution to voyages INPUT: voyage_xls: Path to Origin_Destination_Analysis_updated.xlsx fac_xls: Path to Oil_Transfer_Facilities.xlsx OUTPUT: dataframe with columns for atbs, tankers, barges and region """ # create dataframe for voyage transfers (From DOE_transfers.ipynb) # read in data tankers_df = pandas.read_excel( voyage_xls, sheet_name="VoyageCountsbyFacility_MR", usecols="M,N,O", skiprows = 1 ) barge_atb_df = pandas.read_excel( voyage_xls, sheet_name="VoyageCountsbyFacility_MR", usecols="E,F,G,J", skiprows = 1 ) # tidy-up column names tankers_df=tankers_df.rename( columns={"LOCATION.3":"LOCATION", "TRANSFERS.3":"tanker_transfers", "FACILITY CATEGORY.3":"CATEGORY" } ) barge_atb_df=barge_atb_df.rename( columns={"LOCATION.1":"LOCATION", "TRANSFERS.1":"atb_transfers", "FACILITY CATEGORY.1":"CATEGORY", "TRANSFERS.2":"barge_transfers"} ) # extract voyage transfers from WA tankers_df = tankers_df.loc[ tankers_df.CATEGORY == 'WA', ['LOCATION','tanker_transfers'] ] barges_df = barge_atb_df.loc[ barge_atb_df.CATEGORY == 'WA', ['LOCATION','barge_transfers'] ] atbs_df = barge_atb_df.loc[ barge_atb_df.CATEGORY == 'WA', ['LOCATION','atb_transfers'] ] # combine into one dataframe voyages = pandas.merge( left=tankers_df, right=barges_df, on='LOCATION', how='left' ) voyages = pandas.merge( left=voyages, right=atbs_df, on='LOCATION', how='left' ) # Create a new "Regions" column to assing region tag, using # 'not attributed' to define transfers at locations not included # in our evaluation voyages['Region'] = 'not attributed' # Load facility information facdf = assign_facility_region(fac_xls) # Find locations with transfers in our facility list and # assign region tag. for idx,facility in enumerate(facdf['FacilityName']): voyages['Region'] = numpy.where( (voyages['LOCATION'] == facility), # identify transfer location facdf['Region'][idx], # assign region to transfer voyages['Region'] # or keep the NA attribution ) voyages=voyages.set_index('LOCATION') return voyages def get_doe_transfers(doe_xls, fac_xls): """ PURPOSE: Tally transfers to/from marine terminals used in our study. Currently this just tallies cargo transfers but could easily be modified to tally fuel or cargo + fuel INPUTS: - doe_xls: Path to Dept. of Ecology data file, 'MuellerTrans4-30-20.xlsx' - fac_xls: Path to facilities data (simply because it's used by get_DOE_df()), Oil_Transfer_Facilities.xlsx OUTPUTS: - Dataframe with total number of import, export and combined (import + export) Cargo transfers for each marine terminal, sorted by vessel type receiving or delivering product. Format: df[vessel_type]. """ # Facility information for assinging regions facdf = assign_facility_region(fac_xls) facility_names = facdf['FacilityName'] # Load DOE data DOEdf = get_DOE_df( doe_xls, fac_xls, group = 'no' ) # Tally transfers for imports and exports, combined below imports = {} exports = {} #~~~~~~~ TANKERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ vessel_type = 'tanker' transfer_type = 'Cargo' type_description = ['TANK SHIP'] imports[vessel_type] = DOEdf.loc[ (DOEdf.TransferType == transfer_type) & (DOEdf.DelivererTypeDescription.isin(type_description)) & (DOEdf.Receiver.isin(facility_names)), ['Receiver', 'TransferType'] ].groupby('Receiver').count().rename(columns={'TransferType':'imports'}) imports[vessel_type].index.names=['LOCATIONS'] exports[vessel_type] = DOEdf.loc[ (DOEdf.TransferType == transfer_type) & (DOEdf.ReceiverTypeDescription.isin(type_description)) & (DOEdf.Deliverer.isin(facility_names)), ['Deliverer', 'TransferType'] ].groupby('Deliverer').count().rename(columns={'TransferType':'exports'}) exports[vessel_type].index.names=['LOCATIONS'] #~~~~~~~ ATBs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ vessel_type = 'atb' transfer_type = 'Cargo' imports[vessel_type] = DOEdf.loc[ (DOEdf.TransferType == transfer_type) & (DOEdf.Receiver.isin(facility_names)) & (DOEdf.Deliverer.str.contains('ITB') | DOEdf.Deliverer.str.contains('ATB')), ['Receiver', 'TransferType'] ].groupby('Receiver').count().rename(columns={'TransferType':'imports'}) imports[vessel_type].index.names=['LOCATIONS'] exports[vessel_type] = DOEdf.loc[ (DOEdf.TransferType == transfer_type) & (DOEdf.Deliverer.isin(facility_names)) & (DOEdf.Receiver.str.contains('ITB') | DOEdf.Receiver.str.contains('ATB')), ['Deliverer', 'TransferType'] ].groupby('Deliverer').count().rename(columns={'TransferType':'exports'}) exports[vessel_type].index.names=['LOCATIONS'] #~~~~~~~ BARGES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ vessel_type = 'barge' transfer_type = 'Cargo' type_description = ['TANK BARGE','TUGBOAT'] imports[vessel_type] = DOEdf.loc[ (DOEdf.TransferType == transfer_type) & (DOEdf.DelivererTypeDescription.isin(type_description)) & (~DOEdf.Deliverer.str.contains('ITB')) & (~DOEdf.Deliverer.str.contains('ATB')) & (DOEdf.Receiver.isin(facility_names)), ['Receiver', 'TransferType'] ].groupby('Receiver').count().rename(columns={'TransferType':'imports'}) imports[vessel_type].index.names=['LOCATIONS'] exports[vessel_type] = DOEdf.loc[ (DOEdf.TransferType == transfer_type) & (DOEdf.ReceiverTypeDescription.isin(type_description)) & (~DOEdf.Receiver.str.contains('ITB')) & (~DOEdf.Receiver.str.contains('ATB')) & (DOEdf.Deliverer.isin(facility_names)), ['Deliverer', 'TransferType'] ].groupby('Deliverer').count().rename(columns={'TransferType':'exports'}) exports[vessel_type].index.names=['LOCATIONS'] doe={} for vessel in ['tanker','atb','barge']: doe[vessel] = pandas.DataFrame(0,index=facility_names, columns={'combined'}) doe[vessel]'LOCATIONS' doe[vessel] = pandas.merge( left=doe[vessel], right=exports[vessel], left_index = True, right_index=True, how='left' ).fillna(0) doe[vessel] = pandas.merge( left=doe[vessel], right=imports[vessel], left_index = True, right_index=True, how='left' ).fillna(0) doe[vessel]['combined'] = (doe[vessel]['imports'] + doe[vessel]['exports']) # Now assign regions to dataframe for each vessel "spreadsheet" for vessel in ['tanker','atb','barge']: doe[vessel]['Region'] = 'not attributed' for idx,facility in enumerate(facdf['FacilityName']): doe[vessel]['Region'] = numpy.where( (doe[vessel].index == facility), # identify transfer location facdf['Region'][idx], # assign region to transfer doe[vessel]['Region'] # or keep the NA attribution ) return doe def get_montecarlo_df(MC_csv): """ PURPOSE: Read in monte-carlo csv file and re-name Lagrangian_template to oil_type with Lagrangian file names changed to oil-type name INPUT: MC_csv[Path(to-mc-file)] """ # define names used for Lagrangian files oil_template_names = [ 'Lagrangian_akns.dat','Lagrangian_bunker.dat', 'Lagrangian_diesel.dat','Lagrangian_gas.dat', 'Lagrangian_jet.dat','Lagrangian_dilbit.dat', 'Lagrangian_other.dat' ] # define desired, end-product names for oil-types oil_types = [ 'ANS','Bunker-C', 'Diesel','Gasoline', 'Jet Fuel', 'Dilbit', 'Other' ] # open montecarlo spills file mc_df = pandas.read_csv(MC_csv) # replace Lagrangian template file names with oil type tags mc_df['oil_type'] = mc_df['Lagrangian_template'].replace( oil_template_names, oil_types ) # remove Lagrangian_template column mc_df = mc_df.drop(columns='Lagrangian_template') return mc_df def get_DOE_atb(DOE_xls, fac_xls, transfer_type = 'cargo', facilities='selected'): """ Returns transfer data for ATBs. DOE_xls[Path obj. or string]: Path(to Dept. of Ecology transfer dataset) facilities_xls[Path obj. or string]: Path(to spreadsheet with facilities information) transfer_type [string]: 'fuel', 'cargo', 'cargo_fuel' facilities [string]: 'all' or 'selected', """ # load DOE data DOE_df = get_DOE_df( DOE_xls, fac_xls, group = 'yes' ) # convert inputs to lower-case transfer_type = transfer_type.lower() facilities = facilities.lower() if transfer_type not in ['fuel', 'cargo', 'cargo_fuel']: raise ValueError('transfer_type options: fuel,cargo or cargo_fuel.') # SELECTED FACILITIES if facilities == 'selected': # Facility information facdf = pandas.read_excel( fac_xls, sheet_name = 'Washington', usecols="D" ) # This list was copied from oil_attribution.yaml on 07/02/21 # Eventually will update to read in from oil_attribution facility_names = facdf['FacilityDOEName'] if transfer_type == 'cargo': import_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.Receiver.isin(facility_names)) & (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Cargo') & (DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ITB') | DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ATB')), ] export_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.Deliverer.isin(facility_names)) & (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Cargo') & (DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ITB') | DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ATB')), ] elif transfer_type == 'fuel': import_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.Receiver.isin(facility_names)) & (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Fueling') & (DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ITB') | DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ATB')), ] export_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.Deliverer.isin(facility_names)) & (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Fueling') & (DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ITB') | DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ATB')), ] elif transfer_type == 'cargo_fuel': import_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.Receiver.isin(facility_names)) & (DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ITB') | DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ATB')), ] export_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.Deliverer.isin(facility_names)) & (DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ITB') | DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ATB')), ] elif facilities == 'all': if transfer_type == 'cargo': import_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Cargo') & (DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ITB') | DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ATB')), ] export_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Cargo') & (DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ITB') | DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ATB')), ] elif transfer_type == 'fuel': import_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Fueling') & (DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ITB') | DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ATB')), ] export_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Fueling') & (DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ITB') | DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ATB')), ] elif transfer_type == 'cargo_fuel': import_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ITB') | DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ATB')), ] export_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ITB') | DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ATB')), ] return import_df, export_df def get_DOE_df(DOE_xls, fac_xls, group='no'): """ group['yes','no']: Specificies whether or not terminals ought to be re-named to the names used in our monte carlo grouping """ # Import columns are: (A) AndID, (E) StartDateTime, (G) Deliverer, # (H) Receiver, (O) Region, # (P) Product, (Q) Quantity in Gallons, (R) Transfer Type # (oiling, Cargo, or Other)', (w) DelivererTypeDescription, # (x) ReceiverTypeDescription # define floating point precision for transfer quanitities precision = 5 # read in data df = pandas.read_excel( DOE_xls, sheet_name='Vessel Oil Transfer', usecols="A,E,G,H,P,Q,R,W,X" ) # convert to float (though I'm not sure if this is still needed) df.TransferQtyInGallon = ( df.TransferQtyInGallon.astype(float).round(precision) ) # Housekeeping: Force one name per marine transfer site df = df.replace( to_replace = "US Oil Tacoma ", value = "U.S. Oil & Refining" ) df = df.replace( to_replace = "TLP", value = "TLP Management Services LLC (TMS)" ) # Housekeeping: Convert DOE terminal names to the names # used in our monte-carlo, if different. df = df.replace( to_replace = "Maxum (<NAME>)", value = "Maxum Petroleum - Harbor Island Terminal" ) df = df.replace( to_replace = "<NAME> (formerly Tesoro)", value = "<NAME> (formerly Tesoro)" ) # Consolidate (if selected by group='yes'): # Apply terminal groupings used in our monte-carlo by # renaming terminals to the names used in our # origin-destination attribution if group == 'yes': df = df.replace( to_replace = "Maxum Petroleum - Harbor Island Terminal", value = "Kinder Morgan Liquids Terminal - Harbor Island" ) df = df.replace( to_replace = "Shell Oil LP Seattle Distribution Terminal", value = "Kinder Morgan Liquids Terminal - Harbor Island" ) df = df.replace( to_replace = "Nustar Energy Tacoma", value = "Phillips 66 Tacoma Terminal" ) # Create a new "Regions" column to assing region tag, using # 'not attributed' to define transfers at locations not included # in our evaluation df['ImportRegion'] = 'not attributed' df['ExportRegion'] = 'not attributed' # Load facility information facdf = assign_facility_region(fac_xls) # Find locations with transfers in our facility list and # assign region tag. for idx,facility in enumerate(facdf['FacilityName']): df['ImportRegion'] = numpy.where( (df['Receiver'] == facility), # identify transfer location facdf['Region'][idx], # assign region to transfer df['ImportRegion'] # or keep the NA attribution ) df['ExportRegion'] = numpy.where( (df['Deliverer'] == facility), # identify transfer location facdf['Region'][idx], # assign region to transfer df['ExportRegion'] # or keep the NA attribution ) return df def rename_DOE_df_oils(DOE_df, DOE_xls): """ Reads in DOE dataframe with original 'Product' names and converts them to the names we use in our monte-carlo DOE_df: Department of Ecolody data in DataFrame format, as in output from get_DOE_df DOE_xls: The original DOE oil transfer spreadsheet, the same as is read into get_DOE_df """ # I'm sure there is a better way of allowing name flaxibilitye # and preventing unnecessary memory hogging, but...I'm choosing # ease and efficiency right now.... df = DOE_df.copy() # read in monte-carlo oil classifications oil_classification = get_DOE_oilclassification(DOE_xls) # Rename oil types to match our in-house naming convention for oil_mc in oil_classification.keys(): for oil_doe in oil_classification[oil_mc]: df['Product'] = df['Product'].replace(oil_doe, oil_mc) # Now convert from our in-house names to our presentation names conditions = [ (df['Product']=='akns'), (df['Product']=='bunker'), (df['Product']=='dilbit'), (df['Product']=='jet'), (df['Product']=='diesel'), (df['Product']=='gas'), (df['Product']=='other') ] # regional tags new_values = [ 'ANS' ,'Bunker-C','Dilbit','Jet Fuel','Diesel','Gasoline','Other' ] # create a new column and assign values to it using # defined conditions on oil types df['Product'] =, new_values) return df def get_oil_classification(DOE_transfer_xlsx): """ Returns the list of all the names in the DOE database that are attributed to our oil types. INPUT['string' or Path]: location/name of 2018 DOE oil transfer excel spreadsheet OUTPUT[dictionary]: Oil types attributed in our study to: AKNS, Bunker, Dilbit, Diesel, Gas, Jet and Other. """ # Import columns are: # (G) Deliverer, (H) Receiver, (O) Region, (P) Product, # (Q) Quantity in Gallons, (R) Transfer Type (Fueling, Cargo, or Other)', # (w) DelivererTypeDescription, (x) ReceiverTypeDescription #2018 df = pandas.read_excel( DOE_transfer_xlsx, sheet_name='Vessel Oil Transfer', usecols="G,H,P,Q,R,W,X" ) # oil types used in our study oil_types = [ 'akns', 'bunker', 'dilbit', 'jet', 'diesel', 'gas', 'other' ] # initialize oil dictionary oil_classification = {} for oil in oil_types: oil_classification[oil] = [] [nrows,ncols] = df.shape for row in range(nrows): if ('CRUDE' in df.Product[row] and df.Product[row] not in oil_classification['akns'] ): oil_classification['akns'].append(df.Product[row]) elif ('BAKKEN' in df.Product[row] and df.Product[row] not in oil_classification['akns'] ): oil_classification['akns'].append(df.Product[row]) elif ('BUNKER' in df.Product[row] and df.Product[row] not in oil_classification['bunker'] ): oil_classification['bunker'].append(df.Product[row]) elif ('BITUMEN' in df.Product[row] and df.Product[row] not in oil_classification['dilbit'] ): oil_classification['dilbit'].append(df.Product[row]) elif ('DIESEL' in df.Product[row] and df.Product[row] not in oil_classification['diesel'] ): oil_classification['diesel'].append(df.Product[row]) elif ('GASOLINE' in df.Product[row] and df.Product[row] not in oil_classification['gas'] ): oil_classification['gas'].append(df.Product[row]) elif ('JET' in df.Product[row] and df.Product[row] not in oil_classification['jet'] ): oil_classification['jet'].append(df.Product[row]) elif ('CRUDE' not in df.Product[row] and 'BAKKEN' not in df.Product[row] and 'BUNKER' not in df.Product[row] and 'BITUMEN' not in df.Product[row] and 'DIESEL' not in df.Product[row] and 'GASOLINE' not in df.Product[row] and 'JET' not in df.Product[row] and df.Product[row] not in oil_classification['other']): oil_classification['other'].append(df.Product[row]) return oil_classification def get_DOE_barges(DOE_xls,fac_xls, direction='combined',facilities='selected',transfer_type = 'cargo_fuel'): """ THIS CODE HAS A LOT OF REDUNDANCY. I PLAN TO UPDATE BY USING COMBINED INPUT/OUTPUT TO RETURN EITHER IMPORT OR OUTPUT, IF SELECTED ALSO CHANGE NAME TO GET_DOE_BARGES_TRANSFERS TO MATCH ATB FUNCTION Returns number of transfers to/from WA marine terminals used in our study DOE_xls[Path obj. or string]: Path(to Dept. of Ecology transfer dataset) marine_terminals [string list]: list of US marine terminals to include direction [string]: 'import','export','combined', where: 'import' means from vessel to marine terminal 'export' means from marine terminal to vessel 'combined' means both import and export transfers facilities [string]: 'all' or 'selected', transfer_type [string]: 'fuel','cargo','cargo_fuel' """ print('get_DOE_barges: not yet tested with fac_xls as input') # load DOE data DOE_df = get_DOE_df( DOE_xls, fac_xls, group = 'yes' ) # convert inputs to lower-case direction = direction.lower() transfer_type = transfer_type.lower() facilities = facilities.lower() # if transfer_type not in ['fuel', 'cargo', 'cargo_fuel']: raise ValueError('transfer_type options: fuel,cargo or cargo_fuel.') if direction not in ['import', 'export', 'combined']: raise ValueError('direction options: import, export or combined.') # SELECTED FACILITIES if facilities == 'selected': # This list was copied from oil_attribution.yaml on 07/02/21 # Eventually will update to read in from oil_attribution facility_names = [ 'BP Cherry Point Refinery', 'Shell Puget Sound Refinery', 'Tidewater Snake River Terminal', 'SeaPort Sound Terminal', 'Tesoro Vancouver Terminal', 'Phillips 66 Ferndale Refinery', 'Phillips 66 Tacoma Terminal', 'Marathon Anacortes Refinery (formerly Tesoro)', 'Tesoro Port Angeles Terminal', 'U.S. Oil & Refining', 'Naval Air Station Whidbey Island (NASWI)', 'NAVSUP Manchester', 'Alon Asphalt Company (Paramount Petroleum)', 'Kinder Morgan Liquids Terminal - Harbor Island', 'Nustar Energy Vancouver', 'Tesoro Pasco Terminal', 'REG Grays Harbor, LLC', 'Tidewater Vancouver Terminal', 'TLP Management Services LLC (TMS)' ] # get transfer records for imports, exports and both imports and exports # imports if direction == 'import': print('import') if transfer_type == 'cargo': import_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.Receiver.isin(facility_names)) & (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Cargo') & (DOE_df.DelivererTypeDescription.isin( ['TANK BARGE','TUGBOAT'])) & (~DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ITB')) & (~DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ATB')), ] elif transfer_type == 'fuel': import_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.Receiver.isin(facility_names)) & (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Fueling') & (DOE_df.DelivererTypeDescription.isin( ['TANK BARGE','TUGBOAT'])) & (~DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ITB')) & (~DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ATB')), ] elif transfer_type == 'cargo_fuel': import_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.Receiver.isin(facility_names)) & (DOE_df.DelivererTypeDescription.isin( ['TANK BARGE','TUGBOAT'])) & (~DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ITB')) & (~DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ATB')), ] return import_df if direction == 'export': print('export') #exports if transfer_type == 'cargo': export_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.Deliverer.isin(facility_names)) & (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Cargo') & (DOE_df.ReceiverTypeDescription.isin( ['TANK BARGE','TUGBOAT'])) & (~DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ITB')) & (~DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ATB')), ] elif transfer_type == 'fuel': export_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.Deliverer.isin(facility_names)) & (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Fueling') & (DOE_df.ReceiverTypeDescription.isin( ['TANK BARGE','TUGBOAT'])) & (~DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ITB')) & (~DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ATB')), ] elif transfer_type == 'cargo_fuel': export_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.Deliverer.isin(facility_names)) & (DOE_df.ReceiverTypeDescription.isin( ['TANK BARGE','TUGBOAT'])) & (~DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ITB')) & (~DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ATB')), ] return export_df # Now combine both imports and exports for if direction == 'combined': print('combined') #import if transfer_type == 'cargo': print('cargo') import_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.Receiver.isin(facility_names)) & (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Cargo') & (DOE_df.DelivererTypeDescription.isin( ['TANK BARGE','TUGBOAT'])) & (~DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ITB')) & (~DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ATB')), ] elif transfer_type == 'fuel': print('fuel') import_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.Receiver.isin(facility_names)) & (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Fueling') & (DOE_df.DelivererTypeDescription.isin( ['TANK BARGE','TUGBOAT'])) & (~DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ITB')) & (~DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ATB')), ] elif transfer_type == 'cargo_fuel': print('cargo_fuel') import_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.Receiver.isin(facility_names)) & (DOE_df.DelivererTypeDescription.isin( ['TANK BARGE','TUGBOAT'])) & (~DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ITB')) & (~DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ATB')), ] #export if transfer_type == 'cargo': print('cargo') export_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.Deliverer.isin(facility_names)) & (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Cargo') & (DOE_df.ReceiverTypeDescription.isin( ['TANK BARGE','TUGBOAT'])) & (~DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ITB')) & (~DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ATB')), ] elif transfer_type == 'fuel': print('fuel') export_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.Deliverer.isin(facility_names)) & (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Fueling') & (DOE_df.ReceiverTypeDescription.isin( ['TANK BARGE','TUGBOAT'])) & (~DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ITB')) & (~DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ATB')), ] elif transfer_type == 'cargo_fuel': print('cargo_fuel') export_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.Deliverer.isin(facility_names)) & (DOE_df.ReceiverTypeDescription.isin( ['TANK BARGE','TUGBOAT'])) & (~DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ITB')) & (~DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ATB')), ] #combine import and export importexport_df = import_df.append(export_df) importexport_df.reset_index(inplace=True) return importexport_df elif facilities == 'all': # get transfer records for imports, exports and both imports and exports # imports if direction == 'import': print('import') if transfer_type == 'cargo': import_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Cargo') & (DOE_df.DelivererTypeDescription.isin( ['TANK BARGE','TUGBOAT'])) & (~DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ITB')) & (~DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ATB')), ] elif transfer_type == 'fuel': import_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Fueling') & (DOE_df.DelivererTypeDescription.isin( ['TANK BARGE','TUGBOAT'])) & (~DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ITB')) & (~DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ATB')), ] elif transfer_type == 'cargo_fuel': import_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.DelivererTypeDescription.isin( ['TANK BARGE','TUGBOAT'])) & (~DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ITB')) & (~DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ATB')), ] return import_df if direction == 'export': print('export') #exports if transfer_type == 'cargo': export_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Cargo') & (DOE_df.ReceiverTypeDescription.isin( ['TANK BARGE','TUGBOAT'])) & (~DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ITB')) & (~DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ATB')), ] elif transfer_type == 'fuel': export_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Fueling') & (DOE_df.ReceiverTypeDescription.isin( ['TANK BARGE','TUGBOAT'])) & (~DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ITB')) & (~DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ATB')), ] elif transfer_type == 'cargo_fuel': export_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.ReceiverTypeDescription.isin( ['TANK BARGE','TUGBOAT'])) & (~DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ITB')) & (~DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ATB')), ] return export_df # Now combine both imports and exports for if direction == 'combined': print('combined') #import if transfer_type == 'cargo': print('cargo') import_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Cargo') & (DOE_df.DelivererTypeDescription.isin( ['TANK BARGE','TUGBOAT'])) & (~DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ITB')) & (~DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ATB')), ] elif transfer_type == 'fuel': print('fuel') import_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Fueling') & (DOE_df.DelivererTypeDescription.isin( ['TANK BARGE','TUGBOAT'])) & (~DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ITB')) & (~DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ATB')), ] elif transfer_type == 'cargo_fuel': print('cargo_fuel') import_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.DelivererTypeDescription.isin( ['TANK BARGE','TUGBOAT'])) & (~DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ITB')) & (~DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ATB')), ] #export if transfer_type == 'cargo': print('cargo') export_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Cargo') & (DOE_df.ReceiverTypeDescription.isin( ['TANK BARGE','TUGBOAT'])) & (~DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ITB')) & (~DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ATB')), ] elif transfer_type == 'fuel': print('fuel') export_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Fueling') & (DOE_df.ReceiverTypeDescription.isin( ['TANK BARGE','TUGBOAT'])) & (~DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ITB')) & (~DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ATB')), ] elif transfer_type == 'cargo_fuel': print('cargo_fuel') export_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.ReceiverTypeDescription.isin( ['TANK BARGE','TUGBOAT'])) & (~DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ITB')) & (~DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ATB')), ] #combine import and export importexport_df = import_df.append(export_df) importexport_df.reset_index(inplace=True) return importexport_df def get_DOE_atb_transfers(DOE_xls,fac_xls,transfer_type = 'cargo',facilities='selected'): """ Returns number of transfers to/from WA marine terminals used in our study DOE_xls[Path obj. or string]: Path(to Dept. of Ecology transfer dataset) direction [string]: 'import','export','combined', where: 'import' means from vessel to marine terminal 'export' means from marine terminal to vessel 'combined' means both import and export transfers facilities [string]: 'all' or 'selected', TO-DO: Update to count transfers with the same AntID as one """ print('this code not yet tested with fac_xls as input') # load DOE data DOE_df = get_DOE_df( DOE_xls, fac_xls, group = 'yes' ) # convert inputs to lower-case transfer_type = transfer_type.lower() facilities = facilities.lower() if transfer_type not in ['fuel', 'cargo', 'cargo_fuel']: raise ValueError('transfer_type options: fuel,cargo or cargo_fuel.') # SELECTED FACILITIES if facilities == 'selected': # This list was copied from oil_attribution.yaml on 07/02/21 # Eventually will update to read in from oil_attribution facility_names = [ 'BP Cherry Point Refinery', 'Shell Puget Sound Refinery', 'Tidewater Snake River Terminal', 'SeaPort Sound Terminal', 'Tesoro Vancouver Terminal', 'Phillips 66 Ferndale Refinery', 'Phillips 66 Tacoma Terminal', 'Marathon Anacortes Refinery (formerly Tesoro)', 'Tesoro Port Angeles Terminal', 'U.S. Oil & Refining', 'Naval Air Station Whidbey Island (NASWI)', 'NAVSUP Manchester', 'Alon Asphalt Company (Paramount Petroleum)', 'Kinder Morgan Liquids Terminal - Harbor Island', 'Nustar Energy Vancouver', 'Tesoro Pasco Terminal', 'REG Grays Harbor, LLC', 'Tidewater Vancouver Terminal', 'TLP Management Services LLC (TMS)' ] #import if transfer_type == 'cargo': print('cargo') import_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.Receiver.isin(facility_names)) & (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Cargo') & (DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ITB') | DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ATB')), ] elif transfer_type == 'fuel': print('fuel') import_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.Receiver.isin(facility_names)) & (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Fueling') & (DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ITB') | DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ATB')), ] elif transfer_type == 'cargo_fuel': print('cargo_fuel') import_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.Receiver.isin(facility_names)) & (DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ITB') | DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ATB')), ] import_count = import_df['Deliverer'].count() print(f'{import_count} {transfer_type}' ' transfers to monte carlo terminals') #export if transfer_type == 'cargo': print('cargo') export_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.Deliverer.isin(facility_names)) & (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Cargo') & (DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ITB') | DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ATB')), ] elif transfer_type == 'fuel': print('fuel') export_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.Deliverer.isin(facility_names)) & (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Fueling') & (DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ITB') | DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ATB')), ] elif transfer_type == 'cargo_fuel': print('cargo_fuel') export_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.Deliverer.isin(facility_names)) & (DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ITB') | DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ATB')), ] export_count = export_df['Deliverer'].count() print(f'{export_count} {transfer_type}' ' transfers from monte carlo terminals') #combine import and export importexport_df = import_df.append(export_df) importexport_df.reset_index(inplace=True) count = importexport_df['Deliverer'].count() return count elif facilities == 'all': #import if transfer_type == 'cargo': print('cargo') import_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Cargo') & (DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ITB') | DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ATB')), ] elif transfer_type == 'fuel': print('fuel') import_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Fueling') & (DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ITB') | DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ATB')), ] elif transfer_type == 'cargo_fuel': print('cargo_fuel') import_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ITB') | DOE_df.Deliverer.str.contains('ATB')), ] import_count = import_df['Deliverer'].count() print(f'{import_count} {transfer_type}' ' transfers from all sources') #export if transfer_type == 'cargo': print('cargo') export_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Cargo') & (DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ITB') | DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ATB')), ] elif transfer_type == 'fuel': print('fuel') export_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.TransferType == 'Fueling') & (DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ITB') | DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ATB')), ] elif transfer_type == 'cargo_fuel': print('cargo_fuel') export_df = DOE_df.loc[ (DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ITB') | DOE_df.Receiver.str.contains('ATB')), ] export_count = export_df['Deliverer'].count() print(f'{export_count} {transfer_type}' ' transfers from all sources') #combine import and export importexport_df = import_df.append(export_df) importexport_df.reset_index(inplace=True) count = importexport_df['Deliverer'].count() return count def get_montecarlo_oil_byvessel(vessel, monte_carlo_csv): # Currently use hard-coded file location for oil_attribution.yaml # This won't work for distribution and will need to be fixed. # Oil Attribution file location oil_attribution_file = ( '/Users/rmueller/Data/MIDOSS/marine_transport_data/' 'oil_attribution.yaml' ) # Load oil Attribution File with open(oil_attribution_file) as file: oil_attrs = yaml.load(file, Loader=yaml.Loader) # Read in facility names facility_names_mc = oil_attrs['categories']['US_origin_destination'] oil_template_names = [ 'Lagrangian_akns.dat','Lagrangian_bunker.dat', 'Lagrangian_diesel.dat','Lagrangian_gas.dat', 'Lagrangian_jet.dat','Lagrangian_dilbit.dat', 'Lagrangian_other.dat' ] oil_types = [ 'ANS','Bunker-C', 'Diesel','Gasoline', 'Jet Fuel', 'Dilbit', 'Other' ] # open montecarlo spills file mcdf = pandas.read_csv(monte_carlo_csv) # replace Lagrangian template file names with oil type tags mcdf['Lagrangian_template'] = mcdf['Lagrangian_template'].replace( oil_template_names, oil_types ) # ~~~~~ EXPORTS ~~~~~ # query dataframe for information on oil export types by vessel export_capacity = mcdf.loc[ (mcdf.vessel_type == vessel) & (mcdf.fuel_cargo == 'cargo') & (mcdf.vessel_origin.isin(facility_names_mc)), ['cargo_capacity', 'vessel_origin', 'Lagrangian_template'] ] # add up oil capacities by vessel and oil types montecarlo_export_byoil = ( export_capacity.groupby( 'Lagrangian_template' ).cargo_capacity.sum() ) # ~~~~~ IMPORTS ~~~~~ # query dataframe for information on oil export types by vessel import_capacity = mcdf.loc[ (mcdf.vessel_type == vessel) & (mcdf.fuel_cargo == 'cargo') & (mcdf.vessel_dest.isin(facility_names_mc)), ['cargo_capacity', 'vessel_dest', 'Lagrangian_template'] ] # add up oil capacities by vessel and oil types montecarlo_import_byoil = ( import_capacity.groupby( 'Lagrangian_template' ).cargo_capacity.sum() ) # ~~~~~ COMBINED ~~~~~ # query dataframe for information on imports & exports by vessel # and oil types net_capacity = mcdf.loc[ (mcdf.vessel_type == vessel) & (mcdf.fuel_cargo == 'cargo') & (mcdf.vessel_dest.isin(facility_names_mc) | mcdf.vessel_origin.isin(facility_names_mc)), ['cargo_capacity', 'vessel_dest', 'Lagrangian_template'] ] # add up oil capacities by vessel and oil types montecarlo_byoil = ( net_capacity.groupby( 'Lagrangian_template' ).cargo_capacity.sum() ) return montecarlo_export_byoil, montecarlo_import_byoil, montecarlo_byoil def get_montecarlo_oil(vessel, monte_carlo_csv): """ Same as get_montecarlo_oil_byfac but generalized to return quantities of oil by oil type for all US attribution (inclusive of US general and facilities) INPUTS: - vessel ['string']: ['atb','barge','tanker'] - monte_carlo_csv['Path' or 'string']: Path and file name for csv file """ # VERIFY THIS LIST IS SAME AS IN OIL_ATTRIBUTION.YAML # AND GET FACILITY NAMES FROM THERE # list of facility names to query monte-carlo csv file, with: # 1) <NAME>ortes Refinery (formerly Tesoro) instead of Andeavor # Anacortes Refinery (formerly Tesoro) # 2) <NAME> - Harbor Island Terminal instead of # Maxum (<NAME>um) origin_dest_names = [ 'BP Cherry Point Refinery', 'Shell Puget Sound Refinery', 'Tidewater Snake River Terminal', 'SeaPort Sound Terminal', 'Tesoro Vancouver Terminal', 'Phillips 66 Ferndale Refinery', 'Phillips 66 Tacoma Terminal', '<NAME>ortes Refinery (formerly Tesoro)', 'Tesoro Port Angeles Terminal','U.S. Oil & Refining', 'Naval Air Station Whidbey Island (NASWI)', 'NAVSUP Manchester', 'Alon Asphalt Company (Paramount Petroleum)', 'Kinder Morgan Liquids Terminal - Harbor Island', 'Tesoro Pasco Terminal', 'REG Grays Harbor, LLC', 'Tidewater Vancouver Terminal', 'TLP Management Services LLC (TMS)', 'US' ] oil_template_names = [ 'Lagrangian_akns.dat','Lagrangian_bunker.dat', 'Lagrangian_diesel.dat','Lagrangian_gas.dat', 'Lagrangian_jet.dat','Lagrangian_dilbit.dat', 'Lagrangian_other.dat' ] oil_types = [ 'ANS','Bunker-C', 'Diesel','Gasoline', 'Jet Fuel', 'Dilbit', 'Other' ] # open montecarlo spills file mcdf =
''' /******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2016-2019 Exactpro (Exactpro Systems Limited) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ ''' import numpy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.stats as stats import pandas import datetime import calendar class RelativeFrequencyChart: # returns coordinates for each chart column def get_coordinates(self, data, bins): # bins - chart columns count self.btt = numpy.array(list(data)) self.y, self.x, self.bars = plt.hist(self.btt, weights=numpy.zeros_like(self.btt) + 1. / self.btt.size, bins=bins) return self.x, self.y class FrequencyDensityChart: def get_coordinates_histogram(self, data, bins): self.btt = numpy.array(list(data)) self.y, self.x, self.bars = plt.hist(self.btt, bins=bins, density=True) return self.x, self.y def get_coordinates_line(self, data): try: self.btt = numpy.array(list(data)) self.density = stats.kde.gaussian_kde(list(data)) self.x_den = numpy.linspace(0, data.max(), data.count()) self.density = self.density(self.x_den) return self.x_den, self.density except numpy.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError: return [-1], [-1] class DynamicChart: def get_coordinates(self, frame, step_size): self.plot = {} # chart coordinates self.dynamic_bugs = [] self.x = [] self.y = [] self.plot['period'] = step_size if step_size == 'W-SUN': self.periods = DynamicChart.get_periods(self, frame, step_size) # separates DataFrame to the specified periods if len(self.periods) == 0: return 'error' self.cumulative = 0 # cumulative total of defect submission for specific period for self.period in self.periods: # checks whether the first day of period is Monday (if not then we change first day to Monday) if pandas.to_datetime(self.period[0]) < pandas.to_datetime(frame['Created_tr']).min(): self.newFrame = frame[(pandas.to_datetime(frame['Created_tr']) >= pandas.to_datetime(frame['Created_tr']).min()) & (pandas.to_datetime(frame['Created_tr']) <= pandas.to_datetime(self.period[1]))] self.cumulative = self.cumulative + int(self.newFrame['Issue_key_tr'].count()) self.x.append(str(['Created_tr'], format='%Y-%m-%d').min()))) self.y.append(self.cumulative) else: self.newFrame = frame[(pandas.to_datetime(frame['Created_tr']) >= pandas.to_datetime(self.period[0])) & (pandas.to_datetime(frame['Created_tr']) <= pandas.to_datetime(self.period[1]))] self.cumulative = self.cumulative + int(self.newFrame['Issue_key_tr'].count()) self.x.append(str((self.period[0]))) self.y.append(self.cumulative) # check whether the date from new DataFrame is greater than date which is specified in settings if pandas.to_datetime(frame['Created_tr']).max() > pandas.to_datetime(self.periods[-1][1]): # processing of days which are out of full period set self.newFrame = frame[(pandas.to_datetime(frame['Created_tr']) > pandas.to_datetime(self.periods[-1][1])) & (pandas.to_datetime(frame['Created_tr']) <= pandas.to_datetime(frame['Created_tr']).max())] self.cumulative = self.cumulative + int(self.newFrame['Issue_key_tr'].count()) self.x.append(str([-1][1], format='%Y-%m-%d')) + datetime.timedelta(days=1))) self.y.append(self.cumulative) self.dynamic_bugs.append(self.x) self.dynamic_bugs.append(self.y) self.plot['dynamic bugs'] = self.dynamic_bugs self.cumulative = 0 return self.plot if step_size in ['7D', '10D', '3M', '6M', 'A-DEC']: self.count0 = 0 self.count1 = 1 self.periods = DynamicChart.get_periods(self, frame, step_size) # DataFrame separation by the specified periods if len(self.periods) == 0: return 'error' self.cumulative = 0 self.countPeriodsList = len(self.periods) # count of calculated periods self.count = 1 if self.countPeriodsList == 1: if step_size == '7D': self.newFrame = frame[(pandas.to_datetime(frame['Created_tr']) >= pandas.to_datetime(frame['Created_tr']).min()) & (pandas.to_datetime(frame['Created_tr']) < pandas.to_datetime(['Created_tr']).min()) +datetime.timedelta(days=7)))] self.cumulative = self.cumulative + int(self.newFrame['Issue_key'].count()) self.x.append(str(DynamicChart.get_date_for_dynamic_my(self,['Created_tr'], format='%Y-%m-%d').min()), step_size))) self.y.append(self.cumulative) if pandas.to_datetime(frame['Created_tr']).max() > pandas.to_datetime(
"""Summarise per-hazard total intersections (for the whole system) Purpose ------- Collect network-hazard intersection attributes - Combine with boundary Polygons to collect network-boundary intersection attributes - Write final results to an Excel sheet Input data requirements ----------------------- 1. Correct paths to all files and correct input parameters 2. Shapefiles of network-hazard intersections results with attributes: - edge_id or node_id - String/Integer/Float Edge ID or Node ID of network - length - Float length of edge intersecting with hazards - geometry - Shapely geometry of edges as LineString or nodes as Points 3. Shapefile of administrative boundaries of Argentina with attributes: - province_i - String/Integer ID of Province - pro_name_e - String name of Province in English - district_i - String/Integer ID of District - dis_name_e - String name of District in English - commune_id - String/Integer ID of Commune - name_eng - String name of Commune in English - geometry - Shapely geometry of boundary Polygon Results ------- 1. Excel sheet of network-hazard-boundary intersection with attributes: - edge_id/node_id - String name of intersecting edge ID or node ID - length - Float length of intersection of edge LineString and hazard Polygon: Only for edges - province_id - String/Integer ID of Province - province_name - String name of Province in English - district_id - String/Integer ID of District - district_name - String name of District in English - commune_id - String/Integer ID of Commune - commune_name - String name of Commune in English """ import itertools import os import sys import geopandas as gpd import pandas as pd from shapely.geometry import Polygon from atra.utils import * from atra.transport_flow_and_failure_functions import * def hazard_data_summary(hazard_network_dataframe,network_dataframe): df = pd.merge(network_dataframe,hazard_network_dataframe,how='left',on=['edge_id']).fillna(0) df['min_exposure_length'] = 0.001*df['min_exposure_length'] df['max_exposure_length'] = 0.001*df['max_exposure_length'] hazard_totals = df.groupby(['hazard_type','model','climate_scenario','year'])['min_exposure_length','max_exposure_length'].sum().reset_index() hazard_totals_min = hazard_totals.groupby(['hazard_type','climate_scenario','year'])['min_exposure_length'].min().reset_index() hazard_totals_min['Percentage (min)'] = hazard_totals_min['min_exposure_length']/df['length'].sum() hazard_totals_max = hazard_totals.groupby(['hazard_type','climate_scenario','year'])['max_exposure_length'].max().reset_index() hazard_totals_max['Percentage (max)'] = hazard_totals_max['max_exposure_length']/df['length'].sum() hazards = pd.merge(hazard_totals_min,hazard_totals_max,how='left',on=['hazard_type','climate_scenario','year']) hazards.rename(columns={'hazard_type':'Hazard Type','climate_scenario':'Climate Scenario','year':'Year'},inplace=True) return hazards def main(): """Summarise 1. Specify the paths from where you to read and write: - Input data - Intermediate calcuations data - Output results 2. Supply input data and parameters - Names of the three Provinces - List of string types - Names of modes - List of strings - Names of output modes - List of strings - Names of hazard bands - List of integers - Names of hazard thresholds - List of integers - Condition 'Yes' or 'No' is the users wants to process results 3. Give the paths to the input data files: - Commune boundary and stats data shapefile - Hazard datasets description Excel file - String name of sheet in hazard datasets description Excel file 4. Specify the output files and paths to be created """ data_path, calc_path, output_path = load_config()['paths']['data'], load_config()[ 'paths']['calc'], load_config()['paths']['output'] # Supply input data and parameters modes = ['road','rail','bridge','port','air'] boundary_cols = ['department_id','department_name','province_id','province_name'] hazard_cols = ['climate_scenario','hazard_type','model','probability','year'] flood_types = ['fluvial flooding','pluvial flooding'] climate_scenarios = ['Baseline','Future_Med','Future_High'] # Give the paths to the input data files hazard_path = os.path.join(output_path, 'hazard_scenarios') # Give the paths to the input data files national_file = os.path.join(output_path, 'network_stats', 'national_scale_boundary_stats.xlsx') national_hazard_file = os.path.join(output_path, 'hazard_scenarios') # Specify the output files and paths to be created output_dir = os.path.join(output_path, 'network_stats') if os.path.exists(output_dir) == False: os.mkdir(output_dir) data_excel = os.path.join( output_dir,'national_scale_hazard_intersections_summary.xlsx') nat_excel_writer = pd.ExcelWriter(data_excel) data_excel = os.path.join( output_dir,'national_scale_hazard_intersections_boundary_summary.xlsx') bd_excel_writer = pd.ExcelWriter(data_excel) '''Flood stats ''' for m in range(len(modes)): flood_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(national_hazard_file, '{}_hazard_intersections.csv'.format(modes[m])), encoding='utf-8-sig') network_stats = pd.read_excel(national_file,sheet_name=modes[m],encoding='utf-8-sig') if modes[m] in ['road','rail']: edges = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(data_path,'network','{}_edges.csv'.format(modes[m])),encoding='utf-8-sig') if modes[m] == 'road': edges = edges[(edges['road_type'] == 'national') | (edges['road_type'] == 'province') | (edges['road_type'] == 'rural')] else: flow_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(output_path,'flow_mapping_combined','weighted_flows_rail_100_percent.csv')) edges = pd.merge(edges,flow_df,how='left',on=['edge_id']) edges = edges[edges['max_total_tons'] > 0] del flow_df flood_df = flood_df[flood_df['edge_id'].isin(edges['edge_id'].values.tolist())] network_stats = network_stats[network_stats['edge_id'].isin(edges['edge_id'].values.tolist())] network_stats = network_stats.groupby(boundary_cols)['length'].sum().reset_index() network_stats.rename(columns={'length':'total_length_m'},inplace=True) hazard_stats = flood_df.groupby(boundary_cols+hazard_cols)['length'].sum().reset_index() hazard_stats.rename(columns={'length':'exposure_length_m'},inplace=True) hazard_stats = pd.merge(hazard_stats,network_stats,how='left', on=boundary_cols).fillna(0) hazard_stats['percentage'] = 100.0*hazard_stats['exposure_length_m']/hazard_stats['total_length_m'] hazard_stats.to_excel(bd_excel_writer, modes[m], index=False,encoding='utf-8-sig') total_length = edges['length'].values.sum() flood_df = flood_df[['hazard_type','climate_scenario','probability','length']].groupby(['hazard_type','climate_scenario','probability'])['length'].sum().reset_index() flood_df['length'] = 0.001*flood_df['length'] flood_df.rename(columns={'length':'exposure_length_km'},inplace=True) flood_df['return period'] = 1/flood_df['probability'] return_periods = list(set(flood_df['return period'].values.tolist())) f_df =
pd.DataFrame(return_periods,columns=['return period'])
import numpy as np import rasterio as rio import geopandas as gpd import pandas as pd import random #from osgeo import gdal, ogr, osr from rasterio.mask import mask from shapely.geometry import mapping, Polygon from skimage.util import img_as_float import os as os os.chdir('E:/SLICUAV_manuscript_code/3_Landscape_mapping/2019_10_23_1_compute_superpixel_features') # import machinery for this from trees.clusterfeatures import ClusterFeatures grid_shps = gpd.read_file('E:/SLICUAV_manuscript_data/3_Clipped_OMs/'+ '2019_08_30_basecamp_grid/'+ '2019_08_30_basecamp_50m_grid.shp') ftprnt_shp = gpd.read_file('E:/SLICUAV_manuscript_data/7_Harapan_shapefiles/'+ '2019_09_19_basecamp_footprint_both_years_latlong.shp') flag = True #for shp_i in range(all_shps.shape[0]): for i in range(50): shp_flag = True random.seed(42) shp_i = i + 450 # Get unique tag for this block ths_id = grid_shps['id'][shp_i] # load images rgbtif ='E:/SLICUAV_manuscript_data/3_Clipped_OMs/2019_09_19_basecamp_grid_with_buffer/all_clips/'+ 'id_' + str(ths_id) + '_RGB.tif') rgbimg = # Reorder correctly as first dimension is bands rgbimg = np.swapaxes(rgbimg,0,2) rgbimg = np.swapaxes(rgbimg,0,1) rgbtif.close() mstif ='E:/SLICUAV_manuscript_data/3_Clipped_OMs/2019_09_19_basecamp_grid_with_buffer/all_clips/'+ 'id_' + str(ths_id) + '_MS.tif') msimg = # Reorder correctly as first dimension is bands msimg = np.swapaxes(msimg,0,2) msimg = np.swapaxes(msimg,0,1) mstif.close() dsmtif ='E:/SLICUAV_manuscript_data/3_Clipped_OMs/2019_09_19_basecamp_grid_with_buffer/all_clips/'+ 'id_' + str(ths_id) + '_DSM.tif') dsmimg = # Reorder correctly as first dimension is bands dsmimg = np.swapaxes(dsmimg,0,2) dsmimg = np.swapaxes(dsmimg,0,1) dsmtif.close() # Remove redundant third axis dsmimg = np.squeeze(dsmimg) # Deal with any missing value set to arbitrary negative number dsmimg[dsmimg<-1000]=0 ### scale both actual images to 0-1 rgbimg = img_as_float(rgbimg) msimg = msimg/65535 # read in the segmented shapes cur_segs = gpd.read_file('E:/SLICUAV_manuscript_data/5_Landscape_superpixels/'+\ str(ths_id) +'_SLIC_5000.shp') seg_flag = True ticker = 0 for seg_i in range(cur_segs.shape[0]): ths_shp = [] # check if it's in the area for which we collected data if not ftprnt_shp.intersects(Polygon(cur_segs['geometry'][seg_i]))[0]: ticker += 1 continue tmp_gjson = mapping(cur_segs['geometry'][seg_i]) ths_shp.append(tmp_gjson) del tmp_gjson # Get RGB mask with'E:/SLICUAV_manuscript_data/3_Clipped_OMs/2019_09_19_basecamp_grid_with_buffer/all_clips/'+ 'id_' + str(ths_id) + '_RGB.tif') as gtif: rgb_clip, clip_affine = mask(gtif,ths_shp,crop=False,all_touched=True) rgb_clip = np.swapaxes(rgb_clip,0,2) rgb_clip = np.swapaxes(rgb_clip,0,1) rgb_mask = np.nonzero(rgb_clip.sum(axis=2)) del rgb_clip, clip_affine # Get MS mask with'E:/SLICUAV_manuscript_data/3_Clipped_OMs/2019_09_19_basecamp_grid_with_buffer/all_clips/'+ 'id_' + str(ths_id) + '_MS.tif') as gtif: ms_clip, clip_affine = mask(gtif,ths_shp,crop=False,all_touched=True) ms_clip = np.swapaxes(ms_clip,0,2) ms_clip = np.swapaxes(ms_clip,0,1) ms_clip[ms_clip>65535]=0 ms_mask = np.nonzero(ms_clip.sum(axis=2)) del ms_clip, clip_affine # Get DSM mask with'E:/SLICUAV_manuscript_data/3_Clipped_OMs/2019_09_19_basecamp_grid_with_buffer/all_clips/'+ 'id_' + str(ths_id) + '_DSM.tif') as gtif: dsm_clip, clip_affine = mask(gtif,ths_shp,crop=False,all_touched=True) dsm_clip = np.swapaxes(dsm_clip,0,2) dsm_clip = np.swapaxes(dsm_clip,0,1) dsm_mask = np.nonzero(dsm_clip.sum(axis=2)) del dsm_clip, clip_affine feat_struct = ClusterFeatures(shp_i,'NA',rgbimg,rgb_mask,msimg,ms_mask,dsmimg,dsm_mask) feat_struct.runFeaturePipeline(thresh=0.5,glcm_steps=3,acor_steps=3,mode=False,HSV=True) feat_vec = feat_struct.featStack del rgb_mask, ms_mask, dsm_mask, ths_shp if flag:
from __future__ import division #brings in Python 3.0 mixed type calculation rules import datetime import inspect import numpy as np import numpy.testing as npt import os.path import pandas as pd import sys from tabulate import tabulate import unittest print("Python version: " + sys.version) print("Numpy version: " + np.__version__) # #find parent directory and import model # parent_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir)) # sys.path.append(parent_dir) from ..kabam_exe import Kabam test = {} class TestKabam(unittest.TestCase): """ Unit tests for Kabam model. : unittest will : 1) call the setup method, : 2) then call every method starting with "test", : 3) then the teardown method """ print("kabam unittests conducted at " + str( def setUp(self): """ Setup routine for Kabam unit tests. :return: """ pass # setup the test as needed # e.g. pandas to open Kabam qaqc csv # Read qaqc csv and create pandas DataFrames for inputs and expected outputs def tearDown(self): """ Teardown routine for Kabam unit tests. :return: """ pass # teardown called after each test # e.g. maybe write test results to some text file def create_kabam_object(self): # create empty pandas dataframes to create empty object for testing df_empty = pd.DataFrame() # create an empty kabam object kabam_empty = Kabam(df_empty, df_empty) return kabam_empty def test_ventilation_rate(self): """ :description Ventilation rate of aquatic animal :unit L/d :expression Kabam Eq. A5.2b (Gv) :param zoo_wb: wet weight of animal (kg) :param conc_do: concentration of dissolved oxygen (mg O2/L) :return: """ # create empty pandas dataframes to create empty object for this unittest kabam_empty = self.create_kabam_object() result = pd.Series([], dtype='float') expected_results = pd.Series(['nan', 0.00394574, 0.468885], dtype = 'float') try: #use the zooplankton variables/values for the test kabam_empty.zoo_wb = pd.Series(['nan', 1.e-07, 1.e-4], dtype = 'float') kabam_empty.conc_do = pd.Series([5.0, 10.0, 7.5], dtype='float') result = kabam_empty.ventilation_rate(kabam_empty.zoo_wb) npt.assert_allclose(result, expected_results, rtol=1e-4, atol=0, err_msg='', verbose=True) finally: tab = [result, expected_results] print("\n") print(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) print(tabulate(tab, headers='keys', tablefmt='rst')) return def test_pest_uptake_eff_gills(self): """ :description Pesticide uptake efficiency by gills :unit fraction "expresssion Kabam Eq. A5.2a (Ew) :param log kow: octanol-water partition coefficient () :return: """ # create empty pandas dataframes to create empty object for this unittest kabam_empty = self.create_kabam_object() result = pd.Series([], dtype='float') expected_results = pd.Series(['nan', 0.540088, 0.540495], dtype = 'float') try: kabam_empty.log_kow = pd.Series(['nan', 5., 6.], dtype = 'float') kabam_empty.kow = 10.**(kabam_empty.log_kow) result = kabam_empty.pest_uptake_eff_bygills() npt.assert_allclose(result, expected_results, rtol=1e-4, atol=0, err_msg='', verbose=True) finally: tab = [result, expected_results] print("\n") print(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) print(tabulate(tab, headers='keys', tablefmt='rst')) return def test_phytoplankton_k1_calc(self): """ :description Uptake rate constant through respiratory area for phytoplankton :unit: L/kg*d :expression Kabam Eq. A5.1 (K1:unique to phytoplankton) :param log kow: octanol-water partition coefficient () :return: """ # create empty pandas dataframes to create empty object for this unittest kabam_empty = self.create_kabam_object() result = pd.Series([], dtype='float') expected_results = pd.Series([1639.34426, 8695.6521, 15267.1755], dtype = 'float') try: kabam_empty.log_kow = pd.Series([4., 5., 6.], dtype = 'float') kabam_empty.kow = 10.**(kabam_empty.log_kow) result = kabam_empty.phytoplankton_k1_calc(kabam_empty.kow) npt.assert_allclose(result, expected_results, rtol=1e-4, atol=0, err_msg='', verbose=True) finally: tab = [result, expected_results] print("\n") print(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) print(tabulate(tab, headers='keys', tablefmt='rst')) return def test_aq_animal_k1_calc(self): """ U:description ptake rate constant through respiratory area for aquatic animals :unit: L/kg*d :expression Kabam Eq. A5.2 (K1) :param pest_uptake_eff_bygills: Pesticide uptake efficiency by gills of aquatic animals (fraction) :param vent_rate: Ventilation rate of aquatic animal (L/d) :param wet_wgt: wet weight of animal (kg) :return: """ # create empty pandas dataframes to create empty object for this unittest kabam_empty = self.create_kabam_object() result = pd.Series([], dtype='float') expected_results = pd.Series(['nan', 1201.13849, 169.37439], dtype = 'float') try: pest_uptake_eff_bygills = pd.Series(['nan', 0.0304414, 0.0361228], dtype = 'float') vent_rate = pd.Series(['nan', 0.00394574, 0.468885], dtype = 'float') wet_wgt = pd.Series(['nan', 1.e-07, 1.e-4], dtype = 'float') result = kabam_empty.aq_animal_k1_calc(pest_uptake_eff_bygills, vent_rate, wet_wgt) npt.assert_allclose(result, expected_results, rtol=1e-4, atol=0, err_msg='', verbose=True) finally: tab = [result, expected_results] print("\n") print(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) print(tabulate(tab, headers='keys', tablefmt='rst')) return def test_animal_water_part_coef(self): """ :description Organism-Water partition coefficient (based on organism wet weight) :unit () :expression Kabam Eq. A6a (Kbw) :param zoo_lipid: lipid fraction of organism (kg lipid/kg organism wet weight) :param zoo_nlom: non-lipid organic matter (NLOM) fraction of organism (kg NLOM/kg organism wet weight) :param zoo_water: water content of organism (kg water/kg organism wet weight) :param kow: octanol-water partition coefficient () :param beta: proportionality constant expressing the sorption capacity of NLOM or NLOC to that of octanol :return: """ # create empty pandas dataframes to create empty object for this unittest kabam_empty = self.create_kabam_object() result = pd.Series([], dtype='float') expected_results = pd.Series([650.87, 11000.76, 165000.64], dtype = 'float') try: #For test purpose we'll use the zooplankton variable names kabam_empty.zoo_lipid_frac = pd.Series([0.03, 0.04, 0.06], dtype = 'float') kabam_empty.zoo_nlom_frac = pd.Series([0.10, 0.20, 0.30,], dtype = 'float') kabam_empty.zoo_water_frac = pd.Series([0.87, 0.76, 0.64], dtype = 'float') kabam_empty.kow = pd.Series([1.e4, 1.e5, 1.e6], dtype = 'float') beta = 0.35 result = kabam_empty.animal_water_part_coef(kabam_empty.zoo_lipid_frac, kabam_empty.zoo_nlom_frac, kabam_empty.zoo_water_frac, beta) npt.assert_allclose(result, expected_results, rtol=1e-4, atol=0, err_msg='', verbose=True) finally: tab = [result, expected_results] print("\n") print(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) print(tabulate(tab, headers='keys', tablefmt='rst')) return def test_aq_animal_k2_calc(self): """ :description Elimination rate constant through the respiratory area :unit (per day) :expression Kabam Eq. A6 (K2) :param zoo_k1: Uptake rate constant through respiratory area for aquatic animals :param k_bw_zoo (Kbw): Organism-Water partition coefficient (based on organism wet weight () :return: """ # create empty pandas dataframes to create empty object for this unittest kabam_empty = self.create_kabam_object() result = pd.Series([], dtype='float') expected_results = pd.Series([2.5186969, 0.79045921, 0.09252798], dtype = 'float') try: #For test purpose we'll use the zooplankton variable names kabam_empty.zoo_k1 = pd.Series([1639.34426, 8695.6521, 15267.1755], dtype = 'float') kabam_empty.k_bw_zoo = pd.Series([650.87, 11000.76, 165000.64], dtype = 'float') result = kabam_empty.aq_animal_k2_calc(kabam_empty.zoo_k1, kabam_empty.k_bw_zoo) npt.assert_allclose(result, expected_results, rtol=1e-4, atol=0, err_msg='', verbose=True) finally: tab = [result, expected_results] print("\n") print(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) print(tabulate(tab, headers='keys', tablefmt='rst')) return def test_animal_grow_rate_const(self): """ :description Aquatic animal/organism growth rate constant :unit (per day) :expression Kabam Eq. A7.1 & A7.2 :param zoo_wb: wet weight of animal/organism (kg) :param water_temp: water temperature (degrees C) :return: """ # create empty pandas dataframes to create empty object for this unittest kabam_empty = self.create_kabam_object() result = pd.Series([], dtype='float') expected_results = pd.Series([0.01255943, 0.00125594, 0.00251], dtype = 'float') try: #For test purpose we'll use the zooplankton variable names kabam_empty.zoo_wb = pd.Series([1.e-7, 1.e-2, 1.0], dtype = 'float') kabam_empty.water_temp = pd.Series([10., 15., 20.], dtype = 'float') result = kabam_empty.animal_grow_rate_const(kabam_empty.zoo_wb) npt.assert_allclose(result, expected_results, rtol=1e-4, atol=0, err_msg='', verbose=True) finally: tab = [result, expected_results] print("\n") print(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) print(tabulate(tab, headers='keys', tablefmt='rst')) return def test_dietary_trans_eff(self): """ :description Aquatic animal/organizm dietary pesticide transfer efficiency :unit fraction :expression Kabam Eq. A8a (Ed) :param kow: octanol-water partition coefficient () :return: """ # create empty pandas dataframes to create empty object for this unittest kabam_empty = self.create_kabam_object() result = pd.Series([], dtype='float') expected_results = pd.Series([0.499251, 0.492611, 0.434783], dtype = 'float') try: kabam_empty.kow = pd.Series([1.e4, 1.e5, 1.e6], dtype = 'float') result = kabam_empty.dietary_trans_eff() npt.assert_allclose(result, expected_results, rtol=1e-4, atol=0, err_msg='', verbose=True) finally: tab = [result, expected_results] print("\n") print(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) print(tabulate(tab, headers='keys', tablefmt='rst')) return def test_aq_animal_feeding_rate(self): """ :description Aquatic animal feeding rate (except filterfeeders) :unit kg/d :expression Kabam Eq. A8b1 (Gd) :param wet_wgt: wet weight of animal/organism (kg) :return: """ # create empty pandas dataframes to create empty object for this unittest kabam_empty = self.create_kabam_object() result = pd.Series([], dtype='float') expected_results = pd.Series([4.497792e-08, 1.0796617e-3, 0.073042572], dtype = 'float') try: #For test purpose we'll use the zooplankton variable names kabam_empty.zoo_wb = pd.Series([1.e-7, 1.e-2, 1.], dtype = 'float') kabam_empty.water_temp = pd.Series([10., 15., 20.]) result = kabam_empty.aq_animal_feeding_rate(kabam_empty.zoo_wb) npt.assert_allclose(result, expected_results, rtol=1e-4, atol=0, err_msg='', verbose=True) finally: tab = [result, expected_results] print("\n") print(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) print(tabulate(tab, headers='keys', tablefmt='rst')) return def test_filterfeeder_feeding_rate(self): """ :description Filter feeder feeding rate :unit kg/d :expression Kabam Eq. A8b2 (Gd) :param self.gv_filterfeeders: filterfeeder ventilation rate (L/d) :param self.conc_ss: Concentration of Suspended Solids (Css - kg/L) :param particle_scav_eff: efficiency of scavenging of particles absorbed from water (fraction) :return: """ # create empty pandas dataframes to create empty object for this unittest kabam_empty = self.create_kabam_object() result = pd.Series([], dtype='float') expected_results = pd.Series(['nan', 1.97287e-7, 0.03282195], dtype = 'float') try: kabam_empty.gv_filterfeeders = pd.Series(['nan', 0.00394574, 0.468885], dtype = 'float') kabam_empty.conc_ss = pd.Series([0.00005, 0.00005, 0.07], dtype = 'float') kabam_empty.particle_scav_eff = 1.0 result = kabam_empty.filterfeeders_feeding_rate() npt.assert_allclose(result, expected_results, rtol=1e-4, atol=0, err_msg='', verbose=True) finally: tab = [result, expected_results] print("\n") print(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) print(tabulate(tab, headers='keys', tablefmt='rst')) return def test_diet_uptake_rate_const(self): """ :description pesticide uptake rate constant for uptake through ingestion of food rate :unit kg food/kg organism - day :expression Kabam Eq. A8 (kD) :param dietary_trans_eff: dietary pesticide transfer efficiency (fraction) :param feeding rate: animal/organism feeding rate (kg/d) :param wet weight of aquatic animal/organism (kg) :return: """ # create empty pandas dataframes to create empty object for this unittest kabam_empty = self.create_kabam_object() result = pd.Series([], dtype='float') expected_results = pd.Series([0.22455272, 0.05318532, 0.031755767 ], dtype = 'float') try: #For test purpose we'll use the zooplankton variable names kabam_empty.ed_zoo = pd.Series([0.499251, 0.492611, 0.434783], dtype = 'float') kabam_empty.gd_zoo = pd.Series([4.497792e-08, 1.0796617e-3, 0.073042572], dtype = 'float') kabam_empty.zoo_wb = pd.Series([1.e-7, 1.e-2, 1.0]) result = kabam_empty.diet_uptake_rate_const(kabam_empty.ed_zoo, \ kabam_empty.gd_zoo, kabam_empty.zoo_wb) npt.assert_allclose(result, expected_results, rtol=1e-4, atol=0, err_msg='', verbose=True) finally: tab = [result, expected_results] print("\n") print(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) print(tabulate(tab, headers='keys', tablefmt='rst')) return def test_overall_diet_content(self): """ :description Overall fraction of aquatic animal/organism diet attributed to diet food component (i.e., lipids or NLOM or water) :unit kg/kg :expression not shown in Kabam documentation: it is associated with Kabam Eq. A9 overall_diet_content is equal to the sum over dietary elements : of (fraction of diet) * (content in diet element); for example zooplankton ingest seidment and : phytoplankton, thus the overall lipid content of the zooplankton diet equals : (fraction of sediment in zooplankton diet) * (fraction of lipids in sediment) + : (fraction of phytoplankton in zooplankton diet) * (fraction of lipids in phytoplankton) :param diet_fraction: list of values representing fractions of aquatic animal/organism diet attibuted to each element of diet :param content_fraction: list of values representing fraction of diet element attributed to a specific component of that diet element (e.g., lipid, NLOM, or water) :return: """ # create empty pandas dataframes to create empty object for this unittest kabam_empty = self.create_kabam_object() result = pd.Series([], dtype='float') expected_results = pd.Series([0.025, 0.03355, 0.0465], dtype = 'float') try: #For test purposes we'll use the small fish diet variables/values kabam_empty.sfish_diet_sediment = pd.Series([0.0, 0.01, 0.05], dtype = 'float') kabam_empty.sfish_diet_phytoplankton = pd.Series([0.0, 0.01, 0.05], dtype = 'float') kabam_empty.sfish_diet_zooplankton = pd.Series([0.5, 0.4, 0.5], dtype = 'float') kabam_empty.sfish_diet_benthic_invertebrates = pd.Series([0.5, 0.57, 0.35], dtype = 'float') kabam_empty.sfish_diet_filterfeeders = pd.Series([0.0, 0.01, 0.05], dtype = 'float') kabam_empty.sediment_lipid = pd.Series([0.0, 0.01, 0.0], dtype = 'float') kabam_empty.phytoplankton_lipid = pd.Series([0.02, 0.015, 0.03], dtype = 'float') kabam_empty.zoo_lipid = pd.Series([0.03, 0.04, 0.05], dtype = 'float') kabam_empty.beninv_lipid = pd.Series([0.02, 0.03, 0.05], dtype = 'float') kabam_empty.filterfeeders_lipid = pd.Series([0.01, 0.02, 0.05], dtype = 'float') diet_elements = pd.Series([], dtype = 'float') content_fracs = pd.Series([], dtype = 'float') for i in range(len(kabam_empty.sfish_diet_sediment)): diet_elements = [kabam_empty.sfish_diet_sediment[i], kabam_empty.sfish_diet_phytoplankton[i], kabam_empty.sfish_diet_zooplankton[i], kabam_empty.sfish_diet_benthic_invertebrates[i], kabam_empty.sfish_diet_filterfeeders[i]] content_fracs = [kabam_empty.sediment_lipid[i], kabam_empty.phytoplankton_lipid[i], kabam_empty.zoo_lipid[i], kabam_empty.beninv_lipid[i], kabam_empty.filterfeeders_lipid[i]] result[i] = kabam_empty.overall_diet_content(diet_elements, content_fracs) npt.assert_allclose(result, expected_results, rtol=1e-4, atol=0, err_msg='', verbose=True) finally: tab = [result, expected_results] print("\n") print(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) print(tabulate(tab, headers='keys', tablefmt='rst')) return def test_fecal_egestion_rate_factor(self): """ Aquatic animal/organism egestion rate of fecal matter factor (to be multiplied by the feeding rate to calculate egestion rate of fecal matter) :unit (kg feces)/[(kg organism) - day] :expression Kabam Eq. A9 (GF) :param epsilonL: dietary assimilation rate of lipids (fraction) :param epsilonN: dietary assimilation rate of NLOM (fraction) :param epsilonW: dietary assimilation rate of water (fraction) :param diet_lipid; lipid content of aquatic animal/organism diet (fraction) :param diet_nlom NLOM content of aquatic animal/organism diet (fraction) :param diet_water water content of aquatic animal/organism diet (fraction) :param feeding_rate: aquatic animal/organism feeding rate (kg/d) :return: """ #this test includes two results; 'result1' represents the overall assimilation rate of the #aquatic animal/organism diet; and 'result' represents the product of this assimilation rate #and the feeding rate (this multiplication will be done in the main model routine #as opposed to within a method -- the method here is limited to the assimilation factor #because this factor is used elsewhere as well # create empty pandas dataframes to create empty object for this unittest kabam_empty = self.create_kabam_object() result =
pd.Series([], dtype='float')
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #################### # IMPORT LIBRARIES # #################### import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np import plotly as dd import as px import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.font_manager import plotly.graph_objects as go import functions as fc import modelling as ml import os import altair as alt import altair import itertools import statsmodels.api as sm from scipy import stats import sys from streamlit import caching import SessionState import platform import base64 from io import BytesIO from pygam import LinearGAM, LogisticGAM, s from sklearn import decomposition from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from factor_analyzer import FactorAnalyzer from factor_analyzer.factor_analyzer import calculate_bartlett_sphericity from factor_analyzer.factor_analyzer import calculate_kmo #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def app(): # Clear cache caching.clear_cache() # Hide traceback in error messages (comment out for de-bugging) #sys.tracebacklimit = 0 # Show altair tooltip when full screen st.markdown('<style>#vg-tooltip-element{z-index: 1000051}</style>',unsafe_allow_html=True) #Session state session_state = SessionState.get(id = 0) # Analysis type analysis_type = st.selectbox("What kind of analysis would you like to conduct?", ["Regression", "Multi-class classification", "Data decomposition"], key = st.header("**Multivariate data**") if analysis_type == "Regression": st.markdown("Get your data ready for powerfull methods: Artificial Neural Networks, Boosted Regression Trees, Random Forest, Generalized Additive Models, Multiple Linear Regression, and Logistic Regression! Let STATY do data cleaning, variable transformations, visualizations and deliver you the stats you need. Specify your data processing preferences and start exploring your data stories right below... ") if analysis_type == "Multi-class classification": st.markdown("Get your data ready for powerfull multi-class classification methods! Let STATY do data cleaning, variable transformations, visualizations and deliver you the stats you need. Specify your data processing preferences and start exploring your data stories right below... ") if analysis_type == "Data decomposition": st.markdown("Decompose your data with Principal Component Analysis or Factor Analysis! Let STATY do data cleaning, variable transformations, visualizations and deliver you the stats you need. Specify your data processing preferences and start exploring your data stories right below... ") #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # DATA IMPORT # File upload section df_dec ="Get data", ["Use example dataset", "Upload data"]) uploaded_data=None if df_dec == "Upload data": #st.subheader("Upload your data") #uploaded_data = st.sidebar.file_uploader("Make sure that dot (.) is a decimal separator!", type=["csv", "txt"]) separator_expander=st.sidebar.beta_expander('Upload settings') with separator_expander: a4,a5=st.beta_columns(2) with a4: dec_sep=a4.selectbox("Decimal sep.",['.',','], key = with a5: col_sep=a5.selectbox("Column sep.",[';', ',' , '|', '\s+', '\t','other'], key = if col_sep=='other': col_sep=st.text_input('Specify your column separator', key = a4,a5=st.beta_columns(2) with a4: thousands_sep=a4.selectbox("Thousands x sep.",[None,'.', ' ','\s+', 'other'], key = if thousands_sep=='other': thousands_sep=st.text_input('Specify your thousands separator', key = with a5: encoding_val=a5.selectbox("Encoding",[None,'utf_8','utf_8_sig','utf_16_le','cp1140','cp1250','cp1251','cp1252','cp1253','cp1254','other'], key = if encoding_val=='other': encoding_val=st.text_input('Specify your encoding', key = # Error handling for separator selection: if dec_sep==col_sep: st.sidebar.error("Decimal and column separators cannot be identical!") elif dec_sep==thousands_sep: st.sidebar.error("Decimal and thousands separators cannot be identical!") elif col_sep==thousands_sep: st.sidebar.error("Column and thousands separators cannot be identical!") uploaded_data = st.sidebar.file_uploader("Default separators: decimal '.' | column ';'", type=["csv", "txt"]) if uploaded_data is not None: df = pd.read_csv(uploaded_data, decimal=dec_sep, sep = col_sep,thousands=thousands_sep,encoding=encoding_val, engine='python') df_name=os.path.splitext([0] st.sidebar.success('Loading data... done!') elif uploaded_data is None: if analysis_type == "Regression" or analysis_type == "Data decomposition": df = pd.read_csv("default data/WHR_2021.csv", sep = ";|,|\t",engine='python') df_name="WHR_2021" if analysis_type == "Multi-class classification": df = pd.read_csv("default data/iris.csv", sep = ";|,|\t",engine='python') df_name="iris" else: if analysis_type == "Regression" or analysis_type == "Data decomposition": df = pd.read_csv("default data/WHR_2021.csv", sep = ";|,|\t",engine='python') df_name="WHR_2021" if analysis_type == "Multi-class classification": df = pd.read_csv("default data/iris.csv", sep = ";|,|\t",engine='python') df_name="iris" st.sidebar.markdown("") #Basic data info n_rows = df.shape[0] n_cols = df.shape[1] #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # SETTINGS settings_expander=st.sidebar.beta_expander('Settings') with settings_expander: st.caption("**Precision**") user_precision=st.number_input('Number of digits after the decimal point',min_value=0,max_value=10,step=1,value=4) st.caption("**Help**") sett_hints = st.checkbox('Show learning hints', value=False) st.caption("**Appearance**") sett_wide_mode = st.checkbox('Wide mode', value=False) sett_theme = st.selectbox('Theme', ["Light", "Dark"]) #sett_info = st.checkbox('Show methods info', value=False) #sett_prec = st.number_input('Set the number of diggits for the output', min_value=0, max_value=8, value=2) st.sidebar.markdown("") # Check if wide mode if sett_wide_mode: fc.wide_mode_func() # Check theme if sett_theme == "Dark": fc.theme_func_dark() if sett_theme == "Light": fc.theme_func_light() fc.theme_func_dl_button() #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # RESET INPUT reset_clicked = st.sidebar.button("Reset all your input") if reset_clicked: = + 1 st.sidebar.markdown("") #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # DATA PREPROCESSING & VISUALIZATION # Check if enough data is available if n_rows > 0 and n_cols > 0: st.empty() else: st.error("ERROR: Not enough data!") return data_exploration_container = st.beta_container() with data_exploration_container: st.header("**Data screening and processing**") #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #++++++++++++++++++++++ # DATA SUMMARY # Main panel for data summary (pre) #---------------------------------- dev_expander_dsPre = st.beta_expander("Explore raw data info and stats ", expanded = False) with dev_expander_dsPre: # Default data description: if uploaded_data == None: if analysis_type == "Regression" or analysis_type == "Data decomposition": if st.checkbox("Show data description", value = False, key = st.markdown("**Data source:**") st.markdown("The data come from the Gallup World Poll surveys from 2018 to 2020. For more details see the [World Happiness Report 2021] (") st.markdown("**Citation:**") st.markdown("Helliwell, <NAME>., <NAME>, <NAME>, and <NAME>, eds. 2021. World Happiness Report 2021. New York: Sustainable Development Solutions Network.") st.markdown("**Variables in the dataset:**") col1,col2=st.beta_columns(2) col1.write("Country") col2.write("country name") col1,col2=st.beta_columns(2) col1.write("Year ") col2.write("year ranging from 2005 to 2020") col1,col2=st.beta_columns(2) col1.write("Ladder") col2.write("happiness score or subjective well-being with the best possible life being a 10, and the worst possible life being a 0") col1,col2=st.beta_columns(2) col1.write("Log GDP per capita") col2.write("in purchasing power parity at constant 2017 international dollar prices") col1,col2=st.beta_columns(2) col1.write("Social support") col2.write("the national average of the binary responses (either 0 or 1) to the question regarding relatives or friends to count on") col1,col2=st.beta_columns(2) col1.write("Healthy life expectancy at birth") col2.write("based on the data extracted from the World Health Organization’s Global Health Observatory data repository") col1,col2=st.beta_columns(2) col1.write("Freedom to make life choices") col2.write("national average of responses to the corresponding question") col1,col2=st.beta_columns(2) col1.write("Generosity") col2.write("residual of regressing national average of response to the question regarding money donations in the past month on GDP per capita") col1,col2=st.beta_columns(2) col1.write("Perceptions of corruption") col2.write("the national average of the survey responses to the corresponding question") col1,col2=st.beta_columns(2) col1.write("Positive affect") col2.write("the average of three positive affect measures (happiness, laugh and enjoyment)") col1,col2=st.beta_columns(2) col1.write("Negative affect (worry, sadness and anger)") col2.write("the average of three negative affect measures (worry, sadness and anger)") st.markdown("") if analysis_type == "Multi-class classification": if st.checkbox("Show data description", value = False, key = st.markdown("**Data source:**") st.markdown("The data come from Fisher's Iris data set. See [here] ( for more information.") st.markdown("**Citation:**") st.markdown("<NAME>. (1936). The use of multiple measurements in taxonomic problems. Annals of Eugenics, 7(2): 179–188. doi: [10.1111/j.1469-1809.1936.tb02137.x] (") st.markdown("**Variables in the dataset:**") col1,col2=st.beta_columns(2) col1.write("class_category") col2.write("Numerical category for 'class': Iris Setosa (0), Iris Versicolour (1), and Iris Virginica (2)") col1,col2=st.beta_columns(2) col1.write("class") col2.write("Iris Setosa, Iris Versicolour, and Iris Virginica") col1,col2=st.beta_columns(2) col1.write("sepal length") col2.write("sepal length in cm") col1,col2=st.beta_columns(2) col1.write("sepal width") col2.write("sepal width in cm") col1,col2=st.beta_columns(2) col1.write("petal length") col2.write("petal length in cm") col1,col2=st.beta_columns(2) col1.write("petal width") col2.write("petal width in cm") st.markdown("") # Show raw data & data info df_summary = fc.data_summary(df) if st.checkbox("Show raw data ", value = False, key = st.write(df) st.write("Data shape: ", n_rows, " rows and ", n_cols, " columns") if df[df.duplicated()].shape[0] > 0 or df.iloc[list(pd.unique(np.where(df.isnull())[0]))].shape[0] > 0: check_nasAnddupl=st.checkbox("Show duplicates and NAs info ", value = False, key = if check_nasAnddupl: if df[df.duplicated()].shape[0] > 0: st.write("Number of duplicates: ", df[df.duplicated()].shape[0]) st.write("Duplicate row index: ", ', '.join(map(str,list(df.index[df.duplicated()])))) if df.iloc[list(pd.unique(np.where(df.isnull())[0]))].shape[0] > 0: st.write("Number of rows with NAs: ", df.iloc[list(pd.unique(np.where(df.isnull())[0]))].shape[0]) st.write("Rows with NAs: ", ', '.join(map(str,list(pd.unique(np.where(df.isnull())[0]))))) # Show variable info if st.checkbox('Show variable info ', value = False, key = st.write(df_summary["Variable types"]) # Show summary statistics (raw data) if st.checkbox('Show summary statistics (raw data) ', value = False, key = st.write(df_summary["ALL"].style.set_precision(user_precision)) # Download link for summary statistics output = BytesIO() excel_file = pd.ExcelWriter(output, engine="xlsxwriter") df_summary["Variable types"].to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="variable_info") df_summary["ALL"].to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="summary_statistics") excel_file = output.getvalue() b64 = base64.b64encode(excel_file) dl_file_name = "Summary statistics__" + df_name + ".xlsx" st.markdown( f""" <a href="data:file/excel_file;base64,{b64.decode()}" id="button_dl" download="{dl_file_name}">Download summary statistics</a> """, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.write("") if fc.get_mode(df).loc["n_unique"].any(): st.caption("** Mode is not unique.") if sett_hints:"de_summary_statistics"))) #++++++++++++++++++++++ # DATA PROCESSING # Settings for data processing #------------------------------------- #st.subheader("Data processing") dev_expander_dm_sb = st.beta_expander("Specify data processing preferences", expanded = False) with dev_expander_dm_sb: n_rows_wNAs = df.iloc[list(pd.unique(np.where(df.isnull())[0]))].shape[0] n_rows_wNAs_pre_processing = "No" if n_rows_wNAs > 0: n_rows_wNAs_pre_processing = "Yes" a1, a2, a3 = st.beta_columns(3) else: a1, a3 = st.beta_columns(2) sb_DM_dImp_num = None sb_DM_dImp_other = None sb_DM_delRows=None sb_DM_keepRows=None with a1: #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DATA CLEANING st.markdown("**Data cleaning**") # Delete rows delRows =st.selectbox('Delete rows with index ...', options=['-', 'greater', 'greater or equal', 'smaller', 'smaller or equal', 'equal', 'between'], key = if delRows!='-': if delRows=='between': row_1=st.number_input('Lower limit is', value=0, step=1, min_value= 0, max_value=len(df)-1, key = row_2=st.number_input('Upper limit is', value=2, step=1, min_value= 0, max_value=len(df)-1, key = if (row_1 + 1) < row_2 : sb_DM_delRows=df.index[(df.index > row_1) & (df.index < row_2)] elif (row_1 + 1) == row_2 : st.warning("WARNING: No row is deleted!") elif row_1 == row_2 : st.warning("WARNING: No row is deleted!") elif row_1 > row_2 : st.error("ERROR: Lower limit must be smaller than upper limit!") return elif delRows=='equal': sb_DM_delRows = st.multiselect("to...", df.index, key = else: row_1=st.number_input('than...', step=1, value=1, min_value = 0, max_value=len(df)-1, key = if delRows=='greater': sb_DM_delRows=df.index[df.index > row_1] if row_1 == len(df)-1: st.warning("WARNING: No row is deleted!") elif delRows=='greater or equal': sb_DM_delRows=df.index[df.index >= row_1] if row_1 == 0: st.error("ERROR: All rows are deleted!") return elif delRows=='smaller': sb_DM_delRows=df.index[df.index < row_1] if row_1 == 0: st.warning("WARNING: No row is deleted!") elif delRows=='smaller or equal': sb_DM_delRows=df.index[df.index <= row_1] if row_1 == len(df)-1: st.error("ERROR: All rows are deleted!") return if sb_DM_delRows is not None: df = df.loc[~df.index.isin(sb_DM_delRows)] no_delRows=n_rows-df.shape[0] # Keep rows keepRows =st.selectbox('Keep rows with index ...', options=['-', 'greater', 'greater or equal', 'smaller', 'smaller or equal', 'equal', 'between'], key = if keepRows!='-': if keepRows=='between': row_1=st.number_input('Lower limit is', value=0, step=1, min_value= 0, max_value=len(df)-1, key = row_2=st.number_input('Upper limit is', value=2, step=1, min_value= 0, max_value=len(df)-1, key = if (row_1 + 1) < row_2 : sb_DM_keepRows=df.index[(df.index > row_1) & (df.index < row_2)] elif (row_1 + 1) == row_2 : st.error("ERROR: No row is kept!") return elif row_1 == row_2 : st.error("ERROR: No row is kept!") return elif row_1 > row_2 : st.error("ERROR: Lower limit must be smaller than upper limit!") return elif keepRows=='equal': sb_DM_keepRows = st.multiselect("to...", df.index, key = else: row_1=st.number_input('than...', step=1, value=1, min_value = 0, max_value=len(df)-1, key = if keepRows=='greater': sb_DM_keepRows=df.index[df.index > row_1] if row_1 == len(df)-1: st.error("ERROR: No row is kept!") return elif keepRows=='greater or equal': sb_DM_keepRows=df.index[df.index >= row_1] if row_1 == 0: st.warning("WARNING: All rows are kept!") elif keepRows=='smaller': sb_DM_keepRows=df.index[df.index < row_1] if row_1 == 0: st.error("ERROR: No row is kept!") return elif keepRows=='smaller or equal': sb_DM_keepRows=df.index[df.index <= row_1] if sb_DM_keepRows is not None: df = df.loc[df.index.isin(sb_DM_keepRows)] no_keptRows=df.shape[0] # Delete columns sb_DM_delCols = st.multiselect("Select columns to delete ", df.columns, key = df = df.loc[:,~df.columns.isin(sb_DM_delCols)] # Keep columns sb_DM_keepCols = st.multiselect("Select columns to keep", df.columns, key = if len(sb_DM_keepCols) > 0: df = df.loc[:,df.columns.isin(sb_DM_keepCols)] # Delete duplicates if any exist if df[df.duplicated()].shape[0] > 0: sb_DM_delDup = st.selectbox("Delete duplicate rows ", ["No", "Yes"], key = if sb_DM_delDup == "Yes": n_rows_dup = df[df.duplicated()].shape[0] df = df.drop_duplicates() elif df[df.duplicated()].shape[0] == 0: sb_DM_delDup = "No" # Delete rows with NA if any exist n_rows_wNAs = df.iloc[list(pd.unique(np.where(df.isnull())[0]))].shape[0] if n_rows_wNAs > 0: sb_DM_delRows_wNA = st.selectbox("Delete rows with NAs ", ["No", "Yes"], key = if sb_DM_delRows_wNA == "Yes": df = df.dropna() elif n_rows_wNAs == 0: sb_DM_delRows_wNA = "No" # Filter data st.markdown("**Data filtering**") filter_var = st.selectbox('Filter your data by a variable...', list('-')+ list(df.columns), key = if filter_var !='-': if df[filter_var].dtypes=="int64" or df[filter_var].dtypes=="float64": if df[filter_var].dtypes=="float64": filter_format="%.8f" else: filter_format=None user_filter=st.selectbox('Select values that are ...', options=['greater','greater or equal','smaller','smaller or equal', 'equal','between'], key = if user_filter=='between': filter_1=st.number_input('Lower limit is', format=filter_format, value=df[filter_var].min(), min_value=df[filter_var].min(), max_value=df[filter_var].max(), key = filter_2=st.number_input('Upper limit is', format=filter_format, value=df[filter_var].max(), min_value=df[filter_var].min(), max_value=df[filter_var].max(), key = #reclassify values: if filter_1 < filter_2 : df = df[(df[filter_var] > filter_1) & (df[filter_var] < filter_2)] if len(df) == 0: st.error("ERROR: No data available for the selected limits!") return elif filter_1 >= filter_2 : st.error("ERROR: Lower limit must be smaller than upper limit!") return elif user_filter=='equal': filter_1=st.multiselect('to... ', options=df[filter_var].values, key = if len(filter_1)>0: df = df.loc[df[filter_var].isin(filter_1)] else: filter_1=st.number_input('than... ',format=filter_format, value=df[filter_var].min(), min_value=df[filter_var].min(), max_value=df[filter_var].max(), key = #reclassify values: if user_filter=='greater': df = df[df[filter_var] > filter_1] elif user_filter=='greater or equal': df = df[df[filter_var] >= filter_1] elif user_filter=='smaller': df= df[df[filter_var]< filter_1] elif user_filter=='smaller or equal': df = df[df[filter_var] <= filter_1] if len(df) == 0: st.error("ERROR: No data available for the selected value!") return elif len(df) == n_rows: st.warning("WARNING: Data are not filtered for this value!") else: filter_1=st.multiselect('Filter your data by a value...', (df[filter_var]).unique(), key = if len(filter_1)>0: df = df.loc[df[filter_var].isin(filter_1)] if n_rows_wNAs_pre_processing == "Yes": with a2: #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DATA IMPUTATION # Select data imputation method (only if rows with NA not deleted) if sb_DM_delRows_wNA == "No" and n_rows_wNAs > 0: st.markdown("**Data imputation**") sb_DM_dImp_choice = st.selectbox("Replace entries with NA ", ["No", "Yes"], key = if sb_DM_dImp_choice == "Yes": # Numeric variables sb_DM_dImp_num = st.selectbox("Imputation method for numeric variables ", ["Mean", "Median", "Random value"], key = # Other variables sb_DM_dImp_other = st.selectbox("Imputation method for other variables ", ["Mode", "Random value"], key = df = fc.data_impute(df, sb_DM_dImp_num, sb_DM_dImp_other) else: st.markdown("**Data imputation**") st.write("")"No NAs in data set!") with a3: #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DATA TRANSFORMATION st.markdown("**Data transformation**") # Select columns for different transformation types transform_options = df.select_dtypes([np.number]).columns numCat_options = df.columns sb_DM_dTrans_log = st.multiselect("Select columns to transform with log ", transform_options, key = if sb_DM_dTrans_log is not None: df = fc.var_transform_log(df, sb_DM_dTrans_log) sb_DM_dTrans_sqrt = st.multiselect("Select columns to transform with sqrt ", transform_options, key = if sb_DM_dTrans_sqrt is not None: df = fc.var_transform_sqrt(df, sb_DM_dTrans_sqrt) sb_DM_dTrans_square = st.multiselect("Select columns for squaring ", transform_options, key = if sb_DM_dTrans_square is not None: df = fc.var_transform_square(df, sb_DM_dTrans_square) sb_DM_dTrans_cent = st.multiselect("Select columns for centering ", transform_options, key = if sb_DM_dTrans_cent is not None: df = fc.var_transform_cent(df, sb_DM_dTrans_cent) sb_DM_dTrans_stand = st.multiselect("Select columns for standardization ", transform_options, key = if sb_DM_dTrans_stand is not None: df = fc.var_transform_stand(df, sb_DM_dTrans_stand) sb_DM_dTrans_norm = st.multiselect("Select columns for normalization ", transform_options, key = if sb_DM_dTrans_norm is not None: df = fc.var_transform_norm(df, sb_DM_dTrans_norm) sb_DM_dTrans_numCat = st.multiselect("Select columns for numeric categorization ", numCat_options, key = if sb_DM_dTrans_numCat: if not df[sb_DM_dTrans_numCat].columns[df[sb_DM_dTrans_numCat].isna().any()].tolist(): sb_DM_dTrans_numCat_sel = st.multiselect("Select variables for manual categorization ", sb_DM_dTrans_numCat, key = if sb_DM_dTrans_numCat_sel: for var in sb_DM_dTrans_numCat_sel: if df[var].unique().size > 5: st.error("ERROR: Selected variable has too many categories (>5): " + str(var)) return else: manual_cats = pd.DataFrame(index = range(0, df[var].unique().size), columns=["Value", "Cat"]) text = "Category for " # Save manually selected categories for i in range(0, df[var].unique().size): text1 = text + str(var) + ": " + str(sorted(df[var].unique())[i]) man_cat = st.number_input(text1, value = 0, min_value=0, key = manual_cats.loc[i]["Value"] = sorted(df[var].unique())[i] manual_cats.loc[i]["Cat"] = man_cat new_var_name = "numCat_" + var new_var = pd.DataFrame(index = df.index, columns = [new_var_name]) for c in df[var].index: if pd.isnull(df[var][c]) == True: new_var.loc[c, new_var_name] = np.nan elif pd.isnull(df[var][c]) == False: new_var.loc[c, new_var_name] = int(manual_cats[manual_cats["Value"] == df[var][c]]["Cat"]) df[new_var_name] = new_var.astype('int64') # Exclude columns with manual categorization from standard categorization numCat_wo_manCat = [var for var in sb_DM_dTrans_numCat if var not in sb_DM_dTrans_numCat_sel] df = fc.var_transform_numCat(df, numCat_wo_manCat) else: df = fc.var_transform_numCat(df, sb_DM_dTrans_numCat) else: col_with_na = df[sb_DM_dTrans_numCat].columns[df[sb_DM_dTrans_numCat].isna().any()].tolist() st.error("ERROR: Please select columns without NAs: " + ', '.join(map(str,col_with_na))) return else: sb_DM_dTrans_numCat = None sb_DM_dTrans_mult = st.number_input("Number of variable multiplications ", value = 0, min_value=0, key = if sb_DM_dTrans_mult != 0: multiplication_pairs = pd.DataFrame(index = range(0, sb_DM_dTrans_mult), columns=["Var1", "Var2"]) text = "Multiplication pair" for i in range(0, sb_DM_dTrans_mult): text1 = text + " " + str(i+1) text2 = text + " " + str(i+1) + " " mult_var1 = st.selectbox(text1, transform_options, key = mult_var2 = st.selectbox(text2, transform_options, key = multiplication_pairs.loc[i]["Var1"] = mult_var1 multiplication_pairs.loc[i]["Var2"] = mult_var2 fc.var_transform_mult(df, mult_var1, mult_var2) sb_DM_dTrans_div = st.number_input("Number of variable divisions ", value = 0, min_value=0, key = if sb_DM_dTrans_div != 0: division_pairs = pd.DataFrame(index = range(0, sb_DM_dTrans_div), columns=["Var1", "Var2"]) text = "Division pair" for i in range(0, sb_DM_dTrans_div): text1 = text + " " + str(i+1) + " (numerator)" text2 = text + " " + str(i+1) + " (denominator)" div_var1 = st.selectbox(text1, transform_options, key = div_var2 = st.selectbox(text2, transform_options, key = division_pairs.loc[i]["Var1"] = div_var1 division_pairs.loc[i]["Var2"] = div_var2 fc.var_transform_div(df, div_var1, div_var2) data_transform=st.checkbox("Transform data in Excel?", value=False) if data_transform==True:"Press the button to open your data in Excel. Don't forget to save your result as a csv or a txt file!") # Download link output = BytesIO() excel_file = pd.ExcelWriter(output, engine="xlsxwriter") df.to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="data",index=False) excel_file = output.getvalue() b64 = base64.b64encode(excel_file) dl_file_name = "Data_transformation__" + df_name + ".xlsx" st.markdown( f""" <a href="data:file/excel_file;base64,{b64.decode()}" id="button_dl" download="{dl_file_name}">Transform your data in Excel</a> """, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.write("") #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROCESSING SUMMARY if st.checkbox('Show a summary of my data processing preferences ', value = False, key = st.markdown("Summary of data changes:") #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DATA CLEANING # Rows if sb_DM_delRows is not None and delRows!='-' : if no_delRows > 1: st.write("-", no_delRows, " rows were deleted!") elif no_delRows == 1: st.write("-",no_delRows, " row was deleted!") elif no_delRows == 0: st.write("- No row was deleted!") else: st.write("- No row was deleted!") if sb_DM_keepRows is not None and keepRows!='-' : if no_keptRows > 1: st.write("-", no_keptRows, " rows are kept!") elif no_keptRows == 1: st.write("-",no_keptRows, " row is kept!") elif no_keptRows == 0: st.write("- All rows are kept!") else: st.write("- All rows are kept!") # Columns if len(sb_DM_delCols) > 1: st.write("-", len(sb_DM_delCols), " columns were deleted:", ', '.join(sb_DM_delCols)) elif len(sb_DM_delCols) == 1: st.write("-",len(sb_DM_delCols), " column was deleted:", str(sb_DM_delCols[0])) elif len(sb_DM_delCols) == 0: st.write("- No column was deleted!") if len(sb_DM_keepCols) > 1: st.write("-", len(sb_DM_keepCols), " columns are kept:", ', '.join(sb_DM_keepCols)) elif len(sb_DM_keepCols) == 1: st.write("-",len(sb_DM_keepCols), " column is kept:", str(sb_DM_keepCols[0])) elif len(sb_DM_keepCols) == 0: st.write("- All columns are kept!") # Duplicates if sb_DM_delDup == "Yes": if n_rows_dup > 1: st.write("-", n_rows_dup, " duplicate rows were deleted!") elif n_rows_dup == 1: st.write("-", n_rows_dup, "duplicate row was deleted!") else: st.write("- No duplicate row was deleted!") # NAs if sb_DM_delRows_wNA == "Yes": if n_rows_wNAs > 1: st.write("-", n_rows_wNAs, "rows with NAs were deleted!") elif n_rows_wNAs == 1: st.write("-", n_rows - n_rows_wNAs, "row with NAs was deleted!") else: st.write("- No row with NAs was deleted!") # Filter if filter_var != "-": if df[filter_var].dtypes=="int64" or df[filter_var].dtypes=="float64": if isinstance(filter_1, list): if len(filter_1) == 0: st.write("-", " Data was not filtered!") elif len(filter_1) > 0: st.write("-", " Data filtered by:", str(filter_var)) elif filter_1 is not None: st.write("-", " Data filtered by:", str(filter_var)) else: st.write("-", " Data was not filtered!") elif len(filter_1)>0: st.write("-", " Data filtered by:", str(filter_var)) elif len(filter_1) == 0: st.write("-", " Data was not filtered!") else: st.write("-", " Data was not filtered!") #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DATA IMPUTATION if sb_DM_delRows_wNA == "No" and n_rows_wNAs > 0: st.write("- Data imputation method for numeric variables:", sb_DM_dImp_num) st.write("- Data imputation method for other variable types:", sb_DM_dImp_other) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DATA TRANSFORMATION # log if len(sb_DM_dTrans_log) > 1: st.write("-", len(sb_DM_dTrans_log), " columns were log-transformed:", ', '.join(sb_DM_dTrans_log)) elif len(sb_DM_dTrans_log) == 1: st.write("-",len(sb_DM_dTrans_log), " column was log-transformed:", sb_DM_dTrans_log[0]) elif len(sb_DM_dTrans_log) == 0: st.write("- No column was log-transformed!") # sqrt if len(sb_DM_dTrans_sqrt) > 1: st.write("-", len(sb_DM_dTrans_sqrt), " columns were sqrt-transformed:", ', '.join(sb_DM_dTrans_sqrt)) elif len(sb_DM_dTrans_sqrt) == 1: st.write("-",len(sb_DM_dTrans_sqrt), " column was sqrt-transformed:", sb_DM_dTrans_sqrt[0]) elif len(sb_DM_dTrans_sqrt) == 0: st.write("- No column was sqrt-transformed!") # square if len(sb_DM_dTrans_square) > 1: st.write("-", len(sb_DM_dTrans_square), " columns were squared:", ', '.join(sb_DM_dTrans_square)) elif len(sb_DM_dTrans_square) == 1: st.write("-",len(sb_DM_dTrans_square), " column was squared:", sb_DM_dTrans_square[0]) elif len(sb_DM_dTrans_square) == 0: st.write("- No column was squared!") # centering if len(sb_DM_dTrans_cent) > 1: st.write("-", len(sb_DM_dTrans_cent), " columns were centered:", ', '.join(sb_DM_dTrans_cent)) elif len(sb_DM_dTrans_cent) == 1: st.write("-",len(sb_DM_dTrans_cent), " column was centered:", sb_DM_dTrans_cent[0]) elif len(sb_DM_dTrans_cent) == 0: st.write("- No column was centered!") # standardize if len(sb_DM_dTrans_stand) > 1: st.write("-", len(sb_DM_dTrans_stand), " columns were standardized:", ', '.join(sb_DM_dTrans_stand)) elif len(sb_DM_dTrans_stand) == 1: st.write("-",len(sb_DM_dTrans_stand), " column was standardized:", sb_DM_dTrans_stand[0]) elif len(sb_DM_dTrans_stand) == 0: st.write("- No column was standardized!") # normalize if len(sb_DM_dTrans_norm) > 1: st.write("-", len(sb_DM_dTrans_norm), " columns were normalized:", ', '.join(sb_DM_dTrans_norm)) elif len(sb_DM_dTrans_norm) == 1: st.write("-",len(sb_DM_dTrans_norm), " column was normalized:", sb_DM_dTrans_norm[0]) elif len(sb_DM_dTrans_norm) == 0: st.write("- No column was normalized!") # numeric category if sb_DM_dTrans_numCat is not None: if len(sb_DM_dTrans_numCat) > 1: st.write("-", len(sb_DM_dTrans_numCat), " columns were transformed to numeric categories:", ', '.join(sb_DM_dTrans_numCat)) elif len(sb_DM_dTrans_numCat) == 1: st.write("-",len(sb_DM_dTrans_numCat), " column was transformed to numeric categories:", sb_DM_dTrans_numCat[0]) elif sb_DM_dTrans_numCat is None: st.write("- No column was transformed to numeric categories!") # multiplication if sb_DM_dTrans_mult != 0: st.write("-", "Number of variable multiplications: ", sb_DM_dTrans_mult) elif sb_DM_dTrans_mult == 0: st.write("- No variables were multiplied!") # division if sb_DM_dTrans_div != 0: st.write("-", "Number of variable divisions: ", sb_DM_dTrans_div) elif sb_DM_dTrans_div == 0: st.write("- No variables were divided!") st.write("") st.write("") #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #++++++++++++++++++++++ # UPDATED DATA SUMMARY # Show only if changes were made if any(v for v in [sb_DM_delCols, sb_DM_dImp_num, sb_DM_dImp_other, sb_DM_dTrans_log, sb_DM_dTrans_sqrt, sb_DM_dTrans_square, sb_DM_dTrans_cent, sb_DM_dTrans_stand, sb_DM_dTrans_norm, sb_DM_dTrans_numCat ] if v is not None) or sb_DM_delDup == "Yes" or sb_DM_delRows_wNA == "Yes" or sb_DM_dTrans_mult != 0 or sb_DM_dTrans_div != 0 or filter_var != "-" or delRows!='-' or keepRows!='-' or len(sb_DM_keepCols) > 0: dev_expander_dsPost = st.beta_expander("Explore cleaned and transformed data info and stats ", expanded = False) with dev_expander_dsPost: if df.shape[1] > 0 and df.shape[0] > 0: # Show cleaned and transformed data & data info df_summary_post = fc.data_summary(df) if st.checkbox("Show cleaned and transformed data ", value = False, key = n_rows_post = df.shape[0] n_cols_post = df.shape[1] st.dataframe(df) st.write("Data shape: ", n_rows_post, "rows and ", n_cols_post, "columns") # Download transformed data: output = BytesIO() excel_file = pd.ExcelWriter(output, engine="xlsxwriter") df.to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="Clean. and transf. data") excel_file = output.getvalue() b64 = base64.b64encode(excel_file) dl_file_name = "CleanedTransfData__" + df_name + ".xlsx" st.markdown( f""" <a href="data:file/excel_file;base64,{b64.decode()}" id="button_dl" download="{dl_file_name}">Download cleaned and transformed data</a> """, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.write("") if df[df.duplicated()].shape[0] > 0 or df.iloc[list(pd.unique(np.where(df.isnull())[0]))].shape[0] > 0: check_nasAnddupl2 = st.checkbox("Show duplicates and NAs info (processed) ", value = False, key = if check_nasAnddupl2: index_c = [] for c in df.columns: for r in df.index: if pd.isnull(df[c][r]): index_c.append(r) if df[df.duplicated()].shape[0] > 0: st.write("Number of duplicates: ", df[df.duplicated()].shape[0]) st.write("Duplicate row index: ", ', '.join(map(str,list(df.index[df.duplicated()])))) if df.iloc[list(pd.unique(np.where(df.isnull())[0]))].shape[0] > 0: st.write("Number of rows with NAs: ", len(pd.unique(sorted(index_c)))) st.write("Rows with NAs: ", ', '.join(map(str,list(pd.unique(sorted(index_c)))))) # Show cleaned and transformed variable info if st.checkbox("Show cleaned and transformed variable info ", value = False, key = st.write(df_summary_post["Variable types"]) # Show summary statistics (cleaned and transformed data) if st.checkbox('Show summary statistics (cleaned and transformed data) ', value = False, key = st.write(df_summary_post["ALL"].style.set_precision(user_precision)) # Download link output = BytesIO() excel_file = pd.ExcelWriter(output, engine="xlsxwriter") df.to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="cleaned_data") df_summary_post["Variable types"].to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="cleaned_variable_info") df_summary_post["ALL"].to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="cleaned_summary_statistics") excel_file = output.getvalue() b64 = base64.b64encode(excel_file) dl_file_name = "Cleaned data summary statistics_multi_" + df_name + ".xlsx" st.markdown( f""" <a href="data:file/excel_file;base64,{b64.decode()}" id="button_dl" download="{dl_file_name}">Download cleaned data summary statistics</a> """, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.write("") if fc.get_mode(df).loc["n_unique"].any(): st.caption("** Mode is not unique.") if sett_hints:"de_summary_statistics"))) else: st.error("ERROR: No data available for preprocessing!") return #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #++++++++++++++++++++++ # DATA VISUALIZATION data_visualization_container = st.beta_container() with data_visualization_container: st.write("") st.write("") st.header("**Data visualization**") dev_expander_dv = st.beta_expander("Explore visualization types ", expanded = False) with dev_expander_dv: if df.shape[1] > 0 and df.shape[0] > 0: st.write('**Variable selection**') varl_sel_options = df.columns var_sel = st.selectbox('Select variable for visualizations', varl_sel_options, key = if df[var_sel].dtypes == "float64" or df[var_sel].dtypes == "float32" or df[var_sel].dtypes == "int64" or df[var_sel].dtypes == "int32": a4, a5 = st.beta_columns(2) with a4: st.write('**Scatterplot with LOESS line**') yy_options = df.columns yy = st.selectbox('Select variable for y-axis', yy_options, key = if df[yy].dtypes == "float64" or df[yy].dtypes == "float32" or df[yy].dtypes == "int64" or df[yy].dtypes == "int32": fig_data = pd.DataFrame() fig_data[yy] = df[yy] fig_data[var_sel] = df[var_sel] fig_data["Index"] = df.index fig = alt.Chart(fig_data).mark_circle().encode( x = alt.X(var_sel, scale = alt.Scale(domain = [min(fig_data[var_sel]), max(fig_data[var_sel])]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y(yy, scale = alt.Scale(zero = False), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = [yy, var_sel, "Index"] ) st.altair_chart(fig + fig.transform_loess(var_sel, yy).mark_line(size = 2, color = "darkred"), use_container_width=True) if sett_hints:"dv_scatterplot"))) else: st.error("ERROR: Please select a numeric variable for the y-axis!") with a5: st.write('**Histogram**') binNo = st.slider("Select maximum number of bins", 5, 100, 25, key = fig2 = alt.Chart(df).mark_bar().encode( x = alt.X(var_sel, title = var_sel + " (binned)", bin = alt.BinParams(maxbins = binNo), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("count()", title = "count of records", axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["count()", alt.Tooltip(var_sel, bin = alt.BinParams(maxbins = binNo))] ) st.altair_chart(fig2, use_container_width=True) if sett_hints:"dv_histogram"))) a6, a7 = st.beta_columns(2) with a6: st.write('**Boxplot**') # Boxplot boxplot_data = pd.DataFrame() boxplot_data[var_sel] = df[var_sel] boxplot_data["Index"] = df.index boxplot = alt.Chart(boxplot_data).mark_boxplot(size = 100, color = "#1f77b4", median = dict(color = "darkred"),).encode( y = alt.Y(var_sel, scale = alt.Scale(zero = False)), tooltip = [var_sel, "Index"] ).configure_axis( labelFontSize = 11, titleFontSize = 12 ) st.altair_chart(boxplot, use_container_width=True) if sett_hints:"dv_boxplot"))) with a7: st.write("**QQ-plot**") var_values = df[var_sel] qqplot_data = pd.DataFrame() qqplot_data[var_sel] = var_values qqplot_data["Index"] = df.index qqplot_data = qqplot_data.sort_values(by = [var_sel]) qqplot_data["Theoretical quantiles"] = stats.probplot(var_values, dist="norm")[0][0] qqplot = alt.Chart(qqplot_data).mark_circle(size=20).encode( x = alt.X("Theoretical quantiles", title = "theoretical quantiles", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [min(qqplot_data["Theoretical quantiles"]), max(qqplot_data["Theoretical quantiles"])]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y(var_sel, title = str(var_sel), scale = alt.Scale(zero = False), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = [var_sel, "Theoretical quantiles", "Index"] ) st.altair_chart(qqplot + qqplot.transform_regression('Theoretical quantiles', var_sel).mark_line(size = 2, color = "darkred"), use_container_width = True) if sett_hints:"dv_qqplot"))) else: st.error("ERROR: Please select a numeric variable!") else: st.error("ERROR: No data available for Data Visualization!") # scatter matrix #Check If variables are numeric num_cols=[] for column in df: if df[column].dtypes in ('float', 'float64', 'int','int64'): num_cols.append(column) if len(num_cols)>1: show_scatter_matrix=st.checkbox('Show scatter matrix',value=False,key= if show_scatter_matrix==True: multi_var_sel = st.multiselect('Select variables for scatter matrix', num_cols, num_cols, key = if len(multi_var_sel)<2: st.error("ERROR: Please choose at least two variables fro a scatterplot") else: #Plot scatter matrix: scatter_matrix=alt.Chart(df[multi_var_sel]).mark_circle().encode( x=alt.X(alt.repeat("column"), type='quantitative'), y=alt.Y(alt.repeat("row"), type='quantitative') ).properties( width=150, height=150 ).repeat( row=multi_var_sel, column=multi_var_sel ).interactive() st.altair_chart(scatter_matrix, use_container_width=True) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # REGRESSION if analysis_type == "Regression": #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # MACHINE LEARNING (PREDICTIVE DATA ANALYSIS) st.write("") st.write("") data_machinelearning_container = st.beta_container() with data_machinelearning_container: st.header("**Multivariate data modelling**") st.markdown("Go for creating predictive models of your data using classical and machine learning techniques! STATY will take care of the modelling for you, so you can put your focus on results interpretation and communication! ") ml_settings = st.beta_expander("Specify models ", expanded = False) with ml_settings: # Initial status for running models run_models = False sb_ML_alg = "NA" do_hypTune = "No" do_modval = "No" do_hypTune_no = "No hyperparameter tuning" final_hyPara_values="None" model_val_results = None model_full_results = None gam_finalPara = None brt_finalPara = None brt_tuning_results = None rf_finalPara = None rf_tuning_results = None ann_finalPara = None ann_tuning_results = None MLR_intercept = None MLR_cov_type = None MLR_finalPara = None MLR_model = "OLS" LR_cov_type = None LR_finalPara = None LR_finalPara = None if df.shape[1] > 0 and df.shape[0] > 0: #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # GENERAL SETTINGS st.markdown("**Variable selection**") # Variable categories df_summary_model = fc.data_summary(df) var_cat = df_summary_model["Variable types"].loc["category"] # Response variable response_var_options = df.columns response_var = st.selectbox("Select response variable", response_var_options, key = # Check if response variable is numeric and has no NAs response_var_message_num = False response_var_message_na = False response_var_message_cat = False if var_cat.loc[response_var] == "string/binary" or var_cat.loc[response_var] == "bool/binary": response_var_message_num = "ERROR: Please transform the binary response variable into a numeric binary categorization in data processing preferences!" elif var_cat.loc[response_var] == "string/categorical" or var_cat.loc[response_var] == "other" or var_cat.loc[response_var] == "string/single": response_var_message_num = "ERROR: Please select a numeric or binary response variable!" elif var_cat.loc[response_var] == "categorical": response_var_message_cat = "WARNING: Non-continuous variables are treated as continuous!" if response_var_message_num != False: st.error(response_var_message_num) if response_var_message_cat != False: st.warning(response_var_message_cat) # Continue if everything is clean for response variable if response_var_message_num == False and response_var_message_na == False: # Select explanatory variables expl_var_options = df.columns expl_var_options = expl_var_options[expl_var_options.isin(df.drop(response_var, axis = 1).columns)] expl_var = st.multiselect("Select explanatory variables", expl_var_options, key = var_list = list([response_var]) + list(expl_var) # Check if explanatory variables are numeric expl_var_message_num = False expl_var_message_na = False if any(a for a in df[expl_var].dtypes if a != "float64" and a != "float32" and a != "int64" and a != "int64"): expl_var_not_num = df[expl_var].select_dtypes(exclude=["int64", "int32", "float64", "float32"]).columns expl_var_message_num = "ERROR: Please exclude non-numeric variables: " + ', '.join(map(str,list(expl_var_not_num))) # Check if NAs are present and delete them automatically (delete before run models button) if np.where(df[var_list].isnull())[0].size > 0: st.warning("WARNING: Your modelling data set includes NAs. Rows with NAs are automatically deleted!") if expl_var_message_num != False: st.error(expl_var_message_num) elif expl_var_message_na != False: st.error(expl_var_message_na) # Continue if everything is clean for explanatory variables and at least one was selected elif expl_var_message_num == False and expl_var_message_na == False and len(expl_var) > 0: #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ALGORITHMS st.markdown("**Specify modelling algorithms**") # Select algorithms based on chosen response variable # Binary (has to be integer or float) if var_cat.loc[response_var] == "binary": algorithms = ["Multiple Linear Regression", "Logistic Regression", "Generalized Additive Models", "Random Forest", "Boosted Regression Trees", "Artificial Neural Networks"] response_var_type = "binary" # Multi-class (has to be integer, currently treated as continuous response) elif var_cat.loc[response_var] == "categorical": algorithms = ["Multiple Linear Regression", "Generalized Additive Models", "Random Forest", "Boosted Regression Trees", "Artificial Neural Networks"] response_var_type = "continuous" # Continuous elif var_cat.loc[response_var] == "numeric": algorithms = ["Multiple Linear Regression", "Generalized Additive Models", "Random Forest", "Boosted Regression Trees", "Artificial Neural Networks"] response_var_type = "continuous" alg_list = list(algorithms) sb_ML_alg = st.multiselect("Select modelling techniques", alg_list, alg_list) # MLR + binary info message if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Multiple Linear Regression") and response_var_type == "binary": st.warning("WARNING: For Multiple Linear Regression only the full model output will be determined.") st.markdown("**Model-specific settings**") # Multiple Linear Regression settings if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Multiple Linear Regression"): MLR_finalPara = pd.DataFrame(index = ["value"], columns = ["intercept", "covType"]) MLR_intercept = "Yes" MLR_cov_type = "non-robust" MLR_finalPara["intercept"] = MLR_intercept MLR_finalPara["covType"] = MLR_cov_type if st.checkbox("Adjust settings for Multiple Linear Regression"): col1, col2 = st.beta_columns(2) with col1: MLR_intercept = st.selectbox("Include intercept", ["Yes", "No"]) with col2: MLR_cov_type = st.selectbox("Covariance type", ["non-robust", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3"]) MLR_finalPara["intercept"] = MLR_intercept MLR_finalPara["covType"] = MLR_cov_type st.write("") # Logistic Regression settings if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Logistic Regression"): LR_finalPara = pd.DataFrame(index = ["value"], columns = ["intercept", "covType"]) LR_intercept = "Yes" LR_cov_type = "non-robust" LR_finalPara["intercept"] = LR_intercept LR_finalPara["covType"] = LR_cov_type if st.checkbox("Adjust settings for Logistic Regression"): col1, col2 = st.beta_columns(2) with col1: LR_intercept = st.selectbox("Include intercept ", ["Yes", "No"]) with col2: LR_cov_type = st.selectbox("Covariance type", ["non-robust", "HC0"]) LR_finalPara["intercept"] = LR_intercept LR_finalPara["covType"] = LR_cov_type st.write("") # Generalized Additive Models settings if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Generalized Additive Models"): gam_finalPara = pd.DataFrame(index = ["value"], columns = ["intercept", "number of splines", "spline order", "lambda"]) gam_finalPara["intercept"] = "Yes" gam_finalPara["number of splines"] = 20 gam_finalPara["spline order"] = 3 gam_finalPara["lambda"] = 0.6 gam_lam_search = "No" if st.checkbox("Adjust settings for Generalized Additive Models"): gam_finalPara = pd.DataFrame(index = ["value"], columns = ["intercept", "number of splines", "spline order", "lambda"]) col1, col2 = st.beta_columns(2) with col1: gam_intercept = st.selectbox("Include intercept ", ["Yes", "No"]) gam_finalPara["intercept"] = gam_intercept with col2: gam_lam_search = st.selectbox("Search for lambda ", ["No", "Yes"]) if gam_lam_search == "Yes": ls_col1, ls_col2, ls_col3 = st.beta_columns(3) with ls_col1: ls_min = st.number_input("Minimum lambda value", value=0.001, step=1e-3, min_value=0.001, format="%.3f") with ls_col2: ls_max = st.number_input("Maximum lambda value", value=100.000, step=1e-3, min_value=0.002, format="%.3f") with ls_col3: ls_number = st.number_input("Lambda values per variable", value=50, min_value=2) if ls_number**len(expl_var) > 10000: st.warning("WARNING: Your grid has " + str(ls_number**len(expl_var)) + " combinations. Please note that searching for lambda will take a lot of time!") else:"Your grid has " + str(ls_number**len(expl_var)) + " combinations.") if gam_lam_search == "No": gam_col1, gam_col2, gam_col3 = st.beta_columns(3) if gam_lam_search == "Yes": gam_col1, gam_col2= st.beta_columns(2) gam_nos_values = [] gam_so_values = [] gam_lam_values = [] for gset in range(0,len(expl_var)): var_name = expl_var[gset] with gam_col1: nos = st.number_input("Number of splines (" + var_name + ")", value = 20, min_value=1) gam_nos_values.append(nos) with gam_col2: so = st.number_input("Spline order (" + var_name + ")", value = 3, min_value=3) gam_so_values.append(so) if gam_lam_search == "No": with gam_col3: lam = st.number_input("Lambda (" + var_name + ")", value = 0.6, min_value=0.001, step=1e-3, format="%.3f") gam_lam_values.append(lam) if nos <= so: st.error("ERROR: Please make sure that the number of splines is greater than the spline order for "+ str(expl_var[gset]) + "!") return if gam_lam_search == "Yes": lam = np.round(np.linspace(ls_min, ls_max, ls_number),3) if len(expl_var) == 1: gam_lam_values = lam else: gam_lam_values = [lam] * len(expl_var)["value", "number of splines"] = gam_nos_values["value","spline order"] = gam_so_values["value","lambda"] = gam_lam_values st.write("") # Save hyperparameter values for machine learning methods final_hyPara_values = {} # Random Forest settings if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Random Forest"): rf_finalPara = pd.DataFrame(index = ["value"], columns = ["number of trees", "maximum tree depth", "maximum number of features", "sample rate"]) rf_finalPara["number of trees"] = [100] rf_finalPara["maximum tree depth"] = [None] rf_finalPara["maximum number of features"] = [len(expl_var)] rf_finalPara["sample rate"] = [0.99] final_hyPara_values["rf"] = rf_finalPara if st.checkbox("Adjust settings for Random Forest "): col1, col2 = st.beta_columns(2) col3, col4 = st.beta_columns(2) with col1: rf_finalPara["number of trees"] = st.number_input("Number of trees", value=100, step=1, min_value=1) with col3: rf_mtd_sel = st.selectbox("Specify maximum tree depth ", ["No", "Yes"]) if rf_mtd_sel == "No": rf_finalPara["maximum tree depth"] = [None] if rf_mtd_sel == "Yes": rf_finalPara["maximum tree depth"] = st.slider("Maximum tree depth ", value=20, step=1, min_value=1, max_value=50) if len(expl_var) >1: with col4: rf_finalPara["maximum number of features"] = st.slider("Maximum number of features ", value=len(expl_var), step=1, min_value=1, max_value=len(expl_var)) with col2: rf_finalPara["sample rate"] = st.slider("Sample rate ", value=0.99, step=0.01, min_value=0.5, max_value=0.99) else: with col2: rf_finalPara["sample rate"] = st.slider("Sample rate ", value=0.99, step=0.01, min_value=0.5, max_value=0.99) final_hyPara_values["rf"] = rf_finalPara st.write("") # Boosted Regression Trees settings if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Boosted Regression Trees"): brt_finalPara = pd.DataFrame(index = ["value"], columns = ["number of trees", "learning rate", "maximum tree depth", "sample rate"]) brt_finalPara["number of trees"] = [100] brt_finalPara["learning rate"] = [0.1] brt_finalPara["maximum tree depth"] = [3] brt_finalPara["sample rate"] = [1] final_hyPara_values["brt"] = brt_finalPara if st.checkbox("Adjust settings for Boosted Regression Trees "): col1, col2 = st.beta_columns(2) col3, col4 = st.beta_columns(2) with col1: brt_finalPara["number of trees"] = st.number_input("Number of trees ", value=100, step=1, min_value=1) with col2: brt_finalPara["learning rate"] = st.slider("Learning rate ", value=0.1, min_value=0.001, max_value=0.1 , step=1e-3, format="%.3f") with col3: brt_finalPara["maximum tree depth"] = st.slider("Maximum tree depth ", value=3, step=1, min_value=1, max_value=30) with col4: brt_finalPara["sample rate"] = st.slider("Sample rate ", value=1.0, step=0.01, min_value=0.5, max_value=1.0) final_hyPara_values["brt"] = brt_finalPara st.write("") # Artificial Neural Networks settings if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Artificial Neural Networks"): ann_finalPara = pd.DataFrame(index = ["value"], columns = ["weight optimization solver", "maximum number of iterations", "activation function", "hidden layer sizes", "learning rate", "L² regularization"]) ann_finalPara["weight optimization solver"] = ["adam"] ann_finalPara["maximum number of iterations"] = [200] ann_finalPara["activation function"] = ["relu"] ann_finalPara["hidden layer sizes"] = [(100,)] ann_finalPara["learning rate"] = [0.001] ann_finalPara["L² regularization"] = [0.0001] final_hyPara_values["ann"] = ann_finalPara if st.checkbox("Adjust settings for Artificial Neural Networks "): col1, col2 = st.beta_columns(2) col3, col4 = st.beta_columns(2) col5, col6 = st.beta_columns(2) with col1: ann_finalPara["weight optimization solver"] = st.selectbox("Weight optimization solver ", ["adam"]) with col2: ann_finalPara["activation function"] = st.selectbox("Activation function ", ["relu", "identity", "logistic", "tanh"]) with col3: ann_finalPara["maximum number of iterations"] = st.slider("Maximum number of iterations ", value=200, step=1, min_value=10, max_value=1000) with col4: ann_finalPara["learning rate"] = st.slider("Learning rate ", min_value=0.0001, max_value=0.01, value=0.001, step=1e-4, format="%.4f") with col5: number_hidden_layers = st.selectbox("Number of hidden layers", [1, 2, 3]) if number_hidden_layers == 1: number_nodes1 = st.slider("Number of nodes in hidden layer", 5, 500, 100) ann_finalPara["hidden layer sizes"] = [(number_nodes1,)] if number_hidden_layers == 2: number_nodes1 = st.slider("Number of neurons in first hidden layer", 5, 500, 100) number_nodes2 = st.slider("Number of neurons in second hidden layer", 5, 500, 100) ann_finalPara["hidden layer sizes"] = [(number_nodes1,number_nodes2,)] if number_hidden_layers == 3: number_nodes1 = st.slider("Number of neurons in first hidden layer", 5, 500, 100) number_nodes2 = st.slider("Number of neurons in second hidden layer", 5, 500, 100) number_nodes3 = st.slider("Number of neurons in third hidden layer", 5, 500, 100) ann_finalPara["hidden layer sizes"] = [(number_nodes1,number_nodes2,number_nodes3,)] with col6: ann_finalPara["L² regularization"] = st.slider("L² regularization ", min_value=0.00001, max_value=0.001, value=0.0001, step=1e-5, format="%.5f") #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # HYPERPARAMETER TUNING SETTINGS if len(sb_ML_alg) >= 1: # Depending on algorithm selection different hyperparameter settings are shown if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Random Forest") or any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Boosted Regression Trees") or any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Artificial Neural Networks"): # General settings st.markdown("**Hyperparameter-tuning settings**") do_hypTune = st.selectbox("Use hyperparameter-tuning", ["No", "Yes"]) # Save hyperparameter values for all algorithms hyPara_values = {} # No hyperparameter-tuning if do_hypTune == "No": do_hypTune_no = "Default hyperparameter values are used!" # Hyperparameter-tuning elif do_hypTune == "Yes": st.warning("WARNING: Hyperparameter-tuning can take a lot of time! For tips, please [contact us](mailto:<EMAIL>?subject=Staty-App).") # Further general settings hypTune_method = st.selectbox("Hyperparameter-search method", ["random grid-search", "grid-search", "Bayes optimization", "sequential model-based optimization"]) col1, col2 = st.beta_columns(2) with col1: hypTune_nCV = st.slider("Select number for n-fold cross-validation", 2, 10, 5) if hypTune_method == "random grid-search" or hypTune_method == "Bayes optimization" or hypTune_method == "sequential model-based optimization": with col2: hypTune_iter = st.slider("Select number of iterations for search", 20, 1000, 20) else: hypTune_iter = False st.markdown("**Model-specific tuning settings**") # Random Forest settings if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Random Forest"): rf_tunePara = pd.DataFrame(index = ["min", "max"], columns = ["number of trees", "maximum tree depth", "maximum number of features", "sample rate"]) rf_tunePara["number of trees"] = [50, 500] rf_tunePara["maximum tree depth"] = [None, None] rf_tunePara["maximum number of features"] = [1, len(expl_var)] rf_tunePara["sample rate"] = [0.8, 0.99] hyPara_values["rf"] = rf_tunePara if st.checkbox("Adjust tuning settings for Random Forest"): col1, col2 = st.beta_columns(2) col3, col4 = st.beta_columns(2) with col1: rf_tunePara["number of trees"] = st.slider("Range for number of trees ", 50, 1000, [50, 500]) with col3: rf_mtd_choice = st.selectbox("Specify maximum tree depth", ["No", "Yes"]) if rf_mtd_choice == "Yes": rf_tunePara["maximum tree depth"] = st.slider("Range for maximum tree depth ", 1, 50, [2, 10]) else: rf_tunePara["maximum tree depth"] = [None, None] with col4: if len(expl_var) > 1: rf_tunePara["maximum number of features"] = st.slider("Range for maximum number of features", 1, len(expl_var), [1, len(expl_var)]) else: rf_tunePara["maximum number of features"] = [1,1] with col2: rf_tunePara["sample rate"] = st.slider("Range for sample rate ", 0.5, 0.99, [0.8, 0.99]) hyPara_values["rf"] = rf_tunePara # Boosted Regression Trees settings if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Boosted Regression Trees"): brt_tunePara = pd.DataFrame(index = ["min", "max"], columns = ["number of trees", "learning rate", "maximum tree depth", "sample rate"]) brt_tunePara["number of trees"] = [50, 500] brt_tunePara["learning rate"] = [0.001, 0.010] brt_tunePara["maximum tree depth"] = [2, 10] brt_tunePara["sample rate"] = [0.8, 1.0] hyPara_values["brt"] = brt_tunePara if st.checkbox("Adjust tuning settings for Boosted Regression Trees"): col1, col2 = st.beta_columns(2) col3, col4 = st.beta_columns(2) with col1: brt_tunePara["number of trees"] = st.slider("Range for number of trees", 50, 1000, [50, 500]) with col2: brt_tunePara["learning rate"] = st.slider("Range for learning rate", 0.001, 0.1, [0.001, 0.02], step=1e-3, format="%.3f") with col3: brt_tunePara["maximum tree depth"] = st.slider("Range for maximum tree depth", 1, 30, [2, 10]) with col4: brt_tunePara["sample rate"] = st.slider("Range for sample rate", 0.5, 1.0, [0.8, 1.0]) hyPara_values["brt"] = brt_tunePara # Artificial Neural Networks settings if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Artificial Neural Networks"): ann_tunePara = pd.DataFrame(index = ["min", "max"], columns = ["weight optimization solver", "maximum number of iterations", "activation function", "number of hidden layers", "nodes per hidden layer", "learning rate","L² regularization"])# "learning rate schedule", "momentum", "epsilon"]) ann_tunePara["weight optimization solver"] = list([["adam"], "NA"]) ann_tunePara["maximum number of iterations"] = [100, 200] ann_tunePara["activation function"] = list([["relu"], "NA"]) ann_tunePara["number of hidden layers"] = list([1, "NA"]) ann_tunePara["nodes per hidden layer"] = [50, 100] ann_tunePara["learning rate"] = [0.0001, 0.002] ann_tunePara["L² regularization"] = [0.00001, 0.0002] hyPara_values["ann"] = ann_tunePara if st.checkbox("Adjust tuning settings for Artificial Neural Networks"): col1, col2 = st.beta_columns(2) col3, col4 = st.beta_columns(2) col5, col6 = st.beta_columns(2) with col1: weight_opt_list = st.selectbox("Weight optimization solver ", ["adam"]) if len(weight_opt_list) == 0: weight_opt_list = ["adam"] st.warning("WARNING: Default value used 'adam'") ann_tunePara["weight optimization solver"] = list([[weight_opt_list], "NA"]) with col2: ann_tunePara["maximum number of iterations"] = st.slider("Maximum number of iterations (epochs) ", 10, 1000, [100, 200]) with col3: act_func_list = st.multiselect("Activation function ", ["identity", "logistic", "tanh", "relu"], ["relu"]) if len(act_func_list) == 0: act_func_list = ["relu"] st.warning("WARNING: Default value used 'relu'") ann_tunePara["activation function"] = list([act_func_list, "NA"]) with col5: number_hidden_layers = st.selectbox("Number of hidden layers ", [1, 2, 3]) ann_tunePara["number of hidden layers"] = list([number_hidden_layers, "NA"]) # Cases for hidden layers if number_hidden_layers == 1: ann_tunePara["nodes per hidden layer"] = st.slider("Number of nodes in hidden layer ", 5, 500, [50, 100]) if number_hidden_layers == 2: number_nodes1 = st.slider("Number of neurons in first hidden layer ", 5, 500, [50, 100]) number_nodes2 = st.slider("Number of neurons in second hidden layer ", 5, 500, [50, 100]) min_nodes = list([number_nodes1[0], number_nodes2[0]]) max_nodes = list([number_nodes1[1], number_nodes2[1]]) ann_tunePara["nodes per hidden layer"] = list([min_nodes, max_nodes]) if number_hidden_layers == 3: number_nodes1 = st.slider("Number of neurons in first hidden layer ", 5, 500, [50, 100]) number_nodes2 = st.slider("Number of neurons in second hidden layer ", 5, 500, [50, 100]) number_nodes3 = st.slider("Number of neurons in third hidden layer ", 5, 500, [50, 100]) min_nodes = list([number_nodes1[0], number_nodes2[0], number_nodes3[0]]) max_nodes = list([number_nodes1[1], number_nodes2[1], number_nodes3[1]]) ann_tunePara["nodes per hidden layer"] = list([min_nodes, max_nodes]) with col6: if weight_opt_list == "adam": ann_tunePara["learning rate"] = st.slider("Range for learning rate ", 0.0001, 0.01, [0.0001, 0.002], step=1e-4, format="%.4f") with col4: ann_tunePara["L² regularization"] = st.slider("L² regularization parameter ", 0.0, 0.001, [0.00001, 0.0002], step=1e-5, format="%.5f") hyPara_values["ann"] = ann_tunePara #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # VALIDATION SETTINGS st.markdown("**Validation settings**") do_modval= st.selectbox("Use model validation", ["No", "Yes"]) if do_modval == "Yes": col1, col2 = st.beta_columns(2) # Select training/ test ratio with col1: train_frac = st.slider("Select training data size", 0.5, 0.95, 0.8) # Select number for validation runs with col2: val_runs = st.slider("Select number for validation runs", 5, 100, 10) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PREDICTION SETTINGS st.markdown("**Model predictions**") do_modprednew = st.selectbox("Use model prediction for new data", ["No", "Yes"]) if do_modprednew == "Yes": # Upload new data new_data_pred = st.file_uploader(" ", type=["csv", "txt"]) if new_data_pred is not None: # Read data if uploaded_data is not None: df_new = pd.read_csv(new_data_pred, decimal=dec_sep, sep = col_sep,thousands=thousands_sep,encoding=encoding_val, engine='python') else: df_new = pd.read_csv(new_data_pred, sep = ";|,|\t",engine='python') st.success('Loading data... done!') # Transform columns if any were transformed # Log-transformation if sb_DM_dTrans_log is not None: # List of log-transformed variables that are included as explanatory variables tv_list = [] for tv in sb_DM_dTrans_log: if "log_"+tv in expl_var: tv_list.append(tv) # Check if log-transformed explanatory variables are available for transformation in new data columns tv_list_not_avail = [] if tv_list: for tv in tv_list: if tv not in df_new.columns: tv_list_not_avail.append(tv) if tv_list_not_avail: st.error("ERROR: Some variables are not available for log-transformation in new data: "+ ', '.join(tv_list_not_avail)) return else: # Transform data if variables for transformation are all available in new data df_new = fc.var_transform_log(df_new, tv_list) # Sqrt-transformation if sb_DM_dTrans_sqrt is not None: # List of sqrt-transformed variables that are included as explanatory variables tv_list = [] for tv in sb_DM_dTrans_sqrt: if "sqrt_"+tv in expl_var: tv_list.append(tv) # Check if sqrt-transformed explanatory variables are available for transformation in new data columns tv_list_not_avail = [] if tv_list: for tv in tv_list: if tv not in df_new.columns: tv_list_not_avail.append(tv) if tv_list_not_avail: st.error("ERROR: Some variables are not available for sqrt-transformation in new data: "+ ', '.join(tv_list_not_avail)) return else: # Transform data if variables for transformation are all available in new data df_new = fc.var_transform_sqrt(df_new, tv_list) # Square-transformation if sb_DM_dTrans_square is not None: # List of square-transformed variables that are included as explanatory variables tv_list = [] for tv in sb_DM_dTrans_square: if "square_"+tv in expl_var: tv_list.append(tv) # Check if square-transformed explanatory variables are available for transformation in new data columns tv_list_not_avail = [] if tv_list: for tv in tv_list: if tv not in df_new.columns: tv_list_not_avail.append(tv) if tv_list_not_avail: st.error("ERROR: Some variables are not available for square-transformation in new data: "+ ', '.join(tv_list_not_avail)) return else: # Transform data if variables for transformation are all available in new data df_new = fc.var_transform_square(df_new, tv_list) # Standardization if sb_DM_dTrans_stand is not None: # List of standardized variables that are included as explanatory variables tv_list = [] for tv in sb_DM_dTrans_stand: if "stand_"+tv in expl_var: tv_list.append(tv) # Check if standardized explanatory variables are available for transformation in new data columns tv_list_not_avail = [] if tv_list: for tv in tv_list: if tv not in df_new.columns: tv_list_not_avail.append(tv) if tv_list_not_avail: st.error("ERROR: Some variables are not available for standardization in new data: "+ ', '.join(tv_list_not_avail)) return else: # Transform data if variables for transformation are all available in new data # Use mean and standard deviation of original data for standardization for tv in tv_list: if df_new[tv].dtypes == "float64" or df_new[tv].dtypes == "int64" or df_new[tv].dtypes == "float32" or df_new[tv].dtypes == "int32": if df[tv].std() != 0: new_var_name = "stand_" + tv new_var = (df_new[tv] - df[tv].mean())/df[tv].std() df_new[new_var_name] = new_var else: st.error("ERROR: " + str(tv) + " is not numerical and cannot be standardized!") return # Normalization if sb_DM_dTrans_norm is not None: # List of normalized variables that are included as explanatory variables tv_list = [] for tv in sb_DM_dTrans_norm: if "norm_"+tv in expl_var: tv_list.append(tv) # Check if normalized explanatory variables are available for transformation in new data columns tv_list_not_avail = [] if tv_list: for tv in tv_list: if tv not in df_new.columns: tv_list_not_avail.append(tv) if tv_list_not_avail: st.error("ERROR: Some variables are not available for normalization in new data: "+ ', '.join(tv_list_not_avail)) return else: # Transform data if variables for transformation are all available in new data # Use min and max of original data for normalization for tv in tv_list: if df_new[tv].dtypes == "float64" or df_new[tv].dtypes == "int64" or df_new[tv].dtypes == "float32" or df_new[tv].dtypes == "int32": if (df[tv].max()-df[tv].min()) != 0: new_var_name = "norm_" + tv new_var = (df_new[tv] - df[tv].min())/(df[tv].max()-df[tv].min()) df_new[new_var_name] = new_var else: st.error("ERROR: " + str(tv) + " is not numerical and cannot be normalized!") return # Categorization if sb_DM_dTrans_numCat is not None: # List of categorized variables that are included as explanatory variables tv_list = [] for tv in sb_DM_dTrans_numCat: if "numCat_"+tv in expl_var: tv_list.append(tv) # Check if categorized explanatory variables are available for transformation in new data columns tv_list_not_avail = [] if tv_list: for tv in tv_list: if tv not in df_new.columns: tv_list_not_avail.append(tv) if tv_list_not_avail: st.error("ERROR: Some variables are not available for categorization in new data: "+ ', '.join(tv_list_not_avail)) return else: # Transform data if variables for transformation are all available in new data # Use same categories as for original data for tv in tv_list: new_var_name = "numCat_" + tv new_var = pd.DataFrame(index = df_new.index, columns = [new_var_name]) for r in df_new.index: if df.loc[df[tv] == df_new[tv][r]].empty == False: new_var.loc[r, new_var_name] = df["numCat_" + tv][df.loc[df[tv] == df_new[tv][r]].index[0]] else: st.error("ERROR: Category is missing for the value in row: "+ str(r) + ", variable: " + str(tv)) return df_new[new_var_name] = new_var.astype('int64') # Multiplication if sb_DM_dTrans_mult != 0: # List of multiplied variables that are included as explanatory variables tv_list = [] for tv in range(0, sb_DM_dTrans_mult): mult_name = "mult_" + str(multiplication_pairs.loc[tv]["Var1"]) + "_" + str(multiplication_pairs.loc[tv]["Var2"]) if mult_name in expl_var: tv_list.append(str(multiplication_pairs.loc[tv]["Var1"])) tv_list.append(str(multiplication_pairs.loc[tv]["Var2"])) # Check if multiplied explanatory variables are available for transformation in new data columns tv_list_not_avail = [] if tv_list: for tv in tv_list: if tv not in df_new.columns: tv_list_not_avail.append(tv) if tv_list_not_avail: st.error("ERROR: Some variables are not available for multiplication in new data: "+ ', '.join(tv_list_not_avail)) return else: # Transform data if variables for transformation are all available in new data for var in range(0, sb_DM_dTrans_mult): df_new = fc.var_transform_mult(df_new, multiplication_pairs.loc[var]["Var1"], multiplication_pairs.loc[var]["Var2"]) # Division if sb_DM_dTrans_div != 0: # List of divided variables that are included as explanatory variables tv_list = [] for tv in range(0, sb_DM_dTrans_div): mult_name = "div_" + str(division_pairs.loc[tv]["Var1"]) + "_" + str(division_pairs.loc[tv]["Var2"]) if mult_name in expl_var: tv_list.append(str(division_pairs.loc[tv]["Var1"])) tv_list.append(str(division_pairs.loc[tv]["Var2"])) # Check if multiplied explanatory variables are available for transformation in new data columns tv_list_not_avail = [] if tv_list: for tv in tv_list: if tv not in df_new.columns: tv_list_not_avail.append(tv) if tv_list_not_avail: st.error("ERROR: Some variables are not available for division in new data: "+ ', '.join(tv_list_not_avail)) return else: # Transform data if variables for transformation are all available in new data for var in range(0, sb_DM_dTrans_div): df_new = fc.var_transform_div(df_new, division_pairs.loc[var]["Var1"], division_pairs.loc[var]["Var2"]) # Check if explanatory variables are available as columns expl_list = [] for expl_incl in expl_var: if expl_incl not in df_new.columns: expl_list.append(expl_incl) if expl_list: st.error("ERROR: Some variables are missing in new data: "+ ', '.join(expl_list)) return else:"All variables are available for predictions!") # Check if NAs are present and delete them automatically if df_new.iloc[list(pd.unique(np.where(df_new.isnull())[0]))].shape[0] == 0: st.empty() else: df_new = df_new[expl_var].dropna() st.warning("WARNING: Your new data set includes NAs. Rows with NAs are automatically deleted!") df_new = df_new[expl_var] # Modelling data set df = df[var_list] # Check if NAs are present and delete them automatically if np.where(df[var_list].isnull())[0].size > 0: df = df.dropna() #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SETTINGS SUMMARY st.write("") # Show modelling data if st.checkbox("Show modelling data"): st.write(df) st.write("Data shape: ", df.shape[0], " rows and ", df.shape[1], " columns") # Download link for modelling data output = BytesIO() excel_file = pd.ExcelWriter(output, engine="xlsxwriter") df.to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="modelling_data") excel_file = output.getvalue() b64 = base64.b64encode(excel_file) dl_file_name= "Modelling data__" + df_name + ".xlsx" st.markdown( f""" <a href="data:file/excel_file;base64,{b64.decode()}" id="button_dl" download="{dl_file_name}">Download modelling data</a> """, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.write("") # Show prediction data if do_modprednew == "Yes": if new_data_pred is not None: if st.checkbox("Show new data for predictions"): st.write(df_new) st.write("Data shape: ", df_new.shape[0], " rows and ", df_new.shape[1], " columns") # Download link for forecast data output = BytesIO() excel_file = pd.ExcelWriter(output, engine="xlsxwriter") df_new.to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="new_data") excel_file = output.getvalue() b64 = base64.b64encode(excel_file) dl_file_name= "New data for predictions__" + df_name + ".xlsx" st.markdown( f""" <a href="data:file/excel_file;base64,{b64.decode()}" id="button_dl" download="{dl_file_name}">Download new data for predictions</a> """, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.write("") # Show machine learning summary if st.checkbox('Show a summary of machine learning settings', value = False): #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ALGORITHMS st.write("Algorithms summary:") st.write("- Models:", ', '.join(sb_ML_alg)) if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Multiple Linear Regression"): # st.write("- Multiple Linear Regression model: ", MLR_model) st.write("- Multiple Linear Regression including intercept: ", MLR_intercept) st.write("- Multiple Linear Regression covariance type: ", MLR_cov_type) if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Logistic Regression"): st.write("- Logistic Regression including intercept: ", LR_intercept) st.write("- Logistic Regression covariance type: ", LR_cov_type) if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Generalized Additive Models"): st.write("- Generalized Additive Models parameters: ") st.write(gam_finalPara) if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Random Forest") and do_hypTune == "No": st.write("- Random Forest parameters: ") st.write(rf_finalPara) if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Boosted Regression Trees") and do_hypTune == "No": st.write("- Boosted Regression Trees parameters: ") st.write(brt_finalPara) if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Artificial Neural Networks") and do_hypTune == "No": st.write("- Artificial Neural Networks parameters: ") st.write(ann_finalPara) st.write("") #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SETTINGS # Hyperparameter settings summary if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Artificial Neural Networks" or a == "Boosted Regression Trees" or a == "Random Forest"): st.write("Hyperparameter-tuning settings summary:") if do_hypTune == "No": st.write("- ", do_hypTune_no) st.write("") if do_hypTune == "Yes": st.write("- Search method:", hypTune_method) st.write("- ", hypTune_nCV, "-fold cross-validation") if hypTune_method == "random grid-search" or hypTune_method == "Bayes optimization" or hypTune_method == "sequential model-based optimization": st.write("- ", hypTune_iter, "iterations in search") st.write("") # Random Forest summary if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Random Forest"): st.write("Random Forest tuning settings summary:") st.write(rf_tunePara) # Boosted Regression Trees summary if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Boosted Regression Trees"): st.write("Boosted Regression Trees tuning settings summary:") st.write(brt_tunePara) # Artificial Neural Networks summary if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Artificial Neural Networks"): st.write("Artificial Neural Networks tuning settings summary:") st.write({"L² regularization": "{:.5}"})) #st.caption("** Learning rate is only used in adam") st.write("") # General settings summary st.write("General settings summary:") st.write("- Response variable type: ", response_var_type) # Modelling formula if expl_var != False: st.write("- Modelling formula:", response_var, "~", ' + '.join(expl_var)) if do_modval == "Yes": # Train/ test ratio if train_frac != False: st.write("- Train/ test ratio:", str(round(train_frac*100)), "% / ", str(round(100-train_frac*100)), "%") # Validation runs if val_runs != False: st.write("- Validation runs:", str(val_runs)) st.write("") #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # RUN MODELS # Models are run on button click st.write("") run_models = st.button("Run models") st.write("") if run_models: # Check if new data available if do_modprednew == "Yes": if new_data_pred is None: st.error("ERROR: Please upload new data for additional model predictions or select 'No'!") return #Hyperparameter if do_hypTune == "Yes": # Tuning model_tuning_results = ml.model_tuning(df, sb_ML_alg, hypTune_method, hypTune_iter, hypTune_nCV, hyPara_values, response_var_type, response_var, expl_var) # Save final hyperparameters # Random Forest if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Random Forest"): rf_tuning_results = model_tuning_results["rf tuning"] rf_finalPara = pd.DataFrame(index = ["value"], columns = ["number of trees", "maximum tree depth", "maximum number of features", "sample rate"]) rf_finalPara["number of trees"] = [rf_tuning_results.loc["value"]["number of trees"]] if [rf_tuning_results.loc["value"]["maximum tree depth"]][0] == "None": rf_finalPara["maximum tree depth"] = None else: rf_finalPara["maximum tree depth"] = [rf_tuning_results.loc["value"]["maximum tree depth"]] rf_finalPara["maximum number of features"] = [rf_tuning_results.loc["value"]["maximum number of features"]] rf_finalPara["sample rate"] = [rf_tuning_results.loc["value"]["sample rate"]] final_hyPara_values["rf"] = rf_finalPara # Boosted Regression Trees if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Boosted Regression Trees"): brt_tuning_results = model_tuning_results["brt tuning"] brt_finalPara = pd.DataFrame(index = ["value"], columns = ["number of trees", "learning rate", "maximum tree depth", "sample rate"]) brt_finalPara["number of trees"] = [brt_tuning_results.loc["value"]["number of trees"]] brt_finalPara["learning rate"] = [brt_tuning_results.loc["value"]["learning rate"]] brt_finalPara["maximum tree depth"] = [brt_tuning_results.loc["value"]["maximum tree depth"]] brt_finalPara["sample rate"] = [brt_tuning_results.loc["value"]["sample rate"]] final_hyPara_values["brt"] = brt_finalPara # Artificial Neural Networks if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Artificial Neural Networks"): ann_tuning_results = model_tuning_results["ann tuning"] ann_finalPara = pd.DataFrame(index = ["value"], columns = ["weight optimization solver", "maximum number of iterations", "activation function", "hidden layer sizes", "learning rate", "L² regularization"]) #"learning rate schedule", "momentum", "epsilon"]) ann_finalPara["weight optimization solver"] = [ann_tuning_results.loc["value"]["weight optimization solver"]] ann_finalPara["maximum number of iterations"] = [ann_tuning_results.loc["value"]["maximum number of iterations"]] ann_finalPara["activation function"] = [ann_tuning_results.loc["value"]["activation function"]] ann_finalPara["hidden layer sizes"] = [ann_tuning_results.loc["value"]["hidden layer sizes"]] ann_finalPara["learning rate"] = [ann_tuning_results.loc["value"]["learning rate"]] #ann_finalPara["learning rate schedule"] = [ann_tuning_results.loc["value"]["learning rate schedule"]] #ann_finalPara["momentum"] = [ann_tuning_results.loc["value"]["momentum"]] ann_finalPara["L² regularization"] = [ann_tuning_results.loc["value"]["L² regularization"]] #ann_finalPara["epsilon"] = [ann_tuning_results.loc["value"]["epsilon"]] final_hyPara_values["ann"] = ann_finalPara # Lambda search for GAM if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Generalized Additive Models"): if gam_lam_search == "Yes":"Lambda search") my_bar = st.progress(0.0) progress = 0 Y_data_gam = df[response_var] X_data_gam = df[expl_var] nos = gam_finalPara["number of splines"][0] so = gam_finalPara["spline order"][0] lams = gam_lam_values if response_var_type == "continuous": if gam_finalPara["intercept"][0] == "Yes": gam_grid = LinearGAM(n_splines = nos, spline_order = so, fit_intercept = True).gridsearch(X_data_gam.values, Y_data_gam.values, lam=lams)["value", "lambda"] = gam_grid.lam if gam_finalPara["intercept"][0] == "No": gam_grid = LinearGAM(n_splines = nos, spline_order = so, fit_intercept = False).gridsearch(X_data_gam.values, Y_data_gam.values, lam=lams)["value", "lambda"] = gam_grid.lam if response_var_type == "binary": if gam_finalPara["intercept"][0] == "Yes": gam_grid = LogisticGAM(n_splines = nos, spline_order = so, fit_intercept = True).gridsearch(X_data_gam.values, Y_data_gam.values, lam=lams)["value", "lambda"] = gam_grid.lam if gam_finalPara["intercept"][0] == "No": gam_grid = LogisticGAM(n_splines = nos, spline_order = so, fit_intercept = False).gridsearch(X_data_gam.values, Y_data_gam.values, lam=lams)["value", "lambda"] = gam_grid.lam progress += 1 my_bar.progress(progress/1) # Model validation if do_modval == "Yes": model_val_results = ml.model_val(df, sb_ML_alg, MLR_model, train_frac, val_runs, response_var_type, response_var, expl_var, final_hyPara_values, gam_finalPara, MLR_finalPara, LR_finalPara) # Full model (depending on prediction for new data) if do_modprednew == "Yes": if new_data_pred is not None: model_full_results = ml.model_full(df, df_new, sb_ML_alg, MLR_model, MLR_finalPara, LR_finalPara, response_var_type, response_var, expl_var, final_hyPara_values, gam_finalPara) if do_modprednew == "No": df_new = pd.DataFrame() model_full_results = ml.model_full(df, df_new, sb_ML_alg, MLR_model, MLR_finalPara, LR_finalPara, response_var_type, response_var, expl_var, final_hyPara_values, gam_finalPara) # Success message st.success('Models run successfully!') else: st.error("ERROR: No data available for Modelling!") #++++++++++++++++++++++ # ML OUTPUT # Show only if models were run (no further widgets after run models or the full page reloads) if run_models == True: st.write("") st.write("") st.header("**Model outputs**") #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FULL MODEL OUTPUT full_output = st.beta_expander("Full model output", expanded = False) with full_output: if model_full_results is not None: st.markdown("**Correlation Matrix & 2D-Histogram**") # Define variable selector var_sel_cor = alt.selection_single(fields=['variable', 'variable2'], clear=False, init={'variable': response_var, 'variable2': response_var}) # Calculate correlation data corr_data = df[[response_var] + expl_var].corr().stack().reset_index().rename(columns={0: "correlation", 'level_0': "variable", 'level_1': "variable2"}) corr_data["correlation_label"] = corr_data["correlation"].map('{:.2f}'.format) # Basic plot base = alt.Chart(corr_data).encode( x = alt.X('variable2:O', sort = None, axis = alt.Axis(title = None, labelFontSize = 12)), y = alt.Y('variable:O', sort = None, axis = alt.Axis(title = None, labelFontSize = 12)) ) # Correlation values to insert text = base.mark_text().encode( text='correlation_label', color = alt.condition( alt.datum.correlation > 0.5, alt.value('white'), alt.value('black') ) ) # Correlation plot corr_plot = base.mark_rect().encode( color = alt.condition(var_sel_cor, alt.value('#86c29c'), 'correlation:Q', legend = alt.Legend(title = "Bravais-Pearson correlation coefficient", orient = "top", gradientLength = 350), scale = alt.Scale(scheme='redblue', reverse = True, domain = [-1,1])) ).add_selection(var_sel_cor) # Calculate values for 2d histogram value_columns = df[[response_var] + expl_var] df_2dbinned = pd.concat([fc.compute_2d_histogram(var1, var2, df) for var1 in value_columns for var2 in value_columns]) # 2d binned histogram plot scat_plot = alt.Chart(df_2dbinned).transform_filter( var_sel_cor ).mark_rect().encode( alt.X('value2:N', sort = alt.EncodingSortField(field='raw_left_value2'), axis = alt.Axis(title = "Horizontal variable", labelFontSize = 12)), alt.Y('value:N', axis = alt.Axis(title = "Vertical variable", labelFontSize = 12), sort = alt.EncodingSortField(field='raw_left_value', order = 'descending')), alt.Color('count:Q', scale = alt.Scale(scheme='reds'), legend = alt.Legend(title = "Count", orient = "top", gradientLength = 350)) ) # Combine all plots correlation_plot = alt.vconcat((corr_plot + text).properties(width = 400, height = 400), = 400, height = 400)).resolve_scale(color = 'independent') corr_plot1 = (corr_plot + text).properties(width = 400, height = 400) correlation_plot = = {"left": 50, "top": 5, "right": 5, "bottom": 50}) # hist_2d_plot = = 350) if response_var_type == "continuous": st.altair_chart(correlation_plot, use_container_width = True) if response_var_type == "binary": st.altair_chart(correlation_plot, use_container_width = True) if sett_hints:"mod_cor"))) st.write("") #------------------------------------------------------------- # Continuous response variable if response_var_type == "continuous": # MLR specific output if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Multiple Linear Regression"): st.markdown("**Multiple Linear Regression**") # Regression information fm_mlr_reg_col1, fm_mlr_reg_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) with fm_mlr_reg_col1: st.write("Regression information:") st.table(model_full_results["MLR information"].style.set_precision(user_precision)) # Regression statistics with fm_mlr_reg_col2: st.write("Regression statistics:") st.table(model_full_results["MLR statistics"].style.set_precision(user_precision)) if sett_hints:"mod_md_MLR_regStat"))) st.write("") # Coefficients st.write("Coefficients:") st.table(model_full_results["MLR coefficients"].style.set_precision(user_precision)) if sett_hints:"mod_md_MLR_coef"))) st.write("") # ANOVA st.write("ANOVA:") st.table(model_full_results["MLR ANOVA"].style.set_precision(user_precision)) if sett_hints:"mod_md_MLR_ANOVA"))) st.write("") # Heteroskedasticity tests if MLR_intercept == "Yes": st.write("Heteroskedasticity tests:") st.table(model_full_results["MLR hetTest"].style.set_precision(user_precision)) if sett_hints:"mod_md_MLR_hetTest"))) st.write("") # Variable importance (via permutation) fm_mlr_reg2_col1, fm_mlr_reg2_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) with fm_mlr_reg2_col1: st.write("Variable importance (via permutation):") mlr_varImp_table = model_full_results["MLR variable importance"] st.table( st.write("") with fm_mlr_reg2_col2: st.write("") st.write("") st.write("") mlr_varImp_plot_data = model_full_results["MLR variable importance"] mlr_varImp_plot_data["Variable"] = mlr_varImp_plot_data.index mlr_varImp = alt.Chart(mlr_varImp_plot_data, height = 200).mark_bar().encode( x = alt.X("mean", title = "variable importance", axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("Variable", title = None, axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11), sort = None), tooltip = ["Variable", "mean"] ) st.altair_chart(mlr_varImp, use_container_width = True) if sett_hints:"mod_md_MLR_varImp"))) st.write("") # Graphical output fm_mlr_figs_col1, fm_mlr_figs_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) with fm_mlr_figs_col1: st.write("Observed vs Fitted:") observed_fitted_data = pd.DataFrame() observed_fitted_data["Observed"] = df[response_var] observed_fitted_data["Fitted"] = model_full_results["MLR fitted"] observed_fitted_data["Index"] = df.index observed_fitted = alt.Chart(observed_fitted_data, height = 200).mark_circle(size=20).encode( x = alt.X("Fitted", title = "fitted", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [min(observed_fitted_data["Fitted"]), max(observed_fitted_data["Fitted"])]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("Observed", title = "observed", scale = alt.Scale(zero = False), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["Observed", "Fitted", "Index"] ) observed_fitted_plot = observed_fitted + observed_fitted.transform_regression("Fitted", "Observed").mark_line(size = 2, color = "darkred") st.altair_chart(observed_fitted_plot, use_container_width = True) with fm_mlr_figs_col2: st.write("Residuals vs Fitted:") residuals_fitted_data = pd.DataFrame() residuals_fitted_data["Residuals"] = model_full_results["residuals"]["Multiple Linear Regression"] residuals_fitted_data["Fitted"] = model_full_results["MLR fitted"] residuals_fitted_data["Index"] = df.index residuals_fitted = alt.Chart(residuals_fitted_data, height = 200).mark_circle(size=20).encode( x = alt.X("Fitted", title = "fitted", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [min(residuals_fitted_data["Fitted"]), max(residuals_fitted_data["Fitted"])]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("Residuals", title = "residuals", scale = alt.Scale(zero = False), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["Residuals", "Fitted", "Index"] ) residuals_fitted_plot = residuals_fitted + residuals_fitted.transform_loess("Fitted", "Residuals", bandwidth = 0.5).mark_line(size = 2, color = "darkred") st.altair_chart(residuals_fitted_plot, use_container_width = True) if sett_hints:"mod_md_MLR_obsResVsFit"))) st.write("") fm_mlr_figs1_col1, fm_mlr_figs1_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) with fm_mlr_figs1_col1: st.write("Normal QQ-plot:") residuals = model_full_results["residuals"]["Multiple Linear Regression"] qq_plot_data = pd.DataFrame() qq_plot_data["StandResiduals"] = (residuals - residuals.mean())/residuals.std() qq_plot_data["Index"] = df.index qq_plot_data = qq_plot_data.sort_values(by = ["StandResiduals"]) qq_plot_data["Theoretical quantiles"] = stats.probplot(residuals, dist="norm")[0][0] qq_plot = alt.Chart(qq_plot_data, height = 200).mark_circle(size=20).encode( x = alt.X("Theoretical quantiles", title = "theoretical quantiles", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [min(qq_plot_data["Theoretical quantiles"]), max(qq_plot_data["Theoretical quantiles"])]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("StandResiduals", title = "stand. residuals", scale = alt.Scale(zero = False), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["StandResiduals", "Theoretical quantiles", "Index"] ) line = alt.Chart( pd.DataFrame({"Theoretical quantiles": [min(qq_plot_data["Theoretical quantiles"]), max(qq_plot_data["Theoretical quantiles"])], "StandResiduals": [min(qq_plot_data["Theoretical quantiles"]), max(qq_plot_data["Theoretical quantiles"])]})).mark_line(size = 2, color = "darkred").encode( alt.X("Theoretical quantiles"), alt.Y("StandResiduals"), ) st.altair_chart(qq_plot + line, use_container_width = True) if sett_hints:"mod_md_MLR_qqplot"))) with fm_mlr_figs1_col2: st.write("Scale-Location:") scale_location_data = pd.DataFrame() residuals = model_full_results["residuals"]["Multiple Linear Regression"] scale_location_data["SqrtStandResiduals"] = np.sqrt(abs((residuals - residuals.mean())/residuals.std())) scale_location_data["Fitted"] = model_full_results["MLR fitted"] scale_location_data["Index"] = df.index scale_location = alt.Chart(scale_location_data, height = 200).mark_circle(size=20).encode( x = alt.X("Fitted", title = "fitted", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [min(scale_location_data["Fitted"]), max(scale_location_data["Fitted"])]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("SqrtStandResiduals", title = "sqrt(|stand. residuals|)", scale = alt.Scale(zero = False), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["SqrtStandResiduals", "Fitted", "Index"] ) scale_location_plot = scale_location + scale_location.transform_loess("Fitted", "SqrtStandResiduals", bandwidth = 0.5).mark_line(size = 2, color = "darkred") st.altair_chart(scale_location_plot, use_container_width = True) if sett_hints:"mod_md_MLR_scaleLoc"))) st.write("") fm_mlr_figs2_col1, fm_mlr_figs2_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) with fm_mlr_figs2_col1: st.write("Residuals vs Leverage:") residuals_leverage_data = pd.DataFrame() residuals = model_full_results["residuals"]["Multiple Linear Regression"] residuals_leverage_data["StandResiduals"] = (residuals - residuals.mean())/residuals.std() residuals_leverage_data["Leverage"] = model_full_results["MLR leverage"] residuals_leverage_data["Index"] = df.index residuals_leverage = alt.Chart(residuals_leverage_data, height = 200).mark_circle(size=20).encode( x = alt.X("Leverage", title = "leverage", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [min(residuals_leverage_data["Leverage"]), max(residuals_leverage_data["Leverage"])]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("StandResiduals", title = "stand. residuals", scale = alt.Scale(zero = False), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["StandResiduals","Leverage", "Index"] ) residuals_leverage_plot = residuals_leverage + residuals_leverage.transform_loess("Leverage", "StandResiduals", bandwidth = 0.5).mark_line(size = 2, color = "darkred") st.altair_chart(residuals_leverage_plot, use_container_width = True) with fm_mlr_figs2_col2: st.write("Cook's distance:") cooksD_data = pd.DataFrame() cooksD_data["CooksD"] = model_full_results["MLR Cooks distance"] cooksD_data["Index"] = df.index cooksD = alt.Chart(cooksD_data, height = 200).mark_bar(size = 2).encode( x = alt.X("Index", title = "index", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [-1, max(cooksD_data["Index"])]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("CooksD", title = "Cook's distance", scale = alt.Scale(zero = False), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["CooksD", "Index"] ) st.altair_chart(cooksD, use_container_width = True) if sett_hints:"mod_md_MLR_resVsLev_cooksD"))) # Download link for MLR output output = BytesIO() excel_file = pd.ExcelWriter(output, engine="xlsxwriter") model_full_results["MLR information"].to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="regression_information") model_full_results["MLR statistics"].to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="regression_statistics") model_full_results["MLR coefficients"].to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="coefficients") model_full_results["MLR ANOVA"].to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="ANOVA") model_full_results["MLR hetTest"].to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="heteroskedasticity_tests") mlr_varImp_table.to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="variable_importance") excel_file = output.getvalue() b64 = base64.b64encode(excel_file) dl_file_name= "MLR full model output__" + df_name + ".xlsx" st.markdown( f""" <a href="data:file/excel_file;base64,{b64.decode()}" id="button_dl" download="{dl_file_name}">Download Multiple Linear Regression full model output</a> """, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.write("") # GAM specific output if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Generalized Additive Models"): st.markdown("**Generalized Additive Models**") fm_gam_reg_col1, fm_gam_reg_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) # Regression information with fm_gam_reg_col1: st.write("Regression information:") st.table(model_full_results["GAM information"].style.set_precision(user_precision)) # Regression statistics with fm_gam_reg_col2: st.write("Regression statistics:") st.table(model_full_results["GAM statistics"].style.set_precision(user_precision)) if sett_hints:"mod_md_GAM_regStat"))) st.write("") # Feature significance st.write("Feature significance:") st.table(model_full_results["GAM feature significance"].style.set_precision(user_precision)) if sett_hints:"mod_md_GAM_featSig"))) st.write("") # Variable importance (via permutation) fm_gam_figs1_col1, fm_gam_figs1_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) with fm_gam_figs1_col1: st.write("Variable importance (via permutation):") gam_varImp_table = model_full_results["GAM variable importance"] st.table( st.write("") with fm_gam_figs1_col2: st.write("") st.write("") st.write("") gam_varImp_plot_data = model_full_results["GAM variable importance"] gam_varImp_plot_data["Variable"] = gam_varImp_plot_data.index gam_varImp = alt.Chart(gam_varImp_plot_data, height = 200).mark_bar().encode( x = alt.X("mean", title = "variable importance", axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("Variable", title = None, axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11), sort = None), tooltip = ["Variable", "mean"] ) st.altair_chart(gam_varImp, use_container_width = True) if sett_hints:"mod_md_GAM_varImp"))) st.write("") # Partial dependence plots st.write("Partial dependence plots:") fm_gam_figs3_col1, fm_gam_figs3_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) for pd_var in expl_var: pd_data_gam = pd.DataFrame(columns = [pd_var]) pd_data_gam[pd_var] = model_full_results["GAM partial dependence"][pd_var]["x_values"] pd_data_gam["Partial dependence"] = model_full_results["GAM partial dependence"][pd_var]["pd_values"] pd_data_gam["Lower 95%"] = model_full_results["GAM partial dependence"][pd_var]["lower_95"] pd_data_gam["Upper 95%"] = model_full_results["GAM partial dependence"][pd_var]["upper_95"] pd_chart_gam = alt.Chart(pd_data_gam, height = 200).mark_line(color = "darkred").encode( x = alt.X(pd_var, axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("Partial dependence", title = "partial dependence", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [model_full_results["GAM partial dependence min/max"]["min"].min(), model_full_results["GAM partial dependence min/max"]["max"].max()]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["Upper 95%", "Partial dependence", "Lower 95%"] + [pd_var] ) pd_data_ticks_gam = pd.DataFrame(columns = [pd_var]) pd_data_ticks_gam[pd_var] = df[pd_var] pd_data_ticks_gam["y"] = [model_full_results["GAM partial dependence min/max"]["min"].min()] * df.shape[0] pd_ticks_gam = alt.Chart(pd_data_ticks_gam, height = 200).mark_tick(size = 5, thickness = 1).encode( x = alt.X(pd_var, axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11), scale = alt.Scale(domain = [pd_data_ticks_gam[pd_var].min(), pd_data_ticks_gam[pd_var].max()])), y = alt.Y("y", title = "partial dependence", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [model_full_results["GAM partial dependence min/max"]["min"].min(), model_full_results["GAM partial dependence min/max"]["max"].max()]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = [pd_var] ) pd_data_gam_lower = pd.DataFrame(columns = [pd_var]) pd_data_gam_lower[pd_var] = model_full_results["GAM partial dependence"][pd_var]["x_values"] pd_data_gam_lower["Lower 95%"] = model_full_results["GAM partial dependence"][pd_var]["lower_95"] pd_chart_gam_lower = alt.Chart(pd_data_gam_lower, height = 200).mark_line(strokeDash=[1,1], color = "darkred").encode( x = alt.X(pd_var, axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("Lower 95%", title = "", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [model_full_results["GAM partial dependence min/max"]["min"].min(), model_full_results["GAM partial dependence min/max"]["max"].max()]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["Lower 95%"] + [pd_var] ) pd_data_gam_upper = pd.DataFrame(columns = [pd_var]) pd_data_gam_upper[pd_var] = model_full_results["GAM partial dependence"][pd_var]["x_values"] pd_data_gam_upper["Upper 95%"] = model_full_results["GAM partial dependence"][pd_var]["upper_95"] pd_chart_gam_upper = alt.Chart(pd_data_gam_upper, height = 200).mark_line(strokeDash=[1,1], color = "darkred").encode( x = alt.X(pd_var, axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("Upper 95%", title = "", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [model_full_results["GAM partial dependence min/max"]["min"].min(), model_full_results["GAM partial dependence min/max"]["max"].max()]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["Upper 95%"] + [pd_var] ) if expl_var.index(pd_var)%2 == 0: with fm_gam_figs3_col1: st.altair_chart(pd_ticks_gam + pd_chart_gam_lower + pd_chart_gam_upper + pd_chart_gam, use_container_width = True) if expl_var.index(pd_var)%2 == 1: with fm_gam_figs3_col2: st.altair_chart(pd_ticks_gam + pd_chart_gam_lower + pd_chart_gam_upper + pd_chart_gam, use_container_width = True) if sett_hints:"mod_md_GAM_partDep"))) st.write("") # Further graphical output fm_gam_figs4_col1, fm_gam_figs4_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) with fm_gam_figs4_col1: st.write("Observed vs Fitted:") observed_fitted_data = pd.DataFrame() observed_fitted_data["Observed"] = df[response_var] observed_fitted_data["Fitted"] = model_full_results["GAM fitted"] observed_fitted_data["Index"] = df.index observed_fitted = alt.Chart(observed_fitted_data, height = 200).mark_circle(size=20).encode( x = alt.X("Fitted", title = "fitted", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [min(observed_fitted_data["Fitted"]), max(observed_fitted_data["Fitted"])]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("Observed", title = "observed", scale = alt.Scale(zero = False), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["Observed", "Fitted", "Index"] ) observed_fitted_plot = observed_fitted + observed_fitted.transform_regression("Fitted", "Observed").mark_line(size = 2, color = "darkred") st.altair_chart(observed_fitted_plot, use_container_width = True) with fm_gam_figs4_col2: st.write("Residuals vs Fitted:") residuals_fitted_data = pd.DataFrame() residuals_fitted_data["Residuals"] = model_full_results["residuals"]["Generalized Additive Models"] residuals_fitted_data["Fitted"] = model_full_results["GAM fitted"] residuals_fitted_data["Index"] = df.index residuals_fitted = alt.Chart(residuals_fitted_data, height = 200).mark_circle(size=20).encode( x = alt.X("Fitted", title = "fitted", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [min(residuals_fitted_data["Fitted"]), max(residuals_fitted_data["Fitted"])]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("Residuals", title = "residuals", scale = alt.Scale(zero = False), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["Residuals", "Fitted", "Index"] ) residuals_fitted_plot = residuals_fitted + residuals_fitted.transform_loess("Fitted", "Residuals", bandwidth = 0.5).mark_line(size = 2, color = "darkred") st.altair_chart(residuals_fitted_plot, use_container_width = True) if sett_hints:"mod_md_GAM_obsResVsFit"))) # Download link for GAM output output = BytesIO() excel_file = pd.ExcelWriter(output, engine="xlsxwriter") model_full_results["GAM information"].to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="regression_information") model_full_results["GAM statistics"].to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="regression_statistics") model_full_results["GAM feature significance"].to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="feature_significance") gam_varImp_table.to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="variable_importance") excel_file = output.getvalue() b64 = base64.b64encode(excel_file) dl_file_name = "GAM full model output__" + df_name + ".xlsx" st.markdown( f""" <a href="data:file/excel_file;base64,{b64.decode()}" id="button_dl" download="{dl_file_name}">Download Generalized Additive Models full model output</a> """, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.write("") # RF specific output if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Random Forest"): st.markdown("**Random Forest**") fm_rf_reg_col1, fm_rf_reg_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) # Regression information with fm_rf_reg_col1: st.write("Regression information:") st.table(model_full_results["RF information"].style.set_precision(user_precision)) # Regression statistics with fm_rf_reg_col2: st.write("Regression statistics:") rf_error_est = pd.DataFrame(index = ["MSE", "RMSE", "MAE", "Residual SE"], columns = ["Value"]) rf_error_est.loc["MSE"] = model_full_results["model comparison"].loc["MSE"]["Random Forest"] rf_error_est.loc["RMSE"] = model_full_results["model comparison"].loc["RMSE"]["Random Forest"] rf_error_est.loc["MAE"] = model_full_results["model comparison"].loc["MAE"]["Random Forest"] rf_error_est.loc["Residual SE"] = model_full_results["RF Residual SE"] st.table( if sett_hints:"mod_md_RF_regStat"))) st.write("") # Variable importance (via permutation) fm_rf_figs1_col1, fm_rf_figs1_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) with fm_rf_figs1_col1: st.write("Variable importance (via permutation):") rf_varImp_table = model_full_results["RF variable importance"] st.table( st.write("") with fm_rf_figs1_col2: st.write("") st.write("") st.write("") rf_varImp_plot_data = model_full_results["RF variable importance"] rf_varImp_plot_data["Variable"] = rf_varImp_plot_data.index rf_varImp = alt.Chart(rf_varImp_plot_data, height = 200).mark_bar().encode( x = alt.X("mean", title = "variable importance", axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("Variable", title = None, axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11), sort = None), tooltip = ["Variable", "mean"] ) st.altair_chart(rf_varImp, use_container_width = True) st.write("") fm_rf_figs2_col1, fm_rf_figs2_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) # Feature importance with fm_rf_figs2_col1: st.write("Feature importance (impurity-based):") rf_featImp_table = model_full_results["RF feature importance"] st.table( st.write("") with fm_rf_figs2_col2: st.write("") st.write("") st.write("") rf_featImp_plot_data = model_full_results["RF feature importance"] rf_featImp_plot_data["Variable"] = rf_featImp_plot_data.index rf_featImp = alt.Chart(rf_featImp_plot_data, height = 200).mark_bar().encode( x = alt.X("Value", title = "feature importance", axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("Variable", title = None, axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11), sort = None), tooltip = ["Variable", "Value"] ) st.altair_chart(rf_featImp, use_container_width = True) if sett_hints:"mod_md_RF_varImp"))) st.write("") # Partial dependence plots st.write("Partial dependence plots:") fm_rf_figs3_col1, fm_rf_figs3_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) for pd_var in expl_var: pd_data_rf = pd.DataFrame(columns = [pd_var]) pd_data_rf[pd_var] = model_full_results["RF partial dependence"][pd_var][1][0] pd_data_rf["Partial dependence"] = model_full_results["RF partial dependence"][pd_var][0][0] pd_chart_rf = alt.Chart(pd_data_rf, height = 200).mark_line(color = "darkred").encode( x = alt.X(pd_var, axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("Partial dependence", title = "partial dependence", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [model_full_results["RF partial dependence min/max"]["min"].min(), model_full_results["RF partial dependence min/max"]["max"].max()]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["Partial dependence"] + [pd_var] ) pd_data_ticks_rf = pd.DataFrame(columns = [pd_var]) pd_data_ticks_rf[pd_var] = df[pd_var] pd_data_ticks_rf["y"] = [model_full_results["RF partial dependence min/max"]["min"].min()] * df.shape[0] pd_ticks_rf = alt.Chart(pd_data_ticks_rf, height = 200).mark_tick(size = 5, thickness = 1).encode( x = alt.X(pd_var, axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11), scale = alt.Scale(domain = [pd_data_ticks_rf[pd_var].min(), pd_data_ticks_rf[pd_var].max()])), y = alt.Y("y", title = "partial dependence", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [model_full_results["RF partial dependence min/max"]["min"].min(), model_full_results["RF partial dependence min/max"]["max"].max()]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = [pd_var] ) if expl_var.index(pd_var)%2 == 0: with fm_rf_figs3_col1: st.altair_chart(pd_ticks_rf + pd_chart_rf, use_container_width = True) if expl_var.index(pd_var)%2 == 1: with fm_rf_figs3_col2: st.altair_chart(pd_ticks_rf + pd_chart_rf, use_container_width = True) if sett_hints:"mod_md_RF_partDep"))) st.write("") # Further graphical output fm_rf_figs4_col1, fm_rf_figs4_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) with fm_rf_figs4_col1: st.write("Observed vs Fitted:") observed_fitted_data = pd.DataFrame() observed_fitted_data["Observed"] = df[response_var] observed_fitted_data["Fitted"] = model_full_results["RF fitted"] observed_fitted_data["Index"] = df.index observed_fitted = alt.Chart(observed_fitted_data, height = 200).mark_circle(size=20).encode( x = alt.X("Fitted", title = "fitted", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [min(observed_fitted_data["Fitted"]), max(observed_fitted_data["Fitted"])]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("Observed", title = "observed", scale = alt.Scale(zero = False), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["Observed", "Fitted", "Index"] ) observed_fitted_plot = observed_fitted + observed_fitted.transform_regression("Fitted", "Observed").mark_line(size = 2, color = "darkred") st.altair_chart(observed_fitted_plot, use_container_width = True) with fm_rf_figs4_col2: st.write("Residuals vs Fitted:") residuals_fitted_data = pd.DataFrame() residuals_fitted_data["Residuals"] = model_full_results["residuals"]["Random Forest"] residuals_fitted_data["Fitted"] = model_full_results["RF fitted"] residuals_fitted_data["Index"] = df.index residuals_fitted = alt.Chart(residuals_fitted_data, height = 200).mark_circle(size=20).encode( x = alt.X("Fitted", title = "fitted", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [min(residuals_fitted_data["Fitted"]), max(residuals_fitted_data["Fitted"])]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("Residuals", title = "residuals", scale = alt.Scale(zero = False), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["Residuals", "Fitted", "Index"] ) residuals_fitted_plot = residuals_fitted + residuals_fitted.transform_loess("Fitted", "Residuals", bandwidth = 0.5).mark_line(size = 2, color = "darkred") st.altair_chart(residuals_fitted_plot, use_container_width = True) if sett_hints:"mod_md_RF_obsResVsFit"))) # Download link for RF output output = BytesIO() excel_file = pd.ExcelWriter(output, engine="xlsxwriter") model_full_results["RF information"].to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="regression_information") rf_error_est.to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="regression_statistics") rf_varImp_table.to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="variable_importance") rf_featImp_table.to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="feature_importance") excel_file = output.getvalue() b64 = base64.b64encode(excel_file) dl_file_name = "RF full model output__" + df_name + ".xlsx" st.markdown( f""" <a href="data:file/excel_file;base64,{b64.decode()}" id="button_dl" download="{dl_file_name}">Download Random Forest full model output</a> """, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.write("") # BRT specific output if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Boosted Regression Trees"): st.markdown("**Boosted Regression Trees**") fm_brt_reg_col1, fm_brt_reg_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) # Regression information with fm_brt_reg_col1: st.write("Regression information:") st.table(model_full_results["BRT information"].style.set_precision(user_precision)) # Regression statistics with fm_brt_reg_col2: st.write("Regression statistics:") brt_error_est = pd.DataFrame(index = ["MSE", "RMSE", "MAE", "Residual SE"], columns = ["Value"]) brt_error_est.loc["MSE"] = model_full_results["model comparison"].loc["MSE"]["Boosted Regression Trees"] brt_error_est.loc["RMSE"] = model_full_results["model comparison"].loc["RMSE"]["Boosted Regression Trees"] brt_error_est.loc["MAE"] = model_full_results["model comparison"].loc["MAE"]["Boosted Regression Trees"] brt_error_est.loc["Residual SE"] = model_full_results["BRT Residual SE"] st.table( if sett_hints:"mod_md_BRT_regStat"))) st.write("") # Training score (MSE vs. number of trees) st.write("Training score:") train_score = pd.DataFrame(index = range(model_full_results["BRT train score"].shape[0]), columns = ["Training MSE"]) train_score["Training MSE"] = model_full_results["BRT train score"] train_score["Trees"] = train_score.index+1 train_score_plot = alt.Chart(train_score, height = 200).mark_line(color = "darkred").encode( x = alt.X("Trees", title = "trees", axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11), scale = alt.Scale(domain = [train_score["Trees"].min(), train_score["Trees"].max()])), y = alt.Y("Training MSE", title = "training MSE", scale = alt.Scale(zero = False), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["Training MSE", "Trees"] ) st.altair_chart(train_score_plot, use_container_width = True) st.write("") # Variable importance (via permutation) fm_brt_figs1_col1, fm_brt_figs1_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) with fm_brt_figs1_col1: st.write("Variable importance (via permutation):") brt_varImp_table = model_full_results["BRT variable importance"] st.table( st.write("") with fm_brt_figs1_col2: st.write("") st.write("") st.write("") brt_varImp_plot_data = model_full_results["BRT variable importance"] brt_varImp_plot_data["Variable"] = brt_varImp_plot_data.index brt_varImp = alt.Chart(brt_varImp_plot_data, height = 200).mark_bar().encode( x = alt.X("mean", title = "variable importance", axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("Variable", title = None, axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11), sort = None), tooltip = ["Variable", "mean"] ) st.altair_chart(brt_varImp, use_container_width = True) st.write("") fm_brt_figs2_col1, fm_brt_figs2_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) # Feature importance with fm_brt_figs2_col1: st.write("Feature importance (impurity-based):") brt_featImp_table = model_full_results["BRT feature importance"] st.table( st.write("") with fm_brt_figs2_col2: st.write("") st.write("") st.write("") brt_featImp_plot_data = model_full_results["BRT feature importance"] brt_featImp_plot_data["Variable"] = brt_featImp_plot_data.index brt_featImp = alt.Chart(brt_featImp_plot_data, height = 200).mark_bar().encode( x = alt.X("Value", title = "feature importance", axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("Variable", title = None, axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11), sort = None), tooltip = ["Variable", "Value"] ) st.altair_chart(brt_featImp, use_container_width = True) if sett_hints:"mod_md_BRT_varImp"))) st.write("") # Partial dependence plots st.write("Partial dependence plots:") fm_brt_figs3_col1, fm_brt_figs3_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) for pd_var in expl_var: pd_data_brt = pd.DataFrame(columns = [pd_var]) pd_data_brt[pd_var] = model_full_results["BRT partial dependence"][pd_var][1][0] pd_data_brt["Partial dependence"] = model_full_results["BRT partial dependence"][pd_var][0][0] pd_chart_brt = alt.Chart(pd_data_brt, height = 200).mark_line(color = "darkred").encode( x = alt.X(pd_var, axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("Partial dependence", title = "partial dependence", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [model_full_results["BRT partial dependence min/max"]["min"].min(), model_full_results["BRT partial dependence min/max"]["max"].max()]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["Partial dependence"] + [pd_var] ) pd_data_ticks_brt = pd.DataFrame(columns = [pd_var]) pd_data_ticks_brt[pd_var] = df[pd_var] pd_data_ticks_brt["y"] = [model_full_results["BRT partial dependence min/max"]["min"].min()] * df.shape[0] pd_ticks_brt = alt.Chart(pd_data_ticks_brt, height = 200).mark_tick(size = 5, thickness = 1).encode( x = alt.X(pd_var, axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11), scale = alt.Scale(domain = [pd_data_ticks_brt[pd_var].min(), pd_data_ticks_brt[pd_var].max()])), y = alt.Y("y", title = "partial dependence", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [model_full_results["BRT partial dependence min/max"]["min"].min(), model_full_results["BRT partial dependence min/max"]["max"].max()]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = [pd_var] ) if expl_var.index(pd_var)%2 == 0: with fm_brt_figs3_col1: st.altair_chart(pd_ticks_brt + pd_chart_brt, use_container_width = True) if expl_var.index(pd_var)%2 == 1: with fm_brt_figs3_col2: st.altair_chart(pd_ticks_brt + pd_chart_brt, use_container_width = True) if sett_hints:"mod_md_BRT_partDep"))) st.write("") # Further graphical output fm_brt_figs4_col1, fm_brt_figs4_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) with fm_brt_figs4_col1: st.write("Observed vs Fitted:") observed_fitted_data = pd.DataFrame() observed_fitted_data["Observed"] = df[response_var] observed_fitted_data["Fitted"] = model_full_results["BRT fitted"] observed_fitted_data["Index"] = df.index observed_fitted = alt.Chart(observed_fitted_data, height = 200).mark_circle(size=20).encode( x = alt.X("Fitted", title = "fitted", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [min(observed_fitted_data["Fitted"]), max(observed_fitted_data["Fitted"])]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("Observed", title = "observed", scale = alt.Scale(zero = False), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["Observed", "Fitted", "Index"] ) observed_fitted_plot = observed_fitted + observed_fitted.transform_regression("Fitted", "Observed").mark_line(size = 2, color = "darkred") st.altair_chart(observed_fitted_plot, use_container_width = True) with fm_brt_figs4_col2: st.write("Residuals vs Fitted:") residuals_fitted_data = pd.DataFrame() residuals_fitted_data["Residuals"] = model_full_results["residuals"]["Boosted Regression Trees"] residuals_fitted_data["Fitted"] = model_full_results["BRT fitted"] residuals_fitted_data["Index"] = df.index residuals_fitted = alt.Chart(residuals_fitted_data, height = 200).mark_circle(size=20).encode( x = alt.X("Fitted", title = "fitted", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [min(residuals_fitted_data["Fitted"]), max(residuals_fitted_data["Fitted"])]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("Residuals", title = "residuals", scale = alt.Scale(zero = False), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["Residuals", "Fitted", "Index"] ) residuals_fitted_plot = residuals_fitted + residuals_fitted.transform_loess("Fitted", "Residuals", bandwidth = 0.5).mark_line(size = 2, color = "darkred") st.altair_chart(residuals_fitted_plot, use_container_width = True) if sett_hints:"mod_md_BRT_obsResVsFit"))) # Download link for BRT output output = BytesIO() excel_file = pd.ExcelWriter(output, engine="xlsxwriter") model_full_results["BRT information"].to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="regression_information") brt_error_est.to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="regression_statistics") brt_varImp_table.to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="variable_importance") brt_featImp_table.to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="feature_importance") excel_file = output.getvalue() b64 = base64.b64encode(excel_file) dl_file_name = "BRT full model output__" + df_name + ".xlsx" st.markdown( f""" <a href="data:file/excel_file;base64,{b64.decode()}" id="button_dl" download="{dl_file_name}">Download Boosted Regression Trees full model output</a> """, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.write("") # ANN specific output if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Artificial Neural Networks"): st.markdown("**Artificial Neural Networks**") fm_ann_reg_col1, fm_ann_reg_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) # Regression information with fm_ann_reg_col1: st.write("Regression information:") st.table(model_full_results["ANN information"].style.set_precision(user_precision)) # Regression statistics with fm_ann_reg_col2: st.write("Regression statistics:") ann_error_est = pd.DataFrame(index = ["MSE", "RMSE", "MAE", "Residual SE", "Best loss"], columns = ["Value"]) ann_error_est.loc["MSE"] = model_full_results["model comparison"].loc["MSE"]["Artificial Neural Networks"] ann_error_est.loc["RMSE"] = model_full_results["model comparison"].loc["RMSE"]["Artificial Neural Networks"] ann_error_est.loc["MAE"] = model_full_results["model comparison"].loc["MAE"]["Artificial Neural Networks"] ann_error_est.loc["Residual SE"] = model_full_results["ANN Residual SE"] if ann_finalPara["weight optimization solver"][0] != "lbfgs": ann_error_est.loc["Best loss"] = model_full_results["ANN loss"] st.table( if sett_hints:"mod_md_ANN_regStat"))) st.write("") # Loss curve (loss vs. number of iterations (epochs)) if ann_finalPara["weight optimization solver"][0] != "lbfgs": st.write("Loss curve:") loss_curve = pd.DataFrame(index = range(len(model_full_results["ANN loss curve"])), columns = ["Loss"]) loss_curve["Loss"] = model_full_results["ANN loss curve"] loss_curve["Iterations"] = loss_curve.index+1 loss_curve_plot = alt.Chart(loss_curve, height = 200).mark_line(color = "darkred").encode( x = alt.X("Iterations", title = "iterations (epochs)", axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11), scale = alt.Scale(domain = [loss_curve["Iterations"].min(), loss_curve["Iterations"].max()])), y = alt.Y("Loss", title = "loss", scale = alt.Scale(zero = False), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["Loss", "Iterations"] ) st.altair_chart(loss_curve_plot, use_container_width = True) st.write("") fm_ann_figs1_col1, fm_ann_figs1_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) # Variable importance (via permutation) with fm_ann_figs1_col1: st.write("Variable importance (via permutation):") ann_varImp_table = model_full_results["ANN variable importance"] st.table( st.write("") with fm_ann_figs1_col2: st.write("") st.write("") st.write("") ann_varImp_plot_data = model_full_results["ANN variable importance"] ann_varImp_plot_data["Variable"] = ann_varImp_plot_data.index ann_varImp = alt.Chart(ann_varImp_plot_data, height = 200).mark_bar().encode( x = alt.X("mean", title = "variable importance", axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("Variable", title = None, axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11), sort = None), tooltip = ["Variable", "mean"] ) st.altair_chart(ann_varImp, use_container_width = True) if sett_hints:"mod_md_ANN_varImp"))) st.write("") # Partial dependence plots st.write("Partial dependence plots:") fm_ann_figs2_col1, fm_ann_figs2_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) for pd_var in expl_var: pd_data_ann = pd.DataFrame(columns = [pd_var]) pd_data_ann[pd_var] = (model_full_results["ANN partial dependence"][pd_var][1][0]*(df[pd_var].std()))+df[pd_var].mean() pd_data_ann["Partial dependence"] = model_full_results["ANN partial dependence"][pd_var][0][0] pd_chart_ann = alt.Chart(pd_data_ann, height = 200).mark_line(color = "darkred").encode( x = alt.X(pd_var, axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("Partial dependence", title = "partial dependence", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [model_full_results["ANN partial dependence min/max"]["min"].min(), model_full_results["ANN partial dependence min/max"]["max"].max()]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["Partial dependence"] + [pd_var] ) pd_data_ticks_ann = pd.DataFrame(columns = [pd_var]) pd_data_ticks_ann[pd_var] = df[pd_var] pd_data_ticks_ann["y"] = [model_full_results["ANN partial dependence min/max"]["min"].min()] * df.shape[0] pd_ticks_ann = alt.Chart(pd_data_ticks_ann, height = 200).mark_tick(size = 5, thickness = 1).encode( x = alt.X(pd_var, axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11), scale = alt.Scale(domain = [pd_data_ticks_ann[pd_var].min(), pd_data_ticks_ann[pd_var].max()])), y = alt.Y("y", title = "partial dependence", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [model_full_results["ANN partial dependence min/max"]["min"].min(), model_full_results["ANN partial dependence min/max"]["max"].max()]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = [pd_var] ) if expl_var.index(pd_var)%2 == 0: with fm_ann_figs2_col1: st.altair_chart(pd_ticks_ann + pd_chart_ann, use_container_width = True) if expl_var.index(pd_var)%2 == 1: with fm_ann_figs2_col2: st.altair_chart(pd_ticks_ann + pd_chart_ann, use_container_width = True) if sett_hints:"mod_md_ANN_partDep"))) st.write("") # Further graphical output fm_ann_figs3_col1, fm_ann_figs3_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) with fm_ann_figs3_col1: st.write("Observed vs Fitted:") observed_fitted_data = pd.DataFrame() observed_fitted_data["Observed"] = df[response_var] observed_fitted_data["Fitted"] = model_full_results["ANN fitted"] observed_fitted_data["Index"] = df.index observed_fitted = alt.Chart(observed_fitted_data, height = 200).mark_circle(size=20).encode( x = alt.X("Fitted", title = "fitted", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [min(observed_fitted_data["Fitted"]), max(observed_fitted_data["Fitted"])]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("Observed", title = "observed", scale = alt.Scale(zero = False), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["Observed", "Fitted", "Index"] ) observed_fitted_plot = observed_fitted + observed_fitted.transform_regression("Fitted", "Observed").mark_line(size = 2, color = "darkred") st.altair_chart(observed_fitted_plot, use_container_width = True) with fm_ann_figs3_col2: st.write("Residuals vs Fitted:") residuals_fitted_data = pd.DataFrame() residuals_fitted_data["Residuals"] = model_full_results["residuals"]["Artificial Neural Networks"] residuals_fitted_data["Fitted"] = model_full_results["ANN fitted"] residuals_fitted_data["Index"] = df.index residuals_fitted = alt.Chart(residuals_fitted_data, height = 200).mark_circle(size=20).encode( x = alt.X("Fitted", title = "fitted", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [min(residuals_fitted_data["Fitted"]), max(residuals_fitted_data["Fitted"])]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("Residuals", title = "residuals", scale = alt.Scale(zero = False), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["Residuals", "Fitted", "Index"] ) residuals_fitted_plot = residuals_fitted + residuals_fitted.transform_loess("Fitted", "Residuals", bandwidth = 0.5).mark_line(size = 2, color = "darkred") st.altair_chart(residuals_fitted_plot, use_container_width = True) if sett_hints:"mod_md_ANN_obsResVsFit"))) # Download link for ANN output output = BytesIO() excel_file = pd.ExcelWriter(output, engine="xlsxwriter") model_full_results["ANN information"].to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="regression_information") ann_error_est.to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="regression_statistics") ann_varImp_table.to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="variable_importance") excel_file = output.getvalue() b64 = base64.b64encode(excel_file) dl_file_name = "ANN full model output__" + df_name + ".xlsx" st.markdown( f""" <a href="data:file/excel_file;base64,{b64.decode()}" id="button_dl" download="{dl_file_name}">Download Artificial Neural Networks full model output</a> """, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.write("") # Performance metrics across all models st.markdown("**Model comparison**") st.write("Performance metrics:") model_comp_sort_enable = (model_full_results["model comparison"]).transpose() st.write( if len(sb_ML_alg) > 1: if sett_hints:"mod_md_modCompPerf"))) st.write("") model_full_res = pd.DataFrame(index = ["min", "25%-Q", "median", "75%-Q", "max"], columns = sb_ML_alg) for m in sb_ML_alg: model_full_res.loc["min"][m] = model_full_results["residuals"][m].min() model_full_res.loc["25%-Q"][m] = model_full_results["residuals"][m].quantile(q = 0.25) model_full_res.loc["median"][m] = model_full_results["residuals"][m].quantile(q = 0.5) model_full_res.loc["75%-Q"][m] = model_full_results["residuals"][m].quantile(q = 0.75) model_full_res.loc["max"][m] = model_full_results["residuals"][m].max() st.write("Residuals distribution:") st.write((model_full_res).transpose().style.set_precision(user_precision)) if len(sb_ML_alg) > 1: if sett_hints:"mod_md_modCompRes"))) st.write("") # Download link for model comparison output output = BytesIO() excel_file = pd.ExcelWriter(output, engine="xlsxwriter") model_comp_sort_enable.to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="performance_metrics") model_full_res.transpose().to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="residuals_distribution") excel_file = output.getvalue() b64 = base64.b64encode(excel_file) dl_file_name = "Model comparison full model output__" + df_name + ".xlsx" st.markdown( f""" <a href="data:file/excel_file;base64,{b64.decode()}" id="button_dl" download="{dl_file_name}">Download model comparison output</a> """, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.write("") #------------------------------------------------------------- # Binary response variable if response_var_type == "binary": # MLR specific output if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Multiple Linear Regression"): st.markdown("**Multiple Linear Regression**") # Regression information fm_mlr_reg_col1, fm_mlr_reg_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) with fm_mlr_reg_col1: st.write("Regression information:") st.table(model_full_results["MLR information"].style.set_precision(user_precision)) # Regression statistics with fm_mlr_reg_col2: st.write("Regression statistics:") st.table(model_full_results["MLR statistics"].style.set_precision(user_precision)) if sett_hints:"mod_md_MLR_regStat"))) st.write("") # Coefficients st.write("Coefficients:") st.table(model_full_results["MLR coefficients"].style.set_precision(user_precision)) if sett_hints:"mod_md_MLR_coef"))) st.write("") # ANOVA st.write("ANOVA:") st.table(model_full_results["MLR ANOVA"].style.set_precision(user_precision)) if sett_hints:"mod_md_MLR_ANOVA"))) st.write("") # Heteroskedasticity tests if MLR_intercept == "Yes": st.write("Heteroskedasticity tests:") st.table(model_full_results["MLR hetTest"].style.set_precision(user_precision)) if sett_hints:"mod_md_MLR_hetTest"))) st.write("") # Variable importance (via permutation) fm_mlr_reg2_col1, fm_mlr_reg2_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) with fm_mlr_reg2_col1: st.write("Variable importance (via permutation):") mlr_varImp_table = model_full_results["MLR variable importance"] st.table( st.write("") with fm_mlr_reg2_col2: st.write("") st.write("") st.write("") mlr_varImp_plot_data = model_full_results["MLR variable importance"] mlr_varImp_plot_data["Variable"] = mlr_varImp_plot_data.index mlr_varImp = alt.Chart(mlr_varImp_plot_data, height = 200).mark_bar().encode( x = alt.X("mean", title = "variable importance", axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("Variable", title = None, axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11), sort = None), tooltip = ["Variable", "mean"] ) st.altair_chart(mlr_varImp, use_container_width = True) if sett_hints:"mod_md_MLR_varImp"))) st.write("") # Graphical output fm_mlr_figs_col1, fm_mlr_figs_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) with fm_mlr_figs_col1: st.write("Observed vs Fitted:") observed_fitted_data = pd.DataFrame() observed_fitted_data["Observed"] = df[response_var] observed_fitted_data["Fitted"] = model_full_results["MLR fitted"] observed_fitted_data["Index"] = df.index observed_fitted = alt.Chart(observed_fitted_data, height = 200).mark_circle(size=20).encode( x = alt.X("Fitted", title = "fitted", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [min(observed_fitted_data["Fitted"]), max(observed_fitted_data["Fitted"])]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("Observed", title = "observed", scale = alt.Scale(zero = False), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["Observed", "Fitted", "Index"] ) observed_fitted_plot = observed_fitted + observed_fitted.transform_regression("Fitted", "Observed").mark_line(size = 2, color = "darkred") st.altair_chart(observed_fitted_plot, use_container_width = True) with fm_mlr_figs_col2: st.write("Residuals vs Fitted:") residuals_fitted_data = pd.DataFrame() residuals_fitted_data["Residuals"] = model_full_results["residuals"]["Multiple Linear Regression"] residuals_fitted_data["Fitted"] = model_full_results["MLR fitted"] residuals_fitted_data["Index"] = df.index residuals_fitted = alt.Chart(residuals_fitted_data, height = 200).mark_circle(size=20).encode( x = alt.X("Fitted", title = "fitted", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [min(residuals_fitted_data["Fitted"]), max(residuals_fitted_data["Fitted"])]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("Residuals", title = "residuals", scale = alt.Scale(zero = False), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["Residuals", "Fitted", "Index"] ) residuals_fitted_plot = residuals_fitted + residuals_fitted.transform_loess("Fitted", "Residuals", bandwidth = 0.5).mark_line(size = 2, color = "darkred") st.altair_chart(residuals_fitted_plot, use_container_width = True) if sett_hints:"mod_md_MLR_obsResVsFit"))) st.write("") fm_mlr_figs1_col1, fm_mlr_figs1_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) with fm_mlr_figs1_col1: st.write("Normal QQ-plot:") residuals = model_full_results["residuals"]["Multiple Linear Regression"] qq_plot_data = pd.DataFrame() qq_plot_data["StandResiduals"] = (residuals - residuals.mean())/residuals.std() qq_plot_data["Index"] = df.index qq_plot_data = qq_plot_data.sort_values(by = ["StandResiduals"]) qq_plot_data["Theoretical quantiles"] = stats.probplot(residuals, dist="norm")[0][0] qq_plot = alt.Chart(qq_plot_data, height = 200).mark_circle(size=20).encode( x = alt.X("Theoretical quantiles", title = "theoretical quantiles", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [min(qq_plot_data["Theoretical quantiles"]), max(qq_plot_data["Theoretical quantiles"])]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("StandResiduals", title = "stand. residuals", scale = alt.Scale(zero = False), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["StandResiduals", "Theoretical quantiles", "Index"] ) line = alt.Chart( pd.DataFrame({"Theoretical quantiles": [min(qq_plot_data["Theoretical quantiles"]), max(qq_plot_data["Theoretical quantiles"])], "StandResiduals": [min(qq_plot_data["Theoretical quantiles"]), max(qq_plot_data["Theoretical quantiles"])]})).mark_line(size = 2, color = "darkred").encode( alt.X("Theoretical quantiles"), alt.Y("StandResiduals"), ) st.altair_chart(qq_plot + line, use_container_width = True) if sett_hints:"mod_md_MLR_qqplot"))) with fm_mlr_figs1_col2: st.write("Scale-Location:") scale_location_data = pd.DataFrame() residuals = model_full_results["residuals"]["Multiple Linear Regression"] scale_location_data["SqrtStandResiduals"] = np.sqrt(abs((residuals - residuals.mean())/residuals.std())) scale_location_data["Fitted"] = model_full_results["MLR fitted"] scale_location_data["Index"] = df.index scale_location = alt.Chart(scale_location_data, height = 200).mark_circle(size=20).encode( x = alt.X("Fitted", title = "fitted", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [min(scale_location_data["Fitted"]), max(scale_location_data["Fitted"])]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("SqrtStandResiduals", title = "sqrt(|stand. residuals|)", scale = alt.Scale(zero = False), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["SqrtStandResiduals", "Fitted", "Index"] ) scale_location_plot = scale_location + scale_location.transform_loess("Fitted", "SqrtStandResiduals", bandwidth = 0.5).mark_line(size = 2, color = "darkred") st.altair_chart(scale_location_plot, use_container_width = True) if sett_hints:"mod_md_MLR_scaleLoc"))) st.write("") fm_mlr_figs2_col1, fm_mlr_figs2_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) with fm_mlr_figs2_col1: st.write("Residuals vs Leverage:") residuals_leverage_data = pd.DataFrame() residuals = model_full_results["residuals"]["Multiple Linear Regression"] residuals_leverage_data["StandResiduals"] = (residuals - residuals.mean())/residuals.std() residuals_leverage_data["Leverage"] = model_full_results["MLR leverage"] residuals_leverage_data["Index"] = df.index residuals_leverage = alt.Chart(residuals_leverage_data, height = 200).mark_circle(size=20).encode( x = alt.X("Leverage", title = "leverage", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [min(residuals_leverage_data["Leverage"]), max(residuals_leverage_data["Leverage"])]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("StandResiduals", title = "stand. residuals", scale = alt.Scale(zero = False), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["StandResiduals","Leverage", "Index"] ) residuals_leverage_plot = residuals_leverage + residuals_leverage.transform_loess("Leverage", "StandResiduals", bandwidth = 0.5).mark_line(size = 2, color = "darkred") st.altair_chart(residuals_leverage_plot, use_container_width = True) with fm_mlr_figs2_col2: st.write("Cook's distance:") cooksD_data = pd.DataFrame() cooksD_data["CooksD"] = model_full_results["MLR Cooks distance"] cooksD_data["Index"] = df.index cooksD = alt.Chart(cooksD_data, height = 200).mark_bar(size = 2).encode( x = alt.X("Index", title = "index", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [-1, max(cooksD_data["Index"])]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("CooksD", title = "Cook's distance", scale = alt.Scale(zero = False), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["CooksD", "Index"] ) st.altair_chart(cooksD, use_container_width = True) if sett_hints:"mod_md_MLR_resVsLev_cooksD"))) # Download link for MLR output output = BytesIO() excel_file = pd.ExcelWriter(output, engine="xlsxwriter") model_full_results["MLR information"].to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="regression_information") model_full_results["MLR statistics"].to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="regression_statistics") model_full_results["MLR coefficients"].to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="coefficients") model_full_results["MLR ANOVA"].to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="ANOVA") model_full_results["MLR hetTest"].to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="heteroskedasticity_tests") mlr_varImp_table.to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="variable_importance") excel_file = output.getvalue() b64 = base64.b64encode(excel_file) dl_file_name = "MLR full model output__" + df_name + ".xlsx" st.markdown( f""" <a href="data:file/excel_file;base64,{b64.decode()}" id="button_dl" download="{dl_file_name}">Download Multiple Linear Regression full model output</a> """, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.write("") # LR specific output if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Logistic Regression"): st.markdown("**Logistic Regression**") # Regression information fm_lr_reg_col1, fm_lr_reg_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) with fm_lr_reg_col1: st.write("Regression information:") st.table(model_full_results["LR information"].style.set_precision(user_precision)) # Regression statistics with fm_lr_reg_col2: st.write("Regression statistics:") st.table(model_full_results["LR statistics"].style.set_precision(user_precision)) if sett_hints:"mod_md_LR_regStat"))) st.write("") # Coefficients st.write("Coefficients:") st.table(model_full_results["LR coefficients"].style.set_precision(user_precision)) if sett_hints:"mod_md_LR_coef"))) st.write("") # Variable importance (via permutation) fm_lr_fig1_col1, fm_lr_fig1_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) with fm_lr_fig1_col1: st.write("Variable importance (via permutation):") lr_varImp_table = model_full_results["LR variable importance"] st.table( with fm_lr_fig1_col2: st.write("") st.write("") st.write("") lr_varImp_plot_data = model_full_results["LR variable importance"] lr_varImp_plot_data["Variable"] = lr_varImp_plot_data.index lr_varImp = alt.Chart(lr_varImp_plot_data, height = 200).mark_bar().encode( x = alt.X("mean", title = "variable importance", axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("Variable", title = None, axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11), sort = None), tooltip = ["Variable", "mean"] ) st.altair_chart(lr_varImp, use_container_width = True) if sett_hints:"mod_md_LR_varImp"))) st.write("") fm_lr_fig_col1, fm_lr_fig_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) # Observed vs. Probability of Occurrence with fm_lr_fig_col1: st.write("Observed vs. Probability of Occurrence:") prob_data = pd.DataFrame(model_full_results["LR fitted"]) prob_data["Observed"] = df[response_var] prob_data["ProbabilityOfOccurrence"] = prob_data[1] prob_data["Threshold"] = model_full_results["model comparison thres"].loc["threshold"]["Logistic Regression"] prob_data_plot = alt.Chart(prob_data, height = 200).mark_tick(size = 5, thickness = 1).encode( x = alt.X("ProbabilityOfOccurrence", title = "probability of occurrence", axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("Observed", title = "observed", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [min(prob_data["Observed"]), max(prob_data["Observed"])]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["Observed", "ProbabilityOfOccurrence", "Threshold"] ) thres = alt.Chart(prob_data, height = 200).mark_rule(size = 2, color = "darkred").encode(x = "Threshold", tooltip = ["Threshold"]) prob_plot = prob_data_plot + thres st.altair_chart(prob_plot, use_container_width = True) # ROC curve with fm_lr_fig_col2: st.write("ROC curve:") AUC_ROC_data = pd.DataFrame() AUC_ROC_data["FPR"] = model_full_results["LR ROC curve"][0] AUC_ROC_data["TPR"] = model_full_results["LR ROC curve"][1] AUC_ROC_data["AUC ROC"] = model_full_results["model comparison thresInd"].loc["AUC ROC"]["Logistic Regression"] AUC_ROC_data["Threshold"] = model_full_results["model comparison thres"].loc["threshold"]["Logistic Regression"] AUC_ROC_plot= alt.Chart(AUC_ROC_data, height = 200).mark_line().encode( x = alt.X("FPR", title = "1 - specificity (FPR)", axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("TPR", title = "sensitivity (TPR)", axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["TPR", "FPR", "AUC ROC"] ) line = alt.Chart( pd.DataFrame({"FPR": [min(AUC_ROC_data["FPR"]), max(AUC_ROC_data["FPR"])], "TPR": [min(AUC_ROC_data["FPR"]), max(AUC_ROC_data["FPR"])]})).mark_line(size = 2, color = "darkred").encode( alt.X("FPR"), alt.Y("TPR"), ) st.altair_chart(AUC_ROC_plot + line, use_container_width = True) if sett_hints:"mod_md_LR_thresAUC"))) st.write("") # Partial probabilities st.write("Partial probability plots:") fm_lr_figs2_col1, fm_lr_figs2_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) for pp_var in expl_var: pp_data = pd.DataFrame(columns = [pp_var]) pp_data[pp_var] = model_full_results["LR partial probabilities"][pp_var][pp_var] pp_data["ProbabilityOfOccurrence"] = model_full_results["LR partial probabilities"][pp_var]["prediction"] pp_data["Observed"] = df[response_var] pp_chart = alt.Chart(pp_data, height = 200).mark_line(color = "darkred").encode( x = alt.X(pp_var, axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("ProbabilityOfOccurrence", title = "probability of occurrence", scale = alt.Scale(domain = [0, 1]), axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["ProbabilityOfOccurrence"] + [pp_var] ) obs_data_plot = alt.Chart(pp_data, height = 200).mark_tick(size = 5, thickness = 1).encode( x = alt.X(pp_var, axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("Observed", title = "probability of occurrence", axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), tooltip = ["Observed", "ProbabilityOfOccurrence"] + [pp_var] ) if expl_var.index(pp_var)%2 == 0: with fm_lr_figs2_col1: st.altair_chart(pp_chart + obs_data_plot, use_container_width = True) if expl_var.index(pp_var)%2 == 1: with fm_lr_figs2_col2: st.altair_chart(pp_chart + obs_data_plot, use_container_width = True) if sett_hints:"mod_md_LR_partProb"))) # Download link for LR output output = BytesIO() excel_file = pd.ExcelWriter(output, engine="xlsxwriter") model_full_results["LR information"].to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="regression_information") model_full_results["LR statistics"].to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="regression_statistics") model_full_results["LR coefficients"].to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="coefficients") lr_varImp_table.to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name="variable_importance") excel_file = output.getvalue() b64 = base64.b64encode(excel_file) dl_file_name = "LR full model output__" + df_name + ".xlsx" st.markdown( f""" <a href="data:file/excel_file;base64,{b64.decode()}" id="button_dl" download="{dl_file_name}">Download Logistic Regression full model output</a> """, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.write("") # GAM specific output if any(a for a in sb_ML_alg if a == "Generalized Additive Models"): st.markdown("**Generalized Additive Models**") fm_gam_reg_col1, fm_gam_reg_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) # Regression information with fm_gam_reg_col1: st.write("Regression information:") st.table(model_full_results["GAM information"].style.set_precision(user_precision)) # Regression statistics with fm_gam_reg_col2: st.write("Regression statistics:") st.table(model_full_results["GAM statistics"].style.set_precision(user_precision)) if sett_hints:"mod_md_GAM_regStat_bin"))) st.write("") # Feature significance st.write("Feature significance:") st.table(model_full_results["GAM feature significance"].style.set_precision(user_precision)) if sett_hints:"mod_md_GAM_featSig_bin"))) st.write("") # Variable importance (via permutation) fm_gam_figs1_col1, fm_gam_figs1_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) with fm_gam_figs1_col1: st.write("Variable importance (via permutation):") gam_varImp_table = model_full_results["GAM variable importance"] st.table( st.write("") with fm_gam_figs1_col2: st.write("") st.write("") st.write("") gam_varImp_plot_data = model_full_results["GAM variable importance"] gam_varImp_plot_data["Variable"] = gam_varImp_plot_data.index gam_varImp = alt.Chart(gam_varImp_plot_data, height = 200).mark_bar().encode( x = alt.X("mean", title = "variable importance", axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11)), y = alt.Y("Variable", title = None, axis = alt.Axis(titleFontSize = 12, labelFontSize = 11), sort = None), tooltip = ["Variable", "mean"] ) st.altair_chart(gam_varImp, use_container_width = True) if sett_hints:"mod_md_GAM_varImp_bin"))) st.write("") # Observed vs. Probability of Occurrence fm_gam_figs5_col1, fm_gam_figs5_col2 = st.beta_columns(2) with fm_gam_figs5_col1: st.write("Observed vs. Probability of Occurrence:") prob_data =
pd.DataFrame(model_full_results["GAM fitted"])
# libraries import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pyliftover import LiftOver import io import os import pyBigWig import pickle import time """Function to read and format data for process Args: input_path (str): The path of the input data. Chr_col_name (str): The name of the column in the input data representing chromosome name. BP_col_name (str): The name of the column in the input data representing base pair position. SNP_col_name (str): The name of the column in the input data representing rs ID. A1_col_name (str): The name of the column in the input data representing effect allele. A2_col_name (str): The name of the column in the input data representing non-effect allele. EAF_col_name (str): The name of the column in the input data representing effect size. Beta_col_name (str): The name of the column in the input data representing beta. Se_col_name (str): The name of the column in the input data representing standard deviation. P_col_name (str): The name of the column in the input data representing p-value. separate_by (str): How the input data is separated. Default to "\t" (tab separated). Returns: pandas.DataFrame: return formatted data in the form of pandas DataFrame """ def read_data( input_path, Chr_col_name, BP_col_name, SNP_col_name, A1_col_name, A2_col_name, EAF_col_name, Beta_col_name, Se_col_name, P_col_name, separate_by="\t"): raw_df = pd.read_csv(input_path, compression='gzip', header=0, sep=separate_by,quotechar='"') # print(raw_df) result = raw_df.loc[:,[Chr_col_name, BP_col_name, SNP_col_name, A1_col_name, A2_col_name, EAF_col_name, Beta_col_name, Se_col_name, P_col_name]] res = result.rename( { Chr_col_name:"Chr", BP_col_name:"BP", SNP_col_name:"SNP", A1_col_name:"A1", A2_col_name:"A2", EAF_col_name:"EAF", Beta_col_name:"Beta", Se_col_name:"Se", P_col_name:"P" },axis="columns") dtype = dict(Chr="string", BP='Int64', SNP="string", A1="string", A2="string", EAF=float, Beta=float, Se=float, P=float) res = res.astype(dtype) res["Chr"] = res["Chr"].str.upper() res["Chr"] = res["Chr"].apply(lambda y: "X" if y=="23" else("Y" if y=="24" else y)) res["A1"] = res["A1"].str.upper() res["A2"] = res["A2"].str.upper() res["SNP"] = res["SNP"].str.lower() dtype = dict(Chr="string", BP='Int64', SNP="string", A1="string", A2="string", EAF=float, Beta=float, Se=float, P=float) res = res.astype(dtype) return res def read_formatted_data(input_path): raw_df = pd.read_csv(input_path, compression='gzip', header=0, quotechar='"') dtype = dict(Chr="string", BP='Int64', SNP="string", A1="string", A2="string", EAF=float, Beta=float, Se=float, P=float) res = raw_df.astype(dtype) return res """Function to filter only bi-allelic cases in the data Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): The data frame to be filtered. rest (boolean): value indicating wether or not to keep (mark only) the non-bi-allelic cases. Default to False. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: return filtered data in the form of pandas DataFrame. """ def filter_bi_allelic(df, rest=False): len_mask = (df['A1'].str.len() == 1) & (df['A2'].str.len() == 1) val_mask = (df['A1'] != "I") & (df['A1'] != "D") & (df['A1'] != "R") & (df['A2'] != "I") & (df['A2'] != "D") & (df['A2'] != "R") chr_mask = df['Chr'].str.isdigit() mask = len_mask & val_mask & chr_mask if not rest: result = df[mask].reset_index(drop=True) return result else: result = df[~mask].reset_index(drop=True) return result """Function to drop rows in data containing dduplicate keys (Chr + BP) Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): The data frame to be deduplicated. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: return filtered data in the form of pandas DataFrame. """ def deduplicate(df): result = df.drop_duplicates(subset=['Chr', 'BP'], keep=False) return result """Function to sort the data based on Chr and BP Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): the data to be sorted Returns: pandas.DataFrame: return the sorted data """ def sort_by_chr_bp(df): def mixs(v): try: return int(v) except ValueError: return v df = df.assign(chr_numeric = lambda x: x['Chr'].apply(lambda y: 23 if y=="X" else(24 if y=="Y" else int(y)))) result = df.sort_values(by=["chr_numeric", "BP"]).drop(['chr_numeric'], axis=1).reset_index(drop=True) return result """Function to query required data from dbSnp153 Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): the data we want more info link (str): path or link of the '.bb' file of dbSnp153 Returns: pandas.DataFrame: return complete information from dbSnp153 as a python dictionary """ # link = "" def query_data(df, link="", print_log = False): bb = result = {} set_list = [] chrom = "" log = [] not_found = 0 for row in df.itertuples(): if str(row.Chr) == "23": chrom = "chrX" elif str(row.Chr) == "23": chrom = "chrY" else: chrom = "chr" + str(row.Chr) end_pos = row.BP start_pos =end_pos - 1 # print(chrom, start_pos, end_pos) try: dat = bb.entries(chrom, start_pos, end_pos) except RuntimeError: log.append((chrom, start_pos, end_pos)) if dat != None: for i in dat: reference_start = i[0] reference_end = i[1] raw_string = i[2] if reference_start == start_pos and reference_end == end_pos: key = (str(row.Chr), reference_end) result[key] = raw_string else: not_found += 1 print(not_found, " cannot be found in dbSnp153") if print_log: print("The following Chr + BP cannot be matched with current genome build version") print(log) else: print(len(log), " does not be matched with current genome build") return result """Function to save python data structure on disk Args: obj (obj): the data structure/object to be saved on disk. name (str): the name for the obj to be saved as. Returns: return nothing """ def save_obj(obj, name ): with open(name + '.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(obj, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) """Function to load saved python data structure from disk Args: name (str): the name of the saved obj on disk to be loaded Returns: return the loaded object/ data structure """ def load_obj(obj_path ): with open(obj_path, 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f) """Function to create query data for lift over Args: input_version (str): the genome build of the original data. output_version (str): the desired genome build you want to lift over to. Returns: python dictionary: return the input version, output version and the liftover chain file. """ def create_lo(input_version, output_version): lo = LiftOver(input_version, output_version) return {"input_version": input_version, "output_version":output_version, "lo":lo} """Function to lift over genome build Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): the data to be lifted over lo_dict (python dictionary): the lift over dictionary return from the create_lo function keep_all (boolean): if true, the function will keep and mark the rows that are not convertible. Default to False. inplace (boolean): if true, the function will keep the Chr + BP of original genome build. Default to False. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: return the data being lifted over to the desired genome build """ def lift_over(df, lo_dict, keep_all=False, inplace= True): reference_table = _lift_over_basic(df, lo_dict) result = _lift_over_merge(df, reference_table) if not keep_all: new_chr_name = reference_table.columns[2] new_pos_name = reference_table.columns[3] result = result.dropna(subset=[new_chr_name]).reset_index(drop=True) if inplace: new_chr_col_name = lo_dict['output_version']+"_chr" new_pos_col_name = lo_dict['output_version']+"_pos" result = result[[new_chr_col_name, new_pos_col_name, "SNP", "A1", "A2", "EAF", "Beta", "Se", "P"]].rename({new_chr_col_name:"Chr", new_pos_col_name:"BP"}, axis="columns") return result """Function to query and add rs ID for rows missing rsIDs. Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): the data to be added rs_ids data (python dictionary): the dictionary containing required info from dbSnp153 Returns: pandas.DataFrame: return the data being added rs_ids. """ def add_rsid(df, data, select_cols="drop_comments", filter_rows="drop"): added_rsid = [] comment = [] for row in df.itertuples(): chrom = row.Chr pos = row.BP rs_id = row.SNP key = (chrom, pos) if key in data: # the row in the data can be found in dbSnp153 raw_string = data[key] parsed_string = raw_string.split('\t') data_rs_id = parsed_string[0] if pd.isna(rs_id): # rs_id is absence in original dataset added_rsid.append(data_rs_id) comment.append("A") elif rs_id == data_rs_id: # if rs_id in original dataset is the same as dnSnp153 added_rsid.append(rs_id) comment.append("S") else: # find different rsid in dbSnp153, update with new added_rsid.append(data_rs_id) comment.append("D") else: added_rsid.append(pd.NA) comment.append("NF") result = df.assign(added_rsid = added_rsid) result = result.assign(comment=comment) # filter rows if filter_rows == "all": result = result elif filter_rows == "errors": mask = pd.isna(result["added_rsid"]) result = result[mask] elif filter_rows == "drop": result = result.dropna(subset=["added_rsid"]).reset_index(drop=True) else: raise ValueError('Illegal argument for filter_rows! Choose among "errors", "all", and "drop".') # select cols if select_cols == "all": result = result elif select_cols == "inplace": result = result[["Chr", "BP" ,"added_rsid", "A1", "A2", "EAF", "Beta", "Se", "P"]].rename({"added_rsid": "SNP"},axis="columns") elif select_cols == "drop_comments": result = result[["Chr", "BP" ,"SNP", "A1", "A2", "EAF", "Beta", "Se", "P", "added_rsid"]] else: raise ValueError('Illegal argument for select_cols! Choose among "inplace", "all", and "drop_comments".') return result """Function to flip the input data to forward strand Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): the data to be flipped to forward strand data (python dictionary): the dictionary containing required info from dbSnp153 keep_unconvertible (boolean): if true, the function will keep and mark the rows that are not flipped. Default to False. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: return the data being flipped to forward strand """ def flip_strand( df, data, select_cols="drop_comments", filter_rows="drop"): flipped_A1 = [] flipped_A2 = [] comment = [] for row in df.itertuples(): chrom = row.Chr pos = row.BP A1 = row.A1 A2 = row.A2 key = (chrom, pos) if key in data: # check if key in dnSnp153 cur_set = {A1, A2} raw_string = data[key] parsed_string = raw_string.split("\t") data_a1 = [i for i in parsed_string[1] if i != ","] data_a2 = [i for i in parsed_string[3] if i != ","] if len(data_a1) == 1 and len(data_a2) == 1: cur_set.add(data_a1[0]) cur_set.add(data_a2[0]) # print(cur_set) if len(cur_set) == 4: # flip new_a1 = _flip(A1) new_a2 = _flip(A2) flipped_A1.append(new_a1) flipped_A2.append(new_a2) comment.append("F") elif len(cur_set) == 2: # do not flip # print(i) flipped_A1.append(A1) flipped_A2.append(A2) comment.append("S") else: # mark: what is this case? => original data T/C, dbsnp153 C/A: 10 94958283 rs111998500 flipped_A1.append(data_a1[0]) flipped_A2.append(data_a2[0]) comment.append("D") else: # tri-alleic snps in dbSnp153 -> mark flipped_A1.append(pd.NA) flipped_A2.append(pd.NA) comment.append("ID") else: # key not found flipped_A1.append(pd.NA) flipped_A2.append(pd.NA) comment.append("NF") result = df.assign(new_A1 = flipped_A1) result = result.assign(new_A2 = flipped_A2) result = result.assign(comment=comment) # filter rows if filter_rows == "all": result = result elif filter_rows == "errors": mask = (result["comment"] != "flipped") & (result["comment"] != "same") # needs to have comment here result = result[mask] elif filter_rows == "drop": result = result.dropna(subset=["new_A1", "new_A2"]).reset_index(drop=True) else: raise ValueError('Illegal argument for filter_rows! Choose among "errors", "all", and "drop".') # select cols if select_cols == "all": result = result elif select_cols == "inplace": result = result[["Chr", "BP" , "new_A1", "new_A2", "EAF", "Beta", "Se", "P"]].rename({"new_A1": "A1", "new_A2":"A2"},axis="columns") elif select_cols == "drop_comments": result = result[["Chr", "BP", "A1", "A2", "EAF", "Beta", "Se", "P", "new_A1", "new_A2"]] else: raise ValueError('Illegal argument for select_cols! Choose among "inplace", "all", and "drop_comments".') return result """Function to align effect allele this function will align the effect allele of input data based on a reference data Args: reference (pandas.DataFrame): the reference table df (pandas.DataFrame): the data to be aligned check_error_rows (boolean): if true, the function will output the rows that cannot be aligned. Default to False. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: return the data with its effect allele being aligned with the reference table. """ # TODO: to be completed def align_effect_allele( reference, df, show_errors=False): reference = reference[["Chr", "BP", "A1", "A2"]].rename({"A1":"reference_A1", "A2":"reference_A2"}, axis="columns") process = df[["Chr", "BP", "A1", "A2"]].rename({"A1":"process_A1", "A2":"process_A2"}, axis="columns") merge_table = pd.merge(process, reference, on=["Chr", "BP"], how="inner") if len(merge_table) == 0: print("reference data and process data have no records in common. Please check data source.") return nochange_mask = (merge_table["process_A1"] == merge_table["reference_A1"]) & (merge_table["process_A2"] == merge_table["reference_A2"]) align_mask = (merge_table["process_A1"] == merge_table["reference_A2"]) & (merge_table["process_A2"] == merge_table["reference_A1"]) error_mask = ~nochange_mask & ~align_mask key_to_nochange = merge_table[nochange_mask][["Chr", "BP"]] key_to_align = merge_table[align_mask][["Chr", "BP"]] key_to_error = merge_table[error_mask][["Chr", "BP"]] # print(key_to_error) nochange = pd.merge(df, key_to_nochange, on=["Chr", "BP"], how="inner") align = pd.merge(df, key_to_align, on=["Chr", "BP"], how="inner") aligned = _swap_effect_allele(align) # print("aligned") # print(aligned) error = pd.merge(df, key_to_error, on=["Chr", "BP"], how="inner") # print(error) # print(aligned) result = nochange.append(aligned).reset_index(drop=True) # print(result) sorted_result = sort_by_chr_bp(result) if show_errors: return pd.merge(error, merge_table[error_mask], on=["Chr", "BP"], how="inner") print(str(nochange.shape[0]) + " rows were left unchanged (already aligned)") print(str(aligned.shape[0]) + " rows were aligned successfully") print(str(error.shape[0]) + " rows failed to align, dropped from result! Set the check_error_rows flag to True to view them.") return sorted_result """Function to save the processed data in gz or csv Args: output_path (str): the path you want the data to be saved. df (pandas.DataFrame): the processed data to be saved. name (str): the output name of the data. save_format (str): the saving format. Choose between 'gzip' or 'csv'. Default to gz. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: return filtered data in the form of pandas DataFrame """ def save_data(output_path, df, name, save_format="gzip"): # TODO: add support for other compression format/ txt if save_format == "gzip": df_out = output_path + "/" + name +".gz" try: df.to_csv(df_out, compression='gzip', index=False) return "successfully save" except: return "fail to save data" elif save_format == "csv": # csv df_out = output_path + "/" + name + ".csv" try: df.to_csv(df_out) return "successfully save" except: return "fail to save data" else: print("format not accepted, use 'gzip' or 'csv' for the `save_format` argument") return # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Helper Functions # helper function to flip strand for one row def _flip( allele): new_allele = "" if allele == "A": new_allele = "T" if allele == "T": new_allele = "A" if allele == "C": new_allele = "G" if allele == "G": new_allele = "C" return new_allele # helper function to swap effect allele and align effect size def _swap_effect_allele( df): col_list = list(df) col_list[3], col_list[4] = col_list[4], col_list[3] df.columns = col_list df["Beta"] = -1 * df["Beta"] df["EAF"] = 1 - df["EAF"] df = df[["Chr", "BP", "SNP", "A1", "A2", "EAF", "Beta", "Se", "P"]] return df # helper function to lift over def _lift_over_basic( df, lo_dict): cols = list(df.columns) temp = [] lo = lo_dict["lo"] input_version = lo_dict["input_version"] output_version = lo_dict["output_version"] for row in df.itertuples(): chrom = "chr" + str(row.Chr) pos =row.BP modified = lo.convert_coordinate(chrom, pos) # print(i) if modified: new_chrom = modified[0][0][3:] new_pos = modified[0][1] temp.append([chrom[3:], pos, new_chrom, new_pos]) new_chr_name = output_version + '_' + 'chr' new_pos_name = output_version + '_' + 'pos' temp_df =
pd.DataFrame(temp, columns=["Chr", "BP", new_chr_name, new_pos_name])
########################################################################################################### ## IMPORTS ########################################################################################################### import os os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3' import math import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler import pickle from keras.layers.advanced_activations import LeakyReLU, ELU, ReLU from keras.models import Sequential, Model, model_from_json from keras.layers import Activation, Convolution2D, Conv2D, LocallyConnected2D, MaxPooling2D, AveragePooling2D, GlobalAveragePooling2D, BatchNormalization, Flatten, Dense, Dropout, Input, concatenate, add, Add, ZeroPadding2D, GlobalMaxPooling2D, DepthwiseConv2D from keras.callbacks import ReduceLROnPlateau, ModelCheckpoint, EarlyStopping from keras.optimizers import Adam from keras.regularizers import l2 #from keras.activations import linear, elu, tanh, relu from keras import metrics, losses, initializers, backend from keras.utils import multi_gpu_model from keras.initializers import glorot_uniform, Constant, lecun_uniform from keras import backend as K os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + "C:/ProgramData/Anaconda3/GraphViz/bin/" os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + "C:/Anaconda/Graphviz2.38/bin/" from keras.utils.vis_utils import plot_model from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split import tensorflow as tf np.random.seed(42) tf.random.set_seed(42) tf.get_logger().setLevel('ERROR') physical_devices = tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU') for pd_dev in range(len(physical_devices)): tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(physical_devices[pd_dev], True) ##from tensorflow.compat.v1.keras.backend import set_session ##config = tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto() ##config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.9 ##config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True ##config.log_device_placement = True ##set_session(config) #config = tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto() #config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True #config.log_device_placement = True #sess = tf.compat.v1.InteractiveSession(config = config) #set_session(sess) #backend.set_session(sess) ########################################################################################################### ## PLOTTING PALETTE ########################################################################################################### # Create a dict object containing U.C. Berkeley official school colors for plot palette # reference : berkeley_palette = {'berkeley_blue' : '#003262', 'california_gold' : '#FDB515', 'metallic_gold' : '#BC9B6A', 'founders_rock' : '#2D637F', 'medalist' : '#E09E19', 'bay_fog' : '#C2B9A7', 'lawrence' : '#00B0DA', 'sather_gate' : '#B9D3B6', 'pacific' : '#53626F', 'soybean' : '#9DAD33', 'california_purple' : '#5C3160', 'south_hall' : '#6C3302'} ########################################################################################################### ## CLASS CONTAINING MODEL ZOO ########################################################################################################### class Models(object): def __init__(self, model_path, **kwargs): super(Models, self).__init__(** kwargs) # validate that the constructor parameters were provided by caller if (not model_path): raise RuntimeError('path to model files must be provided on initialization.') # ensure all are string snd leading/trailing whitespace removed model_path = str(model_path).replace('\\', '/').strip() if (not model_path.endswith('/')): model_path = ''.join((model_path, '/')) # validate the existence of the data path if (not os.path.isdir(model_path)): raise RuntimeError("Models path specified'%s' is invalid." % model_path) self.__models_path = model_path self.__GPU_count = len(tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU')) self.__MIN_early_stopping = 10 #------------------------------------------------ # Private Methods #------------------------------------------------ # plotting method for keras history arrays def __plot_keras_history(self, history, metric, model_name, feature_name, file_name, verbose = False): # Plot the performance of the model training fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,8),dpi=80) ax = fig.add_subplot(121) ax.plot(history.history[metric][1:], color = berkeley_palette['founders_rock'], label = 'Train', marker = 'o', markersize = 4, alpha = 0.9) ax.plot(history.history["".join(["val_",metric])][1:], color = berkeley_palette['medalist'], label = 'Validation', marker = 'o', markersize = 4, alpha = 0.9) ax.set_title(" ".join(['Model Performance',"(" + model_name + ")"]) + "\n" + feature_name, color = berkeley_palette['berkeley_blue'], fontsize = 15, fontweight = 'bold') ax.spines["top"].set_alpha(.0) ax.spines["bottom"].set_alpha(.3) ax.spines["right"].set_alpha(.0) ax.spines["left"].set_alpha(.3) ax.set_xlabel("Epoch", fontsize = 12, horizontalalignment='right', x = 1.0, color = berkeley_palette['berkeley_blue']) ax.set_ylabel(metric, fontsize = 12, horizontalalignment='right', y = 1.0, color = berkeley_palette['berkeley_blue']) plt.legend(loc = 'upper right') ax = fig.add_subplot(122) ax.plot(history.history['loss'][1:], color = berkeley_palette['founders_rock'], label = 'Train', marker = 'o', markersize = 4, alpha = 0.9) ax.plot(history.history["".join(["val_loss"])][1:], color = berkeley_palette['medalist'], label = 'Validation', marker = 'o', markersize = 4, alpha = 0.9) ax.set_title(" ".join(['Model Performance',"(" + model_name + ")"]) + "\n" + feature_name, color = berkeley_palette['berkeley_blue'], fontsize = 15, fontweight = 'bold') ax.spines["top"].set_alpha(.0) ax.spines["bottom"].set_alpha(.3) ax.spines["right"].set_alpha(.0) ax.spines["left"].set_alpha(.3) ax.set_xlabel("Epoch", fontsize = 12, horizontalalignment='right', x = 1.0, color = berkeley_palette['berkeley_blue']) ax.set_ylabel("Loss", fontsize = 12, horizontalalignment='right', y = 1.0, color = berkeley_palette['berkeley_blue']) plt.legend(loc = 'upper right') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(file_name, dpi=300) if verbose: print("Training plot file saved to '%s'." % file_name) plt.close() # load Keras model files from json / h5 def __load_keras_model(self, model_name, model_file, model_json, verbose = False): """Loads a Keras model from disk""" if not os.path.isfile(model_file): raise RuntimeError("Model file '%s' does not exist; exiting inferencing." % model_file) if not os.path.isfile(model_json): raise RuntimeError("Model file '%s' does not exist; exiting inferencing." % model_json) # load model file if verbose: print("Retrieving model: %s..." % model_name) json_file = open(model_json, "r") model_json_data = json_file.close() model = model_from_json(model_json_data) model.load_weights(model_file) return model # Performs standard scaling on a 4D image def __4d_Scaler(self, arr, ss, fit = False, verbose = False): """Performs standard scaling of the 4D array with the 'ss' model provided by caller""" #Unwinds a (instances, rows, columns, layers) array to 2D for standard scaling num_instances, num_rows, num_columns, num_layers = arr.shape arr_copy = np.reshape(arr, (-1, num_columns)) # fit the standard scaler if fit: if verbose: print("Fitting SCALER and transforming...") arr_copy = ss.fit_transform(arr_copy) else: if verbose: print("Transforming SCALER only...") arr_copy = ss.transform(arr_copy) arr = np.reshape(arr_copy, (num_instances, num_rows, num_columns, num_layers)) return arr # resnet identity block builder def __identity_block(self, model, kernel_size, filters, stage, block): """modularized identity block for resnet""" filters1, filters2, filters3 = filters conv_name_base = 'res' + str(stage) + block + '_branch' bn_name_base = 'bn' + str(stage) + block + '_branch' x = Conv2D(filters1, (1, 1), kernel_initializer='he_normal', name=conv_name_base + '2a')(model) x = BatchNormalization(axis=3, name=bn_name_base + '2a')(x) x = Activation('relu')(x) x = Conv2D(filters2, kernel_size, padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', name=conv_name_base + '2b')(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=3, name=bn_name_base + '2b')(x) x = Activation('relu')(x) x = Conv2D(filters3, (1, 1), kernel_initializer='he_normal', name=conv_name_base + '2c')(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=3, name=bn_name_base + '2c')(x) x = add([x, model]) x = Activation('relu')(x) return x # resnet conv block builder def __conv_block(self, model, kernel_size, filters, stage, block, strides=(2, 2)): """conv block builder for resnet""" filters1, filters2, filters3 = filters conv_name_base = 'res' + str(stage) + block + '_branch' bn_name_base = 'bn' + str(stage) + block + '_branch' x = Conv2D(filters1, (1, 1), strides=strides, kernel_initializer='he_normal', name=conv_name_base + '2a')(model) x = BatchNormalization(axis=3, name=bn_name_base + '2a')(x) x =Activation('relu')(x) x = Conv2D(filters2, kernel_size, padding='same', kernel_initializer='he_normal', name=conv_name_base + '2b')(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=3, name=bn_name_base + '2b')(x) x = Activation('relu')(x) x = Conv2D(filters3, (1, 1), kernel_initializer='he_normal', name=conv_name_base + '2c')(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=3, name=bn_name_base + '2c')(x) shortcut = Conv2D(filters3, (1, 1), strides=strides, kernel_initializer='he_normal', name=conv_name_base + '1')(model) shortcut = BatchNormalization( axis=3, name=bn_name_base + '1')(shortcut) x = add([x, shortcut]) x = Activation('relu')(x) return x # create a layerable inception module def __inception_module(self, model, filters_1x1, filters_3x3_reduce, filters_3x3, filters_5x5_reduce, filters_5x5, filters_pool_proj, kernel_init, bias_init, name = None): """modularized inception block for layering""" # Connection Layer 1 (1x1) conv_1x1 = Convolution2D(filters_1x1, (1, 1), padding = 'same', activation = 'relu', kernel_initializer = kernel_init, bias_initializer = bias_init) (model) # Connection Layer 2 (3x3) conv_3x3 = Convolution2D(filters_3x3_reduce, (1, 1), padding = 'same', activation = 'relu', kernel_initializer = kernel_init, bias_initializer = bias_init) (model) conv_3x3 = Convolution2D(filters_3x3, (3, 3), padding = 'same', activation = 'relu', kernel_initializer = kernel_init, bias_initializer = bias_init) (conv_3x3) # Connection Layer 3 (5x5) conv_5x5 = Convolution2D(filters_5x5_reduce, (1, 1), padding = 'same', activation = 'relu', kernel_initializer = kernel_init, bias_initializer = bias_init) (model) conv_5x5 = Convolution2D(filters_5x5, (5, 5), padding = 'same', activation = 'relu', kernel_initializer = kernel_init, bias_initializer = bias_init) (conv_5x5) # Connection Layer 4 (pool) pool_proj = MaxPooling2D((3, 3), strides = (1, 1), padding = 'same') (model) pool_proj = Convolution2D(filters_pool_proj, (1, 1), padding = 'same', activation = 'relu', kernel_initializer = kernel_init, bias_initializer = bias_init) (pool_proj) # Concatenation layer output = concatenate(inputs = [conv_1x1, conv_3x3, conv_5x5, pool_proj], axis = 3, name = name) return output # return an InceptionV3 output tensor after applying Conv2D and BatchNormalization def __conv2d_bn(self, x, filters, num_row, num_col, padding = 'same', strides = (1, 1), name = None): if name is not None: bn_name = name + '_bn' conv_name = name + '_conv' else: bn_name = None conv_name = None bn_axis = 3 x = Convolution2D(filters, (num_row, num_col), strides = strides, padding = padding, use_bias = False, name = conv_name) (x) x = BatchNormalization(axis = bn_axis, scale = False, name = bn_name) (x) x = ReLU(name = name) (x) return x # a residual block for resnext def __resnext_block(self, x, filters, kernel_size = 3, stride = 1, groups = 32, conv_shortcut = True, name = None): if conv_shortcut is True: shortcut = Conv2D((64 // groups) * filters, 1, strides = stride, use_bias = False, name = name + '_0_conv') (x) shortcut = BatchNormalization(axis = 3, epsilon=1.001e-5, name = name + '_0_bn') (shortcut) else: shortcut = x x = Conv2D(filters, 1, use_bias = False, name = name + '_1_conv') (x) x = BatchNormalization(axis = 3, epsilon = 1.001e-5, name = name + '_1_bn') (x) x = Activation('relu', name = name + '_1_relu') (x) c = filters // groups x = ZeroPadding2D(padding=((1, 1), (1, 1)), name=name + '_2_pad')(x) x = DepthwiseConv2D(kernel_size, strides = stride, depth_multiplier = c, use_bias = False, name = name + '_2_conv') (x) kernel = np.zeros((1, 1, filters * c, filters), dtype = np.float32) for i in range(filters): start = (i // c) * c * c + i % c end = start + c * c kernel[:, :, start:end:c, i] = 1. x = Conv2D(filters, 1, use_bias = False, trainable = False, kernel_initializer = {'class_name': 'Constant','config': {'value': kernel}}, name = name + '_2_gconv') (x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=3, epsilon = 1.001e-5, name = name + '_2_bn') (x) x = Activation('relu', name=name + '_2_relu') (x) x = Conv2D((64 // groups) * filters, 1, use_bias = False, name = name + '_3_conv') (x) x = BatchNormalization(axis = 3, epsilon=1.001e-5, name = name + '_3_bn') (x) x = Add(name = name + '_add') ([shortcut, x]) x = Activation('relu', name = name + '_out') (x) return x # a set of stacked residual blocks for ResNeXt def __resnext_stack(self, x, filters, blocks, stride1 = 2, groups = 32, name = None, dropout = None): x = self.__resnext_block(x, filters, stride = stride1, groups = groups, name = name + '_block1') for i in range(2, blocks + 1): x = self.__resnext_block(x, filters, groups = groups, conv_shortcut = False, name = name + '_block' + str(i)) if not dropout is None: x = Dropout(dropout) (x) return x def __bn_relu(self, x, bn_name = None, relu_name = None): norm = BatchNormalization(axis = 3, name = bn_name) (x) return Activation("relu", name = relu_name) (norm) def __bn_relu_conv(self, **conv_params): filters = conv_params["filters"] kernel_size = conv_params["kernel_size"] strides = conv_params.setdefault("strides", (1, 1)) dilation_rate = conv_params.setdefault("dilation_rate", (1, 1)) conv_name = conv_params.setdefault("conv_name", None) bn_name = conv_params.setdefault("bn_name", None) relu_name = conv_params.setdefault("relu_name", None) kernel_initializer = conv_params.setdefault("kernel_initializer", "he_normal") padding = conv_params.setdefault("padding", "same") kernel_regularizer = conv_params.setdefault("kernel_regularizer", l2(1.e-4)) def f(x): activation = self.__bn_relu(x, bn_name = bn_name, relu_name = relu_name) return Conv2D(filters = filters, kernel_size = kernel_size, strides = strides, padding = padding, dilation_rate = dilation_rate, kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, kernel_regularizer = kernel_regularizer, name = conv_name) (activation) return f def __conv_bn_relu(self, **conv_params): filters = conv_params["filters"] kernel_size = conv_params["kernel_size"] strides = conv_params.setdefault("strides", (1, 1)) dilation_rate = conv_params.setdefault("dilation_rate", (1, 1)) conv_name = conv_params.setdefault("conv_name", None) bn_name = conv_params.setdefault("bn_name", None) relu_name = conv_params.setdefault("relu_name", None) kernel_initializer = conv_params.setdefault("kernel_initializer", "he_normal") padding = conv_params.setdefault("padding", "same") kernel_regularizer = conv_params.setdefault("kernel_regularizer", l2(1.e-4)) def f(x): x = Conv2D(filters = filters, kernel_size = kernel_size, strides = strides, padding = padding, dilation_rate = dilation_rate, kernel_initializer = kernel_initializer, kernel_regularizer = kernel_regularizer, name = conv_name) (x) return self.__bn_relu(x, bn_name = bn_name, relu_name = relu_name) return f def __block_name_base(self, stage, block): if block < 27: block = '%c' % (block + 97) # 97 is the ascii number for lowercase 'a' conv_name_base = 'res' + str(stage) + block + '_branch' bn_name_base = 'bn' + str(stage) + block + '_branch' return conv_name_base, bn_name_base def __shortcut(self, input_feature, residual, conv_name_base = None, bn_name_base = None): input_shape = K.int_shape(input_feature) residual_shape = K.int_shape(residual) stride_width = int(round(input_shape[1] / residual_shape[1])) stride_height = int(round(input_shape[2] / residual_shape[2])) equal_channels = input_shape[3] == residual_shape[3] shortcut = input_feature # 1 X 1 conv if shape is different. Else identity. if stride_width > 1 or stride_height > 1 or not equal_channels: print('reshaping via a convolution...') if conv_name_base is not None: conv_name_base = conv_name_base + '1' shortcut = Conv2D(filters=residual_shape[3], kernel_size=(1, 1), strides=(stride_width, stride_height), padding="valid", kernel_initializer="he_normal", kernel_regularizer=l2(0.0001), name=conv_name_base)(input_feature) if bn_name_base is not None: bn_name_base = bn_name_base + '1' shortcut = BatchNormalization(axis=3, name=bn_name_base)(shortcut) return add([shortcut, residual]) def __basic_block(self, filters, stage, block, transition_strides = (1, 1), dilation_rate = (1, 1), is_first_block_of_first_layer = False, dropout = None, residual_unit = None): def f(input_features): conv_name_base, bn_name_base = self.__block_name_base(stage, block) if is_first_block_of_first_layer: # don't repeat bn->relu since we just did bn->relu->maxpool x = Conv2D(filters = filters, kernel_size = (3, 3), strides = transition_strides, dilation_rate = dilation_rate, padding = "same", kernel_initializer = "he_normal", kernel_regularizer = l2(1e-4), name = conv_name_base + '2a') (input_features) else: x = residual_unit(filters = filters, kernel_size = (3, 3), strides = transition_strides, dilation_rate = dilation_rate, conv_name_base = conv_name_base + '2a', bn_name_base = bn_name_base + '2a') (input_features) if dropout is not None: x = Dropout(dropout) (x) x = residual_unit(filters = filters, kernel_size = (3, 3), conv_name_base = conv_name_base + '2b', bn_name_base = bn_name_base + '2b') (x) return self.__shortcut(input_features, x) return f def __bottleneck(self, filters, stage, block, transition_strides = (1, 1), dilation_rate = (1, 1), is_first_block_of_first_layer = False, dropout = None, residual_unit = None): """Bottleneck architecture for > 34 layer resnet. Follows improved proposed scheme in Returns: A final conv layer of filters * 4 """ def f(input_feature): conv_name_base, bn_name_base = self.__block_name_base(stage, block) if is_first_block_of_first_layer: # don't repeat bn->relu since we just did bn->relu->maxpool x = Conv2D(filters=filters, kernel_size=(1, 1), strides=transition_strides, dilation_rate=dilation_rate, padding="same", kernel_initializer="he_normal", kernel_regularizer=l2(1e-4), name=conv_name_base + '2a')(input_feature) else: x = residual_unit(filters=filters, kernel_size=(1, 1), strides=transition_strides, dilation_rate=dilation_rate, conv_name_base=conv_name_base + '2a', bn_name_base=bn_name_base + '2a')(input_feature) if dropout is not None: x = Dropout(dropout)(x) x = residual_unit(filters=filters, kernel_size=(3, 3), conv_name_base=conv_name_base + '2b', bn_name_base=bn_name_base + '2b')(x) if dropout is not None: x = Dropout(dropout)(x) x = residual_unit(filters=filters * 4, kernel_size=(1, 1), conv_name_base=conv_name_base + '2c', bn_name_base=bn_name_base + '2c')(x) return self.__shortcut(input_feature, x) return f # builds a residual block for resnet with repeating bottleneck blocks def __residual_block(self, block_function, filters, blocks, stage, transition_strides = None, transition_dilation_rates = None, dilation_rates = None, is_first_layer = False, dropout = None, residual_unit = None): if transition_dilation_rates is None: transition_dilation_rates = [(1, 1)] * blocks if transition_strides is None: transition_strides = [(1, 1)] * blocks if dilation_rates is None: dilation_rates = [1] * blocks def f(x): for i in range(blocks): is_first_block = is_first_layer and i == 0 x = block_function(filters=filters, stage=stage, block=i, transition_strides=transition_strides[i], dilation_rate=dilation_rates[i], is_first_block_of_first_layer=is_first_block, dropout=dropout, residual_unit=residual_unit)(x) return x return f ###################################################### ###################################################### ###################################################### ### KERAS MODEL ZOO ###################################################### ###################################################### ###################################################### #------------------------------------------------ # NaimishNet Model # ref: #------------------------------------------------ def get_keras_naimishnet(self, X, Y, batch_size, epoch_count, X_val = None, Y_val = None, val_split = 0.1, shuffle = True, feature_name = "unknown", recalculate_pickle = True, full = True, verbose = False): __MODEL_NAME = "Keras - NaimishNet" __MODEL_FNAME_PREFIX = "KERAS_NAIMISHNET/" if full: __MODEL_SUFFIX = "_30" else: __MODEL_SUFFIX = "_8" nested_dir = "".join([self.__models_path,__MODEL_FNAME_PREFIX]) if not os.path.exists(nested_dir): os.makedirs(nested_dir) __model_file_name = "".join([nested_dir, "NaimishNet_", feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".h5"]) __model_json_file = "".join([nested_dir, "NaimishNet_", feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".json"]) __history_params_file = "".join([nested_dir, "NaimishNet_", feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_params.csv"]) __history_performance_file = "".join([nested_dir, "NaimishNet_", feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_history.csv"]) __history_plot_file = "".join([nested_dir, "NaimishNet_", feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_plot.png"]) __model_architecture_plot_file = "".join([nested_dir, "NaimishNet_", feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_model_plot.png"]) if verbose: print("Retrieving model: %s..." % "".join([__MODEL_NAME, "_", feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX])) # Create or load the model if (not os.path.isfile(__model_file_name)) or (not os.path.isfile(__model_json_file)) or recalculate_pickle: if verbose: print("Pickle file for '%s' MODEL not found or skipped by caller." % feature_name) act = Adam(lr = 0.001, beta_1 = 0.9, beta_2 = 0.999, epsilon = 1e-08) lss = 'mean_squared_error' mtrc = ['mae','mse'] #ke = initializers.lecun_uniform(seed = 42) ke = 'glorot_uniform' stop_at = np.max([int(0.1 * epoch_count), self.__MIN_early_stopping]) es = EarlyStopping(patience = stop_at, verbose = verbose) cp = ModelCheckpoint(filepath = __model_file_name, verbose = verbose, save_best_only = True, mode = 'min', monitor = 'val_mae') if self.__GPU_count > 1: dev = "/cpu:0" else: dev = "/gpu:0" with tf.device(dev): l1 = Input((96, 96, 1)) l2 = Convolution2D(32, (4, 4), kernel_initializer = ke, padding = 'valid', activation = 'elu') (l1) #l3 = ELU() (l2) l3 = MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2,2), strides = (2,2)) (l2) l4 = Dropout(rate = 0.1) (l3) l5 = Convolution2D(64, (3, 3), kernel_initializer = ke, padding = 'valid', activation = 'elu') (l4) #l7 = ELU() (l6) l6 = MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2,2), strides = (2,2)) (l5) l7 = Dropout(rate = 0.2) (l6) l8 = Convolution2D(128, (2, 2), kernel_initializer = ke, padding = 'valid', activation = 'elu') (l7) #l11 = ELU() (l10) l9 = MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2,2), strides = (2,2)) (l8) l10 = Dropout(rate = 0.3) (l9) l11 = Convolution2D(256, (1, 1), kernel_initializer = ke, padding = 'valid', activation = 'elu') (l10) #l15 = ELU() (l14) l12 = MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2,2), strides = (2,2)) (l11) l13 = Dropout(rate = 0.4) (l12) l14 = Flatten() (l13) l15 = Dense(1000, activation = 'elu') (l14) #l20 = ELU() (l19) l16 = Dropout(rate = 0.5) (l15) #l22 = Dense(1000) (l21) #l23 = linear(l22) l17 = Dense(1000, activation = 'linear') (l16) l18 = Dropout(rate = 0.6) (l17) l19 = Dense(2) (l18) model = Model(inputs = [l1], outputs = [l19]) model.compile(optimizer = act, loss = lss, metrics = mtrc) if verbose: print(model.summary()) # Compile the model if self.__GPU_count > 1: strategy = tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy() with strategy.scope(): parallel_model = multi_gpu_model(model, gpus = self.__GPU_count) parallel_model.compile(optimizer = act, loss = lss, metrics = mtrc) else: parallel_model = model parallel_model.compile(optimizer = act, loss = lss, metrics = mtrc) if (X_val is None) or (Y_val is None): history =, Y, validation_split = val_split, batch_size = batch_size * self.__GPU_count, epochs = epoch_count, shuffle = shuffle, callbacks = [es, cp], verbose = verbose) else: history =, Y, validation_data = (X_val, Y_val), batch_size = batch_size * self.__GPU_count, epochs = epoch_count, shuffle = shuffle, callbacks = [es, cp], verbose = verbose) # print and/or save a performance plot self.__plot_keras_history(history = history, metric = 'mse', model_name = __MODEL_NAME, feature_name = feature_name, file_name = __history_plot_file, verbose = verbose) # save the model, parameters, and performance history model_json = parallel_model.to_json() with open(__model_json_file, "w") as json_file: json_file.write(model_json) hist_params = pd.DataFrame(history.params) hist_params.to_csv(__history_params_file) hist = pd.DataFrame(history.history) hist.to_csv(__history_performance_file) if verbose: print("Model JSON, history, and parameters file saved.") # save a plot of the model architecture plot_model(parallel_model, to_file = __model_architecture_plot_file, rankdir = 'TB', show_shapes = True, show_layer_names = True, expand_nested = True, dpi=300) else: if verbose: print("Loading history and params files for '%s' MODEL..." % feature_name) hist_params = pd.read_csv(__history_params_file) hist = pd.read_csv(__history_performance_file) if verbose: print("Loading pickle file for '%s' MODEL from file '%s'" % (feature_name, __model_file_name)) modparallel_modelel = self.__load_keras_model(__MODEL_NAME, __model_file_name, __model_json_file, verbose = verbose) return parallel_model, hist_params, hist # inferencing def predict_keras_naimishnet(self, X, feature_name = "unknown", full = True, verbose = False): __MODEL_NAME = "Keras - NaimishNet" __MODEL_FNAME_PREFIX = "KERAS_NAIMISHNET/" if full: __MODEL_SUFFIX = "_30" else: __MODEL_SUFFIX = "_8" nested_dir = "".join([self.__models_path,__MODEL_FNAME_PREFIX]) if not os.path.exists(nested_dir): raise RuntimeError("Model path '%s' does not exist; exiting inferencing." % nested_dir) __model_file_name = "".join([nested_dir, "NaimishNet_", feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".h5"]) __model_json_file = "".join([nested_dir, "NaimishNet_", feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".json"]) if (not os.path.isfile(__model_file_name)) or (not os.path.isfile(__model_json_file)): raise RuntimeError("One or some of the following files are missing; prediction cancelled:\n\n'%s'\n'%s'\n" % (__model_file_name, __model_json_file)) # load the Keras model for the specified feature model = self.__load_keras_model(__MODEL_NAME, __model_file_name, __model_json_file, verbose = verbose) # predict if verbose: print("Predicting %d (x,y) coordinates for '%s'..." % (len(X), feature_name)) Y = model.predict(X, verbose = verbose) if verbose: print("Predictions completed!") return Y #------------------------------------------------ # Kaggle1 Model # Inspired by: #------------------------------------------------ def get_keras_kaggle1(self, X, Y, batch_size, epoch_count, val_split = 0.05, X_val = None, Y_val = None, shuffle = True, feature_name = "ALL_FEATURES", recalculate_pickle = True, full = True, verbose = False): __MODEL_NAME = "Keras - Kaggle1" __MODEL_FNAME_PREFIX = "KERAS_KAGGLE1/" if full: __MODEL_SUFFIX = "_30" else: __MODEL_SUFFIX = "_8" nested_dir = "".join([self.__models_path,__MODEL_FNAME_PREFIX]) if not os.path.exists(nested_dir): os.makedirs(nested_dir) __model_file_name = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".h5"]) __model_json_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".json"]) __history_params_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_params.csv"]) __history_performance_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_history.csv"]) __history_plot_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_plot.png"]) __model_architecture_plot_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_model_plot.png"]) ##__scaler_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, "_scaler.pkl"]) if verbose: print("Retrieving model: %s..." % "".join([__MODEL_NAME, __MODEL_SUFFIX])) # Create or load the model if (not os.path.isfile(__model_file_name)) or (not os.path.isfile(__model_json_file)) or recalculate_pickle: if verbose: print("Pickle file for '%s' MODEL not found or skipped by caller." % feature_name) #act = Adam(lr = 0.001, beta_1 = 0.9, beta_2 = 0.999, epsilon = 1e-08) act = 'adam' #lss = losses.mean_squared_error lss = 'mean_squared_error' #mtrc = [metrics.RootMeanSquaredError()] mtrc = ['mae','mse'] stop_at = np.max([int(0.1 * epoch_count), self.__MIN_early_stopping]) es = EarlyStopping(patience = stop_at, verbose = verbose) cp = ModelCheckpoint(filepath = __model_file_name, verbose = verbose, save_best_only = True, mode = 'min', monitor = 'val_mae') if self.__GPU_count > 1: dev = "/cpu:0" else: dev = "/gpu:0" with tf.device(dev): model = Sequential() # Input dimensions: (None, 96, 96, 1) model.add(Convolution2D(32, (3,3), padding='same', use_bias=False, input_shape=(96,96,1))) model.add(LeakyReLU(alpha = 0.1)) model.add(BatchNormalization()) # Input dimensions: (None, 96, 96, 32) model.add(Convolution2D(32, (3,3), padding='same', use_bias=False)) model.add(LeakyReLU(alpha = 0.1)) model.add(BatchNormalization()) model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) # CDB: 3/5 DROPOUT ADDED model.add(Dropout(0.2)) # Input dimensions: (None, 48, 48, 32) model.add(Convolution2D(64, (3,3), padding='same', use_bias=False)) model.add(LeakyReLU(alpha = 0.1)) model.add(BatchNormalization()) # Input dimensions: (None, 48, 48, 64) model.add(Convolution2D(64, (3,3), padding='same', use_bias=False)) model.add(LeakyReLU(alpha = 0.1)) model.add(BatchNormalization()) model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) # CDB: 3/5 DROPOUT ADDED model.add(Dropout(0.25)) # Input dimensions: (None, 24, 24, 64) model.add(Convolution2D(96, (3,3), padding='same', use_bias=False)) model.add(LeakyReLU(alpha = 0.1)) model.add(BatchNormalization()) # Input dimensions: (None, 24, 24, 96) model.add(Convolution2D(96, (3,3), padding='same', use_bias=False)) model.add(LeakyReLU(alpha = 0.1)) model.add(BatchNormalization()) model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) # CDB: 3/5 DROPOUT ADDED model.add(Dropout(0.15)) # Input dimensions: (None, 12, 12, 96) model.add(Convolution2D(128, (3,3),padding='same', use_bias=False)) model.add(LeakyReLU(alpha = 0.1)) model.add(BatchNormalization()) # Input dimensions: (None, 12, 12, 128) model.add(Convolution2D(128, (3,3),padding='same', use_bias=False)) model.add(LeakyReLU(alpha = 0.1)) model.add(BatchNormalization()) model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) # CDB: 3/5 DROPOUT ADDED model.add(Dropout(0.3)) # Input dimensions: (None, 6, 6, 128) model.add(Convolution2D(256, (3,3),padding='same',use_bias=False)) model.add(LeakyReLU(alpha = 0.1)) model.add(BatchNormalization()) # Input dimensions: (None, 6, 6, 256) model.add(Convolution2D(256, (3,3),padding='same',use_bias=False)) model.add(LeakyReLU(alpha = 0.1)) model.add(BatchNormalization()) model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) # CDB: 3/5 DROPOUT ADDED model.add(Dropout(0.2)) # Input dimensions: (None, 3, 3, 256) model.add(Convolution2D(512, (3,3), padding='same', use_bias=False)) model.add(LeakyReLU(alpha = 0.1)) model.add(BatchNormalization()) # Input dimensions: (None, 3, 3, 512) model.add(Convolution2D(512, (3,3), padding='same', use_bias=False)) model.add(LeakyReLU(alpha = 0.1)) model.add(BatchNormalization()) # TEST added 4/8 model.add(Dropout(0.3)) model.add(Convolution2D(1024, (3,3), padding='same', use_bias=False)) model.add(LeakyReLU(alpha = 0.1)) model.add(BatchNormalization()) # Input dimensions: (None, 3, 3, 512) model.add(Convolution2D(1024, (3,3), padding='same', use_bias=False)) model.add(LeakyReLU(alpha = 0.1)) model.add(BatchNormalization()) # Input dimensions: (None, 3, 3, 512) model.add(Flatten()) model.add(Dense(1024,activation='relu')) # CDB DROPOUT INCREASED FROM 0.1 to 0.2 model.add(Dropout(0.15)) if full: model.add(Dense(30)) else: model.add(Dense(8)) if verbose: print(model.summary()) # Compile the model if self.__GPU_count > 1: strategy = tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy() with strategy.scope(): parallel_model = multi_gpu_model(model, gpus = self.__GPU_count) parallel_model.compile(optimizer = act, loss = lss, metrics = mtrc) else: parallel_model = model parallel_model.compile(optimizer = act, loss = lss, metrics = mtrc) if (X_val is None) or (Y_val is None): history =, Y, validation_split = val_split, batch_size = batch_size * self.__GPU_count, epochs = epoch_count, shuffle = shuffle, callbacks = [es, cp], verbose = verbose) else: history =, Y, validation_data = (X_val, Y_val), batch_size = batch_size * self.__GPU_count, epochs = epoch_count, shuffle = shuffle, callbacks = [es, cp], verbose = verbose) # print and/or save a performance plot self.__plot_keras_history(history = history, metric = 'mse', #metric = 'root_mean_squared_error', model_name = __MODEL_NAME, feature_name = feature_name, file_name = __history_plot_file, verbose = verbose) # save the model, parameters, and performance history model_json = parallel_model.to_json() with open(__model_json_file, "w") as json_file: json_file.write(model_json) hist_params = pd.DataFrame(history.params) hist_params.to_csv(__history_params_file) hist = pd.DataFrame(history.history) hist.to_csv(__history_performance_file) if verbose: print("Model JSON, history, and parameters file saved.") # save a plot of the model architecture plot_model(parallel_model, to_file = __model_architecture_plot_file, rankdir = 'TB', show_shapes = True, show_layer_names = True, expand_nested = True, dpi=300) else: if verbose: print("Loading history and params files for '%s' MODEL..." % feature_name) hist_params = pd.read_csv(__history_params_file) hist = pd.read_csv(__history_performance_file) if verbose: print("Loading pickle file for '%s' MODEL from file '%s'" % (feature_name, __model_file_name)) parallel_model = self.__load_keras_model(__MODEL_NAME, __model_file_name, __model_json_file, verbose = verbose) return parallel_model, hist_params, hist # inferencing def predict_keras_kaggle1(self, X, feature_name = "unknown", full = True, verbose = False): __MODEL_NAME = "Keras - Kaggle1" __MODEL_FNAME_PREFIX = "KERAS_KAGGLE1/" if full: __MODEL_SUFFIX = "_30" else: __MODEL_SUFFIX = "_8" nested_dir = "".join([self.__models_path,__MODEL_FNAME_PREFIX]) if not os.path.exists(nested_dir): raise RuntimeError("Model path '%s' does not exist; exiting inferencing." % nested_dir) __model_file_name = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".h5"]) __model_json_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".json"]) ##__scaler_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, "_scaler.pkl"]) if (not os.path.isfile(__model_file_name)) or (not os.path.isfile(__model_json_file)):## or (not os.path.isfile(__scaler_file)): raise RuntimeError("One or some of the following files are missing; prediction cancelled:\n\n'%s'\n'%s'\n" % ##'%s'\n" % (__model_file_name, __model_json_file))##, __scaler_file)) # Load the training scaler for this model ##if verbose: print("Loading SCALER for '%s' and zero-centering X." % feature_name) ##scaler = pickle.load(open(__scaler_file, "rb")) ##X = self.__4d_Scaler(arr = X, ss = scaler, fit = False, verbose = verbose) # load the Keras model for the specified feature model = self.__load_keras_model(__MODEL_NAME, __model_file_name, __model_json_file, verbose = verbose) # predict if verbose: print("Predicting %d (x,y) coordinates for '%s'..." % (len(X), feature_name)) Y = model.predict(X, verbose = verbose) if verbose: print("Predictions completed!") return Y #------------------------------------------------------------- # LeNet5 Model # Inspired by: Google's LeNet5 for MNSIST - Modified #------------------------------------------------------------- def get_keras_lenet5(self, X, Y, batch_size, epoch_count, X_val = None, Y_val = None, val_split = 0.1, shuffle = True, feature_name = "ALL_FEATURES", recalculate_pickle = True, full = True, verbose = False): __MODEL_NAME = "Keras - LeNet5" __MODEL_FNAME_PREFIX = "KERAS_LENET5/" if full: __MODEL_SUFFIX = "_30" else: __MODEL_SUFFIX = "_8" nested_dir = "".join([self.__models_path,__MODEL_FNAME_PREFIX]) if not os.path.exists(nested_dir): os.makedirs(nested_dir) __model_file_name = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".h5"]) __model_json_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".json"]) __model_architecture_plot_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_model_plot.png"]) __history_params_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_params.csv"]) __history_performance_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_history.csv"]) __history_plot_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_plot.png"]) if verbose: print("Retrieving model: %s..." % "".join([__MODEL_NAME, __MODEL_SUFFIX])) # Create or load the model if (not os.path.isfile(__model_file_name)) or (not os.path.isfile(__model_json_file)) or recalculate_pickle: if verbose: print("Pickle file for '%s' MODEL not found or skipped by caller." % feature_name) #if (X_val is None) or (Y_val is None): # if verbose: print("No validation set specified; creating a split based on %.2f val_split parameter." % val_split) # X, Y, X_val, Y_val = train_test_split(X, Y, test_size = val_split, random_state = 42) act = Adam(lr = 0.001, beta_1 = 0.9, beta_2 = 0.999, epsilon = 1e-8) lss = 'mean_squared_error' mtrc = ['mae','mse'] stop_at = np.max([int(0.1 * epoch_count), self.__MIN_early_stopping]) es = EarlyStopping(patience = stop_at, verbose = verbose) cp = ModelCheckpoint(filepath = __model_file_name, verbose = verbose, save_best_only = True, mode = 'min', monitor = 'val_mae') if self.__GPU_count > 1: dev = "/cpu:0" else: dev = "/gpu:0" with tf.device(dev): model = Sequential() model.add(Convolution2D(filters = 6, kernel_size = (3, 3), input_shape = (96, 96, 1))) model.add(ReLU()) # CDB: 3/5 added Batch Normalization #model.add(BatchNormalization()) model.add(AveragePooling2D()) #model.add(Dropout(0.2)) model.add(Convolution2D(filters = 16, kernel_size = (3, 3))) model.add(ReLU()) # CDB: 3/5 added Batch Normalization #model.add(BatchNormalization()) model.add(AveragePooling2D()) #model.add(Dropout(0.2)) model.add(Flatten()) model.add(Dense(512)) model.add(ReLU()) #model.add(Dropout(0.1)) model.add(Dense(256)) model.add(ReLU()) #model.add(Dropout(0.2)) if full: model.add(Dense(30)) else: model.add(Dense(8)) if verbose: print(model.summary()) # Compile the model if self.__GPU_count > 1: strategy = tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy() with strategy.scope(): parallel_model = multi_gpu_model(model, gpus = self.__GPU_count) else: parallel_model = model parallel_model.compile(optimizer = act, loss = lss, metrics = mtrc) if (X_val is None) or (Y_val is None): history =, Y, validation_split = val_split, batch_size = batch_size * self.__GPU_count, epochs = epoch_count, shuffle = shuffle, callbacks = [es, cp], verbose = verbose) else: history =, Y, validation_data = (X_val, Y_val), batch_size = batch_size * self.__GPU_count, epochs = epoch_count, shuffle = shuffle, callbacks = [es, cp], verbose = verbose) # print and/or save a performance plot self.__plot_keras_history(history = history, metric = 'mse', model_name = __MODEL_NAME, feature_name = feature_name, file_name = __history_plot_file, verbose = verbose) # save the model, parameters, and performance history model_json = parallel_model.to_json() with open(__model_json_file, "w") as json_file: json_file.write(model_json) hist_params = pd.DataFrame(history.params) hist_params.to_csv(__history_params_file) hist = pd.DataFrame(history.history) hist.to_csv(__history_performance_file) # save a plot of the model architecture plot_model(parallel_model, to_file = __model_architecture_plot_file, rankdir = 'TB', show_shapes = True, show_layer_names = True, expand_nested = True, dpi=300) if verbose: print("Model JSON, history, and parameters file saved.") else: if verbose: print("Loading history and params files for '%s' MODEL..." % feature_name) hist_params = pd.read_csv(__history_params_file) hist = pd.read_csv(__history_performance_file) if verbose: print("Loading pickle file for '%s' MODEL from file '%s'" % (feature_name, __model_file_name)) parallel_model = self.__load_keras_model(__MODEL_NAME, __model_file_name, __model_json_file, verbose = verbose) return parallel_model, hist_params, hist # inferencing def predict_keras_lenet5(self, X, feature_name = "ALL_FEATURES", full = True, verbose = False): __MODEL_NAME = "Keras - LeNet5" __MODEL_FNAME_PREFIX = "KERAS_LENET5/" if full: __MODEL_SUFFIX = "_30" else: __MODEL_SUFFIX = "_8" nested_dir = "".join([self.__models_path,__MODEL_FNAME_PREFIX]) if not os.path.exists(nested_dir): raise RuntimeError("Model path '%s' does not exist; exiting inferencing." % nested_dir) __model_file_name = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".h5"]) __model_json_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".json"]) if (not os.path.isfile(__model_file_name)) or (not os.path.isfile(__model_json_file)): raise RuntimeError("One or some of the following files are missing; prediction cancelled:\n\n'%s'\n'%s'\n" % (__model_file_name, __model_json_file)) # load the Keras model for the specified feature model = self.__load_keras_model(__MODEL_NAME, __model_file_name, __model_json_file, verbose = verbose) # predict if verbose: print("Predicting %d (x,y) coordinates for '%s'..." % (len(X), feature_name)) Y = model.predict(X, verbose = verbose) if verbose: print("Predictions completed!") return Y #------------------------------------------------------------- # Inception V1 # Inspired by : #------------------------------------------------------------- def get_keras_inception(self, X, Y, batch_size, epoch_count, val_split = 0.1, shuffle = True, feature_name = "ALL_FEATURES", recalculate_pickle = True, X_val = None, Y_val = None, full = True, verbose = False): __MODEL_NAME = "Keras - Inception" __MODEL_FNAME_PREFIX = "KERAS_INCEPTION/" if full: __MODEL_SUFFIX = "_30" else: __MODEL_SUFFIX = "_8" nested_dir = "".join([self.__models_path,__MODEL_FNAME_PREFIX]) if not os.path.exists(nested_dir): os.makedirs(nested_dir) __model_file_MAIN_name = "".join([nested_dir, "inception_MAIN_", feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".h5"]) __model_file_AUX1_name = "".join([nested_dir, "inception_AUX1_", feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".h5"]) __model_file_AUX2_name = "".join([nested_dir, "inception_AUX2_", feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".h5"]) __model_json_file = "".join([nested_dir, "inception_", feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".json"]) __model_architecture_plot_file = "".join([nested_dir, "inception_", feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_plot.png"]) __history_params_file = "".join([nested_dir, "inception_", feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_params.csv"]) __history_performance_file = "".join([nested_dir, "inception_", feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_history.csv"]) __history_plot_file_main = "".join([nested_dir, "inception_", feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_main_output_mse_plot.png"]) __history_plot_file_auxilliary1 = "".join([nested_dir, "inception_", feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_auxilliary_output_1_mse_plot.png"]) __history_plot_file_auxilliary2 = "".join([nested_dir, "inception_", feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_auxilliary_output_2_mse_plot.png"]) if verbose: print("Retrieving model: %s..." % "".join([__MODEL_NAME, __MODEL_SUFFIX])) # Create or load the model if (not os.path.isfile(__model_file_MAIN_name)) or (not os.path.isfile(__model_file_AUX1_name)) or (not os.path.isfile(__model_file_AUX2_name)) or (not os.path.isfile(__model_json_file)) or recalculate_pickle: if verbose: print("Pickle file for '%s' MODEL not found or skipped by caller." % __MODEL_NAME) act = Adam(lr = 0.001, beta_1 = 0.9, beta_2 = 0.999, epsilon = 1e-8) lss = 'mean_squared_error' mtrc = ['mae','mse'] stop_at = np.max([int(0.1 * epoch_count), self.__MIN_early_stopping]) es = EarlyStopping(patience = stop_at, verbose = verbose) cp_main = ModelCheckpoint(filepath = __model_file_MAIN_name, verbose = verbose, save_best_only = True, mode = 'min', monitor = 'val_main_output_mae') cp_aux1 = ModelCheckpoint(filepath = __model_file_AUX1_name, verbose = verbose, save_best_only = True, mode = 'min', monitor = 'val_auxilliary_output_1_mae') cp_aux2 = ModelCheckpoint(filepath = __model_file_AUX2_name, verbose = verbose, save_best_only = True, mode = 'min', monitor = 'val_auxilliary_output_2_mae') kernel_init = glorot_uniform() bias_init = Constant(value = 0.2) if self.__GPU_count > 1: dev = "/cpu:0" else: dev = "/gpu:0" with tf.device(dev): # Input image shape (H, W, C) input_img = Input(shape=(96, 96, 1)) # Top Layer (Begin MODEL) model = Convolution2D(filters = 64, kernel_size = (7, 7), padding = 'same', strides = (2, 2), activation = 'relu', name = 'conv_1_7x7/2', kernel_initializer = kernel_init, bias_initializer = bias_init) (input_img) model = MaxPooling2D((3, 3), padding = 'same', strides = (2, 2), name = 'max_pool_1_3x3/2') (model) model = Convolution2D(64, (1, 1), padding = 'same', strides = (1, 1), activation = 'relu', name = 'conv_2a_3x3/1') (model) model = Convolution2D(192, (3, 3), padding = 'same', strides = (1, 1), activation = 'relu', name = 'conv_2b_3x3/1') (model) model = MaxPooling2D((3, 3), padding = 'same', strides = (2, 2), name = 'max_pool_2_3x3/2') (model) # Inception Module model = self.__inception_module(model, filters_1x1 = 64, filters_3x3_reduce = 96, filters_3x3 = 128, filters_5x5_reduce = 16, filters_5x5 = 32, filters_pool_proj = 32, kernel_init = kernel_init, bias_init = bias_init, name = 'inception_3a') # Inception Module model = self.__inception_module(model, filters_1x1 = 128, filters_3x3_reduce = 128, filters_3x3 = 192, filters_5x5_reduce = 32, filters_5x5 = 96, filters_pool_proj = 64, kernel_init = kernel_init, bias_init = bias_init, name = 'inception_3b') model = MaxPooling2D((3, 3), padding = 'same', strides = (2, 2), name= 'max_pool_3_3x3/2') (model) # Inception Module model = self.__inception_module(model, filters_1x1 = 192, filters_3x3_reduce = 96, filters_3x3 = 208, filters_5x5_reduce = 16, filters_5x5 = 48, filters_pool_proj = 64, kernel_init = kernel_init, bias_init = bias_init, name = 'inception_4a') # CDB 3/5 DROPOUT ADDED model = Dropout(0.2) (model) # Begin MODEL1 (auxillary output) model1 = AveragePooling2D((5, 5), padding = 'same', strides = 3, name= 'avg_pool_4_5x5/2') (model) model1 = Convolution2D(128, (1, 1), padding = 'same', activation = 'relu') (model1) model1 = Flatten() (model1) model1 = Dense(1024, activation = 'relu') (model1) model1 = Dropout(0.3) (model1) if full: model1 = Dense(30, name = 'auxilliary_output_1') (model1) else: model1 = Dense(8, name = 'auxilliary_output_1') (model1) # Resume MODEL w/ Inception model = self.__inception_module(model, filters_1x1 = 160, filters_3x3_reduce = 112, filters_3x3 = 224, filters_5x5_reduce = 24, filters_5x5 = 64, filters_pool_proj = 64, kernel_init = kernel_init, bias_init = bias_init, name='inception_4b') model = self.__inception_module(model, filters_1x1 = 128, filters_3x3_reduce = 128, filters_3x3 = 256, filters_5x5_reduce = 24, filters_5x5 = 64, filters_pool_proj = 64, kernel_init = kernel_init, bias_init = bias_init, name='inception_4c') model = self.__inception_module(model, filters_1x1 = 112, filters_3x3_reduce = 144, filters_3x3 = 288, filters_5x5_reduce = 32, filters_5x5 = 64, filters_pool_proj = 64, kernel_init = kernel_init, bias_init = bias_init, name='inception_4d') # CDB : 3/5 DROPOUT ADDED model = Dropout(0.2) (model) # Begin MODEL2 (auxilliary output) model2 = AveragePooling2D((5, 5), strides = 3) (model) model2 = Convolution2D(128, (1, 1), padding = 'same', activation = 'relu') (model2) model2 = Flatten() (model2) model2 = Dense(1024, activation = 'relu') (model2) model2 = Dropout(0.3) (model2) if full: model2 = Dense(30, name = 'auxilliary_output_2') (model2) else: model2 = Dense(8, name = 'auxilliary_output_2') (model2) # Resume MODEL w/ Inception model = self.__inception_module(model, filters_1x1 = 256, filters_3x3_reduce = 160, filters_3x3 = 320, filters_5x5_reduce = 32, filters_5x5 = 128, filters_pool_proj = 128, kernel_init = kernel_init, bias_init = bias_init, name='inception_4e') model = MaxPooling2D((3, 3), padding = 'same', strides = (2, 2), name = 'max_pool_4_3x3/2') (model) model = self.__inception_module(model, filters_1x1 = 256, filters_3x3_reduce = 160, filters_3x3 = 320, filters_5x5_reduce = 32, filters_5x5 = 128, filters_pool_proj = 128, kernel_init = kernel_init, bias_init = bias_init, name='inception_5a') model = self.__inception_module(model, filters_1x1 = 384, filters_3x3_reduce = 192, filters_3x3 = 384, filters_5x5_reduce = 48, filters_5x5 = 128, filters_pool_proj = 128, kernel_init = kernel_init, bias_init = bias_init, name='inception_5b') model = GlobalAveragePooling2D(name = 'avg_pool_5_3x3/1') (model) model = Dropout(0.3) (model) # Output Layer (Main) if full: model = Dense(30, name = 'main_output') (model) else: model = Dense(8, name = 'main_output') (model) model = Model(input_img, [model, model1, model2], name = 'Inception') if verbose: print(model.summary()) # Compile the model if self.__GPU_count > 1: strategy = tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy() with strategy.scope(): parallel_model = multi_gpu_model(model, gpus = self.__GPU_count) parallel_model.compile(optimizer = act, loss = lss, metrics = mtrc) else: parallel_model = model parallel_model.compile(optimizer = act, loss = lss, metrics = mtrc) if (X_val is None) or (Y_val is None): history =, [Y, Y, Y], validation_split = val_split, batch_size = batch_size * self.__GPU_count, epochs = epoch_count, shuffle = shuffle, callbacks = [es, cp_main, cp_aux1, cp_aux2], verbose = verbose) else: history =, [Y, Y, Y], validation_data = (X_val, [Y_val, Y_val, Y_val]), batch_size = batch_size * self.__GPU_count, epochs = epoch_count, shuffle = shuffle, callbacks = [es, cp_main, cp_aux1, cp_aux2], verbose = verbose) # print and/or save a performance plot for m, f in zip(['main_output_mse', 'auxilliary_output_1_mse', 'auxilliary_output_2_mse'], [__history_plot_file_main, __history_plot_file_auxilliary1, __history_plot_file_auxilliary2]): try: self.__plot_keras_history(history = history, metric = m, model_name = __MODEL_NAME, feature_name = feature_name, file_name = f, verbose = False) except: print("error during history plot generation; skipped.") pass # save the model, parameters, and performance history model_json = parallel_model.to_json() with open(__model_json_file, "w") as json_file: json_file.write(model_json) hist_params = pd.DataFrame(history.params) hist_params.to_csv(__history_params_file) hist = pd.DataFrame(history.history) hist.to_csv(__history_performance_file) # save a plot of the model architecture try: plot_model(parallel_model, to_file = __model_architecture_plot_file, rankdir = 'TB', show_shapes = True, show_layer_names = True, expand_nested = True, dpi=300) except: print("error during model plot generation; skiopped.") pass if verbose: print("Model JSON, history, and parameters file saved.") else: if verbose: print("Loading history and params files for '%s' MODEL..." % feature_name) hist_params = pd.read_csv(__history_params_file) hist = pd.read_csv(__history_performance_file) if verbose: print("Loading pickle file for '%s' MODEL (MAIN) from file '%s'" % (__MODEL_NAME, __model_file_MAIN_name)) main_model = self.__load_keras_model(__MODEL_NAME, __model_file_MAIN_name, __model_json_file, verbose = verbose) if verbose: print("Loading pickle file for '%s' MODEL (AUX1) from file '%s'" % (__MODEL_NAME, __model_file_AUX1_name)) aux1_model = self.__load_keras_model(__MODEL_NAME, __model_file_AUX1_name, __model_json_file, verbose = verbose) if verbose: print("Loading pickle file for '%s' MODEL (AUX2) from file '%s'" % (__MODEL_NAME, __model_file_AUX2_name)) aux2_model = self.__load_keras_model(__MODEL_NAME, __model_file_AUX2_name, __model_json_file, verbose = verbose) return main_model, aux1_model, aux2_model, hist_params, hist # inferencing def predict_keras_inception(self, X, feature_name = "ALL_FEATURES", full = True, verbose = False): __MODEL_NAME = "Keras - Inception" __MODEL_FNAME_PREFIX = "KERAS_INCEPTION/" if full: __MODEL_SUFFIX = "_30" else: __MODEL_SUFFIX = "_8" nested_dir = "".join([self.__models_path,__MODEL_FNAME_PREFIX]) if not os.path.exists(nested_dir): raise RuntimeError("Model path '%s' does not exist; exiting inferencing." % nested_dir) __model_file_MAIN_name = "".join([nested_dir, "inception_MAIN_", feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".h5"]) __model_file_AUX1_name = "".join([nested_dir, "inception_AUX1_", feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".h5"]) __model_file_AUX2_name = "".join([nested_dir, "inception_AUX2_", feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".h5"]) __model_json_file = "".join([nested_dir, "inception_", feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".json"]) if (not os.path.isfile(__model_file_MAIN_name)) or (not os.path.isfile(__model_file_AUX1_name)) or (not os.path.isfile(__model_file_AUX2_name)) or (not os.path.isfile(__model_json_file)): raise RuntimeError("One or some of the following files are missing; prediction cancelled:\n\n'%s'\n'%s'\n'%s'\n'%s'\n\n" % (__model_file_MAIN_name, __model_file_AUX1_name, __model_file_AUX2_name, __model_json_file)) # load the Keras model for the specified feature main_model = self.__load_keras_model(__MODEL_NAME, __model_file_MAIN_name, __model_json_file, verbose = verbose) aux1_model = self.__load_keras_model(__MODEL_NAME, __model_file_AUX1_name, __model_json_file, verbose = verbose) aux2_model = self.__load_keras_model(__MODEL_NAME, __model_file_AUX2_name, __model_json_file, verbose = verbose) # predict if verbose: print("Predicting %d (x,y) coordinates for 'MAIN' model file..." % len(X)) Y_main = main_model.predict(X, verbose = verbose) Y_main_columns = [ for node in main_model.outputs] if verbose: print("Predicting %d (x,y) coordinates for 'AUX1' model file..." % len(X)) Y_aux1 = aux1_model.predict(X, verbose = verbose) Y_aux1_columns = [ for node in aux1_model.outputs] if verbose: print("Predicting %d (x,y) coordinates for 'AUX2' model file..." % len(X)) Y_aux2 = aux2_model.predict(X, verbose = verbose) Y_aux2_columns = [ for node in aux2_model.outputs] if verbose: print("Predictions completed!") return Y_main, Y_aux1, Y_aux2, Y_main_columns, Y_aux1_columns, Y_aux2_columns #------------------------------------------------ # ConvNet5 Simple Model #------------------------------------------------ def get_keras_convnet5(self, X, Y, batch_size, epoch_count, val_split = 0.1, X_val = None, Y_val = None, shuffle = True, feature_name = "ALL_FEATURES", recalculate_pickle = True, full = True, verbose = False): __MODEL_NAME = "Keras - ConvNet5" __MODEL_FNAME_PREFIX = "KERAS_CONVNET5/" if full: __MODEL_SUFFIX = "_30" else: __MODEL_SUFFIX = "_8" nested_dir = "".join([self.__models_path,__MODEL_FNAME_PREFIX]) if not os.path.exists(nested_dir): os.makedirs(nested_dir) __model_file_name = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".h5"]) __model_json_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".json"]) __history_params_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_params.csv"]) __history_performance_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_history.csv"]) __history_plot_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_plot.png"]) __model_architecture_plot_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_model_plot.png"]) if verbose: print("Retrieving model: %s..." % "".join([__MODEL_NAME, __MODEL_SUFFIX])) # Create or load the model if (not os.path.isfile(__model_file_name)) or (not os.path.isfile(__model_json_file)) or recalculate_pickle: if verbose: print("Pickle file for '%s' MODEL not found or skipped by caller." % feature_name) act = Adam(lr = 0.001, beta_1 = 0.9, beta_2 = 0.999, epsilon = 1e-08) lss = 'mean_squared_error' mtrc = ['mae','mse'] stop_at = np.max([int(0.1 * epoch_count), self.__MIN_early_stopping]) es = EarlyStopping(patience = stop_at, verbose = verbose) cp = ModelCheckpoint(filepath = __model_file_name, verbose = verbose, save_best_only = True, mode = 'min', monitor = 'val_mae') if self.__GPU_count > 1: dev = "/cpu:0" else: dev = "/gpu:0" with tf.device(dev): model = Sequential(name = 'ConvNet5') # Input dimensions: (None, 96, 96, 1) model.add(Convolution2D(16, (3,3), padding = 'same', activation = 'relu', input_shape=(96,96,1))) model.add(BatchNormalization()) model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) model.add(Dropout(0.1)) model.add(Convolution2D(32, (3,3), padding = 'same', activation = 'relu')) model.add(BatchNormalization()) model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) model.add(Dropout(0.2)) model.add(Convolution2D(64, (3,3), padding = 'same', activation = 'relu')) model.add(BatchNormalization()) model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) model.add(Dropout(0.1)) model.add(Convolution2D(128, (3,3), padding = 'same', activation = 'relu')) model.add(BatchNormalization()) model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) model.add(Dropout(0.25)) model.add(Convolution2D(256, (3,3), padding = 'same', activation = 'relu')) model.add(BatchNormalization()) model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) model.add(Dropout(0.15)) model.add(Flatten()) model.add(Dense(1024, activation = 'relu')) model.add(Dropout(0.1)) model.add(Dense(512, activation = 'relu')) model.add(Dropout(0.1)) if full: model.add(Dense(30)) else: model.add(Dense(8)) if verbose: print(model.summary()) # Compile the model if self.__GPU_count > 1: strategy = tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy() with strategy.scope(): parallel_model = multi_gpu_model(model, gpus = self.__GPU_count) parallel_model.compile(optimizer = act, loss = lss, metrics = mtrc) else: parallel_model = model parallel_model.compile(optimizer = act, loss = lss, metrics = mtrc) if (X_val is None) or (Y_val is None): history =, Y, validation_split = val_split, batch_size = batch_size * self.__GPU_count, epochs = epoch_count, shuffle = shuffle, callbacks = [es, cp], verbose = verbose) else: history =, Y, validation_data = (X_val, Y_val), batch_size = batch_size * self.__GPU_count, epochs = epoch_count, shuffle = shuffle, callbacks = [es, cp], verbose = verbose) # print and/or save a performance plot self.__plot_keras_history(history = history, metric = 'mse', model_name = __MODEL_NAME, feature_name = feature_name, file_name = __history_plot_file, verbose = verbose) # save the model, parameters, and performance history model_json = parallel_model.to_json() with open(__model_json_file, "w") as json_file: json_file.write(model_json) hist_params = pd.DataFrame(history.params) hist_params.to_csv(__history_params_file) hist = pd.DataFrame(history.history) hist.to_csv(__history_performance_file) if verbose: print("Model JSON, history, and parameters file saved.") # save a plot of the model architecture plot_model(parallel_model, to_file = __model_architecture_plot_file, rankdir = 'TB', show_shapes = True, show_layer_names = True, expand_nested = True, dpi=300) else: if verbose: print("Loading history and params files for '%s' MODEL..." % feature_name) hist_params = pd.read_csv(__history_params_file) hist = pd.read_csv(__history_performance_file) if verbose: print("Loading pickle file for '%s' MODEL from file '%s'" % (feature_name, __model_file_name)) parallel_model = self.__load_keras_model(__MODEL_NAME, __model_file_name, __model_json_file, verbose = verbose) return parallel_model, hist_params, hist # inferencing def predict_keras_convnet5(self, X, feature_name = "unknown", full = True, verbose = False): __MODEL_NAME = "Keras - ConvNet5" __MODEL_FNAME_PREFIX = "KERAS_CONVNET5/" if full: __MODEL_SUFFIX = "_30" else: __MODEL_SUFFIX = "_8" nested_dir = "".join([self.__models_path,__MODEL_FNAME_PREFIX]) if not os.path.exists(nested_dir): raise RuntimeError("Model path '%s' does not exist; exiting inferencing." % nested_dir) __model_file_name = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".h5"]) __model_json_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".json"]) ##__scaler_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, "_scaler.pkl"]) if (not os.path.isfile(__model_file_name)) or (not os.path.isfile(__model_json_file)): raise RuntimeError("One or some of the following files are missing; prediction cancelled:\n\n'%s'\n'%s'\n" % (__model_file_name, __model_json_file)) # load the Keras model for the specified feature model = self.__load_keras_model(__MODEL_NAME, __model_file_name, __model_json_file, verbose = verbose) # predict if verbose: print("Predicting %d (x,y) coordinates for '%s'..." % (len(X), feature_name)) Y = model.predict(X, verbose = verbose) if verbose: print("Predictions completed!") return Y #------------------------------------------------------------- # Inception V3 # Inspired by : #------------------------------------------------------------- def get_keras_inceptionv3(self, X, Y, batch_size, epoch_count, val_split = 0.1, shuffle = True, feature_name = "ALL_FEATURES", recalculate_pickle = True, X_val = None, Y_val = None, full = True, verbose = False): __MODEL_NAME = "Keras - Inceptionv3" __MODEL_FNAME_PREFIX = "KERAS_INCEPTIONV3/" if full: __MODEL_SUFFIX = "_30" else: __MODEL_SUFFIX = "_8" nested_dir = "".join([self.__models_path,__MODEL_FNAME_PREFIX]) if not os.path.exists(nested_dir): os.makedirs(nested_dir) __model_file_MAIN_name = "".join([nested_dir, "inception_MAIN_", feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".h5"]) __model_json_file = "".join([nested_dir, "inception_", feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".json"]) __model_architecture_plot_file = "".join([nested_dir, "inception_", feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_plot.png"]) __history_params_file = "".join([nested_dir, "inception_", feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_params.csv"]) __history_performance_file = "".join([nested_dir, "inception_", feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_history.csv"]) __history_plot_file_main = "".join([nested_dir, "inception_", feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_main_output_mse_plot.png"]) if verbose: print("Retrieving model: %s..." % "".join([__MODEL_NAME, __MODEL_SUFFIX])) # Create or load the model if (not os.path.isfile(__model_file_MAIN_name)) or (not os.path.isfile(__model_json_file)) or recalculate_pickle: if verbose: print("Pickle file for '%s' MODEL not found or skipped by caller." % __MODEL_NAME) act = Adam(lr = 0.001, beta_1 = 0.9, beta_2 = 0.999, epsilon = 1e-8) lss = 'mean_squared_error' mtrc = ['mae','mse'] stop_at = np.max([int(0.1 * epoch_count), self.__MIN_early_stopping]) es = EarlyStopping(patience = stop_at, verbose = verbose) cp_main = ModelCheckpoint(filepath = __model_file_MAIN_name, verbose = verbose, save_best_only = True, mode = 'min', monitor = 'val_mae') kernel_init = glorot_uniform() bias_init = Constant(value = 0.2) if self.__GPU_count > 1: dev = "/cpu:0" else: dev = "/gpu:0" with tf.device(dev): # Input image shape (H, W, C) input_img = Input(shape = (96, 96, 1)) # Begin Inception V3 x = self.__conv2d_bn(x = input_img, filters = 32, num_row = 3, num_col = 3, strides = (2, 2), padding = 'valid') x = self.__conv2d_bn(x = x, filters = 32, num_row = 3, num_col = 3, strides = (1, 1), padding = 'valid') x = self.__conv2d_bn(x = x, filters = 64, num_row = 3, num_col = 3, strides = (1, 1), padding = 'same') x = MaxPooling2D((3, 3), strides = (2, 2)) (x) x = self.__conv2d_bn(x = x, filters = 80, num_row = 1, num_col = 1, strides = (1, 1), padding = 'valid') x = self.__conv2d_bn(x = x, filters = 192, num_row = 3, num_col = 3, strides = (1, 1), padding = 'valid') x = MaxPooling2D((3, 3), strides = (2, 2)) (x) branch1x1 = self.__conv2d_bn(x = x, filters = 64, num_row = 1, num_col = 1, strides = (1, 1), padding = 'same') branch5x5 = self.__conv2d_bn(x = x, filters = 48, num_row = 1, num_col = 1, strides = (1, 1), padding = 'same') branch5x5 = self.__conv2d_bn(x = branch5x5, filters = 64, num_row = 5, num_col = 5, strides = (1, 1), padding = 'same') branch3x3dbl = self.__conv2d_bn(x = x, filters = 64, num_row = 1, num_col = 1, strides = (1, 1), padding = 'same') branch3x3dbl = self.__conv2d_bn(x = branch3x3dbl, filters = 96, num_row = 3, num_col = 3, strides = (1, 1), padding = 'same') branch3x3dbl = self.__conv2d_bn(x = branch3x3dbl, filters = 96, num_row = 3, num_col = 3, strides = (1, 1), padding = 'same') branch_pool = AveragePooling2D((3, 3), strides = (1, 1), padding = 'same') (x) branch_pool = self.__conv2d_bn(x = branch_pool, filters = 32, num_row = 1, num_col = 1, strides = (1, 1), padding = 'same') x = concatenate( [branch1x1, branch5x5, branch3x3dbl, branch_pool], axis = 3, name = 'mixed0') branch1x1 = self.__conv2d_bn(x, 64, 1, 1) branch5x5 = self.__conv2d_bn(x, 48, 1, 1) branch5x5 = self.__conv2d_bn(branch5x5, 64, 5, 5) branch3x3dbl = self.__conv2d_bn(x, 64, 1, 1) branch3x3dbl = self.__conv2d_bn(branch3x3dbl, 96, 3, 3) branch3x3dbl = self.__conv2d_bn(branch3x3dbl, 96, 3, 3) branch_pool = AveragePooling2D((3, 3), strides = (1, 1), padding = 'same') (x) branch_pool = self.__conv2d_bn(branch_pool, 64, 1, 1) x = concatenate( [branch1x1, branch5x5, branch3x3dbl, branch_pool], axis = 3, name = 'mixed1') branch1x1 = self.__conv2d_bn(x, 64, 1, 1) branch5x5 = self.__conv2d_bn(x, 48, 1, 1) branch5x5 = self.__conv2d_bn(branch5x5, 64, 5, 5) branch3x3dbl = self.__conv2d_bn(x, 64, 1, 1) branch3x3dbl = self.__conv2d_bn(branch3x3dbl, 96, 3, 3) branch3x3dbl = self.__conv2d_bn(branch3x3dbl, 96, 3, 3) branch_pool = AveragePooling2D((3, 3), strides = (1, 1), padding = 'same') (x) branch_pool = self.__conv2d_bn(branch_pool, 64, 1, 1) x = concatenate( [branch1x1, branch5x5, branch3x3dbl, branch_pool], axis = 3, name = 'mixed2') branch3x3 = self.__conv2d_bn(x, 384, 3, 3, strides=(2, 2), padding='valid') branch3x3dbl = self.__conv2d_bn(x, 64, 1, 1) branch3x3dbl = self.__conv2d_bn(branch3x3dbl, 96, 3, 3) branch3x3dbl = self.__conv2d_bn(branch3x3dbl, 96, 3, 3, strides=(2, 2), padding='valid') branch_pool = MaxPooling2D((3, 3), strides=(2, 2)) (x) x = concatenate( [branch3x3, branch3x3dbl, branch_pool], axis = 3, name = 'mixed3') branch1x1 = self.__conv2d_bn(x, 192, 1, 1) branch7x7 = self.__conv2d_bn(x, 128, 1, 1) branch7x7 = self.__conv2d_bn(branch7x7, 128, 1, 7) branch7x7 = self.__conv2d_bn(branch7x7, 192, 7, 1) branch7x7dbl = self.__conv2d_bn(x, 128, 1, 1) branch7x7dbl = self.__conv2d_bn(branch7x7dbl, 128, 7, 1) branch7x7dbl = self.__conv2d_bn(branch7x7dbl, 128, 1, 7) branch7x7dbl = self.__conv2d_bn(branch7x7dbl, 128, 7, 1) branch7x7dbl = self.__conv2d_bn(branch7x7dbl, 192, 1, 7) branch_pool = AveragePooling2D((3, 3), strides = (1, 1), padding = 'same') (x) branch_pool = self.__conv2d_bn(branch_pool, 192, 1, 1) x = concatenate( [branch1x1, branch7x7, branch7x7dbl, branch_pool], axis = 3, name = 'mixed4') for i in range(2): branch1x1 = self.__conv2d_bn(x, 192, 1, 1) branch7x7 = self.__conv2d_bn(x, 160, 1, 1) branch7x7 = self.__conv2d_bn(branch7x7, 160, 1, 7) branch7x7 = self.__conv2d_bn(branch7x7, 192, 7, 1) branch7x7dbl = self.__conv2d_bn(x, 160, 1, 1) branch7x7dbl = self.__conv2d_bn(branch7x7dbl, 160, 7, 1) branch7x7dbl = self.__conv2d_bn(branch7x7dbl, 160, 1, 7) branch7x7dbl = self.__conv2d_bn(branch7x7dbl, 160, 7, 1) branch7x7dbl = self.__conv2d_bn(branch7x7dbl, 192, 1, 7) branch_pool = AveragePooling2D((3, 3), strides = (1, 1), padding = 'same') (x) branch_pool = self.__conv2d_bn(branch_pool, 192, 1, 1) x = concatenate( [branch1x1, branch7x7, branch7x7dbl, branch_pool], axis = 3, name = 'mixed' + str(5 + i)) branch1x1 = self.__conv2d_bn(x, 192, 1, 1) branch7x7 = self.__conv2d_bn(x, 192, 1, 1) branch7x7 = self.__conv2d_bn(branch7x7, 192, 1, 7) branch7x7 = self.__conv2d_bn(branch7x7, 192, 7, 1) branch7x7dbl = self.__conv2d_bn(x, 192, 1, 1) branch7x7dbl = self.__conv2d_bn(branch7x7dbl, 192, 7, 1) branch7x7dbl = self.__conv2d_bn(branch7x7dbl, 192, 1, 7) branch7x7dbl = self.__conv2d_bn(branch7x7dbl, 192, 7, 1) branch7x7dbl = self.__conv2d_bn(branch7x7dbl, 192, 1, 7) branch_pool = AveragePooling2D((3, 3), strides = (1, 1), padding = 'same') (x) branch_pool = self.__conv2d_bn(branch_pool, 192, 1, 1) x = concatenate( [branch1x1, branch7x7, branch7x7dbl, branch_pool], axis = 3, name = 'mixed7') branch3x3 = self.__conv2d_bn(x, 192, 1, 1) branch3x3 = self.__conv2d_bn(branch3x3, 320, 3, 3,strides=(2, 2), padding='valid') branch7x7x3 = self.__conv2d_bn(x, 192, 1, 1) branch7x7x3 = self.__conv2d_bn(branch7x7x3, 192, 1, 7) branch7x7x3 = self.__conv2d_bn(branch7x7x3, 192, 7, 1) branch7x7x3 = self.__conv2d_bn(branch7x7x3, 192, 3, 3, strides=(2, 2), padding='valid') branch_pool = MaxPooling2D((3, 3), strides=(2, 2))(x) x = concatenate( [branch3x3, branch7x7x3, branch_pool], axis = 3, name = 'mixed8') for i in range(2): branch1x1 = self.__conv2d_bn(x, 320, 1, 1) branch3x3 = self.__conv2d_bn(x, 384, 1, 1) branch3x3_1 = self.__conv2d_bn(branch3x3, 384, 1, 3) branch3x3_2 = self.__conv2d_bn(branch3x3, 384, 3, 1) branch3x3 = concatenate( [branch3x3_1, branch3x3_2], axis = 3, name = 'mixed9_' + str(i)) branch3x3dbl = self.__conv2d_bn(x, 448, 1, 1) branch3x3dbl = self.__conv2d_bn(branch3x3dbl, 384, 3, 3) branch3x3dbl_1 = self.__conv2d_bn(branch3x3dbl, 384, 1, 3) branch3x3dbl_2 = self.__conv2d_bn(branch3x3dbl, 384, 3, 1) branch3x3dbl = concatenate( [branch3x3dbl_1, branch3x3dbl_2], axis = 3) branch_pool = AveragePooling2D((3, 3), strides=(1, 1), padding='same')(x) branch_pool = self.__conv2d_bn(branch_pool, 192, 1, 1) x = concatenate( [branch1x1, branch3x3, branch3x3dbl, branch_pool], axis = 3, name = 'mixed' + str(9 + i)) x = GlobalAveragePooling2D(name = 'avg_pool') (x) x = Dropout(0.3) (x) if full: x = Dense(30) (x) else: x = Dense(8) (x) model = Model(input_img, x, name = 'InceptionV3') if verbose: print(model.summary()) # Compile the model if self.__GPU_count > 1: strategy = tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy() with strategy.scope(): parallel_model = multi_gpu_model(model, gpus = self.__GPU_count) parallel_model.compile(optimizer = act, loss = lss, metrics = mtrc) else: parallel_model = model parallel_model.compile(optimizer = act, loss = lss, metrics = mtrc) if (X_val is None) or (Y_val is None): history =, Y, validation_split = val_split, batch_size = batch_size * self.__GPU_count, epochs = epoch_count, shuffle = shuffle, callbacks = [es, cp_main], verbose = verbose) else: history =, Y, validation_data = (X_val, Y_val), batch_size = batch_size * self.__GPU_count, epochs = epoch_count, shuffle = shuffle, callbacks = [es, cp_main], verbose = verbose) # print and/or save a performance plot self.__plot_keras_history(history = history, metric = 'mse', model_name = __MODEL_NAME, feature_name = feature_name, file_name = __history_plot_file_main, verbose = verbose) # save the model, parameters, and performance history model_json = parallel_model.to_json() with open(__model_json_file, "w") as json_file: json_file.write(model_json) hist_params = pd.DataFrame(history.params) hist_params.to_csv(__history_params_file) hist = pd.DataFrame(history.history) hist.to_csv(__history_performance_file) # save a plot of the model architecture try: plot_model(parallel_model, to_file = __model_architecture_plot_file, rankdir = 'TB', show_shapes = True, show_layer_names = True, expand_nested = True, dpi=300) except: print("error during model plot generation; skiopped.") pass if verbose: print("Model JSON, history, and parameters file saved.") else: if verbose: print("Loading history and params files for '%s' MODEL..." % feature_name) hist_params = pd.read_csv(__history_params_file) hist = pd.read_csv(__history_performance_file) if verbose: print("Loading pickle file for '%s' MODEL (MAIN) from file '%s'" % (__MODEL_NAME, __model_file_MAIN_name)) main_model = self.__load_keras_model(__MODEL_NAME, __model_file_MAIN_name, __model_json_file, verbose = verbose) return main_model, hist_params, hist # inferencing def predict_keras_inceptionv3(self, X, feature_name = "ALL_FEATURES", full = True, verbose = False): __MODEL_NAME = "Keras - InceptionV3" __MODEL_FNAME_PREFIX = "KERAS_INCEPTIONV3/" if full: __MODEL_SUFFIX = "_30" else: __MODEL_SUFFIX = "_8" nested_dir = "".join([self.__models_path,__MODEL_FNAME_PREFIX]) if not os.path.exists(nested_dir): raise RuntimeError("Model path '%s' does not exist; exiting inferencing." % nested_dir) __model_file_MAIN_name = "".join([nested_dir, "inception_MAIN_", feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".h5"]) __model_json_file = "".join([nested_dir, "inception_", feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".json"]) if (not os.path.isfile(__model_file_MAIN_name)) or (not os.path.isfile(__model_json_file)): raise RuntimeError("One or some of the following files are missing; prediction cancelled:\n\n%s'\n'%s'\n\n" % (__model_file_MAIN_name, __model_json_file)) # load the Keras model for the specified feature main_model = self.__load_keras_model(__MODEL_NAME, __model_file_MAIN_name, __model_json_file, verbose = verbose) # predict if verbose: print("Predicting %d (x,y) coordinates for 'MAIN' model file..." % len(X)) Y_main = main_model.predict(X, verbose = verbose) Y_main_columns = [ for node in main_model.outputs] if verbose: print("Predictions completed!") return Y_main, Y_main_columns #------------------------------------------------ # Kaggle2 Model #------------------------------------------------ def get_keras_kaggle2(self, X, Y, batch_size, epoch_count, val_split = 0.05, X_val = None, Y_val = None, shuffle = True, feature_name = "ALL_FEATURES", recalculate_pickle = True, full = True, verbose = False): __MODEL_NAME = "Keras - Kaggle2" __MODEL_FNAME_PREFIX = "KERAS_KAGGLE2/" if full: __MODEL_SUFFIX = "_30" else: __MODEL_SUFFIX = "_8" nested_dir = "".join([self.__models_path,__MODEL_FNAME_PREFIX]) if not os.path.exists(nested_dir): os.makedirs(nested_dir) __model_file_name = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".h5"]) __model_json_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".json"]) __history_params_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_params.csv"]) __history_performance_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_history.csv"]) __history_plot_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_plot.png"]) __model_architecture_plot_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_model_plot.png"]) ##__scaler_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, "_scaler.pkl"]) if verbose: print("Retrieving model: %s..." % "".join([__MODEL_NAME, __MODEL_SUFFIX])) # Create or load the model if (not os.path.isfile(__model_file_name)) or (not os.path.isfile(__model_json_file)) or recalculate_pickle: if verbose: print("Pickle file for '%s' MODEL not found or skipped by caller." % feature_name) #act = Adam(lr = 0.001, beta_1 = 0.9, beta_2 = 0.999, epsilon = 1e-08) act = 'adam' #lss = losses.mean_squared_error lss = 'mean_squared_error' #mtrc = [metrics.RootMeanSquaredError()] mtrc = ['mae','mse'] stop_at = np.max([int(0.1 * epoch_count), self.__MIN_early_stopping]) es = EarlyStopping(patience = stop_at, verbose = verbose) cp = ModelCheckpoint(filepath = __model_file_name, verbose = verbose, save_best_only = True, mode = 'min', monitor = 'val_mae') if self.__GPU_count > 1: dev = "/cpu:0" else: dev = "/gpu:0" with tf.device(dev): model = Sequential() # Input dimensions: (None, 96, 96, 1) model.add(Convolution2D(32, (3,3), padding='valid', use_bias = True, input_shape = (96,96,1))) model.add(LeakyReLU(alpha = 0.1)) model.add(BatchNormalization()) model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) model.add(Dropout(0.2)) model.add(Convolution2D(64, (3,3), padding = 'valid', use_bias = True)) model.add(LeakyReLU(alpha = 0.1)) model.add(BatchNormalization()) model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) model.add(Dropout(0.2)) model.add(Convolution2D(128, (3,3), padding = 'valid', use_bias = True)) model.add(LeakyReLU(alpha = 0.1)) model.add(BatchNormalization()) model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) model.add(Dropout(0.2)) model.add(LocallyConnected2D(32, (3, 3), padding = 'valid', use_bias = True)) model.add(LeakyReLU(alpha = 0.1)) model.add(BatchNormalization()) model.add(GlobalAveragePooling2D()) # Input dimensions: (None, 3, 3, 512) #model.add(Flatten()) model.add(Dense(512,activation='relu')) # CDB DROPOUT INCREASED FROM 0.1 to 0.2 model.add(Dropout(0.15)) if full: model.add(Dense(30)) else: model.add(Dense(8)) if verbose: print(model.summary()) # Compile the model if self.__GPU_count > 1: strategy = tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy() with strategy.scope(): parallel_model = multi_gpu_model(model, gpus = self.__GPU_count) parallel_model.compile(optimizer = act, loss = lss, metrics = mtrc) else: parallel_model = model parallel_model.compile(optimizer = act, loss = lss, metrics = mtrc) if (X_val is None) or (Y_val is None): history =, Y, validation_split = val_split, batch_size = batch_size * self.__GPU_count, epochs = epoch_count, shuffle = shuffle, callbacks = [es, cp], verbose = verbose) else: history =, Y, validation_data = (X_val, Y_val), batch_size = batch_size * self.__GPU_count, epochs = epoch_count, shuffle = shuffle, callbacks = [es, cp], verbose = verbose) # print and/or save a performance plot self.__plot_keras_history(history = history, metric = 'mse', #metric = 'root_mean_squared_error', model_name = __MODEL_NAME, feature_name = feature_name, file_name = __history_plot_file, verbose = verbose) # save the model, parameters, and performance history model_json = parallel_model.to_json() with open(__model_json_file, "w") as json_file: json_file.write(model_json) hist_params = pd.DataFrame(history.params) hist_params.to_csv(__history_params_file) hist = pd.DataFrame(history.history) hist.to_csv(__history_performance_file) if verbose: print("Model JSON, history, and parameters file saved.") # save a plot of the model architecture plot_model(parallel_model, to_file = __model_architecture_plot_file, rankdir = 'TB', show_shapes = True, show_layer_names = True, expand_nested = True, dpi=300) else: if verbose: print("Loading history and params files for '%s' MODEL..." % feature_name) hist_params = pd.read_csv(__history_params_file) hist = pd.read_csv(__history_performance_file) if verbose: print("Loading pickle file for '%s' MODEL from file '%s'" % (feature_name, __model_file_name)) parallel_model = self.__load_keras_model(__MODEL_NAME, __model_file_name, __model_json_file, verbose = verbose) return parallel_model, hist_params, hist # inferencing def predict_keras_kaggle2(self, X, feature_name = "unknown", full = True, verbose = False): __MODEL_NAME = "Keras - Kaggle2" __MODEL_FNAME_PREFIX = "KERAS_KAGGLE2/" if full: __MODEL_SUFFIX = "_30" else: __MODEL_SUFFIX = "_8" nested_dir = "".join([self.__models_path,__MODEL_FNAME_PREFIX]) if not os.path.exists(nested_dir): raise RuntimeError("Model path '%s' does not exist; exiting inferencing." % nested_dir) __model_file_name = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".h5"]) __model_json_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".json"]) ##__scaler_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, "_scaler.pkl"]) if (not os.path.isfile(__model_file_name)) or (not os.path.isfile(__model_json_file)):## or (not os.path.isfile(__scaler_file)): raise RuntimeError("One or some of the following files are missing; prediction cancelled:\n\n'%s'\n'%s'\n" % ##'%s'\n" % (__model_file_name, __model_json_file))##, __scaler_file)) # Load the training scaler for this model ##if verbose: print("Loading SCALER for '%s' and zero-centering X." % feature_name) ##scaler = pickle.load(open(__scaler_file, "rb")) ##X = self.__4d_Scaler(arr = X, ss = scaler, fit = False, verbose = verbose) # load the Keras model for the specified feature model = self.__load_keras_model(__MODEL_NAME, __model_file_name, __model_json_file, verbose = verbose) # predict if verbose: print("Predicting %d (x,y) coordinates for '%s'..." % (len(X), feature_name)) Y = model.predict(X, verbose = verbose) if verbose: print("Predictions completed!") return Y #------------------------------------------------ # ResNet50 # Inspired by: #------------------------------------------------ def get_keras_resnet50(self, X, Y, batch_size, epoch_count, val_split = 0.1, X_val = None, Y_val = None, shuffle = True, feature_name = "ALL_FEATURES", recalculate_pickle = True, full = True, verbose = False): __MODEL_NAME = "Keras - ResNet50" __MODEL_FNAME_PREFIX = "KERAS_RESNET50/" if full: __MODEL_SUFFIX = "_30" else: __MODEL_SUFFIX = "_8" nested_dir = "".join([self.__models_path,__MODEL_FNAME_PREFIX]) if not os.path.exists(nested_dir): os.makedirs(nested_dir) __model_file_name = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".h5"]) __model_json_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, ".json"]) __history_params_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_params.csv"]) __history_performance_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_history.csv"]) __history_plot_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_plot.png"]) __model_architecture_plot_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, __MODEL_SUFFIX, "_model_plot.png"]) ##__scaler_file = "".join([nested_dir, feature_name, "_scaler.pkl"]) if verbose: print("Retrieving model: %s..." % "".join([__MODEL_NAME, __MODEL_SUFFIX])) # Create or load the model if (not os.path.isfile(__model_file_name)) or (not os.path.isfile(__model_json_file)) or recalculate_pickle: if verbose: print("Pickle file for '%s' MODEL not found or skipped by caller." % feature_name) #act = Adam(lr = 0.001, beta_1 = 0.9, beta_2 = 0.999, epsilon = 1e-08) act = 'adam' #lss = losses.mean_squared_error lss = 'mean_squared_error' #mtrc = [metrics.RootMeanSquaredError()] mtrc = ['mae','mse'] stop_at = np.max([int(0.1 * epoch_count), self.__MIN_early_stopping]) es = EarlyStopping(patience = stop_at, verbose = verbose) cp = ModelCheckpoint(filepath = __model_file_name, verbose = verbose, save_best_only = True, mode = 'min', monitor = 'val_mae') # a few custom parameters for tuning include_top = True pooling = 'avg' # can be 'max' as well, only used if include_top is False if self.__GPU_count > 1: dev = "/cpu:0" else: dev = "/gpu:0" with tf.device(dev): # Input image shape (H, W, C) input_img = Input(shape = (96, 96, 1)) bn_axis = 3 # Begin ResNet50 x = ZeroPadding2D(padding=(3, 3), name='conv1_pad')(input_img) x = Conv2D(64, (7, 7), strides=(2, 2), padding='valid', kernel_initializer='he_normal', name='conv1') (x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=bn_axis, name='bn_conv1')(x) x = Activation('relu')(x) x = ZeroPadding2D(padding=(1, 1), name='pool1_pad')(x) x = MaxPooling2D((3, 3), strides=(2, 2))(x) x = self.__conv_block(x, 3, [64, 64, 256], stage=2, block='a', strides=(1, 1)) x = self.__identity_block(x, 3, [64, 64, 256], stage=2, block='b') x = self.__identity_block(x, 3, [64, 64, 256], stage=2, block='c') x = self.__conv_block(x, 3, [128, 128, 512], stage=3, block='a') x = self.__identity_block(x, 3, [128, 128, 512], stage=3, block='b') x = self.__identity_block(x, 3, [128, 128, 512], stage=3, block='c') x = self.__identity_block(x, 3, [128, 128, 512], stage=3, block='d') x = self.__conv_block(x, 3, [256, 256, 1024], stage=4, block='a') x = self.__identity_block(x, 3, [256, 256, 1024], stage=4, block='b') x = self.__identity_block(x, 3, [256, 256, 1024], stage=4, block='c') x = self.__identity_block(x, 3, [256, 256, 1024], stage=4, block='d') x = self.__identity_block(x, 3, [256, 256, 1024], stage=4, block='e') x = self.__identity_block(x, 3, [256, 256, 1024], stage=4, block='f') x = self.__conv_block(x, 3, [512, 512, 2048], stage=5, block='a') x = self.__identity_block(x, 3, [512, 512, 2048], stage=5, block='b') x = self.__identity_block(x, 3, [512, 512, 2048], stage=5, block='c') if include_top: x = GlobalAveragePooling2D(name='avg_pool')(x) if full: x = Dense(30, name='fc1000') (x) else: x = Dense(8, name='fc1000') (x) else: if pooling == 'avg': x = GlobalAveragePooling2D()(x) elif pooling == 'max': x = GlobalMaxPooling2D()(x) else: raise RuntimeError('The output shape of `ResNet50(include_top=False)` has been changed since Keras 2.2.0.') model = Model(input_img, x, name='resnet50') if verbose: print(model.summary()) # Compile the model if self.__GPU_count > 1: strategy = tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy() with strategy.scope(): parallel_model = multi_gpu_model(model, gpus = self.__GPU_count) parallel_model.compile(optimizer = act, loss = lss, metrics = mtrc) else: parallel_model = model parallel_model.compile(optimizer = act, loss = lss, metrics = mtrc) if (X_val is None) or (Y_val is None): history =, Y, validation_split = val_split, batch_size = batch_size * self.__GPU_count, epochs = epoch_count, shuffle = shuffle, callbacks = [es, cp], verbose = verbose) else: history =, Y, validation_data = (X_val, Y_val), batch_size = batch_size * self.__GPU_count, epochs = epoch_count, shuffle = shuffle, callbacks = [es, cp], verbose = verbose) # print and/or save a performance plot self.__plot_keras_history(history = history, metric = 'mse', #metric = 'root_mean_squared_error', model_name = __MODEL_NAME, feature_name = feature_name, file_name = __history_plot_file, verbose = verbose) # save the model, parameters, and performance history model_json = parallel_model.to_json() with open(__model_json_file, "w") as json_file: json_file.write(model_json) hist_params = pd.DataFrame(history.params) hist_params.to_csv(__history_params_file) hist = pd.DataFrame(history.history) hist.to_csv(__history_performance_file) if verbose: print("Model JSON, history, and parameters file saved.") # save a plot of the model architecture plot_model(parallel_model, to_file = __model_architecture_plot_file, rankdir = 'TB', show_shapes = True, show_layer_names = True, expand_nested = True, dpi=300) else: if verbose: print("Loading history and params files for '%s' MODEL..." % feature_name) hist_params = pd.read_csv(__history_params_file) hist =
# Arithmetic tests for DataFrame/Series/Index/Array classes that should # behave identically. # Specifically for datetime64 and datetime64tz dtypes from datetime import ( datetime, time, timedelta, ) from itertools import ( product, starmap, ) import operator import warnings import numpy as np import pytest import pytz from pandas._libs.tslibs.conversion import localize_pydatetime from pandas._libs.tslibs.offsets import shift_months from pandas.errors import PerformanceWarning import pandas as pd from pandas import ( DateOffset, DatetimeIndex, NaT, Period, Series, Timedelta, TimedeltaIndex, Timestamp, date_range, ) import pandas._testing as tm from pandas.core.arrays import ( DatetimeArray, TimedeltaArray, ) from pandas.core.ops import roperator from pandas.tests.arithmetic.common import ( assert_cannot_add, assert_invalid_addsub_type, assert_invalid_comparison, get_upcast_box, ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Comparisons class TestDatetime64ArrayLikeComparisons: # Comparison tests for datetime64 vectors fully parametrized over # DataFrame/Series/DatetimeIndex/DatetimeArray. Ideally all comparison # tests will eventually end up here. def test_compare_zerodim(self, tz_naive_fixture, box_with_array): # Test comparison with zero-dimensional array is unboxed tz = tz_naive_fixture box = box_with_array dti = date_range("20130101", periods=3, tz=tz) other = np.array(dti.to_numpy()[0]) dtarr = tm.box_expected(dti, box) xbox = get_upcast_box(dtarr, other, True) result = dtarr <= other expected = np.array([True, False, False]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, xbox) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "other", [ "foo", -1, 99, 4.0, object(), timedelta(days=2), # GH#19800, GH#19301 comparison raises to # match DatetimeIndex/Timestamp. This also matches the behavior # of stdlib datetime.datetime datetime(2001, 1, 1).date(), # GH#19301 None and NaN are *not* cast to NaT for comparisons None, np.nan, ], ) def test_dt64arr_cmp_scalar_invalid(self, other, tz_naive_fixture, box_with_array): # GH#22074, GH#15966 tz = tz_naive_fixture rng = date_range("1/1/2000", periods=10, tz=tz) dtarr = tm.box_expected(rng, box_with_array) assert_invalid_comparison(dtarr, other, box_with_array) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "other", [ # GH#4968 invalid date/int comparisons list(range(10)), np.arange(10), np.arange(10).astype(np.float32), np.arange(10).astype(object), pd.timedelta_range("1ns", periods=10).array, np.array(pd.timedelta_range("1ns", periods=10)), list(pd.timedelta_range("1ns", periods=10)), pd.timedelta_range("1 Day", periods=10).astype(object), pd.period_range("1971-01-01", freq="D", periods=10).array, pd.period_range("1971-01-01", freq="D", periods=10).astype(object), ], ) def test_dt64arr_cmp_arraylike_invalid( self, other, tz_naive_fixture, box_with_array ): tz = tz_naive_fixture dta = date_range("1970-01-01", freq="ns", periods=10, tz=tz)._data obj = tm.box_expected(dta, box_with_array) assert_invalid_comparison(obj, other, box_with_array) def test_dt64arr_cmp_mixed_invalid(self, tz_naive_fixture): tz = tz_naive_fixture dta = date_range("1970-01-01", freq="h", periods=5, tz=tz)._data other = np.array([0, 1, 2, dta[3], Timedelta(days=1)]) result = dta == other expected = np.array([False, False, False, True, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = dta != other tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, ~expected) msg = "Invalid comparison between|Cannot compare type|not supported between" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dta < other with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dta > other with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dta <= other with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dta >= other def test_dt64arr_nat_comparison(self, tz_naive_fixture, box_with_array): # GH#22242, GH#22163 DataFrame considered NaT == ts incorrectly tz = tz_naive_fixture box = box_with_array ts = Timestamp("2021-01-01", tz=tz) ser = Series([ts, NaT]) obj = tm.box_expected(ser, box) xbox = get_upcast_box(obj, ts, True) expected = Series([True, False], dtype=np.bool_) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, xbox) result = obj == ts tm.assert_equal(result, expected) class TestDatetime64SeriesComparison: # TODO: moved from tests.series.test_operators; needs cleanup @pytest.mark.parametrize( "pair", [ ( [Timestamp("2011-01-01"), NaT, Timestamp("2011-01-03")], [NaT, NaT, Timestamp("2011-01-03")], ), ( [Timedelta("1 days"), NaT, Timedelta("3 days")], [NaT, NaT, Timedelta("3 days")], ), ( [Period("2011-01", freq="M"), NaT, Period("2011-03", freq="M")], [NaT, NaT, Period("2011-03", freq="M")], ), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("reverse", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [None, object]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "op, expected", [ (operator.eq, Series([False, False, True])), (, Series([True, True, False])), (, Series([False, False, False])), (, Series([False, False, False])), (, Series([False, False, True])), (operator.le, Series([False, False, True])), ], ) def test_nat_comparisons( self, dtype, index_or_series, reverse, pair, op, expected, ): box = index_or_series l, r = pair if reverse: # add lhs / rhs switched data l, r = r, l left = Series(l, dtype=dtype) right = box(r, dtype=dtype) result = op(left, right) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "data", [ [Timestamp("2011-01-01"), NaT, Timestamp("2011-01-03")], [Timedelta("1 days"), NaT, Timedelta("3 days")], [Period("2011-01", freq="M"), NaT, Period("2011-03", freq="M")], ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [None, object]) def test_nat_comparisons_scalar(self, dtype, data, box_with_array): box = box_with_array left = Series(data, dtype=dtype) left = tm.box_expected(left, box) xbox = get_upcast_box(left, NaT, True) expected = [False, False, False] expected = tm.box_expected(expected, xbox) if box is pd.array and dtype is object: expected = pd.array(expected, dtype="bool") tm.assert_equal(left == NaT, expected) tm.assert_equal(NaT == left, expected) expected = [True, True, True] expected = tm.box_expected(expected, xbox) if box is pd.array and dtype is object: expected = pd.array(expected, dtype="bool") tm.assert_equal(left != NaT, expected) tm.assert_equal(NaT != left, expected) expected = [False, False, False] expected = tm.box_expected(expected, xbox) if box is pd.array and dtype is object: expected = pd.array(expected, dtype="bool") tm.assert_equal(left < NaT, expected) tm.assert_equal(NaT > left, expected) tm.assert_equal(left <= NaT, expected) tm.assert_equal(NaT >= left, expected) tm.assert_equal(left > NaT, expected) tm.assert_equal(NaT < left, expected) tm.assert_equal(left >= NaT, expected) tm.assert_equal(NaT <= left, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("val", [datetime(2000, 1, 4), datetime(2000, 1, 5)]) def test_series_comparison_scalars(self, val): series = Series(date_range("1/1/2000", periods=10)) result = series > val expected = Series([x > val for x in series]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "left,right", [("lt", "gt"), ("le", "ge"), ("eq", "eq"), ("ne", "ne")] ) def test_timestamp_compare_series(self, left, right): # see gh-4982 # Make sure we can compare Timestamps on the right AND left hand side. ser = Series(date_range("20010101", periods=10), name="dates") s_nat = ser.copy(deep=True) ser[0] = Timestamp("nat") ser[3] = Timestamp("nat") left_f = getattr(operator, left) right_f = getattr(operator, right) # No NaT expected = left_f(ser, Timestamp("20010109")) result = right_f(Timestamp("20010109"), ser) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) # NaT expected = left_f(ser, Timestamp("nat")) result = right_f(Timestamp("nat"), ser) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) # Compare to Timestamp with series containing NaT expected = left_f(s_nat, Timestamp("20010109")) result = right_f(Timestamp("20010109"), s_nat) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) # Compare to NaT with series containing NaT expected = left_f(s_nat, NaT) result = right_f(NaT, s_nat) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_dt64arr_timestamp_equality(self, box_with_array): # GH#11034 ser = Series([Timestamp("2000-01-29 01:59:00"), Timestamp("2000-01-30"), NaT]) ser = tm.box_expected(ser, box_with_array) xbox = get_upcast_box(ser, ser, True) result = ser != ser expected = tm.box_expected([False, False, True], xbox) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) warn = FutureWarning if box_with_array is pd.DataFrame else None with tm.assert_produces_warning(warn): # alignment for frame vs series comparisons deprecated result = ser != ser[0] expected =
tm.box_expected([False, True, True], xbox)
""" One table verb implementations for a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` """ import warnings import numpy as np import pandas as pd from ..types import GroupedDataFrame from ..options import get_option from ..operators import register_implementations from ..utils import Q, get_empty_env, regular_index from .common import Evaluator, Selector from .common import _get_groups, _get_base_dataframe __all__ = ['arrange', 'create', 'define', 'distinct', 'do', 'group_by', 'group_indices', 'head', 'mutate', 'pull', 'query', 'rename', 'sample_frac', 'sample_n', 'select', 'slice_rows', 'summarize', 'tail', 'ungroup'] def _check_modify_groups(verb): """ Raise ValueError if expressions modify existing groups Parameters ---------- verb : DataOperator Verb to modify dataframe """ groups = _get_groups(verb) # Data has no groups or verb authorises modification if not groups: return new_cols = [e.column for e in verb.expressions if e.column != e.stmt] overwritten_groups = list(set(new_cols) & set(groups)) if overwritten_groups: raise ValueError( "Columns {} cannot be modified because they are " "grouping variables.".format(overwritten_groups) ) def define(verb): if not get_option('modify_input_data'): = if not verb.expressions: return _check_modify_groups(verb) verb.env = verb.env.with_outer_namespace(_outer_namespace) with regular_index( new_data = Evaluator(verb).process() for col in new_data:[col] = new_data[col] return def create(verb): data = _get_base_dataframe( verb.env = verb.env.with_outer_namespace(_outer_namespace) with regular_index(, data): new_data = Evaluator(verb, drop=True).process() for col in new_data: data[col] = new_data[col] return data def sample_n(verb): return**verb.kwargs) def sample_frac(verb): return**verb.kwargs) def select(verb): columns = Selector.get(verb) data =[:, columns] return data def rename(verb): inplace = get_option('modify_input_data') data =, inplace=inplace) return if inplace else data def distinct(verb): data = define(verb) return data.drop_duplicates(subset=verb.columns, keep=verb.keep) def arrange(verb): # Do not evaluate if all statements correspond to # columns already in the dataframe stmts = [expr.stmt for expr in verb.expressions] has_all_columns = all(stmt in for stmt in stmts) if has_all_columns: df =[:, stmts] else: verb.env = verb.env.with_outer_namespace({'Q': Q}) df = Evaluator(verb, keep_index=True).process() if len(df.columns): # The index is also rearranged, but to avoid issues with # duplicate index values, we work with a regular index original_index = with regular_index(, df): sorted_index = df.sort_values(by=list(df.columns)).index data =[sorted_index, :] if verb.reset_index: data.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) else: data.index = original_index[sorted_index] else: data = return data def group_by(verb): verb._overwrite_groups = True = define(verb) copy = not get_option('modify_input_data') try: add = verb.add_ except AttributeError: add = False if add: groups = _get_groups(verb) + verb.groups else: groups = verb.groups if groups: return GroupedDataFrame(, groups, copy=copy) else: return pd.DataFrame(, copy=copy) def ungroup(verb): return
""" This module illustrates how to retrieve the top-10 items with highest rating prediction. We first train an SVD algorithm on the MovieLens dataset, and then predict all the ratings for the pairs (user, item) that are not in the training set. We then retrieve the top-10 prediction for each user. """ from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals) import random import user_adder import pandas as pd import math import dataset_handler as data_handler class Recommender: def __init__(self, algo, trainset): self.original_trainset = trainset self.original_dataset = data_handler.get_data_from_df(self.original_trainset).build_full_trainset() self.algo = algo print("Training Recommender") self.original_fit = [self.algo.bu,, self.algo.pu, self.algo.qi] self.new_ratings =
pd.DataFrame(columns=['userId', 'movieId', 'rating'])
import warnings import numpy as np import pandas as pd def create_initial_infections( empirical_infections, synthetic_data, start, end, seed, virus_shares, reporting_delay, population_size, ): """Create a DataFrame with initial infections. .. warning:: In case a person is drawn to be newly infected more than once we only infect her on the first date. If the probability of being infected is large, not correcting for this will lead to a lower infection probability than in the empirical data. Args: empirical_infections (pandas.Series): Newly infected Series with the index levels ["date", "county", "age_group_rki"]. Should already be corrected upwards to include undetected cases. synthetic_data (pandas.DataFrame): Dataset with one row per simulated individual. Must contain the columns age_group_rki and county. start (str or pd.Timestamp): Start date. end (str or pd.Timestamp): End date. seed (int) virus_shares (dict or None): If None, it is assumed that there is only one strain. If dict, keys are the names of the virus strains and the values are pandas.Series with a DatetimeIndex and the share among newly infected individuals on each day as value. reporting_delay (int): Number of days by which the reporting of cases is delayed. If given, later days are used to get the infections of the demanded time frame. population_size (int): Population size behind the empirical_infections. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: DataFrame with same index as synthetic_data and one column for each day between start and end. Dtype is boolean or categorical. Values identify which individual gets infected with which variant. """ np.random.seed(seed) assert reporting_delay >= 0, "Reporting delay must be >= 0" reporting_delay = pd.Timedelta(days=reporting_delay) start = pd.Timestamp(start) + reporting_delay end = pd.Timestamp(end) + reporting_delay index_cols = ["date", "county", "age_group_rki"] correct_index_levels = empirical_infections.index.names == index_cols assert correct_index_levels, f"Your data must have {index_cols} as index levels." dates = empirical_infections.index.get_level_values("date").unique() expected_dates = pd.date_range(start, end) missing_dates = [str( for x in expected_dates if not in dates] assert len(missing_dates) == 0, f"The following dates are missing: {missing_dates}" empirical_infections = empirical_infections.loc[ pd.Timestamp(start) :
import re import unicodedata from collections import Counter from itertools import product import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder from src import sentence_splitter, data_frame, learn_sklearn, learn_lgb def rating_dataset(): # target: ["likes", "dislikes"] all_df = pd.concat( [pd.read_csv("./data/input/train_data.csv").drop(["y"], axis=1), pd.read_csv("./data/input/test_data.csv")] ).reset_index(drop=True) # train = all_df[~all_df["ratings_disabled"] & ~all_df["comments_disabled"]].reset_index(drop=True) # test = all_df[all_df["ratings_disabled"] & ~all_df["comments_disabled"]].reset_index(drop=True) train = all_df[~all_df["ratings_disabled"]].reset_index(drop=True) test = all_df[all_df["ratings_disabled"]].reset_index(drop=True) test = test.drop(["likes", "dislikes"], axis=1) train.likes = train.likes.apply(np.log1p) train.dislikes = train.dislikes.apply(np.log1p) train.comment_count = train.comment_count.apply(np.log1p) test.comment_count = test.comment_count.apply(np.log1p) train["publishedAt"] = pd.to_datetime(train.publishedAt).apply(lambda x: x.value) test["publishedAt"] = pd.to_datetime(test.publishedAt).apply(lambda x: x.value) train["title_len"] = train.title.apply(lambda x: len(str(x))) test["title_len"] = test.title.apply(lambda x: len(str(x))) train["channelTitle_len"] = train.channelTitle.apply(lambda x: len(str(x))) test["channelTitle_len"] = test.channelTitle.apply(lambda x: len(str(x))) train["description_len"] = train.description.apply(lambda x: len(str(x))) test["description_len"] = test.description.apply(lambda x: len(str(x))) train["tags_count"] = train.tags.apply(lambda x: str(x).count("|")) test["tags_count"] = test.tags.apply(lambda x: str(x).count("|")) # 日本語を含むかかどうかの判定 train["title_ja_count"] = train.title.apply(data_frame.is_japanese) test["title_ja_count"] = test.title.apply(data_frame.is_japanese) train["channelTitle_ja_count"] = train.channelTitle.apply(data_frame.is_japanese) test["channelTitle_ja_count"] = test.channelTitle.apply(data_frame.is_japanese) train["description_ja_count"] = train.description.apply(data_frame.is_japanese) test["description_ja_count"] = test.description.apply(data_frame.is_japanese) # アルファベットのカウント train["title_en_count"] = train.title.apply(data_frame.count_alphabet) test["title_en_count"] = test.title.apply(data_frame.count_alphabet) train["channelTitle_en_count"] = train.channelTitle.apply(data_frame.count_alphabet) test["channelTitle_en_count"] = test.channelTitle.apply(data_frame.count_alphabet) train["description_en_count"] = train.description.apply(data_frame.count_alphabet) test["description_en_count"] = test.description.apply(data_frame.count_alphabet) # 数字のカウント train["description_num_count"] = train.description.apply(data_frame.count_number) test["description_num_count"] = test.description.apply(data_frame.count_number) # urlのカウント train["description_url_count"] = train.description.apply(lambda x: str(x).count("://")) test["description_url_count"] = test.description.apply(lambda x: str(x).count("://")) all_df: pd.DataFrame = pd.concat( [train.drop(["likes", "dislikes"], axis=1), test], ignore_index=True).reset_index(drop=True) category = ["channelId", "categoryId", "collection_date"] target_list = ["comment_count", "title_len", "channelTitle_len", "description_len", "tags_count", "description_ja_count", "description_en_count", "title_ja_count", "title_en_count", "publishedAt"] for col, target in product(category, target_list): print(col, target), test, col, target, all_df) data_frame.TE(train, test, "mean", train.likes, ["categoryId", "collection_date"]) data_frame.TE(train, test, "std", train.likes, ["categoryId", "collection_date"]) data_frame.TE(train, test, "mean", train.dislikes, ["categoryId", "collection_date"]) data_frame.TE(train, test, "std", train.dislikes, ["categoryId", "collection_date"]) return train, test def comment_dataset(): # target: ["comment_dataset"] all_df = pd.concat( [
import pandas as pd import numpy as np def inverse_sample_weights(df, target_col, weight_col, new_col_name=None, min_class_weight = .01, return_df = True): """ Given a target class an column to use to derive training weights, create a column of weights where the negative class is the inverse of the weights column. E.g. weight column of 'Price' would use Price value for positive class (where target == 1) and 1/Price for the negative class. """ df_copy = df.copy() pos_class_weights = np.where(df[target_col] == 1 , # Where class is positive df[weight_col], # Use this val as weight 0) # Else 0 neg_class_weights_inverse = np.where(df[target_col] == 0 , # Where class is neg 1/df[weight_col], # Use inverse of this 0) # Else 0 # Handle Edge Case where dividing by 0 results in undefined neg_class_weights_inverse = np.where(neg_class_weights_inverse == np.inf , # Where weight is inf (divided by 0) min_class_weight, # Replace with smallest weighting neg_class_weights_inverse) # Otherwise keep it # Combine weights combined_weights_inverse = np.where(pos_class_weights == 0, # Where negative classes neg_class_weights_inverse, # Place the inverse as negative weights pos_class_weights) # Else keep the positive weights if not new_col_name: new_col_name = 'Sample_Inverse_Weights' df_copy[new_col_name] = combined_weights_inverse if return_df: return df_copy else: return pd.Series(combined_weights_inverse, name=new_col_name) def even_sample_weights(df, target_col, weight_col, new_col_name=None, return_df = True): """ Given a target class an column to use to derive training weights, create a column of weights where the negative class is the inverse of the weights column. E.g. weight column of 'Price' would use Price value for positive class (where target == 1) and 1/Price for the negative class. """ df_copy = df.copy() pos_class_weights = np.where(df[target_col] == 1 , # Where class is positive df[weight_col], # Use this val as weight 0) # Else 0 neg_class_even_weights = np.where(df[target_col] == 0, # Where class is neg (df[target_col] == 0).sum()/(df[target_col] == 0).shape[0] , # Create even weighting 0) # Combine weights combined_weights = np.where(pos_class_weights == 0, # Where negative classes neg_class_even_weights, # Place the inverse as negative weights pos_class_weights) # Else keep the positive weights if not new_col_name: new_col_name = 'Sample_Even_Weights' df_copy[new_col_name] = combined_weights if return_df: return df_copy else: return
pd.Series(combined_weights, name=new_col_name)
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import logging import os import geojson import math import itertools import geopandas as gpd from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon, MultiPolygon, shape import shapely.ops from pyproj import Proj from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from .geolocations import * from .visualizations import * logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING) class OpinionNetworkModel(ABC): """ Abstract base class for network model """ def __init__(self, probabilities = [.45,.1,.45], power_law_exponent = 1.5, openness_to_neighbors = 1.5, openness_to_influencers = 1.5, distance_scaling_factor = 1/10, importance_of_weight = 1.6, importance_of_distance = 8.5, include_opinion = True, include_weight = True, left_reach = 0.8, right_reach = 0.8, threshold = -1 ): """Returns initialized OpinionNetworkModel. Inputs: probabilities: (list) probabilities of each mode; these are the values "p_0,p_1,p_2" from [1]. power_law_exponent: (float) exponent of power law, must be > 0; this is "gamma" from [1]. openness_to_neighbors: (float) maximum inter-mode distance that agents can influence; this is "b" from [1]. openness_to_influencers: (float) distance in opinion space that mega-influencers can reach; this is "epsilon" from [1]. distance_scaling_factor: (float) Scale distancy by this amount, must be >0; this is "lambda" from [1]. importance_of_weight: (float) Raise weights to this power, must be > 0; this is "alpha" from [1]. importance_of_distance: (float) Raise adjusted distance to this power, must be > 0; this is "delta" from [1]. include_opinion: (boolean) If True, include distance in opinion space in the probability measure. include_weight: (boolean) If True, include influencer weight in the probability measure. left_reach: (float) this is the proportion of the susceptible population that the left mega-influencers will actually reach, must be between 0 and 1; this is p_L from [1] right_reach: (float) this is the proportion of the susceptible population that the right mega-influencers will actually reach, must be between 0 and 1; this is p_R from [1] threshold: (int) value below which opinions no longer change. Outputs: Fully initialized OpinionNetwork instance. """ self.probabilities = probabilities self.power_law_exponent = power_law_exponent self.openness_to_neighbors = openness_to_neighbors self.openness_to_influencers = openness_to_influencers self.distance_scaling_factor = distance_scaling_factor self.importance_of_weight = importance_of_weight self.importance_of_distance = importance_of_distance self.include_opinion = include_opinion self.include_weight = include_weight self.left_reach = left_reach self.right_reach = right_reach self.threshold = threshold self.agent_df = None self.belief_df = None self.prob_df = None self.adjacency_df = None self.mega_influencer_df = None self.clustering_coefficient = 0 self.mean_degree = 0 def populate_model(self, num_agents = None, geo_df = None, bounding_box = None, show_plot = False): """ Fully initialized but untrained OpinionNetworkModel instance. Input: num_agents: (int) number of agents to plot. geo_df: (dataframe) geographic datatframe including county geometry. bounding_box: (list) list of 4 vertices determining a bounding box where agents are to be added. If no box is given, agents are added to a random triangle. show_plot: (bool) if true then plot is shown. Output: OpinionNetworkModel instance. """ if bounding_box is None: agent_df = self.add_random_agents_to_triangle(num_agents = num_agents, geo_df = geo_df, show_plot = False) else: if geo_df is None: raise ValueError("If a bounding box is specified, then a " "geo_df must also be given.") agent_df = self.add_random_agents_to_triangles(geo_df = geo_df, bounding_box = bounding_box, show_plot = False)"\n {} agents added.".format(agent_df.shape[0])) belief_df = self.assign_weights_and_beliefs(agent_df)"\n Weights and beliefs assigned.") prob_df = self.compute_probability_array(belief_df) adjacency_df = self.compute_adjacency(prob_df)"\n Adjacencies computed.") # Connect mega-influencers mega_influencer_df = self.connect_mega_influencers(belief_df) # Compute network statistics."\n Computing network statistics...") cc, md = self.compute_network_stats(adjacency_df)"\n Clustering Coefficient: {}".format(cc))"\n Mean Degree: {}".format(md)) self.agent_df = agent_df self.belief_df = belief_df self.prob_df = prob_df self.adjacency_df = adjacency_df self.mega_influencer_df = mega_influencer_df self.clustering_coefficient = cc self.mean_degree = md if show_plot == True: self.plot_initial_network() return None def plot_initial_network(self): plot_network(self) return None def add_random_agents_to_triangle(self, num_agents, geo_df = None, triangle_object = None, show_plot = False): """ Assign N points on a triangle using Poisson point process. Input: num_agents: (int) number of agents to add to the triangle. If None, then agents are added according to density. geo_df: (dataframe) geographic datatframe including county geometry. triangle_object: (Polygon) bounded triangular region to be populated. show_plot: (bool) if true then plot is shown. Returns: An num_agents x 2 dataframe of point coordinates. """ if triangle_object is None: # If no triangle is given, initialize triangle with area 1 km^2. triangle_object = Polygon([[0,0],[1419,0], [1419/2,1419],[0,0]]) # If density is specified, adjust triangle size. if geo_df is not None: density = geo_df.loc[0,"density"] b = 1419 * (num_agents/density) ** (1/2) triangle_object = Polygon([[0,0],[b,0], [b/2,b],[0,0]]) bnd = list(triangle_object.boundary.coords) gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry = [triangle_object]) # Establish initial CRS = "EPSG:3857" # Set CRS to lat/lon gdf = gdf.to_crs(epsg=4326) # Extract coordinates co = list(gdf.loc[0,"geometry"].exterior.coords) lon, lat = zip(*co) pa = Proj( "+proj=aea +lat_1=37.0 +lat_2=41.0 +lat_0=39.0 +lon_0=-106.55") x, y = pa(lon, lat) coord_proj = {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [zip(x, y)]} area = shape(coord_proj).area / (10 ** 6) # area in km^2 # Get Vertices V1 = np.array(bnd[0]) V2 = np.array(bnd[1]) V3 = np.array(bnd[2]) # Sample from uniform distribution on [0,1] U = np.random.uniform(0,1,num_agents) V = np.random.uniform(0,1,num_agents) UU = np.where(U + V > 1, 1-U, U) VV = np.where(U + V > 1, 1-V, V) # Shift triangle into origin and and place points. agents = (UU.reshape(len(UU),-1) * (V2 - V1).reshape(-1,2)) + ( VV.reshape(len(VV),-1) * (V3 - V1).reshape(-1,2)) # Shift points back to original position. agents = agents + V1.reshape(-1,2) agent_df = pd.DataFrame(agents, columns = ["x","y"]) if show_plot == True: plot_agents_on_triangle(triangle_object, agent_df) return agent_df def add_random_agents_to_triangles(self, geo_df, bounding_box = None, show_plot = False): """ Plots county with triangular regions. Inputs: geo_df: (dataframe) geographic datatframe including county geometry. bounding_box: (list) list of 4 vertices determining a bounding box where agents are to be added. If no box is given, then the bounding box is taken as the envelope of the county. show_plot: (bool) if true then plot is shown. Returns: Populated triangles in specified county enclosed in the given bounding box where regions are filled with proper density using a Poisson point process. """ tri_dict = make_triangulation(geo_df) tri_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame({"geometry":[Polygon(t) for t in tri_dict["geometry"]["coordinates"]]}) # Establish initial CRS = "EPSG:3857" # Set CRS to lat/lon. tri_df = tri_df.to_crs(epsg=4326) # Get triangles within bounding box. if bounding_box is None: = "EPSG:3857" geo_df = geo_df.to_crs(epsg=4326) sq_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geo_df["geometry"]) else: sq_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame({"geometry":[Polygon(bounding_box)]}) inset = [i for i in tri_df.index if tri_df.loc[i,"geometry"].within(sq_df.loc[0,"geometry"])] # Load triangle area. agent_df = pd.DataFrame() for i in inset: co = list(tri_df.loc[i,"geometry"].exterior.coords) lon, lat = zip(*co) pa = Proj( "+proj=aea +lat_1=37.0 +lat_2=41.0 +lat_0=39.0 +lon_0=-106.55") x, y = pa(lon, lat) coord_proj = {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [zip(x, y)]} area = shape(coord_proj).area / (10 ** 6) # area in km^2 num_agents = int(area * geo_df.loc[0,"density"]) df = pd.DataFrame(columns = ["x","y"]) if num_agents > 0: df = self.add_random_agents_to_triangle(num_agents, geo_df = geo_df, triangle_object = tri_df.loc[i,"geometry"], show_plot = False) agent_df = pd.concat([agent_df,df]) agent_df.reset_index(drop = True, inplace = True) # Plot triangles. if show_plot == True: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10)) tri_df.loc[inset,:].boundary.plot(ax = ax, alpha=1, linewidth = 3, edgecolor = COLORS["light_blue"]) ax.scatter(agent_df["x"], agent_df["y"], s = 3) ax.set_axis_off() ax.set_aspect(.9) return agent_df def assign_weights_and_beliefs(self, agent_df, show_plot = False): """ Assign weights and beliefs (i.e. modes) accoring to probabilities. Inputs: agent_df: (dataframe) xy-coordinates for agents. show_plot: (bool) if true then plot is shown. Returns: Dataframe with xy-coordinates, beliefs, and weights for each point. """ belief_df = agent_df.copy() power_law_exponent = self.power_law_exponent k = -1/(power_law_exponent) modes = [i for i in range(len(self.probabilities))] assert np.sum(np.array(self.probabilities)) == 1, "Probabilities must sum to 1." belief_df["weight"] = np.random.uniform(0,1,belief_df.shape[0]) ** (k) belief_df["belief"] = np.random.choice(modes, belief_df.shape[0], p = self.probabilities) belief_df["decile"] = pd.qcut(belief_df["weight"], q = 100, labels = [ i for i in range(1,101)]) if show_plot == True: plot_agents_with_belief_and_weight(belief_df) return belief_df def compute_probability_array(self, belief_df): """ Return dataframe of probability that row n influences column m. Inputs: belief_df: (dataframe) xy-coordinats, beliefs and weights of agents. Returns: Dataframe with the probability that agent n influces agent m in row n column m. """ n = belief_df.index.shape[0] prob_array = np.ones((n,n)) dist_array = np.zeros((n,n)) for i in range(n): point_i = Point(belief_df.loc[i,"x"],belief_df.loc[i,"y"]) # Get distances from i to each other point. dist_array[i,:] = [point_i.distance(Point(belief_df.loc[j,"x"], belief_df.loc[j,"y"]) ) for j in belief_df.index] # Compute the dimensionless distance metric. diam = dist_array.max().max() lam = (self.distance_scaling_factor * diam) delta = -1 * self.importance_of_distance dist_array = np.where(dist_array == 0,np.nan, dist_array) dist_array = (1 + (dist_array/lam)) ** delta prob_array = prob_array * dist_array # Only allow connections to people close in opinion space. if self.include_opinion == True: op_array = np.zeros((n,n)) # If row i connects to column j, that means person i is # influencing person j. This can only happen if j is # already sufficiently close to person i in opinion space. for i in range(n): i_current_belief = belief_df.loc[i,"belief"] opinion_diff = np.where( np.abs(belief_df["belief"] - i_current_belief ) > self.openness_to_neighbors,0, 1) op_array[i,:] = opinion_diff prob_array = prob_array * op_array # Incentivize connections with heavily weighted people. if self.include_weight == True: wt_array = belief_df["weight"] ** self.importance_of_weight wt_array = wt_array.values.reshape(-1,1) prob_array = prob_array * wt_array prob_df =
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sun Mar 31 15:54:06 2019 @author: Nathan """ import requests import time from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from import WebDriverWait from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, SoupStrainer import pandas as pd import re import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pickle url = "" # download driver from # unzip and place in working directory of python program driver = webdriver.Firefox() driver.get(url) driver.implicitly_wait(300) # Firefox opens, click show more button html_source = driver.page_source driver.quit() soup = BeautifulSoup(html_source, 'html.parser') #print(soup.prettify()) links = [] for link in BeautifulSoup(html_source, parse_only=SoupStrainer('a')): if link.has_attr('href') and link['href'][0] == '/' and len(link['href']) > 1: links.append(link['href']) del links[0:4] # save to file #with open('links', 'wb') as fp: # pickle.dump(links, fp) # get list from file with open ('links', 'rb') as fp: links = pickle.load(fp) ############################################################################### # Get comments from given article url article_list = [] j = 0 for curr_url in links: #if (j > 100): # break print(j) # NYTimes Community API url URL = "" # set params api_key = '<KEY>' cmd = "GetCommentsAll" #curr_url = '' curr_url = '' + curr_url # get readable name from url url_name = re.split('/',curr_url) url_name = re.split('\.', url_name[len(url_name)-1])[0] # defining a params dict for the parameters to be sent to the API PARAMS = {'api-key': api_key, 'cmd':cmd, 'url':curr_url} # sending get request and saving the response as response object response = requests.get(url = URL, params = PARAMS) # extracting data in json format data = response.json() del response ########################################################################### # Get keywords from urls URL = "" # set params api_key = '<KEY>' fq = 'web_url:("' + curr_url + '")' page = 0 # defining a params dict for the parameters to be sent to the API PARAMS = {'api-key': api_key, 'fq':fq, 'page':page} # sleep 6 sec since api request limit is 10 per min time.sleep(6) # sending get request and saving the response as response object kw_response = requests.get(url = URL, params = PARAMS) # extracting data in json format kw_data = kw_response.json() del kw_response keywords =[] i=0 for kw in kw_data['response']['docs'][0]['keywords']: if i<5: keywords.append(kw['value']) i += 1 ########################################################################### if data['results']['totalCommentsFound'] > 0: comments = [] for com in data['results']['comments']: comments.append(com['commentBody']) if com['replyCount'] > 0: for rep in com['replies'] : comments.append(com['commentBody']) article_list.append({'url_name':url_name, 'url':curr_url, 'total_comments':data['results']['totalCommentsFound'], 'comments':comments, 'keywords':keywords}) else: article_list.append({'url_name':url_name, 'url':curr_url, 'total_comments':data['results']['totalCommentsFound'], 'keywords':keywords}) j += 1 # save to file #with open('article_list', 'wb') as fp: # pickle.dump(article_list, fp) # get list from file with open ('article_list', 'rb') as fp: article_list = pickle.load(fp) ############################################################################### article_keywords = [] for a in article_list: for k in a['keywords']: article_keywords.append(k) from pandas import Series ak = Series(article_keywords) ak_counts = ak.value_counts() ak_counts[0:10].plot(kind='bar') plt.title('Corrected Article Keywords') plt.ylabel('Keyword Frequency') plt.xlabel('Keyword') ############################################################################### URL = "" # set params api_key = '<KEY>' PARAMS = {'api-key': api_key} # sending get request and saving the response as response object response = requests.get(url = URL, params = PARAMS) data = response.json() keywords_orig =[] j=0 for a in data['response']['docs']: print (j) if j > len(article_list): break curr_url = a['web_url'] URL = "" # set params api_key = '<KEY>' fq = 'web_url:("' + curr_url + '")' page = 0 # defining a params dict for the parameters to be sent to the API PARAMS = {'api-key': api_key, 'fq':fq, 'page':page} # sleep 6 sec since api request limit is 10 per min time.sleep(6) # sending get request and saving the response as response object kw_response = requests.get(url = URL, params = PARAMS) # extracting data in json format kw_data = kw_response.json() del kw_response i=0 for kw in kw_data['response']['docs'][0]['keywords']: if i<5: keywords_orig.append(kw['value']) i += 1 j += 1 # save to file #with open('keywords_orig', 'wb') as fp: # pickle.dump(keywords_orig, fp) # get list from file with open ('keywords_orig', 'rb') as fp: keywords_orig = pickle.load(fp) ako =
import sys import pandas as pd import pickle from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline, FeatureUnion from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier, ExtraTreesClassifier from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfTransformer from sklearn.multioutput import MultiOutputClassifier from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV import re import nltk from nltk.corpus import stopwords from nltk.stem.wordnet import WordNetLemmatizer from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier from sklearn.metrics import classification_report'punkt')'stopwords')'wordnet')'averaged_perceptron_tagger') def load_data(database_filepath): '''The functions loads data from sqlite database providd the path It returns the features X, labels Y and the label names.''' engine = create_engine('sqlite:///'+database_filepath) df = pd.read_sql("select * from Messages", engine) print ('Loaded: ', df.shape) # drop data with no categories assigned df = df[df['cat_num']>0] X = df['message'] Y = df.iloc[:, 4:-1] return X, Y, Y.columns def tokenize(text): '''The function will remove punctuation, normalize the text case, lemmatize and remove the stop words''' stop_words = stopwords.words("english") lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer() # normalize case and remove punctuation text = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9]", " ", text.lower()) text = text.lower() # tokenize text tokens = word_tokenize(text) # lemmatize and remove stop words tokens = [lemmatizer.lemmatize(word) for word in tokens if word not in stop_words] return tokens class TextLengthExtractor(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): '''The custom transformer will return the number of characters in each message''' def fit(self, X, y=None): return self def transform(self, X): X_len =
import ast from datetime import datetime import pandas as pd import pytest from pylighter import AdditionalOutputElement, Annotation @pytest.mark.parametrize( "labels, expected", [ ([["O", "O", "O", "O"]], [["O", "O", "O", "O"]]), ([["O", "B-1", "I-1", "I-1"]], [["O", "B-1", "I-1", "I-1"]]), (None, [["O", "O", "O", "O"]]), ], ) def test_init_labels(labels, expected): corpus = ["This"] annotation = Annotation(corpus, labels=labels) assert annotation.labels == expected def test_select_new_labeliser(): corpus = ["This is a sentence"] annotation = Annotation(corpus) assert annotation.selected_labeliser == annotation.labels_names[0] annotation._select_new_labeliser(button=None, button_index=1) assert annotation.selected_labeliser == annotation.labels_names[1] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "labels, start_index, char_index, expected", [ (["O", "O", "O", "O"], None, 2, ["O", "O", "B-1", "O"]), (["O", "O", "O", "O"], 0, 2, ["B-1", "I-1", "I-1", "O"]), (["O", "O", "O", "O"], 2, 0, ["B-1", "I-1", "I-1", "O"]), (["B-2", "I-2", "O", "O"], None, 2, ["B-2", "I-2", "B-1", "O"]), (["B-2", "I-2", "O", "O"], 2, 3, ["B-2", "I-2", "B-1", "I-1"]), (["B-2", "I-2", "O", "O"], None, 0, ["B-1", "B-2", "O", "O"]), (["B-2", "I-2", "O", "O"], 0, 1, ["B-1", "I-1", "O", "O"]), (["B-2", "I-2", "O", "O"], 0, 2, ["B-1", "I-1", "I-1", "O"]), (["B-2", "I-2", "O", "O"], 2, 0, ["B-1", "I-1", "I-1", "O"]), (["B-2", "I-2", "O", "O"], 0, 0, ["B-1", "B-2", "O", "O"]), ], ) def test_labelise(labels, start_index, char_index, expected): labels_names = ["1", "2", "3"] corpus = ["This is a sentence"] annotation = Annotation(corpus, labels=[labels], labels_names=labels_names) assert annotation.chunks.to_labels() == annotation.labels[0] annotation.label_start_index = start_index annotation._labelise( button=None, char_index=char_index, ) assert annotation.chunks.to_labels() == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "labels, start_index, char_index, expected", [ (["O", "O", "O", "O"], None, 2, ["O", "O", "O", "O"]), (["O", "O", "O", "O"], 0, 2, ["O", "O", "O", "O"]), (["O", "O", "O", "O"], 2, 0, ["O", "O", "O", "O"]), (["B-2", "I-2", "O", "O"], None, 2, ["B-2", "I-2", "O", "O"]), (["B-2", "I-2", "O", "O"], 2, 3, ["B-2", "I-2", "O", "O"]), (["B-2", "I-2", "O", "O"], None, 0, ["O", "B-2", "O", "O"]), (["B-2", "I-2", "O", "O"], 0, 1, ["O", "O", "O", "O"]), (["B-2", "I-2", "O", "O"], 0, 2, ["O", "O", "O", "O"]), (["B-2", "I-2", "O", "O"], 2, 0, ["O", "O", "O", "O"]), (["B-2", "I-2", "O", "O"], 0, 0, ["O", "B-2", "O", "O"]), ], ) def test_eraser(labels, start_index, char_index, expected): labels_names = ["1", "2", "3"] corpus = ["This is a sentence"] annotation = Annotation(corpus, labels=[labels], labels_names=labels_names) assert annotation.chunks.to_labels() == annotation.labels[0] annotation._select_new_labeliser(None, len(annotation.labels_buttons) - 1) annotation.label_start_index = start_index annotation._labelise( button=None, char_index=char_index, ) assert annotation.chunks.to_labels() == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "labels, expected", [ (["B-2", "I-2", "O", "O"], ["O", "O", "O", "O"]), (["B-2", "B-2", "O", "O"], ["O", "B-2", "O", "O"]), (["B-2", "B-2", "I-2", "O"], ["O", "B-2", "I-2", "O"]), ], ) def test_delete_chunk(labels, expected): labels_names = ["1", "2", "3"] corpus = ["Test"] annotation = Annotation(corpus, labels=[labels], labels_names=labels_names) assert annotation.chunks.to_labels() == annotation.labels[0] chunk_to_remove = annotation.chunks.chunks[0] assert chunk_to_remove.start_index == 0 annotation._delete_chunk(None, chunk_to_remove) assert annotation.chunks.to_labels() == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "start_index, direction, skip, expected", [ (0, 1, False, 1), (1, -1, False, 0), (0, -1, False, 0), (3, 1, False, 4), (0, 3, False, 3), (2, -2, False, 0), (0, 1, True, 1), (1, -1, True, 0), (0, -1, True, 0), (3, 1, True, 4), (0, 3, True, 3), (2, -2, True, 0), ], ) def test_change_document(start_index, direction, skip, expected): corpus = ["Sentence 1", "Sentence 2", "Sentence 3", "Sentence 4"] labels_names = ["1", "2", "3"] annotation = Annotation( corpus, start_index=start_index, labels_names=labels_names, save_path="/dev/null", ) assert annotation.current_index == start_index # Labelise word "sentence" annotation.label_start_index = 0 annotation._labelise( button=None, char_index=7, ) expected_labels = ["B-1", "I-1", "I-1", "I-1", "I-1", "I-1", "I-1", "I-1", "O", "O"] annotation._change_document(button=None, direction=direction, skip=skip) assert annotation.current_index == expected if skip: expected_labels = ["O"] * len(corpus[0]) assert annotation.labels[start_index] == expected_labels @pytest.mark.parametrize( "corpus, labels", [ ( ["Test", "Save", "!"], [["B-1", "I-1", "I-1", "I-1"], ["O", "B-1", "I-1", "I-1"], ["O"]], ), ( ["Test", "Save", "!"], None, ), ], ) def test_save(corpus, labels): save_path = "/tmp/" + str(" ", "_") annotation = Annotation( corpus, labels=labels, save_path=save_path, ) if not labels: labels = annotation.labels annotation._save() df = pd.read_csv(save_path, sep=";") assert "document" in df.columns assert "labels" in df.columns assert df.document.to_list() == corpus assert df.labels.apply(ast.literal_eval).to_list() == labels @pytest.mark.parametrize( "labels", [ ["O", "O", "O", "O"], ["B-2", "I-2", "O", "O"], ["B-2", "B-2", "B-2", "B-2"], ], ) def test_quit(labels): corpus = ["Test"] annotation = Annotation( corpus, labels=[labels], ) annotation.start_index = 0 annotation._labelise(None, 3) annotation._quit() assert annotation.labels == [labels] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "labels", [ ["O", "O", "O", "O"], ["B-2", "I-2", "O", "O"], ["B-2", "B-2", "B-2", "B-2"], ], ) def test_clear(labels): corpus = ["Test"] annotation = Annotation( corpus, labels=[labels], ) assert annotation.chunks.to_labels() == labels assert annotation.labels[0] == labels annotation._clear_current(None) assert annotation.chunks.to_labels() == ["O", "O", "O", "O"] def test_additional_infos(): additional_infos = pd.DataFrame({"col1": [1, 2], "col2": ["a", "b"]}) corpus = ["Test 1", "Test 2"] annotation = Annotation( corpus, additional_infos=additional_infos, ) assert annotation.additional_infos.shape == (2, 2) assert annotation.additional_infos.col1.to_list() == additional_infos.col1.to_list() assert annotation.additional_infos.col2.to_list() == additional_infos.col2.to_list() @pytest.mark.parametrize( "additional_outputs_elements, additional_outputs_values, new_value, expected", [ ( [ AdditionalOutputElement( name="element", display_type="text", description="Test element", default_value="testing", ) ], None, None, "testing", ), ( [ AdditionalOutputElement( name="element", display_type="text", description="Test element", default_value="testing", ) ], pd.DataFrame( {"element": ["input additional value 1", "input additional value 2"]} ), None, "input additional value 1", ), ( [ AdditionalOutputElement( name="element", display_type="text", description="Test element", default_value="testing", ) ], None, "new_value", "new_value", ), ( [ AdditionalOutputElement( name="element", display_type="text", description="Test element", default_value="testing", ) ], pd.DataFrame( {"element": ["input additional value 1", "input additional value 2"]} ), "new_value", "new_value", ), ], ) def test_additional_outputs( additional_outputs_elements, additional_outputs_values, new_value, expected ): corpus = ["Test 1", "Test 2"] save_path = "/tmp/" + str(" ", "_") annotation = Annotation( corpus, additional_outputs_elements=additional_outputs_elements, additional_outputs_values=additional_outputs_values, save_path=save_path, ) assert len(annotation.additional_outputs_elements_displays) == 1 assert annotation.additional_outputs_values.shape == (2, 1) if new_value: annotation.additional_outputs_elements_displays[0].value = new_value # Change document to save it annotation._change_document(None, direction=1) assert annotation.additional_outputs_values.iloc[0]["element"] == expected # Assess that the outputs are correctly added annotation._save() df =
pd.read_csv(save_path, sep=";")
from import KrxWebIo import pandas as pd from pandas import DataFrame # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Ticker class 상장종목검색(KrxWebIo): @property def bld(self): return "dbms/comm/finder/finder_stkisu" def fetch(self, mktsel: str="ALL", searchText: str = "") -> DataFrame: """[12003] 개별종목 시세 추이에서 검색 버튼 눌러 활성화 되는 종목 검색창 스크래핑 Args: mktsel (str, optional): 조회 시장 (STK/KSQ/ALL) searchText (str, optional): 검색할 종목명 - 입력하지 않을 경우 전체 Returns: DataFrame : 상장 종목 정보를 반환 full_code short_code codeName marketCode marketName marketEngName ord1 ord2 0 KR7060310000 060310 3S KSQ 코스닥 KOSDAQ 16 1 KR7095570008 095570 AJ네트웍스 STK 유가증권 KOSPI 16 2 KR7006840003 006840 AK홀딩스 STK 유가증권 KOSPI 16 3 KR7054620000 054620 APS홀딩스 KSQ 코스닥 KOSDAQ 16 4 KR7265520007 265520 AP시스템 KSQ 코스닥 KOSDAQ 16 """ result =, searchText=searchText, typeNo=0) return DataFrame(result['block1']) class 상폐종목검색(KrxWebIo): @property def bld(self): return "dbms/comm/finder/finder_listdelisu" def fetch(self, mktsel:str = "ALL", searchText: str = "") -> DataFrame: """[20037] 상장폐지종목 현황 - Args: mktsel (str, optional): 조회 시장 (STK/KSQ/ALL) . Defaults to "ALL". searchText (str, optional): 검색할 종목명으로 입력하지 않을 경우 전체 조회 Returns: DataFrame: 상장폐지 종목 정보를 반환 full_code short_code codeName marketCode marketName ord1 ord2 0 KR7037730009 037730 3R KSQ 코스닥 16 1 KR7036360006 036360 3SOFT KSQ 코스닥 16 2 KYG887121070 900010 3노드디지탈 KSQ 코스닥 16 3 KR7038120002 038120 AD모터스 KSQ 코스닥 16 """ result =, searchText=searchText, typeNo=0) return DataFrame(result['block1']) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Market class 개별종목시세(KrxWebIo): @property def bld(self): return "dbms/MDC/STAT/standard/MDCSTAT01701" def fetch(self, strtDd: str, endDd: str, isuCd: str) -> DataFrame: """[12003] 개별종목 시세 추이 (수정종가 아님) Args: strtDd (str): 조회 시작 일자 (YYMMDD) endDd (str): 조회 종료 일자 (YYMMDD) isuCd (str): 조회 종목 ISIN Returns: DataFrame: 일자별 시세 조회 결과 TRD_DD TDD_CLSPRC FLUC_TP_CD CMPPREVDD_PRC FLUC_RT TDD_OPNPRC TDD_HGPRC TDD_LWPRC ACC_TRDVOL ACC_TRDVAL MKTCAP LIST_SHRS 0 2021/01/15 88,000 2 -1,700 -1.90 89,800 91,800 88,000 33,431,809 2,975,231,937,664 525,340,864,400,000 5,969,782,550 1 2021/01/14 89,700 3 0 0.00 88,700 90,000 88,700 26,393,970 2,356,661,622,700 535,489,494,735,000 5,969,782,550 2 2021/01/13 89,700 2 -900 -0.99 89,800 91,200 89,100 36,068,848 3,244,066,562,850 535,489,494,735,000 5,969,782,550 3 2021/01/12 90,600 2 -400 -0.44 90,300 91,400 87,800 48,682,416 4,362,546,108,950 540,862,299,030,000 5,969,782,550 4 2021/01/11 91,000 1 2,200 2.48 90,000 96,800 89,500 90,306,177 8,379,237,727,064 543,250,212,050,000 5,969,782,550 """ result =, strtDd=strtDd, endDd=endDd) return DataFrame(result['output']) class 전종목시세(KrxWebIo): @property def bld(self): return "dbms/MDC/STAT/standard/MDCSTAT01501" def fetch(self, trdDd: str, mktId: str) -> DataFrame: """[12001] 전종목 시세 Args: trdDd (str): 조회 일자 (YYMMDD) mktId (str): 조회 시장 (STK/KSQ/KNX/ALL) Returns: DataFrame: 전종목의 가격 정보 ISU_SRT_CD ISU_ABBRV MKT_NM SECT_TP_NM TDD_CLSPRC FLUC_TP_CD CMPPREVDD_PRC FLUC_RT TDD_OPNPRC TDD_HGPRC TDD_LWPRC ACC_TRDVOL ACC_TRDVAL MKTCAP LIST_SHRS MKT_ID 0 060310 3S KOSDAQ 중견기업부 2,365 2 -5 -0.21 2,370 2,395 2,355 152,157 361,210,535 105,886,118,195 44,772,143 KSQ 1 095570 AJ네트웍스 KOSPI 5,400 1 70 1.31 5,330 5,470 5,260 90,129 485,098,680 252,840,393,000 46,822,295 STK 2 068400 AJ렌터카 KOSPI 12,000 1 400 3.45 11,600 12,000 11,550 219,282 2,611,434,750 265,755,600,000 22,146,300 STK 3 006840 AK홀딩스 KOSPI 55,000 1 800 1.48 54,700 55,300 53,600 16,541 901,619,600 728,615,855,000 13,247,561 STK 4 054620 APS홀딩스 KOSDAQ 우량기업부 4,475 1 10 0.22 4,440 4,520 4,440 31,950 142,780,675 91,264,138,975 20,394,221 KSQ """ result =, trdDd=trdDd) return DataFrame(result['OutBlock_1']) class PER_PBR_배당수익률_전종목(KrxWebIo): @property def bld(self): return "dbms/MDC/STAT/standard/MDCSTAT03501" def fetch(self, trdDd: str, mktId: str) -> DataFrame: """[12021] PER/PBR/배당수익률 Args: trdDd (str): 조회 일자 (YYMMDD) mktId (str): 조회 시장 (STK/KSQ/KNX/ALL) Returns: DataFrame: ISU_SRT_CD ISU_ABBRV ISU_ABBRV_STR TDD_CLSPRC FLUC_TP_CD CMPPREVDD_PRC FLUC_RT EPS PER BPS PBR DPS DVD_YLD 0 060310 3S 3S <em class ="up"></em> 2,195 1 20 0.92 - - 745 2.95 0 0.00 1 095570 AJ네트웍스 AJ네트웍스 <em class ="up"></em> 4,560 1 20 0.44 982 4.64 6,802 0.67 300 6.58 2 006840 AK홀딩스 AK홀딩스 <em class ="up"></em> 27,550 1 2,150 8.46 2,168 12.71 62,448 0.44 750 2.72 3 054620 APS홀딩스 APS홀딩스 <em class ="up"></em> 6,920 2 -250 -3.49 - - 10,530 0.66 0 0.00 4 265520 AP시스템 AP시스템 <em class ="up"></em> 25,600 1 600 2.40 671 38.15 7,468 3.43 50 0.20 """ result =, trdDd=trdDd) return DataFrame(result['output']) class PER_PBR_배당수익률_개별(KrxWebIo): @property def bld(self): return "dbms/MDC/STAT/standard/MDCSTAT03502" def fetch(self, strtDd: str, endDd: str, mktId: str, isuCd: str) -> DataFrame: """[12021] PER/PBR/배당수익률 Args: strtDd (str): 조회 시작 일자 (YYMMDD) endDd (str): 조회 종료 일자 (YYMMDD) mktId (str): 조회 시장 (STK/KSQ/KNX/ALL) isuCd (str): 조회 종목 ISIN Returns: DataFrame: TRD_DD TDD_CLSPRC FLUC_TP_CD CMPPREVDD_PRC FLUC_RT EPS PER BPS PBR DPS DVD_YLD 0 2019/03/29 44,650 2 -200 -0.45 5,997 7.45 28,126 1.59 850 1.90 1 2019/03/28 44,850 2 -500 -1.10 5,997 7.48 28,126 1.59 850 1.90 2 2019/03/27 45,350 1 100 0.22 5,997 7.56 28,126 1.61 850 1.87 3 2019/03/26 45,250 2 -250 -0.55 5,997 7.55 28,126 1.61 850 1.88 4 2019/03/25 45,500 2 -1,050 -2.26 5,997 7.59 28,126 1.62 850 1.87 """ result =, strtDd=strtDd, endDd=endDd, isuCd=isuCd) return DataFrame(result['output']) class 전종목등락률(KrxWebIo): @property def bld(self): return "dbms/MDC/STAT/standard/MDCSTAT01602" def fetch(self, strtDd: str, endDd: str, mktId: str, adj_stkprc: int) -> DataFrame: """[12002] 전종목 등락률 Args: strtDd (str): 조회 시작 일자 (YYMMDD) endDd (str): 조회 종료 일자 (YYMMDD) mktId (str): 조회 시장 (STK/KSQ/ALL) adj_stkprc (int): 수정 종가 여부 (2:수정종가/1:단순종가) Returns: DataFrame: ISU_SRT_CD ISU_ABBRV BAS_PRC TDD_CLSPRC CMPPREVDD_PRC FLUC_RT ACC_TRDVOL ACC_TRDVAL FLUC_TP 0 060310 3S 2,420 3,290 870 35.95 40,746,975 132,272,050,410 1 1 095570 AJ네트웍스 6,360 5,430 -930 -14.62 3,972,269 23,943,953,170 2 2 068400 AJ렌터카 13,550 11,500 -2,050 -15.13 14,046,987 166,188,922,890 2 3 006840 AK홀딩스 73,000 77,100 4,100 5.62 1,707,900 132,455,779,600 1 4 054620 APS홀딩스 6,550 5,560 -990 -15.11 7,459,926 41,447,809,620 2 """ result =, adj_stkprc=adj_stkprc, strtDd=strtDd, endDd=endDd) return DataFrame(result['OutBlock_1']) class 외국인보유량_전종목(KrxWebIo): @property def bld(self): return "dbms/MDC/STAT/standard/MDCSTAT03701" def fetch(self, trdDd: str, mktId: str, isuLmtRto: int) -> DataFrame: """[12023] 외국인보유량(개별종목) - 전종목 Args: trdDd (str): 조회 일자 (YYMMDD) mktId (str): 조회 시장 (STK/KSQ/KNX/ALL) isuLmtRto (int): 외국인 보유제한 종목 - 0 : check X - 1 : check O Returns: DataFrame: ISU_SRT_CD ISU_ABBRV TDD_CLSPRC FLUC_TP_CD CMPPREVDD_PRC FLUC_RT LIST_SHRS FORN_HD_QTY FORN_SHR_RT FORN_ORD_LMT_QTY FORN_LMT_EXHST_RT 0 060310 3S 2,185 2 -10 -0.46 44,802,511 739,059 1.65 44,802,511 1.65 1 095570 AJ네트웍스 4,510 2 -50 -1.10 46,822,295 4,983,122 10.64 46,822,295 10.64 2 006840 AK홀딩스 26,300 2 -1,250 -4.54 13,247,561 1,107,305 8.36 13,247,561 8.36 3 054620 APS홀딩스 7,010 1 90 1.30 20,394,221 461,683 2.26 20,394,221 2.26 4 265520 AP시스템 25,150 2 -450 -1.76 14,480,227 1,564,312 10.80 14,480,227 10.80 """ result =, mktId=mktId, trdDd=trdDd, isuLmtRto=isuLmtRto) return DataFrame(result['output']) class 외국인보유량_개별추이(KrxWebIo): @property def bld(self): return "dbms/MDC/STAT/standard/MDCSTAT03702" def fetch(self, strtDd: str, endDd: str, isuCd: str) -> DataFrame: """[12023] 외국인보유량(개별종목) - 개별추이 Args: strtDd (str): 조회 시작 일자 (YYMMDD) endDd (str): 조회 종료 일자 (YYMMDD) isuCd (str): 조회 종목 ISIN Returns: DataFrame: TRD_DD TDD_CLSPRC FLUC_TP_CD CMPPREVDD_PRC FLUC_RT LIST_SHRS FORN_HD_QTY FORN_SHR_RT FORN_ORD_LMT_QTY FORN_LMT_EXHST_RT 0 2021/01/15 88,000 2 -1,700 -1.90 5,969,782,550 3,317,574,926 55.57 5,969,782,550 55.57 1 2021/01/14 89,700 3 0 0.00 5,969,782,550 3,314,652,740 55.52 5,969,782,550 55.52 2 2021/01/13 89,700 2 -900 -0.99 5,969,782,550 3,316,551,070 55.56 5,969,782,550 55.56 3 2021/01/12 90,600 2 -400 -0.44 5,969,782,550 3,318,676,206 55.59 5,969,782,550 55.59 4 2021/01/11 91,000 1 2,200 2.48 5,969,782,550 3,324,115,988 55.68 5,969,782,550 55.68 """ result =, strtDd=strtDd, endDd=endDd, isuCd=isuCd) return DataFrame(result['output']) class 투자자별_거래실적_전체시장_기간합계(KrxWebIo): @property def bld(self): return "dbms/MDC/STAT/standard/MDCSTAT02201" def fetch(self, strtDd: str, endDd: str, mktId: str, etf: str, etn: str, els: str) -> DataFrame: """[12009] 투자자별 거래실적 Args: strtDd (str): 조회 시작 일자 (YYMMDD) endDd (str): 조회 종료 일자 (YYMMDD) mktId (str): 조회 시장 (STK/KSQ/ALL) etf (str): ETF 포함 여부 (""/EF) etn (str): ETN 포함 여부 (""/EN) els (str): ELS 포함 여부 (""/ES) Returns: DataFrame: INVST_TP_NM ASK_TRDVOL BID_TRDVOL NETBID_TRDVOL ASK_TRDVAL BID_TRDVAL NETBID_TRDVAL 0 금융투자 183,910,512 173,135,582 -10,774,930 11,088,878,744,833 10,518,908,333,291 -569,970,411,542 1 보험 18,998,546 11,995,538 -7,003,008 1,011,736,647,106 661,574,577,285 -350,162,069,821 2 투신 78,173,801 64,724,900 -13,448,901 2,313,376,665,370 1,943,337,885,168 -370,038,780,202 3 사모 37,867,724 33,001,267 -4,866,457 1,142,499,274,494 1,000,228,858,448 -142,270,416,046 4 은행 3,252,303 901,910 -2,350,393 69,744,809,430 43,689,969,205 -26,054,840,225 """ result =, endDd=endDd, mktId=mktId, etf=etf, etn=etn, elw=els) return DataFrame(result['output']).drop('CONV_OBJ_TP_CD', axis=1) class 투자자별_거래실적_전체시장_일별추이_일반(KrxWebIo): @property def bld(self): return "dbms/MDC/STAT/standard/MDCSTAT02202" def fetch(self, strtDd: str, endDd: str, mktId: str, etf: str, etn: str, els: str, trdVolVal: int, askBid: int) -> DataFrame: """[12009] 투자자별 거래실적 일별추이 Args: strtDd (str): 조회 시작 일자 (YYMMDD) endDd (str): 조회 종료 일자 (YYMMDD) mktId (str): 조회 시장 (STK/KSQ/ALL) etf (str): ETF 포함 여부 (""/EF) etn (str): ETN 포함 여부 (""/EN) els (str): ELS 포함 여부 (""/ES) trdVolVal (int): 1: 거래량 / 2: 거래대금 askBid (int): 1: 매도 / 2: 매수 / 3: 순매수 Returns: DataFrame: >> 투자자별_거래실적_전체시장_일별추이_일반().fetch("20210115", "20210122", "STK", "", "", "", 1, 1) TRD_DD TRDVAL1 TRDVAL2 TRDVAL3 TRDVAL4 TRDVAL_TOT 0 2021/01/22 67,656,491 6,020,990 927,119,399 110,426,104 1,111,222,984 1 2021/01/21 69,180,642 13,051,423 1,168,810,381 109,023,034 1,360,065,480 2 2021/01/20 70,184,991 5,947,195 1,010,578,768 105,984,335 1,192,695,289 3 2021/01/19 56,242,065 6,902,124 1,183,520,475 106,647,770 1,353,312,434 4 2021/01/18 70,527,745 7,512,434 1,270,483,687 123,524,707 1,472,048,573 """ result =, endDd=endDd, mktId=mktId, etf=etf, etn=etn, elw=els, inqTpCd=2, trdVolVal=trdVolVal, askBid=askBid) return DataFrame(result['output']) class 투자자별_거래실적_전체시장_일별추이_상세(KrxWebIo): @property def bld(self): return "dbms/MDC/STAT/standard/MDCSTAT02203" def fetch(self, strtDd: str, endDd: str, mktId: str, etf: str, etn: str, els: str, trdVolVal: int, askBid: int) -> DataFrame: """[12009] 투자자별 거래실적 일별추이 (상세) Args: strtDd (str): 조회 시작 일자 (YYMMDD) endDd (str): 조회 종료 일자 (YYMMDD) mktId (str): 조회 시장 (STK/KSQ/ALL) etf (str): ETF 포함 여부 (""/EF) etn (str): ETN 포함 여부 (""/EN) els (str): ELS 포함 여부 (""/ES) trdVolVal (int): 1: 거래량 / 2: 거래대금 askBid (int): 1: 매도 / 2: 매수 / 3: 순매수 Returns: DataFrame: >> 투자자별_거래실적_전체시장_일별추이_상세().fetch("20210115", "20210122", "STK", "", "", "", 1, 1) TRD_DD TRDVAL1 TRDVAL2 TRDVAL3 TRDVAL4 TRDVAL5 TRDVAL6 TRDVAL7 TRDVAL8 TRDVAL9 TRDVAL10 TRDVAL11 TRDVAL_TOT 0 2021/01/22 27,190,933 2,735,154 8,774,207 3,338,979 454,546 170,392 24,992,280 6,020,990 927,119,399 108,740,962 1,685,142 1,111,222,984 1 2021/01/21 18,482,914 3,032,118 6,625,819 3,543,737 635,314 8,696,961 28,163,779 13,051,423 1,168,810,381 106,653,326 2,369,708 1,360,065,480 2 2021/01/20 25,584,466 2,530,140 8,106,713 4,204,627 182,144 137,315 29,439,586 5,947,195 1,010,578,768 103,998,394 1,985,941 1,192,695,289 3 2021/01/19 13,992,565 2,122,324 7,740,948 2,736,919 391,860 419,021 28,838,428 6,902,124 1,183,520,475 103,967,576 2,680,194 1,353,312,434 4 2021/01/18 22,645,478 2,471,112 6,761,600 2,867,429 263,984 196,148 35,321,994 7,512,434 1,270,483,687 120,350,740 3,173,967 1,472,048,573 """ result =, endDd=endDd, mktId=mktId, etf=etf, etn=etn, elw=els, trdVolVal=trdVolVal, askBid=askBid, detailView=1) return DataFrame(result['output']) class 투자자별_거래실적_개별종목_기간합계(KrxWebIo): @property def bld(self): return "dbms/MDC/STAT/standard/MDCSTAT02301" def fetch(self, strtDd: str, endDd: str, isuCd: str) -> DataFrame: """[12009] 투자자별 거래실적(개별종목) Args: strtDd (str): 조회 시작 일자 (YYMMDD) endDd (str): 조회 종료 일자 (YYMMDD) isuCd (str): 조회 종목 ISIN Returns: DataFrame: INVST_TP_NM ASK_TRDVOL BID_TRDVOL NETBID_TRDVOL ASK_TRDVAL BID_TRDVAL NETBID_TRDVAL 0 금융투자 31,324,444 28,513,421 -2,811,023 2,765,702,311,200 2,510,494,630,400 -255,207,680,800 1 보험 1,790,469 561,307 -1,229,162 158,120,209,600 49,570,523,900 -108,549,685,700 2 투신 3,966,211 1,486,178 -2,480,033 351,753,222,200 130,513,380,300 -221,239,841,900 3 사모 756,726 541,912 -214,814 67,202,238,800 47,475,872,700 -19,726,366,100 4 은행 105,323 70,598 -34,725 9,360,874,400 6,170,507,400 -3,190,367,000 """ result =, endDd=endDd, isuCd=isuCd, inqTpCd=1, trdVolVal=1, askBid=1) return DataFrame(result['output']).drop('CONV_OBJ_TP_CD', axis=1) class 투자자별_거래실적_개별종목_일별추이_일반(KrxWebIo): @property def bld(self): return "dbms/MDC/STAT/standard/MDCSTAT02302" def fetch(self, strtDd: str, endDd: str, isuCd: str, trdVolVal: int, askBid: int) -> DataFrame: """[12009] 투자자별 거래실적(개별종목) Args: strtDd (str): 조회 시작 일자 (YYMMDD) endDd (str): 조회 종료 일자 (YYMMDD) isuCd (str): 조회 종목 ISIN trdVolVal (int): 1: 거래량 / 2: 거래대금 askBid (int): 1: 매도 / 2: 매수 / 3: 순매수 Returns: DataFrame: TRD_DD TRDVAL1 TRDVAL2 TRDVAL3 TRDVAL4 TRDVAL_TOT 0 2021/01/20 13,121,791 114,341 7,346,474 4,628,521 25,211,127 1 2021/01/19 13,912,581 323,382 20,956,376 4,702,705 39,895,044 2 2021/01/18 15,709,256 258,096 21,942,253 5,318,346 43,227,951 3 2021/01/15 16,944,750 216,653 10,371,182 5,899,224 33,431,809 4 2021/01/14 15,722,824 232,674 6,483,589 3,954,883 26,393,970 """ result =, endDd=endDd, isuCd=isuCd, inqTpCd=2, trdVolVal=trdVolVal, askBid=askBid) return DataFrame(result['output']) class 투자자별_거래실적_개별종목_일별추이_상세(KrxWebIo): @property def bld(self): return "dbms/MDC/STAT/standard/MDCSTAT02303" def fetch(self, strtDd: str, endDd: str, isuCd: str, trdVolVal: int, askBid: int) -> DataFrame: """[12009] 투자자별 거래실적(개별종목) Args: strtDd (str): 조회 시작 일자 (YYMMDD) endDd (str): 조회 종료 일자 (YYMMDD) isuCd (str): 조회 종목 ISIN trdVolVal (int): 1: 거래량 / 2: 거래대금 askBid (int): 1: 매도 / 2: 매수 / 3: 순매수 Returns: DataFrame: TRD_DD TRDVAL1 TRDVAL2 TRDVAL3 TRDVAL4 TRDVAL5 TRDVAL6 TRDVAL7 TRDVAL8 TRDVAL9 TRDVAL10 TRDVAL11 TRDVAL_TOT 0 2021/01/20 5,328,172 259,546 313,812 58,992 3,449 256 7,157,564 114,341 7,346,474 4,615,231 13,290 25,211,127 1 2021/01/19 2,835,217 119,057 312,695 42,163 10,100 180 10,593,169 323,382 20,956,376 4,644,854 57,851 39,895,044 2 2021/01/18 4,175,051 286,158 349,739 98,050 11,261 4,486 10,784,511 258,096 21,942,253 5,262,225 56,121 43,227,951 3 2021/01/15 7,080,570 272,542 838,871 112,920 1,691 21,958 8,616,198 216,653 10,371,182 5,878,858 20,366 33,431,809 4 2021/01/14 6,926,895 366,023 707,874 67,391 25,022 10,072 7,619,547 232,674 6,483,589 3,937,223 17,660 26,393,970 5 2021/01/13 4,978,539 487,143 1,443,220 377,210 53,800 74,669 10,728,979 122,212 9,029,353 8,746,689 27,034 36,068,848 """ result =, endDd=endDd, isuCd=isuCd, inqTpCd=2, trdVolVal=trdVolVal, askBid=askBid, detailView=1) return DataFrame(result['output']) class 투자자별_순매수상위종목(KrxWebIo): @property def bld(self): return "dbms/MDC/STAT/standard/MDCSTAT02401" def fetch(self, strtDd: str, endDd: str, mktId: str, invstTpCd: str) -> DataFrame: """[12010] 투자자별 순매수상위종목 Args: strtDd (str): 조회 시작 일자 (YYMMDD) endDd (str): 조회 종료 일자 (YYMMDD) mktId (str): 조회 시장 (STK/KSQ/KNX/ALL) invstTpCd (str): 투자자 - 1000 - 금융투자 - 2000 - 보험 - 3000 - 투신 - 3100 - 사모 - 4000 - 은행 - 5000 - 기타금융 - 6000 - 연기금 - 7050 - 기관합계 - 7100 - 기타법인 - 8000 - 개인 - 9000 - 외국인 - 9001 - 기타외국인 - 9999 - 전체 Returns: DataFrame: ISU_SRT_CD ISU_NM ASK_TRDVOL BID_TRDVOL NETBID_TRDVOL ASK_TRDVAL BID_TRDVAL NETBID_TRDVAL 0 006400 삼성SDI 1,298,644 1,636,929 338,285 899,322,500,000 1,125,880,139,000 226,557,639,000 1 051910 LG화학 1,253,147 1,492,717 239,570 1,166,498,517,000 1,371,440,693,000 204,942,176,000 2 096770 SK이노베이션 4,159,038 4,823,863 664,825 1,050,577,437,000 1,208,243,272,500 157,665,835,500 3 003670 포스코케미칼 1,093,803 1,973,179 879,376 129,914,349,500 240,577,561,000 110,663,211,500 """ result =, endDd=endDd, mktId=mktId, invstTpCd=invstTpCd) return DataFrame(result['output']) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # index class 전체지수기본정보(KrxWebIo): @property def bld(self): return "dbms/MDC/STAT/standard/MDCSTAT00401" def fetch(self, idxIndMidclssCd: str) -> DataFrame: """[11004] 전체지수 기본정보 Args: idxIndMidclssCd (str): 검색할 시장 - 01 : KRX - 02 : KOSPI - 03 : KOSDAQ - 04 : 테마 Returns: DataFrame: [description] IDX_NM IDX_ENG_NM BAS_TM_CONTN ANNC_TM_CONTN BAS_IDX_CONTN CALC_CYCLE_CONTN CALC_TM_CONTN COMPST_ISU_CNT IND_TP_CD IDX_IND_CD 0 KRX 300 KRX 300 2010.01.04 2018.02.05 1,000.00 1초 09:00:10 ~ 15:30:00 300 5 300 1 KTOP 30 KTOP 30 1996.01.03 2015.07.13 888.85 2초 09:00:10 ~ 15:30:00 30 5 600 2 KRX 100 KRX 100 2001.01.02 2005.06.01 1,000.00 1초 09:00:10 ~ 15:30:00 100 5 042 """ result = return DataFrame(result['output']) class 주가지수검색(KrxWebIo): @property def bld(self): return "dbms/comm/finder/finder_equidx" def fetch(self, market: str) -> DataFrame: """[11004] 전체지수 기본정보 Args: market (str): 검색 시장 - 1 : 전체 - 2 : KRX - 3 : KOSPI - 4 : KOSDAQ - 5 : 테마 Returns: DataFrame: full_code short_code codeName marketCode marketName 0 5 300 KRX 300 KRX KRX 1 5 600 KTOP 30 KRX KRX 2 5 042 KRX 100 KRX KRX 3 5 301 KRX Mid 200 KRX KRX 4 5 043 KRX 자동차 KRX KRX marketCode : ['KRX' 'STK' 'KSQ' 'GBL'] marketName : ['KRX' 'KOSPI' 'KOSDAQ' '테마'] """ result = return DataFrame(result['block1']) class 개별지수시세(KrxWebIo): @property def bld(self): return "dbms/MDC/STAT/standard/MDCSTAT00301" def fetch(self, ticker: str, group_id: str, fromdate: str, todate: str) -> DataFrame: """[11003] 개별지수 시세 추이 Args: ticker (str): index ticker group_id (str): index group id fromdate (str): 조회 시작 일자 (YYMMDD) todate (str): 조회 종료 일자 (YYMMDD) Returns: DataFrame: TRD_DD CLSPRC_IDX FLUC_TP_CD PRV_DD_CMPR UPDN_RATE OPNPRC_IDX HGPRC_IDX LWPRC_IDX ACC_TRDVOL ACC_TRDVAL MKTCAP 0 2021/01/15 2,298.05 2 -68.84 -2.91 2,369.94 2,400.69 2,292.92 22,540,416 1,967,907,809,615 137,712,088,395,380 1 2021/01/14 2,366.89 2 -23.88 -1.00 2,390.59 2,393.24 2,330.76 23,685,783 2,058,155,913,335 142,206,993,223,695 2 2021/01/13 2,390.77 1 25.68 1.09 2,367.94 2,455.05 2,300.10 33,690,790 3,177,416,322,985 144,549,058,033,310 3 2021/01/12 2,365.09 2 -48.63 -2.01 2,403.51 2,428.76 2,295.91 41,777,076 3,933,263,957,150 143,250,319,286,660 4 2021/01/11 2,413.72 1 33.32 1.40 2,403.37 2,613.83 2,352.21 50,975,686 6,602,833,901,895 146,811,113,380,140 """ result =, indIdx=group_id, strtDd=fromdate, endDd=todate) return DataFrame(result['output']) class 전체지수등락률(KrxWebIo): @property def bld(self): return "dbms/MDC/STAT/standard/MDCSTAT00201" def fetch(self, strtDd: str, endDd: str, idxIndMidclssCd: str) -> DataFrame: """[11002] 전체지수 등락률 Args: strtDd (str): 조회 시작 일자 (YYMMDD) endDd (str): 조회 종료 일자 (YYMMDD) idxIndMidclssCd (str): 검색 시장 - 01: KRX - 02: KOSPI - 03: KOSDAQ - 04: 테마 Returns: DataFrame: IDX_IND_NM OPN_DD_INDX END_DD_INDX FLUC_TP PRV_DD_CMPR FLUC_RT ACC_TRDVOL ACC_TRDVAL 0 KRX 300 1,845.82 1,920.52 1 74.70 4.05 3,293,520,227 201,056,395,899,602 1 KTOP 30 10,934.77 11,589.88 1 655.11 5.99 820,597,395 109,126,566,806,196 2 KRX 100 6,418.50 6,695.11 1 276.61 4.31 1,563,383,456 154,154,503,633,541 3 KRX Mid 200 1,751.19 1,722.32 2 -28.87 -1.65 2,807,696,801 27,059,313,040,039 4 KRX 자동차 2,046.67 2,298.05 1 251.38 12.28 288,959,592 29,886,192,965,797 """ result =, strtDd=strtDd, endDd=endDd) return DataFrame(result['output']) class 지수구성종목(KrxWebIo): @property def bld(self): return "dbms/MDC/STAT/standard/MDCSTAT00601" def fetch(self, date: str, ticker: str, group_id: str) -> DataFrame: """[11006] 지수구성종목 Args: ticker (str): index ticker group_id (str): index group id date (str): 조회 일자 (YYMMDD) Returns: >> 지수구성종목().fetch("20210125", "001", "1")) DataFrame: ISU_SRT_CD ISU_ABBRV TDD_CLSPRC FLUC_TP_CD STR_CMP_PRC FLUC_RT MKTCAP 0 005930 삼성전자 89,400 1 2,600 3.00 533,698,559,970,000 1 000660 SK하이닉스 135,000 1 6,500 5.06 98,280,319,275,000 2 051910 LG화학 990,000 1 15,000 1.54 69,886,419,570,000 3 035420 NAVER 349,000 1 5,500 1.60 57,327,924,855,000 """ result =, indIdx=group_id, trdDd=date) return
#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys from time import time import argparse import numpy as np import pandas as pd from davis2017.evaluation import DAVISEvaluation default_davis_path = 'data/ref-davis/DAVIS' time_start = time() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--davis_path', type=str, help='Path to the DAVIS folder containing the JPEGImages, Annotations, ' 'ImageSets, Annotations_unsupervised folders', required=False, default=default_davis_path) parser.add_argument('--set', type=str, help='Subset to evaluate the results', default='val') # val subset parser.add_argument('--task', type=str, help='Task to evaluate the results', default='unsupervised', choices=['semi-supervised', 'unsupervised']) parser.add_argument('--results_path', type=str, help='Path to the folder containing the sequences folders', required=True) args, _ = parser.parse_known_args() csv_name_global = f'global_results-{args.set}.csv' csv_name_per_sequence = f'per-sequence_results-{args.set}.csv' # Check if the method has been evaluated before, if so read the results, otherwise compute the results csv_name_global_path = os.path.join(args.results_path, csv_name_global) csv_name_per_sequence_path = os.path.join(args.results_path, csv_name_per_sequence) if os.path.exists(csv_name_global_path) and os.path.exists(csv_name_per_sequence_path): print('Using precomputed results...') table_g = pd.read_csv(csv_name_global_path) table_seq =
# coding:utf-8 # # The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) 2016-2018 yutiansut/QUANTAXIS # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. from functools import reduce import math import numpy as np import pandas as pd from ctypes import * # from .talib_series import LINEARREG_SLOPE from easyquant.easydealutils.easymongo import MongoIo import datetime try: import talib except: print('PLEASE install TALIB to call these methods') import os # lib = cdll.LoadLibrary("%s/%s" % (os.path.abspath("."), "")) lib = cdll.LoadLibrary("/usr/share/talib/%s" % ("")) """ Series 类 这个是下面以DataFrame为输入的基础函数 return pd.Series format """ __STOCK_INFOS = pd.DataFrame() __REALTIME_DATAS = {} def __INITDATAS(dateStr = None): mongo = MongoIo() global __STOCK_INFOS, __REALTIME_DATAS if len(__STOCK_INFOS) == 0: __STOCK_INFOS = mongo.get_stock_info() # STOCK_INFOS = if dateStr == None: dateObj = else: # datetime.datetime.strptime(st, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) dateObj = datetime.datetime.strptime(dateStr, "%Y-%m-%d") weekDay = dateObj.weekday() if weekDay > 4: dateObj = dateObj - datetime.timedelta(weekDay - 4) dateStr = dateObj.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if dateStr not in __REALTIME_DATAS.keys(): __REALTIME_DATAS[dateStr] = mongo.get_realtime(dateStr=dateStr) return dateStr def __STOCK_INFO(code): __INITDATAS() return __STOCK_INFOS.query("code=='%s'" % code) def __REALTIME_DATA(code, dateStr): global __REALTIME_DATAS dateStr = __INITDATAS(dateStr) try: return __REALTIME_DATAS[dateStr].query("code=='%s'" % code) except Exception as e: # print("__REALTIME_DATA", code, dateStr, e) return pd.DataFrame() def EMA(Series, N): # return pd.Series.ewm(Series, span=N, min_periods=N - 1, adjust=True).mean() Series = Series.fillna(0) res = talib.EMA(Series.values, N) return pd.Series(res, index=Series.index) def EXPMA(Series, N): # return pd.Series.ewm(Series, span=N, min_periods=N - 1, adjust=True).mean() Series = Series.fillna(0) res = talib.EMA(Series.values, N) return pd.Series(res, index=Series.index) def MA(Series, N): # return pd.Series.rolling(Series, N).mean() Series = Series.fillna(0) res = talib.MA(Series.values, N) return pd.Series(res, index=Series.index) # 威廉SMA 参考 def SMA(Series, N, M=1): """ 威廉SMA算法 本次修正主要是对于返回值的优化,现在的返回值会带上原先输入的索引index 2018/5/3 @yutiansut """ ret = [] i = 1 length = len(Series) # 跳过X中前面几个 nan 值 while i < length: if np.isnan(Series.iloc[i]): ret.append(0) i += 1 else: break if i < length: preY = Series.iloc[i] # Y' else: preY = None ret.append(preY) while i < length: Y = (M * Series.iloc[i] + (N - M) * preY) / float(N) ret.append(Y) preY = Y i += 1 return pd.Series(ret, index=Series.tail(len(ret)).index) def DIFF(Series, N=1): return pd.Series(Series).diff(N) def HHV(Series, NS): if isinstance(NS, pd.Series): ncount = len(NS) tf_p = c_float * ncount np_OUT = tf_p(0) na_Series = np.asarray(Series).astype(np.float32) na_NS = np.asarray(NS).astype(np.int32) np_S = cast(, POINTER(c_float)) np_N = cast(, POINTER(c_int)) lib.hhv(ncount, np_OUT, np_S, np_N) return pd.Series(np.asarray(np_OUT), dtype=np.float64, index=Series.index) if NS == 0: return Series return pd.Series(Series).rolling(NS).max() def LLV(Series, NS): if isinstance(NS, pd.Series): ncount = len(NS) tf_p = c_float * ncount np_OUT = tf_p(0) na_Series = np.asarray(Series).astype(np.float32) na_NS = np.asarray(NS).astype(np.int32) np_S = cast(, POINTER(c_float)) np_N = cast(, POINTER(c_int)) lib.llv(ncount, np_OUT, np_S, np_N) return pd.Series(np.asarray(np_OUT), dtype=np.float64, index=Series.index) if NS == 0: return Series return pd.Series(Series).rolling(NS).min() def SUMS(Series, NS): ncount = len(NS) tf_p=c_float * ncount np_OUT =tf_p(0) na_Series=np.asarray(Series).astype(np.float32) na_NS=np.asarray(NS).astype(np.int32) np_S=cast(, POINTER(c_float)) np_N=cast(, POINTER(c_int)) lib.sum(ncount, np_OUT, np_S, np_N) return pd.Series(np.asarray(np_OUT), dtype=np.float64) def DMA(Series, Weight): ncount = len(Series) tf_p = c_float * ncount np_OUT = tf_p(0) na_Series = np.asarray(Series).astype(np.float32) na_Weight = np.asarray(Weight.fillna(1)).astype(np.float32) np_S = cast(, POINTER(c_float)) np_W = cast(, POINTER(c_float)) lib.dma(ncount, np_OUT, np_S, np_W) return pd.Series(np.asarray(np_OUT), dtype=np.float64, index=Series.index) def SUM(Series, N): if N == 0: return Series.cumsum() else: return pd.Series.rolling(Series, N).sum() def ABS(Series): return abs(Series) def MAX(A, B): var = IF(A > B, A, B) return var def MIN(A, B): var = IF(A < B, A, B) return var def SINGLE_CROSS(A, B): if A.iloc[-2] < B.iloc[-2] and A.iloc[-1] > B.iloc[-1]: return True else: return False def CROSS(A, B): """A<B then A>B A上穿B B下穿A Arguments: A {[type]} -- [description] B {[type]} -- [description] Returns: [type] -- [description] """ if isinstance(A, int) or isinstance(A, float): A1 = pd.Series(B).copy() A1[:] = A A = A1 var = np.where(A < B, 1, 0) return (
pd.Series(var, index=A.index)
""" python """ import argparse import pickle import pandas as pd import numpy as np from tqdm import tqdm from joblib import Parallel, delayed from config import parallel, data_path, ID_col, t_col, var_col, val_col # Ashutosh added extra imports import gc #import dask.dataframe as dd from itertools import * import os # Ashutosh performing monkey patching for the pickle version issue while reading the file : #pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL = 4 def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='') parser.add_argument('--outcome', type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument('--T', type=float, required=True) parser.add_argument('--dt', type=float, required=True) args = parser.parse_args() outcome = args.outcome T = args.T dt = args.dt print('Preparing pipeline input for: outcome={}, T={}, dt={}'.format(outcome, T, dt)) import pathlib pathlib.Path(data_path, 'features', 'outcome={},T={},dt={}'.format(outcome, T, dt)) \ .mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Load in study population population = pd.read_csv(data_path + 'population/{}_{}h.csv'.format(outcome, T)) \ .rename(columns={'ICUSTAY_ID': 'ID'}).set_index('ID')[[]] # Load in raw data (from with open(data_path + 'formatted/all_data.stacked.p', 'rb') as f: data = pickle.load(f) # Resample continuous, resolve duplicates (discrete & continuous) data = resolve_duplicates_discrete(data) data = filter_prediction_time(data, T) data = resample_continuous_events(data, T, dt) data = resolve_duplicates_continuous(data) # Combine all DataFrames into one df_data = pd.concat(data, axis='index', ignore_index=True) df_data = df_data.sort_values(by=[ID_col, t_col, var_col, val_col], na_position='first') # Filter by IDs in study population df_data = population.join(df_data.set_index('ID')).reset_index() assert set(df_data['ID'].unique()) == set(population.index) # Save # Ashutosh saving with pickle protocol 4 due to error in protocol df_data.to_pickle(data_path + 'features/outcome={},T={},dt={}/input_data.p'.format(outcome, T, dt), protocol=4) ################################ #### Helper functions #### ################################ def print_header(*content, char='='): print() print(char * 80) print(*content) print(char * 80, flush=True) def filter_prediction_time(data_in, T): """ Filter each table in `data_in` by: - Removing records outside of the prediction window [0, T) hours `data_in` is a dict { TABLE_NAME: pd.DataFrame object, } """ print_header('Filter by prediction time T={}'.format(T), char='-') filtered_data = {} for table_name in tqdm(sorted(data_in)): df = data_in[table_name] t_cols = t_cols = df.columns.intersection(['t', 't_start', 't_end']).tolist() # Focus on the prediction window of [0, T) if len(t_cols) == 1: # point if all(pd.isnull(df['t'])): pass else: df = df[(0 <= df['t']) & (df['t'] < T)].copy() elif len(t_cols) == 2: # range df = df[(0 <= df['t_end']) & (df['t_start'] < T)].copy() filtered_data[table_name] = df print('Done!') return filtered_data def resample_continuous_events(data, T, dt): print_header('Resample continuous events, T={}, dt={}'.format(T, dt), char='-') for fname, df in sorted(data.items(), reverse=True): t_cols = df.columns.intersection(['t', 't_start', 't_end']).tolist() if len(t_cols) == 1: # point time continue else: # ranged time assert len(t_cols) == 2 print(fname) df_out = [] for index, row in tqdm(df.iterrows(), total=df.shape[0]): t_start, t_end = row.t_start, row.t_end t_range = dt/2 + np.arange(max(0, (t_start//dt)*dt), min(T, (t_end//dt+1)*dt), dt) if len(t_range) == 0: continue df_tmp = pd.concat(len(t_range) * [row], axis=1).T.drop(columns=['t_start', 't_end']) df_tmp['t'] = t_range df_out.append(df_tmp) df_out = pd.concat(df_out)[['ID', 't', 'variable_name', 'variable_value']] data[fname] = df_out return data def resolve_duplicates_discrete(data): """ Assume input format: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– | ID | t (or t_start + t_end) | variable_name | variable_value | –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– """ print_header('Resolve duplicated event records (discrete)', char='-') ### Chart events - duplicate rows print('*** CHARTEVENTS') print(' getting dups and ~dups') df = data['CHARTEVENTS'] m_dups = df.duplicated(subset=['ID', 't', 'variable_name'], keep=False) dups = df[m_dups] dup_variables = dups['variable_name'].unique() all_dups = df[df['variable_name'].isin(dup_variables)] not_dups = df[~df['variable_name'].isin(dup_variables)] #print("Performing the delete action now of DF") del [[df,m_dups,dups]] gc.collect() #print("Performed the delete action !!! ") def _resolve_duplicates_impl(v, df_v): # Categorical variables # Map to different variable names with value 0/1 if
pd.to_numeric(df_v['variable_value'], errors='ignore')
import pandas as pd import numpy as np from tensorboard.backend.event_processing.event_accumulator import EventAccumulator from os import listdir def load_tensorboard(path): '''Function to load tensorboard file from a folder. Assumes one file per folder!''' event_file = next(filter(lambda filename: filename[:6] == 'events', listdir(path))) summary_iterator = EventAccumulator(str(path + event_file)).Reload() tags = summary_iterator.Tags()['scalars'] steps = [[event.step for event in summary_iterator.Scalars(tag)] for tag in tags] data = [[event.value for event in summary_iterator.Scalars(tag)] for tag in tags] # Creating dataframe: we have missing values due to coefficients being deleted, #so we have to do this column by column df = pd.DataFrame() for idx, tag in enumerate(tags): df[tag] =
pd.Series(index=steps[idx], data=data[idx])
from __future__ import annotations from collections import namedtuple from typing import TYPE_CHECKING import warnings from matplotlib.artist import setp import numpy as np from pandas.core.dtypes.common import is_dict_like from pandas.core.dtypes.missing import remove_na_arraylike import pandas as pd import pandas.core.common as com from import pprint_thing from pandas.plotting._matplotlib.core import ( LinePlot, MPLPlot, ) from import get_standard_colors from import ( create_subplots, flatten_axes, maybe_adjust_figure, ) if TYPE_CHECKING: from matplotlib.axes import Axes class BoxPlot(LinePlot): _kind = "box" _layout_type = "horizontal" _valid_return_types = (None, "axes", "dict", "both") # namedtuple to hold results BP = namedtuple("BP", ["ax", "lines"]) def __init__(self, data, return_type="axes", **kwargs): # Do not call LinePlot.__init__ which may fill nan if return_type not in self._valid_return_types: raise ValueError("return_type must be {None, 'axes', 'dict', 'both'}") self.return_type = return_type MPLPlot.__init__(self, data, **kwargs) def _args_adjust(self): if self.subplots: # Disable label ax sharing. Otherwise, all subplots shows last # column label if self.orientation == "vertical": self.sharex = False else: self.sharey = False @classmethod def _plot(cls, ax, y, column_num=None, return_type="axes", **kwds): if y.ndim == 2: y = [remove_na_arraylike(v) for v in y] # Boxplot fails with empty arrays, so need to add a NaN # if any cols are empty # GH 8181 y = [v if v.size > 0 else np.array([np.nan]) for v in y] else: y = remove_na_arraylike(y) bp = ax.boxplot(y, **kwds) if return_type == "dict": return bp, bp elif return_type == "both": return cls.BP(ax=ax, lines=bp), bp else: return ax, bp def _validate_color_args(self): if "color" in self.kwds: if self.colormap is not None: warnings.warn( "'color' and 'colormap' cannot be used " "simultaneously. Using 'color'" ) self.color = self.kwds.pop("color") if isinstance(self.color, dict): valid_keys = ["boxes", "whiskers", "medians", "caps"] for key in self.color: if key not in valid_keys: raise ValueError( f"color dict contains invalid key '{key}'. " f"The key must be either {valid_keys}" ) else: self.color = None # get standard colors for default colors = get_standard_colors(num_colors=3, colormap=self.colormap, color=None) # use 2 colors by default, for box/whisker and median # flier colors isn't needed here # because it can be specified by ``sym`` kw self._boxes_c = colors[0] self._whiskers_c = colors[0] self._medians_c = colors[2] self._caps_c = "k" # mpl default def _get_colors(self, num_colors=None, color_kwds="color"): pass def maybe_color_bp(self, bp): if isinstance(self.color, dict): boxes = self.color.get("boxes", self._boxes_c) whiskers = self.color.get("whiskers", self._whiskers_c) medians = self.color.get("medians", self._medians_c) caps = self.color.get("caps", self._caps_c) else: # Other types are forwarded to matplotlib # If None, use default colors boxes = self.color or self._boxes_c whiskers = self.color or self._whiskers_c medians = self.color or self._medians_c caps = self.color or self._caps_c # GH 30346, when users specifying those arguments explicitly, our defaults # for these four kwargs should be overridden; if not, use Pandas settings if not self.kwds.get("boxprops"): setp(bp["boxes"], color=boxes, alpha=1) if not self.kwds.get("whiskerprops"): setp(bp["whiskers"], color=whiskers, alpha=1) if not self.kwds.get("medianprops"): setp(bp["medians"], color=medians, alpha=1) if not self.kwds.get("capprops"): setp(bp["caps"], color=caps, alpha=1) def _make_plot(self): if self.subplots: self._return_obj = pd.Series(dtype=object) for i, (label, y) in enumerate(self._iter_data()): ax = self._get_ax(i) kwds = self.kwds.copy() ret, bp = self._plot( ax, y, column_num=i, return_type=self.return_type, **kwds ) self.maybe_color_bp(bp) self._return_obj[label] = ret label = [pprint_thing(label)] self._set_ticklabels(ax, label) else: y = ax = self._get_ax(0) kwds = self.kwds.copy() ret, bp = self._plot( ax, y, column_num=0, return_type=self.return_type, **kwds ) self.maybe_color_bp(bp) self._return_obj = ret labels = [left for left, _ in self._iter_data()] labels = [pprint_thing(left) for left in labels] if not self.use_index: labels = [pprint_thing(key) for key in range(len(labels))] self._set_ticklabels(ax, labels) def _set_ticklabels(self, ax: Axes, labels): if self.orientation == "vertical": ax.set_xticklabels(labels) else: ax.set_yticklabels(labels) def _make_legend(self): pass def _post_plot_logic(self, ax, data): pass @property def orientation(self): if self.kwds.get("vert", True): return "vertical" else: return "horizontal" @property def result(self): if self.return_type is None: return super().result else: return self._return_obj def _grouped_plot_by_column( plotf, data, columns=None, by=None, numeric_only=True, grid=False, figsize=None, ax=None, layout=None, return_type=None, **kwargs, ): grouped = data.groupby(by) if columns is None: if not isinstance(by, (list, tuple)): by = [by] columns = data._get_numeric_data().columns.difference(by) naxes = len(columns) fig, axes = create_subplots( naxes=naxes, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=figsize, ax=ax, layout=layout ) _axes = flatten_axes(axes) ax_values = [] for i, col in enumerate(columns): ax = _axes[i] gp_col = grouped[col] keys, values = zip(*gp_col) re_plotf = plotf(keys, values, ax, **kwargs) ax.set_title(col) ax.set_xlabel(pprint_thing(by)) ax_values.append(re_plotf) ax.grid(grid) result = pd.Series(ax_values, index=columns) # Return axes in multiplot case, maybe revisit later # 985 if return_type is None: result = axes byline = by[0] if len(by) == 1 else by fig.suptitle(f"Boxplot grouped by {byline}") maybe_adjust_figure(fig, bottom=0.15, top=0.9, left=0.1, right=0.9, wspace=0.2) return result def boxplot( data, column=None, by=None, ax=None, fontsize=None, rot=0, grid=True, figsize=None, layout=None, return_type=None, **kwds, ): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # validate return_type: if return_type not in BoxPlot._valid_return_types: raise ValueError("return_type must be {'axes', 'dict', 'both'}") if isinstance(data, pd.Series): data = data.to_frame("x") column = "x" def _get_colors(): # num_colors=3 is required as method maybe_color_bp takes the colors # in positions 0 and 2. # if colors not provided, use same defaults as result = get_standard_colors(num_colors=3) result = np.take(result, [0, 0, 2]) result = np.append(result, "k") colors = kwds.pop("color", None) if colors: if is_dict_like(colors): # replace colors in result array with user-specified colors # taken from the colors dict parameter # "boxes" value placed in position 0, "whiskers" in 1, etc. valid_keys = ["boxes", "whiskers", "medians", "caps"] key_to_index = dict(zip(valid_keys, range(4))) for key, value in colors.items(): if key in valid_keys: result[key_to_index[key]] = value else: raise ValueError( f"color dict contains invalid key '{key}'. " f"The key must be either {valid_keys}" ) else: result.fill(colors) return result def maybe_color_bp(bp, **kwds): # GH 30346, when users specifying those arguments explicitly, our defaults # for these four kwargs should be overridden; if not, use Pandas settings if not kwds.get("boxprops"): setp(bp["boxes"], color=colors[0], alpha=1) if not kwds.get("whiskerprops"): setp(bp["whiskers"], color=colors[1], alpha=1) if not kwds.get("medianprops"): setp(bp["medians"], color=colors[2], alpha=1) if not kwds.get("capprops"): setp(bp["caps"], color=colors[3], alpha=1) def plot_group(keys, values, ax: Axes): keys = [pprint_thing(x) for x in keys] values = [np.asarray(remove_na_arraylike(v), dtype=object) for v in values] bp = ax.boxplot(values, **kwds) if fontsize is not None: ax.tick_params(axis="both", labelsize=fontsize) if kwds.get("vert", 1): ticks = ax.get_xticks() if len(ticks) != len(keys): i, remainder = divmod(len(ticks), len(keys)) assert remainder == 0, remainder keys *= i ax.set_xticklabels(keys, rotation=rot) else: ax.set_yticklabels(keys, rotation=rot) maybe_color_bp(bp, **kwds) # Return axes in multiplot case, maybe revisit later # 985 if return_type == "dict": return bp elif return_type == "both": return BoxPlot.BP(ax=ax, lines=bp) else: return ax colors = _get_colors() if column is None: columns = None else: if isinstance(column, (list, tuple)): columns = column else: columns = [column] if by is not None: # Prefer array return type for 2-D plots to match the subplot layout # result = _grouped_plot_by_column( plot_group, data, columns=columns, by=by, grid=grid, figsize=figsize, ax=ax, layout=layout, return_type=return_type, ) else: if return_type is None: return_type = "axes" if layout is not None: raise ValueError("The 'layout' keyword is not supported when 'by' is None") if ax is None: rc = {"figure.figsize": figsize} if figsize is not None else {} with plt.rc_context(rc): ax = plt.gca() data = data._get_numeric_data() if columns is None: columns = data.columns else: data = data[columns] result = plot_group(columns, data.values.T, ax) ax.grid(grid) return result def boxplot_frame( self, column=None, by=None, ax=None, fontsize=None, rot=0, grid=True, figsize=None, layout=None, return_type=None, **kwds, ): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ax = boxplot( self, column=column, by=by, ax=ax, fontsize=fontsize, grid=grid, rot=rot, figsize=figsize, layout=layout, return_type=return_type, **kwds, ) plt.draw_if_interactive() return ax def boxplot_frame_groupby( grouped, subplots=True, column=None, fontsize=None, rot=0, grid=True, ax=None, figsize=None, layout=None, sharex=False, sharey=True, **kwds, ): if subplots is True: naxes = len(grouped) fig, axes = create_subplots( naxes=naxes, squeeze=False, ax=ax, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey, figsize=figsize, layout=layout, ) axes = flatten_axes(axes) ret = pd.Series(dtype=object) for (key, group), ax in zip(grouped, axes): d = group.boxplot( ax=ax, column=column, fontsize=fontsize, rot=rot, grid=grid, **kwds ) ax.set_title(
"""Rank genes according to differential expression. """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd from math import sqrt, floor from scipy.sparse import issparse from .. import utils from .. import settings from .. import logging as logg from ..preprocessing._simple import _get_mean_var def rank_genes_groups( adata, groupby, use_raw=True, groups='all', reference='rest', n_genes=100, rankby_abs=False, key_added=None, copy=False, method='t-test_overestim_var', corr_method='benjamini-hochberg', **kwds): """Rank genes for characterizing groups. Parameters ---------- adata : :class:`~anndata.AnnData` Annotated data matrix. groupby : `str` The key of the observations grouping to consider. use_raw : `bool`, optional (default: `True`) Use `raw` attribute of `adata` if present. groups : `str`, `list`, optional (default: `'all'`) Subset of groups, e.g. `['g1', 'g2', 'g3']`, to which comparison shall be restricted. If not passed, a ranking will be generated for all groups. reference : `str`, optional (default: `'rest'`) If `'rest'`, compare each group to the union of the rest of the group. If a group identifier, compare with respect to this group. n_genes : `int`, optional (default: 100) The number of genes that appear in the returned tables. method : `{'logreg', 't-test', 'wilcoxon', 't-test_overestim_var'}`, optional (default: 't-test_overestim_var') If 't-test', uses t-test, if 'wilcoxon', uses Wilcoxon-Rank-Sum. If 't-test_overestim_var', overestimates variance of each group. If 'logreg' uses logistic regression, see [Ntranos18]_, `here <>`__ and `here <>`__, for why this is meaningful. corr_method : `{'benjamini-hochberg', 'bonferroni'}`, optional (default: 'benjamini-hochberg') p-value correction method. Used only for 't-test', 't-test_overestim_var', and 'wilcoxon' methods. rankby_abs : `bool`, optional (default: `False`) Rank genes by the absolute value of the score, not by the score. The returned scores are never the absolute values. **kwds : keyword parameters Are passed to test methods. Currently this affects only parameters that are passed to `sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression <>`__. For instance, you can pass `penalty='l1'` to try to come up with a minimal set of genes that are good predictors (sparse solution meaning few non-zero fitted coefficients). Returns ------- names : structured `np.ndarray` (`.uns['rank_genes_groups']`) Structured array to be indexed by group id storing the gene names. Ordered according to scores. scores : structured `np.ndarray` (`.uns['rank_genes_groups']`) Structured array to be indexed by group id storing the z-score underlying the computation of a p-value for each gene for each group. Ordered according to scores. logfoldchanges : structured `np.ndarray` (`.uns['rank_genes_groups']`) Structured array to be indexed by group id storing the log2 fold change for each gene for each group. Ordered according to scores. Only provided if method is 't-test' like. pvals : structured `np.ndarray` (`.uns['rank_genes_groups']`) p-values. pvals_adj : structured `np.ndarray` (`.uns['rank_genes_groups']`) Corrected p-values. Notes ----- There are slight inconsistencies depending on whether sparse or dense data are passed. See `here <>`__. """ if 'only_positive' in kwds: rankby_abs = not kwds.pop('only_positive') # backwards compat'ranking genes', r=True) avail_methods = {'t-test', 't-test_overestim_var', 'wilcoxon', 'logreg'} if method not in avail_methods: raise ValueError('Method must be one of {}.'.format(avail_methods)) avail_corr = {'benjamini-hochberg', 'bonferroni'} if corr_method not in avail_corr: raise ValueError('Correction method must be one of {}.'.format(avail_corr)) adata = adata.copy() if copy else adata utils.sanitize_anndata(adata) # for clarity, rename variable groups_order = groups if isinstance(groups_order, list) and isinstance(groups_order[0], int): groups_order = [str(n) for n in groups_order] if reference != 'rest' and reference not in set(groups_order): groups_order += [reference] if (reference != 'rest' and reference not in set(adata.obs[groupby].cat.categories)): raise ValueError('reference = {} needs to be one of groupby = {}.' .format(reference, adata.obs[groupby].cat.categories.tolist())) groups_order, groups_masks = utils.select_groups( adata, groups_order, groupby) if key_added is None: key_added = 'rank_genes_groups' adata.uns[key_added] = {} adata.uns[key_added]['params'] = { 'groupby': groupby, 'reference': reference, 'method': method, 'use_raw': use_raw, 'corr_method': corr_method, } # adata_comp mocks an AnnData object if use_raw is True # otherwise it's just the AnnData object adata_comp = adata if adata.raw is not None and use_raw: adata_comp = adata.raw X = adata_comp.X # for clarity, rename variable n_genes_user = n_genes # make sure indices are not OoB in case there are less genes than n_genes if n_genes_user > X.shape[1]: n_genes_user = X.shape[1] # in the following, n_genes is simply another name for the total number of genes n_genes = X.shape[1] n_groups = groups_masks.shape[0] ns = np.zeros(n_groups, dtype=int) for imask, mask in enumerate(groups_masks): ns[imask] = np.where(mask)[0].size logg.msg('consider \'{}\' groups:'.format(groupby), groups_order, v=4) logg.msg('with sizes:', ns, v=4) if reference != 'rest': ireference = np.where(groups_order == reference)[0][0] reference_indices = np.arange(adata_comp.n_vars, dtype=int) rankings_gene_scores = [] rankings_gene_names = [] rankings_gene_logfoldchanges = [] rankings_gene_pvals = [] rankings_gene_pvals_adj = [] if method in {'t-test', 't-test_overestim_var'}: from scipy import stats from statsmodels.stats.multitest import multipletests # loop over all masks and compute means, variances and sample numbers means = np.zeros((n_groups, n_genes)) vars = np.zeros((n_groups, n_genes)) for imask, mask in enumerate(groups_masks): means[imask], vars[imask] = _get_mean_var(X[mask]) # test each either against the union of all other groups or against a # specific group for igroup in range(n_groups): if reference == 'rest': mask_rest = ~groups_masks[igroup] else: if igroup == ireference: continue else: mask_rest = groups_masks[ireference] mean_rest, var_rest = _get_mean_var(X[mask_rest]) ns_group = ns[igroup] # number of observations in group if method == 't-test': ns_rest = np.where(mask_rest)[0].size elif method == 't-test_overestim_var': ns_rest = ns[igroup] # hack for overestimating the variance for small groups else: raise ValueError('Method does not exist.') denominator = np.sqrt(vars[igroup]/ns_group + var_rest/ns_rest) denominator[np.flatnonzero(denominator == 0)] = np.nan scores = (means[igroup] - mean_rest) / denominator #Welch t-test mean_rest[mean_rest == 0] = 1e-9 # set 0s to small value foldchanges = (means[igroup] + 1e-9) / mean_rest scores[np.isnan(scores)] = 0 #Get p-values denominator_dof = (np.square(vars[igroup]) / (np.square(ns_group)*(ns_group-1))) + ( (np.square(var_rest) / (np.square(ns_rest) * (ns_rest - 1)))) denominator_dof[np.flatnonzero(denominator_dof == 0)] = np.nan dof = np.square(vars[igroup]/ns_group + var_rest/ns_rest) / denominator_dof # dof calculation for Welch t-test dof[np.isnan(dof)] = 0 pvals = stats.t.sf(abs(scores), dof)*2 # *2 because of two-tailed t-test if corr_method == 'benjamini-hochberg': pvals[np.isnan(pvals)] = 1 # set Nan values to 1 to properly convert using Benhjamini Hochberg _, pvals_adj, _, _ = multipletests(pvals, alpha=0.05, method='fdr_bh') elif corr_method == 'bonferroni': pvals_adj = np.minimum(pvals * n_genes, 1.0) scores_sort = np.abs(scores) if rankby_abs else scores partition = np.argpartition(scores_sort, -n_genes_user)[-n_genes_user:] partial_indices = np.argsort(scores_sort[partition])[::-1] global_indices = reference_indices[partition][partial_indices] rankings_gene_scores.append(scores[global_indices]) rankings_gene_logfoldchanges.append(np.log2(np.abs(foldchanges[global_indices]))) rankings_gene_names.append(adata_comp.var_names[global_indices]) rankings_gene_pvals.append(pvals[global_indices]) rankings_gene_pvals_adj.append(pvals_adj[global_indices]) elif method == 'logreg': # if reference is not set, then the groups listed will be compared to the rest # if reference is set, then the groups listed will be compared only to the other groups listed from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression reference = groups_order[0] if len(groups) == 1: raise Exception('Cannot perform logistic regression on a single cluster.') adata_copy = adata[adata.obs[groupby].isin(groups_order)] adata_comp = adata_copy if adata.raw is not None and use_raw: adata_comp = adata_copy.raw X = adata_comp.X clf = LogisticRegression(**kwds), adata_copy.obs[groupby] scores_all = clf.coef_ for igroup, group in enumerate(groups_order): if len(groups_order) <= 2: # binary logistic regression scores = scores_all[0] else: scores = scores_all[igroup] partition = np.argpartition(scores, -n_genes_user)[-n_genes_user:] partial_indices = np.argsort(scores[partition])[::-1] global_indices = reference_indices[partition][partial_indices] rankings_gene_scores.append(scores[global_indices]) rankings_gene_names.append(adata_comp.var_names[global_indices]) if len(groups_order) <= 2: break elif method == 'wilcoxon': from scipy import stats from statsmodels.stats.multitest import multipletests CONST_MAX_SIZE = 10000000 means = np.zeros((n_groups, n_genes)) vars = np.zeros((n_groups, n_genes)) # initialize space for z-scores scores = np.zeros(n_genes) # First loop: Loop over all genes if reference != 'rest': for imask, mask in enumerate(groups_masks): means[imask], vars[imask] = _get_mean_var(X[mask]) # for fold-change if imask == ireference: continue else: mask_rest = groups_masks[ireference] ns_rest = np.where(mask_rest)[0].size mean_rest, var_rest = _get_mean_var(X[mask_rest]) # for fold-change if ns_rest <= 25 or ns[imask] <= 25: logg.hint('Few observations in a group for ' 'normal approximation (<=25). Lower test accuracy.') n_active = ns[imask] m_active = ns_rest # Now calculate gene expression ranking in chunkes: chunk = [] # Calculate chunk frames n_genes_max_chunk = floor(CONST_MAX_SIZE / (n_active + m_active)) if n_genes_max_chunk < n_genes - 1: chunk_index = n_genes_max_chunk while chunk_index < n_genes - 1: chunk.append(chunk_index) chunk_index = chunk_index + n_genes_max_chunk chunk.append(n_genes - 1) else: chunk.append(n_genes - 1) left = 0 # Calculate rank sums for each chunk for the current mask for chunk_index, right in enumerate(chunk): # Check if issparse is true: AnnData objects are currently sparse.csr or ndarray. if issparse(X): df1 = pd.DataFrame(data=X[mask, left:right].todense()) df2 = pd.DataFrame(data=X[mask_rest, left:right].todense(), index=np.arange(start=n_active, stop=n_active + m_active)) else: df1 =
pd.DataFrame(data=X[mask, left:right])
""" Utility functions used by """ import pypandoc import pandas as pd import numpy as np import altair as alt from jinja2 import Template EPSILON = 1e-9 def run_calc(calc, year, var_list): """ Parameters ---------- calc: tax calculator object year: year to run calculator for var_list: list of variables to return waited total of """ calc.advance_to_year(year) calc.calc_all() totals = {} for var in var_list: totals[var] = calc.weighted_total(var) * 1e-9 return totals def add_bins( dframe, income_measure, num_bins, wt="s006", decile_details=False, weight_by_income_measure=False, ): """ Add a variable to specified Pandas DataFrame, dframe, that specifies the table row and is called 'table_row'. The rows hold equal number of filing units when weight_by_income_measure=False or equal number of income dollars when weight_by_income_measure=True. Assumes that specified dframe contains columns for the specified income_measure and for sample weights, s006. When num_quantiles is 10 and decile_details is True, the bottom decile is broken up into three subgroups (neg, zero, and pos income_measure ) and the top decile is broken into three subgroups (90-95, 95-99, and top 1%). """ assert isinstance(dframe, pd.DataFrame) assert income_measure in dframe if decile_details and num_bins != 10: msg = "decile_details is True when num_quantiles is {}" raise ValueError(msg.format(num_bins)) dframe.sort_values(by=income_measure, inplace=True) if weight_by_income_measure: dframe["cumsum_temp"] = np.cumsum( np.multiply(dframe[income_measure].values, dframe[wt].values) ) min_cumsum = dframe["cumsum_temp"].values[0] else: dframe["cumsum_temp"] = np.cumsum(dframe[wt].values) min_cumsum = 0.0 # because s006 values are non-negative max_cumsum = dframe["cumsum_temp"].values[-1] cumsum_range = max_cumsum - min_cumsum bin_width = cumsum_range / float(num_bins) bin_edges = list(min_cumsum + np.arange(0, (num_bins + 1)) * bin_width) bin_edges[-1] = 9e99 # raise top of last bin to include all observations bin_edges[0] = -9e99 # lower bottom of 1st bin to include all observations if decile_details: assert bin_edges[1] > 1e-9 # bin_edges[1] is top of bottom decile bin_edges.insert(1, 1e-9) # top of zeros bin_edges.insert(1, -1e-9) # top of negatives bin_edges.insert(-1, bin_edges[-2] + 0.5 * bin_width) # top of 90-95 bin_edges.insert(-1, bin_edges[-2] + 0.4 * bin_width) # top of 95-99 num_bins += 4 labels = range(1, (num_bins + 1)) dframe["bins"] = pd.cut( dframe["cumsum_temp"], bin_edges, right=False, labels=labels ) dframe.drop("cumsum_temp", axis=1, inplace=True) return dframe def weighted_mean(pdf, col_name, wt_name="s006"): """ Return weighted mean of col_name Parameters ---------- pdf: Pandas DataFrame object col_name: variable to be averaged wt_name: weight """ return float((pdf[col_name] * pdf[wt_name]).sum()) / float( pdf[wt_name].sum() + EPSILON ) def weighted_sum(pdf, col_name, wt_name="s006"): """ Return weighted sum of col_name Parameters ---------- pdf: Pandas DataFrame object col_name: variable to be averaged wt_name: weight """ return float((pdf[col_name] * pdf[wt_name]).sum()) def percentile( pdf, col_name, num_bins, income_measure, wt="s006", income_wt=False, result_type="avg", decile_details=False, ): """ """ qpdf = add_bins( pdf, income_measure=income_measure, num_bins=num_bins, wt=wt, decile_details=decile_details, weight_by_income_measure=income_wt, ) gpdf = qpdf.groupby("bins", as_index=False) if result_type == "avg": wpdf = gpdf.apply(weighted_mean, col_name) elif result_type == "sum": wpdf = gpdf.apply(weighted_sum, col_name) else: msg = 'result_type must be "avg" or "sum"' raise ValueError(msg) return wpdf def distribution(item, weight, agi): """ Return distribution of item by AGI level """ total = (item * weight).sum() agi_1 = (item[agi < 0] * weight[agi < 0]).sum() pct1 = round(agi_1 / total, 2) agi_2 = (item[(agi > 1) & (agi < 5000)] * weight[(agi > 1) & (agi < 5000)]).sum() pct2 = round(agi_1 / total, 2) agi_3 = ( item[(agi > 5000) & (agi < 10000)] * weight[(agi > 5000) & (agi < 10000)] ).sum() pct3 = round(agi_3 / total, 2) agi_4 = ( item[(agi > 10000) & (agi < 15000)] * weight[(agi > 10000) & (agi < 15000)] ).sum() pct4 = round(agi_4 / total, 2) agi_5 = ( item[(agi > 15000) & (agi < 20000)] * weight[(agi > 15000) & (agi < 20000)] ).sum() pct5 = round(agi_5 / total, 2) agi_6 = ( item[(agi > 20000) & (agi < 25000)] * weight[(agi > 20000) & (agi < 25000)] ).sum() pct6 = round(agi_6 / total, 2) agi_7 = ( item[(agi > 25000) & (agi < 30000)] * weight[(agi > 25000) & (agi < 30000)] ).sum() pct7 = round(agi_7 / total, 2) agi_8 = ( item[(agi > 30000) & (agi < 40000)] * weight[(agi > 30000) & (agi < 40000)] ).sum() pct8 = round(agi_8 / total, 2) agi_9 = ( item[(agi > 40000) & (agi < 50000)] * weight[(agi > 40000) & (agi < 50000)] ).sum() pct9 = round(agi_9 / total, 2) agi_10 = ( item[(agi > 50000) & (agi < 75000)] * weight[(agi > 50000) & (agi < 75000)] ).sum() pct10 = round(agi_10 / total, 2) agi_11 = ( item[(agi > 75000) & (agi < 100_000)] * weight[(agi > 75000) & (agi < 100_000)] ).sum() pct11 = round(agi_11 / total, 2) agi_12 = ( item[(agi > 100_000) & (agi < 200_000)] * weight[(agi > 100_000) & (agi < 200_000)] ).sum() pct12 = round(agi_12 / total, 2) agi_13 = ( item[(agi > 200_000) & (agi < 500_000)] * weight[(agi > 200_000) & (agi < 500_000)] ).sum() pct13 = round(agi_13 / total, 2) agi_14 = ( item[(agi > 500_000) & (agi < 1_000_000)] * weight[(agi > 500_000) & (agi < 1_000_000)] ).sum() pct14 = round(agi_14 / total, 2) agi_15 = ( item[(agi > 1_000_000) & (agi < 1_500_000)] * weight[(agi > 1_000_000) & (agi < 1_500_000)] ).sum() pct15 = round(agi_15 / total, 2) agi_16 = ( item[(agi > 1_500_000) & (agi < 2_000_000)] * weight[(agi > 1_500_000) & (agi < 2_000_000)] ).sum() pct16 = round(agi_16 / total, 2) agi_17 = ( item[(agi > 2_000_000) & (agi < 5_000_000)] * weight[(agi > 2_000_000) & (agi < 5_000_000)] ).sum() pct17 = round(agi_17 / total, 2) agi_18 = ( item[(agi > 5_000_000) & (agi < 10_000_000)] * weight[(agi > 5_000_000) & (agi < 10_000_000)] ).sum() pct18 = round(agi_18 / total, 2) agi_19 = (item[agi > 10_000_000] * weight[agi > 10_000_000]).sum() pct19 = round(agi_19 / total, 2) df = [ agi_1, agi_2, agi_3, agi_4, agi_5, agi_6, agi_7, agi_8, agi_9, agi_10, agi_11, agi_12, agi_13, agi_14, agi_15, agi_16, agi_17, agi_18, agi_19, ] pct = [ pct1, pct2, pct3, pct4, pct5, pct6, pct7, pct8, pct9, pct10, pct11, pct12, pct13, pct14, pct15, pct16, pct17, pct18, pct19, ] index = [ "Zero or Negative", "$1-$5K", "$5K-$10K", "$10K-$15K", "$15K-$20K", "$20K-$25K", "$25K-$30K", "$30K-$40K", "$40K-$50K", "$50K-$75K", "$75K-$100K", "$100K-$200K", "$200K-$500K", "$500K-$1M", "$1M-$1.5M", "$1.5M-$2M", "$2M-$5M", "$5M-$10M", "$10M and over", ] return df, pct, index def distplot( calcs: list, calc_labels: list, var: str, income_measure: str = "expanded_income", result_type: str = "pct", width=800, height=350, title="", ): """ Parameters ---------- calcs: list of tax calculator objects calc_labels: labels for each calculator var: variable whose distribution we're plotting income_measure: income measure used to create bins result_type: pct or sum """ def getdata(calc, var, income_measure): agg, pct, index = distribution( calc.array(var), calc.array("s006"), calc.array(income_measure) ) return agg, pct, index assert result_type in ["pct", "sum"] pltdata = pd.DataFrame() for (calc, label) in zip(calcs, calc_labels): agg, pct, index = getdata(calc, var, income_measure) if result_type == "pct": pltdata[label] = pct else: pltdata[label] = [_ * 1e-9 for _ in agg] pltdata["index"] = index melted =
pd.melt(pltdata, id_vars="index")
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Jun 14 12:06:14 2018 @author: <NAME> Spatial Wastewater Treatment and Allocation Tool SWaTAT """ import glob import pandas as pd import numpy as np import os import logging from functools import reduce from math import pi, exp, sqrt from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as mpatches import matplotlib.colors as colors from plotnine import * from pandas.api.types import CategoricalDtype import pyeto import math math.exp = np.exp math.pow = np.power math.sqrt = np.sqrt math.log = np.log class DataFrame: """ Processes the dataframe and adds all the columns to determine the cheapest option and the final costs and summaries """ def __init__(self, create_dataframe=None, lyr_names=None, dir_files: str = None, input_file=None, file_name=None, save_csv=False, empty=None, cell_area=None): """ Reads all layer datasets stored under a common directory and merges them into a single dataframe, having the option to save the output into a new csv file. """ if not empty: self.lyr_names = lyr_names self.cell_area = cell_area # cell area in km2 if create_dataframe: try: directory = os.getcwd() os.chdir(dir_files) filenames = glob.glob("*.csv") os.chdir(directory) ldf = [] for file in filenames: ldf.append(pd.read_csv(os.path.join(dir_files, file), header=None, names=[lyr_names["X"], lyr_names["Y"], file.split(".")[0]])) self.df = reduce(lambda a, b: pd.merge(a, b, on=[lyr_names["X"], lyr_names["Y"]]), ldf) self.df.loc[self.df[lyr_names["TDS"]] < 0, lyr_names["TDS"]] = 0 self.df.loc[self.df[lyr_names["Region"]] == 1, lyr_names["Region"]] = "Algeria" self.df.loc[self.df[lyr_names["Region"]] == 2, lyr_names["Region"]] = "Tunisia" self.df.loc[self.df[lyr_names["Region"]] == 3, lyr_names["Region"]] = "Libya" self.df.loc[self.df[lyr_names["Region"]] == 0, lyr_names["Region"]] = None if save_csv: self.df.to_csv(file_name + ".gz", index=False) except FileNotFoundError: print('No .csv files were found in the directory!') else: try: self.df = pd.read_csv(input_file) except FileNotFoundError: print('Not such file in directory!') self.df = self.df.dropna(subset=['Region']) def copy(self, copy_data): """ Creates a copy of the object """ self.lyr_names = copy_data.lyr_names.copy() self.cell_area = copy_data.cell_area self.df = copy_data.df.copy() def is_region(self, value, name='Region', over=False): """ Calculates a boolean vector telling which data cells are from a specific region """ if over: return self.df[name] > value else: return self.df[name] == value def is_urban(self): """ Calculates a boolean vector telling which data cells are urban population """ return self.df[self.lyr_names['IsUrban']] == 1 def calibrate_pop_and_urban(self, geo_boundary, region, pop_actual, pop_future, urban, urban_future, urban_cutoff): """ Calibrate the actual current population, the urban split and forecast the future population """ is_region = self.is_region(region, name=geo_boundary) is_urban = self.is_urban() max_pop = self.df.loc[is_region, self.lyr_names["Population"]].sum() # Calculate the ratio between the actual population and the total population from the GIS layer'Calibrate current population') pop_ratio = pop_actual / self.df.loc[is_region, self.lyr_names["Population"]].sum() # And use this ratio to calibrate the population in a new column self.df.loc[is_region, self.lyr_names["Population"]] = self.df.loc[ is_region, self.lyr_names['Population']] * pop_ratio # Calculate the urban split, by calibrating the cutoff until the target ratio is achieved # Keep looping until it is satisfied or another break conditions is reached'Calibrate urban split') if urban == 0: urban_cutoff = 'Unknown' urban_modelled = 0 self.df.loc[is_region, self.lyr_names['IsUrban']] = 0 urban_growth = 0 rural_growth = ((1 - urban_future) * pop_future) / ((1 - urban) * pop_actual) elif urban == 1: urban_cutoff = 'Unknown' urban_modelled = 1 self.df.loc[is_region, self.lyr_names['IsUrban']] = 1 urban_growth = (urban_future * pop_future) / (urban * pop_actual) rural_growth = 0 else: count = 0 prev_vals = [] # Stores cutoff values that have already been tried to prevent getting stuck in a loop accuracy = 0.005 max_iterations = 30 urban_modelled = 0 while True: # Assign the 1 (urban)/0 (rural) values to each cell self.df.loc[is_region, self.lyr_names['IsUrban']] = self.df.loc[is_region, self.lyr_names[ "Population"]] > urban_cutoff is_urban = self.is_urban() # Get the calculated urban ratio, and limit it to within reasonable boundaries pop_urb = self.df.loc[(is_region) & (is_urban), self.lyr_names["Population"]].sum() urban_modelled = pop_urb / pop_actual if abs(urban_modelled - urban) < accuracy: break else: urban_cutoff = sorted([0.005, urban_cutoff - urban_cutoff * 2 * (urban - urban_modelled) / urban, max_pop])[1] if urban_modelled == 0: urban_modelled = 0.05 elif urban_modelled == 1: urban_modelled = 0.999 if urban_cutoff in prev_vals:'NOT SATISFIED: repeating myself') break else: prev_vals.append(urban_cutoff) if count >= max_iterations:'NOT SATISFIED: got to {}'.format(max_iterations)) break count += 1 # Project future population, with separate growth rates for urban and rural'Project future population') urban_growth = (urban_future * pop_future) / (urban * pop_actual) rural_growth = ((1 - urban_future) * pop_future) / ((1 - urban) * pop_actual) self.df.loc[(is_urban) & (is_region), self.lyr_names['PopulationFuture']] = self.df.loc[ (is_urban) & (is_region), self.lyr_names[ "Population"]] * urban_growth self.df.loc[(1 - is_urban) & (is_region), self.lyr_names['PopulationFuture']] = self.df.loc[(1 - is_urban) & ( is_region), self.lyr_names["Population"]] * rural_growth return urban_cutoff, urban_modelled def calculate_irrigation_system(self, geo_boundary, region, total_irrigated_area, irrigation_per_ha, irrigated_area_growth): """ creates a column with the irrigation water needs per cell area """ is_region = self.is_region(region, name=geo_boundary) if self.df.loc[is_region, "IrrigatedArea"].sum() == 0: area_ratio = 0 else: area_ratio = total_irrigated_area / self.df.loc[is_region, "IrrigatedArea"].sum() self.df.loc[is_region, 'IrrigatedArea'] = self.df.loc[is_region, 'IrrigatedArea'] * area_ratio self.df.loc[is_region, 'IrrigatedAreaFuture'] = self.df.loc[is_region, 'IrrigatedArea'] * irrigated_area_growth self.df.loc[is_region, 'IrrigatedAreaAverage'] = (self.df.loc[is_region, 'IrrigatedArea'] + self.df.loc[is_region, 'IrrigatedAreaFuture']) / 2 self.df.loc[is_region, 'IrrigationWater'] = irrigation_per_ha * self.df['IrrigatedArea'] self.df.loc[is_region, 'IrrigationWaterFuture'] = irrigation_per_ha * self.df['IrrigatedAreaFuture'] self.df.loc[is_region, 'IrrigationWaterAverage'] = (self.df.loc[is_region, 'IrrigationWater'] + self.df.loc[is_region, 'IrrigationWaterFuture']) / 2 def calculate_population_water(self, geo_boundary, region, urban_uni_water, rural_uni_water): """ Calculate the population water consumption """ is_region = self.is_region(region, name=geo_boundary) is_urban = self.is_urban() self.df.loc[is_region & is_urban, 'PopulationWater'] = self.df.loc[is_region & is_urban, "Population"] * urban_uni_water self.df.loc[is_region & (1 - is_urban), 'PopulationWater'] = self.df.loc[is_region & (1 - is_urban), "Population"] * rural_uni_water self.df.loc[is_region & is_urban, 'PopulationWaterFuture'] = self.df.loc[is_region & is_urban, "PopulationFuture"] * urban_uni_water self.df.loc[is_region & (1 - is_urban), 'PopulationWaterFuture'] = self.df.loc[is_region & (1 - is_urban), "PopulationFuture"] * rural_uni_water self.df.loc[is_region, 'PopulationWaterAverage'] = (self.df.loc[is_region, 'PopulationWater'] + self.df.loc[is_region, 'PopulationWaterFuture']) / 2 def total_withdrawals(self, region=None): """ Calculates the total water withdrawals per cell area """ self.df['TotalWithdrawals'] = self.df['PopulationWater'] + self.df['IrrigationWater'] self.df['TotalAverageWithdrawals'] = self.df['PopulationWaterAverage'] + self.df['IrrigationWaterAverage'] def recharge_rate(self, geo_boundary, region, recharge_rate, environmental_flow): """ Calculates the recharge rate and environmental flow per cell area """ is_region = self.is_region(region, name=geo_boundary) self.df.loc[is_region, 'RechargeRate'] = recharge_rate / 1000 * self.cell_area ** 2 * 1000 ** 2 self.df.loc[is_region, 'EnvironmentalFlow'] = environmental_flow / 1000 * self.cell_area ** 2 * 1000 ** 2 def groundwater_stress(self, geo_boundary, region, withdrawals, time=''): """ calculates the groundwater stress of each cell, based on the area annual water withdrawals, the area-average annual recharge rate and the environmental stream flow """ is_region = self.is_region(region, name=geo_boundary) self.df.loc[is_region, f'GroundwaterStress{time}'] = withdrawals.loc[is_region] / (self.df.loc[is_region, 'RechargeRate'] - self.df.loc[is_region, 'EnvironmentalFlow']) def groundwater_pumping_energy(self, geo_boundary, region, hours, density, delivered_head, pump_efficiency=1, calculate_friction=False, viscosity=None, pipe=None): ''' Calculates the energy requirements for pumping groundwater based on the water table level, and the friction losses (in kWh/m3) ''' is_region = self.is_region(region, name=geo_boundary) if calculate_friction: flow = self.df.loc[is_region, 'IrrigationWater'] / (hours * 60 * 60) self.df.loc[is_region, 'GWPumpingEnergy'] = (density * 9.81 * ( delivered_head + self.df.loc[is_region, 'GroundwaterDepth']) + pipe.calculate_pressure_drop(density, flow, viscosity, self.df.loc[ is_region, 'GroundwaterDepth'])) / 3600000 / pump_efficiency else: self.df.loc[is_region, 'GWPumpingEnergy'] = (density * 9.81 * ( delivered_head + self.df.loc[is_region, 'GroundwaterDepth'])) / 3600000 / pump_efficiency def reverse_osmosis_energy(self, geo_boundary, region, threshold, osmosis): """ Calculates the energy required for desalinisation of groundwater in each cell (kWh/m3) """ is_region = self.is_region(region, name=geo_boundary) temperature = self.df.loc[is_region, 'GroundwaterTemperature'] solutes = self.df.loc[is_region, 'GroundwaterSolutes'] concentration = self.df.loc[is_region, 'TDS'] self.df.loc[is_region, 'DesalinationEnergy'] = osmosis.minimum_energy(solutes, concentration, temperature) self.df.loc[is_region & (self.df['TDS'] <= threshold), 'DesalinationEnergy'] = 0 def total_energy(self): """ Aggregates groundwater pumping and desalination energy requirements """ self.df['IrrigationPumpingEnergy'] = self.df['GWPumpingEnergy'] * self.df['IrrigationWaterAverage'] self.df['IrrigationDesalinationEnergy'] = self.df['DesalinationEnergy'] * self.df['IrrigationWaterAverage'] self.df['IrrigationEnergyTotal'] = self.df['IrrigationDesalinationEnergy'] + self.df['IrrigationPumpingEnergy'] self.df['PopulationPumpingEnergy'] = self.df['GWPumpingEnergy'] * self.df['PopulationWaterAverage'] self.df['PopulationDesalinationEnergy'] = self.df['DesalinationEnergy'] * self.df['PopulationWaterAverage'] self.df['PopulationEnergyTotal'] = self.df['PopulationDesalinationEnergy'] + self.df['PopulationPumpingEnergy'] def clustering_algorithm(self, population_min, irrigated_min, cluster_num, clusterize): """ Runs a clustering algorithm that combines and classify the population and irrigated area into clusters """ if clusterize: clustering_vector = self.df.loc[ (self.df['PopulationFuture'] > population_min) | (self.df['IrrigatedAreaFuture'] > irrigated_min), ['X', 'Y']] hc = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=cluster_num, affinity='euclidean', linkage='ward') # save clusters for chart y_hc = hc.fit_predict(clustering_vector) clustering_vector['Cluster'] = y_hc self.newdf = self.df.merge(clustering_vector, on=[self.lyr_names["X"], self.lyr_names["Y"]], how='outer') else: self.df.loc[(self.df['PopulationFuture'] <= population_min) & ( self.df['IrrigatedAreaFuture'] <= irrigated_min), 'Cluster'] = None def calculate_per_cluster(self, cluster, parameter, variable, min_variable): """ Calculates the sum of a parameter per cluster """ is_region = self.is_region(cluster, 'Cluster') is_type = self.is_region(min_variable, variable, over=True) self.df.loc[is_region & is_type, parameter + 'PerCluster'] = self.df.loc[ is_region & is_type, parameter].sum() def get_evap_i(self, lat, elev, wind, srad, tmin, tmax, tavg, month): """ Uses the Pyeto library to calculate all climatic variables needed for running FAO56 Penman Monteith for an open water body and runs and returns the FAO56 Penman Monteith result """ J = 15 + (month - 1) * 30 latitude = pyeto.deg2rad(lat) atmosphericVapourPressure = pyeto.avp_from_tmin(tmin) saturationVapourPressure = pyeto.svp_from_t(tavg) ird = pyeto.inv_rel_dist_earth_sun(J) solarDeclination = pyeto.sol_dec(J) sha = [pyeto.sunset_hour_angle(l, solarDeclination) for l in latitude] extraterrestrialRad = [pyeto.et_rad(x, solarDeclination, y, ird) for x, y in zip(latitude, sha)] clearSkyRad = pyeto.cs_rad(elev, extraterrestrialRad) netInSolRadnet = pyeto.net_in_sol_rad(srad * 0.001, albedo=0.05) netOutSolRadnet = pyeto.net_out_lw_rad(tmin, tmax, srad * 0.001, clearSkyRad, atmosphericVapourPressure) netRadiation = pyeto.net_rad(netInSolRadnet, netOutSolRadnet) tempKelvin = pyeto.celsius2kelvin(tavg) windSpeed2m = pyeto.wind_speed_2m(wind, 10) slopeSvp = pyeto.delta_svp(tavg) atmPressure = pyeto.atm_pressure(elev) psyConstant = pyeto.psy_const(atmPressure) return self.fao56_penman_monteith(netRadiation, tempKelvin, windSpeed2m, saturationVapourPressure, atmosphericVapourPressure, slopeSvp, psyConstant, 0.002, 0) def get_eto(self, eto, lat, elevation, wind, srad, tmin, tmax, tavg): ''' calculate ETo for each row for each month ''' for i in range(1, 13): self.df['{}_{}'.format(eto, i)] = 0 self.df['{}_{}'.format(eto, i)] = self.get_evap_i(self.df[lat], self.df[elevation], self.df['{}_{}'.format(wind, i)], self.df['{}_{}'.format(srad, i)], self.df['{}_{}'.format(tmin, i)], self.df['{}_{}'.format(tmax, i)], self.df['{}_{}'.format(tavg, i)], i) * 30 def fao56_penman_monteith(self, net_rad, t, ws, svp, avp, delta_svp, psy, h, rs=70, shf=0.0): """ Estimate reference evapotranspiration (ETo) from a hypothetical short grass reference surface using the FAO-56 Penman-Monteith equation. Based on equation 6 in Allen et al (1998). :param net_rad: Net radiation at crop surface [MJ m-2 day-1]. If necessary this can be estimated using ``net_rad()``. :param t: Air temperature at 2 m height [deg Kelvin]. :param ws: Wind speed at 2 m height [m s-1]. If not measured at 2m, convert using ``wind_speed_at_2m()``. :param svp: Saturation vapour pressure [kPa]. Can be estimated using ``svp_from_t()''. :param avp: Actual vapour pressure [kPa]. Can be estimated using a range of functions with names beginning with 'avp_from'. :param delta_svp: Slope of saturation vapour pressure curve [kPa degC-1]. Can be estimated using ``delta_svp()``. :param psy: Psychrometric constant [kPa deg C]. Can be estimatred using ``psy_const_of_psychrometer()`` or ``psy_const()``. :param shf: Soil heat flux (G) [MJ m-2 day-1] (default is 0.0, which is reasonable for a daily or 10-day time steps). For monthly time steps *shf* can be estimated using ``monthly_soil_heat_flux()`` or ``monthly_soil_heat_flux2()``. :return: Reference evapotranspiration (ETo) from a hypothetical grass reference surface [mm day-1]. :rtype: float """ ra_constant = math.log((2 - 2 / 3 * h) / (0.123 * h)) * math.log((2 - 2 / 3 * h) / (0.1 * 0.123 * h)) / ( 0.41 ** 2) constant = 86400 * 0.622 / (1.01 * 0.287 * ra_constant) a1 = (0.408 * (net_rad - shf) * delta_svp / (delta_svp + (psy * (1 + (rs / ra_constant) * ws)))) a2 = (constant * ws / t * (svp - avp) * psy / (delta_svp + (psy * (1 + (rs / ra_constant) * ws)))) return a1 + a2 def calculate_capex(self, treatment_system_name, treatment_system, values, parameter, variable, limit, limit_func): """ Calculates the CAPEX for each treatment technology in each cluster """ population_total = self.df['PopulationFuturePerCluster'].dropna() water_total = self.df[variable + 'ReclaimedWater'].dropna() limit = np.array(list(limit) * water_total.shape[0]) if 'water' in limit_func: water = limit limit_multiplier = np.floor(water_total / limit) population = np.floor(population_total / limit_multiplier) func = create_function(treatment_system, parameter, values) self.df.loc[self.df['Cluster'].notna(), treatment_system_name] = eval(func) * limit_multiplier water = water_total % limit population = population_total % limit_multiplier self.df.loc[self.df['Cluster'].notna(), treatment_system_name] = self.df[treatment_system_name].dropna( subset=['Cluster']) + eval(func) elif 'population' in limit_func: population = limit limit_multiplier = np.floor(population_total / limit) water = np.floor(water_total / limit_multiplier) func = create_function(treatment_system, parameter, values) self.df.loc[self.df['Cluster'].notna(), treatment_system_name] = eval(func) * limit_multiplier population = population_total % limit water = water_total % limit_multiplier self.df.loc[self.df['Cluster'].notna(), treatment_system_name] = self.df[treatment_system_name].dropna( subset=['Cluster']) + eval(func) else: water = water_total population = population_total func = create_function(treatment_system, parameter, values) self.df.loc[self.df[variable + 'ReclaimedWater'].notna(), treatment_system_name] = eval(func) def calculate_opex(self, treatment_system_name, treatment_system, values, water_fraction, parameter, variable, years): """ Calculates the OPEX for each treatment technology in each cluster """ if variable == 'Population': growth = 'PopulationGrowthPerCluster' elif variable == 'Irrigation': growth = 'IrrigatedGrowthPerCluster' year = np.arange(years + 1) population = np.array( [x * (1 + y) ** year for x, y in np.array(self.df[['PopulationPerCluster', growth]].dropna())]) water = np.array( [x * (1 + y) ** year for x, y in np.array(self.df[[variable + 'ReclaimedWater', growth]].dropna())]) func = create_function(treatment_system, parameter, values) return eval(func) def calculate_treatment_energy(self, treatment_system_name, treatment_system, values, parameter, variable, time=''): """ Calculates the energy requirements for the specified treatment system """ population = self.df.groupby('Cluster').agg({'PopulationFuturePerCluster': 'first'}) water = self.df.groupby('Cluster').agg({variable + f'{time}ReclaimedWater': 'first'}) func = create_function(treatment_system, parameter, values) self.df[treatment_system_name] = self.df['Cluster'].map(eval(func).iloc[:, 0]) def calculate_lcow_capex(self, variable, investment_var, water_var, degradation_factor, income_tax_factor, future_var, years, discount_rate): """ Calculates the levelised cost of water for the capex """ if 'Population' in variable: growth = 'PopulationGrowthPerCluster' elif 'Irrigation' in variable: growth = 'IrrigatedGrowthPerCluster' year = np.arange(years + 1) discount_factor = (1 / (1 + discount_rate)) ** year water = np.array( [x * (1 + y) ** year for x, y in np.array(self.df[[variable + 'ReclaimedWater', growth]].dropna())]) self.df[investment_var + '_LCOW'] = None a = self.df.loc[self.df[variable + 'ReclaimedWater'].notna(), investment_var] b = np.array([sum(x * discount_factor) for x in water]) self.df.loc[ self.df[variable + 'ReclaimedWater'].notna(), investment_var + '_LCOW'] = income_tax_factor * np.divide(a, b, out=np.zeros_like( a), where=b != 0) def calculate_lcow_opex(self, variable, op_cost_var, water_var, degradation_factor, present_var, future_var, years, discount_rate, opex_data): """ Calculates the levelised cost of water for the opex """ if variable == 'Population': growth = 'PopulationGrowthPerCluster' elif variable == 'Irrigation': growth = 'IrrigatedGrowthPerCluster' year = np.arange(years + 1) discount_factor = (1 / (1 + discount_rate)) ** year water = np.array( [x * (1 + y) ** year for x, y in np.array(self.df[[variable + 'ReclaimedWater', growth]].dropna())]) self.df[op_cost_var + '_LCOW'] = None a = np.array([sum(x * discount_factor) for x in opex_data]) b = np.array([sum(x * discount_factor) for x in water]) self.df.loc[self.df[variable + 'ReclaimedWater'].notna(), op_cost_var + '_LCOW'] = np.divide(a, b, out=np.zeros_like(a), where=b != 0) def calculate_lcow(self, name): """ Calculates the total LCOW for a technology """ self.df[name + 'LCOW'] = self.df[name + 'OPEX_LCOW'] + self.df[name + 'CAPEX_LCOW'] def least_cost_technology(self, systems, variable): """ Chooses the least-cost system in the cluster """ systems_list = [] for system in systems: self.df[system] = pd.to_numeric(self.df[system]) self.df[variable + 'Technology'] = self.df[systems].idxmin(axis=1) class_name = {} for i, system in enumerate(systems): class_name[str(i + 1)] = system.split('LCOW')[0] systems_list.append(self.df[system]) bool_vector = self.df[variable + 'Technology'] == system self.df.loc[bool_vector, variable + 'Technology'] = str(i + 1) self.df[variable] = reduce(lambda a, b: np.minimum(a, b), systems_list) self.df.loc[self.df[variable].isna(), variable + 'Technology'] = str(0) class_name['0'] = 'Na' return class_name def least_cost_system(self, variables, dic_1, dic_2): """ Gets te least cost system """ class_name = {} self.df['LeastCostSystem'] = self.df[variables[0]] + self.df[variables[1]] for system in set(self.df['LeastCostSystem'].dropna()): class_name[system] = dic_1[system[0]] + ', ' + dic_2[system[1]] return class_name def calculate_reclaimed_water(self, pop_water_fraction, time=''): """ Calculates the potential reused water per cluster """ not_na = self.df[f'IrrigationWater{time}PerCluster'].notna() self.df[f'Population{time}ReclaimedWater'] = None self.df[f'Irrigation{time}ReclaimedWater'] = None self.df[f'Population{time}ReclaimedWater'] = self.df[f'PopulationWater{time}PerCluster'].dropna() * pop_water_fraction self.df.loc[not_na, f'Irrigation{time}ReclaimedWater'] = self.df.loc[not_na].set_index('Cluster') self.df.loc[not_na].groupby('Cluster')[f'Irrigation{time}ReusedWater'].sum()) self.df.loc[self.df[f'Irrigation{time}ReclaimedWater'] == 0, f'Irrigation{time}ReclaimedWater'] = None def get_storage(self, leakage, area_percent, storage_depth, agri_water_req, agri_non_recoverable, time=''): """ Calculate the losses in the on-farm storage through the year, based on a water balance (leakage + evaporation) Parameters ---------- leakage : float Leakage in mm per day of water percolated in the on-farm storage. area_percent : float Percentage of area covered by the on-farm storage. storage_depth : float Depth of the on-farm storage in meters. """ not_na = self.df[f'IrrigationWater{time}PerCluster'].notna() self.df.loc[not_na, 'available_storage'] = area_percent * storage_depth * self.df.loc[ not_na, 'IrrigatedAreaFuture'] * 10000 self.df.loc[not_na, 'leakage_month'] = (leakage / 1000) * 30 * area_percent * self.df.loc[ not_na, 'IrrigatedAreaFuture'] * 10000 recoverable_water = (self.df.loc[not_na, f'IrrigationWater{time}'] - ( self.df.loc[not_na, agri_water_req] * self.df.loc[not_na, 'IrrigatedAreaFuture'] / ( 1 - agri_non_recoverable))) recoverable_water[recoverable_water < 0] = 0 for i in range(1, 13): self.df.loc[not_na, f'stored_{i}'] = recoverable_water / 12 - \ (self.df.loc[not_na, 'leakage_month'] + \ ((self.df.loc[not_na, f'eto_{i}'] / 1000) * area_percent * self.df.loc[not_na, 'IrrigatedAreaFuture'] * 10000)) self.df.loc[not_na & (self.df[f'stored_{i}'] < 0), f'stored_{i}'] = 0 self.df.loc[not_na, f'stored_percentage_{i}'] = self.df.loc[not_na, f'stored_{i}'] / self.df.loc[ not_na, 'available_storage'] self.df.loc[not_na & (self.df[f'stored_percentage_{i}'] > 1), f'stored_{i}'] = self.df.loc[ not_na & (self.df[f'stored_percentage_{i}'] > 1), 'available_storage'] def reused_water(self, pop_water_fraction, pop_percentage_of_reuse, time=''): """ Calculates the total final amount of water extracted for irrigation after reuse """ not_na = self.df[f'IrrigationWater{time}PerCluster'].notna() self.df.loc[not_na, f'Irrigation{time}ReusedWater'] = self.df.loc[not_na].filter(regex='stored_[1-9]').sum(axis=1) self.calculate_reclaimed_water(pop_water_fraction, time=time) # self.df['IrrigationReclaimedWater'] = self.df.set_index('Cluster') # self.df.groupby('Cluster')['IrrigationReusedWater'].sum()) self.df[f'Final{time}IrrigationWater'] = 0 self.df.loc[not_na, f'Final{time}IrrigationWater'] = self.df.loc[not_na, f'IrrigationWater{time}'] - self.df.loc[ not_na, f'Irrigation{time}ReusedWater'] self.losses = 0 self.df[f'Population{time}ReusedWater'] = 0 for cluster in set(self.df['Cluster'].dropna()): is_cluster = self.is_region(cluster, 'Cluster') count = self.df.loc[is_cluster, f'IrrigationWater{time}PerCluster'].dropna().count() pop_water = self.df.loc[is_cluster, f'Population{time}ReclaimedWater'].dropna().mean() * pop_percentage_of_reuse while (count > 0) and (pop_water > 0): self.df.loc[ (is_cluster) & (not_na) & (self.df[f'Final{time}IrrigationWater'] > 0), f'Final{time}IrrigationWater'] -= ( pop_water / count) self.df.loc[ (is_cluster) & (not_na) & (self.df[f'Final{time}IrrigationWater'] > 0), f'Population{time}ReusedWater'] += ( pop_water / count) remaining_water = self.df.loc[ (is_cluster) & (self.df[f'Final{time}IrrigationWater'] < 0), f'Final{time}IrrigationWater'].dropna().sum() self.df.loc[(is_cluster) & (self.df[f'Final{time}IrrigationWater'] < 0), f'Final{time}IrrigationWater'] = 0 count = self.df.loc[ (is_cluster) & (not_na) & (self.df[f'Final{time}IrrigationWater'] > 0), f'Final{time}IrrigationWater'].count() pop_water = remaining_water * (-1) self.df[f'Final{time}WaterWithdrawals'] = self.df[[f'Final{time}IrrigationWater', f'PopulationWater{time}']].sum(axis=1) def get_water_stats(self): """ Caluculates basic water use statistics """ df = self.df.loc[self.df.Cluster.notna()] withdrawals_per_cluster = df.groupby('Cluster').agg({ 'FinalAverageWaterWithdrawals': 'sum', 'TotalWithdrawals': 'sum', 'IrrigationReusedWater': 'sum', 'PopulationReusedWater': 'sum', 'PopulationWater': 'sum', 'FinalIrrigationWater': 'sum'}) withdrawals_total = pd.DataFrame({'Irrigation extractions': df['FinalIrrigationWater'].sum(), 'Population extractions': df['PopulationWater'].sum(), 'Reused water from irrigation': df['IrrigationReusedWater'].sum(), 'Reused water from population': df['PopulationReusedWater'].sum(), 'Final withdrawals': df['FinalWaterWithdrawals'].sum(), 'Baseline withdrawals': df['TotalWithdrawals'].sum()}, index=[0]) withdrawals_baseline = pd.DataFrame({'Irrigation extractions': df['IrrigationWater'].sum(), 'Population extractions': df['PopulationWater'].sum(), 'Reused water from irrigation': 0, 'Reused water from population': 0, 'Baseline withdrawals': df['TotalWithdrawals'].sum()}, index=[0]) return withdrawals_per_cluster, withdrawals_total, withdrawals_baseline def calculate_final_energy(self, treatment_systems_pop, treatment_systems_agri, time=''): """ Calculates the energy requirements for pumping, desalinating and treatment for each cell area """ self.df[f'Final{time}PumpingEnergy'] = self.df['GWPumpingEnergy'] * self.df[f'Final{time}WaterWithdrawals'] self.df[f'Final{time}DesalinationEnergy'] = self.df['DesalinationEnergy'] * self.df[f'Final{time}WaterWithdrawals'] self.df[f'Final{time}Energy'] = self.df[f'Final{time}PumpingEnergy'] + self.df[f'Final{time}DesalinationEnergy'] systems_vector_pop = self.df['PopulationLeastCostTechnology'].apply( lambda row: treatment_systems_pop[row] + f'{time}Energy') systems_vector_agri = self.df['IrrigationLeastCostTechnology'].apply( lambda row: treatment_systems_agri[row] + f'{time}Energy') self.df[f'Final{time}PopTreatmentEnergy'] = None self.df[f'Final{time}AgriTreatmentEnergy'] = None systems_vector_pop.loc[systems_vector_pop == f'Na{time}Energy'] = None systems_vector_agri.loc[systems_vector_agri == f'Na{time}Energy'] = None for value in set(systems_vector_pop.dropna()): index_vec = systems_vector_pop == value self.df.loc[index_vec, f'Final{time}PopTreatmentEnergy'] = self.df.loc[index_vec, value] for value in set(systems_vector_agri.dropna()): index_vec = systems_vector_agri == value self.df.loc[index_vec, f'Final{time}AgriTreatmentEnergy'] = self.df.loc[index_vec, value] self.df[f'Final{time}TreatmentEnergy'] = self.df[[f'Final{time}PopTreatmentEnergy', f'Final{time}AgriTreatmentEnergy']].sum(axis=1) def least_cost_option(self): """ Gets te best option for each cell between the conventional and the least-cost evaluated system """ self.df['IrrigationWaterPerCluster'] = self.df['IrrigationWaterPerCluster'].fillna(0) self.df['PopulationWaterPerCluster'] = self.df['PopulationWaterPerCluster'].fillna(0) self.df['IrrigationLeastCost'] = self.df['IrrigationLeastCost'].fillna(0) self.df['PopulationLeastCost'] = self.df['PopulationLeastCost'].fillna(0) self.df['PotentialReusedWater'] = self.df['IrrigationWaterPerCluster'] + self.df['PopulationWaterPerCluster'] self.df['PotentialTotalCost'] = self.df['IrrigationLeastCost'] * self.df['IrrigationWaterPerCluster'] + \ self.df['PopulationLeastCost'] * self.df['PopulationWaterPerCluster'] self.df['CombinedLeastCost'] = pd.to_numeric(self.df['PotentialTotalCost'] / self.df['PotentialReusedWater']) self.df['LeastCostOption'] = self.df[['CombinedLeastCost', 'IrrigationWaterCost']].idxmin(axis=1) self.df.loc[self.df['LeastCostOption'] == 'CombinedLeastCost', 'LeastCostOption'] = self.df.loc[ self.df['LeastCostOption'] == 'CombinedLeastCost', 'LeastCostSystem'] self.df.loc[self.df['LeastCostOption'] == 'IrrigationWaterCost', 'LeastCostOption'] = '-1' class PipeSystem: """ Creates an object for the piping system used in and specific region """ def __init__(self, diameter, roughness): """ Stores the information of the technology into parameters """ self.diameter = diameter self.roughness = roughness / 1000 self.area = pi * (self.diameter / 2) ** 2 def calculate_velocity(self, flow): """ Calculates the fluid velocity """ flow = flow return flow / self.area def calculate_reynolds(self, velocity, viscosity): """ Calculates the Reynolds number """ viscosity = viscosity / (1000 ** 2) return velocity * self.diameter / viscosity def calculate_friction_factor(self, velocity, viscosity): """ Calculates the friction factor """ Re = self.calculate_reynolds(velocity, viscosity) return 8 * ((8 / Re) ** 12 + ( (2.457 * (1 / ((7 / Re) ** 0.9) + 0.27 * self.roughness / self.diameter)) ** 16 + ( 37530 / Re) ** 16) ** (-1.5)) ** (1 / 12) def calculate_pressure_drop(self, density, flow, viscosity, length): """ Calculates the pressure drop due to friction of the fluid against the walls of the pipe """ velocity = self.calculate_velocity(flow) return self.calculate_friction_factor(velocity, viscosity) * (length / self.diameter) * ( density * (velocity ** 2) / 2) class ReverseOsmosis: """ Creates an object to model the reverse osmosis energy needs """ def __init__(self, osmotic_coefficient, efficiency): """ Stores the information of the technology into parameters """ self.efficiency = efficiency self.osmotic_coefficient = osmotic_coefficient self.solutes_dissociation = {'NaCl': 2, 'SrSO4': 2, 'glucose': 1} self.solutes_molar_mass = {'NaCl': 58.4, 'SrSO4': 183.6, 'glucose': 180} def molar_concentration(self, solute, concentration): """ Calculates the molar concentration of ions """ solutes_dissociation = np.array([self.solutes_dissociation[x] for x in solute]) solutes_molar_mass = np.array([self.solutes_molar_mass[x] for x in solute]) return solutes_dissociation * concentration / (10 ** 3 * solutes_molar_mass) def osmotic_pressure(self, solutes, concentration, temperature): """ Calculate the osmotic pressure of the feed water """ return self.osmotic_coefficient * self.molar_concentration(solutes, concentration) * 0.083145 * ( temperature + 273) def minimum_energy(self, solutes, concentration, temperature): """ Calculates the minimun energy (in kWh/m3)required for desalination """ return self.osmotic_pressure(solutes, concentration, temperature) / 36 def convert_m3_to_mm(cell_area, path, df, *layers): """ Convert water withdrawals from cubic meters to mm, based on the cell area, and saves it """ for layer in layers: print(' - Saving {} layer...'.format(layer)) temp_layer = df.loc[:, ['X', 'Y', layer]] temp_layer[layer] = temp_layer[layer] / (1000 ** 2) * 100 temp_layer.to_csv(path + "/CSV/" + layer + ".csv", index=False) def save_layers(path, df, *layers): """ Saves the specified results layers in separate csv files """ try: for layer in layers: print(' - Saving {} layer...'.format(layer)) temp_layer = df[['X', 'Y', layer]] temp_layer.to_csv(path + "/CSV/" + layer + ".gz", index=False) except: print(layer + ' layer not found') def delete_files(folder): """ Delete file from folder """ for the_file in os.listdir(folder): file_path = os.path.join(folder, the_file) try: if os.path.isfile(file_path): os.unlink(file_path) except Exception as e: print(e) def multiple_sheet_excel(xls, input_string): """ Read multiple sheets from excel file into a dictionary """ if input_string != 'all': sheets = [xls.sheet_names[int(x.strip()) - 1] for x in input_string.split(',')] else: sheets = xls.sheet_names xls_dfs = {} for sheet in sheets: xls_dfs[sheet] = xls.parse(sheet) return xls_dfs def create_function(treatment_system, parameter, values): """ Creates a function based on user input """ func = str(treatment_system.loc[0, parameter]) func = func.replace(' ', '') for key, value in values.items(): func = func.replace(key, str(value)) return func def calculate_lcows(data, clusters, variable, water_fraction, degradation_factor, income_tax_factor, years, discount_rate, treatment_systems, variable_present, opex_data): """ Loops through the given treatment systems and calls for the lcow functions """ for name, system in treatment_systems.items(): print('\nCalculating {} treatment system LCOW...'.format(name)) data.df[name + 'LCOW_CAPEX'] = None data.df[name + 'LCOW_OPEX'] = None data.df[name + 'LCOW'] = None data.calculate_lcow_capex(variable=variable, investment_var=name + 'CAPEX', water_var=variable + 'Water', degradation_factor=degradation_factor, income_tax_factor=income_tax_factor, future_var=variable_present + 'Future', years=years, discount_rate=discount_rate) data.calculate_lcow_opex(variable=variable, op_cost_var=name + 'OPEX', water_var=variable + 'Water', degradation_factor=degradation_factor, present_var=variable_present, future_var=variable_present + 'Future', years=years, discount_rate=discount_rate, opex_data=opex_data[name]) data.calculate_lcow(name) def gws_plot_mathplot(gws_values, file_name): """ Creates the groundwater stress indicator plot """ color_list, color_legend = create_gws_color_list(gws_values) fig = plt.figure() text_color = to_rgb(80, 80, 80) p = fig.add_subplot(111) box = p.get_position() p.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.6, box.height]) bar =, gws_values, color=color_list, edgecolor=[tuple(x) for x in np.array(color_list) * 0.8], linewidth=3) plt.xticks(np.arange(len(gws_values)), ['Baseline', 'Reusing Water'], color=text_color) plt.ylabel('Groundwater Stress Indicator', color=text_color) legend = plt.legend(handles=color_legend, edgecolor=text_color, facecolor=to_rgb(240, 240, 240), loc='lower left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0)) plt.setp(legend.get_texts(), color=text_color) autolabel(bar, [tuple(x) for x in np.array(color_list) * 0.8]) p.spines['right'].set_visible(False) p.spines['top'].set_visible(False) p.spines['left'].set_color(text_color) p.spines['bottom'].set_color(text_color) p.tick_params(colors=text_color) plt.savefig(file_name, format='pdf') def create_gws_color_list(values): """ Creates te color list for the gws indicatior """ color_values = [to_rgb(255, 254, 187), to_rgb(255, 202, 110), to_rgb(255, 139, 76), to_rgb(245, 55, 43), to_rgb(193, 0, 41)] color_list = [] for value in values: if value < 1: color_list.append(color_values[0]) elif value < 5: color_list.append(color_values[1]) elif value < 10: color_list.append(color_values[2]) elif value < 20: color_list.append(color_values[3]) else: color_list.append(color_values[4]) color_legend = [mpatches.Patch(color=color_values[0], label='Low (<1)'), mpatches.Patch(color=color_values[1], label='Low to medium (1-5)'), mpatches.Patch(color=color_values[2], label='Medium to high (5-10)'), mpatches.Patch(color=color_values[3], label='High (10-20)'), mpatches.Patch(color=color_values[4], label='Extremely high (>20)')] return color_list, color_legend def autolabel(rects, colors): """ Attach a text label above each bar displaying its height """ for i, rect in enumerate(rects): height = rect.get_height() plt.text(rect.get_x() + rect.get_width() / 2., height + 0.1, str(round(height, 2)), ha='center', va='bottom', color=colors[i], weight='bold') def to_rgb(*values): """ Creates RGB color from a RGB value (255 scale) """ return tuple(np.array(values) / 255) def legend_generator(values): color_list = [] for value in values: if value < 1: color_list.append('1') elif value < 5: color_list.append('2') elif value < 10: color_list.append('3') elif value < 20: color_list.append('4') else: color_list.append('5') return color_list def gws_plot(gws_values, names, order): """ Creates a graph showing the groundwater stress indicator for the different scenarios """ color_values = [to_rgb(255, 254, 187), to_rgb(255, 202, 110), to_rgb(255, 139, 76), to_rgb(245, 55, 43), to_rgb(193, 0, 41)] color_list = [colors.to_hex(x) for x in color_values] border_color = '#E8E8E8' df = pd.DataFrame(gws_values, columns=['GWS']) df['Legend'] = legend_generator(gws_values) df['X'] = names new_df = df.append(pd.DataFrame({'GWS': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'Legend': ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'], 'X': 'Baseline'})) point_df = df.copy() point_df['GWS'] += 0.3 df['GWS'] = round(df['GWS'], 2) new_df['X'] = new_df['X'].astype('category') new_df['X_cat'] = new_df['X'].cat.reorder_categories(order, ordered=True) p = (ggplot() + geom_bar(new_df, aes(x='X_cat', y='GWS', fill='Legend'), stat='identity', size=0.5, color='gray') + geom_text(df, aes(x='X', y='GWS/2', label='GWS'), color='black', nudge_y=0, size=8) + scale_fill_manual(labels=['Low (<1)', 'Low to medium (1-5)', 'Medium to high (5-10)', 'High (10-20)', 'Extremely high (>20)'], values=color_list) + scale_y_continuous(expand=[0, 0]) + coord_flip() + theme_classic() + labs(y='Groundwater Stress Indicator', x='Scenario') + theme(legend_title=element_blank(), axis_title_x=element_text(color='black'), axis_title_y=element_text(color='black')) )'GWS.pdf', height=4, width=2.5) def energy_plot(energy_start, energy_end, sensitivity_energy, order): """ Creates a graph summarizing the energy uses in the entire region for the different scenarios """ energy_start[1].index = ['Desalination energy', 'Pumping energy'] df_end = pd.DataFrame(columns=list('XYZ')) for i, value in energy_end.items(): energy_end[i].index = ['Desalination energy', 'Pumping energy', 'Treatment energy'] temp_df = pd.DataFrame({'X': i, 'Y': value.values, 'Z': energy_end[i].index}) df_end = df_end.append(temp_df) df_start =
pd.DataFrame({'X': energy_start[0], 'Y': energy_start[1].values, 'Z': energy_start[1].index})
import numpy as np import pandas as pd from itertools import combinations class LabelEncoder: """ This class encodes the categorical values to either numerical values or the labels specified by the user. Encoding categorical values is a must as ML models work only with numbers """ def __init__(self,labels=None): """ Simple initialization. Takes in only the class labels. :param labels: The labels that the user wants to encode with. They should be of the same length as that of the unique values of the column. list or numpy type. """ self.labels = labels def fit(self,X): """ Forms the labels for the classes. :param X: input X. """ self.classes = np.unique(X) if self.labels: if len(self.labels)!=len(self.classes): raise ValueError("Length mismatch: The number of unique elements in the input is not equal to the output") self.classes_and_labels = {self.classes[x]:self.labels[x] for x in range(len(self.labels))} else: self.classes_and_labels = {self.classes[x]:x for x in range(len(self.classes))} return self def transform(self,X): """ Transforms the input array using the labels already acquired in the fit() function :param X: input array or series or list :return: """ if len(self.classes_and_labels) != len(np.unique(X)): raise ValueError("Previously unseen values") enc_arr = np.zeros(len(X),dtype=object) for i in range(len(X)): enc_arr[i] = self.classes_and_labels[X[i]] return enc_arr class StandardScaler: """ StandardScaler is used to scale the input array or dataframe such that the array values have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. Note: This version of StandardScaler only accepts a dataframe or an array of as input. :return: It returns a multidimensional array """ def fit(self,X): if type(X)!=type(pd.DataFrame()) and type(X)!=type(np.array([1,2])): # checks for the datatype raise TypeError(f"StandardScaler accepts either a dataframe or a numpy array as input. It does not accept {type(X)} as input dtype") if type(X)==type(pd.DataFrame()): X = X.values # gets the numpy array from the DataFrame self.mean_X,self.std_X = np.zeros(X.shape[1]),np.zeros(X.shape[1]) for i in range(X.shape[1]): req_arr = np.squeeze(X[:,i]) self.mean_X[i],self.std_X[i] = np.mean(req_arr,axis=0),np.std(req_arr,axis=0) # computes the mean and std of each feature. else: req_arr = np.squeeze(X) self.mean_X,self.std_X = np.mean(req_arr,axis=0),np.std(req_arr,axis=0) return self def transform(self,X): """ :param X: input array or dataframe :return: returns a scaled multidimensional numpy array. Important note: StandardScaler assumes that the input dataframe has its columns in the same order as the one passed to the fit method . """ if type(X)==type(pd.DataFrame()): if X.shape[1]!=len(self.mean_X): raise ValueError("Length mismatch: The transformer was trained on a different length") # checks for the number of features and if they don't match it outputs an error if type(X)==type(pd.DataFrame()): new_X = np.zeros(X.shape) X = X.values for i in range(X.shape[1]): new_X[:,i] = (np.squeeze(X[:,i])-self.mean_X[i])/self.std_X[i] else: X = np.squeeze(X) new_X = (X-self.mean_X)/self.std_X return new_X class MinMaxScaler: """ MinMaxScaler is used to normalize the input array or dataframe such that the array values get into the range-[0,1]. Note: This version of MinMaxScaler only accepts a dataframe or an array of as input. :return: It returns a multidimensional array """ def fit(self,X): if type(X)!=type(pd.DataFrame()) and type(X)!=type(np.array([1,2])): # checks for the datatype raise TypeError(f"MinMaxScaler accepts either a dataframe or a numpy array as input. It does not accept {type(X)} as input dtype") if type(X)==type(pd.DataFrame()): X = X.values # gets the numpy array from the DataFrame self.min_X,self.max_X = np.zeros(X.shape[1]),np.zeros(X.shape[1]) for i in range(X.shape[1]): self.min_X[i],self.max_X[i] = np.min(np.squeeze(X[:,i])),np.max(np.squeeze(X[:,i])) else: req_arr = np.squeeze(X) self.min_X,self.max_X = np.min(req_arr,axis=0),np.max(req_arr,axis=0) return self def transform(self,X): """ :param X: input array or dataframe :return: returns a normalized multidimensional numpy array. Important note: MinMaxScaler assumes that the input dataframe has its columns in the same order as the one passed to the fit method . """ if type(X)==type(pd.DataFrame()): if X.shape[1]!=len(self.min_X): raise ValueError("Length mismatch: The transformer was trained on a different length") # checks for the number of features and if they don't match it outputs an error if type(X)==type(
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[1]: import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import glob import os from matplotlib import rcParams rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif' rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro', 'Yu Gothic', 'Meirio', 'Takao', 'IPAexGothic', 'IPAPGothic', 'VL PGothic', 'Noto Sans CJK JP'] # In[2]: # Make directory # # df_hospital_beds = pd.read_csv('data_Koro/hospital_beds.csv',index_col=0) # dirnames = (df_hospital_beds['japan_prefecture_code']+df_hospital_beds['都道府県名']).values # for i in range(len(dirnames)): # path = 'resultD_transport_strategy_hospital/' + dirnames[i] # os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) # In[3]: # MODE = 'all' MODE = 'normal' filenames = glob.glob('data_hospital/x_*') filenames.sort() forecast_dates = [filename.split('_')[-1].split('.')[0] for filename in filenames] # In[ ]: # In[18]: def visualization(gamma,x_type,forecast_date): print("forcasted date ={0}".format(f_date)) # 重みの入力 df_w = pd.read_csv('data_Kokudo/w_distance.csv',index_col=0) W= df_w.values w_pulp = W.T.reshape(-1) # x, x_q0025も計算 df_x0975 = pd.read_csv('data_hospital/x0975_{0}.csv'.format(forecast_date),index_col=0 ) df_x0025 = pd.read_csv('data_hospital/x0025_{0}.csv'.format(forecast_date),index_col=0 ) df_xmean = pd.read_csv('data_hospital/x_{0}.csv'.format(forecast_date),index_col=0 ) gammas = np.load('data_hospital_transport/gammas_{0}_{1:03}_{2}.npy'.format(x_type,int(gamma*100),forecast_date)) x_mean = df_xmean.values x_q0975 = df_x0975.values x_q0025 = df_x0025.values N = x_mean.shape[1] T = x_mean.shape[0] L = np.kron(np.ones((1,N)),np.eye(N)) - np.kron(np.eye(N),np.ones((1,N))) uv = np.load('data_hospital_transport/u_{0}_{1:03}_{2}.npy'.format(x_type,int(gamma*100),forecast_date)) y_mean = np.zeros(x_mean.shape) y_q0975 = np.zeros(x_mean.shape) y_q0025 = np.zeros(x_mean.shape) y_mean[0] = x_mean[0] y_q0975[0] = x_q0975[0] y_q0025[0] = x_q0025[0] sum_u = np.zeros(T) sum_cost = np.zeros(T) for k in range(T-1): y_mean[k+1] = y_mean[k] + x_mean[k+1] - x_mean[k] +[k]) y_q0975[k+1] = y_q0975[k] + x_q0975[k+1] - x_q0975[k] +[k]) y_q0025[k+1] = y_q0025[k] + x_q0025[k+1] - x_q0025[k] +[k]) sum_u[k+1] = np.sum(uv[k]) sum_cost[k+1] = np.sum(w_pulp*uv[k]) # ベット数の入力 df_hospital_beds = pd.read_csv('data_Koro/hospital_beds.csv',index_col=0) dirnames = (df_hospital_beds['japan_prefecture_code']+df_hospital_beds['都道府県名']).values names = df_hospital_beds['都道府県名'].values weeks = df_hospital_beds.columns[2:].values new_week = max(weeks) M = df_hospital_beds[new_week].values times = pd.to_datetime(df_xmean.index) date_s = min(times) date_e = max(times) # 全国の入院者数の予測値 plt.figure(figsize = (6,4)) plt.fill_between(times,x_q0025.sum(axis=1),x_q0975.sum(axis=1),facecolor = 'lime',alpha = 0.3,label = '95%信頼区間') plt.plot(times,x_mean.sum(axis=1),'*-',color = 'lime',label = '平均値') plt.plot([date_s,date_e],np.ones(2)*0.8*M.sum(),"--",label = '病床使用率 80%',color = 'red',linewidth = 2.0) plt.plot([date_s,date_e],np.ones(2)*M.sum(),"--",label = '病床使用率 100%',color = 'purple',linewidth = 2.0) plt.gca().tick_params(axis='x', rotation= -60) plt.title('全国の入院者数の予測値, 予測日={0}'.format(forecast_date),fontsize = 15) plt.xlim([date_s,date_e]) plt.ylim([0, 1.5* M.sum(),]) plt.ylabel('入院者数 [人]') plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc='upper left', borderaxespad=0) plt.grid() plt.savefig('resultB_google_prediction/all_hospital_{0}.png'.format(forecast_date),bbox_inches='tight',dpi = 100) if MODE == 'normal': plt.savefig('resultB_google_prediction/all_hospital.png',bbox_inches='tight',dpi = 100) plt.close() # 県ごとの入院者数 plt.figure(figsize = (50,25)) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.1, hspace=0.5) for i in range(47): plt.subplot(10,5,i+1) plt.fill_between(times,x_q0025[:,i],x_q0975[:,i],facecolor = 'lime',alpha = 0.3,label = '95%信頼区間') plt.plot(times,x_mean[:,i],'*-',color = 'lime',label = '平均値') plt.plot([date_s,date_e],np.ones(2)*0.8*M[i],"--",label = '病床使用率 80%',color = 'red',linewidth = 2.0) plt.plot([date_s,date_e],np.ones(2)*M[i],"--",label = '病床使用率 100%',color = 'purple',linewidth = 2.0) plt.gca().tick_params(axis='x', rotation= -60) plt.title(names[i],fontsize = 20) plt.xlim([date_s,date_e]) plt.ylim([0, 1.5* M[i]]) plt.grid() if i < 42: plt.tick_params(labelbottom=False) if i == 0: plt.legend() plt.savefig('resultB_google_prediction/each_hospital_{0}.png'.format(forecast_date),bbox_inches='tight',dpi = 100) if MODE == 'normal': plt.savefig('resultB_google_prediction/each_hospital.png',bbox_inches='tight',dpi = 100) plt.close() # 県ごとの感染者数の予測結果 plt.figure(figsize = (50,25)) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.1, hspace=0.5) for i in range(47): plt.subplot(10,5,i+1) max_beds = M[i] # ベットの限界 plt.plot([date_s,date_e],[0.8*max_beds,0.8*max_beds],'--',label = '病床使用率80%',color = 'red',linewidth = 2.0) plt.plot([date_s,date_e],[max_beds,max_beds],'--',label = '病床使用率100%',color = 'purple',linewidth = 2.0) # 輸送なし plt.fill_between(times,x_q0025[:,i],x_q0975[:,i],facecolor = 'lime',alpha = 0.5,label = '医療シェアリングなし',) plt.plot(times,x_mean[:,i],"*-",linewidth = 2,color= 'lime') # 輸送あり plt.fill_between(times,y_q0025[:,i],y_q0975[:,i],facecolor = 'orange',alpha = 0.5,label = '医療シェアリングあり',) plt.plot(times,y_mean[:,i],"*-",linewidth = 2,color = 'orange') plt.xlim([date_s,date_e]) plt.ylim([0,1.5*max_beds]) plt.grid() plt.gca().tick_params(axis='x', rotation= -60) plt.title(names[i],fontsize = 20) if i < 42: plt.tick_params(labelbottom=False) if i == 0: plt.legend() if MODE == 'normal': plt.savefig('resultD_transport_strategy_hospital/main/each_severe_{0}_{1:03}.png'.format(x_type,int(gamma*100)),bbox_inches='tight',dpi = 100) plt.savefig('resultD_transport_strategy_hospital/main/each_severe_{0}_{1:03}_{2}.png'.format(x_type,int(gamma*100),forecast_date),bbox_inches='tight',dpi = 100) plt.close() # コスト評価 times = pd.to_datetime(df_xmean.index)[:-1] date_s = min(times) date_e = max(times) max_beds = M.sum() # 輸送人数 plt.plot(times,sum_u[:-1],"*-",linewidth = 2,color= 'black',label = '入院者数') plt.xlim([date_s,date_e]) plt.gca().tick_params(axis='x', rotation= -60) # plt.title('',fontsize = 20) plt.ylabel('毎日の医療シェアが必要な入院者の合計 [人]') plt.legend() if MODE == 'normal': plt.savefig('resultD_transport_strategy_hospital/cost/num_{0}_{1:03}.png'.format(x_type,int(gamma*100)),bbox_inches='tight',dpi = 100) plt.savefig('resultD_transport_strategy_hospital/cost/num_{0}_{1:03}_{2}.png'.format(x_type,int(gamma*100),forecast_date),bbox_inches='tight',dpi = 100) plt.close() times =
import pickle from io import BytesIO from unittest.mock import Mock, patch import numpy as np import pandas as pd from rdt.transformers import ( CategoricalTransformer, LabelEncodingTransformer, OneHotEncodingTransformer) def test_categorical_numerical_nans(): """Ensure CategoricalTransformer works on numerical + nan only columns.""" data = pd.DataFrame([1, 2, float('nan'), np.nan], columns=['column_name']) transformer = CategoricalTransformer(), list(data.columns)) transformed = transformer.transform(data) reverse = transformer.reverse_transform(transformed)
pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(reverse, data)
import sox import random import yaml import os import numpy as np from inspect import getmembers, signature, isclass, isfunction, ismethod import librosa import librosa.display import yaml import tempfile import glob import logging import pandas as pd import itertools import sys from collections import OrderedDict import soloact random.seed(666) # seed is set for the (hidden) global Random() def flatten(x, par = '', sep ='.'): """ Recursively flatten dictionary with parent key separator Use to flatten augmentation labels in DataFrame output Args: x (dict): with nested dictionaries. par (str): parent key placeholder for subsequent levels from root sep (str: '.', '|', etc): separator Returns: Flattened dictionary Example: x = {'Cookies' : {'milk' : 'Yes', 'beer' : 'No'}} par, sep = <defaults> output = {'Cookies.milk' : 'Yes', '' : 'No'} """ store = {} for k,v in x.items(): if isinstance(v,dict): store = {**store, **flatten(v, par = par + sep + k if par else k)} else: store[par + sep + k] = v return store def load_track(path, sr = 44100): """Librosa load to numpy array Args: path (str): filepath sr (int): sampling rate - 44100 default and preferred """ x, sr = librosa.load(path, sr = sr) # default return x def rand(x,y): """ Randomizer for augmentation pipepline Args: x (int, float): lower_bound y (int, float): upper_bound Returns: random number between bounds """ # use uniform if parameters passed are below 1 if all([v < 1 for v in [x,y]]): return random.uniform(x, y) else: return random.randint(x,y) def validate_reduce_fx(effects): """ Function crossvalidating existence of effects between pysox and configuration Args: effects (dict): desired effects for augmentation Returns: Bool & dict True - all effects present, return original effects dictionary False - one or more not present, return effects not in pysox """ FX = sox.Transformer() sox_arsenal = dict(getmembers(FX, predicate=lambda x: ismethod(x))) try: assert all(f in sox_arsenal for f in effects), 'Invalid methods provided' return True, effects except Exception as e: invalid = {f for f in effects if f not in sox_arsenal} return False, invalid logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel('CRITICAL') def feature_pipeline(arr, **kwargs): """ Current feature pipeline supporting mfcc only Args: arr(np array): row vector generated by librosa.load kwargs (dict): arguments to feature.mfcc Returns: vector of shape (n_mfcc, ) """ mfcc = librosa.feature.mfcc(arr, sr = 44100, n_mfcc = 26, **kwargs) mfcc_mean = np.mean(mfcc, axis = 0) return mfcc_mean def pad(l_arrays): """ Naive padding using max shape from list of numpy arrays to normalize shapes for all Args: l_array (list of np arrays): Returns: np.matrix of shape (length of array, features, 1) """ # Retrieve max max_shape = max([x.shape for x in l_arrays], key = lambda x: x[0]) def padder(inp, max_shape): zero_grid = np.zeros(max_shape) x,y = inp.shape zero_grid[:x, :y] = inp return zero_grid # Pad with zero grid skeleton reshapen = [padder(x, max_shape) for x in l_arrays] # Make ndarray batch_x = np.array(reshapen) return batch_x def augment_track(file, n, effects, exercise = 'regression', sustain = ['overdrive', 'reverb'], write = False ): """ Track-wise augmentation procedure - Classification: randomize effect on or off - no randomization at parameter level - Regression: Persistent effects with randomization at parameter level dependent on config state ('default', 'random') Args: file (str): filepath to .wav file effects (dict): candidate effects defined by config state state (str): 'random' : requires upper and lower bounds 'constant': will take upper if default is False, otherwise effect default exercise (str): regression or classification sustain: effect to persist despite randomized on/off in classification write (bool: False, str: Path): Path: if directory not present will make """ # Init transformer FX = sox.Transformer() labels = {} for effect, parameters in effects.items(): if exercise.lower() == 'classification' and effect not in sustain: # turn effects on or off randomly if int(random.choice([True, False])) == 0: # print ('{} skipped!'.format(effect)) continue # skip effect effect_f = getattr(FX, effect) f_defaults = signature(effect_f).parameters # store defaults, could be done out of scope f_defaults = {k: f_defaults[k].default for k in f_defaults.keys()} used = {} for param, val in parameters.items(): state = val.get('state') default = val.get('default') # boolean whether to use default or not if state == 'constant': used[param] = f_defaults.get(param) if default is True else val.get('upper') # upper can be a list elif state == 'random': # retrieve bounds if not isinstance(f_defaults.get(param), list): lower, upper = [val.get(bound) for bound in ['lower', 'upper']] assert upper > lower, \ 'Upper bound for {} must be greater than its lower bound'.format(effect + '.' + param) used[param] = rand(lower, upper) continue raise TypeError('Will not parse random list values!') effect_f(**used) labels[effect] = used if write is not False: # outputs augmented tracks to desired folder ignoring feature extraction pipleine model = file.split('/')[-2] if '/audio/' not in file else file.split('/')[-3] outfile = os.path.join(write, model, str(n) + '_' + file.split('/')[-1]) # print (outfile), outfile) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix = '.wav') as tmp: # pysox doesn't have output to array, save to temp file and reload as array with librosa, array, sr = librosa.load(, sr = 41000) FX.clear_effects() # return data with feature extraction flattened_labels = flatten(labels) flattened_labels['group'] = n return flattened_labels, feature_pipeline(array) def augment_data(SOURCES, subsample = False, n_augment = 1, write_with_effects_to = False, make_training_set = False, source = 'power'): """ Augmentation pipeline with options to subsample or write augmented data Args: subsample (bool, int): if not False augment only k files write_with_effects (bool, str: path): if not False write augmented .wav files without feature extraction write_training (bool): True -> write to data/processed folder with feature extraction (intended to mimic pipleine structure) False -> return ndarray of features and dataframe of labels n_augment(int): number to augment per file Returns: if no write_with_effects path provided: ndarray of features and dataframe of labels otherwise: files written to provided directory """ # SOURCES = soloact.make_source_paths() TRACK_KIND = SOURCES[source] # note or chord SOURCE_DIR = TRACK_KIND['trace'] # must be a yaml file # config = 'config.yaml' if config is None else config config = yaml.load(open(SOURCES['config'], 'r')) # SPLIT CONFIGURATIONS augmentation_config = config['DataAugmentation'] pipeline_config = config['pipeline_config'] # PREDETERMINED MODEL GUITAR SPLIT use_models_train = pipeline_config['train_models'] # NOT GENERATING THIS, HOLDING OUT UNTIL WE HAVE USEFUL WORKING MODELS use_models_test = pipeline_config['test_models'] train_soundfiles = [glob.glob(os.path.join(SOURCE_DIR, mod, TRACK_KIND.get('ext')) + '/*.wav') for mod in use_models_train] train_soundfiles = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(train_soundfiles)) # if subsample is not False: print ('Subsampling {} files from {} available'.format(subsample, len(train_soundfiles))) train_soundfiles = random.choices(population = train_soundfiles, k = subsample) else: print ('Using all available data, {} files'.format(len(train_soundfiles))) # VALIDATE EFFECTS BEFORE STARTING AUGMENTATION CHAIN effects = augmentation_config.get('effects') # Independent of the next step valid, effects = validate_reduce_fx(effects) # REDUCE LIST TO ACTIVE ONLY effects = {k:v for k,v in effects.items() if k in augmentation_config.get('active')} # NOT A KEYWORD TO AUGMENTATION FUNCTION augmentation_config.pop('active') # FIXED ORDER order = ['overdrive'] + [f for f in effects.keys() if f not in ['reverb', 'overdrive']] + ['reverb'] ordered_effects = OrderedDict.fromkeys(order) # ADD EFFECTS BACK TO ORDERED DICT for k,v in effects.items(): ordered_effects[k] = v # REPLACE augmentation_config['effects'] = ordered_effects if write_with_effects_to: OUT_DIR = os.path.join(INTERIM_DIR, write_with_effects_to) + '_' + source.upper() print ('Are you sure you want to {} files to "{}"?'.format( len(train_soundfiles) * n_augment, OUT_DIR)) print ('1 to proceed, any other key to terminate') if int(input()) == 1: # can't take relative path with join here augmentation_config['write'] = OUT_DIR for m in use_models_train: # make directories for each model! os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(os.path.join(OUT_DIR, m) + '/'), exist_ok=True) else: sys.exit('Operation cancelled') store_all = [] for sf in train_soundfiles: for i in range(n_augment): store_all.append(augment_track(sf, n = i, **augmentation_config)) labels, features = zip(*store_all) all_features = [np.expand_dims(x, axis = 1) for x in features] X_train = pad(all_features) Y_train = pd.DataFrame(list(labels)) # add guitar kind and chord def gt(x, ix): return x.split('/')[ix] # get models and chords (ordered) file_meta = [(gt(x, ix = -2 if source != 'sn' else -3), gt(x, ix = -1).rstrip('.wav')) for x in train_soundfiles] models, chordnames = zip(*file_meta) # repeat sequence by number of augmentations models = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([[m] * n_augment for m in models])) chordnames = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([[m] * n_augment for m in chordnames])) Y_train['model'] = pd.Series(models) Y_train['chords'] =
from __future__ import print_function from pprint import pprint from time import time import logging from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer from sklearn import feature_extraction, model_selection, naive_bayes, metrics, svm from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.model_selection import KFold import pandas as pd import numpy as np import sklearn # path to data folder path = '/home/irina/winterwell/egbot/data/raw' #========== reading data df = pd.DataFrame() cols = ['egbot_answer_body','egbot_answer_id','egbot_answer_label'] try: with open(path + '/d127+labelled.json', 'r') as read_file: df =
pd.read_json(read_file, encoding='utf-8')
"""Module to read, check and write a HDSR meetpuntconfiguratie.""" __title__ = "histTags2mpt" __description__ = "to evaluate a HDSR FEWS-config with a csv with CAW histTags" __version__ = "0.1.0" __author__ = "<NAME>" __author_email__ = "<EMAIL>" __license__ = "MIT License" from meetpuntconfig.fews_utilities import FewsConfig, xml_to_dict from pathlib import Path import json import numpy as np import pandas as pd import logging from openpyxl import load_workbook from openpyxl.styles import Font, PatternFill import os import sys import re from shapely.geometry import Point pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None def idmap2tags(row, idmap): """Add FEWS-locationIds to hist_tags in df.apply() method.""" exloc, expar = row["serie"].split("_", 1) fews_locs = [ col["internalLocation"] for col in idmap if col["externalLocation"] == exloc and col["externalParameter"] == expar ] if len(fews_locs) == 0: fews_locs = np.NaN return fews_locs def get_validation_attribs(validation_rules, int_pars=None, loc_type=None): """Get attributes from validationRules.""" if int_pars is None: int_pars = [rule["parameter"] for rule in validation_rules] result = [] for rule in validation_rules: if "type" in rule.keys(): if rule["type"] == loc_type: if any(re.match(rule["parameter"], int_par) for int_par in int_pars): for key, attribute in rule["extreme_values"].items(): if isinstance(attribute, list): result += [value["attribute"] for value in attribute] else: result += [attribute] elif any(re.match(rule["parameter"], int_par) for int_par in int_pars): for key, attribute in rule["extreme_values"].items(): if isinstance(attribute, list): result += [value["attribute"] for value in attribute] else: result += [attribute] return result def update_hlocs(row, h_locs, mpt_df): """Add startdate and enddate op hoofdloc dataframe with df.apply() method.""" loc_id = start_date = row["STARTDATE"] end_date = row["ENDDATE"] if loc_id in h_locs: start_date = ( mpt_df[mpt_df.index.str.contains(loc_id[0:-1])]["STARTDATE"].dropna().min() ) end_date = ( mpt_df[mpt_df.index.str.contains(loc_id[0:-1])]["ENDDATE"].dropna().max() ) return start_date, end_date def update_date(row, mpt_df, date_threshold): """Return start and end-date in df.apply() method.""" int_loc = row["LOC_ID"] if int_loc in mpt_df.index: start_date = mpt_df.loc[int_loc]["STARTDATE"].strftime("%Y%m%d") end_date = mpt_df.loc[int_loc]["ENDDATE"] if end_date > date_threshold: end_date = pd.Timestamp(year=2100, month=1, day=1) end_date = end_date.strftime("%Y%m%d") else: start_date = row["START"] end_date = row["EIND"] return start_date, end_date def update_histtag(row, grouper): """Assign last histTag to waterstandsloc in df.apply method.""" return next( ( df.sort_values("total_max_end_dt", ascending=False)["serie"].values[0] for loc_id, df in grouper if loc_id == row["LOC_ID"] ), None, ) def _sort_validation_attribs(rule): result = {} for key, value in rule.items(): if isinstance(value, str): result[key] = [value] elif isinstance(value, list): periods = [val["period"] for val in value] attribs = [val["attribute"] for val in value] result[key] = [attrib for _, attrib in sorted(zip(periods, attribs))] return result class MeetpuntConfig: """Meetpuntconfig class.""" def __init__(self, config_path, log_level="INFO"): self.paths = dict() self.fews_config = None self.location_sets = dict() self.hist_tags = None self.hist_tags_ignore = None self.fixed_sheets = None self.idmap_files = None self.idmap_sections = None self.external_parameters_allowed = None self.consistency = None self.parameter_mapping = None self.validation_rules = None self.logging = logging self.hoofdloc = None self.subloc = None self.waterstandloc = None self.mswloc = None self.mpt_hist_tags = None self._locs_mapping = dict( hoofdlocaties="hoofdloc", sublocaties="subloc", waterstandlocaties="waterstandloc", mswlocaties="mswloc", ) self.logging.basicConfig(level=os.environ.get("LOGLEVEL", log_level)) self._read_config(Path(config_path)) def _read_config(self, config_json): if config_json.exists(): with open(config_json) as src: config = json.load(src) workdir = Path(config_json).parent else: self.logging.error(f"{config_json} does not exist") sys.exit() # add paths to config for key, path in config["paden"].items(): path = Path(path) if not path.is_absolute(): path = workdir.joinpath(path).resolve() if path.exists(): self.paths[key] = path else: if path.suffix == "": logging.warning(f"{path} does not exist. Folder will be created") path.mkdir() else: self.logging.error( ( f"{path} does not exist. " f"Please define existing file " f"in {config_json}." ) ) sys.exit() # add fews_config self.fews_config = FewsConfig(self.paths["fews_config"]) # add location_sets for key, value in config["location_sets"].items(): if value in self.fews_config.locationSets.keys(): if "csvFile" in self.fews_config.locationSets[value].keys(): self.location_sets[key] = { "id": value, "gdf": self.fews_config.get_locations(value), } else: self.logging.error((f"{key} not a csvFile location-set")) else: self.logging.error( ( f"locationSet {key} specified in {config_json} " f"not in fews-config" ) ) # add rest of config self.idmap_files = config["idmap_files"] self.idmap_sections = config["idmap_sections"] self.external_parameters_allowed = config["external_parameters_allowed"] self.parameter_mapping = config["parameter_mapping"] self.validation_rules = config["validation_rules"] self.fixed_sheets = config["fixed_sheets"] # read consistency df from input-excel self.consistency = pd.read_excel( self.paths["consistency_xlsx"], sheet_name=None, engine="openpyxl" ) self.consistency = { key: value for key, value in self.consistency.items() if key in self.fixed_sheets } def _read_hist_tags(self, force=False): if (not self.hist_tags) or force: if "hist_tags_csv" in self.paths.keys():"reading histags: {self.paths['hist_tags_csv']}") dtype_cols = ["total_min_start_dt", "total_max_end_dt"] self.hist_tags = pd.read_csv( self.paths["hist_tags_csv"], parse_dates=dtype_cols, sep=None, engine="python", ) for col in dtype_cols: if not pd.api.types.is_datetime64_dtype(self.hist_tags[col]): self.logging.error( ( f"col '{col}' in '{self.paths['hist_tags_csv']} " "can't be converted to np.datetime64 format. " "Check if values are dates." ) ) sys.exit() def _read_hist_tags_ignore(self, force=False): if (not self.hist_tags_ignore) or force: if "mpt_ignore_csv" in self.paths.keys(): f"Reading hist tags to be ingored from " f"{self.paths['mpt_ignore_csv']}" ) self.hist_tags_ignore = pd.read_csv( self.paths["mpt_ignore_csv"], sep=None, header=0, engine="python" ) elif "histTag_ignore" in self.consistency.keys(): self.hist_tags_ignore = self.consistency["histTag_ignore"] f"Reading hist tags to be ignored from " f"{self.paths['consistency_xlsx']}" ) else: self.logging.error( ( f"specify a histTag_ignore worksheet in " f"{self.paths['consistency_xlsx']} or a csv-file " "in the config-json" ) ) sys.exit() self.hist_tags_ignore["UNKNOWN_SERIE"] = self.hist_tags_ignore[ "UNKNOWN_SERIE" ].str.replace("#", "") def _get_idmaps(self, idmap_files=None): if not idmap_files: idmap_files = self.idmap_files idmaps = [ xml_to_dict(self.fews_config.IdMapFiles[idmap])["idMap"]["map"] for idmap in idmap_files ] return [item for sublist in idmaps for item in sublist] def _read_locs(self): self.hoofdloc = self.fews_config.get_locations("OPVLWATER_HOOFDLOC") self.subloc = self.fews_config.get_locations("OPVLWATER_SUBLOC") self.waterstandloc = self.fews_config.get_locations( "OPVLWATER_WATERSTANDEN_AUTO" ) self.mswloc = self.fews_config.get_locations("MSW_STATIONS") def _update_staff_gauge(self, row): """Assign upstream and downstream staff gauges to subloc.""" result = {"HBOV": "", "HBEN": ""} for key in result.keys(): df = self.waterstandloc.loc[self.waterstandloc["LOC_ID"] == row[key]] if not df.empty: result[key] = df["PEILSCHAAL"].values[0] return result["HBOV"], result["HBEN"] def hist_tags_to_mpt(self, sheet_name="mpt"): """Convert histTag-ids to mpt-ids.""" if self.hist_tags is None: self._read_hist_tags() idmaps = self._get_idmaps() hist_tags_df = self.hist_tags.copy() hist_tags_df["fews_locid"] = hist_tags_df.apply( idmap2tags, args=[idmaps], axis=1 ) hist_tags_df = hist_tags_df[hist_tags_df["fews_locid"].notna()] mpt_hist_tags_df = hist_tags_df.explode("fews_locid").reset_index(drop=True) self.mpt_hist_tags = mpt_hist_tags_df mpt_df = pd.concat( [ mpt_hist_tags_df.groupby(["fews_locid"], sort=False)[ "total_min_start_dt" ].min(), mpt_hist_tags_df.groupby(["fews_locid"], sort=False)[ "total_max_end_dt" ].max(), ], axis=1, ) mpt_df = mpt_df.sort_index(axis=0) mpt_df.columns = ["STARTDATE", "ENDDATE"] = "LOC_ID" kw_locs = list(mpt_df[mpt_df.index.str.contains("KW", regex=False)].index) h_locs = np.unique(["{}0".format(loc[0:-1]) for loc in kw_locs]) h_locs_missing = [loc for loc in h_locs if loc not in list(mpt_df.index)] h_locs_df = pd.DataFrame( data={ "LOC_ID": h_locs_missing, "STARTDATE": [pd.NaT] * len(h_locs_missing), "ENDDATE": [pd.NaT] * len(h_locs_missing), } ) h_locs_df = h_locs_df.set_index("LOC_ID") mpt_df = pd.concat([mpt_df, h_locs_df], axis=0) mpt_df[["STARTDATE", "ENDDATE"]] = mpt_df.apply( update_hlocs, args=[h_locs, mpt_df], axis=1, result_type="expand" ) mpt_df = mpt_df.sort_index() self.consistency["mpt"] = mpt_df def check_idmap_sections(self, sheet_name="idmap section error"): """Check if all KW/OW locations are in the correct section.""" self.consistency[sheet_name] = pd.DataFrame( columns=[ "bestand", "externalLocation", "externalParameter", "internalLocation", "internalParameter", ] ) for idmap, subsecs in self.idmap_sections.items(): for section_type, sections in subsecs.items(): for section in sections: if section_type == "KUNSTWERKEN": prefix = "KW" if section_type == "WATERSTANDLOCATIES": prefix = "OW" if section_type == "MSWLOCATIES": prefix = "(OW|KW)" pattern = fr"{prefix}\d{{6}}$" idmapping = xml_to_dict( self.fews_config.IdMapFiles[idmap], **section )["idMap"]["map"] idmap_wrong_section = [ idmap for idmap in idmapping if not bool(re.match(pattern, idmap["internalLocation"])) ] if idmap_wrong_section: section_start = ( section["section_start"] if "section_start" in section.keys() else "" ) section_end = ( section["section_end"] if "section_end" in section.keys() else "" ) self.logging.warning( ( f"{len(idmap_wrong_section)} " f"internalLocations not {prefix}XXXXXX " f"between {section_start} and {section_end} " f"in {idmap}." ) ) df =
#!/usr/bin/env python """ - <NAME> (<EMAIL>) - Dec 2014 Contains aperture photometry routines for HATPI. Needs reduced frames. The usual sequence is: 1. run parallel_extract_sources on all frames with threshold ~ 10000 to get bright stars for astrometry. 2. run parallel_anet to get WCS headers for all frames. 3. run make_fov_catalog to get a FOV source catalog for the field. 4. run reform_fov_catalog to cut this down to the columns needed for magfit only. 5. run parallel_fitsdir_photometry for photometry on all frames 6. run get_magfit_frames to select a single magfit photometry reference and set up per-CCD work directories, symlinks, etc. for the next steps. 7. run make_magfit_config to generate magfit config files for 8. run make_fiphot_list to make lists of fiphot files for each CCD. 9. run in single reference mode. 10. run to get the master mag fit reference. 11. run in master reference mode. 12. run parallel_collect_lightcurves to collect all lightcurves into .rlc files. 13. run serial_run_epd or parallel_run_epd to do EPD on all LCs. 14. run parallel_lc_statistics to collect stats on .epdlc files. 15. run choose_tfa_template to choose TFA template stars using the .epdlc stats. 16. run parallel_run_tfa for TFA to get .tfalc files (and .tfalc.TF{1,2,3} files). 17. run parallel_lc_statistics to collect stats on .tfalc files. 18. run parallel_bin_lightcurves to bin LCs to desired time-bins. 19. run parallel_binnedlc_statistics to collect stats for the binned LCs. 20. run plot_stats_file to make MAD vs. mag plots for all unbinned and binned LCs. 21. run plot_magrms_comparison to compare the mag-RMS relation for various CCDs. 22. run plot_ismphot_comparison to compare against ISM photometry statistics for the same field (requires common stars). """ ############# ## IMPORTS ## ############# import os, os.path, glob, sys import multiprocessing as mp try: import subprocess32 as subprocess except: import subprocess import shlex from datetime import datetime import re, json, shutil, random try: import cPickle as pickle except: import pickle import sqlite3, gzip import numpy as np, pandas as pd from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as kdtree from scipy.signal import medfilt from scipy.linalg import lstsq from scipy.stats import sigmaclip as stats_sigmaclip from scipy.optimize import curve_fit import scipy.stats import numpy.random as nprand import matplotlib matplotlib.use('AGG') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as pyfits import imageutils from imageutils import get_header_keyword, read_fits, extract_img_background from shared_variables import FITS_TAIL import shared_variables as sv from astropy.table import Table from import fits # get fiphot binary reader try: from HATpipepy.Common.BinPhot import read_fiphot HAVEBINPHOT = True except: print("can't import binary fiphot reading functions from " "HATpipe, binary fiphot files will be unreadable!") HAVEBINPHOT = False ######################## ## USEFUL DEFINITIONS ## ######################## # set this to show extra info DEBUG = True # CCD minimum and maximum X,Y pixel coordinates # used to strip things outside FOV from output of make_frame_sourcelist CCDEXTENT = {'x':[0.0,2048.0], 'y':[0.0,2048.0]} # zeropoint mags for the HATPI lenses given exp time of 30 seconds # from Chelsea's src directory on phs3: (2014-12-15) # FIXME: check where these came from and fix if out of date, especially if # cameras moved around ZEROPOINTS = {3:17.11, 5:17.11, 6:17.11, 7:17.11, 8:16.63} # used to get the station ID, frame number, and CCD number from a FITS filename FRAMEREGEX = re.compile(r'(\d{1})\-(\d{6}\w{0,1})_(\d{1})') # command string to use gaia2read for specified FOV GAIADR2READCMD = ("gaia2read -r {ra:f} -d {dec:f} -s {boxlen:f} " "--mR {brightrmag:f} --MR {faintrmag:f} " "--xieta-coords --header --extra " "--idrequest {idrequest:s} -o {outfile}") # command string to do a 2massread for a specified FOV TWOMASSREADCMD = ("2massread -r {ra:f} -d {dec:f} -s {boxlen:f} " "--cat {catalogpath} -mr {brightrmag:f} -Mr {faintrmag:f} " "--xieta-coords {ra:f} {dec:f} -o {outfile}") # command string to do a 2massread for a specified FOV UCAC4READCMD = ("ucac4read -r {ra:f} -d {dec:f} -s {boxlen:f} " "--cat {catalogpath} -mr {brightrmag:f} -Mr {faintrmag:f} " "-o {outfile}") # locations of catalogs CATALOGS = { '2MASS':{'cmd':TWOMASSREADCMD, 'path':sv.TWOMASSPATH}, 'UCAC4':{'cmd':UCAC4READCMD, 'path':sv.UCAC4PATH}, 'GAIADR2': {'cmd':GAIADR2READCMD, 'path':sv.GAIADR2PATH} } # command string to run fistar # parameters: # {frame} # {extractedlist} # {ccdgain} # {zeropoint} # {exptime} # {fluxthreshold} # {ccdsection} FISTARCMD = ("{fistarexec} -i {frame} -o {extractedlist} " "--model elliptic --iterations symmetric=4,general=2 " "--algorithm uplink --format id,x,y,bg,amp,s,d,k,flux,s/n " "-g {ccdgain} --mag-flux {zeropoint},{exptime} --sort flux " "--flux-threshold {fluxthreshold} --section {ccdsection} " "--comment") # command string to run transformation from RA/Dec in 2MASS catalogs to X/Y in # FITs image to eventually run photometry at those locations using the # transformations noted in each frame's .wcs file. we do the transform, then # remove any objects outside the [0:2048, 0:2048] box for the CCD. we then use # the resulting source list as input to fiphot. the parameters are: # {transformer}: 'anrd2xy' or similar, coord -> pix converter executable # {framewcsfile}: tWCS transformation file associated with frame # {catalogsourcelist}: 2MASS catalog file associated with camera FOV # {outfile}: temporary output file TRANSFORMCMD = ("{transformer} -w {framewcsfile} " "-o {outputfile} " "-c 2,3 " "{catalogsourcelist} ") WCSRD2XYCMD = ( "wcs-rd2xy -w {framewcsfile} -o {outputfile} " "-i {rdlsfile} -R 'ra' -D 'dec' " ) # fiphot command string to run fiphot. requires a sourcelist obtained from # running TRANSFORMCMD and removing objects outside the CCD. the parameters are: # {fits}: name of input FITS frame # {sourcelist}: name of the source list file # {zeropoint}: zeropoint magnitude from ZEROPOINTS above # {xycols}: comma-separated 1-indexed column numbers of x and y coords # {ccdgain}: gain of the CCD # {ccdexptime}: exposure time of the CCD in seconds # {aperturelist}: aperture list in the following format (all units are pixels): # aper1rad:sky1inner:sky1rad,...,aperNrad,skyNinner,skyNrad # {fitsbase}: the FITS base filename without any extensions # e.g. for 1-377741e_5.fits, this is 1-377741e_5 # (used for later collection of fiphot files into an LC) # {outfile}: name of the output .phot file (binary format) # {format}: for text output, e.g.,'ISXY,BbMms', see fiphot manpage # # single-background: a fiphot I/O parameter for which the number sets different # aspects of the output formatting for the .fiphot file that is produced. It # is a HATpipebin-specific dependency; the public `fitsh` downloadable from # Andras' webpage does not have this parameter. See `fiphot-io.c` and # `fiphot.c` in the HATpipebin source. The corresponding `singlebg` parameter # is a switch used in `write_comment`, `write_photometry_text`, # `output_phot_columns`, and similar formatting functions. # FIPHOTCMD = ("fiphot --input {fits} --input-list {sourcelist} " "--col-id 1 --col-xy {xycols} --gain {ccdgain:f} " "--mag-flux {zeropoint:f},{ccdexptime:f} " "--apertures {aperturelist} " "--sky-fit 'mode,sigma=3,iterations=2' --disjoint-radius 2 " "--serial {fitsbase} " "--format {formatstr} --nan-string 'NaN' " "--aperture-mask-ignore 'saturated' --comment '--comment' " "--single-background 3 {binaryout} --output {outfile} -k") # commandline # {magfitexec}: path to the executable to run for magfit (usually # # {network}: HATNet or HATSouth # {fit_type}: single for single reference mag fit, master for # master mag fit # {sphotref_frame}: FITS to use as the single photometric reference # {sphotref_phot} : fiphot file for the single photometric reference # {nprocs} : number of processors to use # {magfit_config_file}: path to the magfit config file # {magfit_frame_list}: path to the magfit frame list produced by # get_magfit_frames MAGFITCMD = ("python {magfitexec} {network} {fit_type} " "{sphotref_frame} {sphotref_phot} " "-p {nprocs} --config-file={magfit_config_file} " "--manual-frame-list={magfit_frame_list} --stat") # command to generate master photometric reference # {mphotrefexec}: path to executable to run (usually # {network}: HATNet or HATSouth # {sphotref_frame}: FITS used for the single photometric reference # {fiphot_list}: list of fiphot files containing all photometry # {magfit_config_file}: path to the magfit config file MPHOTREFCMD = ("python {mphotrefexec} {network} {sphotref_frame} " "--manual-frame-list={fiphot_list} " "--config-file={magfit_config_file} --nostat") #################### ## SQLITE SCHEMAS ## #################### PHOTS_TABLE = 'create table phots (phot text, rjd double precision, frame text)' HATIDS_TABLE = 'create table hatids (hatid text, phot text, photline integer)' META_TABLE = 'create table metainfo (photdir text, framedir text)' PRAGMA_CMDS = 'pragma journal_mode = WAL' PHOTS_INDEX_CMD = 'create index phots_index on phots (phot)' HATIDS_INDEX_CMD = 'create index hatid_index on hatids (hatid)' HATIDS_PHOT_INDEX_CMD = 'create index hatid_phot_index on hatids (phot)' PHOTS_INSERT_CMD = 'insert into phots values (?,?,?)' HATIDS_INSERT_CMD = 'insert into hatids values (?,?,?)' META_INSERT_CMD = 'insert into metainfo values (?,?)' PHOT_SELECT_CMD = ('select a.rjd, a.phot, b.photline from ' 'phots a join hatids b on (a.phot = b.phot) ' 'where b.hatid = ? order by a.rjd') META_SELECT_CMD = ('select * from metainfo') DISTINCT_HATIDS_CMD = ('select distinct hatid from hatids') ############################### ## ANET ASTROMETRY FUNCTIONS ## ############################### def reform_fistars(fistardir, fistarglob='1-*_?.fistar', linestokeep=300, outpostfix='astrometry'): """ This truncates all fistars in the directory fistardir to linestokeep lines. This is useful for astrometry since the fistar files we produce are sorted by decreasing flux, and we only only need a couple of thousand bright sources to do astrometry with anet. Mostly so we don't need to do source extraction over again """ fistars = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(fistardir), fistarglob)) for fistar in fistars: inf = open(fistar,'rb') outfname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fistar), '%s-%s' % (os.path.basename(fistar), outpostfix)) outf = open(outfname, 'wb') for ind, line in enumerate(inf): if ind < linestokeep: outf.write(line.encode('utf-8')) print('%s -> %s' % (fistar, outfname)) outf.close() inf.close() def fistarfile_to_xy(fistarfile): """ Takes a single fistar file and convert it to a binary fits table of the source positions. The latter is readable by """ if not isinstance(fistarfile, str): raise AssertionError('called fistarfile_to_xy on not a path') if sys.version_info[0] == 2: # used for python 2.X df = pd.read_csv(fistarfile, comment='#', names=['ident', 'x', 'y', 'bg', 'amp', 's', 'd', 'k', 'flux', 's/n'], delimiter=r"\s*", engine='python') elif sys.version_info[0] == 3: # used for python 3.X df = pd.read_csv(fistarfile, comment='#', names=['ident', 'x', 'y', 'bg', 'amp', 's', 'd', 'k', 'flux', 's/n'], delim_whitespace=True) if not len(df) > 1: print('skipping %s, did not get any sources' % fistarfile) return 0 else: col1 = fits.Column(name='ximage', format='D', array=np.array(df['x'])) col2 = fits.Column(name='yimage', format='D', array=np.array(df['y'])) coldefs = fits.ColDefs([col1, col2]) hdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(coldefs) outfname = fistarfile.replace('.fistar','.fistar-fits-xy') hdu.writeto(outfname, overwrite=True) print('%s -> %s' % (fistarfile, outfname)) def fistardir_to_xy(fistardir, fistarglob='1-*_?.fistar'): """ Convert a directory of fistar outputs to binary fits table of x,y source positions. The latter is readable by """ fistars = glob.glob( os.path.join(os.path.abspath(fistardir), fistarglob) ) for fistar in fistars: if not os.path.exists(fistar.replace('.fistar','.fistar-fits-xy')): fistarfile_to_xy(fistar) else: print('found {:s}, continue.'.format( fistar.replace('.fistar','.fistar-fits-xy')) ) def astrometrydotnet_solve_frame(srclist, wcsout, ra, dec, radius=30, scalelow=1, scalehigh=30, scaleunits='arcsecperpix', tweakorder=6, nobjs=200, xpix=2048, ypix=2048, xcolname='ximage', ycolname='yimage', useimagenotfistar=False, downsample=4, pixelerror=1, uniformize=10 ): """ This uses to solve frame astrometry. This is the free version of anet_solve_frame. Uses the frame extracted sources (.fistar-fits-xy file, see aperturephot.fistar_to_xy) and returns a .wcs file containing the astrometric transformation between frame x,y and RA/DEC. Optionally, if `useimagenotfistar` is true, uses the fits image corresponding to the frame extracted sources and the in-built source extraction to produce the solution, along with sick constellation plots. Example frame-solve command (using the fits table of x,y positions): solve-field --ra 274.5 --dec 58.0 --radius 30 --scale-low 1 --scale-high 30 --scale-units arcsecperpix --tweak-order 2 --wcs /dirname/tess2019135090826-4-2-0016_cal_img_bkgdsub.wcs --overwrite --objs 200 -w 2048 -e 2048 --x-column ximage --y-column yimage /dirname/tess2019135090826-4-2-0016_cal_img_bkgdsub.fistar-fits-xy For to work, you need to install it, and get all the index files. See If you care about your astrometric projection's precision at the < 1 pixel level, you will likely need to tweak downsample, pixelerror, and uniformize. `` implements some relevant tests. """ if useimagenotfistar: ASTROMETRYDOTNETCMD = ( "solve-field --ra {ra} --dec {dec} --radius {radius} " "--scale-low {scalelow} --scale-high {scalehigh} " "--scale-units {scaleunits} --tweak-order {tweakorder} " "--wcs {wcsout} --downsample {downsample} " "--overwrite --fits-image --no-verify " "--pixel-error {pixelerror} " "--uniformize {uniformize} " "{srcimage}" ) astrometrycmd = ASTROMETRYDOTNETCMD.format( ra=ra, dec=dec, radius=radius, scalelow=scalelow, scalehigh=scalehigh, scaleunits=scaleunits, tweakorder=tweakorder, downsample=downsample, wcsout=wcsout, pixelerror=pixelerror, uniformize=uniformize, srcimage=srclist.replace('.fistar-fits-xy','.fits') ) else: ASTROMETRYDOTNETCMD = ( "solve-field --ra {ra} --dec {dec} --radius {radius} " "--scale-low {scalelow} --scale-high {scalehigh} " "--scale-units {scaleunits} --tweak-order {tweakorder} " "--wcs {wcsout} " "--overwrite --objs {nobjs} --width {xpix} --height {ypix} " " --x-column {xcolname} --y-column {ycolname} --no-plot " "{srclist}" ) astrometrycmd = ASTROMETRYDOTNETCMD.format( ra=ra, dec=dec, radius=radius, scalelow=scalelow, scalehigh=scalehigh, scaleunits=scaleunits, tweakorder=tweakorder, xpix=xpix, ypix=ypix, nobjs=nobjs, xcolname=xcolname, ycolname=ycolname, wcsout=wcsout, srclist=srclist ) if DEBUG: print(astrometrycmd) # execute the anet shell command anetproc = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(astrometrycmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # get results anet_stdout, anet_stderr = anetproc.communicate() if DEBUG: for l in anet_stdout.decode('utf-8').split('\n'): print(l) for l in anet_stderr.decode('utf-8').split('\n'): print(l) # get results if succeeded, log outcome, and return path of outfile if (anetproc.returncode == 0 and os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(wcsout)) and os.stat(os.path.abspath(wcsout)).st_size > 0): print('%sZ: astrometrydotnet %s generated for frame sourcelist %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), os.path.abspath(wcsout), os.path.abspath(srclist))) return os.path.abspath(wcsout) # if astrometry did not succeed, complain and remove the zero-size wcs file # anet inexplicably makes anyway else: print('{:s}Z: astrometrydotnet {:s} failed for frame sourcelist {:s}! ' .format(datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), os.path.abspath(wcsout), os.path.abspath(srclist) )+ 'Error was: {:s}'.format(repr(anet_stderr)) ) # remove the broken wcs if astrometry failed if os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(wcsout)): os.remove(os.path.abspath(wcsout)) return None def anet_solve_frame(srclist, wcsout, ra, dec, infofromframe=False, width=13, tweak=6, radius=13, xpix=2048, ypix=2048, cols=(2,3), scale=None, usescalenotwidth=False): """ This uses anet to solve frame astrometry. Uses the frame extracted sources (.fistar file) and returns a .wcs file containing the astrometric transformation between frame x,y and RA/DEC. Example anet command: anet --ra 60. --dec -22.5 --radius 4 --width 13 --tweak 6 --cols 2,3 1-383272f_5.fistar --wcs 1-383272f_5.wcs assuming an ~/.anetrc file with the following contents: xsize = 2048 # the width of the frame in pixels ysize = 2048 # the height of the frame in pixels tweak = 3 # the order of polynomial fit to frame distortion xcol = 2 # the column to be used for x coord (1-indexed) ycol = 3 # the column to be used for y coord (1-indexed) verify = 1 # number of verify iterations to run log = 1 # set to 1 to log operations indexpath = /P/HP0/CAT/ANET_INDEX/ucac4_2014/ # path to the indexes otherwise, we'll need to provide these as kwargs to the anet executable. If usescalenotwidth, instead executes anet --ra 60. --dec -22 --radius 12 --scale 21.1 -s 2048,2048 --tweak 6 --cols 2,3 foo.fistar --wcs foo.wcs The input sourcelist can come from fistar, with a fluxthreshold set to 10000 to just get the bright stars. This makes anet way faster. """ if infofromframe: # find the frame srcframe = os.path.basename(srclist) srcframe = os.path.splitext(srcframe)[0] + '.fits' srcframepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(srclist), srcframe) srcframefz = os.path.splitext(srcframe)[0] + FITS_TAIL srcframefzpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(srclist), srcframefz) # get the RA, DEC, and FOV header keywords if os.path.exists(srcframepath): ra = get_header_keyword(srcframepath,'rac') dec = get_header_keyword(srcframepath,'decc') fov = get_header_keyword(srcframepath,'fov') xpix = get_header_keyword(srcframepath,'naxis1') ypix = get_header_keyword(srcframepath,'naxis2') if fov is not None: width = fov ra = ra*360.0/24.0 elif os.path.exists(srcframefzpath): # ext 1 is the header for the fpacked image ra = get_header_keyword(srcframefzpath,'rac',ext=1) dec = get_header_keyword(srcframefzpath,'decc',ext=1) fov = get_header_keyword(srcframefzpath,'fov',ext=1) xpix = get_header_keyword(srcframefzpath,'naxis1',ext=1) ypix = get_header_keyword(srcframefzpath,'naxis2',ext=1) if fov is not None: width = fov ra = ra*360.0/24.0 if usescalenotwidth: ANETCMDSTR = ("anet -r {ra} -d {dec} --scale {scale} " "--tweak {tweak} --radius {radius} -s {xpix},{ypix} " "--cols {colx},{coly} --wcs {outwcsfile} {sourcelist}") anetcmd = ANETCMDSTR.format(ra=ra, dec=dec, scale=scale, tweak=tweak, radius=radius, xpix=xpix, ypix=ypix, colx=cols[0], coly=cols[1], outwcsfile=wcsout, sourcelist=srclist) else: ANETCMDSTR = ("anet -r {ra} -d {dec} -w {width} " "--tweak {tweak} --radius {radius} -s {xpix},{ypix} " "--cols {colx},{coly} --wcs {outwcsfile} {sourcelist}") anetcmd = ANETCMDSTR.format(ra=ra, dec=dec, width=width, tweak=tweak, radius=radius, xpix=xpix, ypix=ypix, colx=cols[0], coly=cols[1], outwcsfile=wcsout, sourcelist=srclist) if DEBUG: print(anetcmd) # execute the anet shell command anetproc = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(anetcmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # get results anet_stdout, anet_stderr = anetproc.communicate() # get results if succeeded, log outcome, and return path of outfile if (anetproc.returncode == 0 and os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(wcsout)) and os.stat(os.path.abspath(wcsout)).st_size > 0): print('%sZ: anet WCS %s generated for frame sourcelist %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), os.path.abspath(wcsout), os.path.abspath(srclist))) return os.path.abspath(wcsout) # if astrometry did not succeed, complain and remove the zero-size wcs file # anet inexplicably makes anyway else: print('%sZ: anet WCS %s failed for frame sourcelist %s! Error was: %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), os.path.abspath(wcsout), os.path.abspath(srclist), anet_stderr)) # remove the broken wcs if astrometry failed if os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(wcsout)): os.remove(os.path.abspath(wcsout)) return None def parallel_anet_worker(task): """ This expands the task arg into the args and kwargs necessary for anet_solve_frame. """ return ( task[0], anet_solve_frame( task[0], task[1], task[2], task[3], **task[4] ) ) def parallel_astrometrydotnet_worker(task): """ This expands the task arg into the args and kwargs necessary for astrometrydotnet_solve_frame. """ return ( task[0], astrometrydotnet_solve_frame( task[0], task[1], task[2], task[3], **task[4] ) ) def parallel_anet(srclistdir, outdir, ra, dec, fistarglob='?-*_?.fistar-astrometry', nworkers=16, maxtasksperworker=1000, infofromframe=True, width=13, tweak=6, radius=13, xpix=2048, ypix=2048, cols=(2,3), overwrite=True): """ This does parallel anet astrometry for all frames in srclistdir and generates their wcs files. """ # get a list of all fits files in the directory fistarlist = glob.glob(os.path.join(srclistdir, fistarglob)) if not overwrite: existing = glob.glob( os.path.join(fitsdir, fistarglob.replace('.fistar', '.wcs')) ) requested = list(map(os.path.basename, fistarlist)) requested = [r.replace('.fistar','') for r in requested] alreadyexists = list(map(os.path.basename, existing)) alreadyexists = [ae.replace('.wcs','') for ae in alreadyexists] setdiff = np.setdiff1d(requested, alreadyexists) if len(setdiff) == 0: print("%sZ: astrometry already done for all .fistar files..." % datetime.utcnow().isoformat()) return fistarlist = [os.path.join(fitsdir, sd+'.fistar') for sd in setdiff] print('%sZ: found %s fistar files in %s, starting astrometry...' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), len(fistarlist), srclistdir)) if outdir and not os.path.exists(outdir): print('%sZ: making new output directory %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), outdir)) os.mkdir(outdir) # get the files for which astrometry hasn't already been done fistarlist = check_files(fistarlist, 'astrometry', outdir, intailstr='.fistar', outtailstr='.wcs', skipifpartial=True) if type(fistarlist) == int: if fistarlist == -1: return -1 pool = mp.Pool(nworkers, maxtasksperchild=maxtasksperworker) inpostfix = os.path.splitext(fistarglob)[-1] tasks = [ [x, os.path.join( outdir, os.path.basename( x.replace(inpostfix, '.wcs') ) ), ra, dec, {'width':width, 'tweak':tweak, 'radius':radius, 'xpix':xpix, 'ypix':ypix, 'cols':cols, 'infofromframe':infofromframe}] for x in fistarlist ] # fire up the pool of workers results =, tasks) # wait for the processes to complete work pool.close() pool.join() # this is the return dictionary returndict = {x:y for (x,y) in results} return returndict def parallel_astrometrydotnet( srclistdir, outdir, ra, dec, fistarfitsxyglob='tess2019135090826-4-2-0016_cal_img_bkgdsub.fistar-fits-xy', nworkers=10, maxtasksperworker=1000, radius=30, scalelow=1, scalehigh=30, scaleunits='arcsecperpix', tweakorder=6, nobjs=200, xpix=2048, ypix=2048, xcolname='ximage', ycolname='yimage', useimagenotfistar=False, downsample=4, pixelerror=1, uniformize=10 ): """ Uses astrometrydotnet_solve_frame to do parallel astrometry for all frames in srclistdir and generate their wcs files. """ # get a list of all fits files in the directory if useimagenotfistar: fistarfitsxylist = glob.glob( os.path.join(srclistdir, fistarfitsxyglob.replace('fistar-fits-xy','fits')) ) intailstr = '.fits' else: fistarfitsxylist = glob.glob( os.path.join(srclistdir, fistarfitsxyglob) ) intailstr = '.fistar-fits-xy' print('%sZ: found %s fistar files in %s, starting astrometry...' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), len(fistarfitsxylist), srclistdir)) if outdir and not os.path.exists(outdir): print('%sZ: making new output directory %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), outdir)) os.mkdir(outdir) # get the files for which astrometry hasn't already been done fistarfitsxylist = check_files(fistarfitsxylist, 'astrometry', outdir, intailstr=intailstr, outtailstr='.wcs', skipifpartial=False) if type(fistarfitsxylist) == int: if fistarfitsxylist == -1: return -1 inpostfix = os.path.splitext(fistarfitsxylist[0])[-1] tasks = [ [x, os.path.join( outdir, os.path.basename( x.replace(inpostfix, '.wcs') ) ), ra, dec, {'radius':radius, 'scalelow':scalelow, 'scalehigh':scalehigh, 'scaleunits':scaleunits, 'tweakorder':tweakorder, 'nobjs':nobjs, 'xpix':xpix, 'ypix':ypix, 'xcolname':xcolname, 'ycolname':ycolname, 'useimagenotfistar':useimagenotfistar, 'pixelerror':pixelerror, 'uniformize':uniformize } ] for x in fistarfitsxylist ] pool = mp.Pool(nworkers, maxtasksperchild=maxtasksperworker) # fire up the pool of workers results =, tasks) # wait for the processes to complete work pool.close() pool.join() # this is the return dictionary returndict = {x:y for (x,y) in results} return returndict def parallel_anet_list(srclistlist, outdir, ra, dec, fistarglob='?-*_?.fistar-astrometry', nworkers=16, maxtasksperworker=1000, infofromframe=True, width=13, tweak=6, radius=13, xpix=2048, ypix=2048, cols=(2,3)): """ This runs anet on a list of frames in parallel. """ # get a list of all fits files in the directory fistarlist = [x for x in srclistlist if os.path.exists(x)] print('%sZ: found %s fistar files, starting astrometry...' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), len(fistarlist))) if outdir and not os.path.exists(outdir): print('%sZ: making new output directory %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), outdir)) os.mkdir(outdir) pool = mp.Pool(nworkers, maxtasksperchild=maxtasksperworker) inpostfix = os.path.splitext(fistarglob)[-1] tasks = [ [x, os.path.join( outdir, os.path.basename( x.replace(inpostfix, '.wcs') ) ), ra, dec, {'width':width, 'tweak':tweak, 'radius':radius, 'xpix':xpix, 'ypix':ypix, 'cols':cols, 'infofromframe':infofromframe}] for x in fistarlist ] # fire up the pool of workers results =, tasks) # wait for the processes to complete work pool.close() pool.join() # this is the return dictionary returndict = {x:y for (x,y) in results} return returndict ########################## ## PHOTOMETRY FUNCTIONS ## ########################## def make_fov_catalog(ra=None, dec=None, size=None, brightrmag=sv.FIELDCAT_BRIGHT, faintrmag=sv.FIELDCAT_FAINT, fits=None, outfile=None, outdir=None, catalog='2MASS', catalogpath=None, columns=None, observatory='hatpi', gaiaidrequest='HAT'): """ This function gets all the sources in the field of view of the frame, given its central pointing coordinates and plate-scale from either 2MASS or UCAC4. Makes a catalog file that can then be used as input to project catalog (ra,dec) to frame (x,y). if ra, dec, size are None, fits must not be None. fits is the filename of the FITS file to get the center RA, DEC, and platescale values from. Kwargs: ra, dec (float): field center, in degrees size (float): size of box, in degrees brightrmag (float): bright cutoff from catalog. If 2MASS is used, "rmag" is 2MASS r. If GAIADR2 is used, it's Gaia R. faintrmag (float): faint cutoff from catalog fits (str): path to fits file containing center RA, DEC, and platescale (see preamble). outfile (str): path to write the output catalog catalog (str): 'UCAC4', '2MASS', or 'GAIADR2'. You should usually use GAIADR2. gaiaidrequest (str): if catalog is GAIADR2, then you can request either "GAIA", "HAT", or "TMASS" identifiers. These are collected from a crossmatch; if you request "HAT" identifiers, the output catalog may not include exclusively HAT-XXX-XXXXXXX ID's (there may also be some GAIA ID's). The default is set to "HAT". Returns: path of the catalog file produced. """ if ra and dec and size: catra, catdec, catbox = ra, dec, size elif fits: frame, hdr = read_fits(fits) catbox = sv.FIELDCAT_FOV if observatory=='hatpi': catra = float(hdr['RACA']) # RA [DECIMAL hr] (averaged field center) catdec = float(hdr['DECCA']) # Dec [decimal deg] (averaged field center) print('WRN! %sZ: converting decimal hour RA to decimal degree' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat())) from astropy.coordinates import Angle import astropy.units as units tempra = Angle(str(catra)+'h') catra = else: raise NotImplementedError else: print('%sZ: need a FITS file to work on, or center coords and size' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(),)) return if not outfile: outfile = '%s-RA%s-DEC%s-SIZE%s.catalog' % (catalog, catra, catdec, catbox) if outdir: outfile = os.path.join(outdir, outfile) print('%sZ: making FOV catalog for ' 'center RA, DEC = %.5f, %.5f with size = %.5f deg' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), catra, catdec, catbox)) if catalog == 'GAIADR2': if gaiaidrequest not in ['GAIA','HAT','TMASS']: raise ValueError( 'expected gaiaidrequest one of "GAIA", "HAT", "TMASS"') catalogcmd = CATALOGS[catalog]['cmd'].format( ra=catra, dec=catdec, boxlen=catbox, catalogpath=catalogpath if catalogpath else CATALOGS[catalog]['path'], brightrmag=brightrmag, faintrmag=faintrmag, outfile=outfile, idrequest=gaiaidrequest) elif catalog in ['2MASS', 'UCAC4']: catalogcmd = CATALOGS[catalog]['cmd'].format( ra=catra, dec=catdec, boxlen=catbox, catalogpath=catalogpath if catalogpath else CATALOGS[catalog]['path'], brightrmag=brightrmag, faintrmag=faintrmag, outfile=outfile) else: raise ValueError('catalog must be one of GAIADR2,2MASS,UCAC4') if DEBUG: print(catalogcmd) if os.path.exists(outfile): print('%sZ: found FOV catalog %s, continuing... ' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), os.path.abspath(outfile))) return os.path.abspath(outfile) # execute the cataloger shell command catalogproc = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(catalogcmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # get results catalog_stdout, catalog_stderr = catalogproc.communicate() # get results if succeeded, log outcome, and return path of outfile if catalogproc.returncode == 0: print('%sZ: FOV catalog %s generated for ' 'center RA, DEC = %.5f, %.5f with size = %.5f deg' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), os.path.abspath(outfile), catra, catdec, catbox)) return os.path.abspath(outfile) else: print('%sZ: FOV catalog %s generation failed for ' 'center RA, DEC = %.5f, %.5f with size = %.5f deg!' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), os.path.abspath(outfile), catra, catdec, catbox)) return None def reform_gaia_fov_catalog( incat, outcat, columns='id,ra,dec,xi,eta,G,Rp,Bp,plx,pmra,pmdec,varflag' ): """ This converts the output catalog for gaia2read to the format required for magfit. columns is a CSV string containing the required columns. """ allcolumns = ['id','ra','dec','raerr','decerr','plx','plxerr','pmra', 'pmdec','pmraerr','pmdecerr','epoch','astexcnoise', 'astexcnoisesig','astpriflag','G_nobs','G_flux', 'G_fluxerr','G_fluxovererr','G','Bp_nobs','Bp_flux', 'Bp_fluxerr','Bp_fluxovererr','Bp','Rp_nobs','Rp_flux', 'Rp_fluxerr','Rp_fluxovererr','Rp','BpRp_excess','RV', 'RV_err','varflag','Teff','Teff_lowq','Teff_highq', 'extinction','extinction_lowq','extinction_highq', 'reddening','reddening_lowq','reddening_highq', 'Rstar','Rstar_lowq','Rstar_highq','L','L_lowq','L_highq', 'xi','eta'] columns = columns.split(',') colstoget = [allcolumns.index(x) for x in columns] inf = open(incat,'r') outf = open(outcat,'wb') for line in inf: if '#' not in line: sline = line.split() outcols = [sline[x] for x in colstoget] outline = ' '.join(outcols) outf.write('{:s}\n'.format(outline).encode('utf-8')) def reform_fov_catalog(incat, outcat, columns='id,ra,dec,xi,eta,J,K,qlt,I,r,i,z'): """ This converts the full output catalog from 2massread, etc. to the format required for magfit. Also useful for general reforming of the columns. columns is a CSV string containing columns needed from allcolumns below. """ allcolumns = ['id','ra','dec','xi','eta','arcdis','J', 'Junc','H','Hunc','K','Kunc','qlt','B', 'V','R','I','u','g','r','i','z','field','num'] columns = columns.split(',') colstoget = [allcolumns.index(x) for x in columns] inf = open(incat,'rb') outf = open(outcat,'wb') for line in inf: if '#' not in line: sline = line.split() outcols = [sline[x] for x in colstoget] outline = ' '.join(outcols) outf.write('%s\n' % outline) def extract_frame_sources(fits, outfile, fistarexec='fistar', ccdextent='0:2048,0:2048', ccdgain=2.725, fluxthreshold=1000, zeropoint=17.11, exptime=30.0): """ This uses fistar to extract sources from the image. fistar -i 1-377741e_5.fits -o test.fistar --model elliptic \ --iterations symmetric=4,general=2 --algorithm uplink \ --format id,x,y,bg,amp,s,d,k,flux,s/n -g 2.725 \ --mag-flux 17,30 --sort flux \ --flux-threshold 1000 --section 0:0,2048:2048 """ if not os.path.exists(fits): print('%sZ: no FITS file to work on!' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(),)) return None if not outfile: outfile = re.sub(sv.FITS_TAIL, '.fistar', fits) fistarcmd = FISTARCMD.format( fistarexec=fistarexec, # assuming fistar is in the path frame=fits, extractedlist=outfile, ccdgain=ccdgain, zeropoint=zeropoint, exptime=exptime, fluxthreshold=fluxthreshold, ccdsection=ccdextent ) if DEBUG: print(fistarcmd) print('%sZ: starting fistar for %s...' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), fits)) # execute the fistar shell command fistarproc = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(fistarcmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # get results fistar_stdout, fistar_stderr = fistarproc.communicate() # get results if succeeded, log outcome, and return path of outfile if fistarproc.returncode == 0: print('%sZ: fistar completed for %s -> %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(),fits, outfile)) return outfile else: print('%sZ: fistar failed for %s!' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), fits)) return None def parallel_sourceextract_worker(task): """ This expands the task arg into the args and kwargs necessary for extract_frame_sources. """ return (task[0][0], extract_frame_sources(*task[0],**task[1])) def check_files(inlist, operationstr, outdir, intailstr='.fits', outtailstr='.fistar', skipifpartial=False): """ You have a list of files you think you want to run an operation on. However, you do not want to repeat the operation if you have already run it. Further, sometimes you want to skip the operation entirely if it failed last time you tried it. input: inlist: a list of paths that you want to perform an operation on operationstr: a string for logging, e.g., "source extraction" outdir: path of the directory being written to intailsstr: the tail string of the input files outtailstr: the tail string of the output files skipifpartial: if we find ANY matches between the inlist and outlist, then return -1 and do not perform any operations at all. output: default: the list of files on which to operate. If there are no files on which to operate, or skipifpartial==True and there are some matches, returns -1. """ # construct list of file names that would be created for the operation to # be performed outlist = [os.path.join(outdir, os.path.basename(re.sub(intailstr, outtailstr, x))) for x in inlist] exists = np.array(outlist)[np.array([os.path.exists(f) for f in outlist])] _exists = [re.sub(outtailstr,'',e) for e in exists] _inlist = [re.sub(intailstr,'',w) for w in inlist] if len(exists) > 0: to_operate_on = np.array(inlist)[~np.in1d(_inlist, _exists)] else: to_operate_on = np.array(inlist) print('%sZ: found %s FITS files to %s...' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), len(to_operate_on), operationstr)) if len(to_operate_on) == 0: print('%sZ: escaping %s because no new files...' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), operationstr)) return -1 if skipifpartial and (len(to_operate_on) < len(inlist)): print('%sZ: escaping %s because got partial list of files...' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), operationstr)) return -1 else: return to_operate_on def parallel_extract_sources(fitsdir, outdir, nworkers=8, maxtasksperworker=1000, fistarexec='fistar', ccdextent='0:0,2048:2048', ccdgain=2.725, fluxthreshold=1000, zeropoint=17.11, exptime=30.0, tailstr=FITS_TAIL, fnamestr='*_?.fits'): """ This does parallel source extraction from all FITS in fitsdir, and puts the results in outdir. """ # get a list of all fits files in the directory fitslist = glob.glob(os.path.join(fitsdir,fnamestr)) print('%sZ: found %s FITS files in %s, starting source extraction...' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), len(fitslist), fitsdir)) if outdir and not os.path.exists(outdir): print('%sZ: making new output directory %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), outdir)) os.mkdir(outdir) # get the files for which source extraction hasn't already been done toextract = check_files(fitslist, 'source extraction', outdir, intailstr=tailstr, outtailstr='.fistar') if type(toextract) == int: if toextract == -1: return -1 pool = mp.Pool(nworkers, maxtasksperchild=maxtasksperworker) tasks = [ [(x, os.path.join(outdir, os.path.basename(re.sub(tailstr,'.fistar',x)))), {'fistarexec':fistarexec, 'ccdextent':ccdextent, 'ccdgain':ccdgain, 'fluxthreshold':fluxthreshold, 'zeropoint':zeropoint, 'exptime':exptime,}] for x in toextract ] # fire up the pool of workers results =, tasks) # wait for the processes to complete work pool.close() pool.join() # this is the return dictionary returndict = {x:y for (x,y) in results} return returndict def parallel_srcextract_list_worker(task): """ This is the worker for the function below. task[0] = fits task[1] = {'fistarexec','ccdextent','ccdgain','fluxthreshold', 'zeropoint', 'exptime'} """ try: fits, kwargs = task if not os.path.exists(fits): return fits, None # get the required header keywords from the FITS file header = imageutils.get_header_keyword_list(fits, ['GAIN', 'GAIN1', 'GAIN2', 'EXPTIME']) # handle the gain and exptime parameters if 'GAIN1' in header and 'GAIN2' in header: ccdgain = (header['GAIN1'] + header['GAIN2'])/2.0 elif 'GAIN' in header: ccdgain = header['GAIN'] else: ccdgain = None ccdexptime = header['EXPTIME'] if 'EXPTIME' in header else None if not (ccdgain or ccdexptime): print('ERR! %sZ: no GAIN or EXPTIME defined for %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), fits)) return fits, None # figure out the outputfile outfile = fits.replace('.fits','.fistar') # figure out the input kwargs to fistar kwargs['exptime'] = ccdexptime kwargs['ccdgain'] = ccdgain # figure out this frame's CCD and therefore zeropoint frameinfo = FRAMEREGEX.findall(fits) if frameinfo: kwargs['zeropoint'] = ZEROPOINTS[int(frameinfo[0][-1])] elif not frameinfo and not kwargs['zeropoint']: print('ERR! %sZ: no zeropoint mag defined for %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), fits)) return fits, None # run fistar fistar = extract_frame_sources(fits, outfile, **kwargs) if fistar and os.path.exists(fistar): return fits, fistar else: return fits, None except Exception as e: print('ERR! %sZ: could not extract sources for %s, error: %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), fits, e)) return fits, None def parallel_extract_sources_for_list(fitslist, nworkers=16, maxworkerstasks=1000, fistarexec='fistar', ccdextent='0:0,2048:2048', ccdgain=2.725, fluxthreshold=1000, zeropoint=17.11, exptime=30.0): """ This runs a parallel fistar operation on all sources in fitslist. Puts the results in the same directories as the FITS themselves. """ pool = mp.Pool(nworkers, maxtasksperchild=maxtasksperworker) tasks = [ (x, {'fistarexec':fistarexec, 'ccdextent':ccdextent, 'ccdgain':ccdgain, 'fluxthreshold':fluxthreshold, 'zeropoint':zeropoint, 'exptime':exptime,}) for x in fitslist ] # fire up the pool of workers results =, tasks) # wait for the processes to complete work pool.close() pool.join() # this is the return dictionary returndict = {x:y for (x,y) in results} return returndict def match_fovcatalog_framesources(frame_extracted_sourcelist, frame_projected_fovcatalog, outfile, srclist_cols=(0,1,2,5,6,7), fovcat_cols=(0,1,2,12,13), match_pixel_distance=0.5): """ Does frame_projected_fovcatalog and frame_extracted_sourcelist matching. frame_extracted_sourcelist: *.fistar file frame_projected_fovcatalog: *.projcatalog file outfile: *.sourcelist file to be created by this function. Each line looks like: ID RA DEC x y phot_id x y s,d,k HAT-381-0000008 249.39070 5.27754 1261.64440 517.39870 4620 1261.75400 517.42700 1.39400 0.24400 -0.17900 This matches the fovcatalog transformed to pixel coordinates to the extracted source list pixel coordinates and gets the IDs of the sources to be later used when creating the fiphot file. The procedure is: 1. read frame sourcelist xy cols into ndarray 2. read projected fovcatalog xy cols into ndarray 3. vstack both ndarrays, combined = [sourcelist, fovcatalog] 4. create a kd-Tree using tree = cKDTree(combined) 5. find pairs using tree.query_pairs(match_pixel_distance, p=2) [p=2 -> standard euclidean distance for the Minkowski norm] 6. convert result to list of index pairs 7. get indices of fovcatalog for each pair and use to get ID from fovcatalog 8. get indices of framelist for each pair and use to get S, D, K info 9. make sure fovcatalog IDs are unique 10. write to a combined fiphot file. """ srclist = np.genfromtxt(frame_extracted_sourcelist, dtype='S17,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8', names=['id','x','y','s','d','k'], usecols=srclist_cols) fovcat = np.genfromtxt(frame_projected_fovcatalog, dtype='S17,f8,f8,f8,f8', names=['id','ra','dec','x','y'], usecols=fovcat_cols) srclist_xys = np.column_stack((srclist['x'],srclist['y'])) fovcat_xys = np.column_stack((fovcat['x'],fovcat['y'])) fovcat_tree = kdtree(fovcat_xys) distances, fovcat_indices = fovcat_tree.query(srclist_xys) # now that we have matches, put the two files together based on the indices # the output format will be: # srcext = source extracted frame list from fistar # fovcat = frame projected FOV catalog object list from # make_frame_sourcelist # fovcat HAT-ID, fovcat RA, fovcat DEC, fovcat x, fovcat y, # srcext id, srcext x, srcext y, srcext S, srcext D, srcext K if not outfile: outfile = (re.sub(sv.FITS_TAIL, '.matched-sources', frame_extracted_sourcelist)) outf = open(outfile,'wb') outlinestr = '%s %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %s %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f\n' for dist, fovcat_ind, srclist_ind in zip(distances, fovcat_indices, range(len(srclist))): if dist < match_pixel_distance: outf.write(outlinestr % (fovcat['id'][fovcat_ind], fovcat['ra'][fovcat_ind], fovcat['dec'][fovcat_ind], fovcat['x'][fovcat_ind], fovcat['y'][fovcat_ind], srclist['id'][srclist_ind], srclist['x'][srclist_ind], srclist['y'][srclist_ind], srclist['s'][srclist_ind], srclist['d'][srclist_ind], srclist['k'][srclist_ind])) outf.close() return outfile def make_frameprojected_catalog(fits, catalog, catalogxycols=(12,13), transformer='anrd2xy', wcs=None, ccdextent=None, out=None, removetemp=True, pixborders=0.0, observatory='hatpi'): """ This makes the projected catalog for the frame to use with fiphot using the anet rdtoxy transform stored in the filename wcs and projects the catalog into pixel coordinates of the image. If wcs is None, a file with .wcs extension in the same directory as fits will be used as input. catalog is the path to the FOV catalog generated by 2massread or ucac4read. out is the name of the output sourcelist. Uses the executable defined in the transformer kwarg (usually a variant of the rd2xy binary from ccdextent is a dictionary like CCDEXTENT above noting the extent of the CCD and tells us which objects are outside the FOV so they're removed from the output source list. Returns the path of the source list file produced if successful, otherwise returns None. """ fitspath = os.path.abspath(fits) if wcs: framewcsfile = wcs else: wcspath = re.sub(sv.FITS_TAIL,'',fitspath) wcspath = wcspath + '.wcs' framewcsfile = wcspath if out: outfile = out temppath = out + '.projcattemp' else: outpath = re.sub(sv.FITS_TAIL,'',fitspath) temppath = outpath + '.projcattemp' outpath = outpath + '.projcatalog' outfile = outpath # format the transformer shell command transformcmd = TRANSFORMCMD.format(transformer=transformer, framewcsfile=framewcsfile, catalogsourcelist=catalog, outputfile=temppath) if DEBUG: print(transformcmd) # make sure the wcs file makes sense before trying the transform if (framewcsfile and os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(framewcsfile)) and os.stat(os.path.abspath(framewcsfile)).st_size > 0): # execute the transformer shell command transformproc = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(transformcmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) print('%sZ: %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), transformcmd)) # get results transform_stdout, transform_stderr = transformproc.communicate() # get results if succeeded, log outcome, and return path of outfile if transformproc.returncode == 0: if observatory=='hatpi': # now we need to take out sources outside the CCD extent sourcelist_x, sourcelist_y = np.loadtxt(temppath, usecols=catalogxycols, unpack=True) # get the extent of the CCD if not ccdextent: ccdextent = CCDEXTENT # get indices for the lines to be kept optionally, remove all # sources within pixborders pixels of the edges of the image. keep_ind = np.where( (sourcelist_x > (ccdextent['x'][0] + pixborders)) & (sourcelist_x < (ccdextent['x'][1] - pixborders)) & (sourcelist_y > (ccdextent['y'][0] + pixborders)) & (sourcelist_y < (ccdextent['y'][1] - pixborders)) )[0].tolist() # output the lines to be kept outf = open(outfile, 'wb') with open(temppath,'rb') as tempf: templines = tempf.readlines() templines = [x.decode('utf-8') for x in templines if '#' not in x.decode('utf-8')] for ind in keep_ind: outf.write(templines[ind].encode('utf-8')) outf.close() elif observatory=='tess': df = pd.read_csv( temppath, delim_whitespace=True, names='id,ra,dec,xi,eta,G,Rp,Bp,plx,pmra,pmdec,varflag,x_proj,y_proj'.split(',') ) sourcelist_x, sourcelist_y = (np.array(df['x_proj']), np.array(df['y_proj'])) # get the extent of the CCD if not ccdextent: ccdextent = CCDEXTENT # do a hack for TESS-SPOC WCS. the WCS is derived pre-trim of the # rows and columns. this corrects it. if ('proj' in fitspath and 's0' in fitspath and 'cam' in fitspath and 'ccd' in fitspath and 'photref' in fitspath): print('WRN! doing hack for TESS/SPOC WCS to fix the trim '+ 'x/y CRPIX offset') hdulist = hdr = hdulist[0].header sourcelist_x -= (hdr['SCCSA']-1) sourcelist_y -= (hdr['SCIROWS']-1) hdulist.close() # the WCS-project and measured positions differ by this because # of a coordinate offset problem, somewhere. this is # CHECKED formally by wcsqualityassurance, and visually by # inspecting tessutils.plot_apertures_on_frame sourcelist_x -= 0.5 sourcelist_y -= 0.5 df['x_proj'] = sourcelist_x df['y_proj'] = sourcelist_y # get indices for the lines to be kept optionally, remove all # sources within pixborders pixels of the edges of the image. keep_ind = np.where( (sourcelist_x > (ccdextent['x'][0] + pixborders)) & (sourcelist_x < (ccdextent['x'][1] - pixborders)) & (sourcelist_y > (ccdextent['y'][0] + pixborders)) & (sourcelist_y < (ccdextent['y'][1] - pixborders)) )[0].tolist() outdf = df.iloc[keep_ind] outdf.to_csv(outfile, index=False, header=False, sep=' ') print('TESS wrote {}'.format(outfile)) print(outdf.describe()) if removetemp: os.remove(temppath) print('%sZ: frame source list generation OK for %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), fits)) return outfile else: print('%sZ: frame source list generation ' 'failed for %s: error was %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), fits, transform_stderr)) if removetemp: try: os.remove(temppath) except: pass return None # the wcs file doesn't make sense for this FITS image, complain and return else: print('%sZ: WCS transform file does not work for %s, ' 'skipping this frame...' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), fits)) return None def run_fiphot(fits, sourcelist=None, xycols='25,26', # set for full 2MASS fov catalog output format ccdgain=None, zeropoint=None, ccdexptime=None, aperturelist='1.95:7.0:6.0,2.45:7.0:6.0,2.95:7.0:6.0', formatstr='ISXY,BbMms', outfile=None, removesourcelist=False, binaryoutput=True, observatory='hatpi'): """ Thus runs fiphot for a single frame. Only the fits filename is required. If other parameters are not provided, they will be obtained from the image header and defaults. Returns the path of the .fiphot file produced if successful, otherwise returns None. """ # get the required header keywords from the FITS file if observatory=='hatpi': headerlist = ['GAIN', 'GAIN1', 'GAIN2', 'EXPTIME', 'RAC', 'DECC', 'FOV'] elif observatory=='tess': headerlist = ['GAINA', 'TELAPSE', 'CRVAL1', 'CRVAL2'] header = imageutils.get_header_keyword_list(fits, headerlist) # handle the gain and exptime parameters if not ccdgain: # FIXME: is this right? should we use separate gain values for each side # of the CCD? what about stars that straddle the middle? if 'GAIN1' in header and 'GAIN2' in header: ccdgain = (header['GAIN1'] + header['GAIN2'])/2.0 elif 'GAIN' in header: ccdgain = header['GAIN'] else: ccdgain = None if not ccdexptime: ccdexptime = header['EXPTIME'] if 'EXPTIME' in header else None if not (ccdgain or ccdexptime): print('%sZ: no GAIN or EXPTIME defined for %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), fits)) return None # figure out the fitsbase from the fits filename fitsbase = re.sub(sv.FITS_TAIL,'',os.path.basename(fits)) # handle the zeropoints if not zeropoint: # if the zeropoint isn't provided and if this is a HAT frame, the ccd # number will get us the zeropoint in the ZEROPOINTS dictionary frameinfo = FRAMEREGEX.findall(fits) if frameinfo: zeropoint = ZEROPOINTS[int(frameinfo[0][-1])] else: print('%sZ: no zeropoint magnitude defined for %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), fits)) return None # figure out the output path if not outfile: outfile = os.path.abspath(re.sub(sv.FITS_TAIL,'.fiphot',fits)) # figure out the sourcelist path if not sourcelist: sourcelist = os.path.abspath(re.sub(sv.FITS_TAIL,'.sourcelist',fits)) if not os.path.exists(sourcelist): print("%sZ: can't find a source list for %s" % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), fits)) return None # figure out if we want binary output or not if binaryoutput: binaryout = '--binary-output' else: binaryout = '' # assemble the fiphot command string fiphotcmd = FIPHOTCMD.format(fits=fits, sourcelist=sourcelist, xycols=xycols, zeropoint=zeropoint, ccdgain=ccdgain, ccdexptime=ccdexptime, aperturelist=aperturelist, fitsbase=fitsbase, formatstr=formatstr, binaryout=binaryout, outfile=outfile) if DEBUG: print(fiphotcmd) # execute the fiphot command fiphotproc = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(fiphotcmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # get results fiphot_stdout, fiphot_stderr = fiphotproc.communicate() # get results if succeeded, log outcome, and return path of outfile if fiphotproc.returncode == 0: print('%sZ: photometry using fiphot OK for %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), fits)) if removesourcelist: os.remove(sourcelist) return outfile else: print('%sZ: fiphot failed for %s: error was %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), fits, fitphot_stderr)) return None def do_photometry(fits, reformedfovcatalog, extractsources=True, fluxthreshold=500.0, fovcat_xycols=(12,13), projcat_xycols=(24,25), fiphot_xycols='7,8', # set for matched source list outdir=None, ccdextent=None, ccdgain=None, zeropoint=None, ccdexptime=None, removesourcetemp=True, pixborders=0.0, aperturelist='1.95:7.0:6.0,2.45:7.0:6.0,2.95:7.0:6.0', formatstr='ISXY,BbMms', removesourcelist=False, binaryoutput=True, minsrcbgv=100.0, maxmadbgv=20.0, maxframebgv=2000.0, minnstars=500, observatory='hatpi', extractforsdk=False, overwrite=True): """ This rolls up the sourcelist and fiphot functions above. Runs both stages on fits, and puts the output in outdir if it exists. If it doesn't or is None, then puts the output in the same directory as fits. kwargs: reformedfovcatalog is the path to the 2MASS/UCAC4 catalog for all sources in the observed field. (12 columns!) extractforsdk (bool): if you want to run fistar source extraction on the frame to get SDK values, even though you're really forcing the photometry from a projected catalog. """ outprojcat = re.sub(sv.FITS_TAIL,'.projcatalog',os.path.basename(fits)) outsourcelist = re.sub(sv.FITS_TAIL,'.sourcelist',os.path.basename(fits)) outfiphot = re.sub(sv.FITS_TAIL,'.fiphot',os.path.basename(fits)) if outdir and os.path.exists(outdir): outprojcat = os.path.join(outdir, outprojcat) outsourcelist = os.path.join(outdir,outsourcelist) outfiphot = os.path.join(outdir, outfiphot) elif outdir and not os.path.exists(outdir): print('%sZ: making new output directory %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), outdir)) os.mkdir(outdir) outprojcat = os.path.join(outdir, outprojcat) outsourcelist = os.path.join(outdir,outsourcelist) outfiphot = os.path.join(outdir, outfiphot) else: outprojcat, outsourcelist, outfiphot = None, None, None if DEBUG: print('output projected catalog will be %s' % outprojcat) print('output source list will be %s' % outsourcelist) print('output fiphot will be %s' % outfiphot) # make the .projcatalog files (projects catalog onto the frame) if overwrite or not os.path.exists(outprojcat): projcatfile = make_frameprojected_catalog(fits, reformedfovcatalog, ccdextent=ccdextent, out=outprojcat, removetemp=removesourcetemp, pixborders=pixborders, observatory=observatory) else: print('%sZ: %s already exists, skipping making projcatalog.' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), outprojcat)) projcatfile = outprojcat if projcatfile: # if we're supposed to extract sources and run photometry on them # instead of just the sources in the projected fovcatalog, do so if extractsources: outfistar = os.path.join(outdir, re.sub(sv.FITS_TAIL, '.fistar', os.path.basename(fits))) # extract sources if observatory=='hatpi': if overwrite or not os.path.exists(outfistar): framesources = extract_frame_sources( fits, outfistar, fluxthreshold=fluxthreshold ) else: print('%sZ: %s already exists, skipping fistar.' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), outfistar)) framesources = outfistar elif observatory=='tess': framesources = extract_frame_sources( fits, os.path.join( outdir, re.sub(sv.FITS_TAIL,'.fistar',os.path.basename(fits)) ), fluxthreshold=fluxthreshold, ccdgain=ccdgain, zeropoint=zeropoint, exptime=ccdexptime ) if framesources: # match extracted frame sources to the projected fovcatalog. # this makes a .sourcelist file, named "outsourcelist". matchedsources = match_fovcatalog_framesources( framesources, # *.fistar file projcatfile, # *.projcatalog file outsourcelist # *.sourcelist file, created by this function ) fiphot_xycols = '7,8' else: print('%sZ: extracting sources failed for %s!' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), fits)) return None, None else: # even if you don't want to extract sources for *photometry*, you # might want to extract them for their SDK values. for example, # this is needed so that you can select photometric reference # frames, while still running forced photometry from a base # catalog. if extractforsdk: _ = extract_frame_sources( fits, os.path.join( outdir, re.sub(sv.FITS_TAIL,'.fistar',os.path.basename(fits)) ), fluxthreshold=fluxthreshold, ccdgain=ccdgain, zeropoint=zeropoint, exptime=ccdexptime ) outsourcelist = projcatfile fiphot_xycols = '13,14' # run fiphot on the source list fiphotfile = run_fiphot(fits, sourcelist=outsourcelist, aperturelist=aperturelist, outfile=outfiphot, xycols=fiphot_xycols, ccdgain=ccdgain, zeropoint=zeropoint, formatstr=formatstr, ccdexptime=ccdexptime, removesourcelist=removesourcelist, binaryoutput=binaryoutput, observatory=observatory) if fiphotfile: return fiphotfile, None else: print('%sZ: photometry failed for %s!' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), fits)) else: print('%sZ: creating a projected source catalog failed for %s!' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), fits)) return None, None def parallel_photometry_worker(task): """ This is the parallel photometry worker function for use with parallel_fitsdir_photometry below. Just calls do_photometry with expanded args and kwargs from the two element task list. task[0] is a tuple of args, and task[1] is a dictionary of kwargs. task[2] is a boolean indicating if we should kill bad frames. Returns a tuple of form: (fits, fiphot) """ try: # first, do the photometry framephot, frameinfo = do_photometry(*task[0], **task[1]) badframesdir = os.path.join(task[1]['outdir'],'badframes') # make sure all is OK with this frame if framephot: result = (framephot, frameinfo) # if the frame photometry is bad or the frame isn't OK, delete its # fiphot so we don't have to deal with it later else: # if the fiphot exists and we're allowed to kill it, do so if os.path.exists(framephot) and task[2]: filestomove = glob.glob( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(framephot), os.path.basename(framephot).replace('.fiphot','.*') ) ) for filetomove in filestomove: shutil.move(filetomove, badframesdir) # tell the user what happened print('WRN! frame %s rejected, %s. %s' % (task[0][0], 'files moved' if task[2] else 'fiphot %s' % framephot, frameinfo if frameinfo else 'photometry failed!')) result = (framephot, frameinfo) except Exception as e: print('ERR! photometry failed! reason: %s' % e) result = (None, None) return result def parallel_fitsdir_photometry( fitsdir, outdir, fovcatalog, fluxthreshold=500.0, ccdextent=None, pixborders=0.0, aperturelist='1.95:7.0:6.0,2.45:7.0:6.0,2.95:7.0:6.0', removesourcetemp=True, removesourcelist=False, binaryoutput=True, nworkers=16, maxtasksperworker=1000, saveresults=True, rejectbadframes=True, minsrcbgv=200.0, maxmadbgv=150.0, maxframebgv=2000.0, minnstars=500, formatstr='ISXY,BbMms', ccdgain=None, ccdexptime=None, zeropoint=None, fitsglob='?-*_?.fits', extractsources=True, fovcat_xycols=(12,13), projcat_xycols=(24,25), fiphot_xycols='7,8', observatory='hatpi', overwrite=True ): """ This does photometry for all FITS files in a directory using nworkers parallel workers. """ # get a list of all fits files in the directory fitslist = glob.glob(os.path.join(fitsdir,fitsglob)) if not overwrite: existing = glob.glob( os.path.join(fitsdir, fitsglob.replace('.fits', '.fiphot')) ) requested = list(map(os.path.basename, fitslist)) requested = [r.replace('.fits','') for r in requested] alreadyexists = list(map(os.path.basename, existing)) alreadyexists = [ae.replace('.fiphot','') for ae in alreadyexists] setdiff = np.setdiff1d(requested, alreadyexists) if len(setdiff) == 0: print("%sZ: aperture photometry already done for all FITS files..." % datetime.utcnow().isoformat()) return fitslist = [os.path.join(fitsdir, sd+'.fits') for sd in setdiff] print('%sZ: found %s FITS files in %s, starting photometry...' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), len(fitslist), fitsdir)) if outdir and not os.path.exists(outdir): print('%sZ: making new output directory %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), outdir)) os.mkdir(outdir) pool = mp.Pool(nworkers,maxtasksperchild=maxtasksperworker) tasks = [[(x, fovcatalog), {'outdir':outdir, 'ccdextent':ccdextent, 'pixborders':pixborders, 'aperturelist':aperturelist, 'removesourcetemp':removesourcetemp, 'removesourcelist':removesourcelist, 'fluxthreshold':fluxthreshold, 'binaryoutput':binaryoutput, 'minsrcbgv':minsrcbgv, 'maxmadbgv':maxmadbgv, 'maxframebgv':maxframebgv, 'minnstars':minnstars, 'formatstr':formatstr, 'ccdgain':ccdgain, 'ccdexptime':ccdexptime, 'zeropoint':zeropoint, 'extractsources':extractsources, 'observatory':observatory, 'fovcat_xycols':fovcat_xycols, 'projcat_xycols':projcat_xycols, 'fiphot_xycols':fiphot_xycols, 'overwrite':overwrite}, rejectbadframes] for x in fitslist] # if the badframes directory doesn't exist, make it badframesdir = os.path.join(outdir, 'badframes') if not os.path.exists(badframesdir): os.mkdir(badframesdir) # fire up the pool of workers results =, tasks) # wait for the processes to complete work pool.close() pool.join() # this is the return dictionary returndict = {x:y for (x,y) in results} if saveresults: resultsfile = open(os.path.join(outdir,'TM-photometry.pkl'),'wb') pickle.dump(returndict, resultsfile) resultsfile.close() return returndict def parallel_fitslist_photometry( fitslist, outdir, photokey, fovcatalog, fluxthreshold=500.0, ccdextent=None, pixborders=0.0, aperturelist='1.95:7.0:6.0,2.45:7.0:6.0,2.95:7.0:6.0', removesourcetemp=True, removesourcelist=False, binaryoutput=True, nworkers=16, maxtasksperworker=1000, saveresults=True, rejectbadframes=True, formatstr='ISXY,BbMms', minsrcbgv=200.0, maxmadbgv=150.0, maxframebgv=2000.0, minnstars=500 ): """ This does photometry for all FITS files in the given list using nworkers parallel workers. photokey is required to set the name of the output photometry info pickle. """ # get a list of all fits files in the directory goodlist = [x for x in fitslist if os.path.exists(x)] # if we have no files, then bail out if not goodlist: print('%sZ: no good FITS in list, bailing out...' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(),)) return print('%sZ: found %s FITS files in input list, starting photometry...' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), len(goodlist))) if outdir and not os.path.exists(outdir): print('%sZ: making new output directory %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), outdir)) os.mkdir(outdir) pool = mp.Pool(nworkers,maxtasksperchild=maxtasksperworker) tasks = [[(x, fovcatalog), {'outdir':outdir, 'ccdextent':ccdextent, 'pixborders':pixborders, 'aperturelist':aperturelist, 'removesourcetemp':removesourcetemp, 'removesourcelist':removesourcelist, 'fluxthreshold':fluxthreshold, 'binaryoutput':binaryoutput, 'minsrcbgv':minsrcbgv, 'formatstr':formatstr, 'maxmadbgv':maxmadbgv, 'maxframebgv':maxframebgv, 'minnstars':minnstars}, rejectbadframes] for x in goodlist] # if the badframes directory doesn't exist, make it badframesdir = os.path.join(outdir, 'badframes') if not os.path.exists(badframesdir): os.mkdir(badframesdir) # fire up the pool of workers results =, tasks) # wait for the processes to complete work pool.close() pool.join() # this is the return dictionary returndict = {x:y for (x,y) in results} if saveresults: resultsfile = open(os.path.join(outdir, 'TM-photometry-%s.pkl' % photokey),'wb') pickle.dump(returndict, resultsfile) resultsfile.close() return returndict ############################## ## FRAME INFO AND FILTERING ## ############################## def collect_image_info(fits, fistar, minsrcbgv=100.0, minsrcsval=1.5, maxframebgv=2000.0, maxmadbgv=150.0, minnstars=500): """ This collects the following info about a frame. - nstars detected - median background for all source detections - MAD of the background for all source detections - the overall image background bad frames are usually those with: - large MAD for the background - median source background < 0 - nstars < 500 furthermore, a running average over, say, 10 frames will reject large deviations in: - nstars - median source background - overall image background """ frame, hdr = read_fits(fits) # the overall image background # assume this is the same as the median for now # previously, we were assuming that this is 100 ADU below the median imgbackg = extract_img_background(frame,median_diffbelow=0.0) # at some point this used to return an array, now it doesn't? # guard against this madness if isinstance(imgbackg,np.ndarray): framebgv = float(imgbackg[0]) elif isinstance(imgbackg,int) or isinstance(imgbackg,float): framebgv = float(imgbackg) # get the fistar file columns we need framecols = np.genfromtxt(fistar, usecols=(3,5), names=['bgv','sval'], dtype='f8,f8',comments='#') finitesrcbgvs = framecols['bgv'][np.isfinite(framecols['bgv'])] nstars = len(finitesrcbgvs) mediansrcbgv = np.median(finitesrcbgvs) madsrcbgv = np.median(np.abs(finitesrcbgvs - mediansrcbgv)) mediansval = np.median(framecols['sval'][np.isfinite(framecols['sval'])]) # check if the frame was aborted in the middle of the exposure if 'ABORTED' in hdr and hdr['ABORTED'] and hdr['ABORTED'] == 1: frameaborted = True elif 'ABORTED' in hdr and hdr['ABORTED'] and hdr['ABORTED'] == 0: frameaborted = False else: frameaborted = None frameok = ((mediansrcbgv > minsrcbgv) and (madsrcbgv < maxmadbgv) and (-2*minsrcbgv < framebgv < maxframebgv) and (nstars >= minnstars) and (mediansval > minsrcsval) and (frameaborted is not True)) frameinfo = {'fits':fits, 'fistar':fistar, 'nstars':nstars, 'medsrcbgv':mediansrcbgv, 'madsrcbgv':madsrcbgv, 'medsrcsval':mediansval, 'framebgv':framebgv, 'frameok':frameok} return frameinfo def frame_filter_worker(task): """ This wraps collect_image_info above and removes the fiphot for image if it's rejected. task[0] = fits task[1] = fistar task[2] = {'minsrcbgv', 'maxframebgv', 'maxmaxbgv', 'minnstars', 'minsrcsval'} this returns: True: if the frame was not filtered out False: if the frame was filtered out None: if the frame filtering failed """ try: # first, make sure that fits and fistar both exist if (task[0] and task[1] and os.path.exists(task[0]) and os.path.exists(task[1])): frameinfo = collect_image_info(task[0], task[1], **task[2]) # get rid of the frame if we're allowed to do so if not frameinfo['frameok']: returnval = False else: returnval = True return returnval else: print("ERR! fits/fiphot don't exist for this frame: %s" % task[0]) return None except Exception as e: print("ERR! frame stats collection failed for %s, reason: %s" % (task[0], e)) return None def parallel_frame_filter(fitsdir, fitsglob='?-*_?.fits', fistarext='.fistar', fiphotext='.fiphot', removebadframes=False, badframesdir=None, minsrcbgv=100.0, maxmadbgv=200.0, minsrcsval=1.5, maxframebgv=2000.0, minnstars=500, nworkers=16, maxworkertasks=1000): """ This goes through a fitsdir and removes bad frames. """ # find all the fits files fitslist = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(fitsdir), fitsglob)) # make sure all of these have accompanying fistar and fiphot files tasks = [] print('%s total FITS, finding good FITS files...' % len(fitslist)) for fits in fitslist: fistar = fits.replace('.fits',fistarext) if os.path.exists(fistar): tasks.append((fits, fistar, {'minsrcbgv':minsrcbgv, 'minsrcsval':minsrcsval, 'maxmadbgv':maxmadbgv, 'maxframebgv':maxframebgv, 'minnstars':minnstars})) print('%s FITS to work on.' % len(tasks)) if len(tasks) > 0: if not badframesdir: badframesdir = os.path.join(fitsdir, 'badframes') if not os.path.exists(badframesdir): os.mkdir(badframesdir) print('checking FITS files...') # now start up the workers pool = mp.Pool(nworkers,maxtasksperchild=maxworkertasks) results =, tasks) # wait for the processes to complete work pool.close() pool.join() outdict = {} # now remove the fiphots if we're asked to do so for x, result in zip(tasks, results): fits = x[0] if (result is False or result is None) and removebadframes: filestomove = glob.glob(fits.replace('.fits','.*')) for deadfile in filestomove: shutil.move(deadfile, badframesdir) print('moved all files for %s to %s' % (fits, badframesdir)) elif (result is False or result is None) and not removebadframes: print('bad frame %s, not moving' % fits) else: print('frame %s is OK' % fits) outdict[fits] = (result, fits.replace('.fits',fiphotext)) resultsfile = open(os.path.join(fitsdir, 'TM-framerejection.pkl'),'wb') pickle.dump(outdict, resultsfile) resultsfile.close() return outdict ################################# ## MAGNITUDE FITTING FUNCTIONS ## ################################# def get_magfit_frames(fitsdir, fitsglob, photdir, workdir=None, headerfilters=None, selectreference=True, framestats=False, linkfiles=True, outlistfile=None, observatory='hatpi'): """ fitsdir = directory where the FITS object frames are fitsglob = glob to select a subset of the FITS object frames photdir = directory where the TEXT fiphot files are (to select a singlephotref) workdir = directory where to create FITS and fiphot symlinks so can work there This does the following: 1. gets a list of frames in fitsdir that match fitsglob 2. associates these files with their photometry files in photdir 3. optionally filters them by the definitions in headerfilters (TBD) 4. optionally creates symlinks to the chosen frame files in the workdir (photdir by default, directory will be created if non-existent) 5. optionally selects a frame that might be a good reference for single reference magfit 6. optionally writes the frame list to outlistfile. headerfilters is a list of string elements of the form: '<FITS header key> <operator> <FITS header value>' where <operator> is a standard binary operator. This string will be evaled to get the filter results. if selectreference is True, the following algorithm chooses a reference frame: 1. from frames, get zenith distances (Z), moon distance (MOONDIST), moon elevation (MOONELEV). 2. from (text) fiphot files, get nsources with G flags, MAD of magnitudes in largest aperture, median magnitude error in largest aperture. 3. sort Z asc, MOONDIST desc, MOONELEV asc, nsources desc, good nsources desc, mag MAD asc, magerr asc, use these sort indices to sort framelists 4. create sets of first 200 frames in each framelist above (or all frames if total nframes with phot < 200), and then intersect them all to find a set of frames that have the best properties. pick the first one out of the final intersection set as the reference frame. Returns a dict of the form: {'framelist':<list of frames passing fitsglob and headerfilters>, 'photlist':<list of fitphot files associated with selected frames>, 'framelistfile':<path to the outlistfile if created>, 'referenceframe':<path to the chosen reference frame>, 'referencestats':<stats dictionary for the reference frame>, 'framestats':<a stats dictionary for all the frames>} """ # first, get the frames fitslist = glob.glob(os.path.join(fitsdir, fitsglob)) print('%sZ: %s FITS files found in %s matching glob %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), len(fitslist), fitsdir, fitsglob)) # TODO: add filtering by header keywords using headerfilters photfits = [] photlist = [] # associate the frames with their fiphot files for fits in fitslist: searchpath = os.path.join( photdir, re.sub(sv.FITS_TAIL,'.fiphot',os.path.basename(fits)) ) if os.path.exists(searchpath): photfits.append(fits) photlist.append(searchpath) # remove all frames with no fiphot files fitslist = photfits # check if the workdir exists. if it doesn't, create it if workdir and not os.path.exists(workdir): os.mkdir(workdir) print('%sZ: made work directory %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), workdir)) # if the workdir is not provided, use the photdir as workdir if not workdir: workdir = photdir # make sure the workdir has a stats and MPHOTREF directory if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(workdir, 'stats')): os.mkdir(os.path.join(workdir,'stats')) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(workdir,'MPHOTREF')): os.mkdir(os.path.join(workdir,'MPHOTREF')) workfitslist, workphotlist = [], [] # link the frames in fitsdir to workdir if linkfiles: # temporarily change the directory so symlinking works cwd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(workdir) for fits in fitslist: os.symlink(fits, os.path.basename(fits)) workfitslist.append( os.path.join(workdir, os.path.basename(fits)) ) # change back at the end os.chdir(cwd) print('%sZ: linked frames to workdir %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), workdir)) except Exception as e: print('%sZ: linking fiphot files to workdir %s failed!' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), workdir)) os.chdir(cwd) raise # if the workdir != photdir, then link the fiphot files too if workdir != photdir and linkfiles: # temporarily change the directory so symlinking works cwd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(workdir) for fiphot in photlist: os.symlink(fiphot, os.path.basename(fiphot)) workphotlist.append( os.path.join(workdir, os.path.basename(fiphot)) ) # change back at the end os.chdir(cwd) print('%sZ: linked fiphot files to workdir %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), workdir)) except Exception as e: print('%sZ: linking fiphot files to workdir %s failed!' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), workdir)) os.chdir(cwd) raise if not workfitslist: workfitslist = fitslist if not workphotlist: workphotlist = photlist # collect the minimum returndict returndict = {'origframelist':fitslist, 'origphotlist':photlist, 'workframelist':workfitslist, 'workphotlist':workphotlist, 'framelistfile':outlistfile} # find a reference frame goodframes, goodphots = [], [] if selectreference: print('%sZ: selecting a reference frame...' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat())) if observatory=='hatpi': zenithdist, moondist, moonelev = [], [], [] elif observatory=='tess': pass ngoodobjects, medmagerr, magerrmad = [], [], [] # for each FITS and fiphot combo, collect stats for fits, fiphot in zip(workfitslist, workphotlist): if observatory=='hatpi': headerdata = imageutils.get_header_keyword_list( fits, ['Z','MOONDIST','MOONELEV']) # decide if the fiphot file is binary or not. read the first 600 # bytes and look for the '--binary-output' text with open(fiphot,'rb') as fiphotf: header = if '--binary-output' in header and HAVEBINPHOT: photdata_f = read_fiphot(fiphot) if photdata_f: photdata = { 'mag':np.array(photdata_f['per aperture'][2]['mag']), 'err':np.array(photdata_f['per aperture'][2]['mag err']), 'flag':np.array( photdata_f['per aperture'][2]['status flag'] ) } else: print('no photdata in %s, skipping...' % fiphot) continue del photdata_f elif '--binary-output' in header and not HAVEBINPHOT: print('%sZ: %s is a binary fiphot file, ' 'but no binary fiphot reader is present, skipping...' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), fiphot)) continue else: # read in the phot file photdata = np.genfromtxt( fiphot, usecols=(12,13,14), dtype='f8,f8,S5', names=['mag','err','flag'] ) # calculate stats for photometry # find good frames if '--binary-output' in header: goodind = np.where(photdata['flag'] == 0) else: goodind = np.where(photdata['flag'] == 'G') ngood = len(goodind[0]) median_mag = np.median(photdata['mag'][goodind]) median_magerr = np.median(photdata['err'][goodind]) medabsdev_mag = np.median( np.abs(photdata['mag'][goodind] - median_mag) ) # append to result lists goodframes.append(fits) goodphots.append(fiphot) ngoodobjects.append(ngood) medmagerr.append(median_magerr) magerrmad.append(medabsdev_mag) if observatory=='hatpi': zenithdist.append(headerdata['Z']) moondist.append(headerdata['MOONDIST']) moonelev.append(headerdata['MOONELEV']) if DEBUG: if observatory=='hatpi': print('frame = %s, phot = %s, Z = %s, MOONDIST = %s, ' 'MOONELEV = %s, ngood = %s, medmagerr = %.5f, ' 'magerrmad = %.5f' % (fits, fiphot, headerdata['Z'], headerdata['MOONDIST'], headerdata['MOONELEV'], ngood, median_magerr, medabsdev_mag)) elif observatory=='tess': print('frame = %s, phot = %s, ' 'ngood = %s, medmagerr = %.5f, ' 'magerrmad = %.5f' % (fits, fiphot, ngood, median_magerr, medabsdev_mag)) # now that we're done collecting data, sort them in orders we want goodframes = np.array(goodframes) goodphots = np.array(goodphots) ngood_ind = np.argsort(ngoodobjects)[::-1] mederr_ind = np.argsort(medmagerr) magmad_ind = np.argsort(magerrmad) if observatory=='hatpi': zenithdist_ind = np.argsort(zenithdist) moondist_ind = np.argsort(moondist)[::-1] moonelev_ind = np.argsort(moonelev) # get the first 200 of these or all 200 if n < 200 if len(goodframes) > 200: ngood_ind = ngood_ind[:500] mederr_ind = mederr_ind[:500] magmad_ind = magmad_ind[:500] if observatory=='hatpi': zenithdist_ind = zenithdist_ind[:500] moondist_ind = moondist_ind[:500] moonelev_ind = moonelev_ind[:500] # intersect all arrays to find a set of common indices that belong to # the likely reference frames photgood_ind = np.intersect1d(np.intersect1d(ngood_ind, magmad_ind, assume_unique=True), mederr_ind,assume_unique=True) if observatory=='hatpi': headergood_ind = np.intersect1d(np.intersect1d(moondist_ind, moonelev_ind, assume_unique=True), zenithdist_ind,assume_unique=True) allgood_ind = np.intersect1d(photgood_ind, headergood_ind, assume_unique=True) elif observatory=='tess': allgood_ind = photgood_ind else: raise NotImplementedError # if the headers and photometry produce a good reference frame, use # that. if they don't, use the photometry to choose a good reference # frame if len(allgood_ind) > 0: selectedreference = goodframes[allgood_ind[0]] selectedind = allgood_ind[0] elif len(photgood_ind) > 0: selectedreference = goodframes[photgood_ind[0]] selectedind = photgood_ind[0] elif len(headergood_ind) > 0: selectedreference = goodframes[headergood_ind[0]] selectedind = headergood_ind[0] else: selectedreference = None selectedind = None print('%sZ: selected reference frame = %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), selectedreference)) print('%sZ: selected reference phot = %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), goodphots[selectedind])) # update the returndict with reference frame and stats returndict['referenceframe'] = selectedreference returndict['referencephot'] = goodphots[selectedind] if selectedreference and observatory=='hatpi': returndict['referencestats'] = { 'zenithdist':zenithdist[selectedind], 'moondist':moondist[selectedind], 'moonelev':moonelev[selectedind], 'ngood':ngoodobjects[selectedind], 'magmad':magerrmad[selectedind], 'mederr':medmagerr[selectedind], } elif selectedreference and observatory=='tess': returndict['referencestats'] = { 'ngood':ngoodobjects[selectedind], 'magmad':magerrmad[selectedind], 'mederr':medmagerr[selectedind], } else: returndict['referencestats'] = None # add all frame stats to the returndict if framestats: if observatory=='tess': raise NotImplementedError returndict['framestats'] = {'frame':goodframes, 'phot':goodphots, 'zenithdist':zenithdist, 'moondist':moondist, 'moonelev':moonelev, 'ngood':ngoodobjects, 'magmad':magerrmad, 'mederr':medmagerr} # done with reference frame selection # # update the workfitslist and workphotlist if we did reference frame # selection if (len(goodframes) > 0 and len(goodphots) > 0 and len(goodframes) == len(goodphots)): returndict['workframelist'] = goodframes returndict['workphotlist'] = goodphots # write the framelistfile using the new frame locations if outlistfile: outf = open(outlistfile,'wb') for fitsline, photline in zip(workfitslist,workphotlist): outf.write('%s %s\n' % (photline, fitsline)) outf.close() print('%sZ: wrote good frame list to %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), os.path.abspath(outlistfile))) print('%sZ: done with fitsdir = %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), fitsdir)) # at the end, return returndict return returndict def textphot_links_to_binphot_links(workdir, binphotdir): """ This is used to convert the fiphot links in workdir (which are text fiphot files) to the equivalent binary fiphot links in the same directory. Useful only for """ # get a list of text fiphot links text_fiphot_links = glob.glob(os.path.join(workdir,'*.fiphot')) print('%sZ: found %s text fiphot links in %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), len(text_fiphot_links), workdir)) # temporarily change working directory to the workdir cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(workdir) for textphot in text_fiphot_links: binphot = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(binphotdir), os.path.basename(textphot)) if os.path.exists(binphot): print('%sZ: converting textphot link %s -> binphot link for %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), os.path.basename(textphot), binphot)) os.remove(os.path.abspath(textphot)) os.symlink(binphot, os.path.basename(textphot)) else: print('%sZ: textphot link has no ' 'equivalent binphot file, removing it!' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), os.path.basename(textphot),)) os.remove(os.path.abspath(textphot)) def make_magfit_config(configoutfile, phot_apertures=3, phot_band='r', phot_brightmag=0.0, phot_faintmag=16.0, phot_fovcatalog='', singlephot_statdir='', masterphot_statdir='', masterphot_outdir=''): """ This creates a magfit config file. """ # open the output file object outf = open(configoutfile,'wb') # write the top of the config file outf.write('num_apertures=%i\n' % phot_apertures) # # [mcat] section # outf.write('\n[mcat]\n') outf.write('rawphot_ver=0\n') # the mcat stat template entry templatestr = phot_fovcatalog outf.write("template=Template('%s')\n" % templatestr) outf.write('faint_mag=%.1f\n' % phot_faintmag) outf.write('bright_mag=%.1f\n' % phot_brightmag) outf.write('round_pointing=1\n') outf.write(("columns=" "['id','ra','dec','xi','eta','J','K','qlt','I','%s']\n") % phot_band) outf.write('fov_alarm=20.0\n') outf.write('fov_safety_fac=1.1\n') # # [magfit.single] section # outf.write('\n[magfit.single]\n') # the magfit.single stat template entry templatestr = '/'.join( [singlephot_statdir,'SPHOTREFSTAT_object_${OBJECT}_${CMPOS}'] ) outf.write("stat_template=Template('%s')\n" % templatestr) outf.write("first_column=15\n") outf.write("reference_subpix=True\n") outf.write("file_extension='.sphotref'\n") outf.write("column_precision=1.0e-5\n") outf.write("column_name='sprmag'\n") outf.write("version=0\n") outf.write("count_weight=1.0\n") outf.write("error_avg='weightedmean'\n") outf.write("max_rej_iter=20\n") outf.write("rej_level=3.0\n") outf.write("max_mag_err=0.03\n") outf.write("noise_offset=0.0005\n") outf.write("ref_frame_stars=10000\n") outf.write("max_JmK=1.0\n") outf.write("min_JmK=0.0\n") outf.write("bright_mag_min=8.5\n") outf.write("AAAonly=True\n") outf.write("param_str='spatial:4;r:2,2;JmK:1,2;subpix:1,2'\n") outf.write("fntype='linear'\n") # # [magfit.master] section # outf.write('\n[magfit.master]\n') # the magfit.master stat template entry templatestr = '/'.join( [masterphot_statdir,'MPHOTREFSTAT_object_${OBJECT}_${CMPOS}'] ) outf.write("stat_template=Template('%s')\n" % templatestr) outf.write("first_column=15\n") outf.write("reference_subpix=False\n") outf.write("file_extension='.mphotref'\n") outf.write("column_precision=1.0e-5\n") outf.write("column_name='mprmag'\n") outf.write("version=0\n") outf.write("count_weight=1.0\n") outf.write("error_avg='weightedmean'\n") outf.write("max_rej_iter=20\n") outf.write("rej_level=3.0\n") outf.write("max_mag_err=0.03\n") outf.write("noise_offset=0.0005\n") outf.write("ref_frame_stars=10000\n") outf.write("max_JmK=1.0\n") outf.write("min_JmK=0.0\n") outf.write("bright_mag_min=8.5\n") outf.write("AAAonly=True\n") outf.write("param_str='spatial:4;r:2,2;JmK:1,2;subpix:1,2'\n") outf.write("fntype='linear'\n") # # [mphotref] section # outf.write('\n[mphotref]\n') outf.write('version=0\n') # the mphotref template entry templatestr = '/'.join( [masterphot_outdir,'mphotref_${CMPOS}.AP${APERTURE}'] ) outf.write("template=Template('%s')\n" % templatestr) outf.write("rms_fit_bright_mag_min=9.0\n") outf.write("max_rms_quantile=0.1\n") outf.write("max_rms_above_fit=4\n") outf.write("rms_fit_rej_lvl=3.0\n") outf.write("rms_fit_err_avg=median\n") outf.write("rms_fit_param='spatial:2;r:2,2'\n") outf.write("grcollect_tempdir='/dev/shm'\n") outf.write("min_meas_med=0.9\n") outf.write("min_measurements=0.01\n") outf.write("rej_iterations=20\n") outf.write("rej_outliers='iterations=20,median,meddev=8'\n") outf.close() print('%sZ: wrote magfit config to %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), os.path.abspath(configoutfile),)) return configoutfile def make_fiphot_list(searchdirs, searchglob, listfile): """ This makes a list of fiphot files in the list of directories specified in searchdirs, using the searchglob to filter by filename. Returns a list of absolute paths to the fiphot files and writes this to the file specified in listfile. """ fiphotlist = [] for fdir in searchdirs: fiphotfiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(fdir, searchglob)) fiphotlist.extend([os.path.abspath(x) for x in fiphotfiles]) # write to the output file outf = open(listfile,'wb') for fdir in fiphotlist: outf.write('%s\n' % fdir) outf.close() return listfile def run_magfit(sphotref_frame, sphotref_phot, magfit_frame_list, magfit_config_file, magfit_type, nprocs=16, hatnetwork='HATSouth', magfitexec=''): """ This runs magfit in single/master photometric reference mode. lcohpsrv1 invocation: single photref python /home/hatuser/wbhatti/src/ HATSouth single /nfs/lcohpsrv1/ar1/scratch/PHOT_WB/projid16/photometry-ap/G557-ccd5-work/1-470798a_5.fits /nfs/lcohpsrv1/ar1/scratch/PHOT_WB/projid16/photometry-ap/G557-ccd5-work/1-470798a_5.fiphot -p 8 --log-config=/home/hatuser/wbhatti/src/logging.conf --config-file=/nfs/lcohpsrv1/ar1/scratch/PHOT_WB/projid16/photometry-ap/ccd5-magfit.cfg --manual-frame-list=/nfs/lcohpsrv1/ar1/scratch/PHOT_WB/projid16/photometry-ap/ccd5-magfit-frames.list --stat master photref: nohup python /home/hatuser/wbhatti/src/ HATSouth master /nfs/lcohpsrv1/ar1/scratch/PHOT_WB/projid16/photometry-ap/G557-ccd6-work/1-470789a_6.fits /nfs/lcohpsrv1/ar1/scratch/PHOT_WB/projid16/photometry-ap/G557-ccd6-work/1-470789a_6.fiphot -p 8 --log-config=/home/hatuser/wbhatti/src/logging.conf --config-file=/nfs/lcohpsrv1/ar1/scratch/PHOT_WB/projid16/photometry-ap/ccd6-magfit.cfg --manual-frame-list=/nfs/lcohpsrv1/ar1/scratch/PHOT_WB/projid16/photometry-ap/ccd6-magfit-frames.list --stat > ccd6-mmagfit.log """ if not (os.path.exists(magfit_frame_list) and os.path.exists(sphotref_frame) and os.path.exists(sphotref_phot) and os.path.exists(magfit_config_file)): print('%sZ: some required files are missing!' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(),)) return None magfitcmd = MAGFITCMD.format( magfitexec=os.path.abspath(magfitexec), network=hatnetwork, fit_type=magfit_type, sphotref_frame=sphotref_frame, sphotref_phot=sphotref_phot, nprocs=nprocs, magfit_config_file=magfit_config_file, magfit_frame_list=magfit_frame_list ) if DEBUG: print(magfitcmd) print('%sZ: starting %s magfit with %s processes...' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), magfit_type, nprocs)) # execute the magfit shell command magfitproc = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(magfitcmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # get results magfit_stdout, magfit_stderr = magfitproc.communicate() # get results if succeeded, log outcome, and return path of outfile if magfitproc.returncode == 0: print('%sZ: %s magfit completed.' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), magfit_type)) return True else: print('%sZ: %s magfit failed!' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), magfit_type)) print('%sZ: error returned was %s' % magfit_stderr) return False def get_master_photref(sphotref_frame, fiphot_list, magfit_config_file, hatnetwork='HATSouth', photrefexec=''): """ Generates the master photometric reference from single ref photometry. lcohpsrv1 invocation: nohup python /home/hatuser/wbhatti/src/ HATSouth /nfs/lcohpsrv1/ar1/scratch/PHOT_WB/projid8/ccd5-fits/1-404411d_5.fits --manual-frame-list=/nfs/lcohpsrv1/ar1/scratch/PHOT_WB/projid8/photometry-ap/ccd5-fiphot.list --config-file=/nfs/lcohpsrv1/ar1/scratch/PHOT_WB/projid8/photometry-ap/ccd5-magfit.cfg --log-config=/home/hatuser/wbhatti/src/logging.conf --nostat > ccd5-masterphotref.log & """ if not (os.path.exists(fiphot_list) and os.path.exists(sphotref_frame) and os.path.exists(magfit_config_file)): print('%sZ: some required files are missing!' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(),)) return None photrefcmd = MPHOTREFCMD.format( mphotrefexec=os.path.abspath(photrefexec), network=hatnetwork, sphotref_frame=sphotref_frame, fiphot_list=fiphot_list, magfit_config_file=magfit_config_file ) if DEBUG: print(photrefcmd) print('%sZ: starting photref...' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(),)) # execute the photref shell command photrefproc = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(photrefcmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # get results photref_stdout, photref_stderr = photrefproc.communicate() # get results if succeeded, log outcome, and return path of outfile if photrefproc.returncode == 0: print('%sZ: photref completed.' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(),)) return True else: print('%sZ: photref failed!' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(),)) return False ########################### ## FIPHOT DUMP FUNCTIONS ## ########################### def dump_binary_fiphot(fiphot, sourcelist, outfile): """ This dumps all columns from a fiphot binary format file to a text fiphot file. This also needs the sourcelist file for the same frame to get the S, D, K values correctly for each detection. This assumes that the sourcelist source detections are ordered in the same way as the source detections in the fiphot file (this appears to be valid, but need a workaround). keys to dump and in which order: HAT-field-sourceid serial x y bg bg err per aperture[0] mag per aperture[0] mag err per aperture[0] status flag per aperture[1] mag per aperture[1] mag err per aperture[1] status flag per aperture[2] mag per aperture[2] mag err per aperture[2] status flag mprmag[0] mprmag[1] mprmag[2] NOTE: each line has a length of 210 characters (this will be useful as input to the fast parallel LC collection function in """ # first, read the fiphot in binphot = read_fiphot(fiphot) srclist = np.genfromtxt(sourcelist, usecols=(8,9,10), dtype='f8,f8,f8', names=['fsv','fdv','fkv']) # get all the columns source = binphot['source'] serial = binphot['serial'] field = binphot['field'] srcx = binphot['x'] srcy = binphot['y'] bkg = binphot['bg'] bkgerr = binphot['bg err'] im1 = binphot['per aperture'][0]['mag'] ie1 = binphot['per aperture'][0]['mag err'] iq1 = binphot['per aperture'][0]['status flag'] im2 = binphot['per aperture'][1]['mag'] ie2 = binphot['per aperture'][1]['mag err'] iq2 = binphot['per aperture'][1]['status flag'] im3 = binphot['per aperture'][2]['mag'] ie3 = binphot['per aperture'][2]['mag err'] iq3 = binphot['per aperture'][2]['status flag'] rm1 = binphot['mprmag[0]'] if 'mprmag[0]' in binphot else [np.nan for x in srcx] rm2 = binphot['mprmag[1]'] if 'mprmag[1]' in binphot else [np.nan for x in srcx] rm3 = binphot['mprmag[2]'] if 'mprmag[2]' in binphot else [np.nan for x in srcx] # format the output line lineform = ( 'HAT-%3i-%07i %12s ' # hatid, rstfc '%12.5f %12.5f ' # srcx, srcy '%12.5f %12.5f ' # bkg, bkgerr '%12.5f %12.5f %12.5f ' # fsv, fdv, fkv '%12.5f %12.5f %3i ' # im1, ie1, iq1 '%12.5f %12.5f %3i ' # im2, ie2, iq2 '%12.5f %12.5f %3i ' # im3, ie3, iq3 '%12.5f %12.5f %12.5f\n' # rm1, rm2, rm3 ) # open the outfile outf = open(outfile, 'wb') for ind in xrange(len(srcx)): outf.write(lineform % (field[ind], source[ind], serial, srcx[ind], srcy[ind], bkg[ind], bkgerr[ind], srclist['fsv'][ind], srclist['fdv'][ind], srclist['fkv'][ind], im1[ind], ie1[ind], iq1[ind], im2[ind], ie2[ind], iq2[ind], im3[ind], ie3[ind], iq3[ind], rm1[ind], rm2[ind], rm3[ind])) outf.close() return outfile def dump_binary_worker(task): """ This is a worker for parallelization of binary fiphot dumping. task[0] -> path to input binary fiphot task[1] -> path to accompanying sourcelist file task[2] -> output directory task[3] -> output fiphot extension to use """ try: outbasename = task[0].replace('fiphot',task[3]) outfile = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(task[2]), outbasename) print('%sZ: binary fiphot %s -> text fiphot %s OK' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), task[0], outfile)) return task[0], dump_binary_fiphot(task[0], task[1], outfile) except Exception as e: print('ERR! %sZ: could not dump ' 'binary fiphot %s to text fiphot, error was: %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), task[0], e)) return task[0], None def parallel_dump_binary_fiphots(fiphotdir, fiphotglob='*.fiphot', sourcelistdir=None, sourcelistext='.sourcelist', outdir=None, textfiphotext='text-fiphot', nworkers=16, maxworkertasks=1000): """ This dumps all binary fiphots found in fiphotdir (we check if the file is binary or not) to text fiphots with all the same row lengths in outdir. This is needed if we want to use the fast LC collection method implemented in """ if not sourcelistdir: sourcelistdir = fiphotdir fiphotlist = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(fiphotdir), fiphotglob)) fiphotext = os.path.splitext(fiphotglob)[-1] sourcelistlist = [x.replace(fiphotext, sourcelistext) for x in fiphotlist] print('%sZ: %s files to process in %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), len(fiphotlist), fiphotdir)) pool = mp.Pool(nworkers,maxtasksperchild=maxworkertasks) if not outdir: outdir = fiphotdir tasks = [(x, y, outdir, textfiphotext) for (x,y) in zip(fiphotlist, sourcelistlist)] # fire up the pool of workers results =, tasks) # wait for the processes to complete work pool.close() pool.join() return {x:y for (x,y) in results} ############################# ## NEW STYLE LC COLLECTION ## ############################# def make_photometry_indexdb(framedir, outfile, frameglob='*_5.fits', # avoid ISM FITS products photdir=None, photext='text-fiphot', maxframes=None, overwrite=False): """ This is like make_photometry_index below, but uses an sqlite3 database instead of an in-memory disk. """ # make sure we don't overwrite anything unless we're supposed to if os.path.exists(outfile) and not overwrite: print('WRN! %sZ: a photometry index DB by this name already exists!' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(),)) return outfile if overwrite and os.path.exists(outfile): os.remove(outfile) db = sqlite3.connect(outfile) cur = db.cursor() # make the database tables # cur.execute(PRAGMA_CMDS) # not sure if we want WAL mode or not cur.execute(PHOTS_TABLE) cur.execute(HATIDS_TABLE) cur.execute(META_TABLE) db.commit() # first, figure out the directories if not photdir: photdir = framedir # send these to the database cur.execute(META_INSERT_CMD, (photdir, framedir)) db.commit() # first, find all the frames framelist = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(framedir), frameglob)) # restrict to maxframes max frames if maxframes: framelist = framelist[:maxframes] # go through all the frames for frame in framelist: print('%sZ: working on frame %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), frame)) # generate the names of the associated phot and sourcelist files frameinfo = FRAMEREGEX.findall(os.path.basename(frame)) phot = '%s-%s_%s.%s' % (frameinfo[0][0], frameinfo[0][1], frameinfo[0][2], photext) originalframe = '%s-%s_%s.fits' % (frameinfo[0][0], frameinfo[0][1], frameinfo[0][2]) phot = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(photdir), phot) originalframe = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(framedir), originalframe) # check these files exist, and populate the dict if they do if os.path.exists(phot) and os.path.exists(originalframe): # get the JD from the FITS file. # NOTE: this is the ORIGINAL FITS frame, since the subtracted one # contains some weird JD header (probably inherited from the photref # frame) framerjd = get_header_keyword(originalframe, 'JD') # update the DB with this info cur.execute(PHOTS_INSERT_CMD, (os.path.basename(phot), framerjd, os.path.basename(originalframe))) # get the phot file photf = open(phot, 'rb') phothatids = [x.split()[0] for x in photf] photf.close() for ind, hatid in enumerate(phothatids): # update the DB with phot info cur.execute(HATIDS_INSERT_CMD, (hatid, os.path.basename(phot), ind)) # if some associated files don't exist for this frame, ignore it else: print('WRN! %sZ: ignoring frame %s, ' 'photometry for this frame is not available!' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), frame)) # make the indices for fast lookup print('%sZ: making photometry index DB indices...' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(),)) cur.execute(PHOTS_INDEX_CMD) cur.execute(HATIDS_INDEX_CMD) cur.execute(HATIDS_PHOT_INDEX_CMD) # commit the DB at the end of writing db.commit() print('%sZ: done. photometry index DB written to %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), outfile)) return outfile def get_fiphot_line(fiphot, linenum, fiphotlinechars=249): """ This gets a random fiphot line out of the file fiphot. """ fiphotf = open(fiphot, 'rb') filelinenum = fiphotlinechars*linenum fiphotline = fiphotf.close() return fiphotline def get_fiphot_line_linecache(fiphot, linenum, fiphotlinechars=249): """ This uses linecache's getline function to get the line out of the file fiphot. """ return getline(fiphot, linenum) def collect_aperturephot_lightcurve(hatid, photindex, outdir, skipcollected=True, fiphotlinefunc=get_fiphot_line, fiphotlinechars=249): """ This collects the imagesubphot lightcurve of a single object into a .ilc file. hatid -> the hatid of the object to collect the light-curve for photindexfile -> the file containing the master index of which .fiphot, .sourcelist, and .fits contain the lines corresponding to this HATID. this way, we can look these lines up super-fast using the linecache module. outdir -> the directory where to the place the collected lightcurve skipcollected -> if True, looks for an existing LC for this hatid in outdir. if found, returns the path to that LC instead of actually processing. if this is False, redoes the processing for this LC anyway. fiphotlinefunc -> this is the function to use for getting a specific line out of the specified fiphot file. The collected LC is similar to the aperturephot LC, but some extra columns added by fiphot running on the subtracted frames. columns are: 00 rjd Reduced Julian Date (RJD = JD - 2400000.0) 01 hat HAT ID of the object 02 rstfc Unique frame key ({STID}-{FRAMENUMBER}_{CCDNUM}) 03 xcc original X coordinate on CCD 04 ycc original y coordinate on CCD 05 bgv Background value 06 bge Background measurement error 07 fsv Measured S value 08 fdv Measured D value 09 fkv Measured K value 10 im1 Instrumental magnitude in aperture 1 11 ie1 Instrumental magnitude error for aperture 1 12 iq1 Instrumental magnitude quality flag for aperture 1 (0/G OK, X bad) 13 im2 Instrumental magnitude in aperture 2 14 ie2 Instrumental magnitude error for aperture 2 15 iq2 Instrumental magnitude quality flag for aperture 2 (0/G OK, X bad) 16 im3 Instrumental magnitude in aperture 3 17 ie3 Instrumental magnitude error for aperture 3 18 iq3 Instrumental magnitude quality flag for aperture 3 (0/G OK, X bad) 19 rm1 Reduced Mags from magfit in aperture 1 20 rm2 Reduced Mags from magfit in aperture 2 21 rm3 Reduced Mags from magfit in aperture 3 """ # connect to the photindex sqlite3 database indexdb = sqlite3.connect(photindex) cur = indexdb.cursor() # first, look up the metainfo cur.execute(META_SELECT_CMD) metarow = cur.fetchone() photdir, framedir = metarow # look up the hatid and its info in the photindex db cur.execute(PHOT_SELECT_CMD, (str(hatid),)) rows = cur.fetchall() if rows and len(rows) > 0: # prepare the output file outfile = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(outdir), '%s.rlc' % hatid) # if the file already exists and skipcollected is True, then return # that file instead of processing any further if os.path.exists(outfile) and skipcollected: print('WRN! %sZ: object %s LC already exists, not overwriting: %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), hatid, outfile)) return outfile # otherwise, open the file and prepare to write to it outf = open(outfile, 'wb') # go through the phots and sourcelists, picking out the timeseries # information for this hatid for row in rows: # unpack the row to get our values framerjd, phot, photline = row try: # next, get the requested line from phot file phot_elem = fiphotlinefunc( os.path.join(photdir, phot), photline, fiphotlinechars=fiphotlinechars ).split() # parse these lines and prepare the output # rstfc_elems = FRAMEREGEX.findall(os.path.basename(phot)) # rstfc = '%s-%s_%s' % (rstfc_elems[0]) out_line = '%s %s\n' % (framerjd, ' '.join(phot_elem)) outf.write(out_line) # if this frame isn't available, ignore it except Exception as e: print('WRN! %sZ: phot %s isn\'t available (error: %s)' ', skipping...' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), phot, e)) continue # close the output LC once we're done with it outf.close() print('%sZ: object %s -> %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), hatid, outfile)) returnf = outfile # if the hatid isn't found in the photometry index, then we can't do # anything else: print('ERR! %sZ: object %s is not in the ' 'photometry index, ignoring...' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), hatid)) returnf = None # at the end, close the DB and return indexdb.close() return returnf def aperturephotlc_collection_worker(task): """ This wraps collect_aperurephot_lightcurve for parallel_collect_lightcurves below. task[0] -> hatid task[1] -> photindex DB name task[2] -> outdir task[3] -> {skipcollected, fiphotlinefunc, fiphotlinechars} """ try: return task[0], collect_aperturephot_lightcurve(task[0], task[1], task[2], **task[3]) except Exception as e: print('ERR! %sZ: failed to get LC for %s, error: %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), task[0], e )) return task[0], None def parallel_collect_aperturephot_lightcurves(framedir, outdir, frameglob='*_5.fits', photindexdb=None, photdir=None, photext='text-fiphot', maxframes=None, overwritephotindex=False, skipcollectedlcs=True, fiphotlinefunc=get_fiphot_line, fiphotlinechars=249, nworkers=16, maxworkertasks=1000): """ This collects all .fiphot files into lightcurves. """ # first, check if the output directory exists if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) # next, check if we have to make a photometry index DB, and launch the if not photindexdb: photdbf = os.path.join(framedir,'TM-aperturephot-index.sqlite') photindexdb = make_photometry_indexdb(framedir, photdbf, frameglob=frameglob, photdir=photdir, photext=photext, maxframes=maxframes, overwrite=overwritephotindex) # only proceed if the photometry index DB exists if os.path.exists(photindexdb): # get the list of distinct HATIDs from the photindexdb db = sqlite3.connect(photindexdb) cur = db.cursor() cur.execute(DISTINCT_HATIDS_CMD) rows = cur.fetchall() # make sure these are unique hatids = [x[0].strip() for x in rows] hatids = list(set(hatids)) db.close() # generate the task list tasks = [(hatid, photindexdb, outdir, {'skipcollected':skipcollectedlcs, 'fiphotlinefunc':fiphotlinefunc, 'fiphotlinechars':fiphotlinechars}) for hatid in hatids] # now start up the parallel collection print('%sZ: %s HATIDs to get LCs for, starting...' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), len(hatids), )) pool = mp.Pool(nworkers,maxtasksperchild=maxworkertasks) # fire up the pool of workers results =, tasks) # wait for the processes to complete work pool.close() pool.join() return {x:y for (x,y) in results} # if the photometry index DB doesn't exist, nothing we can do else: print('ERR! %sZ: specified photometry index DB does not exist!' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), )) ################### ## EPD FUNCTIONS ## ################### def epd_diffmags(coeff, fsv, fdv, fkv, xcc, ycc, bgv, bge, mag): """ This calculates the difference in mags after EPD coefficients are calculated. final EPD mags = median(magseries) + epd_diffmags() """ return -(coeff[0]*fsv**2. + coeff[1]*fsv + coeff[2]*fdv**2. + coeff[3]*fdv + coeff[4]*fkv**2. + coeff[5]*fkv + coeff[6] + coeff[7]*fsv*fdv + coeff[8]*fsv*fkv + coeff[9]*fdv*fkv + coeff[10]*np.sin(2*np.pi*xcc) + coeff[11]*np.cos(2*np.pi*xcc) + coeff[12]*np.sin(2*np.pi*ycc) + coeff[13]*np.cos(2*np.pi*ycc) + coeff[14]*np.sin(4*np.pi*xcc) + coeff[15]*np.cos(4*np.pi*xcc) + coeff[16]*np.sin(4*np.pi*ycc) + coeff[17]*np.cos(4*np.pi*ycc) + coeff[18]*bgv + coeff[19]*bge - mag) def epd_magseries(mag, fsv, fdv, fkv, xcc, ycc, bgv, bge, smooth=21, sigmaclip=3.0): """ Detrends a magnitude series given in mag using accompanying values of S in fsv, D in fdv, K in fkv, x coords in xcc, y coords in ycc, background in bgv, and background error in bge. smooth is used to set a smoothing parameter for the fit function. Does EPD voodoo. """ # find all the finite values of the magnitude finiteind = np.isfinite(mag) # calculate median and stdev mag_median = np.median(mag[finiteind]) mag_stdev = np.nanstd(mag) # if we're supposed to sigma clip, do so if sigmaclip: excludeind = abs(mag - mag_median) < sigmaclip*mag_stdev finalind = finiteind & excludeind else: finalind = finiteind final_mag = mag[finalind] final_len = len(final_mag) if DEBUG: print('final epd fit mag len = %s' % final_len) # smooth the signal smoothedmag = medfilt(final_mag, smooth) # make the linear equation matrix epdmatrix = np.c_[fsv[finalind]**2.0, fsv[finalind], fdv[finalind]**2.0, fdv[finalind], fkv[finalind]**2.0, fkv[finalind], np.ones(final_len), fsv[finalind]*fdv[finalind], fsv[finalind]*fkv[finalind], fdv[finalind]*fkv[finalind], np.sin(2*np.pi*xcc[finalind]), np.cos(2*np.pi*xcc[finalind]), np.sin(2*np.pi*ycc[finalind]), np.cos(2*np.pi*ycc[finalind]), np.sin(4*np.pi*xcc[finalind]), np.cos(4*np.pi*xcc[finalind]), np.sin(4*np.pi*ycc[finalind]), np.cos(4*np.pi*ycc[finalind]), bgv[finalind], bge[finalind]] # solve the equation epdmatrix * x = smoothedmag # return the EPD differential mags if the solution succeeds try: coeffs, residuals, rank, singulars = lstsq(epdmatrix, smoothedmag) if DEBUG: print('coeffs = %s, residuals = %s' % (coeffs, residuals)) return epd_diffmags(coeffs, fsv, fdv, fkv, xcc, ycc, bgv, bge, mag) # if the solution fails, return nothing except Exception as e: print('%sZ: EPD solution did not converge! Error was: %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), e)) return None def epd_lightcurve(rlcfile, mags=[19,20,21], sdk=[7,8,9], xy=[3,4], backgnd=[5,6], smooth=21, sigmaclip=3.0, rlcext='rlc', outfile=None, minndet=200): """ Runs the EPD process on rlcfile, using columns specified to get the required parameters. If outfile is None, the .epdlc will be placeed in the same directory as rlcfile. """ # read the lightcurve in rlc = np.genfromtxt(rlcfile, usecols=tuple(xy + backgnd + sdk + mags), dtype='f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8', names=['xcc','ycc','bgv','bge','fsv','fdv','fkv', 'rm1','rm2','rm3']) if len(rlc['xcc']) >= minndet: # calculate the EPD differential mags epddiffmag1 = epd_magseries(rlc['rm1'],rlc['fsv'],rlc['fdv'],rlc['fkv'], rlc['xcc'],rlc['ycc'],rlc['bgv'],rlc['bge'], smooth=smooth, sigmaclip=sigmaclip) epddiffmag2 = epd_magseries(rlc['rm2'],rlc['fsv'],rlc['fdv'],rlc['fkv'], rlc['xcc'],rlc['ycc'],rlc['bgv'],rlc['bge'], smooth=smooth, sigmaclip=sigmaclip) epddiffmag3 = epd_magseries(rlc['rm3'],rlc['fsv'],rlc['fdv'],rlc['fkv'], rlc['xcc'],rlc['ycc'],rlc['bgv'],rlc['bge'], smooth=smooth, sigmaclip=sigmaclip) # add the EPD diff mags back to the median mag to get the EPD mags if epddiffmag1 is not None: mag_median = np.median(rlc['rm1'][np.isfinite(rlc['rm1'])]) epdmag1 = epddiffmag1 + mag_median else: epdmag1 = np.array([np.nan for x in rlc['rm1']]) print('%sZ: no EP1 mags available for %s!' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), rlcfile)) if epddiffmag2 is not None: mag_median = np.median(rlc['rm2'][np.isfinite(rlc['rm2'])]) epdmag2 = epddiffmag2 + mag_median else: epdmag2 = np.array([np.nan for x in rlc['rm2']]) print('%sZ: no EP2 mags available for %s!' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), rlcfile)) if epddiffmag3 is not None: mag_median = np.median(rlc['rm3'][np.isfinite(rlc['rm3'])]) epdmag3 = epddiffmag3 + mag_median else: epdmag3 = np.array([np.nan for x in rlc['rm3']]) print('%sZ: no EP3 mags available for %s!' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), rlcfile)) # now write the EPD LCs out to the outfile if not outfile: outfile = '%s.epdlc' % re.sub('.%s' % rlcext, '', rlcfile) inf = open(rlcfile,'rb') inflines = inf.readlines() inf.close() outf = open(outfile,'wb') for line, epd1, epd2, epd3 in zip(inflines, epdmag1, epdmag2, epdmag3): outline = '%s %.6f %.6f %.6f\n' % (line.rstrip('\n'), epd1, epd2, epd3) outf.write(outline) outf.close() return outfile else: print('not running EPD for %s, ndet = %s < min ndet = %s' % (rlcfile, len(rlc['xcc']), minndet)) return None def parallel_epd_worker(task): """ Function to wrap the epd_lightcurve function for use with mp.Pool. task[0] = rlcfile task[1] = {'mags', 'sdk', 'xy', 'backgnd', 'smooth', 'sigmaclip', 'rlcext', 'minndet'} """ try: return task[0], epd_lightcurve(task[0], **task[1]) except Exception as e: print('EPD failed for %s, error was: %s' % (task[0], e)) return task[0], None def parallel_run_epd(rlcdir, mags=[19,20,21], sdk=[7,8,9], xy=[3,4], backgnd=[5,6], smooth=21, sigmaclip=3.0, rlcext='rlc', rlcglobprefix='*', outfile=None, nworkers=16, maxworkertasks=1000, minndet=200): """ This runs EPD in parallel on the lightcurves in rlcdir. """ # find all the rlc files in the rlcdir rlclist = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(rlcdir), '%s.%s' % (rlcglobprefix, rlcext))) tasks = [(x, {'mags':mags, 'sdk':sdk, 'xy':xy, 'backgnd':backgnd, 'smooth':smooth, 'sigmaclip':sigmaclip, 'rlcext':rlcext, 'minndet':minndet}) for x in rlclist] # now start up the parallel EPD processes print('%sZ: %s HATIDs for EPD, starting...' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), len(rlclist), )) pool = mp.Pool(nworkers,maxtasksperchild=maxworkertasks) # fire up the pool of workers results =, tasks) # wait for the processes to complete work pool.close() pool.join() return {x:y for (x,y) in results} ################### ## TFA FUNCTIONS ## ################### def choose_tfa_template(statsfile, fovcatalog, epdlcdir, ignoretfamin=False, fovcat_idcol=0, fovcat_xicol=3, fovcat_etacol=4, fovcathasgaiaids=False, fovcat_magcol=9, max_nstars=1000, min_nstars=20, target_nstars=None, brightest_mag=8.5, faintest_mag=12.0, max_rms=0.1, max_sigma_above_rmscurve=4.0, outprefix=None, tfastage1=True, epdlcext='.epdlc'): """ This chooses suitable stars for TFA template purposes. This "template set" is a subsample of the stars, and is supposed to represent all the types of systematics across the dataset. Kovacs et al (2005) give details. statsfile = the file with LC statistics made when running EPD fovcatalog = the fovcatalog file, this must have xi and eta coordinates, ras, decs, and magnitudes Returns a dict with lists of stars chosen, their stats, and filenames of where each star list was written. """ # read in the stats file stats = read_stats_file(statsfile, fovcathasgaiaids=fovcathasgaiaids) # read in the fovcatalog if not fovcathasgaiaids: # assume HAT-IDs, HAT-123-4567890, 17 character strings fovcat = np.genfromtxt(fovcatalog, usecols=(fovcat_idcol, fovcat_xicol, fovcat_etacol, fovcat_magcol), dtype='U17,f8,f8,f8', names=['objid','xi','eta','mag']) staridstr = 'HAT-' else: # assume GAIA-IDs. From gaia2read, with "GAIA" id option, this is just # 19 character integers. The (xi,eta) and mag precision also change. fovcat = np.genfromtxt(fovcatalog, usecols=(fovcat_idcol, fovcat_xicol, fovcat_etacol, fovcat_magcol), dtype='U19,f8,f8,f8', names=['objid','xi','eta','mag']) staridstr = '' # no pre-identifier for Gaia IDs. # figure out the number of stars to use in the initial TFA template # number of stars = TFA_TEMPLATE_FRACTION * median ndet # 1. ndet >= median_ndet # 2. max rms <= 0.1 # 3. brightest_mag < median_mag < faintest_mag # 4. fit rms-mag, then discard anything above max_sigma_above_rmscurve # find the objects in the fovcat and stats file that match these # conditions, then pick up to 1000 random stars outdict = {'statsfile':os.path.abspath(statsfile), 'fovcat':os.path.abspath(fovcatalog), 'lcdir':os.path.abspath(epdlcdir), 'staridstr':staridstr} # do this per aperture for aperture in [1,2,3]: outdict[aperture] = {} # first, pick the stars that meet our stats requirements epdstr = 'ep%s' % aperture objid_col = 'lcobj' median_mag_col = 'med_sc_%s' % epdstr mad_mag_col = 'mad_sc_%s' % epdstr ndet_col = 'ndet_sc_%s' % epdstr objectid = stats[objid_col] mags_median = stats[median_mag_col] mags_mad = stats[mad_mag_col] obj_ndet = stats[ndet_col] goodind = np.isfinite(mags_median) & np.isfinite(mags_mad) objectid = objectid[goodind] mags_median = mags_median[goodind] mags_mad = mags_mad[goodind] obj_ndet = obj_ndet[goodind] print('\naperture %s: total good objects = %s' % (aperture, len(objectid))) median_ndet = np.nanmedian(obj_ndet) if not target_nstars: TFA_TEMPLATE_FRACTION = 0.1 target_nstars = TFA_TEMPLATE_FRACTION * median_ndet else: pass print('aperture %s: median ndet = %s' % (aperture, median_ndet)) print('aperture %s: target TFA template size = %s' % (aperture, int(target_nstars))) outdict[aperture]['target_tfa_nstars'] = ( target_nstars ) stars_ndet_condition = obj_ndet >= median_ndet print('aperture %s: objects with ndet condition = %s' % (aperture, len(objectid[stars_ndet_condition]))) stars_rms_condition = mags_mad < max_rms print('aperture %s: objects with rms condition = %s' % (aperture, len(objectid[stars_rms_condition]))) rmsfit_condition = stars_ndet_condition print('aperture %s: objects with rmsfit condition = %s' % (aperture, len(objectid[rmsfit_condition]))) # selection 1: fit a parabola to the median mag - mag MAD relation and # reject all stars with RMS > max_sigma_above_rmscurve polyfit_coeffs = np.polyfit(mags_median[rmsfit_condition], mags_mad[rmsfit_condition], 2) print('aperture %s: rms fit params = %s' % (aperture,polyfit_coeffs)) # generate the model RMS curve with fit parameters model_rms = (polyfit_coeffs[0]*mags_median*mags_median + polyfit_coeffs[1]*mags_median + polyfit_coeffs[2]) # find objects that lie below the requested rms threshold from this # curve threshold_condition = (mags_mad/model_rms) < max_sigma_above_rmscurve print('aperture %s: objects with threshold condition = %s' % (aperture, len(objectid[threshold_condition]))) final_statistics_ind = (threshold_condition & stars_rms_condition & stars_ndet_condition) print('aperture %s: stars with good stats = %s' % ( aperture, len(objectid[final_statistics_ind]) )) good_stats_objects = objectid[final_statistics_ind] # selection 2: get the stars with good magnitudes mag_condition = ((fovcat['mag'] < faintest_mag) & (fovcat['mag'] > brightest_mag)) good_mag_objects = fovcat['objid'][mag_condition] print('aperture %s: stars with good mags = %s' % (aperture,len(good_mag_objects))) # finally, intersect these two arrays to find a set of good TFA objects good_tfa_objects = np.intersect1d(good_stats_objects, good_mag_objects) print('aperture %s: stars suitable for TFA = %s' % (aperture,len(good_tfa_objects))) # put this initial list into the outdict outdict[aperture]['tfa_suitable_objects'] = good_tfa_objects # selection 3: pick the target number of stars for TFA. Note # target_nstars can be larger than max_nstars, in which case max_nstars # template stars are chosen. if target_nstars > max_nstars: if len(good_tfa_objects) > max_nstars: tfa_stars = nprand.choice(good_tfa_objects, replace=False, size=max_nstars) elif len(good_tfa_objects) > min_nstars: tfa_stars = good_tfa_objects else: print("aperture %s: not enough stars suitable for TFA!" % aperture) if not ignoretfamin: tfa_stars = None else: tfa_stars = good_tfa_objects else: if len(good_tfa_objects) > target_nstars: tfa_stars = nprand.choice(good_tfa_objects, replace=False, size=target_nstars) elif len(good_tfa_objects) > min_nstars: tfa_stars = good_tfa_objects else: print("aperture %s: not enough stars suitable for TFA!" % aperture) if not ignoretfamin: tfa_stars = None else: tfa_stars = good_tfa_objects # now get these stars IDs, LC fnames, xis, etas, and other things # needed for the first stage of TFA (this will choose exactly # target_nstars to use as the template for the final stage of TFA) if tfa_stars is not None: print('aperture %s: %s objects chosen as TFA templates for stage 1' % (aperture,len(tfa_stars))) outdict[aperture]['tfa_chosen_objects'] = tfa_stars tfa_stars_catmag = [] tfa_stars_statrms = [] tfa_stars_statndet = [] tfa_stars_xi = [] tfa_stars_eta = [] tfa_stars_lcfile = [] print('aperture %s: getting object info...' % (aperture,)) # get the stats for these objects for i, tfaobj in enumerate(tfa_stars): # search for the LC file for this object and make sure it exists lcfile_searchpath = os.path.join( epdlcdir, '{:s}{:s}'.format(tfaobj,epdlcext) ) if os.path.exists(lcfile_searchpath): tfa_stars_lcfile.append( os.path.abspath(lcfile_searchpath) ) tfa_stars_catmag.append( fovcat['mag'][fovcat['objid'] == tfaobj] ) tfa_stars_statrms.append( mags_mad[objectid == tfaobj] ) tfa_stars_statndet.append( obj_ndet[objectid == tfaobj] ) tfa_stars_xi.append( fovcat['xi'][fovcat['objid'] == tfaobj] ) tfa_stars_eta.append( fovcat['eta'][fovcat['objid'] == tfaobj] ) # if it doesn't, then add nans to the file else: print('ERR! couldn\'t find a LC for %s' % tfaobj) tfa_stars_lcfile.append(None) tfa_stars_catmag.append(np.nan) tfa_stars_statrms.append(np.nan) tfa_stars_statndet.append(np.nan) tfa_stars_xi.append(np.nan) tfa_stars_eta.append(np.nan) outdict[aperture]['tfa_chosen_lcfile'] = tfa_stars_lcfile outdict[aperture]['tfa_chosen_mag'] = np.ravel(tfa_stars_catmag) outdict[aperture]['tfa_chosen_rms'] = np.ravel(tfa_stars_statrms) outdict[aperture]['tfa_chosen_ndet'] = np.ravel(tfa_stars_statndet) outdict[aperture]['tfa_chosen_xi'] = np.ravel(tfa_stars_xi) outdict[aperture]['tfa_chosen_eta'] = np.ravel(tfa_stars_eta) # if no TFA stars could be chosen, return Nones for this aperture else: outdict[aperture]['tfa_chosen_lcfile'] = None outdict[aperture]['tfa_chosen_objects'] = None outdict[aperture]['tfa_chosen_mag'] = None outdict[aperture]['tfa_chosen_rms'] = None outdict[aperture]['tfa_chosen_ndet'] = None # make the input file for TFA stage 1 for this aperture if not outprefix: outfile = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'tfa-stage1-input-aperture-%s.txt' % aperture) ) else: outfile = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(outprefix, 'tfa-stage1-input-aperture-%s.txt' % aperture) ) outf = open(outfile,'wb') outline = '%s %s %.6f %.6f %i %.6f %.6f\n' for objid, lcf, mag, rms, ndet, xi, eta in zip( outdict[aperture]['tfa_chosen_objects'], outdict[aperture]['tfa_chosen_lcfile'], outdict[aperture]['tfa_chosen_mag'], outdict[aperture]['tfa_chosen_rms'], outdict[aperture]['tfa_chosen_ndet'], outdict[aperture]['tfa_chosen_xi'], outdict[aperture]['tfa_chosen_eta'] ): outf.write( ( outline % (objid, lcf, mag, rms, ndet, xi, eta) ).encode('utf-8') ) outf.close() print('aperture %s: wrote object info to %s' % (aperture, outfile)) outdict[aperture]['info_file'] = os.path.abspath(outfile) # END OF PER APERTURE STUFF # run TFAs stage 1 if we're supposed to do so if tfastage1: print('\nrunning TFA stage 1...') # run TFA stage 1 to pick the good objects tfa_stage1 = run_tfa_stage1(outdict) for aperture in tfa_stage1: outdict[aperture]['stage1_templatelist'] = tfa_stage1[aperture] # make the TFA template list file for this aperture if outdict[aperture]['stage1_templatelist']: templatelistfname = os.path.join( outdict['lcdir'], 'aperture-%s-tfa-template.list' % aperture ) outf = open(templatelistfname,'wb') for tfaobjid in outdict[aperture]['stage1_templatelist']: templatelc = os.path.join( outdict['lcdir'], tfaobjid + '.epdlc' ) if os.path.exists(templatelc): outf.write( ('%s\n' % os.path.abspath(templatelc) ).encode('utf-8') ) outf.close() outdict[aperture]['stage1_tfa_templatefile'] = ( templatelistfname ) print('aperture %s: wrote TFA template list to %s' % (aperture, templatelistfname)) return outdict def run_tfa_stage1(tfainfo): """ This just runs the TFA in fake mode to generate a list of template stars. Uses the tfainfo dict created in choose_tfa_template above. Communicates with the tfa program over pipe and then writes its output to a tfa input file for the next stage. tfa -r <REFFILE> --col-ref-id <REFFILE_IDCOLNUM> --col-ref-x <REFFILE_XCOLNUM> --col-ref-y <REFFILE_YCOLNUM> -n <NTEMPLATES_TO_USE> -T - (for stdout) -i /dev/null (no input file?) """ staridstr = tfainfo['staridstr'] tfa_stage1_results = {} for aperture in [1,2,3]: tfacmdstr = ("tfa -r {inputfile} --col-ref-id 1 " "--col-ref-x 6 --col-ref-y 7 " "-n {ntemplates} -T - -i /dev/null") # the +30 is to force selection of slightly more than the number # of strictly required templates tfacmd = tfacmdstr.format( inputfile=tfainfo[aperture]['info_file'], ntemplates=int(tfainfo[aperture]['target_tfa_nstars'])+30 ) print('aperture %s: starting TFA stage 1...' % aperture) if DEBUG: print(tfacmd) tfaproc = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(tfacmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) tfa_stdout, tfa_stderr = tfaproc.communicate() # get results if succeeded, log outcome, and return path of outfile. # (note: this suppresses errors...) if tfaproc.returncode == 0 or tfa_stdout: tfaobjects = tfa_stdout.decode('utf-8').split('\n') tfaobjects = [x for x in tfaobjects if x.startswith(staridstr) and x != ''] print('aperture %s: TFA stage 1 completed, %s templates selected' % (aperture, len(tfaobjects))) tfa_stage1_results[aperture] = tfaobjects else: print('aperture %s: TFA stage 1 failed, error was: %s' % (aperture, tfa_stderr)) tfa_stage1_results[aperture] = None return tfa_stage1_results def run_tfa_singlelc(epdlc, templatefiles, outfile=None, epdlc_jdcol=0, epdlc_magcol=(22,23,24), template_sigclip=5.0, epdlc_sigclip=5.0): """ This runs TFA for all apertures defined in epdlc_magcol for the input epdlc file, given an existing TFA template list in templatefile. If outfile is None, the output TFA LC will be in the same directory as epdlc but with an extension of .tfalc. """ tfacmdstr = ("tfa -i {epdlc} -t {templatefile} " "--col-jd {epdlc_jdcol} " "--col-mag {epdlc_magcol} " "--col-mag-out {tfalc_magcol} " "--epsilon-time 1e-9 " "--join-by-time " "--templ-filter --templ-outl-limit {template_sigclip} " "--lc-filter --lc-outl-limit {epdlc_sigclip} " "--log-svn-version " "-o {out_tfalc}") if not outfile: outfile = epdlc.replace('.epdlc','.tfalc') tfalc_output = [] # figure out the number of templates for each aperture; only the stars with # ndets > 2 x number of templates will have TFA light-curves generated # get the ndets for this epdlc with open(epdlc,'rb') as epdfile: epdlines = epdfile.readlines() epdlen = len(epdlines) tfarunnable = False # check if the number of detections in this LC is more than 2 x ntemplates # for each aperture for tfatempf in templatefiles: with open(tfatempf,'rb') as tfatemplist: templistlines = tfatemplist.readlines() tfatemplen = len(templistlines) if epdlen >= 2*tfatemplen: tfarunnable = True if tfarunnable: # run tfa for each aperture for templatef, magcol, magind in zip(templatefiles, epdlc_magcol, range(len(epdlc_magcol))): in_jdcol = epdlc_jdcol + 1 in_magcol = magcol + 1 out_magcol = in_magcol + 3 aperture_outfile = outfile + ('.TF%s' % (magind+1)) tfacmd = tfacmdstr.format(epdlc=epdlc, templatefile=templatef, epdlc_jdcol=in_jdcol, epdlc_magcol=in_magcol, tfalc_magcol=out_magcol, template_sigclip=template_sigclip, epdlc_sigclip=epdlc_sigclip, out_tfalc=aperture_outfile) if DEBUG: print(tfacmd) # execute the tfa shell command tfaproc = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(tfacmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # get results tfa_stdout, tfa_stderr = tfaproc.communicate() # get results if succeeded, log outcome, and return path of outfile if tfaproc.returncode == 0: tfalc_output.append(aperture_outfile) else: print('%sZ: aperture %s TFA failed for %s! Error was: %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), magind+1, epdlc, tfa_stderr)) tfalc_output.append(None) return tfalc_output else: print('ERR! %sZ: no TFA possible for %s! ndet < 2 x n(TFA templates)' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), epdlc)) return None def parallel_tfa_worker(task): """ This wraps run_tfa_singlelc above. """ try: result = run_tfa_singlelc(task[0], task[1], **task[2]) except Exception as e: print('%sZ: TFA failed for %s! Error was: %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), task[0], e)) result = None return result def parallel_run_tfa(lcdir, templatefiles, epdlc_glob='*.epdlc', epdlc_jdcol=0, epdlc_magcol=(22,23,24), template_sigclip=5.0, epdlc_sigclip=5.0, nworkers=16, workerntasks=1000): """ This runs TFA on the EPD lightcurves. """ epdlcfiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(lcdir, epdlc_glob)) tasks = [(x, templatefiles, {'epdlc_jdcol':epdlc_jdcol, 'epdlc_magcol':epdlc_magcol, 'template_sigclip':template_sigclip, 'epdlc_sigclip':epdlc_sigclip}) for x in epdlcfiles] print('%sZ: %s objects to process, starting parallel TFA...' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), len(epdlcfiles))) pool = mp.Pool(nworkers, maxtasksperchild=workerntasks) results =, tasks) pool.close() pool.join() print('%sZ: done. %s LCs processed.' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), len(epdlcfiles))) return {x:y for x,y in zip(epdlcfiles, results)} ############################# ## LC STATISTICS FUNCTIONS ## ############################# # FIXME: break these out into their own module # 1. RMS vs. MAG plot for EPD and TFA lightcurves # 2. MAD vs. MAG plot for EPD and TFA lightcurves # 3. ratios of RMS and MAD vs. MAG for CCD 6,7,8 to that of CCD 5 # 4. binned LC versions of these plots, using 10, 30, and 60 minute binning # FIXME: get adding median magnitude measurement errors to this as well. This # will allow for getting the predicted error relation and scintillation noise. def get_magnitude_measurement_errs(photfile, frame, errcols=[], airmassheaderkey='X'): """ This gets the median mag errs for the object and the airmass. Used to calculate the expected noise curve in an RMS plot. predicted total noise = sqrt((median mag err)**2 + (scintillation noise)**2) """ def get_lc_statistics(lcfile, rmcols=[19,20,21], epcols=[22,23,24], tfcols=[25,26,27], rfcols=None, sigclip=4.0, tfalcrequired=False, epdlcrequired=True, fitslcnottxt=False, istessandmaskedges=False): """ This calculates the following statistics for the magnitude columns in the given lcfile. mean, median, MAD, stdev. Args: lcfile: if using text file lightcurves, the lcfile is always the .epdlc file (which contains the rlc, and is used to derive the filenames of the tfalcs) fitslcnottxt (bool): a workaround for the above. rfcols are for the flux in aperture 1, 2, 3. used for ISM only """ tf1lc_check = os.path.exists(lcfile.replace('.epdlc','.tfalc.TF1')) tf2lc_check = os.path.exists(lcfile.replace('.epdlc','.tfalc.TF2')) tf3lc_check = os.path.exists(lcfile.replace('.epdlc','.tfalc.TF3')) # otherwise, proceed with stat collection if fitslcnottxt: hdulist = # by default, raw fluxes are not populated. however, they are useful to # get a true estimate of the expected shot noise. rf1, rf2, rf3 = [], [], [] if hdulist[0].header['DTR_EPD']: rm1 = hdulist[1].data['IRM1'] rm2 = hdulist[1].data['IRM2'] rm3 = hdulist[1].data['IRM3'] if epdlcrequired: ep1 = hdulist[1].data['EP1'] ep2 = hdulist[1].data['EP2'] ep3 = hdulist[1].data['EP3'] rf1 = hdulist[1].data['IFL1'] rf2 = hdulist[1].data['IFL2'] rf3 = hdulist[1].data['IFL3'] elif not hdulist[0].header['DTR_EPD'] and not epdlcrequired: # a hack. some code has been written to rely on "EPD" # statistics. however, if you're skipping EPD, you want to # instead rely on IRM statistics. populating the EPD statistics # columns with IRM statistics is hacky, but fine. rm1 = hdulist[1].data['IRM1'] rm2 = hdulist[1].data['IRM2'] rm3 = hdulist[1].data['IRM3'] ep1 = hdulist[1].data['IRM1'] ep2 = hdulist[1].data['IRM2'] ep3 = hdulist[1].data['IRM3'] rf1 = hdulist[1].data['IFL1'] rf2 = hdulist[1].data['IFL2'] rf3 = hdulist[1].data['IFL3'] else: print('expected DTR_EPD to be true in get_lc_statistics') raise AssertionError if hdulist[0].header['DTR_TFA']: tf1 = hdulist[1].data['TFA1'] tf2 = hdulist[1].data['TFA2'] tf3 = hdulist[1].data['TFA3'] elif not hdulist[0].header['DTR_TFA'] and tfalcrequired: print( '{:s}Z: no TFA for {:s} and TFA is required, skipping...'. format(datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), lcfile) ) return None else: tf1,tf2,tf3 = [], [], [] else: # check if we need TFALCs to proceed if tfalcrequired and ((not tf1lc_check) or (not tf2lc_check) or (not tf3lc_check)): print('%sZ: no TFA mags available for %s and ' 'TFALC is required, skipping...' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), lcfile)) return None try: # get the reduced magnitude columns (rm1, rm2, rm3, ep1, ep2, ep3) = np.genfromtxt(lcfile, usecols=tuple(rmcols + epcols), unpack=True) tf1, tf2, tf3 = np.genfromtxt( lcfile.replace('.epdlc','.tfalc'), usecols=tfcols, unpack=True) if rfcols and len(rfcols) == 3: rf1, rf2, rf3 = np.genfromtxt(lcfile,usecols=tuple(rfcols), unpack=True) else: rf1, rf2, rf3 = [], [], [] # if we don't have TF columns, cut down to RM and EP only except Exception as e: print('%sZ: no TFA mags available for %s!' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), lcfile)) try: (rm1, rm2, rm3, ep1, ep2, ep3) = np.genfromtxt(lcfile, usecols=tuple(rmcols + epcols), unpack=True) tf1, tf2, tf3 = [], [], [] if rfcols and len(rfcols) == 3: rf1, rf2, rf3 = np.genfromtxt(lcfile,usecols=tuple(rfcols), unpack=True) else: rf1, rf2, rf3 = [], [], [] except Exception as e: print('%sZ: no EPD mags available for %s!' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), lcfile)) rm1, rm2, rm3 = np.genfromtxt(lcfile, usecols=tuple(rmcols), unpack=True) ep1, ep2, ep3, tf1, tf2, tf3 = [], [], [], [], [], [] if rfcols and len(rfcols) == 3: rf1, rf2, rf3 = np.genfromtxt(lcfile,usecols=tuple(rfcols), unpack=True) else: rf1, rf2, rf3 = [], [], [] # # optionally, if it's TESS data, mask the orbit edges since they are known # to be rampy # if istessandmaskedges: time = hdulist[1].data['TMID_BJD'] from tessutils import mask_orbit_start_and_end orbitgap = 1 expected_norbits = 2 orbitpadding = 6/24 raise_error = False _, rm1 = mask_orbit_start_and_end(time, rm1, orbitgap=orbitgap, expected_norbits=expected_norbits, orbitpadding=orbitpadding, raise_error=raise_error) _, rm2 = mask_orbit_start_and_end(time, rm2, orbitgap=orbitgap, expected_norbits=expected_norbits, orbitpadding=orbitpadding, raise_error=raise_error) _, rm3 = mask_orbit_start_and_end(time, rm3, orbitgap=orbitgap, expected_norbits=expected_norbits, orbitpadding=orbitpadding, raise_error=raise_error) _, ep1 = mask_orbit_start_and_end(time, ep1, orbitgap=orbitgap, expected_norbits=expected_norbits, orbitpadding=orbitpadding, raise_error=raise_error) _, ep2 = mask_orbit_start_and_end(time, ep2, orbitgap=orbitgap, expected_norbits=expected_norbits, orbitpadding=orbitpadding, raise_error=raise_error) _, ep3 = mask_orbit_start_and_end(time, ep3, orbitgap=orbitgap, expected_norbits=expected_norbits, orbitpadding=orbitpadding, raise_error=raise_error) _, rf1 = mask_orbit_start_and_end(time, rf1, orbitgap=orbitgap, expected_norbits=expected_norbits, orbitpadding=orbitpadding, raise_error=raise_error) _, rf2 = mask_orbit_start_and_end(time, rf2, orbitgap=orbitgap, expected_norbits=expected_norbits, orbitpadding=orbitpadding, raise_error=raise_error) _, rf3 = mask_orbit_start_and_end(time, rf3, orbitgap=orbitgap, expected_norbits=expected_norbits, orbitpadding=orbitpadding, raise_error=raise_error) if len(tf1) > 0: _, tf1 = mask_orbit_start_and_end(time, tf1, orbitgap=orbitgap, expected_norbits=expected_norbits, orbitpadding=orbitpadding, raise_error=raise_error) if len(tf2) > 0: _, tf2 = mask_orbit_start_and_end(time, tf2, orbitgap=orbitgap, expected_norbits=expected_norbits, orbitpadding=orbitpadding, raise_error=raise_error) if len(tf3) > 0: _, tf3 = mask_orbit_start_and_end(time, tf3, orbitgap=orbitgap, expected_norbits=expected_norbits, orbitpadding=orbitpadding, raise_error=raise_error) ################################## # get statistics for each column # ################################## # fluxes # RF1 if len(rf1) > 4: finiteind = np.isfinite(rf1) rf1 = rf1[finiteind] median_rf1 = np.median(rf1) mad_rf1 = np.median(np.fabs(rf1 - median_rf1)) mean_rf1 = np.mean(rf1) stdev_rf1 = np.std(rf1) ndet_rf1 = len(rf1) if sigclip: sigclip_rf1, lo, hi = stats_sigmaclip(rf1, low=sigclip, high=sigclip) median_sigclip_rf1 = np.median(sigclip_rf1) mad_sigclip_rf1 = np.median(np.fabs(sigclip_rf1 - median_sigclip_rf1)) mean_sigclip_rf1 = np.mean(sigclip_rf1) stdev_sigclip_rf1 = np.std(sigclip_rf1) ndet_sigclip_rf1 = len(sigclip_rf1) else: median_sigclip_rf1 = np.nan mad_sigclip_rf1 = np.nan mean_sigclip_rf1 = np.nan stdev_sigclip_rf1 = np.nan ndet_sigclip_rf1 = np.nan else: median_rf1, mad_rf1, mean_rf1, stdev_rf1 = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan ndet_rf1 = np.nan median_sigclip_rf1, mad_sigclip_rf1 = np.nan, np.nan mean_sigclip_rf1, stdev_sigclip_rf1 = np.nan, np.nan ndet_sigclip_rf1 = np.nan # RF2 if len(rf2) > 4: finiteind = np.isfinite(rf2) rf2 = rf2[finiteind] median_rf2 = np.median(rf2) mad_rf2 = np.median(np.fabs(rf2 - median_rf2)) mean_rf2 = np.mean(rf2) stdev_rf2 = np.std(rf2) ndet_rf2 = len(rf2) if sigclip: sigclip_rf2, lo, hi = stats_sigmaclip(rf2, low=sigclip, high=sigclip) median_sigclip_rf2 = np.median(sigclip_rf2) mad_sigclip_rf2 = np.median(np.fabs(sigclip_rf2 - median_sigclip_rf2)) mean_sigclip_rf2 = np.mean(sigclip_rf2) stdev_sigclip_rf2 = np.std(sigclip_rf2) ndet_sigclip_rf2 = len(sigclip_rf2) else: median_sigclip_rf2 = np.nan mad_sigclip_rf2 = np.nan mean_sigclip_rf2 = np.nan stdev_sigclip_rf2 = np.nan ndet_sigclip_rf2 = np.nan else: median_rf2, mad_rf2, mean_rf2, stdev_rf2 = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan ndet_rf2 = np.nan median_sigclip_rf2, mad_sigclip_rf2 = np.nan, np.nan mean_sigclip_rf2, stdev_sigclip_rf2 = np.nan, np.nan ndet_sigclip_rf2 = np.nan # RF3 if len(rf3) > 4: finiteind = np.isfinite(rf3) rf3 = rf3[finiteind] median_rf3 = np.median(rf3) mad_rf3 = np.median(np.fabs(rf3 - median_rf3)) mean_rf3 = np.mean(rf3) stdev_rf3 = np.std(rf3) ndet_rf3 = len(rf3) if sigclip: sigclip_rf3, lo, hi = stats_sigmaclip(rf3, low=sigclip, high=sigclip) median_sigclip_rf3 = np.median(sigclip_rf3) mad_sigclip_rf3 = np.median(np.fabs(sigclip_rf3 - median_sigclip_rf3)) mean_sigclip_rf3 = np.mean(sigclip_rf3) stdev_sigclip_rf3 = np.std(sigclip_rf3) ndet_sigclip_rf3 = len(sigclip_rf3) else: median_sigclip_rf3 = np.nan mad_sigclip_rf3 = np.nan mean_sigclip_rf3 = np.nan stdev_sigclip_rf3 = np.nan ndet_sigclip_rf3 = np.nan else: median_rf3, mad_rf3, mean_rf3, stdev_rf3 = (np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan) ndet_rf3 = np.nan median_sigclip_rf3, mad_sigclip_rf3 = np.nan, np.nan mean_sigclip_rf3, stdev_sigclip_rf3 = np.nan, np.nan ndet_sigclip_rf3 = np.nan # mags # RM1 if len(rm1) > 4: finiteind = np.isfinite(rm1) rm1 = rm1[finiteind] median_rm1 = np.median(rm1) mad_rm1 = np.median(np.fabs(rm1 - median_rm1)) mean_rm1 = np.mean(rm1) stdev_rm1 = np.std(rm1) ndet_rm1 = len(rm1) if sigclip: sigclip_rm1, lo, hi = stats_sigmaclip(rm1, low=sigclip, high=sigclip) median_sigclip_rm1 = np.median(sigclip_rm1) mad_sigclip_rm1 = np.median(np.fabs(sigclip_rm1 - median_sigclip_rm1)) mean_sigclip_rm1 = np.mean(sigclip_rm1) stdev_sigclip_rm1 = np.std(sigclip_rm1) ndet_sigclip_rm1 = len(sigclip_rm1) else: median_sigclip_rm1 = np.nan mad_sigclip_rm1 = np.nan mean_sigclip_rm1 = np.nan stdev_sigclip_rm1 = np.nan ndet_sigclip_rm1 = np.nan else: median_rm1, mad_rm1, mean_rm1, stdev_rm1 = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan ndet_rm1 = np.nan median_sigclip_rm1, mad_sigclip_rm1 = np.nan, np.nan mean_sigclip_rm1, stdev_sigclip_rm1 = np.nan, np.nan ndet_sigclip_rm1 = np.nan # RM2 if len(rm2) > 4: finiteind = np.isfinite(rm2) rm2 = rm2[finiteind] median_rm2 = np.median(rm2) mad_rm2 = np.median(np.fabs(rm2 - median_rm2)) mean_rm2 = np.mean(rm2) stdev_rm2 = np.std(rm2) ndet_rm2 = len(rm2) if sigclip: sigclip_rm2, lo, hi = stats_sigmaclip(rm2, low=sigclip, high=sigclip) median_sigclip_rm2 = np.median(sigclip_rm2) mad_sigclip_rm2 = np.median(np.fabs(sigclip_rm2 - median_sigclip_rm2)) mean_sigclip_rm2 = np.mean(sigclip_rm2) stdev_sigclip_rm2 = np.std(sigclip_rm2) ndet_sigclip_rm2 = len(sigclip_rm2) else: median_sigclip_rm2 = np.nan mad_sigclip_rm2 = np.nan mean_sigclip_rm2 = np.nan stdev_sigclip_rm2 = np.nan ndet_sigclip_rm2 = np.nan else: median_rm2, mad_rm2, mean_rm2, stdev_rm2 = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan ndet_rm2 = np.nan median_sigclip_rm2, mad_sigclip_rm2 = np.nan, np.nan mean_sigclip_rm2, stdev_sigclip_rm2 = np.nan, np.nan ndet_sigclip_rm2 = np.nan # RM3 if len(rm3) > 4: finiteind = np.isfinite(rm3) rm3 = rm3[finiteind] median_rm3 = np.median(rm3) mad_rm3 = np.median(np.fabs(rm3 - median_rm3)) mean_rm3 = np.mean(rm3) stdev_rm3 = np.std(rm3) ndet_rm3 = len(rm3) if sigclip: sigclip_rm3, lo, hi = stats_sigmaclip(rm3, low=sigclip, high=sigclip) median_sigclip_rm3 = np.median(sigclip_rm3) mad_sigclip_rm3 = np.median(np.fabs(sigclip_rm3 - median_sigclip_rm3)) mean_sigclip_rm3 = np.mean(sigclip_rm3) stdev_sigclip_rm3 = np.std(sigclip_rm3) ndet_sigclip_rm3 = len(sigclip_rm3) else: median_sigclip_rm3 = np.nan mad_sigclip_rm3 = np.nan mean_sigclip_rm3 = np.nan stdev_sigclip_rm3 = np.nan ndet_sigclip_rm3 = np.nan else: median_rm3, mad_rm3, mean_rm3, stdev_rm3 = (np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan) ndet_rm3 = np.nan median_sigclip_rm3, mad_sigclip_rm3 = np.nan, np.nan mean_sigclip_rm3, stdev_sigclip_rm3 = np.nan, np.nan ndet_sigclip_rm3 = np.nan # EP1 if len(ep1) > 4: finiteind = np.isfinite(ep1) ep1 = ep1[finiteind] median_ep1 = np.median(ep1) mad_ep1 = np.median(np.fabs(ep1 - median_ep1)) mean_ep1 = np.mean(ep1) stdev_ep1 = np.std(ep1) ndet_ep1 = len(ep1) if sigclip: sigclip_ep1, lo, hi = stats_sigmaclip(ep1, low=sigclip, high=sigclip) median_sigclip_ep1 = np.median(sigclip_ep1) mad_sigclip_ep1 = np.median(np.fabs(sigclip_ep1 - median_sigclip_ep1)) mean_sigclip_ep1 = np.mean(sigclip_ep1) stdev_sigclip_ep1 = np.std(sigclip_ep1) ndet_sigclip_ep1 = len(sigclip_ep1) else: median_sigclip_ep1 = np.nan mad_sigclip_ep1 = np.nan mean_sigclip_ep1 = np.nan stdev_sigclip_ep1 = np.nan ndet_sigclip_ep1 = np.nan else: median_ep1, mad_ep1, mean_ep1, stdev_ep1 = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan ndet_ep1 = np.nan median_sigclip_ep1, mad_sigclip_ep1 = np.nan, np.nan mean_sigclip_ep1, stdev_sigclip_ep1 = np.nan, np.nan ndet_sigclip_ep1 = np.nan # EP2 if len(ep2) > 4: finiteind = np.isfinite(ep2) ep2 = ep2[finiteind] median_ep2 = np.median(ep2) mad_ep2 = np.median(np.fabs(ep2 - median_ep2)) mean_ep2 = np.mean(ep2) stdev_ep2 = np.std(ep2) ndet_ep2 = len(ep2) if sigclip: sigclip_ep2, lo, hi = stats_sigmaclip(ep2, low=sigclip, high=sigclip) median_sigclip_ep2 = np.median(sigclip_ep2) mad_sigclip_ep2 = np.median(np.fabs(sigclip_ep2 - median_sigclip_ep2)) mean_sigclip_ep2 = np.mean(sigclip_ep2) stdev_sigclip_ep2 = np.std(sigclip_ep2) ndet_sigclip_ep2 = len(sigclip_ep2) else: median_sigclip_ep2 = np.nan mad_sigclip_ep2 = np.nan mean_sigclip_ep2 = np.nan stdev_sigclip_ep2 = np.nan ndet_sigclip_ep2 = np.nan else: median_ep2, mad_ep2, mean_ep2, stdev_ep2 = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan ndet_ep2 = np.nan median_sigclip_ep2, mad_sigclip_ep2 = np.nan, np.nan mean_sigclip_ep2, stdev_sigclip_ep2 = np.nan, np.nan ndet_sigclip_ep2 = np.nan # EP3 if len(ep3) > 4: finiteind = np.isfinite(ep3) ep3 = ep3[finiteind] median_ep3 = np.median(ep3) mad_ep3 = np.median(np.fabs(ep3 - median_ep3)) mean_ep3 = np.mean(ep3) stdev_ep3 = np.std(ep3) ndet_ep3 = len(ep3) if sigclip: sigclip_ep3, lo, hi = stats_sigmaclip(ep3, low=sigclip, high=sigclip) median_sigclip_ep3 = np.median(sigclip_ep3) mad_sigclip_ep3 = np.median(np.fabs(sigclip_ep3 - median_sigclip_ep3)) mean_sigclip_ep3 = np.mean(sigclip_ep3) stdev_sigclip_ep3 = np.std(sigclip_ep3) ndet_sigclip_ep3 = len(sigclip_ep3) else: median_sigclip_ep3 = np.nan mad_sigclip_ep3 = np.nan mean_sigclip_ep3 = np.nan stdev_sigclip_ep3 = np.nan ndet_sigclip_ep3 = np.nan else: median_ep3, mad_ep3, mean_ep3, stdev_ep3 = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan ndet_ep3 = np.nan median_sigclip_ep3, mad_sigclip_ep3 = np.nan, np.nan mean_sigclip_ep3, stdev_sigclip_ep3 = np.nan, np.nan ndet_sigclip_ep3 = np.nan # TF1 if len(tf1) > 4: finiteind = np.isfinite(tf1) tf1 = tf1[finiteind] median_tf1 = np.median(tf1) mad_tf1 = np.median(np.fabs(tf1 - median_tf1)) mean_tf1 = np.mean(tf1) stdev_tf1 = np.std(tf1) ndet_tf1 = len(tf1) if sigclip: sigclip_tf1, lo, hi = stats_sigmaclip(tf1, low=sigclip, high=sigclip) median_sigclip_tf1 = np.median(sigclip_tf1) mad_sigclip_tf1 = np.median(np.fabs(sigclip_tf1 - median_sigclip_tf1)) mean_sigclip_tf1 = np.mean(sigclip_tf1) stdev_sigclip_tf1 = np.std(sigclip_tf1) ndet_sigclip_tf1 = len(sigclip_tf1) else: median_sigclip_tf1 = np.nan mad_sigclip_tf1 = np.nan mean_sigclip_tf1 = np.nan stdev_sigclip_tf1 = np.nan ndet_sigclip_tf1 = np.nan else: median_tf1, mad_tf1, mean_tf1, stdev_tf1 = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan ndet_tf1 = np.nan median_sigclip_tf1, mad_sigclip_tf1 = np.nan, np.nan mean_sigclip_tf1, stdev_sigclip_tf1 = np.nan, np.nan ndet_sigclip_tf1 = np.nan # TF2 if len(tf2) > 4: finiteind = np.isfinite(tf2) tf2 = tf2[finiteind] median_tf2 = np.median(tf2) mad_tf2 = np.median(np.fabs(tf2 - median_tf2)) mean_tf2 = np.mean(tf2) stdev_tf2 = np.std(tf2) ndet_tf2 = len(tf2) if sigclip: sigclip_tf2, lo, hi = stats_sigmaclip(tf2, low=sigclip, high=sigclip) median_sigclip_tf2 = np.median(sigclip_tf2) mad_sigclip_tf2 = np.median(np.fabs(sigclip_tf2 - median_sigclip_tf2)) mean_sigclip_tf2 = np.mean(sigclip_tf2) stdev_sigclip_tf2 = np.std(sigclip_tf2) ndet_sigclip_tf2 = len(sigclip_tf2) else: median_sigclip_tf2 = np.nan mad_sigclip_tf2 = np.nan mean_sigclip_tf2 = np.nan stdev_sigclip_tf2 = np.nan ndet_sigclip_tf2 = np.nan else: median_tf2, mad_tf2, mean_tf2, stdev_tf2 = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan ndet_tf2 = np.nan median_sigclip_tf2, mad_sigclip_tf2 = np.nan, np.nan mean_sigclip_tf2, stdev_sigclip_tf2 = np.nan, np.nan ndet_sigclip_tf2 = np.nan # TF3 if len(tf3) > 4: finiteind = np.isfinite(tf3) tf3 = tf3[finiteind] median_tf3 = np.median(tf3) mad_tf3 = np.median(np.fabs(tf3 - median_tf3)) mean_tf3 = np.mean(tf3) stdev_tf3 = np.std(tf3) ndet_tf3 = len(tf3) if sigclip: sigclip_tf3, lo, hi = stats_sigmaclip(tf3, low=sigclip, high=sigclip) median_sigclip_tf3 = np.median(sigclip_tf3) mad_sigclip_tf3 = np.median(np.fabs(sigclip_tf3 - median_sigclip_tf3)) mean_sigclip_tf3 = np.mean(sigclip_tf3) stdev_sigclip_tf3 = np.std(sigclip_tf3) ndet_sigclip_tf3 = len(sigclip_tf3) else: median_sigclip_tf3 = np.nan mad_sigclip_tf3 = np.nan mean_sigclip_tf3 = np.nan stdev_sigclip_tf3 = np.nan ndet_sigclip_tf3 = np.nan else: median_tf3, mad_tf3, mean_tf3, stdev_tf3 = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan ndet_tf3 = np.nan median_sigclip_tf3, mad_sigclip_tf3 = np.nan, np.nan mean_sigclip_tf3, stdev_sigclip_tf3 = np.nan, np.nan ndet_sigclip_tf3 = np.nan ## COLLECT STATS print('%sZ: done with statistics for %s' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), lcfile)) lcobj = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(lcfile))[0] if '_llc' in lcobj: # TESS filenaming format: {gaiaid}_llc.fits -- so if we want to # retrieve the Gaia-ID, must omit "_llc" here. lcobj = lcobj.replace('_llc','') if 'hlsp' in lcobj: # typical format: # hlsp_cdips_tess_ffi_gaiatwo0002917938284837069312-0006_tess_v01_llc.fits from parse import search res = search('hlsp_cdips_tess_ffi_gaiatwo{}-{}_tess{}', lcobj) lcobj = res[0].lstrip('0') return {'lcfile':lcfile, 'lcobj':lcobj, # reduced mags aperture 1 'median_rf1':median_rf1, 'mad_rf1':mad_rf1, 'mean_rf1':mean_rf1, 'stdev_rf1':stdev_rf1, 'ndet_rf1':ndet_rf1, 'median_sigclip_rf1':median_sigclip_rf1, 'mad_sigclip_rf1':mad_sigclip_rf1, 'mean_sigclip_rf1':mean_sigclip_rf1, 'stdev_sigclip_rf1':stdev_sigclip_rf1, 'ndet_sigclip_rf1':ndet_sigclip_rf1, # reduced mags aperture 2 'median_rf2':median_rf2, 'mad_rf2':mad_rf2, 'mean_rf2':mean_rf2, 'stdev_rf2':stdev_rf2, 'ndet_rf2':ndet_rf2, 'median_sigclip_rf2':median_sigclip_rf2, 'mad_sigclip_rf2':mad_sigclip_rf2, 'mean_sigclip_rf2':mean_sigclip_rf2, 'stdev_sigclip_rf2':stdev_sigclip_rf2, 'ndet_sigclip_rf2':ndet_sigclip_rf2, # reduced mags aperture 3 'median_rf3':median_rf3, 'mad_rf3':mad_rf3, 'mean_rf3':mean_rf3, 'stdev_rf3':stdev_rf3, 'ndet_rf3':ndet_rf3, 'median_sigclip_rf3':median_sigclip_rf3, 'mad_sigclip_rf3':mad_sigclip_rf3, 'mean_sigclip_rf3':mean_sigclip_rf3, 'stdev_sigclip_rf3':stdev_sigclip_rf3, 'ndet_sigclip_rf3':ndet_sigclip_rf3, # reduced mags aperture 1 'median_rm1':median_rm1, 'mad_rm1':mad_rm1, 'mean_rm1':mean_rm1, 'stdev_rm1':stdev_rm1, 'ndet_rm1':ndet_rm1, 'median_sigclip_rm1':median_sigclip_rm1, 'mad_sigclip_rm1':mad_sigclip_rm1, 'mean_sigclip_rm1':mean_sigclip_rm1, 'stdev_sigclip_rm1':stdev_sigclip_rm1, 'ndet_sigclip_rm1':ndet_sigclip_rm1, # reduced mags aperture 2 'median_rm2':median_rm2, 'mad_rm2':mad_rm2, 'mean_rm2':mean_rm2, 'stdev_rm2':stdev_rm2, 'ndet_rm2':ndet_rm2, 'median_sigclip_rm2':median_sigclip_rm2, 'mad_sigclip_rm2':mad_sigclip_rm2, 'mean_sigclip_rm2':mean_sigclip_rm2, 'stdev_sigclip_rm2':stdev_sigclip_rm2, 'ndet_sigclip_rm2':ndet_sigclip_rm2, # reduced mags aperture 3 'median_rm3':median_rm3, 'mad_rm3':mad_rm3, 'mean_rm3':mean_rm3, 'stdev_rm3':stdev_rm3, 'ndet_rm3':ndet_rm3, 'median_sigclip_rm3':median_sigclip_rm3, 'mad_sigclip_rm3':mad_sigclip_rm3, 'mean_sigclip_rm3':mean_sigclip_rm3, 'stdev_sigclip_rm3':stdev_sigclip_rm3, 'ndet_sigclip_rm3':ndet_sigclip_rm3, # EPD mags aperture 1 'median_ep1':median_ep1, 'mad_ep1':mad_ep1, 'mean_ep1':mean_ep1, 'stdev_ep1':stdev_ep1, 'ndet_ep1':ndet_ep1, 'median_sigclip_ep1':median_sigclip_ep1, 'mad_sigclip_ep1':mad_sigclip_ep1, 'mean_sigclip_ep1':mean_sigclip_ep1, 'stdev_sigclip_ep1':stdev_sigclip_ep1, 'ndet_sigclip_ep1':ndet_sigclip_ep1, # EPD mags aperture 2 'median_ep2':median_ep2, 'mad_ep2':mad_ep2, 'mean_ep2':mean_ep2, 'stdev_ep2':stdev_ep2, 'ndet_ep2':ndet_ep2, 'median_sigclip_ep2':median_sigclip_ep2, 'mad_sigclip_ep2':mad_sigclip_ep2, 'mean_sigclip_ep2':mean_sigclip_ep2, 'stdev_sigclip_ep2':stdev_sigclip_ep2, 'ndet_sigclip_ep2':ndet_sigclip_ep2, # EPD mags aperture 3 'median_ep3':median_ep3, 'mad_ep3':mad_ep3, 'mean_ep3':mean_ep3, 'stdev_ep3':stdev_ep3, 'ndet_ep3':ndet_ep3, 'median_sigclip_ep3':median_sigclip_ep3, 'mad_sigclip_ep3':mad_sigclip_ep3, 'mean_sigclip_ep3':mean_sigclip_ep3, 'stdev_sigclip_ep3':stdev_sigclip_ep3, 'ndet_sigclip_ep3':ndet_sigclip_ep3, # TFA mags aperture 1 'median_tf1':median_tf1, 'mad_tf1':mad_tf1, 'mean_tf1':mean_tf1, 'stdev_tf1':stdev_tf1, 'ndet_tf1':ndet_tf1, 'median_sigclip_tf1':median_sigclip_tf1, 'mad_sigclip_tf1':mad_sigclip_tf1, 'mean_sigclip_tf1':mean_sigclip_tf1, 'stdev_sigclip_tf1':stdev_sigclip_tf1, 'ndet_sigclip_tf1':ndet_sigclip_tf1, # TFA mags aperture 2 'median_tf2':median_tf2, 'mad_tf2':mad_tf2, 'mean_tf2':mean_tf2, 'stdev_tf2':stdev_tf2, 'ndet_tf2':ndet_tf2, 'median_sigclip_tf2':median_sigclip_tf2, 'mad_sigclip_tf2':mad_sigclip_tf2, 'mean_sigclip_tf2':mean_sigclip_tf2, 'stdev_sigclip_tf2':stdev_sigclip_tf2, 'ndet_sigclip_tf2':ndet_sigclip_tf2, # TFA mags aperture 3 'median_tf3':median_tf3, 'mad_tf3':mad_tf3, 'mean_tf3':mean_tf3, 'stdev_tf3':stdev_tf3, 'ndet_tf3':ndet_tf3, 'median_sigclip_tf3':median_sigclip_tf3, 'mad_sigclip_tf3':mad_sigclip_tf3, 'mean_sigclip_tf3':mean_sigclip_tf3, 'stdev_sigclip_tf3':stdev_sigclip_tf3, 'ndet_sigclip_tf3':ndet_sigclip_tf3} def lc_statistics_worker(task): """ This is a worker that runs the function above in a parallel worker pool. """ try: return get_lc_statistics(task[0], **task[1]) except Exception as e: print('LC STATS SOMETHING WENT WRONG! task was {}, exception was {}'. format( repr(task), repr(e)) ) return None def parallel_lc_statistics(lcdir, lcglob, fovcatalog, fovcathasgaiaids=False, tfalcrequired=False, fitslcnottxt=False, fovcatcols=(0,9), # objectid, magcol to use fovcatmaglabel='r', outfile=None, nworkers=16, workerntasks=500, rmcols=[19,20,21], epcols=[22,23,24], tfcols=[25,26,27], rfcols=None, correctioncoeffs=None, sigclip=4.0, epdlcrequired=True, istessandmaskedges=False): """ This calculates statistics on all lc files in lcdir. Args: lcdir (str): directory containing lightcurves lcglob (str): glob to epd lcs, inside lcdir. E.g., '*.epdlc'. These contain the rlc, and are used to derive the filenames of the tfalcs. fovcatalog (str): path to the REFORMED fov catalog, which gets the catalog magnitude corresponding to canonical magnitude for any star. fovcathasgaiaids (bool): if the reformed FOV catalog has Gaia ids, set this to be true. The default is to assume HAT-IDs, which have different string lengths & and are read differently. fitslcnottxt (bool): if True, I/O will attempt to read INSTRUMENTAL/EPD/TFA magnitudes from a FITS-format lightcurve, not a text-file lightcurve. By default, false. epdlcrequired (bool): a variety of tools assume that if you are creating statistics, you have run EPD. This isn't necessarily true (you may wish to get statistics on the instrumental raw magnitudes). If you set this to False, the statistics file will, hackily, populate the "EPD statistics" with IRM values. Output: Puts the results in text file outfile. outfile contains the following columns: object, ndet, median RM[1-3], MAD RM[1-3], mean RM[1-3], stdev RM[1-3], median EP[1-3], MAD EP[1-3], mean EP[1-3], stdev EP[1-3], median TF[1-3], MAD TF[1-3], mean TF[1-3], stdev TF[1-3] if a value is missing, it will be np.nan. Notes: For ISM, consider using correctioncoeffs as well. These are c1, c2 resulting from a fit to the catalogmag-flux relation using the expression: catrmag = -2.5 * log10(flux/c1) + c2 where the fit is done in the bright limit (8.0 < r < 12.0). this corrects for too-faint catalog mags because of crowding and blending. correctioncoeffs is like: [[ap1_c1,ap1_c2],[ap2_c1,ap2_c2],[ap3_c1,ap3_c2]] """ lcfiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(lcdir, lcglob)) tasks = [[x, {'rmcols':rmcols, 'epcols':epcols, 'tfcols':tfcols, 'rfcols':rfcols, 'sigclip':sigclip, 'tfalcrequired':tfalcrequired, 'fitslcnottxt':fitslcnottxt, 'epdlcrequired':epdlcrequired, 'istessandmaskedges':istessandmaskedges}] for x in lcfiles] pool = mp.Pool(nworkers,maxtasksperchild=workerntasks) results =, tasks) pool.close() pool.join() print('%sZ: done. %s lightcurves processed.' % (datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), len(lcfiles))) if not outfile: outfile = os.path.join(lcdir, 'lightcurve-statistics.txt') outf = open(outfile,'wb') outlineformat = ( '%s %.3f ' '%.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %s %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %s ' '%.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %s %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %s ' '%.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %s %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %s ' '%.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %s %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %s ' '%.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %s %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %s ' '%.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %s %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %s ' '%.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %s %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %s ' '%.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %s %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %s ' '%.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %s %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %s ' '%.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %s %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %s ' '%.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %s %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %s ' '%.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %s %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %s ' '%.3f %.3f %.3f\n' ) outheader = '# total objects: %s, sigmaclip used: %s\n' % ( len(lcfiles), sigclip) outf.write(outheader.encode('utf-8')) outcolumnkey = ( '# columns are:\n' '# 0,1: object, catalog mag %s\n' '# 2,3,4,5,6: median RM1, MAD RM1, mean RM1, stdev RM1, ndet RM1\n' '# 7,8,9,10,11: sigma-clipped median RM1, MAD RM1, mean RM1, ' 'stdev RM1, ndet RM1\n' '# 12,13,14,15,16: median RM2, MAD RM2, mean RM2, stdev RM2, ndet RM2\n' '# 17,18,19,20,21: sigma-clipped median RM2, MAD RM2, mean RM2, ' 'stdev RM2, ndet RM2\n' '# 22,23,24,25,26: median RM3, MAD RM3, mean RM3, stdev RM3, ndet RM3\n' '# 27,28,29,30,31: sigma-clipped median RM3, MAD RM3, mean RM3, ' 'stdev RM3, ndet RM3\n' '# 32,33,34,35,36: median EP1, MAD EP1, mean EP1, stdev EP1, ndet EP1\n' '# 37,38,39,40,41: sigma-clipped median EP1, MAD EP1, mean EP1, ' 'stdev EP1, ndet EP1\n' '# 42,43,44,45,46: median EP2, MAD EP2, mean EP2, stdev EP2, ndet EP2\n' '# 47,48,49,50,51: sigma-clipped median EP2, MAD EP2, mean EP2, ' 'stdev EP2, ndet EP2\n' '# 52,53,54,55,56: median EP3, MAD EP3, mean EP3, stdev EP3, ndet EP3\n' '# 57,58,59,60,61: sigma-clipped median EP3, MAD EP3, mean EP3, ' 'stdev EP3, ndet EP3\n' '# 62,63,64,65,66: median TF1, MAD TF1, mean TF1, stdev TF1, ndet TF1\n' '# 67,68,69,70,71: sigma-clipped median TF1, MAD TF1, mean TF1, ' 'stdev TF1, ndet TF1\n' '# 72,73,74,75,76: median TF2, MAD TF2, mean TF2, stdev TF2, ndet TF2\n' '# 77,78,79,80,81: sigma-clipped median TF2, MAD TF2, mean TF2, ' 'stdev TF2, ndet TF2\n' '# 82,83,84,85,86: median TF3, MAD TF3, mean TF3, stdev TF3, ndet TF3\n' '# 87,88,89,90,91: sigma-clipped median TF3, MAD TF3, mean TF3, ' 'stdev TF3, ndet TF3\n' '# 92,93,94,95,96: median RF1, MAD RF1, mean RF1, stdev RF1, ndet RF1\n' '# 97,98,99,100,101: sigma-clipped median RF1, MAD RF1, mean RF1, ' 'stdev RF1, ndet RF1\n' '# 102,103,104,105,106: median RF2, MAD RF2, mean RF2, stdev RF2, ndet ' 'RF2\n' '# 107,108,109,110,111: sigma-clipped median RF2, MAD RF2, mean RF2, ' 'stdev RF2, ndet RF2\n' '# 112,113,114,115,116: median RF3, MAD RF3, mean RF3, stdev RF3, ' 'ndet RF3\n' '# 117,118,119,120,121: sigma-clipped median RF3, MAD RF3, mean RF3, ' 'stdev RF3, ndet RF3\n' '# 122, 123, 124: corrected cat mag AP1, corrected cat mag AP1, ' 'corrected cat mag AP3\n' ) % fovcatmaglabel outf.write(outcolumnkey.encode('utf-8')) # open the fovcatalog and read in the column magnitudes and hatids if not fovcathasgaiaids: # assume HAT-IDs, HAT-123-4567890, 17 character strings fovcat = np.genfromtxt(fovcatalog, usecols=fovcatcols, dtype='U17,f8', names=['objid','mag']) else: # assume GAIA-IDs. From gaia2read, with "GAIA" id option, this is just # 19 character integers. fovcat = np.genfromtxt(fovcatalog, usecols=fovcatcols, dtype='U19,f8', names=['objid','mag']) # Using a dictionary leads to ~ 300x speedup fovdict = dict(fovcat) for stat in results: if stat is not None: # find the catalog mag for this object if stat['lcobj'] in fovdict: catmag = fovdict[stat['lcobj']] else: print('no catalog mag for %s, using median TF3 mag' % stat['lcobj']) catmag = stat['median_tf3'] if
import argparse import os.path as osp from glob import glob import cv2 import pandas as pd from tqdm import tqdm from gwd.converters import kaggle2coco def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--image-pattern", default="/data/SPIKE_images/*jpg") parser.add_argument("--annotation-root", default="/data/SPIKE_annotations") parser.add_argument("--kaggle_output_path", default="/data/spike.csv") parser.add_argument("--coco_output_path", default="/data/coco_spike.json") return parser.parse_args() def main(): args = parse_args() img_paths = glob(args.image_pattern) annotations = [] for img_path in tqdm(img_paths): ann_path = osp.join(args.annotation_root, (osp.basename(img_path.replace("jpg", "bboxes.tsv")))) ann =
pd.read_csv(ann_path, sep="\t", names=["x_min", "y_min", "x_max", "y_max"])
""" Optimal power flow in power distribution grids using second-order cone optimization by: <NAME> 30/08/2021 Version 01 """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import cvxpy as cvx "----- Read the database -----" feeder = pd.read_csv("FEEDER34.csv") num_lines = len(feeder) line = {} load = {} source = {} num_nodes = 0 num_sources = 0 kk = 0 for k in range(num_lines): n1 = feeder['From'][k] n2 = feeder['To'][k] z = feeder['Rpu'][k] + 1j*feeder['Xpu'][k] line[n1,n2] = kk,1/z,feeder['SmaxLine'][k] kk = kk + 1 num_nodes = np.max([num_nodes,n1+1,n2+1]) load[n2] = feeder['Ppu'][k]+1j*feeder['Qpu'][k] if feeder['SGmax'][k] > 0.0: source[n2] = (num_sources,feeder['PGmax'][k],feeder['SGmax'][k]) num_sources = num_sources + 1 "----- Optimization model -----" s_slack = cvx.Variable(complex=True) u = cvx.Variable(num_nodes) w = cvx.Variable(num_lines,complex=True) s_from = cvx.Variable(num_lines,complex=True) s_to = cvx.Variable(num_lines,complex=True) s_gen = cvx.Variable(num_sources,complex=True) res = [u[0]==1.0] EqN = num_nodes*[0] for (k,m) in line: pos,ykm,smax = line[(k,m)] EqN[k] = EqN[k]-s_from[pos] EqN[m] = EqN[m]+s_to[pos] EqN[m] = EqN[m]-load[m] for m in source: pos,pmax,smax = source[m] EqN[m] = EqN[m]+s_gen[pos] res += [cvx.abs(s_gen[pos]) <= smax] res += [cvx.real(s_gen[pos]) <= pmax] EqN[0] = EqN[0] + s_slack res += [EqN[0] == 0] for (k,m) in line: pos,ykm,smax = line[(k,m)] res += [cvx.SOC(u[k]+u[m],cvx.vstack([2*w[pos],u[k]-u[m]]))] res += [s_from[pos] == ykm.conjugate()*(u[k]-w[pos])] res += [s_to[pos] == ykm.conjugate()*(cvx.conj(w[pos])-u[m])] res += [u[m] >= 0.95**2] res += [u[m] <= 1.05**2] res += [cvx.abs(s_from[pos]) <= smax] res += [cvx.abs(s_to[pos]) <= smax] res += [EqN[m] == 0] res += [cvx.abs(s_slack)<=10] obj = cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum(cvx.real(s_from))-cvx.sum(cvx.real(s_to))) OPFSOC = cvx.Problem(obj,res) OPFSOC.solve(solver=cvx.ECOS,verbose=False) print(OPFSOC.status,obj.value) "----- Print results -----" v = np.sqrt(u.value) a = np.zeros(num_nodes) s = np.zeros(num_nodes)*0j plim = np.zeros(num_nodes) for (k,m) in line: pos,ykm,smax = line[(k,m)] a[m] = a[k]-np.angle(w.value[pos]) for m in source: pos,pmax,smax = source[m] s[m] = s_gen[pos].value plim[m] = pmax results =
from trueskill import TrueSkill import pandas as pd def get_elo(d, env, player): if player not in d: d[player] = env.create_rating() return d[player] def calc_elo(df): env = TrueSkill(draw_probability=0) ratings = {} for idx, row in df.iterrows(): teams = [[get_elo(ratings, env, player) for player in team] for team in row['teams']] elos = env.rate(teams, row['ranks']) for team, team_elos in zip(row['teams'], elos): for player, player_elo in zip(team, team_elos): ratings[player] = player_elo df.loc[idx, 'elos'] = [elos] return ratings, df def parse_results(): results = [] with open('results.txt') as f: for line in f.readlines(): if line.startswith('DATE'): continue date, game, teams, ranks = line.split('|') teams, ranks = teams.split(';'), ranks.split(';') teams = [team.split(',') for team in teams] ranks = [int(rank) for rank in ranks] results.append((date, game, teams, ranks)) res_df =
pd.DataFrame(results, columns=['date', 'game', 'teams', 'ranks'])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Rickshaw ------- Python Pandas + Rickshaw.js ''' from __future__ import division import time import json from pkg_resources import resource_string import numpy as np import pandas as pd from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader class Chart(object): '''Visualize Pandas Timeseries with Rickshaw.js''' def __init__(self, data=None, width=750, height=400, plt_type='line', colors=None, x_time=True, palette=None, **kwargs): '''Generate a Rickshaw time series visualization with Pandas Series and DataFrames. The bearcart Chart generates the Rickshaw visualization of a Pandas timeseries Series or DataFrame. The only required parameters are data, width, height, and type. Colors is an optional parameter; bearcart will default to the Rickshaw spectrum14 color palette if none are passed. Keyword arguments can be passed to disable the following components: - x_axis - y_axis - hover - legend Parameters ---------- data: Pandas Series or DataFrame, default None The Series or Dataframe must have a Datetime index. width: int, default 960 Width of the chart in pixels height: int, default 500 Height of the chart in pixels type: string, default 'line' Must be one of 'line', 'area', 'scatterplot' or 'bar' colors: dict, default None Dict with keys matching DataFrame or Series column names, and hex strings for colors x_time: boolean, default True If passed as False, the x-axis will have non-time values kwargs: Keyword arguments that, if passed as False, will disable the following components: x_axis, y_axis, hover, legend Returns ------- Bearcart object Examples -------- >>>vis = bearcart.Chart(data=df, width=800, height=300, type='area') >>>vis = bearcart.Chart(data=series,type='scatterplot', colors={'Data 1': '#25aeb0', 'Data 2': '#114e4f'}) #Disable x_axis and legend >>>vis = bearcart.Chart(data=df, x_axis=False, legend=False) ''' self.defaults = {'x_axis': True, 'y_axis': True, 'hover': True, 'legend': True} self.env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader('external.bearcart', 'templates')) self.palette_scheme = palette or 'spectrum14' #Colors need to be js strings if colors: self.colors = {key: "'{0}'".format(value) for key, value in colors.iteritems()} else: self.colors = None self.x_axis_time = x_time self.renderer = plt_type self.width = width self.height = height self.template_vars = {} #Update defaults for passed kwargs for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): self.defaults[key] = value # Get templates for graph elements for att, val in self.defaults.iteritems(): render_vars = {} if val: if not self.x_axis_time: if att == 'x_axis' and val is not True: att = 'x_axis_num' render_vars = self.make_ticks(val) elif att == 'hover': render_vars = {'x_hover': 'xFormatter: function(x)' '{return xTicks[x]}'} temp = self.env.get_template(att + '.js') self.template_vars.update({att: temp.render(render_vars)}) #Transform data into Rickshaw-happy JSON format if data is not None: self.transform_data(data) def make_ticks(self, axis): self.template_vars['transform'] = ( "rotateText();$('#legend').bind('click',rotateText);") cases = ','.join(["%s:'%s'" % (i, v) for i, v in enumerate(axis)]) return {'xTicks': 'var xTicks = {%s};' % cases, 'ticks': 'tickFormat:function(x){return xTicks[x]},'} def transform_data(self, data): '''Transform Pandas Timeseries into JSON format Parameters ---------- data: DataFrame or Series Pandas DataFrame or Series must have datetime index Returns ------- JSON to object.json_data Example ------- >>>vis.transform_data(df) >>>vis.json_data ''' def convert(v): if isinstance(v, np.float64): v = float(v) elif isinstance(v, np.int64): v = int(v) return v objectify = lambda dat: [{"x": convert(x), "y": convert(y)} for x, y in dat.iteritems()] self.raw_data = data if isinstance(data, pd.Series): = or 'data' self.json_data = [{'name':, 'data': objectify(data)}] elif isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): self.json_data = [{'name': x[0], 'data': objectify(x[1])} for x in data.iteritems()] #Transform to Epoch seconds for Rickshaw if self.x_axis_time: for datacol in self.json_data: datacol = datacol['data'] for objs in datacol: if
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #from baseline_10day_avg import * import pandas as pd def run(res): df =
# --- # jupyter: # jupytext: # formats: ipynb,py:percent # text_representation: # extension: .py # format_name: percent # format_version: '1.3' # jupytext_version: 1.12.0 # kernelspec: # display_name: Python 3 # language: python # name: python3 # --- # %% BASE_SEED = 0 DATA_SETUP = dict( num_features=100, noise=0.1, delta=0.5, divergent=True, ) import os DATA_FILE_FORMAT = os.environ.get("DATA_FILE_FORMAT") or "results/simulations_{}_paper_snapshot.csv" NUM_SHADOWS = int(os.environ.get("NUM_SHADOWS") or 30) NUM_EVAL_MODELS = int(os.environ.get("NUM_EVAL_MODELS") or 200) RESTORE_SAVED_DATA = False # %% # %load_ext autoreload # %autoreload 2 import math import hashlib import itertools import collections import numpy as np import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns import diffprivlib.models as dp from IPython.display import display from tqdm import autonotebook as tqdm from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from sklearn.datasets import make_spd_matrix from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from scipy import stats from joblib import Parallel, delayed from mia import run_shadow_model_attack, run_threshold_estimator, apply_estimator_func from utils import infer_from, normalize_vuln_mean, normalize_vuln_std from model_zoo import model_zoo, lr_setup, renaming_dict, DpClassifierFactory from plotting import add_significance_markers import plot_params # %% import logging logger = logging.Logger(name="default") # %% [markdown] # ## Simulating disparate vulnerability # %% [markdown] # ### Synthetic data # %% def create_multinomial_setup( num_features=2, noise=0.1, delta=0.5, divergent=True, seed=1 ): gen = np.random.RandomState(seed) weights = np.ones(num_features) / num_features if divergent: means_a = np.zeros([num_features]) means_b = np.ones([num_features]) else: means_a = gen.uniform(-1, 1, num_features) means_b = gen.uniform(-1, 1, num_features) cov = make_spd_matrix(num_features, random_state=seed) * noise return means_a, means_b, cov, noise, delta def gen_sim_data(setup, gen, size_a, size_b): means0, means1, cov, noise, delta = setup y = [0] * (size_a // 2) + [1] * math.ceil(size_a / 2) + \ [0] * (size_b // 2) + [1] * math.ceil(size_b / 2) a0 = gen.multivariate_normal(means0 - delta, cov, size=size_a // 2) a1 = gen.multivariate_normal(means1, cov, size=math.ceil(size_a / 2)) b0 = gen.multivariate_normal(means0, cov, size=size_b // 2) b1 = gen.multivariate_normal(means1 - delta, cov, size=math.ceil(size_b / 2)) X = np.vstack([a0, a1, b0, b1]) hi = 2**32 index = gen.randint(hi, size=size_a + size_b) return
pd.DataFrame(X, index=index)
import math import pandas as pd import numpy as np import sys class MultiLayerPerceptron: def __init__(self, batch_size, learning_rate, num_epochs): self.batch_size = batch_size self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.num_epochs = num_epochs # Layer 1: weight, bias # w: 512 * (28*28) # x: (28*28) * 1 # b: 512 * 1 # r: 512 * 1 # Layer 2: weight, bias # w: 256 * 512 # x: 512 * 1 # b: 256 * 1 # r: 256 * 1 # Layer 3: weight, bias # w: 10 * 256 # x: 256 * 1 # b: 10 * 1 # r: 10 * 1 self.params = { 'W1': np.random.randn(512, 784) * np.sqrt(1.0 / 784), 'b1': np.random.randn(512, 1) * np.sqrt(1.0 / 748), 'W2': np.random.randn(256, 512) * np.sqrt(1.0 / 512), 'b2': np.random.randn(256, 1) * np.sqrt(1.0 / 512), 'W3': np.random.randn(10, 256) * np.sqrt(1.0 / 256), 'b3': np.random.randn(10, 1) * np.sqrt(1.0 / 256) } def start(self): if len(sys.argv) > 3: trainX = pd.read_csv(sys.argv[1], header=None) trainY = pd.read_csv(sys.argv[2], header=None) testX = pd.read_csv(sys.argv[3], header=None) else: trainX = pd.read_csv('train_image.csv', header=None) trainY =
pd.read_csv('train_label.csv', header=None)
# Collection of pandas scripts that may be useful import pandas as pd import os from PIL import Image import imagehash # Image hash functions: # def phash(img_path): # Identifies dups even when caption is different phash = imagehash.phash( return phash # Data Cleaning # The HM Dataset is very noisy: In the first version of the dataset there were many duplicates with conflicting labels # In the second version, the conflicting labels have all been resolved, yet the duplicates remain def clean_data(data_path="./data", img_path="./data", save_path="./data", force=False): """ Cleans the HM train & dev data. Outputs traindev & pretrain data. data_path: Path to folder with train.jsonl, dev_unseen.jsonl, dev_seen.jsonl """ # Check if the statement was already run and the necessary data exists: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(save_path, "pretrain.jsonl")): print('Clean datasets already exist') if not force: return print('Rebuilding clean datasets...') else: print("Preparing...") # Load all files train = pd.read_json(os.path.join(data_path, "train.jsonl"), lines=True, orient="records") dev_seen = pd.read_json(os.path.join(data_path, "dev.jsonl"), lines=True, orient="records") dev_unseen = pd.read_json(os.path.join(data_path, "dev_unseen.jsonl"), lines=True, orient="records") test = pd.read_json(os.path.join(data_path, "test.jsonl"), lines=True, orient="records") test_seen = pd.read_json(os.path.join(data_path, "test_seen.jsonl"), lines=True, orient="records") test_unseen = pd.read_json(os.path.join(data_path, "test_unseen.jsonl"), lines=True, orient="records") # Lengths print('') print('Sizes before cleaning:') print(f'train: {len(train)} memes') print(f'dev_seen: {len(dev_seen)} memes') print(f'dev_unseen: {len(dev_unseen)} memes') print(f'test: {len(test)} memes') print(f'test_seen: {len(test_seen)} memes') print(f'test_unseen: {len(test_unseen)} memes') # We validate with dev_seen throughout all experiments, so we only take the new data from dev_unseen add it to # train and then discard dev_unseen dev_unseen = dev_unseen[~dev_unseen['id'].isin(].copy() # Clean training data df_dict = {'train': train, 'dev_seen': dev_seen, 'dev_unseen': dev_unseen} train_dist = pd.concat([df.assign(identity=key) for key, df in df_dict.items()]) train_dist['full_path'] = train_dist['img'].apply(lambda x: os.path.join(img_path, str(x))) # Identify text dups text_dups = train_dist.text.value_counts().reset_index(name="counter") text_dups = text_dups.loc[text_dups['counter'] > 1] rmv_ids = [] for t in text_dups['index'].values: # Identify image dups text_dup_df = train_dist.loc[train_dist.text == t].copy() text_dup_df['hash'] = text_dup_df['full_path'].apply(lambda x: phash(x)) hash_dups = text_dup_df.hash.value_counts().reset_index(name="counter") hash_dups = hash_dups.loc[hash_dups['counter'] > 1] for h in hash_dups['index'].values: # Identify correct label by majority rule dup_df = text_dup_df.loc[text_dup_df.hash == h] true_label = round(dup_df.label.values.mean()) # Add duplicate IDs to rmv_ids except for last one rmv_ids.extend(dup_df.loc[dup_df.label != true_label].id.values) rmv_ids.extend(dup_df.loc[dup_df.label == true_label].id.values) rmv_ids.pop() # Output all files we need print('') print('Sizes after cleaning:') # a) Clean train file (All duplicates are in train) train = train[~train['id'].isin(rmv_ids)].copy() train.to_json(path_or_buf=os.path.join(save_path, "train.jsonl"), orient='records', lines=True) print(f'train: {len(train)} memes') # b) Pretrain file for ITM & LM pre-training pretrain =
pd.concat([train, dev_seen, dev_unseen])
""" Tests for zipline/utils/ """ from unittest import skipIf import pandas as pd from zipline.testing import parameter_space, ZiplineTestCase from zipline.testing.predicates import assert_equal from zipline.utils.pandas_utils import ( categorical_df_concat, nearest_unequal_elements, new_pandas, skip_pipeline_new_pandas, ) class TestNearestUnequalElements(ZiplineTestCase): @parameter_space(tz=['UTC', 'US/Eastern'], __fail_fast=True) def test_nearest_unequal_elements(self, tz): dts = pd.to_datetime( ['2014-01-01', '2014-01-05', '2014-01-06', '2014-01-09'], ).tz_localize(tz) def t(s): return None if s is None else pd.Timestamp(s, tz=tz) for dt, before, after in (('2013-12-30', None, '2014-01-01'), ('2013-12-31', None, '2014-01-01'), ('2014-01-01', None, '2014-01-05'), ('2014-01-02', '2014-01-01', '2014-01-05'), ('2014-01-03', '2014-01-01', '2014-01-05'), ('2014-01-04', '2014-01-01', '2014-01-05'), ('2014-01-05', '2014-01-01', '2014-01-06'), ('2014-01-06', '2014-01-05', '2014-01-09'), ('2014-01-07', '2014-01-06', '2014-01-09'), ('2014-01-08', '2014-01-06', '2014-01-09'), ('2014-01-09', '2014-01-06', None), ('2014-01-10', '2014-01-09', None), ('2014-01-11', '2014-01-09', None)): computed = nearest_unequal_elements(dts, t(dt)) expected = (t(before), t(after)) self.assertEqual(computed, expected) @parameter_space(tz=['UTC', 'US/Eastern'], __fail_fast=True) def test_nearest_unequal_elements_short_dts(self, tz): # Length 1. dts = pd.to_datetime(['2014-01-01']).tz_localize(tz) def t(s): return None if s is None else pd.Timestamp(s, tz=tz) for dt, before, after in (('2013-12-31', None, '2014-01-01'), ('2014-01-01', None, None), ('2014-01-02', '2014-01-01', None)): computed = nearest_unequal_elements(dts, t(dt)) expected = (t(before), t(after)) self.assertEqual(computed, expected) # Length 0 dts = pd.to_datetime([]).tz_localize(tz) for dt, before, after in (('2013-12-31', None, None), ('2014-01-01', None, None), ('2014-01-02', None, None)): computed = nearest_unequal_elements(dts, t(dt)) expected = (t(before), t(after)) self.assertEqual(computed, expected) def test_nearest_unequal_bad_input(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: nearest_unequal_elements( pd.to_datetime(['2014', '2014']), pd.Timestamp('2014'), ) self.assertEqual(str(e.exception), 'dts must be unique') with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: nearest_unequal_elements( pd.to_datetime(['2014', '2013']), pd.Timestamp('2014'), ) self.assertEqual( str(e.exception), 'dts must be sorted in increasing order', ) class TestCatDFConcat(ZiplineTestCase): @skipIf(new_pandas, skip_pipeline_new_pandas) def test_categorical_df_concat(self): inp = [ pd.DataFrame( { 'A': pd.Series(['a', 'b', 'c'], dtype='category'), 'B': pd.Series([100, 102, 103], dtype='int64'), 'C': pd.Series(['x', 'x', 'x'], dtype='category'), } ), pd.DataFrame( { 'A': pd.Series(['c', 'b', 'd'], dtype='category'), 'B': pd.Series([103, 102, 104], dtype='int64'), 'C': pd.Series(['y', 'y', 'y'], dtype='category'), } ), pd.DataFrame( { 'A': pd.Series(['a', 'b', 'd'], dtype='category'), 'B':
pd.Series([101, 102, 104], dtype='int64')
''' <NAME> Stanford University dept of Geophysics <EMAIL> Codes to process geospatial data in earth engine and python ''' import os import ee import time import tqdm import fiona import datetime import numpy as np import pandas as pd import xarray as xr import rasterio as rio import geopandas as gp from osgeo import gdal from osgeo import osr from datetime import timedelta from rasterio import features, mask from shapely.ops import unary_union from climata.usgs import DailyValueIO from pandas.tseries.offsets import MonthEnd from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from pandas.tseries.offsets import MonthEnd from tqdm import tqdm ''' ############################################################################################################# Helpers for working with dataframes, times, dicts etc ############################################################################################################# ''' def col_to_dt(df): ''' converts the first col of a dataframe read from CSV to datetime ''' t = df.copy() t['dt'] = pd.to_datetime(df[df.columns[0]]) t = t.set_index(pd.to_datetime(t[t.columns[0]])) t.drop([t.columns[0], "dt"],axis = 1, inplace = True) return t def dl_2_df(dict_list, dt_idx): ''' converts a list of dictionaries to a single dataframe ''' alldat = [item for sublist in [x.values() for x in dict_list] for item in sublist] # Make the df alldata = pd.DataFrame(alldat).T alldata.index = dt_idx col_headers = [item for sublist in [x.keys() for x in dict_list] for item in sublist] alldata.columns = col_headers return alldata ''' ############################################################################################################# Vector / Shapefile / EE Geometry Functions ############################################################################################################# ''' # TODO: Make a single function that converts shp (multipoly / single poly / points / ) --> EE geom def gdf_to_ee_poly(gdf, simplify = True): if simplify: gdf = gdf.geometry.simplify(0.01) lls = gdf.geometry.iloc[0] x,y = lls.exterior.coords.xy coords = [list(zip(x,y))] area = ee.Geometry.Polygon(coords) return area def gdf_to_ee_multipoly(gdf): lls = gdf.geometry.iloc[0] mps = [x for x in lls] multipoly = [] for i in mps: x,y = i.exterior.coords.xy coords = [list(zip(x,y))] multipoly.append(coords) return ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon(multipoly) def get_area(gdf, fast = True): t = gdf.buffer(0.001).unary_union d = gp.GeoDataFrame(geometry=gp.GeoSeries(t)) if fast: d2 = gp.GeoDataFrame(geometry=gp.GeoSeries(d.simplify(0.001))) area = gdf_to_ee_multipoly(d2) else: area = gdf_to_ee_multipoly(d) return area def gen_polys(geometry, dx=0.5, dy=0.5): ''' Input: ee.Geometry Return: ee.ImaceCollection of polygons Use: Subpolys used to submit full res (30m landsat; 10m sentinel) resolution for large areas ''' bounds = ee.Geometry(geometry).bounds() coords = ee.List(bounds.coordinates().get(0)) ll = ee.List(coords.get(0)) ur = ee.List(coords.get(2)) xmin = ll.get(0) xmax = ur.get(0) ymin = ll.get(1) ymax = ur.get(1) xx = ee.List.sequence(xmin, xmax, dx) yy = ee.List.sequence(ymin, ymax, dy) polys = [] for x in tqdm(xx.getInfo()): for y in yy.getInfo(): x1 = ee.Number(x).subtract(ee.Number(dx).multiply(0.5)) x2 = ee.Number(x).add(ee.Number(dx).multiply(0.5)) y1 = ee.Number(y).subtract(ee.Number(dy).multiply(0.5)) y2 = ee.Number(y).add(ee.Number(dy).multiply(0.5)) geomcoords = ee.List([x1, y1, x2, y2]); rect = ee.Algorithms.GeometryConstructors.Rectangle(geomcoords); polys.append(ee.Feature(rect)) return ee.FeatureCollection(ee.List(polys)).filterBounds(geometry) ''' ############################################################################################################# Matplotlib Plotting for Vectors / Shapefiles ############################################################################################################# ''' def draw_poly(gdf, mpl_map, facecolor = "red", alpha = 0.3, edgecolor = 'black', lw = 1, fill = True): ''' Turns a geopandas gdf into matplotlib polygon patches for friendly plotting with basemap. ''' for index, row in gdf.iterrows(): lats = [] lons = [] for pt in list(row['geometry'].exterior.coords): lats.append(pt[1]) lons.append(pt[0]) x, y = m( lons, lats ) xy = zip(x,y) poly = Polygon(list(xy), fc=facecolor, alpha=alpha, ec = edgecolor ,lw = lw, fill = fill) plt.gca().add_patch(poly) return def draw_polys(gdf, mpl_map, facecolor = "red", alpha = 0.3, edgecolor = 'black', lw = 1, fill = True, zorder = 3): ''' Turns a geopandas gdf of multipolygons into matplotlib polygon patches for friendly plotting with basemap. ''' for index, row in gdf.iterrows(): lats = [] lons = [] for pt in list(row['geometry'].exterior.coords): lats.append(pt[1]) lons.append(pt[0]) x, y = m( lons, lats ) xy = zip(x,y) poly = Polygon(list(xy), fc=facecolor, alpha=alpha, ec = edgecolor ,lw = lw, fill = fill, zorder = zorder) plt.gca().add_patch(poly) return def draw_points(gdf, mpl_map, sizecol = None, color = 'red', alpha = 0.7, edgecolor = None, fill = True, zorder = 4): ''' Turns a geopandas gdf of points into matplotlib lat/lon objects for friendly plotting with basemap. ''' lats = [] lons = [] for index, row in gdf.iterrows(): for pt in list(row['geometry'].coords): lats.append(pt[1]) lons.append(pt[0]) if sizecol is None: sizecol = 50 else: sizecol = sizecol.values mpl_map.scatter(lons, lats, latlon=True, s = sizecol, alpha=alpha, c = color, edgecolor = edgecolor, zorder = zorder) return ''' ############################################################################################################# EE Wrappers ############################################################################################################# ''' def calc_monthly_sum(dataset, startdate, enddate, area): ''' Calculates monthly sums (pd.Dataframe) for EE data given startdate, enddate, and area Datasets are stored in `data` dict below. Note the "scaling_factor" parameter, which is provided by EE for each dataset, and further scaled by temporal resolution to achieve monthly resolution This is explicitly written in the `data` dict EE will throw a cryptic error if the daterange you input is not valid for the product of interest. ''' ImageCollection = dataset[0] var = dataset[1] scaling_factor = dataset[2] resolution = dataset[3] dt_idx = pd.date_range(startdate,enddate, freq='MS') sums = [] seq = ee.List.sequence(0, len(dt_idx)-1) num_steps = seq.getInfo() print("processing:") print("{}".format(ImageCollection.first().getInfo()['id'])) for i in tqdm(num_steps): start = ee.Date(startdate).advance(i, 'month') end = start.advance(1, 'month'); im = ee.Image(, end).sum().set('system:time_start', start.millis())) scale = im.projection().nominalScale() scaled_im = im.multiply(scaling_factor).multiply(ee.Image.pixelArea()).multiply(1e-12) # mm --> km^3 sumdict = scaled_im.reduceRegion( reducer = ee.Reducer.sum(), geometry = area, scale = resolution, bestEffort= True) total = sumdict.getInfo()[var] sums.append(total) sumdf = pd.DataFrame(np.array(sums), dt_idx + MonthEnd(0)) sumdf.columns = [var] df = sumdf.astype(float) return df def calc_monthly_mean(dataset, startdate, enddate, area): ''' Same as above, but calculates mean (useful for anoamly detection, state variables like SM and SWE) ''' ImageCollection = dataset[0] var = dataset[1] scaling_factor = dataset[2] dt_idx = pd.date_range(startdate,enddate, freq='MS') sums = [] seq = ee.List.sequence(0, len(dt_idx)-1) num_steps = seq.getInfo() print("processing:") print("{}".format(ImageCollection.first().getInfo()['id'])) for i in tqdm(num_steps): start = ee.Date(startdate).advance(i, 'month') end = start.advance(1, 'month'); im = ee.ImageCollection(ImageCollection).select(var).filterDate(start, end).mean().set('system:time_start', start.millis()) scale = im.projection().nominalScale() scaled_im = im.multiply(scaling_factor).multiply(ee.Image.pixelArea()).multiply(1e-12) # mm --> km^3 sumdict = scaled_im.reduceRegion( reducer = ee.Reducer.sum(), geometry = area, scale = scale, bestEffort = True) total = sumdict.getInfo()[var] sums.append(total) sumdf = pd.DataFrame(np.array(sums), dt_idx + MonthEnd(0)) sumdf.columns = [var] df = sumdf.astype(float) return df def get_grace(dataset, startdate, enddate, area): ''' Get Grace data from EE. Similar to above ''' ImageCollection = dataset[0] var = dataset[1] scaling_factor = dataset[2] dt_idx = pd.date_range(startdate,enddate, freq='M') sums = [] seq = ee.List.sequence(0, len(dt_idx)-1) print("processing:") print("{}".format(ImageCollection.first().getInfo()['id'])) num_steps = seq.getInfo() for i in tqdm(num_steps): start = ee.Date(startdate).advance(i, 'month') end = start.advance(1, 'month'); try: im = ee.ImageCollection(ImageCollection).select(var).filterDate(start, end).sum().set('system:time_start', end.millis()) t2 = im.multiply(ee.Image.pixelArea()).multiply(scaling_factor).multiply(1e-6) # Multiply by pixel area in km^2 scale = t2.projection().nominalScale() sumdict = t2.reduceRegion( reducer = ee.Reducer.sum(), geometry = area, scale = scale) result = sumdict.getInfo()[var] * 1e-5 # cm to km sums.append(result) except: sums.append(np.nan) # If there is no grace data that month, append a np.nan sumdf = pd.DataFrame(np.array(sums), dt_idx) sumdf.columns = [var] df = sumdf.astype(float) return df def get_ims(dataset, startdate,enddate, area, return_dates = False, table = False, monthly_mean = False, monthly_sum = False): ''' Returns gridded images for EE datasets ''' if monthly_mean: if monthly_sum: raise ValueError("cannot perform mean and sum reduction at the same time") ImageCollection = dataset[0] var = dataset[1] scaling_factor = dataset[2] native_res = dataset[3] dt_idx = pd.date_range(startdate,enddate, freq='MS') ims = [] seq = ee.List.sequence(0, len(dt_idx)-1) num_steps = seq.getInfo() # TODO: Make this one loop ? print("processing:") print("{}".format(ImageCollection.first().getInfo()['id'])) for i in tqdm(num_steps): start = ee.Date(startdate).advance(i, 'month') end = start.advance(1, 'month'); if monthly_mean: im1 = ee.ImageCollection(ImageCollection).select(var).filterDate(start, end).mean().set('system:time_start', end.millis()) im = ee.ImageCollection(im1) elif monthly_sum: im1 = ee.ImageCollection(ImageCollection).select(var).filterDate(start, end).sum().set('system:time_start', end.millis()) im = ee.ImageCollection(im1) else: im = ee.ImageCollection(ImageCollection).select(var).filterDate(start, end).set('system:time_start', end.millis()) # This try / catch is probably not great, but needs to be done for e.g. grace which is missing random months try: result = im.getRegion(area,native_res,"epsg:4326").getInfo() ims.append(result) except: continue results = [] dates = [] print("postprocesing") for im in tqdm(ims): header, data = im[0], im[1:] df = pd.DataFrame(np.column_stack(data).T, columns = header) df.latitude = pd.to_numeric(df.latitude) df.longitude = pd.to_numeric(df.longitude) df[var] = pd.to_numeric(df[var]) if table: results.append(df) continue images = [] for idx,i in enumerate( t1 = df[] arr = array_from_df(t1,var) arr[arr == 0] = np.nan images.append(arr*scaling_factor)# This is the only good place to apply the scaling factor. if return_dates: date = df.time.iloc[idx] dates.append(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(date/1000.0)) results.append(images) print("====COMPLETE=====") # Unpack the list of results if return_dates: return [ [item for sublist in results for item in sublist], dates] else: return [item for sublist in results for item in sublist] def array_from_df(df, variable): ''' Convets a pandas df with lat, lon, variable to a numpy array ''' # get data from df as arrays lons = np.array(df.longitude) lats = np.array(df.latitude) data = np.array(df[variable]) # Set var here # get the unique coordinates uniqueLats = np.unique(lats) uniqueLons = np.unique(lons) # get number of columns and rows from coordinates ncols = len(uniqueLons) nrows = len(uniqueLats) # determine pixelsizes ys = uniqueLats[1] - uniqueLats[0] xs = uniqueLons[1] - uniqueLons[0] # create an array with dimensions of image arr = np.zeros([nrows, ncols], np.float32) # fill the array with values counter =0 for y in range(0,len(arr),1): for x in range(0,len(arr[0]),1): if lats[counter] == uniqueLats[y] and lons[counter] == uniqueLons[x] and counter < len(lats)-1: counter+=1 arr[len(uniqueLats)-1-y,x] = data[counter] # we start from lower left corner return arr # This is the staging area. Haven's used these in a while, or not tested altogether. def img_to_arr(eeImage, var_name, area, scale = 30): temp = latlon = eeImage.pixelLonLat().addBands(temp) latlon = latlon.reduceRegion( reducer = ee.Reducer.toList(), geometry = area, scale = scale ) data = np.array((ee.Array(latlon.get(var_name)).getInfo())) lats = np.array((ee.Array(latlon.get('latitude')).getInfo())) lons = np.array((ee.Array(latlon.get('longitude')).getInfo())) lc,freq = np.unique(data,return_counts = True) return data, lats,lons def imc_to_arr(eeImage): temp = eeImage.filterBounds(area).first().pixelLonLat() latlon = temp.reduceRegion( reducer = ee.Reducer.toList(), geometry = area, scale = 1000 ) data = np.array((ee.Array(latlon.get('cropland')).getInfo())) lats = np.array((ee.Array(latlon.get('latitude')).getInfo())) lons = np.array((ee.Array(latlon.get('longitude')).getInfo())) lc,freq = np.unique(data,return_counts = True) return data, lats,lons def arr_to_img(data,lats,lons): uniquelats = np.unique(lats) uniquelons = np.unique(lons) ncols = len(uniquelons) nrows = len(uniquelats) ys = uniquelats[1] - uniquelats[0] xs = uniquelons[1] - uniquelons[0] arr = np.zeros([nrows, ncols], np.float32) counter = 0 for y in range(0, len(arr),1): for x in range(0, len(arr[0]),1): if lats[counter] == uniquelats[y] and lons[counter] == uniquelons[x] and counter < len(lats)-1: counter+=1 arr[len(uniquelats)-1-y,x] = data[counter] return arr def freq_hist(eeImage, area, scale, var_name): freq_dict = ee.Dictionary( eeImage.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.frequencyHistogram(), area, scale).get(var_name) ); return freq_dict ''' ############################################################################################################# NetCDF / Gtiff Functions ############################################################################################################# ''' def get_lrm_swe(shppath, data_dir ="../data/LRM_SWE_monthly" ): ''' Given a path to a shapefile, compute the monthly SWE Input: (str) - path to shapefile Output: (pd.DataFrame) - monthly SWE ''' # Find SWE files files = [os.path.join(data_dir,x) for x in os.listdir(data_dir) if x.endswith(".tif")] files.sort() # Read CVWS shapefile with, "r") as shapefile: cvws_geom = [feature["geometry"] for feature in shapefile] # Read the files, mask nans, clip to CVWS, extract dates imdict = {} for i in tqdm(files[:]): date = datetime.datetime.strptime(i[-12:-4],'%Y%m%d')+ timedelta(days=-1) # Get the date datestr = date.strftime('%Y%m%d') # Format date src = # Read file src2 = rio.mask.mask(src, cvws_geom, crop=True) # Clip to shp arr = src2[0] # read as array arr = arr.reshape(arr.shape[1], arr.shape[2]) # Reshape bc rasterio has a different dim ordering arr[arr < 0 ] = np.nan # Mask nodata vals imdict[datestr] = arr # Fill in the dates with no SWE with nans dt_idx = pd.date_range(list(imdict.keys())[0], list(imdict.keys())[-1], freq = "M") all_dates = {} for i in dt_idx: date = i.strftime("%Y%m%d") if date in imdict.keys(): im = imdict[date] else: im = np.zeros_like(list(imdict.values())[0]) im[im==0] = np.nan all_dates[date] = im # Stack all dates to 3D array cvws_swe = np.dstack(list(all_dates.values())) # Compute monthly sums swesums = [] for i in range(cvws_swe.shape[2]): swesums.append(np.nansum(cvws_swe[:,:,i] *500**2 * 1e-9)) # mult by 2500m pixel area, convert m^3 to km^3 swedf = pd.DataFrame(swesums,dt_idx) swedf.columns = ['swe_lrm'] return swedf def get_snodas_swe(shppath, data_dir ="/Users/aakash/Desktop/SatDat/SNODAS/SNODAS_CA_processed/" ): ''' Given a path to a shapefile, compute the monthly SWE Input: (str) - path to shapefile Output: (pd.DataFrame) - monthly SWE ''' # Find SWE files files = [os.path.join(data_dir,x) for x in os.listdir(data_dir) if x.endswith(".tif")] files.sort() # Read CVWS shapefile with, "r") as shapefile: cvws_geom = [feature["geometry"] for feature in shapefile] # Read the files, mask nans, clip to CVWS, extract dates imdict = {} for i in tqdm(files[:]): date = datetime.datetime.strptime(i[-16:-8],'%Y%m%d')# Get the date if == 1: datestr = date.strftime('%Y%m%d') # Format date src = # Read file src2 = rio.mask.mask(src, cvws_geom, crop=True) # Clip to shp arr = src2[0].astype(float) # read as array arr = arr.reshape(arr.shape[1], arr.shape[2]) # Reshape bc rasterio has a different dim ordering arr[arr < 0 ] = np.nan # Mask nodata vals imdict[datestr] = arr/1000 # divide by scale factor to get SWE in m # Stack all dates to 3D array cvws_swe = np.dstack(list(imdict.values())) # Compute monthly sums swesums = [] for i in range(cvws_swe.shape[2]): swesums.append(np.nansum(cvws_swe[:,:,i] * 1000**2 * 1e-9)) # multiply by 1000m pixel size, convert m^3 to km^3 dt_idx = [datetime.datetime.strptime(x, '%Y%m%d')+ timedelta(days=-1) for x in imdict.keys()] swedf = pd.DataFrame(swesums,dt_idx) swedf.columns = ['swe_snodas'] return swedf def get_ssebop(shppath): ''' Given a path to a shapefile, compute the monthly SSEBop ET Input: (str) - path to shapefile Output: (pd.DataFrame) - monthly SSEBop ET ''' files = [os.path.join("../data",x) for x in os.listdir("../data") if x.endswith("nc") if "SSEBOP" in x] ds = xr.open_dataset(files[0]) gdf = gp.read_file(shppath) ds['catch'] = rasterize(gdf.geometry, ds['et'][0].coords) ssebop_masked = ds['et']*ds['catch'] dt = pd.date_range(ds.time[0].values, ds.time[-1].values, freq = "MS") et= [] for i in ssebop_masked: et.append(i.sum()* 1e-6) # m^2 to km^2 etdf = pd.DataFrame({'et': np.array(et)}, index = dt) etdf.columns = ["aet_ssebop"] etdf.set_index(etdf.index +
import logging import os import shutil import tempfile from pathlib import Path import h5py import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pytest from PyDSS.common import LimitsFilter from PyDSS.dataset_buffer import DatasetBuffer from PyDSS.export_list_reader import ExportListProperty from PyDSS.metrics import MultiValueTypeMetricBase from PyDSS.simulation_input_models import ( SimulationSettingsModel, create_simulation_settings, load_simulation_settings ) from PyDSS.value_storage import ValueByNumber, ValueByList from PyDSS.utils.utils import load_data from tests.common import FakeElement STORE_FILENAME = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "store.h5") FLOATS = (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0) COMPLEX_NUMS = ( complex(1, 2), complex(3, 4), complex(5, 6), complex(7, 8), complex(9, 10), ) LIST_COMPLEX_NUMS = ( [complex(1, 2), complex(3, 4)], [complex(5, 6), complex(7, 8)], [complex(9, 10), complex(11, 12)], [complex(13, 14), complex(15, 16)], [complex(17, 18), complex(19, 20)], ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) OBJS = [ FakeElement("Fake.a", "a"), FakeElement("Fake.b", "b"), ] @pytest.fixture def simulation_settings(): project_path = Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) / "pydss_projects" if project_path.exists(): shutil.rmtree(project_path) project_name = "test_project" project_path.mkdir() filename = create_simulation_settings(project_path, project_name, ["s1"]) yield load_simulation_settings(filename) if os.path.exists(STORE_FILENAME): os.remove(STORE_FILENAME) if project_path.exists(): shutil.rmtree(project_path) class FakeMetric(MultiValueTypeMetricBase): def __init__(self, prop, dss_objs, options, values): super().__init__(prop, dss_objs, options) self._elem_index = 0 self._val_index = 0 self._values = values def _get_value(self, obj, timestamp): prop = next(iter(self._properties.values())) if isinstance(self._values[self._val_index], list): val = ValueByList(obj.FullName,, self._values[self._val_index], ["", ""]) else: val = ValueByNumber(obj.FullName,, self._values[self._val_index]) logger.debug("elem_index=%s val_index=%s, val=%s", self._elem_index, self._val_index, val.value) self._elem_index += 1 if self._elem_index == len(self._dss_objs): self._elem_index = 0 # Change values once we've iterated through all elements. self._val_index += 1 if self._val_index == len(self._values): self._val_index = 0 return val def test_metrics_store_all(simulation_settings): data = { "property": "Property", "store_values_type": "all", } values = FLOATS prop = ExportListProperty("Fake", data) metric = FakeMetric(prop, OBJS, simulation_settings, values) with h5py.File(STORE_FILENAME, mode="w", driver="core") as hdf_store: metric.initialize_data_store(hdf_store, "", len(values)) for i in range(len(values)): metric.append_values(i) metric.close() dataset = hdf_store["Fake/ElementProperties/Property"] assert dataset.attrs["length"] == len(values) assert dataset.attrs["type"] == "per_time_point" df = DatasetBuffer.to_dataframe(dataset) assert isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame) assert len(df) == len(values) for column in df.columns: for val1, val2 in zip(df[column].values, values): assert val1 == val2 assert metric.max_num_bytes() == len(values) * len(OBJS) * 8 def test_metrics_store_all_complex_abs(simulation_settings): data = { "property": "Property", "store_values_type": "all", "data_conversion": "abs", } values = COMPLEX_NUMS prop = ExportListProperty("Fake", data) metric = FakeMetric(prop, OBJS, simulation_settings, values) with h5py.File(STORE_FILENAME, mode="w", driver="core") as hdf_store: metric.initialize_data_store(hdf_store, "", len(values)) for i in range(len(values)): metric.append_values(i) metric.close() dataset = hdf_store["Fake/ElementProperties/Property"] assert dataset.attrs["length"] == len(values) assert dataset.attrs["type"] == "per_time_point" df = DatasetBuffer.to_dataframe(dataset) assert len(df) == len(values) for column in df.columns: for val1, val2 in zip(df[column].values, values): assert isinstance(val1, float) assert val1 == abs(val2) def test_metrics_store_all_complex_sum(simulation_settings): data = { "property": "Property", "store_values_type": "all", "data_conversion": "sum", } values = LIST_COMPLEX_NUMS prop = ExportListProperty("Fake", data) metric = FakeMetric(prop, OBJS, simulation_settings, values) with h5py.File(STORE_FILENAME, mode="w", driver="core") as hdf_store: metric.initialize_data_store(hdf_store, "", len(values)) for i in range(len(values)): metric.append_values(i) metric.close() dataset = hdf_store["Fake/ElementProperties/Property"] assert dataset.attrs["length"] == len(values) assert dataset.attrs["type"] == "per_time_point" df = DatasetBuffer.to_dataframe(dataset) assert len(df) == len(values) for column in df.columns: for val1, val2 in zip(df[column].values, values): assert isinstance(val1, complex) assert val1 == sum(val2) def test_metrics_store_all_complex_abs_sum(simulation_settings): data = { "property": "Property", "store_values_type": "all", "data_conversion": "abs_sum", } values = LIST_COMPLEX_NUMS prop = ExportListProperty("Fake", data) metric = FakeMetric(prop, OBJS, simulation_settings, values) with h5py.File(STORE_FILENAME, mode="w", driver="core") as hdf_store: metric.initialize_data_store(hdf_store, "", len(values)) for i in range(len(values)): metric.append_values(i) metric.close() dataset = hdf_store["Fake/ElementProperties/Property"] assert dataset.attrs["length"] == len(values) assert dataset.attrs["type"] == "per_time_point" df = DatasetBuffer.to_dataframe(dataset) assert len(df) == len(values) for column in df.columns: for val1, val2 in zip(df[column].values, values): assert isinstance(val1, float) assert val1 == abs(sum(val2)) def test_metrics_store_all_filtered(simulation_settings): data = { "property": "Property", "store_values_type": "all", "limits": [1.0, 3.0], "limits_filter": LimitsFilter.OUTSIDE, } values = FLOATS prop = ExportListProperty("Fake", data) metric = FakeMetric(prop, OBJS, simulation_settings, values) with h5py.File(STORE_FILENAME, mode="w", driver="core") as hdf_store: metric.initialize_data_store(hdf_store, "", len(values)) for i in range(len(values)): metric.append_values(i) metric.close() dataset = hdf_store["Fake/ElementProperties/Property"] assert dataset.attrs["length"] == 2 * len(OBJS) assert dataset.attrs["type"] == "filtered" assert [x for x in dataset[:4]] == [4, 4, 5, 5] time_step_dataset = hdf_store["Fake/ElementProperties/PropertyTimeStep"] assert time_step_dataset.attrs["type"] == "time_step" assert time_step_dataset.attrs["length"] == 4 assert [x for x in time_step_dataset[0]] == [3, 0] assert [x for x in time_step_dataset[1]] == [3, 1] assert [x for x in time_step_dataset[2]] == [4, 0] assert [x for x in time_step_dataset[3]] == [4, 1] def test_metrics_store_moving_average_and_max(simulation_settings): window_size = 10 values = [float(i) for i in range(50)] + [float(i) for i in range(25)] data1 = { "property": "Property", "store_values_type": "max", } data2 = { "property": "Property", "store_values_type": "moving_average", "window_size": window_size, } prop1 = ExportListProperty("Fake", data1) prop2 = ExportListProperty("Fake", data2) metric = FakeMetric(prop1, OBJS, simulation_settings, values) metric.add_property(prop2) base_df = pd.DataFrame(values) base_series = base_df.iloc[:, 0] base_rm = base_series.rolling(window_size).mean() with h5py.File(STORE_FILENAME, mode="w", driver="core") as hdf_store: metric.initialize_data_store(hdf_store, "", len(values)) for i in range(len(values)): metric.append_values(i) metric.close() dataset1 = hdf_store["Fake/ElementProperties/PropertyMax"] assert dataset1.attrs["length"] == 1 assert dataset1.attrs["type"] == "value" assert dataset1[0][0] == 49 assert dataset1[0][1] == 49 dataset2 = hdf_store["Fake/ElementProperties/PropertyAvg"] assert dataset2.attrs["length"] == len(values) assert dataset2.attrs["type"] == "per_time_point" df = DatasetBuffer.to_dataframe(dataset2) assert len(df) == len(values) for column in df.columns: for val1, val2 in zip(df[column].values, base_rm.values): if np.isnan(val1): assert np.isnan(val2) else: assert val1 == val2 def test_metrics_store_moving_average_with_limits(simulation_settings): limits = [1.0, 50.0] window_size = 10 data = { "property": "Property", "store_values_type": "moving_average", "window_size": window_size, "limits": limits, "limits_filter": LimitsFilter.OUTSIDE, } values = [float(x) for x in range(1, 101)] expected_values = [x for x in values if x < limits[0] or x > limits[1]] base_df =
#work on approaches to create a spark dataframe #create the spark session object from pyspark.sql import SparkSession from pyspark.sql.types import * from pyspark.sql.functions import * spark = SparkSession.Builder().appName("create-df").master("local[3]").getOrCreate() sc=spark.sparkContext print('created spark session object') #create df from a parallel collection (list), using toDF() method print('create df from a parallel collection (list)') df=spark.range(500).toDF("number") df.printSchema() df.first() #rename the columns and create another dataframe df_renamed=df.toDF("id") df_renamed.printSchema() #create row objects r1=[('alice',1)] r2=[{'name':'alice','age':1}] schema = StructType([ StructField("name",StringType(),True), StructField("age",IntegerType(),True) ]) #using createDataFrame() method df1=spark.createDataFrame(r1) df1.printSchema() df2=spark.createDataFrame(r1,['name','age']) df2.printSchema() df3=spark.createDataFrame(r2) df3.printSchema() #create dataframe from an rdd rdd1 = sc.parallelize(r1) df4 = spark.createDataFrame(rdd1) df4.printSchema() df5 = spark.createDataFrame(rdd1,['name','age']) df5.printSchema() df6=spark.createDataFrame(rdd1,schema) df6.printSchema() # create a new dataframe - **usage unknown** df7=df6.alias("df6_alias") #create a row object """ from pyspark.sql import Row person=Row('name','age') x:person(*x)) df6=spark.createDataFrame(person) df6.printSchema() """ #create df from pandas dataframe import pandas as pd d={'col1':[1,2],'col2':[3,4]} pd_df1=
import time import importlib import dash import dash_core_components as dcc import dash_html_components as html from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State import dash_table import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from sklearn import preprocessing from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.metrics import average_precision_score from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_curve from sklearn.metrics import f1_score from sklearn.metrics import auc from sklearn.metrics import average_precision_score from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from inspect import signature class Dataset: def __init__(self, df): self.df = df def detect_outlier_zscore(data, threshold): outliers = pd.DataFrame([], columns=['ID', 'sqdist', 'cluster']) mean = np.mean(data.sqdist) std = np.std(data.sqdist) for y in data.itertuples(): z_score = (y.sqdist - mean)/std if np.abs(z_score) > threshold: outliers = outliers.append( {'ID': y.ID, 'sqdist': y.sqdist, 'cluster': y.cluster}, ignore_index=True) return outliers def detect_outlier_quantile(data, percent): quantile = data.sqdist.quantile(percent) outliers = pd.DataFrame([], columns=['ID', 'sqdist', 'cluster']) for y in data.itertuples(): if y.sqdist > quantile: outliers = outliers.append( {'ID': y.ID, 'sqdist': y.sqdist, 'cluster': y.cluster}, ignore_index=True) return outliers def outlierss(df, number_cluster, outlier_method, threshold): clusters = [] outliers =
pd.DataFrame([], columns=['ID', 'sqdist', 'cluster'])
# Web-Scraper for Reddit Data # Data used for paper and results were last scraped in September 2020. # Adapted from ( # data analysis imports import numpy as np import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # NLP Imports import nltk'wordnet')'stopwords') from nltk.tokenize import RegexpTokenizer from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer from nltk.corpus import stopwords import re from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer from wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS, ImageColorGenerator from PIL import Image import wordninja # creating user agent headers = {"User-agent" : "randomuser"} # set user agent to reddit account username url_1 = "" res = requests.get(url_1, headers=headers) res.status_code # scraper function def reddit_scrape(url_string, number_of_scrapes, output_list): #scraped posts outputted as lists after = None for _ in range(number_of_scrapes): if _ == 0: print("SCRAPING {}\n--------------------------------------------------".format(url_string)) print("<<<SCRAPING COMMENCED>>>") print("Downloading Batch {} of {}...".format(1, number_of_scrapes)) elif (_+1) % 5 ==0: print("Downloading Batch {} of {}...".format((_ + 1), number_of_scrapes)) if after == None: params = {} else: #THIS WILL TELL THE SCRAPER TO GET THE NEXT SET AFTER REDDIT'S after CODE params = {"after": after} res = requests.get(url_string, params=params, headers=headers) if res.status_code == 200: the_json = res.json() output_list.extend(the_json["data"]["children"]) after = the_json["data"]["after"] else: print(res.status_code) break time.sleep(randint(1,6)) print("<<<SCRAPING COMPLETED>>>") print("Number of posts downloaded: {}".format(len(output_list))) print("Number of unique posts: {}".format(len(set([p["data"]["name"] for p in output_list])))) # remove any repeat posts def create_unique_list(original_scrape_list, new_list_name): data_name_list=[] for i in range(len(original_scrape_list)): if original_scrape_list[i]["data"]["name"] not in data_name_list: new_list_name.append(original_scrape_list[i]["data"]) data_name_list.append(original_scrape_list[i]["data"]["name"]) #CHECKING IF THE NEW LIST IS OF SAME LENGTH AS UNIQUE POSTS print("LIST NOW CONTAINS {} UNIQUE SCRAPED POSTS".format(len(new_list_name))) # scraping suicide_watch data suicide_data = [] reddit_scrape("", 50, suicide_data) suicide_data_unique = [] create_unique_list(suicide_data, suicide_data_unique) # add suicide_watch to dataframe suicide_watch = pd.DataFrame(suicide_data_unique) suicide_watch["is_suicide"] = 1 suicide_watch.head() # scraping suicide_watch data depression_data = [] reddit_scrape("", 50, depression_data) depression_data_unique = [] create_unique_list(depression_data, depression_data_unique) # add suicide_watch to dataframe depression = pd.DataFrame(depression_data_unique) depression["is_suicide"] = 0 depression.head() # saving data suicide_watch.to_csv('suicide_watch.csv', index = False) depression.to_csv('depression.csv', index = False) # creating combined CSV depression = pd.read_csv('depression.csv') suicide_watch =
import h5py import numpy as np from collections import Counter import os import pandas as pd from multiprocessing import Pool import time def read_loom(loom_path): assert os.path.exists(loom_path) with h5py.File(loom_path, "r", libver='latest', swmr=True) as f: gene_name = f["row_attrs/Gene"][...].astype(np.str) assert np.max(list(Counter(gene_name).values())) == 1, "{}".format(list(filter(lambda x: x[1] > 1, Counter(gene_name).items()))) bc_gene_mat = f["matrix"][...].transpose() bc_gene_mat[bc_gene_mat == -1] = np.nan cell_id = f["col_attrs/CellID"][...].astype(np.str) if "CellID" in f["col_attrs"].keys() else np.arange(bc_gene_mat.shape[0]).astype(np.str) return
pd.DataFrame(bc_gene_mat, columns=gene_name, index=cell_id)
import pandas as pd from import json_normalize class EsGroupBy: def __init__(self, es_connection, index_pattern, time_range_start, time_range_end, filters, single_page_size=10000, groupbys=None, operations=None): = es_connection self.SIZE = single_page_size self.index_pattern = index_pattern self.groupby(groupbys) self.agg(operations) self.filters = filters self.time_range_start = time_range_start self.time_range_end = time_range_end self.dataframe = pd.DataFrame() def groupby(self, groupby_list): self.groupby_list = [groupby_list] if isinstance( groupby_list, str) else groupby_list return self def agg(self, operations_list): self.operations_list = [ {k: v} for k, v in operations_list.items() ] if isinstance(operations_list, dict) else operations_list def __sources_element_builder(self, name): return { name: { 'terms': { 'field': name, 'order': 'asc' } } } def __sources_builder(self, groupby_list): sources = [] for el in groupby_list: sources.append(self.__sources_element_builder(el)) return sources def __aggregations_element_builder(self, field_operation): field, operation = next(iter(field_operation.items())) return { field + '_' + operation: { operation: { 'field': field } }} def __aggregations_builder(self, operations_list): operations = {} for el in operations_list: operations.update(self.__aggregations_element_builder(el)) return operations def __filter_element_builder(self, field_value): field, value = next(iter(field_value.items())) return { 'match_phrase': { field: { 'query': value } } } def __time_range_filter_builder(self, start, end): return { 'range': { '@timestamp': { 'from': start, 'to': end, 'include_lower': True, 'include_upper': False } } } def __filters_builder(self, filters, time_range_start, time_range_end): filters_value = [] for el in filters: filters_value.append(self.__filter_element_builder(el)) filters_value.append(self.__time_range_filter_builder( time_range_start, time_range_end)) return filters_value def dsl(self, after=None): if after is None: composite_value = {"size": self.SIZE, "sources": self.__sources_builder( self.groupby_list)} else: composite_value = {"size": self.SIZE, "sources": self.__sources_builder( self.groupby_list), "after": after} my_buckets_value = {"composite": composite_value, "aggregations": self.__aggregations_builder( self.operations_list)} aggs_value = {"my_buckets": my_buckets_value} must_value = self.__filters_builder(self.filters, self.time_range_start, self.time_range_end) query_value = { "bool": { "must": must_value, "filter": [ { "match_all": {} } ] } } # "size" : 0 because here hits are not needed, just aggs full_dsl = {"size": 0, "aggs": aggs_value, "query": query_value} return full_dsl def execute(self): num_iteration = 0 after_key = None result_size = -1 while(result_size == -1 or result_size == self.SIZE): dsl = self.dsl(after_key) res_json = index=self.index_pattern, body=dsl ) res_json_buckets = res_json['aggregations'][ 'my_buckets'][ 'buckets'] if (res_json_buckets != []): after_key = res_json['aggregations'][ 'my_buckets'][ 'after_key'] df_res = pd.DataFrame(res_json_buckets) df_list = [