Last week, Nur al-Din Muliff, a 36-year-old of North African origin, was arrested in the southern coastal town of Eastbourne.
Pekan lalu, Nur Al-Din Muliff, yang berasal dari Afrika Utara 36 tahun, ditangkap di kota pantai selatan Eastbourne.
Alcohol-related fatalities accounted for 41 percent of the total number of deaths.
Kematian terkait alkohol menyumbang 41 persen dari jumlah total kematian.
His next play, Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter?, lasted more than a year on Broadway and was also filmed by Fox.
Permainan berikutnya, Will Success merusak Rock Hunter?, Berlangsung lebih dari setahun di Broadway dan juga difilmkan oleh Fox.
"I am therefore unaware of any genuine entries concerning rapes by British servicemen in police records," the spokesman said.
"Karena itu saya tidak mengetahui adanya entri asli mengenai perkosaan oleh prajurit Inggris dalam catatan polisi," kata juru bicara itu.
Jews, Americans and their allies had "evil" plans to colonise nations like Indonesia, Amrozi said.
Orang Yahudi, Amerika dan sekutu mereka memiliki rencana "jahat" untuk menjajah negara -negara seperti Indonesia, kata Amrozi.
And because it is so far out in international water, salvage company Odyssey Marine Exploration doesn't have to share the wealth with coastal state governments.
Dan karena sangat jauh di air internasional, eksplorasi kelautan perusahaan penyelamatan Odyssey tidak harus berbagi kekayaan dengan pemerintah negara bagian pesisir.
Four people were killed and 50 injured in the attacks.
Empat orang tewas dan 50 orang terluka dalam serangan itu.
Law enforcement officials confirmed that Limbaugh was being investigated by the Palm Beach County, Fla., state attorney's office.
Pejabat penegak hukum mengkonfirmasi bahwa Limbaugh sedang diselidiki oleh Kantor Kejaksaan Negeri Palm Beach County.
"Of course I want to win again, but I think is worse when you never won before because you are very anxious," he says.
"Tentu saja saya ingin menang lagi, tapi saya pikir lebih buruk ketika Anda tidak pernah menang sebelumnya karena Anda sangat cemas," katanya.
CS Financial Services made a 666 million franc net profit, six percent less than in the fourth quarter of last year.
CS Financial Services menghasilkan 666 juta laba bersih franc, enam persen lebih rendah dari pada kuartal keempat tahun lalu.
The DHWG says it will instead create a format that can be used by all devices but can accommodate other formats.
DHWG mengatakan itu akan membuat format yang dapat digunakan oleh semua perangkat tetapi dapat mengakomodasi format lain.
That would clear the way for debate in the full Senate beginning on Monday.
Itu akan menghapus jalan bagi perdebatan di Senat penuh yang dimulai pada hari Senin.
Recall sponsors say they have submitted 1.6 million signatures.
Sponsor ingat mengatakan mereka telah mengirimkan 1,6 juta tanda tangan.
Kelly said Rumsfeld, in a November interview, made the unsolicited suggestion that this year's honor go to all men and women who wear the U.S. uniform.
Kelly mengatakan Rumsfeld, dalam sebuah wawancara November, membuat saran yang tidak diminta bahwa kehormatan tahun ini diberikan kepada semua pria dan wanita yang mengenakan seragam A.S.
Carlton Dotson, who was on the team last season and lives in Hurlock, Md., said he was told not to talk about the case.
Carlton Dotson, yang berada di tim musim lalu dan tinggal di Hurlock, Md., Mengatakan dia diberitahu untuk tidak membicarakan kasus ini.
PowderJect, roughly 20 percent owned by Chief Executive Paul Drayson and his family, reported surging annual profit early this month.
Powderject, kira -kira 20 persen dimiliki oleh kepala eksekutif Paul Drayson dan keluarganya, melaporkan melonjaknya laba tahunan awal bulan ini.
Schools Chancellor Joel Klein said he was pleased by the results.
Kanselir sekolah Joel Klein mengatakan dia senang dengan hasilnya.
The Web site said Dr. Aronov had passed two lie detector tests, one administered by the police.
Situs web mengatakan Dr. Aronov telah lulus dua tes detektor kebohongan, satu dikelola oleh polisi.
Meanwhile, for people aged 60 to 69, disability declined by more than 10 percent.
Sementara itu, untuk orang berusia 60 hingga 69, kecacatan menurun lebih dari 10 persen.
"Admiral Black has provided spiritual guidance to thousands of servicemen and women during his 25 years of service," Frist said.
"Admiral Black telah memberikan bimbingan spiritual kepada ribuan prajurit dan wanita selama 25 tahun pelayanannya," kata Frist.
On Monday, Christian Ganczarski was apprehended at the airport and was to appear before an anti-terrorism judge in the coming days, the officials said on condition of anonymity.
Pada hari Senin, Christian Ganczarski ditangkap di bandara dan akan muncul di hadapan hakim anti-terorisme dalam beberapa hari mendatang, kata para pejabat dengan syarat anonimitas.
The Standard Edition One is a single processor version of the Oracle Standard Edition Database.
Edisi standar adalah versi prosesor tunggal dari database Oracle Standard Edition.
In Canada's capital of Ottawa, police reported two deaths possibly linked to the power outage — a pedestrian hit by a car and a fire victim.
Di ibukota Kanada di Ottawa, polisi melaporkan dua kematian yang mungkin terkait dengan pemadaman listrik - seorang pejalan kaki yang dilanda mobil dan korban kebakaran.
The teen was in critical condition at Sacred Heart Medical Center, police said in a news release.
Remaja itu dalam kondisi kritis di Sacred Heart Medical Center, kata polisi dalam rilis berita.
United has paid $34 million in penalties for failing to meet employment targets.
United telah membayar penalti $ 34 juta karena gagal memenuhi target pekerjaan.
Wild rock legend Ozzy Osbourne could be kept in intensive care for “several days” following his quad bike accident, his doctor said tonight.
Legenda Wild Rock Ozzy Osbourne dapat disimpan dalam perawatan intensif selama "beberapa hari" setelah kecelakaan sepeda quad -nya, kata dokternya malam ini.
Analysts currently expect earnings of 13 cents a share and revenue of $6.7 billion, on average, according to a survey by Reuters Research.
Analis saat ini mengharapkan pendapatan 13 sen per saham dan pendapatan $ 6,7 miliar, rata -rata, menurut survei oleh Reuters Research.
From there he plans to visit South Africa and make stops in Botswana, Uganda and Nigeria.
Dari sana ia berencana untuk mengunjungi Afrika Selatan dan berhenti di Botswana, Uganda dan Nigeria.
Bishop Thomas O'Brien, 67, was booked on a charge of leaving the scene of a fatal accident.
Uskup Thomas O'Brien, 67, dipesan dengan tuduhan meninggalkan tempat kecelakaan fatal.
Colorado Attorney General Ken Salazar also filed a lawsuit Tuesday against Invesco, accusing it of violating the state's Consumer Protection Act.
Jaksa Agung Colorado Ken Salazar juga mengajukan gugatan Selasa terhadap Invesco, menuduhnya melanggar Undang -Undang Perlindungan Konsumen Negara.
Holding the market back, News Corp <NCP.AX> fell two percent to A$12.34 and Brambles <BIL.AX> dropped 2.3 percent to A$4.73 after a weak performance overnight.
Hold The Market kembali, News Corp <ncp.ax> turun dua persen menjadi $ 12,34 dan Brambles <Bil.ax> turun 2,3 persen menjadi $ 4,73 setelah kinerja yang lemah dalam semalam.
Police said her two small children were alone there for up to two days as she lay dead.
Polisi mengatakan dua anak kecilnya sendirian di sana hingga dua hari saat dia mati.
The teens are being held on charges of robbery and criminal impersonation of a police officer, sources said.
Para remaja ditahan atas tuduhan perampokan dan peniruan kriminal seorang perwira polisi, kata sumber.
Long lines formed Sunday outside gas stations and people rushed to get money from cash machines as Israelis braced for the strike's effects.
Garis panjang terbentuk hari Minggu di luar pompa bensin dan orang -orang bergegas mendapatkan uang dari mesin tunai saat orang Israel bersiap untuk efek pemogokan.
But he said there was a "total fear to start with because you are completely at the mercy of the winds".
Namun dia mengatakan ada "ketakutan total untuk memulai karena Anda benar -benar berada di bawah belas kasihan angin".
Whitley's attorney, Marc Garber, called the ruling "a huge victory."
Pengacara Whitley, Marc Garber, menyebut putusan itu "kemenangan besar."
With the purge, Siebel will have cut 2,400 employees - or nearly one-third of its workforce - since the end of 2001.
Dengan The Purge, Siebel akan memotong 2.400 karyawan - atau hampir sepertiga dari tenaga kerjanya - sejak akhir tahun 2001.
Ms. Kennedy Cuomo's lawyer, William D. Zabel, said she would not comment.
Pengacara Kennedy Cuomo, William D. Zabel, mengatakan dia tidak akan berkomentar.
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority, which plans to appeal, was given until May 28 to restore the old subway and bus fare and the old commuter railroad rates.
Otoritas Transportasi Metropolitan, yang berencana untuk naik banding, diberikan hingga 28 Mei untuk mengembalikan ongkos kereta bawah tanah dan bus lama dan tarif kereta api komuter lama.
Microsoft has released a critical update for its newly released office suite, Office 2003.
Microsoft telah merilis pembaruan kritis untuk suite Office yang baru dirilis, Office 2003.
The remaining 1,557 genes are believed to be all functional.
1.557 gen yang tersisa diyakini semua fungsional.
About 31 percent of Americans are now obese — roughly 30 or more pounds over a healthy weight.
Sekitar 31 persen orang Amerika sekarang mengalami obesitas - sekitar 30 atau lebih pound lebih dari berat badan yang sehat.
Howard said there was always a risk of casualties.
Howard mengatakan selalu ada risiko korban.
"She was crying and she was really scared," said Yasin.
"Dia menangis dan dia benar -benar takut," kata Yasin.
The water blocking the airport road swamped several buildings, including a Federal Express depot.
Air yang menghalangi jalan bandara membanjiri beberapa bangunan, termasuk depot Federal Express.
"He's wild, he wants to kill him, but then I suppose I'd be that angry too if somebody tried to kill my old man."
"Dia liar, dia ingin membunuhnya, tapi kemudian kurasa aku juga akan marah jika seseorang mencoba membunuh orang tuanya."
Sovereign said it expects the merger to close in the first quarter of 2004, subject to regulatory and First Essex shareholder approval.
Sovereign mengatakan mereka mengharapkan merger untuk ditutup pada kuartal pertama 2004, tunduk pada persetujuan pemegang saham Essex yang peraturan dan pertama.
The broad Standard & Poor's 500 Index .SPX was up 8.79 points, or 0.96 percent, at 929.06.
Indeks 500 Standard & Poor Buruk. SSPX naik 8,79 poin, atau 0,96 persen, di 929,06.
The broader Standard & Poor's 500 Index .SPX advanced 2 points, or 0.24 percent, to 977.
Indeks 500 Standard & Poor yang lebih luas .spx maju 2 poin, atau 0,24 persen, menjadi 977.
The high profile, two-week campaign was designed to show a strong police presence around London and resulted in 42 arrests, which a spokesman said was "pretty impressive".
Profil tinggi, kampanye dua minggu dirancang untuk menunjukkan kehadiran polisi yang kuat di sekitar London dan mengakibatkan 42 penangkapan, yang menurut juru bicara "cukup mengesankan".
Bethany, who remained in stable condition after the attack Friday morning, talked of the attack Saturday.
Bethany, yang tetap dalam kondisi stabil setelah serangan Jumat pagi, berbicara tentang serangan itu pada hari Sabtu.
The governments of those countries have said that despite rising public opposition, their support will not waver.
Pemerintah negara -negara tersebut mengatakan bahwa meskipun ada oposisi publik yang meningkat, dukungan mereka tidak akan goyah.
United Nations inspectors have discovered traces of highly enriched uranium near an Iranian nuclear facility, heightening worries that the country may have a secret nuclear weapons program.
Inspektur PBB telah menemukan jejak uranium yang sangat diperkaya di dekat fasilitas nuklir Iran, meningkatkan kekhawatiran bahwa negara itu mungkin memiliki program senjata nuklir rahasia.
It has a chequered safety record, including 47 accidents that resulted in 668 deaths.
Ini memiliki catatan keselamatan kotak -kotak, termasuk 47 kecelakaan yang mengakibatkan 668 kematian.
Traditional tests also are available at no cost today.
Tes tradisional juga tersedia tanpa biaya saat ini.
She insisted that throughout the mission, managers "were basing our decisions on the best information that we had at the time."
Dia bersikeras bahwa sepanjang misi, manajer "mendasarkan keputusan kami pada informasi terbaik yang kami miliki saat itu."
The woman -- who has no symptoms of illness -- donated blood Aug. 7.
Wanita - yang tidak memiliki gejala penyakit - menyumbangkan darah 7 Agustus.
In a statement Monday, his lawyer John Keker said ``Frank Quattrone is innocent.
Dalam sebuah pernyataan Senin, pengacaranya John Keker mengatakan `` Frank Quattrone tidak bersalah.
"Qualcomm has enjoyed many years of selling...against little or no competition," Hubach said in the statement.
"Qualcomm telah menikmati penjualan bertahun -tahun ... melawan sedikit atau tidak ada kompetisi," kata Hubach dalam pernyataannya.
It passed only after Republicans won the support of Voinovich and another wavering senator, Nelson of Nebraska.
Itu berlalu hanya setelah Partai Republik memenangkan dukungan Voinovich dan senator lain yang goyah, Nelson dari Nebraska.
Shares of the cigarette makers jumped on the news, led by New York-based Altria, whose shares rose almost 10 percent to $38.30.
Saham pembuat rokok melompat pada berita, yang dipimpin oleh Altria yang berbasis di New York, yang sahamnya naik hampir 10 persen menjadi $ 38,30.
Already in beta, Veritas' File System, Volume Manager and Cluster Server products for SuSE Enterprise Linux Server should drop into the hands of customers in early 2004.
Sudah dalam beta, sistem file Veritas, manajer volume dan produk server cluster untuk server Linux SUSE Enterprise harus jatuh ke tangan pelanggan pada awal 2004.
But the US insisted it wanted more done to prevent complaints being filed in the first place, preferably by repealing the entire law.
Tetapi AS bersikeras bahwa mereka ingin lebih banyak dilakukan untuk mencegah pengaduan yang diajukan, lebih disukai dengan mencabut seluruh hukum.
With the government grant added in, the airline earned $246 million, or 30 cents a share.
Dengan hibah pemerintah ditambahkan, maskapai ini memperoleh $ 246 juta, atau 30 sen per saham.
The broader Standard & Poor's 500 Index .SPX was off 1.67 points, or 0.17 percent, at 995.81.
Indeks 500 Standard & Poor yang lebih luas. SSPX turun 1,67 poin, atau 0,17 persen, di 995,81.
Prosecutors filed a motion informing Lee they intend to seek the death penalty.
Jaksa mengajukan mosi yang memberi tahu Lee bahwa mereka berniat mencari hukuman mati.
Separate downloadable patches are available for the client and administrative versions of Office.
Patch yang dapat diunduh terpisah tersedia untuk klien dan versi administrasi kantor.
The technology-laced Nasdaq Composite Index was up 5.64 points, or 0.34 percent, at 1,672.22.
Indeks komposit NASDAQ yang dilacak teknologi naik 5,64 poin, atau 0,34 persen, di 1.672,22.
Since Sept. 11, 2001, the six largest airlines have lost a combined $18 billion.
Sejak 11 September 2001, enam maskapai terbesar telah kehilangan gabungan $ 18 miliar.
Three Southern politicians who ``stood up to ancient hatreds'' were honored Monday with Profile in Courage Awards from the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum.
Tiga politisi selatan yang `` berdiri di atas kebencian kuno '' dihormati hari Senin dengan Profile in Courage Awards dari Perpustakaan dan Museum John F. Kennedy.
July 10 - The Bush administration's latest effort to expand the role of religious organizations in government services enlists church-based youth groups in anti-drug programs.
10 Juli-Upaya terbaru pemerintahan Bush untuk memperluas peran organisasi keagamaan dalam layanan pemerintah mendaftarkan kelompok pemuda berbasis gereja dalam program anti-narkoba.
Stewart also faces a separate investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Stewart juga menghadapi penyelidikan terpisah oleh Komisi Sekuritas dan Bursa.
The technology-laced Nasdaq Composite Index .IXIC was up a mere 0.04 of a point at 1,653.
Indeks Komposit Nasdaq yang dilacak teknologi .xic hanya naik 0,04 poin di 1.653.
A top aide to Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver was arrested yesterday for allegedly raping a 22-year-old legislative staffer after a night on the town.
Seorang ajudan top untuk pembicara Majelis Sheldon Silver ditangkap kemarin karena diduga memperkosa seorang staf legislatif berusia 22 tahun setelah malam di kota.
According to the GBI, Ms. Peeler and Mr. Jones were never legally married but had a common-law marriage.
Menurut GBI, Ms. Peeler dan Mr. Jones tidak pernah menikah secara hukum tetapi memiliki pernikahan yang sama.
That measure was limited to the city of Arequipa amid protests, that killed three people, against the sale of two power firms.
Langkah itu terbatas pada kota Arequipa di tengah protes, yang menewaskan tiga orang, terhadap penjualan dua perusahaan listrik.
Istomin later married Casals' widow, Marta, after Casals' death in 1973.
Istomin kemudian menikah dengan janda Casals, Marta, setelah Casals 'kematian pada tahun 1973.
"We have found the smoking gun," said Hubbard, director of NASA's Ames Research Center in California.
"Kami telah menemukan senjata merokok," kata Hubbard, direktur Pusat Penelitian Ames NASA di California.
The arrest was reported in The Washington Times today.
Penangkapan itu dilaporkan di Washington Times hari ini.
The card is issued by Mexico's consulates to its citizens living abroad and shows the date of birth, a current photograph and the address of the cardholder.
Kartu ini dikeluarkan oleh konsulat Meksiko kepada warganya yang tinggal di luar negeri dan menunjukkan tanggal lahir, foto saat ini dan alamat pemegang kartu.
The third and final film, "The Matrix Revolutions," will be released in November.
Film ketiga dan terakhir, "The Matrix Revolutions," akan dirilis pada bulan November.
The losses occurred overnight in Willow Canyon, one of three areas in the Santa Catalina Mountains threatened by the resurgent Aspen fire.
Kerugian terjadi semalam di Willow Canyon, salah satu dari tiga daerah di Pegunungan Santa Catalina yang terancam oleh kebakaran Aspen yang bangkit kembali.
Their appointments increase Berkshire's board to nine from seven members.
Janji temu mereka meningkatkan dewan Berkshire menjadi sembilan dari tujuh anggota.
The high court reversed a decision by a U.S. appeals court that upheld the law.
Pengadilan Tinggi membalikkan keputusan oleh pengadilan banding A.S. yang menegakkan hukum.
The waves of scandal angered not only victims' advocates but parishioners and some priests, to the point that Law could no longer run the archdiocese.
Gelombang skandal membuat tidak hanya para pendukung korban tetapi juga umat paroki dan beberapa imam, sampai -sampai hukum tidak bisa lagi menjalankan keuskupan agung.
The Standard Edition One is a single processor version of the Oracle Standard Edition Database.
Edisi standar adalah versi prosesor tunggal dari database Oracle Standard Edition.
The address made no mention of the role of terrorist organisation Jemaah Islamiyah, which was behind the attacks.
Alamat itu tidak menyebutkan peran organisasi teroris Jemaah Islamiyah, yang berada di balik serangan itu.
The report quotes extensively from internal e-mails, including one from a former CIBC executive who described the returns earned by the bank on its Enron deals as "outrageous."
Laporan tersebut mengutip secara luas dari email internal, termasuk satu dari mantan eksekutif CIBC yang menggambarkan pengembalian yang diperoleh bank pada kesepakatan Enron-nya sebagai "keterlaluan."
The MDC said that an opposition supporter, Tichaona Kaguru, died in hospital after being tortured and assaulted by the soldiers putting down the anti-Mugabe protests.
MDC mengatakan bahwa pendukung oposisi, Tichaona Kaguru, meninggal di rumah sakit setelah disiksa dan diserang oleh tentara yang meletakkan protes anti-Mugabe.
The Nasdaq Composite Index rose 19.67, or 1.3 percent, to 1523.71, its highest since June 18.
Indeks Komposit Nasdaq naik 19,67, atau 1,3 persen, menjadi 1523,71, tertinggi sejak 18 Juni.
That leaves about three dozen at risk of aid cutoffs, Boucher said without identifying them.
Itu menyisakan sekitar tiga lusin dalam risiko cutoff bantuan, kata Boucher tanpa mengidentifikasinya.
"Prospects for the whole Canadian aerospace industry are improving with recent developments contributing to the enhancement of aircraft financing in this country," said Paul Tellier, Bombardier chief executive.
"Prospek untuk seluruh industri kedirgantaraan Kanada meningkat dengan perkembangan terkini yang berkontribusi terhadap peningkatan pembiayaan pesawat di negara ini," kata Paul Tellier, kepala eksekutif Bombardier.
Astronomers have clocked eight more moons orbiting Jupiter, bringing its known total to 60.
Astronom telah mencatat delapan bulan lagi yang mengorbit Jupiter, sehingga total yang diketahui menjadi 60.
A seventh person, a 21-year-old woman, was in critical condition in the burn unit at Akron Children's Hospital.
Orang ketujuh, seorang wanita berusia 21 tahun, berada dalam kondisi kritis di unit pembakaran di Rumah Sakit Anak Akron.
The newspaper also reported that two key leaders were out of town during part of Columbia's flight.
Surat kabar itu juga melaporkan bahwa dua pemimpin utama berada di luar kota selama bagian dari penerbangan Columbia.
Without an adopted resolution, no Iraqi, U.S. or U.N. entity in Baghdad has the legal authority to export oil.
Tanpa resolusi yang diadopsi, tidak ada entitas Irak, AS atau AS di Baghdad memiliki wewenang hukum untuk mengekspor minyak.
Last week, his lawyers asked Warner to grant clemency under certain conditions that would have lead to a new sentencing hearing.
Pekan lalu, pengacaranya meminta Warner untuk memberikan grasi dalam kondisi tertentu yang akan mengarah pada sidang hukuman baru.
"The (drug) benefit is equal for everyone, both in traditional Medicare and in the enhanced Medicare we're setting up," Grassley said.
"Manfaat (obat) sama untuk semua orang, baik di Medicare tradisional maupun di Medicare yang ditingkatkan yang kami buat," kata Grassley.
Several Florida officials connected to the case have received threatening letters, accompanied by rifle bullets.
Beberapa pejabat Florida yang terhubung dengan kasus ini telah menerima surat yang mengancam, disertai dengan peluru senapan.
The fight over online music sales was disclosed in documents made available Monday by the court.
Perjuangan atas penjualan musik online diungkapkan dalam dokumen yang tersedia pada hari Senin oleh pengadilan.