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Gradbeni delavec stoji na vrhu konstrukcije. | Tam je gradbeni delavec s čelado. | neutral | snli | A construction worker is standing on top of a structure. | There is a construction worker wearing a hard hat. | 19,700 |
Gradbeni delavec stoji na vrhu konstrukcije. | Zunaj je gradbeni delavec. | entailment | snli | A construction worker is standing on top of a structure. | There is a consturction worker outdoors. | 19,701 |
Gradbeni delavec stoji na vrhu konstrukcije. | Na koncertu je skupina žensk. | contradiction | snli | A construction worker is standing on top of a structure. | There is a group of women at a concert. | 19,702 |
Silhueta aktivne osebe proti nebu. | V ozadju je silhueta psa z nebom | contradiction | snli | Active person silhouetted against the sky. | There is a dog's silhouette with the sky in the background | 19,703 |
Silhueta aktivne osebe proti nebu. | V ozadju je silhueta osebe s temnim nebom | neutral | snli | Active person silhouetted against the sky. | There is a person's silhouette with the dark sky in the background | 19,704 |
Silhueta aktivne osebe proti nebu. | V ozadju je silhueta osebe z nebom | entailment | snli | Active person silhouetted against the sky. | There is a person's silhouette with the sky in the background | 19,705 |
Človek skače po zraku. | moški skače | entailment | snli | A man is jumping through the air. | a man is jumping | 19,706 |
Človek skače po zraku. | moški lovi žogo | neutral | snli | A man is jumping through the air. | the man is catching a ball | 19,707 |
Človek skače po zraku. | človek je paraliziran | contradiction | snli | A man is jumping through the air. | the man is paralyzed | 19,708 |
silhueta mlade ženske, ki skače, in čudovito okolje v ozadju. | Nekdo teče po polju. | contradiction | snli | silhouette of a young woman jumping and a beautiful setting in the background. | Someone is running through a field. | 19,709 |
silhueta mlade ženske, ki skače, in čudovito okolje v ozadju. | Ženska pozira za fotografijo. | entailment | snli | silhouette of a young woman jumping and a beautiful setting in the background. | A woman is posing for a photo. | 19,710 |
silhueta mlade ženske, ki skače, in čudovito okolje v ozadju. | Ženska skače na trampolinu. | neutral | snli | silhouette of a young woman jumping and a beautiful setting in the background. | A woman is jumping on a trampoline. | 19,711 |
Silhueta osebe, ki skače v zrak med sončnim zahodom. | Oseba, ki sredi dneva sedi na tleh. | contradiction | snli | The silhouette of a person jumping in the air during a sunset. | A person sitting on the ground in the middle of the day. | 19,712 |
Silhueta osebe, ki skače v zrak med sončnim zahodom. | Sonce zahaja za osebo. | entailment | snli | The silhouette of a person jumping in the air during a sunset. | The sun is setting behind a person. | 19,713 |
Silhueta osebe, ki skače v zrak med sončnim zahodom. | Dekle pozno zvečer skače na trampolinu. | neutral | snli | The silhouette of a person jumping in the air during a sunset. | A girl is jumping on a trampoline late in the evening. | 19,714 |
V kuhinji moški pozorno poskuša spraviti kos mesa v kovinsko vrečko. | Moški daje meso v vrečko. | entailment | snli | In a kitchen, a man intently tries to get a piece of meat into a metal bag. | A man is putting meat in a bag. | 19,715 |
V kuhinji moški pozorno poskuša spraviti kos mesa v kovinsko vrečko. | Pes razbija vrečko, polno mesa. | contradiction | snli | In a kitchen, a man intently tries to get a piece of meat into a metal bag. | The dog is breaking open a bag full of meat. | 19,716 |
V kuhinji moški pozorno poskuša spraviti kos mesa v kovinsko vrečko. | V kuhinji moški drži vrečko. | neutral | snli | In a kitchen, a man intently tries to get a piece of meat into a metal bag. | In the kitchen the man is holding a bag. | 19,717 |
Človek, ki dela v kuhinji, pripravlja obrok za nekoga. | Moški kuha za svojo ženo. | neutral | snli | A man working in the kitchen is putting together a meal for someone. | The man cooks for his wife. | 19,718 |
Človek, ki dela v kuhinji, pripravlja obrok za nekoga. | Moški skuha obrok. | entailment | snli | A man working in the kitchen is putting together a meal for someone. | The man cooks a meal. | 19,719 |
Človek, ki dela v kuhinji, pripravlja obrok za nekoga. | Deklica lovi psa. | contradiction | snli | A man working in the kitchen is putting together a meal for someone. | The girl chases a dog. | 19,720 |
Oseba skače v zrak. | Oseba sedi v travi | contradiction | snli | A person is jumping in the air. | A person is sitting in the grass | 19,721 |
Oseba skače v zrak. | Oseba preizkuša moč svoje noge | neutral | snli | A person is jumping in the air. | A person is testing their leg strength | 19,722 |
Oseba skače v zrak. | Oseba skače | entailment | snli | A person is jumping in the air. | A person is jumping | 19,723 |
Moški, ki deska v oceanu. | moški sedi | contradiction | snli | A man surfing in the ocean. | the man is seated | 19,724 |
Moški, ki deska v oceanu. | moški ima trideset let | neutral | snli | A man surfing in the ocean. | the man is thirty | 19,725 |
Moški, ki deska v oceanu. | moški deska | entailment | snli | A man surfing in the ocean. | a man is surfing | 19,726 |
Mladenič s pobarvanim obrazom, ki je podoben klovnovemu, gleda navzdol z čemernim pogledom. | ženska gleda v tla | contradiction | snli | A young man with a painted face, much like that of a clown, looks downward with a sullen stare. | a women stares at the ground | 19,727 |
Mladenič s pobarvanim obrazom, ki je podoben klovnovemu, gleda navzdol z čemernim pogledom. | moški z barvo na obrazu gleda navzdol | neutral | snli | A young man with a painted face, much like that of a clown, looks downward with a sullen stare. | a man with paint on his face looks downward | 19,728 |
Mladenič s pobarvanim obrazom, ki je podoben klovnovemu, gleda navzdol z čemernim pogledom. | moški s klovnovskim obrazom strmeče gleda navzdol | entailment | snli | A young man with a painted face, much like that of a clown, looks downward with a sullen stare. | a man with a clown face looks down with a stare | 19,729 |
ptica vzleti iz vode | Žival leti v zrak. | entailment | snli | bird is taking off out of the water | The animal is flying up in the air. | 19,730 |
ptica vzleti iz vode | Ptica lebdi v vodi. | contradiction | snli | bird is taking off out of the water | The bird is floating in the water. | 19,731 |
ptica vzleti iz vode | Ptica gre za hroščem v zraku. | neutral | snli | bird is taking off out of the water | The bird is going after the bug in the air. | 19,732 |
Velika bela ptica leti nad vodo. | Ptica, ki leti. | entailment | snli | A large white bird flies over water. | A bird flying. | 19,733 |
Velika bela ptica leti nad vodo. | Ptica je galeb. | neutral | snli | A large white bird flies over water. | The bird is a seagull. | 19,734 |
Velika bela ptica leti nad vodo. | Galebi stojijo na pomolu. | contradiction | snli | A large white bird flies over water. | The seagulls stand on the pier. | 19,735 |
Dva moška in ženska sedita blizu sprednjega dela avtobusa z verskimi artefakti okoli. | Dva moška in ženska sta na poti v cerkev | neutral | snli | Two men and a woman sit near the front of a bus with religious artifacts around. | Two men and a woman are on their way to church | 19,736 |
Dva moška in ženska sedita blizu sprednjega dela avtobusa z verskimi artefakti okoli. | Ti ljudje hodijo | contradiction | snli | Two men and a woman sit near the front of a bus with religious artifacts around. | These people are walking | 19,737 |
Dva moška in ženska sedita blizu sprednjega dela avtobusa z verskimi artefakti okoli. | Sedita dva moža in ženska | entailment | snli | Two men and a woman sit near the front of a bus with religious artifacts around. | Two men and a woman are sitting | 19,738 |
Velik beli žerjav leti nizko blizu vode. | Ptica se seli proti severu | neutral | snli | Large white crane is flying low near the water. | The bird is migrating north | 19,739 |
Velik beli žerjav leti nizko blizu vode. | Ptica leti | entailment | snli | Large white crane is flying low near the water. | The bird is flying | 19,740 |
Velik beli žerjav leti nizko blizu vode. | Ptica je narejena iz čistega zlata | contradiction | snli | Large white crane is flying low near the water. | The bird is made of pure gold | 19,741 |
Velika sivo-bela vodna ptica. | Ptica je črna. | contradiction | snli | A large gray and white water bird. | The bird is black. | 19,742 |
Velika sivo-bela vodna ptica. | Ptica ima 2 barvi. | entailment | snli | A large gray and white water bird. | The bird has 2 colors. | 19,743 |
Velika sivo-bela vodna ptica. | Ptica je golob. | neutral | snli | A large gray and white water bird. | The bird is a pigeon. | 19,744 |
Hipijevski moški iz leta 1960, ki se sprehaja po ulici. | Človek je zunaj | entailment | snli | A 1960s looking type hippie male walking down the street. | A man is outside | 19,745 |
Hipijevski moški iz leta 1960, ki se sprehaja po ulici. | Moški je notri in gleda televizijo. | contradiction | snli | A 1960s looking type hippie male walking down the street. | A man is inside watching television. | 19,746 |
Hipijevski moški iz leta 1960, ki se sprehaja po ulici. | Moški gre po kavo. | neutral | snli | A 1960s looking type hippie male walking down the street. | A man is going to get some coffee. | 19,747 |
Moški v pisani srajci s kravato gre mimo salona za nohte. | Moški hodi v salon za nohte. | contradiction | snli | A man in a colorful tie-dyed shirt walks past a nail salon. | The man is walking into the nail salon. | 19,748 |
Moški v pisani srajci s kravato gre mimo salona za nohte. | Odpravlja se v kino. | neutral | snli | A man in a colorful tie-dyed shirt walks past a nail salon. | He is heading towards the movies. | 19,749 |
Moški v pisani srajci s kravato gre mimo salona za nohte. | Zunaj se sprehaja moški. | entailment | snli | A man in a colorful tie-dyed shirt walks past a nail salon. | A man is walking outside. | 19,750 |
Moški s pisano srajco in rjavimi hlačami se sprehaja pred trgovino z nohti. | Ženska si striže nohte. | contradiction | snli | A man with a colorful shirt and brown pants is walking in front of a nail shop. | The woman is clipping her finger nails. | 19,751 |
Moški s pisano srajco in rjavimi hlačami se sprehaja pred trgovino z nohti. | Moški gre na manikuro. | neutral | snli | A man with a colorful shirt and brown pants is walking in front of a nail shop. | The man is going to get a manicure. | 19,752 |
Moški s pisano srajco in rjavimi hlačami se sprehaja pred trgovino z nohti. | Moški nosi rjave hlače. | entailment | snli | A man with a colorful shirt and brown pants is walking in front of a nail shop. | The man is wearing brown pants. | 19,753 |
Videti je doma izdelan pontonski čoln s petimi ljudmi, ki se približuje bregu reke ali jezera na miren dan brez oblačka. | Doma narejen čoln se približuje bregu reke. | entailment | snli | An apparently homemade pontoon boat with five people is seen approaching the bank of a river or lake shore on a cloudless, calm day. | A homemade boat appraoches a river bank. | 19,754 |
Videti je doma izdelan pontonski čoln s petimi ljudmi, ki se približuje bregu reke ali jezera na miren dan brez oblačka. | Med dirko se gliser spušča po vodi. | contradiction | snli | An apparently homemade pontoon boat with five people is seen approaching the bank of a river or lake shore on a cloudless, calm day. | A speed boat speeds down the water during a race. | 19,755 |
Videti je doma izdelan pontonski čoln s petimi ljudmi, ki se približuje bregu reke ali jezera na miren dan brez oblačka. | Rdeči čoln se približuje bregu reke. | neutral | snli | An apparently homemade pontoon boat with five people is seen approaching the bank of a river or lake shore on a cloudless, calm day. | A red boat approaches a river bank. | 19,756 |
Skupina fantov na pontonskem čolnu na jezeru. | Moški deskajo v oceanu. | contradiction | snli | A group of guys on a pontoon boat out on the lake. | The men are surfboarding in the ocean. | 19,757 |
Skupina fantov na pontonskem čolnu na jezeru. | Skupina moških je zunaj na jezeru. | entailment | snli | A group of guys on a pontoon boat out on the lake. | The group of men are outside on the lake. | 19,758 |
Skupina fantov na pontonskem čolnu na jezeru. | Moški se norčujejo. | neutral | snli | A group of guys on a pontoon boat out on the lake. | The men are goofing off. | 19,759 |
Nekateri ljudje na svojem čolnu lovijo ribe na jezeru. | V njem je čoln z ljudmi. | entailment | snli | Some people are fishing on a lake on their boat. | There is a boat with people in it. | 19,760 |
Nekateri ljudje na svojem čolnu lovijo ribe na jezeru. | Ljudje so na pomolu in lovijo ribe. | contradiction | snli | Some people are fishing on a lake on their boat. | The people are on a dock fishing. | 19,761 |
Nekateri ljudje na svojem čolnu lovijo ribe na jezeru. | Ljudje lovijo ribe na jezeru s čolnom. | neutral | snli | Some people are fishing on a lake on their boat. | The people are catching fish on the lake in the boat. | 19,762 |
Mlad azijski moški stoji pred razredom. | Učenec ima govor svojemu razredu. | neutral | snli | A young asian man stands in front of a class. | A student gives a speech to his class. | 19,763 |
Mlad azijski moški stoji pred razredom. | Oseba, ki stoji pred skupino ljudi. | entailment | snli | A young asian man stands in front of a class. | A person standing before a group of people. | 19,764 |
Mlad azijski moški stoji pred razredom. | Učitelj se pogovarja v nabito polni dvorani. | contradiction | snli | A young asian man stands in front of a class. | A teacher is talking to a crowded auditorium. | 19,765 |
Moški plesa breakdance na tleh okoli množice ljudi. | Ljudje gledajo tekmovanje v breakdanceu. | neutral | snli | A man is breakdancing on the floor around a crowd of people. | People watch a breakdancing competition. | 19,766 |
Moški plesa breakdance na tleh okoli množice ljudi. | Moški pleše pred množico. | entailment | snli | A man is breakdancing on the floor around a crowd of people. | A man dances in front of a crowd. | 19,767 |
Moški plesa breakdance na tleh okoli množice ljudi. | Čarovnik nastopa pred množico. | contradiction | snli | A man is breakdancing on the floor around a crowd of people. | A magician performs in front of a crowd. | 19,768 |
Deklica, ki jaha ponija s kitkami in rožnatimi pentljami | Deklica jaha ponija, ki ga je pravkar dobila za rojstni dan. | neutral | snli | A girl riding a pony with braids and pink bows | A girl rides the pony she just got for her birthday. | 19,769 |
Deklica, ki jaha ponija s kitkami in rožnatimi pentljami | Človek jaha ponija. | entailment | snli | A girl riding a pony with braids and pink bows | A human rides a pony. | 19,770 |
Deklica, ki jaha ponija s kitkami in rožnatimi pentljami | Poni jaha človeka. | contradiction | snli | A girl riding a pony with braids and pink bows | A pony rides a human. | 19,771 |
Mlad fant odpre darilo in iztrga roza in rumen svileni papir. | Fant praznuje rojstni dan. | neutral | snli | A young boy opens a present ripping out the pink and yellow tissue paper. | The boy is having a birthday party. | 19,772 |
Mlad fant odpre darilo in iztrga roza in rumen svileni papir. | Fant je notri in odpira darila. | entailment | snli | A young boy opens a present ripping out the pink and yellow tissue paper. | The boy is indoors opening gifts. | 19,773 |
Mlad fant odpre darilo in iztrga roza in rumen svileni papir. | Fant klofuta svojo mamo. | contradiction | snli | A young boy opens a present ripping out the pink and yellow tissue paper. | The boy is slapping his mother. | 19,774 |
Pohodnik, ki stoji na obali jezera. | Pohodnik je iz vesolja | contradiction | snli | A hiker standing on the shore of a lake. | The hiker is from outer space | 19,775 |
Pohodnik, ki stoji na obali jezera. | Pohodnik gleda čisto modro vodo | neutral | snli | A hiker standing on the shore of a lake. | The hiker is looking at the clear blue water | 19,776 |
Pohodnik, ki stoji na obali jezera. | V bližini jezera stoji oseba | entailment | snli | A hiker standing on the shore of a lake. | There is a person standing near a lake | 19,777 |
Prodajalec v Mehiki potisne voziček s sladoledom mimo oboroženega varnostnika pred trgovino. | Moški prodaja sladoled. | entailment | snli | A vendor in Mexico pushes an ice cream cart past an armed security guard in front of a shop. | A man is selling ice cream. | 19,778 |
Prodajalec v Mehiki potisne voziček s sladoledom mimo oboroženega varnostnika pred trgovino. | Prodajalec sladoleda je predsednik Mehike. | contradiction | snli | A vendor in Mexico pushes an ice cream cart past an armed security guard in front of a shop. | The ice cream vendor is the President of Mexico. | 19,779 |
Prodajalec v Mehiki potisne voziček s sladoledom mimo oboroženega varnostnika pred trgovino. | Varnostnik bo od prodajalca kupil sladoled. | neutral | snli | A vendor in Mexico pushes an ice cream cart past an armed security guard in front of a shop. | The security guard is going to buy some ice cream from the vendor. | 19,780 |
Deček na kolesu v kostumu zmaja | Majhen deček je oblečen | entailment | snli | A little boy on bike wearing dragon costume | A little boy is dressed up | 19,781 |
Deček na kolesu v kostumu zmaja | Fant v kostumu za noč čarovnic | neutral | snli | A little boy on bike wearing dragon costume | A boy wearing a halloween costume | 19,782 |
Deček na kolesu v kostumu zmaja | Deklica teče naokoli v svoji plenici | contradiction | snli | A little boy on bike wearing dragon costume | A girl is running around in her diaper | 19,783 |
Dve ženski v svečanih kostumih se sprehajata pred belo stavbo. | dva moška hodita po polju brez obleke | contradiction | snli | Two women wearing ceremonial costumes are walking outside a white building. | two men walk across a field wearing nothing | 19,784 |
Dve ženski v svečanih kostumih se sprehajata pred belo stavbo. | dve ženski hodita pred stavbo | entailment | snli | Two women wearing ceremonial costumes are walking outside a white building. | two women walk outside a building | 19,785 |
Dve ženski v svečanih kostumih se sprehajata pred belo stavbo. | dve ženski hodita domov po slovesnosti | neutral | snli | Two women wearing ceremonial costumes are walking outside a white building. | two women walk home after a ceremony | 19,786 |
Skupina fantov igra košarko. | Fantje so zunaj na igrišču. | entailment | snli | Group of boys playing basketball. | Boys are outside on the court. | 19,787 |
Skupina fantov igra košarko. | Dekleta drsajo na igrišču. | contradiction | snli | Group of boys playing basketball. | The girls are skating on the court. | 19,788 |
Skupina fantov igra košarko. | Fantje se igrajo konja. | neutral | snli | Group of boys playing basketball. | The boys are playing horse. | 19,789 |
Dve ženski, oblečeni v svečana oblačila, stojita na travi in gledata na most, ki vodi do stavbe z goro v ozadju. | ženske se smejijo | neutral | snli | Two women dressed in ceremonial apparel are standing on the grass looking at bridge that leads to a building with a mountain in the background. | the women are laughing | 19,790 |
Dve ženski, oblečeni v svečana oblačila, stojita na travi in gledata na most, ki vodi do stavbe z goro v ozadju. | ženske sedijo na travniku | contradiction | snli | Two women dressed in ceremonial apparel are standing on the grass looking at bridge that leads to a building with a mountain in the background. | the women are seated on the lawn | 19,791 |
Dve ženski, oblečeni v svečana oblačila, stojita na travi in gledata na most, ki vodi do stavbe z goro v ozadju. | dve ženski sta oblečeni | entailment | snli | Two women dressed in ceremonial apparel are standing on the grass looking at bridge that leads to a building with a mountain in the background. | two women are dressed | 19,792 |
Dve ženski nosita rdeče etnične noše, v ozadju sta kitajska stavba in gora. | Dve ženski nosita kostume pred stavbo. | entailment | snli | Two women are wearing red ethnic costumes, with a Chinese building and a mountain in the background. | Two women are wearing costumes in front of a building. | 19,793 |
Dve ženski nosita rdeče etnične noše, v ozadju sta kitajska stavba in gora. | Dva moška v kopalkah se poskušata zrušiti na paradi. | contradiction | snli | Two women are wearing red ethnic costumes, with a Chinese building and a mountain in the background. | Two men wearing swimsuits try to crash a parade. | 19,794 |
Dve ženski nosita rdeče etnične noše, v ozadju sta kitajska stavba in gora. | Dve Kitajki sta se oblekli v popolne noše za parado. | neutral | snli | Two women are wearing red ethnic costumes, with a Chinese building and a mountain in the background. | Two Chinese woman have dressed in full costume for a parade. | 19,795 |
To sta dve ženski, oblečeni v rdeče kostume, ki stojita blizu skupaj | V neposredni bližini sedita dve samički. | entailment | snli | This is two women dressed in red costumes standing close together | There are two females sitting in close proximity. | 19,796 |
To sta dve ženski, oblečeni v rdeče kostume, ki stojita blizu skupaj | Ženski sta bili oblečeni v vse modre, medtem ko sta sedeli skupaj. | contradiction | snli | This is two women dressed in red costumes standing close together | The two woman were dress in all blue while sitting together. | 19,797 |
To sta dve ženski, oblečeni v rdeče kostume, ki stojita blizu skupaj | Ena od žensk je bila oblečena kot superženska. | neutral | snli | This is two women dressed in red costumes standing close together | One of the woman was dressed as superwoman. | 19,798 |
Majhen nasmejani deček dvigne papir iz svoje darilne škatle, da bi videl, kaj je notri. | Otrok je prejel darilo. | entailment | snli | The small smiling boy lifts the paper from his gift box to see what's inside. | A child has received a present. | 19,799 |