<s>[INST] buy sheep wool uk [/INST] skye wool we are weaving a range of products made from 100 isle of skye wool for this range we hand select and grade the best quality wool from local farmers and crofters and have it turned into a special yarn it gives us great satisfaction to work with local fleeces and be involved with the whole process from sheep to loom most of the wool is from white cheviot hoggs they are the one year old sheep who are being clipped shorn for the first time it is the softest wool a sheep will grow during its lifetime after grading we send the fleeces off to be washed spun and dyed we then use the yarn to weave a range of products on our bicycle pedal powered loom here on skye a backwards journey from throw to sheep on the isle of skye many people are surprised by the fact that the wool of the many sheep on skye is normally not processed on the island in the past wool was washed carded spun and woven for home use and small scale trade at many crofts with industrialisation and economic change this is no longer a viable business opportunity wool is now processed by large scouring plants and spinning mills on the mainland or overseas the mills buy wool in big batches from the wool marketing board most of the wool in the uk and skye is bought by the wool marketing board which sells it on behalf of the farmers at international auctions the skye wool gets mixed up with wool from elsewhere this is why we are so happy to have our own 100 skye wool range now we really enjoy working with local sheep farmers see the sheep handle the wool and know exactly where it all comes from we hope you enjoy feeling the essence of the island in our skye wool creations address skye weavers 18 fasach glendale isle of skye iv55 8wp united kingdom telephone 44 0 1470 511201 facebook instagram pinterest twitter this website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website continuing to use the site implies you are happy for us to use cookies for more information read our cookie policy </s>
<s>[INST] fishing company in japan [/INST] how angling is done in japan methods to catch japan s most popular target fish chapter 6 shore fishing in japan anglers around the world agree that japanese fishing gear is among the best and is known for its high precision and performance the fishing techniques they are used for are also of a very high level as for myself when i was stationed in the united states i had brought over my own japanese fishing gear that isn t available there and found that i could fish very well with them using japanese angling methods i would like to introduce some of these methods little by little in coming articles the tools target and technique this time i want to introduce what we call the ukifukase tsuri float or bobber drift angling method for targeting largescale blackfish in rocky shore areas one of the appeals of fishing along rocky shore waters is the variety of fish that can be caught and in japan the most popular fish anglers target is the largescale blackfish the fishing gear we use is a long thin pole about five meters in length mounting a specialized spinning reel fitted with a braking lever it is a unique japanese angling method that uses krill as bait both on the hook and as attractant in the water in a hook and line setup that looks natural as it drifts on the water it is also a method that requires a good amount of technique and a sensitive touch once hooked the largescale blackfish instinctively beelines to lodge itself in the crevices in the nearby rocks in contrast to the sensitive touch needed in this type of angling one of the things that makes this method of fishing enjoyable is halting the strong pull of the fish and working to keep it out in the open water until you can reel it in the largescale blackfish is the most popular target for shore fishing in japan fishermen ferries and a different angling experience fukase tsuri is a type of angling where the hook and line is allowed to drift with the current it can be done in a variety of ways from more casual fishing off breakwaters jetties piers or natural rock outcroppings along the shore that you can walk out to to more serious ways like getting a hired boat to ferry you out to offshore outcroppings or points that can t be reached easily from land however from a safety standpoint using a hired boat known as fisherman ferries in japan is probably the best way to fish rocky shorelines in japan this type of fishing ferry boat that takes anglers out to shore fishing spots is basically a commercial fishing boat with a diesel engine most are outfitted with old tires and the like as boat fenders to protect the bow should it hit the rock outcroppings you can see boats all over the world using tires for fenders in this way since anglers have a tendency to want to fish from points that can t be reached easily on foot and where other people can t get to and considering that fishing from the shore has an entirely different appeal from fishing from a boat this fisherman ferry system is truly an attractive one for anglers using commercial fishing boats as ferries you can enjoy angling from spots unreachable by foot the longer the better competitions on the rise size of largescale blackfish is measured not by weight but by the fish s length if you are an angler who likes going after the big one a large or trophy size fish one of over 40 cm is considered a big catch while one of 50 cm or more is trophy size and there are occasionally monster fish of over 60 cm the fishing season for largescale blackfish is year round but the biggest ones are usually caught in winter as such i ve often been fishing for my big one out in the freezing cold every year although there are many anglers that like to go after big largescale blackfish rather than participating in tournaments tournaments sponsored by the fishing gear manufacturers are now being held i recently started competing in these tournaments generally they are competed on the basis of weight with the prizes going to the anglers with the highest total weight of their ten biggest fish caught i was lucky enough to finish 3rd in my first qualifying tournament and i plan to enter the finalist tournament this autumn my work keeps me very busy so i won t know whether i will be able to compete or not but if i do i will be sure to report the results chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4 chapter 5 chapter 6 chapter 7 chapter 8 chapter 9 chapter 10 chapter 11 chapter 12 chapter 13 back to top </s>
<s>[INST] forestry based company [/INST] protecting our forests share facebook twitter linkedin email print forests are vital to life but were losing them at an alarming rate were working both within our business and with others outside it to eliminate deforestation from agricultural commodity supply chains like palm oil tackle climate change and achieve un sustainable development goal 15 life on land we have to stop deforestation forests are essential to life they are the lungs of our planet and help to regulate our climate theyre second only to oceans as the largest global store of carbon up to 80 of terrestrial biodiversity and more than 1 billion people depend on forests for their livelihoods 1 when forests are cleared burned or degraded they emit carbon its estimated that deforestation contributes 15 of all global greenhouse gas ghg emissions 2 more than the global transport sector yet by protecting and restoring forests we would achieve 18 of the emissions cuts needed by 2030 to prevent catastrophic climate change 3 according to the world resources institute 30 of global forest cover has been cleared while 20 has been degraded much of the remaining forest cover is fragmented leaving only around 15 of global forest cover intact most deforestation occurs when forests are cleared to grow palm oil or soy to raise cattle or to harvest timber for the paper and pulp industries demand for these commodities is soaring as the global population rises and incomes increase its predicted that there will be over 9 billion people on the planet by 2050 and 60 more food will need to be produced governments and businesses have set ambitious goals to protect forests the new york declaration on forests the un sustainable development goals and the paris agreement all call for substantial improvements in forest trends by 2020 these commitments are built on private sector commitments made over the last few years many leading companies have made significant progress in understanding and mitigating their supply chain impacts by early 2020 484 companies had made 860 commitments to reduce or eliminate deforestation from their supply chains this is a powerful market signal to the rest of the global commodities sector yet despite these commitments forests are continuing to disappear rapidly an area of forest the size of the uk is being lost each year and the majority of it is tropical rainforest 4 since the new york declaration on forests in 2014 the rate of tree cover loss has increased by 43 5 the loss is driven by continued expansion of land for agriculture and an increase in forest fires and tropical storms more frequent and severe as a result of climate change these underlying trends are expected to worsen in the coming decades its clear that we must redouble our efforts with urgency and ambition both public and private sector action and the support of civil society are needed to enable us to produce more food and protect forests and those whose livelihoods depend on them we cannot succeed if we do one without the other our goal zero net deforestation by 2020 in 2010 together with other organisations in our industry we committed to achieving zero net deforestation pdf 167kb associated with four commodities palm oil soy paper and board pdf 173kb and beef by 2020 were the worlds largest single buyer of palm oil purchasing 3 of global production each year so were focusing on playing a leadership role in breaking the link between palm oil production and deforestation we also buy other commodities associated with a risk of deforestation including soy and paper and board we believe that transparency helps us to build a more sustainable supply chain which is why we have disclosed our direct suppliers of all of these commodity groups we want to use this purchasing power to transform these sectors through partnerships advocacy and committed work on the ground our scale enables us to have an impact but even so we cant achieve the level of change needed on our own did you know were taking three main steps to eliminate deforestation from agricultural commodity supply chains and to make sure we maintain affordable access to sustainably produced supplies of these commodities for the long term these are transforming our own supply chains making sure the palm oil soy paper and board pdf 173kb and tea we buy is both traceable and certified as sustainable encouraging the whole industry its possible to stop large scale deforestation while increasing food production and improving livelihoods for smallholder farmers through better agricultural practices were encouraging the entire industry growers traders manufacturers and retailers to set and meet high standards extending beyond current certification schemes working with governments and other partners ensuring that tackling deforestation gets the political attention and financial resources it needs and deserves is a critical component of our response to climate change in particular we are focused on helping catalyse transformative change at the landscape or jurisdictional level in key regions of south east asia south america and west and central africa were also using our networks and relationships to help tropical forest countries access large scale performance based payments for emissions reductions from forests shining a light on forests and deforestation much work has been done to deliver our commitment to achieve zero net deforestation by 2020 in soy palm oil paper and pulp and beef supply chains but we currently stand to fall short of this target at a time when the intergovernmental panel on climate change ipcc is telling the world that we need ever more urgent action lack of transparency has been one of the major impediments to meeting our targets we have made good headway by disclosing our palm oil mill origins for example but this is a longer and more challenging journey technologies such as the global forest watch tool trase blockchain and the accountability framework enable more radical transparency we want to shine a light on issues in supply chains so that they can be remediated which is why we have now published our full supply chains for palm oil soy paper and board and tea we have been driving change by february 2018 publishing our entire palm oil mill list pdf 299kb november 2018 publishing a palm oil universal mill list tracked with wri and global forest watch december 2018 working to get wilmar to sign up to a mapping commitment with aid environment to publish all third party supplier concession maps july 2019 publishing our soy pdf 105kb and paper and board supplier lists pdf 173kb september 2019 publishing our tea supplier list pdf 683kb spotlight three steps to tackling deforestation produce protect restore increasing numbers of scientists are calling for more emphasis on natural climate solutions 6 while protecting tropical forests is essential on its own its not enough to prevent the worst impacts of climate change and safeguard the worlds biodiversity we also need to restore and expand forested areas we are now working on five different landscape programmes across indonesia and malaysia of which restoration is a part sabah a province of malaysia is home to critically endangered species it has already lost much of its tropical forest with more at risk from illegal logging and poor agricultural practices to protect against further losses the malaysian government wants to see all palm oil producers in the state achieve certification by the roundtable on sustainable palm oil rspo by 2025 according to the wwf this will reduce ghg emissions by 17 million tonnes by 2030 as part of a programme led by ngos forever sabah and wwf malaysia and the industryngo coalition pongo alliance we will be helping to get 60 000 hectares of land certified through rspo by doing so we aim to benefit 200300 palm oil farmers we will also be helping to restore two wildlife corridors and two riparian reserves that is the areas where land and a river or stream meet we are moving our agricultural commodity sourcing to areas with sustainable forest management and working in partnership to help reconcile competing social economic and environmental objectives our ultimate ambition is to help drive a sustainable palm oil industry through these projects we are contributing to the achievement of sdg 15 life on land specifically to target 15 2 on promoting sustainable forest management halting deforestation and restoring degraded forests this work contributes to the following un sustainable development goals creating a movement for sustainable forest management deforestation is a complex issue and one that isnt going to be solved by companies acting alone since making our commitment to zero net deforestation we have increased our work with industry partners governments and ngos advocating for change across the entire tropical forest commodities sector its only through the transformation of each commoditys value chain and the adoption of sustainable farming practices that commodity driven deforestation is likely to end over 90 of globally traded palm oil is now covered by no deforestation pledges but these promises must be turned into action and that requires transformational systems change across the palm oil value chain as a step towards this we joined with marks spencer in 2015 and declared our joint intention to prioritise sourcing from countries or regions that have adequate no deforestation policies in place this will enable agricultural production and human development goals to be achieved side by side while protecting the environment and communities were focusing now on developing partnerships which demonstrate the success of this approach such as our work with indonesian ngo inobu and the district government of kotawaringin barat in central kalimantan to take a village by village approach to certifying palm oil smallholder farmers one of the most significant challenges is that financial benefits from transforming forests into agricultural land often far outweigh those from preserving forests in 2017 we were the first corporate investor in the green fund which aims to kick start investments in deforestation free agriculture in countries that are working to reduce deforestation and peat degradation the fund aims to protect over five million hectares of forest and peatlands by de risking private capital investments into large scale deforestation free production protection and inclusion initiatives with a capitalisation goal of 400 million and an aim to trigger 1 6 billion in private capital investments this fund is an exciting opportunity to jointly shape solutions to mitigate deforestation working collaboratively to drive transformational change on deforestation our unilever sustainable living plan uslp is a bold ambition to achieve change however we are just one company among many and the problems our society faces such as climate change are urgent large and complex our transformational change agenda combines direct action on the sustainable development goals sdgs with partnership and external advocacy on public policy to create change on a systemic scale while unlocking business opportunities at the same time tackling deforestation through multi stakeholder initiatives in september 2018 we announced that were working with walmart as part of its network of suppliers to tackle deforestation walmart has launched a platform to mobilise its suppliers to support locally led multi stakeholder initiatives that are tackling deforestation in key commodity producing regions where they purchase soy beef palm oil and timber as part of this project the wwf conservation international environmental defense fund and the nature conservancy are working with walmart and its suppliers to facilitate these connections and advise on how best to engage in each geography these jurisdictional approaches align producers local governments global companies and others within a single geography around a shared vision for balancing production protection and restoration and the inclusion of local communities partnerships like these can overcome challenges that no one entity be it government ngo or business could solve alone our new partnership in malaysia is also an example of this approach we are members of many multi stakeholder groups working to halt deforestation these include the tropical forest alliance tfa which was brought about by the consumer goods forum commitment to mobilise resources to help its members achieve zero net deforestation by 2020 tfa 2020 comprises the governments of both tropical forest and donor consumer countries ngos representatives of indigenous people and businesses spanning the commodity supply chains we are represented on the steering group of the companies behind the statement of support for the objectives of the cerrado manifesto pdf 40kb signatories of this initiative are committed to working with local and international stakeholders to halve deforestation and native vegetation loss in the cerrado savanna eco region of brazil we also support global forest watch a world resources institute initiative that provides an online forest monitoring and alert system this empowers people everywhere to get involved in protecting forests in 2018 we became a signatory of a new publicprivate partnership called the cocoa forests initiative cfi which was organised by the world cocoa foundation wcf idh the sustainable trade initiative and the prince of waless international sustainability unit isu with the aim to end deforestation and promote forest restoration and protection in the cocoa supply chain by signing the frameworks for action for cte divoire unilever has defined its core commitments and actions for a deforestation free and forest positive supply chain our action plan xlsx 24kb was drafted based on our role in the supply chain our cocoa sustainability goals and our corporate strategic priorities our progress is set out in the cfi annual progress report pdf 263kb 1 world resources institute https www wri org our work topics forests 2 world wildlife fund https www worldwildlife org threats deforestation 3 un ipcc special report october 2018 https www ipcc ch sr15 4 climate focus new york declaration of forests progress report 2019 https www climatefocus com publications nydf 2019 progress report protecting and restoring forests 5 climate focus new york declaration of forests progress report 2019 https www climatefocus com publications nydf 2019 progress report protecting and restoring forests 6 un ipcc special report october 2018 https www ipcc ch sr15 related links global climate action previous our greenhouse gas footprint next global climate action back to top connect with us we re always looking to connect with those who share an interest in a sustainable future facebook twitter linkedin instagram contact us get in touch with unilever and specialist teams in our headquarters or find contacts around the world contact us </s>
<s>[INST] buy wood moisture meter [/INST] moisture meters for inspectors by nick gromicko cmi and kenton shepard a moisture meter is a device designed to measure the moisture content of various building materials such as roofing siding insulation drywall plaster wood tile and fiberglass structural and safety hazards such as mold rot and decay are all potential consequences of elevated moisture levels in these materials an inspector can use a moisture meter to locate moisture that would not otherwise be apparent here are a few ways that inspectors may find moisture meters useful a moisture meter can be used to determine whether a material is moist enoughto allowmold to grow mold will begin to accumulate on surfaces that contain approximately 20 moisture although this value varies based on vapor pressure and other factors an inspector can test the moisture level of a section of building material that appears to be dry in order to establish a baseline from which other measurements can be compared moisture meters can also be useful in the following applications that are not related to inspection if a home has been vacated due to flooding a moisture meter can be used to determine if the home is once again suitable for occupancy before a home is purchased an inspector can use a moisture meter to determine if the house has leaks a moisture meter can assist a homeowner indetermining whether wood is dry enough to be painted or stained wood installers use moisture meters to make sure that wood is dry enough to be installed modes of operation moisture meters come in two different varieties known as pin type and search mode they are each suited to different applications and internachi believes that the best meters contain both options pin type this mode is used to measure the moisture content of a materials surface or at an incremental depth using probes while in this mode the meter can measure the amount of moisture on a material by its electrical conductivity this is often regarded as a more repeatable and accurate type of moisture measurement than the search mode described below although intermittent wet spots in the wood may be missed by pin type meters this method can be used to test for moisture on the surface of building materials such as stucco drywall plaster or wood it is especially useful for determining if the source of a stain on a wall or ceiling is active or if it has been repaired probes of varying lengths and designs may be used to extend the reach of a moisture meter operating in this mode they are slender metallic poles with sensitive tips that extend the reach of the meters electrodes delmhorst makes probes that can be inserted deep into the straw in straw homes to measure its moisture content hammer probes can be driven into wood and then extracted other probes can be inserted into pre drilled holes in masonry or pushed through insulation moisture content in log homes can be measured by inserting a probetwo thirds of the way from the logs surface to its center search mode search mode also known as pinless mode detects and measures moisture content beneath the surface of a material meters in this mode emit electromagnetic waves usually radio waves or an electrical current that are affected by the presence of moisture the meter can detect changes in the characteristics of returned emissions and then use this information to calculate moisture content meters manufactured by tramex for instance operate by the principle that a materials impedance resistance to an electrical current varies inversely with that materials moisture content the instrument determines the amplitude of a low frequency alternating current and uses this information to calculate moisture content other meters such as those manufactured by protimeter and wagner detect the characteristics of emitted radio waves in order to determine the presence of excess moisture these meters detect the amplitude of returning waves which is diminished when they come in contact with water the actual depth that these waves travel varies based on the materials properties and the devices settings but they generally penetrate from to beneath the surface and are unaffected by surface moisture unlike the pin type this mode of operation arrives at a relative value for moisture content that must be calibrated using an external equivalency table in some models the meter will display moisture content as a scale of color coded lights that indicate whether the material is damp dry or in a borderline condition in other models such as those made by wagner the default setting can be used to approximate moisture content in most materials although dense materials such as cement will require adjustment of the devices controls in addition wagner s meters take a three dimensional moisture average of the wood which decreases the likelihood that intermittent wet spots will be missed search mode is commonly used in the following locations the sides and the base of a tub or shower any penetrations such as faucets shower heads and soap dishes are likely locations of water leaks the water can originate from internal plumbing behind the wall or from the shower itself water that has escaped from a dishwasher into surrounding kitchen materials the sub floor beneath a bathrooms tile floor water intrusion can cause enough damage there that the toilet becomes detached peering behind a wall or floor covering such as a vinyl floor or a tile wall false readings if metal is present within the penetrating range of the meter it will alter wave characteristics in ways similar to water the meter will report levels of moisture that are higher than the actual level of the material if it detects a copper wire a metal pipe or some other metallic substance if an inspector suspects that the meter is sensing metal s he can monitor the readings ass he moves the meter in a straight line away from the elevated reading area the straight outline of a copper wire or metal pipe can usually be traced in this fashion in summary moisture meters are capable of detecting moisture levels in most building materials they are useful tools to have during home inspections because they can calculate the properties of inaccessible locations without causing them any damage two types of moisture meters are available sometimes in the same model straw bale house inspection green resources find moisture meters for sale at inspector outlet more inspection articles like this member marketing forum find an inspector take our exam certification licensing become a cpi standards of practice additional certifications education online courses house of horrors videos webinars exam prep resources buy back guarantee move in certified e o insurance business development internachi 1750 30th st ste 301 boulder co 80301 contact us copyright internachi internachi is a registered trademark of the international association of certified home inspectors terms of use close menu get started start with internachi membership it all starts with internachi access nearly all our benefits with all access membership and work towards certification at your own pace at no additional cost licensing certification internachi can help you get licensed in your state or province and provides certification to help you stand out from the crowd training education internachi offers over 1 000 hours of free online education for members free online exam test improve yourself get insured exclusive discounts enhanced coverage house of horrors the world s 1 training facility free design services get your logo more for free membership benefits everything you need in one place find a certified home inspector grow your business grow your business with internachi internachi membership is so much more than training and certification members get access to world class resources to grow their business to the next level well buy your home guarantee stand out from the crowd by offering the home inspection industrys strongest guarantee home maintenance book quadruple your inspection business and reduce your liability with the now that youve had a home inspection book bizvelop free business development guidance chapters engage with your local community logo marketing design build your brand and stand out webinars videos live monthly educational broadcasts more about internachi standards policies news announcements frequently asked questions internachi forum calendar of events contact us internachi school college certificate program house of horrors find a certified home inspector search nachi org </s>
<s>[INST] fishing company gear [/INST] tn fly co 0 tn fly co menu usd cad gbp eur jpy search my account 0 you have 0 items in your cart tn fly co usd cad gbp eur jpy my account 0 you have 0 items in your cart apparel hats shirts accessories gift cards clearance fly tying hooks beads fly rods retailers blog blog how to fish our rivers usd cad gbp eur jpy my account 0 you have 0 items in your cart my shopping cart your cart is currently empty continue shopping hit space bar to expand submenu apparel hats shirts accessories gift cards clearance hit space bar to expand submenu fly tying hooks beads fly rods retailers hit space bar to expand submenu blog blog how to fish our rivers usd cad gbp eur jpy 2020 tn fly co menu is closed tnflyco sign up to be the first to know about everything tnflyco shirts comfortable stylish and time tested hats your next lucky hat is here waiting decals and gear stickers gift cards wading and more fly rods locally made rods without breaking the bank shirts comfortable stylish and time tested shirts hats your next lucky hat is here waiting hats decals and gear stickers gift cards wading and more decals and gear fly rods locally made rods without breaking the bank fly rods collection list hats 0 products shirts 0 products streamers 1 products fly line 2 products blog posts april 16 2018 fishing the caney fork the caney fork river written by susan thraser southern brookies overview the caney fork river begins near crossville tennessee and is impounded twice over its approximate 140 miles before reaching the cumberland river most notably for trout anglers is the final stretch of river below center hill dam the dam is located approximately 70 miles east of nashville tennessee the 16 miles immediately below the dam is the primary stretch of water supporting trout this section of the river i january 13 2018 flies flies since the beginning of tennessee fly company it was always the goal to offer flies i mean its a fly company right we would get messages and feedback all the time about it do you sell flies wait youre a fly company and dont sell flies wheres the flies you get the point during this year we will be going through some changes we have always offered awesome apparel for the fly angler and we will continue to do that thats what we are good at so of cour december 03 2017 the trout south will rise again it s been awhile the troutsouth collection has been a staple of the tnflyco line for some time back in the fall we ordered multiple hats they all came in and we started selling some of the green ones as i got further into the inventory i noticed that some weren t perfect there was a small line where the embroidery missed it was concerning enough that i pulled all of them off the store to solve the problem i ordered patches these were ordered back in september through a series o social media </s>
<s>[INST] forestry and business relief [/INST] forestry nz news forestry images is a joint project of the university of georgia warnell school of forestry and natural resources and college of agricultural and environmental sciences center for invasive species and ecosystem health us forest service international society of arboriculture usda identification technology program nov 15 2019 newsroom read more forest news co ltd forestry market report of lower demand and falling prices will not be good news for new zealands forestry sector although an expected weakening of the new zealand dollar offers up the possibility of some relief forest business network covers news in the forest products industry like no other professional career with one of new zealand s leading research and development organisations 23 mar 17 38 photo supplied kiwirail the estate is comprised of mainly radiata pine and douglas fir softwood species in privately owned forest and crown forest leases in both the north and south islands nz forest industry important nationally regionally and environmentally nzier report it is going to have an enormous effect on the whole region sound understanding of the new zealand forestry sectors com new zealand was the main log supplier to china in 2019 accounting for 29 of total log imports our registered forestry consultant is on hand to provide you with an expert opinion you can trust over the last 10 years weve kept new zealand informed over the latest financial economic property and stock market news biodiversity levels in planted forests are higher than those found on pastural agricultural and horticultural land but lower than the levels in the eastland wood council provides a collective voice for the forestry industry in the eastland region which encompasses the gisborne and wairoa district council areas and stretches from the mohaka river in the south to east cape in the north health and safety in forestry if you are a forest owner manager contractor crew or foreman you can find all safety resources and videos on injury and prevention at safetree 2 of the countrys gross domestic product according to the ministry for primary industries in new zealand these are allowed to operate during shutdowns we believe information can be powerful if used correctly and we re more than happy to share the latest news with you the package will provide work for 300 forestry workers in jobs such as road maintenance a the first group to benefit from the package will be forestry workers in gisborne tairawhiti nz institute of forestry hosts meeting with his royal highness the prince of wales sunday november 24 2019 on friday 22nd november the new zealand institute of forestry hosted near christchurch a small round table meeting in the presence of his royal highness the prince of wales forestry 12 25 mar 2020 news item our scientists work across the whole forestry value chain from forest genetics to manufactured products from trees bag of beech kindling p growing trees sunlive always working to bring you the bays news it is designed to supplement the forestry assessment tool which has a broader focus on the people the site and the plan news and events check out what s happening in the sector from events and expos where you can find out more about career and training opportunities in forestry to the latest news on scholarships and other opportunities latest breaking farming and agriculture news and animal prices from new zealand s most popular independent site interest the institute of foresters of australia ifa is professional association for foresters private forestry commercial treegrowing and all forestry professionals fiea delivers world class technology events for australasian forest products fiea event technology news australia new zealand forestry products to partner with other forestry entities and work in collaboration to support the growth capability and promotion of the forestry industry throughout new zealand latest news find sources ministry of agriculture and forestry new zealand news newspapers books scholar 6 mar 2020 city forests chief executive grant dodson at its recently acquired takitakitoa forest south of dunedin february 14 2020 ex1200 rock bucket in action watch this massive 120 tonne mining excavator rip out the rock fitted with a heavy duty 5 around 80 per cent of new zealand s export logs go forestry nz allocates 36m to plant 13 million more trees in fight against erosion 01 54 incompetence laid bare national lambastes destruction of 400 000 pine tree seedlings and although news of covid 19 can be depressing it is critical that we all stay informed more people were likely to be forced forestry news and current scholarships a report from the university of canterbury has revealed that 24 per cent of new zealands native vegetation cover about annual forestry export statistics covering the volume and value of logs and wood chips sawn timber and sleepers wood pulp paper and paperboard panel products and other forestry products exported from new zealand department of homeland security and the u it contributes an annual export revenue of around 6 ladder sides of internally ribbed rounded rhs for ergonomic structural strength in this issue introduction nzif hosts meeting with the prince of wales fuelling the future kea banding in the baton forest coast to coast challenge from the backpage download the newsletter mpi surveys wood processors from around new zealand both quarterly and annually for their production and stock information we provide 24 7 support enabling our customers to always be working in this issue introduction nzif hosts meeting with the prince of wales fuelling the future kea banding in the baton forest coast to coast challenge from the backpage download the newsletter contributing to a team involved in providing forest management services to a range of clients throughout new zealand the job is an analytical role with a focus on forest estate modelling valuations resource assessment carbon feasibility studies and market analysis experience in financial modelling and evaluating forestry projects s january 24 2020 summer 2019 2020 newsletter planted forests are home to plants birds bats lizards frogs insects and other invertebrates despite the pervasive monoculture wasteland myth daily timber news and timberbiz have been challenged in 9 mar 2020 many of the country s logging crews are unable to work because of supply chain disruption in china laurie forestry is a leader in forestry management and marketing and that s because we make it our business to know exactly what is happening in our industry both nationally and internationally we had just inducted him and we got the message from the forestry company that exporters had stopped buying the wood so he only got a week of work forestry minister shane jones announced the relief package on friday 79 m ha plantation forestry estate to find out more information about risk solutions for your forestry business please contact tiffany robertson primary industries the package will provide work for 300 forestry workers in jobs such as road maintenance a nz forestry and land investments limited the new zealand forest industry 18 feb 2020 news resources open data forecasting forestry and wood processing data statistics new zealand released the latest figures for residential building consents this morning that show 2 349 new dwellings were consented nearly three quarters of them new houses read article here thulas nxesi the minister of employment and labour gazetted south africa s new minimum wage which took effect from 1 march 2020 making a career in forestry feb 24 2019 the acquisition will form the cornerstone investment for new forest s australian new zealand forest fund 3 which raised 873 million last year to invest in australian and new zealand plantation about us forest owners 12 feb 2020 new zealand forestry companies are resuming work now that wood processing companies in china have reopened president phil taylor says the foa sunlive forest owners association president peter weir said precautions in china against coronavirus have resulted in almost no off take of logs in china for processing the forestry industry came together on thursday november 14th in portland oregon to celebrate john onny warjone former port blakely president of forestry and his induction into the world forestry centers leadership hall 22 jul 2019 forestry nz challenges several claims made in dame anne salmond s commentary in newsroom last week billion trees policy being rorted daily timber news and timberbiz have been challenged in covering the victorian native timber decision the state environmental planning policy koala habitat protection issue in new sou new zealand has moved up to covid 19 alert level 3 restrict for the next 48 hours before moving into level 4 eliminate as new zealand escalates its response to stop the virus in its tracks prime minister jacinda ardern announced today exports by forestry product this assessment tool has a focus on the machines involved in machine felling and extraction 2m3 capacity west trak rock new zealand carbon allowances fell into the nz 25s for the first time this year as arbitrage opportunities from the fixed price option and forestry export losses maintained downward pressure john deere construction forestry and cable price nz limited end distribution agreement in new zealand contact the spark news and media team open data forestry is a significant industry in new zealand forestry key to green triangle economy and jobs report nz forestry total export revenue in nz millions toi ohomai institute of technology forestry courses something the minister of forestry shane jones is more than aware of the forestry industry on the east coast has been hit hard by the coronavirus because of supply chain disruption in china sanson who got into forestry at the age of 14 is a silviculture specialist for whakatane contracting company tane mahuta forestry latest breaking news articles photos video blogs reviews analysis opinion and reader comment from new zealand and around the world nz herald new zealand forestry today forestry is a major employer in regional new zealand and contributes around 6 detailed knowledge of forestry ownership and locations throughout new zealand news about forests and forestry including commentary and archival articles published the latest new zealand news from rnz new zealand s leading news team unsourced material may be challenged and removed nz nov 15 2019 newsroom categories the opportunities and fsc is an independent non governmental not for profit organization established to promote the responsible management of the worlds forests 03 nz fionas blog welcome back to work 6 percent in wood plantations sumitomo forestry co 12 07 2019 year ended 30 june 1981 to most recent xlsx 49 kb year ended 31 december 1980 to most recent january 24 2020 summer 2019 2020 newsletter according to te uru rkau forestry new zealand wood products are now the country s third largest export earner behind dairy and meat radio new zealand is a crown entity established under the dec 27 2019 latest news 09 mar 18 12 do you think our government should keep flights from china to nz closed due to fears coronavirus may arrive here the carbon that forestry sequesters from the two forestry fire crews a helicopter and a tanker are mopping up the embers of a fire in the bay of islands other accident and emergency news doubts whether one of new zealand s greatest explore our latest agriculture horticulture and forestry statistics nz forestry and land investments limited is a privately owned family business 6 sep 2018 new zealand s largest forestry acquisition goes ahead 68 per hour for each ordinary hour worked for forestry and farm workers forestry in new zealand is geared to both domestic and export demand we drive innovation and growth from new zealand s forestry wood product and wood derived materials and other biomaterial sectors for the benefit of new zealand growing the economy out in new zealand forests says wayne baker gough cat forestry 31 oct 2019 in october 2018 the government introduced a special test for forestry to provide a streamlined consent pathway for overseas investment in new 10 jul 2019 nz forest owners association president peter weir says it s time to put the forestry business on hold for about 6 months and wait and see a registered forestry consultant with the new zealand institute of forestry mort holds a bachelor of engineering degree from the university of canterbury and many years ago spent 12 months on a forestry scholarship at the university of british columbia but old growth forests on conservation land are excluded from the tallies of new zealands carbon sinks and emissions p latest breaking farming and agriculture news and animal prices from new zealand s most popular independent site interest it has been our intention to make forestry available to ordinary new zealanders who could not otherwise afford this investment each survey represents about 125 timber panel and pulp mills throughout new zealand one of the key log exporters that stopped exporting logs last week have indicated that they are going to resume log exports later on this week wellington zoo 18 apr 2018 keep up to date with all the latest terra cat and caterpillar industry news they are based on real incidents including what happened why it happened and the lessons to be learned tweets by timber news the industry group representing forestry contractors says the crisis facing the sector because of coronavirus is dire and is getting worse our forestry ladders are lightweight aluminium silvicultural pruning ladders kevin ihaka managing director of fps forestry the parent company of forest protection services said it is quite humbling to see the number of people that our business touches apr 19 2019 new zealand forestry ltd director cam eyre says more workers are needed for the logging boom nov 05 2018 craigmore is excited by the reinvigoration of our forestry portfolio with the establishment of the kauri forestry lp a joint venture with german partners glensilva to grow a new sustainable forestry portfolio in aotearoa new zealand date plantation and sawmill business in the nelson tasman and marlborough regions of new zealand the forest owners association foa says its working closely with the government on its 28m relief package for gisborne forestry workers get the latest gisborne forestry news including wood prices and industry updates planned to spend his summer in new south wales on a forestry internship with the forestry corporation but little did he we need more people not just getting the qualifications that you have got but to move through the levels of forestry management new zealand journal of forestry science 45 1 7 new zealand carbon allowances fell into the nz 25s for the first time this year as arbitrage opportunities annual forestry export statistics covering the volume and value of logs and wood chips sawn timber and sleepers wood pulp paper and paperboard panel products and other forestry products exported from new zealand here you can access our latest media releases newsletters bulletins and safety alerts some 44 of harvested logs and varying percentages of processed forest products are destined for world markets rural agriculture dairy forestry news animal prices interest forest reports 2018 forest report making a career in forestry nov 13 2018 forestry minister shane jones told the new zealand herald ambition and enthusiasm had a part to play in planting delays which struck the 32 million inaugural joint venture on the far north forestry block new zealand contributes 1 new zealand forest industry contractors association fica says forestry crisis is dire and contractors are reaching breaking point in an ever worsening situation nz sunlive 100 million to redeploy workers the bay s news first the government has allocated 100 million to help redeploy workers affected by the economic impact of covid 19 with the mar 24 2020 new player starts clearing rainforest in worlds biggest oil palm project the digoel agri group has begun operating in an indonesia megaproject being fought over by investors from around the world if you are a journalist and have a query about spark new zealand contact one of our media relations team they are the business desk team delivers a stream of original business news feb 24 2019 the acquisition will form the cornerstone investment for new forest s australian new zealand forest fund 3 which raised 873 million last year to invest in australian and new zealand plantation the forest owners association foa says its working closely with the government on its 28m relief package for gisborne forestry workers as the new zealand s lockdown will come into effect wednesday march 25 nz s forestry wood processing and manufacturing have not been classified as an essential business cable price nz limited has ended its distribution arrangement of john deere branded and manufactured construction forestry and compact machinery in new zealand the government has committed to a strong regional presence for te uru rkau forestry new zealand with the construction of a new forestry hub in rotorua 1 nov 2019 new zealand our mission was the same then as it is today maximise us one of new zealand s leading forestry investment companies but sadly we had our first forestry fatality last thursday in ruatoria near gisborne ernslaw one is the fourth largest forest owner in new zealand with approximately 100 000 hectares of forest whakatanes terry sanson is one of the first forest workers to go through a unique course to upskill and provide future opportunities for forestry crews your source for the latest research news jan 06 2020 nhla breaking news alert forest products are essential critical the u new zealands plantation forests are expected to grow in value over the next 15 years meaning employment opportunities are strong for qualified people one of our logging truck drivers just started on monday situations vacant no current vacancies imports from new zealand totalled 17 sample report below 2020 key responsibilities foa members manage around two thirds of plantation forestry of new zealands 1 oct 07 2019 rnz nbsp the property known as ponui station currently has 71 nov 22 2019 john warjone inducted into forestry leadership hall nov 22 2019 honoring a champion of sustainable forestry 2019 free and open company data on new zealand company nz bio forestry limited company number 7089954 nz bio forestry 4a ranikhet way khandallah wellington 6035 australia nz news sydney afp dozens of koalas have been euthanized and some 80 more are being treated for injuries and starvation after their habitat was logged prompting an australian safety alerts forestry news and articles may 22 2016 the fma has licensed four property investment schemes under the act so far and with a growing interest in property schemes recently would like to start the process of licensing managers of any new or existing schemes that want to be doing business at 1 december the fma said in a release last week we re experts when it comes to forestry environmental equipment a spokesman for regional economic development minister shane jones said there would be challenges to meet the worker demand but te uru rakau forestry new zealand was working alongside industry scion is a crown research institute that specialises in research science and technology development for the forestry wood product wood derived materials and other biomaterial sectors the number of new homes being approved rose by 5 per cent in october but is still down from a july surge in building consents feb 27 2020 new zealand s forestry industry is facing export challenges to china with the top of the south feeling the pressure too mort is also involved in his own forestry investments within otago the latest winter 2019 issue of the new zealand forestry bulletin was published on 23 july 2019 the ministry for primary industries mpi will reorganise its functions to create a stronger focus on core responsibilities i wish the year had got off to a better start oval rungs with serrated grip tops sharp feet to grip into all terrain mar 27 2020 the new zealand government will spend nz 100 million redeploying forestry workers who have been impacted by the covid 19 pandemic the board of directors of ernslaw one is pleased to announce the appointment of paul nicholls to the role of interim chief executive officer commencing on monday 8th july 2019 rapid impacts have been felt over the past more wood use in new zealand would help environment and reduce market pressure in china wednesday february 26 2020 the forest owners sep 09 2019 permanent indigenous forest still covers a much larger area than pine almost quarter of the country compared with 6 much of the original native forest cover was burnt off and logged however forests have been extensively planted predominantly with fast growing cultivars of the monterey the latest nz news and audio interviews from rnz new zealand s leading news team afforestation join our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates on pure advantage and new zealand s green growth govt to help forestry sector affected by delays in china the ministry for primary industries is assuring businesses that chinese borders are not closed to new zealand logs but that there are problems with oversupply and logs backing up at chinese ports which is leading to the demand for new logs to drop these alerts are a way to learn from the experiences of others working in forestry my sympathies go out to the family friends and crewmates of the worker involved mar 20 2020 in defence of te uru rakau forestry nz the proposals that lie behind the 100m were ready to go about three or four weeks ago but my colleagues wanted to see it integrated into a broader package so that we were able to make a sort of pulse coming into the economy to make sure it was not a scattered provincial pulse but a news comprehensive up to date news coverage aggregated from sources all over the world by google news introducing safetrees toroawhi sad news of 2020s first forestry fatality conference update help getting healthier in 2020 january 14 2020 the new zealand forest owners association foa represents the owners of new zealand s commercial plantation forests jo mcintosh from aon nz is a forestry insurance specialist she writes an article for the new zealand tree grower featuring advice from ollie about carbon forest insurance and possible risks forestry in new zealand 4 billion a year to our economy in export earnings click here to view the latest nz farmers weekly the new minimum wage of r18 forest news forestry new zealand te uru rkau deputy director general julie collins told morning report there had been some good news in the last 24 hours rayonier is a global forest company dedicated to providing sustainable forest management land management timber products and real estate services exports by product and country of destination news with the introduction of the volvo d series fc family tracked forestry carriers higher standards of value and excellence have been set 74 million cubic metres in a number of substantial challenges confront the timber industry in australia and in new zealand read all about forests including forest ecology carbon uptake and how human activities are affecting forests from a peak of 158 jas awg for a grade back in march 2019 we are now set to arrive at 108 jas awg for july 2019 new zealand forest industry contractors association fica says forestry crisis is dire and contractors are reaching breaking point in an ever worsening situation these new forestry carriers are designed and built to the exacting standards that volvo customers in new zealand have come to expect and rely on 8 billion 1 we know from experience that theres a heightened risk of incidents during the the monthly forestry market report provides in depth coverage and analysis of new zealands forestry markets effective forest management encompasses all land within the forest boundary both sustainably managed productive forest and non productive land read article here forest enterprises is the business name of forest enterprises growth limited and its subsidiary forest enterprises limited all nz forestry staff are members of the new zealand institute of forestry assuring you the very highest level of forest management service for the majority of the 2017 18 year both the king country and waikato regions experienced a mixture of dry and humid weather conditions rapid impacts have been felt news and events check out what s happening in the sector from events and expos where you can find out more about career and training opportunities in forestry to the latest news on scholarships and other opportunities 0800 85 25 80 8 weld street p 18 its members are committed to the highest standards of sustainble silviculture environmental practice and workforce safety laurie forestry monthly market reports allan laurie writes a monthly forestry market report which keeps readers up to date with forestry developments nationally and internationally offers a unique perspective and investigates new products and services a tertiary qualification in forestry with a minimum of 5 years commercial forestry experience source timberbiz this partnership served both companies well and supported each companys global growth over the multi greetings from your favourite wood news source demonstrated abilities in data analysis the ifa incorporates the australian forest growers afg and the association of consulting foresters of australia acfa our specialist brokers act for more forestry owners than any other broker in new zealand and we have a dedicated specialist claims support team to assist our customers at times when it matters most a number of substantial challenges confront the timber industry in australia and in new zealand check this page for latest breaking nz news headlines analysis special reports from major urban centres including auckland wellington christchurch kiln dried beech kindling take the hassle out of starting your fire dimensions 20cm5cm1cm easy to start no need for finer splitting mar 19 2020 farmers weekly news forestry agricultural production statistics find the main provisional and final results from our annual survey or census of new zealand s farming sector forestry minister shane jones has today welcomed the separation of portfolios within the ministry of primary industries saying it marks a new era for forestry in new zealand forestry images is a joint project of the university of georgia warnell school of forestry and natural resources and college of agricultural and environmental sciences center for invasive species and ecosystem health us forest service international society of arboriculture usda identification technology program mar 27 2020 nz forestry sector covid 19 update following 25 march posted by jo english on 27th march 2020 covid 19 in this update from te uru rakau please find information on essential services ports and registering as an essential service which will or should have been implemented as new zealand went into level 4 alert for covid 19 late on wednesday 0800 848 267 enquiries locations volvo forestry excavators the overseas investment office oio has granted wolfgang leitner consent to buy a 800ha property located in kotemaori wairoa and convert it to forestry nz the past week has seen news emerge that the chinese export log price is about to tumble ernslaw one announces paul nicholls as interim chief executive officer the industry should therefore assume that will be required to shut down by the deadline we produce a range of information to keep you informed about our work mar 20 2020 in defence of te uru rakau forestry nz the proposals that lie behind the 100m were ready to go about three or four weeks ago but my colleagues wanted to see it integrated into a broader package so that we were able to make a sort of pulse coming into the economy to make sure it was not a scattered provincial pulse but a 18 hours ago the forest owners association is backing the governments strategy to combat covid 19 as just about all parts of the forest industry are now in shut down mar 27 2020 the new zealand government will spend nz 100 million redeploying forestry workers who have been impacted by the covid 19 pandemic forestry in new zealand has a history starting with european settlement in the 19th century and is now an industry worth seven percent citation needed of annual revenue economic development minister phil twyford said forestry was one of the first industries to be seriously impacted by covid 19 coronavirus and this had had had a significant impact on forestry workers in tairawhiti vee shaped top work platform with side handles safety chain for the taller sizes this is a collection page for new zealand news the perfect storm facing nz s forestry industry there are growing concerns a crash in log prices will lead news 100 kiwi owned operated serving new zealands equipment needs since 1980 find new and used forestry machines for sale on new zealand s trusted classifieds brand we re experts when it comes to forestry environmental equipment new zealand s public broadcaster providing comprehensive nz news and current affairs specialist audio features and documentaries firm news media releases 7 jul 2019 out on a limb how to fix new zealand s flawed forestry policy on what initially looked like an almost cornily good news policy more trees nz first linked forestry company pushed for govt funds a powerful new zealand first figure helped establish a forestry company that then pushed for money from two key funding streams controlled by a new zealand first minister department of labor have both said the forest products industry is an essential critical infrastructure workforce in the nations response to the coronavirus pandemic p p te uru rkau is focused on supporting the planting of exotic and indigenous forests sustainable forestry management programmes like the emissions trading scheme and forestry grants the association and its members are committed to the highest standards of sustainable silviculture environmental practice and workforce safety this week the rest of the world has gone toilet paper hoarding media zombie mad an austrian billionaire has been granted consent to purchase an 8m hill country farm learn more latest news mar 23 2020 forest biomes o box 529 feilding new zealand the opportunities and jan 17 2017 nz forest managers ltd has a wide range of clients for whom it provides an extensive range of land management services browse our thousands of articles covering biomass forestry biofuels sawmills logging grants and much more forest enterprises limited is licensed under the financial markets conduct act 2013 to manage managed investment schemes excluding managed funds which are primarily invested in forestry assets latest industry news latest digital media articles in this issue log price volatility 50 shades of green and the realities of land use economics the myth of indigenous versus exotic trees for carbon storage tolaga bay one year on the laws jun 19 2009 mosgiel based new zealand wood mouldings has drastically downsized operations and shed more than 50 staff and us owned brightwood in otautau closed last month with the loss of 60 jobs preceded by four sawmill closures in luggate milton and naseby the trend for the number of new dwellings consented in auckland is at its highest forestry is new zealands third biggest export industry after dairy and meat accounting for around 5 billion a year and 3 growing leadership skills in forestry proseed new zealand is the leading supplier of tree seed to the australasian forestry sector the package will provide work for 300 forestry workers in jobs such as road maintenance a about us 3 of the world s trade in forest products fsc coronavirus update the report covers domestic and export log markets drivers of price changes updates on new zealands major markets around the world for logs lumber panels and other exports its members are 27 feb 2020 new zealand s forestry industry is facing export challenges to china with the top of the south feeling the pressure too this takes overall job loss estimates well beyond 200 news about forests and forestry including commentary and archival articles published in the new york times effective forest management comes from experience despite this marginalisation many countries recognise full inclusion of forestry is necessary to achieve emission targets and a greater acceptance of forest carbon credits is emerging most of our employees live up the coast and forestry is the biggest employer feb 10 2019 strong winds are expected to fan forest fires that have been burning for a week through new zealands south island told a news conference on saturday photo brent melville the forestry industry and the towns that rely on it for survival are approaching a crisis point as the coronavirus grips countries worldwide a report on the plantation forest industry has highlighted its value to national and regional economies as well as forestrys beneficial effect on new zealands ecology forestry is a significant industry in new zealand while not good news for a district struggling to maintain its roading is good news for port taranaki pan pac forest products will initiate forestry work in the park on 2 march 2020 following a slight delay due to reasons beyond the control of the te mata park trust board firming global economic activity is however likely to make things worse driving up sea freight rates cat 558 ll forest machine recently added to the cmh contracting fleet under these conditions forest owners and forestry the history and culture surrounding the whakarewarewa forest the variety of outdoor recreational opportunities diverse range of exotic tree species mix of native undergrowth panoramic views and proximity to lakes thermal areas and the city centre have made the redwoods whakarewarewa forest one of rotoruas most spectacular natural spark news official documents show the government planned to plant 1100ha with pine this year and had ordered about 1 100 000 seedlings for that this is where we make a difference for our clients providing them with the best forest management service to enable them to maximise their forest value many of the country s logging crews are unable to work nz forest products new zealands nz oldest and most trusted name in forestry from its inception nz forest products group is a formidable force in the forestry industry both in the domestic and export markets john deere construction forestry and cable price nz limited cpl agreed to end their distribution arrangement of deere branded and manufactured construction forestry and compact machinery in new zealand 8 feb 2020 send in your news letter column event classified photo of week is a comprehensive housing and wood products corporation harnessing the power of forests to empower the future our team has over 250 years combined industry expertise managing in excess of 26 000 hectares of forestry forest credits are currently being traded under the kyoto protocol within the nz emissions trading scheme and within the various voluntary markets in addition to the tree frog news itself and our status update on forestry and wood product conferences were keen to promote relevant educational events such as todays feas covid 19 webinar terms of trade preparation for creating a more biodiverse te mata park has begun your news is the place for you to save content to read later from any device an ability to develop and nurture strong relationships with industry leaders in the forest owner companies with which crown forestry interacts as either as a lessor grantee or neighbour this production information is then compiled with export data sourced from statistics new zealand industries forestry nz news hynexhtpvvk rs87gbhhoef pjdqwjfml4vsj uiccsicvqfp yuh14n9pob a3e72klv trb1owgu0lrb 5xfcrqyg0a qfsdv3zov s5cdi2n2oxcm 0be8yq2vf as1hyrtvcnf kbptdnvqjeps zjwhhtbzu jtqvlsj rnvws98ps o6j2rlsbyce 8hespvn j4elmuqd6qrtqm 12lcoribkwp6 nxytbrpsck fxpp6rlevw gprnyn5 neajfk7sn8 eafvsvvbvyo2 jg6und2oobpw bl26gehjt hgueljksuwj ppqd4k5ps hu2rkz49n6y ddbqtagmyjr </s>
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original rocks sauza margaritas liter 24 individual marg 6 5 fresh lime rita liter 27 individual fresh lime rita 7 6 pack coors light 10 coors coors light miller lite bud bud light import 6 pack 15 corona corona light victoria negra modelo dos equis amber pacifico tecate modelo especial groceries to go while supplies last 1 gallon milk 5 5 2 limes 2 2 lemons 2 avocados 1 5 each jumbo roll toilet paper 5 egg dishes available saturday sunday 11 3 subject to availability save time get in line for dinner tonight welcome to jose o shea s chat with us at anytime with questions or comments text to 844 209 1963 up coming events at jose o shea s visit us jose o shea s 385 union blvd lakewood co 80228 us 303 988 7333 hours covid 19 restaurant hours these are subject to change due to availability of product mon thu 11am 8pm fri sat 11am 8pm sun 11am 8pm we really would like to hear from you contact us here or text us at 844 209 1963 we really would like to hear from you contact us here or text us 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o shea s to deliver the best press lakewood sentinel rocky mountain news lakewood sentinel best mexican restaurant 2017 2015 2012 1999 westword rocky mountain news lakewood sentinel best happy hour rocky mountain news rocky mountain news rocky mountain news best happy hour buffet menu botanas perfect to share fresh guacamole made hourly fresh ripe avocados blended with tomatoes onions fresh lime juice served with homemade flour tortilla chips medium or large macho nachos corn tortilla chips loaded with refried beans queso sauce mixed cheese pico de gallo black olives guacamole and sour cream add ground beef chicken or carnitas queso fundido a delicate blend of poblano chiles and onions blended into vegetarian chile verde and jack cheese made to order and served in a flour tortilla bowl with warm flour tortilla add ground beef chorizo or carnitas quesadilla piping hot tortilla filled with melted cheese and chiles served with sour cream pickled jalapeos and pico de gallo add vegetables chicken or steak mexican eggrolls crispy fried eggrolls stuffed with cheese jalapeos chicken and lettuce served with queso sauce hatch green chile queso homemade finished with cotija cheese cilantro and valentina sauce ensaladas housemade dressings serrano lime vinaigrette sweet red vinaigrette ranch or bleu cheese casa salad a generous portion of mixed salad greens garnished with tomatoes and tortilla chips served in a tortilla bowl fajita salad sizzling chicken with fresh bell peppers onions and crisp tortilla chips tossed with fresh lettuce pico de gallo sour cream add avocado mexican cobb salad grilled chicken chorizo avocado roasted corn cotija cheese pico de gallo black beans and mixed salad greens taco salad seasoned ground beef tortilla chips cheddar cheese black beans green onions black olives and pico de gallo on top of crisp shredded lettuce served with your choice of warm chile verde or cool salsa mexican shrimp salad chile lime grilled shrimp avocado pineapple pico de gallo and salad greens tossed with a serrano lime vinaigrette sopas soups homemade every day tortilla soup joses especial seasoned broth full of chicken vegetables and long grain rice topped with tortilla strips and jack cheese served with avocado cup bowl jose s famous chicken soup joses grandmothers famous tijuana two step chicken soup extra hot spicy and served with warm flour tortillas cup bowl enchiladas cream cheese chicken enchiladas two corn tortillas filled with lightly seasoned chicken and smothered with jalapeo cream cheese sauce served with black beans and spanish rice enchiladas suizas two piping hot tortillas filled with seasoned chicken and smothered with tomatillo sauce topped with melted cheese and sour cream and served with refried beans and spanish rice seafood enchiladas scallops shrimp and crab enchiladas smothered with grandma s hatch green chile garnished with sour cream and avocado served with refried beans and spanish rice tacos all served with 3 tacos served with spanish rice and refried beans grilled steak tacos corn tortillas with cilantro onion relish and avocado crema grilled chicken tacos warm flour tortillas with salsa fresca lettuce and cheese grilled tacos al carbon steak corn tortillas with spices pico de gallo cotija and salsa fresca grilled cholos tacos pork corn tortillas roasted pork pickled onion mexican potatoes cotija cheese and salsa fresca grilled fish tacos corn tortillas blackened grilled tilapia topped with shredded cabbage pico de gallo and a drizzle of chipotle sauce grilled shrimp tacos corn tortillas chile lime grilled shrimp black beans shredded cabbage pico de gallo cotija cheese and chipotle sauce especialidades mexicanas pollo poblano rellenos crispy rellenos stuffed with shredded chicken diced poblanos and jack cheese smothered with grandmas hatch green chile and served with spanish rice and refried beans chicken taquitos corn tortillas rolled with seasoned chicken fried golden crisp and smothered in your choice of sauce topped with guacamole and sour cream served with spanish rice and refried beans blue corn taquitos tender shredded beef rolled in blue corn tortillas fried to perfection and smothered in your choice of sauce served with black beans and spanish rice garnished with guacamole and sour cream authentic chile rellenos two fresh whole green chile peppers stuffed with jack cheese wrapped in whipped egg batter and smothered in grandma s hatch green chile served with refried beans spanish rice tamale plate made fresh in joses kitchen light and fluffy beef tamales smothered in grandma s hatch green chile and cotija cheese served with homemade spanish rice and refried beans camarones a la diabla sauted gulf shrimp with jalapeos chorizo tomatoes and onions in a chile tomato red sauce served with spanish rice black beans and a flour tortilla carne asada a fire grilled steak prepared mexican style with grandma s hatch green chile served with a cheese enchilada refried beans spanish rice a warm flour tortilla carnitas chile verde coca cola and orange marinated slow roasted pork smothered in grandmas hatch green chile served with spanish rice refried beans and warm flour tortillas especiales ligeras lite specials mamas skinny enchiladas corn tortillas rolled with seasoned chicken and topped with delicious enchilada sauce served with fat free frijoles de la olla spanish rice and fresh fruit vegetable enchiladas corn tortillas filled mushrooms onions corn yellow squash zucchini chiles bell peppers garlic pico de gallo cotija cheese and vegetarian chile verde served with frijoles de la olla and fresh fruit maribels vegetarian tacos selection of locally farmed vegetables black beans corn tortillas guacamole pico de gallo cotija cheese and salsa fresca fajitas de mexico we are proud to serve the best authentic fajitas marinated in joses special fajita sauces and served sizzling with fresh bell peppers and onions garnished with guacamole shredded cheese sour cream and hot flour or corn tortillas and served with refried beans or fat free frijoles de la olla vegetable shrimp and trio fajitas are served on a bed of garden blend fresh vegetables chicken steak carnitas portabello mushroom shrimp trio combinaciones served with refried beans and spanish rice no substitutions please 1 cheese enchilada beef taco 2 two beef or two cheese enchiladas or one of each one beef one cheese 3 one beef burrito one gringo relleno crisp wonton skin 4 beef burrito cheese enchilada chicken taco 5 guacamole tostada gringo relleno 6 blueplate special smothered bean burrito beef taco cheese enchilada 7 one tamale one gringo relleno one beef taco 8 enchilada ol one ground beef one chicken one cheese enchilada smothered with enchilada tomatillo queso sauces topped with sour cream 9 gringo plate two gringo rellenos smothered in queso sauce one ground beef taco 10 gringo relleno cheese enchilada 11 taco plate two tacos shredded beef ground beef or chicken served with a side of salsa fresca 12 ground beef combo a taco burrito enchilada all on one plate for ground beef lovers chimichangas the original chimichanga a shredded beef burrito golden fried to crispy perfection and smothered in your choice of sauce and melted cheese served with sour cream spanish rice and refried beans chicken chimichanga a golden fried seasoned chicken burrito smothered in your choice of sauce and melted cheese served with sour cream spanish rice and refried beans burritos ol burrito grande a large flour tortilla filled with your choice of tender chicken or shredded beef and refried beans smothered with your choice of sauce and melted cheese quesarita giant burrito filled with mildly seasoned ground beef smothered in hatch queso and topped with lettuce cheese and tomato picadillo burrito ground beef potatoes grilled onions tomatoes and jalapeos wrapped in a flour tortilla and smothered with grandmas hatch green chile and melted cheese fajita burrito marinated strips of chicken or steak sauted with onion green and red peppers then wrapped in a large flour tortilla with refried beans and smothered with grandma s hatch green chile chicken or steak fiesta americana burrito large flour tortilla filled with rice shredded beef or chicken smothered with your choice of sauce then topped with melted cheese served with guacamole and sour cream o shea s burrito giant burrito filled with homemade refried beans and seasoned pork then smothered in osheas sauce and jack cheese served with sour cream burro de reina spiced rubbed chicken caramelized onions black beans and roasted poblano peppers topped with tomatillo and cream cheese sauce cotija and pickled onions famous garbage burrito a colossal burrito filled with everything beef chicken pork refried beans and rice topped with three sauces covered with lettuce tomato cheese guacamole and sour cream so large that some of it will definitely end up in the garbage saturday sunday sangria brunch served 11am 3pm featuring one glass of complimentary sangria and tables set up with fresh fruit mexican pastries and cakes huevos rancheros soft corn tortillas with refried beans two eggs and smothered in your choice of sauce served with spanish rice and mexican style potatoes huevos carnitas tender chunks of pork with grilled onions eggs and grandmas hatch green chile served with refried beans mexican style potatoes and flour tortillas mexican skillet mexican style potatoes sauted with chicken or chorizo topped with two eggs and in your choice of sauce served with flour tortillas eggsadilla scrambled eggs cheddar cheese jalapeos green onions and tomatoes folded in a flour tortilla served with pico de gallo and mexican style potatoes busted yolk black bean tacos egg chorizo pico de gallo mixed cheese on corn or flour tortillas served with mexican style potatoes breakfast burrito scrambled eggs with chorizo fresh bell peppers onions and mexican style potatoes rolled in a flour tortilla and smothered in your choice of sauce mexican benedict two poached eggs served on toasted english muffins with chorizo sausage and topped with your choice of sauce and served with mexican potatoes avocado omelet fresh slices of avocado inside a fluffy omelet and smothered in your choice of sauce and cheese served with mexican style potatoes and flour tortillas jose s fresh homemade sauces made fresh daily chile verde diced lean pork sauted with mild chile peppers tomatoes and spices hot chile verde traditional homestyle chile with hot chile peppers diced lean pork tomato and spices half half half chile verde and half hot chile verde green chile queso a new blend of cheese peppers tomatoes and spices tomatillo sauce tangy sauce made from mexican green tomatoes with herbs and spices vegetarian vegetarian chile verde mild chiles tomatoes vegetables and spices vegetarian enchilada sauce a red sauce made from a blend of mild chiles and spices o shea s sauce joses special blend of tangy tomatillo and hot green chile sauces cream cheese sauce a rich cream cheese sauce blend of jalapeos and mexican spices grandma s hatch green chile one of the staffs favorite sauces made with roasted hatch green chiles roasted tomatoes diced lean pork and spices lunch specials served monday friday 11am 3pm combo 1 cheese enchilada beef taco served with refried beans and spanish rice 7 99 combo 2 two beef or two cheese enchiladas or one of each 1 beef 1 cheese served with refried beans and spanish rice 8 59 combo 6 blueplate special smothered bean burrito beef taco cheese enchilada refried beans and spanish rice 9 99 soup and salad bowl of tortilla joses chicken soup or chile verde served with a mixed green salad 7 99 the original chimichanga a shredded beef burrito golden fried to crispy perfection and smothered in your choice of sauce and melted cheese served with sour cream spanish rice and refried beans 9 99 chicken chimichanga a golden fried seasoned chicken burrito smothered in your choice of sauce and melted cheese served with sour cream spanish rice and refried beans 9 99 burrito grande a large flour tortilla filled with your choice of tender chicken or shredded beef and refried beans smothered with your choice of sauce and melted cheese 9 59 o shea s burrito giant burrito filled with homemade refried beans and seasoned pork then smothered in osheas sauce and jack cheese served with sour cream 9 99 quesarita giant burrito filled with mildly seasoned ground beef smothered in queso sauce and topped with lettuce cheese and tomato 9 59 cream cheese chicken enchiladas two corn tortillas filled with lightly seasoned chicken and smothered with jalapeno cream cheese sauce served with black beans and spanish rice 9 99 value sized fajitas de mexico chicken steak carnitas or vegetables served sizzling with spanish rice refried beans shredded cheese lettuce and tomato and warm flour or corn tortillas 9 99 two grilled chicken tacos warm flour tortillas with salsa fresca lettuce and cheese 9 59 tortas gringo torta hamburger freshly grilled 8 oz ground beef patty 10 99 add cheese or grilled bacon for 99 each mexican burger grilled ground beef patty wrapped in a flour tortilla and layered with refried beans smothered in grandmas hatch chile verde and topped with melted cheese served with lettuce tomato and seasoned fries 10 99 carnitas tortas slow roasted carnitas refried beans pickled onions avocado crema cotija cheese and shredded lettuce on a bolillo roll 10 99 a la carta ground beef available on request 1 2 side of rice beans tacos shredded beef chicken potato burritos all burritos are smothered with your choice of sauce and topped with melted cheese and served with lettuce and tomato bean shredded beef beef bean chicken tamale homemade beef tamale smothered with your choice of sauce enchiladas cheese onion shredded beef chicken tostadas bean shredded beef shredded beef bean guacamole chicken chile relleno gringo style crisp wonton skin one per order authentic style fluffy egg batter one per order sides guacamole 1 99 sour cream 1 29 pico de gallo 99 refried beans 1 99 black beans 1 99 frijoles de la olla 1 99 salsa fresca 1 29 tortillas 2 99 bowl of sauce 2 99 cup of sauce 1 79 spanish rice 1 99 jalapenos 99 desserts add a description about this category our famous sopapillas traditional pastry dusted with cinnamon sugar and served with honey three per order deep fried ice cream vanilla ice cream rolled in corn flakes and cinnamon sugar topped with honey and whipped cream mexican flan homemade mexican custard with caramel sauce and topped with whipped cream add strawberry sauce jose s helados ice cream vanilla or whipped cream add strawberry sauce all sauces are interchangeable copyright 2020 jose o shea s all rights reserved powered by godaddy website builder </s>
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<s>[INST] forestry as a business [/INST] why the timber business is surprisingly strong right now pine beetles and u s housing have made forest products a bright spot among commodities by bryan borzykowski march 25 2015 west fraser timber looking for a ray of hope in canadas beaten down commodity industries take a gander at forest company stocks this sector has been almost counter cyclical to the much larger energy and mining sectors for more than a decade over most of that period producers alternated losses with profits their capital allocation was suspect and share prices barely budged but thanks to low expectations a tree killing infestation and a growing u s housing market this sector is finally rewarding shareholders since oct 7 2011the sectors lowest point in 13 yearsthe s p tsx paper and forest products index has jumped 218 some of the industrys biggest names such as west fraser timber tsx wft are up 15 to 20 over the past 12 months michael underhill chief investment officer at capital innovations and manager of the sprott timber fund says he thinks theyre just getting started one reason is the increasing demand from the u s housing rebound there was a huge inventory of vacant homes following the 2008 crash which slowed the recovery however housing starts crossed the million mark in 2014 and they still have a way to go to reach their pre recession level of 1 5 million with u s fixed mortgage rates about a percentage point below where they were a year ago underhill thinks the market will pick up further everythings looking better from single family starts to multi family starts household formation is the highest its been in the last five years he says its not just about the u s anymore either during the crash years forest companies turned to china where wood frame construction is beginning to catch on today exports to china add the equivalent of 300 000 housing starts a year to demand in north america says stephen atkinson an analyst with dundee capital markets while demand is growing supply is constrained the mountain pine beetle has destroyed more than half the commercially viable pine in the interior of b c the top producing province while the worst is over a generation of trees has been lost the blight also affected washington oregon idaho and colorado all of this bodes well for earnings in contrast to oils oversupply the timber shortage should help support lumber prices for years to come todays price of about us 300 per thousand board feet is actually lower than it was a year ago but underhill thinks it could hit us 600 since the recession companies have also improved their balance sheets many are generating free cash flow and making smarter capital allocation decisions says benoit gervais a portfolio manager on the mackenzie resource team its still a volatile business so you want to buy stocks of companies that have modest debt loads and use their capital wisely firms weighted to b c for example have bought mills and timberlands in the southern u s and eastern canada in order to keep their volumes from shrinking the south has the lowest harvesting costs on the continent adds atkinson even though the u s rebound is in full swing investors havent priced in the full recovery yet says underhill many arent thinking about the longer term demand drivers buy now be patient through the inevitable price swings and you should be rewarded he says more about natural resources investing 11 ways to survive and thrive in the age of cheap oil how smart companies work with first nations to get resource deals done central bank policies are diverging heres where to invest now investors bewarecanadas big banks are in for a rough year how fossil fuel divestment campaigns could affect oil stocks filed under b c china commodities construction energy forestry gas housing mining natural resources oil oil and gas sprott timber fund timber u s housing market west fraser timber advertisement advertisement 0 </s>
<s>[INST] buy wood arrows [/INST] cheap wood arrows hunting arrow wood archery factory sale archery pure carbon fiber arrow wood grain shaft traditional bow hunting us 3 45 3 80 piece 100 pieces min order 2 yrs huizhou elong outdoor product ltd 14 50 0 customer service 5 great communication 1 prompt shipment 2 superb seller 3 wonderful purchase 2 contact supplier logo customization wood arrow carbon wood grained carbon fiber removable point spine 400 turkey feather carbon arrow us 2 80 3 10 piece 100 pieces min order 3 yrs huizhou elong outdoor product ltd 20 69 0 fast delivery 4 fast feedback 3 fast shipping 2 good company 3 good service 1 strong packing 1 contact supplier sponsored listing wood grained carbon fiber removable point spine 400 turkey feather carbon arrow material 100 carbon fiber color wood grained usage traditional bow spine 400 arrow weight 26 2g shaft length 28inch feather length 4 inch straightness 0 006 feather color grey packaging shipping our exhibition our team 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1 good seller 5 contact supplier 45lbs top quality wood laminated bows dawn bows bear s paw and wood materials us 160 00 200 00 bag 1 bag min order 7 yrs xiamen oulay imp exp co ltd 24 77 9 excellent packaging 1 excellent vendor 3 good customer service 1 contact supplier factory direct cheap china wood grain carbon arrow us 14 93 25 99 square meter 10 square meters min order 2 yrs wuxi city shengte carbon fiber products co ltd 4 96 8 contact supplier set of 2 vintage white sturdy home wall hanging decoration wood arrow sign us 4 75 5 45 piece 500 pieces min order 1 yr caoxian chuancheng woodworking co ltd 90 9 contact supplier leader joy beech wood montessori printed arrows for short bead chains us 19 56 22 84 set 1 set min order 9 yrs leader joy imp exp co ltd 1 81 0 fast response 1 fast shipping 1 contact supplier designer thick thickness engineered face veneer wood for plywood door furniture arrow us 20 00 20 00 sheet 1 sheet min order 8 yrs hangzhou greenland import export co ltd 2 100 0 efficient communication 1 excellent customer service 1 fast shipment 1 contact supplier rustic wooden arrows office wall decor farmhouse sign christmas gift us 1 00 15 00 piece 200 pieces min order 8 yrs qingdao wahtai transocean industry co ltd 10 95 3 excellent customer service 1 fast shipping 1 great communication 1 contact supplier antique arrow style wooden sliding barn door hardware us 23 00 23 00 set 50 sets min order 14 yrs foshan nanhai xin jianwei hardware factory 8 90 2 customer service 1 great communication 1 nice work 1 quick delivery 1 contact supplier 2019 hot selling high quality cheap playground equipment pvc inflatable shoot an arrow us 300 00 900 00 piece 1 piece min order 12 yrs top inflatables industry limited 1 80 0 contact supplier about product and suppliers 156 cheap wood arrows products are offered for sale by suppliers on alibaba com of which bow arrow accounts for 17 folk crafts accounts for 2 and other toys hobbies accounts for 1 a wide variety of cheap wood arrows options are available to you such as home decoration you can also choose from wood metal cheap wood arrows there are 156 suppliers who sells cheap wood arrows on alibaba com mainly located in asia the top countries of suppliers are united states china and india from which the percentage of cheap wood arrows supply is 1 89 and 5 respectively related search china bow and arrows in archery china light bow china glass bow color hunt suppliers bow product suppliers hunt paypal suppliers bow hunting bows suppliers bow and arrow for sale left hand arrow cheap aluminum arrow archery tag arrow supplier traditional hunting arrows traditional archery shooting rest archery archery charm archery aluminum arrow arrow for recurve bow long bows arrows bow and arrow free face mask sydney sun safe clothing </s>
<s>[INST] forestry company london [/INST] covid 19 coronavirus information current situation as part of our ongoing efforts to slow the spread of covid 19 and in keeping with the province of ontarios declaration of a state of emergency the city of london has moved to minimal operations and delivering essential services only until further notice all city facilities including city hall arenas community centres and seniors centres pools libraries golf courses and provincial offences court tourism london officesandsocial services offices will be closed to the public until further notice playgrounds skate parks and multi use courts are closed sports fields golf courses off leash dog parks and community gardens are also closed if you are in our parks or on pathways maintain the safe physical distance of at least twometres apart fromothers all interest and penalties forunpaid interim 2020 property tax installmentsdue on march 31 2020will be waived for a period of 60 days media releases public service announcements psa city enhances physical distancing measureson sidewalks roads and in parks psa avoid flushing wipes while at home psa city closes off leash dog parks psa information for renters during covid 19 psa city recreational programming facility rentals and membership updates psa london launches email and phone line to report covid 19 order violations psa updates on citys recycling and garbage collection services psa fire department to ban open burning effective april 1 media release city council approves measures to provide immediate economic relief to residents and businesses psa city closes outside play structures parks and open spaces remain accessible psa council meeting tuesday march 24 media release city of london declares state of emergency psa supports available for londons most vulnerable psa upcoming essential services available at the city of london social services office 355 wellington street citi plaza statement from londons fire chief regarding covid 19 impact on city of london services expand all collapse all animal services london animal care centre will respond only to reports of stray dogs bite investigations and sick injured wildlife reportby phone519 685 1330 or email animalservices london ca by law and parking enforcement report the following unsafe occurrencesby phone or email unsafe buildings requiring immediate attention call 519 661 city 2489 or email enforcement london ca unsafe pool fences call 519 661 city 2489 or email enforcement london ca parking causing impact on emergency response email parkingenforcement london ca or call 519 661 city 2489 child care fee subsidy child care fee subsidy program office is closed processing will remain availableby email at childcare london ca at present all current child care fee subsidy arrangements remain in place regardless of whether parent guardian activity work or school has changed or will change over the coming weeks this also applies if your licenced child care provider has temporarily closed most licensed child care centres are closed families are encouraged to connect with their own child care centre on service delivery dearness home for the protection of residents who are particularly vulnerable to covid 19 non essential visitors will no longer be allowed at dearness home and screening protocols have been put in place emergency forestry emergency forestry services continue we encourage londoners to report any issues with forestry on our service london portal envirodepots the public drop off area at the w12a landfill is closed to public access envirodepots remain open but only for necessary trips we ask that you please store materials such as extra bagged garbage and yard waste as long as possible and please use regularly scheduled collection at home before coming to the envirodepots in an effort to reduce the spread of covid 19 cash will not be accepted at the until further notice credit and debit continue to be accepted learn more about envirodepot locations and hours of operations www london ca envirodepots please note city council has passed a motion to waive the 1 50 per bag fee for residents that need to dispose of bagged garbage at three envirodepots until may 4 2020 homes that have to dispose of bagged garbage above the three container limit can do so at one of these three envirodepot without paying the fee fire services if you are experiencing an emergency please call 911 fire services will be responding to all emergency calls if your call is not an emergency please call 519 661 5615 all fire stations will be closed to the public open air burning the london fire department is advising residents that as of april 1 all open burning as per the open air burning by law f 7 in the city of london will be banned until further notice garbage collection garbage collection continues as scheduled weve developed some waste disposal guidelines to do our part in slowing the spread of covid 19 bag all used tissues and napkins and please place in the garbage do not place waste loosely in garbage containers if you or someone in your household is feeling unwell please place items that have been in contact with your mouth nose or eyes into a bag and then into the garbage this includes items that you normally place into your blue box such as plastic bottles pop cans and milk or juice containers reduce the amount of waste placed at the curb we ask that londoners place the least amount of garbage at the curb as possible hold on to bulky waste like furniture mattresses couches please store these items at your property as long as possible during this time please respect physical distancing with sanitation and recycling operators and do not approach the vehicle please visit the envirodepots section for information related to this service to report any issues regarding garbage please report it on our service london portal homeless prevention homeless prevention supports will be provided through the housing access centre over the phone by calling 519 661 0861 or email hac london ca housing services housing access centre hac services will continue to be provided over the phone by calling 519 661 0861 or email hac london ca london middlesex community housing supports for london middlesex housing corporation tenants will continue if you require support please call 519 434 2765 recycling recycling collection continues as scheduled if you or someone in your household is feeling unwell please place items that have contact with your mouth nose or eyes into a bag and then into the garbage even items that you normally place into your blue box such as plastic bottles pop cans and milk or juice containers please respect physical distancing with sanitation and recycling operators and do not approach the vehicle to report any issues regarding garbage or recycling please report it on our service london portal roads and streets emergency repairs and ongoing required operations continue this includes traffic signal repair operations street sign repair street light repair barricade crews pot hole repair on a case by case basis emergency forestry operations emergency bridge engineering londoners can report any emergencies by calling 519 661 city 2489 social services ontario works the city of london social services ontario works ow program continues to operate and offer limited services applications are accepted online or by calling 519 661 4520 ext 3 the social services office at citi plaza 355 wellington roadwill offer drop box for mail and verification documents cheque pick up for new applicants without an address will be available every friday from 1 p m 4 p m monthly cheque pick up on monday march 30 and tuesday march 31 from 9 a m 12 p m and 1 p m 4 p m note the office will close from 12 p m 1 p m both days for cleaning and disinfecting of highly touched surfaces subsidized transit passesare available for purchase every friday from 1 p m 4 p m passes can also be purchased at ltc sales locations for ltc locations information or hours of operation call 519 451 1347 all other city social services office locations and community mail boxes are closed until further notice ontario works assistance or general information about programs and services can be accessed by calling 519 661 4520 or emailing socialservices london ca priority services during this time will be limited to 1 discretionary benefits funeral emergency dental transit 2 cheque production and distribution 3 intakes and emergency social assistance water operations wastewater treatment and sewers emergency repairs and ongoing required operations will continue this includes operations around water quality spills floods and storm response please remember toilets are not garbage cans dont flush wipes food toys or medicine down the drain this can cause backed up pipes and flooded basements londoners can report any emergencies by calling 519 661 city 2489 parks and playgrounds alloutside play structures are closed this includes playgrounds skate parks and multi use courts in addition to these closures all city sports fields golf courses and community gardens remain closed until further notice property tax all interest and penalties forunpaid interim 2020 property tax installmentsdue on march 31 2020will be waived for a period of 60 days the property tax payment deadline for the march interim installment remainedmarch 31 2020 however residents not able to make a payment by the deadline will not be charged late penalties or interest in april or may on late payments while these measures were approved for 60 days council has directed staff to report backwith next steps on further options to assist taxpayers including potential deferral of the next installment scheduled for june the waiving of interest and penalties does not apply to payments already setup through pre authorized payments post dated cheques to be cashed on march 31 2020 property tax accounts being paid by a financial institution from the property owners mortgage payments supplementary taxes due on march 31 2020 and april 30 2020 for the years 2019 and 2018 or to any arrears that arose prior to the march 31 interim installment due date the city of london continues to accept property tax payments payment options the city of london s pre authorized payment plan on line via your bank s on line banking website at most financial institutions upon payment of their fee if applicable payments at financial institutions must be date stamped by the teller on or before the due date to avoid penalty by cheque payable to the city of london mailed in the envelope provided property tax section p o box 5256 london on n6a 5m6 do not mail cash payments provided by mail must be postmarked on or before the due date to avoid penalty in the night letter depository located on the wall at the southwest corner of city hall by credit card using a third party service provider the city of london does not offer the option of paying property taxes using a credit card however you may be able to use a third party service provider that offers additional payment methods including credit cards the provider that offers the credit card method at this time is listed below for your convenience third party providers charge a fee for their service if you have questions please email taxoffice london ca household special waste depot public access to the waste disposal drop off area and household special waste depot located inside the w12a landfill is closed until further notice residents are asked to continue to store household special waste items safely at home do not place these items in the garbage to report any issues regarding garbage please report it on our service london portal building permits please refer to building division services during covid 19 for updates on services available during this time landfill closed to public access the citys w12a landfill will only accept commercial vehicles carrying garbage and operational materials an increase in large trucks and a reduction in staff resources due to covid 19 requires additional on site health and safety measures be implemented recreation programs facility rentals and memberships all spring recreation programming start dates and registration will be postponed until further notice memberships will be extended based on the number of days that recreation facilities are closed all facility rentalsarecancelled at this time all special events and bus trips at kiwanis and hamilton road seniors centres are being cancelled for the month of april emergency licensed child care for essential frontline workers information on emergency licensed child care for designated essential workers which is available at no cost to eligible families can be found at emergency licensed child care these supports are reserved exclusively for the children of eligible essential workers who have exhausted all other child care alternatives important note at this time we are only accepting applications from front line health care workers and emergency first responders including middlesex london public health ongoing precautions and additional information the best sources of information are health officials here are links to sites that may be helpful to you the middlesex london health unit provincial ministry of health the public health agency of canada phac all public health officials agree that the best way to prevent the spread of covid 19 is to follow typical flu precautions these include the following wash your hands often with soap and wateror alcohol based hand sanitizer sneeze and cough into your sleeve avoid touching your eyes nose or mouth avoid contact with people who are sick stay home if you are sick last modified friday april 03 2020 federal and provincial supports individuals federal and provincial supports businesses community partners middlesex london health unit london transit commission supports for basic needs self assessment tool contact us we encourage you to call or email if you have questions about city services phone 519 661 city 2489 </s>
<s>[INST] buy horse california [/INST] trainer sues california racing board over justify drug test san luis obispo tribune sections search eedition home customer service customer service contact us mobile apps submit an event buy photos news in education faq archives my subscription activate digital subscription manage account newsletters news news local crime education environment investigations california california weed nation world lottery weather weird news submit a news tip columns photos from the vault weather watch joetopia that s slo weird sports sports outdoors high school cal poly mlb mlb scores stats nba nba scores stats nfl nfl scores stats politics politics the california influencer series business living living food drink wine beer home garden travel columns linda lewis griffith pet tales entertainment entertainment arts culture comics puzzles games horoscopes restaurants events calendar movies music tv opinion opinion editorials viewpoints influencers opinion editorial cartoons letters to the editor submit a letter columnists tom fulks obituaries the cambrian video all videos news video california weed video sports video cal poly video politics video business video entertainment video living video classifieds legals jobs real estate weekly place an ad about us mobile apps sports trainer sues california racing board over justify drug test by beth harris ap racing writer january 13 2020 07 26 pm order reprint los angeles trainer mick ruis sued the california horse racing board on monday alleging it intentionally failed to discharge its public duty when the board hid and subsequently dismissed justifys positive drug test in the 2018 santa anita derby ruis trained and owned bolt doro who finished second in the race the west coasts major prep for the kentucky derby santa anita derby winner justify trained by hall of famer bob baffert went on to sweep the kentucky derby preakness and belmont stakes and become horse racings 13th triple crown winner that year the petition filed in los angeles county superior court asks for a writ ordering the chrb to set aside its decision to dismiss justifys positive test in the santa anita derby and to order the horses disqualification with a redistribution of the purse in the 1 million race local news at your fingertips get unlimited digital access for just 3 99 a month to readlocal anytime on any device get offer justify earned 600 000 for the victory bolt doro received 200 000 for finishing second justify tested positive for scopolamine a prohibited substance that was detected in his post race urine sample the substance is used to treat mild colic and spasms but also can result from eating jimsonweed under california rules in place at the time a failed test for the substance would have required disqualification and the redistribution of purse money that would have resulted in bolt doro being declared the winner the chrb has since lowered the penalty for a scopolamine positive from the tougher 3b classification at the time of justifys positive which required a fine and disqualification to a 4c that includes a minimum fine of 1 000 and no disqualification attorneys for ruis contend that rule change did not officially occur until jan 1 2019 months after the test was ruled positive the petition alleges that the chrb decided in a secret closed door session of its board to dismiss the matter against the horse and baffert the positive result didnt become public until last september when it was revealed in a new york times story chrb equine medical director dr rick arthur has said despite a seemingly high overage of the substance evidence suggested contamination rather than an effort to skirt the rules he said that because california has had issues with jimsonweed contamination it has a higher threshold than the international limit for scopolamine racing board spokesman mike marten said the board had no comment on the matter comments videos ecstatic fans greet lsu team outside new orleans hotel after championship win cat fight clemson lsu tigers meet in college football championship view more video trending stories glide over morro bay king tides in this drone video january 13 2020 5 24 pm avengers star josh brolin spotted at slo county bowling alley january 14 2020 10 58 am office manager of paso robles church sentenced to prison for embezzling almost 300k january 13 2020 3 23 pm new slo gastropub will serve high end bar food in old fordens spot heres when it opens january 14 2020 10 30 am first flu death of season reported in slo county health officials say january 14 2020 11 20 am read next sports 49ers notebook garoppolos blessing in disguise injury led to drafting bosa by chris biderman january 15 2020 03 02 pm order reprint the san francisco 49ers were a better team on paper than their 4 12 finish to the 2018 season that allowed them to take rookie of the year ohio states nick bosa with the no 2 pick in the 2019 nfl draft keep reading local news at your fingertips readlocal get unlimited digital access for just 3 99 a month to readlocal anytime on any device get offer more sports video media created with sketch football what former raiders coach tom flores thinks about hall of fame skipping him cliff branch january 15 2020 1 22 pm sports nba power rankings lebrons los angeles lakers edge milwaukee bucks for top spot january 15 2020 4 00 am video media created with sketch sports 49ers mailbag more crucial to stop in nfc title game davante adams or aaron jones january 15 2020 4 00 am sports zampese joins redskins as qbs coach on riveras staff january 15 2020 3 22 pm sports ohio states day wont soon forget teams playoff stumble january 15 2020 3 21 pm business griffin pelicans project zion williamson debut for jan 22 january 15 2020 3 10 pm </s>
<s>[INST] starting forestry business [/INST] features forestry management harvesting logging from start to finish february 3 2016 by video february 3 2016 vaagen brothers lumber have posted video footage that takes viewers up close and personal through the complete logging process through the use of an unmanned aerial vehicle february 3 2016 by video topics forestry management harvesting print this page tweet related canadian forest industry a win win win domtar windsor mill precision tree harvesting a look inside new brunswicks fornebu lumber sawmill ledwidge lumber celebrates 75 years with mill tours tags video leave a reply cancel reply editors picks forestry businesses remain open across canada with essential designations bc lumber producers cut production in response to covid 19 market volatility heres a list of cancelled forestry events in north america due to coronavirus digital edition view digital edition archives subscription centre tembec suspends operations at quebec sawmill tla respond to great bear rainforest agreement </s>
<s>[INST] buy whole herring [/INST] 12 best types of fish to eat medically reviewed by natalie olsen rd ld acsm ep c on september 30 2019 written by nicole bowling alaskan salmon cod herring mahi mahi mackerel perch rainbow trout sardines striped bass tuna alaskan pollock char takeaway share on pinterest overview fish is a healthy high protein food especially important for its omega 3 fatty acids which are essential fats that our bodies dont produce on their own omega 3 fatty acids play an essential role in brain and heart health omega 3s have been shown to decrease inflammation and reduce the risk of heart disease theyre important for prenatal development in babies too the american heart association aha recommends eating fish at least 2 times a week particularly fatty fish like salmon lake trout sardines and albacore tuna which are high in omega 3s yet there are some risks associated with eating fish on a regular basis contaminants such as mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls pcbs find their way into ground lake and ocean water from our household and industrial waste and then into the fish who live there the environmental protection agency epa and fda have issued combined guidelines for women of childbearing age pregnant and breastfeeding women and children they advise these groups avoid fish with higher levels of mercury contamination which usually include shark swordfish king mackerel tilefish the following 12 superstar fish have made it onto our best fish list not only for having great nutrition and safety profiles but because theyre eco friendly being responsibly caught or farmed and not overfished 1 alaskan salmon theres a debate about whether wild salmon or farmed salmon is the better option farmed salmon is significantly cheaper but it may contain less omega 3s and fewer vitamins and minerals depending on whether its fortified or not salmon is a great option for your diet overall but if your budget allows opt for the wild variety try this grilled salmon recipe with a sweet tangy glaze for an entre thats easy to prepare 2 cod this flaky white fish is a great source of phosphorus niacin and vitamin b 12 a 3 ounce cooked portion contains 15 to 20 grams of protein try a piccata sauce on top of cod for a nice complement like in this recipe 3 herring a fatty fish similar to sardines herring is especially good smoked smoked fish is packed with sodium though so consume it in moderation jamie olivers mediterranean style herring linguine uses the fresh version in this recipe 4 mahi mahi a tropical firm fish mahi mahi can hold up to almost any preparation because its also called dolphinfish its sometimes confused with the mammal dolphin but dont worry theyre completely different try some blackened mahi mahi tacos with a chipotle mayo for dinner 5 mackerel as opposed to leaner white fish mackerel is an oily fish rich in healthy fats king mackerel is a high mercury fish so opt for the lower mercury atlantic or smaller mackerel choices try these recipes for meal ideas 6 perch another white fish perch has a medium texture and can come from the ocean or fresh water because of its mild taste a flavorful panko breading goes well with it like in this recipe 7 rainbow trout farmed rainbow trout is actually a safer option than wild as its raised protected from contaminants and according to the monterey bay aquarium seafood watch its one of the best types of fish you can eat in terms of environmental impact try these delicious trout recipes 8 sardines also an oily fish sardines are rich in many vitamins the canned version is easy to find and its actually more nutritious because youre consuming the entire fish including bones and skin dont worry theyre pretty much dissolved try topping a salad with a can of them for a nice meal 9 striped bass either farmed or wild striped bass is another sustainable fish it has a firm yet flaky texture and is full of flavor try this recipe for bronzed sea bass with lemon shallot butter 10 tuna whether fresh or canned tuna is a favorite of many when picking fresh tuna choose a piece thats glossy and smells ocean fresh its easy to prepare too all it needs is a quick sear over high heat its recommended that people limit yellowfin albacore and ahi tuna due to their high mercury content instead of white which is albacore choose chunk light when buying canned tuna light tuna is almost always the lower mercury species called skipjack 11 wild alaskan pollock alaskan pollock is always wild caught in the northern pacific ocean because of its mild flavor and light texture its the fish most often used for fish sticks and other battered fish products try this recipe for garlic butter poached pollock 12 arctic char arctic char is in the salmon family it looks like salmon and its flavor is somewhere between salmon and trout slightly more like trout the meat is firm with fine flake and high fat content its flesh ranges from dark red to pale pink farmed arctic char is raised mostly in onshore tanks that create less pollution than those in coastal waters try this easy recipe for a maple glazed char the takeaway consuming a variety of fish several times a week will provide many nutrients needed for a well balanced diet if youre pregnant breastfeeding or have a health condition check with your doctor before incorporating any fish that contains mercury nicole davis is a writer based in madison wi a personal trainer and a group fitness instructor whose goal is to help women live stronger healthier happier lives when shes not working out with her husband or chasing around her young daughter shes watching crime tv shows or making sourdough bread from scratch find her on instagram for fitness tidbits momlife and more medically reviewed by natalie olsen rd ld acsm ep c on september 30 2019 written by nicole bowling related stories are sardines good for you 11 healthy nutrition facts about tapioca the health benefits of nettle tea what are the health benefits of ginger tea 5 vitamins and minerals to boost your metabolism and promote weight loss read this next are sardines good for you medically reviewed by katherine marengo ldn rd sardines might not be your favorite food but they offer a number of nutritional benefits heres why you should try them read more 11 healthy nutrition facts about tapioca medically reviewed by katherine marengo ldn rd tapioca is delicious when prepared as a dessert or enjoyed in drinks but is it healthy here s a look at the nutritional information read more the health benefits of nettle tea medically reviewed by gerhard whitworth rn stinging nettle grows wild and is full of nutrition and health benefits learn the ways this herb can help promote health and prevent disease and how read more what are the health benefits of ginger tea medically reviewed by gerhard whitworth rn the health benefits of ginger tea are many and wide ranging learn how this ancient folk remedy may help with everything from easing nausea and read more 5 vitamins and minerals to boost your metabolism and promote weight loss medically reviewed by katherine marengo ldn rd if you re trying to lose weight you might want to add vitamins to your daily regimen discover some vitamins for weight loss and some minerals too read more gomad diet the pros and cons medically reviewed by katherine marengo ldn rd if you re a weightlifter you might have considered trying the gomad diet to gain weight quickly but here are some things to think about before you read more the pros and cons of the cottage cheese diet medically reviewed by katherine marengo ldn rd only eating cottage cheese may sound like an easy way to lose weight but is it safe here are the pros and cons of the cottage cheese diet find out read more tips for limiting acidic foods medically reviewed by katherine marengo ldn rd can eating too many acidic foods cause you issues the answer depends on how sensitive you are to acidic foods if you think avoiding acidic foods read more how protein before bed can promote muscle growth medically reviewed by natalie butler rd ld whether you want to lose weight or gain it a diet with an adequate amount of protein is key looking to boost muscle growth we ll show you what new read more how collagen can boost your bodys skin muscle and gut medically reviewed by cynthia cobb dnp aprn collagen is an essential building block for the entire body from skin to gut and more here s five changes you may see or feel just by taking more read more </s>
<s>[INST] sardines fishing runescape [/INST] osrs fishing guide level up as an angler in oldschool runescape p3ter 06 05 2019 0 osrs fishing guide about fishing skill fishing is a gathering skill in runescape which allows players to catch various types of seafood with different methods during the gameplay players can catch fish with nets rods harpoons cages bare hands and other methods this skill is one of the most liked by runescape community since it is the easiest and can be done while semi afk it is also worth noting that fishing is always profitable check also our full osrs skills guide let s get osrs fishing guide little bit detailed there are various methods of leveling fishing skill some of them are focused on getting to level 99 fishing as fast as possible while others put emphasis on money making aspect in this guide you will find out about all of them which will allow you to choose one that you like the most you may also like osrs accounts osrs gold osrs items tips for fishing leveling while training fishing you can also level up your agility during barbarian fishing you gain experience in both of these skills which makes it an amazing leveling method equipping dragon harpoon during catching sharks or swordfish can boost up your catch rate by an additional 20 upgrading dragon to infernal harpoon with smoldering stone will additionally give you 33 chance to cook a fish upon catching if your goal is only 99 and not max exp it is not worth getting angler outfit as it takes too long time for the reward being that small fishing on f2p free to play if you dont have runescape membership you can level your fishing skill in these spots levels 1 20 shrimpsand anchovies in lumbridge with small fishing net levels 20 99 troutand salmonwith fly fishing rod and feathers recommended location is barbarian village levels 40 99 from level 40 you start catching lobsters with lobster pot at musa point karamja levels 35 99 tuna and swordfish with harpoon at musa point port this is best f2p spot for fishing training best way to reach 99 on p2p members only levels 1 24sea slug quest although this quest requires 30 firemaking it is still faster to train this skill than to level fishing from nothing if you complete the sea slug quest it will get you quick from 1 to 24 fishing in just a few minutes or around an hour if you are starting from 1st firemaking level that being said it is the fastest method in the beginning levels 24 58 fly fishing after you are finished with sea slug you can go fly fishing in barbarian village or lumbridge this method requires fly fishing rod and feathers alternatively to this method you can catch normal fishes in lumbridge near the castle same as before you are going to be dropping all catched fish levels 58 99barbarian fishing on these levels you want to catch your first member only fish it is recommended to head to ottos grotto where you can catch leaping fish eg leaping sturgeon leapin salmon leaping trout you can get there by using games necklace teleporting to barbarian assault minigame and running south west from there this is the most efficient and best method to max your fishing level in the shortest amount of time possible this is the best spotin general as it provides best experience per hour for your fishing xp ratio to start barbarian training you need to talk to otto and click search option under his bed where you can find necessary tools heavy fishing rod also called barbarian rod you will also need to bring some feathers and fishing bait as one of those is needed apart from leveling fishingyou will also earn some strength and agilityxp keep in mind that it is a spot where you drop the fish from your inventory there is no place for banking nearby making money on fishing fishing is a gathering skill and because of that players will gain items during training which will allow them to make gold off it this skill can be very profitable especially when combined with cooking which will additionally boost gold made monkfish at 62 level of fishing playercan catch one of the favorite consumables in runescape monkfish can be caught with a small fishing net in piscatoris fishing colony the best way to get there involves usage of fairy rings code akq as this fish is used by many during cooking training and as a food for fights it is selling easily on grand exchange and is very profitable it is also great in terms of experience per hour at higher levels there is only one downside completion of swan song quest is required to fish there shark you can find those in a fishing guild jatizso and catherby to catch raw shark all you need is a harpoon although they are slower to catch and aren t as profitable as monkfish they can be a nice alternative tothose who are bored by previous locations anglerfish these fish can be really nice in terms of money made but where they lack is an experience made on a catch they arent as easy to get and they dont provide good enough rewards to be worth leveling on you can find them in piscarilius house fishing spot if you have 100 favor you will need a small fishing rod and sandworms to start fishing minnows catching those can be nice in both money making and leveling if you want steady method that will provide you with both minnows are for you you can catch those from 82 level of fishing with a small fishing net the only downside is that you are required to wear full angler outfit to catch those dark crabs similarly to minnows dark crabs are pretty good money maker with a decent profit in terms of experience there is also a downside these fish can be only caught in the wilderness which involves a risk factor if you want method similar to minnows but without angler outfit this method may be just for you karambwan at level 65 after completing the only requirement tai bwo wannai trio quest players can catch karambwan if what you desire is best money making method while sacrificing experience made this one is for you you can make there even more money than on monkfish since this place is better for that karambwan provide amazing gold ratio during training but also are very bad in terms of leveling to catch them you need karambwan vessel and raw karambwanji bait the best way of getting to their location is with fairy ring teleportation code ckr after getting there just run north east until you find the spot quests that you can complete to gain additional fishing experience sea slug level 1 7175exp fremennik trials level 1 2812exp tai bwo wannai trio level 5 5000exp fishing contest level 10 2437exp rum deal level 50 7000exp hero quest level 53 2725exp swan song level 62 10000exp it is worth noting that since all quests give similar experience in fishing it might be best to finish them as early as possible to see the difference on lower levels one quest can get us through several levels while on higher it wont even give one fishing guild this is a members only area located east of ardougne to enter players need to have 68 fishing level which can be boosted from 63 this is one of the most popular fishing locations as all of the fishing spots are close to the bank while inside fishing guild players will receive 7 levels to the fishing which will allow them to catch fish at faster rates but will not allow catching fish above their base level in the fishing guild we can find various items that can help during training there are free spawns with rods nets cages and harpoons as well as a cooking range for those who want to make their food in the guild you will also find a fishing store with bait and feathers supply you can sell your cooked and uncooked fish to roachey running fishing guild shop due to the distance between the bank and fishing spots this place is excellent for those who want to train on sharks lobsters tunas and swordfish in the northern platform players can also find an npc kylie minnow if you are wearing full angler outfit have at least 82 fishing and completed fishing contest quest she can transport you to minnow catching platform in this area you can catch minnow from one of the four spots which later can be exchanged for raw sharks in 40 1 ratio 3 tick fishing method if you want to maximize your experience gains during fishing you can use this method manipulating ticks within the game by stopping certain animations and resuming them at the right time can make your skill and earn xp faster this will allow you to gain additional fish while training which will make your leveling process faster to start 3 tick fishing you need few items clean herb swamp tar and a pestle by starting pestle animation and then stopping it with clicking on a fish spot you can catch fish more often this is a completely safe method allowed by jagex so you dont have to fear about getting banned as these tricks arenot an easy thing to do or to explain you should find video guides on how to do this if you are above 70 fishing you should really consider using this power move for better fishing experience we hope that our 1 99 osrs fishing guide will help you achieve 99 if it did make sure to leave a comment below as we value your feedback you can freely speak up your mind if you liked our article and want to find out more about other runescape skills like slayer or magic different games guides and posts for them as well as news from mmo gaming world visit our site and explore what is has to offer also leave a like on out facebook page and follow us on twitter if you have any questions about terms of service privacy policy or any other topic you can leave a message on our live chat where we are waiting for you 24 7 each week all rights reserved copyright https mmoauctions com 2019 comments 0 leave comment only logged users can post comments related news osrs ironman crafting guide everything from scra 20 01 2020 0 comments osrs ironman money making get rich from the scra 31 12 2019 0 comments osrs pure guide true might of runescape characte 21 11 2019 0 comments osrs achievement diary rewards best prizes for s 30 10 2019 0 comments </s>
<s>[INST] buy fresh herring [/INST] pickled herring no smrgsbord is complete without a selection of different pickled herring the fish can be found in abundance throughout the baltic and was often pickled in order to preserve it for longer periods to pickle fresh herring fillets you will need to first salt them in a brine for a few hours to help keep a firm texture and aid the preservation process you can then proceed with a pickling marinade of your choice alternatively you can buy ready salted or marinated herring in jars or cans and add your favourite flavours pickled herring basic recipe serves 4 you will need 1kg fresh baltic herring filets in bite size pieces if baltic herring is not available you can substitute atlantic herring 200ml distilled white vinegar about 12 1 tbsp salt 100g sugar 2 small red onions finely sliced 2 carrots finely sliced 3 bay leaves 15 white peppercorns 10 juniper berries to serve finely chopped dill chives and red onion method place the herring fillets in 500ml of water 100ml of the vinegar and 1 tbsp salt and leave in the fridge for 4 5 hours drain thoroughly combine the remaining ingredients in a saucepan with 500ml water bring to the boil and stir to dissolve the sugar allow to cool completely before pouring over the salted herrings leave to marinate in the fridge overnight or ideally for at least 24 hours before serving with the chopped dill chives and red onion variations this pickled herring recipe is an excellent base for other flavourings there really is no limit to how to add flavours to the herring either by adding ingredients to the marinade citrus herbs spices etc or by serving in additional sauces drain the fillets well before adding to your sauce of choice mustard pickled herring you will need 500g pickled herrings see recipe above well drained 1 small leek finely chopped 3 tbsp sweet mustard if you cant find a swedish sweet mustard use american hot dog mustard instead 1 tbsp dijon mustard 2 tbsp white wine vinegar 2 tbsp rapeseed oil 3 tbsp golden caster sugar 1 tbsp caraway seeds 4 tbsp chopped dill optional method in a large bowl whisk together all of the ingredients for the sauce apart from the caraway and dill if using loosen the mixture with a few tablespoons of water and season with salt and white pepper adjust the seasoning to your taste add the pickled herrings caraway and dill and leave to marinate for a further 24 hours before serving sour cream and chive pickled herring you will need 500g pickled herrings see recipe above well drained 100g good quality mayonnaise 150g sour cream 2 tbsp finely chopped chives lemon juice and zest 2 tbsp lumpfish roe optional method in a large bowl mix together the mayonnaise sour cream chives lemon juice and zest season to taste with salt and black pepper add the pickled herrings cover well with cling and leave to marinate in the fridge overnight to serve garnish with chives and lumpfish roe back related chefs pickled herring with potatoes and curried mayonnaise tv chef valentine warner became a friend the peters yard team back in 2008 he remains a fan to this continue reading pickled herring with potatoes and curried mayonnaise special occasion canap suggestions one of our favourite ways to use our mini crispbread is as canaps so we asked cookbook author signe johansen continue reading canap suggestions lunch soused mackerel with crispbreads this gorgeous sousedmackerelrecipe from food bloggerhelen gravesis infused with flavours ofcoriander seedand lemon served with ourcrispbreads and crme frache this continue reading soused mackerel with crispbreads </s>
<s>[INST] buy a wood stove [/INST] buyer s guide the best wood stoves anyone who s paid winter home heating costs knows the feeling of sticker shock heating the home comes with a steep price tagas much as 45 of the average household budget that s why many happy homeowners have turned to one of the oldest most reliable and least expensive forms of heat wood todays wood stoves have come a long way from the smelly dirty and often polluting pot bellied monsters of the past this new generation of wood stoves are more powerful more efficient and cleaner than old wood burners when choosing a wood stove it is important to select a model that fits the space over or under sized stoves are not as efficient waste fuel and contribute to air pollution heating power is measured in british thermal units btu and will give you a good idea of how much juice you ll need to heat your home for instance 60 000 btu can heat a 2 000 square foot home while a stove rated at 42 000 btu can heat a 1 300 square foot space wood stoves are available in styles ranging from traditional to contemporary and are constructed of cast iron plate steel sheet metal soapstone tile or a combination of these materials many newer models boast large see through self cleaning glass doors that allow you to enjoy the firelight without spending too much time keeping the window clear other modern conveniences that come standard on many of today s models include removable ash pans insulated door handles thermostats and air circulators or blowers another thing to consider when purchasing a wood stove is ventilation if you have an existing chimney in your home you may need to re line the interior with stainless steel pipe to make the chimney compatible with a new high efficiency stove if you need to add a chimney you may want to use a prefabricated metal chimney make sure to match the flue size to the stove outlet no matter what installation options you choose you ll want to also install a fire extinguisher smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector in your home to stay fire safety smart read on to see which top performing wood stove reviewers and shoppers like best and get your search off to the right start by donna boyle schwartz lopi endeavor wood stove 1 8 the reliable epa certified lopi endeavor produces enough heat to warm up 2 000 square feet the endeavor is approved for use in mobile homes and alcoves and comes with a bypass damper that prevents smoke backup and reduces the need to rekindle the fire to maximize its functionality the stove can be fitted with optional accessories like a blower that distributes heat and an auto start feature with built in igniter and bellows available at lopi dealers 2 000 related 9 reasons to bring back the wood stove lopistoves com vermont castings encore 2in1 wood stove 2 8 from vermont castings one of the oldest and most reputable makers of wood stoves the encore impresses not only with its fine last a lifetime craftsmanship but also with a suite of friendly features that make this unit a pleasure to operate even as its thermostatic air control maintains a nice steady heat available at amazon 2 999 amazon com pleasant hearth wood stove 3 8 the 1 800 square foot model from pleasant hearth comes highly rated by amazon shoppers who love it for its efficiency and large glass window with a front loading cast iron door and brick lined firebox the pleasant hearth is a good choice for all but the largest spaces and for energy conscious homeowners as the unit has been certified by the epa available at amazon 899 amazon com advertisement drolet columbia wood stove 4 8 this high efficiency wood stove from drolet puts out plenty of heatenough to keep a 1 600 square feet home toasty warm a mid size unit designed for efficiency and built for durability the versatile certified columbia may even be used in a mobile home available on amazon 1 018 74 amazon com hearthstone heritage soapstone wood stove 5 8 for an upscale wood stove it doesn t get 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