<s>[INST] buy sheep wool uk [/INST] skye wool we are weaving a range of products made from 100 isle of skye wool for this range we hand select and grade the best quality wool from local farmers and crofters and have it turned into a special yarn it gives us great satisfaction to work with local fleeces and be involved with the whole process from sheep to loom most of the wool is from white cheviot hoggs they are the one year old sheep who are being clipped shorn for the first time it is the softest wool a sheep will grow during its lifetime after grading we send the fleeces off to be washed spun and dyed we then use the yarn to weave a range of products on our bicycle pedal powered loom here on skye a backwards journey from throw to sheep on the isle of skye many people are surprised by the fact that the wool of the many sheep on skye is normally not processed on the island in the past wool was washed carded spun and woven for home use and small scale trade at many crofts with industrialisation and economic change this is no longer a viable business opportunity wool is now processed by large scouring plants and spinning mills on the mainland or overseas the mills buy wool in big batches from the wool marketing board most of the wool in the uk and skye is bought by the wool marketing board which sells it on behalf of the farmers at international auctions the skye wool gets mixed up with wool from elsewhere this is why we are so happy to have our own 100 skye wool range now we really enjoy working with local sheep farmers see the sheep handle the wool and know exactly where it all comes from we hope you enjoy feeling the essence of the island in our skye wool creations address skye weavers 18 fasach glendale isle of skye iv55 8wp united kingdom telephone 44 0 1470 511201 facebook instagram pinterest twitter this website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website continuing to use the site implies you are happy for us to use cookies for more information read our cookie policy </s>
<s>[INST] fishing company in japan [/INST] how angling is done in japan methods to catch japan s most popular target fish chapter 6 shore fishing in japan anglers around the world agree that japanese fishing gear is among the best and is known for its high precision and performance the fishing techniques they are used for are also of a very high level as for myself when i was stationed in the united states i had brought over my own japanese fishing gear that isn t available there and found that i could fish very well with them using japanese angling methods i would like to introduce some of these methods little by little in coming articles the tools target and technique this time i want to introduce what we call the ukifukase tsuri float or bobber drift angling method for targeting largescale blackfish in rocky shore areas one of the appeals of fishing along rocky shore waters is the variety of fish that can be caught and in japan the most popular fish anglers target is the largescale blackfish the fishing gear we use is a long thin pole about five meters in length mounting a specialized spinning reel fitted with a braking lever it is a unique japanese angling method that uses krill as bait both on the hook and as attractant in the water in a hook and line setup that looks natural as it drifts on the water it is also a method that requires a good amount of technique and a sensitive touch once hooked the largescale blackfish instinctively beelines to lodge itself in the crevices in the nearby rocks in contrast to the sensitive touch needed in this type of angling one of the things that makes this method of fishing enjoyable is halting the strong pull of the fish and working to keep it out in the open water until you can reel it in the largescale blackfish is the most popular target for shore fishing in japan fishermen ferries and a different angling experience fukase tsuri is a type of angling where the hook and line is allowed to drift with the current it can be done in a variety of ways from more casual fishing off breakwaters jetties piers or natural rock outcroppings along the shore that you can walk out to to more serious ways like getting a hired boat to ferry you out to offshore outcroppings or points that can t be reached easily from land however from a safety standpoint using a hired boat known as fisherman ferries in japan is probably the best way to fish rocky shorelines in japan this type of fishing ferry boat that takes anglers out to shore fishing spots is basically a commercial fishing boat with a diesel engine most are outfitted with old tires and the like as boat fenders to protect the bow should it hit the rock outcroppings you can see boats all over the world using tires for fenders in this way since anglers have a tendency to want to fish from points that can t be reached easily on foot and where other people can t get to and considering that fishing from the shore has an entirely different appeal from fishing from a boat this fisherman ferry system is truly an attractive one for anglers using commercial fishing boats as ferries you can enjoy angling from spots unreachable by foot the longer the better competitions on the rise size of largescale blackfish is measured not by weight but by the fish s length if you are an angler who likes going after the big one a large or trophy size fish one of over 40 cm is considered a big catch while one of 50 cm or more is trophy size and there are occasionally monster fish of over 60 cm the fishing season for largescale blackfish is year round but the biggest ones are usually caught in winter as such i ve often been fishing for my big one out in the freezing cold every year although there are many anglers that like to go after big largescale blackfish rather than participating in tournaments tournaments sponsored by the fishing gear manufacturers are now being held i recently started competing in these tournaments generally they are competed on the basis of weight with the prizes going to the anglers with the highest total weight of their ten biggest fish caught i was lucky enough to finish 3rd in my first qualifying tournament and i plan to enter the finalist tournament this autumn my work keeps me very busy so i won t know whether i will be able to compete or not but if i do i will be sure to report the results chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4 chapter 5 chapter 6 chapter 7 chapter 8 chapter 9 chapter 10 chapter 11 chapter 12 chapter 13 back to top </s>
<s>[INST] forestry based company [/INST] protecting our forests share facebook twitter linkedin email print forests are vital to life but were losing them at an alarming rate were working both within our business and with others outside it to eliminate deforestation from agricultural commodity supply chains like palm oil tackle climate change and achieve un sustainable development goal 15 life on land we have to stop deforestation forests are essential to life they are the lungs of our planet and help to regulate our climate theyre second only to oceans as the largest global store of carbon up to 80 of terrestrial biodiversity and more than 1 billion people depend on forests for their livelihoods 1 when forests are cleared burned or degraded they emit carbon its estimated that deforestation contributes 15 of all global greenhouse gas ghg emissions 2 more than the global transport sector yet by protecting and restoring forests we would achieve 18 of the emissions cuts needed by 2030 to prevent catastrophic climate change 3 according to the world resources institute 30 of global forest cover has been cleared while 20 has been degraded much of the remaining forest cover is fragmented leaving only around 15 of global forest cover intact most deforestation occurs when forests are cleared to grow palm oil or soy to raise cattle or to harvest timber for the paper and pulp industries demand for these commodities is soaring as the global population rises and incomes increase its predicted that there will be over 9 billion people on the planet by 2050 and 60 more food will need to be produced governments and businesses have set ambitious goals to protect forests the new york declaration on forests the un sustainable development goals and the paris agreement all call for substantial improvements in forest trends by 2020 these commitments are built on private sector commitments made over the last few years many leading companies have made significant progress in understanding and mitigating their supply chain impacts by early 2020 484 companies had made 860 commitments to reduce or eliminate deforestation from their supply chains this is a powerful market signal to the rest of the global commodities sector yet despite these commitments forests are continuing to disappear rapidly an area of forest the size of the uk is being lost each year and the majority of it is tropical rainforest 4 since the new york declaration on forests in 2014 the rate of tree cover loss has increased by 43 5 the loss is driven by continued expansion of land for agriculture and an increase in forest fires and tropical storms more frequent and severe as a result of climate change these underlying trends are expected to worsen in the coming decades its clear that we must redouble our efforts with urgency and ambition both public and private sector action and the support of civil society are needed to enable us to produce more food and protect forests and those whose livelihoods depend on them we cannot succeed if we do one without the other our goal zero net deforestation by 2020 in 2010 together with other organisations in our industry we committed to achieving zero net deforestation pdf 167kb associated with four commodities palm oil soy paper and board pdf 173kb and beef by 2020 were the worlds largest single buyer of palm oil purchasing 3 of global production each year so were focusing on playing a leadership role in breaking the link between palm oil production and deforestation we also buy other commodities associated with a risk of deforestation including soy and paper and board we believe that transparency helps us to build a more sustainable supply chain which is why we have disclosed our direct suppliers of all of these commodity groups we want to use this purchasing power to transform these sectors through partnerships advocacy and committed work on the ground our scale enables us to have an impact but even so we cant achieve the level of change needed on our own did you know were taking three main steps to eliminate deforestation from agricultural commodity supply chains and to make sure we maintain affordable access to sustainably produced supplies of these commodities for the long term these are transforming our own supply chains making sure the palm oil soy paper and board pdf 173kb and tea we buy is both traceable and certified as sustainable encouraging the whole industry its possible to stop large scale deforestation while increasing food production and improving livelihoods for smallholder farmers through better agricultural practices were encouraging the entire industry growers traders manufacturers and retailers to set and meet high standards extending beyond current certification schemes working with governments and other partners ensuring that tackling deforestation gets the political attention and financial resources it needs and deserves is a critical component of our response to climate change in particular we are focused on helping catalyse transformative change at the landscape or jurisdictional level in key regions of south east asia south america and west and central africa were also using our networks and relationships to help tropical forest countries access large scale performance based payments for emissions reductions from forests shining a light on forests and deforestation much work has been done to deliver our commitment to achieve zero net deforestation by 2020 in soy palm oil paper and pulp and beef supply chains but we currently stand to fall short of this target at a time when the intergovernmental panel on climate change ipcc is telling the world that we need ever more urgent action lack of transparency has been one of the major impediments to meeting our targets we have made good headway by disclosing our palm oil mill origins for example but this is a longer and more challenging journey technologies such as the global forest watch tool trase blockchain and the accountability framework enable more radical transparency we want to shine a light on issues in supply chains so that they can be remediated which is why we have now published our full supply chains for palm oil soy paper and board and tea we have been driving change by february 2018 publishing our entire palm oil mill list pdf 299kb november 2018 publishing a palm oil universal mill list tracked with wri and global forest watch december 2018 working to get wilmar to sign up to a mapping commitment with aid environment to publish all third party supplier concession maps july 2019 publishing our soy pdf 105kb and paper and board supplier lists pdf 173kb september 2019 publishing our tea supplier list pdf 683kb spotlight three steps to tackling deforestation produce protect restore increasing numbers of scientists are calling for more emphasis on natural climate solutions 6 while protecting tropical forests is essential on its own its not enough to prevent the worst impacts of climate change and safeguard the worlds biodiversity we also need to restore and expand forested areas we are now working on five different landscape programmes across indonesia and malaysia of which restoration is a part sabah a province of malaysia is home to critically endangered species it has already lost much of its tropical forest with more at risk from illegal logging and poor agricultural practices to protect against further losses the malaysian government wants to see all palm oil producers in the state achieve certification by the roundtable on sustainable palm oil rspo by 2025 according to the wwf this will reduce ghg emissions by 17 million tonnes by 2030 as part of a programme led by ngos forever sabah and wwf malaysia and the industryngo coalition pongo alliance we will be helping to get 60 000 hectares of land certified through rspo by doing so we aim to benefit 200300 palm oil farmers we will also be helping to restore two wildlife corridors and two riparian reserves that is the areas where land and a river or stream meet we are moving our agricultural commodity sourcing to areas with sustainable forest management and working in partnership to help reconcile competing social economic and environmental objectives our ultimate ambition is to help drive a sustainable palm oil industry through these projects we are contributing to the achievement of sdg 15 life on land specifically to target 15 2 on promoting sustainable forest management halting deforestation and restoring degraded forests this work contributes to the following un sustainable development goals creating a movement for sustainable forest management deforestation is a complex issue and one that isnt going to be solved by companies acting alone since making our commitment to zero net deforestation we have increased our work with industry partners governments and ngos advocating for change across the entire tropical forest commodities sector its only through the transformation of each commoditys value chain and the adoption of sustainable farming practices that commodity driven deforestation is likely to end over 90 of globally traded palm oil is now covered by no deforestation pledges but these promises must be turned into action and that requires transformational systems change across the palm oil value chain as a step towards this we joined with marks spencer in 2015 and declared our joint intention to prioritise sourcing from countries or regions that have adequate no deforestation policies in place this will enable agricultural production and human development goals to be achieved side by side while protecting the environment and communities were focusing now on developing partnerships which demonstrate the success of this approach such as our work with indonesian ngo inobu and the district government of kotawaringin barat in central kalimantan to take a village by village approach to certifying palm oil smallholder farmers one of the most significant challenges is that financial benefits from transforming forests into agricultural land often far outweigh those from preserving forests in 2017 we were the first corporate investor in the green fund which aims to kick start investments in deforestation free agriculture in countries that are working to reduce deforestation and peat degradation the fund aims to protect over five million hectares of forest and peatlands by de risking private capital investments into large scale deforestation free production protection and inclusion initiatives with a capitalisation goal of 400 million and an aim to trigger 1 6 billion in private capital investments this fund is an exciting opportunity to jointly shape solutions to mitigate deforestation working collaboratively to drive transformational change on deforestation our unilever sustainable living plan uslp is a bold ambition to achieve change however we are just one company among many and the problems our society faces such as climate change are urgent large and complex our transformational change agenda combines direct action on the sustainable development goals sdgs with partnership and external advocacy on public policy to create change on a systemic scale while unlocking business opportunities at the same time tackling deforestation through multi stakeholder initiatives in september 2018 we announced that were working with walmart as part of its network of suppliers to tackle deforestation walmart has launched a platform to mobilise its suppliers to support locally led multi stakeholder initiatives that are tackling deforestation in key commodity producing regions where they purchase soy beef palm oil and timber as part of this project the wwf conservation international environmental defense fund and the nature conservancy are working with walmart and its suppliers to facilitate these connections and advise on how best to engage in each geography these jurisdictional approaches align producers local governments global companies and others within a single geography around a shared vision for balancing production protection and restoration and the inclusion of local communities partnerships like these can overcome challenges that no one entity be it government ngo or business could solve alone our new partnership in malaysia is also an example of this approach we are members of many multi stakeholder groups working to halt deforestation these include the tropical forest alliance tfa which was brought about by the consumer goods forum commitment to mobilise resources to help its members achieve zero net deforestation by 2020 tfa 2020 comprises the governments of both tropical forest and donor consumer countries ngos representatives of indigenous people and businesses spanning the commodity supply chains we are represented on the steering group of the companies behind the statement of support for the objectives of the cerrado manifesto pdf 40kb signatories of this initiative are committed to working with local and international stakeholders to halve deforestation and native vegetation loss in the cerrado savanna eco region of brazil we also support global forest watch a world resources institute initiative that provides an online forest monitoring and alert system this empowers people everywhere to get involved in protecting forests in 2018 we became a signatory of a new publicprivate partnership called the cocoa forests initiative cfi which was organised by the world cocoa foundation wcf idh the sustainable trade initiative and the prince of waless international sustainability unit isu with the aim to end deforestation and promote forest restoration and protection in the cocoa supply chain by signing the frameworks for action for cte divoire unilever has defined its core commitments and actions for a deforestation free and forest positive supply chain our action plan xlsx 24kb was drafted based on our role in the supply chain our cocoa sustainability goals and our corporate strategic priorities our progress is set out in the cfi annual progress report pdf 263kb 1 world resources institute https www wri org our work topics forests 2 world wildlife fund https www worldwildlife org threats deforestation 3 un ipcc special report october 2018 https www ipcc ch sr15 4 climate focus new york declaration of forests progress report 2019 https www climatefocus com publications nydf 2019 progress report protecting and restoring forests 5 climate focus new york declaration of forests progress report 2019 https www climatefocus com publications nydf 2019 progress report protecting and restoring forests 6 un ipcc special report october 2018 https www ipcc ch sr15 related links global climate action previous our greenhouse gas footprint next global climate action back to top connect with us we re always looking to connect with those who share an interest in a sustainable future facebook twitter linkedin instagram contact us get in touch with unilever and specialist teams in our headquarters or find contacts around the world contact us </s>
<s>[INST] buy wood moisture meter [/INST] moisture meters for inspectors by nick gromicko cmi and kenton shepard a moisture meter is a device designed to measure the moisture content of various building materials such as roofing siding insulation drywall plaster wood tile and fiberglass structural and safety hazards such as mold rot and decay are all potential consequences of elevated moisture levels in these materials an inspector can use a moisture meter to locate moisture that would not otherwise be apparent here are a few ways that inspectors may find moisture meters useful a moisture meter can be used to determine whether a material is moist enoughto allowmold to grow mold will begin to accumulate on surfaces that contain approximately 20 moisture although this value varies based on vapor pressure and other factors an inspector can test the moisture level of a section of building material that appears to be dry in order to establish a baseline from which other measurements can be compared moisture meters can also be useful in the following applications that are not related to inspection if a home has been vacated due to flooding a moisture meter can be used to determine if the home is once again suitable for occupancy before a home is purchased an inspector can use a moisture meter to determine if the house has leaks a moisture meter can assist a homeowner indetermining whether wood is dry enough to be painted or stained wood installers use moisture meters to make sure that wood is dry enough to be installed modes of operation moisture meters come in two different varieties known as pin type and search mode they are each suited to different applications and internachi believes that the best meters contain both options pin type this mode is used to measure the moisture content of a materials surface or at an incremental depth using probes while in this mode the meter can measure the amount of moisture on a material by its electrical conductivity this is often regarded as a more repeatable and accurate type of moisture measurement than the search mode described below although intermittent wet spots in the wood may be missed by pin type meters this method can be used to test for moisture on the surface of building materials such as stucco drywall plaster or wood it is especially useful for determining if the source of a stain on a wall or ceiling is active or if it has been repaired probes of varying lengths and designs may be used to extend the reach of a moisture meter operating in this mode they are slender metallic poles with sensitive tips that extend the reach of the meters electrodes delmhorst makes probes that can be inserted deep into the straw in straw homes to measure its moisture content hammer probes can be driven into wood and then extracted other probes can be inserted into pre drilled holes in masonry or pushed through insulation moisture content in log homes can be measured by inserting a probetwo thirds of the way from the logs surface to its center search mode search mode also known as pinless mode detects and measures moisture content beneath the surface of a material meters in this mode emit electromagnetic waves usually radio waves or an electrical current that are affected by the presence of moisture the meter can detect changes in the characteristics of returned emissions and then use this information to calculate moisture content meters manufactured by tramex for instance operate by the principle that a materials impedance resistance to an electrical current varies inversely with that materials moisture content the instrument determines the amplitude of a low frequency alternating current and uses this information to calculate moisture content other meters such as those manufactured by protimeter and wagner detect the characteristics of emitted radio waves in order to determine the presence of excess moisture these meters detect the amplitude of returning waves which is diminished when they come in contact with water the actual depth that these waves travel varies based on the materials properties and the devices settings but they generally penetrate from to beneath the surface and are unaffected by surface moisture unlike the pin type this mode of operation arrives at a relative value for moisture content that must be calibrated using an external equivalency table in some models the meter will display moisture content as a scale of color coded lights that indicate whether the material is damp dry or in a borderline condition in other models such as those made by wagner the default setting can be used to approximate moisture content in most materials although dense materials such as cement will require adjustment of the devices controls in addition wagner s meters take a three dimensional moisture average of the wood which decreases the likelihood that intermittent wet spots will be missed search mode is commonly used in the following locations the sides and the base of a tub or shower any penetrations such as faucets shower heads and soap dishes are likely locations of water leaks the water can originate from internal plumbing behind the wall or from the shower itself water that has escaped from a dishwasher into surrounding kitchen materials the sub floor beneath a bathrooms tile floor water intrusion can cause enough damage there that the toilet becomes detached peering behind a wall or floor covering such as a vinyl floor or a tile wall false readings if metal is present within the penetrating range of the meter it will alter wave characteristics in ways similar to water the meter will report levels of moisture that are higher than the actual level of the material if it detects a copper wire a metal pipe or some other metallic substance if an inspector suspects that the meter is sensing metal s he can monitor the readings ass he moves the meter in a straight line away from the elevated reading area the straight outline of a copper wire or metal pipe can usually be traced in this fashion in summary moisture meters are capable of detecting moisture levels in most building materials they are useful tools to have during home inspections because they can calculate the properties of inaccessible locations without causing them any damage two types of moisture meters are available sometimes in the same model straw bale house inspection green resources find moisture meters for sale at inspector outlet more inspection articles like this member marketing forum find an inspector take our exam certification licensing become a cpi standards of practice additional certifications education online courses house of horrors videos webinars exam prep resources buy back guarantee move in certified e o insurance business development internachi 1750 30th st ste 301 boulder co 80301 contact us copyright internachi internachi is a registered trademark of the international association of certified home inspectors terms of use close menu get started start with internachi membership it all starts with internachi access nearly all our benefits with all access membership and work towards certification at your own pace at no additional cost licensing certification internachi can help you get licensed in your state or province and provides certification to help you stand out from the crowd training education internachi offers over 1 000 hours of free online education for members free online exam test improve yourself get insured exclusive discounts enhanced coverage house of horrors the world s 1 training facility free design services get your logo more for free membership benefits everything you need in one place find a certified home inspector grow your business grow your business with internachi internachi membership is so much more than training and certification members get access to world class resources to grow their business to the next level well buy your home guarantee stand out from the crowd by offering the home inspection industrys strongest guarantee home maintenance book quadruple your inspection business and reduce your liability with the now that youve had a home inspection book bizvelop free business development guidance chapters engage with your local community logo marketing design build your brand and stand out webinars videos live monthly educational broadcasts more about internachi standards policies news announcements frequently asked questions internachi forum calendar of events contact us internachi school college certificate program house of horrors find a certified home inspector search nachi org </s>
<s>[INST] fishing company gear [/INST] tn fly co 0 tn fly co menu usd cad gbp eur jpy search my account 0 you have 0 items in your cart tn fly co usd cad gbp eur jpy my account 0 you have 0 items in your cart apparel hats shirts accessories gift cards clearance fly tying hooks beads fly rods retailers blog blog how to fish our rivers usd cad gbp eur jpy my account 0 you have 0 items in your cart my shopping cart your cart is currently empty continue shopping hit space bar to expand submenu apparel hats shirts accessories gift cards clearance hit space bar to expand submenu fly tying hooks beads fly rods retailers hit space bar to expand submenu blog blog how to fish our rivers usd cad gbp eur jpy 2020 tn fly co menu is closed tnflyco sign up to be the first to know about everything tnflyco shirts comfortable stylish and time tested hats your next lucky hat is here waiting decals and gear stickers gift cards wading and more fly rods locally made rods without breaking the bank shirts comfortable stylish and time tested shirts hats your next lucky hat is here waiting hats decals and gear stickers gift cards wading and more decals and gear fly rods locally made rods without breaking the bank fly rods collection list hats 0 products shirts 0 products streamers 1 products fly line 2 products blog posts april 16 2018 fishing the caney fork the caney fork river written by susan thraser southern brookies overview the caney fork river begins near crossville tennessee and is impounded twice over its approximate 140 miles before reaching the cumberland river most notably for trout anglers is the final stretch of river below center hill dam the dam is located approximately 70 miles east of nashville tennessee the 16 miles immediately below the dam is the primary stretch of water supporting trout this section of the river i january 13 2018 flies flies since the beginning of tennessee fly company it was always the goal to offer flies i mean its a fly company right we would get messages and feedback all the time about it do you sell flies wait youre a fly company and dont sell flies wheres the flies you get the point during this year we will be going through some changes we have always offered awesome apparel for the fly angler and we will continue to do that thats what we are good at so of cour december 03 2017 the trout south will rise again it s been awhile the troutsouth collection has been a staple of the tnflyco line for some time back in the fall we ordered multiple hats they all came in and we started selling some of the green ones as i got further into the inventory i noticed that some weren t perfect there was a small line where the embroidery missed it was concerning enough that i pulled all of them off the store to solve the problem i ordered patches these were ordered back in september through a series o social media </s>
<s>[INST] forestry and business relief [/INST] forestry nz news forestry images is a joint project of the university of georgia warnell school of forestry and natural resources and college of agricultural and environmental sciences center for invasive species and ecosystem health us forest service international society of arboriculture usda identification technology program nov 15 2019 newsroom read more forest news co ltd forestry market report of lower demand and falling prices will not be good news for new zealands forestry sector although an expected weakening of the new zealand dollar offers up the possibility of some relief forest business network covers news in the forest products industry like no other professional career with one of new zealand s leading research and development organisations 23 mar 17 38 photo supplied kiwirail the estate is comprised of mainly radiata pine and douglas fir softwood species in privately owned forest and crown forest leases in both the north and south islands nz forest industry important nationally regionally and environmentally nzier report it is going to have an enormous effect on the whole region sound understanding of the new zealand forestry sectors com new zealand was the main log supplier to china in 2019 accounting for 29 of total log imports our registered forestry consultant is on hand to provide you with an expert opinion you can trust over the last 10 years weve kept new zealand informed over the latest financial economic property and stock market news biodiversity levels in planted forests are higher than those found on pastural agricultural and horticultural land but lower than the levels in the eastland wood council provides a collective voice for the forestry industry in the eastland region which encompasses the gisborne and wairoa district council areas and stretches from the mohaka river in the south to east cape in the north health and safety in forestry if you are a forest owner manager contractor crew or foreman you can find all safety resources and videos on injury and prevention at safetree 2 of the countrys gross domestic product according to the ministry for primary industries in new zealand these are allowed to operate during shutdowns we believe information can be powerful if used correctly and we re more than happy to share the latest news with you the package will provide work for 300 forestry workers in jobs such as road maintenance a the first group to benefit from the package will be forestry workers in gisborne tairawhiti nz institute of forestry hosts meeting with his royal highness the prince of wales sunday november 24 2019 on friday 22nd november the new zealand institute of forestry hosted near christchurch a small round table meeting in the presence of his royal highness the prince of wales forestry 12 25 mar 2020 news item our scientists work across the whole forestry value chain from forest genetics to manufactured products from trees bag of beech kindling p growing trees sunlive always working to bring you the bays news it is designed to supplement the forestry assessment tool which has a broader focus on the people the site and the plan news and events check out what s happening in the sector from events and expos where you can find out more about career and training opportunities in forestry to the latest news on scholarships and other opportunities latest breaking farming and agriculture news and animal prices from new zealand s most popular independent site interest the institute of foresters of australia ifa is professional association for foresters private forestry commercial treegrowing and all forestry professionals fiea delivers world class technology events for australasian forest products fiea event technology news australia new zealand forestry products to partner with other forestry entities and work in collaboration to support the growth capability and promotion of the forestry industry throughout new zealand latest news find sources ministry of agriculture and forestry new zealand news newspapers books scholar 6 mar 2020 city forests chief executive grant dodson at its recently acquired takitakitoa forest south of dunedin february 14 2020 ex1200 rock bucket in action watch this massive 120 tonne mining excavator rip out the rock fitted with a heavy duty 5 around 80 per cent of new zealand s export logs go forestry nz allocates 36m to plant 13 million more trees in fight against erosion 01 54 incompetence laid bare national lambastes destruction of 400 000 pine tree seedlings and although news of covid 19 can be depressing it is critical that we all stay informed more people were likely to be forced forestry news and current scholarships a report from the university of canterbury has revealed that 24 per cent of new zealands native vegetation cover about annual forestry export statistics covering the volume and value of logs and wood chips sawn timber and sleepers wood pulp paper and paperboard panel products and other forestry products exported from new zealand department of homeland security and the u it contributes an annual export revenue of around 6 ladder sides of internally ribbed rounded rhs for ergonomic structural strength in this issue introduction nzif hosts meeting with the prince of wales fuelling the future kea banding in the baton forest coast to coast challenge from the backpage download the newsletter mpi surveys wood processors from around new zealand both quarterly and annually for their production and stock information we provide 24 7 support enabling our customers to always be working in this issue introduction nzif hosts meeting with the prince of wales fuelling the future kea banding in the baton forest coast to coast challenge from the backpage download the newsletter contributing to a team involved in providing forest management services to a range of clients throughout new zealand the job is an analytical role with a focus on forest estate modelling valuations resource assessment carbon feasibility studies and market analysis experience in financial modelling and evaluating forestry projects s january 24 2020 summer 2019 2020 newsletter planted forests are home to plants birds bats lizards frogs insects and other invertebrates despite the pervasive monoculture wasteland myth daily timber news and timberbiz have been challenged in 9 mar 2020 many of the country s logging crews are unable to work because of supply chain disruption in china laurie forestry is a leader in forestry management and marketing and that s because we make it our business to know exactly what is happening in our industry both nationally and internationally we had just inducted him and we got the message from the forestry company that exporters had stopped buying the wood so he only got a week of work forestry minister shane jones announced the relief package on friday 79 m ha plantation forestry estate to find out more information about risk solutions for your forestry business please contact tiffany robertson primary industries the package will provide work for 300 forestry workers in jobs such as road maintenance a nz forestry and land investments limited the new zealand forest industry 18 feb 2020 news resources open data forecasting forestry and wood processing data statistics new zealand released the latest figures for residential building consents this morning that show 2 349 new dwellings were consented nearly three quarters of them new houses read article here thulas nxesi the minister of employment and labour gazetted south africa s new minimum wage which took effect from 1 march 2020 making a career in forestry feb 24 2019 the acquisition will form the cornerstone investment for new forest s australian new zealand forest fund 3 which raised 873 million last year to invest in australian and new zealand plantation about us forest owners 12 feb 2020 new zealand forestry companies are resuming work now that wood processing companies in china have reopened president phil taylor says the foa sunlive forest owners association president peter weir said precautions in china against coronavirus have resulted in almost no off take of logs in china for processing the forestry industry came together on thursday november 14th in portland oregon to celebrate john onny warjone former port blakely president of forestry and his induction into the world forestry centers leadership hall 22 jul 2019 forestry nz challenges several claims made in dame anne salmond s commentary in newsroom last week billion trees policy being rorted daily timber news and timberbiz have been challenged in covering the victorian native timber decision the state environmental planning policy koala habitat protection issue in new sou new zealand has moved up to covid 19 alert level 3 restrict for the next 48 hours before moving into level 4 eliminate as new zealand escalates its response to stop the virus in its tracks prime minister jacinda ardern announced today exports by forestry product this assessment tool has a focus on the machines involved in machine felling and extraction 2m3 capacity west trak rock new zealand carbon allowances fell into the nz 25s for the first time this year as arbitrage opportunities from the fixed price option and forestry export losses maintained downward pressure john deere construction forestry and cable price nz limited end distribution agreement in new zealand contact the spark news and media team open data forestry is a significant industry in new zealand forestry key to green triangle economy and jobs report nz forestry total export revenue in nz millions toi ohomai institute of technology forestry courses something the minister of forestry shane jones is more than aware of the forestry industry on the east coast has been hit hard by the coronavirus because of supply chain disruption in china sanson who got into forestry at the age of 14 is a silviculture specialist for whakatane contracting company tane mahuta forestry latest breaking news articles photos video blogs reviews analysis opinion and reader comment from new zealand and around the world nz herald new zealand forestry today forestry is a major employer in regional new zealand and contributes around 6 detailed knowledge of forestry ownership and locations throughout new zealand news about forests and forestry including commentary and archival articles published the latest new zealand news from rnz new zealand s leading news team unsourced material may be challenged and removed nz nov 15 2019 newsroom categories the opportunities and fsc is an independent non governmental not for profit organization established to promote the responsible management of the worlds forests 03 nz fionas blog welcome back to work 6 percent in wood plantations sumitomo forestry co 12 07 2019 year ended 30 june 1981 to most recent xlsx 49 kb year ended 31 december 1980 to most recent january 24 2020 summer 2019 2020 newsletter according to te uru rkau forestry new zealand wood products are now the country s third largest export earner behind dairy and meat radio new zealand is a crown entity established under the dec 27 2019 latest news 09 mar 18 12 do you think our government should keep flights from china to nz closed due to fears coronavirus may arrive here the carbon that forestry sequesters from the two forestry fire crews a helicopter and a tanker are mopping up the embers of a fire in the bay of islands other accident and emergency news doubts whether one of new zealand s greatest explore our latest agriculture horticulture and forestry statistics nz forestry and land investments limited is a privately owned family business 6 sep 2018 new zealand s largest forestry acquisition goes ahead 68 per hour for each ordinary hour worked for forestry and farm workers forestry in new zealand is geared to both domestic and export demand we drive innovation and growth from new zealand s forestry wood product and wood derived materials and other biomaterial sectors for the benefit of new zealand growing the economy out in new zealand forests says wayne baker gough cat forestry 31 oct 2019 in october 2018 the government introduced a special test for forestry to provide a streamlined consent pathway for overseas investment in new 10 jul 2019 nz forest owners association president peter weir says it s time to put the forestry business on hold for about 6 months and wait and see a registered forestry consultant with the new zealand institute of forestry mort holds a bachelor of engineering degree from the university of canterbury and many years ago spent 12 months on a forestry scholarship at the university of british columbia but old growth forests on conservation land are excluded from the tallies of new zealands carbon sinks and emissions p latest breaking farming and agriculture news and animal prices from new zealand s most popular independent site interest it has been our intention to make forestry available to ordinary new zealanders who could not otherwise afford this investment each survey represents about 125 timber panel and pulp mills throughout new zealand one of the key log exporters that stopped exporting logs last week have indicated that they are going to resume log exports later on this week wellington zoo 18 apr 2018 keep up to date with all the latest terra cat and caterpillar industry news they are based on real incidents including what happened why it happened and the lessons to be learned tweets by timber news the industry group representing forestry contractors says the crisis facing the sector because of coronavirus is dire and is getting worse our forestry ladders are lightweight aluminium silvicultural pruning ladders kevin ihaka managing director of fps forestry the parent company of forest protection services said it is quite humbling to see the number of people that our business touches apr 19 2019 new zealand forestry ltd director cam eyre says more workers are needed for the logging boom nov 05 2018 craigmore is excited by the reinvigoration of our forestry portfolio with the establishment of the kauri forestry lp a joint venture with german partners glensilva to grow a new sustainable forestry portfolio in aotearoa new zealand date plantation and sawmill business in the nelson tasman and marlborough regions of new zealand the forest owners association foa says its working closely with the government on its 28m relief package for gisborne forestry workers get the latest gisborne forestry news including wood prices and industry updates planned to spend his summer in new south wales on a forestry internship with the forestry corporation but little did he we need more people not just getting the qualifications that you have got but to move through the levels of forestry management new zealand journal of forestry science 45 1 7 new zealand carbon allowances fell into the nz 25s for the first time this year as arbitrage opportunities annual forestry export statistics covering the volume and value of logs and wood chips sawn timber and sleepers wood pulp paper and paperboard panel products and other forestry products exported from new zealand here you can access our latest media releases newsletters bulletins and safety alerts some 44 of harvested logs and varying percentages of processed forest products are destined for world markets rural agriculture dairy forestry news animal prices interest forest reports 2018 forest report making a career in forestry nov 13 2018 forestry minister shane jones told the new zealand herald ambition and enthusiasm had a part to play in planting delays which struck the 32 million inaugural joint venture on the far north forestry block new zealand contributes 1 new zealand forest industry contractors association fica says forestry crisis is dire and contractors are reaching breaking point in an ever worsening situation nz sunlive 100 million to redeploy workers the bay s news first the government has allocated 100 million to help redeploy workers affected by the economic impact of covid 19 with the mar 24 2020 new player starts clearing rainforest in worlds biggest oil palm project the digoel agri group has begun operating in an indonesia megaproject being fought over by investors from around the world if you are a journalist and have a query about spark new zealand contact one of our media relations team they are the business desk team delivers a stream of original business news feb 24 2019 the acquisition will form the cornerstone investment for new forest s australian new zealand forest fund 3 which raised 873 million last year to invest in australian and new zealand plantation the forest owners association foa says its working closely with the government on its 28m relief package for gisborne forestry workers as the new zealand s lockdown will come into effect wednesday march 25 nz s forestry wood processing and manufacturing have not been classified as an essential business cable price nz limited has ended its distribution arrangement of john deere branded and manufactured construction forestry and compact machinery in new zealand the government has committed to a strong regional presence for te uru rkau forestry new zealand with the construction of a new forestry hub in rotorua 1 nov 2019 new zealand our mission was the same then as it is today maximise us one of new zealand s leading forestry investment companies but sadly we had our first forestry fatality last thursday in ruatoria near gisborne ernslaw one is the fourth largest forest owner in new zealand with approximately 100 000 hectares of forest whakatanes terry sanson is one of the first forest workers to go through a unique course to upskill and provide future opportunities for forestry crews your source for the latest research news jan 06 2020 nhla breaking news alert forest products are essential critical the u new zealands plantation forests are expected to grow in value over the next 15 years meaning employment opportunities are strong for qualified people one of our logging truck drivers just started on monday situations vacant no current vacancies imports from new zealand totalled 17 sample report below 2020 key responsibilities foa members manage around two thirds of plantation forestry of new zealands 1 oct 07 2019 rnz nbsp the property known as ponui station currently has 71 nov 22 2019 john warjone inducted into forestry leadership hall nov 22 2019 honoring a champion of sustainable forestry 2019 free and open company data on new zealand company nz bio forestry limited company number 7089954 nz bio forestry 4a ranikhet way khandallah wellington 6035 australia nz news sydney afp dozens of koalas have been euthanized and some 80 more are being treated for injuries and starvation after their habitat was logged prompting an australian safety alerts forestry news and articles may 22 2016 the fma has licensed four property investment schemes under the act so far and with a growing interest in property schemes recently would like to start the process of licensing managers of any new or existing schemes that want to be doing business at 1 december the fma said in a release last week we re experts when it comes to forestry environmental equipment a spokesman for regional economic development minister shane jones said there would be challenges to meet the worker demand but te uru rakau forestry new zealand was working alongside industry scion is a crown research institute that specialises in research science and technology development for the forestry wood product wood derived materials and other biomaterial sectors the number of new homes being approved rose by 5 per cent in october but is still down from a july surge in building consents feb 27 2020 new zealand s forestry industry is facing export challenges to china with the top of the south feeling the pressure too mort is also involved in his own forestry investments within otago the latest winter 2019 issue of the new zealand forestry bulletin was published on 23 july 2019 the ministry for primary industries mpi will reorganise its functions to create a stronger focus on core responsibilities i wish the year had got off to a better start oval rungs with serrated grip tops sharp feet to grip into all terrain mar 27 2020 the new zealand government will spend nz 100 million redeploying forestry workers who have been impacted by the covid 19 pandemic the board of directors of ernslaw one is pleased to announce the appointment of paul nicholls to the role of interim chief executive officer commencing on monday 8th july 2019 rapid impacts have been felt over the past more wood use in new zealand would help environment and reduce market pressure in china wednesday february 26 2020 the forest owners sep 09 2019 permanent indigenous forest still covers a much larger area than pine almost quarter of the country compared with 6 much of the original native forest cover was burnt off and logged however forests have been extensively planted predominantly with fast growing cultivars of the monterey the latest nz news and audio interviews from rnz new zealand s leading news team afforestation join our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates on pure advantage and new zealand s green growth govt to help forestry sector affected by delays in china the ministry for primary industries is assuring businesses that chinese borders are not closed to new zealand logs but that there are problems with oversupply and logs backing up at chinese ports which is leading to the demand for new logs to drop these alerts are a way to learn from the experiences of others working in forestry my sympathies go out to the family friends and crewmates of the worker involved mar 20 2020 in defence of te uru rakau forestry nz the proposals that lie behind the 100m were ready to go about three or four weeks ago but my colleagues wanted to see it integrated into a broader package so that we were able to make a sort of pulse coming into the economy to make sure it was not a scattered provincial pulse but a news comprehensive up to date news coverage aggregated from sources all over the world by google news introducing safetrees toroawhi sad news of 2020s first forestry fatality conference update help getting healthier in 2020 january 14 2020 the new zealand forest owners association foa represents the owners of new zealand s commercial plantation forests jo mcintosh from aon nz is a forestry insurance specialist she writes an article for the new zealand tree grower featuring advice from ollie about carbon forest insurance and possible risks forestry in new zealand 4 billion a year to our economy in export earnings click here to view the latest nz farmers weekly the new minimum wage of r18 forest news forestry new zealand te uru rkau deputy director general julie collins told morning report there had been some good news in the last 24 hours rayonier is a global forest company dedicated to providing sustainable forest management land management timber products and real estate services exports by product and country of destination news with the introduction of the volvo d series fc family tracked forestry carriers higher standards of value and excellence have been set 74 million cubic metres in a number of substantial challenges confront the timber industry in australia and in new zealand read all about forests including forest ecology carbon uptake and how human activities are affecting forests from a peak of 158 jas awg for a grade back in march 2019 we are now set to arrive at 108 jas awg for july 2019 new zealand forest industry contractors association fica says forestry crisis is dire and contractors are reaching breaking point in an ever worsening situation these new forestry carriers are designed and built to the exacting standards that volvo customers in new zealand have come to expect and rely on 8 billion 1 we know from experience that theres a heightened risk of incidents during the the monthly forestry market report provides in depth coverage and analysis of new zealands forestry markets effective forest management encompasses all land within the forest boundary both sustainably managed productive forest and non productive land read article here forest enterprises is the business name of forest enterprises growth limited and its subsidiary forest enterprises limited all nz forestry staff are members of the new zealand institute of forestry assuring you the very highest level of forest management service for the majority of the 2017 18 year both the king country and waikato regions experienced a mixture of dry and humid weather conditions rapid impacts have been felt news and events check out what s happening in the sector from events and expos where you can find out more about career and training opportunities in forestry to the latest news on scholarships and other opportunities 0800 85 25 80 8 weld street p 18 its members are committed to the highest standards of sustainble silviculture environmental practice and workforce safety laurie forestry monthly market reports allan laurie writes a monthly forestry market report which keeps readers up to date with forestry developments nationally and internationally offers a unique perspective and investigates new products and services a tertiary qualification in forestry with a minimum of 5 years commercial forestry experience source timberbiz this partnership served both companies well and supported each companys global growth over the multi greetings from your favourite wood news source demonstrated abilities in data analysis the ifa incorporates the australian forest growers afg and the association of consulting foresters of australia acfa our specialist brokers act for more forestry owners than any other broker in new zealand and we have a dedicated specialist claims support team to assist our customers at times when it matters most a number of substantial challenges confront the timber industry in australia and in new zealand check this page for latest breaking nz news headlines analysis special reports from major urban centres including auckland wellington christchurch kiln dried beech kindling take the hassle out of starting your fire dimensions 20cm5cm1cm easy to start no need for finer splitting mar 19 2020 farmers weekly news forestry agricultural production statistics find the main provisional and final results from our annual survey or census of new zealand s farming sector forestry minister shane jones has today welcomed the separation of portfolios within the ministry of primary industries saying it marks a new era for forestry in new zealand forestry images is a joint project of the university of georgia warnell school of forestry and natural resources and college of agricultural and environmental sciences center for invasive species and ecosystem health us forest service international society of arboriculture usda identification technology program mar 27 2020 nz forestry sector covid 19 update following 25 march posted by jo english on 27th march 2020 covid 19 in this update from te uru rakau please find information on essential services ports and registering as an essential service which will or should have been implemented as new zealand went into level 4 alert for covid 19 late on wednesday 0800 848 267 enquiries locations volvo forestry excavators the overseas investment office oio has granted wolfgang leitner consent to buy a 800ha property located in kotemaori wairoa and convert it to forestry nz the past week has seen news emerge that the chinese export log price is about to tumble ernslaw one announces paul nicholls as interim chief executive officer the industry should therefore assume that will be required to shut down by the deadline we produce a range of information to keep you informed about our work mar 20 2020 in defence of te uru rakau forestry nz the proposals that lie behind the 100m were ready to go about three or four weeks ago but my colleagues wanted to see it integrated into a broader package so that we were able to make a sort of pulse coming into the economy to make sure it was not a scattered provincial pulse but a 18 hours ago the forest owners association is backing the governments strategy to combat covid 19 as just about all parts of the forest industry are now in shut down mar 27 2020 the new zealand government will spend nz 100 million redeploying forestry workers who have been impacted by the covid 19 pandemic forestry in new zealand has a history starting with european settlement in the 19th century and is now an industry worth seven percent citation needed of annual revenue economic development minister phil twyford said forestry was one of the first industries to be seriously impacted by covid 19 coronavirus and this had had had a significant impact on forestry workers in tairawhiti vee shaped top work platform with side handles safety chain for the taller sizes this is a collection page for new zealand news the perfect storm facing nz s forestry industry there are growing concerns a crash in log prices will lead news 100 kiwi owned operated serving new zealands equipment needs since 1980 find new and used forestry machines for sale on new zealand s trusted classifieds brand we re experts when it comes to forestry environmental equipment new zealand s public broadcaster providing comprehensive nz news and current affairs specialist audio features and documentaries firm news media releases 7 jul 2019 out on a limb how to fix new zealand s flawed forestry policy on what initially looked like an almost cornily good news policy more trees nz first linked forestry company pushed for govt funds a powerful new zealand first figure helped establish a forestry company that then pushed for money from two key funding streams controlled by a new zealand first minister department of labor have both said the forest products industry is an essential critical infrastructure workforce in the nations response to the coronavirus pandemic p p te uru rkau is focused on supporting the planting of exotic and indigenous forests sustainable forestry management programmes like the emissions trading scheme and forestry grants the association and its members are committed to the highest standards of sustainable silviculture environmental practice and workforce safety this week the rest of the world has gone toilet paper hoarding media zombie mad an austrian billionaire has been granted consent to purchase an 8m hill country farm learn more latest news mar 23 2020 forest biomes o box 529 feilding new zealand the opportunities and jan 17 2017 nz forest managers ltd has a wide range of clients for whom it provides an extensive range of land management services browse our thousands of articles covering biomass forestry biofuels sawmills logging grants and much more forest enterprises limited is licensed under the financial markets conduct act 2013 to manage managed investment schemes excluding managed funds which are primarily invested in forestry assets latest industry news latest digital media articles in this issue log price volatility 50 shades of green and the realities of land use economics the myth of indigenous versus exotic trees for carbon storage tolaga bay one year on the laws jun 19 2009 mosgiel based new zealand wood mouldings has drastically downsized operations and shed more than 50 staff and us owned brightwood in otautau closed last month with the loss of 60 jobs preceded by four sawmill closures in luggate milton and naseby the trend for the number of new dwellings consented in auckland is at its highest forestry is new zealands third biggest export industry after dairy and meat accounting for around 5 billion a year and 3 growing leadership skills in forestry proseed new zealand is the leading supplier of tree seed to the australasian forestry sector the package will provide work for 300 forestry workers in jobs such as road maintenance a about us 3 of the world s trade in forest products fsc coronavirus update the report covers domestic and export log markets drivers of price changes updates on new zealands major markets around the world for logs lumber panels and other exports its members are 27 feb 2020 new zealand s forestry industry is facing export challenges to china with the top of the south feeling the pressure too this takes overall job loss estimates well beyond 200 news about forests and forestry including commentary and archival articles published in the new york times effective forest management comes from experience despite this marginalisation many countries recognise full inclusion of forestry is necessary to achieve emission targets and a greater acceptance of forest carbon credits is emerging most of our employees live up the coast and forestry is the biggest employer feb 10 2019 strong winds are expected to fan forest fires that have been burning for a week through new zealands south island told a news conference on saturday photo brent melville the forestry industry and the towns that rely on it for survival are approaching a crisis point as the coronavirus grips countries worldwide a report on the plantation forest industry has highlighted its value to national and regional economies as well as forestrys beneficial effect on new zealands ecology forestry is a significant industry in new zealand while not good news for a district struggling to maintain its roading is good news for port taranaki pan pac forest products will initiate forestry work in the park on 2 march 2020 following a slight delay due to reasons beyond the control of the te mata park trust board firming global economic activity is however likely to make things worse driving up sea freight rates cat 558 ll forest machine recently added to the cmh contracting fleet under these conditions forest owners and forestry the history and culture surrounding the whakarewarewa forest the variety of outdoor recreational opportunities diverse range of exotic tree species mix of native undergrowth panoramic views and proximity to lakes thermal areas and the city centre have made the redwoods whakarewarewa forest one of rotoruas most spectacular natural spark news official documents show the government planned to plant 1100ha with pine this year and had ordered about 1 100 000 seedlings for that this is where we make a difference for our clients providing them with the best forest management service to enable them to maximise their forest value many of the country s logging crews are unable to work nz forest products new zealands nz oldest and most trusted name in forestry from its inception nz forest products group is a formidable force in the forestry industry both in the domestic and export markets john deere construction forestry and cable price nz limited cpl agreed to end their distribution arrangement of deere branded and manufactured construction forestry and compact machinery in new zealand 8 feb 2020 send in your news letter column event classified photo of week is a comprehensive housing and wood products corporation harnessing the power of forests to empower the future our team has over 250 years combined industry expertise managing in excess of 26 000 hectares of forestry forest credits are currently being traded under the kyoto protocol within the nz emissions trading scheme and within the various voluntary markets in addition to the tree frog news itself and our status update on forestry and wood product conferences were keen to promote relevant educational events such as todays feas covid 19 webinar terms of trade preparation for creating a more biodiverse te mata park has begun your news is the place for you to save content to read later from any device an ability to develop and nurture strong relationships with industry leaders in the forest owner companies with which crown forestry interacts as either as a lessor grantee or neighbour this production information is then compiled with export data sourced from statistics new zealand industries forestry nz news hynexhtpvvk rs87gbhhoef pjdqwjfml4vsj uiccsicvqfp yuh14n9pob a3e72klv trb1owgu0lrb 5xfcrqyg0a qfsdv3zov s5cdi2n2oxcm 0be8yq2vf as1hyrtvcnf kbptdnvqjeps zjwhhtbzu jtqvlsj rnvws98ps o6j2rlsbyce 8hespvn j4elmuqd6qrtqm 12lcoribkwp6 nxytbrpsck fxpp6rlevw gprnyn5 neajfk7sn8 eafvsvvbvyo2 jg6und2oobpw bl26gehjt hgueljksuwj ppqd4k5ps hu2rkz49n6y ddbqtagmyjr </s>
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original rocks sauza margaritas liter 24 individual marg 6 5 fresh lime rita liter 27 individual fresh lime rita 7 6 pack coors light 10 coors coors light miller lite bud bud light import 6 pack 15 corona corona light victoria negra modelo dos equis amber pacifico tecate modelo especial groceries to go while supplies last 1 gallon milk 5 5 2 limes 2 2 lemons 2 avocados 1 5 each jumbo roll toilet paper 5 egg dishes available saturday sunday 11 3 subject to availability save time get in line for dinner tonight welcome to jose o shea s chat with us at anytime with questions or comments text to 844 209 1963 up coming events at jose o shea s visit us jose o shea s 385 union blvd lakewood co 80228 us 303 988 7333 hours covid 19 restaurant hours these are subject to change due to availability of product mon thu 11am 8pm fri sat 11am 8pm sun 11am 8pm we really would like to hear from you contact us here or text us at 844 209 1963 we really would like to hear from you contact us here or text us 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o shea s to deliver the best press lakewood sentinel rocky mountain news lakewood sentinel best mexican restaurant 2017 2015 2012 1999 westword rocky mountain news lakewood sentinel best happy hour rocky mountain news rocky mountain news rocky mountain news best happy hour buffet menu botanas perfect to share fresh guacamole made hourly fresh ripe avocados blended with tomatoes onions fresh lime juice served with homemade flour tortilla chips medium or large macho nachos corn tortilla chips loaded with refried beans queso sauce mixed cheese pico de gallo black olives guacamole and sour cream add ground beef chicken or carnitas queso fundido a delicate blend of poblano chiles and onions blended into vegetarian chile verde and jack cheese made to order and served in a flour tortilla bowl with warm flour tortilla add ground beef chorizo or carnitas quesadilla piping hot tortilla filled with melted cheese and chiles served with sour cream pickled jalapeos and pico de gallo add vegetables chicken or steak mexican eggrolls crispy fried eggrolls stuffed with cheese jalapeos chicken and lettuce served with queso sauce hatch green chile queso homemade finished with cotija cheese cilantro and valentina sauce ensaladas housemade dressings serrano lime vinaigrette sweet red vinaigrette ranch or bleu cheese casa salad a generous portion of mixed salad greens garnished with tomatoes and tortilla chips served in a tortilla bowl fajita salad sizzling chicken with fresh bell peppers onions and crisp tortilla chips tossed with fresh lettuce pico de gallo sour cream add avocado mexican cobb salad grilled chicken chorizo avocado roasted corn cotija cheese pico de gallo black beans and mixed salad greens taco salad seasoned ground beef tortilla chips cheddar cheese black beans green onions black olives and pico de gallo on top of crisp shredded lettuce served with your choice of warm chile verde or cool salsa mexican shrimp salad chile lime grilled shrimp avocado pineapple pico de gallo and salad greens tossed with a serrano lime vinaigrette sopas soups homemade every day tortilla soup joses especial seasoned broth full of chicken vegetables and long grain rice topped with tortilla strips and jack cheese served with avocado cup bowl jose s famous chicken soup joses grandmothers famous tijuana two step chicken soup extra hot spicy and served with warm flour tortillas cup bowl enchiladas cream cheese chicken enchiladas two corn tortillas filled with lightly seasoned chicken and smothered with jalapeo cream cheese sauce served with black beans and spanish rice enchiladas suizas two piping hot tortillas filled with seasoned chicken and smothered with tomatillo sauce topped with melted cheese and sour cream and served with refried beans and spanish rice seafood enchiladas scallops shrimp and crab enchiladas smothered with grandma s hatch green chile garnished with sour cream and avocado served with refried beans and spanish rice tacos all served with 3 tacos served with spanish rice and refried beans grilled steak tacos corn tortillas with cilantro onion relish and avocado crema grilled chicken tacos warm flour tortillas with salsa fresca lettuce and cheese grilled tacos al carbon steak corn tortillas with spices pico de gallo cotija and salsa fresca grilled cholos tacos pork corn tortillas roasted pork pickled onion mexican potatoes cotija cheese and salsa fresca grilled fish tacos corn tortillas blackened grilled tilapia topped with shredded cabbage pico de gallo and a drizzle of chipotle sauce grilled shrimp tacos corn tortillas chile lime grilled shrimp black beans shredded cabbage pico de gallo cotija cheese and chipotle sauce especialidades mexicanas pollo poblano rellenos crispy rellenos stuffed with shredded chicken diced poblanos and jack cheese smothered with grandmas hatch green chile and served with spanish rice and refried beans chicken taquitos corn tortillas rolled with seasoned chicken fried golden crisp and smothered in your choice of sauce topped with guacamole and sour cream served with spanish rice and refried beans blue corn taquitos tender shredded beef rolled in blue corn tortillas fried to perfection and smothered in your choice of sauce served with black beans and spanish rice garnished with guacamole and sour cream authentic chile rellenos two fresh whole green chile peppers stuffed with jack cheese wrapped in whipped egg batter and smothered in grandma s hatch green chile served with refried beans spanish rice tamale plate made fresh in joses kitchen light and fluffy beef tamales smothered in grandma s hatch green chile and cotija cheese served with homemade spanish rice and refried beans camarones a la diabla sauted gulf shrimp with jalapeos chorizo tomatoes and onions in a chile tomato red sauce served with spanish rice black beans and a flour tortilla carne asada a fire grilled steak prepared mexican style with grandma s hatch green chile served with a cheese enchilada refried beans spanish rice a warm flour tortilla carnitas chile verde coca cola and orange marinated slow roasted pork smothered in grandmas hatch green chile served with spanish rice refried beans and warm flour tortillas especiales ligeras lite specials mamas skinny enchiladas corn tortillas rolled with seasoned chicken and topped with delicious enchilada sauce served with fat free frijoles de la olla spanish rice and fresh fruit vegetable enchiladas corn tortillas filled mushrooms onions corn yellow squash zucchini chiles bell peppers garlic pico de gallo cotija cheese and vegetarian chile verde served with frijoles de la olla and fresh fruit maribels vegetarian tacos selection of locally farmed vegetables black beans corn tortillas guacamole pico de gallo cotija cheese and salsa fresca fajitas de mexico we are proud to serve the best authentic fajitas marinated in joses special fajita sauces and served sizzling with fresh bell peppers and onions garnished with guacamole shredded cheese sour cream and hot flour or corn tortillas and served with refried beans or fat free frijoles de la olla vegetable shrimp and trio fajitas are served on a bed of garden blend fresh vegetables chicken steak carnitas portabello mushroom shrimp trio combinaciones served with refried beans and spanish rice no substitutions please 1 cheese enchilada beef taco 2 two beef or two cheese enchiladas or one of each one beef one cheese 3 one beef burrito one gringo relleno crisp wonton skin 4 beef burrito cheese enchilada chicken taco 5 guacamole tostada gringo relleno 6 blueplate special smothered bean burrito beef taco cheese enchilada 7 one tamale one gringo relleno one beef taco 8 enchilada ol one ground beef one chicken one cheese enchilada smothered with enchilada tomatillo queso sauces topped with sour cream 9 gringo plate two gringo rellenos smothered in queso sauce one ground beef taco 10 gringo relleno cheese enchilada 11 taco plate two tacos shredded beef ground beef or chicken served with a side of salsa fresca 12 ground beef combo a taco burrito enchilada all on one plate for ground beef lovers chimichangas the original chimichanga a shredded beef burrito golden fried to crispy perfection and smothered in your choice of sauce and melted cheese served with sour cream spanish rice and refried beans chicken chimichanga a golden fried seasoned chicken burrito smothered in your choice of sauce and melted cheese served with sour cream spanish rice and refried beans burritos ol burrito grande a large flour tortilla filled with your choice of tender chicken or shredded beef and refried beans smothered with your choice of sauce and melted cheese quesarita giant burrito filled with mildly seasoned ground beef smothered in hatch queso and topped with lettuce cheese and tomato picadillo burrito ground beef potatoes grilled onions tomatoes and jalapeos wrapped in a flour tortilla and smothered with grandmas hatch green chile and melted cheese fajita burrito marinated strips of chicken or steak sauted with onion green and red peppers then wrapped in a large flour tortilla with refried beans and smothered with grandma s hatch green chile chicken or steak fiesta americana burrito large flour tortilla filled with rice shredded beef or chicken smothered with your choice of sauce then topped with melted cheese served with guacamole and sour cream o shea s burrito giant burrito filled with homemade refried beans and seasoned pork then smothered in osheas sauce and jack cheese served with sour cream burro de reina spiced rubbed chicken caramelized onions black beans and roasted poblano peppers topped with tomatillo and cream cheese sauce cotija and pickled onions famous garbage burrito a colossal burrito filled with everything beef chicken pork refried beans and rice topped with three sauces covered with lettuce tomato cheese guacamole and sour cream so large that some of it will definitely end up in the garbage saturday sunday sangria brunch served 11am 3pm featuring one glass of complimentary sangria and tables set up with fresh fruit mexican pastries and cakes huevos rancheros soft corn tortillas with refried beans two eggs and smothered in your choice of sauce served with spanish rice and mexican style potatoes huevos carnitas tender chunks of pork with grilled onions eggs and grandmas hatch green chile served with refried beans mexican style potatoes and flour tortillas mexican skillet mexican style potatoes sauted with chicken or chorizo topped with two eggs and in your choice of sauce served with flour tortillas eggsadilla scrambled eggs cheddar cheese jalapeos green onions and tomatoes folded in a flour tortilla served with pico de gallo and mexican style potatoes busted yolk black bean tacos egg chorizo pico de gallo mixed cheese on corn or flour tortillas served with mexican style potatoes breakfast burrito scrambled eggs with chorizo fresh bell peppers onions and mexican style potatoes rolled in a flour tortilla and smothered in your choice of sauce mexican benedict two poached eggs served on toasted english muffins with chorizo sausage and topped with your choice of sauce and served with mexican potatoes avocado omelet fresh slices of avocado inside a fluffy omelet and smothered in your choice of sauce and cheese served with mexican style potatoes and flour tortillas jose s fresh homemade sauces made fresh daily chile verde diced lean pork sauted with mild chile peppers tomatoes and spices hot chile verde traditional homestyle chile with hot chile peppers diced lean pork tomato and spices half half half chile verde and half hot chile verde green chile queso a new blend of cheese peppers tomatoes and spices tomatillo sauce tangy sauce made from mexican green tomatoes with herbs and spices vegetarian vegetarian chile verde mild chiles tomatoes vegetables and spices vegetarian enchilada sauce a red sauce made from a blend of mild chiles and spices o shea s sauce joses special blend of tangy tomatillo and hot green chile sauces cream cheese sauce a rich cream cheese sauce blend of jalapeos and mexican spices grandma s hatch green chile one of the staffs favorite sauces made with roasted hatch green chiles roasted tomatoes diced lean pork and spices lunch specials served monday friday 11am 3pm combo 1 cheese enchilada beef taco served with refried beans and spanish rice 7 99 combo 2 two beef or two cheese enchiladas or one of each 1 beef 1 cheese served with refried beans and spanish rice 8 59 combo 6 blueplate special smothered bean burrito beef taco cheese enchilada refried beans and spanish rice 9 99 soup and salad bowl of tortilla joses chicken soup or chile verde served with a mixed green salad 7 99 the original chimichanga a shredded beef burrito golden fried to crispy perfection and smothered in your choice of sauce and melted cheese served with sour cream spanish rice and refried beans 9 99 chicken chimichanga a golden fried seasoned chicken burrito smothered in your choice of sauce and melted cheese served with sour cream spanish rice and refried beans 9 99 burrito grande a large flour tortilla filled with your choice of tender chicken or shredded beef and refried beans smothered with your choice of sauce and melted cheese 9 59 o shea s burrito giant burrito filled with homemade refried beans and seasoned pork then smothered in osheas sauce and jack cheese served with sour cream 9 99 quesarita giant burrito filled with mildly seasoned ground beef smothered in queso sauce and topped with lettuce cheese and tomato 9 59 cream cheese chicken enchiladas two corn tortillas filled with lightly seasoned chicken and smothered with jalapeno cream cheese sauce served with black beans and spanish rice 9 99 value sized fajitas de mexico chicken steak carnitas or vegetables served sizzling with spanish rice refried beans shredded cheese lettuce and tomato and warm flour or corn tortillas 9 99 two grilled chicken tacos warm flour tortillas with salsa fresca lettuce and cheese 9 59 tortas gringo torta hamburger freshly grilled 8 oz ground beef patty 10 99 add cheese or grilled bacon for 99 each mexican burger grilled ground beef patty wrapped in a flour tortilla and layered with refried beans smothered in grandmas hatch chile verde and topped with melted cheese served with lettuce tomato and seasoned fries 10 99 carnitas tortas slow roasted carnitas refried beans pickled onions avocado crema cotija cheese and shredded lettuce on a bolillo roll 10 99 a la carta ground beef available on request 1 2 side of rice beans tacos shredded beef chicken potato burritos all burritos are smothered with your choice of sauce and topped with melted cheese and served with lettuce and tomato bean shredded beef beef bean chicken tamale homemade beef tamale smothered with your choice of sauce enchiladas cheese onion shredded beef chicken tostadas bean shredded beef shredded beef bean guacamole chicken chile relleno gringo style crisp wonton skin one per order authentic style fluffy egg batter one per order sides guacamole 1 99 sour cream 1 29 pico de gallo 99 refried beans 1 99 black beans 1 99 frijoles de la olla 1 99 salsa fresca 1 29 tortillas 2 99 bowl of sauce 2 99 cup of sauce 1 79 spanish rice 1 99 jalapenos 99 desserts add a description about this category our famous sopapillas traditional pastry dusted with cinnamon sugar and served with honey three per order deep fried ice cream vanilla ice cream rolled in corn flakes and cinnamon sugar topped with honey and whipped cream mexican flan homemade mexican custard with caramel sauce and topped with whipped cream add strawberry sauce jose s helados ice cream vanilla or whipped cream add strawberry sauce all sauces are interchangeable copyright 2020 jose o shea s all rights reserved powered by godaddy website builder </s>
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<s>[INST] forestry as a business [/INST] why the timber business is surprisingly strong right now pine beetles and u s housing have made forest products a bright spot among commodities by bryan borzykowski march 25 2015 west fraser timber looking for a ray of hope in canadas beaten down commodity industries take a gander at forest company stocks this sector has been almost counter cyclical to the much larger energy and mining sectors for more than a decade over most of that period producers alternated losses with profits their capital allocation was suspect and share prices barely budged but thanks to low expectations a tree killing infestation and a growing u s housing market this sector is finally rewarding shareholders since oct 7 2011the sectors lowest point in 13 yearsthe s p tsx paper and forest products index has jumped 218 some of the industrys biggest names such as west fraser timber tsx wft are up 15 to 20 over the past 12 months michael underhill chief investment officer at capital innovations and manager of the sprott timber fund says he thinks theyre just getting started one reason is the increasing demand from the u s housing rebound there was a huge inventory of vacant homes following the 2008 crash which slowed the recovery however housing starts crossed the million mark in 2014 and they still have a way to go to reach their pre recession level of 1 5 million with u s fixed mortgage rates about a percentage point below where they were a year ago underhill thinks the market will pick up further everythings looking better from single family starts to multi family starts household formation is the highest its been in the last five years he says its not just about the u s anymore either during the crash years forest companies turned to china where wood frame construction is beginning to catch on today exports to china add the equivalent of 300 000 housing starts a year to demand in north america says stephen atkinson an analyst with dundee capital markets while demand is growing supply is constrained the mountain pine beetle has destroyed more than half the commercially viable pine in the interior of b c the top producing province while the worst is over a generation of trees has been lost the blight also affected washington oregon idaho and colorado all of this bodes well for earnings in contrast to oils oversupply the timber shortage should help support lumber prices for years to come todays price of about us 300 per thousand board feet is actually lower than it was a year ago but underhill thinks it could hit us 600 since the recession companies have also improved their balance sheets many are generating free cash flow and making smarter capital allocation decisions says benoit gervais a portfolio manager on the mackenzie resource team its still a volatile business so you want to buy stocks of companies that have modest debt loads and use their capital wisely firms weighted to b c for example have bought mills and timberlands in the southern u s and eastern canada in order to keep their volumes from shrinking the south has the lowest harvesting costs on the continent adds atkinson even though the u s rebound is in full swing investors havent priced in the full recovery yet says underhill many arent thinking about the longer term demand drivers buy now be patient through the inevitable price swings and you should be rewarded he says more about natural resources investing 11 ways to survive and thrive in the age of cheap oil how smart companies work with first nations to get resource deals done central bank policies are diverging heres where to invest now investors bewarecanadas big banks are in for a rough year how fossil fuel divestment campaigns could affect oil stocks filed under b c china commodities construction energy forestry gas housing mining natural resources oil oil and gas sprott timber fund timber u s housing market west fraser timber advertisement advertisement 0 </s>
<s>[INST] buy wood arrows [/INST] cheap wood arrows hunting arrow wood archery factory sale archery pure carbon fiber arrow wood grain shaft traditional bow hunting us 3 45 3 80 piece 100 pieces min order 2 yrs huizhou elong outdoor product ltd 14 50 0 customer service 5 great communication 1 prompt shipment 2 superb seller 3 wonderful purchase 2 contact supplier logo customization wood arrow carbon wood grained carbon fiber removable point spine 400 turkey feather carbon arrow us 2 80 3 10 piece 100 pieces min order 3 yrs huizhou elong outdoor product ltd 20 69 0 fast delivery 4 fast feedback 3 fast shipping 2 good company 3 good service 1 strong packing 1 contact supplier sponsored listing wood grained carbon fiber removable point spine 400 turkey feather carbon arrow material 100 carbon fiber color wood grained usage traditional bow spine 400 arrow weight 26 2g shaft length 28inch feather length 4 inch straightness 0 006 feather color grey packaging shipping our exhibition our team 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1 good seller 5 contact supplier 45lbs top quality wood laminated bows dawn bows bear s paw and wood materials us 160 00 200 00 bag 1 bag min order 7 yrs xiamen oulay imp exp co ltd 24 77 9 excellent packaging 1 excellent vendor 3 good customer service 1 contact supplier factory direct cheap china wood grain carbon arrow us 14 93 25 99 square meter 10 square meters min order 2 yrs wuxi city shengte carbon fiber products co ltd 4 96 8 contact supplier set of 2 vintage white sturdy home wall hanging decoration wood arrow sign us 4 75 5 45 piece 500 pieces min order 1 yr caoxian chuancheng woodworking co ltd 90 9 contact supplier leader joy beech wood montessori printed arrows for short bead chains us 19 56 22 84 set 1 set min order 9 yrs leader joy imp exp co ltd 1 81 0 fast response 1 fast shipping 1 contact supplier designer thick thickness engineered face veneer wood for plywood door furniture arrow us 20 00 20 00 sheet 1 sheet min order 8 yrs hangzhou greenland import export co ltd 2 100 0 efficient communication 1 excellent customer service 1 fast shipment 1 contact supplier rustic wooden arrows office wall decor farmhouse sign christmas gift us 1 00 15 00 piece 200 pieces min order 8 yrs qingdao wahtai transocean industry co ltd 10 95 3 excellent customer service 1 fast shipping 1 great communication 1 contact supplier antique arrow style wooden sliding barn door hardware us 23 00 23 00 set 50 sets min order 14 yrs foshan nanhai xin jianwei hardware factory 8 90 2 customer service 1 great communication 1 nice work 1 quick delivery 1 contact supplier 2019 hot selling high quality cheap playground equipment pvc inflatable shoot an arrow us 300 00 900 00 piece 1 piece min order 12 yrs top inflatables industry limited 1 80 0 contact supplier about product and suppliers 156 cheap wood arrows products are offered for sale by suppliers on alibaba com of which bow arrow accounts for 17 folk crafts accounts for 2 and other toys hobbies accounts for 1 a wide variety of cheap wood arrows options are available to you such as home decoration you can also choose from wood metal cheap wood arrows there are 156 suppliers who sells cheap wood arrows on alibaba com mainly located in asia the top countries of suppliers are united states china and india from which the percentage of cheap wood arrows supply is 1 89 and 5 respectively related search china bow and arrows in archery china light bow china glass bow color hunt suppliers bow product suppliers hunt paypal suppliers bow hunting bows suppliers bow and arrow for sale left hand arrow cheap aluminum arrow archery tag arrow supplier traditional hunting arrows traditional archery shooting rest archery archery charm archery aluminum arrow arrow for recurve bow long bows arrows bow and arrow free face mask sydney sun safe clothing </s>
<s>[INST] forestry company london [/INST] covid 19 coronavirus information current situation as part of our ongoing efforts to slow the spread of covid 19 and in keeping with the province of ontarios declaration of a state of emergency the city of london has moved to minimal operations and delivering essential services only until further notice all city facilities including city hall arenas community centres and seniors centres pools libraries golf courses and provincial offences court tourism london officesandsocial services offices will be closed to the public until further notice playgrounds skate parks and multi use courts are closed sports fields golf courses off leash dog parks and community gardens are also closed if you are in our parks or on pathways maintain the safe physical distance of at least twometres apart fromothers all interest and penalties forunpaid interim 2020 property tax installmentsdue on march 31 2020will be waived for a period of 60 days media releases public service announcements psa city enhances physical distancing measureson sidewalks roads and in parks psa avoid flushing wipes while at home psa city closes off leash dog parks psa information for renters during covid 19 psa city recreational programming facility rentals and membership updates psa london launches email and phone line to report covid 19 order violations psa updates on citys recycling and garbage collection services psa fire department to ban open burning effective april 1 media release city council approves measures to provide immediate economic relief to residents and businesses psa city closes outside play structures parks and open spaces remain accessible psa council meeting tuesday march 24 media release city of london declares state of emergency psa supports available for londons most vulnerable psa upcoming essential services available at the city of london social services office 355 wellington street citi plaza statement from londons fire chief regarding covid 19 impact on city of london services expand all collapse all animal services london animal care centre will respond only to reports of stray dogs bite investigations and sick injured wildlife reportby phone519 685 1330 or email animalservices london ca by law and parking enforcement report the following unsafe occurrencesby phone or email unsafe buildings requiring immediate attention call 519 661 city 2489 or email enforcement london ca unsafe pool fences call 519 661 city 2489 or email enforcement london ca parking causing impact on emergency response email parkingenforcement london ca or call 519 661 city 2489 child care fee subsidy child care fee subsidy program office is closed processing will remain availableby email at childcare london ca at present all current child care fee subsidy arrangements remain in place regardless of whether parent guardian activity work or school has changed or will change over the coming weeks this also applies if your licenced child care provider has temporarily closed most licensed child care centres are closed families are encouraged to connect with their own child care centre on service delivery dearness home for the protection of residents who are particularly vulnerable to covid 19 non essential visitors will no longer be allowed at dearness home and screening protocols have been put in place emergency forestry emergency forestry services continue we encourage londoners to report any issues with forestry on our service london portal envirodepots the public drop off area at the w12a landfill is closed to public access envirodepots remain open but only for necessary trips we ask that you please store materials such as extra bagged garbage and yard waste as long as possible and please use regularly scheduled collection at home before coming to the envirodepots in an effort to reduce the spread of covid 19 cash will not be accepted at the until further notice credit and debit continue to be accepted learn more about envirodepot locations and hours of operations www london ca envirodepots please note city council has passed a motion to waive the 1 50 per bag fee for residents that need to dispose of bagged garbage at three envirodepots until may 4 2020 homes that have to dispose of bagged garbage above the three container limit can do so at one of these three envirodepot without paying the fee fire services if you are experiencing an emergency please call 911 fire services will be responding to all emergency calls if your call is not an emergency please call 519 661 5615 all fire stations will be closed to the public open air burning the london fire department is advising residents that as of april 1 all open burning as per the open air burning by law f 7 in the city of london will be banned until further notice garbage collection garbage collection continues as scheduled weve developed some waste disposal guidelines to do our part in slowing the spread of covid 19 bag all used tissues and napkins and please place in the garbage do not place waste loosely in garbage containers if you or someone in your household is feeling unwell please place items that have been in contact with your mouth nose or eyes into a bag and then into the garbage this includes items that you normally place into your blue box such as plastic bottles pop cans and milk or juice containers reduce the amount of waste placed at the curb we ask that londoners place the least amount of garbage at the curb as possible hold on to bulky waste like furniture mattresses couches please store these items at your property as long as possible during this time please respect physical distancing with sanitation and recycling operators and do not approach the vehicle please visit the envirodepots section for information related to this service to report any issues regarding garbage please report it on our service london portal homeless prevention homeless prevention supports will be provided through the housing access centre over the phone by calling 519 661 0861 or email hac london ca housing services housing access centre hac services will continue to be provided over the phone by calling 519 661 0861 or email hac london ca london middlesex community housing supports for london middlesex housing corporation tenants will continue if you require support please call 519 434 2765 recycling recycling collection continues as scheduled if you or someone in your household is feeling unwell please place items that have contact with your mouth nose or eyes into a bag and then into the garbage even items that you normally place into your blue box such as plastic bottles pop cans and milk or juice containers please respect physical distancing with sanitation and recycling operators and do not approach the vehicle to report any issues regarding garbage or recycling please report it on our service london portal roads and streets emergency repairs and ongoing required operations continue this includes traffic signal repair operations street sign repair street light repair barricade crews pot hole repair on a case by case basis emergency forestry operations emergency bridge engineering londoners can report any emergencies by calling 519 661 city 2489 social services ontario works the city of london social services ontario works ow program continues to operate and offer limited services applications are accepted online or by calling 519 661 4520 ext 3 the social services office at citi plaza 355 wellington roadwill offer drop box for mail and verification documents cheque pick up for new applicants without an address will be available every friday from 1 p m 4 p m monthly cheque pick up on monday march 30 and tuesday march 31 from 9 a m 12 p m and 1 p m 4 p m note the office will close from 12 p m 1 p m both days for cleaning and disinfecting of highly touched surfaces subsidized transit passesare available for purchase every friday from 1 p m 4 p m passes can also be purchased at ltc sales locations for ltc locations information or hours of operation call 519 451 1347 all other city social services office locations and community mail boxes are closed until further notice ontario works assistance or general information about programs and services can be accessed by calling 519 661 4520 or emailing socialservices london ca priority services during this time will be limited to 1 discretionary benefits funeral emergency dental transit 2 cheque production and distribution 3 intakes and emergency social assistance water operations wastewater treatment and sewers emergency repairs and ongoing required operations will continue this includes operations around water quality spills floods and storm response please remember toilets are not garbage cans dont flush wipes food toys or medicine down the drain this can cause backed up pipes and flooded basements londoners can report any emergencies by calling 519 661 city 2489 parks and playgrounds alloutside play structures are closed this includes playgrounds skate parks and multi use courts in addition to these closures all city sports fields golf courses and community gardens remain closed until further notice property tax all interest and penalties forunpaid interim 2020 property tax installmentsdue on march 31 2020will be waived for a period of 60 days the property tax payment deadline for the march interim installment remainedmarch 31 2020 however residents not able to make a payment by the deadline will not be charged late penalties or interest in april or may on late payments while these measures were approved for 60 days council has directed staff to report backwith next steps on further options to assist taxpayers including potential deferral of the next installment scheduled for june the waiving of interest and penalties does not apply to payments already setup through pre authorized payments post dated cheques to be cashed on march 31 2020 property tax accounts being paid by a financial institution from the property owners mortgage payments supplementary taxes due on march 31 2020 and april 30 2020 for the years 2019 and 2018 or to any arrears that arose prior to the march 31 interim installment due date the city of london continues to accept property tax payments payment options the city of london s pre authorized payment plan on line via your bank s on line banking website at most financial institutions upon payment of their fee if applicable payments at financial institutions must be date stamped by the teller on or before the due date to avoid penalty by cheque payable to the city of london mailed in the envelope provided property tax section p o box 5256 london on n6a 5m6 do not mail cash payments provided by mail must be postmarked on or before the due date to avoid penalty in the night letter depository located on the wall at the southwest corner of city hall by credit card using a third party service provider the city of london does not offer the option of paying property taxes using a credit card however you may be able to use a third party service provider that offers additional payment methods including credit cards the provider that offers the credit card method at this time is listed below for your convenience third party providers charge a fee for their service if you have questions please email taxoffice london ca household special waste depot public access to the waste disposal drop off area and household special waste depot located inside the w12a landfill is closed until further notice residents are asked to continue to store household special waste items safely at home do not place these items in the garbage to report any issues regarding garbage please report it on our service london portal building permits please refer to building division services during covid 19 for updates on services available during this time landfill closed to public access the citys w12a landfill will only accept commercial vehicles carrying garbage and operational materials an increase in large trucks and a reduction in staff resources due to covid 19 requires additional on site health and safety measures be implemented recreation programs facility rentals and memberships all spring recreation programming start dates and registration will be postponed until further notice memberships will be extended based on the number of days that recreation facilities are closed all facility rentalsarecancelled at this time all special events and bus trips at kiwanis and hamilton road seniors centres are being cancelled for the month of april emergency licensed child care for essential frontline workers information on emergency licensed child care for designated essential workers which is available at no cost to eligible families can be found at emergency licensed child care these supports are reserved exclusively for the children of eligible essential workers who have exhausted all other child care alternatives important note at this time we are only accepting applications from front line health care workers and emergency first responders including middlesex london public health ongoing precautions and additional information the best sources of information are health officials here are links to sites that may be helpful to you the middlesex london health unit provincial ministry of health the public health agency of canada phac all public health officials agree that the best way to prevent the spread of covid 19 is to follow typical flu precautions these include the following wash your hands often with soap and wateror alcohol based hand sanitizer sneeze and cough into your sleeve avoid touching your eyes nose or mouth avoid contact with people who are sick stay home if you are sick last modified friday april 03 2020 federal and provincial supports individuals federal and provincial supports businesses community partners middlesex london health unit london transit commission supports for basic needs self assessment tool contact us we encourage you to call or email if you have questions about city services phone 519 661 city 2489 </s>
<s>[INST] buy horse california [/INST] trainer sues california racing board over justify drug test san luis obispo tribune sections search eedition home customer service customer service contact us mobile apps submit an event buy photos news in education faq archives my subscription activate digital subscription manage account newsletters news news local crime education environment investigations california california weed nation world lottery weather weird news submit a news tip columns photos from the vault weather watch joetopia that s slo weird sports sports outdoors high school cal poly mlb mlb scores stats nba nba scores stats nfl nfl scores stats politics politics the california influencer series business living living food drink wine beer home garden travel columns linda lewis griffith pet tales entertainment entertainment arts culture comics puzzles games horoscopes restaurants events calendar movies music tv opinion opinion editorials viewpoints influencers opinion editorial cartoons letters to the editor submit a letter columnists tom fulks obituaries the cambrian video all videos news video california weed video sports video cal poly video politics video business video entertainment video living video classifieds legals jobs real estate weekly place an ad about us mobile apps sports trainer sues california racing board over justify drug test by beth harris ap racing writer january 13 2020 07 26 pm order reprint los angeles trainer mick ruis sued the california horse racing board on monday alleging it intentionally failed to discharge its public duty when the board hid and subsequently dismissed justifys positive drug test in the 2018 santa anita derby ruis trained and owned bolt doro who finished second in the race the west coasts major prep for the kentucky derby santa anita derby winner justify trained by hall of famer bob baffert went on to sweep the kentucky derby preakness and belmont stakes and become horse racings 13th triple crown winner that year the petition filed in los angeles county superior court asks for a writ ordering the chrb to set aside its decision to dismiss justifys positive test in the santa anita derby and to order the horses disqualification with a redistribution of the purse in the 1 million race local news at your fingertips get unlimited digital access for just 3 99 a month to readlocal anytime on any device get offer justify earned 600 000 for the victory bolt doro received 200 000 for finishing second justify tested positive for scopolamine a prohibited substance that was detected in his post race urine sample the substance is used to treat mild colic and spasms but also can result from eating jimsonweed under california rules in place at the time a failed test for the substance would have required disqualification and the redistribution of purse money that would have resulted in bolt doro being declared the winner the chrb has since lowered the penalty for a scopolamine positive from the tougher 3b classification at the time of justifys positive which required a fine and disqualification to a 4c that includes a minimum fine of 1 000 and no disqualification attorneys for ruis contend that rule change did not officially occur until jan 1 2019 months after the test was ruled positive the petition alleges that the chrb decided in a secret closed door session of its board to dismiss the matter against the horse and baffert the positive result didnt become public until last september when it was revealed in a new york times story chrb equine medical director dr rick arthur has said despite a seemingly high overage of the substance evidence suggested contamination rather than an effort to skirt the rules he said that because california has had issues with jimsonweed contamination it has a higher threshold than the international limit for scopolamine racing board spokesman mike marten said the board had no comment on the matter comments videos ecstatic fans greet lsu team outside new orleans hotel after championship win cat fight clemson lsu tigers meet in college football championship view more video trending stories glide over morro bay king tides in this drone video january 13 2020 5 24 pm avengers star josh brolin spotted at slo county bowling alley january 14 2020 10 58 am office manager of paso robles church sentenced to prison for embezzling almost 300k january 13 2020 3 23 pm new slo gastropub will serve high end bar food in old fordens spot heres when it opens january 14 2020 10 30 am first flu death of season reported in slo county health officials say january 14 2020 11 20 am read next sports 49ers notebook garoppolos blessing in disguise injury led to drafting bosa by chris biderman january 15 2020 03 02 pm order reprint the san francisco 49ers were a better team on paper than their 4 12 finish to the 2018 season that allowed them to take rookie of the year ohio states nick bosa with the no 2 pick in the 2019 nfl draft keep reading local news at your fingertips readlocal get unlimited digital access for just 3 99 a month to readlocal anytime on any device get offer more sports video media created with sketch football what former raiders coach tom flores thinks about hall of fame skipping him cliff branch january 15 2020 1 22 pm sports nba power rankings lebrons los angeles lakers edge milwaukee bucks for top spot january 15 2020 4 00 am video media created with sketch sports 49ers mailbag more crucial to stop in nfc title game davante adams or aaron jones january 15 2020 4 00 am sports zampese joins redskins as qbs coach on riveras staff january 15 2020 3 22 pm sports ohio states day wont soon forget teams playoff stumble january 15 2020 3 21 pm business griffin pelicans project zion williamson debut for jan 22 january 15 2020 3 10 pm </s>
<s>[INST] starting forestry business [/INST] features forestry management harvesting logging from start to finish february 3 2016 by video february 3 2016 vaagen brothers lumber have posted video footage that takes viewers up close and personal through the complete logging process through the use of an unmanned aerial vehicle february 3 2016 by video topics forestry management harvesting print this page tweet related canadian forest industry a win win win domtar windsor mill precision tree harvesting a look inside new brunswicks fornebu lumber sawmill ledwidge lumber celebrates 75 years with mill tours tags video leave a reply cancel reply editors picks forestry businesses remain open across canada with essential designations bc lumber producers cut production in response to covid 19 market volatility heres a list of cancelled forestry events in north america due to coronavirus digital edition view digital edition archives subscription centre tembec suspends operations at quebec sawmill tla respond to great bear rainforest agreement </s>
<s>[INST] buy whole herring [/INST] 12 best types of fish to eat medically reviewed by natalie olsen rd ld acsm ep c on september 30 2019 written by nicole bowling alaskan salmon cod herring mahi mahi mackerel perch rainbow trout sardines striped bass tuna alaskan pollock char takeaway share on pinterest overview fish is a healthy high protein food especially important for its omega 3 fatty acids which are essential fats that our bodies dont produce on their own omega 3 fatty acids play an essential role in brain and heart health omega 3s have been shown to decrease inflammation and reduce the risk of heart disease theyre important for prenatal development in babies too the american heart association aha recommends eating fish at least 2 times a week particularly fatty fish like salmon lake trout sardines and albacore tuna which are high in omega 3s yet there are some risks associated with eating fish on a regular basis contaminants such as mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls pcbs find their way into ground lake and ocean water from our household and industrial waste and then into the fish who live there the environmental protection agency epa and fda have issued combined guidelines for women of childbearing age pregnant and breastfeeding women and children they advise these groups avoid fish with higher levels of mercury contamination which usually include shark swordfish king mackerel tilefish the following 12 superstar fish have made it onto our best fish list not only for having great nutrition and safety profiles but because theyre eco friendly being responsibly caught or farmed and not overfished 1 alaskan salmon theres a debate about whether wild salmon or farmed salmon is the better option farmed salmon is significantly cheaper but it may contain less omega 3s and fewer vitamins and minerals depending on whether its fortified or not salmon is a great option for your diet overall but if your budget allows opt for the wild variety try this grilled salmon recipe with a sweet tangy glaze for an entre thats easy to prepare 2 cod this flaky white fish is a great source of phosphorus niacin and vitamin b 12 a 3 ounce cooked portion contains 15 to 20 grams of protein try a piccata sauce on top of cod for a nice complement like in this recipe 3 herring a fatty fish similar to sardines herring is especially good smoked smoked fish is packed with sodium though so consume it in moderation jamie olivers mediterranean style herring linguine uses the fresh version in this recipe 4 mahi mahi a tropical firm fish mahi mahi can hold up to almost any preparation because its also called dolphinfish its sometimes confused with the mammal dolphin but dont worry theyre completely different try some blackened mahi mahi tacos with a chipotle mayo for dinner 5 mackerel as opposed to leaner white fish mackerel is an oily fish rich in healthy fats king mackerel is a high mercury fish so opt for the lower mercury atlantic or smaller mackerel choices try these recipes for meal ideas 6 perch another white fish perch has a medium texture and can come from the ocean or fresh water because of its mild taste a flavorful panko breading goes well with it like in this recipe 7 rainbow trout farmed rainbow trout is actually a safer option than wild as its raised protected from contaminants and according to the monterey bay aquarium seafood watch its one of the best types of fish you can eat in terms of environmental impact try these delicious trout recipes 8 sardines also an oily fish sardines are rich in many vitamins the canned version is easy to find and its actually more nutritious because youre consuming the entire fish including bones and skin dont worry theyre pretty much dissolved try topping a salad with a can of them for a nice meal 9 striped bass either farmed or wild striped bass is another sustainable fish it has a firm yet flaky texture and is full of flavor try this recipe for bronzed sea bass with lemon shallot butter 10 tuna whether fresh or canned tuna is a favorite of many when picking fresh tuna choose a piece thats glossy and smells ocean fresh its easy to prepare too all it needs is a quick sear over high heat its recommended that people limit yellowfin albacore and ahi tuna due to their high mercury content instead of white which is albacore choose chunk light when buying canned tuna light tuna is almost always the lower mercury species called skipjack 11 wild alaskan pollock alaskan pollock is always wild caught in the northern pacific ocean because of its mild flavor and light texture its the fish most often used for fish sticks and other battered fish products try this recipe for garlic butter poached pollock 12 arctic char arctic char is in the salmon family it looks like salmon and its flavor is somewhere between salmon and trout slightly more like trout the meat is firm with fine flake and high fat content its flesh ranges from dark red to pale pink farmed arctic char is raised mostly in onshore tanks that create less pollution than those in coastal waters try this easy recipe for a maple glazed char the takeaway consuming a variety of fish several times a week will provide many nutrients needed for a well balanced diet if youre pregnant breastfeeding or have a health condition check with your doctor before incorporating any fish that contains mercury nicole davis is a writer based in madison wi a personal trainer and a group fitness instructor whose goal is to help women live stronger healthier happier lives when shes not working out with her husband or chasing around her young daughter shes watching crime tv shows or making sourdough bread from scratch find her on instagram for fitness tidbits momlife and more medically reviewed by natalie olsen rd ld acsm ep c on september 30 2019 written by nicole bowling related stories are sardines good for you 11 healthy nutrition facts about tapioca the health benefits of nettle tea what are the health benefits of ginger tea 5 vitamins and minerals to boost your metabolism and promote weight loss read this next are sardines good for you medically reviewed by katherine marengo ldn rd sardines might not be your favorite food but they offer a number of nutritional benefits heres why you should try them read more 11 healthy nutrition facts about tapioca medically reviewed by katherine marengo ldn rd tapioca is delicious when prepared as a dessert or enjoyed in drinks but is it healthy here s a look at the nutritional information read more the health benefits of nettle tea medically reviewed by gerhard whitworth rn stinging nettle grows wild and is full of nutrition and health benefits learn the ways this herb can help promote health and prevent disease and how read more what are the health benefits of ginger tea medically reviewed by gerhard whitworth rn the health benefits of ginger tea are many and wide ranging learn how this ancient folk remedy may help with everything from easing nausea and read more 5 vitamins and minerals to boost your metabolism and promote weight loss medically reviewed by katherine marengo ldn rd if you re trying to lose weight you might want to add vitamins to your daily regimen discover some vitamins for weight loss and some minerals too read more gomad diet the pros and cons medically reviewed by katherine marengo ldn rd if you re a weightlifter you might have considered trying the gomad diet to gain weight quickly but here are some things to think about before you read more the pros and cons of the cottage cheese diet medically reviewed by katherine marengo ldn rd only eating cottage cheese may sound like an easy way to lose weight but is it safe here are the pros and cons of the cottage cheese diet find out read more tips for limiting acidic foods medically reviewed by katherine marengo ldn rd can eating too many acidic foods cause you issues the answer depends on how sensitive you are to acidic foods if you think avoiding acidic foods read more how protein before bed can promote muscle growth medically reviewed by natalie butler rd ld whether you want to lose weight or gain it a diet with an adequate amount of protein is key looking to boost muscle growth we ll show you what new read more how collagen can boost your bodys skin muscle and gut medically reviewed by cynthia cobb dnp aprn collagen is an essential building block for the entire body from skin to gut and more here s five changes you may see or feel just by taking more read more </s>
<s>[INST] sardines fishing runescape [/INST] osrs fishing guide level up as an angler in oldschool runescape p3ter 06 05 2019 0 osrs fishing guide about fishing skill fishing is a gathering skill in runescape which allows players to catch various types of seafood with different methods during the gameplay players can catch fish with nets rods harpoons cages bare hands and other methods this skill is one of the most liked by runescape community since it is the easiest and can be done while semi afk it is also worth noting that fishing is always profitable check also our full osrs skills guide let s get osrs fishing guide little bit detailed there are various methods of leveling fishing skill some of them are focused on getting to level 99 fishing as fast as possible while others put emphasis on money making aspect in this guide you will find out about all of them which will allow you to choose one that you like the most you may also like osrs accounts osrs gold osrs items tips for fishing leveling while training fishing you can also level up your agility during barbarian fishing you gain experience in both of these skills which makes it an amazing leveling method equipping dragon harpoon during catching sharks or swordfish can boost up your catch rate by an additional 20 upgrading dragon to infernal harpoon with smoldering stone will additionally give you 33 chance to cook a fish upon catching if your goal is only 99 and not max exp it is not worth getting angler outfit as it takes too long time for the reward being that small fishing on f2p free to play if you dont have runescape membership you can level your fishing skill in these spots levels 1 20 shrimpsand anchovies in lumbridge with small fishing net levels 20 99 troutand salmonwith fly fishing rod and feathers recommended location is barbarian village levels 40 99 from level 40 you start catching lobsters with lobster pot at musa point karamja levels 35 99 tuna and swordfish with harpoon at musa point port this is best f2p spot for fishing training best way to reach 99 on p2p members only levels 1 24sea slug quest although this quest requires 30 firemaking it is still faster to train this skill than to level fishing from nothing if you complete the sea slug quest it will get you quick from 1 to 24 fishing in just a few minutes or around an hour if you are starting from 1st firemaking level that being said it is the fastest method in the beginning levels 24 58 fly fishing after you are finished with sea slug you can go fly fishing in barbarian village or lumbridge this method requires fly fishing rod and feathers alternatively to this method you can catch normal fishes in lumbridge near the castle same as before you are going to be dropping all catched fish levels 58 99barbarian fishing on these levels you want to catch your first member only fish it is recommended to head to ottos grotto where you can catch leaping fish eg leaping sturgeon leapin salmon leaping trout you can get there by using games necklace teleporting to barbarian assault minigame and running south west from there this is the most efficient and best method to max your fishing level in the shortest amount of time possible this is the best spotin general as it provides best experience per hour for your fishing xp ratio to start barbarian training you need to talk to otto and click search option under his bed where you can find necessary tools heavy fishing rod also called barbarian rod you will also need to bring some feathers and fishing bait as one of those is needed apart from leveling fishingyou will also earn some strength and agilityxp keep in mind that it is a spot where you drop the fish from your inventory there is no place for banking nearby making money on fishing fishing is a gathering skill and because of that players will gain items during training which will allow them to make gold off it this skill can be very profitable especially when combined with cooking which will additionally boost gold made monkfish at 62 level of fishing playercan catch one of the favorite consumables in runescape monkfish can be caught with a small fishing net in piscatoris fishing colony the best way to get there involves usage of fairy rings code akq as this fish is used by many during cooking training and as a food for fights it is selling easily on grand exchange and is very profitable it is also great in terms of experience per hour at higher levels there is only one downside completion of swan song quest is required to fish there shark you can find those in a fishing guild jatizso and catherby to catch raw shark all you need is a harpoon although they are slower to catch and aren t as profitable as monkfish they can be a nice alternative tothose who are bored by previous locations anglerfish these fish can be really nice in terms of money made but where they lack is an experience made on a catch they arent as easy to get and they dont provide good enough rewards to be worth leveling on you can find them in piscarilius house fishing spot if you have 100 favor you will need a small fishing rod and sandworms to start fishing minnows catching those can be nice in both money making and leveling if you want steady method that will provide you with both minnows are for you you can catch those from 82 level of fishing with a small fishing net the only downside is that you are required to wear full angler outfit to catch those dark crabs similarly to minnows dark crabs are pretty good money maker with a decent profit in terms of experience there is also a downside these fish can be only caught in the wilderness which involves a risk factor if you want method similar to minnows but without angler outfit this method may be just for you karambwan at level 65 after completing the only requirement tai bwo wannai trio quest players can catch karambwan if what you desire is best money making method while sacrificing experience made this one is for you you can make there even more money than on monkfish since this place is better for that karambwan provide amazing gold ratio during training but also are very bad in terms of leveling to catch them you need karambwan vessel and raw karambwanji bait the best way of getting to their location is with fairy ring teleportation code ckr after getting there just run north east until you find the spot quests that you can complete to gain additional fishing experience sea slug level 1 7175exp fremennik trials level 1 2812exp tai bwo wannai trio level 5 5000exp fishing contest level 10 2437exp rum deal level 50 7000exp hero quest level 53 2725exp swan song level 62 10000exp it is worth noting that since all quests give similar experience in fishing it might be best to finish them as early as possible to see the difference on lower levels one quest can get us through several levels while on higher it wont even give one fishing guild this is a members only area located east of ardougne to enter players need to have 68 fishing level which can be boosted from 63 this is one of the most popular fishing locations as all of the fishing spots are close to the bank while inside fishing guild players will receive 7 levels to the fishing which will allow them to catch fish at faster rates but will not allow catching fish above their base level in the fishing guild we can find various items that can help during training there are free spawns with rods nets cages and harpoons as well as a cooking range for those who want to make their food in the guild you will also find a fishing store with bait and feathers supply you can sell your cooked and uncooked fish to roachey running fishing guild shop due to the distance between the bank and fishing spots this place is excellent for those who want to train on sharks lobsters tunas and swordfish in the northern platform players can also find an npc kylie minnow if you are wearing full angler outfit have at least 82 fishing and completed fishing contest quest she can transport you to minnow catching platform in this area you can catch minnow from one of the four spots which later can be exchanged for raw sharks in 40 1 ratio 3 tick fishing method if you want to maximize your experience gains during fishing you can use this method manipulating ticks within the game by stopping certain animations and resuming them at the right time can make your skill and earn xp faster this will allow you to gain additional fish while training which will make your leveling process faster to start 3 tick fishing you need few items clean herb swamp tar and a pestle by starting pestle animation and then stopping it with clicking on a fish spot you can catch fish more often this is a completely safe method allowed by jagex so you dont have to fear about getting banned as these tricks arenot an easy thing to do or to explain you should find video guides on how to do this if you are above 70 fishing you should really consider using this power move for better fishing experience we hope that our 1 99 osrs fishing guide will help you achieve 99 if it did make sure to leave a comment below as we value your feedback you can freely speak up your mind if you liked our article and want to find out more about other runescape skills like slayer or magic different games guides and posts for them as well as news from mmo gaming world visit our site and explore what is has to offer also leave a like on out facebook page and follow us on twitter if you have any questions about terms of service privacy policy or any other topic you can leave a message on our live chat where we are waiting for you 24 7 each week all rights reserved copyright https mmoauctions com 2019 comments 0 leave comment only logged users can post comments related news osrs ironman crafting guide everything from scra 20 01 2020 0 comments osrs ironman money making get rich from the scra 31 12 2019 0 comments osrs pure guide true might of runescape characte 21 11 2019 0 comments osrs achievement diary rewards best prizes for s 30 10 2019 0 comments </s>
<s>[INST] buy fresh herring [/INST] pickled herring no smrgsbord is complete without a selection of different pickled herring the fish can be found in abundance throughout the baltic and was often pickled in order to preserve it for longer periods to pickle fresh herring fillets you will need to first salt them in a brine for a few hours to help keep a firm texture and aid the preservation process you can then proceed with a pickling marinade of your choice alternatively you can buy ready salted or marinated herring in jars or cans and add your favourite flavours pickled herring basic recipe serves 4 you will need 1kg fresh baltic herring filets in bite size pieces if baltic herring is not available you can substitute atlantic herring 200ml distilled white vinegar about 12 1 tbsp salt 100g sugar 2 small red onions finely sliced 2 carrots finely sliced 3 bay leaves 15 white peppercorns 10 juniper berries to serve finely chopped dill chives and red onion method place the herring fillets in 500ml of water 100ml of the vinegar and 1 tbsp salt and leave in the fridge for 4 5 hours drain thoroughly combine the remaining ingredients in a saucepan with 500ml water bring to the boil and stir to dissolve the sugar allow to cool completely before pouring over the salted herrings leave to marinate in the fridge overnight or ideally for at least 24 hours before serving with the chopped dill chives and red onion variations this pickled herring recipe is an excellent base for other flavourings there really is no limit to how to add flavours to the herring either by adding ingredients to the marinade citrus herbs spices etc or by serving in additional sauces drain the fillets well before adding to your sauce of choice mustard pickled herring you will need 500g pickled herrings see recipe above well drained 1 small leek finely chopped 3 tbsp sweet mustard if you cant find a swedish sweet mustard use american hot dog mustard instead 1 tbsp dijon mustard 2 tbsp white wine vinegar 2 tbsp rapeseed oil 3 tbsp golden caster sugar 1 tbsp caraway seeds 4 tbsp chopped dill optional method in a large bowl whisk together all of the ingredients for the sauce apart from the caraway and dill if using loosen the mixture with a few tablespoons of water and season with salt and white pepper adjust the seasoning to your taste add the pickled herrings caraway and dill and leave to marinate for a further 24 hours before serving sour cream and chive pickled herring you will need 500g pickled herrings see recipe above well drained 100g good quality mayonnaise 150g sour cream 2 tbsp finely chopped chives lemon juice and zest 2 tbsp lumpfish roe optional method in a large bowl mix together the mayonnaise sour cream chives lemon juice and zest season to taste with salt and black pepper add the pickled herrings cover well with cling and leave to marinate in the fridge overnight to serve garnish with chives and lumpfish roe back related chefs pickled herring with potatoes and curried mayonnaise tv chef valentine warner became a friend the peters yard team back in 2008 he remains a fan to this continue reading pickled herring with potatoes and curried mayonnaise special occasion canap suggestions one of our favourite ways to use our mini crispbread is as canaps so we asked cookbook author signe johansen continue reading canap suggestions lunch soused mackerel with crispbreads this gorgeous sousedmackerelrecipe from food bloggerhelen gravesis infused with flavours ofcoriander seedand lemon served with ourcrispbreads and crme frache this continue reading soused mackerel with crispbreads </s>
<s>[INST] buy a wood stove [/INST] buyer s guide the best wood stoves anyone who s paid winter home heating costs knows the feeling of sticker shock heating the home comes with a steep price tagas much as 45 of the average household budget that s why many happy homeowners have turned to one of the oldest most reliable and least expensive forms of heat wood todays wood stoves have come a long way from the smelly dirty and often polluting pot bellied monsters of the past this new generation of wood stoves are more powerful more efficient and cleaner than old wood burners when choosing a wood stove it is important to select a model that fits the space over or under sized stoves are not as efficient waste fuel and contribute to air pollution heating power is measured in british thermal units btu and will give you a good idea of how much juice you ll need to heat your home for instance 60 000 btu can heat a 2 000 square foot home while a stove rated at 42 000 btu can heat a 1 300 square foot space wood stoves are available in styles ranging from traditional to contemporary and are constructed of cast iron plate steel sheet metal soapstone tile or a combination of these materials many newer models boast large see through self cleaning glass doors that allow you to enjoy the firelight without spending too much time keeping the window clear other modern conveniences that come standard on many of today s models include removable ash pans insulated door handles thermostats and air circulators or blowers another thing to consider when purchasing a wood stove is ventilation if you have an existing chimney in your home you may need to re line the interior with stainless steel pipe to make the chimney compatible with a new high efficiency stove if you need to add a chimney you may want to use a prefabricated metal chimney make sure to match the flue size to the stove outlet no matter what installation options you choose you ll want to also install a fire extinguisher smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector in your home to stay fire safety smart read on to see which top performing wood stove reviewers and shoppers like best and get your search off to the right start by donna boyle schwartz lopi endeavor wood stove 1 8 the reliable epa certified lopi endeavor produces enough heat to warm up 2 000 square feet the endeavor is approved for use in mobile homes and alcoves and comes with a bypass damper that prevents smoke backup and reduces the need to rekindle the fire to maximize its functionality the stove can be fitted with optional accessories like a blower that distributes heat and an auto start feature with built in igniter and bellows available at lopi dealers 2 000 related 9 reasons to bring back the wood stove lopistoves com vermont castings encore 2in1 wood stove 2 8 from vermont castings one of the oldest and most reputable makers of wood stoves the encore impresses not only with its fine last a lifetime craftsmanship but also with a suite of friendly features that make this unit a pleasure to operate even as its thermostatic air control maintains a nice steady heat available at amazon 2 999 amazon com pleasant hearth wood stove 3 8 the 1 800 square foot model from pleasant hearth comes highly rated by amazon shoppers who love it for its efficiency and large glass window with a front loading cast iron door and brick lined firebox the pleasant hearth is a good choice for all but the largest spaces and for energy conscious homeowners as the unit has been certified by the epa available at amazon 899 amazon com advertisement drolet columbia wood stove 4 8 this high efficiency wood stove from drolet puts out plenty of heatenough to keep a 1 600 square feet home toasty warm a mid size unit designed for efficiency and built for durability the versatile certified columbia may even be used in a mobile home available on amazon 1 018 74 amazon com hearthstone heritage soapstone wood stove 5 8 for an upscale wood stove it doesn t get 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<s>[INST] fishing company name ideas [/INST] 1000 domain name ideas for your new websites and blogs by nicola bleu youre starting a new website or blog but you have no idea what to choose as a domain name sound familiar this can be a big challenge because so many domains have already been registered as of march 2019 there are over 1 6 billion registered domains youre not alone with this struggle ive been through it and so have countless others you likely have an idea of the topic niche your website will be covering think of that as your primary keyword and you may have several of these words e g for a finance blog youd have money finance funds etc now you need a bunch of ideas for other words you can pair with your primary keyword thats where this post comes in in this article youll discover over 1 000 words you can use as prefixes or suffixes to create the perfect domain name check domain name availability this list is broken up into categories based on what you may want to convey to your audience and ive included some bonus tips to help you towards the end of the article ready lets dive right in table of contents 12 prefix and suffix categories to base your domain name on 7 bonus tips on choosing the perfect domain name for your blog your next step 12 prefix and suffix categories to base your domain name on 1 common words that imply a place but also go well with any main keyword if you need a multi purpose word to use as a prefix or suffix to your primary keyword any from the list below will work regardless of your niche click to reveal place related words alley annex apartment attic avenue barn base bay block boulevard box branch cafe camp capital castle cave center central channel chateau city clan club community connection corner coast country creation crib crown den depot destination dimension district division domain dome dominion dynasty empire entrance estate factory field galaxy gallery garage garden harbour haven heaven hideout home house hub hut island isle joint junction jungle kingdom lab lane lobby loft lounge manor mansion market mill monarchy nation network nexus nook oasis office orbit outlet pad palace parlour patch path place plant point port portal post promenade realm reef republic residence retreat road route sanctuary shack shed shelter shop society sphere spot state station store street studio terminal territory town tribe union universe valley venture village vine ward warehouse web workshop world yard zone 2 powerful emotive words that imply positivity and good times if you fancy adding a bit of texture to your primary keyword you could consider adding an emotive word as a prefix or a suffix these words will magnify the importance of your primary keyword and could also be an inspiration for logo ideas click to reveal emotive words alluring amazing angelic animate arouse attractive awesome beautiful bewitching bizarre blast blaze blitz bright brilliant buoyant buzz captivating charming cheery clear confident craze dazzling delight desirable divine ecstatic ecstasy effective elated electrify enchant encouraging entice excellent fantastic fascinating fever fire flashy flush flutter flow focus foxy frenzy fun fury fuse fusion glad glorious grand handy happy heat high hopeful impressive incredible inspire intense joy joyful jubilant keen lively luminous madness magnetic mania marvellous merry optimistic passion positive pulse practical radiant roar rosy rush savvy seductive shocking sound specific storm stunning super superb supportive surprising tempting thrill tingle unbelievable upbeat useful vivid voice wonderful wow zeal 3 adjective and descriptive words perhaps youre thinking of a word a little less flamboyant for your prefix or suffix these words below are common additions for your primary keyword and will apply to any type of niche click to reveal descriptive words awesome basic beautiful best bold brilliant chic classic clever cool crazed crazy divine elegant essential exclusive extreme famous fast first great holy insane inspired key luxury mad meta modern popular posh prime prodigy quick righteous savvy sleek smart successful super swank top trendy ultimate unique vital vogue wild wise worthy 4 words that imply authority give yourself a head start by branding yourself immediately as an expert in your niche just by having an authoritative word as a prefix or suffix to your primary keyword click to reveal words that imply authority artist authority beast big wig boss captain champion chief chieftain commander conductor connoisseur conqueror controller counsellor developer director doctor egghead eminence executive expert freak general genie genius gifted governor guide guru head herald hero hot shot insider instructor judge king kingfish kingpin leader legend magician manager master monarch monster officer overlord overseer owner pilot pioneer pirate president principal pro professional professor ringleader ruler sensation scholar shepard sovereign specialist star superintendent supervisor teacher titan top dog tutor veteran virtuoso whiz wizard 5 news magazine and press inspired words if your website is focusing on news press releases or any form of gossip then consider using one of these words as your prefix or suffix click to reveal journalism related words access album almanac annual babble biz blab book broadcast brochure bulletin buzz chatter chitchat chronicle cloud connect copy corridor daily diary direct discovery earful edition essay exposed fiction flash gazette gossip grapevine handout hearsay herald hint hype insider interactive journal leak ledger life live lowdown magazine mail manual map media memoir metro news newsletter notebook notice novel pamphlet parrot press recital register release report reveal review rumour scandal scoop scuttlebutt site snoop source spill story tale talk telecast trend volume weekly wire yak 6 educational related words are you planning on educating your audience consider using an educational related word as your prefix or suffix click to reveal educational related words academy activity adviser advocate arts blackboard captain class classroom coach college conductor course counsellor curriculum degree department discipline educate education elementary establishment experience faculty grades group guardian guide hall institute instruct instructor kindergarten lead league learning lecture lesson mathematics mentor nursery party program pupil private professor scholar scholarship school science scores seminary stationery student study subject support teacher teaching train trainer tuition tutor university vocation 7 words for websites that share advice and tips if your main goal happens to be giving out tips tricks and hacks well these words will definitely do the trick these words can apply to any domain regardless of your niche click to reveal advice related words accessories advice aid apparatus appliance apprise article automobile box broadcast buzz clue computer consultation data device digest doodad effects engine equipment evidence facts file gadgets gear gizmo goods guidance help hint hook implement indicate info input instruction instrument job junk key kit knowledge lesson link load luggage machine machinery material mechanism message motor news nexus note object opinion outfit pack post prescription proposal publishers recommendation record report resources rig robot selection setup sign solution source stuff suggest summary tackle text thingamsbob thingamajig things tips tools trace track utensil vehicle view vision voice weapon whatchamacallit whisper widget wire 8 words that imply youre a social and community based website you want your domain name to give your audience the feeling of a social and communal environment a good place to start is by using a social or community based word as your prefix or suffix click to reveal community related words affiliate alliance ally arm assembly association band batch bevy blood body branch bunch bundle bureau business chapter circle civil clan class club cluster coalition collection combo communal community company corporation crew crowd division dynasty ensemble enterprise family flock folks gang gathering gorilla group heap herd house institute junction kin kindred league lineage member merge mob nation neighbourhood network office orchestra organization pack partnership party people race section seed society squad support swarm symphony system team trade tribe troop troupe type union unite web wing 9 words that imply youre focusing on helping others develop their own skills perhaps your main goal is to help other people develop their own skills in which case one of these development related words might be perfect for your new website click to reveal development related words advance advice age ammo amplify aspire boost broaden build class clue coaching construct counsel create cue cultivate culture data deepen develop devise double education enrich establish evolve exercise expand expansion exploit fashion finish flourish forge form foster gain growth guidance harvest homework improve increase inflation information instruction intelligence invest knowledge learning lecture lessons literature lore magnify making mature mellow message more multiply network notice perfect practice progress promote prosperity quiz raise refine report research ripen rise scholar schooling science scoop start study study success swarm task test thrive tip training triple tuition tutorial tutorship wisdom 10 words that imply you are going to help transform a part of someones life or business your main goal is to help other transform a part of their life or business this could be from helping them be more productive at home to helping them grow their business using a word relating to transformation as your prefix or suffix can be great at supporting your primary keyword click to reveal transformation related words accelerate addition advance agility alter annex belt better bomb bonus boost cache canny classic collect conserve convert deliver develop dispatch diverse dominate drive dynamic effective enhance excel excellent expansion extra fast faster flawless fly free fresh gain hasten help higher hike hoard hurry hustle ideal improve inclusion keep magnify main maintain major momentum move new pace perfect perfection perk primary prolific promote quick rapid recover renew rich ride rise run rush salvage savvy sharp shield shift snap spare speed store superior supreme switch tip top treasure ultra urgency velocity wing wise zoom 11 words that insinuate your website is a person creature thing or animal an interesting and unique perspective to take when thinking of a domain name is considering whether youd want to portray yourself as an entity relating to your keyword you could choose an entity that resembles the skill level of yourself or your audience here are some examples from different niches cooking banshee could imply cooking disasters or awful chefs alien fishing could imply fishing for newbies painting pirate could imply unconventional ways of painting and there are plenty of these sorts of words you can incorporate into your domain name click to reveal entity related words alien aura banshee barbarian beast bird body boy breed brute bum cat creature critter cub daughter demon devil dog dragon duck e t father feline fellow feral fiend freak gargoyle ghost ghoul giant girl goat humans husband hybrid hydra idol individual jaguar king living lynx man mankind mongrel monkey monster mortal mother mr mrs miss mule mutant mutt ogre panther penguin person pet pet phantom pig pirate poltergeist pooch queen scumbag shadow son soul specter spouse stray tiger toy untamed vampire vermin villain wife wild wolf woman wraith wyvern zombie 12 words that imply youre taking the audience on a journey it doesnt what niche youre focusing on every visitor you get is on a journey perhaps you want them to join you on yours click to reveal journey related words adventure arena backdrop chase course crossing cruise crusade display drive enterprise excursion expedition experience exploit fare feat fly hike hitch hop hunt jaunt jeopardy jet journey landscape lift location march migration mission motor move odyssey outing pageant passage patrol picture pilgrimage probe proceed progress promenade pursuit quest ramble range research ride roam route safari sail scene shift ship show ski spin stroll tour travel traverse trek trip vacation venture visit voyage walk wanderer wayfarer whirl 7 bonus tips on choosing the perfect domain name for your blog bonus tip 1 use an easy add on sometimes using a single word with your primary keyword can be challenging especially when its a predictable combination and the domain is already taken so what can we do about this well by using an easy add on you can find that free domain whilst still keeping those two words youve grown fond of for example lets say from category 1 youve chosen chateau and your keyword is musical combined its musical chateau just by using an add on you can come up with more variations such as your musical chateau my musical chateau e musical chateau here are some examples of easy add ons which can be applied to any niche click to reveal descriptive words about all as at best by daily e easy for free fresh from future go her his i in like me my now of on our plus present save simply super than the to today top up us we with you your check domain name availability bonus tip 2 use a foreign language as an add on so your heart is set on the musical monkey its quirky and youve got an idea for a logo i bet it includes a monkey but sadly its taken dont worry we can work around this you can add a unique twist to your domain name by translating one of your words into another language this gives you a lot more options now the could now become les das los an quod det ka etc the most common languages to translate to are latin french spain and italian bonus tip 3 use multiple categories i did this exact method for my website your creative aura i wanted my site to be about musical creativity and my name to focus on finding that creative part of yourself you didnt know you had choosing category 11 blog persona i thought aura felt like a good fit and soon creative aura came about but unfortunately it was taken so i chose an easy add on and ta da your creative aura was born i chose your because the website revolves around helping you find your creativity the focus is the audience bonus tip 4 keep your domain name short want to know what the longest genuine url is here it is llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch co uk and yes it is a real domain unless youre some sort of wizard or live in this welsh village you most likely wont remember this so keep your domain name simple the best domain name length to have is between 8 16 characters this domain profit blitz has 11 characters perfect bonus tip 5 make sure your domain name can be understood and is readable now i guess this tip is sort of common sense but some websites still use some words which are confusing to spell a great example is flickr talk to anyone about this website and 99 will go ahead and search for flicker or type in flicker com and flickr noticed this too so they brought flicker com and redirected it to solve this issue also be careful with slang or abbreviations for words such as u instead of you this can make it harder for people to find you on the internet numbers can cause issues as people wont know whether you mean 5 or five the same goes for hyphens separating each word with a hyphen is easy to remember however randomly inserting them such as i wish icouldfly superhigh com can be confusing to remember bonus tip 6 use a keyword pivotal to your niche brand if you want to build a website for your advertising agency calling it a bunch of bananas will not make any sense to your potential customers however for a website on healthy eating this name will be more applicable profitblitz focuses on helping people build profitable websites therefore the primary keyword is profit which was then incorporated into the domain name profitblitz bonus tip 7 choose the most appropriate domain extension over 100 000 domains are being registered everyday it is now becoming increasingly difficult to get a short memorable domain ending with com that hasnt already been taken luckily gone are the days where we just used com now we have many domain extensions each which meet certain business needs here are alternative domain extensions to com which might be more suitable co commonly used for companies commercial or community sites info focuses mainly on informational sites net an abbreviation for network and is used for technical based information org sites that are non commercial and nonprofit organizations biz commercial or business sites such as e commerce sites me used mainly for blogs journals and personal sites that said always get a com if you can bonus tip 8 use portmanteau portmanteau is simply the combining of two words to make a new word this is a great technique because the domain name probably wont be taken and the end result is a memorable brand name to get started we take two words that say what our brand is about and type them into a word combiner to see what we get heres an example if youre starting a personal development blog you may find words like purpose and focus are words that resonate with your brand add those words to the word combiner and youll get a bunch of words including purcus which is pretty catchy right try it for yourself and see what you come up with im sure youll come up with a few cool website names your next step well there you have it over 1 000 words to help you find that perfect domain name for your new website once youve got a list of potential domain names for your website head over to namecheap to check availability then check which extensions youd like to purchase check domain name availability youll find that com are universally the most popular but depending on the type of website youre creating you might find an alternative extension better all thats left to do is purchase your domain once youve found the perfect website name and start building it and if you need more help be sure to check out our post on 10 creative ways to choose a blog name nicola bleu by day nicola handles the editorial side of things here at profit blitz by night nicola teaches people how to write songs over at your creative aura 375 shares more </s>
<s>[INST] buy wood heater [/INST] wood stoves wood stove inserts and pellet grills kuma stoves warranty dealer locator toggle navigation temporary hours monday thursday 7 00 5 00 pst 888 714 5294 products wood stoves wood inserts snow destroyer oil stoves pellet grills the future older non 2020 models find a store support contact us manuals warranty info warranty registration order parts biomass tax credit download efficiency epa about us blog videos account my account welcome to kuma stoves back in 1981 with a welder and an old pick up truck mark s custom stoves was founded in those early days that pick up was the work table the paint booth and the delivery truck each stove was its own masterpiece with hand cut parts and ornate hand crafted door frames today we use industry leading cad design computer controlled cutting and bending and high quality cast iron door frames we may not use trucks for work tables anymore but we ve never changed our commitment we still use the highest quality usa made materials and we still weld stoves and inserts together with one skilled craftsman start to finish just like the early days nationwide dealer network kuma stoves and inserts are available at over 200 retail stores nationwide your local dealer can assist you with choosing the right stove for your home and support your project with high quality venting products hearth pads and installation services visit your local dealer today and ask for kuma the brand with the best warranty find a local dealer featured products aberdeen le choose the aberdeen le for contemporary styling and a heating capacity of up to 1800 square feet view aspen le the aspen le delivers heat for up to 1800 square feet and can be configured to suit a variety of styles view wood classic le the wood classic le delivers a classic step top style with a heating capacity of up to 2800 square feet view cascade le turn your old drafty fireplace into a beautiful heater for up to 2600 square feet with the cascade le view recent blog posts kuma qualifies claim your tax credit 3 26 2020 it s back a federal tax credit for the purchase and installation of a high efficient wood stove is available through december 31 2020 just make sure you invest in a high efficiency heater like kuma s new line of low emission wood stoves view home is where the hearth is 10 30 2019 home is where the wi fi connects automatically too often i am finding myself sitting on the couch connected to wi fi browsing the latest news stories that google tells me i want to read all the while i have a beautiful crackling fire on the hearth view </s>
<s>[INST] forestry companies in louisiana [/INST] caterpillar caterpillar this site uses and sets cookies on your computer to help make this website better by keeping the site reliable and secure personalizing content and ads providing social media features and analyzing how the site is used you can learn more about these cookies by clicking here by clicking i accept you are agreeing to our use of cookies i accept all cookies dismiss caterpillar menu company about the company strategy purpose leadership history caterpillar foundation code of conduct sustainability innovation global locations visitors center museum brands view all brands cat cat financial mwm perkins progress rail sem solar turbines investors investor relations stock information financial information shareholder services events presentations quarterly financial results annual report sustainability report sec filings governance news latest company news news features corporate press releases media information social media careers it s your career make it matter why caterpillar career areas diversity inclusion search apply deutsch english espaol franais italiano magyar nederlands polski portugus etina caterpillar s response to covid 19 although the events surrounding the covid 19 pandemic continue to evolve rapidly our dedication to the safety health and well being of the caterpillar team our business partners and the communities they serve remains unchanged learn more caterpillar announces updates and response to covid 19 and global business conditions the continued spread of the covid 19 pandemic is starting to impact caterpillars supply chain a possibility the company disclosed in its risk factors included in the company s form 10 k filed on february 19 2020 view press release caterpillar foundation provides global covid 19 support press release the caterpillar foundation commits 8 5 million to global covid 19 response efforts learn more our purpose at caterpillar we take pride in what we do and what we make possible from the quality of our products and services to the people who stand behind them but what matters to us most is how we help customers build a better world learn more together we are stronger learn how the caterpillar foundation builds resilient communities that thrive in tomorrow s world full story brands building better who we are covid 19 update quarterly highlights key highlights from caterpillar inc s fourth quarter and full year 2019 earnings results learn more caterpillar investors keep up with timely comprehensive financial and investor information about caterpillar a fortune 100 company and the world s leading manufacturer of construction and mining equipment diesel and natural gas engines industrial gas turbines and diesel electric locomotives learn more caterpillar careers every single caterpillar employee moves our company forward piece by piece part by part person by person learn more caterpillar at a glance we are the worlds leading manufacturer of construction and mining equipment diesel and natural gas engines industrial gas turbines and diesel electric locomotives we are also a leading financial services provider through caterpillar financial services learn more share this </s>
<s>[INST] fishing company fined [/INST] jim beam fined in massive bourbon spill that killed fish december 30 2019 associated press the kentucky department of fish and wildlife resources found dead fish along 62 miles of glenns creek and the kentucky river versailles ky jim beam was fined 600 000 earlier this month after a july warehouse fire sent a nearly 23 mile plume of alcohol into the kentucky and ohio rivers killing fish the distiller agreed to the fine in a dec 6 order from the kentucky energy and environment cabinet the courier journal reports jim beam will also reimburse the state agency 112 000 the july 3 fire was started when lightning struck a massive barrel warehouse near the woodford franklin county line the blaze sent flames shooting into the night sky that could be seen for miles and generated so much heat that firetruck lights melted about 40 000 barrels of aging whiskey were destroyed with the runoff pouring into nearby glenns creek and then downstream into the rivers the kentucky department of fish and wildlife resources found dead fish along 62 miles of glenns creek and the kentucky river there were also dead fish in the ohio river but energy and environment cabinet spokesman john mura has described the impact there as negligible in a comment to the newspaper beam suntory the chicago based spirits company that owns jim beam said while we were able to minimize impacts to the surrounding environment and wildlife we recognize the regrettable and unavoidable impacts of the incident and have been committed to doing what we can to restore the environment that includes making payments to the state to compensate for time spent resources utilized and costs to supplement the local fish population categories news tags fish jim beam kentucky department of fish and wildlife resources kentucky river ohio river leave a reply cancel reply related posts spring walleye fishing on rainy river all but nixed with access closures angling buzz video a study in eelpout fees waived for wisconsin state parks and trails outdoor news store a year s subscription starts at 25 per year subscribe renew today give a gift shop our online store for products and gear print of the year outdoor news history book outdoor news clothing and more visit the store most popular why and when do whitetail bucks shed their antlers man kills grizzly in self defense keeps claws as a memento pope and young club names new world record black bear board oks 6 deer related questions on possible rule changes for spring hearings a state record perch and on her first try ice fishing newsletter signup </s>
<s>[INST] can u buy wood at walmart [/INST] license agents due to the covid 19 outbreak and emergency orders license and ohrv registration agents may be closed have limited hours or other restrictions in place please call them before you visit thank you for your continued support during this difficult time licensing buy your license online residents of nh only discounted senior licenses those who turn 68 years of age on or after jan 1 2016 must purchase an annual license available at any license agent residents of nh only special resident milestone license for those whose date of birth is 12 31 1947 or earlier license must be obtained at fish and game headquarters in concord or fish and game offices in lancaster new hampton or limited license agents view the list staffing at the regional fish and game offices is limited so it is a good idea to call ahead if you hold an over age 68 license or lifetime license presently you are grandfathered and do not need to obtain another one hampton state pier and marina rte 1a hampton nh phone 603 929 0347 although this location is not an agent during limited hours the public may purchase and print hunting and fishing licenses with the use of a credit card general hours are 7 00 am until 5 00 pm but hours vary so call ahead wal mart notes to buy hunting and or archery licenses at a wal mart you must have held a nh hunting or archery license in the year 2000 or later note the following information is accurate to the best of our knowledge some businesses have limited hours call ahead to check hours and form of payment accepted you can buy your license online too go to the online licensing website updated april 2 2020 select a heading to sort business town state address phone natick outdoor store natick ma 38 north ave 508 653 9400 kittery trading post att cash f kittery me 301 us route 1 207 439 2700 alexandria town clerk alexandria nh 47a washburn rd 603 744 3288 town of allenstown allenstown nh 16 school st 603 485 4276 alstead gun shop alstead nh 163 river street 603 835 6122 wal mart amherst amherst nh 85 route 101a 603 672 3421 town of antrim town clerk antrim nh 66 main st 603 588 6785 ashland lumber ashland nh 20 west st 603 968 7626 swiftwater way station bath nh 533 wild ammonoosuc rd 603 747 2929 town of bennington town clerk bennington nh 7 school st 603 588 2189 town of boscawen town clerk boscawen nh 116 north main street 603 753 9188 town of bow bow nh 10 grandview rd 603 223 3980 town of bradford town clerk bradford nh 134 e main st 603 938 2288 town of brentwood town clerk brentwood nh 1 dalton rd 603 642 6400 newfound grocery bridgewater nh 408 mayhew turnpike 603 744 8616 town of campton town clerk campton nh 10 gearty way 603 726 3223 canaan hardware and supply canaan nh 7 on the common lane 603 523 4352 aubuchon hardware ossipee center ossipee nh 1655 rte 16 603 539 6513 town of charlestown town clerk charlestown nh 233 main st 603 826 5821 wal mart claremont claremont nh 14 bowen st 603 542 2703 runnings claremont claremont nh 403 washington st 603 542 1574 black op arms claremont nh 224 washington st 603 504 6678 rudys cabins campground clarksville nh 57 rudy ln 603 246 3418 diamond peaks colebrook nh 1216 route 26 603 237 5104 ducrets sporting goods colebrook nh 133 main street 603 237 4900 wal mart concord concord nh 344 loudon rd 603 226 9312 dicks sporting goods concord concord nh 295 loudon rd 603 224 1564 colonial village pharmacy superm contoocook nh 54 park avenue 603 746 5085 army barracks conway nh 347 white mtn hwy 603 447 6323 coniston general store croydon nh 870 nh rte 10 603 863 7454 white buffalo trading post ctr barnstead nh 89 s barnstead rd rte 126 603 269 3378 town of tuftonboro ctr tuftonboro nh 240 middle rd 603 569 4539 gungewam outfitters danbury nh 1388 us rte 4 603 768 7071 smith river trading post danbury nh 601 us rte 4 603 768 3413 blue bowl deerfield nh 38 north rd 603 463 1061 benson lumber hardware derry nh 6 martin st 603 432 2531 al s gun reel shop derry nh 5 linwood ave 603 432 2708 wal mart derry derry nh 11 ashleigh dr 603 434 3589 dover marine dover nh 17 new rochester rd 603 742 5453 drewsville general store drewsville nh rte 123 78 whitcomb rd 603 445 5120 steves sport shop dublin nh 69 monument rd 603 563 8692 town of east kingston e kingston nh 24 depot rd 603 642 8794 the new deal e wakefield nh 3365 province lake rd 603 522 9725 country goods groceries e wakefield nh 3400 province lake rd 603 522 3507 seven lakes provisions east wakefield nh 1260 province lake rd 603 522 3514 boyles family market effingham nh 41 rte 25 603 539 6034 proctors general store enfield nh 1084 rte 4a 603 632 4638 wal mart epping epping nh 35 fresh river rd 603 679 5919 ll cote errol nh 7 main st 603 482 7777 town of exeter town clerk exeter nh 10 front st 603 778 0591 bottoms up discount beverage fitzwilliam nh 637 rte 12 south 603 585 9073 city of franklin city clerk franklin nh 316 central st 603 934 3109 wal mart gilford gilford nh 1458 lakeshore rd 603 528 8011 town of gilmanton town clerk gilmanton nh 503 province rd 603 267 6726 goffstown hardware goffstown nh 5 depot st 603 497 2682 wal mart gorham gorham nh 561 main st 603 752 4621 town of grantham grantham nh 300 rte 10 south 603 863 5608 suds n soda greenland nh 365 portsmouth ave 603 431 6320 town of northumberland town cl groveton nh 19 main st 603 636 1450 johns archery groveton nh 22 riverside dr 603 636 6140 moms north country powersports groveton nh 149 state st 603 788 2281 town of hampton town clerk hampton nh 100 winnacunnet rd 603 926 0406 hebron village store hebron nh 7 northshore rd 603 774 0555 henniker pharmacy henniker nh 4 bridge st 603 428 3456 town of hill town clerk hill nh 30 cresent st suite 2 603 934 3951 morse sporting goods hillsborough nh 85 contoocook falls rd 603 464 3444 runnings hinsdale hinsdale nh 18 georges field 603 614 4603 wal mart hinsdale hinsdale nh 724 brattleboro rd 603 336 5538 holderness harbor holderness nh 879 us rte 3 603 968 9001 hollis pharmacy and general stor hollis nh 6 ash st 603 465 7100 wal mart hooksett hooksett nh 3 commerce dr 603 644 8144 bass pro shops hooksett nh 2 commerce dr 603 541 5200 town of hopkinton town clerk hopkinton nh 330 main st 603 746 3180 wal mart hudson hudson nh 254 lowell rd 603 598 4226 petes gun tackle shop hudson nh 2 dracut rd 603 889 0684 pelletiers sport shop jaffrey nh 105 peterboro st 603 532 7180 dicks sporting goods keene keene nh 42 ash brook rd 603 357 0861 wal mart keene keene nh 350 winchester st 603 357 7200 town of kingston town clerk kingston nh 163 main st 603 642 3112 perras ace hardware lancaster nh 31 perras rd 603 636 1391 aubuchon hardware lancaster lancaster nh 15 bridge st 603 482 6262 welch s gun shop lebanon nh 103 bank st 603 448 3644 town of lempster lempster nh 856 us rte 10 603 863 3213 pemi cabins lincoln nh 460 rt 3 603 745 8323 du ez in out lisbon nh 79 n main st 603 838 5581 town of litchfield town clerk litchfield nh 2 liberty way suite 3 603 424 4045 wal mart littleton littleton nh 615 meadow st 603 444 6300 lyme country store lyme nh 13 main st 603 795 2213 bait box janet baker lyme ctr nh 361 dorchester rd 603 795 3172 wal mart manchester manchester nh 725 gold st 603 621 9666 wildlife sport outfitters manchester nh 2188 candia rd 603 625 9958 ajs bait tackle meredith nh 8 maple st suite 5 603 279 3152 meredith woods clearwater camp meredith nh 551 rte 104 603 279 5449 meriden deli mart meriden nh 809 rte 120 603 469 3222 merrimack firearms merrimack nh 280 dw hwy unit c 603 424 4867 town of middleton town clerk middleton nh 182 kings hwy 603 473 5210 gords corner store milan nh 1156 w milan rd 603 449 2236 county store inc milford nh 321 k nashua st 603 673 1337 town of milton milton nh 424 white mtn hwy 603 652 4501 trexler s marine moultonborough nh 15 long island rd 603 253 7315 skelleys market moultonborough nh 374 governor wentworth hwy 603 476 8887 sam s outdoor outfitters n swanzey nh 74 monadnock hwy 603 352 6200 town of woodstock n woodstock nh 165 lost river rd 603 745 8752 bills gifts nashua nh 21 elm st 603 889 0521 dicks sporting goods nashua nashua nh 310 daniel webster hwy suite 102 603 888 3579 j dons variety nashua nh 1081 w hollis st 603 889 5742 granite state rod and reel repai nashua nh 6 holbrook dr 603 880 6031 nashua sports cycle nashua nh 5 rockne dr 603 897 0350 pro line powersports new boston nh 626 n mast rd 603 497 8470 berrys bait new durham nh 69 rte 11 603 340 4744 new ipswich market new ipswich nh 575 turnpike rd 603 878 2242 town of new london town clerk new london nh 375 main st 603 526 4821 the tackle shack newbury nh 894 route 103 603 763 5508 dicks sporting goods newington newington nh 45 gosling rd unit 5 603 431 8036 wal mart newington newington nh 2200 woodbury ave 603 430 9985 town of newmarket town clerk newmarket nh 186 main street 603 659 3617 sears hometown of newport newport nh 958 john stark hwy 603 543 4111 pinnacle sports newport nh 22 coitview rd 603 843 8667 town of newton town clerk newton nh 2 town hall rd 603 382 4405 wal mart north conway north conway nh 46 north south rd 603 356 0130 vernondale store north sutton nh 1526 rte 114 603 927 4256 heritage hardware northwood nh 1382 1st nh turnpike 603 942 7741 orford town clerk orford nh 2529 route 25a 603 353 4404 pattersons grocery deli orford nh 577 nh rte 10 603 353 4703 discount madness pelham nh 44 bridge st 603 635 1771 town clerk of pelham pelham nh 6 village green 603 508 3076 tall timber lodge pittsburg nh 609 beach rd 603 538 6651 treats and treasures pittsburg nh 3316 n main st 603 538 7472 youngs general store pittsburg nh 2792 n main st 603 538 6616 lopstick pittsburg nh 45 stewart young rd 603 538 6659 town of pittsfield town clerk pittsfield nh 85 main st 603 435 6773 wal mart plaistow plaistow nh 58 plaistow rd 603 382 2839 rands hardware plymouth nh 71 main st 603 536 1000 wal mart plymouth attn sport go plymouth nh 683 tenney mountain hwy 603 536 5352 wal mart portsmouth portsmouth nh 2460 lafayette rd 603 433 6008 radio grove hardware raymond nh 250 rte 27 603 895 2233 mountain road trading post raymond nh 68 mountain rd 603 895 3501 ace hardware ben franklin raymond nh 15 freetown rd 603 895 2370 pawtuckaway trading post raymond nh 61 nh 27 cozy corner plaza unit 6 603 244 2463 wal mart rindge rindge nh 750 us rte 202 603 899 6882 coyote creek outfitters rochester nh 22 farmington rd 603 332 3270 wal mart rochester rochester nh 116 farmington rd 603 332 4300 rumney village store rumney nh 453 main street 603 786 6020 wal mart salem salem nh 326 n broadway 603 894 5642 dicks sporting goods salem salem nh 77 rockingham blvd 603 824 3152 dockside marina salem nh 321 n main st 603 893 8882 barn store of new england salisbury nh 96 old turnpike rd 603 648 2888 longmeadow farm home supply sanbornville nh 59 meadow st 603 522 3604 town of sandown sandown nh 320 main st 603 887 4870 wal mart seabrook seabrook nh 700 lafayette rd 603 474 2037 town of seabrook town clerk seabrook nh 99 lafayete rd 603 474 3152 dicks sporting goods seabrook seabrook nh 700 lafayette rd suite 212 603 760 7369 wal mart somersworth somersworth nh 59 waltons way 603 692 6346 big deal spofford nh 1474 rte 9 603 363 4545 town of strafford strafford nh 12 mountain view dr 603 664 2192 gomarlos supermarket swanzey nh 765 w swanzey rd 603 352 3409 wal mart tilton tilton nh 33 sherwood dr 603 286 7673 bryant lawrence tilton nh 268 main st 603 286 4322 fosters crossroads twin mtn nh 21 riverside dr 603 846 2283 wal mart w lebanon w lebanon nh 285 plainfield rd 603 298 5014 demmons country store w nottingham nh 368 stage rd 603 942 8840 town of wakefield wakefield nh 2 high st 603 522 6205 town of warner town clerk warner nh 5 east main st 603 456 2298 washington general store washington nh 29 n main st 603 495 3131 town of washington washington nh 7 half moon pond rd 603 495 3667 town of waterville valley waterville valley nh 14 tac ln 603 236 4730 country 3 corners weare nh 833 south stark hwy 603 529 7539 shawnees general store wentworth nh 732 mt moosilauke hwy 603 764 5553 the village gun store whitefield nh 4 kings square 603 837 2345 whitefield town clerk whitefield nh 56 littleton rd 603 837 9871 putnam s clothing store wilton nh 41 main st 603 654 6564 trader johns gun shop winchester nh 600 keene rd 603 239 4032 main st mini mart winchester nh 104 main st 603 239 6200 town of windham windham nh 3 n lowell rd 603 434 5075 dive winnipesaukee wolfeboro nh 4 n main st po box 2198 603 569 8080 waynes market woodstock nh 173 main street 603 745 8819 wal mart woodsville woodsville nh 4901 dartmouth college hwy 603 747 8250 r l archery barre vt 70 smith st 802 479 9151 quicklinks jobs maps publications report a poacher wildlife heritage foundation of nh sitemap contact us 603 271 3421 11 hazen drive concord nh 03301 nh gov privacy policy accessibility policy copyright new hampshire fish and game department an official new hampshire government website </s>
<s>[INST] buy wood nz [/INST] home kiwi lumber home about careers at kiwi lumber profile sustainability certification mission statement values radiata pine an overview radiata pine characteristics products appearance decking outdoor structural processing sawmills masterton dannevirke putaruru kiln drying planer mills treatment quality our commitment health safety environment gallery products processing merchants contact us key people mill locations contact us search menu renewable radiata pine strong radiata pine sustainable radiata pine long lasting radiata pine new zealand radiata pine timeless radiata pine kiwi lumber overview gain an understanding of kiwi lumber our sawmills the products we produce and our values more careers at kiwi lumber discover the wide range of career opportunities available at kiwi lumber more decking kiwi lumber premium decking is a top grade decking product which we have been proudly manufacturing for many years more products kiwi lumber manufactures acomprehensiverangeof wood products from renewal new zealand radiata pine more quality at kiwi lumber we place a focus on producing consistent quality products using modern systems and technologies more about us kiwi lumber is a privately owned new zealand company operating three modern sawmills in the north island of new zealand putaruru dannevirke and masterton more quality at kiwi lumber we place a focus on producing consistent quality products using modern systems and technologies wehave a comprehensive internal and external quality control process to ensure wood products are treated in accordance with all appropriate regulations and standards more sawmills all kiwi lumber sawmills are maintained to the highest possible standards and through the use of modern technology we are able to ensure excellent cutting accuracy and efficiency of production more certification our logs are purchased from leading forestry companies allowing us to secure grades of logs that are best suited to our customers requirements more contact us new zealand first floor 205 hastings street south hastings 4122 p o box 11112 hastings north 4158 telephone 64 06 872 7300 fax 64 06 872 7301 associate associate </s>
<s>[INST] buy a woodland [/INST] 3195 28th street se grand rapids mi 49512 616 949 0012 mall is closed stores dine deals events about the best place to find great deals filter by all categories all categories women s fashion men s fashion shoes jewelry food restaurants music electronics video entertainment home and office sports and fitness children s fashion menus black friday health beauty easter shop dine arts featured new arrivals filter by all stores all stores a beautiful soul aerie aeropostale aldo altar d state american eagle outfitters ann taylor apple atm auntie anne s banana republic bareminerals barnes noble barnes noble cafe bath body works black rock bar grill brow bar buckle campus den celebration cinema champs sports chico s claire s cosmic candy company customized teez dairy queen orange julius dakota watch company dry goods express express men foot locker forever 21 forever 21 forever 21 men francesca s gamestop gnc great steak and potato co h m hallmark hollister hot topic icing j crew j jill jamba jcpenney jcpenney optical jcpenney portraits jcpenney styling salon jimmy jazz johnston murphy jordan jeweler journeys journeys kidz justice kay jewelers kids foot locker lenscrafters lids lotus express lush handmade cosmetics lynny nails mac cosmetics at macy s macy s makarios decor mall management office massage works masters barber beauty millenium nails olga s kitchen on the border pacsun paddle north pandora piercing pagoda pink pottery barn premier by dead sea president tuxedo red robin rei rogers hollands jewelers sbarro sephora sephora inside jcpenney shoe dept sleep number soma spencer s starbucks su alterations subway suki hana sunglass hut surf city squeeze swarovski the cheesecake factory the children s place the grassy knoll the north face torrid toysmark tradehome shoes tricho salon urban outfitters vans vera bradley victoria s secret von maur white house black market williams sonoma windsor yankee candle company zales zason latino mexican grill zumiez deals icing vip private party soma birthday bash zales dazzling deals save up to 50 off zales buy more save more williams sonoma 20 off le creuset stainless steel toughened nonstick williams sonoma 30 off select coravin wine preservation systems williams sonoma up to 50 off breville electrics </s>
<s>[INST] buy best fish oil [/INST] oceana menu what we do our campaigns expeditions victories take action donate living blue sustainable seafood recipes 10 things you can do to save the oceans sustainable seafood guide support give today international donations making a planned gift corporate partners donating stock workplace and matched gifts oceana events fish oil offers few health benefits but plenty of harm scientists say by alayna alvarez december 19 2016 fish oil supplements are touted as heart health miracles but there s little evidence they do anything other than lighten consumers wallets demand for fish oil may also be harming some key marine ecosystems photo credit supitcha mcadam shutterstock you might never have heard of atlantic menhaden before but if you take fish oil supplements theres a good chance youve consumed these small smelly fish in pill form though americans spend 1 2 billion on fish oil every year theres scant evidence that these pills arethe heart health boon they remade out to be and when it comes to catching certain species to reduce into oil we could be doing a world of harm to marine ecosystems the supplements industry ignores or dismisses randomized trial evidence that does not favor its products and promotes less rigorous evidence to support use of its products said andrew grey an associate professor of medicine at the university of auckland in new zealand grey authored a 2014 analysis on fish oil in jama internal medicine that compiled 24 of the best studies on fish oil from the worlds most prestigious scientific journals he found 22 of the 24 studies showed no evidence to support fish oils prevention of heart attacks and he is not alone in his research either among numerous other investigations information compiled by the national center for complementary and integrative health also found that omega 3s in supplement form have not been shown to protect against heart disease aside from the controversy surrounding the heartbenefits of fish oil another issue remains oxidation a study in the united states referenced in the journal of nutritional science found that 27 percent of fish oil products tested were found to have more than twice the recommended levels of oxidation fish oil is extracted as a byproduct from oily fish like menhaden or anchovies when the fish are ground up theyre exposed to oxygen and it doesnt take much oxygen to turn fish oil rancid oxidized fish oil can cause inflammatory responses inside human cells that can lead to health problems such as cardiovascular disease the exact disease the capsule claims to prevent the problem with menhaden menhaden is a foot long oily fish that spends its life off the u s atlantic coast feeding on algae and converting it exceptionally well into omega 3 fatty acids each individual menhaden filters up to 7 gallons of water per minute clarifying the water and in turn allowing sunlight to penetrate through to the sea floor and stimulate vegetative growth vital to the ecosystem they also play an integral part in the food web feeding many of the fish we love to eat striped bass bluefish and tuna as well as those we love to admire such as whales and dolphins most people consider menhaden to be inedible but we still catch plenty of them for other uses omega protein corp a houston based company with a monopoly on the menhaden industry processes these fish into meal used for fertilizer and animal feed and fish oil at a plant in reedville virginia three fourths of the atlantic menhaden caught coast wide are done so by the companys fishing fleet h bruce franklin historian and author of the most important fish in the sea said that catching huge numbers of menhaden for fish oil would be the equivalent of grinding up the worlds bees to make aphrodisiacs theres no science to support doing it and it would trigger the collapse of agriculture what we have here is the looting of the most important fish in the sea he said taking out of the sea billions of these fish for no reason other than to enrich the shareholders and offices of one company tess geers marine scientist at oceana who studied menhaden in the gulf of mexico said the atlantic menhaden fishery is presently smaller than the gulfs because it is still recovering from historic depletion despite the latest stock assessment report finding atlantic menhaden populations are not overfished she said todays menhaden population is not able to fully fulfill its ecological role along the entire atlantic coast the silver lining but its not all doom and gloom for marine ecosystems depending on menhaden or for consumers looking to improve their health new technology exists to fill supply issues for epa and dha two types of omega 3s like algae and gmo based technology said doug bibus an expert on fatty acids at the university of minnesota as a sustainable alternative franklin and geers suggested consumers can eliminate the middleman aka menhaden and instead try taking omega 3s directly in the form of algal oil supplements or they can simply eat more whole fish a low cholesterol protein packed with omega 3s and brain boosting nutrients like riboflavin iron and calcium facebook twitter google plus back to blog be an ocean hero donate to oceana today petitions featured campaign save the oceans feed the world we are restoring the worlds wild fish populations to serve as a sustainable source of protein for people learn more more campaigns bycatch ocean pollution seafood fraud marine wildlife view all campaigns featured petition ask grubhub to take shark fins off the menu sign our petition to tell grubhub to take shark fin off the menu now before the oceans most iconic predators disappear take action more campaigns by catch ocean pollution seafood fraud marine wildlife view all </s>
<s>[INST] where to buy herring in vancouver [/INST] pacific herring latin name clupea pallasi group name pelagics habitat pacific herring are distributed widely throughout the north pacific from the beaufort sea to baha california in the east and from siberia to the korean peninsula in the west their range also extends westward into the russian arctic overlapping with that of the atlantic herring a pelagic schooling fish pacific herring are migratory and move closer to the coast during spawning in canada they are fished commercially for food including for their roe a delicacy in japan and for bait an inshore schooling species that moves into bays and estuaries during late winter and spawns inter tidally until the spring their adhesive eggs cling to eelgrass kelp and pilings and attract many fish species description small and slender silver fish with an elongated body and a forked tail pacific herring closely resemble atlantic herring they have a bluish to olive green coloured back becoming iridescent silver on their sides and belly their body is covered with large scales they can grow to about 30 centimetres and live to approximately 15 years pacific herring fishing tips tricks and tactics piers pacific herring are caught on sabiki type herring rigs at most piers typically the schools move in with the high tide and it is a hit or miss proposition as anglers cast and retrieve from the piers if the fish are present you will often get three at a time if absent you will get none shoreline can be taken by shore anglers when they show in nearshore areas boats rarely taken from boats bait and tackle herring are mainly taken with bait rigs a person can make their own using small size 8 12 hooks light and sharp or use a commercial rig such as a sabiki or lucky lura to the end of the leader is attached either a chrome torpedo sinker or a heavy spoon just heavy enough to cast out the line generally a long cast is made the outfit is allowed to sink part way and a slow retrieve with an occasional twitch is made fishing generally best at high tide especially at night if there are lights on the pier check with local tackle shops to see if the herring are running best times are generally december to may along the bc coastline in coast rivers a few are possible almost any time during the summer herring fishing resources below youll find some additional resources to help you catch herring we hope the information provided on this page will help improve your herring fishing success and your success as an angler overall feel free to share this website with your fellow anglers to show your support for our website i know who wants to share the fishing secrets but the best way to thank us is to promote our website pacific herring wikipedia learn more about herring about us sponsor us contact us home disclaimer policy rules terms conditions copyright 2018 fishnbc com all rights reserved we are a participant in the amazon associates program an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to amazon and affiliated sites </s>
<s>[INST] buy wood ladder [/INST] things to consider before buying an attic ladder 1 know your dimensions because an attic ladder goes into your ceiling its important to make sure that your ceiling and surrounding area are appropriate for the ladder you are considering make sure you accurately measure your opening size floor to ceiling height as well as swing clearance and landing space so you select a ladder that will fit the space you have learn more 2 materials whether you prefer lightweight and long lasting aluminum or economical wood we have attic ladders for your various needs traditional aluminum attic ladders support up to 375 pounds user and materials carried while our compact attic ladder and w series wood ladders are rated at 250 pounds our wh series wood ladders are rated for 350 pounds 3 installation most attic ladders require 2 people to install properly you must also have sawing squaring and aligning skills similar to those required to install a window or a door frame if you do not have these skills you should hire a professional carpenter to install this unit every ladder comes with a step by step instruction manual and online videos are also available to assist you with installation 4 building code verify that the product you are considering and its installation meet all applicable building codes in your area </s>
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<s>[INST] fishing company florida [/INST] gulfstream fishing key west s leading name in party boat fishing click here to book a trip book a trip most popular charter best value click here to visit party boat trip 10 a m party boat trip 10 a m led by a professionally trained andlicensed crew your key west fishing adventure starts here spend your day on the water and learn the local secrets that have led us to catch record breaking snappers groupers click here to book now book now 66 95 hour glass 6 hours duration 6 hours users all ages ages all ages calendar year round season year round safety passion teamwork gulfstream fishing catching payloads of fish since 1947 our key west party boat fishing charter is the longest running deep sea fishing party boat in key west florida weve racked up the local knowledge to make this fishing experience one you cant forget the waters off the florida keys are teeming with visually stunning marine life and the crew of gulfstream knows how to catch them book your trip and come see for yourself five star excursions great experience my husband and i were on vacation and decided to book a fishing trip what a great time we had the captain and crew were fantastic everyone caught fish angela made sure nobody went hungry or thirsty we even learned a great deal about the different species of fish and marine life in the keys i can t wait to come back and will definitely recommend this trip to any of my friends visiting the area thank you so much for the great memories roam50873334392 tripadvisor great fishing great crew great time my friends and i had a great time on gulfstream iv capt skip david and angela were a lot of fun and super helpful the crystal blue water was not only beautiful but allowed us to see right down to the bottom of several of fishing spots we stopped at we brought home at least 15 fish you tend to lose count after so many there were even a couple extremely friendly dogs aboard on our journey and the food angela cooked for us while we were at sea was superb spacecoaststeve tripadvisor great trip i have been fishing with gulfstream since 1991 it is my favorite single day party boat operation we had a fantastic night catching yellowtail and mangrove snapper this is a great opportunity to take the family out and fish in paradise economically the staff is kind and patient so its suitable for beginners as well as experts i highly recommend it joelepro tripadvisor great time great boat our family had a great time we won a t shirt prior to boarding and we never win anything the crew was great with our kids ages 6 and 9 they got the full treatment from everyone from check in to when we got the fish cleaned at the end of the trip we caught the second biggest fish on the boat our 9 yr old is begging for another trip with captain neil and mate ray we will definitely return next year manzmanp tripadvisor fantastic went out while visiting friends in key west and had a great day of fishing we caught enough snappers for three meals and even gave some away the staff was all very friendly and fun especially our mate ray we had so much fun the entire trip there is a place to purchase food and drinks so all you have to do is show up kcajnllij tripadvisor </s>
<s>[INST] buy quality wood chisels [/INST] woodturning tools without handles 7mm double ended turning gouges you can of course grip any turning tool whose bar diameter is between 12mm and 13mm place the end of the handle against your hip turning tool packages with 3 4 5 or 6 tools plus handles hamlet tools are available without handles as well if you have trouble turning the screw avoid stripping the head shop online click collect today or get it delivered now you can read the article here click on reviews click on handles to see the updated article ron mckinley wrote to make your own tool handle it converts easily with adaptors to bowls gauge turning and takes a variety of shear scrapers for finishing simple woodturning tools are made in the usa by harrison specialties in ramsey minnesota the hamlet multi handle system is without doubt the best all around system that there is today feb 08 2011 if youre in the latter group youre exactly the customer for whom elkhead tools is building premium screwdrivers one small batch at a time results 1 48 of 2592 it s designed to handle the pressure of gouging out bowls made as woodturning projects made from m2 tools can be ordered with or without wood handles if you use manufactured handles the hunter tool shanks are turned to fit standard handles be sure to check out the retrofit section for tools to fit into the popular captured hollowing systems woodturning tool store is dedicated to providing quality tools and equipment to the woodturning community at the correct angle and with the proper amount of pressure decorate robert sorby is widely regarded as the finest woodturning tool manufacturer in the gilt edge chisels wooden box boxwood handle set of 5 5510dbs all tools are 10 inches long with a 6 inch flute except the 5 8 bowl gouges that are 12 inches sb tools 16 carbon fiber er25 collet handle due to popular demand handles can now be purchased with or without er25 and er32 collets are available in multiple sizes we are offering the most popular sizes for woodturning tools the only one that is good all around without messing up wood is evapo rust fyi metal rescue is the same thing if you like manufacturer a s tools but don t like their handles you can buy just the blades and aim for smooth flowing curves with no flat spots or sudden changes of direction as with all my chisels you will find there is much more versatility given a little time and practise to get to know your tools 1 2 3 4 and 1 tubing and couplings gives you a large range of ferrules to choose from to handle the demand soc is also hiring business continuity coronavirus crisis puts cios plans to the test as the coronavirus pandemic spreads cio have the perfect opportunity to brush up on business continuity planning as they mar 20 2020 7 ways to retire even when the economy is heading south common wood chisels simply are too short and are ill designed for this purpose mark on the face of your wood where the screws are located aug 08 2019 lathe tools are called chisels stubai hss without handle stubai hss micro tools wood lathes lathe supplies jaw chucks jaw chuck accessories turning tools turning supplies surface treatment stone carving krampus masks roughouts workshop equipment surface treatment sharpening rasps modelling study casts books new products specials goodies extraordinary item gift voucher courses oct 15 2016 best lathe chisels best wood turning tools this makes perfect sense because a handle that fits and feels right gives a turner confidence you can also use the copper couplings which will be larger then the tubing the scraper is one of the easiest tools to sharpen the only technical part is the angle most literature suggests using a 70 degree angle aug 13 2015 its the tool of choice for taking a square blank and turning it round swept back grind bowl shaping tool this tool is originally intended for use with 12 is there any online shops offering such a product making a woodturning tool handle with a rich history spanning over 175 years disston tools is a global manufacturer of hole saws bandsaw blades jig saw blades reciprocating saw blades drill bits and other hand and power tool related accessories for the diy contractor and industrial markets you can use a drawknife spokeshave block plane or any combination thereof apr 02 2020 its a great time to spend some quality time in your shop scheppach hss 6 piece woodturning chisel set 129 99 postage heavy duty triple tempered steel turning tools wood turning is fast becoming a popular hobby for woodworkers of all skill levels where expert woodworkers buy their tools d way tools specializes in bowl gouges spindle gouges beading tools negative rake scrapers parting tools and cbn wheels they limit the vibration and are not icy cold to the touch in my un insulated garage shop building your own power tools is a specialized skill but with the right planning and patience you can diy everything in your workshop this makes perfect sense because a handle that fits and feels right gives a turner confidence made of heavy duty triple tempered tool steel these wood lathe turning tools have ground tips for precision turning more than 40 people joined the wasatch hills video church service saturday the day when seventh day adventists observe the sabbath sp wood art 46 785 views 15 hours ago like the rowes and their church many faith communities across utah are turning to technology in various forms to continue religious traditions and rituals without in person meetings or gatherings 95 in any case you can get them from hamlet directly many such handles are available 26 hctovaljb special oval skew without handle lenght 250 mm each tool also available separate www copper tubing is a quick and easy material to use for tool handle ferrules see these carbide tools slice through wood like a hot knife through butter on our youtube instructional videos best of all when the handle is too long hitting the tail stock of the bed i can very quickly change to a shorter handle without the use of any tools shop online or find a store near you for turning supplies premium woodturning tools supplies carter and son toolworks i ve not been turning very long and the chap who is helping me suggested that turning handles for chisels and gouges is a good exercise for beginners the hardwood handles are shaped to minimize operator fatigue with soft or rotting wood we recommend using polycryl wood fortifier applied days or weeks before turning or minwax wood hardener can be applied while turning 65 ex vat add to cart razor sharp carbide woodturning tools in full size 17 and mid size 9 lengths bowl gouges come supplied in different handle lengths and in some cases they with 200 years of experience in the woodworking industry they are without doubt 3 dec 2019 it is ideal for both bulky and pen projects the size of the lathe notwithstanding jul 15 2019 decades ago woodturning tools came without handles and turners would simply fashion their own we also offer our shaving components separately to give you a virtually unlimited choice of options i started sharpening by hand and made the jig to see if one was worth the buying parts air nailers and staplers cordless power tools clearance featured brands featured products again use your non tool hand to catch the turning as it comes off the lathe tools can be ordered with or without wood handles if you use manufactured handles the hunter tool shanks are turned to fit standard handles be sure to check out the retrofit section for tools to fit into the popular captured hollowing systems simple woodturning tools carbide parting and grooving tool for wood turning lathe no handle usa made by simple woodturning tools only 6 left in stock order soon common types of traditional turning tools include gouges skew chisels parting tools and specialty tools woodturning magazine reviewed our tools traditional wood turning tools are made from high speed steel hss and require regular sharpening constructed from high quality materials our tools and handles will not disappoint turning sink faucet shutoff valves on or off can be difficult since the valves are often hard to reach in the back of a kitchen cabinet or bathroom vanity with ease pen turning and woodworking timberbits is australia s leading supplier of pen turning and woodworking machinery tools and accesories for making your woodworking project inserts can be rotated to a new cutting edge without changing the position of the tool holder each has three sides no the stabilizing resin is not suitable for bowl blanks this will help to reduce the chance of experiencing hand fatigue featuring a horsepower motor that handles increased capacities easily this lathe can maintain consistent rpm through a much wider range of turning situations the tool meets the wood just below the centerline of the blank to coax the best out your stock you need the finest wood turning tools like gouges and scrapers lathe chucks and the latest lathe accessories we like this 7lb maybe the dealers don t stock them but they should be able to order them object object woodturning tools curved scraper sorby rikons heavy duty 70 3040 variable speed lathe features an innovative sliding bed that increases your turning capacity with just a turning of a switch the special motorized upper bed effortlessly moves to the right away from the headstock to double the standard between centers distance from 20 to 40 here are the essential carving tools that a woodworker cannot do without this is a must for every amateur and serious turner alike hurricane htc100 4 woodturning 4 jaw chuck kit w dovetail jaws compare add to cart view details here are a few of the many types turning tools you may find gouges learn about basic tools you ll need and how to use them by selling directly to end users we provide the best quality products at the best price to professionals and hobbyists a in order to properly sharpen a tool the grinder wheel must be round and clean modular turning tool handles adapters and more for unhandled woodturning tools d way tools specializes in bowl gouges spindle gouges beading tools click on handles to see the updated article ron mckinley wrote to make your own tool handle finish the honey dipper with sanding and finishing just like you did the rest of the turning while researching the purchase of my jet jwl 1236 woodworking lathe many who offered advice on lathes also suggested getting a set of quality turning chisels how to work from home without losing it i have some excellent fishtails that are very handyive never seen any comparable ones available commercially because the best lathe chisels for the job depend on how you plan to use them the shank is turned down to fractional size so it will fit any handle whether you are just learning how to use wood lathe turning tools or you are an experienced craftsman 00 maine wood concepts is the leading usa manufacturer of sustainably harvested custom wood turnings wood tool handles and custom molded wooden parts forgetting to lock out pets since the beginning our philosophy of business has been to buy direct and sell direct to the end user avoiding traditional dealership networks and passing the savings directly to the customer we are continuing to manufacture and ship products every day as well as answering questions via phone and email pro forme flexi hollowing tool cutter without the adjustable brass guard simple woodturning tools are american made in minnesota this homemade extension handle made from 1 diameter schedule 40 pvc pipe will make your plumbing jobs a little easier 12 45 stock metal bar from fb and made a quick handle for my new tools this way they look different so i pick up the carbide tool without searching my old stuff and beside it is fun on your lathe apr 11 2017 this tool is a necessity when your soil is rocky or full of tree roots click on the type of tool you want using the icons b explore our range of chisels lathe tools at carbatec the home of woodworking 6 hours ago there are ways you can create zucchini noodles without a spiralizer they showed how to make a hollowing tool that only costs a few dollars to make on sale the chap in my local woodturning shop tells me that his suppliers will no longer sell him tools without handles as it s a safety risk so the shop can t stock them may 01 2019 position the large gouge tip turned up onto the tool rest handles with a metal striking cap prolongs it s life and is able to withstand hammer blows if you were to use this tool on a bowl you would risk the tool breaking because the tool has a weak point going into the handle woodworkers emporium has sold professional tools since 1980 woodturning tools the new wheel can be obtained from most wood turning suppliers this makes sure you stay in control maximize your machining time and stay ahead of the competition in fact the wait for receiving an elkhead tool order can be three to eight weeks they are fitted with metal striking caps that can handle a good beating 0 bids beginners set of 3 carbide turning tools hollower rougher detailer plus optional handle starter set of 3 carbide simple woodturning tools with optional 17 interchangeable handle with foam grip the heavy duty construction and flexible configuration allow you to turn spheres from 1 inch to 14 inches in diameter on most lathes from 10 to 25 my preference is to make my own and i like them to be wood long and feature brazed on tips for durability and long performance life the inside edge of the socket should not dig into the handle when you push the handle in tool handles and ferrules may 31 2019 get youtube without the ads n 3610 stubai woodturning chisel set 5 pcs consisting of 1 piece each 3622 12 3628 13 n 5950 stubai parting tool without handle tapered profile purchasing one of our starter sets offers savings on kits and components take a minute to stash your work tools like your handle weight especially for manual wire strippers youre going to want to find a tool with a comfortable grip view details 84 simple quick success without frustration of dull tools these chisels are made of carbon steel with these chisels you spend a lot less time sharpening and more time woodturning excellent value vs all that sharpening equipment rather than cutting a woodturning scraper scrapes using a burr the short reinforced body not only clears spaces but is easy to store jul 19 2017 if youre looking for a great repurposing project for old garden tools and you love rustic furniture these table and chair projects are perfect and if they do then 2 most turners will recommend that you buy the biggest lathe you can afford 5 inc does anyone know where i can get gouges and chisels without the handles just the irons i was speaking to a professional turner who has made all of his own tool handles he said he would pick the irons only up at wood working shows for around 10 you can purchase most of these blade only at a discounted price and make your own handle look for the handle option in the item s detailed view a ready made handle is fine but it may not suit the turner s preference turning style or needs shaping smoothing finishing fluting and veining all done on one machine the jet jwl 1236 is a dream tool for any lathe enthusiast takes all the strain away from turning hollow and open forms apply light pressure with a vegetable peeler along the sides of the zucchini 95 inc vat 105 full size tools the lathe bits are 2 1 2 in they feature long round curved handles to afford a solid grip and sufficient leverage to enable the turner to control the cutting edge accurately with minimal fatigue is a national retail and internet company providing a wide variety of high quality woodworking and metalworking machinery power tools hand tools and accessories taking burlwood and creating a bowl or turning the intricate pattern of a chair stile is an exercise in discovery precision ground tips quality high speed steel hss woodturning tools will outlast the edge life of carbon steel tools by up to six times 31 do your due diligence in order to avoid surprises these new cutters are hardened and triple tempered to our exacting standards then machine ground ready to use the market is wildly unpredictable right now psi live centers provide higher turning speeds clamping pressure without needing separate lubrication lathe tool rests solid tool rests will provide the ultimate chisel control the ez change faucet tool is a multi purpose under sink plumbing tool that works on most faucets system handles and components the handles and buttons may be the same but different intentions change everything our goal is to provide you a selection of unique quality products and also ensure that the service and support we provide makes your experience with us pleasant and hassle free from handle balance to tool grinds we re not cutting corners the goal is for your customer to feel good when they leave your store whether they make a purchase or not turning tools main menu berger hollowing tools boring bar parts carter and son tools carter hollow roller system chinese ball making tools chatter tools crown tools easy wood tools ellsworth tools tool handles and ferrules hunter carbide tools jamieson cutters and parts jordan tools lacer skews oneway mastercut gouges munro jul 15 2019 decades ago woodturning tools came without handles and turners would simply fashion their own better tools give you the best chance of a pleasurable and successful project another option is to mount the tool in a wooden handle made especially for it available from trusted brands that are manufactured to maintain its sharpness yourself slowly lower the tip until it engages the wood and begins to chatter com just when i thought i was getting the basics right mike my brother bought me a book for christmas entitled wood turning a craftsman guide by mark baker thanks bro removing rust cheaply without affecting wood handles i ve got a few really good methods that don t require babysitting gouge bowl fingernail long handle 1 2in powder metal and cryogenics is the future of woodturning and finally affordable custom tools can be made to your specifications aug 02 2012 decades ago woodturning tools came without handles and turners would simply fashion their own 88 new 8pc wood lathe chisel set turning tools woodworking gouge skew parting spear does anyone know where i can get gouges and chisels without the handles just the irons i was speaking to a professional turner who has made all of his own tool handles he said he would pick the irons only up at wood working shows for around 10 i wanted to let you know we are still here for your woodturning needs through this crazy time 5 lbs and is wrapped with a cushioned foam grip eur 111 the idea is that the tool will be inserted into a handle usually metal and purchased separately having set screws or a collet to hold it in place i already have the three mini tools from easy wood tools the mini easy rougher mini easy finisher and the mini easy detailer it is important to have got all of funds before your budget i prefer a wooden handle over metal because i like the jan 11 2019 although you can handle most of your projects without a wood lathe you might need this tool if you want to produce items with even and smooth surfaces designing from the turners perspective lets you concentrate on turning instead of fussing with your lathe carving knife this is perhaps one of the very first carving tools that a wood carver starts with sharpening by hand is as much an art as a science but the jig will make it easy woodturning can be a very enjoyable hobby and if one focuses on learning good fundamental woodturning basics it can be a safe hobby too at robust tools we combine skillful engineering and quality materials to produce premium woodturning lathes and accessories measuring tools sizing gauges callipers sovereign system sovereign accessories sovereign handles sovereign sets sovereign ultima specialist woodturning tools bead forming tools decorating finishing tools hollowing tools indexing precision boring micro turning tools gouges parting tools scrapers skews modular micro tools gouges dec 19 2014 turning tools come handled or unhandled meaning of course with or without a handle this burr must be kept sharp to be effective local aaw woodturning clubs are the best source for used lathes that are not antiques or cheap junk work the gouge back and forth along the wood surface and against the tool rest until the chattering stops and the stock is round a chisel is a tool with a characteristically shaped cutting edge of blade on its end for carving or cutting a hard material such as wood stone or metal by hand struck with a mallet wood chisels are important for any joinery project and consist of a blade and a handle to accurately cut and shape wood the two most frustrating things you can do in wood turning are trying to turn without sharp tools and trying to get a good edge on those tools the crown chisels are made with great high speed steel the only problem was the tiny handles on them the factory handles were about 8 we stock bedan and captive ring tools the cygnet tool or baby swan is an ideal tool for small diameter and small opening hollow forms use a vegetable peeler outside neck turning is far superior to inside reaming as a reamer would tend to follow the off center hole when using a scraper it is held at a downward angle tool lower than the handle finely crafted wood turning tools invented by an internationally renowned woodturner once youre satisfied that the handle fits turn the handle around and start shaping it take care of each other trent for wood lathes with 1 x 8 tpi spindleswe would like to introduce you to the hurricane htc100 100mm 4 jaw self centering finely crafted wood turning tools invented by an internationally renowned woodturner generally holding the tool at about a 30 angle from the tool rest is effective woodturning on the lathe is like magic hope easy arm hollowing jig turning the radio on or anything that will get you into the right frame of mind she says the small rake or other small gardening tool is used for the handle and the entire project is a beautiful as it is easy to build the trick is knowing when a tool needs a touch up before the damage is done a roughing out gouge is usually required to make edged workpieces items 1 12 of 136 tools view all hardware slides hinges drawer sides table legs corner blocks angle irons knobs handles glues adhesives its fairly wide sometimes ridiculously wide and tends to have a straight grind easy woodturning now if you looking for some wood turning chisels you need the strength and durability that the imotechom 8 pieces hss lathe set provides shop plumbing wrenches specialty tools in the plumbing tools cements section of lowes here s what can and does happenyou step out of the room you re painting and pretty soon your dog is in there sniffing around enjoy turning don t waste time sharpening 1 woodcut tools is a manufacturer of innovative high quality tools for woodturners the wood should be free and you can get it from any municpal dumping area for firewood and woodchips by timothy made of heavy duty triple tempered tool steel these wood lathe turning tools have ground tips for precision turning turning handles and multipurpose tools just a slight twist of the easy grip large knurled knob is all that is needed to lock the tool securely into the handle jan 15 2018 a wood lathe spins the workpiece while you move cutting tools by hand to create smooth curves and contours wood turning projects for beginners hi jason hamlet tools are available without handles as well 5 inches in length which is way too short for serious turning so once gain adjust the angle of your tool rest to where the angle will be around 70 degrees and start grinding he grabs the paintbrsh handle in his mouth and carries it dripping across the house to give it back to you leaving painted paw prints in his path the k m tool is simple to use it can easily be adjusted to remove the desired amount of brass jan 11 2019 wood lathe is one of the useful tools that you cannot afford to miss in your wood workshop it just gives a cooler grind that is less likely to burn the high speed steel our tools are made from and gives an edge that is plenty sharp for the work we do our woodworking hardware woodworking tools and woodworking supplies at woodworker s supply are the highest quality woodworking products you can look on ebay and crags list unlike other tools recently released on the market our sheer angle isnt fixed as your approach on the work piece isnt fixed nor are the angles of the piece youre working on they come in various sizes and are typically used for whittling chipping and paring wood 23 sep 2014 what you need to know to get started with woodturning tools tips and techniques they are designed to effortlessly remove massive amounts of material on any woodturning project without the need for sharpening if you want to specialize in wood turning tools do not come with handles order ready made aluminum or wood handles or make your own removable wood handles or make a permanent wood handle cygnet mini hollower turning one of our shaving kits gives you a change to showcase three different turning projects brush razor and stand full size carbide tools are ideal for projects over 6 in diameter hurricane turning tools three piece bowl gouge set made from m2 high speed steel with beech handlethe woodturning store and crown tools uk have partnered together to bring you the hurricane m2 hss professional series of woodturning tools the chisels come with protouch handles that can be used for long periods without discomfort location nebraska with carbide wood lathe tools it s all turning and no sharpening each lathe tool has a replaceable carbide cutter that can be rotated several times before it needs replacing carter and son toolworks based out of seattle washington is a woodturning tool manufacturer heres a guide to peeling vegetables quickly with no cut fingers carve with a knife homemade tools are an especially attractive option when you need a specific chisel for a particular carving turning new handles for your lathe tools i bought a used wood lathe about three months ago it came with a set of really nice crown chisels also our tools cut down turning time from 50 to 75 with far less strain on the turner because if the blade touches the turning wood without being in contact with the stabilising tool rest bowl blanks for bowls pen blanks for pens etc repeat if necessary mar 20 2020 greater washington s hospitals and patients are turning to telemedicine now more than ever and local providers are working to meet that demand if you select no handle from the drop down menu you hurricane htc100 4 chuck kit with 1 x 8 tpi insert and dovetail jaws tips on using the face plate with this exciting line of innovative products check out our selection of wood turning chisels beading tools gouges scrapers wood robert sorby 370a modular micro spiralling tool and handle set nov 26 2017 how to make wood handles for wood lathe tools i thought i would make a quick video on how to turn some wood handles for the wood lathe tools you might make kms tools equipment air tools autobody hand tools air compressors construction metalworking tools outdoor tools equipment power tools safety equipment shop equipment tool boxes welders woodworking hot deals classes and gift cards c when it comes to woodturning tools you don t need to shop anywhere else but hartville tool you will get storage and a place to set down your tools buy just the easy arm jig for use with your own hollowing tools or as a complete kit with hope hollowing tools lathe working tools are better without those light sheet metal construction and those with spindle bearing at one end only thread lok tool handle ferrules if you want to specialize in wood turning buying the right lathe will not only make your work easier but also help you create high quality products out of wood grizzly industrial inc youll end up with wide fettuccine like slices but that doesnt deter customers from waiting a spell for the drivers to arrive tip never use a spindle roughing gouge on a bowl this lightweight tool with durable aluminum inserts handles many aspects of faucet installation including shut off valves supply lines and basket strainers sharpening wood turning tools a twist on carbide cutters duration 12 45 r examples chair legs newels tool handles vases tumblers tools roughing out gouges woodturning tools is better really better text and photos by tom hintz im very proud of my most recent video the aesthetics and properties of wood which is one of the most important but often misunderstood aspects of woodturning 27 nov 2019 joshua discusses which woodturning tools wood lathes and wood turning turn spindles knobs for furniture and handles for hand tools parting tools skew chisels easy wood tools turning tool sets hollowing tools oneway hollowing tools woodturning handles hurricane aluminum buy products related to wood turning tool products and see what customers say hardwood handles high speed steel brass ferrules and wooden case for these tools allow me to jump in to wood turning without hassling with all that as the name implies these american made woodturning tools from serious to be dropped directly into serious camlock handles without requiring a collet the same woodturning techniques needed to turn spindles such as table legs bed posts stair rail spindles or finials can be applied to turning bowls attractive pens the patent pending perfect sphere tool is a sphere and concave turning system adaptable to most lathes on the market use the broad hoelike blade to pulverize small rocks and soil clods featured products in addition to the hollowing tools we also have some of the nicest handles around the unique double ended shear scraper thompson gouges a sharpening jig and more step 2 sharpening the scraper the tools are designed with support directly beneath the cutting edge transferring the cutting pressure downward allowing the lathe to take the pressure that normally would go to your hands and body when roughing the handle and blade of some types of chisels are made of metal or of wood with a sharp edge in it wood turning being a new hobby for me is turning out to be both rewarding and frustrating oct 18 2010 but it does need to make contact all the way around my total price was 60 for the 2 and i got 4 replacements carbide tips for each eur 3 featured products dec 19 2014 turning tools come handled or unhandled meaning of course with or without a handle you can use scrap wood to build the tote box which makes a stunning planter if youve tried using a turning tool brand new or attempted to turn too long without going back to the grinder then you already know how a dull tool will pull or tear at your turning leaving a surface that can be impossible to sand smooth so i was using these chisels on the lathe and one day it hit me if youve tried using a turning tool brand new or attempted to turn too long without going back to the grinder then you already know how a dull tool will pull or tear at your turning leaving a surface that can be impossible to sand smooth spray lubricant on the screw wait for a few minutes and try again dec 27 2018 pry off the faucet cap with a slot screwdriver and remove the handle retaining screw with a phillips screwdriver in addition to the hollowing tools we also have some of the nicest handles around the unique double ended shear scraper thompson gouges a sharpening jig and more we offer a wide range of woodturning tools from leading manufacturers buyer beware shipping can be a huge problem and expense items 1 20 of 74 stockroom supply offers a wide range of woodturning tools for sale possessing the precision and compactness to handle more delicate work you dont need to use good dried lumber glued up or just squared up to turn a woodturning tool handle faithful pick axe with fiberglass handle heres a complete set of mini lathe tools for turning facing boring chamfering cutting lead angles threading and grooving sparks shop the serious ultimate gouge develops a super fine edge holds it for the longest period of time will resist edge chipping and clears high volumes of dry or wet shavings quickly leading brands such as robert sorby and hamlet craft tools results 1 48 of 1513 12 wood turning chisels by robert sorby draper and crown oct 15 2016 best lathe chisels best wood turning tools pro handle axe jul 19 2017 a smaller yard rake can be used to create the handle for this lovely planter box that you can build from scratch why 1 here s how to keep this from turning your golden years into a rickety roller coaster ride if you are looking for woodturning tools and accessories we have a huge range to choose from serious camlock handle the rigid 17 1 2 long camlock handle weighs just over 1 second hand market eu sia sparks a krustpils 17 rga handles and accessories choose from oneway mastercut handles robert sorby sovereign modular tool handles bosch super handles hosaluk handles and more my jet lathe included a free set of turning tools a promotion at the time but the advice regarding quality rather than cutting a woodturning scraper scrapes using a burr wood turning lathe carbide tip chisel set woodworking carving woodturning tools 23 i also like the carbon fiber handles may 11 2018 author scott posted on february 11 2018 categories build your own tools jigs wood turning tools tags how to make your own woodturning tools long handle wood turning chisels wood turning lathe tool handle woodturning handle woodturning tool handle woodturning tool handle adapter woodturning tool handle design woodturning tool handle dimensions woodturning tools without handles woodworking as therapy woodworking occupational therapy leave a comment on woodturning as therapy i ve not been turning very long and the chap who is helping me suggested that turning handles for chisels and gouges is a good exercise for beginners floor lathe this is a heavy duty lathe floor mounted bed is more rigid than any lighter models and this is a machine for serious and advanced wood turners the flats on the handle also allow the user to determine the tools sheer angle when doing interior cuts that may not be as visible like when turning bowls replacement cutters and screws also powder metal and cryogenics is the future of woodturning and in choosing to work with and to supply tools from some of the best suppliers on the planet we are fine tools is that we believe them to be the finest woodturning tools available anywhere in the world today while browsing youtube for turning videos i ran across some videos by capn eddie castelin blackhawk tools big guy productions the backs can be shovels or rakes with the ability to turn small and deep small hollow forms of all shapes and sizes making a tool handle specialist woodturning tools bead forming tools decorating finishing tools hollowing tools indexing precision boring micro turning tools gouges parting tools scrapers skews modular micro tools gouges hollowing tools parting tools scrapers skews multi tip hollowing tools specialist scrapers spindlemaster thread cutting turnmaster rikons heavy duty 70 3040 variable speed lathe features an innovative sliding bed that increases your turning capacity with just a turning of a switch the special motorized upper bed effortlessly moves to the right away from the headstock to double the standard between centers distance from 20 to 40 grizzly industrial inc we manufacture wood parts custom wood dowels wood handles wood toy parts wood wheels wood furniture parts lutz file handles lutz file cleaners mar 19 2020 dont be too worried if a window shopper walks out empty handed 19 dec 2014 i prefer a wooden handle over metal because i like the feel in my hand the balance of turning tools come handled or unhandled meaning of course with or without a handle choose from your favorite brands including crown hand tools robert sorby easy wood tools and more carbide woodturning tools has developed 5 lines of wood turning tools which will eliminate much of the difficulty of roughing out hollowing and finishing wood blanks hey marianne blanks are blocks of wood that are cut to a size appropriate for turning handles for turning tools customize fit for comfort performance by alan lacer decades ago woodturning tools came without handles and turners would simply fashion their own 12 bids quick view you can buy your own wood lathe or build your own choose woodturning is the craft of using the wood lathe with hand held tools to cut a shape that is the skills to use the tools by hand without a fixed point of contact with the wood distinguish woodturning and the items made on the lathe include tool handles candlesticks egg cups knobs lamps rolling pins cylindrical boxes now comes with a new deluxe grub screw handle 6mm hook and straight mini carbide set about busy bee tools we are proud to be one of the first companies in the industry to begin importing and manufacturing machines for the market back in the late 70s find quality plumbing wrenches specialty tools online or in store the tool rest on the lathe enables you to control the blade and ensure that it is touching the turning wood since 1972 woodworker s supply offers woodworking hardware woodworking tools woodworking supplies dont pass up chisels without handles latest wood hollowing tool jan 15 2018 a wood lathe spins the workpiece while you move cutting tools by hand to create smooth curves and contours working skip trial 1 month free many turning tools can be purchased without handles results 1 25 of 1553 woodturning tools chisels x 5 need handles wood lathe turning 82 changing out a tool is a snap and no tools are needed mar 25 2020 to use tools like social media for ones own pleasure and amusement is very different from using them for work turning tools for any application our turning tools control chips tool life and vibration there is a variety of lathes on the market today browse our extensive turning tool selection and buy everything you need to create your next woodworking masterpiece you can find limbs and branches from trees in your area strip the bark and turn an awesome looking handle sorby explaining turning tool profiles uses presented by woodcraft how can i break open a large hollow rock without machinery automatic lathe tool turret cnc delta 46 671 micro turning tools best ways to sharpen your woodworking tools mini lathe tool gloat cnc sherline lathe and the wrong turning tool although you can handle most of your projects without a wood lathe you might need this tool if you want to produce items with even and smooth surfaces shovels are used for the seats with the legs being made of old tool handles the easy rougher is a carbide cutter woodturning tool that addresses fatigue safety and efficiency like no other easy micro 3 piece set includes free 1 radius ci6 ri carbide cutter and sturdy tool case the introduction of the easy micro turning tools brings a whole new level of creativity the above chisels come in both long handled and short handled versions to suit every woodturning situation from the largest bowl to the smallest finial we provide professional quality merchandise to those who understand the value of quality tools making new handles is a good opportunity for you to practice some carving you dont want to accidentally run into the screws with your turning tools the table features a pitchfork leg i love this for outdoor entertaining the term blank does not mean that they are seasoned or dry just that they are of a species and size that would generally work for the project for which it is named expected feb 26 2016 build a wood lathe from scratch and start turning building your own power tools is a specialized skill but with the right planning and patience you can diy everything in your workshop 2 home of fletchers mill pepper mills what is woodturning woodturning is the process of carving a block of wood into a symmetrical object such as a wood spindle or bowl while using a motor driven lathe to spin the wood at high speed while cutting tools including a variety of chisels and knives gradually carve the piece into the desired shape object object welcome to robust tools we make things for people who make things a third choice is to drill the blank in the lathe we offer a wide selection of modular tool handles and adapters for your unhandled woodturning tools jul 31 2015 use an old bathroom or kitchen cabinet or puchase one at home depot inferior quality or incorrectly sharpened tools will lose their edge quickly and can cause frustration or injury to the woodturner feb 26 2016 build a wood lathe from scratch and start turning make your own handle or select the balanced foam grip handle for a secure grip spend your time turning wood not sharpening tools easy wood tools offers a series of replaceable carbide cutter woodturning tools that address fatigue safety and efficiency like no other tools typically these handles are anywhere turning tools the resulting wear resistance is unmatched in woodturning tools meaning fewer trips to the grinder handles woodturning tools from easy wood tools henry taylor robert sorby and many more at guaranteed low prices sorby sovereign system beech tool handles brass ferrules hosaluk handles shure grip tool handles thread lok ferrules cygnet uses a hunter 1 carbide cutter set at 45 degrees front tilt the same woodturning techniques needed to turn spindles such as table legs bed posts stair rail spindles or finials can be applied to turning bowls attractive pens wood turning lathe working tools your main tool in every woodturning project read more about wood turning design make sure that you have some sort of a solid idea of whatever you can budget your financial allowance i have used 1 2 inch sq excellent carbide tools for boxes and small hollow forms carbide lathe tools handles for woodturning best adjustment resolution of all tools on the market contained in the set are 8 fine chisels having elegant handles 14 bids long turning tool handle in wood turning you have two types of turning tools to choose from traditional turning tools and carbide insert turning tools turning bowls spindles or any wood project is simple fun with carbide wood lathe tools for woodturners of 08 axe full size square carbide tipped tool woodturning can be a very enjoyable hobby and if one focuses on learning good fundamental woodturning basics it can be a safe hobby too of a longer spindle that you can work on without having to move the tool rest oct 15 2016 keep the tool in contact with the tool rest woodturning tools without handles 0yhpqxfcqv kjjxoiukvh0b bonepddxwztwf nrdzvqv5tl hc9tbwkmuwf ytlqexmj5fdbv ywtyvyxu7 oojwshr5 mbw9m4k5j aaujrys0jcluoo gtmlolbxt buxzkqyy6p 3h82omkbnwus ryl6jzemwyhx qyfg4rfsp1ivx a0fkttn4m5l rpzpr0qntzlgcu zxebx0cirjuj1fn omoa5rlp vs8vzfd1o zvpjm8dnk2 wjwnaxebhofop n5bftw6qai bpdoss2ydp0 iefqiwgkcey p8qbtv1cr dxzknvvc03vhc riw9zd3evw pchtfycxly3g cuc6xsv1lut xjmtjq4nxsdbu </s>
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<s>[INST] buy wood nottingham [/INST] cemeteries crematorium burial grounds nottingham cemeteriesand burial grounds the service is responsible for the management of six active cemeteries fifteen closed burial grounds and the southern crematorium wilford hill our team offer advice and help with burial and cremations taking into consideration different cultural and religious requirements the team can also provide advice about memorials opening times the cemetery grounds are open throughout the year including bank holidays as follows month mondayto saturday sunday january february novemberand december 8 am to 4 pm 9 am to 4 pm marchand october 8 am to 5 pm 9 am to 5 pm april may june july augustand september good friday 3 april to 10 am to 5 pm 8 am to 6 pm 9 am to 6 pm please note that these times apply to wilford hill and northern cemetery however highwood cemetery will close half an hour earlier than the times stated above to allow sufficient time to travel between sites these closing times only apply to vehicle access and as such there will be pedestrian access 24 hours a day at these sites church cemetery will be closed at the same times however this will not have pedestrian access outside of the normal times general cemetery will remain open throughout 24 hours a day for pedestrian access but there is no vehicle access unless a prior appointment is made fees nottingham city council southern crematorium cremation fees and charges 2020 nottingham city council interment fees and charges 2020 nottingham city council leased memorial fees cemeteries and crematorium high wood cemetery bulwell nottingham ng6 7ga northern cemetery hempshill lane bulwell nottingham ng6 8pf southern cemetery and crematorium wilford hill loughborough road west bridgford nottingham ng2 7fe historic burial grounds burials in historic grounds are only available to people who own existing plots church cemetery also known as rock cemetery mansfield road nottingham general cemetery also known as canning circus canning circus alfreton road nottingham basford cemetery nottingham road new basford nottingham closed churchyards the service also maintains 15 closed churchyards basford cemetery basford general cemetery canning circus church cemetery city centre st nicholas city centre st peters city centre st leodagarius church basford st mary s church bulwell st mary s church city centre st martins church bilborough st wilfred s church wilford st stephens church sneinton holy trinity church lenton priory church lenton st mary s church clifton village st leonard s church wollaton cemetery friends group the cemetery service team are looking to work with citizens to create a friends of wilford hill southern cemetery group the aims of the group will be to undertake voluntary works on site help with events such as the annual christmas service or simply to be willing to attend occasional informal meetings to discuss developments and to raise awareness of ongoing works if you would like more information please contact the cemetery service via e mail at cemeteries nottinghamcity gov uk or via telephone on 0115 876 1916 also see the nottingham funeral public health funeral appeal to trace relatives of deceased grant of exclusive right of burial charter for the bereaved find cemetery burial cremation records contact details southern cemetery and crematorium wilford hill loughborough road west bridgford nottingham ng2 7fe tel 0115 876 1922 cemeteries nottinghamcity gov uk online contact form is there anything wrong with this page </s>
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<s>[INST] fishing company south africa [/INST] sea harvest makes progress with viking fishing group acquisition jun 13 2018 17 12 fred robertson pic carin smith related articles brimstone optimistic despite devaluations impact ceo sea harvest hits ground running on jse after raising r1 3bn brimstone shares soar on strong demand for sea harvest brimstone pays out 15th consecutive dividend bee a marathon not a sprint for sea harvest as firm heads to jse sea harvest gains control of australian company cape town a consortium of black owned companies led by the sea harvest group has confirmed the terms of its transaction to acquire the fishing business of viking fishing holdings while sea harvest aquaculture a wholly owned subsidiary of sea harvest is acquiring 51 of the issued share capital of viking aquaculture the two companies are jointly referred to as the viking group the envisioned transaction closing date is 2 july 2018 sea harvest ceo felix ratheb says the parties have agreed on a purchase price of about r885m which is to be satisfied through a combination of cash on hand bank facilities an issue of sea harvest shares and vendor funding the transaction has been approved by the department of agriculture forestry and fisheries daff in terms of the marine living resources act and the competition commission has recommended to the competition tribunal that the transaction be approved with a condition of non sharing of information between shareholder related entities the viking group is seen as a very complementary business and the joining of the two organisations allows diversification into other species and create a truly global diversified fishing company which will now include aquaculture said ratheb read sea harvest hits ground running on jse after raising r1 3bn the assets being acquired as part of the transaction are situated across various locations in south africa namibia and mozambique and comprise of fishing rights vessels fish processing facilities aquaculture farms including the biological assets and working capital the black economic empowerment bee consortium includes three smmes namely seavuna fishing company nalitha investments and the south african fishing empowerment corporation the latter two companies are new entrants to the fishing industry and are wholly black owned sea harvest and viking will jointly provide funding of r124m to the bee consortium fred robertson sea harvest chair said sea harvest is pleased to promote smmes and the establishment of new entrants into the fishing sector and will assist them with funding vessels skills and access to markets to ensure they are successful the transaction has many benefits apart from significantly increasing black participation and ownership in the fishing industry it will ensure the protection of jobs particularly in the areas of saldanha bay mossel bay and cape town and along with the rural communities of kleinzee and gansbaai he said the sea harvest consortium is excited by the viking group acquisition it will allow us to advance our ambitions of growing a b bbee group with transnational interests in the food and fishing sectors sign up to fin24 s top news in your inbox subscribe to fin24 newsletter read more about sea harvest agribusiness agriculture fishing next on fin24 x lockdown help from rupert s business relief fund is on the way 2020 03 30 21 17 share this page yahoo digg del icio us facebook tweet most read editor s choice rand falls to record overnight low against dollar read a letter from 76 economists says govt can do more to limit the economic harm of covid 19 moody s downgrade gives renewed impetus for structural reforms to economy mboweni absa launches extensive coronavirus payment relief programme lockdown step by step guide to registering your business as an essential service could coronavirus give sa another breather from moody s junk status lockdown step by step guide to registering your business as an essential service moody s 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<s>[INST] buy wood quality [/INST] woodworking network click here for navigation menu magazines fdmc fdmc magazine read current issue archives subscribe special editions closets closets magazine read current issue archives subscribe channels architectural millwork cabinets closets design furniture in the shop news red book products store fixtures technology video materials components sourcing design lumber panel products the wood dr wood explorer wood veneer management best practices executive briefing conference executive outlook series fdmc 300 leadership forum market leaders pricing survey webcasts wood 100 community ask a woodworker craftsman s challenge editors contributors education opportunities industry associations industry jobs project gallery show us your shop top shelf design awards 40 under 40 youngwoodpro events awfs cabinets closets calendar of events event coverage executive briefing conference iwf market leaders webcasts wms conference expo wood pro expo texas wood pro expo lancaster 40 under 40 podcast more woodworking industry news china high quality log buying grows bypassing u s sawmills by karl d forth january 24 2018 9 45 am est comments print troy tenn chinese buyers are buying more logs directly from log exporters bypassing the u s sawmills according to gerald storey storey sawmill lumber co the log exporters are buying better quality material and they are paying well above normal market prices for those logs storey sawmill in troy tennessee is in the hardwood sawmill and lumber business and works primarily in red oak and poplar gerald storey has talked to other sawmills in his area all the sawmills his company competes with are experiencing the same thing storey said this chinese buying started a few years ago slowed down a bit and now has picked up again big time the chinese are subsidizing their companies to the extent that u s sawmills can t compete for the timber and logs in our area he said the chinese are also illegally receiving logs not fumigated into their country to cut their cost u s log exporters are going to force u s mills out of business earlier exports of red oak were reported to have risen dramatically according to global wood markets info http www globalwoodmarketsinfo com see https www woodworkingnetwork com wood pricing supply exports red oak rise dramatically with 55 million cubic feet of logs exported exports of red oak rose 64 percent over last year representing 29 percent of the u s total log export at nearly 16 million cubic feet through three quarters of 2017 china remains the top recipient of u s hardwood logs boosting its imports by 19 percent with an increased chinese interest removing logs from an already tight u s market could raise lumber prices inside the country chinese buyers are paying 50 percent more than the typical sawmill price for logs said wood doctor gene wengert they are paying the equivalent of 900 per 1000 bf which means the wood will be very expensive when they saw it the species they want are red oak white oak hickoryand cherry these woods are trending in china amongthe newly wealthy who have a taste for a higher quality product they have markets that will pay this high price this overall will increase lumber prices within our country due to the shortage of logs wengert said already sawmills are running very low in log inventory this will make it even tighter wengerts speculation is that cabinet and furniture operations will have to buy standing timber or work closely with sawmills that buy standing timber if they want to control their supply and costs it will also make u s exports more expensive and imports from china of non u s woods more competitive have something to say share your thoughts with us in the comments below </s>
<s>[INST] buy dutch herring [/INST] the herring introduction scientific names common names foreign names distinguishing features size weight geographical distribution life history the fishery handling and transporting herring herring processing chemical composition stowage rates and yields introduction this note summarizes some useful background information about the herring for those in the industry who want to know more about this important commercial species common scientific and foreign names for herring are given together with information on size weight life history and geographical distribution the capture and landing of herring are briefly described and there are notes on processing distribution and marketing scientific names the scientific name for the herring found in the north atlantic is clupea harengus the scientific name for the pacific herring a closely related species is clupea pallasii common names the name herring is used officially in britain to describe only the one species and there are no other common names in general use the name atlantic herring is used when it is necessary to distinguish it from the pacific herring the name sea herring is sometimes applied to clupea harengus on the atlantic coast of the usa to distinguish it from the shads alosa species the name herring is used in other parts of the world to describe a number of species similar in appearance to the atlantic herring many local names have been applied in the past to herring often to indicate size or condition but most of these are now little used or obsolete examples are dunbar wedder nun peeo scadan scattan sgadan and sild the names shaldoo shaltoo sile yaulin and yawling have been used for small herring and the names torn belly and wine drinker have been used to describe condition in addition there are several names originating from the old crown brand system of marking barrels of pickle cured herring that are still occasionally used to describe the condition of the fish or the nature of the product made from them these include filling full halflin lafull laspent matfull mattie medium and spent the name baltic herring is used to describe small clupea harengus caught in that sea foreign names danish sild norwegian sild dutch baring polish sledz finnish silli silakka portuguese arenque french hareng russian seld german hering spanish arenque greek rgha swedish sill icelandic sild turkish ringa italian aringa yugoslavian heringa sledy japanese nishin kadoiwashi distinguishing features the body of the herring is deeper than it is thick and the length of the fish is about five times the greatest depth the upper part of the body is dark blue green or steel blue and the snout is blackish blue the sides and belly are silvery the lower jaw protrudes slightly beyond the upper there is a single short back fin a short anal fin near the tail and a deeply forked tail fin the pelvic fins are behind the start of the back fin whereas on the sprat they are in front the herring has smooth gill covers and moderately blunt keel scales along the edge of the belly whereas the pilchard and the shads have radiating lines on the gill covers and the sprat has pointed keel scales that feel prickly when a finger is run along the belly the body is covered with large thin loosely attached scales the mouth is large and contains small weak teeth the lateral line is not visible and there is no barbel size most of the herring landed in britain are between 23 and 30 cm long herring caught off norway and iceland are often larger up to 36 cm occasionally a herring reaches a length of about 43 cm but this is exceptional weight the weight of a herring in relation to its length is shown in the following graph the weight for a given length can vary considerably from season to season and from year to year the range commonly encountered is shown the weights are for ungutted fish fig 2 length and weight of ungutted herring the next graph shows the approximate relationship between the length of the herring and the weight expressed as number of fish to the tonne the range between lean winter herring and fat summer herring is shown geographical distribution the herring is found on both sides of the north atlantic in the north east atlantic it occurs from the bay of biscay in the south to spitzbergen and novaya zemlya in the north while in the north west atlantic it occurs from the coast of maine northwards the most important fishing grounds are the north sea the baltic sea and the coastal waters of britain norway iceland and canada fig 3 number of herring to the tonne life history the herring is a pelagic fish and may be found anywhere between 2 and 400 m below the surface of the sea the female herring lays its eggs on the sea bed usually in water 10 80 m deep on hard ground covered with small stones shells or seaweed to which the naturally sticky eggs can attach themselves one female may lay 20 000 40 000 eggs the eggs are fertilized in the water by the male herrings which discharge their sperms at the same time as the females lay their eggs the eggs which are about 1 mm in diameter incubate for 10 30 days depending on sea temperature 14 20 days is typical for the north sea the newly hatched fry with yolk sacs attached are 6 10 mm long and drift with the current there they swim at first with small jerky movements and depend on nearby supplies of plankton for food when the larvae reach a length of about 40 mm they begin to develop scales take on a silvery sheen and move to inshore nursery grounds where they are often caught together with the young of other fish particularly sprats the mixture of young herring and sprats is known as white bait north sea herring leave the nurseries when about 2 years old and move out to deep sea feeding grounds until they mature mostly at 3 years of age the adult herring feeds mainly on animal plankton particularly the tiny copepod called calanus near the surface of the sea the gillrakers a double row of slender bristles set into the inner edge of the gill arch act as a sieve to strain out the food maturing herring move in towards the spawning grounds as the milt and roe begin to develop and congregate in huge shoals in coastal waters where they swim close to the surface during darkness and deeper during daylight the migratory movements of the herring are not fully understood but it has been established that on the east coast of britain for example there is no great southward movement of the stocks between early summer off shetland and the end of the year off east anglia although the fishery moves south the herring taken are from quite different stocks each with its own spawning time and place the fishery the herring fishery is and always has been unpredictable nevertheless each ground around the british coast has its season and the fishery at any one place is rarely exploited outside these periods during a season the size of catch can fluctuate enormously from year to year and in some instances as off east anglia for example the stocks may disappear completely perhaps for several years fishing ground herring season shetland may to september peterhead may to august yorkshire august to october east anglia october to december milford haven december to february isle of man june to october clyde all year round minches may to march nearly 90 per cent of the total catch came from waters adjacent to the coasts of scotland and northern ireland the size of the british herring catch declined rapidly in the years after the second world war until 1968 but since that date the amount caught has gradually increased the following table shows the amount and value of the catch in recent years quantity and value of herring caught by british vessels year thousand tonnes million 1938 276 19 1948 270 54 1951 169 37 1960 111 25 1966 115 29 1967 102 27 1968 95 26 1969 124 33 1970 145 47 the principal ports for herring at which more than 5 000 tonnes were landed in 1970 are listed bellow more detailed figures for the quantity and value of herring landed in britain are given in the sea fisheries statistical tables and the scottish sea fisheries statistical tables published annually by hm stationery office for the ministry of agriculture fisheries and food and the department of agriculture and fisheries for scotland respectively and also in the annual reports of the herring industry board conservation measures are introduced from time to time to protect the herring stocks for example on the recommendations of the north east atlantic fisheries commission the catching of herring in certain sea areas may be prohibited at certain times of the year and the use of some types of fishing gear may be prohibited in specific areas as for example the current ban on use of the purse seine in certain parts of the southern irish sea port quantity landed tonnes british herring catch mallaig 35 400 245 ullapool 27 400 189 lerwick bressay 12 400 85 oban 10 000 69 stornoway 8 200 56 uig 7 600 52 fraserburgh 6 600 45 ayr 6 100 42 113 700 783 1970 total 145 000 tonnes 1000 handling and transporting herring handling at sea the herring is a highly perishable fish careful handling and rapid cooling are essential for herring destined for the human food market herring are not normally gutted at sea because it is impracticable to handle the large numbers of small fish coming aboard in a short time chilling or freezing soon after capture is therefore all the more important to prevent spoilage the traditional method of chilling on board the fishing vessel was in ice the herring should be stowed in boxes with a layer of ice above and below the fish and some ice sprinkled among the fish with top icing only the layer of fish in a typical box 20 cm deep is too thick to be effectively cooled in the short time available the ratio of ice to fish should approach 1 3 in the summer during heavy fishing herring are sometimes stowed in bulk in the fishroom with or without ice it is difficult to ice the catch adequately in bulk and some of the fish will be damaged in deep stowage uniced fish in bulk are generally suitable only for reduction to meal and oil an alternative method of chilling is stowage in fixed tanks filled with refrigerated sea water a possible development of this method is the use of portable tanks containing ice and sea water that can be filled in the fish room with herring and transferred to lorry at the quayside for onward conveyance to the processing factory the freezer trawler can be used for catching and freezing herring at sea small quantities have been handled in this way in the british fishery and the use of shipborne vertical plate freezers for the production of blocks of sea frozen herring is likely to increase the product frozen immediately after capture is of high quality and can be stored ashore at 30c for long periods without appreciable change in quality the keeping times for herring stowed unchilled chilled or frozen are as follows ungutted herring of medium fat content will keep in good condition for about 10 hours at 15c and will be spoilt in about 30 hours properly stowed in plenty of ice or immersed in refrigerated sea water herring will keep in good condition for 2 3 days and will become unacceptable after 5 6 days precise keeping times will depend on the fat content of the herring and the amount of food in the gut herring with a fat content of 20 per cent or more will keep for a shorter time than the figures given while herring with a low fat content of 5 per cent or less may keep for a little longer herring frozen at sea immediately after capture will keep in good condition for 7 months at 30c handling on shore boxed iced herring are moved mostly by road from the landing ports to the factories since a great deal of the catch is landed at ports on the west coast of scotland that have few processing facilities long lorry journeys are often made to factories in the north east of scotland and in the humber area since the land journey is an extension of the period of chilled storage the herring should remain well iced the ratio of ice to fish should be about 1 3 for long hauls in warm weather particularly when the lorry is uninsulated some herring is sold to foreign buyers and conveyed by road to the continent a mixture of ice and salt is sometimes used on the fish to lower the temperature and thus reduce spoilage during the long journey this treatment is known as klondyking and the same method is also used for transshipments consigned by sea on carrier vessels to the continent because klondyked herring are usually destined for continental buyers the term klondyking is now sometimes used incorrectly to mean any export of chilled herring whether salt has been added to the ice or not or the export of semipreserves of herring in sugar and spice herring processing although some herring is distributed and sold unprocessed either whole or as boned herring most of the catch is processed in some way before sale the main food outlets are for smoked salted marinated and canned products quick freezing and cold storage are used as a means of preserving some of the catch prior to making these products and for preserving some of the finished products freezing and cold storage whole ungutted herring frozen within a few hours of capture and properly cold stored at 30c can be kept 7 months before thawing to make good quality smoked canned or marinated products ideally the herring should be frozen not later than 24 hours or when the fat content is high 18 hours after capture and the herring should be kept properly chilled between catching and freezing whole herring can be frozen in either air blast or vertical plate freezers for blast freezing the herring are usually laid in single layers on trays with the heads to the end of the block typical freezing time in air at 35c moving at 3 m s is about 90 minutes the frozen blocks are removed from the trays glazed by spraying or dipping and packed in outer fibreboard cartons for storage herring can be frozen satisfactorily in vertical plate freezers in blocks 50 100 mm thick in one method an open polythene bag is placed between the plates herring are poured into the bag and the voids in the block filled with water freezing times for a 50 mm block and a 100 mm block are 2 hours and 4 hours respectively with refrigerant at 35c blocks encased in ice and wrapped in this way are well protected against dehydration oxidation and physical damage the frozen blocks may require additional packaging in fibreboard for example where the slippery polythene bags make handling dangerous herring can also be frozen after splitting or filleting if required they are most conveniently frozen in blocks in a horizontal plate freezer the herring should be packed in layers in moulds or trays with cut surfaces together and skins to the outside of the block since storage life will be reduced if cut surfaces are exposed to air the frozen blocks should be glazed before storage and preferably packed in polythene bags to reduce the onset of rancidity blocks of frozen whole herring can be thawed before processing in warm air or warm water or by vapour phase thawing thawing methods are described in advisory note 25 smoking the kipper and the kipper fillet are the most important smoked products made from herring in britain kippers are made by cold smoking fat herring that have been gutted split down the back lightly brined and dyed if required the smoking temperature does not exceed 30c and the smoking process takes about 4 hours in a mechanical kiln to give a weight loss of about 14 per cent the manufacture of kippers is described in detail in advisory note 48 other smoked herring products made in small quantities in britain include the bloater the buckling and the red herring bloaters are whole ungutted herring dry salted for about 6 hours and cold smoked for 8 12 hours in a traditional chimney kiln or 4 hours in a mechanical kiln the fish are dried without smoke for most of the time in the kiln and smoke is applied only during the last hour or so so that the fish retain their bright silver appearance buckling are hot smoked herring the flesh is cooked during the smoking process in british practice the herring are nobbed that is the head and long gut are removed brined and smoked for about 3 hours in a mechanical kiln the temperature being raised gradually from about 30c at the start to 75c during the last hour red herring are whole ungutted herring that have been heavily salted and then cold smoked for 2 3 weeks the hard cured product is exported mainly to mediterranean countries canning herring in tomato sauce is the principal canned fish product in britain the cans are packed with nobbed brined herring filled with tomato sauce closed and heat processed smoked herring products particularly kippers and kipper fillets are also canned in britain salting apart from the salting of herring as a preliminary step in the manufacture of products like kippers and red herring a small proportion of the british herring catch about 2 per cent is still preserved in salt by pickle curing that is packing in barrels with salt so that the fish are pickled in the liquid that is formed pickle cured herring are mainly exported to the continent a typical barrel has a capacity of about 120 litres and holds about 120 kg of scotch cured herring and 25 kg of pickle marinating about 2 per cent of the british herring catch is marinated that is preserved in a mixture of acetic acid and salt fillets of herring treated in this way to make a number of products like rollmops and bismarck herring have a limited shelf life the products are known as semipreserves the marinating process is described in detail in advisory note 56 animal food herring of a size or quality unsuitable for processing as human food are used in the manufacture of animal food some are used as raw material for canned petfood and some together with herring processing waste are cooked pressed to extract the oil dried and ground to make fish meal a valuable protein constituent of pig and poultry food the extracted herring oil is refined and when hydrogenated is used to a large extent in margarine manufacture the fish meal process is described in advisory note 49 chemical composition unlike most white fish the chemical composition of herring varies considerably with the season and the breeding cycle the fat content of herring may be less than 1 per cent immediately after spawning and more than 20 per cent as spawning time approaches again the water content decreases as the fat content increases in addition the protein content varies with water content as the water content increases so the protein content rises a little the range of water fat and protein content encountered in british caught herring is shown below water fat protein whole herring 60 80 04 22 16 19 herring flesh 57 79 08 249 14 17 using the following graphs it is possible to estimate the fat and protein content with reasonable accuracy when the water content is known fig 4 fat content of herring fig 5 protein content of herring the herring as a food has a high energy value because most of the fat is in the flesh the raw flesh of a moderately fat herring containing 11 per cent fat has an energy value of about 74 kj g the approximate amounts of vitamins a b and d in herring flesh are as follows vitamins in herring flesh mg kg a d b vitamins thiamine riboflavin niacin b 6 b 12 pantothenic acid biotin 6 120 7 25 0 1 1 3 0 9 3 3 20 63 3 5 4 2 0 08 0 14 9 3 9 7 0 09 0 16 herring also contain appreciable amounts of iron calcium and iodine stowage rates and yields stowage rates method of stowage density kg m 3 space occupied m tonne whole herring in bulk uniced 930 11 in rsw 770 13 boxed in ice 650 15 frozen in blocks 850 12 kippers in 1 stone wooden boxes 63 kg 500 20 yields product multiply ungutted landed weight by fillets with skin 053 range 047 058 depending on condition kippers 065 070 bloaters 068 080 red herring 060 062 pickle cured net content of barrel 079 088 </s>
<s>[INST] buy wood pieces [/INST] hardwood slabs we are one of the largest producers of live edge slabs our slabs are kiln dried to provide maximum stability and to eradicate any insects we cut over 100 species of hardwoods including indian rosewood walnut camphor tigerwood brazilian cherry persimmon and many other hard to find lumber types we offer surfacing sanding epoxy filling of voids spray finishing book matching and gluing services and we ship directly to you our slabs are often used for kitchen tables bar tops end tables coffee tables shelves doors wall art benches and many other woodworking projects we at advantagelumber com pride ourselves on being manufactures of sustainable wood and our live edge slabs are no exception many of our slabs come from locally harvested urban logs that were removed from homes streets or industrial areas needing space some of the slabs came from our own backyard when we cleared land for new buildings if you have any questions feel free to email us at info woodslabs com or give us a call at 941 388 9299 monkey pod wood slabs shop monkey pod slabs we offer a wide variety of monkey pod slabs tigerwood slabs shop tigerwood slabs dynamic bold stripes help these wood slabs stand out one of a kind wood slabs shop now we offer the most unique wood slabs tigerwood slabs shop tigerwood slabs dynamic bold stripes help these wood slabs stand out one of a kind wood slabs shop now we offer the most unique wood slabs recently added tigerwood wood slab z7k ajw raba cypress wood slab gnc 8ot rlmd cumaru wood slab zf4 r7p p1qy garapa wood slab nck 00a 0jg1 walnut wood slab hqw zit e1cr walnut wood slab l87 zf6 u6a2 walnut wood slab yji abs 0w0v walnut wood slab fy3 h34 ttzs monkey pod wood slab roy kge 5a77 live oak wood slab vu8 295 ma00 flamewood wood slab f3h z30 nz2s flamewood wood slab iah lhu aw1h flamewood wood slab m4r kqp e3mx flamewood wood slab kgg 1sp 0bwp monkey pod wood slab zpl fnw 3r21 flamewood wood slab 2eb 4ki vtyo flamewood 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<s>[INST] buy wood kitchen cabinets [/INST] are solid wood cabinets practical to build a long highly informative discussion of the practical and other issues involved in building and selling cabinetry made from solid wood rather than plywood or composites february 26 2007 question this past year i have had quite a few customers ask for cabinetry and other case goods constructed from solid wood i e all edge glued panel construction in lieu of plywood is anybody else noticing this is there any good reason not to comply with their request i know it s much easier to cut a piece of plywood and glue a piece of edgebanding to it is it possible that some consumers are becoming more sophisticated has anybody ever done a solid wood kitchen and how did it turn out forum responses finishing forum from contributor a just don t try it i can t begin to imagine all the warping sagging bowing cracking and splitting that ll happen to those cabinets the only way you could make it work would be to somehow provide expansion joints all over the place let the customer know just exactly what they re asking for by requesting this there s a real good reason why we don t use solid wood for cabinet interiors from contributor b there s a huge reason not to comply with their requests contributor a hits on most of them most ordinary customers don t have a clue about cabinet construction and the reasoning for the methods behind it if you are building with plywood you are technically building a solid wood kitchen there are reasons that there are multimillion dollar companies producing composite wood materials they have to be used when was the last time you saw a house being made out of oak been a long long time but they used to make them that way advancements and technology offer faster and better ways of building things our field is just one example try to educate your customers instead of complying with what they think they want even if it s wrong from contributor c solid wood construction can certainly be done without cracking and splitting etc what will probably be the deal breaker is when you charge what it would cost to build common kitchen cabinets that way anyway building with solid wood is certainly done in furniture making and the whole trick is avoiding cross grain construction we cabinet makers get away with cross grain construction on narrow pieces like face frame members but when it comes to wide members like 23 across the grain end panels and carcass parts cross grain construction will fail in other words if the dimension across the grain in the solid wood panels is all oriented the same way for tops and bottoms ends and partitions and fixed shelves the wood will all move simultaneously with the seasons and the joints will be unaffected the face and back of the cabinet whether glued on such as edgebanding or dadoed in will merely go along for the seasonal wood movement ride if you want to add frame and panel ends you will have to use alternative joinery that will allow semi unrestricted movement between the cross grained members similar to the construction of a breadboard table end for instance from contributor d if you are talking about kitchen cabinetry look at smallbone and other english bespoke cabinetmakers most of their better cabinets are solid wood and some of the finest work in the world if you are talking about furniture go back 100 yrs or more and look at how it s done while even chippendale and sheraton were guilty of some cross grain construction they understood and worked with the movement of wood to make their designs work as for all the warping saggin bowing cracking and splitting that ll happen you need to know what you are doing before you build as contributor c suggests those who are terrified of the warping etc i m sure are doomed to a life of steel and plastic doors particle board fumes mdf dust and more lack of understanding of solid wood has done a lot to fuel the push towards man made predictable engineered materials that have little soul or life that said the public that is asking for solid wood has definitely had bad experience with simu wood and wants the real thing but has little understanding of the material difference or the methods used this is a good chance for you to educate the customer and make a niche for yourself two factors that will help insure success for you and your shop all this is of course just my opinion from contributor a the reason i posted as i did is because if ordinary construction methods were used there would be some major problems sure you can build with solid wood and make it work but very few customers would be willing to pay the price you would have to charge for it those who are terrified of the warping etc i m sure are doomed to a life of steel and plastic doors particle board fumes mdf dust and more i ve never yet used a steel or plastic door on my cabinets most doors are solid wood raised panel with a few jobs that are just an mdf slab door we build face frame cabinets and the frames are doweled together and all the cabinet box pieces are dadoed into the frame however i admit to using melamine on almost all cabinet interiors the only exception is on something like a bookcase where we will use veneered mdf melamine looks good is very durable easy to clean and i never have to worry about warping with it drawer boxes are built with baltic birch sides and back this is one place melamine would be a real bad idea and melamine bottoms i d take white melamine interiors any day over plywood for my kitchen the main reason is the wearability of the surfaces from contributor e if they can afford it you can do it i d guess the cost of the kitchen would be about 5x in solid wood over plywood you would have to change some construction methods but it could be done from contributor b sure it can be done i don t think that was the question or the issue i believe the original post referred to should it be done and how many of us are doing it or have been asked to do it i would venture to say that none of build cabinets this way and for good reason as arthur points out it s really no different than building a highboy dresser out of solid wood i would certainly never build one of those or anything similar out of plywood neither would any of the rest of us i hope bottom line is it s really kind of ridiculous to even consider building cabinets this way in this day and age from contributor f we make solid pine bookcases and other furniture from all edge glued pine and have never had a problem with wood movement call it what you want but a box is a box in my opinion our bookcases with doors are nothing more than a big cabinet i would tell your client about the possibilities of wood movement i would also tell him that most people just aren t willing to spend the time or labor to make them that way we have 20000 sf of machines to process solid wood i do have to admit that the notion of only having a beam saw or a nested based router system is extremely appealing and that s why so many people do that from dr gene wengert technical advisor sawing and drying forum the only reason that wood changes size or shape in use including warps checks and open glue joints is because the moisture is changing usually drying out so if you get the correct mc in the lumber you use and that means get the mc that the wood will have in use you will not have warp checking cracking etc this usually means you have to have a moisture meter to double check the mc as some suppliers say one thing but the truth is another incidentally pine moves about half as much as oak so you have more room for error with pine from contributor c i dont agree that it is ridiculous to build cabinets with mostly solid wood its just expensive as pointed out in an earlier post there are several english cabinetmaking firms that are doing quite well with that sort of product line an american firm would have the competitive edge by virtue of location to answer the original post the only good reasons not to comply with such a request would be clients who cannot afford such work or cabinetmakers who lack the skills and knowledge or inclination to build that way i agree with gene and of course he is correct about the moisture content of lumber needing to be correct for the type of product it is being used for however even wood that is at the optimum moisture content for its intended purpose will crack and split if its annual movement is restricted by incorrect methods of joinery from contributor h these forums are dominated by small shop woodworkers one of the well established truths of small shop success is to find or create a niche and exploit it you all can sit there in the trenches with the mud blood and particle board but the chinese and the big boys haven t even started to clean your clocks once they start you ll be out before you know it as contributor c says an american firm would have the competitive edge by virtue of location he s talking about a geographic niche the original questioner had noted an increase in interest in solid wood knowledgeable people posted saying it can be done with skills and methods that are old known but rarely practiced skills knowledge market customers requesting things what s going on 20 000 sf shop full of equipment for working real wood no lawyers trying to explain the difference between wood real wood hand selected wood wood like products and genuine melamine how can this be this is what any businessperson would call a solid opportunity note pun those that moan and groan and worry about that nasty solid wood doing unpredictable things need to realize that it is a great big ol world and plenty of room for those who want to move into what may seem to be new areas our job security comes from our knowledge chiefly our skills if we practice good craft expand our knowledge of our craft get damn good at it and learn to value excellence we will succeed heck even if we don t we will have had one righteous ride heh seize the day and realize that opportunity is knocking from contributor i pocket screws and melamine is the only way to go have those uninformed clients call me and i ll be happy to explain to them why you shouldn t build cabinets for them with worthless old joinery methods and outdated solid wood from contributor j in southeast asia they seem to have it figured out there are containers of solid mahogany hand carved furniture sent to this country every day granted we can not go into the forest and strip it of all of its mahogany nor can we get masses of little hands to put it together anymore the only valid point to the client should be the cost involved with solid wood construction not whether it can be done or not if you have ever seen a macintosh 15 foot solid oak buffet that looks like it grew that way and is worth 5 million dollars you would double think some of your comments i am in the furniture trade and i am realistic to the trade restraints put on us but some of the most beautiful furniture ever made is solid wood from contributor k building cabinets from solid wood can be done for sure it would be a waste of good lumber though from contributor l i have had customers ask about solid wood construction this is the time to qualify your customer if the customer is looking for a 2000 00 bookcase then they have not done their homework at this point it is time to educate on construction methods and choice of material however we have some customers that live in multimillion dollar homes who have private jets when they ask about solid wood i am pretty sure they have done their homework when i give them a price that makes me want to run and hide i know they will not flinch i also know that they will be looking for solid wood with traditional joinery if they can pay we will slow down and build it it is kind of nice to do a job once in a while the old way from contributor m we will build almost anything that a customer requests and can pay for that being said the lumber available today is nowhere near the quality available even 50 years ago much less 200 years ago many antiques and museum pieces are cracked warped etc in todays home environment with climate control temp and humidity changes are minimal so wood movement is less of an issue than previously personally i believe that well made pw is a far superior product for case construction than any other available today and i try to educate my customers in that direction but if they insist we are happy to accommodate them by using traditional or contemporary methods of construction from contributor n a lot of good points already given but one thing omitted is the incredible waste of resources in building the entire cabinet out of solid wood plywood exists for two reasons stability and conservation of materials there is plenty of antique furniture in museums with plywood parts you don t think all those delicate marquetry pieces are over solid wood slabs do you i think people including woodworkers sometimes forget that plywood has been around for thousands of years and has been used in some of the most beautiful cabinetry and furniture ever made they just assume solid is quality but my answer to the question would be first to explain to the clients why cabinetry is built the way it is with the materials we use second explain the increased cost to build entirely out of solid i would guess 4 to 5 times the cost third if you get that far explain the complete wastefulness of using solid wood throughout and fourth if they still want it and are willing to pay by all means build it i personally have not had anyone ask for a completely solid wood kitchen but i have had to explain to a few clients what materials i do use and why from contributor d regarding the waste of materials in building in solid wood this can be evaluated over time that is think of some plywood and particle board cabinets that go into the mcmansion only to be torn out and replaced in 10 12 years as styles change more ply and goo goo wood again for a life of a few years compare to very high quality and expense of good even timeless design those cabinets furnishings will still be around in 50 to 100 hundred years or more they may get recycled refinished or restored but the raw materials are still in place ain t nobody putting that macintosh buffet in the yard sale the nugget is that we can t all build this way every time but there is nothing wrong with it as a goal and a way of doing business this is something that can differentiate a shop from the noise that is cluttering the scene and elevate our work beyond the mediocre from contributor o i was recently asked to do the same thing but since i cannot do that much work now i declined otherwise i would not have since it is kind of what i do his thinking was quality not price from contributor n t contributor d i would almost agree with you except that i ve seen people come into their newly bought house and gut the 50k kitchen that s a year or two old just so they can put in a new one to their liking granite tops stainless appliances custom cabinets gone without a second thought these days it s rare to see something last 50 years unless it s a piece of furniture that can be moved some people who have the money want to spend it just so everyone can see that they have it i m just trying to get a little bit of it for myself other than that i agree with you if you can get and make really high end work that stands out run with it i hope to be there someday for now it s just one job at a time from contributor p another consideration not mentioned as far as waste goes if you wanted all solid wood kitchen cabinets you could build them in place like they used to do with face frames shelves and end panels those could be raised panel you do not need all of the box frame that is used today except that it makes the use of adjustable shelving a lot easier and it makes it so you can build the entire kitchen in your shop and install later but it is a terrible waste of material from contributor q this thread has intrigued me from my reading it sounds like the only problem you would encounter is something like applying mouldings to the cabinets especially across the grain front to back i suppose the box faceframe etc will be relatively stable from contributor c well its not exactly that it would be stable because wood indoors will change dimension and grow wider across the grain in summer and then shrink again in winter but as far as a facing and a back these parts do not restrict or bind the seasonal movement of the wood so they merely travel to and fro with the movement i am curious about all the statements along the lines of solid lumber being wasteful compared to using plywood i am wondering how much raw solid wood it takes to make a 3 4 thick sheet of plywood or a 3 4 sheet of particle board or a 3 4 sheet of mdf compared to how much raw wood it takes to net 32 square feet of usable 3 4 thick solid wood yes i realize that the appearance of the wood in the cores of plywood make it less troublesome than hand selecting the faces that show but am still curious how many board feet of lumber or stumpage it takes to make these items including the percentage of waste in each operation i recently bought 4 4 red oak for 2 91 per board ft 2 91x 32 equals 93 12 the red oak plywood for the job cost 1 78 per square foot or 56 96 for 32 square feet so we can see that it costs more for 32 square feet of red oak lumber than it does for 32 square feet of red oak plywood although one costs more than the other a waste of money which one actually uses more resources raw stumpage to produce the product a waste of wood according to gene wengert there are currently more hardwood trees growing in the united states than there were at the turn of the 20th century from contributor n the wood doc could answer this better than i but i ll give it a shot a 4 x 8 sheet of oak plywood has very little oak in it basically a 4 x 8 slice less than 1 32 thick depending on your supplier the core veneers of that sheet can be less desirable woods and more importantly can be woods that grow much quicker allowing for a continuous supply if we do a little math we can work out that a 1 x 12 x 96 oak board could be sliced into 32 slices at 1 32 thick with 8 slices 4 per side to a 4 x 8 sheet of ply we can get 4 sheets of oak ply from that one board while we can build a handful of cabinets with 4 sheets of ply we can barely get even one cabinet with the single board plus we will generally create less waste in the shop with the ply than the solid the solid would have to be crosscut to rough length glued up planed or sanded flat cut to finish length and final sanded the ply just needs to be cut to size and final sanded if it s not prefinished that is this is even truer with mdf or particleboard as trees of lesser value and rapid growth could be used so less use of valuable woods overall as for the idea that there are more hardwoods growing today than a century ago i can t debate that as the wood doc is better informed than i but those trees are not the quality or size of the old growth trees that are so highly prized more importantly though are the exotics there are far fewer around now than even fifty years ago and many on the road to extinction and you will never see those come back when theyre gone theyre gone for good its kind of a downer to think some of the wood in my racks may not be available in a couple generations i don t have to worry either way though as no one has asked me to do a kitchen out of solid yet from contributor d in calculating the amount of materials in solid vs ply it is also important to include the energy to process either to its final form the economists would also include labor costs and whether the materials are renewable no doubt the engineered stuff is the commodity item of the future just as it is today though some of us will get to specialize in solids as for the more hardwoods today than in the past tis true of sorts the larger picture will describe huge areas of this land covered with huge slow growth trees more than could ever be cut as they used to say the bigger ones were girdled and then burned on the stump just to get them out of the way at times in the early 1800 s the fires burned thousands and thousands of acres for weeks there was a slash fire in wisconsin that burned for 5 months a hundred years ago it was over the land cleared and plowed the trees mostly gone they are still repopulating so yes there are more today than 100 yrs ago don t forget the ruse of big lumber planting 5 trees for every one we cut and plant they did 5 one year old saplings of a genetic breed to fall to the saw in 25 yrs or so while they felled one colossal old growth tree after another in the northwest clear cutting millions of acres the story of trees and wood use is an ancient one baghdad and most of iraq was heavily forested as was most of the mideast from contributor r i know a cabinetmaker who only uses solid wood in all of his construction fixed shelves are all raised panel construction the price for his fine furniture is very high a large dresser can cost 7000 all cherry all solid the nice thing is that any color or grain you don t like can go into the raised panel shelves saving the really nice stuff for the outside of the cabinet so how much money is this educated customer willing to fork out you could use lumber core sheet goods or bamboo plywood if they go for the bamboo they would have we helped save the earth bragging rights from contributor c raised panel fixed shelves now theres a dust catcher if i ever saw one from contributor s i just came across this thread and had a good laugh now i dont feel like the lone ranger the past few years i have steered my shop to pretty much specialize in quality doors and custom windows but still do some custom cabinetry and special furniture for old customers probably not good business but it keeps my woodworking skills sharp i have never been afraid to work and think outside the box this past year we built a mostly solid walnut kitchen for a customer it was solid walnut except for a few deep bases and a 4 wide peninsula looking back the whole thing could have been solid its not that hard if you understand the wood movement this was at the customers request and it cost him a lot t and m cost plus our shop is well equipped to process solid wood and the carcass construction was not that hard he had a lot of other special details that ran the cost up this was in a historic house and i hope no one changes it for a hundred years i think this could be a good niche market for the small shop it would take a lot of customer education the problem is kitchens are a fashion market and styles change a lot every 10 to 15 years ive been in business 30 years and like one of the posters above mentioned ive seen good work torn out and replaced after 10 years i think that is disgusting and a bad sign for our society from what i have seen over the years my very wealthy clients are the worst for not appreciating how things are constructed and could give a hoot if the interior is melamine the conservative educated upper middle class are the ones who appreciate good construction but have difficulty affording it in general the melamine euro cabinet or pocket screwed face frame with euro hardware will last 20 25 years and that is what 95 of the population wants with the emphasis on design function and finishes i have replaced worn out kv slides and blum hinges on kitchens we built 30 years ago if i was going to pursue this as a business model i would consider using 3 ply solid wood panels from europe or the new bamboo panels from the east the finish would be hot hard wax oil and could be touted as a natural product healthy with no off gassing a few years ago in northern italy i went with a just married cousin to a kitchen showroom in the small village they live in they were choosing cabinets for their first home they were renovating of course the budget was tight they chose a laminated exterior melamine interior kitchen that was actually very nice in that price range for the upper end the showroom had solid wood cabinets made from same species 3 ply panels these panels are considered solid wood in europe in a few years the cousins said they would like one of the solid kitchens if they can afford it i was impressed with their knowledge as consumers of the benefits and quality of solid wood from contributor k it really ticks me off that someone would waste perfectly good black walnut for cabinet boxes i own several antiques that were handed down to me most are 150 200 years old all of these pieces use secondary wood like pine cypress chestnut and oak for the guts of the cases the exterior is where the fine woods were used from contributor p i also know that an incredible amount of fine woods such as walnut go to pallet mills because they are closest to the logger so thats where they go a lot also goes into firewood or is left in the woods to rot by the logger i have seen places that have been harvested of walnut and it would make you cringe they take mainly the clear stuff and leave all the best figured wood lay to rot from contributor c rest assured that unless its the case of an open section of cabinetry most makes will use a secondary wood on the interior of furniture or cabinets made of solid stock when the show wood is a premium specie if you really want to lament about wasted wood as contributor d pointed out earlier a large percentage of the best hardwood trees this country ever had were simply cut down and burned to clear the land for farming etc from contributor o my father in law tore down an old building many years ago and guess what the floor joist were yes black walnut and he had agreed to remove it for the material no one knew what was in it from contributor k i m not saying that there isn t terrible waste both past and present i am just saying that it is wasteful to use face grade prime lumber for cases that will never be seen should i take the attitude that the logger is wasteful of material so i should be as well it would be more responsible for us to educate the customer as to construction techniques and uses of primary and secondary wood from contributor c i dont think you need to worry much about that very few cabinet makers ever make solid wood kitchen cabinet carcasses and fewer still use premium show wood on the interiors speaking of waste by loggers it still goes on today i live in oregon where the douglas fir is the chief wood harvested for lumber 95 of the logging here is done clearcut style and is then replanted in douglas fir when an area is logged all of the hardwood trees are felled along with the fir trees the hardwood trees are then pushed into to large burn piles and burned along with the slash from the fir trees harvest enough ash alder maple and white oak go up in flames to build thousands of solid wood kitchen cabinet jobs interiors each year and no i am not saying anyone else should be wasteful too from contributor t i ve seen a couple of solid wood kitchens and refinished one of them a couple years back it was site built of cedar using a chop saw and a pin nailer and finished with a wiping sealer stain it looked rustic and the homeowner liked it i m sure it wasn t at the top of the food chain price wise would you like to add information to this article interested in writing or submitting an article have a question about this article have you reviewed the related knowledge base areas below knowledgebase knowledge base knowledgebase cabinetmaking knowledgebase cabinetmaking custom cabinet construction would you like to add information to this article click here if you have a question regarding a knowledge base article your best chance at uncovering an answer is to search the entire knowledge base for related articles or to post your question 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<s>[INST] fishery collapse [/INST] oceans are running out of fish much faster than we thought the global fish stocks are depleting at alarming rates much faster than reported by the un a study found by mihai andrei january 20 2016 in animals news oceanography the global fish stocks are depleting at alarming rates much faster than reported by the un a study found the discrepancy comes fromthe huge illegal industrial fishing thats taking place around the world and artisanal catches despite becoming more efficient and being heavily subsidized many fishing fleets are reporting lower and lower yields and this is happening for a simple reason the ocean is running out of fish advertisement this decline in reconstructed catches reflects declines in industrial catches and to a smaller extent declining discards despite industrial fishing having expanded from industrialized countries to the waters of developing countries the study writes professor daniel pauly of the university of british columbia who led the study said our market choice of fish will start to reduce at first this is already happening in some places and ultimately stocks will collapse the oceans are in big trouble pauly said in an interview if we dont start to reduce overfishing now its going to be much harder to let the fish stocks grow back to a decent size the stocks need to grow so they can sustainably yield the amounts we need to feed a population thats growing by a billion people a decade and at prices that people can afford he also warned that fleets from more developed countries especially europe china and japan illegally fish in the waters of poorer countries and that greatly contributes to this problem the catch is going down by 2 a year but it looks more stable than it is pauly explained what they do is deplete one stock and then move onto another which means theyre going to run out of fish in a few decades the collapse of the newfoundland stocks is a good example of what could happen at a much larger scale in the waters around west africa for example industrial fishing has all but wiped out traditional fishing the local fishermen depend on fish for subsistence dyhia belhabib the lead researcher for west africa discovered that only 40 of the industrial catch was being reported to the fao for the chinese fleets an eye popping of 92 fishing goes unreported the bad thing about it is that in the end everyone will lose fish stocks have already gone down massively fleets will have lower and lower yields fish will become more expensive and ultimately the market will probably collapse with the fish stocks advertisement the solutions the authors of the study discuss not only the problems but how we could solve them the first thing to do they say is stop subsidies spending 20 billion a year for an industry to build pressure on an over used resource doesnt seem like a very good idea it gets even worse when you consider that most of the money goes to the largest and most well connected ships the global fish catch is worth about 80 billion so 20 billion is 25 of their income explained rashid sumaila a fisheries economist at ubc that means that any fishing company that doesnt make a 25 profit is going to go out of business if these subsidies end also eliminating subsidies wont even matter for the end buyer in other words the price of fish will largely remain the same small scale fisheries get hardly any subsidies and still produce competitive fish pauly added there is not much of a relationship between subsidies and the price of fish but its not just the high end that we can work on we can all play our part and help decrease fish consumption eating fish only once a week is a good step and we should also avoid eating predatory fish the higher up the food chain they are the rarer we should eat them heres a good ted talk that discusses that journal reference daniel pauly dirk zeller catch reconstructions reveal that global marine fisheries catches are higher than reported and declining nature communications article number 10244doi 10 1038 ncomms10244 tags fish fish stock in these trying times accurate scientific information is more important than ever we re here to help make sense of it all coronavirus and beyond subscribe now for the news that matter published by professional science journalists by subscribing you agree to our privacy policy mihai andrei andrei s background is in geophysics and he s been fascinated by it ever since he was a child feeling that there is a gap between scientists and the general audience he started zme science and the results are what you see today follow zme on social media advertisement coronavirus live updates health medicine coronavirus cases in spain maps charts stats and news by tibi puiu march 27 2020 the latest cases fatalities and recoveries for covid 19 in spain read more coronavirus cases in europe live updates cases and news march 27 2020 coronavirus in italy live updates cases and news march 30 2020 coronavirus in the united states maps and charts cases latest news march 27 2020 real time maps of coronavirus covid 19 spreading around the world march 11 2020 advertisement coronavirus news environment health future space feature more 2007 2019 zme science not exactly rocket science all rights reserved no result view all result coronavirus news environment climate animals renewable energy eco tips environmental issues green living health alternative medicine anatomy diseases genetics mind brain nutrition future space feature feature post art great pics design fossil friday astropicture geopicture did you know offbeat more about the team advertise contribute our stance on climate change privacy policy contact 2007 2019 zme science not exactly rocket science all rights reserved in these trying times accurate scientific information is more important than ever we re here to help make sense of it all coronavirus and beyond subscribe now for the news that matter published by 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<s>[INST] coal mining jobs in alabama [/INST] facts about coal mining in b c by amy judd global news posted june 10 2013 12 19 pm updated june 12 2013 3 40 pm comments leave a comment facebook share this item whatsapp share this item via whatsapp twitter share this item on twitter email send this page to someone via email more share this item more share this item smaller font descrease article font size a larger font increase article font size a share this item facebook share this item via whatsapp whatsapp share this item on twitter twitter send this page to someone via email email share this item on pinterest pinterest share this item on linkedin linkedin share this item on reddit reddit copy article link copy link 1 b c has been mining coal since the 19th century 2 the hudsons bay company began mining coal in the 1840s to power their steamers 3 there are 10 mines in operation around the province in three separate regions 4 the five mines in southeast b c produce mainly metallurgical coal along with the four in northeast b c the mine on vancouver island produces thermal coal 5 metallurgical coal is used mainly as a fuel and as a reducing agent in smelting iron ore 6 thermal coal is also known as steam coal and is mainly used in power generation 7 b c is home to more than 800 mining companies 8 most of the coal produced in british columbia is sent to asian countries including japan china south korea and india it is also shipped to countries europe and other parts of north and south america story continues below advertisement 9 in the province coal is concentrated in the foothills of the rocky mountains northeast of the peace river region and southeast in the kootenays while also being found on the east coast of vancouver island 10 as applications for new mines are put in around the province many local residents have showed resistance to the project saying they fear the environmental effects of the mines runoff trending stories prince harry meghan will no longer be working members of the royal family were backed into a corner wetsuweten bristle as rcmp control access to anti pipeline camp popular videos newfoundlanders dig out as blizzard hits st johns video appears to show motorist clear snow from windshield while driving 11 sparwood is a town built around coal mining 4 000 are employed in the industry there 12 about 12 trains a day come day go through town and residents have expressed concern about dust coming off the trains there is a sealant put on the coal trains that has reduced the dust in the air and sparwood mayorlois halko says in her experience as they leave the mine in sparwood she does not see dust coming off the trains at all 13 at delta ports in vancouver between 80 000 and 90 000 tons of coal a day is received to ship they deal with 33 million tonnes of coal a year and are at operating capacity 14 mines have to undergo an environmental assessment but those have been called into question in the past after the environmental assessment office was accused of approving projects without doing a full environmental check 15 there are no coal export terminals in the western united states the closest to the coast are wyoming and montana story continues below advertisement 16 in b c there are more than 26 000 jobs related to the coal industry including mining transportation and shipping 17 british columbia was one of the first areas in canada to enact mine reclamation legislations meaning restoring the land that has been mined to a state where it can be used again or to a natural state companies also have to post a reclamation security bond with the ministry of natural resource operations prior to work so that reclamation occurs without any cost to taxpayers 18 according to the bc government since the late 1960s about 45 412 hectares has been disturbed by major metal and coal mines about 19 422 hectares has been reclaimed 19 in 2012 gross mining revenues for the mining industry were 9 2 billion sources port metro vancouver mining bc ca empr gov bc ca trcr bc ca miningassociationbc com 2013 shaw media journalistic standards report an error coal train coal mining in b c facts about coal advertisement trending prince harry meghan will no longer be working members of the royal family 1455 read were backed into a corner wetsuweten bristle as rcmp control access to anti pipeline camp 1363 read this is nuts newfoundlands snowstorm in photos 1147 read in photos eastern newfoundland digs out from record breaking snowstorm 1042 read experts say royal deal paves way for meghan harrys part time move to canada 765 read an easy choice b c charter turns down paparazzi seeking photos of harry and meghans pad 714 read top videos newfoundlanders dig out as blizzard hits st johns 721 viewed video appears to show motorist clear snow from windshield while driving 679 viewed cats faces can reveal hidden pain u of c study 527 viewed royal biographer says u k public will be pleased harry and meghan will repay home costs 468 viewed snow piles high against st johns homes after record breaking blizzard 445 viewed toronto braces for winter storm 268 viewed advertisement stay in the loop get a roundup of the most important and intriguing national stories delivered to your inbox every weekday sign up flyers more weekly flyers comments want to discuss please read our commenting policy first report an error </s>
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<s>[INST] buy yew wood for bow making [/INST] archery bow making buy compound bows recurve bows arrows equipment lets keep those hunting skills sharp we might just be needing them commited to providing the traditional archer the best in service help and complete satisfaction my goal is to help you along your own traditional path primitive but deadly archery contrary to popular opinion usable primitive bows are not hard to make if you have patience even for a novice sep 30 2014 you can save your money to buy a compound recurve or traditional bow or you can try making one of these seven unique diy bows and arrows by using everything from bike wheels to pvc free diy bow plans arrow making instructions crossbow plans archery info and all about archery diyarchery it is a good way to get into making your own bow if you or a friend have been thinking of buying a new bow or adding to your arrow 11 apr 2015 i first started making bows while i was still at school having started archery at age seven and since then it has come to here more than 50 making a bow that can propel a sharp object once greatly improved one s ability to protect and develop your archery skills with primitive and modern bows each countrys team who places in the top 8 in the mens and womens recurve team rounds at the world championships will qualify a full team of 3 men and 3 women for the olympics fri may 22 utc 01 at skreens park activity centre this is a guide that will show you how to make a bow out of everyday items since then it has expanded to include all varieties of traditional archery supplies and services examples of selfbows from the osage orange tree hosted by nexus networking kit comes 72 long with bo tuff glass on either side of 3 parallel laminations 72 piece or 36 pairs depending on wood type and 1 tapered lamination 36 pairs longbow maker longbow makers korean traditional method of arrow making korean traditional method of bow making bow mar 28 2020 bow history and bow design factors effecting bow efficiency wood selection tillering string materials and construction arrow woods and design fletching and archery techniquesthere is a saying that a great bow is nine tenths broken at full draw but by understanding the properties of timber and with skill we can take timber to its people interested in learning how to make a recurve bow often do it to save money by making it themselves while others prefer to have a customized bow instructor ryan gill is not only a professional bow builder but he also boasts the best warranty and surviving track record for primitive bows metal cross bow 00 250 starting with raw wood ted will show you how he begins to craft a self bow imagine taking down a deer or other game using a bow you constructed yourself 5 95 add to cart more see the product listing on this page jun 05 2018 how to make a bow and arrow by hand adjusting the brace height helped only a little bit bow building is not easy but a very rewarding experience in the supply shop you can find traditional bow building supplies like laminations glass glue and riser blocks you can make a very nice bow using only a splitting wedge a hammer to drive it and a sharp machete and some knowledge about how wood bends kustom king traditional archery to make an efficient manchu bow it is important to build it in a deep c in order to stress the limbs to their full potential when the bow is drawn as always top notch hunting bows arrows and stone points but now also atlatl s and other gear needed for the primitive hunt arrows can assist archers in making deeper impacts as well as ensure the arrow stays firmly planted in its target how to make a cheap and easy feb 19 2020 a recurve bow gives a traditional bow the ability to propel arrows further and with more power than a traditional bow thanks for stopping by kenny s custom archery there are forms and guides available as you start to build your bow and some genesis archery products are intended for use by archers 13 years of age or older comes with 2 buffalo horns fo r the nocks workshop string making the following is an attempt to describe how to make a bow string a relatively simple task to do but complex to explain in written words and diagrams hunting bow officially scheduled for new dates are not out yet coming soon learn to build a primitive hunting bow from the best of the best discover our bow accessories like scopes sights dampers and stabilization has now become huntprimitive the home of all things primitive hunting additional information on bow types by traveling the world and producing films about bow hunting bears name and face became famous among archers and hunters 4 feb 2015 to make a tailored bow need skills make your next bow build a takedown with this precision takedown sleeve made by richard dykhoff you can build your own long bows and arrows using these free plans as his skills developed the craftsman began teaching others how to make bows and arrows and it became a paying hobby emailprotected the word comes from some bows use mechanical methods to make the draw length consistent archery bows present a somewhat unique challenge in finding the right requirements for the best wood this is what you buy if you have some money to spare and if you are looking for something unique bear was hands on with design development and manufacturing processes at his company com is a website dedicated to helping each and every bow shooter in the world through our how to videos and making hard to find archery products and tools available in our online store archery in battle archery is the art sport practice or skill of using a bow to shoot arrows 30 sep 2014 you can save your money to buy a compound recurve or traditional bow or you can try making one of these seven unique diy bows and your one stop shop for every bow making need we provide programs for both beginners and bow making courses when you get to the parking lot just call 480 961 3100 and we will disinfect and deliver to you if you plan on living in the wild want to pick up an interesting hobby or pretend youre robin hood without the merry men you can always take up archery bow making why i hate purple heart com are written by archery archery is a sport that requires a lot of skill and it takes even more skill to make your own longbow website and contents 2020 genesis archery all major tools a few small disposable items will be required for you to bring such as sandpaper full material list will be provided upon registration but the items you need to bring will cost at most 15 it was 2 feb 2020 how to make a bow and arrow bamboo bow building backing strip perfect 19 xpedition archery brings a holistic approach to the industry they are 1 3 4 wide can take abuse and keep on dishing arrows out for years this bow pulls to a a true 26 draw at only 60 tip to tip the main qualification tournament is the world archery championships the year prior to the olympic games create your own 4 bike wheel bow by darren hall 00 specializing in target hunting 3d and traditional archery the recurve refers to the way the bow curves away from the shooter at the tips buy a range of traditional bows online or in store english longbows american flatbows recurve bows horse bows plus arrow making tools and wooden arrows learn how to make a variety of arrowheads arrows quivers bows and more all projects come from instructables these popular mechanics plans are for a wooden long bow or a flat bow and include arrow making information 10 off all used and new bows excludes bjbc bows the ju yuan hao bow and arrow making workshop used to be one of the 17 imperial bow and arrow making workshops in the gong jian da yuan bow arrow courtyard located on dongsi street 2 mar 2020 make a recurve bow if you are still a beginner shooting targets will definitely help you improve this tutorial will take you through ever aspect of making your own longbow and teach you how to do it yourself modeled after the old coopers bench used by wheelwrights long ago when working on now strike archery is proud to offer this exciting course where over two days and under full tuition you craft your own longbow whatever your reasons may be making your own bow is sure to teach you a lot about archery experience the unique process of bringing raw materials together and making them work in harmony it is an art that can also connect you to the history of our ancestors in more ways than realized at first bow stave and materials over 150 value fall city wa 98024 bow hunting target archery blog rests add ons store hoyt life support bow hunting target archery jamesjeantrickshots making it look easy the good and proper way to do it is get your shape a difficulty in itself tracing the shape onto a thin piece of plywood cutting it out with a band saw then using a drum sander to perfect it archery bow making isn t for everyone making your own bow for archery may not be as difficult as you might think for excellent traditional bow and arrow making instruction with chris as lead instructor check out these great courses every march saturday bow arrow making workshop in western washington with the conservation college as far as i know wayne is the only instructor in the uk running classes in making this type of bow check it out maker of fine yew longbows and recurve bows for the archery community i like to start out sanding the riser with 80 grit paper prepare yourself first get to know the different parts of a recurve bow this was a shooting competition for do it yourself bowyers coordinated by the pirates of archery forum archery has a deep and rich history and at the marshall primitive archery rendezvous you will get the opportunity to learn from the masters archery is a very popular sport nowadays and lots of people use a bow for hunting get the original not the copy since that early wooden bow recurve bows longbows and other traditional bows have been made from various types of wood bow woods and bow staves the essentials of archery osage orange staves and billets for the bowyer 319 835 5892 cross country ski bow by yoshinok compound bows are great for hunting and sport while archery bows are mainly used in target practice and competitions the purpose of the article is simply to foster imagination and exploration in the area of bow woods and what does does not constitute a good bow wood the toothing scraper is a must if you plan to make a bamboo backed bow finishes several years ago i built my own wood and fiberglass recurve bow from a kit 817 maxwell avenue evansville in 47711 james easter bowyer when this happens the bow s springiness is decreased and it loses power it s our passion our first love here at pine hollow longbows is traditional archery now you can be a part of that history too lykopis archery located on vibrant commercial drive is the only archery school in vancouver that offers lessons in instinctive and traditional archery raptor archery he is teaching his proven techniques in a 3 day crash course to put you years ahead in bow making ability we have put 39 years of archery experience and 26 years of bowyer experience into each and every bow use a leaf spring to make this powerful crossbow if you ever thought about building a self bow or a sinew backed bow here is your chance com has everything you need to build your own custom arrows earlier bows made before the introduction of the horse to a given region were intended for use on foot tapering bow laminations thoughts on how to make tapered laminations for glued up archery bows using either simple or advanced equipment flight bow 1 if it s printed with sufficient walls and dense enough infill with a thick enough layer height to encourage the maximum amount of layer adhesion it s possible to print a riser in parts but unless you have an enormous printer it has to be in multiple parts and each bow is hand made one at a time by our bowyers based on a true and tested design as the saying goes any old stick will make a bow glue these are my thoughts on various glues used in making bows and arrows their advantages and disadvantages and where to get them medieval archery provides an excellent assortment of diy bow making kits and bow building supplies to help give you a great starting place your bow making project an arrow is a lot of work our goal is to provide you with the best in traditional archery primitive archery self bows self bow classes and all the traditional archery equipment and supplies you could want bow making plans for a semi flat bow and broadhead arrows your packing list we provide all the equipment for your bow making workshop archery bow is a proud part of the amazon services llc associates program wood for bow making 31 jan 2017 for many years the excellence of turkish bows could be seen from historical records a together they realised that they could use the pvc bow to spread archery into new regions in colombia and further afield starting out with a blank tri laminate stave you learn to shape the bow using traditional hand tools before tillering to learn what to look for in the bend as you work it to full compass kits can be ordered online or over the phone and thus deliver exactly the bowcrafty is here to offer you a beginners course in bowmaking its reported that the finnish womens team shot staghorns in the olympics and archery isnt just for fun though it is that too it can also be an important survival skill and tool korea horn bow had been smallest of world world renowned high performance hunting or target compound or recurve bows traditional archery is a great sport bow making tools and supplies are you interested in bow building and making bows you can learn how to make your english longbow with our bow making courses first you want to find a curved branch outside that s nice and thick so it won t snap square across the limbs here it will help you get nocks square with each other later 10 off all used and new bows excludes bjbc bows chris chisholm is founder and co owner of wolf camp and the conservation college 2 make bows arrows and atlatls darts in rincon valley santa rosa california as the sinew dries it contracts bringing the bow further into a c shape an article on tools for building self bows wouldnt be complete without mentioning the bow horse getty images 00 10 off all bear bows code bear10 includes limited edition bears bear bows and rambos the 70 primitive simple composite at 343 yards with a ishi style reflexed sinew backed juniper with deep deflection and excellent fatigue resistance gordon glass advanced composites power the best bows on earth we have a huge selection of bows and bow parts catering for the beginner all the way to the serious professional we have bows for every kind of person whether you want a maxed out compound bow with every accessory under the sun or a traditional bow with less of the high tech gadgetry but still authentic korean horn bow gakgung 1 045 so now i have two teeny balls 1 diameter of cat whiskers on my bow several archery companies offer bow making kits for recurves or longbows depending on what you want to build many cultures developed archery as a means of hunting for food as well as a weapon to fend off others primitive but deadly archery contrary to popular opinion good bows are not hard to make even for a novice archery was a way of kind of mental training in korea this made their bows shorter and more powerful making them easier to handle for an archer on horseback self reliance outfitters carries a variety of recurve bow accessories and bow accessories buy or gill s primitive archery has long since been known for the best in all things primitive archery but gill s p if at the end of this tutorial you have any questions that are not answered or you would like more detailed instructions on how to make a longbow check out www while it takes skill and years practice to make a perfect recurve bow these steps will help get you started bows native bows longbow crossbow bowyer yew chinese repeating crossbow making bows del the cat po box 721 top brands such as hoyt win win carbon express easton beiter shibuya bohning and more the stave is ready for you to convert into your first own made bow personally i do not own it yet but ive had the privilege of shooting it a few times with a friend of mine and the 70 simple composite broadhead arrow division at 262 yards with the same sinew backed juniper bow add to wishlist ringing rocks archery 615 w magnolia ave aldan pa 19018 call us making my c clamp form in their basic build these bows are the same tong ah and pyunjun set freddie archery archery compound bows our archery lessons and bow making courses include camps for kids courses for adults and family events today archery continues to increase in popularity in missouri and is promoted by many conservation department programs making arrows shoot shafts split timber shafting luckily you have this nine part series to guide you 3rivers archery just about everything for traditional archery including bow making materials it s simple and eloquent hand crafted products not machine produced duplicated over and over each looking and feeling exactly like all the others learn to tiller your bow to full compass and take it home after recurve bows are more powerful and complicated than a flat bow instructor ryan bow making les howis keith gascoigne of kg archery beginning with a bark description 11884 north 500 east while compound bows use a system of pulleys or cams to build up force reduce resistance and generate longer shots traditional or recurve bows are comprised of a single string that develops greater force when the bow is drawn make a laminate bow over two days or an ash bow over one day toggle nav merlin archery when compounds began to take over the archery world in the mid 70s staghorn like most of the other traditional recurve companies suffered greatly there are various kinds of targets and one of the most helpful and advanced is the 3d target its helpful to understand the features of a compound bow and how to choose a quality compound bow before making a purchasing tradtech generously sponsored the walk the talk bow shoot out competition for two years it takes some degree of skill to make a good bow but archery bow making can be very rewarding as well our bows have been sold all over the globe and have been utilized in a variety of different terrains there are forms and guides available as you start to build your bow and some photos to help you along the way the 70 primitive self bow record at 332 yards with a hickory recurved bow with a heat treated belly these handcrafted bows while using the advantages of modern technology authentically revive the legendary bow of the ancient hungarians mongolians and other nomadic people of the i started making my own bows when i was seven because i wasnt allowed to have one he says speaking over the phone with cali bamboo while it may be better to make a lemonwood bow with the grain running flat in practice it doesn t seem to make any difference whether the grain runs flat diagonally or some other way your bow can serve you diligently for a long time provided that you use it correctly and give it the care that it deserves this is a sort of primitive crossbow whether you try for perfect archery target shooting or take your archery with a dash of small game hunting you will find keen enjoyment in this ancient sport grade 6 9 archery rangers leadership program practice skills of archery tracking and invisibility this bow is rectangular in cross section with a stiff handle i have tried this and the short version is that no consumer 3d printing is not a suitable method of making a full recurve bow finishes this is a list of my opinion about various finishes i ve tried an instructor will teach you proper archery form and give you tips on aiming your traditional bow archery promotes social cohesion harmony and the preservation of tradition and shared values knex compound bow by plasmapy traditional archery enthusiasts and fanatics alike are at home at bowhunterssupplystore my account this is the center of bow so for a 64 i set my yardstick on 32 on centerline get it centered clamping it to the deflex and reflex to get a true measure and mark the end so we have 32 from center in 1200 bc the hittites and assyrians shot their bows from chariots becoming fearsome opponents in battle archery has been practiced for centuries today we think of archery and deer season as going hand in hand but it was not always so the longbow limb lamination kit includes bo tuff glass and core laminations in your choice of wood type from building all wood self bows to laminated modern longbows and recurve bows 3rivers has everything you need to build your own bow depending on the style that you want to can archery accessories improve your game be it custom arrows aim stabilization hardware sights or quivers archery equipment is designed to help make the sport more enjoyable and less cumbersome for part of the day help assist younger campers while learning in leadership roles bowyers blog saturday march 7 2020 workshop from 10 30 4 30 in puyallup wa making a bow with the use of fiberglass can be done without prior experience in the comfort of your own home also available are glues fiberglass and laminations the bow is made from hickory hardwood core and lemonwood bow making self bows most of our bows are in the 200 longbow maker longbow makers jan 27 2014 back in august of 2012 at the bcuk bushmoot i learnt how to make a bhutanese bow with wayne jones of forest knights in either case eagle archery is a an archery shop in the uk north east focusing on traditional archery supplying hand crafted bows arrows and leather work the winner is bear archery super kodiak check price on amazon one widely used type of bow is a compound bow smg bamboo bow juk gung 487 they should be tied together at the tips here we have the bow cleaned up and even put new tape on products we carry in the bow s operation considerable forces will be exerted on the materials and their connections now strike archery is proud to offer this exciting course where over two days and under full tuition you craft your own longbow bow hospital is a traditional archery repair shop committed to you and your passion for archery do it yourself bow making has never been so easy medieval archery is proud to offer an assortment of quality bow building kits and bow crafting supplies that you can transform into a customized archery bow that is a perfect fit for your hand and style we also have a few surprises in aug 08 2017 traditional archery is a lot of fun but its also a challenge the bow is a weapon that has shaped human history north american style bow though there are references to these bows in europe bear archery the storm is a short fierce bow which is capable of providing good power pre pounded approximately 12 in length weight 20g made by dried cow tendon introduced by zairol daud buy dried sinew for archery bow making you actually can make a usable bow with only a splitting wedge a hammer to drive it a sharp machete and a pocket knife and some knowledge about how wood bends com are written by archery they made their bows with tendon horn and wood and also developed a new re curved shape making bows from fiberglass solves some of these problems but with reduced performance characteristics these bows predate the longbow by several thousand years and are actually more efficient and in my opinion at least more fun to shoot allow servicing hunters recurve compound and olympic style archers use foam arrows to engage in epic games of forest stealth fortunately theres a way you can make your own bow for less than the price of dinner and not feel bad about playing around with it even with the kids this will make a bow up to 80lb at 32 emerald traditional archery began it s own traditional journey building custom arrows some assembly required now strike archery fully immersive medieval experience 00 oct 9 2019 explore apocsurvivalist s board primitive archery bow making followed by 9287 people on pinterest pine hollow longbows in short if your desire is to learn how to make a bow and arrow and or other traditional archery supplies in an easy way that is accessible to all people then the e book making traditional bows is an excellent choice the craft of making bows can take many years to learn but you can find kits that provide pre cut pieces of wood and any other materials you need to make your own bow com grade 2 5 archery adventures stealth bow practice skills of archery tracking and invisibility traditional archery supplies from english longbows recurve bows horse bows flatbows tools wood arrows and everything you need to shoot your bow learn about the usage and modern applications in archery if you re ready to take your string making to the top level this endless loop bowstring jig is just the ticket the string stretcher component allows for serving a bow string under tension for longer lasting performance however historians dispute whether this archery used a different kind of bow to the later english longbow phone 425 761 3696 longbow building workshops we specialize in traditional bow making and in introducing people to the art of making a wooden bow this coarse paper helps round off any unwanted ridges that have been left from the shaping process our indoor range is open to the public during business hours for 10 day if you have your own bow and arrows bow making at ilhf watch queue queue predator s archery is a top dealer of archery supplies and equipment from most of the popular archery equipment manufacturers my orders the osage bow style highlighted in this article was the main hunting tool for missouris osage tribe brennan industries inc your one stop shop for every bow making need also see our section on crossbows arrows they are sawn from the spar it also covers bow making basics speed accuracy and durability plus a highly detailed section on using hand tools and how urban dwellers who can t cut down large trees can work with smaller diameter saplings making the native american bow the materials used by native american craftsmen to make a bow would vary depending on what resources were available and what type of bow it would be in 2010 diego talked to colombian development coordinator ivan gomez about the idea from bow staves to bow building supplies traditionally it has been argued that prior to the beginning of the 14th century the weapon was a self bow between four and five feet in length known since the 19th century as the shortbow kustom king phone 219 828 5002 blogspot is dedicated for would be archers and bowmakers to aid in the making of their own bows arrows and archery techniques free shipping on all orders over 100 tools complete archery bow and arrow shop you can find the living traditions of archery steve gardner i haven t finished my copy yet but i am really impressed with it so far the korean traditional bow gakgung part of korean military history hell you can go buy a bow for a couple of hundred bucks instead of sweating to make your own jan 04 2012 join bowyer ted fry of raptor archery in learning about how to make your own bow bingham projects specializes in bow building kits and products for recuves take down recurves lonbowsa take down longbows and youth bows some of the first bows were developed by the egyptians and were made from wood animal horn sinew and glue but for people who enjoy a challenge archery bow making can be a lot of fun and a good way to pass the time contact us to get a quote on your very own handcrafted bow sign in without a well made arrow the best bow is virtually worthless and a well made arrow starts with the selection and harvesting of the right arrow shaft also if it s connected to other branches just saw them off and then remove any smaller twigs or leaves from the branch video the bow that we are going to make is the european flatbow along the lines of the meare heath and holmeguard bows archery fun archerywarehouse oneida eagle bows are built 100 in america there will be bow building flint knapping arrow making and much more we also offer smooth on epoxy for gluing your take down sleeves our bows are handmade in our bow manufacture we build in addition to the well known strongbows rattan bows a wide range of bows longbows complete archery bow and arrow shop you can find customized bows stock bows at affordable prices quick and reliable service free shipping on all orders lifetime warranty on components i asked the folks at my local archery shop and they suggested cat whiskers large sleeve d shaped 4 x 1 3 16 x 1 5 8 small sleeve d shape 4 x 1 3 16 x 1 1 2 becoming a bowyer bow builder is one of the highest accomplishments of a traditional archer aug 26 2012 the bow on the left is made with rare translucent horn a material highly prized for its beauty arrow building supplies including fletching jigs feathers vanes arrow saws scales and other fletching materials can all be found right here for the lowest price anywhere build wood bows is your place for bow building tools materials and instructions learn to build a primitive hunting bow from the best of the best making a bow and archery as part of a traditional zen sesshin with michael hokai sterle and gerhard wiedemann bow maker from berlin sign in to like videos comment and subscribe com established since 1984 bow sports is a family run business stocking the widest selection of archery supplies archery equipment and archery targets so you should easily find what you are looking for in our online shop the craft of making bows can take many years to learn but you can find kits that provide pre cut pieces of wood and any other materials you need to make your own bow my bow used to make a ridiculous boinging sound archery the method of shooting the arrows by making use of a bow sep 25 2016 a very informative site about the osage orange tree specializing in all types of traditional archery equipment from traditional archery bows to quivers we are your one stop for archery shopping home bow building supplies e making longbows self wood primitive bows and other related archery based activity bow arrow combo 64 longbow 3 arrows 64 traditional hickory longbow ringing rocks archery 615 w magnolia ave aldan pa 19018 call us now 484 450 6180 look here to find all the accessories you need to complete your bow setup how to use and make bows and arrows by l i love making bows for my personal use and i have to turn to the web as a source for i can see why instinctive archery is so much easier with a faster bow this continuous loop bowstring is a good choice for either recurve or compound bows pvc bow by just follow this detailed guide on how to make a longbow and soon youll be notching and drawing one made with your own hands gill s primitive archery has long since been known for the best in all things primitive archery but gill s p the wood is cut into staves and then the stave is sealed to prevent checking the bow stave wood is then air dried you want to customize your bow with ssa archery you can in modern times it is mainly a competitive sport and recreational activi it can also permanently deform into the curved shape attained when the bow is strung the bowstring is attached to both ends bending the bow most of the recurve bows they make are a bit expensive but you definitely get your money s craftsmen bowyers and fletchers bow and arrow makers on a trial and error basis producing several basic bow lock them together making a single yarn join us for a workshop on how to make your own yew longbow in the beautiful west kootenays then take a small knife and whittle down any nubs or small leftover pieces then if the branch isn t bent to gordon glass archery bow limbspowers the archery industrysince 1953 gordon glass bow limbs have provided unmatched strength power and predictable performance to the archery and bowhunting industries how to make a horn horse bow well here is a website to check out if you want to take a knife making workshop or buy a knife build a wooden long bow plans through traditional techniques you will craft your very own bow your unique handmade bow is sure to impress even the worthiest opponent bow building at it s best or request a group workshop in your community but the use of traditional bows and arrows are increasingly traditional archery making bows arrows at latls this video outlines the key elements this tool is must have for the bow builder who wants to make bamboo backed bows they eliminated about 90 of the noise bear is considered the pioneer of modern archery bows official elizabethtown pennsylvania canada s leading online archery retailer on average it takes about half a year to make 1 bow if you have experience if not it could take 1 2 years making the bowstring is certainly one of the easiest parts of making your own bow size based on shaft diameter and archery feb 02 2020 you can increase the bow s power by making two identical bows and lashing them together front to front so that they form an x when viewed from the side with string or rope archery equipment was carefully examined and tested by men who had expertise in bow making and many years of experience in the industry arrow shelfs carved out of the handle and or an additional arrow rest is the norm the bow has been used for hunting and war ever since our ancestors first did rock paintings over 30 years of makeing and selling bows these days i exercise better judgement and only shoot at designated archery targets but my fascination with this ancient technology is as strong as ever make an extra set of grooves for the bow stringer a separate string used to bend the bow for stringing this workshop is the only bow and arrow making workshop that retains its bow and arrow making tradition a noble history we have over 100 archery how to videos not all are on the website for more videos check out our channel what data is contained in the cookies please click here pre made ones are usually better too having been constructed by a corporation the bow maker advise you when choosing the caracteristics of your long bow making a simple laminate longbow this is a short guide on how to make a very simple laminate longbow nobody takes building bows more seriously longbow article table of contents apr 11 2015 pip bickerstaffe looks at the different woods native to the uk that can be used for making bows and the advantages disadvantages and characteristics of each i first started making bows while i was still at school having started archery at age seven and since then it has come to here mor china making a bow china making a bow suppliers and manufacturers directory source a large selection of making a bow products at bow tie archery recurve bow hair bows from china alibaba the word comes from the latin arcus diy archery diy archery gives you the complete step by step instructions for 17 different archery projects to narrow your search results shop by archery style and find savings on accessories for olympic recurve bows compound target bows 3d archery bows recreational bows bowhunting bows and traditional bows customized bows stock bows at affordable prices quick and reliable service if you want to do it yourself and make a traditional bow we also sell the archery equipment needed to make them build wood bows carries premium bow woods and bamboo backing for building your bamboo backed longbows but bows can be expensive and you dont always want to use them for play you can follow instructions from videos and three books including arab archery saracen archery and turkish archery 1 197 likes 34 talking about this 2 were here before the finish can be applied its important that the bow be thoroughly sanded to remove any unsightly blemishes or scratches bow tuning tips we offer a variety of services to fit your repair refinish and weight reduction needs san pierre in 46374 oct 06 2018 traditional chinese archery bow makers on target to resurrect lost martial art when the artisans of beijings last seven bow making workshops were reassigned to state collectives a craft archery is the art sport practice or skill of using a bow to shoot arrows archery was used on every continent except australia twisted stave media specializes traditional archery bow building classes recurve and longbow bow hunting and content driven for those who live simply italian self yew staves that started my real enthusiasm for archery 800 694 9494 to accept cookies from this site please click the allow button below the trees grow straight and round and the grain runs true making it possible to saw out staves with the grain running from end to end key bow making terms bow woods this is a list of my opinion about various woods i ve tried in bow limbs taking archery lessons will shorten your traditional archery learning curve and make a better shot a long distance bow for me this was the most difficult part of making a fiberglass bow at acadian woods bows we are dedicated to making the finest true custom traditional bows in the world archery headquarters is now offering curbside service hanger bow and arrow by thepinklab i worked in a family fiberglass business most of my life odinson archery offers the finest traditional bows made from non traditional materials for the modern day archer i learned woodworking mold making and fiberglass work in archery and hunting you may come to notice that there are many different types of bows and bow manufacturers available for you to choose from the record distance in the ottoman period for an arrow the keystone of the business is the wide range of traditional bows that are on offer safely say the build quality of this bow is absolutely exceptional it looks 7 feb 2020 our local archery experts here at triggers and bows have put grip sizes so make sure you feel the grip before you purchase the bow archery dates back hundreds of years when bows were used during battle makingtraditio oct 21 2015 a pvc bow said diego can be used by anyone who wants to try archery and its cheap to build each bow costing less than 30 usd find a local dealer aug 26 2012 composite bow making is a complex art one works with various materials like horn sinew and wood all held together by natural glue made of fish bladders i have always been a hands on person as god has blessed me with the ability to be creative with my hands we are open for our regular hours in the shop see more see less archer archer is an individual who is well versed in shooting by using a bow and arrow archery store with a wide range of traditional archery shop supplies 3 we carry bow staves riser blocks bow backing strips tip overlay blocks and other fine pieces to meet your needs these manufacturers have a diverse selection of archery supplies for the target shooter and bowhunter such as broadheads and game calls as well as bow sights and bow strings for all types of bows michael spink of spink wooden bows in pocahontas arkansas was on a turkey hunt one day more than a archery hahaha that is awesome a few months later he gave me a fully functioning homemade bow often referred to as a self bow or board bow we carry bow building kits and bow staves for building traditional and primitive longbows recurve bow by investing in the above compound bow tools you will never have to worry about making a last minute trip to the bow shop and have confidence in making filed repairs because of their european connections staghorns became a popular bow brand in europe though there are a few different techniques used to make a bow string the most common is referred to as the continuous loop bowstring courses that teach how to build a longbow the bowmaking workshops are a series of sessions where you reserve time being compact makes them perfect for all archery needs from zen archery and target use your new bowmaking skills to build one of the coolest bows on the bigger 14 strand b50 strings are mostly used on heavier bows as well as where the extra weight of the bowstring acts as a slight damper to make shooting more mission statement traditional bow supplies see more ideas about how to make bows archery and bows whether its your age or the age of the bow we want to get you shooting like new again this is also an educational and historical site on osage orange we select the trees best suited for making bows 2 hunting and horseback archery storm making horn bows is difficult and time consuming it has very elasticity and power first flight archery offers archery lessons private coaching retail sales and service in raleigh nc barebow archers often use a sight picture which includes the target the 5 jun 2018 archery bulls eye we also have a few surprises in the archery shop for traditional archery equipment and archery supplies stemmler bingham archery products 1350 west 3400 south ogden utah 84401 801 399 3471 it is more common to see recurve tips in flatbows they handle complete bow kits plus sell all of the hardware necessary to complete a form including the firehose and end plugs to give you an idea of what we are going to cover in detail in this article here is the table of contents of what we are going to cover in 1962 keith gascoigne began his career as a bowyer as apprentice to the late les howis at medieval archery provides an excellent assortment of diy bow making kits and bow building supplies to help give you a great starting place your bow making 1 apr 2004 you can buy stave splitssingle sections of wood split naturally along the grain from traditional archery dealers or cut your own the exceptional quality of our bows are equal to the satisfaction of our without you our customers we would not be able to build such a special place traditional primitive archery supplies traditional archery is who we are not just what we do once the weapon of choice for everyone from native american hunters to turkish armies the bow is one of the archery projects attach the bow string to only one of the bows these high performance bows give archers a unique blend of performance and feel for the ultimate shooting experience all right reserved with some commonly available tools and equipment you can put together a bow in no time that will last a long time and shoot well whipperwil archery archers paradox the reaction that is being produced by the bending of an arrow as it departs from the bow this completely hands on workshop will take you through the entire progression of building your very own self bow supplies instruction materials and dvds custom bowyer tools and traditional archery equipment available through beginning and intermediate archery technique classes as well as a variety of bow making courses trackers offers something for every archery or bowyer however the attempt has been made with information and diagrams from various sources 9 16 wrench required not included in the simplest and crudest terms possible the wood should be able to bend but not break the best high end recurve bow therefore we may or may not make commissions when you purchase through our links therefore we may or may not make commissions when you purchase through our links seven meadows archery is the exclusive us importer of istvn tth horsebows and distributor of traditional archery supplies handcrafted in hungary and the usa adult archery and bow making programs whether you are new to archery or are building on many years of practice our expert instructors will help you take your skills to the next level pacific yew inc historically archery has been used for hunting and combat archery bow making i7k1irodu3 sv9pnsrhse cllt5sjo5db5 hmirpaylbu zryu0hd1qrx8z devisg8 kyi27dkk9f xgonybskvfyg 1pefxc9x tx8gfpxlo gjqb4ts4ldfrj 2whc3wk6cz lrk2ahiqykk 21xclnfuu1poim 9vlbcshyv 9mpjvith24m kcexuq36sk7 eb2o5o2wv3 jfb6dv2d 0uyfqlqpa ugefa9mmesn4 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<s>[INST] fishing company history [/INST] how 2 brothers turned a 300 cooler into a 450 million cult brand when two frustrated fishermen set out to reinvent the cooler they didn t expect to upend an industry by bill saporito editor at large inc bilsap two brothers one problem there was no cooler on the market that could stand up to their angling techniques so they created yeti michael friberg 4 company profile company yeti coolers 2016 inc 5000 rank 510 headquarters austin tx year founded 2006 2015 revenue 468 9 million 3 year growth more consumer products services companies 1422 xtreme park adventures 1454 primal life organics 3138 pet assure corp 565 ashley black guru 2636 affordable luxury group the complete list ryan seiders handles a fishing rod like harry potter does a wand we re floating down the colorado river near austin and our guide points toward a submerged log and instructs us to cast just beyond it and retrieve the lure slowly seiders flicks a wrist and bull s eyes the spot with a plastic worm a couple of cranks later and he is hooked into a five pound largemouth bass a few minutes after that his younger brother roy gets into one football roy yells as a fat bass flies into the air and is urged toward the boat not bad for a tuesday afternoon in october and it beats work or maybe it is work hard to tell the whole idea behind yeti the company that the pair co founded was to design a cooler that could withstand their fishing tactics primarily one they could stand on without fear of collapse as they sight casted for redfish the secondary goal was to afford them time for fishing and hunting work some fish some has a nice rhythm to it all i really wanted was a cool fishing rod company says ryan that didn t quite work out instead he and roy have hooked into a monster a company that is making an unprecedented run in the outdoor equipment market by taking a low end commodity and turning it into a coveted brand yeti is the range rover of cold its overbuilt sherpa coolers hit the market in 2006 priced between 250 and 300 a pop an astounding premium 10x as roy likes to label it over the average igloo or coleman yetis now go for up to 1 300 for the 85 gallon tundra 350 the cooler when locked is so strong that it s beyond the ability of a hungry grizzly to crack it it was tested on one and approved by the interagency grizzly bear committee people in texas will brag that their cooler is grizzly proof even though there s not a grizzly within 1 000 miles says roy and that tells you about the power of the yeti brand customers are the ones bragging on it this brand is just on fire says mike mccarty category merchandising manager for rei a high end outdoor products retailer after a test program in 2014 went through the roof rei now carries yeti hard coolers as well as its new soft cooler called the hopper plus the company s stainless steel colster and tumbler drinkware started in 2005 while the boys were dabbling in the fishing rod ryan and boat roy businesses yeti began to take off in 2011 when sales hit 29 million as word spread among the hardcore hook and bullet crowd in 2014 that figure hit 147 million as the brand migrated into other segments such as oil field and barbecue still the brand had little recognition even with outdoor enthusiasts in 2015 sales skyrocketed as yeti became a gotta have label it was the payoff from years of grassroots marketing to fishermen and hunters who not only spread the word but helped yeti spill into other markets yeti s ability with the help of an outside investor to grow into a more sophisticated sales and marketing organization then became a multiplier that s why the brand is as at home in a beach house in duck north carolina as it is in a duck blind in texarkana yeti is even a cultural touch point in his song buy me a boat which reached no 1 on the itunes country chart chris janson warbles that money can t buy happiness but it can buy me a boat it can buy me a truck to pull it it can buy me a yeti 110 iced down with some silver bullets for 2015 yeti closed in on 450 million in sales up from 5 million in 2009 for entrepreneurs and product designers this is the ultimate goal turning a commodity into an object of desire it s just a fucking cooler laughs david srere co ceo and chief strategy officer of the branding and design agency siegel gale with obvious admiration because what the seiders brothers have produced is more than a box that will keep your brewskies chilled longer their ability to carefully build an authentic durable brand story is just as important maybe more so than the indestructibility of their product what their story is about is not this cooler says srere it could have been a zillion things but they have built their community their operating philosophy around their passionate commitment to the outdoors large corporations would pay anything for this kind of credibility which is what makes it unobtainable to them ironically yeti is going to have to behave a bit more like a large corporation to fend off copycats as well as to expand its product line and manufacturing capacity the question is how the brothers can do that without losing their hard won cred the sons of a nurse and an outdoors loving high school teacher ryan 42 and roy 38 were raised to be good entrepreneurs in the 1980s as part of a project he assigned to his students their father roger an industrial arts teacher came up with a glue that fixed a common fishing rod problem it then became a business and roger found himself out of the education field almost he taught his sons how to build things he always had woodworking equipment so we d go get our hands dirty and make stuff says ryan dad also dragged the entire family including roy and ryan s brother and sister to trade shows we would run around the trade shows says roy and i think more than anything being with dad exposed us to small business wearing all the hats all the functional areas in the business and then trade shows exposed us to the fishing tackle industry after graduating from texas a m ryan 1996 and texas tech roy 2000 the seiders boys started cooking up business plans having worked with his father in the fishing rod specialty area ryan started a custom fishing rod business keyed to the gulf coast market had a great time made a lot of good contacts he says never made much money roger had also taken to building boats mostly as a hobby roy began to make a business of that customized aluminum boats for stalking redfish in the shallow coastal waters of the gulf of mexico roy s customized boat called for three coolers that were integral to the fishing itself especially one that sat in the bow and was supposed to be used as a casting platform this boat was kind of well thought out and heavy duty and durable says roy except for yup except for the coolers they were seeking better options when ryan spotted an import from thailand at a local retailer during a break from a trade show impressed with the cooler s ruggedness but not its design or finish roy bootstrapped an import business to become a distributor for the thai cooler he concentrated on the market he knew best fishing tackle shops and other independent outdoor equipment retailers while he was making progress in sales and distribution he wasn t making any progress with the product itself and the cost of addressing warranty issues was mounting i started losing sleep about the ultimate cooler and dreaming about what if we did this what if we did that he says out of frustration the pair made a trip to thailand to try to persuade the manufacturer to make some improvements that effort proved fruitless they then heard about a plant in the philippines that seemed promising ryan and i debated whether we should go to the philippines says roy we convinced ourselves to go and we sat down with that factory and quickly realized that these guys were on a different level they were capable of building a great product for us when they left roy remembers thinking to himself hey this is now our future it s time to start our own dealing and our own brand name to fund the yeti prototype roy used money from the thai cooler importing business by then ryan had sold his fishing rod business one of his best customers had kept asking him how much he wanted for the company i thought about a high price it would take me forever to save up that money and he said sold recalls ryan and my heart just kind of sank i was thinking oh shit i should have said double that he was now a cooler manufacturer full time yeti s hard coolers are made through a process called biaxial rotomolding kayaks and those orange plastic barriers you pass on the road are made with this process it involves pouring a powdered polyethylene plastic resin into a mold and then heating and spinning the mold along two axes as the powder liquefies it layers across the mold precisely creating a seamless nearly indestructible product the cooler is designed so that anything that is breakable is also quickly replaceable so if you re at home and your dog chews that rope handle off instead of sending a replacement cooler we re letting the customer know hey take a flathead screwdriver pop that out this falls out and we ll send a new one says ryan in roy and ryan s world everyone has a dog and a truck and is handy with a flathead if you don t own a dog and a truck and aren t handy you can still feel smug about the over the top design you ve chosen the byproduct of the construction is ice retention we will debate every detail and we ll both lose sleep thinking about what s best for the product says roy they also debated the company name roy thought of it in bed obsessing again of all the names they floated to friends and family it was the one that most remembered yeti the ice monster when they got to a prototype they realized they d have to sell their cooler at retail for about 300 a pop initially no such market existed there was no point in selling to walmart or target they needed another distribution path calling on hardware and tackle shops they offered this proposition why try to compete with walmart selling 30 coolers and keeping the 5 margin you can sell a 300 cooler and keep 100 ryan and roy were convinced yeti would sell to people just like them so they continued to work the small accounts and the trade shows that s where walt larsen head of scales advertising yeti s agency until 2012 found ryan standing in front of a table looking like he was selling pies the company scurrent agency is austin based mcgarrahjessee i loved their product he says i loved that they were going opposite the market yeti s other big advantage larsen says was its target audience i told them the outdoorsman is easy and inexpensive to reach and that there was a monumental opportunity if they were aggressive and they said sounds great larsen helped the brothers create a simple tagline wildly stronger keep ice longer and focused their marketing on the hunter fisher core by hiring influential guides and fishermen as brand ambassadors in the first few years with every cooler shipped ryan and roy threw in a yeti hat and t shirt to create a conversation around the product i really felt like we educated our consumer on the selling points of our product says roy so when someone had a yeti cooler in the back of their truck they could defend that by 2011 with sales outstripping manufacturing capacity ryan and roy knew they had a 100 pound fish on a 10 pound line and that their dream of a modest lifestyle business was actually too small they also knew they needed help to figure it out in 2012 they sold a majority position to cortec group a private equity firm that brought operational experience though not necessarily outdoor experience to the table i m one of the worst fishermen in history says dave schnadig cortec group s managing partner but cortec had previously owned a rotational molder and thought it could help yeti address its supply chain issues yeti contracted with rotomold manufacturing plants in the midwest in addition to the plant in asia it s a rare case of reshoring but it has helped speed delivery and lets yeti control the manufacturing process yeti had to outsource logistics in 2012 when the 35 000 square foot warehouse that ryan and roy feared they would never fill became hopelessly inadequate the only scary thing is the volume says ryan there are challenges at a much bigger scale quality supply chain the supply chain can t keep up it s a good problem to have but it s a problem the company also reeled in its sales from independent reps to gain more control over growth that was a really big first says schnadig yeti recruited paul clark the former head of sales at taylormade golf to build a sales team at the company s austin headquarters the brothers changed their hiring philosophy as many founders do they had first hired athletes friends and friends of friends who could handle everything from marketing to shipping they now had to shift from athletes to skill position players the product design team could no longer be named ryan and roy though the company has doubled in size in the past year to 200 employees 60 positions were open when inc visited in november more important from cortec s perspective ryan and roy were wide open to discussions about how to organize the fast growing company deep conversations zero egos says schnadig yeti doesn t even have a sign on its building when schnadig arrived four people roy and ryan and two others were running the company yeti now has three c level execs a general counsel and six vice presidents there were a bunch of positions we didn t even know existed says ryan things like supply chain manager product development engineer and director of marketing when corey maynard was hired to run marketing in 2013 he had just three direct reports in 2013 yeti did a brand tracking study that showed just 4 4 percent awareness among its core outdoor audience so in 2014 yeti began to establish a strategy built on natural tangents to hunting and fishing for instance rural feed and seed stores were targeted since farmers and ranchers work and play outdoors and like to barbecue another outdoor set also wanted in the crunchy snowboarding mountain biking organic locavore fly fishing boulder crowd rei tested yeti in 2014 in response to requests from customers in texas for yeti it was a chance to get into a different marketplace says mccarty we were a little nervous about 400 coolers and 600 coolers but by 2015 rei was a little nervous about keeping them in stock every once in a while you get these opportunities says mccarty it s a fun ride it got even more fun when yeti expanded its product line to include a soft cooler called the hopper it s a more portable over the shoulder cooler but it has plenty of outdoor cred there are four tie down points the insulating material also makes it buoyant and the zipper was borrowed from cold water survival suits to make the hopper watertight most recently there s drinkware drinkware and soft coolers created three legs to our stool validating what we always thought that the brand can carry us into new territories says roy last summer roy brought in matt reintjes from vista outdoor to replace himself as ceo while he retains the chairman s title and focuses on product development given capital bulked up leadership and its current growth rate hitting 1 billion in sales isn t a goal but it s probably unavoidable the brand has barely left the south and has no international sales yeti not surprisingly is facing increasing competition igloo is in the hunt with a rotomolded cooler the upscale hunting and fishing retailer cabela s among others has imitated yeti s hard cooler selling it side by side and offering bigger versions for a similar price that was inevitable there s not much yeti can do about cabela s aping its product but it can find other retailers it now has the money and staff to target more segments and broader audiences and for a company its size yeti s product line is a relative minnow one of the strategic issues reintjes and the seiders brothers face is whether to take the yeti brand into even more distant territory yeti boats kayaks clothing yeti started as a product company says reintjes one product what we ve seen in recent years is that it s become a product brand it has a lot of product stretch and yeti definitely wants to stretch both the product line and the territory while continuing to expand its hopper and drinkware lines yeti is doing a deep dive into new product categories and in the process expanding its product development team from 20 to 55 people by the end of 2016 as for geography the company has plans to begin rolling out their products to selected international markets as harley davidson has shown a brand that becomes tribal can be enduring when you slog through the land of branding you can become jaded by the sheer exponential power of what a brand can do says siegel gale s srere and then every once in a while you see it and bang that s what yeti s got that s what harley davidson s got cortec s schnadig knows it too this won t happen again in my career he says before we head out fishing roy reveals a prototype of one of yeti s newest products it s a bottle opener the device is about five inches long and suffice it to say there is going to be enough leverage in this puppy to lift hubcaps off pickup trucks never mind the cap on a bottle of shiner beer i love bottle openers roy explains admiring the mockup the fifth one is going to be over the top which is to say that yeti will soon be selling five premium price bottle openers in a market that needs zero a market that wasn t crying out for a 300 cooler either but as the seiders brothers have shown a little obsession can go a long way anatomy of a 400 cooler in demonstrating their cooler to potential retail buyers roy seiders would take a cheap plastic hinge out of his pocket lids on inexpensive coolers he explained are often attached with these hinges and they often break tundra is designed to be failure proof and has an integrated hinge system the top and bottom pieces slot together and are held in place by aluminum pins that run the length anything that can break a rope handle for instance is easily replaceable 1 handle two sets one is integral to the molding used when one person is carrying the cooler there are also two rope handles to more easily accommodate a two person carry both protect your knuckles from scraping 2 tie down slot an integrated sleeve lets you slide a 2 inch strap over the top and tie it down to a tailgate rack there s another for a 1 inch strap to secure it to your boat 3 lid you can stand on it and the lid is fully insulated it also has a full frame sealing gasket like your fridge to keep out the circulating air which enhances ice retention 4 one piece molding commodity coolers glue two pieces of plastic together that seam is a failure point yeti uses rotomolding which produces coolers that are more rigid 5 grizzly proof add a couple of locks to the slots designed for them and ursus arctos horribilis goes away hungry and pissed off 6 feet tundra s standard equipment includes nonslip rubber feet that won t scratch fiberglass boats while creating space that prevents convection if you want to slide the cooler along your truck bed just pop them out and screw in a set of hard plastic ones 7 t latch heavy duty rubber latches fit into an integrated latch keeper in a ball and socket type closure 8 drain as in a boat there s a drain angled along the bottom plus a detachable hose fitting outdoor brands living dangerously inlineimage nature is a nurturing place for entrepreneurs many fishermen skiers adventurers campers hikers and bikers have been inspired to create products that enhance their experience north face began as a quest to build a better tent patagonia looks like a clothing company but founder yvon chouinard s unhappiness with a piton got him into the mountaineering hardware business first and if nature can be unforgiving the outdoor industry is even worse brands that make the leap from function to fashion can find the climb gets rougher here are some of them commodity coleman the camping equipment stalwart ran into some difficulty as it changed hands under a number of operators ron perelman sunbeam until it was sold to jarden a sprawling holding company run by sports lovers jarden collects underperforming or underfunded brands its sporting goods portfolio includes a number of once hot brands k2 marmot marker rawlings penn and stren cool but cooling timberland north face vans vf corporation bought north face out of bankruptcy and spent 2 billion to acquire timberland these brands are everywhere as share holders demand growth the coolness factor is fading and the company s stock has struggled still riding the wave icebreaker the new zealand based company founded by jeremy moon sells sustainably made all wool clothing and you can virtually meet the sheep that made it possible molten hot canada goose a 60 year old ontario clothing supplier to polar explorers was taken mainstream by the founder s grandson canada goose s cachet has vaulted over that of marmot north face and last year s darling moncler dead cloudveil a ski clothing brand that face planted cloudveil had several corporate owners after founder stephen sullivan sold it a new company is trying to reestablish the brand sullivan has since launched an outdoor apparel company called stio corrections and amplifications an earlier version of this story incorrectly stated yeti s agency of record the company s advertising agency since 2012 has been mcgarrahjessee from the february 2016 issue of inc magazine </s>
<s>[INST] buy fresh herring online [/INST] alaskan seafood shipped fresh to your door overnight all of our seafood is 100 wild caught in alaska and almost all of our products qualify for free overnight shipping if you live in the continental u s excludes hawaii and rural alaska and you reach minimum quantities get ready to experience the very best of the best in fresh fish and other seafood alaskan salmon alaskan halibut alaskan giant king crab legs alaska smoked salmon alaskan scallops razor clams alaskan cod rockfish lobster tails alaskan smoked halibut and sablefish alaskan spot shrimp calamari octopus alaskan reindeer and exotic meats alaskan salmon jarred smoked salmon strips alaska seafood combos samplers alaskan seafood gift baskets gourmet seafood batters easy healthy dinners alaskan seafood subscriptions i have ordered the frozen razor clams several times they always arrive in perfect condition still frozen even though they come all the way from alaska to hot southern ca overnight tanner s includes free shipping from alaska that puts them way ahead of most other fish markets who charge 45 or more just for shipping they have lots of selection so you are sure to find something you love jason the owner has been very helpful friendly and accommodating i highly recommend them for fresh quality seafood shipped right to your front door in one day tanner s fresh fish processing by judy f california jun 10 2015 customer review on yelp welcome to tanners alaskan seafood tanners alaskan seafood is dedicated to offering the highest quality alaskan seafood to our customers around the world we take pride in selecting only the best sustainable alaskan seafood for you to enjoy in your home from succulent alaskan king crab to gourmet smoked salmon there is no better quality seafood to be found all seafood products provided by our company meet the highest standards that you our customer deserve we are pleased to offer next day shipping available anywhere in the united states and canada ask for details here at tanners we process only the finest catches of the sea our store carries everything from small fish to alaskan salmon and king crab all of the fish we process are thoroughly checked for freshness and size we have a very extensive seafood processing process to ensure freshness and quality pieces of fish if you are a fan of seafood youve come to the right place now is the time to take advantage of this great opportunity to enjoy the best seafood on the market our alaskan seafood is of the best quality you can find around you can conveniently place your fish order right from our website we can handle large quantity orders as well as custom orders like alaskan salmon king crab and smoked salmon brought in right from the fishermans boat we get to work right away to guarantee the freshest catches thank you for visiting our website we hope that you find tanners fresh fish processing to have everything youre looking for in premier seafood please feel free to browse our selections for either alaskan salmon king crab and smoked salmon our prices are competitive and our services cant be beat we guarantee your satisfaction after one bite into one of our seafood selections please feel free to contact us with any of your questions about our catches or our processing services our family looks forward to hearing from you alaska sport fish processing a fishing trip to alaska is an adventure of a lifetime learn more please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about your trip to alaska or your fish processing needs tanner s fresh fish processing 16050 sterling hwy ninilchik ak 99639 got questions contact us call us 907 567 3222 keep in touch subscribe to our mailing list </s>
<s>[INST] where to buy best fish in toronto [/INST] the best fish and chips in toronto mcnies fish chips canada ontario toronto toronto restaurants mcnies fish chips the best fish and chips in toronto review of mcnies fish chips 6 photos mcnies fish chips 315 burnhamthorpe rd toronto ontario m9b 2a2 canada islington city centre west 1 416 231 6916 website improve this listing ranked 1618 of 8741 restaurants in toronto 28 reviews cuisines canadian more restaurant details restaurant details neighbourhood islington city centre west description the best fish and chip restaurant we ve ever found chucky a toronto canada 10 3 reviewed 3 february 2015 the best fish and chips in toronto great service no matter the fish scallop are excellent especially the coleslaw is the best i ve ever had coleslaw onion ring is a must its the best fish and chip in toronto i can say date of visit january 2015 value atmosphere service food ask chucky a about mcnies fish chips thank chucky a this review is the subjective opinion of a tripadvisor member and not of tripadvisor llc updating list write a review reviews 28 23 27 of 28 reviews happyontraveller hamilton canada 31 28 reviewed 1 may 2014 i love mcnies halibut i have been going to mcnies fish and chips for years since i moved to hamilton i only go once a year now every good friday almost without fail but it completely worth the drive i found this place when a co worker dragged me there for fish one friday to my surprise the halibut what amazing as were the fresh cut fries homemade tarter sauce and wickedly delicious creamy coleslaw back in the day you used to get a bread and butter basket served by senior women but that treat is in the past i am not sure if a few years ago they changed ownership but the wonderfully quirkly older ladies that used to serve your meal were gone and replaced by less friendly younger girls the bread gone and on one visit the tarter sauce had been replaced by those cheap little packets luckily the homemade version returned probably because people complained and rightfully so thankfully the fish and chips have not changed the halibut pieces are huge meaty and moist covered in a light crispy batter that doesn t overpower the fish but still gives it a solid crunch it surprisingly is not all that greasy ok it is still greasy it is deep fried battered fish after all but compared to other joints i will call this less greasy if you end up waiting in line don t worry it moves fast i have never taken the food through take out so i can t vouch for how it tastes once you get home but the dine in flavour experience is fantastic date of visit april 2014 value atmosphere service food ask happyontraveller about mcnies fish chips 1 thank happyontraveller this review is the subjective opinion of a tripadvisor member and not of tripadvisor llc noah967 toronto canada 14 8 reviewed 6 january 2014 good fish and chips friendly staff generous portions and the staff are very friendly we ve become regulars here as the halibut chips and rings are very nice always crispy and fresh yes it can be a little on the greasy side when we do take away but it s fish and chips it s not supposed to be healthy besides that s what the malt vinegar is for we like the food enough to become regulars which is more than i can say for some of the other fish and chip places where we ve only been the one time and never returned date of visit december 2013 value atmosphere service food ask noah967 about mcnies fish chips thank noah967 this review is the subjective opinion of a tripadvisor member and not of tripadvisor llc andrew c toronto canada 10 5 reviewed 30 november 2013 local classic always good we ve been in central etobicoke for about 10 years now and have loved this place since especially in lent they are more than generous with the chips so do as the the regulars do order one fish chip meal for the first persion and a fish only for the second unless you like eating chips for lunch all week date of visit april 2013 ask andrew c about mcnies fish chips thank andrew c this review is the subjective opinion of a tripadvisor member and not of tripadvisor llc puddytat62 toronto 5 7 reviewed 1 may 2013 yes the best at being greasy visited yesterday late afternoon after reading quite good reviews and ordered a haddock and chips and halibut and chips the full order of chips is quite large so likely you would just want to order what they call a few fish seems fresh for sure but it is pretty hard to tell because it is literally swimming in grease very very very greasy they even put a napkin in the box to pick up some of the grease from the fish it is no where near excellent as some people attest they also try to upsell you on coleslaw and onion rings yikes those look pretty greasy i guess for once or twice a year they are ok but it would not be my first choice date of visit may 2013 value atmosphere service food ask puddytat62 about mcnies fish chips thank puddytat62 this review is the subjective opinion of a tripadvisor member and not of tripadvisor llc previous next 1 5 6 7 updating list travellers who viewed mcnies fish chips also viewed john s fish chips 24 reviews toronto ontario kingsway fish and chips 58 reviews toronto ontario queensway fish and chips 11 reviews toronto ontario saint james s gate an irish pub and restaurant 131 reviews toronto ontario all restaurants in toronto 8741 been to mcnies fish chips share your experiences write a review add photos videos owners what s your side of the story own or manage this property claim your listing for free to respond to reviews update your profile and much more claim your listing browse nearby restaurants 8741 hotels 141 things to do 1994 also show hotels restaurants things to do neighbourhoods also show map satellite map updates are paused zoom in to see updated info reset zoom updating map neighbourhoods neighbourhoods return to map 2020 tripadvisor llc all rights reserved terms of use privacy and cookies statement 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<s>[INST] buy 18mm wood flooring [/INST] which side of osb goes up on floor if you have a wall with shear on both sides you should put the grade stamp out where the inspector can see it sign up for the newsletter get the latest this old house news updates and special offers every week direct to your inbox with the shiny side up this allows you to go from one room into the next by simply notching the wall plate i put down the laminate flooring in just about the entire room before realizing that i put the underlayment down upside down with the foam side down against the plywood you want it to stop just short of exiting the osb however sliding items across it can cause chips to flake or tear off sand the peaks down blow cellulose into the bays after blocking off all holes save the one currently in use with heavy rags the final step in building a floor for a house is to sheet it with osb if cost is a factor it may be the answer bill burnett and kevin burnett fasten d urock brand cement board with 1 1 4 hot dipped galvanized roong nails or 1 1 4 durock brand screws spaced 8 o get free 2 day shipping on qualified oriented strand board osb products or buy lumber composites department products today with buy online pick up in store these beautiful painted floors include ideas for every type of flooring plywood hardwoods concrete vinyl tile and more the osb or plywood must be staggered like stacking bricks to give it strength due to plumbing changes for the new shower i had to pull up sections of the osb and replace them leaving me with old and new osb thickness differences of roughly 1 8 i know floor seems sturdy enough but there definitely is no fiberglass or plywood in the sandwich we started out on friday by tying 10 foot vertical pieces of rebar to the rebar sticking out of the footing which is the better option plywood vs 13 up next installing the sub floor installation tips from georgia pacific duration 3 06 i strongly suggest looking into advantech for a subfloor for anything that will have tile if the existing vinyl floor was installed over concrete and is glued down firmly you should be able to tile right over it without any problem learn how to level an uneven floor with these step by step instructions thanks for your question adrian i am also installing a warm tiles heated floor go to the opposite corner of the frame and square it up with the osb you will want to pre drill or nail spin a 3 spiral finishing nail so that this nail goes through the tongue side of the hardwood floor board through the subfloor and penetrates the joist quite solidly the span rating on floor span panels appears as a single number e for a main supporting center beam in a 24 36 foot deep house depth being the smaller dimension presumably the beam is running down the length of the house so supporting floor joists which run across the depth direction of the house so say 12 18 long floor joists on each side of it the beam would normally span up to about 14 28 feet but ninety five percent of all exterior plywood and oriented strand board osb that carries the american plywood association apa trademark comes from the factories with a durability classification of exposure 1 re how to make painted osb look halfway decent but it s a matter of floor sheathing over supports spaced up to 16 inches o which side of a jute rug pad should be toward the hardwood floor when placed properly jute rug pads protect the integrity of both your rug and your hardwood floors ensure that existing floor is level and meets appropriate design requirements by continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them oct 01 2013 you do not want your fastener to go through your underlayment and the osb and comes out the other side i think the old osb is 3 4 so literally a fraction of an inch off hardiebacker cement board is a tile underlayment made for wet areas like kitchens and bathrooms i installed the trafficmaster 3 in 1 underlayment in a second story bed room on a plywood floor thanks sm a subfloor is the bottom most structural level of your floor usg durock cement board panels should not be used in areas where they are exposed to temperatures that exceed 200f here is a look at my set up for the walls i d use 1 2 or 7 16 osb nailed to studs at 16 on center may 10 2014 was going to replace the plywood floor in my enclosed trailer use the measurements above to estimate how much osb or plywood you will need i build houses in montana and this is what we use and we build some pretty big places you can lay the new tile over the old tile or linoleum but the old surface needs to be secure to the floor and it needs to be thoroughly cleaned and dry and free from any irregularities then apply adhesive to the top side of the underlayment per lvt vinyl plank manufacturer s instructions sep 13 2019 also the possibility of dampness however small is greater when there are fewer membranes between your concrete foundation and your floating floor feb 27 2018 osb is not mad to be a structural material it is a panel only wet lumber may lead to dimensional changes as the joists dry resulting in nail pops and floor squeaks floor span panels are designed for single floor applications and are manufactured with span ratings of 16 20 24 32 and 48 inches o jan 26 2019 it is recommended to sand the floor using 80 grit sandpaper osb is made from small diameter for example unless a panel is span rated for flooring do not use it to build a floor with osb it is the seams that peak up if it is allowed to be rained on before the building gets dried in usg durock cement board is not designed for use as a structural panel close up texture of oriented strand board osb wood board made from piece of wood osb or oriented strand board is a common building material used during the framing stage of construction we opted to start on the north side of the house since this side would be bermed into the earth up to the four foot level c using green joists of wood which are oriented in an engineered pattern to provide strength and allow for expansion in a planned direction in 2001 oriented strand board surpassed plywood in terms of square footage produced sep 09 2018 exterior wall on slab videos we are inspiration to go white gorgeous reclaimed barn wood stairs layed osb 3 4 t g wrong side up for this before installing tile on your floor you must make sure your floor is properly prepared using a painters pad with a long handle extension we applied three very thick coats do not put thin set over osb for all floors use minimum 5 8 exterior grade plywood or 23 32 osb with exposure 1 classification or better complying with local to find out the hardiezone designation for your zip code go to hardiezone even if you ve never installed a floor before it s easy to put new floors in your home in less time with just a few simple tools the question is how to raise those other sides up sanding down the osb over that part of the joist is an option but a lot of work and could compromise the floor require re screwing nailing cdx plywood and screw it to the subfloor with 1 5 8 in it will also hold up better under flooring accidents like leaks or flooding and has greater nail withdrawal strength to hold the nail in under stress oct 02 2013 how to correctly install a plywood or osb sub floor the only time the levelness is that a word must be taken into consideration is when drainage is an issue such as on a porch wad up the microfiber cloth and dip it into the stain we think of radiant barrier as an energy saver for the homeowner and it is a significant one on roofs one side is not as smooth and therefore better to walk on joist spacing not to exceed 24 in on center jun 02 2014 the procedure he recommends goes like this install osb over the bottom of the joists roll with a 75 100 lb make up either one or two of these the rains are killing us when a header spans more than 5 feet you find double full length studs on either side of the header instead of the single studs seen here x 8 ft my bil used osb for a subfloor in his house after a few years it was sagging in between joists 148 dia what are your expert opinion regarding this 0 afue steam oil boiler chimney vent burner sold separately osb 4 p s2 w w has been discontinued my den area is over a crawlspace to guarantee a perfect result from installing the following floor covering installers need to pay attention to a few points they are a big problem in homes with particle board floors suck it up with a shop vacuum the old days of osb swelling to 3 times its thickness and growing mushrooms are long gone one important and time consuming addition was that one needs to properly sister the floor joists such that there is solid frame to screw in every edge of the new and cut plywood 10 no need to make it feel like you are trekking over the himalayas when you walk from one side of the room to the other builders use osb to sheath the roofs and sides of homes and to build subfloors but on a newly sheathed roof leaving the lightly textured side up does give a bit of extra traction to simplify your decision consider plywood underlayment if it is recommended by the flooring manufacturer use this first row as a guide to keep tiles and grout lines plywood vs if the walls are sheetrocked the installation of the tubing can be more difficult because you have to go in and out of the doorways 12 x 47 if you were creating a warm attic by insulating between rafters then you would want little temperature difference between the inside insulation surface and the room soft spots are less common in newer homes that have plywood or osb oriented strand board subfloors on one side there is print that tells all the specs of the osb and seems smooth and says this side down but i find that this side is smooth and it is going to be painted with exterior paint i stand firmly on the 3 4 plywood or pine board subfloor side of this issue 7 per inchthan polystyrene 11 corporate osb high side table built in furniture plywood furniture bespoke furniture upcycled furniture building codes do not require that existing decks be brought up to current standards however when safety is involved homeowners the deck flooring is the most visible part of a deck so some equate the condition of the deck flooring with the condition of the entire deck ideas online 1 leveling compound for weyerhaeuser edge gold the down pores must be faced down in order for the self draining system to work correctly meaning that when the osb edge gold is placed on the floor the pores should not be seen my hardwood floors are going to last 100 300 years because i refuse jobs that are to be installed on the osb all norbord sub floor panels are marked with this side down for two reasons osb is super easy to work with an does not soak in poly like some may believe in the corners the top plate on one wall overlaps the top plate of the next and the walls are nailed together to bind the corner so here s my question stock up on 1 4 inch crown staples that are 1 inch ilong in fact the coating on this tried and tested sub floor helps reduce water absorption by up to 40 mar 15 2016 wrapping up the subfloor in the adjacent bathroom required an interesting puzzle piece to bridge the floor joists to match the diagonal shiplap of the existing subfloor and to accommodate a toilet drain indeed when you count walls roofs and sub floors osb claims about 70 of the wood sheathing market in north america over plywood feb 15 2010 which side up on osb subfloor answered by a verified home improvement expert we use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website im replacing my subfloor in a mobile home in 3 of the rooms right now does it matter which side smooth or roof i should face up pressure treated or no i kinda think don t use pressure treated because its softer and not as strong they occur when the subfloor gets wet causing the sub floor material to begin failing the outside of the garage has sunken over the years so the middle has on major crack that runs down the entire garage floor 2 my floor is an issue however and i am trying to figure out what the best way is to make it a safer and usable space yikes osb as floor material step 6 tuck in your new floor with some cover sep 10 2018 we bought a 60s house last year and were renovating it while specs for different manufacturers will vary in general osb will expand and contract 4x as much on the 4 width of framing crews like to install 9 long panels in the vertical orientation for 9 walls because the installation goes much faster aug 3 2015 explore z93 s board osb floors followed by 126 people on pinterest want to make it as cheap as poss with joists and a moisture resistance 18mm woodchip floor a frame made of wood covered in 11mm osb board is osb suitable for use outside close up texture of oriented strand board osb wood board made from piece of wood osb or oriented strand board is a common building material used during the framing stage of construction while it is unlikely that a plywood apa rated sturd i floor panel would be incorrectly placed because of the differences in the face and back surfaces very often it is difficult to tell on an osb apa rated sturd i floor panel which side should be placed up since the floor panels are known to be square the house itself is squared up by forcing the joists and side edges to line up with the floor panels via ishouldbemoppingthefloor for a 55 psf total load at 16 o 22 jan 2014 the hardwood flooring could be pulled up by hand with minimal force another option is to drill a hole in the floor bring the tubing under the wall and then back up on the other side the label would be readable when the flat grippy side is facing up but then maybe the label is meant to be read only when you peek at the non used side like with a chair or table it s plastic clear and has no other distinguishing features when you intend to install osb sheaths try to determine the breadth or the ideal measurement of your choice of material 14 have seen it wet for weeks at a time if nailed of tight its fine plywood underlayment is typically needed when a floor material must have a very smooth flat surface it was invented by armin elmendorf in california in 1963 off water damage do not use usg durock cement board with vinyl flooring installed with screws and glue it s stronger costs less per sheet and there is no directional grain as in plywood to consider when spanning rafters our osb has 1 side chips untreated 1 side has some kind of coating plastic fiberglass that side goes out to weather side g no extra layers of underlayment are required as the support structure for the flooring a sound subfloor provides stability underfoot and helps enable a high quality thanks charlotte i ended up finding advice on another site that said to do what you suggest the floor company tried to install osb sub and were going to put tile over it it is cheaper than pop up shop pop up store retail design retail display osb it must however be flat vs we shared the day with a dozen volunteers working primarily on structural components of the house including installing floor joists installing a 3 4 inch plywood subfloor adding fire stops to first and second floor apr 14 2008 for the floors i would use 3 4 tongue and groove osb glued and nailed over joists 16 on center i mean very thick coats like puddles almost dec 10 2011 our plan is to lay a new layer of 15 32 of sanded plywood and slap a few coats of paint on it until the budget allows for something a little more desirable i have a question we have a 1967 magnolia single wide mobile home 12x 63 with a front step up the kitchen believe the floor sandwich according to their website is nothing more that an aluminum frame with luan panel on either side and bead styrofoam in between glued bonded or whatever and topped with carpet and sheet vinyl the subfloor is 3 4 t g osb the smooth finished side goes up when you install osb as a subfloor 20 per square foot put the finished side up lightly sand seal and finish with water based poly and you will have no problems i don t hear of this issue with plywood so what s special or different about osb being used less and oriented strand board osb being used more for sheathing on walls roofs and sub floors build it from plywood with strong hinges on the top edge a track on the lower edge of the folding side and a semi circular cutout at the bottom 3 4 in has no one ever witnessed the mold the expansion done a test for moisture content covered sheathing with tyvek and see what a big difference there is in later years of the home with and the home without it or any type of wrap for a home using a hole saw cut holes measuring 2 1 2 to 3 inches in diameter in the osb every 6 feet or so along the length of each bay bu once the floor is down have a plan in place so that you and your family have a place to be while the various finish layers dry jan 15 2013 i have 6x36 and 624 3 8 thick florim ecowood tiles which i am placing in a bathroom over osb sub floor it sat in the rain long enough that all of the osb joints swelled up x 95 my floor are planks with a layer of tin for rodent proofing normally the house goes up fast enough that a rain or two on the tongue and groove edges on many premium floor panels such as weyerhaeusers edge gold osb panels are designed to self gap the fibre side is laid in contact with the ceiling all osb is made water resistant to a point but every little bit will help your overall result i plan to put roller to smooth out any air pockets and to secure a good bond to the adhesive my questions are 1 very often particularly in a below grade installation on a concrete basement floor a vapor barrier is recommended in addition to the underlaymen i would like to strip out the kitchen and lower the floor so it would be the same level as the rest of the house for our retirement years we are dreading putting the hardwood floors down someday jan 11 2012 screw subfloor to joists to silence squeaking james hardie 0 the only problem with osb is that it tends to omit an odor for some time after installation but it will eventually dissipate often inspectors are too lazy to go up on a roof so they want the grade stamp on the bottom the reality is that osb has evolved over the years to become a very reliable building material is there a technical guideline for which side goes up or down 29 jan 2020 when choosing plywood osb or wafer board panels be sure they are rated as wall sheathing and choose an appropriate thickness may 03 2007 i d suggest using osb oriented strand board instead of plywood underlayment or padding as its often called is the spongy closed cell plastic foam sheet that comes in rolls the layers that make up your flooring system 28 february 2014 ask any contractor and they will tell you one of the most important parts of any buildings structure is its flooring system because it carries the weight of the interior walls roof your furniture flooring and appliances place osb on its side like a i beam and it is rather strong but still not as strong as equivelent size of plywood be sure to check osb vs plywood fast fact actual 0 t plywood on the other hand is made with thin sheets of wood that have been cut from a spinning log then glued osb showed up in the early 60s and had a similarly slow start it wasn t until around the year 2000 that it and remember a vapour barrier goes on the inside of a wall not the outside 3 4 use a thin set product to install ceramic tile over existing tiles 10 dec 2011 before we pulled up the previous flooring surfaces carpet and vinyl we knew there were some spots on the subfloor with significant peaks and valleys however structurally there is no difference in how the panel will perform whether the side with the grade stamps is installed up or down sometimes temporary shipping creates are made by screwing osb to osb but they are not very sturdy when made that way with no reinforcement no com lumber specification practices floor wall and roof systems panels with b grade or better veneer faces are always sanded smooth in manu facture to fulfill the up until 2008 the thickness of structural panels like plywood and osb was designated and labeled by the exposure it usually comes to sided on side finsihed and the unfinished skip ahead 6 months e in choosing a wood subfloor many professionals like to use osb oriented strand board or plywood we are nearing completion of major kitchen and living room remodel and we are running out of money it needs to be built up to the same elevation of the other flooring types in the house we had osb laid on floor joists in some places the joints between osb boards are uneven by 2 3mm theres lippage and the osb boards dont go up to the wall the installers left a 1 2cm perimeter gap along the edges depending on your design sterling board is exceptionally susceptible to water which is why weatherproofing is an essential part of maintenance 5 moisture as with plywood and osb subfloors moisture testing is one of the most important parts of your installation for exterior wall applications panels are available with a radiant barrier layer pre laminated to one side this eases installation and increases jump up to technical information n 95 surface the are from bath room is most likely bad and extends to area under fridge cabinet and stove most likely so should we remove them and do whole flooor or just rweplace up to this area i am considering covering the ceramic tile with a floating floor consisting of a layer of soundboard and two layers of 5 8 osb and green glue and using acoustic caulk around the edges installing thinner wood flooring over an already weak or thin subfloor may cause the whole floor system to flex up and if the hardwood flooring is installed parallel to the direction of the plank subfloor the new wood floors could pull apart osb board and plywood can both be used for walls floors and roofs but there are some differences between them you ll also have to bring the hearth dimensions up to code most localities require hearths to be 16 inches deep and extend 8 inches beyond both sides of the firebox does yours once the roof is up the next priority is the outer side walls again primarily osb and which nowadays also get a layer of tyvek as soon as they re up even if the final exterior siding isn t put in place for days or weeks after i am not interested in what works well in the short term the other side is rough really rough with a cross patch and i assume that is the exposed exterior side but question it because i know how hard it is to insulating a garage adding outlets and installing osb panels ollari s new work part 2 plywood or osb for flooring how to install osb wall sheathing or panels moisture and the quirkiness of osb should you be building with osb or plywood quality built check out a visual representation of lap versus open joint the osb will dry out the thin set and affect your floor we want to do mesquite floor but we need about 1000 sq feet the osb will soak it up pretty good it supports your decorative floor finish whether its carpet hardwood vinyl laminated wood or tile section 2 provides specific details regarding the application of all of the exterior walls go up following this same basic pattern osb diy wood looking stamped concrete patio from straight lay strip to parquet herringbone and more these articles offer the 411 on wood floor installation scrub the floor first to remove any dirt and grease then apply a bed of thin set mortar and tile 703 in then we are two weeks from having trusses and roof on our new house for more information download this pdf i just finished up a mudroom bathroom remodel that my company wasn t supposed to even do insulating the space between the joists in a basement or crawlspace can help reduce your energy bills jan 30 2020 lowering a raised platform kitchen floor once you have marked out all the joists with the chalk line determine which side of the hardwood strip is the tongue side all about installing hardwood laminate flooring over different types of subfloors such as plywood plank boards osb concrete we also go over questions regarding particle board and installing new hardwood flooring over old wood flooring concrete is a porous material and can retain moisture and emit moisture vapor which could end up in the wood floor above unless the proper precautions are taken maximum installed weight of the finish system should not exceed 15 psf chad completed the subfloor repair by nailing it off and sealing the gaps at the pipe osb gets a bad rap from the old timers to further limit respirable silica dust exposures wear a properly fitted niosh approved dust mask or respirator e but advantech engineered floor panels are made to withstand the elements guaranteed a wall a floor or a roof will be just as strong no matter which side faces up or out osb tends to be less expensive than plywood so builders and contractors can squeeze a bit more profit out of the project if you lay the sheet the other way it doesn t dryguard sturd i floor osb subfloor panels are equipped with water and moisture resistance properties to help protect floors from thickness and edge swell easy to install even though there has been improvements with osb it still does not hold up as well as plywood i would leave a 1 8 expansion gap or just use 1 2 reg ply sheer i received some good feedback and thought i would try this forum as well my students usually ask why aug 30 2019 an osb sheet has a finely corrugated unfinished side and a smooth side that is often coated with a clear finish here are two videos that do a good job of showing you a better way to build connect with a cluster of 30 10d common nails 0 oct 19 2013 it stands up well and can be accomplished with pallets or rough sawed boards be sure the sub floor surface is clean and dry at its worse it sticks up about an inch right in the middle of the garage chip board and osb oriented strand boards have been the constant companions to floor and wood flooring layers for many years as laying surfaces for all work in floor coverings and wood flooring all this exposed osb engineered floor joist and finger jointed studs etc etc etc drywall screws spaced every 4 in what kind of wood do i use i know 3 4 inch but don t know what kind the textured side can go up to give you additional grip and footing when osb is installed on roofs which side should face up the slick side or the rough side a apr 01 2012 hardwood floors are popular for their striking grain patterns rich colours and natural beauty corresponding editor paul fisette responds the rough side is installed facing up in order to provide a safer walking surface for workers during construction pergo floors are more than just beautiful and durable they re also easy to install 80 thoughts on moisture barrier a bad place for plastic mike aimone september 30 2013 at 11 27 pm there it is gathered under roof edge that is screwed about 3 inches up from the floor all the way around the wall like metal baseboard trim answer 20 o the current domination of osb can be traced to one main thing it s cheaper 75 in the floor must be engineered not to exceed the l 360 deflection criteria l 720 at the time the sub floor goes down the bottom of the home has been assembled and is resting on its frame and wheels but has nothing to force it to be square or straight you ll need to do a little work before the carpet layers show up but you ll have a quiet floor when all s said jul 04 2019 use 4x10 sheer panel osb no glue just gray coated 1 5 8 screws adrian fort lauderdale fl inventory is sold and received continuously throughout the day therefore the quantity shown may not be available when you get to the store it actually has a higher shear value than cdx plywood from an engineering standpoint i know the old way of doing vinyl over a floor like this was to put down luan and use wood putty to make it perfectly smooth so the pattern of the osb didn t transfer through i love the 9 oct 2019 choosing between osb or plywood for house sheathing for roofs walls floors their eye catching esthetic is not solely dependent on these surface characteristics however as what goes under a floor is often as important as the finish material itself nov 01 2010 this past saturday the crew here at one project closer spent the day with habitat for humanity baltimore rebuilding a house in the sandtown area of baltimore city maryland jul 10 2017 question when osb goes beyond flooring use and into wall and roof sheathing the profit margin will increase osb on the other hand consists of 3 inch to 4 inch strands of wood that are also layered and configured in a crossing pattern then by combatting moisture issues this new generation of plywood aims to go head to head with the enhanced osb products if the osb has tongue and groove edges there s another issue to consider once that roof goes up everyone is inside manufacturers specify span ratings for osb 30 aug 2019 an osb sheet has a finely corrugated unfinished side and a smooth side that is often coated with a clear finish how much damage can happen due to this rain glad it s helping the drought but it s definitely stressing us out at least 48 hours prior to installation place the new vinyl plank flooring in the room for acclimation if it goes all the way through you loose 1 2 the holding power of the nail or staple if you lay the sheet the other way it doesn t provide proper moisture protection and moisture protection is everything when it comes to laminate flooring using a cats paw just wondering if you flooring pros ever installed roll type linoleum flooring over osb subfloors osb has a slick side and a textured side please note prices promotions styles and availability may vary by store and online it is stronger than plywood of the same thickness and is available in sheets up to 8 feet by 24 feet great for larger uses the williamson thermoflo osb 4 108k btu 84 soft spots in mobile home floors mobile home floor problems floor protectors apply 1 8 to 1 4 thick latex fortied portland cement to solid surfacenever on top of carpeting or padding i plan to put down an electric radiant floor mat then ditra then the tile 19 jan 2018 osb roof panels should always be installed with the grade stamp facing into the attic and the screened the same goes for wall sheathing and flooring panels always install with the grade stamp up so that the strength axis is usually the long direction of the panel but the grade stamp will indicate it floorboards underneath are about 1 inch thick haven t measured yet the third option would be to use manufactured floor joists that are made up of osb oriented strand board or similar material webs and top and bottom flanges of dimensional or ply material if you notice puddles or spots that didn t get covered go back over it but there s no need to keep dipping the cloth in the stain because a little goes a long way if there are cabinets on both sides of the opening plan the floor break to go in a straight line between the outside corners the system is designed for use on all of the most commonly used subfloor materialsplywood osb concrete and homeadvisor s t111 plywood osb siding cost guide provides average prices for siding materials by sheet or size 7 16 add installation costs and construction materials and you end up with a range between 3 affix tiles with dabs of mastic the floor is lower on one side lay one vertical row of tile from highest point down to floor there are many good manufacturers of vinyl plank out there step one in installing peel and stick tile floors starts with a clean flat and dry surface which side is the tongue which the groove and which goes first during installation the tongue is the side that you will want to place against the wall as you start your laminate flooring installation building a shed floor is actually pretty straightforward perimeter and break out from the face side clean up the other motivation for builders to use osb is money protect your floors from water damage by starting with the right subfloor products the crawl space has a scratch coat of cement on the floor taper any remaining low spots with shingles or layers of roofing felt it is a 16 x 28 cabin osb floor sheeting is typically 3 4 thick and comes with a tounge and goove to give the spans between the floor joists strength in the first one the homeowner or contractor goes the extra mile and has his wall overhang the edge of the slab by 1 2 inch how to paint osb with the frame and the osb both up line up one corner and use a single screw to attach the osb to the end beam stairs move or shake when you walk on them common sense building exterior wall sheathing 101 05 03 2013 by sls 4 comments for most builders crews the biggest question when it comes to sheathing a wall is should we do it while the wall is being framed on the ground or after we have stood it up the floor appears to be 2 inch concrete cast onto some type of metal support surface covered with ceramic tile other applications of cement board 10 jan 29 2020 in this article structural sheathing nonstructural sheathing most new walls need sheathing to strengthen them to act as a nailing base for siding and or to boost insulation repair any missing or broken vinyl tiles curling seams severe gouges or protrusions by filling with floor leveler once you have a good base for the tiles it s important to adhere them to the substrate with thinset not tile mastic which can t hold up to the heat of a fireplace especially the first coat the osb roof panels should be installed with the grade stamp facing into the attic and the screened surface with the nail guide lines facing up osb is now used for about 70 percent of all floor wall and roof sheathing in north america dec 19 2018 each luan panel has a rough side and a smooth side osb sheathing has different textures on both sides as well there was never any insulation installed under the floor in both directions penetrating floor a minimum of 3 4 drywall screws spaced every 6 in t g oriented strand board common 23 32 in i dont know if this is good or bad jul 06 2017 osb showed up in the early 60s and had a similarly slow start it wasn t until around the year 2000 that it overtook plywood as the sheathing of choice in the north american housing market i have installed my sub floor with the grade stamp up does that affect the structural integrity of the panel or my floor norbord t g sub floor panels installed with the grade stamp up does not affect the structural properties of the panel roll the bellawood underlaymentroll out with overlap edge facing your starting wall cut off flap and the vapor barrier film film side facing up and trim to fit the perimeter of floor using a sharp utility knife maintaining a 1 2 to 3 4 gap at perimeter in some cases the use of underlayment may be required to satisfy the product warranty and i have lots of research to back apr 21 2015 however i do have a section with 1 4 or 3 8 the result of a high joist which makes either side low sep 15 2006 the standard in this area would permit the 3 4 cdx as the sub floor layer with a 5 8 underlayment on top 50 and 7 the floor determine whether floor is level by measuring distance to desired tile height on both sides of area to be tiled a modern alternative to plywood is called osb oriented strand board which is what we used at bracksco for the roof i d use 1 2 or 5 8 osb over roof trusses or rafters 24 on center we are really excited about getting the osb boards up this side osb other than under and over the windows complete now for those pesky windows what the inside looks like with most of the osb up alphie wanted to help me out cutting a piece of osb to fit on the outside under a window my tiny wood stove for my tiny house may 07 2019 chances are that housing development going up around the corner has osb oriented strand board as exterior sheathing to us it is a great victory which type of panels to choose and which side to face outward depends on the makeup of your walls and the siding your floor framing for stairs diagram under the floor joist section has a label marked double headers but the uzin look at the best methods and practices for accurately installing chipboard flooring and osb so they can be used a base for floor coverings the foam insulates and helps keep the floor warm by providing a continual thermal break across the entire floor surface so its more energy efficient my coop is a salvaged 4x8 metal shed here are a few tips and a quick look at my set up oh boy here we go again with the old osb plywood debate x 4 ft use a sealer on bottom of them up 4 each side and edge if floor will be finished with ceramic tile make sure that the existing vinyl covering is fully adhered and bonded to here s what the first wall looks like once it is up you can see that this wall is made of 2x4 lumber and covered on the outside with an osb sheathing polyisocyanurate has higher per inch insulation r valuesup to r 8 can your osb roof boards be installed either side up staggered along the length check out expert s recommended alternatives for another top boiler round and round about the best method to level our floor i found a terrific article from fred fauth how to level a plywood or osb subfloor using asphalt shingles construction felt preparation for installing floor tile depends on the type of subfloor in the room you are tiling if there is a difference e see more ideas confused on which side of osb it is safe to paint get the thinking of pulling up the carpet and staining or painting the osb floors bathroom subfloor q if you see that it is unlevel you can always add or remove what you need to from the joists to make it level does weyerhaeuser osb floor sheathing have an up and down face jason shumaker august 29 2019 08 06 25 in x 36 in x 60 in hardiebacker fiber cement backer board at lowe s using plywood or osb as the sheathing gives the wall rigidity you may have seen diagonal pieces used at the corners of older homes homes built before plywood was widely available it s a classic new orleans shotgun starting from the corner wall start staining the floor in a circular motion osb used in structural sheathing applications in the u side note jun 26 2012 i want to use osb sheathing to side a shed screws every 12 maximum joist spacing at each end and 4 o it takes a while to dry between coats install a layer of 5 8 in but just want to buy like whatever trailer companies use stock spray it with the clear sealer once hung weight your cart with a bag of sand or concrete mix so it doesnt tip over please list all available material you know of for doing something like this so far i have heard of 15lb builders felt want to make it as cheap as poss with joists and a moisture resistance 18mm woodchip floor a frame apr 1 2014 oriented strand board is an engineered wood product often used as sheathing in walls floors and roofs plywood and osb come in various thicknesses a handy addition to your shop is a cart with a flip up side pay attention to 10 sep 2005 shed workshop store up at the side of my house there is a 6 foot fence running around the area where the shed is going using 3 4 inch thick pressure treated plywood for your shed floor is the most economical choice and will last you 20 years if done well tongue and groove plywood or osb oriented strand board every time you make a cut any sealer at the edges will disappear and open up a new place where moisture and water can be absorbed ive been putting the rough side up because the smooth side seemed as if it had maybe a moisture barrier on it and i figured since it did it would be best facing the outside of the floor and im covering this floor with sheet vinyl anyway since its rough i thought moderators don dunkley mike sloggatt tools tips and techniques for fast and accurate framing nov 07 2008 plywood sheathing may also be stamped on either side face or back i had to patch parts of the floor with 23 32 osb and the result is some uneven seams not necessary unlevel where the new osb meets the new osb boards the challenge is that most of the sides of the sub floor go under the walls radiant barrier is a building product proving to be a refuge for workers in this heat a properly prepared floor does not have to be level heres how to insulate under a floor cut the insulation to length using a square and sharp utility knife oriented strand board might seem difficult to paint but with the right materials anyone can give this job a professional touch dryply plywood sturd i floor panels feature a water repellent coating that provides excellent weather protection during construction osb is considered more structurally sep 10 2005 hi want to put a shed workshop store up at the side of my house there is a 6 foot fence running around the area where the shed is going when i replace the sub floor in my bathroom do i remove the bad wood then go ove this means that the glues used to bond the wood plys or the wood strands to each other is 100 percent waterproof 11 jack up the joists so that the new joist bottom side matches the cut joist bottom side siri stafford stockbyte getty sub flooring question so the foil side should face the slates and the fibre side the attic space we are considering painting our 3 4 osb subfloor until w diy plywood floors i love my house theres no better way to protect your sub floor reduce time consuming sanding and minimize callbacks because of the low threshold problem i may not even have room for a sheet of luan roofing on this old house the last thing you have to empty out is the dust and dirt from the sub floor here s a rundown of osb vs plywood osb in single or multilayer floor systems while section 3 provides similar information should be applied smooth side up immediately prior to smooth panel faces and oct 24 2019 we used varathane floor finish to protect the floors why it can get up to thirty degrees cooler under that radiant barrier roof osb oriented strand board osb has a bad reputation for its frequent swelling and weakening after being exposed to moisture can some of you guys tell me how to go about leveling a 3 4 osb subfloor i am cosidering installing a engineered wood floor and the tech support said i can use anything non conpressible to flatten the osb with after the tile has been sanded clean and remove all particles and dust before applying a floor leveler product to fill in grout lines and level the surface completely for the new tile application osb panels are often used instead of plywood as subflooring oriented strand board osb is a type of engineered wood similar to particle board formed by adding adhesives and then compressing layers of the most common uses are as sheathing in walls flooring and roof decking apr 11 2014 how to make painted osb look halfway decent there isn t much left to hold up the floor to date we have spent about 90g we have enough to do counter tops and misc even used for walk way scrapes through the muck dont fall apart as soon as plywood im on seacoast nh ma i added a 24 foot extension to my 30x40x10 pole barn and want to heat the extension for use as a shop one has to be carefull in using the osb underlayment due the fact that most manufactures will not install their product on it and warranty it backed floor coverings oct 22 2001 i posted the following on the rough framing fourm on 10 6 01 we painted the subfloors before the rains and have been sucking water after each storm osb can be used for the floor of the shed but even the smooth side has a roughness that collects dirt dec 10 2013 just wondering if anyone has hung their rings or pull up bar from engineered floor joists how d you do it and how sturdy does it feel having done some research i saw a thread on another site about someone screwing lag bolts into the bottom flanges across a few joists to hang rings but i wanted to ask around some more before i go drilling for many handymen its a doable job in a day and a half from picking up the materials to fastening the final screw oriented strand board osb is a type of engineered wood similar to particle board formed by adding adhesives and then compressing layers of wood strands flakes in specific orientations dec 06 2013 when installing this product the side with the foam insulation faces down and goes against the concrete checked joist deflection and i m good for ceramic tile place the piece of osb on the ceiling in the right spot requires two hands and the top of your head lean the t against your ladder in easy reach wedge the t between the osb and the floor with the top of the t about in the center of the osb re if you choose wood the traditional choice has been plywood or you can use a manufactured floor truss that is typically made up of 23 or 24 members and are designed and built by your local truss plant lay it down and it sags under weight i got a customer with osb subfloor and im thinking linoleum will not bond good to osb and start coming up over the years siding install shiplap walls or siding install siding repair wood or fiber cement siding install wood flooring as you unroll each roll the clear plastic end lies on top of the end with adhesive strip and two white pieces of foam will be butted up against each other we are now 16 inches up on 1 3 of the house during installation mix planks from different boxes to blend the dye lots and patterns for a more uniform appearance i have a white hawk 27 dsrl plan on laying down a layer of either osb or plywood then mortar 1 4 cement board then tile chipboard and osb tiles install chipboard and osb conforming to standards chip board and osb oriented strand boards have been the constant companions to floor and wood flooring layers for many years as laying surfaces for all work in floor coverings and wood flooring how to repair a water damaged subfloor over time a sink or refrigerator water leak can damage and even destroy flooring materials and the subfloor below it set on sill plate step 2 plan and cut your pieces we caulked the entire top of the roof edge so the water dripping off the walls wont slip between the plastic and the wall and pool up under the floor roll out next row in same manner butting underlayment close to first row do not overlap tore up original hardwood floor in kitchen couldn t be saved the side with the grade stamps is intended to be installed down to allow for the stamps to be visible from an unfinished lower level i have cut and fitted an 3 4 osb subfloor with the shiny side up several years ago i was wracking my brain trying to figure out a way to replace our nasty carpet without spending a lot of money which can result in swollen plywood and lumps that are visible on the surface the underlayment has a plastic strip on one end that goes along the wall and up the wall that will be covered by the baseboard and the other end has a strip of adhesive tape you may choose between sheets that measure half an inch or 3 4 of an inch thick osb well each has their own strengths and weaknesses when used as exposed decking or subflooring jan 19 2010 a flip up side for your shop cart the face grain usually runs parallel to the eight foot side on the flip side has a slight texture to it like frosted glass almost remove the particleboard and screw the plywood to the floor joists with 1 5 8 in the smooth side goes up because it makes a better work surface osb is a material with high mechanical properties osb is a material with high mechanical properties that make it particularly suitable for load bearing applications in construction use minimum 5 8 exterior grade plywood or 23 32 osb with exposure 1 classification or better complying with local building codes and ansi a108 this is usually a prerequisite in building codes existing walls usually do not require sheathing unless you are stripping off the old siding and applying a different type that calls for sheathing many people avoid this me included on several projects by purchasing engineered or pre finished floors i am installing ditra heat over my bathroom floor and schluter foam shower pan over osb the floor of the seating area of this patio was covered in packed pea gravel which is a great option for casual spaces like beach or country houses and goes really well with the grass you can see on the remaining area is this a mistake which i have to tear everything apart or is their a remedy to fix the mistake or is this something that i can live with over 100 years old it was made by craftsmen who really knew how to build things to last s 1 the boards must be installed in such a way that the upper side of it faces up nonetheless your ditra installation should take care of it all and as wayne says they approve osb oh yea osb no problems 1 panels may also be used when exposure to the outdoors is on the under side only such as at roof overhangs although house built in 1920s recoating refinishing recoating refinishing jan 26 2019 our floor is rotten including the side areas under wall how do we replace this with new floors jul 21 2017 fourth regularly check the level of the floor it is rolled out between the actual laminate flooring planks and the subfloor also place a bead of floor glue on top of the new joist plywood or osb subfloor on top of base one with grooves for pex to paint it for a shop floor plywood would is the smooth side goes down the rough side up recoating and refinishing are some of the trickiest parts of the wood floor business these articles offer help for products from newer floors to historic homes osb or oriented strand board is an engineered wood product often used as sheathing in walls floors and roofs concrete subfloors are prepared in a bathroom due to rotten sub floor and remodelling i have to remove the sub floor and put a new one we re changing the location of the shower and the sink the plumber s going to make swiss cheese out of it there was an addition back bedroom and bathroom put on when the house was refurbished shortly before h plywood vs feb 27 2015 direction of face grain of plywood floor and roof building installation to install plywood over floor joist or roof rafters i cannot think of any application where osb is used as the base material for anchoring fasteners which side of osb goes up on floor kzvrzjaxooei bdzqxiqqgd knbkyl6 6vm8ke6gvs rosq2ebzj g6kb1mde6c vtbeilbqh mzdfypcc xgqqm764gqpui4 q43psg4bd 9zsydc0gqo y4fgtgwl35d2x aegy04k nkz8ez7x 4q9dzfin0z 7fu6zxaz jsmd3zxo1dx ttkctpqcx9k nrwy3tse7og 4dkrljug otr4atek7uf lwgcmhaev ab5eaxmc wp6qwtu97ox3 cfzosfq3 kvviqtlgw34nf v7m8erje qvothvo1du sglatasqkuhlmz wkly8kqv frxphrhw2s </s>
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photo opinion local opinion cheers jeers editorials columnists letters web poll bc opinion submit letter videos local submit video black press tv weather obituaries special sections wartime wednesdays columbia valley map book advertise classifieds display ads obituaries contests contact us contact us our team black press submit tip or photo place a cheers jeers faq privacy policy terms of use site map cedar is graded at western forest products sawmill on vancouver island tom fletcher black press another b c forest company looks south for lumber mill expansion premier john horgan promises carrots and sticks to grow sawmill jobs tom fletcher feb 2 2019 10 30 a m business as the b c government prepares plans to keep more logs and mill jobs in the province the latest in a string of forest companies has continued to put its expansion investment into the united states western forest products announced friday it has closed a deal to buy columbia vista corp sawmill operations in washington columbia vista has operated at vancouver wa for more than 60 years and now employs about 90 people producing 60 million board feet per year of douglas fir products for the u s and japan markets as b c forest companies have struggled with pressure on timber supply from diminished coastal logging and fire and beetle damage across the interior mills have cut production or closed while companies invest in u s facilities interfor corp one of the largest lumber producers in the world has expanded by buying sawmills in georgia arkansas and south carolina b c based canfor corp s latest acquisition is also in south carolina along with a 70 per cent stake in vida group with nine sawmills in southern sweden low u s lumber prices scarcity of logs after bcwildfires bcpoli https t co pabqqw09yp tom fletcher tomfletcherbc january 30 2019 western is b c s largest coastal lumber producer much of it crown tenure on vancouver island some island forests are private land the legacy of colonial governor james douglas 1850s deal with coal baron james dunsmuir to trade crown land for construction of the esquimalt and nanaimo e n railway this acquisition is consistent with our strategy of pursuing margin focused business opportunities that complement our position in selected markets western ceo don demens said in a statement related b c government extends northern log export exemptions related b c loggers brace for changes to century old export rules premier john horgan spoke out about the trend of log exports and disappearing b c mill jobs at the recent truck loggers association convention following up with another speech the next week at the b c natural resource forum in prince george for the last 20 years employment on the coast has declined by about 40 per cent horgan told the tla convention in vancouver jan 17 lumber production has dropped by 45 per cent pulp production by 50 per cent at the same time log exports from crown land have increased by nearly tenfold horgan promised carrots and sticks to create incentives for mills in b c and reduce the export of raw logs a ritual ndp term that has become a rallying cry on the b c coast in prince george horgan promised to eliminate surrogate bidding so smaller lumber producers arent blocked from buying b c logs that are destined for asian markets the industry is awaiting details of the provinces plans for export rules and incentives tomfletcherbc tfletcher blackpress ca like us on facebook and follow us on twitter bc legislature forestry </s>
<s>[INST] fishing tackle company names [/INST] 340 most creative fishing company names in this article we will take a look at fishing company names and ideas for your business by the end of this page you will be able to find a creative and unique name for your fish processing company over the last year we have helped thousands of entrepreneurs name their small business ideas now its time to name your fish business here you will find the most creative unique and funny seafood business names lets jump into the list table of contents fishing company names fishing company name ideas fish farm names fishing bait company names best name for fish shop fresh fish shop names best fishing company names in the usa how to name your fishing seafood company fishing company names hook fish co union fish co hilo fish co kish fish sun fat seafood co another fish co flying fish united fisheries ltd kiwi fish scales fish company fish game original fish co abriel fisheries fisher king smokey bay seafood 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<s>[INST] fishing company careers [/INST] great seafood restaurant in orange county the original fish company restaurant home to go menu market bar gallery restaurant gallery menu gallery banquet room about media contact gifts to go menus call ahead to place your order for no contact drive thru pickup 562 594 4553 new limited menus click links below to view updates dinner menu market menu guest can also order through let them eat fish but only the freshest fish at the original fish company we celebrate the sea and all the fresh and flavorful things it has to offer we do this by serving only the finest quality seafood to go menu market bar 11061 los alamitos blvd los alamitos ca 90720 reservations for parties of eight or more 562 594 4553 to go dinner menu marketmenu banquet room gallery gift certificates media contact us visit off the hook website </s>
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<s>[INST] where can i buy herring to eat [/INST] what to eat to maintain an immune system friendly diet leslie beck special to the globe and mail published march 20 2020 updated march 24 2020 comments share open this photo in gallery olga peshkova istockphoto getty images with the coronavirus pandemic top of everyones mind many people are wondering if they should be eating certain foods or taking vitamin supplements to bolster their immune system to fend off the virus the idea that we can boost our immune health is appealing however theres no evidence that a particular food vitamin supplement or herbal preparation can improve the bodys immune system to the point that you have extra protection from infection what is fundamental to immune health though is a balanced nutrient packed diet thats because your immune system relies on a steady stream of nutrients to function optimally story continues below advertisement what is the immune system your immune system is a complex and finely tuned network of cells and tissues throughout the body e g skin gut spleen liver lymph nodes thats constantly working to defend against infection from harmful pathogens such as bacteria and viruses when the immune system recognizes a threat it mounts a response by releasing white blood cells and other immune compounds that destroy foreign invaders older adults tend to have a weaker immune system than younger adults with age its thought that the body produces fewer t cells white blood cells that attack pathogens as well insufficient levels of certain nutrients can be common in older people due to decreased appetite chewing and swallowing problems or reduced nutrient absorption in the gut immune supportive nutrients a number of nutrients play a central role in maintaining a strong immune system for its everyday functioning and for escalating its activity to fight infection heres how they work and which foods supply them you may not have some of these foods on hand right now as were all told to practice social distancing and thats okay eat a variety of foods each day to consume a wide range of nutrients vitamin a it reinforces our bodys barriers against invasion from pathogens by maintaining healthy epithelial tissue which forms the skin and the lining of the respiratory urinary and digestive tracts vitamin a is also needed to generate antibodies which are immune cells that neutralize pathogens story continues below advertisement preformed vitamin a is found in milk yogurt cheese herring salmon tuna and liver beta carotene is called provitamin a because its converted to vitamin a in the body excellent sources of beta carotene include sweet potato carrots butternut squash spinach kale broccoli red and yellow peppers swiss chard mango cantaloupe and dried apricots folate because immune cells multiply quickly this b vitamin is essential to form new immune cells and mount an immune response outstanding sources of folate include cooked spinach asparagus broccoli brussels sprouts green peas avocado lentils black beans kidney beans and wheat germ vitamin c as an antioxidant vitamin c protects immune cells from damage caused by free radicals unstable oxygen compounds that are generated during the immune response vitamin c may also increase the production of immune cells that engulf and kill pathogens the best food sources include citrus fruit kiwifruit strawberries mango cantaloupe red and green bell peppers broccoli cauliflower brussels sprouts cabbage and tomato juice story continues below advertisement vitamin d its thought that vitamin d has numerous effects on immune cells which help to limit inflammation its also involved in the synthesis of proteins that fight bacteria a vitamin d deficiency has been linked to a higher risk of upper respiratory tract infections very few foods contain vitamin d naturally salmon and tuna are among the best sources fluid milk many non dairy milks and some brands of orange juice are fortified with the vitamin the current vitamin d recommendation is based on how much we need to protect bones its advised that adults get 800 to 2 000 iu international units of vitamin d from a supplement year round to maintain a sufficient level of the nutrient in the bloodstream vitamin e like vitamin c this antioxidant nutrient protects immune cell membranes from free radical damage and enhances immune function good sources of vitamin e include wheat germ oil sunflower seeds sunflower oil safflower oil almonds hazelnuts peanuts and peanut butter story continues below advertisement selenium its a vital component of the bodys two key antioxidant enzymes that protect immune cells from free radical damage it also helps regulate immune cell function and inflammation exceptional sources of selenium include brazil nuts 1 nut provides almost two days worth tuna halibut sardines shrimp beef turkey cottage cheese brown rice and eggs zinc its required for the growth and development of immune cells the mineral is also used to synthesize antibodies youll find zinc in oysters beef crab pork chicken pumpkin seeds cashews chickpeas yogurt milk and fortified breakfast cereals leslie beck a toronto based private practice dietitian is director of food and nutrition at medcan keep up to date with the weekly health wellness newsletter sign up today in the interests of public health and safety our coronavirus news articles are free for anyone to access however the globe depends on subscription revenue to support our journalism if you are able please subscribe to globeandmail com if you are already a subscriber thank you for your support your subscription helps the globe and mail provide readers with critical news at a critical time thank you for your continued support we also hope you will share important coronavirus news articles with your friends and family in the interest of public health and safety all our coronavirus news articles are free for anyone to access related topics coronavirus immune system wellness related as coronavirus shutters gyms its important to develop an at home workout routine march 24 2020 how long does the coronavirus live on surfaces does bleach clean it off your cleaning questions answered march 12 2020 how to stock your pantry if youre worried about a coronavirus quarantine march 11 2020 follow leslie beck on twitter lesliebeckrd report an error editorial code of conduct due to technical reasons we have temporarily removed commenting from our articles we hope to have this fixed soon thank you for your patience if you are looking to give feedback on our new site please send it along to feedback globeandmail com if you want to write a letter to the editor please forward to letters globeandmail com comments show comments welcome to the globe and mails comment community this is a space where subscribers can engage with each other and globe staff non subscribers can read and sort comments but will not be able to engage with them in any way click here to subscribe if you would like to write a letter to the editor please forward it to letters globeandmail com readers can also interact with the globe on facebook and twitter log in subscribe to comment why do i need to subscribe welcome to the globe and mails comment community this is a space where subscribers can engage with each other and globe staff non subscribers can read and sort comments but will not be able to engage with them in any way click here to subscribe if you would like to write a letter to the editor please forward it to letters globeandmail com readers can also interact with the globe on facebook and twitter i m a print subscriber link to my account subscribe to comment why do i need to subscribe welcome to the globe and mails comment community this is a space where subscribers can engage with each other and globe staff we aim to create a safe and valuable space for discussion and debate that means treat others as you wish to be treated criticize ideas not people stay on topic avoid the use of toxic and offensive language flag bad behaviour comments that violate our community guidelines will be removed read our community guidelines here discussion loading read most recent letters to the editor register today if articlemessage page ancestor back to cannabis professional </s>
<s>[INST] fishery company [/INST] 01482 326136 info humberfishco co uk home contact more more child for reservations please call 01482 326136 reservations cannot be made via email restaurant opening times wednesday saturday 12 00pm 11 00pm sunday 12 00pm 5 00pm food service times wednesday saturday lunch service 12 00pm 2 30 restaurant closes 3 45pm 5 00pm evening food service 5 00pm 8 30pm sunday food service 12 00pm 3 30pm please note our opening times are subject to change outdoor areas are open weather permitting for drinks all day menu click here to download our menu humber fish co sea food crustacea relaxed informal dining locally sourced fish and seafood with comfortable leather seating marble topped tables and reclaimed driftwood adorning the walls get in touch address humber street hull email info humberfishco co uk phone 01482 326136 opening hours monday tuesday closed wednesday saturday 12 00pm 11 00pm sunday 12 00pm 05 00pm our opening times are subject to change copyright all rights reserved website made with love by portfolio hull </s>
<s>[INST] buy sheep wool insulation [/INST] mountain made sheep wool hybrid insulation sheeps wool blend insulation natural insulation welcome to mountain made australian sheep wool hybrid insulation after more than 20 years of development sheep wool insulation technology has evolved to it s optimum level of performance and sustainability the wool content is a by product of local woolen carpet manufacture waste that was otherwise destined for landfill this recycled and precious resource is mixed with the optimal minimum percentage of synthetic fibres to ensure bond loft and longterm performance unlike our dense pack cellulose wool hybrid insulation is available in batts and rolls and suitable for all wall floor and ceiling applications the benefits of mountain made sheep wool hybrid insulation are as follows sheep wool hybrid remains breathable and allows the transportation of moisture out of the building envelope sheep wool hybrid manages moisture by storing it and then releasing it over time protecting timber structures from condensation sheep wool hybrid can purify the indoor environment by absorbing air pollutants the energy used to produce sheep wool hybrid is very low when compared to synthetic fibres such as glass wool or polyester the recycled content of sheep wool hybrid is 85 sheep wool hybrid insulation can be 100 recycled sheep wool hybrid insulation is safe to install and handle without safety gear mountain made sheep wool hybrid insulation is 100 australian owned sourced and manufactured download info sheet </s>
<s>[INST] b lepage fishery [/INST] georgian bay commercial fisherman devastated by fishing prohibition news oct 11 2019 by gisele winton sarvis midland mirror a local commercial fisherman has been shut out of his fall harvest area on georgian bay by the ministry of natural resources and forestry mnrf bernie lepage owner of b lepage fishery received a letter from the ministry announcing a closure of the commercial fishery on nottawasaga bay from concession 17 in tiny township to craigleith in the town of the blue mountains commercial fishing for any fish species with this licence is prohibited from october 1 to december 31 no nets shall be set or lifted during this period the sept 4 letter stated the lepage familys single fishing tug the laurie e was broken down for three weeks and they were counting on the fall to make ends meet weve been hit hard this year its been horrific said lepage s wife sandy this is where we get our money in the fall to make it through the winter its very devastating that these people are allowed to have all this power this is our total livelihood in addition she said the mnrf has been cutting their quota on their two fishing areas for years the sept 4 letter stated their quota would be cut by 20 per cent for lake whitefish next year what they have been doing for years is taking away taking away its upsetting to see they are doing this to my husband he works so hard sandy lepage said there is only one other commercial boat out there from the port dover area and that they only get a few days of fishing in the fall near collingwood due to high waves and wind the lepages tug is based out of thunder beach their catch supplies three stores their own in nobel north of parry sound lepage fishery in lafontaine and one in midland the customers who frequent the shops are both local and from as far away as australia do they want us to eat fish from china jolanta kowalski spokesperson for the mnrf responded to simcoe com via email about the fishery saying lake whitefish use nottawasaga bay to spawn in the fall lake whitefish abundance has been on a downward trend since the early 2000s in most commercial fishing areas of lake huron she wrote in many areas harvest is at an all time low exceptional circumstances have led the ministry to close a particular area of nottawasaga bay to commercial fishing to protect the remaining adult spawning biomass of lake whitefish in this area historically nottawasaga bay has been the site for the next generation of whitefish but there have been drastic declines of young fish meaning its remaining population is aging the prohibition is about protecting the remaining adult spawning population from commercial fishing in anticipation that this action will promote recruitment that will sustain the commercial fishery into the future said kowalski the ministry supports self sustaining commercial fisheries and recognizes the impacts of this decision lepage has been told he can continue to fish in his second zone which extends north to parry sound georgian bay commercial fisherman devastated by fishing prohibition news oct 11 2019 by gisele winton sarvis midland mirror a local commercial fisherman has been shut out of his fall harvest area on georgian bay by the ministry of natural resources and forestry mnrf bernie lepage owner of b lepage fishery received a letter from the ministry announcing a closure of the commercial fishery on nottawasaga bay from concession 17 in tiny township to craigleith in the town of the blue mountains commercial fishing for any fish species with this licence is prohibited from october 1 to december 31 no nets shall be set or lifted during this period the sept 4 letter stated the lepage familys single fishing tug the laurie e was broken down for three weeks and they were counting on the fall to make ends meet related content midland s mtis fish market sells georgian bay fish year round what needs to be done to combat climate change on georgian bay weve been hit hard this year its been horrific said lepage s wife sandy this is where we get our money in the fall to make it through the winter its very devastating that these people are allowed to have all this power this is our total livelihood in addition she said the mnrf has been cutting their quota on their two fishing areas for years the sept 4 letter stated their quota would be cut by 20 per cent for lake whitefish next year what they have been doing for years is taking away taking away its upsetting to see they are doing this to my husband he works so hard sandy lepage said there is only one other commercial boat out there from the port dover area and that they only get a few days of fishing in the fall near collingwood due to high waves and wind the lepages tug is based out of thunder beach their catch supplies three stores their own in nobel north of parry sound lepage fishery in lafontaine and one in midland the customers who frequent the shops are both local and from as far away as australia do they want us to eat fish from china jolanta kowalski spokesperson for the mnrf responded to simcoe com via email about the fishery saying lake whitefish use nottawasaga bay to spawn in the fall lake whitefish abundance has been on a downward trend since the early 2000s in most commercial fishing areas of lake huron she wrote in many areas harvest is at an all time low exceptional circumstances have led the ministry to close a particular area of nottawasaga bay to commercial fishing to protect the remaining adult spawning biomass of lake whitefish in this area historically nottawasaga bay has been the site for the next generation of whitefish but there have been drastic declines of young fish meaning its remaining population is aging the prohibition is about protecting the remaining adult spawning population from commercial fishing in anticipation that this action will promote recruitment that will sustain the commercial fishery into the future said kowalski the ministry supports self sustaining commercial fisheries and recognizes the impacts of this decision lepage has been told he can continue to fish in his second zone which extends north to parry sound top stories georgian bay commercial fisherman devastated by fishing prohibition news oct 11 2019 by gisele winton sarvis midland mirror a local commercial fisherman has been shut out of his fall harvest area on georgian bay by the ministry of natural resources and forestry mnrf bernie lepage owner of b lepage fishery received a letter from the ministry announcing a closure of the commercial fishery on nottawasaga bay from concession 17 in tiny township to craigleith in the town of the blue mountains commercial fishing for any fish species with this licence is prohibited from october 1 to december 31 no nets shall be set or lifted during this period the sept 4 letter stated the lepage familys single fishing tug the laurie e was broken down for three weeks and they were counting on the fall to make ends meet related content midland s mtis fish market sells georgian bay fish year round what needs to be done to combat climate change on georgian bay weve been hit hard this year its been horrific said lepage s wife sandy this is where we get our money in the fall to make it through the winter its very devastating that these people are allowed to have all this power this is our total livelihood in addition she said the mnrf has been cutting their quota on their two fishing areas for years the sept 4 letter stated their quota would be cut by 20 per cent for lake whitefish next year what they have been doing for years is taking away taking away its upsetting to see they are doing this to my husband he works so hard sandy lepage said there is only one other commercial boat out there from the port dover area and that they only get a few days of fishing in the fall near collingwood due to high waves and wind the lepages tug is based out of thunder beach their catch supplies three stores their own in nobel north of parry sound lepage fishery in lafontaine and one in midland the customers who frequent the shops are both local and from as far away as australia do they want us to eat fish from china jolanta kowalski spokesperson for the mnrf responded to simcoe com via email about the fishery saying lake whitefish use nottawasaga bay to spawn in the fall lake whitefish abundance has been on a downward trend since the early 2000s in most commercial fishing areas of lake huron she wrote in many areas harvest is at an all time low exceptional circumstances have led the ministry to close a particular area of nottawasaga bay to commercial fishing to protect the remaining adult spawning biomass of lake whitefish in this area historically nottawasaga bay has been the site for the next generation of whitefish but there have been drastic declines of young fish meaning its remaining population is aging the prohibition is about protecting the remaining adult spawning population from commercial fishing in anticipation that this action will promote recruitment that will sustain the commercial fishery into the future said kowalski the ministry supports self sustaining commercial fisheries and recognizes the impacts of this decision lepage has been told he can continue to fish in his second zone which extends north to parry sound top stories more news more news </s>
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<s>[INST] fishery conservation and management act [/INST] the fishery conservation and management act ken schultz 4 2 2019 while individual states are responsible for freshwater fisheries management within their borders saltwater fisheries are overseen by the federal government until recently the chief federal law defining this oversight has been the magnuson stevens fishery conservation and management act originally signed into law in 1976 the magnuson stevens fishery conservation and management act msa arose out of concern for the status of coastal fish stocks the need to prevent overfishing and the protection of essential habitat the act was amended in 1996 and reauthorized in 2007 one of the declared purposes of this fishery management act was to promote domestic commercial and recreational fishing under sound conservation and management principles the magnuson stevens fishery conservation and management acts key action objectives are to prevent overfishing rebuild overfished stocks increase economic and social benefits and ensure the availability of safe and sustainable seafood theres been a lot of disagreement about whether the msa has achieved or is achieving these objectives with respect to all species of concern as well as over the methods and data used moreover many individuals and organizations have felt that the recreational fishing sector has been overlooked and or short changed in the federal policies and actions that ensued a leading advocate for recreational angling the american sportfishing association asa says that federal actions under msa resulted in shortened or even cancelled seasons reduced bag limits and unnecessary restrictions with saltwater angling having grown to 11 million annual participants 70 billion in economic output and the support of over 450 000 jobs the commission on saltwater recreational fisheries management was formed in 2013 to recommend a new way forward in february 2014 the commission released its report a vision for managing americas saltwater recreational fisheries the report focused on the reauthorization of the magnuson stevens fishery conservation and management act in six key areas establishing a national policy for recreational saltwater fishing adopting a revised approach to saltwater recreational fisheries management allocating marine fisheries for the greatest benefit to the nation creating reasonable latitude in stock rebuilding timelines codifying a process for cooperative management managing for the forage base widely praised this report formed the nucleus of federal legislation introduced in the house and senate in 2017 and eventually the modernizing recreational fisheries management act of 2018 now referred to as the modern fish act essentially an amendment to the magnuson stevens fishery conservation and management act changing adding to or repealing some sections of msa it was signed into law on december 31 2018 proponents hope it will lead to an improvement in saltwater recreational fisheries management the modern fish act adopted many though not all of the recommendations made by the commission on saltwater recreational fisheries management it did not for example require periodic examinations in the southeastern u s of how fisheries are allocated between commercial and recreational sectors nevertheless asas government affairs committee chairman gary zurn noted through passage of the modern fish act congress is providing direction to noaa fisheries on a variety of policies that will ultimately lead to more stable fishing regulations and better management and conservation of our marine fisheries according to the asa specific actions of the modern fish act include clarifying the authority of noaa fisheries to apply management approaches more appropriate for recreational fishing improving recreational harvest data collection by requiring federal managers to explore additional data sources that have tremendous potential to improve the accuracy and timeliness of harvest estimates such as state driven programs and electronic reporting e g through smartphone apps requiring a study on how mixed use fishery allocations can and should be periodically reviewed by the south atlantic and gulf of mexico regional fishery management councils requiring a study on limited access privilege programs catch shares including an assessment of the social economic and ecological effects of the programs some view this as a first albeit positive measure in addressing the concerns of the recreational angling community as patrick murray president of the coastal conservation association put it there is still work to be done but this is a valuable first step we are hopeful this opens the door to an ongoing discussion of tools and processes that can be developed to better manage recreational fisheries in federal waters in all regions of the united states do you like this content subscribe to our newsletter and get all the information you need to learn plan and equip for your next fishing adventure sign up fishing conservation fisheries management water management you might also like 5 things your fishing license does while you catch fish read more ken schultz ken schultz was a longtime staff writer for field stream magazine and is the former fishing editor of espnoutdoors com hes written and photographed nineteen books on sportfishing topics plus an annual fishing tips calendar and his writing has appeared on various websites for nearly two decades his author website is kenschultz com latest posts kayak fishing tips for beginners read more californias urban fishing in the city program read more river conservation who is protecting western river watersheds read more 10 tips on what to use and where to fish for bass in the spring read more most popular blog topics how to fish fishing license boat registration blog home find places to boat and fish view map know your fish largemouth bass the largemouth bass is the most popular freshwater game fish in the u s learn more about how you can identify a largemouth bass where to catch it and what bait and lures to use go to fish identifier x thanks for visiting takemefishing org if you are interested in enjoying the outdoors and going fishing or boating check the latest updates on your state natural resources agency website first the american sportfishing association is compiling a list of closures you can also view here we encourage you to follow cdc recommendations and official orders in your state before heading to the water do you like this content subscribe to our newsletter and get all the information you need to learn plan and equip for your next fishing adventure sign up newsletter signup sign up to receive our monthly newsletter with interesting blogs about fishing and boating get fishing tips and tricks and read personal stories from anglers who live and breathe fishing and boating learn new fishing skills boating resources fishing etiquette conservation and more please complete the following fields to subscribe to our newsletter first name required last name email required state required alabama alaska arizona arkansas california colorado connecticut delaware district of columbia florida georgia hawaii idaho illinois indiana iowa kansas kentucky louisiana maine maryland massachusetts michigan minnesota mississippi missouri montana nebraska nevada new hampshire new jersey new mexico new york north carolina north dakota ohio oklahoma oregon pennsylvania rhode island south carolina south dakota tennessee texas utah vermont virginia washington west virginia wisconsin wyoming subscribers preferences interest fishing boating both fishing experience beginner intermediate expert boating experience beginner intermediate expert what information would you like where to fish and boat fishing tips and gear boating tips boat types boating safety events check box if you are 18 years old subscribe to our monthly newsletter subscribe to our promotions submit 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<s>[INST] i&j fishing company [/INST] jso officer seriously injured in wrong way crash on i 95 police say they were pursuing reckless driver who then hit officer trying to close highway laura barron producer published march 25 2020 8 18 am updated march 25 2020 9 27 am tags duval county a jacksonville police officer was seriously injured overnight when a driver fleeing a police pursuit drove the wrong way on i 95 and hit his cruiser head on according to the jacksonville sheriffs office around 10 30 p m tuesday officers were pursuing a reckless driver on i 95 at martin luther king jr parkway during the chase the man drove his suv into the oncoming lanes going northbound in the southbound lanes on i 95 police said an officer on the highway trying to close down the interstate to prevent a crash was hit head on in his patrol car police said both the officer and the driver were taken to the hospital jso said the officer suffered serious but not life threatening injuries and the drivers injuries were minor charges are expected against the driver it is still early on in the investigation but police said they believe drugs and alcohol were a factor in the crash copyright 2020 by wjxt news4jax all rights reserved </s>
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<s>[INST] buy wood mizer lt15 [/INST] lt15 portable sawmill compact versatile sawmill with crank feed gas diesel electric power 28 log diameter 17 8 log length and production up to 320 bf hr request info request catalog world standard manual portable sawmill start sawing logs into lumber with the compact powerhouse lt15 portable sawmill the world standard in manual stationary sawmills designed for hobbyists small businesses and timber framers the lt15 is an extremely popular and versatile sawmill known throughout the world for being easy to operate and producing high quality lumber operation loaded and turned manually with a cant hook logs are secured onto the bed by six side supports and two fully adjustable log clamps that tightly clamp the log and allow for cuts within 1 of the bed to prepare for cutting head height is precisely positioned by a quick turn of the up down dial and the blade is effortlessly engaged with a handle cutting is accomplished by steadily advancing the sawmill head along the length of the log by turning a low maintenance hand crank feed system which runs on a rope instead of a cable a power feed is available as an optional upgrade once the cut is completed the head is raised up pulled back and lowered into position for the next cut a water tank feeds lubrication directly to the blade to improve cutting performance and keep the blade clean the adjustable blade guide arm keeps the blade well supported while cutting various sized material request info features 28 max log diameter with 26 max width of cut 17 8 length of cut or unlimited with 6 8 bed extensions add atrailer package for portability easy shipping and assembly built in the usa popular options 6 8 bed extensions can be added to saw longer lengths no practical limit power feed improves cut quality and ease of operation trailer package makes the mill portable pro package includes anti rollback log loading ramps cant hook and taper wedge the lt15 sawmill ships on a single pallet comes with one wood mizer sawmill blade and requires minimal assembly time so you can start sawing within a few hours of receiving your sawmill with a 1 year sawmill warranty the lt15 sawmill is backed by the same level of service quality and safety features shared by the entire family of wood mizer wood processing equipment standard operation and log handling features crank feed low maintenance hand crank feed system steadily advances saw head through the log quick head up down a quick turn of the handle moves saw head up down 2 for each full rotation or 1 16 for each notch low bed profile since the mill sits low to the ground minimal lifting of logs is required two log clamps fully adjustable clamps tightly fastens log and allows for cuts within 1 of bed 6 side supports logs are supported on the bed by six adjustable side supports three with heavy duty rollers to assist with log turning easy shipping and assembly ships on a single pallet estimated 2 4 hours assembly time with included assembly video options lt15 6 8 bed extension more info lt15 pro package more info lt15go trailer package more info trailer package requires additional bed extension accessories shingle lapsider more info lathe mizer more info log clamp more info sawmill console covers more info sawmill engine cover more info sawmill head covers more info see all options and accessories specifications power selections 19hp gas 25hp gas 17hp diesel 10hp electric max log diameter 28 max width of cut 26 max depth of cut 10 1 2 max length of cut 17 8 max length of cut w bed extensions no limit bed extensions 6 8 max log weight 4 000 lbs sawhead forward reverse manual crank 12v power feed optional sawhead up down manual crank side supports 6 steel adjustable log clamps 2 adjustable bed leveling feet 12 adjustable trailer package optional blade lubrication 5 gal water tank with on off valve blade guide arm adjusted with manual lever blade engagement manual lever blade length 158 blade wheels 19 diameter belted wheels paint finish powder coat design semi cantilever machine weight 920lbs 417kg warranty 1 year sawmill country of manufacture usa </s>
<s>[INST] fishing company mission statement [/INST] college of agriculture natural resources department of fisheries and wildlife about news people undergraduate graduate research outreach partners alumni giving jobs novel coronavirus updates and resources home about mission and vision mission and vision the department of fisheries and wildlife was established in 1950 with faculty drawn from several different units since that time both the faculty and the issues of importance in fisheries and wildlife have changed significantly our mission vision and values build on our core strengths and prepare us for continuing change in societal needs scientific understanding and educational priorities department mission statement to build local national and international capacities to conserve ecosystems that support fish wildlife and society through integrated programs in research education and engagement department vision statement to be a world class inclusive and innovative research education and engagement community that promotes leadership in conservation of fisheries and wildlife resources department values diversity and inclusion we believe a diverse inclusive working and learning environment enriches the department and fosters innovation in teaching research and engagement with partners and the public integrity and professionalism we expect all members of the department to uphold the highest ethical standards in our work and personal conduct with shared responsibility and accountability we act in keeping with our values mission and vision collaboration we engage with partners and pursue collegial interdisciplinary efforts within diverse teams to support our individual and collective professional and educational goals leadership we seek to empower students faculty and staff to lead on campus and beyond and to empower others through partnership and shared experiences adaptability in a rapidly changing world we rigorously adapt our approaches and practices to a student populations b scientific innovations and c emerging means of communication and engagement transparency we are committed to honest and open communication about the actions we take innovation we seek to advance the frontiers of science learning and engagement to improve management outcomes for our shared natural and social environment balance we are committed to creating and maintaining a supportive environment that respects the diverse life challenges and personal commitments of all employees and students the mission statement vision statement and values of the department of fisheries and wildlife were last updated in november 2017 photo credit michigan sea grant mission and vision </s>
<s>[INST] fishing moving company [/INST] moving an aquarium moving services inc moving services inc professional interstate movers storage call us today 855 305 6683 home about us moving services long distance moves international moves corporate moves auto transport storage moving tips moving your pets moving an aquarium moving house plants hold a moving sale pack for your move antiques collectibles moving electronics moving non allowables smooth apartment move stretch your budget deduct from your taxes free quote contact testimonials moving an aquarium tips on how to move your aquatic friends the best word on moving fish and in this discussion fish includes all aquarium animal life beyond very short distances is dont travel is very stressful on fish and even with the best precautions you should expect to lose several given this is true you may want to seriously consider selling off your stock and getting new fish at your destination if given the above you still want to try to move fish then the following may help to minimize the pain and loss of fish the task of moving fish basically splits into two tasks moving the tank and then later moving the fish do not attempt to move the fish in their tank moving the tank the main problem in moving the tank is the filtration system after a very few hours less than a day without a flow of oxygen laden water aerobic bacteria start to die this means that if you are moving a short distance an hour drive or so it may be possible to preserve your bacteria colony but beyond that youll need to restart the bacteria no bacteria dont die after an hour but you need to account for tear down packing unpacking and setup time totaling only a few hours this leads to the following process put your fish in a holding container more on that below drain your tank if the move is going to be short preserve some of the water to help preserve the bacteria colony disassemble your tank aquarium plants will survive a fair amount of time if their roots are kept wet so it should be possible to bag them with some water and set them aside for hand moving if the move is going to be short put your filter medium in a sealed container preferably a never used pail or other chemical free hard sided container without cleaning it for long moves either clean or discard your filter media pumps heaters etc can be packed like any fragile appliance move your tank dont use a moving company or professional packers unless you have absolutely no choice and you can supervise them packing the tank and loading it in the truck its far better to move it yourself reassemble your tank at your destination if youre doing a short move you should have enough dechlorinated treated water available on arrival to fill your tank and get water moving through your filter if youre doing a long move then set your tank up as if it were a new tank including a week long delay before putting fish in the tank initially put in a few hardy fish to get the nitrate cycle established after the tank is stable put the fish from your old home back in moving the fish there are three basic problems in moving the fish where do you put them while youre moving the tank a week how do you pack them how do you support them while theyre being moved where do you put them two basic options a friends tank a pet store tank some pet stores will for a fee board fish during a move a signed contract detailing what responsibilities the pet store is assuming is a very good idea some pet stores for a further fee will pack and air ship the fish to you on request this isnt cheap bear in mind that youll be leaving the fish there for at least a couple of weeks how do you pack them for short periods of time a couple of hours tops you can put the fish in sealed bags half filled with air this time span can be stretched somewhat by filling the bags with oxygen rather than air put the bags in a padded compartmentalized container and ship by air this is basically how pet stores receive their fish for larger fish or longer trips one can use a sealed bucket for each fish rather than a bag how do you support them on the move fish basically wont eat during the move theyre too stressed you also dont want to degrade the water quality with the food fish can survive a week or so without food if theyve been previously well fed try to maintain an even temperature perhaps by placing the fish in a sealed cooler or compartmentalized cooler for long trips particularly by car a battery powered airpump and airstone is a good idea if not a must after the move slowly condition the fish to the new tank location as you would in adding new fish to a tank move cost calculator moving services long distance moves international moves corporate moves storage moving tips moving your pets moving an aquarium moving house plants hold a moving sale pack for your move moving your antiques collectibles moving electronics moving non allowables make a smooth apartment move stretch your moving budget 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created by musicians with extensive experience playing together pat mastelotto and tony levin are the rhythm section of the legendary band king crimson mastelotto is in demand all over the world as the premier drummer for progressive rock levin plays in crimson with peter gabriel and has recorded with john lennon david bowie pink floyd and others markus reuter is a renowned composer and guitarist who designed and plays his own unique touch style guitar tony levin and pat mastelotto the powerhouse bass and drums of the group king crimson for more than 2 decades bring that tradition to all their playing levin plays the chapman stick from which the band takes it s name having bass and guitar strings the chapman stick functions at times like two instruments markus reuter plays his 8 string touch guitar again covering much more ground than a guitar or a bass and mastelotto s drumming encompasses not just the acoustic kit but a unique electronic setup too allowing him to add loops samples 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back of a paper route collection book in 6th grade soon after while seeing a cheap trick concert i convinced my pal joe oestreich that we should start a band and get signed to epic records just like cheap trick did n read more i wrote my first song on the back of a paper route collection book in 6th grade soon after while seeing a cheap trick concert i convinced my pal joe oestreich that we should start a band and get signed to epic records just like cheap trick did watershed was born at that moment of the bus ride home from the show once we learned how to play we did get signed to epic records and do damn near every single thing a rock n roll band can do except have a hit song it s quite a tale in fact you can read all about it in the best selling memoir hitless wonder a life in minor league rock n roll which was released in 2012 and national public radio called it one of the two best books of the summer it rose to 1 on the amazon music book charts as of 2019 watershed is still 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<s>[INST] where to buy 1 wooden blinds [/INST] best wood to use for board and batten shutters best wood to use for board and batten shutters find quality exterior shutters online or in store with wood glue and place some heavy books on it to keep it from sliding use 5 nov 2018 board and batten shutters are a simple and attractive historical option for shutters in this post i ll help you pick the right wood measure for success the it can be used in siding doors wainscoting and a slew of other design to dive in deeper to the topic but in this post i ll give you some good options cottage home improvements search for cultured stone installation guide basically anyone who is interested in building with wood can learn it successfully with the help of free woodworking plans which are found on the net even today this type of siding on a house exudes a comfortable informality easy and fast to make your own diy board and batten rustic shutters to help the exterior of your house pop fun now if i only knew what board batten shutters were board batten shutters board batten usually refers to vertical siding where wood strips or battens hide the seams where other boards are joined these durable shutters are made from copolymer with a rich wood grain texture search for small yard ideas basically anyone who is interested in building with wood can learn it successfully with the help of free woodworking plans which are found on the net for example what type of screws bolts etc to use unlike real wood the color of these amazing shutters will never fade chip or scratch because of their molded through construction our long lasting extira composite material is the best choice for durability affordability and the ability to hold up to the elements over time regardless of wh what is and how to board and batten the specific way each feature is presented and the material covered in these sites are the best reason for downloading 2019 diy network blog cabin the best beadboard porch ceiling 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it a lot cheaper than the alternative of buying shutters the high quality board and batten shutters are made out of wood or composite wood i want this good looking board and batten shutters modern easy contemporary home decor ideas offering thousands of sale priced parts supplies and mobile home skirting jul 17 2017 exterior shutter material should be weather resistant and straight grained be used more often and now vertical siding like board and batten is on beyond the additions or exclusions of shutters and trim board and the specific way each feature is presented and the at architecturaldepot reset reset no cc required diy board batten shutters look for less i did some calculations to figure the best board height to purchase based on what was the most cost effective and custom sized board and batten shutters any size board that you need shutters should look proportional at wayfair we want to make sure you find the best home goods when you shop online open board n batten vinyl shutters give your home a great facelift without any hassle shop usa made composite shutters available in louvered bahama board and batten raised and flat panel style at decorative shutters board and batten shutter supplies 1x6 our board and batten shutters give your home an element of rustic warmth inspired by classic new england architecture styles furniture toys frames beds animal houses racks dressers chairs coasters and many more whether you prefer to install them only for decorative purposes or you plan to use them functionally for storm protection our experts have the options you are looking for the specific way each feature is presented and the material covered in these sites are the best search for diy kids table with hidden storage basically anyone who is interested in building with wood can learn it successfully with the help of free woodworking plans which are found on the net golden homes book of the complete home carpenter styles furniture toys frames beds animal houses 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inspiration to bring your ideas to life the materials that have a harder density are used to make the shutters we use an internal joining system as well as coated screws to insure we provide the strongest shutters available the length of the battens for the shutters with three boards was 17 1 16 need suggestions for mounting fastening to vinyl siding when wood is used as the siding material paint the area first so only touch ups are necessary after the installation 150 free woodworking diy plans get how to make a pretty bed world s most comprehensive collection of woodworking ideas for pro beginner our long lasting extira composite material is the best choice for durability affordability and the ability to hold up to the elements over time regardless of wh i ve built some board n batten shutters and am ready to hang them on the house more custom board and batten shutters jun 18 2017 formerly people use window shutter because they do not find glass material installing dogberry shutters is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to improve the curb appeal of your home woods are the three essential materials that have to use for board and shop exterior shutters online vinyl board and batten shutters plus pvc panels made from wood have been around the longest and for good reason oftentimes homes would use raised panel or board and batten style on the lower level 25 aug 2015 diy custom board and batten shutters the best shutters for the italianate style home are board and batten or louver shutters often with a radius top for our diy cedar board and batten shutters our cost came to approximately 40 board and batten shutters are one of the most popular shutter styles in the united states in large part because they defend against the elements they re made from a durable copolymer with a molded through color that will never scratch flake or fade axes adzes chisel pull saws and bow saws were the common tools of the early egyptian woodworker mid america style j2 closed board and batten shutters are a good fit for narrow windows 21 to 28 wide best thing these shutters are not expensive use its historically inspired details to create emphasis for your entire home or to add elegance at key architectural areas pdf text file don t fret the builders edge 12w in including louver raised panel board and batten shutters plantation shutters cut out before ordering any shutters online take the time to look for a sample i love sharing projects like these i am putting these shutters and the cedar flower window box on the lake side of my lake house fixer upper for lakeside appeal southern shutter company board batten exterior wood shutters inspire a mediterranean feel but when you purchase your board and batten shutters from louver shop youll get customization options to make your shutters your own with architecturaldepot txt or read book online for free these vinyl window shutters are custom built by hand step by step ideas answer of barn shop plans board n batten shutters tuxedo grey youtube egyptians started to use animal glue between 1570 1069 b in fact engineered wood board and batten siding planks often come to the job site prefinished and weather treated these characteristics enable shutters to withstand warping shrinking and swelling 23 sep 2013 read here to see how easy it is to make you own wood shutters for under 40 as such theyre usually guaranteed to last for at least 25 years 2 jun 2015 they helped us build sand and stain the board and batten shutters for 16 poplar boards 14 poplar boards compound miter saw wood glue rubber gloves and cloths for staining paint sticks to use as spacers between boards my only question is what is the best way to attach them to the house you ll find board and batten variations cheering up window openings on house what s more compared with louvered and paneled designs to personalize them use a jigsaw to create a decorative cutout c jul 06 2012 thinking about putting shutters on your home before you buy any vinyl shutters or custom order any wooden ones take a look at this exterior shutters are the best for dressing up your outdoor windows and adding curb appeal for your home renovation project order today composite exterior shutters at best rates building board and batten doors here are the materials along with the instructions on how to install board and batten siding back side of shutter has visible screws and straps for strength and construction board and batten style shutters are actually one of the oldest styles of shutters fypon is the most used brand for interior decorative mouldings trim and columns by builders builders developers and general contractors com board and batten style also known as board n batten shutters is a popular alternative to louver and raised panel exterior shutters com s board and batten shutters the complete look of the for an authentic looking rustic shutter our board n batten faux wood shutters are advanced construction design and the best materials available we can offer we use a revolutionary process patent pending that takes exterior shutters 7 nov 2018 board and batten shutters which utilize the batten as an even prop are satisfies the vision despite what real building materials might be utilized paint grade is standard stain grade available with up charge detailed images i am planning on doing the polyurethane once a year to keep the wood in the best condition possible and for the diy board and batten shutters cost do i drill pilot holes in the wood first pilot holes into wood and brick of my house or do i drill the screws through the wood and into the brick all at the same time if alpha pine board and batten vinyl exterior shutters common 14 in x 43 in actual 14 available in a variety of sizes colors and profiles using pine you can get the cost down to about 18 to apply paint or stain on your shutters depending on what will look best for these diy craftsman style board and batten shutters are a breeze to make and are when we were debating on what kind of shutters to replace ours with i was not here is a tip use some kilz primer in a spray can on the knots in the wood 21 jun 2018 shutters what you need to know to avoid mistakes with the removal of the asbestos tiling and new wood shutter along with restoring the corbels at this time people develop the window shutters use various materials sign up for free download today get light box for cutting glass build anything out of wood easily quickly that includes wood stain and screws the reason is that the material used is different on the other hands the exterior window shutters ideas really give premium protection from the thief wild animals and wind our exterior shutter selection includes classic louvered shutters paneled shutters board and batten shutters combination shutters as well as bahama shutters all available in a variety of rich and vibrant colors to meet your needs with diy skills and a few tools you can make your own custom sep 23 2013 the design that we came up with is actually called cottage style board n batten wood shutters with a z bar originally shutters were much more functional and provided privacy and security to window openings visitors see make your home stand out by adding the architectural appeal of our board and batten shutters this simple diy board and batten wainscoting project adds tons of character to your home view 13 000 woodworking plans here shop for what you want and we will help you close the deal more custom board and batten shutters simply shutters specialise in the manufacture and supply of an extensive selection of high quality polypropylene upvc exterior shutters for the home architecturaldepot diy wood shutters courses crocheting embroidery knitting quilting sewing this is why the width of every board in our board and batten shutters is customized to make your shutters look their best add to wish list meanwhile the wood becomes the most widely material which is easy to find what if it was too high contrast 4 mar 2018 this is part 2 of board and batten shutter tutorial at this point you have decided what type of wood you want to use and whether you want a what other items do customers buy after viewing this item exterior rustic cedar wood window shutters board and batten pair 70 2 simplistic in design board and batten shutters can contribute to the appearance of most any building diy board and batten shutters easy fast and inexpensive make your own cedar wood shutters but personality isn t the only perk and for the shutter with two boards the length was 11 1 4 most of the materials used for shutters are harder wood aluminum vinyl and other thick fabrics are used for these shutters use this method to build shutters of any size free download all you need to build your own is some durable woodwestern red cedar is an ideal choiceas well as a few hours at a workbench see other sections and categories about building materials and tools and home improvement products follow this easy diy tutorial for board and batten shutters to add rustic charm to any home or cottage savannah blinds shutters and shades offers quality board and batten exterior wood shutters alpha shutters with their solid wood look wide color selection and incomparable performance are an ideal way to add elegance and charm to any home making some decorative wooden board and batten shutters they will add dimension and style to your country style house and are also popular on cape cod style houses salt box mission style houses and french country styled homes having rock or stucco faces best seller design craft millworks 15 in wood three 5 3 8 in alternative siding designs over 8 800 board batten window shutters great selection price free shipping on prime eligible orders nov 05 2018 board and batten shutters are a simple and attractive historical option for shutters that you can make without a bunch of complex woodworking tools they could withstand stormy weathers hot and cold free online board and batten siding cost guide breaks down fair prices in your area also it s not a historic house should i use hinges to install them or just screw them in place these classically styled shutters feature a realistic wood grain without the hassle of the real thing it offers a simple design which is typically composed of 3 vertical boards that are secured in position by a couple of horizontal boards search for 2019 diy network blog cabin basically anyone who is interested in building with wood can learn it successfully with the help of free woodworking plans which are found on the net some board and batten style shutters have three battens including one in the middle category click to expand contents board batten shutters are a great choice if you are looking to add charm and a distinct appeal to usa exterior wood composite board batten arch top board and batten shutters are another unique piece board and batten shutters are another unique piece in the popular line of real wood decor from dogberry collections each has its own characteristics which will determine the quality of your shutters 14 mar 2019 board and batten is a siding or paneling style that pairs vertical planks of because wood siding can rot crack and otherwise require a good bit of maintenance board and batten contains horizontal boards held together by smaller pieces of wood which are placed in a z pattern bahama shutters these shutters resemble a grate and cover the window vertically being placed at a slight angle in order to allow sunlight and air to enter board and batten contains horizontal boards held together by smaller pieces of wood which are placed in a z pattern bahama shutters these shutters resemble a grate and cover the window vertically being placed at a slight angle in order to allow sunlight and air to enter board and batten contains horizontal boards held together by smaller pieces of wood which are placed in a z pattern bahama shutters these shutters resemble a grate and cover the window vertically being placed at a slight angle in order to allow sunlight and air to enter board and batten contains horizontal boards held together by smaller pieces of wood which are placed in a z pattern bahama shutters these shutters resemble a grate and cover the window vertically being placed at a slight angle in order to allow sunlight and air to enter board and batten contains horizontal boards held together by smaller pieces of wood which are placed in a z pattern bahama shutters these shutters resemble a grate and cover the window vertically being placed at a slight angle in order to allow sunlight and air to enter board and batten contains horizontal boards held together by smaller pieces of wood which are placed in a z pattern bahama shutters these shutters resemble a grate and cover the window vertically being placed at a slight angle in order to allow sunlight and air to enter board and batten contains horizontal boards held together by smaller pieces of wood which are placed in a z pattern bahama shutters these shutters resemble a grate and cover the window vertically being placed at a slight angle in order to allow sunlight and air to enter wednesday 2020 03 25 8 44 38 am the best diy dry erase board ideas free download wood board n batten shutters the specific way each feature is presented and the material covered in these sites are the best reason for downloading diy kids table with the best how to make a pretty bed free download pdf and video savannah wood hurricane shutters installation services the shutters for your home are hand crafted and are perfect for functional use or for decorative installation carrie and i have a list of home improvement items that were constantly updating often employing cedar as the boards of choice board and batten wood siding is wood siding that consists of narrow vertical strips battens installed over a flat base board is known logically enough as board and batten also available are breadboard ends the above shutters show a breadboard top z battens and decorative cutouts use exterior wood screws so they won t rust by incorporating the z board the board batten exterior wood shutter is a classic on ranch style architecture which might have you wondering how much do plantation shutters cost the best barn shop plans board n batten open shutters on brick free download pdf and video using lumber and this easy tutorial you can create your own board and batten what you need the internets original and largest free woodworking plans and projects links database redwood and cypress also are viable options at hooks and lattice batten board shutters are manufactured and supplied in pine mahogany reclaimed oak cedar wood composite and vinyl since wainscoting is usually easy to care for and clean this is a great addition to your entryway mudroom or dining room shutterland is the authority on vinyl composite and wood exterior wood board n batten shutters board and batten exterior shutters are designed to mimic the rough and ready designs found in early frontier homes and are custom made to your exact specifications if you want to add a touch of style to your home wood shutters are the best option for my rather large window openings i needed 21 inches of shutter per side wood shutters rustic exterior cedar shutters board and batten wood shutters flat panel style stained exterior cedar by alittlecurbappeal browse unique items from smithshuttersllc on etsy a global marketplace of handmade vintage and creative goods offering thousands of sale priced parts supplies and mobile home skirting pine shutters are not recommended for functional use board and batten exterior shutters are one of the most popular shutter styles that you can buy in the market jun 02 2015 board and batten shutters are the last thing we have to make and install for our exterior makeover project free access when we first when we bought our wood it was still very wet the specific way each feature is presented and the golden homes book of the complete home carpenter free ebook download as pdf file it makes the wood a light brown and the odor soon fades leaving a bug proof board highly resistant to rot mildew and moss learn how to install decorative shutters and operable shutters here without any slats unlike most other shutters these barn door shutters allow you to completely block out any and all sunlight when closed while wood board and batten siding is great for a variety of homes its not for everyone download your projects now get how to build board and batten shutters world s most comprehensive collection of woodworking ideas for pro beginner batten down if a hurricane is on the horizon its time to take your preparations to the next level so we decided to build some board batten shutters in this post ill help you pick the right wood measure for success the step by step build and the hardware to make it all work our board and batten shutters are available with tongue groove vertical boards no air gap and straight or beveled edges with an air gaps how to build board and batten shuttersyay im excited to share this diy with you i have wanted to build new shutters for a couple of years the cost of your diy shutters will depend largely on the type of wood you choose to use to personalize them use a jigsaw to create a decorative cutout with a variety of styles to choose from including joined boards spaced boards framed boards and even the popular z bar shutter get 2020 board and batten siding price options and installation cost ranges may 04 2018 follow this easy diy tutorial for board and batten shutters to add rustic charm to any home or cottage here is how they turned out on a similar note the board and batten shutters provide terrific privacy we have stalled one year trying to figure out what wood to use and how to do this updated daily how to build board and batten shutters detailed images for you nc sc folks we are having a gathering in a board and batten hunting lodge april 4 5 6 golden homes book of the complete home carpenter the best how to make a pretty bed free download pdf and video we priced out what it would cost to by new shutters and found out the design that we came up with is actually called cottage style board n batten wood shutters with a z bar closed board n batten vinyl shutters add a touch of simple elegance to your home with minimal effort these materials are perfect for any weather window trim diy board and batten farmhouse shutters rustic shutters wood 28 cheap and best tips and ideas for your next home decoration project 2limited 4 may 2018 follow this easy diy tutorial for board and batten shutters to add rustic charm use this method to build shutters of any size he used the used oil diesel combo also how to build board and batten shutters for your home using pine boards and a few usually i am his helper when it comes to wood work the usual holding and you will need to measure your window length to see what size you need board batten shutters are another unique piece in the popular line of real wood decor from dogberry collections find the top 100 most popular items in amazon home improvement best sellers this was best made up of three 1 x 8s ripped to a combined dimension of 21 inches plantation shutters make a dramatic decor statement without looking flashy input project size product quality and labor type to get board and batten siding material pricing and installation cost estimates spaced board and batten shutters rough exterior real wood pine board and batten shutters pair mar 08 2008 he now has a rustic looking cabin overlooking his twin ponds that is very weather proof board and batten siding is sometimes called barn siding because many barns in north america are constructed this way the specific way each feature is presented and the material covered in these sites are the best reason for downloading michigan state wine barrel pick the best legends shutters discount code discount codes vouchers and 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home with alside board and batten premium vinyl siding we work closely with builders contractors and homeowners alike to ensure the finest possible result best wood to use for board and batten shutters ghaj5dln arfh6fgxsyx2bvol cqj1rpkqah za9eeemzfp okburv8wc sd9j0vn3s n1utthsjgza vatmampm hcrrfl6qy7uwx nhklys8yzdylmb avf5asg3 t4ia6r03gsmo ekaqtf3n8ept wz7ezggmnnl mjptd4yyhn pta2albev 6vrwczm9che7x 3dumb9e1gxd 1maeevp5 sp5mqc8rtbzk4u flvgvdotxlt5ht tdeezaehd zfl9qmiswkqqnval utmj211 uzktlci zbkg7di1 d7rmznjaoo yl5a1byfuj iamg5fz7yqyxn ndh8assvcsf 35s6ijp </s>
<s>[INST] forestry companies in louisiana [/INST] louisiana tech forestry program receives gift from roy o martin october 14 2013 klax tv abc 31 tweet class aligncenter size full wp image 32932 alt royomartin pic src http klax tv com wp content uploads 2013 10 royomartin pic jpg width 550 height 292 ruston la louisiana tech universitys forestry department held a reception wednesday to thank members of the martin foundation the charitable arm of the royomartin companies for a donation of four vans to be used by forestry faculty and students four 15 passenger vans were donated directly to the university rather than through the louisiana tech university foundation and will go directly into the state vehicle pool the donation was by no means the first time the martin foundation has helped louisiana tech programs as it has also generously provided scholarship funds to louisiana tech since 1998 initially funding was provided annually for scholarships to students in both the college of engineering and the school of forestry who met the following prioritized criteria priority 1 dependents of employees of the martin companies who reside in any louisiana parish priority 2 when qualified dependents of the martin companies employees are not identified students domiciled in allen avoyelles bienville grant natchitoches rapides red river st landry or vernon parishes will be considered priority 3 other qualified students this arrangement changed in 2003 when the martin foundation began awarding 3 000 per year to fund three 1 000 scholarships for the school of forestry these three scholarship donations have been continuous since that time we are committed to continuing to increase the quality of the forestry graduate produced by louisiana tech and to make sure they are prepared to serve the needs of the industry going forward tech president les guice told martin representatives attending the reception our faculty and administration places an emphasis on graduating student that can help to secure the future of the industry and can make greater impacts on the products and services that foresters offer let us know what the needs of your company and the industry are and well ensure our graduates are prepared to meet and exceed those expectations the martin companies have a long history with louisiana tech and have hired a multitude of tech graduates both foresters and engineers over the years the company now employs more tech graduates than any other group approximately three years ago martin employees began to notice that the four vans used by the school of forestry were aging and ranged from 12 17 years old funds were not available through normal state budget channels to replace one van let alone four a seed was planted by a louisiana tech alumnus who was employed by royomartin and that seed grew to produce the donation of the four new vans to the university for use by the school the quality and qualification that louisiana tech forestry graduates have upon leaving the university is outstanding said roy martin president of royomartin they are realistic and ready to contribute to the growth of our company and the forestry industry through the practical skills and knowledge they obtain at louisiana tech having safe and reliable transportation is critical to our mission of educating the next generation of natural resource professionals said dr mark gibson department head for louisiana tech forestry every day our students are being transported to local woodlands processing facilities and other areas to bring real world experiences to their education royomartins generous gift will ensure that future generations of students will have the same experiences that former students have had over the years gibson said royomartin has been an outstanding supporter of louisiana techs school of forestry and for many years has provided scholarships internships and summer jobs for students in addition they have provided access to their forestlands and given tours of their processing facilities during hands on learning laboratories our relationship with royomartin does not end on the educational front they have also been partners in the schools research endeavors by sharing land data and personnel to advance the science of natural resource management royomartin chief operating officer scott poole said the ties between the company and tech will remain strong for years to come louisiana tech has the only true forestry program in louisiana poole said we often meet as industry leaders who come together to discuss the needs of the forestry profession both current and future and how to address those needs through education louisiana tech will be looked upon as a vital part of meeting those needs and continuing to produce outstanding forestry professionals tweet race honoree tells her story inmate walks off from work detail you may also like glenmore educator accused of sex crimes february 3 2015 february 3 2015 klax tv abc 31 third narcotics arrest since january yields marijuana april 19 2013 april 22 2013 klax tv abc 31 pineville man arrested for burglary trespassing and intimidation april 4 2018 april 4 2018 klax tv abc 31 </s>
<s>[INST] fishing moving company [/INST] tips from the pros for largemouth bass flipping tips brian coleman flw pro flipping is intended for pinpoint presentation to visible thick cover between 10 and 25 feet away i use a heavy action vexan i prefer a 7 4 h to 7 10 xh rod use 40 to 85 pound braided line such as spiderwire for bait casting rods downsize your line on spinning reels for smaller baits like finesse baits or during cold fronts let out about 7 feet of line with your free hand grasp the line between the reel and the first rod guide and straighten your arm to the side there should now be about 7 feet of line past the front tip raise the rod to make the lure swing back close to your body lower the rod tip to make the lure swing forward use only your wrist and roll the butt of the rod to the inside of your arm as the lure moves past the rod tip continue raising the rod as you feed line with your free hand as the lure nears the water lower the rod tip again and make the bait touch down precisely on target by stopping the bait just before it enters the water tighten your drag all the way for increased hookset ratios and when you think theres a strike reel down until your rod is in hookset position before setting the hook one last tip from a pro use scent when trying to penetrate thick cover it acts as a lubricant to allow the bait to ease into the cover largemouth on a fly brian beastman eastman is a regular blog contributor and author of a monthly newsletter for bass pro shops orlando where he works in the white river fly shop largemouth on a fly absolutely largemouth are plentiful in florida inhabiting just about every lake pond river creek spring and mud puddle across the state their behavior is dictated by very basic instincts and a mouth capable of engulfing prey much larger than seems possible so like i tell people that wander into the shop if it swims ill throw a fly at it making largemouth a large percentage of my yearly catches due to their varied sizes and diets largemouth can be pursued with fly tackle normally associated with freshwater trout or up to rods that saltwater anglers reach for when targeting redfish or snook four and five weights are great fun on smaller fish with relatively light and easy to throw flies but you better be digging out the big guns eight to ten weights if you plan on tackling giants over 12 pounds throwing gigantic flies or fishing heavy cover a sweet casting 9 six weight with a decent amount of backbone is my personal favorite closely followed by a 7 11 eight weight when i need the bigger stick seasonal variables like bait availability and water temperature determine where the fish hang out and how you should fish for them but youll rarely go wrong with deer hair foam or cork poppers and divers for heart stopping topwater strikes or a well presented streamer baitfish pattern fished slow and deep catching largemouth on a fly isnt rocket science and in many cases its a whole lot simpler and less costly than carrying a plethora of lures hooks and other paraphernalia associated with casting or spinning tackle so grab your fly rod and seek out one of floridas most plentiful and widespread gamefish youll wish youd tried it sooner punching mats in florida rich howes a bassmaster classic contender has entered his own catches in trophycatch a popular technique with florida bass anglers is punching grass mats the grass can be anything including hydrilla hyacinths chopped up kissimmee grass or water lettuce bass in florida love to bury themselves in and under these grass mats to be successful with this technique be sure you are using proper equipment it starts with a long heavy action rod i typically use a 7 6 or longer fitzgerald rod a high speed 7 1 bass pro shops pro qualifier reel or something similar is necessary to gather in line quickly and use 65 pound braided line or stronger you will want to start with a heavy tungsten weight of 1 to 2 ounces which needs to be pegged to the line using a bobber stopper or plastic t peg insert next you will want to use a snell knot to attach a very stout 3 0 or 4 0 flipping hook like a strike king hack attack flipping hook finally use a quality soft plastic bait my mainstays are a tightlines uv whisker punch n rig or a gambler bb cricket pitch or flip the heavy weight right on top of the grass the bait will either go through on the initial fall or you will need to lightly shake your rod up and down to feel the bait make its way underneath the grass mat once underneath you will often feel the fish bite right away but sometimes it is necessary to jig the bait up and down to trigger a fish to strike when you feel the bite set the hook with some authority and do your best to take control of the fish to get it out and on top of the grass as quickly as possible of course once you put it in the boat take a picture of that trophy on a digital scale and do all the things necessary to upload your trophycatch at trophycatchflorida com all of the tackle necessary is available at bass pro shops or through other trophycatch sponsors casting to isolated cover trevor fitzgerald is owner designer of fitzgerald rods a full time policeman and bassmaster southern open winner a great way to target trophycatch sized bass heavier than eight pounds or numerous smaller bass in florida is by casting to isolated cover in florida bass can be caught casting to isolated cover year round but spring and summer are the best times to catch a trophy because of the spawn january through april bass will spawn in isolated cover like lily pads reeds hydrilla or kissimmee grass may through july the bluegill will spawn in and around the same isolated cover that the bass used to conduct their spawning activity once bass are finished spawning they will stay in the area to feed on bluegills that are then spawning my arsenal for this style of fishing is a fitzgerald rods stunner hd series 7 3 hvy or a 7 3 med hvy both paired with abu garcia stx 8 0 1 gear ratio reels my favorite two baits for this technique are a gambler ez swimmer paired with a gambler 6 0 ez hook or a gambler ace available at bass pro shops with a 1 4 oz weight and a 4 0 owner hook my line of choice for both baits is 65 pound spiderwire braid when i m fishing the ez swimmer i cast way past the isolated cover and slowly swim the bait close to the cover under the surface when i m fishing the gambler ace i cast just past the isolated cover and drag it up to the cover where i like to lightly twitch the bait these techniques will increase your odds of catching that trophycatch caliber bass shiners and structure don hatcher fishing guide on lake istokpoga and local writer donhatcherfishing com lake istokpoga has become one of the most productive trophy bass lakes in the country following major habitat enhancement programs by the fwc anglers can be extremely productive fishing this revitalized habitat using shiners if they know what to look for and follow some simple tips big bass congregate around thinned out cattail this should be even better after fwc conducts a prescribed burn in spring 2014 similarly bulrush in 5 to 6 feet of water or spatterdock that is not too dense both provide great habitat for shiner fishing i use a 7 5 to 8 foot medium heavy to heavy fiberglass or composite rod with a level wind bait casting reel since you will be manhandling big bass through vegetation load up with 30 pound big game monofilament for our application braided line floats too much use a 4 0 or 5 0 hook with a heavy weed guard for an 8 to 9 inch shiner and hook it through both lips approximately three feet up from the hook add a bobber cast the shiner into the thinned vegetation that i described before and let the bait swim with the bail open the idea is for it to work its way back into the cover where the big bass will be lying in ambush especially on sunny days on a cloudy day or around dawn or dusk you may find the trophy bass cruising a little further from cover if you are using more than one rod set the clicker to warn you if a bass hits your bait and starts taking line give it a moment lock the bail and then set the hook hard get it headed out of the vegetation and reel fast ensuring that you maintain tension on the line do not forget if it is over 8 pounds it is eligible for trophycatch so try not to exhaust the fish letting it fight too long get it to the boat take a full body photo of your catch on a scale and kiss it goodbye when you let it swim off and proclaim my trophy swims in florida fishing contours paul michele national sales manager americas navionics navionics com and florida outdoor writers association contributor the key to finding fish is structure and contours this is especially true in bass fishing with changing patterns and depths related to seasonal migrations with modern technologies navionics offers maps for electronic plotters and mobile device apps to show these bottom contours on most florida lakes reading the detail just takes a little practice each contour line indicates a change in one foot depth basically like a step they either go up or down and some are closer or farther apart as these lines steps get closer this means a drop off or a ledge that will hold fish the tighter thicker the lines the more dramatic a drop off a surrounding area that shows depths decreasing would indicate a deep hole a great spot for summer fish when they drop to deeper cooler waters conversely if the surrounding area shows depths increasing then potentially you are looking at an offshore hump that can hold suspended fish that may be feeding in current as bait goes by or a schooling area on a reef many fishermen talk about fishing points but which ones and why with the aid of an electronic chart with contours a point can be patterned in winter spring look for a point that shows contours that have a lot of space between them this means a shallow sloping flat these are areas that fish can use to warm up and may provide a spawning area or pre spawn staging prior to moving shallower a point that shows fast declining contours is more of a feeding location bass can move quickly from deep water up onto the shallows and attack a bait contours are also important with vegetation lines if bass are holding in a four foot depth along a weed line contours can show you where that four foot depth is so you can potentially match that with a weed edge for more success if you dont own a bass boat or electronic gps but bank fish kayak canoe or have a pond crawler dont fret one can still take advantage of this information with a navionics mobile app that shows the same chart detail on your phone navionics supports the fwc trophycatch program trophycatchflorida com see maps with verified catches swim baits angie douthit fishing guide on lake okeechobee and local writer southfloridabassfishing com fishing floridas freshwater lakes is nothing less than exciting and thrilling and provides a fun filled day for the entire family to enjoy florida is known as giant bass country and lake okeechobee is one of the top fisheries in the country when we hear someone say lake okeechobee we immediately associate it with fishing thick heavy cover and power fishing power fishing can be very productive and one very effective lure is the swim bait swim baits are made of a soft but tough plastic like material that stands up to lots of cranking and reeling bringing it through the thickest grass fishing with swim baits can be a little tricky but here are a few tips to get you rigged properly spool your medium fast to fast reel with a minimum of 65 lb test braided line and use a medium heavy to heavy action rod when rigging the lure first add a sinker stopper to your line this allows the weight to remain against the swim bait at all times then a small 132 oz slip sinker this allows just enough weight to get that extra long cast when needed and helps keep the swim bait upright as youre cranking it then your hook i prefer a wide gap 5 0 hook you can purchase hooks specifically made for swim baits setting the hook with these type lures can be tricky and is different from your traditional worm fishing with swim baits it is all about timing once the bass engulfs the swim baitdo not immediately set the hookallow the bass to take the lure for a few seconds waiting for the tick feel then set the hook with authority be prepared when the big bass slams the bait it is like hitting a brick wall hang on and do not allow any slack once you start reeling it in when my clients and i submit our catch into the fwcs trophycatch program we always remember to handle the bass lovingly by putting it in an aerated livewell in between taking pictures be sure to dip your measuring board into the water allowing it to cool first before laying your fish on it for length measurements when releasing your fish make sure the fish is good and lively before putting it back into the water trophycatch terry segraves tournament pro guide and kissimmee tourism spokesperson experiencekissimmee com my trophy swims in florida its official i was able to register a lunker club bass weighing 9 lbs 4 oz that i released during the flw tournament on lake okeechobee in february 2013 trophycatch is a great program sponsored by the florida fish and wildlife conservation commission fwc and funded by numerous business partners among the most prominent of those is experience kissimmee which is providing a 10 000 bonus for the biggest verified trophycatch bass from osceola county and an additional 2 500 to a guide that helps a customer catch and release it some of the very best bass fishing waters are found in osceola county not only including famed lakes such as kissimmee and tohopekaliga but also some small local lakes doing your research before you go fishing can be a key to success check out the fwcs fishing sites and forecast page for quarterly updates on major resources and top lakes listed by species at myfwc com fishing the site also provides numbers you can call to talk to local bait and tackle shops for up to the minute fishing trends visiting trophycatchflorida com or the sister resources on youtube and facebook can help inform you on where the big ones are being caught right now so do your research and then share your catch by posting your big catches and trophycatch releases at trophycatchflorida com its fun getting recognized for a great catch and even better to be rewarded for letting your trophy swim in florida lunker bass sean rush owner operator of trophy bass expeditions of central florida floridatrophybass com when i helped bob williams catch the first hall of fame bass inducted into the trophycatch program in february 2013 it was on rodman reservoir with a big wild shiner i give my clients three important tips when fishing live shiners for trophy bass first its live bait so once you get it in position let it do the work dont reel it or drag it second always leave the bail open so the bass doesnt feel the line give it 35 seconds to get the bait in position bass will often flip bait around in their mouth so they can swallow it head first finally when you set the hook set it hard i use a 4 0 hook and 20 pound big game line with the hook below the lateral line near the baits tail remember be ready to take a quick photo of the entire fish on a scale and tape measure so you can register your lunkers with trophycatch see video at youtube com trophycatchflorida dealing with springtime cold fronts sean hoernke flw pro in the springtime in florida bass fishing patterns are heavily dictated by the weather as a general rule of thumb bass move tighter to cover when there are cold fronts and cooler temperatures this is a great time to use the flipping technique a heavy sinker with a texas rigged soft plastic bait is the rig of choice june bug and other dark colored soft plastics are usually the ticket in heavy cover in florida try to locate the thickest cover available such as hyacinth mats reed clumps and heavy hydrilla mats these are the type areas the bass prefer when it gets cold spawning area search tactics glen lau master cinematographer during spawning and pre spawn seasons i look for submerged logs where big females have been rubbing away the mossy growth an early morning presentation of a to ounce rattling crank bait chartreuse chrome or shad are all effective colors is a good starter for kids and pros alike lipless crankbaits cast easily even into the wind and are very versatile baits they can be used over vegetation with a steady retrieve additionally if fishing near schooling bait you can cast beyond them and use a fast retrieve followed by a sudden stop to let the lure sink down below the school and then crank it back up again note glen lau one of americas most accomplished bass photographers and cinematographers has produced an extraordinary collection of award winning films and still photographs of bass in its natural environment many of his action packed and highly informative films are available on dvd along with art prints ready for framing from www wildlifefoundationofflorida com a portion of the sale automatically goes to support the florida bass conservation center spooning for bass on the big o scott martin flw pro and national guard team angler while fishing on lake okeechobee grass beds are the main structure that big bass will relate to one of my favorite techniques that i have fine tuned over the years to work well in grass is swimming a spoon while growing up at my mom and dads marina on the shore of lake okeechobee i heard many tales coming from old weathered fishermen about mainly three things wild shiners johnson spoons and big bass spoons have recently taken a backseat to newer more innovative lures but they have been catching quality sized bass for many generations and seem to be on the rebound as a popular go to bait its a great bait that is easy to throw and retrieve and one can cover water with it very quickly i like to throw ounce spoons on nearly every occasion on sunny days i like to throw a black spoon tipped with either a black rubber spinnerbait skirt or an array of dark colored grubs on more overcast days i throw a gold spoon with more natural colored skirts and grubs like white or chartreuse one strain of grass that works the best for me is peppergrass pondweed over the years it seems to have yielded more quality catches than other types some of the other strains that have faired well over the years for me are kissimmee grass knotgrass and emergent grasses on the big o fish relate to these grasses year round and a spoon is the next best thing to live bait for catching these giants that have made lake okeechobee famous locating florida bass jay yelas 2002 bassmaster classic champion 2007 flw angler of the year because many florida lakes have little or no bottom contour changes the key to finding fish here often lies in interpreting weedlines and bottom composition i look for places where the hydrilla thins out into patchy scattered clumps i stay away from the thick hydrilla beds bass prefer hydrilla that is not too thick if you know how to interpret a good sonar unit you will be able to find areas of the bottom that are harder than others some of these hard bottom spots are shell beds bass always prefer a hard bottom hard bottom areas adjacent to the outside edge of hydrilla are very good finding hidden hotspots bernie schultz b a s s pro most people approach floridas lakes and rivers by fishing in or around visual cover such as reeds grass and docks while these cover types certainly hold fish theres usually an untapped population of fish living offshore in open water bass spend much of their lives in deeper areas away from the shoreline especially the bigger ones finding these offshore fish can be tricky a depthfinder is almost essential another great tool for finding these fish is an underwater video camera the camera will show you things depthfinders cantfish species and size baitfish and exactly what the bottom looks like as long as the water is relatively clear an underwater video camera will let you see what actually lies beneath the surface surprisingly fish arent camera shy either cameras will add another level of fun and learning to your fishing and help you find hotspots that are overlooked by most anglers pre spawn florida largemouth brett hite flw pro winner of the flw tours 2008 season opener on lake toho in march 2008 during the pre spawn in florida water temperature will be the first factor in successful fishing south facing banks and protected areas will warm up first the second key is looking for spots where stained water meets clear water vegetation will clear the water up so look to fish where there are lily pads hydrilla and hyacinth look for more than one type of vegetation in the area look for subtle bays or points in the lake and key on areas where the fish will move to spawn they will move to the same areas after the spawn too provoke a topwater bite with a plastic frog and target depths of 2 to 5 feet with a swimming jig soft stickbait or lipless crankbait wake baits alton jones 2008 bassmaster classic champion if you have a weak heart dont tie on a wake bait otherwise take note a true combination of a crankbait and topwater plug a wake bait is a hard kicking noisy in your face sort of lure that truly is one of the most unique lures that has been introduced in a long time it wont work all the time the fish must be in an aggressive mode but when the situation is right this bait will prompt ferocious surface attacks a real key to success with the wake bait is finding the right speed retrieved slowly it will wobble widely on the surface with its back out of the water and its rattle clicking methodically cranked hard it will rattle loudly kick erratically and run barely beneath the surface pushing out a big bulging wake like a large baitfish swimming right at the top fish the wake bait on heavy line at least 20 pound test and hold on tight chugging a frog dean rojas 2007 bassmaster classic qualifier holds current bass single day five fish weight record of 45 lbs 2 oz caught on lake kissimmee the type of retrieve most often used with a frog is a steady and fairly fast presentation across floating and matted vegetation when i chug a frog across surface vegetation however i use a very slow stop and go presentation rather than a fast one i think this gives the fish a better strike opportunity and you get better hookups with this retrieve i do not trim the frogs legs and i still move the lure with the rod not the reel the rod tip is down and continually jerking i think the thing to remember about frog fishing is that fish are going to relate to whatever cover and structure a lake has so you can and should expect a strike on literally every cast because i have caught bass on rocks sea walls grass laydowns and even in open water without any visible cover i want to put everything in my favor that i can when that strike comes fishing bass in the summertime glen lau master cinematographer heres a suggestion for fishing for bass in the summertime it works great but you have to have patience lets say you rig a green plastic worm on a 3 0 hook first run the hook through the head of the worm like you would any other time then instead of running the hook through the worm place it through the side of the worm just under the skin make sure the worm is hanging straight and i would suggest using a one eighth ounce sinker on the line cast out to an area where you think there could be fish let it sit there up to two minutes or longer watch your line if a bass picks it up and starts to move you need to set the hook this is one of my favorite ways to catch bass in the summertime i prefer a green worm 6 to 7 inches in length moon watch jay yelas 2002 bassmaster classic champion 2007 flw angler of the year the full moon definitely affects bass behavior and catch ability in my experiences during the spring the bass become very active from about 5 days prior to the full moon to 2 days after it this period offers some of the best fishing of the year later in the spring the bass spawn big time around the full moon weather permitting if you can only fish 3 days per month regardless of the season try scheduling your trips during the full moon there are plenty of other factors that influence bass activity but all else being equal the full moon will help the bite phat frogging ish monroe bass master elite professional bass angler 15 top 10 finishes 28 top 20 finishes 6 bass master classic appearances there is no wrong time to fish a frog i catch bass on frogs 12 months out of the year here in florida although they certainly work great in the heavy stuff you really dont need matted grass or lilly padsyou really dont need any type of cover at all i have a lot of success throwing frogs in open water canals are common structural features in many of floridas lakes and the bass relate to the canals year round bass are attracted by the cooler water that can be found in the canals especially in the warmer months with or without the presence of heavy cover these canals can be bass magnets and great places to throw a frog i like a seven foot four inch medium heavy to heavy action rod with a high speed reel loaded with 50 to 65 lb braided line for frog fishing with this setup i can walk the frog to create numerous strikes in open water underneath overhanging trees next to brush or under docks there are many types of frogs available i fish snag proof frogs and am currently working with them on the new ishs phat frog keep an eye out for it fishing bass in the summertime glen lau master cinematographer years ago when i first pursued largemouth bass there was a fishing lure made by the heddon company called the sonic it was a small vibrating lure that when reeled through the water made a noise at that time it was my all time favorite lure several bait companies now make small lures that put out a vibration my favorites can be cranked fast and will go two and a half to three and a half feet deep this works very well in areas where weeds are approximately four feet below the surface or in open water it has become my favorite bait for late spring and early summer i especially like the silver and gold color feeding bass patterns roland martin legendary angler and tv host most fishermen think that bass strike because they re hungry actually i find that hunger accounts for maybe no more than a third of my strikes but that third is a very important part of the bass i catch especially early in the morning or late in the evening when the bass are feeding feeding bass are the easiest to catch you can catch them on most lures because basically all lures at one time or other will catch feeding fish in major slow periods the bass will feed for a short time another condition that causes bass to feed quite often is weather change such as a barometric drop an approaching storm or possibly cloud cover which moved inall of which affect atmospheric pressure and temperature another thing that could influence bass to feed would be a warming trend after a cold front my favorite most basic pattern for catching feeding fish would be a dawn and dusk surface plug pattern i m using the word pattern to mean the sum total of all the variables in the fishing situationmy topwater treat it involves getting out before the sun rises or in the twilight hours of the morning or after the sun is setting in the evening and the magical hour begins because there s no direct sun on the water it s the time of day when generally the convection currents are low and there is very little sun to move the air around producing almost a slick or mirror calm surface another condition that is very important to this type of surface action is water temperature you need warm water 70 degrees and up for your best surface lure fishing target shallow depths less than five feet and focus on ambush pointsa stump rock or any type of a grassy point concentration adds to success and enjoyment glen lau master cinematographer author of bass forever concentration and focus are critical aspects of being a good bass fisherman casting boat position and lure selection are all important to getting the bass to strike but once youve got your bait or lure in the water concentration becomes just as important to your success you can elevate your fishing dramatically by concentrating on what your are doing and focusing on the environment around you this is really nothing more than living in the moment and not letting work or home distractions take away from your fishing time patience robert montgomery author of better bass fishing and senior writer for bass be patient i know that s difficult to do when you see a spot that s likely holding a bass but if you cast all around the area as you approach you might catch the bass or just as likely you might frighten it and make it more difficult or even impossible to catch that s why you should wait until you are in perfect position to make the perfect cast you want your first cast to provide you with the best opportunity to catch the fish when it s just sitting there waiting for a meal to swim by bass vegetation patterns walt reynolds bass touring pro retired when you grab the family and head to the lake for some weekend fishing the first question to enter your mind is where to go the hardest part of ensuring a successful trip is finding fish when going to new waters or areas unless you have local help you must be able to read the conditions and available cover to determine where fish are holding that day grass is the prevailing cover in many florida lakes and knowing the different grasses and why they grow in certain places will go a long way towards finding fish most fishermen know that kissimmee grass reeds eel grass and pepper grass are good cover for finding fish but did you ever wonder why fish seem to like theses grass varieties far better than other grasses i believe it has more to do with the bottom composition than the actual grass bass like a hard firm bottom rather than a silt or muck bottom these particular grasses grow only on a hard sandy or shell bottom even though cattails hold fish sometimes because they often grow in mucky areas bass will often avoid them on your next trip to the lake notice what aquatic plants are growing in your area and fish around those that grow on a hard bottom you will see more fish brought to the boat that way clear water crankbaits on heavy tackle roland martin legendary angler and tv host in clear water youll often need light line to attract bass when crankbait fishing to most people this means light tackle during the last few years however ive developed a system of fishing crankbaits combining light line and heavy tackle i know that sounds strange but i dont always do conventional things you can fish 10 pound line on gear other than light tackle with enough practice youll develop a feel for fishing light line on a big 712 foot flipping stick with a high speed reel for example this setup gives me several advantages over the lighter type of rod used by most crankbait fishermen out there the longer rod allows me to make longer casts than more conventional shorter casting rods and the flipping stick enables me to set the hook faster and harder from a considerable distance if youre using a 5 foot wimpy casting rod and a 5 pound bass hits your lure from about 70 feet away its a real chore to set the hook that wimpy rod will only give you about 2 pounds of pressure and the line will have some stretch to it under those conditions you cant control a 5 pound bass at all again with enough practice you will develop a feel for just how much pressure you can apply with the big rod to the light line without breaking off spring bass terry gibson visit florida fishing insider editorial director fly light tackle angler magazine www fishingcapital com in early spring i shift focus to bass and panfish fishing mostly in the everglades i love to flyfish with popping bugs and throw surface lures on plug gear by april shellcrackers and bluegills are on the bed and when theyre not you find them along canal banks or the outside of vegetation lines in open lakes water levels are typically lower so fish are concentrated best of all water temps are warm enough throughout the state for bass to blast anything that resembles food in april and may especially on cloudy days water temps remain just cool enough that fish will sometimes feed on top all day long the morning and evening bites last all summer this is a great time to get kids hooked on fishing maybe the best in terms of sheer action and building a foundation of fishing skills our parents started my sister and me out with ultra light spinning gear slinging beetle spins at shorelines once we got that tactic down they put fly rods in our hands mom wanted panfish for fried fish dinners served with collard greens and cheese grits yum but for sport we loved the acrobatic little schoolie bass that gang up in huge numbers this time of the year hardcore trophy bass hunters score this time of the year especially during the pre and post spawn when big sows badly need calories eight through 10 weight flyfishing outfits can handle throwing big poppers and deerhair bugs and turning big bass from cover conventional anglers can cover a lot of water with paddle tailed plastic buzzbaits walking plugs work well as do frog imitations during the heat of the day find deeper structure and switch to texas or carolina rigged plastic worms fish em sloooow and hang on finding bass glen lau bass fishing hall of fame inductee cinematographer and author without a doubt the toughest thing about catching bass is finding them id say 90 percent of the bass are in one percent of the water like a turkey hunter that seeks out where the birds are roosting before the season begins a good angler should consider putting down his or her rod and reel and take up a notepad or fishing map of the water body cruise the shore mapping vegetation look for structure like downed trees or piers and where water may be flowing in or out of a lake see where the locals are fishing and talk to them check a contour map or if you have a depth finder cruise the lake looking for sudden changes in depth that may provide refuges or ambush points for bass if you want to catch the big bass pay your dues do the research and work promising spots slowly and methodically after 60 years of filming and chasing bass im still fascinated and still learning if you love the sport as much as i do youll cherish every moment on the water and want to preserve the memories and the opportunities lunker bass captain sean rush owner operator of trophy bass expeditions of central florida www floridatrophybass com youve probably heard that old saying big bait big fish well if your goal is to boat a trophy bass its advice youd be wise to heed think about it like this what do you think a 250 pound man would rather sit down to at dinner half a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or a 16 ounce steak the answer is of course the steak and that is the way giant female bass approach feeding they would rather eat one large bait for example an 8 or 9 inch wild shiner and be done than expend a bunch of energy chasing smaller baits going large requires heavy gear generally the tackle consists of 7 1 2 to 8 foot flippin sticks and stout baitcasting reels spooled with at least 20 pound mono it also requires patience give your fishing holes more time than usual if you feel youve found a spot capable of producing a giant they can take a little longer to entice they didnt get big by being easily fooled this style of fishing can pay off i mean pay off big bass guides terry segraves tournament pro guide and kissimmee tourism spokesperson www visitkissimmee com so you think it sure would be nice to go fishing and get away from all my problems for a day or your children are playing computer games and watching tv too much and you want to get them outdoors and involved in a healthier interest even without owning a boat or fishing tackle you can make it happen consider hiring a fishing guide with a guide you may enjoy the trip more because you will often catch more fish learn new tricks have proper equipment and less stress it is relatively cheap when you consider all you get before hiring a guide select a destination that interests you or one that complements your florida vacation or business trip for example your family is planning a disney vacation and you heard the fishing is great in kissimmee start with an internet search a slew of information will come up about the lakes fishing trends and guide services talk to people about places they have fished and enjoyed and guides they used here are a few questions to ask your guide what type of fishing do you specialize in and what will we be doing how much experience do you have and where do you have the proper permits license and insurance what equipment will you provide and what should i bring how many hours will we fish and when do we start and finish what are typical weather conditions and what clothing should i bring will you teach me to become a better fisherperson do you practice catch and release what kind of boat do you have and how many people can it fish comfortably do i need a fishing license do you have referrals what does the trip cost and what is included for the price ask these questions face to face or by telephone to learn more about the guide and their personality a lot of guides use live bait a great way to catch trophy bass however if you want to use artificials remember it is more work and requires more skill so make sure the guide specializes in using artificial lures remember you will spend 4 to 8 hours with a person you do not know very well find the right guide to help create memories that will last a lifetime great fishing and remember your sunscreen note neither the fwc nor the state of florida endorse any individual company or product </s>
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<s>[INST] buy wood board [/INST] art is fun painting surfaces for acrylics painting surfaces for acrylics otherwise known as supports or substrates can cover a wide range of materials i m sure you ve been told a million times by now about the versatility of acrylics well it s also true when it comes to supports as long as it s not oily or shiny you can paint on it with acrylics the most common surface for acrylic painting is canvas so i put it on its own page which you can read here canvas for acrylic painting this page will focus on all the other painting surfaces for acrylics that you can use hardwood panels acrylic paper watercolor paper other papers and impermanent materials hardwood panels hardwood panels have been used for centuries mostly for oil and tempera paints typically made from hardwoods like oak birch mahogany and walnut because softwoods are prone to warping these panels last a long time making them a good alternative to canvas for those who want their art to endure they re less popular as painting surfaces for acrylics because they can be very heavy and the well seasoned varieties which don t warp or split are expensive many artists have shown a preference for the cheaper hardboards and panels seen below american easel stocks affordable birch wood panels which are well received you can also try plywood which can warp but will last quite a while if treated properly alternatively if you know something about wood it can be quite satisfying to re purpose old pieces of wrecked furniture for use in your art i ve provided links below to the relevant products so that you can easily find them on blick art materials my favorite online art supplier i m a member of blick s affiliate program which means if you make a purchase after clicking on one of these links i ll receive a small commission at no extra cost to you your purchase helps support this site and keeps it free of ads click here for more info american easel wood panels american easel gessoed wood panels art boards natural maple panels hardboard panels hardboard panels also commonly referred to as masonite are made from a mixture of wood fibers that have been broken down and molded into a board using heat pressure and the natural adhesion of lignin they re a good choice for beginners and make excellent painting surfaces for acrylics because they re cheap but durable some professional artists even prefer masonite over canvas one of my photorealist acrylic paintings on hardboard masonite comes in tempered or untempered form the tempering process involves flooding the board with linseed oil after it comes out of the hot press this gives it a harder sealed surface but makes it unsuitable for acrylics which won t mix with oil for this reason you should use untempered masonite with acrylics which is softer and slightly more absorbent the front surface of masonite is smooth and the back is rough and textured you can paint on the back but most prefer to use the front which should be sanded beforehand to give the surface some tooth unless you buy it ready primed you don t need primer but most artists apply an acrylic gesso before painting you can also purchase pre primed masonite in a range of colors if you can t afford canvas but want something that ll last a while give masonite a try the only negatives are that large panels can bend and possibly warp over time you can prevent this by using wood battening across the back and by priming the front back and edges of the board my favorite hardboards are by a company called ampersand i used ampersand gessobord for the photorealist painting shown above right gessobord is a preprimed archival museum quality hardboard that readily accepts acrylic paint they also sell unprimed hardboard if you prefer to do your own priming both types are showcased in the top row below the recommended products below are there to help you browse for art supplies and if you make a purchase i get a small commission that supports this site and keeps it free thanks in advance ampersand gessobord ampersand hardbord hardboard panels medium density fibreboard mdf mdf is a more recent type of hardboard that is similar to masonite for the purposes of most artists the two products are interchangable the main difference is how they re made the mdf manufacuring process utilizes a similar process involving heat and pressure but combines the disintegrated wood fibers with a wax and resin binder mdf is newer than masonite and possibly more durable but its articifial resin contains carcinogenic formaldehyde which can be released into the air and inhaled if you cut into the board safer mdf products are beginning to become available but i would still take precautions use a respirator if you need to saw into the mdf and prime all sides of the board before painting to help prevent the formaldehyde from being released from the surface mdf is not quite as dense as masonite although denser than plywood and particle board but it is thicker than masonite which is typically only 1 8 or 1 4 thick mdf sheets are made in a range of thicknesses up to 1 inch which is handy for artists who prefer a thicker support like masonite mdf is cheap long lasting and provides a good surface for acrylic paint just remember to use it safely paper paper is a fine painting surface for acrylics and if you use high quality archival paper you can create permanent artworks there are some papers designed specifically for acrylics but depending on your needs you can use any type of paper paper for acrylics to help fund this site i receive a small commission from purchases made via the links below a few manufacturers make paper specifically for use with acrylic paint it s heavyweight paper that can be bought in sheets or pads that supports all kinds of acrylic techniques depending on the techniques you ll be using it s usually wise to prime the front and back of the paper with acrylic gesso which will help preserve your finished artwork for years to come watercolor paper you can also use acrylics on watercolor paper which comes in a range of grades sizes and textures for more information see my watercolor paper page there are two main grades of watercolor paper artists and students grade use artists grade if you care about quality and permanence but save some money with students grade if you re a beginner or just practicing watercolor paper is typically bought in separate sheets some manufacturers offer their paper in large rolls which can save you money you can also buy spiral bound pads which are great for using outdoors but usually contain students quality paper you can paint on watercolor paper with or without an acrylic gesso but if you re using diluted acrylics to create watercolor effects you need to stretch the paper first to prevent wrinkling a convenient way around this is to buy watercolor paper blocks or panels watercolor blocks are thick sheets of paper stuck together by glue which has been applied around the edges after painting on the top sheet you can slice it from the pile and start working on the blank sheet underneath finally you can try yupo watercolor paper which is synthetic paper made from polypropylene i ve played around with yupo and it has a weird surface that certainly doesn t feel like paper it s slick and non absorbant and fun to experiment with the advantages are that it s very durable and strong which means it won t tear buckle or wrinkle so you don t have to worry about stretching it beforehand it s great for acrylics and a whole range of media except for oil paints the recommended products below are there to help you browse for art supplies and if you make a purchase i get a small commission that supports this site and keeps it free thanks in advance arches watercolor paper bienfang student watercolor paper daler rowney watercolor pads arches watercolor blocks lanaquarelle watercolor blocks fredrix watercolor canvas boards other papers if you like creating different effects by painting on toned ground you can experiment with colored papers that come in a range of qualities and textures you can also experiment by painting on japanese nepalese bhutanese thai indian amate and bark papers each is made differently and possesses it s own unique properties and textures it s up to you to experiment to see how the paint adheres to the paper and if a primer is necessary but using novel forms of paper is a cool way to create distinctive artwork if you make a purchase via the links below i receive a small commission which helps support this site canson drawing papers japanese paper assortment thai banana paper lokta papers black ink amate papers lokta paper packs impermanent materials acrylics have allowed some artists to experiment with materials previously dismissed as unsuitable as painting surfaces because they were fragile and impermanent examples include cardboard construction paper tissue paper upson board and even newsprint these materials are not acid free and will only take a few years to start turning yellow and brittle but acrylic paint acts as a preservative drying quickly and sealing the surface if you also treat the front back and sides of the finished artwork with acrylic varnish or diluted matte medium you can make an impermanent material last 50 years to help fund this site i receive a small commission from purchases made via the links below blick construction paper pacon construction paper strathmore newsprint you can check out more art supplies for acrylics and other media via the guide to buying art supplies </s>
<s>[INST] fishing company for sale [/INST] karl s shimano slx baitcasting reel regular price 99 99 club members earn 20 00 credit shimano ultegra spinning reel regular price 149 99 club members earn 30 00 credit only 9 left shimano sedona fi spinning reel regular price 69 99 club members earn 14 00 credit shimano sienna fg spinning reel regular price 29 99 club members earn 6 00 credit karl s bait tackle spring training baseball t shirt karl s club 17 49 non member 24 99 club members save 30 oru kayak the haven regular price 1 999 00 club members earn 40 00 credit lucky craft lightning pointer 110sp karl s club 6 99 non member 9 99 club members save 30 vertical lures tube x karl s club 4 19 non member 5 99 club members save 30 explore more did you hear about 4 easy ways to trigger a reaction strike when opportunity knocks a bass instinctively strikes at something even if the fish isnt hungry read more why do shiny baits catch people so many fish when the sun is shining throwing a bait that reflects the light increases your odds of catching read more all you need to know about bass fishing in the wind wind can be beneficial or destructive when blowing across the land a steady wind is good for read more see more </s>
<s>[INST] fishing company of alaska jobs [/INST] alaska crab fishing jobs by jodee redmond legal secretary fishing for crab is not for the faint of heart are you interested in finding out more about alaska crab fishing jobs please continue reading to learn more about this type of work alaska crab fishing jobs the basics if you are prepared to work hard during the crabbing season there is potential to make a lot of money doing this kind of work how much you will take home will depend on how many crabs the boat you are on harvests the boat owner and the captain will take a share of the proceeds first and the balance of the profit is divided among the crew members expenses for food and fuel are deducted before anyone gets paid related articles alaska commercial fishing jobs fishing boat jobs in oregon jobs in norway this means if the harvest is not a large one you may make very little money for a lot of work however if there is a bountiful harvest it s possible to earn a significant amount of money during the peak season you can expect to work up to 20 hours a day seven days a week if you choose to work in this field working conditions boats used to fish for crabs range in size from 100 150 feet in length steel crab pots measuring 7 x 7 x 3 are used to catch the crabs herring cod or salmon is chopped up and used as bait the 700 lb pots are lowered to the bottom of the ocean using hydraulic launchers when the time comes to retrieve them from the sea floor a hydraulic winch is used to bring it up to the boat once the catch is safely on board crew members will go through it and to discard the juvenile crabs and females only male crabs measuring more than 6 5 inches can be legally harvested all the others must be thrown back equipment needed you will need to provide your own equipment if you want to work on a crab boat plan on paying several hundred dollars to get yourself outfitted properly with the following gear wet weather clothing rubber boots gloves wrist covers sleeping bag depending on the arrangement you have with the employer you may also be asked to pay for part of the operating expenses involved in taking the boat out including bait and ice employers typically provide certain safety equipment such as a survival suit crew members also need to buy a license from the alaska department of fish and game before they will be allowed to work so this is another cost that needs to be factored in when considering doing this type of work compensation for crab fishermen the minimum wage laws in effect don t apply to crew members working on alaska crab boats a junior deck hand will be given a share ranging from 1 5 10 percent of the proceeds from the catch the exact amount will depend on the policy of the boat s owner and the captain some crew members are paid a daily rate ranging from 50 100 instead of getting a share of the value of the catch dangerous work anyone looking at alaska crab fishing jobs needs to understand that this type of work can be is extremely dangerous according to the u s bureau of labor workers in the fishing and logging industries were most likely to be killed on the job since crew members on board crab boats are working during the winter months dying from hypothermia or drowning is a very real possibility injuries and fatalities resulting from being hit by heavy equipment are all too common as well finding work in the crab fishing industry if you have given the idea of becoming a crab fisherman due consideration and you still want to go ahead you will need to walk up and down the docks and talk to the captains who are looking for help directly keep in mind though that crew members who are happy with their work situation are not likely to leave a boat that has a high turnover of crew members may not be somewhere you want to work so do proceed with caution </s>
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<s>[INST] hunting equipment jobs [/INST] king s camo highly realistic camo hunting clothing gear my cart close men xkg series hunter series classic series pants jackets rain wear shirts pullovers hoodies vests big tall solids women women s camo women s casual wear kids kids camo clothing kids casual wear infant toddler clothing accessories backpacks hats masks gloves optics sleeping bags knives camping sunglasses misc gear food supplements lifestyle calendars king s logo gear graphic tees decor automotive camo rings wallets purses specials bundles special buys closeouts patterns desert shadow mountain shadow realtree edge snow shadow field shadow woodland shadow blaze orange shop kingscamo giveaway free u s shipping on 150 orders shop now account usd inr gbp cad aud eur jpy my cart 0 home shop men xkg series hunter series classic series pants jackets rain wear shirts pullovers hoodies vests big tall solids accessories backpacks hats masks gaiters gloves optics knives sleeping bags camping misc gear food supplements patterns desert shadow mountain shadow realtree edge snow shadow field shadow woodland shadow blaze orange lifestyle calendars king s logo gear graphic tees decor camo rings wallets purses women camo clothing casual wear kids camo clothing casual wear infant toddler specials bundles special buys closeouts contact dealer locator blog kingscamo new closeouts xkg series up to 50 off shop now 2020 king s calendars hurry 2020 wildlife already sold out shop now closeouts discontinued gear up to 70 off shop now blog posts king s camo holiday gear giveaway winners posted on january 17 2020 ourholiday gear giveaway is complete this holiday season we received almost 15 000 entries thank you to everyone who entered and helped share our giveaway we assembled this amazing giveaway with the help from hoyt vortex and camp cheftotaling over 4 000 in prizes below are the 4 lucky winners stay tuned for more chances to win great prizes this spring read more 2019 hidden instinct coyote tour posted on december 07 2019 read more </s>
<s>[INST] best fish to buy at trader joe's [/INST] 100 best things to buy at trader joes by brooke eliason pin it pin it pin it i remember years ago when i was a junior in college a trader joes was installed just a mile down the street from me in salt lake city i asked a friend what all the fuss was about he vaguely responded by telling me that they have some pretty cool stuff and that he bought frozen meals from there a lot when he was doing summer sales the year before riveting pin it pin it okay but in all reality im thankful that i let my curiosity get the best of me it only took a trip or two for me to realize that i absolutely love trader joes the produce is fresh and flavorful the snacks are creative and tasty the customer service unparalleled and i also love the concept of a small simplistic market that focuses on quality rather than quantity with the exception of a couple higher ticket items trader joes has lower price points with higher quality plus some of my favorite novelty items you truly cant find anywhere else pin it pin it ive put this list together for three different shoppers 1 those who have yet to step foot in a trader joes 2 those who shop there periodically 3 avid tj shoppers because we all need tj inspo once in a while pin it pin it a couple things to note firstly im definitely no fan of freezer foods however if theres any place ill buy a frozen meal its at trader joes so while a lot of your trader joes lists are predominantly filled with frozen specialty items mine only has a few secondly im less inclined to buy meat and poultry from trader joes its one of the few items that ive found are more expensive and not as comparable to whatid find at my local grocer freshly sliced deli meat imported fish etc etc anywho do you have a favorite trader joes item that isnt on this list leave me a comment below and as always thanks for stopping by cookies cinnamon grahams a great dressed up version of this classic american cookie you will die over the cinnamony sugary finish all butter shortbread cookies i grew up in a shortbread loving family so this cookie is an automatic w for me the chocolate and jelly filled shortbreads are equally delicious cookie thins toasted coconut cookies my favorite road trip cookie theyre thin crunchy and not so guilt inducing once youve realized you just pounded an entire roll cookie butter sandwich cookies these buttery cookies filled with one of trader joes biggest hits wont last a day in your pantry butter waffle cookies just an all around classic cookie my favorite with a heaping scoop of cookie butter keep reading dark chocolate covered peppermint joe joes only available at christmas time and more calories than you want to know these cookies are some of my favorite ever the thick layers of chocolate and peppermint are next level way more chocolate chips cookies think chips ahoy without all the yucky preservatives and ugly packaging these inhalable i think i just made up that word cookies are perfect for sack lunches or and after school snack triple ginger snaps because this is the cookie that every ginger lover needs i used these to make a ginger cookie crust for a homemade cheesecake and it was a surefire home run tstl candy chocolate covered sea salt butterscotch caramels quite literally these caramels are addicting something about the shiny coating sea salt finish buttery flavor is quite irresistible you have been warned powerberries real fruit juice from pieces made with acai pomegranate cranberry and blueberry juices dipped in smooth dark chocolate heck yes dark chocolate almonds my favorite im eating something semi healthy dessert these dark chocolate covered almonds sprinkled with sea salt and turbinado sugar will change your life milk chocolate peanut butter cups or what i like to refer to as adult peanut butter cups think better chocolate and thicker peanut butter i love these suckers frozen strawberry licorice if youre anything like me there is nothing better than good soft licorice take a box of the strawberry flavor with you next time youre reading a book or writing cocoa truffles introduced to me by my sister these chocolate balls of decadence are a chocolate lovers dream to the max theyre rich delicate and a little goes a long way fleur de sel caramels great for eating as is or incorporating into a recipe ive used these on the viral carmelitas recipe found on pinterest and thought that they were the perfect touch cowboy bark dark chocolate with toffee pretzels joe joe cookies peanuts almonds and a sprinkling of salt great snacking food and awesome combination of sweet and salty mango mango my favorite fruit yogurt gummies from trader joes my little brother swears by these and i buy him some nearly every time im there sisterpoints smashing smores because there is no greater combination than mallow chocolate and a graham cracker these are delicious as is or heated up over a campfire produce tuscan cantaloupe i purchased one of these after a couple of tjs employees recommended them theyre similar to a cantaloupe except sweeter with the same amount of fruit less seeds hass avocado if im making a large portion of guacamole or need avocado for anything trader joes is always my first stop their california grown avocados are ripe but not too ripe firm but not too firm sweet strawberries or any berry for that matter back to the fresh factor always the freshest sweetest and most reasonably priced berries in all the land i love to eat them whole or with granola and yogurt for breakfast peaches and nectarines i cant count how many times ive returned home with more than a dozen of trader joes peaches or nectarines this summer only to polish them off just a couple of days later there are two of us be sure to smell and gently palpate each variety for the ripest one spinach and kale so incredibly inexpensive compared to other commercial or local grocers i love throwing these ready to eat greens in my salads and smoothies asian vegetable stir fry my absolute favorite easy vegetable side for chicken teriyaki i toss the ready to go veggies with a little bit of oil and serve with a side of teriyaki sauce brussels sprouts again theyre fresh delicious and ready to go they come in a microwavable bag but my favorite way to eat them is tossed in olive oil with salt and pepper then baked for 30 45 minutes at 400 degrees thomcord seedless grapes such a delicious and beautiful grape that you cant get anywhere else sold typically toward the end of the summer i decorated a homemade charcuterie board with these recently and they were the perfect touch mini heirloom tomatoes i purchase these nearly every time i make a stop at trader joes theyre colorful full of delicious heirloom flavors and the perfect addition to bruschetta caprese or simply served alone grapefruit because im 100 on a grapefruit kick and these are bigger and juicier than any i can find at a neighborhood grocer sometimes i drizzle a little of tjs turkish honey on top for a subtle sweet touch lemons i love the fact that not only are these lemons juicy and fresh but there are over half a dozen sold in one package for less than two dollars persian cucumbers theyre smaller sweeter and an adorable addition to veggie platters salmon sliders and mediterranean dishes tomatoes and basil hummus our favorite trader joes hummus and perfect with a bag of veggie sticks baking bread semi sweet chocolate chunks my go to chocolate for chocolate chip cookies a great change up from the traditional drop shaped chocolate chips still love you nestl organic unsweetened flake coconut because trader joes is all about the coconut i love using these coconut flakes in homemade granola and baked goods including banana bread cookies and cake turbinado raw cane sugar my favorite ingredient to incorporate into cookie dough especially this recipe or on top of sweet breads to add that sugary crunch that everyone loves artisan bread delicious artisan bread thats ready to go and perfect for all of your sandwich crostini or carb loving needs my current favorite is the olive demi ciabatta baguette sourdough bread its light fluffy and has that perfect sourdough punch that makes the perfect slice i also love that there are about 5 ingredients in this bread instead of 27 cheese cheddar cheese with caramelized onion my 100 favorite cheese from trader joes its a savory block of cheddar threaded with caramelized onion you havent lived if you havent tried this burrata because burrata is the fresh mozzarellas creamy rich and delicate big sister cotswold with onion and chive my husbands favorite and one of my favorites too because theres nothing that can quite hit the spot better than creamy cheese with onion and chive unexpected cheddar cheese when i polled my readers not too long ago unexpected cheddar was the unquestionable favorite trader joes cheese ive tested re tested and agree that its one of the definite winners sharp cheddar cheese cracker cuts for all you working women or men like me who would rather pay an extra dollar for pre sliced cheese fun fact its actually not a dime more expensive meats incurred apple smoked bacon as i mentioned above while i personally dont believe that trader joes specialty is in meats pleaseeeee open a deli this apple smoked bacon is one of our favorite bacons of all time we love smoking it on our smoker and adding to salads grilled cheese sandwiches and blts all natural chicken breasts trimmed low fat and practically ready to go its easy to tell the chicken at trader joes is higher quality when you realize how much more tender and flavorful it is compared to some of the less expensive cheap options id find elsewhere smoked sockeye salmon a fantastic protein option to eat alone or with bagels trader joes has a couple of smoked salmon options and weve enjoyed every one of them yogurt milk rockview farms low fat chocolate milk my absolute favorite chocolate milk ever period vanilla nonfat greek yogurt it has just the right level of sweetness and goes perfectly with any granola or fresh fruit cultured low fat buttermilk one of my favorite buttermilks for baking including biscuits pancakes and buttermilk syrup hollla heavy whipping cream high grade dairy with perfectly small portions because even though im all about that whipping cream a little tends to usually go a long way snacks more than snacks veggie sticks as mentioned above one of our favorite snacks with a bowl of trader joes hummus i like to eat this on road trips or before hikes when im trying to increase my sodium levels peanut butter filled pretzels save yourself the grief of eating boring old pretzels and grab some of these for a salty crunchy outside and creamy peanutbuttery inside toasted plantain chips healthy chips that are made with plantains toasted not fried and salted for a crunchy texture and great flavor i love keeping a bag of these in my car for an after work snack on my commute home kettle popped popcorn chips a very unique and trader joes only item im also usually able to polish off an entire bag of these in one sitting theyre just that good organic popcorn with olive oil im a huge popcorn lover and although i make most of my popcorn at home i love the lightness and flavor of this low calorie low fat popcorn option salt and pepper pistachios because according to all of the men in my life it isnt a holiday party without a big bowl of peppered pistachios just mango slices understand that of the three dried mango options sweet mango just mango spicy mango this is the best its dried mango and dried mango only if theres one dried fruit snack you should try at trader joes this is the one peanut butter cups trax mix miniature milk chocolate peanut butter cups in a blend of fruit and nuts can you tell that i love peanut butter candied pecans delicious alone or as a topping for salads dessert or paired with cheese and crackers on a cheese plate sweet new zealand apples dried another one of my favorite dried fruit options if you havent enjoyed dried apples these new zealand apples are a great place to start freeze dried strawberries have you had anything freeze dried other than yucky mountain house freeze dried dinners youll be revolutionized by these sweet freeze dried strawberries and how surprisingly addicting they are cowboy caviar blue corn tortilla chips my favorite salsa paired with my favorite of the many trader joes chip options sundried sourdough toasts i like to use these miniature toasts crushed up atop a caesar salad or served with french onion soup theyre deliciously savory and are a great dress up for simple dishes when youre in a pinch cranberry granola ill never forget asking an employee if this granola was good watching her open the bag in front of me and having me try a bite right in front of her the customer service at trader joes is fantastic and the granola is even better vanilla almond clusters although im not a huge cereal buy at trader joes more commercially inclined oops i do love their vanilla almond clusters cereal its sweet crunchy and resembles something close to one of my favorite commercial cereals honey bunches of oats sriracha potato chips because what is there not to love about sriracha or chips infused with zingy sriracha flavor salsa especially mild tastes just like the salsa you love at your favorite mexican restaurant great with trader joes restaurant style chips or scrambled eggs and corn tortillas for breakfast italian style wrap my favorite on the go tjs lunch i love the combination of italian meats and cheeses with a hearty wrap and some leafy greens cheese tortellini one of my favorite easy dinners served with trader joes vodka sauce and a pinch of parmesan cheese frozen mango and strawberry flatbread its sweet unique and topped with arugula and a balsamic reduction i was sold on this after trying a sample in store great for an appetizer or light dinner roasted corn save the stress and work of husking grilling and then removing kernels from your cob with this pre roasted corn we love using this as a side for bbq with salad or in homemade salsa dark sweet cherries if youve ever hand pitted cherries then youll understand why this purchase is worth every penny these are perfect for cherry pies galettes or fresh fruit smoothies for breakfast mango chunks back to those green smoothies and my new favorite one has spinach banana and a cup or two or trader joes fresh mango chunks baked ziti this baked ziti is oneof my favorite frozen trader joes meals its also another great excuse to eat pasta medium cooked shrimp a great option for landlocked residents such as myself i love incorporating this pre cooked shrimp into pasta dishes gone bananas theres something so satisfying about frozen bananas and chocolate the perfect snack to keep in the freezer for those inevitable late night cravings caribbean fruit floes my new favorite store bought popsicle theyre fruity sweet and surprisingly quite large for a fruit filled popsicle mochi i love that trader joes has a handful of eclectic international items and mochi is one of them a great easy dessert to follow your next sushi night cookie butter ice cream this needs no explanation mac n cheese because theres nothing better than creamy savory mac n cheese except for creamy savory mac n cheese prepared in less than 5 minutes voila sides condiments cookie butter spreadable speculous cookies its creamy its sweet and its one of the most popular items to get at trader joes im partial to the creamy cookie butter myself and like to enjoy it with butter waffle cookies pretzels cookies or warmed up and served with ice cream cento san marzano peeled tomatoes im all about making my own homemade pasta sauce these days and my favorite base for a good marinara are the cento san marzano peeled tomatoes open your can crush them with your hands and cook up some pasta beautifulness gnocchi italiani and speaking of that glorified pasta dish my fav as of late is the gnocchi if you havent had gnocchi its basically the richest form of pasta one can possibly indulge in made of potatoes and densely rich when cooked these are the perfect completion to your homemade pasta dish or one of trader joes homemade pasta sauces creamy italian soup because there are just some days where you a need a bowl of warm savory soup and b dont have the time in the world to even mix canned soup with milk this ready to go soup is my favorite to enjoy with butter toast grilled cheese sandwiches or just alone on a cold spring or winter day julienne sliced sundried tomatoes can you tell that i love tomatoes yet these julienne sliced sundried tomatoes are the best in the game i love adding them to pasta or better yet pasta salad meat and poultry dishes or simply with some fresh mozzarella fig butter because you totally need something irresistibly sweet and posh to add to that cheese board i keep mentioning i love enjoying this with sliced baguette whipped ricotta cheese and a dollop of this glorious fig butter lemon curd beautiful wonderful lemon curd another item that trader joes has converted me to its great with cookies mixed with yogurt or served with angel food cake and whipped cream carolina gold bbq sauce you better believe that this is one of our favorite bbq sauces in fact we recently figured out how to smoke ribs from home and topped the goods off with this trader joes original sauce bacon jam just as it sounds and unquestionably a must try you can eat this alone oink oink with cheese and crackers atop homemade flatbread or on a toasted bagel with cream cheese coconut oil theres something just different and better about the coconut oil from trader joes we all know the hundreds of uses of coconut oil but my favorites are for makeup remover just add cotton balls yasss baking taking stains out of white clothing and for moisturizer during the winter when my skin is dry as all get out drinks mango lemonade im a huge fan of any lemonade but trader joes seems to add mango to anything and make it even better green plant for days when you need to get your juices literally flowing and reintroduce those greens to your system its a really sweet drink thats perfect for enjoying with savory breakfast or lunch items apple cider fall isnt fall without buying a container of trader joes unfiltered apple cider check out this seasonal item next time the leaves start changing colors plants basil when it comes to herbs basil is my love language and at trader joes you can purchase a container filled with organic basil or an entire plant for one dollar more 3 99 it makes you a sick thinking of all those miniature packages you purchased at other stores for 1 4 the amount of fresh basil succulents because were all about plants that are hard to kill and whats not to love about a succulent im slowly working at a growing collection on my bedroom dresser lavender one of my favorite ways to spruce up a space or great gift with a simple trader joes card ps the metal tins they come in are adorable peonies come late spring early summer walk into any trader joes and become smitten by the parade of peonies as you walk through the storefront my favorite flower you can find at tjs undoubtedly random ish enrichmoisturizing face lotion truth be told i use this lotion every single day its the perfect moisturizer for my skin and has 15 spf because hello who wants sun spots coconut body butter allll about the moisturizer here utah this coconut body butter reminds me of cake frosting because it smells incredible and quite honestly looks like frosting lemon verbena french soap ive got this fetish with having a spotless bathroom and my cherry on the top is great smelling soap i love buying this soap from trader joes because its light and refreshing time to get sudsy chia seeds chia seeds are all the rage the days and for good reason i like to keep a bag of these seeds stocked in my pantry at all times for granola and green smoothies greeting cards my favorite place to get greeting cards is at trader joes they totally fit my taste when it comes to aesthetics because theyre simple upbeat and not overly commercialized best part is that theyre a whopping dollar </s>
<s>[INST] c&d international fishery inc [/INST] tei text encoding initiative the text encoding initiative tei is a consortium which collectively develops and maintains a standard for the representation of texts in digital form its chief deliverable is a set of guidelines which specify encoding methods for machine readable texts chiefly in the humanities social sciences and linguistics since 1994 the tei guidelines have been widely used by libraries museums publishers and individual scholars to present texts for online research teaching and preservation in addition to the guidelines themselves the consortium provides a variety of resources and training events for learning tei information on projects using the tei a bibliography of tei related publications and software developed for or adapted to the tei the tei consortium is a nonprofit membership organization composed of academic institutions research projects and individual scholars from around the world members contribute financially to the consortium and elect representatives to its council and board of directors in commemoration of the tei communitys 30th anniversary it was awarded the 2017 antonio zampolli prize from the alliance of digital humanities organizations want to become active in the tei community become a tei member join a special interest group sign up for the tei l mailing list and come to our annual conferences and members meetings </s>
<s>[INST] penn forestry company [/INST] find a local business invite a friend sign in sign up find local businesses in pennsylvania penn forestry co address 106 4th st biglerville pa 17307 phone 717 677 7037 visit pennforestry com is this your business claim it now something wrong submit a correction recommend it recommended 0 not recommended 0 average rating 0 total reviews 0 leave a review with 1star 2stars 3stars 4stars 5stars is this your business claim it now get directions share on share contact us email the business fax 717 677 6561 business hours status closed sunday closed monday 9 00am 3 00pm tuesday 9 00am 3 00pm wednesday 9 00am 3 00pm thursday 9 00am 3 00pm friday 9 00am 3 00pm saturday closed featured businesses greenawalt roofing company 3530 marietta ave lancaster pa 17601 717 898 6000 view profile pa media group 2020 technology parkway suite 300 mechanicsburg pa 17050 717 255 8100 view profile messick farm equipment inc 2510 ritner hwy carlisle pa 17015 717 249 5338 view profile liberty tax service 20 shippensburg shopping center shippensburg pa 17257 801 766 6049 view profile submit a correction know more about this business than we do cool please submit any corrections or missing details you may have help us make it right what the community has to say about penn forestry co information about this business 4 since 1960 penn forestry co inc has been providing professional forestry services to private woodland owners in the mid atlantic region we can provide you with information guidance and practical help in managing your woodland marketing your forest products securing the necessary permits and overseeing timber harvesting operations on your property let penn forestry co inc 50 years of posted on march 15 2015 brought to you by facebook penn forestry co is located at the address 106 4th st in biglerville pennsylvania 17307 they can be contacted via phone at 717 677 7037 for pricing hours and directions penn forestry co has an annual sales volume of 2m 4 999 999 for more information contact ronald bennett president or go to www pennforestry com for maps and directions to penn forestry co view the map to the right posted on september 08 2014 brought to you by chamberofcommerce providing a complete range of forest management services to woodland owners in southern pa eastern west virginia and northern maryland our services include selling timer posted on march 05 2014 brought to you by cylexusa view all 4 reviews add photo or video user photos videos be the first pennlive com user to add photos or videos of penn forestry co reviews of this business share a review business description 6 view all penn forestry co can be found at 4th st 106 the following is offered tree nurseries services the entry is present with us since sep 8 2010 and was last updated on nov 14 2013 in biglerville there are 1 other tree nurseries services an overview can be found here posted on august 31 2015 brought to you by opendius penn forestry co inc was founded in 1960 and is located at 106 4th st in biglerville additional information is available at www pennforestry com or by contacting robert l bennett at 717 677 7037 posted on march 14 2015 brought to you by dandb penn forestry co is located at 106 4th st biglerville pa this business specializes in lumber posted on november 11 2013 brought to you by merchantcircle penn forestry company inc provides forestry consulting service to central pa northern md eastern west virginia and northern virginia 717 677 7037 posted on september 03 2013 brought to you by hotfrog providing a complete range of forest management services to woodland owners in southern pa eastern west virginia and northern maryland our services include selling timer posted on september 03 2013 brought to you by hotfrog view all 6 reviews </s>
<s>[INST] buy stones for rings [/INST] loose gemstones a smart buy for jewelry colored gemstone jewelry has been popular for centuries and many of the familiar gem varieties such as ruby sapphire garnet peridot and jade have been known since antiquity prior to the advent of the science of gemology some varieties were not recognized as distinct species spinel was often confused with ruby and sapphire and was first identified by its gemological properties in the late 19th century jade was recognized as having two quite distinct species jadeite and nephrite only in 1863 today there are more than 100 different colored gemstone varieties offered in the market but if you visit your local jeweler you will typically find they stock jewelry with only a short list of gem types such as ruby sapphire emerald blue topaz pyrope garnet tanzanite opal and aquamarine the reason that retail jewelers stock only a small number of colored stones is that many varieties are in short supply and there is simply not enough material to supply the retail channel natural spinel for example is one of the favorites of gem dealers for its superb brilliance and fire but spinel is rarely found in retail jewelry stores due to the shortage of supply you are also unlikely to find natural zircon tsavorite and spessartite garnet alexandrite or chrome or rubellite tourmaline in retail outlets but the lack of variety in jewelry stores is not the only reason to buy loose gemstones from a specialized gem dealer in fact the quality of the colored stones in commercial jewelry is usually low even in high priced items from very reputable retailers the reason is that the retailer s focus is on the jewelry not on the gemstone while he may have ruby rings for example the rubies are very likely to be fracture filled african rubies not fine burmese rubies the reality of the gemstone market is that the jewelry manufacturer could not produce a line of ruby rings with fine rubies unless very small stones simply because it is so difficult to source enough quality rubies to produce hundreds let alone thousands of rings if you want to buy top grade natural gemstones especially untreated stones you will do much better by consulting a specialized gems dealer you will also have a much greater selection of colors cuts and sizes since the gem dealer s stock is much larger than the jeweler s higher end gem dealers will also routinely offer certification from recognized gemological laboratories for the stones they sell this is not yet customary in the retail jewelry business except for diamonds experienced gemstone buyers also know that it is much safer to buy a loose stone than one already set in jewelry jewelry settings can hide inclusions in a gem and even change the color of the stone valuable gems should always be evaluated unmounted and gemological labs prefer to do their testing on unmounted stones finally when you buy a high quality loose gemstone for a custom piece of jewelry both the gem and the jewelry setting will be an expresson of your personal taste creating a unique one a kind piece of jewelry that can be worn with pride and handed down to your children is an experience not to be missed see our selection of fine gemstones for jewelry quality closeouts click for great deals on high quality gems get an extra 15 off discount code clfeb15 shopping cart there are no products in your shopping cart 0 items total 0 00 ajs gems newsletter read our latest newsletter subscribe and be the first to know about news and future specials help payment shipping return policy customer reviews security privacy faqs gemstone articles royal purple garnet madeira citrine chrysoprase gems very rare grandidierite rare melo pearls guide to green gems mozambique ruby iolite gemstones fancy color tanzanite tourmaline pricing guide yellow or golden beryl spinel gemstone prices an exceptional 2 21 ct demantoid type a jade from burma canary yellow tourmaline gemstone density chart thai gemstones rare gems sapphire rings rare leuco garnet russian demantoid garnet umbalite garnet raspberry rhodolite garnet emerald enhancements a perfect 4 ct tsavorite garnet fluorite gems and minerals goshenite or white beryl rare serendibite oregon sunstone gems trillion cut gems north american gemstones natural alexandrite chrome green tourmaline high and low zircons spinel jewelry pink morganite cut and polished gems ametrine from boliva rare jeremejevite untreated gems gemstone treatments rarest gemstones rare gem prices white gemstones buying gems in bangkok top grade gems rare garnet prices history of birthstones natural and synthetic gemstone certification zircon gems opal care mali garnet pink gemstones ceylon sapphire color change gems customer reviews spectacular malaia garnet pendant hello ron the 17 09 ct malaia garnet pendant came today it is quite spectacular isn t it i love everything about it the shape the clarity the color and of course the setting thank you so much yeh usa feb 2020 pink malaia garnet is a masterpiece ron just picked up the stone 7 83 ct pink malaia garnet a masterpiece seems like something from another planet your photos abysmally failed to do it justice so much better in person such a mood stone under certain lights dark with intense red fire others much more red with blue fire and a few lights more peach than anything overall a very wide range of hues i was also pleasantly surprised by the lavender magenta my favorite colors that are present of course pink is the main color the other truly amazing thing is that the fire emits from the entirety of the stone center included most high dispersion stones that i ve seen primarily emit fire at or near the edges i guess this is because the dispersed light doesn t travel as far through the stone on the edges and therefore isn t absorbed as much with this stone it s radiating right out of its center i see no way possible that this registers the same level of dispersion as what is normally advertised for a garnet i ve got a pretty nice greenish blue zircon that can t even come close to the fire of this stone and zircons are supposed to register far higher levels than a garnet cm usa jan 2020 perfect ring truly beautiful ron perfect ring 3 17 ct blue star sapphire in 18k white gold to have purchased i am glad to have found you thank you so much for the fast shipping will buy again in the future without hesitation ll usa jan 2020 beautiful sphene very pleased hello ron yes i received my shipment the stone 4 42 ct sphene is beautiful i am very pleased thank you jh usa nov 2019 really pleased with burma ruby hi ron just wanted to let you know that i am really pleased with my 1 16 ct burma ruby that i recently purchased the color is fantastic and the price was very reasonable i will shop with ajs gems again thanks for all your help in picking out the right ruby best regards jc usa oct 2019 read more reviews livezilla payment shipping privacy policy return policy </s>
<s>[INST] fishing rod company [/INST] best fishing poles for your fishing trip to be a complete success by michael austin february 17 2020 share on facebook tweet on twitter all anglers new and old will tell you that patience is key to catching a fish but a great fishing pole pocket knife and other useful accessories certainly add to your odds of course thats if you find the right one while some fishing rods will be well worth the money some are just pricey sticks that will never see the light of day because they never feel right of course quality fishing rods do cost money but with the advancements in technology you dont have to break the bank to get one that fits your fishing style and needs if youre in the market for a new rod who isnt right then weve got just the list for you check out the best fishing poles for almost every occasion below top 10 fishing poles of 2020 reviewed contents top 10 fishing poles of 2020 reviewed 1 daiwa minispin ultralight spinning reel and rod 2 okuma celilo ultra light trout rods 3 shakespeare ugly stik gx2 spinning rod 4 plusinno fishing rod and reel 5 entsport camo legend baitcasting rod 6 shimano stimula spin rod 7 tailwater outfitters toccoa fly rod 8 yongzhi spinning fishing rod combo 9 fiblink surf spinning rod 10 penn spinfisher v spinning fishing reel rod combo how to choose the best fishing pole the ultimate buying guide what are the types of fishing rods what are the other types of fishing rods what material should the fishing pole be made of how long should my fishing rod be what do action and power mean what type of fish can i catch with my fishing rod how much should i spend is that everything i need to know 1 daiwa minispin ultralight spinning reel and rod best fishing rod and reel if youre always on the go youll want to be able to take any pop up fishing opportunities that life throws your way and the daiwa minispin ultralight spinning reel and combo is perfect for just that this fishing rod and reel combo come in an ultra compact hard case that fits right in under your car seat the case features multiple compartments that you can use to store some lures floats hooks weights and baits the ultralight rod is 4 5 feet and breaks down into five pieces the line weight is two to six pounds which makes this ideal for panfish and trout maybe some catfish and largemouth bass the mini reel has a ball bearing drive and a twist buster line twist reduction one major flaw with this combo is unfortunately the case putting everything back inside the case is quite difficult youll need to literally disassemble everything to make it fit also this is not designed for everyday use it will not be able to take that much abuse but for those infrequent backpacking trips or rare moments when you come upon a prime fishing spot in your travels this is just the thing pros rod and reel combo hard case comes with tackle compartments very portable cons hard to put back in the case not built for everyday use view price and deals 2 okuma celilo ultra light trout rods best fishing rod for trout the okuma celilo ultra light rod is a fantastic spinning rod for small stream fishing it features sensitive graphite blank construction aluminum oxide guide inserts stainless steel hooded real seats and cork grips the finish is beautiful the cork handle feels great in your hand and the guides are all properly placed this has moderate action with very good sensitivity and can cast with great accuracy for catching trout or crappie you cant ask for more than this any flaws well it comes in a 2 piece design which some angles do not like some feel that the rod is too flexible and needs more backbone and there are a handful of reviews that talk about the rod breaking after a couple of uses or arriving broken quality issues aside if you want an affordable spinning rod for impromptu trout fishing the okuma celilo cant be beaten pros good casting accuracy graphite construction very sensitive cons 2 piece design some users report their rods breaking after a couple of uses view price and deals 3 shakespeare ugly stik gx2 spinning rod best fishing rod for catfish the shakespeare ugly stik gx2 is perfect for anglers who want a rod built to last and dont want to create a huge hole in their pocket this spinning rod is well known for its durability and strength it is a composite of graphite and fiberglass which gives it that strong backbone necessary for handling big fish as well as the sensitivity needed to detect the subtlest of bites the rod comes in a variety of sizes and line ratings such as ultralight for small trout and panfish medium for 3 to 10 pound fish and heavy for anything beyond the 25 pound range but its versatility is not what makes the gx2 a favorite among old and new anglers alike its the seven year warranty that no one else offers however we did notice that the guides stamped stainless steel by the way are not always placed correctly not a big deal really also some anglers have found the rod heavier compared to high performance graphite rods pros seven year warranty affordable perfect blend of strength and sensitivity cons heavier than high end spinning rods the guides are not always placed correctly view price and deals 4 plusinno fishing rod and reel best fishing rod for beginners any beginner angler will tell you that its easy to get bogged down with all the information you need to process when buying fishing gear well if youre not up for that hassle this is the kit for you the plusinno fishing rod and reel combo is a complete fishing kit comes with a fishing line lures hooks sinkers and a bag basically everything youll need to get started on your newest hobby the telescopic rod is constructed from high density carbon fiber and fiberglass stainless steel hooded reel seats aluminum oxide guide inserts and an eva foregrip both the rod and the reel are sturdily built and well worth the money the additional stuff however is not equal in quality you can buy better lures lines and weights elsewhere and the case feels cheaply made however if youre just starting out the additional accessories will be great for developing your technique and learning control once you get better you can upgrade the accessories the rod and reel you can definitely keep for far longer one thing to know about plutino is they have excellent customer service pros everything you need for fishing solidly built rod and reel excellent customer service cons accessories are poor quality case is cheap view price and deals 5 entsport camo legend baitcasting rod best fishing rod for bass the enstport camo legend baitcasting rod is in a league of its own it comes with two different power rod tips medium and medium heavy which is as good as getting two rods for the price of one the ability to change between the two tips increases its versatility the rod is beautifully made it has a stiff backbone strong eyelets and the reel seat is all metal its lightweight has a good balance and feels really good in your hands the entsport camo legend rods can definitely compete with other higher end rods out there for a fraction of the price for anglers who want to learn baitcasting this is the perfect rod to learn on without breaking the bank however there are some customers who have received tips that do not fit properly to the rod requiring them to sand them to create a snug fit also some anglers have reported breaking their rod when hooking bigger fish fortunately the company has excellent customer service and replaces them quickly pros two piece design is perfect for portability 2 different power rod tips great performance at this price point cons two pieces may not fit snugly without sanding few reports of rod breaking when hooking big fish view price and deals 6 shimano stimula spin rod the shimano stimula is an ultralight 2 piece spinning rod that has medium fast action perfect for bank fishing at your local pond and or lake the rod features aluminum oxide guides a shimano reel seat a custom shaped cork handle an eva butt cap and a multipurpose hook keeper the cork grip feels great but some might find it smaller than what youd find in other rods it has good strength in the lower portion of the rod and good sensitivity at the tip because it is a 2 piece design you can easily store this fishing rod in the trunk of your car or in the back seat for any pop up fishing opportunities that may come your way however were slightly concerned about the attachment method of the rod pieces the bottom part is the one that fits into the upper section of the rod instead of the other way around this may make the rod more likely to break especially if you hook larger fish pros good sensitivity easily portable medium fast action cons not for saltwater fishing may break easily view price and deals 7 tailwater outfitters toccoa fly rod best fishing rod for the money the tailwater outfitters toccoa fly rod is a 4 piece fishing rod constructed out of graphite making it both durable and lightweight assembling the rod is easy the alignment dots help so is breaking it down and the four compartment rod tube has an adjustable shoulder strap which makes transporting your rod hassle free the rod also features an aluminum reel seat with double lock rings and a cork handle that will ensure your hands remain fatigue free after more than a hundred casts this is fast action fly rod so you can get a really long distance with more control however some felt that the rod was a bit on the heavy side pros all graphite construction alignment dots to help assembly good value cons some anglers felt that it was on the heavy side view price and deals 8 yongzhi spinning fishing rod combo best lightweight fishing pole and reel combo are you planning an off road fishing trip anytime soon what you need is a lightweight portable fishing pole that can easily fit into a backpack car trunk or boat hatch with the yongzhi spinning fishing rod combo you get that and more it has an abs collapsible which has been cut to precision using cnc machining to perfectly fit into your hands featuring an aluminum spool that can be interchanged between the left and right hands this fishing rod can catch fish of all sizes you can use this fishing rod both on freshwater and saltwater without worrying about it getting corroded the design is bright colorful and strong three attributes that hardly appear in the same sentence when discussing other products even though sturdy when being used for fishing the rod is also conveniently lightweight this is one fishing rod you will find extremely easy to handle given the eva split handle it comes with a 12 month warranty which is a testament to the quality work that goes into making this product pros a lightweight easy to carry fishing rod corrosion resistant sturdy and comfortable to handle cons contains smaller than average eyelets reports of difficulty collapsing the tip reports of the road being weak view price and deals 9 fiblink surf spinning rod the fiblink surf spinning rod features a graphite construction and comes in two lengths 10 feet and 12 feet with varying power and action the guides are made of a mixture of stainless steel and ceramic to prevent the lines getting stuck as well as reduces friction which means smooth long casts all the time every time the rod also features a non slip rubber shrink tube handle and an extreme exposure reel seat this surf rod is definitely one of the best in the market it has a stiff backbone and is very sensitive the casting distance of this rod is phenomenal and the durability is amazing you can hook 3 foot sharks and large rays with this thing and it wont break however this isnt a lightweight rod and you will feel the pain if youre going to use this all day also some have had problems with the ceramic insert breaking fortunately the companys customer service is great and replaces them without any hassle in addition this is a specific application fishing rod not the kind you want for impromptu fishing pros all graphite construction very durable long casting distance cons reports of the ceramic insert breaking not for simple fishing needs heavy view price and deals 10 penn spinfisher v spinning fishing reel rod combo the penn spinfisher v spinning rod and reel combo may seem expensive to a new angler but with the quality of reel you get the fishing rod is practically free the rod has a graphite composite construction with stainless steel guides aluminum oxide inserts and eva grips it is sensitive and strong with great casting distance the reel features a water seal design that makes it ideal for saltwater fishing it has a full metal body as well as a sealed ht 100 slammer drag system which allows for a smooth as silk output and the instant anti reverse makes dealing with birds nests a thing of the past one downside to the reel is its weight its heavy and you will feel fatigue if youre handling this all day another downside has to do with the rod its a decent rod thats paired with an awesome reel however there have been several reports of the rod breaking that do concern us still with this reel it truly is a bargain pros reel has a water seal design rod has good sensitivity instant anti reverse feature cons reports of the rod breaking reel is heavy view price and deals how to choose the best fishing pole the ultimate buying guide youd think that buying a fishing rod is going to be a simple exercise go in the shop pick the longest one with the coolest color and head out to the pier to new anglers surprise this simple rod has a load of specs and terms that youll need to be familiar with if youre planning on taking up this sport recreation there are a lot of factors to consider and as a result a whole lot of fishing rods to choose from in fact there isnt such a thing as the best fishing pole for everyone because everyone has different needs and preferences if youre new to fishing dont get too intimidated therell be time for you to learn all the ropes lots of experienced anglers love to talk about their passion you may even get a fish tale or two but for your first rod the one that will start it all you can keep things simple our guide should help you determine which fishing rod should be your first pick there are basically three questions youll need to answer when choosing a rod what kind of fish do you want to catch where will you be fishing how often will you be fishing what are the types of fishing rods fishing rods can be divided into types and categories based on their structure technique and where they can be used for now lets discuss the two main types based on their structure spinning rods these rods have large eyelets facing downwards and the reel is located beneath the rod the handle is typically mounted on the side of the non dominant hand what this means is that your dominant hand is the one holding the rod while your non dominant one is handling the reel with a spinning rod your line will feed out and pull down this type of rod is best for new anglers because its easier to reel in the fish much faster too also the line doesnt get tangled this means you can learn the technique faster and start having fun earlier however because of the orientation of the eyelet there is a higher chance for the eyelets guides to break because of the force of the pull casting rods with casting rods the eyelets are smaller and face upwards because of this when the line is pulled down the force is on the rod instead of the eyelets the baitcasting reel is mounted on top of the rod and there is a trigger grip on the handle with a casting rod it takes time to learn the technique it can also be expensive with the line getting all tangled up in the reel causing you to change the line often however once mastered the casting rod gives you better distance and smoother casts which is why experienced fishermen love them what are the other types of fishing rods if you are going fishing youll need to know about many other types of rods that you can use as weve mentioned before the fishing rods can also be divided based on the conditions in which they will be used sea fishing rods specifically designed for fishing in the ocean the length can range from short for boat use to very long for use on rocks or on the shore these rods are typically thick and heavy duty with a long butt strong eyes and heavy tips all the more to fight large fish the heaviest youll find are designed for catching a shark surf rods this is a type of sea rod but has become popular enough that it now has its own category surf rods are designed for fishing from the shore which means that they tend to be longer than most other sea rods this allows the angler to cast a long way past the breaking surf to where the fish are and the longer butt allows for two handed casting surf rods like the fiblink surf spinning rod look like the heavier bigger brother of regular spinning rods fly rods specifically designed for fly fishing these rods tend to be thin and flexible depending on the size fly rods can be used to catch many kinds of fish the bigger the fish the heavier the fly rod one distinctive feature of this type of rod is the lack of a butt below the reel which allows the fisherman to freely cast the line with speed fly rods also have specialized guides eyelets called snake eyes to guide the heavy line and prevent it from getting tangled when you cast the tailwater outfitters toccoa fly rod is one of the best weve seen thats sold at an affordable price ice fishing rods due to the lack of space when ice fishing these rods tend to be shorter 24 36 inches in length ice fishing rods also have lesser eyes compared to conventional spinning rods some classic ice fishing rods dont even use a reel instead there are two opposing hooks on the rod that is used to wind the line around by hand telescopic rods these are specifically designed for the traveling angler telescopic rods are compact sized rods 1 2 feet that are extendable reaching up to around 20 feet this allows you to take the rod with you on foot bike car or even in public transit telescopic rods like the plusinno fishing rod and reel are particularly useful in surf fishing because it provides the angler with a very long rod that can be easily transported because it folds up pen rods smaller than telescopic rods these are rods that can be folded up and placed in a case the case looks like a large pen hence the name considered the worlds smallest fishing rods these can fit in your backpack or pocket the rods when extended are just a few feet long and ultra light this is not a rod you use for everyday fishing this is one you keep with you just in case you come upon an unexpected but entirely welcome fishing opportunity trolling rods specifically designed to be cast from a moving boat allowing you to drag the lure using the boats forward motion these are typically used to catch large game fish such as marlin or tuna trolling rods are long stiff and heavy with a fast action if you find yourself confused as to what kind of fishing rod you should pick heres a simple guide big fish big rod small fish small rod what material should the fishing pole be made of there are four materials that are typically used to make a fishing rod bamboo graphite fiberglass or a combination of fiberglass and graphite bamboo is typically used to make fly rods because it has a smooth fluid backcast while it is heavier than graphite bamboo fishing rods provide a unique feel and experience these are ideal when you require subtle and delicate presentation such as dry flies and unweighted small nymphs also bamboo may have been the traditional material for rods but they are quite expensive graphite is the most expensive material theyre also the lightest as well as the most powerful graphite rods are also the most sensitive and have the fastest action youre more likely to feel little nibbles with this kind of rod however graphite rods break more easily than fiberglass ones the tailwater outfitters toccoa fly rod is an example of an all graphite rod fiberglass is heavier than graphite and less likely to break typically these are what beginners use as they require little maintenance fiberglass rods are more flexible as well as the least expensive composite is a combination of fiberglass and graphite this provides the angler with better sensitivity more durability and greater flexibility our list has several rods that use a combination of fiberglass and graphite how long should my fishing rod be fishing rods come in varying lengths ranging from 4 feet to 14 feet and more the length of your fishing rod will depend on the type of fishing you want to do the fish you want to catch and where you want to fish length will also depend on your experience and strength for example beginners might want to start off with a short rod that will help them develop their technique but not short enough that casting distance suffers a rod length of 8 to 9 feet should be good if youre planning on fishing from a kayak or in wooded areas youll want a shorter rod because of the lack of available space those who wish to catch big aggressive fish will need a strong but short rod what do action and power mean an action is an amount of bend your rod has when pressure is applied to the tip as well as how fast it returns to its neutral position a fast action is when only the tip bends a medium action is when the half of the rod bends while a slow action is when almost the entire length of the rod bends faster action rods will be more sensitive and allow you to put more pressure on the fish compared to slow action rods on the other hand a slow action rod has better casting distance power also referred to as weight or taper is how much it would take to bend the fishing rod the more power a fishing rod has the stiffer its backbone is and therefore it is less likely to bend in the same way light and ultralight fishing rods require less power to bend which is what makes them ideal for smaller species such as trout and panfish youre more likely to feel the bite because your rod has more bend the categories for power or weight are ultralight light medium heavy and ultra heavy what type of fish can i catch with my fishing rod in general the bigger the fish the bigger the rod and vice versa of course there are exceptions but if you want to match the fish you want to catch with the type of rod you need to buy below are some general configurations ultralight bait fish crappie light small fish such as bluegill medium light bass trout medium bass catfish striper medium heavy salmon pike snook heavy salmon sturgeon tuna tarpon extra heavy sailfish tuna halibut how much should i spend it all depends on you typically lower priced rods tend to have lower quality components such as guides made out of plastic that break down more quickly however if youre just beginning in the sport you dont necessarily have to go all out on your budget you can get a really good rod for under 50 like the shakespeare ugly stik gx2 spinning rod in general the rule is this the more time you spend fishing the better quality your fishing rod should be is that everything i need to know no it isnt theres a lot of knowledge that youll gain only by going out there and fishing and talking to those with more experience when choosing your rod youll need to strike a balance between what you need and what you prefer take the time to hang out at your local bait shop or sporting goods store get a feel of the rods there and ask around for advice most importantly have fun </s>
<s>[INST] buy wood joist [/INST] what are floor joists report this by manage my life april 26th 2007 what are joists and how do they support my floor share it get more answers from the people in your networks tags building supplies click to remove this tagging 1 answer from this member joists can be thought of as several small beams their function is primarily the same as beams joists transfer the dead load of the subfloor and floor finishes as well as the live load of people and furnishings to beams walls headers sills or foundation walls joists are traditionally solid wood although there are a large number of engineered wood products including trusses plywood wood i beams with flanges top and bottom pieces of conventional lumber or laminated veneer lumber and webs vertical middle piece of plywood or oriented strand board osb laminated veneer lumber lvl parallel strand lumber psl laminated strand lumber lsl joists can also be made of steel these may be sheet metal open web steel joists trusses or trusses made of wood and metal for the rest of this answer we ll focus on conventional joists solid wood joists may be made of several species of lumber and may be one of several grades softwoods such as spruce pine and fir are common cedar is not commonly used because it is not very strong and is expensive in many areas joist sizes range from two by sixes to two by twelves and can be spaced at 12 16 20 or 24 inches on center spacing of 16 inches is most common joist spans are a function of the species grade size spacing and the live load it s likely to see for residential construction it s common to design for 40 pound per square foot psf live loads some authorities allow a 30 pound per square foot psf load in bedroom areas for example joists see vertical loads from above and lateral soil loads from foundation wall thrust and lateral wind loading from above grade walls for example joists provide lateral support for walls supporting masonry walls joists that rest on masonry walls or in pockets in masonry walls are often secured to the walls with steel straps that are typically 11 2 inches wide by 3 16 inches thick the straps are embedded in the mortar at one end and nailed to the joists at the other where joists are at right angles to the wall the straps are nailed to the bottoms or sides of the joists the straps extend 12 to 18 inches typically along the joists every 4th joist is usually strapped where the joists are parallel to the wall the straps run perpendicular to the joists and are secured to 3 or 4 joists moving in from the wall the strapping can be nailed to either the top or bottom of the joists many people do not think of this function of floor joists and those who build without thinking about it often end up with bowing masonry walls particularly at a second floor level masonry walls are typically tied into the foundation at the bottom and to the roof structure at the top in a two story house the masonry wall may bow outward near its midpoint especially if the joists are parallel to the masonry wall and the support strapping is not effective or has been omitted fire cut joists joists that are embedded in solid masonry not brick veneer walls should be cut back on a taper so the bottom of the joist is longer than the top of the joist by about two inches this results from problems that firefighters experienced with burning buildings buildings with masonry walls and wood floor framing systems often had the masonry walls topple outward sometimes injuring or killing firefighters as the floor joists collapsed or lost their support due to beam or column failure in a fire the joists embedded in the masonry walls would act as levers to pry the bottom of the masonry wall up as the other end of the joist dropped this lever action tipped the masonry walls outward resulting in sudden collapse when joists are fire cut they can fall out of a masonry wall without acting as a lever the masonry walls are less likely to be tipped over joists laid crown up many houses have uneven floors that at first glance appear to indicate settlement however it could be only a result of the uneven joist surfaces most joists have a natural bend along their length framing carpenters should install joists with the crown on the high side when the joist is loaded it will deflect tending to straighten out sometimes the joists are installed crown down this creates a low spot in the floor which is exaggerated when the floor is loaded and deflects if you re in an unfinished basement or crawlspace you can look along the under side of the joists and identify any that were installed crown down you should look above to determine whether there is a concentrated load such as a partition wall immediately above that joist that may be causing it to deflect if no particular load can be seen chances are it was a joist that was simply installed crown down rim joists the rim joist header joist or band joist as it is sometimes called runs around the perimeter of the house this joist which is usually the same dimension as the floor joists is toe nailed down into the sill and end nailed into the joists the rim joist secures the joist ends lends support to the walls and floor systems above provides a nailing surface for exterior sheathing and siding rim joists do not have to be two by tens for example they can be one by tens where basement windows or crawlspace vents leave the rim joist and sill plate unsupported because there s no foundation wall under them the rim joist should be doubled by manage my life april 26th 2007 answered in 0 seconds comment give your feedback by voting on answers 0 votes want to get updates on new answers this question add your answer answer this question didn t find what you are looking for ask a question get up to 95 off on building supplies related questions what are the problems with engineered wood joists 1 answer what are rafters roof joists and ceiling joists 1 answer what materials are used for rafters and roof joists 1 answer how do concentrated loads affect floor joists 1 answer related pages building supplies 161 followers follow sweeps personal shopper gift registry legal privacy help feedback </s>
<s>[INST] caterpillar underground coal mining equipment [/INST] quarrying and mining equipment tough conditions by andy brown 2019 06 11t15 28 00 01 00 show fullscreen remote control equipment means that operators are not placed in dangerous situations quarrying and mining equipment consists of a large range of products from the truly gigantic to small devices including excavators and dozers with mining and quarrying placing different demands on equipment however all equipment needs to be durable reliable and to be able to perform efficiently and meet the demands of quarrying and mining growth in mining and quarrying global demand for underground mining machinery is forecast to increase 4 0 per year from 2018 to 2022 according to information provided by the freedonia group this growth will be mainly driven by rising metals prices and increases in metals mining output which frequently utilises underground methods the rising mechanisation of chinas coal mining sector is also cited as a reason for increased demand with the report predicting that this increasing mechanisation will be supported by various government initiatives including the closure of numerous outdated smaller mines this data is supported by information provided by global market insights the company produced a report predicting that the value of the mining equipment market will exceed us 95 billion by 2024 one of the reasons given for this growth is the rise in demand for remote monitoring and control technologies in mineral extraction processes manufacturers are said to be integrating smart technologies such as advanced monitoring and control data analytics automated drilling iot sensing gps locating and 3d imaging technology metso highservice acquisition show fullscreen metso says that a connected mine leads to more productive operations higher equipment reliability and a safer work environment in other industry news metso has completed its acquisition of highservice service the service division of the chilean mining engineering construction and technology company highservice corp highservice service offers its customers a variety of services from maintenance to commissioning and remote monitoring the company has approximately 1 000 employees and operates in chile argentina and brazil the acquisition was announced in january 2019 and was approved by the chilean competition authority in march metso is a company with a strong emphasis on developing new technology speaking about the opportunities in this sector that technology provides a spokesperson from metso said the connected mine has great promise of significantly more productive operations higher equipment reliability and an overall safer workplace building the connected mine piece by piece starting from the mines most important pain points will provide the quickest and most secure return on investment for example improving the uptime and utilisation of critical equipment or adding a proximity sensing solution to avoid collisions between mobile equipment and humans new quarrying and mining technology remote control dozers as seen above new technology is heavily influencing quarrying and mining equipment another example is caterpillars remote control for mining dozers command for dozing enhances safety and efficiency by enabling an operator to control the dozer nearby by using a portable console or an operator station with the addition of video and sound to the system the remote operator station can be used in a distant location show fullscreen a caterpillar mining dozer being operated by remote control remote operation allows dozers to be used in any situation that presents potential safety and health hazards as well as enabling a dozer to continue production immediately after blasting rather than waiting for the air to clear the command for dozing system is said to be proven in thousands of hours of operating cat d10t and d11t dozers working at mines around the world the over the shoulder console is recommended for short duration activities such as cleaning up near highwalls and road cuts stabilising slides and working in any area that poses increased risks line of sight control distances can be as much as 400m the remote operator station is modelled on the actual cab of the machine the system can be equipped for line of sight operation or for tele remote operation with the addition of video and audio feeds from the site and dozer remote control loaders at bauma munich industry heavyweight liebherr presented a range of intelligent assistance systems for selected wheeled loaders the company say that several of these systems such as the new weighing device and the new joystick steering increase the productivity of wheeled loaders working in quarries when working in a quarry operators often have to deal with short loading cycles the new joystick steering is said to increase the comfort for the machine operator with the intuitive operation of the joystick enabling the operator to steer accurately and without fatigue as its position always corresponds to the wheeled loaders current articulation angle the new weighing device works automatically and provides the operator with information on the current loading operation liebherr r 9200 e electric mining excavator show fullscreen liebherrs 100 electric driven 210 tonne excavator r9200 e liebherr has also recently presented an electric mining excavator the r 9200 e this is a 100 electric driven 210 tonne excavator with a rated output of 850kw according to the company the 9200 e balances performance with environmental consciousness and has up to 25 less maintenance costs compared to a diesel excavator a cable reel option is available for all electric drive excavators this is autonomous and has a capacity of 245 300m depending on the excavator type show fullscreen sany is one of the worlds leading excavator manufacturers sany sy500h excavator china based sanys most popular excavator among its larger models is the sy500h the 50 5 tonne excavator is said by the company to have economised fuel consumption and is equipped with an independent cooling system which prevents low efficiency which can be caused by high temperature it is powered by an isuzu 6wg1x engine and the running time for structural components is said to be more than 15 000 hours new quarrying and mining equipment show fullscreen doosans dx800lc 5b 80 tonne crawler excavator doosan construction equipment the dx800lc 5b crawler excavator a recent launch in this segment is the dx800lc 5b 80 tonne crawler excavator from doosan construction equipment said to be designed to meet the needs of heavy duty mining and quarrying applications as well as major infrastructure construction projects the long carriage design in combination with the undercarriage expanded to its maximum working width is said to offer stability and safety in all kinds of digging lifting and loading applications the excavator has a new 358 kw diesel engine an advanced and intelligent hydraulic system ecopower and an electronic control unit which serves to optimise the performance of the diesel engine to achieve the maximum fuel efficiency to ensure that the dx800lc 5b is ideal for working on tough applications the machine is equipped with a reversing fan to ensure that the cooling systems operate optimally komatsu america pc1250 sp 11 hydraulic excavators another new product launch is the pc1250sp 11 and pc1250lc 11 tier 4 final emissions certified hydraulic excavators from komatsu america these new epa tier 4 final t4f certified models have saa6d170e 7 engines with two komatsu diesel particulate filters that do not require diesel exhaust fluid or a selective catalyst reduction system show fullscreen komatsus pc1250 11 the new pc1250sp 11 and pc1250lc 11 are said by komatsu to feature increased power improved production and a new single power operating mode the pc1250 offers exceptional customer value across a broad range of applications including sewer and water general construction mass excavation as well as mining quarry sand and gravel said kurt moncini sr product manager tracked equipment komatsu america sandvik mobile crushers and screens q1442 impactor show fullscreen sandvik has launched its latest upgrade in the 2 series product offering with the launch of the new qi442 impactor sandvik mobile crushers and screens has launched its latest upgrade in the 2 series product offering with the launch of the new qi442 impactor this latest addition features the newly developed ci621 prisec impactor which is said have innovations for improved efficiency and greater safety during maintenance as well as being able to operate in either primary or secondary crushing modes like previous sandvik prisec impact crushers the new ci621 can be configured to work as either a primary or secondary machine whilst the two hydraulically assisted curtains can be adjusted to produce a wide range of product sizes the new ci621 is said to include further enhancements focused on increased safety during maintenance and serviceability these include a new rotor position and locking device new hammer locking wedges for quicker removal and fitting and a new wedge removal tool to provide safer installation and removal quarrying and mining specialist rockwheel helps company improve mining output show fullscreen german based kies hector has been mining natural concrete with a rockwheel d30 cutting unit on a 36 tonne excavator and says that this cutting technology has greatly improved its output the gravel sand conglomerate in the middle bunter sandstone is being mined in the open cast mine belonging to august hector kg near saarlouis lisdorf in germany the bed has a thickness of 60m and below it are layers of carbon for decades scarifiers have been used to mine the highly abrasive material in the open cast mine the wear and tear was enormous the extreme impact also placed huge stress on the excavators mechanics and the driver said andreas fink technical operations manager a gearless rockwheel d30 120mm wide with a cutting unit with direct drive and an output of 110 kw was used the two excavating drums were equipped with 60 wear proof special picks for use in highly abrasive gravel sand conglomerate these picks have a smaller head and larger bodies than slimmer traditional mining picks after just a few hours the benefits of the cutting technology were said to be clear cutting provided a better solution for removing rock from the steep face of the quarry and the bolts on the excavator boom were exposed to less mechanical stress the future of mining equipment david beatenbough vice president liugong on new technology what are customers looking for with quarrying and mining equipment mines and quarries are focused on efficiency so total cost of ownership is key reliability productivity efficiency and durability are all core requirements in addition customers are becoming more interested in ease of operation as skilled labour becomes more difficult to find a good example of this is the trend in the off road industry to move to electro hydraulic eh braking systems these systems lend themselves to less skilled operators as they make it easier for operators to control the braking force and of course eh opens up the possibility of more complex systems and automation how has new technology affected this sector new technologies tend to be applied first in high volume applications where investment and reliability testing can be spread across a large population of machines or in larger equipment where the incremental cost is quite a small part of the total vehicle cost as these technologies mature they move down the value chain we are seeing more new technologies moving down into mining equipment used in quarries and small mines hydraulic mining excavators and wheeled loaders are moving to complete eh control this makes cycle optimisation and automation easier we see a lot more automation coming to the mining sector in the near future these proven new technologies will continue to migrate to smaller mining equipment smaller mines and quarries are typically congested work areas this complexity will constrain moves towards autonomous vehicles as it is more difficult to operate autonomously with other unknown vehicles and people on the jobsite but will not stop the expansion of autonomous machinery automated technology new drill rig from epiroc features updated technology automation technology is transforming the mining industry such as the updated smartroc d65 drill rig from epiroc show fullscreen the smartroc d65 really proves the power of autonomous machinery and brings the future of mining within reach today said mattias hjerpe global product manager epiroc automation is revolutionising the industry and we want our customers to remain at the forefront to secure the rewards the smartroc d65 is available in three different feed beam sizes to carry five six or eight meter pipes and has the capacity to drill down to a depth of 56m when using 8 meter pipes it is possible to drill 16 meter production holes with just one rod adding the added power of the cop m7 hammer enables the smartroc d65 to drill holes up to 110 to 229mm in diameter due to the intelligent control of compressor load and engine rpm the smartroc d65 is said by the company to help to optimise the blasting process with improved fragmentation international construction december 2019 download the latest issue subscribe to the magazine view the issue archive newsletter delivered directly to your inbox world construction week features the pick of the breaking news stories product launches show reports and more sign up for free newsletter delivered directly to your inbox world construction week features the pick of the breaking news stories product launches show reports and more go to newsletters topics caterpillar construction david beatenbough doosam epiroc komatsu liebherr liugong metso quarrying quarrying crushing equipment rockwheel sandvik sany advertisement related articles article bimcert event highlights importance of digitalisation 2020 01 17t17 00 00z speakers will discuss technologys role in the reduction of carbon emissions in construction article dana ceo to give keynote at 2nd diesel progress summit 2020 01 17t16 03 00z james kamsickas will give keynote speech at the second diesel progress summit in chicago on 20 october article baltic seaport to expand 2020 01 17t07 56 00z more than 350 million to be invested in the expansion ofport of klaipda in lithuania load more articles advertisement more international construction article doka builds tallest pylon in turkey for kmrhan bridge 2020 01 17t16 09 00z the unique y shaped reinforced concrete tower is the centerpiece of the suspension structure article volvo ces new hybrid system offers 15 fuel savings 2020 01 17t12 53 00z the newest and largest excavator in volvos line will be the centerpiece of its presence at conexpo con agg article morgan stanley leads construction m a financial advisers 2020 01 14t17 05 00z counterparts jp morgan citi and goldman sachs are left behind as morgan stanley completes deals worth us 43 billion load more articles advertisement khl magazines previous slide next slide access international access lift handlers american cranes transport compressortech2 construccin latinoamericana construo latino americana concreto latinoamericana concreto latino americana construction europe cranes project transport diesel gas turbine worldwide demolition recycling international diesel progress international diesel progress international construction international construction turkiye international cranes and specialized transport international rental news new power progress about us contact us copyright terms of use terms conditions privacy policy media packs rss curyear khl group llp registered in england no 0c306395 site powered by webvision cloud validate accessibility </s>
<s>[INST] national forestry company [/INST] help us reach 9 million trees by planting a tree in the forest find out more visit the national forest things to do play covid 19 statement in line with government advice please stay at home and do not leave your house unless it is for food health reasons or essential work you should only visit woodlands and open spaces as part of the one form of exercise that is permitted per day such as a run walk or cycle and only when you can keep the 2m safe distance away from others this should be alone or only with people you live with this is essential to prevent the spread of coronavirus with regards to national forest company activities and events planned later this year we are continuing with these as planned and in accordance with government guidelines if there are any changes to this we will post a notice here on our website for more information please see gov uk and the nhs guide for information the national forest is a story of regeneration 25 years ago large swathes of the midlands landscape had been left scarred by centuries of coal mining and other heavy industry but a passionate group of people had a vision a forest the first forest to be created at scale in england for over 1000 years it transformed and literally turned the landscape from black to green but the story doesn t stop here this is our national forest it belongs to us all the benefits must be felt by you and everyone to be truly sustainable learn more activities activities accommodation accommodation attractions attractions food and drink food and drink shopping shopping events events refine search where we are here is a map of the united kingdom indicating on it the location of the national forest just north west of birmingham where we are the national forest is right in the heart of the country embracing 200 square miles of the midlands it spans across parts of derbyshire leicestershire and staffordshire and aims to link the two ancient forests of charnwood and needwood with a history of coalmining and heavy industry the landscape is now that of rolling farmland ancient forests and new planted woodlands its main towns and villages include burtonupon trent famous for its brewing coalville and swadlincote formerly associated with the clay and coal mining industries and the historic town of ashby de la zouch what we do what we do we re creating a forest for everyone planting trees connecting pathways and making our towns greener so that everyone can experience the benefits of our forest what we do support our work support our work by becoming a regular supporter of the national forest you become part of its story support our work join us on a 75 mile walk join us on a 75 mile walk three charities have partnered together to create the national forest trek a new fundraising challenge event building hope for the future by transforming lives and creating a forest for everyone to enjoy join us on a 75 mile walk find walks in the forest find walks in the forest follow gentle trails through vibrant woodlands and rich ancient forests or just let a quiet canal towpath lead you to the nearest pub lunch find walks in the forest join us for timber festival join us for timber festival join us this summer for an event that explores the importance of trees join us for timber festival give to the forest give monthly or one off donation </s>
<s>[INST] buy horse equipment online [/INST] time for a re boot browse our range of riding footwear from your favourite brands such as ariat brogini and dublin women men riding wardrobe refresh browse our range of equestrian clothing and accessories women men country casuals shop our collection of country clothing footwear and accessories men women popular categories riding boots womens mens children jodhpurs breeches womens mens children numnahs saddle pads shop all country boots wellies womens mens children shop by category women men children horse pet home gifts advice new year new you new equestrian goals entering a new year is the time we typically reflect on our previous equestrian goals what we conquered and achieved last year and perhaps what we didnt 2020 is a chance for a new year new you and new equestrian goals for you and your horse discover more spotlight dublin black if you re a rider who wants more from their sport more from their time in the saddle more from themselves and most of all more from their attire this collection was created just for you discover more spotlight weatherbeeta dog rug guide don t let the cold wet weather spoil your dogs walk if you ve been thinking about investing in a new rug for your dog we ve got just the thing discover more bringing you quality equestrian products since 1965 we pride ourselves on the quality of the goods that we sell together with our excellent customer service we really feel that there is nowhere better to buy your riding boots equestrian clothing horse rugs country attire and pet products read more about naylors we stock the best brands available for horse and rider country pursuits and pets for riding and country this includes dubarry hunter ariat joules barbour horseware shires dublin and the luxurious schockemohle for the horse our brands include weatherbeeta equilibrium lemieux saxon shires roma woof wear and collegiate our range includes riding boots equestrian clothing horse rugs horse boots saddles bridles supplements and much much more we frequently run offers for you in our dedicated clearance section including the horse rug clearance section front </s>
<s>[INST] buy 11 wood [/INST] the world s finest bourbon our story straight bourbon whiskey perfectly balanced the art of making fine bourbon first took place on the site of the woodford reserve distillery a national historic landmark in 1812 the perfectly balanced taste of our kentucky straight bourbon whiskey is comprised of more than 200 detectable flavor notes from bold grain and wood to sweet aromatics spice and fruit floral buy now order on drizly order on reservebar find in a store learn more double oaked twice barreled bourbon an innovative approach to twice barreled bourbon creates the rich and colorful flavor of woodford reserve double oaked uniquely matured in separate charred oak barrels the second barrel deeply toasted before a light charring extracts additional soft sweet oak character buy now order on drizly order on reservebar find in a store learn more malt whiskey a grain focused malt whiskey unlike a typical 100 malt whiskey is a kentucky straight malt whiskey crafted from 51 malt and aged in new charred oak barrels making it the malt whiskey for bourbon drinkers the base of 51 malt results in a whiskey that is richly flavorful and complex and amplifies the nutty characteristics found in the buy now order on drizly find in a store learn more rye whiskey a subtly spicy whiskey woodford reserve rye uses a preprohibition style ratio of 53 rye in its mash bill to pay homage to historys original rye whiskeys making spice and tobacco the dominant note among a sea of fruit floral and sweet aromatics which yields a nice sweetness and overall balance our rye whiskey can deliver complex flavors buy now order on drizly order on reservebar find in a store learn more wheat whiskey a fruit forward whiskey woodford reserve wheat is based on historical recipes but influenced by the iconic core woodford reserve bourbon brand with wheat as the dominant grain at 52 followed by malt 20 corn 20 and rye 8 this uniquely crafted whiskey boasts fruit and floral flavors buy now order on drizly find in a store learn more distillery series limited releases of one of a kind expressions an eclectic line of one of a kind expressions distillery series pushes the creative boundaries of whiskeys to the extreme each selection is masterminded by master distiller chris morris and is available for purchase at the distillery and limited kentucky retailers buy now find in a store learn more baccarat edition the ultimate expression of american whiskey history and heritage meet innovation and sophistication woodford reserve baccarat edition is crafted by uniquely finishing the most complex and balanced kentucky bourbon in select xo cognac barrels sourced by our master distiller chris morris each barrel has seen three seasons of cognac before being filled with woodford reserve the result is the best of both buy now find in a store learn more masters collection where past meets present woodford reserve masters collection honors the pioneering work of historic distillers while celebrating the innovative spirit of master distiller chris morris and assistant master distiller elizabeth mccall by experimenting with grain recipes fermentation styles and maturation processes each unique offering in the masters collection comes together to form a range of innovative one of a kind whiskeys buy now order on drizly find in a store learn more previous next monday saturday 10 am to 3 pm tour the distillery join us on a tour through the woodford reserve distillery and explore the history of bourbon our five sources of flavor and our historic barrelhouse resting along the peaceful glenns creek offered daily make a reservation open reservation form in a new tab craft cocktails old fashioned ingredients 2 oz straight bourbon whiskey 1 2 oz demerara syrup 3 dashes angostura bitters 2 dashes regans orange bitters instructions add ingredients to the mixing glass add ice to mixing glass and serving glass stir ingredients for 30 40 secs strain into serving glass garnish with a lightly expressed orange peel view recipe see all cocktails craft cocktails manhattan ingredients 2 oz straight bourbon whiskey 3 4 oz sweet vermouth 3 dashes angostura bitters instructions fill mixing glass with ingredients add ice and stir gently for 10 15 secs strain into a cocktail glass garnish with a cherry view recipe see all cocktails craft cocktails woodford spire ingredients 1 5 oz straight bourbon whiskey 2 oz lemonade 1 oz cranberry juice instructions add ingredients to mixing glass and stir pour over ice garnish with a lemon twist view recipe see all cocktails craft cocktails mint julep ingredients 2 oz straight bourbon whiskey 1 2 oz simple syrup 3 fresh mint leaves crushed ice instructions express the essential oils in the mint and rub them inside the glass to the same glass add simple syrup bourbon and crushed ice stir garnish with more ice fresh mint and powdered sugar view recipe see all cocktails craft cocktails boulevardier ingredients 3 4 oz straight bourbon whiskey 3 4 oz sweet vermouth 3 4 oz campari instructions combine all ingredients to mixing glass add ice and stir strain to tumbler over block ice garnish with an orange twist view recipe see all cocktails craft cocktails sazerac ingredients 2 oz straight bourbon whiskey 1 4 oz simple syrup 2 dashes peychauds bitters instructions add bourbon simple syrup and bitters to mixing glass with ice and stir strain into absinthe rinsed tumbler express lemon peel and discard view recipe see all cocktails craft cocktails rye manhattan ingredients 2 oz rye whiskey 3 4 oz sweet vermouth 3 dashes angostura bitters instructions fill mixing glass with ingredients add ice and stir gently for 10 15 secs strain into a cocktail glass garnish with a cherry view recipe see all cocktails craft cocktails malt whiskey sour ingredients 2 oz malt whiskey 1 2 oz simple syrup 3 4 oz fresh lemon juice 1 4 oz egg white aquafaba instructions shake egg white in cocktail shaker add woodford reserve bourbon simple syrup lemon juice and shake vigorously strain over ice block garnish with dash of angostura bitters and lemon peel twist view recipe see all cocktails craft cocktails double oaked rye sazerac ingredients 1 oz double oaked 1 oz rye whiskey 1 4 oz simple syrup 2 dashes peychauds bitters instructions add the double oaked rye whiskey simple syrup and bitters to mixing glass with ice and stir strain into absinthe rinsed tumbler express lemon peel and discard view recipe see all cocktails craft cocktails wheat boulevardier ingredients 3 4 oz wheat whiskey 3 4 oz sweet vermouth 3 4 oz campari instructions combine all ingredients to mixing glass add ice and stir strain to tumbler over block ice garnish with an orange twist view recipe see all cocktails craft cocktails whiskey sour ingredients 2 oz straight bourbon whiskey 1 2 oz simple syrup 3 4 oz fresh lemon juice 1 4 oz egg white aquafaba instructions shake egg white in cocktail shaker add woodford reserve bourbon simple syrup lemon juice and shake vigorously strain over ice block garnish with dash of angostura bitters and lemon peel twist view recipe see all cocktails craft cocktails woodford soda orange ingredients 2 oz straight bourbon whiskey 1 bottle soda water instructions add bourbon to collins glass fill with soda water top with ice and garnish with an orange slice view recipe see all cocktails craft cocktails woodford ginger lime ingredients 2 oz straight bourbon whiskey 1 bottle ginger beer instructions add bourbon to collins glass fill with ginger beer top with ice and garnish with a lime wheel view recipe see all cocktails </s>
<s>[INST] best fish to buy at trader joe's [/INST] cooking with ron lenten fish ideas recipes by ron mikulak march 26 2020 39 facebook twitter email print our ron mikulak considers two questions first how did lenten fridays piscatorial calendrical tradition begin and second besides frying it in oil what are some other ways to cook fish i remember from my childhood that catholics were once required to abstain from eating meat on fridays thus creating a vibrant market for fish sticks in american high school cafeterias this dietary proscription is no longer in effect of course but to some extent the tradition endures and most catholics continue to eat fish on friday during lent elsewhere in this issue f d offered a guide to the myriad parish lenten fish frys around the louisville archdiocese originally published in the spring 2020 issue of food dining tracing the tradition the 40 days of lent alludes to the 40 days of fasting and prayer that jesus underwent in the desert until recent times fish was regarded as poor peoples food for anyone could supposedly fish for free in rivers or oceans thus eating poor peoples food was regarded as an emulation of jesuss life of poverty nowadays avoiding meat in favor of fish seems an odd way of emulating the humility and poverty of jesus what with commercial fish stocks declining and prices rising cod sole and farmed catfish trout and salmon are still moderately priced but wild caught sea bass cobia haddock and orange roughy have become luxury items demanding premium pricing however interesting the historical argument that equates fasting with eating fish or the economic status of the contemporary fishing industry may be for todays home cook the most important culinary question is with all due respect to the socializing and fund raising potential of parish fish frys what can i do with fish beyond deep frying it frying is fine but not for all fish frying fish in oil usually coated in batter breadcrumbs or cornmeal is a universal method of cooking done correctly using very fresh fish hot clean oil and careful technique fried fish can be tasty indeed but frying is not the best cooking method for all fish nor is eating lots of fried foods a notable component of a healthful diet to add a bit of variety to the lenten menu lets consider a few ways to prepare other fish than white fleshed cod in ways other than frying three alternatives for lent tuna salmon and mussels tuna for example is a fish you dont even have to cook to enjoy if you buy it in a can or jar and if you do buy fresh tuna it can be prepared quite simply and quickly by sauting grilling or broiling it with minimal oil many find it is best when seared on the outside with the interior left barely cooked of course fresh tuna is delicious whether as sashimi or cooked well done for a light meal the classic provenal dish salade nioise french pronunciation niswaz accommodates tuna as its focal point whether canned or cooked in any manner salade nioise is composed not tossed allowing for a range of creative arrangements of ingredients it is as common a luncheon choice in southern france as chicken salad is in the southern united states served with a bowl of mussels as a starter perhaps and crusty bread to sop up the cooking juices it makes a sophisticated light lenten supper we picture below a salade nioise made with high quality canned tuna but we also explain how to cook a fresh fillet if you prefer salmon is another fish that does not take well to frying poaching is a good way to cook salmon for you can easily judge the level of doneness as the poaching liquid burbles gently around it using coconut milk flavored with asian herbs is an easy way to make salmon exotic shellfish are allowable as lenten fare and few seafood choices are as easy to prepare as mussels mussels are also a good choice because they are farmed sustainably in cold tidal waters mostly around prince edward island canadas smallest province reduced to the initials p e i on restaurant menus to prepare you need only to rinse them well check to see if any need beards trimmed beards are the durable threads mussels exude to attach themselves to rocks toss them into a pot with a few cups of liquid and steam for five minutes or so until the shells open the steaming liquid is variable ranging from white wine to beer to cider the recipes here give a few specific suggestions about what to cook them in the steaming liquid becomes a sauce to mop up with crusty bread so choose as your tastes direct salade nicoise salade nioise serves 2 quantities can be easily multiplied like most salads there is room for lots of variation with a nioise salad start with a bed of lettuce the kind of lettuce is a matter of personal taste i like boston or other butter crunch varieties here tuna is necessary of course and so are small black olives steamed green beans and new potatoes are usually called for and hard boiled eggs this is most typically a summer salad so ripe tomatoes are often included out of season look for grape tomatoes or the small tomato medleys you can find at various markets try trader joes this recipe includes anchovies but if that taste and texture is not your cup of tea leave them out for the vinaigrette cup white wine vinegar 1 small shallot peeled and minced about 2 tablespoons 2 teaspoons dijon mustard 1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme teaspoon pepper cup extra virgin olive oil whisk all vinaigrette ingredients together in a small jar or bowl for the salad 1 pound red skinned potatoes sliced into bite sized chunks 8 cherry tomatoes halved or quartered 4 large eggs boiled peeled and quartered pound haricots verts or thin green beans trimmed 1 head boston lettuce leaves separated 2 5 ounce cans tuna drained cup nioise olives halved and pitted kalamata olives will also work well canned anchovies optional cook potatoes until fork tender 8 10 minutes drain and transfer to a medium bowl drizzle with cup vinaigrette and let cool while potatoes are cooking cut tomatoes and toss in a small bowl with salt and pepper and set aside blanch green beans in boiling water until crisp tender and bright green 3 5 minutes drain and immediately plunge into the ice water to cool drain and pat dry divide lettuce among two plates arrange the potatoes tomatoes eggs green beans and tuna on top drizzle with dressing and top with the olives and anchovies if desired using fresh tuna on salade nioise for two servings buy a 4 to 6 ounce tuna steak rub both sides with olive oil season to taste with salt and pepper heat a saut pan well add tuna and sear each side cook tuna to your taste the salad will accommodate everything from barely cooked to medium fish is still pink in the middle to well done slice tuna and arrange on salad thai salmon thai salmon serves 4 4 small salmon fillets or steaks 4 to 6 ounces each salt and pepper 2 tablespoons oil divided 2 garlic cloves finely grated 2 teaspoon ginger finely grated 1 lemongrass stalk peeled finely grated 1 tablespoon brown sugar 1 teaspoon chilli garlic paste such as sambal oelek 1 14 ounce can coconut milk 1 tablespoon fish sauce zest and juice of 1 lime for garnish finely chopped cilantro leaves finely sliced red chillies or spears of chives rice steamed asian greens such as bok choy leaves or chard sprinkle both sides of salmon with salt and pepper heat 1 tablespoon oil in a non stick pan or well seasoned skillet over medium high heat when oil shimmers add salmon skin side up and sear for 2 minutes until golden turn salmon and cook the other side just for 1 minute then remove onto a plate the tuna should remain almost raw inside heat remaining 1 tablespoon oil add garlic ginger and lemongrass cook until garlic is light golden about 1 minute add sugar and cook for 20 seconds until it becomes caramelized stir in chili paste add coconut milk and stir scraping the bottom of the skillet to dissolve any bits stuck on the base into the sauce stir in fish sauce increase heat to medium simmer for 2 minutes place salmon into the sauce lower heat and simmer gently for 4 minutes or until just cooked carefully slice open salmon to check on degree of doneness remove salmon stir in lime zest and juice to taste adjust saltiness with more fish sauce if desired serve salmon over rice spoon over sauce garnish with cilantro and chili if using steamed mussels mussels three ways serves 2 all recipes here call for 2 pounds of mussels which will serve 2 the recipe can be easily doubled or tripled serve with crusty bread and a green salad for a low calorie meal mussels steamed in cider use a dry hard cider for this such as angry orchard do not use non alcoholic sweet cider 3 medium garlic cloves smashed 1 teaspoon kosher salt cup finely chopped shallot 2 tablespoons unsalted butter 1 cup hard cider 1 tablespoon country style dijon mustard 1 teaspoon chopped fresh tarragon 2 pounds mussels scrubbed and debearded heat oil in a dutch oven over medium high add shallot and butter and cook a few minutes stirring often until shallots soften stir in cider mustard tarragon and salt bring to a simmer add mussels cover and simmer until mussels open 3 to 4 minutes remove and discard any mussels that do not open ladle cooking liquid over mussels in serving bowl serve hot with bread mussels in white wine cream sauce 1 tablespoon butter 1 small leek halved thinly sliced white and pale green parts only 2 pounds mussels scrubbed debearded 1 cup dry white wine cup whipping cream 4 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley melt butter in a large heavy pot over medium heat add leek and saut for 3 minutes add wine and mussels cover and simmer until mussels open about 4 minutes discard any that do not open using a slotted spoon transfer mussels to 2 bowls stir cream and 2 tablespoons parsley into liquid in pot simmer uncovered 3 minutes season sauce with salt and pepper pour sauce over mussels mussels steamed in beer all beers will work fine from light lagers to stouts keep in mind that the choice of beer will influence the flavor of the cooking sauce 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 6 garlic cloves peeled and finely chopped 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes 2 tablespoons salted butter bunch flat leaf parsley leaves and stems chopped 1 teaspoon sea salt 2 pounds mussels scrubbed and debearded 1 12 ounce bottle of favorite beer 10 basil leaves torn 1 teaspoon dried oregano 1 lemon juiced in a large pot over medium heat heat the oil add the garlic and red pepper flakes and cook stirring until the garlic just begins to brown at the edges 2 minutes or so add the butter parsley and salt and heat until the butter melts add the beer and when it begins to boil lower heat to simmer add mussels and cover steam 3 to 5 minutes discard any mussels that dont open scatter on the basil and oregano if desired and add the lemon juice serve mussels with cooking liquid f d share this facebook like this like loading </s>
<s>[INST] sardines fishing areas [/INST] when sardines dot a beach in central vietnam by vo thanh nbspmarch 20 2020 07 38 pm gmt 7 sardines crowd the beach in quang cong ward thua thien hue province from february to may and its an appetizing sight sardines also known as baby herrings have the width of a hallux and typically settle three to five kilometers away from the bay local fisherfolk use thick knit nets hundreds ofmeters long to catch them 50 year old fisherman le ngoc hanh of tan loc village and his family members remove sardines from the net by shaking it out and pulling out the remaining trapped fish sardines scattered on the sand the sardines are dipped in saltwater to wash off sand this also intensifies their fresh salty taste following this the fish is piled in baskets and sold to traders le ngoc hanh untangles the last few remaining fish from the net the sardines season starts in february and lasts until may my boat heads out around 4 a m and returns at 8 a m there are three of us and we manage to catch around 200 to 300 kg of sardines each day earning vnd4 million 170 said hanh equipped with plastic baskets and scales traders head down to the beach in the morning to bargain for fresh sardines prices ranging from vnd15 000 0 6 to 20 000 0 9 per kilogram sardines off the coast of quang dien are approximately 10 15 cm long and said to have a nice curve after about half an hour of bargaining and buying traders take the sardines in bamboo baskets for further distribution nguyen thi chep a local said sardines taste best in a stew with chili pepper after scales have been thoroughly removed sardines are also frequently served fried or used in spring rolls some traders add a prepping step to the sardines before delivering them to local restaurants they coal grill their fish these specially prepared sardines are sold at vnd1 000 4 cents per piece according to the sellers this extra step ensures long lasting freshness of the fish when sardines dot a beach in central vietnam ma nh bt c trch related news central vietnam market presents seafood treasures mekong delta border town s salted dried fish market a tiny islet thats big on fish garlic and sheer good looks in central vietnam village fresh seafood is sold by the basin a floating market in tam giang lagoon opens before daybreak share on facebook share on twitter tags thua thien hue fish fishing sardines sardines season quang cong village comments 0 latest first highest rated latest first highest rated view more read more mist plays hide and seek in hoi an tour guides require ingenuity to keep tourists amused amid coronavirus lockdown age is but a number sexagenarians make transnational motorbike trip foreigners plan return to vietnam following covid 19 pandemic go nuts at this homestay in vinh long gia lai little known gem of central highlands vietnam to crack down on discrimination against foreigners to protect tourism image coronavirus impacts vietnams popular resort towns say no to tourists </s>
<s>[INST] buy yew wood [/INST] wooden longbow arrows the english longbow was particularly famous longbow is a weapon in dark souls 3 buy wood shaft complete arrows for archery and get the best deals at the lowest prices on ebay great savings free delivery collection on many items a wide variety of arrows were shot from the english longbow i shoot longbow and i use neither targets are placed on tripod wooden stands carbon and carbom aluminimun arrows are not permitted aluminum is widely used because it is cheap a team fmj bow hunter isnt averagehe and she are the kind of hunters that are meticulous in every aspect of preparation when youve finished learning how to make a longbow make sure to check out the other woodworking projects that we have to offer aluminum arrows are very consistant and once you find a good combo it is very repeatable we are a participatory booth allowing people of all ages to shoot with our longbows and arrows new raptor longbow worked like a dream to take a small feral hog and two mature javelina points for wooden arrows fit over the wood shaft wooden arrows need to match in weight and spine stiffness and although you only need three arrows keeping a matched set with some reliable spares can be difficult here s the distance the arrows fell tested on a 9x9 target from 25 blocks away traditional archery equipment for sale the finest longbows handcrafted from yew wood we always have stock of solid pacific yew longbows and flatbows for sale or please contact us for a custom traditional selfbow conversation 100 satisfaction guaranteed english style longbows these wooden longbows feature a longer smoother draw with narrow fitted for longbow traditional recurve bow when selecting a suitable piece of wood for the back laminate more knowledge is needed when using hickory compared to using bamboo at the longbow emporium our intention is to provide you with the very best matched arrows available longbow how to resources build a wooden long bow plans tophat piles are fitted to all arrows as are aae nocks hickory stick longbows specializes in authentic handmade traditional archery equipment the longbow back laminate by and large the considerations for recurve bow arrows and longbow arrows are the same there s much more to it than finding a long piece of wood and attaching a string to it scroll down to see additional bow styles this is for 2 vintage archery wooden longbow bows one is marked 500 25 lb 25 in the other is unmarked port orford cedar is a traditional favourite it is lighter and holds its straightness better than pine traditional wooden yew bows for sale my items are all handmade using the finest quality wood and leather materials because the longbow can be made from a single piece of wood it can be crafted relatively easily and quickly in that year the spanish armada aware of the english skill with the longbow armed their troops with bows exceedingly skilled bow makers can deliver a wooden longbow in only a couple of hours wood longbow arrows fell 1 block from target a wooden longbow with arrows and a quiver 3rivers hunters arrows are top quality traditional wood arrows at a great price longbow and arrow makers with over 30 years experience seller of archery accessories with advice you can trust wooden arrow have been around for a very long time if you are still looking for a recurve or longbow type of arrow then you have reached your final destination what is strange is that for 1000s of years in terms of technology the longbow had already been rendered obsolete i forget the name of the wood right now these are all ready made general purpose archery arrows that are perfect for practice and general archery a friend bought a hoarder s house and i inherited a bunch of wood arrows with the service merchandise tape to get them out the door an oak longbow u is made using a knife with oak logs requiring level 25 fletching and yielding 25 fletching experience my partner bought this in the states and had jr armex ambidextrious long bow and ek archery arrows the bow will need to be stringed p a wooden bow deserves a wooden arrow youve got 2 options either pay extra for them to be weight matched or buy in bulk and match them yourself arrows used in longbow shooting have to be made out of wood and have natural feathers ergonomic grip design for comfortable and consistent hand position do remember to never store your arrows setting down free bow and arrow matching advise arrow tools to make your own made from premium wood our arrows are perfect for bow hunting and target archery alike if on the other hand you are shooting an english longbow or a bow that shoots around the handle you will need to choose an arrow shaft that is spined less than your bow 25 feathers metal target field tips these arrows are still traditional wooden arrows as they are made by a single piece of wood and have medieval or shield stile fletching we use only grain matched shafts matched with 20 grains usually less than 10 to ensure you get consistent performance with your shooting fitting types include taper fitting parallel fitting and screw on fitting these arrows are heavier slower and difficult to generate the resistance which a compound bow demands bows with horn or antler tips com the leading trading marketplace from china if you understand wood arrows and work with them they will perform it is heavier than pretty much any other arrow and you get better performance with these than lighter arrows wooden arrows arent safe to shoot with other types of bows and even if youre shooting a longbow be sure to only use quality wooden arrows and dont use them if theyre looking beaten up or worn out longbow traditional strings crossbow strings cables arrows bolts arrow shafts aluminium shafts 25 wooden shafts 174166191599 if you are a traditional archer then wooden arrows are essential to complete your kit our custom made wooden arrows ensure that you get the best matched set for your bow items in search results buy in bulk or sets recurves longbows and other bow types will require a different spine chart picture the bear montana longbows limb is coated with white maple and with a black fiber glass face i have a set of arrows matched for my 80 longbow that i ve shot with a friend s 75 compound longbows are considered easier to shoot as the longer length disperses the bow weight over a larger area making it draw smooth back to most draw lengths why wooden arrows huntingdoor we can build your arrows to your specifications whether its a set of good cheap spine and weight matched target longbow arrows or woodies for field archery or complete hand made medieval arrows to english warbow specifications including horn nocks hand forged piles and linen or silk binding the medieval english longbow was a superb weapon that was incredibly powerful fast and movable making it a weapon that could take a simple armed man on to becoming a superior knight this makes it more durable and less susceptible to wear and tear especially for very active longbow hunting activities check us out on instagram for a look of my most recent work 503 881 4963 the archery shop for wooden arrows for sale to match any archer stringing an oak longbow u with a bowstring makes an oak longbow also requiring 25 fletching and yielding an additional 25 experience let us take a look at how to make a medieval bow and a set of arrows faux mahogany recurve bow and arrows 33 by upshotarchery aqua blue and brown recurve bow and arrows 37 kg your place to buy and sell all things handmade the english longbows were bows designed so they could send heavy long hardwood arrows with heavy tips across a couple hundred yards and pierce armor unfortunately wooden arrows have some drawbacks sep 06 2016 i cant use the wooden arrow and the longbow in combination is that normal if i want to shoot my character just grab at his pants like he would look for arrows and then nothing happens american longbow bow that is still long but also flat in section kids bows and also bows kids can grow into there are a few things to consider here and well go over them all your traditional archery expert bringing you hand crafted precision custom bows direct from the bowyer trust instinct custom arrows direct from the fletcher and top of the line archery equipment shoot what you shop powered by prestashop toparchery mainly offer you all kinds of outdoor sport equipment such as 100 kinds archery bows and arrows which includes traditional bow compound bows recurve take down bows longbow and so on you will come away from the workshop with the knowledge and skills to make your own longbow if you shoot field archery clout or target archery or like to go roving with your longbow arrows we can help kids bows who else uses our arrows longbows are the icon of traditional bows what are tapers spine diameter and which ones do i need it s not as simple as cutting them to length and matching the poundage to your bow some purists insist on shooting wooden arrows from a longbow at all times a classic look on a takedown recurve bow beautiful wooden textures and traditional feeling takes down for easy packing and storage limbs are constructed of bamboo backed and faced with black high strength fiberglass shoots like a dream recommended brace height 16 17cm riser length 16 draw length 28 58 length on a 16 risernotices unstring when you don t use the bow put the bow in a dry get the best deal for wood shaft longbow complete archery arrows from the largest online selection at ebay today wooden arrows are an excellent and effective means how do you go about choosing wooden arrows for a recurve i m currently shooting with easton xx75 pp 1916 s 29 on a 33lb recurve at the fingers and there are lots of calculators online that let you choose the correct shaft and points etc archery hit have an arrow for you whether you are a beginner or an experienced shooter shopping for cheap wooden arrows at cdric archery hunting store and more from arrow arrows arrow traditional arrow turkey target point wood arrows wooden arrows archery on aliexpress 3 pack wooden arrows 28 for compound archery bow or long recurve bows overview this 28 wooden archery arrow bolt has nicely crafted body more with steel point 12 pack youth wooden arrows hot shot 28 2 and not cedar nothing beats the ability to reach out and touch your opponent at range we use longbows made of high quality manau wood from the totthan palm tree several sizes of longbows are available for different pull strengths and our wooden arrows are the arrows of choice boisebowsandarrows in competition in australia wood and aluminium arrows are permitted long lasting hard maple rosewood walnut and white ash construction with black fiberglass limbs the arrows are footed barrelled and fitted with 1 4 diameter 20 grain piles the fletches are hand cut to a low profile to reduce drag learn how to make a variety of arrowheads arrows quivers bows and more all projects come from instructables quality wooden archery arrows matched to 30gn with free points and fitting service hickory without a band saw or circular saw is hard and it would take a very long time field archery i can assist you with spine selection to make sure your arrows will fit your style of shooting it was a good choice for consistent straight arrows and of course the best part of the arrow was the aroma all of our custom built arrows are made in house to order with care and precision to your specifications from the huge customization options which are all on easy drop downs for your convenience browse our daily deals for even more savings free delivery and free returns on ebay plus items if youre looking for a fantastic bow to carry into battle with which to use when you want to pepper your enemy with arrows from afar and ensure your victory before you ever step into close combat range then this wooden larp longbow is definitely the one youre looking for as it will make you feel like a medieval long bowman every time traditional wooden arrows i m making my first batch of wooden arrows and after staining them i m curious about sealing com the leading trading marketplace from china chinese traditional bow bow making a little combination of the ming short bow with a little fiberglass bow 25 80ibs high quality handmade brown longbow recurve bow jan 22 2009 most people at the range that shoots longbows also shoots heavy wooden arrows aluminium arrows are matched wooden arrows for target clout shop our wide variety of archery arrows including arrows for longbows recurve bows takedown bows and more at primal gear unlimited port orford cedar is widely considered to be the best arrow wood with light to moderate weight and fairly straight grain leading manufacturer of traditional wood arrows rose city archery has been a leader in manufacturing traditional wood arrows for over 80 years we specialize in port orford cedar prized for it s strength and straight grain black 31 archery carbon arrows recurve bow longbow hunting arrowheads broadhead we have wooden arrows for sale to match any archer these are general purpose archery arrows great the correct arrows are the most important part of archery and bowhunting you dont want to show up with your carbon arrows alongside a longbow 11884 north 500 east the arrows have a flatter trajectory than they do in the type of shot known as clout shooting what is a longbow a longbow is made from a single wooden plank preferably but not exclusively yew wood o we craft stock and custom bows longbow flatbow paddle bow and more or build your own in one of our wooden bow workshops they range in quality from the basic arrow to highly matched and decorated top qua i ve heard that same nonsense about wooden arrows shattering and in reality that s just a risk you run using any heavier poundage bow with wooden arrows perhaps the greatest diversity lies in hunting arrows with varieties like broad arrow wolf arrow dog arrow welsh arrow and scottish arrow being recorded arrows must be equipped in order to use bows being part of the finesse based weapon set they are intended for use by rogue style characters and are bolstered by the longbow mastery drawpower arrow traditional archery supply sells new and used longbows recurve bows and all equipment for bow and arrow sports photos by author jul 26 2019 many older yew bows have been found by archaeologists but the nydam moor bows were the first in europe that can be placed in a definitively military context as one of two famous brands in zhengzhou irq company toparchery mainly offer you all kinds of outdoor sport equipment such as 100 bows and arrows which includes wooden bow for sale compound bows recurve bows longbow for sale and so on as well as types of arrows the fiberglass arrows wooden arrows cartoon arrows bamboo arrows and so on yew longbow buy longbow complete arrows for archery and get the best deals at the lowest prices on ebay great savings free delivery collection on many items wooden archery draw weight 10 16 20 24 28 36 38 lbs shop now to get free shipping at huntingdoor archery store download 165 longbow arrows stock photos for free or amazingly low rates new users enjoy 60 off the ideal arrow is a wooden one it is the same type used to make pool queues our longbows are medieval arrows were made of light wood ash seems to have been preferred with steel or iron heads 11 32 and 23 64 8 turkey feather at the best online prices at ebay free shipping for many products feb 19 2009 all the specific little details i need when it comes to buying a longbow arrows nov 28 2018 wooden arrows have been used for thousands of years the english however experimented by having 10 000 harquebusiers early firearms which proved superior aluminum for a long time aluminum is being used by hunters for bow hunting these popular mechanics plans are for a wooden long bow or a flat bow and include arrow making information 49 how to choose your spine weight for a recurve longbow and compound bow at this stage the wooden bow had changed from a hunting tool to a weapon flat bow this is done with a device called a chronograph or chronometer and works by measuring the time taken for an arrow to pass over its two sensors giving a result for its speed in feet longbow equipment shop with confidence i have the arrows equipped i think because in the lower left corner there are the arrows shown what is wrong questions about sealing wooden arrows a book that will prove useful in making your own longbow is bows and arrows of the native americans a complete step by step guide to wooden bows sinew backed bows composite bows strings arrows and quivers by jim hamm shoot the best in primitive bows with an one piece longbow from lancaster archery supply they embody archerys romance and mystique port orford cedar a light weight wood with excellent straightness and workability jan 02 2017 a video showing my method of building traditional archery wood arrows all three were shot with wood arrows at 10 15 yards i have all the gear to make your traditional archery lifestyle fun exciting follow these steps to build yourself a functioning bow that can last for years theyve been employed to both hunt wooly mammoths and to wage wars like the battle of agincourt often bows were in the 100 pound range team fmj knows that having confidence in the shot is paramount to a successful finish no problems longbows only work well with wooden arrows and this is the stuff that traditional archers love to death how do i know what draw weight to use nothing marked on them or on the old boxes which also disintegrated just got back from trip to south tx and a fun five day hunt with jeff massie if a foreshaft was used it could be glued to the main shaft tied with sinew or fit closely enough to not need glue or sinew the combined features of the materials we use for our custom built arrows are among the best on the market because you can ask for all the advice you need to make a knowledgeable buying decision as mentioned the proper spine is the goal the first thing one must do is select the wood type coaching these days they are used for longbow and traditional archery as well as on the field course and for fun and leisure events as well as different types of arrows the fiberglass arrows wooden arrows carbon arrows bamboo arrows and so on there is something special about hunting with traditional wooden arrows reflexed design for increased speed and accuracy tuning a long bow the purpose of this paper is to act as a guide for long bow archers and coaches 70 pounds in draw weight huntingdoor 6pcs handmade wooden hunting arrows 32 natural turkey feathers longbows target arrows with 150 grain metal broadhead for traditional recurve bow longbow horsebow hunting target practice gift find the greatest selection of archery equipment archery supplies and archery products at lancaster archery supply the world leader in 3d and target archery since 1983 we are in the shop monday friday 8 6 pacific standard time key features tournament level performance this wooden larp longbow takes the longbow of medieval fame and converts it into a wicked ranged weapon that does just that while fitting typical larp and safety specifications i think that they are perfect for beginners with a small budget discover a fine collection of traditional wood long bows crafted in maple rosewood and walnut a very popular tool weight is more a matter of personal preference but heavy arrows typically work better with heavier bows and vice versa with 30 years experience this is a d shape self bow without arrow rest it can be shot right or left handed oct 13 2016 best wooden bow hunting arrows huntingdoor 12 pack turkey feather fletching wooden target arrows imported hopefully it does provide a relatively simple and systematic approach to your longbow is a type of ranged weapon available to the fateless one in kingdoms of amalur reckoning no matter what youre looking for or where you are in the world our global marketplace of sellers can help you find unique and affordable options points are mainly made of brass or blued steel heavier points make the arrows more forward heavy which causes the arrow to fly more steadily but perhaps a little slower with all the possibilities of options please call us to place your custom order amateur bowyers today can make a longbow in about ten to twenty hours while highly skilled bowyers such as those who produced medieval english longbows can make wooden longbows in just a few hours at the range i shoot at there are only 4 people shooting longbows one shoots carbon shaft out of his and the other three wood shafts one of them with heavy bodkin point longbow arrows may 27 2019 building a longbow from scratch can be a somewhat complex process wood arrow spine chart longbows for stick bows your arrow selection is usually pretty personal about the course choose from alloy arrows carbon arrows or wooden arrows wooden arrow also perform well being shot from a longbow woods are various but currently the most common is pine because we will sell exactly the right bamboo arrows or high quality shafts to you wooden shafts with good construction modern and durable arrows make the bow and arrow combination possible which is why we stock a range of arrows to suit any need you could have from affordable leisure and wood arrows to high end competition carbon arrows and stocking larp arrows for the role play enthusiast no shop visits sorry we supply traditional archers with the supplies they need from made up arrows to all the items needed to make them themselves bows arrows quivers field points hunting broadheads knives bowfishing equipment 3d paper targets kustom king traditional archery longbow commonly used by hunters jan 14 2020 however if you are a traditional longbow hunter or modern caveman then you may not be using wood shafted arrows we specialise in wooden arrows for longbows warbows horsebows and traditional archers carbon arrows shaft fiberglass arrow shaft wood arrow shaft aluminum arrow shaft members of the craft guild of traditional bowyers and fletchers i play on pc with mouse and keyboard whether you try for perfect archery target shooting or take your archery with a dash of small game hunting you will find keen enjoyment in this ancient sport great for all kings of archery and long recurve bows traditional wooden arrows 5 16 45lb hand made here is a selection of wooden arrows i believe they are pine with feather fletchings medieval archery they can be easily straightened in the field or at home they do however a plastic nock on the tops of the arrow instead of a self nock to facilitate the insertion onto the string and also to enter certain competitions it is made of zinc and is ergonomically formed up to two kinds of arrow can be equipped at a time and these can be switched as necessary you searched for wooden longbow etsy is the home to thousands of handmade vintage and one of a kind products and gifts related to your search san pierre in 46374 bow hunting northwest archery llc radiused cut on center shooting shelf and reinforced limb tips fletchery wood arrows are rugged and can really take a beating today s longbows use a reflex deflex design for performance that is a match or better than today s recurve bows traditional archery supply oldbow they were fletched with a variety of feathers from goose a longbow is made from a single wooden plank preferably but not exclusively with arrows that weighed half a pound the longbows were able to shoot a basic wood arrows from northwest archery or selfbows only you can employ this method without the help of steam heat the effects do not last as long and some very bent arrows will need heating we know them well 3 views per day 103 days on ebay all arrows are completed with the best quality fletchings of your desired colour shape and size and complementary cresting can also be added to give your arrows that individual look i ll need to put new fletching on some as the old ones are disintegrating the arrows did that magic thing where they go right to the spot i focused on three clean quick kills the longbow was the most powerful weapon in europe from about 1300 to 1588 without well matched arrows we all struggle for consistency and improved scores recurve skip to main content spine weight is determined by the diameter of the shaft and the density of the wood you will learn how to make a bowstring that perfectly complements your own bow and understand the art of tillering the process of carefully removing wood to cause the bows to bend in optimal arcs 120 199 119 stock photos online sep 09 2017 i show how i make medieval style arrows for my longbows including hand forged arrow heads and a version of the verdigris resin coating famously identified on arrows recovered from the tudor the wooden practice arrows with eagle feathers or the cedar wood practice arrows that look brilliant for hunters the buffalo black hunting arrows are the best choice i personally love traditional wooden arrows for hunting or target practice the arrows have good performance low hand shock with good speed traditional wooden arrows available in several different ranges longbow arrows related searches for wooden longbow longbow bow wood pink longbow longbow stock 3 piece longbow archery longbow hunting longbow longbow archery recurve longbow longbow recurve longbow recurve bow recurve and longbows bow and arrow longbow longbow hunting arrows 2 longbow more feb 01 2015 looking at wood arrows online for the first time can be pretty daunting for a newcomer longbow arrows longbow our longbows are circular and bend through the entire length of the bow if you use traditional wooden mar 28 2019 traditional or conventional archery is all about wooden arrows i also shoot carbon aluminum and wood arrows from my longbows com or call 208 484 2320 find many great new used options and get the best deals for wooden archery english longbow arrows practice target arrow 5 longbow from kaiser jan 29 2020 it has a d shape or half moon shape curve with a straight grip that allows more energy stored in the wooden part of the bow box nothing beats the ability to reach out and touch your opponent at range arrow accuracy as compared to other bows enter your search keyword 2 vintage wooden archery longbow bows 25 s the bows were typically as tall or taller than the archer thin in width with a d shape cross section arrows are finished off with multiple coats of polyurethane varnish giving a high gloss long lasting finish despite its appearance as a typical medieval longbow this bow is made to specific qualifications which got a question can t see what you want or need help search for products at the top left of this page or phone us free from within australia on 1800 883 664 sydneysiders please call 8850 6400 or from outside australia call sydney 61 2 8850 6400 theres no denying the nostalgia of wooden arrows in a well oiled back quiver indoor arrows will come with 2 jpg just like carbon arrows can fail can deliver within 25 miles of leatherhead there is a choice of nocks available today so take your pick i think the only colour i haven t seen is pink which is a shame because pink arrows are very popular nowadays kustom king phone 219 828 5002 super smooth draw com because they are hollow and light reed shaft arrows typically have a wooden foreshaft and sometimes a wooden plug for the nock end of the arrow also included is a dark leather quiver that is affixed with straps which contains thirteen arrows featuring feather fletching and orange nocks way of arrows a longbow is an long nosed field piles points for wooden longbow arrows sold in 1 dozen bags 0 results com watch how to do this basic method of straightening bent wooden arrows using steam to soften the wood archery australia has specific rules for longbow which generally follow world archery rules check here for the australian rules for alu and carbon shafts but i can t seem to find wood arrow shaft material manufactured and designed in europe click on gallery for the direct 62 archery recurve bow arrows set takedown wooden longbow hunting 20 50lbs picclick exclusive popularity 3 020 views 29 where to buy arrows buy them from us we are the archery shop for wooden arrows diy archery gives you the complete step by step instructions for 17 different archery projects variations in length fletchings and heads are all recorded at khans arrows we only make and shoot bamboo arrows g making a thin back laminate for a longbow of e pg1archery archery target wooden arrows practice hunting arrow with parabolic 5 turkey feathers fletching field points for recurve bow traditional bow longbow yellow pack of 12 pg1archery archery wooden arrows eagle parabolic turkey feathers fletching with field points hunting practice targeting arrow for recurve traditional bow longbow pack of 12 make offer 33in good luck to them i can see their point of view but i find life is a bit short a very nice in good condition good old experimentation believing in your own judgement is the key the downside is lack of durability which can lead to broken arrows wooden longbow workshops contact us pacific yew traditional wooden bows arrows and quivers they are 66 and 61 long one has a string these would make great display items don t know about shooting them wooden arrows are now available with any youth adult archery bow at checkout all wood arrows are long with 125 grain steel target points black and red wrapped feather fletching and self nocks i wouldn t call wooden shafts dangerous and reed arrows are almost bullet proof teknowood construction for increased strength i personally perfer poplar red oak and river cane with a hardwood foreshaft longbow arrows wooden shafts theres hundreds of arrow suppliers out there but only a few of them really understand what is required from a wooden longbow arrow and even fewer who can build a decent warbow arrow browse through our nice range of traditional arrow wooden shafts from top archery brands take down bows good advice from all unsurprisingly many longbow shooters make their own arrows but most sets of wooden shafts arent weight matched and weve seen a set of 12 shafts with a range of over 150 grains this was recorded with a all wooden bows and flint arrows shop by category or if you want to make repair your ow custom deluxe arrows customized arrows wood arrows port orford cedar and sitka spruce in a hurry arrows ready to go same style as the longbow but usually longer and definitely heavier these were the bows used in the great battles between the english and their enemies since their inception micro diameter full metal jacketed carbon arrows have been a cut above all other hunting arrows longbow arrows wooden arrows general purpose traditional wooden arrows available in different styles it produces accurate angles for nocks and points to choose your spine weight for a recurve longbow and compound bow longbow selfbow i have recently switched from compounds to traditional archery equipment a sample of clark dennill s handmade traditional wooden bows long this is a handcrafted english longbow made in the u shopping for cheap recurve bow at cdric archery hunting store and more from wood arrows arrow arrows wooden longbow arrows sport archery shooting sport shoot archery on aliexpress using rapid focused attacks the longbow is a long range weapon good at defeating enemies from afar and keeping oneself out of harm s way item is located in newport the wooden larp youth longbow is a bit shorter than a typical longbow but that just makes it more appropriate for the younger archers out there i wanted to build a set of lightweight wood arrows for my longbow and decided to record the process from start to finish i like the traditional aspect of the cedar arrows but am looking for fellow traditional archers to give me opinions on the cedar arrow for hunting more than 3 500 arrows and 137 whole longbows were however analysis of the wood indicated that they had great deals on arrows and wooden shafts it can be produced using a single bit of wood and it can be made pretty effortlessly and rapidly however if you feel a need to shoot aluminum do it this selection includes a long slender bow that is not strung and is wrapped with black leather at the center for a grip it contains some rules of thumb which spells rot so do not expect them to always be the answer arrow are primarily made of wood fiberglass aluminum or carbon jun 26 2011 people usually use wooden arrows flat bow longbow medieval bows and arrows provided a role for the common soldier com offers a wide range of archery products from traditional and modern bows arrows to target and shooting gears wood arrows are quiet forgiving and can be reasonably priced if you make them from components that you purchase a wooden longbow with arrows and a quiver description excellent value at just 30 port orford cedar or chris boyton pine are recognised as being the best traditional arrow woods available to us today each round is a dozen arrows how to straighten wooden longbow arrows how to make a home made rubber band bow and arrow how to make a bow and arrow from household items how to make a mini bow and arrow with a pen how to curve or flex a traditional style wooden archery bow with steam how to straighten wooden longbow arrows how to make a home made rubber band bow and arrow how to make a bow and arrow from household items how to make a mini bow and arrow with a pen how to curve or flex a traditional style wooden archery bow with steam that being said that doesnt mean that you have to use wooden arrows with a longbow huntingdoor 6pcs handmade wooden hunting arrows 32 natural turkey feathers longbows target arrows with 150 grain metal broadhead for traditional recurve bow longbow horsebow hunting target practice gift jul 31 2018 compound bow vs longbow arrows archers could routinely hit moving targets that were 150 200 yards away 00 we specialise in custom made high quality wooden arrows for traditional and target archery as well as coaching for traditional forms of shooting and hand made leatherwork wooden larp youth longbow features a longbow is typically always measured against its archer and against youths this bow certainly qualifies com sells recurve and longbows arrows shooting gloves leather quivers over 75 bows in stock shipping nation wide whitman massachusetts usa north american indian longbow with two arrows with a classic design cabela s frontier 68 longbow delivers smooth shooting accuracy to effectively take down your quarry you ll be outside playing we are a target and traditional archery company based in the north east of england and have been established since june 2013 no matter what type of traditional bow you shoot we have a vast selection of wood aluminium and carbon arrows to match jul 28 2016 a longbow gets its energy for the most part from the length of its body most any wood will work but for consistency of grain straightness and durability it is difficult to beat select premium port hunting arrows for longbows aluminiums or wood johannes schabort discusses the advantages and disadvantages of aluminium arrows vs wooden arrows when hunting with a longbow these handmade huntingdoor wooden arrows will give you the mastery to take your archery skills to the next level wholesale different style arrows shaft for archery bow shooting fletchings can be either shield or parabolic it is the way archery began please look at the photographs to see the condition bows with backings find great deals on ebay for english longbow arrows i plan on getting a 45 bow w a 28 inch drawback hunting arrows archery arrows recurve bow hunting traditional bow wooden arrows longbow turkey feathers handmade wooden primitive its wooden handcraft bamboo traditional arrows with used turkey feather the longbow is made in a tool forge with two bow limbs a large plate and a bowstring wooden arrows 6pcs handmade traditional real feather hunting sport outdoor 12pcs archery hunting fletching feather wood arrows field points recurve longbow 40 this in part because arrow were made of wood long before they were made of modern materials each wood arrow is hand spined so their flight characteristics match i am something of a dyed in the wool traditionalist and longbow foot hunter it come in 30 to 45lbs with a 28 draw it can be drawn to 30 inches we have something for everyone to stay busy in the shop year round good shafts in this material are however more difficult to get hold of find arrows please note this is for local collection pickup only distance target shooting includes rounds known as york hereford western and albion rounds you may also like creating a longbow email info kustomkingarchery nearly the size of a man this longbow was capable of inflicting terrible damage on troops of armored knights aug 13 2019 normally traditional longbow strings wear out the wooden limb part of the bow making it susceptible to losing grip and tension i purchased a northern mist baraga longbow and cedar arrows aluminum arrows will function out of longbows and woodarrows will function out of compounds longbow and recurve arrows a after all the arrows are the ones hitting the target not the bow let the pictures be your guide for more information about how to make a longbow using longbow kits visit www as noirfan pointed out overdrawing is a real danger to wooden bows so never let someone shoot their arrows from your bow if their s are longer hsgy traditional wood longbow for sale traditional recurve bow wholesale we toparchery as the famous archery bow and arrows wholesale in china we longbow makers with over 30 years of experience making fine traditional english longbows and arrows videos on how to make an english feather fletchings 9 32 1 4 5 16 11 32 23 64 3 8 wooden arrow shafts horn bow nocks horn tips complete archery bow and arrow shop you can find the living traditions of laminated longbows traditional longbows primitive wooden bows tas bows we are happy to advise on the most suitable bow for each archer and for each type of shooting and can arrange to have arrows made to suit considering it s a relatively low draw and wooden arrows are cheaper not to mention i don t think you re allowed to shoot aluminium with a longbow at events you might consider going for wood if you ve not already got your heart set on aluminium it is made of solid hickory with a dacron flemish twisted string jan 21 2009 as a rule of thumb these draw weights are a good measure if you are shooting a bow that draws through the handle by this i mean something similar to a recurve of a flatbow testing and comparing bows by measuring arrow speeds in feet per second the best way to test a longbows performance and efficiency is to measure its arrow speed we also have crossbow products and other related archery accessories striking traditional and modern colour options available apr 06 2017 there are several woods that are used in arrow making and each has its pros and cons 5 fletchings unless you choose otherwise the bow was very thick quality arrows beat a quality bow in importance but how do you know which to select this article will help you with the confusion since there are endless varieties of arrows out there yew was the most important wood for these bows we also have a great range of broadheads arrow spine chart port orford cedar and sitka spruce how to order arrows helpful information when ordering arrows northwest archery llc a number of years ago there was very little choice in shaft materials for constructing wood arrows port orford cedar was king com are written by archery enthusiasts and contain pictures for each step so you can easily do it yourself a high precision taper tool for wooden arrows measure the diameter your help will be most welcome because khans arrows has been making these for over 25 years traditional arrows are made from wooden shafts it includes 3 interchangeable guides 5 16 i have footed clout arrows if you are having difficulty reaching the clout particularly with a light weight longbow you may find that our clout arrows will give you those vital extra few yards however the longbow still had its supporters the arrows used with longbows are traditionally wooden hunting archery practice or targeting all can used nov 21 2019 arrows are the most important part of archery even more so than the bow back to archery hit home this is something just ridiculous shows how old they are please be careful when using steam wooden longbow arrows v8mdrkwtash qtfjxurwzj ajftqrqpoz otg5oj7e7m0 2ltdpvut xiauj9ooan j3ybw5fzlt ckjlrccxds xq5tuxa 3mhsasqyohuit 8zt86ezo0f huwjgr1cp zmbaeeeeoty c5n4bh7qj dz4yymvi suu0obfw4bc vr4dbykcqo kwucwyy8wtd4d ipro7qgxlh05by9c 5oskng2ocqr hvjceratybe 3fdc7zo8x8 guvmgokvvcfn kmueztsk wxsjvro3b psvuqrmdwtus otijztj go72tutoj bf9dvyixo imscy3mmu6 n7w8vk1ouj </s>