stringlengths 1
| translate
stringlengths 1
| sentimen
int64 0
Belum dicoba semoga berfungsi bagus | haven't tried yet hope it works well | 1 |
Produk sesuai pesanan.. Pesanan baru diterima setelah ngejar-ngejar ke jasa pengiriman, harus di wa dan dikomplain baru dikirim ke alamat penerima.. sudah dpt seller yg bagus, gantian pengiriman yg buruk.. | product according to order.. new order received after chasing after the delivery service, must be wa and complained and then sent to the recipient's address.. already got a good seller, bad delivery replaced.. | 0 |
Seller fast respons, packing sangat baik karena menggunakan kardus. Toppp | seller fast response, packing is very good because it uses cardboard. top | 1 |
real Pich ko barangnya
mantul | real pich ko the item bounces | 0 |
Produk bagus, packing aman dan rapih
Produk sama seperti beli di toko | good product, safe and neat packing, the product is the same as buying at the store | 1 |
ga ada kendala sih...cuma udah dipesenin pake bubble wrap tetep aja ga dikasih .padahal dah capek2 nulis di catatan | no problems anyway. just ordered it using bubble wrap but still not given it. even though I'm tired of writing in notes | 0 |
Mantap nih , recomend buat gamers mobile, respon cepat, pengiriman lumayan dr JKT - SUB 3 hari
Packing rapi, kualitas oke, suara mantap pokoknya dah | this is great, recommend for mobile gamers, fast response, decent delivery from jkt - sub day neat packing, okay quality, great sound anyway | 1 |
So Excellent, tuk pemakaiannya so confident, berkuakitas, tuk mengatur gaya berkedip led dr keyboard just tekan (Fn + Prtsc) scr bersama2, jenis kedipan keyboard ada bermacam2, kisaran d atas 20 jenis, mengenai software dr Fantech, tdk kompatibel dgn PC sy walau Windows 10 4K, msh perlu dipelajari...😃😄😃, terima kasih tuk layanannya, i recommended👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏 | so excellent, to use it so confidently, with quality, to adjust the style of the led blinking from the keyboard just press (fn + prtsc) together, there are various types of keyboard blinks, the range above is the type, regarding Dr. Fantech's software, it's not compatible with my PC even though it's Windows k, still needs to be studied., thanks for the service, i recommended | 1 |
Brg oke, nyokap suka :) | good stuff, you like it :) | 1 |
penyok parah. | severe dent. | 0 |
masa barang rizek dikirim.tidak berpungsi sama sekali
kecewa saya..saya mau tuker ini sama sekali ga berpungsi | When the goods were sent. It didn't work at all, I was disappointed.. I want this exchange to not work at all | 0 |
Keseluruhan Semua bagus cuma saya dapet unit yang lampu micnya mati, kalo micnya berfungsi
💯😊🙏 | Overall everything is good, but I got a unit where the mic light is off, if the mic is working | 0 |
hp ny rusak blur putih g ada casan ny nyesel trus trang | the cellphone is broken, the white blur doesn't have a charger, it's regretful then it's bright | 0 |
mousepadnya sampai dalam kondisi baik. kualitas ok untuk rate harga segitu. puas blnja disini👍 | The mousepad arrived in good condition. ok quality for that price rate. satisfied shopping here | 1 |
Pengemasan lama pengiriman sangat amat lama syekalii
Tapi alhamdulillah barangnya aman | packaging, shipping time is very very long, I'm sorry but thank God the goods are safe | 0 |
Barang oke keren bahan bagus | cool stuff good material | 1 |
Kualiats baik, datang dengan mulus terimakasih ,🤭😊 insjdjdjdj | good quality, arrived smoothly thank you, hsjdjdjdj | 1 |
pengemasan produk kurang bagus | Product packaging is not good | 0 |
maaf baru sempat beri ulasan..
barang sdh datang kemarin tgl 9 pesan tgl 7.
barang oke bgd no hoax it's real seller yg amanah dan respon chat cepat,, recomended bgd dah pokoknya.
txs lazada n seller dan tak lupa juga tuk kurirnya😊 | sorry I just had time to give a review... the item arrived yesterday on the ordered date. the item is okay, no hoax, it's a real seller, who is trustworthy and responds quickly to chat, really, really recommended. thxs lazada n seller and don't forget the courier too | 1 |
jos gandos bro | jos gandos bro | 1 |
Brg bgs dan kiriman cepat....
Cuma kesel sm abang grab nya aja di rmh ga org nitip ke org ga kabarin untung org yg di nitip baik bs lsg ksh ke rmh... | brg great and fast delivery. I'm just annoyed that my brother just grabs it at home, doesn't bring people to people, doesn't tell people, luckily the people who are taken are good, can they go to the house. | 0 |
pengiriman cepat, produk mantaaap | fast delivery, solid product | 1 |
Beli ini emang tujuannya buat kado, udah dicoba dan berfungsi. Semoga gak ada cacat nanti ke depannya. Tapi masih bingung, pas dikirim cuma dilapisin pake plastic wrap makanya dikasih bintang 3, so far gaada masalah | I bought this for the purpose of a gift, I've tried it and it works. Hopefully there will be no defects in the future. but I'm still confused, when it's sent it's just covered in plastic wrap so it's given a star, so far no problems | 0 |
maaf ga kefoto , untung reseller saya ga rewel.
saya rasa bukan dr expedisinya, karna pengemasan cukup bagus bblewerp ya tebel, tp ga tau kenapa dalem nya ada goresan . | There are scratches... sorry I didn't take a photo, luckily my reseller isn't fussy. I don't think it's from the expedition, because the packaging is quite good, the bblewerp is thick, but I don't know why there are scratches inside. | 0 |
Layak beli, dari harga, fitur, dan dari bahan yg kokoh, sepertinya bakal awet.
Detailnya kurang rapi, logonya miring.
Moga pengemasan lebih bagus, kemarin kardus sedikit penyok. Emang kardusnya juga agak nyusahin buat dikemas sih. | worth buying, from the price, features, and from sturdy materials, it looks like it will last. the details are not neat, the logo is slanted. I hope the packaging is better, yesterday the box was a little dented. The box is also a bit tricky to pack. | 0 |
Bahan bya halus harga nya terjangkau banget semoga tahan lama pengirimannya juga cepat admin nya responsife terimakasih fantech | the material is fine, the price is very affordable, I hope it will last long, the delivery is also fast, the admin is responsive, thank you fantech | 1 |
stick nya bagus sangat enak untuk di buat main teken 7,need for speed heat, dan dll walau pun tidak bisa di sambungin ke HP redmi memakai otg tapi tetap bisa nyala | the stick is good, it's really good for playing, needing for speed heat, etc. even though it can't be connected to a redmi cellphone using otg but it can still turn on | 1 |
ada bagian tajam bekas terbentur. saya kikir sendiri. barang berfungsi dengan baik. | there are sharp parts used to hit. i'm miserly myself. item works fine. | 0 |
Terima kasih. Pelayanan bagus gamepad berfungsi dengan baik 👍 untuk harga Worthit tidak jauh beda dengan di jawa. Toko lain di bali harganya ga ngotak 🤣🤣🤣.. Semoga makin laris👍👍👍👍👍 | Thank You. good service gamepad works well for a worthit price not much different from Java. other shops in Bali don't mind the price..hopefully it sells better | 1 |
Terimakasih atas melayani dengan baik dan benar serta dalam | Thank you for serving well and correctly and deeply | 1 |
Barang sampai sesuai pesanan. | goods arrived as ordered. | 1 |
kalau ukuran sesuai,
cuma kurang teliti bawak barang,,
penyok" | if the size is right, it's just not careful with the goods,, dented" | 0 |
cepat rapi | tidy up | 1 |
Brgnya tiba cepat banget,sesuai dgn gbr dan bagus semua deh. tidak nyesel beli dsni.! | the brg arrived very quickly, according to the picture and everything is good. don't regret buying here! | 1 |
Hand Phone sesuai gambar, respon hari kerja cepat hari libur respon ikutan libur 😁, pengiriman cepat tergantung expedisi yg dipilih. | cell phone according to the picture, the response on working days is as fast as the holiday, the response is to take a holiday, fast delivery depending on the selected expedition. | 1 |
Mantap lhh kualitas oke,bass mantap ,cuma spliter nya gk berfungsi,,,lain itu joss recomended | it's great, the quality is okay, the bass is great, it's just that the splitter doesn't work, other than that, joss is recommended | 0 |
Ok, produk guud all fungsi,. Cman catatan packaging kurang aman, cman dibungkis bubble wrap doang 2 lapis, jdi penyok" kardusnya.
Yang bikin salut tuh kurir nya, gile dro, jam 10 malem dianter sampe rumah lo. Pekerja keras sekali kurirnya.. | ok, product guud all function,. cman the packaging notes are not safe, only the bubble wrap is wrapped in layers, so the cardboard is dented. What makes the courier salute is the courier, gile dro, at night he is delivered to your house. the courier is very hardworking.. | 0 |
Pengiriman cepat dan barang berkualitas | fast delivery and quality goods | 1 |
Barang nya bagus, tapi sayang pengiriman nya lama 2 hri, padahal pke pengiriman same day | the item is good, but it's a shame the delivery took a long day, even though it was on the same day delivery | 0 |
Barang ok. Pelayanan juga ok lah... Pengiriman cepat 3 hari ke jatim. Cuman sayang gak dapat casingnya | ok stuff. service is also ok. Fast delivery day to East Java. it's just a shame I can't get the casing | 0 |
Biar bintang lima yang menjadi saksi transaksi kita berdua 😁👍🏻. | let the five stars witness our transaction. | 0 |
barang berfungsi dgn baik | item works fine | 1 |
Packing bagussss double Bubble wrap. Tp karet sil di dalamnya jelek . Kurang teliti pabrikan nya | good packing double bubble wrap. but the rubber seal inside is bad. the manufacturer is not careful | 0 |
oke punya, langsung di tes... mantap.... tapi di leptop ga ke detect driver nya. mungkin harus update windows nya | okay got, immediately tested. Excellent. but on the laptop it doesn't detect the driver. maybe you need to update windows | 0 |
Mantaf | great | 1 |
sampeeee akhirnya, sebelum bubaran kantor
belom di testt | until finally, before disbanding the office had not been tested | 0 |
sesuai deskripsi.. pengiriman kantor dikirim hari minggu.. kantor tutup.. untung kurir mau anter krumah.. | according to the description.. office delivery is sent on Sunday.. office is closed.. fortunately the courier wants to take me home.. | 0 |
Barang sudah diterima walaupun beda motif dengan yg di gambar tapi gapapa yg penting tipenya sama dan barangnya bagus tanpa cacat, pengiriman cepat kurir sopan dan ramah, terima kasih 👍 | the item has been received even though the pattern is different from the one in the picture but it's okay the important thing is the same type and the item is good without defects, fast delivery the courier is polite and friendly, thank you | 1 |
setrikanya bagus, mini gitu lucu. Cocok buat anak kosan soalnya setrikanya ga makan tempat❤️ | the iron is good, the mini is so cute. suitable for boarding children because the iron doesn't take up space | 1 |
Mantul, mantap betul, semua tombol berfungsi normal | bouncy, really good, all buttons work normally | 1 |
keren, sesuai sama ekpektasi | cool, as expected | 1 |
-pengiriman sangat cepat, pesan jumat minggu sampai padahal beda provinsi
-bentuk kokoh, agak berat
-tombolnya empuk dan enak
-jangkauan wirelessnya pendek banget, nggak nyampe 1 meter udah sering hilang koneksinya.
-agak menyesal beli tapi mau bagaimana lagi. | positives: -very fast delivery, ordered Friday Sunday arrived even though it's in a different province -sturdy shape, a bit heavy -buttons are soft and nice negatives: -the wireless range is really short, it doesn't reach the meter and the connection is often lost. - kinda regret buying but what else can I do. | 0 |
barang nya udh sampe 3 hari yg lalu ..tpi syg ga bisa pke masak nasi nya mentah mlu...kecewa bgt | the item arrived the other day... but I can't use it to cook the rice raw all the time. I'm so disappointed | 0 |
lama pengiriman | delivery time | 0 |
Sepadan dengan Harga:harga sangat bagus bahkan lebih murah dari yang di toko official rexus
Sempurna tapi kalau memang perlu yang kurang berisik saya rekomendasikan beli yang brown atau red switch (suaranya lebih bagus dari yang di rekaman) | the best features: the sound of course especially the blue switch is worth the price: the price is very good even cheaper than the one at the official rexus store it's perfect but if you really need something less noisy I recommend buying the brown or red switch (the sound is better than the one on the record ) | 1 |
Wooooow mantap dah sampe cped bgt hehehe👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻😁👍🏻👍🏻 | wow, it's great, it's really fast, hehehe | 1 |
mohon maaf sebelum nya, saya kasih bintang 2 aja, sebab barang tidak bisa digunakan, ga nyala sama sekali | sorry beforehand, I'll just give it a star, because the item can't be used, it doesn't turn on at all | 0 |
Barang sesuai deskripsi, semua tampak bagus, tapi sayangnya ga mau nyala atau rusak, salah saya ga baca komentar orang” yang sebelumnya sudah beli, baru beli langsung masuk service counter, tolong pihak penjual agar betul” menseleksi barangnya dengan baik ya | the goods match the description, everything looks good, but unfortunately it doesn't want to turn on or is damaged, it's my fault I didn't read people's comments "which I bought before, just bought it straight into the service counter, please help the seller to be right" select the goods well | 0 |
Barangnya original 👍. Ada garansi resmi. Nyaman dipakai lama. Suaranya jernih. Koneksi bluetooth kuat. Desainnya modern 😍. Material premium. Material premium. Baterai tahan lama. Noise cancellation mantap. Kabelnya kuat. Kabelnya kuat. Suaranya gurih. Bass-nya mantap. Value for money. Harganya terjangkau. Harganya terjangkau. Koneksi ke Apple Lancar. Koneksi ke Apple Lancar. Koneksi Android lancar. Koneksi Android lancar. Nggak kresek-kresek. Suaranya bersih. Suaranya bersih. Proses pesanan cepat. Penjualnya ramah banget. | the goods are original. there is an official warranty. long comfortable wear. the sound is clear. strong bluetooth connection. modern design. premium materials. premium materials. long lasting battery. excellent noise cancellation. the cable is strong. the cable is strong. her voice is savory. the bass is solid. value for money. the price is affordable. the price is affordable. connection to apple smooth. connection to apple smooth. smooth android connection. smooth android connection. not crackle. the sound is clean. the sound is clean. fast order process. the seller is very friendly. | 1 |
Pengiriman cepat
Barang sesuai dg gambar. Cuma belum dicoba nih | fast delivery of goods according to the picture. just haven't tried it yet | 1 |
Fitur Terbaik:bagus
Sepadan dengan Harga:bagus | best feature:good value for money:good | 1 |
Pengiriman cepat. Pengemasan barang baik. Kualitas barang baik. Terima kasih | fast delivery. good packaging of goods. good quality goods. Thank You | 1 |
Produk langsung dikirim, cepet.
Produk jg diterima dgn baik. Buble warpnya lumayan tebel jd aman.
Mousenya agak besar jd nyaman di tangan saya. Bahan mousenya jg bagus. Kalau ganti DPI, LED mousenya ganti warna jd nggak bingung kalau ganti2 DPI.
Mantab pokoknya. | product shipped immediately, fast. product is also well received. the bubble warp is quite thick so it's safe. The mouse is a little big so it's comfortable in my hand. the mouse material is also good. if you change the dpi, the mouse led changes color so you won't be confused if you change the dpi. great anyway. | 1 |
bagus barangnya, pengiriman standar, cuma sayanng tdk dikasih batrai | the goods are good, standard delivery, it's just a pity that the battery is not provided | 0 |
Mantabb thanks .. 1 hari sampai | mantabb thanks.. the day arrived | 1 |
Kualitas produk sangat baik, kecepatan pengiriman standart,
Lain kali kalo ada pengajuan pembatalan mohon di acc | product quality is very good, standard delivery speed, next time if there is a cancellation request, please acc | 0 |
Barang sampai cepet banget, kemarin pesen extra bubble wrap biar kemasan aman ngga penyok2 tapi tetep aja sih beberapa sisi dus nya ada yg penyok & ada yg sobek juga dus dalemnya. Tapi pisau nya aman2 aja.. | price: competitive quality: good sharpness: great item arrived really fast, yesterday ordered extra bubble wrap so the packaging wasn't dented but still some sides of the box were dented & some were torn inside the box too. but the knife is safe | 1 |
barang sesuai.. ok | appropriate items.. ok | 1 |
beli sama 1 set pisau yg dikirim cm panci doank.. yg packing gimana deh.. jelas2 2 paket itu lumayan gede kecuali kalo printilan brg kecil2 gtu, kontrol stok donk biar menghindari kesalahan atau kekurangan kirim. harga jg ternyata lbh murah ditoko2 lainya padahal ini dr oxone nya langsung | I bought the same set of knives that were sent in just a pot.. how to pack it.. obviously the package is quite big except if the printout is small, please check the stock so you can avoid mistakes or lack of delivery. the price also turns out to be cheaper in other shops even though this is from the oxone directly | 0 |
datangnya lama
barangnya sampai ternyata saat di cek pegangan nya patah, 🙏
sy ngk tau ini Oxone asli atau ngk
atau mungkin ini termasuk barang yg tidak lolos sortir atau gimana tanyakan ke penjual
kok bisa patah, kalau sdh ada pengalaman patah kayak gini next pengiriman mungkin lebih di perhatikan | It took a long time for the item to arrive when it turned out that when I checked the handle was broken, I don't know if this is a genuine oxone or not or maybe this is an item that didn't pass sorting or how to ask the seller how come it broke, if I've had a broken experience like this next delivery might be faster take note | 0 |
Fitur Terbaik:joos
Sepadan dengan Harga:pas
Ok banget thanks seller shoppee | best features: joos is worth the price: it fits really ok thanks seller shoppee | 1 |
Awalnya pesen Advan tapi barang kosong jadi diganti MI katanya barang bagus tapi datang tidak ada pemberitahuan bahwa barang cacat, bilangnya gapapa tapi yaudah semoga barang aman.
Lain kali diperhatikan dan dikonfirmasi dengan pembeli detail barangnya🙏 | originally ordered advan but the item was empty so it was replaced with noodles he said the item was good but there was no notification that the item was defective, he said it was okay but hopefully the item is safe. next time pay attention and confirm with the buyer the details of the goods | 0 |
panasny kurangg ihh ..mudah*n aja awett ya.. | it's not hot enough.. it's easy*n it's durable huh.. | 0 |
Packing aman dan cepat, tapi karena jasa kirimnya Anteraja jadi lama bgttt, biasanya smg-brb cuma 2 hari, ini sampai 1 minggu buset🙂 | packing is safe and fast, but because the delivery service is anteraja it takes so long, usually smg-brb is only days, this arrived sunday | 0 |
pengiriman agak lama sih | delivery is a bit long | 0 |
Barang cepat di respon.. mendarat tanpa cacat.. ok laah.. ma ksh yaa... | the goods were quickly responded to.. landed without defects.. ok laah.. thank you. | 1 |
Fitur Terbaik:tutup nya knapa kurang rapat
Sepadan dengan Harga:harga sesuai dengan barang | best feature: why isn't the lid tight enough for the price: the price is according to the goods | 0 |
barang sudah nyampe bagus, lebih tebel dr yg aslinya....terima kasih | the item has arrived, it's good, thicker than the original, thank you | 1 |
teplon yg gede ny ngelotok . kecewa ! udh gt lengket lg .. | the big teflon sticks out. disappointed ! already gt sticky anymore.. | 0 |
Wow..sampai dengan aman..trmksh gan
. | wow..arrived safely..thanks bro.. . | 1 |
Barang oke sesuai harga yg sedikit lebih mahal drpd yg lain.. | price: decent delivery: fast quality: good, okay stuff at a price that's a little more expensive than the others.. | 1 |
Disaranin buat kalian klo beli barang mending ditambahin bubble wrap ya gais supaya lebih aman dan safety barangnya, biar ngecegah cacat dijalan pas pengiriman aja gaada ruginya kok daripada nyesel nntinya yakan | I suggest to you, if you buy goods, it's better to add bubble wrap, guys, so that it's safer and the goods are safer, so that it prevents defects on the road when it's delivered, there's nothing to lose instead of regretting it later, right? | 0 |
Terbaik. Sudah beli beberapa kali. | best. have bought several times. | 1 |
harga termurah + gratis vocher free delivery
| cheapest price + free voucher free delivery | 1 |
Fitur Terbaik:pengemasan aman
Sepadan dengan Harga:yup
Pengiriman agak lama tapi smpi dgn selamat. | the best features: safe packaging commensurate with the price: yup the delivery took a while but arrived safely. | 1 |
Belum coba tapi pengiriman nya cepat sama barang nya sesuai pesanan pink | haven't tried it yet but the delivery is fast the same as the item ordered pink | 1 |
Sepadan dengan Harga:bagus
Packing pake buble..mudah2an awet | commensurate with the price: good packing using bubble..hope it lasts | 1 |
Kualitas produk baik, produk original, pengiriman cepat, blum dipake mudah2an bagus dan awet. Thank u | good product quality, original product, fast delivery, not yet used, hope it's good and durable. thank u | 1 |
Okeeee maaf setrikaannya sdh dipake dibawah, bagus kok lumayan lg flash sale, semoga aweeeeeeeettttttttttt | okay, sorry, the iron has been used below, it's good, it's quite a flash sale, I hope it lasts | 0 |
produk bekerja dengan baik. semoga aja awet, thankyou seller | product works fine. I hope it will last, thank you seller | 1 |
Pengiriman cukup lama, barang bagus sesuai harga, semoga awet makasih maspion | quite long delivery, good item according to the price, hopefully it will last thanks maspion | 0 |
Harganya murah bgt, pengiriman sangat cepat dan rapii
Bakal langganan nihh next aku order lagi disini
Terimakasih kk | the price is really cheap, the delivery is very fast and neat, I will subscribe, next time I order here again, thank you sis | 1 |
barang bagus & harga terjangkau. semoga awet. | good stuff & affordable price. hope it lasts. | 1 |
packing rapih, part ok... kiriman cepat...mantaaap... | neat packing, part ok fast delivery. great. | 1 |
Terima kasih, mantap langsung dikirim
Semoga awet | Thank you, great, sent immediately, hopefully it will last | 1 |
barangnya blm nyampe di saya, kemana ya?
| The item hasn't arrived to me yet, where is it? | 0 |
Mouse berfungsi normal dan enak buat main game wirelessly | the mouse functions normally and is good for playing games wirelessly | 1 |
Fitur Terbaik:dapat cherry profile keycaps gratis yg matching sama deskmatnya
Sesuai dengan gambar dan deskripsi, harga juga lebih murah dari Fantech official store
Awalnya pas dibuka paketnya nggak ada keycaps gratisnya, saya chat adminnya langsung di proses, 3 hari nunggu akhirnya dapat juga keycapsnya, adminnya juga ramah 👍 | best features: get free cherry profile keycaps that match the desktop according to the picture and description, the price is also cheaper than the fantech official store at first when you open the package there are no free keycaps, I chat the admin immediately in the process, waiting days finally get the keycaps, admin also friendly | 0 |
puass banget.. alhamdulillah teflon sampe dengan selamat tanpa penyok.. terimakasih cosmos dan Si Cepat.. mantep banget si cepat sampai cepet bgt dan muluss | very satisfied.. thank God Teflon arrived safely without dents.. thank you Cosmos and it's fast... it's really good, it's fast, it's really fast and smooth | 1 |
blm dicoba tp cukup puas | Haven't tried yet but quite satisfied | 1 |
Subsets and Splits