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Barang cepet sampai, packing nya kurang safety sih engga pkek bubble wrap tapi alhmdllah aman.. cuma pas mau diaplikasiin kuncian yg bawahnya pada lepas.. dikiranya rusak tapi alhmdllah bisa dibenerin,. CS nya juga fast respon banget sih..smoga awet produknya.. makasih🥰 | the goods arrived quickly, the packaging was not safe, it didn't use bubble wrap but thank goodness it was safe... only when I wanted to apply the lock at the bottom it came off... I thought it was broken but alhmdllah it can be fixed. CS also responds really fast... I hope the product will last... thanks | 0 |
respon sangat cepat... semuanya berfungsi dengan baik..oke... | very fast response. everything is working fine..okay. | 1 |
Ada yg pecah dikit dan gada pecahannya kak. Terus ada yg lepas kak. Terus ini tadi tak coba kok gak berfungsi ya kak?? Gimana dong??? | there is a little broken and there are no broken pieces, sis. then there's something left, sis. then I didn't try this, how come it doesn't work, bro? how are you? | 0 |
Blender nya bagus, barang original pengiriman cepet bgt pake gojek sameday, packingnya aman, gak nyesel pokonya order disini mudah2an awet next order lg terima kasih | the blender is good, the original item, the delivery is fast, using the sameday gojek, the packaging is safe, you don't regret ordering here, hopefully it lasts, next order again, thank you | 1 |
Pengemasan:yang 1 ini gangangnya patah 😥 tolong dikemasyang lebih teliti lg biar barang ga ada yang rusak. | packaging: this one has a broken handle, packed even more carefully so nothing gets damaged. | 0 |
kak ini gimna sihh ko pesanan saya malah orang laen yang nerima knp pas saya buka pemberitahuan paket saya tulisan nya sudah d terima sedangkan saya blom menerima paketnya .. kecewa deh pokonya | Sis, how come my order is actually someone else who received it? | 0 |
respon cepat.......packing rapi.......puaaaaaaaaas | fast response. packing neat. satisfied | 1 |
Barang sesuai dgn yg di order. Packaging rapih 👍 | goods according to the order. neat packaging | 1 |
Packaging pengiriman saja yg ngga oke. Barang dg kualitas sebagus itu hanya dibungkus plastik. Akibatnya ada dalaman dus yg patah. Padahal sudah diinformasikan ini untuk hadiah. Sebaiknya kualitas penanganan untuk barang seperti ini lebih diperhatikan. | price: reasonable quality: excellent sharpness: excellent packaging just shipping is not okay. goods with such good quality are only wrapped in plastic. As a result, there is a broken inner box. even though I was informed this was for a gift. should pay more attention to the quality of handling for goods like this. | 0 |
Produk sesuai dengan deskripsinya. Pengemasan rapi dan pengirimannya juga cepat.. | product according to the description. well packed and fast delivery too.. | 1 |
saya kasih bintang 3 soal ny beater ny g klop. beater ny jg g nempel ke mangkok, jd g bisa buat ngaduk adonan | I give a star about the beater, it doesn't fit. The beater also doesn't stick to the bowl, so it can't stir the dough | 0 |
Make same dayy tapi 2 hari nyampe nyaa mantapppppp bayar ongkir mahal mahal gk guna | use the same day every day until it's steady paying expensive expensive shipping it doesn't work | 0 |
Sebenarnya fungsinya sih oke2 aja cuman pas dateng kabelnya rada bopeng seperti melepuh. Mungkin faktor ngiketnya terlalu kuat. Belum ada keluhan lain terkait fungsinya. Udh aku cba 3 hari main genshin dan mousenya responsif. Pengirimannya jg standar. Tapi adminnya baik dan responsif kok. | actually the function is okay, but when it comes the cable is a bit pockmarked like it's blistered. maybe the gripping factor is too strong. there are no other complaints regarding its function. I tried playing Genshin today and the mouse is responsive. standard delivery too. but the admin is kind and responsive. | 0 |
tempat centongnya terlalu kecil cukup buat t4 sendok.ketutup rapatnya agak susah.seller di chat gak direspon mungkin ktn ok lah dg harga segitu dah bagus,maaf ya kasih bintangnya 3 aja.untuk pengirimannya cepat | the spoon is too small, enough for a spoon. closing the meeting is a bit difficult. | 0 |
Lumayan lama | awhile | 0 |
Gada foto nya lupa....trerimkasih bnyk yah lumyan tp blm d coba mudh2n jln | there's a photo, forgot | 0 |
pertama kali beli barang elektronik di shopee Alhamdulillah ga ngecewain, next bakalan order lagi disini | The first time I bought electronics at Shopee, thank God I didn't disappoint, next time I will order here again | 1 |
Nasi matang merata 👍. Nasinya tahan lama 🍚. Ringan tapi kokoh. | evenly cooked rice. long lasting rice. light but sturdy. | 0 |
Waktu pengetesan pertama cooler nya tidak langsung bekerja, terus saya matikan dan cabut steker lalu hidupkan lagi, tidak sampai 15 menit kemudian langsung terasa dingin nya. | during the first test the cooler didn't work right away, then I turned it off and unplugged it then turned it on again, not even a minute later it immediately felt cold. | 0 |
Td beli kompor portable ternyata ga bisa dinyalain,langsung diganti anter kerumah krn kebetulan 1 kota dgn tokonya | When I bought a portable stove, it turned out that it couldn't be turned on, it was immediately replaced by anter to the house because it happened to be the city with the shop | 0 |
Terima kasih kak, pesanan sudah kami terima dengan baik sampai di tempat, respon cepat, packing rapi dan sesuai pesanan 👍😊 | thank you sis, we have received the order well, arrived at the place, fast response, neat packing and according to order | 1 |
bru pertama kli blnja di lazada kecewa berat...semua berfungsi dg baik d pake 1 kli pecah blnder buahnya aq bandingin dg blnder cosmos yg aq bl di pusat perbelanjaan dket rumh beda bhnnya ternyata ini tipis mknya gmpabg pecah kecewa skli buat yg pgn bl mnding jgn bl syg uangnya brg g kepake meski murah tp kwalits jelek | Bro, the first time I bought it at Lazada, I was very disappointed. Everything works well when I break the fruit blender. I compared it to the Cosmos blender that I bought at the shopping center near my house. The ingredients are different, it turns out it's thin. I don't use the money, even though it's cheap, the quality is bad | 0 |
kurang Ger Cep kirimnya.....barang sdh smp | the delivery is not fast enough. the goods are already in junior high school | 0 |
Begitu sudah Di Trima Di komplein ga di Layani.. Monggo Mugia Sing Berkah... | once received, the complaint is not served... please be blessed. | 0 |
murah, produk bagus dan sesuai gambar, rekomended seller | cheap, good product and according to the picture, recommended seller | 1 |
Fitur Terbaik:sangat bagus
Sepadan dengan Harga:murah
Sangat bagus sekali dan cepat pengirimnya enak dipake juga | the best features: very good worth the price: cheap very good and fast delivery delicious to use too | 1 |
Sepadan dengan Harga:ya, sepadan dg harganya
Modelnya minimalis, cantik, sesuai dengan harganya, seller responnya baik, bang kurirnya juga baik, maaf videonya gak sesuai soalnya barangnya sudah diambil punya sekolah | worth the price: yes, worth the price, the model is minimalist, beautiful, according to the price, the seller's response is good, the courier is also good, sorry the video doesn't match because the item has been taken by the school | 1 |
Mntapppppppppppppoppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp | mantapop | 1 |
Tampilan:sesuai gambar
Ku kira besar trnyata kecil | quality: display standard: according to the image performance: standard I think the size is small | 0 |
Sebelumnya ada sedikit kendalan tapi sudah aman insyaAllah dan semoga selanjutnya kalau ads problem cp tetap bersedia ditanya2. Bagus semua sudah di terima
Sayangnya bonus bayar di qasir nya patah | Previously there were a few problems but it was safe, God willing, and hopefully in the future, if there is an ad problem, CP is still willing to be asked. it's good, everything has been received, unfortunately the bonus paid at the qasir is broken | 0 |
alkhmdulilah barang nya bagus,sampe nya cpt juga,terimakasih | alhamdulillah the goods are good, arrived quickly too, thank you | 1 |
kiriman cepat sekali. paket sudah sampai dan mulus. lumayan lah dengan harga segitu | very fast delivery. package arrived and flawless. it's okay with that price | 1 |
Suara joss tidak terlalu ngebass jadi kalo ada bom gak bikin telinga gudek, low mid,mid high lumanyan balance cocok untuk buat nge game suara step jauh masih bisa kedengeran.kurang nya sih kalo buat gw kurang njepit aja sih. | Joss's voice isn't too bassy so if there's a bomb it doesn't make your ears warm, low mid, mid high is a decent balance suitable for playing games, the sound of long steps can still be heard. | 0 |
Kualitas:kokoh kuat. pemasangan agak susah
Lega banget kursinya | display: okay performance: according to quality: sturdy strong. installation is rather difficult to relieve the chair | 0 |
Rep+ | rep+ | 0 |
Barang gk berfungsi dg baik setengah jam di hidupkan dinamo panas lalu putaran nya melambat, kata penjualnya gk bisa di kembalikan, ini sangat merugikan custumer, jangan beli di sini dehhhhh penipu ini namanya!!!! | the item doesn't work properly for half an hour when the hot dynamo is turned on then the rotation slows down, the seller said it can't be returned, this is very detrimental to the customer, don't buy here, this scammer's name! | 0 |
Sesuai dengan harapan pas dipakai semoga berjalan lancar trima kasih | as expected when used, hopefully it will run smoothly, thank you | 1 |
gak ada lagi barangnya yg bisa saya pilih ini untuk dipakai merek batangan biasa tapi kenapa minus retak casing pojok kiri atas dan tidak ada charge baterai, alangkah baik sudah terima kasih jerih payah tongkang ongkirnya yg sdh ramah tamah datang kerumah . . | I don't have any other items that I can choose to use for ordinary bar brands but why minus the cracked casing in the upper left corner and no battery charge, that would be nice, thank you for the hard work of the postage barge, who has kindly come to my house. . | 0 |
Barang bekerja dengan baik. Warnanya lucu banget, packaging cukup cepat dan aman banget. Best price for such quality 🤍 | stuff works fine. the color is really cute, the packaging is quite fast and very safe. best price for such quality | 1 |
penyok luar dalam, sekeliling nya juga😭suruh refund ribet banget suruh ini itu, semestinya mah pakai bublewrap,jadinya gak penyak penyok gitu,kalo dah gitu kan gak lucu,barang baru beli kok kayak barang buangan, astaghfirullah al'aadziimm | it's dented inside and out, the surroundings also asking for a refund is really complicated to order this and that, I should have used bubblewrap, so it's not dented like that, if that's the case it's not funny, how come the stuff you just bought looks like trash, astaghfirullah al'aadziimm | 0 |
Barang bagus lengkap sesuai deskripsi. Pengiriman dari penjual cepat, hanya pihak kurir agak kurang profesioal krn barang sudah di Jogja, diputar-putar sleman-bantul tidak langsung diantar ke tujuan. Akhirnya paket saya ambil langsung di agen kurir. | good item complete according to the description. the delivery from the seller was fast, it's just that the courier was a bit unprofessional because the goods were already in Jogja, circling Sleman-Bantul and not being delivered directly to their destination. finally I took the package directly at the courier agent. | 0 |
ovenny bagus sesuai deskripsi, pelayanan dr tokony lambat, paket smpai melebihi estimasi tanggal yg dtetapkan. jasa pengiriman lambat. setelah pengajuan komplain ke toped akhirny stlh 2hari barang yg dpesan dtng. Keren pokokny TOKOPEDIA CARE. | the oven is good according to the description, the service from the shop is slow, the package arrived beyond the estimated date specified. slow delivery service. after submitting a complaint to toped finally after the day the item ordered arrived. it's really cool, tokopedia care. | 0 |
barang sudah sampai dengan aman tidak ada yg cacat...sudah saya pakai utk suara lumayan | the goods have arrived safely, nothing is defective. I have used it for good sound | 1 |
Emm.... Untuk headsetnya sendiri bagus saya tidak ada komplain dengan itu, tapi min ini microfonnya tidak berfungsi dan sayangnya saya tidak ada video unbox barangnya | um. for the headset itself it's good I have no complaints about it, but admin this microphone doesn't work and unfortunately I don't have an unboxing video of the item | 0 |
produk bagus oke deh belanja di sini | good product okay shopping here | 1 |
mantappp..cuma kurang bonus nya aja kak screen ptotectornya heheh | great.. it's just the lack of bonuses, sis, the screen protector heheh | 0 |
Smpe rumah dg selamat... sudah dites semua berfungsi baik.. semoga awett.. makasih sist | got home safely. everything has been tested, everything works fine.. hopefully durable.. thanks sist | 1 |
Agak ringkih ya, sesuai harga. | a bit frail yes, according to the price. | 0 |
Yeaaaay akhirnya masak nasi pake magicom baruuuuuu mantul ih langsung dipake | yeay, in the end, I cooked rice using the new magicom, it bounced right away | 1 |
Paketnya uda mendarat sesuai di gambar istri sy suka banget Bagus barangnya semoga tokonya amanah terus semoga bangkin sukses tokonya amin.. | The package has landed according to the picture, my wife really likes the goods, the goods are good, I hope the shop is trustworthy, I hope the shop will be successful, amen. | 1 |
kurang menyenangkan | less fun | 0 |
Terima kasih bos, barang sudah sampai.. barangna cocok dengan pasangannya, memang jodonya,, thx ya bos.. sukses selalu bos.. | thank you boss, the goods have arrived.. the goods match the partner, indeed the soul mate,, thx, boss.. success always boss.. | 1 |
entah kenapa bisa penyok. padahal sdh di bubble wrap tebal | somehow it can be dented. even though it was already wrapped in thick bubble wrap | 0 |
PERCUMA beli di Official. gak bs menjamin Hak konsumen. Packingan PARAH. Barang pecah belah, cuma dilibet plastik wrap biasa. boro2 dikasih bubble!
Ditokonyapun gak ada keterangan alur gugurnya garansi itu gmn.
ini jelas2 sangat merugikan konsumen. Hrsnya DITULIS diketerangan tokonya!
MENGECEWAKAN!! | it's free to buy at the official. can not guarantee consumer rights. bad packing. broken items, just wrapped in ordinary plastic wrap. boro given bubble! Even in the shop, there is no description of how the warranty will fall out. This is clearly very detrimental to consumers. it should be written in the description of the shop! disappointing!! | 0 |
Saya tidak terima barangnya, cuma dapat email barang sudah diterima????
| I didn't receive the item, I only got an email the item was received? | 0 |
Keeereeen geeeessss... | cool bro. | 1 |
bukan kaleng kaleng | not tin cans | 0 |
memuaskan! harganya juga terjangkau banget! | satisfying! the price is also very affordable! | 1 |
Packing aman banget, HP amaan tidak ada masalah.. Maaf bukan foto HP nya, cz sudah dipakek sama yang punya, makasih seller, makasih shopee | the packing is very safe, there are no problems with the cellphone.. sorry it's not a photo of the cellphone, cz it's already been used by the owner, thanks seller, thanks shopee | 1 |
Tidak dianjurkan jika order perlu cepat. Chat tidak dibalas (padahal infonya online). ketika ditanya di ulasan jawabannya bisa dikirim cepat tapi ternyata tidak ada info setelah 2 hari, setelah direquest pembatalan baru diproses ordernya...
Barangnya untungnya tidak bermasalah. tapi sangat tidak direkomendasikan dari sisi layanannya... | not recommended if order need fast. chat not answered (even though the info is online). when asked in the review the answer could be sent quickly but apparently there was no info after the day, after the cancellation request the order was processed. fortunately there is no problem. but really not recommended from the service side. | 0 |
Jossss... recomended seller pokoknya 👌 | jos. really recommended seller | 1 |
Mantap djiwaaaa | steady soul | 1 |
barang sesuai deskripsi.murah dan berkualitas.ayo beli produk dalam negeri | goods according to the description. cheap and quality. let's buy domestic products | 1 |
Manstaaaaap. Pengiriman cepat. | steady. fast delivery. | 1 |
barang sudah mendarat paking kurang tebel cuma pake babel warp doang v alhamdllah barang nya mulus gada yg cacat gada yg rusak udah d coba mesin nya baik ok👌makasih buat semua nya | the goods have arrived, at least they are not thick, just use bubble wrap, thank God, the goods are smooth, nothing is defective, nothing is damaged, I have tried the engine, it's fine, ok, thanks for everything | 1 |
untuk harga segitu udah bagus sih | for that price it's good | 1 |
barang oke.. seller oke.. hanya bagian pengiriman aja lama sekali... thank you .. | the goods are okay.. the seller is okay.. it's just that the delivery part took a long time. thank you .. | 0 |
Kualitas produk baik namun pengemasan dari seller bener2 apa adanya dibungkus dengan plastik transparan saja. Walaupun saya menggunakan grab seharusnya dibungkus dengan kemasan yang amaan setidaknya dibungkus menggunakan plastik hitam. Tidak wajar pengemasannya. Bikin malu saat dibawa ke meja kerja | the quality of the product is good but the packaging from the seller is correct as it is wrapped in transparent plastic only. even though I use grab it should be wrapped in safe packaging at least wrapped in black plastic. improper packaging. embarrassing when brought to the desk | 0 |
Fitur Terbaik:real pict | best features: real pict | 1 |
mantaaffffff barang sesuai,mulus dan berfungsi dengan baik | mantaaf the goods are suitable, smooth and function properly | 1 |
Mantap.. seperti deskripsi.. suami ku menyukai nya.. sipp | great.. like the description.. my husband likes it.. sipp | 1 |
wajan nd panci kecil ternyata... | pans and small pots turned out. | 1 |
sesuai deskripsi
packing aman, double buble
cepat respon
pengiriman cepat | According to the description of safe packing, double bubbles, fast response, fast delivery | 1 |
Barang bagus dan lengkap, karna menggunakan via grab express same day kardus kemasannya rusak kena air..sebaiknya di packing dg bubble warp atau plastik agar tidak basah saat hujan. | good and complete item, because using via grab express same day the cardboard packaging was damaged by water...preferably packed with bubble warp or plastic so it doesn't get wet when it rains. | 0 |
Good good good | price:good quality:good sharpness:good good good good | 1 |
Suara nya pelan dan mic nya ga berfungsi | the sound is low and the mic is not working | 0 |
Barang sampai dengan cepat... Tks y | goods arrived quickly. thx y | 1 |
Packing aman , barang bagus suara bagus , mantep dah pokoknya | safe packing, good stuff, good sound, great anyway | 1 |
Fitur Terbaik:baik
Sepadan dengan Harga:lumayan
Bagus cuma lecet pemakaian normal lah | best features: good for the price: pretty good, just normal use of scratches | 0 |
Warna ngga sesuai keinginan,bagus udh d coba bunyi | the color is not what you want, it's good, I've tried the sound | 0 |
Alhamdulillah barangnya sudah sampai dengan selamat, produk realpict sama seperti yang ada digambar,produk berfungsi dengan baik dan kecepatan pengiriman sangat baik.
Semoga produk bagus tetap awet dan tahan lama Aamiin...
Terima Kasih | alhamdulillah the item arrived safely, the realpict product is the same as the one pictured, the product works well and the delivery speed is very good. I hope good products will last and last a long time. Thank You | 1 |
pengirimannya pake same day jd paket aman2 aja. sorenya langsung coba ngejus pake low speed, hasilnya endulita 😍 | The delivery is on the same day so the package is safe. In the afternoon, I immediately tried juicing using low speed, the result was endulita | 1 |
bagus..ayoo yang mau beli jangan ragu.. ceoat datang..baru 3 hari sdh nyampe sumatra.. hebatkan.. praktis isi banyak... jadi gak bolak balik isi air minum | good.. come on those who want to buy, don't hesitate.. come quickly.. just arrived in Sumatra.. it's great.. practically contains a lot. so don't go back and forth to fill drinking water | 1 |
Barang bagus pengiriman cepat packing lumayan meskipun ada yang penyok tapi tidak apa apa | good item fast delivery packing is ok even though there is a dent but it's okay | 1 |
admin bintang 5 | star admin | 0 |
Fitur Terbaik:baik bagus sekali.
Sepadan dengan Harga:ya.memuaskan
Recomended bgt dah pokonyamah | best feature:good very good. commensurate with the price: yes. satisfying, highly recommended, pokonyamah | 1 |
Sampai dengan selamat hape aman, packing aman pakai bubble warp👍 tapi maaf cassan pas dipake malah tidak berfungsi🙏 | arrived safely, the cellphone is safe, packing is safe using bubble warp, but sorry, Cassan when I use it doesn't work | 0 |
Pengiriman sangat cepat. Kualitas barang sangat bagus. Harga sangat bersahabat dan terjangkau. Kemasan pengiriman sangat rapi dan baik. | very fast delivery. the quality of the goods is very good. very friendly and affordable prices. packaging is very neat and good. | 1 |
Alhamdulillah pake datang dengan aman cuma wadah nya agak penyok ,ya wajar kondisi di jalan jauh wkwkwkwk | Thank God, using it, it arrived safely, but the container was a bit dented, yes, it's normal that the conditions on the road are far away, wkwkwkwk | 0 |
Komponen barang ada yang tidak lengkap | components of goods there are incomplete | 0 |
mouse nya bagus dan pas d tangan tombolnya juga bisa berfungsi dan warna rgb nya bisa d atur sendiri | the mouse is good and fits in the hand the buttons can also work and the rgb color can be adjusted by yourself | 1 |
Bagus barangnya aman mantap!!! Tapii belum di coba | good stuff safe great! but haven't tried it yet | 1 |
Tutup nya tidak bisa rapat kalau ditutup | the lid cannot be tightly closed | 0 |
mantap angin nya kenceng banget.
pas untuk cuaca skrang yg Lg panas banget.
masalah ada di JNE nya aja yg lelet/lambat.
selebihnya nya ok, smua berfungsi dgn baik. | the wind is really strong. perfect for the hot weather now. the problem is in the jne which is slow/slow. the rest is ok, everything works fine. | 0 |
Kardus ada yg sobek | cardboard is torn | 0 |
Keren. Dpt harga promo.sangat worth it. Makasi kak. Sukses ya.! | Cool. get the promo price. really worth it. thanks sis. good luck.! | 1 |
Untuk penutupnya sedikit musti di tekan baru bisa di tutup rapat | to close it a little, you have to press it, then it can be closed tightly | 0 |
Ada lecet2 gores dikit di stainless
| There are a few scuffs on the stainless steel | 0 |
Thanks kak, barangnya nyampe dengan aman :)
Miyako yg ini emang bagus dan tahan bertahun2n
Mudah2n kaya punyaku yg sebelumnya, dr kuliah,kerja sampe berkeluargapun masih dipake 😎😍 | thanks sis, the item arrived safely :) this miyako is really good and lasts for years, hopefully it's like mine before, from college, working until family is still being used | 1 |
jelek sekali. tidak sesai | ugly as hell. not finished | 0 |
Subsets and Splits