stringlengths 1
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Sebener e bagus aja, tp ada yang pecah, saya coba chat dr jumat malam ga dibalas sampao senin gimana donggg | actually it's good, but something broke, I tried to chat from Friday night, there was no reply until Monday, what do you do? | 0 |
kemasanya hancur sobek...mana barangnya sudah tergores.klw jual yg benar dong..jgn kasih yang sudah tergores | the packaging is torn apart. where is the item already scratched. if you sell the right one... don't give it to the scratched one | 0 |
Performa yg menarik adalah slot utk sd card dan sim card, dan bonusnya | the interesting performance is the slot for sd card and sim card, and the bonus | 1 |
Kekurangan kursi arm rest yg 1d dan pad terbuat dr plastik sehingga kurang nyaman di tangan | Appearance: Ergonomic Performance: Practical Quality: Economical Disadvantages of d and pad armrests are made of plastic so they are not comfortable in the hand | 0 |
Pengiriman oke
Barang bagus dan berfungsi
Warnaya juga oke banget π
| good delivery, good item and function, the color is also very good | 1 |
Mantab all item complete | mantab all items complete | 1 |
packing mantapp. | packing steadyp. | 1 |
Semoga bagus yaa soalnya ga kita unboxing krn utk hadiah teman.
Pengemasan aman bgt, tp pengirimannya lama sekali.
Makasi | I hope it's good, because we're not unboxing it for a friend's gift. Very safe packaging, but the delivery took too long. Thanks | 0 |
Yg satu kgdean yg sau ke kcilan gpp lh biarin | the one kgdean that I'm too small is okay to let it be | 0 |
sejauh ini nyaman... responsif, dan ergonomi nya pas banget ditangan... cocok buat desain, game, maupun kantoran... Nyaman dan praktis tinggal plug and play Ukuran mouse pas ditangan. Best value mouse | so far comfortable. responsive, and the ergonomics fit really well in the hand. suitable for design, games, and office. comfortable and practical, just plug and play, the size of the mouse fits in your hand. best value mouse | 1 |
NILAI SENDIRI AJA, VIDEO LENGKAP DARI UNBOXIN. GA ADA RESPON SELLER | Just judge for yourself, full video from unboxing. no seller response | 0 |
Bautnya ada yg kurang, mohon lebih teliti | the bolts are missing, please be more careful | 0 |
Fitur Terbaik:π
Sepadan dengan Harga:lumayan
Alhamdulillah paket nya uda sampai makasih ya seller..semoga awet poto sama vidio nya g di buka abis in orderan pelanganπ | the best features: worth the price: pretty good thank God the package has arrived thanks seller..hopefully the photos and videos don't open after customer orders | 1 |
okelah cuma mungkin krn kepala saya kegedean | okay, maybe because my head is too big | 0 |
Baguss lengkap bonusnya sesuai deskripsi cuma buat hpnya kok tempat buat masukin SIM cardnya ga da | it's good, the bonuses are complete, according to the description, only for the cell phone, how come there's no place to insert the sim card | 0 |
Jos walau gak di kasih otg | jos even though not given by otg | 0 |
Mantap produknya sesuai deskripsi | solid product according to the description | 1 |
Tidak bisa memberikan nilai kpd produk, soalnya buat kado, kata temen bagus... semoga awet, secara merk cosmos sudah merupakan merk yg bagus | can't give value to the product, because it's for a gift, said a good friend. I hope it lasts, Cosmos is already a good brand | 0 |
Ceppet di kemas. Licin. Warnanya juga elegan. | quickly packed. slippery. the color is also elegant. | 1 |
pengiriman sangat cepat, respon penjual baik.. top lah pokoknya | very fast delivery, seller's response is good.. top is the point | 1 |
Top deh barangnya ga kecewa thx y shopeπ | top, the people aren't disappointed, thx y shopee | 1 |
kemarin pesan hari ini sampe overall bagus cuma pesen biru datang pink tapi gapapa sukaa β€οΈβ€οΈ
owner nya juga baik fast respon | yesterday ordered today arrived overall good only ordered blue came pink but it's okay like the owner is also good fast response | 1 |
Bagus, sayang untuk dipakai dilaptop harus pake tambahan konektor dulu | good, it's a shame to use it on a laptop you have to use an additional connector first | 0 |
ada baut hilang 1 | there is a missing bolt | 0 |
Awalnya saya kira udah bagus semua eh pas hari 3 make microphone nya lepas sendiri mana gk bisa dimasukin lagi karena kabelnya ikut keluar terpaksa saya harus perbaiki sendiri, namun tetap saja gk bisa dipasang lagi dan harus dilem, padahal saya memakai dengan wajar saja, kecewa sih | At first I thought everything was fine, the day I put the microphone on, where could it not be put back in because the cable came out, I had to fix it myself, but still it couldn't be plugged in again and had to be glued, even though I used it normally, I was disappointed. | 0 |
Produk bagus
Cuma tolong ditambah opsi kurir lain, jnt lambat kalo di daerah Saya
Terima kasih | good product, just please add another courier option, if it's slow in my area, thank you | 0 |
- Untuk keyboard sendiri, sudah puas.
- Packagingnya lumayan, walaupun gak ada bubblewarp tapi tetep aman karena di dalam kemasan keyboardnya sendiri ada gabusnya buat nahan benturan.
Namun, disini ada kendala dimana waktu mau di unboxing tau-taunya segelnya udah kepotong. Tpi tidak masalah buat saya, selagi keyboardnya normal. | - for the keyboard itself, it's satisfied. - the packaging is ok, even though there is no bubblewarp but it's still safe because in the keyboard packaging itself there is a cork to withstand impacts. However, there is a problem here where when I want to unbox it, the seal is broken. but it doesn't matter to me, as long as the keyboard is normal. | 0 |
Agak kebakar dalem pancinya gitu boleh direfund ga ya | It's a bit burnt in the pan, can I get a refund or not? | 0 |
dandang panci nya bagus. aman g ada yg penyok. pengirimannya cepat. kurirnya baik bisa jadi langganan masih seller makasih lazada | the pot is good. it's safe there's no dent. the delivery is fast. the courier is good can be a subscriber still seller thanks lazada | 1 |
sudah smpai, tp sayang ny kekecilan..
tp y g' law lah..
mkasih y Pak.. | it's arrived, but it's a shame it's too small.. but what&#; law lah.. thank you sir.. | 0 |
Barang sudah sampai dengan selamat, akan tetapi sensornya sangat sensitif sekali pada saat saya angkat mousenya sedikit pointer masih bisa bergerak | the item arrived safely, but the sensor is very sensitive when I lift the mouse a little the pointer can still move | 0 |
pke estimasi 1 hri tpi dtg 2 hari tidakπ€² prosedur | use estimated days but days without procedures | 0 |
bertugas menggantikan cooling pad lama yang sudah KO. saat produk baru diterima langsung di test tanpa ada laptop diatasnya, hasilnya 1 kipas kecil bergetar dan bersuara lebih berisik dari kipas yang lain. tapi entah kenapa saat laptop diletakkan di atas cooling pad, suara aneh dari 1 kipas kecil itu berkurang. sudah info ke seller dan disarankan utk retur barang ke blibli. karena perlu waktu lagi untuk prosesnya, saya relakan kondisi tersebut sekalian biar tahu tahan berapa lama kipasnya. apakah produk yang dikirim ke saya itu di test atau tidak sebelum dikirim? karena jelas terdengar suara yang agak kasar dari 1 kipas kecil. bahan tatakan laptopnya seperti dari plastik bukan dari aluminium. | in charge of replacing the old cooling pad that already ko. when a new product is received directly for testing without a laptop on it, the result is a small fan vibrating and making a louder noise than the other fans. but for some reason when the laptop is placed on the cooling pad, the strange sound from the small fan is reduced. already informed the seller and suggested to return the goods to blibli. because it takes more time for the process, I let this condition go and let me know how long the fan lasts. Was the product sent to me tested or not before it was shipped? because it was clear that a rather rough sound came from the small fan. the material for the laptop mat is like plastic, not aluminum. | 0 |
Pisaunya terlihat kuat dari bahannya. Ukurannya sedikit besar, mungkin supaya bisa memotong makanan yg besar. | the knife looks tough from the material. the size is a little big, maybe so that it can cut large food. | 0 |
ok buat harganya, tapi kykny kurang tinggi, hanya 21cm dan kurang buat pengguna sensitivity rendah | ok for the price, but I think it's not high enough, only cm and not enough for low sensitivity users | 0 |
Sebenernya pengirimannya cepet, cuma pengemasannya aja yang lama, mixernya belum dicobain, semoga aja awet π makasih seller | actually the delivery was fast, it's just the packaging that took a long time, the mixer hasn't been tried yet, hopefully it will last, thanks seller | 0 |
Gimna nhi bang kok kibordx ndk xala | How come bro, how come the keyboard isn't deep? | 0 |
Kualitas baik packing rapih tapi kayaknya fitur hp nya sudah bayak yang tidak support jadi dihilangkan otg nya wkwk tapi untuk pemakaian semuanya bagus ,ps 3 .,pc getarannya terasa semua. | good quality, neat packing, but it seems like there are a lot of cellphone features that don't support it, so I removed the otg, but for use, everything is good, ps., the PC can feel all the vibrations. | 0 |
Keren bangggeeettt pisau nya. Next mau beli lagi | really cool knife. next time want to buy again | 1 |
motif ny g sesuai gambar. pdhal pesanan tmen. hhhewww | the motive doesn't match the picture. even though tmen's order. hey | 0 |
barang berfungsi tp packing nya kurang safety jadi ada penyok sedikit | the item works but the packaging is not very safe so there is a slight dent | 0 |
Bagus banget bakal langanga ini sis πππ | it's really good to miss this sis | 1 |
Barang mantap fast respond berfungsi dengan baik cuman sayang kardus nya penyok | great item, fast response, works well, but it's a shame the box is dented | 0 |
barang mendarat dengan aman, sesuai request | item landed safely, as requested | 1 |
Penjual ramah, respon cepet, pengiriman cepet ga ada rusak juga, barang bagus juga. Cuma kemarin ga sesuai warna aja pingin hitam di kirim putih
| friendly seller, fast response, fast delivery, no damage too, good item too. only yesterday it didn't match the color I wanted black to be sent white | 0 |
dah sampe cepet bgt blom dicoba sih...mudah2an bagus thanks seller gilogilo dan Lazada... | It's arrived fast, haven't tried it yet. I hope it's good, thanks seller Gilogilo and Lazada. | 1 |
build qualitynya oke bgt, mic bagus, harga terjangkau, qualitas suaranya bagus | the build quality is okay, the mic is good, the price is affordable, the sound quality is good | 1 |
Sudah beberapa hari pemakaian, berfungsi dengan baik. Dapat case dan screen protector juga. | I've been using it for a few days, it works fine. Got a case and screen protector too. | 1 |
bagus bangettt gambar jernih pelayanan sailer baik banget trimakasih saya puas dengan produknya dan tokonya amanah betull berkah selalu | very good, clear picture, the service of the sailer is very good, thank you, I am satisfied with the product and the shop is really trustworthy, always a blessing | 1 |
Fitur Terbaik:lucu pisan
Sepadan dengan Harga:harga nya sesuai
Bagus pisan suka pisan tidak mengecewakan | best feature:very cute worth the price:the price is good,very good,like it doesn't disappoint | 1 |
Seller amanah, info pemasangan mmg tdk ada, tp gampang merakitnya. Diterima paketnya tdk ada kekurangan, trmksh shopee. | display: good performance: good quality: good trusted seller, no installation info, but easy to assemble. received the package there is no shortage, thank you shopee. | 1 |
barang penyok tutup g lengkap. kapok belanja dsini. | the dent closes incomplete. give up shopping here. | 0 |
Barangnya udh lama tersimpan ya. Byk karat2an di kertas dan dusnya. Blm dicoba semoga berfungsi dgn baik. | it has been stored for a long time. lots of dirt on the paper and box. yet to try hope it works well. | 0 |
Brg sesuai order, agak bau karet tp overall oke | brg according to order, smells a bit rubber but overall okay | 1 |
barang kelihatannya oke, sayangnya pas kebetulan aja dapet barangnya yg error. | the item looks okay, unfortunately just by coincidence I got the item with an error. | 0 |
. sangat kecewa karena barang.nya pecah... | . Very disappointed that the item was broken. | 0 |
Terima kasih banyak | Thank you very much | 1 |
kualitas produk sangat baikkk bener2 bagus bangettt gak nyesel jauh2 pesen tp hasilnya sebagus iniiππ | the quality of the product is very good, it's really really good, I don't regret ordering much, but the results are as good as this | 1 |
Barang bagus, pengiriman aja lama, buat yg mau beli jangan pilih sicepat sebagai jasa pengiriman. 10 hari baru sampai | good stuff, just long delivery, for those who want to buy, don't choose fast as a delivery service. new day arrived | 0 |
bener2 puas bagt .. | really satisfied.. | 1 |
Awalnya rusak tp diganti dgn tokox,bertangjwb sih cmn jadinya berat n mahal di ongkir bolak balik | Initially it was damaged but replaced with Tokox, I'm responsible, but it's going to be heavy and expensive to send back and forth | 0 |
sipp bagus sesuai ekspetasi, pengiriman juga cepet.. tambah bubble wrap biar aman | sipp is good as expected, delivery is also fast... add bubble wrap to keep it safe | 1 |
barangnya masih segelan, semoga awet | The item is still sealed, hopefully it will last | 1 |
semoga awet pertama beli merek ini...baru di coba.kalau mau coba dicek dulu ya kenceng gaknya masangnya.masih baru agak bau karet | I hope it lasts the first time I bought this brand. I just tried it. If you want to try it, check it first, whether it's tight or not. It still smells a bit like rubber | 0 |
Bagus sesuai dengan deskripsi. | good according to the description. | 1 |
good quality, perfect for streaming, also it has rainbow lights | good quality, perfect for streaming, also has rainbow lights | 1 |
Bintang 3 dulu ya soalnya belum aku cobaa | Star first, because I haven't tried it yet | 1 |
Maaf ya kk fhoto sm videonya beda,, barang dah diambil cust aq.. Overall bagus kk,, dah dicoba semuanya mantap kt cust aq.. Mksh ya kk | I'm sorry bro, the photos and videos are different, the goods have been taken by my customer. | 0 |
Barang sampai alhamdulillah
Bakaran cek OK
Arang cek OK
Tinggal daging nya yg gak ada neh π
Hxhtsjtsoydkdykfykdxkxxkckhcjchjhxjxgkchkhckhckhxkhckfhlfhofulh | item arrived thank God it was burnt check ok charcoal check ok only the meat is not there hxhtsjtsoydkdykfykdxkxxkckhcjchjhxjxgkchkhckhckhxkhckfhlfhofulh | 0 |
Di luar ekspetasi bangeeeettt, ga nyangka ternyata sebesar ini dngn harga segini murceeee bangetttt.. thankyou maspionβ€ | beyond expectations, I didn't expect it to be this heavy at this price, it's really cheap... thank you maspion | 1 |
waktu kurirnya tlfon,hatiku dadigdug,saya takut kecewa.dan akhirnya kurir suda di rumahku,dan aku mencobanya.akhirnya keraguanku hilang jadi bahagia...makasih tokohnya.makasih lazada,makasih kurir yg baik hat...πππ smoga toko ini lancar | when the courier phoned, my heart was pounding, I was afraid of being disappointed. and finally the courier was at my house, and I tried it. good luck with this shop | 1 |
Sepadan dengan Harga:lumayan mahal
Mic nya ga bisa di pakai kresek kresek... | commensurate with the price: it's quite expensive, the mic can't be used with a crackle crackle. | 0 |
Kardusnyaa rusaaak, pas dicoba untung gaada kendalaa. Next mungkin packingnya harus lebih aman yaa | The box was damaged, when I tried it luckily there were no problems. next time maybe the packing should be safer | 0 |
Terimakasih untuk info dan bantuannya min π JUARA | thanks for the info and help min champ | 1 |
bagus banget buat harga dibawah 200k, warna nya cakepp. build quality juga oke. packing nya juga safe banget pake dus ππ» semoga awett | really good for the price below k, the color is cute. build quality is also okay. the packing is also very safe, use the box, hopefully it will last | 1 |
bagus banget, tapi sayangnya besoknya saya mau ngetik di keyboard fisik gak bisa. kenapa ya | really good, but unfortunately the next day I want to type on the physical keyboard I can't. I wonder why | 0 |
Masa barang baju dikirim yala mati lagi langsu noter habis satu juta dara gak maduk akal sama sekali yesel aku beli di sini gak lagi pesen di toko ini layar ya aja putih doang rugi rugi πΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπΏπ‘π‘π‘π‘π‘π‘π‘π‘π‘π‘π‘πππππππ | when the clothes were sent, yala died again, the note ran out of one million virgins, it didn't make any sense at all, yes, I bought it here, I no longer order it in this store, the screen is just white, it's a loss | 0 |
makasih kak barangnya sudah di Terima,dan semoga awet. cuman gak bisa terhubung dengan WiFi. | Thank you sis, I have received the item, and I hope it will last. I just can't connect to wifi. | 0 |
Mantap lah bisa meredam suara juga mic oke suara kenceng bgt earpad sama headband empuk bgt | it's great that it can muffle the sound as well as the mic, okay, the sound is loud, the earpads and the headband are really soft | 1 |
Alkhamdulilah bagus bgt
| alhamdulillah it's great | 1 |
Barang sampai tepat waktu, packaging bagus, barang sesuai deskripsi, lengkap semua (Garansi dan Buku Panduan), recommended seller deh.... | the goods arrived on time, the packaging was good, the goods corresponded to the description, everything was complete (warranty and manual), recommended seller. | 1 |
Barangnya pecah... pengirimannya juga lama... Packingannya ga aman ga dipakein buble trus ga dikasih tanda awas barang pecah lagi...udah tau barang pecah belah gini...komplain disuruh di retur...males bgt ngurusinnya ribet...jd ya sutralah bukan rezeki kali yaπ€¦π€¦π€¦πππ | the thing broke. delivery is also long. the packaging is not safe, it doesn't use bubbles and then there's no sign to watch out for broken items again. I already know broken items like this. Complaints are told to return. | 0 |
Harga produk standar. Kecepatan pengiriman standar. Packing transparan jadi kurang menjaga privasi bagi pembeli, lebih baik dilapisi plastik gelap.Β | standard product price. standard delivery speed. transparent packaging so it doesn't protect privacy for buyers, it's better to be covered in dark plastic. | 0 |
Penyokkk gini sihhhh :'( | this sucks :'( | 0 |
Kualitas produk sangat baik. Produk original. Respon penjual sangat baik. | product quality is very good. original product. the seller's response was very good. | 1 |
cepat sampai, berfungsi semua dan keren | arrived quickly, all working and cool | 1 |
Barang sampe cepat... Semoga awett | goods arrived quickly. hope it lasts | 1 |
Rice cookernya penyok mba. Bsa dtuker ngga? Atau bsa d kmbalikan lagi ga mba???????? | The rice cooker is dented, madam. can dtuker or not? or can you return it again or no? | 0 |
barangnya sudah sampai tp 8lt kok kecil ya, seperti bukan 8lt dech... dan barangnya agak penyok. kecewa sy, | the goods have arrived but how come it's small, it's like it's not lt dech. and it's a bit dented. I'm disappointed | 0 |
harga Rp 121400 , terlalu mahal | Rp price, too expensive | 0 |
Yang mau Silent Mouse sekalian buat gaming daripada Logitech M331 πππ | those who want a silent mouse for gaming instead of logitech m | 0 |
biar masuk Twitter
txt from olcop | let me enter twitter txt from olcop | 0 |
pengiriman cepat, packing rapi & aman | fast delivery, neat and safe packing | 1 |
Kualitas produk baik. Produk original. Harga produk baik. Kecepatan pengiriman krng baik | product quality is good. original product. good product price. delivery speed is good | 1 |
Terima kasih pesanan sudah sampai dengan selamat,mantap seller fast respon produk sesuai expetasi. | thank you, the order arrived safely, great seller, fast product response according to expectations. | 1 |
Audio Splitter agak bermasalah | the audio splitter is a bit buggy | 0 |
perbedaan percepatan tidak ada bedanya, overall barang ok
semoga awet | the difference in acceleration makes no difference, overall the item is ok hopefully it lasts | 0 |
Barang dah sampe dengn selamt cepet bgd pengirimn,a TPI aneh 8liter kok kecil bgd y | the goods arrived safely, fast, the sender, but it's strange how come the liter is so small | 0 |
Paket mendarat dengan indah seindah warna wajan ny pink πππ top bgt poko ny mksh lazada. | The package landed beautifully, as beautiful as the color of the pan, the pink top, really, thank you Lazada. | 1 |
judul iklannya mystic black tapi dikirim nya grey? | ad title mystic black but sent gray? | 0 |
Subsets and Splits