stringlengths 1
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stringlengths 1
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int64 0
Barang sesuai pesanan tpi pengirimannya lama
| goods according to the order but the delivery took a long time | 0 |
Joss.. visualnya
tpblm di coba
yg penting mantab | joss.. the visuals haven't been tried yet, the important thing is it's great | 1 |
Pengemasan dan pengiriman cepat, barang lengkap, seller komunikatif, pancinya bagusss | fast packaging and delivery, complete items, communicative seller, good pot | 1 |
Packing tipis, sedih bgt jd boxnya penyok2 gt padahal buat kado huhu. Tp untuk barang overall bagus sih | the packing is thin, it's really sad that the box is dented even though it's a gift huhu. but overall good stuff | 0 |
Sempet kecewa beli setrika cosmos produk sebelah, gak panas setrikaannya.. baca2 review ktanya sertrik ini panas
Dan ternyataaaaaaaaa
PANAS EUUYYY MANTEP TOP SILAHKAN DI ORDEERRR ๐๐ Kualitas produk sangat baik. Harga produk sangat baik. | I was disappointed to buy the Cosmos iron next to the product, it doesn't heat the iron. product price is very good. | 0 |
- bisa connect ke dongle bluetooth mouse rexus sierra rx wkwkwk
- ringan dan batere gabisa dilepas/ganti kayak rexus sierra rx
- belom silent click ternyata
overall bagus, tapi kok lebih mahal dari rexus sierra ya wkwk | - can connect to the rexus sierra rx bluetooth mouse dongle - light and the battery can't be removed/replaced like the rexus sierra rx - it hasn't been silent click turns out to be good overall, but how come it's more expensive than rexus sierra huh | 0 |
Alhamdulillah dah sampe barangnya dengan baik, packing rapi, kurir juga ramah, dah dicoba juga berfungsi dengan baik, terimakasih | alhamdulillah, the goods have arrived well, the packaging is neat, the courier is also friendly, I have tried it and it works well, thank you | 1 |
saya kira ada colokan untuk jack audio 3.5 mm ternyata tidak ada tpi barang oke lah | I think there is a plug for the audio jack. mm, it turns out there isn't anything, but it's okay | 0 |
klazz lah pokonya | class is the point | 0 |
bintang aja ya bicara dng pembelian 2x | Let's just talk about buying x | 0 |
Meluncur dgn aman.. Trmksih | glide safely.. thank you | 1 |
bautnya kurang 1 mas. bsk.klw saya order lagi di tambahin baut ya mas. buat penggantinga. mksh | less bolts. bsk. If I order again, I will add screws, bro. make a replacement. Thanks | 0 |
packagingnya tolong diperbaiki tapi kalau barang overall oke | please fix the packaging but overall the goods are okay | 1 |
InsyaAllah awet deh... Tapi agak lama kirim nya... | God willing, it will last. but it took a long time to send it. | 0 |
oke, cuman dusnya udah pada penyok | okay, it's just that the box is dented | 0 |
Alhamdulilah barangny telah mendarat dengan selamat, tanpa ada benturan dll.
Barangnya bagus ๐ | thank God the goods have landed safely, without any impact on. good stuff | 1 |
Nyala dengan sempurna, Dateng dengan sangat aman , gak perlu ragu lagi dengan keamanan nya | turns on perfectly, comes very safely, no need to doubt about its safety | 1 |
Jedag jedugnya mantap, recomended๐ค | The jedug pause is great, recommended | 1 |
barang bagus tp
sayangnya kabel nya kecil | good stuff but unfortunately the cable is small | 0 |
barang sesuai, admin responsif. tpi pengiriman agak terlambat karena nyasar dulu. | appropriate items, responsive admin. but the delivery is a bit late because it was lost first. | 0 |
madeeeeppp | madep | 0 |
Barang sdh mendarat dgn sempurna. Pengirimannya cepat. Barangnya bagus,berfungsi semua dan lampu RGB nyala. Mantap | item arrived perfectly. the delivery is fast. the item is good, everything works and the rgb light is on. Excellent | 1 |
Kualitas produk sangat baik Harga produk sangat baik Respon penjual sangat baik Kecepatan pengiriman baik cuma pihak kurir nya yg bikin lama... | The product quality is very good, the product price is very good, the seller's response is very good, the delivery speed is good, only the courier takes a long time. | 0 |
ukuran sedikit lebih kecil dari stick ps3.
setelah dicoba buat main game beberapa kali, kadang tombol A,X,Y,B nya neken sendiri๐
mungkin pas sial aja dapet yang minus. | the size is slightly smaller than the PS stick. after trying to play the game several times, sometimes the a, x, y, b buttons just press themselves, maybe it's just bad luck to get a minus. | 0 |
Mechanical keyboard pertama dan memberi kesan yang sangat memuaskan. | the first mechanical keyboard and gave a very satisfying impression. | 1 |
Mantap, mouse murah tapi gak murahan... | great, cheap mouse but not cheap. | 1 |
Belum di coba. Tapi mudah2an aman. | haven't tried it yet. but hopefully it's safe. | 1 |
Nggak ada bubble warp yak? | no bubble warps huh? | 0 |
baguuuuusssss rapihhhh masih segel terima kasiihhhhhh | good but still sealed thank you | 1 |
Fitur Terbaik:panas nya tidak sempurna
kurang panasss | best feature: the heat is not perfect less heat | 0 |
waktu estimasi sampai pengiriman barang ketempat tujuan menggunakan SAMEDAY delivery. molor 3 jam . estimasi kurang lebih 18:00 (by sistem toped) baru sampai 21:55. barang ok | Estimated time until delivery of goods to the destination using same day delivery. clock late. estimated more or less: (by the toped system) just arrived:. ok stuff | 0 |
sampai dgn baik dan penjual kooperatif | arrived well and cooperative seller | 1 |
Barang sesuai pesanan, gambar & deskripsi. Kualitas Ok, halus, grip di meja, tapi ukuran agak kecil. | items as ordered, pictures & descriptions. quality ok, smooth, grip on the table, but the size is a bit small. | 1 |
headphone berfungsi baik, kekurangannya adalah tangkai mic nggak bisa diatur posisinya; seller bagus | the headphones work fine, the drawback is that the mic handle can't be positioned; good seller | 0 |
Fitur Terbaik:bagus
Sepadan dengan Harga:sesuai harga
Ternyata tutup nya ada yg patah,. | best features: good for the price: according to the price it turns out that the lid is broken. | 0 |
Thanks gan barang super cepat datang nya dan barang semua berfungsi dengan sangat baik | thanks, bro, the item came super fast and everything works very well | 1 |
Agan yg 1 ini emg ga bs ditebak,,dtgu2 resi kok ga ada2 pdhal mw tracking,,eh tau2 ada pak pos dateng,,dan cek toped resi malah bru keluar,,wkwkwk
mousenya mantap bos,,tampilanya keren,,lmyn enak jg dpake, | bro, this one can't be guessed, how come the receipt doesn't exist even though I want tracking,, you know, the postman came, and when I checked the toped receipt, it just came out,, wow, the mouse is great, boss, looks cool, looks good, it's nice to use it , | 0 |
Barangx sudah sampai.. admin ramah kurir juga baik.. tp volumex tidak bisa dikecilin dan dibesaran.. | the goods have arrived.. the admin is friendly, the courier is also good.. but the volume cannot be reduced and enlarged.. | 0 |
Produk sesuai deskripsi.. pengiriman cepat . Harga terjangkauย | product as delivery. affordable prices | 1 |
sudah tiba gan. trima.................................................................. | it's arrived bro. thank you | 1 |
Bahan mantap, atasnya lumayan licin, cuman pinggirannya keknya rawan terkelupas dan respon di mouse agak lompat2 dikit | the material is solid, the top is quite slippery, it's just that the edges seem prone to peeling off and the response on the mouse jumps a bit | 0 |
Minta Biru di kirim hitam
Kren | blue ink sent cool black | 0 |
Harga terjangkau, udah 2x beli disini dan udah xtra bubble warp cuma 22nya pas sampe box nya tetap penyok bahkan sampe robek padahal untuk kado. | price: affordable sharpness: sharp affordable price, I haven't bought it here and I've had xtra bubble warp, only when it arrived the box was still dented and even torn even though it was for a gift. | 0 |
barang masih bagus, dan pengiriman menggunakan pengaman kayu | the goods are still good, and the shipment uses wooden safety | 1 |
Pengiriman lumayan cepet... tapi pengemasannya cuma menggunakan bubble wrap aja tanpa tambahan plastik ato kardus... | pretty fast delivery. but the packaging only uses bubble wrap without additional plastic or cardboard. | 0 |
Barang sesuai pesanan,ok,..... | goods according to the order, ok,. | 1 |
Warna yang dikirim tidak sesuai dengan pilihan padahal sudah chat tokonya tapi barangnya oke | The color sent does not match the choice even though the shop has chatted but the goods are okay | 0 |
Fitur Terbaik:barang nya penyok padahal saya sudah kasih keterangan paking yg aman | the best feature: the item is dented even though I have given a description of the safe packing | 0 |
cepet banget pengirimannya! oke banget! | very fast delivery! very good! | 1 |
Ada bagian yg patah di handle nya ... Cakmano ini??? | there is a broken part on the handle. this cakmano? | 0 |
Barang sampai dengan selamat, tapi packaging nya kurang aman, gak dikasih bubble wrap jg.. dari tokonya pengirimannya cepat banget, tp ekspedisinya lama banget, mana susah dilacak kalo pakai shopee express gak ada kantornya | the goods arrived safely, but the packaging was not safe, no bubble wrap was given either... the delivery was very fast from the shop, but the expedition was really long, which is difficult to track if you use shopee express, there is no office | 0 |
Sayangnga pengiriman lama dan tidak dibungkus lagi | unfortunately the long delivery and not wrapped again | 0 |
controller terbaca sebagai "XBOX 360 For Windows" dan berfungsi dengan baik | the controller reads as &#;xbox for windows&#; and it works fine | 1 |
awal awal masak air masih bau material | at the beginning of cooking the water still smells of material | 0 |
So far kualitas produk oke.. Cuma gara gara corona agak lama nih pengiriman.. Thanks anyway.. | so far the quality of the product is okay.. it's just that because of Corona it took a while for the delivery.. thanks anyway.. | 1 |
Barang sudah mendarat, Kualitas good, Pengiriman cepat, Seller ramah & amanah. Thanks. Sukses & Berkah. Aamiin YRA | Item arrived, good quality, fast delivery, friendly and trustworthy seller. thanks. success & blessings. amen yra | 1 |
Kemasan atau kotak nya rusak tapi untung isi nya gk rusaak | the packaging or box was damaged but fortunately the contents were not damaged | 0 |
Packing barang ok,barangnya sesuai tapi keadaan barangny agak kurang memuaskan | the packing of the goods is ok, the goods are appropriate but the condition of the goods is rather unsatisfactory | 0 |
pengiriman cepat
sesuai tapi RS/R3 nya tidak berfungsi entah kenapa | fast delivery according to but the rs/r doesn't work for some reason | 0 |
barang sesuai deskripsi.
switch merah beneran low pressure udah aktuasi dan sensitif bener. | goods according to the description. the red switch is really low pressure already actuated and really sensitive. | 0 |
Mantul Deh
Thanks Seller And Shopee Shop | mantul deh thanks seller and shopee shop | 1 |
Fitur Terbaik:mantab
Dapet flashsale 9999 lalu akun gabisa buat flashsale lagi ๐ฎโ๐จ kagak tau lagi dah gimana ini mana akun asli | the best feature: it's great to get a flash sale then the account can't make a flash sale anymore I don't know how this is where is the real account | 0 |
harga murah.. barang ok | cheap price..goods ok | 1 |
respon penjual cepat.. barangnya sangat nyaman dipakai | seller's response is fast.. the item is very comfortable to use | 1 |
Semuanya udah lumayan lah, cuman warna abunya kurang gelap | everything is pretty good, only the gray color is not dark enough | 0 |
Barang sampai dengan baik
Paking box bagus, respon penjual baik | item arrived in good condition with good box packing, good response from seller | 1 |
bagus sekali warna pink moga aja awet bwat masak Laen kali pengen beli yg agak gedean harganya juga terjangkau makasih semuanya semoga tambah sukses sellalu Amin | the color pink is really nice, I hope it lasts for cooking, next time I want to buy a rather big one, the price is also affordable, thank you all, I hope you will be more successful, always amen | 1 |
Fitur Terbaik:berfungsi dengan baik
Recommended ๐
Video unboxing lebih dari 3 mnit
Tidak bisa upload | best feature:works well recommended video unboxing more than a minute can't upload | 0 |
Brang sudah diterima, sesuai pesanan dan respon cepat, mantap lah | the goods have been received, according to the order and the response is fast, it's great | 1 |
Kualitas produk sangat baik. Produk original. Harga produk sangat baik. Respon penjual sangat baik. Kecepatan pengiriman sangat baik. | product quality is very good. original product. product price is very good. the seller's response was very good. delivery speed is very good. | 1 |
bumi ng jelas bisa di stel ga? | clear earth can be adjusted or not? | 0 |
Barang sesuai pesanan. Deskripsi barang tidak mengada-ada. Pengiriman sangat cepat. Terimankasih | goods to order. the description of the goods is not making it up. very fast delivery. thank you | 0 |
Barang ok keluhan nya 1 pas di buka seperti ada yang mengganjal seperti dalam vidio | the item is ok, the complaint is that when it is opened it looks like something is blocking it like in the video | 0 |
Susah dibuka mousenya buat ngambil usb receivernya, overall bagus lah | it's hard to open the mouse to get the usb receiver, overall it's good | 0 |
Cap Produk oleh penjual tertanda bulan 10 tahun 2019... Padahal belinya 27 Mei 2020... 1 semester lebih... Produk berfungsi... Material gak sama kayak Logitech lah... Tapi harga murah... Daripada rebutan makanya beli ini... | product stamp by seller marked month year . even though I bought it in May. semester more. product works. the material is not the same as logitech. but cheap price. Instead of grabbing that's why I bought this. | 0 |
Penyok, sayang ga ad video buat di retur ..
Pengalaman ajaaa | it's dented, it's a shame there isn't a video for returns... just experience | 0 |
Kualitas produk sangat baik, produk original, kecepatan pengiriman juga baik | product quality is very good, original product, delivery speed is also good | 1 |
Produk bagus, terasa premium untuk harga segini, pilihan RGB sangat banyak dan indah-indah via software. Pilih Blue switch bunyinya renyah bangeeet. Oh iya warna RGB nya ga terlalu terang, yah ambient light gitulah tapi enak malah di mata, buat yg ga suka rgb terlalu silau ini pasti cocok, tapi kalau suka yg terang maka mungkin akan merasa kurang bright.
Pengiriman so so, pake bebas ongkir, kurir dari toped satria, penjemputan ke seller lama, jakarta-bandung makan 2 hari padahal biasa sehari nyampe. | good product, feels premium for this price, lots of rgb options and beautiful via software. choose the blue switch, the sound is really crisp. oh yeah, the RGB color isn't too bright, well, ambient light is like that, but it's nice on the eyes, for those who don't like RGB too bright, it's definitely suitable, but if you like bright ones, you might feel less bright. delivery so so, use free shipping, courier from toped satria, pick up to old seller, jakarta-bandung takes one day even though it usually arrives one day. | 1 |
Mudah2an awet.. | hope it lasts.. | 1 |
Barang sesuai , cocok , topp | appropriate items, suitable, topp | 1 |
Barangnya bagus, belum full speed aja bisa sedot debu banyak. Mantap. Cuma kalau lama pakainya memang agak anget di pegang | the item is good, not even full speed can suck up a lot of dust. Excellent. it's just that if you use it for a long time, it's a bit warm to hold | 0 |
Suka bngtttttt bagus harganya murah,pokonya pengen beli lagi jadinya hahahha cute bngt deh sukaaaaaaaa,bagus ini harga murah qualitas bgus | I like it, it's really good, it's cheap, the main thing is I want to buy it again, it becomes hahahha, it's really cute, I like it, it's good, it's cheap, the quality is good | 1 |
Kebanyakan dari seller mengarahkan buyer untuk "BUDAYAKAN MEMBACA SEBELUM MEMBELI. NO COMPLAINT"
Untuk kali ini buyer mengedukasi seller untuk "BUDAYAKAN MEMBACA DAN QUALITY CONTROL SEBELUM KIRIM"
Let the screenshots talk. ๐ | most of the sellers direct buyers to "cultivate reading before buying. no complaints &#; this time the buyer educates the seller to &#;cultivate reading and quality control before sending &#; let the screenshots talk. | 0 |
Sangat mantappp barang cepat sampai | very good item arrived quickly | 1 |
barang bagus, pengemasan baik, kok ada kotor apa gitu. | good stuff, good packaging, how come there's dirt or something like that. | 0 |
Kesetrum dipake | electrocuted | 0 |
barang bagus dan ber kualitas, packing raoi + bouble. | good and quality goods, neat packing + bubble. | 1 |
Sepadan dengan Harga:worth it lah dengan harga yg murmer | commensurate with the price: it is worth it at a murmer price | 0 |
kran merah tidak berfungsi | the red faucet is not working | 0 |
sesuai pesanan tapi waktu pesan dan saya chat barang pakai bubble warp ini kok barang sampai sama sekali gak dibubble yah? yah alhamdulillah nya tidak ada yg rusak atau lecet | according to the order but when ordering and I chat the item uses bubble warp, how come the item doesn't bubble at all, huh? well, thank God nothing was broken or scratched | 0 |
Desain:Bagus, elegan
Kenyamanan:Enak dipake lama
overall bagus ni kursi tapi sayang pas dateng ada beberapa part yang kotor, apalagi untuk varian putih kalo kotor dikit aja keliatan agak kecewa sih harusnya sebelum dikirim diliat dulu ada kotoran atau noda gak di komponennya | design: good, elegant quality: strong comfort: good to use for a long time overall this is a good chair but it's a shame when it arrived there were some dirty parts, especially for the white variant if it's just a little dirty it looks a little disappointed I should have looked before it was sent for dirt or stains or not its components | 0 |
kecewa pesen yg 2liter yg Dateng setengah liter | disappointed ordered a liter that came half a liter | 0 |
pengiriman ceoet bgt hanya 2hari .produk oke | Very fast delivery, only 1 day. Product okay | 1 |
Kirain bodynya allumunium ternyata plastic bewarna chrome ๐คฃ lumayan lah not bad ๐ | I thought the body was aluminum, but it turned out to be chrome-colored plastic, not bad | 0 |
kemasan'y rapih seler'y baik, tapi ga ad pengukus'y | the seller's neat packaging is good, but there is no steamer | 0 |
Paket sudah diterima dan sesuai orderan Packing rapih Respon seller dan proses pengiriman cepat Terima kasih... | The package has been received and according to the order, the packing is neat, the seller's response and the delivery process are fast, thank you. | 1 |
Murah tapi upgradeable. Cuma yg perlu di perhatikan belum include windows ini, windowsnya belum activated. Gpp sesuai harganya. Mantep buat laptop anak. | cheap but upgradeable. the only thing that needs to be noticed is that it doesn't include windows, the windows haven't been activated. gpp according to the price. great for children's laptops. | 0 |
Ketajaman:belum dicoba
bagus barangnya, cuman packingnya kurang aman | price: decent quality:/ sharpness: haven't tried the item, it's good, but the packaging isn't safe | 1 |
Headset nya memang gak ada ya boss? ๐๐๐ | there's no headset right boss? | 0 |
Barang bgus cuman dusnya aga penyok mhon di perhatikan dalam packing | good stuff, but the box is a bit dented, please pay attention to the packing | 0 |
Subsets and Splits