Per person, that amounted to hearing roughly 25,000 words and more than 3,000 different words as they lay in the scanner.
Each person heard about 25,000 words and more than 3,000 different words as they lay in the scanner.
This is, above all, an idea born of common sense and experience, he told the Guardian.
This idea comes from common sense and experience, he told the Guardian.
Conservationists argue there is no evidence the cull will reduce the number of shark attacks on humans, as no previous cull has solely used drumlines.
Conservationists say there is no evidence the cull will reduce the number of shark attacks on humans, because no other cull has only used drumlines.
Piles of digitized material from blogs, tweets, pictures and videos to official documents such as court rulings and emails may be lost forever because the programs needed to view them will become defunct, Googles vice-president has warned.
The vice-president of Google has warned that digitized material from blogs, tweets, pictures, videos and official documents such as emails could be lost forever because the programs we need to view them will no longer exist.
For his part, Carlos Davila, who works for the Spanish Ornithological Society in Donana, was also alarmed at the proposal.
Carlos Davila, who works for the Spanish Ornithological Society in Donana, was also alarmed at the idea.
I decided to do this because I often go on YouTube and, while I am honoured that people are doing it, some are doing it wrong because they dont realize the intensity you need to work at, says Tabata.
I decided to do this because I often go on YouTube and some people are doing it wrong because they dont understand how hard they need to work, says Tabata.
Gym rats can benefit by doing three strength sessions and three Tabatas a week.
Gym fans can benefit by doing three strength sessions and three Tabatas a week.
What about false memories for more than just contexts false memories for objects, food or other mice?
What about false memories for more than just places false memories for objects, food or other mice?
Its chef, Ren Redzepi, says that ants taste like lemon, and a pure of fermented grasshoppers and moth larvae tastes like a strong fish sauce.
Its chef, Ren Redzepi, says that ants taste like lemon, and a mixture of grasshoppers and moth larvae tastes like a strong fish sauce.
Guillaume Chapron from Swedens University of Agricultural Sciences and researchers across Europe found wolves, in some cases, living in suburban areas alongside up to 3,050 people per square kilometre higher than the population density of Cambridge or Newcastle.
Guillaume Chapron from Swedens University of Agricultural Sciences and researchers across Europe found wolves living in suburban areas with up to 3,050 people per square kilometre.
As temperatures climb and oceans warm, tropical and subtropical regions will face sharp changes in annual rainfall, says the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, released in Stockholm and published online in September.
As temperatures rise and oceans become warmer, there will be big changes in annual rainfall in tropical and subtropical regions, says the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, released in Stockholm and published online in September 2013.
So after all these years, Goodfellow nally nds himself being talked about in the same breath as John Logie Baird (the television), Alan Turing (the Turing machine), Sir Frank Whittle (the jet engine) and Sir Tim Berners-Lee (the World Wide Web).
So after all these years, Goodfellow is nally among a group of famous British inventors with John Logie Baird (the television), Alan Turing (the Turing machine), Sir Frank Whittle (the jet engine) and Sir Tim Berners-Lee (the World Wide Web).
Quali cations: To dive offshore, you must have diving-inspection and medical-technician quali cations.
Quali cations: To dive offshore, you must have diving quali cations.
Ultimately, McKinlay believes, its essential that humans remain able to take control of their navigation.
McKinlay believes humans must still able to take control of their navigation.
Its really unfair that tips go towards breakages made by customers.
Its really unfair that money from our tips is taken for breakages by customers.
For Danae Ringelmann, co-founder of Indiegogo, the gravity light is a perfect example of how meritocratic crowdfunding can be and how it can test an entrepreneurs idea.
For Danae Ringelmann, who started Indiegogo, the gravity light is a perfect example of how crowdfunding can work and how it can test an entrepreneurs idea.
And, we are not producing a new generation of these kind of acts the likes of the Rolling Stones, Muse, even the Arctic Monkeys that can headline.
And we are not producing new bands that can headline like the Rolling Stones, Muse, even the Arctic Monkeys.
If you are part of the 1%, you still have problems and they are legitimate to you.
If you are part of the 1%, you still have problems.
British people think the top 1% wealthiest households own 59% of their countrys wealth, when they actually only own 23%.
British people think the richest 1% own 59% of their countrys wealth, when they actually only own 23%.
Ever since it introduced $2 items on its dollar menu, it has gained a reputation for being more expensive than its rivals, while many consumers complain that service is slower.
But, since it introduced $2 items on its dollar menu, people think it is more expensive than its rivals and many consumers complain that service is slower.
But, if you see a woman coming back several times with undisclosed injuries, you should be asking about domestic violence, said Garcia-Moreno.
If a woman comes back several times with injuries she doesnt mention, you should ask her about domestic violence, said Garcia-Moreno.
You could use this on buildings so you have to spend much less on air conditioning or maybe you wouldnt need it at all.
You could use the mirrors on buildings and spend much less money on air conditioning or maybe you wouldnt need it at all.
The way clouds affect global warming has been the biggest mystery surrounding future climate change.
The way clouds affect global warming has been the biggest mystery in the study of future climate change.
Some ships are quieter than others but the average intensity of noise next to all the ships was 173 underwater decibels, equivalent to 111 decibels through the air about the sound of a loud rock concert.
Some ships are quieter than others but the average noise next to all the ships was 173 underwater decibels, the same as 111 decibels through the air about the sound of a loud rock concert.
This guy had to be darker than any modern European, but we dont know how dark, the scientist said.
This guy was darker than any modern European, but we dont know how dark, the scientist said.
Health warnings covering nearly two-thirds of cigarette packs and a ban on menthol cigarettes across the EU have come a step nearer following a vote in the European Parliament.
The European Parliament have said that health warnings will cover nearly two-thirds of cigarette packs and there will be a ban on menthol cigarettes in the EU.
Illegal downloading is a kind of moral squalor and theft, as much as reaching in to someones pocket and stealing their wallet is theft, says author Philip Pullman.
Illegal downloading is morally wrong, and it is theft, the same as putting your hand in someones pocket and stealing their wallet is theft, says author Philip Pullman.
The thought of children across the country running every day because of something weve done is phenomenal.
The thought of children across the country running every day because of something weve done is amazing.
It is outrageous that anyone can steal an artists work and get away with it.
It is outrageous that anyone can steal an artists work without punishment.
You wont be surprised by an ex in the street with a new girlfriend or boyfriend: you already know theyre dating someone else from the romantic sel es.
You wont be surprised if you see an ex in the street with a new girlfriend or boyfriend: you already know theyre with someone else because youve seen the romantic sel es.
What this means in practice is that names containing letters that do not officially exist in Icelands 32-letter alphabet, such as c, are out.
What this means is that names with letters that do not officially exist in Icelands 32-letter alphabet, such as c, are not permitted.
There must be something wrong with this country, said Nadia al Husin, holding up a banner calling on the government to do more for education.
There must be something wrong with this country, said Nadia al Husin.
Nearly 80% of young smartphone owners regularly use a social networking application, says the research firm Enders Analysis, but two-thirds use more than one.
Nearly 80% of young smartphone owners regularly use a social networking application but two-thirds use more than one.
He has completed his series of books and most of his projects are off the ground.
He has completed his series of books and most of his projects.
Id like to be sitting in the same spot in the next four years as Joe Kittinger.
Id like to sit in the same place in the next four years as Joe Kittinger.
The Spanish team went on to compare the genome of the hunter-gatherer to those of modern Europeans from different regions to see how they might be related.
The Spanish team compared the hunter-gatherer to modern Europeans from different regions to see how they might be related.
But, the rest of us live here year round.
But, the rest of us live here all year.
Almost 60 years after Ray Kroc opened his rst restaurant in Des Plaines, Illinois, consumers are losing their appetite for a Big Mac and fries.
Almost 60 years since Ray Kroc opened his rst restaurant in Des Plaines, Illinois, consumers are losing their appetite for a Big Mac and fries.
But, whatever happens, someone wont be happy.
Strydom added: Whatever happens, someone wont be happy.
So far, there are high-detail maps of about 2,000 miles of Californias roads, but the state has more than 170,000 miles of public roads.
So far, there are detailed maps of about 2,000 miles of Californias roads, but California has more than 170,000 miles of roads.
For example, it would make life difficult, if not impossible, in much of the tropics and would guarantee the eventual melting of the Greenland ice sheet and some of the Antarctic ice sheet, with sea levels rising by many metres as a result.
For example, it would make life difficult, if not impossible, in much of the tropics and it would guarantee the eventual melting of the Greenland ice sheet and some of the Antarctic ice sheet.
How does he feel watching football on TV when a referee gets vilified?
How does he feel when he watches football on TV and a referee is attacked?
SeaWorlds shares, which were worth $39 in 2013, were changing hands for just under $18 in August 2015.
SeaWorlds shares, which were worth $39 in 2013, fell to just under $18 in August 2015.
Ten days later, on 5 September, when further excavation proved Morris had hit the crucial spot, he returned with Lin Foxhall, head of the archaeology department, to excavate the body.
Ten days later, on 5 September, when more excavation proved Morris had found the right place, he returned with Lin Foxhall, head of the archaeology department, to excavate the body.
So, just like our mouse, it is quite possible we can associate what we happen to have in our mind with bad or good high-variance ongoing events.
So, just like our mouse, it is quite possible we can associate what we have in our mind with bad or good events.
They have got tipping right in Italy, where people dont add a service charge but usually round up their bill so, if they get a meal for 19, they leave a 20 note and dont ask for change.
They have got tipping right in Italy, where customers dont add a big tip but usually round up their bill so, if their meal is 19, they leave a 20 note and dont ask for change.
The report from psychologists at Virginia and Harvard Universities is one of a surprising few to tackle the question of why most of us nd it so hard to do nothing.
The report from psychologists at Virginia and Harvard Universities looks at the question of why most of us nd it so hard to do nothing.
In a three-year period, the number of paying subscribers rose from 8 million to 28 million, according to the 2014 digital music report from the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI).
In three years, the number of paying subscribers rose from 8 million to 28 million, according to the 2014 digital music report from the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI).
Delacourt has become one of Frances best-loved authors; his previous novel, My List of Desires, was translated into 47 languages and is now being adapted into a lm.
Delacourt is one of Frances best-loved authors; his last novel, My List of Desires, was translated into 47 languages and they are making a lm of it.
And, yes, he says he nds the start of his working day much easier now than he did when he was younger.
And, yes, he says he nds the start of his working day much easier now than when he was younger.
One waiter, who doesnt work for PizzaExpress but has worked for 11 years for another restaurant chain, said that at least a third of his income is from tips.
He doesnt work for PizzaExpress but has worked for 11 years for another restaurant chain.
The of cial title of the expedition is the Mua Voyage and it is a partnership between the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Oceania Regional Of ce and ve Paci c Island countries: Samoa, Tonga, New Zealand, the Cook Islands and Fiji.
It is a partnership between the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Oceania Regional Of ce and ve Paci c Island countries: Samoa, Tonga, New Zealand, the Cook Islands and Fiji.
Browning said: This research backs up what people think about organic food.
Browning said: This research supports what people think about organic food.
That way, the mice learned to associate fear of the electric shock with the memory of the first chamber.
That way, the mice associated fear of the electric shock with the memory of the first box.
While these antibodies are part of the immune systems response to infections, the best medical evidence has shown elevated IgG levels do not suggest an allergy, the guide says.
These antibodies are part of the bodys response to infections but the best medical evidence has shown high antibody levels do not suggest an allergy, the guide says.
There are famous and very wealthy people but then you have hard-working and poor people struggling to get by.
There are famous and very wealthy people but also hard-working and poor people.
Never being able to trust your friendships with people of different means, I think that is dif cult, said Cockrell.
Never being able to trust your friendships with other people, I think that is dif cult, said Cockrell.
Riley, as a young referee, went out and bought himself books on psychology and nutrition as there was no information on offer to him at all.
Riley, as a young referee, bought himself books on psychology and nutrition because there was no information on offer to him at all.
Real Driving Emissions (RDE) is a totally new regulation that will force significant emission control hardware changes that may be demanded in the middle of a vehicles production lifetime, said Cara McLaughlin, a spokesperson for the European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA).
Real Driving Emissions is a totally new regulation that will force significant changes, said Cara McLaughlin, a spokesperson for the European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA).
Riley, as a young referee, went out and bought himself books on psychology and nutrition as there was no information on offer to him at all.
Riley, as a young referee, bought himself books on psychology and nutrition because there was no information on offer to him at all.
The thought of children across the country running every day because of something weve done is phenomenal.
The thought of children across the country running every day because of something weve done is amazing.
Chinese inequality levels are now similar to those in South Africa, which is now the most unequal country on Earth and significantly more unequal than at the end of apartheid.
Chinese inequality levels are now similar to those in South Africa, which is now the most unequal country on Earth.
I really rely on tips because I am only paid 7 an hour.
I really need tips because I am only paid 7 an hour.
Quali cations: You dont necessarily need a degree in computer science.
Quali cations: You dont need a degree in computer science.
In Inuvik, where much of the population is Inuit, the Muslim community has sought to strike a balance between Ramadan and the local culture and traditions.
In Inuvik, where most of the population is Inuit, the Muslim community has tried to find a balance between Ramadan and the local culture and traditions.
While this may mean that online study is unattractive or difficult for someone without high-level qualifications, it does, he says, suggest that MOOCs could be a really good tool for continuing education.
This may mean that online study is unattractive or difficult for someone without high-level qualifications, but it suggests that MOOCs could be a really good tool for continuing education, he added.
In Stirling alone, 30 schools have already started or are to start the daily mile.
Just in Stirling, 30 schools have already started or are going to start the daily mile.
Riley, as a young referee, went out and bought himself books on psychology and nutrition as there was no information on offer to him at all.
Riley, as a young referee, bought himself books on psychology and nutrition because there was no information on offer to him at all.
Dave Prentis, of the trade union Unison, said: The vast majority of workers are only on these contracts because they have no choice.
Dave Prentis, of the trade union Unison, said: The majority of workers are only on these contracts because they have no choice.
Leifert and his colleagues conclude that many antioxidants have previously been linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and certain cancers.
Leifert and his colleagues conclude that many antioxidants reduce the risk of serious diseases, including diseases of the heart and certain cancers.
Allowing private companies to register geographical names as gTLDs to reinforce their brand strategy or to profit from the meaning of these names does not serve, in our view, the public interest, the Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology said.
Allowing private companies to register geographical names as gTLDs to profit from the meaning of these names is not, in our view, in the public interest, the Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology said.
Thats just his personality.
Thats his personality.
He spends his lift rides and spare moments at work reading news articles and books rather than scrolling through a newsfeed.
He spends his spare moments at work reading news articles and books.
His 91st birthday was marked by the first annual Mandela Day in his honour.
Mandelas 91st birthday was celebrated by the first annual Mandela Day in his honour.
Since then, the only security threat has been petty theft and overexcited fans.
Since then, the only security problem has been petty theft and overexcited fans.
So, just like our mouse, it is quite possible we can associate what we happen to have in our mind with bad or good high-variance ongoing events.
So, just like our mouse, it is quite possible we can associate what we have in our mind with bad or good events.
In 1995, two mothers were awarded damages after their sons, born in 1989, were accidentally switched at the Johannesburg hospital where they were born.
In 1995, two mothers were paid damages after their sons, born in 1989, were switched by mistake at the Johannesburg hospital where they were born.
She recently deleted her Twitter account and deactivated her Facebook account two years ago after realizing she didnt like everyone knowing what I was doing.
She has deleted her Twitter account and deleted her Facebook account two years ago when she realized that she didnt like everyone knowing what I was doing.
The nadir in the animals well-being occurred, on average, at 28.3 and 27.2 years old for the chimpanzees, and 35.4 years old for the orangutans.
The animals felt the most unhappy, on average, at 28.3 and 27.2 years old for the chimpanzees, and 35.4 years old for the orangutans.
Allen still plays the piano and gives speeches.
She still plays the piano and gives speeches.
Its particularly true for those like Karim who have determinedly followed the local sunrise and sunset.
Its particularly true for people like Karim who have followed the local sunrise and sunset carefully.
If youre Gods chosen one, how do you choose not be chosen?
If youre Gods chosen person, how do you choose not be chosen?
You need a 15-minute distance and typical off-the-shelf drones have about that distance.
You need a 15-minute distance, and typical drones have about that distance.
Currently, only the ground and first floors of Highclere, on the borders of Hampshire, are used.
At the moment, they only use the ground floor and first floor of Highclere, on the borders of Hampshire.
Free to download and use, they use the internet to swap text messages, pictures, voice clips, stickers, and even videos in WhatsApps case, between most types of phones.
They are free to download and use, and they use the internet to swap text messages, pictures, voice clips, stickers and even videos between most types of phones.
The site has come at an opportune time for the country of five million people.
The site has come at the right time for the country of five million people.
British people think the top 1% wealthiest households own 59% of their countrys wealth, when they actually only own 23%.
British people think the richest 1% own 59% of their countrys wealth, when they actually only own 23%.
Our overall thinking is that filming at concerts adds to the experience, rather than taking away from it and I think, if Kate Bush came round for a cup of tea, we could have a really interesting discussion about this and we might be able to win her round, he added.
We think that filming at concerts adds to the experience, and I think that, if Kate Bush came round for a cup of tea, we could have a really interesting discussion about this, he added.
Most will be more than happy to house them in the family home rent-free because it might help their kids get on the property ladder sooner, she said.
Most will be more than happy to have them in the family home rent-free because it might help their kids get on the property ladder sooner, she said.
Brazilians tend to be too nice sometimes they enjoy partying rather than protesting but something is changing, said Deli Borsari, a 53-year-old yoga instructor.
Brazilians are usually too nice; they enjoy partying, not protesting, but something is changing, said Deli Borsari, a 53-year-old yoga teacher.
We believe that its possible to export energy to Europe but, rst, we would have to build the interconnectors which dont yet exist, said Maha el-Kadiri, a Masen spokeswoman.
We believe that its possible to export energy to Europe but, rst, we have to build the connections, which dont yet exist, said Maha el-Kadiri, a Masen spokeswoman.
The National Theatre, the Royal Shakespeare Company and virtually every other theatre production company in the country will be marking the anniversary.
The National Theatre, the Royal Shakespeare Company and almost every other theatre production company in the country will celebrate the anniversary.
It has just over 3,000 beds for visitors, compared with tens of thousands on an island such as Rhodes.
It has just over 3,000 beds for visitors Rhodes, for example, has tens of thousands of beds.
Leahy and Sensenbrenner say yes; Feinstein says no.
Leahy says yes; Feinstein says no.
The anniversary of the death of the man from Stratford, the most famous and the most performed playwright in the world, will be marked across Britain and the globe.
The anniversary of the death of the man from Stratford, the most famous and the most performed playwright in the world, will be celebrated across Britain and the world.
Allowing private companies to register geographical names as gTLDs to reinforce their brand strategy or to profit from the meaning of these names does not serve, in our view, the public interest, the Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology said.
Allowing private companies to register geographical names as gTLDs to profit from the meaning of these names is not, in our view, in the public interest, the Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology said.
It doesnt necessarily mean we see them the same way.
It doesnt mean we see them the same way.
The MEPs voted to put health warnings on 65% of each cigarette pack, as opposed to a proposed 75%.
The MEPs voted to put health warnings on 65% of each cigarette pack.
Companies are working to develop technology that will enable a vehicle to tell traf c control systems not only that it is present but also where it is going and how fast it is travelling.
Companies are developing technology that allows a vehicle to tell traf c control systems not only that it is present but also where it is going and how fast it is travelling.
Each word is represented by more than one spot because words tend to have several meanings.
Each word is represented by more than one spot because words often have many meanings.