The way clouds affect global warming has been the biggest mystery surrounding future climate change.
The way clouds affect global warming has been the biggest mystery in the study of future climate change.
His eye is a sad black dot in his massive wrinkled face as he wanders the reserve with his guards.
His eye is a sad black dot in his big face as he walks around the reserve with his guards.
From 2006 to 2008, Duran took out 68 commercial and personal loans from 39 banks in Spain.
From 2006 to 2008, Duran took out 68 loans from 39 banks in Spain.
An overwhelming majority of 91% post a photo of themselves, 71% post the city or town where they live, up from 61%, more than half give email addresses and a fth give their phone number.
Ninety-one per cent post a photo of themselves, 71% post the city or town where they live, more than half give email addresses and a fth give their phone number.
The atlas shows how words and related terms exercise the same regions of the brain.
The atlas shows how words and related terms use the same regions of the brain.
Paralympian, Tanni Grey-Thompson, chair of ukactive, the UKs leading not-for-pro t health body for physical activity, said: All children need to achieve 60 active minutes every day, whether in a lesson, on the walk to school or in the playground.
Paralympian, Tanni Grey-Thompson, chair of ukactive, a health organization for physical activity, said: All children need to achieve 60 active minutes every day this can be in a lesson, on the walk to school or in the playground.
However, we are disappointed with the decision to reject the proposal to regulate nicotine-containing products (NCPs), including e-cigarettes, as medicines.
But we are disappointed with the decision not to regulate nicotine-containing products (NCPs), including e-cigarettes, as medicines.
Children that get a high-quality rst experience, which develops their physical literacy, are those that will have greater agility, balance and coordination, and are more likely to develop an enjoyment of physical activity and excel in sport as they grow up, he said.
Children that get a high-quality rst experience will have greater agility, balance and coordination, and are more likely to develop an enjoyment of physical activity and be good at sport as they grow up, he said.
We may not yet be living in an age of ying cars, as predicted in the 1985 lm Back to the Future II, but the rise of smartphones and other new technologies is creating a reality that is arguably as exciting and almost as far-fetched.
We do not yet live in an age of ying cars, as predicted in the 1985 lm Back to the Future II, but smartphones and other new technologies are creating exciting possibilities.
FemAle has already been approached by other breweries asking if they can brew new beers with them.
Other breweries have already asked FemAle if they can brew new beers with them.
Their Grecian columns are cracking into pieces and mosaic-tiled swimming pools are filled with rubble.
Their Grecian columns are cracking into pieces and mosaic-tiled swimming pools are filled with broken stones.
We asked waiters around the UK what they think of the tipping process (including how much they take home from tips and whether its fair) and what would improve it for them.
We asked waiters around the UK what they think of tipping, including how much money they get from tips and if its fair.
His son, Andrew, had his sunglasses stolen almost as soon as he sat on the beach.
His sons sunglasses were stolen almost as soon as he sat on the beach.
Eventually he was arrested for serious drug-related offences and was sent to prison for 12 years.
Eventually he was arrested for serious drug crimes and was sent to prison for 12 years.
I work hard and am good at my job but, when PizzaExpress thinks it can get away with taking a percentage of our hard-earned tips left on a card, I get upset.
I work hard and am good at my job but, when PizzaExpress thinks it can take a percentage of our tips, I get upset.
When water evaporates from the oceans, the vapour can rise over nine miles to form rain clouds that reflect sunlight; or, it may rise just a few miles and drift back down without forming clouds.
When water evaporates from the oceans, the vapour can rise over nine miles to form rain clouds that reflect sunlight; or, it may rise just a few miles and fall slowly back down without forming clouds.
This is, potentially, a huge physical advantage, said Sandercock.
This is a huge physical advantage, said Sandercock.
So, it better be good.
So my book had better be good.
And I just thought: You shouldnt be ashamed of this.
And I thought: You shouldnt be ashamed of this.
But it doesnt mean theyre gonna win.
But it doesnt mean theyre going to win.
We spend hundreds of millions of pounds with local suppliers on milk, cakes and sandwiches, and on store design and renovations.
Starbucks spends hundreds of millions of pounds with local suppliers on milk, cakes and sandwiches, and on store design and improvements.
Its something uniting people here, Kalisa Migendo, a 24-year-old agriculture student, says.
The shop is uniting people here, Kalisa Migendo, a 24-year-old student, says.
The atlas shows how words and related terms exercise the same regions of the brain.
The atlas shows how words and related terms use the same regions of the brain.
Without their contribution, the history of this great club would not be as rich.
Without them, the history of this great club would not be as rich.
He said he hoped the research would provide a baseline of research for health of cials and geneticists, and could help health of cials to be better prepared to prevent and track diseases and pathogens.
He said he hoped the research would help health of cials to prevent and track diseases.
4C would likely be catastrophic rather than simply dangerous, Sherwood said.
4C would be catastrophic, not simply dangerous, Sherwood said.
Smoker Neil Timms owns an English pub and met the smoking ban before, in England.
Neil Timms owns an English pub and saw a smoking ban before, in England.
Actor Verne Troyer used milk, again citing environmental reasons.
Actor Verne Troyer used milk, also for environmental reasons.
A few days after his appearance at the Freddie Mercury tribute concert at Wembley Stadium in April 1992, Bowie married the Somalian model Iman and the couple bought a home in New York.
A few days after he performed at the Freddie Mercury tribute concert at Wembley Stadium in April 1992, Bowie married the Somalian model Iman and bought a home in New York.
As the pollster notes: Trump says what theyre thinking and, the more outrageous he is, the more they agree with him.
He says, Trump says what theyre thinking and, the more outrageous he is, the more they agree with him.
Lauren Raskauskas, 22, Naples, Florida Raskauskas describes herself as a pretty private person.
Lauren Raskauskas, 22, Naples, Florida Raskauskas describes herself as a private person.
Its four years later: you can understand she doesnt want to give up her baby.
She wants the baby back, but its four years later: you can understand that the other mother doesnt want to give up her baby, Strydom said.
Krystian Zimerman returned moments later and declared: The destruction of music because of YouTube is enormous.
Krystian Zimerman returned moments later and said: The destruction of music because of YouTube is enormous.
Coldplay is probably the last one to come up and that was ten years ago.
Coldplay is probably the last one and that was ten years ago.
To succeed as a race engineer, you need ... to be able to deal with pressure.
To succeed as a race engineer, you need ... to be able to work under pressure.
And, we are not producing a new generation of these kind of acts the likes of the Rolling Stones, Muse, even the Arctic Monkeys that can headline.
And we are not producing new bands that can headline like the Rolling Stones, Muse, even the Arctic Monkeys.
La Premiere chose quon regarde (The First Thing We Look At) by Gregoire Delacourt tells the story of a French model who looks so similar to the American actor that the books lead male character thinks it is Johansson herself.
La premiere chose quon regarde (The First Thing We Look At) by Gregoire Delacourt is the story of a French model who looks so similar to the American actor that the books main male character thinks she is Johansson.
Back in 2005, when BlackBerry brought instant messaging to the mobile phone, the company was just entering its boom times.
In 2005, BlackBerry brought instant messaging to the mobile phone and the company was just entering its period of success.
There is a young guy asking me for advice because he wants to break my record.
If there is a young guy who wants to break my record, I want to give him advice.
You wont be surprised by an ex in the street with a new girlfriend or boyfriend: you already know theyre dating someone else from the romantic sel es.
You wont be surprised if you see an ex in the street with a new girlfriend or boyfriend: you already know theyre with someone else because youve seen the romantic sel es.
They have got tipping right in Italy, where people dont add a service charge but usually round up their bill so, if they get a meal for 19, they leave a 20 note and dont ask for change.
They have got tipping right in Italy, where customers dont add a big tip but usually round up their bill so, if their meal is 19, they leave a 20 note and dont ask for change.
A little later, the football club secretary arrived with envelopes to pay the officials for their time the match fee at level 5 is 95 so it is safe to assume these men do not do it for the cash.
A little later, the football club secretary arrived to pay the officials for their time the match fee at level 5 is 95 so it is clear that these men do not do it for the money.
What the job involves: A company will pay an ethical hacker to hack into its computer system to see how well it might stand up to a real attack.
What the job involves: A company pays an ethical hacker to hack into its computer system to see how well it might ght a real attack.
Even in successful countries such as Indonesia and Vietnam, the proportion has been 20%.
Even in successful countries such as Indonesia and Vietnam, the proportion was 20%.
I live nearby but luckily I wasnt there, recalled Munir, a university lecturer.
I live nearby but luckily I wasnt there, says Munir, a university lecturer.
May God bless them all with love, health and happiness.
May God bless them all with love, health and happiness, he said.
As soon as the children at one primary school in Stirling hear the words daily mile, they down their pencils and head out of the classroom to start running laps around the school eld.
As soon as the children at a primary school in Stirling, Scotland, hear the words daily mile, they leave the classroom and start running around the school eld.
Ethical hacker Typical salary: 60,000 to 90,000 at team- leader level, while a newly quali ed hacker can expect a minimum salary of 35,000 to 50,000.
Ethical hacker Typical salary: A newly quali ed hacker will usually have a minimum salary of 35,000 to 50,000.
Ive asked Cool to look forward and imagine what top climbers might be doing 60 years from now.
asked Cool to look forward and imagine what top climbers might do 60 years from now.
As soon as the children at one primary school in Stirling hear the words daily mile, they down their pencils and head out of the classroom to start running laps around the school eld.
As soon as the children at a primary school in Stirling, Scotland, hear the words daily mile, they leave the classroom and start running around the school eld.
The northern white rhino is the rarest species of African rhino.
The northern white rhino is the rarest kind of African rhino.
After the man pulled me out of the water, Dusty swam away but, then, she came back and was bobbing vertically next to me, looking at me.
After the man pulled me out of the water, Dusty swam away but, then, she came back and looked at me.
Some danced, some posed for photos, some drank, but mostly they just walked and talked football, waiting for the next game to begin on the nearby FanFest big screen.
Some danced, some took photos, some drank, but mostly they just walked and talked about football, waiting for the next game to begin on the big screen nearby.
If we want to find the answer as to whats going on with the midlife crisis, we should look at what is similar in middle-aged humans, chimps and orangutans, he said.
If we want to find whats going on with the midlife crisis, we should look at what is similar in middle-aged humans, chimps and orangutans, he said.
grins Ingrid Sparbo, disbelievingly, lifting her face to the light and closing her eyes.
says Ingrid Sparbo she lifts her face to the light and closes her eyes.
The other group did a ten-minute warm-up on the bike, followed by four minutes of Tabata intervals, four times a week plus one 30-minute session of steady exercise with two minutes of intervals.
The other group did a ten-minute warm-up on the bike, then four minutes of Tabata training, four times a week plus one 30-minute session of exercise with two minutes of Tabata.
Cathy Olkin, a mission scientist, said: Charon just blew our socks off when we had the new image today.
Cathy Olkin, a mission scientist, said: Charon just blew our socks off when we saw the new image.
To the researchers surprise, 12 of 18 men gave themselves up to four electric shocks, as did six of 24 women.
But 12 of 18 men gave themselves electric shocks and six of 24 women gave themselves electric shocks.
By percentage, the most wasted food is lettuce and leafy salads, of which consumers throw away 38% (64,000 tonnes) of all they buy.
By percentage, the most wasted food is lettuce and leafy salads people throw away 38% (64,000 tonnes) of all they buy.
But, these days, the golden arches of McDonalds are looking a little tarnished.
But, these days, the golden arches of McDonalds are not looking so golden.
Argentina has lodged an expression of its unhappiness that the US outdoor clothing retailer, Patagonia, is claiming a domain name that has been known far longer as a region of spectacular beauty that also has its own parliament.
Argentina is unhappy that the US outdoor clothing retailer, Patagonia, wants a domain name that has been known far longer as a region of spectacular beauty.
Can it actually make the streets more dangerous?
Can it make the streets more dangerous?
We may as well get used to it, said David Kirkpatrick, author of The Facebook Effect.
David Kirkpatrick, author of The Facebook Effect, said that we need to get used to it.
DNA tests have established that Polish wolves are travellers.
DNA tests have shown that Polish wolves are travellers.
The managers should have ways to pay for broken glasses and plates without docking our tips.
The managers should have ways to pay for broken glasses and plates without taking our tips.
Getting older doesnt have to mean getting lonelier, says Ruth Sutherland, the chief executive of the relationship counselling service Relate, in a new report.
Getting older doesnt have to mean getting lonelier, says Ruth Sutherland, the chief executive of the relationship counselling service Relate.
Some critics are sceptical of farmed fish, citing inbred fish and high levels of toxins.
But some people criticize farmed fish they say the fish can be inbred and have high levels of toxins.
Im always given a scenario, such as buying something from a speci c department or a new product range, but, within that framework, I can often buy whatever I want and keep it.
Im always given a speci c task, such as buying something from a speci c department or a new product range, but I can often buy whatever I want and keep it.
Rainbows are produced when sunlight hits raindrops.
Rainbows are made when sunlight hits raindrops.
To laughter, he added: The most beautiful moment was when I was standing on the landing area and Mike Todd [the life support engineer who dressed Baumgartner in his suit] showed up and he had a smile on his face like a little kid.
He added: The most beautiful moment was when I was standing on the landing area and Mike Todd [the man who dressed Baumgartner in his suit] came and he had a smile on his face like a little kid.
We Can Do It is not a female beer but a beer brewed by women that anyone can drink, she says.
It is a beer brewed by women that anyone can drink, she says.
The album topped charts in Britain and around the world.
The album went to the top of the charts in Britain and around the world.
Starbucks is a really great target because it is on every high street across the country and thats what UK Uncut finds really important: people can take action in their local areas, she said.
Starbucks is a really great target because it is on every high street in the country so people can take action in their local areas, she said.
The first inkling of an artwork Andersen called the Solspeil, or Sun mirror, came to him as the month of September began to fade: Every day, we would take our young child for a walk in the buggy, he says, and, every day, I realized we were having to go a little further down the valley to find the sun.
Andersen had the idea for an artwork he calls the Solspeil, or Sun mirror, at the end of September one year: Every day, we took our young child for a walk, he says, and, every day, I realized we had to go a little further down the valley to find the sun.
Elsewhere, there has been a glut of goals: 28 in the rst eight games almost three times as many as at the same stage in South Africa in 2010.
And, there have been lots of goals: 28 in the rst eight games almost three times as many as at the same stage in South Africa in 2010.
The problem is that, in the US and UK, most people who want to sign up for Facebook have already done it, said new media specialist Ian Maude at Enders Analysis.
The problem is that, in the US and UK, most people who want to join Facebook have already done it, said new media specialist Ian Maude at Enders Analysis.
Married three times, he had six children, 17 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren.
He was married three times and he had six children, 17 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren.
If I just showed you a shot of someones body you could probably tell me what gender they are.
If I just showed you a photo of someones body, you could probably tell me what gender they are.
But Weiss believes the findings could point to a deeper understanding of the emotional crisis some men may experience.
But Weiss believes the study could give us a deeper understanding of the emotional crisis some men may experience.
You could use this on buildings so you have to spend much less on air conditioning or maybe you wouldnt need it at all.
You could use the mirrors on buildings and spend much less money on air conditioning or maybe you wouldnt need it at all.
Ive looked at buying and seen mortgage advisers but I just cant borrow enough to get on the property ladder.
Ive thought about buying and seen mortgage advisers but I just cant borrow enough to get on the property ladder.
They spend 20% of their time viewing short video clips, for example on YouTube, or news clips distributed via Facebook and other social sites.
They spend 20% of their time watching short video clips, for example on YouTube, or news clips on Facebook and other social sites.
We Can Do It is not a female beer but a beer brewed by women that anyone can drink, she says.
It is a beer brewed by women that anyone can drink, she says.
Its hard to say how much I earned a shift; maybe around 40, 20 from card tips.
Its hard to say how much I earn in a shift; maybe about 40.
Until now, the differences between commercial, governmental and other types of identity were easily distinguished in every internet address by .com, .gov and 20 other categories.
Until now, the differences between commercial, governmental and other types of identity were easy to see in every internet address by the use of .com, .gov and 20 other categories.
I make around 20 a shift but would only be given 10-15 of that money.
I make around 20 a shift in tips but often I only get 10-15 of that money.
In 1996, the symbol Cp was proposed for copernicium, or element 112, but it was swapped to Cn when scientists complained that Cp referred to another substance.
In 1996, someone suggested the symbol Cp for copernicium, or element 112, but it was changed to Cn, when scientists complained that Cp was already the symbol for another substance.
But, on Tuesday 8th April, 2014, she described the extraordinary moment when she received a message in a bottle, 101 years after he had lobbed it into the Baltic Sea.
But, on Tuesday April 8th, 2014, she described the extraordinary moment when she received a message in a bottle, 101 years after he threw it into the Baltic Sea.
Fresh potatoes are also becoming less essential with a 67% decrease from 1974, when adults ate the equivalent of 188g every day.
Fresh potatoes are also becoming less popular with a 67% decrease from 1974, when adults ate around 188g every day.
I wont touch those jobs anymore.
I wont do those jobs anymore.
Hearing a click off a salmon is probably one of the most challenging things a killer whale does.
Hearing a salmons click is probably one of the most dif cult things a killer whale does.
There will also be hundreds of lectures, recitals, international academic conferences, lms, concerts, operas and major exhibitions.
There will also be hundreds of lectures, international conferences, lms, concerts, operas and major exhibitions.
The image also shows a dramatic canyon estimated to be 7 to 9km deep.
The image also shows a dramatic canyon 7 to 9km deep.
They are more popular than nicotine patches and may or may not be more effective.
They are more popular than nicotine patches but we do not know if they are more effective.
Patagonia is a relevant region for the countrys economy because it has oil, fishing, mining and agriculture resources.
Patagonia is an important region for the countrys economy because it has oil, fishing, mining and agriculture resources.
In 2012, the FAO published a list of 1,909 edible species of insect and, with sponsorship from the Dutch government, plans a major international conference on this valuable food source in 2013.
In 2012, the FAO published a list of 1,909 edible species of insect and plans a major international conference on this valuable food source in 2013.
Lets Dance moulded Bowie into a crowd-friendly global rock star, with the album and its singles Lets Dance, China Girl and Modern Love all becoming huge international hits.
Lets Dance turned Bowie into a global rock star the album and its singles Lets Dance, China Girl and Modern Love all became huge international hits.
Easily accessible from smartphones and tablets, subscription services are popular with people looking to try out new music without committing to buying a download or a CD.
Subscription services are easily accessible from smartphones and tablets, so they are popular with people who want to try out new music without buying a download or a CD.
The truth is the government doesnt pay much attention to the islands of the north Aegean, she said, so I would take all the kids from our school to the gates of parliament, to tell them: There is still life in these islands.
The government doesnt pay much attention to the islands of the north Aegean, she said, so I would take all the kids from our school to the gates of parliament, to tell them: There is still life in these islands.
The internationally renowned Cuban artist Kcho is providing the service.
The internationally known Cuban artist Kcho is providing the service.