We as a society want to defend them.
We want to defend them.
In the novel, the models looks mean that men see her only as a sex object, while women are jealous of her.
In the novel, the models beauty means that men see her only as a sex object and women are jealous of her.
However, you still hear horror stories from new employees at some chains.
But you still hear horror stories from new employees at some chains.
The northern white rhino is the rarest species of African rhino.
The northern white rhino is the rarest kind of African rhino.
Im always given a scenario, such as buying something from a speci c department or a new product range, but, within that framework, I can often buy whatever I want and keep it.
Im always given a speci c task, such as buying something from a speci c department or a new product range, but I can often buy whatever I want and keep it.
Those born in October were almost as t, scoring highest for strength and coming third for power, with December children close behind.
Children born in October were almost as t they scored highest for strength and came third for power, with December children close behind.
The two-year study captured the sounds made by 12 different types of vessel, including cruise ships, container ships and military vehicles, that passed through the strait about 20 times a day.
The two-year study recorded the sound made by 12 different types of ship, including cruise ships, container ships and military ships, that passed through the strait about 20 times a day.
One thing I really liked about Facebook was that I could sit for hours and click on a friend and then click on one of their friends and one of their friends and one of their friends and literally end up on someones Facebook page from the other side of the world, she said.
One thing I really liked about Facebook was that I could sit for hours and click on a friend and then click on one of their friends and nish on someones Facebook page from the other side of the world, she said.
But, like many fans, they said they loved the atmosphere, if not the logistics, of this tournament which has got off to a spectacular start on the pitch.
But, like many fans, they said they loved the atmosphere of this tournament, which has had a spectacular start.
We believe that its possible to export energy to Europe but, rst, we would have to build the interconnectors which dont yet exist, said Maha el-Kadiri, a Masen spokeswoman.
We believe that its possible to export energy to Europe but, rst, we have to build the connections, which dont yet exist, said Maha el-Kadiri, a Masen spokeswoman.
Pepper spray After police sprayed peaceful protesters with pepper spray at a University of California campus in 2011, one of the scientists who helped develop it in the 80s denounced its use.
Pepper spray After police sprayed peaceful protesters with pepper spray at a University of California campus in 2011, Kamran Loghman, one of the scientists who helped develop the spray in the 80s said, I have never seen such an inappropriate use of chemicals.
At St Ninians, teachers take their pupils out of lessons on to a specially built circuit around the schools playing eld for their daily mile whenever it best suits that days timetable.
At St Ninians, teachers take their pupils out of lessons to the schools playing eld for their daily mile at a time that suits that days timetable.
Its inventors, Bob Gable and his brother Kirkland, were later horrifi ed that the tag had become a form of control and punishment.
Its inventors, Bob Gable and his brother Kirkland, were later horrifi ed that the tag became a form of control and punishment.
Housing is, by far, the biggest cost in the Hamptons.
Housing is the biggest cost in the Hamptons.
George W Bush, Benedict Cumberbatch and Stephen Hawking have taken part.
George W Bush, Benedict Cumberbatch and Stephen Hawking have done it.
He once explained that his guitar technique was partly based on his lack of skill: I started to bend notes because I could never play in the bottleneck style, like Elmore James and Booker White.
He once explained that his guitar technique was partly the result of his lack of skill: I started to bend notes because I could never play in the bottleneck style.
In 1989, when the communists relinquished power, Poland had only one motorway.
In 1989, when the communists left power, Poland had only one motorway.
Maycon de Mattos Batista, a financial analyst who worked with Anitta while she was an intern, said there had been a huge change in Anittas image, but not of her colour.
Maycon de Mattos Batista, a financial analyst who used to work with Anitta, said there has been a huge change in Anittas image, but not of her colour.
Were going to PC World first thing their sale starts at 8am.
Were going to PC World in the morning their sale starts at 8am.
For Smart, the extraordinary journey from gang member to mentor began when he witnessed, from within, a prison system that was so obviously failing its inmates.
Smarts extraordinary journey from gang member to mentor began when he was in prison.
Quali cations: A private-helicopter-pilot licence, a commercial pilots licence and around 2,000 hours of experience ying at low levels in the type of helicopter the company usually uses.
Quali cations: A private-helicopter-pilot licence, a commercial pilots licence and around 2,000 hours of experience ying at low levels.
Our clients want to measure how well their stores are delivering on that experience.
Our clients want to know how well their stores are delivering on that experience.
The activity in Western Australia is compounding the human tragedy of shark attacks.
The activity in Western Australia is adding to the human tragedy of shark attacks.
Forcing people outside the bar to smoke is going to exacerbate the tension thats already there.
If they force people outside the bar to smoke, it is going to increase the tension thats already there.
Even in high-income countries, 23.2% of women will suffer physical and/or sexual violence from a partner in their lives, their data from 81 countries shows.
Data from 81 countries shows that, even in rich countries, 23.2% of women will experience physical and/or sexual violence from a partner in their lives.
The results revealed that a childs month of birth could make signi cant differences to their levels of cardiovascular tness, muscle strength and ability to accelerate, all of which predict how good someone is at sport, in which such attributes are vital.
The results showed that a childs month of birth could make big differences to their levels of tness, muscle strength and ability to accelerate, all of which predict how good someone is at sport.
Speaking at the same meeting, Derrick Taff, a social scientist at Pennsylvania State University, described preliminary experiments which suggest that listening to recordings from national parks, of waterfalls, birdsong and wind, helped people recover from stressful events.
Speaking at the same meeting, Derrick Taff, a social scientist at Pennsylvania State University, said that listening to recordings from national parks, of waterfalls, birdsong and wind, helped people feel less stressed.
When you breathe in, youre contracting the muscle of your diaphragm, pulling it at so that the volume of your chest increases and air is drawn into your lungs.
When you breathe in, youre pulling the muscle of your diaphragm at so that the volume of your chest increases this pulls the air into your lungs.
Mitchell revealed only the name of the manuscript, From Me Flows What You Call Time, during a ceremony in the Norwegian woods next to where Patersons 1,000 trees are planted.
Mitchell revealed only the name of the manuscript, From Me Flows What You Call Time, during a ceremony in the Norwegian woods next to where the 1,000 trees are planted.
We know our country needs to change in the way it is governed and we know our country needs to change in who it is governed for.
We know our country needs to change.
That way, the mice learned to associate fear of the electric shock with the memory of the first chamber.
That way, the mice associated fear of the electric shock with the memory of the first box.
After they leave work, they sometimes find it difficult to make friends and adapt to school.
After they stop working, they sometimes find it difficult to make friends and adapt to school.
Skip a few showers, put down the soap and let those lovely little bacteria ourish a little, would you?
Shower less, put down the soap and let those lovely little bacteria ourish.
Retailers are becoming increasingly aware that shoppers who are prepared to set foot in a physical store want a service and an experience they cant get online, says Simon Boydell, spokesman for Marketforce, which has more than 300,000 mystery shoppers on its books.
Retailers are becoming increasingly aware that shoppers who visit a physical store want a service and an experience they cant get online, says Simon Boydell, spokesman for Marketforce, which has more than 300,000 mystery shoppers.
If it sounds familiar, its because the online world has been using techniques like these for years.
If it sounds familiar, its because the internet has been using techniques like these for years.
A more open and connected world is a better world.
A more open and connected world is a better world, wrote Zuckerberg.
Dave Prentis, of the trade union Unison, said: The vast majority of workers are only on these contracts because they have no choice.
Dave Prentis, of the trade union Unison, said: The majority of workers are only on these contracts because they have no choice.
It was the highest rescue yet performed on Everest and highlights the exponential rise in helicopter flights in recent years.
It was the highest rescue ever on Everest and highlights the increase in helicopter flights in recent years.
We may as well get used to it, said David Kirkpatrick, author of The Facebook Effect.
David Kirkpatrick, author of The Facebook Effect, said that we need to get used to it.
The activity in Western Australia is compounding the human tragedy of shark attacks.
The activity in Western Australia is adding to the human tragedy of shark attacks.
To be able to dispose of the bombs safely, youll also need an explosive ordnance disposal quali cation and years of experience.
To be able to dispose of the bombs safely, youll also need a special quali cation and years of experience.
Shoppers are usually repaid any money they spend in the stores and may also be allowed to keep the products they buy.
Mystery shoppers are usually repaid any money they spend in the stores and may also be allowed to keep the products they buy.
What about false memories for more than just contexts false memories for objects, food or other mice?
What about false memories for more than just places false memories for objects, food or other mice?
Apart from these three animals, there are only two other northern white rhinos in the world, both in zoos, both female.
There are only two other northern white rhinos in the world, both in zoos, both female.
When Im drumming with them, it gives me power because were still alive and survivors.
When Im drumming, it gives me power because were still alive and survivors, she says.
BBM claims 80 million monthly users after its upgrade, but WhatsApp has 300 million.
BBM says it has 80 million monthly users after its upgrade, but WhatsApp has 300 million.
We did it the usual way, lifting the arms, legs and skull first, and proceeding gradually towards the torso so it was only when we finally saw the twisted spine that I thought: My word, I think weve got him.
We did it the usual way, lifting the arms, legs and skull first, and then we lifted the torso so it was only when we finally saw the twisted spine that I thought: My word, I think weve found him.
The of cial title of the expedition is the Mua Voyage and it is a partnership between the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Oceania Regional Of ce and ve Paci c Island countries: Samoa, Tonga, New Zealand, the Cook Islands and Fiji.
It is a partnership between the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Oceania Regional Of ce and ve Paci c Island countries: Samoa, Tonga, New Zealand, the Cook Islands and Fiji.
Oxfam said the worlds poorest could be lifted out of poverty several times over if the richest 100 billionaires would give away the money they made in 2012.
Oxfam said the world could end poverty several times over if the richest 100 billionaires would give away the money they made in 2012.
Early estimates suggested more than 100,000 square metres of glass had been broken and 3,000 buildings hit.
More than 100,000 square metres of glass were broken and 3,000 buildings were hit.
More than 18 million people are already facing serious food shortages across the Sahel.
More than 18 million people already have serious food shortages across the Sahel.
The musicians are Hutu and Tutsi women, some survivors of the 1994 genocide, during which almost a million Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed.
Some are survivors of the 1994 genocide, when almost a million Tutsis and Hutus were killed.
So he tried crowdfunding on a US website, Indiegogo, which had recently opened up in the UK.
So he tried crowdfunding on a US website, Indiegogo, which has recently opened up in the UK.
Hearing a click off a salmon is probably one of the most challenging things a killer whale does.
Hearing a salmons click is probably one of the most dif cult things a killer whale does.
Dhakal said that a parallel survey was conducted in India and the results from both countries will be published later in 2013.
Dhakal said that there was a similar survey in India and the results from both countries will be published later in 2013.
All youre going to achieve, I think, is to worry people unnecessarily.
All youre going to achieve, I think, is to worry people.
Most noise is at that low frequency but the background noise of the ocean is raised even in the high frequencies.
Most noise is at that low frequency but there is more background noise in the high frequencies, too.
Food waste is happening in countries where people can afford to throw away food.
Food waste is happening in countries where people have more money, so they can throw away food.
Really, it is a fantasy world, based in a particular time in history.
It is a fantasy world, based in a particular time in history.
Steck, he says, was planning to climb Everests west ridge, first done in 1963, descend to the South Col and then immediately climb Lhotse via a new route, all without fixed ropes.
Steck was planning to climb Everests west ridge and then immediately climb Lhotse via a new route without fixed ropes.
To see what driverless cars might look like in action, go to the video at:
To see what driverless cars might look like on the road, go to the video at:
You dont realize how safe Vienna is until you head abroad, said Hartlauer.
You dont realize how safe Vienna is until you go abroad, said Hartlauer.
I just cant stop, she says, phoning me a few days after the interview to read out a ditty she has written about the joys of exercise.
I just cant stop, she says, when she phones me a few days after the interview to read out a poem she has written about the joys of exercise.
The yes campaign scored four big successes, winning 53% of the vote in Scotlands largest city, Glasgow, 57% in Dundee and 51% in North Lanarkshire.
The yes campaign had four big successes it won 53% of the vote in Scotlands largest city, Glasgow, 57% in Dundee and 51% in North Lanarkshire.
Industries where employers were most likely to report at least one person on a zero-hours contract were hotels, catering and leisure (48%), education (35%) and healthcare (27%).
Industries where employers were most likely to have at least one person on a zero-hours contract were hotels, catering and leisure (48%), education (35%) and healthcare (27%).
Its that you need to know that this shopper has these characteristics and, in the past, that when those characteristics are present, this is what a person tends to do.
We need to know what characteristics this shopper has and that, when those characteristics are present, this is what a person usually does.
I think people will think it is really cute.
I think people will think the ad is really cute.
Hearing a click off a salmon is probably one of the most challenging things a killer whale does.
Hearing a salmons click is probably one of the most dif cult things a killer whale does.
Argentina has lodged an expression of its unhappiness that the US outdoor clothing retailer, Patagonia, is claiming a domain name that has been known far longer as a region of spectacular beauty that also has its own parliament.
Argentina is unhappy that the US outdoor clothing retailer, Patagonia, wants a domain name that has been known far longer as a region of spectacular beauty.
In fact, he earned just 10 from the patent and has not made a penny more from it since.
In fact, he earned just 10 from the patent and has not made any money from it since.
Weather disasters are also more likely in a warmer world, the report suggests.
Weather disasters are also more likely in a warmer world, the report says.
Amjid Gulzar, 26, said Abdullah could search for truth and reconciliation as well as encouraging foreign visitors.
Amjid Gulzar, 26, said Abdullah should encourage foreign visitors.
But we can disagree and also greatly respect her political achievements and her personal strength.
The Labour Party disagreed with a lot of what she did, but we can disagree and also greatly respect her political achievements and her personal strength.
It was the highest rescue yet performed on Everest and highlights the exponential rise in helicopter flights in recent years.
It was the highest rescue ever on Everest and highlights the increase in helicopter flights in recent years.
The second test involved a lost wallet containing 5.
The second test involved a lost wallet with 5 inside.
Ramadan will eventually fall during winter, which, in Iqaluit, sees the sun rise and set within a few hours each day.
Ramadan will then fall during winter and, in Iqaluit, the sun will rise and set within a few hours each day.
Perhaps most importantly, as more cities build cycling infrastructure, including dedicated bike lanes, bicycle commuting has become more popular.
Perhaps most importantly, more cities are building bike lanes so bicycle commuting has become more popular.
The worst case is Saudi Arabia, where people think only 28% are, when 71% are.
The worst case is Saudi Arabia, where people think only 28% are overweight, when 71% are.
In the US, the share of national income going to the top 1% has doubled since 1980 from 10 to 20%, the report says.
In the US, the share of national income that goes to the top 1% of people has doubled since 1980 from 10% to 20%, the report says.
Mys_ajek says only scienti c arguments the need to regenerate forests and control the wild animal population can save Europes wild carnivores, especially the unpopular wolf.
Mys_ajek says only the need to save forests and control the wild animal population can save Europes wild carnivores, especially the unpopular wolf.
The same region responds to killed, convicted, murdered and confessed.
The same region responds to killed and murdered.
Cafe_ Rouge, Bella Italia and Belgo deduct 10%, as do Strada and Giraffe, which is owned by Tesco.
Cafe_ Rouge, Bella Italia and Belgo deduct 10%; Strada and Giraffe do, too.
Since 2013, Cuban authorities have opened hundreds of internet salons, where an hour online costs $4.50, at speeds far lower than those at Kchos studio of around 2mbps.
Since 2013, Cuban authorities have opened hundreds of internet salons, where an hour online costs $4.50.
Smokers are the key group for e-cigarette rms because seven out of ten vapers are smokers.
Smokers are the key group for e-cigarette companies because seven out of ten vapers are smokers.
How does he feel watching football on TV when a referee gets vilified?
How does he feel when he watches football on TV and a referee is attacked?
Carles conclusion: Its not entirely possible or even desirable to live 100% made in France, particularly in terms of new technology.
Carles conclusion: Its not entirely possible to live 100% made in France, particularly in terms of new technology.
In Brazilian cities, white workers earn roughly twice as much as those of African descent.
In Brazilian cities, white workers earn twice as much as workers of African descent.
Weve only been tracking vaping for just over a year, so its a short time period, but we are not seeing growth in the number of long-term ex-smokers or never smokers using e-cigarettes.
Weve only been studying vaping for just over a year, so its a short time period, but we are not seeing growth in the number of long-term ex-smokers or never smokers using e-cigarettes.
Tourist numbers are down 80% this year, said Mayor Maria Kakali, in an of ce in the village where she grew up, home to around 200 people.
Tourist numbers have reduced by 80% this year, said Mayor Maria Kakali, in an of ce in the village where she grew up.
Dgg, Dimmbl, Etna and Eybjrt are fine; likewise Frigg, Glds, Hrn and Ingunn.
Dgg, Dimmbl, Etna and Eybjrt are fine and so are Frigg, Glds, Hrn and Ingunn.
What we did was to look at a set of current London taxi drivers and a set of London taxi drivers that had been retired for about four years, said neuroscientist Dr Hugo Spiers, head of the Spatial Cognition Group at University College London, who is an author of the study.
We studied a group of current London taxi drivers and a group of retired London taxi drivers, said Dr Hugo Spiers of University College London, who is an author of the study.
Ageing is no fun, she admits, reading me a few lines from a poem she has written called That Beast Called Age.
She reads me a few lines from a poem she has written called That Beast Called Age.
Until now, the differences between commercial, governmental and other types of identity were easily distinguished in every internet address by .com, .gov and 20 other categories.
Until now, the differences between commercial, governmental and other types of identity were easy to see in every internet address by the use of .com, .gov and 20 other categories.
Tom, Manchester: A big night of tips can help pay the rent Average tips: 40 per eight-hour shift I think they treat waiters best in ... Italy Where I used to work, oor staff kept 80% of cash tips and 40% of card tips.
Tom, Manchester: A big night of tips can help pay the rent Average tips: 40 per eight-hour shift I think they treat waiters best in ... Italy Where I used to work, waiters kept 80% of cash tips and 40% of card tips.
Reiss Jenkinson, exhibits keeper at the National Aquarium, said he was absolutely certain Inky had not been taken.
Reiss Jenkinson, a keeper at the National Aquarium, said he was absolutely certain Inky was not stolen.
Never being able to trust your friendships with people of different means, I think that is dif cult, said Cockrell.
Never being able to trust your friendships with other people, I think that is dif cult, said Cockrell.
I think, after youve been married a while, you dont keep many secrets.
I think, after youve been married for a longer time, you dont keep many secrets.
Kelley says that synchronized hours could have many positive consequences.
Kelley says that synchronized hours could have many positive effects.
Theres no way I could have banned smoking in my bar without it being a rule throughout the whole city, says Douville.
I couldnt ban smoking in my bar without a ban in the whole city, says Douville.
For those aged 12 to 15, phone calls account for just 3% of time spent communicating through any device.
But, now, for children aged 12 to 15, phone calls make up just 3% of time spent communicating through any device.