When I heard the bad news about the death of a close person.
I was accepted by the Chinese university.
My friend and I had offended our classmate unintenionally. We wanted to apologize to her so we decided to visit her. We knew that she was stubborn so we were frightened. When we rang her door bell, our fear was at it's climax
When someone told a secret I told them not to tell.
When I discovered that my girlfriend was going around with another boy.
A female classmate was always late for meetings which were for the homework and not social gatherings. We were very busy and the deadline was close but we had to waste half an hour or an hour waiting for her as we could do nothing else then.
When I heard the news of my grandfather's sudden death.
A father helping his kid to fight other kids.
When I qualified for form I.
Someone told me I was chosen for the English lectures because I am good looking.
Because of a conflict with my parents there was a possibility to interrupt my studies.
My mom called early in the morning (On a Monday) and I had just seen her that weekend. I couldn't understand what could be so important as to make her call at such a strange hour. I missed the call and had to call her back that afternoon.
When I had a good result in the certificate examination.
The behaviour of people spitting everywhere.
I was dancing Malipenga (traditional dance). I exaggerated the steps I was supposed to make in the negative way. This happened in front of spectators. It was bad for our Boma (group) because I was on the front line where ability is displayed and it is this ability that counts when choosing the winning side.
The day the Real Madrid team of basket ball qualified for the final at Athens.
When my girlfriend of two years told me it was all over.
One evening when my sisters, brothers and I were watching T.V my kid brother took a big mirror and reflected light on the french windows. I thought that these lights that we could see were coming from torches annd that it meant that there were thieves outside.
When my grandmother died of cancer.
A holiday at a whitesand deserted beach. A cool evening near the end of summer and we had a fire in the sand - toasted marshmellows, cuddled and drank champagne.
I gave my mom a gift she wanted for years. I raflected her joy.
We are repainting rooms in my house. My mother started to enact plans to paint my room without consulting me.
Whenever I am alone in a dark room, walk alone on the street, sleep alone in the room at night or see something which is only partly visible. This emotion was very strong when as an 8 year old child I saw something horrible.
When I was accepted as a student at the college, not having thought it possible.
When I noticed that a nice person was being exploited economically.
A good friend quitted me after he had behaved in a strange manner.
After a hard day at the university I also had to make dinner that evening. It failed because of a frying pan which broke.
At church camp when I accepted Christ into my life and so did my friend.
We were walking in the park at night. It was very dark and very late. We began to hear foot steps all around us, and we could not find our way out.
When I found my girl in bed with another man.
At a choral concert I appeared as a solist. The concert5 was very good, I forgot all the hard work that had been done before. There remained only an undescribable joy and a feeling of warmth, security etc.
I met a dear friend of mine after a long time. I expressed my feelings in our own usual way, by mutual scolding and abusing (with complete understanding) and by touching, patting and taking the hand of the other person, etc...
I stormed into the room, hoping to cool myself with some soft music from my three band radio cassette. There was only young Kaley there and he explained, " Your aunt has sold it as she wanted to buy clothes."
In Punjab, when in the name of religion people killed each other during the agitation.
When my father did not get back from Chipata on time, he was thus holding back progress as everything depended on him. I felt angry over his actions.
When a guy chased me when I was out jogging.
I had been watching a TV-program on paranormal phenomena. At night I could not fall off to sleep as I feared that humanoids were on the move.
My current work load is too much. The feeling comes back from time to time.
After having been told not to take the car, I took it anyway and felt guilty about having taken it.
A rich man expressing disgust towards an alcoholic.
My apartment has had three robberies in the last month. The guy upstairs just got robbed making it the fourth.
This feeling of guilt really applies to moral/religious views. I (being Catholic) went against what I was brought up to believe in and had a sexual relationship with my boyfriend. Many months later, when I was doing some deeper self analysis I began to feel guilty and realized that I had gone against what I wanted for myself and my future.
When five of my friends at the secondary school found out the bad things that I had been saying about them.
I was sitting in a restaurant with friends and I knew that in the meantime my girl-friend must have come to my flat and found the door closed.
My class leader told me the university won't let all of us go to your lectures because we are not All English Class.
When I saw a big man hit another one, and nobody did anything.
When a good friend with whom I had an intimate relationship made clear that he didn't want to continue in the same way. He choose his girlfriend (also a friend of mine).
When I had an argument with my best friend and I thought that I was right and she was not.
When my basket ball team lost the qualification at a final.
A man sexually aggressed a small girl in the bus but the girl did not dare to speak out.
As a result of breaking the indicator light as mentioned for guilt.
I saw a film where snakes were crawling everywhere. I felt them crawling over all my body with that ... skins. The noise that they did disturbed me very much.
When I caused much pain and sorrow to my boyfriend by finishing our relationship.
I usually come back home early but this day I came home back late to find some visitors at my place.
I broke a cup and put it back without telling anyone about it and someone almost got blamed for it, then it was discovered that it was me who had broken it.
I arrived an hour late for an important meeting ( I had misunderstood the time).
It was in March 1985 when one of my fellow students borrowed my wristwatch and after sometime he broke a glass of that watch I got angry when he was telling me but the anger didn't take long to fade.
I was listening to a priest in church saying how sinful man was, and how all men should renounce their desires and pleasures to please God. I could never understand how something that brings you joy could be a sin.
When I got a message that my child was not feeling well.
When I saw a scene on T.V where a castration was shown.
I was unfaithful to my partner once when he was working abroad for a long period.
Felt it after I spoke terribly (got mad at) the person who is the most important in my life.
The death of my mother-in-law after a long sick-bed. at the moment of dying I was with her.
A few weeks back my daughter had very high fever and I was scared that it might lead to brain damage or convulsions.
I was living in a flat where things did not go very well for me. Finally, they threw me out and this prejudiced people I esteem a lot.
I felt guilty when I had refused to lend money to my friend who needed it immediately.
I was travelling back home by boat with two friends of mine after a lovely holiday trip. The night and the sea were dark, and the wind was blowing. I feared that death was there on the boat, I somehow felt sure about it. I feared being left alone.
Letting Jesus take control of my emotions i.e., ill feeling.
Telling white lies.
When a class-mate died.
When junior doctors returned to work after bunking them.
When I accused unjustly a person of robbery, who proved me the contrary, almost caused a public fight.
When my husband got picked up in our new car for drunken driving. We had made a pact the other would not drink and so therefore would be the driver for the evening etc. I was not present at the time.
I once saw an elderly lady who was not properly dressed. She was wearing a transparent dress, such things are not sopposed to be seen in African society.
When I received the acceptance form for the second year at university.
I always get angry when somebody deceives me, or tries to conceal his lie skilfully and this offends me even more.
Haven't felt shame for ages.
When I heard about the disaster in Bophal (India).
It appeared that I gave correct answers to all questions during an examination of personality while I thought I performed very badly. Even now, I don't know how I managed it.
A boy who shot dead a squirrel.
When I left a man in whom I really believed.
Not getting the reference paper.
My grandmother has been in a hospital for a week and I still haven't had time to see her.
Whhen the front tyre of the car burst.
I was told that a friend of mine was going to Mexico for good.
After a motor accident (I was the frong-seat-passenger) I spit blood.
Facing a mad dog.
My brother and I were at home watching a TV program when I started to tease him and in this joke I hurt him without knowing the seriousness of it I went on. He got angry and gave it back to me. At this moment I felt anger at him but knowing that it was my fault.
When my mother rejected my boyfriend and made unfair judgements on him.
Having moved into a flat within the last week I felt some disgust that a bathroom tap had been left to drip with a faulty fawcet.
When my brothers were being cruel to my boyfriend, because his flat-mate bent back one of my brother's fingers. It wasn't his fault.
A friend of mine tried to persuade me to go at her place to act as a model because she felt too tired. It was a quarter of an hour before the appointed time, I had just lied down and did not want to go because it was too late anyway. She said that I only was talking about looking for work, but if it was possible I would not accept it. I was angry about this unjust judgment.
I had shouted at my younger brother and he was always afraid when I called out loudly.
When a classmate hit me on my occipital region when I was busy studying and concentrating on my classnotes.
When I had to lie to my boyfriend so that he wouldn't suspect I'd bought him a xmas present as expensive as I had.
I got a fairly large amount of my taxes back.
Hearing of the death of a friend who had been skiing.
I was sleeping in my room but woke in the middle of the night to think I could hear noises and see shadows moving. I felt that someone was in the house.
I felt angry when I heard that my sister had failed the Examinations which we hoped she was going to pass with distinctions.
When two female classmates and I were having lunch, we chatted and cracked jokes, I was very happy. However, I felt that I may have said something inappropriate which might cause them to have a bad impression of me.