When I learnt that the girl I had impregnated was in hospital and was on the verge of dying as she had refused to accept the responsibility of her pregnancy and had wanted to commit suicide.
Getting my accentance letter from CAL.
My husband had gone to drive a strange, broken car. At the agreed time, he had not returned, and I feared that he had had an accident.
When I heard that my father had passed away.
Not doing well in examns which I should do well (English examns).
I was joyful when I received a present (2 books and a pencil) from the headmaster in standard 6 because I had passed, I became No 1 and he said I was one of the pupils who had good behaviour.
When I was involved in a car crash.
I saw in the street a man spitting.
When close relatives tried to dissuade me from studying Psychology because of its low status.
Discovering that Lillehammer provided no musical environment that suits my taste, even though I had been told so.
When I knew that a person that I liked very much didn't react the way I would like to, even that I knew about his feelings for me.
When my room-mate locked up the keys of my room in our room after I had told her that I was only in the bathroom having a shower. She left and I had to do without supper.
I had an interview for entry into college. The results were to be announced on radio. After a long period of waiting the results were released. I had succeded - tension was relieved by joy.
The joy came to me when I heard that I was going to start a Medical course at the Lilongwe School for Health Sciences.
I had intercourse with someone and then I realized that what I had done was wrong and it disgusted me.
A child, 9 years old, died in a stupid way. He fell from a place which was 1 metre high.
I felt disgust about all my friends. After having done a great effort to organize an evening together, and didn't work out, they put the blame on me. After this, I feel disgust towards those that blame me.
Came back from surfing to find car broken into and gear and money stolen.
When I failed the ninth standard exam in school.
When a friend of mine keeps telling me morbid things that happened to his dog.
When I "passed out" a female friend of mine for no apparent reason. I was under the influence of drugs and when I am like that I get mad at anyone, however small the provocation.
My child passed away after a short illness when he was just eleven months old. I was only told about his death without knowing that he had been ill.
Every time I meet a certain person. We cannot get on well together, we dislike each other.
I met a woman who was looking for our house. She stopped me but I ran away. When I arrived at home I found the same woman and she told my parents what had happened so I felt ashamed.
I offended a person who had done much for me and who had helped me for everything.
I feel always guilty before my parents when I come home and have to tell them I have failed an exam.
When my parents work very hard and get tired - while I go to school and study instead of helping them. I feel that I'm letting them down, disappointing them.
People who came to our home - and requested "Put out your smoke". That we should not smoke in our house... and asked not even politely. It disgusted me because I think people need to adapt to the situation.
When I found out that the seat in the coach that I had booked had been sold to somebody else.
I was embarassed at the exam in microbiology. I was ashamed with myself - how little I knew and how good was the examinor. I rarely become ashamed.
When I quarrelled with my boyfriend.
When I saw a car run over a child, out of carelessness.
I felt disgusted when my appointment to meet the E.N.T. specialist had been turned down. The specialist came from U.K. and went the same day and we do not have one.
A person I know who tells lies and so pretending to be better than she is.
Got a big fish in fishing.
Failing an examn because I did not work hard enough.
When I didn't succeed to enter at the University, I felt that the college entrance course sistem prejudiced me, that my integrity, and effort weren't corresponded.
I was dancing in a theatre. I was not sure whether some frieends of mine had come to see me. I was very scared of doing things wrong.
A man whom I like, was drunk and tried to molest me.
During a holiday in East-Germany I got aquainted with a boy who lived there. We started writing, but I only wrote once. I felt ashamed because I probably was one of his sparse contacts with western Europe.
When they denied a job to a person that I propsed giving political reasons that has nothing to do directly with the professional level.
I felt sadness when I remembered my former boyfriend with whom I got separated an year ago and when comparing him with my present one with whom things are not much of a success.
I received a poor grade on a midterm even though I got all the right answers and knew the material. I went to the TA to try to raise my grade and he wouldn't do it.
When I was back home after a long time, meeting beloved people and close friends.
Some foreign students playing loud music late at night.
When I was 7-8 years old, I woke up one night and found myself alone at home. My mother had gone out to buy cigarattes from a machine.
Recently I happened to remain alone for a long time.
It was on January 1st 1985 when I accidentally broke a Fanta bottle in a certain bottle store in Zomba.
When I went to the sauna for the first time and there were men and women.
This condition accumulated in my mind when funeral news was brought to my awareness, that a close relative had passed away.
On Christmas eve,1984, I had just finished the exams and was afraid as the results of one of my major subjects had been very unsatisfactory. I thought that I had only a 50% chance of passing. Even if I failed this subject I would not need to repeat. However I liked this subject very much and my results were bad because of my lazyness. If I was forced to change to a minor in this subject I would be very unwilling.
When my brother did not send me the transport money to resume my studies in time at UNZA.
When I discovered that my mother had been involved in adultery.
I was jerking me off in my bedroom, when suddenly, my mother came in. She looked at me and immediately left the room.
Close friend leave to go overseas for an indefinite period. Farewell scene at airport.
Upon moving away from home for the first time to a different city, I felt no longer "under the wing" of my parents even though they would always be there to help me. I felt a sense of loss, I was now all alone in the world, responsible for my own actions.
A ex-boyfriend tried to prejudice me before my fiancT and his family saying things about me that let his family worried. We had to postpone our wedding and we were already using our wedding rings. To be honest I didn't feel just anger, I felt hate.
When I learnt that I had been betrayed by my friend.
I was with my girlfriend when some guys that I don't like made fuss at my girl.
I spend the night with my boyfriend, while there was also a friend of his. We all lay on the floor to sleep. When my boyfriend was fallen asleep the other boy and I started petting. After 15 minutes I felt miserable and awoke my boyfriend to tell him that.
One night, while I was sleeping, I woke up suddenly with the sensation that there was someone in my room.
A truck (big one) nearly mowed me off the road (I was driving a small Lazer).
When burglars with guns forced themselves into my house and ordered me to give them money or face death.
When I was a young teenager (14) my brother-in-law to be had made heavy advances to me. I did not understand very well what it was all about but I reacted strongly and the feelings are still there.
I was at a children's camp abroad. The people (the leaders, my coevals) were very king to us. One night we smeared our foreign friends with tooth-paste while they were sleeping and then we roused the whole camp by our shouts. Later I was so sorry. I didn't utter a word for two days, then I went to apologize.
My mother was ill and asked me to prpare our lunch. I went to do it, and while I was working, she stayed behind me telling what I had, or not to do. I asked her to stop meddling, and to go to bed. When I went to ask for help to my sister, my mother said that I was proud, that I asked for help only when I wanted and that I wasn't able to cook by myself.
My friend misunderstood me.
A teacher spent a lot of time helping me without wanting to be paid for it. For the exam I didn't got a good grade and I felt ashamed.
I acted in an English play in college and got the Best Actress award, while our play got the first place.
When I heard that my father had found a letter from my boyfriend and he was calling me to talk about it.
I was nailed. I lied in connection with a book which I took from the library, because I had to keep it for a longer time.
Each time I am confronted with reports about repression and torture.
After seeing an "uncertain" child work on a model for several hours, I watched a "bully" of the same age destroy it, telling the child that it was worthless.
Flicking through a magazine showing pictures of homosexual men committing various acts.
When I learnt that I had to repeat the first year, I found the solution immediately but was blocked by many difficulties.
A friend of mine got pregnant anf failed the first year at university. The boyfriend refused his responsibility and they ended up in court.
When my boss enrolled in a course to satisfy his own ends - to trample on his associates. I have the misfortune to have one of my superiors in my course.
Not doing well in the examn.
I saw a dead child which was not covered, it had been knocked down by a car.
Not handing in homework in time.
It was a complex situation concerning a relationship with a boyfriend, I had broken the relationship for some reasons. Meanwhile, as I felt it, I had most sorrow.
I felt ashamed when I had not attended a class and the teacher asked me the reason for my absence.
Beating my brother up.
I had an important amount of money with me and felt fear of being assaulted.
When someone makes advances that one does not want.
When employer made a pass at me whilst I was at work.
I was learning judo and my instructor wanted me to assist him in teaching girls judo at a suburban college. I was just a beginer, and he made me a green belt so that I would be able to command respect. This was against my principles, and yet I allowed myself to listen to him. I gave it up soon after, however I felt very ashamed at not sticking to my principles and at not having put my foot down earlier.
When I heard about the death of my aunt.
I was very angry when my friend lost my practical's journal, which I needed to study for the exams.
A grenade blew out next to me.
I was swimming in the river and I lost the top of my bikini. I did not notice it and came out of water. There was a disagreeable classmate watching the scene.
I was pregnant and thought that by not having the baby I would hurt the father like he did me regardless of the life we had created.
I had failed some subjects in mathematics.
A good friend of mine who is at the moment in a foreign country. I didn't write her for several months and now I feel guilty.
I had an appointment downtown, and the person in question was half an hour late.
My friend started to misunderstand and hurt me.
During a football match, the other team was rude and they hurt my team members and me. The coach was prejudiced against us and punished us unreasonably. Later we fought with each other and the match had to be cut short.
In a confrontation with a person, he provoked me several times till I reacted in an angry way. Fortunately there were no disastrous consequences.
In a situation with my girlfriend I took a decision. Later when I thought about it, I realized that it was an erroneous decision.
I was with my boyfriend forgetting that I had left the house unlocked. Unfortunatly a thief came and stole all the kitchen utensils. Thereafter I was afraid of the consequences.