It was when my father caught me with a girl in dark corners and asked me what I was doing there.
When I knew that a person who I didn't like, had about me other feelings.
When the train taking me to my military service left the station, on the platform remained relatives, projects and goodtimes. I had a hard year ahead.
Can't describe any disgust situation.
When I told a girl that I could not take her out that night as I was entertaining my mother who had come from home. However, I later met this girl with another girlfriend at a hostel where I had taken out another girlfriend of mine.
My mother was working with a knife and we were all laughing heartily. She was not able to control the knife and stuck it deep into her hand.
When I found a maggot in my food at the dinning hall, all the food had gone bad.
A friend of mine remembered me when she needed me and did not even think about me when she did not need me.
[ Whenever I put myself in other's shoes and try to make the person happy, comfort him or make friends and I am misunderstood and rejected, especially when this person is a family member or a friend.]
When my first child was born.
Someone drove into my car and then denied that it had happened.
Death of a close friend.
When I had to go to the gynecologist and to sit on that special chair, I felt ashamed.
I would have liked to go out to chat with some acquaintances, but I realized that I was not wanted. I felt hurt, disappointed, lonely and deserted.
There was a conflict of interest between me and a close friend of mine. He only thought about his own interest and not about our friendship. This behaviour hurt his friends. Another incident is when a friend isolated himself without giving any reasons.
The male friend of my mother (a widow) moved in to live with us. I did not like the man.
Thinking of the unknown, what happens at the moment of death, etc.
The event which got me angry got also an aversion in me.
I had stayed for months without seeing mother because our holidays were short and my home is far. Some times, mother came to see me at school, I was very joyful, and I didn't want her to go.
When I did not buy what I had promised to.
I had a discussion with my girl-friend. After some time we started to quarrel and at least - to get the upper hand - I said that she was not as important to me as she might believe. Some time later I apologized for that.
[ Uncertainty about my own abilities in an exam.]
A certain person whom I respect and esteem a lot pays me no attention. She keeps up appearances but shows almost no interest in me.
A drunk man bumped into me and wanted to grip me. Fortunately I was able to break loose.
I was appreciated by others, especially my family members and my friends.
My last genetices midterm - a decent grade.
I was out with a friend in a place where it was very, very busy. When we wanted to go I bumped a person, who dropped his glass beer I offered a new one but he didn't accept it.
One night my father suddenly suffered from a heart attack which lead to breathing difficulties.
During one year my mother almost had a nervous breakdown and my father had a serious operation. I was afraid that our family (4 kids, I'm the oldest) wouldn't hold together. Everything turned out fine.
By fun I had a tussle with my sister. Suddenly I obviously hurt her unintentionally - and she ran out of the room, crying.
The greatest guilt I felt and I didn't know if it was really justified is that when I was a child I had a brother very close to me. He became ill, and asked me to see him in the hospital. I didn't go, when his situation became worse in the U.I.T. (Unity of intensive therapy) I went and he died.
I heard a broadcasting programme about parapsychology. The people in this programme used very difficult words which I couldn't understand. They acted exaggerated without showing any feeling.
One of my class-mates had a disease unexpectedly, he had been in a coma for six days in a hospital before he died.
Losing my temper with my spouse.
A child was admitted in hospital with Meningitis. I was asked to do lumber puncture to obtain Celebral Spinal fluid for diagnostic purposes. Since the condition was already bad, the child died as soon as I finished the procedure.
When I had to plunge in a swamp of fetid and stagnant water.
When I knew I had to go out with my mother on some errands.
When I heard that I had passed Primary School Leaving Certificate and was selected to go for Secondary education.
I was afraid of a certain examination although I was relatively well prepared.
When I was selected for higher education, i.e grade 7 to formI.
I felt shame when I was asked by my cousin that I promised to buy her a birthday present but I didn't buy it for her in front of friends.
When I failed to answer a simple question.
When a friend didn't invite her own parents to her Graduation ceremony.
I feel this feeling when I am to fill in a questionnaire or a form.
When I was curious about it and went to a spiritism session with a friend. I had already been there other times (many times when I was younger) but that day, even if I don't believe in spiritism I was terribly afraid that something would happen to me (sort of incorporation !).
It was my mother's birthday. My father and I used to buy a present together. However, now I had bought something together with my girlfriend and I forgot to ask my father.
When I was dismissed unjustly from the firm where I worked, because there where persons that didn't have problems, and wouldn't miss in the jobs they occupied if they were dismissed.
Unjust punishment of a friend of mine.
One night I could not practise my violin as my family was watching T.V with the lights off, so I wanted to listen to some tapes. It was dark so I asked my brother to bring me a torch, however he scolded me. I was so angry that I slammed my violin on the floor.
I was working at a certain place and everyday after work dad would come to pick me up. One day he did not come, it started getting very dark and I had no money on me and my home was very, very far away.
When I don't succeed to fulfill a promise.
A film were a woman was attacked and raped. One did not see the worst but it had the desired effect - very strong.
When I see the acts and deeds of a blind drunk man.
When my roommate forgets to flush the toilet.
Arguing with my younger cousin. She is rather a nuisance but I felt sorry.
Finding a hair in the soup.
When I saw my 18 year old son grab an oxygen mask as he had breathing difficulties. I had a bad conscience because I had not stopped smoking. Medication for the dilation of his breathing tubes also caused a sense of guilt in me.
I was spending the week-end with some friends. We were waiting for another friend and we went to the meet him at the bus stop, a woman we met there told us that the coach had already left. I was afraid that I would not see my friend, but at last we found him.
I had arranged to meet my friends at a certain place, and I was with other people. My friends did not arrive and the people who were with me began to get tired. My friends were one hour late.
My grandmother died during Christmas break several years ago.
My boyfriend decided to make an end to our relationship.
The inflammation of the ear of my child got cured and the doctor said that the ear was completely all right.
When I was about to be bitten by my friend's dog, later on it bit me.
When I saw a picture, in the Gothenburg Post, of a totally demolished car with two fatally injured passengers. The car was so badly damaged that they couldn't get the bodies out at the scene of the accident.
I felt joy when I heard over the radio that I had been successful in my Primary School Leaving Certificate Examination and was selected for Secondary School.
Not doing my share of the work for the house job.
When I shouted and quarrelled and for no reason I had been rude to my mother and when my behaviour had been influenced by other outward factors.
When a thunder belt hit the roof top of the building I was in.
When I got very low marks in one of the assignments.
When a friend tried to back bite me on false grounds. This made me wonder if he was a really a good friend.
I felt disgust after watching a picture on television about torturing political prisoners in India (this happened in the India of Indira Ghandi).
When I was on a cave excursion with friends, I suddenly lost them and was afraid of losing my way in the cave.
I once proposed my own niece whom I did not know but I discovered after she was my girlfriend.
I was very angry when I heard that my brother was beaten by his friends.
Motor failure on a boat outside Gottenburg when we were in heavy seas and the wind was strong. As we could not steer the boat we drifted towards the rocks. We did not succeed in attracting the attention of any passerby until 4 hours had elapsed.
A case of unrequited love.
On a trip I passed by a cellulose factory. It was a fine day, beautiful landscape; I observed this factory with disgust.
I watched the news at the TV, it was a commentary about "Hainburg". I felt disgusted when I heard members of the union speak about the situation.
When I heard that my friend had started drinking beer.
I had this feeling before my graduation and never dared to speak to my relatives and friends. Because of this feeling I would avoid situations, however I do not know the reason for this.
When thieves broke into my house at night and held my wife and me on gun-point for at least ten minutes and took away a lot of property.
My father suddenly fell ill. He stayed for 3 months in the hospital: the last month on intensive care of the Academic Hospital, then he died.
When they told me that I had been admitted to the faculty of medicine.
My elder brother had been expelled from college and he was so frustated that he attempted suicide - he drank bottle fragments. I was very sad when I learnt this.
When I finally got a job after days of wondering whether I would be hired or not and counting on the money that it would bring.
My younger brother destroyed and gave away some of the books that I had intended to keep for as long as possible.
When I had a Latin examination in school.
Finding out I am not chosen for the English lectures.
When I splashed a child by not slowing down while driving through a puddle of water.
Insulted by my mother.
Went to a lecture about Chinese history and hear about the Opium War.
Whenever I read or think about the way people treat animals and nature.
When a man spoke very sexistly in the company of some friends of mine.
We were at secondary school and I was making a lot of noise. The teacher came to ask us as to who was making all the noise. I did not own up so the whole class was punished.
Relating to my closest family.
This happened when I was in the 10th standard. The paddy crops were in a bad shape as it had not rained and there was no water in the well, so I was in a very sad mood. I came to the conclusion that I would ignore the paddy field, just 12 hours after this it rained for one hour. This was a very tense time and the rain brought me tremendous pleasure.
The weather is very bad (fog and slipperiness) the newcast reports many traffic accidents and my boyfriend is driving home and still has 60 kilometers to go.
I was working as a secretary. My boss was to go to give a lecture, and wanted me to give him the exact address of the place.
I never failed my examinations since Standard 1 but I experienced sad moments when I sat for Standard 8 Examination and I was not selected for Secondary School education in 1978.