I felt much anger and perhaps I feel it till now, against my girlfriend's sister who incited her to betray me just when I needed her very much. She didn't think of anything, simply passed over everything.
At my Summer job, nobody looked after me in particular and I had to learn all on my own.
When I had a little accident with my boss'car.
It was on St. Claus Day when I was five years old. St. Claus and his Devil Servant came to see me. St. Claus' Devil Servant rattled with his chain and bowled terribly. I was so frightened that my parents had to ask him to leave.
I used to pinch change from my father's mantlepiece (never my mother - she didn't get enough housekeeping) and then I'd feel when we went to church as a family I'd felt awkward cos I felt I'm expected to go to communion and I would but I was afraid and guilty 'cos I committed a mortal sin.
I get irritated with my son when he screams or is sick all over his clean clothes.
Shame of being reprehended.
My dog, whom I had had for eleven years, died. I watched his soporification.
As a child, when I was at home alone, I felt in an indefinate manner afraid of the death of my father and mother.
Insulted by some stupid people.
Heard someone boasting his fortune telling and I knew he was lying.
Got in touch with earlier friends after a long absence.
China cannot let you give more lectures because you are needed in the specialist clinics. We are so backward in medicine.
I was alone in the bus when I tripped and fell, and dropped all my papers.
A young girl tried to put an end to her life because of lover's grief; not until she was in hospital I heard that I had been the reason for her action.
I was given a wristwatch by my first girl and after two days another girl of mine also gave me a wristwatch.
As a passenger in a vehicle travelling from the steep side of Arthur's Pass in the middle of a sleet-storm, icy roads, sheer chasms to one side, sheer face to the other.
My mother read a letter that a friend of mine had written to me telling me how she had got drunk the last time.
Finding out that China is backward in science.
Thinking about other things in a lecture.
I was told that I had passed the statistics exam. I had not expected this so I was very happy.
When I promised a male friend of mine to visit him, and did not.
Getting to know that my uncle in America had a brain tumor.
Some boys boasting about their ability to tell dirty jokes.
I was walking along the passage to my room (very near the anatomy laboratory) and I heard something and felt that there was some thing behind me. I looked back and there was no one. I started imagining that maybe it was a corpse.
When my niece was 3 years old she was in the living room while we were fixing the table for a birthday party and, as every child, she couldn't stay calm. She burst a balloon. When I told her to be quiet her father pinched her. I believe if I hadn't said anything this wouldn't have happened.
On embarking on University life. I came from a different city and did not know anybody at the Uni. I was frightened because my well known and loved friends, also all my security had been taken away.
When I passed the B.A exams with 1st class. I was the first in the family to have got a 1st class, so all the family members were very happy and they gave me the opportunity to study further.
Someone had to do a lot of efforts to make something work. With my help he would have finished much sooner, but I wasn't in the mood to help him.
In the past I experienced this feeling almost all the time - wherever I went, in different sutuations. I was small and I had to be taken to kindergarten, but me the fool didn't dare to tell exactly where, finally as a result I was late.
When my aunt, whom I had loved very much, died. When I heard about her death, I was not as touched as at the funeral. I really became conscious of her death at that moment.
When I went for the first time in my life to a nudist-beach.
A workmate and I had been antagonistic with each other for some weeks - he had reacted violently to my criticisms of his work standards.
Going to a disco by myself to wait for some friends. We had separated and hadn't planned where to meet. I wasn't sure if they were even going to this place so I felt very conscious of being alone.
Some time ago I was present at the wedding party of two close friends of mine.
I cut a friend's hair in anger, without any consideration.
When I was in the toilet and someone came in.
I was very happy when I passed and went to form I. It was a great relief for me as I had been very worried considering the large number of pupils who fail.
I have a two-month old baby. When I came here, to the university, to attend lectures, I had to leave the baby with his father. I felt guilty.
It happened when I lost two very intimate friends in a car accident.
4-letter words on a TV programme (Roche) while we were entertaining "conservative" relations who wanted to see the first episode.
When I heard that an acquaintance of mine was spreading rumours about my affair with a close friend.
I had enough time to do my assignment, and I did not do it well. When the lecturer scolded me, I had this feeling.
I experience a sense of guilt as my middle son cannot express himself like other children, neither verbally nor in writing.
My brother and I were driving to Brisbane when he drove back onto the road, perhaps cutting off another car but not noticeable - this driver did his best to drive us off the road for about 1/2 an hour.
Death of a pet rabbit. We had to give it away because my brother became allergic to it. We gave it to a man who kept animals and lots of other animals for children to watch. We went to visit our rabbit. It was badly beaten by the other rabbits and eventually died.
I was taking place in an anti nuclear protest and was shouting protest loudly to some American sailors of the U.S. Texas submarine. A guy came up to me and said that's your brother screaming at, I felt shame and I realized screaming at another person isn't good protesting. Now I'm a silent protester.
When I finished a relation after four years, leading to much sorrow for the other one and myself ("although it was the best solution").
A very close friend of mine died. I read it in the newspaper. I didn't know what to do and thought about it the whole day.
My little niece, who is very talkative, suddenly became very naughty and began wetting her pants. She did it one afternoon.
When my brother's visa for the U.S.A got cancelled.
When going out in the weekend I have to bike 5 kilometers through lonely and dark polders, then I always have terrifying fantasies.
An exam where questions about very specific knowledge were asked.
When my father passed away.
I was disgusted when my little sister had been hit badly by her friends.
[ Generally, when I am late in attending to matters (for example paying bills).]
As a child, when I saw an "unesthetic" sight.
When my grandmother died, her life was heavy and her last hours were terrible.
I had promised to call a girl but I did not do it.
When I was at a boarding school at Lusaka, the Rhodesian soldiers came to bomb a house near our school and we saw the whole scene.
When I got caught in the pouring rain last Thursday and did not have a raincoat on me.
My friend had organized a birthday party for me secretly, I was very happy not so much for the presents but because they seemed to care for me.
When I found out my roommate had been talking behind my back about very personal things.
The time when I cleaned the house and everything was tidy, then my cousin, who is 4 years old, came with a muddy pot and made a mess of the whole thing.
When I was emotionally unstable I said things which may have hurt others or made them feel unhappy. When I calmed down I realized that I had been selfish and had not taken into consideration the feelings of others. Then I felt ashamed as someone pointed out my behaviour to me.
Not getting on with someone of my classmates in high school.
When I heard that my father had passed away. I could not eat for a week and was only crying. I could not find the courage to go to bath.
I was told that a friend of a friend committed suicide.
At one of my close friends saying she didn't like the way I am nice to people I don't know, or who have been nasty to me.
A sense of guilt before my parents when I had to discountinue my studies in the first year because of unpassed exams.
Having agreed to share the taxi expenses, three people in the back of the car just ran off, leaving the person up front with the entire bill.
I was camping in an old broken hut which had no lights. I had brought along a lamp which was not working very well. The door made strange sounds and I was sure that strange things were happening. The most terrifying bit was that there were many wardrobes in the hut and everytime that I looked in the glass of the wardrobe I felt that there were "objects" behind me. The whole night was spent in fear and restlessness.
I was of the opinion that 12.00 pm was too early to be back at home after going out, so I stayed away longer, knowing that my mother would be worried.
Disgusted with boyfriend's mother - her overpowering, over-protecting and selfish attitudes.
When I got a stereo walkman from my father when he had finacial difficulties. I thought that although he promised to give me that present, he was not obliged to do so.
I was in a car accident on the way back from a weekend rowing regatta we'd won. 5 others were in the car. I thought I'd never be able to row again.
When I found out that a person I went to school with had died in a car accident.
A friend gave me a lift and we met a road-block. He tried to turn back when an officer shouted at us to stop. My friend took a turn suddenly and the officer raised his gun but by the time we were gone.
The housing council asked the city to cut 40 linden trees so that the inhabitants of the lower floors would have a view to the sea.
When I beat up my brother so badly, for not having gone to school, that we had to take him to hospital.
When on holiday in Greece I called my best friend, she told me she passed the examinations and that she had been admitted to the study for speech therapy.
We were at a football match and when we were leaving the stadium (the stadium was packed with people) and I lost my shoe in the crowd. Our attempts to find it didn't give any result and I had to go home without one shoe. In other words to cross the whole town !
When I heard of the assassination of the Indian prime-minister, Indira Gandhi.
When I met with friends that I hadn't seen for a long time.
A great friend of mine travelled with the intention to change his life. He didn't succeed and returned depressed. I had not power to support his frustration and his behavioral change.
When I bought new skis; I was ashamed to tell the assistant that I am not good at skiing and therefor bought racing skis.
Saw something stupid and ignorant happening in the countryside.
Finding out that my health condition may be against my attending university lectures.
It was when a friend took me to a place and gave me as a gift my astrologycal map with the explanations of a psychologist.
When I realized that my bathing suit was spotted, I had became menstruated.
I came out of the house at 7:20 am Monday morning getting ready t go to school and fight for a parking when I saw my car had a flat tire.
A TV program on whale-hunting.
A party I went to last Christmas.
When someone took my pen away.
I was alone in my room at the boarding house when at 12 o'clock someone knocked violently on the door.
I was disgusted at the university wanting some of us to travel from our homes to the lectures here every day. The way the whole thing was handled disgusted me.
I felt sad when I heard that my cousin had passed away just suddenly.
[ I sometimes quarrel with my mother because she blames me, though I have not in any way been connected to some events.]
Someone I do not like kept talking to me.
Several good friends made me a surprise visit and this made me happy. They are my closest friends and we had not seen each other for a long time.