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Rather, producing both at the same time was easier than having to suppress the dominant language (in this case English) in order to name the picture on the screen only in ASL.
Additionally, by comparing the production of a single language (ASL or English) to the simultaneous production of both languages, we found that activity associated with lexical retrieval increased during simultaneous production of ASL and English compared with only producing English (our participants' dominant language), but neural activity decreased compared with producing only ASL (the nondominant language) while inhibiting English.
In fact, they also found that for such speakers, producing two words simultaneously (one sign and one spoken word) was not necessarily more cognitively costly than producing only one. Rather, producing both at the same time was easier than having to suppress the dominant language (in this case English) in order to name the picture on the screen only in ASL. "In all, these results suggest that the burden of language-switching lies in disengagement from the previous language as opposed to engaging a new language," says Blanco-Elorrieta.
Our results revealed that, in language switching, disengagement (turning off a language) elicits increased activity in the dlPFC and ACC, but engaging in a new language (turning on a language) does not incur a neural switch cost. Additionally, by comparing the production of a single language (ASL or English) to the simultaneous production of both languages, we found that activity associated with lexical retrieval increased during simultaneous production of ASL and English compared with only producing English (our participants' dominant language), but neural activity decreased compared with producing only ASL (the nondominant language) while inhibiting English. These results suggest that dual lexical retrieval does not necessarily incur any additional neural cost; on the contrary, neural activity during lexical retrieval of the nondominant language (ASL) is reduced by simultaneous production of English, a result that is consistent with behavioral data from ref.
[4.0, 5.0, 3.0, 5.0, 4.0]
These results are important for clinicians since children who display increased symptoms over time (a decline being normative in the population) might represent a marker of genetic vulnerability and warrant closer follow-up.
The results presented in eTable 5 are presented for descriptive purposes and caution should be applied when interpreting them.
Therefore this proposes that different sets of genes may be associated with the developmental course versus the baseline level of symptoms and may explain why some children remit and others persist. These results are important for clinicians since children who display increased symptoms over time (a decline being normative in the population) might represent a marker of genetic vulnerability and warrant closer follow-up. It is associated with a 3-5 times increase in risk of stroke.
Finally, the score on the Conners inattention scale rated by teachers at age 14 years was higher for children with increasing inattention. The results presented in eTable 5 are presented for descriptive purposes and caution should be applied when interpreting them. Consequently, separating the sample into two sub-groups following different developmental trajectories based on the slope value is arbitrary as it cuts in a continuous distribution (here below and above 0).
[1.0, 1.0, 3.0, 1.0]
Here, repeatedly getting the same outcome decreases the probability of that outcome occurring in the future.
People who won were more likely to win again (apparently because they chose safer odds than before) whereas those who lost were more likely to lose again (apparently because they chose riskier odds than before).
The gambler's fallacy works in the opposite direction. Here, repeatedly getting the same outcome decreases the probability of that outcome occurring in the future. A roulette ball landing on red after one spin has zero effect on what happens on the next spin.
People suffering from the hot-hand fallacy unreasonably expect winning streaks to continue whereas those suffering from the gamblers' fallacy unreasonably expect losing streaks to reverse. People who won were more likely to win again (apparently because they chose safer odds than before) whereas those who lost were more likely to lose again (apparently because they chose riskier odds than before). However, selection of safer odds after winning and riskier ones after losing indicates that online sports gamblers expected their luck to reverse: they suffered from the gamblers' fallacy.
[4.0, 3.0, 3.0]
Lead study researcher Jeff Temple PhD, an associate professor at the University of Texas who specializes in dating violence, told Newsweek that one unit increase in corporal punished was associated with a 29 percent increase in perpetrating dating violence.
There was no significant association by sex (c 2 [3] = 3.52, P = .32), ethnicity (c 2 = 15.86, P =.07), or parental education (c 2 = 9.38, P = .40) differences in terms of corporal punishment (Table II) .
There was a positive relationship between corporal punishment and physical violence during a romantic relationship. Lead study researcher Jeff Temple PhD, an associate professor at the University of Texas who specializes in dating violence, told Newsweek that one unit increase in corporal punished was associated with a 29 percent increase in perpetrating dating violence. These results remained even when the team accounted for the number of children who experienced child abuse, which is described as any form of punishment that is inappropriate or causes series injury.
Nineteen percent of participants (n = 134) reported physical perpetration of dating violence, and more than one-half (68%) reported experiencing corporal punishment as children (n = 498, mean = 1.07, SD = 0.96). There was no significant association by sex (c 2 [3] = 3.52, P = .32), ethnicity (c 2 = 15.86, P =.07), or parental education (c 2 = 9.38, P = .40) differences in terms of corporal punishment (Table II) . More African Americans endorsed experiencing corporal punishment "always," relative to Hispanic participants, c 2 [1] = 3.96, P < .05, but this difference did not emerge between African American and white participants, c 2 [1] = 1.51, P = .22.
[1.0, 2.0, 2.0]
Most of the remaining children fell into groups that knew only the number one, the numbers one and two, the numbers one through three, and a few that knew one through four -- the same breakdown seen in children in industrialized countries.
suggests that it is critically important that children learn to recite the list of number words in order before making the CP-transition.
Although the Tsimane' live in a fairly remote area, they do have some contact with Spanish speakers living nearby. Most of the remaining children fell into groups that knew only the number one, the numbers one and two, the numbers one through three, and a few that knew one through four -- the same breakdown seen in children in industrialized countries. advertisement The results suggest that those counting stages are universal in child development, the researchers say.
This view that the stages of knowledge are driven by the learner's core representational system accords with our finding of similar stages in a substantially distinct culture. suggests that it is critically important that children learn to recite the list of number words in order before making the CP-transition. She argues that this list provides a placeholder structure that provides a framework for the CP-induction-moving "one more" in terms of cardinality equates to one further item on the memorized list of words.
[4.0, 3.0, 3.0, 1.0]
The findings from this work support the general premise of the hypothesis, but suggest that other factors such as noradrenaline are also crucial."
An intriguing question raised by these results is how β-AR activation in the LA modulates Hebbian processes and synaptic plasticity in this small cell population to produce threat learning.
According to Johansen, "This work represents one of the first tests of an influential hypothesis for memory formation in the working brain. The findings from this work support the general premise of the hypothesis, but suggest that other factors such as noradrenaline are also crucial." The study provides a new perspective on how aversive experiences, such as being attacked by a dog, for example, are translated by the brain into emotional fear memories and may represent a general process to control memory formation in other brain areas.
Thus, other factors such as the availability or levels of intracellular signaling molecules, local competition between cell assemblies, or the availability of auditory CS inputs to a given cell may have played a role in allocation of plasticity to a small proportion of the stimulated neurons ( . An intriguing question raised by these results is how β-AR activation in the LA modulates Hebbian processes and synaptic plasticity in this small cell population to produce threat learning. However, in addition to being expressed in glutamatergic neurons in LA, β-ARs are also expressed in presynaptic inputs to these neurons and in GABAergic and astrocytic cells .
[2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 2.0]
Because we describe the effects of emotion using mathematical equations, our work may allow scientists, one day, to predict what experiences an individual will recall.
detected one emotional face in an array of neutral faces found that computationally modeled bottom-up visual saliency (using the model shown in Fig.
Those small changes lead to important, holistic effects on the entire process of memorising. Because we describe the effects of emotion using mathematical equations, our work may allow scientists, one day, to predict what experiences an individual will recall. ADVERTISEMENT But once we gather more data on these intermediate steps, our model's predictions may more accurately reproduce the recall pattern of individuals.
Viewing emotional stimuli also increases activity in visual brain areas associated with object recognition, such as the fusiform and inferotemporal cortices , and it leads to an early posterior negativity in eventrelated brain potential studies detected one emotional face in an array of neutral faces found that computationally modeled bottom-up visual saliency (using the model shown in Fig. When participants looking at a neutral face thought they saw an emotional face, activity in posterior visual regions showed the same type of enhanced activity seen during actual emotional face perception.
[2.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
I was blindly aiming high when I should have been aiming strategically.
I have asked for pay raise is a dummy for having requested a greater salary during this job tenure with the current employer.
My friend's advice wasn't bad, but I actually had no idea whether I was undervaluing myself. I was blindly aiming high when I should have been aiming strategically. To be clear: Negotiating is a good thing.
The variable pay is negotiated is a dummy for whether the employee says that pay levels are fixed by negotiation with the employer (this is not, it should perhaps be emphasized, a measure of "asking"). I have asked for pay raise is a dummy for having requested a greater salary during this job tenure with the current employer. Satisfied with wage is a dummy for reporting that I am satisfied with my income in the job with the current employer.
[5.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0]
The changes in sleep and cortisol were largest when the crime committed the previous day was homicide, they were moderate for assault and sexual assault and nonexistent for robbery.
Effects for robbery were never statistically significant.
In addition, the increase in youth's cortisol levels the morning after a nearby crime occurred the day before was larger than on mornings following no crime the previous day, a pattern that previous research suggests might reflect the body's anticipation of more stress the day following a crime. The changes in sleep and cortisol were largest when the crime committed the previous day was homicide, they were moderate for assault and sexual assault and nonexistent for robbery. "The results of our research have several implications for policy," suggested study co-author Emma Adam, professor of human development and social policy at SESP.
Criminal sexual assault was associated with a .18 lg/dl increase in cortisol on the night of the crime (p = .012). Effects for robbery were never statistically significant. Removing robbery from the Panel A estimate resulted in a larger coefficient for the effect on CAR (estimated at .22 lg/dl, p = .003).
[2.0, 1.0, 4.0, 5.0, 3.0]
It's shocking to think of how many people might be wrongfully punished simply because they use a dialect that's different to what's considered standard.
Second, it also illustrates how little speech is needed for dialect identification.
And in moments of intense emotion a such as an interrogation a anyoneas ability to code-switch can be impacted. It's shocking to think of how many people might be wrongfully punished simply because they use a dialect that's different to what's considered standard. When neither court recorders, jurors, lawyers, or judges possess a grasp of this valid form of language, it can lead to injustices that take years to correct a if they ever are meaningfully addressed.
This allowed us to hold external factors to a minimum. Second, it also illustrates how little speech is needed for dialect identification. "Hello" is a self-contained utterance, making perceptual studies more natural.
[1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 2.0, 2.0]
"The results revealed a delicate coordination in the brain's code," Voytek says.
We also observed a task-by-region interaction (F 6,1644 = 3.04, P = 0.0058) such that encoding-triggered PAC increased as a function of task differentially depending on the location of the encoding pair.
[related] As the tasks became more demanding, the oscillations kept up, coordinating more parts of the frontal lobe and synchronizing the information passing between those brain regions. "The results revealed a delicate coordination in the brain's code," Voytek says. "Our neural orchestra may need no conductor, just brain waves sweeping through to briefly excite neurons, like millions of fans in a stadium doing 'The Wave.'"
Theta/high gamma PAC increased with task demands such that the theta phase in an electrode provided task-dependent information about the gamma amplitude around the theta phase-encoding time (main effect of task abstraction, F 3,1644 = 31.29, P < 10 −18 ; Fig. We also observed a task-by-region interaction (F 6,1644 = 3.04, P = 0.0058) such that encoding-triggered PAC increased as a function of task differentially depending on the location of the encoding pair. More specifically, encoding-triggered PAC increases as a function of task between encoding PFC electrode pairs (F 3,954 = 88.55, P < 10 −49 ) and for encoding pairs between M1/PMC and PFC (F 3,597 = 30.75, P < 10 −17 ), but less so for encoding pairs in M1/PMC (F 3,93 = 2.29, P = 0.084).
[3.0, 3.0, 1.0]
Thus, Lopes argues, sickness behaviors would impact survival positively -- but only to a certain extent.
These differences might suggest that while females of species with biparental care can afford to invest in reproduction while sick, given the paternal contribution to care, the opposite behaviour might be adaptive for females that receive no help from males in caring for offspring.
These behaviors are not often caused by the infection itself, but rather by the immune system's response to it. Thus, Lopes argues, sickness behaviors would impact survival positively -- but only to a certain extent. Likewise, if more time and energy is invested into feeling sick, reproduction would decrease.
For example, while IL-1b administration to females of a uniparental (female-only) rodent species (Mus musculus) inhibited sexual behaviour and eliminated the expected preference to mate with intact versus castrated males , LPS injection of females of a biparental rodent species (Microtus ochrogaster) enhanced partner preference of familiar versus unfamiliar males and facilitated pair bonding . These differences might suggest that while females of species with biparental care can afford to invest in reproduction while sick, given the paternal contribution to care, the opposite behaviour might be adaptive for females that receive no help from males in caring for offspring. Indeed, male house sparrows show increased paternal effort (feeding rate) when their mates reduce feeding effort owing to an LPS injection .
[5.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0, 4.0]
It found that those who experienced mild to moderate family difficulties between birth and 11 years of age had developed a smaller cerebellum, an area of the brain associated with skill learning, stress regulation and sensory-motor control.
Other limitations include the use of reliance of information obtained from maternal interview using the CAMEEI and the relatively high SES background of participants in this study that may contrast with the SES of participants in other studies who may have experienced more severe forms of abuse and adversity.
It found that those who experienced mild to moderate family difficulties between birth and 11 years of age had developed a smaller cerebellum, an area of the brain associated with skill learning, stress regulation and sensory-motor control. The researchers also suggest that a smaller cerebellum may be a risk indicator of psychiatric disease later in life, as it is consistently found to be smaller in virtually all psychiatric illnesses. Dr Walsh, from UEA's School of Psychology, said: "These findings are important because exposure to adversities in childhood and adolescence is the biggest risk factor for later psychiatric disease.
It would therefore also be advantageous in future studies to have repeated neuroimaging scans to dynamically understand the moderating effects of environmental variables over the life course. Other limitations include the use of reliance of information obtained from maternal interview using the CAMEEI and the relatively high SES background of participants in this study that may contrast with the SES of participants in other studies who may have experienced more severe forms of abuse and adversity. The findings show that moderate and chronic childhood adversities characterized by inter-parental discord are associated with widespread changes in GMV in the late adolescent brain.
[2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0]
While the results show that a pointer-like system could be at play in the brain, the function is not identical to the system used in computer science, the scientists said.
The PBWM maintenance-only network performed well on the standard generalization task.
After the training period, the researchers fed the model new sentences using familiar words in novel ways and found that the model could still comprehend the sentence structure. While the results show that a pointer-like system could be at play in the brain, the function is not identical to the system used in computer science, the scientists said. It's similar to comparing an airplane's wing and a bird's wing, O'Reilly said.
Based on prior models, it may require training on a larger portion of all possible sentences (23-25). The PBWM maintenance-only network performed well on the standard generalization task. This is because it was able to store each word as the filler of the appropriate role in dedicated, independently updatable PFC stripes for each role.
[1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
What does this finding mean?
In the current study, testosterone administration was found to increase MTL activity related to successful navigation, but did not affect behavioral measures of navigation success even though MRT performance was significantly improved.
What does this finding mean? It simply means that Dr. Carl W.S. Pintzka's team of researchers proved that there really is a connection between hormone levels and navigation skills because they found that men used their hippocampus more during way finding tasks, unlike women whose brains were wired to use the frontal cortex.
The resting state fMRI analysis did not reveal any statistical significant differences between the two drug groups. In the current study, testosterone administration was found to increase MTL activity related to successful navigation, but did not affect behavioral measures of navigation success even though MRT performance was significantly improved. The results point to increased testosterone levels having a limited effect on spatial cognition, pertaining specifically to performance on tasks probing 3D representations of space, since the testosterone group also performed notably better on the VE direction task.
[1.0, 4.0, 1.0, 5.0]
La urma urmei, in cazul meu au fost alti factori in joc: o relatie dificila cu tatal meu, probleme financiare.
Of the 8287 children, 4227 (51%) were boys and 4060 (49%) were girls.
E imposibil sa-mi dau seama daca experienta ei are vreo legatura cu propria mea depresie postnatala. La urma urmei, in cazul meu au fost alti factori in joc: o relatie dificila cu tatal meu, probleme financiare. Totusi, studiile arata ca un copil care are un parinte depresiv va suferi si el de depresie mai tarziu.
For the 9848 mothers in the sample, the mean (SD) age at delivery was 28.5 (4.7) years. Of the 8287 children, 4227 (51%) were boys and 4060 (49%) were girls. Compared with women with PND that was not persistent and women who did not score above the EPDS threshold, for all 3 severity levels, women with persistent PND showed elevated depressive symptoms up to 11 years after childbirth.
[1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
You are quite dateable!
In this way, the consequentialist action in our impartiality dilemmas we used in this study -and especially the spending money variant -directly match onto the action that we should do on effective altruism principles.
But fear not good people, nice folks, and consequentialists among you. You are quite dateable! Because even though you might make the hard call if presented with one in the vacuum of philosophy class, video game, or episode of Star Trek, chances are that in everyday life you still make decisions that prioritize your family and friends.
Finally, our work has practical implications concerning how in everyday life groups and individuals who advocate a more impartial, welfare-maximising consequentialist approach to moral decisionssuch as the "effective altruism" movement -might expect to be perceived, and how this might limit their advocacy. In this way, the consequentialist action in our impartiality dilemmas we used in this study -and especially the spending money variant -directly match onto the action that we should do on effective altruism principles. Our work suggests that effective altruists may face stumbling blocks in how they are perceived by others and that, while receiving far less criticism than consequentialists can receive for endorsing instrumental harm, this may still have harmful consequences for how the movement is perceived and therefore, presumably, how many people join the movement and adopt its principles.
[1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0]
Professionals plotting revolution But the job apocalypse might have a silver lining.
Damasio and Carvalho state that a lack of homeostasis in the body will trigger adaptive behavior via brain networks, such as attention to a stranger's next move.
Bill Gates seems to think the crisis is self-evident, saying he doesn't "understand why some people are not concerned." Professionals plotting revolution But the job apocalypse might have a silver lining. They were not well-organized.
Therefore, in the conceptual model in Fig. Damasio and Carvalho state that a lack of homeostasis in the body will trigger adaptive behavior via brain networks, such as attention to a stranger's next move. This implies that a homeostasis-like structure is needed to design embodied emotional representations.
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
Performing even worse were those who were so-called mixed-handed.
(Note that we already control for birth weight and whether the child was in intensive care when born.)
The Trials of Being Left-Handed While it's easy to believe that lefties will one day get over these everyday physical problems -- and many do to some extent -- being a lefty may have far deeper issues. Performing even worse were those who were so-called mixed-handed. And maybe, all of these are all just a result of the stigma we put behind being a lefty.
Although most of the evidence concerns adults, if any health differences already exist by childhood, this might partially explain the differences in development by handedness. (Note that we already control for birth weight and whether the child was in intensive care when born.) Our results are robust to these changes.
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
But individuals who balanced their short weekday sleep with longer weekend sleep did not appear to have any increased mortality risk.
This should have led to the interpretation of the second question as referring to weekend by those not working.
The researchers found that people ages 65 and under who slept 5 hours or less a night had a 65 percent higher risk of death during the 13-year study period than those who got 6 or 7 hours of sleep a night. But individuals who balanced their short weekday sleep with longer weekend sleep did not appear to have any increased mortality risk. The findings suggest, in other words, that you may be able to make up for the damaging effects of lost sleep.
The strengths of our study include its large size, its prospective design, the length and the completeness of the follow-up, ascertained through linkages to nationwide registers, the high quality of the baseline data guaranteed by a low level of missing values, and the availability of two separate questions investigating sleep habits during weekdays and weekends/days off. This should have led to the interpretation of the second question as referring to weekend by those not working. Another limitation is that sleep duration was self-reported and assessed only at baseline; therefore, it is not possible to detect changes in sleep habits over time among the subjects included in the T A B L E 2 Quantile regression analysis for percentile differences (PD) in months in age at death across levels of weekday/weekend sleep duration groups in the Swedish National March Cohort Estimates were obtained by fitting a Laplace regression on the 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles of age at death adjusted for age at baseline.
[2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0]
This glut of clothing is having effects beyond stuffing our closets.
Conjointly activated regions passing this threshold thus identified replicable activations over both product sets at p < 0.001 .
In 2013, it was up to 63.7 garments, down from a peak of 69 just before the recession. The consumption isn't by any means limited to the U.S. Women in Britain, for instance, now own four times as much clothing as they did in 1980. This glut of clothing is having effects beyond stuffing our closets.
Thus, positive price differential indicated that subjects perceived a product as cheap (relative to their willingness to pay for it), while negative price differential indicated that subjects perceived a product as expensive (i.e., similar to ''net utility'' or ''consumer surplus'' in economics) . Conjointly activated regions passing this threshold thus identified replicable activations over both product sets at p < 0.001 . Logistic regression models also included fixed effects and motion correction estimates ) (however, analyses remained significant and qualitatively similar when fixed effects were not included in the models).
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
"Good roads make for efficient travel, and the brain is no different.
Consistent with this prediction, Figure 8 clearly shows that WMD in a number of ROIs near the stimulated left MFG region were enhanced by 5 Hz rTMS, including the stimulation site (5 Hz: t 13 5 3.45, P < 0.005; 1 Hz: t 13 5 0.32, P 5 n.s.).
Furthermore, when the authors examined the white matter pathways between these bilateral regions, participants with stronger white matter fibers connecting left and right hemispheres demonstrated greater bilateral communication, strong evidence that structural neuroplasticity keeps the brain working efficiently in later life. "Good roads make for efficient travel, and the brain is no different. By taking advantage of available pathways, aging brains may find an alternate route to complete the neural computations necessary for functioning," said Davis.
No such relationships were observed in the relationship between univariate activity and WMD at the stimulation site (all r < 0.05), nor did whole-brain distributions show differences between stimulation conditions. Consistent with this prediction, Figure 8 clearly shows that WMD in a number of ROIs near the stimulated left MFG region were enhanced by 5 Hz rTMS, including the stimulation site (5 Hz: t 13 5 3.45, P < 0.005; 1 Hz: t 13 5 0.32, P 5 n.s.). Additionally, 5 Hz rTMS also increased memory- BMD associated with SME across rTMS conditions.
[1.0, 1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 3.0]
About 19 percent said they had committed some form of dating violence and 69 percent said they were physically punished during childhood.
Results In all, 19% of participants (n = 134) reported physical dating violence perpetration and 68% reported experiencing corporal punishment as children (n = 498).
"While we can't say that spanking causes later violence, it follows that if a kid learns that physical punishment is a way to solve conflict, he/she may carry that over into conflicts with later intimate partners," said study senior author Jeff Temple. About 19 percent said they had committed some form of dating violence and 69 percent said they were physically punished during childhood. The study identified a significant association between corporal punishment during childhood and violence toward dating partners in adulthood.
Results In all, 19% of participants (n = 134) reported physical dating violence perpetration and 68% reported experiencing corporal punishment as children (n = 498). Analysis showed a significant positive association between corporal punishment and physical perpetration of dating violence (OR 1.30, 95% CI 1.07-1.59). Even after controlling for sex, ethnicity, age, parental education, and child physical abuse, childhood corporal punishment was associated significantly with physical dating violence perpetration (aOR 1.29, 95% CI 1.02-1.62).
[2.0, 5.0, 4.0, 2.0]
The results provide the most comprehensive look at the effects of long-term solitary confinement yet, according to the Times.
We also found that Figure 2 .
The results provide the most comprehensive look at the effects of long-term solitary confinement yet, according to the Times. In such extreme isolation for years, the prisoners Haney interviewed at Pelican Bay experienced what he calls a "social death." "Most of them really did understand that they had lost who they were, and weren't sure of who they had become."
We only observed hippocampal volume deficits in recurrent MDD and not in first episode patients. We also found that Figure 2 . (b) Cohen's d-effect sizes 95% CI for differences in subcortical brain volumes between early onset (⩽) MDD patients and healthy control subjects (no pattern) and between later onset (>) MDD patients and healthy controls (striped pattern).
[1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
These differences were also associated with a reduction of grey matter in a part of the brain called the medial prefrontal cortex.
When recognition based on recollection and on familiarity were summed, no sleep-wake .
The extent of deep-sleep disruption was related to the degree of memory impairment, with those exhibiting the least slow-wave activity performing the worst. These differences were also associated with a reduction of grey matter in a part of the brain called the medial prefrontal cortex. "Our findings show that brain deterioration, bad memory and bad sleep are not independent, but instead are significantly interrelated."
They found a sleep-dependent benefit for gist words based on recollection memory, but reduced memory based on familiarity. When recognition based on recollection and on familiarity were summed, no sleep-wake . Similarly, probabilistic category learning, studied in the weather prediction task (right), shows significant improvement after a night of sleep, and significantly more than after an equal period awake during daytime, when no significant improvement was seen.
[1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 1.0, 3.0]
By contrast, when the black working-class man made the same request to 80 therapists, only one therapist was willing or able to fulfill the request.
However, questions of bias in diagnosis and patient management are secondary to questions of access because the former presuppose a clinical encounter that only a subset of disadvantaged help seekers will obtain if there exists systematic bias in access.
Kugelmass also found that the white middle-class woman was favored for the coveted weekday evening appointment; she received an affirmative response to a request for an appointment in that time slot from 16 of 80 therapists (20 percent). By contrast, when the black working-class man made the same request to 80 therapists, only one therapist was willing or able to fulfill the request. "Psychotherapists are not immune to the stereotypes that influence the decisions of other professionals," Kugelmass said.
1 These findings point toward the existence of provider-generated obstacles to access. However, questions of bias in diagnosis and patient management are secondary to questions of access because the former presuppose a clinical encounter that only a subset of disadvantaged help seekers will obtain if there exists systematic bias in access. I posit that racial and class bias influence decision making at the pre-encounter stage-namely, at the first request for care.
[3.0, 5.0, 3.0, 4.0]
Postdoctoral offices, departments, and administrators, the article's authors recommend, "should incorporate explicit attention to issues of science identity in professional development programming for postdocs" and educate faculty mentors about the importance of guiding postdocs toward building strong and resilient conceptions of themselves as scientists.
these results suggest that greater belonging and self-efficacy may serve as underlying psychological processes that explain why female peer mentors, who are slightly more advanced in college, would promote engineering career aspirations among women who are new to engineering.
Cultivating a science identity that admits such considerations appears likely to help postdocs move toward nonacademic careers with more confidence and self-regard. Postdoctoral offices, departments, and administrators, the article's authors recommend, "should incorporate explicit attention to issues of science identity in professional development programming for postdocs" and educate faculty mentors about the importance of guiding postdocs toward building strong and resilient conceptions of themselves as scientists. There's a message in this for postdocs, too, and even for graduate students: Take note of your developing conception of yourself as a scientist, and especially of any assumptions--even unconscious--about the nature of "legitimate" scientific work that might needlessly constrain your choices or limit options.
Taken together, Deviations from zero show a relative increase or decrease from time 1. these results suggest that greater belonging and self-efficacy may serve as underlying psychological processes that explain why female peer mentors, who are slightly more advanced in college, would promote engineering career aspirations among women who are new to engineering. The results are promising but preliminary because of the smaller sample size.
[2.0, 1.0, 3.0, 2.0, 4.0]
To be sure, not every bad habit will disappear when you restructure your environment.
Our findings suggest that desire is a common, recurrent theme in daily life.
As soon as they got into the habit of, say, only eating vegan food or never eating food out of a box, it didn't take much for them to stay on track. To be sure, not every bad habit will disappear when you restructure your environment. If you're a cigarette smoker, staying out of bars might help, but it probably won't solve the problem immediately.
To our knowledge, this investigation is the first systematic attempt to provide empirical evidence about such basic questions as the prevalence of desire and conflict in everyday life and the frequency and effectiveness of self-control efforts to resist desire. Our findings suggest that desire is a common, recurrent theme in daily life. Frequent inner struggle to manage desire is another theme.
[2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0]
"It is telling that even in modern large-scale societies the status comparisons most consequential for psychosocial stress are typically among individuals who are in close geographic proximity or who occupy the same social network rather than between individuals at opposite ends of the socioeconomic spectrum.
Our confidence in the validity of the influence measure is strengthened by ethnographic observation.
"Small-scale societies like the Tsimane shed light on our evolutionary history, during which we lived in groups much more egalitarian than the hereditary inequality and social stratification of recent human history," he said. "It is telling that even in modern large-scale societies the status comparisons most consequential for psychosocial stress are typically among individuals who are in close geographic proximity or who occupy the same social network rather than between individuals at opposite ends of the socioeconomic spectrum. The importance of relative status perceptions to human psychology has its roots in the small-scale societies of our ancestors."
Influence tends to peak when men are in their 30s or 40s, accrues to those who have more support from kin and other allies, and is linked with greater reproductive success . Our confidence in the validity of the influence measure is strengthened by ethnographic observation. Men ranked as influential spoke more often during community meetings attended by C.v.R.
[2.0, 1.0, 3.0, 2.0]
The finding could go a long way in explaining their evolutionary success as survivors able to adapt to inhospitable environments, the scientists at the Universite Libre de Bruxelles say.
In conclusion, the individuals of P. americana showed behavioural stability over one week.
The finding could go a long way in explaining their evolutionary success as survivors able to adapt to inhospitable environments, the scientists at the Universite Libre de Bruxelles say. If all cockroaches were the same "personality-wise," then they should all exhibit identical behavior. However, the researchers found, there were clear differences in behavior exhibited by individual cockroaches.
In the future, experiments with different quality shelters should reveal the optimal proportion of short-IRT/long-IRT individuals to reach the most efficient consensus decision-making. In conclusion, the individuals of P. americana showed behavioural stability over one week. This stability was observed for groups and for the individuals composing them.
[1.0, 1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0]
They zeroed in on abnormal folds and abnormal cell growth in the placenta, known as trophoblast inclusions.The placentas from the at-risk pregnancies were eight times more likely to have two or more of these abnormal folds than samples from not-at-risk deliveries.
Correlating known causes for tissue dysmorphisms, either secondary to endogenous (genetic) (42) or exogenous (environmental or maternal pregnancy related) developmental regulators, might be a good starting point for such studies.
At delivery, the placenta, also called the afterbirth, follows the baby out of the womb.The placentas from women whose older children had autism were markedly different from the others, Kliman's team found. They zeroed in on abnormal folds and abnormal cell growth in the placenta, known as trophoblast inclusions.The placentas from the at-risk pregnancies were eight times more likely to have two or more of these abnormal folds than samples from not-at-risk deliveries. Placentas with four or more of the inclusions predicted an infant with at least a 74 percent probability of being at risk for autism, the researchers said.
Our results suggest that examination of the genes, metabolic, and developmental pathways that regulate cell proliferation, tissue folding, and branching morphogenesis might be fruitful lines to investigate potential etiologic factors for ASD . Correlating known causes for tissue dysmorphisms, either secondary to endogenous (genetic) (42) or exogenous (environmental or maternal pregnancy related) developmental regulators, might be a good starting point for such studies. Increased circulating 5-HT LRϩ, the positive likelihood ratio; LRÀ, the negative likelihood ratio; other abbreviations as in Table 1 .
[3.0, 4.0, 4.0, 1.0, 4.0]
The other obstacle, anchoring, emerged in a quarter of all subjects.
As the data elicited are entirely participant generated, it facilitates a glimpse into how people mobilize their naturalistic chains of association in apprehending a given topic.
Similarly, they heard science and immediately tied it to highfalutin images of school, animal research, and scientific equipment. The other obstacle, anchoring, emerged in a quarter of all subjects. Researchers found people commonly used the imagery of textbooks and classrooms as anchors for science, as opposed to a more general method of inquiry and skepticism that people can apply in their daily lives.
This method reconstitutes free association, a technique historically associated with psychoanalytic clinical practice, into a research tool. As the data elicited are entirely participant generated, it facilitates a glimpse into how people mobilize their naturalistic chains of association in apprehending a given topic. This provided insight into participants' most likely sites of contact with neuroscientific information and also ensured that the sample was socioeconomically diverse, since in the United Kingdom broadsheets are associated with higher and tabloids with lower socioeconomic readerships .
[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 1.0]
We cannot solve addiction magically, by circumventing people's consciousness and lived experience in society.
The simplest explanation of this difference is that alcohol is legal and therefore more available.
We've proven the futility of the brain-in-isolation approach a million times over. We cannot solve addiction magically, by circumventing people's consciousness and lived experience in society. Instead, we need to use these dimensions of human experience to make people happier, to feel that they belong on earth, and to realize that they are able to control their lives.
For instance, the half-life of alcohol dependence was about four times longer than the half-life of cocaine dependence (16 and 4 years, respectively). The simplest explanation of this difference is that alcohol is legal and therefore more available. However, during Prohibition, when alcohol was illegal, rates of drinking eventually crept back up to about 70% of their pre-Prohibition level .
[4.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0]
But it isnat just from watching their behavior that we can say animals are sentient.
In general, it appears that a wide range of manipulations that are likely to either alter perceived prior probabilities of punishment and reward and/or alter the state of the animals so as to alter their payoffs from reward and punishment, produce predicted shifts in optimism (for recent examples see [17 ,19,20,25, 29,31,32,36-38,41,63-65] ).
Capuchin monkeys know when they are receiving unequal pay (grapes vs. cucumber), and Macaques develop individual cultures, particularly when it comes to how one should wash a potato. But it isnat just from watching their behavior that we can say animals are sentient. When we examine the brains of species (and indeed individuals), we can draw parallels from what we know about human brains and start to make assumptions.
Reducing feather condition might impair flight and increase the costs of dealing with a predation attempt, and hence increase pessimism that ambiguous cues predict punishment . In general, it appears that a wide range of manipulations that are likely to either alter perceived prior probabilities of punishment and reward and/or alter the state of the animals so as to alter their payoffs from reward and punishment, produce predicted shifts in optimism (for recent examples see [17 ,19,20,25, 29,31,32,36-38,41,63-65] ). The link between optimistic biases and affect is strengthened by results showing that optimistic biases measured using judgement bias tasks correlate with established measures of subjective mood in human subjects [26, 27] .
[2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0]
Children can have better outcomes if they receive help before they start school.
The internal reliability (Cronbach's alpha) of the emotional symptoms sub-scale was moderate for teachers (α = 0.75), but moderate-low for parents (α = 0.66).
Do not wait until your child starts school to seek help. Children can have better outcomes if they receive help before they start school. Vocabulary and long-term outcomes The amount and types of words addressed to children in the home from a young age correlates with their growing vocabulary.
The correlation between the scores on the two Academic Rating Scales was high (r = 0.81). The internal reliability (Cronbach's alpha) of the emotional symptoms sub-scale was moderate for teachers (α = 0.75), but moderate-low for parents (α = 0.66). The internal reliability (Cronbach's alpha) of the persistence scale was high (α = 0.84).
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
"Our results suggest people are willing to bend ethical rules to help the people close to us, like our team or family," explained Dr. Shaul Shalvi of BGU's Department of Psychology.
The main effect for block was also significant, with participants taking more time in the loss trials (mean, 2.74; standard deviation, 1.09) than in the gain trials (mean, 2.42; standard deviation, 0.89) and no-benefit trials [mean, 2.46; standard deviation, 0.68; F(1,58) = 3.62; P = 0.033].
Aware that they could fudge the results -- dishonestly recording correct prediction -- for the benefit of their group, those given oxytocin at the beginning were more likely to do so. "Our results suggest people are willing to bend ethical rules to help the people close to us, like our team or family," explained Dr. Shaul Shalvi of BGU's Department of Psychology. "Together, these findings fit a functional perspective on morality revealing dishonesty to be plastic and rooted in evolved neurobiological circuitries, and align with work showing that oxytocin shifts the decision-maker's focus from self to group interests."
A 2 (oxytocin vs. placebo) × 3 (loss vs. none vs. gain trial block) ANOVA with trial block within subjects revealed faster reporting about whether predictions were correct among participants receiving oxytocin (mean, 2.22 seconds ; standard deviation, 0.50) than placebo [mean, 2.86 seconds ; standard deviation, 0.78; F(1,58) = 13.99; P < 0.00001]. The main effect for block was also significant, with participants taking more time in the loss trials (mean, 2.74; standard deviation, 1.09) than in the gain trials (mean, 2.42; standard deviation, 0.89) and no-benefit trials [mean, 2.46; standard deviation, 0.68; F(1,58) = 3.62; P = 0.033]. The interaction between oxytocin and block was not significant (F < 1; P > 0.65).
[1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0]
It has, thus far, proved to be a successful mission.
Feeling of spiritual well-being significantly increased across all participants (P < .001).
Personally, [singing bowls] have allowed me to get the most out of my practice throughout the past decade, and they might be just what people need to take that next step forward. It has, thus far, proved to be a successful mission. "New experiences forced me to ask new questions," he explains.
Additionally, participants who were previously naïve to this type of meditation experienced a significantly greater reduction in tension compared with participants experienced in this meditation (P < .001). Feeling of spiritual well-being significantly increased across all participants (P < .001). Tibetan singing bowl meditation may be a feasible low-cost low technology intervention for reducing feelings of tension, anxiety, and depression, and increasing spiritual well-being.
[4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 3.0, 1.0]
More information regarding the findings can be seen in the Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies.
Third, our conceptual model builds on findings from behavioral economists such as who have highlighted that people often demonstrate commitment and consistency even when it makes no rational sense.
Study findings also revealed that former varsity athletes were significantly more likely to volunteer and engage in other charitable organizations. "In our study of late-career workers, those who earned a varsity letter more than 50 years ago do demonstrate these characteristics more than others - plus, they donate time and money more frequently than others and possessed great prosocial behavior in their 70s, 80s, and 90s," said Kniffin. More information regarding the findings can be seen in the Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies.
In this perspective and in light of social exchange theory , it is valuable to recognize that participants in team sports tend to engage in very intense "reciprocal trading" or "exchange" relationships with teammates and -following -there is reason to expect that participation in frequent exchange will correlate with an overall sense of fairness and organizationally beneficial traits that extend beyond the team. Third, our conceptual model builds on findings from behavioral economists such as who have highlighted that people often demonstrate commitment and consistency even when it makes no rational sense. Given that team sports are designed to reward group-level achievements and appear to facilitate the enforcement of group-serving behavior (e.g., , previous research on the role of consistent commitment to group norms helps to inform our interest and approach.
[1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
Researchers believe it is the first time the neural mechanisms underlying the association of depression and sleep have been studied in a large sample.
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE The implication of these findings is that the increased functional connectivity between these brain regions provides a neural basis for the association between depression and poor sleep quality.
Among those with depression, researchers found a strong connection between the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, which is associated with short-term memory; the precuneus, which is associated with the self, and the lateral orbitofrontal cortex, which is associated with negative emotion. Researchers believe it is the first time the neural mechanisms underlying the association of depression and sleep have been studied in a large sample. "These findings provide a neural basis for understanding how depression relates to poor sleep quality, and this in turn has implications for treatment of depression and improvement of sleep quality because of the brain areas identified."
A mediation analysis showed that these functional connectivities underlie the association of the Depressive Problems score with poor sleep quality (β = 0.0139; P < .001). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE The implication of these findings is that the increased functional connectivity between these brain regions provides a neural basis for the association between depression and poor sleep quality. An important finding was that the Depressive Problems scores in this general population were correlated with functional connectivities between areas, including the lateral orbitofrontal cortex, cingulate cortex, precuneus, angular gyrus, and temporal cortex.
[4.0, 3.0, 3.0]
They're familiar with the setting and that helps them remember and use what they already know about nonsolids."
That this systematic difference was found on pieces trials supports earlier research demonstrating the role of stimuli on NNG behavior .
"And, if you expose them to these things when they're in a highchair, they do better. They're familiar with the setting and that helps them remember and use what they already know about nonsolids." Not surprisingly, many children gleefully dove into this task by poking, prodding, touching, feeling, eating -- and yes, throwing -- the nonsolids in order to understand what they were and make the correct association with the hypothetical names.
This is clear in Figure 2 , which shows the distribution of individual children's NNG performance on the pieces trials for each condition. That this systematic difference was found on pieces trials supports earlier research demonstrating the role of stimuli on NNG behavior . We add to this by showing that the context in which children typically learn names for nonsolids, a highchair, affects the way they generalize new names in the lab.
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 4.0]
How we think can ultimately be influenced by the society in which we live.
If memes with both positive and negative values of µ are possible, the process of cognitive explosion is expected to be delayed as deleterious memes will occasionally spread through the population Wednesday 6 th February, 2008 2:46pm 13 like an epidemic reducing the fitness advantage of having high cognitive abilities.
How we think can ultimately be influenced by the society in which we live. The same is also somewhat true for wasp species, when it comes to certain evolved social behaviors that is. "By relying on group mates, insect colony members may afford to make less individual brain investment.
will quickly spread their genes across the whole system. If memes with both positive and negative values of µ are possible, the process of cognitive explosion is expected to be delayed as deleterious memes will occasionally spread through the population Wednesday 6 th February, 2008 2:46pm 13 like an epidemic reducing the fitness advantage of having high cognitive abilities. Selective imitation when memes are more likely to be learned from high fitness/status individuals, should accelerate the evolution of brain size.
[1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0]
(c) Getty / skynesher Getty / skynesher When you're on the home stretch of a run, so close to being done, your cooldown is probably the last thing on your mind.
An active cool-down may theoretically enhance glycogen resynthesis, because an increased blood flow and elevated muscle temperature could increase glucose delivery to muscle tissue , while muscle contraction may increase the expression of the GLUT-4 glucose transporter.
(c) Getty / skynesher Getty / skynesher When you're on the home stretch of a run, so close to being done, your cooldown is probably the last thing on your mind. If you're like me, your train of thought is more like, "Come on, you're almost there, when did this street get so long, are we done yet?!" This comes down to the unsurprising fact that hard exercise, like running, has a major effect on your blood flow.
Strategies that enhance the resynthesis of glycogen may therefore attenuate the decrease in performance and even enhance performance. An active cool-down may theoretically enhance glycogen resynthesis, because an increased blood flow and elevated muscle temperature could increase glucose delivery to muscle tissue , while muscle contraction may increase the expression of the GLUT-4 glucose transporter. Therefore, these findings suggest that an active cool-down may interfere with muscle glycogen resynthesis, particularly within type I muscle fibers , because these fibers are preferentially recruited during a low-to moderate-intensity active cool-down.
[2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 2.0, 3.0]
"In a nutshell, the more users put into the forum, the more they get back, and the pay-off for both users themselves and society at large can be significant," added Jessica Salvatore, a researcher at Sweet Briar College.
Patterns of identification with different ingroups suggest that identification occurs when it is functional (useful).
"In fact, as well as finding answers, our study showed users often discover that forums are a source of great support, especially those seeking information about more stigmatizing conditions." The study also found that the more involved online forum users became, the more likely they were to get positive benefits out of their experience. "In a nutshell, the more users put into the forum, the more they get back, and the pay-off for both users themselves and society at large can be significant," added Jessica Salvatore, a researcher at Sweet Briar College.
In other words, instead of taking identification levels as a ''given,'' we need to conceptualize them also as a dynamic outcome. Patterns of identification with different ingroups suggest that identification occurs when it is functional (useful). Moreover, low identifiers will begin to identify with a group when they anticipate that the group is about to benefit from positive social change, but will dis-identify when change is unlikely .
[4.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0]
Which helps explain why 69% in a new SunTrust poll said they'd skip exchanging gifts this year if friends and family would agree to it.
It is possible that the time-saving and material purchases could differ in various ways.
That could be welcome news if you're anything like me and about 10 zillion other Americans who are stressed to eyeballs about all those presents you still have to get; the typical consumer plans to buy 15 holiday gifts this year, a Deloitte survey reports. Which helps explain why 69% in a new SunTrust poll said they'd skip exchanging gifts this year if friends and family would agree to it. Favor giving experiences over stuff Sixty percent of the money holiday shoppers shell out for presents this year will go to buy clothing, toys and electronics, Deloitte found.
All results also remain significant using two-tailed tests. It is possible that the time-saving and material purchases could differ in various ways. We provide evidence that using money to buy time can provide a buffer against this time famine, thereby promoting happiness.
[3.0, 4.0, 1.0]
Wer hingegen Aufgaben erledige, die wenig Aufmerksamkeit abverlangen, konne getrost auf seine Lieblingsmusik setzen, erklart die Expertin.
While a control company was considered in the planning of the design, it became evident that each company was very individual.
,,Der Gerauschpegel der Musik darf die eigenen Gedanken im Kopf nicht ubertonen." Wer hingegen Aufgaben erledige, die wenig Aufmerksamkeit abverlangen, konne getrost auf seine Lieblingsmusik setzen, erklart die Expertin. Perfekte Playlist erstellen: Der erste Song ist die Visitenkarte Simone Schiborr kennt sich aus mit dem Effekt von Musik auf die Arbeitsweise der Menschen.
Music listening may provide an opportunity for developers to align themselves with their optimum creativity. While a control company was considered in the planning of the design, it became evident that each company was very individual. There was an absence of a guided listening framework for the developers.
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
An den Studien nahmen 154 bzw.
As shown before in this sample , controls and CU (lowLevCU + highLevCU) differed significantly in the GCI and all four domains (F(1148) = 10.64-28.34, p ≤ 0.001) (Table S5 ).
Wie Menschen ihre Umwelt wahrnehmen, wie sie fuhlen und sich erinnern: All das geschieht wesentlich in der Hirnrinde. An den Studien nahmen 154 bzw. Deshalb drangt er darauf, Drug-Checking-Programme unbedingt auszubauen, damit Konsumierende ihr erworbenes Kokain auf seine Zusammensetzung untersuchen lassen konnen.
Additionally, hair samples and cumulative doses revealed a clear dominance of cocaine compared with other illegal drugs, as intended by the inclusion and exclusion criteria. As shown before in this sample , controls and CU (lowLevCU + highLevCU) differed significantly in the GCI and all four domains (F(1148) = 10.64-28.34, p ≤ 0.001) (Table S5 ). Three-group ANCOVAs (controls vs. lowLevCU vs. highLevCU) for the GCI (F(2147) = .26, p < 0.001) and across all four cognitive domains (F(2147) = 6.70-10.45, p = 0.002-0.0001) showed significant group effects (Fig.
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
"Consumers who knew they had received a targeted ad reported being more interested in the advertised product, and even changed their self-perceptions to be more in line with what the ad implied about them," she explains.
The results show that behaviorally targeted ads result in increased purchase intentions for the advertised product, an effect mediated by consumers' recognition of the ad as an implied social label.
"Consumers who knew they had received a targeted ad reported being more interested in the advertised product, and even changed their self-perceptions to be more in line with what the ad implied about them." "Consumers who knew they had received a targeted ad reported being more interested in the advertised product, and even changed their self-perceptions to be more in line with what the ad implied about them," she explains. While the effectiveness of behaviorally targeted ads is great news for marketers, these findings bring up some troubling hypotheticals.
The effects proposed in hypotheses 1 and 2 only hold when the implied label is plausibly connected to consumers' prior behavior (i.e., when behavioral targeting is at least moderately accurate). The results show that behaviorally targeted ads result in increased purchase intentions for the advertised product, an effect mediated by consumers' recognition of the ad as an implied social label. Study 2 demonstrates that the effects of behavioral targeting on purchase intentions are mediated by the recognition that the ad implies something about the consumer's identity and the subsequent adjustments in self-perceptions that result from recognizing this implied label.
[4.0, 5.0, 3.0, 4.0]
If the medication is stopped, bone density catches up to normal after a few years as the child goes through the puberty of their gender assigned at birth.
Only 1 parent was present for participation with the control children, and therefore only 1 parent completed an assessment.
The only significant side effect is that the adolescent may fall behind on bone density. If the medication is stopped, bone density catches up to normal after a few years as the child goes through the puberty of their gender assigned at birth. Alternatively, if an adolescent continues to identify as transgender and starts on gender-affirming hormones like estrogen or testosterone down the line, this will also catch them up on bone density.
Of the 38 siblings who filled out anxiety and depression measurements, 25 children had 2 parents who completed assessments and 13 children had 1 parent who completed the assessments. Only 1 parent was present for participation with the control children, and therefore only 1 parent completed an assessment. For consistency with past work, 24 when children had 2 parent reporters, the responses of the 2 parents was averaged (in general, the 2 parents' responses were associated: depression, r =0.508, p <.001, n =61; anxiety, r =0.470, p <.001, n =61).
[3.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
They must be told that it's a jungle out there, in which you must learn to avoid danger.
proposed that 'appropriately cast expectations for the effects of such programs are essential for their implementation' (p. 153).
I submit that this is what our daughters--and apparently, our Supreme Court nominees--need. They must be told that it's a jungle out there, in which you must learn to avoid danger. They must be told to defend yourself if attacked; and if that fails, to pick yourself up and keep going.
A possible explanation for this finding is that the lower morale may have reflected less perceived helplessness of behaviour by commanders and yielded an impression that such programmes do not provide benefit. proposed that 'appropriately cast expectations for the effects of such programs are essential for their implementation' (p. 153). The most frequently studied category of dependent variables was mental health and subjective well-being.
[1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 4.0, 1.0]
Demonstrating purity of intent will only take you so far, of course.
At first glance, this interaction may seem surprising because our model only predicts a main effect of agent and does not differentiate between positive and negative updating.
Getting It Right the Second Time Around I've certainly blown more than one first impression (entrepreneurs get lots of swings at the first impression plate) and have successfully followed a specific pattern to recover. Demonstrating purity of intent will only take you so far, of course. Phoniness at this point will be nuclear for the relationship, so ensure sincerity.
The main effects were qualified by an interaction between agent and shift direction (Kruskal-Wallis, P < 0.001), in which asymmetric updating was more pronounced when morality improved than when morality worsened (Fig. At first glance, this interaction may seem surprising because our model only predicts a main effect of agent and does not differentiate between positive and negative updating. Thus, when a 'good' agent's behaviour suddenly worsens, participants may infer a potential threat, prompting their beliefs about the agent to become more uncertain and amenable to rapid updating.
[1.0, 1.0, 2.0]
They simultaneously (and somewhat improbably) like both Kanye West and Kenny Chesney."
The trend is not limited to distrust in government; the declines also appear in Americans' confidence in institutions unconnected to the government, such as medicine, religion, the news media, and TV.
But, for better or worse, these trends actually have more to do with the age we're in and the tech we use than they do with kids today. They simultaneously (and somewhat improbably) like both Kanye West and Kenny Chesney." Most of these qualifiers aren't distinct to millennials.
These results suggest that Americans are increasingly less likely to trust others, both on an individual level and as a collective. The trend is not limited to distrust in government; the declines also appear in Americans' confidence in institutions unconnected to the government, such as medicine, religion, the news media, and TV. This decline in confidence is consistent with the lower concern for others and civic engagement found among Millennials and with the higher individualism among both individuals and the culture in recent years .
[1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 3.0]
The study helps explain what makes the healthy behavior work, Badre says, and could also provide important information for psychiatrists and neurologists in clinical cases.
Rather, it is evident that ramping activation is restricted to a distributed, yet specific, set of regions.
The researchers watched and manipulated other brain regions during the experiments but the RLPFC was unique in increasing its activity as people moved unguided through a sequence, and unique in yielding an increasing likelihood of error if perturbed later into the task sequences. The study helps explain what makes the healthy behavior work, Badre says, and could also provide important information for psychiatrists and neurologists in clinical cases. "The health consequences are big," Badre says.
Thus, while the ramping effect in RLPFC is not fully localized to one and only one region (in a classical cognitive localization sense), neither is ramping activation universal or unpredictably distributed throughout the brain. Rather, it is evident that ramping activation is restricted to a distributed, yet specific, set of regions. The ramping activation in superior temporal cortex was outside of the network that correlates with RLPFC at rest.
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 3.0, 3.0]
And as the participants were relatively young and inflammations worsen with age, older couples could suffer worse, the researchers said.
There was not a significant association between sCD14 AUC G and either mood disorder history (p = 0.59) or hostile behavior (p = 0.22), but the trend was for more hostile behaviors to be associated with lower sCD14.
In turn, bacteria triggering inflammation in the blood could lead to mental illness in what Bailey described as a troubling loop. And as the participants were relatively young and inflammations worsen with age, older couples could suffer worse, the researchers said. But it's also relatively easy to mitigate the effects of marital stress by eating a diet packed with lean proteins, healthy fats, fruits, whole grains, vegetables, and consuming probiotics, said Kiecolt-Glaser.
The effect of mood disorder history was not significant (p = 0.13) but trended towards higher LBP AUC G among participants with a mood disorder history. There was not a significant association between sCD14 AUC G and either mood disorder history (p = 0.59) or hostile behavior (p = 0.22), but the trend was for more hostile behaviors to be associated with lower sCD14. There was a significant interaction of hostile behavior and mood disorder history in predicting the LBP/sCD14 ratio (p = 0.01, Fig.
[1.0, 1.0, 3.0]
Cu alte cuvinte, nu te pune sa faci sex daca nu vrei asta pe bune.
This positive link between the intensity of daily hassles on a given day and the probability of having sexual intercourse on the subsequent day was only significant for women high on relationship satisfaction, g ¼ .26, p ¼ .0024, but not for women low on relationship satisfaction, g ¼ .15, p ¼ .14.
Studiile au demonstrat ca atunci cand oamenii se forteaza sa faca sex, nivelul de fericire le scade - ceea ce e opusul a ceea ce vrei sa obtii. Cu alte cuvinte, nu te pune sa faci sex daca nu vrei asta pe bune. In schimb, ti-ar prinde bine sa-i asculti sfatul lui Leavitt si sa te concentrezi asupra eliminarea barierelor puse in calea intimitatii fizice, cum ar fi raspunsul la telefoane si mailuri de munca seara tarziu.
Using method to calculate the difference between simple slopes in three-way interactions, we found that for men, the greater the intensity of daily hassles on a given day, the greater the probability of having sexual intercourse on the subsequent day: however, this link was marginally stronger for men low on relationship satisfaction (one standard deviation below the mean of relationship satisfaction; g ¼ .94, p < .001) than for men high on relationship satisfaction (one standard deviation above the mean of relationship satisfaction; g ¼ .40, p ¼ .0075), t(295) ¼ 1.80, p ¼ .07. This positive link between the intensity of daily hassles on a given day and the probability of having sexual intercourse on the subsequent day was only significant for women high on relationship satisfaction, g ¼ .26, p ¼ .0024, but not for women low on relationship satisfaction, g ¼ .15, p ¼ .14. The difference between these slopes, however, was not significant, t(295) ¼ .26, p ¼ .80.
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
But anxiety isn't objective--a white-coated lab tech can't look down a microscope and diagnose it.
Concordantly, excitatory stimulation of the DPAG/DLPAG in primates and (electrically) in awake non-panic disorder human patients [173] causes panic-like emotional and autonomic responses (e.g., tachycardia and hyperventilation) and, when increased in intensity, a shift from reactive freezing behavior to active escape in rodents .
But anxiety isn't objective--a white-coated lab tech can't look down a microscope and diagnose it. Therefore, as a clinical psychologist and anxiety specialist, I'd be willing to bet the canyon between the numbers of men and women who report having anxiety is more like a crack in the sidewalk. While the science is still emerging on the biology of anxiety in men and women, I think the difference has a lot to do with how anxiety manifests.
Namely, Lister hooded rats respond with tachycardia and hyperthermia to a noninvasive 22-kHz (typical frequency for an adult rat) ultrasound stressor without altering HPA axis function, and this is associated with increased c-fos activation of the DPAG/dorsolateral periaqueductal gray (DLPAG) . Concordantly, excitatory stimulation of the DPAG/DLPAG in primates and (electrically) in awake non-panic disorder human patients [173] causes panic-like emotional and autonomic responses (e.g., tachycardia and hyperventilation) and, when increased in intensity, a shift from reactive freezing behavior to active escape in rodents . Such protocols appear to be most successful in modeling increased vulnerability in females.
[1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0]
The difficulty of weight loss should not be an excuse not to improve.
Similarly, for accuracy on the IQ problems, only the interaction between self-reported exhaustion and implicit-theory condition remained significant when both self-reported exhaustion and ego-depletion condition were included in the analysis, β = 0. resources.
Now, don't interpret this as "you're not in control so don't even worry about it." The difficulty of weight loss should not be an excuse not to improve. On the contrary, you should use this information to understand the setbacks, and help you overcome them in order to become the best version of yourself.
For accuracy on the Stroop task, the interaction between selfreported exhaustion and implicit-theory condition remained significant, β = 0.18, OR = 1.20, t(1840) = 3.55, p < .01, but the interaction between ego-depletion condition and implicittheory condition was no longer significant, β = 0.14, OR = 1.15, t(1840) = 1.56, p > .10, Sobel test: z = 2.20, p < .05. Similarly, for accuracy on the IQ problems, only the interaction between self-reported exhaustion and implicit-theory condition remained significant when both self-reported exhaustion and ego-depletion condition were included in the analysis, β = 0. resources. After a depletion manipulation, participants in the nonlimited-resource-theory condition showed no evidence of resource depletion even on a series of tasks.
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
Under normal drug development proceedings, a pharmaceutical startup would submit such preclinical work to peer review to support any claims and use it to drum up funding for clinical testing.
The results regarding content features and an editorial cue to news importance have practical implications for web-based public health communication campaigns where messages and their positions on a webpage are determined a priori.
It was an especially brash move considering the company has not conducted a single trial in humans or published an ounce of data from its completed studies of petri dish cells and rodents in cages. Under normal drug development proceedings, a pharmaceutical startup would submit such preclinical work to peer review to support any claims and use it to drum up funding for clinical testing. AEBi's PR move might be an attempt at a shortcut.
Thus, more research is warranted to test psychological mechanisms that underlie the retransmission-channel effects in health contexts, including the role of narrowcasting-and broadcasting-related news-sharing motivations . The results regarding content features and an editorial cue to news importance have practical implications for web-based public health communication campaigns where messages and their positions on a webpage are determined a priori. Specifically, the results can be used to quantify what consequences in audience selection and sharing would follow from manipulating the content and editorial factors.
[1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0]
He and his collaborators have found that leaders who make other people feel good by their very presence have teams that are better at sharing information, which leads to more innovation.
This gives approximately 80% statistical power for a partner effect estimate of 0.3 with three groups when N = 12 .
They also got more romantic interest from others in a separate speed-dating study. He and his collaborators have found that leaders who make other people feel good by their very presence have teams that are better at sharing information, which leads to more innovation. Subordinates are more likely to voice their ideas, too, to a leader with positive affective presence.
1 This indicated that it was legitimate to pool results from men and women, which means that the asymmetric design can be considered for data analysis purposes as a symmetric block design . This gives approximately 80% statistical power for a partner effect estimate of 0.3 with three groups when N = 12 . Table 1 shows the SRM variance partitioning both for positive affect and negative affect and for the discrete emotions that comprise these dimensions.
[1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 2.0]
Las visiones pueden irse despues de unas horas, pero investigaciones recientes en psilocibina, el componente activo de los hongos magicos, sugiere que tomar psicodelicos deja una huella en tu personalidad, y construye creencias que perduran incluso despues de que el viaje se termina.
captured by nature relatedness) may be assigned the greatest importance , particularly when considering the scale and seriousness of the problem posed by climate change, for example , whereas others may recognise 'order' (e.g.
Las alucinaciones no son la unica forma en que un viaje psicodelico cambia tu manera de ver el mundo. Las visiones pueden irse despues de unas horas, pero investigaciones recientes en psilocibina, el componente activo de los hongos magicos, sugiere que tomar psicodelicos deja una huella en tu personalidad, y construye creencias que perduran incluso despues de que el viaje se termina. Tus opiniones politicas, tu personalidad y la forma en que te sientes conectado con el mundo y la naturaleza pueden cambiar despues de unas dosis de psilocibina, segun un estudio publicado en enero por investigadores de la Universidad Imperial de Londres en el Reino Unido.
For some, ecological considerations (e.g. captured by nature relatedness) may be assigned the greatest importance , particularly when considering the scale and seriousness of the problem posed by climate change, for example , whereas others may recognise 'order' (e.g. captured in part by our authoritarianism scale) as an essential and functional counterweight to lawlessness .
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
The first thing they want voters to know is that they're not following the model of legalization used by cannabis proponents.
Eleven of 17 therapeutically relevant measures fulfilled conservative criteria for demonstrating efficacy of the high dose of psilocybin (Table 4, Figure 3 ).
That means the federal government thinks it has no medical application whatsoever -- and high potential for abuse. The first thing they want voters to know is that they're not following the model of legalization used by cannabis proponents. "The most amazing thing happened; I just kind of found my identity, my sense of self completely turned into post-its -- little slips of paper that were being blown-around by the wind," Pollan recently told OPB's "Think Out Loud."
The present study demonstrated the efficacy of a high dose of psilocybin administered under supportive conditions to decrease symptoms of depressed mood and anxiety, and to increase quality of life in patients with a life-threatening cancer diagnosis. Eleven of 17 therapeutically relevant measures fulfilled conservative criteria for demonstrating efficacy of the high dose of psilocybin (Table 4, Figure 3 ). The data show that psilocybin produced large and significant decreases in clinician-rated and self-rated measures of depression, anxiety or mood disturbance, and increases in measures of quality of life, life meaning, death acceptance, and optimism.
[1.0, 1.0, 4.0, 1.0]
Based on this body of knowledge and empirical data, I would observe that Kipchoge's extraordinary and excellent performance has a lot to do with his mental strength, physical fitness, diet, and great running economy which enables him to utilize oxygen and generate energy more efficiently.
Although mirrored in Ethiopia , these findings are in stark contrast to the sedentary lifestyles of young Scottish children and the increasing prevalence of childhood obesity in the USA and UK .
And they have come up with several possible reasons to elucidate the phenomenal performance of Kenya runners. Based on this body of knowledge and empirical data, I would observe that Kipchoge's extraordinary and excellent performance has a lot to do with his mental strength, physical fitness, diet, and great running economy which enables him to utilize oxygen and generate energy more efficiently. Overall, there is an interplay between nature and nurture in the success of Kenyan runners.
In this study, a higher proportion of international (51%, P 5 0.002) and national athletes (42%, P 5 0.01) travelled farther than 5 km to school each day than controls (25%) ( Figure 5 ). Although mirrored in Ethiopia , these findings are in stark contrast to the sedentary lifestyles of young Scottish children and the increasing prevalence of childhood obesity in the USA and UK . Athletes also differed from controls in their method of travel to school, with a higher proportion of athletes running to school each day [controls 22%; national athletes 73% (P 5 0.001); international athletes 82% (P 5 0.001)].
[2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 4.0, 3.0]
"Those who had the Sound of the Sea rated the seafood as significantly better tasting or enjoyable," he says.
In one study, for instance, people's ratings of the environment were affected by the music that was playing in the background .
"Given that it's so present these days, it's just impacting the way in which we perceive the world." "Those who had the Sound of the Sea rated the seafood as significantly better tasting or enjoyable," he says. The experiment (referenced in the Journal of Sensory Studies in 2010) shows how sound might be used to emphasize or draw people's attention to certain flavors of the dish.
whether they like it or not) may carry over to influence their perception (or rating) of any food or drink tasted while listening to that noise. In one study, for instance, people's ratings of the environment were affected by the music that was playing in the background . This crossmodal effect was especially noticeable when the perceived attributes of the music and environment failed to match up.
[3.0, 4.0, 1.0, 4.0, 5.0]
The study's findings showed that, regardless of cultural background, circumcised boys may run a greater risk of developing ASD.
The observed 80-83% increase in ASD risk among 0-to 4-year-old circumcised boys is therefore unlikely to be an overestimate.
The researchers, who followed the boys up to the age of nine, found that almost 5,000 cases of ASD were diagnosed. The study's findings showed that, regardless of cultural background, circumcised boys may run a greater risk of developing ASD. The researchers noted they also made an unexpected observation of an increased risk of hyperactivity disorder among circumcised boys in non-Muslim families.
Again, any impact of such exposure misclassification would likely be non-differential, thus contributing to a conservative assessment of the link between circumcision and ASD risk. The observed 80-83% increase in ASD risk among 0-to 4-year-old circumcised boys is therefore unlikely to be an overestimate. Limitations with respect to the outcome variables (ASD, hyperactivity disorder and asthma) also need consideration.
[1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 2.0]
The ability to ignore is a key part of the ability to pay attention, the researchers said.
Specifically, we found no main effect of trial type, F(1, 24) = 0.512, p = .481.
Although trying to disregard distractions might initially slow people down, the researchers concluded that over time, people are more efficient when they know what's not worth paying attention to. The ability to ignore is a key part of the ability to pay attention, the researchers said. "This study, along with some recent work in which we measured brain activity while subjects responded selectively to stimuli presented in the midst of competing stimuli, highlights the importance of active suppression of those competing stimuli.
A 2 (trial type) × 4 (block) repeated measures ANOVA revealed that even when we discounted the possibility that target repetitions facilitated the benefits shown on ignore trials, the results were the same. Specifically, we found no main effect of trial type, F(1, 24) = 0.512, p = .481. We found a significant main effect of block, F(3, 72) = 9.311, p < .001, η p 2 = .28; RTs decreased over the course of the experiment.
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
"This is great news for patients," COMPASS executive chairman George Goldsmith said in a statement.
Indeed, there is evidence of blunting of positive mood with SSRIs .
COMPASS Pathways will begin running the first large-scale psilocybin clinical trial for treatment-resistant depression in Europe and North America within the next two years. "This is great news for patients," COMPASS executive chairman George Goldsmith said in a statement. "We are excited to be taking this work forward with our clinical trial on psilocybin therapy for treatment-resistant depression.
Relatedly, negative stimuli may be processed as especially salient, and thus be associated with greater amygdala responses e which are subsequently hyper-sensitive to intervention-led change. Indeed, there is evidence of blunting of positive mood with SSRIs . Since the majority of patients reported improvements with the treatment, most answered in the affirmative and described a greater willingness to accept all emotions post-treatment (including negative ones).
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
"But that's not what we found."
Tonia also spoke to the lack of interethnic-racial groups and families in her community or in the media to provide models for behavior: "It's kinda' something I'm almost insecure about so I think that's why it's a challenge for me."
"But that's not what we found." Many multiethnic-racial individuals have a strong sense of self, the researchers found. Because of their connections to different races and ethnicities, participants also have an awareness and enhanced understanding of others' experiences.
In Eric's case, a "mixed" identity was something distinctly different from other ethnic-racial groups and one that was not explicitly recognized or affirmed. Tonia also spoke to the lack of interethnic-racial groups and families in her community or in the media to provide models for behavior: "It's kinda' something I'm almost insecure about so I think that's why it's a challenge for me." In fact, she spoke to moving to communities with more interethnic-racial social groups and individuals with mixed backgrounds as a positive change in her life.
[1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0]
But our pay equity work doesn't stop at gender.
If men make a joint choice on an appetizer or a piece of real estate, for example, they may choose a more expensive alternative than if they choose with women or alone.
That's because women make $1.01 for every dollar men make in comparable positions--and we're committed to advancing equal pay more broadly as participants in The White House Equal Pay Pledge and the Equal Pay Pledge on Glassdoor. But our pay equity work doesn't stop at gender. As we've seen from the differences in the dates I just listed, we must also consider other factors that can contribute to inequality.
To use this insight, marketers may want to prompt men to make decisions with other men. If men make a joint choice on an appetizer or a piece of real estate, for example, they may choose a more expensive alternative than if they choose with women or alone. Finally, marketers using the compromise effect for new product introduction, positioning, product assortments, and product deletions need to consider whether the target consumers for their products are likely to purchase them in joint or individual decision-making contexts, as well as the likely gender composition of the decision-making pairs.
[2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
Those determined to be "liberal and artistic" liked singer Leonard Cohen and writer Oscar Wilde, while conservatives preferred Nascar racing and the film Monster-in-Law.
Positive cases are those classified by the model to belong to a target class (e.g., "male" or "Democrat").
Extroverts liked actress and singer Jennifer Lopez, while introverts gravitated toward the film The Dark Knight. Those determined to be "liberal and artistic" liked singer Leonard Cohen and writer Oscar Wilde, while conservatives preferred Nascar racing and the film Monster-in-Law. The predictions relied to a large degree on inference, by aggregating huge amounts of data: those predicted to be homosexual were tagged as such not because they clicked on sites about gay marriage, but because of their preferences in music and TV shows, for example.
Predictions. Positive cases are those classified by the model to belong to a target class (e.g., "male" or "Democrat"). Thus, true positive cases are the cases that were correctly classified by the model as belonging to a target class, whereas false-positive cases were classified incorrectly as belonging to a target class.
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
"It was such a dramatic effect, it leapt out at us," said Carl Olson, a professor at Carnegie Mellon.
Paradoxical interactions conforming to this pattern do, however, occur in inhibition-stabilized networks 4 44 .
However, in the current study, the CNBC researchers found that when subjects were exposed to familiar and unfamiliar images in a rapid succession, their neurons -- especially the inhibitory neurons -- fired much more strongly and selectively to images the subject had seen many times before. "It was such a dramatic effect, it leapt out at us," said Carl Olson, a professor at Carnegie Mellon. "You wouldn't expect there to be such deep changes in the brain from simply making things familiar.
Because putative inhibitory neurons themselves exhibit strong response truncation, it seems implausible that they could impose response truncation on excitatory neurons. Paradoxical interactions conforming to this pattern do, however, occur in inhibition-stabilized networks 4 44 . The late phase of the visual response might depend in part on recurrent excitatory connections among these neurons.
[1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
But high EQ, detached-perspective individuals didn't.
Related to these findings, in the de Vito et al.
I probably would have lost it. But high EQ, detached-perspective individuals didn't. The study findings concluded that, indeed: "People can self-distance in the heat of the moment, and doing so reduces aggressive thoughts, angry feelings, and aggressive behavior."
The parietal lesion patients showed impaired performance on both the memory and constructed experience tasks (e.g., they generated fewer specific details than did controls), whereas the prefrontal lesion patients were impaired on the constructed experience task but not on the autobiographical memory task. Related to these findings, in the de Vito et al. Semantic dementia patients, who have severe deficits in semantic memory with relative preservation of episodic memory consequent to atrophy of the anterior temporal lobes, showed a reduction relative to controls in internal (episodic) details on the Autobiographical Interview when imagining the future, together with a preserved ability to generate internal details when remembering the past ; see Figure 2 ).
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
"[O]ur results may have several different interpretations," the authors write.
Of these games, 316 (36%) were predicted wins for the home team, 245 (28%) were predicted losses, and 305 (35%) were predicted close games.
They found a 16 percent increase in births in February 2010 as well as an 11 percent increase the following month compared with the other years surrounding that time. "[O]ur results may have several different interpretations," the authors write. Jesus Montesinos, of Xarxa Assistencial Universitaria de Manresa, in Barcelona, Spain, and colleagues added that despite being observational, the findings still provide "a better understanding of human behavior, improve health care planning, and even aid government policy makers in stimulating or reducing birth rates."
For "predicted losses" (spread > 3) the probability of a win is 41% or less. Of these games, 316 (36%) were predicted wins for the home team, 245 (28%) were predicted losses, and 305 (35%) were predicted close games. The greater number of predicted wins than losses reflects the inclusion in our sample of two relatively successful teams (Denver and New England).
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
Ketamine has a very different mechanism of action than standard treatments."
The low attrition for treatment visits and the first posttreatment clinical assessment could reflect strong commitment to the study from patients and parents based on their intimate knowledge of the importance of research investigating new treatments for adolescent TRD.
Ketamine has a very different mechanism of action than standard treatments." They found that the treatment was well tolerated, with the participants showing an average decrease in CDRS scores of 42.5 percent. Five of the participants met the criteria for clinical response and remission.
This is somewhat surprising given the presence of some adverse events as noted above, especially for those adolescents that showed no clinical improvement throughout the study. The low attrition for treatment visits and the first posttreatment clinical assessment could reflect strong commitment to the study from patients and parents based on their intimate knowledge of the importance of research investigating new treatments for adolescent TRD. It could also reflect hopes and expectations on the part of patients and families for what ketamine treatment could deliver, based on the reports around that time in public media avenues on the promise of ketamine for depression.
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
The study's findings showed that, regardless of cultural background, circumcised boys may run a greater risk of developing ASD.
With 57 ASD cases in ritually circumcised boys and 4929 ASD cases in intact boys, the overall ASD risk in the age interval 0-9 years was 46% increased in ritually circumcised boys (HR ¼ 1.46; 95% CI: 1.11-1.93).
The researchers, who followed the boys up to the age of nine, found that almost 5,000 cases of ASD were diagnosed. The study's findings showed that, regardless of cultural background, circumcised boys may run a greater risk of developing ASD. The researchers noted they also made an unexpected observation of an increased risk of hyperactivity disorder among circumcised boys in non-Muslim families.
When considered simultaneously, gestational age and mother's marital status were no longer independent ASD risk factors. With 57 ASD cases in ritually circumcised boys and 4929 ASD cases in intact boys, the overall ASD risk in the age interval 0-9 years was 46% increased in ritually circumcised boys (HR ¼ 1.46; 95% CI: 1.11-1.93). This was due to noticeably increased ASD risk in the first 0-4 years of life (HR ¼ 1.80; 95% CI: 1.25-2.60), but not in the 5-9 years age interval (HR ¼ 1.15; 95% CI: 0.75-1.77).
[4.0, 3.0, 3.0]
However, the study was only performed on right-handed students, so if you are an anxious lefty, these results may not apply to you.
Activation of BAS is linked to the experience of positive affect and goal-directed behaviour.
After comparing the trajectory results with the questionnaires, those showing more inhibition veered left while trying to walk straight, and those with higher BAS leaned right. However, the study was only performed on right-handed students, so if you are an anxious lefty, these results may not apply to you. Thankfully, these results do not mean that if you are suffering from anxiety you're gonna walk into a manhole or towards traffic if it's on your left.
We discuss the implications of these findings for the neurobiological underpinnings of BIS and for the literature on spatial bias. Activation of BAS is linked to the experience of positive affect and goal-directed behaviour. In contrast, activation of BIS is linked to the experience of anxiety, increased sensitivity to threatening cues, and disruption of ongoing processes.
[1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 4.0]
"Our findings help explain why humans make music.
The geographic and stylistic diversity of this sample make it ideal for testing candidate musical universals.
Researchers said the latest findings suggest that music is powerful in helping bond societies together. "Our findings help explain why humans make music. In countries like North Korea we can also see extreme examples of how music and mass dance can be used to unite and coordinate groups," he added.
22 and 26). The geographic and stylistic diversity of this sample make it ideal for testing candidate musical universals. In particular, the encyclopedic nature of this collection, with its intention of capturing the great diversity of musical forms worldwide, should tend to make this sample overrepresent the real level of global diversity, and thus make it a particularly stringent sample for testing cross-cultural statistical regularities.
[2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 3.0]
However, Lambert and colleague's research suggests that describing our happy experiences to close friends and romantic partners is a better idea.
However, writing may also be instrumental in increasing the cognitive accessibility of the event in one's memory.
Bonding over complaints, commiseration or even gossip somehow feels more proper, realistic and grounded. However, Lambert and colleague's research suggests that describing our happy experiences to close friends and romantic partners is a better idea. Lambert's new study, however, extends research on gratitude to show that verbally expressing the gratitude we feel to people close to us helps increase and sustain our well-being above and beyond simply feeling or writing down gratitude.
Otherwise stated, people drew on a reservoir of positive events readily accessible to memory when they were asked about their current affective state. However, writing may also be instrumental in increasing the cognitive accessibility of the event in one's memory. Thus, why is sharing the experience with someone else unique from writing (as we found)?
[1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0]
Hungry shoppers bought more high-calorie foods, many of which were processed snacks and candy.
Finally, the positive influence of the hunger manipulation on acquisition held after including mood as a covariate [F(1, 58) = 6.61, P < 0.02].
There was, however, a difference in the quality of the foods added to their carts. Hungry shoppers bought more high-calorie foods, many of which were processed snacks and candy. Satiated shoppers tended towards lower-calorie foods such as fruits and fresh vegetables.
Mood did not influence the acquisition of binder clips (b = -0.048, SE = 0.208, t = -0.23, P > 0.80) or their evaluation (b = 0.058, SE = 0.119, t = 0.49, P > 0.60). Finally, the positive influence of the hunger manipulation on acquisition held after including mood as a covariate [F(1, 58) = 6.61, P < 0.02]. It also had a very small collection of snacks.
[4.0, 2.0, 1.0]
High vs. low MAAS scores were associated with significantly higher cardiovascular health on four of the seven individual indicators: BMI, physical activity, fasting glucose, and avoiding smoking.
These intervention findings are supported by a recent meta-analysis of 11 observational studies that showed significant inverse associations between dispositional mindfulness and smoking (aggregate r= −0.14; p<0.001) consistent with findings in the current study.
Participants with high MAAS scores had an 83 percent greater prevalence of good cardiovascular health (as measured by the composite score) compared to those with relatively low MAAS scores. High vs. low MAAS scores were associated with significantly higher cardiovascular health on four of the seven individual indicators: BMI, physical activity, fasting glucose, and avoiding smoking. That higher mindfulness did not also associate with higher scores for blood pressure or cholesterol may be because neither of those health indicators directly affect how someone feels in a typical moment, whereas smoking, obesity (and closely related fasting glucose), and physical activity are all much more explicitly evident experiences for the self.
Prevalence Ratio methodologically rigorous randomized controlled trials to date demonstrated a 31 % smoking abstinence rate for those randomized to mindfulness training vs. 6 % in the active control group at 17 weeks follow-up (p= 0.012) . These intervention findings are supported by a recent meta-analysis of 11 observational studies that showed significant inverse associations between dispositional mindfulness and smoking (aggregate r= −0.14; p<0.001) consistent with findings in the current study. With regard to obesity, to our knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate associations of dispositional mindfulness with directly assessed BMI.
[3.0, 3.0, 2.0, 3.0]
Toen ik als 17-jarige puber eenmaal een behandeling aanging voor mijn eetstoornis en ik in groepsverband werd behandeld met zowel anorexia- als boulimiapatienten, kwam ik erachter dat ik bij lange na niet de enige eetgestoorde persoon was met dergelijke ervaringen.
Third, the SIAB was not designed specifically to measure sexual functioning and therefore, these results are considered to be preliminary and motivational for future studies to use instruments designed to assess relationship and sexual functioning.
Mijn eerste vriendje deed op het moment supreme zijn uiterste best me op mijn gemak te stellen, maar ik was toch vooral bezig met het eetgestoorde stemmetje in mijn hoofd, dat ook tijdens mijn meest intieme momenten alles wist te vergallen. Toen ik als 17-jarige puber eenmaal een behandeling aanging voor mijn eetstoornis en ik in groepsverband werd behandeld met zowel anorexia- als boulimiapatienten, kwam ik erachter dat ik bij lange na niet de enige eetgestoorde persoon was met dergelijke ervaringen. Sterker nog, volgens een onderzoek dat in 2011 werd gepubliceerd, waaraan 242 vrouwen met eetstoornissen meededen, had 66,9 procent last van een "verminderd libido" en 59,2 procent ervoer "seksuele angsten."
Second, the associations identified in this study between self-reported symptoms and relationship variables are based on retrospective patient recall and are vulnerable to memory biases inherent in this type of data. Third, the SIAB was not designed specifically to measure sexual functioning and therefore, these results are considered to be preliminary and motivational for future studies to use instruments designed to assess relationship and sexual functioning. The SIAB questions do not have the sufficient specificity to determine when these variables occurred relative to the eating disorder symptoms.
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
Music Reduces Stress & Eases Anxiety In today's day and age, the stress emphasized on employees and even students to succeed is tremendous!
Suitable pleasurable conditions would need to be administered as comparisons, for example, food pleasure.
I'll do an article on the songs that pushes me to go pass my limits on another day, so stay tuned for that. Music Reduces Stress & Eases Anxiety In today's day and age, the stress emphasized on employees and even students to succeed is tremendous! Work has to be completed as soon as possible, sales targets have to be met, exams have to be aced with flying colors.
Here, it will be important for control tasks to include an equal amount of experimenter-participant interactions, as well as a stimulus that is wellcontrolled for similar arousal properties and emotional qualities. Suitable pleasurable conditions would need to be administered as comparisons, for example, food pleasure. Other exciting avenues for future research include investigations into the contribution of stress hormones, vasopressin, dopamine, and opioids using biological assays (e.g., blood serum, saliva, urine), and pharmacological interventions with neuroimaging techniques.
[3.0, 1.0, 3.0, 2.0]
This difference completely changes the organization of the brain and therefore can create symptoms suggestive of autism like repetitive behaviors, the need to have orderly spaces, as well as social awkwardness.
S4) , if the MSD of a point is high, then that point is relatively more isolated (i.e., in a low-density environment) compared with a point with a low MSD (i.e., in a high-density environment).
Therefore, connections between brain cells in adulthood are shorter than those without ASD. This difference completely changes the organization of the brain and therefore can create symptoms suggestive of autism like repetitive behaviors, the need to have orderly spaces, as well as social awkwardness. Researchers found that shortened connections mostly occurred in the fronto-temporal region and cortico-cortical circuits of the brain.
Theoretically (Fig. S4) , if the MSD of a point is high, then that point is relatively more isolated (i.e., in a low-density environment) compared with a point with a low MSD (i.e., in a high-density environment). Thus, comparing MSD distributions across groups may reveal regions that have relatively greater or lesser density of underlying "surface units."
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
While children in both groups made progress, those receiving ESDM showed significantly higher gains in language (20 DQ points versus 10 in the control group) and cognition (14 DQ points, versus 7 in the control group).
Effectiveness and feasibility of the early start denver model implemented in a groupbased community childcare setting.
While children in both groups made progress, those receiving ESDM showed significantly higher gains in language (20 DQ points versus 10 in the control group) and cognition (14 DQ points, versus 7 in the control group). There was variability in the gains made by children receiving the ESDM, with children who had more spontaneous imitation, functional play and joint attention skills showing the most sizeable cognitive gains. This study indicates that even with the adaptations of delivering the program in a childcare group environment instead of intensive individual home-based treatment, the ESDM has positive effects on development of young children with ASD.
Effectiveness and feasibility of the early start denver model implemented in a groupbased community childcare setting. Teaching episodes are embedded within the framework of naturalistic and intrinsically rewarding joint activities built on the child's spontaneous interests and motivation. Evidence for the efficacy of the ESDM is documented in an RCT ) indicating significant gains in cognitive, language, and adaptive abilities in a group of preschoolers with ASD receiving 15 h per week of individual home-based treatment over 2 years, as well as 4 h per month of individual parent coaching.
[4.0, 2.0, 4.0, 1.0]
The study identified a significant association between corporal punishment during childhood and violence toward dating partners in adulthood.
The finding that childhood corporal punishment was associated with perpetration of young adult physical dating violence, even after controlling for several demographic variables and childhood physical abuse, adds to the growing literature demonstrating deleterious outcomes associated with corporal punishment.
About 19 percent said they had committed some form of dating violence and 69 percent said they were physically punished during childhood. The study identified a significant association between corporal punishment during childhood and violence toward dating partners in adulthood. Specifically, people who got spanked as kids had a 29 percent higher risk for perpetrating dating violence, the findings showed.
Even after controlling for sex, ethnicity, age, parental education, and child physical abuse, childhood corporal punishment was associated significantly with physical dating violence perpetration (aOR 1.29, 95% CI 1.02-1.62). The finding that childhood corporal punishment was associated with perpetration of young adult physical dating violence, even after controlling for several demographic variables and childhood physical abuse, adds to the growing literature demonstrating deleterious outcomes associated with corporal punishment. (J Pediatr 2018;194:233-7).
[3.0, 4.0, 2.0]
In Shenzhen and Jiamusi cities, only data for children in mainstream education was available; in Shenzhen City, 42 out of every 10,000 children in mainstream education had autism, and in Jiamusi City this figure was 19 per 10,000.
Second, we report autism prevalence in mainstream schools only in Shenzhen and Jiamusi cities.
In Jilin City, from a total population of 7,258, the team identified 77 cases of autism, equating to a prevalence of 108 per 10,000, very similar to that found in the West. In Shenzhen and Jiamusi cities, only data for children in mainstream education was available; in Shenzhen City, 42 out of every 10,000 children in mainstream education had autism, and in Jiamusi City this figure was 19 per 10,000. In all three cities, the researchers identified new cases of autism in mainstream schools, confirming that there is under-diagnosis of autism in China.
Most of the children identified in this study using these contemporary screening and diagnostic measures had not previously received an autism diagnosis, confirming underdiagnosis of autism in mainstream schools. Second, we report autism prevalence in mainstream schools only in Shenzhen and Jiamusi cities. Thus, the total score ranges from 0 to 31.
[4.0, 4.0, 2.0, 4.0]
Either way, noticing that your child is attracted to this literature "may serve as a red flag for parents," he writes.
Banned books did not predict GPA, or commission of violent or nonviolent crimes.
It isn't clear from this data whether, for that troubled minority of teens, reading edgy fiction is cathartic and thus helpful, or if it leads to the sort of rumination that makes mental-health issues worse. Either way, noticing that your child is attracted to this literature "may serve as a red flag for parents," he writes. That said, the study suggests that for the vast majority of kids, reading banned books does not seem to be harmful, and may even contribute to emotional and moral growth.
Banned books were associated with increased civic behaviors concurrently. Banned books did not predict GPA, or commission of violent or nonviolent crimes. However, banned books were associated with increased internalizing and externalizing mental health symptoms.
[1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0]
advertisement "This is not an extraordinary meal compared to what many of us would grab when we're in a hurry and out getting some food," said Kiecolt-Glaser, also director of the Institute for Behavioral Medicine at Ohio State.
Women with a depression history who also had more stressors had a higher peak triglyceride response than other participants (p ¼ .01).
Most of the reported stressors were interpersonal in nature: arguments with co-workers or spouses, disagreements with friends, trouble with children or work-related pressures. advertisement "This is not an extraordinary meal compared to what many of us would grab when we're in a hurry and out getting some food," said Kiecolt-Glaser, also director of the Institute for Behavioral Medicine at Ohio State. "We suspected that the saturated fat would have a worse impact on metabolism in women, but in our findings, both high-fat meals consistently showed the same results in terms of how stressors could affect their energy expenditure," said Martha Belury, professor of human nutrition at Ohio State and a co-author of the study.
Women with prior MDD had higher cortisol (p ¼ .008) and higher fat oxidation (p ¼ .004), without significant effects for REE, insulin, and glucose. Women with a depression history who also had more stressors had a higher peak triglyceride response than other participants (p ¼ .01). The only difference between meals was higher postprandial glucose following sunflower oil compared with saturated fat (p ¼ .03).
[1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
While some people approach every new situation with a smile, others seem to thrive on disproval and uncompromising negativity.
If so, this would demonstrate that the dispositional attitude is an important and useful construct for attitudes research.
While some people approach every new situation with a smile, others seem to thrive on disproval and uncompromising negativity. By asserting that positive and negative dispositions actually precede outside stimuli, the findings may answer the age-old question why haters hate. Whereas people with positive dispositional attitudes have a natural inclination to like, or approve of, external objects and situations, those with negative dispositional attitudes exhibit a strong tendency to dislike them.
Dispositional attitudes should be positively related to traits concerning positive affect, negatively related to traits concerning negative affect, positively related to traits concerning curiosity, and unrelated to other traits. If so, this would demonstrate that the dispositional attitude is an important and useful construct for attitudes research. Dispositional attitudes should be measurable by having individuals evaluate a wide range of stimuli and then averaging across all evaluations for each individual.
[3.0, 4.0, 4.0, 1.0]
ADVERTISEMENT Moments after she landed the gig, a cop arrested Browder for child abandonment.
This study offers a partial explanation for the mechanism behind a widespread, durable phenomenon with implications for a broad segment of the population.
Laura Browder is the latest example of how harsh America can be on working mothers. ADVERTISEMENT Moments after she landed the gig, a cop arrested Browder for child abandonment. Though she was later released, the arrest was an unfriendly reminder of the tough calls moms often have to make.
Furthermore, the motherhood penalty appears to have remained stable over time . This study offers a partial explanation for the mechanism behind a widespread, durable phenomenon with implications for a broad segment of the population. While the magnitude of the gap decreased over much of this period , a sizeable gap remains, and the gap has not narrowed in recent years (Institute for Women's Policy Research 2006).
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0]
To understand how much better regulations have gotten on the issue of wait times, it helps to understand just how horrendous they were.
They call for an end to urinal troughs in men's restrooms, greater space between urinals, the construction of floor-to-ceiling partitions between urinals, and doors on all toilet stalls.
If most developers aren't going to install more toilets than are required by local or state plumbing codes, then perhaps the solution is to change the requirements. To understand how much better regulations have gotten on the issue of wait times, it helps to understand just how horrendous they were. "From the outset," she explained, "public toilet provision for women was seen as an extra, as a luxury, or as problematic in other respects."
Soifer argued that some boys become targets for bullying-not perceived as being "manly" enough to stand up, show their equipment, and use a urinal-merely by entering a toilet cubicle. They call for an end to urinal troughs in men's restrooms, greater space between urinals, the construction of floor-to-ceiling partitions between urinals, and doors on all toilet stalls. Soifer also recommended a white noise device such as a fan to help users feel more comfortable.
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
"It is possible that women who are led to believe that men prefer women with bodies larger than the models depicted in the media may experience higher levels of self-esteem and lower levels of depression," Meltzer said.
First, although it conceptually replicated the findings of Study 1, Study 2 did not demonstrate the mechanism of the predicted effect.
They also tend to avoid unhealthy behaviors, such as excessive dieting and eating disorders, and they suffer less from depression. "It is possible that women who are led to believe that men prefer women with bodies larger than the models depicted in the media may experience higher levels of self-esteem and lower levels of depression," Meltzer said. Women's weight satisfaction improved after image manipulation exercise In all three studies, female participants viewed images of female models with bodies larger than the thin-ideal wearing a variety of clothing, ranging from typical street clothes to bathing suits.
Nevertheless, Study 2 has two important limitations. First, although it conceptually replicated the findings of Study 1, Study 2 did not demonstrate the mechanism of the predicted effect. Because women often believe that men prefer ultra-thin women (as suggested by the similar findings across Study 2's two control conditions), they likely place higher importance on obtaining a thin body and thus experience weight dissatisfaction.
[4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 3.0, 1.0]
This does, however, open up another issue for skilled liars; they could use this technique to manipulate other people into believing what they are saying.
Third, the first two of the present studies showed the perception of others to be influenced by the hand-over-heart gesture, and by definition, self-perception processes cannot explain the perceptions of other persons.
The basis of these experiments just show that placing our hand over our hearts might compel us to behave more morally. This does, however, open up another issue for skilled liars; they could use this technique to manipulate other people into believing what they are saying. This is why Parzuchowski and Wojciszke warn that a simple gesture like this one should not be taken as a "truth serum."
For example, a great majority of the participants of one multi-sample study (N [ 800 including pupils, students, and employees), showed quite extreme estimates of their honesty and other moral traits , and extremity of ratings typically goes hand-in-hand with their subjective certainty. Third, the first two of the present studies showed the perception of others to be influenced by the hand-over-heart gesture, and by definition, self-perception processes cannot explain the perceptions of other persons. All of this suggests that self-perception processes do not provide a plausible explanation for the present data.
[2.0, 2.0, 5.0, 1.0, 1.0]
By the a70s, we liked mustaches and a lot of body hair, and in the a90s, we loved big butts.
Not only are physically strong men more likely than weaker men to prevail in direct agonistic contests over resources [ , but they are also better hunters , and perceived by others in their communities as more effective generators of collective benefits related to resource production , leadership , and coalitional defence .
This also changes with the times. By the a70s, we liked mustaches and a lot of body hair, and in the a90s, we loved big butts. Subscribe to Inverse on YouTube for more curiosity-sparking journalism.
Greater physical formidability likely promotes men's resource accrual via multiple pathways. Not only are physically strong men more likely than weaker men to prevail in direct agonistic contests over resources [ , but they are also better hunters , and perceived by others in their communities as more effective generators of collective benefits related to resource production , leadership , and coalitional defence . In total, these considerations suggest that physical formidability would have been a reliable positive predictor of men's ability to accrue resources that could be invested in ancestral women and offspring.
[1.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0]
The analysis showed that these functional connectivities underlie the relation between depressive problems and sleep quality.
Further, a mediation analysis showed that the functional connectivity links between the brain areas identified played a significant role in the association of depressive problems with poor sleep quality.
In the brains of those living with depressive problems, they discovered a strong connection between the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (associated with short-term memory), the precuneus (associated with the self), and the lateral orbitofrontal cortex (associated with negative emotion). The analysis showed that these functional connectivities underlie the relation between depressive problems and sleep quality. The researchers conclude that increased functional connectivity among these brain regions provides a neural basis for how depression is related to poor sleep quality.
The results show that both poor sleep quality and depressive problems are significantly positively correlated with functional connectivities involving the lateral orbitofrontal cortex, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the cingulate cortex, and the precuneus. Further, a mediation analysis showed that the functional connectivity links between the brain areas identified played a significant role in the association of depressive problems with poor sleep quality. Much smaller associations were found in the reverse direction; that is, the associations of sleep quality with depressive problems mediated by these links were less significant.
[3.0, 5.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0]
The study discovered that, regardless of their cultural background, circumcised boys could be at greater risk of developing the condition.
However, risk was significantly increased among circumcised boys in non-Muslim families (HR ¼ 1.81; 95% CI: 1.11-2.96), and risk appeared to be particularly high in the <5 years age window (HR ¼ 3.60; 95% CI: 1.16-11.18), although the latter observation was based on only three cases.
The study discovered that, regardless of their cultural background, circumcised boys could be at greater risk of developing the condition. While these days, it is considered unacceptable medical practice to perform a circumcision without proper pain relief, none of the most common interventions used to reduce such pain is capable of completely eliminating it, the study authors said. "Given the widespread practice of non-therapeutic circumcision in infancy and childhood around the world, our findings should prompt other researchers to examine the possibility that circumcision trauma in infancy or early childhood might carry an increased risk of serious neurodevelopmental and psychological consequences," he added.
Among boys in Muslim families, risk of hyperkinetic disorder did not depend on the boys' foreskin status (HR ¼ 1.08; 95% CI: 0.77-1.52). However, risk was significantly increased among circumcised boys in non-Muslim families (HR ¼ 1.81; 95% CI: 1.11-2.96), and risk appeared to be particularly high in the <5 years age window (HR ¼ 3.60; 95% CI: 1.16-11.18), although the latter observation was based on only three cases. Associations of ritual circumcision with risk of asthma were consistently negative, both in the 0-4 years (HR ¼ 0.91; 95% CI: 0.78-1.06) and the 5-9 years age interval (HR ¼ 1.16; 95% CI: 0.89-1.51), yielding an inconspicuous overall HR estimate (HR ¼ 0.96; 95% CI: 0.84-1.10) based on a total of 235 cases of asthma in circumcised boys versus 29,002 cases in intact boys.
[4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0]
Almost two-thirds of the participants were female, and the average age of the group was around 31 years of age.
There were a total of 119 male (39.5%) and 182 (60.5%) female participants aged 18-75 years (mean ± -SD = 31.37 ± 12.55 years, and median age = 27 years).
According to the researchers, the apparent prevalence of eating disorders seen in musicians "could be due to their increased levels of perfectionism", and the findings could help doctors to look for warning signs among a subset of patients. Almost two-thirds of the participants were female, and the average age of the group was around 31 years of age. After analysing the questionnaire data, the researchers revealed almost one-third of the group (32.3%) reported having experienced an eating disorder, a higher proportion than the estimated 1.6 million adults thought to be affected in the UK.
Some questions were not answered by all 301 musicians; therefore, percentages were calculated using the total of musicians who had answered the particular question, not all the 301 musicians (see tables for more details). There were a total of 119 male (39.5%) and 182 (60.5%) female participants aged 18-75 years (mean ± -SD = 31.37 ± 12.55 years, and median age = 27 years). Regarding the music they perform or teach, musicians responded with: classical (85.8%), jazz (19.5%), pop (15.9%), rock (14.2%), folk (3.9%), rap (2.3%), metal (1.9%), world music (1.6%) and other (17.8%).
[3.0, 3.0, 4.0, 1.0]
"These findings provide a neural basis for understanding how depression relates to poor sleep quality, and this in turn has implications for treatment of depression and improvement of sleep quality because of the brain areas identified."
Understanding the neural connectivity that underlies both conditions and mediates the association between them is likely to lead to better-directed treatments for depression and associated sleep problems.
Researchers believe it is the first time the neural mechanisms underlying the association of depression and sleep have been studied in a large sample. "These findings provide a neural basis for understanding how depression relates to poor sleep quality, and this in turn has implications for treatment of depression and improvement of sleep quality because of the brain areas identified." "This study may also have implications for a deeper understanding of depression," he said.
IMPORTANCE Depression is associated with poor sleep quality. Understanding the neural connectivity that underlies both conditions and mediates the association between them is likely to lead to better-directed treatments for depression and associated sleep problems. The Depressive Problems score was positively correlated with poor sleep quality (r = 0.371; P < .001).
[4.0, 5.0, 2.0]
The results showed that bundling seemed to diminish participants' interest in buying the larger option: People were less likely to buy a large drink when it was bundled than when it was presented as one serving.
The effect of bundling was magnified among the participants restricted to the self-service condition: 20.7% bought large drinks in the bundled condition, compared with 37.1% in the typical-portion condition, χ 2 (1, N = 179) = 5.72, p = .02.
The regulation was ultimately overturned but it generated heated debate about the appropriateness and effectiveness of addressing public health issues through such means. The results showed that bundling seemed to diminish participants' interest in buying the larger option: People were less likely to buy a large drink when it was bundled than when it was presented as one serving. However, it did not affect the further downstream behavior of consumption.
In fact, the result of a χ 2 test comparing only the bundled and typical-portion conditions, collapsed across serving style, was significant: Drink purchasers were 64.8% less likely to buy a large drink in the bundled condition than in the typical-portion condition (25.6% bought a large drink in the bundled condition, and 39.5% bought a large drink in the typical-portion condition), χ 2 (1, N = 362) = 7.90, p = .005. The effect of bundling was magnified among the participants restricted to the self-service condition: 20.7% bought large drinks in the bundled condition, compared with 37.1% in the typical-portion condition, χ 2 (1, N = 179) = 5.72, p = .02. The findings, directionally consistent with those for purchasing, revealed that the participants in the bundled condition consumed 5.6% fewer calories than those in the typicalportion condition; however, this difference did not reach statistical significance (typical portion: M = 122.61 kcal, SD = 47.92; bundled: M = 115.70 kcal, SD = 49.77), F(1, 358) = 1.67, p = .20.
[3.0, 4.0, 4.0]
While anyone whoas experienced the difficulty of depression or insomnia may not be surprised that theyare connected, this study marks the first time scientists can definitively say there are neural mechanisms underlying the relationship between the two.
Understanding the neural connectivity that underlies both conditions and mediates the association between them is likely to lead to better-directed treatments for depression and associated sleep problems.
Depression and sleeplessness go hand in hand.A petitefox/Flickr aAn important part of the research was that we showed that in a population from the US, available because of the Human Connectome Project, the orbitofrontal cortex had increased functional connectivity with the other brain regions in people with depressive problems,a co-author and fellow University of Warwick professor Edmund Rolls, Ph.D. tells Inverse, referring to the large-scale effort to map the complete structural and functional neural connections within the human brain. A total of 162 functional connectivity neural links involved in the areas of the brain associated with sleep were identified from these scans. While anyone whoas experienced the difficulty of depression or insomnia may not be surprised that theyare connected, this study marks the first time scientists can definitively say there are neural mechanisms underlying the relationship between the two.
IMPORTANCE Depression is associated with poor sleep quality. Understanding the neural connectivity that underlies both conditions and mediates the association between them is likely to lead to better-directed treatments for depression and associated sleep problems. The Depressive Problems score was positively correlated with poor sleep quality (r = 0.371; P < .001).
[3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 2.0]
"These findings provide a neural basis for understanding how depression relates to poor sleep quality, and this in turn has implications for treatment of depression and improvement of sleep quality because of the brain areas identified."
Although previous studies have found changes in patients with depression in some of the regions of interest identified in this study, including the precuneus and angular gyrus, 43 this is to our knowledge the first study to examine the neural mechanisms underlying the associations of depressive problems with sleep quality and to associate sleep quality with functional connectivity in a large sample of participants.
Researchers believe it is the first time the neural mechanisms underlying the association of depression and sleep have been studied in a large sample. "These findings provide a neural basis for understanding how depression relates to poor sleep quality, and this in turn has implications for treatment of depression and improvement of sleep quality because of the brain areas identified." "This study may also have implications for a deeper understanding of depression," he said.
We note that the causal relations between sleep and depression is an important topic that deserves much further investigation. Although previous studies have found changes in patients with depression in some of the regions of interest identified in this study, including the precuneus and angular gyrus, 43 this is to our knowledge the first study to examine the neural mechanisms underlying the associations of depressive problems with sleep quality and to associate sleep quality with functional connectivity in a large sample of participants. A strength of this investigation is that the effects are likely to be very robust, given the large sample of participants with resting-state fMRI and the cross-validation with the UK Biobank data set with a sample of 8718 participants in one of its first uses of resting-state fMRI data.
[2.0, 4.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0]
The analysis showed that these functional connectivities underlie the relation between depressive problems and sleep quality.
The Depressive Problems score was positively correlated with poor sleep quality (r = 0.371; P < .001).
In the brains of those living with depressive problems, they discovered a strong connection between the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (associated with short-term memory), the precuneus (associated with the self), and the lateral orbitofrontal cortex (associated with negative emotion). The analysis showed that these functional connectivities underlie the relation between depressive problems and sleep quality. The researchers conclude that increased functional connectivity among these brain regions provides a neural basis for how depression is related to poor sleep quality.
Understanding the neural connectivity that underlies both conditions and mediates the association between them is likely to lead to better-directed treatments for depression and associated sleep problems. The Depressive Problems score was positively correlated with poor sleep quality (r = 0.371; P < .001). A total of 162 functional connectivity links involving areas associated with sleep, such as the precuneus, anterior cingulate cortex, and the lateral orbitofrontal cortex, were identified.
[2.0, 4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 4.0]