stringlengths 2
| hypothesis_ja
stringlengths 1
| label
class label 3
classes | premise_en
stringlengths 7
| hypothesis_en
stringlengths 1
| premise_en_rev
stringlengths 6
| hypothesis_en_rev
stringlengths 0
| label_rev
class label 3
classes |
交差点で自転車に乗って待っている人々。 | 今、自転車レースが行われている。 | 1neutral
| People on bicycles waiting at an intersection. | There is a bike race happening right now. | People waiting at the crossing on bicycles. | A bicycle race is being held now. | 1neutral
交差点で自転車に乗って待っている人々。 | 自転車に乗った人々は交通待ちで会話を楽しんでいる。 | 1neutral
| People on bicycles waiting at an intersection. | People on bicycles enjoy a conversation waiting for traffic. | People waiting at the crossing on bicycles. | Cyclists are chatting while waiting for the traffic light to change. | 1neutral
交差点で自転車に乗って待っている人々。 | 人々は向かいのコンビニに行こうとしている。 | 1neutral
| People on bicycles waiting at an intersection. | The people are trying to get to the convenience store across the street. | People waiting at the crossing on bicycles. | People are going to the convenience store across the street. | 1neutral
交差点で自転車に乗って待っている人々。 | 人々は交通整理をしている。 | 0entailment
| People on bicycles waiting at an intersection. | People wait on traffic. | People waiting at the crossing on bicycles. | People are directing traffic. | 1neutral
交差点で自転車に乗って待っている人々。 | 自転車に乗った人々が交差点で止まっている。 | 1neutral
| People on bicycles waiting at an intersection. | Some people on bikes are stopped at a junction. | People waiting at the crossing on bicycles. | Cyclists are stopped at the intersection. | 0entailment
交差点で自転車に乗って待っている人々。 | 人々は歩いて待っている。 | 2contradiction
| People on bicycles waiting at an intersection. | People are waiting on foot. | People waiting at the crossing on bicycles. | People are waiting on foot. | 2contradiction
交差点で自転車に乗って待っている人々。 | 自転車に乗った人が道路で止まっている。 | 0entailment
| People on bicycles waiting at an intersection. | There are bicyclists stopped at a road. | People waiting at the crossing on bicycles. | A cyclist is stopped on the road. | 0entailment
交差点で自転車に乗って待っている人々。 | 人々は眠っている。 | 2contradiction
| People on bicycles waiting at an intersection. | The people are sleeping. | People waiting at the crossing on bicycles. | People are sleeping. | 2contradiction
交差点で自転車に乗って待っている人々。 | 人々は映画が始まるのを待っている。 | 2contradiction
| People on bicycles waiting at an intersection. | The people are waiting for the movie to begin. | People waiting at the crossing on bicycles. | People are waiting for the movie to start. | 2contradiction
交差点で自転車に乗って待っている人々。 | 自転車に二人乗りしているのは、交通法違反です。 | 0entailment
| People on bicycles waiting at an intersection. | More than one person on a bicycle is obeying traffic laws. | People waiting at the crossing on bicycles. | It is against the law to ride a bicycle with two people on it. | 1neutral
交差点で自転車に乗って待っている人々。 | 人々はマウンテンバイクに乗っている。 | 1neutral
| People on bicycles waiting at an intersection. | People are on mountain bikes. | People waiting at the crossing on bicycles. | People are riding on mountain bikes. | 1neutral
交差点で自転車に乗って待っている人々。 | 自転車に乗っている人がいます。 | 0entailment
| People on bicycles waiting at an intersection. | There are people on bicycles. | People waiting at the crossing on bicycles. | There is a person riding a bicycle. | 0entailment
交差点で自転車に乗って待っている人々。 | 自転車に乗った人々が交差点をスピードを上げて通り過ぎる。 | 2contradiction
| People on bicycles waiting at an intersection. | People on bicycles speed through an intersection. | People waiting at the crossing on bicycles. | Cyclists speed through the intersection. | 2contradiction
赤シャツが、トロッコの上に乗っている男を眺めている。 | その荷車は空っぽだ。 | 2contradiction
| A man with a red shirt is watching another man who is standing on top of a attached cart filled to the top. | The cart is empty. | Red Shirt is watching the man on top of the truck. | The truck is empty. | 2contradiction
赤シャツが、トロッコの上に乗っている男を眺めている。 | 一人の男が、もう一人の男を肩車に乗せている。 | 2contradiction
| A man with a red shirt is watching another man who is standing on top of a attached cart filled to the top. | A man is giving another man a piggyback ride. | Red Shirt is watching the man on top of the truck. | One man is carrying another on his back. | 2contradiction
赤シャツが、トロッコの上に乗っている男を眺めている。 | 一台の荷車はたくさんの品物を積んでいる。 | 0entailment
| A man with a red shirt is watching another man who is standing on top of a attached cart filled to the top. | A cart is full of items. | Red Shirt is watching the man on top of the truck. | A cart is loaded with many goods. | 2contradiction
赤シャツが、トロッコの上に乗っている男を眺めている。 | 男がベンチの下で寝ている。 | 2contradiction
| A man with a red shirt is watching another man who is standing on top of a attached cart filled to the top. | A man is sleeping under a bench. | Red Shirt is watching the man on top of the truck. | The man is sleeping under the bench. | 2contradiction
赤シャツが、トロッコの上に乗っている男を眺めている。 | 一人の男が他の一人の男を見張っている。 | 0entailment
| A man with a red shirt is watching another man who is standing on top of a attached cart filled to the top. | A man watches another man. | Red Shirt is watching the man on top of the truck. | One man is watching another. | 0entailment
赤シャツが、トロッコの上に乗っている男を眺めている。 | 農産物卸売業者は保健所の職員によって見張られている。 | 1neutral
| A man with a red shirt is watching another man who is standing on top of a attached cart filled to the top. | A produce vendor is watched by a health department worker. | Red Shirt is watching the man on top of the truck. | Wholesale food dealers are being watched by health officials. | 1neutral
赤シャツが、トロッコの上に乗っている男を眺めている。 | 何かを積んだ荷車の上に人が乗っていて、それを別の誰かが見守っています。 | 0entailment
| A man with a red shirt is watching another man who is standing on top of a attached cart filled to the top. | Someone is on top of a cart full of items, while someone else observes. | Red Shirt is watching the man on top of the truck. | Someone is sitting on a loaded cart, being watched by someone else. | 2contradiction
赤シャツが、トロッコの上に乗っている男を眺めている。 | その男は女をじっと見ている。 | 2contradiction
| A man with a red shirt is watching another man who is standing on top of a attached cart filled to the top. | The man is watching a woman. | Red Shirt is watching the man on top of the truck. | The man is staring at the woman. | 2contradiction
赤シャツが、トロッコの上に乗っている男を眺めている。 | ある商人とその助手が、カートにいくつ商品を積み込んだか数えようとしていた。 | 1neutral
| A man with a red shirt is watching another man who is standing on top of a attached cart filled to the top. | A merchant and his assistant are trying to determine how many products are in their cart. | Red Shirt is watching the man on top of the truck. | A Merchant and his Servant were driving their Ass to a neighboring fair to sell him. | 1neutral
赤シャツが、トロッコの上に乗っている男を眺めている。 | その荷車は石炭でいっぱいだ。 | 1neutral
| A man with a red shirt is watching another man who is standing on top of a attached cart filled to the top. | The cart is full of coal. | Red Shirt is watching the man on top of the truck. | The truck is full of coal. | 1neutral
赤シャツが、トロッコの上に乗っている男を眺めている。 | 一人の男が荷車の上に立っている。 | 0entailment
| A man with a red shirt is watching another man who is standing on top of a attached cart filled to the top. | A man is standing on top of a cart. | Red Shirt is watching the man on top of the truck. | A man is standing on the truck. | 0entailment
赤シャツが、トロッコの上に乗っている男を眺めている。 | その荷車はてっぺんまで積み込まれている。 | 0entailment
| A man with a red shirt is watching another man who is standing on top of a attached cart filled to the top. | The cart is filled to the top. | Red Shirt is watching the man on top of the truck. | The truck is loaded to the brim. | 1neutral
赤シャツが、トロッコの上に乗っている男を眺めている。 | 男たちは外にいます。 | 1neutral
| A man with a red shirt is watching another man who is standing on top of a attached cart filled to the top. | The men are outside. | Red Shirt is watching the man on top of the truck. | The men are out. | 2contradiction
赤シャツが、トロッコの上に乗っている男を眺めている。 | 男はタコを食べる。 | 2contradiction
| A man with a red shirt is watching another man who is standing on top of a attached cart filled to the top. | A man eats octopus. | Red Shirt is watching the man on top of the truck. | Men eat octopus. | 2contradiction
赤シャツが、トロッコの上に乗っている男を眺めている。 | 一人の男が食料品をいっぱい積んだ荷車に乗って立っている。 | 1neutral
| A man with a red shirt is watching another man who is standing on top of a attached cart filled to the top. | A man is standing on a cart full of groceries. | Red Shirt is watching the man on top of the truck. | A man is standing with a cart full of groceries. | 2contradiction
少年が女性の形をした水飲み場から水を飲んでいる。 | 男性が水を飲んでいる。 | 0entailment
| A boy is drinking out of a water fountain shaped like a woman. | A male is getting a drink of water. | A boy is drinking water from a woman-shaped fountain. | A man is drinking water. | 2contradiction
少年が女性の形をした水飲み場から水を飲んでいる。 | ある彫刻家が、自分のガールフレンドに似せて作った噴水から飲み物をすする。 | 1neutral
| A boy is drinking out of a water fountain shaped like a woman. | A sculptor takes a drink from a fountain that he made that looks like his girlfriend. | A boy is drinking water from a woman-shaped fountain. | A sculptor drinks from a fountain that he has made in the likeness of his mistress. | 2contradiction
少年が女性の形をした水飲み場から水を飲んでいる。 | 一人の男がグラスからレモネードを飲んでいる。 | 2contradiction
| A boy is drinking out of a water fountain shaped like a woman. | A man is drinking lemonade from a glass. | A boy is drinking water from a woman-shaped fountain. | A man is drinking lemonade from a glass. | 2contradiction
3人のバイカーがこの町に立ち寄った。 | 車は町で止まる。 | 1neutral
| three bikers stop in town. | cars stop in town | Three bikers stopped in this town. | The car stops in the town. | 2contradiction
3人のバイカーがこの町に立ち寄った。 | バイカーは町に立ち寄る。 | 0entailment
| three bikers stop in town. | Bikers stop in towns | Three bikers stopped in this town. | The biker stops at the town. | 0entailment
3人のバイカーがこの町に立ち寄った。 | 町は3人のバイカーが到着するのを目撃した。 | 0entailment
| three bikers stop in town. | A town has witnessed the arrival of three bikers. | Three bikers stopped in this town. | The town witnessed the arrival of three bikers. | 0entailment
3人のバイカーがこの町に立ち寄った。 | あのバイカー達はスピードを落としている。 | 1neutral
| three bikers stop in town. | Thoes bikers are slowing down | Three bikers stopped in this town. | Those bikers are slowing down. | 0entailment
3人のバイカーがこの町に立ち寄った。 | そのバイカー達はハーレーダビッドソンに乗っている。 | 1neutral
| three bikers stop in town. | The bikers are riding Harley's. | Three bikers stopped in this town. | Those bikers ride Harley-Davidson motorcycles. | 1neutral
3人のバイカーがこの町に立ち寄った。 | 3人のバイカーが時速100マイルで走っている。 | 2contradiction
| three bikers stop in town. | Three bikers are going 100 mph | Three bikers stopped in this town. | Three bikers are speeding at 100 miles an hour. | 2contradiction
3人のバイカーがこの町に立ち寄った。 | バイカーは水を吸っている。 | 2contradiction
| three bikers stop in town. | The bikers breathe water | Three bikers stopped in this town. | The biker is drinking water. | 1neutral
3人のバイカーがこの町に立ち寄った。 | バイカーはガソリンを補給する。 | 0entailment
| three bikers stop in town. | Bikers stop for gas | Three bikers stopped in this town. | The biker fills up with gas. | 1neutral
3人のバイカーがこの町に立ち寄った。 | 3人の自転車乗りが一団になって走っている。 | 1neutral
| three bikers stop in town. | Three bicyclists are riding in a pack. | Three bikers stopped in this town. | Three cyclists are riding in a group. | 0entailment
3人のバイカーがこの町に立ち寄った。 | とても怒っている犬がいます。 | 2contradiction
| three bikers stop in town. | There is a very angry dog. | Three bikers stopped in this town. | There is a very angry dog. | 2contradiction
3人のバイカーがこの町に立ち寄った。 | 3人のバイカーがその町で休憩している。 | 1neutral
| three bikers stop in town. | Three bikers are taking a rest in the town. | Three bikers stopped in this town. | Three bikers are taking a rest in that town. | 0entailment
3人のバイカーがこの町に立ち寄った。 | バイカーが町にいる。 | 0entailment
| three bikers stop in town. | The bikers are in the town. | Three bikers stopped in this town. | A biker is in the town. | 2contradiction
3人のバイカーがこの町に立ち寄った。 | バイカーの一団が通りにいる。 | 0entailment
| three bikers stop in town. | A group of bikers are in the street. | Three bikers stopped in this town. | A group of motorcyclists is in the street. | 0entailment
3人のバイカーがこの町に立ち寄った。 | バイカー達はその町に立ち寄らなかった。 | 2contradiction
| three bikers stop in town. | The bikers didn't stop in the town. | Three bikers stopped in this town. | The bikers didn't stop at the town. | 2contradiction
3人のバイカーがこの町に立ち寄った。 | 5人のバイク乗りが道路を走っている。 | 2contradiction
| three bikers stop in town. | Five bikers are riding on the road. | Three bikers stopped in this town. | Five motorcyclists are riding down the road. | 2contradiction
トラックに積んだ小型トレーラーに藪を積み込んでいる2人の男性。 | 一人の男がカヌーを水辺まで運んでいる。 | 2contradiction
| Two people loading brush on a trailer attached to a truck. | A man is carrying a canoe to the water. | Two men loading brush onto a flatbed trailer. | A man is carrying a canoe to the water's edge. | 2contradiction
トラックに積んだ小型トレーラーに藪を積み込んでいる2人の男性。 | 2人の人々がトラックに付けたトレーラーに藪を積み込んでいる。 | 0entailment
| Two people loading brush on a trailer attached to a truck. | A couple of people are loading brush onto a trailer that is attached to a truck. | Two men loading brush onto a flatbed trailer. | Two people are loading brush onto a trailer that is hitched to the truck. | 1neutral
トラックに積んだ小型トレーラーに藪を積み込んでいる2人の男性。 | キャンプに行ってそれを燃やすために、ブッシュをトラックの後ろに付けた2人が荷物を積んでいる。 | 1neutral
| Two people loading brush on a trailer attached to a truck. | Two people loading brush on a trailer attached to a truck so they can go camping and burn it. | Two men loading brush onto a flatbed trailer. | Two people are loading a truck with brush to be taken to the camp to be burned. | 1neutral
ひげをはやした、赤いシャツ(灰色の袖)と作業手袋を着用した男性がロープを引っ張っている。 | ひげのある男がロープを引っ張っている。 | 0entailment
| A man with a beard, wearing a red shirt with gray sleeves and work gloves, pulling on a rope. | a bearded man pulls a rope | A bearded man in a red shirt (gray sleeves), wearing work gloves, is pulling on a rope. | A bearded man is pulling a rope. | 0entailment
ひげをはやした、赤いシャツ(灰色の袖)と作業手袋を着用した男性がロープを引っ張っている。 | ひげのある男性が仕事でロープを引っ張っています。 | 1neutral
| A man with a beard, wearing a red shirt with gray sleeves and work gloves, pulling on a rope. | A bearded man is pulling a rope at work. | A bearded man in a red shirt (gray sleeves), wearing work gloves, is pulling on a rope. | A bearded man is pulling a rope at work. | 0entailment
ひげをはやした、赤いシャツ(灰色の袖)と作業手袋を着用した男性がロープを引っ張っている。 | 男がロープを引っ張る。 | 0entailment
| A man with a beard, wearing a red shirt with gray sleeves and work gloves, pulling on a rope. | A man pulls on a rope. | A bearded man in a red shirt (gray sleeves), wearing work gloves, is pulling on a rope. | The man pulled on the rope. | 0entailment
ひげをはやした、赤いシャツ(灰色の袖)と作業手袋を着用した男性がロープを引っ張っている。 | 男は機材を動かそうとして仕事中だった。 | 1neutral
| A man with a beard, wearing a red shirt with gray sleeves and work gloves, pulling on a rope. | The man was on the job trying to move some equipment. | A bearded man in a red shirt (gray sleeves), wearing work gloves, is pulling on a rope. | The man was at work moving equipment. | 1neutral
ひげをはやした、赤いシャツ(灰色の袖)と作業手袋を着用した男性がロープを引っ張っている。 | 男が自分の髭を引っ張る | 2contradiction
| A man with a beard, wearing a red shirt with gray sleeves and work gloves, pulling on a rope. | a man pulls his beard | A bearded man in a red shirt (gray sleeves), wearing work gloves, is pulling on a rope. | The man pulls his beard. | 2contradiction
ひげをはやした、赤いシャツ(灰色の袖)と作業手袋を着用した男性がロープを引っ張っている。 | ひげのある男が歯で車を引っ張っています。 | 2contradiction
| A man with a beard, wearing a red shirt with gray sleeves and work gloves, pulling on a rope. | a bearded man is pulling a car with his teeth. | A bearded man in a red shirt (gray sleeves), wearing work gloves, is pulling on a rope. | A bearded man is pulling a car with his teeth. | 2contradiction
ひげをはやした、赤いシャツ(灰色の袖)と作業手袋を着用した男性がロープを引っ張っている。 | 一人の男がロープ引き競争に参加している。 | 1neutral
| A man with a beard, wearing a red shirt with gray sleeves and work gloves, pulling on a rope. | a man competes in a rope pulling contest | A bearded man in a red shirt (gray sleeves), wearing work gloves, is pulling on a rope. | A man is taking part in a tug-of-war. | 1neutral
ひげをはやした、赤いシャツ(灰色の袖)と作業手袋を着用した男性がロープを引っ張っている。 | 男性が湖から車を引っ張ろうとしている。 | 1neutral
| A man with a beard, wearing a red shirt with gray sleeves and work gloves, pulling on a rope. | A man is trying to pull his car out of a lake | A bearded man in a red shirt (gray sleeves), wearing work gloves, is pulling on a rope. | A man is trying to pull a car out of the lake. | 1neutral
ひげをはやした、赤いシャツ(灰色の袖)と作業手袋を着用した男性がロープを引っ張っている。 | 男はひげを剃っていた。 | 2contradiction
| A man with a beard, wearing a red shirt with gray sleeves and work gloves, pulling on a rope. | The man was clean shaven. | A bearded man in a red shirt (gray sleeves), wearing work gloves, is pulling on a rope. | The man was shaving. | 2contradiction
ひげをはやした、赤いシャツ(灰色の袖)と作業手袋を着用した男性がロープを引っ張っている。 | ひげのある男がロープを引っ張っています。 | 0entailment
| A man with a beard, wearing a red shirt with gray sleeves and work gloves, pulling on a rope. | A bearded man is pulling on a rope. | A bearded man in a red shirt (gray sleeves), wearing work gloves, is pulling on a rope. | A bearded man is pulling a rope. | 0entailment
ひげをはやした、赤いシャツ(灰色の袖)と作業手袋を着用した男性がロープを引っ張っている。 | 一人の男がそりを後ろから引いている。 | 1neutral
| A man with a beard, wearing a red shirt with gray sleeves and work gloves, pulling on a rope. | A man is dragging a sled behind him. | A bearded man in a red shirt (gray sleeves), wearing work gloves, is pulling on a rope. | A man is pulling a sledge behind him. | 1neutral
ひげをはやした、赤いシャツ(灰色の袖)と作業手袋を着用した男性がロープを引っ張っている。 | 水着を着た男がロープでぶらさがっている。 | 2contradiction
| A man with a beard, wearing a red shirt with gray sleeves and work gloves, pulling on a rope. | A man in a swimsuit, swings on a rope. | A bearded man in a red shirt (gray sleeves), wearing work gloves, is pulling on a rope. | A man in a bathing suit is hanging by a rope. | 2contradiction
ひげをはやした、赤いシャツ(灰色の袖)と作業手袋を着用した男性がロープを引っ張っている。 | 男性は黒いシャツを着ている。 | 2contradiction
| A man with a beard, wearing a red shirt with gray sleeves and work gloves, pulling on a rope. | A man is wearing a black shirt | A bearded man in a red shirt (gray sleeves), wearing work gloves, is pulling on a rope. | The man is wearing a black shirt. | 2contradiction
ひげをはやした、赤いシャツ(灰色の袖)と作業手袋を着用した男性がロープを引っ張っている。 | 一人の男がロープを引っ張っている。 | 0entailment
| A man with a beard, wearing a red shirt with gray sleeves and work gloves, pulling on a rope. | A man is pulling on a rope. | A bearded man in a red shirt (gray sleeves), wearing work gloves, is pulling on a rope. | A man is pulling a rope. | 0entailment
ひげをはやした、赤いシャツ(灰色の袖)と作業手袋を着用した男性がロープを引っ張っている。 | その男はひげを伸ばすことができる。 | 0entailment
| A man with a beard, wearing a red shirt with gray sleeves and work gloves, pulling on a rope. | The man is able to grow a beard. | A bearded man in a red shirt (gray sleeves), wearing work gloves, is pulling on a rope. | The man can let his beard grow. | 1neutral
髭のある男性が赤と灰色のシャツを着て綱を引っ張っています。 | 一人の男がベッドに横たわっている。 | 2contradiction
| A man with facial hair and a red and gray shirt tugging on a piece of rope. | A man is naked on the bed. | A bearded man in a red and gray shirt is pulling on a rope. | A man lies on the bed. | 2contradiction
髭のある男性が赤と灰色のシャツを着て綱を引っ張っています。 | その男は赤と灰色のシャツを着ている。 | 1neutral
| A man with facial hair and a red and gray shirt tugging on a piece of rope. | A man is wearing a red and gray shirt. | A bearded man in a red and gray shirt is pulling on a rope. | The man is wearing a red and gray shirt. | 0entailment
髭のある男性が赤と灰色のシャツを着て綱を引っ張っています。 | 人間には髭がある。 | 0entailment
| A man with facial hair and a red and gray shirt tugging on a piece of rope. | A man has facial hair. | A bearded man in a red and gray shirt is pulling on a rope. | Human beings have beards. | 0entailment
緑のヘッドスカーフと青いシャツを着ている中年の東洋人女性が巨大な笑顔を見せています。 | 中年の東洋人女性がテレビを見ている。 | 2contradiction
| A middle-aged oriental woman in a green headscarf and blue shirt is flashing a giant smile. | The middle aged oriental woman is watchingt v | A middle-aged Asian woman in a green headscarf and blue shirt is shown with a giant smile. | A middle-aged Asian woman is watching television. | 1neutral
緑のヘッドスカーフと青いシャツを着ている中年の東洋人女性が巨大な笑顔を見せています。 | 緑のヘッドスカーフと青いシャツを着た中年の東洋人女性が巨大な笑顔で手を振っている。 | 0entailment
| A middle-aged oriental woman in a green headscarf and blue shirt is flashing a giant smile. | A middle aged oriental woman in a green headscarf and blue shirt is flashing a giant smile | A middle-aged Asian woman in a green headscarf and blue shirt is shown with a giant smile. | A middle-aged Oriental woman in a green head-scarf and blue shirt was waving her handkerchief, smiling broadly. | 1neutral
緑のヘッドスカーフと青いシャツを着ている中年の東洋人女性が巨大な笑顔を見せています。 | その中年の東洋人女性はとても幸せです | 1neutral
| A middle-aged oriental woman in a green headscarf and blue shirt is flashing a giant smile. | The middle aged oriental woman is very happy | A middle-aged Asian woman in a green headscarf and blue shirt is shown with a giant smile. | The middle-aged Oriental woman is very happy | 0entailment
背景で別の女性がボートを漕ぎ、青い上着と緑のヘッドスカーフを身に着けたアジア人女性が広く微笑んでいる。 | アジア人の女性は、地面でお金を見つけたので幸せだ。 | 1neutral
| An Asian woman in a blue top and green headscarf smiling widely as another woman rows a boat in the background. | An Asian woman is happy because she found money on the ground. | Another woman rows in the background, while an Asian woman with a blue jacket and green head-scarf smiles broadly. | The Asian woman is happy because she found some money on the ground. | 1neutral
背景で別の女性がボートを漕ぎ、青い上着と緑のヘッドスカーフを身に着けたアジア人女性が広く微笑んでいる。 | アジア人の女性が微笑みながら、もう一人の婦人はボートを漕いでいます。 | 0entailment
| An Asian woman in a blue top and green headscarf smiling widely as another woman rows a boat in the background. | An Asian woman is smiling at while another lady is rowing. | Another woman rows in the background, while an Asian woman with a blue jacket and green head-scarf smiles broadly. | An Asian woman smiles, another is rowing a boat. | 1neutral
背景で別の女性がボートを漕ぎ、青い上着と緑のヘッドスカーフを身に着けたアジア人女性が広く微笑んでいる。 | アジア人の女性が犬から逃げている。 | 2contradiction
| An Asian woman in a blue top and green headscarf smiling widely as another woman rows a boat in the background. | An Asian woman is running from a dog. | Another woman rows in the background, while an Asian woman with a blue jacket and green head-scarf smiles broadly. | An Asian woman is running away from a dog. | 2contradiction
ボート作業員がロープを固定している。 | ある労働者がボートに何かをしています。 | 0entailment
| A boat worker securing line. | A worker is doing something to a boat. | The boatmen were making fast the ropes. | A worker is doing something to the boat. | 0entailment
ボート作業員がロープを固定している。 | ボート乗りは海で泳いでいる。 | 2contradiction
| A boat worker securing line. | The boat worker is swimming in the ocean. | The boatmen were making fast the ropes. | Sailors are swimming in the sea. | 2contradiction
ボート作業員がロープを固定している。 | ボート作業員は線を確立するために一生懸命働く。 | 1neutral
| A boat worker securing line. | The boat worker works hard to establish the line. | The boatmen were making fast the ropes. | The boatmen work hard to establish a line. | 1neutral
ネックレスをした小さな女の子が泳いでいます。 | ネックレスをした小さな女の子がプールで泳いでいる。 | 1neutral
| A small girl with a necklace is swimming. | A small girl with a necklace is swimming in a pool | A little girl in a necklace is swimming. | A little girl with a necklace is swimming in the pool. | 1neutral
ネックレスをした小さな女の子が泳いでいます。 | 太った娘が縁から飛びこんでいる。 | 2contradiction
| A small girl with a necklace is swimming. | A fat girl is diving off the edge | A little girl in a necklace is swimming. | A fat girl was jumping up and down on the edge of the pond. | 2contradiction
ネックレスをした小さな女の子が泳いでいます。 | ネックレスをした小さな女の子が水中にいる。 | 0entailment
| A small girl with a necklace is swimming. | A small girl with a necklace is in the water | A little girl in a necklace is swimming. | A little girl with a necklace is in the water. | 0entailment
スケートボーダーがプールで滑っている。 | スケートはプールで泳ぐ。 | 2contradiction
| a skateboarder skates in the pool. | A skate swims in the pool. | A skateboarder is riding in the pool. | Skating is like swimming in a pool. | 1neutral
スケートボーダーがプールで滑っている。 | スケーターがプールに入っている。 | 0entailment
| a skateboarder skates in the pool. | A skater is in the pool. | A skateboarder is riding in the pool. | A skater is in the pool. | 0entailment
スケートボーダーがプールで滑っている。 | スケーターがプールの縁を滑り降りる。 | 1neutral
| a skateboarder skates in the pool. | A skater grinds on the lip of the pool. | A skateboarder is riding in the pool. | A skater slides down the rim of a pool. | 1neutral
インド人またはパキスタン人と思われるカップルが、水辺の小道を歩いており、母親が幼児をおんぶし、父親は「子供を救う会」のロゴ入りブランケットにくるまっている。 | 男性はユニセフの毛布にくるまっていた。 | 2contradiction
| A couple, who appear to be Indian or Pakistani, walk on a path beside a body of water, the mother carrying a child in a diaper, the father wrapped in a blanket with the logo of the humanitarian organization "Save the Children." | A man is wrapped in a UNICEF blanket. | A couple, presumed to be Indian or Pakistani, are walking along a riverside path; the mother carries an infant on her back and the father is wrapped in a blanket bearing the logo of 'Save the Children'. | The man was wrapped in a UNICEF blanket. | 2contradiction
インド人またはパキスタン人と思われるカップルが、水辺の小道を歩いており、母親が幼児をおんぶし、父親は「子供を救う会」のロゴ入りブランケットにくるまっている。 | 子供を連れた夫婦が水辺を歩いている。 | 0entailment
| A couple, who appear to be Indian or Pakistani, walk on a path beside a body of water, the mother carrying a child in a diaper, the father wrapped in a blanket with the logo of the humanitarian organization "Save the Children." | A couple carrying a child are walking along water. | A couple, presumed to be Indian or Pakistani, are walking along a riverside path; the mother carries an infant on her back and the father is wrapped in a blanket bearing the logo of 'Save the Children'. | A couple with a child is walking by the river. | 0entailment
インド人またはパキスタン人と思われるカップルが、水辺の小道を歩いており、母親が幼児をおんぶし、父親は「子供を救う会」のロゴ入りブランケットにくるまっている。 | インドの夫婦が人道主義組織に保護を求めている。 | 1neutral
| A couple, who appear to be Indian or Pakistani, walk on a path beside a body of water, the mother carrying a child in a diaper, the father wrapped in a blanket with the logo of the humanitarian organization "Save the Children." | An Indian couple is seeking refuge with a humanitarian organization. | A couple, presumed to be Indian or Pakistani, are walking along a riverside path; the mother carries an infant on her back and the father is wrapped in a blanket bearing the logo of 'Save the Children'. | An Indian couple is seeking refuge from a humanitarian organization. | 1neutral
女性が赤ちゃんを抱いており、その傍らには「子供たちを守れ」と書かれたバッグを持った男性が立っている。 | 一団の人々が宣伝用にポーズをとっている。 | 0entailment
| There is a woman holding a baby, along with a man with a save the children bag. | A group of people are possing for an add. | A woman is holding a baby, and standing next to her is a man with a bag that says "Protect the Children" on it. | A group of people are posing for an advertisement. | 1neutral
女性が赤ちゃんを抱いており、その傍らには「子供たちを守れ」と書かれたバッグを持った男性が立っている。 | 一人の男と一人の女が息子を抱いている。 | 1neutral
| There is a woman holding a baby, along with a man with a save the children bag. | A man and a woman are hoding their son. | A woman is holding a baby, and standing next to her is a man with a bag that says "Protect the Children" on it. | A man and a woman are holding their son. | 1neutral
女性が赤ちゃんを抱いており、その傍らには「子供たちを守れ」と書かれたバッグを持った男性が立っている。 | 一人の男が飛行機を眺めている。 | 2contradiction
| There is a woman holding a baby, along with a man with a save the children bag. | A man is watching an airplane. | A woman is holding a baby, and standing next to her is a man with a bag that says "Protect the Children" on it. | A man is looking at an airplane. | 2contradiction
赤ん坊を連れた家族、父親がセーブ・ザ・チルドレンの看板をかけている。 | 3人の大人が写っている。 | 2contradiction
| A family with a baby, the father is wearing a save the children sign. | Three adults are pictured. | A family with a baby, the father wearing a Save the Children sign. | There are three adults in the picture. | 0entailment
赤ん坊を連れた家族、父親がセーブ・ザ・チルドレンの看板をかけている。 | その男は何か書いてあるものを身につけています。 | 0entailment
| A family with a baby, the father is wearing a save the children sign. | A man is wearing something with writing on it. | A family with a baby, the father wearing a Save the Children sign. | The man has something written on him. | 0entailment
赤ん坊を連れた家族、父親がセーブ・ザ・チルドレンの看板をかけている。 | 一人の女性が赤ん坊を抱いている。 | 1neutral
| A family with a baby, the father is wearing a save the children sign. | A woman is holding a baby. | A family with a baby, the father wearing a Save the Children sign. | A woman is holding a baby in her arms. | 1neutral
外国の家族が水辺の土手道を歩いている。 | 彼らは自転車に乗っている | 2contradiction
| A foreign family is walking along a dirt path next to the water. | they are riding a bike | A foreign family is walking along the riverbank road. | They are on bicycles. | 2contradiction
外国の家族が水辺の土手道を歩いている。 | 人々は湖のそばを歩いている。 | 1neutral
| A foreign family is walking along a dirt path next to the water. | People are walking next to a lake. | A foreign family is walking along the riverbank road. | People are walking by the lake. | 2contradiction
外国の家族が水辺の土手道を歩いている。 | 外国人のいとこグループが小川のそばに沿ってハイキングします。 | 1neutral
| A foreign family is walking along a dirt path next to the water. | A foreigner group of cousins hike along a trail next to a stream. | A foreign family is walking along the riverbank road. | A group of foreign cousins hikes along a brook. | 1neutral
外国の家族が水辺の土手道を歩いている。 | 外国の家族が水辺の土手道を歩いて通り過ぎる。 | 0entailment
| A foreign family is walking along a dirt path next to the water. | A foreign family walks by a dirt trail along a body of water. | A foreign family is walking along the riverbank road. | A foreign family walks by the riverbank road. | 0entailment
外国の家族が水辺の土手道を歩いている。 | 家族は水を賞賛している。 | 0entailment
| A foreign family is walking along a dirt path next to the water. | The family is admiring the water | A foreign family is walking along the riverbank road. | The family is praising the water. | 1neutral
外国の家族が水辺の土手道を歩いている。 | 人々は高速道路を車で走っている。 | 2contradiction
| A foreign family is walking along a dirt path next to the water. | The people are driving a car on the freeway. | A foreign family is walking along the riverbank road. | People are driving on the highway. | 2contradiction
外国の家族が水辺の土手道を歩いている。 | 外国人一家が水泳をしている。 | 2contradiction
| A foreign family is walking along a dirt path next to the water. | A family of foreigners swims in the water. | A foreign family is walking along the riverbank road. | A foreign family is swimming. | 2contradiction
外国の家族が水辺の土手道を歩いている。 | 彼らは水に落ちないようにしている。 | 1neutral
| A foreign family is walking along a dirt path next to the water. | they are trying not to fall in the water | A foreign family is walking along the riverbank road. | They are taking care not to fall into the water. | 1neutral
外国の家族が水辺の土手道を歩いている。 | 地元のグループが凍った小川の隣の土の道を走っている。 | 2contradiction
| A foreign family is walking along a dirt path next to the water. | A group of locals run on a dirt trail next to a frozen stream. | A foreign family is walking along the riverbank road. | A local group is running along a muddy track beside the frozen stream. | 2contradiction
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