stringlengths 2
| hypothesis_ja
stringlengths 1
| label
class label 3
classes | premise_en
stringlengths 7
| hypothesis_en
stringlengths 1
| premise_en_rev
stringlengths 6
| hypothesis_en_rev
stringlengths 0
| label_rev
class label 3
classes |
青い服の子供たちは人々のグループに歌っている。 | 歌をうたっている人がいます。 | 0entailment
| The children in blue are singing for a group of people. | There are people singing. | The children in blue are singing to a group of people. | Someone is singing a song. | 0entailment
数人の大人が晴れた日に外で子供たちを世話している。 | 大人には子供がいない。 | 2contradiction
| Several adults are tending their children outside on a sunny day. | The adults do not have children. | Some adults are taking care of the children outside on a sunny day. | Adults have no children. | 2contradiction
数人の大人が晴れた日に外で子供たちを世話している。 | 大人は子供をもうける。 | 0entailment
| Several adults are tending their children outside on a sunny day. | The adults have children. | Some adults are taking care of the children outside on a sunny day. | Adults beget children. | 2contradiction
数人の大人が晴れた日に外で子供たちを世話している。 | 人々はピクニックをしている。 | 1neutral
| Several adults are tending their children outside on a sunny day. | The people are having a picnic. | Some adults are taking care of the children outside on a sunny day. | People are having a picnic. | 1neutral
少年少女のグループが、青い合唱服を着て聴衆の前に立っている。 | 二人の少年が羊の群に説教をしている。 | 2contradiction
| A group of children, boys and girls, dressed in blue choir robes are standing in front of an audience. | two boys preach to a group of sheep | A group of boys and girls are standing in front of the audience, wearing blue choir robes. | Two boys are preaching to a flock of sheep. | 2contradiction
少年少女のグループが、青い合唱服を着て聴衆の前に立っている。 | 教会の合唱団が演奏します。 | 1neutral
| A group of children, boys and girls, dressed in blue choir robes are standing in front of an audience. | a church choir prformance happens | A group of boys and girls are standing in front of the audience, wearing blue choir robes. | The church choir will perform. | 1neutral
少年少女のグループが、青い合唱服を着て聴衆の前に立っている。 | 合唱服を着た子供達が他の人々の近くに立っている。 | 0entailment
| A group of children, boys and girls, dressed in blue choir robes are standing in front of an audience. | some kids in choir robes stand near other people | A group of boys and girls are standing in front of the audience, wearing blue choir robes. | Children in choir robes are standing near other people. | 0entailment
青いローブを着た若い子どものグループが、手を組んで群衆の前に立っている。 | 子供たちは寝ている。 | 2contradiction
| A group of young children wearing blue robes are standing in front of a crowd with their hands interlaced. | The children are sleeping. | A group of young children in blue robes stand hand-in-hand before the crowd. | The children are asleep. | 2contradiction
青いローブを着た若い子どものグループが、手を組んで群衆の前に立っている。 | 子供たちは教会にいる。 | 1neutral
| A group of young children wearing blue robes are standing in front of a crowd with their hands interlaced. | Children are at church. | A group of young children in blue robes stand hand-in-hand before the crowd. | The children are in church. | 1neutral
青いローブを着た若い子どものグループが、手を組んで群衆の前に立っている。 | 大人のグループが群衆に歌っている。 | 2contradiction
| A group of young children wearing blue robes are standing in front of a crowd with their hands interlaced. | A group of adults sing to the crowd. | A group of young children in blue robes stand hand-in-hand before the crowd. | A group of adults are singing to the crowd. | 2contradiction
青いローブを着た若い子どものグループが、手を組んで群衆の前に立っている。 | 子供たちは家で寝ています | 2contradiction
| A group of young children wearing blue robes are standing in front of a crowd with their hands interlaced. | the children are at home sleeping | A group of young children in blue robes stand hand-in-hand before the crowd. | The children are sleeping at home | 2contradiction
青いローブを着た若い子どものグループが、手を組んで群衆の前に立っている。 | 立っている子供たち | 0entailment
| A group of young children wearing blue robes are standing in front of a crowd with their hands interlaced. | some chilldren standing | A group of young children in blue robes stand hand-in-hand before the crowd. | The standing children | 1neutral
青いローブを着た若い子どものグループが、手を組んで群衆の前に立っている。 | 子供の合唱団が観衆のために演奏を始めようとしています。 | 1neutral
| A group of young children wearing blue robes are standing in front of a crowd with their hands interlaced. | Choir of young children are about to perform for the crowd. | A group of young children in blue robes stand hand-in-hand before the crowd. | The children's choir is about to start playing for the audience. | 1neutral
青いローブを着た若い子どものグループが、手を組んで群衆の前に立っている。 | 子供たちは歌っている。 | 1neutral
| A group of young children wearing blue robes are standing in front of a crowd with their hands interlaced. | The children are singing. | A group of young children in blue robes stand hand-in-hand before the crowd. | The children are singing. | 1neutral
青いローブを着た若い子どものグループが、手を組んで群衆の前に立っている。 | 子供たちの一団が外で追いかけっこをして遊んでいる。 | 2contradiction
| A group of young children wearing blue robes are standing in front of a crowd with their hands interlaced. | A group of children play tag outside. | A group of young children in blue robes stand hand-in-hand before the crowd. | A group of children are playing chase outside. | 2contradiction
青いローブを着た若い子どものグループが、手を組んで群衆の前に立っている。 | 合唱団が演奏します。 | 1neutral
| A group of young children wearing blue robes are standing in front of a crowd with their hands interlaced. | A choir performs | A group of young children in blue robes stand hand-in-hand before the crowd. | The choir will perform. | 1neutral
青いローブを着た若い子どものグループが、手を組んで群衆の前に立っている。 | 群衆は子供たちを見ることができる。 | 0entailment
| A group of young children wearing blue robes are standing in front of a crowd with their hands interlaced. | The crowd can see the children. | A group of young children in blue robes stand hand-in-hand before the crowd. | The crowd can see the children. | 0entailment
青いローブを着た若い子どものグループが、手を組んで群衆の前に立っている。 | 一群の子供たちが人々の前に立っている。 | 0entailment
| A group of young children wearing blue robes are standing in front of a crowd with their hands interlaced. | A group of children stand in front of a group of people. | A group of young children in blue robes stand hand-in-hand before the crowd. | A group of children are standing in front of the people. | 0entailment
青いローブを着た若い子どものグループが、手を組んで群衆の前に立っている。 | 子供たちは兄弟姉妹です | 1neutral
| A group of young children wearing blue robes are standing in front of a crowd with their hands interlaced. | the children are siblings | A group of young children in blue robes stand hand-in-hand before the crowd. | The children are brothers and sisters. | 1neutral
青いローブを着た若い子どものグループが、手を組んで群衆の前に立っている。 | 子供たちは手を取り合っている。 | 0entailment
| A group of young children wearing blue robes are standing in front of a crowd with their hands interlaced. | Children are holding hands. | A group of young children in blue robes stand hand-in-hand before the crowd. | The children are holding hands. | 0entailment
青いローブを着た若い子どものグループが、手を組んで群衆の前に立っている。 | 子供の一団が群衆の前に立っている。 | 0entailment
| A group of young children wearing blue robes are standing in front of a crowd with their hands interlaced. | A group of children stand in front of a crowd | A group of young children in blue robes stand hand-in-hand before the crowd. | A group of children are standing in front of the crowd. | 0entailment
青いローブを着た若い子どものグループが、手を組んで群衆の前に立っている。 | 子供たちが泳いでいる。 | 2contradiction
| A group of young children wearing blue robes are standing in front of a crowd with their hands interlaced. | Children are swimming. | A group of young children in blue robes stand hand-in-hand before the crowd. | The children are swimming. | 2contradiction
ジャケットと帽子をかぶった2人の男性が外に立っている。 | 2人の男が外にいる。 | 0entailment
| Two men standing outside wearing jackets and caps. | Two men are outdoors. | Two men in jackets and hats are standing outside. | Two men are standing outside. | 0entailment
ジャケットと帽子をかぶった2人の男性が外に立っている。 | 2人の男が泳いでいる。 | 2contradiction
| Two men standing outside wearing jackets and caps. | Two men are swimming. | Two men in jackets and hats are standing outside. | Two men are swimming. | 2contradiction
ジャケットと帽子をかぶった2人の男性が外に立っている。 | 2人の男が野球観戦をしている。 | 1neutral
| Two men standing outside wearing jackets and caps. | Two men are at a baseball game. | Two men in jackets and hats are standing outside. | Two men are watching a baseball game. | 1neutral
ジャケットと帽子をかぶった二人の男性がテラスに立っている。 | 2人の身なりのいい男性が外に立っています。 | 0entailment
| Two men dressed jackets and hats are standing on a terrace | 2 well dressed men are outside | Two men in jackets and hats are standing on the terrace. | Two well-dressed men are standing outside. | 0entailment
ジャケットと帽子をかぶった二人の男性がテラスに立っている。 | 3人の女性が外にいます | 2contradiction
| Two men dressed jackets and hats are standing on a terrace | 3 women are outside | Two men in jackets and hats are standing on the terrace. | There are three women outside | 2contradiction
ジャケットと帽子をかぶった二人の男性がテラスに立っている。 | スーツを着た2人の男性が外にいます。 | 1neutral
| Two men dressed jackets and hats are standing on a terrace | 2 men in suits are outside | Two men in jackets and hats are standing on the terrace. | Two men in suits are standing outside. | 0entailment
4人の子供が写真を撮るために立っている。 | 4人の子供が写真を撮ってもらっている。 | 0entailment
| Four children are standing to pose for a photo. | Four children are posing for a photo. | Four children are standing to have their picture taken. | Four children are having their picture taken. | 0entailment
4人の子供が写真を撮るために立っている。 | 4人の大人が写真を撮るために立っている。 | 2contradiction
| Four children are standing to pose for a photo. | Four adults are standing to pose for a photo. | Four children are standing to have their picture taken. | Four adults are standing to have their picture taken. | 2contradiction
4人の子供が写真を撮るために立っている。 | 何人かの子供たちが写真を撮るために立っています。 | 1neutral
| Four children are standing to pose for a photo. | Some children are standing to pose for a photo. | Four children are standing to have their picture taken. | Some children are standing to have their picture taken. | 0entailment
サーファーは次の波を見るために後ろを振り返る。 | サーファーは周囲に注意を払っている。 | 0entailment
| A surfer looks behind him to see the next wave. | A surfer stays attentive to his surroundings. | A surfer turns around to see the next wave. | Surfers are aware of their surroundings. | 1neutral
サーファーは次の波を見るために後ろを振り返る。 | サーファーは次の波に乗る。 | 1neutral
| A surfer looks behind him to see the next wave. | A surfer cuts into his next wave. | A surfer turns around to see the next wave. | The surfer rides the next wave. | 1neutral
サーファーは次の波を見るために後ろを振り返る。 | サーフボードの隣に立っているサーファー。 | 2contradiction
| A surfer looks behind him to see the next wave. | A surfer standing on the beach next to his board. | A surfer turns around to see the next wave. | The surfer standing next to the surfboard. | 2contradiction
オレンジ色のライフベストを着た一団が、北極でラフトに乗り込んでいる。 | ライフジャケットは赤です。 | 2contradiction
| A group of people in orange life vests are boarding rafts in the arctic. | The life vests are red. | A group in orange life vests are rafting in the Arctic. | The life jacket is red. | 2contradiction
オレンジ色のライフベストを着た一団が、北極でラフトに乗り込んでいる。 | ライフジャケットはよく働きます。 | 1neutral
| A group of people in orange life vests are boarding rafts in the arctic. | The life vests work well. | A group in orange life vests are rafting in the Arctic. | Life jackets work well. | 1neutral
オレンジ色のライフベストを着た一団が、北極でラフトに乗り込んでいる。 | 人々がいる。 | 0entailment
| A group of people in orange life vests are boarding rafts in the arctic. | There are people. | A group in orange life vests are rafting in the Arctic. | There are people there. | 0entailment
4人の子供たちが大きな動物の像の前に立っている。 | 子供たちは黒い | 1neutral
| A group of four kids stand in front of a statue of a large animal. | the kids are black | Four children are standing in front of a big statue of an animal. | The children are black | 1neutral
4人の子供たちが大きな動物の像の前に立っている。 | 子供たちは座っている | 2contradiction
| A group of four kids stand in front of a statue of a large animal. | the kids are seated | Four children are standing in front of a big statue of an animal. | The children are sitting | 2contradiction
4人の子供たちが大きな動物の像の前に立っている。 | 4人のコドモが立っていました。 | 0entailment
| A group of four kids stand in front of a statue of a large animal. | four kids standing | Four children are standing in front of a big statue of an animal. | There stood the four children. | 0entailment
橋の上でスケートボードをやっている少年 | 子供がスケートボードで遊んでいる。 | 0entailment
| a kid doing tricks on a skateboard on a bridge | a kid is skateboarding | A boy skateboarding on the bridge | A child is playing on a skateboard. | 0entailment
橋の上でスケートボードをやっている少年 | 子供が中にいる | 2contradiction
| a kid doing tricks on a skateboard on a bridge | a kid is inside | A boy skateboarding on the bridge | There is a child inside | 2contradiction
橋の上でスケートボードをやっている少年 | 子供がゴールデンゲートブリッジにいる | 1neutral
| a kid doing tricks on a skateboard on a bridge | a kid is on the golden gate bridge | A boy skateboarding on the bridge | A child is on the Golden Gate Bridge | 1neutral
青い首輪をした犬が外でボール遊びをする。 | 犬がソファーに乗っている | 2contradiction
| A dog with a blue collar plays ball outside. | a dog is on the couch | A dog with a blue collar plays ball outside. | The dog is on the sofa. | 2contradiction
青い首輪をした犬が外でボール遊びをする。 | 犬が外にいる | 0entailment
| A dog with a blue collar plays ball outside. | a dog is outside | A dog with a blue collar plays ball outside. | There is a dog outside | 0entailment
青い首輪をした犬が外でボール遊びをする。 | 犬がボールを追いかけている。 | 1neutral
| A dog with a blue collar plays ball outside. | a dog is chasing a ball | A dog with a blue collar plays ball outside. | The dog is chasing a ball. | 0entailment
四人の汚らしい裸足の子供たち。 | 4人の子供は汚れた足をしている。 | 0entailment
| Four dirty and barefooted children. | four children have dirty feet. | Four dirty, barefoot children. | The four children have dirty feet. | 0entailment
四人の汚らしい裸足の子供たち。 | 4人の子供たちが「一番きれいな足」で賞を得ました。 | 2contradiction
| Four dirty and barefooted children. | four kids won awards for 'cleanest feet' | Four dirty, barefoot children. | Four children won prizes for "the prettiest feet." | 2contradiction
四人の汚らしい裸足の子供たち。 | 4人のホームレスの子供たちは靴を盗まれ、その足は汚れている。 | 1neutral
| Four dirty and barefooted children. | four homeless children had their shoes stolen, so their feet are dirty. | Four dirty, barefoot children. | Four homeless children have had their shoes stolen and their feet are dirty. | 1neutral
男性がボディースーツを着て、美しい青い水でサーフィンをしています。 | ボディスーツを着た男性がサーフィン競技に参加している。 | 1neutral
| A man is surfing in a bodysuit in beautiful blue water. | A man in a bodysuit is competing in a surfing competition. | A man is surfing in beautiful blue water, wearing a bodysuit. | A man in a bodysuit is taking part in the surfing competition. | 1neutral
男性がボディースーツを着て、美しい青い水でサーフィンをしています。 | ビジネスマンが取締役会に向かっている。 | 2contradiction
| A man is surfing in a bodysuit in beautiful blue water. | A man in a business suit is heading to a board meeting. | A man is surfing in beautiful blue water, wearing a bodysuit. | The businessman is heading for the board meeting. | 2contradiction
男性がボディースーツを着て、美しい青い水でサーフィンをしています。 | 美しい青い水の上でボディースーツを着た男性がサーフィンをしています。 | 0entailment
| A man is surfing in a bodysuit in beautiful blue water. | On the beautiful blue water there is a man in a bodysuit surfing. | A man is surfing in beautiful blue water, wearing a bodysuit. | A man in a wetsuit is surfing on the beautiful blue water. | 0entailment
Subsets and Splits