stringlengths 2
| hypothesis_ja
stringlengths 1
| label
class label 3
classes | premise_en
stringlengths 7
| hypothesis_en
stringlengths 1
| premise_en_rev
stringlengths 6
| hypothesis_en_rev
stringlengths 0
| label_rev
class label 3
classes |
女性がバナナを食べながら通りを横断し、男性はブリーフケースを持って後に続いている。 | その女は誘惑者だ。 | 1neutral
| A woman is walking across the street eating a banana, while a man is following with his briefcase. | the woman is a seductress | A woman is crossing the street eating a banana, and a man is following her with a briefcase. | The woman is a temptress. | 1neutral
女性がバナナを食べながら通りを横断し、男性はブリーフケースを持って後に続いている。 | 一人の女性が昼食に腰を落ち着けている。 | 2contradiction
| A woman is walking across the street eating a banana, while a man is following with his briefcase. | a woman sits for lunch | A woman is crossing the street eating a banana, and a man is following her with a briefcase. | A woman is sitting down to lunch. | 2contradiction
女性がバナナを食べながら通りを横断し、男性はブリーフケースを持って後に続いている。 | その女性はカフェでコーヒーを飲んでいる | 2contradiction
| A woman is walking across the street eating a banana, while a man is following with his briefcase. | the woman is having coffee at the cafe | A woman is crossing the street eating a banana, and a man is following her with a briefcase. | The woman is drinking coffee in the cafe | 2contradiction
女性がバナナを食べながら通りを横断し、男性はブリーフケースを持って後に続いている。 | その女性はバナナを食べている。 | 0entailment
| A woman is walking across the street eating a banana, while a man is following with his briefcase. | The woman is eating a banana. | A woman is crossing the street eating a banana, and a man is following her with a briefcase. | The woman is eating a banana. | 0entailment
女性がバナナを食べながら通りを横断し、男性はブリーフケースを持って後に続いている。 | 女性は外にいます | 0entailment
| A woman is walking across the street eating a banana, while a man is following with his briefcase. | the woman is outside | A woman is crossing the street eating a banana, and a man is following her with a briefcase. | The woman is out | 1neutral
スキーヤーは金属のレールに沿って滑り降りる。 | スキーヤーがレールを見下ろしている。 | 1neutral
| A skier slides along a metal rail. | A skier is near the rail looking down. | The skier slides down a metal rail. | The skier looks down the rail. | 2contradiction
スキーヤーは金属のレールに沿って滑り降りる。 | スキーヤーがレールの近くにいる。 | 0entailment
| A skier slides along a metal rail. | A skier is near the rail. | The skier slides down a metal rail. | A skier is near the rail. | 0entailment
スキーヤーは金属のレールに沿って滑り降りる。 | スキーヤーはレールから離れている。 | 2contradiction
| A skier slides along a metal rail. | A skier is away from the rail. | The skier slides down a metal rail. | The skier is separated from the rail. | 2contradiction
夜のレールにスキーで乗っている人。 | その女性は車を食べる | 2contradiction
| A person on skis on a rail at night. | The woman eats a car | A skier on the night rail. | The woman eats cars. | 2contradiction
夜のレールにスキーで乗っている人。 | スキーをする人 | 0entailment
| A person on skis on a rail at night. | The person skiis | A skier on the night rail. | A skier | 0entailment
夜のレールにスキーで乗っている人。 | 彼らはすばらしいスキーヤーである。 | 1neutral
| A person on skis on a rail at night. | They are fantastic skiiers | A skier on the night rail. | They are wonderful skiers. | 1neutral
金属のバーで作られたジャンプ台の端にいる電気グリーンのスキーヤー。 | スキーヤーはジャンプ台の端にいた。 | 1neutral
| A skier in electric green on the edge of a ramp made of metal bars. | The skier was on the edge of the ramp. | An electric green skier at the end of a jump made out of metal bars. | The skier was at the end of the jump. | 0entailment
金属のバーで作られたジャンプ台の端にいる電気グリーンのスキーヤー。 | 明るい服装のスキーヤーがレースコースを滑り降りた。 | 0entailment
| A skier in electric green on the edge of a ramp made of metal bars. | The brightly dressed skier slid down the race course. | An electric green skier at the end of a jump made out of metal bars. | The brightly-clad skiers slid down the race course. | 2contradiction
金属のバーで作られたジャンプ台の端にいる電気グリーンのスキーヤー。 | ジョギングをする人が通りを走っていた。 | 2contradiction
| A skier in electric green on the edge of a ramp made of metal bars. | The jogger ran through the streets. | An electric green skier at the end of a jump made out of metal bars. | A jogger was running down the street. | 2contradiction
黄色のユニフォームを着たスキーヤーがレールに沿ってトリックを行っている。 | スノーボーダーがスキーリフトに乗っている。 | 2contradiction
| A yellow uniformed skier is performing a trick across a railed object. | A snowboarder is riding a ski lift. | A skier in a yellow uniform is performing tricks along the rail. | A snowboarder is on the ski lift. | 2contradiction
黄色のユニフォームを着たスキーヤーがレールに沿ってトリックを行っている。 | スキーヤーが競技会に参加している。 | 1neutral
| A yellow uniformed skier is performing a trick across a railed object. | A skier is competing in a competition. | A skier in a yellow uniform is performing tricks along the rail. | Skiers are taking part in the competition. | 1neutral
黄色のユニフォームを着たスキーヤーがレールに沿ってトリックを行っている。 | 誰かが冬のスポーツをしている。 | 0entailment
| A yellow uniformed skier is performing a trick across a railed object. | Somebody is engaging in winter sports. | A skier in a yellow uniform is performing tricks along the rail. | Someone is engaged in winter sports. | 0entailment
金髪の男が噴水から水を飲んでいる。 | その男は水を飲んでいる。 | 0entailment
| A blond man is drinking from a public fountain. | The man is drinking water. | A blond man is drinking from the fountain. | The man is drinking water. | 1neutral
金髪の男が噴水から水を飲んでいる。 | その人はとても渇いている。 | 1neutral
| A blond man is drinking from a public fountain. | The man is very thirsty. | A blond man is drinking from the fountain. | The man is very thirsty. | 1neutral
金髪の男が噴水から水を飲んでいる。 | その男はコーヒーを飲んでいる。 | 2contradiction
| A blond man is drinking from a public fountain. | The man is drinking coffee. | A blond man is drinking from the fountain. | The man is drinking coffee. | 2contradiction
濡れた茶色の犬がカメラに向かって泳いでくる。 | その犬は自分のベッドで寝ている。 | 2contradiction
| Wet brown dog swims towards camera. | The dog is sleeping in his bed. | A wet brown dog is swimming toward the camera. | The dog is sleeping on its bed. | 2contradiction
濡れた茶色の犬がカメラに向かって泳いでくる。 | 一匹の犬が池で水泳をしている。 | 1neutral
| Wet brown dog swims towards camera. | A dog is playing fetch in a pond. | A wet brown dog is swimming toward the camera. | A dog is swimming in the pond. | 1neutral
濡れた茶色の犬がカメラに向かって泳いでくる。 | 犬が水の中にいる。 | 0entailment
| Wet brown dog swims towards camera. | A dog is in the water. | A wet brown dog is swimming toward the camera. | A dog is in the water. | 0entailment
犬が泳いでいるところのクローズアップ画像。 | 猫はいやいやお風呂に入る。 | 2contradiction
| Closeup image of a dog swimming. | A cat reluctantly takes a bath. | A close-up of a dog swimming. | Cats don't like to take a bath. | 1neutral
犬が泳いでいるところのクローズアップ画像。 | 水中カメラが子犬の写真を撮る。 | 1neutral
| Closeup image of a dog swimming. | An underwater camera takes a photo of a puppy. | A close-up of a dog swimming. | An underwater camera takes a picture of the puppy. | 1neutral
犬が泳いでいるところのクローズアップ画像。 | 犬は水の中で泳ぐ。 | 0entailment
| Closeup image of a dog swimming. | A dog swims in a body of water. | A close-up of a dog swimming. | A dog swims in the water. | 0entailment
毛むくじゃらの茶色い犬が海で泳いでいる。 | 犬が魚を追いかけている。 | 1neutral
| The furry brown dog is swimming in the ocean. | A dog is chasing a fish. | A shaggy brown dog is swimming in the sea. | The dog is chasing a fish. | 1neutral
毛むくじゃらの茶色い犬が海で泳いでいる。 | 犬が泳いでいる。 | 0entailment
| The furry brown dog is swimming in the ocean. | A dog is swimming. | A shaggy brown dog is swimming in the sea. | A dog is swimming. | 0entailment
毛むくじゃらの茶色い犬が海で泳いでいる。 | 犬が庭を走り回っている。 | 2contradiction
| The furry brown dog is swimming in the ocean. | A dog is running around the yard. | A shaggy brown dog is swimming in the sea. | A dog is running about in the garden. | 2contradiction
大きな茶色の犬がカメラに向かって泳いでくる。 | 犬がスティックを追いかけている。 | 2contradiction
| A big brown dog swims towards the camera. | A dog is chasing a stick. | A big brown dog is swimming toward the camera. | A dog is chasing a stick. | 2contradiction
大きな茶色の犬がカメラに向かって泳いでくる。 | あるカメラマンが犬の写真を撮っている。 | 1neutral
| A big brown dog swims towards the camera. | A photographer is taking pictures of a dog. | A big brown dog is swimming toward the camera. | A cameraman films a dog. | 0entailment
大きな茶色の犬がカメラに向かって泳いでくる。 | 犬がカメラのほうに向かって泳いでくる。 | 0entailment
| A big brown dog swims towards the camera. | A dog swims towards the camera. | A big brown dog is swimming toward the camera. | The dog is swimming toward the camera. | 0entailment
黒い服を着て灰色の帽子をかぶった男が、くわを持ち馬車を運転している。 | 灰色の帽子をかぶった農夫が馬車を運転している。 | 1neutral
| A man wearing black with a gray hat, holding a pitchfork, directs a horse-drawn cart. | The farmer wearing a gray hat is driving a horse-drawn cart. | A man in black clothes and a gray hat was driving a horse and buggy along the road. | A farmer in a gray hat is driving the wagon. | 1neutral
黒い服を着て灰色の帽子をかぶった男が、くわを持ち馬車を運転している。 | 灰色の帽子をかぶった男がトロッコに乗っている。 | 0entailment
| A man wearing black with a gray hat, holding a pitchfork, directs a horse-drawn cart. | The man with the gray hat and pitchfork is directing the cart. | A man in black clothes and a gray hat was driving a horse and buggy along the road. | A man in a gray hat sat on the truck. | 2contradiction
黒い服を着て灰色の帽子をかぶった男が、くわを持ち馬車を運転している。 | 青い服の女性が馬車に馬をつけている。 | 2contradiction
| A man wearing black with a gray hat, holding a pitchfork, directs a horse-drawn cart. | The woman in a blue dress is hitching a horse to a cart. | A man in black clothes and a gray hat was driving a horse and buggy along the road. | A woman in blue is harnessing the horse to the truck. | 2contradiction
一人の男が、オールドカントリーにあるヘイロードでクライズデールを引いて歩いていた。 | 一人の男が、馬に乗って田舎道を歩いて行く。 | 0entailment
| A man is leading a Clydesdale up a hay road, within a Old Country. | A man is walking with his horse up a country road. | A man was walking along the Harrow Road with a black dog. | A man is walking down a country road on horseback. | 2contradiction
一人の男が、オールドカントリーにあるヘイロードでクライズデールを引いて歩いていた。 | グレーのビジネススーツを着た女性がお茶を飲んでいる。 | 2contradiction
| A man is leading a Clydesdale up a hay road, within a Old Country. | A woman in a gray business suit is drinking tea. | A man was walking along the Harrow Road with a black dog. | A woman in a gray business suit is drinking tea. | 2contradiction
一人の男が、オールドカントリーにあるヘイロードでクライズデールを引いて歩いていた。 | 麦藁帽子をかぶり、作業服を着た男が馬と一緒に田舎道を歩いている。 | 1neutral
| A man is leading a Clydesdale up a hay road, within a Old Country. | A man in a straw hat and overalls is walking with his horse up a country road. | A man was walking along the Harrow Road with a black dog. | A man in a straw hat and work clothes was walking down the country road with his horse. | 2contradiction
馬と荷車で畑に堆肥を運ぶ農夫。 | その男は庭に肥料をまいている。 | 0entailment
| A farmer fertilizing his garden with manure with a horse and wagon. | The man is fertilizering his garden. | Farmer transporting manure to the fields with horses and a wagon. | The man is spreading fertilizer on the garden. | 2contradiction
馬と荷車で畑に堆肥を運ぶ農夫。 | その男は馬車と一緒に市街地にいる。 | 2contradiction
| A farmer fertilizing his garden with manure with a horse and wagon. | The man is on the city street with his horse and wagon. | Farmer transporting manure to the fields with horses and a wagon. | The man is in the city with the car. | 2contradiction
馬と荷車で畑に堆肥を運ぶ農夫。 | その男は馬と荷車を引きながら草原にいる。 | 1neutral
| A farmer fertilizing his garden with manure with a horse and wagon. | The man is in an open field with a horse and wagon. | Farmer transporting manure to the fields with horses and a wagon. | The man is in the meadow with his horse and wagon. | 1neutral
一人の男が立って見守り、白い馬が荷車を引いている。 | 馬が荷物を引いている。 | 1neutral
| A white horse is pulling a cart while a man stands and watches. | A horse is hauling goods. | A man stands watching, and a white horse is drawing a cart. | A horse is pulling a cart. | 0entailment
一人の男が立って見守り、白い馬が荷車を引いている。 | 動物が外を歩いている。 | 0entailment
| A white horse is pulling a cart while a man stands and watches. | An animal is walking outside. | A man stands watching, and a white horse is drawing a cart. | Animals are walking outside. | 0entailment
一人の男が立って見守り、白い馬が荷車を引いている。 | 一人の男が競馬を見ている。 | 2contradiction
| A white horse is pulling a cart while a man stands and watches. | A man is watching a horse race. | A man stands watching, and a white horse is drawing a cart. | A man is watching a horse race. | 1neutral
礼拝者の小さなグループが聖歌隊の練習を見ている。 | 一団が練習を見ている。 | 0entailment
| A small group of church-goers watch a choir practice. | A group watches a practice. | A small group of worshippers are watching the choir practice. | A group is watching the practice. | 0entailment
礼拝者の小さなグループが聖歌隊の練習を見ている。 | 合唱団が満員の聴衆の前で演奏する。 | -1no label
| A small group of church-goers watch a choir practice. | A choir performs in front of packed crowd. | A small group of worshippers are watching the choir practice. | The choir will perform before a full house. | 2contradiction
礼拝者の小さなグループが聖歌隊の練習を見ている。 | 牧師と長老たちは合唱団がきちんとしているか見張っています。 | 1neutral
| A small group of church-goers watch a choir practice. | The pastor and elders watch the choir to make sure they are good. | A small group of worshippers are watching the choir practice. | The minister and the elders watch over the choir. | 1neutral
犬がビーチに赤いディスクを落とす。 | 海岸で犬がボールを追いかける。 | 2contradiction
| A dog drops a red disc on a beach. | a dog catch the ball on a beach | The dog drops a red disk on the beach. | A dog chases a ball on the beach. | 2contradiction
犬がビーチに赤いディスクを落とす。 | 犬が少年とディスクを取り合っている | 1neutral
| A dog drops a red disc on a beach. | a dog drops a disc with a boy | The dog drops a red disk on the beach. | A dog and a boy are playing with a Frisbee. | 1neutral
犬がビーチに赤いディスクを落とす。 | 犬が赤い円盤を落とす | 0entailment
| A dog drops a red disc on a beach. | a dog drops a red disc | The dog drops a red disk on the beach. | Dog drops red disk | 0entailment
男と女が丘の上の通りを歩いている。 | 夫婦が丘の上を歩いている。 | 1neutral
| A man and a woman are walking on a street at the top of a hill. | A married couple walks atop a hill. | A man and a woman are walking along the street on top of the hill. | A couple is walking on the hill. | 0entailment
男と女が丘の上の通りを歩いている。 | 一人の男と女が通りを歩いている。 | 0entailment
| A man and a woman are walking on a street at the top of a hill. | A man and woman walk on a street. | A man and a woman are walking along the street on top of the hill. | A man and a woman are walking down the street. | 0entailment
男と女が丘の上の通りを歩いている。 | 2人の男が丘でキャッチボールをしている。 | 2contradiction
| A man and a woman are walking on a street at the top of a hill. | Two men play catch on a hill. | A man and a woman are walking along the street on top of the hill. | Two men are playing catch on the hill. | 2contradiction
年配の男性がカフェでオレンジジュースを飲んでいる。 | 年配の男性がバーでアップルジュースを飲んでいる。 | 2contradiction
| An elderly man is drinking orange juice at a cafe. | An elderly man is drinking apple juice at a bar. | An elderly man is drinking orange juice in the cafe. | An elderly man is drinking apple juice at the bar. | 2contradiction
年配の男性がカフェでオレンジジュースを飲んでいる。 | 年配の紳士が新しいカフェでオレンジジュースを楽しんでいる。 | 1neutral
| An elderly man is drinking orange juice at a cafe. | An older gentleman is enjoying his orange juice at a new cafe. | An elderly man is drinking orange juice in the cafe. | An elderly gentleman is enjoying a glass of orange juice at the new cafe. | 1neutral
年配の男性がカフェでオレンジジュースを飲んでいる。 | 老人がカフェで飲み物を楽しんでいる。 | 0entailment
| An elderly man is drinking orange juice at a cafe. | An old man is enjoying a beverage at a cafe. | An elderly man is drinking orange juice in the cafe. | The old man is enjoying a drink in the cafe. | 0entailment
手をつないで歩くカップルが通りを下って行く。 | 2人の男性が道を歩きながら手をつないでいる。 | 1neutral
| A couple holding hands walks down a street. | Two men hold hands while walking down the street. | A couple walks down the street holding hands. | Two men are holding hands as they walk down the street. | 1neutral
手をつないで歩くカップルが通りを下って行く。 | 道端に座っている人がいます。 | 2contradiction
| A couple holding hands walks down a street. | There are people sitting on the side of the road. | A couple walks down the street holding hands. | There is a man sitting by the roadside. | 2contradiction
手をつないで歩くカップルが通りを下って行く。 | 人々は手を取り合って歩いています。 | 0entailment
| A couple holding hands walks down a street. | People are holding hands and walking. | A couple walks down the street holding hands. | People are walking hand in hand. | 0entailment
カップルが白い煉瓦の町を歩く。 | 人々は外を歩いている。 | 0entailment
| A couple walk through a white brick town. | People are walking outdoors. | A couple walks through the white-brick town. | People are walking outside. | 0entailment
カップルが白い煉瓦の町を歩く。 | 男と女が茶色い煉瓦の街を歩く。 | 2contradiction
| A couple walk through a white brick town. | A man and woman walk in a brown brick city. | A couple walks through the white-brick town. | A man and a woman walk down the brown brick street. | 2contradiction
カップルが白い煉瓦の町を歩く。 | 一人の男と女が大都市を歩く。 | 1neutral
| A couple walk through a white brick town. | A man and woman walk through a big city. | A couple walks through the white-brick town. | A man and a woman walk through the city. | 0entailment
学校から帰る子供たち。 | 子供たちは図書館にいます。 | 2contradiction
| Children going home from school. | The children are at the library. | Children coming home from school. | The children are in the library. | 2contradiction
学校から帰る子供たち。 | 子供たちは学校から帰ります。 | 0entailment
| Children going home from school. | The school children head home. | Children coming home from school. | The children are coming home from school. | 0entailment
学校から帰る子供たち。 | 子供たちは午後歩いている。 | 1neutral
| Children going home from school. | The children are walking in the afternooon. | Children coming home from school. | The children are walking in the afternoon. | 0entailment
カトリック教会で合唱を聞いている人々。 | 人々はメタルバンドを聞いている。 | 2contradiction
| People listening to a choir in a Catholic church. | People are listening to a metal band. | People listening to a choir in a Catholic church. | People are listening to a metal band. | 2contradiction
カトリック教会で合唱を聞いている人々。 | 大聖堂での合唱。 | 0entailment
| People listening to a choir in a Catholic church. | Choir singing in mass. | People listening to a choir in a Catholic church. | A cathedral choir in full song. | 1neutral
カトリック教会で合唱を聞いている人々。 | 人々は初聖体拝領のために集まっている。 | 1neutral
| People listening to a choir in a Catholic church. | People are in mass for a first communion | People listening to a choir in a Catholic church. | People are gathering for first communion. | 1neutral
交差点で待っている自転車乗り。 | ショッピングセンターで自転車に乗った人が昼食を取っている。 | 2contradiction
| Bicyclists waiting at an intersection. | A bicyclist is sitting down having lunch at the mall. | The cyclist waiting at the crossing. | A man on a bicycle is eating lunch at the shopping center. | 2contradiction
交差点で待っている自転車乗り。 | 自転車乗りは外にいます。 | 0entailment
| Bicyclists waiting at an intersection. | The bicyclists are outside. | The cyclist waiting at the crossing. | The cyclist is out of doors. | 0entailment
交差点で待っている自転車乗り。 | 車が通り過ぎるのを待っている自転車乗り。 | 1neutral
| Bicyclists waiting at an intersection. | Bicyclists waiting for a car to pass. | The cyclist waiting at the crossing. | The cyclist waiting for the car to pass. | 1neutral
交差点で待っている自転車乗り。 | 自転車に乗った人が、信号が青の間待っている。 | 1neutral
| Bicyclists waiting at an intersection. | A person on a bike is waiting while the light is green. | The cyclist waiting at the crossing. | A man on a bicycle is waiting for the green light. | 1neutral
交差点で待っている自転車乗り。 | その自転車は道路にある。 | 0entailment
| Bicyclists waiting at an intersection. | The bicycles are on a road. | The cyclist waiting at the crossing. | The bicycle is on the road. | 0entailment
交差点で待っている自転車乗り。 | 自転車に乗っている人は通りの近くです。 | 0entailment
| Bicyclists waiting at an intersection. | A person on a bike is near a street. | The cyclist waiting at the crossing. | The man on the bicycle is near the street. | 0entailment
交差点で待っている自転車乗り。 | バイカーは交差点で車を待っている。 | 0entailment
| Bicyclists waiting at an intersection. | Bikers stop and wait for traffic at the intersection. | The cyclist waiting at the crossing. | The motorcyclist is waiting at the intersection for a car to pass. | 2contradiction
交差点で待っている自転車乗り。 | 自転車に乗ったサイクリストがショッピングセンターを通り抜ける。 | 2contradiction
| Bicyclists waiting at an intersection. | The bicyclists ride through the mall on their bikes. | The cyclist waiting at the crossing. | A cyclist on a bicycle passes through the shopping center. | 2contradiction
交差点で待っている自転車乗り。 | 自転車に乗った横断待ちの人々。 | 0entailment
| Bicyclists waiting at an intersection. | Bicyclists waiting their turn to cross. | The cyclist waiting at the crossing. | Cyclists waiting to cross the road. | 0entailment
交差点で待っている自転車乗り。 | 高速道路を自転車で走っている。 | 2contradiction
| Bicyclists waiting at an intersection. | Bicyclists riding along a freeway. | The cyclist waiting at the crossing. | I'm cycling on the highway. | 2contradiction
交差点で待っている自転車乗り。 | その自転車乗りは死んでいる。 | 2contradiction
| Bicyclists waiting at an intersection. | The bicyclists are dead. | The cyclist waiting at the crossing. | The cyclist is dead. | 2contradiction
交差点で待っている自転車乗り。 | その自転車乗りは本屋に向かって走っている。 | 1neutral
| Bicyclists waiting at an intersection. | The bicyclists are riding to the book store. | The cyclist waiting at the crossing. | The cyclist is heading for the bookstore. | 1neutral
交差点で待っている自転車乗り。 | 自転車レースが行われている。 | 1neutral
| Bicyclists waiting at an intersection. | The bicyclists are in a race. | The cyclist waiting at the crossing. | A bicycle race is being held. | 1neutral
交差点で待っている自転車乗り。 | その自転車乗りは家にいる。 | 2contradiction
| Bicyclists waiting at an intersection. | The bicyclists are at home. | The cyclist waiting at the crossing. | The cyclist is at home. | 2contradiction
交差点で待っている自転車乗り。 | 自転車乗りの一団が交差点で歩道に残っている。 | 1neutral
| Bicyclists waiting at an intersection. | A group of bicyclists remain on the sidewalk at the intersection. | The cyclist waiting at the crossing. | A group of cyclists remain on the pavement at the junction. | 1neutral
自転車に乗って信号待ちをしている人々。 | 友達の一団がボートに乗っている。 | 2contradiction
| People waiting at a light on bikes. | A bunch of friends are on a boat | People waiting at a traffic light on bicycles. | A group of friends are in the boat. | 2contradiction
自転車に乗って信号待ちをしている人々。 | 自転車に乗っている人。 | 0entailment
| People waiting at a light on bikes. | People with bikes. | People waiting at a traffic light on bicycles. | A person on a bicycle. | 0entailment
自転車に乗って信号待ちをしている人々。 | 信号で自転車に乗った人がいる | 1neutral
| People waiting at a light on bikes. | There are people on bikes at a light | People waiting at a traffic light on bicycles. | There is a man on a bicycle at the traffic light. | 1neutral
自転車に乗って信号待ちをしている人々。 | 人々は中で待っています。 | 2contradiction
| People waiting at a light on bikes. | The people are inside waiting. | People waiting at a traffic light on bicycles. | People are waiting inside. | 2contradiction
自転車に乗って信号待ちをしている人々。 | 外には何人かの人がいます。 | 0entailment
| People waiting at a light on bikes. | There are some people outside. | People waiting at a traffic light on bicycles. | There are some people outside. | 0entailment
自転車に乗って信号待ちをしている人々。 | 人々は自転車に乗っている。 | 0entailment
| People waiting at a light on bikes. | People are on their bikes. | People waiting at a traffic light on bicycles. | People are riding bicycles. | 0entailment
自転車に乗って信号待ちをしている人々。 | 人々はジムに自転車で行っている。 | 1neutral
| People waiting at a light on bikes. | The people are riding their bikes to the gym. | People waiting at a traffic light on bicycles. | People are going to Jim's by bicycle. | 1neutral
自転車に乗って信号待ちをしている人々。 | 町を自転車で走っている人々。 | 1neutral
| People waiting at a light on bikes. | People biking through the city. | People waiting at a traffic light on bicycles. | People riding bicycles in the town. | 0entailment
自転車に乗って信号待ちをしている人々。 | 人々は自転車に乗っている。 | 0entailment
| People waiting at a light on bikes. | The people are on bikes. | People waiting at a traffic light on bicycles. | People are riding bicycles. | 0entailment
自転車に乗って信号待ちをしている人々。 | 自転車の隣には交通がある。 | 1neutral
| People waiting at a light on bikes. | There is traffic next to the bikes. | People waiting at a traffic light on bicycles. | There is traffic next to the bicycle. | 1neutral
自転車に乗って信号待ちをしている人々。 | 人々は赤信号を無視している。 | 2contradiction
| People waiting at a light on bikes. | The people are running a red light. | People waiting at a traffic light on bicycles. | People are ignoring the red light. | 2contradiction
自転車に乗って信号待ちをしている人々。 | カーレースをしている人々。 | 2contradiction
| People waiting at a light on bikes. | People in a car race. | People waiting at a traffic light on bicycles. | People racing cars. | 2contradiction
自転車に乗って信号待ちをしている人々。 | 通りの角で男と女が立ち話をしている。 | 0entailment
| People waiting at a light on bikes. | Men and women outside on a street corner. | People waiting at a traffic light on bicycles. | A man and a woman are talking at the corner of the street. | 2contradiction
自転車に乗って信号待ちをしている人々。 | 一匹のレディーバグが、美しいピンクの薔薇にとまりました。 | 2contradiction
| People waiting at a light on bikes. | A ladybug has landed on a beautiful pink rose. | People waiting at a traffic light on bicycles. | One lady-bug landed on a beautiful pink rose. | 2contradiction
自転車に乗って信号待ちをしている人々。 | ヘルメットと保護ジャケットを着て、オートバイに乗った男女。 | 1neutral
| People waiting at a light on bikes. | Men and women on their motorcycles, wearing helmets and protective jackets. | People waiting at a traffic light on bicycles. | A man and woman on a motorcycle, both wearing helmets and jackets. | 2contradiction
交差点で自転車に乗って待っている人々。 | 人々はスケートボードに乗っている。 | 2contradiction
| People on bicycles waiting at an intersection. | The people are on skateboards. | People waiting at the crossing on bicycles. | People are on skateboards. | 2contradiction
交差点で自転車に乗って待っている人々。 | 人々は自転車に乗っている。 | 0entailment
| People on bicycles waiting at an intersection. | People are riding their bicycles. | People waiting at the crossing on bicycles. | People are riding bicycles. | 0entailment
Subsets and Splits