Provost: None, sir, none.
DUKE VINCENTIO: As near the dawning, provost, as it is, You shall hear more ere morning.
Provost: Happily You something know; yet I believe there comes No countermand; no such example have we: Besides, upon the very siege of justice Lord Angelo hath to the public ear Profess'd the contrary.
This is his lordship's man.
DUKE VINCENTIO: And here comes Claudio's pardon.
Messenger: Provost: I shall obey him.
DUKE VINCENTIO: Provost: I told you.
Lord Angelo, belike thinking me remiss in mine office, awakens me with this unwonted putting-on; methinks strangely, for he hath not used it before.
DUKE VINCENTIO: Pray you, let's hear.
Provost: DUKE VINCENTIO: What is that Barnardine who is to be executed in the afternoon?
Provost: A Bohemian born, but here nursed un and bred; one that is a prisoner nine years old.
DUKE VINCENTIO: How came it that the absent duke had not either delivered him to his liberty or executed him?
I have heard it was ever his manner to do so.
Provost: His friends still wrought reprieves for him: and, indeed, his fact, till now in the government of Lord Angelo, came not to an undoubtful proof.
DUKE VINCENTIO: It is now apparent?
Provost: Most manifest, and not denied by himself.
DUKE VINCENTIO: Hath he born himself penitently in prison?
how seems he to be touched?
Provost: A man that apprehends death no more dreadfully but as a drunken sleep; careless, reckless, and fearless of what's past, present, or to come; insensible of mortality, and desperately mortal.
DUKE VINCENTIO: He wants advice.
Provost: He will hear none: he hath evermore had the liberty of the prison; give him leave to escape hence, he would not: drunk many times a day, if not many days entirely drunk.
We have very oft awaked him, as if to carry him to execution, and showed him a seeming warrant for it: it hath not moved him at all.
DUKE VINCENTIO: More of him anon.
There is written in your brow, provost, honesty and constancy: if I read it not truly, my ancient skill beguiles me; but, in the boldness of my cunning, I will lay myself in hazard.
Claudio, whom here you have warrant to execute, is no greater forfeit to the law than Angelo who hath sentenced him.
To make you understand this in a manifested effect, I crave but four days' respite; for the which you are to do me both a present and a dangerous courtesy.
Provost: Pray, sir, in what?
DUKE VINCENTIO: In the delaying death.
Provost: A lack, how may I do it, having the hour limited, and an express command, under penalty, to deliver his head in the view of Angelo?
I may make my case as Claudio's, to cross this in the smallest.
DUKE VINCENTIO: By the vow of mine order I warrant you, if my instructions may be your guide.
Let this Barnardine be this morning executed, and his head born to Angelo.
Provost: Angelo hath seen them both, and will discover the favour.
DUKE VINCENTIO: O, death's a great disguiser; and you may add to it.
Shave the head, and tie the beard; and say it was the desire of the penitent to be so bared before his death: you know the course is common.
If any thing fall to you upon this, more than thanks and good fortune, by the saint whom I profess, I will plead against it with my life.
Provost: Pardon me, good father; it is against my oath.
DUKE VINCENTIO: Were you sworn to the duke, or to the deputy?
Provost: To him, and to his substitutes.
DUKE VINCENTIO: You will think you have made no offence, if the duke avouch the justice of your dealing?
Provost: But what likelihood is in that?
DUKE VINCENTIO: Not a resemblance, but a certainty.
Yet since I see you fearful, that neither my coat, integrity, nor persuasion can with ease attempt you, I will go further than I meant, to pluck all fears out of you.
Look you, sir, here is the hand and seal of the duke: you know the character, I doubt not; and the signet is not strange to you.
Provost: I know them both.
DUKE VINCENTIO: The contents of this is the return of the duke: you shall anon over-read it at your pleasure; where you shall find, within these two days he will be here.
This is a thing that Angelo knows not; for he this very day receives letters of strange tenor; perchance of the duke's death; perchance entering into some monastery; but, by chance, nothing of what is writ.
Look, the unfolding star calls up the shepherd.
Put not yourself into amazement how these things should be: all difficulties are but easy when they are known.
Call your executioner, and off with Barnardine's head: I will give him a present shrift and advise him for a better place.
Yet you are amazed; but this shall absolutely resolve you.
Come away; it is almost clear dawn.
POMPEY: I am as well acquainted here as I was in our house of profession: one would think it were Mistress Overdone's own house, for here be many of her old customers.
First, here's young Master Rash; he's in for a commodity of brown paper and old ginger, ninescore and seventeen pounds; of which he made five marks, ready money: marry, then ginger was not much in request, for the old women were all dead.
Then is there here one Master Caper, at the suit of Master Three-pile the mercer, for some four suits of peach-coloured satin, which now peaches him a beggar.
Then have we here young Dizy, and young Master Deep-vow, and Master Copperspur, and Master Starve-lackey the rapier and dagger man, and young Drop-heir that killed lusty Pudding, and Master Forthlight the tilter, and brave Master Shooty the great traveller, and wild Half-can that stabbed Pots, and, I think, forty more; all great doers in our trade, and are now 'for the Lord's sake.'
ABHORSON: Sirrah, bring Barnardine hither.
POMPEY: Master Barnardine!
you must rise and be hanged.
Master Barnardine!
ABHORSON: What, ho, Barnardine!
BARNARDINE: POMPEY: Your friends, sir; the hangman.
You must be so good, sir, to rise and be put to death.
BARNARDINE: ABHORSON: Tell him he must awake, and that quickly too.
POMPEY: Pray, Master Barnardine, awake till you are executed, and sleep afterwards.
ABHORSON: Go in to him, and fetch him out.
POMPEY: He is coming, sir, he is coming; I hear his straw rustle.
ABHORSON: Is the axe upon the block, sirrah?
POMPEY: Very ready, sir.
BARNARDINE: How now, Abhorson?
what's the news with you?
ABHORSON: Truly, sir, I would desire you to clap into your prayers; for, look you, the warrant's come.
BARNARDINE: You rogue, I have been drinking all night; I am not fitted for 't.
POMPEY: O, the better, sir; for he that drinks all night, and is hanged betimes in the morning, may sleep the sounder all the next day.
ABHORSON: Look you, sir; here comes your ghostly father: do we jest now, think you?
DUKE VINCENTIO: Sir, induced by my charity, and hearing how hastily you are to depart, I am come to advise you, comfort you and pray with you.
BARNARDINE: Friar, not I I have been drinking hard all night, and I will have more time to prepare me, or they shall beat out my brains with billets: I will not consent to die this day, that's certain.
DUKE VINCENTIO: O, sir, you must: and therefore I beseech you Look forward on the journey you shall go.
BARNARDINE: I swear I will not die to-day for any man's persuasion.
DUKE VINCENTIO: But hear you.
BARNARDINE: Not a word: if you have any thing to say to me, come to my ward; for thence will not I to-day.
DUKE VINCENTIO: Unfit to live or die: O gravel heart!
After him, fellows; bring him to the block.
Provost: Now, sir, how do you find the prisoner?
DUKE VINCENTIO: A creature unprepared, unmeet for death; And to transport him in the mind he is Were damnable.
Provost: Here in the prison, father, There died this morning of a cruel fever One Ragozine, a most notorious pirate, A man of Claudio's years; his beard and head Just of his colour.
What if we do omit This reprobate till he were well inclined; And satisfy the deputy with the visage Of Ragozine, more like to Claudio?
DUKE VINCENTIO: O, 'tis an accident that heaven provides!
Dispatch it presently; the hour draws on Prefix'd by Angelo: see this be done, And sent according to command; whiles I Persuade this rude wretch willingly to die.
Provost: This shall be done, good father, presently.
But Barnardine must die this afternoon: And how shall we continue Claudio, To save me from the danger that might come If he were known alive?
DUKE VINCENTIO: Let this be done.
Put them in secret holds, both Barnardine and Claudio: Ere twice the sun hath made his journal greeting To the under generation, you shall find Your safety manifested.
Provost: I am your free dependant.
DUKE VINCENTIO: Quick, dispatch, and send the head to Angelo.
Now will I write letters to Angelo,-- The provost, he shall bear them, whose contents Shall witness to him I am near at home, And that, by great injunctions, I am bound To enter publicly: him I'll desire To meet me at the consecrated fount A league below the city; and from thence, By cold gradation and well-balanced form, We shall proceed with Angelo.
Provost: Here is the head; I'll carry it myself.
DUKE VINCENTIO: Convenient is it.
Make a swift return; For I would commune with you of such things That want no ear but yours.
Provost: I'll make all speed.