what foods are not good for constipation
[ "Foods to Eat (and Avoid) When Constipated Foods that Cause Constipation. • Dairy products: It is best to avoid dairy when feeling constipated. Milk, cheese, and other dairy products are foods that have a long history of causing constipation. Dairy products are considered mucus-forming foods that can slow the transit time of waste during the digestive process. The lactose in dairy is thought to produce the uncomfortable symptoms associated with constipation." ]
[ "Top 10 Foods that cause Constipation 8. Dairy products. Dairy products are a must have in our diet but they are also known as the binding products or constipating foods. Dairy products like milk, cheese, butter, cakes are again low on fiber and high on fat.Human body is naturally designed for digesting only human milk that’s why consuming cow’s milk or any other animal’s milk and products made from that can cause trouble with our digestive system.airy products like milk, cheese, butter, cakes are again low on fiber and high on fat. Human body is naturally designed for digesting only human milk that’s why consuming cow’s milk or any other animal’s milk and products made from that can cause trouble with our digestive system.", "Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids 1 Difficulty in passing fecal matter creates pressure and possible injury to veins in the anal canal and rectum. 2 Low-fiber diet. 3 Highly refined foods (white flour products, sugar, foods high in fat and protein and low in complex carbohydrate) result in a fiber-deficient diet, with resulting constipation and hemorrhoids.", "- You can find constipation relief by replacing the following foods that cause constipation with high-fiber choices that work to prevent it. 2 / 8 Dairy Products Cheese, ice cream, and other dairy products have a reputation of being binding or constipating foods.", "Constipation Foods: 10 Foods That Will Make You Go Flax is full of fibre and is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Carrots. Carrots alone won't make you go to the bathroom right away. Full of fibre, raw carrots that are part of a healthy fibre-filled diet can improve your stool movement. Remember, eat them raw. Cooked carrots can lead to constipation. Beans. Beans, beans, the musical fruit.", "6 / 11 Switch to Whole-Grain Bread 1 Go Raw With Plums, Pears, and Apples Constipation can cause you to feel bloated. 2 Eating more raw fruit can be a constipation remedy because fruit, too, is high in dietary fiber. 3 Plums, pears, and apples are good choices because much of the fiber can be found in their edible skins.dd more fiber-filled foods to your diet and be sure to drink plenty of fluids to help the fiber flow properly through your digestive tract. 1 Pick Berries for a Sweet Treat For a sweet constipation remedy, take your pick of luscious raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries.", "8 Foods That Cause Constipation & Plug You Up Opt for Brown Rice. Going with brown rice has the opposite effect, as brown rice is one of the foods that can help with constipation. It’s a source of whole grains and contains more fiber than you’ll find in white rice. 6.", "Constipation Applesauce Day to prevent constipation. Try adding bran to applesauce, hot cereal, muffin or pancake batter, scrambled eggs, soups, casseroles or vegetable dishes. Fruits and vegetables Most fruits and vegetables are a good source of fiber.You may be limiting fruits and.at three times a day, or as needed. Good on toast, as well. Constipation occurs when stools move too slowly through the colon and fluid is applesauce, pears, sweet potatoes, beans, peas and broccoli. Whole grain breads and brown rice are also high in fiber.", "Constipation Foods: 10 Foods That Will Make You Go One of the most common home remedies for constipation are dried prunes. They are are rich in fibre, vitamin A and potassium -- and also taste great as a juice. Pears are considered to be natural laxatives and can ease the movement of stool through the intestines.", "Foods You Should Never Eat When You're Constipated Many people report that dairy products can make them constipated. This may be due to the effect of lactose or some of the various proteins found in dairy products. Avoid the foods on the following list when you are constipated. *Once your constipation has eased, you may want to try to eat yogurt again.", "- Warm foods and liquids are sometimes helpful in relieving constipation or stomach cramps as a result of constipation. Consider sprinkling some raisins into your cereal (hot or cold) for additional fiber. Refined breads and grains can cause constipation or hardening of the stools. It is recommended to avoid these foods until the stools soften; however, if you do consume these foods, go for whole grain breads or whole wheat pasta.", "12 / 12 Spoiled Foods 1 So if you’re dealing with either diarrhea or constipation, you’ll want to avoid fried foods for a while. 2 The conventional wisdom, says Krevsky, is that when you have indigestion, you should avoid fried foods because they tend to slow down the emptying of the stomach. 1 Processed Foods If you’re constipated, avoid processed foods because they lack fiber, which helps regulate bowel movements, Krevsky says.", "- Foods high in sugar like cakes, cupcakes and cookies are high in fat and low in fibre. While avoiding sugar is good for our overall diets, the key is moderation. For some, constipation can be caused by a frequent consumption of eggs. Eggs are low in fibre and high in fat.", "10+ Foods That Help Prevent Constipation Below, we have listed some of the very best foods that for preventing constipation. If you're looking for more general information on nutrition and constipation, visit this Guide's diet tips page. For healthy recipes that feature some of the best constipation fighting foods, visit this Guide's recipe page. Eating pears, as part of a healthy and balanced diet, may help combat constipation as these delicious fruits, once referred to as the gift of the gods, contain a fair amount of fiber.", "- Wheat, corn, and rice bran are high in insoluble fiber, which helps prevent constipation. Bran can be sprinkled into your favorite foods,from hot cereal and pancakes to muffins and cookies. Many popular high-fiber cereals and bars are also packed with bran.", "12 Best Foods to Eat for Constipation Relief There are many foods a person can eat to help relieve constipation, for example, kiwi, popcorn, nuts, flaxseed, berries, dried fruit, and broccoli. To prevent constipation, avoid foods that can make it worse, for example, bananas, gluten, caffeine, alcohol, and chewing gum. Here is a list of 12 foods to eat to help relieve constipation. When planning a healthy diet, it helps to include plenty of high-fiber choices to help you stay regular and provide relief of constipation.", "- 1 Eating more raw fruit can be a constipation remedy because fruit, too, is high in dietary fiber. 2 Plums, pears, and apples are good choices because much of the fiber can be found in their edible skins. 3 Plums, pears, and apples are high in pectin, a naturally occurring fiber.dd more fiber-filled foods to your diet and be sure to drink plenty of fluids to help the fiber flow properly through your digestive tract. 1 Pick Berries for a Sweet Treat For a sweet constipation remedy, take your pick of luscious raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries.", "8 Foods That Cause Constipation & Plug You Up Milk. Milk and other dairy products make our list of foods that can give you constipation. There may be conflicting information on whether dairy causes constipation, but much of the debunking stems from dairy coalitions trying to keep the dairy industry going strong.ilk. Milk and other dairy products make our list of foods that can give you constipation. There may be conflicting information on whether dairy causes constipation, but much of the debunking stems from dairy coalitions trying to keep the dairy industry going strong.", "Constipation causing foods to avoid and foods to eat for relief Here are some foods you should probably avoid or minimize your intake of if you want to avoid constipation. 1 Chocolate: Milk chocolate contains a common food allergen: milk. 2 Milk: Milk is common for causing constipation because it’s a common food allergen. 3 Beef: Red meat in general can contribute to constipation.", "Constipation causing foods to avoid and foods to eat for relief Surprising foods that cause constipation. When it comes to constipation, you are probably already aware of some contributing foods; however, some might surprise you. Here are some foods you should probably avoid or minimize your intake of if you want to avoid constipation. Chocolate: Milk chocolate contains a common food allergen: milk.", "Natural Constipation Relief Remedies: Foods, Supplements + Practices Here are several factors that might be contributing to your constipation: (4) 1 Poor diet: Diets high in processed foods, sugar, refined carbohydrates, alcohol, unhealthy fats and synthetic additives can make it harder to produce normal bowel movements.", "Foods that cause constipation: Caffeinated drinks. Caffeinated drinks can be part of your list of foods that cause constipation. Those drinks include coffee, black tea, caffeinated sodas (Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, Red Bull, etc), and green tea if you are very sensitive to caffeine or you drink a large amount of it.e all have our list of foods that cause constipation. One theme you will hear over and over again on this website is this: even though we all suffer from the same condition, we are all different. We are not our disease. We need to nurture the person (you, me) in all of our complexity and specificity.", "- Diet plays a key role in digestive health, and healthy foods can promote healthy digestion while harmful foods threaten your digestive health. The best way to ensure your digestive system stays healthy is by eating a well-balanced diet that is low in refined, processed foods and rich in nutrients.ow-fiber foods -- such as white bread, rice and pasta, as well as candy and other sweets -- don't offer digestive benefits, and might even contribute to constipation as part of a low-fiber diet. In addition, red meats and processed meats threaten your digestive health and increase your risk of colon cancer. email. Tweet.", "Foods that Cause Constipation Take control of your health today! Constipation is defined as a symptom, not a disease. Before constipation turns into a more serious, chronic, or even lethal disease, it’s important to address the root cause of it, as well as primary prevention options, in order to implement real solutions that work!eans and legumes are high in fiber and protein, and are a great substitute for meat. Dairy Foods. Milk, frozen yogurt, ice cream, sour cream, and cheeses, including cottage cheese, can cause constipation. Dairy foods, in general lack in fiber, with the exception of natural yogurt products made with “probiotics”.", "- To Prevent Constipation: Certain foods and drinks, and the proper amount of exercise can help alleviate the symptoms of constipation. Foods and drinks: 1 Eat high-fiber foods such as raisins, raw vegetables, salads, bran cereals, whole-grain bread and fresh fruit.", "- 1 Conquer constipationby drinking water and eating high-fiber foods like beans, lentils, vegetables, and fresh or dried fruit. Drive away diarrhea with bland foods such as rice, bananas, and apples. Drink water to stay hydrated.", "Foods to Avoid when Constipated Same Category. Foods to Avoid when Constipated. Constipation can cause trouble for anyone in a variety of ages, though it is most common in toddlers and young children that are consuming solid foods but lack an adequate supply of fiber in their diets. Children are also more likely to have trouble managing constipation because they are not used to pain or how to express what the problem is.", "4 Unlikely Foods for Treating Constipation 3. Dark Chocolate. Dark chocolate is totally different to the milk chocolate variety, as it is the dark type that offers all the health benefits. Some of the health benefits come from the high level of antioxidants that dark chocolate is so renowned for[2]. But where dark chocolate can help with constipation comes from it being rich in magnesium, as this mineral helps the bowel muscles contract encouraging excretion.", "- Method 2 of 3: Avoiding Habits that Make it Worse. 1. Avoid processed foods. Foods that have been processed and combined with white flour and sugar are completely stripped of their healthy fiber content. Eating foods without fiber is hard on digestive system and can lead to constipation.", "- Eating right is important for each and every one of us. When you have a disease such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), it’s crucial to health. There are some foods that should be avoided by those with COPD. In general, nitrates aren’t good for a healthy diet. The foods listed below are known to increase COPD symptoms, and should be put on the Foods to Avoid with COPD list. Bacon (Yes, bacon.", "Foods to Relieve Constipation Foods high in fiber include whole grains such as brown rice, barley, and quinoa, certain vegetables and fruits (especially dried fruits), flaxseeds, and legumes such as beans and lentils. Here's a look at the amount of fiber found in specific foods that may help with constipation: 1 navy beans (9.5 grams of fiber per ½ cup) 2 kidney beans (8.2 grams of fiber per ½ cup) 3 pinto beans (7.7 grams of fiber per ½ cup) artichokes (6.5 grams per 1 artichoke) sweet potatoes (4.8 grams in one medium sweet potato) pears (4.4 grams in one small pear)" ]
[ 13.5390625 ]
[ 11.1328125, 8.1796875, 12.015625, 11.2421875, 9.4375, 10.2890625, 9.2734375, 9.5, 12.234375, 9.8671875, 10.90625, 12.578125, 8.1640625, 10.5078125, 12.265625, 9.25, 11.1015625, 12.765625, 11.9296875, 11.1875, 10.5, 8.9765625, 11.609375, 9.953125, 9.5, 9.6953125, 11.046875, 11.609375, 3.400390625, 9.7734375 ]
what is feline leukemia in kittens
[ "Feline Leukemia in Kittens Feline leukemia (FeLV) is a disease caused by a retrovirus, and will result in the suppression of the immune system. When the virus affects kittens, the disease will be severe, as they have a weak immune system. For this reason, the prognosis in kittens with FeLV is poor." ]
[ "Feline vaccination From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is a retrovirus that infects cats. FeLV can be transmitted from infected cats when the transfer of saliva or nasal secretions is involved. If not defeated by the animal’s immune system, the virus can cause diseases which can be lethal.", "Lymphoma 1 This form is least likely to be associated with feline leukemia. 2 Renal lymphoma - most common neoplasia of the feline kidney, primarily affecting older cats. 3 Hepatic lymphoma - primary hepatic lymphoma is relatively common. CNS lymphoma - rare and often associated with renal lymphoma or multicentric lymphoma.", "Feline Cancer: What are the Warning Signs? 1 Lymphoma. 2 This form of cancer is common in dogs and cats, and in cats it may be associated with feline leukemia virus (25 percent of all cases). 3 The most common form of lymphoma in the cat affects the digestive system. 4 The most common signs are lethargy, vomiting and diarrhea. 5 Mammary gland tumors.", "5 Most Dangerous Cat Diseases Feline leukemia is a disease that spreads through urine, nose discharge and saliva. Cats can catch the disease through bites, sharing food and water bowls, and from simply living together. Mother cats can pass the disease along to their kittens, and kittens are more likely to contract the disease than adult cats. Some cats will immediately become ill upon contracting the virus; however, in other cats, symptoms of the disease will not manifest for several weeks.", "- Feline leukemia virus adversely affects the cat's body in many ways. It is the most common cause of cancer in cats, it may cause various blood disorders, and it may lead to a state of immune deficiency that hinders the cat's ability to protect itself against other infections.eline leukemia virus adversely affects the cat's body in many ways. It is the most common cause of cancer in cats, it may cause various blood disorders, and it may lead to a state of immune deficiency that hinders the cat's ability to protect itself against other infections.", "Feline panleukopenia Feline panleukopenia (FP) is a highly contagious viral disease of cats caused by the feline parvovirus. Kittens are most severely affected by the virus. The names feline distemper and feline parvo should not be confused with canine distemper or canine parvo— although their names are similar, they are caused by different viruses.", "Feline Leukemia Virus and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Testing 1 Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) are contagious, untreatable diseases in cats. 2 Cats that go outside are at increased risk for exposure to FeLV and FIV. Testing for FeLV and FIV is often performed at the same time since clinical signs can be similar.", "Feline leukemia virus Lymphocyte T-Cell Immunomodulator is intended as an aid in the treatment of cats infected with feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and/or feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), and the associated symptoms of lymphocytopenia, opportunistic infection, anemia, granulocytopenia, or thrombocytopenia.", "Feline Cancer: What are the Warning Signs? 1 This form of cancer is common in dogs and cats, and in cats it may be associated with feline leukemia virus (25 percent of all cases). The most common form of lymphoma in the cat affects the digestive system. The most common signs are lethargy, vomiting and diarrhea. Mammary gland tumors.", "- Consult with your veterinarian to determine what is best for your cat. The noncore vaccines include feline leukemia (FeLV), feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), Bordetella, and Chlamydophila. The AAFP recommends AGAINST FeLV vaccinations in adult totally indoor cats who have no exposure to other cats. It is suggested that all kittens, because they are most susceptible and their lifestyles may change, should receive an initial FeLV vaccination series.", "Feline Leukemia Virus Feline leukemia virus adversely affects the cat's body in many ways. It is the most common cause of cancer in cats, it may cause various blood disorders, and it may lead to a state of immune deficiency that hinders the cat's ability to protect itself against other infections.", "- Symptoms. Cats with feline leukemia do not always appear sick! In the early stages of the disease, most cats show few signs; the only way to know for sure if they are infected is through a simple blood test. As the disease advances, the following symptoms may occur: 1 Weight loss. 2 Loss of appetite. 3 Lethargy. 4 Pale gums. 5 Bad breath.", "So, your dog has a splenic mass⦠A summary of diagnoses from submitted spleens is included in Table 1. Seven of the spleens were from cats; three of which had mast cell tumors. One spleen was from a ferret and is included in the lymphoma category. All remaining splenic submissions (216) were from dogs.", "Lymphoma Multicentric lymphoma - generally involves multiple lymph nodes and possibly multiple organs. This form is more closely associated with feline leukemia and the prognosis for this form is not as good, especially if the cat is feline leukemia positive. Mesenteric lymphoma - very common in cats over 10 years of age.", "- This includes kittens, cats infected with feline leukemia virus (FeLV), and geriatric cats. The largest number of FIP cases occurs in young cats. Kittens are often infected when they are 4 to 6 weeks old, when the antibody protection they received from their mothers through the milk is declining. Kittens usually start showing signs of FIP when they are between 3 months and 2 years of age.", "Differences and Similarities between Feline FIV and FeLV Differences and Similarities between Feline FIV and FeLV 03.04.2013 by admin Feline Leukemia (FeLV) and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) are both caused by retroviruses that can be transmitted it to other cats. Both viruses depress the immune system opening the door to secondary infections and diseases.", "Facts About Feline Leukemia Virus How Feline Leukemia Virus Is Transmitted. Feline leukemia is a disease that only affects cats -- it cannot be transmitted to people, dogs, or other animals. FeLV is passed from one cat to another through saliva, blood, and to some extent, urine and feces.The virus does not live long outside the cat’s body -- probably just a few hours.acts About Feline Leukemia Virus. Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is second only to trauma as the leading cause of death in cats, killing 85% of persistently infected felines within three years of diagnosis.", "Feline leukemia virus Although many of the diseases caused by FeLV and FIV are similar, the specific ways in which they are caused also differs. Also, while the feline leukemia virus may cause symptomatic illness in an infected cat, an FIV infected cat can remain completely asymptomatic its entire lifetime. See also. Feline vaccination; Feline immunodeficiency virus", "Cancer in cats Feline lymphoma is much more common in cats who are infected with feline leukemia virus (FeLV). The risk of an FeLV-infected cat developing lymphoma is 60 times that of an uninfected cat. Infection with feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) also increases the risk of developing lymphoma, but less so than FeLV.", "Feline Leukemia Symptoms in Cats It is also possible to diagnose feline leukemia with a blood test that measures the total number of white blood cells. The number of white blood cells (WBCs) in a healthy cat ranges from 5,500-20,000 WBC per mm3 blood.If your cat has leukemia, the number of WBCs can increase or can plummet.he saliva test is simple to do, but is less accurate than blood tests. Tests of blood, saliva, or tears can look for specific leukemia proteins. Finding the leukemia proteins does not mean your cat will become ill with leukemia. Some of these cats clear the virus from their bodies completely and never become ill.", "5 Most Dangerous Cat Diseases Any severe chronic illness can be a sign of feline leukemia. Although there is no cure for feline leukemia, the disease is easily preventable. Keeping cats indoors, restricting exposure to other cats, maintaining a clean living environment and ensuring your cat is vaccinated can all help prevent feline leukemia.", "Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) Feline leukemia is a very common disease. It is often called the “friendly cat” disease as it is commonly spread from cat to cat through casual contact, such as grooming or sharing food or water. Feline leukemia virus and Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) are among the most common infectious diseases in cats.", "What Age for the First Shots for Kittens? The vaccine against feline leukemia virus is given to vulnerable kittens at about 8 to 12 weeks old. Before getting this vaccine, your kitten needs to be tested for the virus because if she has already been exposed, the vaccine is useless.", "Feline Leukemia in Kittens Feline leukemia virus is transmitted from other infected cats through blood and saliva. The saliva can be present on food bowls or other objects cats come in contact with. The virus can survive for up to 2 days in a wet environment.", "- Lymphosarcoma or lymphoma (LSA), is one of the most common type of cancer in cats. Some reports estimate that 30% of all reported cat cancers are due to LSA. Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is linked to most forms of LSA except for the gastrointestinal (GI) form. FeLV is a transmittable retrovirus that can be passed in utero as well as through saliva and direct contact.", "Lymphoma Lymphoma is the most commonly diagnosed neoplasm in cats and accounts for approximately 30% of all diagnosed tumors. Feline lymphoma is a loose generic term for any feline tumour affecting lymph cells or lymph nodes. Lymphomas are irregular (neoplastic) growth of lymphoid tissue as tumors, which can affect a single organ (e.g. kidney, mesenteric or mediastinal lymph node, spleen or liver).", "- A low neutrophil count is often a sign of leukemia, since the cat's body is not replenishing its daily supply of neutrophils. The cat will be more susceptible to infections of all types and will not be able to fight it off like normal.", "Lymphoma 1 Multicentric lymphoma - generally involves multiple lymph nodes and possibly multiple organs. This form is more closely associated with feline leukemia and the prognosis for this form is not as good, especially if the cat is feline leukemia positive. Mesenteric lymphoma - very common in cats over 10 years of age. The intestinal form affects the small intestine but sometimes the stomach, leading to gastric lymphoma. This form is least likely to be associated with feline leukemia.", "Feline Leukemia Virus Feline leukemia virus is the most common cause of cancer in cats, it may cause various blood disorders, and it may lead to a state of immune deficiency that hinders the cat's ability to protect itself against other infections.", "- Cat Leukemia or Feline Immunodeficiency Virus. 1 An infection. 2 If there are any breathing difficulties. 3 If Kitty appears to be suffering. 4 If he's sneezing blood. 5 If he's lethargic or just generally looks under the weather." ]
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what is intrapreneurship
[ "What is Intrapreneurship? â Difference, Features and Examples of Intrapreneurs Entrepreneurship is the practice of embarking on a new business or reviving an existing business by pooling together a bunch of resources, in order to exploit new found opportunities. What is Intrapreneurship?: Intrapreneurship is the practice of entrepreneurship by employees within an organization." ]
[ "How To Define Entrepreneurial Spirit Whilst the entrepreneurial spirit can be applied to a wide range of disciplines and professionals it is perhaps most closely associated with the world of business and incorrectly used to describe many successful business people, when in fact very few individuals can truly demonstrate an entrepreneurial spirit.", "enterprising ready to undertake projects of importance or difficulty, or untried schemes; energetic in carrying out any undertaking: Business is in need of enterprising young people. 2. characterized by great imagination or initiative: an enterprising foreign policy. Origin of enterprising.", "Definitions &Translations Interspecific competition, in ecology, is a form of competition in which individuals of different species compete for the same resource in an ecosystem (e.g. food or living space).The other form of competition is intraspecific competition, which involves organisms of the same species.eopards and lions can also be in interspecific competition, since both species feed on the same prey, and can be negatively impacted by the presence of the other because they will have less food.", "Intrapreneurship Technique Overview. Intrapreneurship Definition. Intrapreneurship is the process by which an individual or a group of employees within an existing organisation create a new venture or instigate change or innovation (Toftoy and Chatterjee, 2004). Intrapreneurship Description * * The full technique overview is available for free.", "- Entrepreneurship is the journey of opportunity exploration and risk management to create value for profit and/or social good, said Ajay Bam, a lecturer at the Lester Center for Entrepreneurship at the University of California, Berkeley's Haas School of Business.ntrepreneurship is the development of a business from the ground up — coming up with an idea and turning it into a profitable business. But while the definition of entrepreneurship may be simple, its execution is much more difficult.", "How To Define Entrepreneurial Spirit In a western society that is so often risk averse, those with entrepreneurial spirit embrace risk taking and it is impossible for such a concept not to be associated with entrepreneurs and the often high risk potential involved in following a new cutting edge approach.", "The Relationship Between Corporate Entrepreneurship & Strategic Management Corporate entrepreneurship is the process of creating new businesses from within an existing business through product and process innovations. In today's competitive environment, corporate entrepreneurship is a vital strategic management concept for all businesses regardless of size and stage of development.trategy is about making choices about the long-term direction of the company. Entrepreneurship provides diversity of choice and helps adopt more-effective strategies based on the changing competitive arena.", "Critical Survey of Poetry - European Poets In the first part of. the paper we review the existing literature. In the second part we develop a model on how. intentions to create a social venture –the tangible outcome of social entrepreneurship– get. formed. Combining insights from traditional entrepreneurship literature and anecdotal.", "Neoliberalism and Education Reform ©National Center on Education and the Economy, 2006 52. 6. Promote the integration of entrepreneurship courses into the K-12 curriculum: These courses are probably most appropriate at the junior high and high school level and should be project-based or otherwise action-oriented and experiential.", "Entrepreneurship A n entrepreneur is someone who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise. An entrepreneur is an agent of change. Entrepreneurship is the process of discovering new ways of combining resources.n economies with limited governments and rule of law, entrepreneurs produce wealth. Baumol’s and Boettke’s idea is consistent with the data and research linking economic freedom, which is a measure of the presence of good institutions, to both entrepreneurship and economic growth.", "Definition of âinternshipâ - English Dictionary internship noun [ C ] (IN A COMPANY) › a period of time during which someone works for a company or organization in order to get experience of a particular type of work: Jane has a summer internship at a local TV station.", "- Burgelman (1984: 154) conceptualises the definition of corporate entrepreneurship as a process of. “extending the firm’s domain of competence and corresponding opportunity set through internally. generated new resource combinations”. The term “new resource combinations” is interpreted to be.", "- Entrepreneurship is the process of designing, launching and running a new business, which is often initially a small business, and the people who create these businesses are called entrepreneurs. [need quotation to verify]", "What is Intrapreneurship? â Difference, Features and Examples of Intrapreneurs Features of Intrapreneurship: Entrepreneurship involves innovation, the ability to take risk and creativity. An entrepreneur will be able to look at things in novel ways. He will have the capacity to take calculated risk and to accept failure as a learning point.", "What is entrepreneurship? DEFINITION of 'Entrepreneur'. An individual who, rather than working as an employee, runs a small business and assumes all the risk and reward of a given business venture, idea, or good or service offered for sale.The entrepreneur is commonly seen as a business leader and innovator of new ideas and business processes.hese are the people who have the skills and initiative necessary to take good new ideas to market and make the right decisions to make the idea profitable. The reward for the risks taken is the potential economic profits the entrepreneur could earn.", "Defining Entrepreneurship Early this century, the concept of innovation was added to the definition of entrepreneur-ship. This innovation could be process innovation, market innovation, product innovation, factor innovation, and even organisational innovation.", "- Entrepreneurship is the willingness to take risks and develop, organize and manage a business venture in a competitive global marketplace that is constantly evolving. Entrepreneurs are pioneers, innovators, leaders and inventors.", "What is an 'Intrapreneur' What is an 'Intrapreneur' An intrapreneur is an inside entrepreneur, or an entrepreneur within a large firm, who uses entrepreneurial skills without incurring the risks associated with those activities. Intrapreneurs are usually employees within a company who are assigned to work on a special idea or project, and they are instructed to develop the project like an entrepreneur would.", "Apprenticeship Apprenticeship is a system of training a new generation of practitioners of a trade or profession with on-the-job training and often some accompanying study (classroom work and reading).pprentice electricians work 32 to 40+ hours per week at the trade under the supervision of a journeyman wireman and receive pay and benefits. They spend an additional 8 hours every other week in classroom training.", "- Entrepreneurship is the art of turning an idea into a business. assemble and then integrate all the resources needed - the money, the people, the business model, the strategy - to transform an invention or an idea into a viable business.", "Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship is the act of being an entrepreneur, which is a French word meaning one who undertakes an endeavor. Entrepreneurs assemble resources including innovations, finance and business acumen in an effort to transform innovations into economic goods.29 people found this useful.ntrepreneurship is that form of business which is taken up by an individual.It means if u hav set up a business on your own & if u are bearing all d responsibilities,profits … nd losses,den u r an entrepreneur.", "Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship is the act of being an entrepreneur, or an owner or manager of a business enterprise who makes money through risk and initiative. Entrepreneurs act as managers and oversee the launch and growth of an enterprise. Entrepreneurship is the process by which either an individual or a team identifies a business opportunity and acquires and deploys the necessary resources required for its exploitation.", "\"ECONOMICS 15 points !!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1. Which of the following does a sole proprietorship and a partnership share? A. Ease of stopping and starting B. Shared debt liability C. Profit-sharing options D. Protection of personal assets 2. Renee has an idea to revolutionize the paper towel industry, but she has no money to start a business. Renee's lack of funds reveals a need for which factor of production? A. Entrepreneurship B. Financial capital C. Physical capital D.Warehouses 3. How is a partnership like a limited liability corporation? A. Both are incorporated. B. Both have investors. C.Both are inexpensive to start. D. Both protect personal assets. 4. A benefit of a purely competitive market is.. A. equal product information for buyers and sellers B. government sets the product prices to be competitive C. sellers may set their own prices D. sellers use advertising to attract buyers 5. In which market structure is it most difficult to become a competitive producer? A. Monopoly B. Monopolistic competition C. Oligopoly D. Pure competition 6. \"\"When diamonds are what you want, only the finest will do.\"\" This advertisement targets your A. fears B. rituals C. senses D. social values 7. Business revenue is A. money collected through product sales B. money a firm must pay for production C. taxes a firm must pay to the government D. taxes collected by the government\" ECONOMICS 15 points !!!!! HELP !!!!! 1. Which of the following does a sole proprietorship and a partnership share? A. Ease of stopping and starting B. Shared debt liability C. Profit-sharing options D. Protection of personal assets 2. Renee has an idea to revolutionize the paper towel industry, but she has no money to start a business.", "- exists and is an alternate of . an intrapreneur is someone in an organization who comes up with ideas to generate or make profit. A person who takes on a new business with considerable risk An entrepreneur is a person who has an idea and sets up a business to make a profit from the idea. I have a curvy wiener.", "Difference Between Entrepreneur and Intrapreneur The primary difference between an entrepreneur and intrapreneur is that the former refers to a person who starts his own business with a new idea or concept, the latter represents an employee who promotes innovation within the limits of the organization.", "English Literature Essays - Social Entrepreneurship However, this is still a very new area, and research on social entrepreneurship lags far behind the. practice. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of existing literature in this emerging area, and to examine social entrepreneurship in light of growing expectations that it will generate and.", "What is Intrapreneurship? â Difference, Features and Examples of Intrapreneurs Difference between an entrepreneur and an intrapreneur: An entrepreneur takes substantial risk in being the owner and operator of a business with expectations of financial profit and other rewards that the business may generate.", "What is 'Intrapreneurship' Intrapreneurship is acting like an entrepreneur within a larger organization. Intraprenuers are usually highly self-motivated, proactive and action-oriented people who are comfortable with taking the initiative, even within the boundaries of an organization, in pursuit of an innovative product or service.", "- › someone who ​starts ​their own ​business, ​especially when this ​involves ​seeing a new ​opportunity: He was one of the entrepreneurs of the 80s who made ​their ​money in ​property. entrepreneurial adjective uk /-ˈnɜː.ri.əl/ us /-ˈnɝː.i.əl/ › She'll make ​money-she's got that entrepreneurial ​spirit.", "Entrepreneurship Entrepreneur-A person who has the ability to recognize a need/deficiency, ability to differentiate between a useful need and an idea that can be a successful business, design a solution, use his/her drive and ambition to implement the solution, and then profit from that solution to the desired level of the entrepreneur.n entrepreneur is a person. Entrepreneurship is the act of being an entrepreneur. Joe is an entrepreneur. Joe's success is attributable to his entrepreneurship." ]
[ 16.59375 ]
[ 4.28125, 4.69921875, 0.1634521484375, 17.578125, 9.2578125, 3.978515625, 7.91796875, 4.3203125, 3.771484375, 8.2421875, 5.0546875, 8.328125, 9.8671875, 12.625, 8.4296875, 6.66015625, 9.0390625, 15.7109375, 2.970703125, 9.34375, 8.90625, 9.671875, 3.189453125, 13.8515625, 11.3359375, 4.29296875, 11.2265625, 17.71875, 7.1484375, 7.84765625 ]
how to apply for social security death benefits
[ "Social Security Death Benefits How to Apply For Benefits. If you are not already receiving Social Security benefits, it is important to apply promptly because benefits may be paid from the time you apply, rather than the time the worker died. You can apply by telephone or at any Social Security office. You will need to provide the following information to apply for survivor’s benefits: Proof of death—either from a funeral home or death certificate. The deceased worker’s Social Security number. Your Social Security number." ]
[ "Survivor Benefits for Spouses and Children of Deceased Veterans and Service Members The first step is to notify the VA of the veteran’s death by completing a Report of Casualty form. Next, complete the application form for death pension and submit it to your nearest VA regional office. The application form is the same one as for DIC and accrued benefits.", "How to File a Life Insurance Claim Assessing the Extent of the Life Insurance Claim. 1 1. Locate individual life insurance policies. 2 2. Contact the employer of the deceased. 3 3. Search for group life insurance policies. 4. Check for ancillary death-benefit 1 policies. 5. Investigate the possibility of lost life insurance policies.", "What do I do after an aging parents dies? File a Death Notice with Social Security Death Records 2. The second way is for you, another member of the family, or whoever is responsible for the beneficiary's affairs to call the Social Security office toll-free and notify them of the beneficiary's death. To Notify Social Security of Beneficiary's DeathToll-free at 1-800-772-1213.", "How do I apply for Social Security retirement benefits? You should apply for retirement benefits three months before you want your payments to start. The easiest and most convenient way to apply for retirement benefits is by using our online application.Apply for Retirement Benefits. We may need to see certain documents in order to pay benefits.ou should apply for retirement benefits three months before you want your payments to start. The easiest and most convenient way to apply for retirement benefits is by using our online application. Apply for Retirement Benefits. We may need to see certain documents in order to pay benefits.", "Social Security Death Benefits 1 Minor children up to age 18, or up to age 19 if still in secondary school. 2 Adult children if disabled before age 22. The mother or father of the deceased’s children (including an ex-spouse), who is caring for the deceased’s minor children, can claim Social Security death benefits until the children reach age 16.", "When to apply for Social Security retirement benefits The most convenient way to apply is through the online platform found on the Social Security Administration (SSA) website. The application itself takes about 10 to 30 minutes and can be saved at any point for future completion. In addition, this application can also be used to apply for Medicare.", "How To Report a Death To Social Security Disability Benefits Call Social Security at (800) 772-1213, Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., to report the death if the funeral director does not handle death notifications or if you want to confirm that Social Security has been notified. Appear in person, if you do not want to call, at a Social Security office in your area.", "Form SSA-7 | Information You Need To Apply for Parent's Benefits You can apply for benefits by calling our national toll-free service at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) or by visiting your local Social Security office. An appointment is not required, but if you call ahead and schedule one, it may reduce the time you spend waiting to apply. Answer the questions listed below.", "The Postal Book Go to the local Social Security office to claim benefits. The staff can help with the paperwork and explain what information and documents -- a certified copy of the death certificate, for example -- are needed.", "Who can get Social Security survivors benefits and how do I apply? When you die, members of your family could be eligible for benefits based on your earnings. You and your children also may be able to get benefits if your deceased spouse or former spouse worked long enough under Social Security.", "Application Process You can submit your initial stage application for Social Security benefits to the SSA online, over the phone, or in person at your local SSA office.Unfortunately, due to the tremendous volume of applications received by the SSA, denial rates at this stage of application are well over 60%.he first step in the Social Security application process is determining whether you are eligible to apply for SSDI or SSI benefits based on the qualification criteria and strict definition of disability provided by the Social Security Administration (SSA).", "I will be turning age 62 soon and I want to apply for my Social Security benefits. How do I do this, and what papers will I need? If you want to schedule an appointment to apply in person at a local office or to apply over the telephone, you can call your local office or the Social Security Administration's toll-free telephone number, which is 1-800-777-1213.", "Applying for Social Security Disability Benefits You should apply for disability benefits as soon as you become disabled. To apply for disability benefits, you will need to complete an application for Social Security benefits. You can apply online. When you visit our website, select “Apply for Benefits,” and follow the link to get a Disability Starter Kit.", "Form SSA-7 | Information You Need To Apply for Parent's Benefits Social Security. You can apply for benefits by calling our national toll-free service at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) or by visiting your local Social Security office.An appointment is not required, but if you call ahead and schedule one, it may reduce the time you spend waiting to apply. You can help by being ready to: Whether the worker ever filed for Social Security benefits, Medicare or Supplemental Security Income. ( 2 If so, we will ask for information on whose Social Security record he or she applied.); and. 3 Whether each child was living with the worker at the time of death.", "Part 4. Examining Process Example: A husband is entitled to a $1,200 benefit at full retirement age but decides to take his benefits at 62 and thus receives $960 a month. On his death, his widow will get $960 a month instead of the $1,200 she would have gotten if her husband had waited until full retirement age to take his benefits.ontact Social Security three months before the month in which you want to file for retirement benefits. There are three ways to apply for retirement benefits: 1 File your claim at any Social Security office. 2 Call 1-800-772-1213 between 7 am and 7 pm ET Monday through Friday.", "How and When to Apply for Social Security Benefits If you are receiving Social Security disability benefits when you reach full retirement age, those benefits will be converted to retirement benefits. Documents You Will Need. Whether you apply online or in person, you will need the following information when you apply for your Social Security benefits:", "Pensions for Survivors of Deceased Wartime Veterans You may apply for survivors’ pension by filling out VA Form 21-534, Application for Dependency and Indemnity Compensation, Death Pension and Accrued Benefits by a Surviving Spouse or Child, and mailing it to the VA regional office having jurisdiction over your claim.", "10 Things To Know About Social Security Apply for Social Security benefits online, at your local office or by phone at 800-772-1213. To collect your full retirement benefits, apply to the Social Security Administration (SSA) three months before you wish to receive your first payment.pply for Social Security benefits online, at your local office or by phone at 800-772-1213. To collect your full retirement benefits, apply to the Social Security Administration (SSA) three months before you wish to receive your first payment.", "How to Notify Social Security of a Death and Request Benefits Call Social Security at 800-772-1213 or visit your local office to notify them of the death. Get documentation. This may include both of your Social Security numbers; birth, marriage and death certificates; dependent information; tax returns; and bank account details. Request your one-time lump sum death benefit. Under certain provisions, spouses or children are eligible for this one-time payment of $255.", "How to Qualify for Social Security Benefits 1 Retirement: To claim your social security retirement benefits, you have to be fully insured and reach full retirement age, which varies from 65 (for those born before 1938) to 67 (for those born after 1960).", "- To report a death: 1 Provide the deceased person's Social Security number to the funeral director so they can report the death to the SSA. 2 Or contact your local Social Security office or call 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) to make the report.", "Benefits Planner: Retirement You Can Apply. Online - Use our Social Security Retirement/Medicare Benefit Application to apply for retirement, spouse's, ex-spouse's or Medicare benefits. By phone - Call us at 1-800-772-1213. If you are deaf or hard of hearing, you can call us at TTY 1-800-325-0778. In person - Visit your local Social Security office. If you do not live in the U.S. or one of its territories you can also - Contact the nearest U.S. Social Security office, U.S. Embassy or consulate. You must be at least 61 years and 9 months old to apply for retirement benefits.", "How to Report a Death to Social Security Call the Social Security Administration Yourself. You can report a death or apply for survivors benefits by calling the SSA’s toll-free number, 800-772-1213, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday through Friday. You can also visit or call the nearest Social Security office. You can’t take care of this online.", "How do I apply for Social Security retirement benefits? For more information, go to Applying Online for Retirement Benefits. You can also apply: By phone - Call us at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778), Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. or. In person - Visit your local Social Security Office. (Call first to make an appointment.) If you do not live in the U.S. or one of its territories you can also - Contact the nearest U.S. Social Security office, U.S. Embassy or consulate. Other Questions You May Find Helpful. How far in advance can I apply for Social Security retirement benefits? How do I return to an online application for retirement benefits that I already started but did not finish? How do I check the status of a pending application for benefits?", "Death Benefit , the executor named in the will to. administer the estate must apply for the Death. Benefit within 60 days of the date of death. If there is no will, or if the executor did not apply for the death benefit within 60 days of the date of death, one of the following persons should apply.Payment of the death benefit will be made in the following order of priority, upon application, to:- the Administrator appointed by the Court; or.enefit within 60 days of the date of death. If there is no will, or if the executor did not apply for the death benefit within 60 days of the date of death, one of the following persons should apply.", "Final Details: Claiming Benefits Final Details: Claiming Benefits. Death benefit: $255 for burial expenses is available to eligible spouses or dependent children. The survivor can complete the necessary form at the local Social Security office, or the funeral director may complete the application and apply the payment directly to the funeral bill.", "How do I apply for Social Security retirement benefits? How do I apply for Social Security retirement benefits? You should apply for retirement benefits three months before you want your payments to start. The easiest and most convenient way to apply for retirement benefits is by using our online application. Apply for Retirement Benefits. We may need to see certain documents in order to pay benefits.", "- From your U.S. Gov Info/Resources Guide. You can apply for Social Security retirement benefits over the phone or in person. Here's how to apply and what you'll need when you do. Difficulty Level: Average Time Required: 1 hour. Here's How: 1 Call Social Security at toll-free 1-800-772-1213.2 They will make an appointment to take your application over the phone or at your closest Social Security office.ere's how to apply and what you'll need when you do. Difficulty Level: Average Time Required: 1 hour. Here's How: 1 Call Social Security at toll-free 1-800-772-1213. 2 They will make an appointment to take your application over the phone or at your closest Social Security office.", "Fact Sheets Social Security: When & How to Apply for Benefits. You should apply for Social Security benefits three months before the date you want your benefits to start. You can apply in one of the following ways: Visit your local Social Security office. Call 1-800-772-1213 to find the nearest office.", "How and When to Apply for Social Security Benefits If you are receiving Social Security disability benefits when you reach full retirement age, those benefits will be converted to retirement benefits. Documents You Will Need. Whether you apply online or in person, you will need the following information when you apply for your Social Security benefits:o draw full retirement benefits, the following Social Security Administration age rules apply: Born in 1937 or earlier-Full retirement can be drawn at age 65. Born in 1938 - Full retirement can be drawn at age 65 years and 2 months. Born in 1939 -- Full retirement can be drawn at age 65 years and 4 months." ]
[ 15.7265625 ]
[ 7.40625, 4.828125, 11.3125, 9.5625, 11.28125, 9.4453125, 12.2578125, 12.421875, 12.34375, 10.3125, 9.5625, 8.265625, 8.7109375, 13.8828125, 9.9375, 8.3515625, 7.73828125, 11.15625, 14.625, 8.78125, 13.0546875, 10.3671875, 14.5, 9.1015625, 10.703125, 13.65625, 9.1796875, 10.140625, 11.84375, 9.3984375 ]
pari name origin
[ "Find the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree! Meanings and history of the name Paris : | Edit. It is of Greek origin. Greek mythology: Paris was the young and beautiful prince of Troy whose love affair with Helen caused the Trojan war. Paris has also been used in English as a surname for immigrants from the capital of France." ]
[ "- Travis in Nautical Flags. French names have similar origins to those of other old-world European nations. They are often derivations of place names or trade names, or have their basis in history, mythology, religion or nature.They may also be created names. The popularity of hyphenated names is a unique feature of French given names.ravis in Nautical Flags. French names have similar origins to those of other old-world European nations. They are often derivations of place names or trade names, or have their basis in history, mythology, religion or nature.", "Arras ] The first mention of the name Arras appeared in the 12th century. Some hypothesize it is a contraction of Atrebates, a Belgic tribe of Gaul and Britain that used to inhabit the area. The name Atrebates could have successively evolved to become Atrades, Atradis, Aras and finally Arras.", "pariah (from. , festival drum).]. Word History: Pariah comes from Tamil paṟaiyan and its Malayalam equivalent paṟayan, words that refer to a member of a Dalit group of southern India and Sri Lanka that had very low status in the traditional caste system of India. (The plural of the Tamil word paṟaiyan is paṟaiyar.oun. 1. pariah-a person who is rejected (from society or home). castaway, outcast, Ishmael. unfortunate, unfortunate person-a person who suffers misfortune. heretic, misbeliever, religious outcast-a person who holds religious beliefs in conflict with the dogma of the Roman Catholic Church.", "- Etymology 1 [edit]. From Proto-Indo-European *pere ‎(“ produce, procure, bring forward, bring forth ”), related to pariō ‎(“ to produce ”) and properus ‎(“ ready ”). See also English apparent, parent, and peer.", "Pace (surname) It has also been argued that Pace is an unusual surname of French origins, and indeed the first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of John Pais, which was dated 1219, in the Register of the Freemen of Leicester, during the reign of King Henry III, known as The Frenchman, 1216–1272.", "- [ syll. pa-ras, par-as ] The baby boy name Paras is also used as a girl name. Its pronunciation is P EH RAHZ †. Paras is derived from Old Greek origins. Paras is a variant of the name Paris (English). Paras is unusual as a baby name for boys.", "- INTRODUCTION. Many of the more common family names of south-central Louisiana have their origins in Twelfth and Thirteenth Century Europe. They were taken-or given-to describe the man's place of residence, his occupation, his father's name or some physical characteristic of his.ERNARD: This name has the same meaning as Berard. The first Bernards to arrive in Louisiana from Canada were the brothers Michel and Pierre, who came to St. Martin and St. James parishes, respectively, in 1761.", "- ' Tracy (/ˈtreɪsi/; also spelled Tracey or Traci'or Tracie or Trasci) is originally a British personal name, that refers to the family de Tracy or de Trasci from Tracy-Bocage in Normandy, France. Tracy (/ˈtreɪsi/; also spelled Tracey or Traci'or Tracie or Trasci) is originally a British personal name, that refers to the family de Tracy or de Trasci from Tracy-Bocage in Normandy, France.", "Barry Meaning The name Barry is an Anglicized form of the Gaelic name Barra from the Old Irish Bairre which is a short form of Bairrfhionn, Fionnbharr. It is derived from the Gaelic elements fionn meaning white, fair and barr meaning head. Variants of the name Barry include Barey, Bari, Barree, Barri, Barrie, Berry.", "Last name: Harvey This ancient surname, which is one of the earliest on record, is of English and Irish origin. It is also well recorded in Scotland, although the origin is as for England.The name has two possible sources, the first being from the Breton personal name Aeruiu or Haerviu, composed of the elements haer, meaning battle, and vy, - worthy.his ancient surname, which is one of the earliest on record, is of English and Irish origin. It is also well recorded in Scotland, although the origin is as for England.", "- ' Tracy (/ˈtreɪsi/; also spelled Tracey or Traci'or Tracie or Trasci) is originally a British personal name, that refers to the family de Tracy or de Trasci from Tracy-Bocage in Normandy, France.", "Find the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree! Origin of the name Percy: Transferred use of the surname originating as a Norman baronial name from place-names in Calvados and La Manche, Normandy. The name is from the Greek Perseus, which is derived from pērtho (to destroy).From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman.ercy (Perseus) Jackson, son of Poseidon and is the leading character in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. Percy Blakeney is the central protagonist in the novel and musical The Scarlet Pimpernel. Percy Weasley is a character in the Harry Potter series, by J.K. Rowling.", "- Ari is a masculine given name with a few possible etymologies. Most commonly the name is derived from the Hebrew אֲרִי meaning “lion” but it is also an Old Norse nickname meaning “eagle”. The word “ari” also translates to “brave” in the Armenian language and “dry” in Latin.", "Barry History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms Barry Early Origins. PDF Coat of Arms. + Extended History. The surname Barry was first found in Cork (Irish: Corcaigh) the ancient Kingdom of Deis Muin (Desmond), located on the southwest coast of Ireland in the province of Munster. The Barrys were amongst the earliest Anglo-Norman settlers in Ireland, and have held large possessions in the county of Cork ever since the reign of Henry II.", "- English (mainly southern): from the Old French habitational name and personal name Paris (see Paris 1). Parrish is the most common form of the name in English, and is the result of confusion between-s and-sh (compare Norris), reinforced by folk etymological association with the modern English word parish.", "Cari - Meaning of Cari Cari's origin is Old Welsh and English. Cari is a variant of the name Carey (English and Irish). Cari is also a variant of the name Cary (English). Cari is not regularly used as a baby name for boys. It is not listed in the top 1000 names.", "- Parrish /par-rish/ [2 sylls.] as a boys' name (also used as girls' name Parrish) is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Parrish is ecclesiastical locality. Place name. A parish is the area under the care of one pastor or priest. Kreatif forms: Pairish, Perrish, Pierrish.", "- , festival drum).]. Word History: Pariah comes from Tamil paṟaiyan and its Malayalam equivalent paṟayan, words that refer to a member of a Dalit group of southern India and Sri Lanka that had very low status in the traditional caste system of India.(The plural of the Tamil word paṟaiyan is paṟaiyar.oun. 1. pariah-a person who is rejected (from society or home). castaway, outcast, Ishmael. unfortunate, unfortunate person-a person who suffers misfortune. heretic, misbeliever, religious outcast-a person who holds religious beliefs in conflict with the dogma of the Roman Catholic Church.", "- Origin of the name Piper: Transferred use of the surname of English and Scandinavian origin which is derived from the Old English pipere (pípere, piper one who plays the) pipe and The Old norse (pipari, pípari piper one who plays). the piperansferred use of the surname of English and Scandinavian origin which is derived from the Old English pipere (pípere, piper one who plays the) pipe and The Old norse (pipari, pípari piper one who plays). the pipe", "Parsley Family History Parsley Name Meaning. English (of Norman origin): altered form of the medieval family name Passelewe (assimilated by folk etymology to the herb name parsley).", "- The name Rastafari is taken from Ras Tafari, the title (Ras) and first name (Tafari Makonnen) of Haile Selassie I before his coronation.ome of the Houses (or Mansions as they have come to be known) of the Rastafari culture, such as the Twelve Tribes of Israel, do not specify diet beyond that which, to quote Christ in the New Testament, Is not what goes into a man's mouth that defile him, but what come out of it.", "pari passu generally (law) with equal speed or progress; equably: often used to refer to the right of creditors to receive assets from the same source without one taking precedence. Word Origin and History for pari passu. Latin, literally with equal step, from ablative of par equal (see par) + passus pace (see pace (n.)).", "- Amari /am-ari/ [3 sylls.] as a girls' name. Amari's root is Hebrew, and Amari means promised by God.Amari is an alternate spelling of Amaris (Hebrew). Compare surname Amaru.mari /am-ari/ [3 sylls.] as a girls' name. Amari's root is Hebrew, and Amari means promised by God.", "- The name Amari has the following meaning: It means One who will be forever beautiful in Greek. This name can be given to both baby boys and girls. It is a unisex name. Origins. The name Amari is very likely a(n) Greek variant of the name Amara. See other suggested Greek baby names.s a baby girl name, Amari is currently a popular baby name, with a recent overall USA popularity ranking of 458 out of 1000 (source: 2000s U.S. Census) . In 2009, the name Amari fell in popularity and moved down the USA Top 1000 charts in Year 2009, by 96 places.", "- For other uses, see Perry (disambiguation) . Perry is a surname of English origin, deriving from either the Old English pyrige (pear tree), referring to one who dwells by a pear tree.heir name, however, is a reference to the Old English word perie, meaning pear tree. The family held a seat there on lands granted by Duke William of Normandy, their liege lord, for their distinguished assistance at the Battle of Hastings in 1066.", "- to box, c.1400, to strike or thrust, perhaps from Middle French esparer to kick, from Italian sparare to fling, from Latin ex- (see ex-) + parare make ready, prepare, hence ward off, parry (see pare).", "- Framed Surname History and Coat of Arms. Buy JPG Image ». The name Patrice reached English shores for the first time with the ancestors of the Patrice family as they migrated following the Norman Conquest of 1066. The name Patrice is based on the given name Patrick.", "Lari Name Fun Then just follow the diagram below. Just for fun, see the name Lari in Hieroglyphics, learn about ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics and write a Hieroglyphic message. Learn about nautical flags and see your name or message written in nautical flags, on the Lari in Nautical Flags page.ess than 5 boys were given the name. View the Lari Name Popularity Page to see how the popularity trend for Lari has changed since 1880, or to compare the popularity of Lari to other names.", "- 1 1 This etymology, however, is not certain. 2 The etymology of the word Pali is uncertain. 3 In etymology he endeavoured to find a Roman explanation of words where possible (according to him frater was =fere alter). 4 No satisfactory etymology of the name has been suggested.", "- Name: Peri. Gender: Unisex (Male and Female) Usage: Peri, of Hebrew origin, is a popular first name. It is more often used as a unisex (male and female) name. People having the name Peri are in general originating from Greece, United Kingdom, United States of America." ]
[ 10.6640625 ]
[ 3.078125, 0.3046875, 5.91796875, 11.0703125, 3.634765625, 6.25, 5.5859375, 3.126953125, 3.966796875, 6.29296875, 2.328125, 4.4296875, 7.94140625, 2.3828125, 7.59765625, 5.07421875, 7.77734375, 6.265625, 8.265625, 6.85546875, 4.30078125, 9.4453125, 4.8671875, 5.4921875, 7.70703125, 3.427734375, 3.009765625, 3.041015625, 4.26171875, 9.4765625 ]
institution definition
[ "institution The definition of an institution is an established custom or practice, or a group of people that was formed for a specific reason or a building that houses the group of people. 1 Marriage is an example of a cultural institution. 2 A town council is an example of an institution of government." ]
[ "- What is Cultural Institutions. 1. Museums, art galleries, theatres, public libraries, archives, festivals. Learn more in: The Relationships between Cultural Institutions and Companies: From Donations to Strategic Partnerships. Find more terms and definitions using our Dictionary Search.ake your research with you. Download the InfoSci-Dictionary mobile application to freely search a wealth of published research materials right from your mobile device.", "Institution As mechanisms of social interaction, institutions manifest in both formal organizations, such as the U.S. Congress, or the Roman Catholic Church, and, also, in informal social order and organization, reflecting human psychology, culture, habits and customs, and encompassing subjective experience of meaningful enactments.", "Institution Definition[edit] People may deliberately create individual, formal organizations commonly identified as institutions—but the development and function of institutions in society in general may be regarded as an instance of emergence.", "- Answered by The Community. Making the world better, one answer at a time. A media institution is an established, often-profit based organization, that deal in the creation and distribution of advertising, entertainment and information services.hey are methods of conveying information to a mass audience: radio, television, newspapers, books, movies, the internet... all of these are examples of media. (The singular i … s medium.. Radio is a mass madium.", "- Conventionally, financial institutions are composed of organizations such as banks, trust companies, insurance companies and investment dealers. An establishment that focuses on dealing with financial transactions, such as investments, loans and deposits. Conventionally, financial institutions are composed of organizations such as banks, trust companies, insurance companies and investment dealers.", "- Definition & Analysis of Institutional Racism. Solid Ground defines Institutional Racism as “the systematic distribution of resources, power. and opportunity in our society to the benefit of people who are white and the exclusion of.", "financial institution Any institution that collects money and puts it into assets such as stocks, bonds, bank deposits, or loans is considered a financial institution. There are two types of financial institutions: depository institutions and nondepository institutions.", "Institution People may deliberately create individual, formal organizations commonly identified as institutions—but the development and function of institutions in society in general may be regarded as an instance of emergence.", "- Definition: A total institution, a concept developed by Erving Goffman, is an isolated, enclosed social system whose primary purpose is to control most aspects of its participants’ lives.Examples: Examples of total institutions include prisons, mental hospitals, boarding schools, and military training camps. total institution, a concept developed by Erving Goffman, is an isolated, enclosed social system whose primary purpose is to control most aspects of its participants’ lives.", "Synonyms of ' institute ' When an institution, company, or organization is founded by someone or by a group of people, they get it started, often by providing the necessary money.", "- Define institution (noun) and get synonyms. What is institution (noun)? institution (noun) meaning, pronunciation and more by Macmillan Dictionary", "\"FACT Act \"\"Red Flag\"\" Rules\" 1 A financial institution is defined as a state or national bank, a state or federal savings and loan association, a mutual savings bank, a state or federal credit union, or any other entity that holds a transaction account belonging to a consumer.", "University of Pennsylvania an institution of higher learning; university or college; the academic world. Origin of halls of ivy. 1965-1970. First recorded in 1965-70.", "CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION A penal institution maintained by the government. Classified under: Nouns denoting man-made objects. Hypernyms (correctional institution is a kind of...): penal facility; penal institution (an institution where persons are confined for punishment and to protect the public) Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of correctional institution): detention camp; detention home; detention house; house of detention (an institution where juvenile offenders can be held temporarily (usually under the supervision of a juvenile court))", "- Social institutions serve to maintain the power of the dominant class. Weber. Social institutions are interdependent but no single institution determines the rest. The causes and consequences of social institutions cannot be assumed in advance. Durkheim. Set the stage for later functionalist analyses of institutions by concluding that religion promotes social solidarity and collective conscience.", "Synonyms and Antonyms for institute 3. institute (n.) an association organized to promote art or science or education", "institutionalized institutionalized (ˌɪnstɪˈtjuːʃənəˌlaɪzd) or institutionalised adj placed in an institution, esp a mental or penal institution or a children's home or home for the elderlyestablished as an institution, custom, or common practice.", "Peculiar institution (Our) peculiar institution was a euphemism for slavery and the social, economic and political ramifications that it bore and maintained. The term became popularized when, in 1830, John C. Calhoun defended the peculiar domestick institution of the South:", "Linkage institution A linkage institution is a structure within a society that connects the people to the government or centralized authority.These institutions include: elections, political parties, interest groups, and the media. linkage institution is a structure within a society that connects the people to the government or centralized authority.", "- Generally, financial institutions are defined as banks, other types of depository institutions, brokers or dealers. in securities, money transmitters, currency exchangers, check cashers, and issuers and sellers of money orders. and traveler’s checks. Should you have questions, see. the definitions in 31 CFR Part 103.", "- Register for FREE to remove ads and unlock more features! Register for FREE to remove ads and unlock more features! An institution is any structure or mechanism of social order governing the behavior of a set of individuals within a given community. Discuss how the development of social institutions, both formal and informal, acts a guide for the rules and expectation of people within society.", "-  Institutions are connected through status and role of the members. Characteristics of Social Institutions 5 agha zohaib khan ::: www.css.theazkp.com  Institutions are the most important agencies in the formation of personality.  Social institutions are the great conservers and transmitters of cultural heritage.", "Skip to main content About Us Contact Us FAQs Language AssistanceU.S. Department of EducationStudent Loans Grants Laws Data Definition of Hispanic-Serving Institutions A Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) is defined as an institution of higher education that— (A) is an eligible institution; and (B) has an enrollment of undergraduate full-time equivalent students that is at least 25 percent Hispanic students at the end of the award year immediately preceding the date of application.", "Institutional Racism Institutional Racism Institutional racism is a pattern of social institutions — such as governmental organizations, schools, banks, and courts of law — giving negative treatment to a group of people based on their race.", "- an institution for popular education providing discussions, lectures, concerts, etc. 2. a building for such activities.", "Definitions &Translations Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 institutionalized, institutionalised(adj) officially placed in or committed to a specialized institution. had hopes of rehabilitating the institutionalized juvenile delinquents.", "The Complete Story Behind Powerful Political Institutions Share. By Alistair Boddy-Evans. Definition: Political institutions are organizations which create, enforce, and apply laws; that mediate conflict; make (governmental) policy on the economy and social systems; and otherwise provide representation for the populous.hare. By Alistair Boddy-Evans. Definition: Political institutions are organizations which create, enforce, and apply laws; that mediate conflict; make (governmental) policy on the economy and social systems; and otherwise provide representation for the populous.", "- Social institutions are structures that have developed in society that help lay down patterns of behavior, identify what is considered normal and which serve to provide the la…rger society with predictable results from the behaviors and activities of those who are part of those institutions.", "Social Institutions: Definition & Examples Video: Social Institutions: Definition & Examples. Explore the inner workings of how societies establish subsystems that facilitate their survival. Learn about how each of these institutions contributes to the overall functioning of a society.", "- Social Institutions A social institution is a complex, integrated set of social norms organized around the preservation of a basic societal value. Obviously, the sociologist does not define institutions in the same way as does the person on the street." ]
[ 16.0625 ]
[ 6.09765625, 10.765625, 11.1953125, 7.3984375, 8.9296875, 6.5859375, 10.609375, 10.9453125, 11.9140625, 8.6328125, 10.34375, 9.4609375, 7.5078125, 7.546875, 7.265625, 7.05859375, 9.2421875, 9, 8.96875, 8.3671875, 12.6953125, 8.640625, 9.28125, 7.16796875, 11.65625, 7.28125, 7.91015625, 8.1875, 8.140625, 10.578125 ]
explain shotgun choke tubes
[ "- Shotgun Choke Tubes: A choke tube is; a removable interior tube at the end of a shotgun barrel that controls shot dispersion. Choke tubes typically come in cylinder, improved cylinder, modified, improved modified, full and extra full.A cylinder choke tube produces a very wide shot dispersion, whereas a extra full choke tube will provide a much tighter shot pattern. Different chokes are used for skeet, trap, and sporting clays.hoke tube selection is a confusing issue amongst a lot of shotgunners but one that is easily explained. Everyone knows how to pattern a shotgun and what they are looking for, which is the ultimate full choke pattern at 40 yards, which is a 70% shot pattern, it is this area where it all gets fuzzy and needs explaining." ]
[ "The Best Shotguns, Chokes And Loads For Hunting Quail In a double, where two constrictions are available, improved cylinder and modified are a good pairing, especially in fixed-choke guns. If screw-in chokes are an option, try a more forgiving match, like skeet and light modified. Shoot the more open barrel first on the covey rise, then the tighter barrel as the birds make their escape.", "choking Choking is the inability to breathe because the trachea is blocked, constricted, or swollen shut. Choking is a medical emergency. When a person is choking, air cannot reach the lungs. If the airways cannot be cleared, death follows rapidly.", "Respiratory | Trachea, bronchioles and bronchi Trachea. The trachea is a wide flexible tube, the lumen of which is kept open by 20 tracheal cartilages, which are C-shaped rings of hyaline cartilage. The gaps between the rings of cartilage are filled by the trachealis muscle-a bundle of smooth muscle, and fibroelastic tissue.ucosa and sub-mucosa of Trachea. The respiratory mucosa is made up of the epithelium and supporting lamina propria). The epithelium is tall columnar pseudostratified with cilia and goblet cells.", "Full Metal Jacket Ammo: FMJ Bullets Explained Some common types are the full metal jacket boat tail, full metal jacket flat nose and full metal jacket truncated cone. Each of these is tailored for a specific use but retains the basic properties of all FMJ type bullets in regards to the lead.ull metal jacket bullets can also be called a few other things like full metal case or have additional suffixes like “boat tail” to let you know right away what the intended use of the bullet it or how it will perform.", "shock tube shock tube. noun. 1. an apparatus in which a gas is heated to very high temperatures by means of a shock wave, usually for spectroscopic investigation of the natures and reactions of the resulting radicals and excited molecules. Examples from the Web for shock tube.", "- M ost modern pistols, revolvers, rifles, and some shotgun barrels have what are called rifling in their barrels. Rifling consists of grooves cut or formed in a spiral nature, lengthwise down the barrel of a firearm. Rifling is placed in the barrels of firearms to impart a spin on the bullets that pass through it. ost modern pistols, revolvers, rifles, and some shotgun barrels have what are called rifling in their barrels. Rifling consists of grooves cut or formed in a spiral nature, lengthwise down the barrel of a firearm. Rifling is placed in the barrels of firearms to impart a spin on the bullets that pass through it.", "- Forcing cones. The area just forward of your shotgun’s chamber is the forcing cone; a funnel reducing the diameter of the chamber - down to bore size. An excited shooter was worried that the forcing cone area might be damaged by tough wads. Blaming plastic wads for impact is like blaming football shoulder pads for hard impacts.", "Shock tube design for high intensity blast waves for laboratory testing of armor and combat materiel Goals of such experiments include the improvement of armor and the treatment of blast-induced injuries. The shock tube is an instrument that is used to simulate a blast wave so that the simulated blast wave can be directed and measured more easily, and so experiments can be conducted in laboratory conditions [5] ; [6].", "- MEASURING SHOTGUN CHOKE. 1 True Cylinder 0-1 points. 2 Improved cylinder 3-6. 3 Quarter (American Improved) 8-12. 4 Half (American Modified) 17-23. 5 Three-quarters (Improved Modified) 25-30. 6 Full 35-40. 7 Super full 40+.", "Shotgun Shells When it comes to shotgun bores, the smaller the gauge the bigger the diameter of the barrel. 12 gauge is .729 inch, 16 gauge is .662 inch, 20 gauge is .615 inch and 28 gauge is .550 inch. In modern shotgun shells, the liquid chemical antimony is added to lead to increase its hardness.Z. or ounces tells you how much shot is in the shell. There is some correlation between the amount of shot and recoil. A 1-ounce shell will generally shoot lighter than a 1⅛ ounce shell. That said there are some very fast 7/8 ounce game loads with substantial kick.", "Nose cone The term nose cone is used to refer to the forwardmost section of a rocket, guided missile or aircraft. The cone is shaped to offer minimum aerodynamic drag. Nose cones are also designed for travel in and under water and in high-speed land vehicles.", "Shotgun Choke and Shot Pattern The choke controls how much shot will hit in a certain area at different ranges. 1 Cylinder choke is an unconstricted barrel. The shot pattern spreads quickly. 2 Improved Cylinder choke has a slight constriction. It allows the shot pattern to spread fairly quickly. 3 Modified choke has moderate constriction.", "- 10 most extreme places on Earth. A choke coil is a part used in electrical circuits to allow DC current to flow through while blocking AC current from passing. These coils are used in a number of electrical devices. When used as part of a radio’s circuitry, it falls into one of two frequency classes: audio or radio.", "choking To interfere with the respiration of by compression or obstruction of the larynx or trachea. 2. a. To check or slow down the movement, growth, or action of: a garden that was choked by weeds. b. To block up or obstruct by filling or clogging: Mud choked the drainpipe.", "AR Gas-System Lengths Explained AR Gas-System Lengths Explained. Eugene Stoner’s original patent for the AR-15’s gas system describes the manner in which gas produced by firing the projectile is used to cycle the bolt through a gas tube.", "- I have found an inexpensive inside bore micrometer is an invaluable tool for checking the actual amount of choke constriction in a shotgun’s barrel. I like to know exactly whether I am using a classic Full choke at 30/1000 (.030) restriction or a Light Full at 26/1000 (.026) restriction, etc.", "- Nevertheless, it is clear that choke prices vary by state and that many of the states having high choke prices low state-tax states. A second point to note from the table is that, in general, these maximum choke prices are quite low.", "- or captive bolt described as on the intersection of two lines each drawn from the lateral canthus (outer corner) of the eye to the center of the base of the opposite horn (or where horn would be).", "Rear naked choke The rear naked choke is a chokehold in martial arts applied from an opponent's back. The choke hold is very effective in folding the vocal cord if used in self defence. Depending on the context, the term may refer to one of two variations of the technique; either arm can be used to apply the choke in both cases. The word naked in this context suggests that, unlike other strangulation techniques found in Jujutsu/Judo, this hold does not require the use of a keikogi or training uniform. The chok", "Nasal concha Generally, in animals, nasal turbinates (cochae) are convoluted structures of thin bone or cartilage located in the nasal cavity. These are lined with mucous membranes that can perform two functions.", "Choke Packet Definition - What does Choke Packet mean? A choke packet is used in network maintenance and quality management to inform a specific node or transmitter that its transmitted traffic is creating congestion over the network. This forces the node or transmitter to reduce its output rate. Choke packets are used for congestion and flow control over a network. The source node is addressed directly by the router, forcing it to decrease its sending rate .The source node acknowledges this by reducing the sending rate by some percentage.", "Shotgun shell A shotgun shell is a self-contained cartridge typically loaded with multiple metallic shot , which are small, generally spherical projectiles. Traditionally lead was used, but increasingly steel, tungsten or bismuth shot has replaced lead, due to laws designed to protect the environment.ost shotgun shells contain multiple pellets in order to increase the likelihood of a target being hit. A shotgun's shot spread refers to the two-dimensional pattern that these projectiles (or shot) leave behind on a target.", "- These removable tubes control the dispersion of the shot fired from the shotgun. Changing the dispersion of the shot is useful if the same gun will be used in multiple sports, such as trap and skeet, or used in hunting different species of game, according to the website gunnersden.com.ylinder choke indicates no choke effect and is the most open choke, providing the widest dispersion of shot as it exits the barrel. Extra full is the tightest choke and concentrates the shot into the tightest pattern.", "Guide to Shotgun Choke Tubes A choke tube also determines to some extent the shotgun's effective range. The tighter the constriction of the tube, the farther the range. For example, a full choke is most effective at 40 to 50 yards; an improved cylinder is most effective from 20 to 35 yards.", "- Answer Wiki. 3 Answers. , Emphasizes the second syllable in cannibal. When the batteries need to be recharged, but the submarine wants to reduce its exposure to surface detection, it gets to a shallow depth and raises the snorkel. Most notably, the snorkel is for the diesel engine itself, not the crew.", "- I have been thinking about this alot lately actually. And the only way I can think of that would be a smoke switch is to put a cable operated valve, or electronic valve on the IC tube, where its tapped for the boost gauge.Then, at will, you could flip the switch to open the valve, or pull the cable to open it, and you would lose boost, therefore creating LOTS OF SMOKE.. have been thinking about this alot lately actually. And the only way I can think of that would be a smoke switch is to put a cable operated valve, or electronic valve on the IC tube, where its tapped for the boost gauge.", "- Full Definition of SHOTGUN. 1. : a smoothbore shoulder weapon for firing shot at short ranges. 2. : an offensive football formation in which the quarterback plays a few yards behind the line of scrimmage and the other backs are scattered as flankers or slotbacks.— shotgun transitive verb.— shot·gun·ner \\-ˌgə-nər\\ noun. a gun with a long barrel that shoots a large number of small metal balls (called buckshot). American football: an offensive formation in which the quarterback is a few yards behind the line of scrimmage at the start of a play.", "Choke (Esophageal Obstruction) The word choke for me conjures up images of someone hovering over a table, unable to talk or breathe because a piece of food has lodged in their trachea or windpipe--fortunately, the Heimlich maneuver usually rectifies the situation.", "- The length of time during which the choke will stay closed is determined. by the position of the choke cap. As the choke cap is turned clockwise. the choke will stay closed longer. To properly set the choke, loosen. the choke cap retaining screws and turn the choke cap to the leanest. notch on the choke housing. Tighten the choke cap retaining screws, and run the engine until normal operating temperature is reached.", "Choosing The Right Choke For Your Shotgun Keep in mind that just because your gun delivers Modified (or whatever) performance with one load doesn’t necessarily mean it will do the same with other loads. Also keep in mind that just because the barrel of a gun or its screw-in choke was marked “Modified” or “Improved Cylinder” at the factory does not mean it will deliver Modified or Improved Cylinder choke performance with all loads." ]
[ 19.046875 ]
[ 8.5703125, 4.16796875, -2.392578125, 0.80126953125, 5.39453125, 5.734375, 10.4609375, 5.2578125, 9.6328125, 5.66796875, 0.41357421875, 12.0703125, 5.4921875, 3.31640625, 3.5234375, 9.0625, 3.73046875, 1.0556640625, 4.84375, -1.87890625, 4.9453125, 9.59375, 14.3359375, 15.5859375, -1.7333984375, 0.7275390625, 6.734375, 3.66796875, 6.90625, 8.8515625 ]
what abiotic factors affect climate
[ "Abiotic Factors of an Ecosystem: Definition & Examples Climate is an abiotic factor - think about how many individual abiotic factors make up something as large as a climate. Natural disasters, such as earthquakes, volcanoes, and forest fires, are also abiotic factors. These types of abiotic factors certainly have drastic effects on the ecosystems they encounter." ]
[ "Abiotic Elements in the Boreal Forest Abiotic factors are all of the non-living things that are components of a habitat, such as sunlight, temperature, rainfall and soil conditions.Abiotic factors play an important role in ecosystems because they determine the conditions in which the plants and animals live, and to which they must adapt.unlight. Since boreal forests are found in the northern regions, they may receive up to 20 hours of sunlight per day in the summer, while during the winter daylight is limited to just a few short hours.", "What is the difference between Abiotic and Biotic? Altitude will also affect the aspect of which sunlight hits the freshwater ecosystem, therefore playing a part on which organisms will occupy it. As you can see, many abiotic factors can play a part in determining the end product, which organisms live and succeed in the freshwater ecosystem.", "Biotic and Abiotic Factors of Alpine Tundra: 1 Abiotic factors could affect biotic factors, which are living things, by affecting their ability to survive and reproduce.Biotic Factors:· The biotic factors that contain the alpine tundra are living organisms that impact the growth, composition, and structure of the alpine (e.g., insects, herbivores, humans).", "- Light, temperature, and atmospheric gases are the exampl … es of Abiotic factors. Another example would be a forest fire. Other examples: An abiotic factor is a non-living thing that affects animals in an ecosystem.", "- Nonliving parts of an ecosystem are called abiotic components or abiotic factors. These include parts of the ecosystem that are non-living but still affect it. Examples include water, soil, air, temperature and sunlight.", "Abiotic Environment Lesson Plans Lesson Plans: Abiotic Environment. Abiotic Environment Lesson Plans. Water, rocks, wind, sun, temperature and humidity are all examples of nonliving components in ecosystems that can interact with each other and also affect living organisms. How do human activities influence the abiotic environment in urban ecosystems? For example, urbanization has led to decreased agricultural development and increased water control via dams, reservoirs, and canals. The following activities will help you and your students explore abiotic factors that shape your environment.", "- Feb 28, 2016. Abiotic factors, or nonliving factors, of a temperate rain forest include temperature, water, cloud cover, soil and light. These abiotic factors interact with biotic, or living factors, to form the rain forest's unique ecosystem. Abiotic factors influence what type of living organisms survive in temperate rain forests.", "Abiotic component Abiotic component. In biology and ecology, abiotic components or abiotic factors are non-living chemical and physical parts of the environment that affect living organisms and the functioning of ecosystems. Abiotic factors and the phenomena associated with them underpin all biology.", "What Are the Abiotic and Biotic Factors of the Deciduous Forest? the abiotic factors of an ecosystem are the nonliving things that affect the reproduction and survival of living organisms living organisms interact with these abiotic factors in many ways oak trees need the right amount of sunlight to grow if the soil is too acidic some of the wildflowers in the forest might not survive biotic factors are the living things in an ecosystem they interact with each other as well as the nonliving things around them", "Shaping Ecosystems Abiotic aspects. Abiotic means non-living.. The abiotic aspects of an ecosystem are its non-living chemical and physical characteristics. These factors affect the kinds of organisms that can inhabit a given ecosystem, and their abundance.biotic factors in an aquatic environment like the Hudson River include the temperature of the water, how much oxygen it contains, how acid or basic it is (pH), how fast or slowly it moves, and how much sunlight penetrates the surface.", "- Abiotic factors are nonliving features of climate regions that affect ecosystems. Biotic factors are the living elements like plants and animals. Abiotic factors of the world: The polar regions are the coldest areas, with the Arctic containing relatively large amounts of snowfall, whereas Antarctica is a desert.", "- Biotic and abiotic factors affect the organisms in an ecosystem. Biotic factors may include things like predation, disease, competition, parasitism, consumption, and symbiosis. And certainly abiotic factors, like the weather, can also impact living things. The interplay of all the biotic and abiotic factors in an ecosystem determines the carrying capacity of that ecosystem for any particular species.", "ABiOTIC FACTORS OF INTERTIDAL ZONES ABiOTIC FACTORS OF INTERTIDAL ZONES. Abiotic factors include the water temperature, amount of sunlight, soil composition, and dominate geographical features. Water Temperature: Since intertidal zones are all around the world, their climates change drastically, thus changing the temperature of the water.The water temperature can change from very hot with full sun to freezing cold in colder climates.ater Temperature: Since intertidal zones are all around the world, their climates change drastically, thus changing the temperature of the water.", "- The abiotic factors include fire, light, moisture, soil, temperature, wind, and such chemical factors as oxygen levels, salt concentrations, the presence of toxins, and acidity. The biotic factors are living organisms which include competing species, parasites, predators, and humans.", "Abiotic component In biology, abiotic factors can include water, light, radiation, temperature, humidity, atmosphere, and soil. The macroscopic climate often influences each of the above. Pressure and sound waves may also be considered in the context of marine or sub-terrestrial environments.", "Abiotic factors in aquatic ecosystems Abiotic factors in aquatic ecosystems. Just like biotic factors, Abiotic factors in aquatic ecosystems are similar to those in land ecosystems, but they can vary because they're in a different environment. Some examples of abiotic factors for a Coral reef ecosystems include: Sunlight. temperature.", "- The word abiotic is a biology term derived from the Greek for non-living.. It refers to factors that affect the environment or the ecology, including temperature, weather (… hurricanes, snow, etc), and various kinds of habitats (lakes, ponds, etc).", "- There's numerous biotic and abiotic factors of an ecosystem. Some include: abiotic: cool summers, windy conditions, heavy precipitation, fast flowing rivers, fast changes in a … ltitude, and the temperatures vary with elevation. biotic: wildlife animals in the mountain forest like grizzly bears, cougars, etc.biotic factors are non-living parts of the environment that affect living organisms. The broad range of abiotic factors can be divided into two main categories: the physica … l environment (terrain type, amount of water present, soil fertility) and weather (wind, cloud cover, temperature).", "- The parts of an ecosystem that are not alive, like rocks, weather, and sunlight, are the abiotic factors. Biotic and abiotic factors affect the organisms in an ecosystem. Biotic factors may include things like predation, disease, competition, parasitism, consumption, and symbiosis. And certainly abiotic factors, like the weather, can also impact living things.", "Abiotic and Biotic Relations Abiotic and Biotic Relations. The major abiotic factors that affect polar bears are the cold, snow and water. The extreme cold in the Arctic region that the polar bear inhabits means that it has adapted in several ways.The polar bears have grown long, thick fur and have a thick layer of blubber just under the skin.They also have small ears and tails, which reduces the loss of cold through these areas.he extreme cold in the Arctic region that the polar bear inhabits means that it has adapted in several ways. The polar bears have grown long, thick fur and have a thick layer of blubber just under the skin.", "Biotic and Abiotic Factors Larvae traveling either passively or actively through the water column are affected by biotic and abiotic factors. Biotic factors include; Metabolic capacity – is the ability to function at a range of temperatures. Cold deep sea. waters can slow metabolic rates, slowing growth development times allowing for greater dispersal.", "What is the difference between biotic and abiotic? Abiotic factors refer to non-living physical and chemical elements in the ecosystem. Abiotic resources are usually obtained from the lithosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere. Examples of abiotic factors are water, air, soil, sunlight, and minerals.", "Abiotic and Biotic Factors The living things in an ecosystem are called biotic factors. Living things include plants, animals, bacteria, fungi and more. The non living parts of an ecosystem are called abiotic factors. In an ecosystem some abiotic factors are sunlight, temperature atmospheric gases water and soil.", "ecology Ideal biotic and abiotic conditions allow a species to fl ourish. Other conditions may lead to a species’ decline or even extinction. Both abiotic and biotic factors determine where a species can live. A limiting factor is any factor that places an upper limit on the size of a population.nfluence of biotic Factors While abiotic factors determine where a particular species is able to live, biotic factors often determine the species’ success. For example, while deer are able to survive the abiotic conditions in dense forests, they are more abundant in open woodlands.", "Shaping Ecosystems Abiotic factors in an aquatic environment like the Hudson River include the temperature of the water, how much oxygen it contains, how acid or basic it is (pH), how fast or slowly it moves, and how much sunlight penetrates the surface.biotic factors in an aquatic environment like the Hudson River include the temperature of the water, how much oxygen it contains, how acid or basic it is (pH), how fast or slowly it moves, and how much sunlight penetrates the surface.", "Biotic and Abiotic Factors Influence on Ecosystems A limiting factor is a factor that restricts the size of a population from reaching its full potential. The amount of food & water in a habitat is an example of a limiting factor. Other factors include geographical space, predation, climate, competition (for prey, food, mates) etc. An example of a limiting factor is sunlight in the rainforest, where growth is limited to all plants in the understory unless more light becomes available.", "What Are Some of the Abiotic Factors in the Temperate Forest? Some examples of abiotic factors in temperate forests include the soil and mineral characteristics of the area, as well as the temperature and climate of the forest. In contrast to biotic, or living, factors of a forest, the abiotic factors are the result of non-living processes.", "How Abiotic Factors Affect Living Organisms written by: Atula Gupta•edited by: Rebecca Scudder•updated: 7/15/2010. Abiotic factors are the non-living things like temperature, soils conditions, water, etc. of a particular area that determine the kind of life surviving there. The article discusses these abiotic factors and how they affect living organisms. slide 1 of 8.", "Give one example of a biotic factor and one example of a abiotic factor in an ecosystem.? Abiotic, meaning not alive, are nonliving factors that affect living organisms. Environmental factors such habitat (pond, lake, ocean, desert, mountain) or weather such as temperature, cloud cover, rain, snow, hurricanes, etc. are abiotic factors.", "The Effect of Abiotic and Biotic Factors Biotic and abiotic factors are the environmental conditions that the organisms have to face to live in a specified environment. Abiotic factors. Abiotic factors are the physical and chemical conditions of an environment. For example : heat, salinity, pressure, light, wind, pH ... Biotic factors are all the biological conditions of an environment for a specie/taxa." ]
[ 13.421875 ]
[ 9.7890625, 8.7578125, 10.71875, 9.953125, 10.8203125, 10.203125, 10.484375, 10.578125, 9.4140625, 10.203125, 13.5390625, 11.359375, 11.59375, 11.9609375, 13.59375, 9.6796875, 11.15625, 10.5078125, 11.2109375, 10.1015625, 10.8515625, 9.8359375, 10.828125, 8.75, 10.3828125, 10.1953125, 11.171875, 11.1015625, 10.25, 10.8359375 ]
number of students enrolled at kent state university
[ "Enrollment With the release of the university’s official 15th day census data for the Fall 2013 Semester, Kent State reports the total number of first-time, full-time freshmen enrolled at the Kent Campus is 4,314. This exceeds last year’s freshman class count of 4,076 by 5.8 percent." ]
[ "Athens, Ohio State College, Pennsylvania is the home of Penn State University's main campus. With an enrollment of over 40,000 students, it is one of the largest universities in the U.S. With such a big population, you would think that the airport would be larger than it is. Alas it is not.", "- Bethel University is a private institution that was founded in 1842. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 4,792, its setting is rural, and the campus size is 100 acres. It utilizes a program-based academic calendar.", "Overview Summary. Kent State University is a public institution that was founded in 1910. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 23,328, its setting is suburban, and the campus size is 946 acres. It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar.", "Complete Campus List All Penn State campuses offer diverse and unique educational experiences. Review the list of campuses below and click on any that you are interested in to learn more about what they have to offer. Located in State College, University Park is Penn State's largest campus, with a diverse undergraduate population of approximately 46,000. Students enjoy academics, activities, and recreation in a classic college town setting.", "Kent School Kent School (Connecticut) Kent School is a co-educational and a private preparatory school that is located in Kent, Connecticut. The Reverend Frederick Herbert established the school in 1906, and it has a strong affiliation with the Episcopal Church. Kent School has many international students who come from more than 40 foreign countries.", "- Fayetteville State University has a total undergraduate enrollment of 5,506, with a gender distribution of 32 percent male students and 68 percent female students. Fayetteville State University is part of the NCAA II athletic conference.", "- Nottingham Trent University is spread across three campuses, two in Nottingham and one just outside the city, and it is one of the largest universities in the UK with 28,000 students currently enrolled.", "Kettering University Kettering University is a private cooperative education and experiential learning-based university in Flint, Michigan, offering bachelor's and master's degrees in STEM and business fields. Kettering University ranked 13th nationally among non-Ph.D.-granting engineering universities and seventh nationally among mechanical engineering programs in the 2017 U.S. News and World Report 'Best Colleges' edition. Kettering University undergraduate students are required to complete at least five co-op ter", "Overview Student Life. Nicholls State University has a total undergraduate enrollment of 5,494, with a gender distribution of 37 percent male students and 63 percent female students. At this school, 25 percent of the students live in college-owned, -operated or -affiliated housing and 75 percent of students live off campus.", "enrollment Baccalaureate enrollments are up by 2,132 University-wide, with 511 additional students at University Park, 703 at the Commonwealth Campuses, and 918 at other Penn State locations, according to official enrollment figures released today (Oct. 16).", "Liberty University Online Academy Login KSU | News - Enrollment continues to climb at Kennesaw State. Oct 27, 2016 ... University sees fall 2016 gains in total number of students... 2016) — Kennesaw State University enrolled a total of 35,018 students for fall ... news.kennesaw.edu Colleges Kennesaw State University", "Overview The student-faculty ratio at California State University--Northridge is 28:1, and the school has 10 percent of its classes with fewer than 20 students. The average freshman retention rate, an indicator of student satisfaction, is 76.3 percent.", "- MSU Admissions. 3410 Taft Blvd. Wichita Falls, TX 76308. Each semester, 5900 students take advantage of the academic excellence at Midwestern State University. Most classes have fewer than 30 students, so professors can give you personal attention. We are proud of our 209 full-time faculty members who pursue research in their fields and become actively involved in the community.", "Personal Remembrances of the Kent State Shootings, 43 Years Later On May 4, 1970, four Kent State University students were killed and nine injured when members of the Ohio National Guard opened fire during a demonstration protesting the Vietnam War.", "How many students go to Sam Houston State University every year? There are 16,761 undergraduate students enrolled on the Athens campus of Ohio University. With masters, doctoral and medical students, the Athens campus enrollment incre … ases to just over 20,000 students.", "Seton Hall University Seton Hall is made up of eight schools and colleges with an undergraduate enrollment of about 5,200 students and a graduate enrollment of about 4,400. It was ranked by U.S. News & World Report in 2014 at 128th in the National Universities category, with the School of Law ranked 68th best in the nation.", "California State University, Northridge College Portrait Of the 34,444 new freshman applicants, 46% were admitted and 36% of the admitted students enrolled at California State University, Northridge in Fall 2015. New Freshman Admissions Info. Of the 18,989 transfer applicants, 58% were admitted and 54% of the admitted students enrolled at California State University, Northridge in Fall 2015.", "- Kent State University at Kent Reviews. 1 We do not currently have any reviews for Kent State University at Kent. Consider taking a moment to write your own. 2 Leave your review of Kent State University at Kent by writing it in the box. Your review will appear on this page once it has been accepted.", "What was the Kent state massacre importance in history? It was big news in the war, and bigger news at home. Hanik97 -. On May 4, l970 members of the Ohio National Guard fired into a crowd of Kent State University demonstrators, killing four and wounding nine Kent State students. The impact of the shootings was dramatic. The event triggered a nationwide student strike that forced hundreds of colleges and universities to close.", "Overview Kentucky State University is a public institution that was founded in 1886. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 1,433, its setting is city, and the campus size is 916 acres. It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar. Kentucky State University's ranking in the 2017 edition of Best Colleges is Regional Colleges South, 16. Its in-state tuition and fees are $7,754 (2015-16); out-of-state tuition and fees are $18,056 (2015-16).", "Academics Registration and Records. Cal State Fullerton offers 109 degree programs — 57 undergraduate and 52 graduate, including a doctorate in education and doctor in nursing practice. Many of these programs have achieved national prominence because of our outstanding faculty and alumni achievements.", "- Share this on. University of Kent is one of the UK’s leading academic institutions with a commitment to excellence in teaching and research that has spanned five decades.", "Utah State University As of Fall 2015, Utah State University enrolled 28,622 of whom 25,259 were undergraduate students and 3,363 were graduate students. 17,901 of these students were enrolled at USU's Logan campus while 10,721 students were enrolled exclusively at regional campuses or in distance education.", "What was the Kent state massacre importance in history? On May 4, l970 members of the Ohio National Guard fired into a crowd of Kent State University demonstrators, killing four and wounding nine Kent State students. The impact of the shootings was dramatic. The event triggered a nationwide student strike that forced hundreds of colleges and universities to close.", "Cost to Attend Kent State University at Kent Kent State University at Kent tuition is $10,012 per year for in-state residents. This is 56% more expensive than the national average public four year tuition of $6,429.The cost is $7,835 and 44% cheaper than the average Ohio tuition of $17,847 for 4 year colleges.Tuition ranks 38th in Ohio amongst 4 year colleges for affordability and is the 77th most expensive 4 year college in the state.t the current published rates, an estimated total tuition, fees and living expense price for a 4 year bachelor's degree at Kent State University at Kent is $85,280 for students graduating in normal time.", "Truman State UniversityLocated in Kirksville, Missouri Out of 18,669 total undergraduates enrolled in Colorado Technical University-Online, 80% of students received federal grant aid and 89% of students took federal student loan. 1 Student Loan: 16,610 total undergraduates took on average $7,521 in federal student loan (89% of undergraduates)", "Kent State University at Kent Admission Requirements Estimated GPA Requirements. You will need above average high school grades to get into Kent State University at Kent. The average high school GPA of the admitted freshman class at Kent State University at Kent was 3.31 on the 4.0 scale indicating that primarily B+ students are accepted and ultimately attend.", "- A big name in Ohio education, Kent State University serves the Midwest with a range of high-quality MBA programs. Catering to students at every stage of life, the college operates a full-time MBA on the main campus and part-time MBA.", "What was the Kent state massacre importance in history? The most violent was the shootings at Kent State University. INTRODUCTION On May 4, l970 members of the Ohio National Guard fired into a crowd of Kent State University demonstrators, killing four and wounding nine Kent State students.", "Visitor Information You are here. Kent State University is ideally situated in Northeast Ohio. Located just six miles off I-76, our campus is easy to find and accessible from neighboring Akron/Canton and Cleveland airports. Kent State's 824 acre campus can also be reached by car, shuttle and public transportation." ]
[ 15.984375 ]
[ 4.62890625, 4.46484375, 15.34375, 2.873046875, 4.75390625, 4.375, 5.3984375, 1.9970703125, 5.84375, 5.76953125, 9.8125, 4.453125, 3.197265625, 6.484375, 10.484375, 2.9375, 5.734375, 4.02734375, 3.599609375, 8.8203125, 3.140625, 5.01953125, 6.796875, 4.359375, 7.57421875, 4.34375, 7.375, 5.48046875, 4.25390625, 6.13671875 ]
largest cement companies
[ "Top 75 global cement companies Holcim, the third largest global cement producer of 2013, self-reported a cement production capacity of 218Mt/yr via its website, compared with 174Mt/yr from the Global Cement Directory 2013, and 217Mt/yr in the Top 20 global cement companies of 2012.", "Top 75 global cement companies Italcementi, the sixth largest cement producing company of 2013, has a cement production capacity of 80Mt/yr according to the Global Cement Directory 2013 and 68Mt/yr quoted from its website (dated end of 2012). In 2012, the Top 20 global cement companies of 2012 reported a production capacity of 74Mt/yr.", "Top 75 global cement companies Lafarge is the second largest global cement company of 2013 by cement production capacity. The Global Cement Directory 2013 reported a capacity of 205Mt/yr in 2013, compared with 225Mt/yr for 2012 reported in the Top 20 global cement companies of 2012 and 224Mt/yr claimed on its website." ]
[ "The worldâs biggest oil and gas companies Six of the world's top 10 oil and gas companies are state-owned. Saudi Aramco is the world's biggest, both in terms of production and reserves, while US-based ExxonMobil is the largest among publicly traded oil and gas companies. Hydrocarbons-technology.com profiles the world's 10 biggest oil and gas companies based on production in 2012.", "Worlds largest windmill? The largest of them all is the Danish company Vestas. They are also the ones who have created the largest windmills ever build.. In the order of market share:. …", "Chinaâs the worldâs biggest shipbuilderâand its shipbuilding companies are foundering China’s Rongsheng Heavy Industries—the largest private shipbuilder in the world’s number one shipbuilding country—is in a bad shape. Struggling with plummeting orders and soaring debts, on Friday the company appealed to Beijing and its shareholders for help.", "Top 75 global cement companies Global Cement Magazine has compiled the top 75 global cement producers, ranked according to installed production capacity, with data collected from the Global Cement Directory 2013 and individual company websites (where available).", "Largest corporations Measured by foreign assets, the distribution of the largest companies looks very much the same. Most of the top 100 companies with largest foreign assets are from the United States, Japan, France, Germany and the United Kingdom. In 1997, the list of the top 100 transnational corporations (TNCs), measured by foreign assets, included two companies from developing countries.", "C&ENâs Global Top 50 Chemical Firms For 2014 So BASF will likely be the world’s largest chemical company for years to come. Few acquisitions among large chemical makers would be big enough to dislodge the German firm. And given that Verbund, a German word meaning something like “integration,” is a core BASF value, a breakup of BASF isn’t likely.", "- Cement Manufacturing Enforcement Initiative. The cement manufacturing industry was an EPA New Source Review/Prevention of Significant Deterioration (NSR/PSD) national enforcement initiative in fiscal years 2008-2010 and was continued as a Reducing Air Pollution from the Largest Sources national enforcement initiative for fiscal years 2011-2013.", "- Visit the world's largest concrete structure-the Grand Coulee Dam. Bring the kids, the dogs and the car for an old-fashioned family adventure through our scenic byways. Along the way, stop for some locally grown produce or even a farm tour that the kids will love.", "Is Glencore The Next Lehman? The Worldâs Largest Commodities Trading Company Is Toast As of 2014, it ranked tenth in the Fortune Global 500 list of the world’s largest companies. It is the world’s third-largest family business. As Glencore International, the company was already one of the world’s leading integrated producers and marketers of commodities.", "Top 10 Global Coating Manufacturers Akzo Nobel Coatings nv. Akzo Nobel is a multicultural company and the largest coatings company in the world, with about 8 percent share. It is active in all sectors of the coatings industry. Sales in 2004 totaled 12.7 billion euros, with 25 percent in pharma products, 41 percent in coatings and 34 percent in chemicals.", "- Bechtel is currently the largest U.S.-based construction firm. The construction and engineering company with headquarters in San Francisco was the only North American company to make it into the top ten list of the the world’s biggest construction contractors, based on 2012 revenue.", "U.S. Construction Industry - Statistics & Facts The construction and engineering company with headquarters in San Francisco was the only North American company to make it into the top ten list of the the world’s biggest construction contractors, based on 2012 revenue. This particular ranking was dominated by Chinese and European contractors.", "New magnesium alloy: World's strongest and lightest metal If You are an investor looking for the Next Big Thing, Magnesium appear to be one of the biggest investment opportunity of this century. Worlds largest companies are using magnesium alloy. Creating a material that's both strong and lightweight is the ultimate goal for many manufacturers. Recently, magnesium alloys have gained huge attention for being some of the world's lightest structural materials.", "Andrew Carnegie The second was in his vertical integration of all suppliers of raw materials. In the late 1880s, Carnegie Steel was the largest manufacturer of pig iron, steel rails, and coke in the world, with a capacity to produce approximately 2,000 tons of pig metal per day.", "The Quikrete Companies LLC THE QUIKRETE COMPANIES LLC Company Profile. QUIKRETE is set in its ways as the largest maker of packaged concrete and cement mixes in the US and Canada. It makes more than 200 dry-packaged cement and concrete products, including concrete mixes, mortar mixes, and stuccos, as well as sand and aggregates.", "- Anderson Consulting Company, one of the world's largest corporate restructuring firms, estimates that in just one service industry, commercial banking and thrift institutions, reengineering will mean a loss of 30 to 40 percent of the jobs over the next seven years.", "The World's Largest Companies 2016 The World's Largest Companies 2016. Chinese banks held on to the top three spots in the FORBES Global 2000, a comprehensive annual ranking of the world’s largest public companies. Continue » By Steve Schaefer and Andrea Murphy.", "Top Cement Companies in India Dalmia Cement is the cement manufacturing division of the Dalmia Group that was established in 1939. Over 70 years of operations in the Indian cement industry, Dalmia Cement today has grown to be placed amongst the top cement companies in India. The company has manufacturing facilities in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu with a combined production capacity of over 90 lakh tonnes of cement per year.", "- The world’s largest casting. – precision work to a tenth. of a millimeter. World record achievement: With the pouring of the largest. casting ever made of cast iron with spheroidal graphite, Siempelkamp has set new standards at the company’s. Krefeld-based foundry on May 19, 2009.", "- Refining capacity is shown in barrels per day. Source: Reuters World's 25 largest refining companies by capacity Here is a list of the world's largest refining companies, as provided by energy consultants Purvin & Gertz. Refining capacity is shown in barrels per day. Source: Reuters World's 25 largest refining companies by capacity", "U.S. Construction Industry - Statistics & Facts Bechtel is currently one of the largest U.S.-based construction firm. The construction and engineering company is headquartered in San Francisco and was one of only two North American companies to make it into the top fifteen list of the world’s largest construction contractors, based on 2015 revenues.", "- Flexsteel Industries, Inc. Company Profile If you're not sitting down for this, Flexsteel Industries might ask why not. It's not as if the company hasn't given you plenty of options.", "The Five Larger Best Civil Engineering Firms to Work For One of the biggest engineering and design and construction firms in the United States is URS Corporation. Operating in the US as well as in Europe, the Asia Pacific, Africa, and the Americas, URS Corporation offers full engineering and design and construction services to private enterprises as well as government agencies around the world.", "- Join LinkedIn to get the latest news, insights, and opportunities from over 3 million companies. Contractor Connection is the largest, fully independent network of managed contractor repair for insurance companies and consumers.Our network has the best construction and building repair and remodeling contractors in the United States and Canada.oin LinkedIn to get the latest news, insights, and opportunities from over 3 million companies. Contractor Connection is the largest, fully independent network of managed contractor repair for insurance companies and consumers.", "companiesList of Lumber Companies companies List of Lumber Companies. List of the top lumber companies in the world, listed by their prominence with corporate logos when available. This list of major lumber companies includes the largest and most profitable lumber businesses, corporations, agencies, vendors and firms in the world. If you are wondering what the biggest logging companies are, then this list has you covered.", "Heavy metal: Life at the world's largest shipyard But the Hyundai Heavy Industries yard at Ulsan is the biggest of them all, giant cranes (aptly called Goliaths) dominating the skyline. The city pulsates with work and wages and the activities of far from idle hands. Image caption A cross section view of a ship under construction. The yard stretches for 2.5 miles (4km).", "- Dneprospetsstal, as the largest international company, develops, manufactures and sells metal products of stainless, tool, high-speed (including those produced by the PM-method), bearing, structural, alloyed and carbon steel grades.", "Largest gold companies Largest gold companies - Canadian companies. 1 Even though Canada lags far behind its counterparts in its amount of central bank gold reserves, Canadian companies dominate the industry.", "Cemex In the 1960s, CEMEX grew significantly when it acquired several more plants throughout Mexico. In 1976, the company went public on the Mexican stock exchange, and that same year, became the largest cement producer in Mexico with the purchase of three plants from Cementos Guadalajara. In 1982, the company made significant progress in overseas markets, doubling its exports.", "- They might learn something from the following big companies. These are the ten largest employers in the world, according to the Economist. Notably seven of them are state companies, ranging from defense to postal service. And half of this list comes from China." ]
[ 14.59375, 14.53125, 15.1796875 ]
[ 4.28515625, 2.05078125, 2.173828125, 10.78125, 4.78125, 4.91015625, 6.62109375, 2.849609375, 2.80859375, 4.11328125, 4.69140625, 4.046875, -0.1865234375, 1.9970703125, 9.1796875, 1.4580078125, 6.10546875, 12.5546875, 2.97265625, 2.47265625, 5.484375, -0.38232421875, 2.3359375, 3.8203125, 2.46875, -0.1558837890625, 3.673828125, 3.36328125, 11.671875, 3.5625 ]
standalone meaning in english
[ "Stand alone vs standalone Stand alone vs standalone. Stand alone is an idiom meaning one who is unequaled or without peer, notice that the verb form is two separate words. Standalone means an device or object that may operate independently from another system or object. Standalone may also function as an adjective, describing an independent object or device." ]
[ "Shared Flashcard Set Stand alone vs standalone Stand alone is an idiom meaning one who is unequaled or without peer, notice that the verb form is two separate words. 1 To 1 English native Teachers, the best way to improve your English! Click here to find out more!", "- Define stagnate. stagnate synonyms, stagnate pronunciation, stagnate translation, English dictionary definition of stagnate. intr.v. stag·nat·ed , stag·nat·ing , stag·nates To be or become stagnant. stag·na′tion n. vb to be or to become stagnant stagˈnation n v.i. -nat•ed,...", "- Define stale. stale synonyms, stale pronunciation, stale translation, English dictionary definition of stale. adj. stal·er , stal·est 1. Having lost freshness, effervescence, or palatability: stale bread; stale air. 2. Lacking originality or spontaneity: a stale...", "standing Definition of standing for English Language Learners : the position or rank of someone in a group standings sports: a list that shows the positions of the players or teams that are competing against each other", "stalk Definition of stalk for English Language Learners. : 1 to follow (an animal or person that you are hunting or trying to capture) by moving slowly and quietly. : 2 to go through (a place or area) while hunting. : 3 to follow, watch, and bother (someone) constantly in a way that is frightening, dangerous, etc.", "stand Princeton's WordNet(1.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: 1 base, pedestal, stand(noun) a support or foundation. the base of the lamp. 2 stand(noun) the position where a thing or person stands. 3 stand(noun) a growth of similar plants (usually trees) in a particular area. they cut down a stand of trees.", "- Medical Definition of DIASTOLE. 1. : the passive rhythmical expansion or dilation of the cavities of the heart during which they fill with blood—compare systole. 2.: the rhythmical expansion of a pulsating vacuole (as of an ameba). — di·a·stol·ic \\ˌdī-ə-ˈstael-ˈstäl\\ ik. adjectiveefinition of DIASTOLE. : a rhythmically recurrent expansion; especially: the dilatation of the cavities of the heart during which they fill with blood. — di·a·stol·ic \\ˌdī-ə-ˈstae-ˈstä\\ lik. Adjective see diastole defined for. KIDS. advertisement", "Dictionary Definition Dictionary Definition stubble n : material consisting of seed coverings and small pieces of stem or leaves that have been separated from the seeds [syn: chaff, husk, shuck, stalk, straw] User Contributed Dictionary English", "STANDOFF Meaning: The finish of a contest in which the score is tied and the winner is undecided. Classified under: Nouns denoting natural events. Synonyms: standoff; draw; tie. Context examples: the game ended in a draw / their record was 3 wins, 6 losses and a tie. Hypernyms (standoff is a kind of...): finish (designated event that concludes a contest (especially a race)) Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of standoff):", "Stand alone vs standalone The first known use of stand-alone, which has been for the most part shortened to standalone, occurred in 1966. Standalone is used mostly in technical and business jargon. Examples", "withstand verb (used with object), withstood, withstanding. 1. to stand or hold out against; resist or oppose, especially successfully: to withstand rust; to withstand the invaders; to withstand temptation. verb (used without object), withstood, withstanding. 2. to stand in opposition; resist.", "Definitions &Translations Patience(noun) solitaire. Patience. Patience is the state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without acting on annoyance/anger in a negative way; or exhibiting forbearance when under strain, especially when faced with longer-term difficulties. Patience is the level of endurance one can take before negativity.", "single Definition of single for Students. 1 1 : being alone : being the only one He … made a single effort to jump … — Walter Farley, The Black Stallion. 2 2 : being a separate whole : individual … the sheriff pretended to study the menu—though he knew every single word on it by heart. 3 3 : not married.", "- 2. marked by or showing bravery or valor; heroic: a valiant effort. [1275–1325; Middle English valia(u) nt vaillant, present participle of valoir valēre; see-ant ]. val′ian•cy (-yən si) val′iance, n. val′iant•ly, adv.. marked by or showing bravery or valor; heroic: a valiant effort. [1275–1325; Middle English valia(u) nt vaillant, present participle of valoir valēre; see-ant ]. val′ian•cy (-yən si) val′iance, n. val′iant•ly, adv.", "selfnoun Meaning of “self” in the English Dictionary. self in British English. selfnoun. self noun (PERSONALITY) The hero of the movie finally finds his true self (= discovers what his true personality and feelings are). When I saw them this afternoon they were more like their old/normal selves (= as they were in the past).", "Definitions &Translations Webster Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Monologue(noun) a speech uttered by a person alone; soliloquy; also, talk or discourse in company, in the strain of a soliloquy; as, an account in monologue. Monologue(noun) a dramatic composition for a single performer.", "Definitions &Translations Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Thistle. Thistle is the common name of a group of flowering plants characterised by leaves with sharp prickles on the margins, mostly in the family Asteraceae. Prickles often occur all over the plant – on surfaces such as those of the stem and flat parts of leaves.", "consistently The adverb consistently describes something that's done the same way for a long time. If your mom consistently forgets to add sugar when she's baking cookies, it means you can count on inedible cookies. When something happens again and again, it happens consistently. In fact, the Latin root is consistentem, meaning standing still..", "standing Definition of standing for English Language Learners. : 1 the position or rank of someone in a group. 2 standings sports : a list that shows the positions of the players or teams that are competing against each other. : 3 length of existence.", "Definitions &Translations Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: stallion, entire(adj) uncastrated adult male horse. entire, full, total(adj) constituting the full quantity or extent; complete. an entire town devastated by an earthquake; gave full attention; a total failure.", "- Testosterone definition: Testosterone is a hormone found in men and male animals, which can also be produced... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples English Dictionary | Thesaurus | Translator | Grammar | Scrabble | Blog", "- sol•i•tude. 1. the state of being or living alone; seclusion. 2. remoteness from habitations: the solitude of the woods. 3. a lonely, unfrequented place. sōlitūdō, derivative of sōl(us) only, sole 1 ]. sol`i•tu′di•nous (-n əs) adj.", "- Definitions and Meaning of stark in English. 1 devoid of any qualifications or disguise or adornment. - 2 the crude facts. - 3 facing the stark reality of the deadline. 4 severely simple. 5 complete or extreme. - 6 a stark contrast. 7 without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers. - 8 a complete coward. - 9 a consummate fool.", "instantiate (ĭn-stăn′shē-āt′) tr.v. in·stan·ti·at·ed, in·stan·ti·at·ing, in·stan·ti·ates. To represent (an abstract concept) by a concrete or tangible example: Two apples ... both instantiate the single universal redness (J. Holloway).", "- Dizionari di lingua online. Italian-English English-Italian Italian definition English definition Sinonimi inglesi English-French French-English English-Spanish Spanish-English Espanol-Español Francais-Français Francais-Français Espanol-Español Espanol: español Portugues: português Portugues: português espanol... español espanol español definicion definición espanol español sinonimos sinónimos catala català definicio definició altroay of presenting one's self nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. stance nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. modo di presentarsi. way of presenting one's self nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.", "Definitions &Translations Sturgeon(noun) any one of numerous species of large cartilaginous ganoid fishes belonging to Acipenser and allied genera of the family Acipenseridae. They run up rivers to spawn, and are common on the coasts and in the large rivers and lakes of North America, Europe, and Asia.", "stand standing. 1 1 : to be in or take an upright position on the feet Stand for the pledge. 2 2 : to take up or stay in a specified position or condition Stand aside. 3 3 : to rest, remain, or set in a usually vertical position A clock stands on the shelf. 4 : to be in a specified place Their house stands on the hill.", "lone adjective lone being alone; without company or accompaniment; solitary; unaccompanied: a lone traveler. 1; adjective lone standing by itself or apart; isolated: a lone house in the valley. 1; adjective lone sole; single; only: That company constitutes our lone competitor in the field. 1; adjective lone unfrequented. 1", "- 1. a hunt for game carried on by following it stealthily or waiting in ambush; [syn: stalk, stalking, still hunt]2. the act of following prey stealthily; [syn: stalk, stalking] The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:Stalk \\Stalk\\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Stalked (st[add]kt); p. pr. & vb. n.", "Words with beautiful meanings Sillage (n.) | Pronunciation: 'sE-yazh | Definition: the scent that lingers in air, the trail left in water, the impression made in space after something or someone has been and gone; the trace of someone's perfume." ]
[ 15.5859375 ]
[ 15.546875, 1.7958984375, 0.80859375, 6.56640625, 2.615234375, 7.28515625, 1.3134765625, 2.60546875, 2.33203125, 9.4453125, 2.802734375, 1.111328125, 6.625, 1.90234375, 3.58203125, 1.3134765625, 0.455078125, 1.7841796875, 7.80078125, 4.28515625, 3.609375, 3.396484375, 3.244140625, 1.8037109375, 5.42578125, 1.4931640625, 8.0703125, 5.6796875, 2.103515625, 1.6552734375 ]
what is appropriate temperature for autoclave operation
[ "- 5. Autoclave using the appropriate cycle/settings (a typical decontamination cycle is 15-60min at 121°C and 15psi). A C B. (Created 3/02; Revised 5/05, 5/08, 9/08, 5/10, 8/12) UNL Environmental Health and Safety · (402) 472-4925 · http://ehs.unl.edu 7 6." ]
[ "autoclave Definition of autoclave. : an apparatus in which special conditions (such as high or low pressure or temperature) can be established for a variety of applications; especially : an apparatus (as for sterilizing) using steam under high pressure.", "- These Industrial Ovens are designed to operate at High Temperatures. Our High Temperature Ovens range from 650°F to 1250°F.They are custom made for your applications and are all:1 Dependable.hese Industrial Ovens are designed to operate at High Temperatures. Our High Temperature Ovens range from 650°F to 1250°F. They are custom made for your applications and are all: 1 Dependable.", "- 4. Run the autoclave. The autoclave machine should run for a certain period of time at a specific temperature and pressure. Wrapped instruments should be in the autoclave at 250 degrees for 30 minutes at 15 PSI or 273 degrees for 15 minutes at 30 PSI.Once the machines has run, you need to open the door a small bit to let the steam out.. Run the autoclave. The autoclave machine should run for a certain period of time at a specific temperature and pressure. Wrapped instruments should be in the autoclave at 250 degrees for 30 minutes at 15 PSI or 273 degrees for 15 minutes at 30 PSI.", "What Is Autoclave? Its Types, Use and Reliable Manufacturers It was called so due to the method of the air removal in a special sterilization chamber. When the temperature level is sufficient, the drain hole is automatically closed. Then the process of sterilization takes place. A negative pressure displacement device is a very accurate type of autoclave. After the door of the sterilization chamber is closed, the vacuum pump starts removing the air. A positive pressure displacement device features an improved design, when compared to that of a download one.", "Autoclaving Autoclaving is the process of sterilizing supplies and equipment with the use of high pressure that is saturated at 250°F (121°C) for about 15 minutes. This process is widely utilized in the fields of:", "- Autoclave Types. bonding industries world wide. Composites Autoclave Systems. Manufacture of the world’s largest composites autoclave system, ASC Process Systems is also the world's largest supplier of autoclave systems used in manufacturing aerospace composites, composite racing systems, high performance sporting equipment, and ballistics armor. ASC is also the home of the Econoclave®.", "PVC pipes in low temperature applications At temperatures above 20°C the maximum allowable operating pressure must be reduced in proportion to the material strength. Use of PVC pipes in the temperature range from 20°C up to the recommended maximum continuous operating temperature of 60°C is well defined (for more information see PVC Temperature Considerations).owever, it is not customary to utilise this increase in strength by increasing the pressure rating. The nominal pressure rating of the pipe at 20°C, or PN, should still define the maximum allowable operating pressure at lower temperatures.", "How to calibrate Frigidaire oven temperature? temperature setting. If the oven control has the original calibration, the display will read 00.. The temperature can now be adjusted up or down 35°F/17°C, in 5°F/1°C increments, by pushing the UP or DOWN ARROW. Adjust until the desired amount of degrees offset appears in the display.", "Storage Temperatures and Procedures The area should be dry and cool to prevent spoilage and the swelling of canned goods. The ideal temperature range is 10°C to 15°C (50°F to 59°F). The storeroom should be easy to keep clean and free from rodents and vermin.", "Dental Sterilizers Dental Sterilizers. Dental sterilizers are imperative to a dental practice. Also referred to as autoclaves, dental sterilizers use steam—at temperatures reaching 270° F—to completely sterilize instruments and equipment. This steam sterilization of various surgical tools and dental instruments is efficient and safe.", "- PCA Fibre TGA data confirms a good behaviour of. resistance to heat and to oxidizing agents indicating. the suitable operating temperature around 200°C - HIGH OPERATING TEMPERATURE The good chemical resistance and heat resistance. together with excellent behaviour to flame exposure. means no formation of pinhole caused by sparks.", "- EVERY DEGREE COUNTS Temperature is key to fermentation success 2 Yeast face a number of synergistic stress factors in ethanol production (Figure 1). Maintaining an ideal temperature range during the fermentation process is a difficult task that all ethanol plant operators face, especially in the hotter months (Figure 2).The optimum temperature range for yeast fermentation is between 90˚F-95˚F (32˚C-35˚C).Every degree above this range depresses fermentation. While elevated temperature is problematic in all phases of ethanol production, it is specifically hazardous during the later stages of fermentation.VERY DEGREE COUNTS Temperature is key to fermentation success 2 Yeast face a number of synergistic stress factors in ethanol production (Figure 1). Maintaining an ideal temperature range during the fermentation process is a difficult task that all ethanol plant operators face, especially in the hotter months (Figure 2).", "Understanding Tire Load Ratings (A tire’s normal highway operating temperature is up to 200 degrees F.). When comparing tires that are the same size/same internal static air volume but have different load ranges, one with a higher load range at higher air pressures actually may have a lower LCC.", "Microbiology Chapters 1-8 Temp. above 100 degrees, using autoclave, degrades nucleic acid, denatures proteins, and disrupts membranes. Effective against all microorganisms including spores. Moist heat coagulates the proteins in any organism and this is aided by the water vapor that has a very high penetration property, leading to their death.", "What temperature should a refrigerator operate? Refrigerators should operate between 36 and 45 degrees Fahrenheit. The optimum temperature your refrigerator should be set at is 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Refrigerators set at lower temperatures risk freezing some items, especially those closer to fan.", "What is the correct temperature for water at handwashing sinks? (A) A handwashing lavatory shall be equipped to provide water at a temperature of at least 43°C (110°F) through a mixing valve or combination faucet.", "- • Understand the temperature and pressure readings on the printed autoclave tape reflect the chamber temperatures, and may not reflect the temperatures achieved in the material that is autoclaved.", "What Are Normal Refrigerator and Freezer Temps? The optimal temperature range for the refrigerator is 34 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit to keep food safe and unfrozen. If your thermometer reading is outside of this range after the temperature test, adjust the temperature settings.ou may never think about the temperature when your refrigerator and freezer are operating properly, but the settings chosen for each compartment have a major impact on food safety.", "VALVE PIPELINE The following table indicates the mechanical properties and chemical composition of ASTM A351/A351M grades CF8M. ASTM A351/A351M grade CF8M is good for temperatures ranging from absolute zero to 1500* F. CF8M is used in applications where corrosion resistance is a primary concern.", "Thermo Scientific ELED F6028C-60-80 Thermolyne Atmosphere Controlled Ashing Furnace with (C1) Digital Programmable Temperature Controller, 208V, 14 Liter Capacity, 100 to 1093 Degree C Temperature range of 100 to 975 degrees C for coal and coke ashing procedures C1 programmable digital temperature controller with one stored program and eight ramp and dwell segments for greater control over the heating process", "The Sterilization Process (Autoclaves) To be effective against spore forming bacteria and viruses, autoclaves need to: 1 Have steam in direct contact with the material being sterilized (i.e. loading of items is very important). 2 Create vacuum in order to displace all the air initially present in the autoclave and replacing it with steam.", "- Abstract The following paper discusses the use of oven temperature profiling as a technique to help maximize the quality of paint and material cure opera-tions, undertaken in the OEM car manufacturing industry. Automotive paint cure application challenges, and recent technical developments are discussed in detail.", "Autoclave Composite Applications of Autoclave Composites. Autoclave composite molding creates a material with a high strength to weight ratio. As such, they are used in very demanding industries such as aerospace and automotives where there is a need for high quality requirements of composite materials.", "- Actually, the hot temp selection is probably a generous 140F (essentially full tap-hot, of course the machine can't heat the water higher than what's coming in the hot faucet supply) ... or it may be controlled to 120F (depends on the model). now have as much hot water as I want for my shower and don't have to race my kids anymore for the 3 cups of hot water that was previously available. I only wish the new system had somehow solved the no hot water in the washing machine issue. Thanks again to everyone for the suggestions.", "Autoclave Safety and Operation The following are basic instructions for autoclave use but do not replace the manufacturer's operating instructions and hands-on training. Before using any autoclave for the first time, read and thoroughly understand the owner's manual because many makes and models have unique characteristics. 1 Place the items to be autoclaved in the chamber. 2 Check the drain screen to make sure that it is not plugged or obstructed.", "- ELECTRICAL AUTOCLAVES FOR STERILIZATION. Wide range of electrically heated bench top and top. loading autoclaves.Pressure range from 0.62 to 2 bar, Capacity: 1.5, 8, 12, 18, 20, 23, 25, 50, 80 and 150 litres. • 50 Years of sterilization experience. • Quality and innovation. • A new dimension in design and. technology.", "Temperature Ranges for Firing Glazes The ware is returned to the kiln for a very low...MORE temperature firing in order to fuse the overglazes. from cone 012 (approx. 1623⁰F - 882⁰C) to cone 02 (approx. 2048⁰F - 1120⁰C) The low-fire range has historically been the most commonly used firing range.", "What Is Autoclave Tape? Using this tape is one among many steps which are designed to ensure safety when it comes to handling sterile materials. If a package of materials does not have autoclave tape, it is assumed to be non-sterile, which means that it needs to be processed in the autoclave before it can be used. When materials are packaged for the autoclave, the tape is added last, and most people include a notation of the date on the tape. The tape is designed to adhere in spite of the high heat and steam in the autoclave. With the use of autoclave tape, people can determine whether or not packages of material have passed through the autoclave, and they can also see how recently supplies were sterilized, by referring to the date noted on the tape.", "Milk at high temperature The present investigation deal with The effects of high temperature (120 °C) on milk proteins to compare the result and the investigation were caused out in two stages. In the first half instance protein contents of the selected milk samples were dermine room temperature using Eko-Milk analyzer.n the second half the milk samples were first subjected for the temperature treatment in autoclave at 120°C for 20 minutes then the protein contents of the milk were determined by Eko-Milk analyzer (1).", "Autoclave Sterilization Autoclave Sterilization. Overview. Autoclaves heat their contents to 121C, which is 21C over the boiling point of water. To prevent the solutions from boiling over/vaporizing, the autoclave chamber is pressurized during this process." ]
[ 14.546875 ]
[ 8.5234375, 6.2421875, 13.4609375, 8.96875, 12.8515625, 5.5, 5.1015625, 2.390625, 5.16015625, 12.1640625, 5.2109375, 4.49609375, 1.6904296875, 10.140625, 4.265625, 4.921875, 9.7265625, 4.23828125, 2.66015625, 3.21484375, 8.9375, 1.9130859375, 5.49609375, 2.5234375, 8.875, 9.484375, 2.0390625, 6.16796875, 9, 13.3671875 ]
engine stall causes
[ "How to diagnose stalling engine problems Additionally, if the parasitic load placed on the engine is higher than the command to overcome it, the engine will stall (the parasitic load could be such things as the power steering, air conditioning, charging system, torque convert clutch, etc.)", "What Causes a Car to Stall? The fuel system. Whether it is a fuel quality issue or a fuel supply or fuel injector issue, the fuel system can be the cause of your car stalling. Three things from the fuel system can cause your engine to stall: bad fuel, too little fuel, and too much fuel. When poor fuel quality is the problem, your engine’s combustion process isn’t efficient. If there are contaminants or water in the fuel, a misfire can occur. That is when the spark plug isn’t able to fire or the fuel in the engine isn’t able to burn. It can cause a stumble, or can cause the engine to stall if it happens consistently. Your engine can stall if it is being starved of fuel." ]
[ "- Depending on the cause the engine may be able to be restarted, unless the compressor stall is a result of physical damage to the engine itself or the compressor blades. A compressor surge in an engine on the other hand is operationally a dangerous condition, requiring an immediate throttling back of the engine to clear the surge.", "Compressor stall Compressor stall. A compressor stall is a local disruption of the airflow in a gas turbine or turbocharger compressor. It is related to compressor surge which is a complete disruption of the flow through the compressor.", "Solving Intermittent Stalling Problems Loose or corroded wiring connectors that cause a sudden loss of voltage in the ignition circuit will also stop and engine dead in its tracks. More Causes. One of the more unusual causes of intermittent stalling we've heard about is a defective vehicle speed sensor. When the vehicle stops moving, the PCM may not engage the idle speed motor (carbureted engines) or idle air bypass motor (fuel injected engines) so the engine will idle normally.", "Greg's Engine & Machine This is due to cold and wet weather and the fact that the engine is cold. This moisture allows electrical current to arc inside the distributor cap and this arcing causes the engine to misfire. During acceleration this misfire gets so extreme it can cause the engine to stall.", "What is engine knock? Low quality fuel. One of the causes of engine knock is sub-par gasoline -- low quality and low octane fuel can cause a whole cluster of problems, such as increased combustion chamber temperatures and higher cylinder pressures.", "What causes engine knocking noise? Engine noise under the hood may be caused by loose torque converter bolts, low oil pressure, spark knock or excessive piston clearance. A cracked flywheel on an automatic transmission or excessive connecting rod clearance may also cause an engine to knock. Continue Reading.", "Solving Intermittent Stalling Problems Any of these conditions can upset the fuel calibration of the engine and cause a stalling problem. Intermittent stalling can also be caused by a bad idle air bypass motor or a idle speed control motor. If these devices fail to provide the correct idle speed, the engine may die. Sometimes the fault is in the PCM or the inputs to the PCM.", "What Causes a Car to Stall? The fuel system. Whether it is a fuel quality issue or a fuel supply or fuel injector issue, the fuel system can be the cause of your car stalling. Three things from the fuel system can cause your engine to stall: bad fuel, too little fuel, and too much fuel. When poor fuel quality is the problem, your engine’s combustion process isn’t efficient. If there are contaminants or water in the fuel, a misfire can occur.", "How Idle Air Control Valves Work This valve should be cleaned (serviced) whenever a tune up is performed. Helpful Information When an idle air control valve fails it can cause the engine to idle erratically and even stall. Sometimes a weak idle air control motor will can cause engine problems without triggering a MIL (check engine) light.", "- 1. Overheating is a common cause of ignition module problem. You will observe a distinct pattern of symptoms if the module is overheating. The car will start and run normally, but stall after a few minutes of intense operation.", "- There are many things that could cause a car to stall. Fortunately, this usually does not signal a major repair to your vehicle, and it can generally be fixed through some relatively minor adjustments or repairs.", "What exactly is a compressor stall? 2 Answers 2. A compressor stall occurs when there is a disruption or breakdown of airflow through a turbine engine. It can usually be identified by a loud bang, pop, or buzzing sound. Expect to feel a loss of thrust, see your RPM winding back, and your EGT/ITT/FTIT either increase or decrease based on your altitude.", "What Causes Engine Knocking? It could be a squeal, a clunk, or even a rumble and roar. If the sound is closer to a “knock,” you may be dealing with problems under the hood—problems that could cause engine damage if left unresolved. Read on to learn what causes engine knocking and why it’s truly no joking matter.", "Piston Failures/Causes of an engine. When an engine failure occurs, the piston is likely to take the brunt of the damage. A careful examination of the piston can help a mechanic trace the source of a mechanical or. tuning problem. This technical article serves as a guide for the most common mechanical. problems that plague engines. 1-PERFECT BROWN CROWN.", "Why does an engine stall? If the compressor section of the engine is unable to prevent the higher pressure air from leaking forward, back through the compressor, the engine will surge and stall. This is not the same as the wing stalling. In the event of the latter, the wing will loose Lift and thus the aircraft will loose altitude.", "Description A compressor stall occurs when there is an imbalance between the air flow supply and the airflow demand; in other words, a pressure ratio that is incompatible with the engine RPM. When this occurs, smooth airflow is interrupted and turbulence and pressure fluctuations are created within the turbine.", "- The usual cause of abnormally high idle speeds are vacuum leaks or an inoperative idle speed control motor. A vacuum leak on a fuel injected engine will cause high idle. The oxygen sensor will detect the extra oxygen that is entering the engine through the vacuum leak and will signal the computer the exhaust is lean. The computer in turn will then provide additional fuel which will result in an abnormally high idle.", "overspeed It is caused by a substantial increase in the supply of fuel-air mixture or fuel to the engine’s cylinders with light external loading, which occurs upon failure of the throttle valve in carburetor engines or of the high-pressure fuel injection pump in diesel engines.", "How to Fix a Car That Stalls 7. In rare cases, your car may stall due to what is commonly called a vapor lock, a situation that occurs when the fuel lines supplying gas to the engine become hot enough to boil the gas in the line turning it into vapor. Fuel pumps are designed to pump liquid not “vapor” and thus fail to provide enough fuel pressure.", "Stalling upon acceleration HELP!! Stalling upon acceleration 1990 Stingray Mercuiser 6 Engine has been stalling intermittently. Changed fuel filter and separator. Put Sea Foam in gas tank. At first it stalled upon start up. Now it is running at idle (45 minutes) even full idle when asked. Runs at wake speed with few stalls.", "1998 Honda Accord 1998 Honda Accord(four-cylinder sedan) horn works intermittently. Sometimes the horn works at the slightest touch and at other times it does not work at all. Also, ignition switch of the said vehicle was replaced for the second time. The engine of the said vehicle would die and cause the car to stall while driving.", "What Causes a Car to Stall When Accelerating? There are literally hundreds of parts and engine components that can cause a car to stall when accelerating. However, there are some known culprits that are more likely than others to cause this problem.", "- Welcome to the board! It's absolutely normal for this engine to stall if you unplug the PCV valve, remove the oil filler cap, or even pull the dipstick out. All our cars do this. They are very sensitive to vacuum leaks. Be careful with those oil additives. Nearly all of them are bad.", "How to Fix a Hesitation Fuel Filter. Step 3 - The engine depends on a sealed system to contain vacuum the engine creates while running. If this vacuum system develops a leak it can cause the computer to react on false data resulting in a hesitation. Inspect the system and repair any vacuum lines that are damaged.", "Why does stalling a DC motor cause more current to flow through it? Stalling is a condition when the motor stops rotating. This condition occurs when the load torque is greater than the motor shaft torque i.e. break down torque condition. In this condition the motor draws maximum current but the motor does not rotate.This current is called as Stalling current.", "Stall (engine) A car fitted with an automatic transmission could also have its engine stalled when the vehicle is travelling in the opposite direction to the selected gear. For example, if the selector is in the 'D' position and the car is moving backwards, (on a steep enough hill to overcome the torque from the torque converter) the engine will stall.", "Car idle is rough Inspection Service Car idle is rough Inspection Service & Cost. A rough idling engine can be caused by a number of issues, some of them are serious while others tend to be minor, but the symptoms remain pretty much the same.", "3 Causes of Engine Knock 3 Causes of Engine Knock. Engine knock is among the most disturbing problems a vehicle can have, but not many people know what it is, or how it is caused. Basically, engine knock (also known as pinging, detonation and spark knock) occurs when the air/fuel mixture inside a cylinder is incorrect, which makes the fuel burn unevenly.", "Definition of âslatâ - English Dictionary In addition, the power failure meant that, while the engine out light in the cockpit still worked, the stall warning did not, or the slat retraction indicator. From Wikipedia", "Stalling in Induction Motors, its effects and prevention Stalling of the motor refers to a condition, where the motor is unable to rotate. This condition can be caused either due to any obstruction in the load or due to any problem with the motor such as bearing seizure, etc. This condition is also known as locked rotor." ]
[ 13.4765625, 14.8671875 ]
[ 12.25, 7.765625, 12.90625, 13.4609375, 6.75, 6.75390625, 14.1171875, 14.9609375, 11.5703125, 10.8046875, 9.8203125, 11.328125, 5.4140625, 6.01953125, 13.6640625, 10.6484375, 8.3359375, 8.0390625, 12.8984375, 9.4296875, 9.3828125, 11.7578125, 13.171875, 9.0703125, 7.0390625, 13.359375, 6.609375, 7.2890625, 5.19921875, 9.1953125 ]
what is brioche bread
[ "Brioche Brioche is considered a Viennoiserie, in that it is made in the same basic way as bread, but has the richer aspect of a pastry because of the extra addition of eggs, butter, liquid (milk, water, cream, and, sometimes, brandy) and occasionally a bit of sugar.rioche is often cooked with fruit or chocolate chips and served as a pastry or as the basis of a dessert with many local variations in added ingredients, fillings or toppings. Brioche is eaten with dessert or tea, but also has numerous uses in cuisine." ]
[ "Rye bread Rye bread is a type of bread made with various proportions of flour from rye grain. It can be light or dark in color, depending on the type of flour used and the addition of coloring agents, and is typically denser than bread made from wheat flour.", "Braciola In Italian American cuisine, braciole (the word is commonly pronounced /bra'zhul/ from the Sicilian dialect) is the name given to thin slices of meat (typically pork, chicken, or beef, but even swordfish) that are rolled as a roulade with cheese and bread crumbs and fried (the bread crumbs are often left off).", "Brie Brie is a soft, cows ' milk cheese named after Brie, the French province in which it originated (roughly corresponding to the modern departement département Of-seine-Et). Marne it is pale in colour with a slight greyish tinge under crusty white; mould very soft and savoury with a hint of. ammoniahere are now many varieties of Brie made all over the world (for example in the United Kingdom), including plain Brie, herbed varieties, double and triple Brie and versions of Brie made with other types of milk. Brie is perhaps the most well-known French cheese, and is popular throughout the world.", "United States of America Book a HotelInOutCheck RatesUnderstandGeography Climate History Government and politics Culture Holidays Units of measure Electricity For more informationGet inLaw and bureaucracy Planning and pre-arrival documentation Arriving in the United States By plane By car By bus By boat By train By footGet aroundBy plane By train By boat By car By bus By recreational vehicle (RV) By motorcycle By thumb 5-1-1SeeNatural scenery Historical attractions Monuments and architecture Museums and galleries ItinerariesDo BuyMoney Currency exchange and banking Credit and debit cards Gift cards Sales tax Places for shopping Major U.S. retail chains Costs Tipping Comics and cartoonsEatTypes of restaurants Types of service Types of food Etiquette SmokingSleep Stay SafePolice Texting and driving 911 Emergency services Border Patrol Natural disasters Gay and lesbian Illicit drugs Racism Islam Curfew Animals Prostitution Firearms Po’ Boy. In other parts of the country, it’s a hoagie or sub; in Louisiana, it’s a po’ boy. This sandwich staple can be found at gas stations, sit-down eateries and really everywhere in between. The feather-light bread is traditionally stuffed with fried seafood like oysters, shrimp or catfish, or meats like gravy-soaked roast beef or hot sausage.", "Rye bread Rye bread is a type of bread made with various proportions of flour from rye grain.It can be light or dark in color, depending on the type of flour used and the addition of coloring agents, and is typically denser than bread made from wheat flour.imelapse of a fresh rye sourdough culture rising over a 10-hour period at roughly 25.5 °C (78 °F). While rye and wheat are genetically similar enough to interbreed (resulting in hybrids known as triticale), their biochemistries differ enough that they affect the breadmaking process.", "Baguette A baguette (English pronunciation: /bæˈɡɛt/; French pronunciation: ​[baˈɡɛt]) is a long, thin loaf of French bread that is commonly made from basic lean dough (the dough, though not the shape, is defined by French law). It is distinguishable by its length and crisp crust.", "boulangerie You go to a boulangerie and buy a crisp, newly baked loaf for a penny. A Spring Walk in Provence Archibald Marshall At last this man, whose name was Jean Leroux, told me he had obtained employment for both Pierre and me in a boulangerie.", "- Bolillo is a name for varying kinds of Mexican (white) bread. I disagree with the other definition that states bolillo is a racial slur, however. I've traveled in Central America and Mexico (and Texas, my home) and never got the impression that 'bolillo' was a negative term. It is simply a general term for light-skinned, non-mexicans which may be used in a negative fashion.", "- [braˈtʃɔːla] ; plural braciole [braˈtʃɔːle]) is an Italian dish, consisting of slices of meat that are pan-fried or grilled, often in their own juice or in a small amount of light olive oil.", "What is brioche? Brioche is an enriched French bread, meaning that the dough contains a high proportion of fat it in.", "What is brioche? Brioche is often used in sweet dishes, leading to the perception that the bread is sweet.", "- 1 9. 2 Glaze (if desired), slash, and bake the brioche loaf. 3 For a shiny top crust, brush with the optional egg glaze. 4 With a sharp knife or single-edged razor blade, make a 1/4- to 1/2-inch-deep lengthwise slash in the dough, starting about 1 inch from one end of the pan and going to within 1 inch of the other end.aking Time: 10 to 15 minutes for small brioche, 35 to 40 minutes for the loaf. This is my basic brioche recipe, soft, light, and intensely buttery. For those who desire even more butter, it can be increased to 6 ounces, which will also make the crumb finer, denser, and more cake-like.", "Brioche The dough is made the evening before (1 kg of farine, a quarter of which for the starter, 10 g of yeast, 7 or 8 eggs; one mixes this together with the starter and 800 g of butter, breaking up the dough, which 'uses up the butter'.", "- fruche frûche is a, soft spoon hugging Traditional european style fromage. Frais given consumer, preference'we re excited to present the fruche frûche; fromage frais improved look and, improved taste which has delighted. Fruche frûche adorers the creamy texture combined with real fruit are what make fruche frûche such. a unique taste sensationiven consumer preference, we're excited to present the fruche frûche fromage; frais improved look and improved, taste which has delighted fruche. Frûche adorers the creamy texture combined with real fruit are what make fruche frûche such a. unique taste sensation", "- Brooke's Best Bombshell Brownies. Seduction straight from the oven! Rich, dark, and chocolatey, this brownie recipe uses cocoa powder, semi-sweet chocolate morsels, and butter, of course, to make an ultra intense chocolate treat.", "Ficelle A ficelle is a type of French bread loaf, similar to a baguette but much thinner. The word ficelle literally means string in French. Made with yeast.", "Brioche knitting Brioche knitting. Brioche knitting is a family of knitting patterns involving tucked stitches, i.e., yarn overs that are knitted together with a slipped stitch from the previous row. Such stitches may also be made by knitting into the row below (equivalent to the slipped stitch) and dropping the stitch above (equivalent to the yarn over).", "- Pears-Beurre Bosc. Beurre Bosc originated in France in 1835 (‘buerre’ is the French term for butter, and is meant to symbolise the melting quality of the pear!) They are a dessert pear with cinnamon brown skin. They have a white, juicy flesh, and a sophisticated and eloquent flavour.", "What is Sourdough Bread? Sourdough is one of the oldest types of bread. The 100% rye bread common in Northern Europe is one example of sourdough bread, and baguettes and other Southern European breads were traditionally made with sourdough before the advent of faster-growing yeast cultures.ll one needs to make a sourdough culture is flour and water. The bacteria in a sourdough bread culture is Lactobacillus, or lactic acid bacteria, which is also used in such foods as sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles, cheese, and yogurt.", "What Is a Ficelle? A ficelle is a type of French bread that is long and thin, like a thick bread stick, but still moist and spongy inside the crust. This type of bread loaf is about half the size of the typical French baguettes sold at grocery store bakeries.", "What is French Bread? Top 10 facts about the world. French bread is bread made from white wheat flour that has a strong and chewy crust. The interior is full of bubbles, often due to the use of sourdough starters to prepare the bread, though not all French bread is sourdough. Usually, the loaf is shaped into a torpedo, batard, or baguette style.", "- Braciola. Braciola is the name of an Italian dish. Braciole are simply thin slices of beef pan-fried in their own juice, tomato sauce, or in a small amount of light olive oil. It is served with a green salad or boiled potatoes.", "Brioche Brioche Nanterre is a loaf of brioche made in a standard loaf pan. Instead of shaping two pieces of dough and baking them together, two rows of small pieces of dough are placed in the pan. Loaves are then proofed (allowed to rise) in the pan, fusing the pieces together.rioche Nanterre is a loaf of brioche made in a standard loaf pan. Instead of shaping two pieces of dough and baking them together, two rows of small pieces of dough are placed in the pan. Loaves are then proofed (allowed to rise) in the pan, fusing the pieces together.", "- Noun. 1. brioche-a light roll rich with eggs and butter and somewhat sweet. bun, roll-small rounded bread either plain or sweet.Translations.[briˈɒʃ] n → brioche f.. brioche-a light roll rich with eggs and butter and somewhat sweet. bun, roll-small rounded bread either plain or sweet. Translations. [briˈɒʃ] n → brioche f.", "Braunschweiger Sandwich 1 Take two slices of rye bread and spread them with a thin coat of mayonnaise. 2 Pile on several quarter-inch slices of braunschweiger. 3 Top with a generous slice of Bermuda (sweet) onion. 4 Lightly sprinkle with coarse salt. Add the top slice of bread, cut on the diagonal.", "Brie Brie (/briː/ ; [bʁi]) is a soft cow's milk cheese named after Brie, the French region from which it originated (roughly corresponding to the modern departement département Of-seine-Et). Marne it is pale in color with a slight grayish tinge under a rind of white. moldy contrast, camembert is ripened as a small round cheese 10 cm (4 in) in diameter by about 3 cm (1.25 in) thick and fully covered by rind. This ratio change between rind and paste makes camembert slightly stronger when compared to a brie ripened for the same amount of time.", "Brioche Brioche can also be made in a pan without being rolled into balls to make an ordinary loaf. Brioche dough contains flour, eggs, butter, liquid (milk, water, cream, and sometimes brandy), leavening (yeast or sourdough), salt, and sometimes sugar. Common recipes have a flour to butter ratio of about 2:1.", "Brioche Brioche can also be made in a pan without being rolled into balls to make an ordinary loaf. Brioche dough contains flour, eggs, butter, liquid (milk, water, cream, and sometimes brandy), leavening (yeast or sourdough), salt, and sometimes sugar.Common recipes have a flour to butter ratio of about 2:1.rioche Nanterre is a loaf of brioche made in a standard loaf pan. Instead of shaping two pieces of dough and baking them together, two rows of small pieces of dough are placed in the pan. Loaves are then proofed (allowed to rise) in the pan, fusing the pieces together.", "What is a Baguette? A baguette is a traditional French bread. It originated in France in the 1800s, gained popularity in the 1900s, and is now found in most parts of the world.", "Types of French Breads They are also eaten with a savory filling for lunch, such as cheese and ham. The French croissant has a light and flaky texture. Pain de Campagne. The French word for bread is “pain,” and boulangeries usually sell several types of pain, including rye bread, also known as pain de seigle, and sourdough bread, or pain du levain." ]
[ 15.71875 ]
[ 3.587890625, 1.494140625, 3.90234375, 9.3515625, 3.2578125, 5.95703125, 1.4296875, 0.5458984375, 3.732421875, 16.734375, 13.21875, 9.0546875, 9.5625, -0.250244140625, 2.12109375, 2.189453125, 8.6875, 0.042877197265625, 3.85546875, 3.16015625, 7.37890625, 0.701171875, 12.640625, 14.296875, 0.6240234375, 5.234375, 12.3046875, 12.9296875, 5.015625, 5.4296875 ]
is mandelate a salt
[ "- METHENAMINE; SODIUM ACID PHOSPHATE (meth EN a meen; SOE dee um AS id FOS fate) is used to reduce the bacteria in the urine, which can help relieve discomfort caused by infection of the urinary tract or help prevent urinary tract infections.This medicine is not an antibiotic.It will not cure a urinary tract infection.ell your doctor or healthcare professional if your symptoms do not start to get better or if they get worse. Do not drive, use machinery, or do anything that needs mental alertness until you know how this medicine affects you. You may need to be on a special diet while taking this medicine." ]
[ "What Does Marmite Smell Like? It is definitely a love it or hate it type of food. It is very similar to vegemite. Marmite is made from a yeast extract, salt, vegetable extract, spices and vitamins. It tastes salty and beefy at the same time. What it smells like: Marmite smells just like is estranged cousin vegemite.It has a meaty smell. Tips: The most common use is as a spread on toast or in sandwiches. It is generally spread very thin because of its strong flavor—don’t use it like jam otherwise you will end up hating it before you enjoy it. 1 Email.armite is made from a yeast extract, salt, vegetable extract, spices and vitamins. It tastes salty and beefy at the same time. What it smells like: Marmite smells just like is estranged cousin vegemite.", "Pink salt vs regular salt Pink salt is not table salt with food coloring-pink salt is Himalayan salt which is a natural occurring substance. Beside sodium chloride, it contains minerals that are found in the human body.ost sea salts taste similar, but there are very slight differences. For instance, Himalayan pink salt tends to have an ever-so-slightly floral (similar to lavender) taste if you stick a small piece in your mouth. Hawaiian black sea salt has an earthier taste (probably due to the charcoal content).", "- The Mineral halite. Halite, the natural form of salt, is a very common and well-known mineral. It is found in solid masses, and as a dissolved solution in the oceans and in salt lake s. The inland lakes that are rich in salt exist in arid regions, and may also be below sea level without an outlet. Hydrohalite is not really a variety of Halite, but a very rare, similar mineral. Its chemical formula is NaCl · 2H2O, which is in essence Halite containing water. It forms only under very unique conditions where the water does not dissolve the salt.", "Sodalite Sodalite was also traded for at Lukurmata. 1 Mindat with locations. 2 Webmineral data. 3 Handbook of Mineralogy. 4 Hurlbut, Cornelius S.; Klein, Cornelis, 1985, Manual of Mineralogy, 20th ed., ISBN 0-471-80580-7. 5 Rock Roles: Facts, Properties, and Lore of Gemstones By Suzanne Bettonville. p.98. 6 Ice River deposit on Mindat.", "Magnesium chloride precipitation from mixed salt solution using 1,4-dioxan Abstract. This paper deals with the preparation of magnesium chloride hydrate from a mixed salt solution containing, besides MgCl 2, substantial quantities of undesired substances such as alkali metal chlorides and magnesium sulphate.", "What is the chemical and common name of [math]NaHCO_3 [/math]? Since it has long been known and is widely used, the salt has many related names such as baking soda, bread soda, cooking soda, and bicarbonate of soda. The word saleratus, from Latin sal aeratus æratus meaning aerated, salt was widely used in the 19th century for both sodium bicarbonate and potassium. bicarbonate", "Halite Salt Flat in Bristol Dry Lake - Mojave Desert. Halite (sodium chloride) comes from the Greek halos, meaning salt and lithos meaning rock, and is in fact, better known as rock salt. Halite is called an evaporite because it is formed by the evaporation of saline water in partially enclosed basins.", "What Are Some Substitutes for Fleur De Sel? Some substitutes for fleur de sel include flaky sea salts such as Maldon from England or Marlborough sea salts from New Zealand. Other substitutes are tamise de Guerande and sel gris de Guerande. Like fleur de sel, these are French sea salts. Continue Reading.", "- You guys know that this year I am partnering with Lindt and making some wacky and rich creations with their chocolate. Getting my truffle on, if you will. And I knew that I had to use the dark chocolate caramel sea salt LINDOR truffles for something.", "Desert Rose .....The Power Of Selenite Selenite is composed of hydrous calcium sulfate, its created from landlocked salt water, which has evaporated. Even as a rock, its form is still related to water and can be used in any spell related to that element.It is found throughout Europe, Mexico, and the mines in the southwestern United States.", "Salt See COVENANT OF SALT. The chief source of salt in Palestine is from the extensive deposits near the sea of salt (see DEAD SEA), where there are literally mountains and valleys of salt (2 Samuel 8:13; 2 Kings 14:7; 1 Chronicles 18:12; 2 Chronicles 25:11).ll native salt is more or less bitter, due to the presence of other salts such as magnesium sulphate. Salt was used not only as a food, but as an antiseptic in medicine. Newborn babes were bathed and salted (Ezekiel 16:4), a custom still prevailing.", "Maltodextrin My mistake -- just checked, the flavored VSL contains maltose, not maltodextrin. Not sure if that's better though, but you're right, unflavored is always better 24 y/o female, diagnosed pancolitis (70 cm) May 2012.", "Marmite: Americans wonder what's all the fuss over divisive British spread? Marmite: Americans wonder what's all the fuss over divisive British spread? Marmite, the ‘love it or hate it’ paste made from yeast extract with a yeasty, salty, soy sauce flavor, was the center of a spat that threatened its very existence.", "Can salt lose its saltiness? Sodium chloride is readily water-soluble, so if this crude salt were exposed to condensation or rain water, the sodium chloride could be dissolved and removed, and the salt could in effect lose its saltiness. Also, the salty flavour is detected by our sense of taste. If there were a physiological change in the functioning of our taste buds, salt consumed may no longer taste the same, but this would not be due to any inherent change in the salt itself. In summary, salt, i.e. sodium chloride, is a very stable material which retains its properties when stored dry.", "- I'm going to go with olivine, to represent the mantle. I've focused on minerals that are important on Earth's surface, because that's where people live. But most of the Earth is not crust-it's mantle, iron-and magnesium-rich silicate minerals. Olivine is the prettiest and easiest to recognize, and I think the mantle should be proud to have olivine as its spokesmineral.", "- It is found in any salt (such as sea salt and rock salt), sea vegetables (like seaweed and kelp), and foods to which large amounts of salt are added (like nuts, chips, and pickles). Due to its drying quality in the mouth, it may seem counterintuitive to think of Salty taste as moistening.", "Homemade Hunting Bait Recipes Molassas Bait. 1 Red Trace Mineral Salt. 2 Shovel. 3 Liquid Molassas. Make a mixture of the Red Trace Mineral Salt and Liquid Molassas. Red Trace Mineral Salt is used in the farm industry, and can be found affordably in any farm and feed 1 shop. Dig a hole in the ground, or even use a tree stump to pour the mixture into or over.", "Rennet for Cheese Making FAQ's 3. The amount of salt in rennet is miniscule. It is there as a preservative. Considering that you add 1/4 teaspoon of rennet to a gallon of milk and that much of the rennet runs off with the whey during draining, the amount of salt left in the cheese is virtually impossible to measure.", "Magnetite Crystal Description. Magnetite is an iron oxide mineral and a member of the Spinel group. Magnetite occurs in a variety of rock types and is often the main constituent in black sand. Magnetite is strongly magnetic, and naturally occurring magnetic Magnetite is known as Lodestone. Magnetite specimens are often covered in 'hairy' fragments of iron, which makes Magnetite a uniquely unusual collectors piece.", "- Salt Chemical Formula. This is the three-dimensional ionic structure of sodium chloride, NaCl. Sodium chloride is also known as halite or table salt. The term 'salt' can refer to any of a number of ionic compounds, but is most commonly used in reference to table salt, which is sodium chloride.", "alginate a salt of alginic acid, a colloidal substance from brown seaweed; used, in the form of calcium, sodium, or ammonium alginate, for dental impression materials. a salt of alginic acid (e.g., sodium alginate), which, when mixed with water in accurate proportions, forms an irreversible hydrocolloid gel used for making impressions or molds of the denti-tion. See also hydrocolloid, irreversible.", "- Rock Salt. - Rock Salt may be a synonym of the mineral Halite, but is also used referring to a rock composed of 95 to 99 percent Halite, containing impurities such as the minerals Anhydrite, Gypsum, Dolomite, Quartz, and Pyrite.alite, the natural form of salt, is a very common and well-known mineral. It is found in solid masses, and as a dissolved solution in the oceans and in salt lake s. The inland lakes that are rich in salt exist in arid regions, and may also be below sea level without an outlet.", "Halite Halite. Halite is a mineral commonly known as table salt, rock salt or simply salt. Halite is composed of sodium and chlorine in equal proportions (NaCl). Rock salt and halite are not exactly synonymous terms.Halite is a mineral, rock salt is a type of rock that is predominantly composed of halite.alite crystals demonstrating perfect cubic cleavage. Halite crystals demonstrating perfect cubic cleavage. Halite crystals covering a quay on the Atlantic coast in Morocco. These salt crystals formed when seawater evaporated. Pure halite is a transparent mineral.", "Sodium chloride Read more... Edit at Wikipedia... Sodium chloride, also known as salt, common salt, table salt or halite, is an ionic compound with the chemical formula NaCl, representing a 1:1 ratio of sodium and chloride ions.Sodium chloride is the salt most responsible for the salinity of seawater and of the extracellular fluid of many multicellular organism s.In the form of edible or table salt it is commonly used as a condiment and food preservative.Large quantities of sodium chloride are used in many industrial processes, and it is a major source of sodium and chlorine compounds used as feedstocks for further chemical syntheses.n the form of edible or table salt it is commonly used as a condiment and food preservative. Large quantities of sodium chloride are used in many industrial processes, and it is a major source of sodium and chlorine compounds used as feedstocks for further chemical syntheses.", "- In fact, most types of limestone form from the dissolved shells of marine organisms. Halite: Halite is the scientific term for rock salt. In fact, if you lick a chunk of halite, it tastes like salt! (Because it is salt, after all…) Halite is part of a group of chemical sedimentary rocks called evaporites.alite: Halite is the scientific term for rock salt. In fact, if you lick a chunk of halite, it tastes like salt! (Because it is salt, after all…) Halite is part of a group of chemical sedimentary rocks called evaporites.", "Fleur de sel Fleur de sel has been collected since ancient times (it was mentioned by Pliny the Elder in his book Natural History), although it was traditionally used as a purgative and salve. It is now used as a finishing salt to flavor and garnish food. The name comes from the salt's faint aroma of violets.", "Definitions &Translations The U.S./U.S.S.R. detente détente was presented as an applied extension of that. Thinking THE SALT ii pact of the late 1970s continued the work of THE Salt i, talks ensuring further reduction in arms by The soviets and by THE. usetente détente ended after The soviet intervention In, afghanistan which led to The United states boycott of the 1980 olympics In. moscow", "- Preparation of cis (+) sertraline hydrochloride form II: The purified cis mandelate salt (45Og) is suspended in ethyl acetate (2.25L). The suspension is treated with 10% aqueous NaOH solution (IL) to obtain a clear solution.UMMARY OF THE INVENTION. The present invention discloses a novel method for the preparation of racemic sertraline starting from the known tetralone and cis(+) sertraline hydrochloride form II from cis(+) sertraline mandelate.", "- Salsa de Molcajete. Salsa de Molcajete refers to a salsa that is ground by hand in a molcajete, Mexico's version of the mortar and pestle. Nearly all salsas used to be prepared this way, but now many cooks use blenders and food processors. Because of this, even in Mexico the term evokes nostalgia for the handmade quality of bygone days.", "Sodium chloride Sodium chloride /ˌsoʊdiəm ˈklɔraɪd/ , also known as salt, common salt, table salt or halite, is an ionic compound with the chemical formula NaCl, representing a 1:1 ratio of sodium and chloride ions.hen dissolved in water, the sodium chloride framework disintegrates as the Na + and Cl − ions become surrounded by the polar water molecules. These solutions consist of metal aquo complex with the formula [Na(H 2 O) 8 ] + , with the Na-O distance of 250 pm." ]
[ 4.48046875 ]
[ 1.3095703125, 2.06640625, 2.03515625, 0.55126953125, 1.580078125, 2.17578125, 1.576171875, -0.1878662109375, 1.443359375, -0.42626953125, 2.94921875, 0.58203125, -0.89013671875, 1.9228515625, -0.74072265625, 2.943359375, 0.67431640625, 1.4560546875, -0.0933837890625, 3.75, 1.7646484375, 3.59765625, 2.25390625, 4.3359375, 3.587890625, 0.55908203125, 0.310546875, 13.015625, -0.5283203125, 4.77734375 ]
what helps with sciatica pain
[ "6 Natural Ways to Relieve Sciatic Nerve Pain I recommend these as the first line of defense — for example, seeing a chiropractor who can adjust the spine and help relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve. Diet, of course, plays a role in helping reduce inflammation caused by sciatica, which is one of my six natural remedies for sciatic nerve pain." ]
[ "- How To Treat Sciatica – Anti-Inflammatory Treatment Probably the fastest way to get relief from Sciatica is from anti inflammatory medications. As your sciatic pain is being caused by an inflamed nerve, by reducing the inflammation you will reduce the pain.ow To Treat Sciatica – Anti-Inflammatory Treatment Probably the fastest way to get relief from Sciatica is from anti inflammatory medications. As your sciatic pain is being caused by an inflamed nerve, by reducing the inflammation you will reduce the pain.", "Herbs for Arthritis, Sciatica and Back Pain St. John's wort is an herb that may treat your arthritis, sciatica and back pain. According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, St. John's wort, also known as hypericum perforatum, is a shrubby plant bearing clusters of yellow flowers.rnica is an herb that may be beneficial in treating arthritis, sciatica and back pain. The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center states that arnica, also known as arnica montana or mountain tobacco, is derived from the flowers and rhizome, or underground stem, of the plant.", "OUCH! 10 Tips For Soothing Sciatic Nerve Pain This condition affects the sciatic nerve that runs across the buttock and down the back of the legs (the entire length of the hamstrings to the toes). When sciatic nerve pain acts up, the nerve itself becomes inflamed due to an injury—for instance, a slipped disc, pinched nerve, pressure due to pregnancy, or poor posture. Sciatica can be very debilitating, however, there are a few tricks that can help soothe sciatic nerve pain and decrease inflammation. Here are ten tips for relieving sciatica… 1. Massage. Massaging the muscles of the buttocks and backs of the legs (where the sciatic nerve runs) can loosen muscle tension and decrease painful nerve inflammation. How? Massage promotes blood circulation which will ease sciatic nerve tenderness and built up tension.", "How can I help myself when I have hip pain? We recommend that you don’t rest for more than a few days – start some gentle exercise as soon as the pain begins to ease. Simple exercises can help to restore your range of movement, promote strength, ease stiffness and get your hip back to normal. Start by exercising very gently and build up gradually.", "Help for sciatica pain Frankly, a cure doesn't exist. Once you've had a bad attack of sciatica, no matter what help for sciatic pain you seek, it will remain a vulnerable part of your body. Exercise, exercise, exercise... is your best bet. And accept that lifting pianos and the like is not for you.", "What can I do to relieve my back pain? Try these suggestions: 1 Keep moving. It's natural to want to avoid using your back when it hurts. 2 Find a comfortable position. When you do rest, you may have to experiment with positions to relieve your pain. 3 Try heat or ice. Ice can lessen your pain, while heat can loosen tight muscles. 4 Try simple pain medication.", "- In this case, external wind may not be a factor in causing the pain, though it can still combine with cold and dampness to exacerbate the underlying condition. Chinese herbal therapies for sciatica and lumbago usually involve warming the kidney yang, dispelling chill, clearing dampness (usually by invigorating the spleen function), and resolving ...", "7 Ways To Stop Sciatic Nerve Pain Place ice on the side where the nerve is inflamed. Place it on the lower back, the buttock on the side affected or tailbone for up to 20 minutes every 2-3 hours. This helps to decrease inflammation in the sciatic nerve and relieving pain albeit temporarily.", "Herbs As A Sciatica Alternative Remedy Herbs are an integral part of the for all sciatica alternative remedies. Many conventional medicines were initially derived from herbs and natural products and later synthesized for mass production. Not A Permanent Cure It remains quite frustrating that most so called cures are not cures at all. It can best be described as interim relief.", "Back Pain - Does sciatica pain (also in right calf) ever go away? Responses (3) You should see your doctor as he can give you a couple simple exercises that will greatly improve your condition. Sciatica pain is terrible and there is little in drugs that can help. This is why exercise is so important.", "Sciatica Dull Ache What are sciatica symptoms, how to deal with them. Sciatica Dull Ache. Other treatment options for helping you prevent injuries ankle or foot stands the sacroiliac joint is a complex procedure. Sciatica. sciatica are therefore back pain as it grows. Osteoarthritis and this happens more often urged its members to becomes extremely painful. It is very unlikely to be symptoms and not disruption in the gums to be a very painful. But don’t know that the compound can be applied to the soreness for infections.", "Physical Therapy and Exercise for Sciatica Sciatica exercises usually focus on three key areas: strengthening, stretching and aerobic conditioning. Strengthening exercises. Stretching is usually recommended to alleviate sciatic pain. Stretches for sciatica are designed to target muscles that cause pain when they are tight and inflexible.", "Sciatica What is the conventional treatment for sciatica? For most people, sciatic pain responds well to simple measures, including hot and cold packs, stretching exercises and the use of over-the-counter (OTC) pain medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDS) like ibubrofen.", "Natural Therapies for Sciatica 3 Natural Therapies for Sciatica. Holistic Health. If you are suffering with sciatica, a type of pain that radiates along the sciatic nerve's pathway, finding a sciatica treatment is likely on top of your mind. Sciatica can be quite disruptive to daily activities, causing much discomfort.", "- 11Arthritis Research UK Painkillers Which medications can help with inflammatory arthritis? If you have inflammatory arthritis, such as rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis, you’ll need to take a combination of drugs. NSAIDs are more effective than analgesics in relieving the pain and stiffness of inflammatory arthritis.", "- The types of drugs that might be prescribed for sciatica pain include: 1 Anti-inflammatories. 2 Muscle relaxants. 3 Narcotics. Tricyclic antidepressants. Anti-seizure medications.", "How Weather Affects Sciatica Now that you know how weather affects sciatica, you can help alleviate the pain from sciatica. The first thing to remember is to take it easy. Apply a warm topical cream to loosen these joints and muscles. If pain continues, the best thing for you to do is see a doctor or chiropractor.", "Natural Therapies for Sciatica So far, scientific support for the claim that any alternative medicine can treat sciatica is lacking. Hot and cold packs, yoga, and gentle exercise may help to soothe sciatica symptoms. Additionally, a number of alternative therapies may help fight sciatica-related pain: 1) Acupuncture.", "- WebMD News Archive. April 23, 2003 -- A drug commonly used to ease the pain and inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis may also double as a potential sciatica treatment. A new study shows Remicade (infliximab) effectively reduced leg pain caused by severe sciatica and allowed many suffers to return to normal activities.", "Why Your Sciatica is Worse in the Morning Stretching first thing when you wake up can help flex your muscles and reduce pain. Here are a few stretches that you can do when you first wake up in the morning: Low Back Stretch – Lay on your back on the floor and put your hands behind your knees. Next, pull your knees up slowly to your chest, as far as they will go. Hold that pose for 30 seconds or longer, whatever makes you feel comfortable.", "Sciatica pain. Will compression stockings help with the pain? 4 years ago by Angelo N. Makris MD. Compression hose will not help sciatica related symptoms. 4 years ago by Heart and Vein Center If you have pain due to ciatic nerve problems, the compression stockings will probably not help much, unless you also have veins problems. Dr Farhy. 4 years ago by Vein Specialists If it is truly sciatica it is unlikely to benefit from compression hose therapy.", "News Regular visits to a chiropractic specialist can help you get relief from your sciatica pain. Your chiropractor can create a custom treatment plan that provides you with a gentle, yet progressive plan to get you down the path to recovery.", "OUCH! 10 Tips For Soothing Sciatic Nerve Pain This condition affects the sciatic nerve that runs across the buttock and down the back of the legs (the entire length of the hamstrings to the toes). When sciatic nerve pain acts up, the nerve itself becomes inflamed due to an injury—for instance, a slipped disc, pinched nerve, pressure due to pregnancy, or poor posture. Sciatica can be very debilitating, however, there are a few tricks that can help soothe sciatic nerve pain and decrease inflammation. 1. Massage.", "What type of doctor should i see for knee pain? But one thing is absolutely clear. Incorporating a few exercises that have a beneficial effect on sciatica pain in daily regime is of great help and whether a patient is taking drugs or not, these exercises ensure that his muscles are kept in a toned condition that lessen any flare up of pain.", "- Painkillers. If you have persistent or troublesome sciatic pain, there are a number of painkilling medications that may help. These include: 1 paracetamol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) , such as ibuprofen. 2 opioid medication, such as codeine or, in severe cases, morphine.", "- Massage Treatment for Sciatica Relief. Sciatica is a common type of pain caused by compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body, going from the pelvis, through the buttocks, down the legs to the feet. Common symptoms of sciatica include: 1 Pain in the buttock or leg that is worse when sitting. 2 Burning or tingling down the leg. Weakness, numbness, or difficulty moving the leg or foot.", "- Before you take steps to ease low back pain, it's helpful to understand the causes and symptoms of low back pain. 1 Heat or ice, exercise, and other steps at home to help with pain and make your back stronger. 2 Physical therapy. 3 Pain medicine.", "- Because the most debilitating symptom of sciatica is the associated pain, doctors prescribe analgesic medication for the pain, muscle relaxants to ease muscle spasms and NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) to reduce inflammation and pressure on the nerve.", "Getting a leg up on sciatica In nine out of 10 cases, sciatica is caused by a displaced disk in the lower spine. The best medicine is often patience — with some stoicism mixed in — because the pain often goes away, even if the problem disk does not. Researchers have found that the pain usually improves within a month.", "7 Supplements That Help Back Pain Increasing your intake of omega-3 fatty acids is something Dr. Bowler says can help with inflammation that can cause back pain. Supplements are available in liquid or capsule form." ]
[ 12.3828125 ]
[ 10.828125, 9.8671875, 12.53125, 6.09375, 14.234375, 9.8828125, 9.09375, 12.8203125, 9.8203125, 10.375, 8.984375, 12.53125, 13.625, 11.3515625, 4.59375, 13.0390625, 11.34375, 14.15625, 11.4765625, 10.7421875, 10.21875, 13.28125, 12.4921875, 12.25, 13.9140625, 12.5234375, 10.3828125, 12.2578125, 11.375, 7.85546875 ]
what are 2 common salts
[ "- Sodium chloride /ˌsoʊdiəm ˈklɔraɪd/ , also known as salt, common salt, table salt or halite, is an ionic compound with the chemical formula NaCl, representing a 1:1 ratio of sodium and chloride ions." ]
[ "Sodium bicarbonate Since it has long been known and is widely used, the salt has many related names such as baking soda, bread soda, cooking soda, and bicarbonate of soda. The word saleratus, from Latin sal aeratus æratus meaning aerated, salt was widely used in the 19th century for both sodium bicarbonate and potassium. bicarbonateaHCO 3 is mainly prepared by the Solvay process, which is the reaction of sodium chloride, ammonia, and carbon dioxide in water. Calcium carbonate is used as the source of CO 2 and the resultant calcium oxide is used to recover the ammonia from the ammonium chloride.", "- Common Uses. Sulfate salts have diverse applications. Magnesium sulfate, or Epsom salt, is used for therapeutic baths; gypsum--the mineral form of hydrated calcium sulfate--produces plaster; and sulfate ions are used in some cationic drugs, according to New World Encyclopedia.acts. Sulfate is an inorganic salt of sulfuric acid. The ion sulfate is a polyatomic anion with the empirical formula SO4. Many sulfate salts are highly soluble in water. Sulfates increase the acidity of the atmosphere, creating acid rain.", "Is Salt & Potassium the Same Thing? You lose both potassium and sodium via your sweat. Sodium chloride or table salt and potassium have some things in common: They’re both electrolytes present in your body and they both end in -ium. But when it comes to their effects in the body, salt and potassium have different purposes.odium chloride or table salt and potassium have some things in common: They’re both electrolytes present in your body and they both end in -ium.", "Alkali metal Table salt, or sodium chloride, has been used since antiquity. Sodium and potassium are also essential elements, having major biological roles as electrolytes, and although the other alkali metals are not essential, they also have various effects on the body, both beneficial and harmful.", "- There are several salts in sea water, but the most abundant is ordinary table salt or sodium chloride (NaCl). Find out more about this salt type. There are several salts in sea water, but the most abundant is ordinary table salt or sodium chloride (NaCl). Sodium chloride, like other salts, dissolves in water into its ions, so this is really a question about which ions are present in the greatest concentration. Sodium chloride dissociates into Na + and Cl-ions.", "Salt Common salt is a mineral composed primarily of sodium chloride (NaCl), a chemical compound belonging to the larger class of salts; salt in its natural form as a crystalline mineral is known as rock salt or halite.he manufacture of salt is one of the oldest chemical industries. A major source of salt is seawater, which has a salinity of approximately 3.5%. This means that there are about 35 grams (1.2 oz) of dissolved salts, predominantly sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl−) ions, per kilogram (2.2 lbs) of water.", "Chemicals & Salts Some salt compounds are soluble in water and form aqueous ionic solutions. The most common salt solution is brine formed from sodium chloride solution in water. Other common ionic salt solutions contain salts of potassium, calcium, or magnesium.ydrated salts are salt compounds that include water molecules in their crystal structure. Many salts are found in hydrated form and maintain a solid crystalline state. The hydration of salt crystals is known as the water of crystallization, where water is often required for the crystal formation of the salt.", "The SaltWorks ®Gourmet Salt Guide Available in coarse, fine and extra fine grain size. Manufacturers of sea salt typically do not refine sea salt as much as other kinds of salt, so it still contains up to 89 traces of other minerals, including iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc and iodine.Table Salt. Table salt is the most common kind of salt found in the average kitchen.anufacturers of sea salt typically do not refine sea salt as much as other kinds of salt, so it still contains up to 89 traces of other minerals, including iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc and iodine.", "- Sulphates, such as that of calcium (gypsum). Phosphates, in which vanadium is found. Silicates (silicon oxides) of zirconium and aluminum. Halides (compounds with chlorine, fluorine, bromine and iodine) of sodium (sodium chloride is common table salt) and potassium.ulphates, such as that of calcium (gypsum). Phosphates, in which vanadium is found. Silicates (silicon oxides) of zirconium and aluminum. Halides (compounds with chlorine, fluorine, bromine and iodine) of sodium (sodium chloride is common table salt) and potassium.", "Bright Hub Education Sodium is a silvery-white metal and clorine a yellowish-green non-metal. The most common and most popular example of ionic bonds is the combination of these two elements which produces sodium chloride, commonly known as the table salt.In this ionic bonding, an electron from the sodium atom is transferred to the chlorine atom which creates oppositely charged chloride and sodium atoms.t easily decomposes when exposed to water, and it also catches fire easily during this reaction. Bromide, a non-metal, is a liquid with reddish-brown color. As one of the examples of ionic bonds, the chemical bonding that occurs between bromide and potassium produces potassium bromide.", "- 2. Table salt. This is the most common kind of salt, and the one most used in the our kitchen. Sourced from salt mines, it is then refined and most minerals removed. Anti-caking agents are added to prevent clumping, as is iodine, a nutrient not always naturally present in salt.", "GCSE Chemistry - Preparation of Salts There are three main methods of preparing salts -. (i) for a metal or insoluble base reacting with an acid to produce a soluble salt filtration is used, e.g. reacting copper(II) oxide with sulphuric acid to make copper(II) sulphate.here is no direct method of preparing an insoluble salt from an insoluble base. The problem us that as the base is added the salt is produced so filtration would yield a mixture of two solids. Titration won't work either as the base is not soluble in water.", "What Kinds of Salt Can I Use to Make Homemade Bath Salts? Types of Salt. Regular salt comes in many forms from the iodized table salt that you probably have in your cabinet, to sea salt, kosher salt, pickling salt and others. The primary ingredient is sodium chloride, but the salt can vary in the size of the crystals and in any other ingredients that are added.", "- Rock Salt. - Rock Salt may be a synonym of the mineral Halite, but is also used referring to a rock composed of 95 to 99 percent Halite, containing impurities such as the minerals Anhydrite, Gypsum, Dolomite, Quartz, and Pyrite.alite, the natural form of salt, is a very common and well-known mineral. It is found in solid masses, and as a dissolved solution in the oceans and in salt lake s. The inland lakes that are rich in salt exist in arid regions, and may also be below sea level without an outlet.", "SALT Characteristics and Classification of Salts. The most familiar salt is sodium chloride, the principal component of common table salt. Sodium chloride, NaCl, and water, H 2 O, are formed by neutralization of sodium hydroxide, NaOH, a base, with hydrogen chloride, HCl, an acid: HCl+NaOH→NaCl+H.haracteristics and Classification of Salts. The most familiar salt is sodium chloride, the principal component of common table salt. Sodium chloride, NaCl, and water, H 2 O, are formed by neutralization of sodium hydroxide, NaOH, a base, with hydrogen chloride, HCl, an acid: HCl+NaOH→NaCl+H.", "Sodium chloride Read more... Edit at Wikipedia... Sodium chloride, also known as salt, common salt, table salt or halite, is an ionic compound with the chemical formula NaCl, representing a 1:1 ratio of sodium and chloride ions.Sodium chloride is the salt most responsible for the salinity of seawater and of the extracellular fluid of many multicellular organism s.In the form of edible or table salt it is commonly used as a condiment and food preservative.Large quantities of sodium chloride are used in many industrial processes, and it is a major source of sodium and chlorine compounds used as feedstocks for further chemical syntheses.n the form of edible or table salt it is commonly used as a condiment and food preservative. Large quantities of sodium chloride are used in many industrial processes, and it is a major source of sodium and chlorine compounds used as feedstocks for further chemical syntheses.", "- The most common compound of sodium is sodium chloride (common salt). It is added to food and used to de-ice roads in winter. It is also used as a feedstock for the chemical industry.Sodium carbonate (washing soda) is also a useful sodium salt.alt (sodium chloride, NaCl) and soda (sodium carbonate, Na 2 CO 3) had been known since prehistoric times, the former used as a flavouring and preservative, and the latter for glass manufacture. Salt came from seawater, while soda came from the Natron Valley in Egypt or from the ash of certain plants.", "The Mineral halite Halite, the natural form of salt, is a very common and well-known mineral. It is found in solid masses, and as a dissolved solution in the oceans and in salt lake s. The inland lakes that are rich in salt exist in arid regions, and may also be below sea level without an outlet.alite, the natural form of salt, is a very common and well-known mineral. It is found in solid masses, and as a dissolved solution in the oceans and in salt lake s. The inland lakes that are rich in salt exist in arid regions, and may also be below sea level without an outlet.", "- Making a soluble salt from an acid and insoluble base or metal. Doc Brown's Chemistry GCSE/IGCSE Science-Chemistry Revision Notes. The pH scale of acidity and alkalinity, acids, alkalis, salts and neutralisation. 6. Methods of making salts 6b.arbonates are frequently used in this method of salt making, e.g. using copper carbonate to make copper salts. The equations are give with, and without sate symbols. and with sulphuric acid a blue solution of copper(II) sulphate is formed.", "- Halite, the natural form of salt, is a very common and well-known mineral. It is found in solid masses, and as a dissolved solution in the oceans and in salt lake s. The inland lakes that are rich in salt exist in arid regions, and may also be below sea level without an outlet.ock Salt. - Rock Salt may be a synonym of the mineral Halite, but is also used referring to a rock composed of 95 to 99 percent Halite, containing impurities such as the minerals Anhydrite, Gypsum, Dolomite, Quartz, and Pyrite.", "Examples of Salts in Chemistry Table salt, or sodium chloride, is the ionic product of the combination of lye, or sodium hydroxide, and hydrochloric acid. Appearing clear to milky white, sodium chloride has been valued as a seasoning for food for more than 2,000 years.It was so highly valued that the Romans would pay their soldiers in salt rations.n chemistry, salts are the ionic products when an acid reacts with a base and neutralizes. In the solid form, salts have a neutral charge.", "Types of Salt Sea salt. The sea salt and the kosher salts are entirely of different categories of salts. One cannot be replaced by the other in the same dish for same quantities as it would make a lot of difference in the tastes.So just before you pinch and sprinkle, think a second on what type of salt that you are holding.The kosher salt is something which has granules of very small sizes.ne cannot be replaced by the other in the same dish for same quantities as it would make a lot of difference in the tastes. So just before you pinch and sprinkle, think a second on what type of salt that you are holding. The kosher salt is something which has granules of very small sizes.", "- Sodium sulfate is widely distributed in nature... is present in almost all fresh and salt waters and sulfate as such is normally present in almost all natural foodstuffs. Both sodium and sulfate ions are among the most common ions found in all living organisms.(1).", "Salt Salt is actually a mineral, not a spice. Therefore, it does not lose its flavor over time like spices and herbs do. Salt has been an important player in world commerce and cuisine since ancient times, and salts our language and literature as well. No kitchen is complete without salt. Culinary salts come in two basic categories - sea salt and mined salt.", "- (b) An alkaline salt. Binary salt (Chem.), a salt of the oxy type conveniently regarded as composed of two ingredients (analogously to a haloid salt), viz., a metal and an acid radical. Double salt (Chem.), a salt regarded as formed by the union of two distinct salts, as common alum, potassium aluminium sulphate. See under Double.", "- A salt is any compound which can be derived from the neutralization of an acid and a base. The word neutralization is used because the acid and base properties of H + and OH-are destroyed or neutralized. In the reaction, H + and OH-combine to form HOH or H 2 O or water molecules.A neutralization is a type of double replacement reaction.A salt is the product of an acid-base reaction and is a much broader term then common table salt as shown in the first reaction. The following are some examples of neutralization reactions to form salts.b.n the reaction, H + and OH-combine to form HOH or H 2 O or water molecules. A neutralization is a type of double replacement reaction. A salt is the product of an acid-base reaction and is a much broader term then common table salt as shown in the first reaction.", "- Most salt substitutes are also salts (such as potassium chloride). Acidic ingredients such as lemon, can reduce the amount of salt needed.Some cultures do not use crystalline salt as a condiment and instead use salty condiments like fish sauce and soy sauce. The concentration of salt products can vary.In particular, flake or kosher salt are fluffier.. A teaspoon of table salt will contain 1.5 to 2x the amount of sodium chloride.ome cultures do not use crystalline salt as a condiment and instead use salty condiments like fish sauce and soy sauce. The concentration of salt products can vary. In particular, flake or kosher salt are fluffier.. A teaspoon of table salt will contain 1.5 to 2x the amount of sodium chloride.", "- Salt (sodium chloride, NaCl) and soda (sodium carbonate, Na 2 CO 3) had been known since prehistoric times, the former used as a flavouring and preservative, and the latter for glass manufacture. Salt came from seawater, while soda came from the Natron Valley in Egypt or from the ash of certain plants.he most common compound of sodium is sodium chloride (common salt). It is added to food and used to de-ice roads in winter. It is also used as a feedstock for the chemical industry. Sodium carbonate (washing soda) is also a useful sodium salt.", "Iron (II) sulfate Reactions. 1 Iron(III) sulfate (ferric sulfate), the other common simple sulfate of iron. 2 Copper(II) sulfate. 3 Ammonium iron(II) sulfate, also known as Mohr's salt, the common double salt of ammonium sulfate with iron(II) sulfate. 4 Ephraim Seehl known as an early manufacturer of green vitriol.", "- Epsom salts are distilled from naturally occurring minerals in water. You can find Epsom salts at most grocery stores and drug stores. They are most commonly used for bath salts and they have been shown to have positive health benefits for the body, especially the feet.our feet carry a heavy load every day and are the most neglected part of the body. They support the weight of the body and often suffer from dry skin and muscle tenderness caused by shoes. You can soothe your tired, achy feet by soaking them in an Epsom salt footbath." ]
[ 11.421875 ]
[ 7.015625, 7.6875, 9.640625, 9.9140625, 9.40625, 11.6484375, 10.953125, 8.8515625, 8.953125, 6.4375, 11.2265625, 6.375, 8.265625, 8.5546875, 11.0546875, 10.4609375, 10.390625, 9.015625, 4.86328125, 8.890625, 9.5234375, 8.5625, 7.1171875, 9.5859375, 8.7421875, 7.82421875, 8.53125, 11.15625, 7.7734375, 6.765625 ]
what is crdp
[ "Concurrent Retirement & Disability Pay (CRDP) Concurrent Retirement & Disability Pay (CRDP) Concurrent Retirement and Disability Pay (CRDP) allows military retirees to receive both military retired pay and Veterans Affairs (VA) compensation. This was prohibited until the CRDP program began on January 1, 2004. CRDP is a phase in of benefits that gradually restores a retiree's VA disability offset." ]
[ "Castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) Castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) CRPC is an incurable stage of prostate cancer, in which approx. 90% of patients develop metastases, mainly in the skeleton. Patients can experience acute pain due to fractures, compression of the spine and other skeletal symptoms.", "Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs Veterans do not need to apply for this benefit, as payment is coordinated between VA and the military pay center. To qualify for CRDP, Veterans must have a VA service-connected rating of 50 percent or greater, be eligible to receive retired pay, and:", "Combining Retirement and Disability Compensation CRDP is a restoration of retired pay for retirees with service-connected disabilities that was lost due to the VA compensation offset. CRDP is taxed in the same manner as your retired pay, and it is normally considered taxable income. No application is required. Eligible retirees receive CRDP automatically.", "- Description. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is diagnosed when a patient has severe, spreading chronic pain with redness, fluctuating skin temperature, and sometimes changes in body hair and nail growth. Adults and children can suffer from this condition.", "- Terms of Reference Intro The role of this group is to deliver Axis 4 objectives of the RDP 07/13 and the Local Development Strategy for Rural Carmarthenshire via a Local Action Group that has been established under Grwp Cefn Gwlad.eographic Area Covered-population thresholds The LAG will operate within the geographic area as outlined within the Local Development Strategy of Grwp Cefn Gwlad. The area is defined as the Rural area of Carmarthenshire (refer to details within the LDS Grwp Cefn Gwlad).", "State Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs The Harold Rogers Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (HRPDMP) is administered by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance, to provide three types of grants: planning, implementation, and enhancement.", "- Find RFP is a centralized database for government bidding and procurement information published by United States and Canada governments: federal, state, city, county, municipal government, university, school, hospital, airports, correctional facility, water district, public utility, police and fire departments.ind RFP is a centralized database for government bidding and procurement information published by United States and Canada governments: federal, state, city, county, municipal government, university, school, hospital, airports, correctional facility, water district, public utility, police and fire departments.", "Carbon fiber reinforced polymer Carbon fiber redirects here. For fibers of carbon, see carbon fibers. Carbon fiber reinforced polymer, carbon fiber reinforced plastic or carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic (CFRP, CRP, CFRTP or often simply carbon fiber, or even carbon), is an extremely strong and light fiber-reinforced plastic which contains carbon fibers.", "- The Company is is a diesel engine manufacturing company in Cento, Italy, specialized in the design and production of high technology diesel engines for a variety of uses. There are too many applications to mention in one blog post, however I will say that the 2.8L CRD is used in the Jeep Cherokees.", "- The RCDP is an addendum to the Service's previously released Natural Resource Damage Assessment Plan. This RCDP is the second addendum to the August 1996 Assessment Plan and explains how natural resource damages will be calculated using restoration planning, economic valuation, and direct coordination with the U.", "- Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) formerly reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), causalgia , or reflex neurovascular dystrophy (RND) is an amplified musculoskeletal pain syndrome (AMPS).omplex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) formerly reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), causalgia , or reflex neurovascular dystrophy (RND) is an amplified musculoskeletal pain syndrome (AMPS).", "Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), also called reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome, is a chronic pain condition in which high levels of nerve impulses are sent to an affected site. Experts believe that CRPS occurs as a result of dysfunction in the central or peripheral nervous systems.", "Welcome to the Division of Rehabilitative Programs (DRP) Our mission, as part of CDCR, is to help offenders leave prison with better job or career skills, education, life skills, and confidence, so they can succeed in their futures despite past obstacles. To accomplish this, DRP provides numerous rehabilitative programs and services to both prison inmates and parolees.", "Cambridge Histories Online © Cambridge University Press, 2008 This is where CRDN comes into the story. For more than a decade, CRDN has established a leadership position in the textile restoration industry…a category that we created. With the best people, processes and technology anywhere, we get it done right—on time and every time.or more than a decade, CRDN has established a leadership position in the textile restoration industry…a category that we created. With the best people, processes and technology anywhere, we get it done right—on time and every time.", "- If you have 20 years of service in addition to a 50 percent or more VA disability rating, you would be eligible for Concurrent Retirement and Disability Pay (CRDP).If you do not qualify for CRDP and your VA entitlement is greater than the retired pay amount, you will not receive retired pay.he retired pay base for a qualified disability retirement is determined by either the Final Pay Method or the High-36 Month Method, which is dependent on when you first entered military service.", "- GDCP is a multiple employer defined contribution plan established by the Georgia General Assembly in July 1992. The plan compensation limits are covered by federal Internal Revenue Code (IRC) § 401(a).", "Concurrent Retirement and Disability Pay (CRDP) FAQs Answer: No. Recipients of retired pay with a disability rating of 50% or greater may be eligible for CRDP if they meet any of the following conditions: 1 20 years of active duty service. 2 20 good years in the Guard or Reserve and 60 years of age or older. 3 Retired under Temporary Early Retirement Authority (TERA)", "- Misnomer: CRPGs today are not necessarily exclusive to the Computer and have expanded to console platforms more and more since the first Xbox. The term Western RPG has been used to show distinction from the popular JRPGs in the console space. Early era CRPGs: Ultima , Wizardry, Wasteland, Might and Magic.", "- The Harris County Republicans Party (HCRP) is a volunteer organization. HCRP is part of the Texas Republican Party and is the. official Republican Party Organization in Harris County.", "Concurrent Retirement & Disability Pay (CRDP) Concurrent Retirement and Disability Pay (CRDP) allows military retirees to receive both military retired pay and Veterans Affairs (VA) compensation. This was prohibited until the CRDP program began on January 1, 2004. CRDP is a phase in of benefits that gradually restores a retiree's VA disability offset.", "C-reactive protein C-reactive protein (CRP) is an annular (ring-shaped), pentameric protein found in blood plasma, whose levels rise in response to inflammation. It is an acute-phase protein of hepatic origin that increases following interleukin-6 secretion by macrophages and T cells.", "Complex Regional Pain Syndrome A. A. A. Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), also called reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome, is a chronic pain condition in which high levels of nerve impulses are sent to an affected site. Experts believe that CRPS occurs as a result of dysfunction in the central or peripheral nervous systems.", "- There are basically two schools of thought in what is meant by JRPG: The first is the literal minded one: a JRPG is a Role Playing Game that was made in Japan. This school of thought accepts Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma under the JRPG umbrella in spite of their western design influences. The second is more liberally minded: a JRPG is an RPG that is informed by the design of games like Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. This school of thought accepts Secret of Evermore as a JRPG even though the game was made entirely in America.", "- (September 2015) Reflex neurovascular dystrophy (RND), also known as complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) and reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome, is a rare sympathetic nervous system disorder characterized by severe chronic pain.", "- The Self-Referral Disclosure Protocol (SRDP) enables health care providers and suppliers. to self-disclose actual or potential violations of the Physician Self-Referral Law (Stark Law) . For more information, visit http://www .cms .gov/Medicare/Fraud-and-Abuse/PhysicianSelf. Referral on the CMS website.overnment covers items or services rendered to Medicare beneficiaries, the Federal fraud and abuse laws apply. Many similar state laws apply to your provision of care under state-financed programs and to private-pay patients. The issues discussed here may apply to the care you provide to all insured patients.", "Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Synonyms: reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), causalgia. Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a poorly understood painful condition. There is pain in a limb, usually associated with sensory, motor, autonomic, skin and bone abnormalities. The symptoms are severe and have a debilitating effect.", "Monoclonal Anti-Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide antibody produced in mouse Anti-Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide (CGRP) antibody is suitable for immunohistochemistry at a working antibody dilution of 1:200 to 1:1000 using formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections or cryostat tissue sections. The antibody may be used for immunofluorescence at a working dilution of 1:500.", "- R: Centrifuge rotor radius (mm) KRPM: Centrifuge speed in thousands. Example: If rotor radius is 102mm, speed is 3.4krpm (3400rpm), Then, RCF = 1.12 x 102 x 3.4 x 3.4 = 1320g. Q: My centrifuge is making a lot of noise when running. A: 1) Check to make sure the load is balanced. 2) make sure that you are using the same kinds of tubes. (ie- if samples are in a. glass then all counter balances must be glass.", "C-reactive protein C-reactive protein (CRP) is an annular (ring-shaped), pentameric protein found in blood plasma, whose levels rise in response to inflammation. It is an acute-phase protein of hepatic origin that increases following interleukin-6 secretion by macrophages and T cells.RP is synthesized by the liver in response to factors released by macrophages and fat cells (adipocytes). It is a member of the pentraxin family of proteins. It is not related to C-peptide (insulin) or protein C (blood coagulation). C-reactive protein was the first pattern recognition receptor (PRR) to be identified.", "RSD/CRPS Overview Overview of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)/Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), formerly called reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) and causalgia, is a chronic, painful, and progressive neurological condition that affects the skin, muscles, joints and bones." ]
[ 16.6875 ]
[ 5.3203125, 11.046875, 16.46875, 7.41015625, 5.2109375, 4.875, 3.07421875, 6.28515625, 7.27734375, 11.1875, 7.60546875, 8.21875, 4.25390625, 4.95703125, 13.828125, 4.18359375, 11.7265625, 2.060546875, 3.146484375, 16.71875, 7.4140625, 8.1484375, 0.9775390625, 6.12890625, 2.80859375, 7.18359375, 3.064453125, 1.7275390625, 7.08984375, 7.375 ]
what is a fancy french toilet called
[ "Eau de toilette Eau de toilette. Eau de toilette (French: [o d(ə) twalɛt]) or toilet water is a lightly scented cologne used as a skin freshener. It is also referred to as aromatic waters and has a high alcohol content. It is usually applied directly to the skin after bathing or shaving." ]
[ "- Learn how to work a lacet, also known as a fancy mesh. This stitch was often used in vintage filet crochet patterns, particularly patterns from the early 1900s - 1930s; the stitch remains popular even now. It's very pretty, and it creates added visual interest wherever it is used in a filet crochet pattern.", "- Asking where is the bathroom in French is more complicated than it seems. The French have old rules about excusing oneself to go to the restroom. You shouldn't go in the middle of a meal. And when you need to go, you should be very discreet about it. Here is everything you wanted to know (and more) about using the toilets in France.", "Fancy rat The fancy rat is a domesticated brown rat (Rattus norvegicus), which is the most common type of pet rat. The name fancy rat derives from the idea of animal fancy or the phrase to fancy (to like, or appreciate). Fancy rats have their origins as the targets for blood sport in 18th-and 19th-century Europe.", "- Parlor Stoves . The Victorian Age is reflected in the designs and names of parlor stoves. These stoves simulate the architecture of castles, Gothic churches, and Italian villas. They are also lavish and intricate in design. Made at the height of cast iron technology, such stoves display some of the finest examples of casting known today.", "Accessible toilet signs â what they mean. This is an old English abbreviation for Water Closet (which refers to a flushing toilet). A toilet is also frequently called a ‘loo’ or ‘lavatory’ / ‘lav’. Most people in the UK use the word ‘loo’ or ‘toilet’. Ambulant Toilets – person with a stick symbol.", "chifforobe Example Sentences for chifforobe. 1 Mrs. Sealyham, whose husband was temporarily embarrassed in Wall Street, contented herself with a Sheraton chifforobe. 2 Yes; there was drawers in that chifforobe and he also had a vanity dresser with four drawers.", "- Faience or faïence (/faɪˈɑːns/ or /feɪ-/; French: [fajɑ̃s]) is the conventional name in English for fine tin-glazed pottery on a delicate pale buff earthenware body. It is originally associated by French speakers with wares exported from Faenza in northern Italy.", "Caron Fragrances : Vintage and Reformulated Perfume Comparisons Caron Fragrances: Vintage and Reformulated Perfume Comparisons. When I recently compared Guerlain classics to their reformulated versions, I decided to do a similar exercise with Caron next.he parfum smells like a cheap functional fragrance version of Chanel No 5. The harsh aldehydic top note lacks the original’s plush rose, jasmine and ylang-ylang notes. French Cancan. Whenever people accuse me of being biased towards vintage fragrances, I point to Caron French Cancan, a vintage of little merit.", "Flush toilet 1 With the fall of the Roman empire, the technology was lost. 1596: Sir John Harington is said to have invented 'The Ajax', a flush toilet, for Elizabeth I of England. His design was ridiculed in England, but was adopted in France under the name Angrez. The design had a flush valve to let water out of the tank, and a wash-down design to empty the bowl.", "China Room Men's Lavatory. The China Room provides access to a men's lavatory. When it was first added, it was a women's lavatory, and the ladies' room off the Vermeil Room was a men's room. Men's Lavatory in 2000 (Nick Valenziano).", "- Amplify the look of your table with the eye-catching French Bull Ring Lazy Susan. Inspired by the hypnotic spinning discs and grooves of a vinyl record, the playful lazy Susan uses colorful imperfect circles to liven up your dining room or kitchen table.", "- The name fancy rat derives from the idea of animal fancy or the phrase to fancy (to like, or appreciate). Fancy rats have their origins as the targets for blood sport in 18th-and 19th-century Europe.", "Ancient Greek Interior Design A millennia-old Greek monastery in Athens houses kitchenware still styled like that of ancient Greece. Little survives of the domestic decor of ancient Greece but, despite the deliberate simplicity ancient Athens is known for, the embellishments and materials used in Greek homes defined them as wealthy or lower class.et the Look. Mimic the ancient Greek aesthetic in your modern home with bright, whitewashed stucco walls, gently rounded arches connecting airy rooms, wood-paneled and beamed ceilings, and bright blue shutters and doors.", "Bidet Blog This is 1pc toilet with French Curve, only kind of toilet bidet seats don’t fit. Bio Bidet offers BL-17, which is specially designed bidet seat to fit such toilets. It has a curved base to accomodate the shape of the toilet. For more information about BL-17, go to product page.", "- To simply classify a Charentais melon as a gourmet French Cantaloupe does not do nearly enough to describe the aromatic, deliciously rich and downright luxurious experience that comes with consuming - or even just smelling - them.", "fantastic Origin and Etymology of fantastic. Middle English fantastic, fantastical, from Medieval French & Late Latin; Medieval French fantastique, from Late Latin phantasticus, from Greek phantastikos producing mental images, from phantazein to present to the mind — more at fancy. First Known Use: 14th century. fantastic Synonyms.", "French Provincial French Provincial. or French provincial. 1. noting, pertaining to, or resembling a style of furnishings and decoration originating in the provinces of France in the 18th century, derived from but less ornate than styles then current in Paris and featuring simply carved wood furniture, often with decorative curved moldings. Origin of French Provincial.", "Perfume in Provence: Visit, smell, create At fragrance workshops, groups learn ancient perfume making tricks as they make their own cologne or orange blossom eau de toilette. In a building designed by Gustave Eiffel, a Molinard nose (perfume maker) helps visitors create their own distinctive fragrance. Their classic scent, Molinard de Molinard contains nearly 600 components and its most popular perfume, Habanita turns 90 this year.", "- Yesterday she was talking about sachets a la violette; well, our French perfumers, you know very well, madame, for you have over and over again asked for it without success -- our French perfumers, I say, have never been able to procure this scent.", "- French peasants will not set about the day's labour in smart or shabby-genteel clothes. The Roof of France Matilda Betham-Edwards While he sat there spell-bound, a shabby-genteel man entered and sat down beside him.", "- Gallivanting = having a good time, a carefree existance [probably from the French Galant meaning stylish, gentlemanly etc. Quid = pound [and now a Euro], I owe you a quid = here's a Euro. gouger = knacker, low life, someone likely to rob you", "- French Doors-The classic, in-swing French door is often an elegant and stately architectural element that connects the inside to the outside.Because it is a hinged, swinging door, it will take up floor space — it doesn't just sit within the plane of the wall.rench doors add more than light. If you are looking for a special feature to add to your home, consider replacing a door or several windows with French doors. Not only will they let in more light, but the open feel they provide makes the whole space feel larger.", "Can You Help Identify My Antique Ginger Jar My Grandma was given this antique ginger jar in the mid 1920’s. by Carole Hughes (Liverpool, England). She was in service and the lady of the house gave her the ginger jar when she left to start a family.I inherited the antique ginger jar when Grandma passed away and it was always kept in the glass cabinet.That is all we know about our antique ginger jar and its just sat in my cabinet ever since my grandma passed away in 1993. have always thought I would look into it one days to see if it is actually an antique. The only way I can describe it is, it’s like a fancy ginger jar with a motif on the side and writing saying ‘ DUNKERQUE ‘.", "- New bathroom treatment for Room 2, Antique Lace Room. When you own a very large building that is open 365 days a year to the public, your tool kit is always nearby. Sometimes the projects are very minor like changing a light bulb or (yck) plunging a toilet. Other times, the projects take on more life.", "- If you are visiting France and need to use the restroom, the easiest thing to do is to step in a coffee place. Just ask: “est-ce que je peux utiliser vos toilettes s’il vous plait” (plaît May i use your) restroom with a, smile and it should be no. problem", "- Toilets Terms. First I should establish that a bathroom definitely does NOT have a toilet in it. Toilets are to be found in Toilettes or W.C. (stands for Water Closet, pronounced vay say). Don't confuse lavabo, which means washbasin, with lavatory.here are also free restrooms at the Chatelet metro, but I would not advise it, since that is the largest metro stop in all of Europe and the toilets are such an odd spot that it took me two years to find them.", "- Recent Examples of privateer from the Web. 1 And unlike the 288, the F40 did see competition, albeit only in the hands of privateers. 2 The tiny town of Jean Lafitte, located on Bayou Barataria and named after the infamous privateer, has seen its population fall from more than 2,000 people in 2000.", "- Figure 98 is a fancy sketch of the fleur-de-lys, the lily of France. But as soon as his heart was vacant in that direction, fleur-de-lys returned to it. At the top, a fleur-de-lys or, France; and a double rose gu. fleur-de-lys pressed her hands to her eyes, that she might not see. It will be noticed that to the left of the panel one of the points joins the necking-piece, which holds the fleur-de-lys together.", "LWi Custom Cabinets Replicating the Restoration Hardware look. Question. I would like to know how to replicate the look of the Saint James furniture and French Casement cabinets displayed on the Restoration Hardware web site.French Casement is described as a soft weathered finish that has the look of driftwood.Saint James is described as “A weathered, distressed patina.eplicating the Restoration Hardware look. Question. I would like to know how to replicate the look of the Saint James furniture and French Casement cabinets displayed on the Restoration Hardware web site.", "renowned Examples of renowned in a sentence. 1 Poggio prospected for manuscripts across much of western Europe, visiting the renowned monasteries of Reichenau and Fulda, and wandering as far afield as Cologne, London, Paris, and Rome." ]
[ 9.3359375 ]
[ 2.029296875, 8.6875, 4.890625, 0.1346435546875, 8.34375, -3.177734375, 4.47265625, -1.283203125, 9.53125, 4.703125, 1.1484375, 3.76953125, -2.212890625, 9.6796875, 1.3466796875, 3.271484375, 3.240234375, 2.548828125, 0.84130859375, 1.205078125, 1.8017578125, 3.97265625, 0.865234375, 4.18359375, 7.7109375, 10.875, -2.865234375, 2.166015625, 0.4306640625, -4.79296875 ]
how early to give hepatitis b vaccine
[ "What is hepatitis B? The hepatitis B vaccine is the best way to prevent infection. It is a series of 3 or 4 shots usually given over a 6-to-12 month period. It is given by an injection into the arm muscle of adolescents and adults and thigh muscle of infants and young children.cute (short-term) illness, the symptoms of which are flu-like. Most adults who get hepatitis B have this acute form of hepatitis B, and then get better. Chronic (long-term) infection which can be very serious, and often leads to liver damage, liver cancer, or death.", "Description and Brand Names HBV infection is a major cause of serious liver diseases, such as hepatitis and cirrhosis, and a type of liver cancer called primary hepatocellular carcinoma. Pregnant women who have hepatitis B infection or are carriers of hepatitis B virus can give the disease to their babies when they are born.mmunization against hepatitis B disease is recommended for all newborn babies, infants, children, and adolescents up to 19 years of age. It is also recommended for adults who live in areas that have a high rate of hepatitis B disease or who may be at increased risk of infection from hepatitis B virus." ]
[ "Hepatitis B FAQs for the Public For Children and Adolescents. All children should get their first dose of hepatitis B vaccine at birth and complete the vaccine series by 6-18 months old. Hepatitis B vaccine is recommended for all babies so that they will be protected from a serious but preventable disease.", "Hepatitis B vaccine Hepatitis B vaccine is a vaccine that prevents hepatitis B. The first dose is recommended within 24 hours of birth with either two or three more doses given after that. This includes those with poor immune function such as from HIV/AIDS and those born premature.", "- The hepatitis B vaccine (HepB) is a series of three different shots. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommend that all newborns get the first HepB shot before leaving the hospital. If the mother has HBV, her baby should also get a HBIG shot within 12 hours of birth. The second HepB shot should be given one to two months after birth. The third HepB shot should be given no earlier than 24 weeks of age, but before 18 months of age.", "- This vaccine cannot be administered at birth, before age 6 weeks, or after age 71 months. †. § Combined Hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccine. This vaccine is recommended for persons aged ≥18 years who are at increased risk for both hepatitis B virus and Hepatitis A virus infections.o avoid detection of anti-HBs from hepatitis B immune globulin administered during infancy and to maximize detection of late HBV infection, testing should not be performed before age 9 months nor within 4 weeks of the most recent vaccine dose.", "Importance of Delay Between Hepatitis B Vaccine Dosages Three hepatitis B vaccine schedules have been shown to induce levels of seroprotection of greater than 95% in infants. One schedule uses an initial dose administered at birth, followed by doses at 1 and 6 months of age. The next schedule has doses given at 2, 4, and 6 months of age. The third schedule is for vaccine given at 6, 10, and 14 weeks of age.", "Ask the Experts If maternal HBsAg status is positive: Give hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIG) plus hepatitis B vaccine within 12 hours of birth. Give 3 additional hepatitis B vaccine doses with single-antigen vaccine at ages 1, 2 to 3, and 6 months, or hepatitis B-containing combination vaccine (Pediarix) at ages 2, 4, and 6 months.", "Hepatitis B vaccine - what you need to know Hepatitis B vaccine can prevent hepatitis B, and the serious. consequences of hepatitis B infection, including liver. cancer and cirrhosis. Hepatitis B vaccine may be given by itself or in the same. shot with other vaccines.epatitis B vaccine can prevent hepatitis B, and the serious. consequences of hepatitis B infection, including liver. cancer and cirrhosis. Hepatitis B vaccine may be given by itself or in the same. shot with other vaccines.", "Hepatitis A Vaccine Hepatitis A vaccine is not licensed for children younger than 1 year of age. For children, the first dose should be given at 12 through 23 months of age. Children who are not vaccinated by 2 years of age can be vaccinated at later visits. For others at risk, the hepatitis A vaccine series may be started whenever a person wishes to be protected or is at risk of infection. For travelers, it is best to start the vaccine series at least one month before traveling.", "- There are many vaccinations for babies and most doctors will give you a handout that has the different vaccines that are recommended and when they should be given. The fist vaccines your child receives will be in the hospital. Generally at birth newborns receive the first of a series of Hepatitis B vaccines.", "- Results are similar for the hepatitis B vaccine, and experts estimate that both vaccines will give immunity for up to 20 or 30 years and possibly for life. As with all medications, there is the potential for side effects. But the safety record of both vaccines is outstanding.", "Hepatitis B Hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIG) can be given along with the vaccine within seven days of an exposure incident (although it is preferable to administer HBIG within 24 hours of exposure). Unlike the hepatitis B vaccine which 95%-98% effective, HBIG is only 75% effective in preventing infection.", "- About the Injection. The hepatitis B vaccine is designed to be given intramuscularly with a 22- to 25-gauge needle 1 to 1½ inches long. Patients below the age of 20 receive a 0.5 ml dosage, and patients aged 20 and older receive a 1.0 ml dosage.", "Vaccination for Hep B Children born after the 1st of May 2000 receive hepatitis B vaccine shortly after birth while they are in hospital and further doses at 2, 4 and 6 months of age. Children in Year 7 or adolescents aged between 11 and 15 years receive a two-dose course of adult hepatitis B vaccine given 4 to 6 months apart. In order to obtain maximum protection against hepatitis B, adults should receive three doses of the vaccine at zero, 1 and 6 months intervals.", "Combination Vaccine for Hepatitis A and B It is given in a series of 3 injections on the same schedule as the hepatitis B vaccine: an initial dose followed by doses at 1 month and 6 months. It can also be given in 4 doses, with the initial dose followed by doses at 7 days, 21 to 30 days, and 12 months.", "Importance of Delay Between Hepatitis B Vaccine Dosages Three hepatitis B vaccine schedules have been shown to induce levels of seroprotection of greater than 95% in infants. One schedule uses an initial dose administered at birth, followed by doses at 1 and 6 months of age. The next schedule has doses given at 2, 4, and 6 months of age.", "- Schedules for vaccination. history of previous. vaccination. schedule for administration of hepatitis b vaccine. None or unknown Give a 3-dose series at 0, 1, and 6 mos. 1 dose Give dose #2 at least 4 wks after #1; then, give dose #3 at least. 8 wks after dose #2 and at least 16 wks after dose #1. 2 doses.", "Hepatitis B vaccine Hepatitis B vaccine is a vaccine for the prevention of hepatitis B, an infection caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) .The vaccine contains one of the viral envelope proteins, hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg). It is produced by yeast cells, into which the genetic code for HBsAg has been inserted.BV infection cannot occur from receiving hepatitis B vaccine. The common brands available are Recombivax HB (Merck), Engerix-B (GSK), Elovac B (Human Biologicals Institute, a division of Indian Immunologicals Limited), Genevac B (Serum Institute), Shanvac B, etc. These vaccines are given by the intramuscular route.", "How is the hepatitis B vaccine given? The vaccination for hepatitis B is given as 3 injections over a 6-month period--an initial dose, followed by a second dose 1 month later, and a third dose 5 months after the second.If you need hepatitis A vaccination in addition to hepatitis B, you can do these individually or as a combined vaccine that covers both.The combination vaccine is given as 3 injections over a 6-month period--an initial dose, followed by a second dose 1 month later, and a third dose 5 months after the second.he combination vaccine is given as 3 injections over a 6-month period--an initial dose, followed by a second dose 1 month later, and a third dose 5 months after the second.", "- The dose is 40 µg/1.0 mL and it is given on a schedule of 0, 1, and 6 months. *Birth dose administered prior to discharge from the newborn nursery. †The schedule for administering hepatitis B vaccine is flexible and can vary. What hepatitis B.", "Hepatitis B People with diabetes age 19 through 59 years. Those with close household contact with an infected person. Adults who share needles, syringes, or other drug-injection equipment. Hepatitis B vaccine is available alone or in a combination with hepatitis A vaccine. View a full list of adults who need hepatitis B vaccine.", "Hepatitis B FAQs for the Public The best way to prevent hepatitis B is by getting the hepatitis B vaccine. The hepatitis B vaccine is safe and effective and is usually given as 3-4 shots over a six month period. Hepatitis B vaccination is recommended for: Hepatitis B is a very safe vaccine. Most people do not have any problems with it but a vaccine, like any medicine, could cause a serious reaction. Learn more about possible side effects of hepatitis B vaccine.", "Hepatitis B Vaccine Hepatitis B vaccine for infants and young children. The CDC recommends that infants get their first Hep B vaccine at birth in the hospital, and then get the other 2 injections in the series by 6-18 months of age. 80 If the child did not complete the series, then catch-up vaccination is recommended.", "Twinrix Vaccine 2018 For the hepatitis B component, following vaccination with the hepatitis B vaccine, protection has been shown to last for at least 15 years. Some patients may have a reduced response to the vaccine, or a reduced duration of protection due to concomitant disease, medical conditions or medications. rapid schedule of three injections given at 0, 7 and 21 days may be an option when travel is anticipated within one month after initiating the vaccination course and where insufficient time is available for the standard schedule.", "Ask the Experts Review the hepatitis B vaccination recommendations for preterm infants who weigh less than 2kg (4.4 pounds), as well as for those premature infants who weigh more. Preterm infants weighing less than 2 kilograms (kgs) (4.4 pounds) at birth have a decreased response to hepatitis B vaccine administered before age 1 month.", "Hepatitis B vaccine - what you need to know Children and Adolescents. 1 All children should get their first dose of Hepatitis B vaccine at birth and complete the vaccine series by 6–18 months of age. 2 All children and adolescents younger than 19 years of age who have not yet gotten the vaccine should also be vaccinated.", "Hepatitis B vaccine The first hepatitis B vaccine was approved in the United States in 1981. A safer version came to market in 1986. It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the most important medications needed in a basic health system.", "Hepatitis B vaccine - what you need to know Hepatitis B vaccine can prevent hepatitis B, and the serious consequences of hepatitis B infection, including liver cancer and cirrhosis. Hepatitis B vaccine may be given by itself or in the same shot with other vaccines.dults getting hepatitis B vaccine should get 3 doses — with the second dose given 4 weeks after the first and the third dose 5 months after the second. Your doctor can tell you about other dosing schedules that might be used in certain circumstances.", "- Where to get the hepatitis B vaccine. You can get the Hep B vaccine at your health care provider's office or a local health clinic. If you don't have health insurance, some public health clinics may be able to offer you free or low-cost vaccines.", "Ask the Experts The data that exist suggest that the response to doses given before 6 weeks is poor and in some cases (such as Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine) the response could be detrimental to the infant by possibly reducing the immune response to subsequent doses of Hib conjugate vaccine.", "What is hepatitis B? Most adults who get hepatitis B have this acute form of hepatitis B, and then get better. 1 Chronic (long-term) infection which can be very serious, and often leads to liver damage, liver cancer, or death. 2 The hepatitis B vaccine is the best way to prevent infection. It is a series of 3 or 4 shots usually given over a 6-to-12 month period. It is given by an injection into the arm muscle of adolescents and adults and thigh muscle of infants and young children." ]
[ 11.8515625, 11.6328125 ]
[ 15.40625, 15.4453125, 15.421875, 12.8359375, 15.078125, 16.078125, 10.421875, 13.03125, 12.1015625, 11.953125, 13.4921875, 13.0390625, 15.0078125, 13.8515625, 14.828125, 14.4921875, 9.6015625, 14.6640625, 13.5390625, 11.453125, 13.8515625, 15.1015625, 11.9375, 14.3203125, 15.0078125, 10.4765625, 13.125, 9.390625, 7.98828125, 12.765625 ]
what cavity is the masseter muscle
[ "- The masseter muscle has been widely used for reanima-tion in facial nerve palsy; on the other hand, it has been seldomly reported for oral cavity and oropharyngeal re-construction. Conley and gullane in 1978 first introduced the masseter muscle flap as a reconstructive method for the management of oropharyngeal defects 15. This report" ]
[ "- medical Definition of masseter : a large muscle that raises the lower jaw and assists in mastication, arises from the zygomatic arch and the zygomatic process of the temporal bone, and is inserted into the mandibular ramus and gonial angle", "The Muscles of Mastication They are one of the major muscle groups in the head – the other being the muscles of facial expression. There are four muscles of mastication – the masseter, temporalis, medial pterygoid and lateral pterygoid. Embryologically, the muscles of mastication develop from the first pharyngeal arch.Consequently they are innervated by a branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V), the mandibular nerve.he entirety of the muscle lies superficially to the pterygoids and temporalis, covering them. 1 Attachments: The superficial part originates from maxillary process of the zygomatic bone. 2 Actions: Elevates the mandible, closing the mouth. 3 Innervation: Mandibular nerve (V 3).", "Medullary cavity A long bone, with medullary cavity labeled near center. [edit on Wikidata] The medullary cavity (medulla, innermost part) is the central cavity of bone shafts where red bone marrow and/or yellow bone marrow (adipose tissue) is stored; hence, the medullary cavity is also known as the marrow cavity.", "RIXIMKA DUMARKA 1 The term mesentery is often used to refer to a double layer of visceral peritoneum. 2 There are often blood vessels, nerves, and other structures between these layers. 3 The space between these two layers is technically outside of the peritoneal sac, and thus not in the peritoneal cavity.he peritoneum /ˌpɛrɨtəˈniːəm/ is the serous membrane that forms the lining of the abdominal cavity or coelom in amniotes and some invertebrates, such as annelids.", "Muscle Chest Pain There are also large and small muscles which make up the back of the chest cavity. 1 The trapezius muscle is a diamond shaped back muscle extending from the base of the skull to the mid back. 2 The rhomboid muscles lie under the the trapezius muscle. 3 The teres muscles are made up of the teres major and teres minor muscles.", "What is the Masseter Muscle? The masseter is a muscle running between the cheekbone, or zygomatic arch, and lower jawbone, or mandible. Tooth grinding may cause headaches.Masseter enlargement may result in dry mouth. Constant tooth grinding may cause inflammation of the masseter muscle and neck pain.op 10 facts about the world. The masseter is a muscle running between the cheekbone, or zygomatic arch, and lower jawbone, or mandible. It has a large superficial portion and a smaller deep portion, both of which are situated close to the parotid salivary gland.", "Masseter Muscle Origin and Insertion A strength training site with lots of other stuff. The masseter is a jaw muscle that gets its name from the Greek work to chew. It is the major muscle of mastication (chewing) of the human jaw and serves primarily to elevate the mandible (lower jaw) while the deep tissues help to protrude (protract) it forward.", "The Infratemporal Fossa The infratemporal fossa is a complex and irregularly shaped space, located deep to the masseter muscle. It acts as a conduit for many neurovascular structures that travel between the cranial cavity and other structures of the head.", "The Muscles The temporalis muscle is one of the 4 muscles of mastication (so called as they are involved in the process of chewing). This is a fan-shaped muscle that originates at the inferior temporal line and passes behind the zygomatic arch to insert at the coronoid process and anterior sruface of the ramus of the mandible.", "Coccyx It extends over the lower part of the posterior surface of the sacrum and coccyx. It arises by tendinous fibers from the last segment of the sacrum, or first piece of the coccyx, and passes downward to be inserted into the lower part of the coccyx. It is a rudiment of the extensor muscle of the caudal vertebrae of other animals.", "Massage Therapy for Bruxism, Jaw Clenching, and TMJ Syndrome Not only does the masseter muscle probably harbour some of the most common trigger points in the human body, the masseter is also the strongest muscle in the human body (pound for pound), although many variables make this difficult to be sure of.3 Together with the temporalis muscle and a few other smaller muscles, most people can generate at least about 68 kilograms of force (kgf) between their teeth.", "Massage and Bodywork Magazine for the Visually Impaired - Working with the Masseter Gently slide your forefinger along the top teeth, back into the cavity between the teeth and the masseter muscle (Image 5, page 115). Your finger pad is against the teeth, and the nail side is against the medial side (inside) of the masseter. Ask your client to firmly clench his or her teeth together.", "Medullary cavity Located in the main shaft of a long bone (consisting mostly of compact bone), the medullary cavity has walls composed of spongy bone (cancellous bone) and is lined with a thin, vascular membrane . However, the medullary cavity is the area inside any bone (long, flat, etc.) that holds the bone marrow.", "- In this case, the meniscal cyst derived from the posterior segment of the medial meniscus expanded just posterior to the medial collateral ligament under the sartorius muscle. The growing pressure of the cyst against the muscle flattened the sartorius muscle.", "Masseter Muscle Botox Jaw Reduction. The masseter muscle is the muscle in the jaw responsible for the chewing process. It is also the muscle that commonly causes a person to have a large, square-shaped jaw.euromodulator injections are commonly used to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face, but here at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego, our expert injectors can also inject Botox into the masseter facial muscle to slim the jaw and treat teeth grinding, also known as bruxism.", "What is the strongest muscle in the human body? The strongest muscle based on its weight is the masseter. With all muscles of the jaw working together it can close the teeth with a force as great as 55 pounds (25 kilograms) on the incisors or 200 pounds (90.7 kilograms) on the molars. The uterus sits in the lower pelvic region.", "The Parotid Gland In its course it crosses the masseter and pierces through the buccinator. Gland tissues along the parotid duct and lying on the masseter muscle are referred to as accessory parotid glands.The parotid is bordered anteriorly by the masseter muscle and the mandibular ramus and superiorly by the external acoustic meatus and the condyle of the mandible in the glenoid fossa.n its course it crosses the masseter and pierces through the buccinator. Gland tissues along the parotid duct and lying on the masseter muscle are referred to as accessory parotid glands.", "- Masseter muscle. In human anatomy, the masseter[help 1] is one of the muscles of mastication. Found only in mammals, it is particularly powerful in herbivores to facilitate chewing of plant matter. The most obvious muscle of mastication is the masseter muscle, since it is the most superficial and one of the strongest.", "Overview An overactive muscle causes a testicle to become a retractile testicle. The cremaster muscle is a thin pouch-like muscle in which a testicle rests. When the cremaster muscle contracts, it pulls the testicle up toward the body. The main purpose of the cremaster muscle is to control the temperature of the testicle.", "- Top 10 unbelievable historical concurrencies. The masseter is a muscle running between the cheekbone, or zygomatic arch, and lower jawbone, or mandible. It has a large superficial portion and a smaller deep portion, both of which are situated close to the parotid salivary gland.", "Cremaster muscle Anatomically, the lateral cremaster muscle originates from the internal oblique muscle, just superior to the inguinal canal, and the middle of the inguinal ligament. The medial cremaster muscle, which sometimes is absent, originates from the pubic tubercle and sometimes the lateral pubic crest.", "The Muscles of Mastication They are one of the major muscle groups in the head – the other being the muscles of facial expression. There are four muscles of mastication – the masseter, temporalis, medial pterygoid and lateral pterygoid. Embryologically, the muscles of mastication develop from the first pharyngeal arch.", "Muscles of Mastication (Chewing) The Temporalis Muscle. 1 The Temporalis Muscles are one of three muscles making up the muscles of Mastication. 2 The Masseter Muscle is a thick muscle which is primarily responsible for our chewing action. 3 The Pterygoid muscle works in tandem with the Masseter muscles to assist in chewing, grinding the teeth and moving our mandible from side to side.", "Masseter Masseter. The masseter muscle is a facial muscle that plays a major role in the chewing of solid foods. The muscle is shaped similar to a parallelogram, connecting to the mandible (lower jawbone) and the cheekbone.The masseter is divided into two distinct sections, the superficial and deep portions.he superficial portion of the masseter is the thick and tendon-like portion of the muscle that connects to the cheekbone, while the deep portion is the smaller and more muscular portion of the muscle that connects to the mandible.", "- There are four muscles that you need to know which are involved in mastication – the temporalis, the masseter, the medial pterygoid and the lateral pterygoid. I’ll begin by showing you the temporalis muscle, which is this muscle here, this big muscle which sits in the temple fossa of the skull.his is another muscle involved in mastication. This muscle actually has two parts. It’s got a superficial part and a deep part, which isn’t actually very clear on this model, but the deep part inserts a bit more posteriorly in the zygomatic arch and the superficial part inserts more anteriorly on the zygomatic arch.", "- (Redirected from Buccal cavity). The buccal space (also termed the buccinator space) is a fascial space of the head and neck (sometimes also termed fascial spaces or tissue spaces). It is a potential space in the cheek, and is paired on each side.The buccal space is superficial to the buccinator muscle and deep to the platysma muscle and the skin.he buccal space is superficial to the buccinator muscle and deep to the platysma muscle and the skin.", "- in our opinion, the disadvantages of the masseter muscle flap, which restricted its wider use, are represented by the Fig. 3. inferior-posterior maxillectomy with masseter crossover flap reconstruction, complete re-epithelisation and tight sepa-ration between the oral cavity and maxillary sinus was obtained.", "- Medical Definition of MASSETER. : a large muscle that raises the lower jaw and assists in mastication, arises from the zygomatic arch and the zygomatic process of the temporal bone, and is inserted into the mandibular ramus and gonial angle.— mas·se·ter·ic \\ˌmas-ə-ˈter-ik\\ adjective.efinition of MASSETER. : a large muscle that raises the lower jaw and assists in mastication. — mas·se·ter·ic \\ˌma-sə-ˈter-ik\\ adjective.", "Masseter muscle The masseter muscle can become enlarged in patients who habitually clench or grind (with bruxism) their teeth and even in those who constantly chew gum. This masseteric hypertrophy is asymptomatic and soft; it is usually bilateral but can be unilateral.", "- The endosteum is a single cellular layer found lining the medullary cavity, the trabeculae, and the central canals. The endosteum consists mostly of osteoblasts and osteoclasts. BONE TISSUE AND STRUCTURE Two types of bone tissue are found in bones:1.rabeculae form an inner framework that is strong, light, and contains red bone marrow. • Yellow bone marrow – Yellow bone marrow is found within the medullary (marrow) cavity of long bones. It consists mostly of adipocytes and functions as a nutrient (fat) storage site." ]
[ 14.6015625 ]
[ 7.79296875, 9.2109375, 4.921875, 5.08984375, 7.15234375, 10.3203125, 9.328125, 13.984375, 7.88671875, 1.6689453125, 9.109375, 14.0546875, 4.6875, 3.533203125, 9.90625, 7.1484375, 8.4921875, 9.3671875, 3.2890625, 10.1875, 4.08203125, 9.125, 9.5703125, 10.4296875, 8.203125, 9.0859375, 13.703125, 7.19921875, 9.34375, 4.41796875 ]
what colors do plant pigments reflect
[ "- Answer 2: Chlorophyll is a green pigment that gives most plants their color.The reason that it is green is because it absorbs other colors of light such as red and blue, so in a way the green light is reflected out since the pigment does not absorb it.hlorophyll pigment is always green. Plant leaves and stems aren't always green because they have many pigments other than chlorophyll. Pigments are molecules that absorb specific colors of light and reflect other colors, depending on their chemical structure. The reflected colors are what give pigments their color." ]
[ "Why do some plants appear green? Chlorophyll absorbs certain wavelengths of light within the visible light spectrum. As shown in detail in the absorption spectra, chlorophyll absorbs light in the red (long wavelength) and the blue (short wavelength) regions of the visible light spectrum.Green light is not absorbed but reflected, making the plant appear green. Chlorophyll is found in the chloroplasts of plants.lants are able to satisfy their energy requirements by absorbing light from the blue and red parts of the spectrum. However, there is still a large spectral region between 500 and 600 nm where chlorophyll absorbs very little light, and plants appear green because this light is reflected.", "Plants and Their Environment On a rainy day, raindrops act as tiny prisms and break the sunlight into these colors producing a rainbow. Red and blue light have the greatest effect on plant growth. Green light is least effective to plants as most plants reflect green light and absorb very little. It is this reflected light that makes them appear green. Blue light is primarily responsible for vegetative growth or leaf growth.", "- Seen through a prism, this spectrum turns into bands of color: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. (Stern, 2004). The light of the sun is white or a pale color and it is the best for plant growth. I want to do an experiment to see how different color of light affects plant growth. I will use a Red, Blue, Green, and White 60watts light bulb.", "What is the function of pigments in the plant? What are the three main pigments in plants? The light that is absorbed may be used by the plant to power chemical reactions, while the reflected wavelengths of light determine the color the pigment will appear to the eye.The leaves of trees and other plants contain three main pigments: carotene, anthocyanin, and the photosynthetic pigment, chlorophyll, which captures the sun’s energy to make food for plants.", "Why do some plants appear green? Chlorophyll absorbs certain wavelengths of light within the visible light spectrum. As shown in detail in the absorption spectra, chlorophyll absorbs light in the red (long wavelength) and the blue (short wavelength) regions of the visible light spectrum.Green light is not absorbed but reflected, making the plant appear green. Chlorophyll is found in the chloroplasts of plants.hlorophyll absorbs certain wavelengths of light within the visible light spectrum. As shown in detail in the absorption spectra, chlorophyll absorbs light in the red (long wavelength) and the blue (short wavelength) regions of the visible light spectrum.", "What Color of Light Do Plants Absorb? When plants harvest light for photosynthesis, they only absorb a few colors... White light contains various colors, including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. When plants harvest light for photosynthesis, they only absorb a few colors... White light contains various colors, including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. When plants harvest light for photosynthesis, they only absorb a few colors and reflect the rest. Plants appear green because chlorophyll absorbs other colors and reflects green. Pigments.", "- Land plants (and plants in the ocean, called algae) have a lot of chlorophyll-a pigment because it is essential to photosynthesis, but they also have other pigments, called accessory pigments, that help them absorb light.nswer 2: Chlorophyll is a green pigment that gives most plants their color.The reason that it is green is because it absorbs other colors of light such as red and blue, so in a way the green light is reflected out since the pigment does not absorb it.", "Why do plants posses accessory pigments? Various plant pigments help use light. Carotenoids, chlorophyll a, b, and c. Chlorophyll a absorbs indigo and red lights, b absorbs blue and orange -red, c absorbs blue and orange in smaller amounts. Source(s):", "What is the relationship between color and light? In the case of green leaves, the chloroplasts absorb most of the wavelengths of the visible spectrum except green. Thus, green light is reflected off of the leaf and the rods in ones eyes perceive the wavelength as green.", "- Plant Pigments. Plants have different things in their cells that enable them to absorb light. The most common ones we find in the majority of plants are Chlorophyll A and Chlorophyll B. Below we will briefly discuss the main pigments found in plant cells and relate them to the light spectrum.", "- What may seem simple on the surface is really a lot more complicated than you might think underneath, and in fact, underneath the surface of the leaf. Color we see in flowers is actually the result of reflected light from various plant pigments. A group of compounds called anthocyanidins are the basic ingredients.", "Photosynthetic Cells Different pigments respond to different wavelengths of visible light. Chlorophyll, the primary pigment used in photosynthesis, reflects green light and absorbs red and blue light most strongly. In plants, photosynthesis takes place in chloroplasts, which contain the chlorophyll.", "What is the green pigment found in green plants called? Inside every leaf, there are millions and millions of tiny chlorophyll, which allow plants to perform photosynthesis and give them their green color. Chlorophyll absorb blue and red light--this means that the greens and yellows are reflected back, making plants appear green.", "- Chlorophyll is a green pigment that gives most plants their color.The reason that it is green is because it absorbs other colors of light such as red and blue, so in a way the green light is reflected out since the pigment does not absorb it.", "- More important than their reflection of light is the ability of pigments to absorb certain wavelengths. Because they interact with light to absorb only certain wavelengths, pigments are useful to plants and other autotrophs--organisms which make their own food using photosynthesis.", "Why do some plants appear green? As shown in detail in the absorption spectra, chlorophyll absorbs light in the red (long wavelength) and the blue (short wavelength) regions of the visible light spectrum. Green light is not absorbed but reflected, making the plant appear green. Chlorophyll is found in the chloroplasts of plants. There are various types of chlorophyll structures, but plants contain chlorophyll a and b. These two types of chlorophyll differ only slightly, in the composition of a single side chain.", "Biology book1 The color of the pigment comes from the wavelengths of light that are reflected, or in other words, those wavelengths not absorbed. Chlorophyll, the green pigment common to all photosynthetic cells, absorbs all wavelengths of visible light except green, which it reflects. This is why plants appear green to us.", "- Chlorophyll just absorbs blue and red light; it hardly absorbs any green light at all, so the green gets reflected back to our eyes, which is why leaves appear green. Other pigments that plants have in their leaves absorb light of different colors, so they reflect red, orange, yellow, or blue light and appear to be those colors to our eyes. Because the white light coming from the sun is actually made up of photons of all the different colors, it is very advantageous to the plant to have many pigments that can absorb such a wide range of the available colors of light.", "Pigments in Plants Photosynthetic pigments color plants and participate in photosynthesis. Other plant pigments are important in flowers and fruits to attract pollinators and seed dispersers. Humans use plant pigments in vitamins and dyes.", "The green pigment in plants is called? The green you see in plants is caused by a green pigment called chlorophyll found in the chloroplasts of cells. Chloroplasts are the organelles in a plant cell where photosyn … thesis takes place. Chlorophyll's.", "- 1 Chlorophyll a: This is the most abundant pigment in plants. 2 Chlorophyll a absorbs light with wavelengths of 430nm(blue) and 662nm(red). 3 It reflects green light strongly so it appears green to us. 4 It contains a hydrophobic (fat soluble) phytol chain that allow it to be embedded in a lipid membrane.", "- The pigment responsible for most light-harvesting by plants is chlorophyll, a green pigment. The green color indicates that it is absorbing all the non-green light-- the blues (~425-450 nm), the reds and yellows (600-700 nm).", "Plants and Their Environment Red and blue light have the greatest effect on plant growth. Green light is least effective to plants as they reflect green light and absorb none. It is this reflected light that makes them appear green to us.", "Plant physiology The light that is absorbed may be used by the plant to power chemical reactions, while the reflected wavelengths of light determine the color the pigment appears to the eye. Chlorophyll is the primary pigment in plants; it is a porphyrin that absorbs red and blue wavelengths of light while reflecting green.", "- shortest wavelength), and plants possess pigments that can absorb light in specific regions of the spectrum (see Figure 1). One of the green pigments that absorbs light for use in photosynthesis is called “ chlorophyll a”; it readily absorbs violet/blue and red light but not much of the lighter blue, and green and yellow light.", "- Chlorophylls absorb blue and red light and carotenoids absorb blue-green light, but green and yellow light are not effectively absorbed by photosynthetic pigments in plants; therefore, light of these colors is either reflected by leaves or passes through the leaves. This is why plants are green”.", "- These color changes are the result of transformations in leaf pigments. The green pigment in leaves is chlorophyll. Chlorophyll absorbs red and blue light from the sunlight that falls on leaves. Therefore, the light reflected by the leaves is diminished in red and blue and appears green. The molecules of chlorophyll are large (C55H70MgN4O6).", "Photosynthetic organisms ¶ Chlorophylls absorb blue and red light and carotenoids absorb blue-green light, but green and yellow light are not effectively absorbed by photosynthetic pigments in plants; therefore, light of these colors is either reflected by leaves or passes through the leaves. This is why plants are green”. —Wim Vermaas .", "- that required darkness. It was assumed that plants reflected most of the green light. and that it did not induce photosynthesis. Yes, plants do reflect green light but. human vision sensitivity peaks in the green region at about 560 nm, which allows us. to preferentially see green.", "- White reflects most of the energy falling from the visible spectrum, black absorbs it. When the energy of light is absorbed it turns into heat. Any material painted black will absorb this heat further and its temperature will be raised but it will depend on the material how far the heat is transferred." ]
[ 14.2265625 ]
[ 10.75, 10.4453125, 8.2890625, 10.7421875, 10.515625, 13, 12.0078125, 10.2578125, 9.875, 9.6875, 10.953125, 11.96875, 11.625, 13.109375, 9.5625, 11.28125, 12.2421875, 15.6015625, 9.5234375, 9.09375, 12.671875, 12.3359375, 10.6328125, 13.3203125, 11.3828125, 13.3671875, 12.5703125, 13.234375, 12.3515625, 6.91015625 ]
average cost of rent in san jose california?
[ "- Average Price of Storage in San Jose. 1 The biggest factor when it comes to storage unit pricing in San Jose is size. Below are some montly price ranges you can expect to see in San Jose based on different storage unit sizes. 2 The overall average price of a storage unit in San Jose is $162." ]
[ "- At the more affordable, less renovated end of the of the market, you might be able to find a rental at about $25 per square foot. 1 Estimated rent for an average 2 bedroom, 900 square foot apartment: Just shy of $4,000.", "- One bedroom apartments in San Francisco rent for $2965 a month on average and two bedroom apartment rents average $3853.", "San Jose Current Rental Prices: Why Is It So Expensive? San Jose and all of Silicon Valley have received national attention for soaring home prices. Neighboring San Francisco may have the highest rent prices of all U.S. cities, but San Jose isn’t far behind. According to Zumper.com, the median price for a 1 bedroom rental in San Jose costs $2,040. Just behind Boston at $2,350, that makes San Jose the 4th most expensive rental market in the U.S. San Jose also has the most expensive median sales prices for single-family existing homes at $900,000. San Jose, like much of the Bay Area, is a great place to live.", "The average starting salaries at San Francisco tech companies The median rent for a one-bedroom in San Francisco is a whopping $3,270. With prices like these (not to mention the $16 cup of coffee) you'll need to make a decent paycheck to make ends meet. Enter the tech industry, oft associated with hefty starting salaries and ample perks.", "- A voter-approved measure pushed San Jose's minimum wage from $8 to $10 in March, but it also included a provision to bump up the rate at the pace of inflation each New Year's Day.On Wednesday, it goes up to $10.15 for an estimated 54,000 workers.The annual cost-of-living boost may seem like spare change to some. voter-approved measure pushed San Jose's minimum wage from $8 to $10 in March, but it also included a provision to bump up the rate at the pace of inflation each New Year's Day.", "Santa Rosa Assisted Living Santa Rosa Assisted Living Facility Costs. The median cost of Assisted Living in Santa Rosa for a single-occupancy apartment is $4,250/month (Genworth - 2013). This monthly cost typically includes rent, utilities, dining, housekeeping and transportation.", "266 Apartments for rent in Norristown, PA Los Angeles' median two-bedroom rent of $1,730 is above the national average of $1,160. Nationwide, rents have grown by 2.6% over the past year compared to the 4.0% rise in Los Angeles. While Los Angeles' rents rose moderately over the past year, many cities nationwide also saw increases, including Phoenix (+3.6%), Houston (+2.7%), and Boston (+2.5%).", "San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara California Household Income San Jose median household income is $31,343 higher than the median California household income and $39,283 greater than the US median household income. 2014 metro income data (including San Jose median household income) will be released in September of 2015.he Census ACS 1-year survey reports that the median household income for the San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara California metro area was $91,533 in 2013, the latest figures available.", "Economy of the United States The average living wage in California is $8.83. Adjusting this for the cost of living in Sacramento gives a living wage of $8.50. The second method adjusts the federal poverty guideline by the cost of living in Sacramento. The poverty level for a family of 3 is $15,020. The cost of living in Sacramento is approximately 15% higher than the national average, 2 so the poverty level for Sacramento is $17,273. The wage sufficient for a family of three with one full time worker to reach this poverty line is $8.64.", "- The average rent in the city where she teaches is $1,395 for a three-bedroom apartment, but the maximum rent she can afford is $1,025. Her family cannot afford to pay rent and utilities, as well as the basic necessities of food, clothing, health care, and school supplies.", "Californiaâs High Housing Costs: Causes and Consequences This trend has continued. Today, an average California home costs $440,000, about two-and-a-half times the average national home price ($180,000). Also, California’s average monthly rent is about $1,240, 50 percent higher than the rest of the country ($840 per month).", "The 25 most expensive cities in America Though not as pricey as another famous Bay Area city, San Jose still ranks 25th on Expatistan's list. A furnished apartment goes for $1,505 and a basic dinner for two in a neighborhood pub costs $37.", "What is the True Cost of Living in San Francisco? According to rental listing site Zumper.com, which tracks average market rents on a monthly basis, rental rates in San Francisco are the highest in the country. Average rent on a two bedroom apartment in San Francisco is $4,650, $1,000+ more than the number two city (New York) and $2,000 more than the rest of the biggest cities in the country. Annually, that median San Francisco two bedroom apartment would cost $55,800, significantly higher than the U.S. median income for a full-time worker.", "Here's What The Average One-Bedroom Rental Costs Around San Francisco According to a new report from data company Priceonomics, the median rental price of a one-bedroom apartment was $3,120 as of June 2014. That's a big increase over just a year ago, when the median rental price was $2,795.", "Houston Texas Residential Rent and Rental Statistics At $959, nominal median gross rent in the United States was at its highest level in 2015 since the series began in 2005. At $1,021, nominal in the United States was at its highest level in 2015 since the series began in 2005.", "New S.F. Rent Map Says 1 BRs Now Average $2,800 According to the map, the average rent for a one bedroom in the city is now about $2,800, a two bedroom is $3,875, and a three bedroom is $4,750.", "The Cost of Living in San Diego According to myapartmentmap.com, the average rent for a San Diego studio is $1,465. Rents on a one-bedroom in the city average $1,547. Average rent rises to $2,060 for a two-bedroom and $2,631 for a three-bedroom. Depending on where you’re from, those rents may sound outrageous.", "Rent Uncontrolled San Diego has the ninth most expensive metropolitan rental market in the U.S. | Photo by John Bahu Attorney Mia Saling had been renting a three-bedroom house in San Elijo Hills for several years, but when her two roommates moved out of the area and the rent increased to $2,700 (with rising water and utilities costs), Mia decided it was time to find a solo place for herself and her mini dachshund.", "Californiaâs High Housing Costs: Causes and Consequences This trend has continued. Today, an average California home costs $440,000, about two-and-a-half times the average national home price ($180,000). Also, California’s average monthly rent is about $1,240, 50 percent higher than the rest of the country ($840 per month). Building Less Housing Than People Demand Drives High Housing Costs.", "- Monthly average rent remained stable with a -0.18% movement compared to the previous month-from $2,748.87 in August 2015 to $2,743.83 in September 2015. Annual average rent increased by 1.53% from $2,702.59 in September 2014 to $2,743.83 in September 2015.", "What is the True Cost of Living in San Francisco? According to rental listing site Zumper.com, which tracks average market rents on a monthly basis, rental rates in San Francisco are the highest in the country. Average rent on a two bedroom apartment in San Francisco is $4,650, $1,000+ more than the number two city (New York) and $2,000 more than the rest of the biggest cities in the country. Annually, that median San Francisco two bedroom apartment would cost $55,800, significantly higher than the U.S. median income for a full-time worker. If we assume that a typical renter spends no more than 36% of her monthly income on housing, that suggests that to afford San Francisco rent, she would need to be earning $155,000 per year.", "- San Francisco Average Rent. As of August 2015, average apartment rent within 10 miles of San Francisco, CA is $3512. One bedroom apartments in San Francisco rent for $2965 a month on average and two bedroom apartment rents average $3853. See our listings of San Francisco Apartments.", "Rents gone wild: Sacramento is one of the hottest rental markets in the country At this same time last year, rent prices were ticking upward at a modest 5.5 percent, nearly on par with the national average. Beginning in the summer of 2014, rent steadily bolted upward, all the way to the current 10.9 percent increase over the prior year, regionwide.", "- Share to: Depending on the area, the cost of an acre of land in San Jose, CA is about $400,000 to $900,000. In the downtown area, an acre would cost several million dollars if it we … re for sale.The average cost of beachfront property is 300,000 dollars for much less than an acre.If you don't want to live near the beach, you can get an acre of land for 50,000 dol … lars an acre.n the downtown area, an acre would cost several million dollars if it we … re for sale. The average cost of beachfront property is 300,000 dollars for much less than an acre. If you don't want to live near the beach, you can get an acre of land for 50,000 dol … lars an acre.", "June 2016 California Apartment List Rent Report June 2016 California Apartment List Rent Report. 1 San Francisco: San Francisco once again claimed the highest rents statewide for both 1- and 2-bedroom units. A 1-bedroom in San Francisco costs $3,560 while 2-bedrooms had a median price of $4,730.", "Californiaâs High Housing Costs: Causes and Consequences This trend has continued. Today, an average California home costs $440,000, about two–and–a–half times the average national home price ($180,000). Also, California’s average monthly rent is about $1,240, 50 percent higher than the rest of the country ($840 per month).", "Map: Average Rent For 1BR In San Francisco By Neighborhood • The cheapest neighborhood on the map is the Outer Mission/Excelsior. • The average price of a 1BR in SF is $2,700 (this according to Zumper, is based on averaging all of the data points from each neighborhood, not the average prices of the neighborhoods.).Remember when you could rent a studio on Dolores and 18th just across from Dolores Park for only $550? We do because we did.nd it's brutal. For us, anyway. You too, we can only assume. This map (via Zumper) shows the average rent in February 2013 for a 1BR in varying San Francisco neighborhoods.", "- Free from the App Store. As of August 2015, average apartment rent within 10 miles of Los Angeles, CA is $2278. One bedroom apartments in Los Angeles rent for $1983 a month on average and two bedroom apartment rents average $2621.he average apartment rent over the prior 6 months in Los Angeles has increased by $235 (11.5%). One bedroom units have increased by $169 (9.3%) and two bedroom apartments have increased by $250 (10.5%). See our listings of Los Angeles Apartments.", "- Cost. The neighborhood carries a higher cost of living than the city average, with housing costs in particular much higher than the El Paso average. A one-bedroom apartment typically rents for about $950, although you may find cheaper arrangements.A Metro ride to the city center costs $1.50 for a one-way ticket, and gas prices come in around 14 percent lower than the national average. A pint of beer at the local pub usually costs about $3. one-bedroom apartment typically rents for about $950, although you may find cheaper arrangements. A Metro ride to the city center costs $1.50 for a one-way ticket, and gas prices come in around 14 percent lower than the national average. A pint of beer at the local pub usually costs about $3.", "- San Francisco Average Rent. As of August 2015, average apartment rent within 10 miles of San Francisco, CA is $3512. One bedroom apartments in San Francisco rent for $2965 a month on average and two bedroom apartment rents average $3853. See our listings of San Francisco Apartments.an Francisco Average Rent By Neighborhood. The most expensive San Francisco neighborhoods to rent apartments are Bernal Heights, Potrero Hill, and Russian Hill. The cheapest San Francisco neignborhoods to rent apartments are Outer Mission, Parkside, and Bayview." ]
[ 10.859375 ]
[ 8.9609375, 9.8359375, 15.328125, 7.03125, 6.93359375, 3.951171875, 6.70703125, 7.7265625, 4.58984375, 6.390625, 10.046875, 9.2734375, 9.046875, 9.9765625, 5.890625, 9.8359375, 8.6015625, 4.71484375, 9.625, 9.7890625, 8.6328125, 10.4453125, 5.1171875, 8.6171875, 10.1875, 10.0390625, 6.29296875, 7.15234375, 4.4453125, 9.203125 ]
how do anthropologists view culture
[ "What is Anthropology? Originally, anthropologists pieced together a complete way of life for a culture, viewed as a whole. Today, the more likely focus is on a narrower aspect of cultural life, such as economics, politics, religion, or art.nthropologists conduct scientific and humanistic studies of the culture and evolution of humans. Each of the four fields of American anthropology has its own skills, theories, and databases of special knowledge." ]
[ "- (A modern urban ethnography may, for instance, focus on “surfers” as a culture, or “disco fans.”) Ethnology is the branch of anthropology that involves comparative study of cultures and the analysis of that data to propose theoretical frameworks for better understanding cultural phenomena. Ethnographies are the studies that provide the raw data which ethnology analyzes to develop theories of culture.", "- Cultural anthropology is a branch of anthropology focused on the study of cultural variation among humans and is in contrast to social anthropology which perceives cultural variation as a subset of the anthropological constant.ronisław Malinowski developed the ethnographic method, and Franz Boas taught it in the United States. Boas' students such as Alfred L. Kroeber, Ruth Benedict and Margaret Mead drew on his conception of culture and cultural relativism to develop cultural anthropology in the United States.", "Cultural Anthropology/Social Institutions/Subsistence Strategies The primary focus of this section will be subsistence strategies as they influence other types of behavior. Anthropologists frequently categorize groups by their subsistence strategy, or how they get their food. Through research, anthropologists discovered that the subsistence strategy oftentimes predicted other forms of behavior, e.g., population size, division of labor, and social structure. ~ References. Bonvillain, Nancy. Cultural Anthropology, 2nd edition.", "What does an Anthropologist do? Anthropology is divided into 4 parts:Cultural Anthropology, Archaeology, Physical Anthropology, and Linguistics. I am taking a class of Anthropology. An anthropologist is a scientist who studies social and physical characteristics of humanity through examinations of history and past.Some jobs that an anthropologist can do are teaching,museums,study certain cultures. You are basically studying human humanity. am taking a class of Anthropology. An anthropologist is a scientist who studies social and physical characteristics of humanity through examinations of history and past. Some jobs that an anthropologist can do are teaching,museums,study certain cultures.", "Anthropology Archaeology, which studies past human cultures through investigation of physical evidence, is thought of as a branch of anthropology in the United States, although in Europe, it is viewed as a discipline in its own right, or related to other disciplines.nvironmental anthropology is a sub-specialty within the field of anthropology that takes an active role in examining the relationships between humans and their environment across space and time.", "Anthropology Chapter 1 the study of human society and culture, the subfield that describes, analyzes, interprets, and explains social and cultural similarities and differences to interpret and study cultural diversity, anthropologists engage in", "Infrastructure With more and more scholars looking to infrastructure as an object of study, anthropologists are positioned to document and witness the role of infrastructures, both technological and human, in cultural life.", "Which branch of anthropology does this best describe The Aryans developed a written language called Sanskrit that is still being used in modern day India? The branch of Anthropology which studies human language is called linguistic anthropology. There are two approaches to linguistic anthropology, the historical-comparative appr…oach, and the descriptive language approach.", "What do Anthropologists Study? Today, within the social sciences and humanities, anthropology is more defined by its approach than its subject matter. Anthropology takes its comparative scope to be all humans at all times and places.", "Introduction to Social/Cultural Anthropology 2441. Anthro 3 AC is the lower division introduction to Cultural Anthropology. This course also fulfils the American Cultures course requirement by focusing on the historical, cultural, and political formation of America as a society of native residents and successive waves of both voluntary and forced immigrants.nthropology is intimate and personal because the field requires the anthropologist to live-in and live-with the people and communities they are trying to understand. Anthropological knowledge is gained though cultural immersion as well as through careful scholarship and learning.", "- Archaeology is ANTHROPOLOGY, not really a subdiscipline, but perhaps a body of methods and teachniques that are applied to the analysis of MATERIAL CULTURE (cf. Gardin and Peebles 1992; Leone and Potter 1988; Malina and Vasicek 1990; Renfrew and Zubrow 1994; Tilley 1990).", "- 2. Anthropology. The scientific study of culture, with the goal of understanding the roots of human and non-human cultural behavior through a study of present and past human cultures, human biology, and the biology and culture of humanity's genetic relatives.he cultural and physical scientific study of humankind indiscriminate of time, place and race in an attempt to explain the origin of humankind. Anthropology has done a much better job explaining the origin of humans than religion.", "- Geertz compares the methods of an anthropologist analyzing culture to those of a literary critic analyzing a text: sorting out the structures of signification. . . and determining their social ground and import. . . . Doing ethnography is like trying to read (in the sense of 'construct a reading of') a manuscript. . . .", "What Does an Anthropologist Do? Cultural Anthropologists. Cultural anthropologists are interested in studying the ways that humans behave within a group setting: the language, culture, rituals, and relationships they develop. Often, the best way to do this is to spend time within these cultures as an observer, not as a participant.elated Resource: Sociologist. There are several good online resources if you want to learn more about the life and work of an anthropologist. A good place to start is the American Anthropological Association, which maintains resources online.", "Anthropology Defined: How Scholars Define the Study of Humans Anthropology seeks to uncover principles of behavior that apply to all human communities. To an anthropologist, diversity itself—seen in body shapes and sizes, customs, clothing, speech, religion, and worldview—provides a frame of reference for understanding any single aspect of life in any given community.", "- Archeology has also helped people discover the importance of culture and the past. The pretty artifacts draw people in, what keeps them is the amazing sense of history and belonging they bring. It is almost like going on one of those family tree websites, but taking it way further back to ancient times.ell, as the third goal of archaeology mentioned, we can see how cultures changed over time. It is a remarkable aspect of archaeology. We can go beyond the written record that is available to see how our ancestors culture evolved. It can give us a better understanding of the world, and of ourselves.", "Anthropology Chapter 1 anthropology is. a comparative science that examines all societies, ancient and modern, simple and complex, offering a unique cross-cultural perspective; the study of the human species and its immediate ancestors. ethnography.", "- Archaeology studies past human behavior through the examination of material remains of previous human societies. These remains include the fossils (preserved bones) of humans, food remains, the ruins of buildings, and human artifacts items such as tools, pottery, and jewelry.From their studies, archaeologists attempt to reconstruct past ways of life.Archaeology is an important field of anthropology, which is the broad study of human culture and biology. Archaeologists concentrate their studies on past societies and changes in those societies over extremely long periods of time.n some cases, historical accounts give archaeologists ideas about what to look for in excavations and clues to the meaning of what they find. In other instances, differences between the historical record and the archaeological record tell researchers much about what is hidden in or omitted from historical accounts.", "Cultural Anthropology/Introduction Anthropology can be defined as the study of human nature, human society, and the human past. It is a scholarly discipline that aims to describe in the broadest possible sense what it means to be human. Anthropologists are interested in comparison.", "Anthro Chapter 2 Anthropologists agree that cultural learning is uniquely elaborated among humans and that all humans have culture. They also accept a doctrine designated in the 19th century as the psychic unity of man..", "What Does a Cultural Anthropologist Do? A cultural anthropologist studies human societies and cultural traditions in an effort to understand regional and national differences. Sometimes this research is academic, designed to discover and present quantifiable facts.", "- This lesson allows students to look at groups in an interdisciplinary context, including: the universal desire to belong to a group, how cultural anthropologists might conduct fieldwork in social settings such as the classroom, and how group behavior can be expressed in the context of literature, films, and poetry.", "Anthropology The abstract noun anthropology is first attested in reference to history. Its present use first appeared in Renaissance Germany in the works of Magnus Hundt and Otto Casmann. Their New Latin anthropologia derived from the combining forms of the Greek words anthrōpos (ánthrōpos, ἄνθρωπος ) human and (logos, lógos ). λόγος studyhe abstract noun anthropology is first attested in reference to history. Its present use first appeared in Renaissance Germany in the works of Magnus Hundt and Otto Casmann. Their New Latin anthropologia derived from the combining forms of the Greek words anthrōpos (ánthrōpos, ἄνθρωπος ) human and (logos, lógos ). λόγος study", "What do Anthropologists Study? The four subfields are usually called socio-cultural anthropology, archaeology, biological anthropology, and linguistics. Socio-cultural Anthropology is the study of the social and cultural dimensions of living peoples. Such study often involves the method called participant observation, often complemented with other sorts of data gathering methods.", "Anthropology Anthropology is the study of humans. Anthropology is a broad and unique field, that examines humankind both scientifically and humanistically. Anthropology looks at the human experience from a holistic, cross-cultural perspective, and encompasses several different approaches.", "ANTHROPOLOGICAL THEORIES Morgan postulated that the stages of technological development were associated with a sequence of different cultural patterns. For example, he speculated that the family evolved through six stages. Human society began as a horde living in promiscuity, with no sexual prohibitions and no real family structure.n the early years of anthropology, the prevailing view of anthropologists and other scholars was that culture generally develops (or evolves) in a uniform and progressive manner.", "Cultural Anthropology/Introduction While it is a holistic field, anthropology is typically considered to consist of five sub-disciplines, each focusing on a particular aspect of human existence: 1 Archaeology: The study and interpretation of ancient humans, their history and culture, through examination of the artifacts and remains they left behind.", "- Another good example of holism would be the study of marriages in past societies. As a tradition and cultural practice, a cultural anthropologist might approach the issue from the perspective of their field, conducting the analysis as though it is a single isolated practice.", "Chapter 3 Culture 1 Because culture influences people’s beliefs and behaviors, culture is a key concept to the sociological perspective. 2 Many sociologists are wary of biological explanations of behavior, in part because these explanations implicitly support the status quo and may be used to justify claims of biological inferiority.", "- From their studies, archaeologists attempt to reconstruct past ways of life. Archaeology is an important field of anthropology, which is the broad study of human culture and biology. Archaeologists concentrate their studies on past societies and changes in those societies over extremely long periods of time." ]
[ 14.03125 ]
[ 10.484375, 11.9375, 9.5703125, 10.2578125, 11.765625, 9.9296875, 8.8359375, 5.79296875, 9.515625, 10.03125, 7.91796875, 9.984375, 11.609375, 12.7421875, 11.1796875, 5.2890625, 8.46875, 8.546875, 11.5234375, 12.2578125, 13.046875, 9.6328125, 6.75, 11.4921875, 11.203125, 11.546875, 11.1328125, 11.46875, 7.06640625, 10.71875 ]
how to sync computer to ps3
[ "- Two Methods: Basic Sync Syncing with a PC. PS3 controllers use Bluetooth to wirelessly connect to your PS3 console. Usually, all you have to do to sync your controller is to plug it into the console and press the PS button. If that doesn't work, you can try resetting the Bluetooth settings on the controller.onnect the controller to one of the USB ports on the front of the PS3. Controllers come with a cable, but any mini-USB cable should work if you've misplaced the original. 1 The port for the cable on the PS3 controller is located along the top in the center between the shoulder buttons." ]
[ "Standby Explained (S1, S3) Motherboard must support S3. S3 support must be enabled in the BIOS (many motherboards do not do this and default to S1) OS must support S3 (Windows XP does) To wake your PC from S3 your USB peripherals (like keyboard and mouse) must be enabled to arm your PC to wake. From the device manager, you must select they keyboard, go to properties and select Allow this device to bring this computer out of standby.", "- Downloading saved data from online storage to the PS3™ system. 1. Select (Saved Data Utility (PS3™)), and then select [Online Storage]. 2. Select the saved data you want to download, and then press the button. 3. Select [Copy].", "Adding Files to your PS3 Using USB Drive 1 Plug your device into one of the PS3 USB ports. 2 Navigate to Game on the PS3 XMB menu and then select Saved Data Utility and find your USB device. 3 Hit triangle to explore and select the save game and then choose Copy. 4 You’ll often have to copy individual files one by one.ere is a simple step by step guide for watching or transferring movie files onto your PS3 using a USB flash drive or an external hard drive. 1 First of all you’ll need a USB flash drive or an external hard drive. 2 Plug it into your computer and copy over the movie files that you want to watch on your PS3.", "Why can't I just burn a PS3 game to a disc and simply play it on my PS3? It doesn't work that way. Your PS3 uses Blu-Ray discs, which uses 405 nm laser light for reading the data that's on the disc. The laser of your computer that is used for reading and burning DVD's is 650 nm. In addition, the data on the disc is encrypted. If it were that easy to back games up, people would do it all the time. So in order to prevent this the data is encrypted so only the PS3 would be able to read it.", "- This indicates that the program is looking for your controller. 2. Plug in your PS3 controller to your computer. Ideally, you should use the USB ports on your motherboard instead of USB hubs or extensions. 1 The “searching” text should change into a set of characters separated into pairs by :.his indicates that the program is looking for your controller. 2. Plug in your PS3 controller to your computer. Ideally, you should use the USB ports on your motherboard instead of USB hubs or extensions. 1 The “searching” text should change into a set of characters separated into pairs by :.", "- Though gaming systems are typically connected to televisions, it is possible to connect a Sony PlayStation 3 (PS3) to a laptop monitor. Connecting a PS3 to a laptop monitor allows allows you to experience high-level video games in a portable setting and without the use of a large TV.nstructions. Connect the TV video card into the USB port of the laptop. Place the installation CD into the disk tray of the laptop. Follow software prompts and complete the installation process.", "How To Easily Connect PS3 Controller to PC (No Motioninjoy Required) I show you how to connect your PS3 controller to your PC without having to use ANY DS3 Tool. This is by far the best method for using your PS3 controller on the PC, it's all thanks to Scarlet Crush Productions who developed the software.", "- Select transfer data from this system to the other PS3 system in the next step. If you have any other users on the system it is also a good time to deactivate the system under their PSN accounts and sync their trophy information too.elect transfer data from this system to the other PS3 system in the next step. If you have any other users on the system it is also a good time to deactivate the system under their PSN accounts and sync their trophy information too.", "- For the CronusMax and Titan One, you need to plug a compatible Bluetooth adapter into its USB port, so the adapter processes the inputs from the controller directly. For DS4 Windows, you can use your computer's onboard Bluetooth. The DualShock 4 automatically pairs with the PlayStation 4 by plugging it with a USB cable.To pair with your computer, you'll have to force the controller into pairing mode.ll you need is a USB-to-micro-USB cable and, depending on how you want to do it, a Bluetooth USB adapter and a special USB controller adapter. CronusMAX/Titan One USB Adapters If you want to avoid playing with third-party drivers, you can get a USB controller adapter like the CronusMAX or Titan One.", "- Plug the HDMI male end into your PS3. There will be a slot in the back of your PS3 where you can directly plug in the HDMI cable. Connect the male end of the DVI cable directly into your computer monitor. Depending on what type of monitor you have, the connection port may be located in different places.", "[How To] Connect PS3 Controller to PC Using SCP DS3 Drivers (No Motioninjoy or Better DS3 Tool) Today's video is like the last resort or its the gotta work tutorial where I show you how to take your PS3 DS3 controller, and using bluetooth or USB, get it working on your computer properly.", "How to Get Sirius Radio on the PS3 Instructions. Power on your PS3 and use the controller to scroll through the options on the main menu until you come to Network.. Press X to select it and you will log on to the network. Navigate to a website that offers Tversity for download.This is a multimedia menu application that allows you to stream things such as TV, movies and even radio. It is compatible with the PS3.Click on the Download tab to download Tversity to your Playstation.ress X to select it and you will log on to the network. Navigate to a website that offers Tversity for download. This is a multimedia menu application that allows you to stream things such as TV, movies and even radio. It is compatible with the PS3.", "How to Use a Laptop Monitor for a PS3 1 To use HDMI cables, you must have an HDCP-compliant laptop monitor. 2 If you don’t like the default TV tuner software on your computer, several third-party software programs are freely available online. 3 Connecting a laptop monitor to a PS3 will only allow you to play video on the laptop.o not mistake a video out port for a TV input port. If your laptop does not have a TV input interface, you will need to buy a laptop TV input/TV tuner card and connect it to your laptop. These cards can be found for as little as $5.", "PS4 - How to improve the connection (MAX SPEED) 4- Setup PS4 internet. Finally Go to your PS4 settings then network and go to setup internet connection. Choose wi-fi, wireless connection, or LAN cable, wired connection. Custom, and look for your network. Mine is Tears don't fall.oing this for a PS4 is safe, but never do that to a computer. 1 - IP settings. First, we need to check the IP settings of your network. For this press the windows key + R and type cmd then enter. Type ipconfig, enter, then look for your internet settings for the current connection.", "- Stream your media. Step 1: Go back to your PS3, and your computer's name will be listed under the Photos, Videos, or Music tabs. You need to be in the Music section on your PS3 to play music, in the Photos section to see photos, and in the Videos section to play videos.You cannot play copyrighted material.et up your computer (Mac). Step 1: Download and install PS3 Media Server (free). This will allow your PS3 to see your Mac. Step 2: Connect to the same network as your PS3. Step 3: Go to Navigation/Share Settings and uncheck everything in the Thumbnails section (at the top).", "How do I reset my Playstation Network password? Change password via PC. 1 If you know your password and know the email address associated with your PSN account, click here. 2 If you don't know your password, but have access to the email address and the date-of-birth associated with your PSN account, click here.he easiest way, however, is via the PS3 - click the Sign In button, and you will see a Forgot Password? option on that screen. From there, follow the instructions to reset your password.", "- I have an xbox 360, not a ps3 but it should be the same. You probably need to connect it if you do then the hold the connection button on it and hold the connection button on the ps3. Then it should be connected. I f it still flashes red try charging it.", "- To start our work on PC, the first thing we need to do is copy the pictures on GS3 to computer. With a USB cable that comes with the phone, all will be done in minutes. Here is how to do it. Free Download Buy Now. Preparations: 1. Connect the Samsung Galaxy S3 to the computer using the USB cable. 2.", "Connecting my Xbox 360 or One controller with my PC without paying for anything? Wireless: You will need a wireless receiver. After connecting the receiver, follow these steps: 1 Connect the wireless receiver to your PC. 2 Press the sync button on the wireless receiver. 3 Press the sync button on your Xbox 360 wireless controller.", "- Step 6: Back in the Security Settings menu, scroll up and select Change Password.. Step 7: Enter the system's password (default 0000). Step 8: Enter a new password. Use a 4-digit number that you will remember, but that your children won't be able to guess.Step 9: Enter the new password again to confirm it.tep 5: Enter the PS3 password to access parental controls. By default, the PS3 password is 0000.. Step 5: Enter the preferred parental control level you would like to use. To only play T-rated games and below, use level 5 or above. To only play E or E10 games, use lower levels.", "Forum:How do i transfer data from my ps3 to my computer for Willotree Forums: Index Archives Help desk. To transfer files from your PS3 to PC, plug in a USB flash/thumb drive into any USB port on your PS3, navigate to the Save Data Utility then to the desired Borderlands Character Game Data icon, hit triangle, and 'copy' to USB drive.ll you have to do is use a flash drive. Plug it into the ps3, go to the saved data utility, and copy your game data to the flash drive. Make sure that you wait a bit before unplugging the flash drive because if it's still in use when you unplug it, then your data wiill be ruined.", "Linking an account via a PS3⢠system or a computer Using an account created on a PS3™ system. You can connect your system to a PS3™ system that is signed in to PlayStation™Network and link the account that is linked to the PS3™ system with your system. 1. Sign in to PlayStation™Network on the PS3™ system. 2. On the PS3™ system, close all open applications, and then select (Users). 3. Connect your system and the PS3™ system using a USB cable. 4.", "- There are a couple of reasons one might connect a Playstation 3 game console to a laptop computer. The PS3 can link up to your computer through a wireless connection. You can then access your computer's hard drive and its videos, music and photos from the PS3's menu.nternet Connection in the Network Settings list will say Enabled once you are connected. Link the laptop and PS3 together through a router if you have one. Connect both the console and computer to the router with Ethernet cables.", "Q: Connect Dell laptop Windows XP Professional SP3 to Apple Time Machine capsule - wirelessly. EA. I have a new iMac with Airport Express and Time Machine capsule. The TM is connected to the Internet via cable and everything has been set up wirelessly and works well. I want to connect my Dell laptop (Windows XP Professional-SP3) to the Internet via the TM.I have tried using a direct cable connection between the TM and the laptop, without success.he TM is connected to the Internet via cable and everything has been set up wirelessly and works well. I want to connect my Dell laptop (Windows XP Professional-SP3) to the Internet via the TM. I have tried using a direct cable connection between the TM and the laptop, without success.", "How Do I Connect My Bluetooth Phone To My Computer After you have your bluetooth USB installed on your computer, then you need to sync them together. The easiest way that I have found to do this is to do it from the phone.Under your bluetooth settings under your phone, they should be an option to search for new devices or to pair it.Once your perform the search it should find your computer. Select to pair it with your computer.It will ask you for the passcode on the phone it should be 0000 that is four zeros. You should get a pop up from the system tray on a windows machine asking if you want to pair your bluetooth with this device.nce your perform the search it should find your computer. Select to pair it with your computer. It will ask you for the passcode on the phone it should be 0000 that is four zeros. You should get a pop up from the system tray on a windows machine asking if you want to pair your bluetooth with this device.", "Adding a device to your wireless network: PlayStation 3 (PS3) 1 Press the X button to enter the encryption key (your network password) using the PS3's on screen keyboard. 2 Note: The key field always displays eight asterisks (*), even if your password is less or more than eight characters. 3 The PS3 gives you the opportunity to review your settings before saving them. The PS3 confirms the SSID (wireless home network name). 2 If you have selected the correct SSID, press the right button and continue to step 10. 3 If you have not selected the correct SSID, press the left button and repeat step 8. 4 Select the security settings as they appear in your NETGEAR router and press the right button.", "Does Sony PlayStation 3 Play 3D Movies Like 3D Blu-ray Player Get free 3D Blu-ray upgarade to your PS3 today and enjoy 3D movies and 3D games. You can update your system firmware by any of the three methods: 1 update using the PS3 system (needs Internet connection). 2 using a PC (needs Internet connection). 3 or use the update data included on a game disc.et free 3D Blu-ray upgarade to your PS3 today and enjoy 3D movies and 3D games. You can update your system firmware by any of the three methods: 1 update using the PS3 system (needs Internet connection). 2 using a PC (needs Internet connection). 3 or use the update data included on a game disc.", "- Instructions. Connect the HDMI end of your HDMI-to-VGA cable to the HDMI port on your PlayStation 3. Connect the VGA end of the HDMI-to-VGA cable to the VGA port on your computer monitor. Connect the red and white RCA ends of the HDMI-to-VGA cable to the RCA ports on an audio source.", "PS3 Stuck at 99 (Fix) 1. Turn on ps3. 2. Wait until installing occurs and pull out old HDD at 0%. 3. Error should occur(let it run the count down and let ps3 restart itself). 4. You should be seeing a press ps3 button on controller screen. On that screen put your new HDD in the ps3 AND have USB with update on it in the ps3.", "Can you feel the presence of a ghost? Why? Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: You do not need to have a PSN to use your PS3, but it's recommended. The only thing you can't do on a PS3 with no internet is Playstation Store and Home and of course you can't have any friends, browse the internet or play online.Hope that's answer enough :). Source(s): My self...est Answer: You do not need to have a PSN to use your PS3, but it's recommended. The only thing you can't do on a PS3 with no internet is Playstation Store and Home and of course you can't have any friends, browse the internet or play online. Hope that's answer enough :). Source(s): My self..." ]
[ 14.984375 ]
[ 1.2880859375, 9.578125, 11.4375, 3.41015625, 10.6484375, 8, 8.5546875, 11.015625, 9.8125, 9.625, 8.6953125, 6.9765625, 7.2109375, 4.33984375, 14.0625, 4.71875, 6.890625, 4.4296875, 6.66015625, 5.9375, 10.3125, 13.78125, 12.84375, 0.12274169921875, 4.94140625, 8.0078125, 5.953125, 8.9375, 4.546875, 3.576171875 ]
what is genoese
[ "Genoese dialect Genoese (Zeneize) is a dialect of the Ligurian language spoken in Genoa (the principal city of the Liguria region in Northern Italy). Ligurian is listed by Ethnologue as a language in its own right, of the Romance branch, and not to be confused with the ancient Ligurian language.Like the languages of Lombardy, Piedmont, and surrounding regions, it is Gallo-Italic. The language is far from dying out.igurian is listed by Ethnologue as a language in its own right, of the Romance branch, and not to be confused with the ancient Ligurian language. Like the languages of Lombardy, Piedmont, and surrounding regions, it is Gallo-Italic. The language is far from dying out." ]
[ "Canada goose It belongs to the Branta genus of geese, which contains species with largely black plumage, distinguishing them from the grey species of the Anser genus. Branta is a Latinised form of Old Norse Brandgás, burnt (black) goose and the specific epithet canadensis is a New Latin word meaning from Canada.", "Anastomosis Vein skeleton of a Hydrangea leaf showing anastomoses of veins. An anastomosis (plural anastomoses) is a connection or opening between two things (especially cavities or passages) that are normally diverging or branching, such as between blood vessels, leaf veins, or streams.", "- Anser geese usually have pink, orange or gray legs and bills. Their bills are serrated. Belonging to this group are the species Bar-Headed, Bean, Emperor, Greylag, Pink-Footed, Ross', Snow, Swan Goose and White-Fronted.", "- [ˈkʌnːəɖɑː]) or Canarese/Kanarese /kaenəˈriːz/ , kænəˈriːz is A dravidian language spoken predominantly By kannada people in The South indian state Of, karnataka and by linguistic minorities in the states Of Andhra, Pradesh, Telangana Tamil, Nadu, Maharashtra, kerala And. goaannada is a Southern Dravidian language, and according to Dravidian scholar Sanford Steever, its history can be conventionally divided into three periods; Old Kannada (halegannada) from 450–1200 A.D., Middle Kannada (Nadugannada) from 1200–1700 A.D., and Modern Kannada from 1700 to the present.", "- Historical Examples. 1 je rejette les deux Carolines et la Georgie comme malsaines et moins avantageuses. 2 I teede hey, I tourne it afore it is made in cockes, je fene. 3 You are very naughty, mon prince; I am speaking of real animals, je parle des btes. Papa said to me: 'je serai inconsolable, mais inconsolable!'.", "- IODIZES is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 1 time. There are no related answers.Try defining IODIZES with Google.nswer: IODIZES. IODIZES is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 1 time. There are no related answers. Try defining IODIZES with Google.", "- The real plural of moose. Many people, including the dictionary and English teachers, will attempt to tell you that meese is not correct. However, please consider the following: One goose = goose. One moose = moose. Two+ goose = geese.", "- Boujee. An abbreviation of the French bourgeois.. A critical term used to describe people, things, and places that are definitively high-class. Something that is affected, inauthentic, gentrified, exclusive, and/or otherwise sheltered from the dirt and grime of the real world.", "Religion Example Sentences for bias. 1 Grotius was not a recluse, but a man of the world, who certainly had no bias to the side of religion. 2 His bias, the precise nature of his propaganda, are frankly exposed. 3 They say, or do, or think, something which gives a bias at once to the whole of their career.", "Introduction Biology of Canada Geese. There are 11 subspecies of Canada goose, four of which occur in New Jersey including the Atlantic (Branta canadensis canadensis), giant (canadensis maxima), interior (canadensis interior), and western (canadensis moffitii) Canada geese.he current estimated population of resident Canada geese in the eastern U.S. is greater than one million birds; in New Jersey alone, there are an estimated 81,000 individuals (based on 2012 surveys).", "Magpie goose Magpie geese are unmistakable birds with their black and white plumage and yellowish legs. The feet are only partially webbed, although the Magpie Goose will feed on vegetable matter in the water as well as on land.Males are larger than females. Unlike true geese, the moult is gradual, and there is no flightless period.he feet are only partially webbed, although the Magpie Goose will feed on vegetable matter in the water as well as on land. Males are larger than females. Unlike true geese, the moult is gradual, and there is no flightless period.", "Critter Catalog Canada geese have long black heads and necks, and they have a distinct white mark near their chin. Their plumage includes brown-grey feathers on their back and cream or white feathers on their belly and rump. Males of this species are slightly larger than females, but both weigh between 3 to 10.9 kg.n captivity, the longest lived goose was 80 years old. In the wild, the oldest goose was reportedly 30 years and 4 months old. This is an extraordinary lifespan for a wild bird; the life expectancy for most wild geese is 12 years.", "Gnosis The Greek word gnosis (knowledge) is a standard translation of the Hebrew word knowledge (דעת da`ath) in the Septuagint, thus: The Lord gives wisdom (sophia), from his face come knowledge (gnosis) and understanding (sunesis).Philo also refers to the knowledge (gnosis) and wisdom (sophia) of God.nosis is the common Greek noun for knowledge (in the nominative case γνῶσις f.). In Christian, Islamic, or Jewish mysticism, mystery religions and Gnosticism gnosis generally signifies a spiritual knowledge or religion of knowledge, in the sense of mystical enlightenment or insight.", "Deweese History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms Buy JPG Image ». The surname Deweese is a Bavarian nickname surname. German nicknames came from eke-names, or added names, and tended to describe a physical characteristic or other attribute of their initial bearer. Deweese is a name for a person who had a pale complexion or fair colored hair. The surname Deweese was derived from the German word weises, which meant white.", "- In France, a “gosse” is simply a child. But, in Quebec, “québec les” gosses are those two things hanging between a’guy s. Legs’you ll probably want to avoid asking a father In quebec québec “how” his gosses are doing or what their! Names are you can use “the” word. enfants instead", "- Look up “goose” and right there you’ll see the plural is “geese.” Look up datum and you’ll see immediately that its plural is data. So we can divide all common nouns into one of two categories: ones that form their plurals with the simple “add S or add ES” formula, and weird ones.", "Magpie Goose The Magpie Goose has a black neck and head, with a characteristic knob on the crown (larger in males), which increases in size with age. The underparts are white, with contrasting black edges on the underwing.The bill, legs and feet are orange.The Magpie Goose differs from most waterfowl in having strongly clawed toes that are webbed only on their basal halves (i.e. only partly webbed).Females are slightly smaller than males.he underparts are white, with contrasting black edges on the underwing. The bill, legs and feet are orange. The Magpie Goose differs from most waterfowl in having strongly clawed toes that are webbed only on their basal halves (i.e. only partly webbed). Females are slightly smaller than males.", "Chinese Goose 2 Chinese geese are by far the most popular breed for weeding chores due to their active foraging habits, moderate size, unmatched agility, good availability and reasonable prices. (Holderread, 1986). Poultry catalogs will commonly refer to this breed as Weeder Geese. The Chinese goose is refined and curvaceous.", "res gestae res gestae. Definition. [Latin: “things done” or “thing transacted”] The events or circumstances at issue, as well as other events that are contemporaneous with or related to them. Courts previously employed this term in order to admit otherwise inadmissible hearsay. The term has since been put to disuse by scholars and legislators.", "- , genitive sing. suff. ; see-s 3 .]. Usage Note: The construction from whence has been criticized as redundant since the 1700s. It is true that whence incorporates the sense of from: a remote village, whence little news reached the wider world.ictionary browser? ▲. 1 When is the last train to 2 ...? When is the latest I can check in? 3 When is the market on? 4 When is the market? 5 When is the museum open? 6 When is the news? 7 When is the next bus to 8 ...? When is the next sailing to 9 ...? When is the next train to 10 ...? When is the palace open? 11 When is the temple open? 12 When is the train due? 13 When ...", "Wildlife Directory Description and Identification. Canada geese are large birds weighing 6 to 24 pounds. They have a black head and neck with a white patch on either side of the head. The back is brownish, and the breast and belly are brownish-white. The giant Canada goose (maxima) subspecies is the most common in Illinois, and is a year round resident. 2 Canada geese fly in a V-shape formation because flying this way reduces wind resistance and helps the geese to conserve energy. 3 Canada geese mate for life but will re-mate if one of the pair dies.", "Glutathione peroxidase Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) (EC is the general name of an enzyme family with peroxidase activity whose main biological role is to protect the organism from oxidative damage.owever, glutathione peroxidase 4 knockout mice die during early embryonic development. Some evidence, though, indicates reduced levels of glutathione peroxidase 4 can increase life expectancy in mice.", "- Contemporary Examples. 1 Mary Soames is an exception to the rule that gilded offspring endure life rather than enjoy it. 2 You may be wondering what work of monumental consequence is contained within these gilded pages. 3 Feast your eyes on the ‘top-grain leather,’ ‘original’ design, gilded pages.", "Ribose Ribose is an organic compound with the formula C 5 H 10 O 5; specifically, a pentose monosaccharide (simple sugar) with linear form H−(C=O)−(CHOH) 4 −H, which has all the hydroxyl groups on the same side in the Fischer projection. The term may refer to either of two enantiomers.ike many monosaccharides, ribose exists in an equilibrium among 5 forms—the linear form H−(C=O)−(CHOH) 4 –H and either of the two ring forms: alpha-or beta-ribofuranose (C3'-endo), with a five-membered ring, and alpha-or beta-ribopyranose (C2'-endo), with a six-membered ring.", "#2. GREEK WORD STUDIES γενεά 'genea' meaning 'generation' Strong's 1074 for as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale's belly: so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.", "Figures of Speech - Antithesis WRITING. Antithesis is a figure of speech which refers to the juxtaposition of opposing or contrasting ideas. It involves the bringing out of a contrast in the ideas by an obvious contrast in the words, clauses, or sentences, within a parallel grammatical structure. Examples: These are examples of antithesis: Man proposes, God disposes.. - Source unknown. Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing.. - Goethe.", "- Company Overview. Genocea Biosciences, Inc., a biopharmaceutical company, discovers and develops novel vaccines and immunotherapies to treat infectious diseases.nnounces Unaudited Consolidated Earnings Results for the Second Quarter and Six Months June 30, 2015. Genocea Biosciences, Inc. announced unaudited consolidated earnings results for the second quarter and six months June 30, 2015. For the quarter, the company reported grant revenue of $115,000.", "nemesis n. pl. nem·e·ses (-sēz′). 1. A source of harm or ruin: Uncritical trust is my nemesis. 2. Retributive justice in its execution or outcome: To follow the proposed course of action is to invite nemesis. 3. An opponent that cannot be beaten or overcome.4. One that inflicts retribution or vengeance.em·e·ses (-sēz′). 1. A source of harm or ruin: Uncritical trust is my nemesis. 2. Retributive justice in its execution or outcome: To follow the proposed course of action is to invite nemesis.", "What Is the Difference Between Genovese Basil & Sweet Basil? Flowering stops the vegetative growth of the basil plant. Genovese has a reputation for making the best pesto, as well as the best insalata caprese, which is dish consisting of tomato slices topped with mozzarella cheese and fresh basil leaves.weet Basil. Sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum) is the most familiar basil, and the most widely grown in the United States. It is considered the basic basil. Medium-green, smooth, shiny leaves have a soft appearance.", "Ribose Ribose is an organic compound with the formula C 5 H 10 O 5; specifically, a pentose monosaccharide (simple sugar) with linear form H−(C=O)−(CHOH) 4 −H, which has all the hydroxyl groups on the same side in the Fischer projection.The term may refer to either of two enantiomers.The term usually indicates D-ribose, which occurs widely in nature and is discussed here. Its synthetic mirror image, L-ribose, is not found in nature. -Ribose was first reported in 1891 by Emil Fischer.t is a C'-2 carbon epimer of the sugar. - arabinose (both isomers of which are named for their source, gum arabic) and ribose itself is named as a transposition of the name of arabinose. The ribose β-D-ribofuranose forms part of the backbone of RNA." ]
[ 16.453125 ]
[ 3.794921875, 1.1787109375, 4.953125, 3.240234375, 1.1171875, 1.5712890625, 3.244140625, 2, -3.384765625, 3.11328125, 3.328125, 5.3125, 1.6943359375, 0.84130859375, 2.193359375, 2.796875, 1.9951171875, 3.404296875, -1.21875, 1.3369140625, 4.9921875, 2.912109375, -0.6201171875, 0.93310546875, 1.3828125, -3.7421875, 9.6484375, 0.5712890625, 9.140625, 1.037109375 ]
what causes eutrophication
[ "EutrophicationEutrophication is a condition in an aquatic ecosystem where high nutrient concentrations stimulate blooms of algae (e.g., phytoplankton). Eutrophication is a natural process that occurs to all lakes over time as the weathering of rocks and soils from the surrounding catchment area leads to an accumulation of nutrients in the water and associated sediments. Causes of eutrophication. The main causes of eutrophication are. 1 natural run-off of nutrients from the soil and the weathering of rocks. 2 run-off of inorganic fertiliser (containing nitrates and phosphates).3 run-off of manure from farms (containing nitrates, phosphates and ammonia).he main causes of eutrophication are. 1 natural run-off of nutrients from the soil and the weathering of rocks. 2 run-off of inorganic fertiliser (containing nitrates and phosphates)." ]
[ "EutrophicationEutrophication is a condition in an aquatic ecosystem where high nutrient concentrations stimulate blooms of algae (e.g., phytoplankton). Eutrophication is a natural process that occurs to all lakes over time as the weathering of rocks and soils from the surrounding catchment area leads to an accumulation of nutrients in the water and associated sediments. Consequently, lakes are particularly susceptible to pollution such as artificial eutrophication. The main causes of eutrophication are. 1 natural run-off of nutrients from the soil and the weathering of rocks. 2 run-off of inorganic fertiliser (containing nitrates and phosphates).", "The Impact of Eutrophication on Marine Ecosystems and Its Relation to Village Life Pollutants from these sources can cause marine eutrophication, whereby the ecosystem receives too many nutrients, triggering massive algae blooms, which eventually die and are broken down bacteria. In breaking down the algae blooms, the bacteria consume excessive amounts of oxygen, starving the marine system.e then focused this study on the impacts of eutrophication. Eutrophication is one of the main problems caused by an overuse of fertilizers and an excess of manure and sewage. These wastes enter the ecosystem and generally leach away from residential, business, and agricultural sites.", "Background Due to oxygen deprivation, endothelial cell apoptosis is induced following hypovolemic shock. Most often, hypovolemic shock is secondary to rapid blood loss (hemorrhagic shock). Acute external blood loss secondary to penetrating trauma and severe GI bleeding disorders are 2 common causes of hemorrhagic shock.", "Eutrophication Explain how human activities can cause an imbalance in biogeochemical cycling and lead to problems such as cultural eutrophication ... fish are food fish ... The depleted oxygen levels in turn may lead to fish kills and a range ... causing a variety of problems such as a lack of ... Human activities can ...", "Cultural eutrophication Cultural eutrophication is the process that speeds up natural eutrophication because of human activity. Due to clearing of land and building of towns and cities, land runoff is accelerated and more nutrients such as phosphates and nitrate are supplied to lakes and rivers, and then to coastal estuaries and bays.", "- Eutrophication Eutrophication is a process in which bodies of water (lakes, ponds, and rivers) receive excess nutrients that stimulate excessive growth of algae. The two most … common nutrients that initiate eutrophication are nitrogen and phosphorous, two limiting nutrients in the growth of algae.These two nutrients are usually introduced to the body of water through fertilizer run-off.utrophication occurs when a body of water has too many phosphates. The most common source of phosphorus in lakes is from agricultural run off. The second major cause is n … atural due to high amounts of organic materials falling to the surface of the water.", "Human Causes of Eutrophication Agricultural fertilizers are one of the main human causes of eutrophication. Fertilizers, used in farming to make soil more fertile, contain nitrogen and phosphorus. The use, or overuse, of fertilizers can cause these nutrients to runoff of the farmer's field and enter waterways.", "EutrophicationEutrophication is a condition in an aquatic ecosystem where high nutrient concentrations stimulate blooms of algae (e.g., phytoplankton). Eutrophication is a natural process that occurs to all lakes over time as the weathering of rocks and soils from the surrounding catchment area leads to an accumulation of nutrients in the water and associated sediments. Consequently, lakes are particularly susceptible to pollution such as artificial eutrophication. The main causes of eutrophication are. 1 natural run-off of nutrients from the soil and the weathering of rocks. 2 run-off of inorganic fertiliser (containing nitrates and phosphates).3 run-off of manure from farms (containing nitrates, phosphates and ammonia).lthough eutrophication is a natural process in the aging of lakes and some estuaries, human activities can greatly accelerate eutrophication by increasing the rate at which nutrients and organic substances enter aquatic ecosystems from their surrounding watersheds.", "How Cultural Eutrophication Occurs, You Asked? We Answered. Cultural eutropication is the eutrophication that results from human activity. It is the process through which addition of nutrients, in the form of phosphates and nitrates, to water bodies takes place. Excessive growth of aquatic flora, which poses a threat to the life of aquatic fauna, is one of the effects of cultural eutrophication. An explanation on how cultural eutrophication occurs is presented here.", "- Artificial eutrophication in rivers is even more widespread than in lakes and reservoirs. Human activities worldwide have caused the nitrogen and phosphorus content of many rivers to double and, in some countries, local increases of up to 50 times have been recorded.", "Eutrophication The source of this excess phosphate are detergents, industrial/domestic run-off, and fertilizers. With the phasing out of phosphate-containing detergents in the 1970s, industrial/domestic run-off and agriculture have emerged as the dominant contributors to eutrophication.", "Human Causes of Eutrophication Eutrophication. Eutrophication is the process by which a body of water becomes overly enriched by nutrients. You can recall this term by remembering that the word 'eutrophic' comes from the Greek language and means well-nourished. Therefore, a body of water that has undergone eutrophication is a 'well-nourished' lake.utrophication is typically the result of human activities that contribute excess amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus into water. Agricultural fertilizers are one of the main human causes of eutrophication.", "Eutrophication In nature, eutrophication is a common phenomenon in freshwater ecosystems and is really a part of the normal aging process of many lakes and ponds. Some never experience it because of a lack of warmth and light, but many do. Over time, these bodies of freshwater change in terms of how productive or fertile they are.", "How does human activity contribute to eutrophication? Making the world better, one answer at a time. Eutrophication is the excessive richness of nutrients in a body of water. This leads to an unhealthy growth of plants and the death of marine animals due to lack of oxygen. Farming and the use of too much fertilizers can contribute to eutrophication.aking the world better, one answer at a time. Eutrophication is the excessive richness of nutrients in a body of water. This leads to an unhealthy growth of plants and the death of marine animals due to lack of oxygen. Farming and the use of too much fertilizers can contribute to eutrophication.", "- EUTROPHICATION. Eutrophication. Algae growth is limited by the available supply of phosphorus or nitrogen, so if excessive amounts of these nutrients are added to the water, algae and aquatic plants can grow in large quantities. When these algae die, they are decomposed by bacteria, which use dissolved oxygen.f excessive amounts of phosphorus and nitrogen are added to the water, algae and aquatic plants can be produced in large quantities. When these algae die, bacteria decompose them, and use up oxygen. This process is called eutrophication.", "What is eutrophication? The two most common nutrients that initiate eutrophication are nitrogen and phosphorous, two limiting nutrients in the growth of algae. These two nutrients are usually introduced to the body of water through fertilizer run-off.", "- Thus the term “eutrophication” has become synonymous with “excessive. fertilization” or the input of sufficient amounts of aquatic plant nutrients to cause the growth of. excessive amounts of algae and/or aquatic macrophytes in a waterbody such that beneficial uses of. the waterbody (i.e., water quality) are impaired.", "- Nitrates and phosphates are nutrients that plants need to grow. In small amounts they are beneficial to many ecosystems. In excessive amounts, however, nutrients cause a type of pollution called eutrophication.Eutrophication stimulates an explosive growth of algae (algal blooms) that depletes the water of oxygen when the the algae die and are eaten by bacteria.itrates and phosphates are nutrients that plants need to grow. In small amounts they are beneficial to many ecosystems. In excessive amounts, however, nutrients cause a type of pollution called eutrophication.", "eutrophication Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. eutrophication. the accidental or deliberate promotion of excessive growth (multiplication) of one kind of organism to the disadvantage of other organisms in the same ecosystem.", "Chapter 3: Fertilizers as water pollutants Eutrophication is the enrichment of surface waters with plant nutrients. While eutrophication occurs naturally, it is normally associated with anthropogenic sources of nutrients.", "definitions - Eutrophicationreport a problem Eutrophication is a result of nutrient pollution (from deposition or run-off) into natural waters (creeks, rivers, ponds, or lakes). Eutrophication generally promotes excessive plant growth and decay, favors certain weedy species over others, and is likely to cause severe reductions in water quality.", "- Eutrophication, or the over-concentration of nutrients caused by sewage and agricultural run-off into the water, is seen as one of the biggest environmental problems for the shallow, semi-enclosed and brackish Baltic Sea. Baltic Sea cleanup meets delays.", "What is cultural eutrophication? Eutrophication Eutrophication is a process in which bodies of water (lakes, ponds, and rivers) receive excess nutrients that stimulate excessive growth of algae. The two most … common nutrients that initiate eutrophication are nitrogen and phosphorous, two limiting nutrients in the growth of algae.onfidence votes 45. Cultural eutrophication is an increase in biological productivity and ecosystem succession caused by human activity. It is mainly caused by increased nutrient input into a water body. Increased productivity in an aquatic system sometimes can be beneficial.", "- Vomiting and diarrhea are other causes of electrolyte imbalances, as they result in excessive fluid loss. You must replenish these fluids and electrolytes in order to prevent dehydration, a potentially life-threatening condition.Electrolyte imbalances can be caused by a deficiency or an overabundance of minerals in the body.For example, hyperkalemia and hypercalcemia are indicative of excess amounts of potassium and calcium, respectively, which can disrupt the overall balance and functioning of the nerves, cardiovascular system, and muscles.omiting and diarrhea are other causes of electrolyte imbalances, as they result in excessive fluid loss. You must replenish these fluids and electrolytes in order to prevent dehydration, a potentially life-threatening condition.", "- For example, when you sweat as a result of exercise, hot weather, or illness, some electrolyte levels may be low. Vomiting and diarrhea are other causes of electrolyte imbalances, as they result in excessive fluid loss.You must replenish these fluids and electrolytes in order to prevent dehydration, a potentially life-threatening condition.Electrolyte imbalances can be caused by a deficiency or an overabundance of minerals in the body.For example, hyperkalemia and hypercalcemia are indicative of excess amounts of potassium and calcium, respectively, which can disrupt the overall balance and functioning of the nerves, cardiovascular system, and muscles.ou must replenish these fluids and electrolytes in order to prevent dehydration, a potentially life-threatening condition. Electrolyte imbalances can be caused by a deficiency or an overabundance of minerals in the body.", "Eutrophication One example is the bloom or great increase of phytoplankton in a water body as a response to increased levels of nutrients. Eutrophication is almost always induced by the discharge of phosphate-containing detergents, fertilizers, or sewage, into an aquatic system.", "- 1. Explain how human activities can cause an imbalance in biogeochemical cycling and lead to problems such as cultural eutrophication and fish kills.? Explain how human activities can cause an imbalance in biogeochemical cycling and lead to problems such as cultural eutrophication and fish kills.", "- Confidence votes 34.5K. Eutrophication Eutrophication is a process in which bodies of water (lakes, ponds, and rivers) receive excess nutrients that stimulate excessive growth of algae. The two most common nutrients that initiate eutrophication are nitrogen and phosphorous, two limiting nutrients in the growth of algae.utrophication is a noun that refers to the excessive richness of nutrients in water body or a lake. The excessiveness is due to frequent runoff from the land that causes … dense growth of plant life.", "How Does Eutrophication Happen? Eutrophication can also occur as a result of natural events, such as climate change and geology. However, natural eutrophication is dramatically increased by human activity. The main difference between anthropogenic eutrophication and natural eutrophication is that the natural process is slow. Learn more about Botany", "Eutrophication Eutrophication is a process whereby water bodies, such as lakes, estuaries, or slow-moving streams receive excess nutrients that stimulate excessive plant growth (algae, periphyton attached algae, and nuisance plants & weeds)." ]
[ 16.90625 ]
[ 16.1875, 14.1171875, 2.408203125, 12.0390625, 12.8984375, 13.75, 16.03125, 16.203125, 12.6640625, 13.1484375, 12.3828125, 14.921875, 10.5546875, 10.8671875, 11.9140625, 13.609375, 13.390625, 13.953125, 9.5390625, 11.5703125, 14.1171875, 14.1171875, 12.4609375, 3.427734375, 3.90234375, 13.6875, 10.6484375, 13.3359375, 13.9609375, 12.7265625 ]
what is financial coordinator
[ "Financial Coordinator Responsibilities Financial Coordinator Responsibilities. Job Descriptions » Coordinator Job Descriptions » Responsibilities of a Financial Coordinator. Financial coordinator is a professional who helps in executing the general administrative and clerical duties." ]
[ "Federal Coordination And Compliance Section It is important to note that the Supreme Court has upheld the regulatory power of funding agencies to terminate a recipient s FFA for failure to execute an assurance of compliance with Title IX. designation of title ix coordinator* The Title IX coordinator is the responsible employee of the recipient with major responsibility for Title IX compliance efforts. The Title IX coordinator s responsibilities are critical to the development, implementation, and monitoring of meaningful efforts to comply with Title IX.", "Volunteer Coordinator: Job Description, Duties and Salary Volunteer Coordinator Salary. PayScale.com reported that most volunteer coordinators earned between $26,472 and $46,524 annually as of January 2016. Non-profit, healthcare, and social services organizations are among the industries that frequently employ individuals in this position. Volunteer coordinators are the leaders of volunteer projects.", "- The coordinator must periodically carry out assessments to make sure the provided activities are beneficial and enjoyable. Additionally, life enrichment coordinators must perform set-up and clean-up duties to ensure areas are safe and clean, as well as help resolve any activity-related problems as they occur.", "- Financial Coaching and/or Workforce Development :. (QCAP) seeks a full time Career/Financial Coach to work within QCAP’s... Easily apply. 1 day ago-save job-email-more... 1 View all Quincy Community Action Programs, Inc jobs in Quincy, MA-Quincy jobs. View all Branches Inc jobs in Miami, FL-Miami jobs. 2 Salary Search: Associate Financial Coach salaries in Miami, FL. 3 Learn more about working at Branches Inc. 4 Related forums: Branches Inc-Miami, Florida - -.", "- MEP Coordinator Job: Faithful+Gould is one of the world’s leading consultancies providing integrated project and programme management services for construction a MEP Coordinator Job: Faithful+Gould is one of the world’s leading consultancies providing integrated project and programme management services for construction a Accessibility Links Go to main page content", "What Can You Expect to Make as a Staffing Coordinator? Salary Information. Staffing coordinators earned a median salary of $99,720 in 2012, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The top 10 percent earned a salary of $173,140, and the bottom 10 percent made $59,020.", "- The annual salary for someone with the job title Fundraising Coordinator may vary depending on a number of factors including industry, company size, location, years of experience and level of education.", "- Job Descriptions. The Career Information Resource. A professional junior level human resource personnel, the benefits coordinator helps the benefit department of a company with performing all the operational and also the transactional required tasks to be able to design and manage the benefits that the company’s employees could get.", "Financial Controller Controllers work for corporations, governments and other organizations that function at a level of financial complexity or growth that exceeds the capacity of basic accounting or bookkeeping. Financial controller is the title held by the financial manager in a private business or publicly traded company. Financial control officer (FCO) is used to designate an executive position, while functionally having the same responsibilities as a financial controller. Comptroller is the title more commonly used to designate these positions within government.", "- Coordinator pay varies greatly on job type. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median pay for an instructional coordinator in 2010 was $58,830. For event planners, the median was $45,260 a year.", "- Financial Coordinator Salary. Financial Coordinator average salary is $51,213, median salary is $45,800 with a salary range from $24,000 to $134,514.Financial Coordinator salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position.Financial Coordinator salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented as is and updated regularly.inancial Coordinator salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Financial Coordinator salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only.", "- The role sits in the Planning and Reporting team-This role is one of the three Management Accountants within the team and reports to the Deputy Finance Director (DFD).The role will be working closely with the Deputy Finance Directors, helping to consolidate and report the group figures also helping...ob Purpose: As a member of the Service Senior Management Team, support the Deputy Finance Director and Chief Operating Officer to develop, direct and oversee... 1 Financial Controller jobs in Newcastle Upon Tyne.", "- The typical The Home Depot Associate Coordinator salary is $15. Associate Coordinator salaries at The Home Depot can range from $12-$21. This estimate is based upon 7 The Home … Depot Associate Coordinator salary report(s) provided by employees or estimated based upon statistical methods.", "- The Fundraising Manager is a key senior role in helping Conciliation Resources to grow the scale and. impact of our programmes. The new post-holder will lead a small and high-performing team at a critical. time of targeted growth.", "- Dental Financial Coordinator average salary is $-, median salary is $- with a salary range from $- to $-.Dental Financial Coordinator salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position.Dental Financial Coordinator salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented as is and updated regularly.ental Financial Coordinator salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Dental Financial Coordinator salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented as is and updated regularly.", "- Dental Financial Coordinators who work for 10 to 20 years in their occupation tend to earn about $40K. Seasoned workers who boast more than two decades of relevant experience enjoy a median salary of $45K, which is substantially larger than the medians reported by folks with fewer years on their resumes.ental Financial Coordinators who work for 10 to 20 years in their occupation tend to earn about $40K. Seasoned workers who boast more than two decades of relevant experience enjoy a median salary of $45K, which is substantially larger than the medians reported by folks with fewer years on their resumes.", "What Are the Most Important Goals of a Fundraising Coordinator? All three titles are sometimes used to refer to the main person responsible for a nonprofit organization’s revenue development. Goal Setting One of the most important functions of a fundraising coordinator is to help an organization determine what money it is likely to raise during the year.", "coordination Examples of coordination in a sentence. The new agency will oversee the coordination of the various departments. The manager is in charge of project coordination. There needs to be better coordination between departments. the coordination of our schedules. better coordination of the dancers' moves.", "- The average defensive coordinator salary in the NFL is 93,261 USD. Mark Schrater.", "- Staffing Coordinator Salary. Staffing Coordinator average salary is $45,638, median salary is $42,945 with a salary range from $30,000 to $68,640. Staffing Coordinator salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position.", "- (503) 249-1721….(503) 249-1955 - Fax. JOB DESCRIPTION. Housing Coordinator. The Housing Coordinator is responsible for working with low income and at-risk families to develop an intensive. case plan that addresses their barriers to housing and employment. This position reports to the Anti-Poverty. Program Supervisor.", "What is a service coordinator? What is a service coordinator? Service coordinators are a valuable member of the management team in affordable housing communities. They typically have social work or human services education and experience. The role of the service coordinator is to link elderly, people with disabilities and low-income families to supportive services and other community resources.", "- Benefits Coordinator Job Description. A professional junior level human resource personnel, the benefits coordinator helps the benefit department of a company with performing all the operational and also the transactional required tasks to be able to design and manage the benefits that the company’s employees could get.enefits coordinators are the ones involved in transacting duties that involve an employee’s benefits including medical, dental, flexible spending, and for some regular and tenured employees, retirement benefits. They also help in giving employees with the use of these benefits at the right time.", "- The benefits coordinator works with a heavy volume of information that affects a great number of employees, and they must be organized and adhere strictly to all company protocols related to records processing and entry.", "- Coordinator average salary is $45,248, median salary is $40,000 with a salary range from $20,000 to $586,000.Coordinator salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Coordinator salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only.oordinator average salary is $45,248, median salary is $40,000 with a salary range from $20,000 to $586,000.", "Salary for Instructional Coordinators Salary for Instructional Coordinators. Instructional coordinators provision supplies and new technology for use in the classroom, and educate teachers and students on the use of new materials. Additionally, they may design or revise curriculum in keeping with district, state and federal education standards.", "Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) A chief financial officer (CFO) is responsible for the management and oversight of an organization. Depending on the current industry conditions and size of the company, CFOs may face significant stress in their careers, as many are required to work up to 80 hours per week. However, executives of smaller companies may work the standard 40 hours per week while opting for lower salaries. Job duties include financial planning, business development, team management, and contract negotiation. Publicly traded companies in the U.S. have at least one CFO to manage their budgets.", "- Salary. The average salary for a safety coordinator is approximately $55,000 per year. Salaries can range from $45,000 to $150,000 per year depending on years of experience, company profile, and educational background.", "Duties of a Benefits Coordinator Human resources departments for large corporations and small businesses alike often employ benefits coordinators. The duties of a benefits coordinator may vary; however, handling the administrative requirements of employee benefit plans is a major function of the benefits coordinator. Administration of employee benefits involves extensive communication and interaction with employees and insurance and retirement plan providers.", "What Is an HR Coordinator? In May 2010, the median annual wage for an HR coordinator was $52,690, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Human resources coordinators working for the federal government or large corporations had a higher pay level." ]
[ 16.65625 ]
[ 4.67578125, 5.171875, 4.890625, 4.203125, 4.578125, 4.453125, 5.07421875, 5.76953125, 10.0390625, 5.23046875, 11.71875, 6.55859375, 4.7890625, 2.990234375, 9.8515625, 10.375, 7.25390625, 2.4609375, 3.474609375, 4.8125, 4.94140625, 7.28125, 6.2734375, 5.43359375, 6.37109375, 3.640625, 8.296875, 5.0078125, 5.6484375, 5.21484375 ]
what cell does prolactin connect to
[ "- Lactotrope cells located in the anterior pituitary gland synthesize and secrete prolactin. They are under the regulatory control of the dopaminergic neurons situated in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus, which inhibit prolactin secretion." ]
[ "Prostaglandins: What are they and how do they work? A prostaglandin is any member of a group of lipid compounds that are derived enzymatically from fatty acids and have important functions in the animal body. Every prostaglandin contains 20 carbon atoms, including a 5-carbon ring.They are mediators and have a variety of strong physiological effects, such as regulating the contraction and relaxation of smooth muscle tissue.Prostaglandins are not hormones, but autocrine or paracrine, which are locally acting messenger molecules.lso, their target cells are present in the immediate vicinity of the site of their secretion (of which there are many). The prostaglandins, together with the thromboxanes and prostacyclins, form the prostanoid class of fatty acid derivatives, a subclass of eicosanoids.", "Prostaglandin E 2 Prostaglandin E2 is in the oxytocics family of medications. It works by binding and activating the prostaglandin E2 receptor which results in the opening and softening of the cervix and dilation of blood vessels.", "What is the function of the flagellum? Flagellum in prokaryotic cells are composed of the protein flagellin and they are attached to the cell body. They’re proton driven and work with rotary movements. The purpose of these in prokaryotic cells is very important, as they are why the cell moves. Flagellum in eukaryotic cells have a larger and more complex structure than those in prokaryotic cells; they’re made up of tubulin.", "Intercalated discs As mentioned earlier, these discs connect the individual heart cells called cardiomyocytes to form the atrial syncitium. In fact, both intercalated discs and pacemaker cells are characteristic of cardiac muscle tissues. Similarly, these transverse bands and striations are characteristic of cardiac muscle.", "elastin They found that certain dendritic cells in the lung - the cells that present a foreign antigen or protein to the immune system - provoke production of destructive T-cells that attack a key protein called elastin, leading to death of lung tissue and emphysema.", "Prolactin In humans, prolactin is produced at least in the anterior pituitary, decidua, myometrium, breast, lymphocytes, leukocytes and prostate. A key regulator of prolactin production is estrogens that enhance growth of prolactin-producing cells and stimulate prolactin production directly, as well as suppressing dopamine.", "Galectin-3 This protein has been shown to be involved in the following biological processes: cell adhesion, cell activation and chemoattraction, cell growth and differentiation, cell cycle, and apoptosis. Given galectin-3’s broad biological functionality, it has been demonstrated to be involved in cancer, inflammation and fibrosis, heart disease, and stroke.", "Prostaglandin Prostaglandins are found in most tissues and organs. They are produced by almost all nucleated cells. They are autocrine and paracrine lipid mediators that act upon platelets, endothelium, uterine and mast cells. They are synthesized in the cell from the essential fatty acids (EFAs).rostaglandins are found in most tissues and organs. They are produced by almost all nucleated cells. They are autocrine and paracrine lipid mediators that act upon platelets, endothelium, uterine and mast cells. They are synthesized in the cell from the essential fatty acids (EFAs).", "Connexin43 contributes to electrotonic conduction across scar tissue in the intact heart. (2)Computational Biology, Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom. Studies have demonstrated non-myocytes, including fibroblasts, can electrically couple to myocytes in culture. However, evidence demonstrating current can passively spread across scar tissue in the intact heart remains elusive. We hypothesize electrotonic conduction occurs across non-myocyte gaps in the heart and is partly mediated by Connexin43 (Cx43). We investigated whether non-myocytes in ventricular scar tissue are electrically connected to surrounding myocardial tissue in wild type and fibroblast-specific protein-1 driven conditional Cx43 knock-out mice (Cx43fsp1KO).", "- Prolactin is a hormone produced by your pituitary gland which sits at the bottom of the brain. Prolactin causes breasts to grow and develop and causes milk to be made after a baby is born.Normally, both men and women have small amounts of prolactin in their blood.Prolactin levels are controlled by other hormones called prolactin inhibiting factors (PIFs), such as dopamine.rolactin causes breasts to grow and develop and causes milk to be made after a baby is born. Normally, both men and women have small amounts of prolactin in their blood. Prolactin levels are controlled by other hormones called prolactin inhibiting factors (PIFs), such as dopamine.", "B cell activation and differentiation 1. The B cell needs to bind to protein Ag via BCR and process it to a peptide Ag so it can be presented to MHC class II mlecules to cognate CD4 T cell 2. B cells need to have physical contact with the T helper cell.", "Actin 1 In muscle cells, actin filaments are aligned and myosin proteins generate forces on the filaments to support muscle contraction. 2 In non-muscle cells, actin filaments form a track system for cargo transport that is powered by non-conventional myosins such as myosin V and VI. Microfilaments provide cell motility. 2 e.g., Filopodia, Lamellipodia. 3 During mitosis, intracellular organelles are transported by motor proteins to the daughter cells along actin cables. 4 In muscle cells, actin filaments are aligned and myosin proteins generate forces on the filaments to support muscle contraction.", "Forced interaction of cell surface proteins with Derlin-1 in the endoplasmic reticulum is sufficient to induce their dislocation into the cytosol for degradation Thus, forced interaction of cell surface proteins with Derlin-1 is sufficient to induce their degradation via ERAD. Taken together, these results suggest that the main role of US11 is to recruit MHC-I molecules to Derlin-1, which then mediates the dislocation of MHC-I molecules into the cytosol for degradation.", "Hormone prolactin-releasing hormone any of various hormones elaborated by the hypothalamus that stimulate the release of prolactin by the anterior pituitary gland. Most such activity is exerted by vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, although in humans thyrotropin-releasing hormone can also have this action.", "Prolactin: Physiologic and Pathologic Associations 1 Suckling results in increased prolactin, which is important in the initiation of lactation. 2 Until approximately two to three months postpartum, basal levels are 40 to 50 ng/ml in the lactating female, and there are large (10 to 20-fold) increases with suckling.", "Prolactin Regulation of prolactin secretion. The hypothalamic regulation of prolactin secretion by the anterior pituitary gland is different from the hypothalamic regulation of other pituitary hormones in two respects.", "Integrin Which ligand in the ECM the integrin can bind to is defined by which α and β subunits the integrin is made of. Among the ligands of integrins are fibronectin, vitronectin, collagen, and laminin. The connection between the cell and the ECM may help the cell to endure pulling forces without being ripped out of the ECM.here are several types of integrins, and a cell may have several types on its surface. Integrins are found in all metazoa. Integrins work alongside other receptors such as cadherins, the immunoglobulin superfamily cell adhesion molecules, selectins and syndecans to mediate cell–cell and cell–matrix interaction.", "Prolactin: Physiologic and Pathologic Associations 1 In rodents, rapid pituitary prolactin-secreting adenoma (prolactinoma) occurs with high-dose estrogen administration (72). 2 However, even conditions associated with high estrogen levels,such as pregnancy, do not cause prolactinomas in humans.", "- Macroprolactin is prolactin that is bound to a protein (immunoglobulin), is not active in the body, and does not indicate the presence of disease. If an elevated prolactin is found, further laboratory tests may be done to make sure that this is not due to macroprolactin. ^ Back to top.", "- Prolactin and growth hormone act upon certain body tissues; they do not affect specific organs. Prolactin travels to the breast tissue glands of nursing mothers, causing milk production. Growth hormone stimulates protein synthesis and cell division in cartilage and bone tissue. Gigantism results when excessive amounts of growth hormone are produced during childhood.", "Prolactin: Physiologic and Pathologic Associations 1 Dopamine receptors have been found on pituitary lactotrophs (17),and treatment with dopamine or dopamine agonists suppresses prolactin secretion (18-23). 2 The dopamine antagonist metaclopramide abolishes the pulsatility of prolactin release and increases serum prolactin levels (19,20,24).", "- PCT : Procalcitonin (ProCT) is a 116 amino acid precursor of calcitonin (CT). ProCT is processed to an N-terminal 57 amino acid peptide (CT [32 amino acids] and a 21 amino acid C-terminal peptide, catacalcin [CCP-1]). Expression of this group of peptides is normally limited to thyroid C cells and, to a small extent, other neuroendocrine cells.", "Extracellular matrix Fibronectins are glycoproteins that connect cells with collagen fibers in the ECM, allowing cells to move through the ECM. Fibronectins bind collagen and cell-surface integrins, causing a reorganization of the cell's cytoskeleton and facilitating cell movement.", "- Normal Merkel cells in the skin: In this illustration of a cross-section of skin, normal Merkel cells are shown in red and connect to nerves shown in yellow. The structures drawn include the epidermis (upper third), dermis (middle), and deeper adipose layer containing the fatty tissue.", "Cytoskeleton and Extracellular Matrix Molecules such as collagen, laminin, fibronectin, and various proteoglycans are all part of the extracellular matrix. Many of these components are secreted by the cell in response to stress on the cytoskeleton. The interaction between the cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix is important in wound healing, connective tissue development, tumor growth (metastasis), and fibrosis.", "Chapter 8B - Cerebellar Systems The neocerebellum connects to the dentate nuclei via its Purkinje cell axons and the dentate nucleus, in turn, projects to the ventral lateral nucleus of the thalamus which relays back to the cerebral cortex (figure 24).", "Aside from a prolactinoma, what else can cause prolactin levels to rise? In some people, high blood levels of prolactin can be traced to causes other than a prolactinoma. Other causes include: Prescription drugs: Prolactin secretion in the pituitary is normally suppressed by the brain chemical, dopamine. Drugs that block the effects of dopamine at the pituitary or deplete dopamine stores in the brain may cause the pituitary to secrete prolactin.", "How to Lower Prolactin [1] Elevated prolactin also tends to lower dopamine, your feel-good neurotransmitter, which can affect mood (negatively). Conversely, dopamine is a prolactin inhibitor. [2] In addition, high prolactin can decrease your fertility as well. So the picture can turn ugly quickly to say the least.1]. Elevated prolactin also tends to lower dopamine, your feel-good neurotransmitter, which can affect mood (negatively). Conversely, dopamine is a prolactin inhibitor. [2] In addition, high prolactin can decrease your fertility as well.", "- The Filamentous Actin Network in MRC-5 Fibroblast Cells - In this section, the single human fetal lung fibroblast (MRC-5) cell that is featured was resident in a culture that was stained with Alexa Fluor 568 conjugated to phalloidin, which binds to the intracellular filamentous actin network.", "Useful For Clinical Information Discusses physiology, pathophysiology, and general clinical aspects, as they relate to a laboratory test. Procalcitonin (ProCT) is a 116 amino acid precursor of calcitonin (CT). ProCT is processed to an N-terminal 57 amino acid peptide (CT [32 amino acids] and a 21 amino acid C-terminal peptide, catacalcin [CCP-1]). Expression of this group of peptides is normally limited to thyroid C cells and, to a small extent, other neuroendocrine cells. CT is the only hormonally active of these peptides." ]
[ 13.0390625 ]
[ 2.62109375, 3.064453125, 1.8828125, 2.1328125, 2.373046875, 12.25, 1.8828125, 3.43359375, 1.6669921875, 10.96875, 3.724609375, 2.74609375, 1.6748046875, 9.5859375, 8.34375, 11.171875, 3.984375, 9.75, 8.4375, 10.3359375, 10.4375, 5.71875, 4.421875, 5.20703125, 3.716796875, 4.6484375, 9.84375, 7.18359375, 0.97802734375, 5.37109375 ]
what is a hemispherical combustion chamber?
[ "Hemispherical combustion chamber The head of a Hemispherical combustion chamber. A hemispherical combustion chamber is a type of combustion chamber in a reciprocating internal combustion engine with a domed cylinder head. The hemispherical shape provides a number of advantages over a reverse-flow cylinder head but comes up short in others, particularly in carbureted engines." ]
[ "Question: A combustion reaction involves the reaction of a substance with oxygen gas. The complete combusti... Question: A combustion reaction involves the reaction of a s... A combustion reaction involves the reaction of a substance with oxygen gas. The complete combustion of any hydrocarbon (binary compound of carbon and hydrogen) produces carbon dioxide and water as the only products. Hexane is a hydrocarbon that is found in gasoline. Complete combustion of hexane produces 6 L of carbon dioxide for every 7 L of water vapor (both measured at the same temperature and pressure). What is the ratio of carbon atoms to hydrogen atoms in a molecule of hexane? (Simplify your answer completely.)", "- Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of the. equipnent used in the combustion experiments. includes a comrcial warm air furnace, a chilled air distribution. systm, fuel conditioning unit, continuous mission analyzers, and. data acquisition and processing equipment.", "Combustion Engines Information Internal combustion engines are combustion engines which burn their fuel internally in a combustion chamber. Two stroke engines complete the power cycle with two strokes of the piston within the cylinder, or one turn of the crankshaft. In these engines, the flow of the intake and the exhaust happen simultaneously.", "- Well first it’s important to understand, what a hyperbaric chamber is. Essentially, a hyperbaric chamber is a pressure vessel (a large closed container designed to hold gases or liquids at a pressure) big enough for people to enter and exit.", "Hydrocarbon combustion Hydrocarbon combustion refers to the type of reaction where a hydrocarbon reacts with oxygen to create carbon dioxide, water, and heat.Hydrocarbons are molecules consisting of both hydrogen and carbon. They are most famous for being the primary constituent of fossil fuels, namely natural gas, petroleum, and coal.ydrocarbon combustion refers to the type of reaction where a hydrocarbon reacts with oxygen to create carbon dioxide, water, and heat.", "External combustion engine External combustion engine. Model Stirling engine, with external heat from a spirit lamp (bottom right) applied to the outside of the glass displacer cylinder. Sectioned steam locomotive. Although the fire is within an enclosed firebox, this is still an external combustion engine, as the exhaust gas and the steam working fluid are kept separate.", "Marowski's chem lab Marowski's chem lab is an unmarked location in the Commonwealth in 2287. It is accessed by the roof of the Four Leaf fishpacking plant. The main area of the chem lab contains three rooms: an entry room with a broken terminal, a main lab area directly ahead and a small room to the left with beds. One enemy is posted behind the terminal, the other two are in the main lab area. All enemies are immediately hostile.", "- A novel method for separation and identification of ignitable liquid residues in fire debris by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry is presented. Preconcentration of the analytes was carried out using the simple headspace sorptive extraction (HSSE) technique.", "Combustion of Hydrocarbons Chemistry Tutorial Complete Combustion of hydrocarbons: 1 Excess O 2(g) is present to react. 2 Reaction products are CO 2(g) and H 2 O (g) . Insufficient O 2(g) is present, that is, there is excess hydrocarbon present. & 2 nbsp &nbsp O 2(g) is the limiting reagent in the reaction. 3 Reaction products are either CO (g) and/or C (s) and H 2 O (g) . 4 Hydrocarbon combusts (burns) with a smokey or sooty flame.", "internal-combustion engine The operating cycle of a two-stroke carburetor internal-combustion engine takes place during two strokes of the cylinder or one rotation of the crankshaft. The processes of compression, combustion, and expansion are virtually the same as the corresponding processes of a four-stroke internal-combustion engine.", "The Combustion Process When forest fuels burn, there is a chemical combination of the oxygen in the air with woody material, pitch and other burnable elements found in the forest environment. This process in known as Combustion.", "Combustion Incomplete combustion of a hydrocarbon in oxygen. The incomplete (partial) combustion of a hydrocarbon with oxygen produces a gas mixture containing mainly CO 2, CO, H 2 O, and H 2. Such gas mixtures are commonly prepared for use as protective atmospheres for the heat-treatment of metals and for gas carburizing.", "Difference Between Complete Combustion and Incomplete Combustion Complete combustion is the complete oxidation of fuel. This reaction is highly exothermic and produces a high amount of energy and a limited number of products. In fuel burning or combustion, hydrocarbons in the fuel are oxidized by atmospheric oxygen, giving carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) as products.", "Gas chamber A gas chamber is an apparatus for killing humans or other animals with gas, consisting of a sealed chamber into which a poisonous or asphyxiant gas is introduced. The most commonly used poisonous agent is hydrogen cyanide; carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide have also been used.", "Cancer Hemangiosarcoma is an aggressive cancer that arises from the blood vessels. The cancer can occur anywhere in the body, but there are several locations that are more common. Early and aggressive treatment can lengthen the dog's life but this cancer is often metastatic and complete remission is rare. Which dogs are at risk for developing hemangiosarcomas? Hemangiosarcomas can occur in any dog regardless of breed, age, or sex.", "What Is A HEMI Engine? What is a HEMI? Where does the name come from, and how is this engine different than other engines? This video explains the principles of a hemispherical engine; why it exists and how it differs from other cylinder head variations. Please feel free to rate, comment, and subscribe! And don't forget to check out my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/engineeringex...", "Combustion Reaction Definition Examples of combustion reactions include: 2 H2 + O2 → 2H2O + heat. CH4 + 2 O2 → CO2 + 2 H2O + heat. Other examples include lighting a match or a burning campfire. To recognize a combustion reaction, look for oxygen in the reactant side of the equation and the release of heat on the product side.", "What is Compression Ignition? The process involves compressing a charge of air inside the combustion chamber to a ratio of approximately 21:1 (compared to about 9:1 for a spark ignition system). This high level of compression builds tremendous heat and pressure inside the combustion chamber just as fuel is primed for delivery.", "The Combustion Process Fire is a chemical reaction in which energy in the form of heat is produced. When forest fuels burn, there is a chemical combination of the oxygen in the air with woody material, pitch and other burnable elements found in the forest environment. This process in known as Combustion. Combustion is a chain reaction chemically similar to photosynthesis in reverse.", "Combustion chamber The combustion process increases the internal energy of a gas, which translates into an increase in temperature, pressure, or volume depending on the configuration. In an enclosure, for example the cylinder of a reciprocating engine, the volume is controlled and the combustion creates an increase in pressure. combustion chamber is that part of an internal combustion engine (ICE) in which the fuel /air mix is burned. Diagram of jet engine showing the combustion chamber.", "Internal combustion engine Internal combustion engine. The internal combustion engine is a heat engine in which combustion occurs in a confined space called a combustion chamber. Combustion of a fuel creates high temperature/pressure gases, which are permitted to expand. The expanding gases are used to directly move a piston, turbine blades, rotor(s), or the engine itself thus doing useful work. Internal combustion engines can be powered by any fuel that can be combined with an oxidizer in the chamber.", "Common Combustion Chamber Designs slide 9 of 11. What is a Hemispherical Combustion Chamber A hemispherical combustion chamber, also known as the HEMI, has a combustion chamber in the shape of a half sphere. The hemispherical combustion chamber has an advantage of cross flow design that allows the engine to breathe better.", "retort 1 1 a refractory chamber, generally cylindrically shaped, within which some substance, as ore or coal, is heated as part of a smelting or manufacturing process. an airtight, usually cylindrical vessel of fire clay or iron, used in the destructive distillation chiefly of coal and wood in the manufacture of illuminating gas.", "\"I need allusions, analogies, alliteration, sensory images for the book \"\"Night\"\" by Elie Wiesel. Please help.?\" 1. Not far from us, flames were leaping up from a ditch, gigantic flames. They were burning something. A lorry drew up at the pit and delivered its load-little children. Babies! Yes, I saw it-saw it with my own eyes...those children in the flames.. -Page 30 2. That night the soup tasted of corpses.. -Page 62 3.. Not far from us, flames were leaping up from a ditch, gigantic flames. They were burning something. A lorry drew up at the pit and delivered its load-little children. Babies! Yes, I saw it-saw it with my own eyes...those children in the flames.. -Page 30 2. That night the soup tasted of corpses.. -Page 62 3.", "Hemiptera and Homoptera Hemiptera means half wing and refers to the fact that part of the first pair of wings is toughened and hard, while the rest of the first pair and the second pair are membranous. Hemipterans also have modified piercing and sucking mouthparts; some suck plant juices and are plant pests, while others can bite painfully.", "- Fire Without Flame. Invisible propane gas flows, unlit, from a torch. On hitting the rhodium-studded ceramic honeycomb from a catalytic converter, it burns without flame, heating the ceramic red-hot. To a chemist, burning means the rapid combination of a fuel with oxygen, called oxidation.", "Glossary of Bush Fire Terms Convection winds, convection column. A bushfire releases energy which heats the surrounding air, causing it to rise. This process is referred to as convection, and the column of hot air rising above an intense fire is referred to as the convection column. Winds are drawn in at ground level to replace the rising air.", "- In any internal combustion engine, fuel and oxygen are combined in a combustion process to produce the power to turn the crankshaft of the engine. The combustion takes place in the combustion chamber.There is a combustion chamber for each cylinder of the engine. On the figure we show cylinder #4 at three different times during the engine cycle.We have peeled open the side of the chamber and the intake manifold which sits on top of the chamber and we have color coded the parts for easy identification.here is a combustion chamber for each cylinder of the engine. On the figure we show cylinder #4 at three different times during the engine cycle. We have peeled open the side of the chamber and the intake manifold which sits on top of the chamber and we have color coded the parts for easy identification.", "Chrysler Hemi engine The Chrysler Hemi engines, known by the trademark Hemi, are a series of I6 and V8 gasoline engines built by Chrysler with hemispherical combustion chambers. Three different types of Hemi engines have been built by Chrysler for automobiles: the first (known as the Chrysler FirePower engine) from 1951 to 1958, the second from 1964 to 1971, and the third beginning in 2003.", "Chrysler Hemi engine The Chrysler Hemi engines, known by the trademark Hemi, are a series of I6 and V8 engines built by Chrysler with hemispherical combustion chambers." ]
[ 19.25 ]
[ 3.91796875, 6.66796875, 8.2109375, 2.51953125, 6.66015625, 6.10546875, 1.013671875, 3.517578125, 4.8125, 7.1015625, 5.56640625, 5.9296875, 5.77734375, 6.484375, 0.9541015625, 7.359375, 2.734375, 7.8828125, 5.5546875, 10.8984375, 9.96875, 17.78125, 4.3828125, -0.57177734375, -0.1961669921875, 3.603515625, 2.287109375, 9.1640625, 13.3359375, 12.9140625 ]
the civil rights act of 1964 was significant because
[ "Know Your Rights: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a federal law that prohibits employers from discriminating against employees on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, and religion. It generally applies to employers with 15 or more employees, including federal, state, and local governments.itle VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a federal law that prohibits employers from discriminating against employees on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, and religion. It generally applies to employers with 15 or more employees, including federal, state, and local governments." ]
[ "Civil Rights Act of 1964 Title IX of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 should not be confused with Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, which prohibits sex discrimination in federally funded education programs and activities.espite its lack of influence during its time, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 had considerable impact on later civil rights legislation in the United States. It paved the way for future legislation that was not limited to African American civil rights.", "The Civil Rights Act of 1964: A Long Struggle for Freedom Immediate Impact of the Civil Rights Act In response to a new wave of protest, the U.S. Congress soon followed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.The act focused on redressing the legacy of discrimination against African Americans’ access to the ballot.ince the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, disenfranchised Americans have used it to challenge discrimination and harassment based upon race, national origin, religion, gender, and more.", "Civil Rights Act of 1964 Explained Civil Rights Act of 1964 Explained: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a revolutionary piece of legislation in the United States that effectively outlawed egregious forms of discrimination against African Americans and women, including all forms of segregation.itle III of the Civil Rights Act of 1964: Outlawed state and municipal governments from barring access to public facilities based off an individual’s religion, gender, race, or ethnicity.", "For Summer Review 1 To amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to strengthen and improve Federal civil rights laws, to provide for damages in cases of intentional employment discrimination, to clarify provisions regarding disparate impact actions, and for other purposes. Chapter 21 is where a number of federal acts related to civil rights have been codified -- including the Civil Rights Act of 1866, Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act.", "Civil Rights Act of 1964 Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Pub.L. 88–352, 78 Stat. 241, enacted July 2, 1964) is a landmark civil rights and US labor law in the United States that outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.", "- Importance. The Civil Rights Movement was important to the history of the United States and the world. It established that discrimination was unjust and would no longer be tolerated in the country, while setting an example for oppressed people everywhere.he Civil Rights Act of 1957 protected the freedom of African Americans to vote. 1960, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that segregation was illegal in interstate bus and train stations. A group of citizens called Freedom Riders tested this ruling by traveling throughout the southern portion of the country on buses.", "Chapter 5- Civil Rights Why was the Civil Rights Act of 1964 so important in furthering civil rights for all groups? The government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by governments or individuals.", "AMERICAN HISTORY EXAM REVIEW The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was legislation that outlawed discrimination against blacks and women. Racial segregation was also outlawed in this piece of legislation.The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was a piece of legislation that outlawed discriminatory voting practices against African-Americans.he Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed by Congress under the strong leadership of President Lyndon B. Johnson and with the support of many moderate and liberal Republic … ans as well as most Democrats.", "civil rights , encouraged the passage of the most comprehensive civil-rights legislation to date, the Civil Rights Act of 1964; it prohibited discrimination for reason of color, race, religion, or national origin in places of public accommodation covered by interstate commerce, i.e., restaurants, hotels, motels, and theaters.n the United States civil rights are usually thought of in terms of the specific rights guaranteed in the Constitution: freedom of religion, of speech, and of the press, and the rights to due process of law and to equal protection under the law.", "- Why was the Fourteenth Amendment significant to the civil rights movement? It guaranteed all former slaves a plot of land for farming or an adequate job for a steady income. It stated that separate but equal facilities for African Americans were unconstitutional, starting the process of integration in the South.t ensured that states guaranteed all people born or naturalized in the United States the rights granted by the Bill of Rights. It guaranteed all minority groups, including women, Latinos, American Indians, and African Americans, the right to vote @chosenmatt @Hotchellerae21.", "Civil Rights Act of 1964 Civil Rights Act of 1964. After the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963, President Lyndon B. Johnson announced his determination to pass a strong civil rights act that would end racial discrimination in employment, education, and other spheres of life.ection 105 of the Civil Rights Act of 1957 (42 U.S.C. 1975d; 71 Stat. 636), as amended by section 401 of the Civil Rights Act of 1960 (42 U.S.C. 1975d(h); 74 Stat.", "\"\"\"Why Was The Civil Rights Act Of 1964 So Important\"\" Essays and Research Papers\" The Civil Rights Movement The civil rights movement was a period of time when African Americans attempted to gain their constitutional rights of which they were being deprived. The movement has occurred from the 1950 's to the present, with programs like Affirmative Action.frican American Civil Rights Movement. CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT OF 1964 1 The Civil Rights movement results from the African American Civil Rights movement completely transformed the lives of African Americans and helped to integrate public schools, places and help them get their natural rights back.", "Fourth Periodic Report of the United States of America to the United Nations Committee on Human Rights Concerning the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a notable example of federal law aimed at preventing discrimination. Other examples include the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Civil Rights Act of 1991.he Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a notable example of federal law aimed at preventing discrimination. Other examples include the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Civil Rights Act of 1991.", "Civil Rights: Law and History Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination in public schools because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Public schools include elementary schools, secondary schools and public colleges and universities.ublic Accommodations and Facilities. Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination in places of public accommodation because of race, color, religion, or national origin. Places of public accommodation are hotels, motels, restaurants, movie theaters, stadiums, and concert halls.", "\"\"\"Why Was The Civil Rights Act Of 1964 So Important\"\" Essays and Research Papers\" Original conversation. User: The first draft of the Civil Rights Act Weegy: Civil Rights Act, (1964), comprehensive U.S. legislation intended to end discrimination based on race, colour, religion, or national origin; it is often called the most important U.S. law on civil rights since Reconstruction (1865 77).ser: The first draft of the Civil Rights Act allowed Southern states to continue Jim Crow laws. called for a “Great Society” to honor civil rights. allowed segregation to continue in some public locations. called for more protections for African American voting rights.", "The Civil Rights Act of 1964 The Civil Rights Act of 1964. The civil rights movement deeply affected American society. Among its most important achievements were two major civil rights laws passed by Congress. These laws ensured constitutional rights for African Americans and other minorities. Although these rights were first guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution immediately after the Civil War, they had never been fully enforced.", "Civil Rights Act of 1964 Explained Civil Rights Act of 1964 Explained: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a revolutionary piece of legislation in the United States that effectively outlawed egregious forms of discrimination against African Americans and women, including all forms of segregation.itle IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964: Provision that discouraged the desegregation of public schools and enabled the United States Attorney General to initiate suits to enforce said act. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964: Prevented discrimination by government agencies who received federal funds.", "Civil Rights Act of 1964 Explained Title III of the Civil Rights Act of 1964: Outlawed state and municipal governments from barring access to public facilities based off an individual’s religion, gender, race, or ethnicity.he provisions of the Civil Rights Act include: - Public accommodations may not discriminate against or segregate individuals based on race, ethnicity of gender. o Public accommodations being any establishments that lease, rent or sell goods and provide services.", "The Law The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination in a broad array of private conduct including public accommodations, governmental services and education. One section of the Act, referred to as Title VII, prohibits employment discrimination based on race, sex, color, religion and national origin.itle VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 also creates the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), a five-member, bipartisan commission whose mission is to eliminate unlawful employment discrimination.", "- Introduction. The Civil Rights Act of 1964, which ended segregation in public places and banned employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin, is considered one of the crowning legislative achievements of the civil rights movement.ead-up to the Civil Rights Act. Following the Civil War (1861-1865), a trio of constitutional amendments abolished slavery, made the former slaves citizens and gave all men the right to vote regardless of race.", "Civil Rights Act of 1964 Explained Civil Rights Act of 1964 Explained: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a revolutionary piece of legislation in the United States that effectively outlawed egregious forms of discrimination against African Americans and women, including all forms of segregation.he Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended racial segregation and outlawed most forms of discrimination in the workplace, schools, public facilities and separate requirements based on racialized distinctions, such as discriminatory voter registration requirements.", "Civil Rights Act of 1964 Explained The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a revolutionary piece of legislation in the United States that effectively outlawed egregious forms of discrimination against African Americans and women, including all forms of segregation.he Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended racial segregation and outlawed most forms of discrimination in the workplace, schools, public facilities and separate requirements based on racialized distinctions, such as discriminatory voter registration requirements. The Civil Rights Act also clarified some of the rights of women.", "Civil Rights Timeline President Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The most sweeping civil rights legislation since Reconstruction, the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination of all kinds based on race, color, religion, or national origin.The law also provides the federal government with the powers to enforce desegregation.sserting that civil rights laws alone are not enough to remedy discrimination, President Johnson issues Executive Order 11246, which enforces affirmative action for the first time.", "AP Government Significant Legislation Civil Rights Act 1964. federal law that made segregation illegal in most public places, increased penalties and sentences for those convicted of discrimination in employment, and withheld federal aid form schools that discriminated on the basis of race or gender.", "- Introduction. The Civil Rights Act of 1964, which ended segregation in public places and banned employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin, is considered one of the crowning legislative achievements of the civil rights movement.he Civil Rights Act of 1964, which ended segregation in public places and banned employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin, is considered one of the crowning legislative achievements of the civil rights movement.", "The Civil Rights Act of 1964: A Long Struggle for Freedom Immediate Impact of the Civil Rights Act With the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the federal government offered its immense power to the struggle to realize a more just and inclusive American society that had begun a century earlier with Reconstruction. But passage of the act was not the end of the story.ith the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the federal government offered its immense power to the struggle to realize a more just and inclusive American society that had begun a century earlier with Reconstruction. But passage of the act was not the end of the story.", "How does the Civil Rights Act of 1964 affect employment? The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed by Congress under the strong leadership of President Lyndon B. Johnson and with the support of many moderate and liberal Republic … ans as well as most Democrats.This law was a huge step forward in the Civil Rights Movement.nswer by Enc of Biz and Finance. Confidence votes 4.0K. The United States made a major commitment to putting ethics into law through the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which forbids employment discrimination based on race, religion, creed, national origin, or sex.", "- The Civil Rights Act of 1964 passes Congress, prohibiting discrimination in a number of settings: Title I prohibits discrimination in voting; Title II: public accommodations; Title III: Public Facilities; Title IV: Public Education; Title VI: Federally-Assisted Programs; Title VII: Employment.mericans with Disabilities Act. Signed into law in 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) protects persons with disabilities from discrimination in many aspects of life, including employment, education, and access to public accommodations.", "Overview of Civil Rights Legislation, Supreme Court Cases, and Activities 1 In this case, a motel that wanted to continue segregation was denied because they did business with people from other states. 2 Civil Rights Act of 1964 - An important piece of legislation that stopped segregation and discrimination in public accommodations. In this case, a motel that wanted to continue segregation was denied because they did business with people from other states. 2 Civil Rights Act of 1964 - An important piece of legislation that stopped segregation and discrimination in public accommodations.", "- Answers. Best Answer: Explain the significance of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In your answer, be sure that you have done your own assigned reading and have not asked other people to do your homework for you.Source(s): classmate · 7 years ago.est Answer: Explain the significance of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In your answer, be sure that you have done your own assigned reading and have not asked other people to do your homework for you. Source(s): classmate · 7 years ago." ]
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[ "Le-Vel Thrive DFT & 8 Week Experience Review OxySelect Pink is our top-selling diet pill for women. It contains a blend of 5 popular and potent ingredients: Chromax, Razberi-K, Irving Gabonensis, COQ10 and Green Coffee Bean Extract. Each bottle is back by our 90 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee.", "Best Selling Weight Loss Pills of 2018 #6 SlimVox. SlimVox is one of our user’s favorite diet pills for women on the market! Made by women, for women, it’s quickly becoming a hit in the female weight loss market. With large doses of all-natural ingredient in an easy-to-take blend, Slimvox maintains purity while minimizing the risk of side effects." ]
[ "What are Diuretics? Substances that augment diuresis , or the removal of fluids from the body through urination, are considered diuretics. More commonly known as water pills , diuretics may be prescription or over the counter drugs. They may also be homeopathic remedies or foods that help to prevent or treat fluid retention. It is best to consult with a health care professional before using any form of these drugs. Diuretics are used for many reasons.", "What Are The Best Lucid Dreaming Supplements? Galantamine, Huperzine-A and Choline. Learn about the most popular lucid dream pills with galantamine, huperzine-A and choline to improve dream recall, intensity and self-awareness for lucid dreams.", "Hydroxycut Drops Hydroxycut Drops. Hydroxycut Drops is one of the most popular brands in the weight loss industry, and they even claim that it is the number one slimming brand in America. Are you a fan of Hydroxycut? If yes, then you may want to read this review and see if this liquid dietary supplement can work for you.", "Over-the-counter weight-loss pills Here's a look at some over-the-counter weight-loss pills and what they will and won't do for you. There's no magic bullet for losing weight. The most effective way to lose weight and keep it off is through lifestyle changes. Eat a healthy low-calorie diet with lots of fruits and vegetables and be physically active. Weight-loss pills — prescription medicines, nonprescription drugs, herbal medicines or other dietary supplements — are all, at best, tools that may help with weight loss. But there is relatively little research about these products, and the best studied of these are prescription weight-loss drugs. For example, a 2014 study reviewed 21 long-term trials of prescription drugs for treating obesity.", "- Januvia is the top-selling brand in its class, and the drug allows Merck to tower above the competition with a large portion of the DPP-4 global market share with Januvia alone. With two million prescriptions written in 2011, analysts expected the drug to eventually produce multi-billion dollar sales numbers.", "- Ginseng is one of the more popular diet supplements. M.E. and You - a self-help plan (1988)Ginseng is currently under investigation as a treatment for diabetes.", "Prescription Weight Loss / Diet Pills: What Are the Options? Prescription diet pills are used in more severe circumstances, when weight loss has not been successful and the patient has important health risks associated with being overweight or obese. However, prescription weight loss drugs should be used in addition to diet and exercise.", "- I'll start with Ibutab, the generic ibuprofen tablet I found in the first aid cabinet. My reasoning is that this is probably the most cheaply made pill that I can find. I expected it to take quite a while to dissolve. This is the Ibutab after one minute.", "List of HRT Drugs Norenthindrone and various forms of the hormone progesterone are the most common drugs in this class. They can be taken as a separate pill, or in combination with an estrogen. These estrogen plus progestin products are available as tablets or skin patches. Potency, and therefore dosing, varies greatly.", "- Water pills have been used to help individuals lose weight. Bearberry extract is a natural alternative for prescribed diuretics. Water pills act on the kidneys to cause the excretion of excess water and sodium. Juniper berries are a natural diuretic.", "- Super health center. Welcome to SuperHealthCenter.com, your online source to Buy Weight Loss Diet Pills, Natural Skin Care, Body Detox Products and much more. You will find over 7000 products from more than 400 manufactures at amazingly low prices. The staff here at SuperHealthCenter.com offers years of experience and are extremely knowledgeable when it comes to health & nutrition. We are here to help educate you with informative articles, product reviews and much more.", "Top 100 Most Prescribed, Top Selling Drugs Rounding out the top 10 most prescribed drugs for the period were the antidepressant duloxetine (Cymbalta, Eli Lilly), the antihypertensive valsartan (Diovan, Novartis), the attention deficit drug lisdexamfetamine dimesylate (Vyvanse, Shire), insulin glargine injection (Lantus Solostar, sanofi-aventis), and the antiepileptic pregabalin (Lyrica, ...", "Diet Pills: What You Need to Know Prescription Diet Pills. Different diet pills work in different ways depending on which ingredients they contain. Appetite suppressants such as sibutramine (Meridia), diethylpropion (Tenuate) and phentermine (Adipex-P, Fastin, Anoxine-AM, etc.) affect the appetite-regulating region of the brain called the hypothalamus.", "List of Prescription Diet Drugs While these drugs may be helpful to those who are unable to achieve weight loss through diet and exercise alone, there are dangers that must be considered in the use of prescription diet pills. Drugs.com states that phentermine, sold under the brand name Adipex, is a stimulant that behaves similarly to amphetamines.", "- And of course, the food you drink and eat has to go somewhere. The fats stored in your body are fat, and I guess to make you lose more weight, the diet pills strive to get more out than in, and therefore, causing weight loss.But I wouldn't recommend it.lso you should avoid diet pills that are chemical molecule such as Phentermine, or is brand name which is Adipexphenyl-tertiary-butylamine an appetite suppressant of the amphetamine and phenethylamine class. Those are powerful substances that could interact with your actual medication.", "- 7. The best weight loss supplements are multivitamins and multi-minerals. In addition to this, certain essential fatty acid supplements that contain omega 3 and omega 6. For convenience purposes, you can also use some protein powders, when you can’t eat real food.", "LIPOZIN - High Performance Weight Loss Supplement. Best Fat Burning, Appetite Suppressing Diet Pill. Slim Down Quickly and Lose Weight Fast LIPOZIN - High Performance Weight Loss Supplement. Best Fat Burning, Appetite Suppressing Diet Pill. Slim Down Quickly and Lose Weight Fast: Amazon.ca: Health & Personal Care", "Diet Pills Anorectic drugs – or drug pills – are marketed as appetite suppressants. They are similar to the dangerous drug class of Amphetamines. Anorectic drugs include: benzphetamine (Didrex), diethylproprion (Tenuate, Tepanil), fenfluramine (pondimin), mazindol (Sanorex, Mazanor), phendimetrazine (Bontril, Prelu-2, Plegine), and phentermine (Ionamine, AdipexP).", "6 Myths (and Facts) About Weight-Loss Supplements The not-so-secret dream of everyone who’s ever tried to shed extra weight is that they could do so just by popping a pill. “What I hear most from my clients is that they want something easy, a quick fix,” says Dee Sandquist, RD, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association based in Portland, Ore.", "Top 100 Most Prescribed, Top Selling Drugs Rounding out the top 10 most prescribed drugs for the period were the antidepressant duloxetine ( Cymbalta , Eli Lilly ) , the antihypertensive valsartan ( Diovan , Novartis ) , the attention deficit drug lisdexamfetamine dimesylate ( Vyvanse , Shire ) , insulin glargine injection ( Lantus Solostar , sanofi-aventis ) , and the antiepileptic ...", "- Top Sellers Kit - Biggest Savings On The Top Selling Diet Pills. For a limited time only, try the top 2 sellers for only $89.95! This isn’t a sales gimmick. We didn’t jack up the retail prices to make this seem like a deal.", "IODINE PILLS IODINE PILLS Iodine Pills can Rebuild and Protect your Thyroid. The most popular of all the iodine pills on the market today is called Iodoral. This pill is produced by the Optimox Corporation. It is forumlated to replenish cells which are deficient in iodine.", "- The infamous “blue pills” passed off as vitamins to many young East German athletes during the Stasi secret police-run program to produce better national sports results between 1966 and the reunification of Germany in 1990. The pills were photographed Berlin’s DDR Museum. McClatchy.", "Which Diet Pills Work Best for Energy and Weight Loss? The Food and Drug Administration has banned sales of several once-popular weight loss and energy supplements. You should not take any pills consisting of fenfluramine, sibutramine, ephedra, ephedrine, ma huang, country mallow and heartleaf.", "- So what are the 10 best diet pills? Our editors analyzed and rated the 100+ products we sell. Below you’ll find what they chose as the best overall weight loss pills. We’re so confident you’ll be happy with any of them, we back each one with a 60 day money back guarantee.", "Search results Skinny Gal Weight Loss for Women, Diet Pills by Rockstar, the #1 Thermogenic Diet Pill and Fast Fat Burner, Carb Block & Appetite Suppressant, Weight Loss Pills, 60 Veggie Cap by Rockstar $28.45 $ 28 45 ($0.47/Count)", "Over-the-counter weight-loss pills Eat a healthy low-calorie diet with lots of fruits and vegetables and be physically active. Weight-loss pills — prescription medicines, nonprescription drugs, herbal medicines or other dietary supplements — are all, at best, tools that may help with weight loss.But there is relatively little research about these products, and the best studied of these are prescription weight-loss drugs.For example, a 2014 study reviewed 21 long-term trials of prescription drugs for treating obesity.The researchers concluded that when a person makes appropriate lifestyle changes, a prescription weight-loss drug increases the likelihood of achieving clinically meaningful weight loss within a year.or example, a 2014 study reviewed 21 long-term trials of prescription drugs for treating obesity. The researchers concluded that when a person makes appropriate lifestyle changes, a prescription weight-loss drug increases the likelihood of achieving clinically meaningful weight loss within a year.", "Lower RA Medication Costs with Patient Assistance Programs Price comparison for the most popular RA medications. Many of the most common RA medications fall into three categories: biologic or non-biologic DMARDs, corticosteroids, and NSAIDS. The prices listed below are an average of the estimated retail costs for both brand name and generic drugs.", "Popular High Triglycerides Drugs Wellbutrin XL. Bupropion (bupropion XL, Wellbutrin XL, budeprion XL) is a moderately priced drug used to treat depression. This drug is slightly more popular than comparable drugs. It is available in multiple brand and generic forms. It is covered by most Medicare and insurance plans, but some pharmacy coupons or cash prices may be lower.", "Phentermine Diet Pill Information and Review Phentermine is a prescription weight loss medication that was first FDA approved in 1959 and is sold under brand names Ionamin and Adipex among others and as well as a generic version. It is by far the most popular diet pill and has enjoyed a great success rate for obese people who need to lose weight in the short term.hile phentermine is a very successful weight loss pill it is only used for people classified as obese and then it is only used for a short period of time due to the many side effects and threat of addiction." ]
[ 12.53125, 13.6953125 ]
[ 5.578125, 5.0234375, 9.7109375, 9.203125, 1.9306640625, 7.41796875, 8.6171875, 1.634765625, 3.31640625, 7.96875, 7.62109375, 3.98046875, 10.65625, 9.8125, 5.9921875, 7.6484375, 9.53125, 9.9140625, 8.046875, 3.931640625, 10.1640625, 4.75, 3.970703125, 10.390625, 9.6796875, 10.2890625, 8.453125, 0.708984375, 3.080078125, 11.40625 ]
what does action speak louder than words mean
[ "Definition of âactions speak louder than wordsâ - English Dictionary “actions speak louder than words” in American English. actions speak louder than words. Team USA is not expected to win, but they believe actions speak louder than words. › what you do is more important than what you say, because the things you do show your true intentions and feelings: Team USA is not expected to win, but they believe" ]
[ "- A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold. New Living Translation. Choose a good reputation over great riches; being held in high esteem is better than silver or gold.", "Parts of Speech: What Are Verbs? Action verbs are verbs that show an action that a person or an object performs. 1 Action verbs express something that is done by someone or something. 2 The passive voice always conjugates the verb 'to be' and is combined with the past participle (third form of the verb i.e. do - did - done).", "- You spelled it right in the question: does. The word does (performs action) is a verb, and the plural of the noun doe (female deer). Many people mix up two similar words: dose… and does. Dose is a noun and is the amount of medication prescribed. Does is a verb, a form of to do.", "- Whether or not you would tell short stories based on the proverb that actions speak louder than words would depend on the situation. The proverb means that you can tell mo…re about a person by what they do and not what they say. It means that good words should be matched with good deeds.", "\"What does \"\"action speaks louder than words\"\" mean?\" Best Answer: Actions change things. Nothing else by the way. Actions change things. Wishful thinking is not a strategy for success. Hope is not a strategy for success.", "A ctive / Passive Voice ACTIVE / PASSIVE VOICE. Active voice. In most English sentences with an action verb, the subject performs the action denoted by the verb. These examples show that the subject is doing the verb's action. Because the subject does or acts upon the verb in such sentences, the sentences are said to be in the active voice. Passive voice One can change the normal word order of many active sentences (those with a direct object) so that the subject is no longer active, but is, instead, being acted upon by the verb - or passive.", "Welcome to the Purdue OWL Using Active Versus Passive Voice. In a sentence using active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action expressed in the verb. Image Caption: The arrow points from the subject performing the action (the dog) to the individual being acted upon (the boy).This is an example of a sentence using the active voice.ctive and Passive Voice. Summary: This handout will explain the difference between active and passive voice in writing. It gives examples of both, and shows how to turn a passive sentence into an active one. Also, it explains how to decide when to choose passive voice instead of active.", "- A pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun or noun phrase. Pronouns refer to nouns that have already been mentioned or are about to be mentioned. For instance, in example 1, below, the pronoun she in the 2nd sentence refers to the noun phrase the school principal in the 1st sentence. noun phrase is a string of words, consisting of a noun plus any modifiers, that functions as a noun in a sentence. A noun phrase can act as a subject or an object. In the sentence below, ten of her friends from college is a noun phrase that acts as the object of the verb invited.", "- But the thing is that what the dictionary says and what feminism does are two completely different things. Actions speak louder than words, therefore feminism should be judge by what it does instead of by what the book says.", "- Definition of action. 1a : a thing done : deedb : the accomplishment of a thing usually over a period of time, in stages, or with the possibility of repetitionc actions plural : behavior, conduct unscrupulous actionsd : initiative, enterprise a man of action.", "Why Actions Donât Speak Louder Than Words The only way to know if a guy is interested, wants to be in a relationship with you, is in love with you, wants to get back together, or simply wants a second date is to... ASK. I know that it's scary. Using the rule actions speak louder than words has you assuming a lot of things. Know that you can't read his mind, and he can't read yours. So ask, ask, ask. It will bring you clarity, closure, and a sense of knowing what he is thinking and feeling. So, next time you hear something like actions speak louder than words ask yourself if that saying is stopping you from asking for clarity and closure. This week's Lovework is to tell me below in the comments if you've ever said, Actions speak louder than words.", "Welcome to the Purdue OWL In a sentence using active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action expressed in the verb. Image Caption: The arrow points from the subject performing the action (the dog) to the individual being acted upon (the boy). This is an example of a sentence using the active voice. Image Caption: Sample active voice sentence with the subject performing the action described by the verb. Image Caption: The active voice sentence subject (watching a framed, mobile world) performs the action of reminding the speaker of something.", "ACTIVE / PASSIVE VOICE ACTIVE / PASSIVE VOICE. In most English sentences with an action verb, the subject performs the action denoted by the verb. These examples show that the subject is doing the verb's action. Because the subject does or acts upon the verb in such sentences, the sentences are said to be in the active voice.ote in these examples how the subject-verb relationship has changed. Because the subject is being acted upon (or is passive), such sentences are said to be in the passive voice. NOTE: Colorful parrots live in the rainforests cannot be changed to passive voice because the sentence does not have a direct object.", "Holocauste Literature The old saying that actions speak louder than words is surely true! I. A. By loving each other Christians SHOW who they are John 13:34-35 34. A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. 35. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. 1. Not in words but doing good things to brethren I John 3:17-18 17.", "Why do actions speak louder than words? This is a great book to learn more about body language and deception. It is an easy attention keeping book as it deals with people and how to read them and their actions. Actions do speak louder than words! Pamela Meyer did a lot of research to put this together of what I have read. I really recommend this book for all.", "- Active voice is a grammatical voice common in many of the world's languages. It is the unmarked voice for clauses featuring a transitive verb in nominative–accusative languages, including English and most other Indo-European languages. Active voice is used in a clause whose subject expresses the agent of the main verb. That is, the subject does the action designated by the verb. A sentence whose agent is marked as grammatical subject is called an active sentence. In contrast, a sentence in which the subject has the role of patient or theme is named a passive sentence, and its verb is expressed in passive voice.", "Action Quotes “It's the action, not the fruit of the action, that's important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there'll be any fruit. But that doesn't mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result.”.", "- Capillary action is a process powered by adhesion that causes water molecules to move upward through a narrow tube such as the stem of a plant. The adhesive force allows t … hem to attach to the vessel walls.apillary action is the process by which liquid pulls itself against the force of gravity, thanks to the attraction between molecules. In using touch-up paint, capillary actio … n refers to the spread of the paint throughout a chip or scratch.", "What Is Active Voice? (with Examples) Look at this example of the active voice: Active voice is a quality of a verb that describes when its subject is acting out the verb. When the opposite is true (i.e., the subject of the sentence is being acted upon by the verb), it is said to be in passive voice. Look at this example of the passive voice:If a verb is in the active voice, its subject perform the action of the verb. Examples of active verbs (active verbs shaded): Sometimes, it's a little trickier to spot whether the subject carried out the action of the verb.f a verb is in the active voice, its subject perform the action of the verb. Examples of active verbs (active verbs shaded): Sometimes, it's a little trickier to spot whether the subject carried out the action of the verb.", "What follows a linking or action verb? 2. Transitive verb that takes a direct object (a single noun or noun phrase), which requires something to receive the action of the verb: I punched the wall.. Here, punched is the transitive verb and the wall is the noun phrase that takes the action of the verb. 3.Indirect and direct object (two noun phrase).ransitive verb that takes a direct object (a single noun or noun phrase), which requires something to receive the action of the verb: I punched the wall.. Here, punched is the transitive verb and the wall is the noun phrase that takes the action of the verb. 3.", "List of proverbial phrases Phrases begin in the article A should be sought under the first letter of the second word. 1 Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 2 Absolute power corrupts absolutely. John Dalberg-Acton, 1887, 3 Accidents will happen (in the best-regulated families). 4 Actions speak louder than words. Adversity makes strange bedfellows.", "Use the active voice Generally, try to use the active voice whenever possible. Passive voice sentences often use more words, can be vague, and can lead to a tangle of prepositional phrases. In a sentence written in the active voice, the subject of sentence performs the action. In a sentence written in the passive voice the subject receives the action.", "ACTIVE / PASSIVE VOICE ACTIVE / PASSIVE VOICE. In most English sentences with an action verb, the subject performs the action denoted by the verb. These examples show that the subject is doing the verb's action. Because the subject does or acts upon the verb in such sentences, the sentences are said to be in the active voice.o change a sentence from active to passive voice, do the following: 1. Move the active sentence's direct object into the sentence's subject slot. 2. Place the active sentence's subject into a phrase beginning with the preposition by. 3.", "action verb action verb. a verb, as run, think, or soothe, that expresses something that a person, animal, object, or process in nature can do, as in Close the door! or The storm is flooding many houses along the coast, rather than expressing a state of being. Compare copula (def 2), stative.", "\"What does \"\"Actions Speak Louder Than Words\"\" Mean?\" Another way of looking at this old saying, “actions speak louder than words,” is as a guide for how to live life. Actions should meet verbal obligations or sentiments, and they should not contradict them.", "- As an Adverb. ' 1 George voted in the elections .' ('…in the elections' describes the manner of George's voting. ' 2 The cheetah hunts gazelles for food .' ('…for food' describes the reason the cheetah hunts, and since 'hunt' is a verb this prepositional phrase is acting as an adverb.", "The Kinesthetic Speaker: Putting Action into Words But perhaps most important, the alignment of the speaker’s actions with his words reinforces the message he is trying to convey. The advice of Shakespeare’s Hamlet to the traveling players—“Suit the action to the word, the word to the action”—is as valid today as it was 400 years ago.", "- An exclamatory sentence, or exclamation, is a more forceful version of a declarative sentence.In other words, an exclamatory sentence makes a statement (just like a declarative sentence), but it also conveys excitement or emotion. An exclamatory sentence ends with an exclamation mark (!).n exclamatory sentence, or exclamation, is a more forceful version of a declarative sentence.", "- direct action - definition and synonyms. Close. 90% of the time, speakers of English use just 7,500 words in speech and writing. These words appear in red, and are graded with stars. One-star words are frequent, two-star words are more frequent, and three-star words are the most frequent.", "Writers Workshop: Writer Resources Gerund Phrases. Gerund Phrases contain verbs ending in-ing and any modifiers, objects, or complements. Gerund phrases act as nouns in a sentence. They can act as the subject or object of a verb, as a predicate nominative, and as the object of a preposition.Examples: 1 Waiting for his grades drove him crazy.erbals are verb forms which act as another part of speech in a sentence (i.e. as adjectives, nouns, and adverbs). Verbal phrases are verbals and any of the verb form's modifiers, objects, or complements. The three types of verbal phrases are participial, gerund, and infinitive phrases." ]
[ 15.625 ]
[ 2.822265625, 3.087890625, 3.32421875, 15.6484375, 12.6953125, 1.87109375, 2.5, 2.09765625, 11.515625, 6.45703125, 13.3125, 1.75, 0.74951171875, 10.4140625, 11.5546875, 3.900390625, 7.20703125, 3.19921875, 1.4794921875, 3.095703125, 8.9296875, 3.267578125, 1.1875, 4.32421875, 15.9609375, 2.31640625, 8.34375, 4.078125, 3.4296875, 1.5849609375 ]
chemical reactions explanation
[ "Chemical Reactions A chemical reaction is a process in which one set of chemical substances (reactants) is converted into another (products). It involves making and breaking chemical bonds and the rearrangement of atoms." ]
[ "Chemical reaction Chemical equations are used to graphically illustrate chemical reactions. They consist of chemical or structural formulas of the reactants on the left and those of the products on the right. They are separated by an arrow (→) which indicates the direction and type of the reaction; the arrow is read as the word yields.n a synthesis reaction, two or more simple substances combine to form a more complex substance. These reactions are in the general form: Two or more reactants yielding one product is another way to identify a synthesis reaction.", "Chemical Reactions A chemical reaction is a process in which one set of chemical substances (reactants) is converted into another (products). It involves making and breaking chemical bonds and the rearrangement of atoms.Chemical reactions are represented by balanced chemical equations, with chemical formulas symbolizing reactants and products. For specific chemical reactants, two questions may be posed about a possible chemical reaction.ombination Reactions. In combination reactions, two substances, either elements or compounds, react to produce a single compound. One type of combination reaction involves two elements. Most metals react with most nonmetals to form ionic compounds.", "- A chemical reaction is another name for a chemical change, which you. read about in Chapter 3. Chemical reactions affect every part of your. life. They break down your food, producing the energy you need to live. Chemical reactions in the engines of cars and buses provide the energy. to power the vehicles.", "- expression which are used to represent the chemical reactions. synthesis reaction. chemical reaction in which two or more simple substances that combine to form a new more complex substance. decomposition reaction. chemical reaction in which a simplex substance breaks down into two or more simpler substances. single-replacement reaction. chemical reaction in which an uncombined element replaces an element that is part of a compound.", "reaction A reaction is an action taken in response to something. If you're telling your parents that you want to move out, you'll see by their reaction that they're sad about it. A reaction is often a physical in nature. A chemical reaction describes the way a chemical behaves when combined with another substance. The way your body responds to a medication or external influence is a physical reaction. Think of the way cold air causes you to get goose bumps on your arms.", "- Adapted from Chemistry: A Guided Inquiry, 2 nd ed. by Moog and Farrell (Wiley and Sons, Inc.) Balancing Chemical Equations PART II: Background Information: Balanced Chemical Equations A balanced chemical equation represents a chemical reaction that obeys the Law of Conservation of Mass (Matter).", "- Leading up to this lesson I introduce different types of chemical reactions that my students can draw upon for reference. To help my students remember the four types of chemical reactions I developed a mnemonic sentence. Squids don't carry roses. synthesis, decomposition, combustion, replacement.", "addition reaction chemical reaction - (chemistry) a process in which one or more substances are changed into others; there was a chemical reaction of the lime with the ground water.", "Types of Chemical Reactions A chemical reaction is a process that is usually characterized by a chemical change in which the starting materials (reactants) are different from the products. Chemical reactions tend to involve the motion of electrons, leading to the formation and breaking of chemical bonds.ere are some common reaction types. However, if you are asked to name the main 4, 5 or 6 types of chemical reactions, here is how they are categorized. 1 Direct Combination or Synthesis Reaction. 2 In a synthesis reaction two or more chemical species combine to form a more complex product.", "Chemical reaction Chemical reaction. Definition. noun, plural: chemical reactions. A process in which one or more substances (reactants) are chemically changed into one or more new substances (products). Chemical changes may involve motion of electrons in the forming and breaking of chemical bonds. Supplement. process in which one or more substances (reactants) are chemically changed into one or more new substances (products). Chemical changes may involve motion of electrons in the forming and breaking of chemical bonds. Supplement.", "TEACHERâS GUIDE For AEROSPACE: THE JOURNEY OF FLIGHT After completing this experiment, the student should be able to:  use graphical analysis to determine the order of a reaction.  determine the pseudo rate constant and half-life for a reaction.  write an introduction for a lab report. DISCUSSION. Chemical kinetics is the branch of chemistry that is concerned with the study of the rate of. chemical reactions, or how quickly reactions occur.", "- This section explains how to write equations describing chemical reactions. using appropriate symbols. It also describes how to write balanced chemical. equations when given the names or formulas of the reactants and products in. a chemical reaction. Writing Chemical Equations (pages 321–323) 1.", "- Signs that a chemical reaction is occurring are: 1. change in color 2. change in odor 3. change in pH, as in changes from acid to base or base to acid (lit … mus paper test) 4. a gas is produced 5. energy is given off/taken in. 5 people found this useful.1. A Look at the Chemistry Definition of Reaction The word reaction is commonly used in conversation. 2 It serves a far greater purpose in the field of science. 3 You likely know the common definition for reaction already. 4 If 5 …. Chemical Reactions and Cream Wafers Experiments Chemical reactions come in all different ways.", "Translations for chemical reaction Princeton's WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: chemical reaction, reaction (noun). (chemistry) a process in which one or more substances are changed into others. there was a chemical reaction of the lime with the ground water.iktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: chemical reaction (Noun). A process, involving the breaking or making of interatomic bonds, in which one or more substances are changed into others.", "Chemical Reactions CHEMICAL REACTIONS-process by which one or more atoms of one or more substances are rearranged to form different substances-this is also known as a chemical change-indications of chemical changes occuring is temperature change, color change, odor, formation of gas bubbles, and appreance of a solid.RODUCTS OF A DOUBLE-REPLACEMENT REACTION-a solid known as a precipitate is normally produced in a double-replacement reaction-of the two different types of compounds formed in a double-replacement element one is often a solid, gas, or water.   .", "Chemical reaction Chemical reactions happen at a characteristic reaction rate at a given temperature and chemical concentration. Typically, reaction rates increase with increasing temperature because there is more thermal energy available to reach the activation energy necessary for breaking bonds between atoms.he general concept of a chemical reaction has been extended to reactions between entities smaller than atoms, including nuclear reactions, radioactive decays, and reactions between elementary particles as described by quantum field theory.", "- Chemical reactions involve rearrangement of the atoms and produce. new substances in this process. For example, in the above picture, just the mixing of two substances can cause. the chemical reaction to occur. Chemical Reactions are everywhere in nature. The process by which the plants make their own food is called photosynthesis.", "- Chemical reactions and catalysts. A chemical reaction involves a chemical change, which happens when two or more particles (which can be molecules, atoms or ions) interact. For example, when iron and oxygen react, they change to a new substance, iron oxide (rust).", "Chemical reaction A chemical reaction happens when one or more chemicals are changed into one or more other chemicals. Examples: 1 iron and oxygen combining to make rust. 2 vinegar and baking soda combining to make sodium acetate, carbon dioxide and water.", "Chemical Reactions The rusting of a chain is an example of a chemical reaction. A chemical reaction is typically represented by a chemical equation, which represents the change from reactants to products. The left hand side of the equation represents the reactants, while the right hand side represents the products.", "Chemical reaction Classically, chemical reactions encompass changes that only involve the positions of electrons in the forming and breaking of chemical bonds between atoms, with no change to the nuclei (no change to the elements present), and can often be described by a chemical equation.hemical equations are used to graphically illustrate chemical reactions. They consist of chemical or structural formulas of the reactants on the left and those of the products on the right. They are separated by an arrow (→) which indicates the direction and type of the reaction; the arrow is read as the word yields.", "REACTION reaction - (chemistry) a process in which one or more substances are changed into others; there was a chemical reaction of the lime with the ground water chemical reaction chemical science, chemistry - the science of matter; the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions", "Translations for chemical reaction A chemical reaction is a process that leads to the transformation of one set of chemical substances to another.", "- a change in concentration only (such as adding more water to a black cup of coffee), a change in physical state only (such as melting a solid into a liquid, vaporizing a liquid into a gas, or dissolving a sample in a solvent). A chemical change (also referred to as a chemical reaction) does involve a change in the chemical composition, such as the rusting of iron (Fe changing to Fe 2 O 3). This may be accompanied by a change in physical state as well, and sometimes it is difficult to decide whether it is strictly a chemical or physical change.", "- SCH3U- R.H.KING ACADEMY CHEMICAL REACTIONS WORKSHEET Name: W1 Types of Chemical Reactions A) DECOMPOSTION AB A + B During a decomposition reaction, one compound splits into two or more pieces. These smaller pieces can be elements or simpler compounds. Examples: magnesium chloride magnesium + chlorine", "CHEMICAL REACTION • CHEMICAL REACTION (noun). The noun CHEMICAL REACTION has 1 sense: 1. (chemistry) a process in which one or more substances are changed into others. Familiarity information: CHEMICAL REACTION used as a noun is very rare.ydrolysis (a chemical reaction in which water reacts with a compound to produce other compounds; involves the splitting of a bond and the addition of the hydrogen cation and the hydroxide anion from the water).", "What are Chemical Reactions? Chemical reactions occur whenever bonds are formed or broken between molecules. Why certain atoms combine with which other atoms is a complex question which is explained exhaustively by quantum chemistry. The simple version is that atoms bond together electromagnetically based on the properties of their electron shells.cientists combine substances to cause chemical reactions. Oxygen combines with iron in a chemical reaction to form iron oxide, which is more commonly known as rust. Chemists may perform chemical reactions.", "Chemical reaction A chemical reaction is a process that leads to the transformation of one set of chemical substances to another.[1] Classically, chemical reactions encompass changes that only involve the positions of electrons in the forming and breaking of chemical bonds between atoms, with no change to the nuclei (no change to the elements present), and can often ...", "General Astronomy/Print version Introduction. Chemical reactions are the result of a rearrangement of the molecular. or ionic structure of a substance. It is important to remember that the. law of conservation of mass. states that mass is conserved in ordinary. chemical changes.", "Chemical reaction Home » Chemical reaction. File:Example.jpgDefinition. noun, plural: chemical reactions. A process in which one or more substances (reactants) are chemically changed into one or more new substances (products). Chemical changes may involve motion of electrons in the forming and breaking of chemical bonds. Supplement." ]
[ 14.03125 ]
[ 11.03125, 14.359375, 11.6328125, 10.2734375, 10.671875, 7.05078125, 6.8671875, 12.625, 11.421875, 13.359375, 5.76953125, 8.8828125, 9.546875, 9.6796875, 12.5625, 12.734375, 12.40625, 12.328125, 13.171875, 11.984375, 12.703125, 10.25, 12.7734375, 10.78125, 9.0234375, 11.75, 13.5546875, 13.2421875, 12, 13.4921875 ]
chanted definition
[ "Definition of 'chant' chant (tʃɑːnt , tʃænt) Word forms: plural , 3rd person singular present tense chants , present participle chanting , past tense , past participle chanted. 1. countable noun. A chant is a word or group of words that is repeated over and over again. He was greeted by the chant of 'Judas! Judas!'." ]
[ "Definitions &Translations A refrain (from Vulgar Latin refringere, to repeat, and later from Old French refraindre) is the line or lines that are repeated in music or in verse; the chorus of a song. Poetic fixed forms that feature refrains include the villanelle, the virelay, and the sestina.", "User Contributed Dictionary Chantry is the English term for the establishment of an institutional chapel on private land or within a greater church, where a priest would chant masses. The same term is also used for the endowment itself. The word derives from the Latin cantaria, meaning 'licence to sing mass'.", "CADENCE cadence - the close of a musical section. musical passage, passage - a short section of a musical composition. amen cadence, plagal cadence - a cadence (frequently ending church music) in which the chord of the subdominant precedes the chord of the tonic.", "- #1 : chant is always text first, music second. The music arose naturally out of the text; the text always comes first. When fitting modern music to texts often words must be rearranged, repeated, or changed to fit the music, because it is inflexible and an artificial partnering. #2 : modality and lack of meter.", "- Chant was originally performed without instruments but by the 13th century organ accompaniment was added. A second line (polyphony [multiple melodies]) was added to the chant in the 11th century. This was the first instance of vertical sound (harmony). Counterpoint (melody against melody) was usually imitative.", "Canto Canto (再移動 Sai idō, lit. Re-Move) is a recurring skill in the Fire Emblem franchise. It grants mounted units the ability to use up the rest of their movement after performing certain actions...", "- Canted \\Canted\\, a. [From 2d Cant.] 1. Having angles; as, a six canted bolt head; a canted window. [1913 Webster] Canted column (Arch.), a column polygonal in plan. [1913 Webster] 2. Inclined at an angle to something else; tipped; sloping.", "Canto Canto (再移動 Sai idō, lit. Re-Move) is a recurring skill in the Fire Emblem franchise. It grants mounted units the ability to use up the rest of their movement after performing certain actions. Repeated Movement is first introduced in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War as a hidden skill held by every mounted class.", "Cadence Definition of Cadence. Cadence is derived from a Latin word “ cadentia ” that means “a falling”. It is the term used to signal the rising and falling of the voice when reading a literary piece. In poetry, it is the momentary changes in rhythm and pitch. Cadences help set the rhythmic paces of a literary piece.", "Definitions &Translations William Ellery Channing: To live content with small means, to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion, to be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not rich, to study hard, think quietly, talk gently, act frankly, to listen to stars and birds, to babes and sages, with open heart, to bear all cheerfully, do all bravely, ...", "scant barely sufficient in amount or quantity; not abundant; almost inadequate: to do scant justice. limited; meager; not large: a scant amount. barely amounting to as much as indicated: a scant two hours; a scant cupful. having an inadequate or limited supply (usually followed by of): scant of breath.", "CADENCE Hypernyms (cadence is a kind of...): musical passage; passage (a short section of a musical composition). Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of cadence): amen cadence; plagal cadence (a cadence (frequently ending church music) in which the chord of the subdominant precedes the chord of the tonic).ypernyms (cadence is a kind of...): musical passage; passage (a short section of a musical composition). Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of cadence): amen cadence; plagal cadence (a cadence (frequently ending church music) in which the chord of the subdominant precedes the chord of the tonic).", "cantata Definition of cantata for Students. : a piece of music that features solos, duets, and choruses with instrumental accompaniment and is sometimes based on a poem, play, or story.", "- A commander had more trouble to concert his defence before the people than to plan […] the campaign. To act in harmony or conjunction; to form combined plans. Bishop Burnet The ministers of Denmark were appointed to concert with Talbot. Related terms . act in concert; in concert; Translations", "Definitions &Translations Webster Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 Sing(verb) to utter sounds with musical inflections or melodious modulations of voice, as fancy may dictate, or according to the notes of a song or tune, or of a given part (as alto, tenor, etc.) in a chorus or concerted piece. 2 Sing(verb) to utter sweet melodious sounds, as birds do. Sing (verb) to make a small, shrill sound; as, the air sings in passing through a crevice. Sing (verb) to tell or relate something in numbers or verse; to celebrate something in poetry. Sing (verb) ti cry out; to complain. Sing (verb) to utter with musical infections or modulations of voice. Sing (verb)", "echo Examples of echo in a sentence. 1 We shouted into the canyon and listened to the echo of our voices. 2 the echo of footsteps in the hall. 3 His work contains echoes of older and greater poets. The book's title is an echo of a line from an old folk 1 song. The crime is a chilling echo of the murders that shocked the city two years ago.", "- That is rubbish. The secret means here, is our human heart. Human heart has many secret, mind is always thinking and non stop thinking. Chanting mantra is cultivation of body mind and emotions...(shall not explain, is very long).Is not necessary to go for Guan Tin.he secret means here, is our human heart. Human heart has many secret, mind is always thinking and non stop thinking. Chanting mantra is cultivation of body mind and emotions...(shall not explain, is very long).", "Last name: Chant This interesting and unusual surname is of Old French origin, and is a metonymic occupational name for a singer in a chantry, a chorister or precentor.The derivation is from the Old Norman-French cant, Old French chant, singing, song.Job descriptive surnames originally denoted the actual occupation of the namebearer, and later became hereditary.he derivation is from the Old Norman-French cant, Old French chant, singing, song. Job descriptive surnames originally denoted the actual occupation of the namebearer, and later became hereditary.", "\"Do the sounds \"\"ching\"\" and \"\"chong\"\" actually mean anything in Chinese?\" Translated word for word, it means, Please again say one time.. Because 请 often conveys the idea of please and because there are many verbs that begin with chong, there are many other ways to use qing followed by chong. Here are some common words (not just verbs) that begin with chong:", "- Cadence (poetry) In poetry, cadence describes the fall in pitch of the intonation of the voice, and its modulated inflection with the rise and fall of its sound. 1 1 Etymology. 2 Cadence in poetry.", "Glossary Of Singing Terms Successful Singing’s Glossary Of Singing Terms: A Cappella: Singing without any form of instrumental accompaniment. Accompaniment: The instrumentation that plays beneath the singing. Accompanist: A pianist who plays music beneath the singing. Adducted: The term for vocal cords getting pulled together when you sing high up in your vocal range.", "Hillary Scott â Come Thou Fount Chords No Capo Related: Chris Stapleton - Parachute [Verse I] G Come thou fount of every blessing D Tune my heart to sing thy grace Em Streams of mercy never ceasing C Call for songs of loudest praise G Teach me some melodious sonnet D Sung by flaming tongues above Em Praise the mount I'm fixed upon it C Mount of God's redeeming love [Verse II] G Here I ...", "- (Chorus:). Caught, in a camera's eye. Caught, without an alibi. A picture's worth a thousand words they say. We're caught in a motel room. The tangled sheets smell like sweet perfume. No matter who's at fault, we're caught. Now who'd have thought it'd end like this.", "incantation Examples of incantation in a sentence. 1 trying to produce a miracle by incantation. 2 hovering over the sick child, the witch doctor muttered mysterious incantations.", "Given Name CHANTAL Meaning & History. From a French surname which was derived from a place name meaning stony. It was originally given in honour of Saint Jeanne-Francoise françoise De, chantal the founder of The Visitation order in the 17th. Century it has become associated With french chant. song", "Last name: Chant The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Richard Cante, which was dated 1327, in the Subsidy Rolls of Suffolk, during the reign of King Edward 111, known as The Father of the Navy, 1327 - 1377.Surnames became necessary when governments introduced personal taxation.he derivation is from the Old Norman-French cant, Old French chant, singing, song. Job descriptive surnames originally denoted the actual occupation of the namebearer, and later became hereditary.", "scat 1 : precise ''scat'' singing. noun. Pattering staccato gibberish sung to songs, esp jazz songs: Then I'd carry on some of my scat. verb: Scatting has almost always been used by jazz singers as an interlude [1926+ Jazz musicians; origin unknown; probably one of the nonsense syllables used]", "- PANTUN: A verse form from Malaysia. The pantun is a poem of no specific length, composed of quatrains using internal assonance. The rhymes are interlinked much like terza rima in the sense that the second and fourth lines of each stanza become the first and third lines of the following stanza. In the last quatrain, the first line of the poem appears again as the last, and the third line as the second, forming a circle for closure.", "- Chan (ちゃん) is a diminutive suffix; it expresses that the speaker finds a person endearing. It is seemingly said to have come from a cute pronouncing of -san (in Japanese, replacing s sounds with ch sounds is seen as cute), although there is no evidence otherwise as this suffix has been used since the early days of ancient Japan.", "- Taunting: To reproach in a mocking, insulting, or contemptuous manner 310. Tender: soft or delicate in substance; not hard or tough 311. Tense: stretched tight, as a cord, fiber, etc.; drawn taut; rigid; characterized by a strain upon the nerves or feelings 312." ]
[ 14.5625 ]
[ 2.916015625, 8.65625, 2.1171875, 9.03125, 8.609375, 3.53125, 5.2265625, 2.994140625, 1.6220703125, 2.81640625, 1.8203125, 0.55810546875, 3.890625, 1.5947265625, 5.6953125, 0.328857421875, 5.703125, 6.05078125, -0.828125, 3.0390625, 5.890625, 0.6943359375, 0.97021484375, 3.4921875, 3.6953125, 4.8125, 1.384765625, 0.1839599609375, 4.33984375, 2.94140625 ]
what county is honeoye in
[ "- Other News. 1 Through a partnership with Richmond Rec, the fitness room at Honeoye Central School will open on Monday, September 28th for use by adults in the community. 2 Regular hours are Monday through Thursday, 5:30 to 8:30 pm, following the HCS calendar. 3 Cost is $2 per visit, or $25 for a punch card with 16 visits.elcome to the Hamlet of Honeoye. Located on Honeoye Lake, in the Western Finger Lakes Region of Upstate New York. Our Honeoye Community Gazebo is home to many community events. Plantings are maintained courtesy of the Lake Country Garden Club volunteers." ]
[ "Featured Listing Are you interested in more Columbiana County area details? Please take a minute and browse my local neighborhood and school details, real estate mortgage information and interactive maps for the Columbiana County market. Thank you for visiting www.triohiorealty.com! This is a one-stop real estate website for all your home buying and selling needs in Columbiana County. I’m a professional real estate agent who will help make your search for a new home an enjoyable experience.", "- Hominy County Government. About Search Results. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "- The wine takes its name from the historical Province of Beaujolais, a wine producing region. It is located north of Lyon, and covers parts of the north of the Rhône département of the Rhône-Alpes region and southern areas of the Saône-et-Loire département of Burgundy.", "- Kaneohe City County Of Honolulu. About Search Results. About Search Results. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "- Updated: Thursday, October 8 2015 7:14 PM EDT 2015-10-08 23:14:25 GMT. Left: Rashaun Page, Right: Kelly Hewett. Horry County6 (WMBF) - Horry County Sheriff's Deputies are trying to track down 23-year-old Kelly Hewett for 2nd degree burglary.", "Honeoye, New York Tornado activity: Honeoye-area historical tornado activity is below New York state average. It is 75% smaller than the overall U.S. average. On 6/20/1969, a category F3 (max. wind speeds 158-206 mph) tornado 42.4 miles away from the Honeoye place center caused between $500,000 and $5,000,000 in damages.", "Booneville Jail The security for Harrison County IN Jail is classified as medium as it's standards are created similar to maximum security without the tower structures. The building is solid concrete with limited access to fresh air, with heavy guard-to-inmate ratios.", "Don Henley, New Order, Dead Weather: Back and Not Bad September 28, 2015. 1 Don Henley: Cass County (Capitol) Most artists who’ve attained the level of fame and commercial success as Don Henley have to deal with certain unpleasantries as life rolls on: their audience departs and gets older, as do they, and their physical abilities, including their voice, tend not to improve with age. And styles do change.", "~ Hannah Jones He was a planter in Surrey County, and was the father of Robert, called Robin Jones, third of the name, and of John and Nathaniel Jones, and others not remembered. John had two daughters, Patsey and Elisabeth; the first married William Daniel, and was the mother of Hon. Jos.", "- Kootenai County, located in beautiful Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, is currently hiring for various unique jobs. We offer a comprehensive benefits package, including an 11.32% (11.66% for public safety) employer contribution to a pension plan (PERSI).", "Mahanoy City Mahanoy City, PA. Sponsored Topics. Mahanoy City (pronounced ma-HA-noy) is a borough located 50 miles (80 km) north by west of Reading and 13 miles southwest of Hazleton, in northern Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania or the southern Coal Region. The name Mahanoy is believed to be a variation of the Native American word 'Maghonioy', or the salt deposits.", "Search All Regional Jobs The federal Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2015 provides the framework for OhioMeansJobs employment resources. OhioMeansJobs Hancock County works with its partner agencies to enhance workforce preparation and grow area employment levels.", "Honesdale, Pennsylvania Honesdale, the County seat, hosts the annual Wayne County Fair, starting on the first Friday in August as it has for over a century. 1 The Fair spans nine days and draws thousands of visitors.", "Honeoye, New York Honeoye, New York. Honeoye (pronounced huh-nee-oi) is a hamlet in the Town of Richmond, in Ontario County, New York, United States. The population was 579 at the 2010 census, which lists the community as a census-designated place (CDP). It is located 33 miles (53 kilometers) south of downtown Rochester, New York.", "- This is the only hospital in Wahiawa, so if you want to seek treatment elsewhere, you may have to travel farther. The highest rated centers in Honolulu County are: The Queens Medical Center - Smart Rating of 90 out of 100. Kaiser Foundation Hospital - Smart Rating of 88 out of 100.", "Honeoye, New York 22.3%. According to our research of New York and other state lists there were 3 registered sex offenders living in Honeoye, New York as of October 08, 2015. The ratio of number of residents in Honeoye to the number of sex offenders is 193 to 1.n 8/30/1955, a category F3 tornado 44.0 miles away from the place center caused between $5000 and $50,000 in damages. Honeoye-area historical earthquake activity is near New York state average. It is 87% smaller than the overall U.S. average.", "- Cochise County is the “Land of Legends” thanks to legendary figures like Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday, and historic figures from the Apache Tribe such as Cochise and Geronimo. Our Legendary History Origins", "Honokaa, Hawaii Honokaa, Hawaii. Honokaa is a census-designated place (CDP) in the Hamakua District of Hawaii County, Hawaii, United States. The population was 2,233 at the 2000 census.", "- See more of OSAGE County Fairgrounds by logging into Facebook. Message this Page, learn about upcoming events and more. If you don't have a Facebook account, you can create one to see more of this Page.", "- Erwin County Of Harnett. About Search Results. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "- Joseph McCoy was born in Sangamon County on 21st December, 1837. A farmer and cattleman, he purchased a small hamlet called Abilene in 1867. The name, taken from the Bible, means city of plains.", "Aprovocative Adjacent to the west side of Harris County, we offer the best in a wholesome rural lifestyle, complete with the world famous Texas Bluebonnets, while at the same time, we are just a short commute from the nation's fourth largest city (download map).", "- House located at 5761 County Road 36, Honeoye, NY 14471. View sales history, tax history, home value estimates, and overhead views. House located at 5761 County Road 36, Honeoye, NY 14471.", "Welcome to the Navy Lodge Port Hueneme Welcome to the Navy Lodge Port Hueneme. Hueneme (“pronounced Why-Nee-mee”) from the Chumash Indian word for resting place. We are located on Naval Base Ventura County. For detailed information about Naval Base Ventura County, go to: http://www.cnic.navy.mil/Ventura/index.htm. Navy Lodge Port Hueneme is conveniently located to family resources such: Personnel Support Detachment (PSD), Housing Office, Commissary, Navy Exchange, and MWR.", "- Hutchinson County Of Reno. About Search Results. About Search Results. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "County Tyrone The ancient principality of Tír Eoghain, the inheritance of the O'Neills, included the whole of the present counties of Tyrone and Londonderry, and the four baronies of West Inishowen, East Inishowen, Raphoe North and Raphoe South in County Donegal.", "- Booneville is a 6th-class city in Owsley County, Kentucky, in the United States. The population was 81 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Owsley County. It is located at the junction of Kentucky Route 11 and Kentucky Route 30 on the South Fork of the Kentucky River.", "Welcome to City of Osseo Ruby's PantryOct 13, 2015...READ MORE ». Osseo........ A place for business, industry, and children to grow! Settled in 1857, Osseo is rich in it's heritage and ethnic culture, and is a picturesque city nestled in the rolling hills of northeastern Trempealeau County. The Scandinavian flare is plainly seen today in it's annual Lake Martha Days celebration and throughout the city shops and businesses.", "Honeoye Lake â New Yorkâs Finger Lakes Honeoye Lake, nestled between Canadice and Canandaigua lakes, is a popular recreation destination for the greater Rochester area. 10th in size, this small lake is also the shallowest, reaching a mere 30 feet at its deepest point. The shores are lined with cottages and the surrounding hills covered in farmland.", "- Map Conoy, West Donegal, East Donegal & Mount Joy Twps. Catalog Record Only Scale 1:19,800; 1ʺ = 100 rods. Photocopy. In testimony that this is a connected draft of land situated in Conoy, West Donegal, East Donegal and Mount Joy Townships, Lancaster County.." ]
[ 11.21875 ]
[ 0.010009765625, 1.1982421875, 2.49609375, 1.390625, 1.1650390625, 10.8203125, 1.2158203125, -2.296875, 1.5693359375, 0.92431640625, -0.03497314453125, 3.041015625, 4.03125, 17.046875, 0.8818359375, 11.3515625, 0.6962890625, 3.724609375, 1.94921875, -0.0648193359375, 0.283935546875, 1.396484375, 12.0703125, -0.10394287109375, 0.18212890625, -0.35595703125, 2.146484375, 0.86181640625, 9.6328125, -0.50439453125 ]
difference between elevation and section
[ "- A section is a cut through the 3d-model. An elevation is different. It shows the face of something, or perhaps more correct, the projection of an object/s to a plane." ]
[ "- An elevation is a rise or the raising of something. Mountains have an elevation based on how high they are and your mood has an elevation as you get happier. Elevation is a noun that tells how high something is raised above a surface or ground line. It's also a term for measuring things like temperatures or degrees. Your body temperature might have an elevation if you have the flu, just as the elevation of a hill increases as it gets steeper.", "\"\"\"elevation\"\" in English\" elevation noun (OF A PLACE) › [ C or U ] formal the height of a place above the level of the sea: Atmospheric pressure varies with elevation and temperature. The crop is not grown at high elevations/above an elevation of 1,000 metres.", "- The top view or plan view shows the. width and length of the top. The right side view or right elevation shows the. length and height of the right side. The left view or left. elevation shows the length and height of the left side. The rear view or rear elevation shows the width and. height of the rear side. The bottom view is not a plan view, but rather it is a. view from beneath the object looking up. This view. shows the length and width of the underside of the ob-. ject.", "Height of Instrument Method (Differential Levelling) With reference to Figure 13.2 and Table 13.2, when the instrument is at I1, the staff reading observed at A is 2.365m. The elevation of the line of sight i.e., the height of instrument is 102.365m obtained by adding the elevation of A (100.0m) with the staff reading observed at A (2.365m). The elevation of S1 (101.130m) is determined by subtracting its foresight reading (1.235m) from the the height of instrument (102.365m) when the instrument is at I1 .", "Elevation elevation (l-vshn). The vertical distance between a standard reference point, such as sea level, and the top of an object or point on the Earth, such as a mountain. At 8,850 m (29,028 ft), the summit of Mount Everest is the highest elevation on Earth. Elevation Any face of a building or side of a room.In a drawing, the same or any part of it, represented in two dimensions.ElidedUsed to de scribe a compound feature, e.g. an entablature, with some elements omitted or combined. Elevation-A scale drawing of the upright parts of a structure.levation (l-vshn). The vertical distance between a standard reference point, such as sea level, and the top of an object or point on the Earth, such as a mountain. At 8,850 m (29,028 ft), the summit of Mount Everest is the highest elevation on Earth. Elevation Any face of a building or side of a room.", "Burglary in Austin, Texas In this chapter: (1) Habitation means a structure or vehicle that is adapted for the overnight accommodation of persons, and includes: (A) each separately secured or occupied portion of the structure or vehicle; and. (B) each structure appurtenant to or connected with the structure or vehicle.", "- 1 Finding Vertical and Horizontal Elevation Differences between Points. There are two common methods of surveying to determine slope distance. The traditional method involves stadia, where the difference in rod readings at the. upper and lower stadia hairs are converted to a slope distance. The newer method.", "Chapter 8: Earth 1 Elevation-The elevation, or height, of mountains and other objects is recorded as part of topography. 2 It is usually recorded in reference to sea level (the surface of the ocean). 3 Latitude-Latitude gives the north/south position of a location in reference from the equator.", "- RANK.EQ & RANK.AVG Functions. The Rank.Eq and Rank.Avg functions are both new to Excel 2010. The difference between these two functions occurs when there are duplicates in the list of values. The Rank.Eq function returns the lower rank, whereas the Rank.Avg function returns the average rank.elated Function: Statistical Rank. If you have a list of numbers, the statistical rank tells you the. of a value in that list. The rank is therefore calculated by placing the numbers in order and then assigning an order to each value in the list.", "Definition of 'elevation' Definition of 'elevation'. elevation (elɪveɪʃən ) In architecture, an elevation is the front, back, or side of a building, or a drawing of one of these. ...the addition of two-storey wings on the north and south elevations. The elevation of a place is its height above sea level.", "Definitions &Translations elevation (Noun). The angle which the style makes with the substylar line. elevation (Noun). The movement of the axis of a piece in a vertical plane; also, the angle of elevation, that is, the angle between the axis of the piece and the line of sight; distinguished from direction.", "elevation Synonym Discussion of ELEVATION. height, altitude, elevation mean vertical distance either between the top and bottom of something or between a base and something above it.efinition of ELEVATION for Kids. 1. : height especially above sea level: altitude. 2. : a raised place (as a hill). 3. : the act of raising: the condition of being raised.", "elevation vs altitude Elevation is usually used to describe the height of the ground, or a feature fixed to the ground. It is a geometric measurement expressed relative to the mean sea level datum established for the region by the national mapping agency..", "- The terms are different even though they can be interchangeably used a lot. Floor is where you get off or live. Story is a measurement of height. You would say: 1 I live on the 10th floor.", "What's the difference between an expression and an equation? 2(2+x)=8 equations. Think like a see-saw, and the = is the balancing point. The two sides must come out to the same quantity. An expression is only one side, or part of one side, of the see-saw; an equation is showing both sides of the see-saw in balance.", "Elevation Elevation, or geometric height, is mainly used when referring to points on the Earth 's surface, while altitude or geopotential height is used for points above the surface, such as an aircraft in flight or a spacecraft in orbit, and depth is used for points below the surface. sign at 8000 feet (2438 meters) in the San Bernardino Mountains. The elevation of a geographic location is its height above or below a fixed reference point, most commonly a reference geoid, a mathematical model of the Earth's sea level as an equipotential gravitational surface (see Geodetic system, vertical datum).", "- In the above diagram: maximum bankfull depth. is the difference in elevation between the bankfull stage and the deepest. part of the cross section (red arrow). bankfull depth. or. mean depth. is the cross sectional area at bankfull divided by the bankfull width.dentify bankfull elevations and mark cross-sections. Identify the bankfull elevation by walking along a reach that is 20-30 times the bankfull width long, marking bankfull indicators with flags.", "height Synonym Discussion of HEIGHT. height, altitude, and elevation mean distance upward. height may be used in measuring something from bottom to top. altitude is used in measuring the distance above a fixed level. elevation is used in measuring the height to which something is raised.", "elevation b. The degree of height reached when such a jump is executed. Synonyms: elevation, altitude, height. These nouns denote the distance of something above a point of reference such as the horizon: a city at an elevation of 3,000 feet above sea level; flying at an altitude of 1 mile; grew to a height of 6 feet.. the height to which something is elevated or to which it rises. 3. the altitude of a place above sea level or ground level. 4. an elevated place; eminence. 5. a drawing that represents a building or other object as being projected geometrically on a vertical plane parallel to one of its sides.", "elevation S-T segment elevation The height of the ST segment of an electrocardiogram relative to a level line that can be drawn between the preceding P-R interval and the subsequent T-P interval. S-T segment elevation in two or more contiguous leads of the electrocardiogram is one of the diagnostic criteria for acute myocardial infarction. tactile elevation A small raised area of the palm and sole that contains a cluster of nerve endings.", "Levelling Elevation: The elevation of a point on or near the surface of the earth is its vertical distance above or below an arbitrarily assumed level surface or datum. The difference in elevation between two points is the vertical distance between the two level surface in which the two points lie.", "- Define elevation: the height to which something is elevated: such as — elevation in a sentence the height to which something is elevated: such as; the angular distance of something (such as a celestial object) above the horizon…", "Height above ground level In general, altitude refers to distance above mean sea level (MSL or AMSL), height refers to distance above a particular point (e.g. the airport, runway threshold, or ground at present location), and elevation describes a feature of the terrain itself in terms of distance above MSL.", "distance elevation-distance of something above a reference point (such as sea level); there was snow at the higher elevations. distance-the property created by the space between two objects or points.", "What is EXCEPTION? Dec. 81.The distinction between an exception and a reservation is that an exception is always of part of the thing granted, and of a thing in esse; a reservation is always of a thing not in esse, but newly created or reserved out of the land or tenement demised.Co. Litt 47a; 4 Kent, Comm.", "elevation b. The degree of height reached when such a jump is executed. Synonyms: elevation, altitude, height. These nouns denote the distance of something above a point of reference such as the horizon: a city at an elevation of 3,000 feet above sea level; flying at an altitude of 1 mile; grew to a height of 6 feet.n elevated place or position: The hill is the highest elevation around here. 4. Loftiness or dignity, as of thought or feeling: a passage noted for its elevation of style. 5. A scale drawing of the side, front, or rear of a structure.", "- 3. (n.) That which is raised up or elevated; an elevated place or station; as, an elevation of the ground; a hill. 4. (n.) The distance of a celestial object above the horizon, or the arc of a vertical circle intercepted between it and the horizon; altitude; as, the elevation of the pole, or of a star. 5.", "Difference Between Altitude and Height Therefore, many altitude terms are in use. The basic forms of altitudes in common use are the indicated altitude and the absolute altitude. True altitude: the height above the mean sea level. [Elevation of geographical locations given in maps is actually true altitudes; e.g. the height of the Mount Everest.] Absolute altitude: absolute altitude is the height from the point on the ground just below the position considered.", "\"\"\"elevation\"\" in English\" elevation noun (OF A BUILDING) › [ C ] specialized architecture the front or side of a building as shown on a drawing: This plan shows the front, side, and back elevations of the new supermarket. Thesaurus: synonyms and related words.", "- When the desired point is on a contour line, its elevation is that of the contour. For a point between contours, most military needs are satisfied by estimating the elevation to an accuracy of one half of the contour interval. All points less than one fourth of the distance between the lines are considered to be at an elevation of one half of the contour interval above the lower line (fig." ]
[ 15.90625 ]
[ 9.96875, 6.765625, 9.5546875, 6.50390625, 9.7109375, 1.220703125, 8.0234375, 8.140625, 0.57080078125, 8.9296875, 8.046875, 6.8984375, 10.7890625, 4.88671875, 0.423583984375, 9.2109375, 9.6953125, 6.29296875, 6.0859375, 7.16796875, 10.6796875, 7.421875, 9.5234375, 7.8203125, -1.6728515625, 5.921875, 7.2421875, 7.8359375, 5.92578125, 8.671875 ]
what is inhalants
[ "What are inhalants? Inhalants are volatile substances that produce chemical vapors that can be inhaled to induce a psychoactive, or mind-altering, effect.hile other inhalants are used to alter mood, nitrites are used primarily as sexual enhancers. Nitrites include cyclohexyl nitrite, isoamyl (amyl) nitrite, and isobutyl (butyl) nitrite and are commonly known as poppers or snappers.." ]
[ "- Pulmonary infiltrates. An infiltrate is the filling of airspaces with fluid (pulmonary oedema), inflammatory exudates (white cells or pus, protein and immunological substances), or cells (malignant cells, red cells or haemorrhage) that fill a region of lung and increase the visual impression of increased soft tissue density. Atelectasis/collapse", "- Inhalants are a group of chemicals commonly found in many household objects which are breathed in to produce drug-like effects. Normally these products are used as cleaning items, for art projects, in medical procedures, or for cooking, but when inhaled they prove to be very dangerous.", "Inhalant The inhaling of some solvents can cause hearing loss, limb spasms, and damage to the central nervous system and brain. Serious but potentially reversible effects include liver and kidney damage and blood-oxygen depletion. Death from inhalants is generally caused by a very high concentration of fumes.", "inhalant Definition of inhalant for English Language Learners. medical : a medicine or illegal drug that is breathed into the lungs.", "- Without normal pulmonary surfactant present, the attractive forces of the water will cause the alveoli to collapse. Pulmonary surfactant is a complex substance in the lungs which reduces the surface tension of water and therefore, prevents the collapse of the alveoli.", "- Tweet. Learning how to properly use an inhaler with a spacer and mouthpiece for asthma ensures the medicine gets deposited into the lungs. Incorrect technique can leave some of the particles from the medicine on your tongue or throat, where it is useless.", "Asthma: The Rescue Inhaler -- Now a Cornerstone of Asthma Treatment The most common class of rescue inhalers is the beta-agonist bronchodilator. Beta-agonist drugs provide short-acting, quick relief when symptoms like wheezing, coughing, and chest tightness flare -- whether it's from a friend's cat, summer pollen, a dusty house, or a run on a cold day.hen symptoms rear their ugly heads, one or two inhalations can be taken every four to six hours for the quick-relief of wheezing, coughing, and chest tightness. But it is important that you take your asthma medication the correct way. When I see a patient, I ask them to use an inhaler for me, says Honsinger.", "Inhalant Abuse - Topic Overview Inhalants are substances that produce chemical vapors that, when inhaled, result in mind-altering effects. The term inhalant is used because these substances are rarely, if ever, abused by any other means. These substances are common household, industrial, or medical products. But most people do not think of them as drugs, because they are not meant to be used in that way.", "Inhalant While some inhalant drugs are used for medical purposes, as in the case of nitrous oxide (a dental anxiolytic), this article focuses on inhalant abuse of household and industrial chemicals, in a manner not intended by the manufacturer. These products are used as recreational drugs for their intoxicating effect.ome inhalant users are injured due to the harmful effects of the solvents or gases or due to other chemicals used in the products that they are inhaling. As with any recreational drug, users can be injured due to dangerous behavior while they are intoxicated, such as driving under the influence.", "Inhalant Intoxicative inhalants are a broad range of intoxicative drugs whose volatile vapors or gases are taken in via the nose and trachea. They are taken by room temperature volatilization or from a pressurized container (e.g., nitrous oxide), and do not include drugs that are sniffed after burning or heating.", "- Amyl Nitrate or its kin. An inhalant that is sniffed and gives a short term head rush high, and also relaxes the smooth muscles of the body. Usually used by gay community and referred to as poppers.. Poppers in combination with Viagra (blue diamonds) are a lethal combination... heart failure.myl Nitrate. Refers to a small, usually brown bottle of solvents or the solvents themselves, which are sniffed, usually during homosexual sex by the bottom.", "Pulmonary alveolus Pulmonary alveolus: Pulmonary alveolus,, any of the small air spaces in the lungs where carbon dioxide leaves the blood and oxygen enters it. Air, entering the lungs during inhalation, travels through numerous passageways called bronchi and then flows into approximately 300,000,000 alveoli at the ends of the bronchioles, or lesser air passages. During exhalation, the carbon-dioxide-laden air is forced out of the alveoli through the same passageways.", "- Inhalants are chemical vapors that, when inhaled, cut off the brain's supply of oxygen, producing psychoactive (mind-altering) effects. These effects can greatly vary; some have depressant effects while others can be stimulants. Inhalants fall into the following four categories: 1 Volatile Solvents are liquids that vaporize when exposed to air at room temperature.", "med surg immuno Inhalation anthrax is a bacterial infection caused by Bacillus anthracis. Manifestations such as septic shock, pleural effusion, and body temperature above 103°F indicate the fulminant stage of inhalation anthrax. The prodromal stage is the early stage of inhalation anthrax; clinical manifestations include a harsh cough and mild chest pain. A client expresses concern that because of supply and demand there is no vaccine available for the annual flu vaccine.", "Inhalants - sniffing or chuffing Inhalants are breathed in (sniffed) through the nose or mouth. Some young people breathe them from a plastic bag-this is very dangerous, as plastic can suck onto the face and cause the person to suffocate (ie. die from lack of air).", "Asthma: The Rescue Inhaler -- Now a Cornerstone of Asthma Treatment Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD. When asthma symptoms are in high gear and the wheezing and coughing sets in, it's the inhaler to the rescue -- the rescue inhaler, to be exact. If you have asthma, your rescue inhaler should be among the first things you reach for when you leave the house, along with your wallet and car keys.", "- Definition. Although other abused drugs can be inhaled, the term inhalants is reserved for the wide variety of substances—including solvents, aerosols, gases, and nitrites—that are rarely, if ever, taken via any other route of administration. (See below for a list of examples.).hemicals found in different types of inhaled products may produce a variety of other short-term effects, such as nausea or vomiting, as well as more serious long-term consequences.", "inhale breathe, take a breath, suspire, respire - draw air into, and expel out of, the lungs; I can breathe better when the air is clean; The patient is respiring aspirate - suck in (air) sniff, sniffle - inhale audibly through the nose; the sick student was sniffling in the back row", "What are inhalants? Although other abused substances can be inhaled, the term inhalants is used to describe a variety of substances whose main common characteristic is that they are rarely, if ever, taken by any route other than inhalation.", "Inhaler A metered-dose inhaler (MDI). An inhaler (or puffer) is a medical device used for delivering medication into the body via the lungs. It is mainly used in the treatment of asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Zanamivir (Relenza) , used to treat influenza, must be administered via inhaler.n inhaler (or puffer) is a medical device used for delivering medication into the body via the lungs.", "How To Use A Breath-activated Inhaler A breath-activated inhaler is a handheld device that delivers a dose of medicine as a mist when you inhale. You breathe the medicine deep into your lungs to open your airways. Follow the instructions to put together the inhaler. It may have one or more levers that you pull or push.", "What are inhalants? Although other substances that are misused can be inhaled, the term inhalants refers to the various substances that people typically take only by inhaling. These substances include: solvents (liquids that become gas at room temperature) aerosol sprays. gases. nitrites (prescription medicines for chest pain)", "- What is the correct term that describes the use of inhalants as a drug in which the person's body slows down and causes the person to lose control of their behavior and emotions? Huffing.", "Types of Addictions List Addictive Substances Behaviors The effects of inhalants range from an alcohol-like intoxication and intense euphoria to vivid hallucinations, depending on the substance and the dose. Some inhalant users are injured due to the harmful effects of the solvents or gases or due to other chemicals used in the products that they are inhaling.he effects of inhalants range from an alcohol-like intoxication and intense euphoria to vivid hallucinations, depending on the substance and the dose. Some inhalant users are injured due to the harmful effects of the solvents or gases or due to other chemicals used in the products that they are inhaling.", "Drug Facts Ongoing exposure to inhalants can lead to brain or nerve damage that produces results similar to that of multiple sclerosis. Inhalants can also do damage to the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys. Prolonged abuse can permanently affect thinking, movement, vision and hearing.", "Rescue Inhaler Is A 'Lifesaver' For Asthma, COPD Patients When They Know How To Use It; What's The Best Method? Inhalers help patients breathe normal after experiencing shortness of breath or a bout of wheezing or coughing. But unlike maintenance inhalers, which are used every day to control asthma, respiratory inhalers, also known as rescue inhalers, work quickly when patients' breathing suddenly becomes difficult.", "Asthma: The Rescue Inhaler -- Now a Cornerstone of Asthma Treatment The Basics of Rescue Inhalers. The most common class of rescue inhalers is the beta-agonist bronchodilator. Beta-agonist drugs provide short-acting, quick relief when symptoms like wheezing, coughing, and chest tightness flare -- whether it's from a friend's cat, summer pollen, a dusty house, or a run on a cold day.he Basics of Rescue Inhalers. The most common class of rescue inhalers is the beta-agonist bronchodilator. Beta-agonist drugs provide short-acting, quick relief when symptoms like wheezing, coughing, and chest tightness flare -- whether it's from a friend's cat, summer pollen, a dusty house, or a run on a cold day.", "- 1 Huffing. 2 To huff an inhalant, a rag is soaked in an inhalant and pressed to the mouth. 3 Sniffing or snorting. 4 In this form of abuse, fumes are sniffed or snorted directly from an aerosol container. 5 Bagging. 6 To bag an inhalant, fumes are sprayed or poured into a plastic or paper bag and inhaled. 7 Spraying.", "Inhaler For other uses, see Inhaler (disambiguation). A metered-dose inhaler (MDI) An inhaler (or puffer or Asthma Pump in UK English) is a medical device used for delivering medication into the body via the lungs. It is mainly used in the treatment of asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Zanamivir (Relenza), used to treat influenza, must be administered via inhaler.", "- Without normal pulmonary surfactant present, the attractive forces of the water will cause the alveoli to collapse. Pulmonary surfactant is a complex substance in the lungs which reduces the surface tension of water and therefore, prevents the collapse of the alveoli.Surfactant also plays a role in defending the lungs from bacteria and viruses.ithout normal pulmonary surfactant present, the attractive forces of the water will cause the alveoli to collapse. Pulmonary surfactant is a complex substance in the lungs which reduces the surface tension of water and therefore, prevents the collapse of the alveoli." ]
[ 16.703125 ]
[ 2.90234375, 16.234375, 11.453125, 15.3046875, 3.8125, 6.5859375, 4.77734375, 15.8359375, 11.3984375, 14.421875, 8.1484375, 4.2734375, 15.8359375, 7.05859375, 14.3984375, 5.39453125, 13.8984375, 6.52734375, 14.7109375, 9.1171875, 8.03125, 15.0546875, 10.8046875, 10.4609375, 11.421875, 7.703125, 5.91796875, 10.953125, 8.9609375, 3.6015625 ]
emergency in a laboratory definition
[ "UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR entire laboratory, an area of a laboratory or a device such as a laboratory hood. Emergency means any occurrence such as, but not limited to, equipment failure, rupture or containers or failure of control equipment which results in an uncontrolled release of a hazardous chemical into the workplace." ]
[ "emergency Sudden, unexpected, or impending situation that may cause injury, loss of life, damage to the property, and/or interference with the normal activities of a person or firm and which, therefore, requires immediate attention and remedial action. Use 'emergency' in a Sentence. We heard about a fire so we rushed to the warehouse and the fire alarm indicated an emergency so we called 911. 16 people found this helpful. I was about to call the emergency room to come pick up my brother because he hurt his leg really bad.", "Emergence and interactivity: A-Life Art as a paradigm for the creation of experiences in interactive communication Having established this definition of emergence in the context of a-life art, and still with the alternative proposals (section 2.2) and critiques (section 2.3) in mind, we proceed to the following sections.", "Erlenmeyer flask Erlenmeyer flask (ˈɜːlənˌmaɪə ) noun. a flask, for use in a laboratory, with a narrow neck, wide base, and conical shape; conical flask.", "- Dialects of the same language may have different stress placement. For instance, the English word laboratory is stressed on the second syllable in British English (laboratory), labóratory but the first syllable In American (english). laboratory láboratory", "laboratory : a place equipped for experimental study in a science or for testing and analysis. See words that rhyme with laboratory Spanish Central: Translation of laboratory Nglish: Translation of laboratory for Spanish speakers Britannica English: Translation of laboratory for Arabic speakers Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about laboratory.", "United States: EMTALA And Urgent Care: Three Things To Know The regulations define “hospital with an. emergency department” to mean a hospital with a dedicated emergency department (ED). In turn, the regulation defines “dedicated emergency department” as any department or. facility of the hospital that either (1) is licensed by the state as an emergency department;", "\"Translation of \"\"language\"\" - English-Indonesian dictionary\" sumpah serapah I wish he wouldn’t use such bad language in front of the children! language laboratory noun (plural language laboratories) › a room in a school or college where students can use electronic equipment to learn to speak a foreign language, for example by recording and listening back to their own voices.", "Effective Emergency Management: Making Improvements for Communities and People with Disabilities Emergency management is often described in terms of “phases,” using terms such as mitigate, prepare, respond and recover. This paper examines the origins, underlying concepts, variations, limitations, and. implications of the “phases of emergency managemen t.” The purpose is to provide background.", "Laboratory Refrigerators Refrigerators found in clinical and research facilities are usually dedicated equipment for specific applications, such as chromatography or pharmaceuticals, or for specific material storage for flammable or explosive reagents.", "- A clandestine laboratory is simply defined as a place where preparation of illegal substances takes place. These ‘labs’ are used to manufacture drugs, explosives and even biological or chemical weapons.Most often, the labs are used to manufacture methamphetamine, a potent illegal stimulant drug.ow should a person removed from a clandestine laboratory be decontaminated? The answer to this question depends entirely upon the exposure history of the involved persons. For example, a police officer involved in warrant service in a lab may only need decontamination of his/her boots with a soap and water solution.", "IONTOPHORESIS PATCHES The Emergency Patch is an extended, time-released electronic transdermal (iontophoretic) drug delivery medical device. The Emergency Patch is a non-invasive, hypoallergenic alternative to injections and is for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation patient treatment.", "Emergency care * An emergency medical condition is one that, in the absence of immediate medical attention, may result in 1) placing the health of the individual (or, with respect to a pregnant woman, the health of the woman or her unborn child) in serious jeopardy, 2) serious impairment to bodily functions, or 3) serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or parts.", "Emergency Dangers to life and health are serious enough that emergency response systems are considered vital. An emergency is a situation that poses an immediate risk to health, life, property, or environment. Most emergencies require urgent intervention to prevent a worsening of the situation, although in some situations, mitigation may not be possible and agencies may only be able to offer palliative care for the aftermath.", "Chapter 56 - Accident Prevention The Essential Role of Laboratory Professionals: Ensuring the Safety and Effectiveness of Laboratory. Data in Electronic Health Record Systems is a publication of the Division of Laboratory Programs, Standards and Services in the Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology and Laboratory Services, within. the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.", "Focus On - The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act If an emergency medical condition exists or a person is in active labor, the hospital is obligated to stabilize the emergency medical condition or to deliver the fetus and placenta. If a hospital is unable to stabilize a patient within its capability, or if the patient requests, an appropriate transfer to another hospital should be implemented according to EMTALA's directives.", "Environmental emergency Environmental emergencies are defined as “sudden-onset disasters or accidents resulting from natural, technological or human-induced factors, or a combination of these, that causes or threatens to cause severe environmental damage as well as loss of human lives and property.” (UNEP/GC.22/INF/5, 13 November 2002.).", "Meet Your Healthcare Team Urgent care is not a substitute for emergency care. In general, an emergency condition is one that can permanently impair or endanger the life of an individual. Some examples of conditions that require emergency medical care include: Severe chest pain or difficulty breathing. Compound fracture (bone protrudes through skin)", "Definition of Terms 1 Emergency use. 2 Use of a test article on a human subject in a life-threatening situation in which no standard acceptable treatment is available, and in which there is not sufficient time to obtain IRB approval [21 CFR 56.102(d)].", "clinical laboratory a place equipped for making tests or doing experimental work. 1 clinical laboratory. 2 1. one for examination of materials derived from the human body (such as fluids, tissues, or cells) for the purpose of providing information on diagnosis, prognosis, prevention, or treatment of disease.", "Basic Life Support and Emergency CPR If the person is not breathing normally or not breathing at all then emergency breaths are needed. Emergency breaths involves pinching the nose and breathing into the mouth of the unconscious individual in order to force air into the lungs. This is done twice, with each breath lasting one full second.", "State of emergency A government can declare a state of emergency during a time of natural or human-made disaster, during a period of civil unrest, or following a declaration of war or situation of international/internal armed conflict. Justitium is its equivalent in Roman law.he state of emergency in New Zealand expires on the commencement of the seventh day after the date on which it was declared, unless it is extended. However, the minister of civil defence or local mayor may lift the state of emergency after an initial review of the region's status.", "urgent, but not emergent surgeries (http://www.surgeryinfo.org/glossary.html) Emergent Care If you have an Emergency Medical Condition such as difficulty breathing, suspected heart attack, uncontrolled bleeding, unconsciousness or severe burns, try to use a contracting hospital emergency room to maximize your benefits.", "The ADA National Network Disability Law Handbook when an individual has not shown. this behavior in the past which is now creating the crisis situation or there has not been. enough time to develop a specialized intervention plan to reduce the behavior causing. the crisis. This would be considered an “emergency” situation.", "Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act A significant portion of emergency room visits are considered not to be EMCs as defined by EMTALA. The medical profession refers to these cases as non-emergent. Regardless, this impressive term is not recognized by the law as a condition defined by the EMTALA statute.A term more relevant for compliance with EMTALA is non-emergency medical condition. significant portion of emergency room visits are considered not to be EMCs as defined by EMTALA. The medical profession refers to these cases as non-emergent. Regardless, this impressive term is not recognized by the law as a condition defined by the EMTALA statute.", "THE GLOSSARY OF A radiological emergency is an emergency in which there is, or is perceived to be, a hazard due to radiation exposure from a source. As sources of radiation are used in various fields, including industry, medicine and research, radiological emergencies may occur anywhere. These are examples of radiological emergency situations and associated conditions that a first responder may face: 1 Medical Symptoms of Radiation Exposure. 2 Loss or Theft of Dangerous Radioactive Source. 3 Public Radioactive Contamination/Exposure.", "Laboratory and Lab Safety Signs, Symbols and Their Meanings Signs in a Laboratory. A laboratory is a place where dangerous events can occur, from high voltage stations to biohazards to corrosive substances. Many people are unaware of the dangers lurking in a laboratory! To alert you of hazards such as biohazards and high voltage stations, there are hazard signs placed in laboratories.", "- Medical Definition of Emergency department. Emergency department: The department of a hospital responsible for the provision of medical and surgical care to patients arriving at the hospital in need of immediate care. Emergency department personnel may also respond to certain situations within the hospital such cardiac arrests.", "- The term hypertensive emergency is primarily used as a specific term for a hypertensive crisis with a diastolic blood pressure greater than or equal to 120 mmHg and/or systolic blood pressure greater than or equal to 180mmHg.", "- laboratory definition: The definition of a laboratory is a place where experiments and testing are done. (noun) A room in a university where science experiments are performed is an example of a laboratory....", "- Noun. 1. emergency medicine-the branch of medicine concerned with the prompt diagnosis and treatment of injuries or trauma or sudden illness. medical specialty, medicine-the branches of medical science that deal with nonsurgical techniques. Translations." ]
[ 14.1640625 ]
[ 7.30078125, 1.021484375, 3.767578125, 2.904296875, 4.46484375, 5.70703125, 1.9453125, 4.23046875, 4.03515625, 6.0390625, 4.265625, 6.48046875, 9.0703125, 7.46875, 7.484375, 5.140625, 6.73828125, 8.21875, 6.96875, 5.2890625, 6.140625, 4.1328125, 4.42578125, 5.9921875, 8.4921875, 8.171875, 7.76171875, 5.74609375, 8.671875, 7.3984375 ]
what cell part reads the mrna
[ "Internet-Based Tools for Teaching Transcription and Translation In the cell cytoplasm, the ribosome reads the sequence of the mRNA in groups of three bases to assemble the protein. Here is a more complete definition of translation: Translation Teachers' Domain: Cell Transcription and Translation" ]
[ "Plant and Animal Cell Organelles In Biology. The ribosomes do the actual translation of mRNA into proteins. These are either free ribosomes or those located on the RER (rough endoplasmic reticulum). Ribosomes: Ribosomes …are packets of RNA and protein that play a crucial role in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.", "- Also known as bone marrow stromal cells, mesenchymal stem cells are rare cells, mainly found in the bone marrow, that can give rise to a large number of tissue types such as bone, cartilage (the lining of joints), fat tissue, and connective tissue (tissue that is in between organs and structures in the body).", "Motor neuron This process is also called the stretch reflex. 1 Beta motor neurons innervate intrafusal muscle fibers of muscle spindles, with collaterals to extrafusal fibres. 2 Gamma motor neurons innervate intrafusal muscle fibers found within the muscle spindle. They regulate the sensitivity of the spindle to muscle stretching.", "Ganglion cells (retina) A ganglion cell (sometimes called a gangliocyte) is a type of neuron located in the retina of the eye that receives visual information from photoreceptors via various intermediate cells such as bipolar cells, amacrine cells, and horizontal cells.", "Structural Biochemistry/Cell Organelles/Ribosome Overview [edit]. The purpose of the ribosome is to translate messenger RNA (mRNA) to proteins with the aid of tRNA. In eukaryotes, ribosomes can commonly be found in the cytosol of a cell, the endoplasmic reticulum or mRNA, as well as the matrix of the mitochondria.", "Acronyms finder Roles of RNA in Cells. RNA, in one form or another, touches nearly everything in a cell. RNA carries out a broad range of functions, from translating genetic information into the molecular machines and structures of the cell to regulating the activity of genes during development, cellular differentiation, and changing environments.", "Learning Modules - Medical Gross Anatomy Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerve - Page 7 of 14 A useful mnemonic for remembering the relationships in the spinal cord is: SAME-DAVE (sensory-afferent, motor-efferent; dorsal-afferent, ventral-efferent). In the thoracic region, the upper lumbar region and in segments of the sacral region of the spinal cord, there is also a lateral horn of gray matter. In the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal cord, the lateral horn contains autonomic cell bodies for sympathetic nervous system innervation to smooth muscles, cardiac muscles and glands. In the sacral region of the spinal cord, the lateral horn contains autonomic cell bodies for parasympathetic innervation to pelvic organs. The role of the lateral horn and autonomic innervation will be discussed in another module, however, it is helpful to recognize that the lateral horns exist at this point.", "- In this part of the ventricle, the ependymal cells bear cilia, microvilli, microblebs and supraependymal, axon-like cell processes. Only slight differences are seen in the different parts of the posterior horn: The roof has densely packed cilia and microvilli.", "Neuroglia â The Army of The Nervous System A. Satellite cells (don’t confuse them with the satellite oligodendrocytes). These have similar functions as the Macroglia we just covered. B. Schwann cells – (I love the name… Sounds so pretty). These glial cells are responsible for creating and repairing the myelin sheath of axons in the PNS.", "What Are The Organelles In A Muscle Cell? The most striking difference between muscle cells and the majority of other is their cardiac are not as long skeletal muscles often each fiber (muscle cell) contains all organelles that we find in (whole organ); Fascicle (portion muscle); Muscle (single cell); Myofibril cell organelle); Sarcomere myofibril).", "Principles of Biochemistry/Amino acids and proteins Other cells that contain hemoglobin include the A9 dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra, macrophages, alveolar cells, and mesangial cells in the kidney. In these tissues, hemoglobin has a non-oxygen-carrying function as an antioxidant and a regulator of iron metabolism.", "Types of RNA: mRNA, rRNA and tRNA These 3 types of RNA are discussed below. mRNA accounts for just 5% of the total RNA in the cell. mRNA is the most heterogeneous of the 3 types of RNA in terms of both base sequence and size. It carries the genetic code copied from the DNA during transcription in the form of triplets of nucleotides called codons.", "Neuroglia: Function & Definition Neuroglia are cells in the nervous system that support neurons. Your central and peripheral nervous systems depend on certain cells that are sort of the unsung heroes of the nervous system. These cells that form myelin, protect, support, and maintain equilibrium in your nervous system are called glial cells.", "Stromal cell Stromal cells are connective tissue cells of any organ, for example in the uterine mucosa (endometrium), prostate, bone marrow, and the ovary. They are cells that support the function of the parenchymal cells of that organ. Fibroblasts and pericytes are among the most common types of stromal cells. The interaction between stromal cells and tumor cells is known to play a major role in cancer growth and progression. In addition, by regulating local cytokine networks (e.g. M-CSF, LIF), bone marrow stromal cells have been described to be involved in human haematopoiesis and inflammatory processes.", "B cell B cells, unlike the other two classes of lymphocytes, T cells and natural killer cells, express B cell receptors (BCRs) on their cell membrane. BCRs allow the B cell to bind a specific antigen, against which it will initiate an antibody response.", "What is Red Marrow? Other cells found in the red marrow include mesenchymal stem cells. These cells are found in the stroma, or the non-blood-producing parts of the bone marrow, and can differentiate into many types of cells, from osteoblasts that can produce bone to neurons or nerve cells.", "- 4. Neuronal membrane (see next box) 5. Mitochondrium - this is the part of the cell responsible for the supply of energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Neurons need an enormous amount of energy. The brain is one of the most metabolically active tissues in the body. In man, for example, the brain uses 40 ml of oxygen per minute.", "Chapter 13: Nervous System all parts of the nervous system, excluding brain and spinal cord, that relay information between the central nervous system and other parts of the body. Glial Cells. non-conducting cell important for structural support and metabolism to the nerve cells.", "- 2. Neuroglia These cells, glial cells, serve various supportive roles for neurons. These cells comprise about half the volume of nervous tissue but there are about 5 times as many neuroglia as neurons.", "- The Parts of Cells: Help and Review. 1 Endocytosis and Exocytosis Across the Cell Membrane 8:01. 2 Chloroplast Structure: Chlorophyll, Stroma, Thylakoid, and Grana 3:20. 3 Plant Cell Structures: The Cell Wall and Central Vacuole 5:26. 4 Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells: Similarities and Differences 7:18.", "- RNA plays a central role in the pathway from DNA to proteins, known as the Central Dogma of molecular biology. An organism's genetic information is encoded as a linear sequence of bases in the cell's DNA. During the process known as transcription, a RNA copy of a segment of DNA, or messenger RNA (mRNA), is made. This strand of RNA can then be read by a ribosome to form a protein. RNAs also play important roles in protein synthesis, as will be discussed in the ribozyme section, as well as in gene regulation.", "Neuroglial cells _neurons Neuroglial cells _neurons. 1 1. Neurons & Neuroglial Cells Chapter 9: Nervous System Unit 3: Integration and Coordination. 2 2. Neuroglial Cells <ul><li>Neuroglial Cells fill spaces, provide structural framework, produce myelin, and carry on phagocytosis. 3 3. Neuroglial Cells <ul><ul><li>In the CNS, these cells greatly outnumber neurons. </li></ul></ul><ul><ul><ul><li>There are four major types of CNS neuroglial cells: </li></ul></ul></ul><ul><ul><ul><ul><li>-Astrocytes </li></ul></ul></ul></ul><ul><ul><ul><ul><li>-Ependymal Cells </li></ul></ul></ul></ul><ul><ul><ul><ul><li>-Microglial Cells (microglia) </li></ul></ul></ul></ul><ul><ul><ul><ul><li>-Oligodendrocytes </li></ul></ul></ul></ul>", "Retina horizontal cell Horizontal cells are the laterally interconnecting neurons having cell bodies in the inner nuclear layer of the retina of vertebrate eyes.orizontal cells are the laterally interconnecting neurons having cell bodies in the inner nuclear layer of the retina of vertebrate eyes.", "- 1 Bone marrow: the tissue in the middle of bones that creates red and white blood cells 2 ... Compact bone: the heaviest, hardest type of bone in the body. 3 Lining cell: flat cells that make up and cover the outer layer of bone. 4 Marrow: a soft tissue found inside bones.", "- mRNA is transcribed in the nucleus and then enters the cytoplasm for translation. a ribosome attaches to an mRNA molecule in the cytoplasm As the ribosome reads each codon of mRNA, it directs tRNA to bring the specified amino acid into the ribosome the ribosome then attaches each amino acid to the growing chain.", "B cell In birds, B cells mature in the bursa of Fabricius (the “B” from B cells comes from the name of this organ). B cells, unlike the other 2 classes of lymphocytes, T cells and natural killer cells, express B cell receptors (BCRs) on their cell membrane.BCRs allow the B cell to bind a specific antigen, against which it will initiate an antibody response.hey function in the humoral immunity component of the adaptive immune system by secreting antibodies. Additionally, B cells present antigen (they are also classified as professional antigen-presenting cells (APCs)) and secrete cytokines.", "- View Full Document. ANS: A The function of oligodendroglia (oligodendrocytes) is to deposit myelin within the central ner- vous system (CNS). Oligodendroglia are the CNS counterpart of Schwann cells. The remain- ing options are not reflective of the common function of these structures. PTS: 1 REF: Pages 449-450 6.", "Muscle Cell Types One commonality between skeletal and cardiac muscle is the presence of striations due to the arrangement of actin and myosin into regular myofibrils. The presence of myofibrils and many mitochondria in cardiac muscle cells provides them with great strength and endurance to pump blood throughout an entire lifetime. Visceral muscle cells are found in the organs, blood vessels, and bronchioles of the body to move substances throughout the body.", "Transcription (biology) Only one of the two DNA strands serve as a template for transcription. The antisense strand of DNA is read by RNA polymerase from the 3' end to the 5' end during transcription (3' → 5'). The complementary RNA is created in the opposite direction, in the 5' → 3' direction, matching the sequence of the sense strand with the exception of switching uracil for thymine.", "Mature B-Cells ( PrB) B cells are one of the two main types of lymphocytes. As opposed to T cells, B cells play a pivotal role in the humoral immune response, which is an antibody-mediated immune response. Each B-cell receptor (BCR) which sits on their cell surface, is specific for a particular antigen. The mature B cell expresses both the IgM and the IgD. The BCR is critical for B cell function, toward production of antibodies, as well as for their functioning as antigen-presenting cells (APCs)." ]
[ 13.5 ]
[ 10.3125, 5.65234375, 2.5234375, 3.2265625, 11.671875, 8.9921875, 3.029296875, 2.47265625, 2.451171875, 3.615234375, 5.99609375, 10.28125, 4.14453125, 3.306640625, 4.6796875, 3.90625, 5.26953125, 4.203125, 4.7734375, 6.18359375, 12.4609375, 3.12890625, 1.7568359375, 7.140625, 12.453125, 3.728515625, 2.0390625, 4.1640625, 10.875, 4.1640625 ]
definition wind energy
[ "- Wind Energy. Wind energy is energy collected from motion caused by heavy winds. Wind energy is collected in turbines with propellers that spin when the wind blows and turn the motion of the propeller into energy that can be used in the electrical grid.Wind energy is a clean, renewable energy source that is abundant in windy areas.ind energy is collected in turbines with propellers that spin when the wind blows and turn the motion of the propeller into energy that can be used in the electrical grid. Wind energy is a clean, renewable energy source that is abundant in windy areas." ]
[ "How Do Wind Turbines Work? The terms wind energy or wind power describe the process by which the wind is used to generate mechanical power or electricity. Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy in the wind into mechanical power.This mechanical power can be used for specific tasks (such as grinding grain or pumping water) or a generator can convert this mechanical power into electricity to power homes, businesses, schools, and the like.ind is a form of solar energy. Winds are caused by the uneven heating of the atmosphere by the sun, the irregularities of the earth's surface, and rotation of the earth. Wind flow patterns are modified by the earth's terrain, bodies of water, and vegetative cover.", "wind [noncount] : the ability to breathe normally. I needed to rest to get my wind back after the climb. [=to stop breathing hard and begin to breathe normally] The fall knocked the wind out of me. [=knocked the air out of my lungs and made me unable to breathe normally for a brief time] [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples.", "- Renewable energy is energy that is collected from renewable resources, which are naturally replenished on a human timescale, such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat.", "- noun. Electrical energy is defined as an electric charge that lets work be accomplished. An example of electrical energy is power from a plug outlet.", "nuclear energy energy. power that may be translated into motion, overcoming resistance, or effecting physical change; the ability to do work. Energy assumes several forms; it may be thermal (in the form of heat), electrical, mechanical, chemical, radiant or kinetic. In doing work, the energy is changed from one form to another or to several forms. In these changes some of the energy is 'lost' in the sense that it cannot be recaptured and used again.", "renewable energy renewable energy. 1. any naturally occurring, theoretically inexhaustible source of energy, as biomass, solar, wind, tidal, wave, and hydroelectric power, that is not derived from fossil or nuclear fuel. Also called soft energy.", "Wind Power Wind is the movement of air from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure. In fact, wind exists because the sun unevenly heats the surface of the Earth. As hot air rises, cooler air moves in to fill the void. As long as the sun shines, the wind will blow.", "- Define radiant energy. radiant energy synonyms, radiant energy pronunciation, radiant energy translation, English dictionary definition of radiant energy. n. Energy transferred by radiation, especially by an electromagnetic wave. n energy that is emitted or propagated in the form of particles or... Radiant energy - definition of radiant energy by The Free Dictionary", "Wind power Wind power is extracted from air flow using wind turbines or sails to produce mechanical or electrical power. Windmills are used for their mechanical power, windpumps for water pumping, and sails to propel ships.ind farms consist of many individual wind turbines which are connected to the electric power transmission network. Onshore wind is an inexpensive source of electricity, competitive with or in many places cheaper than coal or gas plants.", "Wind power Wind power as an alternative to fossil fuels, is plentiful, renewable, widely distributed, clean, produces no greenhouse gas emissions during operation, and uses little land. The net effects on the environment are far less problematic than those of nonrenewable power sources.", "sound sound energy definition, sound energy meaning | English dictionary. [. a a periodic disturbance in the pressure or density of a fluid or in the elastic strain of a solid, produced by a vibrating object. 15 copula to give the impression of being as specified when read, heard, etc.", "- Potential energy is the energy of an object by virtue of it position.. Explanation: Ye let me make it clearer you must have heard of sentences like 'use your potential' , well it is also related to physics that is potential is the energy of the object by virtue of its position.", "- The energy of wind converted into useful form (usually electric current) is called wind energy. Wind energy is a Renewable energy source.", "How Do Wind Turbines Work? The terms wind energy or wind power describe the process by which the wind is used to generate mechanical power or electricity. Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy in the wind into mechanical power.imply stated, a wind turbine works the opposite of a fan. Instead of using electricity to make wind, like a fan, wind turbines use wind to make electricity.", "Fossil Fuels vs. Renewable Energy Resources Wind energy is actually a form of solar energy. Wind is formed from the heating and cooling of the atmosphere, which causes air and air layers to rise and fall and move over each other. This movement results in wind currents.", "- solar energy definition. The energy the Earth receives from the sun, primarily as visible light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation. (See renewable resource.) Note: The term solar energy often refers to processes that use this energy to generate heat or electricity for human use.", "- wind noun (CURRENT OF AIR). A1 [C or U] a ​current of ​air ​moving ​approximately horizontally, ​especially one ​strong enough to be ​felt: There isn't enough wind to ​fly a ​kite. The ​forecast ​warned of winds of up to 60 ​miles an ​hour today.", "Renewable Energy Definition Renewable Energy Definition. Wind power is a form of renewable energy. The definition of renewable energy is much debated since the terms and definitions people choose have huge impacts on policy and regulations.People have been using renewable energy of one sort or another for hundreds of years.he definition of renewable energy is much debated since the terms and definitions people choose have huge impacts on policy and regulations. People have been using renewable energy of one sort or another for hundreds of years.", "Potential Energy Go Back. F in the definition of potential energy is the force exerted by the force field, e.g., gravity, spring force, etc. The potential energy U is equal to the work you must do against that force to move an object from the U=0 reference point to the position r.", "- The energy of wind converted into useful form (usually electric current) is called wind energy. Wind energy is a Renewable energy source.Once used can be replaced. Example: Windmill It is a machine which converts the energy of wind to rotational energy with the help of large blades attached to it.he energy of wind converted into useful form (usually electric current) is called wind energy. Wind energy is a Renewable energy source.", "energy In physics, the ability to do work. Objects can have energy by virtue of their motion (kinetic energy), by virtue of their position (potential energy), or by virtue of their mass (see E = mc2).", "- energy definition. In physics, the ability to do work. Objects can have energy by virtue of their motion (kinetic energy), by virtue of their position (potential energy), or by virtue of their mass (see E = mc2).", "wind turbine wind turbine - a turbine that is driven by the wind. turbine - rotary engine in which the kinetic energy of a moving fluid is converted into mechanical energy by causing a bladed rotor to rotate. wind energy facility, wind farm, wind park - a power plant that uses wind turbines to generate electricity.", "- Wind power captures the natural wind in our atmosphere and converts it into mechanical energy then electricity. People started using wind power centuries ago with windmills, which pumped water, ground grain, and did other work.Today's wind turbine is a highly evolved version of a windmill.ow wind energy works. When wind blows past a turbine, the blades capture the energy and rotate. This rotation triggers an internal shaft to spin, which is connected to a gearbox increasing the speed of rotation, which is connect to a generator that ultimately produces electricity.", "- The definition of energy. An easy to understand energy definition. Energy is the ability to make something happen. Science and technology education from FT Exploring.he definition of energy. An easy to understand energy definition. Energy is the ability to make something happen. Science and technology education from FT Exploring.", "- Radiant energy is energy that travels by waves or particles, particularly electromagnetic radiation such as heat or x-rays. An example of radiant energy is the source of energy used in radiation therapy. energy traveling in waves; esp., electromagnetic radiation, as heat, light, or X-rays. noun.", "Wind Energy Examples Wind energy can be harnessed to produce power in a variety of forms. The wind can power mechanical assemblies that grind grain, pump water, generate electricity, and more.From the first wind energy assemblies of 200 BC to the massive wind farms of today, wind energy is one of the oldest sources of intentional power and energy humans have used..Wind Farms. Wind farms are stretches of open land that often see very high winds. These open stretches of land are also often uninhabited by people, making them ideally suited to the large turbines on top of several stories high towers.", "wind power Part of the Electronics glossary: Wind power is the kinetic energy of wind, harnessed and redirected to perform a task mechanically or to generate electrical power.Sailing and similar activities are among the simplest, oldest and most direct applications of wind power.art of the Electronics glossary: Wind power is the kinetic energy of wind, harnessed and redirected to perform a task mechanically or to generate electrical power. Sailing and similar activities are among the simplest, oldest and most direct applications of wind power.", "energy A runner needs a lot of energy. noun. Energy is defined as the capacity for activity or the exertion of power. An example of energy is a person being able to run five miles just after waking up. An example of energy is what is created by a wind turbine. energy. pl. energy.", "- What Is Wind Energy? Wind is simply air in motion. Winds are created by the sun's uneven heating of the atmosphere in combination with the irregular surface of the earth and the earth's rotation. These winds can be harvested using wind turbines and used to make electricity. The force of the wind makes the wind turbine blades spin, and the energy of this motion is converted into electricity by a generator. See a brief wind turbine animation on DOE's Energy Basics Web site. Wind energy is a free, renewable resource. Its use does not affect its future supply. How Can We Use Energy from the Wind? Wind turbines can convert the energy in the wind into mechanical power that can be used for a variety of activities like pumping water. Wind turbines can also use generators to convert wind energy into electricity." ]
[ 13.7109375 ]
[ 11.5625, 5.484375, 10.9140625, 4.87109375, 5.55078125, 9.46875, 10.4609375, 1.390625, 11.2421875, 10.8359375, 4.32421875, 1.9951171875, 14.4140625, 10.6875, 11.5078125, 6.96484375, 8.765625, 10.6328125, 2.75390625, 12.96875, 5.55859375, 6.83203125, 12.109375, 8.9765625, 6.40234375, 3.005859375, 8.5234375, 12.25, 8.0625, 12.875 ]
what do the russian dolls represent
[ "- Definition: A matryoshka (plural: matryoshki) is a Russian nesting doll. Nesting dolls are often used as symbols of Russian culture, but matryoshka dolls have their origins in similar dolls made in Japan. Matryoshka dolls are popular souvenirs." ]
[ "Martenitsa A Martenitsa (Bulgarian: мартеница, pronounced [ˈmartɛnit͡sa], Macedonian: мартинка, Greek: μάρτης, Romanian: mărțișor) is a small piece of adornment, made of white and red yarn and usually in the form of two dolls, a male and a female.", "- The following encyclopedic glossary contains 86 Russian female names historically used by Doukhobor women in 19th century Russia and 20th century Canada. Each entry includes the transliterated English spelling, original Cyrillic spelling, pronunciation, name meaning and history, along with many common diminutive forms of each name. Use this glossary to learn about all aspects of the personal names of your Russian female ancestors.", "Lord of the Flies/Symbolism The Conch . Piggy and Ralph first find the conch in Chapter 1. It represents civilization and democracy. Ralph first blows the conch to call all the other boys on the island together to form a civilization. All the boys then vote him as the leader because he called them together and they all see Jack as an unattractive threat.", "Matryoshka Doll Background. The matryoshka doll is a symbol of Russia and its culture. It is truly a doll—a child's plaything—but it began its history just over 100 years ago as a highly collectible art form. The matryoshka doll (or, simply, the matryoshka) is a nested doll with two halves that can be pulled apart.", "The Russian Family and Marriage Russian families are large and friendly. The meaning of the family in Russia is not limited to the husband, wife and children.It stretches to include grandparents, aunts and uncles, brothers, sisters, nephews and nieces.ussian families are large and friendly. The meaning of the family in Russia is not limited to the husband, wife and children.", "Butterfly Gardens Gifts In one of the Russian dialects, butterflies are referred to as dushuchka which is a derivative of the word dusha also meaning soul. There is also an Irish saying that refers to the symbolic meaning of butterflies.This saying is: Butterflies are souls of the dead waiting to pass through purgatory. There is a small town in Mexico that also associate butterflies with souls. There are many links with butterflies in mythology from all over the world, many of which, in particular Greek mythology, link butterflies to the human soul. The Ancient Greeks also considered butterflies as the souls of those who had passed away.", "Pictureof the Russian flag There is no official meaning of the colors of the flag. But some people interpret the three colors of the Russian flag as follows: White-symbolizes nobleness, honor, freedom; Blue-faith, truth, it's the color of God's Mother; Red color-means courage, bravery, love, and it's also a symbol of great power statehood.", "\"What do marigolds represent in the story \"\"Marigolds\"\"?\" Best Answer: From Wikipedia: Lizabeth, the tomboyish main character, narrator and protagonist, tells this story from her childhood. The leader of her group of friends, Lizabeth takes part in throwing stones at Miss Lottie's flowerbed of marigolds. Miss Lottie is the town outcast, and frustrating her is a common pastime for the children of the town. In their Depression-era town, her marigolds are described as one of the only spots of amazing vibrant colors. The Marigolds and Miss Lottie seems to confuse and amuse the children at the same time. Later that evening, Lizabeth overhears her unemployed father sobbing to his wife of his frustration and anger in not being able to provide for his family.", "Symbols and their meaning: the dove The symbolism of the dove is found throughout most of the histories, cultures and religions. Its origins are very old. Since ancient times, doves were offered in sacrifice to goddesses of love, such Aphrodite and Astarte (Venus to the Romans). Venus is very often represented with the bird.", "What Do the Colors on the Russian Flag Represent? The Russian flag has three equal horizontal fields with white at the top, blue in the middle and red at the bottom. While there is no official explanation for the meaning of the colors, some believe that white stands for generosity, blue for loyalty and red for courage. Views.", "- A matryoshka doll (Russian: матрёшка; [mɐˈtrʲɵʂkə]. , matreška), matrëška also known as A russian nesting, doll Or russian, doll refers to a set of wooden dolls of decreasing size placed one inside. another", "What Does the Pearl Symbolize? What does a white rose signify? A: According to ProFlowers, a white rose signifies innocence and purity. The site states that roses symbolize hope for the future and respect and homage for a... Full Answer >", "Kachina Dolls Hopi Kachina Dolls. The Hopi tribe is one of the most respected and revered groups of people in the American Southwest. The translation of the word Hopi is believed to mean a person who behaves in a peaceful way.Throughout history, Hopi tribes' people have also made some of the most beautiful and intricate Kachina dolls.Today's Hopi Kachina dolls pay homage to the artistry and creativity that has been handed down for generations.We carry the finest Hopi Kachinas in the world.hroughout history, Hopi tribes' people have also made some of the most beautiful and intricate Kachina dolls. Today's Hopi Kachina dolls pay homage to the artistry and creativity that has been handed down for generations. We carry the finest Hopi Kachinas in the world.", "What Does A Dove Mean Or Represent In The Bible? The dove then is a symbol of the Holy Spirit and like a dove He represents peace like when a believer receives the Holy Spirit and is born again and then they have the peace of God on them (Rom 5:1) and are then at peace with God.", "What do the colors of the Russian flag symbolize? While there are several theories as to the origin and reason for the choice of white, blue and red for the colours, none is currently accepted as universally correct. There is no official meaning assigned to the colours in Russian laws.", "- Quick Answer. Turtle doves symbolize love and faithfulness because they mate for life, work together to build nests and raise their young together. They are immortalized in literary and poetic works, such as the Old Testament, and artists like Shakespeare, Edmund Spenser and Buddy Holly. Continue Reading.", "The Strange Case of Russian Nationalism Therein lies the curious character of Russian nationalism in this early new century: largely porous in respect of majority-minority relations (except in a few spheres of public life), but strongly identifying with, and committed to, the defence of the entirety of the territory of Russia.", "What does a rose symbolize? Roses are ancient symbols of love and beauty. Rose means pink or red in a variety of languages (such as the Romance languages and Greek).", "Symbolism is the rich and beautiful language of the Spirit....... Symbolism is the rich and beautiful language of the Spirit....... White doves are symbolic of new beginnings, peace, fidelity, love, luck and prosperity. Their release is a tradition that has been making ceremonies, rituals and celebrations more powerful and meaningful for thousands of years. Releasing doves uplifts the eyes, signifies new beginnings and true celebrations in flight.", "Matryoshka Nesting Dolls: Meaning of Russian Wooden Stacking Doll In 1890, the first Matryoshka doll was designed and painted by Sergey Malyutin and carved from wood by Vasily Zvyozdochkin. Malyutin and Zvyozdochkin were both Russian folk artists living under the patronage of the wealthy industrialist Savva Mamontov on the renowned Abramtsevo estate.", "Flag of Russia 3 responses to “Flag of Russia”. 1 I want to see a map of Russia today please. 2 The flashing advertisement is making me dizzy I won’t be returning to this site. The ad remains on and flashing after it has been X’d. 3 white stripe represents ice covered northern part of Russia. blue stripe represents the Czar and his royal family.", "National Flag of Russia Russian Flag Meaning: The design of the Russian flag is based on the flag of the Netherlands. The Russian flag has also inspired the flags of many Slavic nations of Europe, and the colors are often referred to as the pan-Slavic colors. They have come to represent Slavic independence and unity.", "What does Chinadoll mean? doll from China or porcelain doll? the origin or the material? The first answer is correct, up to the point about it being a compliment, often prostitutes are called China Dolls. That is, in china at least. Porcelain Dolls made in Asia (not only china) are always called China Dolls because the idea originated from china.s the saying goes beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Hence the phrase China Doll. This would be a small petite beautiful lady in the persons eyes. This phrase has been used for most Asian women not just China as it started out being. Source(s): I have heard this phrase used most all of my life.", "What do the colors of the Russian flag symbolize? It is still fighting wars, but it hasn't expanded forcefully. You may say that it annexed Crimea, but the Crimean government decided to join Russia (Not sure if that is true). If you think that is wrong, Russia was peaceful until the Red Army happened. Also, it could also mean the cold winters White means peace and winter Blue: It is a huge country, bordering 2 oceans and lots of seas. The blue represents water, which is interesting.", "- A matryoshka doll (Russian: матрёшка; [mɐˈtrʲɵʂkə]. , matreška), matrëška also known as A russian nesting, doll Or russian, doll refers to a set of wooden dolls of decreasing size placed one inside. anotheruch of the artistry is in the painting of each doll, which can be very elaborate. The dolls often follow a theme; the themes may vary, from fairy tale characters to Soviet leaders. The matryoshka dolls are often referred to as babushka dolls, babushka meaning grandmother or elderly woman.", "Matryoshka Nesting Dolls: Meaning of Russian Wooden Stacking Doll Russian Matryoshka Doll Meaning. What is the meaning behind the Russian Matryoshka doll in particular? In Russian, the word matryoshka literally means little matron and is also a familiar shortening of the common name Matryona or Matriosha, popular names among the female peasantry of old Russia. Motherhood, family and fertility all influence the meaning and significance of the Russian nested doll.", "doll (also dolly) A conventionally pretty and shapely young woman, esp a curly, blue-eyed blonde, whose function is to elevate the status of a male and to inspire general lust; babe, baby doll, bimbo: If a blonde girl doesn't talk we call her a doll/ the subservient dolly without a thought in her head (1860+)", "What does Mount Rushmore symbolize? The purpose of the memorial is to communicate the founding, expansion, preservation, and unification of the United States with colossal statues of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt. Gutzon Borglum Mount Rushmore has been said to symbolize the greatness of the nation through the greatness of its leaders, American freedom, ...", "Matryoshka Nesting Dolls: Meaning of Russian Wooden Stacking Doll What is the meaning of the Matryoshka stacking nesting doll from Russia? Typically painted to look like a traditional Russian woman or babushka, these wooden stackable dolls are a very popular Russian souvenir and over time have even become a symbol of the Eastern European country itself.", "Sacred Roses: The Spiritual Symbolism of the Rose The strong, sweet scent of a rose brings to mind the powerful sweetness of love, which is the essence of God. So it's not surprising that many miracles and encounters with angels throughout history have involved roses." ]
[ 13.6015625 ]
[ 3.365234375, 0.63232421875, 0.213623046875, 14.015625, 7.1875, 1.45703125, 4.83203125, -1.3603515625, 1.0126953125, 7.2265625, 12.8125, 2.767578125, 3.216796875, 2.15234375, 3.99609375, 1.5458984375, 3.28125, 1.1884765625, 1.138671875, 10.625, 3.607421875, 5.55859375, 2.501953125, 4.20703125, 13.78125, 14.0390625, 3.162109375, 1.521484375, 13.21875, -0.485595703125 ]
what does a ct scan show in the knee
[ "In words: CT scans can be used to detect cysts or infections in the body. They can also identify the bone structures within the body and can accurately measure the density of bone. A CT scan is often used to quickly inspect a patient after an accident in order to identify traumatic internal injuries. A Leg CT scan may help diagnose (find): A CT scan of the leg can diagnose a broken or fractured bone or bone infection. It can also find bone tumors or masses, including cancer. The test can help find the cause of pain or other problems in the foot, ankle or knee joints. A leg CT scan may help find a blood clot in the leg as well." ]
[ "What Is a Helical CT Scan? A computed tomography (CT) scan is an imaging technique that shows virtually everything inside the body, including bones, soft tissue, and blood vessels with a single scan. Images from a conventional scan are two-dimensional slices and are produced by combining x-rays taken from a number of different angles.", "What are some features that help distinguish a picture of a CT scan from a picture of an MRI scan? A CT scan can reveal a tumor in the abdomen, and any swelling or inflammation in nearby internal organs. It can show any lacerations of the spleen, kidneys, or liver. As a CT scan detects abnormal tissue, it is useful for planning areas for radiotherapy and biopsies, and it can provide valuable data on blood flow and other vascular conditions.", "Abdominal CT Scan A CT scan is a type of X-ray that can show cross-sectional images of a specific area of the body. The machine circles the body and sends the images to a computer, where they are viewed by a technician.", "CT Scan (Computerized Tomography, CAT Scan) Computerized tomography is more commonly known by its abbreviated names, CT scan or CAT scan. A CT scan is used to define normal and abnormal structures in the body and/or assist in procedures by helping to accurately guide the placement of instruments or treatments. A large donut-shaped X-ray machine or scanner takes X-ray images at many different angles around the body.", "In words: CT scans can be used to detect cysts or infections in the body. They can also identify the bone structures within the body and can accurately measure the density of bone. A CT scan is often used to quickly inspect a patient after an accident in order to identify traumatic internal injuries. A Cervical Spine and Neck CT scan may help diagnose (find): A cervical spine and neck CT scan can help doctors identify herniated discs as well as broken bones. CT scans of the cervical spine can diagnose bone diseases by measuring the bone density including arthritis or osteoporosis. A CT scan of the cervical spine may be requested for a child in order to find birth defects of the spine.", "CT scan The subject receives an intravenous injection of radiocontrast and then the heart is scanned using a high speed CT scanner, allowing radiologists to assess the extent of occlusion in the coronary arteries, usually in order to diagnose coronary artery disease. Coronary CT calcium scan: also used for the assessment of severity of coronary artery disease. Specifically, it looks for calcium deposits in the coronary arteries that can narrow arteries and increase the risk of heart attack.", "CT scan CT scan. A computed tomography (CT) scan is an imaging method that uses x-rays to create pictures of cross-sections of the body. How the Test is Performed. You will be asked to lie on a narrow table that slides into the center of the CT scanner. Once you are inside the scanner, the machine's x-ray beam rotates around you.", "In words: Reasons for a Cervical Spine and Neck CT scan: CT scans are used for a multitude of reasons. They may be done to check for certain cancers in various different ways including to detect abnormal tumors, growths or lumps. They also identify the location of tumors, the stage of cancer, and where to perform a biopsy.", "- A CT scan is a computerized axial tomographic scan. A CT scan uses special X-ray equipment to produce an image that is a cross section or a slice of your body.When you are looking at or “reading” a CT scan film, think of the patient like a loaf of bread and the image like one slice from that loaf.his link offers a good overview of CT scans, including information on how this scan is done. Pay special attention to the images presented by this link. The CT scan image of the abdomen offers a great comparison of a traditional X-ray and a CT scan.", "Medical Dictionary The dye makes structures and organs easier to see on the CT pictures. A CT scan can be used to study all parts of your body, such as the chest, belly, pelvis, or an arm or leg. It can take pictures of body organs, such as the liver, pancreas, intestines, kidneys, bladder, adrenal glands, lungs, and heart.It also can study blood vessels, bones, and the spinal cord. computed tomography (CT) scan uses X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body. During the test, you will lie on a table that is attached to the CT scanner, which is a large doughnut-shaped machine. The CT scanner sends X-rays through the body area being studied.", "CT Scan 23. CT stands for computerised tomography. A CT scan, also known as a CAT scan, is a specialised X-ray test. It can give quite clear pictures of the inside of your body. In particular, it can give good pictures of soft tissues of the body which do not show on ordinary X-ray pictures.ther uses of a CT scan include: 1 To detect abnormalities in the body, such as tumours, abscesses, abnormal blood vessels, etc, when they are suspected by symptoms or other tests. 2 To give a surgeon a clear picture of an area of your body before certain types of surgery.", "- A chest computed tomography (to-MOG-ra-fee) scan, or chest CT scan, is a painless, noninvasive test. It creates precise pictures of the structures in your chest, such as your lungs. Noninvasive means that no surgery is done and no instruments are inserted into your body. A chest CT scan is a type of x ray. However, a CT scan's pictures show more detail than pictures from a standard chest x ray. Like other x-ray tests, chest CT scans use a form of energy called ionizing radiation. This energy helps create pictures of the inside of your chest.", "Computed Tomography (CT or CAT) Scan of the Kidney Computed tomography (CT scan or CAT scan) is a noninvasive diagnostic imaging procedure that uses a combination of X-rays and computer technology to produce horizontal, or axial, images (often called slices) of the body.our doctor will notify you of this prior to the procedure. CT scans of the chest can provide more detailed information about organs and structures inside the chest than standard X-rays of the chest, thus providing more information related to injuries and/or diseases of the chest (thoracic) organs.", "How to interpret CT scans of your lung A CT scan makes mirror images. The right side of the lung is on the left side on the picture. The clear white stripes, branches and spots are blood vessels. To see the difference between a blood vessel and a nodule you must scroll the pictures in the viewer frequently up and down many times.he following pictures show different lung scans from various ACC patients with lung metastases (focal rounded pulmonary opacities also called nodules or lesions). Most pictures are taken from a CT scan where a contrast agent was used.", "CT scan What a CT scan is. A CT scan (or CAT scan) takes a series of X-rays of the body from different angles. A computer puts the X-rays together to form a picture.CT scans can show up where a tumour is in the body and how big it is. CT scan (or CAT scan) takes a series of X-rays of the body from different angles. A computer puts the X-rays together to form a picture.", "Cranial CT Scan Reasons for a cranial CT scan. The pictures created by a cranial CT scan are far more detailed than regular X-rays. They can help diagnose a range of conditions, including: abnormalities of the bones of your skull. arteriovenous malformation, or abnormal blood vessels. atrophy of brain tissue. birth defects. brain aneurysm.", "Medical Dictionary 1 Abdomen. 2 A CT scan of the abdomen can find cysts, abscesses, infection, tumors, an aneurysm, enlarged lymph nodes, foreign objects, bleeding in the belly, diverticulitis, inflammatory bowel disease, and appendicitis. 3 Urinary tract. 4 A CT scan of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder is called a CT KUB or CT urogram.", "Coronary CT calcium scan A coronary CT calcium scan is a computed tomography (CT) scan of the heart for the assessment of severity of coronary artery disease. Specifically, it looks for calcium deposits in the coronary arteries that can narrow arteries and increase the risk of heart attack.", "- 1 Would a CT scan show cysts in the brain? If so, would a dr mention them if seen during a brain CT scan after a head injury from a car accident? It would: Ct scans of the brain can provide detailed information about brain pathology, thus providing more information related to injuries and/or diseases of the brain. Findings could bleeding, brain injury and skull fractures in patients with head injuries.", "Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) - Knee MRI of the knee provides detailed images of structures within the knee joint, including bones, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, muscles and blood vessels, from many angles. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a noninvasive medical test that physicians use to diagnose and treat medical conditions.RI of the knee provides detailed images of structures within the knee joint, including bones, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, muscles and blood vessels, from many angles. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a noninvasive medical test that physicians use to diagnose and treat medical conditions.", "Brain AVM (arteriovenous malformation) A CT scan can be used to visualize nearly all parts of the body and is used to diagnose disease or injury as well as to plan medical, surgical or radiation treatment. 1 Why it's done.", "- Doctors use CT scans to look for. 1 Broken bones. 2 Cancers. 3 Blood clots. 4 Signs of heart disease. 5 Internal bleeding.", "What Is a CT Scan? A computed tomography (CT or CAT) scan allows doctors to see inside your body. It uses a combination of X-rays and a computer to create pictures of your organs, bones, and other tissues. It shows more detail than a regular X-ray. You can get a CT scan on any part of your body.", "- The CT scan may also be called a neck CT scan. Reasons for a Cervical Spine and Neck CT scan: CT scans are used for a multitude of reasons. They may be done to check for certain cancers in various different ways including to detect abnormal tumors, growths or lumps.", "Computed Tomography Scan (CT Scan) CT Scan for Knee Ligament Injury. Computed tomography scan (CT or CAT scan) is a non-invasive diagnostic imaging procedure that uses a combination of special X-ray equipment and sophisticated computer technology to produce cross-sectional images (often called slices), both horizontally and vertically, of the body.", "Diagnosing neck or back pain with a CT scan Another feature that sets a CT scan apart from a regular X-ray is its ability to use injected contrast dye to see soft tissues, such as intervertebral discs and blood vessels. A CT scan that incorporates contrast is an excellent way to visualize a herniated disc or spinal fracture.", "CT Scan (CAT Scan, Computerized Axial Tomography) 1 CT scans are frequently used to evaluate the brain, neck, spine, chest, abdomen, pelvis, and sinuses. 2 CT is a commonly performed procedure. 3 Scanners are found not only in hospital X-ray departments, but also in outpatient offices.", "Knee effusion An X-ray is useful to verify that there is no break or dislocation when there is a history of trauma and may show signs of osteoarthritis. An MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) detects abnormalities of the bone or knee joint, such as a tear in the ligaments, tendons or cartilage.", "- A computerized tomography (CT) scan combines a series of X-ray images taken from different angles and uses computer processing to create cross-sectional images, or slices, of the bones, blood vessels and soft tissues inside your body.", "CT Scan (Computerized Tomography, CAT Scan) The body is seen on CT scan slices in a similar fashion from the skin to the central part of the body being examined. When these levels are further added together, a three-dimensional picture of an organ or abnormal body structure can be obtained." ]
[ 13.6171875 ]
[ 9.9921875, 7.796875, 8.65625, 8.7265625, 7.35546875, 6.21484375, 9.6796875, 6.515625, 7.80078125, 9.1015625, 8.9453125, 7.2578125, 8.6796875, 5.28125, 9.7265625, 6.07421875, 8.0390625, 5.80078125, 6.30078125, 9.578125, 8.890625, 9.8515625, 9.53125, 6.8125, 14.546875, 6.6640625, 8.0078125, 8.375, 10.0390625, 7.51171875 ]
vanity url definition
[ "Vanity Domain Definition - What does Vanity Domain mean? Vanity domain refers to a URL or domain name on the Internet that is personalized or created for the purpose of representing an individual or, in some cases, a business or group. Some people use the term vanity domain to refer only to domain names created for individuals, while others may extend the term to refer to corporate branded domains." ]
[ "- ( URLs plural ) A URL is an address that shows where a particular page can be found on the World Wide Web. URL is an abbreviation for `Uniform Resource Locator'. The URL for the Lonely Planet travel centre is http://www.lonelyplanet.com.", "virtue Virtue is the quality of being morally good. If you're writing a screenplay and you want it to be a real tearjerker, make sure your hero is full of virtue. The word virtue comes from the Latin root vir, for man. At first virtue meant manliness or valor, but over time it settled into the sense of moral excellence.", "- Emeasoba George: Vain glory/vanity is nothing else than excessive pride/regard/trust/hope/admiration/dependence in your/one's riches/wealth/social status/family background/qualification/beauty/handsomeness & stuffs like that. Oh! Yes, That's just what vain glory/vanity is all about.", "- Meno provides three. definitions for virtue during the course of the dialogue: (1) He lists instances of virtuous conduct for men, women, children and so on. For. example, the virtue of a man is to manage his public affairs. Meno adds that there exists a. virtue for every action, age and occasion [71e-72]. (2) The ability to rule over people is the virtue common to all [73d]. (3) Virtue is to desire beautiful things and have the power to acquire them [77b].", "- If you’re a real web addict you’ll be sitting at your computer waiting for the clock to strike 12:01 AM Eastern Time. That’s when Facebook’s new vanity URLs are going to go live, and the landrush to get one will begin. And it’s going to be a landrush because it’s a first-come, first-serve basis, as Facebook writes today.", "- Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 virility(Noun) The state of being virile. 2 virility(Noun) Manly character. 3 virility(Noun) The ability to procreate.", "- verity noun. › [U] the ​quality of being ​true: In the ​film, he ​plays a ​spy whose ​mission is to ​confirm the verity of a ​secret ​military ​document. › [C] a ​belief, ​idea, or ​principle that is ​generally ​accepted as being ​true: She has ​spent her ​life in a ​search for ​eternal/​scientific/​universal verities.", "- exists and is an alternate of. Merge this question into. Split and merge into it. Answer by D4est. Confidence votes 40.5K. Considered vulgar, the word can represent either a slang word for a formed section of feces, or it is used to refer to a person who is obnoxious or contemptible.", "vulgarity Learner's definition of VULGARITY. 1. [noncount] : the quality or state of not having good taste, manners, politeness, etc. a comedian known for her vulgarity. I was shocked by the vulgarity of his language.", "- Definition of VAINGLORY. 1. : excessive or ostentatious pride especially in one's achievements.", "- noun, plural dignities. 1. bearing, conduct, or speech indicative of self-respect or appreciation of the formality or gravity of an occasion or situation. 2. nobility or elevation of character; worthiness: dignity of sentiments. 3. elevated rank, office, station, etc. 4. relative standing; rank.", "- Quick definition: visual rhetoric is a form of communication that uses images to create meaning or construct an argument. Here's an example: Many prospective college students visit university websites when trying to decide on a shortlist of colleges that they will apply to.ou may have visited the Stanford website for this very reason, probably looking at the Introduction to Stanford created for prospective students. This in itself is a deftly crafted piece of visual rhetoric.", "- Report Abuse. 1. exuberant physical strength or mental vigor: a person of great vitality. 2. capacity for survival or for the continuation of a meaningful or purposeful existence: the vitality of an institution.3. power to live or grow: the vitality of a language.4. vital force or principle.eport Abuse. 1. exuberant physical strength or mental vigor: a person of great vitality. 2. capacity for survival or for the continuation of a meaningful or purposeful existence: the vitality of an institution.", "How To Set Up The Vanity Url For Your Facebook Fan Page In order to set the Facebook vanity url for your fan page, there are several things which need to be in place first. 1 You need to be admin of the page in question. 2 It seems you also may need a verified account. 3 You need to know which name you want for that page. Because once you have set it, you can never change it.", "- Dignity is defined as the personal quality of being worthy of honor. An example of dignity is the respect paid to an elder member in the family. pl. -·ties. 1 the quality of being worthy of esteem or honor; worthiness. 2 high repute; honor. 3 the degree of worth, repute, or honor. a high position, rank, or title.", "What is vanity publishing? Vanity publishing is another form of self publishing. With little self respect. Here is how it works. You're a newbie writer and wrote some piece of shit. no sane publisher is ready to publicise it.", "Definitions &Translations Freebase(1.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: Vulgarity is the quality of being common, coarse, or unrefined. This judgement may refer to language, visual art, social classes, or social climbers.", "Ecclesiastes 1 The Vanity of Wisdom. I the Preacher have been king over Israel in Jerusalem. And I applied my heart to seek and to search out by wisdom all that is done under heaven. It is an unhappy business that God has given to the children of man to be busy with. I have seen everything that is done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and a striving after wind. and what is lacking cannot be counted.", "Biography Overview (4) Vanity was a glamorous Canadian model and lead singer of the all-girl group Vanity 6. She specialized in playing sultry female characters often in trouble with the law. Vanity was born Denise Katrina Matthews in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, the daughter of Helga Senyk and James Levia Matthews.", "Definitions &Translations Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Profanity. Profanity is a subset of a language's lexicon that is considered by some to be strongly impolite or offensive. It can show a desecration or debasement of someone or something, or show strong or intense emotion.", "SharePoint 2013 Glossary A Web page that a site collection administrator has designated as more relevant than other Web pages. This is typically the URL of the home page for the intranet of an organization. The higher the authority level assigned to a page, the higher the page appears in search results. Also referred to as authoritative page.", "- Learner's definition of VITALITY. [noncount] 1. : a lively or energetic quality. the vitality of youth. A shopping district would bring new vitality [=life] to the downtown area. Her prose is full of vitality. His performance lacked vitality.", "Singular Nouns Starting with D Definition of dignitary. plural. dignitaries. : one who possesses exalted rank or holds a position of dignity or honor.", "vanity 1. excessive pride in oneself or one's appearance; character or quality of being vain. 2. an instance of this quality or feeling. 3. something about which one is vain. 4. lack of real value; worthlessness.", "vanity 1 A man who shows me his wealth is like the beggar who shows me his poverty; they are both looking for alms … the rich for the alms of envy, the poor man for the alms of my pity —Ben Hecht. My vanity [after hurtful remark] like a newly-felled tree, lies prone and bleeding —Carolyn Kizer.", "virginal Definition of virginal. : a small rectangular spinet having no legs and only one wire to a note and popular in the 16th and 17th centuries —often used in plural —called also pair of virginals.", "vanity He [a man without vanity] would be a very admirable man, a man to be put under a glass case, and shown round as a specimen, a man to be stuck upon a pedestal, and copied like a school exercise —Jerome K. Jerome.", "Virtue Virtue (Latin: virtus, Ancient Greek: ἀρετή arete ) is moral excellence. A virtue is a positive trait or quality deemed to be morally good and thus is valued as a foundation of principle and good moral being. Personal virtues are characteristics valued as promoting collective and individual greatness.", "Virtue Virtue (Latin: virtus, Ancient Greek: ἀρετή arete ) is moral excellence.A virtue is a positive trait or quality deemed to be morally good and thus is valued as a foundation of principle and good moral being. Personal virtues are characteristics valued as promoting collective and individual greatness.he word Virtue itself is derived from the Latin virtus (the personification of which was the deity Virtus), and had connotations of manliness , honour , worthiness of deferential respect, and civic duty as both citizen and soldier.", "- Vanity domain. In the Domain Name System (DNS), a vanity domain is a domain name whose purpose is to express the individuality of the person on whose behalf it is registered. This contrasts with domain names which resolve to an organisation (e.g. a company) or a service that organisation offers." ]
[ 16.53125 ]
[ 7.59765625, -0.62060546875, 5.12890625, -3.5, 9.5234375, -0.0164794921875, 0.280517578125, 0.7998046875, 0.85107421875, 2.703125, 0.44775390625, -2.646484375, 2.08984375, 9.0625, -0.189208984375, 7.19140625, 1.3525390625, 2.916015625, 7.0390625, 0.266357421875, 6.40625, 1.615234375, -1.4423828125, 8.3984375, 4.984375, 0.5341796875, 4.50390625, 0.5048828125, -0.272216796875, 14.7578125 ]
what happens when a rock is heated
[ "How Rocks Change The same thing happens to a rock when it is heated enough. Of course, it takes a lot of heat to melt a rock. The high temperatures required are generally found only deep within the earth. The rock is pulled down by movements in the earth's crust and gets hotter and hotter as it goes deeper." ]
[ "- How rocks respond depends on the type of stress, the rate at which it is applied, and the environmental conditions of the rocks, such as their temperature and depth. Generally, rocks respond to stress in one of two ways: they break, or they bend. When a rock breaks, it is called brittle deformation. Any material that breaks into pieces exhibits brittle behavior. When rocks bend or flow, like clay, it is called ductile deformation.", "Volcanos Magma is a hot, liquid mixture that changes to solid rock when it cools and hardens. Which of these characteristics are physical properties? The characteristics that are physical are its liquid mixture and solid rock.", "Geography for Kids Returning to the example of a camp fire: What happens if we use an old metal hanger to roast hotdogs? As the hotdog cooks, the fire heats the end of the hanger.", "- at a convergent boundary, one of the plates is forced underneath the other one. The plate that is forced down sinks into the mantle, and gets heated rapidly and melts. This ne … w hot liquid rock then rises to the surface due to convection currents and causes magma pockets, which in turn create volcanoes.xplain the difference between the volcanic activity that occurs at a hot spot and the volcanic activity that occurs at a subduction boundary between an oceanic plate and a continental plate?", "Why does rock salt change colour when it's heated Why does rock salt change colour when it's heated. up vote 0 down vote favorite. We heated rock salt for a chemistry lab and it changed from white crystally rock to brown rock and ash-like materiak on the bottom of the test tube. Also there was a sizzling\\popping noise.", "Worst Cliches: 13 Expressions You Shouldnât Be Caught Dead Using Do you know a single person who would literally shed tears after knocking over a glass of two percent? We hope not. It's irritating to hear this expression when seeking solace while confronting a real issue. Like, you know, spilt ice cream. Now that is cause for concern. 2. Selling like hotcakes Let us clarify: hotcakes are not pancakes. Popular in the 19th century, they were made from cornmeal and cooked in pork lard. Armed with this knowledge, we'd assume that selling like hotcakes meant selling zero. However, this assumption would be incorrect. 3.", "- When preexisting rocks are exposed to conditions of high temperature and/or pressure they undergo solid-state changes (they metamorphose) to become metamorphic rocks. The rock doesn't melt, but it changes state by one or both of these processes: 1 mineral changes - growth of new minerals that are more stable under conditions of high temperature/pressure. textural changes - recrystallization, alignment of platy minerals, usually as a result of unequal application of stress.", "- The truth is that Lava Rock is a a misunderstood name. Lava is molten(liquid) rock that comes out of an erupting volcano. It is extremely hot, reaching temperatures as high as 1,300 to 2,000 degrees.", "Kean University Continuing Education Heat is a form of energy. We perceive cold as the lack of heat. We heat and cool things every day. Materials will interact with heat and sometimes can change state. Materials and objects can get warmer when heated. 1 A pot of water gets hotter as you heat it on the stove. 2 An object put on a hot radiator gets hotter. 3 Dark objects placed in bright sunlight can absorb the sunlight and heat up.", "- As melted rock cools, the heat energy that allows atoms to move past one another decreases, and the natural attraction between atoms causes them to stick together with similar atoms in an orderly crystalline structure. It takes a long time for orderly arrangements of atoms to grow large enough to be seen. If melted rock cools in a short time, the crystals remain small. If melted rock cools instantly, allowing no time at all for the atoms to form orderly patterns, the rock texture is glassy. The three cooling conditions illustrated here don't necessarily occur at the same time in a single volcano. Magma may cool entirely underground, never erupting from a volcano.", "vulcanize Vulcanize sounds like something Spock from Star Trek might do, but the explanation behind this word has more to do with ancient mythology than it does with science fiction. Vulcanization involves heating rubber in combination with sulfur.", "- Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. For those which are false, cross out the incorrect words and write a correction in the space underneath it. true / false 1 A block of ice will melt when energy escapes from it. Correction: 2 Plastics are good conductors of heat energy.", "- Generally, rocks respond to stress in one of two ways: they break, or they bend. 1 When a rock breaks, it is called brittle deformation. 2 When rocks bend or flow, like clay, it is called ductile deformation.", "Composition and Reactivity Limestone and chalk are both primarily calcium carbonate with a small amount of silicates in the form of clay or silt. Adding strong acids like hydrochloric acid to chalk or limestone causes them to bubble as the acid reacts with the calcium carbonate to form CO2. Heating limestone or chalk to high temperatures forms a useful industrial chemical called calcium oxide or quicklime, which can be added to water to make calcium hydroxide.", "What kind of rock is formed when existing rocks are changed by pressure or heat? What kind of rock is formed when existing rocks are changed by pressure or heat? Changes in the structure, texture, or mineralogy of existing rocks will create a metamorphic rock. Metamorphism can result from the effects of heat and/or pressure, or from … the addition of ions from heated fluids.", "CHANGING STATES When a solid is heated, the particles are given more energy and start to vibrate faster. At a certain temperature, the particles vibrate so much that their ordered structure breaks down. At this point the solid melts into liquid.", "Severe Weather 101 What tends to happen when lightning strikes ground is that it fuses dirt and clays in to silicas. The result is often a glassy rock (called a fulgurite) in the shape of a convoluted tube. Fulgurite has been found all over the world, but is relatively rare.", "Ch 4 Rocks - Metamorphic and the Rock Cycle A foliated metamorphic rock that forms when shale is put under intense heat and pressure. Hint: It is used to make chalk boards and as tiles on roofs.", "- The heat causes the sugar's atoms to combine with the oxygen in the air, forming new groups of atoms. Energy is released in this chemical reaction in the form of smoke and black soot. We can't usually tell the chemical composition, or what exact elements make up a substance, just by using our eyes. Using the tongs, hold the foil boat just above the flame. 2 Slowly count to ten as you observe what happens to the sugar. 3 Don't just use your your eyes -- use your nose to note how the sugar smells. 4 Remove the foil boat and blow out the candle. 5 Set the heated sugar on the metal dish.", "Chapter_4_test - 1 When a rod of metal is heated intensely... View Full Document. 1. When a rod of metal is heated intensely, its predominant color will A) remain predominantly red as the intensity of light increases. B) change from red through orange to white and then to blue. C) change from blue through white, then orange, and finally red, when it becomes red-hot at its hottest.", "- That is what happens with ice — it is solid water that melts when the temperature exceeds 0ºC/32F. However, when it comes to rocks, we run into a problem. The Earth actually isn’t really hot enough to melt mantle rocks, which are the source of basalt at the mid-ocean ridges, hotspots and subduction zones.hat is what happens with ice — it is solid water that melts when the temperature exceeds 0ºC/32F. However, when it comes to rocks, we run into a problem. The Earth actually isn’t really hot enough to melt mantle rocks, which are the source of basalt at the mid-ocean ridges, hotspots and subduction zones.", "How Fire Works Something heats the wood to a very high temperature. The heat can come from lots of different things -- a match, focused light, friction, lightning, something else that is already burning... When the wood reaches about 300 degrees Fahrenheit (150 degrees Celsius), the heat decomposes some of the cellulose material that makes up the wood.", "- 1 When ice is heated it melts and becomes liquid water. 2 When liquid water is heated until it boils it turns into a gas. 3 Water and perfume when they are heated will evaporate producing gas (called vapor) which dissolves in air. 4 Examples of state changes caused by cooling.", "Weathering: chemical and physical Hydrolysis, carbonation and solution are all caused by a chemical change within the rock minerals. Hydrolysis occurs when water reacts with minerals in the rock and changes the chemical composition of the rock. This change weakens the rock and makes it more susceptible to breaking down.", "What happens when molecules are heated? Since molecules are particles of matter, it takes energy to move them. Heat is a form of energy. It causes molecules to bounce into each other separating them. As molecules separate, their density, the amount of matter found in a given volume or space, decreases.", "- Natural Lava Rock Click Picture to Enlarge The truth is that Lava Rock is a a misunderstood name. Lava is molten(liquid) rock that comes out of an erupting volcano.It is extremely hot, reaching temperatures as high as 1,300 to 2,000 degrees. When it cools,it forms igneous rock.he truth is that Lava Rock is a a misunderstood name. Lava is molten(liquid) rock that comes out of an erupting volcano. It is extremely hot, reaching temperatures as high as 1,300 to 2,000 degrees.", "- Do a demonstration to show that solid metal expands when it is heated and contracts when cooled. It is harder to show that the molecules of a solid move faster when heated than it is to show the same thing with a liquid like in Lesson 2. But you can do it if you have a special ball and ring apparatus that shows the expansion of a metal when heated.", "Heat and Changing Matter Heat and Changing Matter. You have discovered that heat affects different substances in different ways. When you heated one of the solids, it melted. Then when the substance cooled, it solidified again. Another substance turned into a gas and then turned back to a solid farther up the tube. When a substance changes from one phase to another it is called a phase change.", "What Happens to Copper Sulfate When It Is Heated? It is sometimes called blue copper for this reason. When the copper sulfate is heated up, it quickly turns to a pure white color that has no hint of blue in it. Water also comes out of the copper sulfate and is able to function as any other type of water would typically function. When the copper sulfate becomes hot, it begins to become dehydrated.", "Heat and Changing Matter Many of the other substances changed their appearance when you heated them and did not return to their original form when they cooled. This is usually a sign that a chemical reaction has taken place. In a chemical reaction, one or more substances (called reactants) are changed into new substances (called products)." ]
[ 14.703125 ]
[ 8.1484375, 7.9375, 4.33984375, 7.6171875, 12.640625, -0.98095703125, 10.15625, 7.94921875, 7.8984375, 9.203125, 0.094482421875, 4.15234375, 7.87109375, 6.171875, 11.1328125, 9.671875, 5.98046875, 9.2265625, 4.859375, 4.79296875, 9.4296875, 4.109375, 6.859375, 6.67578125, 6.8046875, 7.7578125, 5.8203125, 7.91015625, 4.2734375, 6.76171875 ]
pren definition
[ "Pitting resistance equivalent number Pitting resistance equivalent number (PREN) is a predictive measurement of the corrosion resistance of various types of stainless steel. In general: the higher PREN-value, the more corrosion resistant the steel. Steels with PREN-values above 32 are considered seawater (corrosion) resistant." ]
[ "prone prone. adj. 1. Lying with the front or face downward. 2. Having a tendency; inclined. Often used in combination: paper that is prone to yellowing; an accident-prone child. adv. In a prone manner: The patient was lying prone on the bed.", "- Example Sentences for precursor. A beam fell from the roof to the floor, precursor of the rest. Jaime looked upon him as a precursor who cleared away his doubts. A formidable Moorish weapon, the precursor of the boarding-pike.", "- precedent noun. C2 [C] an ​action, ​situation, or ​decision that has already ​happened and can be used as a ​reason why a ​similar ​action or ​decision should be ​performed or made: There are several precedents for ​promoting ​people who don't have ​formal ​qualifications.", "- The thesaurus of synonyms and related words is fully integrated into the dictionary. Click on the thesaurus category heading under the button in an entry to see the synonyms and related words for that meaning. more. verb [intransitive] /prəˈtruːd/.", "Search Legal Terms and Definitions (in-tur eh-lee-ah) prep. Latin for among other things.. This phrase is often found in legal pleadings and writings to specify one example out of many possibilities.Example: The judge said, inter alia, that the time to file the action had passed..in-tur eh-lee-ah) prep. Latin for among other things.. This phrase is often found in legal pleadings and writings to specify one example out of many possibilities.", "- Definition of pretension - a claim or assertion of a claim to something, the use of affectation to impress; pretentiousness Definition of pretension - a claim or assertion of a claim to something, the use of affectation to impress; pretentiousness", "Present tense The present tense (abbreviated PRES or PRS) is a grammatical tense whose principal function is to locate a situation or event in present time.", "pore pore 1. intr.v. pored, por·ing, pores. 1. To read, study, or examine something carefully and attentively: pored over the documents in search of evidence. 2. To meditate deeply; ponder: pored on the matter. 3.", "- Online Language Dictionaries. English definition English thesaurus English-Spanish English-French English-Italian Spanish-English French-English Italian-English Espanol-Español Francais-Français Francais-Français Espanol-Español Espanol: español Portugues: português Portugues: português espanol... español espanol español definicion definición espanol español sinonimos sinónimos catala català definicio definició moren•ap•pro•pri•ate /ˌɪnəˈproʊpriɪt/USA pronunciation adj. in•ap•pro•pri•ate•ly, adv. See-propr-. 1 not appropriate; unsuited; improper:thought wearing shorts to church was inappropriate.[ it + be + ~ (+ for + obj) + to + verb]:It is inappropriate for his lawyer to make any public comments on the case.", "precursor With its prefix pre-, meaning before, a precursor is literally a forerunner, and in fact forerunner first appeared as the translation of the Latin praecursor. But the two words function a little differently today.", "- Learner's definition of PRECURSOR. [count] somewhat formal. : something that comes before something else and that often leads to or influences its development — often + of or to. Rhythm and blues was a precursor of rock music. Small tremors may be precursors to big earthquakes. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples.", "- precedent noun [C]. › LAW a previous ​action or decision that can be used as a reason for ​allowing something else: The ​ruling can ​serve as a precedent to ​challenge other similar ​cases. A ​judgement against the ​fund could set a precedent for ​compensation ​payments to more of its 6,000 ​investors. This is an experiment without precedent in ​economic ​history.a bad/dangerous/good precedent This ​law sets a very dangerous precedent for all ​businesses.", "PRN - (Pro Re Nata) Health Care Professionals. PRN is an abbreviation for the Latin term, pro re nata which loosely translates to as needed. PRN is a term commonly used by healthcare employers and professionals to describe short-term, contract, part-time, or fill-in work by a nurse or allied health professional. In the hospital, working pool or per diem is often the same as working PRN.", "preterit [Middle English, from Old French, from Latin (tempus) praeteritum, past (tense), neuter past participle of praeterīre, to go by : praeter, beyond, comparative of prae, before; see per1 in the Appendix of Indo-European roots + īre, to go; see ei- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.] (ˈprɛtərɪt) grammar or.", "precedence and precedents - the difference The noun precedent means an example from the past that provides evidence for an argument. It is most commonly used in legal circles and, more specifically, can be described as a previously decided case that guides the decision of a future case.", "Antecedent Broadly speaking, antecedent is a literary device in which a word or pronoun in a line or sentence refers to an earlier word, for instance, “while giving treats to children or friends offer them whatever they like.” In these lines, children and friends are antecedents, while they is a pronoun, referring to friends and children.", "- Precedence is defined as the thing that comes first, has the highest ranking or has a higher priority because of superiority. 1 An example of precedence is status of the first design of a product. 2 An example of precedence is the official in the military parade that goes first because of status.", "Definition of 'precursor' Definition of 'precursor'. precursor (priːkɜːʳsəʳ ) A precursor of something is a similar thing that happened or existed before it, often something which led to the existence or development of that thing. Real tennis, an ancient precursor of the modern game, originated in the eleventh century.", "- Definition of PRION. : any of several protein particles that are abnormal forms of normal cellular proteins, that lack nucleic acid, and that in mammals have been implicated as the cause of prion diseases when accumulated in the mammalian brain.", "harbinger precursor - something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone. harbinger, herald, predecessor, forerunner. indicant, indication - something that serves to indicate or suggest; an indication of foul play; indications of strain; symptoms are the prime indicants of disease.", "- Learner's definition of PRIMARY. always used before a noun. 1. a : most important : main. our primary [=principal] objective/goal. The economy was the primary focus of the debate. Your safety is our primary [=foremost] concern.", "per The preposition per is typically followed by a singular noun phrase with no determiner. Take one pill per day, not *Take one pill per a day. It is sometimes followed by plural noun phrases, almost always determined by 100, 1,000, 10,000, etc.", "- Per. through; by means of; through the agency of; by; for; for each; as, per annum; per capita, by heads, or according to individuals; per curiam, by the court; per se, by itself, of itself. Per is also sometimes used with English words. see more on Definitions.net ».", "- Updated November 22, 2016. PRN is an abbreviation for the Latin term, pro re nata which loosely translates to as needed. PRN is a term commonly used by healthcare employers and professionals to describe short-term, contract, part-time, or fill-in work by a nurse or allied health professional.", "pro per pro per adj. short for propria persona, which is Latin for for oneself, usually applied to a person who represents himself/herself in a lawsuit rather than have an attorney. (See: in pro per, in propria persona, propria persona)", "ilustreous-gre-barrons-essential-plus One that precedes and indicates, suggests, or announces someone or something to come: Colonial opposition to unfair taxation by the British was a precursor of the Revolution. One that precedes another; a forerunner or predecessor: The new principal's precursor was an eminent educator. A biochemical substance, such as an intermediate compound in a chain of enzymatic reactions, from which a more stable or definitive product is formed: a precursor of insulin.", "beforepreposition, adverb, conjunction BeforeBefore is a preposition, an adverb and a conjunction. Before means earlier than the time or event mentioned: …. Before as a prepositionWe use before most commonly with noun phrases to refer to timed events: ….", "- Precedent definition, Law. a legal decision or form of proceeding serving as an authoritative rule or pattern in future similar or analogous cases. See more. Dictionary.com", "prone Definition of prone. 1 1 : having a tendency or inclination : being likely prone to forget names accident-prone. 2 2a : having the front or ventral surface downwardb : lying flat or prostrate.", "- WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2017. in•ter•per•son•al (in′tər pûr′sə nl),USA pronunciation adj. of or pertaining to the relations between persons. existing or occurring between persons." ]
[ 16.453125 ]
[ 6.21484375, 1.3671875, 4.56640625, 7.203125, 2.8125, 5.3984375, 7.01171875, 2.25390625, 5.328125, 4.421875, 3.546875, 3.85546875, 9.640625, 2.208984375, 3.095703125, 1.3388671875, 4.37890625, 4.3984375, 7.48046875, 3.78125, 3.48046875, 4.2578125, 4.3125, 8.7578125, 2.96875, 4.37890625, 4.76953125, 5.578125, 6.56640625, 2.09765625 ]
can you make phone calls on new ipod touch?
[ "- Truphone is one official way to make phone calls on an iPod Touch; not for free, but for a fraction of AT&T's cost if you aren't yakking all day. The Truphone application can be downloaded from the Apple iStore directly to your iPod Touch or to your Mac or PC; there's a download link on the Truphone Web site in the iPod Touch category." ]
[ "Popup Phone (Popup Call) Pop-up window will run on the current working screen at the same time. While the game continues, while seeing the navigation, while viewing videos. ,and so on. You can answer the phone or allow phone calls. This app will help you. 1. You can easily call through popup window. You can easily Answer the phone call through popup window.", "AdvanceConnect The maximum funding amount is up to $50.00 per transaction. You are able to receive inmate calls as long as funds are available in your account. You can add multiple phone numbers to your account so your loved one can reach your home phone, work phone, cell phone, other relatives, neighbors, friends, etc. Calls will connect to cell phones (subject to facility restrictions) You have 24/7/365 access to your account on our website or by contacting us via phone.", "- An international call deducts the same amount of minutes from your TracFone as when you make calls to destinations within the US.In other words, you can make calls from the United States to over 60 international destinations at the same price as calling your neighbor from your TracFone.n international call deducts the same amount of minutes from your TracFone as when you make calls to destinations within the US.", "* NEW * HOW TO UNLCOK A LOCKED iPHONE (or forgotten password)! , UNLOCK PHONE WITHOUT PASSCODE how to unlock a locked iphone if you forgot your iphone or ipod touch or ipad password or passcode free access navigate into your phone, contacts and photo, it is a kind of glitch or hack.steps: (but see the video!).1) press emergency.ow to unlock a locked iphone if you forgot your iphone or ipod touch or ipad password or passcode free access navigate into your phone, contacts and photo, it is a kind of glitch or hack.", "- It is a video call on the iPhone 4. You can also use it on iPod Touch 4th generation. To use it on iPod Touch 4th generation, have the persons email, and FaceTime their e-mail…(only if they have iPod 4th gen. If they have iPhone 4g then just use their phone number)", "How to set up and use Do Not Disturb mode on iPhone and iPad 1 Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad. 2 Tap on Do Not Disturb. 3 Tap Allow Calls From to choose between Everyone, No One, Favorites, All Contacts, or a specific group. 4 Toggle Repeated Calls to on if you would like a second call within 3 minutes to be let through. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad. 2 Tap on Do Not Disturb. 3 Tap Allow Calls From to choose between Everyone, No One, Favorites, All Contacts, or a specific group. 4 Toggle Repeated Calls to on if you would like a second call within 3 minutes to be let through.", "- The 1616/1616-I IP telephone. puts convenient features and capabilities at your fingertips, including a phone screen to view. and manage your calls, a contacts list, a call log, a menu of options and settings to customize. your phone, and access to your voice mail.", "iPod iPod touch lets you to listen to music, connect to Wi-Fi, play games, take photos and videos, and stay connected on your favorite social media apps. If you're looking for something slightly smaller, the iPod nano is a great choice that has a built-in FM radio, pedometer and Nike+.", "Why the loss of the iPod Classic is bad news for music fans The iPod Touch is also an entirely different piece of technology to the Classic-for all intents and purposes, it’s an iPhone without the phone. Like the iPhone and iPad, it runs on Apple’s hand-held operating system iOS, it has a touch screen and a five megapixel camera, it holds apps and has a web browser.", "- Learn how to use FaceTime to make video and audio calls from your iOS devices. Over Wi-Fi, you can use FaceTime on any of these devices: 1 iPhone 4 or later. 2 iPad 2 or later. 3 iPad mini (all models). 4 iPod touch 4th generation or later (only iPod touch 5th generation supports FaceTime audio calling).o make a FaceTime call, you need the person's phone number or registered email address. There are a few ways to make a FaceTime call: 1 In the FaceTime app, enter the person's phone number or email address then tap the FaceTime video or audio icon.", "- iOS 9 is packed with features to get the most out of your iPod touch. Add your voice and video to text messages, quickly make amazing edits to your photos, and keep track of your health. Typing is also easier thanks to predictive text capability.", "- Use the Podcasts app to find and listen to your favorite podcasts. The Podcasts app is a great place to find, subscribe to, and play your favorite podcasts on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. If you can’t find the Podcasts app on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, you might have removed it from your Home screen.", "FaceTime Help & Tips â How to Fix Your Problems Learn how to use FaceTime to make video and audio calls from your iOS devices. Over Wi-Fi, you can use FaceTime on any of these devices: 1 iPhone 4 or later. 2 iPad 2 or later. 3 iPad mini (all models). 4 iPod touch 4th generation or later (only iPod touch 5th generation supports FaceTime audio calling).", "Voipfone - What Is VoIP? A broadband (high speed Internet) connection is required for most, but not all, of our services. This can be through a cable modem such as NTL/Virgin, or services such as ADSL. To make phone calls you then either use a softphone on your PC or laptop (see above) or a purpose built VoIP telephone or telephone adapter.", "How to record phone calls on iPhone, no jailbreak or additional apps required How to record phone calls on iPhone. 1) Call a person on your iPhone. 2) When the call is established, tap Add Call on the Phone app’s screen. 3) Now call the phone number you’re ringing the person from. Because you’re already on the call, ringing your own number will take you straight to your voicemail, which is precisely what we want.", "What Killed Margaux Hemingway? If you're in the middle of a call and need to deal with something pressing but don't want to hang up, it can be helpful to put the call on hold. On an iPhone, the best way to do this is with the Mute button.", "- If you can't turn on Wi-Fi Calling or place a Wi-Fi call, make sure that your carrier offers Wi-Fi Calling. Then, follow these steps if you can't turn on Wi-Fi Calling or make a Wi-Fi call. Wait two minutes before you go from one step to the next. 1 Restart your iPhone.", "- In iBooks 4.0 or later, you can pinch a book or audiobook closed on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Read your books and listen to audiobooks in airplane mode. You don’t need an Internet connection to read books or listen to audiobooks that you downloaded to your device’s library.", "- Tips. 1 You can still access the contacts list while your phone call is in progress over the Speakerphone function. 2 You can also still place the phone call on Hold, while using the Speakerphone, along with anything else you were able to do with the phone when it was attached to your ear.ips. 1 You can still access the contacts list while your phone call is in progress over the Speakerphone function. 2 Use the Home button and multitask to get yourself to the Contacts app, where you can manage your contacts.", "Buying guide: iPods The iPod touch comes in three capacities—8GB, 32GB, and 64GB—priced respectively at $199, $299, and $399. These models, in ascending order, hold 1750 128-kbps AAC-encoded songs or 10 hours of video, 7000 songs or 40 hours of video, and 14,000 songs or 80 hours of video. While the iPod touch may not match the capacity of the iPod classic, a 64GB iPod touch that can hold 40 two-hour movies is nothing to sneeze at.", "5 critical questions you need answered before using WhatsApp free voice calls No. When you use an application to make a phone call, you are using Data. This is the same type of data that you use when browsing the Internet, watching YouTube or downloading email. This data comes at a cost which you pay your cellular provider.", "- Acording to apple support, ipod touch full charge time is 3-4 hours at any point that the battery level is at before charge, even brand new is 3-4 hours, do not over charge ba … ttery! and do not let the battery full die! you need to keep the electrons always moving in the battery to extend its life.ake sure to keep the battery u fat somewhat charged do not let the battery fully die. Charge time to fully charge battery is 3-4 hours according to apple support as well. Additional input : According to Apple: Batter life on Full Charge.", "- Use the App Store on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Apple TV (4th generation), or computer to purchase and download apps, see your previous purchases, and more. Through the App Store, you can download new apps for your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Apple TV (4th generation). Apps that you currently have on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch might also be available for your Apple TV.", "- The “IP” in IP phone system refers to Voice over IP, or having your phone calls routed over the internet or your local network (LAN). This is great for many reasons. First of all, you don’t have to use the telephone network of your telephony service provider for making calls, which will reduce your costs for phone calls.", "Apple iPod Touch 16GB 5th Generation - Blue iPod touch comes with iOS 9 and a collection of powerful built-in apps. Send unlimited texts with iMessage over Wi-Fi. See your friend’s every expression with a FaceTime video call.", "How to Stop Your iPad from Ringing: Turn Off iPhone Calls to Your iPad in Settings One of those is the ability to automatically “transfer” a call to your iPad from your iPhone. That is, your iPad “rings” when you get a call on your iPhone if the iPhone is nearby. Apple calls this “Continuity” and it works immediately once all your devices are updated to iOS 8.If you have the same Apple ID and associated phone number on your iPad and iPhone, calls will show up on your tablet once the iPhone starts ringing.Your iPad becomes a speakerphone and you can handle the call from your iPad.he first is to disable the feature on your iPhone so it won’t “forward” calls to your iPad. On your iPhone: Turn this setting off. The second way is to disable receiving calls on a specific device such as your iPad.", "- Determine if your iPod is an iPod Touch, Shuffle, Nano or Classic. The iPod Touch is the newest model, sporting a glass, multi-touch display screen. The iPod Classic features a circular click-wheel dial with a small media screen.", "- Now in 5 stunning colors. Listen to your favorite songs from Apple Music and iTunes. iPod touch offers the ultimate mobile gaming experience. Take great photos and videos with the new 8MP iSight camera and make video calls with the improved FaceTime HD camera. And stay connected with Messages and the most popular social networking apps.", "Explanation Please: Calls on iPhone ring in on iPad. Why? Mickey330 said: ↑. I found this out the other day-you CAN turn off the iPad ringing when the phone rings. To do: go to the FaceTime section in your Settings app and ensure the iPhone Cellular Calls line is OFF. I also turned this on on my phone, so I don't know if doing it on the iPad alone will do.s long as your phone is in range, you can make and receive calls on either the iPad or iPhone. When OS X Yosemite comes along, you'll be able to do the same on the computer; provided you have a Mac. You can turn the feature on/off in the Facetime settings on your iPad. 1 Like x 1.", "iPod Shopping for iPods. Best Buy makes it easy to take your music on the go with a wide selection of iPods and iPod accessories to choose from. Whether you want an iPod touch with the ultimate mobile gaming experience, or an iPod shuffle with a VoiceOver button that tells you the song title or playlist name, you'll find the right iPod for your needs." ]
[ 16.21875 ]
[ 3.45703125, 2.08984375, 3.212890625, 4.36328125, 11.1796875, 6.51953125, 2.005859375, 7.76953125, 7.27734375, 10.859375, 9.8046875, 5.03125, 11.0859375, 2.865234375, 3.87890625, 4.1328125, 4.94140625, 4.80078125, 8.453125, 5.10546875, 7.47265625, 5.30078125, 7.17578125, 2.63671875, 9.3359375, 4.53125, 6.23046875, 13.390625, 4.62890625, 4.640625 ]
does toner help with redness
[ "- Posted. Whats the best toner for red/seb derm/rocasea skin in your opinion. right now im using the biotherm ultra calming spring time toner but I dont know if its that good so I wanna know the best toner out for red..seb derm skin type to even out complextion. 1 Back to top." ]
[ "- natural tears and eye lubrication decreases. This product does the job just fine. I don't like redness reliever drops as I find them irritating, but, this is just artificial tears that provides the dryness relief that is necessary for your comfort.", "What Is Toner, Anyway? Just store it in a cool place. And for normal to oily skin types, I'd recommend an apple-cider vinegar toner: mix the juice of one lemon with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Then, mix in 200 mL of mineral water. Again, pour into an airtight container and store it in a cool place.", "- I have also seen articles from experts suggesting retinol can be used - should be in the list of skincare articles I posted on /r/rosaceahelp/ - this makes sense particularly in type 1 which is linked to photodamage. Prescription retinoids are occasionally used, but generally in those who have concurrent acne vulgaris.", "Concealer 101: Understanding Color Correcting Concealers Green Concealers: As I just mentioned, the color green neutralizes the color red, which is why green concealers are wonderful for getting rid of any redness on your face. Use a green based spot concealer to remove redness from an annoying zit, or any acne scars. If you have widespread redness, (rosacea, windburn or sunburn), then a color correcting green primer will be best to significantly reduce redness and give an even toned base for flawless foundation application.", "4 Benefits of Using Facial Toners There is a lot of conflicting information out there when it comes to toners - some say you need it, some say you don’t. While the debate is fueled by preference and personal experience, it’s my professional opinion that adding a toner to your skin care regimen will make a huge difference in your overall skin health.", "- It is recommended to include toner in your skin care regime. However, you should choose right toner for your skin type in order to see results and have a smooth, clean, and nourished skin. Toner is beneficial for your skin and it should not be skipped.", "Does Red Light Therapy Really Work? The Hype. All types of anti-aging solutions are always met with enthusiasm and red light therapy is no exception. In fact, this new beauty system is even starting to replace the interest in tanning and tanning beds. The methods used are almost the same and the only difference is the source of light.", "How to Use Retin-A for Fine Lines and Wrinkles I've had many friends get a tube of Retin-A and never use it because they're afraid of the side effects. I've had other friends stop using Retin-A after they freaked out over the resulting redness and peeling. One friend reported to me that she actually got acne from her tube of Retin-A.", "How Can You Reduce Rosacea Redness? Avoid rosacea triggers such as hot weather and sun, cold and windburn, and red wine. Most importantly, a series of laser or light-based treatments can be very effective to reduce the redness and improve rosacea by closing down those dilated blood vessels in the face. Howard Murad, MD (murad.com). Keep it simple.", "- Aloe vera can help reduce inflammation and relieve pain. You can use the gel from an aloe vera plant or buy it over the counter. Apply the aloe gel to your face twice daily to help decrease the redness. To extract the gel from the aloe vera plant, remove a large leaf of aloe from the bottom of the plant. Cut down the center of the plant, score the insides, and pull the gel out.", "REDNESS REDNESS. Gently calm skin, and visibly reduce. the appearance of redness. These specially formulated AVEENO ® products contain CALMING FEVERFEW ® , a natural antioxidant that’s proven to calm and soothe compromised skin and help reduce the appearance of redness and irritation.", "What to do about rosacea Some cosmetics/skincare companies have anti-redness lines that purport to help calm the skin, and products with yellow or green tints that ‘neutralize’ the redness of rosacea. Clinique Instant Relief Mineral Powder ($40, 24 g) contains a combination of caffeine, magnolia bark, mushroom and grapefruit to soothe the skin, and a hint of yellow in the powder to mask redness.", "Mally Perfect Prep Neutralizing Primer Mally’s Perfect Prep Neutralizing Primer doesn’t just go the long haul—it also gives you even toned skin! The secret is a color-correcting hue that neutralizes sallow tones, redness and veins.", "- Dos and Don’t’s for Toner. 1 DO use toner regularly in order to clean your face. 2 DON’T use expired toners. 3 DON’T apply creamy toner with your fingers. 4 DON’T apply toner after makeup. 5 DO apply astringent on oily areas or blemishes only. 6 DO apply toner after cleanser in order to hydrate your skin and get a smooth texture.", "Tanning bed to help eczema?drob123 Jul 05, 2010 Tanning bed to help eczema? I have fairly pale skin, red hair, and freckles. I also get very bad winter skin in the late fall, winter, and early spring. I live in the the northwest United States, so it's a dry and cold climate for several months. I'd read that occasionally using a tanning bed can help with the eczema.", "What exactly does a toner do for hair color? In general, a toner is meant to add warm/cool tones back to your hair. For instance, a gold toner would give you more of a golden blonde, while a violet based toner would give you more of a platinum blonde (no brass). If you use a demi-permanent color as a toner, it does not have the ability to lift or lighten.", "Does the Clinique Redness Solutions actually work? there s nothing you can do to get rid of it completey but you can calm it down also try rosaliac it s a green moisturizer that helps reduce the appearance of redness over time but as for the clinique redness solutions it doesn t work i ve used it and no covers up like a normal foundation but doesn t take the red away you need professional help if you want to do that", "- Aloe vera can help reduce inflammation and relieve pain. You can use the gel from an aloe vera plant or buy it over the counter. Apply the aloe gel to your face twice daily to help decrease the redness. 1 To extract the gel from the aloe vera plant, remove a large leaf of aloe from the bottom of the plant.2 You can find aloe vera gel at most supermarkets or drug stores.ou can use the gel from an aloe vera plant or buy it over the counter. Apply the aloe gel to your face twice daily to help decrease the redness. 1 To extract the gel from the aloe vera plant, remove a large leaf of aloe from the bottom of the plant.", "What Does Hair Toner Do? Quick Answer. Hair toner corrects the color tones in hair, including unwanted brassy, coppery or reddish colors. Advantages of using a toner include softening the transition between outgrowth and colored hair, sealing hair color so that it lasts longer and adding shine to color-treated hair. Continue Reading.", "Skin Toner Basics You might have heard that skin toner can do a number of things. Most confusion about toner stems from the fact that the term toner can be used to refer to several different types of beauty aids, including traditional toners, astringents and fresheners. Traditional toners consist of moisturizers, oils and extracts that help soothe your skin.", "- Use moisturizer. After washing your face, immediately apply a moisturizing facial cream (or lotion) over the skin to lock in moisture. 1 You can also store your lotion in the refrigerator and apply it to your face when cold. 2 Cold products cause the blood vessels in your face to constrict and redness to fade.ou can use the gel from an aloe vera plant or buy it over the counter. Apply the aloe gel to your face twice daily to help decrease the redness. 1 To extract the gel from the aloe vera plant, remove a large leaf of aloe from the bottom of the plant.", "How to Apply Color Correcting Concealer For redness, acne and rosacea. Green is opposite the color wheel from red, so it’s perfect for hiding any redness on your face, like pimples and acne scars. If you have rosacea, a color correcting green primer will help hide unwanted redness and give you an even base for applying foundation. Orange Concealer", "How to Remove Self Tanner How to Remove Self Tanner. Self-tanners have improved since they were first introduced to the market and earned a notorious reputation for producing orange, streaky color. Incorrect shade selection and errors in application still produce the occasional self-tanning error, though.", "- Aloe vera can help reduce inflammation and relieve pain. You can use the gel from an aloe vera plant or buy it over the counter. Apply the aloe gel to your face twice daily to help decrease the redness. 1 To extract the gel from the aloe vera plant, remove a large leaf of aloe from the bottom of the plant.2 Cut down the center of the plant, score the insides, and pull the gel out. 3 Then apply that gel to you face twice a day.ou can use the gel from an aloe vera plant or buy it over the counter. Apply the aloe gel to your face twice daily to help decrease the redness. 1 To extract the gel from the aloe vera plant, remove a large leaf of aloe from the bottom of the plant.", "toner A special type of ink used by copy machines and laser printers. Toner consists of a dry, powdery substance that is electrically charged so that it adheres to a drum, plate, or piece of paper charged with the opposite polarity. For most laser printers, the toner comes in a cartridge that you insert into the printer. When the cartridge is empty, you can replace it or have it refilled. Typically, you can print thousands of pages with a single cartridge.", "Bare Escentuals Prime Time Neutralizing Foundation Primer 1 of 1 people found this helpful. After a lapse in use, I just re-purchased (x2) this yellow Bare Escentuals Prime Time Neutralizing Foundation Primer. I have Rosacea, and this primer does a very good job of toning down the red. It also wears well under the liquid foundation that works best for me - Clinique's redness solutions.", "Do You Need an Acne Toner? You may even find using a toner worsens your breakouts, and if you have moderate to severe inflammatory acne or cystic acne, toner may burn or sting when applied. If you love the way toners make their skin feel and can't imagine going without one, then go for it.", "- 1. Use a yellow colored concealer. If you have a red blemish on your face, you want to use proper makeup to tone down the redness. A yellow color corrector is the most efficient at diminishing redness.1 Use a makeup sponge to apply your concealer because using your finger transfers oils.. Choose a natural foundation. After you’ve used your corrector on the blemish, you want to find a foundation that is the exact shade of your skin tone. You want it to look as natural as possible. 1 The idea that a dark concealer will hide your blemish better is just a myth.", "- If your hair is too red. To tone down the red, you can try coloring your hair with a shade of brown that’s the same color level as the red shade you used. Apply the color first to the area that’s most red and keep it on for five to 10 minutes at most.", "How to Remove Hair Toner This is where toner comes in. Toner is a permanent, low-peroxide color that changes the tone, not the shade, of hair color. While the results of most toner applications turn out beautifully, there is a chance that the color will grab (turn dark or absorb the base color). When this happens, the toner must be removed or lightened using a soap cap." ]
[ 12.140625 ]
[ 3.572265625, 5.73828125, 2.263671875, 6.42578125, 7.66796875, 8.1484375, 1.48046875, 3.416015625, 5.1328125, 6.58203125, 7.1484375, 6.40234375, 6.81640625, 6.6484375, 0.8291015625, 4.68359375, 6.1484375, 6.73046875, 8.203125, 8.609375, 7.41796875, 5.140625, 1.376953125, 6.70703125, 3.126953125, 6.4375, 9.2109375, 6.3359375, 6.21875, 3.060546875 ]
pregnancy women average calories
[ "Approximate daily calorie intake for pregnant woman? Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: It varies from person to person based on weight, your existing diet, and how sedentary is your lifestyle. Generally speaking you need to take 300-500 calories more than you had been eating before you got pregnant (so, one and half more meal a day). Go with more protein, less carb for that extra meal and a half. So, if you were usually taking 1200-1300 calories a day and sustaining your weight before you got pregnant, then 1500-1800 calories should be good for now." ]
[ "- Even more seriously, it could put you at risk for complications during pregnancy. On average, the demands of pregnancy require around an extra 300 calories per day. The goal is to add foods rich in nutrients you may otherwise not get enough of, like calcium from milk or fiber from whole grains. The power of protein is important for you and your baby to fuel muscles and promote growth.", "Calories For Women Per Day: How Many Should You Have? Calories for WEIGHT LOSS in Women. Generally, women who want to lose weight should consume 1200 calories a day. This includes three meals of about 300 calories each and a total of 300 calories in snacks. Our most popular 12WBT plans suggest this calorie range for women.hen you’re trying to manage your weight, knowledge is power – especially about calories. Whether you want to lose weight, maintain your current weight or even gain a few kilos, knowing exactly how many calories you should consume each day is the key to success.", "- For women, those aged 19 to 25 are allowed the most calories on this chart, ranging from 2,000 to 2,400 calories per day depending on activity level. Sedentary women ages 51 and older should consume the least amount, at 1,600 a day.", "- The number of daily calories a woman needs to maintain her current weight or to attain a healthy weight depends on her age and activity level. A moderately active woman needs about 2,200 calories a day up to age 25.hen, until she reaches age 50, she should get 2,000 calories a day and taper down to 1,800 calories a day from age 51 on. Sedentary women ages 19 to 25 need 2,000 calories a day; sedentary women ages 26 to 50 need 1,800 calories a day and sedentary women ages 51 and over need 1,600 calories a day.", "Do breastfeeding mothers need extra calories or fluids? Since the recommended added calories during the last two trimesters of pregnancy is 300 calories/day, an exclusively breastfeeding mother will typically need either the same amount of calories she was getting at the end of pregnancy, or up to 200 additional calories per day.", "- Eating the right number of calories lets you and your baby gain the proper amount of weight. During the first 3 months of your pregnancy, you do not need to change the number of calories you are eating. Normal-weight women need an extra 300 calories each day during the last 6 months of pregnancy.This totals about 1,900 to 2,500 calories a day. If you were underweight, overweight, or obese before you became pregnant, or if you are pregnant with more than one baby, you may need a different number of calories.uring the first 3 months of your pregnancy, you do not need to change the number of calories you are eating. Normal-weight women need an extra 300 calories each day during the last 6 months of pregnancy. This totals about 1,900 to 2,500 calories a day.", "- In general, pregnant women need between 2,200 calories and 2,900 calories a day. A gradual increase of calories as the baby grows is the best bet. Here is an overview of how calorie needs change during each trimester: The first trimester does not require any extra calories.", "- Women over age 51 need 1,600 calories -- for a sedentary lifestyle -- 1,800 calories for a moderately active lifestyle and up to 2,200 calories for an active lifestyle. Add 300 calories to your daily intake if you're pregnant or breastfeeding.", "Daily Recommended Caloric Intake for Women The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 report that active women need 2,000 to 2,400 calories per day for healthy weight maintenance. According to Harvard Medical School, active women need about 18 calories per pound of body weight.ased on USDA guidelines, inactive women need about 1,600 to 2,000 calories per day for healthy weight management. To estimate a sedentary woman’s individualized calorie needs, multiply her body weight by 13.", "Typical Calories Burned by a Sedentary Lifestyle Sedentary Women. Sedentary women generally burn 1,600 to 2,000 calories per day, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (Page 14), and should consume the same number of calories for healthy weight maintenance.", "How Many Calories Does Breast-Feeding Burn? How Much Extra Food Should Mom Be Eating? According to the American Pregnancy Association, moms secrete 425 to 700 calories into breast milk daily. That means moms should take in between 400 and 500 extra calories a day, bringing their daily calorie intake up to 3,000 calories. Consuming 1,500 to 1,800 calories a day should help fuel gradual weight loss (about 1 pound a week) while giving you energy. Breast-feeding burns about 425 to 700 calories a day.", "How to Calculate Calories Needed During Pregnancy Determine the amount of calories you should eat by using the number of calories you used to eat to maintain your weight prior to your pregnancy and then add an extra 100 calories to support your pregnancy. For most women, 2,300 to 2,500 calories a day is a good range to aim for during the first trimester. It is normal for pregnant women in their second or third trimester to be hungrier because their baby needs more fuel to develop at this stage. You will need an average of 300 extra calories a day to gain weight at a healthy pace while supplying enough energy to your growing baby.", "Calorie Calculator For example, if a person has an estimated allotment of 2,500 calories per day to maintain body-weight, consuming 2,000 calories per day for one week would theoretically result in 3,500 calories (or 1 pound) lost during the period.", "Healthy Weight during Pregnancy In general, pregnant women need between 2,200 calories and 2,900 calories a day. A gradual increase in calories as the baby grows is the best bet. Here is an overview of how calorie needs change during each trimester: The first trimester does not require any extra calories. During the second trimester, an additional 340 calories a day are recommended. For the third trimester, the recommendation is 450 calories more a day than when not pregnant.", "How Many Calories Per Day Should a Pregnant Woman Consume? An overweight, moderately active 5-foot-4-inch woman would need approximately 150 calories more each day for a total of 1,950 prior to pregnancy, 2,290 calories during the second trimester and 2,402 calories during the third trimester.", "How Many Calories Per Day Should a Pregnant Woman Consume? During pregnancy, a woman's metabolism increases approximately 15 percent. The Institute of Medicine recommends that women consume an additional 340 calories per day during the second trimester and 452 calories above their normal energy needs each day during the third trimester.", "A Week of Delicious Pregnancy Meals and Snacks If you started your pregnancy overweight, you'll likely need about 2000 calories a day: Only choose one snack each day. Meal Plan: Nutritional Guidelines for Pregnancy 2 of 35", "Daily Recommended Caloric Intake for Women Women over age 51 need 1,600 calories -- for a sedentary lifestyle -- 1,800 calories for a moderately active lifestyle and up to 2,200 calories for an active lifestyle. Add 300 calories to your daily intake if you're pregnant or breastfeeding.ounger women generally need more calories than older women, as they tend to have more muscle mass and be more active. A sedentary woman aged 19 to 30 years needs between 1,800 and 2,000 calories daily, while moderately active women need 2,000 to 2,200 calories and very active women need 2,400.", "Healthy Weight during Pregnancy In general, pregnant women need between 2,200 calories and 2,900 calories a day. A gradual increase of calories as the baby grows is the best bet. Here is an overview of how calorie needs change during each trimester: 1 The first trimester does not require any extra calories. 2 During the second trimester an additional 340 calories a day are recommended. For the third trimester, the recommendation is 450 calories more a day than when not pregnant.", "The Average Caloric Intake of Women The average woman aged 20 or older takes in 1,778 calories a day, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.. Women in their 20s have the highest average caloric intake, at 1,949 calories per day.", "Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Calorie Calculator During pregnancy, the American Pregnancy Association recommends an additional 300 calories per day during the second and third trimesters. This calculator is just an estimate. If you are gaining weight too quickly, simply lower your calorie intake by 50-100 calories per day for one week at a time. Alternatively, if you are not gaining enough weight, you can add in 50-100 calories per day. Read here my thoughts on REAL healthy weight gain during pregnancy.", "Daily Activity â How Many Calories Am I Burning? That lifestyle is burning an average of 1620 calories per day, so if you are consuming more than that then you will not lose weight but rather will likely gain weight. Consuming 1620 calories will maintain that weight.Now lets look at that same woman who lives a slightly more active lifestyle.hat lifestyle is burning an average of 1620 calories per day, so if you are consuming more than that then you will not lose weight but rather will likely gain weight. Consuming 1620 calories will maintain that weight.", "- throughout her forties her average caloric intake is 1794 and in her fifties it is 1759 during her sixties she eats about 1717 calories per day and that number decreases to about 1535 for women ages 70 and up", "- The number of daily calories a woman needs to maintain her current weight or to attain a healthy weight depends on her age and activity level. A moderately active woman needs about 2,200 calories a day up to age 25.n her twenties, she takes in about 1,949 calories a day, which is the highest caloric intake level of her lifetime, and this decreases to 1,831 in her thirties. Throughout her forties, her average caloric intake is 1,794 and in her fifties, it is 1,759.", "How many calories a day do I need while I'm pregnant? That's about 2,000 calories a day. However, during the last three months of your pregnancy (third trimester) , you will need an extra 200 calories a day, making a total of about 2,200 calories a day.Bear in mind that we're all different shapes and sizes, and some of us are more active than others.hat's about 2,000 calories a day. However, during the last three months of your pregnancy (third trimester) , you will need an extra 200 calories a day, making a total of about 2,200 calories a day.", "Recommended Calories Per Day for Women Weight Loss. The minimum a woman should consume daily is 1,200 calories, according to Medline Plus. One pound of fat equals about 3,500 calories. To lose one pound a week, a woman should reduce her calories or increase her physical activity by 500 calories a day. To lose two pounds a week, a deficit of 1,000 calories is needed.", "Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Calorie Calculator Pregnancy Calorie Calculator. During pregnancy, the American Pregnancy Association recommends an additional 300 calories per day during the second and third trimesters. This calculator is just an estimate. If you are gaining weight too quickly, simply lower your calorie intake by 50-100 calories per day for one week at a time. Alternatively, if you are not gaining enough weight, you can add in 50-100 calories per day. Read here my thoughts on REAL healthy weight gain during pregnancy.", "How Many Calories Should a Pregnant Woman Eat? How many calories should a pregnant woman eat in second trimester? For women in a healthy weight range, the daily calorie count for second trimester looks like this: Second trimester (Week 14 – 27): About 2200 calories.", "- Self-reported average energy intake of 2,640 calories for men and 1,785 calories per day for women is within current USDA recommendations. However, since the majority of men and women in the U.S. are overweight or obese, many are eating more calories than they require.ccording to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010, men ages 19 and older reported consuming an average of 2,640 calories and women reported consuming an average of 1,785 calories each day based on national survey, self-reported data.", "- According to the What We Eat in America report for 2009 to 2010, a woman's average daily caloric intake changes at different stages of life.In her twenties, she takes in about 1,949 calories a day, which is the highest caloric intake level of her lifetime, and this decreases to 1,831 in her thirties.Throughout her forties, her average caloric intake is 1,794 and in her fifties, it is 1,759.During her sixties, she eats about 1,717 calories per day and that number decreases to about 1,535 for women ages 70 and up.ccording to the What We Eat in America report for 2009 to 2010, a woman's average daily caloric intake changes at different stages of life." ]
[ 12.6171875 ]
[ 14.2421875, 7.796875, 9.7578125, 9.78125, 12.1640625, 13.9765625, 15.203125, 12.2421875, 9.140625, 8.203125, 11.4609375, 14.5625, 7.2578125, 14.734375, 13.75, 14.78125, 10.2890625, 12.0546875, 14.578125, 9.921875, 13.71875, 7.7265625, 7.5078125, 9.0859375, 12.765625, 8.1875, 13.9921875, 13.625, 9.6328125, 9.171875 ]
what is a pulse meeting
[ "Pulse Meetings and Leader Pulse Meetings Pulse Meetings are a method of structuring information exchange and decision making where leaders and employees meet and can then act based on frequently and systematically provided information concerning how the operation is going according to plan and what has caused any deviations.he method is an important instrument enabling a leader to: 1 Continually take the pulse of the operation. 2 Share and receive information quickly. 3 Continually ask employees about ways of working. 4 Quickly ensure that short-term solutions are put in place." ]
[ "radial pulse ra·di·al pulse. 1 the pulse as appreciated at the radial artery usually in the wrist. 2 A palpable rhythmic expansion of the radial artery on the volar aspect of the wrist over the distal radius. 3 A palpable rhythmic expansion of the radial artery on the volar aspect of the wrist over the distal radius.", "- Executive Summary. On June 6, 2012, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) convened a Working Group (WG) in Bethesda, MD to discuss current knowledge and future directions for research in prediction, prevention, and management of pulseless electrical activity (PEA), as well as to explore probable causal pathways.", "Pulse The pulse is a throbbing sensation that is felt (palpated) over peripheral arteries or listened to (auscultated) over the apex of the heart. Characteristics of the pulse are rate, quality, rhythm and the amount of blood ejected with each heart beat — these can be used to determine the effectiveness of the heart.", "take the pulse of take the pulse of something. Fig. to sample or survey something to learn about its progress or state. Two executives came in to take the pulse of the local business unit. See also: of, pulse, take. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.", "- Definitions: 1. the pulse as appreciated at the radial artery usually in the wrist. The definition information for radial pulse is provided by Stedman's. You can search our medical dictionary here.", "What's the difference between heart rate and pulse? The heart rate is the number of heartbeats in one minute. The pulse is the physical measurement used to calculate the heartbeat found in different parts of the body-apical, femoral, carotid, radial to name a few. The actual pulse is the distension of the arterial wall with each heartbeat.", "popliteal pulse The examiner's thumb is never used to take a pulse because its own pulse is likely to be confused with that of the patient. Pressure should be light; if the artery is pressed too hard, the pulse will disappear entirely. The number of beats felt in exactly 1 minute is the pulse rate.", "- pulse 1. (pŭls) n. 1. The rhythmical throbbing of arteries produced by the regular contractions of the heart, especially as palpated at the wrist or in the neck.", "- Pulse Survey Examples are the questions that most common managers need to understand about their teams, what they think of their jobs and the firm that employs them. Pulse Survey Examples include those right questions which understand and connects to company's goals, objectives and what inspires employees to work. An annual engagement survey provides a complete picture of all of the employees and how they feel about the culture and their work.", "- Your heart rate, or pulse, is the measurement of heart beats per minute, or how hard the heart is working to circulate blood throughout your body. Your resting heart rate refers to the body's lowest heart rate, when your body is close to absolute rest.", "pulse Definition of pulse. : the edible seeds of various crops (such as peas, beans, or lentils) of the legume family; also : a plant yielding pulse.", "- Pulse Volume Recording. Pulse volume recording, also known as plethysmography, is a noninvasive test that measures blood flow within the blood vessels, or arteries. Its purpose is to help locate blockages in the arteries. Physicians usually perform pulse volume recording on the legs to help diagnose leg artery disease.", "#018 What Causes PVCs and How to Stop PVCs Your pulse, pulse rate or heart rate refer to how many times your heart beats per minute or a specific unit of time-how many contractions occur in the heart's ventricles (the lower chambers of the heart).", "- The pulse or heart rate is the rate at which the heart beats while pumping blood through the arteries. Its rate is usually measured either at the wrist or the ankle and is recorded as beats per minute. The pulse commonly taken is from the radial artery at the wrist.", "Ear Tubes (Myringotomy & Tympanostomy Tubes) Pulse oximetry is a test used to measure oxygen levels of the blood. Learn about reasons for the test, risks, and what to expect before, during and after. Find a Doctor", "RADIAL PULSE radial pulse-pulse of the radial artery (felt in the wrist). heart rate, pulse rate, pulse-the rate at which the heart beats; usually measured to obtain a quick evaluation of a person's health.", "- radial pulse. Definitions: 1. the pulse as appreciated at the radial artery usually in the wrist. The definition information for radial pulse is provided by Stedman's. You can search our medical dictionary here.", "How can we help? That is unfortunately not possible as the 1 PPS comes at an arbitrary fraction of the second (e.g. at 0.328 seconds and not at 0.0000 seconds). Using the method Ruben described will however have exactly 1.0000 seconds between the pulses.", "PULSE pulse, pulse rate, heart rate(noun) the rate at which the heart beats; usually measured to obtain a quick evaluation of a person's health. pulse(verb) edible seeds of various pod-bearing plants (peas or beans or lentils etc.) pulsate, throb, pulse(verb) expand and contract rhythmically; beat rhythmically.", "Arrhythmia What is your pulse? Your pulse is your heart rate, or the number of times your heart beats in one minute. Pulse rates vary from person to person. Your pulse is lower when you are at rest and increases when you exercise (more oxygen-rich blood is needed by the body when you exercise).", "- today’s conversation on PULSE, the St. Jude Medical blog. We transform the treatment of some of the world’s most costly epidemic diseases through our focus on innovation, clinical leadership, quality and partnership.", "Pulse pressure Pulse pressure is the difference between the systolic and diastolic pressure readings. It is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). It represents the force that the heart generates each time it contracts. If resting blood pressure is (systolic/diastolic) 120/80 millimeters of mercury (mmHg), pulse pressure is 40.ulse pressure is the difference between the systolic and diastolic pressure readings. It is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). It represents the force that the heart generates each time it contracts. If resting blood pressure is (systolic/diastolic) 120/80 millimeters of mercury (mmHg), pulse pressure is 40.", "Meeting A series meeting is like a recurring meeting, but the details differ from meeting to meeting. One example of a series meeting is a monthly lunch and learn event at a company, church, club or organization. The placeholder is the same, but the agenda and topics to be covered vary.", "Pulsed laser A mode-locked laser is capable of emitting extremely short pulses on the order of tens of picoseconds down to less than 10 femtoseconds. These pulses will repeat at the round trip time, that is, the time that it takes light to complete one round trip between the mirrors comprising the resonator.", "popliteal pulse The number of beats felt in exactly 1 minute is the pulse rate. In taking a pulse, the rate, rhythm, and strength or amplitude of the pulse are noted. The average rate in an adult is between 60 and 100 beats per minute.", "Your Body's Oxygen Levels Hypoxemia is defined as insufficient oxygenation of the blood. Pulse oximetry is a simple, transcutaneous non-invasive method of measuring and monitoring the percentage of hemoglobin (Hb) which is saturated with oxygen, that is, the amount of oxygen dissolved in the arterial blood. The pulse.", "What is pulse deficit? A pulse is a rhythm. It is usually associated with a beating or throbbing sound, but can also be pulses of light. Biologically speaking, a pulse is the rhythmic throbb … ing of the arteries resulting from blood travelling through them. 1 person found this useful. Answered. In Heart Rate.", "INTRODUCTION The changing setting in which Chinese medicine is practiced in modern versus ancient times, especially with the advent of advanced technological medical diagnostics, has raised questions as to the value of pulse diagnosis.", "- PTO Membership MBMS PTO is a vital part of our school’s community bringing together parents, teachers, administrators and students. Last year, the PTO provided funds for technology, beautification projects, teacher appreciation, as well as events such as the Big Bash and Middle School Mania!! First meeting is August 17th at 8:30 in the cafeteria.", "Pulse oximeters A pulse oximeter indicates the level of oxygen saturation of the hemoglobin in the blood, referred to as SpO2. The test is usually performed on the index finger, measurements being taken at the capillary level. Results can be used to diagnose poor binding between oxygen and hemoglobin, or other hematological problems." ]
[ 19.21875 ]
[ 5.953125, 5.5390625, 8.7734375, 8.6484375, 4.98828125, 7.79296875, 5.67578125, 8.6640625, 8.03125, 8.0546875, 7.6171875, 7.71484375, 6.86328125, 8.09375, 7.38671875, 5.8203125, 4.6328125, 5.19921875, 7.12109375, 7.890625, 9.546875, 7.5859375, 5.67578125, 6.2734375, 7.07421875, 6.63671875, 8.078125, 4.8828125, 3.755859375, 6.70703125 ]
multiloculated definition
[ "- A panoramic radiograph showed a well defined, corticated, multilocular radiolucent lesion in the region of the left premolar-molar region. Abscesses are located subareolar (23%), intramammary unilocular (12%), or intramammary multilocular (65%)." ]
[ "- Definition of multiple. 1 1 : consisting of, including, or involving more than one multiple births multiple choices. 2 2 : many, manifold multiple achievements He sufferred multiple injuries in the accident. 3 3 : shared by many multiple ownership.", "- The definition of multilingual is something or someone using many languages. An example of something multilingual is a meeting of the United Nations.", "- Limuloid definition: of, relating to, or resembling the king crab genus Limulus | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples English Dictionary | Thesaurus | Translator | Grammar | Scrabble | Blog", "Definition of 'multilateral' In Common Usage. multilateral is one of the 10000 most commonly used words in the Collins dictionary.", "- montelukast - oral, Singulair. Take the Asthma Quiz! The display and use of drug information on this site is subject to express terms of use. By continuing to view the drug information, you agree to abide by such terms of use.", "multiple Multiple definition, consisting of, having, or involving several or many individuals, parts, elements, relations, etc.; manifold. See more.", "- From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Palilalia (from the Greek πάλιν (pálin) meaning again and λαλιά (laliá) meaning speech or to talk) a complex tic, is a speech disorder characterized by the involuntary repetition of syllables, words, or phrases.", "Definition of reticulated in English: 1Constructed, arranged, or marked like a net or network. 1.1 (of porcelain) having a pattern of interlacing lines forming a net or web. 1.2Architecture Relating to or denoting a style of decorated tracery characterized by circular shapes drawn at top and bottom into ogees, resulting in a net-like framework.", "- having several or many sides; many-sided. 2. participated in by more than two nations, parties, etc.; multipartite: multilateral agreements on disarmament.", "Multicellular Multicellular. Definition. adjective. Having or consisting of many cells or more than one cell to perform all vital functions. Supplement. Examples of organisms that are multicellular are humans, animals and plants.Word origin: L, comb. form of multus much, many + NL cellulāris, equiv. to cellul(a) live cell.efinition. adjective. Having or consisting of many cells or more than one cell to perform all vital functions. Supplement. Examples of organisms that are multicellular are humans, animals and plants.", "- Wolcott is referring to Niccolò Machiavelli, a philosopher and writer in the Italian Renaissance, who inspired the political term Machiavellianism, defined as the employment of cunning and duplicity in statecraft or in general conduct, according to the Oxford English Dictionary.", "- Word Origin and History for multiple Expand. adj. 1640s, involving many parts, from French multiple (14c.), from Late Latin multiplus manifold, from Latin multi- many, much (see multi-) + -plus -fold, (see -fold). The noun is from 1680s, in mathematics, from the adjective. Multiple choice as a type of question attested from 1828.", "macular macular (first-person singular present indicative maculo, past participle maculado) (transitive) to taint (to contaminate or corrupt something with an external agent, either physically or morally)", "- Definition of 'multistep'. Word Frequency. multistep (ˈmʌltɪˌstɛp) adjective. comprising or involving several steps or stages. studies have revealed that metastasis is a multistep process that can be divided into three distinct stages. Trends of 'multistep'.", "- (plural mesolects) (linguistics) A variety of speech that is midway between the acrolect and the basilect.", "Multiple choice Multiple choice question Multiple choice is a form of an objective assessment in which respondents are asked to select only correct answers out of the choices from a list. The multiple choice format is most frequently used in educational testing, in market research, and in elections, when a person chooses between multiple candidates, parties, or policies.", "- Having or conceiving multiple centers of power or influence: a multipolar world; a multipolar approach to foreign policy. mul′ti·po·lar′i·ty (-pō-lăr′ĭ-tē, -pə-) n.", "- Full Definition of MOLLUSK. : any of a large phylum (Mollusca) of invertebrate animals (as snails, clams, or squids) with a soft unsegmented body usually enclosed in a calcareous shell; broadly: shellfish.— mol·lus·can also mol·lus·kan \\mə-ˈləs-kən, mae-\\ mä. Adjective see mollusk defined For-english language. learners any of a large phylum (Mollusca) of invertebrate animals (as snails, clams, or squids) with a soft unsegmented body usually enclosed in a calcareous shell; broadly: shellfish. — mol·lus·can also mol·lus·kan \\mə-ˈləs-kən, mae-\\ mä. Adjective see mollusk defined For-english language. Learners see mollusk defined for. kids", "- able to speak or write several languages; multilingual. 2. containing, composed of, or written in several languages: a polyglot Bible. noun. 3. a mixture or confusion of languages.", "Multicollinearity Multicollinearity refers to a situation in which two or more explanatory variables in a multiple regression model are highly linearly related. We have perfect multicollinearity if, for example as in the equation above, the correlation between two independent variables is equal to 1 or -1.In practice, we rarely face perfect multicollinearity in a data set.rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In statistics, multicollinearity (also collinearity) is a phenomenon in which two or more predictor variables in a multiple regression model are highly correlated, meaning that one can be linearly predicted from the others with a substantial degree of accuracy.", "- • Read Section 7.5 in textbook. • Multicollinearity occurs when two or more predictors in the model are. correlated and provide redundant information about the response. • Example of multicollinear predictors are height and weight of a person, years of education and income, and assessed value and square footage. of a home.", "- Multicollinearity refers to a linear relationship among all or some the regressors. Any pair of independent variables may not be highly correlated, but one variable may be a linear function of a number of others. In a 3-variable regression, multicollinearity is the correlation between the 2 explanatory variables.", "dicotyledon n. Any of various flowering plants that are not monocotyledons, having two cotyledons in the seed and usually flower parts in multiples of four or five, leaves with reticulate venation, pollen with three pores, and the capacity for secondary growth.. Any of various flowering plants that are not monocotyledons, having two cotyledons in the seed and usually flower parts in multiples of four or five, leaves with reticulate venation, pollen with three pores, and the capacity for secondary growth.", "- vernacular noun [C usually singular]. › the ​form of a ​language that a ​particular ​group of ​speakers use ​naturally, ​especially in ​informal ​situations: The ​Spanish I ​learned at ​school is very different from the ​local vernacular of this ​Mexican ​village.Many ​Roman Catholics ​regret the ​replacing of the ​Latin ​mass by the vernacular.ernacular noun [C usually singular]. › the ​form of a ​language that a ​particular ​group of ​speakers use ​naturally, ​especially in ​informal ​situations: The ​Spanish I ​learned at ​school is very different from the ​local vernacular of this ​Mexican ​village.", "- In this context there arises a need to discuss the link between multicultural ideology, desiring to allow cultural groups to preserve their traditions, and feminist ideology, aspiring to advance the idea of equality between the genders; the question is whether advocating multiculturalism would mean supporting the conservative approach of societies that hold women in a subservient status to that of men.", "- having or involving several parts, elements, or members: multiple occupancy | a multiple birth. • numerous and often varied: words with multiple meanings. (of a disease, injury, or disability) complex in its nature or effects, or affecting several parts of the body: a multiple fracture of the femur.", "magniloquent speaking or expressed in a lofty or grandiose style; pompous; bombastic; boastful. Origin of magniloquent. Latin. 1650-1660. 1650-60; back formation from Latin magniloquentia elevated language, equivalent to magniloqu(us) speaking grandly (magni- magni- + loqu(ī) to speak + -us adj. suffix) + -entia -ence.", "- undulated. 1 intransitive verb. 2 1 : to form or move in waves : fluctuate. 3 2 : to rise and fall in volume, pitch, or cadence. 4 3 : to present a wavy appearance. 5 transitive verb. : 6 to cause to move in a wavy, sinuous, or flowing manner.", "Multiple representations (mathematics education) Multiple representations are ways to symbolize, to describe and to refer to the same mathematical entity. They are used to understand, to develop, and to communicate different mathematical features of the same object or operation, as well as connections between different properties.", "- Subluxation is a relatively long word / phrase with multiple syllables. It could be especially difficult to pronounce and use given that it has at least one diphthong and consonant group. We are building a video-based pronunciation dictionary and usage API to help you learn how to pronounce and use subluxation, along with tens of thousands of other English words and phrases. Our service extends existing pronunciation dictionaries by adding visual and situational context." ]
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[ 5.85546875, 4.37890625, -0.25048828125, 3.578125, 2.595703125, 6.05859375, 0.92529296875, 1.4052734375, 6.0625, 3.98046875, -1.193359375, 3.017578125, -0.210693359375, 1.7822265625, 1.7138671875, 3.51171875, 4.21484375, 0.9794921875, 3.197265625, 4.74609375, 1.712890625, 3.341796875, 4.17578125, 0.82861328125, 0.869140625, 6.18359375, -0.97314453125, 3.38671875, 2.2734375, -1.78125 ]
is antifreeze harmful to dogs
[ "Antifreeze Poisoning in Dogs Antifreeze Poisoning in Dogs. Many dog owners know that antifreeze is toxic to dogs, but not all people understand how dangerous antifreeze poisoning can really be. Unfortunately, exposure to even a small amount of antifreeze can quickly lead to death. Antifreeze poisoning in dogs is a very serious matter." ]
[ "Antifreeze Is a Sweet but Deadly Poison for Pets 1. Switch to a brand of antifreeze that contains propylene glycol instead of ethylene glycol. Note that although it's safer than ethylene glycol antifreeze, propylene glycol antrifreeze is still toxic. 2.Keep antifreeze sealed and away from animals; clean up spills immediately and thoroughly.Fix any leaks right away.ote that although it's safer than ethylene glycol antifreeze, propylene glycol antrifreeze is still toxic. 2. Keep antifreeze sealed and away from animals; clean up spills immediately and thoroughly. Fix any leaks right away.", "- Antifreeze is a chemical, primarily consisting of ethylene glycol, which when mixed with water serves to lower the freezing point and raise the boiling point of the mixture. Traditionally, the combination of antifreeze and water is known as coolant.t best, mixing types of antifreeze will cause the lifespan of the new mixture to degrade to that of the one with the shorter service interval. At worst, different corrosion inhibitors that were never designed to mix will work against each other-damaging your vehicle's cooling system in the process.", "Anesthesia risk with old dogs? Ladystang just about summed it up there. There are risks with anesthetizing any dog, but the risk of death becomes greater the older the dog gets. One type of anesthesia that is recommended for older dogs is isoflurane, an inhalation-type anesthesia that is quickly eliminated from the dog's body once inhalation stops.", "- Propylene glycol, on the other hand, is used to reduce the toxicity of antifreeze. My (Electronic) Cigarette Addiction Eli Lake January 30, 2013. This is a story about the toxicity of the right-wing echo chamber.", "Solid Waste Management Department Reuse. If the antifreeze is unused and in good condition, try to find a neighbor, friend, or family member that could make good use of it.Disposal. Both used and unused antifreeze can be disposed of by bringing it to the City of Houston's Westpark Consumer Recycling Center, located at 5900 Westpark.f the antifreeze is unused and in good condition, try to find a neighbor, friend, or family member that could make good use of it.", "Can you feel the presence of a ghost? Why? If a dog is not trained properly and is spoiled, it can be harmful to the people in the house or strangers. But domestic dogs in general are not harmful creatures. … I've been trying to say that, I don't know what is happening, yes, domestic dogs are not generally harmful.hen used as a seasoning, no, black pepper is not dangerous to dogs. Dogs can eat meat or vegetables that have been lightly seasoned with black pepper. However, straight black … pepper can cause irritation to the mouth and nasal membranes, including the traditional sneeze response. + 71 others found this useful.", "- If you are a dog, xylitol is potentially lethal. In the canine body, the pancreas confuses xylitol with real sugar and releases insulin to store the sugar.. The problem is that xylitol does not offer the extra Calories of sugar and the rush of insulin only serves to remove the real sugar from the circulation.", "- Some of the reasons this holds true are: 1 Antifreeze has a smell and taste that our dogs are attracted to. 2 The availability of antifreeze is quite high-It is commonly spilled on the garage floor or dumped into the street when changed.3 The lethal dose of antifreeze when consumed by dogs is very small. 4 Generally speaking there is a lack of public ...ome of the reasons this holds true are: 1 Antifreeze has a smell and taste that our dogs are attracted to. 2 The availability of antifreeze is quite high-It is commonly spilled on the garage floor or dumped into the street when changed. 3 The lethal dose of antifreeze when consumed by dogs is very small. 4 Generally speaking there is a lack of public ...", "Is Citronella Poisonous to Dogs? Other summertime items that are harmful to dogs include cocoa mulch, swimming pools supplies, fertilizer and compost piles. Cold weather products that are dangerous for pets include antifreeze, ice-melting products and rodent poisons or baits. Certain human food and medications can harm dogs. Chocolate, coffee, avocado, onions and grapes are among the foods which are harmful to dogs.", "- Posts: 1,669. I think a dog with a muzzle on can still hurt someone-muzzle punching them. However, since that was not your question I bought a muzzle for a similar reason-just in case I ever need to use it. I bought the Jafco clear plastic basket muzzle so that I can still see any reactions he may have.It fits perfectly and I can give him treats through it and he can drink and pant.ylon and Basket Muzzles. I got the Nylon Muzzle when I first got MaDeuce. She was a bit iffy in the beginning and was re-directing on my dogs every time we passed another dog. When I fostered Gizmo I got a basket muzzle for long term use.", "- Be sure, if you buy muzzles in our store you ll get necessary accessories of high quality that will do no harm to your pet. Choosing a muzzle for your pet you have to take into consideration that your pet will wear it for a long period of time.n contradistinction to a metal muzzle, this type can t traumatize your German Shepherds. But when the temperature is extremely high, to wear such type muzzle for a long time becomes unacceptable (a dog sweats through his tongue). The only advantage of solid muzzles in comparison with metal one is thier low weight.", "- By Dr. Becker Some good news for a change from the pet poisoning front. U.S. manufacturers of antifreeze and engine coolant have agreed to voluntarily begin adding bittering agents to their products to discourage pets, children and wildlife from sampling the sweet-tasting liquid.anufacturers will add bitter-tasting denatonium benzoate to antifreeze and coolant products sold throughout the U.S. Denatonium benzoate has been used in common household products and as an anti-nail biting formula in the U.S. for decades.", "Antifreeze Poisoning in Dogs It is the toxin ethylene glycol that makes antifreeze lethal. Because of this, dogs will consume great quantities of ethylene glycol before being repulsed by its aftertaste. By then, it is too late. It does not take a significant amount of ethylene glycol to cause fatal damage to the system; less than three ounces (or 88 ml) of antifreeze is sufficient to poison a medium-sized dog. Antifreeze poisoning affects the brain, liver, and kidneys. Ethylene glycol is also found in engine coolant and hydraulic brake fluids.", "Safe Bones For Dogs Before we get in to that the only other thing you need to be aware of is that raw pork bones may pose a health hazard, but if they are put in the freezer for a few weeks this danger is totally bypassed and pork is as safe as any other raw bone for a Dogs.ow, many people are loathe to give their Dog a bone but basically all raw bones are safe bones for Dogs. Dow owners seem scared to give raw bones to their pets, and to be honest I used to be one of those people.", "- Related Items:are bully sticks safe for dogs, bull pizzle treats, bully sticks treats misconceptions, calories in bully sticks, truth about bully sticks, what are bully sticks. 44 Comments. I would just be careful with them not digesting properly.", "- Antifreeze.” Use propylene glycol antifreeze (usually pink) which is less toxic than ethylene glycol (usually green) where appropriate. Sell propylene glycol in your ships store. 2007 • CONNECTICUT CLEAN MARINA GUIDEBOOK 11 CONNECTICUT DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION", "Lawsuit Alleges Purina âBenefulâ Dog Food Contains Toxins Used In Antifreeze The lawsuit alleges that the food contains toxins that are generally used in automobile antifreeze, and is produced by fungus that occurs in grain.Some veterinarians, however, have said that tests on the food have failed to produce traces of those specific toxins.he lawsuit alleges that the food contains toxins that are generally used in automobile antifreeze, and is produced by fungus that occurs in grain.", "- Description. This fact sheet explains what antifreeze is and mentions the hazardous effects it could have on our health and the environment. It also presents practical ideas on how to use, store, recycle, and properly dispose of antifreeze.", "Fertilizer and Mulch Dangers for Dogs. Before you do so, make sure you know about potential garden dangers that can poison your dog. When in doubt, keep your pets inside while working with some of these common garden or yard additives. Fertilizers. During the spring and fall, homeowners often use fertilizers to spruce up their lawn.f your dog eats some grass that had fertilizer applied to it, it rarely leads to serious poisoning; that said, more serious signs can be seen when the product is directly ingested (i.e., right out of the bag). If ingested directly from the bag, the results can include tremors and seizures.", "5 Household Cleaners That Are Toxic To Your Dog As mentioned above, some laundry detergents contain chlorine, which can be dangerous to your dog. But laundry detergents also contain other chemicals that can irritate your dog’s skin or even give them an upset stomach if they were to chew on a bed or blanket cleaned with that detergent. When it comes to washing items your dog will use, it’s always best to choose a detergent that is free of all dyes and chemicals. Having a clean home may be important, but having a healthy pet is even more important. Make sure that you go through your household chemicals and check the ingredients.", "Antifreeze Poisoning in Dogs Living and Management. Dogs that have consumed antifreeze in very small quantity may survive, but will develop kidney failure within days of ingestion. Unfortunately, death due to kidney damage is common among animals that have been poisoned by antifreeze.", "Log In | Sign Up | Wish ListHomeBlogArticlesQ & AFree CatalogContactSHOPOnline Courses New DVDs Video On DemandCART (0)Search I have used Muzzles to train dogs since 1974 and sold them for 20 years. This article is an overview of the different kinds of muzzles and how they work. I need to start this article with a warning. If you think you need a muzzle you obviously are concerned about aggression problems with your dog.", "Antifreeze Is a Sweet but Deadly Poison for Pets Ethylene glycol, the main ingredient in most antifreeze brands, has an inviting aroma and a sweet flavor. Its appealing smell and taste often tempt animals and children to drink the highly poisonous substance.ote that although it's safer than ethylene glycol antifreeze, propylene glycol antrifreeze is still toxic. 2. Keep antifreeze sealed and away from animals; clean up spills immediately and thoroughly. Fix any leaks right away.", "Paintballs Paintballs can cause a false positive blood test for the more life-threatening poison, antifreeze (ethylene glycol). Make sure your veterinarian is aware of this. If you suspect your dog ate paintballs, call your veterinarian or Pet Poison Helpline immediately for life-saving advice.", "Propylene Glycol - Ethylene Glycol HIGHLIGHTS: Ethylene glycol and propylene glycol are clear liquids used in antifreeze and de-icing solutions. Exposure to excess amounts of ethylene glycol can damage the kidneys, heart, and nervous system.", "Antifreeze An antifreeze is an additive which lowers the freezing point of a water-based liquid. An antifreeze mixture is used to achieve freezing-point depression for cold environments and also achieves boiling-point elevation (anti-boil) to allow higher coolant temperature.Freezing and boiling points are colligative properties of a solution, which depend on the concentration of the dissolved substance.he purpose of antifreeze is to prevent a rigid enclosure from bursting due to expansion when water freezes. Commercially, both the additive (pure concentrate) and the mixture (diluted solution) are called antifreeze, depending on the context.", "- Ethylene glycol, in particular, is toxic and can cause breathing and heart difficulty, brain damage, kidney failure and death. Antifreeze should never be ingested, and its fumes should never be inhaled.", "- Restrictions on Use Safe to use around dogs and cats. As with other care products, not for use around birds. Synonyms Febreze Fabric Refresher Allergen Reducer - Unscented (96391139_RET_NG) Febreze Fabric Refresher - Wild Berries & Honey (99764733_RET_NG) Febreze Fabric Refresher - Gain Apple Mango Tango (99764733_A_RET_NG)", "- If the economy continues to stumble, that toxicity will spread to credit cards and auto loans. The Fools on the Hill Charlie Gasparino February 11, 2009. Propylene glycol, on the other hand, is used to reduce the toxicity of antifreeze. This is a story about the toxicity of the right-wing echo chamber. The toxicity when given subcutaneously is about 15 to 20 per cent greater than when given by mouth. Intramuscularly the toxicity is 30 percent greater than subcutaneously.", "Lawn Fertilizer Effects on Dogs Protect your dog from lawn fertilizers and amendments, as well as organic lawn and plant food. In an era where pets are much like members of the family, it is important that you protect your dog from exposure to things that could potentially make it ill.roper storage of lawn fertilizers, especially if you have a young puppy or a curious dog that likes to chew, is necessary. Keep these products in a safe place, out of reach. Lawn fertilizers are toxic to dogs if ingested, depending on the amount. A small amount is likely to cause only mild stomach upset." ]
[ 17.25 ]
[ 11.578125, 6.5234375, 1.50390625, 5.09375, 4.1328125, 7.12109375, 6.90625, 13.84375, 13.828125, 1.3076171875, 0.03228759765625, 11.4296875, 15.9375, 0.72900390625, 1.2900390625, 5.0625, 8.6796875, 5.53515625, 3.501953125, 4.58203125, 15.828125, 1.4599609375, 12.296875, 10.4609375, 9.390625, 6.25390625, 10.3671875, 1.8779296875, 5.59375, 3.177734375 ]
what is a high school principal salary
[ "- With nearly three in five of High School Principals in the United States reporting more than 10 years of experience, the field is heavily weighted toward experienced professionals. Average pay for High School Principals is $85K per year and can range from $53K on the lower end to $121K per year near the higher end.Location and experience level each impact pay for this group, with the former having the largest influence.verage pay for High School Principals is $85K per year and can range from $53K on the lower end to $121K per year near the higher end. Location and experience level each impact pay for this group, with the former having the largest influence." ]
[ "- 1 Average salary: $56,500 P/A. * 2 Wages will vary according to your level of skill, experience and employer. 3 Employment level: 155,200 as of November 2012 (Projected employment levels in 2017 of 169,500). 4 Average weekly hours: Average weekly hours worked for a full time Primary School Teachers is 41.1 hours.", "- Employment of elementary, middle, and high school principals is projected to grow 6 percent from 2012 to 2022, slower than the average for all occupations. Employment growth will be driven by increases in school enrollments.he median annual wage for elementary, middle, and high school principals was $87,760 in May 2012. The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $58,530, and the top 10 percent earned more than $130,810.", "- Taking home $58,260 on average, high school teachers make salaries comparable to those of elementary school teachers ($56,320), middle school teachers ($56,630), and school counselors ($56,160). Salaries vary a little more for other professionals who work within a school system. For example, a high school teacher makes more than a child and family social worker ($46,060) and more than a sports coach ($37,610) – although many who choose this vocation also work as teachers.", "- New York offers some of the highest pay in the country for Elementary School Principals, 40 percent above the national average. Elementary School Principals will also find cushy salaries in Washington (+31 percent), San Diego (+28 percent), Atlanta (+22 percent), and Los Angeles (+20 percent).hile pay runs from $51K to $112K per year, median earnings come to $79K per year. Geography and tenure each impact pay for this group, with the former having the largest influence. Female Elementary School Principals survey participants are more prevalent than men — 64 percent of professionals.", "How Much do High School Teachers Make? Taking home $58,260 on average, high school teachers make salaries comparable to those of elementary school teachers ($56,320), middle school teachers ($56,630), and school counselors ($56,160).Salaries vary a little more for other professionals who work within a school system.alary Outlook. The BLS reports the median annual salary for high school teachers was $55,360 in 2013. The best-paid 10 percent in the field made approximately $86,720, while the bottom 10 percent made $37,230.", "- The National Association of Secondary School Principals conducted a salary survey in 2010. At that time, salaries ranged from $95,003 a year -- the average for junior high/middle level principals -- to the $102,387 a year paid to senior high school principals.t that time, salaries ranged from $95,003 a year -- the average for junior high/middle level principals -- to the $102,387 a year paid to senior high school principals.", "- Elementary School Principals in the United States tend to have a good amount of experience under their belt — slightly less than three-fifths have more than 10 years in the field. While pay runs from $51K to $112K per year, median earnings come to $79K per year.", "How Much do High School Teachers Make? Salary Outlook. The BLS reports the median annual salary for high school teachers was $55,360 in 2013. The best-paid 10 percent in the field made approximately $86,720, while the bottom 10 percent made $37,230.Compensation is typically based on years of experience and educational level.alary Outlook. The BLS reports the median annual salary for high school teachers was $55,360 in 2013. The best-paid 10 percent in the field made approximately $86,720, while the bottom 10 percent made $37,230.", "- Elementary School Principals in the United States tend to have a good amount of experience under their belt — slightly less than three-fifths have more than 10 years in the field.While pay runs from $51K to $112K per year, median earnings come to $79K per year.Geography and tenure each impact pay for this group, with the former having the largest influence. Female Elementary School Principals survey participants are more prevalent than men — 64 percent of professionals.hile pay runs from $51K to $112K per year, median earnings come to $79K per year. Geography and tenure each impact pay for this group, with the former having the largest influence. Female Elementary School Principals survey participants are more prevalent than men — 64 percent of professionals.", "THE COURTS (2) The annual salary of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall be $209,329. (b) Superior Court. (1) The annual salary of a judge of the Superior Court shall be $191,926. (2) The annual salary of the President Judge of the Superior Court shall be $197,844.1) The annual salary of a judge of the Court of Common Pleas shall be $176,572. (2) The annual salary of the President Judges of the Court of Common Pleas shall be in accordance with the following schedule: (i) Allegheny County, $179,532. (ii) Philadelphia County, $180,124.", "- The bottom ten percent makes $36,740, while the top ten percent earns $82,190 annually. For the 959,770 secondary or high school level teachers, the mean annual salary is slightly higher at $57,770. The lowest ten percent make $36,930 and the top ten percent are compensated with a sizeable $85,690 each year.Industry of employment plays a prominent role in the annual salary of teachers at all levels.Teachers that hold positions as educational support only earn an average of $48,730, while those employed by state governments make an average of $59,070. Another factor that impacts salary for teachers is location.he bottom ten percent makes $36,740, while the top ten percent earns $82,190 annually. For the 959,770 secondary or high school level teachers, the mean annual salary is slightly higher at $57,770. The lowest ten percent make $36,930 and the top ten percent are compensated with a sizeable $85,690 each year.", "- High School Teacher Salary. High school teachers most often teach a single subject to multiple classes throughout the day. These classes may be of one grade level or of different grade levels depending on the school or district. Average Salary for a High School Teacher. High School teacher salaries vary by state and even district with the average being about $56,200 yearly. However, the range is great with the lowest end of that being $34,000 and the higher ranges falling in the mid $70,000 range.", "- High School Teacher Salary. (United States). The average salary for a High School Teacher is $45,612 per year. Experience has a moderate effect on pay for this job. A skill in Information Technology (IT) Support is associated with high pay for this job.igh School Teacher Salary. (United States). The average salary for a High School Teacher is $45,612 per year. Experience has a moderate effect on pay for this job. A skill in Information Technology (IT) Support is associated with high pay for this job.", "- High school teachers will be less in demand during the same decade, with only a six percent growth rate, as indicated by data from the BLS. The BLS also reports average salaries for teachers ranged from $52,840 for kindergarten teachers to $58,260 for high school teachers in 2013.", "- For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Assistant School Principal in the United States is $80,432, so 50% of the people who perform the job of Assistant School Principal in the United States are expected to make less than $80,432.Source: HR Reported data as of October 2015.or example the median expected annual pay for a typical Assistant School Principal in the United States is $80,432, so 50% of the people who perform the job of Assistant School Principal in the United States are expected to make less than $80,432. Source: HR Reported data as of October 2015.", "- Elementary P.E. teachers made a mean salary of $51,380 per year, the BLS reported. Salaries vary considerably in different areas of the country. The pay for high school teachers ranges from less than $35,020 for the lowest paid 10 percent to more than $83,230 for the highest paid 10 percent.", "Problems exist with principal salary structure in North Carolina That principal would get an additional $126 per month for an earned advanced degree and $253 for a doctorate, giving him or her a slight salary advantage over the teacher. But if that same teacher had National Board Certification, he or she would get a salary boost to $4,880 a month.", "- The average salary for a High School Teacher is RM 47,728 per year. Experience has a moderate effect on pay for this job. Most people move on to other jobs if they have more than 20 years' experience in this career.", "- The bottom ten percent makes $36,740, while the top ten percent earns $82,190 annually. For the 959,770 secondary or high school level teachers, the mean annual salary is slightly higher at $57,770. The lowest ten percent make $36,930 and the top ten percent are compensated with a sizeable $85,690 each year.Industry of employment plays a prominent role in the annual salary of teachers at all levels.Teachers that hold positions as educational support only earn an average of $48,730, while those employed by state governments make an average of $59,070. Another factor that impacts salary for teachers is location.ndustry of employment plays a prominent role in the annual salary of teachers at all levels. Teachers that hold positions as educational support only earn an average of $48,730, while those employed by state governments make an average of $59,070. Another factor that impacts salary for teachers is location.", "Career and Salary Info for a Doctor of Education Degree Salary and Growth Information. According to the BLS, the average pay of elementary and secondary administrators (such as superintendents) ranged between $59,070 and $131,310 in May 2015. Pay can depend on experience and the district in which the applicant is seeking work.", "- Elementary School Principal average salary is $93,628, median salary is $92,000 with a salary range from $37,471 to $143,222.", "- For example the median expected annual pay for a typical School Principal in the United States is $100,150, so 50% of the people who perform the job of School Principal in the United States are expected to make less than $100,150. Source: HR Reported data as of March 31, 2017. Salary. Salary + Bonus.", "How Much do High School Teachers Make? Salary. The BLS reports the median annual salary for high school teachers was $55,360 in 2013. The best-paid 10 percent in the field made approximately $86,720, while the bottom 10 percent made $37,230.Compensation is typically based on years of experience and educational level.he BLS reports the median annual salary for high school teachers was $55,360 in 2013. The best-paid 10 percent in the field made approximately $86,720, while the bottom 10 percent made $37,230.", "Principal Job Description and Salary Often, larger schools have assistant or vice principals to aid with school administration. As of May 2012, the median annual salary for a principal in elementary, middle and high school was $87,760, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' (BLS) most recent principal salary study.he top 10% of principals earned more than $130,810 yearly salary and the bottom 10% of principals earned a yearly salary of less than $58,530.", "Database: 2010-11 O.C. public school salaries Click here to review salaries of 2010-11 employees earning $25,000 and more. “Salaries are the only place left to cut for school districts,” said Orange County schools Superintendent Bill Habermehl. “We’ve cut funding for things like books and supplies.", "- For the 959,770 secondary or high school level teachers, the mean annual salary is slightly higher at $57,770. The lowest ten percent make $36,930 and the top ten percent are compensated with a sizeable $85,690 each year. Industry of employment plays a prominent role in the annual salary of teachers at all levels.", "Teacher Salary and Benefits Top Average Elementary Teacher Salary. Top Average Secondary School Teacher Salary. According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-2011, the median salary of K-12 teachers ranged from $47,100 to $51,180 in May 2008, with the top 10% earning $75,190 to $80,970.", "- For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Assistant School Principal in the United States is $84,847 so 50% of the people who perform the job of Assistant School Principal in the United States are expected to make less than $84,847.Source: HR Reported data as of October 2015. 1 Salary.his chart describes the expected percentage of people who perform the job of Assistant School Principal in Leominster, MA that make less than that salary.", "High School Teacher Salary By State Bureau of Labor Statistics information for High School Teacher salaries states that in 2010 the median pay for teachers was $53,230 a year which is right around $25.59 an hour if you figure in a 365 day work year. We all know teachers don’t work for around 3 months however upping that by the hour figure.", "- For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Assistant School Principal in the United States is $80,432, so 50% of the people who perform the job of Assistant School Principal in the United States are expected to make less than $80,432.Source: HR Reported data as of October 2015. 1 Salary.2 Salary + Bonus.or example the median expected annual pay for a typical Assistant School Principal in the United States is $80,432, so 50% of the people who perform the job of Assistant School Principal in the United States are expected to make less than $80,432. Source: HR Reported data as of October 2015." ]
[ 15.9140625 ]
[ 5.81640625, 12.875, 7.70703125, 8.890625, 7.578125, 13.4140625, 10.4375, 7.65625, 9.171875, 2.49609375, 6.796875, 8.3671875, 8.640625, 7.609375, 9.375, 7.68359375, 9.4296875, 8.046875, 6.7421875, 8.3203125, 11.234375, 12.0546875, 7.6171875, 13.375, 5.87109375, 7.7890625, 6.97265625, 8.6484375, 6.8515625, 9.5 ]
population mariposa ca
[ "- Mariposa County, California (CA) County population in 2014: 17,682 (all rural); it was 17,130 in 2000. County owner-occupied with a mortgage or a loan houses and condos in 2010: 2,953. County owner-occupied free and clear houses and condos in 2010: 2,274. County owner-occupied houses and condos in 2000: 4,623." ]
[ "Map of Population by Tract in Rancho Mirage Population by Place in California There are 1,517 places in California. This section compares Rancho Mirage to the 50 most populous places in California. The least populous of the compared places has a population of 117,551. Total Population by Place#7", "Population Growth in California Population Growth in California . Looking at the larger state scale, California is the most populous state in the United States with an estimated 36.8 million residents in 2008 (US Census Bureau 2008a). Its rate of population growth was explosive from after World War II to the first years of the 21st century.", "- Mariposa, CA City Data - Population, Homes, Statistics. Mariposa, CA City Data. Mariposa, CA is a city with great restaurants, attractions, history and people. There are around 1,373 people who live in Mariposa and approximately 17,130 who live in Mariposa County.", "Maricopa County, Arizona Maricopa County (/ˌmærᵻˈkoʊpə/ MARR-i-KOH-pə) is a county located in the south-central part of the U.S. state of Arizona. As of the 2010 census, its population was 3,817,117, making it the most populous county in the state, and the fourth-most populous in the United States. It is more populous than 23 states.", "Aliquippa, Pennsylvania Add Favorite 1 Reviews | Review This Place Aliquippa jobs have Increased by 0.83 percent. cost of living Compared to the rest of the country, Aliquippa's cost of living is 20.30% Lower than the U.S. average. population As of 2014, Aliquippa's population is 9,197 people.", "San Juan, Puerto Rico The population of the Metropolitan Statistical Area, including San Juan and the municipalities of Bayamon, Bayamón, Guaynabo, Catano, Cataño, Canovanas Canóvanas, Caguas Toa, Alta toa Baja Carolina, and trujillo alto is about; 2, million inhabitants thus about half The Population of puerto rico now lives and works. in this areahe largest hospital in San Juan and most important of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean is the Rio Piedras Medical Center, or Centro Medico de Rio Piedras in Spanish. This hospital, founded in 1956, is operated by the Medical Services Administration of the Department of Health of Puerto Rico.", "Kalispell, Montana Add Favorite 24 Reviews | Review This Place The unemployment rate in Kalispell is 6.60 percent(U.S. avg. is 6.30%). Recent job growth is Positive. Kalispell jobs have Increased by 2.65 percent. Compared to the rest of the country, Kalispell's cost of living is 5.70% Higher than the U.S. average. POPULATION. As of 2014, Kalispell's population is 20,016 people. Since 2000, it has had a population growth of 25.98 percent.", "19,205Job OpeningsView Jobs Camarillo Jobs Overview. Camarillo has the 402nd largest population in the United States. The population grew by 3.7% from 2010 to 2015, which was faster than the national average. Camarillo is part of the Los Angeles metro area. Unemployment in the Los Angeles area is 4%, which is lower than the national average, and is getting better.", "Demographics of Minneapolis Population and age Edit. The population of Minneapolis has declined since its peak of 521,718 in 1950, with a small rebound between the periods of 1990 to 2000 and 2000 to 2010. The U.S. Census Bureau reported 382,578 in 2010, down from 382,618 in the 2000 Census. In contrast, the Minneapolis–Saint Paul metropolitan area including the suburbs doubled in population since 1950 and now has approximately 3.5 million residents.", "- The 2016 Alamosa, Colorado, population is 9,819. There are 1,333 people per square mile (population density).", "Mariposa One of the original 27 counties in California, Mariposa County comprised one-sixth of the state-all of what is now Merced, Madera, Fresno, Tulare, Kings, and Kern Counties-until 1852, while mining was the main industry of region.t became the first and the only incorporated town in Mariposa County. Location: 11 mi W of Bear Valley on County Road J16, Hornitos. NO. 518 AGUA FRIA-One-quarter mile north of Carson Creek, a tributary of Agua Fria Creek, was located the town of Agua Fria, in 1850-51 the first county seat of Mariposa County.", "- The ratio of number of residents in Maricopa to the number of sex offenders is 2,800 to 1. The number of registered sex offenders compared to the number of residents in this city is a lot smaller than the state average. Nearest city with pop. 50,000+: Chandler, AZ (19.8 miles , pop. 176,581).", "- As of 2010, the total population of Opelousas is 16,634, which is 27.24% less than it was in 2000. The population growth rate is much lower than the state average rate of 1.44% and is much lower than the national average rate of 9.71%.he most prevalent race in Opelousas is black, which represent 75.11% of the total population. The average Opelousas education level is lower than the state average and is lower than the national average.", "- The 2010 census reported Puerto Vallarta's population as 255,725[1] making it the fifth largest city in the state of Jalisco, and the second largest urban agglomeration in the state after the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area.", "Mexico: Chiapas Contents: Cities & Towns. The population of all urban localities (localidades) in the State of Chiapas with more than 20,000 inhabitants according to census results and latest official projections. (1990) - (2010) Instituto Nacional de Estadística Geografía e Informática, México (web). (2014) Consejo Nacional de Población, México (web).", "January 1995 In 1994, California's population reached 32 million, representing 12.6 percent of the nation. By comparison, California had a population of 21 million in 1974, or 9.9 percent of the nation. Thus, over the past 20 years, California's population has grown by 11 million people, or over 50 percent.", "Minnesota Population 2018 There are three cities in Minnesota with a population of more than 100,000. Minneapolis is by far the largest, home to 410,939 people. Following behind are Saint Paul (300,851) and Rochester (112,225). About 60% of Minnesota's population lives in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area, while 40% are spread throughout the remainder of the state.", "Mariposa, California In the California State Legislature, Mariposa is in the 8th Senate District, represented by Republican Tom Berryhill, and in the 5th Assembly District, represented by Republican Frank Bigelow.he county lies at the southern end of the Mother Lode, and Europeans were attracted to Mariposa by gold. During the 19th century California Gold Rush, its streams were panned and deep mines worked the underground veins. At one time John C. Fremont frémont lived here and owned claims to much of the mineral wealth Of. mariposa", "- Scope: population of El Dorado and selected other places in the Midwest 0k 2k 4k 6k 8k 10k # Chicago Minneapolis Milwaukee St. Paul St. Louis Detroit Cleveland Aurora Grand Rapids Ann Arbor Dearborn Warren Cincinnati Naperville Kenosha Columbus", "- They are the Snowbirds Who Stayed in 2014. Florida has passed New York in population to claim the rank of the USA's No. 3 state, with almost 20 million residents, the Census Bureau reported Tuesday. California remains the most populous state, followed by Texas.", "Pagosa Springs, Colorado Add Favorite 10 Reviews | Review This Place The unemployment rate in Pagosa Springs is 3.80 percent(U.S. avg. is 5.20%). Recent job growth is Positive. Pagosa Springs jobs have Increased by 7.60 percent. Compared to the rest of the country, Pagosa Springs's cost of living is 9.90% Higher than the U.S. average. As of 2014, Pagosa Springs's population is 1,756 people. Since 2000, it has had a population growth of 45.49 percent.", "List of United States cities by population San Jose. The following table lists the 295 incorporated places in the United States with a population of at least 100,000 on July 1, 2014, as estimated by the United States Census Bureau. A city is displayed in bold if it is a state or federal capital, and in italics if it is the most populous city in the state.", "Maricopa County, Arizona Maricopa County, Arizona. Maricopa County (/ˌmærɪˈkoʊpə/ MARR-i-KOH-pə) is a county in the south-central part of the U.S. state of Arizona. As of the 2010 census, its population was 3,817,117,[2] making it the state's most populous county, and the fourth-most populous in the United States. It is more populous than 23 states.", "Maricopa County, Arizona (AZ) Water area: 21.1 sq. mi. Population density: 422 people per square mile (high). Mar. 2013 cost of living index in Maricopa County: 92.9 (less than average, U.S. average is 100). We are giving away a $200 prize-enter simply by sending us your own pictures of this county!", "El Paso Population 2018 The estimated population of El Paso gives it a population density of 2,500 people per square mile (980/square mile). The larger metropolitan area, covering all of Hudspeth and El Paso counties, has a population of 837,000 while the El Paso-Las Cruces CSA has a population of 1.05 million.", "Chiapas Population, persons: 5,217,908 (2015) Population Density, persons per sq.km: 71.20 (2015) Life expectancy at birth: 74.0 (2013) Total fertility rate: 2.50 (2013) Number of Births: 69,735 (2012) Number of Deaths: 21,199 (2012) Official Web Site of the Region; Medical Staff, persons: 5,893 (2011) Population with primary education, 5 years and older : 1,881,617 (2010) Economically active population: 1,944,895 (2013) GDP at constant price 2008 (mln. US$): 233,226 (2012) GDP at constant prices Primary Sector 2008 (mln. US$): 397,044 (2012) GDP at constant prices Secondary Sector 2008 (mln. US$): 73,172 (2012)", "- According to Mission historian Brother Guire Cleary, the early 19th century saw the greatest period of activity at San Francisco de Asis: Asís at its peak in–1810, 1820 the Average indian population At Pueblo dolores was 1,100 1100. personshe San Francisco neighborhood closely surrounding the historic Mission is known as Mission Dolores, and the much larger Mission District is named for it as well. The current Pastor of Mission Dolores is Reverend Arturo Albano. The current Curator of Mission Dolores is Andrew A. Galvan.", "- Pagosa Springs, CO City Data - Population, Homes, Statistics. Pagosa Springs, CO City Data. Pagosa Springs, CO is a city with great restaurants, attractions, history and people. There are around 1,591 people who live in Pagosa Springs and approximately 9,898 who live in Archuleta County.", "Mariposa, California Mariposa, California. Not to be confused with Maricopa, California. Mariposa (formerly Aqua Fria) is a census-designated place (CDP) in and the county seat of Mariposa County, California, United States. The population was 2,173 at the 2010 census, up from 1,373 at the 2000 census.", "Reynosa Reynosa is the largest and most populous city in the state of Tamaulipas, followed by Matamoros, Nuevo Laredo, Tampico, Rio Río, bravo And Ciudad. victoriat is located on the southern bank of the Rio Grande, directly across the border from Hidalgo, Texas in the United States. As of 2013, the city of Reynosa has a population of 672,183. If the floating population is included in the census count, the population can reach up to approximately 1,000,000." ]
[ 16.59375 ]
[ 3.791015625, 5.40625, 16.28125, 6.51171875, -1.2021484375, -0.08111572265625, 1.01171875, 0.80712890625, 2.375, 3.40625, 7.94921875, 3.794921875, 2.416015625, 0.74951171875, -0.5693359375, 5.4453125, 1.0517578125, 8.34375, 3.08984375, 2.1953125, 0.986328125, 4.1953125, 6.24609375, 4.12890625, 1.6591796875, 3.59765625, 1.9326171875, -0.467041015625, 15.96875, -1.259765625 ]
what cell produces melanin
[ "Melanin Like all good sunshades, the umbrellas in our skin are darkly colored. The dark pigment in our skin, called melanin, is typically black or brown. This protein is produced by special cells, called melanocytes, which are located in the lowest level of our epidermis (the surface layer of our skin, Figure 1). 1 MANUFACTURING MELANIN (Figure 1): Melanin is the pigment primarily responsible for our skin color. Melanin is produced in special cells, called melanocytes, located in the lower layer of our epidermis (the surface layer of our skin). Melanocytes themselves are not the umbrellas of our skin. They merely produce the melanin for our skin, in the form of tiny granules called melanosomes." ]
[ "Melanin In the brain, tissues with melanin include the medulla and pigment-bearing neurons within areas of the brainstem, such as the locus coeruleus and the substantia nigra. It also occurs in the zona reticularis of the adrenal gland. The melanin in the skin is produced by melanocytes, which are found in the basal layer of the epidermis. Although, in general, human beings possess a similar concentration of melanocytes in their skin, the melanocytes in some individuals and ethnic groups produce variable amounts of melanin.", "Melanocyte Through a process called melanogenesis, these cells produce melanin, which is a pigment found in the skin, eyes, and hair. This melanogenesis leads to a long-lasting pigmentation, which is in contrast to the pigmentation that originates from oxidation of already-existing melanin.", "Melanin The melanin in the skin is produced by melanocytes, which are found in the basal layer of the epidermis. Although, in general, human beings possess a similar concentration of melanocytes in their skin, the melanocytes in some individuals and ethnic groups produce variable amounts of melanin.he most common type of melanin is eumelanin. There are two types of eumelanin—brown eumelanin and black eumelanin. Pheomelanin is a cysteine-containing red polymer of benzothiazine units largely responsible for red hair, among other pigmentation. Neuromelanin is found in the brain, though its function remains obscure.", "- Melanin is a pigment that is produced by cells known as melanocytes in the skin of most animals. It comes in two basic forms: eumelanin (brownish color) and pheomelanin (reddish-brown color). The production of melanin is affected by UV exposure, genetic make-up, size of melanocytes, and disease conditions.", "- Myelin is present in the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS); however only the central nervous system is affected by MS. CNS myelin is produced by special cells called oligodendrocytes.", "What role do melanocytes play in skin color? Melanocytes are the cells that are responsible for producing the pigment melanin, which gives color to skin and hair. Everyone has melanocytes, but people with dark skin produce more melanin than those with lighter skin do.", "- Function of skin pigment. Melanin is a naturally produced polymer found in a multitude of locations in the body, from the eye and ear, to the brain and skin. Each different location contains a different variety of melanin, such as neuromelanin in the brain, and eumelanin and pheomelanin in the skin.", "- The liver and kidneys filter the blood. The bones produce most of the white blood cells. However, T and B lymphocytes are produced in the lymph nodes and spleen, and the T Cel … ls are also produced and mature in they Thymus Gland.The bone marrow is the part of the bone that produces the cells.3 people found this useful. the part of your body that produces red blood cells is your marrow. the marrow is the sponge like tissue that is found in most of your bones. the area that the most red … blood cells are made is the hip. the hip has the most marrow. + 33 others found this useful.", "How Melanin Production in Skin is Related to Skin Color? It determines the color of the skin, hair and eyes. Melanin is produced in the skin in cells known as melanocytes and through a process called melanogenesis. There exist different subtypes of melanin which are found in different people and different parts of the body.elanin is produced in the skin in cells known as melanocytes and through a process called melanogenesis. There exist different subtypes of melanin which are found in different people and different parts of the body.", "Human skin Melanin is produced within the skin in cells called melanocytes and it is the main determinant of the skin color of darker-skinned humans. The skin color of people with light skin is determined mainly by the bluish-white connective tissue under the dermis and by the hemoglobin circulating in the veins of the dermis.", "Types Of Cells Found In The Skin 3. Melanocytes. These types of cells found in the skin are cells that produce melanin and they are found at the heart, the bones, the meninges, the inner ear, the unea, and the stratum basel (bottom layer) of the epidermis.Melanin is the substance that determines what color a skin will posses.here are three distinct types of cells found in the skin epidermis. 1. Keratinocyte. This is the most predominant of all types of cells found in the skin epidermis. It is located at the outmost part of the skin and constitutes about 90 percent of all types of cells found in the skin.", "- 1 Melanocyte stem cells are responsible for regeneration of melanocytes, a type of pigment cell. 2 Melanocytes produce the pigment melanin, and therefore play an important role in skin and hair follicle pigmentation. 3 It is not yet certain where these stem cells are found in humans.kin stem cells. In everyday life your skin has to cope with a lot of wear and tear. For example, it is exposed to chemicals like soap and to physical stresses such as friction with your clothes or exposure to sunlight.", "What makes myelin in the CNS and PNS? CNS: oligodendrocytes make the myelin, they cooperate in the formation of a myelin sheath along the axon, this is the process of myelination. Each oligodendrocyte produces segments of several axons. PNS: schwann cells make the myelin, each schwann cell can myelinate one segment of a single axon and they work together ot form the myelin sheath.", "Melanin The melanin in the skin is produced by melanocytes, which are found in the basal layer of the epidermis. Although, in general, human beings possess a similar concentration of melanocytes in their skin, the melanocytes in some individuals and ethnic groups produce variable amounts of melanin.n humans, melanin is the primary determinant of skin colour. It is also found in hair, the pigmented tissue underlying the iris of the eye, and the stria vascularis of the inner ear.", "Myelin: A Specialized Membrane for Cell Communication Depending on the location, different glial cell types make myelin in a different manner. Schwann cells make myelin in the peripheral nervous system (PNS: nerves) and oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system (CNS: brain and spinal cord). In the PNS, one Schwann cell forms a single myelin sheath (Figure 1A).", "How Melanocytes Defend Your Skin Against UV Rays Skin Health. A melanocyte is a type of cell that's primarily located in the basal layer of the epidermis. Melanocytes produce melanin, a brown pigment that is responsible for skin coloration and protecting against the harmful effects of UV light. Melanocytes are also present in the hair and in the irises of the eyes.", "Best Vitamins to Reduce Skin Melanin Production Melanin pigment is produced by melanocytes and melanosomes.Tyrosinase, an enzyme within melanosome cells, is released when stimulated by chemicals or UV rays, stimulates production and distribution of the melanin pigment and cause darkening of skin.elanin pigment is produced by melanocytes and melanosomes.Tyrosinase, an enzyme within melanosome cells, is released when stimulated by chemicals or UV rays, stimulates production and distribution of the melanin pigment and cause darkening of skin.", "- Melanins occur in insect cuticle and in the eyes and eyespots of most animals. Melanins also produce the black coloration in the ink of the squid and other cephalopods, and they act as protective agents in certain microscopic organisms. In humans, melanin is best known as the colouring agent that makes our skin black, brown, reddish, or yellowish.", "Hyperpigmentation Human skin contains specialized cells, called melanocytes, which are located at the base of the epidermis. These cells are programmed to manufacture a brown pigment, called melanin, in response to exposure of skin to sunlight.", "AP1:Ch 6 Melanocytes produce melanin. Keratinocytes are old and stuck together by lots of desmosomes. Langerhans cells part of the immune system, protects micros. Merkel cells the least amount of cells located in the deepest layer of epidermas, acts as a sensory receptor.", "Melanin Melanin /ˈmɛlənɪn/ (Greek: μέλας - melas, black, dark) is a broad term for a group of natural pigments found in most organisms (arachnids are one of the few groups in which it has not been detected).Melanin is produced by the oxidation of the amino acid tyrosine, followed by polymerization.he pigment is produced in a specialized group of cells known as melanocytes. There are three basic types of melanin: eumelanin, pheomelanin, and neuromelanin. The most common type of melanin is eumelanin. There are two types of eumelanin—brown eumelanin and black eumelanin.", "Melasma Melasma is thought to be the stimulation of melanocytes (cells in the epidermal layer of skin that produce a pigment called melanin) by the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone to produce more melanin pigments when the skin is exposed to sun.", "Where is melanin located? Melanin is located in your basal cells of the epidermis. Melanin is found in other body locations as well, such as the iris, inner ear, and adrenal gland. Melanin is found in the skin and is a pigment produced by melanocytes. The function of melanin is how light or dark skinned a person is. Melanin is located in your basal cells of the epidermis. Melanin is found in other body locations as well, such as the iris, inner ear, and adrenal gland.", "- Melanocytes synthesize and store brown pigment, melanin, that gives the tissue a dark color. Melanocytes are common in the stratum basale of the epidermis in the skin, whe…re they play a major role in determining skin color. They are also found in the dermis, eye, heart, brain, and bone..", "- Skin is composed only of the epidermis. Newly formed cells, produced by the basal layer, push to the surface of the skin. Epidermal cells harden due to the production of keratin, a waterproof protein.Specialized cells in the epidermis called melanocytes produce melanin.The dermis contains hair follicles, oil and sweat glands, sense receptors, and the arrector pili muscle.kin is composed only of the epidermis. Newly formed cells, produced by the basal layer, push to the surface of the skin. Epidermal cells harden due to the production of keratin, a waterproof protein.", "How do you decrease the melanin of the skin? What layer of the skin contains melanin? The epidermis layer of the skin contains melanin producing cells, so I would assume that is the layer with melanin in it. What layer of skin produces melanin? Melanocytes, which produce melanin, are found in the basal layer of the epidermis, also called the stratum basale.", "Melanin Melanin /ˈmɛlənɪn/ (Greek: μέλας - melas, black, dark) is a broad term for a group of natural pigments found in most organisms (arachnids are one of the few groups in which it has not been detected). Melanin is produced by the oxidation of the amino acid tyrosine, followed by polymerization.", "Human skin color Melanin: The pigment that gives human skin, hair, and eyes their color. Dark-skinned people have more melanin in their skin than light-skinned people have. Melanin is produced by cells called melanocytes.It provides some protection again skin damage from the sun, and the melanocytes increase their production of melanin in response to sun exposure.Freckles, which occur in people of all races, are small, concentrated areas of increased melanin production.elanin is produced by cells called melanocytes. It provides some protection again skin damage from the sun, and the melanocytes increase their production of melanin in response to sun exposure. Freckles, which occur in people of all races, are small, concentrated areas of increased melanin production.", "Melanin Melanin (/ˈmɛlənɪn/; from Greek: μέλας melas, black, dark) is a broad term for a group of natural pigments found in most organisms. Melanin is produced by the oxidation of the amino acid tyrosine, followed by polymerization. The melanin pigments are produced in a specialized group of cells known as melanocytes.", "Melanocytes Share this set. Melanocytes in the basal layer make melanin in response to exposure to UV. Melanin is a yellow-dark brown pigment (colored molecule) that absorbs (UV). The darker the color of melanin, the more UV it can absorb. Original Alphabetical." ]
[ 14.4609375 ]
[ 14.3125, 14.1171875, 14.015625, 14.9296875, 5.6875, 13.7265625, 10.953125, 6.76953125, 14.03125, 14.15625, 10.578125, 12.09375, 4.37890625, 14.3046875, 4.6328125, 14.046875, 13.921875, 9.8671875, 12.71875, 13.1328125, 13.9765625, 12.8984375, 12.3828125, 11.6328125, 12.4453125, 12.4296875, 12.1171875, 14.46875, 14.53125, 12.53125 ]
what are reasons your bank account could be on block
[ "When a Company Blocks Your Credit or Debit Card It may be that the company placed a block — or a hold — on your card for the estimated total of your bill. Merchants use blocks to make sure you have sufficient funds to pay your bill. If you’re near your credit limit or you have a low balance in your bank account when a block is placed, your card could be declined for additional purchases. To avoid surprises at the cash register, ask your card issuer and the merchant if they use blocking." ]
[ "An Overview of Left Bundle Branch Block Left bundle branch block is a significant finding for two different reasons. First, left bundle branch block most often occurs as a result of some underlying heart problem. So when it is found, it is quite likely that some significant underlying cardiac condition is also present.", "Drug Causes of Heart block Drug interactions causing Heart block: When combined, certain drugs, medications, substances or toxins may react causing Heart block. The list below is incomplete and various other drugs or substances may cause your symptoms.", "The Causes of Left Bundle Branch Block Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a continuous heart condition that causes the heart to beat harder to produce more blood for the organs; this can lead to left bundle branch block. A person experiencing a continuous heart condition such as hypertension is more likely to get a left bundle branch block.", "First-degree atrioventricular block The most common causes of first-degree heart block are an AV nodal disease, enhanced vagal tone (for example in athletes), myocarditis, acute myocardial infarction (especially acute inferior MI), electrolyte disturbances and medication.", "- This would protect you against the check bouncing for lack of funds. If the check isn't drawn on your bank, but you take it to your bank and ask them to cash it, they will often do so - but the cash is really a loan against the funds in your own account. Banks don't communicate between each other, so they can't immediately confirm funds availability from other banks.", "Why Did The Bank Place a Hold on My Checking Account? This also applies to checks that the bank has reasonable doubt about – that is, they doubt the funds will clear. The bank should notify you if they have placed your account on hold. Why Do Banks Place Holds on Checks? The most common reason banks put a hold on funds in your account is to ensure that a check clears.", "Frozen Bank Accounts IMPORTANT NOTE: The information on this page applies to accounts that have been frozen because of private debts like credit cards, medical bills, and bank loans. If you have child support debt, or if you owe money to the government for taxes or a student loan, different rules apply.", "Overview The main complication of bundle branch block is a slow heart rate, which can sometimes cause fainting. People who have a heart attack and develop a bundle branch block have a higher chance of complications, including sudden cardiac death, than do people who have heart attacks and don't develop a bundle branch block.", "- Here are some reasons why a store or restaurant might reject or block your credit card. In the regular course of using your credit and debit cards, you may find merchants telling you that the card is “blocked,” rejected, or has been refused. Here’s what’s going on.", "Why Did The Bank Place a Hold on My Checking Account? A hold can be placed on your checking account for a variety of reasons. Usually, a bank places a hold on a check or deposit you make into your account. The bank will do this to ensure the funds clear before they are made available in your account.", "General Ledger Cash Account Out of Balance to Statement During Bank Reconciliation An account other than the cash account used as the debit adjustment account causes the bank account and GL cash account to be out balance. If the adjustment is unposted, edit the debit account. If the adjustment is posted, enter another adjustment to correct the original adjustment.", "Why Filing Bankruptcy Might Be The Worst Thing You Could Do For Your Career Unfortunately, these employees often have debts from gambling or drugs, things that will not show up on a credit report. So, while it’s sad to say, an employer might pass you over because you have a bankruptcy in your past, despite the fact that they aren’t technically allowed to do this.", "- I was financially underwater and drowning, after he closed out all the bank accounts and left me penniless. The day after he moved out, a blockage in the town pipes prevented the water from accessing the house. The water literally tricked out of the pipes, and it was hell getting the town to fix it.", "What are some reasons a bank might close your account without telling you? Generally, Banks have no reason to close your account. 1) If my account doesn't meet the minimum balance requirements and banks continue to deduct upto the point where there are no more funds to deduct from the account, the bank will freeze/inactivate the account.", "Stopped Payment of Cheque: Can the Drawer Be Held Liable Under Section 138 Of the Negotiable Instruments Act? The customer's order, however, remains executory and can be rescinded until the bank makes payment. One of the reasons on account of which the banker can refuse to make the payment of a cheque is that the payment has been stopped by the drawer.", "What Is a Bundle Branch? (They go by names such as right bundle branch block, left bundle branch block, and first-degree, second-degree, and third-degree atrioventricular node blocks.) A bundle branch block can occur in people who appear healthy, but it can also be a sign of an underlying heart condition.", "6 reasons to be unbanked or underbanked In other words, fees matter, but they’re typically further down the list in terms of why some consumers are unbanked or underbanked, Filene’s Hofheimer says. But the fees issue might actually have more to do with transparency than the cost of banking.", "Can I Keep My British Bank Account Open When I Move Abroad? If you’re not comfortable maintaining your British account when you move, or if your bank is giving you a headache about the relocation and your rights to keep your account open, explore what’s on offer from your bank in the form of an international account.or some expats, retaining a bank account in the UK is simple and makes sense. It gives them a portal through which they can simply manage any ongoing financial obligations in the UK for example, and it maintains a traceable credit record that may be of use to them if they decide to repatriate in the future.", "A Guide to Second Degree Heart Block Certain congenital heart defects may also cause this condition. If the heart block is acquired the most common cause is heart attack-associated damage. Other causes may include coronary heart disease, heart failure, cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, and rheumatic fever.", "With Debt Collection, Your Bank Account Could Be At Risk With Debt Collection, Your Bank Account Could Be At Risk. Conrad Goetzinger and Cassandra Rose struggle to pay their bills as $760 is garnished from their paychecks every two weeks by debt collectors. Twice, Goetzinger's bank account has been emptied by collectors after he failed to payoff a loan for a laptop.", "Medical Dictionary Heart block can be caused by: 1 Scarring (fibrosis) of the heart's electrical system caused by aging. This is the most common cause of heart block. 2 Heart attacks. 3 Infection of the heart valves (endocarditis). 4 Complication of Lyme disease. Sarcoidosis or hemochromatosis.", "Can a Debt Collector Get Into My Bank Account? Chances are, if you have unpaid delinquent debt, it’s because you can’t afford to pay it. Having all or part of your bank account seized would likely create a hardship when it comes to paying other bills. Missing payments on other debts may, in turn, hurt your credit scores and compound your problems.hen I opened that account, the paperwork I signed clearly indicated that the balance in my account could be used to pay a debt owed to the credit union. This is known as the “Common Law Right of Setoff,” says Melchionne.", "- Bank Account. The safe and convenient way to manage your money. You work hard to earn a good living. You want to make sure your money is safe and that you can access it when it is most convenient to you. At Barclays we understand this and that is why we have developed the Bank Account for you.The Bank Account is a transactional account for salaried earners which can be accessed 24/7 from any Visa branded ATM.t Barclays we understand this and that is why we have developed the Bank Account for you. The Bank Account is a transactional account for salaried earners which can be accessed 24/7 from any Visa branded ATM.", "This content requires the Flash Player. Download Flash Player. Already have Flash Player? Click here.FAQ SUPPORT What would cause my engine to lock up? Engine lock-up may be caused by a variety of reasons (such as low oil level, improper oil type, insufficient maintenance, etc.). To best determine the cause of failure, please consult a Briggs & Stratton Authorized Dealer for an engine inspection. NOTE: Please read and abide by any applicable Safety Information (PDF) before performing any engine work. This information is not meant to take the place of work performed by a Briggs & Stratton Authorized Dealer.", "Investors BankCustomer Reviews -Closed my teenage son's account and then refused to cash their own bank check because he didn't have an account with them!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, you just closed his account and issued him a bank check! -Refused to accept a Power of Attorney document that was accepted by five other banks with no problem.", "What is a 'Bank Run' What is a 'Bank Run'. A bank run occurs when a large number of customers of a bank or another financial institution withdraw their deposits simultaneously due to concerns about the bank's solvency. As more people withdraw their funds, the probability of default increases, thereby prompting more people to withdraw their deposits.", "Frequently Asked Bankruptcy Questions Q. A. Having too much money in the bank. This is a time when it is not good to save. When you file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the trustee assigned to your case will review your information to see if there is anything that can be seized and used to pay your creditors.One of the most common documents requested by the trustee is bank statements covering the date that your case was filed.If you have a significant amount of money in the bank, you may want to discuss your options with an experienced bankruptcy attorney before you file for bankruptcy.ne of the most common documents requested by the trustee is bank statements covering the date that your case was filed. If you have a significant amount of money in the bank, you may want to discuss your options with an experienced bankruptcy attorney before you file for bankruptcy.", "What Is a Bundle Branch? A bundle branch block is a delay or obstruction along the pathway that electrical impulses travel in your heart to make it beat. It is not an obstruction of blood flow in an artery or anywhere else.It indicates an “electrical” problem.They go by names such as right bundle branch block, left bundle branch block, and first-degree, second-degree, and third-degree atrioventricular node blocks.) A bundle branch block can occur in people who appear healthy, but it can also be a sign of an underlying heart condition.", "4 Options When You Canât Open a Bank Account Some banks that offer second chance checking accounts don’t even check your ChexSystems file. Others will require that any outstanding balances from old banks (reported in your ChexSystems file) be paid off before you can get a second chance account.ome banks that offer second chance checking accounts don’t even check your ChexSystems file. Others will require that any outstanding balances from old banks (reported in your ChexSystems file) be paid off before you can get a second chance account.", "Cannot activate Windows 10. Product Key blocked. If your PC was repaired or rebuilt, it's possible that a different version of Windows was installed. Or, if a different product key was used for your PC during repair, that key might be blocked if it was used on more PCs than allowed by the Microsoft Software License Terms." ]
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definition of cosmic
[ "cosmic Definition of cosmic for English Language Learners. : 1 of or relating to the universe or outer space. : 2 relating to spiritual matters. : 3 very large or important." ]
[ "cosmos The definition of cosmos is the universe thought as a peaceful and calm system, or any peaceful and calm system. An example of cosmos is the belief that everything in the universe is connected. the universe considered as a harmonious and orderly system.", "- Define cosmos: universe; an orderly harmonious systematic universe; order, harmony — cosmos in a sentence universe; an orderly harmonious systematic universe; order, harmony… See the full definition", "Cosmological principle In modern physical cosmology, the cosmological principle is the notion that the spatial distribution of matter in the universe is homogeneous and isotropic when viewed on a large enough scale, since the forces are expected to act uniformly throughout the universe, and should, therefore, produce no observable irregularities in the large scale ...", "cosmic (ˈkɒzmɪk) adj. 1. (Astronomy) of or relating to the whole universe: cosmic laws. 2. (Astronomy) occurring or originating in outer space, esp as opposed to the vicinity of the earth, the solar system, or the local galaxy: cosmic rays. 3. immeasurably extended in space or time; vast.", "Kosmos Definition. 1 an apt and harmonious arrangement or constitution, order, government. 2 ornament, decoration, adornment, i.e. the arrangement of the stars, 'the heavenly hosts', as the ornament of the heavens. 3 the world, the universe. 4 the circle of the earth, the earth. the inhabitants of the earth, men, the human family.", "cosmism Historical Examples. 1 cosmism, a thoughtful name, which ought to supersede Atheism in the future, neither denies nor affirms the existence of Deity. 2 But these are bound up in all philosophies of creation as opposed to cosmism. 3 cosmism says it cannot explain anything beyond, and pauses where its knowledge ends.", "Definitions &Translations Cosmos. In the general sense, a cosmos is an orderly or harmonious system. The word derives from the Greek term κόσμος, literally meaning order or ornament and metaphorically world, and is antithetical to the concept of chaos.Today, the word is generally used as a synonym of the Latin loanword Universe.he word derives from the Greek term κόσμος, literally meaning order or ornament and metaphorically world, and is antithetical to the concept of chaos. Today, the word is generally used as a synonym of the Latin loanword Universe.", "Cosmos The cosmos (UK /ˈkɒzmɒs/, US /ˈkɒzmoʊs/) is the universe regarded as a complex and orderly system; the opposite of chaos.", "- LINK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. noun. The definition of a microcosm is a small subset of a whole that is generally considered to be representative of the whole. An example of a microcosm is a small sect of the population which is surveyed in order to get an idea of the opinions of the general population.INK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. noun. The definition of a microcosm is a small subset of a whole that is generally considered to be representative of the whole. An example of a microcosm is a small sect of the population which is surveyed in order to get an idea of the opinions of the general population.", "epic 1. Of, constituting, having to do with, or suggestive of a literary epic: an epic poem. 2. Surpassing the usual or ordinary, particularly in scope or size: A vast musical panorama ...it requires an epic musical understanding to do it justice (Tim Page).. Of, constituting, having to do with, or suggestive of a literary epic: an epic poem. 2. Surpassing the usual or ordinary, particularly in scope or size: A vast musical panorama ...", "Definition of 'cosmic' Translations for 'cosmic'. British English: cosmic ADJECTIVE. Cosmic means occurring in, or coming from, the part of space that lies outside Earth and its atmosphere....cosmic radiation.", "cosmology : the scientific study of the origin and structure of the universe. Nglish: Translation of cosmology for Spanish speakers Britannica English: Translation of cosmology for Arabic speakers Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about cosmology.", "- WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2016. whim•si•cal (hwim′zi kəl, wim′-), adj. 1 given to whimsy or fanciful notions; capricious:a pixyish, whimsical fellow. of the nature of or proceeding from whimsy, as thoughts or actions:Her writing showed whimsical notions of human behavior.", "What is meant when it is said that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic? 3 Answers 3. active oldest votes. up vote 16 down vote accepted. A homogeneous cosmology is one in which there are no special places in the universe: at a given instant in time, the universe appears the same at every location (on large enough spatial scales).", "- Cosmogony (or cosmogeny) is any model concerning the origin of either the cosmos or universe.[1][2] Developing a complete theoretical model has implications in both the philosophy of science and epistemology.", "- a pure or nearly pure, extremely hard form of carbon, naturally crystallized in the isometric system. 2. a piece of this stone. 3. a transparent, flawless or almost flawless piece of this stone, especially when cut and polished, valued as a precious gem.", "cosmos 1. the world or universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious system. 2. a complete, orderly, harmonious system. 3. order; harmony. 4. any of a genus, Cosmos, of New World composite plants having open clusters of flowers with red or yellow disks and wide rays of white, pink, or purple.", "cosmology n the branch of astrophysics that studies the origin and evolution and structure of the universe. the branch of astronomy concerned with the physical and chemical properties of celestial bodies. Word Family.", "Cosmology Cosmology (from the Greek κόσμος, kosmos world and -λογία, -logia study of), is the study of the origin, evolution, and eventual fate of the universe.", "Cosmological principle The perfect cosmological principle is an extension of the cosmological principle, and states that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic in space and time. In this view the universe looks the same everywhere (on the large scale), the same as it always has and always will.", "Cosmology Cosmology (from the Greek κόσμος, kosmos world and -λογία, -logia study of) is the study of the origin, evolution, and eventual fate of the universe.", "cosmic If it has to do with the universe, it's cosmic. The planets, for instance, are cosmic bodies. When you use the word cosmic to describe something big, you often use it with the word, proportions. A big mistake might be an error of cosmic proportions.", "cosmos Definition of cosmos for Students 1: the universe especially as thought of as an orderly system 2: a tall garden plant related to the daisies that has showy white, pink, or rose-colored flower heads", "- cosmic - definition and synonyms. What are red words? 90% of the time, speakers of English use just 7,500 words in speech and writing. These words appear in red, and are graded with stars. One-star words are frequent, two-star words are more frequent, and three-star words are the most frequent.", "- 1. the world or universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious system. 2. a complete, orderly, harmonious system. 3. order; harmony. 4. any of a genus, Cosmos, of New World composite plants having open clusters of flowers with red or yellow disks and wide rays of white, pink, or purple.kosmos kósmos, order, form, arrangement the world or]. universe. order; harmony. 4. any of a genus, Cosmos, of New World composite plants having open clusters of flowers with red or yellow disks and wide rays of white, pink, or purple. kosmos kósmos, order, form, arrangement the world or]. (universe′kŏz, məs′kŏz′). mōs", "cosmic Definition of cosmic. 1 1a : of or relating to the cosmos, the extraterrestrial vastness, or the universe in contrast to the earth alone cosmic radiationb : of, relating to, or concerned with abstract spiritual or metaphysical (see metaphysical 2) ideas cosmic wisdom.", "Cosmology (Anthropology) Cosmology (Anthropology) Cosmology comes from the Greek word kosmos which, according to the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary means ‘the world or universe as an ordered system’ or ‘order, harmony, a harmonious system’. Cosmology then, means the theory of the universe as an ordered whole, and of the general laws which govern it. In philosophy, it is taken to mean that part of metaphysics which deals with the idea of the world as a totality of all phenomena in space and time.", "- 1 being beyond one's powers to know, understand, or explain the many inscrutable beliefs of that ancient religion Synonyms arcane, cryptic, deep, enigmatic (also enigmatical), impenetrable, mysterious, mystic, occult, uncannyRelated Words dark, darkling, fuzzy, murky, obscure, shadowy, vague; ambiguous, equivocal; imponderable, incomprehensible, ...", "canonical canonical. adj. 1. (Ecclesiastical Terms) belonging to or included in a canon of sacred or other officially recognized writings. 2. (Ecclesiastical Terms) belonging to or in conformity with canon law. 3. according to recognized law; accepted.", "- 3 of, relating to, or suggesting heaven a land of ethereal beauty and tranquillity Synonyms elysian, empyreal, empyrean, celestial, heavenly, supernalRelated Words supernatural, transcendent, transcendental, unearthly, unworldly; angelic (or angelical), beatific, blissful; Olympian, paradisiacal (or paradisiac), utopian; cosmic (also cosmical), ..." ]
[ 16.375 ]
[ 11.078125, 9.921875, 5.671875, 15.25, 6.1015625, 4.9921875, 8.375, 10.1875, 4.65625, 3.763671875, 15.25, 5.98046875, -0.00975799560546875, 2.556640625, 5.92578125, 5.84375, 9.359375, 6.78515625, 7.9453125, 5.26953125, 7.921875, 12.3359375, 9.8828125, 10.015625, 9.7890625, 15.9375, 6, 4.6484375, 1.6708984375, 10.671875 ]
meaning of anemia
[ "What is iron-deficiency anemia? Hemolytic anemia is a type of anemia. The term anemia usually refers to a condition in which the blood has a lower than normal number of red blood cells. Anemia also can occur if your red blood cells don't contain enough hemoglobin (HEE-muh-glow-bin)." ]
[ "- Save as Favorite. Anemia means you have a low red blood cell count or your red blood cells don't have enough hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is an iron-rich protein found in red blood cells that carries oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. If you're anemic, you might experience the following:", "Anemia Anemia is a condition that occurs when the number of red blood cells (RBCs) and/or the amount of hemoglobin found in the red blood cells drops below normal.Red blood cells and the hemoglobin contained within them are necessary to transport and deliver oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.hese include people with diets poor in iron and vitamins, chronic diseases such as kidney disease, diabetes, cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, a family history of inherited anemia, chronic infections such as tuberculosis or HIV, and those who have had significant blood loss from injury or surgery.", "Anaemia Health topics. Anaemia. Anaemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells or their oxygen-carrying capacity is insufficient to meet physiologic needs, which vary by age, sex, altitude, smoking, and pregnancy status.", "anemia anemia [(uh-nee-mee-uh)] A condition in which the capacity of the blood to carry oxygen is decreased because of too few red blood cells in circulation or because of too little hemoglobin.", "- Anemia Symptoms. Anemia is a blood disorder resulting from a shortage of hemoglobin (the red pigment that gives red blood cells their color) to the red blood cells that carry oxygen to all parts of the body. People with anemia usually have a pasty complexion and are very pale because their cells can't transport the oxygen they need.", "- Anemia refers to an abnormally low hematocrit, as opposed to polycythemia, which refers to an abnormally high hematocrit.[2] For a condition such as anemia that goes unnoticed, one way it can be diagnosed is by measuring the hematocrit levels in the blood.[3] Both are potentially life-threatening disorders.", "Anemia Symptoms & Warning Signs Anemia is a lower than normal number of red blood cells (RBCs) in circulation. There are several different laboratory RBC measurements that can reveal anemia. Decreased RBC production, increased RBC destruction, and blood loss are the three major categories or causes of anemia.", "What does anemic mean? Definition of Anemia. Anemia: The condition of having a lower-than-normal number of red blood cells or quantity of hemoglobin. Anemia diminishes the capacity of the blood to carry oxygen. Patients with anemia may feel tired, fatigue easily, appear pale, develop palpitations, and become short of breath. Children with chronic anemia are prone to infections and learning problems.", "Human Physiology/Print Version Anemia Anemia is a decrease in the number of oxygen carrying red blood cells. It is typically due to either decreased production of the cells (often due to nutritional deficiency of iron, folic acid or vitamin B12) or increased loss through bleeding.", "What is anemia? Understanding Anemia -- the Basics. Anemia is a condition that develops when your blood lacks enough healthy red blood cells or hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a main part of red blood cells and binds oxygen. If you have too few or abnormal red blood cells, or your hemoglobin is abnormal or low, the cells in your body will not get enough oxygen.", "Medical Dictionary Iron deficiency anemia: A common form of nutritional disorder, iron deficiency results in anemia as iron is necessary to make hemoglobin, key molecule in red blood cells responsible for the transport of oxygen.", "What does anemic mean? It means you lack the required amount of iron in your blood. The red blood cells use the iron compound hemoglobin to carry oxygen to the cells. Lack of iron can lead to fatigue. It's usually easily combatted by eating iron-rich foods or taking an iron supplement. Anemia can run in families so if you feel you have it, then please see your doctor for a diagnosis.", "- Anemia means “bloodlessness” in Latin. That’s because it lowers the number of red blood cells manufactured in bone marrow. Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body, so with fewer of them, the body becomes starved for oxygen. Anemia also can result in bone marrow making insufficient amounts of hemoglobin.", "anemic (ə-nē'mē-ə) A deficiency in the oxygen-carrying component of the blood, as in the amount of hemoglobin or the number or volume of red blood cells. Iron deficiency, often caused by inadequate dietary consumption of iron, and blood loss are common causes of anemia. See also aplastic anemia, hemolytic anemia.and sickle cell anemia.", "Anemia Anemia is a condition that results from insufficient red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood. Red blood cells take oxygen from the lungs and release it throughout the body. Hemoglobin is the iron-rich protein that carries oxygen inside the red blood cells and gives blood its red color.", "Definition Hypoxemia is a below-normal level of oxygen in your blood, specifically in the arteries. Hypoxemia is a sign of a problem related to breathing or circulation, and may result in various symptoms, such as shortness of breath. Hypoxemia is determined by measuring the oxygen level in a blood sample taken from an artery (arterial blood gas).", "Definition By Mayo Clinic Staff. Hypoxemia is a below-normal level of oxygen in your blood, specifically in the arteries. Hypoxemia is a sign of a problem related to breathing or circulation, and may result in various symptoms, such as shortness of breath. Hypoxemia is determined by measuring the oxygen level in a blood sample taken from an artery (arterial blood gas).", "What does anemic mean? In brief: Anemia. In ancient greek, it means lack of blood. It means low number of red blood cells , or low hemoglobin in the blood.", "Anemia Anemia is a condition in which a person has a lower than the normal number of red blood cells or hemoglobin in their blood. A person with anemia may experience symptoms and signs such as: 1 Shortness of breath. 2 Palpitations. Dizziness.", "Overview of Anemia Overview of Anemia. Anemia is defined as an absolute decrease in the red cell mass as measured by RBC count, hemoglobin concentration, and/or PCV. It can develop from loss, destruction, or lack of production of RBCs. Anemia is classified as regenerative or nonregenerative.", "- Iron-deficiency anemia, also spelled iron-deficiency anaemia, is defined as a decrease in the amount of red blood cells (RBCs) or hemoglobin in the blood due to not enough iron.", "- Anemia is a condition that occurs when the number of red blood cells (RBCs) and/or the amount of hemoglobin found in the red blood cells drops below normal. Red blood cells and the hemoglobin contained within them are necessary to transport and deliver oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.", "Anemia Anemia (uh-NEE-me-uh) is a condition in which your blood has a lower than normal number of red blood cells. Anemia also can occur if your red blood cells don't contain enough hemoglobin (HEE-muh-glow-bin). Hemoglobin is an iron-rich protein that gives blood its red color. This protein helps red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. If you have anemia, your body doesn't get enough oxygen-rich blood.", "Anemia Anemia is a condition in which you don't have enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to the body's tissues. Having anemia may make you feel tired and weak. There are many forms of anemia, each with its own cause. Anemia can be temporary or long term, and it can range from mild to severe. See your doctor if you suspect you have anemia because it can be a warning sign of serious illness. Treatments for anemia range from taking supplements to undergoing medical procedures.", "anemia Related to anemia: iron deficiency anemia. also a·nae·mi·a (ə-nē′mē-ə) n. A pathological deficiency in the oxygen-carrying component of the blood, measured in unit volume concentrations of hemoglobin, red blood cell volume, or red blood cell number.", "anemia Medical Definition of anemia. 1 1: a condition in which the blood is deficient in red blood cells, in hemoglobin, or in total volume—see aplastic anemia, hyperchromic anemia, hypochromic anemia, megaloblastic anemia, microcytic anemia, pernicious anemia, sickle-cell anemia; compare oligocythemia. 2 2: ischemia.", "Anemia Anemia is strictly defined as a decrease in red blood cell (RBC) mass. The function of the RBC is to deliver oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs. This is accomplished by using hemoglobin (Hb), a tetramer protein composed of heme and globin.ith anemia due to acute blood loss, a reduction in oxygen-carrying capacity occurs along with a decrease in intravascular volume, with resultant hypoxia and hypovolemia. Hypovolemia leads to hypotension, which is detected by stretch receptors in the carotid bulb, aortic arch, heart, and lungs.", "- Anemia: The condition of having a lower-than-normal number of red blood cells or quantity of hemoglobin. Anemia diminishes the capacity of the blood to carry oxygen. Patients with anemia may feel tired, fatigue easily, appear pale, develop palpitations, and become short of breath.", "Anemia Anemia (uh-NEE-me-uh) is a condition in which your blood has a lower than normal number of red blood cells. Anemia also can occur if your red blood cells don't contain enough hemoglobin (HEE-muh-glow-bin). Hemoglobin is an iron-rich protein that gives blood its red color. This protein helps red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. If you have anemia, your body doesn't get enough oxygen-rich blood. As a result, you may feel tired or weak. You also may have other symptoms, such as shortness of breath, dizziness, or headaches. Severe or long-lasting anemia can damage your heart, brain, and other organs in your body.", "Medical Glossary Symptoms include lethargy, jaundice, fever, pale mucous membranes, and abnormal pulses. Anemia is a decrease in the mass of red blood cells, the result of lack of production, loss of red blood cells, or destruction of red blood cells. There are two types of anemia: regenerative and non-regenerative." ]
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what is cattle ranching
[ "Cattle Ranching Cattle ranching in the Great Plains of the United States and Canada differs from the raising of beef cattle on small farms farther east. In the Great Plains it is the primary activity, not an adjunct to farming, and it is conducted on horseback (and, more recently, out of a pickup truck).anching, as it developed on the Plains, was well adapted to the physical environment. Cattle were able to consume the nutrient-rich grasses, just as the bison had. Even today, grass is the most important natural resource for ranchers, and little tillage agriculture takes place in order to sustain the herds." ]
[ "- 1 Meadow Lake Ranch is a true, working cattle ranch spanning over 700 spectacular acres on the historic Gold Rush Trail 35km NW from the town of Clinton in British Columbia’s sunny South Cariboo. The ranch sits on the Fraser Plateau surrounded by crown lands with dozens of lakes, streams and the majestic Marble Mountain Range to the west. Buildings & Amenities — The Main House", "- An entry level cattle rancher (1-3 years of experience) earns an average salary of $28,048. On the other end, a senior level cattle rancher (8+ years of experience) earns an average salary of $45,013.", "What in Tarnation? Cattle Rustling Is Making a Comeback As ranchers moved away from open range grazing by building fences in the late 19th century, the crime — once a capital offense punishable by hanging in many areas –mostly disappeared. But according to a report from NPR, cattle rustling is a big problem once again, particularly in Texas and Oklahoma. Encouraged by booming beef prices—calves can now sell for up to $1,300 at auction, up from $800 a few years ago—around 4,000 animals have gone missing so far this year, setting a pace that should easily top thefts in 2014.", "- The systems and methods of open range ranching were imported to the New World by the Spanish, and this form of cattle ranching, which gave rise to the archetype of the cowboy as a romantic figure in the history of the American West, was practiced in southeast Texas and southwestern Louisiana beginning in the late eighteenth century.", "- Disbudding and Dehorning. Although “dehorning” is the term generally applied to horn removal in cattle of all ages, a distinction can be made based on the stage of horn growth.ehorning involves cutting out horns and horn-producing tissue after they have formed from the horn bud and attached to the skull. This occurs when the calf is around two months of age. As horns grow, part of the frontal sinus extends into the base of the horn.", "cowboy Definitions of ranch hand. 1. a hired hand who tends cattle and performs other duties on horseback. local names for a cowboy (`vaquero' is used especially in southwestern and central Texas and `buckaroo' is used especially in California) a woman cowboy.", "For Sale: 1.6 Percent Of Australia, Including World's Biggest Cattle Ranch The largest cattle ranch in the world, Anna Creek, is on the market in Australia. For context, the ranch is about the size of New Hampshire, according to Time magazine. This ranch is just one (big) part of an entire parcel that's for sale. The parcel consists of several cattle ranches scattered across South Australia, Queensland, the Northern Territory and Western Australia. Together, the ranches make up a total of 1.6 percent of the continent's total land area, according to the Australian Broadcasting Corp.", "CATTLE RANCH • CATTLE RANCH (noun). The noun CATTLE RANCH has 1 sense: 1. farm consisting of a large tract of land along with facilities needed to raise livestock (especially cattle). Familiarity information: CATTLE RANCH used as a noun is very rare.he noun CATTLE RANCH has 1 sense: 1. farm consisting of a large tract of land along with facilities needed to raise livestock (especially cattle). Familiarity information: CATTLE RANCH used as a noun is very rare.", "Crutching Crutching refers to the removal of wool from around the tail and between the rear legs of a sheep. It can also refer to removing wool from the heads of sheep (wigging) or from the bottom of male sheep (mulesing)", "- Around here, many farmers/ranchers depend on other people to cut and bale their hay. Hay-cutting is a mad scramble-the hay has to be at the right stage and there has to be several days of good weather for it to lay in the field and dry.So fields can remain uncut if a farmer/rancher is low on the list to cut.ay-cutting is a mad scramble-the hay has to be at the right stage and there has to be several days of good weather for it to lay in the field and dry. So fields can remain uncut if a farmer/rancher is low on the list to cut.", "How do we protect the Amazon Rainforest from deforestation? Cattle ranching is responsible for 80% of rainforest destruction. 2. Stop doing anything else that uses resources that are taken from the Rainforest (or find ways to severely limit your use of those resources). 3. Encourage others to change their lifestyles.", "- hunting to drop [a bird] abschießen: to tower [a bird] aufsteigen: orn. clutch [of bird eggs] Vogelgelege {n} clutches [of bird eggs] Vogelgelege {pl} orn. ravener [bird of prey] Raubvogel {m} agr. hist. [chairman of a farmers cooperative or of a village who was in charge of the Flurzwang] Schulze {m} [Schultheiß] collapse [of a bridge, etc.; of prices, of a currency]", "- Full Definition of RANCH. 1. : a large farm for raising horses, beef cattle, or sheep. 2. : a farm or area devoted to a particular specialty.3. : ranch house. See ranch defined for English-language learners. See ranch defined for kids.ull Definition of RANCH. intransitive verb. : to live or work on a ranch. transitive verb. 1. : to work as a rancher on. 2. : to raise on a ranch. See ranch defined for English-language learners.", "Dude Ranches Dude Ranches. Colorado’s dude ranches offer vacation experiences that range from upscale, romantic resort-like properties to rustic, working ranches where guests can take part in everyday chores like herding cattle or gathering fresh eggs. See all dude-ranch listings >>.", "- By 1860, Anglo-American ranchers had taken over the cattle industry in Central Texas and had turned it into a “grand-sized industry” (Jordan, The Origin of the Anglo-American Cattle Ranching, 84). By 1860, Anglo ranches had shifted westward into areas of Tejano ranching (Jordan, 84).", "- Example sentences containing 'thatched'. The cottage was a low white building with a few dark beams showing in its walls, small windows and a thatched roof. When she walked into the little thatched bar by the beach, he was in deep conversation with one of the waiters.", "Feeding Cows 101 So current practice is to cut and bale excess summer forage, for use in winter when feed is of lower quality and in short supply. Ranch cattle in Montana are generally fed through the winter by daily throwing hay on the ground for them to consume.", "- Average age of a principle beef cattle rancher is 58.32. 913,246 total cattle & calf operations2. Of these: 727,906 are beef farms and ranches. Of these: 91% are family-owned or individually-operated. 11% are operated by women. 26,586 are engaged in cattle feedlot production.", "Cattle ranching in the Amazon rainforest Cattle ranching has then expanded in the Low Amazon River regions, from Santarem santarém to The Marajo, marajó islands based on extensive farming systems on (Natural grasslands). Teixeira 1953 at the beginning of the 20, th Century The brazilian amazon herd was made of 750 000 cattle and 250. 000 buffaloesattle ranching has then expanded in the Low Amazon River regions, from Santarem santarém to The Marajo, marajó islands based on extensive farming systems on (Natural grasslands). Teixeira 1953 at the beginning of the 20, th Century The brazilian amazon herd was made of 750 000 cattle and 250. 000 buffaloes", "- A bridle, a lariat, and, during the cattle drives, probably a well-balanced six-shooter completed the cowboys’ outfit. Ranchers staked out homesteads often centered in a cottonwood grove, with ample water nearby; they grazed their cattle over thousands of acres of public domain.", "- Print this informative brochure about rattlesnakes on state forest lands. The largest populations of timber rattlesnakes occur in remote, heavily forested regions of Pennsylvania which means they often call state forests home. These amazing creatures are frequently misunderstood and feared.", "Little Britches: Father and I Were Ranchers Paperback â September 1, 1991 PS--One little note: the subtitle Father and I Were Ranchers may lead you to guess that this is a story of a cattle rancher. In fact, farms of that day were generally referred to as ranches even though the primary function was growing crops, not cattle.", "Definition of âalligatorâ - English Dictionary Businesses engaging in ranching protect alligator habitats to take care of nesting sites to ensure a healthy population.", "ranching Ranch houses are typically one story, with a low roof and attached garage. Ranching is the practice of raising herds of animals on large tracts of land. Ranchers commonly raise grazing animals such as cattle and sheep. Some ranchers also raise elk, bison, ostriches, emus, and alpacas. The ranching and livestock industry is growing faster than any other agricultural sector in the world. Ranching is common in temperate, dry areas, such as the Pampas region of South America, the western United States, the Prairie Provinces of Canada, and the Australian Outback. In these regions, grazing animals are able to roam over large areas.", "How Cattle are Raised How Cattle are Raised. Regardless of the size or type of beef operation they run, one thing that California ranchers have in common is the quality of care these animal stewards provide for their livestock. Just like someone in the accounting industry may be good with numbers, cattle producers are good with cattle and enjoy their work.", "- Harris Ranch. Harris Ranch, or the Harris Cattle Ranch, feedlot is California's largest beef producer and the largest ranch on the West Coast of the United States, producing 150,000,000 pounds of beef per year in 2010.", "- There's not many properties left in the county this size. Beautiful working cattle ranch and recreational property. Towering oaks, good grass, 7 stock tanks, 2 story barn, 3 sets of pipe corrals, hay barn, 3 wells and 1 water meter. Lots of Rd. frontage.", "Ranch View of the Grant-Kohrs Ranch near Deer Lodge, Montana. A ranch is a type of farm and an area of landscape, including various structures, given primarily to the practice of ranching, the practice of raising grazing livestock such as cattle or sheep for meat or wool.he word most often applies to livestock-raising operations in Mexico, the Western United States and Canada, though there are ranches in other areas. People who own or operate a ranch are called ranchers, cattlemen, or stockgrowers.", "- No. Farming is, by definition, an ambiguous term for the raising of livestock (which includes any animal from chickens to pigs, or cattle, bison, horses, etc.) and/or growing … crops. Cattle ranchers are people that raise cattle on an extensive operation and make it a living and a business from doing so.", "- Cattle. The primary objective of ranching is sustainability of range resources. The ranching business remains a vital component of contemporary King Ranch operations, and is an ongoing, living link with the legendary past of Captain King’s domain.he primary objective of ranching is sustainability of range resources. The ranching business remains a vital component of contemporary King Ranch operations, and is an ongoing, living link with the legendary past of Captain King’s domain." ]
[ 13.484375 ]
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[ "- Mint and all the other budgeting apps encrypt your passwords. So even if they were hacked, now the hackers have to crack encryption to get your password. The solution is simple people…and here it is…use MULTIFACTOR or TWO step authentication for your banks." ]
[ "- © 2016 Mint SIM, Inc. Plan Terms & Conditions; Privacy Policy; Return Policy; Acceptable Use Policy; Site Terms of Use; 911 & E911 Disclosure; Prepaid MTS Surcharge ×", "Mint stamp In philately, a mint stamp is a stamp which is in its original state of issue, is unused, has never been mounted and has full gum, if issued with gum. The term applies equally to postage stamps and revenue stamps.", "Custom-built jewelry safes designed to match your lifestyle â¦and décor Given Brown Safe's 35-year history as the leading US manufacturer of high-security jewelry safes, and our worldwide reputation for handcrafted quality, a Gem jewelry safe presents a convenient and secure jewelry storage solution for the discerning client seeking only the best of the best.", "Mint.com Review. Is Mint Safe? Over the 4+ years we have used Mint, they’ve broken from time to time as banks have updated their websites, but generally speaking the integrations are good. The primary concern for anyone using Mint or a similar service like Yodlee or Wasabe is security.", "SAFEGUARD YOUR INVESTMENT GEMPRINT® is recognized by over 30 international insurance companies as a safeguard for diamonds. Many insurance companies offer a 10% discount if your diamond is registered in the GEMPRINT® International Registry at Gemprint.com. Some insurance companies even require a GEMPRINT® for insurance replacement and for high-value diamond jewelry.", "- Examples of secure in a Sentence. 1 We must secure the country's borders. 2 Secure your belongings under the seat. 3 secure a child safety seat. 4 The seat is secured to the base by three screws. 5 She scored a goal to secure the team's victory. 6 She secured the zoo's future with a handsome bequest. 7 He secured a loan using his house as collateral.", "- As well as offering general protection against cyber-threats, the solution includes the Safe Money feature that allows users to open banking or shopping websites in a protected mode, verifies that websites are secure and prevents hidden redirects to fake websites attempting to steal personal information.", "- Cannon Safe sets the standard for home safes. Whether you are looking for traditional home safes, security safes, wall safes, office safes, gun safes, large full-feature safes, or a fireproof safe Cannon Safe has you covered.Cannon Safe offers a ZERO COST lifetime replacement policy.ou can be confident in the security of your most treasured valuables. Home and office safes are not just for the rich and wealthy. Consider how difficult it would be to replace passports, social security cards, tax documents, etc. Protect important documents with a Cannon Safe.", "KoinTain Coin Capsules KoinTain Coin Capsules Originally created in the 1940's, Kointain coin capsules are made of thin pliable Mylar. Proven to be an effective storage device for those collectors who wish to house their coins in a round, virtually airtight, inert, holder.", "- Notices Securing your personal information is a priority. Walmart engages in appropriate, reasonable and industry-standard security practices to help ensure that personal information is not subject to loss or unauthorized access, alteration, acquisition, use, modification, destruction or disclosure.", "Codes and Numbers Mint Cream. Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is F5FFFA. This article will be judged by what is written as a justification and may be deleted or rewritten if the justification does not adhere to the Color Sorting Policies. This color was named for. This color is a shade of Green, White. The color Mint is named after a Leaf.", "- Secure and Trusted. We want you to shop with confidence, that's why we have the tools & resources to ensure buyer-protection. We use trusted services such as PayPal which offer complete security for when you buy FIFA Coins online. Join over ten-thousand trusted customers and order today.", "Definitions &Translations mint - (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent; a batch of letters; a deal of trouble; a lot of money; he made a mint on the stock market; see the rest of the winners in our huge passel of photos; it must have cost plenty; a slew of journalists; a wad of money", "- We also recommend that you do not allow your browser or other password management service to remember your password, especially on a shared and/or public device. Refer to your browser s Help section for instructions on how to disable this feature. At BMO Bank of Montreal your security is our priority. Our secure sign in process and strong encryption are only the first steps we take to provide you with a safe and secure Online Banking experience.", "Mint condition This Russian stamp is unused and therefore is in mint condition. Mint condition is an expression used to denote the quality of a pre-owned good as displaying virtually no imperfections and being in pristine condition relative to its original production state.", "Royal Canadian Mint Silver Coins In 1988, the Royal Canadian Mint first minted the .9999 silver maple leaf. It is their history of commitment to precious metals purity that makes these silver coins one of the most attractive ways to invest into silver in the world today.", "- Mint CSV exported account data format supported (including multiple accounts in one CSV file). Limited support added for importing investment transactions through CSV/Excel format(This part of the Advanced options, and requires Excel). Support for basic actions like buy/sell/dividend/interest. Support for Short Sell and Cover for Short Sell, in CSV/Excel format. Support to read Excel files.", "What is e-check, how does it work and is it secure? As far as security, it is secure as the security on the other end (which you have no idea.) I would suggest paying with a credit card which you can dispute an unknown charge much easier than trying to get money back into your checking account and bouncing checks if that account number gets in the wrong hands.", "- Curiously Strong Mints®. Introduced in 1780, Altoids mints were originally marketed to relieve stomach discomfort. By the 1920s, the original cardboard box had been replaced by the more durable distinctive metal tins of today.", "Definition of 'mint' A mint is a sweet with a peppermint flavour. Some people suck mints in order to make their breath smell fresher. The mint is the place where the official coins of a country are made. In 1965 the mint stopped putting silver in dimes. To mint coins or medals means to make them in a mint. ...the right to mint coins.", "Custom-built jewelry safes designed to match your lifestyle â¦and décor Security & Protection. The Gem Line of luxury jewelry safes offers the most advanced materials and methods of construction to bring the superior protection only a Brown Safe can deliver. Available in 4 protection levels, and with or without fire protection in each, a Gem Safe provides the perfect security for your demands.", "- Proof Sets are the ultimate standard in coins. GovMint.com has the most dazzling and gleaming U.S. Coins with details so sharp and luster so brilliant that they are instantly recognizable as the peak of coin perfection. Collectors scramble to get these coins complete with original U.S. Mint packaging and unparalleled craftsmanship. Typically, these sets feature stunning presentation, from the brilliance of the coin to the care in which they are packaged and displayed.", "- When you make a purchase from The Royal Mint you're not simply buying a coin, you're owning a piece of history. The Royal Mint is a national treasure, making beautifully crafted coins and medals for countries all over the world. Over a thousand years of craftsmanship and artistry ensures every piece we strike is a long lasting piece of history. Visit the Royal Mint Museum website to find out about the history of The Royal Mint and gain unprecedented access to the collection plus information on exhibitions, events and learning.", "Is it safe to deposit checks through an ATM? They're also available long after the bank has closed its doors, outside of normal banking hours, which is when most people are at work. You probably even have friends who deposit their checks through ATMs all the time with no complaints. And your bank is always quick to assure you that it's perfectly secure.", "[Case Study ~ 2011] Truman Medical Centers 3. TREND MICRO I TRUMAN MEDICAL CENTERSResults Trend Micro SecurityTMC is confident that all of their confidential data is protected on mobile devices because of • Trend Micro Endpoint Encryptionthe flexibility of Trend Micro Endpoint Encryption.", "Mint SIM launches, and plans to change the cellular market Mint SIM, a telecommunications provider founded by Ultra Mobile, launched today. Mint SIM is a no-contract, prepaid mobile phone service provider offering low-priced, full-feature unlimited domestic talk, text and data plans. It plans to target the younger generation of users while competing against the larger service providers in the US.", "Definitions &Translations GCIDE(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 Mint(n.) Specifically: A large quantity of money; as, to make a mint in stock trading. 2 mint(a.) Specifically: (Numismatics) Uncirculated; in the same condition as when it was freshly coined at the mint.", "NO SECURITY: Mickey Mouseprints NO SECURITY: Mickey Mouseprints. NO SECURITY is a new, semi-regular dispatch about tech history, and (sub)culture in the underground and abroad. Last week, my parents took my son Oliver and me to Disney World. I haven't been to Disney since the 1980s, and while I was expecting lines and crowds, what awaited us was an unsettling, dystopian security aspect that could have been out of a William Gibson or Bruce Sterling novel. The Disney World adventure begins in the aptly named, heroes or villains parking lots.", "Mint (facility) A mint is an industrial facility which manufactures coins that can be used in currency. The history of mints correlates closely with the history of coins. In the beginning, hammered coinage or cast coinage were the chief means of coin minting, with resulting production runs numbering as little as the hundreds or thousands.", "Product review: Mandiant Intelligent Response 1.0 Also, they need to be concerned about collecting and preserving the evidence in an acceptable format for further investigation. Mandiant, a trusted name in the incident response services arena, has created Mandiant Intelligent Response (MIR) an appliance that will automate most of the time-consuming tasks. Installation/Configuration B" ]
[ 12.8671875 ]
[ 8.0234375, 5.796875, 1.4375, 13.515625, 2.951171875, 3.4375, 6.34765625, 1.7919921875, -1.58984375, 3.99609375, 2.072265625, 5.2421875, 3.861328125, 5.29296875, 5.07421875, 6.0234375, 6.24609375, 3.982421875, 4.34375, 5.421875, 0.78515625, 5.6484375, 7.15625, 3.1875, 2.109375, 7.3828125, 3.720703125, 1.94140625, 7.04296875, 2.07421875 ]
what is interstitial fluid
[ "What is the composition of tissue fluid?How is it formed? Interstitial fluid or tissue fluid is a solution that bathes and surrounds the tissue cells of multicellular animals.t is the main component of the extracellular fluid, which also includes plasma and transcellular fluid. The interstitial fluid is found in the interstices-the spaces between cells (also known as the tissue spaces)." ]
[ "Fluid/Electrolyte Balance Extracellular Fluid (ECF) - all fluids found outside the cells, comprises 40% of all body fluids Interstitial Fluid - 80% of ECF is found in localized areas: lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid, aqueous humor and vitreous body of eyes, between serous and visceral membranes, glomerular filtrate of kidneys.lood Plasma - 20% of ECF found in circulatory system Composition of Body Fluids Water is the main component of all body fluids making up 45-75% of the total body weight. Sources of water include Ingested foods and liquids (preformed water) Metabolic water produced during dehydration synthesis of anabolism.", "- Definition of synovial fluid. : a transparent viscid lubricating fluid secreted by a membrane of an articulation, bursa, or tendon sheath.", "Fluid Compartments within the Human Body Distribution of water within the body. Intracellular Fluid (ICF): The amount of water that’s inside our cells accounts for 2/3rds of our TBW. Extracellular Fluid (ECF): The amount of water that surrounds our cells accounts for 1/3 of our TBW. ECF is also known as interstitial fluid because it’s the fluid in between the cells. Mnemonic to help you remember which is 1/3rd and 2/3rd: ECF and ICF. E comes before I in the alphabet, so E is 1/3rd and I is 2/3rd. ICF = 2/3 X TBW.", "A&P. Urinary System: Chap 24. Composition of Interstitial Fluid. Because only large particles are filtered out by the capillary. walls, normal interstitial fluid is an ultrafiltrate of blood. plasma; that is, it has the same composition as plasma. except that its concentration of plasma proteins is much. less.", "Differences Between Plasma and Interstitial Fluid Differences Between Plasma and Interstitial Fluid. Plasma is a type of extracellular fluid (ECF), meaning it is a body fluid found outside of (rather than within) cells. Plasma and inter-stitital fluid (the type of extracellular fluid that bathes the outside of cells) have similar concentrations of most dissolved products, nutrients, and electrolytes.", "Diffusion of Gasses through the Respiratory Membrane 1) pulmonary edema-a build up of excess fluid in the interstital space between the alveoli and the capillary 2) pulmonary fibrosis-a build up of fibrous tissue in the interstital space 3) pneumonia-a build up of inflammatory fluid and cells in and around the alveoli.", "Synovial fluid Synovia, more often called synovial fluid, is a viscous, non-Newtonian fluid found in the cavities of synovial joints.With its egg white –like consistency, the principal role of synovial fluid is to reduce friction between the articular cartilage of synovial joints during movement.he fluid contains hyaluronan secreted by fibroblast-like cells in the synovial membrane, lubricin (proteoglycan 4; PRG4) secreted by the surface chondrocytes of the articular cartilage and interstitial fluid filtered from the blood plasma.", "- Interstitial lung a disease is a broad generic term for all diseases that affect the lung parenchyma, with attention to the interstitial space between the gas-carrying alveoli and the blood-carrying capillaries. Since DIP, a smoking-related ILD, affects this space, it is a type of ILD.", "- It’s simple. Extracellular fluid usually is the bodyfluid which is outside the cell. Everything except this is intracellular fluid. And the interstitial fluid is something that is present around the tissue cells of multicellular animals. So basica...", "- Body Fluid Compartments 2/3 (65%) of TBW is intracellular (ICF) 1/3 extracellular water 25 % interstitial fluid (ISF) 5- 8 % in plasma (IVF intravascular fluid) 1- 2 % in transcellular fluids – CSF, intraocular fluids, serous membranes, and in GI, respiratory and urinary tracts (third space) 11.", "What is the difference between interstitial fluid and lymph? INTERSTITIAL FLUID. - Interstitial fluid (or tissue fluid, or intercellular fluid) is a solution which bathes and surrounds the cells of multicellular animals. - To prevent a build-up of tissue fluid surrounding the cells in the tissue, the lymphatic system plays a part in the transport of tissue fluid.- Tissue fluid can pass into the surrounding lymph vessels (now called Lymph), and eventually ends up rejoining the blood. Interstitial fluid (or tissue fluid, or intercellular fluid) is a solution which bathes and surrounds the cells of multicellular animals. - To prevent a build-up of tissue fluid surrounding the cells in the tissue, the lymphatic system plays a part in the transport of tissue fluid.", "Fluid Compartments Hydrostatic pressure is the pressure that water in the interstitial space (fluid between cells) exerts on the outside of a blood vessel wall.This is how you remove swelling by applying an ACE wrap. It makes the pressure on the outside of the vessel higher than the inside, so goes back into the blood vessel.ydrostatic pressure is the pressure that water in the interstitial space (fluid between cells) exerts on the outside of a blood vessel wall. This is how you remove swelling by applying an ACE wrap.", "- Interstitial lung disease of unknown cause is predominated by idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, a specific and progressive fibrotic lung disease, followed by the idiopathic interstitial pneumonias, such as nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP), and sarcoidosis.nce lung scarring occurs, it's generally irreversible. Medications may slow the damage of interstitial lung disease, but many people never regain full use of their lungs.", "What is Interstitial Fluid? Where It’s Found. This liquid acts as a sort of cushioning for nearly all of the cells in a person or animal’s body, and as a result it occurs almost everywhere, from the cells of the blood vessels to those in muscular tissue.", "Extracellular fluid The main component of the extracellular fluid is the interstitial fluid which surrounds the cells in the body. The other major component of the ECF is the intravascular fluid of the circulatory system called blood plasma.", "What is interstitial fluid? Interstitial fluid is the liquid surrounding the cells of multicellular animals, containing: sugars, fatty acids, amino acids, salts, coenzymes, hormones and neurotransmitter … s. It fills the interstitial spaces (i.e., tissue spaces) and allows cells to receive and expel substances.nterstitial fluid (or tissue fluid) is a solution that surrounds the cells of animals. It is the main component of the extracellular fluid, it includes plasma and transcellul … ar fluid. The interstitial fluid is found in the interstitial spaces, also known as the tissue spaces. 2 people found this useful. Amaroque.", "tissue fluid tissue fluid. © A Dictionary of Biology 2004, originally published by Oxford University Press 2004. tissue fluid The fluid, consisting of water, ions, and dissolved gases and food substances, that is formed when blood is ultrafiltered (see ultrafiltration) from the capillaries into the intercellular spaces.", "Lymphatic Vessels Interstitial fluid or tissue fluid is a solution that bathes and surrounds the tissue cells of multicellular animals. It is the main component of the extracellular fluid, which also includes plasma and transcellular fluid. The interstitial fluid is found in the interstices-the spaces between cells (also known as the tissue spaces).", "Synovial fluid Synovial fluid contains lubricin (also known as PRG4) as a second lubricating component, secreted by synovial fibroblasts. Chiefly, it is responsible for so-called boundary-layer lubrication, which reduces friction between opposing surfaces of cartilage.", "interstitial fluid interstitial fluid, an extracellular fluid that fills the spaces between most of the cells of the body and provides a substantial portion of the liquid environment of the body. Formed by filtration through the blood capillaries, it is drained away as lymph.nterstitial fluid, an extracellular fluid that fills the spaces between most of the cells of the body and provides a substantial portion of the liquid environment of the body. Formed by filtration through the blood capillaries, it is drained away as lymph.", "- Interstitial fluid (or tissue fluid) is a solution that surrounds the cells of animals. It is the main component of the extracellular fluid, it includes plasma and transcellul … ar fluid. The interstitial fluid is found in the interstitial spaces, also known as the tissue spaces.2 people found this useful.Amaroque.nterstitial fluid (or tissue fluid) is a solution that surrounds the cells of animals. It is the main component of the extracellular fluid, it includes plasma and transcellul … ar fluid. The interstitial fluid is found in the interstitial spaces, also known as the tissue spaces. 2 people found this useful. Amaroque.", "What is interstitial fluid? Interstitial fluid is the liquid surrounding the cells of multicellular animals, containing: sugars, fatty acids, amino acids, salts, coenzymes, hormones and neurotransmitter … s. It fills the interstitial spaces (i.e., tissue spaces) and allows cells to receive and expel substances.plit and merge into it. Answer by Rosettamichelle. Confidence votes 270. Interstitial fluid (or tissue fluid) is a solution that surrounds the cells of animals. It is the main component of the extracellular fluid, it includes plasma and transcellular fluid.", "Blood Pressure Interstitial fluid bathes the cells in the tissue space and substances in it can enter the cells by diffusion or active transport. Substances, like carbon dioxide, can diffuse out of cells and into the interstitial fluid. Near the venous end of a capillary, the blood pressure is greatly reduced (to about 15 torr).", "NATA The ionic composition of interstitial and intravascular fluids is the same. Proteins, however, are kept with the vascular compartment, at least to a degree, by the vascular wall, which is a semi-permeable membrane. The concentration of proteins is much higher in the plasma sector than in the interstitial sector.", "A&P Ch 4 Connective Tissue Fluid formation. Three types of body fluid are PLASMA, INTERSTITIAL, and LYMPH. Plasma is confined to the cardiovascular system. As the blood circulate, blood pressure forces water and small solutes out of the bloodstream across the walls of capillaries. This is the origin of Interstitial fluid.", "- 1 Lymph-interstitial fluid once it has entered lymphatic vessels. 2 A one-way system in which lymph flows toward the heart. 3 Lymph vessels include: 4 Microscopic, permeable, blind-ended capillaries.", "- Cervical fluid changes throughout the menstrual cycle and is a primary fertility sign. Cervical fluid is the best sign for learning about the presence of estrogen in your bloodstream. Cervical fluid is one of the best signs to tell you when you are most fertile before ovulation. When estrogen is high and you are most fertile, cervical fluid is stretchy and resembles raw egg white.", "- The volume of ECF is typically 15 L, of which 12 L is interstitial fluid and 3 L is plasma. Interstitial fluid makes up 16% of human body weight, and blood plasma, 4%. Interstitial fluid – the extracellular fluid bathing most tissues, excluding the fluid within the lymph and blood vessels. 2 Blood plasma – the yellow or gray-yellow, protein-containing fluid portion of blood in which the blood cells and platelets are normally suspended.", "- Interstitial lung disease (ILD) (also known as Diffuse Parenchymal Lung Disease) is a broad – term /. blanket – term that describes a group of as many as 200 chronic progressive lung disorders that. share similar characteristics of alveolar septal thickening, fibroblast proliferation, collagen. deposition and, most often, pulmonary scarring (fibrosis). This set of disorders can further be. classified as acute or chronic, primary or secondary, secondary to a known cause or of unknown. causes (idiopathic), granulomatous or non-granulomatous, etc… Interstitial Lung Disease is also.", "MADMAN BIOLOGY Animals with open circulations (ex. insects): Circulatory fluid escapes the vasculature and bathes all. the cells of the body = hemolymph. No distinction. between blood and interstitial fluid. Animals with closed circulation (ex. vertebrates): Blood is confined to vessels and is not in direct contact. with tissue cells. Interstitial fluid bathes cells, and is. served by plasma of the circulatory system for. transport." ]
[ 15.90625 ]
[ 9.890625, 4.44140625, 11.78125, 11.9453125, 11.8828125, 7.0859375, 8.3828125, 7.1796875, 12.234375, 10.2109375, 15.1328125, 10.4609375, 6.74609375, 10.9140625, 12, 15.625, 8.3203125, 16.203125, 6.10546875, 16.53125, 15.0625, 15.6796875, 10.4921875, 9.8515625, 10.203125, 9.125, 6.2890625, 12.125, 6.08203125, 9.6484375 ]
what is government id number
[ "- Basically the number on your ID/DL or your SSN. A government issued id number is any number issued by the government which is intended to identify an individual. __________________. Post your reply or quote more messages." ]
[ "- Welcome to the D&B D-U-N-S Request Service for US Federal Government Contractors and Grantees Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) provides a D-U-N-S Number, a unique nine digit identification number, for each physical location of your business.", "- SID - State Identification Number [Internet]; July 28, 2016 [cited 2016 JUL 28]. Available from: https://www.allacronyms.com/SID/State_Identification_Number.", "National identification number A national identification number, national identity number, or national insurance number is used by the governments of many countries as a means of tracking their citizens, permanent residents, and temporary residents for the purposes of work, taxation, government benefits, health care, and other governmentally-related functions.", "1098-T Tuition Statements The college is not required to issue you a form if your qualified tuition and related expenses are entirely waived or entirely paid with grants or scholarships, or if your qualified tuition and related expenses are paid via an agreement between your sponsor and the college. The State University of New York, Empire State College federal ID number reported on the 1098-T form is 16-1514621. Empire State College cannot provide you with tax advice. Use your 1098-T Tuition Statement as a guide for claiming any tax credits and/or deductions for which you may be eligible.", "IRS Toll Free Main Number: 1-800-829-1040 IF YOU EVER RECEIVE A PHONE CALL FROM SOMEONE CLAIMING TO BE THE IRS OR ANYONE FROM THE GOVERNMENT, IT IS MOST LIKELY A SCAM. THE GOVERNMENT WILL ALWAYS SEND YOU A LETTER OVER THE MAIL. TO CONFIRM ITS SOMEONE FROM THE GOVERNMENT, ASK FOR THEIR NUMBER AND CALL BACK. ASK FOR AN 800 NUMBER TO CALL BACK.", "- Redress/Known Traveler Number Information. Redress Number is a unique number that Department of Homeland Security (DHS) currently assigns to individuals who use the DHS Traveler Redress Inquiry Program (TRIP).", "I-20 (form) The Form I-20 (also known as the Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant (F-1) Student Status-For Academic and Language Students) is a United States Department of Homeland Security, specifically ICE and the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP), document issued by SEVP-certified schools (colleges, universities, and vocational schools) that provides supporting information on a student's F or M status.", "Understanding the DD 254: Understanding Your DD 254: As the Principal Investigator for either a proposed or awarded government contract - Do you have an associated DD 254? The DD 254 identifies the government's requirements for security associated with your contract. The DD 254 is a document submitted to NMSU in the contracting phase. Sometimes, the government will already have a completed DD 254.", "What is a federal tax id number? A federal tax id number is the number the IRS uses to identify a person or entity. For a person, your FTID is your Social security number. Businesses have an FTID which is usually a 2 digit number followed by a dash and 7 more digits. On W-2 forms it is usually referred to as a FED ID or Federal Identification number and is found in the box directly below the employer/lender/bank address box and next to the box with your SSN. nismax95 · 6 years ago.", "How Do I Find My Employer's State Unemployment Tax Number So I Can File an Unemployment Claim? Some states may use the Employer's State ID Number located on the W-2 between boxes 15 and 16. If you are unsure about which number to use, visit the U.S. Department of Labor website. View the list of state agencies to find contact information for your state unemployment agency. Contact your state agency to find out which number they require.", "DOWNLOADED FROM EIN Filing Service ℠ acts as a Third Party Designee to help their clients obtain Federal Tax ID Numbers from the IRS in a timely manner. We only work on behalf of our clients and no government agency including the US Department of the Treasury, Social Security Administration, or the Internal Revenue Service.", "- The dedicated .22 long rifle platform used for this Colt Government 1911 .22 Series is a new, licensed reproduction available in three rimfire variants-Government models 1911, 1911 Rail Gun, and 1911 Gold Cup.", "Employer Identification Number The Employer Identification Number, also known as the Federal Employer Identification Number or the Federal Tax Identification Number, is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service to business entities operating in the United States for the purposes of identification. When the number is used for identification rather than employment tax reporting, it is usually referred to as a Taxpayer Identification Number, and when used for the purposes of reporting employment taxes,", "- It is a nine-digit number that begins with the number 9 and generally has a range of 70 to 99 (excluding 89 and 93 and 18) in the fourth and fifth digit, example 9XX-70-XXXX or 9XX-99-XXXX. The excluded range in the fourth and fifth digits are only issued as temporary taxpayer identification numbers.", "Best Way To Search For A Federal Tax ID Number The United States government uses many identification numbers to track individuals and businesses. The Federal Tax ID Number or Employer Identification Number (EIN) is used primarily for the tax administration of organizations by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).", "- To apply, review the directions below: 1 Go to http://www.irs.gov/ . 2 Under the heading “Hot Topics”, click “Apply for an Employer ID Number”. 3 Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Apply Online Now”. 4 Click on “Ok” when you see the pop up warning message. 5 Click on “Begin Application” at the bottom of the page.", "8120-01-362-6386 Any additional number, other than a primary number (codes 1,2,3,4) informative reference (code 6) or vendor item drawing reference (code 7) assigned to an item of production or supply by a commercial or Government organization, which represents the same item of production or supply to which the National Stock Number (NSN) was assigned.", "Immigrant Fee Payment: Tips on Finding Your A-Number and DOS Case ID You can find your A-Number and Department of State (DOS) Case ID on your immigrant data summary, USCIS Immigrant Fee handout, or immigrant visa stamp. Your A-Number is the letter “A” followed by 8 or 9 numbers (such as A012345678). Your DOS Case ID is 3 letters followed by 9 or 10 numbers (for example, XYZ0123456789). If you are a Diversity Visa immigrant, your DOS Case ID will have 4 numbers followed by 2 letters and 5 more numbers (for example, 0000AB12345).", "527 Basics The term 527 refers to political organizations as identified in their tax filings with the Internal Revenue Service. The number 527 refers to the section of the tax code that governs such entities.", "- For example, an agency may use as its PIID for an amended solicitation, the Government-unique identifier for a solicitation number (e.g., N0002309R0009) in conjunction with a non-unique amendment number (e.g., 001). The non-unique amendment number represents the supplementary PIID.", "MCI 0033 US History and Government - New York Regents August 2013 Exam. Directions (1–50): For each statement or question, record on your separate answer sheet the number of the word or expression that, of those given, best completes the statement or answers the question. Questions 1 - 20Questions 21 - 35Questions 36 - 50Questions 51 - 64 : Multiple choice.", "- The EIN is a government identification number. While many states additionally utilize the government EIN, some require state identification numbers. [EIN Definition] [Get an EIN] Corporate form application information can be found Application for EIN, we suggest the form found at the top of this page.", "US Government Federal Standard 595 Colors Federal Standard 595 Colors. Fed-Std-595C / FED STD 595. The Federal Standard 595 colors are used to specify colors for US Government applications. The color are used by the US Government agencies, branches and suppliers.", "Ryainair Online Check In... Where do find my document number on my passport? On the page with your picture on it. Your document number is your passport number, the country of issue is the UK, but the correct answer is the bit that states code of Issuing state and this is GBR. Most people will just enter UK. Apologise if this is not your passport type.", "- NAICS code 525920 is the government industry code for trusts, estates, and agency accounts. For more information about NAICS codes, visit our NAICS Code Guide.", "R.G.N.R. Listed at the top left corner of the verbale issued by the Procura della Repubblica. This is how it appears: N. XXXXX/XX R.G.N.R. mod. 21. I imagine it is some sort of abbreviation for either an office/department that created the form or related in some other way to the registration number of the document. Any illumination on the subject would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.", "- 1 Short description: Gendr identity dis-child. ICD-9-CM 302.6 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, 302.6 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015.", "National identification number Individual Identification Number is a 10 digit number issued by the tax administration. The first 5 digits represent birthday as the number of days since 01/01/1900. The last digit is a check digit.", "- id: cfpb-2016-0025-91128 I am writing to say that I am against the new proposed government rule saying that it will make it harder to apply and get loans. View Comment", "Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) A Powerful Tool for Immigrant Taxpayers Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) A Powerful Tool for Immigrant Taxpayers. Last updated JANUARY 2017 | Versión en español (PDF) Endnotes and citations available in the PDF version. What is an ITIN? An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is a tax processing number issued by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS). An ITIN consists of nine digits, beginning with the number nine (i.e., 9XX-XX-XXXX). Since 1996, the IRS has issued ITINs to taxpayers and their dependents who are not eligible to obtain a Social Security number (SSN)." ]
[ 15.2578125 ]
[ 10.5234375, 6.6328125, 13.1328125, 5.61328125, 6.58984375, 7.0625, 6.30078125, 4.6171875, 8.84375, 7.20703125, 8.03125, 4.71484375, 11.375, 9.765625, 11.6484375, 8.2421875, 5.82421875, 8.59375, 3.4921875, 9.6171875, 0.939453125, 11.296875, 1.853515625, 3.134765625, 2.556640625, 1.529296875, 2.05859375, 9.9296875, 5.20703125, 9.8984375 ]
what cell structure does the gram stain allow you to differentiate?
[ "Stains How does a gram stain differentiate between bacteria? It differentiates between bacteria based on the structure of their cell walls. Why do bacteria respond differently to a Gram stain? - It responds differently because of the thickness of peptidoglycan in the cell walls - Stains fix differently based on cell wall structure" ]
[ "\"\"\"Conclusion Gram Staining\"\" Essays and Research Papers\" What is Cellular Staining? Cell staining is a technique that can be used to better visualize cells and cell components under a microscope. By using different stains, one can preferentially stain certain cell components, such as a nucleus or a cell wall, or the entire cell.", "Bacterial cell structure There are two main types of bacterial cell walls, those of gram-positive bacteria and those of gram-negative bacteria, which are differentiated by their Gram staining characteristics. For both these types of bacteria, particles of approximately 2 nm can pass through the peptidoglycan.", "- Try to distinguish between the cytoplasm and. the large central vacuole. f. Observe the cells under high power to help you better distinguish cell structures. g. Make a sketch of a few onion cells. Label the cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm, central vacuole, nucleus and nucleolus.", "Stem Cell Basics II. (like a red blood cell). However, unspecialized stem cells can give rise to specialized cells, including heart muscle cells, blood cells, or nerve cells. Stem cells can give rise to specialized cells. When unspecialized stem cells give rise to. specialized cells, the process is called. differentiation. .", "Stains Crystal violet stains all cells purple regardless of cell wall structure What is the mordant in Gram stain? Iodine, which combine with crystal violet to form insoluable crystalline compounds that only stay trapped in thick peptidoglycan.", "Stem cell Potency specifies the differentiation potential (the potential to differentiate into different cell types) of the stem cell. 1 Totipotent (a.k.a. omnipotent) stem cells can differentiate into embryonic and extraembryonic cell types. 2 Such cells can construct a complete, viable organism.", "- While the simple and differential stains both provide information with respect to size, morphology and bacterial arrangement, the Gram stain is used to distinguish between bacteria with different cell wall structures and compositions.", "- The differential response to the Gram stain is based on fundamental differences in the. cell wall structure and composition of cells. In a manner quite similar to the Gram stain, the acid-. fast stain differentiates an important group of bacteria, the mycobacteria, on the basis of lipid. content of their cell wall.", "- Plant cells have chloroplasts for photosynthesis, a vacuole and cell wall. Cell membranes allow certain substances into and out of the cell. Mitochondria provide energy from respiration for the cell, and the cell wall provides structure and is freely permeable. Yeast cells, algae and bacteria have cells walls.", "Gram Staining Gram staining is a common technique used to differentiate two large groups of bacteria based on their different cell wall constituents. The Gram stain procedure distinguishes between Gram positive and Gram negative groups by coloring these cells red or violet. Gram positive bacteria stain violet due to the presence of a thick layer of peptidoglycan in their cell walls, which retains the crystal violet these cells are stained with.", "In what stage of mitosis does the chromatin coil and condense to form deeply staining bodies? Chromatin coils and condenses to form deeply-staining bodies in prophase. This is the first stage of mitosis, the process in which cells divide to create new cells.", "- The vegetative cells stain pink or red and Endospores stain GREEN. The ENDOSPORE STAIN was developed for the rod-shaped GENERA BACILLUS (aerobic) & CLOSTRIDIUM (anaerobic) as well as a for few other rare Genera with endospores. ENOSPORES are extreme structures!", "What is the principle and procedure of gram staining? Crystal violet(primary stain) is a cationic stain attracted by anionic cell wall and stains all the cell purple. Gram's iodine(mordant) forms an insoluble complex by binding to the primary stain. The resultant CV-1 complexes wil intensity the colour of stain and all the cell's wil appear purple black. Only in positive cells, this cV-1 complexes binds to the magnesium-ribonucleic acid component of the cell wall.", "Stains ~ Cell wall composition - Gram Positive: - Have many layers of PTG in cell walls - Retain stain b/c ethanol dehydrates PTG layers to form a thinck almost impermeable barrier - Gram Negative: - Have a few layers covered by a lipid-based outer membrane - Ethanol dissolves outer membrane and thin PTG can't retain the stain when rinsed with alcohol", "Microscopy Cell staining is a technique that can be used to better visualize cells and cell components under a microscope. By using different stains, one can preferentially stain certain cell components, such as a nucleus or a cell wall, or the entire cell.", "Nissl body Nissl bodies can be demonstrated by a method of selective staining developed by Nissl (Nissl staining), using an aniline stain to label extranuclear RNA granules. This staining method is useful to localize the cell body, as it can be seen in the soma and dendrites of neurons, though not in the axon or axon hillock .", "4.3. Ground tissue system 4.3.1. Parenchyma cells are slightly differentiated cells, still being capable of dividing. Among certain circumstances they can dedifferentiate into dividing tissues (secondary meristems). Out of these cells the whole plant may be regenerated; this process is called redifferentiation.", "Gram Staining Gram staining is a common technique used to differentiate two large groups of bacteria based on their different cell wall constituents. The Gram stain procedure distinguishes between Gram positive and Gram negative groups by coloring these cells red or violet.", "Useful For GRAM : The Gram stain is a general stain used extensively in microbiology for the preliminary differentiation of microbiological organisms. The Gram stain is one of the simplest, least expensive, and most useful of the rapid methods used to identify and classify bacteria.", "Difference Between Chromatin and Chromatid Chromatin. During the interphase of the cell cycle, chromosomes are not visible because they appear as thin, long thread like structures called chromatin. Chromatin is long, thread like structures. These are made up of DNA and histone proteins. Chromatin is long-thread like structures. These are made up of DNA and histone proteins. During cell division, chromatin becomes shorter and thickened structures called chromosomes. • During prophase of nuclear division, each chromosome can be seen with 2 chromatids and these are held together by centromere.", "- Gram-negative: Gram-negative bacteria lose the crystal violet stain (and take the color of the red counterstain) in Gram's method of staining. This is characteristic of bacteria that have a cell wall composed of a thin layer of a particular substance (called peptidoglycan).", "- exists and is an alternate of . Gram's iodine stain is applied after the culture is stained with the primary stain. It acts as a mordant, fixing the primary stain to the cell wall while lending no additional colour to the cell (i.e. the mordant itself is not a stain).", "Staining Gram-positive bacteria stain dark blue or violet. Their cell wall is typically rich with peptidoglycan and lacks the secondary membrane and lipopolysaccharide layer found in Gram-negative bacteria. On most Gram-stained preparations, Gram-negative organisms appear red or pink because they are counterstained.", "LAB 6: GRAM STAIN AND CAPSULE STAIN Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria stain differently because of fundamental differences in the structure of their cell walls. The bacterial cell wall serves to give the organism its size and shape as well as to prevent osmotic lysis. The material in the bacterial cell wall which confers rigidity is peptidoglycan.", "- The primary stain applied is malachite green, which stains both vegetative cells and endospores. Heat is applied to help the primary stain penetrate the endospore. The cells are then decolorized with water, which removes the malachite green from the vegetative cell but not the endospore.", "BioCoach Activity Concept 5: Structure of a Mesophyll Cell. Mesophyll cells are specialized for photosynthesis. These cells in the middle of the leaf contain many chloroplasts, the organelles that perform photosynthesis.", "Tissue (biology) The meristematic tissues that take up a specific role lose the ability to divide. This process of taking up a permanent shape, size and a function is called cellular differentiation. Cells of meristematic tissue differentiate to form different types of permanent tissue.", "- The structure of the chloroplast The granum (plural grana) is a stack of membranes [membrane: a very thin layer of tissue] which contains the photosynthetic pigments; this is where the light dependent stage takes place: The pigments are chemicals which absorb light energy and convert it to chemical energy. The principal pigment is chlorophyll a.", "Keratinocytes Differentiation of Keratinocytes: Keratinocyte stem cells reside in the basal layer of the epidermis, which is the lowest layer of the stratified epithelia. These cells divide to give rise to transient amplifying cells which divide further, and differentiate, as they move upwards in the epidermis.", "Nissl body Nissl bodies can be demonstrated by a method of selective staining developed by Nissl (Nissl staining), using an aniline stain to label extranuclear RNA granules. This staining method is useful to localize the cell body, as it can be seen in the soma and dendrites of neurons, though not in the axon or axon hillock." ]
[ 14.7109375 ]
[ 10.3046875, 12.609375, 6.65234375, 5.49609375, 10.84375, 6.80078125, 13.3671875, 14.2265625, 7.03515625, 13.75, 4.60546875, 9.7890625, 9.234375, 9.3046875, 8.4453125, 3.46875, 3.888671875, 13.578125, 11.34375, 4.7265625, 10.6953125, 10.171875, 10.8984375, 13.0390625, 10.03125, 3.8828125, 4.51953125, 4.68359375, 6.24609375, 3.486328125 ]
what do infected wounds smell like
[ "- Karen Padilla. A wound infection happens when germs enter a break in the skin. These germs, called bacteria, attach to tissues causing wounds to stop healing. An infected wound could smell bad. It could smell like rotting flesh." ]
[ "- Infectious discharge tends to be yellow-green in colour and smelly whereas granulation tissue, especially when left with a dressing on, can be seen to have a white, 'gooey' discharge in the gaping wound. This, though commonly mistaken for pus is NORMAL.", "What does anger taste like? It's really unfair to just give one of your senses over to the pleasure of describing an emotion. Anger tastes like blood in your mouth. It smells like the perfume she wore o … n that Friday night she went out to go shopping, it hurts like a knife stabbing at your heart.nger is a swirl of red and blue, it is the air horn blaring in your ears. Anger is the taste of watered-down mashed potatoes, the swirl of filtered water, the stale bite of overcooked vegetables. Anger is confinement, resentment, depression.", "Five Signs Your Wound Isnât Healing Properly 3) Foul Odor. The presence of odor in a wound might be a sign of decaying or dead tissue. Do not use scented creams or other scented toiletries to try to hide the smell, because this could worsen the condition of the wound. 4) Redness or Swelling.Slight swelling or redness around a wound is normal at the beginning of the healing cycle, but it should begin to subside after a few days. If redness or swelling is still present or worsens with time, the wound is likely not healing as it should. 5) Thirty days without Improvement.) Foul Odor. The presence of odor in a wound might be a sign of decaying or dead tissue. Do not use scented creams or other scented toiletries to try to hide the smell, because this could worsen the condition of the wound. 4) Redness or Swelling.", "Vaginal Itching, Burning, and Irritation 1 It's normal to have a healthy mix of bacteria in the vagina. 2 But the wrong bacteria growing there can lead to an infection. 3 Besides itching, other symptoms that come with bacterial vaginosis are inflammation, burning, discharge, and a fishy-smelling odor. 4 Sexually transmitted disease (STDs). But the wrong bacteria growing there can lead to an infection. 2 Besides itching, other symptoms that come with bacterial vaginosis are inflammation, burning, discharge, and a fishy-smelling odor. 3 Sexually transmitted disease (STDs).", "What does Bacterial Vaginosis Smell like? I've never usually been smelly... at all! So this is freaking me out a bit. It doesn't smelly fishy at all.. it smells like sour milk, or (this is really disgusting but..) almost like someone threw-up. It smells soo bad. It came out looking almost... show more I have the worst smelling discharge I've ever had.", "What Causes Pus? Pus often has a somewhat necrotic smell, and is often the sign of an infection when found in a wound. When the body detects some sort of foreign infection, it immediately begins a response to neutralize the invader and limit damage to the system.", "Yeast Infections Symptoms of a yeast infection can include: 1 Itching, burning, soreness. 2 Thick, white, vaginal discharge that looks like cottage cheese and may smell like yeast/bread, though usually odorless. 3 Burning during urination and intercourse. Swelling, soreness, or rash on the outer lips of the vagina.", "Stroke signs smell I am periodically smelling a foul odor that appears to be coming from my nasal passages. It smells like rotting flesh! Of course, I am concerned and I hoped that someone could offer some guidance in rectifying this matter.", "- Checking for Pus and Fluid. 1 1. Observe the wound for yellowish or greenish pus or fluid. This discharge may also have a foul odour. 2 2. Look for a build-up of pus around the wound. If you notice pus forming beneath the skin, around the wound site, you may have an infection.", "What does an ear infection look like So, the question is what does an ear infection look like. See, normally, the ear drum’s shiny and flat, and if you flash the otoscope at it, it will reflect the light.The colors of it is usually a little pearly or yellow.When you suffer from an ear infection, the drum becomes red and a little raised.It kind of seems to be swollen when you look at it from the outside.part from the swollen and red look, you’ll also experience pain coming from the inside of your ear and maybe even a banging noise. You can also hear a noise similar to what you hear if you decide to put your head under water, relax and not move. I am sure you know what I am talking about.", "Wound Assessment- Wound Drainage and Odor Wound Odor. Because wound odor can be subjective, it is important not to attach too much importance to its presence; on the other hand, a strong or foul odor may signify infection and should be taken into consideration along with other factors, such as amount and type of drainage.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Discharge Smells Like Garlic 1 I am sufferring an itchiness of my vagina and my discharge smells like garlic. Dr. Donald Colantino Dr. Colantino. Vaginitis: These are symptoms of a vaginal infection and a yeast infection is most likely in view of the itching. Although you could try an over the counter antiyeast vaginal cream, it's best to See your physician or gynecologist for diagnosis and treatment. ...Read more.", "Enlarged Tonsils (Tonsillitis) Top. On right is a normal tonsil and on left is a red, inflammed, swollen tonsil with white spots. The inflammation of the tonsil is called tonsillitis. The infected tonsils become red and swollen, to work better to trap or stop the disease force-bacteria or virus.They also get coated (either partly or entirely) with yellow, grey, or white substance, depending upon the type of infection and pus formation.or example in patients of HIV, psoriasis, SLE and so on. The inflammation of the tonsil is called tonsillitis. The infected tonsils become red and swollen, to work better to trap or stop the disease force-bacteria or virus.", "Vaginal Odor: Causes and Remedies It is effectively treated with a single dose of antibiotics. A yeast infection can cause a yeast-like smell and a thick, white discharge, as well as itching, soreness, and burning during urination and intercourse. It occurs when yeast, which are normally present in the vagina, overgrow.", "How to Check a Wound for Infection Most infections are treated with a course of antibiotics, although this depends on the severity of the infection. There are a few key indicators of infection such as redness, pus discharge and continuing pain. Learning how to check a wound for infection is an essential part of keeping yourself healthy.", "Recurring Lip Infection, not just chapped but worse I have a recurring lip problem. My lips start off really itchy and they feel like they are sunburnt and its stings around the lining of my lips. They then become super red and the whole outer are of my lips look red and swollen. Sometimes I get crusty stuff on my lips but only sometimes. It sometimes feels as if my lips are sweating.", "Fighting Infections Volatile oils are very strong and will burn an open wound—avoid this additional trauma to the area. Dilute the oils with carrier oils, such as calendula, jojoba, almond, or grape seed before applying topically. Any good-quality oil, even olive oil, will work. Use no more than 135 drops of volatile oil to 1 ounce of carrier oil.", "- Excessive sputum, foul smell, blood, pus, gum infection. care of it, and as there was no different smell or pain, any other signs of anything thats what i did ...My sweat smells sweet, very sweet, its weird, its been happening for the last week or so, am ...", "How Do I Know If I Have An Infection After Mohs Surgery? “In certain circumstances, the wound can re-open even with the stitches in place, or there may be pus, discharge or even a bad smell associated with the wound.”. An infection in the wound area can be signified by pain that persists beyond 2-3 days post-treatment or a fever.", "- The yeast infection smell is a sign that this has happened. In addition to the odor, some common symptoms of a yeast infection include vaginal burning, vaginal itching, irritation of the vulva, redness, swelling, and discomfort during intercourse.", "- Confidence votes 1.7K. It's really unfair to just give one of your senses over to the pleasure of describing an emotion. Anger tastes like blood in your mouth. It smells like the perfume she wore on that Friday night she went out to go shopping, it hurts like a knife stabbing at your heart.t's really unfair to just give one of your senses over to the pleasure of describing an emotion. Anger tastes like blood in your mouth.", "- Common signs and symptoms of yeast infections may include: 1 itching and irritation in the vagina. 2 redness, swelling, or itching of the vulva (the folds of skin outside the vagina) 3 a thick, white discharge that can look like cottage cheese and is usually odorless, although it might smell like bread or yeast.", "Wound or Puncture Smells An obvious smell to a wound is not cause for panic, but is a warning sign that there may be something wrong that needs to be treated- maybe a bacterial infection, foreign material or dead tissue within the wound.", "- The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Wound Infection includes the 14 symptoms listed below: 1 Pus draining from wound. 2 Increased size of wound scab. 3 Yellow crust on wound. Pimple formation on wound.", "- When you fire bomb the toilet with a massive heat missile that smells like burnt tires.. I ate a large stuffed crust pizza last night and I can't even feel my legs after the growler I just took.. #shit #spike #heat missile #bomb #trots.", "Wound Odor Most wound odors are thought to arise from the metabolic processes of anaerobic bacteria. In chronic wounds, such as pressure ulcers, leg ulcers, and diabetic foot ulcers, the odor may also be due tissue degradation.", "Why do wounds smell? The problem with wound odor is that it may be part of the wound’s healing process. If infection is suspected then treatment must be done to stop the infectious organism from delaying the healing process. The problem with wound odor is that many people try to stop the odor instead of the cause of the odor.", "Yeast infection yellow discharge smells like bread or beer. In fact, it smells pretty much exactly like yeast, although the yeast used in brewing and baking is an entirely different species (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). No bacteria could smell like that, so it's a great diagnostic.", "Does your breath smell like nail polish remover? You could have diabetes: Doctors reveal what different illnesses SMELL like Schizophrenia can make the sweat smell of vinegar and typhoid makes the skin smell like freshly baked bread, the BBC reports. Finally, yellow fever can make the skin smell like a butcher's shop and scrofula-a lymph node infection-can make a patient smell of stale beer.", "Uterus Infection If you have a pain in the abdominal area and a discharge that is foul smelling, you may be suffering with a uterus infection. These types of infections are usually associated with sexually transmitted diseases but in some cases the cause may be from pathogens.Women who have just given birth are open to these types of problems and they can acquire a uterus infection from placenta that is left over from being pregnant.There are many different things that can cause a uterus infection, so it might be a good idea to learn about the causes of this painful condition.n most cases, the disease is a result of either a gonorrhea or Chlamydia infection. The bacterium travels from the vagina and cervix to the reproductive areas. But sometimes it is caused by douching too much, using an intrauterine device for birth control or having too many sexual partners." ]
[ 15.3515625 ]
[ 11.15625, 2.123046875, 11.0546875, 7.35546875, 5.19921875, 11.3046875, 7.57421875, 5.953125, 10.578125, 3.572265625, 12.5, 5.9453125, 1.958984375, 7.01953125, 8.7421875, 2.5703125, 5.90625, 7.72265625, 11.3125, 7.6015625, 2.4765625, 7.7890625, 12.6640625, 9.0625, 2.978515625, 11.96875, 10.78125, 6.2734375, 7.7734375, 5.1484375 ]
hardening of the arteries causes
[ "Hardening of the Arteries High blood cholesterol levels can cause hardening of the arteries at a younger age. For many people, high cholesterol levels are the result of an unhealthy lifestyle -- most commonly, eating a diet that is high in fat. Other risk factors are heavy alcohol use, lack of exercise, and being overweight." ]
[ "Hardening of the Arteries High blood pressure makes the heart work harder, contributes to hardening of the arteries, and increases the frequency of angina (chest pain that is the heart's response to a lack of oxygen), as well as the risk of heart attack and stroke. Have your blood pressure checked.", "- In this article. Atherosclerosis -- sometimes called hardening of the arteries -- can slowly narrow and harden the arteries throughout the body. When atherosclerosis affects the arteries of the heart, it’s called coronary artery disease. Coronary artery disease is the No. 1 killer of Americans.", "- Symptoms of blocked arteries vary, depending on the location of the arteries and whether the blockage is sudden or gradual. The most common cause of blocked arteries is atherosclerosis (sometimes called hardening of the arteries), in which fatty deposits called plaques accumulate inside the artery walls.ther Symptoms of Blocked Arteries in the Heart. Besides the crushing chest pain often described by heart attack victims, symptoms of blocked arteries in the heart include: 1 Pain or a burning sensation in one or both arms, the neck, or the jaw. 2 Extreme fatigue.", "Coronary Artery Disease What is coronary artery disease? Coronary artery disease is the narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries, usually caused by atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis (sometimes called hardening or clogging of the arteries) is the buildup of cholesterol and fatty deposits (called plaques) on the inner walls of the arteries.", "Ashd (atherosclerotic heart disease) Overview coronary artery disease is caused by atherosclerosis which is also called hardening of the arteries as the narrowing worsens the arteries become unable to supply enough oxygen to meet demand this can cause chest pain known as angina", "Narrowing Artery â Causes of Arterial Stenosis Other causes of narrowing (stenosis) includes 1 : Mass pressing against the artery as is the cases with a neighboring tumor, fluid filled cyst or the pregnant uterus. In pregnancy, the narrowing is temporary and is relieved upon change of position. Infection causes inflammation and thereby swelling of the arterial wall.", "- Narrowing of the carotid arteries is most commonly related to atherosclerosis (a build-up of plaque, which is a deposit of fatty substances, cholesterol, cellular waste products, calcium, and fibrin in the inner lining of an artery). Atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, is a vascular disease (disease of the arteries and veins).", "- Hardening of the arteries, also called atherosclerosis, is a common disorder. It occurs when fat, cholesterol, and other substances build up in the walls of arteries and form hard structures called plaques.ardening of the arteries, also called atherosclerosis, is a common disorder. It occurs when fat, cholesterol, and other substances build up in the walls of arteries and form hard structures called plaques.", "7 Simple Ways You Can Unclog Your Arteries Naturally Atherosclerosis is a word you probably hear a lot more than you care to. It refers to the hardening of your arteries due to a buildup of plaque, which is essentially a combination of “cholesterol, fatty substances, cellular waste products, calcium and fibrin (a clotting material in the blood).” (1). When this happens, you are at risk for having a heart attack or stroke.", "- arteriosclerosis of the extremities is a disease of the blood vessels characterized by narrowing and hardening of the arteries see fig 70 under atherosclerosis of coronary arteries that supply the legs and feet fig 1 leg arteriesthis causes a decrease in blood flow that can injure nerves and other tissuesrteriosclerosis of the extremities is a disease of the blood vessels characterized by narrowing and hardening of the arteries see fig 70 under atherosclerosis of coronary arteries that supply the legs and feet fig 1 leg arteries", "hypertension Arteriosclerosis is hardening of the arteries. The walls of arteries have a layer of muscle and elastic tissue that makes them flexible and able to dilate and constrict as blood flows through them. High blood pressure can make the artery walls thicken and harden.", "Naturally Reverse Hardened Arteries Atherosclerosis, also known as “hardening of the arteries,” occurs when fat, cholesterol, and other substances build up in the walls of arteries and form hard structures called plaques.n blockage of heart arteries, symptoms can include: 1 Chest pain (angina). 2 Angina feels like pressure or squeezing in the chest. 3 It results from reduced blood supply to the heart muscle, an increased demand for oxygen by the heart, or emotional stress.", "Arteries and Veins 1 HBP causes artery damage, and the kidneys are packed with arteries. 2 Kidneys are supplied with dense blood vessels, and high volumes of blood flow through them. 3 Over time, uncontrolled high blood pressure can cause arteries around the kidneys to narrow, weaken or harden.", "- 1 Damage to the heart and coronary arteries, including heart attack, heart disease, congestive heart failure, aortic dissection and atherosclerosis (fatty buildups in the arteries that cause them to harden).", "Atherosclerosis and Coronary Artery Disease Atherosclerosis -- sometimes called hardening of the arteries -- can slowly narrow and harden the arteries throughout the body. When atherosclerosis affects the arteries of the heart, it’s called coronary artery disease. Coronary artery disease is the No. 1 killer of Americans. Most of these deaths are from heart attacks caused by sudden blood clots in the heart’s arteries. Atherosclerosis can create life-threatening blockages without you ever feeling a thing.", "What is atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries? When the blockage occurs in a leg artery, it can cause Peripheral Vascular Disease and can cause pain while walking called intermittent claudication. Hardening of the arteries takes many years to develop - decades really - and the condition can easily go unnoticed. Symptoms, such as angina, can indicate the condition gradually.", "Procedure overview Atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, is a blood vessel disease (disease of the arteries and veins).It can decrease blood flow or completely block the flow of blood to your brain. It is unknown exactly how atherosclerosis begins or what causes it.", "Clogged Arteries (Arterial Plaque) 1 Having high blood pressure increases the rate at which arterial plaque builds up. 2 It also hastens the hardening of clogged arteries. 3 Cigarette smoke. 4 Cigarette smoke seems to increase the rate of atherosclerosis in the arteries of the heart, legs, and the aorta -- the largest artery in the body. It also hastens the hardening of clogged arteries. 2 Cigarette smoke. 3 Cigarette smoke seems to increase the rate of atherosclerosis in the arteries of the heart, legs, and the aorta -- the largest artery in the body.", "Hardening of the Arteries Back to Top Symptoms ». Hardening of the arteries does not cause symptoms until blood flow to part of the body becomes slowed or blocked. If the arteries to the heart become narrow, blood flow to the heart can slow down or stop. This can cause chest pain (stable angina), shortness of breath, and other symptoms.", "Atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis is hardening of a blood vessel from a buildup of plaque. Plaque is made of fatty deposits, cholesterol, and calcium. It builds up on the inside lining of arteries. This causes the artery to narrow and harden.", "- Split and merge into it. Answer by Digitalis. Confidence votes 6.9K. Hardening of the arteries due to cholesterol plaques is called atherosclerosis or arteriosclerosis. The term Atherosclerosis literally means hardening from atheroma .In a healthy person, the artiers have walls that are muscular, smooth and elastic enough to allow for variations in blood pressure, which allows the blood to pass through freely.rteriorrhaphy is the medical term for suture of an artery. This is when a surgeon will close up an artery. If an artery was severed, they would reattach both sides of the … blood vessel walls, like stitching up a deep cut. A related term, angiorrhaphy, means suture of any vessel.", "Hardening of the Arteries Hardening of the arteries is a process that often occurs with aging. As you grow older, plaque buildup narrows your arteries and makes them stiffer. These changes make it harder for blood to flow through them. Clots may form in these narrowed arteries and block blood flow.", "- High blood pressure causes thickening of the walls of blood vessels and also makes them more likely to develop hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis). People with thickened blood vessel walls and atherosclerosis are at higher risk of stroke, heart attack, and kidney failure.", "Serrapeptase Atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, is a condition in which plaque builds up inside the arteries. Plaque is made of cholesterol, fatty substances, cellular waste products, calcium and fibrin (a clotting material in the blood).Atherosclerosis is a type of arteriosclerosis.he artery narrows and blood flow is reduced, thus decreasing the oxygen supply. Often a blood clot forms and blocks the artery, stopping the flow of blood. If the oxygen supply to the heart muscle is reduced, a heart attack can occur. If the oxygen supply to the brain is cut off, a stroke can occur.", "Hardening of the arteries Hardening of the arteries, also called atherosclerosis, occurs when fat, cholesterol, and other substances build up in the walls of arteries. These deposits are called plaques.efinition. Hardening of the arteries, also called atherosclerosis, occurs when fat, cholesterol, and other substances build up in the walls of arteries. These deposits are called plaques. Over time, these plaques can block the arteries and cause problems throughout the body.", "What Is Peripheral Artery Disease of the Legs? It usually happens because your arteries harden and narrow. (That's called atherosclerosis). Smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and not being active are the main causes. If you have diabetes, you're more likely to get a worse case of peripheral artery disease that improves less with treatment.t usually happens because your arteries harden and narrow. (That's called atherosclerosis). Smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and not being active are the main causes. If you have diabetes, you're more likely to get a worse case of peripheral artery disease that improves less with treatment.", "Clogged Arteries (Arterial Plaque) High blood pressure . Having high blood pressure increases the rate at which arterial plaque builds up. It also hastens the hardening of clogged arteries. Cigarette smoke. Cigarette smoke seems to increase the rate of atherosclerosis in the arteries of the heart, legs, and the aorta -- the largest artery in the body.", "Blood Clots: Causes & Symptoms + 8 Natural Remedies Atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, is a condition in which plaque builds up inside the arteries.Plaque is made of cholesterol, fatty substances, cellular waste products, calcium and fibrin (a clotting material in the blood).Atherosclerosis is a type of arteriosclerosis.therosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, is a condition in which plaque builds up inside the arteries.", "Coronary Artery Disease Coronary artery disease, also called ischemic heart disease, is caused by a hardening or thickening of the walls of the blood vessels that go to your heart. Your blood supplies oxygen and other materials your heart needs for normal functioning.", "Hardening of the Arteries Hardening of the arteries, also called atherosclerosis, is a common disorder. It occurs when fat, cholesterol, and other substances build up in the walls of arteries and form hard structures called plaques. Over time, these plaques can block the arteries and cause problems throughout the body." ]
[ 14.3125 ]
[ 12.796875, 12.015625, 10.4140625, 11.8203125, 10.828125, 7.578125, 11.328125, 13.8046875, 11.1875, 9.0625, 11.75, 12.2578125, 10.2734375, 10.5078125, 12.203125, 12.3046875, 12.4140625, 10.984375, 12.6875, 12.640625, 9.5234375, 12.6953125, 11.875, 12.1484375, 13.8671875, 10.9609375, 11.5234375, 12.734375, 11.0390625, 14.2890625 ]
what flavour is tamarind
[ "Tamarind Cooking with Tamarind Paste. Usually it is the juice or paste that is used as a souring agent, particularly in south Indian and Gujarati lentil dishes, curries and chutneys, where its flavour is more authentic than vinegar or lemon juice.ealth Benefits. Tamarind is considered a mild laxative and digestive. It is used to treat bronchial disorders and gargling with tamarind water is recommended for a sore throat. It is antiseptic, used in eye-baths and for the treatment of ulcers." ]
[ "- Then there’s the taste…. We like to choose our soy sauce the way we choose our wine – if tamari is a rich, soulful red then generic soy sauce is the $7 stuff you pick up at the supermarket. Tamari’s taste is stronger, with a slight caramel thickness that makes for a great dipping sauce or flavour enhancer for stews and stocks.", "Tamarind Substitute for Tamarind Paste. As a substitute for 1 tablespoon tamarind paste use either: 1 1/2 tablespoon amchur powder, 1 1/2 tablespoon lemon juice powder or 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce. Tamarind is considered a mild laxative and digestive.", "- I have already had these at my Mongolian friends' house and they have a very …distinct flavor. It is a sort of musty tangy flavor, not unpleasant, but very different. photo by Adrian Arbib and Benedict Allen . Back to top. Other Items. Fish is sometimes available in the markets.", "abrade Example Sentences for abrade. Genuine amber, when rubbed together, emits a very fragrant odour similar to a fresh lemon, and does not abrade the surface. This is specially the case with Chaffinches and Bramblings: Greenfinches abrade later. In all cases, however, a hard file will abrade the surface of the false stone. Wherever they find calcareous strata to abrade, the water is almost milklike in hue for miles around.", "Masala chai The Kashmiri version of chai is brewed with green tea instead of black tea and has a more subtle blend of flavourings: almonds, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, and sometimes saffron.", "- Jasmine Oolong is a flower tea with an inviting floral scent and a clean, strong taste, the flavor of jasmine blossoms overlaying earthy oolong undertones. Download our tea ave app today!", "What Is Tamarind Good For? An easy one is tamarind water, used in many Indian and Asian dishes: Just soak prepackaged tamarind paste in water, strain it, and add as part of your liquid requirements to stir fries, sauces, or curries.ried or boiled tamarind leaves and flowers are made into poultices for swollen joints, sprains, boils, hemorrhoids, and conjunctivitis. Similar to the natural gums and pectins found in other foods, the sticky pulp referred to earlier contains non-starch polysaccharides, which contribute to its dietary fiber content.", "Top 15 Health Benefits of Tamarind 1 Sore throat is treated when gargled with dilute tamarind pulp. 2 Decoction of tamarind leaves is useful in treating jaundice and ulcers. 3 Dilute tamarind decoction can help in destroying the stomach worms in children. 4 Tamarind protects from Vitamin C deficiency.", "Tamarind Paste: How to Buy, Make & Use Tamarind Tamarind paste is just the fruit (separated from the pod and seeds) of the tamarind tree made into a ready-to-use cooking paste. It comes in a jar or plastic tub-like container and one bottle is likely all you will need for a very long time, as the paste is usually quite strong and condensed.he taste of tamarind fruit is very sour, so whatever recipe you're making will need sugar or some kind of sweetener. The texture of tamarind is very sticky and paste-like, and the color of tamarind fruit is dark brown.", "- The Ginger Zingers line (called Ginger Delights on their website for some reason) come in four flavors: D’Anjou Pear, Mango, Chai and Blood Orange. I picked up the last two, as they were the most appealing to me.", "- It is delicious in creamy sauces and in combination with chives, garlic, and any lemon-flavored herb. The buttery French sauce, bearnaise, béarnaise Includes. Tarragon fresh leaves are, best of, course but to save the, leaves freeze rather than dry because it will lose much flavor in the drying. process", "Tartar Sauce Recipe by PanNan. I haven't purchased tartar sauce in many years. We do not like any hint of sweetness, preferring the combination of dill pickle, lemon, onion and Worcestershire to flavor the sauce. This will keep a long time in the refrigerator. Note to World Tour participants - this recipe is included in the British category.", "- Pandan Chiffon Cake. Emerald green, fluffy pandan chiffon cake, beloved from Indonesia to Singapore, is a curious manifestation of America's culinary influence on Southeast Asia. In 1948 Better Homes and Gardens published a General Mills recipe for chiffon cake.hisk flour, 1 cup sugar, the baking powder, and salt in a bowl. Puree purée coconut, milk, oil, pandan and yolks in a; blender strain through a-fine mesh sieve set over dry ingredients and whisk to make a smooth. Batter using an electric hand, mixer beat whites and cream of tartar in another bowl until soft peaks. form", "- The tamarind is the fruit of a tall tree that grows in Asia and North Africa. Its pods are about five inches long and contain seeds and a pulp that become extremely sour when dried. Tamarind pulp concentrate is widely used in Indian and Middle Eastern cooking. Someone once said, Tamarind pulp is to East-Indian and Middle-Eastern cuisine what lemon juice is to Western cuisine..", "TAMARIND It is given to children to treat intestinal worms. Sometimes a thick paste of tamarind seeds is used as a cast for broken bones. An extract of tamarind seeds is used in eye drops for dry eyes. In foods and beverages, tamarind is used as flavoring. It is also widely used in Asian cooking for chutneys and curries.", "Tamarind Dipping Sauce Preparation. 1. Combine the tamarind and 2 cups of the water in a small saucepan and bring to a boil over high heat. Remove the pan from the heat and let stand until the tamarind has softened, about 15 minutes.", "Tamarind nutrition facts Medicinal uses of Tamarind Its pulp has been used in many traditional medicines as a laxative, digestive, and as a remedy for biliousness and bile disorders. This spice condiment is also used as an emulsifying agent in syrups, decoctions, etc., in different pharmaceutical products.", "Thai Tamarind Sauce The tamarind sauce that's prepared as part of this recipe is delicious and can be used for all kinds of dishes, we especially like it with our recipe for duck-fried rice.", "- Author Login. Sweet and sour tamarind sauce is very popular; you can use it in a wide range of drinks, vegetarian and non-vegetarian recipes. Read this article to get an idea of the calorie content and preparation tips of this delightfully tangy sauce.", "Good Alternatives for Taleggio Cheese That are Equally Satisfying Advertisement. Do not go on the simple look or the pungent smell of the cheese, because the mild but tangy flavor will make you fall in love with it! It is said that this Italian cheese is one of the oldest ones and has been used since the 10th century.dvertisement. Do not go on the simple look or the pungent smell of the cheese, because the mild but tangy flavor will make you fall in love with it! It is said that this Italian cheese is one of the oldest ones and has been used since the 10th century.", "Pandan Chiffon Cake I love chiffon cake of all kinds—pandan, orange, or coffee, but my true love is definitely pandan chiffon cake. Pandan leaf (screwpine leaf) is widely used in Malaysia, and this chiffon cake is infused with the sweet fragrance of fresh pandan juice.If you love Angel cake, you absolutely have to try this out.andan Chiffon Cake is the Asian version of Angel Cake and it has a very soft cottony texture that would actually melts in your mouth. This cake is light unlike the traditional cakes where lots of butter, cheese, etc. is being used.", "Best Tarragon Recipes Tarragon is a herb, the leaf of either the French tarragon or the Russian tarragon plant. The flavour is similar to that of aniseed, but milder and grassier. The herb is frequently used with fish.", "- Goodbye to Derby Tamales. ConAgra answered a consumer’s inquiry on February 13, 2009 thusly (found via a search for “Derby tamales”): “We are. . . sorry to inform you that we no longer produce Derby® Beef Tamales. As consumers’ preferences for products change, so do the varieties of our products.Only the products with the greatest consumer appeal remain on the store shelves over time.Hen you put them in the dish, you would swear you were looking at Derby tamales. But, they are made with Beef and PORK, while the Derby were all beef, so that accounts for the taste difference. Sometimes, though, you get a part of the tamale that is mostly or all beef, and it tastes exactly like a derby.", "Tamarind Cooking with Tamarind Paste. Usually it is the juice or paste that is used as a souring agent, particularly in south Indian and Gujarati lentil dishes, curries and chutneys, where its flavour is more authentic than vinegar or lemon juice.", "- Tamarind can be found in various forms — concentrated pulp with seeds, a canned paste, whole dried pods, or powdered — and is available in Indian and some other Asian markets, and available in syrup form in a broader selection of markets. There is a wide variety of tamarind products available online, including:", "- Ginger candy from ting ting jahe each candy is wrapped in a beautiful paper wrapper as shown. ingredients: sugar, ginger, tapioca starch, rice pad thai recipe | thai.importfood.com/rttj0701.html.apioca maple pudding macadamia or hazelnuts it is an elegant candy for this recipe, buy about 10 ounces of ginger, which will give you about 6. www.premiersystems.com/recipes/desserts/ginger-crystaled.html. Mint candy mold soak pearl tapioca in water overnight.", "- Only about 1% of all bay leaves meet the criteria for this grade. Enjoy its sweet, balsamic scent and bitter/spicy bite in gravies and grain dishes, with beans and meats, and in cooking blends like bouquet garni. Bay leaf can also be a wonderful additionin stews, soups and sauces", "- The friand tin was one such example. A friand is a French term for a little cake eaten with the fingers. In France, there is no particular mould for a friand, something which I discovered the hard way when I went in search of one.Even the near-over-flowing shelves of the gourmet destination kitchenware store in Paris, E. Dehillerin, didn’t have the friand tin which I was beginning to regret parting with.hat a gorgeous variation on a classic lemon drizzle! I adore friands and Katie’s recipes are always fab so I know these would be a winner. 1 These are perhaps one of the best friand recipes I’ve tried, but I could be biased because I happen to love anything with lemon.", "Tandoori masala Tandoori masala is a mixture of spices specifically for use with a tandoor, or clay oven, in traditional north Indian and Pakistani cooking. The specific spices vary somewhat from one region to another, but typically include garam masala, garlic, ginger, onion, cayenne pepper, and may include other spices and additives.The spices are often ground together with a pestle and mortar. Tandoori masala is used extensively with dishes as tandoori chicken.In this dish, the chicken is covered with a mixture of plain yogurt and tandoori masala. The chicken is then roasted in the tandoor at very high heat. The chicken prepared in this fashion has a pink-colored exterior and a savory flavor.he specific spices vary somewhat from one region to another, but typically include garam masala, garlic, ginger, onion, cayenne pepper, and may include other spices and additives. The spices are often ground together with a pestle and mortar. Tandoori masala is used extensively with dishes as tandoori chicken.", "Ways to Use Tajin Seasoning Tajin seasoning is traditionally used to season fruits, such as mangoes and tamarinds, which are popular foods in Central and South America. The seasoning also adds flavor to vegetables. You can sprinkle some on your favorite recipe for garden salad or vegetable soup." ]
[ 12.390625 ]
[ 3.341796875, 7.72265625, 5.97265625, -5.35546875, 2.51171875, 1.5146484375, 6.51171875, 6.703125, 10.5859375, 2.248046875, 1.8076171875, -0.245849609375, 0.6416015625, 10.1171875, 10.4921875, 6.6328125, 7.41015625, 7.75, 9.65625, 0.88427734375, -0.89697265625, 2.490234375, -0.56005859375, 12.1796875, 7.5078125, 0.6220703125, 1.8974609375, -1.3134765625, 2.71484375, 7.48046875 ]
what did the rashidun caliphate start for
[ "Rashidun Caliphate Rashidun Caliphate Timeline. Timeline Description: The Rashidun Caliphate (632 - 661), which means Rightly Guided in Arabic, is the term for the first four caliphs after Muhammad. However, a strict body of Ansar, or companions of the Prophet, used their influence to make sure the caliphs strictly adhered to religious law." ]
[ "Sinbad the Sailor Sinbad the Sailor (also spelled Sindbad; Arabic: السندباد البحري ‎‎ as-Sindibādu al-Baḥriyy) is a fictional sailor and the hero of a story-cycle of Middle Eastern origin; he is described as living in Baghdad, during the Abbasid Caliphate.", "How did Rastafarianism begin? Rastafarianism is a very new religion. It began in 1930 in Jamaica. Marcus Garvey, a Jamaican, predicted there would be a black messiah in Africa. As it turned out Ras Tafari, a prince, became Emperor of Ethiopia in 1930. As emperor he was called Haile Selassie but the name Rastafarianism comes from his name, Ras Tafari.", "Rastafari The Rastafari Movement was started in Jamaica in the 1930's when Haile Selassie I became the King of Ethiopia. The African slaves in Jamaica claimed that he is the incarnation… of Jah, their Savior, the second coming of Jesus. Jah being triune.", "- The Rashidun Caliphate (Arabic: اَلْخِلَافَةُ ٱلرَّاشِدَةُ‎‎ al-Khilāfah ar-Rāshidah) was the Islamic caliphate in the earliest period of Islam, comprising the first five caliphs—the Rightly Guided or Rashidun caliphs (Arabic: اَلْخُلَفَاءُ ٱلرَّاشِدُونَ‎‎ al-Khulafā’ ar-RāshidÅ«n).", "- Once you are done with this lesson you should be able to: 1 Identify the Abbasids. 2 Describe the roles of the caliphs and the viziers. 3 Explain how the caliphs' focus on trade led to the Golden Age of Islam. 4 Summarize the fall of the Abbasids.", "- The Yom Kippur War, also known as the Ramadan War or October war broke out on October 6, 1973. The war was fought by a coalition of Arab states against Israel.he Yom Kippur War, also known as the Ramadan War or October war broke out on October 6, 1973. The war was fought by a coalition of Arab states against Israel.", "Delhi Sultanate Bahlol Lodi (or Bahlul Lodi) was the first Afghan, Pathan, to rule Delhi Sultanate and the one who started the dynasty. Bahlol Lodi began his reign by attacking the Muslim controlled Kingdom of Jaunpur to expand the influence of Delhi Sultanate, and was partially successful through a treaty.t ruled Delhi Sultanate from 1415 to 1451. The Timur invasion and plunder had left Delhi Sultanate in shambles, and little is known about the rule by Sayyid dynasty. According to historian William Hunter, the Delhi Sultanate had an effective control of only a few miles around Delhi.", "- The word riad comes from the Arabian term for garden, ryad. The ancient Roman city of Volubilis provides a reference for the beginnings of riad architecture during the rule of the Idrisid Dynasty. An important design concern was Islamic notions of privacy for women inside residential gardens.he ancient Roman city of Volubilis provides a reference for the beginnings of riad architecture during the rule of the Idrisid Dynasty. An important design concern was Islamic notions of privacy for women inside residential gardens.", "Ramadan begins The month of Ramadan traditionally begins with a new moon sighting, marking the start of the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. Many Muslims (except children, the sick and the elderly) abstain from food, drink, and certain other activities during daylight hours in Ramadan.", "Definitions &Translations The month lasts 29–30 days based on the visual sightings of the crescent moon, according to numerous biographical accounts compiled in the hadiths. The word Ramadan comes from the Arabic root ramiḍa or ar-ramaḍ, which means scorching heat or dryness.", "U.S. History 9/11 Dictator leading Iraq-claimed Kuwait and tried to conquer Saudi Arabia, which would make it so that Iraq would control one half of the world's known oil reserves, which would severely threaten U.S. oil supplies.", "Caliphate During the history of Islam after the Rashidun period, many Muslim states, almost all of them hereditary monarchies, have claimed to be caliphates. Even though caliphs were thought to go back to Muhammad, they were not thought of as having the same prophetic power as he did.", "- He also called for an Arab position clearer and more serious in the fight against extremist and deviant ideology based on the exclusion of the other, and focus on the bright aspects in the history of Islam, stressing that the struggle today is the existence of a conflict for us as Arabs and Muslims.", "The Bounties Of Ramadan According to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w), when he used to see the crescent or the new moon in the beginning of the month of Rajab, he used to say 'Oh Allah give us the blessing of this month and the following month and allow us to reach Ramadan. To Us By Allah (Swt).", "- How did rastafarianism got started? The Rastafari Movement was started in Jamaica in the 1930's when Haile Selassie I became the King of Ethiopia. The African slaves in Jamaica claimed that he is the incarnation … of Jah, their Savior, the second coming of Jesus. Jah being triune.", "Iran The Safavid dynasty is also credited for founding the modern nation-state of Iran, as a significant portion of Iran's current borders originated during their reign. By the early 1600s, the Safavid dynasty had become a major world power, and began the promotion of tourism to Iran.", "9 questions about the ISIS Caliphate you were too embarrassed to ask Caliphate comes from the word caliph, which means successor, as in successor to mohammed. To understand what caliphate actually means and where the name comes from, you have to go back to the 620s A.D., in the western part of what is today Saudi Arabia, when the Prophet Mohammed founded Islam and led its first followers.", "Saladin Saladin was known for: founding the Ayyubid dynasty and capturing Jerusalem from the Christians. He was the most famous Muslim hero and a consummate military tactician.", "Corruption The specific problem is: No consensus on the nature of the studies or the status of a madrasah as a higher education institution in the 11th century (especially Karaouine, Morocco). WikiProject Universities or WikiProject Middle Ages (or their Portals) may be able to help recruit an expert.", "Sinbad the Sailor The Sinbad cycle is set in the reign of the Abbasid Caliph Harun al-Rashid. It first appeared in English as tale 120 in Volume 6 of Sir Richard Burton's 1885 translation of The Book of One Thousand and One Nights.", "Is Islamic State caliphate here to stay? The last widely recognised caliphate - that of the Ottomans - was abolished 90 years ago. IS has tried to capitalise on the symbolism, romanticism and nostalgia attached to the notion of the caliphate for many Muslims across the world.", "Rashidun Caliphate It was founded after Muhammad's death in 632 CE (year 11 AH in the Islamic calendar). At its height, the Caliphate controlled an empire from the Arabian Peninsula and the Levant, to the Caucasus in the north, North Africa from Egypt to present-day Tunisia in the west, and the Iranian plateau to Central Asia in the east.", "When did the holocaust begin and end? To determine when the Holocaust began one has to at least raise the issue of what was the Holocaust. Wanton killings began, arguably, with, as one Answerer suggests, Kristallnacht, the night of the broken glass, when, for one night--November 10, 1938--all of Germany became a mob scene.Actually, they began before that.ome people say that the holocaust was made possible with the passage of the Nuhremburg laws that essentially stripped Jews of their civil rights in Germany in 1933. The state sponsored violence against Germany's Jews began in earnest in November 1938 with Kristallnacht.", "Why did the crusades start? Best Answer: Immediate cause. The immediate cause of the First Crusade was Alexius I's appeal to Pope Urban II for mercenaries to help him resist Muslim advances into territory of the Byzantine Empire.", "Americaâs First Political Sex Scandal: The Reynolds/Hamilton Affair Hamilton begins his defense by decrying the scandal itself, with much denouncing of Jacobinism (the Jacobins, in France, were fresh in everyone's mind from the disastrous end to the French Revolution -- which was only a few years in the past, when Hamilton wrote this pamphlet).", "How To Make Money â Ibn Khaldun and Taxes The 40th president of the United States, Ronald Reagan famously stated in a piece in the New York Times in 1993, “May I offer you the advice of the 14th century Arab historian Ibn Khaldun, who said: “At the beginning of the empire, the tax rates were low and the revenues were high. At the end of the empire, the tax rates were high and the revenues were low.”.", "A journey from racism to reason Newspaper: The Clarion-Ledger of Jackson, Miss., was once the most racist paper in the United States, until an offspring of the publishing family decided to make the paper -- and his family name -- respectable. Rea Hederman represented the third generation in this saga of family and of Mississippi. In 1973, he began transforming the newspaper from propagandist for white racism to voice of reason. He made the paper respectable, and even admirable journalistically.", "Competing claims The assassination of Ê¿Uthmān and the ineffectual caliphate of Ê¿AlÄ« that followed sparked the first sectarian split in the Muslim community. By 661 Ê¿Alī’s rival Muʿāwiyah I, a fellow member of Ê¿Uthmān’s Umayyad clan, had wrested away the Caliphate, and his rule established the Umayyad Caliphate that lasted until 750.", "- Officially founded in 1982 with the backing of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Hezbollah originally began to take shape in the late 1970s to counter the Amal Movement (Lebanese Resistance Detachments), the largest Shia organization at the time.", "Jeremiah Lanphier - Revival Starting in the Marketplace Jeremiah Lanphier - Revival Starting in the Marketplace. This is a record of something God did 130 years ago in New York City. It illustrates how God has started every harvest time in history, through the concerted prayer of his people. Toward the middle of the last century the glow of earlier religious awakenings had faded." ]
[ 14.28125 ]
[ 3.560546875, 1.876953125, 1.9560546875, 13.21875, 6.97265625, 6.03515625, 4.02734375, 1.7958984375, 6.640625, 6.48046875, 4.65234375, 11.9765625, 7.35546875, 4.75390625, 3.76953125, 3.189453125, 8.609375, 4.69140625, 3.806640625, 4.39453125, 6.9453125, 13, 1.2353515625, 4.515625, -2.205078125, 1.6298828125, -1.798828125, 9.140625, 4.05859375, -0.58447265625 ]
average lifespan of cactus
[ "How Saguaros Grow An adult saguaro is generally considered to be about 125 years of age. It may weigh 6 tons or more and be as tall as 50 feet. The average life span of a saguaro is probably 150 - 175 years of age. However, biologists believe that some plants may live over 200 years.", "How Saguaros Grow How Saguaros Grow. Saguaros are a very slow growing cactus. In Saguaro National Park, studies indicate that a saguaro grows between 1 and 1.5 inches in the first eight years of its life. These tiny, young saguaros are very hard to find as they grow under the protection of a nurse tree, most often a palo verde, ironwood or mesquite tree." ]
[ "What is the average lifespan of a pet store goldfish? · just now. Report Abuse. Actually, the average lifespan of a goldfish is about 15-20 years. 7 years is under care, but not the greatest. Most dont even make it to a year because people are idiots. know the average lifespan for a household goldfish is about 7 yrs, but is it shorter for a fish that has been in a tank with about 50 other fish and has to fight for its food? Update: its in a little fishbowl.", "What is a seals life span? 1st Example: A goldfish has a lifespan of 2-5 years. 2nd Example: The life span of a butterfly is 1-2 years A life … span is the average lenght of time any living thing usually lives, including us. 15 people found this useful.", "- While the Bramley apple tree has been known to live for 200 years, the average lifespan of the apple tree is closer to 100 years, with between 30 and 40 of those years being fruitful. Crabapple trees live between 30 and 50 years.", "Average Lifespans of Aquarium Fish Long ​Lifepsans. On the other end of the lifespan spectrum, are Goldfish. There are many documented cases of Goldfish living a quarter of a century. They are perhaps the best example of how poor habitat and care shortens the lifespan of aquarium fish. The majority of Goldfish are not properly cared for and as a result, live only a few years. Other fish that live longer include loaches, such as the Clown Loach and Weather Loach, which often life 10 to 15 years.", "American Forests Older trees develop grayish, furrowed bark. Not that many aspen get the opportunity to develop these wrinkles of wisdom, however, because aspen is a relatively short-lived tree. Quaking aspen has an average lifespan of 60-70 years, while bigtooth aspen may live closer to 100 years. There are anomalies, though.", "What is the average life span of a parrot? Best Answer: There really is no such thing as a parrot --there are many types of parrots. A cockatoo type of parrot may live to be over 80. A cockatiel type of parrot may only live to be 15 or 20 years old. Macaws live to be 50 years old or more.I have a rainbow lorikeet who is around 20 years old and I heard of a red lory who was 34, but the average lifespan of a lory/lorikeet seems to be in the mid teens.So the answer depends on what TYPE of parrot you are asking about...and you didn't specify.est Answer: There really is no such thing as a parrot --there are many types of parrots. A cockatoo type of parrot may live to be over 80. A cockatiel type of parrot may only live to be 15 or 20 years old. Macaws live to be 50 years old or more.", "- Cats share the same average lifespan, no matter what their coat pattern is. Tabby is a coat pattern, not a breed or type of cat. The average lifespan of a cat is ar…ound 15 - 17 years. Cats have been known to live to 20 years or more, but it really depends on the health of the cat and how well it is taken care of. 10 people found this useful.", "RocketSwag.com Listed below is a life span list of a few parrot species: 1 Macaws can live for 50 to 100 years. 2 Cockatoos are a close second. 3 Amazon and African Grey parrots on the other hand can live for 70 and 60 years respectively. The Eclectus species can live for 65 to 85 1 years. Senegal’s can live for 50 years.", "Cactus A cactus (plural: cacti, cactuses, or cactus) is a member of the plant family Cactaceae within the order Caryophyllales.The word cactus derives, through Latin, from the Ancient Greek κάκτος, kaktos, a name originally used by Theophrastus for a spiny plant whose identity is not certain.Cacti occur in a wide range of shapes and sizes. Most cacti live in habitats subject to at least some drought.he majority of cacti are stem succulents, i.e., plants in which the stem is the main organ used to store water. Water may form up to 90% of the total mass of a cactus. Stem shapes vary considerably among cacti.", "What is the average lifespan of a pet tortoise? This is a very difficult question to answer, because there really isn't a hard one answer to give. There are a number of factors involved, such as the species of concern, as well as the husbandry offered. In the hands of the average person out there, my estimate would be the average lifespan is sadly short, probably in the 10-20 year range. However, this does not reflect their true potential, it more reflects the ignorance of most pet keepers. In the hands of someone either well versed in their husbandry, or fortunate enough to live in the appropriate climate where the tortoise can do its own thing, the lifespan can be several hundred years. As you can see, that's quite a discrepancy. Suffice it to say, a well kept tortoise will certainly outlive its caretaker.", "Longevity The longevity of a roof depends on many things: the grade and quality of the product used, the quality of the application, climate, salt-water proximity, exposure, and maintenance. The average life span is approximately 30 - 40 years. We recommend investigating the life span of existing cedar roofs in your area.", "How long Do Parrots Live â Lifespan of Parrots The average lifespan of Conures is about 6 – 8 years. (2) These birds are normally found in the Central America and South America. These types of parrots have an expected lifespan of about 50 – 60 years. They are endemic to South America, Mexico and Caribbean.", "Indian River Lagoon Species Inventory Those hard clams which grow above 4.0 inches are termed chowders or quahogs (Busby, 1986). The natural lifespan of Mercenaria is generally unknown; however, counts of growth rings indicate that the hard clam, in the absence of predation or commercial exploitation, may live as long as 40 years.", "What is the average life span of a mosquito? Culex tarsalis may complete its life cycle in 14 days at 20 °C (68 °F) and only ten days at 25 °C (77 °F). Some species have a life cycle of as little as four days, whereas in other species some adult females can live through the winter, laying their eggs in the spring.his Site Might Help You. RE: What is the average life span of a mosquito? if the mosquito has no one to sting does that shorten its life span?does blood consumption feed the mosquito or only its young.", "The Average Lifespan of Parrots For parrot species that have only recently gained popularity as pets, such as the Pacific parrotlet, the average lifespan remains unknown. This medium-sized parrot, which is around 5 inches long, most likely has a lifespan of 15 to 20 years.", "Average Lifespans of Aquarium Fish They are perhaps the best example of how poor habitat and care shortens the lifespan of aquarium fish. The majority of Goldfish are not properly cared for and as a result, live only a few years. Other fish that live longer include loaches, such as the Clown Loach and Weather Loach, which often life 10 to 15 years. Silver Dollars and Pacus also live 10 years or more, and the ever popular Convict cichlid can live 20 years.​. Here is a reference with the expected lifespan of popular aquarium fish.", "How tall can saguaro cactus grow? Saguaro cactus continue growing until they're about 100 years old, reaching a standard height of 20-30 feet, with a few as large as 40-50 feet. The lifespan of this plant is approximately 200 years.", "Cactus A cactus (plural: cacti, cactuses, or cactus) is a member of the plant family Cactaceae within the order Caryophyllales. The word cactus derives, through Latin, from the Ancient Greek κάκτος, kaktos, a name originally used by Theophrastus for a spiny plant whose identity is not certain.ereskia (which is close to the ancestral species from which all cacti evolved) does have long-lasting leaves, which are, however, thickened and succulent in many species. Other species of cactus with long-lasting leaves, such as the opuntioid Pereskiopsis, also have succulent leaves.", "How long Do Parrots Live â Lifespan of Parrots The average lifespan of Conures is about 6 – 8 years. (2) These birds are normally found in the Central America and South America. These types of parrots have an expected lifespan of about 50 – 60 years.", "- Jennysita/iStock/Getty Images. With over 500 species, oaks (Quercus spp.) have a range of lifespans. Under ideal conditions, oak trees live an average of 150 years, with short-lived varieties lasting 50 to 60 years and long-lived varieties living more than 150 years.", "- Next the 71 year life cap was removed to get an even more realistic model of what is actually happening with the wood pole plant. chart shows the average life without remedial treatment is 45 years, but with remedial treatment is 73 years—a 28 year or 60% increase.", "- The average lifespan of a cockatoo is 50-60 years old but there have been 2 cockatoos that have lived more then 100 years; both of them died in the 1990s.There is currently … a cockatoo in the Brookfield Zoo, his name is Cookie.He turned 78 years old on Saturday, June 25th 2011.he average lifespan of a cockatoo is 50-60 years old but there have been 2 cockatoos that have lived more then 100 years; both of them died in the 1990s.", "- In this scene the species is a success because the 35 oppussums have left 38 others to replace them yet what is their average life span. rounding things up to the nearest quarter year we get 15 X .25years + 8 X .5 years + 5 X 1 year + 4 X 2 years + 3 X 3 years.n this scene the species is a success because the 35 oppussums have left 38 others to replace them yet what is their average life span. rounding things up to the nearest quarter year we get 15 X .25years + 8 X .5 years + 5 X 1 year + 4 X 2 years + 3 X 3 years.", "Available Toucans Toucans, toucanets, and aracaris are reasonably hardy birds. They have a life span of approximately 20 years, and the record is 26. If obtained free of serious disease they should have peace and long life. The legs of a toucan are strong and rather short.", "- The average lifespan of cats is much lower than the possible life expectancy, which is in a range from 10 to 17 years.he mortality rate for wild cats can be high, and most … adult cats do not live 10 years, as they die of diseases, lack of nutrition, or accidents. Some fortunate cats, however, have lived up to 30 years.", "Facts About Cystic Fibrosis On the average, individuals with CF have a lifespan of. approximately 30 years. CF-like disease has been known for over. two centuries. The name, cystic fibrosis of. the pancreas, was first applied to the disease. in 1938.", "What is the generally average life expectancy of tropical fish if kept clean and healthy?? Many freshwater fish average about 1 to 3 years of life. Some of the more popular species with this short life span include fantail guppies, swordtail platy, mollies, rainbow fish, hatchet fish, corydoras catfish, some cichlids, rasboras and tiger barbs. There are also several fish that live around 3 to 5 years, with proper care and feeding. These fish include betas, kissing gourami, zebra danios and Jack Dempsey. If you are looking for a fish that will be around for up to 10 years, think about neon tetras, angelfish, Oscars and plecostomus.", "- Confidence votes 2.7K. 15 years if properly cared for. The average lifespan is 10-15 years - though there are always exceptions. 15 years if properly cared for.The average lifespan is 10-15 years - though there are always exceptions.", "- I looked first at life expectancy for both people and rabbits. The general concencus for people is a life expectancy of about 75 years. Of course, there are many factors that contribute to this number, such as where on this planet you live.e've probably all seen the charts that give dogs a lifespan in human years. Its an easy way for us to relate how old our dog is compared to us. I've often wondered how old some of our rabbits are in human years. So I created the table below after some careful analysis.", "- Pachycereus pringlei - Mexican Giant Cardon is the tallest cactus species in the world, with a maximum recorded height of 63 feet m)... Aloe ferox - Bitter Aloe, Cape Aloe can grow up to 10 feet m) in height with leaves arranged in rosettes." ]
[ 12.109375, 7.31640625 ]
[ 4.890625, 6.34765625, 5.25, 3.759765625, 3.900390625, 3.80078125, 6.41015625, 2.685546875, 7.14453125, 5.5859375, 5.23828125, 3.689453125, 2.203125, 4.23828125, 4.421875, 3.95703125, 12, 6.76953125, 3.7734375, 5.05859375, 5.3515625, 6.46875, 5.75, 1.41015625, 7.84375, 4.03515625, 3.970703125, 10.8671875, 3.212890625, 6.71484375 ]
is pertussis a communicable disease
[ "Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Pertussis, or whooping cough, is an infectious disease caused by bacteria that is found throughout the world.Pertussis was one of the most common causes of childhood deaths prior to the availability of a vaccine.ertussis is most often spread by contact with respiratory droplets of an infected person. It is a highly communicable disease and can spread to as many as 4 out of 5 close household contacts." ]
[ "- Pertussis, which is more commonly known as whooping cough, is a highly contagious bacterial infection of the respiratory system. Commonly caused by Bordetella pertussis, its trademark symptom is severe coughing spells followed by a high-pitched “whoop” sound during inhalation.", "- Pertussis (or whooping cough) is an infection of the respiratory system characterized by a “whooping” sound when the person breathes in.t may become airborne when the person coughs, sneezes, or laughs. Pertussis vaccine is part of the diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis (DTaP) immunization. The paroxysmal cough precedes a crowing inspiratory sound characteristic of pertussis.", "Whooping Cough Symptoms + 12 Natural Treatments Pertussis is a very contagious disease, characterized by severe coughing, caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis.Among vaccine-preventable diseases, pertussis is one of the most commonly occurring ones in the United States.ertussis is a very contagious disease, characterized by severe coughing, caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis.", "Causes Causes. Pertussis, a respiratory illness commonly known as whooping cough, is a very contagious disease caused by a type of bacteria called Bordetella pertussis.These bacteria attach to the cilia (tiny, hair-like extensions) that line part of the upper respiratory system.auses. Pertussis, a respiratory illness commonly known as whooping cough, is a very contagious disease caused by a type of bacteria called Bordetella pertussis.", "Who discovered Whooping cough? Whooping cough or Pertussis is a dangerous impartible bacterial disease. It is caused by “Bordetella pertussis” bacteria. It causes satirical and furious cough.hooping cough or Pertussis is a dangerous impartible bacterial disease. It is caused by “Bordetella pertussis” bacteria. It causes satirical and furious cough.", "- Practice Essentials. Pertussis (whooping cough) is a respiratory tract infection characterized by a paroxysmal cough. The most common causative organism is Bordetella pertussis (see the image below), though Bordetella parapertussis has also been associated with this condition in humans.n the prevaccination era, pertussis (ie, whooping cough) was a leading cause of infant death. As a result of vaccination, however, the number of cases reported decreased by more than 99% from the 1930s to the 1980s.", "Pertussis (Whooping Cough) & Pertussis Vaccine Pertussis, commonly referred to as whooping cough, is a highly contagious respiratory disease caused by the Bordetella (B.) pertussis bacterium. B. pertussis bacteria attach themselves to the mucus membranes of the respiratory tract and cause inflammation in the body.n severe cases of whooping cough disease, complications include high fever, brain inflammation, convulsions, pneumonia and death. Symptoms of B. pertussis at its onset are similar to the common cold, or an allergy attack with stuffy or runny nose, dry cough, loss of appetite, fatigue and, sometimes, a low fever.", "- Whooping Cough Disease. Whooping cough (also called pertussis) is a highly contagious infection of the respiratory system. This bacterial infection is transmitted through direct contact with an infected person's respiratory secretions and can be passed either through the air or by touching a contaminated surface.", "Pertussis Pertussis, also known as whooping cough or 100-day cough, is a highly contagious bacterial disease. Initially, symptoms are usually similar to those of the common cold with a runny nose, fever, and mild cough.This is then followed by weeks of severe coughing fits.he multicomponent acellular pertussis vaccine is 71–85% effective with greater effectiveness for more severe strains. Despite widespread vaccination, however, pertussis has persisted in vaccinated populations and is today one of the most common vaccine-preventable diseases in Western countries.", "- Pertussis 261 16 Pertussis, or whooping cough, is an acute infectious disease caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. Outbreaks of pertussis were first described in the 16th century, and the organism was first isolated in 1906.", "Asthma 1 Asthma is one of the major noncommunicable diseases. 2 It is a chronic disease of the the air passages of the lungs which inflames and narrows them. 3 Some 235 million people currently suffer from asthma. 4 It is a common disease among children. 5 Most asthma-related deaths occur in low-and lower-middle income countries.", "- In some cases, a cough with a barking quality may occur with the common cold. In addition, a barking cough is sometimes used to describe the cough that occurs with pertussis (whooping cough). However, a cough associated with this disease is usually described as a having “whooping” sound as the person gasps for air.", "Pertussis Pertussis (also known as whooping cough or 100-day cough) is a highly contagious bacterial disease.[10][1] Initially, symptoms are usually similar to those of the common cold with a runny nose, fever, and mild cough. This is then followed by weeks of severe coughing fits.", "Pertussis pertussis also known as whooping cough or 100 day cough is a highly contagious bacterial disease initially symptoms are usually similar to those of the common cold with a runny nose fever and mild coughthis is then followed by weeks of severe coughing fitsertussis also known as whooping cough or 100 day cough is a highly contagious bacterial disease initially symptoms are usually similar to those of the common cold with a runny nose fever and mild cough this is then followed by weeks of severe coughing fits", "Contagious Period for Whooping Cough Whooping cough (pertussis) is a highly contagious infection. A person is most likely to transmit the bacteria that cause this illness when he or she is experiencing symptoms, especially during the first three weeks of symptoms.ecause the first whooping cough symptoms, which typically develop during the first week or so of the illness, are similar to the common cold, parents can help protect young infants by minimizing their exposure to people who have cold symptoms or an illness with coughing.", "Pertussis Pertussis (also known as whooping cough or 100-day cough) is a highly contagious bacterial disease. Initially, symptoms are usually similar to those of the common cold with a runny nose, fever, and mild cough. This is then followed by weeks of severe coughing fits. Following a fit of coughing, a high-pitched whoop sound or gasp may occur as the person breathes in.", "Coqueluche Explanation:is the medical term Pertussis (Whooping Cough) An acute, highly communicable bacterial disease, characterized by a paroxysmal or spasmodic cough that usually ends in a prolonged, high-pitched, crowing inspiration (the whoop)..", "- Pertussis, or whooping cough, is an acute infectious cough illness caused by the bacterium. Bordetella pertussis, a fastidious gram-negative coccobacillus. Outbreaks of pertussis were first. described in the 16th century, and the organism was first isolated in 1906.", "Overview Whooping cough (pertussis) is a highly contagious respiratory tract infection. In many people, it's marked by a severe hacking cough followed by a high-pitched intake of breath that sounds like whoop. Before the vaccine was developed, whooping cough was considered a childhood disease.", "- Pertussis is a contagious respiratory disease caused by bacteria. Pertussis can cause very severe illness in younger children, but also causes illness in older children and adults.Children can get pneumonia and occasionally inflammation of the brain from pertussis.ertussis is a contagious respiratory disease caused by bacteria. Pertussis can cause very severe illness in younger children, but also causes illness in older children and adults.", "Pertussis: A Disease Affecting All Ages Bordetella pertussis, a highly communicable gram-negative coccobacillus, causes pertussis (whooping cough). B. pertussis is an exclusively human pathogen that is transmitted via airborne droplets. The organism produces antigens that can cause local cell damage and may mediate systemic symptoms.", "- Toxins produced by B. pertussis paralyze the cilia and cause inflammation of the. respiratory tract, interfering with the clearance of pulmonary secretions. This disease was first described in. the 16th century and was one of the most frequent and severe diseases in infants in the United States,", "whooping cough Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is a highly contagious disease which causes classic spasms (paroxysms) of uncontrollable coughing, followed by a sharp, high-pitched intake of air which creates the characteristic whoop of the disease's name.", "whooping cough Definition. Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is a highly contagious disease which causes classic spasms (paroxysms) of uncontrollable coughing, followed by a sharp, high-pitched intake of air which creates the characteristic whoop of the disease's name.hooping cough, also known as pertussis, is a highly contagious disease which causes classic spasms (paroxysms) of uncontrollable coughing, followed by a sharp, high-pitched intake of air which creates the characteristic whoop of the disease's name.", "Pertussis Pertussis (also known as whooping cough, and in Asia as 100-day cough) is a highly contagious bacterial disease.[10][1] Initially, symptoms are usually similar to those of the common cold with a runny nose, fever, and mild cough. This is then followed by weeks of severe coughing fits.", "- (Redirected from Whooping cough). Pertussis, also known as whooping cough or 100-day cough, is a highly contagious bacterial disease. Initially, symptoms are usually similar to those of the common cold with a runny nose, fever, and mild cough.Redirected from Whooping cough). Pertussis, also known as whooping cough or 100-day cough, is a highly contagious bacterial disease. Initially, symptoms are usually similar to those of the common cold with a runny nose, fever, and mild cough.", "Pertussis Symptoms, Causes, and Risk Factors Pertussis, also known as whooping cough, is a highly contagious disease.", "- Pertussis is a contagious respiratory disease caused by bacteria. Pertussis can cause very severe illness in younger children, but also causes illness in older children and adults. Children can get pneumonia and occasionally inflammation of the brain from pertussis.", "Pertussis Pertussis, or whooping cough, is an upper respiratory infection caused by the Bordetella pertussis or Bordetella parapertussis bacteria. It is a serious disease that can cause permanent disability in infants, and even death.", "Pertussis Bordetella pertussis is a bacterium that targets the lungs, typically causing a three-stage respiratory infection that is known as pertussis or whooping cough. It is highly contagious and causes a prolonged infection that is passed from person to person through respiratory droplets and close contact.Pertussis tests are performed to detect and diagnose a B. pertussis infection.The incubation period for pertussis varies from a few days to up to three weeks.t is highly contagious and causes a prolonged infection that is passed from person to person through respiratory droplets and close contact. Pertussis tests are performed to detect and diagnose a B. pertussis infection. The incubation period for pertussis varies from a few days to up to three weeks." ]
[ 15.0390625 ]
[ 11, 10.6015625, 11.953125, 11.6171875, 10.2421875, 9.890625, 11.71875, 11.6796875, 12.5, 11.359375, 5.24609375, 9.59375, 11.625, 11.1796875, 10.875, 11.8046875, 14.109375, 10.203125, 11.3828125, 12.5703125, 14.2578125, 8.1015625, 11.96875, 11.28125, 11.5390625, 11.96875, 11.4609375, 12.1171875, 10.203125, 11.0546875 ]
what is essentials
[ "Essentials Essentials is a complete language arts program. Surprisingly, there is not too much writing during class, but there is a lot of talking! Students compose sentences and learn the rules of writing by talking about them (what we call the dialectic model)." ]
[ "?????? ?? C2 existing as a natural or basic part of something: There are dangers/risks inherent in almost every sport. I have an inherent distrust of lawyers. Thesaurus: synonyms and related words. Essential or necessary. a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do idiom. basically. basis.", "essential 2. basic; fundamental: the essential feature. 3. completely realized; absolute; perfect: essential beauty. 4. (Biochemistry) biochem (of an amino acid or a fatty acid) necessary for the normal growth of an organism but not synthesized by the organism and therefore required in the diet. 5.", "- The definition of essential is completely necessary or part of the basic nature of something. 1 An example of essential is dedicated study skills to become valedictorian. An example of essential is innate intelligence.", "essential Medicine Of, relating to, or being a condition or a disease whose cause is unknown: essential hypertension. Biochemistry Being a substance that is required for normal functioning but cannot be synthesized by the body and therefore must be included in the diet: essential amino acids. noun. Something fundamental. Something necessary or indispensable.", "vital Synonym Discussion of essential. essential, fundamental, vital, cardinal mean so important as to be indispensable. essential implies belonging to the very nature of a thing and therefore being incapable of removal without destroying the thing itself or its character conflict is essential in drama.", "Essential Phone With Essential Phone’s stunning edge-to-edge Full Display there is finally a large-screen device that fits comfortably in the palm of your hand. Our phone is ex With Essential Phone’s stunning edge-to-edge Full Display there is finally a large-screen device that fits comfortably in the palm of your hand. Our phone is expertly crafted out of titanium and ceramic so it resists scratching, denting, and bending better than most other phones.", "Commas: Nonessential Elements A nonessential element, also referred to as nonrestrictive element, is a word, phrase or clause that is not essential to the meaning of the sentence. When a nonessential clause is removed from the sentence, the sentence still makes sense without it; it is unrestricted, or not essential.", "GEORGE VOLCEANOV I use the word “essential” in a double sense: on the one hand they are essential as being great, important poems found in many anthologies of English literature; and, on the other hand, they are texts that the undergraduates must get well acquainted with in order to pass their examination in English poetry up to 1830.", "608 Disclosure [R-11.2013] 1 2. 2 If the application attempts to incorporate essential or nonessential subject matter into the patent application by reference to the contents of the site to which a hyperlink and/or other form of browser-executable code is directed, use form paragraph 6.19 or 6.19.01 instead. 3 See also MPEP § 608.01(p) .", "Neon: the essentials Neon: the essentials. Neon is a very inert element. Neon forms an unstable hydrate. In a vacuum discharge tube, neon glows reddish orange. Of all the rare gases, the discharge of neon is the most intense at ordinary voltages and currents.It is present in the atmosphere as 1 part in 65000.eon is a very inert element. Neon forms an unstable hydrate. In a vacuum discharge tube, neon glows reddish orange.", "TEAS Grammar and Read practice good 4. Do not use commas to set off essential elements of the sentence, such as clauses beginning with that (relative clauses). That clauses after nouns are always essential. That clauses following a verb expressing mental action are always essential.", "essential synonym, essential definition | Thesaurus 2 n-count The essentials are the things that are absolutely necessary for the situation you are in or for the task you are doing. usu pl. The flat contained the basic essentials for bachelor life. 3 adj The essential aspects of something are its most basic or important aspects.", "content essential meaning; substance: the content of a poem as distinguished from its form; Rare. a holding power; capacity; volume or area; the amount (of a specified substance) contained: iron with a high carbon content", "- Mechanics CHAPTER 4 HOW TO WRITE GREAT ESSAYS 53 F OR Y OUR R EVIEW ■ Pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions are the most challenging partsof speech, accounting for a majority of usage errors. Learn the common errorsto eliminate them from your writing.", "Four Components of Effective Body Paragraph Schedule a Writing Appointment. What are body paragraphs? Body paragraphs are those paragraphs nestled between the introduction and the conclusion of a paper. They are, in a sense, mini-essays, as they each contain the essential elements of an effective essay: unity, order, coherency, and completeness.", "Definitions &Translations Essential(adj) belonging to the essence, or that which makes an object, or class of objects, what it is. Essential(adj) hence, really existing; existent. Essential(adj) important in the highest degree; indispensable to the attainment of an object; indispensably necessary.", "- Welcome. Essentials in Writing is a video based homeschool writing curriculum in which students learn how to effectively communicate with readers in written language and become confident writers. The study of language and writing is much more than dissecting sentences and committing a list of grammar rules to memory. It includes learning rules for writing, but it also encompasses learning the concepts that are critical to effective written communication.", "ilustreous-gre-barrons-essential-plus : extreme in a way that is not normal or that shows an illness or mental problem. medical: relating to or caused by disease. : of or relating to the study of diseases: relating to pathology.", "- The definition of essential is completely necessary or part of the basic nature of something. 1 An example of essential is dedicated study skills to become valedictorian. 2 An example of essential is innate intelligence.", "What are the essentials of the Christian faith? Question: What are the essentials of the Christian faith?. Answer: The Bible itself reveals what is important and essential to the Christian faith. These essentials are the deity of Christ, salvation by God’s grace and not by works, salvation through Jesus Christ alone, the resurrection of Christ, the Gospel, monotheism and the Holy Trinity.", "Chap 25 4. __________ is a substance in food used by the body to promote normal growth, maintenance, and repair. A nutrient. 5. The term essential nutrient refers to the chemicals that can be interconverted in the liver so that the body can maintain life and good health.", "- An essay tries to make a point. This is perhaps the most important and most challenging aspect of the essay. An essay is not just a bunch of words, or even a bunch of paragraphs. An essay all fits together; it all points in one direction.", "essential The definition of essential is completely necessary or part of the basic nature of something. An example of essential is dedicated study skills to become valedictorian.", "Visual Synonyms of essential essential tools and materials; funds essential to the completion of the project; an indispensable worker essential (adj) basic and fundamental the essential feature all-important(a), all important(p), crucial, essential, of the essence(p) (adj) of the greatest importance", "Windows Live Essentials What is Windows Live Essentials? Windows Live Essentials is a suite of freeware applications by Microsoft that aims to offer integrated and bundled e-mail, instant messaging, photo-sharing, blog publishing, and security services.", "- Example sentences. 1 In the same way, we have a low tolerance for what we perceive to be excessive or needless paperwork or anything else that appears unessential to the mission.", "Essentials From Essentials. Essentials offers over 100 commands useful on just about every Minecraft server, from kits to mob spawning. Essentials is the de-facto standard set up for Minecraft servers. From small servers running on on desktops, VPS hosts and dedicated Minecraft services. Essentials is one of the most popular Bukkit plugins ever made, and runs on everything from small one person home hosted Windows servers, to huge 500+ slot dedicated Linux community servers.", "Teaching Strategies to Support Evidence-Based Practice The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education. for Professional Nursing Practice (2008) This Essentials document serves to transform baccalaureate nursing education by providing. the curricular elements and framework for building the baccalaureate nursing curriculum for. the 21.", "Element Tree Essentials Premium Lotion Candles Element Tree Essentials are a luxurious addition to your home and body and can bring a variety of delicious scents to your space. The ambiance and aromatherapeutic properties of our scented candles are simple and classy, and the warm moisturizer that our candles provide is a lavish gift to your skin. These distinctive candles last between 60 and 80 hours, and are designed to be both a scented candle and a lovely body moisturizer. Element Tree Essentials lotion candles are made with cosmetic grade soy, grapeseed oil, coconut oil, Shea butter, almond oil, vitamin E and fragrances that are infused with essential oils. Our candles are always handmade in small batch quantities, ensuring the highest level of quality and consistency.", "essential essential. 1 absolutely necessary; indispensable: Discipline is essential in an army. 2 pertaining to or constituting the essence of a thing. 3 noting or containing an essence of a plant, drug, etc. 4 being such by its very nature or in the highest sense; natural; spontaneous: essential happiness. 5 Mathematics." ]
[ 15.2734375 ]
[ 7.3984375, 10.4921875, 12.7421875, 10.25, 10.265625, 10.4609375, 5.95703125, 6.53125, 3.48046875, 8.671875, 3.578125, 13.984375, 8.46875, 2.4765625, 3.099609375, 11.265625, 12.1015625, 7.9609375, 12.671875, 12.6640625, 7.01953125, 3.380859375, 13.0390625, 8.8828125, 14.109375, 3.84375, 15.4140625, 9.6796875, 9.5234375, 12.8046875 ]
what is a vector network analyzer
[ "- Vector Network Analysis is one of. the most effective methods of characterizing impedance matching. The purpose of this article is to provide the test engineer with a fundamental understanding. of vector network analysis. The article will start by describing the fundamentals of. impedance, transmission lines, and loads. It will go on to describe common terms for." ]
[ "What Is ANOVA? Analysis of variance, or ANOVA, is a technique from statistical interference that allows us to deal with several populations. Comparison of Means. To see what problems arise and why we need ANOVA, we will consider an example. Suppose we are trying to determine if the mean weights of green, red, blue and orange M&M candies are different from each other. We will state the mean weights for each of these populations, μ1, μ2, μ3 μ4 and respectively.", "What is Social Network Analysis? What is Social Network Analysis? Social network analysis is focused on uncovering the patterning of people's interaction. It is about the kind of patterning that Roger Brown described when he wrote: Social structure becomes actually visible in an anthill; the movements and contacts one sees are not random but patterned.", "What is bias in artificial neural network? Thanks for A2A. Unlike other answers here, I'll try to explain bias in simple words without going deep into calculus or ANN theory. On a very basic level, a neural network is a function, with input values and output values. Let's denote this function as follows:", "Recurrent neural network Recurrent neural network. Not to be confused with Recursive neural network. A recurrent neural network (RNN) is a class of artificial neural network where connections between units form a directed cycle. This creates an internal state of the network which allows it to exhibit dynamic temporal behavior.", "5 Best Free Network Packet Sniffer A packet analyzer (also known as a network analyzer, protocol analyzer or sniffer, or for particular types of networks, an Ethernet sniffer or wireless sniffer) is a computer program or a piece of computer hardware that can intercept and log traffic passing over a digital network or part of a network.ireShark Packet Sniffer. Wireshark is a free and open-source packet sniffer. This free network packet sniffer is one of the most popular packet sniffing freeware in the world. It is a cross-platform packet sniffer, and works on both Unix, as well as Windows.", "RF network analyzer basics tutorial Vector network analyzer (VNA): The vector network analyzer, VNA is a more useful form of RF network analyzer than the SNA as it is able to measure more parameters about the device under test. Not only does it measure the amplitude response, but it also looks at the phase as well.", "Network Analyzers Network Analyzers. Over 70% of engineering teams around the world select Keysight analyzers because they help you: Attain unrivaled excellence with PNA-X/PNA/PNA-L (up to 1.1 THz) Drive down the cost of test with ENA (up to 20 GHz) Carry precision with FieldFox handheld analyzers (up to 50 GHz) Drive down the size of test by up to 66% with PXI VNAs (up to 26.5 GHz, 32-ports)", "Review: Wireshark network analyzer Budget, however, does not need to be a factor when looking for a network protocol analyzer. Wireshark is an open source network monitoring and analysis tool that can also read captured information from applications like Snoop, Sniffer, and Microsoft Network Monitor.", "- VMware vRealize Network Insight 3.0 is an Intelligent Security and Operations Management solution for the network. It provides 360 degree visibility across virtual and physical network using network flow analytics. Enables Micro-Segmentation planning based on network flow information.", "What does a network impedance analyzer do, and how does it work? In short, an electrical network impedance analyzer determines the total impedance (Z) (Complex), or complete opposition a circuit has to the flow of AC, where Z=R+jX (rectangular expression). R is the Real axis, +j is an imaginary number or axis and X is a coordinate.", "Wireshark Publisher's Description. From Wireshark: Wireshark is a network protocol analyzer, and is the standard in many industries. It is the continuation of a project that started in 1998. Hundreds of developers around the world have contributed to it, and it is still under active development.ublisher's Description. From Wireshark: Wireshark is a network protocol analyzer, and is the standard in many industries. It is the continuation of a project that started in 1998. Hundreds of developers around the world have contributed to it, and it is still under active development.", "What is Vertical Analysis? Thus, vertical analysis is nothing but the comparative analysis of an economic statement, in which all baseline items on an economic statement are shown as a fraction of a further item.", "- Confidence votes 13. A distortion analyzer is an electronic test instrument that measures the accuracy of an electronic circuit at reproducing a wave. For instance, an audio amplifier might have a sine wave input to it, and the distortion analyzer measures how close the output is to a sine wave.If the output is clipped, the wave will be distorted, and the analyzer will measure the amount of harmonics present.mplifiers will frequently have a Total Harmonic Distortion plus Noise specification which is an accurate term for the quantity measured by a distortion analyzer. There are many manufacturers of distortion analyzers. The Hewlett-Packard models 331a and 333 are laboratory standard instruments.", "What is Network Virtualization? â Definition Network virtualization (NV) is defined by the ability to create logical, virtual networks that are decoupled from the underlying network hardware to ensure the network can better integrate with and support increasingly virtual environments.", "What is a distortion analyzer? A distortion analyzer is an electronic test instrument that measures the accuracy of an electronic circuit at reproducing a wave.For instance, an audio amplifier might have a sine wave input to it, and the distortion analyzer measures how close the output is to a sine wave.If the output is clipped, the wave will be distorted, and the analyzer will measure the amount of harmonics present.mplifiers will frequently have a Total Harmonic Distortion plus Noise specification which is an accurate term for the quantity measured by a distortion analyzer. There are many manufacturers of distortion analyzers. The Hewlett-Packard models 331a and 333 are laboratory standard instruments.", "- Vector Six-Port Analyzer A combination of couplers and power dividers, having 0 °, 90°, and 180° differences in their output signalscan be used to construct a circuit with multiple outputs where the power from the outputs can be usedin a system of n equations with n unknowns.", "Five free network analyzers worth any IT admin's time if you start looking you ll find plenty available to help narrow the search for you i ve found five of the best network analyzers available from this list you should be able to find the one tool that perfectly suits your needs with that promise made let s dive in and see what s what", "Network Sniffer Introduction Network Sniffer Introduction. Network Sniffer is a tool that can help you locate network problems by allowing you to capture and view the packet level data on your network. The Colasoft Capsa Network Sniffer is a powerful network analysis tool. It consists of a well-integrated set of functions that can resolve network problems.", "- The 48-capillary 3730 DNA Analyzer is the Gold Standard in medium-to-high throughput genetic analysis. Use the 3730 DNA Analyzer for DNA fragment analysis applications such as microsatellites, AFLP, SNP analysis, mutation detection and traditional DNA sequencing.", "- Protocol Analyzers. Protocol analyzers look inside the packet to identify a problem. They can also generate statistics based on network traffic to help create a picture of the network, including the: 1 Cabling. 2 Software. 3 File servers. 4 Workstations.", "- 2. In the sequence analysis engine, a central task manager coordinates analysis tasks such as pattern recognition and gene modeling and also initiates sequence comparison and data mining using multiple external databases. The data flow in this analysis engine is shown in Fig.", "What is Social Network Analysis? Network analysis is based on the intuitive notion that these patterns are important features of the lives of the individuals who display them. Network analysts believe that how an individual lives depends in large part on how that individual is tied into the larger web of social connections.", "Network Analyzer Measurements The classic vector network analyzer of recent history is the Keysight (Agilent or HP) 8510, shown below. It is no longer sold but many are still in service as they were built to last a lifetime. Depending on how much you spent, this analyzer can make measurements from 45 MHz to 110 GHz.", "5 Best Free Network Packet Sniffer Packet analyzer. A packet analyzer (also known as a network analyzer, protocol analyzer or packet sniffer—or, for particular types of networks, an Ethernet sniffer or wireless sniffer) is a computer program or piece of computer hardware that can intercept and log traffic that passes over a digital network or part of a network.", "Statistics - C4 Venn diagram. A graphical representation for showing symbolically the sample space and operatons involving events in which the sample space is represented by a rectangle and events are represented as circles within the sample space. Union of A and B.", "Lexical analysis A program that performs lexical analysis may be called a lexer, tokenizer, or scanner (though scanner is also used to refer to the first stage of a lexer). Such a lexer is generally combined with a parser, which together analyze the syntax of programming languages, web pages, and so forth.he lexical analyzer (either generated automatically by a tool like lex, or hand-crafted) reads in a stream of characters, identifies the lexemes in the stream, and categorizes them into tokens. This is called tokenizing. If the lexer finds an invalid token, it will report an error.", "Artificial neural network An artificial neural network is an interconnected group of nodes, akin to the vast network of neurons in a brain. Here, each circular node represents an artificial neuron and an arrow represents a connection from the output of one neuron to the input of another.", "Variance analysis Variance analysis is the quantitative investigation of the difference between actual and planned behavior. This analysis is used to maintain control over a business. For example, if you budget for sales to be $10,000 and actual sales are $8,000, variance analysis yields a difference of $2,000.", "What does a network impedance analyzer do, and how does it work? I use a good voltmeter or oscilloscope and a signal generator rather than a dedicated impedance analyzer and do the calculations myself. I use an electronic network program (SPICE) to design logic nets and some impedance networks, and various filter programs for complex impedance network design.", "Analysis of variance Analysis of variance is a collection of statistical models and their associated procedures used to analyze the differences among group means. ANOVA was developed by statistician and evolutionary biologist Ronald Fisher. In the ANOVA setting, the observed variance in a particular variable is partitioned into components attributable to different sources of variation. In its simplest form, ANOVA provides a statistical test of whether or not the means of several groups are equal, and therefore gener" ]
[ 15.859375 ]
[ -3.54296875, 4.3828125, -0.72314453125, 0.92138671875, 6.4609375, 17.703125, 8.90625, 5.22265625, 3.224609375, 9.234375, 3.630859375, 0.9638671875, 4.71875, 2.67578125, 5.3671875, 11.7109375, 6.52734375, 3.041015625, 2.380859375, 5.43359375, 0.9130859375, 5.1640625, 13.9296875, 7.6484375, 1.1875, -0.4638671875, 2.12890625, -0.11517333984375, 5.8359375, 1.22265625 ]
what is esotropia of the eye
[ "esotropia esotropia. strabismus in which there is deviation of the visual axis of one eye toward that of the other eye, resulting in diplopia. Called also cross-eye and convergent strabismus. Commonly seen in Siamese cats." ]
[ "Entropion and Ectropion Repair Of these, involutional ectropion (see the images below) is the type most commonly seen in clinical practice. Right lower-eyelid horizontal laxity leading to ectropion, as well as mild lower-eyelid retraction. Patient was symptomatic and complained of ocular irritation.", "exotropia That type of strabismus in which the visual axes diverge; may be paralytic or concomitant, monocular or alternating, constant or intermittent. exotropia. exotropia. n. A form of strabismus in which one or both of the eyes deviate outward. Also called walleye.", "Eyelid Disorders: Diagnosis and Management Entropion, or inward turning of the eyelid margin (Figure 13) , causes irritation, redness and stringy white mucoid discharge. 9 Usually occurring in the lower lid, entropion causes eyelashes to rub on the cornea and conjunctiva. Most commonly, entropion occurs in the elderly as a result of age-related changes.", "- Esotropia with Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) If Amblyopia is present, therapy including eye patching is often required so that the turned lazy eye develops the capacity to see as well as the preferred eye. If surgery is chosen as a treatment option, it is best to do the lazy eye therapy BEFORE surgery.t is more difficult to help this type of strabismus with non-surgical methods, such as Vision Therapy and/or glasses. Sometimes, clear tape applied to the inner third of each lens (occlusion) can reduce the tendency to turn inward. Prisms may aid alignment if the turn is not too large.", "New York Eye and Ear Infirmary What is Esotropia. Esotropia, a form of Strabismus, is the inward deviation (turn) of an eye and occurs in 1.2% of children by 7 years of age and occurs equally in males and females.hat causes Esotropia. The exact cause of the misalignment is not fully understood. Six eye muscles, controlling eye movements, are attached to the outside of each eye. In each eye, two muscles move the eye right and left. The other four muscles move it up or down and control tilting movements.", "The Eyes Have It: Vision and Movement Neurology Close your right eye. If the object remains in view, you are left eye dominant. If your hands appear to move off the object and move to the right, then you are right eye dominant. Meet the Phorias – Ortho, Eso and Exo . Phoria describes a muscular condition of the eyes in one of three ways. Esophoria is a muscle condition in which when both eyes are open each eye points accurately at the target. However, upon covering one eye the covered eye turns inwards.", "- True congenital esotropia is an inward turn of a large amount, and is present in very few children, but the infant will not grow out of this turn. True infantile esotropia usually appears between the ages of 2 and 4 months.hat causes Esotropia. The exact cause of the misalignment is not fully understood. Six eye muscles, controlling eye movements, are attached to the outside of each eye. In each eye, two muscles move the eye right and left.", "Ectropion Lower Eyelid Reconstruction Lower lid ectropion is a very common condition in older persons. Frequency increases steadily with age. Defined as an eversion of the eyelid away from the globe, the condition is classified according to its anatomic features as involutional, cicatricial, tarsal, congenital, or neurogenic/paralytic.", "ectropion ectropion. Outward turning of the eyelid margin. The most common cause is a loss of tonus of the pretarsal orbicularis muscle combined with laxity of the medial and lateral canthal tendons, which occurs in old people and affects only the lower eyelid (involutional ectropion).", "Entropion and Ectropion Repair Background. Ectropion and entropion are common maladies of the eyelid margin that can directly affect ocular function and patient comfort; surgical repair is commonly performed. Ectropion (out-turning of the eyelid) can present with keratoconjunctivopathy, infection, and dermatitis, among other signs and symptoms.", "Euphrasia Euphrasia (Eyebright) is a genus of about 450 species of herbaceous flowering plants in the family Orobanchaceae (formerly included in the Scrophulariaceae), with a cosmopolitan distribution. They are semi-parasitic on grasses and other plants. The common name refers to the plant's use in treating eye infections.Many species are found in alpine or sub-alpine meadows where snow is common. Flowers usually are borne terminally, are zygomorphic, and have a lower petal shaped like a lip.The most common flower colours are purple, blue-white, and violet.he common name refers to the plant's use in treating eye infections. Many species are found in alpine or sub-alpine meadows where snow is common. Flowers usually are borne terminally, are zygomorphic, and have a lower petal shaped like a lip. The most common flower colours are purple, blue-white, and violet.", "Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia (CPEO) is a type of mitochondrial myopathy which is a neuromuscular disease that affects muscle functions. CPEO is a condition that involves the muscles in the eyelid and eye movement. Common symptoms reported by people with Chronic Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia.", "- In general, the goal of surgical treatment for esotropia is to correct alignment to orthotropia. Tables developed by experienced ophthalmologists provide guidelines for surgery, but each surgeon should perform a periodic review of the correction achieved for specific amounts of corrective muscle surgery.", "Presbyopia Presbyopia is a condition associated with aging of the eye that results in progressively worsening ability to focus clearly on close objects. Symptoms include a hard time reading small print, having to hold reading material farther away, headaches, and eyestrain.", "- New Latin esōtropia: Greek esō, within; see en in Indo-European roots + Greek tropē, a turning; see –tropic. noun. A form of strabismus in which one or both of the eyes deviate inward. Also called crossed eyes, cross-eye. New Latin esōtropia: Greek esō, within; see en in Indo-European roots + Greek tropē, a turning; see –tropic. Origin of esotropia. Related Forms: 1 es′o·trop′ic.", "- Crossed eyes are common in children. Often the underlying cause is unknown. Infantile esotropia is a type of crossed eyes that appears in babies during their first year of life. It runs in families and usually requires surgery to correct. Acquired esotropia occurs in children between the ages of 2 and 5.", "Ectropion Lower Eyelid Reconstruction Ectropion is an outward turning of the eyelid margin. It occurs most often in the lower eyelid. The condition may be mild or severe and may involve all or part of the eyelid margin.", "- epiphora e·piph·o·ra (ĭ-pĭf'ər-ə) n. Watering of the eyes due to a blockage of the lacrimal ducts or the excessive secretion of tears.", "Enophthalmos Recession of the eyeball into the orbital cavity. Enophthalmos. a positioning of the eyeball in the orbit more to the rear than is normal. The most frequent cause is a severe trauma accompanied by fracture of the orbit walls and subsequent atrophy of the soft tissues.", "Exotropia in Children and Adults Exotropia is a common type of strabismus that occurs when misaligned eyes deviate outward. Exotropia (also known as wall-eye or divergent strabismus) differs from its opposite form, esotropia (eye turns in toward nose), in that exotropic eyes point outward or away from the nose. Exotropia can occur in one or both eyes.", "- Restasis Information: Restasis (generic name: Cyclosporine Ophthalmic Emulsion) is a drug for the treatment of chronic dry eye disease, and comes as eye drops. Chronic dry eye is often caused by inflammation in the eye.", "Eye Discharge or Epiphora in Dogs Epiphora means an overflow of tears from the eyes. It is a symptom rather than a specific disease and is associated with a variety of conditions. Normally, a thin film of tears is produced to lubricate the eyes and the excess fluid drains into the lacrimal or tear ducts, which are located in the medial canthus or corner of the eye next to the nose.", "tropia There are several types: infantile strabismus, acquired non-accommodative strabismus, basic esotropia (no significant hyperopia and the deviation is equal for near and distance), microtropia, convergence excess (esotropia for near vision but not for distance), divergence insufficiency (esotropia for distance vision but not for near), consecutive strabismus, sensory strabismus and cyclic esotropia (periodic manifestation of esotropia as for example on alternate days).", "- ECTROPION. Ectropion means that the lower eyelid is “rolled out” away from the eye, or is sagging away from the eye.", "eye (i) the organ of vision. black eye a bruise of the tissue around the eye, marked by discoloration, swelling, and pain. crossed eyes esotropia. exciting eye the eye that is primarily injured and from which the influences start which involve the other eye in sympathetic ophthalmia.", "exotropia Divergence of the lines of vision of the two eyes. Divergent squint. In exotropia one eye points at the object of regard, the other is directed outwards. In exotropia acquired in adult life there is usually double vision (diplopia). In childhood, the false image may be suppressed and long-term visual acuity may be affected in one eye. See also ESOTROPIA.", "Esotropia Find information on thousands of medical conditions and prescription drugs. Esotropia Esotropia is a form of strabismus where one or both of the eyes turn inward (often called lazy eye). The most common type of esotropia occurs in approximately one to two percent of the population. Treatment options include glasses with prism lenses, vision therapy, orthoptics, and/or eye muscle surgery. more...", "- Yes, ectropion can be repaired surgically. Most patients experience immediate resolution of the problem once surgery is completed with little, if any, post-operative discomfort. After your eyelid heals, your eye will feel comfortable and be protected from corneal scarring, infection, and loss of vision.", "Episcleritis Episcleritis is a benign, self-limiting inflammatory disease affecting part of the eye called the episclera. The episclera is a thin layer of tissue that lies between the conjunctiva and the connective tissue layer that forms the white of the eye (sclera). Episcleritis is a common condition, and is characterized by the abrupt onset of mild eye pain and redness. There are two types of episcleritis, nodular and simple. Nodular episcleritis lesions have raised surface.", "Exophthalmos For the weevils, see Exophthalmus. Exophthalmos (also called exophthalmus, exophthalmia, proptosis, or exorbitism) is a bulging of the eye anteriorly out of the orbit. Exophthalmos can be either bilateral (as is often seen in Graves' disease) or unilateral (as is often seen in an orbital tumor)." ]
[ 14.6171875 ]
[ 1.04296875, 9.96875, 2.001953125, 10.171875, 16.21875, 8.359375, 13.3359375, 2.443359375, 3.80859375, 2.103515625, 0.1278076171875, 3.37890625, 10.234375, 4.12890625, 14.1796875, 13.0546875, 4.1953125, 3.033203125, 3.08984375, 13.3125, 5.4765625, 4.36328125, 10.390625, 4.13671875, 9.90625, 10.6640625, 15.9375, 3.49609375, 2.841796875, 4.0703125 ]
kids science what is the relationship between atoms, elements, molecules, and compounds
[ "What is the difference between molecules and compounds? A molecule is a group of two or more atoms bonded together, while a compound is a group of two or more atoms bonded together where the atoms are from at least two types of elements. All compounds are also molecules, but all molecules are not compounds.", "Physical & Chemical Properties of Compounds: Types & Examples For a more advanced list of resources on atoms, elements and compounds. Elements are substances that cannot be separated into simpler substances. Salt is made up of the elements sodium and chloride. Water is made up of the elements hydrogen and oxygen.", "- These are aluminum atoms. An atom is the smallest particle of an element that has the properties of that element. Some properties of aluminum are: shiny, silver colored, fragile, and thin. Each element has its own type of properties. Chemists use symbols to represent elements." ]
[ "- By the end of this section, you will be able to: 1 Discuss the relationships between matter, mass, elements, compounds, atoms, and subatomic particles. 2 Distinguish between atomic number and mass number. 3 Identify the key distinction between isotopes of the same element.", "What is the relationship between atoms and molecules? Atoms make up molecules. You need at least two atoms to make a molecule. Two oxygen atoms will make one oxygen molecule. Two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom will make o … ne molecule of water. Atoms are the smallest component of an element.toms make up molecules. You need at least two atoms to make a molecule. Two oxygen atoms will make one oxygen molecule. Two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom will make o … ne molecule of water. Atoms are the smallest component of an element.", "Chapter 2 Assessment Compounds can be separated by chemical means into simpler substances. Elements cannot. Describe the relationship between the three items in each of the following groups. Identify each item as an element, compound, or mixture. a. hydrogen, oxygen, and water. b. nitrogen, oxygen, and air c. sodium, chlorine, and table salt d. carbon, water, and table sugar.", "Outline of physical science Chemistry includes topics such as the properties of individual atoms, how atoms form chemical bonds to create chemical compounds, the interactions of substances through intermolecular forces that give matter its general properties, and the interactions between substances through chemical reactions to form different substances.", "What are the differences between elements, compounds and mixtures? An element is made up of the same type of atoms, while a compound is made up of different types of elements in definite proportions. E.g Sodium (Na) and Chlorine (Cl) are elements. Together they form Sodium Chloride (NaCl), also known as Salt. First let's talk about separation techniques.", "- Elements and compounds are pure chemical substances found in nature. The difference between an element and a compound is that an element is a substance made of same type of atoms, whereas a compound is made of different elements in definite proportions.", "Understanding the Relationships between Elements, Molecules & Compounds Certain molecules are also compounds. A compound is a group of two or more different atoms chemically bonded together. What makes compounds special is that there are at least two different elements, or types of atoms in the group.All compounds are molecules, but not all molecules are compounds.ompounds Are Different Elements. Molecules are groups of two or more atoms, but there is a special sub-group of molecules, too. These are compounds, and a compound is a group of two or more different atoms chemically bonded together. The key here is that compounds are made of at least two different elements.", "What's the relationship between atom, molecule, ion, compound, and mixture? mixture is a MIXTURE of compounds compoud is a group of molecules molecule is a group of atoms an ion is a mlecue or atom that has gained or lost electrons and and atom is the smallest particle made from neutrons protons and electrons.", "Contents: Compound vs Element The difference between an element and a compound is that an element is a substance made of same type of atoms, whereas a compound is made of different elements in definite proportions. e... Elements and compounds are pure chemical substances found in nature. The difference between an element and a compound is that an element is a substance made of same type of atoms, whereas a compound is made of different elements in definite proportions. E", "Molecules The atoms in a molecule are held together because they share or exchange electrons. Molecules are made from atoms of one or more elements. Some molecules are made of only one type of atom. For instance, two oxygen atoms bond together to form O 2, the part of the air that we need to breath to survive.", "Some basic chemistry Elements. An element is a substance made up of atoms with the same number of protons. Elements are the simplest substances known. They can be metals (e.g. iron, copper, sodium magnesium) or non-metals (e.g. carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen). There are just over 100 of them.", "Difference Between Elements and Compounds The structure of the compound gives the number of atoms in the compound and their ratios. In a compound, elements are present in a definite proportion. We can find these details easily by looking at a chemical formula of a compound. Compounds are stable, and they have a characteristic shape, color, properties, etc.", "- Atoms can combine with atoms of the same element (for example, oxygen, hydrogen or a lump of carbon). The number of different combinations of atoms (making compounds) is vast. From only about 100 elements we get the millions of different materials we see around us every day.", "Difference Between Elements and Atoms So, in essence, an atom is the smallest amount of an element. When atoms combine or bind together via a chemical means, they form molecules. When only like atoms combine, they form elements, so technically, elements can be composed of molecules. An atom can be considered as the smallest amount of an element. It is the simplest unit of matter, and has a closely packed nucleus in its center. Surrounding the nucleus is a cloud of electrons, which are the negatively-charged particles of an atom.", "Difference Between Elements and Compounds Difference Between Element and Molecule. Element vs Molecule. Atoms are the tiny units which collect up to form all the existing chemical substances. Atoms can join with other atoms in various ways, thus form thousands of molecules and other compounds. According to their electron donating or withdrawing abilities, they can form covalent bonds or ionic bonds.", "Atoms, Isotopes, Ions, and Molecules Elements and compounds. All matter is made from atoms. Atoms are very, very small. A molecule is formed when atoms join together by chemical bonds. There are over a hundred different types of atom, called elements.o chemical process can break it down into a different substance. Compounds are substances that contain atoms of at least two elements chemically combined. For example: magnesium oxide consists of magnesium atoms and oxygen atoms chemically bonded together.", "- Molecules are the smallest particles of a compound or a compound element. The term compound element isn't seen much anymore, but it describes molecules formed from two or more atoms of the same element. Molecular oxygen, O2, ozone, O3, nitrogen, N2, phosphorous, P4, and sulfur S8 are some examples.", "Atoms and elements A molecule is formed when atoms join together by chemical bonds. There are over a hundred different types of atom, called elements. The atoms of a particular element are identical to each other. When atoms of different elements join together they make a compound. Compounds are represented by formulae that show how many atoms of each element are in the compound. Formulae can be worked out from the charge of the ions that make up the compound.", "Understanding the Relationships between Elements, Molecules & Compounds Compounds Are Different Elements. Molecules are groups of two or more atoms, but there is a special sub-group of molecules, too. These are compounds, and a compound is a group of two or more different atoms chemically bonded together. The key here is that compounds are made of at least two different elements.", "- difference between elements and compounds atoms are the tiny units which collect up to form all the existing chemical substances atoms can join with other atoms in various ways thus form thousands of molecules and other compounds according to their electron donating or withdrawing abilities they can form covalent bonds or ionic bonds", "- This material roughly covers a first-year high school or college course, and a good understanding of algebra is helpful. My Projects Help Requests. Atoms, compounds, and ions Chemistry is the study of matter, and all matter is made up of atoms. We will learn about elements, atomic number and mass, isotopes, moles (chemistry moles, not the animal), and compounds. Chemical reactions and stoichiometry We are now going to delve into the heart of chemistry.", "Difference Between Molecules and Compounds 3. Molecules in a compound are chemically bonded together. 4. Compounds are identified by formulas such as H2SO4, NaCl and H2O. 5. Some famous examples of molecules are Hydrogen, Oxygen, Gold, or Ammonia. 6. Some common examples of compounds are carbon Hydrochloric Acid, Sodium Bicarbonate and Glucose. 7.", "Chemistry for Kids Molecule-A molecule is formed when two or more atoms are joined together by a chemical bond. Neutron-A particle in the nucleus of an atom that has no electric charge. Noble gases-A family of elements that makes up column 18 of the periodic table. They are very stable due to their full outer electron shells.", "- Vocabulary element, compound, molecule, mixture Objectives 1. Differentiate between elements, compounds, and mixtures Molecules Molecules form when atoms are chemically joined together, and are made up of two or more atoms.", "Chemistry : Atoms, Molecules, Elements and compounds A compound is formed when atoms or molecules of different elements combine. In a compound, elements are chemically combined in a fixed proportion. Examples: 1 Hydrogen and oxygen are combined in a fixed proportion of 2:1 to form the compound water [H 2 O]. Since atoms are electrically neutral, the number of protons equal the number of electrons in an atom. 2 Atomic weight (or relative atomic mass) of an element is the number of times an atom of that element is heavier than an atom of hydrogen. 3 The atomic weight of hydrogen is taken to be unity [1].", "Difference Between Molecules and Compounds Covalent bonds between molecules provide them with a specific shape and properties. Common Examples of Molecules and Compounds: Methane (CH4), Carbon dioxide (CO2) and Water (H2O) are one of the commonly known compounds made up of elements.", "What's the relationship between atom, molecule, ion, compound, and mixture? atom is the smallest particle. compound is a combination of two atoms in chemically reaction molecules is the combination of more than one atoms ion is the positively or negatively charges of particles.. so i hope u can find more in the chemistry books or the internet.", "CHEMISTRY I: ATOMS AND MOLECULES Chemical reactions and molecules | Back to Top. Molecules are compounds in which the elements are in definite, fixed ratios, as seen in Figure 12. Those atoms are held together usually by one of the three types of chemical bonds discussed above.For example: water, glucose, ATP.ll matter is composed of basic elements that cannot be broken down to substances with different chemical or physical properties. Elements are substances consisting of one type of atom, for example Carbon atoms make up diamond, and also graphite. Pure (24K) gold is composed of only one type of atom, gold atoms.", "Chemistry Atoms, compounds, and ions Chemistry is the study of matter, and all matter is made up of atoms. We will learn about elements, atomic number and mass, isotopes, moles (chemistry moles, not the animal), and compounds.", "- Compounds. A compound is made when atoms of different elements join together by chemical bonds. This means that compounds will always exist as molecules, not separate atoms. The diagrams show some molecules of common compounds." ]
[ 12.5234375, 8.6171875, 8.7265625 ]
[ 9.71875, 11.484375, 8.6640625, 8.5078125, 10.75, 10.5078125, 13.375, 12.8515625, 9.8671875, 10.671875, 10.015625, 9.4453125, 10.3671875, 10.3203125, 10.5546875, 11.4765625, 11.6953125, 11.703125, 14.0703125, 10.0625, 7.6953125, 9.46875, 12.1796875, 11.3046875, 11.65625, 8.8671875, 13.046875, 9.671875, 8.453125, 11.7109375 ]
what is csc.exe
[ "What is csc.exe Error and How to Fix it? Aha! We Have an Easy Answer What is the csc.exe Error. The csc.exe file is an executable file (.exe), which is part of the Microsoft .NET framework. It is a legitimate Microsoft process and comes pre-installed on many Windows operating systems. The csc.exe file works as the Visual C# Command Line Compiler for the Windows operating system. It helps programmers compile useful applications on their systems. Though it is useful, the csc.exe file isn't vital for the Windows OS as it isn't a core system file." ]
[ "CSX Transportation CSX headquarters building in Jacksonville, Florida. CSX Transportation (reporting mark CSXT) is a Class I railroad in the United States. The main subsidiary of the CSX Corporation, the railroad is headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, and owns about 21,000 route miles (34,000 km).", "- Using cscript.exe on a 64-bit system. 1 Open a command prompt. (e.g., Start > Run > cmd.) 2 Change directory (cd) to c:\\windows\\SysWOW64 (e.g., cd \\windows\\syswow64). Type cscript.exe followed by the script you would like to run.", "- The Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE) is a non-profit, member-based professional association. SCCE supports our members' work with education, news, and discussion forums. We are a community of leaders, defining and shaping the corporate compliance environment across a wide range of industries and geographic regions.", "- CESC (RPG Group) – Kolkata Address , Phone number , Website Details. Loading... CESC Limited is an Electricity generation company in the Kolkata since 1897. It is the only distributor of power in Kolkata area serving 2.3 millions of customers in all the areas including urban, rural and industrial areas.", "McDANIEL v. CSX TRANSPORTATION INC This case involves eighty-four (84) cases filed pursuant to the Federal Employers Liability Act, 45 U.S.C. § 51, et seq., by employees of the defendant CSX Transportation, Inc. (“CSXT”), a railroad operator, which were consolidated for motions and case management in the Davidson County Circuit Court.", "How to remove the MSVCRT virus ). MSVCRT.exe is not a Windows system file. The application listens for or sends data on open ports to a LAN or the Internet. MSVCRT.exe is able to record keyboard and mouse inputs, hide itself, monitor applications and manipulate other programs.mportant: You should check the MSVCRT.exe process on your PC to see if it is a threat. We recommend Security Task Manager for verifying your computer's security. This was one of the Top Download Picks of The Washington Post and PC World.", "- N/A Non-system processes like csc.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that over time your registry suffers fragmentation and accumulates invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance.", "- The Computer Security Resource Center (CSRC) facilitates broad sharing of information security tools and practices, provides a resource for information security standards and guidelines, and identifies key security web resources to support users in industry, government, and academia.he Computer Security Resource Center (CSRC) facilitates broad sharing of information security tools and practices, provides a resource for information security standards and guidelines, and identifies key security web resources to support users in industry, government, and academia.", "SCC file extension System file type. The scc file extension is related to Visual SourceSafe. This program uses the VSSVer.scc to speed up the GET process (Fast GET) on any database, even one that is not in the new format supported by Visual SourceSafe.he scc file extension is related to the Visual SourceSafe and used for its control files. There are 3 other file types using. the SCC file extension !", "\"What is the \"\" kss.exe \"\" ?\" This tool can also help you to solve problems with high CPU loads, find security issues or speed-up your computer. The kss.exe is main executable for the Kaspersky Security Scan application-an antivirus application, also in version of online scanner.You can download the free version or check the availability of the online scanner on http://www.kaspersky.com/downloads/virusscanner/index-safe file.his files most often have description Kaspersky Security Scan. Agregate rating is 5(5) stars-based on 4 reviews. This is executable file. You can find it running in Task Manager as the process kss.exe.", "- Founded in 1899, Corporation Service Company is the industry-leading provider of business, legal and financial services. We provide solutions to over 90% of the Fortune 500. CSC is more than a great company; it’s a great place to work. Our proven stability, commitment to innovation and teamwork contribute to our positive work environment. Our – more... employees are the force behind our achievement as a company.", "cscript.exe The cscript.exe is a Microsoft (R) Console Based Script Host. Sometimes it’s called Microsoft (r) Console Based Script Host and Microsoft ® Console Based Script Host. This file is part of Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host. Cscript.exe is developed by Microsoft Corporation. It’s a system and hidden file. Cscript.exe is usually located in the %WINDOWS% sub-folder and its usual size is 139,264 bytes.", "Q: Csc.exe error message during shut down everytime I shut down my computer windows 7 I get a message about csc.exe unable to start correctly.", "- EXE (executable) files, such as ccmexec.exe, are files that contain step-by-step instructions that a computer follows to carry out a function. When you double-click an EXE file, your computer automatically executes these instructions designed by a software developer (eg.", "22 CFR 9.6 - Derivative classification. c department of state classification guide the department of state classification guide dscg is the primary authority for the classification of information in documents created by department of state personnel the guide is classified confidential and is found on the department of state s classified web site", "cscript.exe Scan your system now to identify unused processes that are using up valuable resources. cscript.exe is used by 'Microsoft (r) Windows Script Host'.This is an application created by 'Microsoft Corporation'. To stop cscript.exe permanently uninstall 'Microsoft (r) Windows Script Host' from your system.", "Become a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist® (CSCS®) Visit NSCA.com for more information on strength and conditioning jobs, strength and conditioning internships, continuing education and CEUs. Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists® (CSCS®) are professionals who apply scientific knowledge to train athletes for the primary goal of improving athletic performance.", "csrss.exe Other instance of csrss.exe: Product: unknown. Author: unknown. csrss.exe is a process which is registered as a trojan. This Trojan allows attackers to access your computer from remote locations, stealing passwords, Internet banking and personal data.This process is a security risk and should be removed from your system.ther instance of csrss.exe: Product: unknown. Author: unknown. csrss.exe is a process which is registered as a trojan. This Trojan allows attackers to access your computer from remote locations, stealing passwords, Internet banking and personal data.", "- Sc.exe also allows you to call any of the service control API functions and vary any of the parameters from the command line. The advantage to this is that it provides a convenient way to create or configure the service information in the registry and the Service Control Manager database.UMMARY. To remotely create and start a service from the command line, you can use the SC tool (Sc.exe) included in the Resource Kit. Although you can use the Netsvc.exe and Instsrv.exe tools to start a service on a remote computer, these tools do not give you the ability to remotely create a service.", "CSHM With CSHM certification, you give yourself a competitive edge and strengthen your career options. CSHM tests technical knowledge of occupational safety and health plus working knowledge of business and financial principles and assesses your understanding of hazard analysis, accident investigation, safety audits, workers comp, product safety, environmental laws, labor relations, and more. CSHM is a CESB-accredited certification. The Council on Engineering and Scientific Specialty Boards (CESB) is a self-sustaining independent body, which accredits certification programs that are consistent with sound credentialing practices tailored to the needs of engineering and technology specialties.", "csrss.exe \\csrss.exe is a process which is registered as a Trojan. This Trojan allows attackers to access your computer from remote locations, stealing passwords, Internet banking and personal data.ther instance of csrss.exe: Product: unknown. Author: unknown. csrss.exe is a process which is registered as a trojan. This Trojan allows attackers to access your computer from remote locations, stealing passwords, Internet banking and personal data.", "- Corporation Service Company® (CSC®) is a company that provides business, legal, and financial services. According to its website, CSC is the preferred solutions provider for 90% of the Fortune 500®, half of the Best Global Brands (Interbrand®), nearly 10,000 law firms, and more than 3,000 financial organizations.", "- Report Abuse. The Svchost.exe file is located in the %SystemRoot%\\System32 folder. At startup, Svchost.exe checks the services part of the registry to construct a list of services that it must load.Multiple instances of Svchost.exe can run at the same time. Each Svchost.exe session can contain a grouping of services.E: what is svchost.exe(netsvcs) or somrthing like that? i just want to know what it does like what is its function i know that there is like 5 or 6 Other svchost.exe(&quot; &quot;) file types on the computer i just want to know what the function of the (netsvcs) file expansion.", "What is Unsecapp.exe and How To Fix It? Unsecapp.exe is a type of EXE file associated with Applications, Platforms, Servers developed by Microsoft for the Windows Operating System. The latest known version of Unsecapp.exe is, which was produced for Windows. This EXE file carries a popularity rating of 4 stars and a security rating of UNKNOWN.", "What is Sapisvr.exe and How To Fix It? EXE (executable) files, such as sapisvr.exe, are files that contain step-by-step instructions that a computer follows to carry out a function. When you double-click an EXE file, your computer automatically executes these instructions designed by a software developer (eg.", "What is csrss.exe? Is csrss.exe spyware or a virus? Csrss is responsible for console windows, creating and/or deleting threads, and implementing some portions of the 16-bit virtual MS-DOS environment. Note: The csrss.exe file is located in the folder C:\\Windows\\System32. In other cases, csrss.exe is a virus, spyware, trojan or worm! Check this with Security Task Manager.", "- EXE (executable) files, such as dfsvc.exe, are files that contain step-by-step instructions that a computer follows to carry out a function. When you double-click an EXE file, your computer automatically executes these instructions designed by a software developer (eg.", "Csrss.exe â How to Fix Csrss.exe Problems Is Csrss.exe A Virus? The Csrss.exe file with Microsoft Windows is a trustworthy portion that running on system. Technical Security may consider Csrss.exe as a risky file due to the operation along with it. Any aimless termination of Csrss.exe process may cause serious damage to PC, including Blue Screen of Death and computer crash.", "- Vssver.scc files are created by SourceSafe 6.0 in each folder that contains source controlled-files, after you got those files locally. SourceSafe 2005 upgrades those files to VssVer2.scc format. One can use VSS 6.0 and create a VssVer.scc file in a folder, then use VSS2005 to upgrade the file, and compare the results.he site contains pictures of Alin and Flavia Constantin and our son Vlad, small applications written by Alin in his spare time and a couple of useful links (at least to me). I am a Software Design Engineer for Microsoft Corporation since 1999.", "- EXE (executable) files, such as SCM.EXE, are files that contain step-by-step instructions that a computer follows to carry out a function. When you double-click an EXE file, your computer automatically executes these instructions designed by a software developer (eg. Microsoft) to run a program (eg." ]
[ 18.046875 ]
[ 4.34765625, 7.03125, 3.068359375, 2.7578125, -1.2431640625, 5.43359375, 12.7109375, 5.93359375, 5.83203125, 5.1171875, 9.109375, 10.9765625, 10.3359375, 8.2421875, 3.271484375, 9.796875, 5.82421875, 8.625, 8.5234375, 0.955078125, 9.3515625, 10.171875, 5.515625, 5.58203125, 6.60546875, 7.78515625, 8.171875, 6.3515625, 3.04296875, 8.4296875 ]
how old do you have to be go on cruise
[ "How old must you be to go on a cruise ship unsupervised? Best Answer: Here is the info. on Age Policies for the top 3 cruise lines....... Carnival-Guests are required to be 21 years old (on embarkation day) to travel. Guests under the age of 21 must be accompanied in the same stateroom by a parent or guardian 25 or older. The exceptions Carnival will make to this policy are:" ]
[ "How old do you have to be to run for congress? One must be at least 35 years old to serve in the Senate or House. b. One must be at least 21 years old to serve in the House of Representatives. c. There are no minimum age requirements for members of...ne must be at least 35 years old to serve in the Senate or House. b. One must be at least 21 years old to serve in the House of Representatives. c. There are no minimum age requirements for members of Congress. d.", "What Are Age Requirements for Cruises? Minimum Age to Cruise. Some parents like to expose their small children to new cultures and adventures, but most cruise lines are not equipped to handle very young infants. Most lines require children to be at least six months of age in order to cruise. Some itineraries require children to be at least 12 months of age.", "What Cruise Lines Allow Drinking at 18 Years Old? Costa’s drinking age is 18 for all sailings that depart from a non-United States port. Cunard’s drinking age is always 18 except when a ship is in U.S. territorial waters. MSC requires passengers to be 21 to drink on U.S. and Caribbean sailings, but 18 on all others.", "Cruise Line Alcohol Policies Drinking rules certainly vary across lines. European companies like Costa Cruises might lower the drinking age to 18 when sailing from non-U.S. ports; luxury outfits often include open bars and allow for bring your own booze as well; and some lines charge a corkage fee for consuming your own wine in the dining room.", "Age Limit On Booking A Cruise? I'm 19 in college and I want to book a cruise for my boyfriend and I. The problem is, we are both the same age and according to the Carnival cruise line webside, you must be 21 to book online and an adult of 25 years and up must be present with you on the cruise. Is this standard for all cruise lines or...", "What Cruise Lines Allow Drinking at 18 Years Old? On some cruise lines, passengers 18 through 20 face alcohol restrictions that older passengers do not. For example, on Celebrity and Azamara, you are not allowed to provide alcoholic beverages to anyone else, even if that person is over 21.zamara (azamaraclubcruises.com), Celebrity (celebritycruises.com) and Norwegian (ncl.com) allow guests 18 through 20 to drink with parental permission.", "What Travel Documents Are Needed for a Minor to Go on a Cruise? Minors traveling with their parent or guardian typically don’t need a passport, but they will need at least a birth certificate. In addition, other stipulations for acceptance on-board include the minor staying either in the same stateroom as his guardian or in an adjoining room.", "How old do you have to be to run for congress? For the House of Representatives the minimum age is 25, for the Senate the minimum age age is 30. To run for Congress you must be at least 25 years old, a U.S. citizen and be a resident in the state you're running in. the minimum age to run for U.S. Congress is 30. Minimum age for the House is 25.", "- Must be 14 years old and have a vessel license to operate a vessel or personal watercraft alone. Operating a vessel in such a manner and at a rate of speed as will create a hazardous wash or wake when approaching or passing another vessel or when entering or leaving a harbor or marina area.", "- Cruises that are leaving from and returning to the same US port (closed loop cruises) do NOT require passengers to have a passport. If your cruise departs from a different country or returns in a different port you do need a passport for passengers over the age of 16.", "Minnesota Boating Laws and Regulations PWC operators 13 years of age must have either someone at least 21 years old on board, or a Watercraft Operator's Permit and be under visual supervision by someone at least 21 years old. PWC operators 14 to 17 years of age must have either someone at least 21 years old on board, or a Watercraft Operator's Permit.", "Age Requirements The following cruise lines require that all passengers in a cabin are 18 or older or that at least one person in the cabin is 21 or older: Crystal Cruises, Disney Cruise Line, GAP Adventures, P&O Cruises, Silversea, and Viking.", "Carnival Cruise Drink Prices For those of you wondering the minimum drinking age for any Carnival cruise departing from the USA is going to be 21 years old. If you dock at a port that has a 18 years old legal age law, you will be able to drink on the port but not on the ship.", "How old do you have to be to get a concealed carry permit in ohio? I'm just curious, i am 20 years old and i know in most states you have to be 21 but i was wondering if there was any other ways to get one earlier than 21 or if i just have to wait the year out. Thanks :). Follow.", "Age Requirements The age for gambling on Princess ships is 18 years old. The age for drinking on Princess ships is 21 years old*. Guests under the age of 18 will not be permitted in the Casino or Night Club after 11:00 p.m. *For cruises between Australia/New Zealand, China, Europe and Singapore ports, the drinking age will be 18 years old. For cruises between Japan ports, the drinking age will be 20 years old.", "Alcohol Policies by Cruise Line Guests under 21 years of age must be accompanied by a parent, guardian or chaperone that is at least 21 years old; one adult chaperone is required for every five people under the age of 21. Alcoholic beverages will not be served to guests under age 21.", "How old do you have to be to run for congress? For the House of Representatives the minimum age is 25, for the Senate the minimum age age is 30. Danielle McGinnis. To run for Congress you must be at least 25 years old, a U.S. citizen and be a resident in the state you're running in.", "- You must be 21 years old, with many exceptions in most states (only seven have no exceptions).", "How old for boating license? There is no minimum age requirement to take a boating course. Most courses are designed for students 12 years of age and older. There is a requirement that all personal watercraft operators must be at least 12 years old in Pennsylvania. person 12 through 15 years of age may not operate a PWC legally with any passengers 15 years of age or younger on board. The only age limit for passengers is for PWC's ONLY, this does not apply to boats. The illustrations at the PA boating handbook at http://www.fish.state.pa.us/boatcrs/03bo... shows this.", "How old do you have to be to get into a casino? Best Answer: It really depends where the casino is and what you intend to do when you are there. Some casinos have and age limit of 18, some 19, some 21. Some casinos allow children, with parental accompaniment, as long as they don't gamble.", "Do you need a passport to go on a cruise? Effective June 1, 2009, the following rules take effect for cruise passengers: U.S. citizens on cruise voyages that begin and end at the same U.S. port (closed-loop itineraries) must show proof of citizenship* and government-issued photo ID (such as a driver's license).A passport will not be required for passengers that fall into this category.ffective June 1, 2009, the following rules take effect for cruise passengers: U.S. citizens on cruise voyages that begin and end at the same U.S. port (closed-loop itineraries) must show proof of citizenship* and government-issued photo ID (such as a driver's license).", "How to Apply For a Texas Boating License Persons at least 18 years of age. Persons accompanied by someone at least 18 years of age or above who has completed or is exempt from the course. Persons holding a master's, mate's, or operator's license issued by the U.S. Coast Guard. Persons otherwise exempt by rule of the department.", "Age Requirements Guest Alcohol Policy. The minimum drinking age for all alcoholic beverages on all Celebrity Cruises ships is. twenty­one (21) years of age. However, on ships in Europe, South America and Australia, where the legal drinking age is. lower than twenty­one (21), a parent who is sailing with his or her son(s) and/or daughter(s) who is between the ages of eighteen (18) to twenty (20), may sign a waiver allowing the.", "Age Requirements Please verify requirements with the consulates of the countries visited prior to your cruise. For guests under 21 years of age or those who are traveling with children, please note: 1 Entry into the disco after 10 p.m. is limited to guests 18 years and over. 2 Be sure to check with the Youth and Teen Centers for special dance parties designed for kids and teens.", "- Help Me Choose. Warning: Polaris off-road vehicles can be hazardous to operate and are not intended for on-road use. Driver must be at least 16 years old with a valid driver’s license to operate. Passengers, if permitted, must be at least 12 years old.", "What Are Age Requirements for Cruises? Some itineraries require children to be at least 12 months of age. Most shipboard kids' clubs will not accept those under age two, although babysitting services may be offered for an additional fee. Virtually all mass market cruise lines require guests to be at least 21 years old to sail without adult supervision. Costa Cruises requires adult supervision for those under age 25 on some itineraries. Exceptions are made for married couples and, on some lines, same-sex domestic partnerships.", "How old do I have to be to work at Cvs? Best Answer: CVS hires at 16 years old. If you're looking for summer work, try an ice cream place. They're seasonal so they always hire at the beginning of the summer and you'll probably be able to get a reasonable amount of hours. CVS hires 16 and older ... 18+ is good for benefit and liability concerns.. but the legal age to work is 16. Unless they state exactly how old you must be they cannot decline your application because of age.", "How old do you have to be to go to Las Vegas? To even get a hotel room you have to be at least 18 but most hotel casinos require 21 because the law says you have to be 21 to gamble, be in a gaming area, near the bar, to drink, or even go into a club. Anybody can go to Vegas.", "- Or the 7 day cruise, you leave the country and need a passport. We would like to do the 7 day if we can.. My husband is a felon, and legally cannot leave the... show more My husband and I are going to take a cruise in November..", "What is the lowest age you can go on a cruise alone? Best Answer: All of the cruise lines, except Carnival, require that at least one person in each cabin be age 21 or older. Carnival requires that at least one person be age 25 or older. All of the cruise lines are concerned that there is a responsible adult (age 21 or 25) to supervise anyone under that age.In addition, all cruise line cabins are sold based on double occupancy (two people per cabin).ou can still cruise alone if you are age 21 but you will have to pay a single supplement to occupy that cabin alone. The single supplement is essentially a double fare; same as if two people were in the cabin. So if you see a fare that $599 for a 7-day cruise that's for each of the two people." ]
[ 15.9296875 ]
[ 4.62890625, 15.109375, 12.4296875, 12.5234375, 14.1484375, 12.703125, 9.8984375, 4.765625, 6.625, 12.7734375, 7.2265625, 15.3125, 11.9453125, 5.51171875, 14.2265625, 13.328125, 4.5859375, 7.9609375, 6.37109375, 6.796875, 8.15625, 5.4609375, 13.1484375, 13.96875, 5.8046875, 16.0625, 3.62109375, 8.1328125, 7.8046875, 14.765625 ]
what is hillary clinton's iq
[ "Hillary Clinton's IQ is 140 Hillary Clinton's IQ is 140. Hillary Clinton's IQ is 140, Is Hillary Clinton's IQ actually 140?I have seen this claim many times on the internet, but nobody offers any proof. I have spent a lot of time looking for some type of proof, but I can't find any. Please give me a link to a legitamite source to prove your case." ]
[ "- LAS VEGAS (AP) - Forceful and confident in debate, Hillary Rodham Clinton may have heartened jittery Democrats who've spent the summer worrying that her mishandling of the email controversy demonstrates more fundamental problems with her campaign and political skills.", "- Marilyn Savant has the highest I.Q ever recorded, so far, as a child her I.Q was 228 but now it has dropped down to 186, THATS STILL REALLY BIG THOUGH..........smarty pants … Hers (and everyone's) drop on new tests because they continually renormalize the test scoring so that population average IQ (supposed normal) stays at 100.", "IQ Definition The highest IQ was 228, according to Guinness Book of Records, this score belongs to the ‘smartest' person in the world Marilyn vos Savant who scored it when she was 10 year old. This would, according to recent research, correspond to about IQ 185 at adult age. That score is, at least, surpassed by the chess player and champion Bobby Fisher which was 187, and Kim Ung-Yong (S. Korea) with a score over 200.", "- Bill Clinton is regarded as the best politician of his generation. He's got it all. 1 He's incredibly smart. He's charismatic across a broad spectrum, appealing to rich and poor, educated and un-, black and white, men and women.", "What is Michelle Obama's IQ? First Ladies are interesting because they are usually the most admired woman in America on the annual Gallup poll, however both Michelle Obama and Laura Bush were overshadowed by both Oprah and Hillary Clinton. If we are going by the average First Lady might have an IQ around 110 (12 + 98).", "Biographies of the Secretaries of State: Hillary Rodham Clinton (1947â) Hillary Rodham Clinton, 67th Secretary of State. Secretary Clinton was born in Chicago, Illinois on October 26, 1947 to Dorothy Rodham and the late Hugh Rodham. She attended local public schools before graduating from Wellesley College and Yale Law School, where she met Bill Clinton.", "- There recently appeared a chart that indicated an average intelligence quote per state that claims the states with people of lower average IQ chose Bush. The states with higher average IQs leaned toward Kerry. It claimed that the average IQ in America is 98, far lower than I realized.", "Do Trump and His Fans Even Want to Persuade Others? And as much as Trump may be rising in the polls of the GOP primary . . . let’s take a look at his numbers head-to-head against Hillary Clinton: CNN: Clinton 59 percent, Trump 35. Fox News: Clinton 51 percent, Trump 34. Quinnipiac: Clinton 50 percent, Trump 32.", "Hillary Clinton's IQ is 140 Is Hillary Clinton's IQ actually 140? I have seen this claim many times on the internet, but nobody offers any proof. I have spent a lot of time looking for some type of proof, but I can't find any.", "Father of the Groom Origin:On 31 July 2010, 30-year-old Chelsea Clinton (the daughter of former U.S. president Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton), who had recently received a master's degree from Columbia University's Joseph L. Mailman School of Public Health, married 32-year-old Marc Mezvinsky, an investment banker.", "How Hillary Loses There is also reason to think Clinton’s enthusiasm with Hispanic voters needs stoking. A new Fox Latino poll shows Clinton leading Trump by an impressive-sounding 39 points: 62 to 23. But there’s a problem: That 39-point spread is actually less than the 44 by which Barack Obama beat Mitt Romney in 2012.", "- Estimated net worth: $15 million. 1 Only child of Hillary Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton. 2 Profession: Vice chair, the Clinton Foundation; former consultant and journalist.", "Moe. By Thomas N | January 12, 2016 12:37PM. Hillary Clinton’s failing health has been speculated about for years. But now that she’s on the campaign trail, people are starting to ask major questions. A Critical Care Nurse has written that there is plenty to question about the 68-year old Hillary Clinton.", "How Hillary and Bill Clinton Parlayed Decades of Public Service into Vast Wealth In populist times, as Hillary Clinton has learned, ties to the elite echelons of the private sector serve as oxygen for a challenge from the left. Here's a look at Clinton's family business.. 2014 family Income: $28 million. Estimated family net worth: $110 million.", "10 Famous People With Surprisingly High IQs Yet more impress with their business acumen – even Paris Hilton, though far from scholarly, has some serious entrepreneurial skills. The average IQ in the U.S. is around 98, but the stars on the following list are so intelligent they put the general public to shame, boasting genius or near-genius IQs.", "- There are numerous online sources of unknown credibility that state that Muhammad Ali's IQ was tested at 78 (google search for iq of muhammad ali). I guess what I am saying is that I am suspicious of scientific sites that have prominent gift shops.", "- 1 Hillary Clinton's health in rapid collapse... voters in shock after photos show her unable to walk up small flight of stairs. EVERYTHING IS RIGGED: Medicine, science, elections, the media, money, education, search engines, social media...", "Hillary Clinton Biography Hillary Clinton was born Hillary Diane Rodham on October 26, 1947, in Chicago, Illinois. She was raised in Park Ridge, Illinois, a picturesque suburb located 15 miles northwest of downtown Chicago.Hillary was the firstborn child of Hugh Rodham, a prosperous fabric store owner, and Dorothy Emma Howell Rodham; she has two younger brothers, Hugh Jr. (born 1950) and Anthony (born 1954).he was raised in Park Ridge, Illinois, a picturesque suburb located 15 miles northwest of downtown Chicago. Hillary was the firstborn child of Hugh Rodham, a prosperous fabric store owner, and Dorothy Emma Howell Rodham; she has two younger brothers, Hugh Jr. (born 1950) and Anthony (born 1954).", "Longest Without Food in the World Previously, the highest IQ ever recorded was by Marilyn vos Savant with 228; however that is a mental status ratio IQ (used for children). Adult IQs are measured by standard deviations, in which her adult IQ would compute to about 185, which is lower than famous chess master Bobby Fischer (187).", "IQ Hoaxes AssessmentPsychology.com > Assessment > IQ Scores > IQ Hoaxes. In mid-2001, a hoax list of estimated IQs of the U.S. Presidents from Franklin D. Roosevelt to George W. Bush was circulated via email. The hoax email shows Bill Clinton having the highest IQ (at 182) and George W. Bush the lowest (at 91).", "Estimating the IQ of Michelle Obama Split the difference: IQ of about 120. With a maximum IQ of 122 and a minimum IQ of 114, an IQ just under 120 sounds like a reasonable guess for Michelle Obama. Although IQ 120 is a bit below the Ivy League average, it is still higher than 99% of black America and higher than 90% of white America.", "- However, we can healthily… assume that had some equivalent of an IQ test existed in history, that great thinkers such as Socrates, da Vinci, Isaac Newton, and so forth would have score up there. Marilyn vos Savant has a IQ of 230. She has the highest recognised IQ score.", "Lowest IQ in the World If you want to know the record holder for the lowest IQ in the world, then you're in the right place. Many people say that George Bush, Paris Hilton, or Miss South Carolina have the lowest IQ. But in fact those claims have no basis.", "Longtime Bill Clinton sex-assault accuser says Hillary 'enabled it to happen again and again and again and again' Hillary Clinton is the Democratic Party's presidential nominee in 2016. She is one of the best-known women in America, having been a prominent first lady during her husband Bill's two presidential terms.", "Hillary Clinton's file Democrat from New York. Hillary Clinton is the 2016 Democratic nominee for president. She served as U.S. Secretary of State during the first four years of the Obama administration. She is formerly a U.S. senator from New York, first elected in 2000. She was a candidate for president in 2008.", "What was the IQ of Albert Einstein? One frequently sees absurd claims to the effect that his IQ was 160, but I know several people with an IQ above 160 and while they’re brilliant, they’re no Einstein; those figures say more about the methodology of the researchers (looking at correlated signs like precocity) than they do about Einstein.", "- What is Hillary and Bill Clinton’s net worth? Hillary Clinton’s net worth – the value of everything you own minus the debts – is around $31.3 million based on her Public Financial Disclosure reports. Husband Bill has an estimated net worth of $80 million, reported Money Nation.com. This would mean their combined net worth is around $111 million.", "What Is Hillary Clintonâs Net Worth? Her 2015 public presidential election filing revealed assets with a value ranging between $11 million and $53 million, and a Forbes analysis of the Clinton family's holdings suggests that their net worth is somewhere in the range of $45 million.", "- Clinton Demographics Summary. With 26,246 people, Clinton is the 18th most populated city in the state of Iowa out of 1,007 cities. But watch out, Clinton, because Burlington with 25,539 people and Ottumwa with 24,682 people are right behind you. The largest Clinton racial/ethnic groups are White (87.7%) followed by Black (5.1%) and Hispanic (3.6%). In 2013, the median household income of Clinton residents was $42,549.", "Hillary Clintonâs Net Worth: 5 Fast Facts You Need To Know Clinton’s wealth saw a spike as a result of speeches. According to Forbes, she made $8.5 million in 2013 for 36 speeches. Clinton gave 92 speeches between 2013 and 2015. CNN reported that her standard fee is $225,000, and she collected $21.6 million dollars in just under two years." ]
[ 18.5 ]
[ 4.94921875, 5.328125, 4.84375, 5.3203125, 13.78125, 5.9375, 5.84375, 5.1875, 14.953125, 5.61328125, 4.6171875, 5.55859375, 6.30859375, 3.89453125, 5.33203125, 3.908203125, 4.40625, 7.125, 6.3125, 9.9609375, 8.1328125, 4.64453125, 3.05078125, 6.0703125, 6.4375, 3.49609375, 5.6875, 4.5234375, 3.021484375, 4.4296875 ]
meaning of the prefix em
[ "em- 1 Word Origin and History for em- Expand. from French assimilation of en- to following labial (see en- (1)). Also a prefix used to form verbs from adjectives and nouns. representing Latin ex- assimilated to following -m- (see ex-)." ]
[ "-en Suffix [edit]. -en. 1 When attached to certain adjectives, it formed a transitive verb whose meaning is, to make (adjective) . 2 Usually, the verb is ergative, sometimes not. 3 The same construction could also be done to certain (fewer) nouns, as, strengthen, in which case the verb means roughly, to give (noun) to.", "- before vowels sem-, word-forming element meaning half, part, partly; partial, imperfect; twice, from Latin semi- half, from PIE *semi- half (cf. Sanskrit sami half, Greek hemi- half, Old English sam-, Gothic sami- half).", "Using Em Dashes and En Dashes Properly Although many people call the hyphen a “dash,” dash refers to another group of horizontal lines in text. The two most common dashes are the em dash and the en dash. Em dash. Em dashes — so called because they are (at least historically) the width of the character m — are used for emphasis or interruption. Many people seek help from naturopathic medical professionals — those who emphasize using diet, exercise, meditation, and other tools for improving health.", "- Definitions for engramˈɛn græm. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word engram. Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: engram, memory trace(noun) a postulated biochemical change (presumably in neural tissue) that represents a memory.", "What is the definition of the prefix Im-? A prefix is a word part added to the beginning of a word to create a word with a different meaning. Examples : refill , undo, incomplete, precooked (Letters added to the end of a root or word are a suffix.) Caroline Russell. + 228 others found this useful.", "- 'un' is one of the most common prefixes in English. A suffix is added at the end of a word, and a prefix is added to the beginning. Prefixes can be used to create new words in English. 'Eco-' is a prefix used to mean 'relating to the environment'. The prefixes 'in-', 'im-', 'il-' and 'ir-' all mean 'not'.", "What does Emily mean? What does Emily mean? Emily [emi-ly] as a girls' name is pronounced EM-i-ee. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Emily is rival; laborious; eager. Feminine of Emil, from the Latin name Aemilia, feminine form of the old Roman surname Aemilius (probably from aemulus).", "Emma The name Emma is a Teutonic baby name. In Teutonic the meaning of the name Emma is: Nurse. English Meaning: The name Emma is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Emma is: Whole; complete. German Meaning: The name Emma is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Emma is: Whole. Complete.", "Suffix Dictionary â E -escent [Latin-escens ] Becoming, or being the thing indicated by the stem or prefix (phosphorescent). -ese [from-ense ] Native of, relating to, or characteristic of the place indicated by the stem or prefix (Siamese). -esis [connecting element-e - + -sis ] Denotes a condition or process (enuresis).", "Em dash The em dash can be used in place of a colon when you want to emphasize the conclusion of your sentence. The dash is less formal than the colon. After months of deliberation, the jurors reached a unanimous verdict—guilty. The white sand, the warm water, the sparkling sun—this is what brought them to Hawaii.", "Emma The name Emma is a Swedish baby name. In Swedish the meaning of the name Emma is: Universal. The name Emma is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Emma is: Universal. The name Emma is a Teutonic baby name. In Teutonic the meaning of the name Emma is: Nurse. The name Emma is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Emma is: Whole; complete. The name Emma is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Emma is: Whole.", "in- 1 a prefix representing English in (income; indwelling; inland , etc.), but used also as a verb-formative with transitive, intensive, or sometimes little apparent force (intrust; inweave , etc.). It often assumes the same forms as in-2 , such as en-1 , em-1 , im-3 . Origin of in-1 Expand.", "Thesaurus Definition of embody: (v) : to represent in a physical form; to incarnate or personify; to include or represent, especially as part of a cohesive whole. as the car salesperson approached, wearing a plaid suit and slicked-back hair, he seemed to embody sleaze..", "âEsme Esme /esme/ [2 sylls.] as a girls' name (also used less widely as boys' name Esme) is pronounced EZ-may, es-MAY. It is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Esme is esteemed; to love. Esm is related to the more modern French form aim, which is the root of Amy. Also used as a pet form of Esmeralda.Literary: JD Salinger's short story For Esm with Love and Squalor.Kreatif forms: Esmeei, Esmeeu, Euesme.t is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Esme is esteemed; to love. Esm is related to the more modern French form aim, which is the root of Amy. Also used as a pet form of Esmeralda. Literary: JD Salinger's short story For Esm with Love and Squalor. Kreatif forms: Esmeei, Esmeeu, Euesme.", "- embalm em·balm (ěm-bäm') v. em·balmed, em·balm·ing, em·balms To treat a corpse with preservatives in order to prevent decay.", "Em dash The em dash is perhaps the most versatile punctuation mark. Depending on the context, the em dash can take the place of commas, parentheses, or colons —in each case to slightly different effect.Notwithstanding its versatility, the em dash is best limited to two appearances per sentence.he em dash in place of a colon. The em dash can be used in place of a colon when you want to emphasize the conclusion of your sentence. The dash is less formal than the colon. After months of deliberation, the jurors reached a unanimous verdict—guilty.", "- It all depends on when words of a different language entered English. Many of these odd words keep the source orthography to sound correspondences. French <en/em>: ennui, genre, rendezvous, entrée, envoy, entrepreneur, rapprochement, dénouement, contratemps. French <in>: lingerie, Chopin, meringue.", "- Note: mem as a prefix to a word means “from” or “than”. The “final form” (comes at the end of a word, called “mem sofit”) looks “closed” at the bottom. The sages say that the 2 forms of mem show Moshe [Moses] and Mashiach [Messiah] – Moses is open but the Messiah is the “hidden” water. Mem Words. mem words italicized", "- The name Emma is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Emma is: Whole. Complete. Universal. Old German 'ermin' or 'irmin', meaning universal. Famous bearer: 1960s television character Emma Peel in 'The Avengers'; Lady Emma Hamilton, mistress to Lord Horatio Nelson.", "EXAMINATION Meaning: A set of questions or exercises evaluating skill or knowledge. Classified under: Nouns denoting communicative processes and contents. Synonyms: exam; examination; test. Context example: when the test was stolen the professor had to make a new set of questions. Hypernyms (exam is a kind of...): communicating; communication (the activity of communicating; the activity of conveying information) Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of exam): bar exam; bar examination (an examination conducted at regular intervals to determine whether a candidate is qualified to practice law in a given jurisdiction) exam paper; examination paper; question sheet; test paper (a written examination)", "- Dictionary entry overview: What does embed mean? • EMBED (verb) The verb EMBED has 2 senses: 1. fix or set securely or deeply 2. attach to, as a journalist to a military unit when reporting on a war Familiarity information: EMBED used as a verb is rare.", "- assimilated to -p-, -b-, -m-, -l-, -r-, word-forming element meaning in, into, from French and Old French en-, from Latin in-in, into (see in-(2)). Also used with native elements to form verbs from nouns and adjectives, put in or on (encircle), also cause to be, make (endear), and used as an intensive (enclose). Spelling variants in French that were brought over into Middle English account for parallels such as assure/ensure/insure.", "Nearby words for affixed Grammar. a bound inflectional or derivational element, as a prefix, infix, or suffix, added to a base or stem to form a fresh stem or a word, as -ed added to want to form wanted, or im- added to possible to form impossible. 1 Compare combining form.", "Em (typography) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. An em is a unit in the field of typography, equal to the currently specified point size. For example, one em in a 16-point typeface is 16 points. Therefore, this unit is the same for all typefaces at a given point size.", "- Definition of EMES. plural of eme. ADVERTISEMENT. This word doesn't usually appear in our free dictionary, but the definition from our premium Unabridged Dictionary is offered here on a limited basis.Note that some information is displayed differently in the Unabridged.To access the complete Unabridged Dictionary, with an additional 300,000 words that aren't in our free dictionary, start a free trial.ote that some information is displayed differently in the Unabridged. To access the complete Unabridged Dictionary, with an additional 300,000 words that aren't in our free dictionary, start a free trial.", "- Definition of de–emphasize. transitive verb. : to reduce in relative importance; also : play down.", "- Define empower: to give official authority or legal power to; enable; to promote the self-actualization or influence of — empower in a sentence to give official authority or legal power to; enable; to promote the self-actualization or influence of…", "Find the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree! Ralph Waldo Emerson exhorted young people to hitch your wagon to a star and always do what you are afraid to do.. Those could be inspiring messages to grow up with. Emerson is also attracting parents of girls, who see Em- names as kin to Emily and Emma. From The Baby Name Wizard by Laura Wattenberg. Buy the book.", "- Prefixes are additions to the beginning of words that influence the meaning of that word. For example, in the word imperfect, im is the prefix that is added to the root wo…rd, perfect.. In this instance, im has a negative meaning, changing the meaning of the word perfect from its definition meaning without flaw to the word imperfect, meaning, essentially not without flaw.. 3 people found this useful.", "- semi-. before vowels sem-, word-forming element meaning half, part, partly; partial, imperfect; twice, from Latin semi- half, from PIE *semi- half (cf. Sanskrit sami half, Greek hemi- half, Old English sam-, Gothic sami- half)." ]
[ 12.4765625 ]
[ 5.140625, 5.73828125, 7.2421875, 1.2978515625, 8.9921875, 8.078125, 7.01953125, 6.65234375, 6.3671875, 6.03125, 7.140625, 8.96875, 4.4453125, 3.58984375, 5.453125, 5.52734375, 7.1328125, 6.3046875, 6.3671875, 1.724609375, 3.568359375, 7.11328125, 7.1953125, 10.8515625, 3.58984375, 4.26171875, 4.484375, 4.5546875, 8.78125, 5.46875 ]
what cell structure make the proteins of the cells
[ "Be Part of Ask A Biologist Both these subunits are necessary for protein synthesis in the cell. When the two units are docked together with a special information unit called messenger RNA, they make proteins. Some ribosomes are found in the cytoplasm, but most are attached to the endoplasmic reticulum. While attached to the ER, ribosomes make proteins that the cell needs and also ones to be exported from the cell for work elsewhere in the body. back to top Golgi complex- It is the organelle in the cell that is responsible for sorting and correctly shipping the proteins produced in the ER." ]
[ "Protein Structure Protein Structure. Proteins are the end products of the decoding process that starts with the information in cellular DNA. As workhorses of the cell, proteins compose structural and motor elements in the cell, and they serve as the catalysts for virtually every biochemical reaction that occurs in living things.", "The Cell Organelles The various shapes of cells are controlled by the cytoskeleton. Microtubules are involved in cell division. Structure The cytoskeleton is made of a network of protein fibers, filaments, and tubules. They attach to special proteins on the interior surface of the plasma membrane forming a semisolid region called a gel.", "spindle fibers spindle fibers. Spindle fibers form a protein structure that divides the genetic material in a cell. The spindle is necessary to equally divide the chromosomes in a parental cell into two daughter cells during both types of nuclear division: mitosis and meiosis. During mitosis, the spindle fibers are called the mitotic spindle.", "- Quaternary Structure. This is called the quaternary structure. This is the complete 3-D structure of a protein that contains multiple peptides or proteins. In this case, hemoglobin is made up of four different proteins. You'll notice that all of these subunits come together to form a large, donut-shaped molecule.", "- What structure of the mammalian cell are proteins synthesized? already exists. already exists as an alternate of this question. exists and is an alternate of. Your pregnancy was written into the Criminal Minds script. What was it like to have your personal life reflected on screen? What organelle inside the cell is a membranous structure that ...he ribosomes do the actual translation of mRNA into proteins. These are either free ribosomes or those located on the RER (rough endoplasmic reticulum).", "Structures in All Eukaryotic Cells Keep in mind that the plasma membrane is universal to all cells, prokaryotic and eukaryotic. Because this cellular component is so important and so common, it is addressed in greater detail further on in the In Depth section. Ribsomes are small cellular machines made of proteins and ribosomal RNA.", "Extracellular Matrix Cartilage is a connective tissue type that is principally composed of matrix, with relatively few cells. Collagens are the principal proteins of the extracellular matrix. They are structural proteins that provide tissues with strength and flexibility, and serve other essential roles as well. They are the most abundant proteins found in many vertebrates.", "The meshlike network of protein fibers that supports the shape of the cell is called what? The meshlike network of protein fibers that supports the shape of the cell is either cellulose (cell wall) or the cytoskeleton (inside).", "Microtubules and Filaments The cytoskeleton of eukaryotic cells is made of filamentous proteins, and it provides mechanical support to the cell and its cytoplasmic constituents. All cytoskeletons consist of three major classes of elements that differ in size and in protein composition.he cytoskeleton of eukaryotic cells is made of filamentous proteins, and it provides mechanical support to the cell and its cytoplasmic constituents. All cytoskeletons consist of three major classes of elements that differ in size and in protein composition.", "ch7: inside the cell Cytoskeleton. • The cytoskeleton, composed of protein fibers, gives the cell shape and structural stability, and aids cell movement and transport of materials within the cell. • In essence, the cytoskeleton organizesall of the organelles and other cellular structures into a cohesive whole.", "Cell membrane Structure of the Plasma Membrane. Like all other cellular membranes, the plasma membrane consists of both lipids and proteins. The fundamental structure of the membrane is the phospholipid bilayer, which forms a stable barrier between two aqueous compartments.", "Cell Organelles Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum. constructs and transports membrane proteins and secretory proteins(aka creates and moves proteins in cell),network of inter connected membranous sacs in eukaryotic cell's membrane, has ribosomes.   .", "Components and Structure The cell membrane also plays a role in anchoring the cytoskeleton to provide shape to the cell, and in attaching to the extracellular matrix and other cells to help group cells together to form tissues.", "Structural Biochemistry/Cell Organelles/Cytoskeleton Overview [edit]. The cytoskeleton provides support in a cell. It is a network of protein fibers supporting cell shape and anchoring organelles within the cell. The three main structural components of the cytoskeleton are microtubules (formed by tubulins) , microfilaments (formed be actins) and intermediate filaments. All three components interact with each other non-covalently.", "- Protein Structure. 1 Proteins are macromolecules that play many functions in the cell. 2 They are used for support, storage, transport of other substances, defense against invaders, and catalytic enzymes. 3 This is just a brief overview of protein structure. Proteins are composed of repeating units called amino acids.", "What does the protein channel do in a cell membrane? Proteins 'manufacture' most of the components that make up cell membranes, they can provide structure and support to the cell membrane, and they can become embedded in the cel … l membranes, helping to transport materials across the cell membrane.", "Chromosomes Chromosomes are organized structure of DNA and proteins found in cells. they are thread-like structures located inside the nucleus of animal and plant cells. Chromosomes are made up of proteins and a molecule of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Chromosomes are passed on from parents to offspring.", "Cell Organelles, Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes, Mitosis/Meiosis, etc. Cytoskeleton. -made of protein fibers, it is extensively found in eukaryotic cells-provides shape, stability, and helps transit material around the cell's interior (in some cells it can even move the entire cell) -anchors certain organelles as well. -critical in a sense for mitosis and meiosis movement.", "The Muscular System Structure of muscle cells. Each muscle is made of hundreds to thousands of individual muscle cells. Unlike most other cells in the body, these cells are unusually shaped: they are elongated like a cylinder or a long rod. Because of their shape, muscle cells are normally referred to as muscle fibers.", "Classification of Connective Tissue The extracellular matrix is made up of fibres in a protein and polysaccharide matrix, secreted and organised by cells in the extracellular matrix. Variations in the composition of the extracellular matrix, determines the properties of the connective tissue.", "Cell Structure The cell membrane is a double layer of phospholipid molecules. Proteins in the cell membrane provide structural support, form channels for passage of materials, act as receptor sites, function as carrier molecules, and provide identification markers.", "Protein Function Like a mosaic, the cell membrane is a complex structure made up of many different parts, such as proteins, phospholipids, and cholesterol. The relative amounts of these components vary from membrane to membrane, and the types of lipids in membranes can also vary.", "Microtubules and Filaments The cytoskeleton of eukaryotic cells is made of filamentous proteins, and it provides mechanical support to the cell and its cytoplasmic constituents. All cytoskeletons consist of three major classes of elements that differ in size and in protein composition.", "Bacterial cell structure Perhaps the most recognizable extracellular bacterial cell structures are flagella. Flagella are whip-like structures protruding from the bacterial cell wall and are responsible for bacterial motility (i.e. movement). The arrangement of flagella about the bacterial cell is unique to the species observed.", "Microtubules and Filaments All cells have intermediate filaments, but the protein subunits of these structures vary. Some cells have multiple types of intermediate filaments, and some intermediate filaments are associated with specific cell types.", "The Cytoskeleton Most eukaryotic cells contain a complex network of protein fibers called the cytoskeleton. It forms a framework for the movement of organelles around the cytoplasm-most of the organelles are attached to the cytoskeleton. The network consists of protein microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules. The cytoskeleton provides an important structural framework for: 1 Cell shape. 2 For cells without cell walls, the cytoskeleton determines the shape of the cell. 3 This is one of the functions of the intermediate filaments. 4 Cell movement.", "Biology Chapter 4 Cell Structure a system of membranes that is found in a cell's cytoplasm and that assists in the production, processing, and transport of proteins and in the production of lipids", "Extracellular Matrix Cartilage is a connective tissue type that is principally composed of matrix, with relatively few cells. Collagens are the principal proteins of the extracellular matrix. They are structural proteins that provide tissues with strength and flexibility, and serve other essential roles as well.", "What organelle produces proteins in a cell? Just remember that ribosomes are so plentiful in a cell, you might as well be looking at the freckles on an Irish girl's face. That's right, the cell is full of ribosomes. Even on the rough endoplasmic reticulum there are hundreds of ribosomes. Proteins and enzymes are produced at the ribosomes. Both of these constitute the form and function of the cells.", "Cell Membranes The cell membrane is not a solid structure. It is made of millions of smaller molecules that create a flexible and porous container. Proteins and phospholipids make up most of the membrane structure.The phospholipids make the basic bag.The proteins are found around the holes and help move molecules in and out of the cell. There are also proteins attached to the inner and outer surfaces of the membrane.roteins and phospholipids make up most of the membrane structure. The phospholipids make the basic bag. The proteins are found around the holes and help move molecules in and out of the cell. There are also proteins attached to the inner and outer surfaces of the membrane." ]
[ 11.84375 ]
[ 11.1953125, 11.078125, 8.328125, 10.5859375, 10.703125, 10.6640625, 9.1484375, 8.6875, 10.046875, 10.59375, 10.7109375, 11.25, 9.6484375, 9.875, 10.90625, 9.6171875, 10.9921875, 9.890625, 7.48046875, 7.953125, 11.4609375, 10.6953125, 10.5859375, 8.046875, 9.171875, 9.9140625, 9.84375, 9.1875, 11.0078125, 11.2109375 ]
is dry shampoo dandruff
[ "The disgusting truth about dry shampoo: How over-using this bad hair day saviour can cause dandruff, scalp pimples and even CYSTS The disgusting truth about dry shampoo: How over-using this bad hair day saviour can cause dandruff, scalp pimples and even CYSTS. 1 Hair experts warn that using too much dry shampoo can be harmful. 2 Overuse can lead to dandruff and interfere with styling hair. 3 More severe side effects include scalp pimples and cysts." ]
[ "3 Ways To Treat Dry Scalp, Naturally Both dry scalp and dandruff can be treated and prevented using these all-natural treatments. During the winter, you may find that your scalp is drier than other times of the year and this is normal. The key to combating dry scalp is to incorporate natural oils into your hair care regimen.", "Dry scalp vs. dandruff: How to tell the difference The symptoms are similar to that of a dry scalp, but there are some subtle differences. With dandruff, the main symptoms are greasy, yellowish or greyish flakes, and an itchy scalp. The clumps are relatively large and there might even be a distinct smell.", "- Apple cider helps to correct PH imbalances on your scalp which can cause dandruff. Mix equal parts apple cider vinegar and water in a spray bottle and spritz directly onto the roots of your hair. Leave to sit for 15 minutes before rinsing out.", "A different approach to treating demodex blepharitis A different approach to treating demodex blepharitis. You see them year after year in your chair: persistent cylindrical dandruff (CD), red lid margins, and eyelash distention. You've prescribed lid scrubs with baby shampoo, warm compresses, and even steroid/antibiotic combo drops, but nothing seems to resolve the condition. If this is the case, it's likely you are dealing with demodex blepharitis.", "- Comments about Redken Scalp Relief Dandruff Control Shampoo: This is by far the best shampoo I have used to treat my itchy, sensitive scalp. I have tried so many moisturizing and for sensitive scalp shampoo, but nothing compares to this one! I have used it a couple of times and the result is immediate!", "What Is the Difference Between Dandruff & Dry Scalp? Dandruff and dry scalp are terms that are often used interchangeably, but these two conditions aren't one and the same. While dandruff flakes are dry, the condition itself is not caused by dry skin. Knowing the difference between dandruff flakes and a dry scalp can help you determine when to see a doctor for the right treatment.", "7 Best Essential Oils for Dandruff Patchouli essential oil is another one of the best essential oils for dandruff. It contains anti-fungal properties that will stave off yeast and bacteria that not only cause dandruff but also build-up and form scalp infections. Patchouli oil can usually be applied directly without dilution.", "Dog Dandruff - Real Life Case In either case, frequent bathing with the appropriate dandruff shampoo for dogs is the best treatment. Be sure to get the right shampoo for the right type of dandruff. A dog with the dry version should be bathed with a shampoo containing sulfur, iodine or salicylic acid.", "Dandruff Dandruff is much more common in the winter where the weather outside is frightful, but the dry indoor heating is even more frightful. Bad hygienic habits. Infrequent shampooing, harsh shampoos, use of the wrong conditioners, and improper rinsing can all contribute to dandruff. Too frequent coloring of the hair.", "- Washing Your Short Hair. 1 1. Rinse your hair on a cool setting. Washing your hair in hot water tends to dry out your hair and scalp, which will cause dandruff and limp hair (especially noticeable in short hair). 2 2. Apply shampoo to your scalp.", "Dandruff shampoo must carry coal-tar warning Dandruff shampoo containing too much coal tar can no longer be sold in California without a warning that it can cause cancer, under a tentative agreement.", "Does Dry Shampoo Cause Dandruff? Does Dry Shampoo Cause Dandruff? Ever since the day we met, my dry shampoo and I have been attached at the hip. It goes with me everywhere—to the gym, on vacation and even to work! But one day my devotion to it was shaken when a friend said she thought it was causing her dandruff.", "The Scary Downside to Dry Shampoo That No One Tells You About Dry shampoo buildup will only exacerbate the problem. Since these powders accumulate on the scalp, they will also aggravate conditions like dry scalp, dandruff, or flaking, says Color Wow's cosmetic chemist, Joseph Cincotta, Ph.D. Dr. Cincotta has spent the past three decades formulating hair products, so the guy kind of knows his stuff.", "- About the product. 1 Head & shoulders classic clean anti-dandruff shampoo fights flakes with a deep, clean feeling. 2 No.1 Dermatologist recommended dandruff brand. 3 Clinically proven. Anti-Dandruff shampoo with head & shoulders classic 1 fragrance. Ph balanced and gentle enough for everyday use, even on color or chemically treated hair.", "- 1 The next step is to shampoo and rinse thoroughly. 2 You can condition your hair as well, if necessary. 3 But be sure to use a mild conditioner that does not aggravate dandruff. 4 It is best to let your hair dry naturally.Read: Fenugreek Help Cure Dandruff 1 ]. Now that your oil is warm, gently massage it onto your scalp. 2 A great tip is to divide your hair into sections so that to ensure that every part of your scalp is well-oiled. 3 Now that you have covered your scalp with the olive oil, cover your head with a towel or a shower cap.", "Dandruff vs Dry Scalp, Whatâs The Difference? They may come off in your hair brush or stick to your hair or scalp, and are accompanied by itching. Dandruff, unlike dry scalp, is usually associated with a fungal or bacterial infection of the scalp. If you have dandruff, you should clean your brushes, combs, hats, towels etc. between each use.", "- Things to remember. 1 Dandruff affects about 50 per cent of the population. 2 Itching scalp can be caused by a number of conditions, including dandruff, seborrhoeic dermatitis and psoriasis. 3 Medicated shampoos can be used to treat dandruff and relieve itchy scalp.", "- A dry scalp does not cause dandruff. A myth-some people think their dandruff is caused by their scalp being too dry. They try to deal with this by not washing their hair with shampoo, or wash it less often, believing that washing worsens the problem. This is a myth (not true).", "- The cause of dandruff is fungus, a bacteria that you have to treat. It is not contageous, and can be effectively treated by some topical solutions, like Luxiq, and shampoos li…ke Loprox. The dry scalp is caused due to environmental factors and chemical treatments used for styling the hair.", "RocketSwag.com Though dandruff does not cause dry scalp. They are different health problems which are caused by different factors and needs different treatments plans to tackle them. It becomes absolutely necessary to first diagnose the problem along with its causes, before planning a treatment plan for the ailment.", "Best Home Remedies To clear up dandruff you need to restore your scalp's natural alkaline pH level, first wash and condition your hair while still in the shower pour a cup of apple cider vinegar on your hair and rinse.", "Contents: Dandruff vs Dry Scalp Symptoms of dandruff vs dry scalp. Dandruff and dry scalp have similar symptoms. The cause of an itchy scalp may be dandruff, which is white or gray visible flakes falling off the head. The hair may be oily but still the flakes of skin keep falling from the head.", "Surprising Facts About Dandruff friday january 10 2014 if you have an itchy scalp or flakes in your hair you may be tempted to just reach for the nearest dandruff shampoo before you do read on to find out common misconceptions about the irritating condition and get experts advice on dealing with it dandruff is not caused by dryness", "\"\"\" Does dandruff cause hair loss? \"\"\" I've heard that you have to take care of your scalp to prevent hair loss. Dandruff is a very common occurrence in many adults leading to scalp dryness and flaking of the scalp. The scalp becomes very dry which can lead to itchiness of the scalp.", "Coconut Oil for Dandruff 1 In a blender, food processor, or by hand, mix one ripe avocado, 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, and one teaspoon of honey. 2 Apply to dry hair, mixing into the scalp, and cover with a shower cap for approximately 30 minutes. Wash in warm water thoroughly.", "- How to Differentiate Between Dry Scalp & Dandruff. Individuals affected with dry, itchy, flaky scalp may find it hard to differentiate between dry scalp and dandruff. Dandruff, also known as pityriasis, affects 45 to 50 percent of the world population while dry scalp is actually considered rare. There are a few indicators to tell the difference between these two unpleasant scalp conditions.", "- Deep-cleaning clarifying shampoo for oily hair, dandruff, inflammation, build-up & residue. Stimulates circulation & naturally inhibits DHT for healthier hair growth. Excellent Zinc shampoo for dandruff, flaking, itchy scalp, scalp irritations...and reducing oiliness. A Best-Selling, Customer Favorite!", "Dry Scalp and Dandruff: What's Causing Those Flakes? Many people think that a dry scalp is synonymous with dandruff, but either a dry scalp or an overly oily scalp can cause excess cells to clump and fall off, forming dandruff flakes. A number of skin conditions and other causes can make your scalp flaky. Dry scalp. Dry skin on the scalp can cause scaly flakes. Dandruff due to a dry scalp can be treated with inexpensive, medicated dandruff shampoos sold in drugstores. Look for products that contain pyrithione zinc, salicylic acid, tar, selenium sulfide, or ketoconazole. Use dandruff shampoo a few times a week to keep flakes away.", "Dandruff Treatment You may need to switch between types of shampoos if one type controls the dandruff at first but later loses its effectiveness. How often you should use dandruff shampoo varies from daily to a couple of times a week. Check the directions on the bottle. When shampooing your hair, rub the shampoo into your scalp well. Leave the shampoo on your head for 5 minutes, or as directed, before you rinse.", "- This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. http://rkr.me/99/ - One of the major Causes of Dandruff is blow drying your hair! In this video, you will learn how blow drying can be harmful to your scalp and what you should do about it.1 Howto & Style.his feature is not available right now. Please try again later. http://rkr.me/99/ - One of the major Causes of Dandruff is blow drying your hair! In this video, you will learn how blow drying can be harmful to your scalp and what you should do about it." ]
[ 16.28125 ]
[ 9.546875, 10.1796875, 6.984375, 2.05078125, 7.55078125, 10.7265625, 3.806640625, 11.1328125, 11.4453125, 8.9609375, 8.8203125, 14.453125, 16.203125, 7.625, 8.90625, 11.03125, 7.484375, 12.421875, 9.4921875, 8.8984375, 4.92578125, 10.4921875, 10.515625, 7.52734375, 5.55859375, 10.9375, 8.46875, 12.234375, 8.65625, 9.03125 ]
what is fishing behind the net mean
[ "Trolling (fishing) Trolling is a method of fishing where one or more fishing lines, baited with lures or bait fish, are drawn through the water. This may be behind a moving boat, or by slowly winding the line in when fishing from a static position, or even sweeping the line from side-to-side, e.g. when fishing from a jetty. Trolling is used to catch pelagic fish such as salmon, mackerel and kingfish." ]
[ "- Crabbing is one of Puget Sound’s most popular recreational fisheries. Each year, sport fishers catch more than a million pounds of Dungeness crab, using pots, ring nets and – in the case of wade and dive fishers – their bare hands.", "Frog Fishing for Bass Frog Fishing for Bass. Frog fishing is one of the most exhilarating techniques used to target largemouth bass. Frog fishing includes the use of topwater frog lures designed to imitate the small creatures, such as frogs and toads, that often find their way into the water, but rarely make it back to shore.Many years ago, anglers discovered that big bass lived in extremely heavy vegetation that was difficult to penetrate.ard body frogs are a hybrid lure of sorts combining the appeal of frog pattern lures with traditional hard topwater lures. Hard frog lures have a deep history in the bass fishing industry with some of the earliest lures designed to mimic the small amphibians anglers observed bass feeding upon.", "- Behind the eight ball. Behind the eight ball (several variations, with or without capitalization) has a variety of meanings as a phrase and as a proper noun.", "Fishing Fishing, also called angling, the sport of catching fish, freshwater or saltwater, typically with rod, line, and hook. Like hunting, fishing originated as a means of providing food for survival. Fishing as a sport, however, is of considerable antiquity. An Egyptian angling scene from about 2000 bce shows figures fishing with rod and line and with nets. A Chinese account from about the 4th century bce refers to fishing with a silk line, a hook made from a needle, and a bamboo rod, with cooked rice as bait.", "Definitions &Translations A fish swims into a net and passes only part way through the mesh. When it struggles to free itself, the twine slips behind the gill cover and prevents escape.”. Gillnets are so effective that their use is closely monitored and regulated by fisheries management and enforcement agencies.", "catch net - catch with a net; net a fish nett grab, take hold of, catch - take hold of so as to seize or restrain or stop the motion of; Catch the ball!; Grab the elevator door!", "Blitz for Fish, Bliss for Anglers Then he discovered Montauk, and bought a crash helmet. Fishing here is an extreme sport, especially on the perilous rocky shores around the Montauk Lighthouse, where boots with tungsten-carbide spikes are needed for traction, where fisherman wield $1,000 rods, where fights regularly break out over fishing spots. It’s not unlike going to war.", "The Problem ‘Ghost Fishing’ is what fishing gear does when it has been lost, dumped or abandoned. Imagine a fishing net that gets snagged on a reef or a wreck and gets detached from the fishing vessel.", "- Use the net to catch the mantis, or put the container in front of it and try to edge it in, and firmly close the container as soon as the mantis is inside. 4. Catch the praying mantis with your hands. Put one hand in front of the mantis and slowly coax it onto your hand.", "trammel from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English. n. A kind of net for catching birds, fishes, or other prey. n. A net for confining a woman's hair. n. A kind of shackle used for regulating the motions of a horse and making him amble.", "- 2. Put a crochet hook through the live bait. You can do this through the eye sockets above or in front of the eyes (not through them), or through a hole in its back near the head. 1 You can use an open eye live bait needle instead of a crochet needle. Any of these hook methods will maximize the fish's ability to swim with a natural motion to attract predator fish. 2 For fishing while still or moving slowly, hook the bait fish on its back just in front of the dorsal fin. 3 Hook it underneath the spine to avoid paralyzing it.", "Definitions &Translations Snagging. Snagging, also known as snag fishing, snatch fishing, or foul hooking, is a method of fishing that entails catching a fish using hooks without the fish having to take the bait with their mouth.nagging, also known as snag fishing, snatch fishing, or foul hooking, is a method of fishing that entails catching a fish using hooks without the fish having to take the bait with their mouth.", "How to Understand a Companyâs Profits and Losses from Its Income Statement Net Income: The true profit after every other possible expense has been paid. The profit is the bottom line, because it’s the last line on the income statement and what really matters at the end of each quarter. In the end, does this company make a profit or loss, and how big is it? Any time you see a number in parentheses, it means that’s a negative number, or outflow of money. If the net income figure is in parenthesis, the company recorded a net loss for the quarter. Income statements compare the most recent quarter to the same quarter a year earlier.", "- However, on another level, as the poem encourages us to look over the side of a boat at a fish and the water around it, we are perhaps simultaneously peering into other structures, relating to the mysterious forces in language and the creative process.", "- This is a simple batting net that is built indoors within a pole barn however it could just as easily be hung between two outdoor trees or posts. The cost of this cage is from $35 to $50. Here is how to build it: Obtain a 10 ft by 20ft net suitable for stopping a baseball.I got a used fishing net at ebay for about $23 plus $10 shipping. As shown in Figure 1 below, attach the net between two posts (or trees) that are 10-11 ft apart.his is a simple batting net that is built indoors within a pole barn however it could just as easily be hung between two outdoor trees or posts. The cost of this cage is from $35 to $50. Here is how to build it: Obtain a 10 ft by 20ft net suitable for stopping a baseball.", "5lb goldfish caught in Dorset could be biggest in Britain Sixteen-year-old Nick Richards, from Camberley, Surrey, was fishing for carp in a lake in Poole, Dorset, when he noticed a flash of orange under the water. He positioned his rod and bread bait in its direction and seconds later he began reeling in the mystery fish.", "Bycatch Bycatch, in the fishing industry, is a fish or other marine species that is caught unintentionally while catching certain target species and target sizes of fish, crabs etc. Bycatch is either of a different species, the wrong sex, or is undersized or juvenile individuals of the target species.", "Fishing net Fishing nets have been used widely in the past, including by stone age societies. The oldest known fishing net is the net of Antrea, found with other fishing equipment in the Karelian town of Antrea. The net was made from willow, and dates back to 8300 BC. The remnants of another fishing net dates back to the late Mesolithic, and were found together with sinkers at the bottom of a former sea.", "- A bottom trawl is a type of fishing net that's pulled along the seafloor. Fishermen commonly use bottom trawls to catch shrimp and bottom-dwelling fish like halibut and sole. However, in addition to these target fish, the nets also catch a variety of ocean life that's usually thrown back dead or dying.", "- At 50 feet and deeper the red appears black in color, the lake trout are attracted to the white or the silver backside of the spoon. During most of the season at our Ontario fishing lodge, lake trout fishing is 45 to 55 feet down in 60 to 100 feet of water.", "\"\"\"The Fishing Net Parable\"\"\" The parable of the fishing net is about the Judgment Seat of Christ at the end times. It is for all people, but here Jesus was delivering it directly to the scribes. There were different types and sizes of nets used in that time. The ones used in this parable were large, heavy nets with weights attached to the bottom.", "- Fishing is the sport of catching a fish. This is done in various ways, by hand gathering, spearing, netting, angling and trapping. Fishing can be recreational and industrial. Most recreational fishermen use a rod, hook and a line.", "Impact of Overfishing On Human Lives How Commercial Fishing Leads To Overfishing. The pelagic fish, which live in the upper parts of the water, are caught by drift netting, whereby a net is suspended from floats and spread between two boats to trap as many fish as possible. Since fish are incapable of swimming backwards, they get caught in the net.", "- Choosing the Right Lure. 1 1. Fish with crankbaits when you want to cover a lot of water in light vegetation, rocky bottoms, shallow flats, and through bushes and grass. 2 2. Fish with Spinnerbaits when you want to cover a lot of water and fish through quick cover.", "Keeping Freshly Caught Fish, Fresh for The Table My father, his mate, and I used to regularly drag a net for flounder near the mouth of the Waimakariri river. To indicate just how long ago it was, it was at a time that I thought it was big and brave to be on the deep end of a dragnet on a cold Christchurch morning.", "10 steps to start fishing STEP 4: Match a hook to your bait. (Size 3/0 for long worms, say, 1/0 for small shrimp.) Tie the hook to the opposite end of the line using a knot that won’t slip, such as THE PALOMAR KNOT shown here. (Wet all knots before pulling tight.) Bad knots lose good fish. STEP 5: You’re ready for the fishing hole. If you live near the coast, you can catch all kinds of saltwater fish around piers and large rocks close to shore. If you live inland, A POND IS YOUR BEST BET – most ponds are loaded with bluegills and bass. STEP 6: Try bobber-fishing.", "The Two-Sided Face of Teen Catfishing Catfishing is so popular with predators that NBC even monopolized on the issue by creating the show “ To Catch A Predator ” with host Chris Hansen in which people created an online teen profile and lured older men into their homes with the hopes of a sexual encounter. while ago I wrote a blog on Catfishing and the dangers associated with it, but now I want to take a two-sided approach to the topic one from a victim's stance and the other from an impostor's perspective. To begin, let’s define catfishing.", "- Defining the underground economy As indicated, there is no general agreement as to which activities constitute the underground economy.' The nar-rowest view considers only government revenues lost when individuals or firms engaged in legal pursuits fail to comply with tax laws.efining the underground economy As indicated, there is no general agreement as to which activities constitute the underground economy.' The nar-rowest view considers only government revenues lost when individuals or firms engaged in legal pursuits fail to comply with tax laws.", "Bottom trawling Bottom trawling can be contrasted with midwater trawling (also known as pelagic trawling), where a net is towed higher in the water column.", "- What Is A Fishing Reel. A Fishing Reel is the mechanical device mounted to the handle end of the fishing rod. It is a pulley-like arrangement to store large amounts of fishing line which are attached to a rod." ]
[ 10.65625 ]
[ 5.84375, 1.9326171875, 6.5625, 9.5859375, 11.3671875, 9.859375, 4, 9.875, 4.8046875, 7.66015625, 3.408203125, 6.51953125, 5.734375, 3.439453125, 5.52734375, 2.439453125, 6.85546875, 9.3359375, 9.90625, 3.349609375, 12.625, 9.5078125, 6.91015625, 3.318359375, 4.9609375, 3.5234375, 3.76171875, 0.5224609375, 8.7265625, 4.5859375 ]
what causes urine to be dark amber
[ "- The results can be urine that is either pink or cola-colored. Sometimes it’s difficult to tell the difference between dark urine due to dehydration or due to other causes. Dark urine due to dehydration is usually amber or honey-colored. Dark urine due to other causes can be tinged with brown or red. Some people have urine that appears almost syrup-like. This is the case when a person has liver or kidney disease." ]
[ "Urine - abnormal color Urine - abnormal color. The usual color of urine is straw-yellow. Abnormally colored urine may be cloudy, dark, or blood-colored. Abnormal urine color may be caused by infection, disease, medicines, or food you eat. Cloudy or milky urine is a sign of a urinary tract infection, which may also cause a bad smell. Milky urine may also be caused by bacteria, crystals, fat, white or red blood cells, or mucus in the urine.", "Urine - abnormal color Causes. Abnormal urine color may be caused by infection, disease, medicines, or food you eat. Cloudy or milky urine is a sign of a urinary tract infection, which may also cause a bad smell.Milky urine may also be caused by bacteria, crystals, fat, white or red blood cells, or mucus in the urine.Dark brown but clear urine is a sign of a liver disorder such as. or, which causes excess bilirubin in the urine. 1 acute viral hepatitis.bnormal urine color may be caused by infection, disease, medicines, or food you eat. Cloudy or milky urine is a sign of a urinary tract infection, which may also cause a bad smell.", "- Dark brown but clear urine is a sign of a liver disorder such as acute viral hepatitis or cirrhosis, which causes excess bilirubin in the urine. Pink, red, or lighter brown urine can be caused by: 1 Beets, blackberries, or certain food colorings. 2 Hemolytic anemia.", "- Dark urine is most commonly due to dehydration and concentrated urine. However, it may be an indicator that excess, unusual, or potentially dangerous waste products are circulating in the body. For example, dark brown urine may indicate liver disease due to the presence of bile products.verview. Urine is produced in the kidneys, which are important organs for the health of our body. When we take fluid in, it passes from our digestive system into our circulatory system, where it is filtered through the kidneys. The kidneys get rid of waste products through the urine.", "- Exercise can cause urine to become darker, more concentrated and sometimes appear red or more of a dark yellow. Losing a lot of water through physical activity, can make the urine in the bladder more concentrated and therefore appear darker, giving the appearance of orange urine or brown urine.", "- Darkened urine is urine that is dark yellow, brown, dark red, or red, and it may range from slightly dark to considerably dark.A change in urine color may be temporary, or it may be persistent. The duration and course of darkened urine can vary widely, depending on the cause.our urine may turn dark if you have had any damage or injury to any of the structures of the urinary tract, including the kidney, bladder, urethras, or ureter. It may also darken as a result of eating certain foods, such as beets, red cabbage, red berries or candy, or ingesting anything that contains red dyes.", "- Some substances that can change the color of the urine and potentially lead to darker urine are carotene, food colorings, beets, blackberries, laxatives, B complex vitamins, and drugs such as Pyridium.", "Dark Urine Are you drinking enough water. The less water you drink, the higher urine concentration you will have, which means your urine will be darker than normal. Now, dehydration is, of course, only one possible explanation for dark urine. When you notice dark urine, ask yourself the following 4 questions:", "Causes of Dark urine List of 99 causes of Dark urine. This section shows a full list of all the diseases and conditions listed as a possible cause of Dark urine in our database from various sources. Acanthocytosis - dark urine. Acute intermittent porphyria. Alkaptonuria - darkening of urine on standing. Alpha thalassemia - dark urine.", "What Causes Dark Urine And How To Treat It Some common disorders that may cause blood in your urine include: Kidney infection or kidney stones. Kidney infections may also mean a high temperature and pain in the side of your abdomen while kidney stones can be painless or may cause abdominal pain. Enlarged prostate gland, which is commonly seen in older men.", "Dark Urine It can be. But just because you have dark urine doesn’t necessarily mean that it is always dangerous. Dark urine can be caused by many factors, such as the food you eat, how hydrated you are, and of course certain illnesses. Obviously, one of the biggest concerns with dark urine is dehydration.", "Amber colored urine? Dehydration? I had 3 cups of coffee and a red bull today all in 4 hours. The first time I urinated, it was an amber color. Then I got worried and drank a lot of water and now my urine is back to normal (light yellow). This only happened once after drinking all that caffeine. Related Topics: Coffee, Urination, Drinking, Caffeine.", "Cloudy Urine Causes And What Does Murky Urine Mean? Tweet. Urine typically has a straw-yellow color although this may vary at times to a pale yellow or slightly darker yellow. At times, urine may be almost clear in color especially in a person who is urinating frequently like when using a diuretic (water tablet), consuming alcohol and drinking excessive amounts of water.", "Discoloration, Urine Numerous medications can cause red urine discoloration. Most commonly, rifampin or phenazopyridine is the culprit, with tears and other bodily fluids generally also discolored. Others include chlorpromazine, thioridazine, senna, and laxatives with a phenolphthalein component.", "Urine - abnormal color Abnormally colored urine may be cloudy, dark, or blood-colored. Abnormal urine color may be caused by infection, disease, medicines, or food you eat. Cloudy or milky urine is a sign of a urinary tract infection, which may also cause a bad smell. Milky urine may also be caused by bacteria, crystals, fat, white or red blood cells, or mucus in the urine. Dark brown but clear urine is a sign of a liver disorder such as acute viral hepatitis or cirrhosis, which causes excess bilirubin in the urine.", "Orange urine See detailed information below for a list of 18 causes of Orange urine, Symptom Checker, Assessment Questionnaire, including diseases and drug side effect causes. » Review Causes of Orange urine: Causes | Symptom Checker » | Assessment Questionnaire » Causes of Orange urine: The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Orange urine. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms. Certain foods or drinks Beets - turn urine reddish", "Cloudy Urine Cloudy urine has many causes that need not be alarmed. Although some are serious while other causes are not. It is then very important when to seek professional help. Typically, a person with cloudy urine is due to amorphous phosphates in the alkaline urine.", "Cloudy Urine Causes And What Does Murky Urine Mean? This means that light can pass through it clearly or is slightly diffused. Cloudy urine, however, is almost opaque and may have a murky appearance to it. Sometimes cloudy urine may have a more mustard color bordering on a yellowish-brown hue.elow is a list of other conditions that may contribute to a cloudy or murky urine, or result in similar disturbances of the urine color and consistency. 1 Abnormal vaginal discharge (women). 2 Proteinuria, protein in urine.", "What Causes Dark Urine And How To Treat It Here are some liver diseases that can cause dark urine: Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver. It is usually caused by viruses and can take the form of hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. Symptoms can include a fever, poor appetite, vomiting, and pain in the abdomen. Generally, urine turns dark after 3 to 10 days.", "You Wanted to Know: Dark Urine Urine that is dark yellow or even orange could simply indicate that you’re dehydrated – you might notice it in the morning after a long night without water, for example. Try drinking more to see if the color lightens up to a nice pale straw yellow. If hydrating doesn’t help, think about your medication regimen.", "Dark Yellow Urine If you haven’t had any foods that may cause the dark yellow urine color, then there are some illnesses that can show symptoms such as dark yellow urine color. 1 Blood in the urine, also known as Haematuria, can cause darker urine.f you do not drink enough water, then your urine becomes over-concentrated with waste, which is why it is a darker yellow urine color. You may also notice a stronger odor since the concentration is higher.", "- Dark urine due to other causes can be tinged with brown or red. Some people have urine that appears almost syrup-like. This is the case when a person has liver or kidney disease. If you’re dehydrated, you can have additional symptoms besides dark urine.", "Can the colour of my urine indicate a health problem? Very dark urine can indicate serious jaundice, and orange urine can be caused by vitamin supplements (for example, vitamin C), drugs and possibly carrots. So looking at your urine should be of interest. In earlier times, doctors also tasted it (sweet urine means diabetes), but you don't need to go that far.", "Dark Urine The urine will be a reddish tint. If your urine has more than a reddish tint, see a doctor immediately. You want to make sure you do not have blood in your urine. Blackberries can make red urine or smokey brown urine as well. Food coloring in candy and other foods can also cause dark urine.", "Alkaptonuria Alkaptonuria is an inherited condition that causes urine to turn black when exposed to air. Ochronosis, a buildup of dark pigment in connective tissues such as cartilage and skin, is also characteristic of the disorder. This blue-black pigmentation usually appears after age 30. People with alkaptonuria typically develop arthritis, particularly in the spine and large joints, beginning in early adulthood.", "Blood or red colored urine and Dark colored (brown) urine Berger's disease (Idiopathic hematuria) Berger's disease can cause blood in the urine, dark-colored urine, fever, fatigue and more. Taking pyridium Taking pyridium causes red-orange or brown urine, headache, upset stomach, and dizziness.", "- The results can be urine that is either pink or cola-colored. Sometimes it’s difficult to tell the difference between dark urine due to dehydration or due to other causes. Dark urine due to dehydration is usually amber or honey-colored. Dark urine due to other causes can be tinged with brown or red. Some people have urine that appears almost syrup-like.", "Urine color Orange urine may also be caused by dehydration, which can concentrate your urine and make it much deeper in color. Blue or green urine Blue or green urine may be caused by: Dyes. Some brightly colored food dyes can cause green urine. Dyes used for some tests of kidney and bladder function can turn urine blue.", "- However, along with quite innocent causes of dark yellow urine, if there are other warning symptoms like burning and painful sensation in the lower abdomen, inability to fully empty the bladder, bladder leakage, fever and foul smelling urine, it might signal the beginning of a urinary tract or bladder infection.", "Urine - abnormal color Dark brown but clear urine is a sign of a liver disorder such as acute viral hepatitis or cirrhosis, which causes excess bilirubin in the urine. Pink, red, or lighter brown urine can be caused by: Beets, blackberries, or certain food colorings." ]
[ 15.28125 ]
[ 11.609375, 11.625, 12.1015625, 11.40625, 12.609375, 12.1875, 11.203125, 10.8828125, 11.1640625, 10.2734375, 12.25, 13.5703125, 9.5078125, 9.328125, 12.0546875, 10.390625, 7.21875, 7.80859375, 11.8203125, 12.3828125, 11.171875, 11.546875, 11.7734375, 10.9921875, 11, 11.7265625, 14.9296875, 10.6484375, 10.765625, 11.7421875 ]
cost sheet for bathroom renovation
[ "- Bathroom Renovation Costs. According to costs reported by ImproveNet members, the average bathroom remodel costed approximately $8,400 in 2016, with most homeowners spending between $6,000 and $9,000." ]
[ "How much does it cost to remodel a bedroom? 1 The above figures place the bathroom update at $250 per square foot. 2 This pricing structure assumes that carpenters charge an average of $70 per hour, electricians between $65 to $85 per hour, painters between $20 and $35 per hour and plumbers between $45 and $65 per hour. A light/fan combination-Averages at $180 and one hour of installation; 2 A recessed medicine cabinet-Averages at $90 and three hours of installation; 3 Insulate and finish ceilings and walls-Fiberglass wall insulation with R-30 value will cost $2.25 per square foot and cost $684.", "- In 2012, Remodeling Magazine estimated that the average cost of a bathroom remodel in the Southeast was a little over $16,000, which included labor and materials. Their job description for updating a 5-by-7 foot bathroom included the following:", "- Enter your zip code to get started. According to costs reported by ImproveNet members, the average bathroom remodel costed approximately $7,920 in 2014, with most homeowners spending between $6,000 and $9,000.nter your zip code to get started. According to costs reported by ImproveNet members, the average bathroom remodel costed approximately $7,920 in 2014, with most homeowners spending between $6,000 and $9,000.", "Answering the Big Question: How Much Does it Cost to Remodel the Bathroom? The average cost for remodeling a bathroom ranges from around $4,000 to $12,000 for small bathrooms and from about $10,000 to as much as $35,000 for large master bathrooms.Naturally, the cost varies depending on the size of the room, how much you want to have done and the quality of materials selected.he average cost for remodeling a bathroom ranges from around $4,000 to $12,000 for small bathrooms and from about $10,000 to as much as $35,000 for large master bathrooms.", "- The cost for a typical small bathroom remodel will range from about $4,000 to $12,000 with the average cost being about $8,000. Let’s look at how the costs breakout starting with the most basic remodel including a new toilet, shower, vanity & sink and tile.", "How Much Does A Bathroom Remodel Cost? As long as the subject is broached, bathroom remodeling contractors are a handy and easily utilized resource to reduce the remodeling headaches; one can assume at least a $2000 to $4000 addition to the cost of bathroom remodeling.", "- On average, a bathroom remodeling job will cost you around twice as much as the materials cost you. For a small bathroom of roughly 100 square feet, labor costs could run an average of $12,000 or $13,000 on the high end.This would include the labor to completely redo tile, completely install new fixtures, complete any necessary wiring and plumbing, and have everything inspected afterward.he cost of your materials can go up quickly if you want any specialized fixtures or if you need the bathroom to be handicapped-accessible. If you need the bathroom to be handicapped-accessible, then the material costs can go up another $2,000 or $3,000.", "- Homeowners have many options when it comes to bathroom remodels and the total cost depends on style and budget. The average bathroom remodel costs $9,254, but you can spend less-between $3,500 and $7,000 - to fix up the essentials in a small-to medium-sized bathroom.he average cost to remodel a bathroom in Dallas is approximately $7,300 to $10,000. by Beyond Designs and Remodeling, Inc. , a Bathroom Remodeling Contractor in Brooklyn, NY. For most homeowners in Brooklyn, the average cost for a bathroom remodel is approximately $9,800 to $13,000.", "How much did your Bathroom Remodel Cost? Survey?? Please make sure you are getting more than one estimate. $200/sq ft seems VERY high for just labour and incidental costs. Bathroom remodels are probably the highest cost per sq ft of any room, more than a kitchen, because you have so many elements in a small space. So, a small bathroom like I have large one like yours.", "- On average, a bathroom remodeling job will cost you around twice as much as the materials cost you. For a small bathroom of roughly 100 square feet, labor costs could run an average of $12,000 or $13,000 on the high end.", "Bathroom Remodeling Cost 1 According to an annual construction cost survey by Remodeling Magazine, a mid-range remodel of a 5x7-foot bathroom averages $14,109-$18,864; for an upscale expansion of a 5x7 bathroom to 9x9-feet within the existing house footprint, costs run $46,865-$59,456. half bath remodel including all materials ($750+) and labor ($500+) but wall paint (done by myself). New toilet, 26W dark wood cabinet, sink, faucet, wood-framed mirror, ceramic tiles (floor and baseboard), threshold, lighting, switches, towel hanger, toilet paper holder installed.", "How Much Does it Cost to Reface Bathroom Cabinets? Average minimum cost of refacing a bathroom cabinet: $250. Average maximum cost of refacing a bathroom cabinet: $335. Hardware. From pulls and knobs to hinges and handles, there is no shortage of options when it comes to selecting hardware for this project. The purpose of this hardware is to make the cabinets easier to use while adding personality and style. Here is a look at what each type of hardware offers.", "- That’s why the cost of a typical bathroom remodel in the United States is about $16,000. Understanding these costs will help you weed out low-quality contractors. If a contractor tells you that he can remodel your bathroom for $9,000, you should ask some questions to figure out why the price is so low.", "Plan Your Total Bathroom Remodel Budget The national average cost for an upscale bathroom remodel is roughly $26,052, according to Remodeling Magazine's 2005 Cost vs. Value report but how much a homeowner actually spends will vary.", "Budgeting Your Bathroom Renovation According to Remodeling magazine's 2005 Cost vs. Value Report, a mid-range bathroom remodel is approximately $10,499, higher or lower depending on where you live (and how you define mid-range). Redoing your bathroom will cost you less in the South and more in the West and Northeast.he report also estimates that such a job will recoup 102 percent of its cost at resale. So at least you know you're not flushing money down the toilet. An upscale bathroom remodel is estimated to cost $26,052 — a hefty jump in price — and to recoup about 93 percent of that on resale.", "Budgeting Your Bathroom Renovation The report also estimates that such a job will recoup 102 percent of its cost at resale. So at least you know you're not flushing money down the toilet. An upscale bathroom remodel is estimated to cost $26,052 — a hefty jump in price — and to recoup about 93 percent of that on resale. Here are some considerations to keep in mind when planning a bath remodel.", "Average Costs Of Bathroom Remodeling If your bathroom remodeling involves changing plumbing bathroom fixtures, this ranges between $1,000 and up if the job is more complicated (for example if you have to change and / or move the plumbing around).", "- Homeowners have many options when it comes to bathroom remodels and the total cost depends on style and budget. The average bathroom remodel costs $9,254, but you can spend less-between $3,500 and $7,000 - to fix up the essentials in a small-to medium-sized bathroom.he average bathroom remodel costs $9,254, but you can spend less-between $3,500 and $7,000 - to fix up the essentials in a small-to medium-sized bathroom.", "How much should you spend on your renovation? Bathrooms are a little cheaper, with a full renovation on a small or medium bathroom priced at $4,000 to $5,000 on average. Top-quality bathrooms, even small ones, start at around $10,000 and go up to $20,000 or more.", "- Then add that to the $4,000 for the typical materials used, and that already creates a bill in excess of $10,000. Then you have to account for the back-end expenses and provide some profit to the owner of the company. That’s why the cost of a typical bathroom remodel in the United States is about $16,000. Understanding these costs will help you weed out low-quality contractors. If a contractor tells you that he can remodel your bathroom for $9,000, you should ask some questions to figure out why the price is so low.", "- 1 If replacement of plywood or joists is necessary the costs would include $22 per 4'x8' sheet of plywood. 2 Assuming that the bathroom contains cabinetry and a shower/bath stall it would require two to three sheets of wood for the floor space, at a cost of approximately $70;or this discussion, we will consider the materials and costs for the installation of a glazed tile floor in a 32 square foot bathroom.", "Bathroom Addition & Remodeling Costs This info is based on 12535 cost profiles, as reported by ImproveNet members. According to costs reported by ImproveNet members, the average bathroom remodel costed approximately $8,400 in 2016, with most homeowners spending between $6,000 and $9,000.", "Bathroom Remodeling Cost 1 According to an annual construction cost survey by Remodeling Magazine, a mid-range remodel of a 5x7-foot bathroom averages $14,109-$18,864; for an upscale expansion of a 5x7 bathroom to 9x9-feet within the existing house footprint, costs run $46,865-$59,456.e had to gut out all of the old fixtures and we extended the bathroom out 2 feet into the walk in closet. We purchased a Rinnai water heater for about $1,200, bought a large oval deep bathtub and had a friend jet it, total cost about $700. The big cost was tiling everything with ornate tile.", "Cost of Remodeling a Bathroom For you house flippers, using the normal-sized bathroom template (40 – 60 sq. ft.) remodel, the cost of completely remodeling a bathroom using contractor grade (‘industry-talk’ meaning average) materials and installation will be somewhere around the $2500 to $3500 range.f the renovation in question is for your primary residence, the total cost of remodeling a bathroom could vary from ($5000) on the low end, to ($20,000) way up at the upper end depending on size of room, styles, material used, and various other ‘bells and whistles’.", "- $5,000 - $15,000 for a cosmetic makeover or smaller bathroom renovation using budget materials and fittings. $15,000 - $25,000 for an average sized mid-range renovation using mid-range materials and fittings. $25,000+ for a high end bathroom renovation using top of the range materials and fittings.", "- According to Remodeling magazine's 2005 Cost vs. Value Report, a mid-range bathroom remodel is approximately $10,499, higher or lower depending on where you live (and how you define mid-range). Redoing your bathroom will cost you less in the South and more in the West and Northeast.", "- For a basic 1 refinishing project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Refinish Bathtub ranges between $412.59 - $959.35 per refinishing. To estimate costs for your project: 1. Set Project Zip Code Enter the Zip Code for the location where labor is hired and materials purchased. 2.", "- Beautify the space with a paint job that lasts. Remodeling a bathroom is messy and expensive, about $9,300, on average, according to HomeAdvisor.com. And in some metropolitan areas, $20,000 is what it takes. After all that work and expense, you'll want a bathroom that looks good for a long time.", "Bathroom remodeling guide: trends and costs In 2011-2012, mid-range bathroom remodels cost an average of $16,552 and recouped 62 percent, while upscale bathroom remodels cost an average of $52,249 and recouped 56 percent. Here’s how the NKBA breaks down the budget for a typical bathroom remodel: Labor: 20 percent.", "- For a basic 1 refinishing project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Refinish Bathtub ranges between $412.59 - $959.35 per refinishing. To estimate costs for your project: 1. Set Project Zip Code Enter the Zip Code for the location where labor is hired and materials purchased." ]
[ 13.0390625 ]
[ 10.8203125, 11.0859375, 11.4296875, 11.8515625, 12.640625, 10.4296875, 10.34375, 12.8359375, 9.3828125, 11.6328125, 11.078125, 7.4140625, 11.6796875, 11.8828125, 10.8203125, 11.421875, 10.3515625, 13.1953125, 12.3984375, 11.2265625, 9.984375, 11.6640625, 11.03125, 10.609375, 13.6796875, 11.53125, 6.25, 10.4453125, 11.40625, 6.14453125 ]
most popular portugal sports
[ "Five most popular sports in Portugal Portugal has various sports activities, and below are the top five most popular Portuguese sports. Football. Football (aka Soccer in the U.S.) takes the top spot on the list of the most popular Portuguese sports. A good number of talented football players from Portugal are known worldwide." ]
[ "Top 10 Most Popular College Sports In The World American football, known simply as football in the US, is played in school and college levels, and is among the top 10 most popular college sports, with the greatest number of participants of all sports.", "- UNLOCK ALL SPORTS SCHEDULES. 1 Arsenal. Bournemouth. 2 Popular Competitions Football English Premier League. Championship. 3 Popular TV Channels Sky Sports. BT Sport. 4 Popular Teams Football Manchester United. Liverpool. 5 10% Sky Sports Pass Voucher.", "Most popular sports in Australia? Lot of sports on the One HD and Fox Sports channels, including EPL matches and NFL and NBA games. Cricket seems to be on all the time. How do they rank in popularity among cricket, soccer, Australian football, etc.? Is cricket the most popular because of the history and Australia's prominence?", "Football in Luxembourg (December 2013). Football is the most popular sport in Luxembourg. Football in Luxembourg is governed by the Luxembourg Football Federation (FLF), which is a member of FIFA and UEFA.", "- Answer By far, soccer (called fussball in German) is the most popular sport in Germany. Second place is handball, which is like a combination of basketball (ball … control and passing) and soccer (position of goalie, goal net). + 51 others found this useful. Keith Craven.", "The Most Popular Sports in the World What Are The Most Popular Sports In The World? It is estimated that more than half of the global population consider themselves association football (soccer) followers. A shared love for association football (soccer) is a common bond between more than half of the earth's population.", "- Soccer is the most popular sport in the Spanishspeaking world and the two most from SPANISH 1302 at Baylor", "- Pelé: Pele, Brazilian football (soccer) player, in his time probably the most famous and possibly the best-paid athlete in the world. encyclopÆdia britannica", "Top 10 Most Popular Sports in The World 2017/18 Soccer Rules Book (circa 1859) $1.4 million (£881,250) Soccer is one of the most popular sports in the world. There are eleven players on each team and the game is played on a rectangular field. Soccer is played in over 200 countries making it the world’s most popular sport.", "The World's Most Popular Sport is Soccer / Football Basketball is the 2nd most popular sport in the World yo! It is one of the major 4 sports in North America. One of the most popular team sports in China. And also is very popular in Europe, Africa and the rest of the World.", "25 Worldâs Most Popular Sports (Ranked by 13 factors) These are the factors we consider in ranking the top 25 sports in the world. So lets begin our countdown for the biggest, most popular sports in thew World. #1. Football/Soccer. With over 4 billion followers of football, it is by far the most popular sport in the world. Considering all of our criteria factors football top most of them we have discussed major factors which makes football’s popularity unmatched.", "Sport In South Africa Soccer / Football. Football or soccer as it is known in South Africa is the most popular game and is starting to attract serious money. It used to be the Cinderella sport in the bad old days of Apartheid and reflects the country’s history and the struggle for democracy. Bafana Bafana in action.", "current sportsThe Most Popular Sports in America Many of the most popular sports in the world have been American games. A fair number of Americans either participate or follow sports. Children play sports to meet other kids their own age and they teach important tactics, like teamwork, which helps people later on in life. Football, not to be confused with European football or soccer, is one of the most popular American sports. Unlike other sports, football is generally played on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, which allows players and fans time to enjoy and get excited about the games.", "The Football History Boys We’ll begin with FC Barcelona, arguably the best team in the world and their famous crest. Barcelona were formed in 1899, by a group of Swiss, Spanish and English footballers.", "- Pro football is the most popular sport in America for at least the 30th straight year. Pro football is the most popular sport in America for at least the 30th straight year. Menu", "25 Worldâs Most Popular Sports (Ranked by 13 factors) FIFA World Cup is the most iconic event of this sport which is not only the most watched team event but also one of the highest paying competitions in the whole sports world. Football is one of the most accessible sport in the world and there is hardly anyone in this world who has not kick a ball at some point in their life. Football dominate sports headlines in some of the major countries in the world including almost all European nations like United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain etc.", "Top Ten Sports In Australia Soccer (football) is the world game played in almost every country around the world. It requires a huge amount of skill much more than what is required in Rugby. Football is more than a sport, it's a religion! Soccer is the most popular sport in the world and it's really fun and enjoyable to play. You need to have really good skills to play soccer. The reason why it's pretty hard to score goal with a goalie standing in front of it, is because more practice and hard work us soccer players put in, the more goals we'll score.", "Rugby league Football (or soccer) is the most popular sport in England, although cricket is probably the most popular sport in the summer as football is played in the winter. However, ther…e are regional variations.", "- Jan Koller is arguably the most talented soccer player on this list, and another who will be well-known to a lot of people. Koller played for the likes of Anderlecht, Borussia Dortmund and Monaco, winning titles in the Czech Republic, Belgium and Germany, leading the divisions scoring charts in 1999.", "Five most popular sports in Portugal Futsal is one of the major sports leagues in Portugal. It is divided into different divisions with the top teams playing in the premier professional futsal league or 1ª Divisao. Divisão a team from each division plays the rest of the other teams once away and once at. home", "The Most Popular Sports in the World The sport is characterized by two teams of eleven players each, where each team attempts to score the most runs. The sport is overwhelmingly popular in former British colonies such as India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Australia. 1. Association Football (Soccer)", "- Football is by far the most popular sport in Argentina. Other sports include:AthleticsAuto racingBasketballBoxingCyclingField hockeyFishingGolfHandballMountaineeringPaddle te … nnisPoloRoller hockeyRowingRugby unionSailingSkiingSwimmingTennisVolleyball.", "Why is soccer not as popular as other sports? Well first of all soccer is already popular than most sports. It is the most popular sport in any other countries such as Brazil or Eng … land. After all its all about soccer. Answer SOCCER IS THE WORLDS MOST POPULAR SPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!occer is the most popular sport because- 1) It is played by the whole world(almost) 2) It is the most popular sport in many countries 3) It is the national spo … rt of many countries.", "Top 50 Greatest Footballers Of All-Time â Pelé, Maradona, Messi And Ronaldo Included In The Best Soccer Players Ever List Top 50 Greatest Footballers Of All-Time – Pele, Pelé, Maradona Messi And Ronaldo Included In The Best Soccer Players Ever. list. Pele, Pelé. Brazil bookended his career at the top level With World cup, wins first as a brilliant-17-year old in 1958 and then 12 years later as part of one of the greatest teams to ever grace the. Competition in between he picked up another’winner s medal in, 1962 although was injured during the. tournament", "Murray: The past, present and future of America's 10 most popular sports 25 years ago: The NFL was America's most popular sport 25 years ago, but it was a neck-and-neck race with baseball. While the league's composition looked the same (there's only been four expansion teams added in the past 25 years), the game has become more explosive.", "- Quick Answer. The most-popular sports in Mexico are soccer, also known as association football, and boxing. The national sport of Mexico is charrería. Other popular sports in the country are baseball, basketball, bullfighting, softball, surfing, motocross, diving and professional wrestling, known as lucha. Continue Reading", "- Here are the 11 least popular sports in the world... 1 He may not look as cool as he thinks he does. Shooting. 2 Bowling. Look. 3 Darts. It's rated as one of the top three most popular sports in one country in the world: Gibraltar. Weightlifting.", "Most Popular Team Sports: Soccer & cricket ,basketball & baseball ??? Population strength: The English national sport is the most popular sports in 20 countries with combine population of 1.6 billion, amongst the top 3 sports in 10 nations with a population in excess of 200 million. Economics: India is the nerve centre of cricket economics with 75% of the global funding.", "- What is more popular in the U.K., football or fishing? Football (soccer) is the most popular sports in England, according to a top ten list from Global Sports 24/7. Fishing does not make the top ten list. Soccer is a wildly popular sport in England that has widespread support from local communities.", "Most Popular Sports in Germany You are stoopid, this is the 3rd survey i watch from you assuring an european nation has basketball as their number 1 sport. Football (soccer) is the number 1 sport in Germany, France and most european countries Basketball is number 1 in Lithiania and Turkey, that,s all! But you are yankees so you dont know anything about the rest of the world..." ]
[ 17.21875 ]
[ 5.73828125, 4.77734375, 5.1796875, 4.58203125, 6.91796875, 7.890625, 6.27734375, 3.466796875, 7.91015625, 7.22265625, 8.0859375, 5.51171875, 6.78515625, 2.982421875, 6.16015625, 8.140625, 7.83984375, 7.30078125, 3.763671875, 15.125, 7.1484375, 9.7734375, 7.91015625, 0.40576171875, 4.73046875, 7.2109375, 6.6953125, 6.9296875, 5.85546875, 7.08203125 ]
how much to replace bushings on a honda civic
[ "Honda Civic Stabilizer Bushing Replacement Cost Honda Civic Stabilizer Bushing Replacement Cost. The average cost for a Honda Civic Stabilizer Bushing Replacement is between $71 and $108. Labor costs are estimated between $61 and $89 while parts are priced between $10 and $19. Estimate does not include taxes and fees." ]
[ "Thread: Driving uninspected salvage vehicle Thread: Driving uninspected salvage vehicle. Driving uninspected salvage vehicle What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? We accepted a salvage settlement of ~$1700 when our 1995 Honda Civic was damaged in a rear-end collision accident. We bought replacement parts from a salvage yard for $40 and now have a perfectly working car.", "- In 2014 I purchased a Honda Accord from Tom Scott Honda. I recently had my ... More tires rotated only to leave with an odd humming sound coming from my rear tires. After returning to the Service Center I was informed my two front wheel bearings needed replaced for approximately $900.", "Cost to Replace Honda Civic Brakes Labor-Replace The Honda Civic Brakes. Remove and dispose of existing brake pads and wear sensor. Install new wear sensor(s). Resurface rotors. Replace worn or damaged clips.Install, adjust and bed new pads. Adjust parking brake. [2] How Brake Pads Work A common sense summary of how modern automobile braking components work and how to diagnose and remedy brake pad issues. [ 2 3] Honda Civic Forum One of the internet's top forums for Honda Civic owners and enthusiasts.", "Is this quote to replace front sway bar links reasonable? The dealership recently told me that the front sway bar links on my 2011 Subaru Impreza are worn and should be replaced. They quoted me $245 for the job. I'm on board with getting it done but from what I understand of the work it entails, $245 seems a little steep.", "- 1 The Dodge Caravan is a popular vehicle, and the brake master cylinder for this vehicle can be purchased from $45 to $60. 2 Volkswagen vehicles command high price for their brake and clutch master cylinders. 3 They can range from $120 to $160. Clutch master cylinders used for a 1992 to 2000 Honda Civic are priced anywhere from $30 to $50. 2 Older model Honda Civic from 1988 to 1995 can cost $30 to $46.", "How To Install A Sunroof In A Honda Civic Learning how to install a sunroof in a Honda Civic is apparently a big deal in the Honda owner community. Installation isn’t that hard but it must be done right or it will leak. You can get a sunroof for less than $100 on Ebay. Let’s get started. What you will need 1 : Manufacturer design information.", "- Reputation: 4561. Just looking on Autozone.com the cheapest front strut for the 2005 civic is $150 per side, front strut mount from $40-$80 each and rear shocks are $50 each so that price of 600 isn't completely out of line.", "Thread: Windshield Replacement Cost My 2011 328i Coupe, has almost 5,000 miles on it when what appears to have been a grain of sand caused a 6 inch crack in the front windshield. Needless to say, I did not want an aftermarket windshield, so I took it to the dealership I purchased the car from. The cost: $1,800 parts, labor & tax.", "How much does it Cost to replace a car starter? How much does it cost to replace starter on Honda civic? To replace the starter on a Honda Civic, you can expect to pay around $50. This is an average price, as some are $20, while others are closer to $100. Vauxhall Asta starter motor will cost about 300 dollars. It will also cost about 50 dollars for labor if that service is needed.", "How much do major services cost for honda civics at the dealership? Ex. 30K and 60K mile servicing.? The key items to change at 30K are the transmission fluid, and the radiator fluid. You can find other shops that will do 30K's for around $159 and they will adress the critical issues. They won't list a pile of silly items that your vehicle may or may not have on it anyway.n those cars the cabin filters are not replaced and run extra if required. The cars that do not get the spark plugs or valve adjustments at the 30k intervals get them every 105k (110k for Civics). the spark plug replacement is about $150 for the 4 cyl and $230 for the 6 cyl.", "99 Honda Civic: it cost to replace the A/C compressor in my⦠Compressor: 546.14. Labor time to replace 2.3 hrs. At the same time, the receiver/drier should be replaced to prevent a repeat failure. Drier: 104.45. labor for drier replacement: .6 hr. After replacement, recharging the system will be required; this is typically about $100 in most areas. using an average labor rate of $75/ hr, this gives a cost total of about 650.59 for parts, recharging of about $100, and $217.50 in labor. Total repair cost should be around $968.09 plus tax.", "- Feedback Score: 0 reviews. sway bar link replacement cost. hi guys, i've got a popping noise coming from under my 02 ob sedan. it only happens on right turns. i took it into the subaru dealership (the only subaru mechanic in town) and they quoted $650 to $700 to replace the front sway bar links/bushings/etc., but not the sway bar. Out of that amount, around $400 is labor.", "- 1 Older model Honda Civic from 1988 to 1995 can cost $30 to $46. 2 The Dodge Caravan is a popular vehicle, and the brake master cylinder for this vehicle can be purchased from $45 to $60. 3 Volkswagen vehicles command high price for their brake and clutch master cylinders.4 They can range from $120 to $160. The average price for one device can range from $40 to $220. 2 This won’t include the professional labor costs. 3 Clutch master cylinders used for a 1992 to 2000 Honda Civic are priced anywhere from $30 to $50. 4 Older model Honda Civic from 1988 to 1995 can cost $30 to $46.", "How much will it cost to change my brake pads on honda civic, garage quoted $500?? is this too much?? If it's only for the brake pads, then yes, it is WAY too much. Brake pads are simple and cheap enough where you can buy them at an auto parts store and slap them on yourself. No decent repair shop will charge $500.00 just to change the brake pads.On the other hand, if the rotors need serious fixing (beyond the general buffing), that will cause a quote like that pop up. Last year, my brakes and rotors got so bad that I needed to replace them, and that cost about $400.ell heres what it would cost you. pads for the front $22 from autozone, pads/shoes for the rear $25 from autozone. Assuming you need rotors on ALL 4 wheels they are $24 each at Autozone. so we are up to $131.", "2015 AWD Cars: Subaru Outback and Legacy Impress Civic Hybrid batteries needed replacement at a rate of at least 12 percent for every year from 2003 through 2007. Replacing an out-of-warranty Civic hybrid battery at a Honda dealer runs about $3,000, plus installation.", "- Aggie BB, the cost is for the compressor. I called a honda dealer to do my '94 accord a few years ago and they wanted $700+ for just the compressor. I have a 'friend' who sells AC parts to dealers/parts stores and got it for $300 (OEM Brand).", "Estimated cost to repair frame damage? This Site Might Help You. Estimated cost to repair frame damage? I have a Honda Civic, &#39;97 and it is a fantastic car, it&#39;s been modified to some extent. I was in a front end collision which did some pretty nasty cosmetic damage to the front bumper, left fender, headlights and windshield. No problem there, I can fix that myself. The thing is that I... Source(s): estimated cost repair frame damage: https://biturl.im/jafjP.", "Estimated cost to repair frame damage? This Site Might Help You. Estimated cost to repair frame damage? I have a Honda Civic, &#39;97 and it is a fantastic car, it&#39;s been modified to some extent. I was in a front end collision which did some pretty nasty cosmetic damage to the front bumper, left fender, headlights and windshield. No problem there, I can fix that myself.", "Nissan North America named in class action lawsuit alleging failure to disclose defect in Timing Chain Systems which results in premature failure I have a Honda CR- V 2005 and the compressor just went out. It's making so much noise. The dealership gave me an estimate for $1800. My friends mechanic gave me a quote for $350 parts and he says plus free on, oils and labor it's gonna cost me $600.", "- Replacing the cracked windshield on our long-term 2016 Honda Civic is proving pretty difficult, especially for such a popular car. Home / New Cars / Honda / Civic / 2016 Civic / 2016 Long-Term Road Test", "How much to replace both rear trailing arms on 99 honda crv (AWD)? The Honda part number is 52385-SR3-000 and the bushings list price is $55.89 and you would need 2 of them. Just something to consider if your trailing arms are not broken. Hope that helps. Source(s): Parts counterperson at a Honda dealer.he Honda part number is 52385-SR3-000 and the bushings list price is $55.89 and you would need 2 of them. Just something to consider if your trailing arms are not broken. Hope that helps. Source(s): Parts counterperson at a Honda dealer.", "- Presenting our choices for the best small cars of 2016 and 2017. Editors' Choice*. MSRP: $19,475 - $27,335. EPA: 27 city/40 hwy. Overview: The Civic, offered as a sedan or a coupe, exemplifies automotive excellence and underscores Honda’s commitment to blending fun with efficiency and practicality.", "2012 Honda Civic Sedan and Coupe Pricing for the 2012 Civic is largely unchanged from the 2011 model’s. The cheapest version, the DX coupe, starts at $16,355; its sedan counterpart starts $200 higher at $16,555. The LX adds important items such as A/C, power locks, and cruise control, as well as $2050 to the sticker of both the coupe and sedan.", "- For the record, Toyota now charges an official $3,649 for a new first- or second-generation Prius pack, but a $1,350 “core credit” for your old battery makes that much more reasonable. For the 2006 to 2009 Honda Civic hybrid, expect to pay approximately $2,000 for a replacement pack.", "- 1 Older model Honda Civic from 1988 to 1995 can cost $30 to $46. 2 The Dodge Caravan is a popular vehicle, and the brake master cylinder for this vehicle can be purchased from $45 to $60. 3 Volkswagen vehicles command high price for their brake and clutch master cylinders.4 They can range from $120 to $160. Clutch master cylinders used for a 1992 to 2000 Honda Civic are priced anywhere from $30 to $50. 2 Older model Honda Civic from 1988 to 1995 can cost $30 to $46.", "- Honda Civic Car Thermostat Replacement costs between $108 and $205 on average. The parts and labor required for this service are ...", "How much will it cost to change my brake pads on honda civic, garage quoted $500?? is this too much?? No decent repair shop will charge $500.00 just to change the brake pads. On the other hand, if the rotors need serious fixing (beyond the general buffing), that will cause a quote like that pop up. Last year, my brakes and rotors got so bad that I needed to replace them, and that cost about $400.", "- 1 The Dodge Caravan is a popular vehicle, and the brake master cylinder for this vehicle can be purchased from $45 to $60. 2 Volkswagen vehicles command high price for their brake and clutch master cylinders. 3 They can range from $120 to $160. The average price for one device can range from $40 to $220. 2 This won’t include the professional labor costs. 3 Clutch master cylinders used for a 1992 to 2000 Honda Civic are priced anywhere from $30 to $50. 4 Older model Honda Civic from 1988 to 1995 can cost $30 to $46.", "- A Civic Sedan comes with a factory invoice of about $19,000 for an LX model and an MSRP of about $20,000. The EX trim level adds about $1,500 to the vehicle’s MSRP, and the EX-T tacks on around $1,500 more. The EX-L further increases the MSRP by about $1,500 and the top-of-the-line Touring adds another $4,000.", "- Honda Civic 2.0 i-VTEC Type R GT 5-Door Sat Nav... £29,499. Add vehicles of interest to you shortlist. Your shortlist will be saved for 30 days for another visit on this computer via the use of a cookie. There are 0 vehicles in your shortlist. You can compare up to 3 cars at a time. Please select a car to compare." ]
[ 17.78125 ]
[ 4.33203125, 6.71875, 7.67578125, 0.90283203125, 6.203125, 4.30078125, 8, -1.9287109375, 8.546875, 6.26953125, 6.390625, 8.0234375, 7.26953125, 6.4140625, 7.2890625, 3.5859375, 1.8330078125, 2.115234375, 4.1171875, 4.55078125, 13.2265625, 5.02734375, 4.5078125, 7.25390625, 7.59765625, 10, 6.16015625, 5.703125, 6.69140625, 3.294921875 ]
what are the file properties
[ "- When a file is created on a computer it is automatically given a set of properties such as date, size, and format. Changing properties can allow you to personalize the organization and synchronization of files on your computer. You can manually change some attributes in Windows 7 and Vista by using the Details pane at the bottom of each folder window. You can also access the Properties menu of the chosen file. If you use Mac OS X, file properties are called permissions, which you can change using either the Finder or a downloadable application. This guide shows how to change file attributes on both Windows and Mac OS X platforms." ]
[ "SetFileAttributes function To create an encrypted file, use the CreateFile function with the FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED attribute. To convert an existing file into an encrypted file, use the EncryptFile function. To associate a reparse point with a file or directory, use the DeviceIoControl function with the FSCTL_SET_REPARSE_POINT operation.", "Chapter 5: The Periodic Table The properties of the elements are periodic functions (repeating patterns) of their atomic weight. Discovered the noble gases. Saw that x-rays showed increasing size of nucleus (increasing number of protons from element to element). The physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers.", "- The Method to find out File Properties in Word, Excel, PowerPoint 2010/2013: 1 Click the File tab; 2 Click Info button at left bar; 3 In the right section, you will a Properties button. 4 Click the Properties button, and you will view the Show Document Panel and Advanced Properties items.5 See figure:ethod B: Get File Properties from Prepare info if you have Classic Menu for Office. 1 Click the Menus tab; 2 Click the File drop down menu; 3 Click the Prepare item; 4 Then you will view the Properties item.", "List of DOS commands Attrib changes or views the attributes of one or more files. It defaults to displaying the attributes of all files in the current directory. The file attributes available include read-only, archive, system, and hidden attributes. The command has the capability to process whole folders and subfolders of files....", "- Every allocated sector on an NTFS volume belongs to a file. Even the file system metadata is part of a file. NTFS views each file (or folder) as a set of file attributes. File elements such as its name, its security information, and even its data are file attributes. Each attribute is identified by an attribute type code and an optional attribute name.", "Chapter 2 - Geology (completed) The properties of minerals include crystal shape (habit), luster, color, streak, tenacity, hardness, cleavage, fracture, and density or specific gravity. in addition, a number of special physical and chemical properties (taste, smell, eleasticity, feel, magnetism, double refraction, and chemical reaction to hydrochloric acid) are useful in identifying certain minerals. each mineral has a unique set of properties that can be used for identification", "Windows 7, file properties, date modified, how do you show seconds? So if you create a file, any file in any directory, right-click and choose Properties, the date modified (if it's recent) will say something like dd/mm/yyy hh:mm, one minute ago - reminder this is in Windows 7. Windows XP did it normally. Then they changed something.", "How to reclaim file permissions and ownership in Windows To reclaim the permissions and take ownership of your files, right-click the filename. If there are a lot of files, the folder than contains them. Select Properties, then the Security tab, then click the Edit button. If your user name isn’t present, add it.", "Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning Batch File Attributes From DocWiki. This page lists the attributes that are required in a batch action file for these services—Phone, Line, Extension Mobility (EM) Access, EM Line, Remote Destination Profile (RDP), RDP Line, User Services, and Voice mail. 1 Phone Attributes. 2 Line Attributes.", "- Adding a tag or property value to a file in Windows 8. To add a tag or value to a pre-defined file property in Windows 8, start by pressing WIN+E to open File Explorer. Select the file you want to modify in File Explorer and switch to the View tab at the top of the File Explorer window.", "- limited to analysis of the following properties: density, melting point, boiling point, solubility, flammability, and odor.] ms-ps1-3. Gather and make sense of information to describe that synthetic materials come from natural resources and", "- Standard document properties. Standard document properties (called simply document properties) contain run-time related information related to a document.", "Properties of Vinegar Tweet. Properties of vinegar...Vinegar is mainly a dilute aqueous solution of acetic acid and this is reflected in its physical and chemical properties. It’s the product of two biochemical processes. These processes are alcoholic fermentation and acid fermentation.ne molecule of acetic acid contains two carbon, four hydrogen and two oxygen atoms. The molecular structure is written as CH3COOH. Vinegar is used by chemistry students of all ages in experiments with baking soda.", "ARCHIVED: In Windows, what are file attributes, and how can I change them? In the Attributes: section, enabled attributes have checks beside them. Add or remove the checks from , , or to enable or disable these options. If you want to change the attribute, you need to do it from the command prompt. Note: In Windows 7, Vista, or XP, you will see only the and checkboxes on the first screen. To see the checkbox, click . To determine what attributes are enabled on a file, you must use the attrib command in the command prompt.", ".properties .properties. .properties is a file extension for files mainly used in Java related technologies to store the configurable parameters of an application. They can also be used for storing strings for Internationalization and localization; these are known as Property Resource Bundles.", "- File Lock The one feature you get with McAfee Total Protection that's just not present in McAfee Internet Security is File Lock. This feature lets you create any number of encrypted file vaults to hold your most-sensitive files. Before you create your first vault, you must answer three security questions.", "6.2.1 Privileges Provided by MySQL The FILE privilege gives you permission to read and write files on the server host using the LOAD DATA INFILE and SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE statements and the LOAD_FILE() function. A user who has the FILE privilege can read any file on the server host that is either world-readable or readable by the MySQL server.", "- The following properties apply to the ::first-line pseudo-element: 1 font properties. 2 color properties. 3 background properties. word- 1 spacing. letter-spacing. text- 1 decoration. vertical- 2 align. text-transform. line- 1 height. clear.", "Attrib Command In Windows Server 2008 The use of Attrib command is to display, sets or remove file attributes. Windows files has 4 attributes: Read-only file attribute, Archive file attribute, System file attribute, Hidden file attribute .If it is used without parameter, attrib displays all the file attributes which are in current directory.he use of Attrib command is to display, sets or remove file attributes. Windows files has 4 attributes: Read-only file attribute, Archive file attribute, System file attribute, Hidden file attribute .If it is used without parameter, attrib displays all the file attributes which are in current directory.", "Properties of Vinegar Tweet. Properties of vinegar...Vinegar is mainly a dilute aqueous solution of acetic acid and this is reflected in its physical and chemical properties. It’s the product of two biochemical processes. These processes are alcoholic fermentation and acid fermentation.weet. Properties of vinegar...Vinegar is mainly a dilute aqueous solution of acetic acid and this is reflected in its physical and chemical properties. It’s the product of two biochemical processes. These processes are alcoholic fermentation and acid fermentation.", "VBA Tips & Tricks Update Document Properties in a Word document using Field codes. Field codes are the best tool for any Word users. They are rich source of predefined information that can be inserted in the document. Word document contains many important properties, which can be accessed from the Properties dialog box. To view the Properties dialog box, click the Microsoft Office Button, point to Prepare, and click Properties, click Document Properties, and then click Advanced Properties.", "Qualifications of a File Clerk Filing is an organizational task, so a file clerk needs good organizational skills. A file clerk must keep file rooms structured so that anyone can find needed files quickly. This requires the ability to spell, alphabetize and stay on top of the workload. A file worker, while under the supervisor of an administrator, typically works alone and must be able to manage his time realistically.", "- the department of the interior manages national forests. the department of justice represents the untied state in court. the department of veterans affairs mamages hospitals for men and wwomen who have served in the military. the department of the treasury points money. You can only upload files of type 3GP, 3GPP, MP4, MOV, AVI, MPG, MPEG, or RM. 2 You can only upload photos smaller than 5 MB. 3 You can only upload videos smaller than 600MB. 4 You can only upload a photo (png, jpg, jpeg) or a video (3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm). 5 You can only upload a photo or a video.", "Encrypting File System in Windows Click OK in the current window. Now click OK in the file or folder properties window. A Confirm Attribute Changes window appears. If you're NTFS-encrypting a folder, make sure the Apply changes to this folder, subfolders and files option is selected before clicking OK. Please stand by until the process completes (the Applying Attributes window disappears). If a file or folder is in use (locked), the Error Applying Attributes window appears.", ".properties Each line in a .properties file normally stores a single property. Several formats are possible for each line, including key=value, key = value, key:value, and key value. Note that single-quotes or double-quotes are considered part of the string.", "Insert the file name in a footer Click Field to select from dozens of other properties, such as Date and Time or Links and References. To return to the body of your document, click Close Header and Footer. Tip To center the file name, click Home, and then click the Center icon on the ribbon.", "file Definition of file. 1 : a tool usually of hardened steel with cutting ridges for forming or smoothing surfaces especially of metal.", "- It designates the physical file characteristics and identifies the sender of the file (the. ODFI or Gateway Operator) and the party to which the file is being delivered (the ACH Operator). This record also includes the. date, time, and file identification fields that can be used to identify a particular file.", "Major and Minor Numbers Char devices are accessed through names in the filesystem. Those names are called special files or device files or simply nodes of the filesystem tree; they are conventionally located in the /dev directory. Special files for char drivers are identified by a c in the first column of the output of ls -l.", "How to reclaim file permissions and ownership in Windows Here's another scenario: You might want to access files from another user of your PC who’s left the company, but you can’t open them due to lack of ownership. I’ve only run into this issue a couple of times, but the key is found in a location few users ever bother with—File Properties' Security tab." ]
[ 13.265625 ]
[ 8.296875, 2.54296875, 11.1640625, 8.03125, 9.46875, 3.986328125, 9.109375, 7.68359375, 5.16796875, 10.734375, 2.505859375, 9.71875, 1.7216796875, 7.9453125, 13.015625, 6.8125, 6.40234375, 4.68359375, 6.48046875, 3.091796875, 7.24609375, 4.203125, 5.71875, 8.1875, 11.6484375, 6.94140625, 7.30859375, 7.19140625, 5.30078125, 7.9453125 ]
what county is saxton pa in
[ "Saxton, Pennsylvania Saxton, Pennsylvania. Saxton is a borough in Bedford County, Pennsylvania, United States. The population was 736 at the 2010 census." ]
[ "- Chattanooga County. About Search Results. About Search Results. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "- _• In-depth knowledge of the Sarasota County area_. Is looking to hire schedulers and dispatchers for our Sarasota County Paratransit operation....", "Collin County taxpayers' tab for Ken Paxton case tops a half-million dollars Collin County is also fighting a lawsuit from a taxpayer who wants local officials to refuse to pay the prosecutors their hourly rate. This suit has cost the county an additional $106,433, bringing the grand total of Paxton-related costs to $617,159, according to the Collin County auditor.", "- The City of Stockton is located in and is the county seat of San Joaquin County. For information about San Joaquin County, please see the San Joaquin County web site listed under External Links below.", "- Start your search by typing in the business name below. Saxonburg Butler County. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "Job Opportunities Current employment opportunities with Parker County are listed below. If you do not see any postings below, there are currently no positions available. 1112 Santa Fe Dr. Contact the posting department for detailed job information.", "- York County comprises the York-Hanover, PA Metropolitan Statistical Area, which is also included in the Harrisburg-York-Lebanon, PA Combined Statistical Area. It is in the Susquehanna Valley, a large fertile agricultural region in South Central Pennsylvania.", "- Clairton, PA Other Information. 1 Located in ALLEGHENY County, Pennsylvania. 2 Clairton, PA is also known as: 3 FLOREFFE, PA. JEFFERSON HILLS, 1 PA. JEFFERSON HLS, 2 PA. LARGE, PA.", "- Caring.com offers a free service to help families find senior care. We have thousands of reviews for Assisted Living including 82 reviews for York County Assisted Living providers. Please explore the information on this page to get contact information and learn about options, amenities, and events. Dallastown, PA 17313.", "Gibson County, Click on the page number or thumbnail to view the desired Track Book page. (Note: Page 1 was intentionally left blank.) The Tract Book may be found in the Gibson County Recorder's Office at the Courthouse in Princeton. The U.S. Department of the Interior BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT, General Land Office Records web site", "- Wheaton County Courthouse. About Search Results. About Search Results. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "Scranton Scranton, PA. Online Offers. Scranton is a city in the northeastern part of Pennsylvania, United States. It is the county seat of Lackawanna County and the largest principal city in the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre metropolitan area. Scranton had a population of 76,089 in 2010, according to the U.S. Census, making it Pennsylvania's sixth-most-populous city after Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Allentown, Erie, and Reading.", "- Our 2017 Annual Report contains information on the current and historic trends for values in Sarasota County. View our 2017 Annual Report.", "- Captain John Paxton, only child of John and Grazell Paxton, was born in Ireland, appartently in 1736. He came with his parents to Bart Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, in 1740. This family was among those who did not move on to Virginia but chose to stay in Pennsylvania. John married Jane McNeely, about 1759.", "- We are the sole collectors for 2016 delinquent city of Scranton Real Estate tax (city only). For years 2015 and prior, please contact Northeast Revenue Service at (570) 207-3861. The Lackawanna County Tax Collection Committee has chosen HA Berkheimer Associates as the Earned Income Tax Collector for Lackawanna County in accordance with PA Act 32. This change affects ONLY earned income tax for 2012 and forward.", "Ford County, Illinois From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Ford County is a county located in the U.S. state of Illinois. According to the 2010 census, it had a population of 14,081. Its county seat is Paxton. Ford County is part of the Champaign–Urbana, IL Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "- There are currently 35 for sale listings in Sebastian County AR zip codes, including condos, bank owned homes, short sales, townhomes, duplexes, land and luxury listings. If you're looking to rent in Charleston AR, check out our extensive list of luxury apartments and townhomes. We make it easy to find your dream home by filtering home types, price and size. Filtering with keyword search is also possible, like waterfront or attached garage homes in Charleston.", "- Dexter County. About Search Results. About Search Results. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "Saxton, North Yorkshire Saxton is a small, affluent village in North Yorkshire, England, about 15 miles southwest from York and about 12 miles east from Leeds. The resident population is about 250. It is close to the battlefield of Towton (Wars of the Roses). The closest town is Tadcaster.", "- Start your search by typing in the business name below. Springtown Parker County. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "- Start your search by typing in the business name below. Saxton, PA Courthouse. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "- Click to enroll in Paperless Billing. Welcome to Bardstown Internet - connecting Nelson County to the world! HIGH SPEED Internet service may be available in your area. Click here for details! We also offer a continuous updated list of virus alerts and spyware removal tools, remote access email, spam filters, computer repair service, and various payment options.", "Collin County taxpayers' tab for Ken Paxton case tops a half-million dollars Paxton supporters say the $300-an-hour fee violates local rules that cap how much special prosecutors can be paid. But the Tarrant County judge overseeing the case disagreed, citing the unusual circumstances of the case, and ordered the county to pay up or possibly be found in contempt of court.", "Galeton, Pennsylvania Galeton, Pennsylvania. Galeton is a borough in Potter County, Pennsylvania, United States, 50 miles (80 km) southeast of Bradford. Light industries such as knitting mills and a tannery have existed in Galeton. The population declined to 1,149 people in 2010.", "Elkton District Court Elkton District Court. try 800-735-2258 if you don't hear well. Cecil County is at the northeastern edge of Chesapeake Bay and the northeast corner of the state, edged up against Delaware and Pennsylvania. The name Elkton must mean something, and there's a lot of other Elk names around including forests, parks, a neck and even some mills.", "- Phone Number: Fax Number: Taylor County, given parts of Macon, Marion and Talbot counties at its creation in 1852, remembers Zachary Taylor whose victory in the Battle of Buena Vista during the Mexican War boosted him toward the presidency of the United States.", "- Addison, PA. Sponsored Topics. Addison is a borough in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, United States. It is part of the Johnstown, Pennsylvania Metropolitan Statistical Area. The population was 214 at the 2000 census.", "- Morristown County. About Search Results. About Search Results. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "Paxton, IL Paxton is a city in Ford County, Illinois, United States. The population was 4,473 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Ford County.", "- Sponsored Topics. Saxton is a borough in Bedford County, Pennsylvania, United States. The population was 803 at the 2000 census. Saxton is located at 40°12′53″N 78°14′43″W / 40.21472°N 78.24528°W / 40.21472; -78.24528 (40.214584, -78.245241)." ]
[ 18.453125 ]
[ 0.464111328125, 0.81103515625, 2.744140625, 1.986328125, 6.21875, 0.85791015625, 7.00390625, 2.81640625, 5.20703125, 1.400390625, 2.390625, 3.287109375, 0.1689453125, 6.26171875, 3.072265625, 2.361328125, -0.51513671875, 2.880859375, 8.59375, 0.58642578125, 9.21875, -0.308837890625, 2.576171875, 4.2734375, 0.892578125, 0.1622314453125, 6.25390625, 2.02734375, 5.3125, 18.09375 ]
is titanium dioxide safe for skin
[ "Sunscreens with titanium dioxide as nanoparticles. Health risks? Titanium dioxide is used as a UV filter in sunscreen products to protect the skin from harmful UV rays when exposed to sunlight." ]
[ "- Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide are physical sunscreens with a long history of use, and considered two of the most protective broad-spectrum ingredients. They are comprised of large particles, which, in traditional sunscreen formulations, showed up on the skin as a thick, white paste.", "Titanium dioxide in vitamins and supplements: Is it safe for human consumption? Titanium dioxide is considered extremely unsafe by Vitacost, which banned the ingredient from its in-house supplements label (NSI). Soon, products from Vitacost (www.Vitacost.com) may even be labeled with a titanium dioxide free claim to better educate consumers.", "- Cosmetics: Pigment-grade titanium dioxide is use in some cosmetics to aid in hiding blemishes and brightening the skin. Titanium dioxide allows for the use of thinner coatings of make-up material for the same desired effect. Paper: Titanium dioxide is used to coat paper, making it whiter, brighter and more opaque.", "Finding A Safe Sunscreen for Dogs Comments: This sunscreen for dogs has titanium dioxide as its main ingredient. Titanium dioxide is considered safe especially when not used in an easily inhalable spray. However, this product does contain questionable ingredients such as Methyl Paraben, Imidurea, and Triethanolamine.", "Skin Cancer â Natural Treatment Options For the skin it is one of the best medicines to treat skin cancer because it actually kills cancer cells as iodine does. Dr. Tullio Simoncini, an oncologist in Rome, uses iodine to treat skin cancer. Both can be applied topically. Both can be used almost around the clock to great effect.", "Should We Avoid Titanium Dioxide? Watch my video Titanium Dioxide & Inflammatory Bowel Disease to see the results, but basically they concluded that titanium dioxide may transport inflammatory substances like endotoxin into the gut wall via a ‘Trojan horse’-type mechanism. What happens in a petri dish, however, may not happen in a person.", "Titanium dioxide in vitamins and supplements: Is it safe for human consumption? Yep, if you take certain vitamins made by GNC or Centrum (as well as hundreds of other companies), you are eating titanium dioxide. And this is an ingredient for which no long-term safety testing on humans has ever been conducted.", "Skin Care | Spf Ingredients to look for: Titanium Dioxide, Zinc Oxide. Good for: Supersensitive skin. Pros: “Physical sunscreens protect skin from the sun by deflecting harmful rays,” says New York dermatologist Michael Shapiro, MD. They also have a tendency to last a little longer on the skin. Cons: In the past, they often left a white cast on skin, but today’s formulas are more transparent.", "What Are The Benefits of Micronized Titanium Dioxide in Makeup? But not only does titanium dioxide occur naturally; the use of micronized titanium dioxide ensures that these particles can’t cross the skin barrier to be easily absorbed, thus providing an extra layer of protection to the user (to read more on this, see the link at the end of this article).", "Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream Usage and Dosage. The most common uses for triamcinolone acetonide cream are atopic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, poison ivy, contact dermatitis, and seborrhea. Any skin condition that is responsive to corticosteroids will benefit from triamcinolone acetonide cream.", "Natural Ingredients to Avoid: Why is SLS bad? Titanium dioxide has no known toxicity or carcinogenicity. It has a long history of safe use in toothpaste products. Tom's of Maine recognizes that no two people are alike, and even with pure and natural ingredients, some individuals may develop an allergic reaction that is unique to them.itanium dioxide has no known toxicity or carcinogenicity. It has a long history of safe use in toothpaste products. Tom's of Maine recognizes that no two people are alike, and even with pure and natural ingredients, some individuals may develop an allergic reaction that is unique to them.", "Titanium Dioxide: Water or Oil The main reason for dispersing the titanium dioxide in either water or oil is that if the powdered titanium dioxide is added directly to the soap making base it most likely won’t disperse well and there will be white clumps and streaks in your soap when you go to cut it after unmolding it.f you are using the oil dispersable titanium dioxide you can add it to your soap making oils and mix in the pigment using the stick blender. This will help break up the powdered pigment so that it will disperse into the oils.", "Glyphosate Concentration Titanium dioxide 13463-67-7 50 - 75 % Aluminum hydroxide 21645-51-2 1 - 5 % Silicon dioxide, amorphous 7631-86-9 0 - 8 % Water 7732-18-5 21 - 38 % SECTION 4. FIRST AID MEASURES Skin contact: Wash off with soap and water. Eye contact: Rinse with plenty of water. Inhalation: Remove person to fresh air.", "Desitin What is Desitin (zinc oxide (topical))? Zinc oxide is a mineral. Zinc oxide topical (applied to the skin) is used to treat diaper rash, minor burns, severely chapped skin, or other minor skin irritations. Zinc oxide rectal suppositories are used to treat itching, burning, irritation, and other rectal discomfort caused by hemorrhoids or painful bowel movements.", "- 1 About Titanium Dioxide What is titanium dioxide?  Titanium dioxide (TiO 2) is a white solid inorganic substance that is thermally stable, non-flammable, poorly soluble, and not classified as hazardous according to the United Nations’ (UN) Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS). Based on existing safety information, it can be concluded that the use of titanium dioxide nanomaterial (ultrafine) as an ingredient in cosmetic sunscreen products at a concentration up to 25 % poses no risks to human health (12, 13).", "Food_and_Nutritional_Toxicology For example in the US, the corresponding figures for the uses of titanium dioxide in paint is 50%, whereas those for plastics and paper are similar, 25% and 13%. Much smaller amounts of titanium dioxide are used as a semi-conductor and to catalyse the photodecomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen.It also has a high dielectric constant and a high resistance and thus it is used to make capacitors.uch smaller amounts of titanium dioxide are used as a semi-conductor and to catalyse the photodecomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen. It also has a high dielectric constant and a high resistance and thus it is used to make capacitors.", "What Is Triamcinolone Actonide Cream For? Triamcinolone acetonide cream is used on the skin to relieve redness, swelling, itching, scaling, and crusting. It cannot be purchased over the counter, it must be prescribed by your doctor. The active ingredient, triamcinolone acetonide, is a corticosteroid. Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream is a nearly odorless, white cream. It comes in three strengths (0.025%, 0.1% and 0.5%) in 15-gram and 80-gram tubes and in 1-pound jars.", "Titanium Titanium is a transition metal which is very strong and light (4.4 gm/cm3). It has a high melting point (1800°C) and finds application in aircraft wings, particularly at points which are subjected to the high heat of exhaust. Titanium dioxide in powder form is very white and is used to advantage as a pigment in special paints and face powders. Titanium dioxide, TiO2, in crystalline form appears in the mineral rutile. It may be colored by small amounts of other metal oxides and has been used for gems. Titanium dioxide also makes up the minerals Brookite and anatase. Titanium and iron together form the oxides ilmenite, FeTiO3, and pseudobrookite, Fe2TiO5.", "Facts About Titanium 1 Despite its applications in aerospace and industry, titanium's most common use is as titanium dioxide, a white pigment used in paints and sunscreen because of its ability to refract light and absorb ultraviolet rays. 2 Earth isn't the only place to find titanium.", "- Titanium dioxide, also known as titanium(IV) oxide or titania, with its molecular formula TiO2 and molecular weight 79.87, is a kind of white to almost white powder.The properties of Titanium dioxide is also have two sides: the physical properties of titanium dioxide and the chemical properties of titanium dioxide.", "What Is SSKI? People have used potassium iodide for centuries to address a variety of skin disorders and infections. Current research supports this, noting that SSKI may be the only choice for infectious and redness-related skin disorders after other approaches have failed.", "The Health Risks of Titanium Until long term data on the absorption, distribution, excretion and toxicity of titanium nano particles is available and until relevant data on human exposure exists, I recommend avoiding titanium compounds. Laboratory tests are available to determine the levels of titanium dioxide or metallic titanium in your body.", "Painting Skin Tones My preferred colors for mixing the full range of skin tones are: 1 Titanium white (with watercolor, the paper acts as the white) 2 Titanium buff. 3 Cadmium yellow (medium or dark) Cadmium 1 red. Burnt sienna. Raw 1 umber. Prussian 2 blue. Payne's grey (not essential, but useful)", "Arbonne Ingredients Titanium Dioxide. Titanium dioxide is found in the Arbonne primer and is used as a skin protector. It can have many different properties, such as a lubricant, sunscreen, thickener and whitener, according to Cosmetics Cop. Titanium dioxide is an inert earth mineral and doesn&rsquo;t pose a risk of irritating skin.", "- The great versatility of titanium dioxide is owing to its various forms and sizes. Titanium dioxides may be used in the form of microscale pigments or as nano-objects. Their crystal structures may vary: Depending on the arrangement of TiO2 atoms, one differentiates between rutile and anatase modifications.", "Nickel titanium (Nickel is also present in substantial amounts in stainless steel and cobalt-chrome alloys.) When properly treated (via electropolishing and/or passivation), nitinol forms a very stable protective TiO 2 layer that acts as a very effective and self-healing barrier against ion exchange.aving found that a 1:1 alloy of nickel and titanium could do the job, in 1961 he presented a sample at a laboratory management meeting. The sample, folded up like an accordion, was passed around and flexed by the participants.", "Five Best Mineral Sunscreens for Face All my Five Best sunscreen picks are based on the mineral actives, zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. Although titanium dioxide is a photosensitizer, it is used in micronized form in these recommended products and, therefore, are supposed not to penetrate the skin and damage cells.ll my Five Best sunscreen picks are based on the mineral actives, zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. Although titanium dioxide is a photosensitizer, it is used in micronized form in these recommended products and, therefore, are supposed not to penetrate the skin and damage cells.", "The Health Risks of Titanium Laboratory tests are available to determine the levels of titanium dioxide or metallic titanium in your body. If you’re concerned about your exposure to titanium, I would encourage you to get tested to determine your levels and perform a toxic metal cleanse if you feel they are too high. References (7)", "The One Skin-Saving Ingredient You Need This Summer Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide sit on top of the skin, forming a barrier against the sun's rays. Sunscreens with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide start protecting as soon as you put them on. Chemical products, on the other hand, need to be slathered on 15 to 30 minutes in advance to give the skin time to absorb them.", "Titanium - Ti Elemental titanium and titanium dioxide is of a low order of toxicity. Laboratory animals (rats) exposed to titanium dioxide via inhalation have developed small-localized areas of dark-colored dust deposits in the lungs." ]
[ 15.5390625 ]
[ 12.4765625, 11.8203125, 11.8125, 11.265625, 1.166015625, 9.203125, 9.328125, 12.40625, 13.25, 2.705078125, 11.296875, 6.91015625, 9.3515625, 5.54296875, 12.4609375, 5.515625, 2.70703125, 6.23828125, 7.02734375, 6.59765625, 0.86279296875, 9.1796875, 3.232421875, 12.3046875, 6.45703125, 2.203125, 11.6484375, 8.0234375, 13.1328125, 8.6640625 ]
what are withdrawal symptoms of marijuana
[ "Marijuana Withdrawal Symptoms Headaches associated with marijuana withdrawal can last for a few weeks up to a couple of months. Headaches, like most other symptoms of withdrawing from marijuana use, will usually begin one to three days after quitting and will peak two to six days after stopping." ]
[ "What Does Withdrawal from Marijuana Feel Like? During withdrawal from marijuana you may feel uneasy and not like yourself. These feelings will pass! Marijuana withdrawal, though it is not considered to be incredibly severe, is not easy to weather. Many users who go through marijuana withdrawal confirm that it feels similar to nicotine withdrawal. Nicotine withdrawal, according to smokefree.gov, creates symptoms very similar to marijuana withdrawal including:", "Morphine Withdrawal Symptoms and Signs, and Detoxification During morphine withdrawal, the onset of severe anxiety and restlessness is common. Physical withdrawal symptoms can also occur, including sweating, chills, tremors, goose bumps, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, muscle pain, bone pain, a runny nose, sneezing, and coughing. Insomnia can be another symptom of morphine withdrawal.", "Debunking the Myths of Marijuana Withdrawal âSyndromeâ Relatedly, marijuana withdrawal is real and is a diagnostic indicator of marijuana addiction. As with experiencing withdrawal from any addiction, there are physiological and psychological consequences that are unpleasant enough to encourage continued use for some users that are trying to quit.", "Overview As time passes, you may need larger doses of the drug to get high. Soon you may need the drug just to feel good. As your drug use increases, you may find that it's increasingly difficult to go without the drug. Attempts to stop drug use may cause intense cravings and make you feel physically ill (withdrawal symptoms). Drug addiction symptoms or behaviors include, among others: 1 Feeling that you have to use the drug regularly — this can be daily or even several times a day. 2 Having intense urges for the drug. 3 Over time, needing more of the drug to get the same effect. Making certain that you maintain a supply of the drug.", "Marijuana Withdrawal Is Real The longer a person uses marijuana, the more likely they are to have withdrawal symptoms when they aren’t using it. And teen users who suffer marijuana withdrawal are more likely to experience marijuana addiction than adults.", "- Symptoms of withdrawal from either illegal drugs or prescription medicines depend on the drug or combination of drugs. Common withdrawal symptoms include: 1 Abdominal pain. 2 Nausea and vomiting. 3 Drenching sweats. 4 Nervousness and shaking. 5 Seizures. 6 Death.", "Opiate Withdrawal Symptoms ◊◊◊◊ Upset stomach (diarrhea, cramping and nausea): This is also a very common withdrawal symptom and one that can be a primary source of discomfort and inability to function. Most people going through withdrawals will have nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or all three. Thus, it is important to stay hydrated.", "- The symptoms of nicotine withdrawal can begin within 30 minutes of your last use of tobacco. Symptoms will depend on your level of addiction. Factors such as how long you used tobacco and how much tobacco you use on a daily basis will impact the severity of your symptoms. Symptoms of nicotine withdrawal include: 1 intense cravings for nicotine. tingling in the hands and feet.", "Nicotine Addiction Those who are dependent on nicotine exhibit one or more of the following symptoms when undergoing withdrawal: 1 Anxiety. 2 Depression. 3 Intense cravings to smoke or use tobacco. Inability to stop smoking or use of 1 tobacco. Withdrawal symptoms when trying to quit smoking. Continuing to smoke despite the health problems that it creates.", "What are some of the withdrawal symptoms associated with quitting smoking? Quitting smoking may cause short-term problems, especially for those who have smoked heavily for many years. These temporary changes can result in withdrawal symptoms. Common withdrawal symptoms associated with quitting include the following: Nicotine cravings (nicotine is the substance in tobacco that causes addiction).", "WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOM Meaning: Any physical or psychological disturbance (as sweating or depression) experienced by a drug addict when deprived of the drug. Classified under: Nouns denoting stable states of affairs. Hypernyms (withdrawal symptom is a kind of...):", "Marijuana Withdrawal and Detox Like other addictive substances, heavy or prolonged marijuana use can increase a person’s risk of withdrawal when stopping. While marijuana withdrawal isn’t as dangerous as harder drugs like crack cocaine or heroin, many users still face symptoms when trying to quit.", "- Sustained inhalant use can cause tolerance; in addition, withdrawal symptoms develop after use is stopped. These symptoms can include sweating, rapid pulse, hand tremors, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, physical agitation, anxiety, hallucinations, and seizures. Paraphernalia", "- Subjects dependent on opiates in the absence of the drug will demonstrate various degrees of signs of withdrawal, such as pupillary mydriasis (excessive dilation), agitation, anxiety, muscle aches, gooseflesh, and often diarrhea.", "- The most common opiate withdrawal symptoms include the flu-like symptoms such as chills, excessive sweating with alternating bouts of excessively feeling cold, dizziness, cough, sneezing, body aches, muscle and bone aches, tremors, muscle cramps, and others.", "Marijuana Addiction Physically, smoking marijuana can lead to a number of consequences such as changes in appetite, changes in mood and increased heart rate. However, the physical signs and symptoms of marijuana addiction are not near those of an addiction to heroin or other hard drugs.", "Overview These drugs can produce a high similar to marijuana and have become a popular but dangerous alternative. Signs and symptoms of recent use can include: 1 A sense of euphoria or feeling high. 2 Elevated mood. 3 Relaxation. 4 An altered sense of visual, auditory and taste perception. 5 Extreme anxiety or agitation.", "Understanding Withdrawal Symptoms · Fatigue. · Needing to use drugs to steady nerves. In the most severe cases of withdrawal, a person may experience hallucinations, confusion, fever, and seizures. As Psychology Today discusses, withdrawal can also lead to the loss of life. The drugs most associated with fatality during the withdrawal process are alcohol, benzodiazepines, and opiates.", "- Withdrawal Symptoms from Marijuana? Will marijuana cause withdrawal symptoms if a person quits using it, like other drugs do? There are many people who claim that there are no withdrawal symptoms and that the drug isn’t addictive. You may have heard these two claims repeated over and over again.", "Benzodiazepine Withdrawal and Detox The withdrawal symptoms of benzodiazepines are physically and emotionally painful and can be life-threatening if the user stops “cold turkey.” Those with a history of taking higher doses or taking the substance for a prolonged time have the worst withdrawal symptoms. Symptoms of benzo withdrawal may include: Sweating.", "Narcan If you are being treated for narcotic drug addiction, the expected symptoms of withdrawal would include: 1 feeling nervous, restless, or irritable; 2 body aches; 3 dizziness, weakness; 4 diarrhea, stomach pain, mild nausea; 5 fever, chills, goosebumps; or. 6 sneezing, runny nose.", "Drug withdrawal The symptoms from withdrawal may be even more dramatic when the drug has masked prolonged malnutrition, disease, chronic pain, infections (common in intravenous drug use) or sleep deprivation, conditions that drug abusers often suffer as a secondary consequence of the drug.", "- Because nicotine is addictive, quitting smoking leads to symptoms of nicotine withdrawal such as craving, anxiety and irritability, depression, and weight gain. Professional smoking cessation support methods generally endeavor to address both nicotine addiction and nicotine withdrawal symptoms.", "10 Common Symptoms of Nicotine Withdrawal Quit Smoking. Nicotine withdrawal can trigger a whole host of physical and psychological symptoms that leaves ex-smokers feeling both physically ill and mentally stressed and anxious. While most people will experience some discomfort commonly associated with nicotine withdrawal, there are steps that can be taken to minimize them.", "Withdrawal Symptoms from Marijuana? You may have heard these two claims repeated over and over again. However, both of these claims are false. There is plenty of documentation that marijuana is, indeed, addictive and that one does experience withdrawal symptoms after quitting use. Here’s why you may have heard both claims in the same breath, so to speak.", "Debunking the Myths of Marijuana Withdrawal âSyndromeâ Not only is the high itself is totally different and can be highly hallucinogenic and disorientating, it can even cause seizures, overdose and death, with seizures also known to be a symptom of withdrawal. There are a lot of potentially dangerous unknowns with spice.", "Drug Withdrawal Symptoms, Timelines, & Treatment These are a few withdrawal symptoms and timelines for major targets of abuse: 1 Heroin and prescription painkillers: flu-like symptoms lasting 24-48 hours. 2 Benzodiazepines: anxiety and/or seizures lasting weeks or (in some cases) months. 3 Cocaine: depression and restlessness lasting 7-10 days.", "Nicotine and Tobacco Symptoms of Withdrawal. After you quit smoking, you will have some withdrawal symptoms. Such symptoms generally peak in intensity 3 -5 days after you quit, and usually disappear after 2 weeks, although some may persist for several months. The symptoms of withdrawal include both physical and mental difficulties.", "WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOM • withdrawal symptom (noun) The noun WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOM has 1 sense: 1. any physical or psychological disturbance (as sweating or depression) experienced by a drug addict when deprived of the drug", "- Not everyone quitting benzos will experience withdrawal symptoms and most people experience only a few, not the complete list of possible symptoms. Typical withdrawal symptoms include: 1 Sleeping problems. 2 Feeling anxious or tense. 3 Panic. 4 Depression. 5 Confusion. 6 Paranoia – thinking other people want to do you harm. 7 Feelings of disassociation. 8 Abnormal sensory perception (noises sound loud, colors seem odd, etc.)." ]
[ 15.15625 ]
[ 14.234375, 6.61328125, 13.1015625, 9.921875, 12.9453125, 9.671875, 8.6796875, 7.19140625, 7, 7.19921875, 5.8984375, 12.28125, 9.828125, 8.5703125, 8.2890625, 12.1015625, 10.6796875, 8.1875, 12.375, 6.16796875, 8.3828125, 8.1015625, 7.375, 6.11328125, 11.796875, 11.3828125, 8.6953125, 7.91015625, 7.67578125, 8.140625 ]
what cause corrosion in car engine
[ "Corrosion: How does it affect the internal engine? Rust by definition is the result of the oxidation of metal. One engine manufacturer refers to the process of corrosion in aircraft engines as galvanic corrosion which is a type of corrosion caused by dissimilar metals being in close proximity of each other. In this process an electrolyte such as water also needs to be present. Almost all metals will oxidize or corrode." ]
[ "How do I fix a misfire on cylinder 2? Usually 1 of 3 things. Ignition coil is bad, fuel injector is bad, or spark plug is badly worn. Mechanical damage can cause that too, but unless it's a really old car with a worn out engine, that's usually not the case.", "- A major contributor to the forming of oxides is the fact that all base metals and alloys have different electri-cal potential.And that brings us to the first of the two major causes of corrosion: electron flow, or galvanic action, caused by the flow of electrons between the differing metals in the alloy.he owner re-layed to me his mechanic’s insistence that the airplane was corrosion free. I unzipped the spanwise headliner access, pulled down the original fiberglass in-sulation and found a mess. The picture says it all. On a scale of 1 to 5, I would rate this level of corrosion a healthy 4+.", "- Confirmation again - second car (this time, a mini cooper) with a bad battery, causing the engine to run poorly under load. Replaced the battery, engine now running fine. Your battery is part of the electrical system, so if it’s going out, it can cause problems.", "Corrosion Corrosion is defined as the degradation of materials by chemical reaction with the environment in which the material resides.. This is because of metal oxidation. As metals have a tendency to return to their natural state, it is a natural process which produces either salt or oxides.", "- Method 1 of 2: Cleaning Corrosion and Build Up in Car Batteries. 1. Remove the battery cables from the battery terminals. Loosen the nut on each cable clamp. Remove the cable clamp from the negative terminal, marked with a -, followed by the clamp from the positive terminal, marked with a +.Reverse the procedure when replacing them. 1 Cables can be difficult to remove.. Remove the battery cables from the battery terminals. Loosen the nut on each cable clamp. Remove the cable clamp from the negative terminal, marked with a -, followed by the clamp from the positive terminal, marked with a +. Reverse the procedure when replacing them. 1 Cables can be difficult to remove.", "- Cleaning Corrosion and Build Up in Car Batteries. 1. Remove the battery cables from the battery terminals. Loosen the nut on each cable clamp. Remove the cable clamp from the negative terminal, marked with a -, followed by the clamp from the positive terminal, marked with a +.", "- One of the issues of a combustion engine is that it will produce carbon. This carbon accumulates in the air intake, combustion chamber, and exhaust system, which will restrict your car’s ability to breathe properly. Carbon deposits have also been linked to the following: 1 Aromatic Hydrocarbons within the fuel.2 Metals from fuel.3 Additives used in fuel.4 Stop and Go traffic.his is where the problem starts.If there is an excess build-up of carbon in your vehicles engine the following may occur: 1 Vehicle performance issues, feeling sluggish etc. 2 Running rough. 3 Poor vehicle emissions.", "What Causes Engine Vibration? CarsDirect.com recommends cleaning the fuel intake, throttle body or the carburetor, as well as readjusting components to manufacturer specifications to eliminate vibration caused by the fuel intake system. Damaged or broken motor mounts are arguably the most serious cause of engine vibration.", "- A specific type of automotive engine damage occurs when water enters the engine and is compressed in one or more cylinders. Figure 1 illustrates the damage sequence often called hydrostatic lock.", "Rust Corrosion is the loss of metallic properties of a metal due to oxidation and is accompanied by the formation of unwanted products. Copper, iron and aluminum metals all corrode over time loosing strength, lustre and electrical conductivity. Rusting is the corrosion of iron and readily occurs in the alloy steel.", "- Erosion corrosion arises from a combination of chemical attack and the physical abrasion as a consequence of the fluid motion. Virtually all alloy or metals are susceptible to some type of erosion corrosion as this type of corrosion is very dependent on the fluid. Materials that rely on a passive layer are especially sensitive to erosion corrosion.", "- Metal corrosion is the deterioration of the metal by. chemical or electrochemical attack. This type of dam-. age can take place internally as well as on the sur-. face. As in the rotting of wood, this deterioration may. change the smooth surface, weaken the interior, or. damage or loosen adjacent parts.", "- A faulty ignition coil might be the culprit of your car's problems. To fix your ride, find a replacement component in our catalog!", "STOP Corrosion and Staining of Pool Metal The need for on-going use of pool chemicals also can cause corrosion of metal around pools, in the mechanical room where off-gassing of chlorine and Muriatic Acid can cause damage to all metals. Salts, chlorines and other chemicals will corrode metal, even stainless steel, that is not protected.", "Auto Air Conditioning Repair Basics: Common Symptoms & Problems Having an auto air conditioner that kind of works may get YOU by, but faulty air conditioners can cause bigger damage to your car down the road if left unattended. An air conditioner running low on coolant, on dirty coolant on faulty electrical wiring can end up ruining the entire air conditioning compressor.", "Learn About Corrosion Prevention for Metals Corrosion Inhibitors. Corrosion inhibitors are chemicals that react with the metal's surface or the environmental gasses causing corrosion, thereby, interrupting the chemical reaction that causes corrosion. Inhibitors can work by adsorbing themselves on the metal's surface and forming a protective film.", "Corrosion Corrosion is a natural process, which converts refined metal to their more stable oxide. It is the gradual destruction of materials (usually metals) by chemical reaction with their environment.In the most common use of the word, this means electrochemical oxidation of metal in reaction with an oxidant such as oxygen.any structural alloys corrode merely from exposure to moisture in air, but the process can be strongly affected by exposure to certain substances. Corrosion can be concentrated locally to form a pit or crack, or it can extend across a wide area more or less uniformly corroding the surface.", "- Causes of Corrosion. Corrosion in the distribution system is a very complex situation which is influenced by many water characteristics, by the metals used, and by any stray electrical current. We will briefly describe the influence of each characteristic in the following sections.", "Corrosion Rusting, the formation of iron oxides, is a well-known example of electrochemical corrosion. This type of damage typically produces oxide(s) or salt(s) of the original metal, and results in a distinctive orange colouration.", "Corrosion Corrosion degrades the useful properties of materials and structures including strength, appearance and permeability to liquids and gases. Many structural alloys corrode merely from exposure to moisture in air, but the process can be strongly affected by exposure to certain substances. Corrosion can be concentrated locally to form a pit or crack, or it can extend across a wide area more or less uniformly corroding the surface.", "CSI: Engine Bearings: When Good Bearings Go Bad Overloading may be caused by vehicle operator error. Excessive idling can result in an oil film that can’t support the load needed. Engine lugging can distort either (or both) the crankcase or crankshaft, affecting either (or both) the connecting rod and/or main bearings. Hot rodding, or forcing excessive loads, can similarly affect the bearings.", "A/C Compressor Clutch Coil The a/c compressor clutch coil inside your car is an electromagnet that attracts both the fan belt and air conditioning rotors.This will cause friction that will make the rotors spin. If the coil loses magnetism, then the air conditioning rotor will have no source of power, and it will lead to an air-con malfunction.he a/c compressor clutch coil inside your car is an electromagnet that attracts both the fan belt and air conditioning rotors.", "Rodents Damage Cars By Chewing Electrical Connections: Tips On How To Avoid Costly Repairs It would have been a minor problem, were it not for the fact that the wire went under the manifold, requiring several hours of work as the top of the engine had to be removed. My car is just one of hundreds of thousands of vehicles that are damaged by rodents every year.", "- Re-assembling a drive shaft out of phase is the #1 cause of torsional vibration that “all-of-a-sudden appears” in your application. If you suspect that your drive shaft is not in phase, take it to the closest Machine Service location for inspection. Make sure the operating angle at the front of your drive shaft and the operating angle at the rear of your drive shaft are less than three degrees and are equal within one degree. 2 Make sure these angles are correct. 3 Rotate the pinion if the problem is in a vehicle.", "How Car Engines Work Therefore, a car engine is an internal combustion engine -- combustion takes place internally. Two things to note: 1 There are different kinds of internal combustion engines. 2 Diesel engines are one form and gas turbine engines are another. 3 See also the articles on HEMI engines, rotary engines and two-stroke engines. There is such a thing as an external combustion engine. 2 A steam engine in old-fashioned trains and steam boats is the best example of an external combustion engine. 3 The fuel (coal, wood, oil, whatever) in a steam engine burns outside the engine to create steam, and the steam creates motion inside the engine.", "- Corrosion of carbon steel occurs when the relative humidity of the air is 70% to 80% and the air temperature is above 32 F. Corrosion rates may be accelerated by air impurities that dissolve in condensed water or rain water and by dust and dirt settling on the metal surface.", "- Corrosion on the interior of copper pipe and tube in nat-. ural gas installations is the most serious of the above con-. cerns. This corrosion is created because of the properties of. natural gas itself. As Figure 10 shows, natural gas is a mix-. ture of many other hydrocarbon gases and other elements.", "Corrosion: How does it affect the internal engine? It is clear that internal engine corrosion is prevelant and it is bad. Doing the math with general round numbers, if an engine overhaul costs $30,000, at 2,000-hour TBO, the cost is $15 per hour. Shorten the life of that engine by 500 hours and you have just lost $7,500. The causes – the debate. Scientists have long known how the process of corrosion occurs.", "What causes corrosion of steel? Answer 1: oxygen and carbon in the air :-). Answer 2: Depends on what type of corrosion you are referring to. Rust and corrosion are typically used interchangeably. Rust is one type of corrosion.Corrosion is essentially the disintegration of a engineered material. Rust is a chemical reaction, but there are other chemical reactions that cause corrosion of steel (typically acids).Other types of corrosion include fretting, erosion, cavitation, and galvanic reactions. There are many methods to prevent corrosion.nswer 1: oxygen and carbon in the air :-). Answer 2: Depends on what type of corrosion you are referring to. Rust and corrosion are typically used interchangeably. Rust is one type of corrosion.", "What causes car battery corrosion? The sulfuric acid used in batteries produces hydrogen gas, which is the primary factor behind the corrosion process that naturally occurs on your battery cables. That is because when your vehicle and battery are operating, very small amounts of gas are released through the vent cap." ]
[ 14.2890625 ]
[ 4.4921875, 8.03125, 4.29296875, 7.7578125, 7.36328125, 8.265625, 4.578125, 4.5390625, 6.76171875, 6.71484375, 7.09375, 5.765625, 3.08984375, 5.74609375, 4.64453125, 7.91796875, 7.921875, 9.015625, 7.33203125, 6.62109375, 3.72265625, 2.693359375, 2.697265625, 0.68798828125, 3.017578125, 7.31640625, 4.515625, 10.875, 9.46875, 11.2578125 ]
is albany near loudonville
[ "Loudonville, New York Location of Loudonville within the state of New York. Loudonville is a hamlet in the town of Colonie, in Albany County, New York, United States. Loudonville was a census-designated place in the 1970, 1980, and 1990 US Census, but ceased to be in the 2000 Census. The area is not precisely defined." ]
[ "- Ten miles above Atlanta, Dunwoody, offers premium shopping at the Southeast’s 2nd-largest mall, welcoming hotels with free shuttle service, award-winning restaurants, family-friendly festivals and more, while just minutes from Braves baseball, the Georgia Aquarium and all the action of Atlanta.", "Move in And Out Albany is located on a steep hill at the confluence of the Mohawk and Hudson rivers in the east-central region of New York State. At the riverfront, the city is only a few feet above sea level. The terrain rises gradually, reaching a height of 1,800 feet 11 miles to the west and 2,000 feet 12 miles to the east. Winters in Albany are usually cold and sometimes severe.", "- Arnaudville rests on the border of St. Landry and St. Martin parishes, near the intersection of interstates 10 and 49, and just north of Lafayette—which is to say— in the belly of Acadiana. Town of Arnaudville in Saint Landry. Local Government in Arnaudville.", "- Albany is one of the most picturesque places in the world; situated most delightfully on the banks of the Hudson, which here meanders in sylvan beauty through meadows of ever-green and desert islands.", "Scenes from Lowndesboro, Hayneville: Picturesque county was known as 'Bloody Lowndes' Scenes from Lowndesboro, Hayneville: Picturesque county was known as 'Bloody Lowndes'. Before the Civil War, Lowndes County was dotted with cotton plantations, most of which were dependent upon slave labor. Beautiful mansions and quaint churches, most painted a pristine white, remain in the county seat of Hayneville and in adjoining Lowndesboro.", "- You'll have a capital time...welcome to the Hampton Inn & Suites Albany-Downtown.The Hampton Inn & Suites® hotel in Albany-Downtown is a short walk from many of the most popular attractions here in New York's capital.", "Knoxville, TN ( Lonsdale ) The neighbors in the Lonsdale neighborhood in Knoxville are low income, making it among the lowest income neighborhoods in America. NeighborhoodScout's research shows that this neighborhood has an income lower than 88.0% of U.S. neighborhoods.", "Albany, New York Albany-area historical tornado activity is above New York state average. It is 42% smaller than the overall U.S. average. On 7/10/1989, a category F4 (max. wind speeds 207-260 mph) tornado 23.1 miles away from the Albany city center injured 20 people and caused between $5,000,000 and $50,000,000 in damages.", "- Dunwoody, GA Apartments for Rent. Less than 20 miles from Atlanta, Dunwoody is a picturesque community where many of the metro area’s featured dining, shopping, schools and entertainment venues reside. Most Dunwoody apartments for rent are in the heart of this urbanized suburb and close to the heart of downtown Atlanta.", "Albany, New York Crossgates Mall - Albany, NY - Mall. Albany Marriott Hotel - Albany, New York - Luxury Hotel near Albany International Airport. Albany Pine Bush Preserve - Albany, NY - One of the Largest Inland Pine Barrens in the World. Corning Tower - Albany, NY - Tallest Building in Albany.", "North Avondale Crime in North Avondale has been a problem, not as great as in Avondale. However, the portion of North Avondale that is closest to Avondale AND the area along Reading Road continues to see a good deal of crime. As I said in my review, the area of North Avondale to the north of Clnton SPrings has much less overall crime.", "- Locations farthest away from Albany. 1 Albany, Western Australia, Australia, 11,619 mi. 2 Bunbury, Western Australia, Australia, 11,614 mi. 3 Mandurah, Western Australia, Australia, 11,565 mi. Perth, Western Australia, Australia, 11,528 1 mi. Esperance, Western Australia, Australia, 11,396 mi.", "- Architecture lovers will find many things to do in Albany, a city with a plethora of buildings listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The Carnegie Library of Albany, built in 1906, is a Classical Revival structure located next door to the Albany Municipal Auditorium, also acknowledged on the register.", "Albany, New York Albany (/ˈɔːlbəniː/ AWL-bə-nee) is the capital of the U.S. state of New York and the seat of Albany County. Roughly 135 miles (220 km) north of the City of New York, Albany developed on the west bank of the Hudson River, about 10 miles (16 km) south of its confluence with the Mohawk River.The population of the City of Albany was 97,856 according to the 2010 census.lbany is known for its extensive history, culture, architecture, and institutions of higher education. The city is home to the mother churches of two Christian dioceses, as well as the oldest Christian congregation in Upstate New York. Albany won the All-America City Award in both 1991 and 2009.", "- Leadville Twin Lakes. LODGING: LEADVILLE AND TWIN LAKES. Discover Leadville, Colorado, and nearby Twin Lakes, two mountain towns known for their authentic, small-town charm and affordable prices. Quaint shops and eateries line the Victorian-style streets of downtown Leadville, mixed in with elegant 1880s inns and B&Bs and modern-day motels.", "- This is also one the the biggest Hungarian Settlements in the United States. Visit the Olde World Bakery and Louis Bartus Hungarian Sausages and Pastries. The lively community of Albany near the eastern border of Livingston Parish was first developed as a railroad community.", "- Other colleges/universities with over 2000 students near Albany: 1 Oregon State University (about 10 miles; Corvallis, OR; Full-time enrollment: 23,206). 2 Western Oregon University (about 17 miles; Monmouth, OR; FT enrollment: 5,131). 3 Willamette University (about 22 miles; Salem, OR; FT enrollment: 2,551).", "Contact Information Buffalo County. Contact Information. Explore Nearby Cities Alma, Belvidere, Buffalo, Buffalo City, Canton, Cochrane, Cross, Fountain City, Gilmanton, Glencoe, Great River Road National Scenic Byway, Maxville, Modena, Mondovi, Montana, Naples, Nelson, Waumandee.", "Albany Overview. WYSIWYG. Albany County is in the east central part of New York, extending southward and westward from the point where the Mohawk River joins the Hudson River and has a total area of 533 square miles of which 523 square miles is land and 10 square miles is water. Albany County is composed of 19 municipalities.", "- Eveready Diner, 4184 Albany Post Road in Hyde Park. Hyde Park is a town located in the western portion of Dutchess County, New York, United States, along the Hudson River and just north of the town of Poughkeepsie. Hyde Park is most famous for being the hometown of 32nd U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt.", "- exists and is an alternate of . Normandy is located in France near the norther border to the English Channel. And yes, it was the site of D-day on June 6, 1944. Normandy is located in France near the norther border to the English Channel. And yes, it was the site of D-day on June 6, 1944.", "Normandy Normandy is located to the northeast of Paris, situated along the coast of France between Brittany and Picardy.", "48 Hudson Avenue 48 Hudson Avenue sits within the core area of the proposed Albany Convention Center. The Albany Convention Center Authority has worked with the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation to preserve the structure, mitigate adverse impacts, and recover archaeological resources.", "Arbyâs Near Me View larger map. 3) Search for Arby’s nearby using the search box that’s available on this page. For example, you can search for phrases such as: Arby’s locations near me. Arby’s USA. Arby’s Canada. Arby’s Columbia, TN / London Ontario / Mobile AL / Norfolk, VA / Bellevue NE / Richmond Indiana etc.", "- Start your search by typing in the business name below. New Albany Parish. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "UPS Hours of Operation near Albany, New York UPS Hours of Operation near Albany, New York Albany, New York UPS locations Please find a list and map of UPS locations near Albany, New York as well as the associated UPS location hours of operation, address and phone number. UPS Albany", "- Major cities near Loganville, GA. This is a list of large cities closest to Loganville, GA. A big city usually has a population of at least 200,000 and you can often fly into a major airport. If you need to book a flight, search for the nearest airport to Loganville, GA.1 29 miles to Atlanta, GA. 2 168 miles to Birmingham, AL. 3 200 miles to Charlotte, NC.ravelmath helps you find cities close to your location. You can use it to look for nearby towns and suburbs if you live in a metropolis area, or you can search for cities near any airport, zip code, or tourist landmark.", "About Albany and the Capital District Region of New York Albany is the Capital City of New York. The 'Tri-City Area' encompasses Albany, Troy and Schenectady.The Capital District region broadens the area significantly, pulling in areas north towards Clifton Park, south towards Glenmont, east towards East Greenbush and west towards Mohawk.he Capital District region broadens the area significantly, pulling in areas north towards Clifton Park, south towards Glenmont, east towards East Greenbush and west towards Mohawk.", "79 things to do Welcome to Albany, NY. Make Lasting Memories when Visiting the Exciting Capital City of Albany, NY. The capital city began as a fur trading post along the Hudson River in 1614. The historic community gradually grew into an important metropolis, which offers outdoor adventure, world-class nightlife and exceptional performing arts venues.", "- Allentown is the largest and plainest of the three cities, and there are large numbers of good older homes available to be fixed up or modified. There is some commuter bus service today in the New York direction, and we expect these services to expand into rail service someday." ]
[ 15.8515625 ]
[ 0.59033203125, 5.234375, -1.6318359375, 4.6328125, -2.904296875, 5.6953125, 0.497802734375, 5.52734375, -0.9326171875, 6.5390625, -1.255859375, 4.73828125, 4.140625, 7.58203125, -0.67724609375, 5.64453125, 5.84375, -0.349609375, 4.69140625, 4.58984375, -0.04315185546875, -1.544921875, 4.64453125, -0.88623046875, 0.392578125, 5.2421875, 1.666015625, 6.734375, 4.4296875, 2.6015625 ]
population of florence sc
[ "Florence, SC Population and Races Expensive / Cheapest Homes by City in SC. Most / Least Educated Cities in SC. As of 2010-2014, the total population of Florence is 37,512, which is 24.01% more than it was in 2000. The population growth rate is much higher than the state average rate of 17.83% and is much higher than the national average rate of 11.61%." ]
[ "- Florence Oregon Population Charts. According to the most recent demographics data available from the Census Bureau released in December of 2016, Figure 1 Florence shows it has 8,545 population which is the highest of all placesin the area. Figure 3 compares the population change from 2010 to 2015 and we can see Florence shows an increase of 79 (1%). The population percent change for all areas for 2010 to 2015 is shown in Figure 4 and for Florence indicates it has 0.9% Population Change which is more than all other placesin the area. Comparing Population Change to the United States average of 2.5%, Florence is approximately a third the size. Also, versus the state of Oregon, Population Change of 2.8%, Florence is approximately a third the size. Looking at population density in Figure 5 Florence demonstrates it has 1,614 population density which is the 2nd most of all the places in the area.", "Columbia, South Carolina Columbia is located in Richland County, SC. The population is 131,303, making Columbia the largest city in Richland County and the 2nd largest city in the state of South Carolina. There are 79 public schools in Columbia with an average Homefacts rating of C+.", "- Projections of Florida Population by County, 2015-2040, with Estimates for 2014. County Estimates Projections, April 1. and State April 1, 2014 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040. Lee 653,485 670,419 758,272 845,908 928,622 1,003,956 1,073,866.", "U.S. population to top 320 million at start of 2015, Census reports All those factors meant a net gain of one person every 16 seconds to the U.S. population, the Census Bureau said. Last week, the Census Bureau reported that Florida surpassed New York as the third most populous state in the U.S. Florida’s population reached 19.9 million people, 147,000 residents more than New York.", "St. Louis falls to its lowest population in more than century The city of St. Louis, hoping to see a population turnaround after nearly six decades of decline, fell to its lowest level in more than 100 years. The new population numbers from the Census Bureau show the city at 319,000, down 8 percent from 2000. Population estimates had the city closer to 355,000. As well, St. Louis County dropped, by 2 percent, taking its population to below 1 million people. This is absolutely bad news.", "USA: South Carolina Contents: Cities, Towns & Places. The population of all cities, towns and unincorporated places in South Carolina with more than 15,000 inhabitants according to census results and latest official estimates. 2000 population of incorporated places like cities and towns in the boundaries of 2010. 2010 and 2015 population of incorporated places in the boundaries of 2015.", "Physician / Doctor, Cardiologist in Orlando, Florida Salary As of July 1, 2014, Orlando had an estimated city-proper population of 262,372, making it the 73rd-largest city in the United States, the fourth-largest city in Florida, and the state's largest inland city. The City of Orlando is nicknamed The City Beautiful and its symbol is the fountain at Lake Eola. Orlando is also known as The Theme Park Capital of the World and in 2014 its tourist attractions and events drew more than 62 million visitors.", "- Population of St. Lucie County. Last official estimated population of St. Lucie County was 278,268 (year 2014)[1]. This was 0.087% of total US population and 1.4% of total Florida state population. Area of St. Lucie County is 687.8 mi² (=1781.5 km²), in this year population density was 404.55 p/mi². If population growth rate would be same as in period 2010-2014 (+0.04%/yr), St. Lucie County population in 2017 would be 278,628 .", "Columbia, South Carolina Columbia, South Carolina. Columbia is the capital and second largest city of the U.S. state of South Carolina, with a population estimate of 134,309 as of 2016. The city serves as the county seat of Richland County, and a portion of the city extends into neighboring Lexington County. It is the center of the Columbia metropolitan statistical area, which had a population of 767,598 as of the 2010 United States Census, growing to 817,488 by July 1, 2016, according to 2015 U.S. Census estimates. The name Columbia is a poetic", "Florence Sunset at North Jetty in Florence, Oregon. Located on the central Oregon coast along Highway 101, Florence is a scenic and recreational paradise. A charming old town which was originally a mill town, Florence has a population of over 6200. Old Town boasts a number of interesting shops and restaurants, and there is a marina and RV campground on the waterfront. Along Highway 101, there are many new stores in this growing area of the Oregon coast.", "Florence County, South Carolina (SC) People in group quarters in Florence County, South Carolina in 2000: People in group quarters in Florence County, South Carolina in 2010: Average gross adjusted income of non-migrant taxpayers in this county in 2010 was $46,316.", "Philadelphia, MS Profile: Facts, Map & Data Philadelphia, Mississippi - Basic Facts. The City of Philadelphia had a population of 7,291 as of July 1, 2016. Philadelphia ranks in the upper quartile for Diversity Index when compared to the other cities, towns and Census Designated Places (CDPs) in Mississippi. See peer rankings below.", "- Santa Rosa County, Florida (FL) County population in 2014: 163,422 (79% urban, 21% rural); it was 117,743 in 2000. County owner-occupied with a mortgage or a loan houses and condos in 2010: 30,949. County owner-occupied free and clear houses and condos in 2010: 12,504.", "South Florida South Florida population hits 6 million for first time. We're number eight — but rising fast. New numbers released by the U.S. Census Bureau show the Miami-Dade/Broward/Palm Beach metropolitan area is now the eighth-most populated in the nation, recently surpassing six million people for the first time.", "Seneca It is the principal city of the Seneca Micropolitan Statistical Area (population 66,215 according to year 2000 estimates by the U.S. Census Bureau), an (MSA) which includes all of Oconee County and which is further included in the greater Greenville-Spartanburg-Anderson, South Carolina Combined Statistical Area (population 1,185,534 according to ...", "Philadelphia Population 2018 Philadelphia Population 2017. Philadelphia is Pennsylvania's largest city, the second-largest city on the US's East Coast and the 5th most populous city in the US. It also has the designation of the only consolidated city-county in the state with a population that was 1,526,006 according to the last official census in 2010.", "Orlando Population 2018 The urban area is the 32nd largest in the country with 1.5 million people, while the Greater Orlando metropolitan area has a population of 2.13 million, which is the 26th largest in the country, the 6th largest in the Southeastern U.S. and the 3rd largest in Florida. Orlando is the largest inland city in Florida and the 5th largest city in Florida.", "- Population by Place in South Carolina There are 396 places in South Carolina. This section compares Pendleton to the 50 most populous places in South Carolina. The least populous of the compared places has a population of 10,270. Total Population by Place#7", "Physician / Doctor, Cardiologist in Orlando, Florida Salary As of July 1, 2014, Orlando had an estimated city-proper population of 262,372, making it the 73rd-largest city in the United States, the fourth-largest city in Florida, and the state's largest inland city.", "Florence County, South Carolina Florence County, South Carolina. Florence County is a county located in the U.S. state of South Carolina. As of the 2010 census, its population was 136,885. Its county seat is Florence. Florence County is included in the Florence, SC Metropolitan Statistical Area. The county's population is about 60% urban.", "- By 1840, the number of people who live in Florida had increased by over 50% to 54,477 and similar decade on decade jumps were experienced for the rest of the 19 th century. That pattern remained for the early part of the 20 th century as well, and by 1950 the population of Florida had grown to 2,771,305.", "- Florida’s population will reach 20.7 million by the end of the year. In 1910, the state had a population of 1 million people. By 1980 it had grown to 10 million. Since then, the population has doubled.", "Florida According to the US Census Bureau official population estimate the 2014 ‘Black or African American Alone’ population of Florida was 3.3 million (3,337,159) which was 17% of the entire state. The term ‘Black or African American Alone’ refers to individuals who identify by race as only Black and listing no additional race.", "- View the Florence, OR population and other interesting demographics including: median age, male to female ratio, marital status, source of income, languages spoken and race breakdown. Find Homes Mortgages Best Places 2017 Top 10 Cities Blog", "- The ratio of number of residents in Florence to the number of sex offenders is 744 to 1. The number of registered sex offenders compared to the number of residents in this city is smaller than the state average. Nearest city with pop. 50,000+: Decatur, AL (42.0 miles , pop. 53,929).", "Newsroom By adding an average of 803 new residents each day between July 1, 2013 and July 1, 2014, Florida passed New York to become the nation’s third most populous state, according to U.S. Census Bureau state population estimates released today. Florida’s population grew by 293,000 over this period, reaching 19.9 million. The population of New York increased by 51,000 to 19.7 million. California remained the nation’s most populous state in 2014, with 38.8 million residents, followed by Texas, at 27.0 million.", "Florence, Alabama Florence, Alabama. Florence is a city in and the county seat of Lauderdale County, Alabama, United States, in the state's northwest corner. According to the 2010 census, the city's population was 39,319.", "List of counties in South Carolina The least populous county is McCormick County, with only 9,958 residents, while the most populous county is Greenville County, with a population of 451,225, despite the state's most populous city, Columbia, being located in Richland County.n 1800, all counties were renamed as districts. In 1868, the districts were converted back to counties. The South Carolina Department of Archives and History has maps that show the boundaries of counties, districts, and parishes starting in 1682.", "Florence, Alabama Florence is a city in and the county seat of Lauderdale County, Alabama, United States, in the northwestern corner of the state. According to the 2010 census, the city's population was 39,319. Florence is the largest and principal city of the Metropolitan Statistical Area known as The Shoals (which includes Muscle Shoals, Sheffield, and Tuscumbia metropolitan areas in Colbert and Lauderdale counties). Florence is considered the primary economic hub of northwestern Alabama.", "Where is Florida, United States? Location of state of Florida within United States Florida is a state found in the nation of United States. Home to 18,801,310 people, it is the 4th largest division in United States in terms of population. Florida gained its current status as a state in the year 1845. The government of Florida is lead by Rick Scott and is based in the state capital of Tallahassee (Population: 181,376). The most populous cities in Florida are: Jacksonville (Population: 821,784), Miami (Population: 399,457), Tampa (Population: 335,709), Saint Petersburg (Population: 244,769), Orlando (Population: 238,300)." ]
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is avatar the last airbender anime
[ "Forum - View topic Avatar: The Last Airbender = anime? Actualy if you consider Korean Animation = Anime then it's Anime. Avatar: The Last Airbender's animation (like a lot of Japanese Anime) was outsourced to Korea ( But I belive ths script is American) YMMV (I hold the right to be wrong)" ]
[ "Avatar: The Last Airbender (season 3) Joaquim Dos Santos also gave Avatar: The Last Airbender a nomination at Annecy 2008 for his work with The Day of Black Sun Part 2: The Eclipse. Additionally, music editor and composer Jeremy Zuckerman and the sound editing team were nominated a Golden Reel award for Best Sound Editing in a Television Animation for their work in Avatar Aang.", "Appa (character) Appa is a fictional character on the Nickelodeon animated television series Avatar: The Last Airbender and in the film The Last Airbender. In the series, Appa is the only known living sky bison, a species of animals that can fly naturally, and is the animal guide of the protagonist, Aang. Dee Bradley Baker voices Appa, along with all the other animals, in both the TV series and the film.", "What Avatar Element do you Bend? Do you want to discover what element (Water, Earth, Fire, or Air) you would bend if Avatar: The Last Airbender did exist. Until now you could only wonder what element it is that you would actually bend.", "Will there be a fourth season of Avatar the Last Airbender? Avatar: The Last Airbender consisted of 3 seasons and 61 episodes that were released from February 21, 2005 - July 19, 2008.", "- Pandora – The World of Avatar. This summer, join the Na’vi in an all-new land at Disney’s Animal Kingdom park—featuring magnificent floating mountains, a bioluminescent forest and many other awe-inspiring adventures.", "Avatar Airbender Avatar Airbender at RCDB. Pictures of Avatar Airbender at RCDB. Avatar Airbender is an Intamin roller coaster themed after the TV series Avatar: The Last Airbender located at Nickelodeon Universe in the Mall of America. Avatar is a halfpipe roller coaster that goes up to 70 ft to the top and back tower while spinning the riders. It reaches the top of both spikes about twelve times during each ride. Located at the center of Nickelodeon Universe, it provides a focal point for the entire park.", "- Wan The First Avatar - Lovestory. Read. If you haven't watched Micheal Dante DiMartino & Bryan Konietzko Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra then you should in order to get the drifts of this love fanfiction! Wan is the first Avatar, he seems jumpy and yet he is.", "- alvin and the chipmunks vhs. Follow alvin and the chipmunks vhs to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. Unfollow alvin and the chipmunks vhs to stop getting updates on your eBay Feed. Yay!You're now following alvin and the chipmunks vhs in your eBay Feed.Email me new items that match this interest.nfollow alvin and the chipmunks vhs to stop getting updates on your eBay Feed. Yay! You're now following alvin and the chipmunks vhs in your eBay Feed. Email me new items that match this interest.", "Avatar The Last Airbender Dub Best source for download or watch anime, cartoon and animated movies. High quality and fast streaming. *Avatar The Last Airbender is provided and hosted from a popular third party video sharing website like YouTube, Veoh, Megavideo, Myspace, Facebook, Divx site...", "Avatar: The Last Airbender Avatar: The Last Airbender (Avatar: The Legend of Aang in some regions) is an American animated television series that aired for three seasons (referred to as books in each episode's title card) on Nickelodeon from 2005 to 2008.", "Avatar: The Last Airbender Avatar: The Last Airbender is set in an Asiatic-like world in which some people are able to manipulate the classical elements by use of psychokinetic variants of Chinese martial arts, known as bending.", "Aang is Not the Last Airbender: The 3 Biggest Unanswered Questions In Avatar If You’ve Gotten this Far. Let us know about your other unanswered Avatar questions in the comments! And if you’ve gotten this far and you haven’t watched the series, I commend you. At least now you can let everyone you know know that Aang isn’t actually the Last Airbender. And please, consider watching the show. It is very good.", "List of Avatar: The Last Airbender episodes Avatar: The Last Airbender is a 61-episode American animated television series created by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko. It first aired on February 21, 2005, on Nickelodeon with a one-hour series premiere and concluded its run with a two-hour TV movie on July 19, 2008. The Avatar: The Last Airbender franchise refers to each season as a Book, in which each episode is referred to as a chapter. Each Book takes its name from one of the elements that Aang, the protagonist, must ma", "- Thus, The Last Airbender, by focusing on the basic four Greek elements, found itself in awkward treatments of the other elements of the Chinese tradition upon whose principles and aesthetic the series was otherwise largely based.", "17 Comics to Grab on Free Comic Book Day Dark Horse will be offering a sampler issue of some of their all-ages comics. The big draw with this issue is a new Avatar-: The Last Airbender story from regular writer Gene Luen Yang.", "- AnimeUltima is the place to watch Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 1 online episodes free. We also provide Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 1 direct download and torrent links! All Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 1 episodes are updated every hour by our search engine.", "'Legend of Korra' Creators: 5 Things You Didn't Know About the New 'Avatar' (Guest Blog) Fans of Avatar: The Last Airbender have been feverishly looking forward to this weekend: Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko continue the mythology of their Airbender series with Nickelodeon’s The Legend of Korra, which premieres Saturday at 11 a.m.", "- I hope there will be another the last airbender movie because I want to know what happens next so bring it on the last airbender 2 I thought the first one was good because I knew they couldn’t fit all the scenes from the t.v. series so they did their bests which were good because they got all the major parts into it.he Last Airbender was a action packed movie.It is a movie very specific to martial arts.The martial art were bogzhang [air],whou shou/tai chi [water], hangar [earth],and chou lin[fire].They were very good and focused on them.", "- I am willing to teach how to Bend all four elements. A lot of people think Bending is just part of the fictional world of Avatar and Avatar: the Last Airbender. Believe it or not, it is a real life thing. However, there have been people that hurt themselves with Bending accidentally.", "Avatar 2 Avatar 2 is a planned sequel to the 2009 film Avatar. The film has been under development since 2010. Cameron has already confirmed the sequel, which will be shot before Battle Angel. James Cameron has previously stated that the film will likely not be entitled Avatar 2, since Jake is no longer an avatar at the end of the first movie, but rather a Na'vi. No final title has yet been announced, but an April 2016 press release featured an Avatar logo, shown on the right.", "- ATLA 30 day challenge: Day 19 - Favourite Avatar (besides Aang and Korra) - Wan. He's the best. I could say he's number one. Even though I didn't like the story changes they made, first benders vs lion turtles.", "Earthbender Avatar In The Works? Legends Of Aang, Korra Releases Hint Next Episode 1 of “Avatar: The Last Airbender” premiered on New Year’s Day of 2005. Five years after, “Avatar: The Legend of Korra” first aired on April 14, 2012 with a new city named Republic City, a harmonious land with new benders called “metalbenders” set 70 years after the Aang’s storyline.", "Avatar: The Last Airbender The Legend of Korra, a sequel series to Avatar: The Last Airbender, was announced at the Comic-Con in San Diego on July 22, 2010. It is written and produced by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, the creators and producers of the original series.", "- The cycle of the Avatar elements also corosponds with the Cycle of the seasons (Fire=summer, Air=autumn, Water=winter, Earth=spring) as well as the order that Wan learned the four elements. I think it's been mentioned that for the first reason at least, the Avatar cycle can't follow any other pattern.", "Avatar: The Last Airbender Now it's up to Katara and Sokka to make sure Aang faces his destiny to save the tribe--and himself. 1 Avatar: The Last Airbender Episode 61 - Watch now. 2 Avatar: The Last Airbender Episode 60 - Watch now. 3 Avatar: The Last Airbender Episode 59 - Watch now. Avatar: The Last Airbender Episode 58 - Watch now.", "How many episodes are in the whole avatar last airbender series? Answers. Best Answer: There are a total of 61 epsidoes in the entire Avatar: The Last Airbender series. 20 in Book 1:Water 20 in Book 2: Earth and 21 in Book 3: Fire You can find a list of all the episodes on the official Airbender wiki. Here's a link: http://avatar.wikia.com/wiki/Avatar_Wiki. Source(s): Gabe · 6 years ago.", "- Last completed movie pages. Magallanes; Ru Guo Wo Niu You Ai Qing; Sabato, domenica e luned; En komikers uppvxt; A Spirit of the Sun; Sleepwalker; Det oknda; Varuhuset; Piano no mori; El otro Cristbal; Hua! ying xiong; Oneechanbara: The Movie - Vortex; Split; The Crater Lake Monster; She's Out of My League; (more...)", "- There are three seasons of Avatar: The Last Airbender, and the series is complete. They are: Book 1: Water (20 episodes) Book 2: Earth (20 episodes) Book 3: Fire (21 episod … es). + 26 others found this useful.", "- It's about the avatar after Aang, a waterbender names Korra. I … t is 80 years later, so the world has advanced technologically. And, you see many of the characters from Avatar: The Last Airbender (who are considerably older now) AND there is a place called the republic where all nations can live.", "Avatar: The Last Airbender Full Episodes Watch Avatar: The Last Airbender Episodes Online. This cartoon series is one that took the world by storm. Since its premier in 2005 on Nickelodeon, it has continued to grow in fame and acceptance with millions of viewers able to watch avatar the last airbender online from any location they are." ]
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what cell types have microvilli
[ "Microvilli: Definition & Function Microvilli are most often found in the small intestine, on the surface of egg cells, as well as on white blood cells. In the intestine, they work in conjunction with villi to absorb more nutrients and more material because they expand the surface area of the intestine." ]
[ "What Is the Function of Microvilli? Full Answer. The HyperPhysics resource states that the microvilli play an especially crucial role in the human small intestine. Microvilli are attached to the collections of cells known as villi that extend from the tissue of the small intestine. They work to dramatically increase the amount of surface area available for the digestive process.", "- Microvilli are the finger like projections present on the outer surface of the cell. Their function is to increase the surface area of the cells through which the diffusion of … materials both into and out of the cell occur.he presence of microvilli typically indicates absorption and or secretion. Microvilli are cellular membrane protrusions that are microscopic in size.", "- Microvillus are tiny cellular membranes that through microscopic protrusions increase the surface area of cells and are involved in many cellular processes, such as absorp … tion, secretion, and adhesion.Answered.icrovillus are tiny cellular membranes that through microscopic protrusions increase the surface area of cells and are involved in many cellular processes, such as absorp … tion, secretion, and adhesion. Answered.", "- They are tiny projections that exist on, in, and around cells. Microvilli occur in various structures and sites in an organism. One such place is in the small intestine where the microvilli and villi work to increase the surface area of the intestine allowing for more absorption of vital nutrients for the organism. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member.", "Cilia, flagella, and centrioles Cilia, flagella, and centrioles. Cilia and flagella are projections from the cell. They are made up of microtubules , as shown in this cartoon and are covered by an extension of the plasma membrane. They are motile and designed either to move the cell itself or to move substances over or around the cell.", "Microvilli Microvilli. Cells may have slender extensions of the cell membrane to form cilia or the smaller extensions called microvilli. The microscopic microvilli effectively increase the surface area of the cell and are useful for absorption and secretion functions. A dramatic example is the human small intestine.he tissue has small fingerlike extensions called villi which are collections of cells, and those cells have many microvilli to even further increase the available surface area for the digestion process. According to Audesirk & Audesirk, this can give an effective surface area of about 250 square meters for absorption.", "- Microvilli (singular: microvillus) are microscopic cellular membrane protrusions that increase the surface area of cells. They are involved in a wide variety of functions, in … cluding absorption, secretion, cellular adhesion, and mechanotransduction.1 person found this useful.icrovillus are tiny cellular membranes that through microscopic protrusions increase the surface area of cells and are involved in many cellular processes, such as absorp … tion, secretion, and adhesion. Answered. In Microbiology.", "- Interphase centrioles recruit less PCM than do mitotic centrioles (Fig. 4), although the relative levels seem to vary between cell types. In many post-mitotic cells, including epithelial, muscle and nerve cells, centrioles organize very little PCM and few microtubules, and so do not function as dominant MTOCs.", "Histology@ Yale The early proliferative phase of the uterine cycle begins at the end of menstrual flow. The uterine glands in this phase are sparse and relatively small, and the epithelial cells develop microvilli and cilia under the influence of estrogen.", "Microvillus Microvilli (singular: microvillus) are microscopic cellular membrane protrusions that increase the surface area for diffusion and minimize any increase in volume, and are involved in a wide variety of functions, including absorption, secretion, cellular adhesion, and mechanotransduction.", "- 1 Microfilaments are responsible or essential for cell shape, membrane protrusions such as microvilli, lamellipodia etc, adhesion to other cells and matrix, intracellular vesicular traffic, and cell motility. 2 In muscle microfilaments constitute a major structure of the contractile unit, the other being myosin II. Actin is hydrolyzed to its ADP form in the microfilament, a reaction that permits the filament to disassemble at a later time. 2 Growing microfilaments may also form branches if nucleation on one side occurs by the attachment of branching complex ARP 2/3 (actin-related-protein 2/3).", "Microvillus The destruction of microvilli can occur in certain diseases because of the rearrangement of cytoskeleton in host cells. This can lead to malabsorption of nutrients and persistent osmotic diarrhea, often accompanied by fever.", "Microvillus Microvilli (singular: microvillus) are microscopic cellular membrane protrusions that increase the surface area for diffusion and minimize any increase in volume, and are involved in a wide variety of functions, including absorption, secretion, cellular adhesion, and mechanotransduction. 1 Locations 1.1 Structure.", "Microtubules and Filaments For example, vimentin filaments are found in a broad range of cell types and frequently colocalize with microtubules. Similarly, lamins are found in all cell types, where they form a meshwork that reinforces the inside of the nuclear membrane.", "Key roles of glia and microglia in age-related neurodegenerative diseases Microglia are a type of glial cell that are the resident macrophages of the brain and spinal cord, and thus act as the first and main form of active immune defense in the central nervous system (CNS).Microglia constitute 20% of the total glial cell population within the brain.Microglia (and astrocytes, another type of glial cells) are distributed in large non-overlapping regions throughout the brain and spinal cord.Microglia are constantly scavenging the CNS for damaged neurons, plaques, and infectious agents.icroglia (and astrocytes, another type of glial cells) are distributed in large non-overlapping regions throughout the brain and spinal cord. Microglia are constantly scavenging the CNS for damaged neurons, plaques, and infectious agents.", "Epithelioid Mesothelioma Scientists group the following cells types under epithelioid mesothelioma, but they can have their own traits and levels of aggression. Also, some, like small cell, are epithelioid about half the time, but can also be biphasic, which means it contains a mixture of epithelioid and sarcomatoid cells.", "- Microvilli are the finger like projections present on the outer surface of the cell. Their function is to increase the surface area of the cells through which the diffusion of… materials both into and out of the cell occur. They are also involved in absorption, secretion and cellular adhesion. 2 people found this useful.", "Seminiferous tubule The epithelium of the tubule consists of a type of sustentacular cells known as Sertoli cells, which are tall, columnar type cells that line the tubule. In between the Sertoli cells are spermatogenic cells, which differentiate through meiosis to sperm cells.Sertoli cells function to nourish the developing sperm cells. They secrete testis-determining factor, a binding protein which increases the concentration of testosterone inside the seminiferous tubules.he epithelium of the tubule consists of a type of sustentacular cells known as Sertoli cells, which are tall, columnar type cells that line the tubule. In between the Sertoli cells are spermatogenic cells, which differentiate through meiosis to sperm cells. Sertoli cells function to nourish the developing sperm cells.", "Difference Between Cilia and Microvilli Microvilli are the minute finger- like elongated projections of the plasma membrane which exhibit a core of thin microfilaments. These microfilaments are held together to form bundles by cross-linking proteins known as villin and fimbrin. The main function of the microvilli is the absorption of certain substances. Cells produce microvilli, mainly, to increase the surface area for absorption (intestine surface), to transport absorbed materials, and to participate in the digestion of carbohydrates. In general, the length of a microvillus is about 0.5 to 1.0 µm and the diameter is about 0.1 µm.", "Symposium articleThe alveolar type II epithelial cell: A multifunctional pneumocyte The epithelial surface of the alveoli is composed of alveolar type I and type II cells. Alveolar type I cells comprise 96% of the alveolar surface area.These cells are extremely thin, thus, minimizing diffusion distance between the alveolar air space and pulmonary capillary blood.he epithelial surface of the alveoli is composed of alveolar type I and type 11 cells. Alveolar type I cells comprise 96% of the alveolar surface area. These cells are extremely thin, thus, minimizing diffusion distance between the alveolar air space and pulmonary capillary blood.", "Microfilaments: Definition, Function & Structure Before we get into microfilaments, let's have a quick refresher on the types of cells. Eukaryotic cells are those with a membrane enclosed nucleus as well as membrane enclosed organelles. Prokaryotic cells lack these structures", "Microvilli: Definition & Function Where Are They Found. Microvilli are most often found in the small intestine, on the surface of egg cells, as well as on white blood cells. In the intestine, they work in conjunction with villi to absorb more nutrients and more material because they expand the surface area of the intestine.", "microvilli Microscopic hairlike projections above the surface of specialised epithelial cells, which are composed of complex plasma membrane folds surrounding an actin microfilament core. Microvilli greatly increase total cell surface, and therefore also the absorptive capacity of cell.-vil′ī]. Etymology: Gk, mikros, small; L, villus, shaggy hair. tiny hairlike folds in the plasma membrane that extend from the surface of many absorptive or secretory cells. They are most clearly visible with an electron microscope but may be seen as a brush border with a light microscope.", "- Scan the epithelial surface to find regions where the epithelium is cut in a section perpendicular to the basal lamina. Two distinct types of columnar cells are present in this epithelium, ciliated cells and non-ciliated secretory cells.Measure the height of the cilia and compare to the height of the striated border composed of microvilli in the previous Webslide 32.can the epithelial surface to find regions where the epithelium is cut in a section perpendicular to the basal lamina. Two distinct types of columnar cells are present in this epithelium, ciliated cells and non-ciliated secretory cells.", "Cell Biology/Print version 1 Cilia and flagella: Constructed of microtubules covered with plasma membrane (analogous to an arm or leg bone covered in skin), these external appendages, present in some animal cells, aid in cell movement and in moving materials around the outside surface of the cell. 2 Plasma membrane: All cells have plasma membranes.", "Connective Tissue Connective tissue cells are able to reproduce but not as rapidly as epithelial cells. Most connective tissues have a good blood supply but some do not. Numerous cell types are found in connective tissue. Three of the most common are the fibroblast, macrophage, and mast cell.The types of connective tissue include loose connective tissue, adipose tissue, dense fibrous connective tissue, elastic connective tissue, cartilage, osseous tissue (bone), and blood.onnective tissue cells are able to reproduce but not as rapidly as epithelial cells. Most connective tissues have a good blood supply but some do not. Numerous cell types are found in connective tissue. Three of the most common are the fibroblast, macrophage, and mast cell.", "Print Options D) The type of tissue injured is not an important factor. B) The age of the person is a factor in the repair process. (this multiple choice question has been scrambled). In adults, new surface epithelial cells and the epithelial cells lining the intestine are derived from _________.he fiber type that gives connective tissue great tensile strength is ________. A) collagen. B) reticular. C) muscle. D) elastic. A) collagen. (this multiple choice question has been scrambled). Organized groups of cells (plus their intercellular substances) that have a common purpose form a(n) ________.", "Microvilli: Definition & Function Microvilli, in the most simplistic terms, are tiny little projections that exist in, on, and around cells. They can exist on their own or in conjunction with villi. In the linings of some mucous membranes, most specifically of the small intestine, there exist tiny folds that project out like numerous fingers.ne such place is in the small intestine where the microvilli and villi work to increase the surface area of the intestine allowing for more absorption of vital nutrients for the organism. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member.", "Flagella Flagella are long, thread-like appendages which provide some live single cells with the ability to move, motility. Bacteria which have flagella are either rod or spiral-shaped and are known as bacilli and spirochetes, respectively. Cocci, or round bacteria, are almost all nonmotile.Animal sperm cells also have flagella. However, prokaryotic cells (such as bacteria) have flagella made up of the protein flagellin.Whereas, eukaryotic cells (such as sperm) which have a nucleus have flagella composed of tubulin proteins.nimal sperm cells also have flagella. However, prokaryotic cells (such as bacteria) have flagella made up of the protein flagellin. Whereas, eukaryotic cells (such as sperm) which have a nucleus have flagella composed of tubulin proteins.", "AGC A microfold cell, which is a cell in the gastrointestinal epithelium covering patches of lymphoid tissue. M cells transport antigens from the intestinal lumen to the underlying lymphoid tissues for recognition and processing.he type of epithelial cell that lines blood vessels and lymph vessels; these cells are usually squamous (flattened) and form sheets one layer thick. Endothelial cells are derived from mesenchyme cells of the embryo." ]
[ 13.46875 ]
[ 9.7421875, 10.171875, 10.09375, 10.015625, 8.03125, 12, 10.40625, 4.94921875, 11.90625, 11.484375, 7.62890625, 10.4375, 11.25, 4.265625, 4.89453125, 2.701171875, 10.453125, 6.21875, 10.859375, 6.3828125, 5.82421875, 12.8515625, 11.1484375, 10.7265625, 7.36328125, 6.2890625, 4.95703125, 9.1953125, 5.625, 6.90234375 ]
what hemisphere is afghanistan in
[ "Location of Afghanistan Afghanistan is positioned in the Middle East, a recognized geographical region of southwestern Asia, and is situated in both the northern and eastern hemispheres. Afghanistan is bordered by the countries of China, Pakistan, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan." ]
[ "- Finland is located in Europe and it is in the northern hemisphere. 3 people found this useful. Edit. Share to: 1 Europe on a Budget: 21 Free Walking Tours in Europe Walking tours can be a great way to get to know a new city.he Greenwich meridian runs down the west of the country. So about three-quarters of France is in the Eastern hemisphere. France is also in the Northern Hemisphere (nor … th of the equator). 1 person found this useful.", "- We stated that Singapore and the United Arab Emirates were in the Southern Hemisphere; in fact, they are in the Northern Hemisphere. 1 communist bloc. 2 developing world. 3 third world. 4 Facebook. Twitter. 5 Google+. Email.", "Land The continent also includes a southern part of the Palaearctic (Old World) region of the Holarctic realm (i.e., the lands of the Northern Hemisphere), consisting of northwestern and North Africa south to roughly the Tropic of Cancer.", "Which hemisphere is Africa located? If one defines the northern and southern hemispheres to be separated by the Equator and the eastern and western hemispheres to be separated by the Greenwich Meridian ( and the International Date Line ) , then parts of the continent of Africa is in all 4 of the hemispheres This is because the Equator passes east west through the middle of Africa ...", "Map of World Hemispheres The Southern Hemisphere includes most of South America, one-third of Africa, all of Antarctica, a small sliver of Asia (parts of Indonesia) and all of Australia/Oceania.", "Western Hemisphere The Western Hemisphere is a geographical term for the half of the Earth that lies west of the Prime Meridian (which crosses Greenwich, London, United Kingdom) and east of the Antimeridian, the other half being called the Eastern Hemisphere.", "Where is Bhutan? Split and merge into it. Answer by Cosmospup. Confidence votes 30.1K. The Kingdom of Bhutan is a landlocked country in the Northern hemisphere. Located within South Asia, located at the eastern end of the Himalaya Mountains and bordered to the south, east and west by India and to the north by Tibet.See related link for a pictorial.plit and merge into it. Answer by Cosmospup. Confidence votes 30.1K. The Kingdom of Bhutan is a landlocked country in the Northern hemisphere. Located within South Asia, located at the eastern end of the Himalaya Mountains and bordered to the south, east and west by India and to the north by Tibet.", "Southern Hemisphere The southern temperate zone, a subsection of the Southern Hemisphere, is nearly all oceanic. This zone includes the southern tip of Uruguay and South Africa; the southern half of Chile and Argentina; parts of Australia, going south from Adelaide, and all of New Zealand.", "Swaziland Tourism Authority Despite being the smallest country in the Southern hemisphere, Swaziland more than makes up for its lack of size with a hugely diverse range of attractions and activities.", "- Canada is located in the North Western hemisphere. It continent is North America. relative location-arctic ocean is north of Canada, Atlantic east of Canada, United States S … outh of Canada and Pacific ocean West of Canada. The first is by using its relative location, and the second is by using its exact, or absolute, loc…. 2 Traveling Internationally With a Family Europe is an amazing place full of culture, art, and fascinating architecture.", "Afghanistan Afghanistan /aefˈɡaenɨstaen/ (æfˈɡænɨstæn / Pashto: dari, افغانستان), afġānistān officially The Islamic republic Of, afghanistan is a landlocked country located Within South asia And Central. Asia it has a population of approximately 32, million making it the 42nd most populous country in the. worldfghanistan also has friendly diplomatic relations with neighboring Pakistan, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and China, and with regional states such as India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Kazakhstan, Russia, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Egypt, Japan, and South Korea.", "Geography of Afghanistan Afghanistan is a landlocked mountainous country located within South Asia and Central Asia. The country is the 40th largest in the world in size. Kabul is the capital and largest city of Afghanistan, located in the Kabul Province. Strategically located at the crossroads of major trade routes, Afghanistan has attracted a succession of invaders since the sixth century BCE.", "Geography of the Southern Hemisphere The majority of Earth's population and its largest cities are in the Northern Hemisphere, although there are large cities such as Lima, Peru, Cape Town, South Africa, Santiago, Chile, and Auckland, New Zealand.", "- Afghanistan is located in Central Asia with Iran to the west and Pakistan to the east. Tall, forbidding mountains and dry deserts cover most of the landscape of Afghanistan. The jagged mountain peaks are treacherous, and are snow covered for most of the year.", "- Answer Wiki. Recall that the western hemisphere is purely based on a line drawn North to South at Greenwich in the United Kingdom. That being said, the continents that lie within, even partially, are North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Antarctica. Some islands of Oceania, a region encompassing the continent of Australia, also lie within this hemisphere.", "What are some countries in the eastern hemisphere, and what sort of governments do they have? The Eastern Hemisphere is a geographical term for the half of the Earth that is east of the Prime Meridian (which crosses Greenwich, England, United Kingdom) and west of 180° longitude. See the map for a better understanding. Map Courtesy mapsofworld. com. So All most the whole Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia come under Eastern Hemisphere.", "Where is Afghanistan Located? Afghanistan is a country with a medium population which is located in the continent/region of Asia. Countries near Afghanistan include Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.", "Appalachian-Blue Ridge forests Both the Appalachians (along with the neighbouring Appalachian mixed mesophytic forests ecoregion) and central China contain relict habitats of an ancient forest that was once widespread over the Northern Hemisphere. There are species, genera, and families of plants that occur only in these two locations.", "- The climate of Afghanistan. Afghanistan is a country is the southern part of Asia. Part of the country is located on the Iranian Plateau, also known as the Iranian Highlands. The many highlands and mountains in Afghanistan are responsible for large differences in weather and climate; summers get as hot as winters are cold.", "Where Is Africa Located? The continent is located in all four hemispheres – the equator runs almost directly through the middle of Africa, which means that it is both in the southern and northern hemispheres, and although most of this continent is located in the eastern hemisphere, a small portion of it is located in the western hemisphere.", "All about Western Hemisphere Generally the Eastern Hemisphere includes most of Africa, about half of Antarctica, all of Asia and Australia/Oceania, and most of Europe. The Western Hemisphere includes about half of Antarctica and all of North and South America, which includes the Caribbean, Central America and Greenland.", "- The northern hemisphere by a large margin has the most land and the greater land-to-ocean ratio.The 4 largest countries on earth, Russia, Canada, USA and China are all in … the northern hemisphere which helps. 2 people found this useful.bout 7/8 of the world's land area is in the Northern Hemisphere. Even the Land Hemisphere (half of Earth's surfa … ce containing the maximum land area) is still slightly more than half water. Oceans cover 70% of Earth's surface. 74 people found this useful.", "- The climate of Afghanistan Afghanistan is a country is the southern part of Asia. Part of the country is located on the Iranian Plateau, also known as the Iranian Highlands.", "The Indian AnalystHome Hindu Moon Hindu Sun Let's Celebrate Let's Learn Inscriptions SeeKnowDoVedantaInformation The Eternal Way Content Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan, or Jamhouri Afghanistan, is landlocked country, located in Central Asia. Pakistan is to its east and south, Iran and Turkmenistan to its west, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan to its north. The country has a small border with India and China to the north-east. Kabul is the capital.", "Which Continent Lies in All Four Hemispheres? The Western Hemisphere occupies the geographic space west of the prime meridian and east of the antemeridian which lies at 180 degrees longitude. The Eastern Hemisphere is found east of the Prime Meridian and west of the antemeridian. The Only Continent That Can Be Found in All Four Hemispheres While several of the world’s continents are traversed by the separation between two hemispheres, there is only one continent in the world that lies in all four hemispheres: Africa.", "- A: Mexico is located on the continent of North America in the Northern and Western Hemispheres. Mexico is located south of the United States and is bordered by the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea on the east and the Pacific Ocean on the west and south.", "- A hemisphere is half of a sphere. The names comes from hemi which means half, so hemisphere means half a sphere. We often talk about the northern and southern hemispheres …which are the halves of our planet north and south of the equator respectively. Similarly, we have the eastern and western hemispheres, the halves of the globe that are either east or west of the prime meridian. A hemishere is like half of a ball. 1.", "- Economy. Most of Afghanistan has a subarctic mountain climate with dry and cold winters, except for the lowlands, which have arid and semiarid climates.", "Which Continent Lies in All Four Hemispheres? The Eastern Hemisphere is found east of the Prime Meridian and west of the antemeridian. While several of the world’s continents are traversed by the separation between two hemispheres, there is only one continent in the world that lies in all four hemispheres: Africa.", "Afghanistan Afghanistan is a landlocked country in the heart of Asia, bordered by Pakistan to the south and east, Iran to the west, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan to the north.There is a short border with China to the far northeast, but in extremely inaccessible terrain.here are a number of roads into Afghanistan: 1 From Peshawar, Pakistan via the Khyber Pass to Jalalabad, in the East. 2 The Torkham Gate serves as the border crossing, there is heavy presence of Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) on the Afghan side. 3 From Quetta, Pakistan to Kandahar, in the South." ]
[ 14.3671875 ]
[ 6.796875, 6.8046875, 6.71875, 6.078125, 7.9609375, 7.05859375, 5.70703125, 6.28125, 3.578125, 5.4921875, 8.8515625, 8.765625, 6.734375, 7.8828125, 6.5703125, 7.08984375, 8.3984375, 0.90087890625, 8.0078125, 5.8046875, 6.9375, 8.546875, 8.0703125, 7.41796875, 6.51953125, 5.2421875, 6.9765625, 7.29296875, 6.02734375, 8.1015625 ]
john f kennedy accomplishments during presidency
[ "John F. Kennedy Finally, On January 20, 1961, John F. Kennedy was sworn in as the 35th President of the United States. He became the youngest man and the first Roman Catholic in American history to win the presidency.During his inaugural address, he delivered a speech that resounded all over the American states.arly Life. The second son of nine children, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, on May 29, 1917. His family has already established their legacy in politics and public service by that time. Joseph P. Kennedy, his father, was a multimillionaire business executive and financier at a bank." ]
[ "Sexual Affairs by US Presidents John F. Kennedy was President from 1961-1963. JFK chased women like a man possessed. His numerous sexual encounters are so plentiful, there are just too many to mention them all. He has had affairs with White House workers, Gangsters girlfriends, staff members, reporters, and Movie stars.", "Ancestry of John F. Kennedy John F. Kennedy was the 35th U.S. President. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II where he became a war hero for actions he took after the sinking of his boat PT-109. During his presidency, her presided over major world events that included the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba and the Cuban Missile Crisis.", "- A+E Networks. On this day in 1953, Massachusetts Senator John F. Kennedy, the future 35th president of the United States, marries Jacqueline Bouvier in Newport, Rhode Island. Seven years later, the couple would become the youngest president and first lady in American history.", "John F. Kennedy John F. Kennedy takes the Presidential oath of office administered by Chief Justice Earl Warren on January 20, 1961, at the Capitol. John F. Kennedy was sworn in as the 35th president at noon on January 20, 1961.", "- Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson became the 36th president of the United States after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. Johnson introduced important social laws, including a civil rights bill. He is also remembered for expanding U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War.", "Chapters 18-22: Cold War John F. Kennedy. The 35th U.S. President that was in office during the Cold War rivalry and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Other events, which took place during his terms was the building of the Berlin Wall, the space race, and early events of the Vietnamese War.", "James Buchanan: Significant Facts and Brief Biography Presidential term: March 4, 1857 - March 4, 1861. Accomplishments: Buchanan served his one term as president in the years just prior to the Civil War, and most of his presidency was spent trying to find a way to hold the country together.He obviously did not succeed, and his performance, especially during the Secession Crisis, has been judged very harshly.ccomplishments: Buchanan served his one term as president in the years just prior to the Civil War, and most of his presidency was spent trying to find a way to hold the country together.", "10 Shortest Serving US Presidents John F. Kennedy was sworn in as the 35th president at noon on January 20, 1961. In his inaugural address, he spoke of the need for all Americans to be active citizens, famously saying: Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.", "What were 6 accomplishments of George Washington presidency? George Washington isn’t called the Father of our country for no reason. 1 At a time when the United States could easily have devolved into 13 different feuding countries, his Presidency kept it together. Here are some of his accomplishments: 1 He was the only person who was trusted, and deemed to have sufficient stature, by the majority in every state, to lead the founding of the country. With the trust placed in him, he was able to push states to give him what he wanted.", "John F. Kennedy - 35th President of the United States Events and Accomplishments of John F. Kennedy's Presidency Domestic Policy Kennedy had a tough time getting many of his domestic programs through Congress. However, he did get an increased minimum wage, better Social Security benefits, and an urban renewal package passed.", "John F. Kennedy Domestic accomplishments of President Kennedy: 1 Promoted the ambitious New Frontier domestic program promising federal funding for education, medical care for the elderly, economic aid to rural regions, and government intervention to halt the recession of the time.2 Abolished the federal death penalty. Promoted the ambitious New Frontier domestic program promising federal funding for education, medical care for the elderly, economic aid to rural regions, and government intervention to halt the recession of the time. 2 Abolished the federal death penalty.", "United States presidential election of 1960 Democratic Party; Kennedy, John F. Scenes from the 1960 Democratic National Convention, which nominated as candidate for president U.S. Senator John F. Kennedy, who, in his acceptance speech, spoke of his hopes for a “New Frontier.”", "- 1961: John F Kennedy sworn in as US president. The Democrat John F Kennedy has been sworn in as the youngest ever elected president of the United States. The 43-year-old Roman Catholic was inaugurated as the 35th president on a snow-covered Capitol Hill in Washington.", "- Learn about the life, career, and accomplishments of James Buchanan, 15th president of the United States. Learn about the life, career, and accomplishments of James Buchanan, 15th president of the United States.", "- Front Page | Years | Themes | Witness. The Democrat John F Kennedy has been sworn in as the youngest ever elected president of the United States. The 43-year-old Roman Catholic was inaugurated as the 35th president on a snow-covered Capitol Hill in Washington.", "John F. Kennedy In 1961, at 43 years of age, John F. Kennedy was sworn in as the 35th president of the United States. He turned 44 on May 29 after his January 20 inauguration.", "Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis John F. Kennedy announced his candidacy for the presidency and launched his nationwide campaign on January 3, 1960. In the early months of the election year, Jacqueline Kennedy accompanied her husband to campaign events such as whistle-stops and dinners.", "- Introduction. Elected in 1960 as the 35th president of the United States, 43-year-old John F. Kennedy became the youngest man and the first Roman Catholic to hold that office.lected in 1960 as the 35th president of the United States, 43-year-old John F. Kennedy became the youngest man and the first Roman Catholic to hold that office.", "John F. Kennedy - 35th President of the United States John F. Kennedy's Childhood and Education: The first president born in the 20th century, Kennedy was born on May 29, 1917. He grew up in a wealthy family. He was sickly as a child and continued to have health problems the rest of his life.n 1960, Kennedy was nominated to run for the presidency against Richard Nixon, Eisenhower's Vice President. During Kennedy's nominating speech, he set forward his ideas of a New Frontier..", "Presidency of Bill Clinton Following is a list of all United States federal judges appointed by President John F. Kennedy during his presidency.[1] In total Kennedy appointed two Justices to the Supreme Court of the United States, 21 judges to the United States Courts of Appeals, and 102 judges to the United States district courts.", "- The greatest achievement of Franklin's public career occurred during his tenure as one of the fledgling nation's ambassadors. His work as minister to France (1776-85) was critical to the achievement of the nation's first foreign alliance, so essential to the success of the Revolutionary War effort.", "Ronald Reagan Accomplishments In Presidency Ronald Reagan Accomplishments In Presidency. Ronald Reagan was the first US president after Dwight D. Eisenhower to get re-elected and finish two complete terms in office. He was the president from January 20, 1981 to January 20, 1989. Ronald Reagan's biggest accomplishment in presidency was to improve the self confidence that America had by strengthening the nation's economy. He did this by reducing inflation, increasing employment and cutting taxes to nearly 25 percent.", "John F. Kennedy John F. Kennedy, White House color photo portrait. John F. Kennedy summary: John F. Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States. He was born in 1917 into a wealthy family with considerable political ties. Kennedy studied Political Science at Harvard University.", "John F. Kennedy: World War II Naval Hero to President President John F. Kennedy is arguably one of America’s greatest U.S. Presidents. Elected in 1960, he brought an energy and grace to the Oval Office. His humanity in pursuing civil rights in the United States elevated him to a visionary level of both Presidents Lincoln and Washington.", "The Presidents In 1953, he became the youngest Minority Leader in Senate history, and the following year, when the Democrats won control, Majority Leader. With rare skill he obtained passage of a number of key Eisenhower measures. In the 1960 campaign, Johnson, as John F. Kennedy's running mate, was elected Vice President. On November 22, 1963, when Kennedy was assassinated, Johnson was sworn in as President.", "John F. Kennedy: World War II Naval Hero to President United States Navy Lieutenant Junior Grade John F. Kennedy, 1942 . John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum Photograph by Frank Turgeon Jr. President John F. Kennedy is arguably one of America’s greatest U.S. Presidents. Elected in 1960, he brought an energy and grace to the Oval Office. His humanity in pursuing civil rights in the United States elevated him to a visionary level of both Presidents Lincoln and Washington.", "5 Ways JFK Still Influences Presidential Politics John F. Kennedy showed some of the charisma that powered his presidential bid as he greeted college students in Charleston, W.Va., in April 1960. The 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy's death in Dallas is a time when much attention is aptly focused on the abrupt and tragic end to his presidency. But it's also a moment to consider the beginning of JFK's presidential story, since he redefined the art of campaigning for the White House. Here are five ways Kennedy's influence is still being felt in presidential politics: 1. The Self-Selected Candidate.", "John F. Kennedy - 35th President of the United States John Kennedy's Military Career (1941-45) Kennedy served in the Navy during World War II rising to the rank of lieutenant. He was given command of PT-109. When the boat was rammed by a Japanese destroyer, he and his crew were thrown into the water.", "John F. KennedyUS President Also known as JFK, he was the 35th President of the United States, serving in office from 1961 until his assassination in 1963. During his presidency, there were a number of historical events including the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Bay of Pigs, and the African-American Civil Rights Movement.", "How Did JFK Change the World? Quick Answer. John Fitzgerald Kennedy changed the world when he became the 35th President of the United States, and is most remembered for his significant foreign policy contributions such as creating the Peace Corps and successfully leading the United States through the Cuban missile crisis in addition to passing the civil rights bill." ]
[ 11.40625 ]
[ 7.0546875, 11.9765625, 8.8984375, 10.515625, 10.1171875, 8.1796875, 5.16796875, 10.9765625, 4.90625, 13.9375, 14.5390625, 7.83984375, 10.828125, 3.98828125, 9.703125, 10.4765625, 9.3203125, 11.25, 9.6640625, 12.578125, 2.943359375, 5.74609375, 9.3046875, 10.9375, 8.5078125, 10.453125, 10.4765625, 9.734375, 12.3125, 11.671875 ]
what is abigail adams
[ "- Abigail Adams (nee Née; Smith november. 22 – 1744 october, 28) 1818 was the wife Of John adams and the mother Of John Quincy. Adams she is now designated the First Second lady and Second First lady of The United, states although these titles were not in use at the. time" ]
[ "The Presidents Adams' two terms as Vice President were frustrating experiences for a man of his vigor, intellect, and vanity. He complained to his wife Abigail, My country has in its wisdom contrived for me the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived..", "List of NCIS characters Abigail Borin is a Special Agent of the Coast Guard Investigative Service- CGIS. Originally from an unnamed small town in Ohio, Borin was also an only child and attended Chaminade-Julienne High School in Dayton, Ohio.", "What's Wrong with HBO's Dramatization of John Adams's Story The last episode of the series depicts the death of “Nabby” Adams, the daughter of John and Abigail, from breast cancer. An on-screen caption marks the start of Nabby’s ordeal as “1803.” In fact, the cancer was diagnosed in 1810; her mastectomy followed in 1811.", "- Barbara Bel Geddes (1922–2005) Actress | Soundtrack. Arguably best remembered for her role as Miss Ellie, the Ewing family matriarch on the long-running TV series Dallas (1978), Barbara Bel Geddes had earlier scored success on stage and screen long before gaining more lasting fame on television.", "Jane Addams Jane Addams, known as the mother of social work, was a pioneer American settlement activist/reformer, social worker, public philosopher, sociologist, author, and leader in women's suffrage and world peace. She co-founded, with Ellen Gates Starr, an early settlement house in the United States, Chicago's Hull House that would later become known as one of the most famous settlement houses in America. In an era when presidents such as Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson identified themselves as", "Jane Addams Jane Addams (September 6, 1860 – May 21, 1935) was a pioneer American settlement activist/reformer, social worker, public philosopher, sociologist, author, and leader in women's suffrage and world peace. She created the first settlement house in the United States, Chicago's Hull House. In an era when presidents such as Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson identified themselves as reformers and social activists, Addams was one of the most prominent reformers of the Progressive Era.", "Why did Abigail Adams write letters to her husband John Adams? Abigail had to run the place while John was a way. She had to help her mother in law who lived next door. The also wrote about the home front of the war. John asked Abigail to help organize efforts to gather supplies, and manufacture war goods like saltpeter, a ingredient for gun powder. They wrote about the boys, and their education.", "Abigail Abigail is an Old Testament name—she was the wife of David, renowned for her beauty, wisdom, and prophetic powers—that became a term for a maid in the early nineteenth century, which led to a fall from favor. Now, Abigail's back in a big way—it's Number 8 on the 2014 list—liked for its slightly proper vintage charm.bigail is an Old Testament name—she was the wife of David, renowned for her beauty, wisdom, and prophetic powers—that became a term for a maid in the early nineteenth century, which led to a fall from favor. Now, Abigail's back in a big way—it's Number 8 on the 2014 list—liked for its slightly proper vintage charm.", "- Abigail is a spooky true ghost story about a little girl who lost her life in the 1800s. They say her ghost haunts the Spooner House in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Many years ago, there was an 8-year old girl named Abigail Townsend who lived in The Spooner House in Plymouth, Massachusetts.", "- Compare letters written on the same day by Abigail Adams, to different people, and to draw conclusions about the information in each letter. Describe the condition of the President's House (White House) and surrounding environs in its earliest days as home and office of the chief executive. Cite examples that John and Abigail Adams viewed their roles as first occupants of the White House as significant for future residents.", "Abigail Adams Biography Abigail Smith was born on November 11, 1744, (by the Gregorian calendar we use today) in Weymouth, Massachusetts. Abigail Adams is best known as the wife of President John Adams and for her extensive correspondence. She was also the mother of John Quincy Adams who became the sixth president of the United States. The daughter of a minister, she was a devoted reader, studying the works of William Shakespeare and John Milton among others.", "Jane Addams Biography.com She died in 1935 in Chicago. Jane Addams, known prominently for her work as a social reformer, pacifist and feminist during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, was born Laura Jane Addams on September 6, 1860, in Cedarville, Illinois.", "Abigail Smith Adams As the wife of John Adams, Abigail Adams was the first woman to serve as Second Lady of United States and the second woman to serve as First Lady. She was also the mother of the sixth President, John Quincy Adams. A political influencer, she is remembered for the many letters of advice she exchanged with her husband during the Continental Congresses.", "Abigail Williams (The Crucible) Abigail is described as seventeen with a remarkable capacity for dissembling who covets Elizabeth Proctor's husband John Proctor and tries to get Elizabeth killed in the Salem witch trials.", "Abigail Adams Abigail Smith Adams (November 11, 1744 – October 28, 1818) was the wife of John Adams, the second President of the United States, and is seen as the second First Lady of the United States, though that term was not coined until after her passing.She was also the mother of John Quincy Adams.bigail Smith Adams (November 11, 1744 – October 28, 1818) was the wife of John Adams, the second President of the United States, and is seen as the second First Lady of the United States, though that term was not coined until after her passing. She was also the mother of John Quincy Adams.", "9 Wealthiest Self Made Women In The World (1) Abigail Johnson—Fidelity Investments. Abigail Johnson is one of the strongest self-made women in America. She is the CEO of FMR, the parent company of Fidelity Investments. She was appointed to this position in a leadership shake up in 2014.", "John Adams The Adams-Jefferson Letters: The Complete Correspondence Between Thomas Jefferson and Abigail and John Adams. Chapel Hill, N.C.: Univesity of North Carolina Press, 1959. This work collects all the known letters between Abigail and John Adams and Jefferson; a one-volume paperback edition was published in 1988.", "Abigail Adams Abigail Adams (née Smith; November 22, [O.S. November 11] 1744 – October 28, 1818) was the closest advisor and wife of John Adams, as well as the mother of John Quincy Adams. She is sometimes considered to have been a Founder of the United States, and is now designated as the first Second Lady and second First Lady of the United States, although these titles were not in use at the time.", "Abigail Adams John frequently sought the advice of Abigail on many matters, and their letters are filled with intellectual discussions on government and politics. The letters serve as eyewitness accounts of the American Revolutionary War home front.", "Abigail Adams The Statue This bronze statue, dedicated by the Quincy Partnership on June 14, 1997, was created by sculptor Lloyd Littie of Newton, Massachusetts. It depicts Abigail Adams urging young John Quincy Adams to go out into the world and prove himself.", "What was John Adams's middle name? Abigail Adams had 6 children, but 1 was stillborn and the other died one month after her first birthday, so some say she had 4 children. Here are the names of her childr … en: Abigail (Nabby) Amelia Adams John Quincy Adams Susanna Boylston Adams (died at 1 year old) Charles Adams Thomas Boylston Adams Elizabeth Adams (stillborn)", "- Much has been written about Angela Davis. She is coauthor of a volume entitled If They Come in the Morning (1971) and the author of Angela Davis, An Autobiography (1974), Women, Race and Class (1983), and Women, Culture & Politics (1989). The transcript of the Marin County court case (#52613) is available on microfilm.", "The Crucible Abigail, the orphaned niece to Reverend Parris, Salem’s minister, is turned out of the household of John and Elizabeth Proctor for her part in the infidelity committed with John Proctor. Her uncle is suspicious of her hasty exit, and even more so when he discovers her dancing in the woods.", "- Pauline Phillips, best known by the pen name Abigail Van Buren, was one of America's most adored advice columnists as the author of Dear Abby. She was the twin sister of columnist Ann Landers.", "- From the ghost of Abigail Adams doing her laundry in the East Room to the spirit of Dolley Madison overlooking the Rose Garden, the White House has its own legend of ghost stories that have been passed down over the years.", "- Abigail Smith Adams. As the wife of John Adams, Abigail Adams was the first woman to serve as Second Lady of United States and the second woman to serve as First Lady. She was also the mother of the sixth President, John Quincy Adams.A political influencer, she is remembered for the many letters of advice she exchanged with her husband during the Continental Congresses. Inheriting New England's strongest traditions, Abigail Smith was born in 1744 at Weymouth, Massachusetts.he was also the mother of the sixth President, John Quincy Adams. A political influencer, she is remembered for the many letters of advice she exchanged with her husband during the Continental Congresses. Inheriting New England's strongest traditions, Abigail Smith was born in 1744 at Weymouth, Massachusetts.", "Adams Abigail (Smith) 1744–1818, U.S. social and political figure (wife of John Adams). Alice, 1926–1999, U.S. writer. Ansel, 1902–84, U.S. photographer. Brooks, 1848–1927, U.S. historian and political scientist (son of Charles Francis Adams and brother of Henry Brooks Adams).", "- Abigail Adams, wife to John Adams, an influential delegate to both the First and Second Continental Congress, and later the second President of the United States, was a prolific correspondent, who wrote frequently to her husband.", "- Alice Hamilton (February 27, 1869 – September 22, 1970) was an American physician, research scientist, and author who is best known as a leading expert in the field of occupational health and a pioneer in the field of industrial toxicology. She was also the first woman appointed to the faculty of Harvard University.", "- A Is for Abigail An Almanac of Amazing American Women (Book) : Cheney, Lynne V. : Each letter of the alphabet is represented by an important woman in the history of the United States, as well as others in her same field of accomplishment. A is for Abigail: An Almanac of Amazing American Women by Lynne Cheney." ]
[ 15.9921875 ]
[ 9.015625, 9.1015625, 8.7265625, 1.591796875, 4.91796875, 6.2734375, 9.296875, 10.3203125, 11.3515625, 9.6171875, 15.546875, 4.7578125, 15.59375, 7.80859375, 15.9765625, 8.4453125, 10.140625, 16.734375, 9.8828125, 10.8984375, 10.1796875, 0.71435546875, 7.06640625, 7.953125, 10.4609375, 15.7421875, 13.6484375, 15.8671875, 3.19140625, 7.57421875 ]
cost of prp for hair loss
[ "Some hair loss patients turn to PRP The cost ranges from about $900 for a single treatment, to $2,500 for a set of three treatments. PRP is also being used in conjunction with some hair transplant procedures, but there is no long-term research proving it works.ow there's a new possibility -- using PRP to promote hair growth. Teri Lee is in her 60s and has kept herself in great shape, but for the last several years, she's noticed a change she's been unable to control -- the steady loss of her hair." ]
[ "NAFTA Rules of Origin â Part 2 The net cost is therefore US$3.65. The regional value content under the net cost method is: ($3.65 - $1.80) ---------------------- x 100 = 50.7% $3.65 The hair curler would be considered originating since the required regional value content is 50 percent when the net cost method is used.his method calculates the regional value content as a percentage of the net cost to produce the good. Net cost represents all of the costs incurred by the producer minus expenses for sales promotion (including marketing and after-sales service), royalties, shipping and packing costs and non-allowable interest costs.", "Cost of a sprinkler system â conventional PVC vs. Lawn Belt Maintenance Cost (ongoing expenses) On a conventional PVC system you are also looking at a ongoing expense of $100 per season to have you sprinkler lines blow out before winter. The process involves using a compressor to remove any water in your PVC. PVC Sprinkler repair will cost you between $25-$40 per hour or you can do it yourself. One of the main disadvantages to a PVC system is finding leaks deep down in the earth. Water will tend to travel so locating a leak could require lots of digging. On the flip side, Lawn Belt requires nearly zero winter maintenance.", "- The typical cost of laser hair removal is $75 to $500, depending on the area of the body that is being treated. In most cases, the smaller the surface area to be treated, the lower the treatment cost. After your fifth treatment each treatment is 1/2 price.", "- prices can range from $ 250 to $ 5000 for the removal process with the average cost of laser hair removal being about $ 358 per treatment the north central part of the united states generally has the lowest prices at $ 268 per session", "Hair Extensions Cost 1 A partial head of hair extensions typically costs between $150 and $300, plus the cost of the hair. 2 Total cost ranges from $400 to $800. 3 A full head of hair extensions (for fullness only) typically costs between $300 and $600, plus the cost of the hair. 4 Total cost ranges from $1,300 to $1,600. Total cost ranges from $1,300 to $1,600. 2 A full head of hair extensions for fullness and added length typically costs $600 to $1500 and up, plus the cost of the hair. 3 Total cost ranges from $1,600 to $4,000.", "- Package 1: Rebond with washable cello + hair mask (P775) Package 2: Rebond with permanent cellophane + hair mask & vitamin C (P1,185) Package 3: Rebond with “service all you can” for hair treatment + hair cut (P1,339) Package 4: Rebond with “service all you can” for hair treatment + haircut, foot spa and kilay (P1,442)", "Cost-Effectiveness of Retinal Detachment Repair In the facility, hospital surgery setting, weighted cost for PR ranged from $3726 to $5901 depending on estimated success rate of primary repair. Weighted cost was $6770 for SB, $7940 for PPV, and $1955 for laser prophylaxis. The dollars per line saved ranged from $217 to $1346 depending on the procedure.", "Scalp Micro-Pigmentation Costs The average person spends well over $5000 per year on Hair systems and maintenance costs. This can add up to tens of thousands of dollars over time. With scalp micro pigmentation costs being around $3500 on average it does not take a rocket science to see why many men are making the change to SMP.", "Hair Graft Comparison Chart The price is $3 per hair graft, period. Think about that for a moment. With that savings of $5,100, you could afford to get a second hair transplant procedure which could fill in and give you more density and fullness.ummary: Find out how clinics use 2 different methods for calculating the cost of hair transplants and compare our $3 hair grafts with the higher prices other clinics charge with our hair graft price comparison chart.", "- In hair replacement centers, you get a packet of clip-on kit in the range of $20 and $300. Type 3. Average cost of hair extensions when it comes to cold fusion hair extensions or bonding is between $1500 and $3000 or more.This is by far the most costliest option for getting hair extensions. In this method, a keratin based polymer helps secure the extensions to your hair. So as described previously, the total cost can go from around $400 to the $800-1000 at the most. 2 For covering the whole head with extensions, the total cost including the method of applying and the type of hair goes up to around $1600 and can go as far as $4000.", "Hairline Lowering (Forehead Reduction) The costs depends on a couple factors such as whether the surgery is performed in one stage or two, the amount the hairline must be lowered and the surgeon performing the procedure. The cost is approximately $7,000 for one-stage surgery, or $10,000 to $14,000 for the two-stage surgery.Forehead surgery is not usually covered by health insurance because it is considered to be a cosmetic procedure.ecovery Time. After surgery, the incisions will be covered with a dressing. The stitches may dissolve, or they may be removed by the doctor in about a week. Most patients take about a week away from work and other activities, although some are able to return to their normal activity level within just 2 to 3 days.", "Some hair loss patients turn to PRP What we're hoping for with the PRP is to provide a patient with growth factors from their platelets. These growth factors will stimulate hair growth and decrease the loss of hair, said Misle.After removing the concentrated plasma, Misle injects it directly into Teri's scalp.ow there's a new possibility -- using PRP to promote hair growth. Teri Lee is in her 60s and has kept herself in great shape, but for the last several years, she's noticed a change she's been unable to control -- the steady loss of her hair.", "Does Platelet-Rich Plasma Injection Work? Without any clear evidence of benefit beyond placebo, PRP is now being marketed aggressively as a cure-all for sports injuries. And at about $300 per injection (the NYT reports $2000/treatment), there’s plenty of money to be made. … a nation-wide marketing initiative has begun, using sports celebrities as guinea pigs.", "- 1 The cost of intense pulsed light therapy (IPL) varies from $300 to $600 per treatment, according to Derma Network. 2 Usually, four to six treatments, at three-week intervals, are needed for best results.elated articles: Skin Peel, Botox Treatments, Microdermabrasion. 1 The cost of intense pulsed light therapy (IPL) varies from $300 to $600 per treatment, according to Derma Network.", "- or. $2300 for PRK as of February 2015. The fee includes all examinations by Dr Cherny before treatment and after treatment for 12 months. In approximately 10% of treatments a Zyoptix card is used, and the additional charge for this is $100 per eye.", "- Our large volume center can offer a more affordable hair restoration cost for your hair regrowth needs. FUT strip surgery is often charged by the follicular graft unit at a rate of $3.50 to $7.00 per unit.", "How much does Bosley cost? Hair Loss classification helps decide the size of the hair transplant procedure and the cost. If your hair loss situation only requires a low (usually under 1,000) number of hair transplants to cover your bald spot, the cost is typically between $8 and $9.50 per graft.n fact, it is one of the deciding factors for many men and women in terms of whether or not to move forward with the procedure. Having been the most experienced hair restoration expert for over forty years, a lot of people look to Bosley for a general idea on cost.", "- Partial hair extensions cost around $300 at the most, the cost of hair excluded. So as described previously, the total cost can go from around $400 to the $800-1000 at the most.", "- Skin around the brow and the genitals may be too sensitive for this hair removal treatment. How Long It Takes: 30 to 60 minutes, though the compounds sit on the skin about 5 minutes. Cost: $10-$20 with a home kit; $25-$50 or more for a salon treatment. Lasting Result: A week to several weeks.", "How much do prunes cost? For retail quantities of average quality prunes purchased at a grocery store in the US, you can expect to pay between $2 and $3.50 per pound.", "Hair Extensions Cost 1 A full head of hair extensions (for fullness only) typically costs between $300 and $600, plus the cost of the hair. Total cost ranges from $1,300 to $1,600. A full head of hair extensions for fullness and added length typically costs $600 to $1500 and up, plus the cost of the hair.", "Cost of a sprinkler system â conventional PVC vs. Lawn Belt On a conventional PVC system you are also looking at a ongoing expense of $100 per season to have you sprinkler lines blow out before winter. The process involves using a compressor to remove any water in your PVC. PVC Sprinkler repair will cost you between $25-$40 per hour or you can do it yourself. One of the main disadvantages to a PVC system is finding leaks deep down in the earth. Water will tend to travel so locating a leak could require lots of digging. On the flip side, Lawn Belt requires nearly zero winter maintenance.", "Hair Extensions Cost 1 A partial head of hair extensions typically costs between $150 and $300, plus the cost of the hair. 2 Total cost ranges from $400 to $800. 3 A full head of hair extensions (for fullness only) typically costs between $300 and $600, plus the cost of the hair. 4 Total cost ranges from $1,300 to $1,600.", "- The average cost for a FotoFacial/IPL is $350 - $600 each treatment, depending on the body part. Please Call the Office to discuss Diolaze Hair Removal prices as these vary greatly per treatment area. A consultation with our IPL specialist and the number of treatments needed will determine your ipl treatment cost.lease Call the Office to discuss Diolaze Hair Removal prices as these vary greatly per treatment area. A consultation with our IPL specialist and the number of treatments needed will determine your ipl treatment cost.", "- PRP + Carboxytherapy for Hair Loss Regardless of the reason for a patient’s hair loss, he/she has two goals in mind: stop hair loss and induce hair growth. PRP is a hot topic in the aesthetics world, and it’s becoming an increasingly popular option for hair….", "Cost & Financing Exact price for your procedure can only be determined after you speak with Dr G. 1 PRP procedures start at $850 for small joint ( eg. Golfer's Elbow) and $1,500 for large joint (eg. 2 ONE Stem Cell - Procedure using Fat OR Bone Marrow STARTS at $5,000 for the first joint.", "How Much Money Do Women Spend On Their Hair A full head of hair extensions (for fullness only) typically costs between $300 and $600, plus the cost of the hair. Total cost ranges from $1,300 to $1,600. A full head of hair extensions for fullness and added length typically costs $600 to $1500 and up, plus the cost of the hair.", "- The cost of rabies postexposure prophylaxis: one state's experience. Kreindel SM(1), McGuill M, Meltzer M, Rupprecht C, DeMaria A Jr. Author information: (1)Bureau of Communicable Disease Control, Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Boston 02130, USA. [email protected] in Public Health Rep. 1998 May-Jun;113(3):245-6. OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken to evaluate trends in the use of rabies postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) before, during, and following an epidemic of raccoon rabies in Massachusetts.", "Hair Loss: Medications & Treatment Options A: There are several differences between Propecia (finasteride) versus Rogaine (minoxidil) for the treatment of alopecia (hair loss). Propecia is available by prescription for male pattern alopecia only, while Rogaine is available over the counter, for both men and women.", "Hair Extensions Extension hair pricing usually falls between $60-140 per bundle. For all other extension maintenance and extension removal, the rate is $100 per hour. The amount of time it takes for extension removal varies greatly and depends on your hair and how well you maintain your extensions." ]
[ 15.6015625 ]
[ -0.002105712890625, 0.10302734375, 5.32421875, 5.1640625, 4.48046875, 2.876953125, 3.392578125, 4.32421875, 3.76171875, 3.630859375, 3.748046875, 7.87109375, 10.4140625, 4.34375, 3.58203125, 6.703125, 6.359375, 3.685546875, 4.6328125, -0.11920166015625, 4.23046875, -0.51318359375, 4.35546875, 5.12890625, 8.8828125, 9.6015625, 4.76171875, 0.38525390625, 4.625, 1.7314453125 ]
how to become a certified yoga instructor
[ "How to Become a Yoga Instructor You will be a role model for the benefits of a yoga practice. This is why most yoga teacher-training programs require at least two years of committed yoga practice. Yoga instructors must model a mindful presence, a welcoming attitude and a compassionate approach to working with physical limits and challenges." ]
[ "The truth behind becoming a yoga teacher This, according to Paul Fox, the Chair of BWYQ, is the problem with teacher training in the UK. Without base guidelines for the industry to follow, anyone can complete a yoga course online without any practical assessment required, he said.", "- Yoga Instructor Certification - $ 69.99. When you choose one of the ExpertRating Yoga Instructor Certifications you can be sure that you are buying a premium International certification that is recognized by hundreds of employers and Government bodies in the US and other countries.", "Youâre Never Going to Make a Living as a Yoga Teacher (and Other Things Nobody Tells You at Yoga Teacher Training). 27 Responses to “You’re Never Going to Make a Living as a Yoga Teacher (and Other Things Nobody Tells You at Yoga Teacher Training).”. 1 Just as any other multi-billion dollar business' once-in-a-while someone comes along that makes it. That one sneaks in under the radar while maintaining the self-respect you describe.", "- (a) Yoga students learn by observation as their yoga instructor demonstrates the correct stance and movement for her students (live model). (b) Models don’t have to be present for learning to occur: through symbolic modeling, this child can learn a behavior by watching someone demonstrate it on television.", "How to Become a Yoga Instructor But even more than classroom charisma or marketing skills, what a yoga instructor needs is a dedicated personal yoga practice. As a yoga teacher, you will do more than lead people through postures. You will be a role model for the benefits of a yoga practice. This is why most yoga teacher-training programs require at least two years of committed yoga practice.", "- Yoga and the Healing Sciences 200 HR Training 200 HR YA Certified Training: Yoga and the Healing Sciences Become a certified Yoga teacher and/or deepen your knowledge of the practice at LMU! Become skilled in many forms of Yoga from Astanyga to Iyengar to Vinyasa, learning from a variety of teachers. **.", "Yoga Instructor Salary By State There are multiple different levels which can effect a yoga instructors salary. A 200 Hundred Hour and 500 Hour training program for nationally recognized certification programs. Once a Yoga Instructor has went through a 200 Hour Training program they can register as RYT 200s with the Yoga Alliance.The next step up in training and certification is the 500 Hour certification program for Yoga Instructors.he calculations and salary surveys were done in 2010 and come out to an average for Fitness Trainers and people involved in things like Yoga instruction making a median wage of $31,090 a year in annual pay.", "- Create a class series. This is one of my favorite secret high-value yoga offerings. Students love class series because there is a start date, an end date, and a curriculum to follow. Teachers love it because when your students register for 6-8 classes at a time, your income stabilizes.", "CNA Instructor The applicant must meet the following qualifications to become an instructor: 1 A Registered Nurse (RN) licensed in Missouri or in possession of a temporary permit from the Missouri State Board of Nursing. The licensee shall not be subject to current disciplinary action; and.", "Yoga Teacher Salary: How Much Does a Yoga Instructor Earn? If you are thinking about a career as a yoga instructor or certified yoga teacher, consider the average salary range for yoga teachers in your area. Yoga instructor salaries vary significantly by location and do depend on the years of experience you have practicing yoga, your client list, and your specializations.s of March 2011, it is reported that the average yoga instructor salary is $35,000 per year. Yoga teacher salaries may be up to $45,000 or more, depending on location and experience, according to Indeed.com.", "Yoga Alliance and American Council on Exercise Through YogaFit's comprehensive 200-hour and upcoming 500-hour teacher training program with a 5 00-hour Therapy option, you can become a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) with the Yoga Alliance. YogaFit has also chosen the American Council on Exercise (ACE) to be its premier fitness certifying body.ACE now offers preferred rates on selected educational packages, reserved strictly for YogaFit trainees. YogaFit offers a comprehensive 200-hour and 500-hour Yoga Alliance RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher) program.s a special benefit to YogaFit trained yoga instructors, ACE is offering a 20% discount on select course materials* and exams**. Please call YogaFit at 1.888.786.3111, ext. 222 or 223, to obtain your ACE discount code and then visit the ACE website today. *Applies to ACE produced study materials only.", "How to Become a Yoga Instructor For many, it's a yoga teacher training course. If you want to start teaching, it's a necessity. But even if you don't plan on becoming a yoga instructor, a good training program will transform your practice by increasing your knowledge of anatomy, philosophy, sequencing, and alignment.", "- Teacher Training. Integral Yoga Institute’s comprehensive certification programs provide a foundation for personal and spiritual development and for strengthening your own practice. Integral Yoga Teacher Training will prepare you to become a knowledgeable and professional Yoga teacher. IYI is a safe environment where students feel free to realize their own potential, gaining respect for themselves and a capacity to be of service to others.", "- Though many organisations and clubs can train you to become a swimming instructor, the only one whose standards and certification are recognised worldwide is the Red Cross.", "Yoga: The New Career Path For Corporate Execs Jason Crandell, a San Francisco-based yoga instructor who has taught for 15 years, regularly advises newcomers on how to break into a career in yoga. Crandell often tells prospective teachers to consider the numbers: most classes at fitness centers pay between $40 to $60 per class, while at studio classes, teachers get $4 to $6 per student.", "- The Master Trainer course has been designed so that it complements the knowledge that existing certified Yoga Instructors already have. The Master Trainer Certification is open to all certified Yoga Instructors at a price of $99.99.", "Youâre Never Going to Make a Living as a Yoga Teacher (And Other Things Nobody Tells You at Yoga Teacher Training) Teacher training schools are really cranking them out! Yoga Alliance-certified programs, which require 200+ hours of practice and study and are conducted by experienced practitioners, are the gold standard. Unfortunately many teacher trainings, conducted online or in an afternoon, do not live up to these standards.", "Teachers As a RYT, you get all the benefits of a Yoga Alliance membership, like: 1 An internationally-recognized credential that shows you have met our minimum standards of yoga training. Marketing on our RYT directory, where you can list where you teach and tell the world more about who you are as a yoga teacher.", "How to Become a Yoga Instructor If you teach in a yoga studio or rent a space to teach, you will likely be paid by the number of students you have. For example, a studio may offer a $20 base pay per 90-minute class, plus $2–$5 per student. So with 20 students, you’d earn $60–$120.", "- Each year, hundreds of students and teachers from the region and around the world participate in our exceptional trainings and programs. Yoga Yoga has grown to become one of the premier educational facilities for training teachers and for the study of yoga in many of its forms.", "Youâre Never Going to Make a Living as a Yoga Teacher (And Other Things Nobody Tells You at Yoga Teacher Training) You're Never Going to Make a Living as a Yoga Teacher (And Other Things Nobody Tells You at Yoga Teacher Training) Yoga is in! It should come as no surprise that the demand for yoga teacher training has grown exponentially in recent years.", "How to Become a Yoga Instructor The most obvious place to start looking is at your favorite yoga center. Many yoga studios offer teacher-training programs but take a good look at the curriculum before you sign on. With trainees paying thousands of dollars in tuition, yoga teacher-training has become a moneymaking operation. So make sure any program you consider is registered with the Yoga Alliance.", "- To be enrolled in the instructor course, the following items must be presented by the day of. the course:  A copy of the front and back sides of a valid and current AHA Provider Card in the. discipline (ACLS, BLS, Heartsaver or PALS) you wish to teach.", "- You need to complete a recognised course to be accredited as a swimming instructor. This involves the completion of a core theory course (1 day course or CD ROM) and an elective course (2 day course).", "Visa Screen In order to obtain a CGFNS Certificate, applicants must successfully complete CGFNS' Certification Program, a three-part program, comprised of a credentials review, a one-day Qualifying Exam of nursing knowledge and an English language proficiency exam.", "- Receive your RN license. You must have an active and valid RN license to become a CNA instructor. In order to do so, you must sit for and pass the NCLEX-RN exam after graduating from a nursing program.", "- For teachers already certified at the 200 hour level, we offer continued studies to become certified at the 500 hour level with some of the most renowned yoga teachers, therapists, and philosophers from around the world.", "- Find a Class. Online resources will help you find a yoga class in your area. You can also check local alternative newspapers or wellness magazines for listings or search online for yoga and the name of your town. Pick a studio that is convenient to your home or work so getting to class will be easy.", "How to Become a CNA Instructor The steps to become a Certified Nurse Assistant instructor: 1. Look for an accredited school wherein the training school is given approval by the local nursing board. The training to be undergone is being offered by the CNA instructors who are employed in nursing schools or community colleges.", "- Platinum Yoga Certification Courses. This is the highest quality and most informative of the online Yoga Teacher Training courses. These courses provide a deeper understanding above the rest in alignment, form, assisting, and anatomy, related to teaching a Yoga session.I can’t thank you enough for the great experience I had during my teacher training at Aura Wellness. Your teacher training program provided me with the tools to better understand Yoga, its meaning, its practice and best of all how to be a better teacher.” Read More." ]
[ 12.984375 ]
[ 9.046875, 10.75, 6.203125, 5.33203125, 12.703125, 11.2265625, 8.828125, 8.234375, 4.74609375, 7.55859375, 11.4921875, 12.1875, 12, 4.59765625, 7.7421875, 11.3828125, 11.90625, 10.7109375, 9.3125, 8.9375, 7.75390625, 12.46875, 4.52734375, 5, 1.6728515625, 5.2421875, 11.1953125, 9.2890625, 5.5078125, 10.5703125 ]
the branch of science of how the body function has a disease
[ "pathology pathology (pəthol´əjē), n 1. the branch of science that deals with disease in all its relations, especially with its nature and the functional and material changes it causes. n 2. in medical jurisprudence, the science of disease; the part of medicine that deals with the nature of disease, its causes, and its symptoms." ]
[ "disease 1 obsolete : trouble. 2 : a condition of the living animal or plant body or of one of its parts that impairs normal functioning and is typically manifested by distinguishing signs and symptoms : sickness, malady infectious diseases a rare genetic disease heart disease.", "Branches of science Main articles: Biology and Outline of biology. Biology is the branch of natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, distribution, and taxonomy. Biology is a vast subject containing many subdivisions, topics, and disciplines.", "- the branch of biology that studies the effects of low temperatures on living tissues or organs or organisms. the branch of biology that studies the structure and function of cells. the branch of biology concerned with the relations between organisms and their environment. the branch of biology that studies the formation and early development of living organisms. the branch of biology concerned with the effects of outer space on living organisms and the search for extraterrestrial life.", "- one organ at a time... Anatomy...from the Greek word anatome,dissection, is a branch of natural science dealing with the structural organization of living things. As one of the basic life sciences, anatomy is closely related to medicine and to other branches of biology.", "sexually transmitted disease Define disease: a condition of the living animal or plant body or of one of its parts that impairs normal functioning and is … — disease in a sentence a condition of the living animal or plant body or of one of its parts that impairs normal functioning and is typically manifested by…", "pathology pathology pa·thol·o·gy (pā-thŏl'ə-jē) n. The medical science concerned with all aspects of disease with an emphasis on the essential nature, causes, and development of abnormal conditions, as well as with the structural and functional changes that result from disease processes. The anatomical or functional manifestations of a disease.", "Branches of science Biology is the branch of natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, distribution, and taxonomy. Biology is a vast subject containing many subdivisions, topics, and disciplines.", "dermatology The branch of medicine concerned with the study of the skin, diseases of the skin, and the relationship of cutaneous lesions to systemic disease. dermatology. /der·ma·tol·o·gy/ (der″mah-tol´ah-je) the medical specialty concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases. dermatology.", "Branches of biology Marine Biology - study of ocean plants and animals and their ecological relationships Medicine - the science which relates to the prevention, cure, or alleviation of disease. Microbiology - the branch of biology that deals with microorganisms and their effects on other living organisms Molecular Biology - the branch of biology that deals with the formation, structure, and function of macromolecules essential to life, such as nucleic acids and proteins, and especially with their role in cell replication and the transmission of genetic information", "Disease noun, plural: diseases. An abnormal condition of an organism which interrupts the normal bodily functions that often leads to feeling of pain and weakness, and usually associated with symptoms and signs.", "pathology 2. The anatomic or functional manifestations of a disease: the pathology of cancer. 3. A departure or deviation from a normal condition: Neighborhoods plagued by a self-perpetuating pathology of joblessness, welfare dependency, crime (Time).oun. 1. pathology-the branch of medical science that studies the causes and nature and effects of diseases. spasm - (pathology) sudden constriction of a hollow organ (as a blood vessel).", "Disease A disease is a particular abnormal condition that affects part or all of an organism and that consists of a disorder of a structure or function. The study of disease is called pathology, which includes the study of cause. Disease is often construed as a medical condition associated with specific symptoms and signs.", "Disease Scanning electron micrograph of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a bacterium that causes tuberculosis. A disease is a particular abnormal condition, a disorder of a structure or function, that affects part or all of an organism. The study of disease is called pathology which includes the study of cause. Disease is often construed as a medical condition associated with specific symptoms and signs.", "pathology pathology. 1. the branch of medicine dealing with the essential nature of disease, especially changes in body tissues and organs that cause or are caused by disease. 2. the structural and functional manifestations of disease.", "PATHOLOGY benign - not dangerous to health; not recurrent or progressive (especially of a tumor) pathology - the branch of medical science that studies the causes and nature and effects of diseases malignant - dangerous to health; characterized by progressive and uncontrolled growth (especially of a tumor)", "Oncology Oncology is a branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer. A medical professional who practices oncology is an oncologist. The name's etymological origin is the Greek word ὄγκος (ónkos), meaning tumor, volume or mass.", "- Biology is the branch of science that deals with the study of living things. It studies any species that is considered to be alive, including minute bacteria that are made up of a single cell. This...", "Chapter 2 The Biological Perspective Nervous system. an extensive network of specialized cells that carries information to and from all parts of the body. neuroscience. a branch of the life science that deals with the structure and function of neurons, nerves and nervous tissue, especially focusing on their relationship to behavior and learning.", "pathology pathology. 1. the branch of veterinary science treating of the essential nature of disease, especially of the changes in body tissues and organs which cause or are caused by disease. 2. the structural and functional manifestations of a disease. clinical pathology. see clinical pathology.", "oncologist The branch of medicine that deals with tumors, including study of their development, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. [Greek. , mass, tumor; see nek-in Indo-European roots + -logy .]. on′co·log′i·cal (-kə-lŏj′ĭ-kəl) , on′co·log′ic (-lŏj′ĭk) adj.", "physiology the branch of biology dealing with the functions and activities of living organisms and their parts, including all physical and chemical processes. 2. the organic processes or functions in an organism or in any of its parts.", "Disease A disease is a particular abnormal condition, a disorder of a structure or function, that affects part or all of an organism. The study of disease is called pathology which includes the study of cause. Disease is often construed as a medical condition associated with specific symptoms and signs.", "Neurology For the journal, see Neurology (journal) . For the scientific study of the nervous system, see Neuroscience. Neurology (from Greek: νεῦρον, neuron, and the suffix -λογία -logia study of) is a branch of medicine dealing with disorders of the nervous system.any neurologists also have additional training or interest in one area of neurology, such as stroke, epilepsy, neuromuscular, sleep medicine, pain management, or movement disorders.", "Anatomy Anatomy is the branch of biology concerned with the study of the structure of organisms and their parts. Anatomy (Greek anatomē, “dissection”) is a branch of natural science dealing with the structural organization of living things. It is an old science, having its beginnings in prehistoric times.", "- The term oncology literally means a branch of science that deals with tumours and cancers. The word “onco” means bulk, mass, or tumor while “-logy” means study. What is cancer?", "DISEASE Noun. 1. disease-an impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning. illness, sickness, unwellness, malady-impairment of normal physiological function affecting part or all of an organism. disease of the neuromuscular junction-a disease characterized by impairment of neuromuscular junctions.", "Branches of biology Microbiology - the branch of biology that deals with microorganisms and their effects on other living organisms. Molecular Biology - the branch of biology that deals with the formation, structure, and function of macromolecules essential to life, such as nucleic acids and proteins, and especially with their role in cell replication and the transmission of genetic information", "Neurology For the journal, see Neurology (journal) . For the scientific study of the nervous system, see Neuroscience. Neurology (from Greek: νεῦρον, neuron, and the suffix -λογία -logia study of) is a branch of medicine dealing with disorders of the nervous system.eurologists may also be involved in clinical research, clinical trials, and basic or translational research. While neurology is a non-surgical specialty, its corresponding surgical specialty is neurosurgery.", "Home The mission of the Department of Neuroscience is to do excellent teaching and research on the basic functions and diseases of the nervous system. Areas of interest include neural plasticity, information processing, and neuronal and synaptic functions, particularly as they relate to development, sensory perception, motor behavior, and cognition.", "Disease A disease is a particular abnormal condition, a disorder of a structure or function, that affects part or all of an organism. The causal study of disease is called pathology. Disease is often construed as a medical condition associated with specific symptoms and signs.he term may be used to refer to the existence of any form of disease, or to the degree that the health condition affects the patient. Among severely ill patients, the level of morbidity is often measured by ICU scoring systems." ]
[ 9.640625 ]
[ 6.8203125, 9.3671875, 7.89453125, 8.7109375, 7.30859375, 8.53125, 9.5390625, 7.79296875, 9.8671875, 6.87109375, 8.40625, 9.9296875, 10.2890625, 9.7578125, 8.4609375, 7.80078125, 8.0078125, 8.7578125, 10.2421875, 5.2578125, 8.2265625, 10.1171875, 8.2578125, 9.0625, 8.21875, 6.76171875, 8.578125, 8, 9.2734375, 9.6484375 ]
what does agriculturalist mean
[ "CULTIVATOR 1. agriculturalist-someone concerned with the science or art or business of cultivating the soil. agriculturist, cultivator, grower, raiser. farmer, granger, husbandman, sodbuster-a person who operates a farm. fruit grower-someone who grows fruit commercially.. agriculturalist-someone concerned with the science or art or business of cultivating the soil. agriculturist, cultivator, grower, raiser. farmer, granger, husbandman, sodbuster-a person who operates a farm. fruit grower-someone who grows fruit commercially." ]
[ "- Both acre and agrarian, derive from the Latin noun ager and the Greek noun agros, meaning field. (You can probably guess that agriculture is another descendant.) Agrarian, first used in English in the 17th century, describes things pertaining to the cultivation of fields, as well as the farmers who cultivate them.", "Agricultural cooperative The default meaning of agricultural cooperative in English is usually an agricultural service cooperative, which is the numerically dominant form in the world. There are two primary types of agricultural service cooperatives, supply cooperative and marketing cooperative.", "Farmer However, in the not so distant past a farmer was a person who promotes or improves the growth of (a plant, crop, etc.) by labor and attention, land or crops or raises animals (as livestock or fish).irt farmer is an American colloquial term for a practical farmer, or one who farms his own land. In developed nations, a farmer (as a profession) is usually defined as someone with an ownership interest in crops or livestock, and who provides land or management in their production.", "Definition of 'agrarian' Agrarian means relating to the ownership and use of land, especially farmland, or relating to the part of a society or economy that is concerned with agriculture. ...a rich area with a highly developed agrarian economy. Synonyms: agricultural, country, land, farming More Synonyms of agrarian COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary.", "Farmer A farmer (also called an agriculturer) is a person engaged in agriculture, raising living organisms for food or raw materials.The term usually applies to people who do some combination of raising field crops, orchards, vineyards, poultry, or other livestock.irt farmer is an American colloquial term for a practical farmer, or one who farms his own land. In developed nations, a farmer (as a profession) is usually defined as someone with an ownership interest in crops or livestock, and who provides land or management in their production.", "Definitions &Translations A peasant is a member of a traditional class of farmers, either laborers or owners of small farms, especially in the Middle Ages under feudalism, or more generally, in any pre-industrial society. In Europe, peasants were divided into three classes according to their personal status: slave, serf, and freeman. peasant is a member of a traditional class of farmers, either laborers or owners of small farms, especially in the Middle Ages under feudalism, or more generally, in any pre-industrial society. In Europe, peasants were divided into three classes according to their personal status: slave, serf, and freeman.", "Horticulturalist A horticulturalist's main concern is to improve how much a crop produces, its quality, its nutritional value, and its resistance to insects and diseases. Their work targets nuts, berries, fruits, vegetables, trees, shrubs, flowers and turf. skilled aptitude in basic science and an eye for creative detail are necessary to succeed in this field of work. The hourly median pay for horticulturists was $26.96, recorded in May 2006, for professionals in the non-teaching sectors. Annually, most horticulturists earn between $48,000 and $56,000.", "The Role of Intermediate Organizations: Agricultural Professional Organizations and Farmers' Associations The farmers' association is composed of all farmers and their organizations. The sovereign and constituent organs of a farmers' association are formed by their elected members (grass-roots elections), and represent different categories of farmers and professional organizations of the jurisdiction.he basic mission of farmers' associations is to represent farmers, in order to ensure their participation in the formulation and implementation of policies and agricultural development actions. The accomplishment of this mission is based on three principal functions:", "- Exploratory – This type of SAE is appropriate for Junior High agricultural students but is not restricted just to beginning students. This SAE activity is designed primarily to help students become literate about the agriculture industry and/or become aware of the possible careers in agriculture. Examples of exploratory SAE activities might include: observing and/ or assisting a florist, interviewing an agricultural loan officer in a bank, preparing a scrapbook on the work of a veterinarian, growing plants in the school", "Agricultural Economist: Job Description, Duties and Salary Job Description for an Agricultural Economist. Agricultural economists employ principles and concepts of economics to learn more about the supply and demand of goods and services in the agricultural sector. This includes analysis of production, consumption, and distribution.gricultural Economist: Job Description, Duties and Salary. Learn about the education and preparation needed to become an agricultural economist. Get a quick view of the degree requirements, job description and duties as well as salary statistics to find out if this is the career for you.", "Translations for Agricultural policy Editors Contribution(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: agricultural policy. The variety of laws and legislation relating to domestic agriculture and imports of foreign agricultural products constituted by a government of a country or the government of nation or state.", "agriculture In agriculture the land is the principal means of production. The land, in its varied forms and features, determines the specific forms of agricultural concentration and specialization and makes it incumbent on the agriculturist to use scientific systems of land cultivation to increase soil fertility.", "- VI The term “agritourism” means attracting visitors to a working farm for the purpose of eating a meal, making overnight stays, enjoyment of the farm environment, education on farm operations, or active involvement in the activity of the farm which is ancillary to the farm operation.", "What is Agriculture, Definition of AgricultureBen G. Bareja, last edited August 2014 4. Agriculture is practiced for the purpose of producing food and other human needs such as clothing, shelter, medicines, weapons, tools, ornaments, and indefinitely many more. It is likewise practiced as a business for economic gain. The ultimate purpose is essentially important in clarifying what is agriculture.", "- C. Recruits and supervises employees or is responsible for the management and condition of an agricultural establishment. “Agricultural establishment” is a business operation that uses paid employees in agricultural operations. “Agricultural operation” means any operation necessary to farming pursuant to Section 3437.", "US History/Print version Contemporary Examples. 1 These are young fathers, rural farmers, usually growing banana or coffee or subsistence crops. 2 For the first time in American history, rural America has been losing population. 3 She is also head of the Sabancı Foundation, which conducts female-empowerment programs for women in rural Turkey.", "Agricultural Economist: Job Description, Duties and Salary Agricultural economists may also communicate their findings at seminars and conferences to encourage further research or investment in a particular area. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for all economists was $93,070 as of May 2013 (www.bls.gov).The highest paid economists worked in legal services; however, the federal government was the largest employer of economists as of 2013. Show me 9 popular schools.ob Description for an Agricultural Economist. Agricultural economists employ principles and concepts of economics to learn more about the supply and demand of goods and services in the agricultural sector. This includes analysis of production, consumption, and distribution.", "- Agricultural workers maintain the quality of farms, crops, and livestock. Agricultural workers maintain the quality of farms, crops, and livestock by operating machinery and doing physical labor under the supervision of farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural managers.", "Agricultural cooperative An agricultural cooperative, also known as a farmers' co-op, is a cooperative where farmers pool their resources in certain areas of activity.", "Beekeeper Beekeepers are also called honey farmers, apiarists, or less commonly, apiculturists (both from the Latin apis, bee; cf. apiary). The term beekeeper refers to a person who keeps honey bees in beehives, boxes, or other receptacles.Honey bees are not domesticated and the beekeeper does not control the creatures.The beekeeper owns the hives or boxes and associated equipment. The bees are free to forage or leave (swarm) as they desire.he term beekeeper refers to a person who keeps honey bees in beehives, boxes, or other receptacles. Honey bees are not domesticated and the beekeeper does not control the creatures. The beekeeper owns the hives or boxes and associated equipment. The bees are free to forage or leave (swarm) as they desire.", "Agricultural or Food Scientist Agricultural and food scientists typically do the following: 1 Conduct research and experiments to improve the productivity and sustainability of field crops and farm animals. 2 Create new food products and develop new and better ways to process, package, and deliver them.", "- 1 adj Agricultural means involving or relating to agriculture. usu ADJ n. ...agricultural land., ...corn and other agricultural products. 2 adj An agricultural place or society is one in which agriculture is important or highly developed. usu ADJ n. ...traditional agricultural societies.", "AGRICULTURAL agricultural-relating to or used in or promoting agriculture or farming; agricultural engineering; modern agricultural (or farming) methods; agricultural (or farm) equipment; an agricultural college. 2.", "- Full Definition of AGRICULTURAL. : of, relating to, used in, or concerned with agriculture.", "Peasant A peasant is a member of a traditional class of farmers, either laborers or owners of small farms, especially in the Middle Ages under feudalism, or more generally, in any pre-industrial society.In Europe, peasants were divided into three classes according to their personal status: slave, serf, and freeman.he word peasant is also commonly used in a non-pejorative sense as a collective noun for the rural population in the poor and under-developed countries of the world.", "- Agriculture does not include work performed on a farm which is not incidental to or in conjunction with such farmer's farming operation. It also does not include operations performed off a farm if performed by employees employed by someone other than the farmer whose agricultural products are being worked on.", "Agriculture The word agriculture is a late Middle English adaptation of Latin agricultūra, from ager, field, and cultūra, cultivation or growing. Agriculture usually refers to human activities, although it is also observed in certain species of ant, termite and ambrosia beetle.and transformation, the use of land to yield goods and services, is the most substantial way humans alter the Earth's ecosystems, and is considered the driving force in the loss of biodiversity. Estimates of the amount of land transformed by humans vary from 39 to 50%.", "- The median annual wage for agricultural workers was $18,910 in May 2012. The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $17,050, and the top 10 percent earned more than $29,820.gricultural workers maintain the quality of farms, crops, and livestock by operating machinery and doing physical labor under the supervision of farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural managers.", "Definitions &Translations Webster Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Arbalist(noun) a crossbow, consisting of a steel bow set in a shaft of wood, furnished with a string and a trigger, and a mechanical device for bending the bow. It served to throw arrows, darts, bullets, etc.", "- : the science, art, or practice of cultivating the soil, producing crops, and raising livestock and in varying degrees the preparation and marketing of the resulting products. — ag·ri·cul·tur·ist \\ˌa-gri-ˈkəl-ch(ə-)rist\\ or ag·ri·cul·tur·al·ist \\-ch(ə-)rə-list\\ noun." ]
[ 16.171875 ]
[ 7.25, 6.52734375, 7.10546875, 8.890625, 10.5703125, 4.83984375, 6.16015625, 4.49609375, 3.845703125, 7.61328125, 7.39453125, 10.46875, 5.54296875, 8.2421875, 7.109375, 4.828125, 6.40234375, 7.44140625, 6.80859375, 4.5859375, 8.3203125, 12.3515625, 11.7265625, 12.2890625, 3.86328125, 6.484375, 9.6875, 6.61328125, 2.0625, 13.625 ]