is struts a framework
[ "- Overview of the Application. When you use Struts, the framework provides you with a controller servlet, ActionServlet, which is defined in the Struts libraries that are included in the IDE, and which is automatically registered in the web.xml deployment descriptor as shown below." ]
[ "When to replace shocks and struts Can you replace shocks and struts yourself? Technically yes. But in reality, compressing the strut spring is dangerous business. If you really want to change your own struts, here’s the safest way to do it. 1) Buy an alignment tool-Purchase a set of Tool Aid #61800 bubble gauges, or a set of Thexton #447 alignment gauges. Attach the alignment tool to the rotor and center the bubble.", "Proceed with Caution: Should You Buy a Quonset Hut or Rigid Frame Building? While there’ve been a lot of technological advances in construction in the last 70 years, many people still make use of Quonset huts today. They are generally some of the cheapest metal structures around. Most people utilize these arch frame structures for their low initial cost and high security.", "Strut Transportation-related struts are used in load bearing applications ranging from both highway and off-road suspensions to automobile hood and hatch window supports to aircraft wing supports. In vehicle suspension systems, struts are most commonly an assembly of coil-over spring and shock absorber.", "- Shocks use springs as a separate component. <br /> Struts have springs built in and are considered to be one unit. <br /><br /> You also must note that a Strut also has a combined control along with the rack-pinion of the steering system ...", "Whatâs the difference between shocks and struts? A shock absorber resists the bouncing using hydraulics. That’s all it does. Struts are more complex. They combine shock absorption with steering elements and support for the vehicle. Shocks are more common on trucks and SUVs, while you usually find struts on cars. But sometimes you find both—one in the front and the other in the back. Struts are more expensive, because they are more complex.", "truss in architecture and engineering, a supporting structure or framework composed of beams, girders, or rods commonly of steel or wood lying in a single plane. A truss usually takes the form of a triangle or combination of triangles, since this design ensures the greatest rigidity.", "An Extensive Examination of Data Structures Using C# 2.0 An Extensive Examination of Data Structures. Summary: This article, the second in a six-part series on data structures in the .NET Framework, examines three of the most commonly studied data structures: the Queue, the Stack, and the Hashtable.", "How House Construction Works Roof. This house uses trusses for the roof framing. Trusses are pre-fabricated, triangulated wooden structures used to support the roof. The alternative is to build up the roof's frame with 2x8s and 2x10s.Trusses are quite common these days because they have five big advantages from the builder's standpoint: 1 Trusses are incredibly strong.russes come in several standard configurations: M truss. Scissors truss. Gable truss. Gable trusses are used at the ends of the roof (the outermost trusses on either end). The vertical pieces are 16 inches on center so that siding can be nailed on.", "Journal of Power and assembly equipped in the conventional Stirling engine are experimentally studied from the standpoint of thermoacoustic framework, through measurements of the work flux. 2.", "- In accordance with ASCE 7, a Drag Strut is a structural element (could be a truss) installed parallel to an applied load that collects and transfers diaphragm shear forces to the vertical-force-resisting element or distributes forces within the diaphragm or shear wall.", "- Analysis of Truss Structures Definition of a Truss A truss is a structure composed of slender members joined together at their end points.Planar trusses lie in a single plane.Typically, the joint connections are formed by bolting or welding the end members together to a common plate, called a gusset plate.nalysis of Truss Structures Definition of a Truss A truss is a structure composed of slender members joined together at their end points.", "What is a frame structure? A frame structure is something that holds the weight of something else, such as a skeleton. The skeleton holds up muscles, skin etc. and without it you cannot stay up yourself … . A table or bed is another example or the Eiffel Tower.", "Shock and Strut Replacement -- Cheap, OEM, or Upgrade? Struts are a pretty simple, straight forward part that's basically just held in place with a bolt at each end. It seems to me it shouldn't take more than 10-15 minutes per strut. If that were the case, the price wouldn't be so astronomically high.", "The Code / Fundamental Pattern Nature appears to rely on one core recurring pattern to evolve life at every scale – the torus. It is a donut shaped energy vortex that you can see everywhere from atoms to galaxies and beyond. The torus is nature’s way of creating and sustaining life and it can serve as a template for sustainability.", "framework framework - the underlying structure; providing a factual framework for future research; it is part of the fabric of society. fabric. structure - the manner of construction of something and the arrangement of its parts; artists must study the structure of the human body; the structure of the benzene molecule.", "- Standard Lesson Structure 78 skills on their own (“You do”). This “I do, we do, you do” framework serves as the basis for one of the most common lesson structures - the Five-Step Lesson Plan. Let’s look at some of its features. In implementing the Five-Step Lesson Plan you first should ensure your students know what they are", "Stylish Structures Unique frameworks on which to grow your garden. From simple to extravagant, our outdoor garden structures have something for every garden. Whether you're looking for pergolas to enhance a patio or accent a hot tub, or simply want a strong pillar or trellis on which to grow your favorite climbing rose, you'll find it here.", "Strut A strut is a structural component designed to resist longitudinal compression. Struts provide outwards-facing support in their lengthwise direction, which can be used to keep two other components separate, performing the opposite function of a tie. They are commonly used in architecture and engineering.", "About us The STRAUSS Clan is a large and genetically varied group of people of both Jewish and Gentile Germanic origin. The name has been used by families in the Germanic area for at least a 1,000 years. The overlord of Gröna for example, went by the name of Struz and used the image of an Ostrich as his symbol. Examples of it could still be seen on the 1,000 year old church bell of that town. Struz or Strutz is the North-German form of the word Strauss, which is of course the German word for an Ostrich. A branch of that family later also built a keep at Straußberg near Sonderhausen in Thuringia .", "- Unistrut 90th Anniversary Unistrut International is extremely proud to celebrate the 90th anniversary of Unistrut, the original metal framing system. A 90-year history is a testament to hard work and continuous improvement to meet our customer's needs.", "truss Definitions (2). 1. A structural component composed of a combination of members, usually in a triangular arrangement, to form a rigid framework; often used to support a roof. 2. An escalator frame.", "- Strut fittings. are made from aluminum alloy 5052-H32. The high strength to weight ratio of. channel made of aluminum helps greatly. reduce the overall cost of installation. through ease of handling and field cutting. Aluminum owes its excellent corrosion.", "- Parallel structure is repetition of the same pattern of words or phrases within a sentence or passage to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance. Parallel structure helps to organize ideas, making a text or speech easier to understand.", "Struts 2 - Configuration Files As discussed earlier, this file provides an entry point for any web application. The entry point of Struts2 application will be a filter defined in deployment descriptor (web.xml). Hence we will define an entry of FilterDispatcher class in web.xml.", "Pruning Trees A good structure of primary branches should be established while the tree is young. called scaffold branches, are a mature tree’s framework. a strong structure that requires less corrective pruning as they mature. trees is to establish a strong, central trunk with sturdy, well-spaced branches.", "- It is time that our government stops overlooking the framework of our Constitution or The United States of America will surely fall. © Copyright Debra J.M. Smith Original Date -- June 27, 2006", "Java - Data Structures Java - Data Structures. The data structures provided by the Java utility package are very powerful and perform a wide range of functions. All these classes are now legacy and Java-2 has introduced a new framework called Collections Framework, which is discussed in the next chapter.", "What Is The Striatum? The corpus striatum, a macrostructure which contains the striatum, is composed of the entire striatum and the globus pallidus. The lenticular nucleus refers to the putamen together with the globus pallidus. Medium spiny projection neurons comprise 95% of the total neuronal population of the human striatum. 2 Medium spiny neurons have two primary phenotypes (i.e., characteristic types): D1-type MSNs of the direct pathway and D2-type MSNs of the indirect pathway.", "Powerstrut Metal Framing System Versatile metal framing is widely used by electrical contractors to support conduit, panel boxes, raceway systems, lighting support systems, and other electrical components. Powerstrut is available in a variety of materials and finishes including steel, stainless steel, aluminum and fiberglass.", "Conventional roof framing Conventional roof framing. Roof struts. The struts are needed in the roof frame to transfer the loads from underpurlins and other beams to the load bearing walls. Struts should be adequately supported over studs in timber walls. They should have anti-slip blocks, where necessary, to prevent them sliding horizontally." ]
[ 14.7265625 ]
[ 3.44140625, 2.16015625, 5.6484375, 5.5625, 5.5546875, 3.92578125, 3.0625, 0.08984375, 3.345703125, 4.5546875, 2.376953125, 3.603515625, 4.51171875, -0.72705078125, 6.1796875, 3.673828125, 4.5234375, 7.4765625, -1.0078125, 3.658203125, 3.40234375, 3.52734375, -0.6435546875, 8.5078125, 3.392578125, 2.958984375, 3.005859375, 0.6298828125, 5.27734375, 8.3671875 ]
what does hydrocodone show up in ua
[ "How long does vicodin show up in urine drug screens? Vicodin is a combination drug made up of acetaminophen and hydrocodone. Acetaminophen is not tested for in urine drug screens, but hydrocodone is - it's part of the 'opioid' family of pain-relievers. Hydrocodone has a 1/2 life of 3.3-4.4 hours: this means it takes that long for 1/2 of the drug in your blood to leave your body." ]
[ "- In Chapter 7, when Lao Tzu imprisons Wukong in the Brazier of Eight. Trigrams, so that all the divine elixir, immortal peaches, and imperial wine can be smelted and. distilled out ofhim, the reader is told again that Wukong is made ofwind: Sun [Wukong] symbolizes wind; where there is wind, there is no fire.", "Hydrocodone Abuse Hydrocodone Abuse. Hydrocodone is a partially synthetic opiate drug used primarily as a painkiller and cough suppressant. There are literally hundreds of products on the market that contain hydrocodone. But the addictiveness of hydrocodone means that anything containing this ingredient is a controlled substance that can only be obtained with a doctor’s prescription.", "AP Bio Ch 7 Concept Check Water is a polar molecule, so it cannot pass very rapidly through the hydrophobic interior of a membrane Aquaporins exclude passage of hydronium ions (H3O+). But recent research has revealed a role for some aquaporins in fat metabolism, in which they allow the passage of glycerol, a 3-carbon alcohol (see Figure 5.11), as well as H2O. water than is glycerol, what do you suppose is the basis of this selectivity? The hydronium ion is charged, while glycerol is not. Charge is probably more significant than size as a basis for exclusion by the aquaporin channel.", "- This effect is minimized by having an acidic urine ph which keeps NH4+ in its protonated form. However, the urine does not become maximally acidified until the collecting tubule where secretion of hydrogen ions by intercalated cells significantly reduce the urine pH.hat happens next to ammonium is somewhat complex. So before continuing, let us re-examine the rational behind ammonium excretion. Now remember; free hydrogen ions are not filtered by the kidney. Instead, they are secreted into the tublar fluid.", "- No, they do not and can not differentiate between heroin and other opiates, such as hydrocodone or morphine. Opiates all show up under one panel (opiates), although oxyc…odone, methadone, and subutex/suboxone DO show up under their own separate panels.", "The Sugar Bowl In The End, there is a possible mention of the sugar bowl. When reading an extract from A Series of Unfortunate Events (the history of the island at which the Baudelaires arrive), Klaus reads, Beatrice is hiding a small amount [of horseradish (or other substance capable of diluting the medusoid mycelium)] in a vess-.", "Hydrocodone products become Schedule II controlled substances Hydrocodone combination products have been moved from a Schedule III controlled substance to a Schedule II drug, meaning the substances have a high potential for abuse, which may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration.", "Does hydrocodone show up on drug tests? And drug tests differ in their sensitivity. For example, hydrocodone detection time in urine is about 2-4 days (on the safe side) , while hydrocodone can be detected in the hair for up to 3 months after your last pill.Most commercial drug tests for hydrocodone, however, detect hydrocodone in the urine for 6-24 hours after last use.f this was a one-time dose, it is unlikely that the hydrocodone will show up on a drug screen. But please update us and let us know. Also, if you are taking Vicodin with a prescription, just take the doctor’s note to the testing center, and a positive test will be waived for medical use.", "Why Is There Hydromorphone In My Patientâs Urine? The drug test typically will screen for morphine as well as codeine, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, oxycodone, oxymorphone, norhydrocodone, and noroxycodone. Interpretation of the UDS results may not always be as straightforward as it appears and relies heavily on knowledge of drug metabolism.", "- Confidence votes 1.2K. hydrocodone is a single chemical compound. It is, in essence, its own active ingredient. However it is almost always combined with acetaminophen (Tylenol), Ibuprofen or aspirin and marketed as Vicodin, Lortab, Lorcet... or prepared as a cough syrup (Tussionex, Polytussin, Endal HC).So to answer the questionin retrospect, the active ingredient in Vicodin, Lortab, Tussionex, and so forth is hydrocodone.xycodone is used for moderate to severe pain. Common opioids and their conversions: 10 mg of oral hydrocodone = 6.667 of oxycodone = 66.67 mg of codeine= 10 mg of morphine= 2.5 mg of hydromorphone= 3.333 mg of oxymorphone= 0.1 mg of transdermal fentanyl (4 mcg/hour).", "Obredon Hydrocodone is a narcotic cough suppressant (antitussive) that affects a certain part of the brain, reducing the urge to cough. This product is not used for ongoing cough from smoking or long-term breathing problems (such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma) unless directed by your doctor.", "Statement on Proposed Hydrocodone Reclassification from Janet Woodcock, M.D., Director, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research In 2009, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) asked the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for a recommendation regarding whether to change the schedule for hydrocodone combination products, such as Vicodin.", "DESCRIPTION Hydrocodone is an opiate agonist, semi-synthetic narcotic analgesic and antitussive (cough suppressant) used in the treatment of mild to moderate pain. Hydrocodone preparations contain analgesics such as acetaminophen, which can be toxic to the liver in high doses.It should only be used to treat patients who are tolerant to opiates.", "- Story highlights. 1 On Oct. 6, the DEA will move hydrocodone combination products from Schedule III to Schedule II, so family physicians need to prepare for the change. 2 Refills will be valid only if the original prescription was written before Oct. 6 and is filled before April 8, 2015.", "Herbal Alternatives to Hydrocodone Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is hydrocodone's closest herbal relative. It has been used in Asian countries for centuries for its ability to decrease pain and fatigue, allowing workers to continue in spite of discomfort. In small doses, it produces stimulating effects.", "drugtest * passing drug test * pass a drug test * home drug test * employee drug testing * drug testing * urine test * marijuana drug test * hair drug test * urine drug test * blood drug test * drug test kit * beat drug test * false positive drug test * saliva drug test * pass drug test * random drug testing * drug detox Hydrocodone is in a rather gray area when it comes to drug testing. There's a lot of false information out there, leaving many people confused. Questions like Will you be tested for hydrocodone? and How long does hydrocodone stay in your system? really need to be answered.", "What would happen if you snorted ibuprofen? Report Abuse. The only reason to snort ibuprofen is if it was in a percocet or hyrdocodone and you didn't want to do cold water extraction. I do not recommend snorting anything but if you must then make sure you sniff some water after you do to keep any sharp particles or chunks from scratching or damaging your nose.", "Is 5 mg of hydrocodone considered strong? Hydrocodone is the active ingredient in Vicodin and lortab. These two medications are a combination of Hydrocodone and another ingredient that stregthens the Hydrocodone.", "Hydrocodone Addiction and Abuse How Hydrocodone Is Used. Hydrocodone is combined with acetaminophen (the active ingredient in Tylenol) or ibuprofen in brand names such as Vicodin, Norco and Lortab. The Food and Drug Administration has also approved a pure hydrocodone product known as Zohydro.", "Drugs A-Z Biocodone. Biocodone is a brand name medication that contains the narcotic opioid drug hydrocodone. It is most commonly prescribed to treat patients with moderate to severe pain. Side effects can include itching, nausea, drowsiness, and vomiting.ortab. Lortab is a brand name of a pill that combines the drugs hydrocodone and acetaminophen. It is commonly given to patients to relieve moderate to severe pain. Common side effects include an upset stomach, nausea, and dizziness.", "Does Hydrocodone show up on a Drug Test Hydrocodone & drug testing. Different drugs have different detection times in your system, depending on how these substances will wear off. Hydrocodone is detectable in urine for approximately 2 and up to 4 days after last use, while it can be detected during a hair follicle test even after 3 months. Detection also depends on the sensitivity of the specific drug test.", "How long does tramadol last? Hydrocodone time in the body. After more than a day or two, it’s unlikely that hydrocodone will still be present in the blood. Hydrocodone will show up on urine screens for 1-2 days, but the longest hydrocodone can stay in your system is in hair samples that detect hydrocodone use for 90 days or even longer.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: How Long Does Hydrocodone Show Up In A Drug Test Will codeine show up on a drug test - Do hydrocodone and codeine show the same on a drug test? Initially. They will both usual show as opiates on the initial screen. Confirmatory testing will be more specific.", "Hydrocodone extraction My kids found a bottle of Hydrocodone from a prescription for their wisdom teeth extraction from about 5 months ago. There were three bottles that used to be kept in the safe and it looks as if she combined them into one bottle. I know from friends with the disorder that people will try to self-medicate.", "- Hydrocodone. 1 A chemical derivative of opium that is used in modern day medications for the relief of moderate to severe pain. Because it acts directly on the brain and spinal cord, it most definitely causes a state of euphoria when taken in slightely greater doses (ex.-three tablets instead of one).", "- Found in prescription pain medications like Lortab and Vicodin, usually mixed with APAP which is toxic to your liver in high doses (if you are going to take Vicodin for fun, do a coldwater extraction on the pills to get the APAP out). Hydrocodone fucks up you up.", "- Hydrocodone Uses. Hydrocodone is marketed under names including Vicodin, Lorcet, Lortab, Norco, Anexsia, Hycodan, Vicoprofen, Tramadol, Zydone, Tylox, Tussionex and Hycomine. It is a semi-synthetic opioid. The narcotic drug, which can be habit-forming, is used as a pain reliever and cough suppressant, available in capsules, tablets and liquid form. Hydrocodone relieves pain by binding to the opioid receptor sites in the brain and spinal cord.", "Does hydrocodone show up on drug tests? Dose hydroco/APAP 7.5-750 Tab Mallinckro show up as codeine in a 10 panel drug test and if it dose how many of these pills would it take to be reportable after you stopped taking them 2 days prayer to the test.f this was a one-time dose, it is unlikely that the hydrocodone will show up on a drug screen. But please update us and let us know. Also, if you are taking Vicodin with a prescription, just take the doctor’s note to the testing center, and a positive test will be waived for medical use.", "Hydrocodone Hydrocodone side effects Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction to hydrocodone: hives; difficult breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Like other opioid medicines, hydrocodone can slow your breathing. Death may occur if breathing becomes too weak. A person caring for you should seek emergency medical attention if you have slow breathing with long pauses, blue colored lips, or if you are hard to wake up. Stop using hydrocodone and call your doctor at once if you have: 1 weak or shallow breathing; 2 pain or burning when you urinate; 3 confusion, tremors, severe drowsiness; 4 a light-headed feeling, like you might pass out; 5 infertility, missed menstrual periods; 6 impotence, sexual problems, loss of interest in sex; or.", "Hydrocodone moved to Schedule II in DEA final rule Hydrocodone moved to Schedule II in DEA final rule. DEA today published a final rule moving hydrocodone combination products (HCPs) from Schedule III to Schedule II, effective October 6, 2014. APhA and most pharmacy groups strongly opposed the move." ]
[ 13.859375 ]
[ -1.48828125, 8.5546875, 0.2491455078125, 2.72265625, 12.8203125, -0.438720703125, 6.84765625, 15.125, 13.5, 7.234375, 6.97265625, 6.7265625, 7.75, 6.1796875, 4.69921875, 11.4140625, 4.53515625, 7.3828125, 8.0234375, 9.734375, 15.65625, 14.09375, 13.1171875, 5.91796875, 7.51953125, 7.56640625, 8.140625, 12.65625, 9.40625, 5.3984375 ]
what does eunuch mean
[ "What do the words eunuch and castrate mean? Confidence votes 7.5K. A eunuch is a male who has been castrated, usually during or before adolescence. Castration is the process of removing a male's testicles. Eunuch comes from an ancient word meaning to guard the bed; castrated males would guard the bedrooms of rich men's wives, to keep them from having affairs.astration is the process of removing a male's testicles. Eunuch comes from an ancient word meaning to guard the bed; castrated males would guard the bedrooms of rich men's wives, to keep them from having affairs." ]
[ "- The prefix uni-which means “one” is an important prefix in the English language. Let’s see how this prefix works with more than just “one” example! A unicorn, for instance, is a mythological horse that had “one” horn sprouting from its forehead. The universe is etymologically all of perceptible creation turned into “one” entirety.", "- in·nu·en·do. n. pl. in·nu·en·does. 1. An indirect or subtle, usually derogatory implication in expression; an insinuation. 2. Law A plaintiff's allegation explicating the defamatory meaning of the publication or utterance in a libel suit. [From Latin. , by hinting, ablative of. , gerund of.", "CHARACTER • RUNE (noun). The noun RUNE has 1 sense: 1. any character from an ancient Germanic alphabet used in Scandinavia from the 3rd century to the Middle Ages. Familiarity information: RUNE used as a noun is very rare. RUNE (noun). The noun RUNE has 1 sense: 1. any character from an ancient Germanic alphabet used in Scandinavia from the 3rd century to the Middle Ages. Familiarity information: RUNE used as a noun is very rare.", "TRUNK The hip and buttock and upper thigh in human beings. Classified under: Nouns denoting body parts. Hypernyms (haunch is a kind of...): body part (any part of an organism such as an organ or extremity) Holonyms (haunch is a part of...): body; torso; trunk (the body excluding the head and neck and limbs)", "- The term Anunnaki is often used in ancient texts as referring to a group of gods. The name is a derivative of the names heaven and earth, Anu and Ki but is also translated by some as “those of royal blood” and also “princely offspring”.ay 14, 2013 - Many people who believe in the Annunaki feel that they may be at war with the Illumunati. The Illuminati are a secret group of high ranking official including doctors, lawyers, and clergy. The Annunaki Illuminati war is said to be over the claims of the people and earth.", "- a male whose sexual glands (testes) have been removed before puberty; a castrated male. Eunuchs, or 'castrati' develop many of the secondary sex characteristics of females, especially a higher voice, absence of a beard, and scanty body hair.", "- Full Definition of EUNUCH. 1. : a castrated man placed in charge of a harem or employed as a chamberlain in a palace. 2. : a man or boy deprived of the testes or external genitals.3. — eu·nuch·ism \\-nə-ˌki-zəm, -ni-\\ noun.See eunuch defined for English-language learners. ADVERTISEMENT.ull Definition of EUNUCH. 1. : a castrated man placed in charge of a harem or employed as a chamberlain in a palace. 2. : a man or boy deprived of the testes or external genitals. 3. — eu·nuch·ism \\-nə-ˌki-zəm, -ni-\\ noun. See eunuch defined for English-language learners.", "- noun. 1 The hip, buttock, and upper thigh in humans and certain other animals. 2 The loin and leg of a four-footed animal, especially as used for food: a haunch of venison. 3 Architecture Either of the sides of an arch, curving down from the apex to an impost.", "New Testament Epiousios (Ancient Greek: επιούσιος) is a unique Greek word used in the fourth petition of the Lord's Prayer, as recorded in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 6:11) and the Gospel of Luke (Luke 11:3).he document in which it was found is a 5th-century CE shopping list, identified as Sammelbuch 5224,20. The word epiousios is written next to the names of several grocery items. This seems to indicate that it was used in the sense of enough for today, enough for tomorrow, or necessary.", "- duchy. It is originaly the big pot that jamaicans use, as in a duchy pot, although it has been used for a joint or blunt, its original meaning is the duchy pot. Pass the duchy pan di left and side,", "Ashpenaz (horse-nose), the master of the eunuchs of Nebuchadnezzar. (Daniel 1:3) [N] indicates this entry was also found in Nave's Topical Bible[E] indicates this entry was also found in Easton's Bible Dictionary Bibliography Information Smith, William, Dr. Entry for 'Ashpenaz'.Smith's Bible Dictionary. . 1901.horse-nose), the master of the eunuchs of Nebuchadnezzar. (Daniel 1:3) [N] indicates this entry was also found in Nave's Topical Bible[E] indicates this entry was also found in Easton's Bible Dictionary Bibliography Information Smith, William, Dr. Entry for 'Ashpenaz'. Smith's Bible Dictionary. . 1901.", "Magic In order to explain Enochian sigils we must first discuss Enochian as it is understand, as a language. Enochian is a language which has been said for hundreds of years to be the language which unites mankind with the Angels in heaven.he sigils which are associated with Enochian are the symbols in the alphabet themselves for which the Enochians owe their success. Enoch is a Biblical Patriarch so to speak who, according to lore was a very righteous man.", "haunch haunch. 1 The hip, buttock, and upper thigh in humans and certain other animals. 2 The loin and leg of a four-footed animal, especially as used for food: a haunch of venison. 3 Architecture Either of the sides of an arch, curving down from the apex to an impost.", "- Use eugenics in a sentence. 1 the movement devoted to improving the human species through the control of hereditary factors in mating.", "- Contemporary Examples. 1 eugenics is a word that made everyone at the event uncomfortable. 2 Watch a montage of his many references, from SS uniforms, to the Third Reich, to eugenics. 3 The very subject evokes dark visions of forced sterilization and the eugenics horrors of the early 20th century.", "- The noun clue appeared as a variant spelling of clew, of same pronunciation. Not frequent until the 17th century, the form clue has become the prevailing form of the word in the sense of a fact or idea that serves to reveal something or solve a problem.The word is from Old English cliwen, cleowen, meaning a ball formed by winding yarn, twine or thread (it is still one of the meanings of clew).Of Germanic origin, it is related to Dutch kluwen and German Knaeuel, knäuel of same. meaninghe word is from Old English cliwen, cleowen, meaning a ball formed by winding yarn, twine or thread (it is still one of the meanings of clew). Of Germanic origin, it is related to Dutch kluwen and German Knaeuel, knäuel of same. meaning", "eunuch Word History: Eunuch goes back to the Greek word eunoukhos, a castrated male employed to serve the women in the women's quarters of a household and to act as chamberlain, and the Greek word is derived from eunē, bed, and ekhein, to hold, to keep.. A eunuch is a bed-keeper, so to speak. To avoid suspicion about the parentage of their children, upper-class men in many ancient societies would post eunuchs to guard and serve in the bedchambers of the women of their households.", "TRUNK haunch - the hip and buttock and upper thigh in human beings body part - any part of an organism such as an organ or extremity torso, trunk, body - the body excluding the head and neck and limbs; they moved their arms and legs and bodies", "Et uxor Uxor redirects here. For the fictional planet, see Green Man (comics) . Et uxor is a Latin phrase meaning and wife, commonly abbreviated et ux. . The term is a legal phrase that is used in lieu of naming the female spouse of a male party to litigation, for example Loving et ux.v. Virginia.The term remains in contemporary use in American legal documents, especially as related to property and marriage.Many older property deeds list the owners in the form John Smith et ux. In the present day, most jurisdictions would indicate both the husband and wife by name.he term remains in contemporary use in American legal documents, especially as related to property and marriage. Many older property deeds list the owners in the form John Smith et ux. In the present day, most jurisdictions would indicate both the husband and wife by name.", "- hunch. n. 1. An intuitive feeling or a premonition: had a hunch that he would lose. 2.unch. n. 1. An intuitive feeling or a premonition: had a hunch that he would lose. 2.", "- duchy. It is originaly the big pot that jamaicans use, as in a duchy pot, although it has been used for a joint or blunt, its original meaning is the duchy pot.", "eunuch Word History: Eunuch goes back to the Greek word eunoukhos, a castrated male employed to serve the women in the women's quarters of a household and to act as chamberlain, and the Greek word is derived from eunē, bed, and ekhein, to hold, to keep..u′nuch·ism n. Word History: Eunuch goes back to the Greek word eunoukhos, a castrated male employed to serve the women in the women's quarters of a household and to act as chamberlain, and the Greek word is derived from eunē, bed, and ekhein, to hold, to keep.. A eunuch is a bed-keeper, so to speak.", "21. The Fatal Failures of Religion: #2 Legalism (Matthew 5:17-48) “For there are eunuchs who were born that way from their mother’s womb; and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men; and there are also eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven.or there are eunuchs who were born that way from their mother's womb, there are eunuchs who were made by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves that way because of the kingdom of heaven. Let anyone accept this who can..", "- ANSWER: Being a eunuch is a purely physical situation for a male. If castration occurs before the age of puberty in a boy or he injuries his gonads, he will most likely not be able to have children nor be able to sexually perform.he Bible, in several places, discusses people who became a Eunuch. One that is noteworthy in the New Testament was sent by the Queen of the Ethiopians, Candace, to Jerusalem to worship the true Creator God.", "Ununennium Ununennium, also known as eka-francium or simply element 119, is the hypothetical chemical element with atomic number 119 and symbol Uue.Ununennium and Uue are the temporary systematic IUPAC name and symbol, until a permanent name is decided upon.In the periodic table of the elements, it is expected to be an s-block element, an alkali metal, and the first element in the eighth period.or example, ununennium is expected to be less reactive than caesium and francium and to be closer in behavior to potassium or rubidium, and while it should show the characteristic +1 oxidation state of the alkali metals, it is also predicted to show the +3 oxidation state unknown in any other alkali metal.", "Urachus The urachus is a fibrous remnant of the allantois, a canal that drains the urinary bladder of the fetus that joins and runs within the umbilical cord.The fibrous remnant lies in the space of Retzius, between the transversalis fascia anteriorly and the peritoneum posteriorly.he vesico-urethral portion of the urogenital sinus absorbs the ends of the Wolffian ducts and the associated ends of the renal diverticula, and these give rise to the trigone of the bladder and part of the prostatic urethra.", "HAUNCH HAUNCH Dictionary entry overview: What does haunch mean? • HAUNCH (noun) The noun HAUNCH has 2 senses: 1. the hip and buttock and upper thigh in human beings 2. the loin and leg of a quadruped Familiarity information: HAUNCH used as a noun is rare.", "- Drench could be the female equal to a boner. It is also a euphemism to get wet or becoming exceptionally drawn to an individual.Slang when it comes to women. by Samuel Report definition. Drench could be the female equal to a boner. Additionally it is a euphemism so you can get wet or becoming acutely interested in an individual. Slang for ladies. by Nikole Report definition.", "UNICORN Dictionary entry overview: What does unicorn mean? • UNICORN (noun) The noun UNICORN has 1 sense: 1. an imaginary creature represented as a white horse with a long horn growing from its forehead Familiarity information: UNICORN used as a noun is very rare.", "- For there are eunuchs who have been born incapable of marriage; and there are eunuchs who have been made so by men; and there are eunuchs who have made themselves incapable of marriage for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let him who is able to accept this accept it." ]
[ 15.96875 ]
[ 2.099609375, 6.43359375, 0.287841796875, 0.3486328125, 1.3466796875, 14.703125, 16.171875, 6.890625, 1.365234375, 2.58984375, 5.609375, 0.54443359375, 3.173828125, 4.3515625, 2.982421875, 2.275390625, 14.7890625, 2.146484375, 3.640625, 4.5859375, 3.150390625, 13.875, 8.46875, 12.6015625, 2.7109375, 1.029296875, 1.9814453125, 3.13671875, 2.181640625, 9.2890625 ]
meaning of antenatal care
[ "Prenatal care Prenatal care, also known as antenatal care is a type of preventive healthcare, with the goal of providing regular check-ups that allow doctors or midwives to treat and prevent potential health problems throughout the course of the pregnancy while promoting healthy lifestyles that benefit both mother and child." ]
[ "Nora-BE Prenatal care is the health care you get while you are pregnant. Take care of yourself and your baby by: 1 Getting early prenatal care. 2 If you know you're pregnant, or think you might be, call your doctor to schedule a visit. 3 Getting regular prenatal care.", "Antinatalism Antinatalism is a philosophical position that assigns a negative value to birth, standing in opposition to natalism.", "Ancillary Services (Health Care) Law and Legal Definition Ancillary Services (Health Care) Ancillary Services (Health Care) Law and Legal Definition Ancillary services refer to the health care services provided exclusive of room and board. Supplies and laboratory tests provided under home care, audiology, durable medical equipment (DME), USLegal Home", "- Medicine, Dewan Medical & Dental College, ***Physiology, United Medical & Dental College, Karachi, Pakistan. Background: Antenatal care is one of the four pillar initiatives of the Safe Motherhood. This study was. carried out to identify the factors affecting the utilization of antenatal care by expectant women of child. bearing age and women’s opinion regarding antenatal care.", "Prenatal care Prenatal care, also known as antenatal care is a type of preventive healthcare, with the goal of providing regular check-ups that allow doctors or midwives to treat and prevent potential health problems throughout the course of the pregnancy while promoting healthy lifestyles that benefit both mother and child.[1][2] During check-ups, pregnant women ...", "NEONATAL PERIOD Hypernyms (neonatal period is a kind of...): time of life (a period of time during which a person is normally in a particular life state) He's all hat and no cattle. (English proverb) Whatever joy you seek, it can be achieved by yourself; whatever misery you seek, it can be found by yourself. (Bhutanese proverb) There ain't no such thing as a free lunch. (American proverb) Even the king saves his money.. (Corsican proverb)", "What does antenuptial agreement mean? Ante means before, just as pre does. An antenuptial agreement is the same thing as a prenuptial agreement, that is, an agreement entered into by the husband-to-be and the wife-to-be prior to the marriage. Ante = before nuptial = marriage An antenuptial agreement is the same as a prenuptial agreement. It is a legal agreement made between a man and a woman before marriage, typically to discuss division of assets should they eventually divorce.", "Frequently Asked Questions What does perinatal mean? Perinatal means the period “all around” birth. We use it to mean the period of time all throughout pregnancy as well as the baby’s first year.", "Pregnancy What is prenatal care and why is it important? Having a healthy pregnancy is one of the best ways to promote a healthy birth. Getting early and regular prenatal care improves the chances of a healthy pregnancy. This care can begin even before pregnancy with a preconception care visit to a health care provider. Preconception Care. A preconception care visit can help women take steps for a safe and healthy pregnancy before they get pregnant.", "Neonatal nursing You may improve this article, discuss the issue on the talk page, or create a new article, as appropriate. (November 2013) Neonatal nursing is a subspecialty of nursing care for newborn infants up to 28 days after birth. The term neonatal comes from neo, new, and natal, pertaining to birth or origin.", "- Antenuptial agreements are entered into in an endeavor to settle issues of support, distribution of wealth and division of property in the event of the death of either spouse or the failure of the proposed marriage resulting in either separation or divorce.", "- Prenatal care can help keep you and your baby healthy. Babies of mothers who do not get prenatal care are three times more likely to have a low birth weight and five times more likely to die than those born to mothers who do get care. Doctors can spot health problems early when they see mothers regularly.", "- Duty Of Care. 2. Explain what it means to have a Duty of Care in your Own Work Role. In my work role what it means to have duty of care underpins everything that I do... Save Paper — Words: 599 — Pages: 3. Introduction To Duty Of Care. Introduction to duty of care in health and social care 1.1.What is meant by duty of care in my own work role Duty of care means to provide care and... Save Paper — Words: 1021 — Pages: 5. Shc 24 Introduction Of Duty Of Care In Health And Social Care Of Children And Young People's Settings.. Explain what it means to have a Duty of Care in your Own Work Role. In my work role what it means to have duty of care underpins everything that I do... Save Paper — Words: 599 — Pages: 3.", "Antepartum Care In our 12-bed Antepartum Unit, we assure expectant mothers who require hospitalization during their pregnancies receive the very best care. We provide highly specialized care and monitoring to pregnant women with a variety of medical conditions. Our staff works closely with your obstetrician to provide the best outcome for you and your baby. The obstetric and perinatal subspecialists at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford are always available to support the needs of you and your baby.", "care Upkeep; maintenance: a product for the care of fine floors; hair care products. c. Watchful oversight; charge or supervision: left the child in the care of a neighbor. 3. Attentive assistance or treatment to those in need: a hospital that provides emergency care.", "- Prenatal Care. The prenatal period is a time when a mother can prepare herself both physically and mentally for pregnancy. Many women feel that their emotions are heightened during pregnancy and they often feel anxious, excited and nervous. Prenatal care helps to educate mothers on what is best for their baby. A prenatal appointment with a midwife or doctor will give you more information on pregnancy, and doctors will be on hand to offer prenatal care from the time of conception up until the onset of labour.", "subacute care the services rendered by members of the health professions for the benefit of a patient. See also treatment. acute care see acute care. admission care in the nursing interventions classification, a nursing intervention defined as facilitating entry of a patient into a health care facility.", "RELATIVE Noun. 1. agnate-one related on the father's side. patrikin, patrilineal kin, patrilineal sib, patrisib. relative, relation-a person related by blood or marriage; police are searching for relatives of the deceased; he has distant relations back in New Jersey.", "Prenatal Care Cost Prenatal care involves a series of doctor or midwife visits throughout the pregnancy to check the health of the patient and her fetus and make sure the pregnancy is progressing normally. Prenatal care allows a health professional to spot common problems with the potential to become dangerous if left untreated.", "- Relating to or denoting the period after childbirth: postnatal care. More example sentences. 1 The clinic offers counselling, electrocardiogram and stress tests, pap smear, antenatal and post-natal care and vaccination and immunisation for infants and adults.", "subacute care [kār] the services rendered by members of the health professions for the benefit of a patient. See also treatment. acute care see acute care. admission care in the nursing interventions classification, a nursing intervention defined as facilitating entry of a patient into a health care facility.", "AFTERCARE Hypernyms (aftercare is a kind of...): medical aid; medical care (professional treatment for illness or injury)", "- Anthem’s. commitment is. to ensure access to primary and preventive care services, improve access to all necessary health care. services, encourage coordination of medical care, emphasize prevention and education, and provide first-. class customer service.", "Prenatal care The study showed the importance of prenatal care and how universal prenatal care would help people of all origins get proper care before pregnancy/birth (Castelló et al., 2012). The WHO recommends that pregnant women should all receive four antenatal visits to spot and treat problems and give immunizations.", "Prenatal development 1 In ICD-10, a medical classification list by the WHO, there is a particular chapter relating to certain conditions originating in the perinatal period. The antepartum period (from Latin ante before and parere to give birth) is literally equivalent to prenatal (from Latin pre- before and nasci to be born).", "intermediate care Also found in: Dictionary. intermediate care. n. 1. A level of medical care in a hospital that is intermediate between intensive and basic care. 2. A level of care for chronically ill, disabled, or elderly individuals, as in an intermediate care facility.", "Transitional Care 6 definitions Transitional Care. A type of short-term care provided by some long-term care facilities and hospitals, which may include rehabilitation services, specialized care for certain conditions (such as stroke and diabetes) and/or post-surgical care and other services associated with the transition between hospital and home.", "The Antenatal Care And Postnatal Care Health Essay This study aimed to explore the potential factors that can affect utilization of postnatal care services. Findings from this study will give a reflection of maternal health status as well as extent of post natal care service utilization which can be used to improve the utilization of post natal care in urban slums.", "- ANR/ABF stands for: A Nursing Relationship/Adult Breast Feeding. ANR/ABF refers to a relationship involving sucking milk from the female breast as an expression of close intimacy.", "Prenatal care Proper prenatal care affects all women of various social backgrounds. While availability of such services have considerable personal health and social benefits, socioeconomic problems prevent its universal adoption in both developing and developed nations, such as the US." ]
[ 14.6640625 ]
[ 9.25, 5.69140625, 1.376953125, 13.75, 14.09375, 1.134765625, 3.599609375, 6.36328125, 8.5234375, 4.84765625, 2.423828125, 9.078125, 3.244140625, 6.1328125, 3.84375, 9.4765625, 4.39453125, 0.353515625, 8.515625, 10.921875, 4.0390625, 1.1943359375, 2.78125, 8.828125, 6.91015625, 1.9873046875, 2.17578125, 6.90625, 1.8662109375, 7.28515625 ]
how to make grape drink
[ "Homemade Grape Juice Put the mashed grapes into a large stockpot. Slowly heat the grapes and juice to a simmer on medium heat and then simmer for 10 minutes. Stir occasionally so that the grapes don't stick to the bottom of the pan. Halfway through cooking mash some more, breaking up as many of the remaining grapes as possible." ]
[ "How to Make Sweet and Sour Grapes How to Make Sweet and Sour Grapes. Sweet and sour grapes are an ideal accompaniment to cheese platters for after dinner refreshments. They are also a great addition to the traditional ploughman's lunches.Perfect served with a crusty bread.weet and sour grapes are an ideal accompaniment to cheese platters for after dinner refreshments. They are also a great addition to the traditional ploughman's lunches. Perfect served with a crusty bread.", "How To Make Grape Juice 1 Fill the bottom section of the steamer juicer with water and turn the heat on high. 2 As you make your grape juice, watch the water level in this bottom section so that it doesn’t run dry. 3 Put the washed bunches of grapes in the top section of the steamer juicer. 4 Fill the basket all the way to the top and put on the lid.icking and Washing Your Grapes. Concord Grapes make the best grape juice. Pick your grapes when they’re a deep purple. When the grapes ripen, they’ll begin to soften. Taste them. If they’re still sour and tart, they aren’t ready to make into juice. In Utah we pick our grapes late in the fall right before it freezes.", "Grape Juice Recipe 1 How to make grape juice (Step by step recipe with photos): 2 Pick the grapes and take them into a large bowl. 3 Fill it with water and let it soak for 5 minutes. 4 Or rinse them under running cold water. 5 Then add the grapes to the blender. 6 Add sugar. 7 You can skip the sugar if grapes are sweet enough. 8 Add chilled water.) Pick the grapes and take them into a large bowl. Fill it with water and let it soak for 5 minutes. Or rinse them under running cold water. 2) Then add the grapes to the blender. 3) Add sugar. You can skip the sugar if grapes are sweet enough. 4) Add chilled water. 5) Blend it till it gets smooth.", "How To Freeze Grapes Red, black, and/or green grapes may be used (your choice). Wash, dry, and de-stem grapes. I have found that you can also freeze them in small clusters on the stems. Place the grapes in a colander, and soak in cool water for a couple of minutes to wash away dirt, residue, and pesticides. Then rinse under cool water for about thirty seconds, shaking the colander to release any trash or dirt.", "GRAPE CONCENTRATES I will attempt herein to explain why. Most grape concentrates are made by boiling grape juice at reduced pressure to eliminate about 75-80% of the water naturally present. In principle, making wine from concentrates is a simple, straightforward matter.", "- Procedure. 1 Crush the seeds properly in a bowl with a pestle. 2 Pour the sugar and mix well using a spoon. 3 Transfer the mixture to a jar. Add 1/4 cup of the pomegranate mixture into a 1 cup. Pour hot water, stir, and drink.", "- 1 Make a wort for your ginger ale by placing 3 cups of the water, minced ginger root, sugar (and molasses if needed), and salt in a saucepan and bringing to a boil.2 Simmer the mixture for about five minutes until sugar is dissolved and mixture starts to smell like ginger.3 Remove from heat and add additional water.gor Maric says. I’ve been making Ginger Ale (or Ginger drink, whatever one might want to call it) on semi-regular basis for about a year now. My recipe is pretty simple (rough measurements): 1/2 cup of freshly cheese-grated ginger juice, 1/4 cup of lemon juice, 1/4 cup of Agave nectar and 1/8 teaspoon of dry yeast.", "How to Make Frozen Grapes Rinse the grapes. It's always a good idea to rinse any fruit before you eat it. Washing fruit helps to remove pesticides that are dangerous to your health. Place the grapes in a colander or bowl or on a plate and pat them dry with a paper towel. Give them at least 15 minutes to dry as much as they can. 2. Place the grapes on a piece of wax paper, a cookie sheet, or a plate.", "Graviola Herbal Medicine How to make a Graviola Nectar. 1 Wash and peel Graviola. 2 Remove core and seeds. 3 Cut into small pieces. Mix two cups water for every three cups of 1 pulp. Pass Graviola pulp through a juice extractor or corn mill grinder. Strain through a stainless steel 1 strainer. Add one cup of water for every two cups juice.", "- Knowledge center. The ways to consume grapes are endless-from red, green and purple grapes to seedless grapes, grape jelly, grape jam and grape juice. And don't forget wine and raisins! This popular fruit's history goes back as far as 8,000 years, when grape vines were first cultivated in what is now the Middle East.he ways to consume grapes are endless-from red, green and purple grapes to seedless grapes, grape jelly, grape jam and grape juice.", "- That said, some days I still enjoy making it taste delicious using recipes like this Grape and Apple Cider Vinegar Antioxidant Drink or the Apple Pie Apple Cider Vinegar Drink I’m sharing today. It feels a bit more like a treat when prepped this way… especially when served out of a fancy stemless wine glass.", "- 1 Add the minced mint, the lime zest, and the lime juice. 2 In a large bowl, combine the red grapes, the green grapes, the plums, the peaches and the nectarines. 3 Pour the lime and mint sauce over the fruits, and toss gently until all the fruit is coated.", "- Once you have plucked a bunch of sour grapes, you are stuck with them. Eating sour grapes can set your teeth on edge and may even make your tummy upset. For most people, eating a sour treat is not enjoyable.Sweeten up your sour grapes to make them more palatable.lace them on a tray and freeze them for at least three hours. You can use any color grapes for this recipe. Whisk the egg whites of two eggs with 1/8 teaspoon of lemon juice in a glass bowl. This mixture makes a sort of glue that holds the sugar in place. If you have an egg allergy, you can use an egg substitute.", "How to Mix Certo and Grape Juice for Arthritis Take two teaspoons of Certo dissolved in three ounces of grape juice. Do this three times a day. We have been told to cut back to one teaspoon Certo in grape juice twice a day after the joints quit aching. We buy Certo in the grocery store near the canning jars.", "- Separate the grapes from the stalks and rinse grapes thoroughly. Decide which way you would like to crush your grapes. Depending on how much wine you are making, crush the grapes with your hands or stomp the grapes with your feet or a large utensil with a flat surface.", "How to Make Wine from Grapes Get the Wine Grapes. If you get good grapes you can make good wine. If you do not get good grapes, it does not matter what you do, you cannot make good wine. The simple rule for grapes is they must be grown in a place where the climate is hot enough for long enough for the sugars to form within the grapes.", "- 1 Add the lime juice and sugar syrup. 2 Lightly mash the leaves together with the liquid using a muddle stick or wooden pestle, careful not to tear the leaves. Fill the glass with more ice, then add club soda.", "Non-alcoholic uses for grenadine? The usual grenadine is not wonderful. katmandu27 Jul 10, 2014 You can make your own with 100% pomegranate juice and sugar. 1 cup juice to 1/4 cup sugar mix together and bring to the boil... You can make your own with 100% pomegranate juice and sugar. 1 cup juice to 1/4 cup sugar mix together and bring to the boil.", "How To Make Great Homemade Wine From Grapes! Remove the grapes from the stems before crushing as the stems will make your wine taste bitter. If you are only making a small amount of homemade wine the grapes can be crushed in a container by hand using a sanitized stainless steel utensil similar to a potato masher.efore the primary fermentation can begin the grapes need to be crushed to yield the juice, pulp and skins, which is known as must. Red wine juice is fermented with the pulp and skins which gives the wine its colour, body and tannins.", "canning grape juice from wine grapes Bring the juice up to a boil and boil hard for five minutes, then pour into sterilized jars, place lids and rings, and process for 10 minutes in a boiling water canner. Grape juice will keep for a year.", "- Directions See How It's Made. 1 Wash grapes and remove from stems. 2 Combine grapes and 2 cups water in large kettle, cover. 3 Remove from heat; strain through cheesecloth. Combine strained grape juice and sugar in large kettle; heat to 1 boiling. Before serving, dilute grape juice concentrate with water to taste and chill thoroughly. Submit a Correction.", "- 1 Instead of your morning glass of OJ, have a glass of grapefruit juice. 2 Combine diced grapefruit with cilantro and chili peppers to make a unique salsa. 3 To enjoy a salad with a tropical flair, combine chopped grapefruit pieces, cooked shrimp and avocadoes and serve on a bed of romaine lettuce.", "Grape Juice For Migraines A good quality juicer ensures that you get all the necessary nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients contained in the grapes intact. Juicing your own grape juice assures you that what you drink to treat your migraine has no preservatives, artificial colors and flavorings, additives, and other toxic chemicals.", "Dolmathakia me Kima: Stuffed Grape Leaves With Meat and Rice Blanch the Grape Leaves. Bring 8 cups of water to a boil in a large pot, and add the juice of 1/2 lemon and the salt. Carefully unroll the leaves (do not separate them). Turn off the heat and place leaves in the hot water for 3 minutes. Remove leaves and place them in a bowl and cover with cold water.", "Grape Leaves Aleppo Soak rice in cold water, and drain. In a large bowl, mix together the ground lamb, rice, allspice, salt and pepper until well blended. Place about 1 tablespoon of the meat mixture onto the center of each leaf. Fold the leaf over once, turn in the edges on each side, and then roll the leaf closed.", "Fresh Chilean Juice ORDER NOW. If you miss the intoxicating sounds and smells of your home made wine fermenting away, and can’t wait for the fun and excitement of the fall grape harvest season, this is your chance to enjoy multiple harvests each year and make great wine from grapes grown in one of the finest viticultural regions of the world: Chile.", "Homemade Grape Juice We used to make Grape juice from Welch’s frozen concentrate; sometimes the lid didn’t come off so easily and splat there went a purple goopy mess all over our shirts. If you have never had fresh, homemade grape juice, I assure you, you are missing out; it’s nothing like anything you can buy in a store. It’s more like nectar than store bought juice, thick and smooth. We like to dilute ours a bit with sparkling water.", "- Grape Juice and Brandy. If you have white grape juice and any type of brandy around your kitchen, you can try this easy substitution. For every 1/4 cup of Marsala wine you need in your recipe, substitute the following: 1/4 cup of grape juice.", "How to Make Good Mixed Drinks With Grey Goose For the Grey Goose Cosmonaut, use 2 parts of its pear vodka, 1 part lime juice, 3/4 part ginger liqueur and a dash of Cardamom bitters. It’s meant to be served over an orb of ice with a candy-dusted grape on a cocktail spear, but it works just fine over ice with a slice of fresh pear.", "How to Make Ginger Juice To make the ginger juice, begin by peeling and grating several slices of ginger. Squeeze out the ginger juice from the grated pieces into a small bowl. If you find this a bit awkward, you can wrap the gratings in cheesecloth before squeezing and squeeze the juice through the cheesecloth." ]
[ 13.6953125 ]
[ 8.9921875, 13.8515625, 15.109375, 4.82421875, 9.5, 6.59765625, 4.54296875, 7.05078125, 2.63671875, 6.3359375, 6.6171875, 8.4921875, 7.5, 8.2265625, 10.125, 8.875, 6.84765625, 6.80078125, 9.890625, 9.9375, 14.625, 5.5703125, 7.75390625, 3.169921875, 2.357421875, 4.5859375, 10.1171875, 6.65234375, 6.27734375, 2.951171875 ]
definition of managerial roles
[ "- The third category of managerial roles according to Mintzberg is called decisional roles. Decisional roles include roles such as the entrepreneur, disturbance-handler, resource-allocator and negotiator. All of these roles involve the process of using information to make decisions." ]
[ "What Is a B-Level Manager? These are the people responsible for team building. Middle management’s role is to empower lower-level management and front-line employees to produce work that meets quality and quantity standards -- a task that often becomes more difficult when an organization is undergoing change.", "What Does a Manager Do in the Workplace? The manager's role and job description are at a pay grade or job classification level of the organization that integrates functions and departments for implementation success. The manager who is responsible for a department normally has directly reporting employees for whom he or she has leadership responsibility.", "Words near role in the dictionary role. 1 a part, or character, that an actor plays in a performance. 2 the part assumed by a participant in role-playing or in a role-playing game. 3 a function or office assumed by someone: an advisory role.", "Management Representative Roles & Responsibilities Training New Staff. As a management representative, you will identify the need for more employees and participate in the recruitment of new staff members. After recruitment, you will train the new staff concerning the organization’s policies, equipment and procedures.", "What Does a Manager Do in the Workplace? A thoughtful description of what a manager does or should do comes from the Harvard Business Review. Management is the responsibility for the performance of a group of people.. Another traditional definition echoes a similar role: A manager is responsible for overseeing and leading the work of a group of people..", "- Definition of manager for English Language Learners. : someone who is in charge of a business, department, etc. : someone who directs the training and performance of a sports team; especially : a person who directs a baseball team.", "Strategic Management - Meaning and Important Concepts One of the major role of strategic management is to incorporate various functional areas of the organization completely, as well as, to ensure these functional areas harmonize and get together well. Another role of strategic management is to keep a continuous eye on the goals and objectives of the organization.", "manager Definition of manager for English Language Learners. : 1 someone who is in charge of a business, department, etc. : 2 someone who directs the training and performance of a sports team; especially : a person who directs a baseball team. : 3 someone who directs the professional career of an entertainer or athlete.", "Operations Manager job description: daily tasks, roles, duties and responsibilities The role of an operations manager has become a lot wider ever since globalization has brought in intense competition among the organizations and the manager is required to execute responsibilities hitherto beyond the scope of regular job description.", "What Does a Manager Do in the Workplace? These are the traditional roles of a manager. Here is a sample job description for a manager where you will find more detail about what a manager does. Find more information about each of these roles in: The Basics of Management.", "- Definition of management for English Language Learners. : the act or skill of controlling and making decisions about a business, department, sports team, etc. : the people who make decisions about a business, department, sports team, etc.", "Roles People Play in Groups Maintenance Roles. Maintenance roles refer to the actions of individuals that help preserve the relationships in a group. Encouraging. What: Being friendly, warm, and responsive to others; accepting others and their contributions; regarding others by giving them an opportunity to contribute or be recognized.", "The Role and Responsibilities of a Manager The organizational chart or the structure of the company and the relationships of the jobs and responsibilities, from the top down, may be CEO, Vice President, Director, then Manager, each of whom perform separate and critical functions, enabling the organization to function, meet its obligations and turn a profit.", "- Use management in a sentence. LINK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. noun. The definition of management is the way something is handled, careful treatment, supervising skills, or those in charge of a business or group.", "Managing director job description Managing director job description. As the managing director of a company, you're the head honcho. You're the one that's in charge of the whole company, from the day to day stuff to the really big picture problems. You'll be held accountable when things go right – but also when they go wrong. Are you ready to take that big step in this executive role?", "What Are the Duties of a Manager in the Workplace? A manager title in the workplace can cover a realm of duties, most of them supervisory in nature. In larger corporations, you may find tiers of management levels, each with specific duties. But in a small business, the manager is often a jack-of-all-trades. Though he may oversee aspects of the business, his responsibilities may be hands-on as well. Managers are responsible for staffing the business. In a small business, this includes creating job descriptions, running advertisements for open positions, reviewing resumes and applications, interviewing prospective employees, hiring and firing.", "manager Define manager: one that manages: such as; a person who conducts business or household affairs — manager in a sentence one that manages: such as; a person who conducts business or household affairs; a person whose work or profession is management…", "\"Ethan J.Size: 225Without ____, no company can survive over the long run.innovationOne of the important ideas in the text's definition of management isthe management functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.Selecting goals and ways to attain them refers toplanning.Which of these can best describe organizing?Assigning responsibility for task accomplishment.Which of these is the use of influence to motivate employees to achieve organizational goals?Leading____ is the management function concerned with monitoring employees' activities, keeping the organization on track toward its goals, and making corrections as needed.ControllingThe degree to which an organization achieves a stated goal refers toWhich of the following refers to the amount of resources used to achieve an organization's goal?Which skills include specialized knowledge and analytical ability?____ managers are responsible for departments that perform a single functional task and have employees with similar training and skills.Which of these managers are in charge of departments such as finance and HR that support line departments?Managers shift gears quickly and therefore, the average time spent on any one activity is less than ____.Which of these forces comprises unwritten, common rules and perceptions about relationships?Which of these forces pertain to the availability, production, and distribution of resources in a society?Which of these perspectives emphasized a rational, scientific approach to the study of management and sought to make organizations efficient operating machines?Which of these is a subfield of the classical management perspective that emphasized scientifically determined changes in management practices as the solution to improving labor productivity?____ is considered the \"\"father of scientific management.\"\"Which of these is a major criticism of scientific management?The assembly line is most consistent with which of the following general principles of management?The ____ emphasized the importance of understanding human behaviors, needs, and attitudes in the workplace as well as social interactions and group processes.Maslow's hierarchy of needs started with which of these needs?Tommy believes his employees are responsible, creative, and able to work with minimal direction. He is aAccording to Douglas McGregor, the classical perspective on management is consistent with which of the following?Which of the following is often considered the \"\"father of the quality movement?\"\"A key finding in the Hawthorne studies was which of these?All of these are a part of an organization's task environment EXCEPTWhich of these is NOT a part of an organization's general environment?____ is a part of an organization's internal environment.The ____ dimension of the general environment includes federal, state, and local government regulations.Which of the following dimensions of the general environment includes all elements that occur naturally on earth?The people and organizations in the environment who acquire goods or services from the organization areCulture can be defined asWhich of the following would be considered a visual representation (s) of a company's corporate culture?Symbols, stories, and heroes are important because theyAll of the following are types of corporate cultures exceptIn response to pressure from environmental advocates, organizations have become increasingly sensitive to diminishing:_________ means that managers do not have sufficient information about environmental factors to understand and predict environmental needs and changes.Companies that think ____ have a competitive edge.In which stage, market potential is limited to home country, with all production and marketing facilities located at home?The process of globalization typically passes through all of the following stages EXCEPTWhich of the following is an entry strategy in which the organization maintains its production facilities within its home country and transfers its products for sale in foreign markets?A foreign subsidiary over which an organization has complete control is called a____ is the most widespread approach to international involvement in China and India.____ aspects of management do not change when doing business internationallyA country's physical facilities that support economic activities make up its ____.A nation's ____ includes the shared knowledge, beliefs and values, as well as the common modes of behavior and ways of thinking, among members of a society.____ refers to the degree to which people accept inequality in power among institutions, organizations, and people.____ refers to a value characterized by people's intolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity and resulting support for beliefs that promise certainty and conformity.Jana has a high tolerance for the unstructured, the unclear, and the unpredictable. She can best be described as having:________ is a concept that proposes that corporations can alleviate poverty and other social ills by selling to the worldâs poorest people.Which of the following refers to the code of moral principles and values that govern behaviors with respect to what is right and wrong?The assumption that \"\"If it's not illegal, it must be ethical,\"\" ignores which of the following?Which approach is the ethical concept that moral behaviors produce the greatest good for the greatest number?Human beings have fundamental rights and liberties that cannot be taken away by another individual's decision. This ethical decision making approach is known as theIndividualism is most closely related to____ to ethical decision-making is consistent with due process, free consent, privacy, freedom of conscience and free speech.Most people have learned to conform to expectations of good behavior expected by colleagues, family, friends, and society. They are in what stage of moral development?Which of these employee behaviors matches with the postconventional level of personal moral development?Any group within or outside the organization that has a stake in the organization's performance is called____ includes behavior that is not always written down and may actually not serve an organization's bottom-line.A code of ____ is a formal statement of the company's values concerning ethics and social issues.Which of the following is the process of starting a business venture, organizing the resources, and taking the risks?A (n) ____ is someone who recognizes a viable idea for a business product or service and carries it out.If a small business owner enjoys the chance to balance work and personal life, he would be considered a (n)Which of the following are high-energy people who enjoy handling every detail of their own businesses?____ refers to the belief by individuals that their future is within their control and that external forces will have little influence.Lauren Dean strongly believes in her abilities and feels that she controls her own destiny. She can be described as having a (n)The belief by individuals that their future is not within their control, but rather is influenced by some external force is consideredAmi believes that such things as luck or chance will determine her future success. Ami hasEntrepreneurs tend toWhich of these refers to an unincorporated business owned by an individual for profit?A (n) ____ has a legal life of its own.An artificial entity created by the state and existing apart from its owners is known as____ refers to borrowing money that has to be repaid in order to start a business.Which of these refers to the financing that consists of funds that are invested in exchange for ownership in the company?____ refers to a desired future state that an organization attempts to realize.____ specify future ends and ____ specify today's means.____ is the act of determining the organization's goals and the means for achieving them.____ is primarily responsible for operational goals/plans.The organization's reason for existence is known as____ goals lead to the attainment of ____ goals, which in turn lead to the attainment of ____ goals.Which of these is lacking in the goal \"\"profits should be increased in the coming year?\"\"Which of these are true about contingency plans?___________ are reasonable yet highly ambitious goals that are so clear, compelling, and imaginative that they fire up employees and engender excellence.The plan of action that prescribes resource allocation and other activities for dealing with the environment and helping the organization attain its goals is known as a (n)Which of the following is a business activity that an organization does especially well relative to its competition?____ can be defined as the combination of benefits received and costs paid by the customer.Which of these questions is central to a functional-level strategy?Where does the information about opportunities and threats comes from?The BCG matrix organizes along which of the following dimensions?Which of these is true about the cash cow?Barriers to entry are related to which competitive force?All of the following are Porter's competitive forces EXCEPTWhich of the following is NOT one of Porter's competitive forces?Which of Porter's five forces is influenced by all of the other four?Which of the following strategies involve an attempt to distinguish the firm's products or services from others in the industry?Which of the following lists the strategic management process in proper order?What type of organizational unit has a unique business mission, product line, competitors, and markets relative to other units in the same corporation?When an organization expands into a totally new line of business, it is implementing a strategy of:Which of the following is true regarding the impact of the Internet on Porterâs Five Forces affecting industry competition?Which of the following is a choice made from available alternatives?Choosing between a differentiation strategy and an overall cost leadership strategy is an example of____ refers to the process of identifying problems and then resolving them.Programmed decisions are made in response to ____ organizational problems.Associated with the condition of ____ is the lowest possibility of failure.Under conditions of ____, statistical analyses are useful.____ means that managers know which goals they wish to achieve, but information about alternatives and future events is incomplete.When managers know which goals they wish to achieve, but information about alternatives and future events is incomplete, the condition of ____ exists.____ is by far the most difficult situation for a decision-maker.The ____ model closely resembles the real environment in which most managers and decision-makers operate.____ is the last step in the decision making process.Which style is used by people who prefer simple, clear-cut solutions to problems?________ decisions are associated with conflicts over goals and decision alternatives, rapidly changing circumstances, fuzzy information, and unclear links among decision elements.Which of the following refers to the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals?Strategy defines ____ to do (it) while organizing defines ____ to do (it).Which of the following refers to the degree to which organizational tasks are subdivided into individual jobs?____ is also referred to as work specialization.The formal and legitimate right of a manager to make decisions isWhich department performs tasks that reflect the organization's primary goals and mission?Which of the following refers to the number of employees reporting to a supervisor?Traditionally, a span of management of about ____ has been recommended.An advantage of functional structures is theWhich is an advantage of the divisional structure?The matrix structure violates which of the following principles of management?Typically, project managers have authority over ____ but not over ____ assigned to it.The adoption of a new idea or behavior by an organization is known as organizationalAll of the following are characteristics of creative individuals EXCEPTCreative organizationsWhich of the following provides a safe harbor where ideas from employees throughout the company can be developed without interference from company bureaucracy or politics?Which of the following describes a person who is passionately committed to a new product of idea despite rejection by others?The role of the ____ is to prevent people in other roles from adopting a bad idea.Which of the following refers to a major shift in the norms, values, attitudes, and mindset of the entire organization?Organizational development specialists identify three distinct steps for achieving behavioral and attitudinal changes. These are____ indicates a disparity between existing and desired performance levels.What is force field analysis?When trying to overcome the resistance for change, which approach is best suited when change is technical?Which approach should a group use to resist change if the group has power over implementation and if the group will lose out in the change?Which approach to change implementation should be used when a crisis exists?____ refers to the activities undertaken to attract, develop, and maintain an effective workforce within an organization.Today, more than ever, strategic decisions are related to human resource considerations. Which of the following refers to the economic value of the knowledge, experience, skills, and capabilities of employees?The hiring of applicants based on criteria that are not job-related is calledFamily and Medical Leave Act require employers to provide up to ____ weeks unpaid leave for childbirth, adoption, or family emergencies.Which Health/Safety law requires continued health insurance coverage (paid by employee) following termination?____ generates higher employee commitment, development, and satisfaction than does ____.A (n) ____ typically lists job duties as well as desirable qualifications for a particular job.Which of the following refers to a method of directing, instructing and training a person with the goal to develop specific management skills?Which of the following performance appraisal methods essentially evaluates employees by pitting them against one another?____ is developed from critical incidents relating to job performance.____ allow employees to select the benefits of greatest value to them.When an experienced employee guides and supports a newcomer or less-experienced employee, this is referred to as:An interdisciplinary field dedicated to the study of how individuals and groups tend to act in organizations is calledWhich of the following refers to work behavior that goes beyond job requirements and contributes as needed to the organization's success?____ refers to a positive attitude toward one's job.Roy is a top executive at a cigarette manufacturing company who believes that cigarettes are dangerous products and they kill people. This condition can be described asThe cognitive process people use to make sense out of the environment by selecting, organizing, and interpreting information is calledWhich of the following describes the last step in the perception process?____ is the process by which individuals screen and select the various objects and stimuli that vie for their attention.Which of the following refers to the tendency to see one's own personal traits in other people?Which of the following refers to the tendency to place the primary responsibility for one's success or failure either within oneself or on outside forces?Individuals who believe that they control their own destiny are described as having aJason has been unemployed for three months. When his wife asked him why he was not looking for a job, Jason responded, \"\"If I am lucky, I will get my old job back.\"\" Jason would be considered as having a (n)People with an external locus of control areWhich of the following is defined as the tendency to direct much of one's behavior toward the acquisition of power and the manipulation of others for personal gain?Research shows that ____ are predisposed to being pragmatic, capable of lying to achieve personal goals, more likely to win in win-lose situations, and more likely to persuade than be persuaded.Type A behavior pattern is characterized by all of these EXCEPT____ is the ability to influence people toward the attainment of organizational goals.Which of the following refers to the highest level in a hierarchy of manager capabilities?Researchers at the Ohio State University identified two major behaviors calledThe key assumption of Hersey and Blanchard's situational theory is that subordinates vary in theirHersey and Blanchard are responsible for which theory?Charismatic leaders are often ____ than transactional leaders.Some of the key characteristics associated with charismatic leaders include____ power comes from organizational structure and promotes stability, order, and problem solving within the structure.____ power comes from personal sources that are not as invested in the organization, such as personal interests, goals, and values.Which of the following is the power coming from a formal management position in the organization?____ power is based in the ability of the leader to do such things as recommend promotions.Which of the following types of power is vested in the manager's ability to punish employees?Which of the following types of power stems from a leader's special knowledge?Referent power depends on the leader'sâA fire that ignites followersâ is used to describe which leadership characteristic?Which of the following is the arousal, direction, and persistence of behavior?____ refers to a reward given by another person.____ is an example of an intrinsic reward.Which of the following is a content theory that proposes that people are motivated by physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization needs?Which of the following is NOT a need proposed by Maslow in his hierarchy of needs theory?Nelson is motivated by a strong need for recognition and is continually seeking credit for his contributions to the organization. According to Maslow, Neil is motivated by which category of needs?____ describe the most basic human physical needs, including food, water and oxygen.Which need describes the desire to be accepted by one's peer, have friendships, be part of a group, and be loved?According to Maslow, the highest order needs areAccording to Herzberg, ____ is an example of a hygiene factor.Which of the following is based on the relationships between effort, performance, and outcomes?Which of these is sometimes called negative reinforcement?Which of these refers to the withdrawal of a positive reward, meaning that behavior is no longer reinforced and hence is less likely to occur in the future?____ systematically moves employees from one job to another, thereby increasing the number of different tasks an employee performs without increasing the complexity of any one job.Which of the following combines a series of tasks into one new, broader job?What percentage of a manager's time is spent in direct communication?Communication is defined by the text as the process by which information isWhich of the following, in the communication process, has the responsibility to decode the symbols and interpret the meaning of the message?____ and ____ are potential sources for communication errors, because knowledge, attitudes, and background act as filters.____ refers to the amount of information that can be transmitted during a communication episode.Which of these is the richest medium for communication?Which of the following comprises the lowest channel richness?The term ____ is defined as \"\"an individual's level of fear or anxiety associated with either real or anticipated communication.\"\"____ is defined as communication transmitted through actions and behaviors rather than through words.Which of the following is the most familiar and obvious flow of formal communication?Many organizations use suggestion boxes, open door policies, and surveys to facilitateUpward communication is usually used to communicate information about all of the following EXCEPT____ is the acquisition and cultivation of personal relationships that cross departmental, hierarchical, and even organizational boundaries.Messages that convey data or statistics or simply put into words what managers already agree on and understand are referred to as:During breaks at work, Albert and Daphne talk occasionally about the problems that they are working on at work, in hopes that they can help each other out. This is an example of what type of organizational communication?Which of the following is a component of a team?A functional team is also referred to as a (n):Which of the following refers to a formal team composed of employees from about the same hierarchical level but from different areas of expertise?A ____ is a group of employees from different departments formed to deal with a specific activity and existing only until the task is completed.Which of the following teams are created outside the formal organization structure to undertake a project of special importance or creativity?Which of the following teams are described as a team that uses computer technology and groupware so that geographically distant members can collaborate on projects and reach common goals?What is the ideal size of work teams?Which of the following is the first stage of team development?The forming stage of team development is characterized byDuring which stage of team development should the team leader help clarify team roles, norms, and values?Which of the five stages of team development is marked by conflict and disagreement?During the ____ stage, the team leader should encourage participation by each team member.During which stage of team development does team unity emerge?Dale's work team is beginning to resolve its conflicts and consensus is developing on such things as members' roles. Dale's team is in which stage of team development?During the ____ stage of team development, the major emphasis is on task accomplishment.\" Which of these refers to the withdrawal of a positive reward, meaning that behavior is no longer reinforced and hence is less likely to occur in the future? ____ systematically moves employees from one job to another, thereby increasing the number of different tasks an employee performs without increasing the complexity of any one job.", "- The decisional roles make significant use of the information. The performance of managerial roles and the requirements of these roles can be played at different times by the same manager and to different degrees depending on the level and function of management. The ten roles are described individually, but they form an integrated whole.", "The Role of Managers in Health Care The roles of managers vary according to their titles and the functions of their facilities. Hospital administrators are in charge of admissions, staff and upkeep of medical centers, making sure that patients receive the necessary services.", "Role of Managers in Employee Relationship For an organization to perform well, it is important that the employees are friendly with each other and avoid criticism, backstabbing at work, a strong reason to spoil the relationship among the employees. The team leader or the manager plays an important role in promoting healthy relation at workplace: It is essential that the supervisor assigns challenging tasks to his team member as per his specialization and interest.", "Project Manager Job Description Job Responsibilities. The role of a project manager can be defined in one word: organization. This is the center of their world and the keys to their success. A project that’s significant enough to have a project manager assigned to it often involves many different elements.", "- Use manage in a sentence. LINK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. verb. Manage is defined as to succeed despite difficulties or to control, influence or take charge. 1 An example of to manage is to still be able to pay bills despite a job loss.", "- The Different Roles of Public Managers The last chapter focused on the organizational environments in which managers work and on how these environments affect the organizational cultures. In this chapter, we turn our attention to how the organizational differences shape individual managers.", "Henry Mintzberg's Managerial Roles There are many roles a manager has within an organization. Henry Mintzberg describes ten specific managerial roles most commonly seen within organizations. This lesson will discuss each of these roles and what behaviors are associated with them.", "Role Role: Role,, in sociology, the behaviour expected of an individual who occupies a given social position or status. A role is a comprehensive pattern of behaviour that is socially recognized, providing a means of identifying and placing an individual in a society. It also serves as a strategy for coping with recurrent situations and dealing with the roles of others (e.g., parent–child roles).", "- ‘Men and women who fill these positions are people-oriented, competent managers, who are committed to improving their communities and the future of our society.’ Synonyms outgoing, hail-fellow-well-met, extroverted, sociable, gregarious, socializing, social, genial, cordial, affable, friendly, lively, exuberant, uninhibited, unreserved, demonstrative", "Role of a Leader Following are the main roles of a leader in an organization 1 : Required at all levels- Leadership is a function which is important at all levels of management. 2 Representative of the organization- A leader, i.e., a manager is said to be the representative of the enterprise. He has to represent the concern at seminars, conferences, general meetings, etc. His role is to communicate the rationale of the enterprise to outside public. He is also representative of the own department which he leads. Integrates and reconciles the personal goals with organizational goals-A leader through leadership traits helps in reconciling/ integrating the personal goals of the employees with the organizational goals.", "- Male Gender Role. Gender role is generally defined as a set of attitudes, behaviors, and self-presentation methods ascribed to members of a certain biological sex. This includes norms for behavior, which some researchers have started to call “the rules of masculinity” or “masculine ideology.”.ome researchers have also tried to explore whether there is a “universal masculine” gender role, that can be seen in all cultures during all times. This proves to be quite difficult, but there are several types of social roles that have been highlighted (Gregor, 1985).", "Role of a Leader Role of a Leader Following are the main roles of a leader in an organization : Required at all levels-Leadership is a function which is important at all levels of management. In the top level, it is important for getting co-operation in formulation of plans and policies." ]
[ 12.859375 ]
[ 8.296875, 11.1015625, 6.58203125, 7.78125, 10.1171875, 9.8828125, 8.3203125, 9.8046875, 9, 8.921875, 9.2421875, 5.7265625, 9.328125, 7.30078125, 6.2109375, 8.1875, 8.6640625, 5.36328125, 12.390625, 10.609375, 9.125, 9.4453125, 4.9921875, 8.5390625, 11.625, 7.3984375, 2.7578125, 8.9609375, 3.568359375, 7.80859375 ]
types of fish oil supplements
[ "Can Lupus Be Treated Naturally? Fish Oil provides omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which help support a healthy heart.† Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Nature Made Fish Oil is a convenient and safe way to get your omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA." ]
[ "How to Pick Your Fish Oil Supplement Bottom line, figure out the amount of EPA+DHA you want to take and then use the Supplement Facts panel to figure out how many pills per day that will require. Here’s an example of a couple Supplement Facts panels of a supplemental fish oil and a krill oil blend. The label should list the amount of EPA+DHA per capsules. In the fish oil example on the left there is 180mg of EPA and 120mg of DHA per 1 softgel capsule that contains 1000mg of fish oil concentrate.", "Top 10 Supplements for Women Flax oil and fish oil are both sources of omega-3 essential fatty acids. However, the two types of oils are different in the types of omega-3 fatty acids they provide. Fish oil can be obtained from eating fish or by taking supplements. Fish that are abundant in the beneficial oils known as omega-3 fatty acids include mackerel, tuna, salmon, sturgeon, mullet, bluefish, anchovy, sardines, herring, trout and menhaden.", "- FISH OIL PRODUCTS FOR ALL-AROUND HEALTH SUPPORT*. Fish oil Supplements & Capsules are derived from the fat of a variety of oily fish. Fish contain a natural source of Omega 3 essential fatty acids (EFA), which is an important nutrient that provides many health benefits.", "Food_and_Nutritional_Toxicology Fish oil is the richest source for eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Cold-water fish, like anchovies, salmon and sardines, are considered the best source for these essential fatty acids. It is important to remember, that all omega-3's are not created equal. You would need almost four tablespoons of flaxseed oil to get the same amount of EPA and DHA found in one teaspoon of Life's Abundance Fish Oil! That's approximately ten times as much flaxseed oil than fish oil.", "âSupplements and Safetyâ Explores Whatâs in Your Supplements One that it focuses on is fish oil, the third most popular supplement in America, which is used by at least one in 10 adults. Despite their popularity, some studies have found that roughly three-quarters of fish oil supplements on the market do not contain the amount of omega-3 fatty acids advertised on their labels.", "âSupplements and Safetyâ Explores Whatâs in Your Supplements Americans spend an estimated $1.3 billion on fish oil products every year, making them one of the most commonly consumed dietary supplements in the country.", "Omega-3 Supplements: In Depth Introduction. Omega-3 fatty acids (omega-3s) are a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids that are important for a number of functions in the body. Some types of omega-3s are found in foods such as fatty fish and shellfish. Another type is found in some vegetable oils.Omega-3s are also available as dietary supplements. Fish liver oils, such as cod liver oil, are not the same as fish oil. 2 Fish liver oils contain vitamins A and D as well as omega-3 fatty acids. 3 Both of these vitamins can be toxic in large doses. 4 The amounts of vitamins in fish liver oil supplements vary from one product to another.", "Fish oil Fish oil is a dietary source of omega-3 fatty acids — substances your body needs for many functions, from muscle activity to cell growth. Omega-3 fatty acids are derived from food. They can't be manufactured in the body. Fish oil contains two omega-3s called docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Dietary sources of DHA and EPA are fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel and trout, and shellfish, such as mussels, oysters and crabs.", "Supplements for Cholesterol: What Works? What it is: A combination of two heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DPA. The evidence: In clinical trials using relatively high doses (3 grams or more), fish oil has been shown to lower triglyceride levels—the third component of your total cholesterol number—by around 10% to 30%.", "- Drugs & Medications. omega-3-dha-epa-dpa-fish oil. Uses. Omega-3 fatty acids are thought to help reduce the risk of heart disease and also to promote healthy skin. They are also used along with diet and exercise to help lower levels of a certain blood fat (triglyceride) and to raise levels of good cholesterol (HDL).", "Can Supplements Improve Memory? Fish oil supplements. Fish has long been called a brain food, and it’s been theorized that the omega-3 fats in fish oil are beneficial for brain function. The evidence is confusing, however. Some evidence suggests that fish oil supplements help slow cognitive decline in healthy people.", "- Fish oil Supplements & Capsules are derived from the fat of a variety of oily fish. Fish contain a natural source of Omega 3 essential fatty acids (EFA), which is an important nutrient that provides many health benefits.", "Algae Oil Supplements Basically, algae oil has higher-quality DHA, and that means you can enjoy the same benefits without consuming nearly as many ingredients. Other factors to consider when deciding between algae oil versus fish oil include:", "How Fish Oil Supplements Can Help You Lose Weight Fish oil supplements that contain DHA prevent pre-fat cells from becoming fat cells by killing them. As a result, they help in weight loss by decreasing the accumulation of fat in the body. In addition, they reprogram the genes so that carbohydrates are broken down by the body and not stored as fat.", "- More Resources for omega-3-dha-epa-dpa-fish oil oral. Find Lowest Prices on ; Check Interactions ; Read Reviews (1)", "fish oil fish oil - a fatty oil obtained from the livers of various fish. fish-liver oil. animal oil - any oil obtained from animal substances. tuna oil - an oil obtained from tuna.", "Should I Take a Multivitamin? In addition to vitamins, we hear recommendations for all kinds of other diet supplements. There’s no good evidence for most of them. For fish oil, one of the most popular supplements, the evidence boils down to this: (1) In patients who have had a heart attack, fish oil improves survival. (2) It reduces triglycerides. (3) In patients with high cholesterol levels it reduces the risk of coronary events but does not decrease mortality. (4) It reduces blood pressure slightly.", "Lipid Supplement. Examples of lipids are waxes, oils, sterols, cholesterol, fat-soluble vitamins, monoglycerides, diglycerides, triglycerides (fats), and phospholipids. Fatty acids (including fats) are a subgroup of lipids, hence, it will be inaccurate to consider the terms synonymous.", "- Fish Oil with Vitamin D3: Fish oil contains important EPA & DHA omega-3 fatty acids, which help support a healthy heart.† Vitamin D supports bone, teeth, muscle, and immune health,† and vitamin D3 is the body’s preferred form.‡.", "Can I Take Flaxseed Oil & Fish Oil Together? Fish Oil. Fish oil is one of the most commonly used omega-3 fatty acid supplements. Fish oil contains two different omega-3 fatty acids, known as EPA and DHA or eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid.According to the National Institutes of Health fish oil can lower your triglyceride levels and possibly lower your blood pressure, while also making it harder for platelets to form blood clots.laxseed oil and fish oil are two different supplements that contain a type of unsaturated fat known as omega-3 fatty acids. These supplements are often used to reduce patients' risk of developing cardiovascular problems, but they may also be used to reduce inflammation.", "- Non-softgel fish oil supplements contained far lower concentrations of EPA and DHA content, likely due to the addition of inactive ingredients like fillers and sweeteners.", "- Fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel, and fish oil capsules all have heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. But adding fish to your diet carries healthy bonuses that you won't get from a supplement: calcium and vitamins B2 and D. It's also an excellent source of protein.", "- Fish oil. Fish oil is oil derived from the tissues of oily fish. Fish oils contain the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid, and docosahexaenoic acid, precursors of certain eicosanoids that are known to reduce inflammation throughout the body, and have other health benefits.", "- A review of the various oils and their health benefits, plus recommendations for RDs. Americans spend approximately $6 billion per year on omega-3 fatty acid supplements and fortified foods.1 The main omega-3 fatty acids in the diet are alpha-linolenic acid (ALA, C18:3n-3), EPA (C20:5n-3), and DHA (C22:6n-3). Many over-the-counter supplements contain oils from fish, krill, algae, flaxseed, and hempseed.", "- EPA and DHA Omega-3s Are What Counts! Many people focus on the dosage of fish oil to take, like 1000 mg or 1200 mg, but it is really the omega-3s that matter. The two types of omega-3 fatty acids to focus on are EPA and DHA. Which Nature Made Fish Oil is Right for You Learn about the benefits of fish oil, the quality of our fish oil, dosage information and the differences in our formulas. You can also read frequently asked questions (FAQs) about our fish oil products.", "Differences of Fish Oil, Omega 3 and Cod Liver Oil. Its Benefits and Sources Food Sources. Besides cod fish, other good sources of fish oil are salmon, tuna, anchovies, sardines, herring, and mackerel. The oils of these fish contain omega-3 oils seven time the amount of omega-6 oils. Good plant sources of omega-3 fatty acids are walnuts, clary sage seeds, flax seeds, etc.", "Top 10 Supplements for Women FISH OIL Overview Information. Fish oil can be obtained from eating fish or by taking supplements. Fish that are especially rich in the beneficial oils known as omega-3 fatty acids include mackerel, tuna, salmon, sturgeon, mullet, bluefish, anchovy, sardines, herring, trout, and menhaden.They provide about 1 gram of omega-3 fatty acids in about 3.5 ounces of fish. Research suggests that fish oil from supplements and food sources can reduce triglyceride levels. 2 The effects of fish oil appear to be the greatest in people who have very high triglyceride levels. 3 Additionally, how much fish oil is consumed appears seems to directly affect how much triglyceride levels are reduced.", "Fish Oil Total eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) consumption should come from a mix of real food and supplements. The more EPA and DHA is provided by the diet, the less supplementation is required. Fish oil can be taken throughout the day. To minimize the fish burp taste, take fish oil with meals.", "10 Health Benefits of Fish Oil While the most traditional way to reap the benefits of fish oil is to include mackerel, tuna, salmon or other seafood to your diet; fish oil supplements are good options.", "- Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish, such as salmon, tuna, and halibut, other seafoods including algae and krill, some plants, and nut oils. Also known as polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), omega-3 fatty acids play a crucial role in brain function, as well as normal growth and development.mega-3 fatty acids from fish oil can help lower triglycerides and apoproteins (markers of diabetes), and raise HDL. So eating foods or taking fish oil supplements may help people with diabetes. Another type of omega-3 fatty acid, ALA (from flaxseed, for example) may not have the same benefit as fish oil." ]
[ 11.125 ]
[ 11.5, 12.625, 11.0703125, 10.7734375, 9.0234375, 8.15625, 12.296875, 11.078125, 9.578125, 9.9921875, 8.5390625, 11.078125, 8.7421875, 10.109375, 8.2734375, 7.359375, 7.51953125, 4.30859375, 10.71875, 10.25, 12.3984375, 11.2890625, 10.5078125, 10.5234375, 12.0703125, 10.515625, 12.671875, 11.3203125, 10.671875, 10.828125 ]
what fangs do centipedes use to defend themselves
[ "- Millipedes are not poisonous and do not have fangs, but they can emit an obnoxious fluid to defend themselves. Some varieties can spray this fluid several inches. The fluid can cause irritation to the skin in some people and should be removed right away. Additionally, it may take some scrubbing to get rid of the odor." ]
[ "How do elephants protect themselves? elephants protect themselves by working as a group Their size is enough to stop any other animal from hunting it. It will also use a trumpet sound to warn off predators along with a mock charge to scare away any threats. hiding it selfves.....", "I have centipede bugs in my home. They do not come through drains (myth). These animals are predators of spiders and insects. There are no nests of centipedes; they are independent hunters and do not gather together in one place. The young forage for themselves; they are smaller than the adults and about the same coloration (and speed).", "\"3'x5' CULPEPER Minute Men American FLAG, \"\"Don't Tread on Me\"\" , \"\"Liberty or Death\"\", us tea party, snake, culpepper\" This item 3'x5' CULPEPER Minute Men American FLAG, Don't Tread on Me , Liberty or Death, us tea party, snake, culpepper. $5.90 & FREE Shipping Only 17 left in stock - order soon. Ships from and sold by BCN BOOKS.", "Spider Spiders and scorpions are members of one chelicerate group, the arachnids. Scorpions' chelicerae have three sections and are used in feeding. Spiders' chelicerae have two sections and terminate in fangs that are generally venomous, and fold away behind the upper sections while not in use.", "B Cheliped : (Pronounced kee-li-ped) chelipeds (chela=claw and ped=foot).. Also called grasping claws because of the non-aggressive ways they are used, the chelipeds are what a hermit crab uses to grip while climbing and protect during a crab fight.ntennae: sense organs also known as 'feelers' help the hermit crab smell and taste. A hermit crab has two pairs of anteannae at the front of their head, with two being long and two being short. The long pair are called antennas and the short pair antennules.", "Venom production based on complex venom glands Centipede venom as strong as its pincers. Most venomous animals make up for weaker physical features with more potent toxins, but not centipedes. IN THE WORLD OF venomous animals the general rule is: the weaker your physical attributes, the more you need to compensate with the potency of your venom. But new research into centipede venom may upend this theory.", "- In ancient Greece Figs were regarded with such esteem that laws were created forbidding the export of the best quality figs. Sycophant then derives from the Greek word meaning one who informs against another for exporting figs or for stealing the fruit of the sacred fig trees.", "- The back two legs of centipedes are longer than the others. These are used to lasso prey so the centipede can hold on until it can bite. Garden Centipedes eat insects, spiders, and other small animals. The venom they use will paralyze the prey so that it cannot move.Centipedes also have long antennae and are fast runners. Garden Centipedes live in woods, fields, and gardens.he back two legs of centipedes are longer than the others. These are used to lasso prey so the centipede can hold on until it can bite. Garden Centipedes eat insects, spiders, and other small animals. The venom they use will paralyze the prey so that it cannot move.", "Chapters 32, 33, 34 - bulk of modern chelicerates are arachnids: scorpions, spiders, ticks, mites - 6 pairs of appendages: chelicerae, pedipalps (sense, feeding, defense, reproduction), four pairs of walking legs", "- The best way to protect yourself from Endermen is to prevent attacks before they happen. One way to do that is to wear a pumpkin in your helmet armor slot, which will prevent Endermen from getting hostile even if you look directly at them, but it also greatly hinders your view.", "Wildlife Frogfish can jet propel themselves along or use their pelvic fins to walk across the sea floor, inflating like a pufferfish when threatened. These stocky anglerfish have a plump, often brightly coloured, body. The unusual shape and skin texture allows them to blend in with the reefs on which they live.", "Centipede Centipedes (from Latin prefix centi- , hundred, and pes, pedis, foot) are arthropods belonging to the class Chilopoda of the subphylum Myriapoda. They are elongated metameric creatures with one pair of legs per body segment. Despite the name, centipedes can have a varying number of legs, ranging from 30 to 354.Centipedes always have an odd number of pairs of legs. Therefore, there is no centipede with exactly 100 legs.espite the name, centipedes can have a varying number of legs, ranging from 30 to 354. Centipedes always have an odd number of pairs of legs. Therefore, there is no centipede with exactly 100 legs.", "- This species was only discovered as recently as 2008. The snake with the longest fangs is the gaboon viper (Bitis gabonica), with fangs of up to 50 millimetres in length. The black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis) is considered to be one of the fastest snakes in the world, reaching speeds of up to 20 kilometres an hour.", "- Example Sentences for fangs. The creature was over seven feet long, and a bite from its fangs would quickly have proved fatal. Tyr's wrist was healed of the wounds that Fenrir's fangs had made. With a snarl the great dog leaped again, his bared 294 fangs flashing in the night. Saxham started as though an adder had flashed its fangs through his boot.", "How do clams protect themselves? How do Asian elephants protect themselves? Asian elephants use their size to their advantage to protect themselves. They stomp, use their tusks and stay in groups to defend themselves.", "How Do Chameleons Protect Themselves? A: According to the National Wildlife Federation, chameleons protect themselves by changing colors to blend in with their environment. Chameleons move extremely slowly, so their best defense is their ability to camouflage themselves. Continue Reading", "- 1 1. Centipedes are the only arthropods with poison claws for subduing prey. 2 2. Centipedes do not have 100 legs. 3 3. Centipedes have one pair of legs per body segment. 4 4. All centipedes are predators. 5 5. Centipedes can live for several years. 6 6. Centipedes can regenerate lost legs. 7 7. Some centipedes care for their young.", "- Strangler figs are tall canopy trees which can grow to 148 feet in height. The manner in which they reach the canopy is a strange story. The forest floor of a rainforest is a difficult place for seedlings to grow. There is little light and a lot of competition for water and nutrients. Strangler figs have made an adaptation to avoid these difficulties. Unlike most plants, strangler figs start out their lives as epiphytes in the crook of a tree or on its branches. Tiny, sticky seeds are deposited high in a tree by animal droppings.", "Centipede Centipedes (from Latin prefix centi- , hundred, and pes, pedis, foot) are arthropods belonging to the class Chilopoda of the subphylum Myriapoda. They are elongated metameric creatures with one pair of legs per body segment. Despite the name, centipedes can have a varying number of legs, ranging from 30 to 354.Centipedes always have an odd number of pairs of legs. Therefore, there is no centipede with exactly 100 legs.hey are elongated metameric creatures with one pair of legs per body segment. Despite the name, centipedes can have a varying number of legs, ranging from 30 to 354. Centipedes always have an odd number of pairs of legs. Therefore, there is no centipede with exactly 100 legs.", "Crayfish dissection The second pair of maxillae also helps to draw water over the gills. Of the eight pairs of appendages on the cephalothorax, the first three are maxillipeds, which hold food during eating. The chelipeds are the large claws that the crayfish uses for defense and to capture prey.he second pair of maxillae also helps to draw water over the gills. Of the eight pairs of appendages on the cephalothorax, the first three are maxillipeds, which hold food during eating. The chelipeds are the large claws that the crayfish uses for defense and to capture prey.", "What do Centipedes Eat? Most centipedes eat invertebrates such as worms, spiders, crickets, beetles, cockroaches, flies, grasshoppers, ants, potato bugs and even other centipedes.Some centipede species eat plants, especially decaying vegetation like fallen leaves and tree bark, if they can’t find anything better like insects.ategorized as Arthropods. Centipedes are long, narrow bugs famous for their many legs, ranging from as few as 32 to almost 400. Centipedes are carnivores that hunt by using their long antennae to find prey and then injecting it with a venom.", "- Heliconius pupa, probably melpomene ( Heliconiinae ), Rio Madre de Dios, Peru © Adrian Hoskins The use of protective resemblance as described above is a form of passive defence, but there are a small number of pupae which use active defence e.g. the neotropical Brassoline Dynastor darius has a pupa that resembles a snake's head.", "- Centipedes are predators, feeding on small, living creatures such as insects, spiders, and other arthropods, like sowbugs, and millipedes. They use poison-filled jaws to help subdue their prey. Because of their predaceous habits, centipedes are beneficial arthropods.Bites by a centipede are rare because it is very shy.entipedes are predators, feeding on small, living creatures such as insects, spiders, and other arthropods, like sowbugs, and millipedes. They use poison-filled jaws to help subdue their prey. Because of their predaceous habits, centipedes are beneficial arthropods.", "Mimicry, Camouflage, and Warning Coloration As a result, many prey species have evolved special body coloration to reduce their chance of being eaten. For example, many prey species blend in with their environment, making it difficult for the predators to find them. These species use camouflage as their first line of defense. Another word for this type of defense is crypsis or cryptic coloration.. Cryptic coloration is especially common in small animals such as insects, lizards, snakes, and frogs. These animals are often the same color as the leaves or twigs on which they rest. Some insects even look like the twigs or leaves themselves.", "- Would you like to merge this question into it? exists and is an alternate of . millipedes eat decaying plant material, and centepides eat insects. they like to eat dead bodies of bugs. millipedes eat decaying plant material, and centepides eat insects. they like to eat dead bodies of bugs. Minor edit?", "- We defend ourselves by using our wits, but black-footed ferrets use their sharp teeth, sharp claws and their long, slender body to defend themselves. The ferret will try to bite their enemies or threats because their teeth are extremely sharp and it will wound the predator slowing it down. Their sharp claws also allow the ferret to wound its predator. Sometimes the ferret will run away, but sometimes it will stop and stand on their hind legs and scratch the other animal and confuse it. Then, that animal will hopefully get the message that they will get hurt if they get any closer. The long, flexible, slender, body allows the black-footed ferret to hide in a burrow and wait until the predator has left. As you can see, this ferret defends itself with lots of amazing mechanisms. Create a free website", "Crymlyn Bog In 2003, surveys of Crymlyn Bog, Pant-y-Sais Fen and the inter-connecting wetlands identified the area as one of only three locations in the UK at which the fen raft spider is found.ith the surrounding industrialisation, encroaching residential districts and a polluting landfill site beside it, it was uncertain that the bog would survive. Andrew Lees, who later became Campaigns Director of Friends of the Earth started a campaign with the Swansea branch of FoE to protect the bog.", "Praying Mantis This is what gave rise to its common name Praying Mantis.. The defense of mantids is their ability to camouflage themselves to their environment. If a predator, such as a bat, is near to the mantid, it can elude it with acrobatic tactics and great hearing ability.", "DIY centipede repellent This is my favorite centipedes repellent. Tea tree oil is overwhelming to centipedes. 1. Add 25 drops of tea tree essential oil into a spray bottle with 6 ounces of water. 2. Spray around door frames, windows, small cracks and basement doors. 3. Repeat once a week.", "Centrifugal fan Centrifugal fan. A typical backward-curved centrifugal fan, where the blades curve away from the direction they rotate. A centrifugal fan is a mechanical device for moving air or other gases. The terms blower and squirrel cage fan, (because it looks like a hamster wheel), are frequently used as synonyms. These fans increase the speed and volume of an air stream with the rotating impellers." ]
[ 12.9609375 ]
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distance from ronald reagan airport to cuban embassy
[ "Embassy Suites by Hilton Crystal City National Airport The Embassy Suites Crystal City – National Airport hotel is located 1 mile from Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport and 2 miles from the heart of Washington, D.C. Walk to the Pentagon or The Fashion Centre at Pentagon City Shopping Mall, where you'll find great restaurants and shopping for the latest fashions." ]
[ "- The nearest major airport is Ogdensburg International Airport (OGS / KOGS). This airport has domestic flights from Ogdensburg, New York and is about 17 road miles from the cen … ter of Canton, NY.4 people found this useful. Tricia Kilgour.58,189 Contributions.his airport has domestic flights from Ogdensburg, New York and is about 17 road miles from the cen … ter of Canton, NY. 4 people found this useful. Tricia Kilgour. 58,189 Contributions.", "- The closest airport is Licenciado Gustavo Diaz Díaz Ordaz International (AIRPORT). Pvr distance From Licenciado Gustavo Diaz Díaz Ordaz international Airport To puerto vallarta,is 7 (1,kilometers 4). 4 milesicenciado Gustavo Diaz Díaz Ordaz International airport is located approximately,6 6 (kilometers,4 1) miles southwest Of ixtapa and about,7 1 (kilometers,4 4) miles north Of Puerto. vallarta", "- How far is it to drive from David, Panama to Bocas del Toro Isla Colón International Airport? View a map with the driving distance between David, Panama and BOC to calculate your road trip mileage. driving distance flying time cost places The driving distance from David, Panama to Bocas del Toro Isla Colón International Airport is:", "- - Flights from Guantanamo (Cuba) to Havana (Cuba) 1 Havana - José Martí International Airport Description José Martí International Airport (HAV) – Occasionally known by its former name Rancho-Boyeros Airport, Cuba’s biggest airport is located 18 km southwest of the capital, Havana.", "Guantanamo Bay One can only speculate the future of Guantanamo Bay and as history suggests, its utility and habitation are ever changing. By Erin Mahaney, Geography Intern. Located four hundred miles from the mainland United States, Guantanamo Bay in the Guantanamo Province of Cuba is the oldest overseas American naval base.It is also the only naval base in a communist country, and the only one that has no political affiliation with the United States.With 45 miles of naval infrastructure, Guantanamo Bay is often called the Pearl Harbor of the Atlantic..n 1898, the Spanish American War united Cuba and the United States. Aided by the U.S., Cuba fought for independence from Spain. That same year, the U.S. captured Guantanamo Bay, and the Spanish surrendered.", "- Located seven miles from the Aruba airport, the Aruba Marriott Resort & Casino offers a printable Aruba island map for information and travel details for your Caribbean vacations.12.579821 -70.043539. 1 Our Resort.ocated seven miles from the Aruba airport, the Aruba Marriott Resort & Casino offers a printable Aruba island map for information and travel details for your Caribbean vacations.", "Savannah Hilton Head Airport ( SAV ) Nearby Airports by Distance Albany GA (180 miles) When making a cost comparison, compare the cost of flights first, then factor in additional expenses for parking, rental car, Wi-Fi access, and transportation, etc., all of which vary from airport to airport; the total cost, along with flight availability, can help determine your choice of airport.", "Flight time from Mumbai to Miami A list of major Cities/Airports around the world is given below. Click on any of the airport names given below to find the flight distance from Guangzhou to those airports. 1 New York, John F Kennedy International Airport. 2 Mumbai, Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport.", "- These are proportional measurements and referred to as Cun measurements. Head & Face. The distance from the glabella to the anterior hairline is 3 Cun. The distance from the anterior to the posterior hairline is 12 Cun. Between the two mastoid processes, the distance is 9 Cun.", "- Distance from Miami, FL to Havana, Cuba. The total distance from Miami, FL to Havana, Cuba is 228 miles. This is equivalent to 367 kilometers or 198 nautical miles. Your trip begins in Miami, Florida. It ends in Havana, Cuba. Your flight direction from Miami, FL to Havana, Cuba is Southwest (-142 degrees from North). The distance calculator helps you figure out how far it is to fly from Miami, FL to Havana, Cuba. It does this by computing the straight line flying distance (as the crow flies).", "- Yet the resort is only a 30-minute drive from Cancun Cancún international. Airport well connected by, road the superb shopping and sights Of cancun are 45’ minutes drive. Away at the centre of Ancient mayan, territory there is a wealth of cultural sites to discover. nearby", "- Situated on historic Mactan Island, the beachfront resort is 6.3 km (3.8 miles) from Cebu Mactan International Airport and a 30-minute drive away from Cebu City and Cebu International Convention centre.", "- Hotel’s home in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates near 2 international airports. The Sharjah International Airport is only 15 kilometers from this hotel’s location in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, while Dubai International Airport is only 18 kilometers away.ublic transport: This Radisson Blu resort is located 15 kilometers from the Sharjah International Airport (SHJ) and 18 kilometers from Dubai International Airport (DXB). Both airports offer rental cars, and taxis are also readily available.", "- The closest airport is Massena International Richards Field (MSS). Distance from Massena International Richards Field to Canton is 45,7 kilometers (28,4 miles).assena International Richards Field. Massena International Richards Field is located approximately 13,0 kilometers (8,1 miles) southwest of Cornwall and about 66,1 kilometers (41,0 miles) southwest of Salaberry-de-Valleyfield. Massena International Richards Field IATA code is MSS.", "3 Mi - Distance from Boston Logan International Airport to Downtown boston Check the Flight distance between Boston Logan International Airport and Downtown boston. Travel time is an important point to know with the driving distance. Hence you might also want to know the Travel Time from Boston Logan International Airport to Downtown boston. This will help you estimate how much time you will spend travelling for the distance from Boston Logan International Airport to Downtown boston.", "- Driving distance from Cuba, NY to Buffalo, NY. The total driving distance from Cuba, NY to Buffalo, NY is 70 miles or 113 kilometers. Your trip begins in Cuba, New York. It ends in Buffalo, New York. If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to calculate the total driving time from Cuba, NY to Buffalo, NY so you can see when you'll arrive at your destination.", "distance from airport to Riu Ocho Rios Re: distance from airport to Riu Ocho Rios. 20 October 2008, 11:08. Hi, We travelled to the Riu in August 2008. Our bus journey did not drop of anyone at all on the way to the the Riu - We went with Thomson's and the bus took us straight from Montego Bay airport to Riu Ocho Rios and took around and hour to an hour and a half.", "- airport: distance mi. runway ft. best jeta: best 100ll: vista field (s98) 4: 4,008----carr (6wa6) 6: 3,000----richland (rld) 8: 4,009----connell city (wa14) 26: 3,070----hermiston muni (hri) 26: 4,500----columbia crest winery (wa76) 27: 3,600----prosser (s40) 28: 3,453--$4.80: lower monumental state (w09) 29: 3,300----othello muni (s70) 31: 3,564----martin field (s95) 32: 3,819----", "- Miami International Airport is a logical airport, and is 6 miles away from Miami. Nearby hotels are Hotel Colonnade Coral Gables, a Tribute Portfolio Hotel and Courtyard Miami in Coral Gables by Marriott.", "Cuba in 1898 The shortest distance from Cuba to the United States is about 90 miles from the Florida Keys.", "- Find Flights. The flight distance from Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA) to Dallas Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) is miles (kilometers, nautical miles).ime Difference. Time difference between Washington D.C. and Dallas is -1 Hour. Current local time in Washington D.C. is 2015-10-13, 06:05 EDT and time in Dallas is 2015-10-13, 05:05 CDT. Please fill out the fields below to calculate distance. Search by IATA airport code, city or airport name.", "What is the closest airport to Santa Barbara that Southwest Airlines flies to? That would be the Bob Hope Airport in Burbank, about 78 miles away.", "- Located just 8.1 km from the Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, this hotel has a modern gym and several dining options.", "Royalton Riviera Cancun Resort & Spa Questions & Answers The hotel is only 10-15 minutes from the airport and I did ask for a cab once I got outside and through customs. An official looking guy said it would be the equivalent of $75 US dollars. Forget it, I said. Two minutes later, another guy ran up behind me and offered to take us for $50.", "Cuba Havana is Cuba's capital and its largest city. The United States is to the north of Cuba 150 km (93 mi) away, the Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands to the northeast, Mexico to the west 210 km (130 mi) away, the Cayman Islands and Jamaica to the south and Haiti to the southeast.he second-largest island is Isla de la Juventud (Isle of Youth) in the Canarreos archipelago, with an area of 2,200 km 2 (849 sq mi). Cuba has an official area (land area) of 109,884 km 2 (42,426 sq mi).", "- The closest airport is Punta Cana International Airport (PUJ). Distance from Punta Cana International Airport to Punta Cana is 4,6 kilometers (2,9 miles).", "- Distance from Raleigh to ... Graph showing distances and directions to other locations. Click arrows to see the route on a map. Learn more about the distance graph. Created with Raphaël 2.1.0< 4096km >EWNSNuuk 2262 miSt.", "How far is cancun mexico from cuba? Best Answer: It's about 300 miles. That is from Cancún to Havana, Cuba though. If you are talking about just the distance between the two masses of land...from Cancún to Cuba I believe it's roughly around 90 miles from shore to shore. Source(s): http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/di...", "Major airports near Vancouver, Canada: The nearest major airport is Vancouver Harbour Water Airport (CXH / CYHC). This airport has domestic flights from Coal Harbour, Canada and is 6 km from the center of Vancouver, Canada.Another major airport is Vancouver International Airport (YVR / CYVR), which has international and domestic flights and is 10 km from Vancouver, Canada.Abbotsford International Airport (YXX / CYXX) has domestic flights from Abbotsford, Canada and is 71 km from Vancouver, Canada.Bellingham International Airport (BLI / KBLI) has domestic flights from Bellingham, Washington and is 77 km from Vancouver, Canada.omestic airports near Vancouver, Canada. 6 km: Coal Harbour, Canada (CXH / CYHC) Vancouver Harbour Water Airport. 10 km: Vancouver, Canada (YVR / CYVR) Vancouver International Airport. 71 km: Abbotsford, Canada (YXX / CYXX) Abbotsford International Airport.", "New photo*8.3* Cancun Bus Station: only 4 minutes away! ( 1,050 feet by foot)Traveler photo of Cancún by BoglarkaApril 21, 2016Lock in a great price for Eco-hotel El Rey del Caribe â rated 8.6 by recent guests!Enter datesto get started. Eco-hotel El Rey del Caribe is one mile from Cancún Beach and 1.5 miles from the Isla Mujeres Ferry. El Meco Archaeological Site is 2 miles away and Cancún International Airport is a 20-minute drive away. This property is also rated for the best value in Cancún!" ]
[ 11.2109375 ]
[ 2.611328125, 0.64208984375, -0.2244873046875, 4.02734375, 2.1015625, 1.2021484375, 0.172607421875, 0.1072998046875, -2.00390625, 6.05859375, -0.720703125, 0.1719970703125, -0.2344970703125, -0.367919921875, 1.1982421875, 4.36328125, -0.29345703125, 2.6640625, 3.375, 5.2578125, 6.7421875, 2.9453125, 9.59375, 3.798828125, 5.625, 1.6845703125, 0.316650390625, 2.169921875, 1.345703125, -0.30517578125 ]
mootness legal definition
[ "- Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: mootness(Noun) The state or condition of being moot. Mootness. In American law, a matter is moot if further legal proceedings with regard to it can have no effect, or events have placed it beyond the reach of the law." ]
[ "FindLaw Legal Dictionary Legal Definition of choate. : being complete and superior to subsequent liens — see also choate lien at lien — compare inchoate.", "Tortious Law and Legal Definition Tortious Law & Legal Definition. Tortious means wrongful. It is the fact that conduct, whether of act or omission, is of such a nature as to subject the actor to liability under the law of torts. Tortious law is a law having the nature of or involving a tort. Tortious act is an act which generates a tort.", "estreat n. ( 1 Law) a true copy of or extract from a court record. ( 2 Law) to enforce (a recognizance that has been forfeited) by sending an extract of the court record to the proper authority.", "Moot Court Moot court helps students learn to analyze legal issues; its larger purpose is to teach students the practical side of practicing law. Typically, law students are given a detailed hypothetical fact scenario that raises one or more legal issues.", "- a figure of speech that uses seeming contradictions, as “cruel kindness” or “to make haste slowly.”. oxýmōron, neuter of Greek oxýmōros pointedly foolish = oxý- oxy - 1 + mōros mōrós (dull see)]. moron•ox•y•mo•ron (ic ˌɒk si məˈrɒn) ɪk. adj", "moot MOOT, English law. A term used in the inns of court, signifying the exercise of arguing imaginary cases, which young barristers and students used to perform at certain times, the better to be enabled by this practice to defend their clients cases. A moot question is one which has not been decided.", "- Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 mess, messiness, muss, mussiness(noun) a state of confusion and disorderliness. the house was a mess; she smoothed the mussiness of the bed. 2 fix, hole, jam, mess, muddle, pickle, kettle of fish(noun) informal terms for a difficult situation.", "Nuisance Nuisance is a common law tort. It means that which causes offence, annoyance, trouble or injury. A nuisance can be either public or private. A public nuisance was defined by English scholar Sir J. F. Stephen as, an act not warranted by law, or an omission to discharge a legal duty, which act or omission obstructs or causes inconvenience or damage to the public in the exercise of rights common to all Her Majesty's subjects. Private nuisance is the interference with the right of specific people. Nuisance is one of the oldest causes of action known to the common law, with cases framed in nuisance going back almost to the beginning of recorded case law. Nuisance signifies that the right of quiet enjoyment is being disrupted to such a degree that a tort is being committed.", "- Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: In law, comity specifically refers to legal reciprocity—the principle that one jurisdiction will extend certain courtesies to other nations, particularly by recognizing the validity and effect of their executive, legislative, and judicial acts.", "What does it mean when a law is âvoid for vaguenessâ or âoverbroadâ? Vagueness is an argument typically used in criminal cases, when a law that is supposed to prohibit a certain behavior is too vague or confusing for people to understand what behavior they’re supposed to avoid, on penalty of being charged with or convicted of a crime.", "mental anguish Legal Definition of mental anguish. : a high degree of emotional pain, distress, torment, or suffering that may aggravate a crime or be a subject of an action for damages or wrongful death : emotional distress.", "Definitions &Translations Moot(noun) a ring for gauging wooden pins. Moot(verb) to argue for and against; to debate; to discuss; to propose for discussion. Moot(verb) specifically: To discuss by way of exercise; to argue for practice; to propound and discuss in a mock court. Moot(verb) to argue or plead in a supposed case.", "Definitions &Translations moot(adj) a hypothetical case that law students argue as an exercise. he organized the weekly moot. moot(adj) of no legal significance (as having been previously decided) arguable, debatable, disputable, moot(verb) open to argument or debate. that is a moot question.", "Motion (legal) In United States law, a motion is a procedural device to bring a limited, contested issue before a court for decision. It is a request to the judge to make a decision about the case. Motions may be made at any point in administrative, criminal or civil proceedings, although that right is regulated by court rules which vary from place to place. The party requesting the motion may be called the movant, or may simply be the moving party. The party opposing the motion is the nonmovant or nonmoving p", "misfeasance Legal Definition of misfeasance. : the performance of a lawful action in an illegal or improper manner; specifically : the performance of an official duty in an improper or unlawful manner or with an improper or corrupt motive — compare malfeasance, nonfeasance.", "Enticement Law and Legal Definition Enticement Law and Legal Definition The term ‘enticement’ refers to the act or practice of enticing, alluring, or tempting. It is an act by which one person leads or moves another by persuasion or influence, as to some action or state of mind.", "Search Legal Terms and Definitions n. 1) the conscious intent to cause death or great bodily harm to another person before a person commits the crime. Such malice is a required element to prove first degree murder. 2) a general evil and depraved state of mind in which the person is unconcerned for the lives of others. Thus, if a person uses a gun to hold up a bank and an innocent bystander is killed in a shoot-out with police, there is malice aforethought.", "Motion To Compel Discovery Law and Legal Definition Motion To Compel Discovery Motion To Compel Discovery Law and Legal Definition A motion is a request asking a judge to issue a ruling or order on a legal matter. Usually, one side files a motion, along with notice of the motion to the attorney for the opposing party, the other side files a written response, and the court holds a hearing, at which the parties give brief oral arguments.", "mutuality of obligation - Legal Definition mutuality of obligation - Legal Definition. The consent by both parties to a contract to pay, yield, or give up something in return for the benefits received. Webster's New World Law Dictionary Copyright © 2010 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.", "- (plural movants) (law) The party who moves for the judge to rule in favor of a motion.", "moot It derives from the noun moot in its sense of a hypothetical case argued as an exercise by law students. Consequently, a moot question is one that is arguable or open to debate. Thus a moot point, however debatable, is one that has no practical value.", "moot adj. 1) unsettled, open to argument, or debatable, specifically about a legal question which has not been determined by any decision of any court. 2) an issue only of academic interest. (See: moot point, moot court)", "moot It derives from the noun moot in its sense of a hypothetical case argued as an exercise by law students. The noun moot in turn goes back to an Old English word meaning a meeting, especially one convened for legislative or judicial purposes..", "- (vb)- hoodwink,esp. by senior on junior, into believing a dangerous or life-threatening course of action is safe and right-mantoes, mantoing. (n)- deceiver, con-artist, liar, sophistry, dangerous trickster. (vb) The preacherman mantoed the kid to have sex with him.", "Definitions &Translations Chambers 20th Century Dictionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: Legal. lē′gal, adj. pertaining to, or according to, law: lawful: created by law: (theol.) according to the Mosaic law or dispensation.—n. Lē′galisātion.—v.t. Lē′galise, to make legal or lawful: to authorise: to sanction.—ns.", "Search Legal Terms and Definitions Search Legal Terms and Definitions. motion to strike. n. a request for a judge's order to eliminate all or a portion of the legal pleading (complaint, answer) of the opposition on any one of several grounds. It is often used in an attempt to have an entire cause of action removed (stricken) from the court record. A motion to strike is also made orally during trial to ask the judge to order stricken answers by a witness in violation of rules of evidence (laws covering what is admissible in trial).", "- Define mortise lock: a lock with a heavy sliding bar that is moved by turning a knob or key a lock with a heavy sliding bar that is moved by turning a knob or key… See the full definition", "What is âmootnessâ in law? What is âripeness?â Ripeness. A case may be dismissed if it is not “ripe,” or if all the issues in the case aren’t prepared for review. This doctrine is also related to the “case or controversy” requirement because it requires an actual dispute between two parties based on conduct that actually happened. Voluntary cessation. 2 A court will not find that a case is moot even if the defendant has stopped doing the thing the plaintiff is suing him for. 3 For instance, suppose that the plaintiff is injured by pollution spilling into her water supply from the defendant’s factory.", "tort Etymology: L, tortus, twisted. (in law) a civil wrong, other than a breach of contract. Torts include negligence, false imprisonment, assault, and battery. The elements of a tort are a legal duty owed by the defendant to the plaintiff, a breach of duty, and damage from the breach of duty.", "Dictionary Definition tautness Noun 1 the physical condition of being stretched or strained; it places great tension on the leg muscles; he could feel the tenseness of her body [syn: tension, tensity, tenseness]" ]
[ 16.296875 ]
[ 2.6328125, 2.34375, 4.140625, 8.4375, 2.314453125, 12.78125, 0.853515625, 2.0078125, 2.466796875, 2.728515625, 1.8134765625, 10.84375, 11.96875, 6.07421875, 1.873046875, 1.5947265625, 4.97265625, 3.6796875, 3.150390625, 5.97265625, 10.6640625, 12.3125, 9.84375, 0.9873046875, 2.634765625, 5.8515625, 2.833984375, 8.6015625, 2.58203125, 1.181640625 ]
what is an account
[ "account Definitions (2) 1. A record of financial transactions for an asset or individual, such as at a bank, brokerage, credit card company, or retail store. 2. More generally, an arrangement between a buyer and a seller in which payments are to be made in the future. Use account in a sentence." ]
[ "Explain about real account, personal accounts and nominal accounts The accounts relating to all assets and properties are called real accounts. Personal Account: The accounts relating to induviduals, firms, associations or companies are known as personal account. Nominal Account: The accounts relating to expenses, losses, incomes and gains are known as nominal accounts.", "- Checking Account Resources. Checking accounts are the place to keep the money you'll be using soon. These banking resources will teach you about opening a checking account, finding the best account for your needs, and getting the most out of your checking account. Basics.", "account 3. ground; basis; consideration (often in the phrases on this (that, every, no, etc) account, on account of). 4. importance, consequence, or value: of little account. 5. assessment; judgment. 6. profit or advantage: to turn an idea to account.", "- Operating accounts show how the business generates revenues and expands market share, as well as the items that drag operating activities down to the earnings basement. Operating accounts -- or financial accounts -- range from assets and liabilities to equity items, revenues and expenses. In essence, this quintet incorporates all accounts a business relies on to operate. As a result, an expense account is an operating account, but the opposite doesn’t always hold true.", "- An account in the Sub Ledger has a non-zero first digit (eg. 3-3XXXX) and reflects all budget, revenue, expense and encumbrance activity for the current year. Except for a very few cases, all requisitions should be prepared using Sub Ledger accounts.", "What is Accounting? Accounting is a vital part of any individual, business or organization’s economic foundation. It plays a major role in defining financial condition and performance, in terms of operation, profitability and sustainability. Accounting has several definitions by different authors and books.", "- Financial accounting is a branch of accounting that provides people outside the business—such as investors or loan officers—with qualitative information regarding an enterprise's economic resources, obligations, financial performance, and cash flow.", "What Is the Difference Between a Guardian Account & a Custodial Account? A custodial account is a bank or other financial account that a person opens for the benefit of another person, called the beneficiary. The person who opens the account is often the custodian -- the person who manages the account -- although it's also possible to name a third party as custodian. custodial account is a bank or other financial account that a person opens for the benefit of another person, called the beneficiary. The person who opens the account is often the custodian -- the person who manages the account -- although it's also possible to name a third party as custodian.", "- DEFINITION of 'Merchant Account' A type of business bank account that allows a business to accept and process debit and credit card transactions. Merchant accounts are necessary accounts for many businesses, and are essential for online businesses. There are different types of merchant accounts to choose from for businesses. A type of business bank account that allows a business to accept and process debit and credit card transactions.", "Types/Kinds of Accounts The elements or accounts which represent expenses, losses, incomes, gains. Any element or account head used in an organisational accounting system would belong to one of these types. It should be either a personal account or real account or a nominal account.No element can fall under two types.ny element or account head used in an organisational accounting system would belong to one of these types. It should be either a personal account or real account or a nominal account. No element can fall under two types.", "account Meaning sum of (one's) money in a bank is from 1833. Sense of narration is first attested 1610s. Plural accounts used as a collective or singular in phrases such as to give accounts (of something), is from mid-13c. Phrase by all accounts is attested from 1798.", "What is a 'T-Account' What is a 'T-Account'. A T-account is an informal term for a set of financial records that use double-entry bookkeeping. The term T-account describes the appearance of the bookkeeping entries.", "account maintenance meaning, account maintenance definition | English Cobuild dictionary 3 n-count Accounts are detailed records of all the money that a person or business receives and spends. He kept detailed accounts., ...an account book. 4 n-count An account is a written or spoken report of something that has happened. He gave a detailed account of what happened on the fateful night...", "account maintenance meaning, account maintenance definition | English Cobuild dictionary account maintenance meaning, account maintenance definition | English Cobuild dictionary. account. 1 n-count If you have an account with a bank or a similar organization, you have an arrangement to leave your money there and take some out when you need it.", "bank account The offspring of a liaison between a bald head and a bank account. Wrote a book in which he described your bank account and told how you paid your bills. Every man on his place had a bank account and was apparently satisfied. By the first of June next I'll come to you with a bank account of six figures.", "account 7. part or behalf (only in the phrase on one's or someone's account) 8. (Banking & Finance) finance. a. a business relationship between a bank, department store, stockbroker, etc, and a depositor, customer, or client permitting the latter certain banking or credit services.", "What is an 'Account Statement' What is an 'Account Statement'. An account statement is a periodic summary of account activity with a beginning date and an ending date. The most commonly known are checking account statements, usually provided monthly, and brokerage account statements, which are provided monthly or quarterly. Monthly credit card bills are also considered account statements.", "Current account DEFINITION of 'Current Account'. The difference between a nation’s savings and its investment. The current account is an important indicator about an economy's health. It is defined as the sum of the balance of trade (goods and services exports less imports), net income from abroad and net current transfers.EFINITION of 'Current Account'. The difference between a nation’s savings and its investment. The current account is an important indicator about an economy's health. It is defined as the sum of the balance of trade (goods and services exports less imports), net income from abroad and net current transfers.", ".oeaccount File Extension A file extension is the set of three or four characters at the end of a filename; in this case, .oeaccount. File extensions tell you what type of file it is, and tell Windows what programs can open it. Windows often associates a default program to each file extension, so that when you double-click the file, the program launches automatically.", "account 1 a business relation in which credit is used. 2 any customer or client, especially one carried on a regular credit basis. Also called advertising account. the business assigned to an advertising agency by a client:", "- Your Bank Branch. The bank location where your account was opened is usually designated as your official branch. Most banks offer an online portal to access your account information. The online records of your account will list the specific address of your branch.", "- Introduction. The chart of accounts is the grouping of various accounts with similar characteristics used to present the financial picture of an organization. The two key instruments for analyzing a business are the balance sheet and the operating statement, often called the profit and loss (P&L) statement.he chart of accounts is the grouping of various accounts with similar characteristics used to present the financial picture of an organization.", "Merchant Account A merchant account is a type of bank account that allows businesses to accept payments by debit or credit cards.So a merchant account is an agreement between a retailer, a merchant bank and payment processor for the settlement of credit card and/or debit card transactions.f you already have a merchant account, you'll probably notice that another difference between the two is the fees; typically, the Internet merchant account fees are higher because of the assumed higher risks of online payment (as opposed to a face-to-face credit card or debit card transaction).", "What is a Statement of Account? Top 10 facts about the world. Also known as an account statement, a statement of account is a record of the transactions that have occurred on a customer’s account during a specified period of time.", "What is Accounting? What is Accounting? Accounting is the process of recording and summarizing financial information in a useful way. You may have already noticed the use of some form of accounting in your daily life. My mom for example is the chief accountant and treasurer of our house. She keeps a simple diary to record major home expenses such as grocery, utilities, fees and so on.", "bank account checking account - a bank account against which the depositor can draw checks that are payable on demand chequing account, current account bank account - a fund that a customer has entrusted to a bank and from which the customer can make withdrawals; he moved his bank account to a new bank", "- Example Sentences Including 'account number'. On the desk lay Trembler's personal card and personal bank account number at the august Glyn Mills of Whitehall, London. The Tartan Ringers. I'm afraid I don't have a chequebook on me and --- ' `I'll need the account number.", "account brokerage account-a fund that a customer has entrusted to a securities brokerage; you can't get a brokerage account unless you have $20,000. bank account-a fund that a customer has entrusted to a bank and from which the customer can make withdrawals; he moved his bank account to a new bank.", "Google Business Account Google Business Account. business account. A transactional account (North America: checking account or chequing account, United Kingdom and some other countries: current account or cheque account) is a deposit account held at a bank or other financial institution, for the purpose of securely and quickly providing frequent access to funds.", "- Definition: A merchant account is a type of bank account that allows businesses to accept payments by debit or credit cards. So a merchant account is an agreement between a retailer, a merchant bank and payment processor for the settlement of credit card and/or debit card transactions.f you already have a merchant account, you'll probably notice that another difference between the two is the fees; typically, the Internet merchant account fees are higher because of the assumed higher risks of online payment (as opposed to a face-to-face credit card or debit card transaction)." ]
[ 13.4765625 ]
[ 10.5078125, 10.15625, 11.1796875, 8.5390625, 9.8515625, 11.984375, 10.515625, 9.3125, 10.53125, 8.7109375, 10.9296875, 11.4375, 12.21875, 8.3046875, 8.703125, 11.7890625, 12.1875, 8.7265625, 8.40625, 12.6640625, 8.0234375, 8.671875, 11.4296875, 10.6953125, 12.7109375, 11.625, 5.85546875, 11.3046875, 11.0703125, 10.71875 ]
what is cilostazol prescribed for
[ "- Cilostazol is used to reduce the symptoms of intermittent claudication (pain in the legs that worsens when walking and improves when resting that is caused by narrowing of the blood vessels that supply blood to the legs)." ]
[ "Dilacor This prescription medication works by relaxing blood vessels, which improves blood flow and makes it easier for the heart to pump blood. Dilacor XR® (diltiazem hydrochloride) is a prescription medication used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension) and certain types of chest pain (angina).", "Cilostazol 100mg Tablets Cilostazol 100mg Tablets is indicated for the improvement of the maximal and pain-free walking distances in patients with intermittent claudication, who do not have rest pain and who do not have evidence of peripheral tissue necrosis (peripheral arterial disease Fontaine stage II).", "What is Casodex? Bicalutamide is used together with another medicine to treat stage D2 metastatic prostate cancer (cancer that has spread) in men. Bicalutamide belongs to the group of medicines called antiandrogens. It works by blocking the effects of testosterone (a male hormone), which helps stop the growth and spread of cancer cells.", "What is the drug cilostazol prescribed for? Cilostazol is indicated for the reduction of symptoms of intermittent claudication, as indicated by an increased walking distance. Cilostazol is indicated for the reduction of symptoms of intermittent claudication, as indicated by an increased walking distance. See: http://www.globalrph.com/antiplatelet.htm. In brief: Cilostazol.", "cilostazol (Pletal) Cilostazol also improves circulation by keeping platelets in the blood from sticking together and clotting. Cilostazol is used to treat the symptoms of intermittent claudication. This condition causes reduced blood flow to the legs, leading to pain while walking. Cilostazol improves your ability to walk longer distances without pain.", "Description and Brand Names Imipenem and cilastatin combination is used to treat infections in many different parts of the body. It is sometimes given with other antibiotics. This medicine is available only with your doctor's prescription. This product is available in the following dosage forms:", "diltiazem diltiazem (Cardizem, Cardizem CD, Cardizem LA, Dilacor XR, Tiazac, Cartia XT and several others) is a medication prescribed to treat angina, high blood pressure, and abnormal heart rhythms. Diltiazem is in a class of drugs called calcium channel blockers (CCBs). Side effects, drug interactions, dosage, and precautions should be reviewed prior to taking this medication.", "nystatin oral suspension Nystatin oral suspension (Bio-Statin [Mycostatin, Nilstat, and Nystex are discontinued]) is a drug prescribed to treat fungal infections of the mouth (like oral thrush). Side effects, drug interactions, dosage, and pregnancy safety information should be reviewed prior to using this medication.", "- Uses. This medication is used to treat vaginal yeast infections. Miconazole reduces vaginal burning, itching, and discharge that may occur with this condition. This medication is an azole antifungal.", "Diltiazem Diltiazem is used to treat high blood pressure and to control angina (chest pain). Diltiazem is in a class of medications called calcium-channel blockers.", "Cilostazol Although drugs similar to cilostazol have increased the risk of death in patients with congestive heart failure, studies of significant size have not addressed people without the disease. Cilostazol is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor with therapeutic focus on cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP).It inhibits platelet aggregation and is a direct arterial vasodilator. Its main effects are dilation of the arteries supplying blood to the legs and decreasing platelet coagulation.lthough drugs similar to cilostazol have increased the risk of death in patients with congestive heart failure, studies of significant size have not addressed people without the disease. Cilostazol is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor with therapeutic focus on cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP).", "- Colestid is the brand name for the drug colestipol hydrochloride. Colestid helps to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Cholesterol is a fatty substance which is made and used by your body. Sometimes the cholesterol level in the blood becomes higher than it should. Over time, this can cause the arteries of the heart and other organs to thicken.", "What Is Citalopram Used For? Depression Introduction. This video clip introduces depression, including what it is, what causes depression, and how it is treated. An Introduction to Uses for Citalopram. Citalopram hydrobromide (Celexa®) is a prescription medicine used for the treatment of depression (also known as major depression or clinical depression).", "What conditions does Sensipar treat? Cinacalcet is used to treat increased amounts of a certain hormone (parathyroid) in people with long-term kidney disease who are on dialysis. It is... My WebMD Sign In, Sign Up", "- In brief: Cilostazol. Cilostazol is indicated for the reduction of symptoms of intermittent claudication, as indicated by an increased walking distance. See: http://www.globalrph.com/antiplatelet.htm.", "Metolazone Metolazone (Zaroxolyn®) is a prescription medicine that is used to treat high blood pressure and fluid retention. It is part of a class of medicines known as diuretics. Treating water retention (edema) due to congestive heart failure (CHF) or kidney problems.", "Dexilant Dexilant, also known as dexlansoprazole, is a prescription drug that is used to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), heartburn, and damaged esophagus. If you want to look into Dexilant price comparison results, you can use eDrugSearch.com.", "cilostazol (Pletal) Cilostazol widens arteries that supply blood to the legs. Cilostazol also improves circulation by keeping platelets in the blood from sticking together and clotting. Cilostazol is used to treat the symptoms of intermittent claudication.This condition causes reduced blood flow to the legs, leading to pain while walking.ilostazol also improves circulation by keeping platelets in the blood from sticking together and clotting. Cilostazol is used to treat the symptoms of intermittent claudication.", "Monistat 3 Kit BRAND NAME(S): Monistat. Medication Uses | How To Use | Side Effects | Precautions | Drug Interactions | Overdose | Notes | Missed Dose | Storage. USES: This medication is used to treat vaginal yeast infections. Miconazole reduces vaginal burning, itching, and discharge that may occur with this condition. This medication is an azole antifungal. It works by stopping the growth of yeast (fungus) that causes the infection. The vaginal product comes in 2 forms (a vaginal cream or tablet).", "- Calcitriol is prescribed for: 1 Treatment of hypocalcaemia – hypoparathyroidism, osteomalacia (adults), rickets (infants, children), renal osteodystrophy, chronic kidney disease. 2 Treatment of osteoporosis. 3 Prevention of corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis.", "- balsalazide disodium (Colazal, Giazo) is a drug prescribed for the treatment of the signs and symptoms of mild to moderately ulcerative colitis. Side effects, drug interactions, and warnings and precautions should be reviewed prior to taking any medicication.", "- Diltiazem is used to prevent chest pain (angina). It may help to increase your ability to exercise and decrease how often you may get angina attacks. Diltiazem is called a calcium channel blocker. It works by relaxing blood vessels in the body and heart and lowers the heart rate.", "Riluzole Riluzole (Rilutek) is a drug used to treat amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and is marketed by Sanofi Pharmaceuticals. clinical study on mice has shown Riluzole to compensate for harmful glutamate levels and promote dendritic spine clustering in hippocampal circuits implicated in memory and emotion. Therefore, the drug may act as an effective treatment for age-related memory loss and other forms of cognitive decline.", "Pletal Cilostazol occurs as white to off-white crystals or as a crystalline powder that is slightly soluble in methanol and ethanol, and is practically insoluble in water, 0.1 N HCl, and 0.1 N NaOH. PLETAL (cilostazol) tablets for oral administration are available in 50 mg triangular and 100 mg round, white debossed tablets.", "Dilacor Dilacor XR is used for treating high blood pressure and certain types of chest pain. Dilacor XR® (diltiazem hydrochloride) is a prescription medication used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension) and certain types of chest pain (angina).", "Dorzolamide HCL Ophthalmic Solution Dorzolamide HCl is indicated for use in the treatment of glaucoma (increased ocular pressure). Elevated intraocular pressure is a major risk factor in the development of optic nerve damage and glaucomatous visual field loss. Dorzolamide HCl requires a prescription from your veterinarian.", "Bicalutamide Bicalutamide, sold under the brand name Casodex among others, is an antiandrogen medication that is primarily used to treat prostate cancer. It is typically used together with a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogue or surgical removal of the testicles to treat metastatic prostate cancer.", "- Cilostazol enables patients with intermittent claudication to walk longer and faster before developing pain. Cilostazol has a different mechanism of action than pentoxifylline (Trental), the other drug approved for intermittent claudication.(Pentoxifylline improves blood flow by making it easier for red blood cells to pass through vessels. It also decreases the viscosity of blood.).atients with intermittent claudication develop pain when they walk because not enough oxygen-containing blood reaches the active leg muscles. Cilostazol reduces the pain of intermittent claudication by dilating the arteries, thereby improving the flow of blood and oxygen to the legs.", "- Miconazole vaginal is used to treat vaginal candida (yeast) infections. Miconazole vaginal may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide. Follow all directions on your medicine label and package.", "Cosopt Consumer Medicine Information CILOXANTM Eye Drops 0.3% ciprofloxacin hydrochloride CONSUMER MEDICINE INFORMATION What is in this leaflet reason. Read this leaflet carefully before you start to use Ciloxan Eye Drops. This leaflet answers some common questions about Ciloxan Eye Drops. It does not contain all of the available information. It does not take the place of" ]
[ 14.8671875 ]
[ 4.83984375, 13.5546875, 3.40625, 15.53125, 14.3359375, 4.40234375, 4.5546875, 3.638671875, 4.87890625, 4.96875, 11.765625, 4.6640625, 4.2421875, 4.75, 14.484375, 4.30859375, 2.220703125, 13.0390625, 3.810546875, 4.640625, 4.78515625, 6.71484375, 1.248046875, 10.8359375, 3.73046875, 2.4140625, 2.91796875, 12.28125, 4.57421875, 3.705078125 ]
what is injections
[ "SQL injection SQL injection is a code injection technique, used to attack data-driven applications, in which nefarious SQL statements are inserted into an entry field for execution (e.g. to dump the database contents to the attacker).[1] SQL injection must exploit a security vulnerability in an application's software, for example, when user input is either ..." ]
[ "Lipotropic Injections Lipotropic Injections. Lipotropic compounds are substances that stimulate the metabolism of fat that would otherwise accumulate in the liver and other tissues. The liver plays a critical role in metabolism, aiding in the digestion, storage, and distribution of nutrients as well as the elimination of metabolic toxins.If your liver is fatty, it can’t function properly and your metabolism slows down. This impedes weight loss.he liver plays a critical role in metabolism, aiding in the digestion, storage, and distribution of nutrients as well as the elimination of metabolic toxins. If your liver is fatty, it can’t function properly and your metabolism slows down. This impedes weight loss.", "Large-volume IM injections: â¨A review of best practices Intramuscular (IM) injection is one of many routes for administering medications, including antibiotics, vaccines, hormonal therapies, and corticosteroids. 1,2 Even when alternate routes of administration are available, IM injections may be preferred when a patient cannot tolerate oral medication or when adherence is a concern. 2 IM injections also may be beneficial for absorption compared with other routes of administration (ie, faster than subcutaneous injection and slower than intravenous ...", "Injections for Back Pain Relief Back injections may help treat two major back pain problems: radiculopathy and spinal stenosis. Doctors also use injections for other types of back pain. Sometimes, they also use them to help find out what's causing the pain.Radiculopathy refers to inflammation or damage to a nerve usually in the neck or the low back.The problem originates where the nerve exits the spine.octors also use injections for other types of back pain. Sometimes, they also use them to help find out what's causing the pain. Radiculopathy refers to inflammation or damage to a nerve usually in the neck or the low back.", "Cortisone Injections around the Shoulder around the Shoulder. Cortisone injections make up a very important part of the treatment of shoulder injuries. In combination with an active rehabilitation program they may significantly reduced the need for surgery in shoulder impingement syndrome. Cortisone is a potent anti-inflammatory medication.", "What Is a Subcutaneous Injection? Medications administered using a subcutaneous injection include medications that can be given in small volumes (less than 2 mL). Drugs made of proteins that would be digested in the stomach or other delicate medications than cannot be given in oral form are the most common. Hormones are another example. Insulin is taken by millions of diabetics all over the world as a subcutaneous injection. Growth hormones are also given this way. Other drugs that need to be given very quickly can also be administered via subcutaneous injection.", "injection molding in·jec·tion mold·ing. 1 the adaptation of a plastic material to the negative form of a closed mold by forcing the material into the mold through appropriate gateways. 2 Adaptation of a plastic material to negative form of closed mold by forcing material into mold through appropriate gateways.", "- injection molding. Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. in·jec·tion mold·ing. the adaptation of a plastic material to the negative form of a closed mold by forcing the material into the mold through appropriate gateways. See also: compression molding (2).", "intravenous infusion intravenous infusion. 1 a solution administered into a vein through an infusion set that includes a plastic or glass vacuum bottle or bag containing the solution and tubing connecting the bottle to a catheter or a needle in the patient's vein. 2 the process of administering a solution intravenously.", "Overview Iron infusion is a procedure in which iron is delivered to your body intravenously, meaning into a vein through a needle. This method of delivering medication or supplementation is also known as an intravenous (IV) infusion. Iron infusions are usually prescribed by doctors to treat iron deficiency anemia.", "Subcutaneous injection An insulin pump with a subcutaneous injection site. 3D animation of a subcutaneous injection. A subcutaneous injection is administered as a bolus into the subcutis, the layer of skin directly below the dermis and epidermis, collectively referred to as the cutis. Subcutaneous injections are highly effective in administering vaccines and medications such as insulin, morphine, diacetylmorphine and goserelin.", "Inoculation Inoculation is the act or process of introducing something to where it will grow or reproduce. It is most commonly used in respect of the introduction of a serum, vaccine, or antigenic substance into the body of a human or animal, especially to produce or boost immunity to a particular disease.noculation. Definition. noun, plural: inoculations. (immunology). The process of introducing an antigenic substance or vaccine into the body to trigger immune response against a specific disease.", "Dependency Injection The following patterns are related to the Dependency Injection pattern: 1 Inversion of Control. 2 The Dependency Injection pattern is a specialized version of the Inversion of Control pattern where the concern being inverted is the process of obtaining the needed dependency. 3 Service Locator.", "Injections Inflamed joints and tendons will often respond positively to injections of cortisone. Cortisone is a naturally occurring substance which the body produces to (amongst other things) damp down inflammatory changes.", "- A cortisone injection is a treatment for a variety of diseases, disorders and conditions. Cortisone is a corticosteroid. Corticosteroids have potent anti-inflammatory effects. They can also help regulate your immune system’s activity. There are a many types of cortisones injections.", "Drug injection Although there are various methods of taking drugs, injection is favoured by some users as the full effects of the drug are experienced very quickly, typically in five to ten seconds.rug injection is a method of introducing a drug into the body with a hollow needle and a syringe which is pierced through the skin into the body (usually intravenous, but also intramuscular or subcutaneous).", "Injections for Back Pain Relief Back injections may help treat two major back pain problems: radiculopathy and spinal stenosis. Doctors also use injections for other types of back pain. Sometimes, they also use them to help find out what's causing the pain. Radiculopathy refers to inflammation or damage to a nerve usually in the neck or the low back.octors also use injections for other types of back pain. Sometimes, they also use them to help find out what's causing the pain. Radiculopathy refers to inflammation or damage to a nerve usually in the neck or the low back.", "Injection laryngoplasty Definition. Injection medialization laryngoplasty is a procedure that provides support to a vocal fold that lacks either the bulk (such as in vocal fold bowing) or the mobility (such as in paralysis) it once had.f more injection is required, it can be done immediately. The procedure is simpler: there is much less equipment to set up. The risks are fewer. The cost is far less: no operating room fee (and this is usually the largest part of the bill for a surgery) and no anesthesia bill.", "- A cortisone injection is a treatment for a variety of diseases, disorders and conditions. Cortisone is a corticosteroid. Corticosteroids have potent anti-inflammatory effects. They can also help regulate your immune system’s activity.", "injection injection. n. 1. (Medicine) fluid injected into the body, esp for medicinal purposes. 2. something injected. 3. the act of injecting.", "Subcutaneous injection Subcutaneous injection. An insulin pump with a subcutaneous injection site. 3D animation of a subcutaneous injection. A subcutaneous injection is administered as a bolus into the subcutis, the layer of skin directly below the dermis and epidermis, collectively referred to as the cutis.", "ADMINISTERING INTERMITTENT INTRAVENOUS MEDICATION USING A SECONDARY SET Definition: An intermittent infusion is a method of administering a medication mixed in a small NHS SHETLAND: TRANSFUSION PROCEDURES 4.4 2. Where blood components are given in an emergency situation, the patient (or. their guardian) should be informed retrospectively. The decision to transfuse. should be explained to the patient (or their guardian), and a record of this.", "- An insulin pump with a subcutaneous injection site. A subcutaneous injection is administered as a bolus into the subcutis, the layer of skin directly below the dermis and epidermis, collectively referred to as the cutis. Subcutaneous injections are highly effective in administering vaccines and medications such as insulin, morphine, diacetylmorphine and goserelin.", "Differences between injection and infusion? Injection and infusion are both introduction of something into the body , usually in a solution form. The time taken differentiates the two. If the process takes less than 15 minutes, it is injection. If it takes more than 15 minutes, infusion. (CMS 2007)", "Sacroiliac Injections A sacroiliac injection is an injection of a steroid or other medication into a sacroiliac joint. The sacroiliac joints are located on either side or the sacrum or tailbone. They connect the tailbone to the pelvis.", "Definitions &Translations Inoculation. is the introduction of disease germs into the system, usually by puncture of the skin or hypodermic injection; many diseases so introduced assume a mild form, and render the subject not liable to the severe form.noculation. is the introduction of disease germs into the system, usually by puncture of the skin or hypodermic injection; many diseases so introduced assume a mild form, and render the subject not liable to the severe form.", "Antibiotic injections Antibiotic injections. The most effective treatment for severe bacterial infections. Injection of antibiotics gives the best success rate, especially when dealing with advanced bacterial infections. Injections give a measured amount of drug directly into the body, leading to high blood and tissue levels of antibiotic.", "Definitions &Translations Princeton's WordNet (2.00 / 1 vote) Rate this definition: injection (noun). the forceful insertion of a substance under pressure. injection, injectant (noun). any solution that is injected (as into the skin). injection, shot (noun).the act of putting a liquid into the body by means of a syringe.rinceton's WordNet (2.00 / 1 vote) Rate this definition: injection (noun). the forceful insertion of a substance under pressure. injection, injectant (noun). any solution that is injected (as into the skin). injection, shot (noun).", "- Medical Definition of IV (intravenous) IV (intravenous): Within a vein. The word intravenous is quite properly an adjective. In this guise, it entered the English language around 1849. An intravenous injection is just that: the giving of something such as drugs into a vein through a syringe.", "Definitions &Translations Inoculation. Inoculation is the placement of something that will grow or reproduce, and is most commonly used in respect of the introduction of a serum, vaccine, or antigenic substance into the body of a human or animal, especially to produce or boost immunity to a specific disease.noculation. is the introduction of disease germs into the system, usually by puncture of the skin or hypodermic injection; many diseases so introduced assume a mild form, and render the subject not liable to the severe form.", "Injection (medicine) 95% of injections are administered in curative care, 3% are for immunization, and the rest for other purposes, such as blood transfusions. In some instances the term injection is used synonymously with inoculation even by different workers in the same hospital. needle tract infection is an infection that occurs when pathogenic micro-organisms are seeded into the tissues of the body during an injection. Such infections are also referred to as needlestick infections." ]
[ 11.3515625 ]
[ 8.15625, 10.1953125, 9.4140625, 8.6796875, 10.8125, 10.2734375, 9.265625, 6.8046875, 7.0390625, 10.921875, 5.1875, 9.3203125, 10.0703125, 9.4140625, 11.9140625, 9.5625, 8.46875, 9.828125, 14.4609375, 10.6015625, 2.701171875, 11.3515625, 10.7890625, 10.4765625, 6.875, 10.65625, 12.359375, 9.109375, 5.22265625, 12.0859375 ]
what is a mass quizlet
[ "- mass screen·ing. examination of a large population to detect the manifestation of a disease in order to initiate treatment or prevent spread, as part of a public health campaign. mass screen·ing (mas skrēning) Examination of a large population to detect manifestation of disease to initiate treatment or prevent its spread. mass screening," ]
[ "- Quizlet is an online learning tool created by high school sophomore Andrew Sutherland in Albany, California.It was originally conceived in October 2005 and released to the public in January 2007. As of January 2014, Quizlet has over 60 million user-generated flashcard sets and more than 20 million registered users.n October 2005, Quizlet was released to the public. Until 2011, Quizlet shared staff and financial resources with the Collectors Weekly web site. In 2011, Quizlet added the ability to listen to content using text-to-speech.", "- Quizlet is the leading education and flashcard app, and makes studying for languages, history, vocab, and science simple and effective. And it's free! Create your own flashcards with Quizlet's flashcard maker, or choose from millions created by other Quizlet students and teachers on thousands of subjects. 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The Cult of Incompetence Emile Faguet.", "- Quizlet is the perfect study tool for academics of all ages. Students as young as kindergarten can use this as there is picture integration (for use in vocabulary acquisition, or phonetic identification) but it is not designed to exclude the oldest of students from middle to college and beyond.", "Physics for Kids Mass is a measurement of how much matter is in an object. Mass is a combination of the total number of atoms, the density of the atoms, and the type of atoms in an object. How to Measure Mass.", "Quizlet What is Quizlet? Quizlet is a free website and app that students can use to create their own interactive vocabulary flashcards (with images) or browse 1000s of decks created by others around the world. 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A participial phrase is a participle with its modifiers and complements used as an adjective. Read the following sentence. Frosted with gooey icing, the cinnamon rolls were impossible to resist. Identify the present participle in the sentence.", "feculent Sensibility is smothered in, the feculent steams of roast beef, and delicacy stained by the waste drippings of porter. Lands of the Slave and the Free Henry A. Murray. The clayey mass of feculent matter forms a hard ball in the distended bowel, around which the small loose passages flow.", "- Quizlet provides science activities, flashcards and games. Start learning today for free!", "- mass noun. 1The action of invoking someone or something. ‘his invocation of the ancient powers of Callanish’. ‘‘Purge the evil,’ some chanted in Chinese, a common Falun Gong invocation.’. ‘I hear cries of outrange from the human rights campaigners, and in invocation of the Human Rights Act.’.", "- Quizlet provides qualitative descriptive adjectives activities, flashcards and games. Start learning today for free!", "Health and Healing Fact Sheets The ORACfl (umoleTE/g) analysis, which utilizes Fluorescein as the fluorescent probe, provides a measure of the scavenging capacity of antioxidants against the peroxyl radical, which is one of the most common reactive oxygen species (ROS) found in the body.", "Coset The identity is in precisely one left or right coset, namely H itself. Thus H is both a left and right coset of itself. A coset representative is a representative in the equivalence class sense. A set of representatives of all the cosets is called a transversal.", "Mycelium Mycelium: Mycelium, the mass of branched, tubular filaments (hyphae) of fungi. The mycelium makes up the thallus, or undifferentiated body, of a typical fungus. It may be microscopic in size or developed into visible structures, such as brackets, mushrooms, puffballs, rhizomorphs (long strands of hyphae", "- Quizlet provides puget sound activities, flashcards and games. Start learning today for free!", "Introduction Try to write or print so that what you are writing is legible to those readers. You have 50 minutes to read the passage and write an essay in response to the prompt provided inside this booklet. 1 Do not write your essay in this booklet. 2 Only what you write on the lined pages of your answer booklet will be evaluated.", "- Quizlet provides cotton gin all us history activities, flashcards and games. Start learning today for free!", "- Type of site. Quizlet is a mobile & web-based study application used by 1-in-2 high school students and 1-in-3 college students in the United States. It was created by Andrew Sutherland in October 2005 and released to the public in January 2007.", "- A pretentious mirror in a tarnished gilt frame was the piece de resistance. The piece de resistance of the dinner was, in this instance, to be a mackerel. That means you'll please get the wood while I clean the 'piece de resistance' of our dinner. It appeared to be the 'piece de resistance' in the minds of the children.", "Quizlet Structured around sets of terms and definitions, Quizlet is a platform for rote learning. Users can search existing sets or create their own, to which they may even attach images from Flickr's Creative Commons catalog. With a Plus account ($15 per year), users may even upload their own images and audio.", "- Macbeth act V practice test Multiple Choice Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. Recalling and Interpreting (The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act 5)____ 1. During her sleepwalking scene, Lady Macbeth seems most consumed by feelings ofa. fear. c. anger.b. guilt.", "- Quizlet provides naval special warfare activities, flashcards and games. Start learning today for free!" ]
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the modern fort lee, nj
[ "The Modern (building) The Modern (building) The Modern is a residential skyscraper complex in Fort Lee, New Jersey near George Washington Bridge Plaza at the western end of the George Washington Bridge. The architectural firm of Elkus Manfredi Architects designed the project." ]
[ "Lee County, Florida Lee County was created in 1887 from Monroe County. It was named for Robert E. Lee, Confederate general in the American Civil War. Incorporated in 1886, Fort Myers is the center of a popular tourist area in Southwest Florida and the seat of Lee County. It is about 120 miles (190 km) south of Tampa at the meeting point of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caloosahatchee River.", "USCIS Local Office Locations Get off at the exit for 9th Street and head north toward downtown. The Federal Building is located at the corner of 9th Street and Lakeside. Take Interstate 77 North. Get off on the 9th Street exit.", "- George Washington Bridge. Connects upper Manhattan and Fort Lee, NJ. This iconic Hudson crossing is the busiest bridge in the world. It is used by more than 106 million vehicles a year as well as countless bikers and pedestrians.", "- It is located in the North-eastern part of the Bay Area. Fairfield was founded in 1856 by clippership captain Robert H. Waterman, and named after his former hometown of Fairfield, Connecticut. It is the home of Travis Air Force Base and the headquarters of Jelly Belly.", "- Fort Miami (Ohio) Fort Miami was a fort built on the Maumee River at the eastern edge of the present-day city of Maumee, Ohio, and southwest of the present-day city of Toledo, Ohio.", "- Fulton Bank of New Jersey, Jefferson Township Branch. Full Service Brick and Mortar Office. 694 Rt 15 South, Suite 101. Lake Hopatcong, NJ 07849.", "- The Japanese-American Society of New Jersey (JAS NJ), located on Main Street, Fort Lee, New Jersey, was founded in 1974. We are dedicated to promoting understanding between Japanese and American cultures. JAS of NJ offers language, cultural, translation, and interpretation programs.", "Transforming a Skyline Continue reading the main story. 1 For the last two years, drivers stuck in traffic on the George Washington Bridge have watched a slender bluish tower rise at the edge of Fort Lee, N.J. 2 Leasing began last month at the Modern, a 450-unit rental near the entrance to the bridge.", "Gateway Arch National Park The Jefferson National Expansion Memorial is a park located in St. Louis, Missouri, near the starting point of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. It was designated as a National Memorial by Executive Order 7523, on December 21, 1935, and is maintained by the National Park Service (NPS).", "Fort Leonard Wood Fort Leonard Wood. For other uses, see Fort Leonard Wood (disambiguation). Fort Leonard Wood is a United States Army installation located in the Missouri Ozarks. The main gate is located on the southern boundary of St. Robert. The post was created in December 1940 and named in honor of General Leonard Wood (former Chief of Staff) in January 1941.", "Cafe Modern With its stunning location in the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth and its serene, reflecting-pond backdrop, The Modern can host an impressive corporate event or the wedding reception of your dreams. From start to finish, our team of planning professionals will handle every detail of your event.", "Fort Lee Fort Lee, in Prince George County, Virginia, United States, is a United States Army post and headquarters of the U.S. Army Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM)/ Sustainment Center of Excellence (SCoE), the U.S. Army Quartermaster School, the U.S. Army Ordnance School, The U.S. Army Transportation School, the Army Logistics University (ALU), ...", "WOMEN in the ARMY A special thanks to the U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center and U.S. Army Women's Museum at Fort Lee, Va, for providing the historical content & photos featured on this website.", "- Fort Leavenworth is located in eastern Kansas, northwest of Kansas City, and west of the Kansas City International Airport.It's also located near the geographical center of the United States.ort Leavenworth on-post temporary lodging is in Otis Hall & Custer House. The closest off-post hotels and motels are about 4 miles south of the main gate near US 73.", "HISTORY The United States now reached north to the british Canada,west to the Mississippi river,and south to spanish Florida. + 26 others found this useful. Natalie Makar. Edit. Share to: 1 The History of Fort Lee Virginia Fort Lee in Virginia goes a long way back in American history.", "Congratulations to The Point at Fort Lee, a 2016 SatisFacts Award Winner! The Apartments at Fort Lee. are luxury spaces you need…. The Point at Fort Lee is a gated community nestled in the heart of Fort Lee. Located minutes from the George Washington Bridge, living at The Point at Fort Lee makes traveling to NYC a breeze. Along with top of the line amenities, this “Point Property” has six different floor plans available.", "- river bend construction mission statement River Bend Construction in Fort Lee, NJ specializes in home remodeling and renovations. Whether you're looking to remodel your kitchen or bathroom, or want to add an addition to your home, we are here to make the process easy and affordable. Our company takes pride in the skilled work and reasonable prices we offer.", "- Fort Caroline. Fort Caroline is a 16th century fort on the southern banks of the St Johns River in Jacksonville. The fort was built by the French in the 1560s in an attempt to claim their part of the new world. Fort Caroline is inside the Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve a National Park.", "- The Cold War involved two very large alliances, but the main countries which were are the center of those opposing alliances were the United States of America, and the Soviet … Union. 1 The History of Fort Lee Virginia Fort Lee in Virginia goes a long way back in American history.", "About Us A full-scale replica of the famous Stourbridge Lion—a must see for the railroad buffs and children of all ages—sits in the Wayne County Historical Society’s Museum and Research Center, located at 810 Main Street. The greater Honesdale area is rich in architectural treasures, many dating back to the 1800s.", "- Lee County, Florida. Lee County is a county located in the U.S. state of Florida. The population estimate for July 1, 2006 was 571,344. Its county seat is Fort Myers. Florida is known for it's forts - Fort Myers, Fort Lauderdale, etc.", "Transforming a Skyline Residential Tower in Fort Lee, N.J., Begins Leasing. For the last two years, drivers stuck in traffic on the George Washington Bridge have watched a slender bluish tower rise at the edge of Fort Lee, N.J. Now, they might have a better way to stay put: They could just live in it. Leasing began last month at the Modern, a 450-unit rental near the entrance to the bridge.", "403 Forbidden Look inside Fort Lee's towering new luxury apartment building (PHOTOS) FORT LEE -- Victor Cividini, senior vice president for SJP Properties, focuses on two things when he gives tours of the Modern, the 47-foot glass tower casting its shadow on the George Washington Bridge. The first is views. At night, if games are going, you can see the lights from both MetLife Stadium and Yankee Stadium.", "- The College of New Jersey is located in the Ewing Township, a suburb north of Trenton. The closest hotel to the college is between the campus and I-95 on the north side.", "Fort Lee lane closure scandal Fort Lee (highlighted in yellow) with George Washington Bridge marked as I-95 over the Hudson River to Manhattan, New York City.", "- Connects upper Manhattan and Fort Lee, NJ. This iconic Hudson crossing is the busiest bridge in the world. It is used by more than 106 million vehicles a year as well as countless bikers and pedestrians.", "Construction starts on second Fort Lee tower Construction starts on second Fort Lee tower. FORT LEE -- The Modern residential tower has come to dominate the Fort Lee skyline since its completion in 2014. Soon, the tallest building in Bergen County will be joined by a twin, as developer SJP Properties announced Monday that had started work on a second 47-story tower.", "Acronyms &Abbreviations Fort Jefferson was a town on the Mississippi River about one mile south of Wickliffe, Kentucky in southwestern Ballard County.", "Victoria, British Columbia Yale Historic Site. Yale Historic Site- Yale, B.C. was once the largest city north of San Francisco and west of Chicago. Originally established in 1848 as a Hudson’s Bay Company trading post, Yale grew with the influx of ….", "Explore a 19th Century Fort and snorkel crystal clear water with incredible marine life Located on Garden Key is historic Fort Jefferson, one of the nation’s largest 19th century forts in the United States. Camping at the Dry Tortugas Camping at Garden Key is an incredible experience." ]
[ 17.65625 ]
[ 3.201171875, 1.212890625, 9.78125, -0.94775390625, 2.07421875, 2.60546875, 11.796875, 13.109375, 0.0251922607421875, 2.375, 6.06640625, 10.5546875, 4.89453125, 0.92578125, 5.77734375, 12.0078125, 9.71875, 0.480224609375, 6.54296875, -2.541015625, 2.306640625, 14.0234375, 13, 1.77734375, 10.3671875, 9.1953125, 14.671875, 1.0888671875, 1.3916015625, -0.24365234375 ]
minimum width for shower door
[ "Dimensions and Building Regulations for a Small Bathroom This means that if the door width is 32 inches, you must have a passage of 32 inches wide and 32 inches long of clear space leading into the bathroom. Once inside the bathroom, you will need a minimum of 21 inches of space in front of the toilet, sink, tub or bidet and 24 inches of clear space in front of a shower." ]
[ "Toilet Stalls Figure 30(a) Standard Stall. The minimum width of the stall is 60 inches (1525 mm). The centerline of the water closet is 18 inches (455 mm) from the side wall. The location of the door is in front of the clear space and diagonal to the water closet, with a maximum stile width of 4 inches (100 mm).", "Thread: Minimum Hallway Width Re: Minimum Hallway Width. Originally Posted by Jim Abram. ............ If one would measure a hallway between two opposing doors with trims the width may be reduced. The reduction in width has been determined to be acceptable is the reduction is 1 1/2 or less on each side.", "- Re: Walk In Shower Opening. With people being as big as they are nowadays, a 2'6 wide door is the minimum, even for a pantry, in new construction and 2'8 for all passage doors. I've had to adjust a couple of things in the last half dozen houses to allow for this. The smallest door always seems to be a walk-in pantry.e: Walk In Shower Opening. With people being as big as they are nowadays, a 2'6 wide door is the minimum, even for a pantry, in new construction and 2'8 for all passage doors. I've had to adjust a couple of things in the last half dozen houses to allow for this. The smallest door always seems to be a walk-in pantry.", "The Minimum Size for a Bedroom Closet Gauge the minimum closet depth by the standard hanger's length. Reach-in closets need to be at least 2 feet deep, so that hangers fit on a centered rod between the back wall and door.Maximize shelf space above the rod by taking the closet up to a low, average-height or slightly high ceiling.or a closet that's smaller than the smallest door size, you could cover the opening with a curtain or leave it open, expanding the sight line, which maximizes a small room's size.", "- Smaller size of bathroom vanities: On the smaller size of bathroom vanities start round 16 inches to 24 inches for the width of the countertop. If you have a petite bathroom, especially one in an apartment or row residence, this size range 16 inches to 24 inches for a bathroom vanity is appropriate for the space.", "II. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS For exterior doors, the minimum opening is 0.90 m when the door is open. For interior doors, the minimum opening is 0.80 m when the door is open. The minimum door opening can be 0.75 m if the access is straight or if the door can stay open by itself (fig. 5). The minimum door width of rest rooms should be 0.75 m. For doors installed in an opening more than 0.60 m in depth, the clear door opening should be at least 0.90 m (fig.", "- You can get a custom shower door to fit most of your shower enclosure needs, in most cases the shower door can not be larger the 33 wide due to hardware limitations. The average glass shower door size is 28 wide and 72 tall if your opening is larger then 33 we it is recommend adding an inline panel to the door. If your shower door must be over 33 make sure the hardware you plan to use will be able to support the size door you need. Also keep in mind if the door will be over 72 tall to get the weight of the door to see how many hinges you will be need ether two or three.", "What is the minimum width of a bathroom stall? Accessibility regulations typically set the minimum size for stalls serving people with disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 sets the minimum size for a wheelchair accessible toilet stall at 60 inches wide and 59 inches long, with the toilet fixture set in the corner of the stall opposite the door.", "The Basics of Bathroom Design According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, a bathroom door opening should be at least 32″ wide when measured from the open door to the opposite stop. That means the door itself should be at least 34″ wide—unless you’ve opted for a pocket door. 2. Door interference It’s not a good idea to slam the bathroom door into a loved one.", "Exit Stair Width OCCUPANT LOAD X 0.3 = MINIMUM WIDTH OF EXIT STAIR. Example: For a space that has an occupancy load of 100 people, 100x 0.3 = 30. Therefore, a minimum stair width of 30 inches is required.", "- It is known that most modern wheelchairs are 24 inches to 27 inches wide from one wheel to the other wheel. To enable wheelchairs to move freely through doors, the door width for wheelchair access should be not less than 32 inches / 813mm.If the doorway provides entry into a hallway, and wheelchairs need to be turned in order to pass through it, then the door width for wheelchair access should be not less than 36 inches.o enable people in wheelchairs to have easy access to homes and public places, there should be special facilities, and the door width for wheelchair access is especially important. It should be wide enough to provide enough room for wheelchairs to pass through doors without difficulty.", "Standard shower door width? We're taking a standard 3'x4' shower and extending it out to make a custom-size neo-angle shower. There will be partial walls on both sides of the door. We'll be building one new wall to do this.", "- Measure and draw an outline for the widened doorway on the wall. If you are widening the doorway for wheelchair access, the width of the doorway should be a minimum of 40 inches (101.6 cm), but 4 feet (1.2 m) is better, if possible.", "- For neo-angled showers, consider 54”x 54”. as a minimum. A frameless enclosure for a smaller shower is likely. to have water retention problems. • Plan your door location so that it’s easy to reach the water. controls as you open the door.", "12 Design Tips to Make a Small Bathroom Better Skip the shower door. If your bathroom is about 5 feet wide, that's just enough space to squeeze in a toilet and a 30- by 60-inch tub. With tight conditions such as these, consider a glass panel instead of a glass shower door. It will keep most of the water in the shower and will free up needed elbow room.", "What Size Trap Should Be Used for a Shower Drain? Trap Size. The usual size for a shower drain trap is 2 inches, which is the diameter of the trap. This size is the minimum size that is allowed, which means that you cannot install a trap with a smaller diameter, or the trap is not within code.", "- The standard width is typically 32 inches for bedroom or bath doors, with exceptions for more narrow doors measuring 24, 28 and 30 inches, and larger doors measuring up to 36 inches, similar to exterior doors.", "Tips for Selecting Shower Doors Pivot / one-panel swing / swing-open doors. 1 Open outward from a single side. 2 Installed in standalone shower space. 3 Ideal for openings that are too small to accommodate a bypass door. Typically 36 inches wide but may be as wide as 48 inches.", "What is the minimum width of a bathroom stall? A shower stall should be a comfortable size for the average person. Practical minimum is 36 inches x 30 inches without a door. Anyone taller than 6 feet would probably not be … comfortable with a smaller stall. Toilet stalls for public use in the USA are usually governed by the International Plumbing Code.", "- You will also need to to have a finished ceiling height of 80 inches minimum and a shower that's at least 30 by 30 inches to comply with the National Kitchen & Bath Association's guidelines for bathrooms. If you decide to plan for a bench, make sure it doesn't crowd this space of 30 by 30 inches minimum. changed a small, shallow tub for a new shower with a glass wall. Sitting on the toilet with a tape measure to get as much depth as possible was one important step. I think it's important to maximize the depth of the shower. Floor heat is becoming almost standard in bathrooms now, again, right on the mark.", "BASIC RESIDENTIAL MINIMUM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS Winders shall have a tread depth (run) of not less. than 9 inches at a point not more than 12 inches. from the narrow edge of the tread. B. The minimum tread depth (run) shall not be less. than 6 inches. C. The rise shall not exceed 8 inches.", "Key Measurements to Make the Most of Your Bathroom You will easily find fixtures in widths less than 36 inches (91 centimeters). Consider that if you allow 3 feet for the sink and 3 feet for the shower, and if you have a minimum width of 30 inches (76 centimeters) for the toilet, you will have a room that is 8½ feet (2.6 meters) long.", "What Are the Rough In Dimensions For a Shower Door? I'm confident with the tile and waterproofing part but I'm having a tough time finding a solid answer to the simple question of how wide to make the shower opening for a specific door width. The shower area is 36 across. I'd like to install a 30 frameless glass door. Outside the shower, the wall juts out and will only allow clearance for a 30 door. (the previous door was larger but I brought out the depth of the shower by 6).", "- Re: Walk In Shower Opening. 24 open is a code minimum I believe, At home I went 27 thats all I could fit. I have done doors as wide as 36 and only one ever at 24 ,thats really small. I'm a bigger guy shoulder wise anyway and the 27 open is comfortable. Last edited by ccappaul; 12-19-2010 at 08:28 PM.", "- Re: Minimum Hallway Width. ............ If one would measure a hallway between two opposing doors with trims the width may be reduced. The reduction in width has been determined to be acceptable is the reduction is 1 1/2 or less on each side.", "Best Sliding Shower Doors â Reviews and Guide 2017 The handles on this sliding shower door are made from stainless steel and have an elegant brushed finish. To prevent water from getting out of the shower, there is an anti-slash threshold. The width of the shower doors can be adjusted from 56-60 inches.", "Standard vs. Wide Hallways The minimum for a wheelchair to pass is 32 inches, IIRC. The minimum for a wheelchair to turn 90 degree into a doorway is 48 inches, and the minimum for a 180 degree turn is 60 inches. There are numerous web sites laying these criteria out. If you can do it, 48 inch hallways and 36 inch doors are a very good idea.e a have really wide L shaped hallway in our lower level that is 5 feet wide. In one leg I placed a bench across from built-in bookcases (not out of the 5ft width) and in the second leg, I have a three drawer chest.", "- An inline shower enclosure with one panel is very common, you can have a glass shower door up to 33 wide and then a panel. Normal size door is 28 wide and standard shower enclosure heights are 72 Tall. So for example if your opening is 45 from wall to wall you could have a 28 door with a 17 wide panel.", "Thread: Shower ceiling clearances Building Code Requirement: Bathrooms shall have a minimum floor to ceiling height of 80 over the fixture and at the front clearance area for fixtures. A shower or tub equipped with a shower head shall have a minimum floor to ceiling height of 80 above a minimum area 30 X 30 at the shower head.omments: A seat in a shower is not required, but it is a good idea, and should be considered when remodeling a bath shower. However, it must not infringe on the minimum interior size of the shower. The shower at the shower head must be large enough for a disk 30 in diameter to fit inside the shower walls.", "Search results It's a 55 inches width shower curtain, it isn't a standard size shower curtain. 100 % Vinyl DPC Clear Magnetic Shower Curtain Liner with Grommets, Mildew and Water Resistant Standard Size 70... by L R. $ 7 97 $9.97Prime." ]
[ 13.6484375 ]
[ 11.15625, 7.09375, 13.0625, 5.03515625, 6.19921875, 9.34375, 14.1796875, 10.265625, 12.2421875, 4.74609375, 7.6796875, 11.6953125, 6.87890625, 14.1796875, 11.9453125, 7.25390625, 9.8984375, 14.5, 13.7109375, 11.4375, 4.609375, 12.9296875, 12.9921875, 14.0390625, 7.01171875, 13.4296875, 5.078125, 14.0234375, 9.796875, 9.5703125 ]
what fluids are lost through vomiting
[ "Vomiting and Nausea Copyright 2008 be substituted with ¼ teaspoon of table salt.) Mix in 1 liter (1 qt) of clean or previously boiled water. Dehydration in adults: Although adults and adolescents have a larger electrolyte reserve than children, electrolyte imbalance and dehydration may still occur as fluid is lost through vomiting." ]
[ "APChapter27 They enter the body in the food we eat and the beverages. we drink. • While electrolytes leave the body mainly through the kidneys by way of the urine, they also leave through the. skin and feces. • Severe vomiting and diarrhea can cause a loss of both water and electrolytes from the body, resulting in both. water and electrolyte imbalances.", "- Flatulence is a medical term for releasing gas from the digestive system through the anus. It is also commonly known as farting, passing wind, or having gas. It occurs when gas collects inside the digestive system. Gas collects in two main ways. First, when you swallow air during eating or drinking, oxygen and nitrogen collect in the digestive tract. Second, as you digest food, digestive gases such as hydrogen, methane, and carbon dioxide collect. Either case can cause flatulence.", "Clear Fluid and Mucus Vomiting What is the clear fluid and mucus in vomit? Vomiting at first empties a combination of all the contents mentioned above under normal vomitus. Once it continues, the food and fluid recently consumed may be totally expelled and the gut is essentially empty. Only digestive enzymes, mucus and bile may remain.", "- Hypovolemia is a decrease in the volume of blood in your body, which can be due to blood loss or loss of body fluids. Blood loss can result from external injuries, internal bleeding, or certain obstetric emergencies. Diarrhea and vomiting are common causes of body fluid loss. Fluid can also be lost as a result of large burns, excessive perspiration, or diuretics. Inadequate fluid intake can also cause hypovolemia.", "How Drinking Fluids Can Help You Manage Constipation Dehydration happens when your body gets rid of more fluids, usually through sweating or going to the bathroom more than normal, than it absorbs. Drinking too little water during exercise, hot weather, or daily activities can also cause the body to use up its stored water.", "Dehydration 1 Worldwide, more than four million children die each year because of dehydration from diarrhea. Vomiting: Vomiting can also be a cause of fluid loss. Not only can an individual lose fluid in the vomitus, but it may be difficult to replace water by drinking because of that same nausea and vomiting.", "- Loss of large amounts of small intestinal absorptive mucosa results in malabsorption of water, electrolytes and nutrients. It also results in failure of resorption of the liquid produced by the gastrointestinal tract itself. This scenario is being increasingly referred to as 'intestinal failure'.", "- 1 Gradually begin to eat bland foods such as toast, rice, and potatoes. 2 Avoid dairy products, caffeine, spicy foods, and fatty foods. 3 Replace lost fluids. 4 If symptoms are severe, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics.", "Clear Fluid and Mucus Vomiting Clear Fluid and Mucus Vomiting. Vomiting is a forceful expulsion of the upper gastrointestinal contents. This is the food, fluid and secretions in the esophagus, stomach and the first part of the small intestine known as the duodenum. Less commonly the contents within the middle and end portions of the small intestine, jejunum and ileum, may also be propelled up the gut and expelled through the mouth.", "- Weak black or green tea can help replace lost fluids. Yogurt that contains live cultures can help restore intestinal balance. Diarrhea that lasts for more than two days may be a symptom of a serious condition. Diarrhea typically resolves on its own within one to two days. Oranges and other citrus fruits provide roughage that helps the digestive tract function smoothly.", "- Extrarenal fluid losses, such as those that occur with the losses of sodium-containing fluids as in protracted vomiting, severe diarrhea, or sequestration of fluids in a 3rd space (see Table: Composition of Body Fluids), can cause hyponatremia typically when losses are replaced by ingesting plain water or liquids low in sodium (see Table: Approximate Sodium Content of Common Beverages) or by hypotonic IV fluid.", "hypervolemia This refers to dehydration, water loss alone without change in sodium. See also fluid volume. Formerly called fluid volume deficit. When a person engages in normal physical activity and the environmental temperature is 20°C (68°F), the body loses about 2400 ml of water in 24 hours. About 1400 ml are lost in urine, 200 ml in feces, and 100 ml in sweat.", "Fluid and Electrolyte Balance If something upsets this balance, you may have too little water (dehydration) or too much water (overhydration). Some medicines, vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, and liver or kidney problems can all upset your water balance.", "hypervolemia About 1400 ml are lost in urine, 200 ml in feces, and 100 ml in sweat. The remaining 700 ml are lost through what is called insensible water loss, which takes place by diffusion through the skin and by evaporation from the lungs. About 300 ml of water diffuse through the epithelial cells daily.", "- Page 1: Introduction to Body Fluids. • The fluids in your body are composed of water and dissolved substances, including electrolytes, which are. crucial for body function. Page 2: Goals. • To list the general functions and importance of water and electrolytes in the body. • To identify the fluid compartments and the relative concentrations of electrolytes within those fluid spaces. Page 3. Movement of Fluids Through the Body. • We ingest water and electrolytes through the gastrointestinal or GI tract.", "- 1 The person should try to drink 2 quarts of fluid, such as water, juice, or sports drinks, in 2 to 4 hours. 2 But it is better to drink small amounts of fluid often, because drinking too much fluid at once can bring on vomiting. 3 The person should drink at least 10 glasses of liquid a day to replace lost fluids.", "Dehydration The most common causes of dehydration are: poor fluid intake during an illness. fluid losses from diarrhea and/or vomiting. Healthy children can vomit or have loose stools once in a while without becoming dehydrated. But dehydration can occur suddenly and be very dangerous, especially for babies and young children. If children are vomiting, have watery stools, and are not able to drink, they can lose fluids quickly and become very sick.", "- Transpiration is a physiological phenomenon in which water is lost from certain surfaces of the plant body in the form of water vapors. Based on the structures involved, transpiration has been classified into cuticular, lenticular and stomatal transpiration.", "Vomiting Recent food intake appears in the gastric vomit. Irrespective of the content, vomit tends to be malodorous. The content of the vomitus (vomit) may be of medical interest. Fresh blood in the vomit is termed hematemesis (blood vomiting). Altered blood bears resemblance to coffee grounds (as the iron in the blood is oxidized) and, when this matter is identified, the term coffee-ground vomiting is used.", "Preventing Dehydration When You Have Diarrhea or Vomiting Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD. A prolonged bout of diarrhea or vomiting can cause the body to lose more fluid than it can take in. The result is dehydration, which occurs when your body doesn’t have the fluid it needs to function properly.Severe dehydration can cause your kidneys to shut down.eviewed by Louise Chang, MD. A prolonged bout of diarrhea or vomiting can cause the body to lose more fluid than it can take in. The result is dehydration, which occurs when your body doesn’t have the fluid it needs to function properly.", "Gastrointestinal bleeding Gastrointestinal bleeding (GI bleed), also known as gastrointestinal hemorrhage, is all forms of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, from the mouth to the rectum. When there is significant blood loss over a short time, symptoms may include vomiting red blood, vomiting black blood, bloody stool, or black stool. Small amounts of bleeding over a long time may cause iron-deficiency anemia resulting in feeling tired or heart-related chest pain.", "Practice Essentials Loss of bicarbonate stores through diarrhea or renal tubular wasting leads to a metabolic acidosis state characterized by increased plasma chloride concentration and decreased plasma bicarbonate concentration.", "- Water and electrolytes are also lost through vomit, sweat, urine and breathing. Dehydration occurs when these losses are not replaced adequately and a deficit of water and electrolytes develops. The volume of fluid lost through the stools in 24 hours can vary from 5 ml/kg (near normal) to 200 ml/kg, or more.The concentrations and amounts of electrolytes lost also vary.ehydration occurs when these losses are not replaced adequately and a deficit of water and electrolytes develops. The volume of fluid lost through the stools in 24 hours can vary from 5 ml/kg (near normal) to 200 ml/kg, or more. The concentrations and amounts of electrolytes lost also vary.", "Gastroenteritis in Adults and Older Children - Topic Overview 1 Drinking too much too fast can cause vomiting. Electrolytes should also be replaced, especially if vomiting or diarrhea lasts longer than 24 hours. Electrolytes are minerals in your blood that keep many systems in your body working smoothly. If you have a long period of vomiting and diarrhea, you can lose minerals.", "- What is hypovolemia? Hypovolemia is a decrease in the volume of blood in your body, which can be due to blood loss or loss of body fluids. Blood loss can result from external injuries, internal bleeding, or certain obstetric emergencies. Diarrhea and vomiting are common causes of body fluid loss. Fluid can also be lost as a result of large burns, excessive perspiration, or diuretics. Inadequate fluid intake can also cause hypovolemia.", "hypervolemia See also fluid volume. Formerly called fluid volume deficit. When a person engages in normal physical activity and the environmental temperature is 20°C (68°F), the body loses about 2400 ml of water in 24 hours. About 1400 ml are lost in urine, 200 ml in feces, and 100 ml in sweat.", "Everything you need to know about flatulence The gas within our digestive system consists mainly of nitrogen and oxygen. When we digest food, gas, mainly in the form of hydrogen, methane and carbon dioxide is released. As the gas builds up, the body may need to get rid of it-this is done by either burping (belching) or flatulence (farting). Many times, flatulence occurs and the person is unaware of it-there is no smell, and the amount is tiny. When there is a smell, there are usually small amounts of sulfur gases.", "- Your body loses water during a fever or when producing mucus. Be sure to drink enough so that you are replacing your fluids. 1 Good drinks include water, juice, clear broth, or warm lemon water. 2 The juice, broth, and lemon water will also help replenish your electrolytes.", "Dehydration “Sensible” water loss includes such processes as sweating and vomiting. “Insensible water loss occurs mainly through the skin and respiratory tract. In humans, dehydration can be caused by a wide range of diseases and states that impair water homeostasis in the body.", "Vomiting Bile â Causes of Yellow to Green Bilious Vomit Bile is often present in the vomit but goes unnoticed in small quantities. It becomes more evident as the ingested contents are passed out and only water and mucus are remaining. Therefore many of the same causes of vomiting, especially recurrent vomiting, will lead to bile vomitus. The irritation of the stomach lining may lead to vomiting of the bile and other gastric contents. 2 Any gastric surgery that may affect the pyloric sphincter of the stomach may allow bile to enter the stomach during intestinal peristalsis." ]
[ 13.921875 ]
[ 11.421875, 6.19921875, 10.8828125, 12.859375, 7.83203125, 12.8203125, 5.55859375, 9.140625, 11.8203125, 8.984375, 12.3125, 7.51953125, 10.984375, 7.85546875, 6.0546875, 11.375, 12.8828125, 3.400390625, 8.3203125, 12.15625, 10.1328125, 6.48828125, 13.8203125, 10.9296875, 12.90625, 7.421875, 4.83203125, 9.2265625, 12.34375, 7.9296875 ]
how old is rydel lynch
[ "Rydel Lynch Pairings. Rydel Mary Lynch (born August 9, 1993) is 22 years old. She is an American singer, part of the band R5 with her brothers Riker Lynch, Rocky Lynch and Ross Lynch, along with their best friend/boyfriend, Ellington Ratliff. She is also the girlfriend to Ellington Ratliff.airings. Rydel Mary Lynch (born August 9, 1993) is 22 years old. She is an American singer, part of the band R5 with her brothers Riker Lynch, Rocky Lynch and Ross Lynch, along with their best friend/boyfriend, Ellington Ratliff. She is also the girlfriend to Ellington Ratliff." ]
[ "Big Brother's Brendon Villegas & Rachel Reilly Are Married Never known for subtlety, Brendon, 32, and Rachel, 27, tied the knot at the AT&T Center in Los Angeles, where the redheaded bride arrived via helicopter. She wanted to arrive like a big celebrity, said celebrity wedding planner – and host of WE tv's My Fair Wedding – David Tutera of the bride's entrance.ever known for subtlety, Brendon, 32, and Rachel, 27, tied the knot at the AT&T Center in Los Angeles, where the redheaded bride arrived via helicopter. She wanted to arrive like a big celebrity, said celebrity wedding planner – and host of WE tv's My Fair Wedding – David Tutera of the bride's entrance.", "- Rebecca Schull has 3 children, Deborah, Elinore and Jonathan. Rebecca Schull is a 87 year old American Actress. Born Rebecca Anna Wattenberg on 22nd February, 1929 in New York City, New York, USA, she is famous for Wings in a career that spans 1976–present. Her zodiac sign is Pisces. Rebecca Schull is a member of the following lists: Jewish American actresses, Actresses from New York City and 21st-century American actresses.", "- chelsea are reportedly keen to tie up a deal for the 64 year old soon but the tff say any potential negotiations will have to wait until next week as their president mahmut ozgener and hiddink himself are on holiday", "The Longest Ride I’m a huge fan of Nicholas Sparks and his novels, I’ve read every single book of his and truly treasured them, and so I was very excited about his latest release The Longest Ride. 91 year old Ira is trying to stay conscious after his car crashes, and whilst struggling to remain conscious he sees an image of his beloved late wife Ruth, who urges him to hang on and recounts their story and life together.", "Margate's Lucy the Elephant turns 135 and runs for president local author evelyn johnson a k a aunt evelyn will also appear for a book signing johnson 65 of cape may court house is a former lucy tour guide and has written several children s books about the landmark such as lucy the elephant and sami the mouse a bedtime story", "Andrew Dice Clay, Wife Have a Dinner to Celebrate Their Divorce Photos: Shocking celebrity splits. The word 'marriage' was putting a pressure on our relationship and since we filed, we've been more in love and have had more respect for each other than ever before, Clay, 56, tells People. Clay's memoir is scheduled to be published later this year.", "Hillary Clintonâs Violent Rages & Fits Of Paranoia Are Exposed In Explosive Tell-All Edward learned from sources deep inside Clinton’s inner circle that her campaign is covering up shockingly violent incidents from her time as secretary of state that prove how easily the 67-year-old former first lady became unhinged and exhibited violent psycho behavior!", "Rydel Lynch Rydel Lynch. 132 pages on this wiki. Rydel Mary Lynch (Born August 9, 1993) is an American singer, part of the band R5 along with her brothers Riker Lynch, Rocky Lynch, Ross Lynch, and best friend Ellington Ratliff and she has a brother named ryland lynch. Rydel is described as a unique blend of beauty, sass and tomboy.arly Life Edit. Rydel Mary Lynch, born August 9, 1993 in Littleton, Colorado, to parents Stormie and Mark Lynch. She is the second oldest of the five siblings. She learned to play the keyboard and the tambourine, as well as learning how to dance.", "- Sorry, something has gone wrong. Trending Now. Answers. Best Answer: 197 years old. He was born in 1809. Source(s): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_Lin... He was born Feb 12/1809, so today he would be a robust 197 years old. Well the way he looked when he was living, he would probaly be around 800 years old.", "Rachael Ray and husband John Cusimano celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary by renewing their vows in Italy The 47-year-old Rachael Ray Show host celebrated the huge milestone for a whole week in Montalcino with her 48-year-old musician husband, sharing dozens of photos on her Instagram, naming it her Tuscan scrapbook.croll down for video. Marriage, Italian style: Rachael Ray and her husband John Cusimano celebrated their decade-long marriage by renewing their vows in Italy on September 19. The 47-year-old Rachael Ray Show host married the now 48-year-old musician husband on September 24, 2005, seen here on their wedding day.", "- This result is a Ashley M Borden. This Ashley is 30 years old and activity was seen in Troy, New York.", "- Hyolyn is 26 years old. To be more precise (and nerdy), the current age as of right now is 9503 days or (even more geeky) 228072 hours.", "Clinton and Trump are the oldest candidates ever. No one seems to care. Yet in this election -- the oldest matchup between presumptive major party nominees in history -- age is not spoken about nearly as much. Donald Trump turned 70 last month, and would be the oldest president ever elected if he were to win in November. Hillary Clinton will turn 69 just before the election, and if she wins, would be the second oldest president to take office, after Reagan. Yes, Trump has lashed out with attacks about Clinton lacking strength or stamina.", "- Cheryl Fernandez-Versini, aka Cheryl and formerly Cheryl Cole is 33 years old (born Cheryl Tweedy, June 30, 1983).", "- Splash News Online. Perhaps Lorde gave him the strength to finally speak up. Earlier in the year, photographer James Lowe, 24 – who has been dating the New Zealand singer he knows as Ella Yellich-O’Connor, 17 – was the butt of cruel and racist comments from online cyber-bullies.", "3-Year-Old Steps Up To Sing About Jesus, When The Music Starts I Canât Hold Back The TEARS i could hardly hold back the tears as this sweet little angel sang her heart out to jesus you might remember the little claire ryann who is just three years old from her heartwarming cover of part of your world", "Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk ( 2016) 19-year-old Billy Lynn is brought home for a victory tour after a harrowing Iraq battle. Through flashbacks the film shows what really happened to his squad - contrasting the realities of war with America's perceptions.", "- 1 The word ancient, for instance, suggesting a certain millennial endurance, is repeatedly applied to Yeats's habits, opinions, and friendships, often when they are no more than fifteen or twenty years old—as though Yeats were an epoch in himself and made the terminology exact in the grandeur of proportion.", "TIMELINE November 5 - Richard Milhous Nixon, the 55-year-old former vice president who lost the presidency for the Republicans in 1960, reclaims it by defeating Hubert Humphrey in one of the closest elections in U.S. history.", "- Meets Tom Riddle: Visits eleven-year-old Tom Riddle in his orphanage in London to tell Tom that he is a wizard and can attend Hogwarts (HBP13). Dumbledore is disturbed by Tom's fascination with power and apparent cruelty to others.", "Who is Renate Blauel? Biography, gossip, facts? Renate Blauel was born on the 1st of March 1953, which was a Sunday. Renate Blauel will be turning 65 in only 320 days from today. Renate Blauel is 64 years old. To be more precise (and nerdy), the current age as of right now is 23374 days or (even more geeky) 560976 hours.", "- During her 96 years, Helen Clay Frick stood up for her convictions. She tangled with John D. Rockefeller Jr. over operation of The Frick Collection, the family's New York art gallery. She also tried to stop the publication of a book by historian S.K. Stevens and clashed with University of Pittsburgh trustees.", "- Colin Powell did not ever die and he is 76 years old. His recent headline was made when he crossed party lines to endorse Barack Obama. If a sword had memory, it might be grateful to the forge fire, but never fond of it.", "Martin Luther King Jr. But it really doesn’t matter with me now, because I’ve been to the mountaintop ... And He’s allowed me to go up to the mountain,” King said. “And I’ve looked over, and I’ve seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. Happy Birthday to Martin Luther King, Jr. &#10;&#10;He would have been 87 today.", "Skier Lindsey Vonn Says She Isnât Representing Trump At The 2018 Winter Olympics Vonn holds up a flag after winning bronze at the 2010 Winter Olympics. The 33-year-old skier added that if she were invited to the White House after the Olympics, she would turn down the invitation. “Absolutely not,” she said, smiling and shaking her head.", "What's your secret? A slim Sally Field, 66, shows off her youthful looks in a tight red dress at Lincoln event What's your secret? A slim Sally Field, 66, shows off her youthful looks in a tight red dress at Lincoln event. She admitted was tough to lose the weight she gained to play the First Lady in Oscar favourite Lincoln but actress Sally Field certainly showed off the effects of her regime at a photo-call in Spain. Sally may be 66, but she showed off her incredible youthful skin as she posed up with co-star Daniel Day-Lewis on the red carpet.", "- Ronald Reagan was 73 years old when he won a second term on election day 1984 (26,938 days old to be exact). Donald Trump was the oldest person to be elected to a first term as president at age 70 (25,716 days).", "- exists and is an alternate of . Kendall is 19 years old (DOB: November 3, 1995) and Kylie is 17 years old (DOB: August 10, 1997). Kendall is 19 years old (DOB: November 3, 1995) and Kylie is 17 years old (DOB: August 10, 1997).", "Who is Lorde? 5 Things to Know About the Singer Behind the Hit, âRoyalsâ Her name isn’t Lorde. When Ella Yelich-O’Connor was even younger than she is now — she turns 17 next month — she had a serious obsession with aristocracy, to the point of actually taking pen to paper to map out royal family trees.", "- Lucy's actual son, Desi Arnaz Jr, was 36 years old when Lucy died in 1989. The fictional character of Little Ricky was played by a number of different actors." ]
[ 17.59375 ]
[ 2.09765625, -0.5439453125, -0.08209228515625, -5.05859375, -0.189208984375, -1.2705078125, -2.35546875, 12.2890625, 0.95068359375, 1.080078125, 1.2294921875, 2.447265625, -1.5849609375, 1.4541015625, -0.0865478515625, 0.8662109375, -0.580078125, -2.78515625, -0.08697509765625, -1.7177734375, 0.0222320556640625, -3.02734375, -1.7783203125, -0.0214691162109375, -0.306640625, -1.1083984375, -0.2091064453125, 8.0703125, -1.2314453125, -0.8447265625 ]
what is a popover
[ "Popover A popover is a light, hollow roll made from an egg batter similar to that of Yorkshire pudding, typically baked in muffin tins or dedicated popover pans, which have straight-walled sides rather than angled." ]
[ "Dilophosaurus Jurassic Park: Builder. see Dilophosaurus/Builder. Dilophosaurus is one of the available dinosaurs on the IOS application, Jurassic Park: Builder. It should be noted in Builder that, when tapped, the Dilo exposes its frill and roars.When it is young, it sounds like a raptor, and when adult, its sound is that of a T. rex.ee Dilophosaurus/Builder. Dilophosaurus is one of the available dinosaurs on the IOS application, Jurassic Park: Builder. It should be noted in Builder that, when tapped, the Dilo exposes its frill and roars.", "Hoovering â How The Narcissist Tricks You Into Breaking No Contact Shares 12.6K. “Hoovering” is the term used to describe a narcissist trying to re-connect with you after a time of separation. Often, this separation occurs after a time of silence between you and the narcissist. The hoovering generally happens when you are not making contact, and at times when you are trying to get on with your life.", "All About Spots and Floaters Updated January 30, 2016. Cobwebs, rings, spots and floaters are words used to describe annoying things that we sometimes see in our vision or visual field. Most of us have seen one or two in our lifetime and some of us may be bothered by them to a much greater extent. Floaters are the common name given to things we see from time to time in our vision.", "Strudel vs Turnover - What's the difference? As nouns the difference between strudel and turnover is that strudel is a pastry made from multiple, thin layers of dough rolled up and filled with fruit, etc while turnover is the act or result of overturning something; an upset. As an adjective turnover is capable of being turned over; designed to be turned over.", "12 BIG Signs The Person You Love Is A Narcissist Who's 'Hoovering' You To Death Hoovering is a technique that's used by narcissists (and other manipulative types) to suck their victims back into a relationship with them. It's named after the Hoover vacuum cleaner and it makes a lot of sense, because the hooverer is basically treating you like dirt.", "Popover Popovers may be served either as a sweet, topped with fruit and whipped cream or butter and jam for breakfast or with afternoon tea, or with meats at lunch and dinner. Name. The name popover comes from the fact that the batter swells or pops over the top of the muffin tin while baking.", "- Pansear (バオップ, Baoppu) is known as the High Tempature Pokemon. Pokémon it is part of a trio that seems to be inspired by the three wise monkeys; motif with its hand by its, Ear pansear represents hear no. Evil it resides in caves near. volcanoes", "Definition of 'bearable' Puddings are a small pleasure in a sea of grey days, one of those things that make it bearable. The Sun (2016)Her ability to confront pain makes it bearable, accessible, often funny. Times, Sunday Times (2016)The fact they have this option makes the rest of their life bearable. Times, Sunday Times (2012)So we frantically looked round for somewhere to stay that would make the trip bearable.", "- 1 Porky Pig: An oxymoron is a figure of speech in which contradictory terms are combined, like free trade or compassionate conservatism.. 2 Daffy Duck as Duck Dodgers: That attitude of yours is killing us in the fly-over states. Porky Pig: An oxymoron is a figure of speech in which contradictory terms are combined, like free trade or compassionate conservatism.. 2 Daffy Duck as Duck Dodgers: That attitude of yours is killing us in the fly-over states.", "- Trends of 'hopper'. Translations for 'hopper'. British English: hopper NOUN. A hopper is a large cone-shaped device into which substances such as grain, coal, or animal food can be put and from which they can be released when required. Brazilian Portuguese: tremonha.", "- Anaphora is a powerful literary device which can be used in many forms, from the poem to advertisements. The repetition of a certain phrase at the beginning of successive sentences serves to emphasize, provide rhythm, and put memorability into an otherwise plain phrase.", "- 1 He’s a gambler and maneuverer whose bold moves are not testaments to vision or cojones but to the unhealthiness of his domestic political situation. In this WSJ example, whose appears before the adjective bold, which is describing the noun moves. Whose is acting as a relative pronoun.", "Advertise in the Pennysavers, Shoppers & Other Weekly Newspapers! Advertise in the Pennysavers, Shoppers & Other Weekly Newspapers! Advertising in the Pennysaver is America's #1 choice of advertising. The Pennysaver Newspapers have been serving local communities for over 50 years! The Pennysavers are distributed across the country, offering many direct mail publications, as well as racked in many public locations for readers to pickup.", "Loppers Look up lop, lopper, or loppers in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. The word lopper can be used in the singular or the plural, with precisely the same meaning. The plural form, most common in speech but less so in print, is a plurale tantum, and seems to be on the model of a pair of scissors.", "Whats are the english words for polvoron and pinipig? Tagalog: pulburon Powdered milk candy Pinipig - roasted rice puffs pounded immature glutinous rice pounded young glutinous rice. 1) Polvoron: edible powder. Can be used as a substitute for face powder. 2) Pinipig: literal translation: binaboy.", "Condor Condor is the common name for two species of New World vultures, each in a monotypic genus. They are the largest flying land birds in the Western Hemisphere. They are: 1 The Andean condor (Vultur gryphus) which inhabits the Andean mountains.or more details on this topic, see Andean condor description, and California condor description. Both condors are very large broad-winged soaring birds, the Andean condor being 5 cm shorter (beak to tail) on average than the northern species, but larger in wingspan.", "- Vulcher. (N)- one who hovers around a peice of equipment that is currently occupied by another in hopes of using the aforementioned equipment the minute the current user is finished. Most frequently used in cases of gym equipment.", "Louver A louver (American English) or louvre (British English) is a window blind or shutter with horizontal slats that are angled to admit light and air, but to keep out rain, direct sunshine, and noise.", "Boldore Boldore (Japanese: ガントル Gantoru) is a Rock-type Pokémon introduced in Generation V. Boldore is a large, bulky boulder-like Pokémon that resembles a geode and a golem. Its craggy body is mostly dark blue in color. It has red crystals on its back and front, and a spine that extends between two yellow holes it uses as eyes.", "- Polyvore is a community powered social commerce website. Members curate products into a shared product index and use them to create image collages called Sets. Active Polyvore communities exist in the areas of fashion, interior design, and artistic expression.", "- A rollover in Sydney, Australia on Christmas Day, 2001. A rollover is a type of vehicle accident in which a vehicle tips over onto its side or roof.", "About Gophers Identification: Pocket gophers are compact burrowing rodents distinguished by their blunt head, large upper and lower incisors, fur-lined pouches on both sides of mouth, and the crescent shaped mounds of soil it digs up. Thirty-three species live across the Western Hemisphere, with varied colors and sizes.", "Poovar Poovar is a popular tourist town in the Trivandrum district of Kerala state, South India. This village is almost at the southern tip of Trivandrum while the next village, Pozhiyoor, marks the end of Kerala.here were a merchant named Pokku Moosa Maraikkar who lived in Poovar during the 18th century in a house called Kallaraickal Tharavad, which many times gave shelter to Marthanda Varma (1706–58), king of Travancore from his enemies.", "pore pore 1. intr.v. pored, por·ing, pores. 1. To read, study, or examine something carefully and attentively: pored over the documents in search of evidence. 2. pore is a small hole in the skin of a person or animal. There was dirt in the pores around his nose. 2. 'pore over'. If you pore over something such as a piece of writing or a map, you examine it carefully. We spent hours poring over travel brochures.", "anaphora (plural anaphoras or anaphors or anaphora) ( 1 rhetoric) The repetition of a phrase at the beginning of phrases, sentences, or verses, used for emphasis. ( linguistics) An expression that can refer to virtually any referent, the specific referent being defined by context.", "hopper Definition of hopper for Students. 1 : someone or something that hops. 2 : an insect that moves by leaping. 3 : a container used for pouring material (as grain or coal) into a machine or a bin.", "- ‘Leo led her inside the building, which had a huge flounder painted on it.’ ‘So when you see your dog flopping around like a flounder, take a breath.’ ‘Fortunately the flounder is a robust fish which, with careful handling, will easily go back and swim away to fight another day.’ ‘He was more like a flounder than an otter, though, as he made his international debut in the 400m freestyle at the Aquatics Centre yesterday (Tuesday).’", "What Are Poppers? Poppers is a common slang term for a range of chemical psychoactive drugs called alkyl nitrites, and in particular, the inhalant drug amyl nitrite. Quick Facts About Poppers. The most common type of poppers inhalant is amyl nitrite. It is often confused with amyl nitrate, which is, in fact, a different chemical with a similar name, often misspelt as amil nitrate. Poppers are also known as liquid gold, butyl nitrite, heart medicine, and room deodorizer.", "SOT Hypernyms (sot is a kind of...): drinker; imbiber; juicer; toper (a person who drinks alcoholic beverages (especially to excess)). Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of sot): alcoholic; alky; boozer; dipsomaniac; lush; soaker; souse (a person who drinks alcohol to excess habitually).ypernyms (sot is a kind of...): drinker; imbiber; juicer; toper (a person who drinks alcoholic beverages (especially to excess)). Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of sot): alcoholic; alky; boozer; dipsomaniac; lush; soaker; souse (a person who drinks alcohol to excess habitually).", "- We hope this page has helped you understand Pullover in detail, if you find any mistake on this page, please keep in mind that no human being can be perfect. You are viewing Pullover Urdu definition; in English to Urdu dictionary." ]
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what are two major distinguishing characteristics of mammals?
[ "What two characteristics make mammals unique from other vertebrates? What two characteristics make mammals unique from other vertebrates? Mammals are unlike other vertebrates in two distinct ways. First, all mammals have hair, unlike other vertebrates. Also, female mammals carry their offspring to full term …in the uterus, whereas most other vertebrates lay eggs." ]
[ "What traits do all mammals share? Mammals are fur (or hair) bearing. They produce milk for their young, they have a single jawbone and are warm blooded. They also have 3 small bones in the inner ear. They have a diaphragm and a 4 chambered heart.", "- Adaptations are any behavioral or physical characteristics of an animal that help it to survive in its environment. These characteristics fall into three main categories: body parts, body coverings, and behaviors. Any or all of these types of adaptations play a critical role in the survival of an animal.", "WHAT ARE THE MAJOR CHARACTERISTICS OF PRIMATES Brain. The brains of primates often is one of the most distinguishable characteristics from other types of mammals or animals. The olfactory region in primates has been reduced greatly in most species, such as humans, and the cerebrum expanded to accept the order's increasing reliance on sight and social behaviors.ther Characteristics. Other primate characteristics include having a nail on the first digit although, in many cases, each digit has a nail instead of a claw. Primates also possess a clavicle, or collarbone.", "- 1 “Name the two kinds of egg-laying mammals.” image. “ 2 List the major traits of the egg-laying mammals or monotremes.” image. “ 3 Compare the feeding habits of the spiny anteater and the platypus.” image. “ 4 Identify the major characteristics of marsupials.” image. “ 5 Identify marsupials.” image.", "What characteristics do mammals have in common? Birds and mammals have the following characteristics in common: they are vertebrates, meaning they have an internal skeletonthey are warm-bloodedthey breathe using lungs, so … have full respiratory systems they have circulatory systems. Most mammals give live birth, but there is a sub-group known as monotremes, which are the egg-laying mammals. 2 This group includes just the platypus and the echidna. 3 They are still mammals because, like all mammals, they feed their young on mothers' milk.", "- A mammal is an endothermic vertebrate with a four-chambered heart, and at least some hair, fur or bristles. A Mammal is normally defined as a warm-blooded animal with a co … vering of skin and hair which gives birth to live young who are nourished with milk produced by the mother's mammary glands.o, Every Warm-Blooded Person (or animal) is not a mammal a elephant is not a mammal btw .++++ Sorry but that is totally wrong. All mammals including humans and elepha … nts are warm-blooded, part of the definition of a mammal. The other primary characteristics of mammals are live birth and suckling. .", "- 1A vertebrate animal of a class that includes snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turtles, and tortoises. They are distinguished by having a dry scaly skin and typically laying soft-shelled eggs on land. ‘Over 3,000 reptiles, birds and mammals live in the park in their natural habitats.’. ‘‘A Molecular Phylogeny of Reptiles,’ published in 1999 in the journal Science, presents evidence that supports a re-ordering of the relationships among living reptiles.’.", "What characteristics do mammals have in common? Milk is produced in the mammary glands, a … nd it is from here mammals have gotten their name. 2. The lower jaw in mammals is a single bone on either side. In all other vertebrates there are more than one bone on each side of the jaw 3.The mammal middle ear, and only the mammal middle ear, contains 3 bones. Most mammals give live birth, but there is a sub-group known as monotremes, which are the egg-laying mammals. 2 This group includes just the platypus and the echidna. 3 They are still mammals because, like all mammals, they feed their young on mothers' milk.", "- Check your grammar now! : characterized by or being mimicry involving resemblance of an innocuous species to another that is protected from predators by repellent qualities (as unpalatability) a Batesian mimic.", "- The differences between human beings and other animals. A dramatic way of calling attention to some important property that we. share is to assert that it is our possession of this property that distinguishes us. from animals. The history of rhetoric thus abounds in claims about the.", "RIXIMKA DUMARKA Male birds and fish of many species have brighter coloration or other external ornaments. Differences in size between sexes are also considered secondary sexual characteristics. In humans, visible secondary sex characteristics include enlarged breasts of females and facial hair and adam's apple on males.eneral habitus and shape of body and face, as well as sex hormone levels, are similar in prepubertal boys and girls. As puberty progresses and sex hormone levels rise, differences appear, though puberty causes some similar changes in male and female bodies.", "- Characteristics of benign and malignant tumors  Tumor: is a pathologic disturbance of growth,characterized by excessive and unnecessary proliferation of cells.  There are two types of tumors: benign and malignant. The differentiation of a benign from a malignant tumor is very important so there are criteria by which benign and malignant tumors can be differentiated, and they behave accordingly. The local invasion is the most reliable feature that distinguishes malignant from benign tumors.  Benign tumors are often encapsulated, and grow by expansion and they “push” other tissues away –but they don’t truly invade. Malignant tumors generally are not encapsulated.", "5 Vertebrate Groups Mammals differ from other vertebrate animals in that their young are nourished with milk from special mammary glands of the mother. Mammals are distinguished by several other unique features. Hair is a typical mammalian feature, although in many whales it has disappeared except in the fetal stage.", "What is the difference between humans and other mammals? your crazy question gives you a plan and simple answer the big difference is humans are the only creation of GOD to have a soul.a soul is what gets you in either heaven or hell.try not to believe darwinisum because its beliefs is only from satan.he difference between other mammals and humans is that Humans can THINK, LEAD, LAUGH, CRY and can EXPRESS theirselves while rest of the mammals cant do all these things... Clever mind · 7 years ago.", "Kloss's gibbon [show article only]hover over links in text for more info Mammals are any vertebrates within the class Mammalia (/məˈmeɪli.ə/ from Latin mamma breast), a clade of endothermic amniotes distinguished from reptiles (including birds) by the possession of a neocortex (a region of the brain), hair, three middle ear bones and mammary glands.", "Structural Biochemistry/Properties of Living Organisms Reproduction is s a characteristic of living organisms.--- In multicellular organisms, reproduction refers to the production of progeny possessing features more or less similar to those of parents. Invariably and implicitly we refer to sexual reproduction.", "Are Dolphins Mammals? One of the most different characteristics amongst marine mammals like dolphins and whales is the fact that their breathing passage and food passage are completely separate. Unlike humans and most land animals dolphins do not breathe through their mouth, they breathe through their blowhole.", "Cerebral hemisphere The most important difference between the brains of these two vertebrate groups lies in the size of the cerebral hemispheres, the principal associative centres of the brain. These hemispheres make up the bulk of the brain in mammals and, when viewed from above, almost hide the rest of the brain. In...", "- The principal difference between the marsupial and placental mammals is the rate of gestation, or the length of time the offspring is carried in the uterus. In all non-placental vertebrates, such as the marsupials, the developing embryo is isolated from its mother's body by the amniotic membrane.", "Birds Summarize the derived characteristics of birds. Birds have down feathers that provide insulation and two types of flight feathers found on the wings: thrust-producing primary feathers at the tip of the wing and lift-providing secondary feathers closer to the body.", "Mammals Mammals are one of the classes of vertebrate animals. The distinguishing characteristic of mammals is that the mother nourishes newborn young with milk produced by special glands. Mammals also have several other distinguishing features.", "Difference Between Marsupial and Rodent This mammalian category includes beavers, mice, porcupines, squirrels, flying squirrels, gophers, agoutis, chinchillas, coypu, mole-rats, rats, and capybara. The most characteristic feature of the rodent is the presence of a single pair of upper and lower chisel-like incisors.", "- Mammals. Mammals are warm-blooded vertebrates which, with the exception of a few notable species, nurse their young on milk produced by the female’s mammary glands, give birth to live young, and have bodies insulated by hair. Around one in four of the world’s mammals are currently threatened with extinction.", "The First Mammals The Evolution of the First Mammals. Before discussing how mammals evolved, it's helpful to define what distinguishes mammals from other animals (and especially reptiles).", "Human skin Distinctive features. 1 The apparent lack of body hair immediately distinguishes human beings from all other large land mammals. Regardless of individual or racial differences, the human body seems to be more or less hairless, in the sense that the hair is so vestigial as to seem absent; yet in certain areas hair grows profusely.", "Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen In fact, there are many unique features and differences between the. reproductive systems of the two classes. Nonetheless, in the grand scheme of things, reproduction in birds is not altogether unlike that in mammals.", "mammal Any of various warm-blooded vertebrate animals of the class Mammalia, including humans, characterized by a covering of hair on the skin and, in the female, milk-producing mammary glands for nourishing the young. [From Late Latin. , of the breast, from Latin., breast; see mā- in Indo-European roots .].ny warm-blooded vertebrate of the class Mammalia, characterized by a covering of hair on some or most of the body, a four-chambered heart, and nourishment of the newborn with milk from maternal mammary glands. [1820–30; as singular of New Latin Mammalia, neuter pl. of Late Latin mammālis of the breast.", "- 1 Mammals, by definition, are warm-blooded vertebrates that nurse their young and are more or less covered with hair. 2 Now that you know what mammals are, you can investigate so….", "What are armadillos? Are they reptiles or mammals? However, there are some sure signs that the armadillo is in fact a mammal. nine-banded armadillo. Distinguishing characteristics. Body temperature. First, reptiles are ectothermic, or cold-blooded, animals while mammals are endothermic, or warm-blooded animals. Warm-blooded animals maintain their own body temperature internally and their temperature does not vary with the external environment. Armadillos are warm-blooded animals.", "Characteristics of Class Mammalia 5) Mammary glands are used to produce milk to nourish their young. Female glands are the only functional glands. 6) Thediaphragm is a muscle that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity. 7) Seven cervical vertebrae (neck bones) are present in most mammals." ]
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someone who is morose is
[ "- A laconic person uses very few words to say something. If you describe someone as loquacious you mean that he talks too much. Someone who is morose is unhappy, bad-tempered, and unwilling to talk very much. A recluse is someone who chooses to live alone and deliberately avoids other people. Someone who is reserved is quiet, self-controlled, and keeps his thoughts mostly to himself." ]
[ "55 Words to Describe Someoneâs Voice 1 hoarse (adj): someone who is hoarse, or has a hoarse voice, speaks in a low, rough voice, usually because their throat is sore. honeyed (adj): honeyed words or a honeyed voice sound very nice, but you cannot trust the person who is speaking.", "Parson2 THE PARSON Parson-is one that has full possesions of the right of the parochial church. Table of Contents: Estate; Allusions; Vocabulary; Destription; Thoughts on why Chaucer didn't give a physical description; Resources; Estate: The Church, which Chaucer believes to be a declining estate because most clergy men were corrupt. In the Canterbury Tales prologue devotes lines 487 to 538. This shows that he has importance because he a nice piece and lets Chaucer get into detail about the parsons character. Allusions:", "How do you deal with unacceptable behavior? Keeping up with the Joneses is a phrase applied to competitive acquisition: trying to have all the new things that your neighbors have. For example, if your neighbor gets a … ride-on lawn mower, then you must get a ride-on lawn mower (or a bigger one) to keep up with him.This is a basis for status among materialistic individuals. having the material things that those around you have.or example, if your neighbor gets a … ride-on lawn mower, then you must get a ride-on lawn mower (or a bigger one) to keep up with him. This is a basis for status among materialistic individuals. having the material things that those around you have.", "- This explanation is, however, unpopular among individuals identifying themselves as having Morgellons disease. In delusional parasitosis, people hold a delusional belief that they are infested with parasites. They may experience formication, a sensation similar to that of insects crawling on or under the skin.orgellons is a slow, unpredictable killer – a terrorist disease: it will blow up one of your organs, leaving you in bed for a year. But I have a tremendous will to live: I've been through another pandemic – I'm a polio survivor, so I know how conservative the medical body can be.", "- A lot of Dero's go to James Fallon High School and Murray High School as the area that these schools are located in are absolutely distraught looking areas in dire need of repair as the people whom occupy these homes are on the dole and cannot take care of themselves.ike Australian versions of 'Red Necks' and another term for 'Bogan'. People who roam around wearing moccasins, thongs, pajama's, underwear and skanky looking clothing. People who look and ARE poor, living in homes shared with rats and cockroaches and various other things.", "- Morsel is a tiny piece or amount of something, especially food. A tiny little bit of chocolate is an example of a morsel of chocolate. 1 a small bite or portion of food. 2 a small piece or amount; bit. a tasty dish.", "morose gloomily or sullenly ill-humored, as a person or mood. 2. characterized by or expressing gloom. Origin of morose.", "⢠David Myers at times uses idioms that are unfamiliar to some readers. If you do not know the meaning of any of the following words, phrases, or expressions in the context in which they appear in the text, refer to pages 407-408 for an explanation: ran up a bookstore debt; mind running; glimpse; virtuous ...", "morbid Examples of morbid in a sentence. 1 Some of the material has been disclosed before, but it is wonderful to have the quotations from President Nixon and his aides gathered here in all their morbid splendor. 2 Danger can be sexy, but morbid proselytizing is a real buzzkill. 3 When I was a kid, I harbored a morbid fear of feathers.", "- Mr Hamza Ali Abbasi is one such character. In a social media post from yesterday, he rightly praised the media and government on talking about “our Rohingya Muslim brothers and sisters”. Indeed, the Rohingya Muslims are one of the most persecuted minority communities worldwide and deserve our voice.or Hamza Ali Abbasi here http://goo.gl/nwFDti is the news on Ahmadis in a Chakwal village suffering at the hands of Rohingya Muslim sympathizers….what a hypocrisy! http://goo.gl/nwFDti Recommend. Well said Kashif. Nationalism blinds people – whether that nation is “Australia” or “the Ummah”.", "corrosion Examples of corrosion in a sentence. the corrosion of family values that is often brought on by great wealth.", "- SE Michigan, USA. English-American. It depends on whose ox is being gored, was certainly common parlance in my parent's home, and has continued to be so in mine (I'm 68.). I actually arrived here by searching for the phrase so I could give a give a concise definition in another forum.15. Since it is not something that I associate with specifically American phenomena, from the 18th and 19th century settlement of the eastern forests, or from cattle ranching on the Great Plains, say, I am surprised that whose ox is gored is not as familiar a metaphor in British English as it is in American.", "someone Someone is defined as an unnamed person, or refers to a person of authority or importance. If you want a person to bring you a cookie but you do not care at all who brings you the cookie, this is an example of when you want someone to bring you a cookie. When you want to become famous so everyone knows your name, this is an example of when you want to be someone.", "No, The Moon Landings Werenât Faked. Poser. A poser is someone who tries hard to be something they arent. Usually, posers call other people posers because they are jealous that the person they called a poser is more skater/stoner/goth/punk/rocker/grunge/etc. than they will ever be. Summer.", "moor 10 Sherlock Holmes Words Worth Investigating. Examples of moor in a sentence. as she wanders the windswept moor, the novel's heroine vows that she will never marry the vicar. a mysterious figure who was said to have haunted the moors of southwest England.", "- monger (plural mongers) (chiefly in combination) A dealer in a specific commodity. costermonger, fishmonger, ironmonger. 2005, Los Angeles Magazine (volume 50, number 11, page 111) For the freshest wild catch, ask your monger when the fish are running. (in combination) A person promoting something undesirable. warmonger, sleazemonger, scaremonger", "- About Hill's Morels. Hill’s Morel Mushrooms specializes in the sales of the freshest Midwestern yellow morel (sponge) mushrooms. For 25 years, our family has taken pride in providing high-quality, fresh morels to our customers, with top-notch sales and customer service.here is much mystique surrounding the art of finding or “hunting” wild morels, which is why we can’t tell you exactly where they come from—we don’t know! Our pickers keep their favorite spots a secret from even us! To learn more about our company and “the elusive morel”, click here or go to Press Coverage.", "- 1 These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'viscose.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback.", "- Usage notes. The usual plural of moose is moose; compare the names of many animals, such as deer and fish, which are also invariant. Other plurals are rare and nonstandard: mooses (with the usual English plural-forming suffix -s), meese (jocularly formed by analogy to goose → geese).", "- When asked about the sentence I only had a moment to peruse the manual quickly, 66 percent of the Panel found it unacceptable in 1988, 58 percent in 1999, and 48 percent in 2011. Use of the word outside of reading contexts, as in We perused the shops in the downtown area, is often considered a mistake.e little deserved the name--for though he told us that he was much concerned at our Misfortunes, yet by his own account it appeared that the perusal of them, had neither drawn from him a single sigh, nor induced him to bestow one curse on our vindictive stars--.", "- 1 the prosaic life of a hardworking farmer. 2 She believes the noises are made by ghosts, but I think there's a more prosaic explanation. 3 For the most part, the descriptions of the books listed in the “Catalog,” though informative, are relentlessly prosaic, even hackneyed. She believes the noises are made by ghosts, but I think there's a more prosaic explanation. 2 For the most part, the descriptions of the books listed in the “Catalog,” though informative, are relentlessly prosaic, even hackneyed. — 3 Mordecai Richler, New York Times Book Review, 8 Oct. 1989.", "- exists and is an alternate of . It is true that many people call this person the anchor, yet it is also true that many call that person the caboose. anchor<br />It is true that many people call this person the anchor, yet it is also true that many call that person the caboose. Minor edit?", "Definitions &Translations morose - showing a brooding ill humor; a dark scowl; the proverbially dour New England Puritan; a glum, hopeless shrug; he sat in moody silence; a morose and unsociable manner; a saturnine, almost misanthropic young genius- Bruce Bliven; a sour temper; a sullen crowd.", "How to Deal With a Mooching Friend How to Deal With a Mooching Friend. We've all experienced a moocher-someone who conveniently forgets their wallet at home every time you go out to dinner, loses anything you loan them, and always manages to get out of their share of a chore.ow to Deal With a Mooching Friend. We've all experienced a moocher-someone who conveniently forgets their wallet at home every time you go out to dinner, loses anything you loan them, and always manages to get out of their share of a chore.", "- The expression Whose Ox is Gored derives from the Book of Exodus, as interpreted by Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms in 1521.Exodus verses 21:29 and 31 state: In his defense at the 1521 Diet of Worms, Luther said that most human affairs come down to depending upon whose ox is gored..he outbursts today by Rep. King and Gov. Christie are merely the latest example of what I refer to as Ox is Gored Conservativism -- the fundamental principle that Conservatives only like government intervention when those close to them or their immediate constituents personally need it.", "Mongoose The word mongoose is derived from the Marathi name mungÅ«s (मुंगूस) (pronounced as [muŋɡuːs]). The form of the English name (since 1698) was altered to its - goose ending by folk-etymology. It has no etymological connection with the word goose.", "prosaic Examples of prosaic in a sentence. 1 For the most part, the descriptions of the books listed in the “Catalog,” though informative, are relentlessly prosaic, even hackneyed. —Mordecai Richler, New York Times Book Review, 8 Oct. 1989.", "smug Examples of smug in a sentence. 1 Meanwhile, supporters are smug and righteous that the person who manages the world's leading stock exchange deserves every million. 2 Alice Norcross Pratt, a local stay-at-home mom, is portrayed as smug and pious, yet we also see glimmers of her hidden longings.", "- Top Definition. Reckloose. A cross between reckless and loose, often someone mentally unstable or highly lit up on booze. Frequently referring to overt exhibitionism and inappropriate public nakedness (thus, the 'loose' ending). See also bad naked.", "Definitions &Translations Sample Sentences & Example Usage. 1 Gomez Cora: It's harder to move from the XV( game) to sevens... because Gomez Cora feel lost in the physical aspect and the technical adjustments for not being there for the whole process." ]
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[ "Frequently Asked Questions You can now redeem your Wyndham Rewards at more than 17,000 condos and homes around the world for 15,000 points per bedroom per night. Skip to content Maximize your travel." ]
[ "- go freeSM - With just 15,000 POINTS, you've earned a free night at any Wyndham Rewards hotel. go fastSM - Get a go fast award at a Wyndham Rewards hotel for just 3,000 POINTS, plus some cash. go get 'emSM - For every qualified stay, you'll earn 10 points per dollar or 1,000 points, whichever is more. Plus hundreds of other ways to redeem. It's THAT easy.", "How to Redeem a Disney Movie Rewards Code By Lori - 2 Comments. For a while now I have been earning points and fun merchandise when I redeem a Disney Movie Rewards Code. At Christmas I earned beautiful necklace charms, plush toys and more just by entering my codes on already purchased Disney Movies on the website.", "- Wyndham Rewards is simple. go freeSM - With just 15,000 POINTS, you've earned a free night at any Wyndham Rewards hotel. go fastSM - Get a go fast award at a Wyndham Rewards hotel for just 3,000 POINTS, plus some cash. go get 'emSM - For every qualified stay, you'll earn 10 points per dollar or 1,000 points, whichever is more.", "- Wyndham Rewards is simple. 1 go freeSM - With just 15,000 POINTS, you've earned a free night at any Wyndham Rewards hotel. 2 go fastSM - Get a go fast award at a Wyndham Rewards hotel for just 3,000 POINTS, plus some cash. 3 go get 'emSM - For every qualified stay, you'll earn 10 points per dollar or 1,000 points, whichever is more.", "redeem Redeem, ransom both mean to buy back. Redeem is wider in its application than ransom, and means to buy back, regain possession of, or exchange for money, goods, etc.: to redeem one's property. To ransom is to redeem a person from captivity by paying a stipulated price, or to redeem from sin by sacrifice: to ransom a kidnapped child. 8, 9. free, liberate, rescue, save. Antonyms Expand", "- We appreciate the wonderful review you gave us at the Wingate by Wyndham Bismarck! What a great compliment that you were able to get a great nights sleep with us when you struggle at other hotels and we are thrilled that you enjoyed your room, our breakfast and our staff. Please come stay with us again!", "- Article V-Buying Wyndham Points. Look at page 4 – 7 to learn how to read point charts, and then go to the table of contents on page D and E to pick resorts you want to visit using an internal exchange. An external exchange, as you will find out in Article X, can be had for as few as 28,000 points.", "Overview Points. The Wyndham Rewards program awards points that can be redeemed for free hotel stays, Amtrak Guest Rewards points, airline tickets, car rentals and gift cards. You can earn points every time you stay at a participating Wyndham Hotel Group hotel.", "- Use “Redeem with Partners” and you can redeem your points for gift cards to Amazon, Starbucks etc. Redeem Starpoints Via SPG Merchandise Partners. You get ~1 cent per point, so you’d get~$300 in gift cards for 30,000 Starwood points.", "Wyndham Rewards Makes All Hotels 15,000 Points per Night! The “Go Fast SM ” award: Members who want to redeem their points sooner or stay longer for less can book a night at available hotels for just 3,000 points plus cash. More points for faster rewards: For every qualified stay, members now earn 10 points for every dollar spent or a minimum of 1,000 points per stay, whichever is more.", "Wyndham: Earn 7,500 Points Per Stay When Using Masterpass (Limit Of Two, Enough For Free Night Anywhere) Each Member and Masterpass accountholder who books and completes a Qualified Stay in accordance with these terms and conditions will receive 7,500 Wyndham Rewards bonus points (each, a “Bonus”) for each such Qualified Stay during the Promotion Period, up to a maximum of two (2) separate Bonuses.", "- Wyndham Rewards has changed. You can earn more points than ever before with a rewards program that’s better than ever. So go ahead, you’ve earned it. And there’s hundreds of other ways to redeem. We’ve revolutionized rewards. Earn points at over 7,500 hotels.", "- Points will be recorded in D’Card’s points record. The Reward Points are rewarded. based on the D’Card holder’s usage of the following DST Services. • Redempon of the reward points can be made for Prima bill payments, Easi starter. packs, Easi recharge cards or you can convert your points to redeem for cash back. Simply visit any DST branches to fill in a form and our branches will issue a voucher. for you to inial.", "Wyndham Hotel Group to Migrate Central Reservations to Sabre Platform Wyndham Rewards, the company’s guest loyalty program offers more than 38 million members the opportunity to earn and redeem points at thousands of hotels across the world. For more information, visit, www.wyndhamworldwide.com.", "How to Use American Express Points to Book a Flight These airline partnerships can get a little confusing, but the main thing to take away is this: You can bump the value of each Membership Rewards point to two cents (or more) if you redeem through one of the above loyalty programs – a much better deal than the one-cent-per-point valuation those points get if you redeem them through American Express' travel program.", "- • You must have a Wyndham Rewards reservation confirmation number. • The rate on the other website must be for the same hotel, same room type, same number of guests, same currency and for the same date(s), as the hotel, room type, number of guests, currency and dates you booked.", "- 1 Every time you redeem, get a 5% cash rewards redemption bonus to use toward your next redemption. 2 Redeem your cash rewards for a deposit into your bank account, a statement credit or gift cards. Redemptions start at $50. Cash rewards do not expire as long as your account is open, active and in good standing.", "Wyndham: Earn 7,500 Points Per Stay When Using Masterpass (Limit Of Two, Enough For Free Night Anywhere) To qualify for the “Masterpass Marketing Promotion” (“Promotion”) and earn 7,500 Wyndham Rewards bonus points, a Wyndham Rewards member must: (i) have or create a new Masterpass Account, (ii) sign into their Wyndham Rewards account; (iii) between August 7, 2017 and October 31, 2017 book a Qualified Stay at a Participating Hotel; (iv) use Masterpass as payment for such stay; and (v) complete a Qualified Stay at such Participating Hotel by October 31, 2017, as so booked, between August ...", "- If you would like to contact the corporate offices of Wyndham Hotels and Resorts, please use their contact information such as their phone number, website, and address listed above to contact them. However, sometimes staff from Wyndham Hotels and Resorts headquarters do read the reviews on this website.", "- You can also use your Disney Rewards Redemption Card to redeem Disney Dream Reward Dollars for DVD Cash ® & Disney Blu-ray vouchers, Music Cash ® , Book Cash™, Game Cash™ and Toy Cash™ vouchers, good at participating retailers near you.Each DVD Cash ® & Disney Blu-ray voucher has a value of $15.ou can also use your Disney Rewards Redemption Card to redeem Disney Dream Reward Dollars for DVD Cash ® & Disney Blu-ray vouchers, Music Cash ® , Book Cash™, Game Cash™ and Toy Cash™ vouchers, good at participating retailers near you.", "- Wyndham Rewards Customer Service Number, Toll Free Number, Email Id. Contact Address For Wyndham Rewards. 22 Sylvan Way Parsippany, NJ 07054 United States. You can visit Wyndham Rewards on the address mentioned above and ask your queries or register your complaints.(Please call before visit Wyndham Rewards)", "Daniel Read Windham is a 1785 song by Daniel Read, and one of his best-known works. Verse 2, 3 and 4 follow. V 2 Deny thyself and take thy cross, Is the Redeemers great command; Nature must count her gold but dross, If she would gain this heavenly land.", "Q: What is WorldMark by Wyndham? WorldMark by Wyndham allows owners unique flexibility when planning and booking a vacation using points, otherwise referred to as credits. Owners can vacation wherever they want, and for how long they want, at any of the resorts within the WorldMark by Wyndham program, depending on the amount of credits they own.", "- Relax at select CLUB WYNDHAM® properties. When you stay two nights or more at select CLUB WYNDHAM properties, you can redeem your points for a go free award at 15,000 points per bedroom per night* or a go fast award with 3,000 points plus some cash per bedroom per night.*. * Terms & Conditions apply.", "Marriott Points Marriott Rewards: The basics. Marriott Rewards Points can be redeemed for several items, including free flights, merchandise, gift cards and other travel expenses. The value of your points will vary based on redemption method, but as a general rule, you should aim to redeem for 1 cent each or more.", "FlyBuys.com.au â Redeem reward points If redeeming points online, you need to choose a reward that you’re after, and then follow the prompts to book that package. Reward confirmations usually come in a couple of weeks, but it may take longer during holiday seasons.", "- For example, Reward Points cannot be redeemed if your account is past due or involuntarily suspended. You may not redeem Reward Points through any process not identified on the Rewards website, and you may not apply Reward Points to any purchases you previously made through another method.", "Earn One Free Night With Two Stays With Wyndham Rewards The one unique benefit to the Wyndham Rewards program is that you can redeem 15,000 points for a free night, which is good at any hotel or resort property which participates in the Wyndham Rewards program.", "Best Way to Maximize American Express Points Ideally, I want to redeem the American Express points for gift cards. To get the maximum value on the gift card redemption I look for the 1:1 conversion on points and cents.", "Stay twice (cheaply), get a free night anywhere with Wyndham Rewards Members can only get credit for one qualifying stay per calendar day (two rooms for the same night will only count as one stay) Bonus points should post within 2-4 weeks after your second qualifying stay; Update: As per Wyndham Rewards" ]
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phi phenomenon definition psychology
[ "- phi-phenomenon. n, pl-na (-nə). 1. (Psychology) the illusion that when two lights are rapidly turned on and off in succession something appears to move backwards and forwards between them while the lights stay stationary.hi-phenomenon. n, pl-na (-nə). 1. (Psychology) the illusion that when two lights are rapidly turned on and off in succession something appears to move backwards and forwards between them while the lights stay stationary." ]
[ "- 2. plural phenomena a: an object or aspect known through the senses rather than by thought or intuition b: a temporal or spatiotemporal object of sensory experience as distinguished from a noumenon c: a fact or event of scientific interest susceptible to scientific description and explanation.", "FILIPINO PSYCHOLOGY FILIPINO PSYCHOLOGY. WHAT IS FILIPINO PSYCHOLOGY. Sikolohiyang Pilipino is anchored on Filipino thought and experience as understood from a Filipino perspective . The most important aspect of this definition is the Filipino orientation. For centuries, Filipino behavior has been analyzed and interpreted in the light of Western theories.", "- Idiopathic hypoparathyroidism (IHP) presenting as schizophrenia: a case report/Sizofreni olarak kendini gosteren idiopatik hipoparatiroidizm (IHP): bir olgu sunumu. Initially, FES resulted in sensory stimulation but did not produce any visible muscle tetany.", "Hypomania Hypomania is a feature of bipolar II disorder and cyclothymia, but can also occur in schizoaffective disorder. Hypomania is also a feature of bipolar I disorder as it arises in sequential procession as the mood disorder fluctuates between normal mood and mania.", "Phenomenon The combustion of a match is an observable occurrence, or event, and therefore a phenomenon. In scientific usage, a phenomenon is any event that is observable, however common it might be, even if it requires the use of instrumentation to observe, record, or compile data concerning it.", "schizophrenia Definition. Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder (or a group of disorders) marked by severely impaired thinking, emotions, and behaviors. Schizophrenic patients are typically unable to filter sensory stimuli and may have enhanced perceptions of sounds, colors, and other features of their environment.atent schizophrenia older term for a type of schizophrenia characterized by clear symptoms of schizophrenia but no history of a psychotic schizophrenic episode; it includes conditions that have been called incipient, prepsychotic, prodromal, pseudoneurotic, and pseudopsychopathic schizophrenia.", "- Posted on by admin. The phi phenomenon is an illusion where one perceives a continuous motion in separate objects displayed rapidly in succession. The phenomenom was identified by Max Wertheimer in his 1912 paper ‘Experimental Studies of the Perception of Motion’.Films and animation are examples of the phi phenomenon.osted on by admin. The phi phenomenon is an illusion where one perceives a continuous motion in separate objects displayed rapidly in succession. The phenomenom was identified by Max Wertheimer in his 1912 paper ‘Experimental Studies of the Perception of Motion’. Films and animation are examples of the phi phenomenon.", "Phenomenological description From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Phenomenological description is a method of phenomenology. A phenomenological description attempts to depict the structure of first person lived experience, rather than theoretically explain it. This method was first conceived of by Edmund Husserl.", "- Schizophrenia-Schizophrenia I will be discussing my topic on how schizophrenia is treated and the affects of the disorder. In the book Psychology: A Journey, “schizophrenia is defined as delusions hallucination, apathy, thinking abnormalities, and a “split” between thought and emotion” (Coon and Mitterer).", "Existential Phenomenology Not Found. Existential phenomenology describes subjective human experience as it reflects people's values, purposes, ideals, intentions, emotions, and relationships. Existential phenomenology concerns itself with the experiences and actions of the individual, ... Looks like you do not have access to this content. Please login or find out how to gain access.", "- The disordered physiological processes associated with disease or injury: intracranial hypertension contributes to the pathophysiology of this condition. More example sentences. 1 Perhaps the inflammation and pathophysiology are different between the sheep and mice.he disordered physiological processes associated with disease or injury: intracranial hypertension contributes to the pathophysiology of this condition. More example sentences. 1 Perhaps the inflammation and pathophysiology are different between the sheep and mice.", "- Define epiphenomenon. epiphenomenon synonyms, epiphenomenon pronunciation, epiphenomenon translation, English dictionary definition of epiphenomenon. n. pl. ep·i·phe·nom·e·na 1. A secondary phenomenon that results from and accompanies another: Exploitation of one social class or ethnic group by another...", "- Fatuous affect. The moods of a patient with fatuous affect resemble the moods of a child. This condition is seen in hebephrenic schizophrenia. Flight of ideas. Flight of ideas describes excessive speech at a rapid rate that involves causal association between ideas.", "Epiphany Definition of Epiphany. When used as a literary device, an epiphany is a moment in which there is a sudden realization that leads to a new perspective that clarifies a problem or situation. A character may have an epiphany, or it may also occur in the narration such that the reader has the epiphany.", "- 1 (That is called cherry-picking and is commonly used by pseudo-scientists attempting to scam people unfamiliar with the scientific method. If a refined hypothesis survives all attacks on it and is the best existing explanation for a particular phenomenon, it is then elevated to the status of a theory.", "Hypothesis A hypothesis (, from Greek ὑποτιθέναι – hypotithenai meaning to put under or to suppose, plural hypotheses) is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon.", "Schizophrenia Definition and Characteristics Updated March 12, 2017. Schizophrenia is a severe, lifelong mental disorder characterized by delusions, hallucinations, incoherence and physical agitation. It is classified as a thought disorder, while bipolar disorder is a mood disorder. It is estimated that 1 percent of the world's population has schizophrenia.", "schizophrenia Definition. Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder (or a group of disorders) marked by severely impaired thinking, emotions, and behaviors. Schizophrenic patients are typically unable to filter sensory stimuli and may have enhanced perceptions of sounds, colors, and other features of their environment.ositive symptoms — Symptoms of schizophrenia that are characterized by the production or presence of behaviors that are grossly abnormal or excessive, including hallucinations and thought-process disorder. DSM-IV subdivides positive symptoms into psychotic and disorganized.", "Diffraction Diffraction refers to various phenomena that occur when a wave encounters an obstacle or a slit. It is defined as the bending of light around the corners of an obstacle or aperture into the region of geometrical shadow of the obstacle. In classical physics, the diffraction phenomenon is described as the interference of waves according to the Huygens–Fresnel principle. These characteristic behaviors are exhibited when a wave encounters an obstacle or a slit that is comparable in size to its ...", "pathophysiology Definition of pathophysiology : the physiology of abnormal states; specifically: the functional changes that accompany a particular syndrome or disease pathophysiological", "Consciousness Phenomenal and access consciousness. Phenomenal consciousness (P-consciousness) is simply experience; it is moving, coloured forms, sounds, sensations, emotions and feelings with our bodies and responses at the center. These experiences, considered independently of any impact on behavior, are called qualia.", "- Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy or fabricated or induced illness (FII) is a form of child abuse or parenting disorder. A parent or caregiver of a child, in most cases the mother, either causes or fakes signs and symptoms of illness in a child in order to gain the attention of health care professionals. person with Munchausen Syndrome fakes or induces signs and symptoms themselves-they want to be the patient themselves, while a person with Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy uses a substitute person, usually a child in their care, and less commonly a vulnerable adult in their care.", "Phenomenon For the film, see Phenomenon (film). A phenomenon (Greek: , phainomenon, from the verb phainein, to show, shine, appear, to be manifest or manifest itself, plural phenomena) is any thing which manifests itself. Phenomena are often, but not always, understood as things that appear or experiences for a sentient being, or in principle may be so.", "paris syndrome commented on the word paris syndrome. This is a syndrome that causes the reader or viewer to experienc utter fatigue and nausea over the antics and imbecility of Paris Hilton, leading some, I have heard, to commit hari kari, or sepuku. Paris is so in our eyes and ears and faces that I now desise her.", "PHI Meaning: The 21st letter of the Greek alphabet. Classified under: Nouns denoting communicative processes and contents. Hypernyms (phi is a kind of...): alphabetic character; letter; letter of the alphabet (the conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speech) Holonyms (phi is a member of...):", "- Define phenomenology: the study of the development of human consciousness and self-awareness as a preface to or a part … — phenomenology in a sentence the study of the development of human consciousness and self-awareness as a preface to or a part of philosophy…", "Interpretative phenomenological analysis Interpretative phenomenological analysis. Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) is an approach to psychological qualitative research with an idiographic focus, which means that it aims to offer insights into how a given person, in a given context, makes sense of a given phenomenon.", "Apophenia Apophenia (/ æ p oʊ ˈ f iː n i ə /) is the tendency to attribute meaning to perceived connections or patterns between seemingly unrelated things. Confirmation bias is a variation of apophenia. The term (German: Apophänie) was coined by psychiatrist Klaus Conrad in his 1958 publication on the beginning stages of schizophrenia.", "Phi phenomenon The phi phenomenon is similar to beta movement in that both cause sensation of movement. However, the phi phenomenon is an apparent movement caused by luminous impulses in sequence, whereas beta movement is an apparent movement caused by luminous stationary impulses.he phi phenomenon is similar to beta movement in that both cause sensation of movement. However, the phi phenomenon is an apparent movement caused by luminous impulses in sequence, whereas beta movement is an apparent movement caused by luminous stationary impulses.", "Phenomenon For the movie, see Phenomenon (film). A phenomenon (Greek: φαινόμενoν, phainomenon, from the verb φαίνειν, phainein, to show, shine, appear, to be manifest or manifest itself, plural phenomena), is any thing which manifests itself.n contrast to a phenomenon, a noumenon is not directly accessible to observation. Kant was heavily influenced by Leibniz in this part of his philosophy, in which phenomenon and noumenon serve as interrelated technical terms." ]
[ 16.9375 ]
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what is an averment
[ "AVERMENT • AVERMENT (noun). The noun AVERMENT has 1 sense: 1. a declaration that is made emphatically (as if no supporting evidence were necessary). Familiarity information: AVERMENT used as a noun is very rare." ]
[ "Arrears Payment in arrear is a term describing payments made after a service has been provided. Contents. Definition. The term in arrears is also used in many contexts to refer to payments made at the end of a period, as distinct from in advance, which are payments made at the start of a period.", "- (rĕp′ə-rā′shən) n. 1. The act or process of making amends for a wrong. 2. Something done or money paid to make amends or compensate for a wrong. 3. reparations Compensation or remuneration, as for damage or economic loss, required from a nation defeated in war.", "deterrent diriment impediment - (canon law) an impediment that invalidates a marriage (such as the existence of a prior marriage). drag-something that slows or delays progress; taxation is a drag on the economy; too many laws are a drag on the use of new land.", "Criminal Arraignment: What to Expect What is an Arraignment? An arraignment is a court proceeding at which a criminal defendant is formally advised of the charges against him and is asked to enter a plea to the charges. In many states, the court may also decide at arraignment whether the defendant will be released pending trial.", "- 1 noun. 2 Averment in the Dictionary of Law consisting of Judicial Definitions and Explanations of Words, Phrases and Maxims. 3 French averer, to affirm as true: Latin ad, to; verum, truth. 4 A positive statement of the truth of a fact; a formal allegation in pleading. Note: This legal definition of Averment in the Dictionary of Law (English and American Jurisprudence) is from 1893.", "Acabar expressions 1 Acabar de + infinitivo is an idiomatic expression that is the equivalent of a present perfect expression in English: to have just [verb in past participle form].", "- Be sure to discuss both doctrinal issues and matters of church practice.2. The medieval morality play Everyman appeared in its present form in 1485, on the eve ofthe Protestant Reformation.SSAY QUESTIONS Discuss the following in a five-paragraph essay:1. The medieval morality play Everyman appeared in its present form in 1485, on the eve ofthe Protestant Reformation.", "- REPAIR VS. IMPROVEMENT etterment 13  An Amount Paid Must Be Capitalized if it Results in a:  B 1. It ameliorates (fixes) a material condition or material defect that existed prior to the acquisition of the property or production 2.", "- In 16:9, the problematic elegxo occurs: “in every instance the verb has to do with showing someone his sin, usually as a summons to repentance” (Carson, John, 537). Therefore, to convict the world is shaming it and attempting to persuade it of its guiltiness, and in this way “calling it to repentance” (ibid.).", "Deferment Deferment ; Deferment What is deferment? Deferment is an agreement between a lender and a borrower to temporarily suspend debt payments. Young people with large student loan debts and low or no income are frequently granted loan deferments. Under a student loan deferment, interest is frozen and is not added to the balance. Forbearance is a similar suspension of debt payments, although interest continues to accrue on the principal balance.", "reparation Reparation is defined as anything paid or done to make up for a wrongdoing, or the act of making up for a wrongdoing. An example of a reparation is money paid for an item broken in a store. a repairing or being repaired; restoration to good condition. a making of amends; making up for a wrong or injury.", "bereavement Bereavement refers to the period of mourning and grief following the death of a beloved person or animal. The English word bereavement comes from an ancient Germanic root word meaning to rob or to seize by violence..", "remorse Remorse, a noun, is what you feel if you regret your actions or wish for another outcome. The noun remorse has a very vivid origin. It comes from the Latin roots re for again and mordere to bite.. So, if you feel remorse, it means that your conscience is working on you, your past actions are biting you back, and making you feel very regretful.", "Resentment Resentment (also called ranklement or bitterness) is the foundation of hatred. It is not one of Paul Ekman's big six (basic emotions of surprise, disgust, happiness, sadness, anger, and fear). Resentment is a mixture of disappointment, anger, and fear. It comprises the three basic emotions of disgust, sadness and surprise—the perception of injustice. As the surprise of injustice becomes less frequent, so too fades anger and fear, leaving disappointment as the predominant emotion.", "Real Estate Investor: How to Calculate your Offer We use the equation 65% ARV-rehab cost – our assignment fee = offer. ARV stands for after repair value. For example a house that is worth $100k fixed up that needs 30k in work will bring us to an offer of 25-30k.Our “assignment fee” is taken into account if we plan to wholesale the home to another real estate investor.e use the equation 65% ARV-rehab cost – our assignment fee = offer. ARV stands for after repair value. For example a house that is worth $100k fixed up that needs 30k in work will bring us to an offer of 25-30k. Our “assignment fee” is taken into account if we plan to wholesale the home to another real estate investor.", "Definition of 'avert' Word forms: 3rd person singular present tense averts , present participle averting , past tense , past participle averted. 1. verb. If you avert something unpleasant, you prevent it from happening. Talks with the teachers' union over the weekend have averted a strike.", "Reimbursement Reimbursement is the act of compensating someone for an out-of-pocket expense by giving them an amount of money equal to what was spent.[1]", "What is Gravamen? Legal Definition Gravamen (from Lat. gravare, to weigh down; gravis, heavy), (plural gra·va·mens or gra·vam·i·na), a complaint or grievance, the ground of a legal action, and particularly the more serious part of a charge against an accused person. In legal terms, the essential element of a lawsuit. In English the term is used chiefly in legal submissions and judicial opinions. The word is commonly misspelled gravaman. Apart from the normal usage of the word, the gravamen test is used in contract law to distinguish between the sale of goods and services in hybrid transactions.", "Entailment What is entailment? Entailment is a concept that refers to a specific kind of relationship between two sentences. More specifically, entailment means that if one sentence is true, then another sentence would also have to be true: the second sentence would be entailed by the first sentence. Another way to prove entailment between two sentences is to demonstrate that if the one sentence is false, then the other sentence must also be false. Entailment is closely related to the concept of logical consequence. Within logic, the idea that if A is true, then B must be true too is nothing other than a form of entailment. Usage and rules", "Atonement Atonement (also atoning, to atone) is the concept of a person taking action to correct previous wrongdoing on their part, either through direct action to undo the consequences of that act, equivalent action to do good for others, or some other expression of feelings of remorse.", "resentment Definition of resentment. : a feeling of indignant displeasure or persistent ill will at something regarded as a wrong, insult, or injury.", "Reimbursements (p29) A reimbursement or other expense allowance arrangement is a system or plan that an employer uses to pay, substantiate, and recover the expenses, advances, reimbursements, and amounts charged to the employer for employee business expenses. Arrangements include per diem and car allowances.", "What is an Arraignment? An arraignment is the formal reading of charges against a person. Usually if the arraignment is short although it may be combined with a hearing on bail if the crime is a serious felony. This is also the opportunity for someone charged with a crime to enter a plea. In the US there are usually three possible pleas: not guilty, guilty, no contest.", "AVERMENT Meaning: A declaration that is made emphatically (as if no supporting evidence were necessary) Classified under: Nouns denoting communicative processes and contents. Synonyms: assertion; asseveration; averment. Hypernyms (assertion is a kind of...): declaration (a statement that is emphatic and explicit (spoken or written)) Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of assertion): claim (an assertion of a right (as to money or property)) claim (an assertion that something is true or factual) accusation; charge (an assertion that someone is guilty of a fault or offence)", "Impairment - What is impairment? Most accounts recognize and document the values of all assets: fixed assets, current assets, etc. These values are set by the current market. However the value of most assets changes over time. In accounting, impairment is the diminishing in quality, strength, amount, or value of an asset. An increase in the value of an asset is called appreciation. The value of fixed assets such as buildings, land, machinery, and equipment can be susceptible to impairment.", "arraignment Use arraignment in a sentence. Show more usage examples... During his arraignment Chuck showed no emotions in the beginning, but he broke down into tears as he heard the crimes he was being charged with.6 people found this helpful. Any person arrested for a crime is entitled to an arraignment where they can speak out in front of a judge and admit or deny their guilt.se arraignment in a sentence. Show more usage examples... During his arraignment Chuck showed no emotions in the beginning, but he broke down into tears as he heard the crimes he was being charged with.", "atonement Atonement definition, satisfaction or reparation for a wrong or injury; amends. See more.", "Attornment An attornment clause, in mortgages, is a clause whereby the mortgagor attorns tenant to the mortgagee, thus giving the mortgagee the right to distrain, as an additional security. As used in modern legal transactions, the term attornment refers to an acknowledgment of the existence of the relationship of landlord and tenant.", "FindLaw Legal Dictionary Negative Averment . negative averment n: a negative statement or allegation (as in a pleading) that constitutes a statement of fact and that must be proved by the party making it [a negative averment alleging that the plaintiff did not have the capacity to sue] Source: Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law ©1996. Merriam-Webster, Incorporated.", "Municipal Court Arraignment is a formal reading of a criminal charging document in the presence of the defendant to inform the defendant of the charges against him or her. In response to arraignment, the accused is expected to enter a plea." ]
[ 16.75 ]
[ 1.5625, 5.2265625, 3.787109375, 4.46484375, 14.59375, 0.08868408203125, 4.26953125, 4.0390625, -0.1702880859375, 4.91796875, 0.8955078125, 1.94921875, -0.312744140625, 0.015533447265625, 3.001953125, 5.24609375, 2.64453125, 3.806640625, 2.9296875, 2.869140625, 2.57421875, 3.458984375, 4.421875, 13.0390625, 1.3056640625, 1.0185546875, 2.421875, 4.60546875, 13.296875, 5.56640625 ]
how much does a neonatal nurse make an hour
[ "- In the United States, a new neonatal nurse receives a median national salary of $50,241 per annum. A newly practicing nurse with less than 1 year of experience receives a national hourly rate of $22.67 while a neonatal nurse with 1 to 4 years of experience collects a national hourly rate of $23.55.eonatal Nurse salary is from between $45,153 – $90,122 in the US according to Payscale The median average annual income for Neonatal Nurse is $60,963. The national hourly rate data for neonatal nurse ranges from between $21.53 – $39.97 with average hourly overtime pay of $21.70 to $39.97." ]
[ "Nanny care: How much does it cost? Most parents choose to pay their nanny by the hour. Hourly pay can range from as low as minimum wage to $20 an hour or more. (The federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour, although in some states minimum wage is higher.) Most nannies also receive overtime pay for extra hours and an annual bonus.", "The Average R.N. Salary In 2011, some R.N.s earned less than $44,970 per year, or $21.62 per hour, and others more than $96,630 per year, or $46.46 per hour. This range covers more than 130 different types of specialty nurses. For example, neonatal nurse practitioners manage the medical conditions of newborns and infants.", "How much does a doula make? The pay is generally $15/hour on up to $650 per birth in this geographical region, depending on the level of position responsibility, candidate experience/education, and shift hours. Each doula sets their own fee scale. Most doulas will also require a retainer fee from the family to reserve their services.", "- Location. Location is a key factor influencing salary for neonatal nurses. According to the BLS, California sits atop the list of top-paying states, with an annual average wage of $90,860. Massachusetts follows with an average salary of $86,810 per year, joined by Hawaii at $83,950.ocation is a key factor influencing salary for neonatal nurses. According to the BLS, California sits atop the list of top-paying states, with an annual average wage of $90,860.", "- Making the world better, one answer at a time. How much does a nurse anesthetist makes per hour varies depending on where the job is located. Registered CRNAs can make from $90 to $110 per hour.aking the world better, one answer at a time. How much does a nurse anesthetist makes per hour varies depending on where the job is located. Registered CRNAs can make from $90 to $110 per hour.", "- Average Nursing Pay in the United States. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, registered nurses earned an average of $33.23 per hour across all specialties as of May 2011, and a mean annual income of about $69,110. However, the practice area of a nurse can have a large impact on expected salary. A salary survey conducted by RN Magazine in April 2009 found that pediatric nurses earned an average of $31 per hour, similar to the average hourly pay earned by RNs specializing in oncology and ambulatory surgery.", "Want to Make More Money as a Certified Nursing Assistant, CNA? There are certain factors that can affect how much your annual income will be. The average hourly wage for a qualified certified nursing assistant is just over $11.00. The middle percent of CNA’s earn between $9.70 and $13.75 per hour.That’s a pretty big difference in hourly wage. When looking at this range from an annual range, let’s look at both figures. $9.70 per hour / full time as a certified nursing assistant adds up to $20,176 annually.he average hourly wage for a qualified certified nursing assistant is just over $11.00. The middle percent of CNA’s earn between $9.70 and $13.75 per hour. That’s a pretty big difference in hourly wage.", "- The median salary for a neonatologist in the United States is about $121,000 per year while a median hourly wage ranges from between $37 – $55 per hour.The starting salary for a neonatologist is low which averages from between $67,760 – $101,640 per annum.In addition, a well-established neonatologist receives a top salary ranging from between $96,800 – $145,200 per annum.alary of neonatologist in New Zealand. Compared to the salary of other physicians, who are taking home a salary ranging from NZ$151,000 to NZ$600,000, neonatologists might be earning more. This is mainly due to their sub-specialty that had them spend a few more years on neonatology fellowship training.", "Neonatologist Salary Neonatologists working in the United States typically earn salaries in the range from $136,475 to $307,905 a year including bonuses according to the salary data provided by Payscale. The annual bonuses can amount to up to $58,958.he average hourly wage for neonatal physicians working in the U.S. is $101.65. The best paid neonatologists earn $150.80 per hour, and those with the lowest salaries make $68.91 per hour on average.", "Nursing Salary Information Nurses with 10 to 19 years of neonatal nursing experience earn high annual salaries, averaging between $80,901 and $104,313 per year. The most experienced neonatal nurse practitioners, 20 or more years of work experience, on average earn more than $111,000 per year. Labor and delivery nurse’s salary can span a wide range, making it a bit more difficult to pinpoint just how much Labor and Delivery nurses make. On average, their salaries are set anywhere from $40,000 to 90,000 per year depending on experience, education, employer and location.", "- In the United States, a new neonatal nurse receives a median national salary of $50,241 per annum. A newly practicing nurse with less than 1 year of experience receives a national hourly rate of $22.67 while a neonatal nurse with 1 to 4 years of experience collects a national hourly rate of $23.55.n Canada, Neonatal Nurse receives basically the same average salary with the salary as other registered nurses. Neonatal nurse receives an average pay of $41,437 to $80,103 per annum.", "The Payscale of a Nanny Part-time nannies are paid between $6 and $18 an hour. Nannies with associate degrees or higher earn closer to the top of the pay scale. Nannies that have training or skills required to be a nanny for a special-needs child or children in other unique circumstances can also command a higher salary.", "How much money does a registered nurse earn in Florida? Salaries for nurses in Florida (or anywhere in the USA) are payed by the hour not on a per year basis. Starting salaries for RN's are between $19 to $24 dollars per hour depen … ding on where you work (hospital, nursing home, doctors office, home care, ect.) and what you specialty is.", "- How much does a nurse anesthetist makes per hour varies depending on where the job is located.Registered CRNAs can make from $90 to $110 per hour.aking the world better, one answer at a time. How much does a nurse anesthetist makes per hour varies depending on where the job is located. Registered CRNAs can make from $90 to $110 per hour.", "- For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Nurse Practitioner-Neonatal in the United States is $108,645 so 50% of the people who perform the job of Nurse Practitioner-Neonatal in the United States are expected to make less than $108,645. Source: HR Reported data as of October 2015. Median $108,645. 1 Salary.", "Nanny care: How much does it cost? Last updated: June 2016. Nanny pay can vary quite a bit, depending on where you live and the competition for qualified candidates. According to a survey by the International Nanny Association, average pay for a nanny is $18.66 an hour. Newborn care specialists earn more.", "- A Registered Nurse (RN) with a Bachelors Degree of Science in Nursing (BSN) accompanied by Pediatric Advanced Life Support certification (PALS) and Neonatal Intensive Care Nur … sing Certification (NCC) in the United States can expect to earn between $30-$115 per hour, depending on region and system. staff nurse starts off in the hospital making about $18,000 a year. As a traveler, you will make about $30,000 a year. I have seen people clear over $100,000 a year, but on average about $35,000-40,000.You will earn more money if you job-hop every two years or so between companies/hospitals.", "Neonatal Nurse Salary Neonatal Nurse Salary in Switzerland. As reported by SalaryExpert, neonatal nurses in Switzerland fetch a mean base salary of CHF124,262 per year, so the hourly pay stands at 59,74. Neonatal Nurse Salary in Norway. For neonatal nurses in Norway, the mean base pay as reported by SalaryExpert amounts to NOK908,839 per year.", "- Location is a key factor influencing salary for neonatal nurses. According to the BLS, California sits atop the list of top-paying states, with an annual average wage of $90,860. Massachusetts follows with an average salary of $86,810 per year, joined by Hawaii at $83,950.", "- In Canada, Neonatal Nurse receives basically the same average salary with the salary as other registered nurses. Neonatal nurse receives an average pay of $41,437 to $80,103 per annum. C$55,626 is the mean average yearly salary.", "How Much Do RNs Make on Average an Hour? RNs working for the federal government averaged $38.11 per hour, and those employed by trade schools, universities and colleges earned an average of $35.84. Nurses providing personal care services averaged $35.39 hourly.", "- Neonatal Nurse salary is from between $45,153 – $90,122 in the US according to Payscale The median average annual income for Neonatal Nurse is $60,963. The national hourly rate data for neonatal nurse ranges from between $21.53 – $39.97 with average hourly overtime pay of $21.70 to $39.97.n the United States, a new Neonatal Nurse receives an annual starting pay of $51,340. As neonatal nurse gains more experience she can expect a significant raise in his/her yearly salary. A Neonatal nurse with 1 to 4 years of experience receives a national average yearly salary of $53,384.", "Archived Q&A and Reviews We currently pay our nanny $18 an hour for two kids (and she makes $14 an hour for one). With your son being in pre-school for part of the time, I would simply pay her the single child rate while he is in school, and the two-child rate when she is watching them both.", "How to Become a Neonatal Nurse: Neonatal Nursing Schools & Careers A small bump in education could translate to a serious bump in pay for neonatal nurses. According to Payscale, neonatal nurses made a median salary of $59,598, while neonatal nurse practitioners earned $92,259.hose who plan to work as a neonatal nurse can expect robust job growth in the coming years. The BLS reports employment growth of 19 percent for registered nurses and 31 percent for advanced practice nurses from 2012 to 2022.", "- For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Nurse Practitioner - Neonatal in the United States is $119,277 so 50% of the people who perform the job of Nurse Practitioner - Neonatal in the United States are expected to make less than $119,277. Source: HR Reported data as of January 02, 2018", "- Traveling nurses earn $30 to $40 per hour, according to the All Nursing Schools website. The StudentDoc website reports that traveling nurses are paid $24 to $35 per hour, with an additional housing subsidy.", "How Much Does a Registered Nurse (RN) Make? Registered Nurse Salary. How much does a registered nurse make? Registered nurses earned a mean average wage around $72,180 or about $34.70 per hour in 2016 per bls.gov. The lowest paid 10% of employed RNs made less than $47,120 ($22.65 per hour), and the upper 10% percent made more than $102,990 ($49.52 per hour).", "Neonatologist Salary The average hourly wage for neonatal physicians working in the U.S. is $101.65. The best paid neonatologists earn $150.80 per hour, and those with the lowest salaries make $68.91 per hour on average. Benefits. Neonatologists’ benefits packages can sometimes reflect their average annual pay.", "- Neonatal Nurse salary is from between $45,153 – $90,122 in the US according to Payscale The median average annual income for Neonatal Nurse is $60,963.The national hourly rate data for neonatal nurse ranges from between $21.53 – $39.97 with average hourly overtime pay of $21.70 to $39.97.eonatal Nurse salary is from between $45,153 – $90,122 in the US according to Payscale The median average annual income for Neonatal Nurse is $60,963.", "The myth of doing it all: modern moms and hiring help Full Time experienced Nannies are generally paid a weekly salary versus an hourly rate, and is often anywhere from $600 to $900+ per week. The salary is dependent upon the position description, how many children you have, and the experience level the particular Nanny you hire has to offer your family." ]
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[ "- BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina will respond to any valid subpoena that a South Carolina court issues. If you are requesting records from us as a third party to an out-of-state action, however, you will need to complete a HIPAA-compliant Authorization form.Or, you can contact:og into My Business Manager SM. If you are an agent and would like to represent BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina, please contact our Marketing department by calling 264-2328 in Columbia or toll free at 800-288-2227, ext. 42328." ]
[ "- Need to talk to someone at BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee about enrolling in a plan or have a question? Below are phone numbers and hours when you can reach us.eed to talk to someone at BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee about enrolling in a plan or have a question? Below are phone numbers and hours when you can reach us.", "- Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Geography only allows Blue-contracted providers to conduct electronic pre-service reviews. Please call xxx-xxx-xxxx for a pre-service review.", "Blue Cross and Blue Shield of California Phone Number Blue Cross and Blue Shield of California - This is the worst insurance company. I have been This is the worst insurance company. I have been waiting for over nine months for two claims to be processed.", "- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan is a nonprofit corporation and. independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Call InovalonTM at 1‐800‐390‐3180. Fax Inovalon at 1‐800‐863‐4360. Call Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan at 313-225-7587.", "- Be the first to leave a tip for this Blue Cross Blue Shield (GA) phone number. Add your tip. Compare with other Blue Cross Blue Shield (GA) phone numbers Compare all Blue Cross Blue Shield (GA) contact info Find another company phone number.fter your phone call, tap here to tell us if this contact information needs updating. Suggest we update it. Review Blue Cross Blue Shield (GA). Talk about your customer experience with Blue Cross Blue Shield (GA) so we can all learn from each other.", "Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Florida Customer Service Number, Toll Free Number, Contact Address Blue Cross Blue Shield Customer Care Details: To know more detailed information or to enquire about the kind of insurance offered by the company, kindly make use of the below mentioned Contact Numbers to get in touch with the Customer Care Team. Toll-Free Number: 1-800-678-8355. Customer Support Number: (800) 352-2583. Phone Numbers: Members: 1-800-FLA-BLUE (352-2583). Physicians and providers: 1-800-727-2227. Employers and Benefit: 1-866-946-2583. Florida Blue Centers: 1-877-352-5830. Agent Contact Center: 1-800-267-3156.", "BlueCard section  Verify with the member that the ID number on the card is not his/her Social Security Number. If it is, call the BlueCard Eligibility line 1.800.676.BLUE (2583) to verify the ID number.  Make copies of the front and back of the member’s ID card and pass this key information on. to your billing staff.", "Contact Anthem Blue Cross Customer Service Each Anthem Blue Cross customer service phone number will have different hours of operation. Many offers 24 hour automated assistance with shortened hours for Medicare-specific questions and issues. 1 California: 1-800-777-6000. Georgia: 1-888-208-2183.", "- Best Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield toll-free numbers and support. This is the #2 phone number and #2 overall way to contact Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield according to 276393 GetHuman users.Here are the best. 888-231-5046. Customer Service. 888-224-4902. Customer Service. 800-413-3103. Customer Service.", "Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Florida Customer Service Number, Toll Free Number, Contact Address Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Florida Customer Service Number, Toll Free Number, Contact Address. Blue Cross Blue Shield USA customer care contact information like Customer Helpline Number, Email Id, Dealers, Head Office Address is provided below to help the customers get the services easily. Blue Cross Blue Shield is one of the popular insurance providers under the categories of Health and Wellness.", "- A: BCBSNC's Customer Service representatives are available to answer calls at 1-877-258-3334, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. For greater speed and convenience, visit Blue Connect. This online service allows you to access and change your member information without having to call Customer Service.", "Customer Support USG Dedicated Customer Service Unit. 404-842-8073 (TDD) NOTE: Plan contacts and phone numbers may change at any time. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Georgia, Inc. and Blue Cross Blue Shield Healthcare Plan of Georgia, Inc. are independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.", "Contact Us 24/7 call center. If you’re looking for more information on becoming a Blue member, or are a current member and wish to speak with a financial expert, call toll free 1-800-368-9328.", "Blue Ridge Communications Phone Number Blue Ridge Communications's Best Toll-Free/800 Customer Phone Number This is Blue Ridge Communications's best phone number, the real-time current wait on hold and tools for skipping right through those phone lines to get right to a Blue Ridge Communications agent. This phone number is Blue Ridge Communications's Best Phone Number because 3,414 customers like you used this contact information over the last 18 months and gave us feedback. Common problems addressed by the customer care unit that answers calls to 800-222-5377 include and other customer service issues.", "Contact Us Member Questions. The Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) system is made up of 36 independent and locally operated companies. For questions about your health insurance coverage, benefits or treatment, please call the toll-free number on the back of your member ID card or find your BCBS company. Visit Member Services.", "- A toll-free number, 1-800-810-BLUE, that members can use to locate providers in another Blue Cross Blue Shield company's area. BlueCard Access© assists members who need a referral to a physician or healthcare facility in another location.", "- CHIP Member Handbook. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas. Member Services: 1-888-292-4480 TTY: 1-888-292-4485 bcbstx.com/chip. 55183.1113 A Division of Health Care Service Corporation, a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Travis Service Area.", "- This is a great event for large parties and for the entire family. Check out our concert calendar for upcoming brunch dates and show specific ticket links or call House of Blues Box Office at 214-978-2583.", "Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Georgia Followers Blue Cross & Blue Shield of SC does not offer their customers a mobile app for iOS or Android. You can use the doxo My Account Manager app to keep your account info, notes, documents, and contact information for Blue Cross & Blue Shield of SC.lue Cross & Blue Shield of SC customers are most often also customers of these companies: Add to Accounts list. Palmetto Utilities. Add to Accounts list. City of Conway Water Department ...", "- Blue Shield Florida Customer Support Service Phone Number The customer support phone number of Blue Shield Florida is 1-800-333-2227/ 800-717-8641 (Click phone number to call). The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Blue Shield Florida Service Center and Blue Shield Florida customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Blue Shield Florida customer service phone number may or may not be toll free. Click Here To View Blue Shield Florida Customer Service Phone Numbers", "Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield Phone Number While 888-231-5046 is Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield's best toll-free number, there are 7 total ways to get in touch with them. The next best way to talk to their customer support team, according to other Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield customers, is by calling their 800-280-7293 phone number for their Customer Service department.", "Contact Us As your business partner, were here to help you. Please feel free to contact us by mail or phone. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois. 300 East Randolph Street. Chicago, Illinois 60601-5099. Groups with 2 - 99 members, please call 800-203-0585. Groups with 100 or more members, please call 800-203-0585.", "- Find a Provider Outside California or the U.S. You can locate BlueCard providers online by clicking on the links below or calling BlueCard at (800) 810-BLUE (2583). Find providers outside of California. Find providers outside the United States.", "Blue Shield (CA) Provider Connection Phone Number Blue Shield (CA) has 8 phone numbers and undefined different ways to get customer help. We've compiled information about 800-541-6652 and ways to call or contact Blue Shield (CA) with help from customers like yourself.", "- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan’s Medicare. Plus Blue Group is an HMO. It takes too long to receive reimbursements for. rendered services. Call us to clear the air. State of Michigan’s. Medicare Advantage Plan. Call: 866-309-1719.", "- Regence Blue Shield Phone Number. Regence company introduces number of ways to assist consumers and delivers appropriate resolutions of their complaints like SMS, social media, phone number, etc. The phone numbers of Regence agency is: Tel: 1 (888) 427-0470. Tel: 1 (888) 344-6347.", "- Address, Email, Phone Number: Basel Sbb: 041 (0)900 300 300, Centralbahnplatz, 4002 Basel, Switzerland. Toll Free 1 800 number. We provide you the address of Basel Sbb with phone number, webiste, email id and more.", "List of programming and computer science terms BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. 1 Electronic Provider Access Capabilities for Providers. The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association launched a new tool on January 1, 2014 that allows you to access", "- More Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield 800 numbers and support. This is the best of 4 ways to contact Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield according to 211879 GetHuman users. Below you can compare the ways to contact Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield customer service. 317-488-6000.", "Contact Us Email Customer Service. Note: If you are a Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama customer and need to reach us by phone, please use the telephone number(s) on the back of your ID card. If your ID card is not available, you may use one of the Customer Service telephone numbers below. Corporate Office Address. 450 Riverchase Parkway East. Birmingham, Alabama 35244." ]
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what county is northfield city board of education located in
[ "Northfield, New Jersey Northfield, New Jersey. Northfield is a city in Atlantic County, New Jersey, United States. As of the 2010 United States Census, the city's population was 8,624, reflecting an increase of 899 (+11.6%) from the 7,725 counted in the 2000 Census, which had in turn increased by 420 (+5.7%) from the 7,305 counted in the 1990 Census." ]
[ "Northfield, Minnesota Northfield, Minnesota. Northfield is a city in Dakota and Rice counties in the State of Minnesota. The city is mostly in Rice County, with a small portion in Dakota County. The population was 20,007 during the 2010 census.", "Quick Links DRIVER EDUCATION. Summer Driver Education will be offered at Northridge High School through the Davis County School District during the summer of 2017. The classroom portion of this course will meet for 9 days ; attendance each day is mandatory. The course meets all state of Utah requirements for becoming a licensed driver.", "- Northumberland is a very old, historic town, the 4th oldest town in Saratoga County. It is bounded by the towns of Moreau, Saratoga and Wilton and the Hudson River.", "Norfolk County, Massachusetts Norfolk County is a county located in the U.S. state of Massachusetts. At the 2010 census, the population was 670,850. Its county seat is Dedham. The county was named after the English county of the same name with the meaning northern folk. Two towns, Cohasset and Brookline, are exclaves.Norfolk County is included in the Boston-Cambridge-Newton, MA-NH Metropolitan Statistical Area.t is the third-smallest county in Massachusetts by total area. The county is not completely contiguous; the towns of Brookline and Cohasset are each part of Norfolk County but are separated from the majority of Norfolk County (and each other) by either water or other counties.", "History of Northville Township, LaSalle County, Illinois Northville embraces all of the congressional township 46 north, and range 5 east, except that portion which lies south of the Fox River. It is situated in the northeast corner of LaSalle County. De Kalb County bounds it on the north and Kendall County on the east.", "- Fairfield County. Bethel, Bridgeport, Brookfield, Danbury, Darien, Easton, Fairfield, Greenwich, Monroe, New Canaan, New Fairfield, Newtown, Norwalk, Shelton, Sherman, Stamford, Stratford, Redding, Ridgefield, Trumbull, Weston, Westport, Wilton. county outline in pdf format / county outline in jpg format / county road map in pdf format.", "- Dick Kirkbride stands in front of one of six bookcases that he built for the genealogy library’s second room, located at the Caldwell Public Library Annex. The other cases are full, and soon there will be research material on this case too. The Noble County Chapter of Ohio Genealogy Society recently... Read more", "- The people of Licking County and their County Government using this ‘blue tribute’ in the center of our County Seat as both a tribute and sign of solidarity with our neighboring community o... f Westerville.", "- The cities and towns in Catawba County are Brookford, Catawba, Claremont, Conover, Hickory, Long View, Maiden, Newton. Characteristics. Catawba County's three lakes and its location in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains have a strong influence on the County's climate and ambience.", "- Newcastle Sacramento County. About Search Results. About Search Results. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "Niceville Niceville, FL. Sponsored Topics. Niceville is a city in Okaloosa County, Florida, United States, located close to Eglin Air Force Base. It originally began with the name Valparaiso, then to separate itself from the neighboring town took the unofficial name of Boggy.", "Newton County School System Newton County School System. The Newton County Schools System is a public school district in Newton County, Georgia, United States, based in Covington. It serves the communities of Covington, Mansfield, Newborn, Oxford, Porterdale, and Social Circle. 1 Schools 1.1 Elementary schools.", "- Principal Mrs.Desarae Kirkpatrick. Located in the northern section of McDowell County, North Cove Elementary provides services to families in Ashford-North Cove, Coxes Creek, Turkey Cove, Woodlawn, as well as 221N to Hankins area leading to the back side of Lake James.", "- In October, we gathered together our volunteers from all of our eight remote sites and our store in New Bloomfield and honored them with a Thanksgiving meal to thank them for all of the work that they do to make the Perry County Food Bank the special place that it is. We can't praise them enough for all that they do for our customers and clients.", "- 1 maintains a searchable database of recorded documents, including deeds, at our offices at the Broward County Governmental Center, 115 S. Andrews Ave., Fort Lauderdale. 2 You can also view an index and images of recorded deeds online.", "Northfield Community Schools Northfield Community Schools. The Northfield Community Schools is a community public school district that serves students in kindergarten through eighth grade from the City of Northfield, in Atlantic County, New Jersey, United States.", "- Broward County Law Library; Carver Ranches Branch; Century Plaza/ Leon Slatin Branch; Dania Beach Paul DeMaio Branch; Davie/Cooper City Branch; Deerfield Beach Percy White Branch; Fort Lauderdale Reading Center; Foster Park Community Center Micro-Library; Galt Ocean Mile Reading Center; Hallandale Beach Branch; Hollywood Beach Bernice P. Oster Branch; Hollywood Branch", "Northridge Northridge. 1 is a neighborhood in the city of Los Angeles in the San Fernando Valley region of Los Angeles County. 2 The neighboring communities are Chatsworth, Granada Hills, Lake Balboa, North Hills, Porter Ranch, Reseda, Van Nuys and Winnetka.", "- patriot93610 / June 28, 2014. The City of Chowchilla claims nearly two decades of oversight has cost it some $4 million that instead went to Madera County coffers, and has filed suit to reclaim the allegedly misplaced dollars. The lawsuit centers on a 1996 annexation agreement between the two governments to bring both the Valley State Prison for Women —…", "Niceville Niceville, FL. Online Offers. Niceville is a city in Okaloosa County, Florida, United States, located close to Eglin Air Force Base. It originally began with the name Valparaiso, then to separate itself from the neighboring town took the unofficial name of Boggy. Upon incorporation as an official city, the name was changed to attract more citizens and tourists. The Boggy Bayou Mullet Festival is still held annually. The population was 11,684 at the 2000 census. The 2010 census population for Niceville, Florida is 12,749.", "Northfield, Vermont Northfield, Vermont. Northfield is a town in Washington County, Vermont, in the United States. It lies in a valley within the Green Mountains, and has been the home of Norwich University since 1866. The town contains the village of Northfield, where over half of its population lives. The total population of the town was 6,207 at the 2010 census.", "- This image shows the spiffy design of our new two-floor library building. The new building will be located at the corner of 35th Street and the Overseas Highway, on the former site of the Monroe County School District’s Adult Education Center, and will house both the Marathon Branch and the Adult Education Center.", "- Onslow County Beach Access # 3 is located at the north end of North Topsail Beach off of River Road. The access requires four wheel drive capabilities and parking must be within the confines of the access. Parking is not allowed in the entrance, nor is it allowed on the shoulders of River Road.", "News & Notes The Board of Education, U.S.D. #366 Woodson County, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in its programs and activities.", "- Monticello Central School District is centrally located in the southern tip of the county, and it is the largest of eight school districts in Sullivan County. Encompassing 191 square miles, it stretches east on Route 17 to the village of Wurtsboro, west to White Lake, south through the town of", "LIBRARY LOCATIONS About the Library Center. The Library Center is the headquarters of the Springfield-Greene County Library District. The 82,000-square-foot building houses major collections of print and electronic resources. These include special collections such as business, local history and genealogy as well as fully equipped computer labs, private study rooms, state-of-the-art reference technology and many more expanded services. In addition, the Library Center includes other amenities characteristic of larger urban libraries.", "- 25 Homes for Sale/Rent in Westfield. Find Westfield Real Estate and Westfield Homes For Sale. Westfield in Harris County can be found using Neighborhood Information Finder. Detailed information includes Westfield Real Estate Profile, Westfield Trending Homes, Schools Nearby Westfield, Places Nearby Westfield and Events Nearby Westfield.", "- About City of Northridge, Los Angeles County, CA Public Record Searches. Search the City of Northridge, public records using best found research sources online. This City zip code is 91324. Look up recorded information of Northridge, including demographics and local economy.", "- Homefacts City Report. Northfield is located in Atlantic County, NJ. The population is 8,626, making Northfield the 7th largest city in Atlantic County. There are 2 public schools in Northfield with an average Homefacts rating of B. The total crime rate for Northfield is moderate, and there are 1 registered sex offenders residing in the city.", "- Fairfield County. 1 Carting Island, Stratford. 2 Goose Island, Stratford. 3 Long Island, Stratford. Norwalk Islands, 1 Norwalk. Peacock Island, Stratford. Pope's Flat, Stratford." ]
[ 13.8671875 ]
[ 13.234375, 5.2109375, 4.453125, 5.453125, 2.9453125, 5.87109375, 3.958984375, 3.73046875, 3.810546875, 2.380859375, 2.1796875, 4.546875, 6.13671875, 2.537109375, 2.755859375, 14.9765625, 3.064453125, 3.220703125, 3.21875, 2.36328125, 12.1640625, 6.42578125, 3.642578125, 7.05859375, 6.328125, 3.404296875, 1.9453125, 3.982421875, 14.1640625, 4.375 ]
what does malec mean
[ "What does Malec mean in Urban Dictionary? What does Malec mean in Urban Dictionary?: The ship name for Magnus Bane and Alexander (Alec) Lightwood. Perhaps the essential awesome ship inside Mortal Instruments. Job yourself, NEVER mention page…" ]
[ "Definitions &Translations Lac. Lac is the scarlet resinous secretion of a number of species of insects, namely some of the species of the genera Metatachardia, Laccifer, Tachordiella, Austrotacharidia, Afrotachardina, and Tachardina of the superfamily Coccoidea, of which the most commonly cultivated species is Kerria lacca.ac is the scarlet resinous secretion of a number of species of insects, namely some of the species of the genera Metatachardia, Laccifer, Tachordiella, Austrotacharidia, Afrotachardina, and Tachardina of the superfamily Coccoidea, of which the most commonly cultivated species is Kerria lacca.", "- Description The mallard is a large, dabbling duck with broad wings. The male’s (drake) dis-tinctive green head and brown chest are separated by a white neck-ring, contrastedby gray sides, a brown back, and a black rump.", "MAVERICK • MAVERICK (noun) The noun MAVERICK has 2 senses: 1. someone who exhibits great independence in thought and action. 2. an unbranded range animal (especially a stray calf); belongs to the first person who puts a brand on it. Familiarity information: MAVERICK used as a noun is rare. • MAVERICK (adjective) The adjective MAVERICK has 1 sense: 1. independent in behavior or thought Familiarity information: MAVERICK used as an adjective is very rare.", "Mackey Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest Mackey Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest Mackey Genealogy & History. The surname Mackey is derived from the Gaelic prefix Mac, which means a male descendent of, and the anglicized form of the Gaelic Aodh, meaning fire. Mackey family history shows many alternate spellings, including MacKey, McKee, McKay, McCay, and McCoy. Mackey genealogy shows that the earliest recorded spelling of this name was made in 1098 and belongs to a Cucail Mac Aedha. Well-known people with the surname Mackey include Iditarod champion father-and-sons mushers Dick, Lance, and Rick Mackey, as well as long-time Purdue University athletic director, Guy Red Mackey, after whom the school's indoor sports arena was named. Mackey Birth Records", "Given Name MACK (1) From a surname which was originally a shortened form of various Gaelic surnames beginning with Mac or Mc (from Gaelic mac meaning son). It is also used as a generic slang term for a man. See Also.rom a surname which was originally a shortened form of various Gaelic surnames beginning with Mac or Mc (from Gaelic mac meaning son). It is also used as a generic slang term for a man. See Also.", "- Paul then makes a parallel between the words luck and money. It is interesting that Lawrence explains this by the term filthy lucre (841), as lucre does indeed mean money. Pauls mother furthers her interpretation of luck by stating, Its what causes you to have money.aul then makes a parallel between the words luck and money. It is interesting that Lawrence explains this by the term filthy lucre (841), as lucre does indeed mean money. Pauls mother furthers her interpretation of luck by stating, Its what causes you to have money.", "- Palak (Palak) meaning in English (इंग्लिश मे मीनिंग) is EYELID (Palak ka matlab english me EYELID hai). Get meaning and translation of Palak in English language with grammar, synonyms and antonyms. Know the answer of question : what is meaning of Palak in English dictionary? Palak (Palak) ka matalab Angrezi me kya hai ( Palak का अंग्रेजी में मतलब, इंग्लिश में अर्थ जाने)", "talc talc. A white, greenish, or gray mineral that is a silicate of magnesium, usually occurring as massive mica-like flakes. It has a soft, soapy texture, and is used in face powder and talcum powder, for coating paper, and as a filler in paints and plastics.", "- Hebrew name. In Hebrew, the name Malak means-Messenger.. Other origins for the name Malak include-Hebrew, Israeli.The name Malak is most often used as a girl name or female name.Hebrew Name Meaning-Messenger.Origin-Hebrew.ebrew name. In Hebrew, the name Malak means-Messenger.. Other origins for the name Malak include-Hebrew, Israeli.The name Malak is most often used as a girl name or female name. Hebrew Name Meaning-Messenger. Origin-Hebrew.", "Definitions &Translations Definitions for mawk. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word mawk. Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Origin: From mawk, mauk, a contraction of mathek, from maðkr, a diminutive of a base from maþa- (Old English maþa), from Indo-European *math-, moth- used in reference to insects and vermin. Cognate with Danish madike, Swedish mask, archaic English maddock (modern maggot).", "- Meaning of Malak. Hebrew name. In Hebrew, the name Malak means-Messenger.. Other origins for the name Malak include-Hebrew, Israeli.The name Malak is most often used as a girl name or female name. Hebrew Name Meaning-Messenger.Origin-Hebrew.ebrew name. In Hebrew, the name Malak means-Messenger.. Other origins for the name Malak include-Hebrew, Israeli.The name Malak is most often used as a girl name or female name. Hebrew Name Meaning-Messenger. Origin-Hebrew.", "- Chambers 20th Century Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: klēk, n. a group of persons in union for a purpose: a party or faction: a gang—used generally in a bad sense.—adj. Cliqu′ish, relating to a clique.—ns.", "Malak Malak Name Meaning. The meaning of Malak is “Angel”. Keep in mind that many names may have different meanings in other countries and languages, so be careful that the name that you choose doesn’t mean something bad or unpleasant. Search comprehensively and find the name meaning of Malak and its name origin or of any other name in our database. Also note the spelling and the pronunciation of the name Malak and check the initials of the name with your last name to discover how it looks and sounds. The history and meaning of the name Malak is fascinating, learn more about it.", "\"What does the Greek word \"\"malaka\"\" mean?\" To elaborate on the other answers, malakas does indeed mean masturbator, but note that it does not have the same connotation as either American jerk < jerk off or Commonwealth wanker. A jerk and a wanker are both obnoxious, presumably because masturbation is narcissistic. A malakas is a fool, a dupe.", "Melek - Meaning of Melek [ syll. me-lek, mel-ek ] The baby girl name Melek is also used as a boy name. It is pronounced as M-LehK †. Melek has its origins in the Turkish language and it is also used largely in Turkish. It is derived literally from the word melek with the meaning 'angel'.A form of Melek is the name Melak. Melek is not popular as a baby girl name. It is not in the top 1000 names.elek has its origins in the Turkish language and it is also used largely in Turkish. It is derived literally from the word melek with the meaning 'angel'. A form of Melek is the name Melak.", "- The meaning of Mazatec translates to people of the deer, derived from the Nahuatl word Mazatl meaning deer.", "- Someone that is trustworthy and honest. Attractive and absolutely gorgeous. Maka is a person that is unselfish and understanding. Someone that may get lost in the darkness, but once in the light can make a person grin until their cheeks ache.", "Malik It is also sometimes used in derived meanings. 'Al-Malik' (literally The King) is one of the names of God in Islam. The female version of Malik is Malikah (Arabic: ملكة ‎) (or its various spellings such as Malekeh or Melike), meaning queen.Al-Malik' (literally The King) is one of the names of God in Islam. The female version of Malik is Malikah (Arabic: ملكة ‎) (or its various spellings such as Malekeh or Melike), meaning queen.", "- Webster Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 Madrigal(noun) a little amorous poem, sometimes called a pastoral poem, containing some tender and delicate, though simple, thought. Madrigal(noun) an unaccompanied polyphonic song, in four, five, or more parts, set to secular words, but full of counterpoint and imitation, and adhering to the old church modes.", "Find the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree! Origin of the name Marcel: From the Latin Marcellus, a diminutive form of Marcus, which is of uncertain derivation. Most believe it has its root in Mars, the name of the Roman mythological god of war.Others, however, think it might be from mas (manly) or from the Greek malakoz (soft, tender). From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman.rom the Latin Marcellus, a diminutive form of Marcus, which is of uncertain derivation. Most believe it has its root in Mars, the name of the Roman mythological god of war. Others, however, think it might be from mas (manly) or from the Greek malakoz (soft, tender). From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman.", "Marcel Etymology & Historical Origin-Marcel. Marcel is most commonly thought of as the French, German and Polish form of Marcus (Mark), but it is also widely used among other Slavic people. Marcus is the original Latin form of the name Mark or Marcel, and it’s one of the oldest of Roman forenames in existence.arcel is most commonly thought of as the French, German and Polish form of Marcus (Mark), but it is also widely used among other Slavic people. Marcus is the original Latin form of the name Mark or Marcel, and it’s one of the oldest of Roman forenames in existence.", "- Malec is the brand new English spelling for the arabic title meaning King pronounced Mal-ik or believe Alec with an M, because the initial spelling is hijacked by illiterate people trying to pronounce it Maleek. by Larry Report definition; The best ship in the history of the world.", "- Jack and Ralph. Jack represents savagery and the desire for power while Ralph represents... Words: 447 — Pages: 2 Lord Of The Flies Essay represent, as Foster said, ...something else (88).", "Malak - Meaning of Malak [ 2 syll. ma-lak, mal-ak ] The baby girl name Malak is also used as a boy name. It is pronounced Maa-LaeK †. Malak's origin and use are both in the Arabic language. It is derived literally from the word malak with the meaning 'angel'.See Malak for more information. In addition, Malak is a form of the Hungarian, African, Arabic, English, Indian, and Swahili Malika. Forms of Malak include the names Malaek, Malaeka, Malaika, Malaka, Malake, Malakia, Malayk, and Malayka.t is pronounced Maa-LaeK †. Malak's origin and use are both in the Arabic language. It is derived literally from the word malak with the meaning 'angel'. See Malak for more information. In addition, Malak is a form of the Hungarian, African, Arabic, English, Indian, and Swahili Malika.", "Malak In Muslim the meaning of the name Malak is: Angel. Hebrew Meaning: The name Malak is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Malak is: Messenger.", "Malik 1 It is also one of the Names of God in the Qur'an, and is then al-Malik (الملك) or The King, Lord of the Worlds in the absolute sense (denoted by the definite article), meaning the King of Kings, above all earthly rulers.2 Hence, Abdelmelik (servant of [Allah] the King ) is an Arabic male name. It is also one of the Names of God in the Qur'an, and is then al-Malik (الملك) or The King, Lord of the Worlds in the absolute sense (denoted by the definite article), meaning the King of Kings, above all earthly rulers.", "What does Mace mean? Mace /mace/ [1 syll.] as a boys' name is pronounced mayce. It is of Middle English origin, and the meaning of Mace is heavy staff or club.A medieval weapon used by knights to break armor. Short form of names like Macy and Mason; also an English surname that may be a form of Matthew.Macerio may be a variant of Makarios (Greek), a saint's name. medieval weapon used by knights to break armor. Short form of names like Macy and Mason; also an English surname that may be a form of Matthew. Macerio may be a variant of Makarios (Greek), a saint's name.", "Malcolm - Meaning of Malcolm Malcolm is used chiefly in the English and Scottish languages, and it is derived from Celtic origins. The name's meaning is disciple of Saint Columba. It is derived from the element 'mael' meaning disciple, prince, chief.", "- Mackey Name Meaning. Pronounced with the stress on the first syllable, this is Irish, an Anglicized form of Gaelic O ó ‘macdha descendant Of’, macdha a personal name ‘meaning’, ‘virile’.Manly with the stress on the second, syllable it is a variant Of scottish And McKay. mckaylick on a circle in the chart to view Mackey immigration records. You can find out when most of the Mackey families immigrated to the United States. You can focus your search to immigration records dating from that era.", "Melek Meaning Melek is generally used as a girl's name. It consists of 5 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Me-lek. In the U.S. in 2014, it ranked 10587 in baby name popularity for girls with 10 occurrences.Less than 5 boys were given the name.View the Melek Name Popularity Page to see how the popularity trend for Melek has changed since 1880, or to compare the popularity of Melek to other names.n the U.S. in 2014, it ranked 10587 in baby name popularity for girls with 10 occurrences. Less than 5 boys were given the name. View the Melek Name Popularity Page to see how the popularity trend for Melek has changed since 1880, or to compare the popularity of Melek to other names." ]
[ 15.3828125 ]
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how much sugar per day for adults
[ "- The recommended sugar intake for adult women is 22 grams of sugar per day, for adult men, it’s 36 grams daily, and for children, it’s 12 grams a day." ]
[ "How Many Grams of Sugar per Day? Teens should consume about 5 to 8 teaspoons or about 20-32 g of sugar maximally per day. Preschoolers should consume 4 teaspoons or about 16 grams of sugar maximally per day. Kids aged 4 to 8 should consume about 3 teaspoons or about 12 g of sugar maximally per day.", "How Much Sugar Is Your Body Supposed to Take in a Day? The American Heart Association has specific limits for how much added sugar you should consume in one day. Women should limit added sugar consumption to 6 teaspoons, or about 100 calories.Men should limit sugar intake to 9 teaspoons, or approximately 150 calories.he American Heart Association has specific limits for how much added sugar you should consume in one day. Women should limit added sugar consumption to 6 teaspoons, or about 100 calories.", "How many grams of sugar are appropriate per day for the average adult? 50 grams a day would be too much. The CSPI (Center for Science in the Public Interest) wants the FDA to set a maximum recommended daily intake (Daily Value) for added sugars … of 10 teaspoons (40 grams).", "How Much Sugar Should Someone Consume a Day? This amounts to a max of 37.5 grams of sugar or 150 calories from sugar for men, and 25 grams of sugar or 100 calories from sugar for women.When you’re reading the nutrition facts label, you’ll see the grams of sugar clearly listed under the total carbohydrates.owever, the American Heart Association set a recommended limit, so you don’t get too many extra calories in your diet. Men shouldn't have more than 9 teaspoons daily, while women shouldn't have more than 6 teaspoons.", "How Many Grams of Sugar Per Dayï¼ For an average 2000-calorie diet, the World Health Organization recommends that a maximum of 10% of the total calories come from added sugar. This equates to less than 50 grams of added sugar per day. Women may reduce the daily sugar intake to 17 g per day and men can aim for 25 g per day. 2 Your physician can help you develop a target range for sugar intake. 3 A glucometer is a portable device that measures blood glucose levels.", "How much sugar should I eat a day? Most adults in the United States consume about 22 teaspoons of added sugar a day, which is far more than is recommended by the medical community. The recommendations for sugar consumption are: A can of regular soda contains about 35 grams of added sugar, equivalent to 8.75 teaspoons, or 140 calories.", "- In the last 20 years, the amount of sugar each person consumes yearly in the United States has soared from 26 pounds per person to more than 135 pounds per person. The average teenage male now consumes more than 34 teaspoons of sugar per day.Most of that sugar comes from man-made or refined sugars, which are from cane sugar, beet sugar, corn syrup and corn sugar, especially in the consumption of soft drinks.n the last 20 years, the amount of sugar each person consumes yearly in the United States has soared from 26 pounds per person to more than 135 pounds per person. The average teenage male now consumes more than 34 teaspoons of sugar per day.", "'Eat no more than SEVEN teaspoons of sugar a day': Government advisers tell families to slash intake by HALF (to less than one can of Coke) The Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition reviewed sugar guidelines. Advises adults restrict intake to 30g a day - seven teaspoons or cubes. And for children aged seven to 10 they advise 24g or six sugar cubes a day. Measures are 'vital' to try and combat obesity and diabetes epidemic.", "50g of sugar per day to be healthy? Easier said than done! The World Health Organisation suggests that adults should eat no more than 50 grams of sugar (12 teaspoons) per day to avoid the risks of obesity and tooth decay.The UN body even advises that limiting ourselves to 25 grams – or 5% of our daily energy intake – would provide “additional health benefits.”.urrently, Western European adults consume an average of 101 grams of sugar per day, while in South America the figure rises to 130 grams. Sugar represents around 16-17% of an adult’s daily energy intake in the United Kingdom and Spain.", "- The average American consumes 3 pounds of sugar a week and 130 pounds a year, reports Forbes.com. This is equal to about 3,550 pounds of sugar in a lifetime. The consumption of added sugar accounts for an intake of 500 calories per day, which can cause a weight gain of 1 pound per week.his means that there is no minimum amount you need to take in each day, but there is a maximum. These recommendations are based on gender. Women should limit sugar intake to no more than 6 teaspoons per day, which provides about 100 calories.", "- The World Health Organisation suggests that adults should eat no more than 50 grams of sugar (12 teaspoons) per day to avoid the risks of obesity and tooth decay. The UN body even advises that limiting ourselves to 25 grams – or 5% of our daily energy intake – would provide “additional health benefits.”.", "How much sugar is too much? 1 Children aged 4 to 6 should have no more than 19g or 5 teaspoons of free sugars per day. 2 Children aged 7 to 10 should have no more than 24g or 6 teaspoons of free sugars per day. 3 Children aged 11 years and upwards, as well as adults, should have no more than 30g or 7 teaspoons of free sugar per day.", "50g of sugar per day to be healthy? Easier said than done! Currently, Western European adults consume an average of 101 grams of sugar per day, while in South America the figure rises to 130 grams. Sugar represents around 16-17% of an adult’s daily energy intake in the United Kingdom and Spain. In Portugal that rises to 25%.", "New Guideline: Only 5% Of Your Daily Calories Should Come From Sugar The AHA says that adult women should get 5 teaspoons (20 grams) of sugar per day, adult men 9 teaspoons (36 grams), and children 3 teaspoons (12 grams).", "- 12 teaspoons added sugar for a 2000 calorie per day diet No more than 40 grams per day for a 2000 calorie diet. Remember that the daily limit of 40 grams refers to refined/pro … cessed sugars only. There seems to be no limit on natural sugars, however.", "How Much Sugar Is Recommended Per Day? 1 In Portugal, official dietary recommendations suggested limiting added sugar to 20-30 grams per day. 2 Turkish officials suggested 30 grams for women and 40 for men, or 10% of total calories. 3 Georgia wanted its citizens eating between 50-100 grams of sugar per day.", "Recommended Grams of Sugar Per Day Women should limit sugar intake to no more than 6 teaspoons per day, which provides about 100 calories. Men should limit sugar intake to no more than 9 teaspoons, or about 150 calories.In contrast, the average adult consumes 22 teaspoons per day.omen should limit sugar intake to no more than 6 teaspoons per day, which provides about 100 calories. Men should limit sugar intake to no more than 9 teaspoons, or about 150 calories.", "- This means that there is no minimum amount you need to take in each day, but there is a maximum. These recommendations are based on gender. Women should limit sugar intake to no more than 6 teaspoons per day, which provides about 100 calories.Men should limit sugar intake to no more than 9 teaspoons, or about 150 calories. In contrast, the average adult consumes 22 teaspoons per day.his is equal to about 3,550 pounds of sugar in a lifetime. The consumption of added sugar accounts for an intake of 500 calories per day, which can cause a weight gain of 1 pound per week.", "What is the daily recommended intake for sugar? 12 teaspoons added sugar for a 2000 calorie per day diet. No more than 40 grams per day for a 2000 calorie diet. Remember that the daily limit of 40 grams refers to refined/processed sugars only. There seems to be no limit on natural sugars, however.", "50g of sugar per day to be healthy? Easier said than done! The World Health Organisation suggests that adults should eat no more than 50 grams of sugar (12 teaspoons) per day to avoid the risks of obesity and tooth decay.The UN body even advises that limiting ourselves to 25 grams – or 5% of our daily energy intake – would provide “additional health benefits.”.n Portugal that rises to 25%. So Portuguese adults should be consuming 80% less sugar every day if they are to meet the WHO ’s ultimate recommendation of 5% energy intake (25 grams) of sugar per day.", "- Some people can eat some sugar without harm, while others should avoid it as much as possible. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the maximum amount of added sugars you should eat in a day are (7): 1 Men: 150 calories per day (37.5 grams or 9 teaspoons). Women: 100 calories per day (25 grams or 6 teaspoons).", "How Much Is Too Much? Limit daily sugar to 6 tsps (25 g) for women, 9 tsps (38 g) for men. Yet, the average American consumes 19.5 teaspoons (82 grams) every day. That translates into about 66 pounds of added sugar consumed each year, per person.", "Frequently Asked Questions About Sugar Americans eat about 20 teaspoons of sugar a day according to a report from the 2005–10 NHANES (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey) database. Teens and men consume the most added sugars. Average daily consumption for men: 335 calories, women: 230 calories, boys: 362 calories, girls: 282 calories.", "Sweet Tooth Gone Bad: Why 22 Teaspoons Of Sugar Per Day Is Risky To translate that into a 2,000-calorie-a-day diet, the big sugar eaters were consuming 500 calories a day from sugar — that's 31 teaspoons. Those who tamed their sweet tooth the most, by contrast, were taking in about 160 calories a day from sugar — or about 10 teaspoons per day. Unfortunately, most Americans have a sugar habit that is pushing toward the danger zone. The average American is consuming 22 teaspoons a day.", "How many grams of sugar are appropriate per day for the average adult? 40 grams is the MAXIMUM amount recommended for non-diabetic people and no added sugar, such as granulated sugar, is necessary, since it adds no. Go Log In Sign Up", "- The World Health Organization is dropping its sugar intake recommendations from 10 percent of your daily calorie intake to 5 percent. For an adult of a normal body mass index (BMI), that works out to about 6 teaspoons -- or 25 grams -- of sugar per day.Many people don't realize much of the sugar they take in are hidden in processed foods, according to WHO. A can of soda may contain up to 10 teaspoons or 40 grams of sugar.or an adult of a normal body mass index (BMI), that works out to about 6 teaspoons -- or 25 grams -- of sugar per day.", "How many grams of sugar per day is acceptable? In all any person should only have 12 teaspoons of sugar in a day. to see how much that is: take the amounts per serving from the package of the food you are consuming and div…ide the grams you eat per serving by 4. that will give you your teaspons.", "World Health Organisation recommends adults should have no more than six teaspoons of sugar a day However, to accrue the most health benefits, this figure should actually be as low as 5 per cent. That’s the equivalent of just 25g, or six teaspoons, a day. Currently in the UK the average person gets around 16-17 per cent of their calories from sugar, compared to 11-15 per cent in the US and 7-8 per cent in Hungary and Norway.", "How Many Grams of Sugar Per Dayï¼ For an average 2000-calorie diet, the World Health Organization recommends that a maximum of 10% of the total calories come from added sugar. This equates to less than 50 grams of added sugar per day. The amount of sugar eaten daily can vary based on activity level and overall health. 2 Be sure your physician is aware of any specific dietary modifications. 3 Women may reduce the daily sugar intake to 17 g per day and men can aim for 25 g per day.", "how many grams of sugar per day recommendations vary based on organization for example the world health organization recommends keeping added sugar intake to 10 % of total calories for the average 2000 calorie diet that s a maximum of 50 grams the american heart association recommends 6 teaspoons of sugar for women and 9 for men 1 teaspoon of sugar has about 4g of sugar the primary source of added sugars are soft drinks and other sugar sweetened beverages" ]
[ 15.5859375 ]
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what channel did gossip girl play on
[ "Gossip Girl The success of Gossip Girl led to adaptations outside the United States. The show has received numerous award nominations, winning 18 Teen Choice Awards. The CW officially renewed Gossip Girl for a sixth and final season on May 11, 2012. The final season, consisting of 10 episodes, premiered on October 8, 2012, and ended on December 17, 2012." ]
[ "Blair's exceptance into Yale- Gossip Girl Help? Serena talked to Ms. Carr about the rumor about Ms. Carr & Dan, and told Ms. Carr about Gossip Girl. Ms. Carr told the Head Mistress about Gossip Girl, and the rumor about Ms. Carr, and Blair was expelled.", "The Game Channel The Game Channel was a failed attempted spin-off of The Family Channel (formerly CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network), then Fox Family, then later ABC Family and now Freeform) that was supposedly devoted to both interactive and classic game shows 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, similar to Game Show Network/GSN and to much lesser extent, Buzzr.", "Boy Meets World The show follows Cory and his friends and family through seven seasons, from his middle school days as a pre-pubescent child to his life in college as a married man. The show aired from 1993 to 2000 on ABC, part of the network's TGIF lineup. The entire series has since been released on DVD, as well as on iTunes. A sequel titled Girl Meets World, focusing on Cory and his pre-teen daughter Riley, began airing on Disney Channel on June 27, 2014.", "11 Times Gossip Girl's Real Identity Made Absolutely No Sense That’s not the story Gossip Girl ever committed to telling though. The show wanted to paint Dan both as a sensitive hero who deserves to get the girl(s), and as a master manipulator who’s basically Brooklyn’s answer to The Talented Mr. Ripley.", "âGossip Girlâ Revealed In Series Finale: Which One Of The Main Cast Members Is It? (VIDEO) Yep, Dan was Gossip Girl. He also revealed that Jenny (Taylor Momsen, who made an appearance) knew it was him for a while and lucky for Dan, Serena defended him and in a flash forward, the two ended up marrying.", "Good GirlsMONDAYS 10/9cThe ladies discover a flaw in their business model, and Rio is not happy.WATCH THE LATEST EPISODE Good Girls is produced by Universal Television. CREDITS. Starring Christina Hendricks, Retta, Mae Whitman, Matthew Lillard, Reno Wilson, Manny Montana, Lidya Jewett and Izzy Stannard Created By Jenna Bans Executive Producers Jenna Bans, Jeannine Renshaw, Dean Parisot and Mark Wilding Co-Executive Producers Bill Krebs, Marc Halsey and Jenna Lamia", "Home Welcome to the Gossip Girl: The Next Generation Wiki. Welcome to the Wikia for 'Gossip Girl: The Next Generation'. Here you will find all the ins and outs of your favorite fictional characters from the fanfiction and get spoilers and teasers for up coming chapters. Forum:The Salvatore family.", "The Golden Girls The Golden Girls. The Golden Girls is an American sitcom created by Susan Harris that originally aired on NBC from September 14, 1985, to May 9, 1992, with a total of 180 half-hour episodes spanning over seven seasons. The show stars Beatrice Arthur, Betty White, Rue McClanahan, and Estelle Getty, as four older women who share a home in Miami, Florida. It was produced by Witt/Thomas/Harris Productions, in association with Touchstone Television, and Paul Junger Witt. Tony Thomas, and Harris served as the original", "Selena Gomez Height, Weight, Bra Size, Body Measurements Born and raised in Grand Prairie, Texas, she was first featured on the children's series Barney & Friends in the early 2000s. In 2007, Gomez came to prominence after being cast in the Disney Channel television series Wizards of Waverly Place.", "The Golden Girls The Golden Girls. The Golden Girls is an American live-action television show that originally aired on NBC from September 14, 1985, to May 9, 1992. Starring Bea Arthur, Betty White, Rue McClanahan and Estelle Getty, the show centers on four older women sharing a Miami home.", "Fall TV Preview: Gossip Girl Bosses on the Last Obstacle For 'Chair,' a 'Darker' Dan and More! RELATED | Get the Scoop on Chuck and Blair’s “Steamy” Gossip Girl Encounter! TVLINE | How big a role will Serena and Blair’s friendship play this season? SAVAGE | Blair and Serena’s friendship is really a spine for this whole season.", "- The Golden Girls Fan Club. · June 3, 2012 ·. The Golden Girls come on every morning and every night on the halmart channel where I live at and sometimes they come on the we channel as well. When does the Golden Girls come on where you are at and what channels. Would love to know! :)", "Gossip Girl is Revealed the 3 minutes in the finale that explain who gossip girl is. cameos by rachel bilson, kristen bell, lola, vanessa, juliet, and agnes. - song used is Body of Work by The Mynabirds", "Supergirl in other media Berlanti confirmed the show shortly after, and stated it was in development and had yet to be pitched to networks. On September 20, it was announced that CBS had landed Supergirl with a series commitment, with an expected premiere in 2015 of the 2015–16 television season.", "- Watch full episodes of Gossip Girl and get the latest breaking news, exclusive videos and pictures, episode recaps and much more at TVGuide.com TV Guide Sign In / Up", "- When Gentzler joined News4 in 1989, she was fresh off the crime beat in Philadelphia, eager to sit next to an anchor she’d watched for years. Gentzler began working at NBC4 in 1989, after the departure of Dave Marash.", "Gossip Girl Dorota (Zuzanna Szadkowski) is Blair's primary housekeeper since her youth. Bart Bass (Chuck's father) is a rude and wealthy business man on the upper east side. The success of Gossip Girl led to adaptations outside the United States. The show has received numerous award nominations, winning 18 Teen Choice Awards. The CW officially renewed Gossip Girl for a sixth and final season on May 11, 2012. The final season, consisting of 10 episodes, premiered on October 8, 2012, and ended on December 17, 2012.", "What is number of channel WGN American on direct TV? For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/ayhpx. it's on CBS at 10:00 PM. CBS is usually channel 2, but it depends on your TV provider.", "Gossip Girl (novel series) Published by Alloy Entertainment, the Gossip Girl series has been published in paperback with the twelfth in the series, prequel It Had To Be You, published in hardcover. The first eight books were written by von Ziegesar, while the remaining in the series were ghostwritten. 1 1. Gossip Girl. 2. You Know You Love Me.", "Selena Gomez Her first role was on Barney & Friends as Gianna. Alongside her friend Demi Lovato who played Angela. During this time Selena and Demi became firm friends. Gomez was discovered by Disney in a nation wide talent search when she was 10 years old. After being discovered by Disney, in 2006, she appeared as Gwen in the second season of The Suite Life of Zack & Cody in the episode A Midsummer's Nightmare.", "Who is 'Gossip Girl'? Spoiler alert! Many fans of the CW's Gossip Girl assumed that bad girl Georgina was Gossip Girl herself. Other speculations included Eric, Jenny or Chuck. … But in the season finale in December 2012, Gossip Girl was revealed as Dan Humphrey.", "The Cast Of âGossip Girlâ Had A Reunion You know you love us for showing you this Gossip Girl reunion that took place at the 23rd Annual Elton John AIDS Foundation Academy Awards Viewing Party on Sunday. Cast members Chace Crawford, Jessica Szohr, Michelle Trachtenberg and Kelly Rutherford posed for a photo together, and later met up with Willa Holland. Of course there are some notable absences, including the Queen B and Gossip Girl. Late last year, Lily van der Woodson told HuffPost that she had yet to see Dan aka Penn Badgley's rock band play.", "Gossip Girl Cast Dan Humphrey, who is another teen character of Gossip Girl, is revealed as an outsider becomes a part of the tumultuous Manhattan scene also shown as an ambitious writer with a good heart & morals. Blair Waldorf who is another main Gossip Girls cast is shown as a pretty Queen Bee of the Constance Billard School.", "Avery Carlyle Love the One You're With. Avery Carlyle is a character in Gossip Girl: The Carlyles, a spin-off series to the original Gossip Girl novels. Determined to fill the shoes of her socialite grandmother, Avery understands the power of the right pair of genes.", "- Gossip Girl. Vanessa struggles to maintain peace within the Simmons clan for her fashion show; Angela breaks down. The hip hop heirs are rocked by scandalous rumors; battle lines are drawn when Briana confronts Kristinia.", "Cast Supergirl.tv is here to be your one stop website for all the news, rumors, spoilers, video and media for The CW's Supergirl! We believe that sharing a fandom with other fans is a privilege. We are just as big of fans as you are and there is no reason why we should profit on cherishing a character like you do.", "When Gossip Girl Ruled the World Gossip Girl cast members Jessica Szohr, Penn Badgley, Blake Lively, Chace Crawford, Ed Westwick, Leighton Meester, and Taylor Momsen, photographed by Mark Seliger in Coney Island for V.F.’s August 2008 issue.", "- The Golden Girls: Part 2, How the Show Began & Why It Ended. The pilot episode of The Golden Girls was first aired on Saturday, September 14, 1985 on NBC. The first show was entitled “The Engagement” and centered around Blanche (Rue McClanahan) announcing her engagement to her boyfriend Harry (guest Frank Aletter).", "Goodbye, Rue McClanahan: The Life and Times of the 'Golden Girls' McClanahan is the third Golden Girl to die in recent years, leaving Betty White, who played Rose Nylund, as the last remaining cast member of the iconic show, which ran on NBC from 1985 to 1992. Rue McClanahan", "Gossip Girl This article is about the television series. For the novel series, see Gossip Girl (novel series). For other uses, see Gossip Girl (disambiguation). Gossip Girl is an American teen drama television series based on the book series of the same name written by Cecily von Ziegesar. The series, created by Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage, originally ran on The CW for six seasons from September 19, 2007 to December 17, 2012." ]
[ 12.7421875 ]
[ 5.5625, 2.65625, 3.736328125, 6.40625, 6.27734375, 4.46484375, 5.30078125, 4.625, 3.439453125, 4.5859375, 8.1875, 3.65234375, 6.05078125, 4.3359375, 9.2109375, 3.119140625, 12.5234375, 4.8984375, 6.58984375, 1.90234375, 10.28125, 7.859375, 6.26171875, 5.62109375, 7.23828125, 3.986328125, 8.6171875, 3.689453125, 2.234375, 14.15625 ]
welding companies in ohio
[ "On Site Cleveland Area Welding Services Cleveland Area Welding Services. M & M Certified Welding has served Northeast Ohio and the surrounding areas for over 25 years with on site and portable welding services. We are conveniently located in Macedonia, Ohio between Cleveland and Akron. M & M specializes in full custom welding and fabricating services, from product design to completion or repair." ]
[ "- With more than 70 years in business and 2,000 years of combined experience among our employees, WELSCO is the welding supply store you can trust for quality products, repairs, installations and other services. Find the nearest location on the map below or contact us about sales and service in your area.", "- Listing of store locations and hours. Verizon Wireless - Fairfield - Store in Hamilton, Ohio (phones wireless communications ) - Location & Hours.", "- If you have an existing roof in the Orlando area and beyond that needs replacing or repaired, Parlament Roofing & Construction is the company that can to it right the first time. We provide the following roofing services: Shingle Roofing; Tile Roofing; Metal Roofing; Thermo Insulated Roof System; Flat Roofing; Soffit and Fascia; Roofing Repairs", "- Orlando Web Design by SwcHost.com. Orlando Auto Upholstery is one of the oldest and most revered auto upholstery companies in the Central Florida area, offering quality auto, marine, motorcycle and commercial upholstery services at a fair price.", "- Page 1 of 4. Please allow us to introduce Westech, which includes our manufacturing. facility, WOTCO INC. Westech offers excellent working conditions and. competitive pay. Westech is known worldwide in the mining and construction. industries for our superior products. Our ever growing customer list includes top Fortune 500 companies and many. major mining and construction O.E.M.’s. Our products have set industry.", "Worthington, Ohio Worthington is a city in Franklin County, Ohio, United States, and is a northern suburb of the larger Columbus. The population was 13,575 at the 2010 census. The city was founded in 1803 by the Scioto Company led by James Kilbourne, who was later elected to the United States House of Representatives, and named in honor of Thomas Worthington, who later became governor of Ohio.", "- Harlingen, TX Aoc Welding Supply. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "Company Overview of Cornerstone Brands, Inc. Company Overview. Cornerstone Brands, Inc. offers catalog products for home, leisure, and casual apparels. The company’s product line ranges from nail clippers, tee-shirts, and silk dresses to armoires, pool floats, gourmet grills, and decorative accent products. It offers products through retail catalog and Internet. The company was founded in 1995 and is headquartered in West Chester, Ohio. Cornerstone Brands, Inc. operates as a subsidiary of Cornerstone Services.", "- Since 1917, the Lincoln Electric Welding School has instructed over 100,000 men and women in the various methods and techniques of safety and arc welding processes.The school is listed by the Ohio State Board of Career Colleges and Schools. Registration Number 71-02-0059T.he Welding School classes and Technical Training programs are conducted at the Lincoln Electric Company Global Headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio. Hours are: Welding School: 8:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Technical Training: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.", "- 1 John Salyers Northern Ohio Valley Territory: OH,PA,MI, IN 3440 U.S. 68 South Xenia, OH 45385 T. M. +1 (937) 479-4988 F. [email protected]. 2 Tencarva Machinery Company (Industrial) Don Wirth Services: Entire State 2460 Remount Rd.", "All Menards Locations All Menards Locations. Recommend us! A family-owned company started in 1958, Menards is headquartered in Eau Claire, Wisconsin and has more than 280 home improvement stores throughout the Midwest 14 states: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin and Wyoming.", "- One may visit the branch location closest to their area or contact through phone and ask about the bank's loans and foreclosure policies. Wells Fargo location in Ohio like Columbus, Springfield, Cleveland, Toledo, Canton, Westlake, Van Wert etc. are given below: 445 Hutchinson Ave 185. Columbus, OH 43235-5677.", "Welding Company in Glendale, CA & all USA! For more information feel free to contact us. A to Z Welding in Glendale, CA is here for all your welding needs! A to Z Welding is a c60 contractor and LA city certified welder. Our services focus on: pipe, light gage, reinforcing, and structural . Welding Services | Aluminum Welding | TIG Welding.", "Sterling Jewelers Sterling Jewelers, Inc. is an American specialty jewelry company headquartered in Akron, Ohio. The company was founded in 1910 by Henry Shaw (the father of Jerry Shaw, the chairman emeritus of Sterling today), from LeRoy's Jewelers in Lorain, Ohio.", "The Wendy's Company Wendy's and The Wendy's Company corporate headquarters. The Wendy's Company (Quality is Our Recipe, LLC) is an American holding company for the major fast food chain, Wendy's. Its headquarters are in Dublin, Ohio. The company was known as Deisel-Wemmer Co. from 1884 to 1929, Deisel-Wemmer-Gilbert Corporation from 1929 to 1946, DWG Cigar Corporation from 1946 to 1966, DWG Corporation from 1966 to 1993, Triarc Companies, Inc. from 1993 to 2008, and Wendy's/Arby's Group, Inc. from 2008 to 2011.", "List of largest Central Ohio employers List of largest Central Ohio employers. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The following is a list of the forty largest employers in the Columbus MSA as of 2016. Asterisks denote companies headquartered locally. Below is a list of the largest employers in the Columbus MSA as of 2004. Major Employers in Columbus (2016 archive) Columbus Chamber of Commerce {{dead link|date=April 2014}}.", "Companies headquartered in Cleveland area If you are relocating to NE Ohio and your other half needs to find employment, one of the best resources to start with is Crain’s Book of Lists which is published very December and lists not only NE Ohio’s largest employers (both public & private) but dozens of industry niche lists like largest law firms, accounting firms, banks, venture capital firms, insurance agencies, software developers, advertising agencies & PR firms, etc. A good investment if one of you is looking for a job in NE Ohio!", "ORBITAL WELDING Browse by. Welder Orbital Welding. ORBITAL WELDING. mechanical contractor who specializes in the construction of bioprocessing systems used for the production of pharmaceutical products, the documentation required to support these installations can easily account for 30% of the total construction labor hours on a project.", "- Headquartered in Solon, Ohio, U.S.A., Swagelok Company is a global developer and provider of high-quality and reliable fluid system solutions including products, assemblies and services for the research, instrumentation, process, oil and gas, power, petrochemical, alternative fuels, and semiconductor industries.oin a team of people who live out Swagelok quality, integrity, and respect every day. Our Northeast Ohio locations have opportunities available in manufacturing, engineering, and other areas. Visit our Careers section now to see all opportunities and apply on-line.", "- However, the industrial and manufacturing sectors could not exist without the equipment, structures, and resources created by industrial fabrication, and in turn industrial fabrication as we know it could not exist without welding. Let’s take a look at how welding serves industrial fabrication as well as the different types of welding services.", "Weller Pottery In 1872, Samuel A. Weller founded Weller Pottery in Fultonham, Ohio, United States. Originally, his business consisted of a small cabin and one beehive kiln, and Weller produced flower pots, bowls, crocks, and vases. By 1905, Weller Pottery was the largest pottery in the country. It mass-produced art pottery until about 1920, and it produced commercial lines until the pottery closed in 1948.", "- All Rights Reserved. THE MINCO GROUP, consisting of ALL SERVICE PLASTIC MOLDING, INC and MINCO TOOL AND MOLD, INC is located in Dayton, Ohio, USA. The Minco Group is a one-stop-shop provider of thermoplastic solutions specializing in product design, tooling, molding and manufacturing.", "Vorteq Coil Finishers, LLC Vorteq Coil Finishers is located in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. This organization primarily operates in the Coating of Metals and Formed Products business / industry within the Fabricated Metal Products sector. This organization has been operating for approximately 4 years.", "- 7187 Amstutz RoadShiloh, Ohio 44878419-896-2982Family Owned and Operated since 1995 If you haven't made it out to Blooming Grove Sewing yet, we want to personally invite you to check out our full line of Bernina stock including machines, parts, accessories, and threads. Have a used machine?", "- Welder QPS Employment Group has a great opportunity available for a <strong>Welder</strong> at a company in Franklin, WI. This is a temp to hire position. 3.4 50 Reviews QPS Employment Group.", "- AOC Welding Supply. 1 2420 E Tyler AveHarlingen, TX 78550. 2 8600 E Harrison AveHarlingen, TX 78550. 3 3423 S Expressway 83Harlingen, TX 78550. 4 518 S Commerce StHarlingen, TX 78550. 5 713 W Jackson StHarlingen, TX 78550. 6 713 E Jackson StHarlingen, TX 78550. 7 714 E Van Buren AveHarlingen, TX 78550. 8 3557 E 14th StBrownsville, TX 78521.", "A No-Sweat Work Shirt? No Sweat Kevin Lavelle, top left, and Web Smith in their Mizzen & Main shop in Columbus, Ohio, which sells their sweat-absorbing work shirts. Credit Ty William Wright for The New York Times.", "Northeast Ohio's Top Workplaces 2014: The list Northeast Ohio's Top Workplaces 2014: The list. Keller Williams. Realtor Amanda Pohlman laughs with Amanda Malone, left, and Graham Pritchard all of Keller Williams,towards the end of her Shaker Heights open house on May 18. Keller Williams topped the list of winning large employers in The Plain Dealer’s 2014 Top Workplaces. CLEVELAND -- For the fifth straight year, WorkplaceDynamics has ranked the top workplaces in Northeast Ohio. Based on employee nominations and surveys, this year's list includes 100 companies in three divisions.", "- Learn more about 13 welding schools and colleges in Grants Pass, Salem, Astoria, Pendleton, Klamath Falls, Eugene, Roseburg, and 10 more cities. Around 200 welding degrees are granted each academic year. Average tuition for welding programs in OR is around $7,200.", "Graduate Within 12-18 Months Welding and Fabrication Technology OTC is outfitted with the latest welding equipment. Our professional classes will prepare you for a rewarding career. Ohio Technical College: Ohio State Board of Career Colleges & Schools Reg. PowerSport Institute: Ohio State Board of Career Colleges & Schools Reg." ]
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modification of mortgage note
[ "Mortgage modification Mortgage modification. Mortgage modification is a process where the terms of a mortgage are modified outside the original terms of the contract agreed to by the lender and borrower (i.e. mortgagee and mortgagor in mortgage states; Trustee and Trustor in Trust Deed states)." ]
[ "What's the difference between a mortgage assignment and an endorsement (transfer) of the note? Enter Your Zip Code to Connect with a Lawyer Serving Your Area. When you take out a loan to purchase a home, you are required to sign two documents: a promissory note and a mortgage (or deed of trust). Assignments and endorsements are the ways that these documents are transferred between banks. Read on to learn the difference between an assignment of mortgage (or deed of trust) and an endorsement of the note.", "- A loan modification is a permanent restructuring of the mortgage where one or more of the terms of a borrower's loan are changed to provide a more affordable payment. With a loan modification, the lender may agree to do one of more of the following to reduce your monthly payment: reduce the interest rate.", "Common Mortgage Servicer Violations in Loan Modifications With a loan modification, the lender may agree to do one of more of the following to reduce your monthly payment: reduce the interest rate; convert from a variable interest rate to a fixed interest rate, or; extend of the length of the term of the loan. Generally, to be eligible for a loan modification, you must: show that you cannot make your current mortgage payment due to a financial hardship; complete a trial period to demonstrate you can afford the new monthly amount, and", "- Borrowers who are behind on their mortgage payment, or soon expect to be, and who wish to obtain a loan modification from their lender, may choose to negotiate on their own behalf. There are several reasons borrowers would to do their own negotiation. They are: Problems with finding a reputable loan modification company.", "- 1 Mortgage modifications may start with a required three-month trial period. 2 A loan may be reported as delinquent during a trial period. Loan servicers typically will suspend foreclosure during a trial period.", "- This is not the Note rate for which the borrower applied. percentage terms taking into account various loan charges of which interest is only one such charge. and other credit costs). rate higher than the interest rate shown on your Mortgage/Deed of Trust Note.", "- Notes on rates for jumbo mortgage loans. If you are seeking a mortgage in excess of $417,000, recent legislation may enable lenders in certain locations to provide rates that are different from those shown in the table below.", "- Define mortgage. mortgage synonyms, mortgage pronunciation, mortgage translation, English dictionary definition of mortgage. n. 1. A loan for the purchase of real property, secured by a lien on the property. 2. The document specifying the terms and conditions of the repayment of...", "What Does Index Rate Mean in Mortgage Loans? How an Index Works. At every adjustment period -- 6 months, one year, two years -- specified in your mortgage, your lender recalculates your interest rate based on your index and your margin. Your margin, also specified in your mortgage note, is the percentage added to your index value to determine your interest rate for the coming period. For example, if your index equals three percent 45 to 60 days before adjustment date, and your margin is four percent, your new interest rate will be seven percent.", "Managed Pharmacy Benefit Services Agreement Obligors have requested that Lender agree to a modification of the Loan on the terms. and conditions hereinafter contained. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, and the undertakings herein. including the payment by the Obligors to the Lender of the amounts set forth in this Agreement, and.", "- Get a trial run. 1 Mortgage modifications may start with a required three-month trial period. 2 A loan may be reported as delinquent during a trial period. Loan servicers typically will suspend foreclosure during a trial period.", "- Use this term in a sentence. “ 1 The assignment of mortgage was included in the evidence presented to the court during the chapter 13 bankruptcy case yesterday. ”. “ 2 When they decided to sell their home after thirty years of living their, they had to pass over an assignment of mortgage to the ecstatic new owners. ”.", "mortgage Mortgage. A legal document by which the owner (i.e., the buyer) transfers to the lender an interest in real estate to secure the repayment of a debt, evidenced by a mortgage note.", "What is MORTGAGE NOTE? What is MORTGAGE NOTE? As a part of a mortgage agreement this type of promissory note states the loan's amount and duration, the applicable interest rate, and makes the signatory personally liable for full loan repayment according to the agreement's terms. How To Write A Promissory Note.", "Adjustable-rate mortgage For example, a mortgage interest rate may be specified in the note as being LIBOR plus 2%, 2% being the margin and LIBOR being the index. The final way to apply an index is on a movement basis. In this scheme, the mortgage is originated at an agreed upon rate, then adjusted based on the movement of the index.", "- January 14, 2011, Ocwen advised Stancik that the amount payable under the note and. mortgage was $64,689.91, but that he qualified for a “special streamlined loan. modification” that would reduce his mortgage payment to $299.61 per month and lower. the interest rate.", "Mortgage note Like bonds, mortgage notes offer investors a stream of payments over a period of time. Mortgage notes are traded on the secondary market whole or as part of a mortgage-backed security. Unlike bonds, mortgage note prices are quoted as a percentage figure, e.g. 95 for 95%.", "- • Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Standard Modification • FHA loan modifications (including FHA‐HAMP and mods with a “partial claim”) • “In‐house” modifications with HAMP‐like underwriting requirements Distinguish from other “modifications” and related foreclosure prevention options: • “Straight‐capitalization” –no change to the contractual terms of the loan • Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Streamline modifications –no underwriting • Temporary modification – interest rate returns to the contractual rate after time • Forbearance – portion of payment is deferred for a time period but is still owed", "Loan Modification How a loan modification could help. 1 You avoid a foreclosure sale. Even if one is already scheduled, we may be able to postpone it while we review your information. 2 You make lower payments. Your modified payment amount is based on your current financial situation and takes your hardship into account.", "Join Law Insider Definition of Material Modification Material Modification means, with respect to any Receivable, a reduction in the interest rate, an extension of the term, a reduction in, or change in frequency of, any required Payment or extension of a Payment Date (other than a temporary modification made in accordance with the Underwriting Policies) or a reduction in the Outstanding Principal Balance.", "Student Loan Repayment after Graduation, Leaving School, and Before Entering the Work Force Public and private loan programs serve vital roles for university, community college, and graduate school students, but repayment is a condition of borrowing. Your Master Promissory Note forges a legal agreement between you and your lender, which establishes your commitment to pay the money back – with interest.", "Is this a valid Allonge to Mortgage Note? Is this a valid Allonge to Mortgage Note? Allonge to Mortgage Note involved in a foreclosure issue is neither dated, nor notarized. Lender A executed in favor of Lender B. Botton of note has blank endorsement from Lender B, signed by a VP.", "Selling Guide Note: The appraisal update must occur within the four months that precede the date of the note and mortgage. The original appraiser should complete the appraisal update; however, lenders may use substitute appraisers.", "Common Mortgage Servicer Violations in Loan Modifications In a loan modification, the lender may agree to do one of more of the following: 1 reduce the interest rate. 2 reduce the principal balance. 3 convert from a variable interest rate to a fixed interest rate, or. extend of the length of the term of the loan.", "When is your mortgage payment late? Your mortgage or deed of trust specifies the terms of your mortgage including the loan amount, interest rate, payment due date and late fee amounts and due dates. The late fee is typically calculated as a percentage of your mortgage payment.", "- There are a variety of loan modification programs out there. The ones you might be eligible for is determined by whether your mortgage servicer participates in them and the entity that owns or guarantees your mortgage. Remember, all loan modifications are subject to the lender or mortgage servicer's discretion.", "What's the difference between a mortgage assignment and an endorsement (transfer) of the note? To fully understand the difference between an assignment of mortgage (or deed of trust) and endorsement of the note, you must understand the basic terms and documents involved in a residential mortgage transaction. Mortgagee and mortgagor. In a mortgage, a “mortgagee” is the lender.", "Ready To Talk to A Coach? How Government Loan Modification Programs Work. The purpose of a mortgage modification is to get your monthly payment to a more affordable level. An “affordable” mortgage payment is typically defined as 31% of the borrower’s monthly gross income.", "What's the difference between a mortgage assignment and an endorsement (transfer) of the note? When you take out a loan to purchase a home, you are required to sign two documents: a promissory note and a mortgage (or deed of trust). Assignments and endorsements are the ways that these documents are transferred between banks.", "- Promissory Notes. To fully understand the difference between a mortgage and a deed of trust, you must first understand promissory notes. Homebuyers usually think of the mortgage or deed of trust as the contract they are signing with the lender to borrow money to purchase a house. But that's actually not the case." ]
[ 14.6796875 ]
[ 5.63671875, 12.6171875, 9.9609375, 9.03125, 9.796875, 6.35546875, 3.515625, 2.828125, 4.80078125, 9.109375, 9.40625, 1.9658203125, 6.92578125, 8.6875, 5.3671875, 11.03125, 8.3203125, 7.15234375, 7.39453125, 7.61328125, 1.0634765625, 5.7734375, 5.9921875, 9.8984375, 3.9765625, 9.2421875, 5.2734375, 11.03125, 6.19140625, 5.2578125 ]
pancreatitis causes
[ "Pancreatitis - Cause Most attacks of pancreatitis are caused by gallstones that block the flow of pancreatic enzymes or by excessive amounts of alcohol. Sudden (acute) pancreatitis may happen after a drinking binge or after many episodes of heavy drinking. Other causes of acute pancreatitis are: Infections, including mumps." ]
[ "- Pancreatitis is a disease process with multiple triggers that may cause activation of proteases within the pancreas. It is rare in children, and the causes are more varied in children than in adults (70 to 80 percent of adult cases are related to either alcohol intake or gallstones). In about 25 percent of childhood cases, the etiology is unknown, but trauma, multisystem disease and drugs account for most identified causes. 1.", "Dog Pancreatitis Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment In rare cases, a tumor in the pancreas causes pancreatitis. In most cases, the cause of pancreas problems in dogs is never found. In people, pancreatitis is most commonly caused by alcohol abuse. Acute Pancreatitis in Dogs. Acute pancreatitis can be extremely painful for dogs, and is life-threatening if the inflammation spreads to surrounding organs and tissues. If your dog is female, old, or obese, they are at higher risk for developing acute pancreatitis.", "- Pancreatitis in children is uncommon, but can be. the cause of significant morbidity. We undertook this study. to review recent changes in the management of pediatric. pancreatitis. Between 1974 and 1992, 57 cases of pan-. creatitis in children up to 19 years of age were treated at our. institution. The etiologies were quite diverse and included. idiopathic, traumatic, drug-related, biliary, congenital, and. alcoholic causes. The diagnosis of pancreatitis was made. from the clinical presentation and laboratory values in most. cases.", "Pancreatitis The most common causes of acute pancreatitis are gallstones and heavy alcohol use. Other causes include direct trauma, certain medications, infections such as mumps, and tumors among others. Chronic pancreatitis may develop as a result of acute pancreatitis. It is most commonly due to many years of heavy alcohol use.ymptoms of pancreatitis include pain in the upper abdomen, nausea and vomiting. The pain often goes into the back and is usually severe. In acute pancreatitis a fever may occur and symptoms typically resolve in a few days. In chronic pancreatitis weight loss, fatty stool, and diarrhea may occur.", "Pancreatitis caused by gallstones Gallstones are a common cause of pancreatitis. Gallstones, produced in the gallbladder, can block the bile duct, stopping pancreatic enzymes from traveling to the small intestine and forcing them back into the pancreas.", "Misdiagnosis of Chronic Pancreatitis Causes of Chronic Pancreatitis may include these medical conditions: 1 Alcoholism - the majority of chronic pancreatitis cases are caused by alcohol. 2 Alcoholic pancreatitis. 3 Pancreas pseudocysts. Pancreas trauma (type of Pancreas 1 conditions) Cystic fibrosis. more causes...».", "What could be the cause of diarrhea after waking up every day? What are some symptoms of pancreatitis? 1 severe pain in the upper abdomen. 2 sometimes pain in the back or other areas. 3 swollen and tender abdomen. 4 nausea, vomiting. 5 fever. 6 increased pulse rate.", "Acute Pancreatitis Indirect causes of acute pancreatitis include: 1 cystic fibrosis, which is a serious condition that affects your lungs, liver, and pancreas. 2 Kawasaki disease, which is a disease that occurs in children younger than age 5. 3 viral infections, such as the mumps and mycoplasma pneumonia.", "Pancreatitis - Cause Acute pancreatitis. Most attacks of pancreatitis are caused by gallstones that block the flow of pancreatic enzymes or by excessive amounts of alcohol. Sudden (acute) pancreatitis may happen after a drinking binge or after many episodes of heavy drinking. Other causes of acute pancreatitis are: 1 Infections, including mumps.", "Canine pancreatitis Although there can be various causes of dog pancreatitis, such as drugs, fatty diet, trauma, etc., the pathophysiology is very complex. Pancreatitis can be idiopathic; no real causation factor can be found.", "Pancreatitis (Symptoms, Diet, Treatment) 1 The major risk factors for pancreatitis are heavy alcohol consumption and a history of gallstones; they cause about 80%-90% of pancreatitis; other factors such as genetics and medications may increase an individual's risk.", "- The most common cause of acute pancreatitis is stones in the gallbladder. Gallstones pass through the common bile duct to enter the small intestine. At the entry of the small intestine, the main pancreatic duct joins or lies immediately next to the common bile duct.", "Pancreatitis - Cause Chronic pancreatitis. Excessive alcohol use is the most common cause of ongoing pancreatitis (chronic pancreatitis). Other causes of chronic pancreatitis include cystic fibrosis or a blockage in the pancreas. Chronic pancreatitis may run in families. And smoking cigarettes seems to increase the risk for this disease.", "- 1 Unlike acute, or short-term, pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis doesn’t get better over time. Alcohol abuse is the most frequent cause of chronic pancreatitis, but autoimmune diseases, gallstones, cystic fibrosis, and several other conditions can also cause it.", "Pancreatitis Severe acute pancreatitis can be life threatening. In chronic pancreatitis, permanent damage occurs to the pancreas and its function, often leading to fibrosis (scarring). What causes pancreatitis? The most common causes of pancreatitis include the following: Gallstones that block the pancreatic duct", "Acute Pancreatitis Other factors that sometimes can cause pancreatitis include: 1 Use of any of a wide variety of medications, such as. Sulfa drugs. 2 Abdominal surgery. 3 Severe trauma. Metabolic conditions, such as high blood levels of calcium or 1 triglycerides. Some infections, such as mumps or viral hepatitis.", "- Acute pancreatitis is usually caused by drinking too much alcohol or by gallstones. A gallstone can block the pancreatic duct, trapping digestive enzymes in the pancreas and causing pancreatitis. Some prescription drugs, pancreatic or intestinal abnormalities, abdominal trauma, or surgery can also cause pancreatitis. In some cases, recurrent pancreatitis is hereditary and caused by mutations in genes.", "- Chronic pancreatic inflammation and damage to the pancreas increase the risk of developing pancreatic cancer. The risk is particularly high in people with hereditary pancreatitis who also smoke, use alcohol, have type 1 diabetes mellitus, or have a family history of cancer.hen hereditary pancreatitis is caused by mutations in the PRSS1 gene, it is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern, which means one copy of the altered gene in each cell is sufficient to cause the disorder. In some cases, an affected person inherits the PRSS1 gene mutation from one affected parent.", "Sudden onset of pancreatitis The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Sudden onset of pancreatitis. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms. Cholelithiasis. Pancreatitis due to alcohol abuse. Medication( azathioprine, thiazides, NSAIDs) related pancreatitis.", "- An attack of pancreatitis may be triggered by an alcoholic binge or by an excessively large meal. Many other conditions can also cause acute pancreatitis. For some people, acute pancreatitis is hereditary. Gene mutations that predispose people to developing acute pancreatitis have been identified.", "- approximated to be 0.5-1 per 100 000 adults annually [9]. The occurrence of pseudocyst parallels that of pancreatitis and the etiology of pseudocysts resembles the causes of pancreatitis closely, and it is more common after alcohol-induced than after non-alcohol-related pancreatitis. Alcohol-related pancreatitis appears to be the major cause in studies from countries where alcohol", "- A number of infectious agents have been recognized as causes of pancreatitis including: 1 Viruses Coxsackie virus. 2 Bacteria Legionella. 3 Fungi Aspergillus. 4 Parasites Ascaris.", "- Pancreatitis in children is uncommon and represents a diagnostic challenge for clinicians. Although most adult cases of pancreatitis are caused by alcohol abuse or gallstone disease, the etiology for pancreatitis in children is diverse. The predominant causes include abdominal trauma (23%), anomalies of the pancreaticobiliary system (15%), multisystem disease (14%), drugs and toxins (12%), viral infections (10%), hereditary disorders (2%), and metabolic disorders (2%).", "Pancreatitis caused by gallstones Pancreatitis caused by gallstones Gallstones are a common cause of pancreatitis. Gallstones, produced in the gallbladder, can block the bile duct, stopping pancreatic enzymes from traveling to the small intestine and forcing them back into the pancreas.", "Chronic Pancreatitis Other causes of chronic pancreatitis are: hereditary disorders of the pancreas; cystic fibrosis-the most common inherited disorder leading to chronic pancreatitis; hypercalcemia-high levels of calcium in the blood; hyperlipidemia or hypertriglyceridemia-high levels of blood fats; some medicines; certain autoimmune conditions; unknown causes; Hereditary pancreatitis can present in a person younger than age 30, but it might not be diagnosed for several years.", "Pancreatitis caused by gallstones Gallstones are a common cause of pancreatitis. Gallstones, produced in the gallbladder, can block the bile duct, stopping pancreatic enzymes from traveling to the small intestine and forcing them back into the pancreas. The enzymes then begin to irritate the cells of the pancreas, causing the inflammation associated with pancreatitis.", "Pancreatitis Acute pancreatitis is usually caused by gallstones or by drinking too much alcohol, but these aren’t the only causes. If alcohol use and gallstones are ruled out, other possible causes of pancreatitis should be carefully examined so that appropriate treatment – if available – can begin.", "- Other pancreas symptoms include fever, low back pain, nausea, vomiting, and yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice). Pancreatitis, or inflammation of the pancreas, is the most common cause of pancreas symptoms.Common causes of pancreatitis include gallstones that form in the nearby gallbladder and travel to the pancreas via the common bile duct; long-term, heavy alcohol use; and certain conditions such as cystic fibrosis.ancreas symptoms occur when the pancreas is diseased or has sustained damage or injury. The pancreas is a gland located behind the stomach that plays a key part in the digestive process.", "pancreatitis There are a number of causes of acute pancreatitis. The most common, however, are gallbladder disease and alcoholism. These two diseases are responsible for more than 80% of all hospitalizations for acute pancreatitis. Other factors in the development of pancreatitis include:", "Pancreatitis The most common causes of acute pancreatitis are gallstones and heavy alcohol use. Other causes include direct trauma, certain medications, infections such as mumps, and tumors among others. Chronic pancreatitis may develop as a result of acute pancreatitis.It is most commonly due to many years of heavy alcohol use.n those with gallstones the gallbladder is often also removed. In chronic pancreatitis, in addition to the above, temporary feeding through a nasogastric tube may be used to provide adequate nutrition. Long-term dietary changes and pancreatic enzyme replacement may be required." ]
[ 15.296875 ]
[ 12.9140625, 13.4453125, 9.9765625, 14.125, 13.5859375, 12.9765625, 13.2734375, 13.8984375, 15.1171875, 12.546875, 13.1640625, 13.8671875, 14.8125, 13.90625, 13.3125, 14.0703125, 14.953125, 11.5, 12.703125, 13.171875, 10.7890625, 13.921875, 13.328125, 14.21875, 13.4375, 13.59375, 14.2421875, 11.328125, 13.609375, 14.65625 ]
state plan definition
[ "State Plan Documents 1. Medicaid State Plan Documents. A State Plan is a contract between a state and the Federal Government describing how that state administers its Medicaid program. It gives an assurance that a state abides by Federal rules and may claim Federal matching funds for its Medicaid program activities." ]
[ "- Home State Health Benefits Health plan benefits give you access to the care you need to keep you healthy. Learn more about the healthcare benefits our members receive.", "Principles of Management There are many approaches to strategic planning, but typically one of the following is used: Situation-Target-Proposal: Situation – Evaluate the current situation and how it came about. Target – Define goals and/or objectives (sometimes called ideal state). Path/Proposal – Map a possible route to the goals/objectives.", "James Madison, Father of the U.S. Constitution The Virginia Plan. Original Text of the Virginia Plan (1787). The Virginia Plan was a proposal by Virginia delegates for a bicameral legislative branch. The document is important for its role in setting the stage for the convention and, in particular, for creating the idea of representation according to population.", "- Examples of plan in a sentence. 1 the army's plan of attack. 2 We need to agree on a plan of action. 3 Our plan was to have the guests park on the street, not the lawn. When we met them at the restaurant, they said there had been a change of 1 plan. He changed his long-distance plan.", "- Definition of State Contract at C.G.S.< 9-612(g)(1)(C): For: (i) rendition of services; (ii) furnishing of any goods, material, supplies, equipment or any. item of any kind (iii) construction, alteration, or repair of any public building or public work;", "What Is State Government? - Powers, Responsibilities & Challenges Each of the 50 states has a state government system. Several states had a state constitution and an organized government even before the U.S. had its Constitution. A state constitution is a document that lays down governmental structure, political processes, and limitations on the use of power by a state.", "state coffers definition, state coffers meaning | English dictionary state of affairs definition, state of affairs meaning | English dictionary. state. 9 often cap one of a number of areas or communities having their own governments and forming a federation under a sovereign government, as in the U.S. n a state consisting of a sovereign city and its dependencies.", "New Jersey Plan The plan proposed the following: 1 The Articles of Confederation should be amended. 2 In addition to the existing powers under the Articles of Confederation, Congress gained authority to raise funds via tariffs and other measures, and to regulate interstate commerce and commerce with other nations.", "State government A state government (provincial government in Canada) is the government of a country subdivision in a federal form of government, which shares political power with the federal or national government.he United States and Australia are the main examples of federal systems in which the term state is used for the subnational components of the federation. In addition, the Canadian provinces fulfil a similar role.", "- The Virginia Plan was a plan that proposed a government that would have three branches. The first branch was the legislature, which made the laws. The second branch was the ex … ecutive branch and they enforced the laws. The third branch was the judiciary branch, which interpreted the laws.", "State Plans State Plans must set workplace safety and health standards that are at least as effective as as OSHA standards. Many State Plans adopt standards identical to OSHA.", "Virginia Plan The Virginia Plan (also known as the Randolph Plan, after its sponsor, or the Large-State Plan) was a proposal by Virginia delegates for a bicameral legislative branch. The plan was drafted by James Madison while he waited for a quorum to assemble at the Constitutional Convention of 1787.he Virginia Plan proposed a legislative branch consisting of two chambers (bicameral legislature), with the dual principles of rotation in office and recall applied to the lower house of the national legislature.", "state Definition of state for Students. 1 1 : manner or condition of being Steam is water in the gaseous state. 2 2 : a body of people living in a certain territory under one government : the government of such a body of people. 3 3 : one of the divisions of a nation having a federal government the United States of America.", "The Great Compromise of 1787 Delegates from the larger, more populous states favored the Virginia Plan, which called for each state to have a different number of representatives based on the state’s population.", "state [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. b: the overall physical condition of something: the ability of something to be used, enjoyed, etc. The museum restored the painting to its original state. [= condition ]. The building is in such a sorry state that it's hardly worth fixing.", "State OSHA Programs State safety and health programs. State plans are OSHA-approved job safety and health programs operated by individual states instead of Federal OSHA. The OSH Act encourages states to develop and operate their own job safety and health plans and precludes state enforcement of OSHA standards unless the state has an approved plan. OSHA approves and monitors all state plans. The state plans must be at least as effective as Federal OSHA requirements.", "The Great Compromise? The smaller states were in favor of The New Jersey Plan, which was proposed by William Paterson. In many ways this plan resembled our current plan of government, The Articles of Confederation. This plan proposed a one-house national legislature with representatives selected by state legislatures.", "West Virginia State Medicaid Plan West Virginia State Medicaid Plan. Medicaid State Plan Under Title XIX of the Social Security Act Medical Assistance Program. The West Virginia Medicaid State Plan is a comprehensive written document that describes he nature and scope of the Medicaid program.", "What is the Virginia Plan? Also known as the Large-State Plan, the Virginia Plan was the ideathat opposed the New-Jersey Plan in that it expressed the idea thatrepresentation for the New Legislature sho…uld be based off ofpopulation (which would favor larger states) rather than have equalrepresentation for the states.", "plan 2. plan-make plans for something; He is planning a trip with his family. cerebrate, cogitate, think-use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments; I've been thinking all day and getting nowhere.", "State Plans State Plans have the option to promulgate standards covering hazards not addressed by OSHA standards. A State Plan must conduct inspections to enforce its standards, cover state and local government workers, and operate occupational safety and health training and education programs.", "- Furthermore, especially in American English, the concepts of the state and the government may be used synonymously to refer to the person or group of people exercising authority over a politically organized territory.", "Nation state The model of the nation state implies that its population constitutes a nation, united by a common descent, a common language and many forms of shared culture. When the implied unity was absent, the nation state often tried to create it.he specific combination of 'nation' ('people') and 'state' expressed in such terms as the Voelkische Völkische staat and implemented in laws such as the 1935 nuremberg laws made fascist states such as Early Nazi germany qualitatively different from-non fascist nation. states", "Business plan (Discuss) Proposed since March 2015. Strategic planning is an organization 's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy. It may also extend to control mechanisms for guiding the implementation of the strategy.", "Washington State's Plan for Youth Suicide Prevention 2009 Washington State's Plan for Youth Suicide Prevention 2009. 8.5x11 booklet. This publication is a five-year state plan that encourages stakeholders across Washington State to work collectively and collaboratively to prevent youth suicide using common goals and objectives. It is based on promising practices, the Spectrum of Prevention model, and is informed by suicide-related data. 6th to 9th grade.", "Solid Waste Management Planning The State Plan represents Ohio's plan for reducing the state's reliance on landfills for the management of solid waste generated in the state. This page is intended as an information clearinghouse for solid waste management districts (SWMDs) and others with interest in solid waste management in Ohio. 1 Resources.", "state 2. State is that quality which belongs to a person in society, and which secures to, and imposes upon him different rights and duties in consequence of the difference of that quality. 3. Although all men come from the hands of nature upon an equality, yet there are among them marked differences.", "Pension A traditional defined benefit (DB) plan is a plan in which the benefit on retirement is determined by a set formula, rather than depending on investment returns. Government pensions such as Social Security in the United States are a type of defined benefit pension plan.", "- a state plan must provide that the state will pay for services furnished in another state to the same extent that it would pay for services furnished within its boundaries if the services are furnished to a recipient who is a resident of the state and any of the following conditions is met", "Covert Action: An Effective Instrument of U.S. Foreign Policy? balance of power than had been contemplated.' The United States has moved. in the opposite direction; here the constitutional plan was one of states'. rights, but the result has been strong central government. The degree of central government power is not the only difference. between the systems." ]
[ 16.046875 ]
[ 7.1875, 7.3046875, 6.37890625, 4.33984375, 4.96875, 5.7578125, 3.65234375, 4.35546875, 7.890625, 6.19140625, 13.1953125, 8.6484375, 7.16015625, 5.26953125, 4.69140625, 14.3125, 5.86328125, 11.9609375, 8.953125, 6.20703125, 13.53125, 5.84375, 3.896484375, 7.29296875, 10.359375, 12.640625, 6.48828125, 6.6640625, 11.5625, 4.20703125 ]
what does liposuction cost
[ "Liposuction Cost Liposuction Cost. Liposuction and laser liposuction is most commonly done on the abdominal/belly area. The cost of liposuction at most centers is usually between $4,000-$7,000 to do the full abdominal area.", "Liposuction Guide: Top Questions & Answers How much does liposuction cost? The average cost of liposuction ranges anywhere between $2,000 and $8,000, depending on factors like the number of areas being treated, the experience of the plastic surgeon, and the geographical location where the procedure is performed." ]
[ "Inner Thigh Lipo: Will You Be Able to Show Off Your Sexy Legs? See If You Qualify! The typical inner thigh AND knee liposuction cost is $2000-$5000, with prices varying from one geographical area to another-expect to pay more if you live in an affluent or exclusive area. Since thigh liposuction is an extensive surgery, you’ll typically undergo general anesthesia.", "Liposuction Cost Liposuction and laser liposuction is most commonly done on the abdominal/belly area. The cost of liposuction at most centers is usually between $4,000-$7,000 to do the full abdominal area. American Lipo Centers makes liposuction affordable for everyone! At American Lipo Centers, we typically charge $2500 per area. We will sometimes have a liposuction discount promotion where one area of the abs costs between $1650 and $2050, two areas of the abs costs between $2500-$3000 and three areas of the abs cost between $3000-$3500.", "- Liposuction Cost-Sono Bello. With pricing starting at $1295 per location, our liposcution costs are generally lower than other providers because body contouring is all we do.", "Cost of Laser Liposuction 1 Most of the time anesthesia alone costs anywhere between $500 to $1,000 depending on the procedure which is being performed. 2 When you speak with your surgeon, you will be able to get a much better idea of how much everything will cost you.", "Liposuction The costs for liposuction vary. Each person presents a unique situation, so an in-person consultation is needed to get an accurate liposuction price estimate. Nevertheless, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the U.S. national average surgeon fee for liposuction for 2010 was $2,884*. *This amount only represents the average for the surgeon’s fee.", "What is the average liposuction cost? Liposuction is considered a cosmetic surgical procedure and will not be covered by insurance. Typically, liposuction will cost an individual between $5,000- $10,000, but your … liposuction surgeon will have a more specific idea of the liposuction cost after a consultation.", "Cost of Liposuction Surgery Liposuction Cost: Adding It All Up. Taking all fees into account (including the surgeon's fee, anesthesia fee, facility fee and other charges), the average cost for liposuction in one area of the body is $4,000. Liposuction in three body areas can range from $6,000 to $8,000; in five areas it can be as high as $11,000. surgeon's fee for liposuction ranges from $2,000 to $4,000. The anesthesia and facility fees are based on time in surgery and usually range from $1,200 to $1,500 per hour. The more extensive the procedure, the greater the cost.", "Liposuction The cost of liposuction varies based on the extend of your surgery and the cost of any additional surgery. The average cost of liposuction is around $2000. Remember, the total cost depends on the number of areas needing liposuction. Everyone is different.", "Liposuction for Men Cost 1 Liposuction to reduce male breasts -- a condition called gynecomastia -- costs about $3,000 to $5,000. 2 For example, Dr. Jeffrey Melton charges about $3,000 for an average-sized man whose fat does not extend very far into the arm-pit area. Liposuction for men typically costs $3,000 to almost $7,000 per body part, depending on the body part and the patient. 2 It generally costs more than liposuction for women because fat in men tends to be more fibrous and more difficult to remove, and because men tend to be larger than women.", "Cost of Liposuction Surgery Liposuction Cost: Adding It All Up. Taking all fees into account (including the surgeon's fee, anesthesia fee, facility fee and other charges), the average cost for liposuction in one area of the body is $4,000. Liposuction in three body areas can range from $6,000 to $8,000; in five areas it can be as high as $11,000.iposuction Cost: Adding It All Up. Taking all fees into account (including the surgeon's fee, anesthesia fee, facility fee and other charges), the average cost for liposuction in one area of the body is $4,000. Liposuction in three body areas can range from $6,000 to $8,000; in five areas it can be as high as $11,000.", "Thigh Liposuction Cost 1 Metropolitan Plastic Surgery in the Washington, D.C. area, charges $2,750 for thigh liposuction on one part of the thighs. 2 The Institute of Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery in California charges $2,000 to $4,000 for thigh liposuction -- whether on the inner, outer, front or back thighs. For patients who get liposuction on multiple parts of the thighs, there is usually a multiple-procedure discount. 2 For example, Hollywood Liposculpture charges $3,700 for inner and outer thighs or $7,300 for full thighs (inner, outer and tops) and knees.", "What is the cost of liposuction? The average cost of liposuction is $2,971, according to 2014 statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.Liposuction cost can vary widely. The average fee referenced above does not include anesthesia, operating room facilities or other related expenses.A surgeon’s fee will be based on his or her experience, the type of procedure used, and the geographic office location.hen choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon in your area for liposuction, remember that the surgeon’s experience and your comfort with him or her are just as important as the final cost of the surgery.", "Cost of Liposuction Surgery liposuction cost adding it all up taking all fees into account including the surgeon s fee anesthesia fee facility fee and other charges the average cost for liposuction in one area of the body is $ 4000liposuction in three body areas can range from $ 6000 to $ 8000 in five areas it can be as high as $ 11000iposuction cost adding it all up taking all fees into account including the surgeon s fee anesthesia fee facility fee and other charges the average cost for liposuction in one area of the body is $ 4000", "Cost of Liposuction Surgery As with the cost of most types of plastic surgery, liposuction cost includes the surgeon's fees, anesthesia fees and facility fees. A surgeon's fee for liposuction ranges from $2,000 to $4,000.The anesthesia and facility fees are based on time in surgery and usually range from $1,200 to $1,500 per hour.iposuction Cost: Adding It All Up. Taking all fees into account (including the surgeon's fee, anesthesia fee, facility fee and other charges), the average cost for liposuction in one area of the body is $4,000.", "- The cost of the anesthesia typically ranges from $500 to $1,000, depending on the type of procedure performed. The cost of the facility usually ranges from $500 to $1,000. Many surgeons have their own laser liposuction clinics. This also greatly affects the cost of the surgery.owever, the average laser lipo cost ranges from approximately $1,500 to $15,000. Note: The costs listed above are for general information; prospective patients are advised to check with their local cosmetic surgeon for specific fees and to clarify any doubts and questions that they may have.", "What is the cost of liposuction? The average cost of liposuction is $2,971, according to 2014 statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Liposuction cost can vary widely.The average fee referenced above does not include anesthesia, operating room facilities or other related expenses.he average cost of liposuction is $2,971, according to 2014 statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Liposuction cost can vary widely.", "Cost of Liposuction Surgery Liposuction Cost: Adding It All Up. Taking all fees into account (including the surgeon's fee, anesthesia fee, facility fee and other charges), the average cost for liposuction in one area of the body is $4,000.Liposuction in three body areas can range from $6,000 to $8,000; in five areas it can be as high as $11,000.iposuction Cost: Adding It All Up. Taking all fees into account (including the surgeon's fee, anesthesia fee, facility fee and other charges), the average cost for liposuction in one area of the body is $4,000.", "What does liposuction cost for legs? It depends on what part of your leg you would like liposuction on, but certain parts could range anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000. Most people say though that when getting liposuction the cost should not be most important but that the quality should be.", "What is Laser Lipo? Because liposuction is usually used to improve your appearance rather than your health, it is not normally available on the NHS. It may be available if used as part of reconstructive surgery or to treat certain conditions. Prices of laser liposuction will depend on the amount of body fat you intend to have removed.The larger the area you wish to have treated, the more expensive the liposuction will be. Expect to pay around £2300 per area, although many clinics offer discounts if more than one area requires treatment.ecause liposuction is usually used to improve your appearance rather than your health, it is not normally available on the NHS. It may be available if used as part of reconstructive surgery or to treat certain conditions. Prices of laser liposuction will depend on the amount of body fat you intend to have removed.", "- The cost of liposuction can range from $2500 per treatment area to over $5000. However. the quality of liposuction is more important than the price of liposuction. If the ultimate goal of liposuction is to have a happy patient, then the surgeon’s. expertise and experience are probably more important than the price.", "- 1 Liposuction for men on love handles costs about $2,500 to $5,500. 2 For example, Metropolitan Plastic Surgery in the Washington, D.C. area, charges $2,750 for male liposuction on the love handles.3 And the San Francisco Plastic Surgery & Laser Center charges about $5,300 for male liposuction on love handles. And the San Francisco Plastic Surgery & Laser Center charges about $5,300 for male liposuction on love handles. 2 Liposuction for men on the abdomen typically costs $4,500 to $6,500. 3 For example, at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery in Texas, it costs between $5,000 and $6,500.", "How Much Does Liposuction Cost in Atlanta? For instance, the cost of liposuction in Atlanta, GA may not be the same as the cost in, say, San Francisco, CA. Fee Charged by the Surgeon. The plastic surgeon may charge a fee according to their academic qualifications, training, experience, and recognition in the field of cosmetic surgery.verage Cost of Procedure. As per the statistics released by the ASPS for 2013, the average cost of liposuction surgery in the United States was $2,866.", "What is the cost of liposuction? The average cost of liposuction is $2,971, according to 2014 statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.Liposuction cost can vary widely. The average fee referenced above does not include anesthesia, operating room facilities or other related expenses.he average cost of liposuction is $2,971, according to 2014 statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Liposuction cost can vary widely.", "- Depending upon the amount of liposuction needed, a limited tummy tuck can cost between $5,000 and $6,000. A limited tummy tuck focuses on the lower abdomen. An incision is placed between the hip bones, allowing your surgeon to tighten the abdominal muscles and remove excess skin and fat. Finally, the skin is sutured closed.", "Thigh Liposuction Cost 1 Thigh liposuction typically costs $2,000 to $6,500 for one area -- either inner, outer or back -- on both thighs, or $7,000 or more for multiple areas on both thighs -- such as inner and outer or inner, outer and back. For patients who get liposuction on multiple parts of the thighs, there is usually a multiple-procedure discount. 2 For example, Hollywood Liposculpture charges $3,700 for inner and outer thighs or $7,300 for full thighs (inner, outer and tops) and knees.", "- Average Arm Liposuction Costs. 1 It is estimated that the starting cost for liposuction in both the upper arms is around $2500. If the procedure is extensive lots of fat needs to be removed, the prices will increase and can be as high as $7500.", "- For instance, the total amount of liposuction carried out on the buttocks, outer thighs and hips is determined by summing up say $2500 for hips, $3200 for outer thighs, $1900 for buttocks plus a surgical fee of $1700. The result will be $9,300 (2500+3200+1900+1700).", "Liposuction The cost of liposuction varies based on the extend of your surgery and the cost of any additional surgery. The average cost of liposuction is around $2000. Remember, the total cost depends on the number of areas needing liposuction.Everyone is different.magine a new you! When they want Liposuction information in Atlanta, Atlanta and Marietta residents trust the skilled and experienced board certified plastic & cosmetic surgeon at Georgia Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery for body sculpting using the latest and proven techniques in Atlanta Liposuction.", "- According to one online source, the cost can range $4,000 - $8,000 for liposuction to the abdomen. To save costs without necessarily reducing quality, over 500,000 US reside … nts traveled overseas for medical care in 2007 - and the trend is rising.or example, the total cost for liposuction of the hips, outer thighs and buttocks might be the sum of the surgical fees for hips ($2400), outer thighs ($3000), and buttok ($1800), plus non-surgical fee ($1600), which equals $8,800.", "- Taking into account all the usual costs involved such as the anesthesiologist charge, doctor’s charge, costs of the operating facility as well as any other typical fees, the national average liposuction cost in the United States for a single part of the body sums up to around $4000." ]
[ 14.3671875, 15.0078125 ]
[ 10.796875, 14.46875, 12.9140625, 10.296875, 13.25, 13.859375, 14.2265625, 14.5, 12.6484375, 13.796875, 10.1640625, 15.7578125, 13.328125, 14.28125, 11.53125, 15.1015625, 13.9609375, 13.109375, 10.375, 14.8671875, 12.578125, 10.3828125, 15.1796875, 10.9921875, 12.1875, 12.375, 12.0625, 14.53125, 11.078125, 13.046875 ]
price for screen the pool area
[ "How Much Does It Cost To Build A Pool Enclosure? Labor costs: Like screen pool enclosures, glass pool enclosures run an average of $30-$35 per hour labor and will require at least one full day to put in. Expect to pay $300-525 for labor by the time it's all said and done. Average cost: For a glass pool enclosure that covers your pool and the sidewalk area alone, expect to pay an average of $28,000. Planning for a larger pool enclosure? You'll need to budget $50,000 or more for a pool area that covers up to 1,000 square feet." ]
[ "What Do Inground Pool Costs? â How to Determine the Price of your Pool there are several factors that will determine the inground pool cost and that will be determined primarily by you although pool prices will vary from region to region in the country a typical base pool price starts around $ 20000 $ 28000 in most areas", "Screen Repair & Rescreening About Us. Our owner has worked for other companies that provide rescreening, gaining 6 years of experience in the process. He decided to open up his own rescreening business full-time in order to provide a cost-effective way for people to have their screens, pool enclosures, lanais and screen doors repaired or replaced.", "- With this type of construction the pricing will vary depending on the options and features that will ultimately make up your purchase. On average, a Seasonal World Fiberglass pool packages will start around $33,000 - $41,000 from small to medium sized pools. A larger Fiberglass pool package will typically range from $41,500 to $50,000. Again, the overall price of your project will vary due to the options and features that you may add into your final decision.", "How Much Does a Fiberglass Swimming Pool Cost? The complete fiberglass pool package will cost from $35,000 to $75,000 with the average price falling between $45,000 and $65,000. In each of these scenarios, there still is a pretty wide gap between the low and high end of the pricing spectrum.he complete fiberglass pool package will cost from $35,000 to $75,000 with the average price falling between $45,000 and $65,000. In each of these scenarios, there still is a pretty wide gap between the low and high end of the pricing spectrum.", "Screen Pool Enclosures Pricing Screen Pool Enclosures Pricing. Pool enclosures come in all shapes and sizes. Our standard pool enclosure ranges from $6 per square foot to $8 per square foot depending on the size and the area that you would like to put it. At Alumicenter, engineering drawings, load calculation, and other pertinent data are all part of the total package provided to the local building department.", "- On average most folks can save several thousand dollars doing this. As a general rule, to find the average price of a fiberglass pool package of this type, take the length of the pool and add two to six thousand dollars. For example, a 30' fiberglass pool package might cost $34,000. Most people will spend another $5k-$15k in pool accessories, electrical work, patio, and fencing.", "Fiberglass Pool Prices: How Much Is My Pool Really Going to Cost? Waterline/Perimeter Tile: Most pool dealers charge between $1500-$3000 to tile a fiberglass swimming pool (on the waterline). Retaining Walls: Retaining walls can get very expensive, and depending on the size can obviously vary a huge degree.Most walls cost $5000-$15,000.ool Lights: Most pool lights cost between $700-$2000 Although all of these numbers and prices are very general, I do hope this article helps you to have a better feel for fiberglass pool pricing and what to expect when you start going through the pool buying process.", "How Much Does It Cost To Build A Pool Screen Enclosure? In the Orlando area, the average screen enclosure cost for pool areas is between $6,000 and $8,000. However, these numbers can be lower or higher depending on the size of the deck, the style of enclosure, added features and the types of materials used to make the enclosure.", "- Average costs: 1 For an aboveground pool the average price goes from $1500 to $5000. 2 For an in-ground pool the average price goes from $7000 to $16000 (for a vinyl-lined model). 3 For a fiberglass shell the average price goes from $15000 to $25000.4 For concrete or gunite the average price goes from $17000 to $45000.ool water treatment can cost between $15 and $40 per month, depending on the pool size. Cleaning and checking equipment cost up to $15 – $30 per session, depending on the complexity of the pool.", "How Much Does It Cost to Build A Pool Screen Enclosure? Every day we are asked by prospective customers how much does it cost to build a pool screen enclosure. Therefore, that is the basis for this article. The average cost our company has experienced in the last few years has been in the $6,000 to $8,000 range which is based on 20 x 40 pool deck with a dome roof.he average cost our company has experienced in the last few years has been in the $6,000 to $8,000 range which is based on 20 x 40 pool deck with a dome roof.", "- - $800 run a power line for the motor - $400 for above ground pool fence and alarm (town requirement) - $300 for landscaping after installed the pool (seeding and stone around the pool, etc) - then ofcourse monthly cost to maintain the pool and opening and closing cost.hope this helps.ypically, the more resin and less metal the pool has, the higher the price will be and the longer it will last. The installation costs of above ground pools usually run $1000-$3000, depending on the size and type of pool.", "Cost Ranges for Inground Vinyl Pool Kits Price range for pool kits, depending on model, size and package selected, ranges from $5500-$9900. Cost Ranges for Excavation: Excavation costs vary around the country, call some local excavators to find out how much they charge, and ask how they charge - as a flat fee or a charge per hour.", "What Do Inground Pool Costs? â How to Determine the Price of your Pool There are several factors that will determine the inground pool cost and that will be determined primarily by you. Although pool prices will vary from region to region in the country, a typical base pool price starts around $20,000 – $28,000 in most areas. This would cover a freeform, geometric, or classic-style pool with no spa attached.", "How much does a above ground pool cost to wire? The cost for wiring an above ground swimming pool varies depending on the length of the run. The material cost for a pool 60' away from the electrical panel is approximately $450.00 which includes a time clock.The labor for the job can also vary depending upon how clear the path is from the electrical panel to the pool filter. I would estimate the labor cost to be between $725 and $1000.So material and labor would be around $1200.00.he labor for the job can also vary depending upon how clear the path is from the electrical panel to the pool filter. I would estimate the labor cost to be between $725 and $1000. So material and labor would be around $1200.00.", "Fiberglass Pool Prices As with all inground pools, the price varies dramatically depending on the options you choose. But as a very rough estimate, you might pay around $40,000 for a medium-sized fiberglass pool fully installed. This is slightly more than a gunite pool, and considerably more than vinyl. The cost of the actual pool shell is much less – perhaps $10,000-$30,000, depending on features and size. Since fiberglass pool shells are shipped intact from the manufacturer, they tend to be easier to install than other pool types.", "- Pool prices vary greatly depending upon the size, material and location of the pool. According to PoolandSpa.com, the average 2010 cost of a 16x32-foot in-ground pool ranged from $17,000 to $37,0000, depending upon the material used to construct the pool.(pigphoto/iStock/Getty Images).s the pool ages, leaks, cracks and equipment may require repair or replacement. Some prefer to hire professionals to manage the maintenance needs of their pool. In 2010, this service came at a cost of $1,500 to $2,000 a year.", "- pool price range estimate the cost of your new pool by size or construction style to get an idea of base price small pools costs between $ 20000 and $ 30000 while medium pools are priced between $ 30000 and $ 40000 according to bobvila com", "- The cost for wiring an above ground swimming pool varies … depending on the length of the run. The material cost for a pool 60' away from the electrical panel is approximately $450.00 which includes a time clock.", "Today's pool owners open up on ideas about screen enclosures Tony Downs planned to put a screen enclosure around his new swimming pool until the four cost estimates came in.The price tags to screen his large backyard pool and deck ranged from about $17,000 to Home → Collections → Swimming Pool", "FIBERGLASS POOL PRICES Small: $19,000 and up installed. Medium: $26,500 and up installed. Large: $37,000 and up installed. A good rule of thumb for installed fiberglass pool pricing is to budget $1,100 per foot of pool length. For example, the Riviera 30 is $33,000 installed. SPECIFICATIONS / STANDARD INCLUSIONS.", "Pool Liner Cost 1 Total cost, labor and materials, for replacing an in-ground swimming pool liner is typically $2,000-$5,000. 2 A vinyl liner for an above ground pool can cost $150-$600, depending on the size and style of the swimming pool, plus any special colors, patterns or textures in the liner. Total cost, labor and materials, for replacing an in-ground swimming pool liner is typically $2,000-$5,000. 2 A vinyl liner for an above ground pool can cost $150-$600, depending on the size and style of the swimming pool, plus any special colors, patterns or textures in the liner.", "- Changing this will dramatically improve the visual effect of your pool. The cost of the liner will depend on it's shape, size, thickness, and pattern choice. As an example, a 17' x 35' oval, with a Rockcliffe print, 28 mil thickness, will cost in the neighborhood of $1200.00.hanging this will dramatically improve the visual effect of your pool. The cost of the liner will depend on it's shape, size, thickness, and pattern choice. As an example, a 17' x 35' oval, with a Rockcliffe print, 28 mil thickness, will cost in the neighborhood of $1200.00.", "An Easy, Cost Effective Way To Fill In/Remove Your Old Swimming Pool Ordering Your Fill. Swimming pools are fairly deep, and require large amounts of material to fill. That is why you want to purchase a low cost fill, topsoil will be needed, but only for the surface layer. Our fill is $12.00 per cubic yard. We have another material call tailings which cost only $5.00 per cubic yard. Tailings are small stones that are a byproduct of our topsoil screening process.", "Fairfax County Traffic Court After that, you will probably end up paying $50–$150 for a screen and then another $50-$150 for a shop to do the work, just like the other answer stated.", "Pool Liner Cost 1 Total cost, labor and materials, for replacing an in-ground swimming pool liner is typically $2,000-$5,000. 2 A vinyl liner for an above ground pool can cost $150-$600, depending on the size and style of the swimming pool, plus any special colors, patterns or textures in the liner. For example, a 20' Round and 4' High 20 gauge Vinyl Liner with a pebble pattern on the bottom costs about $265 from Inyo Pools in Florida. 2 Installation labor to replace an above ground pool liner can cost $200-$800 or more, depending on local rates and the size and shape of the pool.", "- 1 For example, a 20' Round and 4' High 20 gauge Vinyl Liner with a pebble pattern on the bottom costs about $265 from Inyo Pools in Florida. 2 Installation labor to replace an above ground pool liner can cost $200-$800 or more, depending on local rates and the size and shape of the pool.", "- On the higher end of the scale, glass pool fencing starts at about $100 for a 900mm length of 1300mm high, 12mm thick toughened glass. These are off-the-shelf prices and don't include installation.", "- I don't know how representative this is but I recently got a quote for a small (5x5) section to hide some pool parts and it was $380, so around $15/SF. That'd make your job $3000ish. It might be a lot cheaper per SF for larger jobs, though, I have no idea. That's weird you're seeing houses with partially walled yards.", "- 1 Its installation services for removable swimming pool fences cost $15 to $19 a foot, depending on location and length of the backyard or area that needs to be fenced. 2 Do-it-yourself pool safety fences are also available at All-Safe Pool Store. 3 A 4-ft basic pool safety fence costs $119, while a 5-ft fence costs $149. Do-it-yourself pool safety fences are also available at All-Safe Pool Store. 2 A 4-ft basic pool safety fence costs $119, while a 5-ft fence costs $149. 3 A self-closing gate kit measuring 4 feet costs $315 and a 5-ft model costs $375.", "- For example, excavation for an in-ground fiberglass or gunnite pool kit might cost $400-$1,500 in an area with soft soil and no boulders or other obstructions, and as much as $5,000-$20,000 in a region with hardpan, boulders, rocks or other challenges." ]
[ 14.2109375 ]
[ 8.71875, 6.89453125, 8.9609375, 8.28125, 16.640625, 8.515625, 7.046875, 16.34375, 9.3125, 12.7578125, 7.23828125, 8.046875, 10.140625, 7.453125, 7.9296875, 7.09375, 8.9453125, 6.71484375, 13.734375, 8.1953125, 8.328125, 6.640625, 9.15625, 8.8515625, 7.765625, 7.671875, 10.8515625, 10.46875, 10.0859375, 9.5 ]
urgent care center of westmont
[ "Urgent Care Immediate Care Center of Westmont Urgent Care Center of Westmont. Located in downtown Westmont, Illinois​. Urgent Care Center of Westmont​ is open most days until 10pm. Services include common cold , ears infection, UTI, laceration repair, fracture / broken bone imaging and treatment, abscess drainage and more. X-ray and lab on site." ]
[ "Urgent Care Center The Tallahassee Memorial Urgent Care Center is the best treatment option for the individuals who need medical attention after normal business hours. Open 10 am to 10 pm seven days a week, Urgent Care is there for those minor illness and injuries that cant wait for a doctor’s appointment.", "Wilmington, Massachusetts Urgent Care and Walk-in Clinics Wilmington, Massachusetts Urgent Care and Walk-in Clinics. There are currently 2 urgent care centers in Wilmington with 50 percent of them open seven days a week, all of which see adult and child patients.", "- The 2012 Benchmarking Study (2011 data) indicated that, on average, per visit reimbursement decreased slightly. The 2010 Benchmarking Study (2009 data) reported urgent care center per visit reimbursement had hovered only slightly above the national average for primary care. More information may be found in the 2012 Benchmarking Study.", "- Recommended Reviews for The University of Vermont Medical Center Your trust is our top concern, so businesses can't pay to alter or remove their reviews. Learn more.", "Westmont Westmont is an area in Westmont, DuPage County, Chicagoland, Illinois with a population of 25,433. There are 11,960 male residents living in Westmont and 13,473 female residents. The total number of households is 10,584 with 2.37 people per household on average. Total household expenditures in Westmont are above the national average. The median age of the current population is 38.99 with 9,262 people being married and 8,308 being single. The employment numbers show that there are 60% white collar employees and 40% blue collar employees in Westmont.", "Saving on Care: Emergency Rooms vs. Urgent Care Facilities When to go: Urgent care facilities are for non-life-threatening conditions that need attention right away. These include minor traumas such as cuts, sprains, eye injuries, flu, fever, insect bites, and simple fractures. Patients are usually seen on a walk-in basis, and many centers have extended hours.", "- Care at urgent care centers is paid for on a fee-for-service basis. They usually accept most private health insurance plans, with co-pays averaging between $25-$50. A self-paying individual will usually be asked to make a down payment for the visit, with other charges billed at a later date.", "University Of Vermont Medical Center Medical Group University Of Vermont Medical Center Medical Group, a Medical Group Practice located in Burlington, VT", "- Checkout Our Walk Score The Rosemont Plaza is conveniently located near Haverford, Ardmore, and Wayne as well as nearby colleges such as Rosemont College, Villanova University, Saint Joseph’s University and Bryn Mawr College.", "- Just walk-in and we will see you today, the same day you need non-emergency care! Who We Are At Immediate Care Center of Westmont, our goal is for to help our patients avoid the time, hassle, and cost associated with traditional emergency room visits. We strive to provide excellent care for all patients, from pediatric to geriatric, for all minor illnesses and injuries.", "- Winston Medical Center is a full-service facility that serves as Winston County’s only hospital, offering 24/7 emergency room care, inpatient hospital care, inpatient geriatric behavioral health care, senior care services and a wide range of outpatient services.", "- Cromwell Walmart Vision Center. About Search Results. About Search Results. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "Urgent Care What We Treat at our Urgent Care Center. From ear infections to broken bones and things in between, we are a trusted community resource for affordable, easy to access, quality health care that can be an alternative to costly emergency room visits for non-emergent and non-life threatening illnesses and injuries.", "- VERMONT. In the center of Manchester is a veterans memorial. At the top of the memorial is a statue of a Green Mountain Boy. Across the street from the memorial is The Equinox, one of Vermont's best and largest resort hotels. Just up the street is an eighteenth century tavern, Ye Old Tavern, c.1790.", "- CAPE COD AMBULANCE dba CAPE COD MEDICAL ENTERPRISES INC in WEST YARMOUTH, MA. Profile from the NPI Registry.", "- Request an Appointment Pay My Bill UPMC Hospitals Find UPMC Urgent Care Centers Outpatient Facilities Find a Class or Event Find Financial Assistance Options Volunteer at UPMC UPMC Health Plan UPMC CareFinder. Select the number of rows to display:", "Neuro Intensive Care Unit When it comes to neurosurgical intensive care services, there is a Beaumont difference and it's not just the doctors. It's the Neuro ICU team. An intensive care unit (ICU) is a specially trained area of the hospital providing patients with personalized care from a team of experts.In the Neuro ICU, patients receive care around the clock and are closely monitored. Some hospitals may have more than one type of ICU, like medical, surgical or cardiac.Royal Oak's 5th floor East Tower is the Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit. The length of stay in the Neuro ICU depends on surgery, condition and progress.hen it comes to neurosurgical intensive care services, there is a Beaumont difference and it's not just the doctors. It's the Neuro ICU team. An intensive care unit (ICU) is a specially trained area of the hospital providing patients with personalized care from a team of experts.", "- The University of Vermont Medical Center Aug 16, 2016. StarStarStarStarStar. It is nationally comparable. The benefits are very solid, with medical, dental, vision, family services, retirement plan, etc, as well as discounts with local and chain businesses.", "Western Center Western Center. Western State School and Hospital, commonly known as Western Center, was a state-run mental hospital and reform school near Canonsburg, Pennsylvania. It is best known as an institution serving people with intellectual disabilities. At various times during its existence, it was also known as the Pennsylvania Reform School, Youth Development Center of Canonsburg and The House of Refuge. Locally, it was called Morganza. It was a well-known part of the Canonsburg community, appearing as a stop on to", "Getting Better Every Day The clinic is open Monday through Thursday. The Memorial Hospital physicians are in Wamsutter on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9am – 3pm. Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County and the High Desert Rural Health Care District have partnered to bring health care that’s focused on you, in your community.", "Contact If you would like to share your experience with an urgent care center on our website, please find that location and write a review on their profile. You can even use your Facebook, Twitter or Google+ account to register. Once a review is published, you can edit it by signing in to your account.", "White River Junction VA Medical Center, Vermont Veterans are still eligible for specialty outpatient care and inpatient care as well as all other benefits offered through the White River Junction VA Medical Center. HOW TO ENROLL: Just complete an application and mail it in to the VAMC (04D), 215 North Main St., White River Junction, VT 05009.", "- About the White River Junction VA Medical Center, Vermont; Our History; Leadership Team; VISN 1 - VA New England Healthcare System; Contact Us. Contact the White River Junction VA Medical Center, Vermont; Phone Directory; Volunteer or Donate; Operating Status. Current Operating Status; Work Status for Employees", "- Urgent Care. Urgent cares in Rutland provide immediate health care to someone who has a non-life threatening emergency. Urgent cares in Rutland are ideal for most people because it allows them to conveniently access unscheduled medical care on a no appointment walk in basis while living in Rutland.", "- Urgent Care in Lake Jackson, TX. 1 This walk-in clinic appears to closed at the moment. 2 This clinic has received no accreditation or certification. 3 This clinic's info has been verified by its owner or by one of our staff.", "- The West Edmonton Mall, located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada is the largest mall in North America and the fifth largest in the entire world.", "- Contact Us UPMC Jameson UPMC Jameson is a full-service community hospital providing inpatient hospital care, surgical services, diagnostic imaging, emergency medicine, senior care, rehabilitation, and a variety of specialized health care services.", "- Click here to view the patient information booklet. About VCMC. Ventura County Medical Center (VCMC) is a fully-integrated, comprehensive system of hospital, clinic and specialty services. The system provides access to high quality, compassionate health care to residents throughout Ventura County.lick here to view the patient information booklet. About VCMC. Ventura County Medical Center (VCMC) is a fully-integrated, comprehensive system of hospital, clinic and specialty services. The system provides access to high quality, compassionate health care to residents throughout Ventura County.", "Cost Comparison: Emergency Rooms vs. Urgent Care Centers The wait at urgent care centers, on the other hand, can be minimal, and the cost for services often runs one-fourth of what you'll pay at a hospital or one-half for a visit to your doctor. Sometimes called a doc in a box, these freestanding walk-in centers usually offer extended hours.", "Urgent Care Clinics in Cedar Rapids Urgent Care/Walk-In Clinics in Cedar Rapids. It's Saturday afternoon and your toddler won't stop crying. You think she may have an ear infection but your pediatrician's office isn't open on weekends, so you go to the emergency room, right? There's a better alternative - UnityPoint Clinic Urgent Care. Conveniently placed throughout the Cedar Rapids' metro, these clinics offer walk-in care and after-hours care for non-emergency situations for residents who may not want to make a long drive to the hospital emergency room." ]
[ 18.578125 ]
[ 6.625, 3.76171875, 3.359375, 2.375, 8.2890625, 6.2734375, 6.70703125, 3.021484375, 0.263671875, 15.3359375, 3.359375, 2.5390625, 8.5234375, -0.042999267578125, 1.1572265625, 6.33984375, 2.044921875, 1.884765625, 3.646484375, 3.607421875, 5.48828125, -0.352294921875, 0.560546875, 4.12890625, 3.712890625, 0.1976318359375, 5.0546875, 4.81640625, 4.91796875, 4.3046875 ]
what famous singers died in plane crashes
[ "- Stars killed in plane crashes. It went down in history as they day the music died. On Feb. 3, 1959, music legends Ritchie Valens, Buddy Holly and J.P. 'The Big Bopper' all died when their plane crashed in Iowa. Whether it was down to engine failure, technical malfunctions or pilot errors, take a look back at aviation disasters that claimed the lives of Hollywood's biggest stars." ]
[ "Aaliyah Killed In Plane Crash Aaliyah was killed in a plane crash Saturday in the Bahamas. The 22-year-old singer and actress, born Aaliyah Haughton, was one of nine people aboard a twin-engine plane that crashed seconds after taking off from the Bahamas, according to Grand Bahama police superintendent Basil Rahming.All nine died.Aaliyah was in the Bahamas shooting a video, Minister of Tourism Tommy Turnquest told the Associated Press. She died instantly when the plane, a Cessna 402B, exploded on impact just 200 feet beyond the end of a runway at Marsh Harbour International Airport on Abaco Island at 6:45 p.m., Rahming said.aliyah was in the Bahamas shooting a video, Minister of Tourism Tommy Turnquest told the Associated Press. She died instantly when the plane, a Cessna 402B, exploded on impact just 200 feet beyond the end of a runway at Marsh Harbour International Airport on Abaco Island at 6:45 p.m., Rahming said.", "Ariel Camacho: Mexican âNarcocorridosâ Folk Singer Dies In Car Crash Ariel Camacho, singer for the popular Mexican group Los Plebes del Rancho, has passed away. Camacho died in a car accident on February 25 on a highway near the Mexican state of Sinaloa. His death was confirmed by Justino Aguila, a spokesman for DEL Records. According to reports, two of the other three people in the vehicle with Camacho were also killed.", "A Lynyrd Skynyrd saga: The band loses another member, drummer Bob Burns, to tragedy Burns’s death brings to mind similar tragedies that have taken other former Lynyrd Skynyrd bandmates — most notably the 1977 chartered plane crash in a Mississippi swamp that killed three: lead singer Ronnie Van Zant, guitarist Steve Gaines and his sister, vocalist Cassie Gains.", "- August 09, 2012 | By Gerrick D. Kennedy. The Monkees, in 1967, from left, Peter Tork, Mike Nesmith, Davy Jones and… (Ray Howard / Associated…). The Monkees were dealt a blow earlier this year when the band’s lead singer, Davy Jones, died of a heart attack in February.Now its surviving members are moving forward and will reunite for a U.S. tour.The band -- Peter Tork, Micky Dolenz and historically reclusive member Mike Nesmith -- have announced that they will hit the road for an Evening with the Monkees, a 12-date trek this fall.he Monkees were dealt a blow earlier this year when the band’s lead singer, Davy Jones, died of a heart attack in February. Now its surviving members are moving forward and will reunite for a U.S. tour.", "How did Hector Lavoe's wife die? Nilda died a few weeks after the famous interview. Nilda Puchi Lavoe, as stated at the end of El Cantante, died in an accident in 2002. She fell trying to climb onto the balcony of her NY apartment; she had locked herself out. Nilda died a few weeks after the famous interview. Nilda Puchi Lavoe, as stated at the end of El Cantante, died in an accident in 2002. She fell trying to climb onto the balcony of her NY apartment; she had locked herself out.", "Aaliyah, R&B singer and actress, dies in a plane crash in 2001 This was written by Maki Becker.) Stylish R&B singer and actress Aaliyah was killed along with seven other people when their private plane crashed moments after takeoff in the Bahamas last night, authorities said. Officials reported there was one critically injured survivor, a man who was flown to Florida for treatment.", "Three married couples - with 11 children between them - die in plane crash in Alabama on their way back from dental conference in Florida They were flying home to Oxford, Mississippi when crash occurred. Victims were named as Dr Michael and Kim Perry, Dr Austin and Angie Poole and Dr Jason and Dr Lea Farese. Their small plane plane developed engine problems at around 11.10am. Piper PA-31 went down in trees while approaching Tuscaloosa airport.", "'The day the music died'? Hardly The plane crash took the lives of the pilot, Roger Peterson, and three musicians: Charles Hardin Holley, better known as Buddy Holly, 22; Ritchie Valens (originally Valenzuela), 17; and J.P. The Big Bopper Richardson, 28.", "- 1 Muhammad Ali, 'The Greatest,' dies 74. 2 Billy Paul, Singer, 'Me and Mrs. Jones', Dies 80. 3 Prince, legendary musician, dies 57. 4 Chyna, Former WWE superstar, dies 45. 5 Doris Roberts, mom on 'Everybody Loves Raymond,' dies 90. 6 Tom Jones’s wife Melinda Rose Woodward has died from cancer. 7 Merle Haggard, country music legend, dies 79.", "What was ritchie valens injuries in plane crash? Buddy Holly was on the same small plane with Ritchie Valens and J.P. Richardson (called the Big Bopper). The 21 year old pilot, Roger Peterson, was also killed. This date, Feb … ruary 3, 1959, was called 'the day the music died.'.", "Music star dies in Wisconsin plane crash A plane crash in Madison, Wisconsin, kills soul singer Otis Redding and members of the Bar-Kays band on this day in 1967. The plane crashed into Lake Monona, several miles from the Madison airport. One survivor, Ben Cauley of the Bar-Kays, later reported that he had been asleep until just before... Read More.", "Argument Broke Out Before Aaliyah Plane Crash, Witness Reports The crash occurred Saturday evening, seconds after the twin-engine Cessna 402 took off from Marsh Harbour airport on Abaco Island. Grammy-nominated Aaliyah, 22, was killed instantly. Six others died at the scene, and two died in hospitals.", "Buddy Holly plane crash : officials consider reopening 1959 probe Buddy Holly plane crash : officials consider reopening 1959 probe. US transportation safety board reviewing a request to reopen the inquiry into 1959 crash that killed Ritchie Valens, the Big Bopper, Buddy Holly and pilot Roger Peterson. The American rock’n’roll singer, songwriter and guitarist Buddy Holly in 1959. Photograph: AP.", "Jenni Rivera worked as a performer for drug cartel before tragic plane crash death, lawyer claims Jenni Rivera sings during her last concert at the Arena Monterrey on Dec. 8 in Monterrey, Mexico. ( David Martinez/Getty Images) Latin pop star Jenni Rivera may have been working for a drug cartel before her tragic death in a jet crash last month, Mexican media reported. Rivera reportedly performed at parties and events for the Beltran Leyva cartel, once one of the country’s most powerful drug gangs.", "Mexican singer Ariel Camacho killed in car crash Ariel Camacho, a popular 'grupera' singer in Mexico, was killed in a traffic accident late Wednesday while leaving a concert. Young, up-and-coming Mexican singer Ariel Camacho has died in a traffic accident after leaving a concert, his record company confirmed Thursday.", "FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS The October 20, 1977, plane crash killed lead singer and song writer Ronnie VanZant, guitarist Steve Gaines, vocalist Cassie Gaines, assistant road manager Dean Kilpatrick. Also killed were pilot Walter McCreary and co-pilot William Gray.", "- © Provided by Sky News. Also killed in the crash on 3 February 1959 in Iowa was the aircraft pilot, Roger Peterson. Aviation authorities are considering reopening the investigation into the plane crash that killed music stars Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and the Big Bopper.", "Veteran CBS correspondent Bob Simon joins list of stars lost too soon to violent car crashes The Austrian singer suffered severe head injuries in the crash before losing his life just two weeks before his 41st birthday on Feb. 6, 1998. 7. David Halberstam. Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist David Halberstam tragically died at age 73 in a car crash south of San Francisco on April 24, 2007.", "- Soul legend Otis Redding dies in a plane crash near Madison, Wisconsin. When he left his final recording session in Memphis, Otis Redding intended to return soon to the song he’d been working on—he still had to replace a whistled verse thrown in as a placeholder with additional lyrics that he’d yet to write.", "Musician John Denver Dies in Experimental Plane Crash John Denver, the earnest country boy who soared to fame in the 1970s with sunny, folksy, just-this-side-of-corny songs like Rocky Mountain High, died when an experimental plane he recently purchased crashed into Monterey Bay during a test flight.", "List of films about bands Biographical story of the rise from nowhere of early rock and roll singer Ritchie Valens who died at age 17 in a plane crash with Buddy Holly and the Big Bopper.", "Investigation into Jenni Rivera plane crash focuses on age of pilot, plane It's been a year since a plane crash ended the lives of Mexican-American singer Jenni Rivera and six others, and new details have emerged about what might have caused the plane to plunge 28,000 feet into a mountainous area of northern Mexico.", "Signe Anderson, Jefferson Airplane Singer, Dies at 74 Jefferson Airplane in the mid-1960s. From left, Paul Kantner, Skip Spence, Marty Balin, Signe Toly Anderson, Jorma Kaukonen and Jack Casady. Signe Toly Anderson, the original female vocalist with Jefferson Airplane, who left the band after its first album and was replaced by Grace Slick, died on Thursday at her home in Beaverton, Ore. She was 74.", "Celebrity Automobile Accidents Famous people who have died in car crashes March 28, 2004: Singer Adan Sanchez (19), son of musician Marcelino Chalino Sanchez, died in a car accident in northwest Mexico. March 29, 1999: Countess Vera Tolstoy (95), granddaughter of famous Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy, died in New Smyrna Beach, Florida from injuries suffered during an auto accident.", "Flashback: How Waylon Jennings Survived the Day the Music Died That's how songwriter Don McLean memorialized February 3rd, 1959, in his 1972 single American Pie, an epic, eight-minute music-history lesson that begins with a reference to the plane crash that killed musicians Buddy Holly, J.P. Richardson (a.k.a. the Big Bopper) and Ritchie Valens, along with the pilot of the 1947 Beechcraft Bonanza that had ...", "James Horner, an Oscar-winning composer, killed in plane crash Story highlights. Los Angeles (CNN)Academy Award-winning composer James Horner, known for his impressive body of work spanning multiple movie genres, died Monday after the small plane he was piloting crashed in central California, his agency said Tuesday. He was 61.", "The Day the Music Died February 3, 1959. On a cold winter’s night a small private plane took off from Clear Lake, Iowa bound for Fargo, N.D. It never made its destination. When that plane crashed, it claimed the lives of Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, J.P. “Big Bopper” Richardson and the pilot, Roger Peterson. Three of Rock and Roll’s most promising performers were gone. As Don McLean wrote in his classic music parable, American Pie, (annotated) it was “the day the music died.”.", "La Bamba ( 1987) Storyline. This is the true story of Ritchie Valens, a young rock and roll singer who tragically died in a plane crash at age 17. The film follows Ritchie from his days in Pacoima, California where he and his family make a meager living working on farms to his rise as a star.", "The Day the Music Died The crash that ended the lives of Holly, Valens and Richardson was the break that began the career of Vee. Tommy Allsup would one day open a club named “The Head’s Up Saloon,” a tribute to the coin toss that saved his life. Waylon Jennings would become a hugely popular Country singer.", "Rick Nelson Killed in Plane Crash : Singer Became Teen-Age Idol on 'Ozzie and Harriet' Show Plane Caught Fire. Nelson, 45, and his band had appeared Monday night in Guntersville, Ala. They were headed for Dallas to play at the new Park Suite Hotel when the twin-engine plane caught fire and crashed about 5:30 p.m. A helicopter pilot in the area reported hearing the DC-3 pilot radioing just before the crash that his aircraft was on fire." ]
[ 15.8828125 ]
[ 12.953125, 8.2421875, 11.1796875, 5.66796875, 4.0625, 13.6171875, 6.7890625, 13.296875, 6.453125, 10.390625, 14.3515625, 11.9765625, 11.8828125, 10.5, 8.625, 13.8046875, 12.6796875, 9.2109375, 13.390625, 13.7421875, 12.9296875, 12.6953125, 9.078125, 9.765625, 12.203125, 9.921875, 13.1953125, 11.6875, 11, 10.234375 ]
how are steps determined in the gsa scale
[ "Pay and the General Schedule (GS) the general schedule the general schedule gs is the predominant pay scale for federal employees especially employees in professional technical administrative or clerical positions the system consists of 15 grades from gs 1 the lowest level to gs 15 the highest level there are also 10 steps within each grade" ]
[ "VA Disability Rating & Compensation Guide STEP 6: Pending Decision Approval – The decision recommendation documents are now reviewed, and a final award approval on your claim is made. STEP 7: Preparation for Notification – Your VA Disability Claim decision packet, in its entirety, is now prepared to be mailed to you.", "Rating Scales & Definitions GCR accords both National and International scale ratings and clearly specifies which is being rated on the front page of each rating report. Additionally, national scale ratings are denoted by a special identifier for the country concerned.", "- ACT Aspire scale scores range from 400 up, depending on the subject and grade. This scale is unique to ACT Aspire, and clearly differentiates ACT Aspire from other scoring scales. The ACT Aspire score scale runs from grade 3 to grade 10 for English, math, reading, and science. Raw scores on the ACT Aspire tests are computed using the sum of the points an examinee earns across the multiple-choice, technology-enhanced, and constructed-response items on the test form administered.", "- The stage (extent) of a cancer is one of the most important factors in choosing treatment options and predicting a man’s outlook. The stage is based on the prostate biopsy results (including the Gleason score), the PSA level, and any other exams or tests that were done to find out how far the cancer has spread.", "LEARNING CENTER: Footwear How to choose he best stack height shoe for your run One factor to consider when choosing a running shoe is how the shoe feels under your foot. This underfoot experience is largely determined by the amount of material between you and the ground, which is referred to as stack height.", "General Schedule Overview A new GS employee is usually hired at step one of the applicable GS grade. However, in special circumstances, agencies may authorize a higher step rate for a newly-appointed Federal employee based on a special need of the agency or superior qualifications of the prospective employee.", "New Federal Employee For the 2 step rule, I'll use your example, GS-5 step 5: Add 2 steps to your current grade = GS-5 step 7; take the salary listed at the step 7 and see where it falls on the grade you are moving to; if the salary falss between 2 steps on the grade you are moving to, then the employee gets the benefit of the higher step.", "GS Pay Scale FAQs That would be amazing. But legally according to the rules, you could do this. The steps within the grade are for people who stay in the same grade for a long time. If you started as a GS 5 and stayed there, you could move to a GS 5, step 2 the next year. And the next year you would go automatically to a Step 3.", "Pay and Compensation The grade level of your position and your pay is determined by the duties assigned by management and is set according to those regulations. Pay setting takes into account: The grade of the position. The years of experience (or steps) within that grade level. The appropriate salary table of the position.", "Architecture: What is mathematical process of designing a staircase of given floor space and height? Everything from the height of the seat of a chair to the length of a bed is governed by the average measurements of a human body. In case of staircases too, the tread width is kept ideally a little more than the length of the average human foot (with shoes). The rise height is determined by the comfortable rise of our foot to climb an elevation. The baluster height for the railing is according to the height of the bent hand from the ground. it is considered to be standard and comfortable. If the tread is smaller in width, our whole foot will not be accommodated in it, and we can fall, while climbing up/down in a fast motion.", "- Salaries are calculated for each location based on the percentage amounts in the chart below. The base pay in the Base GS Pay Scale above is multiplied by the percentage adjustment and the result is then added to the base pay.", "BA 396 study guide (FINAL) Continuous scale. Also referred to as a graphic rating scale, this measurement scale has the respondents scale the objects by placing a mark at the appropriate position on a line that runs from one extreme of the criterion variable to the other. Respondents are not restricted to selecting from markets previously set by the researcher.", "Explanation of How the GS Pay Scale Works Explanation of How the GS Pay Scale Works. The majority of federal workers receive pay based on the General Schedule pay scale. To determine this pay scale, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management consults salary surveys and pay data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics of non-federal workers performing similar types of work.", "Federal Pay Federal Pay. The General Schedules (GS) is the Federal government’s main pay system and is composed of 15 grades (GS1 to GS15), or salary levels. Each grade includes ten steps through which employees advance based on satisfactory job performance and length of service. Locality pay is based on surveys done by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.", "- 1 Understanding Your GACE Scores Page 3 of 11. Passing Scores. 2 The passing standards for the GACE assessments were established by the GaPSC. with input from committees of Georgia educators and educator preparation faculty. The passing scaled score for each GACE assessment or subtest reflects the.", "How do I increase my Grade or Step? - Federal Pay.org There are 10 steps in each of the GS and LEO grades. There are only 5 steps for the FWS schedule. For GS and LEO, the first three step increases occur every year, the next three step increases occur every two years, and the final three step increases occur every three years. It takes 18 years to advance to the step 10.", "Scale theory Let's now look at the F major scale: The notes are F-G - A-Bb-C - D-E - F. We have seen two different scales where we use sharps (#) and flats (b). The rule that decides if the note is raised or lowered depends on the intervals between notes in the scale.", "- the gs pay scale essentially has almost automatic step increases built in i say almost automatic because they are automatic unless your boss submits paperwork to deny one based on poor performance the first couple of steps are given as an increase each year", "How to Determine the Proper Pay Scale for Employees Step 4. Use information from public-sector job databases. The federal government compensation structure is edging toward becoming more competitive with private-sector employment. This means the salary levels used to recruit federal government workers may be helpful in constructing a pay scale for your employees.Step 5. Obtain historical pay scales for your employees. Review the wages to determine for currency and adjust the scales based on cost of living increases and market conditions.For example, if your pay scale in 2002 for registered nurses indicates starting wages at $50,000, factor in salary changes due to anticipated labor shortages in this occupation.tep 4. Use information from public-sector job databases. The federal government compensation structure is edging toward becoming more competitive with private-sector employment. This means the salary levels used to recruit federal government workers may be helpful in constructing a pay scale for your employees.", "Social Security Disability - Preparing for Your Day in Court If your claim is denied at the hearing level, your representative will appeal that decision to the Appeals Council for further review. A: The next step of the appeal process is to take your case to the federal district court. Your representative will review your case to determine if an appeal to the court is warranted.", "- by: Yeva Ragauskayte. Just like all the programs and agencies that make up government, the pay scale is very defined and categorized. At first, however, pay grades, levels, and steps, may seem confusing since these terms are generally not used in describing pay scales in industry.But in actuality, the federal pay scale is not very complicated. Each job in the government is assigned a pay “grade”.y: Yeva Ragauskayte. Just like all the programs and agencies that make up government, the pay scale is very defined and categorized. At first, however, pay grades, levels, and steps, may seem confusing since these terms are generally not used in describing pay scales in industry.", "General Schedule (GS) Payscale Table for 2016 The General Schedule (GS) payscale is the federal government payscale used to determine the salaries of over 70% of federal civilian employees. An employee's base pay depends on two factors - the GS Paygrade of their job, and the Paygrade Step they have achieved (depending on seniority or performance).", "- This administrative regulation establishes the criteria for determining parole eligibility. Section 1. Definitions. (1) Board is defined by KRS 439.250(5). (2) Deferment means a decision by the board that an inmate shall serve a specific number of months before further parole consideration.", "- A scale is a selection of certain notes within an octave. The first scale that we will discuss is the major scale. The major scale is constructed with this formula. W's represent whole steps and h's represent half steps. Let's build a C Major Scale. Our starting note will be C. From the C, we will take a whole step to D. From the D, we will take another whole step to E.", "Prostate Cancer Stages The stage (extent) of a cancer is one of the most important factors in choosing treatment options and predicting a man’s outlook. The stage is based on the prostate biopsy results (including the Gleason score), the PSA level, and any other exams or tests that were done to find out how far the cancer has spread.he PSA can be any value. Stage III: T3, N0, M0, any Gleason score, any PSA: The cancer has grown outside the prostate and may have spread to the seminal vesicles [T3], but it has not spread to nearby lymph nodes [N0] or elsewhere in the body [M0]. The tumor can have any Gleason score and the PSA can be any value.", "GS Pay Scale FAQs Answer: Some agencies, particularly the Dept. of Defense, are no longer on the GS scale. They are on a system called “pay-banding”. Instead of being a GS-15 step 1 you are given a range in which your pay can be, and promotions/pay increases are determined by performance reviews.", "Stairs The measurements of a stair, in particular the rise height and going of the steps, should remain the same along the stairs. The following stair measurements are important: The rise height or rise of each step is measured from the top of one tread to the next. It is not the physical height of the riser; the latter excludes the thickness of the tread. A person using the stairs would move this distance vertically for each step taken.", "Decision-making process Step 5. Step 7: Review your decision & its consequences. In this ˜nal step, consider the results of your decision. and evaluate whether or not it has resolved the need. you identi˜ed in Step 1. If the decision has not met. the identi˜ed need, you may want to repeat certain. steps of the process to make a new decision.", "Decision-making GOFER is an acronym for five decision-making steps: 1 Goals: Survey values and objectives. 2 Options: Consider a wide range of alternative actions. 3 Facts: Search for information. 4 Effects: Weigh the positive and negative consequences of the options. 5 Review: Plan how to implement the options.", "Prostate Cancer Stages The stage (extent) of a prostate cancer is one of the most important factors in choosing treatment options and predicting a man’s outlook for survival (prognosis). The stage is based on: The prostate biopsy results (including the Gleason score) The blood PSA level at the time of diagnosis." ]
[ 10.9453125 ]
[ 5.1171875, 4.18359375, 3.7890625, 5.94921875, 4.12109375, 9.6171875, 8.421875, 9.125, 9.53125, 4.90234375, 8.8046875, 4.0859375, 11.125, 10.375, 3.6875, 10.3046875, 4.30078125, 9.1796875, 8.984375, 4.2734375, 10.34375, 11.9921875, 0.045989990234375, 9.0078125, 8.3125, 11.03125, 6.78125, 4.3671875, 3.421875, 6.3125 ]
is tichina arnold still on daytime divas
[ "VH1 Announces Cast Of Star Jonesâ Drama Series Daytime Divas Tichina Arnold and McKinley Freeman join Vanessa Williams in Daytime Divas. by 8/23/2016. The cast and showrunners of VH1’s newest series, Daytime Divas, have been announced. Back in March, Vanessa Williams was announced as the lead in the series, where she will star as Maxine, the creator and host of a fictional talk show The Lunch Hour." ]
[ "- May 13, 1992 (1992-05-13). 02S0059124. Absent Dan Lauria as Jack Arnold, Alley Mills as Norma Arnold and Olivia d'Abo as Karen Arnold. When Winnie thinks Kevin is flirting with a waitress (Sarah Dammann) at Fatso's drive-in, she gives him an icy reception and leaves him to sit with her friends for the rest of the night.", "- Thk u for your kind words!https://twitter.com/raymondwps/status/849339733469790209 …. Dr. Jennifer Ashton added, Raymond @RaymondWPS. Any daytime show is better off for having as a Medical Contributor. I'm not even her target audience, I just admire her devotion.", "- Posted October 15 2012 — 3:08 PM EDT. A rock star will join the rock stars who make FX’s most-watched drama. Dave Navarro will guest star in the last two episodes of Sons of Anarchy this season as a member of the Biz Lats gang with close ties to Nero (Jimmy Smits).", "Shrinking Violet at School Blossoms on the Radio Radio Rebel Debby Ryan in this movie, appearing on the Disney Channel, Friday night at 8, Eastern and Pacific times; 7, Central time. Tara is an outsider, natch, but she also anonymously hosts an Internet radio show on which she shares her true feelings, groaning about the atomization of her peers into cruel cliques.", "Tichina Arnold Tichina Arnold. Tichina Rolanda Arnold (born June 28, 1971) is an American actress, comedian, model and singer. She is known for having portrayed the roles of Pamela James on the FOX sitcom Martin (1992–97) and the family matriarch Rochelle on the UPN/CW sitcom Everybody Hates Chris (2005–09).", "\"\"\"Hanoi Jane\"\" Fonda Rumors Blend Fact and Fiction\" Considered treasonous by some, her behavior during these years earned Fonda the nickname Hanoi Jane among veterans and POWs of the Vietnam War, many of whom hate her to this day. Image Revamped Since the 1970s, Fonda has revamped her public image several times over, rededicating herself to acting, becoming a fitness guru and businesswoman, marrying and divorcing billionaire media mogul Ted Turner.", "- I thought it was one of the best movies of last year, and unfortunately, there was the NC-17 issue. Gina Gershon on Being Donatella Versace, ‘Showgirls,’ and Bill Clinton Rumors Marlow Stern October 3, 2013.", "Marian Anderson Anderson in her 1939 concert at the Lincoln Memorial. In 1939, the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) refused permission for Anderson to sing to an integrated audience in their Constitution Hall.", "Miss D and the Dancing Dolls of Lifetime's 'Bring It!' return with new episodes By The Times-Picayune. Email the author | Follow on Twitter. on July 22, 2014 at 5:24 PM, updated July 22, 2014 at 5:44 PM. Dianna Miss D Williams begins building a new team of Dancing Dolls in a return episode of Bring It! scheduled to air at 8 p.m. Wednesday (July 23) on Lifetime.", "- In today's messy reality tea, Apollo Nida is reportedly engaged. Follow me on Instagram & Twitter @Shamika_Sanders. This R&B head and Journalism major has written for King and Giant magazine. When she isn&apos;t holding a pen she&apos;s coming up with ways to take over the world...", "- It's all about the girl Sheridan Smith this August. ITV Encore is celebrating the many faces of Sheridan Smith this August with a season of her outstanding dramas. Join us every Saturday in August to watch all parts of each drama back-to-back, starting with Cilla on the 1st.t's time to meet Donk, as Series 5 begins on ITV Encore ahead of the final series coming to ITV later this year! Downton Abbey-Series 5, starts Thursday 9pm.", "Andrea Davis (VI) Andrea Davis (VI) Andrea Davis is an actress, known for Suburban Secrets (2004), Chantal (2007) and Lust for Dracula (2004). See full bio ».", "- Oh! Thank you for that interview Nikki!! I always admired Ms. Ray!! and her hair LOL! I too recently fell in love with Roller Sets and buns!! March 28, 2011 at 9:37 AM Anonymous said... Love Tanika Ray!....Now we just need an interview with Marsha Ambrosius! March 28, 2011 at 9:43 AM sarah said...", "Juliana Harkavy & Rick Gonzalez promoted to Series Regular on Arrow Season 6 Jan 28 Juliana Harkavy Joins the Cast of Arrow. Harkavy makes her second return to the DC Comics Universe, officially joining the cast of The CW's Arrow. There has been much speculation over her character, detective Tina Boland, who first appears in Hub City in the back half of Season 5.", "Star Jones, Tamera Mowry-Housley, & âThe Viewâ Co-Hosts To Guest On VH1âs âDaytime Divasâ Top Stories. Star Jones, Tamera Mowry-Housley, & ‘The View’ Co-Hosts To Guest On VH1’s ‘Daytime Divas’. VH1’s upcoming satirical series Daytime Divas is cracking the fourth wall when it debuts later this spring, as the network today announced several real life daytime talk personalities will be making guest appearances.", "Easter Parade ( 1948) In spite of the fact, that he is in love with Hannah, he keeps the relation to her strictly business. So Hannah is of the opinion, that he is still in love with Nadine, and her suspicion grows, when he dances with Nadine in a Night Club Floor Show.", "Last Man Standing: TV Review That is exactly the stance -- albeit far more man-centric -- of Last Man Standing, starring Tim Allen in his return to television. He plays Mike Baxter, manly-man adventurer for an outdoor supply company called the Outdoor Man store. Mike's wife Vanessa (Nancy Travis) totally gets him. He's old school. A complainer.", "VH1 Announces Cast Of Star Jonesâ Drama Series Daytime Divas by 8/23/2016. The cast and showrunners of VH1’s newest series, Daytime Divas, have been announced. Back in March, Vanessa Williams was announced as the lead in the series, where she will star as Maxine, the creator and host of a fictional talk show The Lunch Hour.", "- Love Lizzie McGuire show and the movie. The show reruns are showing on Disney channel at night and the movie was just added to Netflix. Other cast members have been reunited and posted pics on Instagram.", "- Born Tichina Rolanda Arnold on 28th June, 1969 in Queens, New York City, New York, United States and educated at Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts, she is famous for Pamela Pam Jones On Martin (1992-1997). in a career that spans 1983–present. Her zodiac sign is Cancer. Tichina Arnold is a member of the following lists: People from Queens, New York, Actresses from Queens, New York and Actresses from New York City. Help us build our profile of Tichina Arnold!", "American Bandstand On this show, Dick Clark hosts a daily to weekly dance show that features the latest hit music for the attending teens to dance to. In addition, the show has performances by popular musicians and audience members rate songs. Peaches Johnson, Dick Clark, Dion DiMucci | See full cast and crew ».", "- Tichina Arnold and McKinley Freeman join Vanessa Williams in Daytime Divas. The cast and showrunners of VH1’s newest series, Daytime Divas, have been announced. Back in March, Vanessa Williams was announced as the lead in the series, where she will star as Maxine, the creator and host of a fictional talk show The Lunch Hour.", "- From DJ act to global popstars, The Chainsmokers have the attention of all types of audiences on them, including in their private lives. Alex Pall, one half of the duo, learned this the hard way after he was caught cheating by who we can now assume to be his ex-girlfriend Tori Woodward. Included below is a picture of the then-couple, also on Tori’s Instagram.", "Guys and Dolls [Original Music from the Movie Soundtrack] Featuring the sophisticated music and lyrics of Frank Loesser, this 2007 reissue boasts renditions by Frank Sinatra as Nathan Detroit, Jean Simmons as Sister Sarah, Vivian Blaine as Miss Adelaide, and Marlon Brando as Sky Masterson (who, despite having a poor singing voice, did the best he could with his material).", "Dyan Cannon Also Known As. Biography. With her luxurious, sun-streaked, long curly blond hair, Dyan Cannon is an actress who is hard to miss. She has been in films and occasionally on television since making her debut opposite Art Carney in The Ding-a-Ling Girl, a presentation on the television series Playhouse 90. Cannon got…more.", "Take your significant other to work day: 32 actors who popped up on their other halvesâ sitcoms 16. Hal Holbrook, Designing Women “He is serious, and I am perceived as giddy,” said Dixie Carter of her husband, Hal Holbrook. It was an odd couple of sorts: Carter became famous in sitcoms, whereas Holbrook (best known for his one-man show Mark Twain Tonight!) was one of the most acclaimed dramatic actors of his generation.", "More cuts Channel 11 has redone the morning group news promos showing Valerie as part of the group. Was just curious as to the budget with regards to bringing on-board a fourth weather presenter and not renewing Richie Walsh’s contract.", "- Must of been a cool day, because Miss Firebird didn't shed her long pants for this pre-race parade. I am going to list the UNC-Charlotte Library id of the photo below it and then below that post two photos of Winkie as Miss Firebird.. You decide who is really on the float.OTE: FROM 1964 - 1969 THERE WAS AT LEAST (6) OTHER LESSER KNOWN Miss Firebird BATHING SUIT WOMEN WOULD HELP OUT AND STAND-UP RIDE THE Miss Firebird.. The Pure Oil Co. PRE-RACE PARADE FLOAT.", "- Deidre Hall has emerged as one of America's most beloved actresses, who delighted her fans in August 1991, when she returned to NBC-TV's number one daytime program, Days of Our Lives (1965).", "5 Things to Know About âReal Housewives of Potomacâ Star Ashley Darby (PHOTOS) Still in her late 20s, Ashley is one of the youngest cast members, and yet she seems to have the whole family and fun thing nailed. Plus, she’s got a pretty cool job and still finds time to look totally fabulous at all times. PHOTOS: Meet Real Housewives of Potomac Stunner Gizelle!" ]
[ 14.9140625 ]
[ 2.34765625, 3.6171875, 1.4560546875, -2.265625, 9.59375, -4.2578125, 2.05078125, -1.4208984375, -0.0926513671875, 4.265625, -1.4609375, 2.7265625, 0.3486328125, -2.109375, 8.15625, -0.904296875, -1.333984375, 8.296875, 1.2958984375, 7.7890625, -0.11322021484375, 15.203125, -1.4462890625, -2.150390625, 0.77392578125, 0.50634765625, 0.200927734375, -0.72265625, 2.640625, 0.027984619140625 ]
how long rasp
[ "Ranger Assessment and Selection Program Ranger Assessment and Selection Program. Ranger Assessment and Selection Program (RASP) is an 8-week course held at Fort Benning, Georgia. RASP is required for all ranks. As of 2010, RASP replaced both the RIP (Ranger Indoctrination Program) for enlisted Soldiers and ROP (Ranger Orientation Program) for Officers, both commissioned and noncommissioned and below to be assigned to the U.S. Army's 75th Ranger Regiment." ]
[ "- 1:07. THE ORIGINAL Scary 'Mary Poppins' Recut Trailer-Duration: 67 seconds. Top Gun Recut-Duration: 2 minutes, 14 seconds. The Big Lebowksi Trailer Recut-Duration: 92 seconds. Food Court Musical-Musicals In Real Life Episode 1 - Duration: 3 minutes, 45 seconds.", "- More example sentences. 1 The 1980s saw a revival of the sweet Recioto di Soave, made from Garganega grapes with a long local tradition. 2 A Veronese variety such as Garganega for a white Recioto will need three to four months.", "Digital Photography FAQ Depending on the complexity of the case a trial can last anywhere from one day to six months or longer. If you are asking how long a rape prosecution takes you are probably looking at 6 months to a couple of years. Again, this depends on the facts of your case and how complex the case is.", "- Definition of rasp. 1 transitive verb. 2 1 : to rub with something rough; specifically : to abrade with a rasp. 3 2 : to grate upon : irritate. 3 : to utter in a raspy 1 tone. intransitive verb. 1 1 : scrape. 2 : to produce a grating sound.", "- Depending on the complexity of the case a trial can last anywhere from one day to six months or longer. If you are asking how long a rape prosecution takes you are probably looking at 6 months to a couple of years.", "Royal Rumble The Royal Rumble match traditionally involves 30 wrestlers and usually lasts an hour, with the longest match, at the 2011 event, lasting over one hour and nine minutes of a three-hour pay-per-view. However, the first match, contested in 1988, involved only 20 men, and lasted 33 minutes of the two-hour broadcast.", "The Best Ways to Cook a Rump Roast as Choice Meat Season the roast, sear it in hot oil and cook it in a 250 degree Fahrenheit oven for roughly 30 minutes per pound. One of the keys to keeping it tender is to slice it very thin just as you find in a delicatessen. In fact, if you purchase roast beef in a deli, there is a good chance you are getting rump roast.", "- A3 / APPLY TO REST OF HAIR. • Apply remaining color mixture to the rest. of the hair. • Work through hair from roots to tips to ensure. full saturation but don’t rub into scalp. • Let develop for an additional 5 minutes. • Total application time is 25 minutes.", "- Paypal Isn't Reliable - Get Yourself A Merchant Account!!! - Duration: 15:22. Rules For Rebels 5,680 views", "$35.992 Reviews Each resurf.a.stic is formulated differently, including crystal sizes, in order to provide the best results for your body, face, ingrown hairs and calluses. Directions for Use: Wet stick with water. Gently press stick on skin and move in a light circular motion for one to two minutes.", "Treatment of human head lice The delousing by Adriaen Brouwer. A special fine tooth comb that can pick out lice is used. For a treatment with louse comb alone, it is recommended to comb the hair for an hour to an hour and a half (depending the length and type of the hair) daily or every second day for 14 days.", "- Available Size(s): 12.25 OZ, 18 OZ, 32 OZ, & 32 OZ Plastic Jar. It’s hard to find fresh red raspberries because their harvest season is only three-weeks long. That’s why we pack their freshly picked flavor into every jar of Smucker’s® Red Raspberry Preserves. Use to make the perfect spread for your next cheese platter or a superb base for a balsamic glaze.", "- I have Extra(Sugarless gum). It's the long lasting time and after 15 minutes the flavor goes down. Depends on how fast ya chew it and if your chewing more than one piece at a … time. But Stride nonstop mint actually is said to last 5 to 6 freaking HOURS! Never tried it-- 'cause it costs around 14$...n abscess will only fully heal when it has been treated with root canal therapy, is drained by a professional or the tooth is extracted. Most dentist will prescribe antibioti … cs and pain killers to take for 5-7 days.", "How To Pass A Meth Drug Test. Special Notes For The Ritalin Hair Drug Test: The benchmark drug detec­tion time for the ritalin hair drug test is 90 days. Sometimes a longer hair sample is taken, which can result in a 120 day detection time. This is rare, but you can never count it out.", "How to Cook a Small Juicy Rump Roast Plan on oven-roasting the rump roast at 325 degrees Fahrenheit for about 28 to 33 minutes per pound for medium-rare meat, though the exact cooking time will vary depending on the roast's shape and size. Begin checking the meat after 45 minutes and continue checking it every 15 minutes after that.Remove it from the oven when a meat thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the roast registers 140 degrees Fahrenheit. For the slow cooker method, allow the roast to cook on the low setting for eight to 10 hours.hoto Credit Kathy Burns-Millyard/Demand Media. To keep rump roast juicy in the oven, you'll need to add a liquid like beef broth. Place the seared roast into the pot or roasting pan with the fat layer facing up and pour in a can of low-sodium beef broth, or approximately 2 cups of beef stock.", "- Just asked! See more. 1 densities of three methods used to determine ... Answer. 2 How do you graph #r =3 sec (theta) + 5 csc ... Answer. 3 0.543g of CaCl2 was dissolved in enough water to ... Answer. 4 A ramp is 2.8 m long and 1.2 m high. How much ...", "Relax and Wax - No Scream Cream No Mess No Grease - 1 Ounce I have large hair follicles and I bleed often when I get waxed. I used this product today for my second Brazilian wax in four weeks. My hair was about 1/4-1/2 inch long. I applied this product about 50 minutes before my wax (the instructions recommend 45 minutes before wax.) I put a thick layer on as suggested.", "Tape In Hair Extensions The Balmain tape extension is a semi permanent application that can last 2 to 4 weeks. Your own hair is taped between two strips of extensions. It takes about 1 minute to apply each mini weft. They are made of 100% human hair that has a 6 month guarantee when you use Balmain hair care products. Available in 28 colors.ape extensions are small strips of hair with adhesive tape on one side. It is also called sticker hair. In general they are applied using two strips that are taped to each other with your own hair in between.", "Perfect Rump Roast 1 Put the Roast in the oven and sear for 20 minutes. 2 Then add the water, the chopped onion and reduce the temperature to 275 degrees. 3 Cook for 20 minutes per lb. 4 I like mine rare so that is what you will get if you cook for this period of time. Put the Roast in the oven and sear for 20 minutes. 2 Then add the water, the chopped onion and reduce the temperature to 275 degrees. 3 Cook for 20 minutes per lb. 4 I like mine rare so that is what you will get if you cook for this period of time.", "- d-LIMONENE. Naturtint Reflex is a non-permanent, PPD-free colorant range which is free from PPD, peroxide, resorcinol, ammonia & parabens. It covers early signs of grey hair and lasts for 2 to 4 weeks. Add a tone or go darker.", "How to cook a Beef Rump Roast? A rump roast is often underrated — it has unusually good flavor. If your roast is rated prime or choice, you can roast it at 325°F (160°C). Figure on. 1 25 to 30 minutes per pound for rare, 28 to 33for medium rare,", "- rasp. n. 1. A coarse file with sharp, pointed projections. 2. The act of filing with a rasp. 3.A harsh grating sound. v. rasped, rasp·ing, rasps.v. tr.. 1. A coarse file with sharp, pointed projections. 2. The act of filing with a rasp.", "Rasp A rasp is coarse form of file[1] used for coarsely shaping wood or other material. Typically a hand tool, it consists of a generally tapered rectangular, round, or half-round sectioned bar of case hardened steel with distinct, individually cut teeth.[1] narrow, pointed tang is common at one end, to which a handle may be fitted.[2]", "Perfect Rump Roast 1 Put the Roast in the oven and sear for 20 minutes. 2 Then add the water, the chopped onion and reduce the temperature to 275 degrees. 3 Cook for 20 minutes per lb. 4 I like mine rare so that is what you will get if you cook for this period of time.", "- Time to ROSC was measured from the induction of VF. guided group had an average of 13.5± 1.2 minutes to ROSC. ROSC was compared with a Kruskal-Wallis rank test. found to be not statistically significant with a p-value of 0.2 (p=0.2).", "- Example sentences containing 'revelling'. 1 For a few minutes, he hung on to the mizzen rigging, face to the wind, revelling in the glory of it. 2 Rose took the mug of tea and sat back against the pillows, revelling in the luxury of being brought tea in bed.", "NCSBN The Special Research Section will be given to select candidates taking the NCLEX-RN and will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. This section will be administered following your regular NCLEX exam and will not count as part of your NCLEX score. You may take your entire allotted 6 hours to complete the NCLEX. All questions on the NCLEX-RN examination and the Special Research Section are confidential.", "- limit use to just 5 minutes a day longer wear time can result in tooth sensitivity if you are looking for faster whitening results please try crest 3d white whitestrips vivid it is formulated to be worn for 30 minutes daily and provide results in only 10 days", "- Choose by criterion. Naturtint Reflex is a non-permanent, PPD-free colorant range which is free from PPD, peroxide, resorcinol, ammonia & parabens. It covers early signs of grey hair and lasts for 2 to 4 weeks. Add a tone or go darker.", "RESTYLANE and RESTYLANE SILK â Plano and Frisco TX a restylane effects generally last at least six months and gradually disappears from the body if you are treated again at 4 ½ or 9 months after your first treatment restylane can last up to 18 months in the nasolabial folds in the lips restylane generally lasts six months" ]
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what channel does dr phil come on
[ "Marty Tankleff Blog The Dr. Phil show is syndicated, which means it's on different channels at different times in different cities. In New York City it will be on at 3:00 p.m. on WCBS, Channel 2. In Riverhead, it will be on at 5:00 p.m. on WLNY, Channel 55. To find the show in your area, click here." ]
[ "Pro Football Hall of Fame induction 2015: TV channel, time, schedule The 2015 Pro Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement begins at 7 p.m., and NFL Network will have live coverage throughout. Below is the list of channel numbers for NFL Network in the Syracuse area: Time Warner: Channel 310 (SD & HD) Verizon Fios: Channel 588 (HD) and 88 (SD)", "Behind the scenes of the âDr. Philâ show he became a national phenomenon on the oprah winfrey show but phil mcgraw phd television s dr phil envisioned more than fame when he left oprah winfrey s show to start his own he explained in an invited presidential address at apa s 2006 annual conventione became a national phenomenon on the oprah winfrey show but phil mcgraw phd television s dr phil envisioned more than fame when he left oprah winfrey s show to start his own he explained in an invited presidential address at apa s 2006 annual convention", "List of DirecTV channels Welcome to TV Channel Lists. If you wish to contribute to and edit TV channel listings, please log in or request an account. Questions? Ask the admins. TV Channel Lists is not affiliated with any TV provider/channel and cannot answer questions regarding your TV service. List of DirecTV channels From TVCL - TV Channel Lists", "George Will Will is currently a contributor for Fox News. Prior to joining Fox News in 2013, Will was a news analyst for ABC News since the early 1980s and was a founding member on the panel of ABC's This Week with David Brinkley in 1981, now titled This Week with George Stephanopoulos. Will was a panelist on This Week until his departure from ABC News.", "- Dr. Phil McGraw is like a late night movie you don’t really want to watch, but you do, because there’s nothing else worthwhile on television. It’s either that or Martha Stewart, and even though the latter is a choice for drunken cake bakers, Dr. Phil’s show is the most captivating of the bunch.", "TFC THE FILIPINO CHANNEL Salem, NH and surrounding areas want the TFC The Filipino Channel put out by ABS-CBN as our Filipino community here is about 1/3 the population. Filipino On Demand is okay but doe not satisfy the Filipino community. We need as many Filipinos in the area to request this as possible.", "The Doctors TV Show None 'Dr. Phil' spin-off featuring four doctors (an emergency-room physician, an ob-gyn, a plastic surgeon and a pediatrician) exploring medical issues raised in cases examined on the show.", "Survivor 's Todd Herzog Says Dr. Phil Got Him Drunk Before His Interview 1 Rating: TV-PG. Premise: The life strategist offers advice on a wide range of topics, including marital, financial and self-image issues. Phil McGraw began his own show after he became a popular recurring guest on `The Oprah Winfrey Show.' (more)", "Who Owns The Channel FYI? Tv channel) wikipediaa&e (tv wikipedia. The a e networks owned channel our detail page for fyi, tv on dish network. Tv channel) wikipedia. A&e networks wikipediawatch full episodes of your favorite showswho owns what on television? Neatorama. Co qn6pir8fz1 via 21, fyi24, knlc27, own30, hgtv33, dsc. Googleusercontent search. Fyi tv18 is an asian lifestyle based network owned by a joint venture between e networks and.", "- Add Channel - 6ZCCRZ. Channel Description: Bill O'Reilly, the conservative political commentator and former Fox News television personality, currently produces an online show called No Spin News. The daily 30-minute podcast debuted in August 2017 and is available online and on this private (non-certified) Roku channel.", "What channel is mynetwork TV on direct TV? What channel is BBC on direct tv? What channel is discovery on direct tv? 278 - Discovery 413 - Discovery en Espanol 436 - Discovery Familia 279 - Discovery Health Channel 294 - Discovery Kids BTW- You can use the Menu button -> Search for Shows -> …Channel -> Then type the channel you wanna find.", "Dr Phil Net Worth Phil McGraw. Phillip Calvin McGraw (born September 1, 1950), known as Dr. Phil, is an American television personality, author, psychologist, and the host of the television show Dr. Phil, which debuted in 2002. McGraw first gained celebrity status with appearances on The Oprah Winfrey Show in the late 1990s.", "- but it helps when your dad is dr phil mcgraw or dr phil as you may have heard him called by oprah on his eponymous television show thursday dr phil gave an on air examination of the app doctor on demand which so happens was conceived by his son jay mcgraw and funded by dr phil himself among othersut dr phil didn t mention the price $ 40 per 15 minute consultation the ios and android app free to download is backed by $ 3 million in seed funding from heavy hitters like andresseen horowitz and google ventures the national television exposure is likely to help boost the app s user base", "What TV channel is the Washington Redskins vs. New York Giants game on tonight? Live stream, time, odds, prediction A good question, since we have a new TV newtwork in the mix on Thursday nights this NFL season. The TV channel: CBS and the NFL Network (yes, it is on both networks, so you can watch either one if you get the NFL Network with subscription.).", "2015 NFL season How to watch. Channel: ESPN. Time: 7 p.m. ET. Live stream: Watch the ceremony online here. Tags. football hall of fame induction. football hall of fame induction live stream. watch football hall of fame induction. watch football hall of fame induction online. football hall of fame induction tv. football hall of fame induction channel.", "PC Phil Bellamy PC Philip Phil Montgomery Bellamy (deceased), was played by Mark Jordon. He appeared in 324 episodes from 1992 - 2007.hil was also one of the characters from Heartbeat to appear in The Royal, a spin-off series set in a Yorkshire cottage hospital, including the first episode, 'First Impressions'. The Royal had previously appeared in an episode called ' Out of the Blue '.", "Carousel (advertisement) Carousel is an online advertisement launched in April 2009 by Philips to promote Philips Cinema 21:9 LCD televisions. The 139-second piece is a continuous tracking shot of a frozen moment after an armoured van heist gone wrong, with robbers dressed in clown masks holding a pitched battle with police officers inside a hospital. The campaign surrounding Carousel was led by the central Philips team at DDB in London and produced by advertising agency Tribal DDB in Amsterdam. It was directed by Adam Berg, with production contracted to London-based production company Stinkdigital.", "\"\"\"Dr. Phil\"\" controversy highlights public confusion over psychology\" Dr. Phil is a Doctor. He has a Ph.D. in Psychology. Dr. Phil is not a psychologist. He is not licensed as a psychologist. Dr. Phil used to be a psychologist. He used to be licensed. He cannot practice psychology, and what he does is not actually the practice of psychology. Yes, he can call him self Dr. Phil.", "What type of therapy does Dr. Phil practice? Best Answer: From Dr. Phil's official site. (www.drphil.com) As a professional psychologist, he has published numerous scholarly articles and has practiced in the many fields of clinical psychology and behavioral medicine.", "What's on DR. PHIL this week? 9/19-9/23, Burke and John Ramsey WASHINGTON (WUSA9) - DR. PHIL on WUSA9! Join us Monday, September 19 as Burke and John Ramsey give their final thoughts on the death of JonBenet. Program airs Monday-Friday from 4-5 p.m. All new episodes this week! Monday, September 19 Show #15402 (TV PG (S)(D)) “Who Killed Child Beauty Queen JonBenet Ramsey? ALL-NEW!", "\"Measuring The \"\"Oprah Effect\"\"\" Prior to the launch of her own cooking program, Rachael Ray made daily appearances on The Oprah Winfrey Show. Upon gaining the necessary media exposure, Ray made her way to pursue her love of cooking on the Food Network. Dr. Phil's success is also largely contributed to Oprah. After regular appearances on her show, Phillip McGraw published numerous best-selling relationship books and eventually launched The Dr. Phil Show, produced by Harpo Studios (which is owned by Oprah).", "- For those who wants to get information about Bro. Eli Soiano, Ang Dating Daan, Members of the Church of God International, please check the following links, http://esoriano.wordpress.com , http://www.angdatingdaan.org , http://theoldpath.tv and the live broadcast on http://www.untvweb.com/ , he also have a podcast on http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/talkCast.jsp?masterId=56964&cmd=tc because some wanted to malign Bro. Eli Soriano's person. Check the sites and prove for your selves that he is the most sensible preacher in our time. He can be seen in untv channel 37 in the philippines on Weeks days, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm , 8:25 pm - 10:00 pm, and 1:30 am - 4:00 am, on Saturdays from 7:00 am to 11:00 am , and 11:30 am to 4:00 am ,", "- 1 CBS 2Watch CBS2 News, CBS This Morning, Dr. Phil, Judge Judy, 60 Minutes, NFL football, and your favorite CBS shows. Latest Videos Eye On New York Dining Deals Tony’s Table Links & Numbers Station Info 2 & [...] WCBS 880WCBS Newsradio 880 is one of the tri-state’s most trusted sources for news and information.", "The Simpsons in Australia: A Fan Remembers (And Rambles) For most of the 1990s, Channel 10 was the sole dominion of The Simpsons in Australia, with a combination of weekly first-runs and weekday re-runs. The arrival of the cable channel Fox 8 in the late-1990s meant there was another outlet for Simpsons episodes.", "Bravo Channel Bravo Programming & Shows. Reruns: Any number of shows from the family of NBC channels. Original Series: Top Chef, Project Runway, The Real Housewives of Atlanta (Beverly Hills, you name it), Flipping Out, Inside the Actors Studio, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy etc.", "How to Contact Dr. Phil How to Contact Dr. Phil. Three Methods: Using Traditional Methods to Contact Contacting Through Social Media Getting on the Show Community Q&A. Dr. Phil McGraw is a famous talk show host and psychologist. Getting a reply from him can be difficult, but sending him a comment or question is easy enough.", "What channel is the NFL network? On the Direct TV satellite, NFL Network is channel 212. On the Dish Network satellite, NFL Network is channel 154. Comcast NFL Network is channel 547. Insight channel 700. Cablevision Not Available. FiOs channel 88. Channels can vary in different regions.", "What channel is discovery channel on direct tv? The Discovery channel is channel 278 on DirecTV. On the remote, go to the menu, then Search for Shows, then in the search box on the left spell out DIS and the channels th…at start with DIS will be displayed. Select the one you want and there you are.", "What channel is the Pro Football Hall of Fame enshrinement ceremony on? NFL Network will be the channel to have on prior to the event. At 2 p.m., the network will air Pro Football Hall of Fame: The New Class.. There will also be a three-hour edition of Total Access. The enshrinement ceremony begins at 7 p.m. and will be aired on both ESPN2 and the NFL Network.", "Dr Phil Net Worth Phillip Calvin Phil McGraw (born September 1, 1950), known as Dr. Phil, is an American television personality, author, psychologist, and the host of the television show Dr. Phil, which debuted in 2002. McGraw first gained celebrity status with appearances on The Oprah Winfrey Show in the late 1990s." ]
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what causes people to wake up in the night
[ "What Causes Insomnia? Sleep apnea is another sleep disorder linked to insomnia. With sleep apnea, a person's airway becomes partially or completely obstructed during sleep, leading to pauses in breathing and a drop in oxygen levels. This causes a person to wake up briefly but repeatedly throughout the night. People with sleep apnea sometimes report experiencing insomnia.", "Middle-of-the-night insomnia Excessive daytime sleepiness is reported nearly two times higher by individuals with nocturnal awakenings than by people who sleep through the night. Sleep research conducted already in the 1990s showed that such waking up during the night may be a natural sleep pattern, rather than a form of insomnia." ]
[ "What Causes Insomnia? Recently, researchers have begun to think about insomnia as a problem of your brain being unable to stop being awake (your brain has a sleep cycle and a wake cycle—when one is turned on the other is turned off—insomnia can be a problem with either part of this cycle: too much wake drive or too little sleep drive).", "Middle-of-the-night insomnia Middle-of-the-night insomnia. Middle-of-the-night insomnia (MOTN) is characterized by having difficulty returning to sleep after waking up during the night or very early in the morning. It is also called nocturnal awakenings, middle of the night awakenings, sleep maintenance insomnia, and middle insomnia.", "Catathrenia â Are You Making Strange Noises While Sleeping? What causes catathrenia? As with many sleep disorders the exact cause of catathrenia is still in debate among the medical and scientific community. There have been various theories put forward, including: Obstruction or restriction of the upper airway. During REM sleep, the vocal chords may partially close off.", "- Introduction. 1 In modern society, people commonly experience sleep that is not refreshing, waking each morning reluctant to get out of bed and struggling through the day. 2 Many things can result in unrefreshing sleep, but common causes are depression or stress and anxiety. 3 Dealing with stress is part of modern life.", "Nighttime Headaches â What Causes Them? There are other causes of nighttime headaches and some of them are serious. Sleep apnea is a serious problem that causes headaches during sleep. A machine may be indicated to check your sleep habits. Sleep apnea is a dangerous problem if left untreated. Another cause of nighttime headaches is an inflammation of the arteries in the head. This is a serious problem that could lead to stroke.", "Quick Heart Rate While Sleeping Some of the most common causes of increased heart rate -- whether awake or asleep -- are caffeine, energy drinks, alcohol and some medications, such as those found in some asthma inhalers and cold and flu drugs that contain pseudoephedrine, says the CNN Health website.", "Itchy feet at night? You may have liver failure: How little niggles can mean VERY different things at different times of day MORNING: If you wake up with a headache, it could be due to sleep apnoea, where the walls of the throat collapse during sleep, interrupting breathing. Sleep apnoea, characterised by snoring, can cause levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) to rise in the blood.", "- Waking up at night, also called nighttime. arousals or nighttime awakenings, can. happen if you have asthma or COPD. These. arousals interrupt your sleep and may. result in feeling groggy in the morning. and/or tired during the day.", "Sleep - hypersomnia Hypersomnia is excessive sleepiness. There are many causes of excessive sleepiness, including insufficient or inadequate sleep, sleep disorders, medications and medical or psychiatric illnesses. The characteristics of hypersomnia vary from one person to the next depending on age, lifestyle and underlying causes.", "Nocturnal Panic Attacks A nocturnal panic attack is a panic attack which occurs in the midst of your sleep, waking you up for no apparent reason. Not very much is written about nocturnal attacks, so people are usually dismayed and worried when they experience a panic attack at night.", "Ask the Mayo Clinic: What causes night sweats? The vast majority of people who experience night sweats -- men or women -- don't have a worrisome underlying medical condition, even when the sweating occurs several times a night. Night sweats usually are related to normal changes in body temperature called diurnal variation. That variation means that people experience the lowest body temperature in the morning and higher temperatures in the evening. Normal body temperature changes can trigger some sweating.", "Insomnia Insomnia. The glow of the alarm clock is all too familiar. Insomnia refers to an inability to fall asleep or stay asleep, or a tendency to wake up too early or experience poor sleep. 1 Definition. 2 Symptoms. 3 Causes.", "What's the best way to help someone who is having a night terror? Because while someone is having a night terror, it's virtually impossible to help them or wake them up. However, night terrors can sometimes be caused by depression, anxiety, or other psychological issues.Or it can sometimes be caused by hypoglycemia.he really does get up and start throwing things and screaming like someone is killing her. It's awful! Edit: It's NOT true that hypoglycemia causes night terrors. That is a drop in blood sugar...that can cause seizures..big difference there...btw..wikipedia isn't a reliable resource.", "What Causes Twitching While Sleeping And How To Get Rid Of It? Restless Leg Syndrome: Restless leg syndrome is a type of sleep disorder which causes twitching while an individual is asleep. These movements occur because the individual has a strong urge to move the legs because of a feeling of something creeping in the legs.", "I fall asleep easily, but wake in the middle of the night. Do you have tips to help me stay asleep? And sometimes it’s just waking up unrefreshed, even though you think you’ve slept soundly. Sleep doctors call waking up in the middle of the night “sleep-maintenance insomnia.” That’s difficulty staying asleep, particularly waking too early and struggling to get back to sleep.", "Why Does My Elderly Loved One Sleep All Day? As people age, they tend to sleep more lightly than when they were younger, and often awaken during the night from achy joints or the need to go to the bathroom.", "Reasons You Wake Up with a Headache Snoring is a risk factor for chronic headaches, and it can also be a symptom of sleep apnea, a dangerous condition in which you briefly stop breathing during the night. Also known as bruxism, clenching your jaw and grinding your teeth during the night can lead to waking up with an aching head.", "Sleep Paralysis: Demon in the Bedroom Just why or how it happens isn't clear. Researchers believe sleep paralysis is caused by a disturbed rapid eye movement cycle because it mostly happens as people are falling into or coming out of REM sleep. During that stage, their brains normally paralyze their muscles anyway -- so they don't act out their dreams. But during sleep paralysis, the sleeper is awake, or half awake, and so is aware she cannot move. Studies show that between 25% and 50% of Americans have had sleep paralysis at least once. Many people who have it also have narcolepsy, in which they fall asleep uncontrollably.", "What causes excessive urination at night? The people who suffer from nocturia which is also classed as excessive urination at night time have to wake up to urinate at night. Always waking up through the night causes many of these people to have a disturbed sleep pattern. Some of the causes for this disruptive condition are: Constant infections of the urinary tract.", "Insomnia Insomnia is a sleep disorder. It may cause a number of sleep problems including trouble falling asleep, waking in the middle of the night or waking very early in the morning. It may also be a sleep that is not restful. Insomnia can be a short term problem, or it can be chronic.", "Hypersomnia Share. Hypersomnia is a sleep related disorder that causes excessive daytime sleepiness in people, often irregardless of the presence of other sleeping disorders, or poor sleep hygiene.ypersomnia may be caused by other sleeping disorders, though these would generally be categorized as such, and not as hypersomnia. It may also be a case of genetics in some people, and could also be the cause of certain drugs or medications, brain damage, or other medical disorders like fibromyalgia.", "What Are the Causes of Headaches at Night Time? Hypnic headaches, or alarm clock headaches, only occur during sleep. They typically awaken the sufferer at the same time each night, notes the Mayo Clinic. The pain is mild to moderate, and commonly lasts from 15 minutes to two hours or longer. The cause is not known. The headache occurring at the same time each night suggests a link to the circadian rhythms and sleeping/wake cycle, according to an article by E. Kerr and colleagues in the May 2006 Ulster Medical Journal.. Hypnic headaches commonly occur during REM, or dream, sleep.", "Epilepsy and Sleep For some people, seizures occur exclusively during sleep. This is especially true for a particular type of epilepsy known as benign focal epilepsy of childhood, also known as Rolandic epilepsy. When seizures occur during sleep, they may cause awakenings that are sometimes confused with insomnia. Epilepsy patients are often unaware of the seizures that occur while they sleep. They may suffer for years from daytime fatigue and concentration problems without ever knowing why. For people with epilepsy, sleep problems are a double-edged sword; epilepsy disturbs sleep and sleep deprivation aggravates epilepsy.", "Narcolepsy: Causes, symptoms and treatments Narcolepsy is a considered a hypersomnia or a sleep disorder characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness. Many cases of narcolepsy are caused by a lack of the brain chemical orexin (also known as hypocretin), which regulates sleep.", "Why Do I Get Congested at Night? What Causes Congestion at Night? One explanation has to do with gravity and the way that we tend to position our bodies at night. Many people think that congestion and a feeling of stuffiness is caused by excess mucous blocking the nasal passageways.", "Nightmares Consumption or withdrawal of alcohol or illicit drugs can also lead to nightmares. Paradoxically, medications used to treat insomnia (zolpidem / Ambien ® and zalepon/ Sonata ®) have also been implicated in causing nightmares.", "Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) Insomnia: The perception or complaint of inadequate or poor-quality sleep due to a number of factors, such as difficulty falling asleep, waking up frequently during the night with difficulty returning to sleep, waking up too early in the morning, or unrefreshing sleep.", "What causes night terrors and sleepwalking? They are not associated with nightmares and occur at a different sleep stage. Night terrors often run in families. These children have many arousals in the early part of the night. The standard theory is that the cause is an immaturity in the mechanisms controlling sleep arousals.", "What Causes Itching At Night Bedbugs are a common cause of night-time itching. These microscopic, blood-feeding insects infest mattresses, laying their eggs and feeding off dead skin cells. They are active at night, and feed on their human hosts, leaving behind skin lesions which look like mosquito bites. The scabies rash is another cause for itching during the night. Scabies are a parasite that burrow in the skin and lay eggs which then hatch and continue the cycle. They are very contagious and are invisible. Treatment is with a pesticide cream through perscription such as elimite that contains permethrin.", "Problems Staying Asleep: Why Youâre Waking Up In The Middle Of The Night For instance, indigestion can wake you up in the middle of the night if you ate too big of a meal before bedtime. And people who have certain psychiatric conditions -- like anxiety or bipolar disorder -- are also known to be more prone to waking up, Findley says." ]
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common side effects of seizures
[ "Seizure Medications What are common seizure medication side effects? Because seizure medications work in the central nervous system, most cause some degree of drowsiness or dizziness, at least at the beginning of therapy. Also, most anti-seizure medications can induce suicidal thoughts or actions, and/or bring on or worsen depression. Seizure medications have a variety of possible side effects. The following is a list of potential side effects of different classes of seizure medications. Kidney stones." ]
[ "Epilepsy Drugs to Treat Seizures Newly approved in 2016 for use as an add-on treatment to other medications in treating partial onset seizures in patients age 16 years and older. Possible side effects include drowsiness, dizziness, fatigue, nausea and vomiting.", "- algesics are associated with a significant number of side effects and complica-tions. It is these phenomena that are the focus of this review. Common side effects of opioid administration include sedation, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, constipation, physical dependence, tolerance, and respira-tory depression.", "Drugs for Treating Agitation, Aggression and Psychotic Symptoms 1 Side-effects include excessive sedation, dizziness, unsteadiness and symptoms that resemble those of Parkinson's disease (shakiness, slowness and stiffness of the limbs). 2 Major tranquilizers may be particularly dangerous for people with dementia with Lewy bodies, possibly causing sudden death.", "- A: The most common side effects with lisinopril are: headache; dizziness; cough and high blood potassium. Impotence is a reported side effect with lisinopril. This is not a complete list of the side effects associated with lisinopril. Lisinopril is in a drug class called angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)-inhibitors.", "Treatment for Epilepsy 1 Common or predictable side effects. These are common, nonspecific, and dose-related side effects which occur with any epilepsy drug, which affects the central nervous system. These side effects include blurry or double vision, fatigue, sleepiness, unsteadiness, and stomach upset. Idiosyncratic side effects.", "- Common side effects of citalopram include drowsiness, insomnia, nausea, gas, upset stomach, weight changes, urinating more than usual, decreased sex drive, impotence, dry or watery mouth, and yawning. This is not a complete list of the side effects associated with citalopram.: Drowsiness is a side effect of citalopram (Celexa). You do take this at bedtime, which is advisable. If you do not get a good night sleep, this may also lead to the drowsiness. I would contact your health care provider and let them him or her know how you are feeling.", "- Common side effects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) can include: 1 feeling agitated, shaky or anxious. 2 feeling and being sick. 3 indigestion and stomach aches. 4 diarrhoea or constipation. 5 loss of appetite. 6 dizziness.", "NEXAVAR ® (sorafenib) tablets, oral SIDE EFFECTS: The most common side effects with capecitabine are: 1 diarrhea, 2 nausea, 3 vomiting, painful swelling of the mouth, 4 fatigue, painful rash 5 and. swelling of the hands or 6 feet, low white blood cell count (which can lead to infections), low blood platelet counts (which can lead to 1 bleeding), and. anemia.", "Effexor A generic version of Effexor is available. Effexor side effects can cause dizziness, nervousness, nausea, constipation, headaches, anxiety, insomnia, strange dreams, drowsiness, increased sweating, blurred vision, dry mouth, changes in appetite or weight, decreased sex drive, impotence, or difficulty having an orgasm.ess serious side effects may include: 1 drowsiness, dizziness, feeling nervous; 2 strange dreams; 3 increased sweating; 4 blurred vision; 5 dry mouth; 6 changes in appetite or weight; 7 mild nausea, constipation; or. 8 decreased sex drive, impotence, or difficulty having an orgasm.", "- Common desipramine side effects may include confusion, nausea, or shakiness. This eMedTV Web page also lists serious problems that should be reported to your healthcare provider, such as seizures, arrhythmias, or hallucinations.", "- Some common side effects are rashes and other skin ailments, nausea, vomiting, weakness, loss of appetite, headache, sleepiness, constipation, thirst, fever, and other related symptoms. Answer A side effect is a symptom that occurs with some medication that is not the purpose of that medication. This could mean that if you take a symptom … reliever, a side affect may be nasal congestion. (very random example).", "What Is Cephalexin (Keflex)? Other possible side effects of cephalexin include vaginal discharge, headache, dizziness, aches and pains, confusion, mouth sores, and fatigue.ymptoms of an allergic reaction to cephalexin may include: 1 Rash. 2 Swelling under the skin. 3 Itching. 4 Throat swelling. 5 Wheezing. 6 Difficulty breathing.", "14 Side Effects of Amoxicillin More severe side effects to amoxicillin include: Seizures; Yellowing of the skin or eyes; Trouble passing urine or change in amount of urine; Unusual bleeding or bruising; Yellowing of the eyes or skin; Excessive tiredness; Severe or watery diarrhea; Call your doctor immediately if you have any of these amoxicillin side effects.", "- Other common medicines (even aspirin in some cases) can increase the unwanted side effects of your seizure medicines or increase seizures by changing the level of medication in your blood. Check the information elsewhere on this site concerning individual seizure medicines.", "- Common side effects may include: 1 fever; 2 cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat; 3 stomach pain, gas; 4 nausea, vomiting, mild diarrhea; or. 5 headache.rilosec in Detail-Patient Information: Side Effects. Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.", "Latuda Side Effects Commonly reported side effects of lorazepam include: agitation, sedation, and tremor. Other side effects include: dizziness, drowsiness, and hypersomnia. See below for a comprehensive list of adverse effects.", "- These side effects are. more common an hour or two after a dose. More serious side effects of anti-seizure medications include skin rash, low blood cell counts, liver problems, osteoporosis, and thoughts of. harming oneself. Please talk to your health care provider about your. risk for these serious side effects.", "- One example is non-epileptic seizures, which result from injury. This includes a blow to the head or an illness. When the condition is treated, the seizures go away. Partial seizures are associated with epilepsy, a condition that causes repeated seizures. This seizure type happens on only one side of the brain.", "I refuse to let IPF be the only thing that takes my breath away The most common side effects of Esbriet include feeling tired, insomnia, upper respiratory tract infections, sinusitis, headache, dizziness, decreased weight and decreased or loss of appetite. These are not all the possible side effects of Esbriet. For more information, ask your doctor or pharmacist. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or www.fda.gov/medwatch. You may also report side effects to Genentech at 1-888-835-2555.", "Cozaar Common side effects may include: 1 cold or flu symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, fever; 2 dry cough; 3 muscle cramps; pain in your legs or 1 back; stomach pain, diarrhea; headache, 1 dizziness; tired feeling; or. sleep problems (insomnia).", "- This includes a blow to the head or an illness. When the condition is treated, the seizures go away. Partial seizures are associated with epilepsy, a condition that causes repeated seizures. This seizure type happens on only one side of the brain. As a result, one side of the body is affected during a seizure.Other names for partial seizures include focal, Jacksonian, and temporal lobe seizures.his includes a blow to the head or an illness. When the condition is treated, the seizures go away. Partial seizures are associated with epilepsy, a condition that causes repeated seizures. This seizure type happens on only one side of the brain. As a result, one side of the body is affected during a seizure.", "Seizure Either type of partial seizure may become a generalized seizure if the electrical activity spreads from the part of the brain where the seizure started to the rest of the cerebral cortex. Seizures often are followed by a period of lethargy, drowsiness and confusion.", "Canadian Anesthesiologists' Societysearch:Français Common side effects and minor risks associated with anesthesia. Most side effects of general anesthesia are minor in people who are otherwise healthy and they can be easily managed by your anesthesia care team.Some of the most common ones are discussed below.1.. Nausea and vomiting after surgery (also called postoperative nausea and vomiting) How common is it? Post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV for short) is one of the most common side-effects that occurs in the first 24 hours after your surgery. It affects 20-30% of patients.", "- Common side effects may include: 1 dizziness, tired feeling; 2 confusion, memory problems; 3 nightmares, trouble sleeping; 4 diarrhea; or. 5 mild itching or rash.", "Epilepsy Drugs to Treat Seizures This drug is a once-a-day medication used alone or in combination with other anti-seizure drugs to treat partial-onset seizures. The most common side effects include dizziness, nausea, headache, vomiting, fatigue, vertigo, ataxia, blurred vision, and tremor. Ethosuximide . Used to treat absence seizures", "furosemide - oral, Lasix Tell your doctor right away if any of these rare but serious side effects occur: numbness/tingling/pain/redness/swelling of the arms/legs, hearing changes (such as ringing in the ears, temporary or permanent decreased hearing/ deafness), easy bruising/bleeding.A very serious allergic reaction to this drug is rare.ide Effects. Dizziness may occur as your body adjusts to the medication. If this effect persists or worsens, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly. To reduce the risk of dizziness and lightheadedness, get up slowly when rising from a sitting or lying position.", "Lexapro vs. Wellbutrin: Differences between Side Effects and Uses Drugs in the SSRI class also are used for treating obsessive compulsive disorders and panic disorders, although escitalopram is not approved for these purposes. SIDE EFFECTS: Common side effects associated with escitalopram are: 1 agitation or. 2 restlessness, 3 blurred vision, 4 diarrhea, 5 difficulty sleeping, 6 drowsiness, 7 dry mouth, 8 fever, 9 frequent urination,", "Epileptic seizure Hemorrhagic stroke can occasionally present with seizures, embolic strokes generally do not (though epilepsy is a common later complication); cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, a rare type of stroke, is more likely to be accompanied by seizures than other types of stroke", "Effexor A generic version of Effexor is available. Effexor side effects can cause dizziness, nervousness, nausea, constipation, headaches, anxiety, insomnia, strange dreams, drowsiness, increased sweating, blurred vision, dry mouth, changes in appetite or weight, decreased sex drive, impotence, or difficulty having an orgasm.ncreased blood pressure can occur and seizures have been reported. Abrupt discontinuation of Effexor may cause dizziness, headache, nausea, changes in mood, or changes in the sense of smell, and taste.", "Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug (NSAID Like other medications, anti-anxiety medications may cause side effects. Some of these side effects and risks are serious. The most common side effects for benzodiazepines are drowsiness and dizziness. Other possible side effects include: Nausea. Blurred vision. Headache. Confusion. Tiredness. Nightmares." ]
[ 14.390625 ]
[ 12.5625, 4.828125, 5.10546875, 5.3671875, 13.34375, 6.0546875, 7.50390625, 5.80078125, 7.8828125, 10.2890625, 8.421875, 5.5546875, 10.2890625, 11.8359375, 8.2265625, 9.484375, 14.0625, 9.5546875, 5.078125, 7.75, 9.6328125, 10.7734375, 6.0546875, 9.5625, 14.0078125, 6.875, 6.36328125, 9.90625, 9.2578125, 10.015625 ]
does medicare include coverage for renal disease
[ "Medicare and Chronic Kidney Disease Medicare is health insurance for people who fit one of the following 3 categories: 1 Age – 65 or older. 2 Disability – 100% disabled (deemed by Social Security Administration for 2 years). 3 ESRD – any age person with end stage renal disease (ESRD)." ]
[ "Medicare for People With Limb Loss What is Medicare? Medicare is federally funded healthcare coverage for people who are 65 years old or older, certain younger people with disabilities, and people with End-Stage Renal Disease (permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis or a transplant, sometimes called ESRD).", "Medicare and Health Care Medicare is health insurance for people age 65 or older, under age 65 with certain disabilities, and any age person with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). There are many different parts to Medicare; with all of these options, it can be confusing.", "- When you. are eligible to enroll in Medicare Part B depends on your circumstances. These. enrollment periods apply to people who are eligible for Medicare either due to age or. disability. However, there are different rules for people enrolling in Medicare who have. End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD).", "Your Medicare Coverage Or, they may recommend services that Medicare doesn’t cover. If this happens, you may have to pay some or all of the costs. It’s important to ask questions so you understand why your doctor is recommending certain services and whether Medicare will pay for them.", "Paying for Rehab with Medicaid and Medicare These programs may also be able to cover ongoing addiction treatment and mental health services. Home > Questions About Rehab > Paying for Rehab with Medicaid and Medicare. Medicaid and Medicare are federal- and state-funded health insurance programs. These insurance programs can provide free or low-cost drug and alcohol addiction treatment.", "Medicare and Chronic Kidney Disease Medicare and Chronic Kidney Disease. Medicare is a federally funded health insurance program for Americans over age 65 and people who have been deemed disabled. In 1972, people requiring dialysis became newly entitled to this health benefit.", "Your Medicare Coverage + Share widget - Select to show. Medicare doesn't cover most dental care, dental procedures, or supplies, like cleanings, fillings, tooth extractions, dentures, dental plates, or other dental devices. Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) will pay for certain dental services that you get when you're in a hospital.", "Tell me about Medicare Overview. Medicare is a federal health insurance program that covers millions of Americans. In general, you are eligible for Medicare if you are 65 or older, or you are younger than 65 and meet criteria for certain disabilities, or have End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). The Medicare basics have four main components.", "- A person who is disabled as a result of chronic kidney failure, who requires dialysis or a kidney transplant, and who is fully or currently insured or entitled to payments either under the Social Security Act or the Railroad Retirement Act is entitled to enroll in Medicare.", "Compare Your Medicare Options Now What Part A & Part B doesn't cover. Medicare doesn't cover everything. If you need certain services Medicare doesn't cover, you'll have to pay for them yourself unless you have other insurance or you're in a Medicare health plan that covers them.", "What you need to know about Medicare coverage, eligibility, enrollment and costs What's Medicare? Medicare is the federal health insurance program for people who are 65 or older, certain younger people with disabilities, and people with End-Stage Renal Disease (permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis or a transplant, sometimes called ESRD). The different parts of Medicare help cover specific services:", "Medicare Supplement In some states, plans may be available to persons under age 65 who are eligible for Medicare by reason of disability or End-Stage Renal Disease. Not connected with or endorsed by the U.S. Government or the federal Medicare program. This is a solicitation of insurance. A licensed insurance agent/producer may contact you.", "Medicare to cover lung cancer screening with CT scan Medicare to cover lung cancer screening with CT scan. Medicare now will cover the cost of CT scans for lung cancer, a screening UAB has offered since July 2013.", "- Medicare is a government run federal health care program for seniors age 65 and older, the disabled of any age, and people with End-Stage Renal Disease. Medicare includes Part A-Hospitalization, Part B-Physician and Outpatient care, and Part D-Prescription drugs.", "- 1 In addition, there are additional requirements regarding when a GHP is primary to Medicare depending on if the covered individual is age 65 or older (working aged), under age 65 and eligible for Medicare due to a disability (Disability) or eligible for Medicare on the basis of End Stage Renal Disease (ERSD).", "- 5. Medicare is the Federal health insurance program for Americans age 65 and older, some disabled Americans, and individuals who have end-stage renal disease (ESRD). The Original Medicare Plan, which is available nationwide, is a fee-for-service plan that is managed by the Federal Government.. Medicare is the Federal health insurance program for Americans age 65 and older, some disabled Americans, and individuals who have end-stage renal disease (ESRD). The Original Medicare Plan, which is available nationwide, is a fee-for-service plan that is managed by the Federal Government.", "Medicare Part D - Frequently Asked Questions Everyone with Medicare can get prescription drug coverage. This includes people who are 65 years or older and who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents, and people under 65 with certain disabilities, including End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's Disease).", "Medicare Coverage of Skilled Nursing-Facility and Rehabilitation-Facility Care Medicare Part A covers acute rehabilitation care in an inpatient rehabilitation facility under the following circumstances: 1 The patient must need, and a physician must prescribe, acute rehabilitation consisting of at least two different types of therapy (such as physical and speech therapy, or physical and occupational therapy).", "- Medicare Program - General Information. Medicare is a health insurance program for: people age 65 or older, people under age 65 with certain disabilities, and. people of all ages with End-Stage Renal Disease (permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis or a kidney transplant).", "- Medicare does cover: 1 Care in a long-term care hospital. 2 Skilled nursing care in a skilled nursing facility. 3 Eligible home health services. 4 Hospice & respite care.", "Medicare Medicare is a health insurance program for: people age 65 or older, people under age 65 with certain disabilities, and people of all ages with End-Stage Renal Disease (permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis or a kidney transplant) Medicare has: Part A Hospital Insurance Part B Medical Insurance Part C Medicare Advantage", "Medicare Benefits & Your Eyes Medicare does help cover the exam if you have diabetes, or are at risk for glaucoma. Keep in mind that Medicare does not cover refractions for eyeglasses or contacts even as a part of some otherwise covered exams.Check with your eye care professional for more information.Medicare does not cover eyeglasses or contact lenses, except immediately following cataract surgery. Medicare does cover an eye exam for medical reasons, such as in the case of injury or disease.heck with your eye care professional for more information. Medicare does not cover eyeglasses or contact lenses, except immediately following cataract surgery. Medicare does cover an eye exam for medical reasons, such as in the case of injury or disease.", "How Dialysis is Paid For Medicare is insurance through the federal government. Being an individual with end stage renal disease (ESRD), you may be eligible for Medicare. Medicare has three main parts: A, B and D. Part A helps with inpatient costs such as hospital stays and has no premium. Part B pays for outpatient care such as dialysis and doctor/specialist visits. Part B does have a premium.", "Medicare and Chronic Kidney Disease Summary. When you discover you have end stage renal disease, you will want to know what your options are in regards to health coverage. Medicare is a government health insurance that covers Americans in need of dialysis, even if you are under age 65.", "- If you have Medicare due to ESRD, ESRD Medicare will cover. these services, as well as services unrelated to your ESRD diagnosis. If you have. Medicare due to age or disability and then develop ESRD, regular Medicare will cover. ESRD treatments, too. Refer to www.medicareinteractive.org for more information.", "Determine if Youâre Eligible for Medicare Coverage You may also be eligible for Medicare benefits if you are under the age of 65 and have certain disabilities or if you have permanent kidney failure. Find more information on Medicare eligibility for those collecting Social Security here.ou may also be eligible for Medicare benefits if you are under the age of 65 and have certain disabilities or if you have permanent kidney failure. Find more information on Medicare eligibility for those collecting Social Security here.", "Medicare and Chronic Kidney Disease Medicare has the following parts: 1 Part A (Hospital Insurance) – Covers all inpatient services. 2 Part B (Medical Insurance) – Covers all clinical outpatient services. 3 Part C (Medicare Advantage Plans) – Such as HMO or PPO. 4 Part D (Medicare prescription drug coverage) – Offered to anyone with Medicare.", "- Re: Medicare to pay for fillers in HIV patients. « Reply #3 on: March 26, 2010, 01:34:28 PM ». Yeah, I agree and was going to say that. I've heard that plenty of times. But still, you folks need to keep in mind that there's going to need to be a documented diagnosis of depression.", "- The simple part of the answer is, yes, there may be coverage. However, according to a Medicare national coverage determination, depending on the cause of the condition, treatment may be surgical; e.g., implantation of a penile prosthesis, or nonsurgical; e.g., medical or psychotherapeutic treatment..", "Medicare Federal health insurance program for people who are sixty-five or older and also provides benefits to people with some disabilities and end-stage renal disease (ESRD), which is permanent kidney failure. The Medicare program was established in 1965 under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act." ]
[ 13.9453125 ]
[ 13.390625, 12.8515625, 12.4453125, 5.6875, 5, 13.921875, 5.984375, 12.171875, 11.03125, 5.9609375, 12.453125, 12.078125, 3.21484375, 14.234375, 12.296875, 13.5078125, 13.234375, 5.0078125, 13.421875, 6.91796875, 12.6015625, 6.73828125, 14.0546875, 15.0234375, 11.421875, 9.078125, 11.46875, 2.705078125, 5.85546875, 12.40625 ]
about how many different combinations of chromosomes can be produced through the random fertilization of human gametes?
[ "- 1 In a human egg or sperm, there are 23 chromosomes, one of which is an X or Y. The number of chromosomes is reduced from 46 to 23 during the process of meiosis. Fertilization of the egg by the sperm restores the diploid number of 46 chromosomes." ]
[ "- 1 In humans, females have 23 homomorphic pairs and males have 22 homomorphic pairs plus a heteromorphic pair. 2 During meiosis, females produce only one kind of gamete all having one X chromosome. 3 Males produce two kinds of gametes, one with an X and the other with a Y chromosome. XX-XO system in which females have 2 X chromosomes. 2 Males have only 1 X and no additional sex chromosomes. 3 Females have an even number of chromosomes and males have an odd number of chromosomes. 4 This occurs in many species of insects.", "Genes and Chromosomes A gene is a segment of DNA containing the code used to synthesize a protein. A chromosome contains hundreds to thousands of genes. Every human cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, for a total of 46 chromosomes. A trait is any gene-determined characteristic and is often determined by more than one gene. Some traits are caused by abnormal genes that are inherited or that are the result of a new mutation.", "Meiosis For example, diploid human cells contain 23 pairs of chromosomes including 1 pair of sex chromosomes (46 total), half of maternal origin and half of paternal origin. Meiosis produces haploid gametes (ova or sperm) that contain one set of 23 chromosomes.", "How many chromosomes are there in gametes? Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, for a total of 46 chromosomes. In fact, each species of plants and animals has a set number of chromosomes. A fruit fly, for example, has four pairs of chromosomes, while a rice plant has 12 and a dog, 39. Top of page.", "Meiosis All other cells in the human body are diploid, containing two versions of each chromosome for a total of forty-six. Fusion of gametes to form a new embryo restores the diploid number characteristic of the organism, and it mixes maternal and paternal genes to give new combinations of traits.", "Chromosome 6 For band names, see locus. Chromosome 6 is one of the 23 pairs of chromosomes in humans. People normally have two copies of this chromosome. Chromosome 6 spans more than 170 million base pairs (the building material of DNA) and represents between 5.5 and 6% of the total DNA in cells.", "Chromosome Abnormalities The typical number of chromosomes in a human cell is 46: 23 pairs, holding an estimated total of 20,000 to 25,000 genes. One set of 23 chromosomes is inherited from the biological mother (from the egg), and the other set is inherited from the biological father (from the sperm).", "Evolution as a genetic function There are 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) in a human body cell with the exception of the sex cells. One of each pair is inherited from the mother's egg, the other from the father's sperm. When the sperm and egg unite in fertilization, they create a single cell, or zygote, with 46 chromosomes.here are 46 total chromosomes in a normal human body cell. They pair up, creating 23 pairs of chromosomes. Mutations can occur during cell division, causing human cells to have a varied amount of chromosomes-more or less. There are many genetic diseases caused by chromosomal mutations.", "PGD for abnormalities in chromosome number The embryos created by human beings during the union of the sperm and the egg are supposed to have 46 total chromosomes. This is called the diploid state. The chromosomes are arranged in 23 pairs. They are number 1 through 22. The 23rd pair are not given a number, these are the sex chromosomes.", "- This is wrong. Genes are NOT composed of tiny chromosomes. Each chromosome contains many genes. For example, humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes and around 20,000 genes. Thus, an average of about 1,000 genes per chromosome. In addition, there is a large amount of non-genic DNA in every chromosome.", "Concept 39 A genome is an entire set of genes. Each organism has a defining set of chromosomes that contain all of its genetic information. The human genome, for example, is the set of genetic information encoded in 46 chromosomes found in the nucleus of each cell. The chromosomes are organized into 23 pairs — one chromosome of each pair is inherited from the mother and one from the father. One pair of chromosomes — X and Y — determine sex; the other 22 pairs are called autosomes. So, the human genome is made up of a set of very long DNA molecules, one corresponding to each chromosome. Arrayed along these molecules are an estimated 35,000 genes.", "- Somatic cells (of the body) are diploid (having 46 chromosomes). Only gametes (eggs and sperm) are haploid (having 23 chromosomes). So that during fertilization the egg … and sperm combine their chromosomes resulting in a new life with 46 unique chromosomes (in humans, of course.", "- Do gametes have two set of chromosomes? No. a normal cell is diploid(2n) number of chromosomes. a normal human cell has 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes which makes 46 chromosomes. during meiosis 1 the homologous …chromosomes randomly segregate along the equator and seperature into 2 daughter cells.", "What are Genes & Chromosomes? At conception, an egg containing 23 chromosomes from the mother combines with a sperm containing 23 chromosomes from the father. The two sets of genetic information combine so that the growing embryo has 23 pairs, or 46 total, chromosomes and is a mixture of genes from both biological parents.", "How many chromosomes and how many molecules of DNA are in a cell at prophase 1 of meiosis when 2n=8? Meiosis is unique in that it has 2 PMAT's. MEIOSIS 1 During Interphase the chromosomes are replicated which means the cell has twice the number of chromosomes. In the case of humans there are 23 pairs of chromosomes in our cells. During Interphase those 23 pairs will make copies of each other which means we will have 23 pairs*2=46 pairs (2n) of homologous chromosomes.", "What are chromosomes? what happens to them during fertilization? A human has 23 pairs of chromosomes, 46 individual chromosomes. The pairs are arranged like 2 Xs, each X is similar in size and shape to its partner, except in boys where the 26th pair is XY (Y being an X with a section missing) compared to a girl's XX. In fertilisation, a sperm and an egg combine to form a new cell.", "How Many Chromosomes Are in a Human Gamete? Quick Answer. A human gamete contains 23 unpaired chromosomes. For example, in a spermatozoa, there are 22 unpaired autosomes and one sex chromosome, either an X chromosome for a female or a Y chromosome for a male.", "- Random assortment of chromosomes produces many variations among daughter cells, giving rise to genetic diversity in offspring. A cell with 2 pairs of chromosomes gives 4 possible chromosome combinations in daughter cells (2^2).", "Human Mutation Rate: How Many DNA Mutations Happen Each Generation? When those copies are made inside the parents' bodies, errors or mutations can occur. So how many unique mutations does each human have in their genes? A 2011 study in Nature Genetics examined the genomes of two human families and found that children in the study had an average of 42 unique mutations. 42 is the best average we can come up with for now but we know it does not accurately represent the entire human family.", "The First Trimester: Month One Week three of pregnancy. Human development begins at fertilization. The normal fertilized egg cell contains 23 chromosomes from the mother and 23 from the father. Thus, there are normally 23 pairs of chromosomes in the fertilized egg.", "- Fertilization of the egg by the sperm restores the diploid number of 46 chromosomes. We have 46 chromosomes that, if you lined them up by size and shape (karyotyped them), are actually 23 pairs of chromosomes - one was originally from mom and the other from dear 'ol dad.", "- There are 23 pairs of chromosomes in each cell of our body. These Chromosomes plays a vital role in our body even in human Intercouse . When the Humans undergo sexual inter-course , single high energetic sperm enters the ovum and fuses with it to produce the embryo later develops into a child .", "Mitosis/Meiosis If each different type of egg from one mother could be fertilized by each different type of sperm from one father, they could produce zygotes with approximately 70 trillion combinations of chromosomes!", "Somatic cell For example, in humans, somatic cells contain 46 chromosomes organized into 23 pairs. By contrast, gametes of diploid organisms contain only half as many chromosomes. In humans, this is 23 unpaired chromosomes. When two gametes (i.e. a spermatozoon and an ovum) meet during conception, they fuse together, creating a zygote. Due to the fusion of the two gametes, a human zygote contains 46 chromosomes (i.e. 23 pairs). However, a large number of species have the chromosomes in their somatic cells arranged in fours (tetraploid) or even sixes (hexaploid). Thus, they can have diploid or even triploid germline cells.", "How Does Meiosis Contribute to Genetic Variation? Together, the egg and sperm result in a fertilized egg, known as a zygote, which contains all 46 chromosomes. Half the chromosomes come from the father, and half come from the mother. The process of meiosis and fertilization result in every generation having the same number of 46 chromosomes.", "How Chromosome Abnormalities Happen: Meiosis, Mitosis, Maternal Age, Environment The result is an egg or sperm with only 23 chromosomes. When fertilization occurs, the normal 46 total number of chromosomes results in the fetus. If meiosis does not occur properly, an egg or sperm could end up with too many chromosomes, or not enough chromosomes.", "Inheritance In humans (except in red blood cells) there are 46 chromosomes in all body cells - 23 pairs. Each pair of chromosomes is numbered and has its own particular genes. In gametogenesis, (the production of sperm and eggs) this number is reduced to 23. Only one chromosome of a pair can be inherited.", "List of organisms by chromosome count From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Karyotype of a human being, showing 22 autosomal pair of autosomal chromosomes and both the XX female and the XY male possibilitie for the pair of sex chromosome. Fusion of ancestral chromosomes left distinctive remnants of telomeres, and a vestigial centromere. As other non-human extant hominidae have 48 chromosomes it is believed that the human chromosome 2 is the end result of the merging of two chromosomes. The list of organisms by chromosome count describes ploidy or numbers of chromosomes in the cells of various plants, animals, protists, and other living organisms.", "Chapter 8, Cellular Reproduction Meiosis produces haploid gametes, which keeps the chromosome number from doubling every generation. In humans, a haploid sperm fuses with a haploid egg during fertilization to form a diploid zygote. Sexual life cycles involve an alternation of diploid and haploid stages.", "Homologous chromosome The 22 pairs of homologous chromosomes contain the same genes but code for different traits in their allelic forms since one was inherited from the mother and one from the father. So humans have two homologous chromosome sets in each cell, meaning humans are diploid organisms." ]
[ 10.7265625 ]
[ 9.515625, 9.0234375, 10.5625, 8.921875, 10.3125, 7.16796875, 9.5, 9.09375, 8.8046875, 7.16015625, 8.828125, 10.8046875, 8.703125, 9.4296875, 7.046875, 9.28125, 10.3125, 9.796875, 3.373046875, 9.7890625, 10.09375, 8.6640625, 11.90625, 8.9375, 10.34375, 10.3359375, 9.3515625, 5.6484375, 9.3046875, 7.3203125 ]
what is a nuclear treadmill test
[ "Congestive Heart Failure A nuclear stress test is a noninvasive means of detecting the presence and/or signifi cance of coronary. artery disease. Coronary artery disease is a condition in which there is narrowing or blockage of the blood. vessels supplying the heart muscle. This can cause chest pain which is known as angina pectoris." ]
[ "Summit Medical Group Web Site During a nuclear stress test, echocardiograms (ECGs) are taken of the heart while it is under stress and the results are compared with echocardiograms of the heart at rest. Your doctor will use the results of your test to decide whether you need treatment or additional tests to further evaluate the health of your heart. What to Expect. Nuclear stress testing takes 3 to 4 hours. A technician will attach electrodes to your chest and back to monitor your heart function throughout the test. An echocardiogram will first be taken while you are resting. Then another echocardiogram will be taken while you are using a treadmill.", "- National Laboratory was. specifically built to conduct. transient reactor tests where. the test material is subjected. to neutron pulses that can. simulate conditions ranging. from mild upsets to severe. reactor accidents.", "- A nuclear stress test is a noninvasive means of detecting the presence and/or signifi cance of coronary artery disease. Coronary artery disease is a condition in which there is narrowing or blockage of the blood vessels supplying the heart muscle. This can cause chest pain which is known as angina pectoris.", "Testing for heart blockages Also called Exercise Test or Treadmill Test, this procedure is medical examination performed to detect any signs of coronary heart disease, blockages in the coronary arteries and/or heart irregularity, or even impending heart attack.", "- A nuclear stress test is similar to the exercise stress test or pharmacological (chemical) stress test, but a small amount of radioactive substance is used to determine the health of the heart and blood flow to the heart.he nuclear stress test can be referred to by other names, such as a thallium stress test 1, myocardial perfusion scan 2, or radionuclide test 3.", "Nuclear Stress Test Nuclear Stress Test with Exercise. The purpose of an exercise cardiac nuclear stress test is to evaluate the blood flow to the heart muscle when the heart is under stress (exercise) and at rest. Before exercise, a small intravenous (IV) line will be started in a vein in your arm or hand.", "- Definition. A nuclear stress test measures blood flow to your heart at rest and while your heart is working harder as a result of exertion or medication.The test provides images that can show areas of low blood flow through the heart and damaged heart muscle.The test usually involves taking two sets of images of your heart — one while you're at rest and another after you heart is stressed, either by exercise or medication.he test provides images that can show areas of low blood flow through the heart and damaged heart muscle. The test usually involves taking two sets of images of your heart — one while you're at rest and another after you heart is stressed, either by exercise or medication.", "Nuclear Pharmacological Cardiac Stress Test The objective of a pharmacological nuclear stress test is to simulate exercise in order to raise heart rate and essentially stress the heart. Instead of using a treadmill it is accomplished by injecting a medication that causes some blood vessels in the heart to open (dilate) just as would occur if you were exercising.", "- A medication that stresses the heart for a period of. about 6 minutes is given through an IV. As in the treadmill stress test, the. isotope is given at the “peak” of the medication stress effect. A minute later, the drug stress is stopped or reversed with an antidote that eliminates the. drug effect on the heart. The drugs used in these tests are known as. dipyrimadole, adenosine and dobutamine. Each medication has specific side. effects, which are carefully watched for during the test. The point of any stress test is to increase the work of the heart along. with the heart rate and blood pressure.", "3 Types of Stress Tests: Part 1 of 2 - The ETT If your doctor orders you to have a stress test this can mean that you are having a cardiac or exercise stress test (often called an ETT or an exercise treadmill test), an echocardiogram stress test (often called Stress ECHO), or a nuclear stress test (often called a Walking Nuc or Nuc Test).", "- Nuclear stress test: This helps figure out which parts of the heart are not working well. A small amount of radioactive substance will be injected into you. Your doctor will use a special camera to see rays emitted from the substance in your body. This will give him clear pictures of the heart tissue on a monitor.", "- A cardiac (heart) nuclear study is a test that uses a small dose of radioactive solution to track blood flow to the heart muscle, and to evaluate heart function. Your email has been sent. * required. Your Name:* Please enter your name.", "- By Mayo Clinic Staff. A nuclear stress test measures blood flow to your heart at rest and while your heart is working harder as a result of exertion or medication. The test provides images that can show areas of low blood flow through the heart and damaged heart muscle. The test usually involves taking two sets of images of your heart — one while you're at rest and another after you heart is stressed, either by exercise or medication.", "Exercise Stress Test Updated:Sep 3,2015. A stress test, sometimes called a treadmill test or exercise test, helps a doctor find out how well your heart handles work. As your body works harder during the test, it requires more oxygen, so the heart must pump more blood.", "Stress Testing/Stress Echocardiogram The purpose of a non-exercise cardiac nuclear stress test is to assess the blood flow to the heart muscle at peak stress and again at rest. This test is used for patients who are unable to exercise on a treadmill. The medication Lexiscan is given, which acts to dilate the coronary arteries.", "Nuclear Stress Test Cost A nuclear stress test is one of these imaging procedures. Basically, this test comprises a treadmill test, and tests wherein the images of heart are observed at rest and after physical activity. A nuclear stress test can be expensive. On an average, this test costs around USD 2,000. At times, the cost could go up to USD 5,000. Basically, the high cost can be attributed to the expensive medical equipment that is required for this imaging procedure.", "Evaluating Fitness: The Bruce Protocol Treadmill Test Women. The Bruce Protocol Treadmill test is mainly used for evaluating cardiac fitness and function. This test was designed by Dr. Robert Bruce in 1963, and was initially used for assessing patients with heart diseases. The test has now become a popular way of testing VO2 max in athletes and others as well.", "Nuclear stress test Nuclear stress test. Thallium stress test is a nuclear imaging method that shows how well blood flows into the heart muscle, both at rest and during activity. This test is done at a medical center or health care provider's office. It is done in stages:", "- Exercise treadmill testing (ETT) is a useful initial test for the evaluation of patients with known or suspected car-diovascular disease who are able to exercise and have a normal baseline electrocardiogram (ECG) [1, 2]. Al-though this safe and inexpensive test can be used to ob-tainimportantdataonfunctionalcapacityaswellasthe", "Nuclear stress test In an exercise stress test, electrodes are taped to your chest to detect your heart's rhythm. A nurse or technician will watch your heartbeat on a monitor while you exercise. If your doctor orders a nuclear stress test, you'll also receive a shot of radioactive dye that shows the blood flow to your heart muscle.", "Stress Test or 3-D Scan? And the Best Heart Exam Is ... Half were randomly selected to get a computed tomographic angiography (CTA), which creates a 3-D image of the heart's arteries, allowing physicians to spot narrowing. The rest took stress tests — either an exercise electrocardiogram, a stress echocardiography or a nuclear stress test, which uses radioactive dye. Stress tests measure the heart's response to exertion, letting doctors see or hear any disease. The remarkable thing about the study is ...", "What is a thallium stress test? A thallium stress test is a nuclear imaging test that shows how well blood flows into the heart while you’re exercising or at rest. This test is also called a cardiac or nuclear stress test. During the procedure, a radioisotope (nuclear liquid) is administered through an IV.", "Cardiac Stress Test The nuclear test allows your doctor to see pictures of your heart when your heart is at rest and following stress. To create those pictures you will receive 2 injections of a small amount of radioactive material. The level of radioactivity used is extremely small (comparable to chest x-ray).", "Nuclear Stress Test A nuclear stress test lets doctors see pictures of your heart while you are resting and after you have exercised. The test can show the size of the heart's chambers, how well the heart is pumping blood, and whether the heart has any damaged or dead muscle. Nuclear stress tests can also give doctors information about your arteries and whether they might be narrowed or blocked because of coronary artery disease.", "- 1 See the size and shape of your heart. 2 The images from a nuclear stress test can show your doctor if your heart is enlarged and can measure its pumping function (ejection fraction).3 Guide treatment of heart disorders.f you have symptoms that might indicate coronary artery disease, such as shortness of breath or chest pains, a nuclear stress test can help determine if you have coronary artery disease. 1 See the size and shape of your heart. 2 Guide treatment of heart disorders. 3 Definition. 4 Risks.", "Stress Test Cost and Stress Test Procedures Information A Stress Test, often referred to as a exercise test, treadmill test, exercise electrocardiogram, graded exercise test, or stress ECG test, is used to help determine how much stress your heart can handle before developing an abnormal rhythm or evidence of ischemia which is when your heart doesn’t receive enough blood flow.", "Nuclear Stress Test The results of the nuclear stress test can show doctors if the heart is not working properly while you are resting, exercising, or both. If the test shows that blood flow is normal while you are resting but not normal while you are exercising, then doctors know that your blood flow to your heart is not adequate during times of stress.", "The Medical Minute: Stress tests - echo vs. nuclear Your health care provider has ordered a stress test for your heart. No problem, you think; you’ve seen people walk on treadmills before. In fact, you used the one in your basement a few times, a couple of years ago. Then, you look at the request and see that you are going to have a pharmacologic nuclear stress test.", "Preparing for a Stress Test An exercise stress test is commonly used to see how your heart works during exercise or activity. This test is also called an exercise tolerance test, an exercise electrocardiogram or a treadmill test. Please click here to learn more about how to prepare for a stress test and what to expect. Find A Doctor.", "Can heart blockages be detected with ecg? A negative (normal) treadmill stress test (ECG with exercise) is a better (but not definitive) test to suggest that the person does not have a blockage. So - the answer is yes, there are changes on some ECG's that are highly suggestive of blockages, but the definitive test is the cardiac cath." ]
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what is a terumo band
[ "- Enlarge image. TR Band™ - Radial Artery Compression Device. TR Band™ is a compression device to assist haemostasis of. the radial artery after transradial procedure. With complete visual control and precise, guided compression. TR Band™ assists in maintaining radial artery patency at the. time of hemostasis, to prevent future radial artery occlusion. Product Characteristics." ]
[ "- Chordae tendineae: Thread-like bands of fibrous tissue which attach on one end to the edges of the tricuspid and mitral valves of the heart and on the other end to the papillary muscles, small muscles within the heart that serve to anchor the valves.hordae tendineae: Thread-like bands of fibrous tissue which attach on one end to the edges of the tricuspid and mitral valves of the heart and on the other end to the papillary muscles, small muscles within the heart that serve to anchor the valves.", "Flexor retinaculum of the hand The flexor retinaculum is a strong, fibrous band that covers the carpal bones on the palmar side of the hand near the wrist. It attaches to the bones near the radius and ulna. On the ulnar side, the flexor retinaculum attaches to the pisiform bone and the hook of the hamate bone.", "ligament sutural ligament a band of fibrous tissue between the opposed bones of a suture or immovable joint. tendinotrochanteric ligament a portion of the capsule of the hip joint. transverse humeral ligament a band of fibers bridging the intertubercular groove of the humerus and holding the tendon in the groove.ectineal ligament a strong aponeurotic lateral continuation of the lacunar ligament along the pectineal line of the pubis. periodontal ligament the fibrous connective tissue that surrounds the root of a tooth, separating it from and attaching it to the alveolar bone, and serving to hold the tooth in its socket.", "- Trinity Laban. An international community, advancing the art forms of music and dance. Resistance bands – benefits and uses. Resistance bands improve balance, strengthen isolated muscle groups, reduce the risk of injury, increase range of motion and help with the rehabilitation of injury.", "Concert band A concert band's repertoire includes original wind compositions, transcriptions/arrangements of orchestral compositions, light music, and popular tunes. Though the instrumentation is similar, a concert band is distinguished from the marching band in that its primary function is as a concert ensemble. concert band, also called wind ensemble, symphonic band, wind symphony, wind orchestra, wind band, symphonic winds, symphony band, or symphonic wind ensemble, is a performing ensemble consisting of members of the woodwind, brass, and percussion families of instruments, along with the double bass.", "- Brass instruments are long pipes that widen at the bottom into a bell shape. The pipes are often curved to make them easier for the musician to hold or play. In an orchestra, the most commonly used members of the brass family are the tuba, the trombone, the trumpet and the French horn. A brass band is a musical ensemble made up entirely of brass instruments. The Trumpet: The trumpet is a popular instrument for school band musicians. The trumpet plays the highest notes in the brass family, and they are the smallest instruments in the family. The Tuba: The tuba is the largest of the brass instruments and plays the lowest notes.", "- Unfortunately, pricing is not available unless you register for the official website. We know the proven effects of fiber, but does Thermo-Bond produce similar results? List of Ingredients in Thermo-Bond. Ingredients: Dietary Fiber; Thermo-Bond Product Features. Thermo-Bond is a dietary supplement from supplement company Herbalife. The supplement is a fiber supplement designed to reduce the consumption of fat. The amount of fiber in each serving exceeds the daily-recommended requirements.", "- Over ten years ago, Rubber Bracelets took the world by storm. Everyone you knew was wearing a yellow rubber bracelet.You may have heard them called awareness bands, silicone wristbands, spirit bracelets, cancer bands, logo bracelets, reminder bands, or live strong bands. The fact is, these silicone rubber bracelets are still a very effective and economical promotional item.ver ten years ago, Rubber Bracelets took the world by storm. Everyone you knew was wearing a yellow rubber bracelet.", "- Arrangement of myofilaments. Give the letter name of each band: Dark band → _A__ band Light band → _I__ band Match two definitions with each band: - contains only thin filaments (I band) - contains both thick and thin filaments (A band) - defined by length of thick filament (A band) - defined as distance between two thick filaments (I band) 9.", "- Iliotibial Band Syndrome - Topic Overview. The iliotibial band is a band of fibrous tissue that runs down the outside of the thigh. It provides stability to the knee and hip and helps prevent dislocation of those joints. The band may overdevelop, tighten, and rub across the hipbone or the outer part of the knee. Each time the knee is bent or the hip flexed, the band rubs against bone.", "GC Fuji ORTHO⢠BAND Glass Ionomer Band Cement. GC Fuji ORTHO BAND is a blue, resin modified glass ionomer for bonding orthodontic bands. It can also be used for the cementation of appliances retained with stainless steel crowns (ex: Herbst or expansion appliances).The new Paste Pak Dispenser saves time and reduces waste.imply adjust the dispenser's metering slide and dispense the exact amount of GC Fuji ORTHO BAND Cement you need with the exact mixing ratio for optimized physical properties. GC Fuji ORTHO BAND Cement mixes within 15 seconds and has about 3½ minutes working time with final set after 3 minutes (in the mouth).", "- Bound on strings, wampum (139kb/1sec) beads were used to create intricate patterns on belts. These belts are used as a guide to narrate Haudenosaunee history, traditions and laws, The origins of wampum beads can be traced to Aiionwatha, commonly known as Hiawatha at the founding of the League of Five Nations.", "- The chordae tendineae (tendinous chords), colloquially known as the heart strings, are cord-like tendons that connect the papillary muscles to the tricuspid valve and the mitral valve in the heart. Chordae tendineae are approximately 80% collagen, while the remaining 20% is made up of elastin and endothelial cells.", "- Published on Monday, 09 December 2013 07:00 | |. The term [ tenia coli ] is Latin and refers to three longitudinal whitish bands of tissue seen on the surface of the colon. An alternate spelling for this term is [ taenia coli ]. The word [ tenia ] is Latin are means ribbon or tape.It is a term used to describe tapeworms.[ Coli ] is also Latin and means pertaining to the colon.n alternate spelling for this term is [ taenia coli ]. The word [ tenia ] is Latin are means ribbon or tape. It is a term used to describe tapeworms. [ Coli ] is also Latin and means pertaining to the colon.", "- The iliotibial band (IT band) is a thick band of fibers that begins at the iliac crest (the border of the most prominent bone of the pelvis) in the pelvis and runs on the lateral or outside part of the thigh until it attaches into the tibia (shinbone).liotibial band syndrome describes the pain caused by inflammation of the band as it crosses the lateral condyle of the femur. When the leg is in a straight (known as extended) position, the band fibers are anterior to, or in front of, the condyle (a bony projection on the outer surface of the femur, or thigh bone).", "How Biobands Work How Biobands Work. BioBands is an adjustable wristband that applies continuous acupressure to the P-6 acupressure point at the wrist to relieve nausea and vomiting from motion sickness, morning sickness, cancer treatments, and surgery anesthesia. A BioBand has a bead sewn into the wristband. This bead is positioned at a precise point on either wrist, then the band is tightened snugly so that it applies a constant pressure to this point (known as P-6) located on the inner forearm just above the wrist.", "A Description of Tendons, Ligaments and Muscles Tendons. Tendons are tough bands of connective tissue found in the joints. They connect muscles to bones. Each muscle has tendons attached at each end. Tendons are designed to only stretch a small amount. Their job is to transmit force between the bones and the muscles.hey connect muscles to bones. Each muscle has tendons attached at each end. Tendons are designed to only stretch a small amount. Their job is to transmit force between the bones and the muscles.", "Tensor fasciae latae Tensor fasciae latae. The tensor fasciae latae is a tiny muscle, inferior to the iliotibial band. This band, also called the IT band, is an elongated strip of fascia — a type of connective tissue — located in the thigh and knee.", "Knee Pain, Knee Injuries and Iliotibial Band Syndrome The iliotibial band is actually a thick tendon-like portion of another muscle called the tensor fasciae latae. This band passes down the outside of the thigh and inserts just below the knee. The diagram to the right shows the anterior (front) view of the right thigh muscles. If you look towards the top left of the diagram, you’ll see the tensor fasciae latae muscle. Follow the tendon of this muscle down and you’ll see that it runs all the way to the knee. This thick band of tendon is the iliotibial band.", "- MANDIBLE AND HYOID BONES SPHENOMANDIBULAR STYLOMANDIBULAR LIGAMENT Specialised band of deep cervical fascia. Styloid process to angle of mandible. Is the postero- inferior aspect of the parotid fascia STYLOHYOID LIGAMENT Styloid process to lesser cornu Of hyoid. 2nd arch remnant. Styloglossus from its upper end & middle constrictor from its lower end LIGAMENT Spine of sphenoid to lingula of mandible (1 St arch remnant) Is axis Of rotation", "- In fact, a full-body workout with the resist­ance arm bands tones your arms, shoulders, and even chest. Features a digital display and dual hydraulic resistance cylinders for low impact on joints...and as the name implies, stores easily.", "- 3.1 Tremco 440 Tape is intended primarily for use in applications in which. the tape and a continuous toe bead of compatible sealant are applied to. the fixed leg of the glazing pocket, and a spacer with a gunnable. sealant is installed at the removable stop.(see fig.1 and fig.", "The Sarcomere and Sliding Filaments in Muscular Contraction: Definition and Structures The bottom image is a drawing of the actual micrograph that you see above. The I band is that part of the sarcomere that contains thin filaments, while the A band contains an area of overlap between the thin and the thick filaments.", "Iliofemoral Ligament The iliofemoral ligament is a Y-shaped band of very strong fibers that connects the lower front iliac spine of the coxal bone to a bony line (intertrochanteric line) extending between the greater and lesser trochanters of the femur (thigh bone).The iliofemoral ligament is the strongest ligament in the body.he iliofemoral ligament is a Y-shaped band of very strong fibers that connects the lower front iliac spine of the coxal bone to a bony line (intertrochanteric line) extending between the greater and lesser trochanters of the femur (thigh bone).", "Medial Collateral (Tibial Collateral) Ligament Medial Collateral (Tibial Collateral) Ligament. The medial collateral (tibial collateral) ligament is a broad, flat band of tissue that connects the medial condyle of the femur (thighbone) to the medial condyle of the tibia at the knee joint. It helps with resisting force from the knee’s outer surface, preventing side-to-side displacement of the knee in the inner direction. Adductor Tubercle.", "Iliotibial (IT) Band Pain The iliotibial band is a strong, thick band of fibrous tissue that runs along the outside of the leg. 1 The IT band starts at the hip and runs along the outer thigh and attaches on the outside edge of the shin bone (tibia) just below the knee joint. The band works with the quadriceps (thigh muscles) to provide stability to the outside of the knee joint during movement.", "Hemorrhoid Banding Treatment for Hemorrhoids. Rubber band ligation, or hemorrhoid banding, is one of the leading medical treatment options for hemorrhoids. During a hemorrhoid banding procedure, the hemorrhoid is tied at its base with rubber bands that are intended to cut the flow of blood to the hemorrhoid.", "- A ligament is a short band of tough but flexible connective tissue that, in most cases, holds two or more bones together at a movable joint.Ligaments restrain the movement of bones at a joint and are therefore important in preventing dislocation.omments. To leave a comment, you must register for free or if you are already registered log in. Has not written any comments yet. Related examples. A tendon is a tough band of fibrous connective tissue that usually connects muscle to bone and is capable of withstanding tension.", "- answers best answer these are the answer i got from wikipedia a tendon is a tough band of fibrous connective tissue that usually connects muscle to bone and is capable of withstanding tension a joint is the location at which two or more bones make contacta ligament is a short band of tough fibrous dense regular connective tissue composed mainly of long stringy collagen fibers ligaments connect bones to other bones to form a joint joint is the location at which two or more bones make contact a ligament is a short band of tough fibrous dense regular connective tissue composed mainly of long stringy collagen fibers ligaments connect bones to other bones to form a joint", "- Add some fun to your projects with these glow in the dark rubber bands! With a variety of colors to choose from and their mini design, use them for school assignments, crafts projects, bracelets or to add some fun to your office!his package contains a pack of 300 mini rubber bands and 12 clips, all made from plastic materials with built-in elasticity for durability and stretch. Just charge them up and watch them glow! With so many fun options to choose from, you'll never want regular rubber bands again." ]
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[ "'grown-ish' Season 1 News: Zoey Learns What Pinga Means, Faces a Dating Dilemma in New Promos Facebook/grownishTV Promotional image for 'grown-ish' Freeform has released more promotional clips from its upcoming comedy series, grown-ish. A spin-off of ABC's black-ish, grown-ish follows the eldest Johnson offspring taking on a new chapter in her life: college. And, with college comes dating. The first clip, titled u up?" ]
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Raised by hip hop legends, the six offspring of rap and R&B icons work hard to gain independence and step out of their famous parents’ shadows.", "Why some channels were missing from DISH network Turner, a unit of Time Warner, urged customers affected by the blackout to contact Dish and “demand that they bring back your favorite channels.” The channels are CNN, HLN, CNN en Espanol, Cartoon Network, Adult Swim, truTV, TCM and Boomerang.", "Facilities & History After you watch the Waco City Cable Channel and see the variety and quality of programming offered, you will become a member of our ever growing audience. Available in HD on Grande channel 810, in SD on Grande and Time Warner channel 10, and in HD from anywhere in the world on our web-channel, waco-texas.com. WCCC.TV… YOUR Waco City Cable Channel. Give Us a Comment About Our Station >>", "- Access the supernatural wherever you go with the official app for Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! Network (ISN)! Through ISN you can watch over 700 new and archived episodes of Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! as they stream to your device 24/7 on EDGE, 3G, 4G, or WiFi connections.", "- ID 1987 ia typical of HNS-l which has been. allowed to grow under conditions of large volume recrystallization. However, in view of the crystal growth, particle size, bulk density. charge, change in explosive sensitivity, etc., IINS-I is a misnomer for this.", "- WE tv Renews ‘Growing Up Hip Hop’ for Season 2. WE tv has renewed freshman reality series “Growing up Hip Hop” for Season 2, the network announced Thursday. The series, which followed the children of hip hop moguls like Rev Run and Damon Dash, will return with a new batch of episodes in 2017.", "- WATCH HERE. Growing Up Hip Hop’ Cast. Some of your favorite stars’ children are now starring in their own reality show called Growing Up Hip Hop and it’s full of talent, fun, relationships and drama.", "Francia Raisa Set To Join The Cast Of Black-ish Spin-Off grown-ish Francia Raisa Set To Join The Cast Of Black-ish Spin-Off grown-ish The comedy series is set to premiere in early 2018. From black-ish executive producer, Kenya Barris, comes a contemporary take on the current issues facing both students and administrators in the world of higher education.", "- We all know Yara, and the rest of the grown-ish cast includes some faces that you’ve seen before, and some that you have not. We all know Yara, and the rest of the grown-ish cast includes some faces that you’ve seen before, and some that you have not.", "- The Howard Stern Show–XL. This premium channel is included with most Sirius packages. It is also available on certain XM and SiriusXM packages. If you missed any of the History of Howard or just want to hear your favorite part again, you can stream it On Demand, and even download shows to listen offline.", "Inspiration (INSP) (TV channel on DISH Network) Inspiration (INSP) (TV channel on DISH Network). DISH Network Channel Number: 259. Broadcast Resolution: Standard Definition (100% digital). Video on Demand (VOD) Availability: Not yet available.e make work hard to make sure our channel detail information is accurate, and we're confident that the information is correct, however; because channel line-ups availability are subject to change at any time without notice (which is out of our control), we cannot guarantee the real-time accuracy of this page.", "- Movies Listings; Soaps; Watch This 5 Things to Watch Today – Jan. 3, 2018. Check out the debuts of Grown-ish, 9-1-1 and more. More ; Watchlist. My Watchlist; Celebrity Watchlists; News; What is a Watchlist? More ; News & Features. News; Fall TV Scorecard; Winter Preview; Best Streaming Services; TV Guide Original Videos; Photo Galleries; 2018 Golden Globe Awards; 2017 Academy Awards", "When I Grow Up (The Pussycat Dolls song) When I Grow Up was debuted live on American talk show Jimmy Kimmel Live! on May 20, 2008. On May 27, 2008 MTV News reported that the Pussycat Dolls were among many set to perform at the 2008 MTV Movie Awards on June 1, 2008.", "What type of car do you have? * This premium channel is included with most Sirius packages. It is also available on certain XM and SiriusXM packages.", "- CURRENT STATUS: As of April 15th, 2017, WE tv has yet to cancel or renew Growing Up Hip Hop for Season 3. We’re continuously monitoring the status of Growing Up Hip Hop. This page will be updated as soon as Growing Up Hip Hop is cancelled or renewed, so stay tuned, bookmark or subscribe below for alerts.", "- The couple are also involved with the nationwide charity GUCH, Grown- up Congenital Heart, and they are keen to hear from more heart patients and their families who feel they need advice and support. Thanks to a referral to the Royal Brompton Hospital's GUCH unit in London, Joanne survived.", "Adult Swim Adult Swim began as a spin-off programming block of Cartoon Network, premiering on September 2, 2001 with the airing of the Director's Cut episode of Home Movies. It originally aired Sunday night with reruns on Thursdays.", "- The Garth Channel (Channel 55), the new 24/7, exclusive channel, will be curated and presented by Garth Brooks. The channel will feature music from Brooks spanning four decades, along with songs from artists that influenced his iconic career.", "WE tv Orders 'Empire'-Like Docuseries Featuring Famous Hip-Hop Families (Exclusive) Growing Up Hip Hop is executive produced by eOne's John Morayniss and Tara Long; Miller, Angela Simmons, Percy Robert Miller (Master P) and Datari Turner whose Datari Turner Productions co-produces. WE tv's Lauren Gellert, Suzanne Murch and Mark Powell will oversee for WE tv.", "The Green Giant The Green Giant's national ad debut in 1928 was disappointing. Minnesota Valley Canning Co. developed the Giant as a product trademark, but in his earliest days he was stooped and scowling, wore a scruffy bearskin and looked more like the Incredible Hulk than the grand old gardener he is today.", "- Alumni from each state can participate by registering at http://4-h.org/raise-your-hand/ and reposting, tweeting or tagging other alumni on social media, using the hashtag #4HGrown. The state with the most registered votes by June 30, 2017 will receive $20,000 to expand 4-H recruitment and programming.", "What type of car do you have? This premium channel is included with most Sirius packages. It is also available on certain XM and SiriusXM packages. This premium channel is included with most Sirius packages. It is also available on certain XM and SiriusXM packages.", "Growing Pains This article is about the US television series. For other uses, see Growing Pains (disambiguation). Growing Pains is an American television sitcom about an American family, which aired on ABC from September 24, 1985, to April 25, 1992. The show ran for seven seasons with a total of 166 episodes aired.", "\"Yara Shahidi on \"\"Grown-ish\"\" and Taking Zoey Johnson to College\" TV: Grown-ish also seems really committed to making sure that everything is inclusive. What has that experience been like for you? YS: It's rare to find those teams that, from in front of to behind the camera, are committed and that comes from the top.", "- If you are living in the US, you can watch the last 5 episodes of both series, legally and for free on the website of CW.", "What channel is CBS for DISH Network? Confidence votes 4.3K. 152 (This channel is indeed CBS but it is CBS college sports) The channel that CBS will be found on for you depends on which local channels you are receiving from DISH Network, since CBS is considered a local affiliate. Without your city & state, I am unable to tell you exactly which channel CBS will be found on.", "Grown-ish The main thing this show gets right: No matter where they come from or how they were raised, everybody in the grown-ish teen years is figuring things out, and terrified of making mistakes. The genius of Grown-ish is that it lets its characters make those mistakes, and learn from them, without treading into Very Special Episode territory.", "Growing Up Hip Hop Season 3? Cancelled Or Renewed? Growing Up Hip Hop Season 3 Release Date. Growing Up Hip Hop Season 3 premiere date – TBC: pending renewal. About Growing Up Hip Hop TV Series. Growing Up Hip Hop follows the next generation of hip hop royalty as they attempt to step outside the shadow of their famous families.", "- Maybe they’re more willing to take a chance on Milch and the dusty frontier world of Deadwood once more. Given the series’ steadfast fanbase (which has only grown in size between now and the aughts), HBO arguably stands to gain more than they might lose. Seems like a reasonable gamble." ]
[ 12.453125 ]
[ 1.86328125, 4.703125, 2.60546875, 2.619140625, 0.95947265625, -0.6689453125, 6.26171875, 4.51953125, 9.21875, 7.40625, 1.1669921875, 4.35546875, 9.59375, 2.3046875, 3.802734375, 7.08984375, 2.51953125, 6.34765625, 1.6240234375, 5.8984375, -2.80078125, 3.107421875, 3.234375, 5.89453125, 8.1796875, 10.265625, 2.318359375, 8.1640625, 4.96484375, 1.3876953125 ]
jviation salaries
[ "- Insights about Senior Consultant - Jviation, Inc members on LinkedIn. 1 Median salary $72,400. 2 Top companies Jviation, Inc. - 2. 3 Top universities Oregon State University 4 - 2. Top industries Architecture & Planning 5 - 1. Top locations United States - 5." ]
[ "- Apply this percentage to the prevailing wage to determine that worker's commensurate wage. Simply put, if the prevailing wage is $8.00 per hour and the worker with a disability receives a 60% productivity rating, the commensurate wage for that worker would be $4.80 per hour ($8.00 multiplied by 60%).", "- Virgin America's flight attendants receive modest compensation for performing their duties. These professionals earned annual salaries from approximately $26,000 to $31,000, according to October 2010 data from Glassdoor.com, a career and company salary informational website.", "- The employer with the most conductor jobs was rail transportation, which contained 39,840 out of the total 44,280 positions; with mean wages at $56,570 per year, or $27.20 per hour. It also boasted the highest salaries. Second for employment and pay was local government, with 3,620 positions averaging an annual $54,860 annually, or $26.37 hourly.", "181 Hy-Vee Employee Salaries Browse Hy-Vee Salaries by Job Title →. Hy-Vee employees earn $28,000 annually on average, or $13 per hour, which is 74% lower than the national salary average of $61,000 per year. According to our data, the highest paying job at Hy-Vee is a Pharmacist at $103,000 annually while the lowest paying job at Hy-Vee is a Courtesy Clerk at $16,000 annually.", "- Electrician Journeyman Salary. (United States). Very much a male-dominated career in the United States, Electrician Journeymans earn an average of $22.33 per hour. Geographic location is the biggest factor affecting pay for this group, followed by tenure and the specific company.n Electrician Journeyman is someone who enjoys working in the field of electronics in a real, hands-on fashion and has a Journeyman License. Though the term “Journeyman” may be misleading, the position is open to both men and women.", "- Railway posts in Pay Band-2 (9,300 -34,200) with GPs of 5,400 and 4,800. Railways posts like Headmaster/Headmistress, Assistant Nu₹ing Officer are categorized under PB-3 (15,600 -39,000) with GP of 5,400 and 6,600.ailway posts across all departments (like commercial, electrical, operations, traffic, engineering, and so on) are basically classified into two categories: – Gazetted Posts (Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’) and Non-Gazetted Posts (Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ and staff engaged in different workshops).", "- For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Railroad Worker in the United States is $44,155, so 50% of the people who perform the job of Railroad Worker in the United States are expected to make less than $44,155. Source: HR Reported data as of March 31, 2017. Salary. Salary + Bonus.", "- Avjobs is your source for up-to-date airline, airport, aerospace, and all other aviation industry New Hire salary, wage, and pay information. These pages contain current salaried & hourly earnings as reported by participating aviation employers.This is what aviation employers are offering to new hire employees today.Aviation Industry Earnings (as of 10/15/2015 - 6:13:54 AM EST). General Aviation Industry Earnings by Hourly, Salary, Industry Category and Position Title.his is what aviation employers are offering to new hire employees today. Aviation Industry Earnings (as of 10/15/2015 - 6:13:54 AM EST). General Aviation Industry Earnings by Hourly, Salary, Industry Category and Position Title.", "Research Salaries in New Jersey Individuals interested in becoming a teacher in New Jersey should contact districts directly for salary information. According to the New Jersey Department of Education, the median teaching salary for New Jersey classroom teachers in the 2010-2011 school year was about $60,000.he following table, which includes salary information for various teaching positions in New Jersey as well as the national average, will help give a rough idea of what one can expect to earn after fulfilling the teaching requirements in New Jersey.", "Salary Comparison Chart Enables Salary Comparison, Showing Top Salary By Profession The following Salary Comparison Chart shows 25 top ranked occupations by average annual and hourly earnings, full-time workers. Unfortunately, this National Compensation Survey, done by the Department of Labor in July 2004, has not been updated in a similar format.he following Salary Comparison Chart shows 25 top ranked occupations by average annual and hourly earnings, full-time workers. Unfortunately, this National Compensation Survey, done by the Department of Labor in July 2004, has not been updated in a similar format.", "Tune in: How to Get a Job LIVE! NEW!JobsCompany ReviewsCompany ReviewsCompany CultureBest Places to Work12 Companies That Will Pay You to Travel the World7 Types of Companies You Should Never Work For20 Companies Hiring for the Best Jobs In AmericaHow to Become the Candidate Recruiters Canât Resist13 Companies With Enviable Work From Home OptionsSalariesInterviewsKnow Your WorthAccount SettingsAccount SettingsSign InFor EmployersFor EmployersUnlock Employer AccountSign In to Employer CenterPost a JobEmployer BrandingJob AdvertisingEmployer BlogTalk to SalesPost Jobs FreeSign InKeywordJobsCompaniesSalariesInterviewsLocationSearch Explore Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association Salaries. See Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association Hourly Pay, Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association Bonuses, or check out salaries for Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association Internship or Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association Contractor.", "Salaries and Retirement Benefits of U.S. Presidents and Other Federal Government Employees infoplease has also created this page which summarizes Presidential and Vice Presidential Salaries from 1789 to the present. President George Washington, for example, was offered a salary of $25,000/year.hese salaries are summed up for the years of 2003 to 2005 in an online document published by the Congressional Research Service called Salaries of Federal Officials by Barbara L. Schwemle [CRS Report for Congress 98-53 GOV]. http://www.senate.gov/reference/resources/pdf/98-53.pdf. It's a PDF file.", "656 BJ's Wholesale Employee Salaries 656 BJ's Wholesale Employee Salaries. Browse BJ's Wholesale Salaries by Job Title →. BJ's Wholesale employees earn $33,000 annually on average, or $16 per hour, which is 60% lower than the national salary average of $61,000 per year. According to our data, the highest paying job at BJ's Wholesale is a Global Sourcing Manager at $115,000 annually while the lowest paying job at BJ's Wholesale is a Cashier at $18,000 annually. Advertisement.", "What Alabamians earn: Real salaries across the state The median salary for each occupation is greater than $187,200. On the flip side, the food service industry has some of the lowest salaries. The median annual wage for food preparation and serving workers was $17,640 in 2014. That is the lowest among all job titles.", "Compensation The federal Judiciary offers a competitive compensation package to all employees, from clerks of court to technology specialists to budget analysts. Review our pay systems and compensation packages. Judiciary pay consists of base pay plus a locality pay component and a cost-of-living allowance component for states and US territories outside the contiguous US. There are multiple pay systems to accommodate differences in personnel type, but most employees fall under the Court Personnel System.", "- Our site provides tools for users to filter, sort, and compare popular subjects. You're currently browsing our topic about salaries by US locations. For this subject, we provide a wide range of insights to contextualize an occupation's salary within a metro area and across states in the US.Among these insights, we've included:elow is a snippet of the employment visuals we provide throughout our site. For our salary topic, we've created visuals to show you historical employment levels, as well as the locations employing the most people.", "Salary search for salary by job description once you have a job you re interested in find the salary range by entering the job title civil service pay scales the official salaries for all state jobssee section 15 for a complete list of salary range by job titlealary your salary depends on what job you do and whether your position is full time part time or intermittent job bulletins show the salary range for various job descriptions to see the salary for various job descriptions and what jobs you might qualify for check out these links", "- JOURNEYMAN LINEMAN Mission Support Alliance is currently hiring for a Journeyman Lineman. The rate of pay is $42.87/hour with competitive benefits. Lineman must possess a Class A CDL, Journeyman Lineman card and knowledge of WA State Admin Codes (WAC). Fo...", "Interactive Map: Salaries for NJâs Teachers, School Administrators On Rise In the last school year, the average salary for teachers, librarians, guidance counselors, and other non-administrative staff reached $69,416, an NJ Spotlight analysis of salary data for more than 140,000 professional school employees found. That was almost 1 percent higher than in 2014-15 and 1.6 percent higher than in the previous year.", "- Related job categories: Human Resources, Accounting. Browse Administrative, Support, and Clerical jobs by salary range: , $30K-$50K, $50K-$80K, $80K-$100K, or. Search by: Keyword Category. Search. Jobs by Salary Ranges: Click a salary category to find jobs in your target salary range.1 Six Figure Income jobs ($100,000+). 2 High Income jobs ($80,000 - $100,000). 3 Upper Middle Income jobs ($50,000 - $80,000). 4 Middle Income jobs ($30,000 - $50,000).5 Entry Level Income jobs ($10,000 - $30,000).obs by Salary Ranges: Click a salary category to find jobs in your target salary range. 1 Six Figure Income jobs ($100,000+). 2 High Income jobs ($80,000 - $100,000). 3 Upper Middle Income jobs ($50,000 - $80,000). 4 Middle Income jobs ($30,000 - $50,000). 5 Entry Level Income jobs ($10,000 - $30,000).", "Helicopter Salaries, Wages and Pay Avjobs Aviation Career Salary, Wages & Pay provides this look at salaries, wages and pay in the aviation industry for you as you plan for your future. Thousands of positions like these are available in full detail in our Applicant System.vjobs Aviation Career Salary, Wages & Pay provides this look at salaries, wages and pay in the aviation industry for you as you plan for your future. Thousands of positions like these are available in full detail in our Applicant System.", "Tune in: How to Get a Job LIVE! NEW!JobsCompany ReviewsCompany ReviewsCompany CultureBest Places to Work12 Companies That Will Pay You to Travel the World7 Types of Companies You Should Never Work For20 Companies Hiring for the Best Jobs In AmericaHow to Become the Candidate Recruiters Canât Resist13 Companies With Enviable Work From Home OptionsSalariesInterviewsKnow Your WorthAccount SettingsAccount SettingsSign InFor EmployersFor EmployersUnlock Employer AccountSign In to Employer CenterPost a JobEmployer BrandingJob AdvertisingEmployer BlogTalk to SalesPost Jobs FreeSign InKeywordJobsCompaniesSalariesInterviewsLocationSearch Walt Disney Animation Studios Salaries. Explore Walt Disney Animation Studios Salaries. See Walt Disney Animation Studios Hourly Pay, Walt Disney Animation Studios Bonuses, or check out salaries for Walt Disney Animation Studios Internship or Walt Disney Animation Studios Contractor. Walt Disney Animation Studios Salaries by Location.", "- • Up to 50% of your superannuable fortnightly salary may be salary packagedbefore tax.• Superannuable salary (for the purposes of salary packaging) includes the ratesprescribed by schedule 3 of the EB4 agreement and any permanent allowancesaccepted by the Government Superannuation Office as superannuableallowances.emuneration Services (Qld) Pty Ltd Call centre 1300 30 40 10 Page 3 About Superannuation Salary Packaging Salary packaging is a tax effective way of receiving your salary as a combination ofincome and benefits.", "Juvenile Probation Officer Training Juvenile Probation Officer Salary. The median average salary for juvenile probation officers is $47,200 (as of June 2010), according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Pay for this profession can vary from state to state, and also based on experience within the field.he median average salary for juvenile probation officers is $47,200 (as of June 2010), according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Pay for this profession can vary from state to state, and also based on experience within the field.", "Employee Salary Search Employee Salary Search. This page allows you to search for salaries, wages and other reimbursement provided to all Louisville Metro Government employees. You can search a variety of ways, including by employee name and department. All of the categories are sortable. Just click on any category. For example if you want to see a list of highest to lowest salaries for a specific department, first click the department and then click on Annual Rate to re-sort.", "Tune in: How to Get a Job LIVE! NEW!JobsCompany ReviewsCompany ReviewsCompany CultureBest Places to Work12 Companies That Will Pay You to Travel the World7 Types of Companies You Should Never Work For20 Companies Hiring for the Best Jobs In AmericaHow to Become the Candidate Recruiters Canât Resist13 Companies With Enviable Work From Home OptionsSalariesInterviewsKnow Your WorthAccount SettingsAccount SettingsSign InFor EmployersFor EmployersUnlock Employer AccountSign In to Employer CenterPost a JobEmployer BrandingJob AdvertisingEmployer BlogTalk to SalesPost Jobs FreeSign InKeywordJobsCompaniesSalariesInterviewsLocationSearch Explore Department of Defense Education Activity Salaries. See Department of Defense Education Activity Hourly Pay, Department of Defense Education Activity Bonuses, or check out salaries for Department of Defense Education Activity Contractor. Department of Defense Education Activity Salaries by Location.", "- Experience is an important factor influencing the compensation of Actuaries. Salaries of relatively inexperienced workers fall in the neighborhood of $65K, but folks who have racked up five to 10 years see a notably higher median of $103K.", "Recovery of relocation expenses Cost was minimized to the Department when the grievor lived in private accommodations (as per section 2.12.2 of the Relocation Directive) for the period of March 13 to June 15, 2001. The Department paid the employee a $420 allowance.", "Tune in: How to Get a Job LIVE! NEW!JobsCompany ReviewsCompany ReviewsCompany CultureBest Places to Work12 Companies That Will Pay You to Travel the World7 Types of Companies You Should Never Work For20 Companies Hiring for the Best Jobs In AmericaHow to Become the Candidate Recruiters Canât Resist13 Companies With Enviable Work From Home OptionsSalariesInterviewsKnow Your WorthAccount SettingsAccount SettingsSign InFor EmployersFor EmployersUnlock Employer AccountSign In to Employer CenterPost a JobEmployer BrandingJob AdvertisingEmployer BlogTalk to SalesPost Jobs FreeSign InKeywordJobsCompaniesSalariesInterviewsLocationSearch See Tutor.com Hourly Pay, Tutor.com Bonuses, or check out salaries for Tutor.com Internship or Tutor.com Contractor. Tutor.com Salaries by Location New York City, NY", "- This free salary calculator uses salary data from millions of job listings indexed by Simply Hired's job search engine. The vice president of operations salary comparisons feature allows job seekers to get the information required to make important career decisions and negotiate salary ranges.his free salary calculator uses salary data from millions of job listings indexed by Simply Hired's job search engine. The vice president of operations salary comparisons feature allows job seekers to get the information required to make important career decisions and negotiate salary ranges." ]
[ 15.4765625 ]
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is rohypnol a depressant
[ "- Flunitrazepam, trade name Rohypnol, is a central nervous system depressant in a class of drugs called benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines are sedative-hypnotics used to treat anxiety, insomnia and sleep disorders, and seizure disorders; they are also used as skeletal-muscle relaxants." ]
[ "Is rohypnol a stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogen? http://www.streetdrugs.org/rohypnol.htm rohypnol-noun a depressant and tranquilizer (trade name Rohypnol) often used in the commission of sexual assault; legally available in Europe and Mexico and Colombia. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/r...ne of the significant effects of the drug is anterograde amnesia, a factor that strongly contributed to its inclusion in the Drug-Induced Rape Prevention and Punishment Act of 1996. Anterograde amnesia is a condition in which events that occurred while under the influence of the drug are forgotten.", "Rohypnol In general, the prescription of flunitrazepam as a hypnotic is intended to be for short-term treatment of chronic or severe insomniacs not responsive to other hypnotics, especially in inpatients. It is considered to be one of the most effective benzodiazepine hypnotics on a dose basis. In Germany, flunitrazepam is available for prescription as the Roche-Brand Rohypnol 1 mg Film-Coated Tablets and several generic 1 mg tablets (e.g., Fluninoc, Flunitrazepam ratiopharm, Flunitrazepam neuraxpharm).", "What effect does rohypnol have on the brain's neurotransmitters? Rohypnol binds to the receptor sites for the neurotransmitter, γ-aminobutyric acid. Rohypnol is a type of benzodiazepine, a class of drugs that depresses the central nervous system. Benzodiazepines interact with receptors on brain neurons that use the neurotransmitter called GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid). A GABA receptor also contains sites for binding other molecules such as benzodiazepines.", "Flunitrazepam In Japan, flunitrazepam is marketed by Japanese pharmaceutical company Chugai under the tradename Rohypnol and is indicated for the treatment of insomnia as well as used for preanesthetic medication. In Mexico, Rohypnol is approved for medical use.", "- Abstract Dronabinol (∆9-tetrahydocannabinol, THC), the main source of the pharma-. cological effects caused by the use of cannabis, is an agonist to both the CB1. and the CB2 subtype of cannabinoid receptors. It is available on prescription. in several countries.", "Flunitrazepam Flunitrazepam, also known as Rohypnol among other names, is an intermediate acting benzodiazepine used in some countries to treat severe insomnia and in fever, early in anesthesia. Just as with other hypnotics, flunitrazepam should be strictly used only on a short-term basis or by those with chronic insomnia on an occasional basis.", "Methadose Life-threatening Respiratory Depression Respiratory depression, including fatal cases, may occur with use of oxymorphone hydrochloride extended-release tablets, even when the drug has been used as recommended and not misused or abused.", "Controlled Substances Act Rohypnol is not approved or available for medical use in the United States, but it is temporarily controlled in Schedule IV pursuant to a treaty obligation under the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances.", "- Rohypnol ® (flunitrazepam) is the brand name of a sleeping pill prescribed for insomnia in Mexico, South America, Europe and Asia. It has NOT been approved for use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in the United States but this has not stopped its distribution.hen combined with alcohol it results in a reaction similar to Rohypnol. GHB is not approved for use in the US and has been banned from over-the-counter sales by the FDA. It continues to be available in the underground market.", "- The way Rohypnol affects you depends on many factors, including: The effects of Rohypnol begin within 30 minutes and peak within two hours. As little as 1 mg can have effect for eight hours. Depending upon how much you take, Rohypnol can make you feel anything from relaxed and calm, to drowsy and clumsy, to unconscious.ohypnol has been referred to in the media as a date rape drug. While there is little evidence of Rohypnol use in the UK, there have been reports of drugs being used to facilitate sexual assault. Such cases may have involved other drugs such as GHB, ketamine, alcohol and other benzodiazepines.", "Rohypnol Street Names Rohypnol Street Names. Rohypnol is not manufactured or sold legally in the United States, but it has still been subject to widespread abuse all across the US. It is legally prescribed in over 50 other countries and is widely available in Mexico, Colombia, and Europe, where it is used for sedation for general anesthesia and to treat insomnia.", "Is marijuana a stimulant depressant or hallucinogen? Making the world better, one answer at a time. An opioid or opiate, is a derivative of the opium poppy such as morphine, a depressant. There are also synthetic opioids such as oxycodone and semi synthetic opioids like heroin, all of which are depressants.", "Flunitrazepam Adverse effects of flunitrazepam include dependence, both physical and psychological; reduced sleep quality resulting in somnolence; and overdose, resulting in excessive sedation, impairment of balance and speech, respiratory depression or coma, and possibly death. In Germany, flunitrazepam is available for prescription as the Roche-Brand Rohypnol 1 mg Film-Coated Tablets and several generic 1 mg tablets (e.g., Fluninoc, Flunitrazepam ratiopharm, Flunitrazepam neuraxpharm).", "Rohypnol: The Date Rape Drug Though the drug has medicinal purposes, its powerful effects have scarily been used to incapacitate women during sexual assault -- namely, rape. Besides date rape drug, you may have heard Rohypnol referred to by these other names: rophies; roofies. R2.", "- This is an important advance as there are few treatments that are known to help bipolar depression. This site will focus on pramipexole, since most of the research was done on this medication. Ropinirole is very similar to pramipexole and has similar side effects but has not been studied as extensively in psychiatry.", "Rules - 2014 Rohypnol is classified as a Schedule IV controlled substance in the United States, which means that the U.S. government has determined that it meets the following criteria: 1 Low potential for abuse relative to the drugs or other substances in Schedule III. 2 Currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.", "Rhodiola Since Rhodiola rosea administration appears to impact central monoamine levels, it might also provide benefits and be the adaptogen of choice in clinical conditions characterised by an imbalance of central nervous system monoamines. This is consistent with Russian claims for improvements in depression and schizophrenia.hodiola has a legendary history dating back thousands of years. In 77 A.D., the Greek physician Dioscorides documented the medical applications of the plant, which he then called rodia riza, in his classic medical text De Materia Medica.", "- These drugs are powerful and can hurt you. They should only be used under a doctor's care and order. 1 Rohypnol is not legal in the United States. 2 It is legal in Europe and Mexico, where it is prescribed for sleep problems and to assist anesthesia before surgery.n fact, alcohol is the drug most commonly used to help commit sexual assault. When a person drinks too much alcohol: 1 It's harder to think clearly. 2 It's harder to set limits and make good choices.", "Is marijuana a stimulant depressant or hallucinogen? An opioid or opiate, is a derivative of the opium poppy such as morphine, a depressant. There are also synthetic opioids such as oxycodone and semi synthetic opioids like hero … in, all of which are depressants.", "- Heroin is a depressant drug, which means it slows down the messages travelling between your brain and body. Heroin belongs to a group of drugs known as ‘opioids’ that are from the opium poppy. 1. Heroin comes in different forms including:", "- 1 Also known as roofies or the date rape drug, Rohypnol is not legally…. 2 Teen Substance Abuse: Common Street Names for Rohypnol Rohypnol was created for the short-term treatment of severe insomnia and as an aid in surgical anesthesia.DMA (ecstasy) is not easily classified in the stimulant/hallucinogen/depressant scheme. Primarily, it is a stimulant, though it possesses slight hallucinogenic properties. Ho … wever, because of its unique effects (causing empathy, openness, etc.) it is properly classified as an entactogen/empathogen.", "- Alcohol is a depressant in that it slows or depresses the actions of the heart lungs, etc. It doesn't cause a depression of mood, however. 1 person found this useful. Edit. Share to: 1 Dangers of Depressants and Tranquilizers For Teenagers The abuse of drugs has become widespread.es, alcohol is a drug; it depresses various mental sensations and inhibitions. Yes. It just happens to be legal and easy to get. Alcohol causes more drug-related pr … oblems, illness and deaths than any other drug.it can cause brain damage to your brain in many ways.", "- Rohypnol (roofies, 'date-rape' drug) Rohypnol is a prescription-only sedative that has been used in many 'date rapes' in the US, with cases now being reported in Europe and Australia.Rohypnol's medical use is as a pre-operation anaesthetic or strong sleeping pill, but stronger doses can bring on amnesia.ohypnol has also been used in combination with other drugs to enhance the effects of low grade heroin, to mellow the buzz from crack and heroin, and to soften comedowns. The drug has also acquired a reputation as a party drug, sometimes dubbed the 'love drug'.", "- Rohypnol is not approved for use in the United States and its importation is banned. Illicit use of Rohypnol began in Europe in the 1970s and started appearing in the United States in the early 1990s, where it became known as rophies, roofies, roach, rope, and the date rape drug.", "- Rohypnol is the trade name for flunitrazepam. It has been a concern for the last few years because of its abuse as a date rape drug. People may unknowingly be given the drug that, when mixed with alcohol, can incapacitate victims and prevent them from resisting sexual assault.Also, Rohypnol can be lethal when mixed with alcohol and/or other depressants.t has been a concern for the last few years because of its abuse as a date rape drug. People may unknowingly be given the drug that, when mixed with alcohol, can incapacitate victims and prevent them from resisting sexual assault. Also, Rohypnol can be lethal when mixed with alcohol and/or other depressants.", "Controlled Substances Act This provision was invoked in 1984 to place Rohypnol (flunitrazepam) in Schedule IV. The drug did not then meet the Controlled Substances Act's criteria for scheduling; however, control was required by the Convention on Psychotropic Substances.", "Rohypnol Street Names It has also become known for its use as a “date rape drug.”. Rohypnol abuse can be very dangerous and has numerous adverse effects on the user including drowsiness, dizziness, loss of motor control, lack of coordination, slurred speech, confusion, and gastrointestinal disturbances.", "- ethyl alcohol c2h5oh is a central nervous system depressant it is a clear colorless hydrophilic molecule absorbed primarily from the stomach and intestine and distributed into the total body water and from there to virtually every cell in the body", "What is a hallucinogen, a stimulant, and a depressant? Best Answer: These are all types of drugs in one form or another. Hallucinogen is an umbrella term, meaning this includes both stimulants and depressants but mainly depressants.A hallucinogen is a drug that causes hallucinations. Examples include LSD and different types of mushrooms.llegal stimulants include meth(amphetamine)s, cocaine, crack, ecstasy. A depressant is a drug that overrelaxes your body, you are less aware and more susceptible to others' influence. Your heart rate and BP slow down, and you can lack coordination.", "- (Note: Ethyl alcohol is very different from rubbing alcohol, methyl alcohol, which is poisonous if taken internally). Although ethanol is a CNS depressant, at lower doses it has a stimulating effect which is due to a lessening of inhibitions rather than due to true physical stimulation. As the dose is increased, there is progressive depression of cerebral function." ]
[ 15.46875 ]
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how to trap bar deadlift with proper form
[ "- 1 For this exercise load a trap bar, also known as a hex bar, to an appropriate weight resting on the ground. 2 Stand in the center of the apparatus and grasp both handles.3 Lower your hips, look forward with your head and keep your chest up. For this exercise load a trap bar, also known as a hex bar, to an appropriate weight resting on the ground. 2 Stand in the center of the apparatus and grasp both handles." ]
[ "Underhand Cable Pulldowns Underhand Cable Pulldowns Instructions Sit down on a pull-down machine with a wide bar attached to the top pulley. Adjust the knee pad of the machine to fit your height. These pads will prevent your body from being raised by the resistance attached to the bar. Grab the pull-down bar with the palms facing your torso (a supinated grip). Make sure that the hands are placed closer than the shoulder width. As you have both arms extended in front of you holding the bar at the chosen grip width, bring your torso back around 30 degrees or so while creating a curvature on your lower back and sticking your chest out.", "Trap Bar Deadlift Benefits Deadlifting will also tax the cardiovascular system and strengthen the heart muscles. Trap Bar Deadlift. The trap bar, or hex bar, is a hexagonal, or sometimes diamond shaped weight lifting bar that looks something like the chassis of a car.", "- Barbell Good Monrning Tips. Hold a strong lower back arch. As I explained above, the key to this is to bend at the hips and contract the abs. Perform good mornings inside a power rack. Set the safety catches to the lowest point in the motion. This is an essential safety measure.", "- Proper form is using your legs, don’t start with your hips too high or low. And proper Deadlift form is keeping the bar close by dragging it over your legs to the top. If you’re not Deadlifting this way, fix your form and your Deadlift will increase. Fix one form mistake at a time.roper form is using your legs, don’t start with your hips too high or low. And proper Deadlift form is keeping the bar close by dragging it over your legs to the top. If you’re not Deadlifting this way, fix your form and your Deadlift will increase. Fix one form mistake at a time.", "mousetrap car instructions The replacement lever arm is either a 1/8 brass or steel rod (not a coat hanger). step #1: Cut the mouse trap's snapper arm just bellow the corner on the side of the snapper that has the spring pressing down on it as pictured and removed the cut piece.", "- The way in which you position your bait should: 1 Force the chipmunk to fully enter the trap (body and tail). 2 Encourage the chipmunk to engage the trigger (step on the metal plate). 3 Take into consideration the trap's door configuration (1 vs. 2-door):", "Here's what you need to know... Let's take a look at what the traps are really meant for and figure out a better way to train them. Gym novices who are just learning how to operate a barbell will get a lot of trap stimulation from deadlift variations, rows and pulldowns, cleans, and overhead presses, assuming they do these exercises.mphasizing the lower traps rather than the upper isn't about working a fictional muscle within a muscle like the lower biceps or inner chest. It's about respecting the way the muscle was built to function and training it accordingly.", "Trap Bar Deadlift 1 Step 3: Squat down and grasp onto the handles of the trap bar. 2 Step 4: Keep head up, back straight, butt down and come up from the squat position. 3 Thrust hips forward at the top of the squat so that your chest is out and you are standing up tall. 4 Step 5: Reverse movement to lower weight back down.ow to do the Trap Bar Deadlift: 1 Step 1: Load a trap bar with the desired weight. 2 Step 2: Step inside the circle of the trap bar and stand with feet just outside shoulder-width apart. 3 Step 3: Squat down and grasp onto the handles of the trap bar. 4 Step 4: Keep head up, back straight, butt down and come up from the squat position. 5 Step 5: Reverse ...", "- Parts Of A Chain-Link Fence. Shown at left: (A) line post cap; (B) top rail; (C) end post cap; (D) rail caps; (E) tension band; (F) tie wire; (G) line post; (H) tension wire; (I) corner post; (J) tension bar. Posts and rails provide the basic structure for a chain link fence.The rails fit through looped caps on the line posts and are attached to the corner and end posts by rail caps. The chain link mesh is stretched across the posts and tension bands slip around the end post to hold what’s called a tension bar.nstall looped caps, end post caps and rail caps. Drive looped caps onto the line posts with the mallet and put the posts in their holes, but don’t fill the holes. Bolt a rail cap to each brace band, tightening just enough to hold the cap in place. Feed the rails through the looped caps.", "- 4. Wear as a bandeau cascade dress. 1 Hold the sarong horizontally and wrap around your back, like a towel. 2 Hold the sarong at the corners, then move your hands along the edges of the material until they are about a foot closer to the chest on each side.3 Gather the edges and tie above the bust using a double knot.. Wear as a bandeau cascade dress. 1 Hold the sarong horizontally and wrap around your back, like a towel. 2 Hold the sarong at the corners, then move your hands along the edges of the material until they are about a foot closer to the chest on each side.", "Triceps Pushdown 1 Attach a straight or angled bar to a high pulley and grab with an overhand grip (palms facing down) at shoulder width. 2 Standing upright with the torso straight and a very small inclination forward, bring the upper arms close to your body and perpendicular to the floor.", "Deadlift (June 2009) The deadlift is a weight training exercise in which a loaded barbell or bar is lifted off the ground to the hips, then lowered back to the ground. It is one of the three powerlifting exercises, along with the squat and bench press. Deadlift Phases.", "Barbell Good Morning Barbell Good Monrning Tips. 1 Hold a strong lower back arch. As I explained above, the key to this is to bend at the hips and contract the abs. 2 Perform good mornings inside a power rack. Set the safety catches to the lowest point in the motion. This is an essential safety measure.", "- Lie down on the bench and unrack the bar as you normally would. Lower the bar to your chest and have a partner take note of the orientation of your forearms. For optimal power, your forearms should be as close to vertical at the bottom of the rep as possible.", "Skater Lunge • Hold dumbbells at shoulder level with elbows high. • Step forward and 45 degrees right with right foot; lower into lunge. • Explode back out of lunge and step back and left 45 degrees with right foot; lower into reverse lunge. • Drive forward out of reverse lunge; repeat continuously for specified reps. • Perform set with left leg.", "- This is not always the case, but for this article we will focus on sumo deadlift technique. 1 Place your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart. 2 Stand close to the bar with your legs touching it. 3 Point your toes outwards, but not more than a 45º angle. 4 Bend over and grasp the bar.", "- Your first fix for most malfunctions is tap-rack-bang! 1 Tap — Slam the bottom of the magazine with the palm of your hand to make sure it is seated properly. 2 Rack — Rack the slide a few times to clear the chamber and load a new round. Bang — Pull the trigger.", "Hex Bar vs. Barbell Deadlifts The deadlift is the ultimate test of overall body strength. While the main way to do deadlifts is using a standard Olympic bar, more guys today are doing deadlifts using the hex bar, which is a hexagon-shaped bar that you stand in the middle of. It’s often referred to as a “trap bar,” since many bodybuilders do shrugs with it. DEFENSE.", "Trap Bar Deadlift Benefits Deadlifts are not mainly for those who wish to work around an injury, but can be used as a stand-alone exercise in a modern strength program, with benefits that will surpass that of traditional straight bar deadlifts. The trap bar is used in specialized training in two main exercises, the shrug and the deadlift. This deadlift is considered far superior to barbells for power and strength training as it transfers the load more to the knees than to the hips of the lumbar spine, ideal for those suffering from lower back problems.", "- The class will begin with a warm up/introduction on the low trapeze bar. There you will be shown the first position you will learn-the knee hang.You will then proceed up the ladder to the flying trapeze platform.During the first part of the class you will practice the knee hang position for execution and timing.here you will be shown the first position you will learn-the knee hang. You will then proceed up the ladder to the flying trapeze platform. During the first part of the class you will practice the knee hang position for execution and timing.", "- How To Do Trap Bar Deadlifts. 1 Stand inside the frame with your feet as far apart as you can. 2 Point your toes slightly to the sides. 3 Lock your lower back straight and tighten your abs. 4 Take a deep breathe in and bend at the knee until your legs are about parallel to the floor.ow To Do Trap Bar Deadlifts. 1 Stand inside the frame with your feet as far apart as you can. 2 Point your toes slightly to the sides. 3 Lock your lower back straight and tighten your abs. 4 Take a deep breathe in and bend at the knee until your legs are about parallel to the floor.", "Upright Rows Keep barbell close to body, allow wrists to drop at the top of the exercise. Concentrate on pulling with your traps (your mid and lower traps do the bulk of the work) or with your shoulders depending on which muscles you most want to target.", "Dictionary of Weightlifting, Bodybuilding, and Exercise Terms and Techniques Targets: Triceps. 1 Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand, right elbow bent, palm facing shoulder. 2 Straighten arm out to side at shoulder height, and rotate so palm faces back. 3 Lift up 2 inches. 4 Return to start.", "- Save. A torsion bar is part of the suspension on some vehicles. The torsion bar acts as the main weight-bearing spring in lieu of coil springs. One end of the bar is attached to the chassis, while the other end is fixed to a suspension arm or axle through a lever device.lace the jack under the front crossmember of the vehicle and lift up on it. Place jack stands under the front pinch welds of the vehicle and lower the vehicle onto the jack stands. Apply a liberal amount of penetrating oil to all of the bolts holding the torsion bar in place.", "- 1 This is what your chair should look like now. 2 First step. Tack the rush next to the hole where the old rush was. On the first wrap go over the front rail. Second go under the front rail and over the rush to your left.", "How to Do Pullups with Proper Form: The Definitive Guide How to Do Pullups. Hang on the pullup bar of your Power Rack to do Pullups. If it has no pullup bar, raise the uprights of your Power Rack or Squat Rack as high as you can. Then put the barbell in the uprights and hang from it to do Pullups. If you have no Power Rack, get a doorway pullup bar.", "Plumbing a Vent Using a Tee Fitting Use a sanitary tee to connect a horizontal trap arm to a vertical drain and vent. The sweep on the santee must face down so that it sweeps toward the drain. Glue the tee inlet to the trap arm with plastic pipe cement, and glue the drain and vent to the two vertical barrels.", "How to Bench Press with Proper Form: The Definitive Guide How to Bench Press. How to Bench Press with proper form: setup on the bench, grab the bar, unrack it, lower it to your mid-chest and press it back up. Bench Press in the Power Rack for maximum safety. Set the safety pins at the proper height so they catch the weight if you fail to lift it. You don’t need a spotter if you Bench Press inside the Power Rack as I do. If you don’t have a Power Rack, ask someone in the gym to spot you when you Bench Press.", "Proper Brazing Procedure Proper Brazing Procedure. The importance of correct procedures. We've said that a brazed joint makes itself – or that capillary action, more than operator skill, insures the distribution of the filler metal into the joint.The real skill lies in the design and engineering of the joint.he fifth step is the actual accomplishment of the brazing joint. It involves heating the assembly to brazing temperature, and flowing the filler metal through the joint. First, the heating process. As we've seen in brazing, you apply heat broadly to the base metals.", "- Joe Arko demonstrates proper form and execution of the Trap Bar Deadlift.1 Sports.oe Arko demonstrates proper form and execution of the Trap Bar Deadlift. 1 Sports." ]
[ 14.203125 ]
[ 2.0703125, 10.2890625, 6.828125, 14.03125, -1.2861328125, 2.822265625, 9.1015625, 15.3671875, -1.201171875, 0.33251953125, 2.740234375, 9.3046875, 5.98046875, 7.53125, 3.8125, 11.125, 0.2369384765625, 10.1015625, 11.21875, 2.3125, 16.453125, 5.58203125, 3.599609375, 0.2939453125, -0.71484375, 5.22265625, 0.7783203125, 7.6171875, -2.3359375, 13.359375 ]
what does transmembrane mean
[ "- The CFTR gene provides instructions for making a protein called the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator.This protein functions as a channel across the membrane of cells that produce mucus, sweat, saliva, tears, and digestive enzymes.he CFTR gene provides instructions for making a protein called the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator." ]
[ "Membrane Structure and Transport - A membrane is a fluid structure with a mosaic of various proteins embedded in it. - Hugh Davson and James Danielli proposed a sandwich model: the phospholipid bilayer lies between two layers of globular proteins = problem because the placement of membrane proteins, which have hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions.", "metamere Definition of metamere. : any of a linear series of primitively similar segments into which the body of a higher invertebrate or vertebrate is divisible.", "Definitions &Translations With respect to the exterior of the cell, typical values of membrane potential range from –40 mV to –80 mV. All animal cells are surrounded by a membrane composed of a lipid bilayer with proteins embedded in it. The membrane serves as both an insulator and a diffusion barrier to the movement of ions.Ion transporter/pump proteins actively push ions across the membrane and establish concentration gradients across the membrane, and ion channels allow ions to move across the membrane down those concentration gradients.he membrane serves as both an insulator and a diffusion barrier to the movement of ions. Ion transporter/pump proteins actively push ions across the membrane and establish concentration gradients across the membrane, and ion channels allow ions to move across the membrane down those concentration gradients.", "SEMIPERMEABLE MEMBRANE cell membrane | definition: a thin membrane (a double layer of lipids) enclosing the cytoplasm of a cell; proteins in the membrane control passage of ions (like sodium or potassium or calcium) in and out of the cell | synonyms: cytomembrane, cell, semipermeable membrane, plasma membrane", "- A translucent bluish-white type of cartilage present in the joints, the respiratory tract, and the immature skeleton. Example sentences. 1 Therefore the cartilage tissue resembles fibroelastic cartilage instead of hyaline cartilage which makes up most of the normal laryngeal cartilaginous structures except epiglottis.2 Fibrocartilage has characteristics similar to both dense connective tissue and hyaline cartilage. Fibrocartilage has characteristics similar to both dense connective tissue and hyaline cartilage. 2 Early results seem to indicate that the probe has sufficient sensitivity to detect mechanical differences in hyaline cartilage compared with fibrous cartilage.", "AP Chapter 7 - Membrane Structure and Function (detailed) If a cell membrane allows glucose to pass through it, then the cell membrane is said to be ____ to glucose. permeable, In a salt water solution, the water is known as the ____. solvent. The movement of particles across a cell membrane from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration is known as ____. diffusion, The cell membrane is said to be _______ permeable to substances because it lets some pass through but not others.", "SEMIPERMEABLE MEMBRANE • CYTOMEMBRANE (noun) The noun CYTOMEMBRANE has 1 sense: 1. a thin membrane (a double layer of lipids) enclosing the cytoplasm of a cell; proteins in the membrane control passage of ions (like sodium or potassium or calcium) in and out of the cell. Familiarity information: CYTOMEMBRANE used as a noun is very rare.", "- Summary. The cell membrane is selectively permeable-meaning some particles can cross the membrane while others may not. It's made up of layers that are both attracted to water-the phosphate bilayers and layers that are hydrophobic (fatty acid layers). Outside of the cell water makes the phosphate layers line up.efinition. Because selective permeability is a complex topic, you will be learning the definitions of several terms in this lesson. Selective permeability usually refers to what can enter and exit a cell membrane. There are other processes that are selectively permeable such as some plastics.", "- During transcription, RNA polymerase makes a copy of a gene from the DNA to mRNA as needed. This process is similar in eukaryotes and prokaryotes.inally, the mRNA is degraded. Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a large family of RNA molecules that convey genetic information from DNA to the ribosome, where they specify the amino acid sequence of the protein products of gene expression.", "Principles of Biochemistry/Cell membrane and receptors Schematic representation of transmembrane proteins: 1. a single transmembrane α-helix (bitopic membrane protein) 2. a polytopic transmembrane α-helical protein 3. a polytopic transmembrane β-sheet protein.The membrane is represented in light brown.A transmembrane protein (TP) is a type of membrane protein spanning the entirety of the biological membrane to which it is permanently attached. That is, transmembrane proteins span from one side of a membrane through to the other side of the membrane.ype I transmembrane proteins are anchored to the lipid membrane with a stop-transfer anchor sequence and have their N-terminal domains targeted to the ER lumen during synthesis (and the extracellular space, if mature forms are located on plasmalemma).", "Telomerase Telomerase replaces short bits of DNA known as telomeres, which are otherwise shortened when a cell divides via mitosis. In normal circumstances, absent telomerase, if a cell divides recursively, at some point the progeny reach their Hayflick limit, which is believed to be between 50–70 cell divisions.elomerase is a reverse transcriptase enzyme that carries its own RNA molecule (with the pattern of C C C A A U C C C in vertebrates), which is used as a template when it elongates telomeres.", "- The line of intersection of a layer with the horizontal plane is the strike. Paravanes are steel floats with torpedo-shaped bodies and a horizontal plane near the forward end. All six spines are equidistant, of equal size and similar form, and lie with their branches nearly in one horizontal plane.", "CYTOMEMBRANE Dictionary entry overview: What does cell membrane mean? • CELL MEMBRANE (noun) The noun CELL MEMBRANE has 1 sense: 1. a thin membrane (a double layer of lipids) enclosing the cytoplasm of a cell; proteins in the membrane control passage of ions (like sodium or potassium or calcium) in and out of the cell Familiarity information: CELL MEMBRANE used as a noun is very rare.", "Answers, Chapter 10. Transcription: RNA polymerases b. The templates: DNA polymerase and RNA polymerase use DNA as a template, whereas telomerase copies an RNA template that is part of the enzyme. Reverse transcriptase uses RNA as a template in the life cycle of retroviruses and retrotransposons, but in vitro it can use either DNA or RNA as a template.his mRNA when translated would result in a different peptide than in (b). The complementary antiparallel strands in double-helical DNA do not have the same base sequence in the 5'to 3' direction. RNA is transcribed from only one specific strand of duplex DNA.", "Tympanic Membrane: Definition & Function The tympanic membrane, or eardrum, is a thin layer of cone-shaped tissue that separates the outer ear from the middle ear. It facilitates hearing by transmitting sound vibrations from the air to the bones in the middle ear.", "The Federalist Papers But its real operation is to embarrass the administration, to destroy the energy of the government, and to substitute the pleasure, caprice, or artifices of an insignificant, turbulent, or corrupt junto, to the regular deliberations and decisions of a respectable majority.mbarrass-hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of; His brother blocked him at every turn. blockade, obstruct, stymie, stymy, hinder, block. stonewall-obstruct or hinder any discussion; Nixon stonewalled the Watergate investigation; When she doesn't like to face a problem, she simply stonewalls.", "Thrombin Thrombin in turn acts as a serine protease that converts soluble fibrinogen into insoluble strands of fibrin, as well as catalyzing many other coagulation-related reactions.rothrombin G20210A is not usually accompanied by other factor mutations (i.e., the most common is factor V Leiden). The gene may be inherited heterozygous (1 pair), or much more rarely, homozygous (2 pairs), and is not related to gender or blood type.", "- The selective permeability endows the membrane two‐way transport of desired materials. Proteins attached to the membrane facilitate this exchange process. Proteins that span across the bilayer in one or multiple passes are known as integral proteins or transmembrane (TM) proteins.TM domains, composed of largely hydrophobic residues, anchor these proteins firmly to the membrane and also participate in the functions.he selective permeability endows the membrane two‐way transport of desired materials. Proteins attached to the membrane facilitate this exchange process. Proteins that span across the bilayer in one or multiple passes are known as integral proteins or transmembrane (TM) proteins.", "alveolar-capillary membrane membrane. a thin layer of tissue that covers a surface, lines a cavity, or divides a space or organ. alveolocapillary membrane. a thin tissue barrier through which gases are exchanged between the alveolar air and the blood in the pulmonary capillaries.", "tears Etymology: ME, tere. a watery saline or alkaline fluid secreted by the lacrimal glands that, along with secretions from the meibomian glands and goblet cells and glands of Zeii, moisten the conjunctiva and cornea.Also called dacryon.rtificial tears Any eye drop solution that can replace tears by approximating its consistency in terms of viscosity and tonicity and may contain many of the substances found in tears.", "SEMIPERMEABLE MEMBRANE Meaning: A membrane (as a cell membrane) that allows some molecule to pass through but not others. Classified under: Nouns denoting body parts. Hypernyms (semipermeable membrane is a kind of...): membrane; tissue layer (a pliable sheet of tissue that covers or lines or connects organs or cells of animals). Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of semipermeable membrane): cell membrane; cytomembrane; plasma membrane (a thin membrane (a double layer of lipids) enclosing the cytoplasm of a cell; proteins in the membrane control passage of ions (like sodium or potassium or calcium) in and out of the cell).", "membrane A membrane is a thin layer of something. For an example of a membrane, you don’t have to look far: your skin is a kind of membrane. Membranes are thin and flexible, but usually still strong enough to protect what’s inside or underneath them. Biologists often study membranes, such as those that surround your cells and organs. There are also membranes that don’t have anything to do with biology. A high-tech jacket might have a waterproof membrane to keep you dry in the rain.", "Definitions &Translations Cellophane is a thin, transparent sheet made of regenerated cellulose. Its low permeability to air, oils, greases, bacteria and water makes it useful for food packaging.Cellophane is in many countries a registered trade mark of Innovia Films Ltd based in Wigton, Cumbria, United Kingdom.ellophane is in many countries a registered trade mark of Innovia Films Ltd based in Wigton, Cumbria, United Kingdom.", "- Word Origin & History. membrane 1510s, parchment, from L. membrana parchment, from membrum limb, member of the body (see member). The etymological sense is that which covers the members of the body.. Meaning thin layer of skin, tissue covering a limb or organ is attested from c.1600.", "Transcription + Translation _____ polymerase is the enzyme which carries out transcription. T = thymine is used in DNA, so A pairs with T in DNA. T = thymine is replaced by ___ = uracil in RNA, so A in DNA pairs with ___ in mRNA. 11. Fill in the blanks to describe the similarities between transcription and DNA replication.", "- D. 88Ra226 -> 2He4 + 86Ra222. Transmutation means to change or transform atoms of one element into atoms of another element. Transmutation can be natural or artificial. In fairy tales it was popular to try to change metal or straw into gold.", "- Luckily there are three types of membranes to help her. A membrane is a material or tissue that acts as a barrier or divider between two regions. A permeable membrane allows all substances to flow freely across the membrane. A semi-permeable membrane allows some substances to cross the membrane, but not others. An impermeable membrane blocks the movement of all substances. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member.", "- Define membrane. membrane synonyms, membrane pronunciation, membrane translation, English dictionary definition of membrane. n. 1. Biology a. A thin, pliable layer of tissue covering surfaces or separating or connecting regions, structures, or organs of a living organism. b.", "Definitions &Translations In the case of K+, its diffusion down its concentration gradient creates transmembrane voltage that is negative relative to the outside of the cell, and typically –60 to –80 millivolts in amplitude.Translation. Find a translation for the membrane potential definition in other languages:n the case of K+, its diffusion down its concentration gradient creates transmembrane voltage that is negative relative to the outside of the cell, and typically –60 to –80 millivolts in amplitude.", "Membranes Membranes are sheets of tissue that cover or line surfaces or separate organs or parts (lobes) of organs from each other. Many membranes provide specialized secretions. The two major categories of membranes are epithelial (serous and mucus) and connective tissue. Membrane is a term that has more than one meaning. For example, at the cellular level, membranes are lipid bilayers that restrict the passage of ions and other solutes." ]
[ 11.21875 ]
[ 6.60546875, 2.46875, 8.4609375, 6.0859375, -0.385009765625, 6.45703125, 5.7265625, 6.203125, 6.6171875, 13.078125, 2.33203125, 2.634765625, 7.3203125, 2.099609375, 5.63671875, -0.03192138671875, 1.7626953125, 11.3203125, 7.29296875, 3.466796875, 6.171875, 6.98046875, 2.7109375, 6.43359375, 3.3828125, 2.3984375, 6.73828125, 6.703125, 9.4765625, 6.45703125 ]
what channel does nba come on
[ "NBA TV List of programs broadcast by NBA TV. 1 The Beat. 2 Courtside Cinema. 3 Hardwood Classics. 4 Inside the NBA (encore telecasts within 12 hours of original airing on TNT) 5 Making the Call. 6 NBA Action. 7 NBA Gametime Live. 8 NBA CrunchTime - focuses on live NBA games till the buzzer, includes CrunchTime Alert, similar to NBA Scores." ]
[ "NBA Finals 2016: Cavs vs. Warriors Game 7 Tipoff time, TV channel, radio information and how to stream CLEVELAND, Ohio -- The Cleveland Cavaliers will have the chance to win their first NBA title in franchise history when they play Game 7 of the NBA Finals against the Golden State Warriors on Sunday night. Tipoff is at 8 p.m. and the game will be shown on ABC. On radio, it will be simulcast on WTAM 1100 and 87.7 FM (ESP).", "- NBA Playoffs: Cavaliers vs. Warriors Game 7 live stream, how to watch NBA Finals online (6/19/16) Cleveland Cavaliers forward LeBron James speaks to the media during NBA Finals practice and media availability at Oracle Arena in Oakland, California, on June 18, 2016.", "What channel does the Dallas Cowboys game come on today? Date is Dec. 22nd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... Report Abuse. 1 Everyone ask what time is the Dallas game on. 2 NFL Network, unless you are lucky enough to live in Dallas or Charlotte. 3 The game comes on at 8pm eastern, 7 central, 6 mountain, 5 pacific. nfl 1 network. 212 if you have directv it is NFL network. nfl 1 network***. The idiot network.", "What Channel is the NFL Network On? Click here to head to the NFL Network’s website and then click on the “find my channel” icon in the corner of the site. Enter your zip code and select your cable provider. It’s that simple. In addition to the NFL Network, Thursday night games will still be broadcast on CBS in each week’s area markets.", "NBA Draft 2016: What time, TV, channel is NBA Draft? Live stream, how to watch online (6/23/16) Email the author | Follow on Twitter. on June 23, 2016 at 6:00 AM, updated June 23, 2016 at 7:24 PM. comments. The 2016 NBA Draft will be held on June 25, 2016, at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, N.Y., and NJ Advance Media will provide full coverage. The Philadelphia 76ers have the top pick in the draft, and reportedly will select LSU forward Ben Simmons.", "Cavs vs. Warriors Game 1 NBA Finals 2016: Tipoff time, TV channel, radio information and how to stream Cavs vs. Warriors Game 1 NBA Finals 2016: Tipoff time, TV channel, radio information and how to stream. LeBron James, Stephen Curry, Andre Iguodala. The Cleveland Cavaliers and Golden State Warriors will begin their NBA Finals rematch on Thursday night. (Tony Dejak, Associated Press)", "- Best Answer: NESN in the local Boston area, It will also be on XM radio if you have that. And I believe WBZ will be carrying the game on the radio. NESN- local cable channel numbers will vary. 1. At least you get it in English, I have to watch it on RDS which is a french Canadian station, Unless CBC airs it but highly doubt it.", "TBS (U.S. TV channel) 2016 NCAA® Division I Men's Basketball Championship. The action, the drama, the madness – there's nothing like the NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Championship.", "NBA.com, Official site of the National Basketball Association NBA.com is part of Turner Sports Digital, part of the Turner Sports & Entertainment Digital Network.", "- AT&T* and NBA Digital today announced the launch of NBA TV on AT&T U-verse® TV, giving customers access to the NBA season through live games and original programming. NBA TV is available at no additional charge as part of the U-verse TV U300 package on channel 632 and part of the HD Technology fee on channel 1632.s NBA TV tips off its 12 th season, the network is now in approximately 55 million U.S. homes. “We’re proud to bring NBA TV to U-verse TV customers. It’s a great addition to the U-verse TV channel lineup,” said Dan York, president of content, AT&T.", "- Comcast Sports Network•2 hours ago. #BlazersIn6 begins with one In what most everyone else sees as an insurmountable obstacle, and perhaps the best NBA team ever assembled, the Trail Blazers view their first round playoff matchup with the Golden State Warriors as something much different.", "Post Season Copyright NBA Media Ventures, LLC | Turner Sports Interactive, Inc. All rights reserved. No portion of NBA.com may be duplicated, redistributed or manipulated in any form. By accessing any information beyond this page, you agree to abide by the NBA.com Privacy Policy / Your California Privacy Rights and Terms of Use.", "NBA Playoffs: Cavaliers vs. Warriors Game 7 live stream, how to watch NBA Finals online (6/19/16) NBA Playoffs: Cavaliers vs. Warriors Game 7 live stream, how to watch NBA Finals online (6/19/16) Cleveland Cavaliers at Golden State Warriors. Cleveland Cavaliers forward LeBron James speaks to the media during NBA Finals practice and media availability at Oracle Arena in Oakland, California, on June 18, 2016. (Larry W. Smith | EPA)", "NBA TV (TV channel on DISH Network) NBA TV (TV channel on DISH Network) DISH Network Channel Number: 402. Broadcast Resolution: High Definition (HD) Channel (100% digital) Video on Demand (VOD) Availability: Not yet available. We have NBA TV listed as a Sports TV channel offered by DISH.", "- This weekend it is in New York City. Unfortunately, since the Braves are no longer on TBS all the time, it can be a challenge finding them. They could be on Fox Sports South or Peachtree TV.. Peachtree TV can be hard to get outside of the Atlanta area. You can use the Braves' website to confirm the channel.", "NBA Draft 2016: What time, TV, channel is NBA Draft? Live stream, how to watch online (6/23/16) NBA Draft 2016: What time, TV, channel is NBA Draft? Live stream, how to watch online (6/23/16) The 2016 NBA Draft will be held on June 25, 2016, at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, N.Y., and NJ Advance Media will provide full coverage. The Philadelphia 76ers have the top pick in the draft, and reportedly will select LSU forward Ben Simmons.", "- Teamwork trumps talent in NBA Finals. foxsports Jun 13, 2011 at 1:00a ET. Perfect justice prevailed in the championship series, because the Dallas Mavericks got what they deserved, and so did the Miami Heat.", "- All signs point toward another NBA Finals match-up between the Golden State Warriors and the Cleveland Cavaliers. Last year, the Cleveland Cavaliers won their first championship after the Warriors blew a 3–1 series lead. The Warriors won the 2015 NBA Finals in six games over the Cavaliers. The NBA Finals will begin on Thursday, June 1 and will be aired on ABC. Here's a look at the 2017 NBA Finals schedule (All times ET). Game 1: Thursday, June 1 at 9 p.m. on ABC. Game 2: Sunday, June 4 at 8 p.m on ABC.", "NBA TV NBA TV is not currently available on Charter Communications, which carried the network as NBA.com TV prior to 2004, due to unknown carriage conflicts; NBA League Pass is also not carried by Charter.", "NBA TV NBA TV HD is a 1080i high definition simulcast feed of NBA TV that is available on most providers. All studio programs and original programs are shot in HD, and all live games and recent game rebroadcasts are televised in HD.", "- Olympics Taking Toll on NFL Preseason Viewership. 2016 NBA Playoffs TV Schedule on ESPN, ABC, TNT and NBA TV. The 2016 NBA Playoffs starts Saturday, April 16 and runs through a potential Game 7 of the NBA Finals on Sunday, June 19. The biggest change to this year’s NBA Playoffs schedule is the expanded NBA Finals, which will last a potential of eighteen days.", "What TV channel is Cavs-Warriors' NBA Finals on tonight? The good news is there's a comfort level for Curry and his teammates this time around on the big stage. Coach Steve Kerr even senses a calm about the Golden State Warriors as they go into a second straight NBA Finals — a second straight against LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers, no less. Everything was new last year. There were some nerves.", "- To gain full access to NBC's live coverage of the NHL and full-event replays, please verify your cable, satellite, or telco subscription now. You currently do not have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player installed. You will need Flash Player or higher in order to view this site.", "Is Dallas Cowboy's game on Dish Network tonight? You can go to our website, dishnetwork.com, under Support, you can use Game Finder Tool to locate any games in the future. It will give you the channel and time it is broadcast if it is showing in your area and if it is blacked out. Yes, channel 33.", "- Cavs vs. Warriors Game 1 NBA Finals 2016: Tipoff time, TV channel, radio information and how to stream. The Cleveland Cavaliers and Golden State Warriors will begin their NBA Finals rematch on Thursday night.", "- Draft broadcast draws biggest ratings in years. About 2.3 million households tuned into the ESPN telecast, making it the most-watched NBA draft since 1996. Rovell: Hangin' with LeBron. LeBron James didn't need the white suit to stand out Thursday night at the draft. Lago: Lampe's longest night.", "Stream 10,000+ Episodes, Live TV + CBS All Access Originals Stream Live TV 24/7. Stream your local live broadcast – including NFL on CBS!* Just sign in to watch sports, special events and the shows you love. Subscribers also get access to CBSN, the 24/7 live-streaming news channel, featuring award-winning coverage from CBS News. *NFL games are not available via CBS All Access on mobile phones. Check availability", "NBA draft The NBA draft is an annual event dating back to 1947 in which the thirty teams from the National Basketball Association (NBA) can draft players who are eligible and wish to join the league. These are typically college basketball players, but international players are also eligible to be drafted.", "NCAA March Madness Returns to DIRECTV on March 15th The NCAA Basketball Tournament will be broadcast on. 1 CBS (Channel 13 in Albuquerque – check listings for your local market), 2 TBS (Channel 247), 3 TNT (Channel 245), 4 and TruTV (Channel 246)", "What time, TV channel is the NBA Draft tonight? The draft starts at 7 p.m. Eastern (6 p.m. central) on ESPN. The event will be streamed live online at WatchESPN.com. Tucked in between a historic NBA Finals and a potential game-changing free agency period, the draft might be a little short on star power but not on drama." ]
[ 11.796875 ]
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tom araya net worth
[ "Tom Araya Net Worth Wondering how much Tom Araya is worth? Or maybe you’re curious about Tom Araya’s salary this year? Fortunately for you, we’ve got the details on Tom Araya’s net worth for 2017. In 2017, Tom Araya’s net worth was estimated to be $14 Million. Who Is Tom Araya?" ]
[ "- Ciara net worth: Ciara is an American singer and song writer who has a net worth of $17 million. Ciara Princess Harris was born on October 25, 1984 in Austin, Texas.", "Tyra Banks Net Worth Besides this, her own television talk show, Tyra Bank s Show, held the top position among all the television serials, where she held important but controversial discussion on the problems of young adults in U.S.A. Tyra Banks Net Worth. $ 90 million . Date Of Birth: December 04, 1973. Height: 5.9 feet. Weight: 68 kg. Spouse: Income", "Ian Ziering Weight Ian Ziering Net Worth is $16 Million. Ian Ziering Net Worth is $16 Million. Ian Ziering was born in New Jersey and has an estimated net worth of $ million dollars. An actor, Ian Ziering is most widely recognized for his role on Beverly Hills, 90210. Since 2000 he has appeared as a gu. Ian Andrew Ziering (born Mar...", "Tyra Banks Net Worth Tyra Banks Net Worth. $ 90 million . Date Of Birth: December 04, 1973. Height: 5.9 feet. Weight: 68 kg. Spouse: Income. Tyra Banks began making money from the modeling assignment from the early age of 15. She earns $ 5-10 million in a year from her various modeling assignments. Her ad campaigns for hats, pumps, and sun-glasses have got her a lot of money and prestige. How Rich Tyra Banks. Her net worth is simply outstanding. It is $ 90 million. An accomplished fashion artiste and philanthropist. She is so esteemed in her profession that people in the world of fashion have come to treat her like an institution.", "Busta Rhymes Net Worth Busta Rhymes or Trevor Tahiem Smith, Jr. is an actor and producer. But he is best known as a rapper. His net worth has been estimated to be $65 million. He has been active since 1989. Over the years, Busta has released nine studio albums. The last album was “Year of the Dragon” that was released in 2012.", "Busta Rhymes Net Worth Busta Rhymes (Trevor Tahiem Smith, Jr.) was born in New York and has an estimated net worth of $60 million dollars. A rap artist, producer,...", "Tamra Barney Judge Tamra Barney Net Worth. Tamra Barney Net Worth is $500 Thousand. Tamra Barney is a real estate agent and member of the cast on reality television, with a net worth of $500 thousand. Tamra Barney has earn...[read more]", "- How Much is Tamera Mowry Salary? Tamera Mowry Net Worth is $4 Million. What is Tamera Mowry's net worth? Tamera Mowry's net worth is $4 million dollars. Born in Gelnhausen, Germany, Tamera Mowry moved to the United States with her family when she was a child. She, and her twin si", "How Much Is Tamera Mowry Salary Tamera Mowry Net Worth is $4 Million. What is Tamera Mowry's net worth? Tamera Mowry's net worth is $4 million dollars. Born in Gelnhausen, Germany, Tamera Mowry moved to the United States with her family when she was a child. She, and her twin si. Tamera Darvette Mowry-Housle...", "- Tom Steyer is an environmental mega-activist. ... of coal transactions in Asia and Australia, allowing him to accumulate a $1.6 billion net worth.", "A retail guru most people have never heard of briefly surpassed Bill Gates as the world's richest man Amancio Ortega is the second-richest man in the world, with a net worth estimated at $71.5 billion. This is his second wife, Flora. The couple has been married since 2001. In August 2013, his ex-wife and Zara cofounder, Rosalia Mera, died at 69.", "- How much is Ciara worth? Ciara is worth $15 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth, and that fortune seems about right, given that this singer, songwriter, dancer, and actress has sold more than 7 million albums around the world and appeared in a series of feature films.", "Shia LaBeouf Net Worth About Shia LaBeouf. Shia LaBeouf decided, during his preteen years, to launch himself as an actor, and stories abound concerning how far he carried his own drive to establish himself. He has an estimated net worth of around $25 million.", "George Young Net Worth George Young Net Worth is $300,000 George Young Biography George Young is a director and actor, known for Strike (1912), Three Strings to Her Bow (1911) and The Golden West (1911). Known for movies Three Strings to Her Bow (1911) as Director", "Teresa Heinz not a big winner in Buffett deal At that time, the company said her family owned less than 4%. They have no involvement in the Heinz Ketchup business or any of the company's other brands or products, said Heinz (the company) in a statement. Opensecrets.org estimated that Kerry's net worth was between $184 million and $288 million in 2011.", "Tia and Tamera Mowry Net Worth About Tia and Tamera Mowry. Tia Landry and Tamera are American actresses and they have a net worth of $8 Million. They built this wealth by working in a television sitcom called “Sister, Sister”. This show was an Emmy Award winner, and it was about identical twins. The TV show ran for six years and for more than one hundred episodes.", "So much for 'dead broke': The Clintons made $12 MILLION in year they left White House and are the RICHEST living former first family (see how much all the US Presidents were worth) Want to see how Shahidi has become the star she is today? Let’s check it out! As of 2018, Yara Shahidi’s Estimated Net Worth is $1 Million. Way to go, Yara!", "- Kareem Abduljabbar Net Worth is $20 Million. Ferdinand Lewis Lew Alcindor, Jr., or Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, is an American basketball player, a coach, an author and an actor with a net worth of $20 million. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar gained his net worth by. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (born Fer...", "- Tyra Banks began making money from the modeling assignment from the early age of 15. She earns $ 5-10 million in a year from her various modeling assignments. Her ad campaigns for hats, pumps, and sun-glasses have got her a lot of money and prestige. Her net worth is simply outstanding.", "Net Worth: $200 million Net Worth: $200 million. It has been estimated that Bob Arum net worth reaches 200 million dollars which makes him one of the richest millionaires in the world.A huge part of his net worth comes from his involvement into law, promoting and being involved in business which are the main sources of Bob Arum net worth.bout Bob Arum. It has been estimated that Bob Arum net worth reaches 200 million dollars which makes him one of the richest millionaires in the world.", "Net Worth: $4 Million About David Zayas . It has been stated that the overall amount of the current David Zayas net worth reaches 4 million dollars. David Zayas has earned his net worth because of his career as an actor from Puerto Rico. The actor played the role of Angel Batista in the TV series on the Showtime Network, called “Dexter”. In 1998, David Zayas appeared in “Rounders”. Then, the actor was chosen to portray the part of Enrique Morales in the HBO production called “Oz”. Moreover, in 2014, David Zayas appeared in “Annie”.", "- Tomás Enrique Araya Díaz: Know as: Tom Araya, Araya, Tom: Birth place: Viña del Mar, Chile: Birth date: June 06, 1961: Age: 56 years, 6 month, 17 days: Star sign: Gemini: Occupation: Musician, singer, songwriter, bassist", "Tamar Braxton Net Worth According to authoritative sources, Tamar’s net worth is estimated to be over $15 million, most of which she has accumulated from her singing career, as well as appearances on television screens.", "Bryan Adams Net Worth He started his musical career in the year 1977 and the epic journey continues till date. He is considered as one of the all time greatest singers. He was born as Guy Adams in Kingston, Ontario and his parents were British origin emigrants to Canada. Currently his net worth is estimated to be around $65 million.", "Kroy Biermann Children, Wife, Parents, Family, Salary, House Kroy Biermann’s net worth is estimated at $5.5 million. Kroy Biermann Wiki, How He Began. Kroy Evan Biermann was born on September 12, 1985, in Hardin, Montana. Kroy attended Hardin High School where he was extremely active in sports including football, wrestling and track. He excelled in football and wrestling at the state level.", "- Neymar Earnings: $14.5 Million. Neymar, the 24-year-old Brazilian soccer star, competes in the Rio Olympics as one of the highest-paid athletes in the world. He’s recorded 162 career goals to date and has a net worth estimated at $90 million. The attacker has deals with Nike, Gillette, Red Bull and Panasonic, among others.", "Asafa Powell Net Worth Net Worth: $6.5 Million. About Asafa Powell. Asafa Powell is a Jamaican sprinter with an estimated net worth of $6.5 million. He earned his net worth as he specializes in the 100 meters. He held the 100m world record between June 2005 and May 2008 with 9.77 and 9.74 seconds in the record.", "- Shia Labeouf Net Worth is $25 Million. Shia Labeouf Net Worth is $25 Million. Shia Labeouf's has amassed an impressive fortune for such a young actor. Shia's career began as a teenager when he appeared on many TV shows.", "Ariana Grande Net Worth Ariana Grande Net Worth. How much is Ariana Grande Worth? Ariana Grande net worth: Ariana Grande is an American singer and actress who has a net worth of $25 million dollars. Ariana Grande was born in Boca Raton, Florida on June 26, 1993. Ariana began studying voice and acting while in elementary school.", "- Tom Gores Net Worth is . Tom Gores Net Worth is . Tom Gores is an American businessman, a billionaire with an estimated current net worth of $2.5 billion according to the 2011 Forbes list of World's Billionaires. He is the founder of Platinum Equity, a global private equity;" ]
[ 16.96875 ]
[ 3.146484375, 2.806640625, 3.24609375, 3.32421875, 2.85546875, 3.408203125, 3.248046875, 4.32421875, 4.0703125, 6.30859375, 1.005859375, 2.134765625, 2.244140625, 2.099609375, 0.78662109375, 2.080078125, 1.9482421875, 2.625, 2.580078125, 6.40625, 2.017578125, 9.0625, 2.431640625, 2.64453125, 1.373046875, 2.078125, 2.94140625, 2.771484375, 3.923828125, 7.54296875 ]
pseudoscience is often characterized by? controlled experiments, acceptance is scientific journals, specific quantities, exaggerated claims
[ "- Pseudoscience is often characterized by the use of vague, contradictory, exaggerated or unprovable claims, an over-reliance on confirmation rather than rigorous attempts at refutation, a lack of openness to evaluation by other experts, and a general absence of systematic processes to rationally develop theories. Assertion of claims that a theory predicts something that it has not been shown to predict. 2 Scientific claims that do not confer any predictive power are considered at best conjectures, or at worst pseudoscience (e.g. Ignoratio elenchi)." ]
[ "Chemical substances glossary A unique designation assigned to a micro-organism when it is submitted to an internationally recognized culture collection. The accession number can also be an experimental or proprietary designation.", "Experimental Method The researcher decides where the experiment will take place, at what time, with which participants, in what circumstances and using a standardized procedure. Participants are randomly allocated to each independent variable group. An example is Milgram’s experiment on obedience or Loftus and Palmer's car crash study. 1 Strength: It is easier to replicate (i.e. copy) a laboratory experiment. 2 Strength: They allow for precise control of extraneous and independent variables. 3 Limitation: The artificiality of the setting may produce unnatural behavior that does not reflect real ...", "Experimental Method This type of experiment is conducted in a well-controlled environment – not necessarily a laboratory – and therefore accurate measurements are possible. The researcher decides where the experiment will take place, at what time, with which participants, in what circumstances and using a standardized procedure.", "science Tweet. : knowledge about or study of the natural world based on facts learned through experiments and observation. : a particular area of scientific study (such as biology, physics, or chemistry) : a particular branch of science. : a subject that is formally studied in a college, university, etc.", "- Pseudoscience is the use of scientific sounding terminology to make unscientific or a scientific concepts sound scientific. Pseudosciences such as phrenology, astrology, homeo…pathy, numerology, chiromancy, psychoanalysis, the so called alternative medicine, guessing and many, many others are not supported by scientific analysis.", "- ‘we are talking about real journalists and not the pseudo kind’ More example sentences ‘These models served as a pseudo laboratory to examine the effectiveness of various fiscal and monetary policies in smoothing out economic fluctuations.’ ‘But with the advent of colour inkjet printers, the power to make dinky, pseudo - 3D model buildings is now in everyone's hands.’ ‘In appraising the mass of evidence, which has thus been collected, one has to be careful to weed out pseudo from genuine research.’", "Research These include the design and implementation of research involving human experimentation, animal experimentation, various aspects of academic scandal, including scientific misconduct (such as fraud, fabrication of data and plagiarism), whistleblowing; regulation of research, etc.", "- In the scientific community, pseudoscience is a term used to describe something that is reported to be a product of science but in reality it has no connection to proper scientific methodology and cannot be realistically proven.", "What Is a Controlled Experiment? One of the most common types of experiment is a controlled experiment. Here is a look at what that is and why this type of experiment is so popular.", "- Please address all of the questions below. (you can find all the answers online, just cite and include the source if you use information from a different. In science, a hypothesis that has been confirmed through numerous tests is known as: a) an opinion b) an assumption c) a theory d) speculation. 1. There are four main ways in which researchers have tried to understand why there are racial disparities in mortality, and in health more broadly: the.", "- (paleontology) Any preserved evidence of ancient life, including shells, imprints, burrows, coprolites, and organically-produced chemicals. 2012 March-April, John T. Jost, “Social Justice: Is It in Our Nature (and Our Future)?”, in American Scientist, volume 100, number 2, page 162: He draws eclectically on studies of baboons, descriptive ...", "Pseudoscience Phrenology is regarded today as being a classic example of pseudoscience. Pseudoscience is a term commonly applied to any body of knowledge, methodology, or practice that is portrayed as scientific but diverges substantially from the required standards for scientific work or is unsupported by scientific research.", "Examples of Control & Variable in a Science Experiment A well-designed science experiment has well-defined controls and variables. But students of science aren’t always 100 percent sure which are which. Even high-level graduate students get this wrong, according to the University of Colorado.", "What Is Pseudoscience? The boundary problem between science and pseudoscience, in fact, is notoriously fraught with definitional disagreements because the categories are too broad and fuzzy on the edges, and the term “pseudoscience” is subject to adjectival abuse against any claim one happens to dislike for any reason.", "- Clinical studies – the evidence ‘hierarchy’ Meta-analyses/systematic reviews of well-designed and conducted studies Randomised controlled trial (RCT) Cohort study Case-control study Cross-sectional study Case series/case note review ‘Expert’ opinion.", "Pseudoscience The history of pseudoscience is the study of pseudoscientific theories over time. A pseudoscience is a set of ideas that presents itself as science, while it does not meet the criteria to properly be called such.he history of pseudoscience is the study of pseudoscientific theories over time. A pseudoscience is a set of ideas that presents itself as science, while it does not meet the criteria to properly be called such.", "Pseudoscience The history of pseudoscience is the study of pseudoscientific theories over time. A pseudoscience is a set of ideas that presents itself as science, while it does not meet the criteria to properly be called such.", "Scientific Investigations Study Island Conditions can be controlled in a laboratory experiment. In a controlled scientific experiment, there should be an independent variable, a dependent variable, and a control. The independent variable is the factor in the experiment that is manipulated by the researcher.", "Reproducible Science ⿠The assumption that science must be reproducible is implicit yet seldom tested, and in many systems the true reproducibility of experimental data is unknown or has not been rigorously investigated in a systematic fashion.", "- Most often experimenters use convenience samples. A convenience sample is a group of subjects that is available to the experimenter. For example, many psychological studies use college students since the experimenter is a professor.", "What is Pseudoscience? Pseudoscience is a body of knowledge which presents itself with a veneer of scientific respectability which does not hold up under scrutiny.The term “pseudoscience” is meant to be derogatory; you may also hear terms like “alternative science” or “junk science” used to refer to such fields.seudoscience is a body of knowledge which presents itself with a veneer of scientific respectability which does not hold up under scrutiny.", "Experimental Method 1. This type of experiment is conducted in a well-controlled environment – not necessarily a laboratory – and therefore accurate measurements are possible. The researcher decides where the experiment will take place, at what time, with which participants, in what circumstances and using a standardized procedure.Participants are randomly allocated to each independent variable group. An example is Milgram’s experiment on obedience or Loftus and Palmer's car crash study.1 Strength: It is easier to replicate (i.e. copy) a laboratory experiment. 2 Strength: They allow for precise control of extraneous and independent variables. 3 Limitation: The artificiality of the setting may produce unnatural behavior that does not reflect real .... This type of experiment is conducted in a well-controlled environment – not necessarily a laboratory – and therefore accurate measurements are possible. The researcher decides where the experiment will take place, at what time, with which participants, in what circumstances and using a standardized procedure.", "- ‘When it is a case of majority assent or approval, issues arise as to the effect on the minority.’. acceptance, agreement, consent, assent, acquiescence, compliance, concurrence. View synonyms. 1.1 The belief that someone or something is good or acceptable.", "- In the scientific community, pseudoscience is a term used to describe something that is reported to be a product of science but in reality it has no connection to proper scientific methodology and cannot be realistically proven.esson Summary. Pseudoscience is a broad category that refers to research or areas of interest that claim or appear to be scientific in nature but lack any of the standards and hallmarks of legitimate scientific study.", "Common and Special Causes of Variation Common and Special Causes of Variation. The following is an excerpt from The Quality Engineering Handbook by Thomas Pyzdek, © QA Publishing, LLC. A phenomenon will be said to be controlled when, through the use of past experience, we can predict, at least within limits, how the phenomenon may be expected to vary in the future.", "- Another strong theory about belief in pseudoscience is cognitive bias, which is when a person is heavily influenced by his beliefs or the beliefs of others, drawing conclusions about something regardless of logic or reason.", "On which feature is pseudoscience based? A.detailed research with reliable sources B.static information that does not change C.repeated investigations D.testable experience 2016-09-11T09:26:15-04:00. The correct answer among all the other choices is B. static information that does not change. This feature is where pseudoscience is based. Thank you for posting your question. I hope this answer helped you. Let me know if you need more help.", "acceptance See also general acceptance and qualified acceptance. 4. Legal: Execution of an official document by an authorized agent or representative of the government. 5. Shipping: Acknowledgment by a consignee of the receipt of a consignment, thus terminating the contract of carriage.", "- cohort studies, case control studies and randomized controlled trials. When people read about a research study, they may not pay attention to how the study was designed. But to understand the quality of the findings, it’s important to know a bit about study design. According to the widely-accepted hierarchy of evidence, the most reliable evidence comes from systematic reviews, followed by evidence from randomized controlled trials, cohort studies and then case control studies.", "- Noun. 1. pseudoscience-an activity resembling science but based on fallacious assumptions. astrology, star divination-a pseudoscience claiming divination by the positions of the planets and sun and moon. alchemy-a pseudoscientific forerunner of chemistry in medieval times." ]
[ 15.859375 ]
[ 3.294921875, 5.3515625, 6.2890625, 5.3046875, 9.40625, 2.16015625, 4.9765625, 9.2265625, 5.28515625, 4.00390625, 3.9921875, 9.3671875, 3.26953125, 7.86328125, 4.86328125, 8.8203125, 8.40625, 6.25390625, 4.796875, 6.27734375, 8.9296875, 6.2109375, 2.1484375, 9.8046875, 2.8203125, 8.703125, 5.9765625, 2.921875, 4.8046875, 7.50390625 ]
median home prices in northampton
[ "- It's a good time to buy in Northampton. Home Appreciataion is up 0.3% in the last 12 months. Browse Northampton Real Estate. The median home price in Northampton is $171,500. Browse Homes in this Range." ]
[ "Sonoma County median home price hits $555,000, highest in nine years The home is for sale at $554,900. (Courtesy of NORCAL MLS) Sonoma County median home price hits $555,000, highest in nine years. Sonoma County’s housing market got off to a familiar start in 2016, with a paltry volume of inventory, relatively few sales and a rising median price that last month reached the highest level in nine years.", "MetroSportsBusiness & TechOpinionPoliticsLifestyleArtsCarsReal Estate Median home prices by town. MASS. SINGLE-FAMILY MEDIAN SALE PRICE, JAN. - JUNE 2005 - 2013Median sales prices have climbed above the 2005 peak in more than 60 Massachusetts communities, with the greatest appreciation in desirable Boston neighborhoods and close-in cities and towns such as Arlington, Brookline, Cambridge, and Newton.", "- One way that you can calculate the affordability of your next home is to use this formula: median home price to median household income ratio. In Appleton, WI the median home price is $137,900 and $53,439 is the median household income. As a result, the home price to income ratio in Appleton, WI is 2.6x, which is 18% lower than the Wisconsin average. In order to determine the home affordability ratio, you would divide the median home price by the median home income.", "- Today's Valyermo housing market: 5 homes for sale, median home price of $115,900, find top schools, neighborhoods and market trends at realtor.com®. × It looks like Cookies are disabled in your browser.", "Multnomah County, Oregon Add Favorite 0 Reviews | Review This Place It's a good time to buy in Multnomah. Home Appreciation is up 9.1% in the last 12 months. Browse Multnomah Real Estate. The median home price in Multnomah is $353,600. Browse Homes in this Range. Learn More Mortgage Calculator Home Equity Calculator", "- North Bend NE Real Estate & Homes for Sale. The median home value in North Bend, NE is $110,000. This is higher than the county median home value of $109,600. The national median home value is $177,414. The average price of homes sold in North Bend, NE is $110,000. Approximately 60.87% of North Bend homes are owned, compared to 29.49% rented, while 9.64% are vacant.", "Northampton For other places of the same name, see Northampton (disambiguation). Northampton /nɔːrθˈæmptən/ is the county town of Northamptonshire in the East Midlands of England. It lies on the River Nene, about 67 miles (108 km) north-west of London and 50 miles (80 km) south-east of Birmingham. One of the largest towns in the UK, Northampton had a population of 212,100 in the 2011 census.", "- This spring’s scorching home market has propelled median house sales prices in North Texas above $200,000 for the first time. In April, home sales prices in the area were up 14 percent to a record $207,000.", "- Northampton, MA Home Values. *Homes.com Home Value is not an appraisal; it’s an estimate of value based on certain information. Use as a starting point, but we strongly recommend you contact a real estate professional for a more detailed evaluation. Click here to learn more or see FAQs.", "- The median home value in Wilmington is $173,100. Wilmington home values have gone up 4.6% over the past year and Zillow predicts they will rise 2.7% within the next year. The median rent price in Wilmington is $1,150, which is lower than the Wilmington Metro median of $1,250.", "- Home Values & Trends. Home values and real estate trends are updated weekly using the prices of all active listings and home sales in the last 90 days. The median list price is the middle value of the total number of active listings, and the median sale price is the middle value of all home sales.", "- Summary for Wilmington. The median sales price for homes in Wilmington NC for Jun 15 to Sep 15 was $205,000. This represents an increase of 9.3%, or $17,500, compared to the prior quarter and an increase of 3% compared to the prior year.", "- Estimated median household income in 2013: $111,615 (it was $86,456 in 2000) Estimated per capita income in 2013: $54,921 (it was $43,694 in 2000) Northport village income, earnings, and wages data. Estimated median house or condo value in 2013: $533,190 (it was $313,400 in 2000)", "- The median sales price for homes in Bluffton SC for Jul 15 to Oct 15 was $229,000 based on 107 home sales. Compared to the same period one year ago, the median home sales price increased 9.6%, or $20,100, and the number of home sales decreased 68.1%.", "Median Home Price San Diego had the highest median price for homes at $497,900. Tucson’s 2014 median sales price of $175,800 was 17.2% below the national median.ucson MSA’s 2014 median sales price of $175,800 was 17.2% below the national median and 12.1% less than Phoenix. Home prices nationally began a distinct rise around 2005, peaking in 2006, followed by a drop beginning in 2008. Tucson home prices followed the same general pattern, but had a much steeper rise and fall.", "- The median home value in Tennessee is $129,600. Tennessee home values have gone up 3.4% over the past year and Zillow predicts they will rise 3.4% within the next year.The median rent price in Tennessee is $1,150. Read more. Mortgage delinquency is the first step in the foreclosure process.ennessee home values have gone up 3.4% over the past year and Zillow predicts they will rise 3.4% within the next year.", "- Averaging adds up property prices in a list and divides by the number of properties. The median price is the figure in the middle of a range of numbers arranged from lowest to highest. So, if you have 11 properties, the median price would be the price of the 6th property from lowest to highest.There will be five properties below it in value and five properties above it in value.Median and average prices can be quite similar if the prices form an even range from high to low.o, if you have 11 properties, the median price would be the price of the 6th property from lowest to highest. There will be five properties below it in value and five properties above it in value.", "- It's a good time to buy in Dudley. Home Appreciataion is up 1.5% in the last 12 months. Browse Dudley Real Estate. The median home price in Dudley is $89,000.", "- The median home value in Minnesota is $181,700. Minnesota home values have gone up 2.6% over the past year and Zillow predicts they will rise 1.5% within the next year. The median rent price in Minnesota is $1,400.Read more. Foreclosures will be a factor impacting home values in the next several years. In Minnesota 2.8 homes are foreclosed (per 10,000).innesota home values have gone up 2.6% over the past year and Zillow predicts they will rise 1.5% within the next year. The median rent price in Minnesota is $1,400.", "- Did you know? The median home price in Wilmington is 28% higher than the national average. The median rent asked in Wilmington is 8% lower than the national average. The average number of people per household in Wilmington is 15% lower than the national average. The number of owner occupied households in Wilmington is 30% lower than the national average.", "- Ask local experts. The median sales price for homes in Levittown PA for Jul 15 to Sep 15 was $208,500. This represents an increase of 2.7%, or $5,500, compared to the prior quarter and an increase of 12.7% compared to the prior year. Sales prices have appreciated 6.9% over the last 5 years in Levittown.sk local experts. The median sales price for homes in Levittown PA for Jul 15 to Sep 15 was $208,500. This represents an increase of 2.7%, or $5,500, compared to the prior quarter and an increase of 12.7% compared to the prior year. Sales prices have appreciated 6.9% over the last 5 years in Levittown.", "A history of distinction. A history of distinction. The Conner family has been building homes and neighborhoods in the Northwest since 1959. Over that time, we have built nearly 6,000 homes, including single-family homes, condominiums and apartments. Home prices range from very affordable to exclusive and expensive.Regardless of price, every Conner home has much in common: extensive pre-planning, market research, meticulous field supervision, exacting attention to detail, careful cost control and superior after-sale service.Energy conservation and affordable housing are important issues for today's homebuyers.egardless of price, every Conner home has much in common: extensive pre-planning, market research, meticulous field supervision, exacting attention to detail, careful cost control and superior after-sale service.", "- New Hampshire: National: Median home price: $417,100: $237,400: $175,700: Median rent asked: $1,495: $1,001: $920: Avg. people per household: 2.2: 2.4: 2.6: Owner occupied households: 44.2%: 71.0%: 64.4%: Renter occupied households: 55.8%: 29.0%: 35.6%", "Sonoma Countyâs median home sale price up 12 percent in 2014 In 2014, the median sales price for a single-family home reached $485,000, according to The Press Democrat’s monthly housing report compiled by Pacific Union International Vice President Rick Laws. It was the highest annual median price in seven years, but still 19 percent below the record of $595,000 set in 2005.", "- 34.5%. The median home value in Nashville is 19% greater than the Tennessee average and 9% less than the National average. The median rental rates in Nashville is 12.4% greater than the Tennessee average and 8.2% less than the National average.4.5%. The median home value in Nashville is 19% greater than the Tennessee average and 9% less than the National average. The median rental rates in Nashville is 12.4% greater than the Tennessee average and 8.2% less than the National average.", "Multnomah County, Oregon Add Favorite 0 Reviews | Review This Place The median home cost in Multnomah County is $353,600. Home appreciation the last 10 years has been 30.51%.", "Sonoma County median home price hits $555,000, highest in nine years (1 of ) Sonoma County's median sales price for a single-family home hit $555,000 in January, according to The Press Democrat’s monthly housing report.", "- What is median house price? The median is the middle level of what houses during a particular period are selling for. For example if the five house sales in a quarter are, $500,000, $545,000, $495,000, $1,200,000 and $850,000.ULL LIST. According to RP Data figures, the change in median house prices in Willowbank, about 55km southwest of Brisbane, between 2002 and 2011 was 339 per cent. Other strong performers were Darra and Carole Park, where medians rose 292 per cent and 290 per cent respectively.", "- Summary for Naples. The median sales price for homes in Naples FL for Jun 15 to Sep 15 was $295,000. This represents a decline of 1.3%, or $4,000, compared to the prior quarter and an increase of 9.3% compared to the prior year.", "- The median sales price for homes in Wilmington NC for Jun 15 to Sep 15 was $205,000. This represents an increase of 9.3%, or $17,500, compared to the prior quarter and an increase of 3% compared to the prior year." ]
[ 16.84375 ]
[ 3.818359375, 8.0859375, 3.7421875, 2.875, 2.556640625, 5.5078125, 7.06640625, 5.57421875, 8.1171875, 4.56640625, 5.4453125, 4.11328125, 5.140625, 3.8125, 5.0546875, 5.08984375, 6.0546875, 8.3125, 5.796875, 3.58203125, 4.078125, 3.67578125, 7.1328125, 4.4765625, 4.140625, 3.14453125, 3.65234375, 3.865234375, 3.955078125, 4.58203125 ]
what book is the dark tower movie based on
[ "Dark Tower Movie Makes Big Changes Warns Stephen King Stephen King teases exactly where The Dark Tower movie starts, in relation to the book, while praising star Idris Elba. During last month's CinemaCon convention in Las Vegas, Sony Pictures confirmed that production has started on the long-awaited adaptation The Dark Tower, based on Stephen King's iconic novel series." ]
[ "The Dark Tower Series (8 books) The Dark Tower Series Collection: The Gunslinger, The Drawing of the Three, The Waste Lands, Wizard and Glass, Wolves of the Calla, Song of Susannah, The Dark Tower. by Stephen King (Goodreads Author) 4.60 avg rating — 7,708 ratings — published 2005 — 3 editions book 1-7. Error rating book.", "Randall Flagg Stephen King, Imagine Entertainment and Weed Road are in talks to create a movie trilogy and TV series based on King's The Dark Tower series. At the age of 19, Stephen King decided he would like to write an epic similar to The Lord of the Rings..", "The Dark Tower: Idris Elba, Matthew McConaughey cast in Stephen King movie “What Stephen King does best is mixing the everyday, or what you might call the mundane, with the fantastical,” says Arcel. “In my view, [The Dark Tower] novels are a mix between sci-fi and fantasy and modern times. King says the movie will open with the first line from the first book.", "- The Dark Tower (2017) The Gunslinger, Roland Deschain, roams an Old West-like landscape where the world has moved on in pursuit of the man in black. Also searching for the fabled Dark Tower, in the hopes that reaching it will preserve his dying world.", "The Books Explore the world of The Dark Tower Inspired in equal parts by Robert Browning’s poem, “Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came,” J.R.R. Tolkien ’s Lord of the Rings, and Sergio Leone’s spaghetti Western classics, The Dark Tower series is an epic of Arthurian proportions. It is Stephen King’s magnum opus, and is the center of his amazing creative universe.nspired in equal parts by Robert Browning’s poem, “Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came,” J.R.R. Tolkien ’s Lord of the Rings, and Sergio Leone’s spaghetti Western classics, The Dark Tower series is an epic of Arthurian proportions. It is Stephen King’s magnum opus, and is the center of his amazing creative universe.", "The Shining (film) The film is based on Stephen King 's 1977 novel The Shining, although the film and novel differ in significant ways. In the film, Jack Torrance, a writer and recovering alcoholic, takes a job as an off-season caretaker at the isolated Overlook Hotel.he Shining is widely acclaimed by today's critics, and has become a staple of pop culture. In 2001, the film was ranked 29th on AFI's 100 Years... 100 Thrills list and Jack Torrance was named the 25th greatest villain on the AFI's 100 Years...", "Kaa Background. Kaa was loosely based on the character of the same name from Rudyard Kipling 's book The Jungle Book. While the book character was considered a mentor to Mowgli, akin to Baloo and Bagheera, the film character is portrayed as a dangerous villain.aa later reappears coming across the now bitter Mowgli, who is lost in the jungle. He tries to hypnotize Mowgli again, who has learned from his last encounter and is wary of the snake. Mowgli tries to leave, with the response that he doesn't trust anyone.", "The Shining (film) The film is based on Stephen King 's 1977 novel The Shining, although the film and novel differ in significant ways. In the film, Jack Torrance, a writer and recovering alcoholic, takes a job as an off-season caretaker at the isolated Overlook Hotel.", "- The movie The Shining was based on the Stephen King novel of the same name, which was inspired by The Stanley Hotel in Colorado.ubrick was asked not to depict room #217 (featured in the book) in The Shining, because future guests at the Lodge might be afraid to stay there. So a nonexistent room, #237, was substituted in the film.", "The Dark Tower: Idris Elba, Matthew McConaughey cast in Stephen King movie “In my view, [The Dark Tower] novels are a mix between sci-fi and fantasy and modern times. That exact mix is so Stephen King.”. King says the movie will open with the first line from the first book. “It should start that way,” he says.", "- The Dark Tower Movies Still Happening, Plus Actor Rumors! Ka Is A Wheel. It would not be exaggeration to say that the films (and possibly TV shows) based on Stephen King‘s The Dark Tower series have been on an extreme, ridiculous, and frankly exhausting rollercoaster ride for years now.", "The Dark Tower: Idris Elba, Matthew McConaughey cast in Stephen King movie — Stephen King (@StephenKing) March 1, 2016. It’s easy to imagine that phrase being The Dark Tower’s version of “A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away …,” serving to introduce almost any part of the saga. But this first film will not adapt the plot of the first book, The Gunslinger, published in 1982. “[The movie] starts in media res, in the middle of the story instead of at the beginning, which may upset some of the fans a little bit, but they’ll get behind it, because it is the story,” King says.", "The Dark Tower movie will change Stephen King book If it works and the $60 million film is a hit, there are unlimited plans for sequels and even a companion TV series, exploring all the further dimensions of King’s books. If moviegoers and critics balk, then The Dark Tower franchise will be like one of those unfinished buildings, where only the foundation was laid before work was abandoned.", "- It's been 22 years since Pennywise the Dancing Clown scared the bejesus out of us in the TV miniseries based on Stephen King's novel It. Well prepare for more circus-based fear as the novel is going to be made into not one, but two movies, according to The Hollywood Reporter.", "Culper Ring Literature. 1 James Fenimore Cooper's novel The Spy (1821) may have been based on the Culper Ring, and Woodhull and Townsend (as the combined Samuel Culper) specifically. 2 Brian Kilmeade book George Washington's Secret Six (2013) is about the Culper Ring. 3 Bruce Lancaster's novel The Secret Road (1952)", "- The Dark Tower is a series of books written by American author Stephen King, which incorporates themes from multiple genres, including fantasy, science fantasy, horror, and Western.tephen King saw the Dark Tower series as a first draft. He planned to rewrite it to eliminate continuity errors and possibly remove himself from the later books, but after revising The Gunslinger, he decided a rewrite for the entire series was no longer necessary.", "The Yacoubian Building For the eponymous film, see The Yacoubian Building (film). For other uses, see Yacoubian Building (disambiguation). The Yacoubian Building (Arabic: عمارة يعقوبيان‎‎ ‘Imārat Ya‘qūbyān) is a novel by Egyptian author Alaa-Al-Aswany. The book was made into a film of the same name in 2006 and into a TV series in 2007.", "The Dark Tower (series) The Dark Tower is a series of eight books written by American author Stephen King that incorporates themes from multiple genres, including dark fantasy, science fantasy, horror, and Western. It describes a gunslinger and his quest toward a tower, the nature of which is both physical and metaphorical.", "The Jungle Book (2016 film) THE JUNGLE BOOK. Directed by Jon Favreau (Iron Man), based on Rudyard Kipling’s timeless stories and inspired by Disney’s classic animated film, The Jungle Book is an all-new live-action epic adventure about Mowgli (newcomer Neel Sethi), a man-cub who’s been raised by a family of wolves.", "The Dark Tower (series) In 2009, King announced an eighth book, The Dark Tower: The Wind Through the Keyhole; published in 2012, it is set between the fourth and fifth books of the series. December 7, 2009 saw the release of a spin-off online game titled Discordia.", "Dark Tower Movie Makes Big Changes Warns Stephen King Of course, the author didn't specify exactly that The Dark Tower movie will be based on that book, but the previous rumors claimed that the adaptation will take aspects from both the first book and the third book. Stephen King also had nothing but praise for Idris Elba as Roland Deschain, a.k.a.", "13 Things You May Not Know AboutThe Dark TowerSeries Robert Browning’s Poetry Inspired the Series. The first volume of the Dark Tower series, The Gunslinger, drew inspiration from Robert Browning’s poem “Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came” and King even borrowed the name for his heroic gunslinger Roland Deschain.", "Sophie Scholl Jud Newborn and Annette Dumbach's 1986 book about the White Rose, Shattering the German Night (Little, Brown) was reissued in an expanded, updated, and illustrated edition in 2006, Sophie Scholl and the White Rose, to accompany the new film's release and provide an account of the history behind the White Rose.", "Dark Tower Movie Makes Big Changes Warns Stephen King There had been reports in the past that claimed the adaptation is actually based on the author's third book, The Waste Lands, where much of The Dark Tower mythology was laid out, but that was never confirmed. Author Stephen King now says that the movie will start out in a very familiar place for fans of the book. The plot of The Waste Lands follows Roland Deschain (Idris Elba) and his ka-tet's efforts to reach out to Jake (Tom Taylor), who is from a different place and time, on their quest to find The Dark Tower.", "The Dark Tower (series) The Dark Tower (series) For other uses, see The Dark Tower (disambiguation). The Dark Tower is a series of eight books written by American author Stephen King that incorporates themes from multiple genres, including dark fantasy, science fantasy, horror, and Western. It describes a gunslinger and his quest toward a tower, the nature of which is both physical and metaphorical.", "Fahrenheit 451 ( 1966) Based on the 1951 Ray Bradbury novel of the same name. Guy Montag is a firefighter who lives in a lonely, isolated society where books have been outlawed by a government fearing an independent-thinking public. It is the duty of firefighters to burn any books on sight or said collections that have been reported by informants.", "- The cover for the first Dark Tower book, The Gunslinger. Grant. A movie adaptation of the first book Dark Tower book, The Gunslinger, has already been written by Jeff Pinkner (Fringe, Lost) and Akiva Goldsman (Winter’s Tale, Angels & Demons, I Am Legend, The Da Vinci Code).", "The Dark Tower: How the Movie Will Differ From Stephen King's Books The Dark Tower: How the Movie Will Differ From Stephen King's Books. Share. No Eddie or Susannah. The Dark Tower movie won't be a straight adaptation of Stephen King's beloved series of books, as director Nikolaj Arcel has confirmed the film will be missing two key characters and serve as more a sequel than a retelling of King's original work.", "- Rereading Stephen King, chapter 32: Insomnia. A spiritual successor to It, and a Dark Tower novel in all but name, this meditation on time, ageing, free will and predestination is one of King’s true masterpieces. James Smythe. Monday 27 April 2015 11.00 EDT Last modified on Monday 6 February 2017 10.08 EST.", "The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower The Dark Tower is the seventh novel in Stephen King 's Dark Tower series, published by Grant on September 21, 2004 (King's birthday), and illustrated by Michael Whelan.oland, heartbroken with the loss of the person he considers his true son, buries Jake and returns with Oy to Susannah in Fedic, via the Dixie Pig. They are chased through the depths of Castle Discordia by an otherworldly monster, then depart and travel for weeks across freezing badlands toward the Tower." ]
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temperature for oven baked potatoes
[ "What Is the Proper Cooking Temperature for Baked Potatoes? If you use convection ovens, you will have to bake the potatoes for 45 minutes at 375 F or 60 minutes at 325 F or 90 minutes at 300 F. Convection ovens cook faster than regular ovens so the rule of thumb is to set the temperature in convection ovens at least 25 F lower than you would set in a regular oven." ]
[ "Oven Roasted Potatoes Like others, I used red potatoes and, as a time-saver, left the skins on. To keep it low maintanence, I cooked at 350 (while other dishes were in the oven) for about 45 minutes.", "- There are a few steps you have to do right (like piercing them) if you truly want to experience their appetizing flavor. How to Cook Baked Potatoes. 1- The first step for creating this delectable dish is to preheat your oven at 350°F. You can also choose 400°F or 325°F depending on how much time you have. The higher temperature will make it faster and the lower end will give you plenty of time to do other stuff.", "How to Roast Sweet Potatoes 5. Preheat the oven to 350ºF (about 180ºC). Sweet potatoes can stand up to a variety of temperatures, so if you are cooking something else, go ahead and put the potatoes in at a different temperature, just make sure to adjust your cooking time.lace sweet potatoes on your roasting tray and put in the oven. If cooking at 350ºF, roast for about an hour. Check on the potatoes after about 45 minutes.", "- Oven-Baked Potatoes. See what to do: How To Bake a Potato in the Oven. Preheat the oven to 425°F. Rub the potatoes with olive oil, sprinkle them with salt and pepper, and prick them with the tines of a fork.You can lay them directly on the oven rack or place them on a baking sheet.ven-Baked Potatoes. See what to do: How To Bake a Potato in the Oven. Preheat the oven to 425°F. Rub the potatoes with olive oil, sprinkle them with salt and pepper, and prick them with the tines of a fork.", "Garlic Roasted Potatoes Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Cut the potatoes in half or quarters and place in a bowl with the olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic; toss until the potatoes are well coated. Transfer the potatoes to a sheet pan and spread out into 1 layer.Roast in the oven for 45 minutes to 1 hour or until browned and crisp.Flip twice with a spatula during cooking in order to ensure even browning. Remove the potatoes from the oven, toss with parsley, season to taste, and serve hot.Copyright 2001, Barefoot Contessa Parties!, All Rights Reserved.reheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Cut the potatoes in half or quarters and place in a bowl with the olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic; toss until the potatoes are well coated. Transfer the potatoes to a sheet pan and spread out into 1 layer.", "Roasting Potatoes 425 degrees is a hot oven, so be careful! It will take about 20 minutes to preheat your oven to this temperature. Many ovens have several different setting like “bake” or “broil” or “preheat” or “self clean” (if you are lucky!) to name just a few. For roasting potatoes be sure the cooking mode is set for “bake”.", "Perfect Baked Potato Recipe 45 minutes at 400 degrees F. 60 minutes at 350 degrees F. 90 minutes at 325 degrees F. Place the potato directly on the oven rack in a preheated oven. Place a baking sheet (I put a piece of aluminum foil) on the lower rack (below the potatoes) to catch any drippings.y suggestion is to NEVER use aluminum foil when baking potatoes! For a soft potato skin, rub the outside of the potato with olive oil, vegetable oil, or butter over the skins. I like to roll the potatoes in coarse or sea salt after rolling in the oil and before baking. Place coarse salt onto a small plate.", "Perfect Baked Potato Recipe 45 minutes at 400 degrees F. 60 minutes at 350 degrees F. 90 minutes at 325 degrees F. Place the potato directly on the oven rack in a preheated oven. Place a baking sheet (I put a piece of aluminum foil) on the lower rack (below the potatoes) to catch any drippings.Convection Oven: (about 5 ounces or 150 grams each). 45 minutes at 375 degrees F. 60 minutes at 325 degrees F. 90 minutes at 300 degrees F. Convection ovens cook up to 20% faster than regular ovens.Also, the food in a convection oven is cooked at a lower temperature than in a regular oven to achieve the same results.lace a baking sheet (I put a piece of aluminum foil) on the lower rack (below the potatoes) to catch any drippings. Convection Oven: (about 5 ounces or 150 grams each). 45 minutes at 375 degrees F. 60 minutes at 325 degrees F. 90 minutes at 300 degrees F. Convection ovens cook up to 20% faster than regular ovens.", "How long do you bake a potato in the oven and at what temperature? For 7-8 baking potatoes cook 80-90 minutes at 400 degrees for either wrap method. Options: Rub butter or other oil on skin to add taste and help keep soft in either version. You can add salt and pepper to taste before cooking. Too much salt may dry the skin.", "How to Cook a Baked Potato In Oven Preheat the oven (see table below). You can bake your potatoes at different temperatures, ranging from 400 degrees Fahrenheit (204.4 degrees Celsius) to 325 degrees Fahrenheit (162.7 degrees Celsius). The higher the temperature, the quicker your potatoes will bake. Scrub the potatoes under cold water.", "Is there a way to make or reheat roasted/baked potatoes so they don't turn out inedibly dry? When growing up we always had baked potatoes, and my mother would bake a few days worth at a time. For the second and third days she would put some butter in the potato and steam them for a few minutes and then bake them for about 10 minutes in a preheated oven of about 400°.", "Baked Potatoes Cooking Times Cooking Temperature For Baked Potatoes. In a conventional oven, bake your potato for 45 minutes at 400° or 60 minutes at 350°. These times and temperatures will vary according to the size of your potatoes. Check to see that your baked potatoes are ready by poking them with a toothpick and testing for tenderness.", "Stuffed Baked Potatoes Bake in a 350° oven for 45 to 50 minutes or until cooked through and tender. Take a look at my step-by-step, How to Make Perfect Baked Potatoes.Increase the oven temperature to 425° F. Cut potatoes in half lengthwise; scoop out pulp and mash or put through a ricer.ake in a 350° oven for 45 to 50 minutes or until cooked through and tender. Take a look at my step-by-step, How to Make Perfect Baked Potatoes. Increase the oven temperature to 425° F.", "Note Down the Oven Temperature for Perfectly Baked Potatoes Potatoes are best baked in moderate heat. Do not think of baking them quickly, at a very high heat, or you will get uncooked potato flesh in the center and a burnt outer skin. The perfect oven temperature for baked potatoes is between 400 - 425° F or 200 - 220° C for medium-sized potatoes.If you are using a gas mark oven, consider setting the temperature to 6 or 7.he perfect oven temperature for baked potatoes is between 400 - 425° F or 200 - 220° C for medium-sized potatoes. If you are using a gas mark oven, consider setting the temperature to 6 or 7.", "What Is the Proper Cooking Temperature for Baked Potatoes? If you use convection ovens, you will have to bake the potatoes for 45 minutes at 375 F or 60 minutes at 325 F or 90 minutes at 300 F. Convection ovens cook faster than regular ovens so the rule of thumb is to set the temperature in convection ovens at least 25 F lower than you would set in a regular oven.f you use convection ovens, you will have to bake the potatoes for 45 minutes at 375 F or 60 minutes at 325 F or 90 minutes at 300 F. Convection ovens cook faster than regular ovens so the rule of thumb is to set the temperature in convection ovens at least 25 F lower than you would set in a regular oven.", "Perfect Baked Potato Recipe 45 minutes at 400 degrees F. 60 minutes at 350 degrees F. 90 minutes at 325 degrees F. Place the potato directly on the oven rack in a preheated oven. Place a baking sheet (I put a piece of aluminum foil) on the lower rack (below the potatoes) to catch any drippings.Convection Oven: (about 5 ounces or 150 grams each). 45 minutes at 375 degrees F. 60 minutes at 325 degrees F. 90 minutes at 300 degrees F. Convection ovens cook up to 20% faster than regular ovens.lace a baking sheet (I put a piece of aluminum foil) on the lower rack (below the potatoes) to catch any drippings. Convection Oven: (about 5 ounces or 150 grams each). 45 minutes at 375 degrees F. 60 minutes at 325 degrees F. 90 minutes at 300 degrees F. Convection ovens cook up to 20% faster than regular ovens.", "How To Bake a Potato: Three Easy Methods Oven-Baked Potatoes. See what to do: How To Bake a Potato in the Oven. Preheat the oven to 425°F. Rub the potatoes with olive oil, sprinkle them with salt and pepper, and prick them with the tines of a fork.You can lay them directly on the oven rack or place them on a baking sheet.ub the potatoes with olive oil, sprinkle them with salt and pepper, and prick them with the tines of a fork. Wrap each potato in foil and lay it in the bottom of your slow cooker. Place the lid over top and set your slow cooker to LOW for eight to 10 hours. → Bottom line: Potatoes that bake while you're at work.", "How to Bake Potatoes Conventional Oven. 1 1. Rub the potatoes with olive oil to coat evenly. (optional). 2 2. Bake potatoes at 425 degrees F (220 C) for 45 to 60 minutes. Potatoes are done when they can be pierced easily with a fork. 3 3. Season and garnish as necessary. Some classic combinations include: Sour cream and chive.", "Oven Roasted Potatoes 1 Preheat oven to 475 degrees F (245 degrees C). 2 In a large bowl, combine oil, garlic, basil, marjoram, dill weed, thyme, oregano, parsley, red pepper flakes, and salt. 3 Stir in potatoes until evenly coated. 4 Place potatoes in a single layer on a roasting pan or baking sheet. Preheat oven to 475 degrees F (245 degrees C). 2 In a large bowl, combine oil, garlic, basil, marjoram, dill weed, thyme, oregano, parsley, red pepper flakes, and salt. 3 Stir in potatoes until evenly coated. 4 Place potatoes in a single layer on a roasting pan or baking sheet.", "Note Down the Oven Temperature for Perfectly Baked Potatoes Place the prepared potatoes in the middle rack of the oven. Bake for about 40 minutes and check if they are ready by piercing them with a fork or measure the internal temperature. If required, bake them for another 5 minutes or until they can be mashed easily. In case of smaller potatoes, a 350 °F setting and baking for 40 minutes is ideal. To be more precise, the oven temperature setting is correlated with the potato size and baking duration. Ningthoujam Sandhyarani.", "Twice Baked Potatoes I Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Clean and scrub baking potatoes. Pierce skin with a fork once or twice. Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for approximately 1 hour or until the potatoes are soft and firm. Let potatoes cool slightly. Cut baked potatoes in half and scoop out pulp within 1/4 inch of the shell edge. Mash the pulp with milk, salt and butter to taste.", "- They are well suited to put in the oven with other foods. Typically a baked potato takes about and hour in any 400 degree oven. I often make a single baked potato in a toaster oven. I use Russet potatoes that you can readily get a ten pound bag for about four dollars.", "- Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Cut the potatoes in half or quarters and place in a bowl with the olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic; toss until the potatoes are well coated. Transfer the potatoes to a sheet pan and spread out into 1 layer. Roast in the oven for 45 minutes to 1 hour or until browned and crisp.Flip twice with a spatula during cooking in order to ensure even browning. Remove the potatoes from the oven, toss with parsley, season to taste, and serve hot.Copyright 2001, Barefoot Contessa Parties!, All Rights Reserved.oast in the oven for 45 minutes to 1 hour or until browned and crisp. Flip twice with a spatula during cooking in order to ensure even browning. Remove the potatoes from the oven, toss with parsley, season to taste, and serve hot. Copyright 2001, Barefoot Contessa Parties!, All Rights Reserved.", "How to Cook a Baked Potato In Oven Choose your potatoes. When baking more than one potato, choose potatoes that are the same size, so they finish baking at the same time. Preheat the oven (see table below). You can bake your potatoes at different temperatures, ranging from 400 degrees Fahrenheit (204.4 degrees Celsius) to 325 degrees Fahrenheit (162.7 degrees Celsius).", "Note Down the Oven Temperature for Perfectly Baked Potatoes Place the prepared potatoes in the middle rack of the oven. Bake for about 40 minutes and check if they are ready by piercing them with a fork or measure the internal temperature. If required, bake them for another 5 minutes or until they can be mashed easily.he perfect oven temperature for baked potatoes is between 400 - 425° F or 200 - 220° C for medium-sized potatoes. If you are using a gas mark oven, consider setting the temperature to 6 or 7.", "- Lower the temperature and cook on medium low until the potatoes are fork tender, about 15 minutes. 5. While the potatoes are cooking, preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Oil a baking sheet with olive oil, canola oil, or vegetable oil. For easy cleanup, cover the baking sheet with aluminum foil before oiling.", "Roast Potatoes 1 Preheat oven to 450 degrees F (250 degrees C). 2 Place potatoes in a large roasting pan and toss with oil, salt, pepper, and rosemary until evenly coated. 3 Spread out potatoes in a single layer.4 Bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.5 Serve immediately.eady In. 1 Preheat oven to 450 degrees F (250 degrees C). 2 Place potatoes in a large roasting pan and toss with oil, salt, pepper, and rosemary until evenly coated. 3 Spread out potatoes in a single layer. 4 Bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.", "Perfect Baked Potatoes - Oven or Grill 1 OVEN: Place potatoes in a 350 degree oven for 60 minutes. 2 GRILL: Place potatoes on the grill away from the coals, close the lid and grill for 40-60 minutes depending on the temperature of your grill. Sprinkle with additional seasoning mix and roll up tightly in aluminum foil. 2 OVEN: Place potatoes in a 350 degree oven for 60 minutes. 3 GRILL: Place potatoes on the grill away from the coals, close the lid and grill for 40-60 minutes depending on the temperature of your grill.", "Easy Oven Roasted Potatoes Instructions. 1 Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. 2 Clean and cut the potatoes into 1/2-1 cubes. 3 In a large bowl, toss the potatoes with the oil and spices. Spray a shallow baking pan with cooking spray. Spread the potatoes in the bottom of the prepared baking 1 pan. Bake at 450 degrees for 25-30 minutes, or until potatoes are tender.", "- 60 minutes - 350 degrees F or 177 degrees C. 90 minutes - 325 degrees F or 163 degrees C. 2- Next, you have to choose which potato you will be cooking. In order to get really good oven baked potatoes you have to pick a medium size baking potato (you can get a larger one if you want to but cooking times will vary)." ]
[ 14.421875 ]
[ 11.2421875, 13.296875, 10.5703125, 14.546875, 11.8046875, 13.4296875, 12.2734375, 13.4765625, 12.234375, 14.8359375, 11.1328125, 14.453125, 13.65625, 16.875, 13.6015625, 13.5, 13.3515625, 14.1171875, 12.9609375, 14.59375, 13.03125, 12.3125, 12.0546875, 14.4609375, 15.2421875, 12.7734375, 12.796875, 12.5234375, 13.1484375, 14.0703125 ]
what causes flashes of light in eye
[ "Eye Floaters, Flashes And Spots Flashes of light that appear as jagged lines or heat waves in both eyes, often lasting 10-20 minutes, are different. They are usually caused by migraine, a spasm of blood vessels in the brain." ]
[ "Blepharitis Light sensitivity is caused by a number of conditions that affect the eye (such as iritis, uveitis, and keratitis), as well as conditions that affect the entire body. Migraine headache is a common cause of photophobia, with a majority of migraine sufferers reporting sensitivity to light.", "What causes flashing or streaking lights in the eye? A American Academy of Ophthalmology's EyeSmart answered. When the vitreous gel rubs or pulls on the retina, you may see what look like flashing lights or lightning streaks. You may have experienced this same sensation if you have ever been hit in the eye and seen “stars.”. The flashes of light can appear off and on for several weeks or months.", "Flashes and Floaters Flashes and floaters describes a condition that comes from changes in the back chamber of the eye (the posterior chamber, also known as the vitreous cavity). The posterior chamber is filled with a material called vitreous (the vitreous body) which, at birth, is jelly-like in consistency.", "Floater and Flash Remedies Flashing lights, a sudden onset of floaters, or a rapid increase in them (especially if they are confined to one eye or appear in large clumps), blurry vision, or the disappearance of part of your visual field may indicate that your retina has, or is about to become, detached from your eye.", "- A change in floaters or a new floater is reason for concern, as it can be associated with disease conditions within the eye, especially if associated with flashes of light. These new floaters might also be nearly transparent, but they may appear more like gnats or insects flying in the vision or crawling on the floor.", "- LED lighting is a migraine trigger for me. I think it’s the excessive brightness, and the blue spectrum lighting is damaging to delicate retinas, over time. Fluorescent lighting also give me eye strain, much faster than incandescent lighting does. Especially for reading or for close work.", "Eye Floaters/Retina Retinal Tear and Retinal Detachment. A new floater with or without flashing lights may be caused by a tear in the retina. Many times this occurs because the peripheral vitreous contracts, as opposed to the posterior vitreous, which is on the rigid optic nerve.", "- Floaters and Retinal Detachment. Sometimes a section of the vitreous pulls the fine fibers away from the retina all at once, rather than gradually, causing many new floaters to appear suddenly. This is called a vitreous detachment, which in most cases is not sight-threatening and requires no treatment. However, a sudden increase in floaters, possibly accompanied by light flashes or peripheral (side) vision loss, could indicate a retinal detachment. A retinal detachment occurs when any part of the retina, the eye’s light-sensitive tissue, is lifted or pulled from its normal position at the back wall of the eye.", "Floaters in the eye. What are they? This is called a vitreous detachment, which in most cases is not sight-threatening and requires no treatment. However, a sudden increase in floaters, possibly accompanied by light flashes or peripheral (side) vision loss, could indicate a retinal detachment. A retinal detachment occurs when any part of the retina, the eye’s light-sensitive tissue, is lifted or pulled from its normal position at the back wall of the eye.", "Eye Problems and Diseases How to know if a painful eye is an emergency. Eye Symptoms A to Z. A list of nearly 100 eye symptoms and the problems and diseases associated with them. Eye Twitching. Eyelid twitches, tics and spasms are maddening. Here are common causes. Floaters, Flashes and Spots. Eye floaters and flashes may be harmless, or they may signal a serious problem, like a detached retina.", "- What Causes Flashing Lights in Your Eyes. 1 Our eyes are subject to problems that come with aging. 2 If you have noticed dust-like elements floating around in your eyes, you may be wondering what these are. 3 As we grow older, one of the things we notice the most is our failing eyesight.", "- Causes of floaters. Floaters are caused by small pieces of debris that float in the vitreous humour of the eye. They occur behind the lens and in front of the retina. The lens is a small clear structure that focuses light as it enters the eye. The retina is the light-sensitive tissue lining the inside surface of the back of the eye.", "Flashes, Floaters and Haloes This may present as scintillating lights, an arc of light or a feeling like a light-bulb has just flashed on and off in the periphery of vision. Flashes are caused by improper stimulation of the eye's retina, or the optic nerve, which the brain interprets as light. This could be traction of the retina, for example.", "RAPID EYE BLINKING....What does this mean???? HELP??? (10PTS)? Best Answer: The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Rapid Eye blinking symptoms. There are likely to be other possible causes. * Some causes of excessive blinking: o Dry eyes. o Eye foreign body. o Lens infection. o Eyelid spasms (see Eyelid twitch) * Some causes of eyelid spasms:", "- Eye floaters result when something besides light from the environment stimulates the retina, which is the light-sensing structure at the back of the eye. This stimulation causes the retina to send a signal to the brain. The brain may interpret the signal as an apparent object floating in the field of vision (floater) or as a simple, sudden flash of light that can look like lightning, spots, or stars (photopsia). Photopsias can occur when the eyes are rubbed.", "Why do I see rings or flashing lights in my field of vision? If you see flashes of light in your peripheral vision, or you notice rings of light or halos in your line of sight from time to time, it is wise to book an appointment with your optometrist. What could flashes in my vision mean? There are a number of reasons why you may see what appear to be flashes of light. In many cases, halos and glare occur in your field of vision when there is a sudden change in light - for example, if you come out of a dark cinema into the bright sunlight.", "- However, a sudden increase in floaters, possibly accompanied by light flashes or peripheral (side) vision loss, could indicate a retinal detachment. A retinal detachment occurs when any part of the retina, the eye’s light-sensitive tissue, is lifted or pulled from its normal position at the back wall of the eye.", "Floaters and Flashing Lights When the vitreous separates from the retina, you may see flashing lights once in a while, for a few weeks. If you see jagged lines of light that last 10 to 20 minutes and happen in one or both eyes, this is probably a migraine caused by the spasm of blood vessels in the brain. If you don't develop a headache after, the light flashes are called ophthalmic migraine, or migraine without headache.", "Eye floaters Most eye floaters are caused by age-related changes to the jelly-like substance (vitreous) inside your eyes. As the vitreous becomes more liquid, its microscopic fibers clump together and cast tiny shadows on the retina, which appear as floaters.", "Eye floaters Retinal detachment is often accompanied by flashes and floaters in your vision. Eye floaters may be caused by the normal aging process or as a result from other diseases or conditions: Age-related eye changes.", "Floaters and Flashing Lights What Are Flashing Lights? When flashing lights occur you may think that you see lights going on and off, especially to one side. These tend to happen in only one eye at a time, even when your eye is closed. What Causes Flashing Lights? The vitreous sometimes pulls on the retina. This may cause you to see flashing lights or lightning streaks, even though there aren't any such lights present. This is the same thing that occurs when you get hit in the eye and see stars or when you rub your eye.", "Floaters and Flashing Lights Floaters are small clumps of visible material within the vitreous. Although floaters seem to be in front of you, they are actually floating within the vitreous and the retina sees them as shadows. Sometimes floaters occur because your eye is irritated, or because there are crystal-like deposits in the vitreous. As we get older, the vitreous shrinks and separates from the retina. As this separation occurs, floaters may appear.", "- Have symptoms of retinal detachment such as floaters or flashes of light in your vision. You need immediate treatment to save vision in that eye. Feel like a curtain covers part of your vision. Call right away to rule out other serious causes of this problem, like stroke. Become unusually sensitive to bright light.", "The Facts About Eye Floaters and Flashes Eye floaters and flashes are caused by changes in the vitreous gel that occur as we get older. Eye floaters occur when the vitreous gel thickens or shrinks due to aging, causing particles to form in the gel. These particles block the light passing through your eye, casting shadows on the retina. The shadows are seen as floaters, which can be created by: The formation of protein clumps in the vitreous gel. These types of eye floaters tend to look like squiggles, cobwebs, tadpoles, or circles.", "What are flashes and floaters? Floaters can be caused by many things: 1 As we age, the vitreous gel in the eye may thicken and shrink, causing little clumps to form. 2 If the vitreous gel pulls away from its attachments to the retina, called a posterior vitreous attachment (PVD), it can clump up and make a larger floater.", "Eye Floaters, Flashes And Spots While annoying, ordinary eye floaters and spots are very common and usually aren't cause for alarm. Floaters and spots typically appear when tiny pieces of the eye's gel-like vitreous break loose within the inner back portion of the eye. Eye floaters can be clumpy or stringy; light or dark. They are caused by clumps or specks of undissolved vitreous gel material floating in the dissolved gel-like fluid (vitreous) in the back of the eye, which cast shadows on the retina when light enters the eye. Click on the image to see floaters in action.", "- Eye twitching is causes blepharospasm. There are many causes of eye twitching. The common ones are alcohol, caffeine, fatigue, lack of sleep, physical exertion, smoking, stress, and irritation to the eye or eyelid. Chronic causes include inflamed eyelids, dry eyes, light sensitivity, and pink eye.", "- Flashes can occur when the gel in your eye becomes more liquid and “tugs” on the retina or may occur if you receive a hit in the eye. However, constant flashes may indicate a retinal tear or detachment and may be accompanied by a shadow at the edge of your vision.", "How to Reduce Floaters They are caused when pieces of debris floating in the jelly-like substance of the vitreous humor, which fills the middle of an eyeball, cause shadows on the retina at the back of the eye. While rarely a cause for concern, they can be annoying enough for some to want to learn how to reduce floaters.", "Seeing squiggles. Flashing lights. The eye danger signs you can't afford to ignore TREATMENT: 'Once the flashing lights start you can prevent a fullblown migraine by taking painkillers, drinking water, upping your blood sugar with food and laying down in a quiet, dark room,' says Mr Constantine-Smith." ]
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what is dr demento
[ "Dr. Demento Biography Read More. Barret Eugene Hansen (born April 2, 1941), better known as Dr. Demento, is a radio broadcaster and record collector specializing in novelty songs, comedy, and strange or unusual recordings dating from the early days of phonograph records to the present." ]
[ "Dementor A Dementor is a gliding, wraith-like dark creature, widely considered to be one of the foulest... A Dementor is a gliding, wraith-like dark creature, widely considered to be one of the foulest to inhabit the world. Dementors feed on human happiness and thus generate feelings of depression and...", "Overview Dystonia is a movement disorder in which your muscles contract involuntarily, causing repetitive or twisting movements. The condition can affect one part of your body (focal dystonia), two or more adjacent parts (segmental dystonia) or all parts of your body (general dystonia). The muscle spasms can be mild or severe, and might interfere with your performance of day-to-day tasks. There's no cure for dystonia. But medications can improve symptoms. Surgery is sometimes used to disable or regulate nerves or certain brain regions in people with severe dystonia.", "Dementor A Dementor is a gliding, wraith-like dark creature, widely considered to be one of the foulest to inhabit the world. Dementors feed on human happiness and thus generate feelings of depression and despair in any person in close proximity to them.", "El Deafo Disclaimer: I only read a 26 page preview provided by the publishers but it was so, so good I can't help myself.El Deafo is one of the most bittersweet stories I've read recently. After a sudden onset of Meningitis and days in hospital, four year-old Cece loses her hearing.", "Prostate Cancer Overview De novo literally means something akin to from the beginning or anew. Man at Doctor's Visit. Prostate Cancer. The Latin expression de novo literally means something akin to from the beginning or anew. When used in reference to prostate cancer (or any other cancer), it refers to the first occurrence of cancer in the body.", "- (usually uncountable, plural dementias) ( 1 pathology) A progressive decline in cognitive function due to damage or disease in the brain beyond what might be expected from normal aging. Areas particularly affected include memory, attention, judgement, language and problem solving. Madness or insanity.", "degenerative disease Disease featuring DEGENERATION. disease characterized by deterioration in quality or function of a tissue or organ. In sport and exercise, acceleration in the deterioration of a joint (e.g. knee osteoarthritis) is seen following injury. pertaining to or emanating from degeneration.", "senescent I constantly act as phlebotomist to the vanity of the young and to the anecdotage of the senile and senescent. The Journal of a Disappointed Man Wilhelm Nero Pilate Barbellion On this theme she chanted long and lovingly and a hundred coloured, senescent imageries leaped from the song.", "1 - 20 of 70 Works in Super Paper Mario (Game) Dimentio is an immature little kid; until he's not; Nastasia is basically the mom of the group; Light plot but mostly just Count Bleck's minions doing their thing; Dimentio stop stealing Mimi's diary; Mr. L stop reading Mimi's stolen diary; Hypnosis; Luigi is Mr. L but without memories or inhibitions; Summary", "- Compare Dr. Manish Desai D.O. © 2011 - 2017 eHealthScores is a free doctor and healthcare provider review and rating site designed to help residents of Cicero and people throughout the United States find their care match.", "- Verdicchio, a recognized leader in natural product formulations and former Johnson and Johnson Research Fellow, and Dr. Today, Ristorante Verdicchio and Enoteca is one of the city's premier dining spots, and a recent transformation is set to further secure its place as the area's most versatile event venue.", "Dr. Demento: Off The Air, But Still Happily Deranged For 40 years, Barret Hansen, known on the airwaves as Dr. Demento, has broadcast everything weird in the music world. The Dr. Demento Show has become a cult radio institution, providing an outlet for what Demento describes as mad music and crazy comedy.. This past month, the show has finally gone off the air.", "- L4-L5, L5-S1 degenerative disc disease, status post L5-S1 laminotomy / microdiscectomy. Back to top. Please login or register, to gain full access to this case and participate in the discussion. Registration is FREE for all Clinicians with an interest in spine.he presents with isolated back pain over the L4-L5 and L5-S1 facet joints. Flexion is 60% of normal. Extension is limited to 20% of normal because of severe back pain. Straight leg raising tests are bilaterally negative. Strength is normal, but slightly diminished right to L5 light-touch sensation.", "osteitis deformans osteitis deformans - a disease of bone occurring in the middle aged and elderly; excessive bone destruction sometimes leading to bone pain and fractures and skeletal deformities. Paget's disease. osteitis - inflammation of a bone as a consequence of infection or trauma or degeneration.", "Dr. Demento Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, United States (1941 – present) Dr. Demento (born April 2, 1941 in Minneapolis, Minnesota) is the stage name of Barret Hansen , who has made a successful career as a radio disc jockey specializing in novelty songs and pop music parodies. He created the persona in 1970 while working at Los Angeles station KPPC-FM.", "Antonio Perez — Antonio. Antonio Perez is a minor antagonist in Despicable Me 2. He is the son of Eduardo Perez (otherwise known as El Macho). Antonio is Margo's first known love interest, much to the disapproval of her foster father, Gru. Antonio is a Mexican boy with black hair and wears a black jacket and shoes.", "Deino Deino (Japanese: モノズ Monozu) is a Dark/Dragon-type Pokémon introduced in Generation V. Deino is a small quadrupedal reptilian Pokémon that resembles a dragon with slight dinosaur-like traits. It has a ruff of thick black fur covering its neck and most of its head. As a result of the fur covering its head, Deino cannot see.", "- Istituto delle Scienze Neurologiche, Ospedale Bellaria. The so-called depressive pseudodementia, also known as depression-related cognitive impairment, dementia syndrome of depression, depressive dementia, is controversial in its origin, its alleged reversibility and its epidemiology.", "verismo Examples of verismo in a Sentence the author of this crime novel uses profuse profanity in the name of verismo, but its effectiveness palls after a couple of chapters Recent Examples of verismo from the Web Dr. Contino, who specialized in the visceral, unsentimental realism of Italian verismo opera, was also a music professor and vocal coach, but was best known as an acclaimed conductor.", "- dementor definition: Noun (plural dementors) 1. Evil and fearsome creature.Anagrams 2. mentoredOrigin From the Latin adjective dēmēns, from the verb dēmentō. Re-popularized by the Harry Potter series....", "ARICEPT Donepezil is used to treat confusion (dementia) related to Alzheimer's disease. It does not cure Alzheimer's disease, but it may improve memory, awareness, and the ability to function. This medication is an enzyme blocker that works by restoring the balance of natural substances (neurotransmitters) in the brain.", "- Dr Waldo Butters from the Dresden Files series is a medical examiner (mostly on the night shift because of an incident when he filed a bunch of vampire corpses as humanoid, but not human). He gives Harry (and sometimes Murphy) information on suspicious or just plain weird cases that end up in the morgue.", "- Like other girls she had her dreams of a possible Prince Charming, young and handsome and debonair. In due time it backed up to the door with much gong-clanging, and the capable young medico, in his white linen coat, ready, active, confident, with his smooth face half debonair, half grim, danced up the steps.", "- Degenerative spondylolisthesis: diagnosis and treatment of degenerative spondylolisthesis Anti-aging medicine is preventing and reversing mainly degenerative diseases, including heart and blood vessel disease, which results in heart attack and stroke; bone and joint disease; neuro-degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and dementia; and more.", "Dextromethorphan Dextromethorphan (DXM or DM) is a drug of the morphinan class with sedative, dissociative, and stimulant properties (at higher doses).", "- Moreover, Deuteronomy is a greatly expanded and more detailed rendition of the covenant text, for the complexities of life and expectation in the land of promise raise issues that were of little or no consequence in the wilderness of Sinai.", "- The Dr. Demento Show is heard each week right here on drdemento.com! For further info click here. National Radio Hall Of Famer Dr. Demento celebrated his 40th Anniversary in 2010! Click to hear the two and a half hour celebration!", "Decameron Comprised of 100 novellas told by ten men and women over a ten day journey fleeing plague-infested Florence, the Decameron is an allegorical work famous for its bawdy portrayals of everyday life, its searing wit and mockery, and its careful adherence to a framed structure.", "Dementor Dementors are among the foulest creatures that walk this earth. They infest the darkest, filthiest places, they glory in decay and despair, they drain peace, hope, and happiness out of the air around them... Get too near a Dementor and every good feeling, every happy memory will be sucked out of you.", "James Denton Biography James Jamie Thomas Denton, Jr. (born January 20, 1963) is an American actor. He is popular in the world for playing Mike Delfino in the television series Desperate Housewives. He was born in Nashville, Tennessee to J.T. Denton (1930–1993), a dentist who had served in the military and Mary Jean Woolslair Denton, who died from breast cancer in 2002. He was raised in nearby Goodlettsville." ]
[ 17.59375 ]
[ 7.48828125, 5.7265625, 7.81640625, -0.323974609375, 1.857421875, 6.94921875, 2.60546875, -2.3359375, 5.15625, 4.60546875, 1.765625, 14.453125, 1.802734375, 3.462890625, 17.171875, 0.1732177734375, 2.982421875, 4.875, -4.98828125, 5.62109375, 5.65625, 3.46875, 0.60546875, 4.85546875, 5.65234375, 0.88720703125, 12.21875, -2.490234375, 5.8984375, 3.251953125 ]
what channel is benny hill on?
[ "The Benny Hill Show Other programmes featuring Benny Hill. 1 Hi There!, broadcast on BBC1 (1951). One episode was made. 2 The Centre Show, broadcast on BBC1 (1953). Seven episodes were made. After the first episode, this was retitled The Forces Show. 3 Showcase, broadcast on BBC1 (1954). Eight episodes were made. 4 Benny Hill, broadcast on BBC1 (1962–1963)." ]
[ "- 78521, Brownsville, Texas Channel lineups: AT&T U-Verse-Brownsville, TX - Digital Broadcast-Brownsville, TX DirecTV-Harlingen-Brownsville, TX - Digital DirecTV-National, NY - Digital Dish-Harlingen/ Brownsville, TX - Digital Dish-National, NY - Digital Time Warner-Rio Grande Valley, TX Time Warner-Rio Grande Valley, TX - Digital", "Monty Hall Monty Hall was interviewed for over three hours in Beverly Hills, CA. Hall reminisces about his early career in radio in Winnipeg and Toronto, and his subsequent move to New York. He describes his work on early television shows The Sky's The Limit, Bingo-at-Home, Video Village, and Your First Impression.", "- Channel Name. Sorry, we were unable to find a channel lineup at that address.Sorry, no channels were found.We're sorry, we are unable to find a channel with that name.", "5 Late Greats We'd Like to See Tyler Henry Channel onHollywood Medium 5 Late Greats We'd Like to See Tyler Henry Channel on Hollywood Medium. Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry is, as you may have guessed, a show in which Tyler Henry acts as a spiritual medium to members of the various echelons of Hollywood. In one recent clip, he connects Bella Thorne with her deceased father.", "- Lisa robertson embarrassed8111.wmv-Qvc channel questions including what is the stock symbol for qvc corporation and what is mary beth roe's salary on qvc... Pagenweb lebanon county, pa-queries - 1998, No effort verify accuracy information presented; , record contributor identified.contributions lebanon .... 2009 - jo ellen litz, People politics. litz brings local government, small business, conservation experience table. jo ellen 4-term lebanon county commissioner ....agenweb lebanon county, pa-queries - 1998, No effort verify accuracy information presented; , record contributor identified.", "Who is Donald Trump? CNN brings you the stories of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump from those who know them best in two CNN Special Reports, Unfinished Business: The Essential Hillary Clinton and All Business: The Essential Donald Trump. The documentaries air back-to-back starting Monday at 8 p.m. ET. For a look at Clinton, click here.", "- The Celtics in HD link has not been updated and does not currently even list the Dish having the channel. http://newengland.comcastsportsnet.com/celtics/celtics-on-hd/. Any thoughts or help from fellow Celtics fans would be great.", "Deadwood (TV series) In 2015, talks resumed between HBO and Milch, and in January 2016, HBO green-lit a script to be written. The show was produced by Red Board Productions and Roscoe Productions in association with HBO and Paramount Network Television (CBS Paramount Network Television in season 3).", "CNN International CNN International (CNNI), simply referred to on the channel as CNN, is an international English language cable, satellite, IPTV and digital terrestrial television channel that is owned by the Turner Broadcasting System division of Time Warner.", "What channel does the ellen show come on? Best Answer: It comes on at 4:00 P.M. on NBC. The channel number depends on where you live but it should be a low number. It's channel 11 for me. Don't know, I hate that show and its presenter.", "Golf Channel Golf Channel. Golf Channel (originally The Golf Channel from 1995 to 2007) is an American cable and satellite television network owned by the NBC Sports Group subsidiary of NBCUniversal division of Comcast. The channel focuses on coverage of the sport of golf, including live coverage of tournaments, as well as factual and instructional programming .", "The Bill O'reilly Show The official channel for Bill O'Reilly. Watch excerpts from O'Reilly's daily No Spin News analysis. Become a BillOReilly.com Premium Member to catch the full... The official channel for Bill O'Reilly. Watch excerpts from O'Reilly's daily No Spin News analysis. Become a BillOReilly.com Premium Member to catch the full show.", "Schedule Results Watch Silicon Valley. ways to watch HBO. HBO is home to the most talked about programs on television - from groundbreaking series, films, documentaries and sports to the biggest blockbuster movies available anywhere. And it's never been easier to watch HBO programs - when you want, where you want. Order HBO from your service provider. Get HBO.", "Jemele Hill Hill joined ESPN in November 2006 as a national columnist on ESPN.com. Hill also makes regular appearances on television, including SportsCenter and several ESPN programs, including ESPN First Take, Outside the Lines and The Sports Reporters. Starting the 2012 College Football Season, Hill can be seen on Friday Night's as a sideline reporter with Carter Blackburn and Rod Gilmore.", "FYI (U.S. TV network) In August 2006, The Biography Channel became the exclusive home for the Biography series, as it was dropped by A&E. 64 more hours of the show was order also for its first year only on the channel. In 2007, Biography Channel unveiled a new on-air brand—identifying the network simply as Bio.", "The Benny Hill Show The Benny Hill Show Trailer The delightfully outrageous British comedian headlines a slapstick sketch series, an unapologetic throwback to burlesque traditions that routinely features sexy girls in skimpy costumes with the lecherous Hill leering at them.", "Why Does Ed Rendell Get Paid By MSNBC To Shill Fix The Debt? And the next time he appears on Hardball, or Rachel Maddow, you might want to let MSNBC know that you're not happy about it. Ballard Spahr, Ed Rendell, Fix The Debt, Greenhill & Co., MSNBC.", "WBAL-TV The three stations share a studio and office facility on Television Hill in the Woodberry section of Baltimore, near the transmitting tower that WBAL-TV shares with WIYY and four other Baltimore television stations. On cable, the station is carried on Comcast channels 21 (standard definition) and 811 (high definition).", "- Watch the official black-ish online at ABC.com. Get exclusive videos and free episodes. Watch the official black-ish online at ABC.com. Get exclusive videos and free episodes.", "- 2 months. Should have tested the title which is its own blind spot. But that divide among the masses never curbed Blindspot ‘s path to the NBC primetime schedule. Greg Berlanti, who serves as EP on the show, and during the series’ TCA Summer Press Tour session that NBC sprung to the concept.", "WBBH-TV Known on-air as NBC 2, the branding is derived from WBBH's primary cable position in the market on Comcast Xfinity and most other cable providers in the area. This practice stems in part from the area's exceptionally high cable penetration rate, which is one of the highest in the United States.", "It's Official: CMT, Hulu Revive 'Nashville' for Season 5 CMT and Hulu were among the multiple rumored potential homes for Nashville as producers Lionsgate Television remained steadfast in their pursuit of a fifth season after ABC canceled the drama in May.", "Classic TV shows return on new, free channel: Cozi TV A new TV channel available to those with or without a pay-TV package provides a lineup heavy on classic TV and movies. Cozi TV replaces the NBC Nonstop channel, and is available on Time Warner Cable channel 161, and Verizon FiOS Channel 460. Its lineup includes classic shows such as The Six Million Dollar Man, The Bionic Woman, and Charlie's Angels, as well as movies and NBC-New York newscasts.", "- For more than a decade, the Daily Sentinel has been covering the events surrounding the disappearance of Jennifer and Abby Blagg. Suspect Mich… Where are they now?", "- Host of Discovery Channel's Dual Survival. contact [email protected] or [email protected] for booking www.facebook.com/thegradypowell.", "Bob Beckel Returns to Cable News on CNN After Fox Exit Bob Beckel Returns to Cable News on CNN After Fox Exit. Bob Beckel has changed cable news networks, but not his look. More ways to share... Liberal pundit Bob Beckel, a former co-host of The Five on Fox News, returned to cable television on CNN last week. bob beckel, returns, cable, news, cnn, fox.", "Will Ferrell Once Again Channels Harry Caray to Celebrate Cubs Making World Series The Hollywood Reporter. Will Ferrell Once Again Channels Harry Caray to Celebrate Cubs Making World Series. Calling Kimmel Johnny, as in Carson, Ferrell's Caray talked baseball and, of course, the upcoming election. Will Ferrell broke out his classic Harry Caray impression once more on the eve of the Chicago Cubs returning to the World Series.", "Megyn Kelly Is Headed To NBC News â Now What? UPDATED with Megyn Kelly’s on-air statement: Today’s news that one of Fox News Channel’s biggest primetime stars is jumping to NBC News took some by surprise. Before this morning’s fast-and-furious announcement on the first day back from New Year’s vacation, money had been on Megyn Kelly moving to CNN, or possibly ABC. Related.", "Blue Bloods Cast Change Daughter Find out when and where you can watch The Benny Hill Show episodes with TVGuide's full tv listings - you'll never miss another moment from your favorite show! TV Guide Sign In / Up", "âBlack Lives Mattersâ Flying Black Liberation Flag in South Carolina While Burning the American Flag Additionally, he has been a frequent guest on talk-radio programs across the country to discuss his opinion editorials and current events as well as appearing on TV networks such as CNN, Fox News, Fox Business Network, and various Chicago-based news programs." ]
[ 14.4609375 ]
[ 3.626953125, 0.76123046875, 5.66796875, 0.3251953125, 1.68359375, 1.0390625, 1.25, 0.74267578125, 3.037109375, 3.39453125, 3.18359375, 1.76171875, 3.515625, 6.32421875, 3.669921875, 9.4921875, -1.1171875, 5.30859375, 2.5390625, -0.1029052734375, 1.5556640625, 0.172119140625, 4.96875, 3.29296875, 2.4453125, -1.66015625, -2, -0.100830078125, 10.0078125, 2.205078125 ]
how to dial a pager number
[ "How Does One Call a Pager? Dial the pager number, and wait for the automated message. The automated message asks you to enter your numeric number after you hear the tone. After the tone or beep, leave a phone number you would like the recipient to use to call you back. You can now hang up, and wait for the pager recipient to call you back." ]
[ "Privacy Policy You can also sign up by sending a text: PEDIGREE to 97979. Msg & data rates may apply. You will receive up to 4 text messages per month. For HELP, please text HELP to 97979. You must be the account holder or have the authorization of the account holder to request this text service.", "- 650-948-4425 Opens Draeger's Los Altos Google Maps in a new window Map Sign Up For Our E-Newsletter Sign Up For Our E-Newsletter Follow Us Facebook Page Twitter Page Pinterest Page Instagram Page", "- We have a few other tricks to try if you're calling HP, and if you are already viewing this on a phone or call-capable device, then you can click or tap below to just start a call. Have HP call you insteadCall HP using our web-phoneDial 800-752-0900 now.", "- WhereCall. WhereCall, the premiere free reverse phone lookup service, built by it’s users for it’s users. With thousands of daily user contributions, we are compiling the largest free public directory of phone numbers with better information that is more accurate than the rest. Enter a phone number, full or partial.You can enter it in any format; e.g. '1-617-555-1212' or '508-555-1' or '(203) 254'.hereCall, the premiere free reverse phone lookup service, built by it’s users for it’s users. With thousands of daily user contributions, we are compiling the largest free public directory of phone numbers with better information that is more accurate than the rest.", "Auto Attendants How do I record and listen to my auto attendants? 1 Pick up a local extension handset and dial # from an analogue phone or *55 from an IP phone. If required, enter the administrator password followed by #. Dial 41 followed by # to record auto attendant one.", "Call PayPal For Free - 0800 Number british steve UKBF Ace Free Member Posts: 1,469 Likes: 302. Fed up with calling PayPal on their 5pence per minute 0844 number? Why not call them for free on and let them pay? PayPal 0800 3587929.", "PayPal Warning Paypal Phone Number. It’s obvious that PayPal doesn’t want you to find their phone number or they would post the information on their web site. It’s hard to understand why a company such as PayPal does not have phone numbers posted on their web site. Here are two PayPal phone numbers: (402) 935-7733 and 877 672-9725. Keep in mind that you can experience hold times that exceed 30 minutes. This will give you plenty of time to calm down and absorb the realization that you just lost control of your money and the credibility of your business.", "Features and Information of Local Phone Dial *72 or 72# and listen for dial tone. Enter the number where you wish to forward calls. Long distance numbers: Enter 1 plus the10-digit phone number. For example, 1+ 3-digit area code + 7-digit phone number. Numbers that are not long distance but require an area code: Enter the 7-digit phone number.", "Pager Unication Co., Ltd. Tone-Only Pager. A pager (also known as a beeper) is a wireless telecommunications device that receives and displays alphanumeric messages and/or receives and announces voice messages. One-way pagers can only receive messages, while response pagers and two-way pagers can also acknowledge, reply to, and originate messages using an internal transmitter.", "- Have Dillard's call you insteadCall Dillard's using our web-phoneDial 800-345-5273 now. If you're already on the phone with Dillard's, you may want to look over any tips we have for getting better results.", "To Record Your Call To Co op Customer Services Dial.... To Record Your Call To Co op Customer Services Dial.... Click to Call. 0843 850 0027. If you do not wish to record your call, alternitive contact information can be found here: Co op contact information. Calls charged at 7 pence per minute, plus your phone provider's access charge.. Keep a record of all your calls for future reference. Recordings emailed to you in seconds.", "Dialing Instructions and Important Numbers The university utilizes five-digit dialing when placing calls from one university telephone to another. For example, when calling a residence hall room with the prefix of 688 from an office phone, you would dial 8 plus the last four digits of the telephone number. Five-digit dialing is also used when calling OSU Regional Campuses. There is no charge for placing campus to campus calls (five-digit dialing).", "- We have a few other tricks to try if you're calling Aer Lingus, and if you are already viewing this on a phone or call-capable device, then you can click or tap below to just start a call. 1 Have Aer Lingus call you insteadCall Aer Lingus using our web-phoneDial 516-622-4226 now.", "- 14 MaxAgent Manual To park a call in MaxAgent, click the Flash button on the call control tool bar (you must customize your tool bar to display the Flash button), enter #41 (system call park) or #31 (personal call park) in the dialer field, then click the Connect button on the call control tool bar.", "- 1 While the handset is not in use, press [View CID] on the handset. 2 Press the [&#9650;] or [▼] to select the caller information you would want to edit then press the soft key [SELECT]. 3 Press the soft key [Edit] repeatedly until the phone number is shown in the desired format. Unplug your Panasonic phone both from the phone jack. 2 Try relocating the telephone on a different phone jack inside the house. 3 Try using a different line cord if you have any other available. 4 If steps above still doesn't work, telephone might need service, please refer to your instructions warranty page for procedure.", "How to Contact PayPal Customer Service To contact PayPal customer service: 1 Go to www.paypal.com and log in. 2 Click Contact. 3 Click Call Us. Call the phone number provided, and input the passcode when 1 prompted. Click Message Centre (or Email 2 Us). Click Create New Message. Select a topic and subtopic, compose your message, and then click Send.", "- Log in to pay your bill. By phone: 1-800-418-3188, option 1 8 a.m. − 9 p.m. ET weekdays. Through an agent: Find an agent", "- The easiest way to reach the police is to dial 9-1-1. 1 When the operator picks up, you’ll be asked if you want the police, fire, or ambulance services. 2 Say that you want the police. 3 You will be prompted to say your name, address, and phone number. 4 You might also be asked your age.", "- 1 Press *67. 2 On a rotary phone, dial 1167. 3 Enter the number that you are calling. 4 Result: The person that you are calling will not be able to see your name or number on his or her Caller ID.", "- Is there a surefire way to see private callers? Private Caller ID can only be unblocked when it is routed to a 1-800 number or an emergency hotline such as 911. Your only chance of unblocking private caller ID is by using a proxy service such as Trapcall.", "- X. Click here to SMS this number to your mobile phone. A 24/7 Free Search service on a single national number 08888888888 that receives over 130 Million Calls every year. Just a local call helps you get instant information on millions of businesses and thousands of products and services across the country.hare WAP link via SMS. Select City: Mobile Number: +91. SMS shall be sent to your mobile number. Save this number as Just Dial and get information on just about anything. Forward it to your friends too, it's useful.", "- Personal Speed Dial Numbers. To dial a Personal Speed Dial number: Press  Feature  followed by the Dial Code. See panel 4 for programming instructions. Your system may also be programmed with System Speed. Dial numbers (Dial Codes 20-79), which are similar to Personal Speed Dial Numbers except anyone. on the system can dial them.", "- Call PayPal Customer Service. Call Customer Service by tapping below if on your phone, or talk to them from your browser. Tap or click here to call (402-935-2050); Press 0 or say Agent at each prompt, ignoring messages. You may need to answer further questions before being connected to a live person.", "- The best method is to send a. text message to their pager number. The board runner can be found on the Daily Room. Assignment sheet in SharePoint or by calling the OR core at 913‐588‐2880 to ask who the. board runner is for the day.", "For my office telephone, how do I store and then dial other numbers? Dial the telephone number you want to store. If you want to store a dialing delay in the phone number, press Pause; a three-second dialing delay is then stored in the dialing sequence. Each three-second pause counts as one digit. Memory locations can store up to 24 digits.", "- Registrations on the National DNCL are indefinite, and do not expire. If you are changing your residential, wireless, fax or VoIP number (for example, if you are moving), or if you wish to remove your number from the National DNCL for any other reason, you may do so by contacting the National DNCL Service Line from the number you wish to remove at: 1-866-580-DNCL (1-866-580-3625).", "- We have a few other tricks to try if you're calling Kroger, and if you are already viewing this on a phone or call-capable device, then you can click or tap below to just start a call. Have Kroger call you insteadCall Kroger using our web-phoneDial 866-221-4141 now.", "Desk Phone Guide: Cortelco Single Line Telephones - 2203, 2210 and 2211 • To dial an auto memory button (located on right-band side of base) - Press the. desired auto memory button (1, 2, 3.... or 10). • To dial a keypad memory location-press the MEM DIAL button first, and thenthe desired keypad button (1, 2, 3.... or 0).3.ith the handset in its cradle (on-hook), press DIAL. [PICKUP PHONE...]” willappear in the LCD display to ask you to pick up the handset. The number will bedialed after you pick up the handset.2. If you pick up the handset, review the calls, and press DIAL, the displayed numberwill be dialed immediately.", "- However, looking up a phone number is easy using Verizon White Pages: 1 To order a new White Pages directory, call 1.800.888.8448. 2 Visit the Verizon White Pages Online Directory Search. 3 Learn more about Verizon White Pages.", "How to Contact PayPal Customer Service 1 Go to www.paypal.com and log in. 2 Click Contact. 3 Click Call Us. 4 Call the phone number provided, and input the passcode when prompted. OR. 5 Click Message Centre (or Email Us). 6 Click Create New Message. Select a topic and subtopic, compose your message, and then click Send." ]
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what is a measurement
[ "Measurement Most properties are measured using a number and a unit of measurement. The unit of measurement is a standard amount. The number compares the property to that standard amount. This means a tree that is ten times as tall as a meter stick is 10 meters tall." ]
[ "- 4 Measurement-7 What is Measurement? ■ Measurement is the assignment of numerals to objectsor events according to rules.• Numerals are labels that have no inherentmeaning, for example zip codes, or automobilelicense plates.• Numbers are numerals that have quantitativemeaning and can be analyzed, for example, age.", "Measurement the process of describing some property View Full Document. This is the end of the preview. Sign up to access the rest of the document. Unformatted text preview: Measurement: The process of describing some property of a phenomenon of interest, usually by assigning numbers in a reliable and valid way. Reliability Validity *Research is possible without measurement--> FALSE What is a scale, what does it do?", "Exemplification For example, if a color sample has the property labelled 'green', then the color sample exemplifies green. Basically, possession of a property amounts to being referred to by its label. Reference is the relation between something standing for something else, like the relation between a word and what it denotes.", "- Measurement Poems. Below are examples of measurement poems. This list of poetry about MEASUREMENT is made of PoetrySoup member poems. PoetrySoup is a great resource for examples of measurement poems or a list of measurement poetry. These examples show what measurement poems look like. There is also a link below to the definition of measurement and a page where you can discuss these types of poems.", "- exists and is an alternate of . The purpose of measurement is to be able to have a group of units that everyone can use as a rule of thumb when trying to describe something's height, weight or volume. Minor edit?", "Measurement Measurement - Methodology. 1 The measurement of a property may be categorized by the following criteria: type, magnitude, unit, and uncertainty. [citation needed] 2 The type or level of measurement is a taxonomy for the methodological character of a comparison. For example, two states of a property may be compared by ratio, difference, or ordinal preference. The type is commonly not explicitly expressed, but implicit in the definition of a measurement procedure.", "unit Also called: unit of measurement A standard amount of a physical quantity, such as length, mass, energy, etc, specified multiples of which are used to express magnitudes of that physical quantity: the second is a unit of time.", "Measurement However, in other fields such as statistics as well as the social and behavioral sciences, measurements can have multiple levels, which would include nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio scales. Measurement is a cornerstone of trade, science, technology, and quantitative research in many disciplines. Historically, many measurement systems existed for the varied fields of human existence to facilitate comparisons in these fields.", "- By definition any set of rules for assigning numbers to attributes of objects is measurement. Not all measurement techniques are equally useful in dealing with the world, however, and it is the function of the scientist to select those that are more useful.", "BIOGRAPHIA LITERARIA This combination is labeled as the precision of a measurement system. Repeatability is the variation found in a measurement system when the same item is measured over and over again without changing its position or who appraised it, and all at the same time.", "- › Your measurements are the sizes of various parts of your body, especially your chest, waist, and hips, that you refer to when you want to buy clothes. More examples. We took measurements in all the rooms. The measurement of water flow is crucial to the system. The device is used for the measurement of rainfall.", "- Stating a Measurement In every measurement, a number is followed by a unit. Observe the following examples of measurements: Number and Unit 35 m 0.25 L 225 lb 3.4 h r The Metric System (SI) The metric system or SI (international system) is • a decimal system based on 10. • used in most of the world.", "The Importance of Measurement Standards and Traceability Every unit of measurement has a definition, a realization and a representation. The definition is the ideal and it is usually a member of the SI (International System of units). The realization is achieved by means of an experiment whose result matches the definition as closely as possible.", "measure a unit or standard of measurement: weights and measures. 2. a system of measurement: liquid measure. 3. an instrument, as a graduated rod or a container of standard capacity, for measuring.", "System of measurement A system of measurement is a collection of units of measurement and rules relating them to each other. Systems of measurement have historically been important, regulated and defined for the purposes of science and commerce. Systems of measurement in modern use include the metric system, the imperial system, and United States customary units.", "Definition of measure in English: [with object] 1 1Ascertain the size, amount, or degree of (something) by using an instrument or device marked in standard units. 2 2Assess the importance, effect, or value of (something) ‘it is hard to measure teaching ability’. 3 3archaic Travel over (a certain distance or area) ‘we must measure twenty miles today’.", "measurement Measurement is defined as the act of measuring or the size of something. 1 An example of measurement means the use of a ruler to determine the length of a piece of paper. 2 An example of measurement is 15 by 25.", "Measurement Measurements are ways that we tell others how much of an item we have. There are two systems of measuring things—English and Metric. English measurements are used only in the United States, while metric measurements are used in nearly every other country. Measurements are used to give number values to distance (length, width, and height), weight, time, volume (liquid measurements), and temperature. To get you used to these measurements, we’re providing a list of commonly used English and metric measurements, and their equivalents.", "Definitions &Translations Webster Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 Mensuration(noun) the act, process, or art, of measuring. 2 Mensuration(noun) that branch of applied geometry which gives rules for finding the length of lines, the areas of surfaces, or the volumes of solids, from certain simple data of lines and angles.", "measure A reference standard or sample used for the quantitative comparison of properties: The standard kilogram is maintained as a measure of mass. b. A unit specified by a scale, such as an inch, or by variable conditions, such as a day's march.", "- A centimeter is a measure of length. There are 100 centimeters in a meter. The abbreviation is cm. This image of a ruler is marked in cm along the top and inches (1 inch = 2.54 cm) along the bottom.", "measure A measurement is a result obtained by measuring something. Check the measurements carefully. Every measurement was exact. 2. 'measure'. You do not use 'measurement' to refer to an action taken by a government.The word you use is measure. Measures had been taken to limit the economic decline.. the extent, quantity, amount, or degree of something, as determined by measurement or calculation. 2. a device for measuring distance, volume, etc, such as a graduated scale or container. 3. a system of measurement: give the size in metric measure.", "- Define mensuration. mensuration synonyms, mensuration pronunciation, mensuration translation, English dictionary definition of mensuration. n. 1. The act, process, or art of measuring. 2. Measurement of geometric quantities. men′su·ra′tive adj. n 1. the study of the measurement of geometric...", "Definition of Measurand Measurement is the assignment of a number to a characteristic of an object or event, which can be compared with other objects or events. The scope and application of a measurement is dependent on the context and discipline. In the natural sciences and engineering, measurements do not apply to nominal properties of objects or events, which is consistent with the guidelines of the International vocabulary of metrology published by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures.", "- Measurement. 1 Blueprints from iknowthat.com - [area and perimeter] 2 Ruler Game 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 and 1/16 of an inch. 3 Units of measure - reading and estimating (metric) Area and 1 Perimeter. Measuring in inches to the nearest half inch. Measuring - various level of difficulty from Funbrain.com.", "Levels of Measurement Worksheet With Solutions SOLUTION: This is the ratio level of measurement. There is a starting point (0 feet, 0 inches) and it makes sense to say that 6 feet is twice as long as 3 feet. 1 The teacher of a class of third graders records the eye color of each student.", "- more ... A centimeter is a measure of length. There are 100 centimeters in a meter. The abbreviation is cm. This image of a ruler is marked in cm along the top and inches (1 inch = 2.54 cm) along the bottom.", "- transitive verb. 1 : to measure by means of a meter. 2 : to supply in a measured or regulated amount. 3 : to print postal indicia on by means of a postage meter.", "Measurement Discrimination Measure to the nearest inch, and the result would be a large variation in the heights of basketball players. How fine a measurement is sliced is referred to as Measurement Discrimination. One way to visualize the amount of measurement discrimination is to look at the range portion of a control chart. It is points (dots) that you need to look at on the chart. You look for the number of strata (parallel layers) of the dots as they spread across the range chart. It is not the count of dots.", "measure 2. a device for measuring distance, volume, etc, such as a graduated scale or container. 3. a system of measurement: give the size in metric measure. 4. a standard used in a system of measurements: the international prototype kilogram is the measure of mass in SI units. 5. a specific or standard amount of something: a measure of grain; short measure; full measure. 6. a basis or standard for comparison: his work was the measure of all subsequent attempts. 7. reasonable or permissible limit or bounds: we must keep it within measure." ]
[ 12.734375 ]
[ 14.8515625, 12.921875, 0.85009765625, 7.16015625, 12.625, 13.4609375, 11.9765625, 14.3203125, 13.40625, 10.7734375, 12.78125, 11.2578125, 10.796875, 12.2578125, 13.1484375, 11.0625, 15.5546875, 14.0234375, 5.6796875, 11.546875, 10.84375, 14.53125, 6.3984375, 15.4453125, 10.0078125, 7.84765625, 10.21875, 10.4453125, 9.078125, 12.4765625 ]
pays homage definition
[ "- 1. respect; reverence: to pay homage to one's forebears. 2. a. the formal acknowledgment by a feudal vassal of fealty to his lord. b. the relationship thus established between vassal and lord. c. something done or given in acknowledgment of vassalage." ]
[ "Definitions &Translations Webster Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 Homage(noun) a symbolical acknowledgment made by a feudal tenant to, and in the presence of, his lord, on receiving investiture of fee, or coming to it by succession, that he was his man, or vassal; profession of fealty to a sovereign.", "homage homage. 1 Historical. 2 a public avowal of allegiance by a vassal to his lord. 3 an act done or thing given to show the relationship between lord and vassal. 4 anything given or done to show reverence, honor, or respect: usually with do or pay: to pay homage to a fallen hero.", "- Click on the thesaurus category heading under the button in an entry to see the synonyms and related words for that meaning. Choices and the process of choosing:choice, decision, selection... This is the British English definition of an embarrassment of riches. View American English definition of an embarrassment of riches. Change your default dictionary to American English.", "honor Synonyms: honor, homage, reverence, veneration, deference. These nouns denote admiration, respect, or esteem accorded to another as a right or as due. Honor is the most general term: A stamp was issued in honor of her achievements. The ritual was intended to show honor to one's ancestors.", "Honor society Honor Societies, illustration from the 1909 Tyee (yearbook of the University of Washington). In the United States, an honor society is a rank organization that recognizes excellence among peers.", "pay vb, pays, paying or paid. 1. to discharge (a debt, obligation, etc) by giving or doing something: he paid his creditors. 2. (when: intr, often foll by for) to give (money) to (a person) in return for goods or services: they pay their workers well; they pay by the hour. 3. to give or afford (a person) a profit or benefit: it pays one to be honest.", "- As an adjective, it magnifies the implications of a noun. In English, honor means to give high regard, respect, and esteem to; give special recognition to; to bring or give respect or credit to; an outward token, sign or act that manifests high regard for..", "Section I (Lines 1-8) Summary Visage means face; a face implies a head, so we are being told that the head belonging to this sculpture is partially buried in the sand, near the legs. It is also, like the whole statue, shatter'd.", "- In the latest move, the state government has substantially hiked the allowance and honorarium of the mukhia ( village headman), sarpanch and other representatives of the panchayati raj institutions which will put an additional burden of ` 228.", "- 1. A gift, payment, declaration, or other acknowledgment of gratitude, respect, or admiration: put up a plaque as a tribute to his generosity. 2. Evidence attesting to some praiseworthy quality or characteristic: Winning the scholarship was a tribute to her hard work.", "honorariumnoun [ C] honorarium definition, meaning, what is honorarium: a usually small amount of money paid to someone for a service for which no official…. Learn more.", "Honor vs. honour Honor vs. honour. Honor is the American spelling of the word meaning, among things, (1) great respect or recognition, and (2) to show respect for. Honour is the preferred spelling outside the U.S. The distinction extends to most derivatives of the word, including honored/honoured, honoring/honouring, honorable/honourable, and honoree/honouree. But there are exceptions: throughout the English-speaking world, honorific—meaning showing or conferring respect—is spelled without the u, and so are honorary and honorarium.", "homage Definition of homage. 1 1a : afeudal ceremony by which a man acknowledges himself the vassal of a lordb : the relationship between a feudal lord and his vassalc : an act done or payment made in meeting the obligations due from a vassal to a feudal lord.", "ignorantadjective You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Showing respect and admiration. (Definition of “homage” from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)", "homage The root of homage is homo-, the Latin root meaning man.. In medieval times, a king's male subject could officially become the king's man by publicly announcing allegiance to the monarch in a formal ceremony.", "wage O.E. wedd, Gothic wadi pledge); see wed. Mod.Fr. cognate gages (pl.) means wages of a domestic, one of a plethora of Fr. words for different classes, e.g. traitement (university professor), paye, salaire (workman), solde (soldier), récompense, prix. The O.E. (and usual Gmc.) word was lean, related to loan (cf.", "- Honour is the British English spelling of the word honor.. Honour means respect or prestige. If a teacher wants her students to treat her with honour, she has to be worthy of it, showing them the respect they deserve. An honour is also a tangible award that you are given for some accomplishment. If your grades are great, you might receive an honour at the academic awards banquet. As a verb, honour means to show a high amount of respect. In traditional wedding vows, both the bride and groom promise to love and honour each other.", "Honor The figurative meaning, however, is far more common: to give weight to someone.. To honor someone, then, is to give weight or to grant a person a position of respect and even authority in one's life.", "Noblesse oblige Look up noblesse oblige in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Noblesse oblige is a French phrase literally meaning nobility obliges. It is the concept that nobility extends beyond mere entitlements and requires the person with such status to fulfill social responsibilities, particularly in leadership roles.The Dictionnaire de l’Academie académie francaise française defines: it thust is the concept that nobility extends beyond mere entitlements and requires the person with such status to fulfill social responsibilities, particularly in leadership roles. The Dictionnaire de l’Academie académie francaise française defines: 1 It thus whoever claims to be noble must conduct. himself nobly", "praise praise - offering words of homage as an act of worship; they sang a hymn of praise to God worship - the activity of worshipping hallelujah - a shout or song of praise to God", "- Baseball Almanac pays tribute to the thirty teams of today and their predecessors – all of whom are the torch bearers of the game's history. Their accomplishments can be found here, their championship seasons, and the great performances which define the personality and measure the success of a team.", "- to pay attention to detail synonym, to pay attention to detail definition | Thesaurus. Search also in: Web News Encyclopedia Images. attention. 1 concentration, consideration, contemplation, deliberation, heed, heedfulness, intentness, mind, scrutiny, thinking, thought, thoughtfulness. 2 awareness, consciousness, consideration, notice, observation, recognition, regard. 3 care, concern, looking after, ministration, treatment.", "- Respect and admiration. ‘he was held in high esteem by colleagues’. ‘But the alternative is to watch the political class sink further in public esteem.’. ‘If the Government wants to know why it is so far behind in the public's esteem, I can tell its members that it is because people are sick of that approach.’.", "Hesped The eulogy should emphasize the good deeds and virtues of the deceased, but should avoid excessive praise (Ber. 62a). In the Talmud the question is disputed whether the hesped is in honor of the deceased or a tribute to the bereaved family; it is concluded that it is a homage to the deceased (Sanh. 46b–47a). Where professional eulogizers are employed, the heirs of the deceased can be forced to defray the costs of the eulogy (Sanh.", "Homage HOMAGE, Eng. law. An acknowledgment made by the vassal in the presence of his lord, that he is his man, that is, his subject or vassal. The form in law French was, Jeo deveigne vostre home. 2. Homage was liege and feudal. The former was paid to the king, the latter to the lord.", "Honorarium Payment Guide Both employees and non-employees are eligible to receive honorarium payments, however, UC employees must be paid through the payroll system. Special Conditions Be aware of the following special conditions applying to this type of transaction. Payment as an honorarium may not be made for the following services: Speaking performances sponsored by UCSC Arts & Lectures or other nonacademic units are paid as a Performance payments. Refer to the Performance Payment Guide for more information", "homage Homage means great respect and honor, or something done to honor a person or thing. We pay homage to our ancestors and say prayers in homage to their memory. In Middle English, homage specifically referred to respect for and loyalty to a feudal lord. The word was borrowed from Old French, probably from omne, homme man, from Latin homō. The noun suffix –age is used to mean an action, process, result, or state..", "- homage. n. 1. a public show of respect or honour towards someone or something (esp in the phrases pay or do homage to). 2. (Historical Terms) (in feudal society). a. the act of respect and allegiance made by a vassal to his lord. See also fealty.", "pay homage to Word by Word Definitions. payplay. : to make due return to for services rendered or property delivered. : to engage for money : hire. : to give in return for goods or service. : something paid for a purpose and especially as a salary or wage : remuneration. : the act or fact of paying or being paid. : the status of being paid by an employer : employ.", "- The pledge of allegiance refers to all the states that make up the republic of the United States. Indivisible means that the states would remain together and not separate int … o separate countries. It was originally written by Francis Bellamy (1855 - 1931) in August 1892.his is something that has always bothered me. We are taught to recite this from kindergarten, and most never leave that idea of phrasing, even though we should grow out of th … e 2 and 3 word phrases and recite as though we know and understand what we're talking about." ]
[ 14.0078125 ]
[ 11.7890625, 13.5859375, -1.3330078125, 8.25, 2.55078125, 7.1875, 5.57421875, 0.219970703125, 1.994140625, 8.296875, 2.587890625, 4.484375, 12.421875, 9.296875, 9.3203125, 0.8173828125, 2.513671875, 5.67578125, 2.478515625, 8.65625, 3.796875, 2.818359375, 3.447265625, 6.2734375, 12.953125, 3.796875, 14.453125, 15.328125, 10.890625, 1.880859375 ]
what does surburban zoning mean
[ "What Does Zoned R1 Property Mean? R1 zoning usually means suburban homes. A property that is zoned R1 usually means that it resides in a neighborhood intended for single-family residences.1 zoning usually means suburban homes. A property that is zoned R1 usually means that it resides in a neighborhood intended for single-family residences." ]
[ "- Define suburb. suburb synonyms, suburb pronunciation, suburb translation, English dictionary definition of suburb. n. 1. A usually residential area or community outlying a city. 2. suburbs The usually residential region around a major city; the environs. n a residential...", "Chapter 5 â The Worst of Times Decades ago scholars believed that the word saraph (the plural is seraphim) meant “burning one” or “fiery one” since there was a Hebrew verb of that spelling with that meaning. sapphire. or leonine. The description of this shining being as “shining. and carbuncle.", "Suburb The first large–scale suburban area in the United States to develop was Westchester County, New York, a rural area north of New York City which had been a summer and weekend retreat of the wealthy since early in the nineteenth century.hese suburban residences are built on larger lots of land than in the central city. For example, the lot size for a residence in Chicago is usually 125 feet (38 m) deep, while the width can vary from 14 feet (4.3 m) wide for a row house to 45 feet (14 m) wide for a large stand–alone house.", "What Is Meant by R-2 Zoning in Real Estate and Zoning Laws? Quick Answer. R-2 zoning refers to a traditional zoning category in which apartment complexes are permitted to be constructed along with dwellings and duplexes. This category differs from R-1 zoning by including multifamily buildings. The traditional R-1, R-2, and C-1 zoning structure, also referred to Euclid or pyramid zoning, was upheld by a landmark 1926 U.S. Supreme Court decision, but is no longer in widespread use.", "Planet Earth Chp 21 Lesson 1 Subduction zones and earthquakes. Subduction zones are plate tectonic boundaries where two plates converge, and one plate is thrust beneath the other. This process results in geohazards, such as earthquakes and volcanoes.ubduction zones are plate tectonic boundaries where two plates converge, and one plate is thrust beneath the other. This process results in geohazards, such as earthquakes and volcanoes.", "- Noun[edit] 1 A subarctic zone of evergreen coniferous forests situated south of the tundras and north of the steppes in the Northern Hemisphere. The mountains run from the Arctic Island of Novaya Zemlya southwards, dividing the endless wastes of the Siberian taiga and the steppes from the Russian platform in the west.", "B horizon B horizon. In ABC soil, the second and middle zone, characterized by an accumulation of soluble or suspended organic material, clay, iron, or aluminum. These materials originate in the A horizon and are transported to the B horizon through the process of eluviation. B horizons often have a blocky structure and are reddish in color due to the presence of oxidized metals. Also called zone of accumulation, zone of illuviation.", "- Page − 22 − (7) Abutting a Lake or Stream. For vacant lots in partially occupied blocks that abut upon a lake or stream, Chapter 12, the Shoreland-Floodplain Zoning provisions of this Ordinance shall apply. 3.04.01 SETBACKS FROM HIGHWAYS AND ROADS IN PIKE LAKE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (R4) ONLY. (1) Established.", "Sun Belt Sun Belt or Sunbelt, southern tier of the United States, focused on Florida, Texas, Arizona, and California, and extending as far north as Virginia. The term gained wide use in the 1970s, when the economic and political impact of the nation's overall shift in population to the south and west became conspicuous.", "- Shoreland Zoning Resource Protection Frequently Asked Questions: Explanation of Shoreland Zoning: The ‘shoreland area’ is an strip of land that extends 250’. beyond the normal high water mark of any great pond (greater than 10ac), wetland greater than 10ac, river, or saltwater body.", "- Example sentences containing 'cushioning'. What hidden depths of wit, charm and skill might not be buried under those mounds of cushioning flesh. LOSING IT (2002)The wooden sitting room floor, even with its covering of rag rugs, wasn't much use for cushioning a person after a fall.", "Glossary of geography terms Earthquake Glossary. subduction zone The subduction zone is the place where two lithospheric plates come together, one riding over the other. Most volcanoes on land occur parallel to and inland from the boundary between the two plates.", "Definitions &Translations Suburb. A suburb is a residential area or a mixed use area, either existing as part of a city or urban area, or as a separate residential community within commuting distance of a city. Some suburbs have a degree of administrative autonomy, and most have lower population densities than inner city neighborhoods.iktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: suburb (Noun). the area on the periphery of a city or large town that falls between being truly part of the city, but is not countryside either. suburb (Noun).", "Subarachnoid Hemorrhage A subarachnoid hemorrhage means that there is bleeding in the space that surrounds the brain.reatment. A subarachnoid hemorrhage is a medical emergency, and immediate treatment is essential to help reduce the risk for permanent brain damage. The main goal of treating a subarachnoid hemorrhage is to stop the bleeding.", "- sub-Saharan. adj. 1. (Placename) in, of, or relating to Africa south of the Sahara desert.(ˌsʌb səˈhaer səˈhær, -ən ˈhɛər, -ən ˈhɑr). ən. adjub-Saharan. adj. 1. (Placename) in, of, or relating to Africa south of the Sahara desert.", "Definitions &Translations zoning board. Thesaurus. Definitions of zoning board. 1. n a board of officials who divide an area into zones that are subject to different restrictions.", "- Urban sprawl. Urban sprawl or suburban sprawl describes the expansion of human populations away from central urban areas into low-density, monofunctional and usually car-dependent communities, in a process called suburbanization.", "Difference Between Urban and Suburban 2. Urban areas usually include the inner, or main city, whereas suburban areas are those that are just adjacent to the city, or surround the city. 3. Urban areas are more congested in terms of people and establishments compared to suburban territories.evertheless, it is important to know that the meaning of an urbanized or suburban territory may be differently perceived among the various countries. Generally, suburban areas (also known as suburbs), pertain to residential districts.", "Awareness Ribbon Color Meanings Meaning: The black awareness ribbon is a symbol of mourning, melanoma, and gang prevention. Meaning: The brown awareness ribbon is an anti-tobacco symbol as well as a symbol of colon cancer (alternative ribbon color: blue), and colorectal cancer (alternative ribbon color: blue). Meaning: The gray awareness ribbon is a symbol of diabetes, asthma, and brain cancer. Meaning: The silver awareness is a symbol for children with disabilities, Parkinson's disease, and mental illnesses such as severe depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and anxiety disorders.", "DEFINITION of 'Zoning' DEFINITION of 'Zoning'. Municipal or local government laws that dictate how real property can and cannot be used in certain areas. Zoning laws limit commercial use of land in order to prevent oil, manufacturing or other types of businesses from building in residential neighborhoods. However, these laws can be modified or suspended if construction of the property will serve to help the community advance economically.", "Awareness Ribbon Color Meanings Grey Ribbon: Meaning: This color is a symbol of diabetes, asthma, and brain cancer. Silver Ribbon: Meaning: This color is a symbol for children with disabilities, Parkinson's disease, and mental illnesses such as severe depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and anxiety disorders.ark Blue Ribbon: Meaning: This color is a symbol of arthritis, child abuse prevention, victim's rights, free speech, water quality, and water safety. Light Blue Ribbon: Meaning: This color is a symbol of childhood cancer (alternative color: pink), prostate cancer, Trisomy 18, and scleroderma.", "Awareness Ribbon Color Meanings Meaning: The brown awareness ribbon is an anti-tobacco symbol as well as a symbol of colon cancer (alternative ribbon color: blue), and colorectal cancer (alternative ribbon color: blue). Meaning: The gray awareness ribbon is a symbol of diabetes, asthma, and brain cancer.eaning: Meaning: The light yellow awareness ribbon is a symbol of spina bifida. Meaning: Most commonly associated with the fight against AIDS and HIV, the red awareness ribbon is also a symbol for heart disease, stroke, substance abuse, MADD, DARE, Epidermolysis Bullosa, and Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy.", "prozone in an agglutination or precipitation reaction, the zone of relatively high antibody concentrations within which no reaction occurs. As the antibody concentration is lowered below the prozone, the reaction occurs.This phenomenon may be due simply to antibody excess or it may be due to blocking antibody or to nonspecific inhibitors in serum.rozone. the phenomenon exhibited by some sera, in which agglutination or precipitation occurs at higher dilution ranges, but is not visible at lower dilutions or when undiluted.", "Awareness Ribbons The black ribbon represents several awareness causes: * terrorist attacks in Turkey; a sign of mourning for those lost in the terrorist attacks. * Wiccan/Pagan rights and awareness. * 9/11 - This ribbon is a sign of mourning for those lost in the 11 September attack.", "- Sun Belt. Sunbelt, southern tier of the United States, focused on Florida, Texas, Arizona, and California, and extending as far north as Virginia. The term gained wide use in the 1970s, when the economic and political impact of the nation's overall shift in population to the south and west became conspicuous.", "RIXIMKA DUMARKA Zoning regulations are the most ubiquitous of. the land use laws in the United States, as well as in many. other countries. I As such, they have far-reaching effects on. the location of noxious uses, and any concomitant environ-. mental or human health impacts. Zoning has enormous implications, in general, for shap-. ing our environment, and because changes to zoning are made. through a political process, it has possibilities for abuse.", "\"Geological Terms Beginning With \"\"S\"\"\" Subduction Zone. An area at a convergent plate boundary where an oceanic plate is being forced down into the mantle beneath another plate. These can be identified by a zone of progressively deeper earthquakes.", "About Zoning Zoning is the language of the physical city. It aims to promote an orderly pattern of development and to separate incompatible land uses, such as industrial uses and homes, to ensure a pleasant environment. The Zoning Resolution is a legal instrument to regulate and establish limits on the use of land and building size, shape, height, and setback.", "Exclusionary zoning Exclusionary zoning is the utilization of zoning ordinances to exclude certain types of people from a given community. This mechanism began gaining prominence in land-use regulations throughout the United States in the late 19th century.iven the increased utilization of exclusionary zoning, the United States federal government finally addressed the issue with the enactment of the Standard State Zoning Enabling Act of 1922. This legislation established the institutional framework for zoning ordinances.", "Ozone layer The Dobson unit , a convenient measure of the amount of ozone overhead, is named in his honor. The ozone layer absorbs 97–99% of the Sun's medium-frequency ultraviolet light (from about 200 nm to 315 nm wavelength), which otherwise would potentially damage exposed life forms near the surface.lthough the concentration of the ozone in the ozone layer is very small, it is vitally important to life because it absorbs biologically harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation coming from the sun. Extremely short or vacuum UV (10–100 nm) is screened out by nitrogen." ]
[ 14.0234375 ]
[ 8.9296875, -0.7099609375, 8.6328125, 7.3515625, 2.900390625, 3.017578125, 1.1064453125, 5.4375, 2.103515625, 4.0625, -4.21484375, 3.05078125, 10.046875, 3.478515625, 2.146484375, 7.3828125, 8.703125, 9.9921875, 1.58984375, 10.28125, 1.931640625, 1.951171875, 1.236328125, 1.783203125, 2.349609375, 6.51953125, 3.23046875, 9.8515625, 7.91796875, 1.8857421875 ]
what are primary data sources
[ "Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sources in the Health Sciences Primary sources are also sets of data, such as health statistics, which have been tabulated, but not interpreted. 1 Journals or Periodicals: main type of publication in which scientific research is reported. 2 May be published by learned societies or by commercial publishers. 3 A researcher(s) submits an article to a journal." ]
[ "What Is Primary Data in Marketing Research? - Definition, Sources & Collection If you ever received a call to participate in a survey, you were part of primary data collection. In this lesson, you'll learn what primary data is, sources of primary data and collection of it. A short quiz follows. Primary data is information that you collect specifically for the purpose of your research project. An advantage of primary data is that it is specifically tailored to your research needs. A disadvantage is that it is expensive to obtain. The source of your primary data is the population sample from which you collect the data.", "Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sources: A Quick Guide Tertiary Sources Tertiary sources are publications that summarize and digest the information in primary and secondary sources to provide background on a topic, idea, or event. Encyclopedias and biographical dictionaries are prime examples of tertiary sources.", "- Primary sources are the first hand evidence left behind by participants or observers at the time of events. Primary sources originate in the time period that historians are studying. They vary a great deal.", "ARCHIVED - The Learning Centre Once you have found your primary sources, it is important to question them to find out what they say and who made them. A primary source is created every time you send an email, take a photograph, or write in your journal. These primary sources reflect the worries, concern, or opinions you have when you create them.", "Primary energy The concept of primary energy is used in energy statistics in the compilation of energy balances, as well as in the field of energetics. In energetics, a primary energy source (PES) refers to the energy forms required by the energy sector to generate the supply of energy carriers used by human society.", "Important Sources of History (Primary and Secondary Sources) The secondary source is the evidence of someone who was not present at the time of occurrence of the event e.g., books written by historians. The secondary source is also of great historical importance to the historians. Although secondary source is itself dependent on primary sources. A primary source may contain secondary information e.g., news papers are usually considered primary sources but the information provided by news paper is not all based on primary sources.", "Wikipedia:Primary Secondary and Tertiary Sources Primary, secondary, and tertiary sources may all be appropriately used, if (1) they are used without engaging in original research or synthesis and (2) if in the event of conflicts between sources they are treated with the appropriate deference to the better source.", "Identifying Primary and Secondary Resources Sources of information are often categorized as primary or secondary depending upon their originality. Primary Sources. A primary source provides direct or firsthand evidence about an event, object, person, or work of art. Primary sources provide the original materials on which other research is based and enable students and other researchers to get as close as possible to what actually happened during a particular event or time period.", "Primary and Secondary Sources for Science Primary Source vs Secondary Sources in the Sciences. In the Sciences, primary sources are documents that provide full description of the original research. For example, a primary source would be a journal article where scientists describe their research on the human immune systems. A secondary source would be an article commenting on or analyzing the scientists' research on the human immune system.", "What are the sources historians use to reconstruct the events of history or to research and critique history? Primary sources and secondary sources. Primary sources are first hand sources. For instance, an inscription on a wall, a painting, interviews, diaries and the like. Whereas, a secondary source is when you obtain information from someone or something else. For instance, a newspaper or a magazine.", "Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sources in the Health Sciences Navigation. Sources are considered primary, secondary, or tertiary depending on the originality of the information presented and their proximity or how close they are to the source of information. This distinction can differ between subjects and disciplines.", "- Producers are the primary living source of energy in a food web. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F. TRUE. Producers are the primary living source of energy in a food web.", "Types of Data: Primary and Secondary data Types of Data: Primary and Secondary data. There are many ways of classifying data. A common classification is based upon who collected the data. Primary data: Data collected by the investigator himself/ herself for a specific purpose. Examples: Data collected by a student for his/her thesis or research project. (In movies) The hero is directly told by the heroine that he is her “ideal man”.", "- In sociology primary data is data you have collected yourself and secondary data is data you have gathered from primary sources to create new research. In terms of historical research, these two terms have different meanings.A primary source is a book or set of archival records.econdary data has already been collected by and readily available from other sources. It is cheaper and easier to obtain than primary data. It helps provide an understand … ing of the problem and allows for comparison of the primary data collected.", "Primary vs. Secondary Research Primary vs. Secondary Research. When performing research, most writers will come across a variety of information from a variety of different places. All of these sources can be classified as either primary or secondary sources. Primary Source: A primary source is an original study, document, object, or eyewitness account.", "Secondary source A secondary source contrasts with a primary source, which is an original source of the information being discussed; a primary source can be a person with direct knowledge of a situation, or a document created by such a person.", "Primary source In historiography, when the study of history is subject to historical scrutiny, a secondary source becomes a primary source. For a biography of a historian, that historian's publications would be primary sources. Documentary films can be considered a secondary source or primary source, depending on how much the filmmaker modifies the original sources.", "- American Poetry: Selected full-text books and articles. A primary source is a work that is being studied, or that provides first-hand or direct evidence on a topic. Common types of primary sources include works of literature, historical documents, original philosophical writings, and religious texts.", "- Examples of primary sources. Determining which kinds of documents constitute primary sources depends upon the topic you’re researching. (For example, sometimes the same book or article could be considered a primary source for one research topic and a secondary source for a different topic.)", "What Is Primary Data in Marketing Research? - Definition, Sources & Collection Defining Primary Data in Market Research. Primary data is information that you collect specifically for the purpose of your research project. An advantage of primary data is that it is specifically tailored to your research needs. A disadvantage is that it is expensive to obtain.", "Why are primary sources important to historians? Primary sources tend to be fixed and have fixed information. Although something like a birth certificate can be forged, it normally isn't. A medieval text, if properly preserved, won't be redacted. Oral accounts of history, for example, eyewitnesses, can change their story in the re-telling, or remember differently.", "- 1 secondary source-Information or research that is derivative, such as a comment by a historian, an encyclopedia article, or a critical essay. 2 Rh factor-Named for the rhesus monkeys used in research to identify blood types.", "Primary and secondary sources Primary sources can be used directly, as they appear in the natural environment: coal, oil, natural gas and wood, nuclear fuels (uranium), the sun, the wind, tides, mountain lakes, the rivers (from which hydroelectric energy can be obtained) and the Earth heat that supplies […]", "- Primary and Secondary data are categorized based upon who collected the data. The type of data is immaterial- if one conducted a focus group discussion, and obtained the participants’ opinions, it would be primary qualitative data. If one used a rigid questionnaire to do so, it would be primary quantitative data.", "Primary and secondary sources Primary sources can be used directly, as they appear in the natural environment: coal, oil, natural gas and wood, nuclear fuels (uranium), the sun, the wind, tides, mountain lakes, the rivers (from which hydroelectric energy can be obtained) and the Earth heat that supplies geothermal energy. Secondary sources derive from the transformation of primary energy sources: for example petrol, that derives from the treatment of crude oil and electric energy, obtained from the conversion of ...", "Primary vs. Secondary Research For instance, if a scientific study is performed, the primary source is the initial report that is prepared by the scientist(s) who performed the research. Secondary Source: A secondary source is a document that is written about the primary source", "- primary sources in groups to check their initial responses and to deepen their understanding of the social, economic, legal, and political realities of slavery in the antebellum South. 5. Divide students into three groups or tiers; these groups should be selected based on ability to comprehend and critically analyze a set of primary sources.", "- The investigation makes use of a range of primary and secondary sources. “How. to Read Nietzsche” by Keith Ansell Pearson.1 A section from “The Consolations. of Philosophy” by Alain de Botton.2 “A Beginner’s Guide to Nietzsche’s Beyond.", "What Is Primary Data in Marketing Research? - Definition, Sources & Collection Defining Primary Data in Market Research. Primary data is information that you collect specifically for the purpose of your research project. An advantage of primary data is that it is specifically tailored to your research needs.A disadvantage is that it is expensive to obtain.esson Summary. Primary data is information that you collect specifically for a particular research project. You need to determine your target population and the size and type of sample you will draw from the target population before you commence data collection.", "- The statement ‘A tertiary source is the most desirable source for a researcher to use’ is false. It should be that your source is primary because it is more reliable and is related to the research you have been working on. Comments." ]
[ 14.2265625 ]
[ 14.4765625, 10.4609375, 13.9453125, 11.7890625, 8.34375, 10.515625, 10.2265625, 13.8671875, 13.3671875, 12.421875, 11.046875, 6.1015625, 12.4765625, 12.296875, 12.6640625, 12.1875, 11.0546875, 13.2109375, 10.2890625, 13.890625, 11.359375, 6.953125, 12.6171875, 10.8203125, 12.8203125, 11.5625, 9.609375, 5.703125, 12.828125, 7.72265625 ]
how many calories in frozen pizza
[ "- 1 How many calories in frozen 12'' meat pizza - 430 calories. 2 How many calories in frozen 12'' cheese pizza - 320 calories. 3 How many calories in frozen 12'' supreme pizza - 300 calories. 4 How many calories in frozen 12'' pepperoni pizza - 330 calories." ]
[ "How Many Calories Are In A Slice of Pizza? The calories depend not only on the chain, but also on the toppings and style. An average slice of thin crust cheese pizza is about 217 calories, while an average slice of regular cheese pizza is about 278 calories — that’s 28 percent more calories. So thin crust is usually your best bet if you are counting calories.", "- There are 370 calories in a 3 pieces serving of Olive Garden Fried Mozzarella. Get full nutrition facts for other Olive Garden products and all your other favorite brands. Register | Sign In", "- This puts our total at only 318 calories for a single serving (one slice, 155 g) of Costco pepperoni pizza! It should be noted that the calorie densities used to arrive at this number are for products that may be different than what Costco uses.", "- The numbers tell the tale: while a slice of regular, hand-tossed cheese pizza at Pizza Hut is about 290 calories, a Skinny Slice is about 210 calories. That's about a 30% calorie difference. Despite the name, Skinny Slice, the pizza is not sold by the slice.", "You Wonât Believe How Many Calories Are in One Slice of New York City Pizza A slice of Sbarro cheese pizza contains 410 calories, 14 grams of fat, eight grams of saturated fat, and 790 milligrams of cholesterol. A pepperoni slice contains 480 calories, 20 grams of fat, nine grams of saturated fat, and 980 milligrams of sodium. Slideshow: 101 Best Pizzas in America 2015.", "How Many Calories in a Slice of Pizza 1 slice of a 12 inch pizza. 1 slice = 1/8 of a pizza (regular or original crust) On average, a slice of cheese pizza has about 200 calories. On average, a slice of pepperoni pizza has about 210 calories.", "- Calories and Carbohydrates. Pizza is among the top sources of calories in the typical American diet. A slice of thin crust cheese pizza, or one-eighth of a 14-inch pizza, contains 230 calories and 24 grams of carbohydrates. A slice of thin crust pepperoni pizza has 261 calories and 23 grams of carbohydrates.For comparison, a slice of cheese pizza with regular crust has 285 calories and 36 grams of carbohydrates.alories and Carbohydrates. Pizza is among the top sources of calories in the typical American diet. A slice of thin crust cheese pizza, or one-eighth of a 14-inch pizza, contains 230 calories and 24 grams of carbohydrates. A slice of thin crust pepperoni pizza has 261 calories and 23 grams of carbohydrates.", "How Many Calories Are In A Slice of Pizza? Choose carefully. For example, one slice of Domino’s ExtravaganZZa Feast pizza (368 calories) has 75 percent more calories than Domino’s Crunchy Thin Crust Cheese pizza (209 calories).hoose carefully. For example, one slice of Domino’s ExtravaganZZa Feast pizza (368 calories) has 75 percent more calories than Domino’s Crunchy Thin Crust Cheese pizza (209 calories).", "The Nutrition in a Thin Crust Cheese Pizza Calories and Carbohydrates. Pizza is among the top sources of calories in the typical American diet. A slice of thin crust cheese pizza, or one-eighth of a 14-inch pizza, contains 230 calories and 24 grams of carbohydrates. A slice of thin crust pepperoni pizza has 261 calories and 23 grams of carbohydrates. For comparison, a slice of cheese pizza with regular crust has 285 calories and 36 grams of carbohydrates. An entire thin crust cheese pizza contains 1,782 calories, making portion control crucial for limiting calorie consumption and controlling body weight.", "- I took the calories for 1/4 of a 12 piece of NY style pizza and used the ol' area-of-a-circle formula to get a number for 1/8 of an 18 slice (which is a NY-size slice). It's 425 calories. Thursday, May 24, 2007, 11:24 PM.", "- Pizza is among the top sources of calories in the typical American diet. A slice of thin crust cheese pizza, or one-eighth of a 14-inch pizza, contains 230 calories and 24 grams of carbohydrates. A slice of thin crust pepperoni pizza has 261 calories and 23 grams of carbohydrates.", "List of Carb Counts for Pizza A thin-crust cheese pizza will have lower carbs than a pizza with a thicker crust. For example, a slice from a 14-inch thin-crust cheese pizza weighing about 2.6 ounces contains 230 calories and 23.7 grams of total carbs, including 1.9 grams of fiber, making the net carbs 21.8 grams.", "How Many Calories Are in a Slice of Papa John's Pizza? Papa John’s nutrition tables present serving sizes as being one slice. Papa John’s pizza weighs from fewer than 3 oz. to about 4 ½ oz. per slice. Chances are, you eat more than one slice of pizza. A two-slice meal of pizza has 360 to 700 calories, and a three-slice meal has 540 to 1,050 calories. If you eat all four slices of their cheese Pizza for One, you get 720 calories.", "How many calories are in a plain slice of cheese pizza? In the average slice of pizza, there are 184 calories per slice. The more cheese or toppings or grease on the pizza, however, can up this number by a lot.", "How to Make Healthier Pizza *Based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Pizza calories and nutrition can vary substantially based on the toppings, the cooking method, the crust and the size of the pizza slice. A small slice of cheese pizza (indicated on the label) provides only 168 calories. But a slice of cheese pizza from many popular pizza chains is much larger (100 grams or more) and is more likely to provide 250 calories or more. A single 10 ounce slice of Costco pepperoni pizza provides over 600 calories, according to several sources.", "- There are 90-105 calories in a slice of supreme pizza.", "How many calories does a slice of hawaiian pizza from Dominos Pizza have? There are 200-300 calories in a slice of pizza, two would be 400-600 calories. The calorie count depends on the size of the pizza, type of crust, and the toppings. A Sicil … ian pizza slice has around 500 calories. Answered.", "- There are 170 calories in 1 serving, 1/6 crust (2.2 oz) of Pillsbury Gluten-Free Thin Pizza Crust, refrigerated dough. You'd need to walk 44 minutes to burn 170 calories. Visit CalorieKing to see calorie count and nutrient data for all portion sizes.", "- The calories in a slice of pizza varies depending on the size of the slice, the thickness of the crust, and the toppings. -- One serving (one slice) of Pizza Hut cheese pizza with a thin crust has 225 calories. Based on one-eighth of a 14-inch pizza.", "How many calories in a real Italian pizza? Lowest calorie count in pizza is 128 calories/slice. Average Italian pizza may have 240-300 calories/slice. A traditional authentic Italian pizza is good for health, because less oil and fresh vegetables are used. @http://www.foodily.com/r/oq0f51o...", "Calories in White Pizza with Chicken and Broccoli Here are the foods from our food nutrition database that were used for the nutrition calculations of this recipe. Calories per serving of White Pizza with Chicken and Broccoli. 150 calories of Pizza Crust Dough, (1 serving) 72 calories of Mozzarella Cheese, part skim milk, (1 oz) 54 calories of Chicken Breast (cooked), no skin, roasted, (0.19 breast, bone and skin removed) 20 calories of Ricotta Cheese, part skim milk, (0.06 cup)", "- Associated with cash-strapped college students and undiscerning children, frozen pizza doesn’t exactly have a reputation for quality. Still, it’s not hard to see why more than 1.3 billion frozen pies were sold in the United States last year: It’s a cheap and convenient meal that comes in an endless array of options.", "Pizza Hut Nutrition Facts & Calorie Information Individual slices of each signature pizza boast at least 300 calories and upwards of 500 calories. Ordering thin crusts generally reduces total calorie counts by 30 or 40 per serving. Conversely, consuming stuffed-crust doughs instead of traditional or thin crusts adds similar amounts of calories and raises fat, cholesterol, and sodium levels. A company-wide rebranding beginning in 2014 expanded items available to diners.", "- Other User Submitted Calorie Info Matching: Pillsbury Pizza Crust. 1 Pillsbury Pizza Crust (1 serving) 2 Show full nutrition information. 3 Homemade Pizza Using Pillsbury Pizza Crust, Pepperoni, Black Olives, Mushrooms (1 serving) 4 Show full nutrition information. 5 Pillsbury Pizza Crust (1 serving) 6 Show full nutrition information. Homemade Pizza Using Pillsbury Pizza Crust, Pepperoni, Black Olives, Mushrooms (1 serving) Calories: 455, Fat: 23g, Carbs: 42g, Protein: 20g.", "How Many Calories Are In A Slice of Pizza? An average slice of delivery chain cheese pizza has about 249 calories. But the calories vary greatly by brand, toppings, and crust style. Use the charts below to see the calories from the most popular pizza delivery chains and frozen pizza brands.", "- Calories In Fried Zucchini Patties Calories: 58, Fat: 1g, Carbs: 9g, Protein: 3g, Fiber: 1g. Calories In Fried Zucchini Calories: 233, Fat: 15g, Carbs: 20g, Protein: 4g, Fiber: 3g. Calories In Fake Fried Zucchini (single serving) Calories: 91, Fat: 5g, Carbs: 12g, Protein: 2g, Fiber: 3g. Calories In Parmesan Crusted Baked Fried Zucchini Calories: 99, Fat: 2g, Carbs: 12g, Protein: 8g, Fiber: 2g.", "The Nutrition in a Thin Crust Cheese Pizza A slice of thin crust cheese pizza, or one-eighth of a 14-inch pizza, contains 230 calories and 24 grams of carbohydrates. A slice of thin crust pepperoni pizza has 261 calories and 23 grams of carbohydrates. For comparison, a slice of cheese pizza with regular crust has 285 calories and 36 grams of carbohydrates.", "Calories in Costco Food Court Items Costco offers three different types of pizza; pepperoni contains 620 calories, the combo variety has 680 calories, and cheese pizza boasts 700 calories, says CalorieKing.com. Hot dogs, both Hebrew National and Polish, contain 550 calories per serving and the Turkey Wrap has 810 calories.", "How many calories are in a pizza pie with 8 slices? Best Answer: it all depends on the ingredients in a pizza. plain pizza generally has between 140-250 calories. this depends on the amount of cheese and how much oil was in the pizza. a good way to get rid of the oil is to blot the top with a paper towel. Source(s):", "How Many Calories in a Pizza? These next examples of pizza calories are for frozen pizzas. How many calories in frozen 12'' meat pizza - 430 calories. How many calories in frozen 12'' cheese pizza - 320 calories. How many calories in frozen 12'' supreme pizza - 300 calories." ]
[ 16.109375 ]
[ 9.875, 3.607421875, 8.2578125, 8.65625, 8.9375, 10.046875, 9.734375, 8.2421875, 9.46875, 7.60546875, 10.09375, 8.0546875, 8.8984375, 9.046875, 9.4609375, 9.359375, 10.03125, 7.98046875, 9.765625, 8.453125, 6.484375, 6.7890625, 8.03125, 7.44921875, 12.8828125, 3.677734375, 9.2890625, 7.1953125, 8.484375, 15.9609375 ]
life-cycle definition
[ "Download the Life Cycle Facts & Worksheets A life cycle is defined as the complete succession of changes undergone by an organism during its life. A new cycle occurs when an identical set of changes is begun. All organisms go through stages of development. Environmental conditions such as water, temperature, and light affect the development of organisms." ]
[ "- As such, life cycles provide the basis for a consistent acquisition or development strategy and are. management tools. However, since the engineering of systems is routinely confronted. with emergent properties that derive from the combination of their constituent parts, the.", "Biological life cycle Life cycle of the single-celled parasite Babesia. In biology, a life cycle is a series of changes in form that an organism undergoes, returning to the starting state. The concept is closely related to those of the life history, development and ontogeny, but differs from them in stressing renewal..", "Life Life. Definition. noun, plural: lives. (1) A distinctive characteristic of a living organism from dead organism or non-living thing, as specifically distinguished by the capacity to grow, metabolize, respond (to stimuli), adapt, and reproduce.(2) The biota of a particular region.ife. Definition. noun, plural: lives. (1) A distinctive characteristic of a living organism from dead organism or non-living thing, as specifically distinguished by the capacity to grow, metabolize, respond (to stimuli), adapt, and reproduce.", "What is the retail life cycle? The retail life cycle concept states that retail institutions--like the goods and services they sell--pass through identifiable life stages: introduction (early growth), growth (accelerated development), maturity, and decline.The direction and speed of institutional changes can be interpreted from this concept.et us examine the stages of the retail life cycle as they apply to individual institutional formats and show specific examples. During the first stage of the cycle (introduction), there is a strong departure from the strategy mixes of existing retail institutions.", "- of a plant : living for only two years or seasons : having a life cycle that is two years or seasons long. biennial plants/herbs/flowers. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. — compare 1annual, 1perennial.", "life cycle 1. The course of developmental changes through which an organism passes from its inception through the stage at which it reproduces. 2. A progression through a series of differing stages of development: the life cycle of a star. 3. The span of a product's existence from its initial development through the period of marketing and active use to eventual obsolescence.", "life cycle life cycle. noun. Medical Definition of life cycle. 1: the series of stages in form and functional activity through which an organism passes between successive recurrences of a specified primary stage. 2: life history 1a.", "- or life style, life-style. 1. the habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, economic level, etc., that together constitute the mode of living of an individual or group. 2. unhealthy lifestyle choices; lifestyle advertising; a luxury lifestyle hotel.", "1.8 Life Cycle Costing Purpose. Life Cycle Costing (LCC) is an important economic analysis used in the selection of alternatives that impact both pending and future costs. It compares initial investment options and identifies the least cost alternatives for a twenty year period.urpose. Life Cycle Costing (LCC) is an important economic analysis used in the selection of alternatives that impact both pending and future costs. It compares initial investment options and identifies the least cost alternatives for a twenty year period.", "life cycle A life cycle is a series of changes that happens to all living things. Every life cycle is the same for every generation. For instance, a fly's life cycle begins as a fertilized egg. The egg develops into a fly, which grows until it fertilizes an egg or lays a fertilized egg of its own. The life cycle then begins again with the new fertilized egg.", "What is a Life Cycle? - Definition, Stages & Examples A life cycle can be comprised of more than the three basic stages depending on the species. For example, the human life cycle is comprised of 5 main stages. The names of each stage can also vary slightly depending on the species. For example, an immature juvenile dragonfly is called a nymph.", "life Definition of life for English Language Learners. : 1 the ability to grow, change, etc., that separates plants and animals from things like water or rocks. : 2 the period of time when a person is alive. : 3 the experience of being alive.", "MADMAN BIOLOGY Use 'life cycle' in a Sentence. 1 The life cycle time of the new product in manufacturing is 34 minutes. 2 You should try and follow your product through its life cycle to notice where and when any problems may arise. 3 The life cycle of a plant, is similar in nature to the life cycle of humans or that of animals.", "Life The criteria can at times be ambiguous and may or may not define viruses, viroids or potential artificial life as living. Biology is the primary science concerned with the study of life, although many other sciences are involved. The definition of life is controversial. The current definition is that organisms maintain homeostasis, are composed of cells, undergo metabolism, can grow, adapt to their environment, respond to stimuli, and reproduce.", "- The business cycle or economic cycle in this sense may be accompanied by changes in stock market prices, known as the stock market cycle. For more on these cycles and their phases, see the sections below. The second meaning of business cycle sometimes refers to stages in the life span of a single company. In this regard, important phases in a company's life may include: birth (or start up), growth, maturity, decline, and demise.", "LIFE CYCLE • LIFE CYCLE (noun) The noun LIFE CYCLE has 2 senses: 1. a series of stages through which an organism passes between recurrences of a primary stage. 2. the course of developmental changes in an organism from fertilized zygote to maturity when another zygote can be produced. Familiarity information: LIFE CYCLE used as a noun is rare. Dictionary entry details.", "Life History Theory Table of Contents. Definition. Life history theory defines the stages of gestation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood and seeks to explain the differences in the timing of development, fertility, and death of living organisms.", "What Is the Meaning of the Circle of Life? Quick Answer. The circle of life is a symbolic representation of birth, survival and death. The idea of life as a circle or a wheel exists across multiple religions and philosophies. Some wheels or circles are considerably more complex than others.", "C. Another way to put it: Air feeds fire, fire dies by water, water is contained by earth, and earth creates the air. The cycle is meant to show the interconnection of all things, and the cycle of birth, life, change and transition.", "- The definition, connotations, and experience of the life stages vary according to class, ethnicity, gender, and historical period. The way that the life stages are periodized has undergone profound shifts over the course of American history. Seventeenthcentury New Englanders usually identified four distinct life stages: childhood, youth, middle age, and old age.", "- The life cycle of an asset is defined as the time interval between the initial planning for the creation of an asset and its final disposal. This life cycle is characterized by a number of key stages: Initial concept definition; Development of the detailed design requirements, specifications and documentation;", "product lifecycle (in marketing) The product lifecycle, in a marketing context, is all the stages of a product's life span that are related to its promotion and sales. The marketing lifecycle is traditionally broken down into four stages: introduction, growth, maturity and decline.", "life instinct definition, life instinct meaning | English dictionary life. n, pl lives (laɪvz). 1. (Biology) the state or quality that distinguishes living beings or organisms from dead ones and from inorganic matter, characterized chiefly by metabolism, growth, and the ability to reproduce and respond to stimuli. 2. the period between birth and death. 3. a living person or being: to save a life.", "life cycle management life cycle management. As employed in information technology management, it is a process for administering system software, hardware, and support over the life of a system. In this process, the emphasis is on the introductory and installation stages because they constitute the largest components of the system cost and determine its utility.", "What Is the Meaning of the Circle of Life? The circle of life is a symbolic representation of birth, survival and death. The idea of life as a circle or a wheel exists across multiple religions and philosophies. Some wheels or circles are considerably more complex than others. Life is represented as a circle because it is a constant loop. People are constantly born and are constantly dying. There is a spiritual element to the circle, however, in the idea that the end of one existence is not necessarily the end of life altogether.", "life cycle In organisms that reproduce sexually, the life cycle may be thought of as beginning with the fusion of reproductive cells to form a new organism. The cycle ends when that organism produces its own reproductive cells, which then begin the cycle again by undergoing fusion with other reproductive cells.", "Life The definition of life is controversial. The current definition is that organisms maintain homeostasis, are composed of cells, undergo metabolism, can grow, adapt to their environment, respond to stimuli, and reproduce. However, many other biological definitions have been proposed, and there are some borderline cases of life, such as viruses.", "- We define Life Sciences to encompass companies in the fields of biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, biomedical technologies, life systems technologies, nutraceuticals, cosmeceuticals, food processing, environmental, biomedical devices, and organizations and institutions that devote the majority of their efforts in the various stages of research, ...", "Life history theory Life history theory. Life history theory is an analytical framework designed to study the diversity of life history strategies used by different organisms throughout the world, as well as the causes and results of the variation in their life cycles.", "Family Life Cycle - Topic Overview What is a family life cycle? The emotional and intellectual stages you pass through from childhood to your retirement years as a member of a family are called the family life cycle. In each stage, you face challenges in your family life that allow you to build or gain new skills." ]
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what is forest certification
[ "Forest Certification Forest Certification. Forest Certification focuses on regenerating, managing, and harvesting forests sustainably to protect soil, air, water, biodiversity, and other forest benefits. The certification process measures existing forest management practices against a set of standards established by an independent certifying organization." ]
[ "Asbestos Trainer's Approval This information is used to maintain a roster of individuals who have received a certificate in any of the asbestos disciplines from an approved trainer. Training approval is also available from the division for asbestos cement (AC) pipe courses.The regulatory requirements on how to apply for AC pipe trainer approval are found in Title 8 CCR section 341.17.Finally, approved trainers must permit the division to attend any course covered by the regulation for the purpose of auditing against requirements of the regulation.he regulatory requirements on how to apply for AC pipe trainer approval are found in Title 8 CCR section 341.17. Finally, approved trainers must permit the division to attend any course covered by the regulation for the purpose of auditing against requirements of the regulation.", "40 Top-Paying Accounting Jobs New Search. Manages and develops forest lands and resources for economic and recreational purposes. May require a bachelor's degree in a related area and at least 7 years of experience in the field or in a related area. Familiar with standard concepts, practices, and procedures within a particular field. Relies on experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals. Performs a variety of complicated tasks.", "- There are six ISA certification credentials, each of which is earned by passing a different exam. The explanations below identify the different credentials and the basic requirements for each.ISA commits itself to impartiality in its certification activities.ISA understands how critical impartiality is to carrying out its certification activities. ISA manages conflict of interest and ensures the objectivity of all certification activities.n ISA Certified Arborist Utility Specialist has a minimum of 2000 hours experience over two years in electric utility vegetation management or has served as a consultant to a utility, with a minimum of 4,000 hours over a maximum 10-year period.", "- Reforestation involves the replanting or regeneration of areas of forest which have previously been damaged or destroyed. Sometimes forests are able to regenerate naturally if sufficient trees remain nearby and seeds can be dispersed into the deforested areas via animals or wind.", "About the Provider Description: THE LEARNING TREE is a Four Star Center License in FOREST CITY NC. The provider may also participate in the subsidized child care program. License Number: 81000233. Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes. Additional Information: Four Star Center License.", "Tree and Forest in Active Directory A Forest A forest is a collection of multiple trees that share a common global catalog, directory schema, logical structure, and directory configuration. Forest has automatic two way transitive trust relationships.", "Shades of green Forest green refers to a green color said to resemble the color of the trees and other plants in a forest. The first recorded use of forest green as the name of a color in the English language was in 1810.ine green is a rich shade of spring green that resembles the color of pine trees. It is an official Crayola color (since 1949) that is this exact shade in the Crayola crayon, but in the markers, it is known as crocodile green.", "Join Now BOOKSTORE ABOUT CAI My CAI â¾ Sign InChaptersFind A ChapterChapter Trade ShowsBenefits from Your Local ChapterLocal education and networking opportunities.AdvocacyFederal AdvocacyState AdvocacyLegal ArenaPublic PoliciesResourcesCAI Advocacy BlogTake Action Today!State Legislative Action CommitteesLegislator & Staff CornerAll the latest from Federal Affairs, Grassroots Activity, Research, Legal and Community Association Issues.Learning CenterEducation for ManagersEducation for HomeownersEducation for Business PartnersOnline LearningWebinarsProfessional CredentialsResearch LibraryPublicationsEventsExchange: Online CommunitiesGain knowledge and experience with our many educational offerings.Community ManagersMANAGEMENT COMPANIESEducationEventsWebinarsChapter Trade showsProfessional CredentialsJob MarketDirectory of Credentialed ProfessionalsPublicationsFind a Service ProfessionalExchange: Online CommunitiesIndustry DataEverything you need to take your career to the next level.Homeowner LeadersFind A ChapterChapter Trade showsFind a Service ProfessionalDirectory of Credentialed ProfessionalsExchange: Online CommunitiesThe Board Leadership Development WorkshopPublicationsResearch LibraryWebinarsEventsResources critical to your association's operations, management and governance.Business PartnersMarketing and Advertising OpportunitiesFind A ChapterChapter Trade showsEventsProfessional Services DirectoryEducationWebinarsProfessional CredentialsPublicationsExchange: Online CommunitiesFind new and exciting opportunities to grow your business and further your education.Fast SearchAnnual Conference Best PracticesCode of Ethics Directory of Credentialed ProfessionalsFoundation for Community Assn Research InsuranceLaw SeminarM-100 PCAM ApplicationProfessional Services Directory Reserve Study In addition, the Community Association Managers International Certification Board (CAMICB) awards the Certified Manager of Community Associations® (CMCA®) certification. Finding the Right Professional for Your Community. Are you putting your most valuable assets in the hands of the most qualified professionals?", "forest forest. a dense growth of trees, together with other plants, covering a large area of land. The science concerned with the study, preservation, and management of forests is forestry forestry,the management of forest lands for wood, water, wildlife, forage, and recreation.", "What is FSC Certified Furniture? Correctly implemented forest certification adds value to forests and provides consumers with the opportunity to make responsible choices through their purchases. The Forest Stewardship Council™ (FSC) is considered the “gold standard” in forest certification by the world’s leading environmental organizations..", "- ISA Certification and Credentials. There are six ISA certification credentials, each of which is earned by passing a different exam. The explanations below identify the different credentials and the basic requirements for each. ISA commits itself to impartiality in its certification activities.ISA understands how critical impartiality is to carrying out its certification activities. ISA manages conflict of interest and ensures the objectivity of all certification activities.n ISA Certified Arborist Utility Specialist has a minimum of 2000 hours experience over two years in electric utility vegetation management or has served as a consultant to a utility, with a minimum of 4,000 hours over a maximum 10-year period.", "- OR Refer to the SFT Procedures Manual (ver. 2008) p. 90. 1 Complete the (Scantron) Application form: 2 Fill in all bubble sections & be sure to bubble the box for the certification level you are requesting (Vol. FF, FF I, FF II) 3 Signed by the Fire Chief or an authorized signatory & list the Fire Agency.", "Forest School Training Forest School is a long term repetitive learning process that supports natural holistic development in learners of all ages and abilities.It originates from Scandinavian (particularly Danish) Early Years systems where child-led learning and play in the natural world are actively encouraged.he philosophy of Forest School is deeply rooted in understanding child development, learning and self esteem theories, and applying this understanding to facilitate powerful learning experiences. The repeated contact with a natural space (ideally woodland) is vital to support this process.", "What is Forestry? What is Forestry? Forestry is the science, art and practice of understanding, managing and using wisely the natural resources associated with, and derived from forest lands. These resources include timber, water, fish, wildlife, soil, plants, and recreation. Forest lands are instrumental in the beauty and spiritual impact of our landscape.", "- “Forest School is an inspirational process that offers children and young people opportunities to achieve, develop confidence and self esteem, through hands-on learning experiences in a local woodland environment.”.Forest School (England) Network.Forest School is an inspirational process that offers children and young people opportunities to achieve, develop confidence and self esteem, through hands-on learning experiences in a local woodland environment.”. Forest School (England) Network.", "- The purpose of this chapter is to describe the forest practices board, its organization and. administrative procedures, and to provide rules implementing RCW 34.05.220 and chapters 42.52. and 42.56 RCW. The purpose of this chapter is also to set out department procedures for.", "- Hands-on field studies include: 1) the identification and ecology of forest plants and animals, 2) wildland fire measurements, 3) forest mapping, 4) and forest measurements. You will enhance your education through exposure to field forestry operations and state-of-the-art computing facilities.", "Champion Trees of Pennsylvania The Pennsylvania Forestry Association is a broad-based citizen's organization that provides leadership and education in sound, science-based forest management and promotes stewardship to ensure the sustainability of all forest resources, resulting in benefits for all, today and into the future.", "Laws, Regulations & Policies 1 Forest Service Directives-the online version of the Forest Service's Manuals and Handbooks. 2 Timber Management Manuals-the 2400 series of the Forest Service Manuals concerning timber management. 3 National and Regional direction is included on this page.", "Forestry Forestry is the science and craft of creating, managing, using, conserving, and repairing forests and associated resources to meet desired goals, needs, and values for human and environment benefits.[1] Forestry is practiced in plantations and natural stands. The science of forestry has elements that belong to the biological, physical, social, political and managerial sciences.", "- A consulting forester can lead. you through the planning process, conduct the forest inventory, and make recommendations on. how to meet your forestland goals. Forest improvement involves removing undesirable trees and/or thinning a forest stand to. improve the condition of the remaining trees.", "FSC, PEFC, SFI: whatâs the difference? PEFC not only focuses on the application of social standards for people working in forestry, but also in the timber processing industry (wood and paper industry). So, there is a larger focus on the chain than in FSC. PEFC also endorses national standards that meet PEFC International’s Sustainability Benchmark.", "Paper recycling Also news is the fact that this eco-friendly company is putting its money where its mouth is by achieving FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) and PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) certification.", "- Biogradska forest in Montenegro. Credit: Wikipedia. (Phys.org) —A team composed of researchers from several European countries has found that, due to aging forests and deforestation, Europe's forests appear headed for a carbon sink saturation point much earlier than anticipated.hese regrowing forests have shown to be a persistent carbon sink, projected to continue for decades, however, there are early signs of saturation. Forest policies and management strategies need revision if we want to sustain the sink. Journal reference: Nature Climate Change.", "Forestry Services Forestry Services. NSF International is a global leader in registrations and certifications. As a third-party provider, we conduct independent audits of your organization’s forestry operations, giving you a competitive edge as a leader in running an environmentally-conscious business.", "Become Certified Being FSC certified shows that you comply with the highest social and environmental standards on the market. As public concerns about the state of the world’s forests and timber resources increases, FSC provides you with a credible solution to complex environmental and social issues. FSC certification is an effective way to get public and consumer recognition of your responsible practices.", "- 'I have sighted the original document and certify this to be a true copy of the original.'. The person must then sign each statement and provide their designation (e.g. Pharmacist), taking care that the certification does not obscure any of the text on the copy. People authorised to sign certified documents include: 1 Justice of the peace or bail justice. 2 Barrister, solicitor or attorney. 3 Registrar or deputy registrar of the County Court. 4 Member of the police force. 5 Registered medical practitioner, dentist or veterinary practitioner. 6 Pharmacist. 7 Manager of a bank. 8 Minister of religion.", "- ISA Certification. As the new certification liaison for the chapter, I want to extend warmest regards to all my fellow chapter members. I am the Community Forester for Eastern Nebraska with the Nebraska Forest Service and have a background in Plant Health Care and landscape design/install.", "Forestry A practitioner of forestry is known as a forester. Forest ecosystems have come to be seen as the most important component of the biosphere, and forestry has emerged as a vital applied science, craft, and technology. Forestry is an important economic segment in various industrial countries. For example, in Germany, forests cover nearly a third of the land area, wood is the most important renewable resource, and forestry supports more than a million jobs and about billion in yearly turnover.", "- This could be something as simple as a work easement that means the forest service has the right to use a 30' strip of the property for tree trimming from time-to-time or it could simply mean that they may use a road across the property to access the forest." ]
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what channel is black mirror on
[ "Netflix deals Channel 4 knockout blow over Charlie Brooker's Black Mirror Jon Hamm as Matt Trent in Black Mirror. Photograph: Channel 4 Channel 4 has lost the right to show Charlie Brooker’s Black Mirror in the UK six months after the acclaimed drama was snapped up by Netflix in a reported $40m deal." ]
[ "- ‘Orange is the New Black’: The best Jewish moments from the new season. “Orange Is the New Black” protagonist Piper Chapman may no longer have a Jewish fiancé, but that doesn’t mean that Judaism isn’t a huge part of the new season of the Netflix hit.", "- Fortunately, nothing can deface the beauty of a ship. The Mirror of the Sea by Conrad, Joseph View in context. Concerning the means of procuring unity; men must beware, that in the procuring, or reuniting, of religious unity, they do not dissolve and deface the laws of charity, and of human society.", "- Watch The CW TV series online with help from SideReel! Find links to shows, read episode summaries and reviews, add ratings, and more.", "- “Black Mirror” and “Easy” will compete against Netflix’s other TV Movie entry, “David Brent: Life on the Road,” as well as other qualified entries like “Sherlock: The Lying Detective,” “The Wizard of Lies,” and “Sharknado: The 4th Awakens.”. The 2017 Emmy nominations will be announced on Thursday, July 13.", "Despicable Me NBC (which is owned by Universal) had an extensive marketing campaign leading up to the film's release. Sneak peeks were shown in episodes of The Biggest Loser. Despicable Me was also featured on Last Comic Standing when Gru comes in to audition.", "- Find your favorite TV channels on the DIRECTV channel guide. Look to the channel guide for a full list of TV channels that come with DIRECTV packages. Refine your search by selecting a category, toggling All Channels/HD Channels, or typing in the names of the TV channels you want most. Select™.", "Black Mirror season 3, episode 5: âMen Against Fireâ is a warning from the past about our future Like most Black Mirror episodes, “Men Against Fire” is set in a near future where the promise and optimism of 20th- and 21st-century technologies have been gamed out to their frightening but queasily logical conclusions.", "Rollins Band - Liar ââ - Bohemia Afterdark Music featured on BVMTV during that time typically was not seen anywhere else. Subscribe to the NEW Bohemia Afterdark channel as we work through our library of thousands of music videos, interviews, events and more.", "- Click here for more information about the hosts, the show and more. Watch Live with Kelly and Michael, weekdays at 9:00AM on Channel 8 KLKN-TV. Click here for more information about the hosts, the show and more.", "Hallmark Channel Everywhere is now on Roku Hallmark Channel is Crown Media Family Network’s flagship 24 hours cable television network, allocated nationwide in high quality and standard definition to 89 million houses. As the nation’s leading destination for quality family entertainment, Hallmark CHANNEL supplies on the 100 year legacy of the Hallmark brand.", "Black Mirror ADDITIONAL VIDEOS Black Mirror Black Mirror: Season 3 (Trailer) Six haunting tales of longing and revenge unfold in a near-future world where human desires and high-tech innovations are dangerously intertwined. Black Mirror: Season 4 (Trailer) Fantasy, obsession and fear collide in these tales of twisted heroes, guilty secrets, young lovers and sleek inventions gone awry. Black Mirror", "Claude glass Painting by Claude Lorrain (1655-1660) shows the gradation of tone that artists hoped to emulate with the help of a Claude glass. Man Holding a Claude Glass by Thomas Gainsborough. A Claude glass (or black mirror) is a small mirror, slightly convex in shape, with its surface tinted a dark colour. Bound up like a pocket-book or in a carrying case, Claude glasses were used by artists, travelers and connoisseurs of landscape and landscape painting.", "- You can watch the video above to see where to go to get the Black Spindle today, but be forewarned: You're going to have to take out a lot of really challenging enemies in not a lot of time. 1 Run today's Daily Heroic Story, Lost to Light.", "- Though TV's late-night talk-show hosts were criticized for their collective delay in addressing the scandal, the Times piece was posted on the afternoon of Oct. 5 only hours before most shows taped that night's episode. ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Live and NBC's Late Night With Seth Meyers regularly air reruns on Friday night, and CBS' Late Show With Stephen Colbert pre-tapes Fridays show on Thursday. John Oliver was first to tackle the story on HBO's Last Week Tonight that Sunday.", "Danai Gurira Is the True Badass of the New Black Panther Footage The sequence eventually transitions to a trailer, soundtracked by Kendrick Lamar's DNA.. In it, Black Panther puzzles over what kind of king he will be. He is eventually challenged to a fight by Michael B. Jordan's Erik Killmonger, a would-be usurper of the throne, who sports his own golden Black Panther suit.", "- Orange black | series trailer [hd] | netflix , A crime committed youthful sends piper chapman women' prison, trades comfortable york life unexpected 1 . Netflix - watch tv shows online, watch movies online Watch tv shows and movies anytime, anywhere.", "- TV brands like RCA and Westinghouse aren't always what they seem. Find Ratings. Based on past experiences and what we've already seen leaked so far this year, secondary brands will play a big part in some retailers' plans for Black Friday TV specials.", "- Mixed views on 'Black Jesus'. the network announced that joining the hit series, Rick and Morty, The Boondocks and Childrens Hospital is the Untitled McBrayer/Triumph Sitcom from Robert Smigel, along with pilots from Daniel Stessen, John Krasinski and Jon Glaser.", "Black Mirror to return with 'disturbing' Christmas special Channel 4 described the drama, which has not yet been cast, as the most-mind bending Black Mirror yet.. I always enjoy a good ghost story at Christmas, and I'm a sucker for the Amicus’ compendium horror movies of the 70s, Brooker said. Our aim is to create the Black Mirror equivalent of that..", "Tune in: How to Get a Job LIVE! NEW!JobsCompany ReviewsCompany ReviewsCompany CultureBest Places to Work12 Companies That Will Pay You to Travel the World7 Types of Companies You Should Never Work For20 Companies Hiring for the Best Jobs In AmericaHow to Become the Candidate Recruiters Canât Resist13 Companies With Enviable Work From Home OptionsSalariesInterviewsKnow Your WorthAccount SettingsAccount SettingsSign InFor EmployersFor EmployersUnlock Employer AccountSign In to Employer CenterPost a JobEmployer BrandingJob AdvertisingEmployer BlogTalk to SalesPost Jobs FreeSign InKeywordJobsCompaniesSalariesInterviewsLocationSearch Explore White House Black Market Salaries. See White House Black Market Hourly Pay, White House Black Market Bonuses, or check out salaries for White House Black Market Internship or White House Black Market Contractor. White House Black Market Salaries by Location.", "- Black Smokers: Ore Factories of the Deep - Duration: 8:25. GEOMAR Kiel 30,622 views", "- Search for channels with the DIRECTV Channel Guide below. Find out which DIRECTV packages have your favorite channels. You can look up a specific channel, browse by category or check out all the HD channels.", "- Re: Big Brother After Dark - No longer on Showtime. It's on TVGN! If people would do their HOMEWORK, they would find out that TV Guide Network is ONLY on Dish and DirectTV.", "Bravo Channel Bravo Programming & Shows. Reruns: Any number of shows from the family of NBC channels. Original Series: Top Chef, Project Runway, The Real Housewives of Atlanta (Beverly Hills, you name it), Flipping Out, Inside the Actors Studio, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy etc.", "Black Lightning (TV series) The series sees the retired Black Lightning return to the hero life and its effects on his family life. Development on the series began in September 2016 when Fox ordered a pilot production commitment for Black Lightning. In February 2017, Fox passed on the series, with it being picked up by The CW with a new script for the pilot.", "NBC's Fall Schedule: Comedy Returns to Thursday, 'Timeless' Earns Choice Monday Slot The Hollywood Reporter. NBC's Fall Schedule: Comedy Returns to Thursday, 'Timeless' Earns Choice Monday Slot. 'The Blacklist' shifts to 10 p.m., and spinoff 'Redemption' holds for midseason, while Dick Wolf's 'Chicago' empire expands to four (!!!) nights. NBC is not playing it safe with its coveted post-Voice drama slot.", "Black magic Beyond black magic's links to organised Satanism or its historical persecution by Christianity and its inquisitions, there are links between religious and black magic rituals. The Black Mass, for example, is a sacrilegious parody of the Catholic Mass.", "- Watch the official black-ish online at ABC.com. Get exclusive videos and free episodes. Watch the official black-ish online at ABC.com. Get exclusive videos and free episodes.", "Daniel Kaluuya In 2011 Enda Walsh 's adaption of his stage play Chatroom was also released with Kaluuya having a main role. He later appeared in the Johnny English sequel, Johnny English Reborn, as Agent Tucker. He also played the role of Mac Armstrong in BBC3's supernatural drama The Fades (TV series) . Kaluuya played one of the lead characters 'Bing' in the second episode of Channel Four's 2011 drama series Black Mirror, entitled Fifteen Million Merits.", "- The second series of Charlie Brooker's dark satire Black Mirror kicks off tonight on Channel 4 at 10:00pm. In this series, the journalist and TV personality scrutinises social media, politics and the ways in which new technologies are altering human behaviour." ]
[ 15.7890625 ]
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largest wine companies in the world
[ "World's largest wine company sells Hardys to private equity group Champ The world's largest wine company, Constellation Brands, has raised a glass and $230m (£149m) by selling of most of its operations in the UK and Australia. The world's largest wine company sells Hardys to private equity group Champ." ]
[ "- What country is the largest manufacturer in the world? China by a very very long shot. Toyota are the biggest and richest on Earth, selling over 2 million cars in 3 months in 2007.They sold more Priuses in 1 year than VW did in total in the USA. Submitted by A.H…are I think Volkswagen is the correct answer.", "The 10 Biggest Wine Collections in the World the staff even recently discovered a gem among the stacks of wine a $ 30000 bottle of 1947 chateau latour one of the most expensive wines in the world bern s steakhouse has a sister restaurant named side bern s as well as a a wine and liquor store", "Top 10 Richest Companies in The World Sinopec is also known as the China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation Limited. It is headquartered in Chaoyang district, Beijing, China and its CEO is Su Shulin and Chairman is Fu Chengyu and Vice President is Wang Tianpu. It is the first Chinese company to make it in the list of top 10 richest companies in the world. Its businesses include oil and gas exploration, refining, marketing, production and sales of petrochemicals, chemical fibers, fertilizers and storage and transportation of crude oil and natural gas.", "The worldâs biggest brewing company is thirsty for your data Anheuser-Busch InBev is the biggest brewing company in the world, but it has a problem it can’t shake. While Bud Light accounts for at least 1 out of every 6 beers sold in America, sales of its flagship beers have been slumping: between 2010 and 2016, the value of Budweiser sales fell 17 percent and Bud Light sales slipped 14 percent, according to alcohol market analyst IWSR.", "Ask Dr. Vinny What is the largest barrel size? Is it a hogshead? —Jason, via the Internet. Actually, the world's largest wine barrel is considered to be the Heidelberg Tun, contained within the cellars of Germany's Heidelberg Castle. It was built in 1751 from 130 oak trees by Prince Elector Karl Theodor, and it stands 7 meters high, 8 1/2 meters wide, holds 220,000 liters (that's more than 58,000 gallons) of wine, and has a dance floor built on top of it.", "Top 10 Largest Companies in the World ING is the largest banking/financial company in the world by revenue. ING Group Headquarter. 9. Sinopec. Sinopec is a Chinese company, a majority owned subsidiary of state owned company Sinopec Group, headquartered in Beijing. Recently this companies has started to grow outside China as well.", "French wine French wine is produced all throughout France, in quantities between 50 and 60 million hectolitres per year, or 7–8 billion bottles. France is one of the largest wine producers in the world. French wine traces its history to the 6th century BC, with many of France's regions dating their wine-making history to Roman times. The wines produced range from expensive high-end wines sold internationally to more modest wines usually only seen within France such as the Margnat wines were during the ...", "- This is a list of the world's largest public, state-owned, and private businesses by its consolidated revenue. The list is limited to companies with annual revenues exceeding 110 billion USD. The most common industry is oil and gas, with nearly one third being classified as such.", "6 Mega Corporations Control Almost the Entire Global Cigarette Industry As recently as 15 years ago, Philip Morris was the largest tobacco company in the world by a comfortable margin. 3. British American Tobacco (London, United Kingdom)", "10 Largest Alcohol Companies in the World The following list is a compilation of top alcohol companies that have ruled the international markets for years. They have ensured quality production at most affordable prices. As a result, these companies have earned a handsome annual profit and offered most jobs to strengthen their employee bank.", "Top 10 Biggest Oil and Gas Companies in the World Within 20 years, Royal Dutch Shell became the leading oil company in the world. The company restructured itself in 2005 when it dissolved the original partnership of Shell Transport and Royal Dutch Petroleum to officially unify the two as Royal Dutch Shell plc.", "- (Redirected from List of companies by revenue). This is a list of the world's largest public, state-owned, and private businesses by its consolidated revenue. The list is limited to companies with annual revenues exceeding 110 billion USD. The most common industry is oil and gas, with nearly one third being classified as such.", "- Largest Alcoholic Beverages Companies. Below are the world’s largest alcoholic beverages companies ordered by total sales (both domestic and international) as reported for May 2017. Shown within parenthesis is the country where each conglomerate has its headquarters. Anheuser-Busch InBev: US$45.6 billion (Belgium)", "Top Wine Regions of The World For instance, Spain produces the highest volume of Tempranillo in the world. This means that Spain produces both the most value Tempranillo as well as the best Tempranillo in the world. The next time you buy wine from these top regions, focus on what their exceptional wines are.", "Beverage World Ranks the 50 Largest Companies Based on Alcohol Revenue! “Read up on the 50 biggest names in the spirits world! Below is an article from Beverage World. Links to each company follow the article. Enjoy” 1. Anheuser-Busch Leuven, Belgium/New York, N.Y. – $39,046.1 2. SABMiller plc* London, U.K. – $28,249.2 3. Heineken Amsterdam, The Netherlands – $22,171.7 4. Kirin Holdings Tokyo, Japan – $16,897.3 5. Diageo", "The World's Biggest Oil And Gas Companies - 2015 The World's Biggest Oil And Gas Companies - 2015. All that production growth is far from evenly distributed. Kremlin-controlled Rosneft takes the prize for adding the most volumes in the past decade, surging from 300,000 boepd in 2004 to 4.7 million boepd now.", "A Closer Look At The Worldâs 5 Biggest Oil Companies The desert kingdom has around 16% of the world’s proven oil reserves and is the biggest global exporter of petroleum liquids. There is little doubt as to why its national oil company, Saudi Aramco, the biggest energy company in the world, generates over $1 billion in revenue every single day.", "Big Oil: Which Are The Top 10 Biggest Oil Companies? Here are the top 10 largest oil companies by revenue, with revenue totals from 2014: 1. China Petroleum and Chemical Corp., or “Sinopec” ($455.06 billion) – the state-owned Chinese oil company Sinopec claims the mantle as the largest in the world.", "Economy of the United States List of largest companies by revenue. The largest public, state-owned, and private businesses by its consolidated revenue. The list is limited to 50 companies with annual revenues exceeding $100 billion US. The most common industry is oil and gas, with nearly one third being classified as such.", "Economy of the United States List of largest companies by revenue. (Redirected from List of companies by revenue) The largest public, state-owned, and private businesses by its consolidated revenue. The list is limited to 50 companies with annual revenues exceeding $100 billion US. The most common industry is oil and gas, with nearly one third being classified as such.", "- Among the top 50, 37 are Burgundy wines, including six from the Cote de Beaune and 31 from the Cote de Nuits. Henri Jayer Richebourg Grand Cru, produced in Cote de Nuits, has claimed the title of most expensive wine in the world, with an average price of US$16,193 per bottle and a maximum price of US$24,473.", "E. & J. Gallo Winery E. & J. GALLO WINERY Company Profile. E. & J. Gallo Winery brings merlot to the masses. The company is the world's largest family-owned winemaker, thanks in part to value-jug and -box labels Carlo Rossi and Peter Vella.", "Which Countries Produce And Consume The Most Wine? The OIV has not yet released details country-by-country, but other sources estimate that today the USA is the world’s biggest wine consumers, followed by France and Italy. In France and Italy health concerns and changing trends and cultures have led to a steady decline in wine consumption.", "The Top 30 U.S. Wine Companies of 2011 -- Profiles The Franzia boxed wine brand is the leading U.S. boxed wine, and the company continues to expand in the boxed wine category. Shipments of Franzia boxed wines were up 5 percent last year on a 26-million-case base.", "Owners of âworldâs largest liquor storeâ indicted The brothers who run the world’s largest liquor store – Daveco Liquors – face racketeering and theft charges after authorities say they cheated Colorado and the City of Thornton out of hundreds of thousands of tax dollars.", "The worldâs 10 best-selling spirits brands Despite this, a large number of the world’s best-selling spirits brands are from the Indian whisky sector – without doubt one of the largest spirits categories in the world, boasting huge volumes.", "15 of the Worldâs Largest Objects It’s a 490 liter Grande Cuvee TBA NV No.7 2005 of Austrian wine maker Kracher, presented in Rehetobel Switzerland. The bottle itself has been certified by Guinness World Records as the world’s largest bottle of wine, holding the equivalent to 640 regular bottles of wine.", "A Closer Look At The Worldâs 5 Biggest Oil Companies With around half a million employees, Petrochina, the listed arm of state owned China National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC) is easily one of the biggest oil and gas companies in the world.", "What are the biggest cheese companies in the world? Answer Wiki. I think Nestle (Switzerland)is the biggest cheese company in the world. Nestle is the World’s top dairy company. Lactalis (France), Danone (France), Fonterra (New Zealand), Dairy farmers of America (USA).", "- Heidelberg Tun: Largest wine barrel in the world - See 207 traveler reviews, 113 candid photos, and great deals for Heidelberg, Germany, at TripAdvisor." ]
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is latvia a multi ethnic state
[ "- He is also credited with formulating the clause in Article I of the Latvian constitution (the Satversme , adopted in 1922) stating that the sovereign power of the State of Latvia is vested in the people of Latvia ( Latvian : Latvijas tauta ) rather than the Latvian people (Latvian: latviešu tauta), and is thus responsible for laying part of the legal groundwork for a multi-ethnic nation-state and political nation." ]
[ "- Lithuanian is the official language of Lithuania and is spoken by about 4 million native speakers. The language belongs to the Baltic branch of the Indo-European family. Researchers of Indo-European languages say Lithuanian is the most archaic of all the living Indo-European tongues. In this respect it compares to the earliest Indo-European texts written 2500-3000 years ago. The Commission of the Lithuanian Language is the official regulating organization of the language.", "- The Pennsylvania State University. Lithuanian is a very old language.. This is a bit of mythology which is constantly repeated whenever the subject of the Lithuanian language arises. It seems, however, that very few people ever take the time to ask exactly what this means.", "Race and ethnicity in Latin America Race and ethnicity in Latin America. There is no single system of races or ethnicities that covers all of Latin America, and usage of labels may vary substantially. In Mexico, for example, the category mestizo[1] is not defined or applied the same as the corresponding category of mestiço in Brazil. In spite of these differences, the construction of race in Latin America can be contrasted with concepts of race and ethnicity in the United States.", "Lebanon Its rugged, mountainous terrain has served throughout history as an asylum for diverse religious and ethnic groups and for political dissidents. Lebanon is one of the most densely populated countries in the Mediterranean area and has a high rate of literacy.", "Names of ethnicities and ethnicities in names I imagine that the first holders of this name lived in a microsociety consisting mainly of people of other ethnicities or had some reasons to stress their ethnic origin, but quite possibly they changed their initial name to Latvietis later in the 20th century.", "Find Latin America's Safest, Cheapest Countries Latin America is the part of the North and South American continents south of the United States where the official language is Spanish, Portuguese or French.Each year, millions of tourists flock to Latin America to enjoy its beaches, rain forests, mountains, biodiversity, history and culture.osta Rica is a Central American country bordered by Nicaragua in the north and Panama in the south, and situated between the Pacific Ocean on its west coast and the Caribbean Sea to the east.", "Lithuanians Lithuanians (Lithuanian: lietuviai, singular lietuvis/lietuvė) are a Baltic ethnic group, native to Lithuania, where they number around 2,561,300 people.[3] Another million or more make up the Lithuanian diaspora, largely found in countries such as the United States, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Russia, United Kingdom and Ireland.", "Lebanese people (nationality) The cultural and linguistic heritage of the Lebanese people is a rich blend of both indigenous elements and the foreign cultures that have come to rule the land and its people over the course of thousands of years.", "- Livonian material contains both a direct Low German loan and a word shape obviously mediated by Latvian. The loanword mei(j)u in Finnic languages In the case of Viljandi, strata from the 13th-14th centuries and those connected to the destructions caused by the Livonian War (from 1560 onwards) have yielded most of the finds.", "- UTC+2. Latvia (Latvija) is a Baltic state in Northern Europe. Latvia is bordered by Estonia to the north, Lithuania to the south, Russia to the east, Belarus on the south east, and the Baltic Sea on the west. The most famous travel spot is the capital Riga, a World Heritage Site.TC+2. Latvia (Latvija) is a Baltic state in Northern Europe. Latvia is bordered by Estonia to the north, Lithuania to the south, Russia to the east, Belarus on the south east, and the Baltic Sea on the west. The most famous travel spot is the capital Riga, a World Heritage Site.", "- During the Soviet period Latvia underwent heavy industrialisation, and experienced a big influx of immigrants from other parts of the USSR, mainly Russia. Many ethnic Latvians maintain that this wave of immigration was part of a deliberate Soviet policy to dilute Baltic culture and destroy local national sentiment.", "- Lithuania is a Parliamentary democracy on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea and it is the largest in Baltic countries. Lithuania was the first Soviet republic to declare independence from the USSR. .ooking for Latvia According to the Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, Latvia is a country in northeastern Europe, along the shores of the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Rig … a..", "Latvian lats For muscles in the human back and shoulder, see latissimus dorsi muscle. The lats (plural: lati (2–9) latu (10 and more)), ISO 4217 currency code: LVL or 428) was the currency of Latvia until it was replaced by the euro on 1 January 2014.A two-week transition period during which the lats was in circulation alongside the euro ended on 14 January 2014.he Latvian Bank issued notes from 1922 in denominations of 20, 25, 50, 100 and 500 latu. They also issued 10 latu notes which were 500 rubli notes overprinted with the new denomination.", "- LIT-347: Spain and Latin America through Literature and Film (3) Through a survey of several different forms, contemporary Spanish and Latin American reality is presented in this course offered as part of the AU Abroad program in Madrid.", "Definitions &Translations ; Louisiana Creole: Leta léta de La) lwizyan lwizyàn is a state located in the southern region Of The. United states louisiana is the 31st most extensive and the 25th most populous of The 50. United states its Capital Is baton rouge and largest City Is. new orleans", "- 1 Facts About the Culture of Latvia Latvia is a Baltic country located in Eastern Europe. 2 It is located along the Baltic Sea, between Estonia and Lithuania.", "- Latvia country profile. Read more about sharing. Situated in north-eastern Europe with a coastline along the Baltic Sea, Latvia has borders with Estonia, Russia, Belarus and Lithuania. It has linguistic links with Lithuania to the south and historical and religious ties with Estonia to the north. Not much more than a decade after it declared independence following the collapse of the USSR, Latvia was welcomed as an EU member in May 2004. The move came just weeks after it joined Nato.", "- A large Russian diaspora exists all over the world, with notable numbers in the United States, Germany, Israel, and Canada. Russians are the most numerous ethnic group in Europe. The Russians share many cultural traits with their fellow East Slavic counterparts, specifically Belarusians and Ukrainians as well as with Eastern South Slavs such as Bulgarians, Macedonians, Montenegrins and Serbs. They are predominantly Orthodox Christians by religion.", "2018âs Most & Least Ethnically Diverse Cities in the U.S. 2017’s Most & Least Culturally Diverse Cities. The U.S. today is a melting pot of cultures, thanks to rapid ethnic and racial diversification of the past four decades. If the trend continues, America will be more colorful than ever by 2044, at which point no single ethnic group will constitute the majority in the U.S. for the first time.", "Culture of Lebanon This variety is reflected in Lebanon's diverse population, composed of different religious groups, and features in the country's festivals, musical styles, literature, cuisine of Lebanon and architecture of Lebanon. Tourism in Lebanon is popular with periods of interruption during conflict.", "Demographics of Lithuania After World War II. Among the Baltic states, Lithuania has the most homogeneous population. According to the census conducted in 2001, 83.4% of the population identified themselves as Lithuanians, 6.7% as Poles, 6.3% as Russians, 1.2% as Belarusians, and 2.3% as members of other ethnic groups.", "Latvia Latvians and Livs are the indigenous people of Latvia. Latvian is an Indo-European language; it and Lithuanian are the only two surviving Baltic languages. Despite foreign rule from the 13th to 20th centuries, the Latvian nation maintained its identity throughout the generations via the language and musical traditions.", "Latgalian Latgalian is mainly spoken in Eastern Latvia particularly in Latgale, but there are also a few people who speak it in Riga too. According to the European Commission, “in the early 20th century there used to be half a million speakers of Latgalian, today approx.", "Lithuania Permanent representation to the EU. Latvia also communicates with the EU institutions through its permanent representation in Brussels. As Latvia's embassy to the EU, its main task is to ensure that the country's interests and policies are pursued as effectively as possible in the EU.", "- Examples for translating the ethnicity and race choices into the recording options above: 1 Example 1: A respondent self-identifies as Hispanic/Latino and as Asian. Example 2: A respondent self-identifies as Hispanic/Latino and as Asian and Black or African American.", "Names of ethnicities and ethnicities in names The word for a Russian in Latvian is krievs. It stems from the name of an ancient Slavic tribe Krivii. The word krievs was rather widely used for creating of family names in various forms Krievs (39), Krievi (68), Krievns (18). No doubt, some of the holders of this name descend from real Russians.", "Why People Are Using The Term âLatinxâ No, it’s not a typo. Yes, Latinx is, in fact, a word -- one many people identify with for various reasons. And if you've been online in the last couple of years, you've likely noticed the word popping up in your social media news feeds and in various articles in lieu of such identifiers as Latino, Latina or Latin@.", "White Latin Americans The following table shows estimates (in thousands) of White, Black/Mulatto, Amerindian, and Mestizo populations of Latin America, from the 17th to the 20th centuries. The figures shown are, for the years between 1650 and 1980, from the Arias' The Cry of My People..., for 2000, from Lizcano's Composición Étnica....", "List of Latino superheroes List of Latino superheroes. This is a list of Latino superheroes. Over the years the comic medium has delivered a diverse but stereotypical sampling of minority characters. For a brief history of stereotypical depictions of Hispanic characters in comics see the ethnic stereotypes in comics article.", "- Answer Wiki. , is a native speaker of Lithuanian, and can speak several other languages. Unsurprisingly enough, Lithuanians speak Lithuanian, one of the few still surviving Baltic languages (Latvian is another one, and some people are keen on distinguishing Samogitian and Latgalian as separate languages as well)." ]
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what is cooperative form of business
[ "Cooperative Corporation Legal Resources for Digital Media. Search. A cooperative corporation (or simply, a cooperative) is a special form of corporation that places ownership and/or control of the corporation in the hands of the employees or patrons of the corporation." ]
[ "\"ECONOMICS 15 points !!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1. Which of the following does a sole proprietorship and a partnership share? A. Ease of stopping and starting B. Shared debt liability C. Profit-sharing options D. Protection of personal assets 2. Renee has an idea to revolutionize the paper towel industry, but she has no money to start a business. Renee's lack of funds reveals a need for which factor of production? A. Entrepreneurship B. Financial capital C. Physical capital D.Warehouses 3. How is a partnership like a limited liability corporation? A. Both are incorporated. B. Both have investors. C.Both are inexpensive to start. D. Both protect personal assets. 4. A benefit of a purely competitive market is.. A. equal product information for buyers and sellers B. government sets the product prices to be competitive C. sellers may set their own prices D. sellers use advertising to attract buyers 5. In which market structure is it most difficult to become a competitive producer? A. Monopoly B. Monopolistic competition C. Oligopoly D. Pure competition 6. \"\"When diamonds are what you want, only the finest will do.\"\" This advertisement targets your A. fears B. rituals C. senses D. social values 7. Business revenue is A. money collected through product sales B. money a firm must pay for production C. taxes a firm must pay to the government D. taxes collected by the government\" ECONOMICS 15 points !!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1. Which of the following does a sole proprietorship and a partnership share? A. Ease of stopping and starting. B. Shared debt liability.", "What is a Cooperative? Producer Cooperatives. In this type of cooperative separate business owners come together to purchase items, hire staff, process items or provide services to benefit the whole collective. These items, staffers or services are then shared with all of the members to be used in their own respective companies.", "What are the different kinds of cooperatives? Housing cooperative Building cooperative Retailers' cooperative Utility cooperative Worker cooperative Business and employment co-operative Social cooperative Consumers' cooperative Agricultural cooperative Cooperative banking (credit unions and cooperative savings banks) Federal or secondary cooperatives.", "- Corporation. Corporation is a type of business which is formally registered as a public owned company it is recognized as a sperate entity from its owners.", "Cooperative Cooperatives include non-profit community organizations and businesses that are owned and managed by the people who use their services (a consumer cooperative); by the people who work there (a worker cooperative); by the people who live there (a housing cooperative); hybrids such as worker cooperatives that are also consumer cooperatives or credit ...", "Chapter 9 cooperative strategy May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.Primary Type of Cooperative Strategy:Strategic Alliances• Introduction: Strategic Alliance– Cooperative strategy in which firms combine resourcesand capabilities to create a competitive advantage• Three types of strategic alliances– 1.", "Partnerships Partnerships. Partnerships are the simplest type of legal structure to form for businesses with two or more principles; but while partnerships have no formal paperwork requirements, they usually don't protect partners from liability.artnerships. Partnerships are the simplest type of legal structure to form for businesses with two or more principles; but while partnerships have no formal paperwork requirements, they usually don't protect partners from liability.", "- This is a Legal Handbook covering everything from developement to running the cooperative. Chapters include. 1 Cooperative Basics. 2 The Conversion Process. The Offering Plan.", "Cooperative learning This is a cooperative learning strategy in which students form two concentric circles and take turns on rotation to face new partners to answer or discuss the teacher’s questions. This method can be used to gather variety of information, generate new ideas and solve problems.", "- Electric Cooperative 3 definitions Add definition. Browse. Electric Cooperative. Electric cooperative means, as defined in division (A)(5) of section 4928.01 of the Revised Code, a not-for-profit electric light company that both is or has been financed in whole or in part under the Rural Electrification Act of 1936, 49 stat.", "Overview of Businesses and Partnerships This section will explain various types of business organizations and help you decide if a partnership is the right form for your business. Types of Business Organizations. A partnership is only one type of business organization. There are basically five types of business organizations: sole proprietorship; general partnership; limited partnership; limited liability partnership; corporation; limited liability company", "- Cooperative advertising can be a very powerful tool for the small business owner, especially one with limited means to support the kind of advertising campaign which can be vital to the survival and success of a business enterprise.", "Differences Between Dual and Cooperative Federalism Cooperative federalism, or marble cake federalism, is the situation in which the national, state, and local governments work together to solve problems. They could also share expenses, administration, and even liability for programs.", "Defining the Cooperative The International Cooperative Alliance defines a cooperative (also known as co-operative, co-op, or coop) as an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise. 1 Cooperatives may include:", "Defining the Cooperative Defining the Cooperative. A cooperative can be defined in various ways: no single definition is sufficient for our study. We describe the multidimensional character of cooperative organizations and then identify firms and economic sectors that fit within one or more of these dimensions.", "CWS 1 The Co-operative Group, formerly Co-operative Wholesale Society, a consumer co-operative in the United Kingdom. A co-operative wholesale society, is a form of co-operative federation (that is, a co-operative in which all the members are co-operatives), in this case, the members are usually consumers' co-operatives.", "Cooperative A retailers' cooperative (known as a secondary or marketing cooperative in some countries) is an organization which employs economies of scale on behalf of its members to receive discounts from manufacturers and to pool marketing. It is common for locally owned grocery stores, hardware stores and pharmacies.", "- One such classification is based on their function and below are the different types of co-ops under that classification. Marketing co-ops are cooperatives formed to sell products. Initially, most were involved in marketing agricultural goods, but today this has changed to include a wide variety of products.", "cooperative Definition of cooperative for English Language Learners. : 1 willing to be helpful by doing what someone wants or asks for. : 2 involving two or more people or groups working together to do something. : 3 relating to a business or organization that is owned and operated by the people who work there or the people who use its services.", "cooperative adj. 1. Done in cooperation with others: a cooperative effort. 2. Marked by willingness to cooperate; compliant: a cooperative patient. 3. Of, relating to, or formed as an enterprise or organization jointly owned or managed by those who use its facilities or services: a cooperative department store; cooperative apartment buildings. n. 1. An enterprise or organization that is owned or managed jointly by those who use its facilities or services.", "- Definition of Cooperative. Cooperative. A type of residence where the buyer owns shares in the corporation that owns the building and has the right to live in a specific unit, but doesn't actually own the space. The development's association board interviews the buyer as part of the application to live in the community.", "Cooperative Federalism Law and Legal Definition Cooperative Federalism Law & Legal Definition. Cooperative federalism refers to a concept in which the state governments, local governments, and the federal government share responsibility in the governance of the people.hey cooperate in working out details concerning which level of government takes responsibility for particular areas and creating policy in that area. The concept of cooperative federalism put forward the view that the national and state governments are partners in the exercise of governmental authority.", "Cooperative form of Business Ownership Cooperative form of Business Ownership. Cooperative form of Business Ownership! Cooperative is yet another form of business ownership. The co-operative form of organisation is based on the philosophy of self-help and mutual help. It differs from the other three forms of business ownership. The basic line of difference is a cooperative organisation aims at rendering services in place of earning profits.", "Cooperative federalism (economics) Cooperative federalism has been one side in the historical debate in co-operative economics between co-operative federalism and cooperative Individualism. In an Owenite village of co-operation or a commune, the residents would be both the producers and consumers of its products.", "- [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. 3. : relating to a business or organization that is owned and operated by the people who work there or the people who use its services. a cooperative store. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. adverb.", "Cooperative A cooperative (also known as co-operative, co-op, or coop) is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise. Cooperatives may include: non-profit community organizations", "The Disadvantages of Cooperative Advertising Cooperative advertising can fund advertising in print, radio, television and for Internet advertising. Cooperative advertising allows companies distributing or retailing a product to get more advertising exposure for the dollars they invest in advertising.", "- The main reason for using a Cooperative for this purpose is that this legal form is flexible (for instance: no minimum capital requirement is applicable at the moment of incorporation), and under certain circumstances no Dutch dividend withholding tax is due with regard to profit distributions by the Cooperative.", "What is Producer Cooperatives? Answers.com® is making the world better one answer at a time. The predominant types of producer co-operatives take the form of agricultural co-operatives however producer co-operatives can also divulge into fishing, forestry, arts and crafts workshops. These types of co-operatives are administered by independent individuals who produce similar goods.", "cooperative 5 people found this helpful. The collection of firms created the cooperative to help each other hold a large stake in the market they would keep each other afloat while stoping any new opposition." ]
[ 14.5234375 ]
[ 4.49609375, 12.7578125, 8.671875, 6.43359375, 11.8125, 5.890625, 7.24609375, 7.5625, 5.67578125, 4.828125, 6.2734375, 8.796875, 5.6796875, 12.078125, 8.3125, 10.21875, 11.6015625, 8.8828125, 10.609375, 9.875, 9.921875, 5.14453125, 16.53125, 6.5625, 7.5, 12.8046875, 6.53515625, 11.4921875, 9.2109375, 9.0390625 ]
can you use a wii remote on wii u
[ "Can I transfer save data from my Wii to my Wii U? Yes. Wii Remote controllers are compatible with the Wii U console, but many Wii U games require a Wii Remote + Wii MotionPlus accessory or Wii Remote Plus controller. Please check game requirements to understand whether a Wii Remote Plus controller is required.es. The Wii U console can play all Wii games. In addition, Wii Shop Channel is available on Wii U, so you can purchase digital Wii games and download them to your Wii U." ]
[ "- Connecting a Wii or Wii U to a wireless network Connecting a Wii or Wii U to a wireless network Before you begin: You’ll need your SSID, encryption key and Security Key Type (WPA or WEP). You can obtain this information one of three ways: Review the sticker on the back of your router.sing the Left Stick, select the Internet icon and press the A Button. Select Connect to the Internet. The Wii U will search for available Wi-Fi networks in your area. Once the search completes, use the Right Stick to scroll up and down through the list of networks and select the name of your Wi-Fi network.", "Where Is My Wii Remote Cursor? You point the Wii remote at the screen and you don’t see the cursor — the little hand that indicates to what you are pointing. The home button on the remote is working. The battery level reads good.But you cannot select items on the screen.urn off your wii 2. take the back off of your wii remote 3. turn your wii back on 4. press and let go of the red sync button on the back of the remote (as the lights are flashing on your remote) 5. press and let go of the sync button on the wii..", "vouching Use vouching in a sentence “ It is easier to succeed in business if you can earn the trust of clients who are out in the community vouching for your integrity. Was this Helpful? YES NO 3 people found this helpful.", "Can I transfer save data from my Wii to my Wii U? No. The Wii U console does not play DVDs or Blu-Ray discs, but Wii U offers access to video-on-demand services* such as Netflix, Amazon Instant Video, Hulu Plus, and YouTube.n addition, Wii Shop Channel is available on Wii U, so you can purchase digital Wii games and download them to your Wii U. The system does not support Wii titles or accessories that require the use of the Nintendo GameCube controller ports.", "- Tips and warnings. 1 If you have the correct ports on your TV, you can alternately connect your Wii using the Wii Component cables. 2 Instead of yellow, white, and red connectors, these cables come with green, blue, and red connectors for the video channel, and red and white connectors for audio.", "Xbox 360 Universal Media Remote overview To find a code that will let your Xbox 360 Universal Media Remote operate your TV, go to the Xbox 360 Media Remote page. Enter a TV code. You can look up your code on our website and then enter the code using your remote control. 1 Turn on your TV and point the remote toward it.", "Can I transfer save data from my Wii to my Wii U? Many Wii U games require a Wii Remote + Wii MotionPlus accessory or a Wii Remote Plus controller, as well as a Nunchuk controller (these also come in handy when playing Wii games on your Wii U console). Find out more on the accessories page.es. The Wii U console can play all Wii games. In addition, Wii Shop Channel is available on Wii U, so you can purchase digital Wii games and download them to your Wii U.", "- 1 If you haven't already done so, create a Nintendo Network ID on your Wii U or Nintendo 3DS family system. 2 Visit http://accounts.nintendo.com and create or sign in to your Nintendo Account. Link your Nintendo Network ID to your Nintendo Account.", "- Yes, but you need a gamecube controller. To do this, put the gamecube game in the disc slot. Then, there should be four holes on the top of the Wii. Plug the gamecube controll…er into the player one hole. Take your Wii remote and select the gamecube game on the menu screen and click start. After this, you start using your gamecube controller.", "Video Guide: How to Play Two Players on the Nintendo Wii U Virtual Console I don't understand why I can't get to play a two player with Super Mario World. SNES games require a classic controller (either a Wii U Pro controller, or Wii classic controller, PRO or not).There would never be enough buttons on a Wii remote to map all the buttons present on a SNES pad.he Wii U Virtual Console supports a wide range of controllers-from Wii U GamePad to Wii Remote, making multiplayer a tad tricky. Our quick guide tells you how to setup multiplayer if using a Wii U GamePad and another Wii Controller. Running Virtual Console games in multiplayer mode on the original Wii was a snap.", "- I will put the nail in the coffin metaphoricallly and say rechargeable batteries will work fine with the remote and can personally say it will alot of batteries you would have baught in the long run but take what LMedia said and charge in pairs so you will have a full charge when put into a Wii remote.", "- What to Do: 1 Power on your Wii console and press the A Button on the Wii Remote to reach the Wii main menu. 2 Select Wii Settings to access the Wii System Settings menu. 3 Using the arrow on the right side of the screen, scroll to page two and select Internet.. 4 Select Connection Settings.. 5 Select Connection 1: None..", "Are the Wii and Nintendo Wii the same? Can you get Wii U on a normal Wii? No. The Nintendo Wii U is a brand new eighth-generation console. The GamePad tablet that comes with it is the actual controller for it, not the system or a peripheral. It cann…ot be used on a Wii as it is a different console-it's like trying to use a Wiimote on the GameCube.", "- 167 results for magic button remote. 1 Follow magic button remote to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. 2 Unfollow magic button remote to stop getting updates on your eBay Feed. 3 Yay! You're now following magic button remote in your eBay Feed.You'll receive email alerts for new listings.", "What kind of battery do you use for Wii Remote? · just now. Report Abuse. The batteries do come with the Wii when you buy it. You have to use AA batteries for the Wiimote. I bought rechargable ones, not the little charging station. It's best to buy rechargable batteries for the Wii.", "Splatoon supports two-player motion control with this one weird trick On the controller selection screen for Battle Dojo, press and hold down on the +Control Pad, press and hold B, and then press ZR and ZL. When using a Wii U Pro Controller, first press ZL and ZR to select that as your controller, and then press the 2 Button on the Wii Remote Plus to activate it.This reminds me of the time people made paper-plate steering-wheels for their Wii Remotes to avoid buying the Wii Wheel to play Mario Kart 6.hen using a Wii U Pro Controller, first press ZL and ZR to select that as your controller, and then press the 2 Button on the Wii Remote Plus to activate it. This reminds me of the time people made paper-plate steering-wheels for their Wii Remotes to avoid buying the Wii Wheel to play Mario Kart 6.", "- 1 36% - I`m trying to help a customer with connecting a verizon mifi w/kindle so they are able to connect with the mifi? 2 39% - Am i able to connectt a mifi hotspot from verizon wireless to my gaming console? 3 27% - I`m trying to connect my roku and i have a blu ray player.", "Controllers Up to 4 Wii Remote (or Wii Motion Plus) controllers can be connected at once. Supports at least 2 Wii U Gamepad controllers (Source: IGN). However, no games available at this point are known to take advantage of this feature, and a second GamePad is not currently available for sale in the US.", "- Nintendont - | Yes, you CAN play GameCube games on your Wii U! That's a lot. Nintendont supports Wii U Pro Controllers, Classic Controllers, Dualshock 3, Wii Remotes and even GameCube controllers via adapters (and the upcoming official adapter will likely work too). Nintendont can also play games in widescreen, and emulate the memory card.", "Welcome to Virtual Console⢠for Wii U Play off-TV on the Wii U GamePad. Play Wii U Virtual Console games on your TV, or with just the Wii U GamePad controller when someone else is watching TV.", "\"Looking for wireless router that can truly \"\"go the distance\"\"\" Approximately 20 feet further away is a Wii which cannot detect the wireless signal. I would like to replace the router with one that has a stronger signal that is able to reach the 90+ feet necessary to establish good connections to the computer and Wii.", "- If you've got a Wii U, Wii mode is just a channel. There's one channel for Wii U games and one for Wii games. You go to that Wii channel, and the Wii shop channel is in there.f you've got a Wii U, Wii mode is just a channel. There's one channel for Wii U games and one for Wii games. You go to that Wii channel, and the Wii shop channel is in there.", "- Illuminate your Wii gameplay action with these controllers. 3.9(224 Reviews). Check Shipping & Availability. Here's how: Price Match Guarantee. Best Buy is dedicated to always offering the best value to our customers. We will match the price, at the time of purchase, on a Price Match Guarantee product if you find the same item at a lower price at a Designated Major Online Retailer or at a local retail competitor's store.", "Pointing device The Wii Remote, also known colloquially as the Wiimote, is the primary controller for Nintendo's Wii console. A main feature of the Wii Remote is its motion sensing capability, which allows the user to interact with and manipulate items on screen via gesture recognition and pointing through the use of accelerometer and optical sensor technology.", "Wii Remote A main feature of the Wii Remote is its motion sensing capability, which allows the user to interact with and manipulate items on screen via gesture recognition and pointing through the use of accelerometer and optical sensor technology. Another feature is its expandability through the use of attachments.", "Can you play DVDs on a Wii console? · just now. Report Abuse. DVD playback is built in to the Wii-But Nintendo rendered it unusable. You can use it if you want to risk hacking and downloading the Homebrew Channel, but that's not very much worth it. Personally, I think systems that can play DVD's are pointless. just now. Report Abuse. DVD playback is built in to the Wii-But Nintendo rendered it unusable. You can use it if you want to risk hacking and downloading the Homebrew Channel, but that's not very much worth it. Personally, I think systems that can play DVD's are pointless.", "How to Sync a Wii Remote with a Wii U Console 1 Connect the sensor bar and place it appropriately. 2 How to. 3 While on the Wii U Menu, press the SYNC button on the Wii U console to display the controller pairing screen. 4 You can also pair controllers from the HOME Menu. 5 How to. 6 Press the SYNC Button on the console until the screen shows the controller type you want to pair. Press the SYNC Button on the console until the screen shows the controller type you want to pair. 2 Press the SYNC Button on the Wii Remote. 3 The Player LED on the controller will light up when the pairing is complete. 4 The Player LED indicates the player number of the controller currently in use.", "- Wii U Games; Wii U Kids & Family Games + See more; Wii Game Microphones; Xbox 360 Controllers; Wii Controllers; Xbox One Controllers-See Less + See All 12 Departments; Baby Products. Baby Bathing & Skin Care; Health & Household. Baby Bathing Products; Baby & Child Care Products; Toys & Games; Electronics; Musical Instruments; Software; Books; Home & Kitchen; Apps & Games", "- Universal WiFi Range Extender WN3000RP. Connect a PC to the Extender with an Ethernet Cable. Usually, you connect to the Extender wirelessly, but you can use its LAN port to connect a. wired device such as an Ethernet-enabled gaming console, printer, or PC.", "Can I transfer save data from my Wii to my Wii U? Will my Wii Remote controllers work with the Wii U system? Yes. Wii Remote controllers are compatible with the Wii U console, but many Wii U games require a Wii Remote + Wii MotionPlus accessory or Wii Remote Plus controller. Please check game requirements to understand whether a Wii Remote Plus controller is required." ]
[ 16.484375 ]
[ 9.265625, 7.7578125, -1.3681640625, 11.0234375, 5.89453125, 1.755859375, 14.546875, 7.234375, 8.625, 11.8359375, 5.53515625, 8.1328125, 13, 1.7314453125, 6.4375, 12.6328125, 3.953125, 13.046875, 13.2421875, 7.36328125, -0.3603515625, 10.3671875, 5.1875, 10.046875, 8.734375, 4.015625, 13.3671875, 6.9375, 2.091796875, 17.359375 ]
Is Polyvore a Store
[ "- Polyvore is a community powered social commerce website. Members curate products into a shared product index and use them to create image collages called Sets. Active Polyvore communities exist in the areas of fashion, interior design, and artistic expression." ]
[ "- Kotaku Store Redirecting to the Kotaku store in Disclaimer: You are leaving a Gizmodo Media Group, LLC website and going to a third party site, which is subject to its own privacy policy and terms of use. Continue", "- Welcome to the Campus Bookstore. Whether it’s used books, e-books, book rentals, or book buy-back, you can count on us to keep more money in your pocket! With textbook prices rising dramatically over the past few years, Campus Bookstore has always maintained its policy of giving you the best deal possible. Whether it be used books, e-books, book rentals or buy-backs you can count on us to keep more money in your pocket.", "P.S. from AeropostaleMall Store Locations NOTE: This is not necessarily a list of all P.S. from Aeropostale locations - these are only the stores at the malls in MallSeeker's database. top of page. Shoppers' Comments on P.S. from Aeropostale.", "- We’re sorry. We could not find any stores or restaurants at Montgomery Mall® that matched your search. Please try again after checking for typos or spelling errors or clearing any filters. A Dollar & Change.", "Grocery store Health food stores typically offer a wider or more specialized selection of foods than conventional grocery stores for their customers, such as people with special dietary needs. Health food stores became much more common in the 1960s in connection to the newly emerging ecology movement and counterculture.mall grocery stores that mainly sell fruits and vegetables are known as produce markets (U.S.) or greengrocers (Britain), and small grocery stores that predominantly sell prepared food, such as candy and snacks, are known as convenience stores or delicatessens.", "- Yes-for no logical reason, you would buy food for the family from a food shop (food store) and you would buy feed for the animals from a feed store.(Though one dictionary says FEED-Food, especially for animals or babies !).e tested many types/kinds of food.Or, He tested many (of the) dishes. Then, there is foodstuff. This is anything that can be made into food. A great many people will think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.", "Convenience store A convenience store, c-store, small grocery store, bodega, mini-market or corner shop/store, is a small store that stocks a range of everyday items such as groceries, snack foods, candy, toiletries, soft drinks, tobacco products, and newspapers. Such stores may also offer money order and wire transfer services. convenience store may be part of a gas/petrol station. It may be located alongside a busy road, in an urban area, or near a railway or railroad station or other transport hub. In some countries, convenience stores have long shopping hours, some being open 24 hours.", "FAQs about Pandora To locate a store, go to the Pandora website and click STORE in the top menu. Then either put in your zip code or address (or some computers have GPS locators so your location is highlighted on the right), and a list of your nearest store will appear on the left.", "store Use store in a sentence. I saw him at the store the other day, but did not have enough courage to walk up to him and tell him I saw him on t.v. 22 people found this helpful. Fortunately the business partner was able to access the store of reserves had had been accumulating so that saved our business.", "Campus Stores To sum it up, our bookstores serve as your one-stop shop for class and campus living. Find your nearest Follett college bookstore or college campus store by simply searching by school or state below. Find your nearest Follett college bookstore or college campus store. Find your nearest Follett college bookstore or college campus store. Click here if you're looking for our corporate locations. Click here if you're looking for our corporate locations.", "- A shift in Aéropostale's merchandising strategies resulted in several of the Aéropostale retail stores being converted to Aéropostale Factory Stores. Many of the stores are located in retail malls, rather than outlet malls, however the merchandise mix and prices are the same. The remaining Aéropostale retail stores are exclusively for shoppers looking for high-fashion, trendy clothing. Below is the list of Aéropostale Factory Stores.", "- Like Webstaurant Store, Lakeside is a restaurant supply provider, and they are offering a deal similar to Webstaurant Store coupons. More Lakeside promo codes 10% Off", "How to Use Polyvore Trendseekers and shoppers alike come to Polyvore to discover brands, products, trends and looks. Polyvore's easy-to-use virtual styling tool lets you mix and match products from any online store to create fashion collections called sets.", "- Their goal is to be available in every store in the country. That means they spend huge sums of money on advertising, merchandising and promotion as well as on their supply chain. Store brands are not cheaper, they are just less expensive to market than national brands are. That’s good news for consumers.", "Top 9 Clothing Stores In Brazil Top 9 Clothing Stores in Brazil. The following ranking is entirely based on Ibevar’s (Instituto Brasileiro de Executivos de Varejo) study published in 2013 regarding the largest retailers in Brazil. The order is determined by the total revenue in 2013.", "- Instead, see that in slow motion, across the course of a year, 1 967, and against the double negatives of the Relaches, Sturtevant cleaves the everything of The Store of Claes Oldenburg, her virgule consisting of the Study for Yvonne Rainess Three Seascapes'--but the climax of her Study, unlike Rainer's own Three Seascapes, was not centered by the ...", "- Choose a store using the Store Locator to browse all products in stock and see related accessories and products for purchase. Without selecting a location near you, results are less specific to products available to you in store.", "- When multiple stores are selected, items shown may not be located at all stores. Select an item to view individual store availability.", "How to Make a Collage on Polyvore On Polyvore, users can share sets as inspiration for other users. Generally, each set created revolves around a specific theme. Since Polyvore is mainly a website for beauty and fashion products, themes range from Halloween makeup ideas to celebrity red carpet style.hese sets are typically collages that comprise items that can be bought by simply clicking on a link. Each set contains information about every item in the set; it shows the name of the brand, the price of the product, and the website where the product can be bought.", "- Your Walgreens Store. Select a store from the search results to make it Your Walgreens Store and save time getting what you need. Your Walgreens Store will be the default location for picking up prescriptions, photos, in store orders and finding deals in the Weekly Ad. Filter:", "- Prairie Farm Grocery Stores. About Search Results. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "Welcome to the Murray State University Bookstore What you spend here, stays here. As part of Campus Auxiliary Services, proceeds earned by the University Store support university student services. Other Auxiliary Services: Housing/Residence Life and Dining Services and Racer Hospitaltiy.", "- The store is among the oldest in the country and also one of the oldest surviving businesses of any kind. It has been the scene of town meetings in the early 1800's, and again in the 1900's; the library; post office for over 100 years; and a stage stop.", "- Use store in a sentence. I saw him at the store the other day, but did not have enough courage to walk up to him and tell him I saw him on t.v. Fortunately the business partner was able to access the store of reserves had had been accumulating so that saved our business.", "- Conveniently located in Central, The Store stocks a whole range of health food products at great value; form organic foods, superfoods, vitamins, minerals, protein products and sports nutrition. Many of the products are sourced from overseas, saving us from trying to source online (and those delivery charges!).", "- Start your search by typing in the business name below. White Marsh Sears Store. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "- What is aStore? aStore is a new Associates product that gives you the power to create a professional online store, in minutes and without the need for programming skills, that can be embedded within or linked to from your website. Keep visitors on your site longer as they shop.", "- Although a lot of the food at the dollar store was brand name, it’s worth doing some comparison shopping for items you use a lot because they’re not always cheaper per ounce or item.astes great. One time I ran out of broth (from the Dollar Tree) and had to mix soy sauce with water to achieve the same thing that broth and salt accomplishes. And one time I added some nutritional yeast (not from the dollar store) because I wanted cheesy potatoes and didn’t have any cheese.", "leverage “ The store was highly leveraged and the pace of their existing sales seemed quite unlikely to help them pay back their debts in a timely manner to prevent bankruptcy. ”.", "- Store locator. These directions are for planning purposes only. You may find that construction projects, traffic, weather, or other events may cause conditions to differ from the map results, and you should plan your route accordingly. You must obey all signs or notices regarding your route. Copyright © 2016 Circle K Stores and Alimentation Couche-Tard." ]
[ 14.6015625 ]
[ 1.4384765625, 0.61279296875, 1.0009765625, 2.283203125, 2.458984375, 0.331787109375, 3.115234375, 2.56640625, 1.96484375, 0.10137939453125, 1.49609375, 0.7783203125, 13.515625, 3.30078125, -0.134521484375, 0.58349609375, 5.609375, 4.98828125, 10.0859375, 2.392578125, 0.71484375, 1.3193359375, 1.7880859375, 1.125, 2.693359375, 1.1689453125, 6.62109375, 0.66748046875, 0.494873046875, 1.23046875 ]
what does dress code formal casual mean
[ "What Does Formal Dress Mean? Quick Answer. Formal dress may refer collectively to all attire considered appropriate for social events that demand strict adherence to ceremonial etiquette. It may also refer specifically to a ladies’ garment suited to that purpose." ]
[ "What is the difference between casual and formal wear? Jeans and a T-shirt have been described as the casual uniform. With the popularity of spectator sports in the late 20th century, a good deal of athletic gear has influenced casual wear. Clothing worn for manual labor also falls into casual wear. Basic materials used for casual wear include denim, cotton, jersey, polyester, flannel, and fleece. It is best to avoid wearing materials such as velvet, chiffon, and brocade.", "A Complete Guide To What Every Single Dress Code Really Means Fool Proof Outfit: Black trousers and a tweed blazer for women and khaki pants and a collared shirt (tucked in) for men. Photo Via What I Wore. DRESS CODE: CASUAL DRESSY. This dress code calls for a just slightly dressier version of your most casual look.", "What does a smart casual dress code actually mean? Of all the dress codes, nothing scares people more than “smart casual”. Casual is so subjective. It’s also aligned to behavior. To some people it means taking off your jacket, to others it means taking off your shoes. I saw a man in the departure lounge at Coolangatta airport barefoot once and I still haven’t recovered.", "What does 'business dress' actually mean? What does 'business dress' actually mean? Business, semi-casual, informal, semi-informal? Dress codes are a minefield for Mark King, advocate of the 'classic geography teacher' look. Traditional business attire, and not a woolly jumper or corduroy jacket in sight.", "Business casual Business casual. Business casual is an ambiguously-defined dress code that has been adopted by many professional and white-collar workplaces in Western countries. It entails neat yet casual attire and is generally more casual than informal attire but more formal than casual or smart casual attire. Casual Fridays preceded widespread acceptance of business casual attire in many offices. Definition. There is no generally agreed definition of business casual. One definition of business casual states that it includes khaki pants, slacks, and skirts, as well as short-sleeved polo shirts and long-sleeved shirts, but excludes jeans, tennis shoes, tight or short skirts, T-shirts, and sweatshirts.", "What business casual really means At most companies, however, the business casual dress code encourages employees to project a professional, business-like image while enjoying the advantage of more casual and relaxed clothing, Price explains.", "Casual In the European tradition, casual is the dress code that emphasizes comfort and personal expression over presentation, formality and conformity. More simply, casual can be defined as something relaxed, occasional, not planned, or informal.", "A Complete Guide To What Every Single Dress Code Really Means Most corporate offices have a dress code that calls for business casual. For women, pants and a blazer, or a pencil skirt and a fun blouse is the way to go. Guys can wears slacks or chinos and a collared shirt. Absolutely no jeans or sneakers.", "Difference Between Business Casual and Business Professional Business casual for men usually includes slacks, khakis with polo shirts, sweaters, or collared shirts and dressy shoes. A jacket is not needed and tie is optional. Business casual for women includes dressy pants, conservative skirts with collared shirts, blouses or sweaters. Conservative dresses are also acceptable.", "- For cocktail casual- I'd interpret it to mean dress and heels but not black or glitzy, like what you would wear to a daytime wedding. Your polka dot dress sounds great but I'd stick with the dressier shoes.", "Here's What The 'Smart Casual' Dress Code Really Means At most companies, however, the smart casual dress code is a step up from business casual , but not as formal as boardroom attire..It's neat and professional — but still informal. The key look in this dress code is a chic, put-together ensemble, Price says.verything is going smoothly with the transition to your new job until you arrive on your first day and realize you're completely underdressed. You suddenly regret not asking or researching what smart casual actually means.", "Business Professional Attire vs. Business Casual Attire Another, is that business casual can mean different things to different employers. There is no strict definition of the phrase. In some cases, business casual attire means pressed khakis and a button-down long-sleeved shirt. To other companies, it might mean dress jeans and a polo shirt. In general, the following is appropriate attire for interviewing and for dressing in business casual.", "\"\"\"casual elegant\"\" dress code\" Casual elegant generally means: For gentlemen; long pants (usually no jeans but I have seen them) , shirt with collar and closed toe shoes (no open sandals). For ladies; almost anything is okay except short shorts or beach flip flops.", "Primary Meanings of casual Oh, no, are you kidding me? He's not my boyfriend, we're just in a casual relationship, means that our relationship lacks serious intent or commitment. A synonym for casual is everyday, meaning nothing special, unusual, serious, or eventful. Don't run out to buy a special outfit, because what you're already wearing is probably just fine. It's what you wear every day, all the time; it's casual.", "Work Dress Codes and Image Collection A dress code is a set of standards that companies develop to help provide their employees with guidance about what is appropriate to wear to work. Dress codes range from formal to business casual to casual.", "- The business-casual dress code is one of the most difficult to define, and that might have something to do with the fact that it's a complete oxymoron — seriously, how can one be business and casual, at the same time? Plus, it depends on where you work or where you're going.", "\"Is a polo shirt acceptable as \"\"business casual\"\" attire?\" business casual typically means a sport coat collared shirt of less formal pattern or fabric with trousers if you are gonna ignore this suggestion than at least do yourself a favor wear a polo tshirt in a plain color no stripes and absolutely no logos you are not a walking billboard for your shirt maker", "What Is a Casually Elegant Dress Code? What Is A Casually Elegant Dress Code. Upscale restaurants, resorts and even parties may state the dress code as casual elegance.. This description is largely up for interpretation, but you definitely know it's not a tuxedo or floor-length gown. On the flip side, it's far more formal than flip-flops and a T-shirt.", "Formal wear Formal wear (Canada, US) and formal dress wear (UK) are general terms for clothing suitable for formal social events, such as a wedding, formal garden party or dinner, débutante cotillion, dance, or race.", "Here's What The 'Smart Casual' Dress Code Really Means At most companies, however, the smart casual dress code is a step up from business casual, but not as formal as boardroom attire.. It's neat and professional — but still informal. The key look in this dress code is a chic, put-together ensemble, Price says.", "\"Can I wear black to a wedding? And what does \"\"formal attire\"\" really mean? ?\" Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Formal for a wedding means a cocktail-length or a simple long dress for women. This isn't a state dinner with rules of protocol. It sounds like formal to the bride means a cocktail dress, so that's something easy that you can wear.", "What does the dress code of 'casually elegant' mean? Answer Wiki. It does not necessitate the black-tie, or cocktail dress or sari dressing. However, a blazer, a sheath dress or shift, a slightly flared skirt or pants with a dressy shirt will all count as casually elegant. Jackets can be made of softer material. Good shrugs can be thrown over tops or dresses.", "What is Business Casual for Women? Outfit Tips, Advice & Ideas GENERAL BUSINESS CASUAL ATTIRE FOR WOMEN. The easiest way to think of business casual is a hybrid of business professional and casual wear. You don’t need to wear a full-on suit, but a strapless sundress with flip-flops is not appropriate. For the majority of companies, business casual is an everyday requirement.", "- Three Methods:Learning Your Company’s PolicyBusiness Casual for WomenBusiness Casual for MenCommunity Q&A. Business casual is a term used to describe a type of office dress code or clothing style that is a little more casual than traditional business wear.", "Business Casual for Women Guide • skirts. • Capri pants. As a general rule, business casual is not as formal as standard business wear, but is not as casual as street clothes. Many articles of clothing can be suitable for business clothing or not depending on the condition they are in.nowing what business casual entails for a work environment is definitely critical information for every employee in that type of firm. Business casual is made up of a wide variety of different women’s clothing. In fact, it may even be somewhat different from company to company.", "What Is Dressy Casual Attire? Dressy casual is a form of attire that involves a slightly more elegant style of normal casual wear, such as dress slacks and a sport coat or blazer. This form of dress is more casual than that associated with a cocktail party. Dressy casual attire is often associated with an informal party or dinner at a nice restaurant.", "- How to Dress Business Casual. Three Methods:Learning Your Company’s PolicyBusiness Casual for WomenBusiness Casual for MenCommunity Q&A. Business casual is a term used to describe a type of office dress code or clothing style that is a little more casual than traditional business wear.", "Formal wear Formal wear and formal dress wear are general terms for clothing suitable for formal social events, such as a wedding, formal garden party or dinner, débutante cotillion, dance, or race. The Western style of formal evening dress, characterized by black and white garments, has spread through many countries; it is almost always the standard formal social dress in countries without a formal national costume. A dress code is a set of rules governing a certain combination of clothing; some ...", "Business casual Business casual is an ambiguously-defined dress code that has been adopted by many professional and white-collar workplaces in Western countries. It entails neat yet informal attire and is generally more casual than informal business attire but more formal than casual or smart casual attire.", "Dress shirt In British English, dress shirt (formal shirts, or tuxedo shirts in American English) means specifically the more formal evening garment worn with black- or white-tie. Some of these formal shirts have stiff fronts and detachable collars attached with collar studs." ]
[ 13.6796875 ]
[ 11.75, 13.4765625, 14.078125, 11.8359375, 13.0859375, 12.2890625, 14.4140625, 12.4921875, 12.359375, 9.7890625, 13.6796875, 11.6484375, 13.421875, 7.5078125, 13.96875, 11.234375, 8.7421875, 12.4765625, 11.96875, 13.921875, 11, 11.8125, 10.609375, 12.65625, 9.8046875, 14.0546875, 12.28125, 12.3984375, 13.1015625, 8.875 ]
how did Tecumseh's brother the prophet die
[ "- The story of Tecumseh and his brother, the Shawnee prophet, has a superstitious aftermath. William Henry Harrison was elected President in 1840. He gave one of the longest inaugural addresses on record in the spring of the following year while standing in the cold. A month later, he died of pneumonia.he Battle of Tippecanoe and its Aftermath. Fight it out they did. While Tecumseh was away on a diplomatic visit to an Indian tribe in the south, his brother, the Prophet, led an attack on General Harrisons encampment on a hill across a creek from Prophet Town near the Tippecanoe river." ]
[ "The Princes in the Tower: Will the ultimate cold case finally be solved after more than 500 years? It is widely assumed the Plantagenet King Richard III killed his nephews in the summer of 1483 after their father, Edward IV, died. Twelve-year-old Edward V, expecting his coronation, was taken to the Tower of London along with his nine-year-old brother Richard of Shrewsbury, Duke of York.", "Hatshepsut and Tuthmosis: a royal feud? Hatshepsut, now queen of Egypt, bore her husband/brother a daughter, Princess Neferure, but no son. When Tuthmosis II died suddenly, after a mere three years on the throne, a dynastic crisis threatened. Again there was a prince in the royal harem, but this time the prince was a baby.", "6 Things You May Not Know About Tecumseh Tecumseh allied himself with the British during the War of 1812. When the War of 1812 broke out in June of that year, Tecumseh and his supporters immediately joined with the British. During one of the first engagements of the conflict, U.S. General William Hull and about 2,000 men invaded Canada from Detroit.", "- Dack's twin brother Dirk Rambo died at age 25 in 1967 when a woman who was drunk swerved into the opposite lane, and hit Dirk's car head-on. Dirk died from burns suffered in the accident. The woman and Dirk's passenger both survived. Fucking drunk drivers.", "Why does Creon become angry with the chorus leader's suggestion as to why Polyneices' body is buried in 'Antigone'? Additionally, Creon may be feeling quite defensive since he is in the wrong: the brothers fight and kill each other because Creon supports Eteocles' refusal to honor a legal, joint royal power-sharing arrangement with twin brother Polyneices.", "- 2nd inmate is sentenced for role in deadly 2015 riot at Tecumseh State Prison. Inmate gets 1 year for role in deadly Tecumseh prison riot. State prison boss Frakes will take steps to boost morale, job satisfaction among corrections officers.", "Why did william tecumseh sherman become famous? William T. Sherman AKA William Tecumseh Sherman Born: 8-Feb-1820 Birthplace: Lancaster, OH Died: 14-Feb-1891 Location of death: New York City Cause of death: unspecified Remains: Buried, Calvary Cemetery, St. Louis, MO Gender: Male Race or Ethnicity: White Sexual orientation: Straight Occupation: Military Nationality: United States Executive summary ...", "- Valerie Buchanan of Bradley shows photographs of her brother, the late Andrew Gallant, who was one of the crewmen who died when the USS Thresher nuclear submarine sank in 1963.The 50th anniversary of the April 10 sinking will be commemorated this weekend at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard.alerie Buchanan of Bradley looks over an old newspaper article about her brother, the late Andrew Gallant, who was one of the crewmen who died when the USS Thresher nuclear submarine sank in 1963.", "- The Execution of Thomas Seymour, 1st Baron Sudeley and Lord High Admiral. On this day in history, the 20th March 1549, Thomas Seymour, Baron Sudeley, was executed for treason after his nephew, King Edward VI, signed the death warrant that Protector Somerset, Seymour’s brother, could not bring himself to sign.", "- He is killed in a sword fight against Tybalt.Tybalt. Romeo kills him in anothe…r sword fight. Romeo was angry about his buddy Mercutio's death and killed him in revenge.Paris. Paris is at Juliet's grave laying flowers when Romeo shows up.", "Death of Trotsky Death of Trotsky. Leon Trotsky, the exiled Bolshevik leader, died early this morning from injuries received when he was attacked in his home in a suburb of Mexico City some thirty hours earlier. His skull was fractured. A trepanning operation was performed yesterday, and specialists had been summoned from the United States.", "General William Tecumseh Sherman William Tecumseh Sherman was born in 1820 in Lancaster, Ohio, to Charles Robert Sherman, a successful lawyer. His father died while William was still a boy and after his father’s death, he was raised by a family friend, attorney Thomas Ewing. His siblings all enjoyed professional success. His older brother Charles became a federal judge.", "Vladimir Lenin Ilya Ulyanov died of a brain haemorrhage in January 1886, when Lenin was 16. Subsequently, Lenin's behaviour became erratic and confrontational, and he soon renounced his belief in God. At the time, Lenin's elder brother Alexander—whom he affectionately knew as Sasha—was studying at Saint Petersburg University.", "Macbeth Biography At age 15, Macbeth's cousins, Malcolm and Gillecomgain, killed his father, possibly for being too close to Malcolm II, king of Scotland. After his tutelage, Macbeth reappeared around 1032 when his cousin, Gillecomgain, was killed by order of Malcolm II for his killing of Findlaech.", "Sophie Scholl Grave of Hans Scholl, Sophie Scholl, and Christoph Probst, in the Perlacher Friedhof, next to the Stadelheim prison in Munich. On 22 February 1943, Scholl, her brother Hans, and their friend Christoph Probst were found guilty of treason and condemned to death.", "Death of Jennifer Hudsonâs nephew detailed in court Death of Jennifer Hudson’s nephew detailed in court. Jennifer Hudson and her sister Julia chose to leave the courtroom Monday while photos of the body 7-year-old Julian King were shown to the jury. The boy was Jennifer's nephew and Julia's son. The photos show his body wrapped in a shower curtain on the floor of an abandoned SUV. READ MORE: Get caught up on the Hudson family murder trial. King died from two gunshot wounds to the head.", "US History/Print version In 1811, when Tecumseh was in the South, a group of natives led by Tenskwatawa, attacked U.S. army forces in the Battle of Tippecanoe. The battle was a draw, but the U.S. General William Henry Harrison declared victory and then had his troops sack and burn Prophetstown, Tecumseh’s home base in the Indiana territory.", "Early John F. Kennedy Letter About the Death of His Brother, Joe - the Event Which Would Propel Him into Politics Early John F. Kennedy Letter About the Death of His Brother, Joe - the Event Which Would Propel Him into Politics. John F. Kennedy, born to wealth and privilege, did not want to go into politics, but the choice was never his. This seminal letter explains why... On August 12, 1944, Kennedy's older brother, pilot Lt. Joseph P. Kennedy Jr., was killed over England when, on a secret and dangerous mission, his plane suddenly exploded. He was, as Jack Kennedy was the first to acknowledge, smarter, handsomer, healthier, and much more popular than, in fact, almost anyone.", "Israel Kamakowiwo'ole's Tragic Story In 1982 Iz's brother Skippy KamakawiwoÊ»ole died of a heart attack. In that same year, Israel(IZ) married his childhood sweetheart Marlene and soon after had a daughter whom they named Brianna Wehi.", "What happened to the 12 disciples after the resurrection and ascension? James was the brother of John, the disciple “that Jesus loved.” According to the Book of Acts in the New Testament, James was killed by Herod: Act 12:1 And at that time Herod the king threw on his hands to oppress some of those of the church.Act 12:2 And he killed James the brother of John with the sword.This is confirmed by Hippolytus: James, his brother, when preaching in Judea, was cut off with the sword by Herod the tetrarch, and was buried there.ames was the brother of John, the disciple “that Jesus loved.” According to the Book of Acts in the New Testament, James was killed by Herod: Act 12:1 And at that time Herod the king threw on his hands to oppress some of those of the church.", "- It was in this battle that Tecumseh was killed. The Unlikely Road to the White House After the War of 1812, General William Henry Harrison continued his life of public service in between stints of retirement on his North Bend farm and various business ventures.", "7 Things You May Not Know About Vincent Van Gogh Van Gogh’s sister-in-law played a role in his posthumous fame. Jo van Gogh-Bonger with her son, Vincent. In January 1891, six months after van Gogh’s death, his brother Theo, who’d contracted syphilis, died at age 34 in the Netherlands. Theo’s widow, Jo van Gogh-Bonger, inherited a large collection of Vincent’s paintings, drawings and letters.", "- Tecumseh (/tɛˈkʌmsə/ te-KUM-sə; March 1768 – October 5, 1813) was a Native American leader of the Shawnee and a large tribal confederacy (known as Tecumseh's Confederacy) which opposed the United States during Tecumseh's War and became an ally of Britain in the War of 1812.ecumseh was killed, and shortly after the battle, most tribes of his confederacy surrendered to Harrison at Detroit. As to the actual circumstances surrounding Tecumseh’s death, the Americans claimed that [he] was killed by Colonel Richard Johnson during a cavalry charge.", "- A:Apart from James, son of Zebedee (brother of John), and Judas Iscariot, the Bible does not tell us how any of the disciples died. Acts 12:1-2 says that James was put to death by sword by the order of Herod.", "How did Erwin Rommel die? In the autumn of 1944 Hitler discovered that Rommel was plotting against him. On 14th October, 1944, Rommel was visited by two generals who had been sent by Hitler with an ultimatum: suicide with a state funeral and protection for his family and staff, or trial for high treason. Erwin Rommel took poison and officially it was stated that he had died of a brain seizure.", "- Connie (L) and James Jimmy Frank Robertson (R). (Facebook) Fans of the hit reality TV show Duck Dynasty are praying for Robertson family as news broke over the weekend that author Jimmy Frank, the brother of Phil and Si Robertson, died unexpectedly from a heart attack. Please pray for the Robertson family, reads a statement on Phil Robertson's Facebook page.", "Plot Summary: Antigone When her sister Ismene refuses to help her bury their brother, she ends their relationship, and, when caught, she refuses to let Ismene share the punishment. When Creon tells her that she dishonors her dead brother Eteocles, she replies that he is dishonoring the gods by refusing to obey the unwritten laws of Zeus.", "- Only when the riddle was answered would the Thebans be spared the agony of the Sphinx, but no one had been able to solve the riddle. Laius had gone to Delphi to learn how to rid Thebes of the Sphinx, but reports of his demise by bandits came back to Creon, brother-in-law of Laius and acting ruler of Thebes. Creon decreed that whoever could solve the riddle would become the next king.", "- An autopsy revealed he died of a cocaine and morphine overdose earlier that morning. Ironically, he died in a similar manner to his comedic idol, John Belushi, who was taken out by a speedball in 1982 (combination of heroin and cocaine).", "6 Things You May Not Know About Tecumseh No one knows for sure who killed Tecumseh, but that didn’t stop a number of people from taking credit. Richard M. Johnson, for example, rode his reputation as Tecumseh’s killer to the vice presidency in 1836. Four years later Harrison used the slogan, “Tippecanoe and Tyler Too,” to take the White House." ]
[ 15.796875 ]
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how much does an archaeologist earn
[ "How Much Do Archaeologists Get Paid? Archaeologist Salary. In the United States, the general annual salary range for archaeologists is about $30,000 to $100,000. The average starting salary is approximately $34,000 per year and with each additional five years of experience, the increase in salary is about $5,000 per year.alary will vary depending on the person's level of education, his or her region, how long they have been in this field and level of experience, and their employer. In the United States, salaries for archaeologists possessing a bachelor of arts in anthropology earn an average salary for $20,000 to $41,000 per year." ]
[ "- The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics categorizes paleontologists as geoscientists, which also includes geologists, geochemists and seismologists. They earned average annual salaries of $106,780 as of May 2012, according to the BLS. The top 25 percent made over $130,330 annually.", "- The average salary is around $54,000 per year with salaries of up to $75,000 per year for individuals with more than five years of experience. Forensic anthropology is the study of human remains for scientific evidence.", "How Much Does an Archaeologist Get Paid? Salary Range. The average salary for archaeologists outside of postsecondary teaching as of May 2009 was $27.52 per hour, or $57,230 per year, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The middle 50 percent of archaeologists on the earnings scale had annual salaries of $39,030 to $71,450.The bottom 10 percent were earning $31,530 per year and less and the top 10 percent $87,890 and higher.ay by Experience. A college graduate with a bachelor's degree in the field may qualify to be an archaeology field assistant or technician. The pay rate for this entry-level position is $10 to $12 per hour, reports the Society for American Archaeology.", "- Geoscientists, including paleontologists, had an average annual salary of $97,700 as of May 2011, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Assistant professors with a Ph.D. degree in paleontology earn starting salaries of $40,000 to $60,000 for a nine-month academic year, according to The Paleontological Society. Paleontologists with doctorates earn $50,000 to $80,000 over a full year when working in industry and government, according to the society.", "- On average, auctioneers earn between $40,000 and $50,000 per year. Because they are paid through commission, this number may vary widely depending on how many auctions an auctioneer does in a year and how high the bids are at the auction.", "- Salary and Qualifications. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics categorizes paleontologists as geoscientists, which also includes geologists, geochemists and seismologists. They earned average annual salaries of $106,780 as of May 2012, according to the BLS. The top 25 percent made over $130,330 annually.", "Forensic Anthropologist Salary according to indeed the average annual salary of a forensic anthropologist working in new york is $ 68000 while the salary of the person working in washington is $ 58000 as of june 2015 thus the salary varies significantly according to the location of the firm or company", "Forensic Anthropologist: Job Description, Outlook and Salary The average annual salary for anthropologists and archaeologists was $64,290 in May 2015, according to the BLS. The bottom ten percent earned $35,440 a year or less, while the top ten percent made $97,040 or more per year. Forensic anthropologists use scientific analysis to determine as much information about human remains as they can. Their field is a challenging one, but forensic anthropologists can find work in a few different fields that can utilize their skills, such as academia, or as consultants, or in the military.", "- The salary for forensic investigators is $24.75 per hour or $51,480 per year, with the bottom 10 percent making $15.59 or $32,420 and the top 10 percent earning $40.51 or $84,260. This is according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics as of May 2009.", "- With a PhD, starting salaries average £26,000 to £29,000 per year. The salary of lecturers in volcanology ranges from £40,000 to £60,000 per year. At senior level, a volcanologist can earn between £60,000 and £70,000 per year.", "- The average pay for a Geologist is C$78,769 per year. Most people with this job move on to other positions after 20 years in this career. Experience has a moderate effect on income for this job. C$51,052 - C$124,044.", "- (United States). An Archivist earns an average salary of $43,991 per year. Most people with this job move on to other positions after 20 years in this career. A skill in Research Analysis is associated with high pay for this job.Pay for this job rises steadily for more experienced workers, but goes down noticeably for employees with more than 20 years' experience.otal Pay (?XTotal Pay combines base annual salary or hourly wage, bonuses, profit sharing, tips, commissions, overtime pay and other forms of cash earnings, as applicable for this job.", "Why Actuarial Science? Earn while you learn. Actuaries are well compensated. Experienced fellows have the potential to earn from $150,000 to $250,000 annually, and many actuaries earn more than that. Compensation may vary significantly according to years of experience, industry, geographic region, and responsibilities.his firm's salary information is based on their latest Actuary Salary Survey. Another source of salary information is the EzraPenland.com United States Actuarial Salary Survey. This survey is split by Life, Property and Casualty, Pensions, and Health.", "What is the annual salary of a forensic anthropologist? exists and is an alternate of . In May 2004, anthropologists and archaeologists had median annual earnings of $43,890; geographers, $58,970; historians, $44,490; political scientists, $86,750; and sociologists, $57,870.", "How Much Does a Police Officer Make? This translates to a mean yearly income of $59,560. The top 10% of workers in this occupation made upwards of $44.45 or more an hour. Detectives and criminal investigators had mean hourly salaries of $38.72 and mean annual wages of $80,540.", "- Assistant professors with a Ph.D. degree in paleontology earn starting salaries of $40,000 to $60,000 for a nine-month academic year, according to The Paleontological Society.eoscientists working in oil and gas extraction earn the most, $139,390 a year on average, according to the BLS. Given the high pay for working in oil and gas extraction, most geoscientists work in Texas, where they earned an average annual salary of $130,200 as of May 2011, according to BLS research.", "- The salary an archaeologist earns depends upon many factors including their level of education, years of experience, and where they are employed. A field assistant just starting out, with a BA in anthropology, working as a temporary field employee on a project, will typically earn $10 to $12 dollars an hour.he salary an archaeologist earns depends upon many factors including their level of education, years of experience, and where they are employed. A field assistant just starting out, with a BA in anthropology, working as a temporary field employee on a project, will typically earn $10 to $12 dollars an hour.", "Careers in Forensic Anthropology Forensic Anthropology Salary. For those who were working in anthropology in 2010, the median wage was $54,230 according to BLS data. Specialists who were in the lowest 10 percent earned as little as $31,310 annually, while those in the top 10 percent earned as much as $89,440 per year.The entry-level salaries may be less than $40,000, but it is difficult to determine a definite salary, as many different factors can determine pay.For example, the location and the type of work that the anthropologist is doing can make a difference.ndividuals who want to learn more about the opportunities and the forensic anthropology salary and options should consult with one of the professional organizations in the field. The American Board of Forensic Anthropology (ABFA), for example, is the most prominent and respected organization.", "Income Per Year for an Archaeologist Statistics show that experience and education make a difference in what you earn. According to a 2004 survey conducted by the Society of American Archaeology, archaeologists with a Ph.D. earned the most on average, taking in $61,365 per year.his is compared to bachelor’s degree-holders, who earned an average of $40,098 per year. Archaeologists who had been in their position for 15 years or more and those who had at least 25 years of experience made the most money in these respective categories.", "- A zoologist makes from $35,000-$70,000 a year zoologists get paid $56,735 pear year about … $50,000 to $80,000 a year. Median annual earnings of biochemists and biophysicists were $68,950 in May 2004. The middle 50 percent earned between $49,430 and $88,540.", "Recruiter.com helps science and professional engineers find better paying jobs across all specialties and locations. Anthropologists usually receive a salary of Fifty Three Thousand Two Hundred dollars yearly. Anthropologists are paid the highest in the District of Columbia, where they can get a compensation of approximating $92570. Employees with these jobs have the highest pay levels in Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services, where they can earn average job salaries of $68320.", "The Annual Salary of a Rookie Archaeologist Salaries by Location. BLS statistics for 2011 show that wages for archaeologists in the Washington D.C. area earned the highest wages, with an average of $93,620, followed by Massachusetts, at $73,140; Alaska, at $69,080; Hawaii, at $69,020; and Arkansas, at $68,160.", "How Much Do Archaeologists Get Paid? Archaeologists with one to four years of experience earn an average of $26,000 to $43,000 per year. Those with five to nine years of experience earn an average of $34,000 to $54,000 per year. Those with 10 to 19 years of experience earn an average of $39,000 to $62,000 per year.", "How Much Does a Bricklayer Earn? The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that bricklayers earned $50,760 on average in May 2011. This annual income level translates to an average an hourly wage of $24.40.", "How Much Does an Archaeologist Get Paid? Salary Range. The average salary for archaeologists outside of postsecondary teaching as of May 2009 was $27.52 per hour, or $57,230 per year, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The middle 50 percent of archaeologists on the earnings scale had annual salaries of $39,030 to $71,450.", "Traveling as an Archaeological Dig Volunteer The cost will vary for a dig dependent on the location, amenities and length of time. It seems to be common that digs last around 2 weeks, but month-long and summer-long courses are available.A typical month can run anywhere from $1,500 to $3,500.If the price of a dig seems high, you might want to consider that many will include all meals and your accommodation — plus some free knowledge and group tours along the way.hen I worked for a month on the dig in Spain, we had a 45 minute bus ride to the site each morning, before starting our hours of digging — generally done in the early hours to avoid the peak of the day’s heat.", "- The median annual wage for anthropologists and archeologists was $61,220 in May 2015. The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $35,440, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $97,040.", "- Anthropologists earned a median annual salary of $59,280 and median hourly earnings of $28.50 in 2014. Use the Salary Wizard at Salary.com to find out how much an anthropologist currently earns in your city.", "- Exploration Geologist Salary. Exploration Geologist average salary is $104,183, median salary is $104,957 with a salary range from $48,381 to $210,000. Exploration Geologist salaries are collected from government agencies and companies.Each salary is associated with a real job position.Exploration Geologist salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented as is and updated regularly.xploration Geologist salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Exploration Geologist salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented as is and updated regularly.", "How much money do paleontologists make? Making the world better, one answer at a time. The amount of pay a Paleontologist makes will depend on experience and the employer. On average, they make around $106,780 a year." ]
[ 16.28125 ]
[ 8.3203125, 9.765625, 15.4609375, 8.4609375, 5.14453125, 8.0078125, 6.6328125, 11.6484375, 6.68359375, 6.7578125, 8.3984375, 7.453125, 3.70703125, 11.34375, 4.83203125, 7.9921875, 13.9609375, 6.46484375, 14.03125, 7.0546875, 8.140625, 13.3125, 15.9609375, 4.02734375, 15.125, 6.390625, 13.5078125, 9.6796875, 5.57421875, 7.2734375 ]
what does having blasts mean
[ "-blast -blast. A suffix meaning an immature precursor cell of the type indicated by the preceding word. [G. blastos, germ]. immature precursor cell type; the cell type is denoted by the preceding syllables, e.g. osteoblast." ]
[ "- The word is derived from the sound produced when you bounce a basketball. A case of the sound of one urban icon, naming another urban icon with similar propensities but that doesn't really make a sound. bah. interjection used to express disdain or contempt. human. bawl. to cry out loudly and unrestrainedly.", "Definitions &Translations Freebase (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: Bellows. A bellows or pair of bellows is a device constructed to furnish a strong blast of air.", "- (one's) ass (to do something) and break one's balls to do something; bust one's butt to do something; bust one's nuts to do something Sl. to work very hard to do something.(The expressions with balls and nuts are said typically, but not necessarily, of a male.Potentially offensive. bust nuts to do something. 2 bust on someone/something. 3 bust one. 4 bust one’s ass. 5 bust one’s ass to do something. 6 bust one’s butt. 7 bust one’s butt to do something. 8 bust one’s nuts. 9 bust one’s nuts to do something. 10 bust out.", "Definitions &Translations Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 blaze, blazing(noun) a strong flame that burns brightly. the blaze spread rapidly. 2 hell, blaze(noun) a cause of difficulty and suffering. war is hell; go to blazes. 3 hell, blaze(noun) noisy and unrestrained mischief. raising blazes.", "ballast Definition of ballast. 1 1 : a heavy substance (as rocks or water) placed in such a way as to improve stability and control (as of the draft of a ship or the buoyancy of a balloon or submarine) tossed several tons of ballast overboard. 2 : something that gives stability (as in character or conduct) She provided the ballast we needed during stressful times.", "What does busting your chops mean? Musicians tend to use the word chops in its original meaning, referring to the lips or mouth. Thus, busting your chops means to play your instrument to the point of overplaying it, especially if it's a wind or brass instrument, as in, I busted my chops on that piece. It's also used to denote skill: He has the chops, or It takes good chops to play this piece.", "What does busting your chops mean? Thus, busting your chops means to play your instrument to the point of overplaying it, especially if it's a wind or brass instrument, as in, I busted my chops on that piece.. It's also used to denote skill: He has the chops, or It takes good chops to play this piece..", "Crackles Bilateral basal crackles also refers to the presence of basal crackles in both lungs. Crackles are caused by the popping open of small airways and alveoli collapsed by fluid, exudate, or lack of aeration during expiration. The word rales derives from the French word rale râle meaning. rattle", "blast blast. 1. a sudden and violent gust of wind. 2. the blowing of a trumpet, whistle, etc. 3. a loud, sudden sound or noise: a harsh blast from the radio. 4. a forcible stream of air from the mouth, bellows, or the like. 5. a. air forced into a furnace by a blower to increase the rate of combustion.", "BLOWN Meaning: (of glass) formed by forcing air into a molten ball. Context example: blown glass. Similar: formed (having or given a form or shape)", "Definitions &Translations causing injury or blight; especially affecting with sudden violence or plague or ruin. the blasting effects of the intense cold on the budding fruit; the blasting force of the wind blowing sharp needles of sleet in our faces; a ruinous war.", "What Do Five Short Blasts of a Horn Mean? Quick Answer. Five short blasts from a boat on the water signal that the pilot of the boat doubts the action of another nearby craft trying to avoid a collision, according to the New South Wales Roads & Maritime Services. These signals also mean the pilot of the ship has concerns about the proximity, course and speed of a nearby boat.", "BALUSTERS Meaning: A railing at the side of a staircase or balcony to prevent people from falling. Classified under: Nouns denoting man-made objects. Synonyms: balusters; balustrade; banister; handrail; bannister. Hypernyms (balustrade is a kind of...): barrier (a structure or object that impedes free movement) Meronyms (parts of balustrade): baluster (one of a number of closely spaced supports for a railing) rail; railing (a barrier consisting of a horizontal bar and supports) Holonyms (balustrade is a part of...): balcony (a platform projecting from the wall of a building and surrounded by a balustrade or railing or parapet)", "Blot BLOT. blot (mum, contracted from me'um, spot): Occurs in the sense of scorn (Proverbs 9:7). In Job 31:7 (the King James Version) it is used figuratively of a moral defect; the Revised Version (British and American) has spot.", "wither blast - shrivel or wither or mature imperfectly. die back, die down - suffer from a disease that kills shoots; The plants near the garage are dying back. dry up, mummify - dry up and shrivel due to complete loss of moisture; a mummified body was found.", "Definitions &Translations Chambers 20th Century Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Blastoderm. blas′to-derm, n. an embryological term applied to the layer or layers of cells arising from the germinal disc, or the portion of a partially segmenting egg which undergoes division. [Gr. blasto-, blastos, a sprout, derma, dermat-, skin.]", "blast Meaning explosion is from 1630s; that of noisy party, good time is from 1953, American English slang. Sense of strong current of air for iron-smelting (1690s) led to blast furnace and transferred sense in full blast the extreme (1839). Blast was the usual word for a smoke of tobacco c.1600.", "blastverb Meaning of “blast” in the English Dictionary. blast in British English. blastverb. blast verb (EXPLODE) A tunnel was to be blasted through the mountains. They heard the guns blasting away all night. figurative Their latest album blasted (its way) up the charts (= moved very quickly because of its popularity).", "- adjective. 1 Out of funds; destitute; broke (1840s+) 2 A police raid: One whiff of marijuana and we get a bust (1930s+) 3 An arrest; collar: Beating a Bust: Two Views (1918+) 4 That one bust decked me. 5 A failure; fiasco: My try for her sweet favors was a total bust (1840s+) 6 A person who fails; loser, nonstarter: At baseball I was a risible bust (1920s+)", "BLISTER 1. (pathology) an elevation of the skin filled with serous fluid. Familiarity information: BLISTER used as a noun is very rare. • BLISTER (verb). The verb BLISTER has 3 senses: 1. get blistered. 2. subject to harsh criticism. 3. cause blisters to from on. Familiarity information: BLISTER used as a verb is uncommon.ypernyms (blister is a kind of...): cyst; vesicle (a small anatomically normal sac or bladderlike structure (especially one containing fluid)). Domain category: pathology (the branch of medical science that studies the causes and nature and effects of diseases).", "blast 6. To strike with a lot of force in order to remove something, as with a pressure washer or sandblaster. In this usage, a noun can be used between blast and off. The sidewalk looks so clean this morning! I guess someone from the township blasted all the stains off of it. We can blast off that graffiti with the pressure washer.", "- An Acronym meaning Way To Blunted Syndrome. Way To Blunted Syndrome (W.T.B.S) occurs when one smokes way to much weed at once and becomes stoned past the point of simple recreation. Being this high puts you in a sort of White Noise state.", "Bellows Diagram of a fireplace hand-bellows. A bellows or pair of bellows is a device constructed to furnish a strong blast of air.", "- Full Definition of BLASE. blasé. : 1 apathetic to pleasure or excitement as a result of excessive indulgence or: enjoyment-world. weary. : 2, sophisticated-worldly. wiseull Definition of BLASE. blasé. : 1 apathetic to pleasure or excitement as a result of excessive indulgence or: enjoyment-world. weary. : 2, sophisticated-worldly. wise", "- Full Definition of BURST. intransitive verb. 1. : to break open, apart, or into pieces usually from impact or from pressure from within. 2. 3. 4. transitive verb. 1.", "- Full Definition of BURST. intransitive verb. 1. : to break open, apart, or into pieces usually from impact or from pressure from within. 2. 3. 4.", "bust Bust can be a verb, an adjective, or a noun. The past tense and past participle of the verb is either bust or busted. 1. used as a verb. If you bust something, you break or damage it so badly that it cannot be used. Note that you only use bust with this meaning in conversation.", "Definitions &Translations Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Bustle. A bustle is a type of framework used to expand the fullness or support the drapery of the back of a woman's dress, occurring predominantly in the mid-to-late 19th century. Bustles were worn under the skirt in the back, just below the waist, to keep the skirt from dragging.", "material ballast - any heavy material used to stabilize a ship or airship. material, stuff - the tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object; coal is a hard black material; wheat is the stuff they use to make bread.", "- “420 Blaze it” is a catchphrase used in celebration of smoking marijuana.The phrase is often used ironically to mock cannabis enthusiasts who identify themselves with the stoner subculture.he term was used to refer to the time of day the group would meet to smoke marijuana. On August 5th, 2012, a Facebook page titled “420 Blaze it Fagut” was created, which accumulated more than 280 likes in the next six months." ]
[ 12.859375 ]
[ 3.443359375, 6.41015625, 4.16015625, 3.353515625, 5.29296875, 2.25, 2.63671875, 1.509765625, 12.2421875, 3.685546875, 8.4140625, 12.15625, 0.484619140625, 1.1162109375, 11.6171875, 7.38671875, 9.8046875, 11.4140625, 3.572265625, 2.724609375, 10.265625, 5.421875, 5.88671875, 5.5390625, 5.10546875, 5.30859375, 1.7783203125, 1.0947265625, 4.59765625, 4.9453125 ]
can you speak the language called bangla
[ "Bengali Urdu And Hindi How intelligible are the three languages? First of all Bengali is not a language it is the name of Our culture . Bangla is the language used by us . I cant tell about urdu because i am not familiar with it , But in case of hindi i think most of young generation in bangladesh understand hindi very well . It will be no problem for a Bengali to communicate in Hindi staying in India ." ]
[ "- 1 We found out each other had a bad day and bada boom bada bing, we were palling around like old buddies. 2 You say a couple things in class (they don't even have to make sense), the prof smiles at you and bada boom bada bing, you're passing the course.sed to emphasize that something will happen effortlessly and predictably: follow the appropriate twelve-step program and—bada bing—you’re rolling in it. More example sentences. 1 Well, fast-forward a few years, bada bing, cultural icon.", "How to Say Common Words in Bengali wikiHow to Say Common Words in Bengali. Three Parts:Begin Speaking the LanguageLearning the Basics of BengaliPracticing Your BengaliCommunity Q&A. The name Bengali means Bengal (Ben-gol /Ben-goli) people. Learning a new language can be a challenge, especially when you have to learn an entirely new alphabet.", "- Bengali is the national language in Bangladesh and second most spoken language in India. With about 250 million native and about 300 million total speakers worldwide, it is the seventh most spoken language in the world by total number of native speakers and the eleventh most spoken language by total number of speakers.", "Learning Bahasa Indonesia the National Language Translate this Page. Based on the Malay trade dialect, Bahasa Indonesia is the national language of the Republic of Indonesia. It unites the over 254 million people of Indonesia (2014), whose native tongue may be one of the over 300 distinct languages or regional dialects.ranslate this Page. Based on the Malay trade dialect, Bahasa Indonesia is the national language of the Republic of Indonesia. It unites the over 254 million people of Indonesia (2014), whose native tongue may be one of the over 300 distinct languages or regional dialects.", "Which Language is Spoken In Doha Doha is a cosmopolitan city all the languages are spoken here but the main is Arabic, English, Malayalam, and Hindi in this order. If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.", "Why is Bangla called 'Bengali (language)' in English? Bengali, also called Bangala, Bangla, Bangla-Bhasa, belongs to the Eastern group of the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European language family. Along with Assamese, it is the easternmost of all Indo-European languages.", "Arabic Malayalam Dictionary online Glosbe dictionaries are unique. On Glosbe you can check not only translations into language Arabic or Malayalam: we also provide examples of usage, by showing dozens of examples of translated sentences containing translated phrase. This is called translation memory and is very useful for translators.", "- English to Bangla online dictionary. E2B dictionary apps download English to Bangla. Google translation English to Bangla. World meaning of English to Bangla,English, Hindi, word meaning, translation, dictionary, word book, synonym, antonym, English to Hindi, E2H, Hindi meaning, Hindi dictionary apps, download Toggle navigation", "Hear Arabic Survival Phrases Take advantage of this Arabic language resource as you learn to speak Arabic! A note on transliterated Arabic phrases: The Arabic phrases on this pages are shown in transliterated text, using English letters, so that people who are beginning to speak Arabic can focus on the Arabic pronunciation.", "Learn to Speak Language Exchange > Learn > Learn to Speak Bahasa Indonesia Learn Bahasa Indonesia online by practicing with a native speaker who is learning your language. Write or speak Bahasa Indonesia online to improve grammar or conversation. A language exchange complements other forms of learning such as classroom, cultural immersion and multimedia, because you get to practice all that you have learned with native speakers in a safe and supportive environment.", "Spoken language in Bangkok The only ones you will find speaking taochew will be the older chinese. Otherwise its Thai,Thai and Thai. Most people working at the shops in the tourist area will have rudimentary english - they can sell you the stuff but dont expect a conversation or a detailed clear explanation of anything.", "Learning Bahasa Indonesia the National Language While it may be technically possible for foreigners to live in Jakarta, Bali, or other big cities without learning/speaking Bahasa Indonesia, it is highly recommended that you obtain a working knowledge of the Indonesian national language.", "- ‘Hence the babel of Scottish accents on the UK network.’ ‘Larva echoes this multiplicity of tongues, a babel of aliens.’ ‘The city was in an uproar and the god Enlil heard the clamor and he said to the god in the council, ‘The uproar of mankind is intolerable and sleep is no longer possible by reason of the babel.’’", "- Official name Bahasa Indonesia. an Indonesian language that is based on the form of Malay spoken in Java and has the status of official language in the Republic of Indonesia. the westernmost branch of the Austronesian family of languages, including Malay, Indonesian, Tagalog, and Malagasy.", "Bangla English has also had an influence on Bangla. During the days of the Raj many words of English origin such as tebil (table), tiffin (archaic in modern day English meaning snack box) entered Bangla. In more recent time the ever rising global nature of English has lead to words such as television, telephone, video and radio being adopted by Bangla.", "Out in Africa Ride Here’s a piece about why Arabic is such a difficult – but wonderful – language for English speakers to study: My bathroom is leaking. It’s not a big deal, nothing a new valve on the toilet couldn’t fix, but I haven’t spoken to my landlord about it yet.", "- Useful Mongolian phrases. A collection of useful phrases in Mongolian, a Mongolic language spoken in Mongolia, China, Afghanistan and Russia, with sound files for a few of them. Jump to phrases. Click on any of the (non-English) phrases that are links (blue) to hear them spoken. If you can provide recordings, corrections or additional translations, please contact me.", "- 1 If you are trying to learn one of the languages spoken in China, several Chines…. 2 5 Essential Tips for Running an Online Retail Business There are many similarities between running a brick and mortar business and an online retail business. 3 The dissimilarities though can make the difference between success and ….", "- 1 Spanish: palangana, cuenca, bol, lavabo. 2 Telugu: బొచ్చె (bocce), 3 రీవాహక 4 ్రాంతం (parīvāhaka prāṃtaṃ) 5 Turkish: leğen, kase, havza. 6 Volapük: basin. 7 Welsh: basn, cawg, chawg, ddysgl, fail, fasn, gawg, mail, masn, nghawg, nysgl.", "Learn English in Nepali - Speak Nepali to English * This application is in fact a Nepali to English speaking tutorial. * If you are seeking to talk English the right way, this can be a good beginning. * Learn English using Nepali with effective English listening. * You can learn how to speak English fluently. * Speaking English with Nepali was never easier. * This can also be useful for those who are seeking to join BPO or Call center. * Also if you want to participate in English discussions and debates, you can begin with this application.", "- something more exotic... a more unusual type of language... Some simply start learning Arabic for the heck of it... Learning Arabic can be challenging, but the reward is great, once you begin to appreciate the unique beauty and richness of this great language.", "Learn to Speak Write or speak Cambodian online to improve grammar or conversation. A language exchange complements other forms of learning such as classroom, cultural immersion and multimedia, because you get to practice all that you have learned with native speakers in a safe and supportive environment.", "Bengali Language Bengali Language. Overview: Bengali is one of the most important languages on the Indian subcontinent, as it is the second most widely spoken language in India (after Hindi or Urdu) and the national language of the country of Bangladesh.", "- If you want to learn the Japanese language (or Nihongo as it's called in Japanese) online, you've come to the right place! Our lessons can get you well on your way to learning how to speak, read, and write Nihongo.", "Languages of Bangladesh Languages of Bangladesh. The official and de facto national language of Bangladesh is Modern Standard Bengali (Literary Bangla). It serves as the lingua franca of the nation, with 98% of Bangladeshis fluent in Standard Bengali or Bengali dialects as their first language.", "- Answer Wiki. For example, you'll hear a lot of people speaking in English in Mumbai whether it's at the mall, at school, or at home. On the other hand, in areas like Gujarat, you'll predominantly find people using Gujarati or Hindi in school, at work, in the malls, etc.", "Research ManiacsDirectory | Follow | Search The language that people speak in Mongolia is Mongolian. Okay, now that you know what people from Mongolia are called and you know what language they speak, you may want to learn more about the people of Mongolia.Here is more information about the country of Mongolia.he language that people speak in Mongolia is Mongolian. Okay, now that you know what people from Mongolia are called and you know what language they speak, you may want to learn more about the people of Mongolia. Here is more information about the country of Mongolia.", "Cultural Anthropology/Communication and Language Morphology is very helpful in translating different languages, such as the language Bangla. For example, some words do not have a literal translation from Bangla to English because a word in Bangla may mean more than one word in English.", "What language do the people of Bahrain speak? They all speak English there. Also Arabic. there are loads of diverse cultures and nationalities...in bahrain......... the people are friendly and most are bilingual...... speaking english and arabic.............. also hindi,tagalog, persian and many others.............", "Learning Bahasa Indonesia the National Language Based on the Malay trade dialect, Bahasa Indonesia is the national language of the Republic of Indonesia. It unites the over 254 million people of Indonesia (2014), whose native tongue may be one of the over 300 distinct languages or regional dialects." ]
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show me #57 crushed stone for driveways
[ "- About #57 Gravel Stone (P2). #57 Stone is an aggregate that is processed from natural durable materials. The size of #57 Stone spands from very small to 1 inch. #57 Stone is commonly used in mix concrete, mix asphalt and as bases for retaining walls and driveways.#57 Stone can also be applied in irrigation and on gravel roads.57 Stone is an aggregate that is processed from natural durable materials. The size of #57 Stone spands from very small to 1 inch. #57 Stone is commonly used in mix concrete, mix asphalt and as bases for retaining walls and driveways." ]
[ "desecrate Examples of desecrate in a sentence. 1 The vandals were accused of desecrating graves. 2 vandals desecrated the cemetery last night by covering the tombstones with graffiti.", "- Advertisements. Here is a debate. Is it better to park your car on a paved driveway or one that is gravel. I was under my 02 F150 truck the other day and boy it sure is rusty under there.I checked my wifes 05 Forerunner and her 02 Wrangler and they are both rusty.dvertisements. Here is a debate. Is it better to park your car on a paved driveway or one that is gravel. I was under my 02 F150 truck the other day and boy it sure is rusty under there.", "How to Lay and Gravel a Driveway and Path This can be very dangerous. To find out how to contain your shingle and support the sides of your path or drive, see our Edging Stones DIY How To Project. Working out how much scalping you need can be done using our graph below. Measure the area you need to cover and find it on the square metre range of the graph.his can be very dangerous. To find out how to contain your shingle and support the sides of your path or drive, see our Edging Stones DIY How To Project. Working out how much scalping you need can be done using our graph below. Measure the area you need to cover and find it on the square metre range of the graph.", "Crushed Stone The types used to make crushed stone in the United States during 2014 include the following: limestone, granite, trap rock, sandstone, quartzite, dolomite, volcanic cinder and scoria, marble, slate, shell, and calcareous marl [1]. Their relative importance is shown in the pie chart in the right column of this page.rap rock is a layman's name used for any dark-colored igneous rock that is used in construction. Basalt, peridotite, diabase, and gabbro are examples of trap rock. Granite and trap rock are the second and third most commonly used types of rocks for producing crushed stone.", "Crushed Stone Grades: Complete Guide 1 For concrete and asphalt mix, driveways, landscaping and French drains. 2 Crushed stone #411 – A mixture of stone dust and #57 stone. 3 For driveways, roads and as a base for retaining walls. 4 It can also be used to patch holes in paved areas. Crushed stone #10 (also called stone dust) – Screenings or dust. 2 For fabrication of concrete blocks and pavers and for riding arenas. 3 Crushed stone #57 – Sizes of about 3/4″. 4 For concrete and asphalt mix, driveways, landscaping and French drains.", "- Most damage to concrete shows up as cracks, and fortunately repairing most concrete driveway cracks today is a relatively inexpensive, straightforward do-it-yourself project.f it is long and well paved (in good repair) and made of concrete for example, we have expectations of something special, but like anything else concrete driveways need to be maintained. Concrete is a very durable building material and is an excellent material with which to pour a driveway.", "Definitions &Translations Sample Sentences & Example Usage. Ben Stillwell: If the downspout runs underground, remove it from the pipe as needed. Michael Marceaux: Go out and look at your downspouts, you should be able to see the water coming out [the bottom] or hear it going through the downspout into the ground drain below.", "- View in context. Now, at last, I saw the grim humor of the method they had adopted to do me this great honor, but that there was any hoax in the reality of the title they had conferred upon me was readily disproved by the sincerity of the congratulations that were heaped upon me by the judges first and then the nobles. View in context.", "The Late Great Northeast So you meandered back up two doors to your driveway, where your dad is now on one knee with a tire gauge in his hand. Your instinct is to ask Mom, but Mom is tough with money. Squaring your shoulders, you see opportunity before you, and it’s checking the tire pressure of a blue 1962 Chevy Biscayne.", "Definitions &Translations Sample Sentences & Example Usage. 1 Moshe Tamssot: When he appeared carrying the tray, I knew I had to congratulate him for making the effort. 2 The NFL commissioner: The loss of this young man is a terrible tragedy, our thoughts are with Tray's family and friends.", "- Reputation: 1313. Advertisements. I have an original hardwood staircase in my house and currently have three black and blues on my lower back and bottom to prove it, my preschooler who I was holding at the time has bite marks on his tongue.", "Kingâs Weir Barbel record falls at 16lb 2oz So, I hope you would have now understood why removing rust of a car is little challenging. It is easier to take some steps to avoid rust than to eradicate. But, if you have got them, then I will teach you how to get rid of rust stains from your car.", "- I have an 04 tahoe with 52,000 on it. it has full time 4wd that cannot be turned off. my question is when i am driving and barely pushing on the gas i hear a grinding noise.it sounds like a brake pad needs replaced but its not that I checked all four corners. when i let off and coast it goes away.y question is when i am driving and barely pushing on the gas i hear a grinding noise. it sounds like a brake pad needs replaced but its not that I checked all four corners. when i let off and coast it goes away.", "- Quote: Originally Posted by jeremy56. Hi Guys, Im praying someone can help me. Its seriously driving me insane that i cant get my 4x8 sheets of drywall into the basement! My stairs are in such a way that they go down one flight to a landing and turn around 180 degrees and go down another flight.", "Frequently Asked Questions We provide a portion of the California Vehicle Code on tires and traction devices on our web site. For information on studded tires click on section 27454 and read 27454, 27454b and 27454e regarding studded tires. For information on cable chains and ATD's click on 27459 and read sections 27459, 27459.5 and Section 605.", "Stone Stone. # 1 57/2B #57/2B stone is the staple of our stone sales. 2 2A 2A is a modified stone used for road or driveway base or applications requiring compaction. 3 2RC 2RC is a modified stone which means it includes a variety of sizes and fines which are 2 and under. 3A 3A is a mixture of stone 3 and under.", "Hardscaping 101: Pea Gravel We'll give you one guess. As gravel goes, it doesn't get any better. These rounded fragments of pea-size stone crunch underfoot as satisfyingly as crispy cereal. Good for covering driveways and paths, and for filling spaces between stone pavers, pea gravel is inexpensive and versatile.", "- Pavements and Surface materials page 7 of 8 of compacted crushed stone is suggested for emergency fire lanes, driveways and parking lots. Thicker bases may be needed when extremely heavy vehicles are expected to use the surface, the soil sub grade is weak, has high clay or silt content, or is wet.", "making a crushed dolomite driveway How to make dolomite powder. ... Crushed stone is also used to cover driveways or as an inlay for porches and decks. how to make a stone driveway. convert a cracked asphalt driveway into an old ... what is the conversion factor for 10 cubic meters of 19mm crushed dolomite stone to ...We make it easy to get the planting soils you need. ...'m sure this driveway is already complete but since this posting ... specs this driveway would take 250 Ton of crushed concrete/ dolomite /limestone and 150 Ton of ... Types of Gravel for Driveway | eHow.com-eHow | How to… Types of Gravel for Driveway.", "- 4 Road Service Breakdown Directory has over 25,000 mobile repair, truck repair, towing & wrecker services, tire repair services, and garages and is used daily by trucking professionals throughout the United States and Canada to locate the closest repair services when and where they are needed.", "- Slide 16, just for the fun of it, shows Buttley enjoying sugar cane in its purist form. . . .and, yes, I did sit down and peel and quarter the cane for her as I did for my children and as my grandfather did for us children.", "- How wide is the driveway and how deep do you need to apply (e.g. 12' wide and 4 deep). Measure depth, width and length and compute into square yards. It's been a couple years but here's what I recall: Stone is about 2 tons per square yard. 10-12 yards per full tri-axle truck. Normally a 3-yard minimum.", "- Sentence Examples. 1 She was on the washboard ruts before she realized they were there. 2 Following a long drive that consisted of little more than two ruts worn by vehicle tires, they came to the Marsh ranch. 3 As he maneuvered the truck through muddy ruts in the drive, she covertly studied his profile.", "If you slash someones car tire, is that a felony in california? Best Answer: There is no such thing as slashing with a prior that I know of. The vandalism codes to research are PC 594a1 and PC 594(b)(2). Both depict the same and the only difference like mickey said is the value of $400 or less=midemeanor.", "- Historical Examples. 1 I did think you would have helped me, Bunny, Delushy cried, with aggrievement. 2 There was a tone of injury and aggrievement in his talk of the bear's ingratitude. 3 There is no expression of aggrievement, either slight or acute, at the precious metals leaving her.", "Concrete Crack Repair Evaluation At this point you will begin to get a feeling for the cause of the damage. But if you need more information you might have to resort to some destructive and nondestructive evaluation techniques. The first step is just to break away any damaged concrete to determine how deep the damage goes.", "- It's tantamount to fraud. In this view, disagreement and treason are tantamount. De Quincey the certainty that delay, under these circumstances, was tantamount to ruin. 1981, Del Martin, Battered Wives, page 90: […] expecting the woman to take her attacker into physical custody is tantamount to preventing the arrest.", "- 1 answer. I need a diagram of how to replace drive belt on riding mower. 2 answers. How to replace the timed cross drive belt for the blades on a craftsman 2 11 hp. 6 sped 40 cut riding mower model number 502.255750 also need a ... 6 answers. I need a belt diagram for my Craftsman ZTR riding mower, model is 102.273920.", "Member Services On Wednesday 19 October, I was driving to work around 06.30 am when I was diverted to due to a serious road traffic accident. Whilst trying to find a new route to work, my car suffered a tyre blow out. I was already rather stressed when I rang the NCOA breakdown service. After taking my details I was told someone would be with me within 45 minutes. Whilst I was waiting for assistance someone called me back twice to check everything was okay.", "- 1 I was unable to find a cross reference for the number 41i you said is on the grease seal on your homemade trailer. 2 I have attached a drawing that shows where you can normally find the numbers on seals bearings and races." ]
[ 15.421875 ]
[ -4.671875, 3.486328125, 6.87890625, 6.9140625, 14.0625, 3.4609375, -2.26953125, -1.0625, 0.427978515625, -2.83203125, -0.36181640625, -3.810546875, 1.59765625, -0.11468505859375, 0.2213134765625, 13.6015625, 6.2421875, 10.796875, 8.921875, -0.0157928466796875, -0.381103515625, 8.8046875, -3.359375, -1.76953125, -1.056640625, -0.038238525390625, -2.982421875, 0.87451171875, -0.374755859375, -1.5244140625 ]
is a pg movie ok for a 4 year old
[ "Can your 8 year old child watch a PG-13 movie? Yes, a 4-year-old can watch a PG movie in a theater, alone or with an adult. In both the US and UK, PG means Parent Guidance Suggested.Not Parental Guidance Mandatory. Same thing with PG-13 in the US.s a parent, you carry the responsibility of deciding what is ok for child to watch, what YOU find inappropriate. Its at your discretion. If you meant to ask can you bring … your 8 year old child to a movie theater showing at PG-13 movie, then yes... an 8 year old is allowed into a theater showing a PG-13 movie." ]
[ "- Peg + Cat is an animated PBS KIDS program that uses the comical adventures of Peg and her faithful pet cat sidekick, to instruct 3-5 year olds foundational mathematical concepts. Episodes air as part of morning and afternoon PBS KIDS programming; each 12-minute episode explores two to three key math concepts and offers both introductory and more advanced applications for them. In the Peg + Cat storefront on the PBS KIDS shop, fans can purchase Peg + Cat personalized t-shirts, hoodies, tote bags and more. PBS KIDS shop is the official store for all PBS KIDS character and program-licensed merchandise.", "- R has explicit content, but granted what the movie is, kids might be able to watch it. TV14 is basically suitable for 15-year olds and up. TV MA is kind of like R for television, but they can't put nudity on TV and they still have to censor the f-word and can't show just anything (cus it's tv), so of course it's lighter.", "AT&T Corporate Office ask yourself, Is it ok for a 13 year old left to watch a 8 year old, the autism part shouldn't make a difference. This really depends on the children. If the 13 year old i … s very mature and is capable (and willing) to look after this child, then there shouldn't be a problem.s a parent, you carry the responsibility of deciding what is ok for child to watch, what YOU find inappropriate. Its at your discretion. If you meant to ask can you bring your 8 year old child to a movie theater showing at PG-13 movie, then yes...", "- for a 4 year old attention, probably Kung Fu Panda. i saw and very much liked Walle, but im around 20 but im not so sure a four year old would be as interested.", "How To Ride a PWC with a Child Taking your child out for a ride on a PWC can be fun for everybody. Young children (typically under 50 pounds and four years of age), are best served with a Type II PFD, recognized by the “pillow” behind the child’s head.", "Child's Play: With Technology, R-Rated Movies Are Just a Click Away The advancement of technology has made it simple for children to watch R-rated movies. Those are the films that have so much sex or violence -- or other adult-themed content -- that those who are 17 and under may only see them if they're with a parent or adult guardian.ou actually have to go to places like commonsense.org or other places that really rate content and find out what's in it. You need to get down and do your homework and find out what your kids are surfing or what movies and video games their interested in.", "- Children: Pu-erh tea seems to be safe in children in amounts commonly found in foods and beverages. Anxiety disorders: The caffeine in pu-erh tea might make these conditions worse. Bleeding disorders: There is concern that pu-erh tea might make bleeding disorders worse because of its caffeine content.reen tea is not fermented, oolong tea is partially fermented, black tea is fully fermented, and Pu-erh tea is post-fermented. This means Pu-erh tea’s processing includes both fermentation and then prolonged storage, or “aging,” under high humidity.", "Child's Play: With Technology, R-Rated Movies Are Just a Click Away While some children may not think twice about ordering up an R-rated film -- and many do so with their parents' permission -- experts fear that exposing developing minds to certain content may have harmful effects.ou actually have to go to places like commonsense.org or other places that really rate content and find out what's in it. You need to get down and do your homework and find out what your kids are surfing or what movies and video games their interested in.", "Can your 8 year old child watch a PG-13 movie? As a parent, you carry the responsibility of deciding what is ok for child to watch, what YOU find inappropriate. Its at your discretion. If you meant to ask can you bring … your 8 year old child to a movie theater showing at PG-13 movie, then yes... an 8 year old is allowed into a theater showing a PG-13 movie.Please keep in mind that the P in PG stands for Parental, and the G stands for Guidance. A movie about pre-marital teen-aged sexual experimentation (for example) may merit some Parental Guidance.s a parent, you carry the responsibility of deciding what is ok for child to watch, what YOU find inappropriate. Its at your discretion. If you meant to ask can you bring … your 8 year old child to a movie theater showing at PG-13 movie, then yes... an 8 year old is allowed into a theater showing a PG-13 movie.", "Is 5 years old to young to watch PG rated movies? You are the parent, it's up to you. I've seen some PG movies that would be perfectly fine for a 5 year old, but there are others that I would never let a 5 year old watch.Just do it on a movie by movie basis.Make sure you see the movie before he does and then use your best judgment.'ve seen some PG movies that would be perfectly fine for a 5 year old, but there are others that I would never let a 5 year old watch.", "Regal Colonie Center Stadium 13 & RPXMovie Times + Tickets Child tickets are valid for children 11 years and under. Senior tickets are valid for adults 60 years and older. Not all ticket types are available for all performances.Valid IDs will be required to attend R movies.You must be at least 17 years of age or have your parent accompany you to view the movie. Age requirement may be higher in certain states and localities.IDs will be checked at the theatre. Children 6 and under are not allowed to attend Rated R features.alid IDs will be required to attend R movies. You must be at least 17 years of age or have your parent accompany you to view the movie. Age requirement may be higher in certain states and localities. IDs will be checked at the theatre. Children 6 and under are not allowed to attend Rated R features.", "The F-word in PG-13 movies: They're dropping by the cluster The MPAA's guidelines state that if two-thirds of the ratings board members believe that multiple F-words are used in a legitimate 'context or manner' or are 'inconspicuous,' then the movie could still be rated PG-13.", "- There is a rating of T for Teen, which recommends 13 and older. But, as with other games, parents can let their kids play whatever. I used to raid with a Pally who was 16 and said he'd been playing and raiding since vanilla (so... As an 8 year old) and that blows my mind.", "Alice in Wonderland (2010) Parents need to know that Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland might be rated PG, but it's pretty intense and scary at times for younger kids, especially because it's in 3-D.", "PLAY THERAPY Play Therapy can be useful for any child of four years and older. It can help to become aware of what feelings and how these feelings manifest in behaviour or one's body. They can learn how to become better at regulating emotions and expressing them in constructive ways.n the sessions the therapist uses specific techniques to assess how a child or adolescent experience their world and how they communicate and react to the events and people in their world. Children are lead to become aware of what they are feeling and opportunities are given to express these feelings.", "- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) PG-13 | 2h 37min | Adventure, Family, Fantasy | 18 November 2005 (USA) Harry finds himself mysteriously selected as an under-aged competitor in a dangerous tournament between three schools of magic.", "- Report Abuse. I don't know what punjabi is and for sure Greeks are not coming from indo europeans as the Jew's troll guy said. His bigger punnisment is that he is not Greek and he just can't stand it so his empathy is so big that if he bites his tongue, he will get poisoned. xatzo777 · 5 years ago.Thumbs up. You can only upload photos smaller than 5 MB. 2 You can only upload videos smaller than 600 MB. 3 You can only upload a photo (png, jpg, jpeg) or video (3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm). 4 You can only upload a photo or video.", "- Read Common Sense Media's Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children review, age rating, and parents guide. Eerie gothic fantasy a satisfying creep fest for teens. Read Common Sense Media's Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children review, age rating, and parents guide.", "- show more My 4 year old poked the inside of his ear with a straw (the pointy kid-drink kind). He screamed and cried when it happened, now he just complains that his ear hurts (every 5 minutes) I can't see anything out of the ordinary and there was just a dab of blood when I shoved a tissue in there.how more My 4 year old poked the inside of his ear with a straw (the pointy kid-drink kind). He screamed and cried when it happened, now he just complains that his ear hurts (every 5 minutes) I can't see anything out of the ordinary and there was just a dab of blood when I shoved a tissue in there.", "- 3 to 4 Boys Don't Do That! by Susan A. Miller, EdD. Four-year-old Bradley emerges from the dramatic-play area with a purse full of treasures. Tomas teases, Only girls or mommies carry purses!. Bradley says emphatically, I am not girl! I am a boy!.In the prekindergarten years, children are developing a strong sense of self and of their identities as boys and girls.our-year-old Bradley emerges from the dramatic-play area with a purse full of treasures. Tomas teases, Only girls or mommies carry purses!. Bradley says emphatically, I am not girl! I am a boy!. In the prekindergarten years, children are developing a strong sense of self and of their identities as boys and girls.", "Is it illegal to watch porn on the internet? disney s bambi has probably got the same copyright as some pornography for example redistributing it either on the internet on dvd or on other recordable media devices is a violation of copyright however it is 100 % illegal to watch porn that contains underaged performers or rape molestationsource st is definantly no illegal to watch porn as long as all the porn model are over the legal age 18 and you are to", "Motion picture content rating system PG stands for parental guidance and the number 13 denotes that some material in the film may be inappropriate for pre-teens, or children under the age of 13.A movie rating doesn't indicate whether a movie is good or bad, but rather reflects the violent, sexual, drug use and language content within a film.G stands for parental guidance and the number 13 denotes that some material in the film may be inappropriate for pre-teens, or children under the age of 13.", "Youtube got better graphics than my ps4 Date Posted: Oct 25, 2014 #3. I had the same problem with ps3, OP. I'd play a ps3 game, go look up pictures and videos and they'd ALL look so much better than what I was actually playing. But with the ps4 it's the other way around, clearly. Go look up a graphics comparison between ff14 on ps3, ps4, and pc.The videos show barely any difference but boy that couldn't be more wrong.hread title says it all, the only games that I played r shadow of mordor and p.t, they both look good but watching them on YouTube at 720p looks much better, even crysis 3 and uncharted on my PS3 looked the same as my ps4 games.", "Fantasy Literature Keep in mind that even young children enjoy fantasy. However, it’s important to remember that preschool aged children are just discovering the difference between the real and imaginary world. Look for fantasy books that easily connect with real-world settings and objects familiar to children such as a pet goldfish.", "- PBS has a list of historical fiction for grades four and five, which can be accessed here. Some states provide lists of historical fiction and nonfiction. Search California’s database using “Oregon” as keyword or “Lewis” as keyword and you will get more than 20 fiction and nonfiction books.", "- 1 vote Vote for this answer. A PG-13 rating is a sterner warning by the Rating Board to parents to determine whether their children under age 13 should view the motion picture, as some material might not be suited for them.ore than brief nudity will require at least a PG-13 rating, but such nudity in a PG-13 rated motion picture generally will not be sexually oriented. There may be depictions of violence in a PG-13 movie, but generally not both realistic and extreme or persistent violence.", "Harry Potter Age-by-Age Guide If your family is just getting into this magical world, here's a quick age guide for enjoying Harry Potter with your kids. Keep in mind that all kids are different, so assess your child's ability to handle frights and peril before you see the movies or read the books.6-7: A great age to begin.f your family is just getting into this magical world, here's a quick age guide for enjoying Harry Potter with your kids. Keep in mind that all kids are different, so assess your child's ability to handle frights and peril before you see the movies or read the books. 6-7: A great age to begin.", "Motion Picture Association of America film rating system Explicit sex scenes and scenes of drug use are absent; nudity, if present, is seen only briefly, horror and violence do not exceed moderate levels. PG-13 – Parents Strongly Cautioned — Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13. Signifies that the film rated may be inappropriate for pre-teens.", "User Reviews Caillou is a 4 year old bald child who is very spoiled by his parents. They spoil him so much, that when they tell him to wait, he breaks out into a tantrum and begins to cry and scream I want this now!. Honestly, this is something you would expect from a 2 year old child.He's 3, we stopped watching it when he was 2). I wrote a nastygram to the Caillou email that's given on the PBS website, and got back a response as follows: The premise behind CAILLOU and his adventures is that they reflect the real life experiences and emotions of a 4-year-old child.", "Is 4 inches small for a 15 year old's penis size? Is 4 inches small for a 15 year old's penis size? Please help me because I've got a gf and she says that she would like to have sex when it's legal (when we are both 16)." ]
[ 17.84375 ]
[ 4.75, 6.86328125, 9.796875, 11.609375, 3.123046875, 5.890625, 1.5146484375, 4.7265625, 12.171875, 13.171875, 6.23828125, 4.671875, 3.2578125, 5.640625, 2.6796875, 5.09375, 2.400390625, 5.875, 5.0859375, 4.76953125, 0.6103515625, 10.3515625, 0.1290283203125, -0.2047119140625, -2.03125, 9.3515625, 5.34765625, 8.46875, 6.03125, 2.755859375 ]
the ______ controls essential functions such as heartbeat, breathing, and blood circulation
[ "- It is larger in male brains, often enlarged in the brains of sociopaths and it shrinks in the elderly. BRAIN STEM: The part of the brain that connects to the spinal cord. The brain stem controls functions basic to the survival of all animals, such as heart rate, breathing, digesting foods, and sleeping. It is the lowest, most primitive area of the human brain." ]
[ "Neurons, Hormones, and the Brain The hindbrain is composed of the medulla, the pons, and the cerebellum. The medulla lies next to the spinal cord and controls functions outside conscious control, such as breathing and blood flow. In other words, the medulla controls essential functions.", "What part of the brain controls breathing? [And I shouldn't have, I would have had the first correct answer.] The medulla oblong…ata is the lower portion of the brainstem. It deals with autonomic functions, such as breathing and blood pressure. The cardiac center is the part of the medulla oblongata responsible for controlling the heart rate..", "- It does this by regulating your body temperature, thirst and hunger, amongst other things. And by controlling the release of hormones from the nearby pituitary gland. Brain stem. Your brain stem is responsible for regulating many life support mechanisms, such as your heart rate, blood pressure, digestion and breathing.", "Identify three major structures of the brain and their respective functions in the human body.? 1 The brain stem sits beneath your cerebrum in front of your cerebellum. 2 It connects the brain to the spinal cord and controls automatic functions such as breathing, digestion, heart rate and blood pressure. The brain stem sits beneath your cerebrum in front of your cerebellum. 2 It connects the brain to the spinal cord and controls automatic functions such as breathing, digestion, heart rate and blood pressure.", "- DESCRIPTION The autonomic nervous system (ANS) regulates physiologic processes, such as blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, digestion, metabolism, fluid and electrolyte balance, sweating, urination, defecation, sexual response, and other processes.", "The Brain Stem The brainstem regulates vital body functions such as cardiac and respiratory functions and acts as a vehicle for sensory information. Describe the functions of the brainstem. In vertebrate anatomy, the brainstem (or brain stem) is the posterior part of the brain adjoining, and structurally continuous with, the spinal cord.", "Functions of the Cardiovascular System With its complex pathways of veins, arteries, and capillaries, the cardiovascular system keeps life pumping through you. The heart, blood vessels, and blood help to transport vital nutrients throughout the body as well as remove metabolic waste. They also help to protect the body and regulate body temperature. The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and blood. This system has three main functions: Transport of nutrients, oxygen, and hormones to cells throughout the body and removal of metabolic wastes (carbon dioxide, nitrogenous wastes).", "Human Physiology/Print Version Describe the control of the autonomic nervous system. The medulla contains the cardiac, respiratory, and vasomotor centers. The ANS is classically divided into two subdivisions, the sympathetic division and the parasympathetic division.", "Human Physiology/Print Version The most important function of breathing is gas exchange (of oxygen and carbon dioxide). Thus the control of respiration is centered primarily on how well this is achieved by the lungs. There are four main centers in the reticular formation and other parts of the brainstem that regulate the respiration rate.", "The Brain Stem The medulla oblongata (myelencephalon) is the lower half of the brainstem continuous with the spinal cord. Its upper part is continuous with the pons. The medulla contains the cardiac, respiratory, vomiting, and vasomotor centers regulating heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure.", "Electrical Conduction System and Activity of the Human Heart Electrical Conduction System and Activity of the Human Heart. The heart has a complex electrical system which regulates the contraction and relaxation of its muscular wall. This enables the heart to function by receiving blood during relaxation and pumping it out with force to the lungs and other parts of the body. The rhythm of the heart beat is controlled by a natural pacemaker known as the sinoatrial node (SA node) which generates the electrical impulse. To prevent simultaneous contraction of the atria and ventricles, the atrioventricular node (AV node) delays the conduction of the impulse to the ventricle.", "The Brain controls hormones; a brain structure involved in emotions and drives vital to survival, such as fear, hunger, thirst and reproduction; it regulates the autonomic nervous system. contains biological clock that controls body's daily rhythms.", "Basic Brain Vocabulary The part of the brain that regulates basic functions like heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, coughing, sneezing. Connects the brain to the spinal cord. Autonomic reflex center for maintaining body homeostatis; adjusts force and rate of heart contraction, adjusts blood vessel diameter for bp, generate respiratory rhythm, rate and depth of breathing (w/pons), regulate vomiting, hiccuping, swallowing, coughing, sneezing.", "Heart Valves The valves of the heart serve the cardiovascular system by controlling the direction of the blood flow during circulation and determining the exact moment in which the blood passes between the chambers of the heart as well as in and out of it entirely.", "Brain Structure And Function It is responsible for vital life functions such as breathing, heartbeat, and blood pressure. The brain stem is made of the midbrain, pons, and medulla. Pons – The primary role of the pons is to serve as a bridge between various parts of the nervous system, including the cerebellum and cerebrum.", "- Brain Structures and Their Functions. Page System or part Function Misc. p. 72 Brainstem Responsible for automatic survival functions. Spinal cord Controls simple reflexes Pathway for neural fibers to & from brain. p. Medulla Controls/regulates heartbeat & breathing. p.", "- 1 Important in the regulation of movement and in habit learning. 2 Works closely with the frontal lobes. 3 Brain stem: Connection from the spinal cord to lower areas of the brain. 4 Responsible for autonomic functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, and the like.", "Table of Contents The nervous system controls all the other functions of the body. It controls breathing, the beating of the heart, and the functions of all the other organs. Like the other body systems, we couldn’t live without it.", "How the spinal cord works How does the central nervous system differ from other systems of the body? Most systems and organs of the body control just one function, but the central nervous system does many jobs at the same time. It controls all voluntary movement, such as speech and walking, and involuntary movements, such as blinking and breathing. It is also the core of our thoughts, perceptions, and emotions.", "Anatomy of the Brain The brain controls our thoughts, memory and. speech, movement of the arms and legs, and the. function of many organs within our body. It also. determines how we respond to stressful situations. (such as taking a test, losing a job, or suffering an. illness) by regulating our heart and breathing rate. Nervous system.", "Psychology Chapter 2 · The part of the brainstem that controls heartbeat, blood pressure, breathing, coughing, and swallowing. o Reticular formation. · A structure in the brainstem that plays a crucial role in arousal and attention and that screens sensory messages entering the brain.", "- The medulla oblongata is part of the nervous system in the lower half of the brainstem in which connects the brain and spinal cord. It is subconscious and it controls the …involuntary action such as breathing, blood pressure and even heartbeat. Answered.", "- Brainstem. The brainstem is connected to the spinal cord at the back of the brain. The brainstem controls unconscious functions such as respiration, digestion, and pulse. Three structures comprise the brainstem: the midbrain, the pons, and the medulla oblongata. The midbrain controls eye movement and focus.", "- exists and is an alternate of . The hindbrain includes the cerebellum, the pons, and the medulla oblongata. controls basic functions such as breathing, heart rate, &amp; blood pressure <br /><br />The hindbrain includes the cerebellum, the pons, and the medulla oblongata. Minor edit?", "Basic Brain Vocabulary Brainstem. Structure that controls basic life functions and includes the medulla, pons, and midbrain., The oldest part and central core of the brain, beginning where the spinal cord swells as it enters the skull; the brainstem is responsible for automatic survival functions.   .", "Controls involuntary activities such as breathing and heartbeat? The medulla oblongata, often just referred to as the medulla, controls autonomic body functions. It is the lower part of the brain stem. The brainstem, which is composed of … the Medulla, Pons and the Midbrain. It runs all the involuntary muscles and control the breathing, digestion and blood circulation.", "Diabetes Info: Everything you need to know about diabetes The endocrine system is a unique and essential part of normal body function. Where the nervous system handles functions that happen quickly, like breathing and body movement, the endocrine system handles body functions that happen much slower, such as the growth of cells, organs, and metabolism.", "- A part of the peripheral nervous system called the autonomic nervous system is responsible for controlling many of the body processes we almost never need to think about, like breathing, digestion, sweating, and shivering. The autonomic nervous system has two parts: the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems.", "Endothelial Function Testing Email. Print. The endothelium is a thin membrane that lines the inside of the heart and blood vessels. Endothelial cells release substances that control vascular relaxation and contraction as well as enzymes that control blood clotting, immune function and platelet (a colorless substance in the blood) adhesion.", "Medterm Chapter 10 Create a free account to save it. above spinal cord, controls breathing, heartbeat and size of blood vessels. Degeneration of nerves in the brain leading to tremors, shuffling gait, and muscle stiffness (mask-like facial expression); dopamine is deficient in the brain." ]
[ 12.546875 ]
[ 13.5078125, 11.6015625, 11.6171875, 12.265625, 10.9921875, 10.6015625, 9.9296875, 9.8359375, 8.625, 12.4765625, 9.078125, 9.703125, 10.2265625, 8.65625, 13.6015625, 12.0546875, 10.6640625, 12.46875, 11.1953125, 11.125, 11.8515625, 13.3515625, 11.5234375, 12.8359375, 10.65625, 13.5859375, 10.6015625, 11.1875, 8.1171875, 12.6015625 ]
what county is pleasant, ne in
[ "- Pleasant Dale is a village in Seward County, Nebraska, United States. It is part of the Lincoln, Nebraska Metropolitan Statistical Area. The population was 245 at the 2000 census. Pleasant Dale is located at 40°47′30″N 96°55′59″W / 40.79167°N 96.93306°W / 40.79167; -96.93306 (40.791805, -96.933013)." ]
[ "PLEASANT VIEW, CHEATHAM COUNTY, WEST-CENTRAL, TENNESSEE LAND FOR SALE: 1 - 15 of 79 listings Pleasant View, Cheatham County, Tennessee Land for Sale. Looking for rural homes and land for sale in Pleasant View, Cheatham County, Tennessee? LandWatch.com has thousands of rural properties in Pleasant View, Cheatham County, Tennessee, including hunting & fishing properties, cabins, Land for sale and land auctions. Choose from small acreage lots to massive 500+ acre estates. You can also find Pleasant View, Cheatham County, Tennessee real estate agents who specialize in land and rural retreats. Sign up for our Pleasant View, Cheatham County, Tennessee email alerts and never miss out on a new listing again!", "Hampton Inn & Suites Charleston/Mt. Pleasant-Isle Of Palms Get an overview of this hotelHotel in Mount Pleasant with free breakfast and outdoor pool. Location. Situated near the beach, this hotel is 0.7 mi (1.1 km) from Snee Farm Country Club and 1.4 mi (2.2 km) from Charles Pinckney National Historic Site. Palmetto Islands County Park and Isle of Palms County Park are also within 6 mi (10 km). Along with an outdoor pool, this hotel has a fitness center and a snack bar/deli.", "Cocke County Jail Inmate Search On this page, you will find the Cocke County inmate search, inmate lists, inmate roster, arrest reports and/or booking information for the Cocke County Jail in the city of Newport, Cocke County in the state of Tennessee. With a minimal amount of information about the inmate and some patience, on jailexchange.com you can: Find the inmate", "- The city of Plymouth lies on flat to gently rolling terrain located at the lower elevations of the western slope of the Sierra Nevada. Plymouth is well known as the site of the Amador County Fair which was started in 1938, and lauded as one of the last true county fairs in the state.", "Locations listing Visit your Pierce County Library in the area of the county most convenient for you: Central - South, North - East, West. Download a map of locations. To ride a bus to a Pierce County Library visit www.piercetransit.org.", "We Energies' coal-fired power plant in Pleasant Prairie to be shut down in 2018 For decades, steam billowing from the twin cooling towers of We Energies' coal-fired power plant in Pleasant Prairie has been a familiar landmark for motorists driving along I-94 near in Kenosha County.", "- Polk County Assessor 400 Hawkeye Street Osceola NE 68651 41.8 miles from Pleasant Dale 402-747-4491. Colfax County Assessor's Office 411 East 11th Street Schuyler NE 68661 45.8 miles from Pleasant Dale 402-352-8500. Jefferson County Assessor's Office 411 4th Street Fairbury NE 68352 47.1 miles from Pleasant Dale 402-729-6833", "Pleasant View Center Pleasant View Center. Pleasant View Center is located in Concord New Hampshire. We have a Transitional Care Unit that specializes in Skilled Nursing and Physical, Occupational, Speech and Respiratory Therapies. Additionally, our facility has two vibrant LongTerm Care communities.", "- Upcoming Events. The North Platte area is a wonderful place to live, work, play, and retire. We are pleased to bring you this website to show you what North Platte offers its citizens and businesses. On this site, you will find information on the North Platte & Lincoln County area, Chamber & Development members, programs and events, and links to important community resources, projects and organizations.", "- an ordinance of mount pleasant township washington county, pa, amending misc. provisions of its zoning ordinance, and amending its zoning map, as codified at ch. 200 of the township code of ordinances.", "Pleasant Garden Elementary Pleasant Garden Elementary is a public elementary school located in Pleasant Garden, NC in the Guilford County School District. It enrolls 537 students in grades 1st through 12th. Pleasant Garden Elementary is the 613th largest public school in North Carolina and the 18,169th largest nationally. It has 15.8 students to every teacher.", "Nebraska...Our Towns [Nebraska State Historical Society] The small town of Prague is located in western Saunders County in the area known -- once disparagingly but now affectionately -- as the Bohemian Alps.. Many of the residents are descendants of the Czech settlers drawn to America in the 1880s by a promise of prosperity.", "Point Pleasant, New Jersey Point Pleasant is a borough in Ocean County, New Jersey, United States. As of the 2010 United States Census, the borough's population was 18,392, reflecting a decline of 914 from the 19,306 counted in the 2000 Census, which had in turn increased by 1,129 from the 18,177 counted in the 1990 Census. Point Pleasant was incorporated as a borough by an act of the New Jersey Legislature on April 21, 1920, from portions of Brick Township, based on the results of a referendum held on May 19, 1920. The b", "Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin Pleasant Prairie is a village in Kenosha County, Wisconsin located between Milwaukee and Chicago. The population was 19,719 at the 2010 census. The neighborhoods of Carol Beach, Dexter's Corner, Ranney, and Tobin are located within the village.", "Pleasantville Map â Satellite Images of Pleasantville Pleasantville Map — Satellite Images of Pleasantville. detailed map of Pleasantville and near places. Welcome to the Pleasantville google satellite map! This place is situated in Sullivan County, Indiana, United States, its geographical coordinates are 38° 58' 1 North, 87° 15' 1 West and its original name (with diacritics) is Pleasantville.", "- Pleasants County, one of the smallest of West Virginia's counties, lies by the Ohio River in the western part of the state. The county is divided into two nearly equal portions by Middle Island Creek. Within its borders, both fertile bottom land and the highlands of the Appalachian foothills can be found.", "Township Maps, 2010 Mount Pleasant Township in Delaware County became inactive as a result of its consolidation into Yorktown town. The portion of Mount Pleasant Township that was not part of Yorktown was assigned to the county subdivision record for Muncie. The effective date on this action was January 1, 2013.", "- Search Online Public-Records On Anyone In The City Of Pleasant-grove. Below you will find a collection of offline providers for Utah State County of Utah City of Pleasant grove Public records, these are both governmental agencies and privately run organizations. You can also try using the free online public records search tool.", "- Valuation Lookup Disclaimer. The Douglas County, NE Geographic Information Web Server provides online access to geographic and property record information currently maintained by Douglas County, NE for individual parcels of property. The maps and data are for illustration purposes and may not be suitable for site-specific decision making.", "- Click to draw/clear city borders. Notable locations in Napoleon: Henry County Fairground (A), Napoleon Fire and Rescue (B), Napoleon Public Library (C), Henry County Jail (D), Henry County Courthouse (E).", "Reseller tickets may be sold above or below face value Find the Preble County Fair event schedule and lock some of the best Preble County Fair tickets to the seats of your choice at PreferredSeat.com. 1 The Preble County Fair event schedule is updated often. 2 The price you see is the price you pay. 3 All tickets for the Preble County Fair are backed by our 100% Guarantee.", "- 455 Nurse Practitioner jobs available in Delaware County, PA on Indeed.com. Nurse Practitioner, Family Nurse Practitioner, Adjunct Faculty and more!", "List of streets named after Martin Luther King Jr. Cairo, NE Other Information. 1 Located in HALL County, Nebraska. 2 Cairo, NE is also known as: 3 MAYFIELD, NE. SOUTH LOUP, NE.", "Palatine, Illinois Palatine was home to the Cook County Fair from 1914 to 1931. The fairgrounds are now a subdivision with a name that pays tribute to Palatine's former fairgrounds.", "Pleasant Dale Pleasant Dale is a village in Seward County, Nebraska, United States. It is part of the Lincoln, Nebraska Metropolitan Statistical Area. The population was 245 at the 2000 census. Pleasant Dale is located at 40°47′30″N 96°55′59″W / 40.79167°N 96.93306°W / 40.79167; -96.93306 (40.791805, -96.933013). According to the United States Census Bureau, the village has a total area of 0.1 square miles (0.2 km²), all of it land.", "Marine Patrol We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not a act, but a habit.. Welcome to the St. Clair County Sheriff's Marine Patrol Web site. This site has been designed to acquaint you with our Marine Patrol and the services available to the boating community in the county.", "- Salaries in Delaware County, PA: Nurse Practitioner salary Be the first to see new Nurse Practitioner jobs in Delaware County, PA My email: Also get an email with jobs recommended just for me Company with Nurse Practitioner jobs Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center Penn State Hershey Medical Group provides over 35 clinics with access to all specialty medical services in your community.", "Township Maps, 2010 Mount Pleasant Township in Delaware County became inactive as a result of its consolidation into Yorktown town. The portion of Mount Pleasant Township that was not part of Yorktown was assigned to the county subdivision record for Muncie. The effective date on this action was January 1, 2013. Related Links. Locate township for a street address", "Pleasant Lake County Park and Campground Quiet during the week but pretty full on the weekend. No noise to speak of other than a barking dog that was not in the campground. Some sites are not very level. We camped at Pleasant Lake County Park and Campground in a Motorhome.", "Mount Pleasant, Green County, Wisconsin Mount Pleasant, Green County, Wisconsin. Mount Pleasant is a town in Green County, Wisconsin, in the United States. As of the 2000 census, the town population was 547. The unincorporated community of Schultz is located partially in the town." ]
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name origin of kaija
[ "- Kaija /kai-ja/ [2 sylls.] as a name for girls is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Kaija is life, animal.Kaija is a version of Chava (Hebrew): can also mean living being. Kaija is also a derivative of Hava (Hebrew). Kreatif forms: Keaja, Krija.aija is an equally unusual surname for all people. (2000 U.S. Census). Ava (#5 the previous year) , Chaya (#692) , Eva (#82) and Eve (#460) are the prominent alternative forms of Kaija (not ranked) ." ]
[ "- Just for fun, see the name Jaja in Hieroglyphics, learn about ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics and write a Hieroglyphic message. Learn about nautical flags and see your name or message written in nautical flags, on the Jaja in Nautical Flags page.entral and South Africa maintain the influence of Western culture and frequently use European names when naming their children. Traditional African names often reflect the order, time, or season of the child's birth. For example born on a given day or at a certain time, first born or second born.", "- Jai's name origin is Latin, and the meaning of the name Jai is blue crested bird. Jai is an alternate spelling of Jay (Latin). Jaw is a common surname. Kreatif forms: Jaije, Jaiju, Jujai.", "- Kai (girl). Kai /kai/ [1 syll.] as a girls' name (also used more generally as boys' name Kai) is pronounced kye. It is of Hawaiian origin, and the meaning of Kai is the sea. See also Kay. Kreatif forms: Kaike, Kekai.", "Kaia The meaning of Kaia has more than one different etymologies. It has same or different meanings in other countries and languages. The different meanings of the name Kaia are: 1 Greek meaning: Pure. 2 Estonian meaning: Echo.", "Kaiya All the baby naming websites out there provide erroneous information about Kaiya being the Japanese name for “forgiveness”. This is inaccurate. The Japanese word for forgiveness is 許し and would sound like “yurushi” to the English ear. It’s perfectly reasonable to assign Kaiya a Japanese origin since there are indeed kanji for each of the name’s components: i.e., “kai” + “ya”. So what are kanji exactly? Well, simply speaking, it’s a system of writing used by the Japanese and borrowed from Chinese characters.", "- (viewable to Premium Members only). Below is a brief analysis of the first name only. For an analysis of your full name and destiny, see our full free Name and Birth Date Report service for further details.Your name of Kahea makes you a studious, quiet, reserved person.You respect nature and the grandeur of the universe.or an analysis of your full name and destiny, see our full free Name and Birth Date Report service for further details. Your name of Kahea makes you a studious, quiet, reserved person. You respect nature and the grandeur of the universe.", "Jadzia Meaning The name Jadzia is of Polish origin. The meaning of Jadzia is contending war. Jadzia is generally used as a girl's name. It consists of 6 letters and 3 syllables and is pronounced Jad-zi-a.", "What does Kayla mean? Kayla /kay-la/ [2 sylls.] as a girls' name is pronounced KAY-la. It is of Irish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Kayla is slim and fair . From Caoilainn.Also used as a modern variant of Kayley and Katherine, or as a diminutive of Michaela. Also possibly from the Yiddish name Kelila, meaning crown of laurel . Initial popularity of the name is due to the character named Kayla on the daytime TV drama Days of Our Lives.ayla /kay-la/ [2 sylls.] as a girls' name is pronounced KAY-la. It is of Irish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Kayla is slim and fair . From Caoilainn.", "- Keep in mind that many names may have different meanings in other countries and languages, so be careful that the name that you choose doesn’t mean something bad or unpleasant. Search comprehensively and find the name meaning of Kaija and its name origin or of any other name in our database.f you consider naming your baby Kaija we recommend you take note of the special meaning and history of the name as your baby’s name will play a big role in its life and your baby will hear it spoken every day.", "What does Rukia's (from Bleach) name mean? Inuzuri is located to the south. Renji has red hair. And her sister, Hisana, has scarlet in her name. ringononohara mentions that Rukia could be the Italian pronounciation for Lucia, meaning light..The name is also a type of long-billed, white-eyed bird called Rukia longirostra.Hope this helps!ote that Rukia's maiden name is still a mystery, and that her first name is in katakana. KT doesn't want to give any hints. Although, Rukia might have something to do with the Japanese pronounciation for the flower of regret: Rue (ルー), which also has the second name Wijnruit.", "Khadijah - Meaning of Khadijah [ 3 syll. (k)ha-di-jah, kh-adij-ah ] The baby girl name Khadijah is pronounced Kaa-D IY-JHaa- †. Khadijah's language of origin is Arabic, and it is used mainly in the Arabic and English languages. Khadijah is a variant spelling of the African, Arabic, English, and Swahili Khadija.Khadijah is rare as a baby name for girls.At the modest peak of its usage in 1994, 0.083% of baby girls were given the name Khadijah.hadijah's language of origin is Arabic, and it is used mainly in the Arabic and English languages. Khadijah is a variant spelling of the African, Arabic, English, and Swahili Khadija. Khadijah is rare as a baby name for girls. At the modest peak of its usage in 1994, 0.083% of baby girls were given the name Khadijah.", "- Kamea /ka-mea/ [2 sylls.] as a girls' name is pronounced ka-MAY-ah. It is of Hawaiian origin, and the meaning of Kamea is the one (and only).", "Find the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree! Meanings and history of the name Khadijah: | Edit. Khadeejah (555–619 CE) was an independent and successful business woman and philanthropist in an overwhelmingly patriarchal environment. She employed prophet Muhammad ibn Abdullah.She was older than he and proposed marriage to him, which he accepted.eanings and history of the name Khadijah: | Edit. Khadeejah (555–619 CE) was an independent and successful business woman and philanthropist in an overwhelmingly patriarchal environment. She employed prophet Muhammad ibn Abdullah.", "Kapok From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Ceiba pentandra or the Kapok is a species of tropical trees of the order Malvales and the family Malvaceae (previously separated in the family Bombacaceae), native to Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, northern South America, and (as the variety Ceiba pentandra var.he word is also used for the fibre obtained from its seed pods. The tree is also known as the Java cotton, Java kapok, or ceiba. It is a sacred symbol in Maya mythology. The tree of life grows to 60–70 m (200–230 ft) tall and has a very substantial trunk up to 3 m (10 ft) in diameter with buttresses.", "- Deijah /dei-jah/ [2 sylls.] as a name for girls has the meaning already, remembrance. Deijah is an alternate form of Deja (French, Spanish). Diah is a conventional surname. Kreatif forms: Deajah, Dijah.", "- Kaylee is a variant spelling of Kayley. The name Kayley is of recent origin and uncertain derivation. It is possibly a form of the Hebrew name Kayla. It may have also been derived from the Irish Gaelic name O Caollaidhe meaning descendant of Gaolladhe, a personal name drawn from the element caol, meaning slender.he name Kayley is of recent origin and uncertain derivation. It is possibly a form of the Hebrew name Kayla. It may have also been derived from the Irish Gaelic name O Caollaidhe meaning descendant of Gaolladhe, a personal name drawn from the element caol, meaning slender.", "Find the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree! Personal experiences with the name Kaija: | Edit. Share what you know! Nicknames for Kaija: | Edit. Share what you know! Meanings and history of the name Kaija : | Edit. Kaija is a Finnish variant of Katherine, used as an independent name.It's popularity peak was in the later 1940s. Pronounced Kye-ya. It is considered to be old Swedish as well as modern-day Finnish.It can also be a term of endearment meaning precious daughter or sweet girl.t's popularity peak was in the later 1940s. Pronounced Kye-ya. It is considered to be old Swedish as well as modern-day Finnish. It can also be a term of endearment meaning precious daughter or sweet girl.", "Kai - Meaning of Kai Kai is a Dutch, Finnish, Frisian, German, Scandinavian, and Welsh name of Latin origin. It is derived from the element 'gaudere' which means to rejoice. Caius (Latin) and Gaius (Latin) are old forms of Kai.", "- Taija \\ tai-ja, ta-ija \\ is a female's name. It consists of 5 letters and 2 syllables. The baby girl name Taija is pronounced as T-IYJHah. Taija's language of origin is Sanskrit. Taija is a derivative of the Indian Taja.", "Jaja Jaja name is also appear in these origins : African. People Also Search for : Honorius. Jaja Name Number is: 4. Person with name (Jaja) has following quality: Person With Number Four Are Stable, Rigid, Sure-footed, Determined To Reach Their Goals In A Straight Line.aja name is also appear in these origins : African. People Also Search for : Honorius. Jaja Name Number is: 4. Person with name (Jaja) has following quality: Person With Number Four Are Stable, Rigid, Sure-footed, Determined To Reach Their Goals In A Straight Line.", "Safiya - Meaning of Safiya [ 3 syll. sa-fi-ya, saf-iya ] The baby girl name Safiya is pronounced as Saa-F IY-Yaa-or S AA-Fiy-Yaa- †. Safiya is mainly used in Arabic and Swahili, and it is of Arabic origin. Safiya is a variant form of the Arabic name Safiyyah.Safiya is an uncommon baby name for girls. It is not in the top 1000 names. 3 syll. sa-fi-ya, saf-iya ] The baby girl name Safiya is pronounced as Saa-F IY-Yaa-or S AA-Fiy-Yaa- †. Safiya is mainly used in Arabic and Swahili, and it is of Arabic origin. Safiya is a variant form of the Arabic name Safiyyah. Safiya is an uncommon baby name for girls. It is not in the top 1000 names.", "- The different meanings of the name Kaija are: The meaning of the name “Kaija” is different in several languages, countries and cultures and has more than one possibly same or different meanings available. .adslot_1 { width: 336px; height: 280px; } @media (max-width:350px) { .adslot_1 { width: 300px; height: 250px; } }.f you consider naming your baby Kaija we recommend you take note of the special meaning and history of the name as your baby’s name will play a big role in its life and your baby will hear it spoken every day.", "Kayla It is more often used as a girl (female) name. People having the name Kayla are in general originating from France, Ireland, Israel, New Zealand, South Korea, United Kingdom, United States of America. For another variant of the name Kayla across the world, see Michaela.t is more often used as a girl (female) name. People having the name Kayla are in general originating from France, Ireland, Israel, New Zealand, South Korea, United Kingdom, United States of America. For another variant of the name Kayla across the world, see Michaela.", "List of kaiju creatures This is a list of kaijus in the Toho and Daiei universe. Kaiju (怪獣, kaijÅ«) is a Japanese word that means strange creature, but often translated in English as monster or giant monster.Specifically, it is used to refer to a genre of tokusatsu entertainment.his is a list of kaijus in the Toho and Daiei universe. Kaiju (怪獣, kaijÅ«) is a Japanese word that means strange creature, but often translated in English as monster or giant monster.", "- Its origin is Modern English variant of the French name Deja. Dejah is a form of Deja and is generally pronounced like DAY zhah. This name is mostly being used as a girls name. Last year it ranked 3,899th in the U.S. Social Security Administration list of most popular baby girl names. Dejah is a contemporary respelling of the French word déjà. The name Deja is usually found in the French phrase déjà vu (already seen). Déjà vu is an expression which refers to the feeling that someone has already experienced what is currently happening. Pin It.", "- Mejia Family Name. A Spanish surname the Mejia family name comes from the Latin term of 'messias' which means Messiah. Spelling variations for Mejia include Maschia, Mashiach, Mexia, Mejias, Mashia, Megias and Megia. A popular surname in Spain the Mejia family originated in northwest Spain, around Galicia. In Latin America the surname was established in the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Mexico and Columbia.", "Kaija Meaning Kaija is generally used as a girl's name. It consists of 5 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Kai-ja. In the U.S. in 2014, it ranked 6792 in baby name popularity for girls with 18 occurrences.hen just follow the diagram below. Just for fun, see the name Kaija in Hieroglyphics, learn about ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics and write a Hieroglyphic message. Learn about nautical flags and see your name or message written in nautical flags, on the Kaija in Nautical Flags page.", "- The meaning of Kamiah is unknown. Its origin is Modern English . This name is mostly being used as a girls name. Last year it ranked 2,798th in the U.S. Social Security Administration list of most popular baby girl names. Possibly an elaboration of the modern name Kamaya.", "- Pronunciation: (kai ruh vee). Form of: Itself (Kairavi). The meaning of the name “Kairavi” is: “Moonlight”. .adslot_1 { width: 336px; height: 280px; } @media (max-width:350px) { .adslot_1 { width: 300px; height: 250px; } }.", "Kaia Search comprehensively and find the name meaning of Kaia and its name origin or of any other name in our database. Also note the spelling and the pronunciation of the name Kaia and check the initials of the name with your last name to discover how it looks and sounds. The history and meaning of the name Kaia is fascinating, learn more about it." ]
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what causes cramping in the neck
[ "- The most common causes of neck cramps or spasms are torticollis, sprain or strain, and muscle spasm. Other possible causes, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (gerd), are more rare." ]
[ "Neck Pain - Cause Activities that cause neck pain. Most neck pain is caused by activities that involve repeated or prolonged movements of the neck. This can result in a strain (an overstretched or overused muscle), a sprain (injury to a ligament), or a spasm of the neck muscles. These activities include:ertain medical problems can cause neck pain. These include: 1 Problems related to aging, such as: 2 Narrowing of the spinal canal (cervical spinal stenosis).", "What Causes Cramps in Legs? Mayo Clinic’s website describes some of the more serious causes of leg cramps. Inadequate blood supply caused by arteriosclerosis, which is a narrowing of arteries delivering blood to the extremities, can be a very painful cause of leg cramps. Another cause is nerve compression, which is a result of pressure on the nerves. Nerve compression within the lumbar region can result in cramping in the legs, according to WebMD. Additionally, depletion of minerals such as potassium and magnesium within the body may cause leg cramps. To relieve leg cramps, an individual should move around, shake the leg or rub the muscles, suggests Everyday Health. People with chronic leg cramps are advised to apply cold compresses to numb the pain and ...", "- Quick Answer. Unexplained neck pain is one of the warning symptoms of a stroke, advises the American Chiropractic Association. Other stroke warning signs include slurred speech, confusion, numbness or tingling on one side of the face, severe headache or sudden vision problems. People may experience one or all of these symptoms.", "Neck and shoulder pain can have many causes Muscle spasm can result from a muscle injury, but it may also occur if there is a deeper problem (say, in a disk or nerve) and the muscle tenses in order to stabilize the neck and prevent you from moving in a way to cause pain or further damage.", "Clicking Neck â Causes of Cracking Neck Sound When Moving Head Causes of a Clicking Neck. Most cases of a clicking neck are harmless but indicates a progressing condition, if the clicking noise can be repeated with every tilt or twist of the head. Usually the strain on the vertebrae is caused by spasm (knots or cramps) of the trapezius muscle of the back or the sternocleidomastoid muscle of the neck.", "- Neck Muscle Spasms. Having muscle spasms in the neck can limit the movement of the neck and will soon become very annoying and debilitating. Twisting the neck suddenly causes an over-stretching in the neck muscles leading to the inability to move the neck freely. When neck spasms are severe, day-to-day activities are affected.", "- Lower Back Cramp. A back spasm is when your back muscles reflexively contract and most of the time this will occur in the lower back. Some of the possible causes of muscle spasms as well as severe pain include irritation or injury to the nerves, ligaments, or muscles of your back.", "Why Is My Leg Cramping? What Can Help? Sometimes called “charley horses” -- particularly when they’re in the calf muscles – cramps are caused by muscle spasms – involuntary contractions of one or more muscles. Almost everyone gets a muscle cramps, which come without warning. What causes them, and what can you do to relieve them? What Causes Muscle Cramps?", "Why Is My Leg Cramping? What Can Help? Sometimes called charley horses -- particularly when they are in the calf muscles -- cramps are caused by muscle spasms, involuntary contractions of one or more muscles.uscle cramps can also occur as a side effect of some drugs. Medications that can cause muscle cramps include: 1 Lasix (furosemide), Microzide (hydrochlorothiazide), and other diuretics (water pills) used to remove fluid from the body.", "Neck cramps or spasms What causes it? The most common causes of neck cramps or spasms are torticollis, sprain or strain, and muscle spasm. Within all the people who go to their doctor with neck cramps or spasms, 67% report having neck pain, 46% report having back pain, and 33% report having shoulder cramps or spasms.", "- A: What you describe sounds like carpal spasm. Spasms, or cramps, are involuntary muscle contractions. The most common causes of spasms are overused muscles (in the hands that might be due to writing or typing) and dehydration. Other causes of muscle cramping include low levels of calcium and magnesium.", "Electrolyte imbalance: Types, Causes, Symptoms & Treatments Serious or life-threatening causes of a neck spasm. In some cases, neck spasm may be a symptom of a serious or life-threatening condition that should be immediately evaluated in an emergency setting.", "Neck Spasm â Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Spasms in the neck are described as contractions of the muscles in the neck which are very painful. These contractions in the muscles cannot be released voluntarily. These muscle spasms are also referred to as a charley horse or a cramp.hose spasms which cause really pronounced discomfort can be treated with muscle relaxers. These medications deliver relaxation to the muscles that are affected. This medication used along with pain relievers is a very effective method for the management of muscle spasms in the neck.", "Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) (Back), Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) (Leg), Pain or discomfort and Sudden numbness or weakness on one side of body A vertebral compression fracture can cause pain and weakness in the lower back, upper back, neck, or hip. A vertebral compression fracture can cause pain and weakness in the lower back, upper back, neck, or hip. Whiplash, a severe neck injury, can cause stiffness and pain in the neck, headache, dizziness, and more. Anemia of chronic disease (ACD) can cause fatigue, pale skin, weakness, dizziness, headache and more. Thoracic aortic aneurysm is the swelling of the chest aorta and can cause chest or back pain.", "Tight Neck Muscles â A Pain In The Neck There are many causes of tight neck muscles. The causes of tight neck muscles are many: poor posture, emotional or mental stress, asymmetric use of the neck, back, or arms at work or at play, injury to any of these areas, carrying a heavy bag primarily over one shoulder, or across the chest, and so forth.ight neck muscles can also cause headaches, such as tension, migraine, and cluster headaches, because of their various attachments to the head, specifically the occiput (back of the head) and the mastoid process of the temporal bone right behind the ears.", "Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) (Back), Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) (Thoracic spine), Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) (Lumbar spine) and Pain or discomfort Whiplash Whiplash, a severe neck injury, can cause stiffness and pain in the neck, headache, dizziness, and more. Acute kidney failure Acute kidney failure is sudden and can cause swelling, frequent dark urination, fatigue, nausea and more.", "- This narrowing in the spinal column of the neck is called cervical spinal stenosis, or cervical stenosis. Pressure against the spinal cord as a result of spinal stenosis causes myelopathy, a condition that demands medical attention. what parts make up the spine and neck.", "Clicking Neck â Causes of Cracking Neck Sound When Moving Head The most common cause of a clicking sound is neck muscle spasm, usually of the trapezius muscle of the back or sternocleidomastoid muscle of the neck. Poor posture. Hunching when walking or sitting and stooping over a desk for long periods of time. Sleeping ‘badly’, either on too many pillows or on an uneven surface.", "Neck Pain [en Español] It can spread to your upper back or arms. It may limit how much you can move your head and neck. Neck pain is common, especially in people older than 50. What causes neck pain? Most neck pain is caused by activities that strain the neck. Slouching, painting a ceiling, or sleeping with your neck twisted are some things that can cause neck pain. These kinds of activities can lead to neck strain, a sprain, or a spasm of the neck muscles. Neck pain can also be caused by an injury. A fall from a ladder or whiplash from a car accident can cause neck pain. Some less common medical problems can also lead to neck pain, such as:", "Neck Problems and Injuries - Topic Overview Neck pain may be caused by an injury to one or more of these areas, or it may have another cause. Home treatment will often help relieve neck pain caused by minor injuries. Neck pain is often caused by a strain or spasm of the neck muscles or inflammation of the neck joints.Examples of common activities that may cause this type of minor injury include: 1 Holding your head in a forward posture or odd position while working, watching TV, or reading.eck pain may feel like a kink, stiffness, or severe pain. Pain may spread to the shoulders, upper back, or arms, or it may cause a headache. Neck movement may be limited, usually more to one side than the other.", "Save Yourself from Neck Pain! So cricks make neck pain particularly “interesting,” in the sense of the Chinese curse.15 They are a simple sensation that no one can really explain. Not every case of neck pain includes a crick, but the terrible neck injuries and pain problems of today often become the persistent cricks of tomorrow.", "- Neck spasms can be caused by a muscle strain or muscle tension, either from physical exertion or from tensing the muscles unconsciously in response to stress. Neck spasm may be caused by external physical conditions including:", "Neck Problems and Injuries - Topic Overview Neck pain may be caused by an injury to one or more of these areas, or it may have another cause. Home treatment will often help relieve neck pain caused by minor injuries. Neck pain is often caused by a strain or spasm of the neck muscles or inflammation of the neck joints.Examples of common activities that may cause this type of minor injury include: 1 Holding your head in a forward posture or odd position while working, watching TV, or reading.eck pain is often caused by a strain or spasm of the neck muscles or inflammation of the neck joints. Examples of common activities that may cause this type of minor injury include: 1 Holding your head in a forward posture or odd position while working, watching TV, or reading.", "Neck Pain Causes & Treatment Degenerative Neck Pain Causes. Middle age persons may present persisting or recurring neck pain, which is sometimes associated by tingling in the arms or fingers and may even display chest pain from an affected C6 nerve root, sometimes called cervical angina.", "Chronic Neck Pain Causes: How to Get Neck Pain Relief Acute neck pain is usually caused by common day-to-day activities. Neck pain causes may also include a traumatic injury to a structure in the cervical segment of your spine. Injuries such as a vertebral fracture, whiplash, and blood vessel damage could lead to other conditions that may cause chronic neck pain.", "Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) and Stiff neck WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms muscle cramps or spasms (painful) and stiff neck including Muscle strain, Torticollis, and Osteoarthritis.", "- Examples of common conditions causing neck pain are degenerative disc disease, neck strain, neck injury such as in whiplash, a herniated disc, or a pinched nerve. Neck pain can come from common infections, such as virus infection of the throat, leading to lymph node (gland) swelling and neck pain. This can also cause muscle spasms in the neck and shoulder areas. 2 Tendonitis: The tendons connect the muscles to the bones. 3 With strain, the tendons can become swollen and cause pain. 4 This is also referred to as tendinitis. 5 Gallbladder disease: This can cause a pain referred to the right shoulder.", "Overview Your neck is flexible and supports the weight of your head, so it can be vulnerable to injuries and conditions that cause pain and restrict motion. Neck pain causes include: 1 Muscle strains.2 Overuse, such as too many hours hunched over your computer or smartphone, often triggers muscle strains.3 Even minor things, such as reading in bed or gritting your teeth, can strain neck muscles. 4 Worn joints.eck pain causes include: 1 Muscle strains. 2 Overuse, such as too many hours hunched over your computer or smartphone, often triggers muscle strains. 3 Even minor things, such as reading in bed or gritting your teeth, can strain neck muscles. 4 Worn joints.", "Neck cramps or spasms The most common causes of neck cramps or spasms are torticollis, sprain or strain, and muscle spasm. Other possible causes, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (gerd), are more rare.ithin all the people who go to their doctor with neck cramps or spasms, 67% report having neck pain, 46% report having back pain, and 33% report having shoulder cramps or spasms. 1 Neck pain 67. 2 Back pain 46. 3 Shoulder cramps or spasms strong predictor 33. 4 Arm pain 33. 5 Headache 25. 6 Back cramps or spasms strong predictor 25.", "Neck Spasm â Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Spasms in the neck are described as contractions of the muscles in the neck which are very painful. These contractions in the muscles cannot be released voluntarily. These muscle spasms are also referred to as a charley horse or a cramp." ]
[ 15.8203125 ]
[ 10.3515625, 6.63671875, 9.5859375, 10.703125, 10.2265625, 10.7578125, 8.875, 7.5859375, 7.80078125, 15.9140625, 8.375, 10.140625, 10.9296875, 11.453125, 9.0859375, 12.1875, 7.0625, 8.8203125, 10.7421875, 9.8046875, 7.578125, 11.671875, 9.9296875, 9.1015625, 10.3671875, 12.265625, 10.1796875, 10.46875, 15.3828125, 11.6015625 ]
types of jobs related to science
[ "- E. 1 Earth Science Careers-Learn more about earth science careers. 2 Electrical Engineer-Electrical engineers design new and better electronics; they also test equipment and solve problems. 3 Electrician-Electricians bring us electricity. 4 Engineering-Math, science and technology are as varied as they are exciting; find out more about the different 5 ... En", "Types of Science Careers Biochemists and Biophysicists. Studying the chemical and physical principles of humans, animals and plants is what interests biochemists and biophysicists. The BLS explains that they spend their working lives planning and conducting complex projects in basic and applied research and managing laboratory teams.", "Types of Science Careers The BLS says that a bachelor’s degree in meteorology or a closely related field will typically suffice for most atmospheric science positions, but warns that for research positions, atmospheric scientists usually require a master’s degree or a Ph.D." ]
[ "Physical Sciences Individuals with degrees in the physical sciences work a wide range of scientific jobs. The list below includes some jobs physical scientists may hold. Visit Study.com to find additional career opportunities. 1 Physical Scientist. 2 Science Teacher.", "- SPSS: Descriptive and Inferential Statistics. 11. The Division of Statistics + Scientific Computation, The University of Texas at Austin. Inspecting the table in the previous section, it appears that the two variables, gender and. employment category, are related to each other in some way.", "- However, a degree in computer science is much more than just designing and maintaining websites. Some of the careers closely associated with computer science are: 1 Software Applications Engineer. 2 Computer Systems Analyst.", "- Submit now. Become a valuable member of the health sciences department as an adjunct health sciences instructor, life sciences manager, research manager, or more. One of the many important government jobs you can acquire is a position in the health sciences department.", "- If you’re interested in finding out more about science jobs and careers then you've come to the right place. Learn what different types of scientists do as part of their jobs with our range of interesting facts and information.", "- Engineering is a career that involves using math and science in order to solve a problem. There are several types of engineers, with chemical, civil, electrical, mechanical, and industrial engineers making up the bulk of the professionals in this large field.", "- Science Jobs & Careers. If you’re interested in finding out more about science jobs and careers then you've come to the right place. Learn what different types of scientists do as part of their jobs with our range of interesting facts and information.ind out what kind of qualifications you'll need, what you might research on the job, where you could be working, important qualities to have, what the job description might look like and much more related to everything from biologists to astronomers, geologists, chemists, zoologists, physicists and more.", "Types of Jobs a Bachelor's Degree in Science Offers A bachelor's degree in science can lead to a variety of rewarding jobs across a number of industries, including agriculture, engineering, pharmaceuticals and health care. Employers look for applicants with on-the-job experience through internships working in these fields.", "List of Information Technology (IT) Job Titles People with jobs in the career field of information technology, which is commonly referred to as IT, use computers, software, networks, servers, and other technology to manage and store data. Tons of jobs are available within this field.", "- Here are four types of data science jobs: A Data Scientist is a Data Analyst Who Lives in San Francisco: All joking aside, there are in fact some companies where being a data scientist is synonymous with being a data analyst.", "Medical science liaison Other job titles for medical science liaisons may include medical liaisons, clinical science liaisons, medical science managers, regional medical scientists, and regional medical directors.", "- Check out our information on different types of engineering jobs. Find descriptions and images of 15 branches of engineering that provide important jobs for people around the world. Learn about the science and technology of civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemical engineering, software engineering, aerospace engineering and more.", "- 1 Nutritional Sciences – leads to careers associated with dietetics in healthcare, nutrition education, governmental and community health agencies, public policy, agribusiness, food service industry, and graduate studies in nutritional sciences.", "There are several types of careers that you can pursue with a Geology or Earth Science degree: There are several types of careers that you can pursue with a Geology or Earth Science degree: * Environmental Geology: You can be involved in water and soil testing and remediation, assessment of sites for pollution types and amounts, clean-up of toxic chemicals from the water and/or soil. Field Geology: You can make maps, assess areas for geological activity, and monitor environmental remediation. * Science Writing and Editing: With a combination of English or Journalism coursework, you can write or edit science articles, manuals, and other texts.", "- If you’re looking to combine your interests in science and criminal justice, a career as a crime scene investigator might be right for you.", "Types of Science As biology is a scientific study, it involves a lot of experimentation to make certain the results or statistics provided are accurate. Physics Science. Physics science or physical science is a science concerned with studying the natural forces or laws of the universe that direct matter, energy, space and time. There are several different types of physics that examine and study the character of the above mentioned four factors.", "Neuroscience Jobs Available in a Variety of Industries Salary ranges for neuroscience careers vary due to the different types of work you can do and the different types of employers you might work for. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics offers basic salary information about neuroscience jobs in its Occupational Outlook Handbook.", "8 outdoor jobs that pay well Check out the Federal Government listings here (and Google your home state-or call your favorite local park for more info.). Geologist: If you love Earth science, there are a host of well-paying jobs you can get with a degree in geology.", "Research scientist job description But the reality is that a science job is a career where the academically minded can thrive and make a difference…. With a broad array of specialism’s that you can enter into, it’s certainly not an easy career choice to pick from, where you can work across the fields of biology, chemistry and maths.", "15 Best Online Colleges for Science in 2017 When choosing a science program, make sure that it is offered by an accredited college or university. Secondly, select a program that is directly related to the career field you are most interested in pursuing, such as engineering, environmental science, or chemistry.", "- The STEM Jobs magazine has really helped me make meaningful career connections with my students and STEM fields. The article showing mean salaries, descriptions, education necessary, and companies hiring in that field was extraordinarily powerful when motivating students to pursue college in science or engineering majors.", "- *A job as an Ornithologist falls under the broader career category of Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists. The information on this page will generally apply to all careers in this category. We are still seeking more specific information about this career from experts in this field. If you can provide us with more information, . Job Description for Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists : Study the origins, behavior, diseases, genetics, and life processes of animals and wildlife. May specialize in wildlife research and management.", "- Job titles often reflect the principal ingredient cooks prepare or the type of cooking they do—vegetable cook, fry cook, or grill cook, for example. Cooks use a variety of kitchen equipment, including broilers, grills, slicers, grinders, and blenders.", "Political science Political science - Cognate fields. 1 Most political scientists work broadly in one or more of the following five areas... 2 Comparative politics, including area studies. 3 International relations. 4 Political philosophy or political theory. 5 Public administration. 6 Public law.", "Careers in Microbiology and the Microbial Sciences Careers in Microbiology and the Microbial Sciences. 1 Food, agricultural, or environmental laboratory scientist/technologist - Performs established, well-validated tests on water, food, agricultural, and environmental samples to detect different types of microbes.", "Summary Explore resources for employment and wages by state and area for conservation scientists and foresters. Compare the job duties, education, job growth, and pay of conservation scientists and foresters with similar occupations.", "Types of Science Careers The majority of science careers require either a master's degree or a Ph.D. If you imagine yourself working in a science-related field, you will not have much luck landing a job without any higher education at all.", "- STEM,” says James Brown, the executive director of the STEM Education Coalition in Washington, D.C. “That’s where the jobs of tomorrow will be.” Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) support that assertion. Employment in occupations related to STEM—science, technology, engineering, and", "Environmental Science Jobs on the Rise Salary ranges for environmental science careers vary due to the type of position, individual employer, and location. The Occupational Outlook Handbook, provided by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, offers basic salary information about many environmental science jobs.", "Science Disciplines which use science like engineering and medicine may also be considered to be applied sciences. Science is related to research, and is normally organized by a university, a college, or a research institute." ]
[ 11.1171875, 12.1328125, 11.859375 ]
[ 11.0234375, 4.66796875, 10.78125, 9.7265625, 8.796875, 11.4765625, 13.4140625, 14.1953125, 6.44921875, 11.8125, 8.921875, 9.1796875, 11.203125, 11.6640625, 10.328125, 8.609375, 8.140625, 8.515625, 9.3046875, 8.9140625, 8.25, 7.85546875, 6.9453125, 8.59375, 10.390625, 7.47265625, 10.3828125, 10, 9.3515625, 8.9296875 ]
meaning of anvil
[ "anvil an·vil (ăn′vĭl) n. 1. a. A heavy block of iron or steel with a smooth, flat top on which metals are shaped by hammering. b. Something resembling an anvil, as in shape or function. 2. The fixed jaw in a set of calipers against which an object to be measured is placed." ]
[ "Definition of Libel Libel is defamation, which is written, or broadcast and is distinguishable from slander, which is oral defamation. Definition of libel 8: A malicious publication expressed either in print or in writing, or by pictures, effigies, or other signs, tending to expose another to public hatred, contempt, or ridicule.", "- Example sentences containing 'revelling'. 1 For a few minutes, he hung on to the mizzen rigging, face to the wind, revelling in the glory of it. 2 Rose took the mug of tea and sat back against the pillows, revelling in the luxury of being brought tea in bed.", "- a•vail. 1. to be of use, advantage, or value to; profit: All our efforts availed us little. 2. to be of use; have force or efficacy; serve; help: Nothing you do will avail. 3. to be of value or profit. 4. effective use in the achievement of a goal or objective; advantage; use: His help was of no avail.", "- Sigil of the Archangel. The Power of Sigils Sigils are magical symbols used for the invocation of spirits. They are usually used in conjunction with prayer, incantations or meditation to invoke the power of the spirit they represent. The Archangel sigils come from the ancient book The Key of King Solomon which contains sigils and invocations used to call forth the power of the Archangels.", "- Definition of 'revelling'. revelling. Example sentences containing 'revelling'. For a few minutes, he hung on to the mizzen rigging, face to the wind, revelling in the glory of it. Rose took the mug of tea and sat back against the pillows, revelling in the luxury of being brought tea in bed.", "Definitions &Translations Sample Sentences & Example Usage. 1 Mayor Francis: The Arch is the undeniable symbol of our region, recognized around the world. 2 Itamar Ben-Gvir: The government is acting like an elephant in a china shop, after they've spared arch-terrorists this method, they want to try it out against Jewish youths.", "Definition of Libel Definition of libel 1: Libel is the written act of defamation, vs. slander, the oral act of defamation. Definition of libel 2: use of print or pictures to harm someone's reputation. Until 1964, a person could prove that they had been libeled simply by showing that the statements in question were incorrect.", "- Their ignorance, with the single exception of horse-flesh, is appalling. The conditions are appalling, but, according to the custom of the country, they are moral. She looked over the cliff down an appalling depth of hundreds of feet. It was followed by a fear, an appalling fear, more painful than the remorse. It is not the presence of people that makes London appalling. But I knew it must be an appalling total of tons to the square inch.", "'French, Prejudice, and Dance Steps': 12 French Phrases from Downton Abbey En déshabille means “in a state of undress,” from the French verb that means “to undress” (déshabillé literally means “undressed”). The French noun déshabillé was formed from the verb; it originally meant “light garment worn at home” and came to mean “negligee” in modern French. The more common form of word in English is dishabille, pronounced \\diss-ah-beel\\, which originally meant “negligee” and came to mean “the state of being dressed in a casual or careless style” or “a deliberately careless or casual manner,” as it was used by William Makepeace Thackeray in The Luck of Barry Lyndon:", "- *elite: privileged; the best of a class. Chapter 4: apprehensive: anxious or fearful about the future. defiance: bold resistance (to authority) contemptuously: disrespectfully; scornfully. Chapter 5: *reluctant(ly): unwilling(ly) *eluded: failed to be remembered or understood;", "Energy, Plants & Man Example Sentences for uncivil. 1 He was uncivil to those beneath him, not civil to those above him, and insulting to his equals. 2 He felt very timid, so far, as to be uncivil; in the presence of Adèle. 3 If it be mere banter, I can endure it within proper limit; although it is uncivil on the part of a stranger.", "- 1 Relating to or resembling a phallus: priapic carvings. More example sentences. 1 Bringing the subtext of the antique painting and its copies to the fore, the artist has depicted women coming to a priapic fountain to buy winged, straining phalli from an old procuress.ore example sentences. 1 Viagra was discovered when the men in a trial group taking it, not for priapic proficiency, but to treat heart disease by preventing blood clots and enhancing blood flow, said could they keep taking it please after the experiment was over.", "- 1 Alligator - stealth, survival. 2 Ant - diligence, industry, community, remarkable strength, hard working, success, patience. 3 Antelope - action. Armadillo - boundaries, self protection.", "Adverbial Definition and Examples In English grammar, an adverbial is an individual word (that is, an adverb), a phrase (an adverbial phrase), or a clause (an adverbial clause) that can modify a verb, an adjective, or a complete sentence. Like almost any adverb, an adverbial can appear in a number of different positions in a sentence.", "anvil 1. incus; the middle of the three bones of the middle ear. 2. a block of iron, 250-350 lb, with a tapering beak at one end used by farriers to make and shape shoes. There are two holes in the top of the anvil, a square one to hold cutting equipment, and a round one over which holes can be punched in the shoe.", "avail 1. to be of use, advantage, or value to; profit: All our efforts availed us little. 2. to be of use; have force or efficacy; serve; help: Nothing you do will avail. 3. to be of value or profit. 4. effective use in the achievement of a goal or objective; advantage; use: His help was of no avail.", "- The translation of degel here is standard, which originally meant a flag or other conspicuous object to serve as a rallying point for a military force. Similarly, verse 2:2 -. אִישׁ עַל-דִּגְלוֹ בְאֹתֹת לְבֵית אֲבֹתָם, יַחֲנוּ בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל: מִנֶּגֶד, סָבִיב לְאֹהֶל-מוֹעֵד יַחֲנוּ.", "- 641 pages on this wiki. The Anvil is an interactive block that is used to repair items and rename a certain block or item, and combine enchantments on items.", "- ADVAN CED P LACE M ENTENGL ISH. AP ENGLISH ALLUSIONS. MYTHOLOGICAL ALLUSIONS. Achilles' heel – today, one spot that is most vulnerable; one weakness a person may have. Achilles was. invulnerable except for his heel (achilles tendon). Adonis – handsome young man; Aphrodite loved him.", "Definition of 'mimosa' Example sentences containing 'mimosa'. A heavy scent, mimosa or bougainvillaea, gave the air an oppressive, physical quality. LOOKING FOR THE SPARK (1990)She wandered over to the wing bridge door and opened it, allowing the night wind to blow in the scent of mimosa.", "Vain Encyclopedias-International Standard Bible Encyclopedia-Vain. VAIN. van: The adjective of vanity, and representing the same Hebrew and Greek words as does the latter, with a few additions (chiefly kenos, empty, and its compounds in the New Testament). And vain can always be replaced by its synonym empty, often with advantage in modern English (Job 15:2; 1 Corinthians 15:14, etc.).", "Averill - Meaning of Averill [ 3 syll. a-ve-ril(l), av-eri-ll] The baby boy name Averill is also used as a girl name. Its pronunciation is aaVehR IY L †. Averill is largely used in the English language and it is derived from Old English origins. The name's meaning is boar-like in battle. It is derived from the elements 'eofor' meaning boar; 'hild' battle, fight. Averill has 11 variants. Variants include Ave, Averall, Averel, Averell, Averil, Averyl, Averyll, Avrel, Avrell, Avrill, and Avryll. See also the related categories, battle (war) and boar. Averill is unusual as a baby name for boys.", "valance val·ance. n. 1. An ornamental drapery hung across a top edge, as of a bed, table, or canopy. 2. A short drapery, decorative board, or metal strip mounted especially across the top of a window to conceal structural fixtures. tr.v. val·anced, val·anc·ing, val·anc·es. To supply with valances or a valance.", "ANTIPHONAL The adjective ANTIPHONAL has 2 senses: 1. containing or using responses or antiphons recited or sung in alternation. 2. relating to or resembling an antiphon. Familiarity information: ANTIPHONAL used as an adjective is rare.", "Vain VAIN. van: The adjective of vanity, and representing the same Hebrew and Greek words as does the latter, with a few additions (chiefly kenos, empty, and its compounds in the New Testament).And vain can always be replaced by its synonym empty, often with advantage in modern English (Job 15:2; 1 Corinthians 15:14, etc.).he exception is the phrase in vain, and even there the interchange can be made if some (understood) noun such as ways be added. So to take God's name in vain (Exodus 20:7; Deuteronomy 5:11) means simply to take it for an empty (not good) purpose.", "- Princeton's WordNet(3.80 / 5 votes)Rate this definition: canvas, canvass(noun) a heavy, closely woven fabric (used for clothing or chairs or sails or tents) canvas, canvass(noun) an oil painting on canvas fabric. canvas, canvass(noun) the setting for a narrative or fictional or dramatic account.", "- 1 : tending to cause discontent, animosity, or envy the invidious task of arbitration. 2 : envious. 3a : of an unpleasant or objectionable nature : obnoxious invidious remarksb : of a kind to cause harm or resentment an invidious comparison.", "- Definition of Vignette. Vignette is a small impressionistic scene, an illustration, a descriptive passage, a short essay, a fiction, or nonfiction work focusing on one particular moment or giving impression about an idea, character, setting, mood, aspect or an object.", "Anaphora Anaphora Definition. In writing or speech, the deliberate repetition of the first part of the sentence in order to achieve an artistic effect is known as Anaphora. Anaphora, possibly the oldest literary device, has its roots in Biblical Psalms used to emphasize certain words or phrases.", "Renaissance Literature Time Period Concepts MACHIAVELLIAN: As an adjective, the word refers generally to sneaky, ruthless, and deceitful behavior, especially in regard to a ruler obsessed with power who puts on a surface veneer of honor and trustworthy behavior in order to achieve evil ends." ]
[ 16.328125 ]
[ 1.8525390625, -1.7001953125, 5.984375, 3.294921875, -2.12890625, 2.056640625, 1.7470703125, -0.53466796875, 0.366455078125, 4.05859375, -0.326904296875, 1.4599609375, 3.78515625, 0.07415771484375, 13.1640625, 5.29296875, 1.6171875, 11.6171875, 2.5234375, -0.99609375, 0.2320556640625, 2.919921875, 1.0556640625, -0.25634765625, 0.8935546875, 1.4326171875, 3.29296875, 1.3701171875, 0.81396484375, 1.5888671875 ]
what channel is britannia on
[ "What time is Britannia on TV? What time is Britannia on TV? Britannia is on Thursdays at 9pm on Sky Atlantic. All nine episodes are available to watch on demand from Thursday 18th January. What is it about? The nine-parter is set in 43AD, and follows the Roman army who, after Julius Caeser’s failure to conquer Britain, return to crush its Celtic heart once and for all." ]
[ "Discovery Channel Discovery Channel (formerly The Discovery Channel from 1985 to 1995, and often referred to as simply Discovery) is an American basic cable and satellite television channel (which is also delivered via IPTV, terrestrial television and internet television in other parts of the world) that is the flagship television property of Discovery Communications ...", "- This video is a documentary from the History Channel recreating the battle scenes of the Pacific side of WWII. It also discusses the reasons for some of the various tactics and technology used in the war, the breakdown of strategy used by both sides, and also includes real and dramatized footage of the actual war.", "- The Landing now has even more to explore! Check out our newest TV commercials running on Comcast cable channels. It’s time to shop, sip and stroll at The Landing.", "- BFBS Radio in the UK: 1 Find us on your DAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting) radio. 2 Simply tune to 'BFBS Radio'. 3 On a Sky Digital box we’re listed under the 'Radio' section of your Electronic Programme Guide (EPG) – punch in Channel 0211 and you'll be listening. BFBS Radio 2 broadcasts on FM in Forces locations overseas – the frequencies are listed below. 2 You can hear a selection of BFBS Radio 2 programmes online (but licensing restrictions mean we do not simulcast BBC programmes on the web).", "- Cable and Satellite subscribers can watch the entire series Thirteen on BBCAmerica.com. BBC America subscribers can also watch full episodes on our mobile app, available for iOS and Android phones and tablets.", "- Live Rugby Union Six Nations on BBC, ITV, S4C and Interactive Channels. February marks the return of the Six Nations Rugby for you patriotic Rugby Union fans! The 6 Nations, including England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France and Italy go head to head for Grand Slam glory. You will be able to watch every Six Nations match live on terrestrial television, with BBC1 and ITV showing the all of the matches between them.", "- In which of the following sentences does the italicized word represent an infinitive or infinitive phrase? To swim the English Channel was Brent's cherished dream. Edit", "- Watch the official Scandal online at ABC.com. Get exclusive videos and free episodes.", "Britannia Network: Amazon, Sky Atlantic Genre: Period Drama Additional Notes: Britannia was filmed on location in Prague and Wales and will premiere all Season 1 episodes January 18, 2018 on Sky Atlantic in the UK and Ireland, ahead of its Amazon Prime Video release US in the same month. The show was renewed for Season 2 in advance of its series premiere Britannia Plot Details/Press Release: The drama is set in 43AD as the Roman Imperial Army – determined and terrified in equal measure - returns to crush the Celtic heart of Britannia - a mysterious land ruled by wild warrior women and powerful druids who can channel the powerful forces of the underworld.", "List of television programmes broadcast by the BBC This is a list of television programmes broadcast by the BBC that are either currently being broadcast or have previously been broadcast on the BBC in the United Kingdom. Children's television programmes can be found at List of BBC children's television programmes.", "Television network A major international television network is the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), which is perhaps most well known for its news agency BBC News. Owned by the Crown, the BBC operates primarily in the United Kingdom.", "'Britannia' to stream on Amazon in the U.S. Jan. 26 Synopsis: Filmed overseas in Prague and Wales, Britannia is set in 43AD as the Roman Imperial Army, determined and terrified in equal measure, returns to crush the Celtic heart of Britannia, a mysterious land ruled by wild warrior women and powerful Druids who can channel the powerful forces of the underworld.", "My New Favorite News Network Is Not Liberal (and Not Fox) OAN does this largely by licensing its news content from respected syndicators like Euronews and Reuters (and not from the Washington Times, which seems to have fallen off OAN's map). It turns out that there's plenty of straight, substantive TV journalism being produced in the world, there just hasn't been an American cable station using so much of it before.", "Father and Daughter Together Again Video : Elvis Song in British BMW TV Commercial. Macromedia Flash Player 9.1+ required to play this video. Apple iPad Compatible. If connection is slow, once downloading has completed, you can play it uninterrupted as many times as you like. Read more .", "- To cite this page: 1 genetics. 2 Britannica Online for Kids, s.v. 3 genetics.", "BritBox British Streaming is Here! Get instant access to the biggest streaming collection of British TV… ever. From current series, to timeless dramas and comedies, from award-winning documentaries, to soaps and lifestyle programs, BritBox virtually transports you across the pond and puts you square in front of UK television’s greatest programmes.", "- When To Watch ET. Select your state from the list below to find out what time and channel ET is on in your area.", "Rugby Union on BBC TV, radio, online and social media John Inverdale and Gabby Logan (centre) and pundits Jeremy Guscott (left) and Jonathan Davies (right) BBC Sport has extensive live coverage of the Six Nations on television, radio, online and social media. Coverage will return in 2016. NB. Fixtures and event start times are subject to change. The BBC is not responsible for any changes that may be made. For more details of forthcoming coverage, visit the specific sport's page on the desktop website.", "- The game before that, BC, was on Channel 56, not in the 600 tier (at least not in LA).", "Bloomberg TV US Bloomberg TV US is a live TV channel. It focuses on economy news. The channel is streaming at 30 kbps. . If you have more information about this TV, do not hesitate to tell us.", "ATP World Tour Finals 2016: Live coverage on BBC TV and radio You can view all our TV and Red Button broadcasts as well as listen to our radio sports programming on the BBC iPlayer. The BBC Sport website is available via desktop, mobile, tablet and app. The BBC Sport app is available free for Apple and Android devices.", "Square Review See All Providers. To watch full episodes, you must have a cable provider that supports BBC America's full episode service and you must have BBC America as part of your cable package. Your account has been deactivated.", "- Wednesdays, 4:00 PM ET on Sky Atlantic HD. Mondays, 4:00 PM ET on Canal+. 60 minutes. When a prominent French politician is found dead on the border between the UK and France, detectives Karl Roebuck and Elise Wassermann are sent to investigate on behalf of their respective countries.", "- Channel Name. Sorry, we were unable to find a channel lineup at that address.Sorry, no channels were found.We're sorry, we are unable to find a channel with that name.", "What TV channel is each Six Nations Championship match on, and what time do the games kick-off? Welsh language channel S4C will continue to show Wales’ games that are broadcast by the BBC and ITV as well as screening matches from the Under-20s' defence of their 2016 Six Nations Championship crown.", "English Channel Copyright The Columbia University Press. English Channel, Fr. La Manche [the sleeve], arm of the Atlantic Ocean, c.350 (560 km) long, between France and Great Britain. It is 112 mi (180 km) wide at its west entrance, between Land's End, England, and Ushant, France.", "Discovery (UK and Ireland) Watch live (Ireland only) Watch live (+1, Ireland only) Discovery Channel operated by Discovery Networks Western Europe produces an English speaking channel which targets the United Kingdom and Ireland. The channel's programming is based on programming produced by Discovery Networks Europe, Discovery Channel Canada and Discovery Channel from the US.", "FTA receiver The satellites on which these channels broadcast, at Astra's 19.2° east position, are receivable throughout most of Europe. In the UK, all the original five terrestrial broadcasters, BBC One, BBC Two, ITV, Channel 4, and Five broadcast FTA on digital satellite in some form, including many of their regional variations. However, in some countries, it is not the norm for mainstream channels to broadcast on FTA satellite television.", "Is TBS a cable channel? Best Answer: channel 67 with comcast. search comcast listings. I have the basic package, i dont even have a receiver...and I watch the show since it started.est Answer: channel 67 with comcast. search comcast listings. I have the basic package, i dont even have a receiver...and I watch the show since it started.", "- Definition of English Channel in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is English Channel? Meaning of English Channel as a legal term. What does English Channel mean in law?" ]
[ 15.578125 ]
[ 5.41015625, 2.54296875, 1.2119140625, 3.203125, 4.67578125, 4.26953125, -0.404296875, 1.9951171875, 13.609375, 6.63671875, 6.40625, 10.265625, 0.28857421875, 3.982421875, 5.0859375, 6.140625, 4.296875, 2.5078125, 2.80859375, 1.6650390625, 3.244140625, 5.51171875, 5.77734375, 5.96875, 3.87890625, 4.14453125, 4.5703125, 5.1640625, 6.20703125, 0.73388671875 ]
what does it mean to be a tolerant person
[ "Should tolerant people tolerate intolerance? I think that tolerant people who don't tolerate somebody because he is intolerant go against tolerance because they don't accept a way of thinking. Tolerant people should in my opinion accept every point of view even if they disagree. I know it's hard to tolerate intolerance but people who do it are real tolerant people and are in my opinion wise people. Life is always easier when you accept all, you don't go against the things, you just let the things be like they are." ]
[ "Definitions &Translations liberal-showing or characterized by broad-mindedness; a broad political stance; generous and broad sympathies; a liberal newspaper; tolerant of his opponent's opinions. large-minded, tolerant, broad.", "- plural condolences. Learner's definition of CONDOLENCE. : a feeling or expression of sympathy and sadness especially when someone is suffering because of the death of a family member, a friend, etc.[noncount]. The governor issued a statement of condolence to the victims' families.lural condolences. Learner's definition of CONDOLENCE. : a feeling or expression of sympathy and sadness especially when someone is suffering because of the death of a family member, a friend, etc.", "- You won't believe these 10 facts about people. Tolerance means to tolerate or put up with differences. It means showing respect for the race, religion, age, gender, opinions, and ideologies of other people or groups.", "- Full Definition of TOLERANCE. 1. : capacity to endure pain or hardship: endurance, fortitude, stamina. 2. a: sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own b: the act of allowing something: toleration.3.ull Definition of TOLERANCE. 1. : capacity to endure pain or hardship: endurance, fortitude, stamina. 2. a: sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own b: the act of allowing something: toleration. 3.", "PEASANT • PEASANT (noun). The noun PEASANT has 3 senses: 1. a country person. 2. one of a (chiefly European) class of agricultural laborers. 3. a crude uncouth ill-bred person lacking culture or refinement. Familiarity information: PEASANT used as a noun is uncommon.", "condolence con·do·lence. n. 1. Sympathy with a person who has experienced pain, grief, or misfortune: paid a visit of condolence to the grieving family.See Synonyms at pity. 2. often condolences An expression or declaration of such sympathy.con·do′lent adj.on·do·lence. n. 1. Sympathy with a person who has experienced pain, grief, or misfortune: paid a visit of condolence to the grieving family.", "\"What Does Name \"\"Riggs\"\" Mean\" You are tolerant and like to help humanity. You are very active. You are generally warmhearted and gives freely of your time, energy, and sympathetic understanding. You have tolerance and acceptance of the frailties of others. Universal and humanitarian in outlook.", "- Add to my wordlist. jump to other results. 1[uncountable] tolerance (of/for somebody/something) the willingness to accept or tolerate somebody/something, especially opinions or behaviour that you may not agree with, or people who are not like you She had no tolerance for jokes of any kind.", "Guest Article: What Does âBeing Relationalâ Mean? Being relational means living in relation to others in recognition of an interconnectedness with others. It means, in our interactions with others, being engaged, centered, grounded, clear, generous, humble and kind.verything we do in relation to others and our world, every day – it all matters. No act or interaction is trivial. We might just reduce this way of being to the Golden Rule – we treat others as we would have them treat us – but being relational goes well beyond that.", "intolerant Intolerant, fanatical, bigoted refer to strongly illiberal attitudes. Intolerant refers to an active refusal to allow others to have or put into practice beliefs different from one's own: intolerant in politics; intolerant of other customs. Bigoted is to be so emotionally or subjectively attached to one's own belief as to be hostile to all others: a bigoted person.", "nonchalance meaning, nonchalance definition | English Cobuild dictionary If you describe someone as nonchalant, you mean that they appear not to worry or care about things and that they seem very calm. Clark's mother is nonchalant about her role in her son's latest work..., It merely underlines our rather more nonchalant attitude to life.", "intolerant Definition of intolerant. 1 : unable or unwilling to endure. 2a : unwilling to grant equal freedom of expression especially in religious mattersb : unwilling to grant or share social, political, or professional rights : bigoted.", "- Malevolent is a word that used to describe someone or something to be hostile and aggressive another meaning for malevolent is someone or something that wishes to do evil upon others, as killing, stealing, cheating, or doing blasphemous things all with intention. im sorry for being so malevolent yesterday .", "- Lax; tolerant of deviation; permissive; not strict. The standard is fairly lenient, so use your discretion. 1847, Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre, Chapter XVIII But in other points, as well as this, I was growing very lenient to my master; I was forgetting all his faults, for which I had once kept a sharp look-out.", "Liberal This page provides all possible meanings and translations of the word Liberal. liberal, liberalist, progressive(noun) a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties. liberal(adj) a person who favors an economic theory of laissez-faire and self-regulating markets.", "- 2. Malevolent. Malevolent is a word that used to describe someone or something to be hostile and aggressive another meaning for malevolent is someone or something that wishes to do evil upon others, as killing, stealing, cheating, or doing blasphemous things all with intention.", "- 1 Becoming a luthier-someone who practices the art of making stringed instruments - ‘is the most rewarding thing I've ever done,’ Anderberg said. 2 With today's emphasis on quality vintage reissues, custom shop axes from the major companies and more boutique luthiers than ever, there are tons of wonderful new guitars.xample sentences. 1 Becoming a luthier-someone who practices the art of making stringed instruments - ‘is the most rewarding thing I've ever done,’ Anderberg said.", "\"What does it mean to \"\"be tolerant\"\"?\" Tolerance, at least civic tolerance, means allowing other people the same rights to belief and opinion and action that you allow yourself. It doesn't mean you agree with everybody. It doesn't mean you like everybody--or even fail to hate them. It...", "'Tolerance'...What Does That Mean? 'Tolerance' has, for some, come to mean accepting opinions or behaviors of others that do not necessarily sync with their own. However, our familiarity with the term 'tolerance' has some different roots. Tolerating another's behavior is not a comfortable experience.", "- Malevolent. Malevolent is a word that used to describe someone or something to be hostile and aggressive another meaning for malevolent is someone or something that wishes to do evil upon others, as killing, stealing, cheating, or doing blasphemous things all with intention.", "- Tolerance to me means that you should respect any person who is different from you, no matter what they believe in, what race they are, or what gender they are. Everyone should be treated equal because no one is worth less. - Sadhuni [Newbury Park, CA, US] 02.21.16. To me, tolerance means acceptance.", "condolence /kənˈdoʊləns/. noun. plural condolences. Learner's definition of CONDOLENCE. : a feeling or expression of sympathy and sadness especially when someone is suffering because of the death of a family member, a friend, etc. [noncount]. The governor issued a statement of condolence to the victims' families.lural condolences. Learner's definition of CONDOLENCE. : a feeling or expression of sympathy and sadness especially when someone is suffering because of the death of a family member, a friend, etc.", "Definitions &Translations Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 tolerable(adj) capable of being borne or endured. the climate is at least tolerable. 2 adequate, passable, fair to middling, tolerable(adj) about average; acceptable. more than adequate as a secretary.", "- while there is loose consensus in black letter law there is no accepted technical definition as with legal fiction in general it is somewhat susceptible to ad hoc manipulation or transformation and hence the reasonable person is an emergent concept of common law the reasonable person is used as a tool to standardize teach law students or explain the law to a jury", "- Full Definition of TOLERANCE. 1. : capacity to endure pain or hardship: endurance, fortitude, stamina. 2. a: sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own b: the act of allowing something: toleration. 3.", "- Malevolent is a word which used to explain some one or something like that to be hostile and intense another definition for malevolent is somebody or something like that that wants doing evil upon others, as killing, taking, cheating, or doing blasphemous things all with intention. by Thea Winbush Report definition.", "- The terrible tragedy is that, to some prosecutors, neutral has come to mean any person of color or whose ethnic background or nationality is perceived to make him or her sympathetic to the charged defendant's case.", "- Compassionate definition: If you describe someone or something as compassionate , you mean that they feel or show... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples English Dictionary | Thesaurus | Translator | Grammar | Scrabble | Blog", "liberal Definition of liberal. : a person who is liberal: such asa : one who is open-minded or not strict in the observance of orthodox, traditional, or established forms or waysb capitalized : a member or supporter of a liberal political party (see 1liberal 6)c : an advocate or adherent of liberalism especially in individual rights.", "indolent having or showing a disposition to avoid exertion; slothful: an indolent person. 2. Pathology. causing little or no pain; inactive or relatively benign: an indolent ulcer that is not painful and is slow to heal." ]
[ 14.0546875 ]
[ 7.58984375, 1.3046875, 13.046875, 10.6796875, 0.33642578125, 1.705078125, 11.8125, 10.5625, 4.1484375, 9.0078125, 0.52978515625, 8.921875, 2.177734375, 5.75, 3.90234375, 2.1171875, 1.376953125, 14.5859375, 12.8828125, 1.9111328125, 13.125, 1.3056640625, 5.87109375, 2.427734375, 10.9140625, 1.1044921875, 2.802734375, 3.232421875, 5.44921875, 3.630859375 ]
labour cost of tiling a kitchen floor
[ "- Labor. Tile installation companies include the majority of their costs -- and profit -- in a tile floor labor figure. Companies charge between three$3 and $6 a square foot for kitchen tile.Material choice, extra design details and your region's average pricing determine labor costs.dditional Costs and Tips. If you need to make a lot of cuts for your kitchen floor, a wet tile saw is an absolute necessity. Check your local home improvement store for wet tile saw rental rates. Save up to $1 per square foot by sealing the tile and grout yourself. Use a tile-specific penetrating sealer." ]
[ "- What’s involved and how much it costs to lay carpet tiles and advice about doing it yourself or hiring a carpet installer. Average cost to install tile flooring is about $1,000+ (e.g. 32 square foot bathroom).Find here detailed information about tile flooring installation costs. Builders Carpet Outlet puts the cost of installing ceramic tile at $6 Labor costs for installing tile floors rise Much Does It Cost to Tile a Floor?ow much does it cost to buy/install tile/hardwood floor? Home Service Labor Cost Calculator Cost to Install Vinyl Tile Flooring. I have about 1500 sq ft that I want to buy ceramic tile and hardwood floor to replace all the carpet.", "- Let’s figure materials first. $1.50 per square foot for the tile multiplied by 250 square feet, which equals $375. Add in 10% and the total for flooring materials comes to $412.50. For labor, $3 times 250 square feet equals $750. No need to add 10% here.", "What is the typical per sq ft labor cost of bathroom WALL tiling in Los Angeles? Wall tiles are a bit harder to align and, as you observed, keep from moving. This means the labor costs will be increased. But not %300. I work in a place where labor costs are much lower than in L A. However, the difference in my pricing is around $3 for floor and $4.50 to $5 for wall tile.ur contractor quoted us for just labor (we bought the tiles), $5 per sq ft for floor tiling and $19-20 per sq ft for wall tiling (including shower walls). We were surprised there was such a large difference in the labor cost of...", "- Let’s figure materials first. $1.50 per square foot for the carpet multiplied by 250 square feet, which equals $375. Add in 10% and the total for flooring materials comes to $412.50. For labor, $1.50 times 250 square feet equals $375. No need to add 10% here.Add in the removal and haul away for the tile ($650) and the total labor cost is $1025.The total flooring installation price will be the sum of $412.50 for the materials plus $1025 for the labor therefore the estimated cost is $1,437.50 (plus applicable taxes).dd in the removal and haul away for the tile ($650) and the total labor cost is $1025. The total flooring installation price will be the sum of $412.50 for the materials plus $1025 for the labor therefore the estimated cost is $1,437.50 (plus applicable taxes).", "Flooring Installation Cost Calculator $1.50 per square foot for the tile multiplied by 250 square feet, which equals $375. Add in 10% and the total for flooring materials comes to $412.50. For labor, $2 times 250 square feet equals $500. No need to add 10% here. Add in the removal and haul away for the carpeting and the total labor cost is $650.", "- Let’s figure materials first. $1.50 per square foot for the carpet multiplied by 250 square feet, which equals $375. Add in 10% and the total for flooring materials comes to $412.50. For labor, $1.50 times 250 square feet equals $375. No need to add 10% here.Add in the removal and haul away for the tile ($650) and the total labor cost is $1025.he carpet I’m installing is $1.50 per square foot and I’m redoing my living room which is 250 square feet. A contractor has quoted me a flat $650 feet for ripping up and hauling away my used tile, and will install the new carpet for $1.50 per square foot.", "Average Labour Cost/Price to Replace a Socket/Plug Average Labour Cost/Price to Tile a Floor. To clarify the following prices it is recommended that you read the article in the INFORMATION box below the PRICES…. (These prices are based on a tradesman’s rate of £150.00 per day and a labourer if required at £100.00 per day.o clarify the following prices it is recommended that you read the article in the INFORMATION box below the PRICES…. (These prices are based on a tradesman’s rate of £150.00 per day and a labourer if required at £100.00 per day.", "Tile Countertop Cost Professional installation of a tile countertop costs about $35-$40 per square foot, making it $1,050-$1,200 for a typical kitchen, including materials and labor, using inexpensive glazed ceramic tiles. Inlays and custom cutting tiles in unusual shapes costs extra.", "Flooring Installation Cost Calculator The tile I’m installing is $1.50 per square foot and I’m redoing my kitchen which is 250 square feet. A contractor has quoted me a flat $150 feet for ripping up and hauling away my used carpet, and will install the new tile flooring for $3 per square foot. Let’s figure materials first.$1.50 per square foot for the tile multiplied by 250 square feet, which equals $375. Add in 10% and the total for flooring materials comes to $412.50. For labor, $3 times 250 square feet equals $750.No need to add 10% here. Add in the removal and haul away for the carpeting and the total labor cost is $900.et’s figure materials first. $1.50 per square foot for the tile multiplied by 250 square feet, which equals $375. Add in 10% and the total for flooring materials comes to $412.50. For labor, $3 times 250 square feet equals $750. No need to add 10% here.", "- Some contractors, especially those charging per square foot of tile, implement a minimum charge. This prevents them from getting paid very little to lay ceramic tile in a small space. For example, someone charging $4.50 per square foot in a 30-square-foot space would only get $135 charging merely per square foot.onsiderations. Since labor cost for laying ceramic tile doesn&rsquo;t include materials, most homeowners buy their tile in advance and should figure it into their budget. In 2010, glazed ceramic tiles range widely in price from $1 to $20 per square foot.", "- Labor. Tile installation companies include the majority of their costs -- and profit -- in a tile floor labor figure. Companies charge between three$3 and $6 a square foot for kitchen tile. Material choice, extra design details and your region's average pricing determine labor costs.he Average Cost of Remodeling a Kitchen. ... Laminate, ceramic tile, concrete and stainless steel countertops cost between $10 and $130 per... 1 The Average Cost of Installing Travertine Floor.", "- $1.50 per square foot for the tile multiplied by 250 square feet, which equals $375. Add in 10% and the total for flooring materials comes to $412.50. For labor, $3 times 250 square feet equals $750.No need to add 10% here. Add in the removal and haul away for the carpeting and the total labor cost is $900.The total flooring installation price will be the sum of $412.50 for the materials plus $900 for the labor therefore the estimated cost is $1,312.50 (plus applicable taxes).1.50 per square foot for the tile multiplied by 250 square feet, which equals $375. Add in 10% and the total for flooring materials comes to $412.50. For labor, $3 times 250 square feet equals $750. No need to add 10% here.", "CONSUMERWATCH: Kitchen renovations Cabinet doors can account for a third of the cost of a kitchen. On average, a kitchen with new plumbing, electrical and flooring could run you about $35,000.But, according to the Appraisal Institute of Canada, the return on that investment is between 75 and 100 per cent.It's money well spent, if it's done right.n average, a kitchen with new plumbing, electrical and flooring could run you about $35,000. But, according to the Appraisal Institute of Canada, the return on that investment is between 75 and 100 per cent. It's money well spent, if it's done right.", "- As an example, let’s say I’m replacing my tile with carpet. The carpet I’m installing is $1.50 per square foot and I’m redoing my living room which is 250 square feet. A contractor has quoted me a flat $650 feet for ripping up and hauling away my used tile, and will install the new carpet for $1.50 per square foot.Let’s figure materials first.o need to add 10% here. Add in the removal and haul away for the tile ($650) and the total labor cost is $1025. The total flooring installation price will be the sum of $412.50 for the materials plus $1025 for the labor therefore the estimated cost is $1,437.50 (plus applicable taxes).", "How Much Does It Cost To Install Laminate Flooring? The color of your woodwork and the type of wood required will determine how much you pay. Expect to add between $1 and $6 per sq ft to your cost of installing a laminate floor depending on the kind of woodwork you will need.Cost of Labor.The cost of labor for installing laminate flooring will depend on your location and the contractor you pick for the job. A professional contractor will charge you anywhere between $1 and $5 per square foot of floor or charge you hourly rates from $10 to $60 per hour.ypical charges for removing old floors range between $1 and $4 per square foot. The contractor may also opt to charge a fixed fee of between $10 and $30 depending on floor size and type of floor.", "- 1 Installation of the new flooring-The average price on a square foot of laminate flooring, installed, is between $7 and $11.2 This assumes that the owner or the installer is also including the costs for the mandatory foam underlay and any adhesives or glues required for its installation.or this discussion, we will consider the materials and costs for the installation of a laminate floor in the average 200 square foot kitchen (measuring 10'x20'). This pricing will assume that the owner will want to keep costs as low as possible, and will NOT include such things as:", "- The tile I’m installing is $1.50 per square foot and I’m redoing my kitchen which is 250 square feet. A contractor has quoted me a flat $150 feet for ripping up and hauling away my used carpet, and will install the new tile flooring for $3 per square foot. Let’s figure materials first. $1.50 per square foot for the tile multiplied by 250 square feet, which equals $375. Add in 10% and the total for flooring materials comes to $412.50. For labor, $3 times 250 square feet equals $750. No need to add 10% here. Add in the removal and haul away for the carpeting and the total labor cost is $900.", "Flooring Installation Cost Calculator No need to add 10% here. Add in the removal and haul away for the carpeting and the total labor cost is $900. The total flooring installation price will be the sum of $412.50 for the materials plus $900 for the labor therefore the estimated cost is $1,312.50 (plus applicable taxes).If you don’t wish to do this all yourself, feel free to scroll up and try out our flooring installation calculator for yourself.he total flooring installation price will be the sum of $412.50 for the materials plus $900 for the labor therefore the estimated cost is $1,312.50 (plus applicable taxes).", "- The flooring was 25.00 a box and the underlay was around 27.00 a roll and I needed 2. Depending on the size of the area that you want to do, it's inexpensive and it looks great!!!! 10x13 Kitchen ran us about 250.00.", "Flooring Installation Cost Calculator $1.50 per square foot for the carpet multiplied by 250 square feet, which equals $375. Add in 10% and the total for flooring materials comes to $412.50. For labor, $1.50 times 250 square feet equals $375. No need to add 10% here. Add in the removal and haul away for the tile ($650) and the total labor cost is $1025.The total flooring installation price will be the sum of $412.50 for the materials plus $1025 for the labor therefore the estimated cost is $1,437.50 (plus applicable taxes).dd in 10% and the total for flooring materials comes to $412.50. For labor, $1.50 times 250 square feet equals $375. No need to add 10% here. Add in the removal and haul away for the tile ($650) and the total labor cost is $1025.", "Flooring Installation Cost Calculator Add in 10% and the total for flooring materials comes to $1925. For labor, $3 times 250 square feet equals $750. No need to add 10% here. Add in the removal and haul away for the carpeting and the total labor cost is $900.The total flooring installation price will be the sum of $1,750 for the materials plus $900 for the labor therefore the estimated cost is $2,650 (plus applicable taxes).he hardwood I’m installing is $7.00 per square foot and I’m redoing my kitchen which is 250 square feet. A contractor has quoted me a flat $150 feet for ripping up and hauling away my used carpet, and will install the new hardwood flooring for $3 per square foot. Let’s figure materials first.", "CARPET TILES LABOR COST TO INSTALL CARPET TILES What’s involved and how much it costs to lay carpet tiles and advice about doing it yourself or hiring a carpet installer. Average cost to install tile flooring is about $1,000+ (e.g. 32 square foot bathroom).Find here detailed information about tile flooring installation costs. Builders Carpet Outlet puts the cost of installing ceramic tile at $6 Labor costs for installing tile floors rise Much Does It Cost to Tile a Floor?hat is the average labor cost to install tile flooring? To have CostHelper: How Much Does Tile Flooring Cost? What is the average labor rate to install tile flooring? Labor rates for installing tile flooring start at $5 to $10 per square foot in 2010, according to Cost Helper.", "- Average Labour Cost/Price to Tile a Floor. To clarify the following prices it is recommended that you read the article in the INFORMATION box below the PRICES…. (These prices are based on a tradesman’s rate of £150.00 per day and a labourer if required at £100.00 per day.This includes the cost of buying and collecting any materials, dumping any waste if necessary and any incidental materials they will need. The minimum price will usually be for a half day).Laying 8”x 8” (200 x 200mm) ceramic glazed floor tiles in your 10’ (3 metre) square kitchen.This has a flat, smooth solid floor, with lino on it which will come up easily.These prices are based on a tradesman’s rate of £150.00 per day and a labourer if required at £100.00 per day. This includes the cost of buying and collecting any materials, dumping any waste if necessary and any incidental materials they will need. The minimum price will usually be for a half day).", "Flooring Installation Cost Calculator $1.50 per square foot for the tile multiplied by 250 square feet, which equals $375. Add in 10% and the total for flooring materials comes to $412.50. For labor, $3 times 250 square feet equals $750. No need to add 10% here. Add in the removal and haul away for the carpeting and the total labor cost is $900.The total flooring installation price will be the sum of $412.50 for the materials plus $900 for the labor therefore the estimated cost is $1,312.50 (plus applicable taxes).If you don’t wish to do this all yourself, feel free to scroll up and try out our flooring installation calculator for yourself.o need to add 10% here. Add in the removal and haul away for the carpeting and the total labor cost is $900. The total flooring installation price will be the sum of $412.50 for the materials plus $900 for the labor therefore the estimated cost is $1,312.50 (plus applicable taxes).", "- Average Labour Cost/Price to Tile a Floor. To clarify the following prices it is recommended that you read the article in the INFORMATION box below the PRICES…. (These prices are based on a tradesman’s rate of £150.00 per day and a labourer if required at £100.00 per day.he tiles will need 2 coats of sealer first and one afterwards and will need a lot of grout to fill the wide gaps. This will take 2 men 2 days + a day for a labourer. His materials £280, Labour £820, £1100.00.", "- Tile Flooring Cost. Glazed ceramic tiles run $1-$20 a square foot, giving a materials-only cost of $100-$2,000 for a 10x10-foot room. Depending on size, unglazed quarry tiles average $2 a square foot, or $200 for 10x10 feet.", "Flooring Installation Cost Calculator $1.50 per square foot for the tile multiplied by 250 square feet, which equals $375. Add in 10% and the total for flooring materials comes to $412.50. For labor, $3 times 250 square feet equals $750. No need to add 10% here.Add in the removal and haul away for the carpeting and the total labor cost is $900. The total flooring installation price will be the sum of $412.50 for the materials plus $900 for the labor therefore the estimated cost is $1,312.50 (plus applicable taxes).If you don’t wish to do this all yourself, feel free to scroll up and try out our flooring installation calculator for yourself.1.50 per square foot for the tile multiplied by 250 square feet, which equals $375. Add in 10% and the total for flooring materials comes to $412.50. For labor, $3 times 250 square feet equals $750. No need to add 10% here.", "Flooring Installation Cost Calculator No need to add 10% here. Add in the removal and haul away for the carpeting and the total labor cost is $900. The total flooring installation price will be the sum of $412.50 for the materials plus $900 for the labor therefore the estimated cost is $1,312.50 (plus applicable taxes).If you don’t wish to do this all yourself, feel free to scroll up and try out our flooring installation calculator for yourself.nstallation costs can vary just as much, so we would recommend contacting 2-3 contractors and asking how much they charge per square foot for removal and installation of flooring. Depending on your square footage you might get a discount (usually for projects over 500 sq ft).", "- No need to add 10% here. Add in the removal and haul away for the carpeting and the total labor cost is $900. The total flooring installation price will be the sum of $412.50 for the materials plus $900 for the labor therefore the estimated cost is $1,312.50 (plus applicable taxes).If you don’t wish to do this all yourself, feel free to scroll up and try out our flooring installation calculator for yourself.his floor cost calculator presupposes that you already know the square footage of the area you are installing the flooring of. If not, you can learn how to calculate the square footage. There are several factors which are used to determine what it will cost to replace your flooring.", "Flooring Installation Cost Calculator The tile I’m installing is $1.50 per square foot and I’m redoing my kitchen which is 250 square feet. A contractor has quoted me a flat $150 feet for ripping up and hauling away my used carpet, and will install the new tile flooring for $3 per square foot. Let’s figure materials first.$1.50 per square foot for the tile multiplied by 250 square feet, which equals $375. Add in 10% and the total for flooring materials comes to $412.50. For labor, $3 times 250 square feet equals $750.No need to add 10% here. Add in the removal and haul away for the carpeting and the total labor cost is $900.he tile I’m installing is $1.50 per square foot and I’m redoing my kitchen which is 250 square feet. A contractor has quoted me a flat $150 feet for ripping up and hauling away my used carpet, and will install the new tile flooring for $3 per square foot. Let’s figure materials first." ]
[ 14.7421875 ]
[ 9.4140625, 11.9609375, 10.4375, 11.2109375, 11.3125, 9.6953125, 11.921875, 11.2421875, 11.390625, 9.6796875, 13.71875, 11.9453125, 6.9453125, 8.96875, 7.671875, 7.87890625, 12.5625, 9.078125, 7.73828125, 11.0546875, 10.1796875, 10.234375, 14.265625, 11.046875, 12.59375, 10.9453125, 10.859375, 8.53125, 8.0078125, 11.390625 ]
water temperature and time exposure for burns to occur
[ "Hot Water Burn Prevention & Consumer Safety In addition to preventing accidents, this decrease in temperature will conserve energy and save money. Most adults will suffer third-degree burns if exposed to 150 degree water for two seconds. Burns will also occur with a six-second exposure to 140 degree water or with a thirty second exposure to 130 degree water.Even if the temperature is 120 degrees, a five minute exposure could result in third-degree burns.Various procedures for lowering water temperature in the home exist, depending on the method of heating.ven if the temperature is 120 degrees, a five minute exposure could result in third-degree burns. Various procedures for lowering water temperature in the home exist, depending on the method of heating." ]
[ "Chapter 8: Energy Sources and the Environment Combustion reaction. Describe the combustion reaction that occurs when fossil fuels are burned. Carbon and hydrogen atoms combine with oxygen in the air to form carbon dioxide and water. Converts the chemical potential energy that is stored in the bonds in between atoms into thermal energy and light.", "Sunburn (Sun Poisoning) Sunburn Causes. 1 Mild and uncomplicated cases of sunburn usually result in minor skin redness, and pain. 2 Initially, the skin turns red about 2 to 6 hours after exposure and feels irritated. The peak effects are noted at 12 to 24 hours. More severe cases (sun poisoning) are complicated by severe skin burning and blistering, massive fluid loss (dehydration), electrolyte imbalance, and possibly infection. With too much exposure, severe untreated sunburn can cause shock (poor circulation to vital organs) and even death.", "- It takes 10 days to 3 weeks for a second degree burn to heal. The pain lessens each day and is typically fully resolved once the skin has repaired. It takes longer for … the pigmentation of skin to return to normal. The affected area should be kept out of the sun until pigmentation has returned to normal. second degree burn involves the epidermis and varying depths of the dermis. The skin appendages (hair follicles and sweat glands) … are still spared. A first degree burn will generally heal in 3-5 days.", "- As adultsage, the effects of lifestyle and chronic diseases become evident inthe vital signs. Chronic respiratory disease and exposure to pollu-tants, such as cigarette smoke, can influence respiratory rate andpattern. Cardiovascular diseases may cause changes in the heartrate and rhythm.he degree of changerelates to the temperature, humidity, and length of exposure.The body’s thermoregulatory mechanisms are also influential(e.g., infants and older adults often have diminished controlmechanisms). Death may occur if a person’s core body temper-ature drops to 25°C (77°F) or rises to 45°C (113°F).", "Incandescence Main article: Thermal radiation. In practice, virtually all solid or liquid substances start to glow around 798 K (525 °C) (977 degrees F˚), with a mildly dull red color, when no chemical reactions take place that produce light as a result of an exothermic process. This limit is called the Draper point.ncandescence is the emission of electromagnetic radiation (including visible light) from a hot body as a result of its temperature.", "Treatment for Burns Treatment for Burns. It's the first shield against germs. If something happens to your skin, the rest of your body is much more vulnerable to infection, shock, and disease. When it comes to burns, degree has nothing to do with temperature. The terms first-, second-, and third-degree identify the severity of a burn. First-degree burns affect only the outer layer of the skin.", "- A first degree is limited to the epidermis. A second degree burn involves the epidermis and varying depths of the dermis. The skin appendages (hair follicles and sweat glands) … are still spared. A first degree burn will generally heal in 3-5 days.A second degree burn may take up to 2-3 weeks. second degree burn involves the epidermis and varying depths of the dermis. The skin appendages (hair follicles and sweat glands) … are still spared. A first degree burn will generally heal in 3-5 days.", "- This is because of the need for longer. exposure times. The minimum exposure time for a. porous cycle is ten (10) minutes at 270 degrees F. Once the exposure cycle has completed, the exhaust. stage kicks in. During the exhaust stage, steam is removed from the. chamber, by the reverse of the same process as put.", "What is the lowest temperature water will scald the the skin of a human? An approximate one-second exposure to 160° F water will result in third degree burns.1 Where the water is 130° F, an approximate half-minute exposure will result in third degree burns.2 This is the reason that the Consumer Product Safety Commission suggests that water heaters be set to a maximum temperature of 120° F , even though an approximate ten ...", "- Rinse the burn. Treatment for second-degree burns is almost the same as first degree burns. When the burn occurs, quickly but calmly get to a sink and put your hand or arm under the cold water for 15-20 minutes.reatment for second-degree burns is almost the same as first degree burns. When the burn occurs, quickly but calmly get to a sink and put your hand or arm under the cold water for 15-20 minutes.", "FISHING FOR TROUT at 50 f to 55 f the trout s activity increases and they actively feed for long periods of time and they still have an over abundance of do2 when the water temperature reaches the 55 f to 65 f range you have the ideal fishing conditionsthe trout s metabolism is in high gear and they feed constantly do2 is in the 18 to 12ppm range and there is plenty of foodhen the water temperature reaches the 55 f to 65 f range you have the ideal fishing conditions the trout s metabolism is in high gear and they feed constantly do2 is in the 18 to 12ppm range and there is plenty of food", "- Material Melting point Latent heat of fusion (kJ/kg)Boiling point Latent heat of vaporization (kJ/kg) Water 0°C 335 100°C 2272Nitrogen -210°C 25.7 -196°C 200Oxygen -219°C 13.9 -183°C 213Ethyl alcohol -114°C 108 -78.3°C 855 Table 13.3: A table of melting points, boiling points, and latent heats for various materials.he heat needed to melt the ice at 0°C.3. The heat needed to raise the liquid water to the boiling point.4. The heat needed to boil the water at 100°C. Step 2 – Plot a graph of the temperature of the water as a function of time, starting at t = 0 when the temperature is at –20°C.", "- This energy release causes a much worse burn than if the same amount of boiling water were to hit your skin where it would decrease in temperature (to your skins temperature) but would not have to go through a phase change.", "Burn Care... Everywhere Foundation, Inc. 3 seconds. 5 seconds. The above table shows that a person will receive a second degree burn in 3 seconds of exposure and a third degree burn in 5 seconds of exposure to water of 140°.*The American Journal of Public Health prefers a maximum temperature of 120 ° for hot water. seconds. 5 seconds. The above table shows that a person will receive a second degree burn in 3 seconds of exposure and a third degree burn in 5 seconds of exposure to water of 140°.", "- temperature (usually 25°C for water) is proportional to the partial pressure of the gas above the liquid. When gas under pressure contacts a liquid, the pressure tends to force gas molecules into solution. At a given pressure the number of gas molecules that will enter into solution rises until equilibrium is reached.utcomes. Students will be able to: 1 Explain and diagram how nonpolar gases enter into solutions in water. 2 Explain the roles that pressure and temperature play in altering the concentration of gases in water. 3 Explain the physical basis for oxygen supersaturation and how it is related to.", "- At 120 degreesFahrenheit / 48 degrees Celsius, the recommended temperature setting for home water heaters,skin requires five minutes of exposure for a full thickness burn to occur. When the temperatureof a hot liquid is increased to 140 o F / 60 o C. it takes only five seconds or less for a serious burnto occur 1. burn is damage to the skin and underlying tissue caused by heat, chemicals or electricity-avery simplistic definition for a very complex injury. Burns damage or destroy the skin cells.Deeper burns may involve the fat, muscle or bone.", "Permissible exposure limit A short-term exposure limit is one that addresses the average exposure over a 15-30 minute period of maximum exposure during a single work shift.A ceiling limit is one that may not be exceeded for any period of time, and is applied to irritants and other materials that have immediate effects. TWA is the average exposure over a specified period of time, usually a nominal eight hours. This means that, for limited periods, a worker may be exposed to concentration excursions higher than the PEL, so long as the TWA is not exceeded and any applicable excursion limit is not exceeded.", "chilblain redness and swelling of the skin caused by excessive exposure to cold. Burning, itching, blistering, and ulceration that are similar to those characteristic of a thermal burn may occur. Treatment includes protection against cold and injury, gentle warming, and avoidance of tobacco.rythema, itching, and burning, especially of the dorsa of the fingers and toes, and of the heels, nose, and ears, resulting from exposure to moist cold. Also called erythema pernio.", "- At 120 degrees Fahrenheit / 48 degrees Celsius, the recommended temperature setting for home water heaters, skin requires five minutes of exposure for a full thickness burn to occur. When the temperature of a hot liquid is increased to 140 F / 60 C. it takes only five seconds or less for a serious burn to occur 1.t 120 degrees Fahrenheit / 48 degrees Celsius, the recommended temperature setting for home water heaters, skin requires five minutes of exposure for a full thickness burn to occur. When the temperature of a hot liquid is increased to 140 F / 60 C. it takes only five seconds or less for a serious burn to occur 1.", "- The first world-wide occurence of a fossil is known as the the time of origin; the last world-wide occurrence of an individual fossil is known as the time of extinction. The total time of existence, that is the range within the relative geologic time scale, that the fossil can be found is the range zone of the fossil.Easily identifiable fossils with relatively short range zones and world-wide occurrences are known a index or guide fossils.or example, as seen in the image to the left, a unit of rock that contains fossil archaeocythids must be Cambrian in age since this is the only time period when archaeocythids was present on the Earth. Other fossils, however, may span multiple time periods and require the use of cuncurrent range zones.", "Hot Water Burn Prevention & Consumer Safety Most adults will suffer third-degree burns if exposed to 150 degree water for two seconds. Burns will also occur with a six-second exposure to 140 degree water or with a thirty second exposure to 130 degree water. Even if the temperature is 120 degrees, a five minute exposure could result in third-degree burns.", "Burn Injuries Require Quick Identification, Treatment & Transport Of the 25 developed countries that maintain records of burn mortality, the U.S. comes in eighth, leaving much to be desired in burn treatment.2. Major risk factors for burns include male gender, extreme youth or old age, alcohol use (a factor in 40% of burn deaths) and substandard housing residence.", "Types of Burn Injuries Splashes and spills tend to produce partial thickness burns, whereas immersion in hot liquid and steam are likely to cause full thickness burns. While the maximum safe bathing temperature is 100 degrees, property managers, landlords and homeowners too frequently set their water heaters between 140 and 160 degrees, and as a result many scald injuries happen in bathing areas.", "TEAR (tore, torn) Meronyms (substance of tear): H2O; water (binary compound that occurs at room temperature as a clear colorless odorless tasteless liquid; freezes into ice below 0 degrees centigrade and boils above 100 degrees centigrade; widely used as a solvent) Holonyms (tear is a part of...):", "Water vapor Also, a net condensation of water vapor occurs on surfaces when the temperature of the surface is at or below the dew point temperature of the atmosphere. Deposition, the direct formation of ice from water vapor, is a type of condensation.he temperatures of the atmosphere and the water surface determine the equilibrium vapor pressure; 100% relative humidity occurs when the partial pressure of water vapor is equal to the equilibrium vapor pressure. This condition is often referred to as complete saturation.", "Understanding Fire Danger The moisture content of the dead component of the fine fuel (1-hr. timelag fuel moisture) is determined by the state of the weather (sunny or cloudy), air temperature, and relative humidity at the time of the 2 p.m. fire weather observation.", "- The small strain data indicated that the gel point occurred at lower temperatures for the 12% fat flours--about 65 C to 72 C--compared to the 28% fat flours, for which the gel point occurred at greater than 80 C.", "- C. STAGES OF BURNS: Hypovolemic state - begins at the onset of burn and lasts for the first 48 hours - 72 hours. Rapid fluid shifts - from the vascular compartments into the interstitial spaces. Capillary permeability with burns increases with vasodilation. Fluid loss deep in wounds. Initially Sodium and H2O.", "What the Titanic Taught Me: A Lesson in Hypothermia A water temperature of a seemingly warm 79 degrees (F) can lead to death after prolonged exposure, a water temperature of 50 degrees can lead to death in around an hour, and a water temperature of 32 degrees – like the ocean water on the night the Titanic sank – can lead to death in as few as 15 minutes. Scary stuff.", "- There are many variables in determining this answer. This is the formula I know: Base time period is body will rise off the bottom in 4 1/2 days. Add 24 hours for every 2 deg F below 50-water temp. Subtract 8 hours for every 5 deg over 55-deg water temp." ]
[ 16.796875 ]
[ 1.4990234375, 9.7421875, 7.9765625, 7.55078125, 2.11328125, 6.39453125, 9.6328125, 6.88671875, 13.2578125, 10.421875, 4.8046875, 4.4609375, 8.578125, 14.828125, 3.798828125, 16.15625, 6.58203125, 6.875, 16.265625, 0.390869140625, 16.59375, 5.2421875, 10.625, 2.7109375, 5.55078125, 4.13671875, 3.93359375, 6.75390625, 8.625, 8.9453125 ]
how many years does an architect need
[ "How long does it take to become an architect? It now takes an average of EIGHTEEN Years to become an architect. You need approximately 5 years of undergraduate plus 3 more years of graduate school.Then you must complete …the requirements of the Internship Development Program." ]
[ "Degree Requirements for an Architect Degree Requirements for an Architect. It takes many years of education and experience to become an architect. According to the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB), an architect is a licensed professional who is trained in the art and science of building and structures.", "How to Become a Data Architect: Education and Career Roadmap Becoming a data architect may require three to 10 years of experience in the IT field. While there is no specific route to becoming a data architect, potential job candidates need extensive skills in database design, development, management, modeling and warehousing.", "How long in one day does an architect work? According to a Harvard research an architect works about 8 hours a day 40 hours a week and 120 a year.", "How to Become an Architect If one completes a BArch program and then an IDP, it will take about eight years to become a licensed architect. It can take a bit longer for architects who earn a MArch or DArch degree before starting their practice.", "- Doctorate: Six Years. A doctorate or Ph.D. in architecture or architectural engineering is the most advanced degree available to architectural engineers. This degree is required for candidates who want to teach at the university level. Students incorporate advanced research methods and become experts in the field.ou typically need two to three years of experience before you can take the Principles and Practice of Engineering exam, a test that measures your knowledge of advanced engineering topics. Those who pass this test become professional engineers or PEs.", "How to Become an Application Security Architect Alternatively, a bachelor's degree in software engineering could also lead to a career as an application security architect. The curricula of these 4-year programs focus on the reliability, quality, analysis, and usability of software programs.", "Interior Design Degrees A:The 2-3 year programs in Interior Designing lead to the attainment of an associate's degree or certificate in this field. The undergraduate degree such as the Bachelor of Fine Art in Interior Design can be completed within 4-5 years, while, the master level programs last for at least 2 years.", "Job Training and Career Qualifications In all states, earning a bachelor’s degree in architecture is typically the first step to becoming an architect. Most architects earn their degree through a 5-year Bachelor of Architecture degree program. Many earn a master’s degree in architecture, which can take 1 to 5 additional years. The time required depends on the extent of the student’s previous education and training in architecture.", "What Does a Contractor Do? Large construction firms increasingly prefer professionals with several years of on-the-job experience and/or a relevant bachelor’s degree. The degree requires about four years of full-time study, though those who are working full-time jobs might be pleased to learn that many programs can be taken completely online.", "Professional requirements for architects The professional requirements for architects vary from place to place, but usually consist of three elements: a university degree or advanced education, a period of internship or training in an office, and examination for registration with a jurisdiction.n alternate route to the Register is available through the ARAE (Architects Register Admission Examination) [2] - this provides an opportunity for those without the required educational and professional qualifications to enter the Register in Ireland. This examination has operated successfully since 2009.", "The Rebel Sell It depends in which country you are doing bachelor's degree. However, in most cases it is 3 years and 2 year for post graduate. In the US, most Bachelors programs are sch … eduled for 4 years with a normal course load.You could take more or less courses to decrease or increase the time required.f you take the normal course load it will take four years. But if you take more or less classes, it could take a longer or shorter amount of time. After the four years, you t … ake your CPA test. If you fail, you have to wait and take it again which will take some more time.", "Interior Designer Educational Requirements. Training to become an interior designer takes two to four years and is available from professional design schools or colleges and universities. One can earn an associate degree or certificate by attending a two to three-year program, or a bachelor's degree by attending a four-year program.", "Job Training and Career Qualifications Architect Education. In all states, earning a professional degree in architecture is typically the first step to becoming an architect. Most architects earn their professional degree through a 5-year Bachelor of Architecture degree program, intended for students with no previous architectural training.", "Interior Design Degrees These include the Bachelor of Science in Interior Design and Bachelor of Fine Arts and Interior Design. The bachelor’s degrees can last anywhere from 3 to 4 years, while holders of an associate’s degree in Interior Design can finish the bachelor’s degree in as little as 2 years.", "Master of Architecture The Master of Architecture (M.Arch.) is a professional degree in architecture, qualifying the graduate to move through the various stages of professional accreditation (internship, exams) that result in receiving a license. This degree is not 3 year, depending on the nature and quality of your undergraduate study performance, and the evaluation of your master's degree program school of your undergraduate study) Master of Architecture program.", "- Available as a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts and professional Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.) program, architecture degree programs often take five years to finish and cover a variety of topics related to selecting construction sites, designing buildings and construction.", "What education and training is required to become an architect? There are three main steps in becoming an architect. First is the attainment of a professional degree in architecture. Second is work experience through an internship, and third is licensure through the passing of the Architect Registration Exam. Education and training.n terms of length, it is one of the few programs of study that takes five years to complete as a full-time student and provided the student take the degree as prescribed by the college or university. A Bachelor's in Architecture (BArch) is the college degree required to do architecture.", "Professional requirements for architects The professional requirements for architects vary from place to place, but usually consist of three elements: a university degree or advanced education, a period of internship or training in an office, and examination for registration with a jurisdiction.", "Landscape Architect Those interested in taking the exam usually need a degree from an accredited school and 1 to 4 years of work experience under the supervision of a licensed landscape architect, although standards vary by state.", "Master of Architecture Including study at the bachelor's and master's level, these tracks range up to 7.5 years in duration. 1 One possible route is what is commonly referred to as the 4+2 course. This path entails completing a four-year, accredited, pre-professional bachelor of arts in architecture or a bachelor of science in architecture. This degree is not 3-year, depending on the nature and quality of your undergraduate study performance, and the evaluation of your master's degree program school of your undergraduate study) Master of Architecture program.", "- Following the same Architect, you find that in a small firm of less than 5 employees, they would actually make $53,300 and in a large firm of 250 employees plus, $64,900. You can do the same exercise for all levels including Intern I, or zero years experience, for your particular situation and find where you should be.ccording to the report, an Architect I, or newly licensed Architect, averages $59,700 in the country. If you take that same Architect and look at it by region, you will find that in the New England area, they may make $64,700 and in the Mountain region, make $51,700.", "How to Become an Architect: Education and Career Roadmap Step 1: Complete a Bachelor's Degree Program. State architecture boards determine the requirements for becoming an architect; however, most boards require completion of a 5-year Bachelor of Architecture program accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB).", "- From what I heard that’s pretty normal for somebody just starting out without any experience. In fact I heard you need at leas 3 years of interning and that would be the pay for an intern architect (at least where I’m at which is NY). The pay will soon increase, hence it says “mean salary”. And think about it, do you want to be a teacher or someone who practices it.", "- Licensing: Three Years. To become a licensed professional architectural engineer, you need to pass a series of exams, a process that takes around three years to complete. Upon graduating, you'll take the Fundamentals of Engineering exam to qualify as an engineering-in-training or EIT.ou typically need two to three years of experience before you can take the Principles and Practice of Engineering exam, a test that measures your knowledge of advanced engineering topics. Those who pass this test become professional engineers or PEs.", "- Available as a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts and professional Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.) program, architecture degree programs often take five years to finish and cover a variety of topics related to selecting construction sites, designing buildings and construction.aster of Architecture (M.Arch.) degree programs are designed to provide students who have a pre-professional degree in architecture or architectural studies a professional education. There are also some advanced M.Arch.", "- While most bachelor's degrees are four year programs of study, the architecture program is a five year program of s…tudy. Most architects go on for a master's degree or higher. In addition to the educational requirement, there will be a licensing requirement from the state in order to work independently.", "Master of Architecture The Master of Architecture (M.Arch.) is a professional degree in architecture, qualifying the graduate to move through the various stages of professional accreditation (internship, exams) that result in receiving a license.n such a program, after five years of study, students are awarded with a professional degree in architecture. Depending on the school and course of study, this could be either a Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.) or an M.Arch. In the U.S., it is typically a 5-year B.Arch.", "Education The first-professional Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA) is for persons who hold an undergraduate degree in a field other than landscape architecture, and intend to become landscape architecture practitioners. It can usually be earned in three years of full-time study.", "Undergraduate Architecture Program Bachelor of Architecture. For undergraduates, AAP's Department of Architecture offers a five-year professional program leading to a bachelor of architecture (B.Arch.) degree.Consistently ranked one of the top programs in the country, the bachelor of architecture program is accredited by NAAB.ndergraduate Architecture Program. For undergraduates, AAP's Department of Architecture offers a five-year professional program leading to a bachelor of architecture (B.Arch.) degree.", "Architecture Undergraduate Degrees search. Undergraduate degrees in architecture generally fall into two categories-professional degrees (usually five years in length) and pre-professional degrees (usually four years in length)." ]
[ 14.9765625 ]
[ 10.0078125, 14.0546875, 10.5390625, 14.625, 12.5390625, 12.4453125, 10.203125, 14.65625, 9.8828125, 7.89453125, 9.5859375, 10.5, 14.1328125, 10.9453125, 12.1875, 14.1796875, 11.59375, 8.8984375, 13.203125, 13.1484375, 7.765625, 14.125, 11.5859375, 12.5625, 13.2578125, 12.6953125, 12.546875, 12.8515625, 12.6796875, 13.3359375 ]
what is apple touch bar
[ "Apple basically just said it won't ever make a touch Mac And now, with its Touch Bar, a new, customizable OLED strip of a screen, nested between the new MacBook Pro’s keyboard and screen, it appears Apple has completely given up on melding iOS and macOS into one, as well as ever adding a touchscreen to any of its laptops. It’s a different approach.", "- People love a Greek tragedy. Icarus has flown too close to the sun and tumbled to Earth. Apple has forgotten its core users and been eclipsed by Microsoft. The Touch Bar is a compromise between adding a touch screen on a MacBook and ignoring touch entirely. These narratives are easy to sketch because they sell better to readers than moderated, honest inspection of sentiment and behavior." ]
[ "Panhard rod The track bar or Panhard bar is a simple device, consisting of a rigid bar running sideways in the same plane as the axle, connecting one end of the axle to the car body or chassis on the opposite side of the vehicle.", "PepsiCo Bows Beverage Fountain That Lets Consumers Mix-n-Match Flavors Forget the days when you had just a handful of choices at the soda fountain. Next week, PepsiCo will begin testing Pepsi Touch Tower 1.0 as part of a series of new fountain rollouts, according to Beverage Digest. The device packs a lot of punch in a small space. Touch Tower 1.0 is a small counter-top unit with a digital touch screen.", "How to Turn Off iPhone 6 Reachability Apple how to iOS iPhone iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus. The iPhone 6 comes with a nifty feature that allows users to easily reach the top row of apps on the home screen or anything else that’s placed toward the top of the display. It’s called Reachability, but not everyone is a huge fan of it.", "Toolbar Toolbar. Sometimes referred to as a bar, the toolbar is a row of boxes, often at the top of an application window that control various functions of the software. The boxes often contain images that correspond with the function they control, as demonstrated in the image below.", "- The Anchor Bar is a bar and restaurant in Buffalo, New York, located north of Downtown Buffalo at the intersection of Main and North Streets. The restaurant was initially established in 1935. It is accessible by Buffalo Metro Rail, being approximately equidistant from the Allen-Medical Campus and Summer–Best stations.", "- The newest iPhone models with modern iOS have refined status bar icons that are intended to convey a meaning quickly, here is what they are, and what the icons indicate, directly from the Apple iPhone user guide:hat is the icon on the top of my iPhone 5c beside my battery % it’s a phone with dots under it. Reply. says: April 7, 2015 at 6:48 pm. What is the icon at the top that is a lock with a arrow clockwise around the lock.", "This is Appleâs new MacBook Pro with Touch Bar, Touch ID & more By the way, this week mark’s 25th anniversary of Apple’s first notebook, the PowerBook, which defined the modern notebook with a matrix-dot display and a keyboard-forward design that created room for a trackpad and other features. 1 Tagged: 2 Apple. 3 Mac. 4 MacBook. 5 MacBook Pro. 6 News. 7 Notebooks. 8 OLED.", "Mac Basics: The Dock holds your favorite apps, documents, and more The Dock is the bar of icons that sits at the bottom or side of your screen. It provides easy access to many of the apps that come with your Mac (like Mail, Safari, and Messages). You can add your own apps, documents and folders to the Dock, too. To use an item in the Dock, click its icon. If you want to listen to some music, click the iTunes icon (the icon with music notes) to open iTunes. To check your email, click the Mail icon (it looks like a stamp). When an application is open, the Dock displays an illuminated dash beneath the application's icon.", "Handlebar Accessory Mounts Handlebar Accessory Mounts. Attach your cell phone, MP3 player and almost any portable device directly to your handlebars. Mounting plates feature standard 4-hole AMPS pattern and when not in use, a simple clamp is all that is left on your bar. Hook-&-loop straps included. Accepts most belt clips.", "\"Apple 15.4\"\" MacBook Pro Laptop Computer with Retina Display & Force Touch Trackpad (Mid 2015)\" The 15.4 MacBook Pro Laptop Computer with Retina Display & Force Touch Trackpad from Apple is a powerful notebook computer with an innovative, ultrathin, ultraportable aluminum unibody design.", "Word 2010 â Quick Access Toolbar The Quick Access Toolbar is a customizable toolbar that contains a set of commands that are independent of the tab on the Ribbon that is usually displayed at one of the two possible locations: above or below the Ribbon.", "- I’ve been using a MacBook Pro with touch bar for a few months – you can read about it here and pick up a few usage hints here. I’ve also been working with some of the software and accessories you can pick up for these systems. Here are five items I think you’ll find useful.", "- Hi Bob, It is the Windows 'Charms Bar' and is designed in a way that it will appear only when the mouse is pointed at the top or bottom right corner of the screen. Alternatively can press Windows key + C shortcut on your keyboard to launch the same.", "- Bing Bar is a toolbar for Windows Internet Explorer that integrates with the Microsoft Bing search engine. You can use Bing Bar to search for videos, news, and maps. Also, you can use Bing Bar to access your email messages and inbox, communicate with friends on Facebook and Skype, find games, see the weather forecast, and more.", "- The bump bar is basically just a programmable keyboard. It mounts somewhere easy to reach so that the kitchen staff can use it to select the order on the kitchen display and then change the order state to ready or even selecting an item and marking it as ready.", "What is: Toolbar What is: Toolbar. The toolbar, previously known as admin bar, is an area that is usually visible to logged in WordPress users on top of the screen. This is a full-width horizontal bar containing shortcuts to different sections of WordPress administration screens, such as ‘Create New Post’, ‘Edit Profile’, ‘log out’, etc.", "Apple's Mousetrap With natural scrolling, a trackpad or a mouse wheel no longer follows the direction of the scrollbars. Rather, the pointer responds as if your finger were touching the screen. One reason Apple made the change is to integrate the way we interact with our iPhones, iPads, and MacBooks.", "Apple iPod touch 16GB White Model ME179LL/A (4th Generation) (Discontinued by Manufacturer) airplay isn t just for photos movies and apps it s for your music too a song an album a favorite playlist if it s on your iphone ipad or ipod touch you can stream it to your home entertainment speakers via apple tv because rocking out is always more fun in surround sound", "How to Use the Windows 8 Charm Bar Community Q&A. The Charms bar is a new feature in Windows 8 which provides easy access to commonly used setting and features. It integrates the most common options for an application and is easily accessible from almost any screen. Steps. Move your cursor towards the bottom right or top right corner of your screen. If you are using a touchscreen device, drag your finger inwards from the right side of the screen and the charms bar should appear. 2. Wait for the charms bar to appear.", "BAR The BAR appears in the Nintendo DS version of World at War as the only portable machine gun available for use. Unlike the console versions, the BAR has a higher rate of fire, slightly less bullet damage, different irons sights, and more recoil. The iron sights are not as precise; it is often considered obstructive.", "Toolbar Advanced Search. A toolbar is a set of icons or buttons that are part of a software program's interface or an open window. When it is part of a program's interface, the toolbar typically sits directly under the menu bar. For example, Adobe Photoshop includes a toolbar that allows you to adjust settings for each selected tool.", "Yahoo! Toolbar Toolbar is a toolbar that installs on the Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers, within the context of internet access functions. It allows access to several functions, including Yahoo! Search and Yahoo! Mail. Yahoo! Toolbar is included in the Typical Install when downloading Yahoo! Messenger.", "Ask Toolbar The Ask Toolbar is a web-browser add-on that can appear as an extra bar added to the browser's window and/or menu. It is often installed (sometimes without warning) during the installation of other software.", "Twix Twix candy is a chocolate bar and other chocolate twix bars calledand made by Mars, Inc... Twix candy is a chocolate bar and other chocolate twix bars calledand made by Mars, Inc., consisting of a biscuit finger, topped with caramel and coated in milk chocolate. There is a very thin layer of chocolate between the biscuit and the caramel. Twix bars are typically packaged in pairs.", "- 3D Touch is a feature in later Apple, Inc. products which allows the device to recognize the pressure of a user's touch inputs, and allow different actions to occur based on how firmly the user touches the screen.", "- Touchpad A touchpad or trackpad is a small flat rectangular pointing device from COMPUTER S SMA 2274 at Multimedia University of Kenya", "MacBook Air 2016 release date rumors: Apple likely to discontinue the MacBook Air series Another feature rumored to be included with the new MacBook Pro would be an OLED touch bar which is highly requested by most users. It seems that the future looks quite grim for the MacBook Air. Nonetheless, there are still few who are hopeful that Apple will still push through in continuing the Air lineup.", "Mac Basics: Desktop 1 Application menu - Contains menus for the application you're currently using. The name of the application appears in bold next to the Apple menu. Menu bar - Contains the Apple menu, active application menu, status menus, menu bar extras, Spotlight icon, and Notification Center icon (OS X Mountain Lion).", "- Upcoming EventsUpcoming Events. L.A. Ainger Middle Becomes a Fuel Up To Play 60 Touchdown School. On February 17th, 2017 Milestone Communications presented a $25,000 check to the school district at the groundbreaking ceremony for the cell phone tower, which will be located on the Lemon Bay High School campus. Tarpon Boosters Support Silver King Band.", "- 2 Replies | 0. I am looking for a replacement bar to connect an umbrella through the hand of this victorian lady. It slips through bottom of hand-then tightened with a bolt. Then slips through a hole in top of umbrella with a bolt underneath to hold in place and a tip on top to secure." ]
[ 15.0390625, 15.9921875 ]
[ 1.162109375, 0.004924774169921875, 2.798828125, 5.8046875, 1.5234375, 2.30859375, 9.171875, 5.62109375, 0.74609375, 9.34375, 4.5703125, 7.7421875, 2.3671875, 1.97265625, 2.896484375, 4.72265625, 8.2890625, 4.41015625, 1.9677734375, 2.482421875, 5.66796875, 2.982421875, 3.744140625, -0.294677734375, 10.6328125, 5.515625, 7.26953125, 5.3359375, 3.052734375, -0.56103515625 ]
what channel is discovery on direct tv
[ "What channel is discovery channel on direct tv? The Discovery channel is channel 278 on DirecTV. On the remote, go to the menu, then Search for Shows, then in the search box on the left spell out DIS and the channels that start with DIS will be displayed. Select the one you want and there you are." ]
[ "Disney Channel Freeform (TV channel) For the U.S. broadcast television network currently using Freeform's former 1990–98 name, see The Family Channel (U.S. TV network). Freeform is an American basic cable and satellite television channel that is owned by the Disney–ABC Television Group division of The Walt Disney Company.", "Discovery Channel In the United Kingdom, Discovery Channel UK airs some common programs as the U.S. version, including MythBusters, American Chopper, How It's Made and Deadliest Catch. The channel is carried as a basic subscription channel on the SKYdigital satellite service and digital cable provider Virgin Media.", "Discovery Inc. Not to be confused with Discover (magazine). Discovery Communications, Inc. is an American global mass media and entertainment company based in Silver Spring, Maryland. The company started as a single channel in 1985, The Discovery Channel. DCI both produces original television programming and acquires content from producers worldwide.", "- Discovery Communications, Inc. is an American global mass media and entertainment company based in Silver Spring, Maryland.The company started as a single channel in 1985, The Discovery Channel.he company started out with just a single channel, Discovery Channel, launched in 1985. In 1991, they acquired their rival The Learning Channel. In the mid-90s, Discovery Communications started developing several new networks.", "- TV listings. Visit the TV listings page to browse, search or sort by genre what's on TV now and in the future. On-screen program Guide. You can find shows and channels with your on-screen program Guide. 1 Press the GUIDE button to browse the TV listings. 2 Press the A button to find channels. 3 Press the B button to search.", "10 Fall 2017 TV Shows With Badass Female Leads Michael Burnham, 'Stark Trek: Discovery' - Premiere: Sunday, Sept. 24 at 8:30 p.m.Streaming service: CBS All AccessWhat makes the character special?Sonequa Martin-Green plays Michael Burnham, the first officer of the USS Shenzhou.", "- Catch up on your favorite Discovery Family Channel HD shows. See what's on Discovery Family Channel HD and watch On Demand on your TV or online! Catch up on your favorite Discovery Family Channel HD shows. See what's on Discovery Family Channel HD and watch On Demand on your TV or online!", "Who owns the Discovery Networks? Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Discovery Cable Stations is owned by Discovery Communications. Discovery Communications is a publicly listed joint-venture. The JV was started by John Malone (Liberty Media), Advance/Newhouse (e.g. Conde Naste, GQ, Wired), Cox Communications and the original CEO (John Hendricks).", "Discovery Family The network was launched on October 7, 1996, as Discovery Kids, a spin-off of Discovery Channel that featured science, nature, and adventure-themed programs aimed towards children aged between 6 and 11.", "- In the DC area, it is carried at times by WDCA. It's only on DirecTV if there's a local station in your area that airs it. In LA, the local ACC Network affiliate is Channel 56. Unfortunately, today they are airing infomercials in that time slot. So the game is not available in LA, on DTV or otherwise.", "- What channel is travel channel on dish network? You can find The Travel Channel on one of the following channels, 196, 215, 4628, or in HD on 4215, 4629, 4963, 4963, 5068, 5366, 5535, 5824, 9437. What channel is encore on dish? There are several Encore channels on DISH Network.", "- We were unable to retrieve your specific area. This channel lineup list does not necessarily reflect content in your Comcast market. HD - indicates that the channel is also available in HD. Availability of HD channels subject to area.", "Auto-channel search can't find digital channels I presume that you have connected coaxial cable from the wall to your TV's ANT/CABLE IN port. If this is so, you should enter the on screen menus, select Channels, then Auto Channel Search, then Cable and press OK/ENTER.", "FAQs: DIRECTV Channels What is included in the DIRECTV HD Extra Pack? DIRECTV’s HD Extra Pack includes a lineup of channels all in HD, all the time. The HD Extra Pack can be added to any DIRECTV package, and you’ll receive HD channels that are not available in any base package. These extra HD channels include: Crime and Investigation HD.", "- David M. Zaslav is the President and CEO of Discovery Communications. Discovery Communications is a Maryland-based American mass media corporation. In 1985, the company began with a single channel, the classic Discovery Channel.", "Discover DIRECTV ® Channel Lineups Discover DIRECTV® Channel Lineups. Get First 3 months of HBO®, STARZ®, SHOWTIME® and Cinemax® at no extra cost With SELECT through ULTIMATE Packages. After 3 mos., services continue at then prevailing rate (currently $53.99/mo.) unless you call to change or cancel. Req's you to select offer.", "What Channel is CNN on Direct TV? CNN is available on DirecTV in different packages. It can be had in the Choice Package (and its variations) as well as Choice Premier. CNN on Direct TV is a channel that provides news coverage 24 hours a day. It covers both local, national and world news as it happens. CNN is a great source for breaking news coverage.", "Oprah Winfrey Network Oprah Winfrey Network (U.S. TV channel). From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN), named after the former daytime talk-show host Oprah Winfrey, is an American general entertainment television channel produced by Harpo Productions and Discovery Communications.he channel responded by raising the channel's retransmission consent fee (OWN was provided to cable providers effectively for free for its first two years on air) to a level more in line with other basic cable channels, a move that Discovery expects will allow the channel to break even some time in late 2013.", "Is Dallas Cowboy's game on Dish Network tonight? You can go to our website, dishnetwork.com, under Support, you can use Game Finder Tool to locate any games in the future. It will give you the channel and time it is broadcast if it is showing in your area and if it is blacked out. Yes, channel 33.", "DirecTV satellite fleet DirecTV satellite fleet. The DirecTV satellite fleet is a group of communications satellites located at various geostationary orbits for the DirecTV satellite television service and HughesNet (formerly known as DirecWAY and DirecPC) internet service. 1 Satellites and their orbits.", "What channel is discovery channel on direct tv? The Discovery channel is channel 278 on DirecTV. On the remote, go to the menu, then Search for Shows, then in the search box on the left spell out DIS and the channels th…at start with DIS will be displayed. Select the one you want and there you are.", "Discover DIRECTV ® Channel Lineups Discover DIRECTV ® Channel Lineups. Get First 3 months of HBO ®, STARZ ®, SHOWTIME ® and Cinemax ® at no extra cost With SELECT through ULTIMATE Packages. After 3 mos., services continue at then prevailing rate (currently $53.99/mo.) unless you call to change or cancel. Req's you to select offer. Get 2018 NFL SUNDAY TICKET included at no extra cost.", "Star Trek: Discovery Star Trek TV series. Star Trek: Discovery - CBS.com. Star Trek: Discovery is an upcoming American television series created by Bryan Fuller and Alex Kurtzman for CBS All Access. It is the first series developed specifically for that service, and the first Star Trek series since Star Trek: Enterprise concluded in 2005.", "What Channel is A&E on DirecTV? It is available in HD (High Definition). A & E (Arts & Entertainment) is in all of the 4 packages that DirecTV offers. You will be able to find it in Choice, Choice Extra, Choice Ultimate and Choice Premier. If captivating television shows and movies are your thing, then A&E is a great channel to have.", "- The Heartland's CW (WQWQ-TV) is on many cable systems throughout the Heartland. See the chart below for the cable channel in your area. Keep in mind that some of the systems are listed as their head-end location and may actually serve additional communities. The Heartland's CW is broadcast over-the-air on Channel 9 in Paducah, Channel 24 in Murray, and on channel 12.2 for viewers with digital receivers. We're also available on the DirecTV and the Dish Network local channel line-up. Occasionally, cable systems may move stations to different channels without notifying us.", "What channel is discovery channel on direct tv? Discovery channel is channel 278 on Direct-tv only not time warner cable or dish network :)", "What channel is CBS on DIRECTV? · just now. Report Abuse. it depends on where you live. it's channel 13 at my house. the ones in the 300s for east and west coast are not your normal locals, they are for customers that can't get locals and have to submit a waive to get them. all of your actual local channels are the lower channels on your guide.", "Discovery (UK and Ireland) Watch live (Ireland only) Watch live (+1, Ireland only) Discovery Channel operated by Discovery Networks Western Europe produces an English speaking channel which targets the United Kingdom and Ireland. The channel's programming is based on programming produced by Discovery Networks Europe, Discovery Channel Canada and Discovery Channel from the US.", "- CNN is available on DirecTV in different packages. It can be had in the Choice Package (and its variations) as well as Choice Premier. CNN on Direct TV is a channel that provides news coverage 24 hours a day.", "- BET (Black Entertainment Television) is on channel 329 on Directv." ]
[ 18.046875 ]
[ 4.953125, 8.640625, 8.3203125, 8.4140625, 6.33984375, 7.23828125, 8.3125, 3.32421875, 9.0625, 4.6875, 5.8046875, 5.17578125, 3.44921875, 7.87109375, 8.0078125, 12.1640625, 7.2421875, 7.265625, 2.388671875, 5.20703125, 17.484375, 11.890625, 8.671875, 6.9921875, 3.67578125, 17.40625, 6.31640625, 7.6953125, 6.7421875, 6.8203125 ]
conceptual definition of construct in research
[ "In Research, What Is a Construct? Quick Answer. In a research context, the term construct refers to the characteristic or trait that is being evaluated. Constructs are classified as direct or indirect. Some examples of constructs are intelligence levels, measures of satisfaction, weight and height. Continue Reading." ]
[ "Cognitive Linguistics Research in Cognitive Linguistics One of the central assumptions underlying research in cognitive linguistics is that language use reflects conceptual structure, and that therefore the study of language can inform us of the mental structures on which language is based.", "Definition of Research Design Definition of Research Design. The formidable problem which follows the work of defining the research problem is the preparing of the design of the research project, typically referred to as the “research design”. Research design can be defined as a conceptual structure within which research will likely be done. It comprises the blueprint for the collection, measurement and analysis of data. Decisions regarding what, where, when, how much, by what means with regards to an enquiry or a research design are taken.", "Theoretical Framework The theoretical framework is presented in the early section of a dissertation and provides the rationale for conducting your research to investigate a particular research problem. Consider the theoretical framework as a conceptual model that establishes a sense of structure that guides your research.", "concept construct-an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances. concept, conception. idea, thought-the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about; it was not a good idea; the thought never entered my mind. conceptualisation, conceptuality, conceptualization-an elaborated concept.", "10 tips on developing a conceptual framework in quantitative studies 10 tips on developing a conceptual framework in quantitative studies. Typically, bringing together concepts from various existing theories is generally associated with theory building, rather than theory testing. Basically, a conceptual framework explains narratively and/or graphically the main concepts and the hypothesised or proposed relationship among such concepts.", "Definition of Research Most research, whether scientific, economic or historical, requires some kind of interpretation and an opinion from the researcher from the very beginning. In other words, the researcher conducts a literature review with some pre-conceived idea of a hypothesis.", "Construct (philosophy) Construct (philosophy) A construct in the philosophy of science is an ideal object, where the existence of the thing may be said to depend upon a subject's mind. This contrasts with a real object, where existence does not seem to depend on the existence of a mind. In a scientific theory, particularly within psychology, a hypothetical construct is an explanatory variable which is not directly observable.", "IDEA Noun. 1. concept-an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances. conception, construct. idea, thought-the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about; it was not a good idea; the thought never entered my mind.", "Definition of 'conceptual' Conceptual means related to ideas and concepts formed in the mind. ...replacing old laws with new within the same conceptual framework. conceptually adverb [usually ADVERB with verb] [ADVERB adjective] The monograph is conceptually confused, unclear in its structure and weak in its methodology.", "Construct Likewise, the behavioral sciences use constructs such as conscientiousness, intelligence, political power, self-esteem, and group culture. 1 In a sense, a psychological construct is a label for a cluster or domain of covarying behaviours.", "- An abstract idea or concept formed in a person's mind. This idea is a combination of a number of similar characteristics of the construct. 5 people found this useful.", "Module 2: Identifying a Topic 2.1 Definition of Research. research: NOUN: 1. a detailed study of a subject, especially in order to discover (new) information or reach a (new) understanding. Cambridge University Press 2003. The word research is used to describe a number of similar and often overlapping activities involving a search for information. For example, each of the following activities involves such a search; but the differences are significant and worth examining.", "- A few useful things […] compose their intellectual possessions. ( 1 transitive, nonstandard) To comprise. ( transitive or intransitive) To construct by mental labor; to think up; particularly, to produce or create a literary or musical work.", "- Definition of Research Misconduct. Research misconduct means fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results. (a) Fabrication is making up data or results and recording or reporting them.", "The Implicit Association Test: Flawed Science Tricks Americans into Believing They Are Unconscious Racists It refers to how well a research design (and the research method and the measures or questions used) measures what it claims to measure – in other words, how well it gives us clear and unequivocal evidence with which to answer the research problem.", "Constructivism Definition - Constructivism. Definition of Constructivism. Constructivism is a theory of learning based on the idea that knowledge is constructed by the knower. based on mental activity. Learners are considered to be active organisms seeking meaning. Constructions of meaning may initially bear little relationship to reality (as in the naive theories of.", "Measurement & Measurement Scales Before a concept or construct can be measured, it must be defined. Researchers develop two kinds of definitions: Theoretical Definitions; Operational Definitions; Theoretical Definitions: Theoretical definitions are basic dictionary definitions. They are frequently called constitutive or conceptual definitions. A theoretical definition gives meaning to the concept or construct under investigation.", "Concept For other uses, see Concept (disambiguation) . A concept is an abstraction or generalization from experience or the result of a transformation of existing ideas. The concept is instantiated (reified) by all of its actual or potential instances, whether these are things in the real world or other ideas.", "How can I learn to develop a conceptual framework? All Answers (6) Conceptual framework. Well I think it depends a bit on what science you are coming from (I am a social scientist with some biology background) Conceptual framework is as I see it an explanation of how you see the concepts of issues that you are going to research are interlinked with each other.", "- Two important components in each definition are that the approach to. research involves philosophical assumptions as well as distinct methods. or procedures. Research design, which I refer to as the plan or proposal. to conduct research, involves the intersection of philosophy, strategies of.", "- What is Research? A good working definition of academic research and writing can be given as follows: investigation and writing based upon the idea of scientific inquiry. A reader may at this point. wonder if this definition sheds any light on the subject. The key here is to focus on the term. “scientific inquiry”.", "Constructs in quantitative research Take the following examples: 1 Easy to understand and measure: We know that the construct, sex, has just two attributes in humans: male and female. If we choose to include the construct, sex, in our research, this would be relatively easy to justify.", "- It is the reverse process of. conception. Example: When we see the concept “feminism”, we make a list of. phenomena representing the concept. The list could include the three. items listed on the previous slide. This list can be somewhat different individual by individual. Bu t people. usually agree on the basic things. In research, conceptualization produces an agreed upon. meaning for a concept for the purposes of research.", "- definitions & notes only words. 1 construct make by combining materials and parts. 2 destructive causing damage. 3 instrumental serving or acting as a means or aid. 4 construe make sense of; assign a meaning to. 5 misconstrue interpret in the wrong way. 6 structural relating to the composition of something.", "- concept. n. 1. an idea, esp an abstract idea: the concepts of biology. 2. (Philosophy) philosophy a general idea or notion that corresponds to some class of entities and that consists of the characteristic or essential features of the class.", "research synonym, research definition | Thesaurus Search also in: Web News Encyclopedia Images. research (researches plural & 3rd person present) (researching present participle) (researched past tense & past participle) 1 n-uncount Research is work that involves studying something and trying to discover facts about it.", "- It describes meaning to a concept or construct by specifying the operations that must be performed in order to measure or manipulate the concept, as the data collected during research is in terms of observable events (Ary 1985).", "- conceptual. adj. 1. relating to or concerned with concepts; abstract. 2. concerned with the definitions or relations of the concepts of some field of enquiry rather than with the facts. (kənˈsɛp tʃu əl).", "conceptual framework conceptual framework (theoretical framework) an organization or matrix of concepts that provides a focus for inquiry.", "Definition of Research The scientific definition of research generally states that in an experiment, a variable must be manipulated. Qualitative research, however, may rely on case studies and purely observational science, and this approach has its own merits and drawbacks.." ]
[ 14.1484375 ]
[ 6.78125, 9.765625, 8, 10.8203125, 9.03125, 5.5078125, 12.0625, 9.0234375, 7.4921875, 9.828125, 10.8984375, 5.84375, 5.375, 4.89453125, 7.4140625, 9.328125, 12.109375, 8.484375, 8.0546875, 6.1328125, 4.98046875, 9.953125, 8.6171875, 6.90625, 6.4140625, 3.9609375, 12.125, 8.9296875, 8.6171875, 6.265625 ]
is hungary a scandinavian country
[ "Hungary The H in the name of Hungary (and Latin Hungaria) is most likely due to early pseudo-historical associations with the Huns, who had settled Hungary prior to the Avars.The rest of the word comes from the Latinized form of Byzantine Greek Oungroi (οὔγγροι).ungary has been a member of the United Nations since December 1955, and was a signatory to the Helsinki Final Act in 1975. Between 1947 and 1989, Hungary’s foreign policy generally followed the lead of the Soviet Union." ]
[ "Sport in Hungary Sport in Hungary. Hungary is a landlocked Central European country that excels in various types of sports but football has a special place in the heart of the Hungarians. They have also enjoyed great success in other sports like swimming, fencing, athletics (track and field), table tennis, weightlifting and rowing. Lately, golf and tennis have been gaining popularity. Hungary has a very rich football history that is rich with victories and medals.", "Why are Denmark, Norway and Sweden known as Scandinavian countries? While the term Scandinavia is commonly used for Denmark, Norway and Sweden, the term the Nordic countries is used unambiguously for Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland, including their associated territories (Greenland, the Faroe Islands, and the Åland åland). islandshe terms Scandinavia and Scandinavian entered usage in the late 18th century as terms for the three Scandinavian countries, their Germanic majority peoples and associated language and culture, being introduced by the early linguistic and cultural Scandinavist movement.", "Hungarian language Hungarian (Hungarian: magyar listen (help·info)) is a Uralic language, part of the Ugric group, spoken by the Hungarians. It is the most widely spoken non-Indo-European language in Europe, according to the number of native speakers.", "HUNGARY LOCATION AND SIZE. Hungary is a landlocked country in eastern Central Europe bordered by Austria, Slovakia, the Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia.Located in the Carpathian Basin, it is surrounded by the Carpathian Mountains, the Alps, and the Dinaric Alps.omparatively, Hungary is slightly smaller than the state of Indiana. The capital, Budapest, is located in the central northern region on the Danube river, which runs from Austria to the Croatian-Serbian border.", "The history of hagelslag The history of hagelslag. There’s a typical Dutch sandwich topping that can only to be found in the Netherlands, Belgium and some of the former Dutch colonies – hagelslag, those deliciously sweet sprinkles that are available in a large choice of tempting colours and flavours.", "Where is Hungary? Hungary was founded as a distinct and original nation in 1918. The population of Hungary is 9,958,453 (2012) and the nation has a density of 111 people per square kilometer. The currency of Hungary is the Forint (HUF). As well, the people of Hungary are refered to as Hungarian. The dialing code for the country is 36 and the top level internet domain for Hungarian sites is .hu. Hungary shares land borders with 7 countries: Romania, Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Austria.", "Scandinavia While the term Scandinavia is commonly used for Denmark, Norway and Sweden, the term the Nordic countries is used unambiguously for Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland, including their associated territories (Greenland, the Faroe Islands, and the Åland åland). islandscandinavia can thus be considered a subset of the Nordic countries. Furthermore, the term Fennoscandia refers to Scandinavia, Finland and Karelia, excluding Denmark and overseas territories; however, the usage of this term is restricted to geology, when speaking of the Fennoscandian Shield (Baltic Shield).", "Were Do The Hungarians Come From History Essay Since the original homeland of the Finno-Ugrians is in eastern Europe - that is, west of the Ural mountains - the formation of the Hungarian ethnos is part of European history. The Hungarians are most closely affiliated with two other Ugrian peoples, the Mansi (Voguls) and Khanty (Ostyaks).", "Could the Netherlands be considered part of Scandinavia? Could the Netherlands be considered part of Scandinavia? i think that the netherlands could be concidered a part of scandinavia because the language is almost the same and that the netherlands is closer to denmark, sweden and finland than iceland.", "- Yes it is. No, it is not. Scandinavia consists of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. However, the Nordic countries consists of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Greenland, … Åland åland and The Faroe. islands", "An Introduction to the 5 Scandinavian Countries As such, it includes the countries of Norway and Sweden. In addition, Denmark, Finland and Iceland are also included in Scandinavia. Geographically, the Scandinavian Peninsula is the largest peninsula in Europe and it extends from above the Arctic Circle at 66.5°N latitude south to the North and Baltic Seas.inland is a Northern European country that is located between Sweden and Russia and northern border with Norway. It covers a total land area of 130,558 square miles (338,145 sq km) and has 776 miles (1,250 km) of coastline.", "Hungarian cuisine Hungarian or Magyar cuisine is the cuisine characteristic of the nation of Hungary and its primary ethnic group, the Magyars.Traditional Hungarian dishes are primarily based on meats, seasonal vegetables, fruits, fresh bread, dairy products and cheeses.hough not as famous as the country's wines, Hungarian beer has a long history as well. Hungary's most notable liquors are Unicum, a herbal bitters, and Palinka, pálinka a range of fruit (brandies plum and pear are). Popular also notable are the 21 brands Of hungarian mineral (waters for Example apenta And). kekkuti kékkúti", "Hungarian language Hungarian is a Uralic language, more specifically an Ugric language; the most closely related languages are Mansi and Khanty of western Siberia (see Khanty–Mansia).", "Hungary UTC +1. Hungary (Magyarorszag) magyarország is a country In Central europe Bordering slovakia to the, North austria to the, West slovenia And croatia to the south, West serbia to the, South romania to the east And ukraine to the north. East member of The European union and The Schengen-border Less Europe. agreementungary is a member of the Schengen Agreement. There are no border controls between countries that have signed and implemented this treaty-the European Union (except Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland, Romania and the United Kingdom), Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.", "Hungary The H in the name of Hungary (and Latin Hungaria) is most likely due to early pseudo-historical associations with the Huns, who had settled Hungary prior to the Avars. The rest of the word comes from the Latinized form of Byzantine Greek Oungroi (οὔγγροι).ungary was invited to join both the NATO and the European Union in 1997. It became a member of NATO in 1999, and a member of the EU in 2004. Hungary took on the presidency of the Council of the European Union for half a year in 2011.", "Could the Netherlands be considered part of Scandinavia? If the Netherlands were to be considered part of Scandinavia due to the language and geographic location then you'd have to add more countries and the whole thing wouldn't make sense. The U.K. is obviously located in Northern Europe, precisely northwestern Europe.", "Hungary Hungarian language. Hungarian is the official language of Hungary and one of the 24 official languages of the European Union. Outside Hungary it is also spoken by communities of Hungarian people in neighbouring countries (especially in Romania, Slovakia, Serbia and Croatia), and by Hungarian diaspora communities worldwide.", "- Where is Scandinavia: Scandinavia is a region in northern Europe. The Scandinavian Peninsula is the largest peninsula in Europe and it extends from above the Arctic Circle to the North and Baltic Seas.Scandinavia is a historical and geographical region covering much of Northern Europe.n the past, Scandinavia has been defined as the three kingdoms that historically shared the Scandinavian Peninsula. Today, most define Scandinavia as a region which includes: 1 Denmark. 2 Norway. 3 Sweden. 4 Finland and Iceland are generally included. 5 Greenland, however, is rarely included.", "Hungary Hungary is a member of the European Union, NATO, the OECD, the Visegrad Visegrád, group and The Schengen. Area the official language Is, hungarian which is the most widely spoken-Non-Indo european language In. europeungary is a member of the European Union, NATO, the OECD, the Visegrad Visegrád, group and The Schengen. Area the official language Is, hungarian which is the most widely spoken-Non-Indo european language In. europe", "Hungarians The Hungarian people refer to themselves by the demonym Magyar rather than Hungarian. Magyar is Finno-Ugric from the Old Hungarian mogyër. Magyar possibly derived from the name of the most prominent Hungarian tribe, the Megyer.", "- Hungarian (Magyar) is a member of the Uralic language family. It is the largest of the Uralic languages in terms of the number of speakers and the only one spoken in Central Europe.Its closest relatives are Khanty and Mansi, minority languages of Russia, spoken 2,000 miles away, east of the Ural mountains in northwestern Siberia.It is estimated that Hungarian has been separated from Khanty and Mansi for about 2,500-3,000 years.ts closest relatives are Khanty and Mansi, minority languages of Russia, spoken 2,000 miles away, east of the Ural mountains in northwestern Siberia. It is estimated that Hungarian has been separated from Khanty and Mansi for about 2,500-3,000 years.", "- Not to be confused with the Scandinavian cultural region which includes Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Icelan … d, and occasionally the Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Finland. Another term, the Nordic Countries refers to Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Finland, the Faroe Islands and Greenland. It's good way for you to see the sights and sounds, as well as experienc…. 2 Five Notable Scandinavian Women Some of the world's most beautiful women come from Scandinavian countries. 3 But women from Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Iceland are more than merely beautiful. 4 They a….", "Music of Hungary Of these, the Hungarian population of Romania (both in the region of Transylvania and among the Csángó people) - being the more rural, outer rims of the kingdom of Hungary - has had the most musical impact on Hungarian folk music.", "Countries of Scandinavia and the Nordic Region Learn more in Category: Denmark. Norway: Also called The Land of Vikings, and the Midnight Sun , Norway is the northernmost country in Europe. Norway has a jagged expanse of islands and fjords. The maritime industry sustains the economy here.weden offers numerous lakes and is the largest of the Scandinavian countries-both in land size and population. Volvo and Saab both originated here and are a big part of the Swedish industry.", "Hungary Hungary is a country in Central Europe. Its capital city is Budapest. Hungary is slightly bigger than its western neighbour Austria and has about 10 million inhabitants. Other countries that border Hungary are Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia. Hungary's official language is the Hungarian language. It has been a member of the European Union (EU) since 2004. In Hungarian the country is called Magyarország (Hungary) or Magyar Köztársaság (Hungarian Republic).", "SCANDINAVIA AND ICELAND FIND OUT MORE. Scandinavia, the most northerly region in Europe, is made up of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland. Together with the volcanic island of Iceland, this is a sparsely populated land of mountains, pine forests, and unpolluted lakes.", "Hungary The H in the name of Hungary (and Latin Hungaria) is most likely due to early pseudo-historical associations with the Huns, who had settled Hungary prior to the Avars. The rest of the word comes from the Latinized form of Byzantine Greek Oungroi (οὔγγροι).", "Hungary Hungary is a member of the Schengen Agreement. There are no border controls between countries that have signed and implemented this treaty-the European Union (except Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland, Romania and the United Kingdom), Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.", "Hungary Where is Hungary located on the world map? The given Hungary location map shows that Hungary is located in the Central Europe and it is a landlocked country.s it is shown on the Hungary map that Hungary is a landlocked country hence it has a continental climate with hot summers and mildly cold snowy winters. Interestingly, Hungary is one of the most popular tourist's destinations on the world map. Millions of tourists across the world visit Hungary every year.", "- Geography. Hungary is a landlocked region located in Central Europe. Its borders are: Slovakia in the north, Romania and Ukraine in the east, Austria to the west, Serbia and Croatia to the south, and Slovenia to its southwest. There are two major rivers that run through the country, which are the Danube and the Tisza.escription about Map :- Situated in Central Europe to the north western part of Romania, Hungary encompasses a total land area of 93,030 sq. km. The map of Hungary clearly points out the geographical divisions of the country. Buy Hungary Maps." ]
[ 7.17578125 ]
[ 6.46875, 8.875, 6.546875, 8.0234375, -1.9150390625, 6.33984375, 8.640625, 5.3359375, 4.29296875, 11.109375, 8.9765625, 6.14453125, 6.54296875, 8.3671875, 7.37890625, 4.51953125, 6.8671875, 8.4453125, 7.84375, 6.15625, 5.98828125, 8.2890625, 4.765625, 7.19921875, 8.8125, 7.14453125, 5.328125, 8.5625, 6.00390625, 7.68359375 ]
what are social apps
[ "Social Apps Social Apps. Social Apps™ is a suite of apps embedded in the One Network platform and workflows, that enables collaboration within the enterprise and across external parties, such as partners, customers and vendors. Unlike consumer social networks, which are centered on individuals, Social Apps are centered on organizations and their employees." ]
[ "- With the Kindle app, get your book once and read it on any device and share across your family’s devices. Choose from a wide selection of books, newspapers, and magazines from Wall Street Journal, New York Times to Reader’s Digest.", "- Social Solutions has a fun, high energy environment where each day is unique. Every day provides new, exciting challenges and we take them head on as a team. Our passion for our mission comes across not only in our work, but also in how we interact with each other.", "- The Samsung Corby, available across Europe later this month, is a full-touch handset that places users at the center of the social media revolution with a wide range of social networks support, such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace.", "- The social part: refers to interacting with other people by sharing information with them and receiving information from them. The media part: refers to an instrument of communication, like the internet (while TV, radio, and newspapers are examples of more traditional forms of media).", "- 6. While not exactly a social network, Tinder is a mobile dating app that pulls your photo and basic info from your Facebook account. Users can swipe yes or no to potential matches who are nearby. If the feeling is mutual, people can chat within the app. Tinder is available for both Android and iOS devices.", "Mobile app Apps that are not preinstalled are usually available through distribution platforms called app stores. They began appearing in 2008 and are typically operated by the owner of the mobile operating system, such as the Apple App Store, Google Play, Windows Phone Store, and BlackBerry App World.", "- Depop is a mobile, social shopping app. Our mission is to make buying and selling from mobile both easy and fun. Open your Depop shop, then follow your friends, shops and other people. Browse your feed, search for your favourite brands, vintage and rare items. Sell by just taking a picture.", "- Beale Air Force Base. Social Media. Beale’s “Rising 6” created a new medium for Airmen to collaborate on quality of life projects throughout the... Beale’s “Rising 6” created a new medium for Airmen to collaborate on quality of ... We're less than a month from this year's Air Force Ball. View the flyer below for details.", "Social Media: The Digital You & The Social Stalker Social media is your digital self and your tweets, posts, and likes are essentially your online fingerprints. With all this personal information floating around the internet, there's all kinds of social stalking going on.", "- This is another strong example of a social network that has boomed since the beginning of the 21st century. Since 1979, electronic forms of social networking have boomed, starting with CompuServe and MySpace, and moving to other social networking applications such as Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, and Instagram.", "Why Apps Reign Supreme Instagram, Facebook, many and social media sites all have mobile applications.Today, when most people think “apps,” they see smartphones, tablets, and icons. Mobile web applications are accessed through a mobile device’s browser, and rely on web access.", "Agent-based social simulation Agent-based social simulation. Agent-based social simulation (or ABSS) consists of social simulations that are based on agent-based modeling, and implemented using artificial agent technologies. Agent-based social simulation is scientific discipline concerned with simulation of social phenomena, using computer-based multiagent models.", "Waze: The Real Social GPS Maps App for iPhone and iPad And the app we're talking about is pretty much all this and more. Waze. Waze1 is a really interesting social GPS navigation app which can replace almost every other app you've got for navigation. It doesn't give that “serious” look and is in fact, on the contrary, very much friendly and colorful application.", "An app you've probably never heard of is the most important social network in China You may have never heard of WeChat, but it's the most important app in China right now. WeChat users can do just about anything, including play games, send money to people, make video calls, order food, read the news, book a doctor appointment, and more. It's basically China's version of Facebook. WeChat’s reach and influence is unrivaled in China’s online space, said research firm China Skinny.", "- The discovery process has changed, browsing social media for news and trends is now a huge part of it, this not only allows us to keep updated but also allows interaction. Interaction in real-time is something completely alien to printed publication and brings something new to content consumption altogether.", "- First Look: Nokia Lumia 630 is a colourful, affordable Android alternative. The Nokia Lumia 630 has a series of vivid, interchangeable cases, runs the easy to use Windows Phone 8.1 software and doesn't cost much either.", "- Just look at how effective we’ve become at keeping in touch: we have landlines, cell phones, better yet BlackBerrys and iPhones, text messaging, instant messaging, emails, faxes, Facebook, Twitter, and, oh yes, good old in person, face to face conversation.", "Social networking service All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition. Social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and dozens of others allow people to stay in touch like never before.", "The 16 social media apps everyone should have The 16 social media apps everyone should have. Thanks to social networking apps, it's never been easier to keep in contact with your friends. Many of the best social networking apps out there have been around for a while, but as smartphones get smarter, so do the apps, and you can now do more than ever.", "- Explore Canby Mobile App: (Free for Apple & Android Smartphone and Mobile Devices). Search for Canby businesses by name, category or nearby location, find and post jobs, identify vacant property, locate visitor attractions; link to local news, city services, organizations and more.", "- Explore further. 1 Apps about. shopping app. 2 Apps about. social media. 3 Apps about. social network. Apps about. instant 1 messaging. Apps to. get deals. Apps to. get good 1 deals. Apps to. find good 2 deals. Apps to. make money.", "Top 15 Most Popular Social Networking Sites and Apps [February 2018] But the Facebook mobile app would dominate this list with 1.37 billion monthly active users. As smartphones’ adoption continues, the share of the desktop use of social media platforms will fall . For list of social media apps that are smaller check List of virtual communities with more than 100 million active users from Wikipedia.", "Four Android messaging apps with a little something extra 1 The SMS app that comes with your Android phone will serve you just fine to send text and photo messages to your contacts, but many can't do much more than that. Luckily, Google Play is ripe with text messaging apps with modern designs, fun features, and customization options.", "Soc. Chapter 18 Alternative social movements. social movements that seek the most limited societal change and often target a narrow group of people. Classical model. model of social movements based on a concept of structural weakness in society that results in the psychological disruption of individuals. Coalescence. the second stage of a social movement, in which resources are mobilized (that is, concrete action is taken) around the problems outlined in the first stage.", "- The iPhone is a Web-connected device, and IOS has some built-in sharing, but the socially adept photo-editing apps below take getting your pictures out to your friends, family, and even the wide world to the next level.", "- This document contains lists of SAP R/3 icons. Some of these icons, especially status icons, are also. used in other application types, such as Web applications. Note that we subsume Internet Application Components (IACs) and iViews (formerly called MiniApps) under the term Web applications.", "Adobe Social Adobe Social is a social management platform that ties every piece of data to your bottom line. Beyond just the likes and follows, manage the deep relationship between your customers’ sentiments and your business goals. Adobe Social is a social management platform that ties every piece of data to your bottom line.", "Inq Mobile Inq describe their apps as social software and parts of the functionality are based on surfacing social networks or using elements from the social graph. Material. Inq describe Material as a personalised magazine that hunts out content based on your interests.", "Social media A soldier views an armed forces-oriented Facebook page on a mobile device. Social media are computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks.", "socialbot Part of the Personal computing glossary: A socialbot is a software program that simulates human behavior in automated interactions on social network sites such as Facebook and Twitter. As a rule, socialbots are designed to pass the Turing test: They're sophisticated enough to fool other users and be taken for a human." ]
[ 18.234375 ]
[ 4.015625, 4.67578125, 6.46875, 6.890625, 10.5859375, 7.70703125, 8.640625, 3.181640625, 7.48828125, 9.8671875, 9.9453125, 6.07421875, 7.5703125, 7.62109375, 4.234375, 3.169921875, 5.7265625, 9.734375, 12.75, 3.408203125, 8.140625, 10.2265625, 6.52734375, 1.5205078125, 7.80859375, 2.392578125, 8.8046875, 8.3671875, 11.21875, 8.203125 ]
how much does it cost for varicose vein removal
[ "- 1 According to the website LawPublish.com, the cost of varicose vein removal can cost anywhere from $600 to as much as $2,000 per leg. 2 This will usually include the surgeon’s fee as well as the hospitalization and anesthesia. More than one session may be necessary depending on your situation. 2 According to the website LawPublish.com, the cost of varicose vein removal can cost anywhere from $600 to as much as $2,000 per leg." ]
[ "Porcelain Veneers â Procedure Costs & Recovery Porcelain veneers are more expensive than indirect or direct composite resin veneers. Traditional porcelain veneers cost between $925 and $2,500 per tooth but can last 10 to 15 years. Composite veneers cost approximately $250 to $1500 per tooth and may last between five and seven years. The cost of dental veneers depends on many factors, including: The fees of the cosmetic dentist performing the procedure.", "Cost of vasectomy reversal Out of pocket expense. If you are an Australian citizen and do have health insurance the approximate final out of pocket cost of vasectomy reversal ranges from $3000 to $3850. If you do not have health insurance the final out of pocket cost ranges from $6100 to $9300.", "- How much is it? 1 Most treatments can be done on an outpatient basis. 2 A laser setting that requires the removal of smaller varicose veins may cost anywhere from $250 to $500 per session. 3 According to the website LawPublish.com, the cost of varicose vein removal can cost anywhere from $600 to as much as $2,000 per leg. More than one session may be necessary depending on your situation. 2 According to the website LawPublish.com, the cost of varicose vein removal can cost anywhere from $600 to as much as $2,000 per leg.", "- 1 Vaser Hi Definition Liposuction starts at $7,000, traditional liposuction is cheaper with the base price starting at $2,200. 2 Number of areas being treated – treating more than one area at the same time will save on anaesthesia and theatre costs.", "- To learn how Adam has helped millions of people with heart valve disease, watch Adam's video, subscribe to his free newsletter, or visit his Facebook, Google+ or Twitter pages. I had a Ross, and I was under the *impression* the aortic valve replacement cost about $15,000 to $20,000. To offset that, I sold the hospital my pulmonary and got about $7,500 for that, and then parted out my old aortic valve and got about $75 for that. I had to have the aortic valve redone about a year later, sigh.", "How much do veneers cost? It depends on whether you have a dental discount plan. If stained or cracked teeth make you self-conscious about your smile, you may have considered dental veneers. Veneers can transform your teeth, but they can also bust your budget—applying a veneer to just one tooth can run more than $1,000, and insurance seldom covers the cost. A DentalSave membership can cut the cost of veneers by nearly half, putting the treatment within reach. Read on to learn about veneers, how much they cost, and how you can save.", "How Much Does a Vasectomy Cost? How much is it? On average, a vasectomy can cost in the price range of $300 to $4,300. This will depend on the exact procedure that is performed, if you have insurance and the doctor performing the procedure. If you have health insurance, check with your local health insurance provider to see if they cover it.", "- 1 On average, the cost of porcelain veneers can vary anywhere from as little as $1,500 to as much as $20,000. 2 The pricing has such as wide range because each person’s teeth vary. 3 With that being said, replacing a few teeth with porcelain veneers will be a lot cheaper than replacing a full set of teeth. On average, the cost of porcelain veneers can vary anywhere from as little as $1,500 to as much as $20,000. 2 The pricing has such as wide range because each person’s teeth vary. 3 With that being said, replacing a few teeth with porcelain veneers will be a lot cheaper than replacing a full set of teeth.", "- For spider veins, it’s likely that you will be responsible for all of the costs. Again, this varies widely depending on the procedure and your geographic location. The U.S. national average for spider vein treatment with sclerotherapy is about $350 per session.f you are ready to treat your varicose or spider veins, you probably have a lot of questions. One that is bound to come up is how much your treatment will cost.", "- The varicose vein treatment cost for surface only problems are as below (as well as the above costs for support stockings to be worn after the treatment): Single Leg Surface Vein Only Treatment $1,660.00. Both Legs Surface Vein Only Treatment $2540.00.", "What are Dental Veneers? Veneers can cost from as little as $500 each to over $2000. Good oral hygiene is expected with porcelain veneers just as you would normal healthy teeth. As durable as they are a little extra care will need to be taken when it comes to eating tough foods and be sure to avoid grinding of your teeth.", "Dental Veneers Cost: How Much are Veneers Per Tooth? Although the cost of veneers varies significantly, there are national averages serving as a price indicator. Composite veneers cost per tooth ranges between $250 and $1,500. Porcelain veneers cost per tooth ranges between $925 and $2,500. Compare with the cost of mini implants, the cost of dentures and the cost of tooth bridges. Maintaining Veneer Longevity", "- Patients are responsible for covering the cost of their intravenous iron. The cost of Venofer®. ($145 for a dose of 300 mg) and Feraheme® ($230 for a dose of 510 mg) is very similar. (each costs about $0.46 per mg of iron). The dispensing fee is included in these figures.", "Vasectomy Cost How much you can expect to pay out of pocket for a vasectomy, including what people paid in 2017. For patients not covered by insurance, a vasectomy typically costs $250 to $1,000. 1 For patients covered by insurance, out-of-pocket costs typically consist of a $10 to $30 copay for the initial consultation and another copay of $10 to $100 for the procedure, or a percentage of the total -- usually 20 percent.", "How Much Does Achilles Tendon Surgery Cost? 1 Since this surgery is going to require anesthesia, this can vary anywhere from $800 to $2,000 for this procedure alone. 2 If this surgery is going to be as a result of a impromptu injury, emergency room (ER) fees may apply. 3 An emergency room fee alone can start at $500. The surgery alone is going to vary anywhere from $1,000 to $8,000 for the surgery. 2 This doesn’t include the additional fees. 3 With health insurance, you’re going to want to refer to your deductible, and your co-pays.", "Porcelain Veneers â Procedure Costs & Recovery Traditional porcelain veneers cost between $925 and $2,500 per tooth but can last 10 to 15 years. Composite veneers cost approximately $250 to $1500 per tooth and may last between five and seven years.", "Endovenous Ablation What is the cost of endovenous ablation? The cost of a single endovenous ablation procedure may run anywhere from $600 to $3,000. Cost varies based on the location of the physician, number of veins to be treated and type of medications used. Treatment of symptomatic varicose veins is often covered by insurance companies.", "How much should a vasectomy cost? I called several urological specialists in the Los Angeles area and asked about the cost of a vasectomy. Dr. Barton Wachs, of Atlantic Urology Medical Group in Long Beach, told me he charges $500, and he accepts insurance.", "Porcelain Veneers â Procedure Costs & Recovery Porcelain veneers are more expensive than indirect or direct composite resin veneers. Traditional porcelain veneers cost between $925 and $2,500 per tooth but can last 10 to 15 years.Composite veneers cost approximately $250 to $1500 per tooth and may last between five and seven years.raditional porcelain veneers cost between $925 and $2,500 per tooth but can last 10 to 15 years. Composite veneers cost approximately $250 to $1500 per tooth and may last between five and seven years.", "- The cost of Liposuction varies by region, doctor, and extent of the procedure, however the national average for a Vaser liposuction is between five thousand and ten thousand dollars.ost people are very pleased with the results of their Vaser liposuction procedure. According to patients and doctors that have taken part in a Vaser procedure, removed fat from problem areas is gone and it doesn’t come back. Some warn of water retention directly following the procedure, but only temporarily.", "Spider vein treatment cost The average cost of spider vein treatment is $331, according to 2013 statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.Spider vein treatment costs can vary widely, depending on the number of treatments required and the method of treatment chosen.The average fee reference above does not include facilities or other related expenses.pider vein treatment costs can vary widely, depending on the number of treatments required and the method of treatment chosen. The average fee reference above does not include facilities or other related expenses.", "- A gastric sleeve can cost thousands of dollars depending on the location, the complexity of the surgery, the clinic, as well as other factors. There are also hospitals that offer the complete package when offering gastric sleeve surgery. 2 This includes anesthesia fees and the hospital facility usage. 3 The price for this starts from $13,000 to $30,000.", "How Much Does a Vasectomy Cost? A vasectomy is a simple sterilization procedure that can be performed right your doctor's office, so it tends to cost less than other surgeries. Over the long term, a vasectomy may even be less expensive than other birth-control options such as the Pill or IUDs. [ Click here to see our cost-comparison chart ].Without insurance, the cost of a vasectomy typically ranges anywhere from $350 to $4,000, depending on location, surgical technique used, and other variables such as your method of payment and whether a doctor uses income-based sliding scales.n such cases, the majority of the associated vasectomy costs will be paid by your insurance. Your exact out-of-pocket cost will depend on your plan's: 1 Co-payment-a flat fee paid at each doctor's visit (such as $25).", "How Much Does a Vasectomy Reversal Cost? So, many people that desperately may want to make a desterilization operation will not be able to do it, and for them sterilization is a final step. In general, the costs of a vasectomy reversal consist in: • The surgeon’s fee which ranges between $4,500 and $8,000; • The hospital and anesthesiologist’s fees which can start from $4,000 and reach $10,000, or maybe more.", "- The treatment is not generally effective for varicose veins larger than 1/10 inch (3 mm). Laser treatments can last for 15 to 20 minutes, and you may need two to five treatments before you get rid of the varicose veins. No chemicals or incisions are made, but the laser can be painful nonetheless.", "How much do porcelain veneers cost? Fees for porcelain veneers -. Here's an estimate of the price you might pay to have a porcelain veneer placed on one tooth. $735.00 - $1390.00 per tooth. Low end of range = Small rural city or town. High end of range = Large metropolitan area.", "- 1 On average, the cost of porcelain veneers can vary anywhere from as little as $1,500 to as much as $20,000. 2 The pricing has such as wide range because each person’s teeth vary. 3 With that being said, replacing a few teeth with porcelain veneers will be a lot cheaper than replacing a full set of teeth.", "How Much Does Meniscus Tear Surgery Cost? “my knee in a brace” (CC BY-SA 2.0) by D.L. On average, the surgery can cost anywhere from $5,000 to as much as $30,000 without health insurance. However, according to our research, the average surgery with no complications will cost anywhere from $3,000 to $11,000.", "- The average cost of spider vein treatment is $331, according to 2013 statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Spider vein treatment costs can vary widely, depending on the number of treatments required and the method of treatment chosen.", "- Lumineers are another type of porcelain veneer and can cost anywhere from $800 to $2000 per tooth. The price is of course dependent upon several factors such as difficulty to fit, where they are in your mouth, and how large or small they need to be." ]
[ 16.6875 ]
[ 3.93359375, 2.212890625, 16.140625, 3.046875, -0.521484375, 1.4296875, 3.73828125, 3.91015625, 10.140625, 13.1953125, 2.203125, 3.62109375, 2.8125, 3.998046875, 6.19921875, 4.51171875, 11.28125, 2.173828125, 4.76171875, 2.9296875, 9.0703125, 2.6875, 3.455078125, 1.7001953125, 7.51953125, 2.560546875, 3.048828125, 4.8203125, 9.8359375, 2.103515625 ]