us congress salary
[ "Report: Members of Congress earn 3.4 times the average U.S. salary according to the report members of congress receive an annual salary of $ 174000 which alone puts them in the highest paid 5 percent of u s workers they also however receive a host of additional benefits that put their total annual compensation at around $ 285000ccording to the report members of congress receive an annual salary of $ 174000 which alone puts them in the highest paid 5 percent of u s workers they also however receive a host of additional benefits that put their total annual compensation at around $ 285000" ]
[ "LegiStorm Our congressional staff salary data comes from the official records of the House and Senate. We currently have House salary data for the period covering October 1, 2000 to December 31, 2016 and Senate data from October 1, 2000 to September 30, 2016.", "How Much Does a Senator Make and Why is it So Much? However, they scrapped this idea because being in session took them away from their other jobs. The congressman salary was $6 per day in session. But the congress salary changed permanently to yearly salaries in 1855. How much a senator makes does not include allowances, though. Allowances for senators include money to pay their staff, job-related expenses (stationery, domestic travel and lodging, etc.), franking privilege (not having to pay for stamps if mailing to a US citizen), and foreign travel (air craft provided by the military).", "U.S. House of Representatives Salary Salary. The salary for most members of the U.S. House of Representatives is $174,000 per year, according to the Congressional Research Service. This annual wage is the same for members of both the House of Representatives and the Senate.Salaries are higher for those in leadership roles.In particular, the Speaker of the House receives $223,500 per year, and the majority and minority leaders of the House each earn $193,400 per year.his annual wage is the same for members of both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Salaries are higher for those in leadership roles. In particular, the Speaker of the House receives $223,500 per year, and the majority and minority leaders of the House each earn $193,400 per year.", "What Members Of Congress Pay Their Employees May Surprise You Assuming that personnel allowance did not change from 2013 to 2014, the two spent about $162,000 and $230,000 less on their staffs in the span of a year respectively, than they had funds for. So before congressional staffers leave their posts, they may want to do some digging.", "What is the salary of a US congressman? As it is for all other federal employees, congressional retirement is funded through taxes and the participants' contributions. Members of Congress under FERS contribute 1.3 percent of their salary into the FERS retirement plan and pay 6.2 percent of their salary in Social Security taxes. Members of Congress are not eligible for a pension until they reach the age of 50, but only if they've completed 20 years of service.", "How to Locate Individual Federal Employee Salaries There are 30,218 federal employees making at least $175,000 per year—or more than a current Member of Congress. With the large egos often accompanying those in elected positions, it probably rankles people in these positions to make less than these 30,000 federal employees make.ased on recently released data from the Internal Revenue Service from 2011 tax returns, it takes an adjusted gross income of $388,905 or more to be in the top 1% of income earners in the United States.", "What Members Of Congress Pay Their Employees May Surprise You First, let’s look at the 10 members of Congress by average salary for their staff members, who commit all or most of their personnel allowance into exactly that, their personnel. A glance at the numbers above shows that salaries for congressional staffers are not always in the common $30,000 to $50,000 range.The member with the highest average salary for his employees, Rep. Rob Bishop, pays his staff an average of $81,000. glance at the numbers above shows that salaries for congressional staffers are not always in the common $30,000 to $50,000 range. The member with the highest average salary for his employees, Rep. Rob Bishop, pays his staff an average of $81,000.", "- The 535 members of the current Congress earn a sizable salary, although a few other federal officials are paid more. Certain senators and representatives are quite wealthy. In 2011, a United States senator earned $174,000 per year. This rate was established in 2009 and was an increase from the prior salary of $169,300. In 2000, senators earned $141,300 per year. In 2011, members of the House of Representatives earned $174,000 per year, an amount identical to the salaries of the senators.", "Salaries and Benefits of US Congress Members: The Truth That, too, is wrong. Salaries and benefits of members of the U.S. Congress have been the source of taxpayer unhappiness and myths over the years. Here are some facts for your consideration. As of 2015, the base salary for all rank-and-file members of the U.S. House and Senate is $174,000 per year, plus benefits. Salaries have not been increased since 2009. Compared to private-sector salaries, the salaries of members of Congress is lower than many mid-level executives and managers. Also See: The 10 Wealthiest Members of Congress. Rank-and-File Members: The current salary (2015) for rank-and-file members of the House and Senate is $174,000 per year.", "What Members Of Congress Pay Their Employees May Surprise You First, let’s look at the 10 members of Congress by average salary for their staff members, who commit all or most of their personnel allowance into exactly that, their personnel. A glance at the numbers above shows that salaries for congressional staffers are not always in the common $30,000 to $50,000 range.The member with the highest average salary for his employees, Rep. Rob Bishop, pays his staff an average of $81,000.And of the ten members above, none pays an average salary of less than $69,000. But not all reps compensate their staff so generously.he member with the highest average salary for his employees, Rep. Rob Bishop, pays his staff an average of $81,000. And of the ten members above, none pays an average salary of less than $69,000. But not all reps compensate their staff so generously.", "What Members Of Congress Pay Their Employees May Surprise You First, let’s look at the 10 members of Congress by average salary for their staff members, who commit all or most of their personnel allowance into exactly that, their personnel. A glance at the numbers above shows that salaries for congressional staffers are not always in the common $30,000 to $50,000 range. The member with the highest average salary for his employees, Rep. Rob Bishop, pays his staff an average of $81,000. And of the ten members above, none pays an average salary of less than $69,000. But not all reps compensate their staff so generously.", "- This report provides basic information on congressional salaries and allowances. First, the report. briefly summarizes the current salary of Members of Congress, limits on their outside earned. income and honoraria, and applicable health insurance and retirement benefits. Second, the report provides information on allowances available to Representatives and Senators.", "United States Congress Politics of the United States of America. In 2010 Members earned $174,000 per year. (The Speaker gets $223,500 and it's $193,400 for Majority and Minority Leaders.) There is an automatic cost of living increase, and if they vote to raise their salaries, the raise doesn't take effect until the next Congress convenes.", "What is the salary of a US congressman? Members of Congress, and Congressional staffers however, were exempted from that pay freeze. The current salary (2011) for rank-and-file members of the House and Senate is $174,000 per year. Majority and minority leaders of both chambers and Senate president pro temporare have salaries of $193,400.embers of Congress, and Congressional staffers however, were exempted from that pay freeze. The current salary (2011) for rank-and-file members of the House and Senate is $174,000 per year. Majority and minority leaders of both chambers and Senate president pro temporare have salaries of $193,400.", "Congressional Salary and Benefits Salary. The U.S. Constitution, in Article I, Section 6, authorizes compensation for Members of Congress “ascertained by law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States.” Currently, Members’ salary is $174,000 annually. Senator Heller has never voted to increase his salary as a Member of Congress. In fact, he introduced legislation that requires Members of Congress to pass a concurrent budget resolution and related appropriations bills in order to receive pay.", "- This report provides basic information on congressional salaries and allowances. income and honoraria, and applicable health insurance and retirement benefits. to support them in their official and representational duties as Members. official office expenses, staff, mail, and other goods and services.", "- Further information on salaries of Members of Congress may be found in CRS Report 97-615, Salaries of Members of Congress: Congressional Votes, 1990-2012, by Ida A. Brudnick and CRS Report 97-1011, Salaries of Members of Congress: Recent Actions and Historical Tables, by Ida A. Brudnick.", "How Much Do Federal Politicians and Cabinet Members Get Paid? Bridget Quigg, PayScale. Most people don’t earn six figures every year, but they sure would like to. By comparison, members of Congress, in both the US Senate and US House of Representatives, make at least $174,000 a year. And, other federal politicians and presidential Cabinet members earn even more.", "What do Congressmen get paid? npscott gave this response on 8/28/2000: The U.S. Constitution says both Congressmen and Senators must earn equal pay, so each receives the same salary which is currently $141,300 a year. They also, of course receive an account for office expenses and hiring a staff, but these are not personal income monies.pscott gave this response on 8/28/2000: The U.S. Constitution says both Congressmen and Senators must earn equal pay, so each receives the same salary which is currently $141,300 a year. They also, of course receive an account for office expenses and hiring a staff, but these are not personal income monies.", "What Members Of Congress Pay Their Employees May Surprise You First, let’s look at the 10 members of Congress by average salary for their staff members, who commit all or most of their personnel allowance into exactly that, their personnel. A glance at the numbers above shows that salaries for congressional staffers are not always in the common $30,000 to $50,000 range. The member with the highest average salary for his employees, Rep. Rob Bishop, pays his staff an average of $81,000.", "Congress Deserves a Big Fat Raise The average member of Congress earns $174,000 a year, a lot more than the median American household of $50,000. But it’s not as much as the median starting pay of $234,000 for a dermatologist, and doesn’t come close to the $9.6 million that the CEO of a typical public company earned in 2011. For an apples-to-apples comparison, we have to look at what members of Congress earned in the past, and how much they could earn at other jobs. If representatives were paid today what they brought home in 1992, adjusted for inflation, they could expect a $43,000 pay bump, bringing their earnings to $214,000.", "- From 1789 to 1855, members of Congress received only a per diem (daily payment) of $6.00 while in session, except for a period from December 1815 to March 1817, when they received $1,500 a year. Members began receiving an annual salary in 1855, when they were paid $3,000 per year. Congress: Leadership Members' Salary (2018)", "- House of Representatives 41 The maximum annual salary for employees of committees, as revised in the 2009 pay order, is $172,500 for up to three staff members (two majority and one minority); $170,696 for up to nine staff members (six majority and three minority); and a maximum of $168,411 for other staff. The only exceptions include the Speaker of the House (salary of $223,500) and the President pro tempore of the Senate and the majority and minority leaders in the House and Senate (salary of $193,400).", "- As of 2012, the base salary for all members of the U.S. House and Senate is $174,000 per year, plus benefits. That base salary is lower than that of many lawyers, doctors and business people in the United States.Both houses of Congress have not raised member salaries since 2009.n top of their base salaries, congressional members can earn a certain amount of outside income for gainful activities, such as performing work for businesses they own. But they cannot earn more than an amount equal to 15 percent of their annual rate of congressional base pay.", "Congress Deserves a Big Fat Raise The average member of Congress earns $174,000 a year, a lot more than the median American household of $50,000. But it’s not as much as the median starting pay of $234,000 for a dermatologist, and doesn’t come close to the $9.6 million that the CEO of a typical public company earned in 2011.", "Supreme Court of the United States As of June 2014, the annual salary for most United States senators was $174,000, a number that has been the same since Jan. 1, 2009, according to the Congressional Research Service. The pay rate is frozen though it is possible the salary will increase after 2014.. From 2003 to 2014,, senators saw an increase of $19,300 in annual pay.", "President and Congress Full Salaries for Life? For example, a member of Congress who worked for 22 years and had a top three-year average salary of $153,900 would be eligible for a pension payment of $84,645 per year.he number listed isn’t even the salary of the current sitting president ($400,000) and I’m assuming it as intended to include the $50,000 annual expense account the President receives.", "- Sec. 644. (a) Increase in Annual Compensation.--Section 102 of title 3, United States Code, is amended by striking '$200,000' and inserting '$400,000'. Vice President's Salary. The salary of the vice president is currently (2016) $237,700.", "United States House of Representatives Some historical facts about the salary of U.S. House members: 1 In 1789, members of Congress received $6 per diem. 2 In 1874, members of Congress earned $5,000 per year. 3 In 1990, members of Congress earned $96,600 per year. 4 From 2000-2006, the salary of a member of the U.S. House increased every year, going from $141,300 to $165,200.", "- As of June 2014, the annual salary for most United States senators was $174,000, a number that has been the same since Jan. 1, 2009, according to the Congressional Research Service. The pay rate is frozen though it is possible the salary will increase after 2014.." ]
[ 13.1484375 ]
[ 8.296875, 9.1640625, 12.6171875, 8.703125, 9.1015625, 7.78125, 9.609375, 12.3671875, 13.8125, 9.2421875, 10.546875, 8.359375, 12.1015625, 11.5625, 13.8671875, 8.0234375, 7.79296875, 10.4375, 9.515625, 10.640625, 12.4296875, 12.0078125, 10.484375, 12.484375, 12.890625, 12.09375, 9.0859375, 8.6015625, 11.2109375, 12.3671875 ]
difference between horse and pony
[ "Difference Between Pony and Horse In temperament also, ponies and horses have differences. Ponies tend to have a calmer temperament than horses. Ponies are also good pack animals. Though ponies are used for pulling carts and carriages, the horses are more frequently used for this. People do not like to ride ponies, but they mostly prefer a ride on a horse. Summary: 1.Ponies are shorter than horses." ]
[ "US History/Print version The horse came from the Spanish in the south and west, and the gun came from the French and English, and later the Americans, in the north and east. Whichever tribe possessed either or both of these items had a significant, if temporary, advantage over its neighbors. * Secoy, Frank Raymond.", "Difference Between Horse and Pony Horse vs Pony. There are many who are confused about the difference between a horse and a pony. In fact, they both differ in some features, but the important thing is that these two animals are the same according to scientists as they classify them into the same species Equus ferus.", "- It is plural possessive, as indicated by the apostrophe after the plural horses. (A second S is not added.). The singular possessive of a word may add an S, even when a word e…nds in S. The singular plural is horse's.", "Difference Between Zebra and Horse Both horse and zebra differ in several ways, but interestingly they are of the same family and the genus. The distribution is one common difference as zebras are exclusive to Africa but horses do not range in only one place of the Earth.Apart from the distribution and some common differences, this article discusses other important biological differences between horse and zebra.he muzzle of a horse is not necessarily black, but can be pink and brown as well. After a stallion mates with a mare, the pregnancy lasts for 335 – 340 days. The usual lifespan of a healthy horse is between 25 and 30 years, but the recorded longest-lived horse was 62 years old in captivity.", "- The Nyaya-Vaisesika answer to this was that, first of all, it assumes that if there is a distinction between substances and their qualities it must be like that between a horse and a cow. But this is to misconceive what qualities and substances are.he Nyaya-Vaisesika answer to this was that, first of all, it assumes that if there is a distinction between substances and their qualities it must be like that between a horse and a cow. But this is to misconceive what qualities and substances are.", "- The miniature horse is something different. First of all, it is shorter than the smallest ponies. A mini must be no taller than 34 inches, measured at the top of the shoulders, where the mane ends. A full-grown mini weighs between 150 and 250 pounds.", "Pony A pony is a small horse[1][2][3] (Equus ferus caballus). Depending on context, a pony may be a horse that is under an approximate or exact height at the withers or a small horse with a specific conformation and temperament. There are many different breeds.", "Horse or Pony? A Miniature Horse can be registered in two registries, AMHA and AMHR. In AMHR there are two divisions, A and B. A horse under 34 inches is clearly a Division A mini.", "Contents: Fur vs Hair The primary difference between hair and fur is the word usage. The hair of non-human mammals refers as “fur,” while humans are said to have hair. So, basically, hair is a characteristic of all mammals. Fur is a reference to the hair of animals. But there are a few exceptions: when an animal has very coarse or sparse fur, as in the case of a pig or elephant, we usually call it hair. Hair Follicle . One of the key differences between human and animal hair is the core of the hair follicle.", "Is a pony a horse? They have different breeds from horses but, horses under a certain height are somtimes called ponies, but they are short horses. NO. A pony is in the horse family like a donkey is. They have different breeds from horses but, horses under a certain height are somtimes called ponies, but they are short horses. NO. A pony is in the horse family like a donkey is.", "Difference Between a Tobiano & an Overo Leg and Hoof Color. Another difference between an overo and tobiano coat pattern is the color of the legs and hooves. The leg color of an overo horse usually is dark and matches the body color. An overo patterend horse with a predominantly solid bay color may have the usual black markings on the legs that are found on bay horses.", "- Mule. It also a type of hybrid and is a product of female horse and a male donkey. It has speed covering ability of horse and toughness of a donkey. Jackass Vs Burro Vs Horse Vs Hinny Vs Donkey Vs Mule. The key differences between Jackass, Burro, Horse, Hinny, Donkey and Mule.Jackass is the male donkey while burro is a donkey of small size whereas mule is hybrid of male donkey and female horse and is relatively stronger. Hinny is the hybrid of male horse and female donkey and is difficult to obtain.t is a hybrid type of horse. It is a product of a male horse and a female donkey. They are similar to mules but smaller to mules and are difficult to obtain. Donkey. It is the domestic member of the family of the horse and is widely used in the world for the transfer of loads.", "What is the difference between hair and fur? There is a major difference between hair and fur. Fur grows to a set length and stops. Hair continues to grow. We have hair on our heads and fur on our arms and legs. Fur is probably for primitive warmth and protection.", "Paint vs. Pinto What is the difference between a Paint Horse and a pinto horse? Q: What is the difference between a Paint Horse and a pinto horse? A: The short answer is that Paint is a breed based on bloodlines, and pinto is a coat color pattern that can be found in horses of many different breeds. The longer answer is a bit more complicated.", "Whats the difference between a horse, burro, donkey, and a mule? Donkey, ***, Burro ... all the same animal, may be a different sub-species though... Whoever said a burro is the cross between a horse and a donkey is wrong... A Mule is a cross between a female horse and a male donkey A Hinny is a cross between a female donkey and a male horse.", "The Differences Between Horses and Ponies A pony that is a hard keep is rare, and it may be an indication of a health problem. Ponies also tend to live longer than horses. It’s not unusual for ponies to live beyond thirty years of age, and many world record holders for the oldest equines are ponies.", "How to Tell the Difference Between a Mule & Hinny Mules and hinnies differ in various ways, but they are classified generally and in the show world as mules. A mule or hinny can only be produced by breeding a horse with a donkey. These hybrids are sturdy and intelligent equines who have a longer work life, stronger hooves and greater endurance than horses. Mules and hinnies tend to be more resistant to disease and live longer lives than their parents.", "What is a paint pony? the first link is for the paint/pinto (which is the same type of horse just a specialized name for it) the second link is the pinto, so you can see that they are the same type of horse. and the third link is the directory of all the types of horses, just for some extra fun. I happen to love the appaloosa.", "The Gate to Sci-Fi Country (or as the kids call it: syfy) Irony and Symbols in Literature. D.H. Lawrence uses the symbol of the rocking horse in his short story The Rocking Horse Winner to show the situational irony that occurs between the mother and son. The rocking horse is an escape for the son, Paul, a way to see beyond himself to get what he wants. Due to his mother's own obsession for money, soon that is all Paul wants. Unlike his mother, Paul does not want the money to satisfy himself, but he seeks instead to gain the favor of his mother with money.", "Mule Horses and donkeys are different species, with different numbers of chromosomes. Of the two F1 hybrids between these two species, a mule is easier to obtain than a hinny, which is the product of a female donkey (jenny) and a male horse (stallion).The size of a mule and work to which it is put depend largely on the breeding of the mule's dam (female parent).f the two F1 hybrids between these two species, a mule is easier to obtain than a hinny, which is the product of a female donkey (jenny) and a male horse (stallion). The size of a mule and work to which it is put depend largely on the breeding of the mule's dam (female parent).", "horse Definition of horse for English Language Learners. : 1 a large animal that is used for riding and for carrying and pulling things. : 2 a frame used to support a piece of wood while it is being cut with a saw. : 3 a large piece of equipment used in gymnastics.", "What's the Difference Between Bison and Buffalo? To tell the difference between a buffalo and a bison, just look at the horns,” MacPhee says. “[Bison’s] are like typical cow horns; in buffalo, they are relatively huge, sweeping arcs.. Bison also have a large shoulder hump. (Telling the difference between the two species of bison is slightly tougher.", "What is the Difference Between a Horse and a Pony? Keep on reading to learn what makes a pony a pony and a horse a horse (of course, of course). The simplest answer to the question at hand is that a pony is a small horse. They are both members of the same species and have the same scientific name (Equus ferus caballus). However, there are official ways of deciding who is a horse and who is a pony. The number one distinguishing factor between horses and ponies is height.", "- It uses an average horse lifespan of 24 years and an average human lifespan of 70 years. Wild horses and poorly kept horses have a much shorter lifespan, while some breeds (e.g. Arabian and many pony breeds) have a longer lifespan.", "Paint vs. Pinto What is the difference between a Paint Horse and a pinto horse? By Kim Abbott | March 2, 2010. Tweet. Q: What is the difference between a Paint Horse and a pinto horse? A: The short answer is that Paint is a breed based on bloodlines, and pinto is a coat color pattern that can be found in horses of many different breeds.", "Donkeys vs. Horses: Differences & Similarities Despite their physical similarities, many differences also exist. Donkeys have visibly longer ears, while horses tend to have longer faces. The hair making up donkeys' manes and tails is stiff and bristly, whereas horses' manes and tails have softer and more flowing hair.orses and donkeys have a range of obvious physical similarities. They're both four-legged, hoofed mammals. They have long faces, large ears and long backs with tails at the end of them. Their eyes and ears are positioned in similar locations and they both have manes running along the tops of their necks.", "Download the Horse Facts & Worksheets 1 A horse’s father is called a sire and the mother of a horse is called a dam. 2 A pony is not a baby horse. 3 It is a fully grown horse that is small. 4 Most foals are born at night under the cover of darkness and away from possible danger. A young female horse is called a filly, and a young male horse is called a colt. 2 When the baby is first born it is called a foal. 3 A horse’s father is called a sire and the mother of a horse is called a dam. 4 A pony is not a baby horse.", "What is the difference between mules and hinnies? Other than that there are other minnor differences in the two such as smaller ears in the hinny and t hinny's head tends to resemble a horse more. However despite these minor differences hinnies and mules are generally the same.", "- For me, the phrase Give each of us a pony means literally give each of us a gift of a horse.. Ponies, as far as I know, are regarded as a status symbol among certain circles. (Imagine a young girl in a well-to-do family requesting her father this for a birthday present).", "The Differences Between Horses and Ponies The most obvious difference between a horse and a pony is size. For most purposes, a pony is under 14.2 hands high if you ride English, and under 14 hands if you’re a western rider. This size distinction varies between places too and often they are arbitrary sizes set for the show ring." ]
[ 16.375 ]
[ 1.0947265625, 12.7734375, 3.806640625, 7.15234375, 2.203125, 11.6015625, 11.9609375, 10.15625, 1.3046875, 10.8671875, 4.55859375, 5.8828125, 3.044921875, 8.1171875, 6.21484375, 13.96875, 7.234375, 4.1796875, -2.515625, 7.25, 7.609375, 2.375, 15.296875, 9.8046875, 8.1015625, 6.6171875, 10.546875, 3.654296875, 6.98046875, 16.109375 ]
population lumberton texas
[ "Lumberton, TX Profile Lumberton, TX, population 10,672, is located in Texas's Hardin county, about 13.7 miles from Beaumont and 72.4 miles from Pasadena. Through the 90's Lumberton's population has grown by about 31%. It is estimated that in the first 5 years of the past decade the population of Lumberton has grown by about 10%. Since 2005 Lumberton's population has grown by about 10%. Lumberton's property crime levels tend to be lower than Texas's average level." ]
[ "- Compared to the rest of the country, Lufkin's cost of living is 10.00% Lower than the U.S. average. population As of 2014, Lufkin's population is 36,333 people. Since 2000, it has had a population growth of 20.28 percent.", "- Population in families living in Brighton ; Total Population: 27,579; Population Under 18 years: 9,789; Population 18 years and over: 17,790", "Baton Rouge, Louisiana Baton Rouge's population temporarily exploded after Hurricane Katrina, as it accepted as many as 200,000 displaced residents. Metropolitan Baton Rouge is one of the fastest growing metropolitan areas in the U.S. (under 1 million), with 602,894 in 2000 and 802,484 people as of the 2010 census.", "Huntingdon Huntingdon is home to Juniata College, originally founded by the Church of the Brethren in 1876. It is also the largest borough located closest to Raystown Lake. Its population was 6,918 people at the 2000 census.", "Cleburne, TX Population and Races The most prevalent race in Cleburne is white, which represent 82.35% of the total population. The average Cleburne education level is lower than the state average and is lower than the national average. Population in 2010: 29,337. #101.", "Map of Population by Tract in Lewiston Population by Place in the United States There are 29,257 places in the United States. This section compares Lewiston to the 50 most populous places in the United States. The least populous of the compared places has a population of 371,267.", "- Population in households in Pendleton ; Total Population: 14,743; Male Population: 7,115; Under 5 years: 509; 5 to 9 years: 495; 10 to 14 years: 517; 15 to 17 years: 292; 18 and 19 years: 253; 20 years: 99; 21 years: 108; 22 to 24 years: 263; 25 to 29 years: 485; 30 to 34 years: 460; 35 to 39 years: 402; 40 to 44 years: 431; 45 to 49 years: 490; 50 to 54 years: 493; 55 to 59 years: 509", "- Huntington has a total of 51,475 people and of those residents there are 24,199 males and 27,276 females. The median age of the male population is 33.8 and the female population is 39.6. There are approximately 1,191 births each year and around 1,162 deaths.", "Lubbock, Texas Population History 1960 - 2016 Lubbock, Texas is the 83rd largest city in the United States as of 2015. Lubbock, Texas is a city. Lubbock, Texas is as large as it has ever been. In 2015 Lubbock had its largest population ever. Lubbock, Texas is growing moderately quickly. It is growing faster than 77% of similarly sized cities since 2000.", "- The Albuquerque Metropolitan Statistical Area has a population of 902,797 as indicated by the United States Census Bureau’s most recent assessment for July 1, 2013. It is the 59th-biggest United States metropolitan range.", "- Population of Littleton, CO. Last official estimated population of Littleton city (Arapahoe County**, Colorado state) was 44,669 (year 2014)[1]. This was 0.014% of total US population and 0.82% of total Colorado state population. Area of Littleton city is 13.9 mi² (=35.9 km²)[6], in this year population density was 3,221.94 p/mi².", "- Making the world better, one answer at a time. The population of Edmonton (city) according to the 2011 census was 812,201. The metropolitan area population in 2011 is about 1.2 million. The population of Edmonton (city) according to the 2011 census was 812,201.<br /><br /> The metropolitan area population in 2011 is about 1.2 million.", "Lubbock Tx Population 2014 According to a 2015 Census estimate, Lubbock had a population of 249,042, making it the 83rd most populous city in the United States of America and the 11th most populous city in the state of Texas. The city is the economic center of the Lubbock metropolitan area, which had an estimated 2015 population of 311,154.", "Albertaâs population tops four million EDMONTON – Alberta’s population has topped four million people for the first time. Statistics Canada says as of July 1, the number of people living in the province reached 4,025,074. That is up 3.4 per cent over one year — the largest increase in Canada. Over the previous year, Alberta’s population grew by 136,000 people.", "- Lubbock County where Lubbock resides is 900.7 square miles. The resident population of this county is 242,628 and has a population rank of 237 out of all the places in the United States. Lubbock has a total of 199,564 people and of those residents there are 97,023 males and 102,541 females.", "Luton Luton is a multicultural town with a population of towards 200,000. It was originally known as a center of the straw and hat making industry: hence The Hatters, the nickname of Luton's football club. One or two hat making factories still exist in and around the Old Bedford Road area of the town.", "Lubbock County, Texas Lubbock County is a county located in the U.S. state of Texas. As of the 2010 census, the population was 278,831. Its county seat is Lubbock. The county was created in 1876 and organized in 1891. It is named for Thomas Saltus Lubbock, a Confederate colonel and Texas Ranger (some sources give his first name as Thompson).", "- Belton, Missouri - Demographics. 1 As of the census [2] of 2013, there were 23,175 people, 8,623 households, and 6,083 families residing in the city.", "Edmonton The city had a population of 932,546 in 2016, making it Alberta's second-largest city and Canada's fifth-largest municipality. Also in 2016, Edmonton had a metropolitan population of 1,321,426, making it the sixth-largest census metropolitan area (CMA) in Canada.", "21 Things You Need to Know Before Moving to Lubbock, TX Welcome to Lubbock, the Texan city with the 11th highest population, housing approximately 236,065 of the state’s finest. Responsible for unending cotton, one of rock and roll’s greatest and rowdy Red Raiders, this West Texas gem might be what your new-dwelling doctor ordered. There’s only one way to find out.", "Edmonton Population 2018 In 2014, Edmonton has an estimated population of 835,000, which makes it the second-largest city in Alberta and the 5th largest municipality of Canada. The urban population of Edmonton is estimated at 980,000.", "- The City of Bullard, Texas, with a population of 2,463, is located on U. S. Hwy. 69 South in Smith and Cherokee Counties approximately 8 miles south of Tyler.", "- Smaller family size, loss of. manufacturing jobs, and other factors. exacerbated the loss of population in. the city. In 2000, the city’s population had. fallen to 596,974, a 19% decline from. 1960 levels. The city’s proportion of.", "Hubbardton, Vermont Demographics[edit] As of the census of 2000, there were 752 people, 296 households, and 203 families residing in the town. The population density was 27.3 people per square mile (10.6/km2). There were 580 housing units at an average density of 21.1 per square mile (8.1/km2).", "Lillington, NC Population and Races Most / Least Educated Cities in NC. As of 2010-2014, the total population of Lillington is 3,334, which is 14.37% more than it was in 2000. The population growth rate is much lower than the state average rate of 21.13% and is higher than the national average rate of 11.61%.", "- Change in Population between 2000 and 2010, by Hispanic or Latino Origin-Lumberton, Texas.", "- 1 Houston's population in 1850 was listed as 2,396. 2 The metro area's population of 5.95 million in 2010 is 6th largest among U.S. metropolitan statistical areas, according to www.census.gov, and a 26% increase since 2000. 3 Harris County's population is 4,092,459.", "- Population in households in Livingston County ; Total Population: 179,815; Male Population: 89,913; Under 5 years: 5,075; 5 to 9 years: 6,561; 10 to 14 years: 7,511; 15 to 17 years: 4,708; 18 and 19 years: 2,308; 20 years: 891; 21 years: 840; 22 to 24 years: 2,524; 25 to 29 years: 4,294; 30 to 34 years: 4,391; 35 to 39 years: 5,588; 40 to 44 years: 7,053; 45 to 49 years: 8,287; 50 to 54 years:", "- Thornton city. 118,772. Pueblo city. 106,595. Arvada city. 106,433. Westminster city. 106,114. Centennial city. 100,377. Boulder city. 97,385. Greeley city. 92,889. Longmont city. 86,270. Loveland city. 66,859. Grand Junction city. 58,566. Broomfield city. 55,889. Castle Rock town. 48,231. Commerce City city. 45,913. Parker town. 45,297. Littleton city. 41,737. Northglenn city. 35,789. Brighton city. 33,352. Englewood city", "Arlington, TX Profile: Facts, Map & Data Arlington, Texas - Basic Facts. The City of Arlington is the 7th largest city in Texas with a population of 378,442 as of July 1, 2016. Arlington ranks in the upper quartile for Population Density and Diversity Index when compared to the other cities, towns and Census Designated Places (CDPs) in Texas. See peer rankings below." ]
[ 16.859375 ]
[ 4.41796875, 2.431640625, 0.00952911376953125, -0.85595703125, 3.18359375, 0.489013671875, 2.931640625, 4.78515625, 3.95703125, 2.220703125, 2.466796875, 1.0087890625, 5.52734375, -2.0234375, 3.8359375, -0.2105712890625, 5.26953125, 4.23046875, 0.6435546875, 2.880859375, -0.51416015625, 3.849609375, 3.6796875, 5.3515625, 2.21484375, 9.0234375, 2.66796875, 3.4765625, 2.43359375, 3.16796875 ]
what do you call it when it's snowing and lightning
[ "What is Thundersnow and Why Does It Happen? Thundersnow is a snowstorm event in which thunder and lightning occur. An example is the classic 2011 thundersnow in Chicago that surprised Jim Cantore. Thunderstorms accompanied by snow are usually of a different character than the normal thunderstorm. The latter are usually rather tall, narrow storms containing a rising updraft of warm, moist air that has risen in a layer from near the surface that may go upward to 40,000 feet or more." ]
[ "Thunderstorm Questions Thunderstorms What is a thunderstorm? A thunderstorm is a storm with lightning and thunder. Its produced by a cumulonimbus cloud, usually producing gusty winds, heavy rain and sometimes hail. What causes a thunderstorm? The basic ingredients used to make a thunderstorm are moisture, unstable air and lift.", "- They say the Inuit have 50 words for snow, and that may be true, depending on who you ask, and how you count. In English, too, you might be surprised at how many different ways there are to describe cold stuff that falls from the sky. What you call that stuff falling from the sky is a totally different matter. As a way to standardize weather reports, meteorologists and pilots use METAR codes to distinguish between precipitation types. Designed to be short and sweet, snow becomes SN, rain becomes RA, and drizzle is DZ.", "- fainting is when you fall to the floor like Juliet and Romeo comes and falls on top of you. Romeo together thou we'll be. She starts fainting. Julieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. #romeo #juliet #floor #head #ill.", "What do you call a person who loves rain or thunderstorms? Best Answer: If astraphobia or astrapophobia is the fear of thunder and lightning, the opposite should be astraphilia or astrapophilia: astraphile. However, I couldn't find such words. Hydrophobia is the fear of water (not necessarily rain): hydrophile . I love both thunderstorms and rain.", "Weather Library > Lightning Myths: Small metal objects attract lightning. When a cloud-to-ground lightning channel is forming, it is going to strike the ground where the opposing charges are greatest, directly underneath the storm's most electrically active region. If you are standing at that exact location, you will be hit, even if there's no metal within miles!", "- Thunder is the sound that lightning makes. Sounds simple but why does lightning make a sound. Any sound you hear is made up of vibrations, the vibrations travel through the ai … r as waves until they reach your ear.This means lightning must cause some vibrations.Lightning is a huge discharge of electricity.", "- But in the west the sun shone with such a violence that in an illumination like a long-prolonged glare of lightning the heavens looked black and white; all color left the world, the goldenness of everything was like a memory, and only heat, a kind of glamor and oppression, lay on their heads.", "- Bows and flows of angel hair and ice cream castles in the air. and feather canyons everywhere, I've looked at clouds that way. But now they only block the sun, they rain and snow on everyone.", "Thunder and lightning Thunder and lightning are some of the most dramatic weather phenomena in the UK. They are caused through the formation of cumulonimbus clouds and usually last no more than half an hour. A thunderstorm is a series of sudden electrical discharges resulting from atmospheric conditions. These discharges result in sudden flashes of light and trembling sound waves, commonly known as thunder and lightning. Thunderstorms are associated with convective clouds and are often accompanied by precipitation.", "Thunder and Lightning Lightning without thunder is called heat lightning or wildfire, and is usually intracloud or cloud-to-cloud discharges at altitude. It occurs on warm evenings in humid regions where the lapse rate is large, so that most of the thunder is directed upwards and does not reach the ground.", "Lightning The charged regions in the atmosphere temporarily equalize themselves through this discharge referred to as a strike if it hits an object on the ground, and a flash, if it occurs within a cloud. Lightning causes light in the form of plasma, and sound in the form of thunder.", "Lightning Lightning is a sudden electrostatic discharge that occurs during a thunderstorm. This discharge occurs between electrically charged regions of a cloud (called intra-cloud lightning or IC), between two clouds (CC lightning), or between a cloud and the ground (CG lightning).", "- You see the flash then hear the thunder is that because the lightning made the sound and light travels faster than sound. I always thought thunder was the air masses colliding but I am not so sure anymore.", "Aristotle's metaphysics 'S raining /sre'nIng/ is one way of many that we can pronounce It's raining. The beginning of a sentence, especially if it's predictable and meaning-free, is a frequent place for sound loss in pronunciation. Others of this type include: By the way, you're probably not right to identify 's raining with Is raining. That's an /s/, not a /z/; that is, you wouldn't say /zre'nIng/. But is has a /z/, not an /s/, and it shows up in fast speech rules when it really means is. For instance, if you meant to say He's reading and you were in a hurry, you'd say /zri'dIng/, not /sri'dIng/. So the contraction is just that -- a shortening of a predictable sentence part.", "What Defines a Blizzard? winter storms. A winter storm is a combination of heavy snow, blowing snow and/or dangerous wind chills. A winter storm is life-threatening. Blizzards are dangerous winter storms that are a combination of blowing snow and wind resulting in very low visibilities. While heavy snowfalls and severe cold often accompany blizzards, they are not required.", "Why no lightning in winter? For this reason, lightning during winter temperatures (I'm not talking Florida winters!) is not a usual event. So that is why when it does occur, you find yourself in one doozy of a storm, with very sharp temperature contrasts between the cold air layer to the north and the overriding warm air layer to the south.", "Weather Glossary â Terms & Definitions Blowing snow may be snow that is falling and/or loose snow on the ground picked up by the wind. BLIZZARD-Winds over 35 mph with snow and blowing snow reducing visibility to near zero. Rain drops that freeze into ice pellets before reaching the ground.", "- You lost the fire in your eyes. You turn to me with those different looks. And then it's raining, looks like it's raining. Oh no, tears are falling. Oh no, tears are falling. Oh no, tears are falling. Something is wrong as I hold you near. Somebody else holds your heart. (Yeah). You turned to me with your acid tears. And then it's raining, feels like it's raining. (I see you cry).", "- Go grease lightning, you're coasting through the heat lap trials. (Grease lightning, go grease lightning). You are supreme, the chicks'll cream for Greased lightning. (Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go).", "- We have been thinking of fantastic words to describe the bonfire and fireworks. We call these words ‘adjectives’. We have also been thinking of words which are written to describe the sounds we hear. We call these words ‘onomatopoemia’ words.", "Thunderstorms & Lightning After a Thunderstorm or Lightning Strike If lightning strikes you or someone you know, call 9-1-1 for medical assistance as soon as possible. The following are things you should check when you attempt to give aid to a victim of lightning: 1 Breathing - if breathing has stopped, begin mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. 2 Heartbeat - if the heart has stopped, administer CPR. 3 Pulse - if the victim has a pulse and is breathing, look for other possible injuries.", "- Lightning is a bright flash of electricity produced by a thunderstorm. All thunderstorms produce lightning and are very dangerous. If you hear the sound of thunder, then you are in danger from lightning. Lightning kills and injures more people each year than hurricanes or tornadoes; between 75 to 100 people.ightning Experiment: Here is a great experiment that allows the kids to make lightning. All you need is a balloon and a light bulb! Lightning Experiment: Here is another great experiment that allows the kids to make lightning.", "- What makes lightning make noise? Thunder is the sound that lightning makes. Sounds simple but why does lightning make a sound. Any sound you hear is made up of vibrations, the vibrations travel through the ai…r as waves until they reach your ear.This means lightning must cause some vibrations.Lightning is a huge discharge of electricity.", "Weather Library > Lightning FAQ: Winter lightning, severe storms and thundersnow: Can lightning occur in the winter or when it is snowing? By DAN ROBINSON. Thunderstorms, lightning and severe weather can and do occur any time of the year at almost any location on earth. Lightning during the winter is actually very common in mid-latitude climates, including most of the United States.", "Snow Terms Cornice - A formation of windblown snow, also known as overhang. 1 It is important to recognize cornice in alpine skiing and climbing because it is often unstable and hard to see from the windward side. 2 It is very quick; you can go to sleep seeing white snow and wake up to black snow.", "- Communication: Spring peepers are known for the males’ mating calls—a high-pitched whistling or peeping sound repeated about twenty times a minute. They often sing in trios, with the deepest-voiced frog starting the call. They call on warm spring nights and during the day during rainy or cloudy weather. Fun Fact: They are very tolerant of cold conditions. Spring peepers can withstand freezing during winter hibernation due to a natural ‘antifreeze’ in their blood. Conservation Status: Spring peepers are common and widespread.", "If people were rain, I was drizzle and she was a hurricane If people were rain, I was drizzle and she was a hurricane. Emo mode... /wrist. This is an excerpt from a book called Looking for Alaska (Alaska is a girl's name in that book). :) Share. Emo mode... /wrist. This is an excerpt from a book called Looking for Alaska (Alaska is a girl's name in that book).f people were rain, I was drizzle and she was a hurricane. Emo mode... /wrist. This is an excerpt from a book called Looking for Alaska (Alaska is a girl's name in that book). :) Share. Emo mode... /wrist. This is an excerpt from a book called Looking for Alaska (Alaska is a girl's name in that book).", "Getting Caught in Thunder Storms Thunderstorms are called that because they come with lightning which generates thunder. Lightning deaths and injuries to boaters are on the rise, mainly because there are more boaters that make good targets. Indeed, out on the water you are a good target.", "What is the difference between lightning and thunder? Thunder is merely the rumbling sound that lightning creates. You hear the thunder after you see the lighting because light travels faster than sound. Lightning is the light that is emitted, and thunder is the sound.", "Thundersnow Thundersnow formation with an occluded front. Thundersnow, also known as a winter thunderstorm or a thundersnowstorm, is an unusual kind of thunderstorm with snow falling as the primary precipitation instead of rain. It typically falls in regions of strong upward motion within the cold sector of an extratropical cyclone." ]
[ 14.796875 ]
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meatloaf calories homemade
[ "Calories in Homemade Meatloaf Calories In Trisha Yearwood's Homemade Meatloaf Calories: 211, Fat: 12g, Carbs: 16g, Protein: 10g, Fiber: 1g. Calories In yummy glazed homemade meatloaf Calories: 245, Fat: 12g, Carbs: 16g, Protein: 19g, Fiber: 1g. Calories In homemade meatloaf Calories: 462, Fat: 23g, Carbs: 32g, Protein: 31g, Fiber: 2g. Calories In Homemade meatloaf Calories: 264, Fat: 14g, Carbs: 21g, Protein: 14g, Fiber: 1g." ]
[ "Calories in Homemade Meat Loaf Calories In Homemade Meat Loaf Calories: 214, Fat: 14g, Carbs: 6g, Protein: 15g, Fiber: 0g. Calories In Meatloaf Sauce (to be used with my homemade meat loaf recipe) Calories: 25, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 7g, Protein: 0g, Fiber: 0g. Calories In Donna's Homemade meat loaf Calories: 156, Fat: 11g, Carbs: 9g, Protein: 28g, Fiber: 1g.", "Turkey Meatloaf 1 Place mixture in a large bowl to cool for 5 minutes. 2 Combine turkey, bread crumbs, egg, 1/4 cup of the catsup, Worcestershire sauce, salt, and pepper with onion mixture. 3 Press meatloaf into an 8x4-inch loaf pan. 4 Spread remaining catsup on top. 5 Bake in a 350 degree oven for 50-55 minutes. Cook onion and garlic in melted butter for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. 2 Place mixture in a large bowl to cool for 5 minutes. 3 Combine turkey, bread crumbs, egg, 1/4 cup of the catsup, Worcestershire sauce, salt, and pepper with onion mixture. 4 Press meatloaf into an 8x4-inch loaf pan. 5 Spread remaining catsup on top.", "Better-Than-Ever Meatloaf What To Do: 1 Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Coat a large baking pan with cooking spray. 2 In a large bowl, combine all ingredients except 1/3 cup ketchup; mix well. 3 Place mixture into prepared baking pan and shape into a loaf. 4 Spread remaining 1/3 cup ketchup over top. If you want to cook this in the microwave, simply combine the ingredients as above, then place the mixture in a 2-quart oblong microwaveable baking dish and shape into a loaf. 2 Microwave, uncovered, on High (full power), turning the dish occasionally, for 25 minutes or until done.", "Yes, Virginia There is a Great Meatloaf Directions See How It's Made. 1 Meatloaf: Combine meat loaf ingredients and place into a loaf baking dish. 2 Smooth out top. 3 Sauce: Combine sauce ingredients and pour on top and sides of meatloaf. Bake at 350°F about 1 hour to 1 hour 15 minutes or until 1 done. ENJOY! * The addition of 1 or 2 teaspoons of Kitchen Bouquet® makes this recipe very good.", "Total Carbs in 1 medium slice meatloaf Beef, Veal & Pork Meatloaf Total carbs in a 1 medium slice meatloaf is 7.04 (g), 2% of daily value. Sugar in a 1 medium slice meatloaf is about 1.75 g and the amount of protein in a 1 medium slice meatloaf is approximately 19.21 g. Please refer to the nutrition facts label seen to the left for a full breakdown of complete nutrition found in a 1 medium slice meatloaf .", "- Meatloaf Recipes it’s quite possible that meatloaf recipes truly deliver the most comfort of any comfort food recipes. some would argue that anything made with ground beef is comfort, but along with meatballs (meatloaf's tiny cousins) meatloaf recipes really do win.", "Turkey Meatloaf Combine the ground turkey, bread crumbs, eggs, and onion mixture in a large bowl. Mix well and shape into a rectangular loaf on an ungreased sheet pan. Spread the ketchup evenly on top. Bake for 1 1/2 hours until the internal temperature is 160 degrees F. and the meatloaf is cooked through.ombine the ground turkey, bread crumbs, eggs, and onion mixture in a large bowl. Mix well and shape into a rectangular loaf on an ungreased sheet pan. Spread the ketchup evenly on top. Bake for 1 1/2 hours until the internal temperature is 160 degrees F. and the meatloaf is cooked through.", "What Temperature Do You Cook Meatloaf What Temperature Do You Cook Meatloaf. Meatloaf can be cooked at 375-400°F in an oven till it reaches an internal temperature of 160°. A large pack of ground meat, about two pounds, takes about one hour fifteen minutes or so.", "Turkey Meatloaf 1 Place mixture in a large bowl to cool for 5 minutes. 2 Combine turkey, bread crumbs, egg, 1/4 cup of the catsup, Worcestershire sauce, salt, and pepper with onion mixture. 3 Press meatloaf into an 8x4-inch loaf pan. 4 Spread remaining catsup on top. 5 Bake in a 350 degree oven for 50-55 minutes.", "- Simply add 1 1/2 cups of chopped mushrooms (feel free to put whole ones in the food processor!) to 4 oz. raw lean ground beef (or turkey) to cut calories in HALF. Use this trick to make burgers, sloppy joes, meatloaf and MORE. Cooked Lean Ground Beef = 200 calories and 11.5g fat per cup", "Classic Meatloaf Cover the meatloaf mixture with the rest of the ketchup. 5 Bake for 1 hour at 350°F, or until a meat thermometer inserted into the center of the meatloaf reads 155°F. Remove from oven and let sit for 10 minutes.", "Total Carbs in 1 medium slice meatloaf Beef, Veal & Pork Meatloaf You searched for total carbs in 1 medium slice meatloaf which belongs to Meat. In a 1 medium slice meatloaf ((1 Medium Slice Serving)) there are about 161 calories out of which 51 calories come from fat. The total fat content of (1 Medium Slice Serving) 1 medium slice meatloaf is 5.64 g.", "Internal temperature of turkey meatloaf Ricotta Stuffed Chicken. 2124 views. an internal temperature of 165°F, thigh meat should have an internal temperature of 175. Cheddar Stuffed Turkey Meatloaf with a Secret Sauce! 4583 views. Turkey Meatloaf with a Secret Sauce!, main ingredient: Turkey Few Slices of Sharp Cheddar.", "Calories in Homemade Flour Tortilla's Calories per Ingredient. Here are the foods from our food nutrition database that were used for the nutrition calculations of this recipe. Calories per serving of Homemade Flour Tortilla's. 65 calories of Whole Wheat Flour, (0.16 cup) 33 calories of Soybean Oil, (0.02 cup) 14 calories of Flour, white, (0.03 cup) 0 calories of Salt, (0.06 tsp)", "- Related Searches: Ingredient Specific Calorie Information From Our Recipes: Calories In Homemade yogurt in the crockpot Calories: 132, Fat: 3g, Carbs: 17g, Protein: 9g, Fiber: 1g. Calories In Homemade Yogurt Calories: 111, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 16g, Protein: 11g, Fiber: 0g.", "- Here are the foods from our food nutrition database that were used for the nutrition calculations of this recipe. Calories per serving of Homemade Flour Tortilla's. 65 calories of Whole Wheat Flour, (0.16 cup).", "Calories in a Margarita Most drinkers will consume a drink that is larger than that. And your margarita calorie count still doesn't include the alcohol. A single serving of tequila provides 65-70 calories. So your homemade margarita will probably total at least 150 calories, but possibly more. If you make your own margarita from scratch, you may be able to cut calories by using fresh, low-calorie ingredients. A classic margarita recipe is usually prepared with triple sec, tequila, sour mix and a splash or lemon or lime.", "How many calories in a slice of salami? Meatloaf (a 1 inch slice) can vary from 100- 265 calories. NOT IN A TURKEY MEATLOAF HOWEVER.", "- Here are the foods from our food nutrition database that were used for the nutrition calculations of this recipe. Calories per serving of Honey Wheat Bread. 48 calories of King Arthur Flour Unbleached All-Purpose Flour, (0.11 cup) 24 calories of Hodgson Mill Whole Wheat Flour, (0.06 cup) 21 calories of Honey, (0.02 cup)", "Classic Meatloaf Meanwhile, in a large bowl, combine beef, pork, onion, garlic, egg, 1/4 cup ketchup, 1 1/2 teaspoons salt, and 1/4 teaspoon pepper. Add bread-milk mixture, and mix very gently with a fork (do not overmix). Place meat mixture on prepared baking sheet, and form into a loaf about 9 inches long and 4 to 5 inches wide. Bake, brushing twice with remaining 1/4 cup ketchup during baking, until an instant-read thermometer registers 160 degrees, 45 to 55 minutes. Let meatloaf rest 10 minutes before slicing and serving.", "Best Ever Turkey Meatloaf Heat oven to 350ºF. Melt butter in a small skillet over medium-high heat. Add onion and garlic; cook 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Transfer mixture to a large bowl; cool 5 minutes. Add ground turkey, breadcrumbs, egg, ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, pepper and salt, if desired to turkey mixture; mix well. Press into 8 x 4-inch loaf pan. Top with barbeque sauce, if desired. Bake 1 hour or until the internal temperature of meatloaf is well-done, 165ºF as measured by a meat thermometer.", "Turkey Meatloaf Combine the ground turkey, bread crumbs, eggs, and onion mixture in a large bowl. Mix well and shape into a rectangular loaf on an ungreased sheet pan. Spread the ketchup evenly on top. Bake for 1 1/2 hours until the internal temperature is 160 degrees F. and the meatloaf is cooked through.(A pan of hot water in the oven under the meatloaf will keep the top from cracking.) Serve hot, at room temperature, or cold in a sandwich.Copyright 1999, The Barefoot Contessa Cookbook, All Rights Reserved.ake for 1 1/2 hours until the internal temperature is 160 degrees F. and the meatloaf is cooked through. (A pan of hot water in the oven under the meatloaf will keep the top from cracking.) Serve hot, at room temperature, or cold in a sandwich. Copyright 1999, The Barefoot Contessa Cookbook, All Rights Reserved.", "- Calories in homemade meatloaf. *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs. Some of these foods were entered by users and are subject to error.", "Home-Style Meatloaf Hide Images. 1 1. Heat oven to 375°F. In large bowl, mix meatloaf ingredients. 2 2. In small bowl, mix topping ingredients; spread over top. 3 3. Bake uncovered 1 hour to 1 hour 10 minutes or until meat thermometer inserted in center of loaf reads 170°F. Let stand 5 minutes; drain.", "Markethouse Meatloaf Place 1 pound of the meatloaf in the center of the caul fat. Wrap meatloaf to form a ball shaped loaf. (You should be able to get eight one pound serving portions). Steam until the internal temperature reaches 140 degrees Fahrenheit. To serve, place meatloaf in oven to heat through with a knob of butter and baste.", "- Ingredient Specific Calorie Information From Our Recipes: 1 Calories In Tina's homemade meat sauce Calories: 438, Fat: 24g, Carbs: 28g, Protein: 29g, Fiber: 7g. 2 Calories In Homemade meat sauce for spaghetti Calories: 119, Fat: 4g, Carbs: 11g, Protein: 11g, Fiber: 2g.", "- Combine the ground turkey, bread crumbs, eggs, and onion mixture in a large bowl. Mix well and shape into a rectangular loaf on an ungreased sheet pan. Spread the ketchup evenly on top. Bake for 1 1/2 hours until the internal temperature is 160 degrees F. and the meatloaf is cooked through.(A pan of hot water in the oven under the meatloaf will keep the top from cracking.) Serve hot, at room temperature, or cold in a sandwich.ombine the ground turkey, bread crumbs, eggs, and onion mixture in a large bowl. Mix well and shape into a rectangular loaf on an ungreased sheet pan. Spread the ketchup evenly on top. Bake for 1 1/2 hours until the internal temperature is 160 degrees F. and the meatloaf is cooked through.", "Calories in Meat Loaf If you really enjoy beef, a better choice is 90 percent ground beef. One pound of 90 percent lean ground beef is 700 calories, making a 4 ounce serving of meatloaf about 225 calories. Perdue Fresh Ground Chicken is surprisingly higher in calories than the lean beef with 1 pound equaling 906 calories. So a 4 ounce serving of meatloaf being 275 calories. The lowest calorie choice is ground turkey. One pound is 640 calories and a 4 ounce serving of meatloaf is less than 200 calories.", "- Combine the above ingredients in ... in middle of meatloaf. Brush meatloaf with following ... tbsp. lemon juice 2 tbsp. brown sugar 1 tsp. ... with mixture also. Microwave at medium high for 25-35 ... foil for 5 minutes.", "Turkey Meatloaf Allow to cool to room temperature. Combine the ground turkey, bread crumbs, eggs, and onion mixture in a large bowl. Mix well and shape into a rectangular loaf on an ungreased sheet pan.Spread the ketchup evenly on top. Bake for 1 1/2 hours until the internal temperature is 160 degrees F. and the meatloaf is cooked through.(A pan of hot water in the oven under the meatloaf will keep the top from cracking.) Serve hot, at room temperature, or cold in a sandwich.Copyright 1999, The Barefoot Contessa Cookbook, All Rights Reserved.llow to cool to room temperature. Combine the ground turkey, bread crumbs, eggs, and onion mixture in a large bowl. Mix well and shape into a rectangular loaf on an ungreased sheet pan." ]
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[ 17.59375, 7.74609375, 7.89453125, 6.3359375, 8.9296875, 5.32421875, 7.40625, 5.31640625, 7.15625, 9.40625, 6.484375, 11.6328125, 4.53125, 2.646484375, 5.14453125, 3.451171875, 2.55078125, 12.515625, 3.21875, 7.57421875, 7.1953125, 6.78515625, 12.7734375, 7.41796875, 4.515625, 8.1015625, 8.9609375, 13.0390625, 6.015625, 6.82421875 ]
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[ "- James, you need to do a little research on ASIO Direct Monitoring. It's a standard tha allows an ASIO host to enable hardware monitoring in an interface that supports it. This bypasses The A/D/A converters and is true, zero-latency direct monitoring." ]
[ "Ezio Auditore da Firenze Ezio Auditore da Firenze (Italian pronunciation: [ˈettsjo audiˈtoːre da fiˈrentse]) is a fictional character in the video game series Assassin's Creed. His career as an Assassin during the Italian Renaissance serves as central plot of Assassin's Creed II, II: Discovery, Brotherhood, and Revelations, as well as the animated short film Embers.", "- OCIO provides state-of-the-art, secure, reliable, cost-effective solutions for USDA and other federal customers. Our goal is to support mission success. Click on the image to download the 2015 OCIO Information Technology Service Catalog.", "An Internet of Things Check on the baby. Aimed at helping to prevent SIDS, the Mimo monitor is a new kind of infant monitor that provides parents with real-time information about their baby's breathing, skin temperature, body position, and activity level on their smartphones.", "Joyetech eGo AIO Review The eGo AIO is a stand-out option for new vapers, offering top-notch performance in a user-friendly package. The device may have some limitations from a long term vaper’s perspective, but for anyone looking for fill-up-and-vape simplicity at a low price, it’s one of the best options on the market.", "Frequently Asked Questions A: ANSI is the official U.S. representative to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) via the U.S. National Committee (USNC). ISO develops, coordinates and promotes international standards for a wide range of business sectors.", "About FISO Committed to providing customers with innovative and reliable solutions for measuring parameters such as temperature, pressure, displacement and position, strain and load as well as refractive index in harsh environments and challenging applications, FISO's targeted markets are medical, process control, energy and research laboratories.", "The ISO The ISO. ISO or ASA in Photography – Sensitivities in Camera Sensors. ISO (pronounced “eye-sew”) is an independent, non-governmental international organization (International Standards Organisation or International Organization of Standardization as per their website), based in Europe that provides the standards for a wide variety of subjects.", "Joyetech eGo AIO Review The eGo AIO has a straightforward but effective design: it’s a fairly non-descript tube, with the majority of the device a silvery grey and a black patch on the back side. You can pick it up in a range of colors, too: black and white, red and white, black, silver and the black and grey option I tested.", "Cost of upgrading Garmin GTX 330 to 330ES However, a WAAS GPS can meet the requirement. It is not a just a question of accuracy. AC 20-165A provides a means for certifying a position source and it permits TSO C129/C145/C146/C196 position sources if they can meet or be modified to meet the requirements in appendix 3 of the AC. This is a very detailed, point by point set of requirements.", "Automated System Operations (ASO) Automated system operations (ASO) is the set of software and hardware that allows computer systems, network devices or machines to function without any manual intervention. ASOs allow computer systems to work without a human operator physically located at the site where the system is installed.", "- |Model: X5. FiiO. Listen to your music for the first time, all over again. The X5 lossless DAP/DAC will amaze you with incredible instrument separation, a clearer soundstage, and a musical transparency that makes you feel like your favorite artists are in the room with you.", "ASIO4ALL ASIO4ALL is a hardware independent low latency ASIO driver for WDM audio devices. It uses WDM Kernel-Streaming and sometimes even more sophisticated methods to achieve its objectives. The most used version is 2.10, with over 98% of all installations currently using this version.", "Computer stereo vision Active stereo vision. The active stereo vision is a form of stereo vision which actively employs a light such as a laser or a structured light to simplify the stereo matching problem. The opposed term is passive stereo vision.", "- This introduction to digital storage oscilloscopes (DSOs) An oscilloscope measures and displays voltage signals on a time-versus-voltage graph. In most applications the graph shows how the signal changes over time: the vertical (Y) axis represents voltage, and the horizontal (X) axis represents time.", "- This documentation is archived and is not being maintained. System Monitor (SYSMON) is the application programming interface (API) that you use to configure the Microsoft System Monitor ActiveX control. The System Monitor control lets you view real-time and previously logged performance counter data such as memory, disk, and processor counter data.", "Vizio Not to be confused with Microsoft Visio. Vizio Inc. is an American privately held company that develops consumer electronics. Headquartered in Irvine, California, United States, the company was founded in October 2002 as V Inc. and is best known as a producer of affordable flat-screen televisions. 1 History.", "SMT / PCB Products and Services What is AOI? Automated Optical Inspection is one of many manufacturing test methods common in the. assembly of printed circuit boards. This list includes: Test methods for electronic assemblies: - FT (Functional Test) of finished product.", "ASIO4ALL ASIO4ALL is a free and alternative audio driver which allows its users to get very low latencies from their sound adapter.", "What is AsIO? AsIO.sys is a Windows driver. A driver is a small software program that allows your computer to communicate with hardware or connected devices. This means that a driver has direct access to the internals of the operating system, hardware etc. The free file information forum can help you determine if AsIO.sys is a Windows system file or if it belongs to an application that you can trust.", "ASIO (Audio Stream Input/Output) ASIO (Audio Stream Input/Output) ASIO (Audio Stream Input/Output), developed by Steinberg, is a cross-platform, multi-channel audio transfer protocol that is being adopted by many of the manufacturers of audio/MIDI sequencing applications. It allows software to have access to the multi-channel capabilities of a wide range of powerful sound cards.", "Seiko Astron GPS Solar Dual Time Watch Review One would be remiss not to refer to a timepiece such as this Seiko Astron GPS Solar Dual Time as a connected watch.. While the timepiece might not be smart in the computer sense, it doesn't come with many of the headaches consumers dislike about our current generation of smartwatches.", "Introduction ADOT/ServiceArizona and its consultants have taken several steps to safeguard the integrity of its computer systems and networks. For site security purposes and to ensure that this service remains available to all users, ADOT/ServiceArizona employs industry standard methods to monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage.", "- The more you know, the better choices you'll make about your family's security. With an ADT monitored wireless system, you're getting the best home security money can buy. The ADT system comes armed with 3 points of protection for windows and doors, an infrared motion detector, high-decibel alarm and more!", "IntelliSnap â EMC VNX / CLARiiON â Prerequisites 1 where AsstDiscoFile is the fully qualified path of a user-created file containing the host name or IP address of each targeted Clariion array. 2 This file should contain one array per line and each line should have all IP addresses for the array separated by a single space.", "- ADCO Hearing Products is your online destination for the highest quality and most extensive collection of hearing aid supplies.", "Thread: Cue mix WITH reverb, but WITHOUT latency - ASIO direct monitoring question Hi, Had a recording session the other day, and one of the performers wanted to track with reverb-which is OK, but it made me unabling the ASIO Direct Monitoring feature that I m so happy with (Cubase 5.1.1, btw).", "- The second-generation Cisco Aironet access point portfolio is designed for a broad. range of requirements for best-in-class, mission-critical, and enterprise-class service. to provide industry-leading performance for secure and reliable wireless connections.", "USB Audio ASIO Driver USB Audio ASIO driver helps you connect USB audio interfaces to music applications via ASIO at latencies down to 4ms.", "- So, Steinberg (the Cubase people) made their own way to make drivers, called ASIO. This isn't part of Windows, and is sort of an agreement between pro audio sound card makers saying 'hey, if we all make our drivers like this, then applications can just support ASIO and everyone benefits'.", "- Siemens’ brand new ultra-tiny, ultra-comfortable Insio Primax is a discreet solution with Primax generation technology. Incredibly tiny and almost unnoticeable in the ear, the new Insio Primax is tailor-made for demanding wearers who want the ultimate in discretion and performance. With their custom fit, Insio primax models ensure complete comfort and can be controlled remotely for total convenience." ]
[ 18.53125 ]
[ 0.9453125, 2.072265625, 2.55078125, 0.207763671875, 3.05078125, 2.443359375, 4.0234375, -0.619140625, -0.54296875, 5.98828125, 3.98046875, 13.1953125, 1.2333984375, 3.595703125, 5.625, 1.009765625, 3.84375, 12.984375, 13.703125, 14.5234375, -0.89501953125, 1.818359375, 2.572265625, 1.587890625, 1.2412109375, 12.5703125, 2.265625, 10.8203125, 9.9375, 0.69482421875 ]
meaning of amalgamated
[ "- mix, mingle, commingle, blend, merge, coalesce, amalgamate, fuse mean to combine into a more or less uniform whole. mix may or may not imply loss of each element's identity. mix the salad greens; mix a drink; mingle usually suggests that the elements are still somewhat distinguishable or separately active." ]
[ "- Meaning: Transformed from a liquid into a soft semisolid or solid mass. Synonyms: coagulate; coagulated; curdled; grumose; grumous. Context examples: coagulated blood / curdled milk / grumous blood. Similar: thick (relatively dense in consistency) • COAGULATE (verb)", "ELABORATE • ELABORATE (adjective). The adjective ELABORATE has 2 senses: 1. marked by complexity and richness of detail. 2. developed or executed with care and in minute detail. Familiarity information: ELABORATE used as an adjective is rare.", "laminated Definition of laminated. 1 1 : laminate 1. 2 2a : composed of layers of firmly united materialb : made by bonding or impregnating superposed layers (as of paper, wood, or fabric) with resin and compressing under heat.", "aggregate Aggregate is defined as a complete amount. An example of an aggregate would be the total number of students in all of one grade level. Aggregate means to combine or mix together. An example of aggregate is to mix ingredients for concrete together.", "- permeate. vb. 1. to penetrate or pervade (a substance, area, etc): a lovely smell permeated the room. 2. (Chemistry) to pass through or cause to pass through by osmosis or diffusion: to permeate a membrane. [C17: from Latin permeāre, from per-through + meāre to pass]. (ˈpɜr miˌeɪt). v. -at•ed, -at•ing.", "- Conflated; p. pr. & vb. n. Conflating.] [L. conflatus, p. p. of conflare to blow together; con- + flare to blow.] 1. To blow together; to bring together; to collect; to fuse together; to join or weld; to consolidate. [1913 Webster] The State-General, created and conflated by the passionate effort of the whole nation. --Carlyle.", "- agglomeration ‎(plural agglomerations) 1 The act or process of collecting in a mass; a heaping together. State of being collected in a mass; a mass; cluster.", "conglomerate Definition of conglomerate: Large corporation run as a single business, but made up of several firms (acquired through mergers or takeovers) supplying diverse goods and/or services. Berkshire Hathaway Inc. is one of the biggest ...", "- amalgamation. 1 the act or process of amalgamating. 2 the state or result of being amalgamated. 3 Commerce. a consolidation of two or more corporations. 4 Metallurgy. the extraction of precious metals from their ores by treatment with mercury.", "aggregate ag·gre·gate. adj. 1. Constituting or amounting to a whole; total: aggregate sales in that market.2. Botany Crowded or massed into a dense cluster. 3. Composed of a mixture of minerals separable by mechanical means.. A total considered with reference to its constituent parts; a gross amount: An empire is the aggregate of many states under one common head (Edmund Burke). 2. The mineral materials, such as sand or stone, used in making concrete.", "- adumbrating. 1 transitive verb. 2 1 : to foreshadow vaguely : intimate the social unrest that adumbrated the French Revolution. 3 2 : to suggest, disclose, or outline partially adumbrate a plan. 3 : overshadow, obscure bubbling optimism, not at all adumbrated by difficulties.", "Agglutination (Agglutination...) consists of the welding together of two or more terms constantly occurring as a syntagmatic group into a single unit, which becomes either difficult or impossible to analyse thereafter. Agglutination takes various forms. In French, welding becomes complete fusion.", "- Medical Definition of AMALGAMATE. : to unite in or as if in an amalgam; especially: to merge into a single body. — amal·gam·ation \\-ˌmal-gə-ˈmā-shən\\ noun. — amal·gam·ator \\-ˈmal-gə-ˌmāt-ər\\ noun. to unite (two or more things, such as two businesses) into one thing.", "Assemblage (art) Assemblage is an artistic form or medium usually created on a defined substrate that consists of three-dimensional elements projecting out of or from the substrate. It is similar to collage, a two-dimensional medium.", "Definitions &Translations Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: An amalgam is a substance formed by the reaction of mercury with another metal. Almost all metals can form amalgams with mercury, notable exception being iron.", "alliteration Alliteration is nearly the only effect of that kind which the ancients had in common with us. English poetry has used chiefly rhyme, stress, and alliteration. Alliteration in relation to the parts of speech and to the order the order of words. Unintentional or accidental combination of rhyme and alliteration. Perhaps this name is only introduced for the sake of alliteration.", "Definition of âcombining formâ - English Dictionary combining formnoun [ C ] uk ​ /kəmˈbaɪ.nɪŋ ˌfɔːm/ us ​ /kəmˈbaɪ.nɪŋ ˌfɔːrm/ specialized. › a word or group of letters that is added to the beginning or end of words to change or add meaning: The combining form Anglo combines to make various words, including Anglo-American and Anglophile. Thesaurus: synonyms and related words.", "alliteration Definition of alliteration. : the repetition of usually initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words or syllables (such as wild and woolly, threatening throngs) —called also head rhyme, initial rhyme.", "conglomeration Definition of conglomeration for English Language Learners. : 1 a group or mixture of different things. : 2 a process in which different things come together to form a single thing.", "Definitions &Translations Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Abridgement. Abridgement or abridgment is a term defined as shortening or condensing and is most commonly used in reference to the act of reducing a written work, typically a book, into a shorter form while maintaining the unity of the source.", "- Pronunciation /ˈaÉ¡rɪɡət/. 1 1A whole formed by combining several separate elements. ‘the council was an aggregate of three regional assemblies’. 2 2A material or structure formed from a mass of fragments or particles loosely compacted together. ‘the specimen is an aggregate of rock and mineral fragments’.", "conglomerate conglomerate con·glom·er·ate (kən-glŏm'ər-Ä­t) adj. Gathered or aggregated into a mass.", "- undulated. 1 intransitive verb. 2 1 : to form or move in waves : fluctuate. 3 2 : to rise and fall in volume, pitch, or cadence. 4 3 : to present a wavy appearance. 5 transitive verb. : 6 to cause to move in a wavy, sinuous, or flowing manner.", "Consolidation (business) (May 2008) In business, consolidation or amalgamation is the merger and acquisition of many smaller companies into much larger ones. In the context of financial accounting, consolidation refers to the aggregation of financial statements of a group company as consolidated financial statements.", "The Federalist Papers It is a kind of assemblage of societies that constitute a new one, capable of increasing, by means of new associations, till they arrive to such a degree of power as to be able to provide for the security of the united body.ssemblage. n. 1. a number of things or persons assembled together; collection; assembly. 2. (Cookery) a list of dishes served at a meal or the dishes themselves.", "- Define addlepated: being mixed up : confused; eccentric — addlepated in a sentence", "- Meaning: Spread or diffuse through. Classified under: Verbs of touching, hitting, tying, digging. Synonyms: imbue; permeate; pervade; diffuse; interpenetrate; riddle; penetrate. Context examples: An atmosphere of distrust has permeated this administration / music penetrated the entire building / His campaign was riddled with accusations and personal attacks", "Definitions &Translations Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word Aggregate. Princeton's WordNet(4.50 / 2 votes)Rate this definition: sum, total, totality, aggregate(noun) the whole amount. aggregate(noun) material such as sand or gravel used with cement and water to make concrete, mortar, or plaster. aggregate, congeries, conglomeration(adj) a sum total of many heterogenous things taken together.", "alliteration The repetition of identical or similar sounds at the beginning of words or in stressed syllables, as in on scrolls of silver snowy sentences (Hart Crane). Modern alliteration is predominantly consonantal; certain literary traditions, such as Old English verse, also alliterate using vowel sounds.", "What is Amalgamation? Definition, Meaning and Example In general, the definition of amalgamation can be stated as follows. Amalgamation is a union of two or more companies, made with an intention to form a new company.. In terms of finance, the definition of amalgamation can be given as under. Amalgamation is an agreement (deal) between two or more companies to consolidate (strengthen) their business activities by establishing a new company having a separate legal existence.. Image credits © Brad Ross." ]
[ 11.2265625 ]
[ 4.0390625, -0.1654052734375, 3.59375, 5.9140625, 2.615234375, 1.9306640625, 6.46875, 4.140625, 13.5625, 5.09765625, 1.8798828125, 2.123046875, 14.1796875, 2.16796875, 12.3828125, -1.6318359375, 2.41796875, 1.2646484375, 4.7578125, 1.927734375, 8.2890625, 4.47265625, 4.16015625, 10.8515625, 5.75, 2.388671875, 1.7763671875, 4.453125, 0.0665283203125, 13.5546875 ]
weather in taos new mexico in september
[ "- Average Weather in September in Taos New Mexico, United States. In Taos, the month of September is characterized by falling daily high temperatures, with daily highs decreasing by 8°F, from 78°F to 70°F over the course of the month, and rarely exceeding 85°F or dropping below 61°F." ]
[ "When is better to visit Tasmania April or September? If they are the only options then April; otherwise January is the best time to visit Tasmania, especially Hobart. April has some festivals and the weather is still mild. Tassie has a long winter so September is cool.", "Climate CLIMATE OVERVIEW : Taos, New Mexico, gets 13 inches of rain per year. The US average is 39. Snowfall is 42 inches. The average US city gets 26 inches of snow per year. The number of days with any measurable precipitation is 37. On average, there are 283 sunny days per year in Taos, New Mexico. The July high is around 85 degrees. The January low is 12. Sperling's comfort index for Taos is a 68 out of 100, where a higher score indicates a more comfortable year-around climate. The US average for the comfort index is 54. Our index is based on the total number of days annually within the comfort range of 70-80 degrees, and we also applied a penalty for days of excessive humidity.", "Weather in Pattaya in September 2018 Weather in Pattaya in September 2017. Expect 31°C daytime maximum temperatures in the shade with on average 5 hours of sunshine per day in Pattaya in September. Check more long-term weather averages for Pattaya in September before you book your next holiday to Thailand in 2017.", "Cancun September 2014? We've also been to Cancun numerous times in September and always had good luck with the weather. The weather is usually very hot and humid with a welcome pop-up shower that last about 15 minutes.Only once in three or four weeks did we have a full day of rain.", "Average Weather in September in Osan South Korea Kahoka, Missouri, United States (6,548 miles away) is the far-away foreign place with temperatures most similar to Osan (view comparison). Clouds The month of September in Osan experiences decreasing cloud cover, with the percentage of time that the sky is overcast or mostly cloudy decreasing from 46% to 35%.", "September Weather in Tennessee September is also a considerably sunny time in Tennessee. Sunshine helps to warm up the days a bit despite a slight chill in the air later in the month. Many cities across the state have 20 total days with sun, and have almost as many days of complete sunny weather.", "What is the cheapest time of year to visit turks and caicos? Best Answer: Now. It is hot and sultry and most people stay away. September is a pretty unbearable month, with virtually no wind and a stultifying heat. The low ...", "Weather in September Weather in September - Playa del Carmen Forum. Weather in September. Which Playa del Carmen hotels are on sale? can anyone tell me what the weather is like in September...We went to Cuba in Sept..had some rain which don,t mind but it was very humid at night time is PC the same?..", "- Weather in Nashville in September 2016. Check the weather in Nashville in September before you book your next holiday in Tennessee. Long-term weather averages give the best indication of the weather in September 2016 and include figures for temperature, sunshine and rainfall for Nashville, Tennessee, United States.", "Weather in September in Toronto, Ontario 1 The weather in September is somewhat dry with rain at times. 2 Just 75.5mm (3in) of liquid is released during an average of 10 days. 3 In September the heavens above Toronto, Ontario are reasonably fine having on average a detectable 6:23 of dazzling sunlight daily.", "Honolulu Temperatures: Averages by Month From May to October in Honolulu, daytime highs are consistently above 79 °F, and occasionally get into the 90s. Ninety-degree weather is mostly likely to happen in August and September. Seldom then do the nights have temperatures lower than 70 degrees. Days per month in Honolulu of at least 80 or 90 °F.", "Weather in September type in September weather in the top left hand box and it will throw up zillion of posts on the subject. you will notice a lot of difference between September and February, obv September not so good but you will see different subjects in the sea as opposed to Feb, esp if you dive.", "Weather in September in Banff, Canada September daily highs in Banff average 61 degrees, while evening temperatures average 37 degrees. In September, however, these averages are really just that -- averages. September is a highly transitionally month for Banff, with days beginning to shorten precipitously, summer rain petering off and winter snowfall picking up.", "Tuscany in September/October Dec 14, 2010, 12:53 PM. I spent a week in Tuscany in late September this year and the weather was brilliant: no rain and 25 deg C during the day and cooling to around 18 at night. No need for air-conditioning but warm enough for pool and beach. An excellent time to be in Tuscany.", "September weather in Maui & how many days Save this Post. 2. Re: September weather in Maui & how many days. Dec 11, 2009, 12:50 PM. Weather in Sept. is generally very warm. Upper 80's. Not part of the rainy season, unless of course, there is a hurricane lurking around somewhere. I recommend at least 10 days.", "September Travel to Hawaii Though the northernmost islands experience a bit of rain, September is largely dry, warm and sunny throughout the islands. High season in Hawaii doesn't start till mid-December, so September is still off-season for the Hawaii tourism industry and deals abound.", "September Weather September Weather. It's not that New Zealand hibernates in its winter months (far from it), but in September, the first month of spring, there is so much activity in terms of festivals and events, that you may find it hard to choose the most appealing.", "Weather in Pattaya in September 2018 Guide to Pattaya weather in September The average maximum daytime temperature in Pattaya in September is a hot 31°C (88°F) with very high heat & humidity. The average night-time temperature is usually a warm 25°C (77°F).", "Amsterdam weather in September Most years, Amsterdam weather in September is nice — very nice, indeed. Brouwersgracht, in the center of Amsterdam, on a September afternoon. Meteorologically, weather professionals consider September 1 to be the start of fall or autumn, but for you and I it starts — in Holland at least — on either the 22nd or 23rd of September. In 2013, autumn officially begins on September 22.", "Weather in Laos The cool, dry season on the other hand is an excellent time to go. Temperatures are relatively low, the air is cleaner and, particularly in November and December, the rivers are high enough to make river travel a breeze. Not surprisingly, this period in Laos is the peak season for travellers.", "- For most of the year Sao Paulo has a mild climate and with beach conditions that are similar to tropical Rio. Because Sao Paulo is closer inland it shares similar weather conditions of southern towns in Brazil. Most of the time the weather is pleasant with no humidity and the temperature just right. Springtime (September - November) is very sunny and the temperature increases in the summer with some afternoon showers. In the Fall (March-June) Sao Paulo receives the most rainfall and the temperature ranging from 58 to 63 F. The best time to visit Sao Paulo depends on how much you can stand the heat.", "- Average temperatures varied across the state in September. The departures for average temperatures in September 2014 varied across the entire state, though most of the reporting stations saw average temperatures near normal. The departures ranged from -1.1˚F in Fort Myers to 1.5˚F at Tallahassee.", "Average Weather in Tarapoto Peru The chance of wet days in Tarapoto varies throughout the year. The wetter season lasts 227 days, from September 29 to May 14, with a greater than 30% chance of a given day being a wet day. The chance of a wet day peaks at 43% on March 7. The drier season lasts 138 days, from May 14 to September 29.", "September weather Quebec - Toronto From Toronto in mid September to Quebec City in late September, hypothetically you really could encounter everything from shorts-and-sunscreen weather to boots-and-jacket weather.", "Weather in Estes Park in September 2018 Guide to Estes Park weather in September. The average maximum daytime temperature in Estes Park in September is a comfortable 16°C (61°F). The average night-time temperature is usually a very cold -1°C (30°F). There are usually 8 hours of bright sunshine each day, which represents 68% of the 12 hours of daylight.", "September Weather? September weather is generally great. Low humidity, temps in the 60's during the day, 40's at night, and not that rainy. However, once in a while you can also get: daytime temps in the 30's or 40's with snow showers, or daytime temps around 90, so come prepared either way.", "Czech Republic Generally, the weather is best May-September, when days are warm and the nights are cool, although it rains more in Spring than in summer. Autumn and winter are usually a little chilly and wet, sometimes snowy and often foggy, especially in the mountainous regions.", "Taiwan Weather in September It usually falls in September, but sometimes the public holiday is in early October. You can take advantage of Taiwan's mix of tropical and subtropical climate to enjoy the festival in comfort. In the streets, you can eat moon cakes while watching lion dances and the hanging glowing lanterns.", "Averages for Montego Bay in September Averages for Montego Bay in September. Although we class September in Jamaica as typically Autumn, it’s a ridiculous statement considering the temperatures only seem to fluctuate by a degree or so from the height of classical summer.", "What Is the Weather Like in Cancun in September? In September, Cancun has an average daily high temperature of 89 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit, and an average daily low temperature of 76 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit. The weather is slightly cooler than during the summer months and noticeably warmer than during the winter. September tends to be the rainiest month of the year in Cancun. Continue Reading." ]
[ 18.765625 ]
[ 2.23046875, 10.515625, 3.8515625, 2.87109375, 1.11328125, 3.5234375, 4.33203125, 2.833984375, 2.59765625, 3.615234375, 3.037109375, 2.796875, 3.2265625, 1.96875, 2.5078125, 3.083984375, 3.58984375, 4.03515625, 1.4169921875, -0.389892578125, 3.251953125, 3.298828125, 2.7734375, 2.009765625, 3.5546875, 8.1640625, 6.0625, 2.427734375, 0.7607421875, 4.51953125 ]
what is dermalone ointment used for
[ "- Neomycin and Nystatin Ointment for Cats & Dogs. Dermalone is a combination of nystatin and neomycin that works as a topical antibacterial and antifungal ointment. Dermalone is useful in the treatment of otitis and interdigital cysts in cats and dogs. Dermalone treats ear infections, interdigital cysts, and dry, inflammatory dermatitis conditions in cats and dogs. It also treats anal gland infections in dogs." ]
[ "- Dichromate is converted to chromic sulfate for tanning of leather. Chromates and dichromates are used as pigments in paints and in dyeing. Chrome colors include black, red, orange, green, and yellow. Chromate salts contain the chromate ion, CrO 4, and have an intense yellow color. Dichromate salts contain the dichromate ion, Cr 2 O 7, and have an intense orange color.", "Aquaphor Topical Ointment lanolin topical. Uses. This medication is used as a moisturizer to treat or prevent dry, rough, scaly, itchy skin and minor skin irritations (e.g., diaper rash, skin burns from radiation therapy). Emollients are substances that soften and moisturize the skin and decrease itching and flaking.", "- Dermalone Ointment. NYSTATIN-NEOMYCIN SULFATE-THIOSTREPTON-TRIAMCINOLONE ACETONIDE OINTMENT. Dermalone Ointment - Vedco is used in the treatment of acute and chronic otitis of varied etiologies, in interdigital cysts in cats and dogs, and in anal gland infections in dogs.", "Melamine foam Melamine foam is the active component of a number of abrasive cleaner sponges. It is also used as the main sound and thermal insulation material for bullet trains, due to its high sound absorption, excellent thermal insulation performance and light weight.", "What Is Fluocinonide Ointment Used For? Fluocinonide ointment (Lidex ®) is a prescription skin medication used to treat inflammation and itching due to a wide variety of conditions. Some of these conditions include but are not limited to:luocinonide ointment is part of a group of medications known as glucocorticoids, which are a type of corticosteroid (or steroid for short). Although glucocorticoids have numerous effects in the body, they are used mostly for their anti-inflammatory or immune-suppressing properties.", "Xylocaine Ointment Uses. This medication is used on the skin to stop itching and pain from certain skin conditions (e.g., scrapes, minor burns, eczema, insect bites) and to treat minor discomfort and itching caused by hemorrhoids and certain other problems of the genital/anal area (e.g., anal fissures, itching around the vagina /rectum).ome forms of this medication are also used to decrease discomfort or pain during certain medical procedures/exams (e.g., sigmoidoscopy, cystoscopy). Lidocaine is a local anesthetic that works by causing temporary numbness/loss of feeling in the skin and mucous membranes.", "- Triamcinolone acetonide ointment (Kenalog ® ointment) is a prescription skin medication used to treat inflammation and itching due to a wide variety of conditions.", "Hypalon Hypalon is also used in the construction of the decking of modern snowshoes, replacing neoprene as a lighter, stronger alternative. The Hypalon trademark has become the common name for all kinds of CSM regardless of manufacturer. Tosoh Corporation of Japan produces CSM under the trade names Toso-CSM and extos.he Hypalon trademark has become the common name for all kinds of CSM regardless of manufacturer. Tosoh Corporation of Japan produces CSM under the trade names Toso-CSM and extos.", "Is calamine lotion safe to use on a baby's face for insect bites? Calamine Lotion is used for : Soothing and protecting the skin following minor skin irritations (itching, pain, and discomfort) including poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac. Calamine lotion is a skin protectant. It works by soothing and protecting the skin.", "Bergamot Orange • Preventative for lice and other parasites. • Treatment along with UV light for psoriasis. Bergamot is used in skin care products such as creams, soaps, perfumes, lotions and suntan oils. It is used for psoriasis as well as an antiseptic against infections and to reduce inflammation. It is also used to treat Mycosis Fungoides, a rare type of skin cancer.", "- Dermalon™ Monofilament Nylon Sutures. Dermalon™ monofilament nylon sutures are inert, non-absorbable, sterile surgical sutures, which are available dyed blue to provide visibility compared to other nylon sutures. The advanced extrusion process of the nylon molecule gives the suture: Uniform diameter; Maximum flexibility of the strand", "- As all of you who are reading this know, dantrolene sodium is THE drug to treat malignant hyperthermia. There are some important and interesting changes and insights developing with this drug that I would like to explore with you.", "- Dermabond is a cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive that forms a strong bond across apposed wound edges, allowing normal healing to occur below. It is marketed to replace sutures that are 5-0 or smaller in diameter for incisional or laceration repair.", "- Triamcinolone acetonide ointment (Kenalog ® ointment) is a prescription skin medication used to treat inflammation and itching due to a wide variety of conditions. Some of these conditions include but are not limited to:", "What Is Triamcinolone Acetonide Ointment Used For? An Overview of Uses for Triamcinolone Acetonide Ointment. Triamcinolone acetonide ointment (Kenalog® ointment) is a prescription skin medication used to treat inflammation and itching due to a wide variety of conditions. Some of these conditions include but are not limited to:", "- Use a doughnut bandage. You can use these bandages for impalements and puncture wounds. If you have a wound that contains a foreign object, like a shard of glass, a piece of wood, or a piece of metal, you need to use a doughnut bandage. A doughnut bandage is a thick, O shaped bandage that relieves pressure around an impaled object or deep puncture.", "Dermol MBDD Dermol MBDD may be used in a wide variety of cosmetic applications including skin care, massage creams, make-up, lip care, sun care, hair conditioners and foot care.ermol MBDD may be used in a wide variety of cosmetic applications including skin care, massage creams, make-up, lip care, sun care, hair conditioners and foot care.", "What is Diclofenac Diethylamine used for? Diclofenac Diethylamine is a topical patch used to relieve acute pain caused by minor strains, sprains, and contusions (bruises). It is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that works by reducing pain-causing hormones in the body.This medicine may also be used to treat other conditions as determined by your doctor.f any side effects of Diclofenac Diethylamine develop or change in intensity, the doctor should be informed as soon as possible. Diclofenac Diethylamine can cause side effects such as dryness, burning, itching, peeling, or scaling at the application site; nausea; headache and vomiting.", "Protopic ointment (tacrolimus) Tacrolimus is used to reduce the inflammation of the skin in eczema and relieve the symptoms of this condition, such as redness and itching. Tacrolimus ointment is used for the short-term relief of moderate to severe eczema, and as intermittent treatment in the long-term management of eczema.", "- Zinc oxide ointment is commonly used as a topical treatment for skin conditions such as diaper rash, minor burns, chapped skin and other skin irritations, according to Drugs.com. It creates a protective barrier on the skin, keeping moisture and debris from irritating the affected area.", "Dermalone Ointment Dermalone™ Ointment is a prescription medicine FDA-approved for veterinary use in dogs and cats. Dermalone™ Ointment is available as an ointment in 15ml tubes. Each ml of ointment contains 100,000 units Nystatin, neomycin sulfate equivalent to 2.5mg of neomycin, 2,500 units thiostrepton and 1mg triamcinolone acetonide. Prior to use, the affected area should be cleaned.", "What is Diprosone Ointment? These 10 animal facts will amaze you. Diprosone ointment is an ointment used to treat common skin conditions, like psoriasis and certain forms of dermatitis. The generic name for this ointment is betamethasone dipropionate, and it belongs to the corticosteroid class of drugs.", "- Uses for DOWANOL PGDA include: • Can/coil coatings, acrylic paints, epoxy and polyuretha ne coatings, general paint and varnish formulations, high quality thinners, high gloss enamels, etc.", "Uses of Pine Tar Ointment Pine tar ointment's use to treat wounds dates back centuries. The use of pine tar ointment as an antibacterial to treat wounds dates back centuries. There is nominal evidence that ancient civilizations of the Near East and Sumeria used pine oils and ointments to cleanse wounds and prevent gangrene.", "DMSO â Human Use DMSO was used by horse owners and vets for years for swelling and achy joints. Because the orginal was so smelly it wasn’t used by people. Now that it has been perfected, you will get noticable relief from it. I use another form of it internally, MSM, because I have fibromyalgia and at times, hurt everywhere.", "- It reduces the actions of chemicals in the body that cause inflammation, redness, and swelling. Triamcinolone topical is used to treat the inflammation caused by a number of conditions such as allergic reactions, eczema, and psoriasis.", "- Derma-Vet Ointment Page 1 of 5 Jan. 2015 SAFETY DATA SHEET . NYSTATIN, NEOMYCIN SULFATE, THIOSTREPTON, TRIAMCINOLONE ACETONIDE OINTMENT. SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION Product Identifier: Dermalone. Material Name: Nystatin-Neomycin Sulfate-Thiostrepton-Triamcinolone . Acetonide Ointment. Recommended Use: Veterinary ointment used as an antifungal, antibacterial, anti - inflammatory and antipruritic in dogs and cats. Restrictions on Use: Veterinary pharmaceutical use in dogs and cats only.", "Benzonatate BRAND NAME(S): Tessalon Perle, Zonatuss. USES: This medication is used to treat coughs caused by the common cold and other breathing problems (e.g., pneumonia, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma). It works by reducing the reflex in the lungs that causes the urge to cough.Use of this medication is not recommended in children younger than 10 years.", "Vitamin D and Lanolin The human uses of lanolin are very similar to the sheep’s. It is used as an emollient in cosmetics, skin care, hair care, toiletries, and personal care products. It is also a common ingredient in medicine, especially dermatological agents.n nature, the lanolin that sheep secrete makes their wool water-resistant and protects their coats from the environment. Lanolin is a byproduct of wool farming (an inherently cruel industry) and is gathered after the sheep has been shorn.", "Description When it is suspected such materials have been used, the site should be carefully cleaned by repeated washing with normal saline before Collagenase Santyl Ointment is applied. Soaks containing metal ions or acidic solutions should be avoided because of the metal ion and low pH." ]
[ 16.640625 ]
[ -0.8837890625, 7.328125, 17.21875, 0.47314453125, 9.015625, 7.5390625, 8.34375, 1.2626953125, 6.29296875, 2.0859375, 7.9921875, 2.373046875, 5.390625, 8.4453125, 10.2890625, 2.45703125, 10.1953125, 5.78125, 7.83203125, 7.60546875, 15.515625, 8.2109375, 3.142578125, 5.83984375, 4.16796875, 9.3984375, 15.9375, 3.078125, 6.75390625, 4.43359375 ]
meaning of name nastasia
[ "Anastasia The name Anastasia is a Russian baby name. In Russian the meaning of the name Anastasia is: Reborn. American Meaning: The name Anastasia is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Anastasia is: Reborn.Greek Meaning: The name Anastasia is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Anastasia is: Resurrection. One who will be reborn. Famous bearer: 4th-century martyr St Anastasia.Anastasia, famous daughter of Tsar Nicholas lI, last emperor of Russia, who many believe survived the 1918 massacre of her family.he name Anastasia is a Russian baby name. In Russian the meaning of the name Anastasia is: Reborn. American Meaning: The name Anastasia is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Anastasia is: Reborn." ]
[ "User comments for Natasha The name Natasha is of Russian origin, and it means Born on Christmas Day . It's a name commonly given to girls. Natasha Richardson is an actress with the most prominent portion of her career being from 1968 to 2009.", "- Stacey is a shortening for the Greek name Anastasia, meaning; Rebirth, resurrection, etc. Staceys tend to be beautiful, geeky, and eccentric girls. She's not too flashy, not too preppy. But she doesn't throw on dirty clothes like she doesn't care.", "Natalia Meaning The name Natalia is of Latin origin. The meaning of Natalia is born on Christmas day. Natalia is generally used as a girl's name. It consists of 7 letters and 4 syllables and is pronounced Na-ta-li-a.", "- The name Natasha (Russian) means Christmans Day or birthday. It is usually used to portray desirable and enviable female characters in film, literature, etc. Most Natasha's are beautiful. They exude mystery and seduction.", "\"What Does Name \"\"Natalie\"\" Mean\" What Does Name Natalie Mean. You have a vivid imagination who can bring inspired messages to the world. You like to enjoy the pleasures of life, and when self is overcome, you can rise to the heights. You have an ability to avoid trouble - that is why you often fails to learn from experiences.", "What does Stanislas mean? Stanislas [stanis-las] as a name for boys is a Slavic name, and the meaning of the name Stanislas is careful, thoughtful. Stanislas is an alternate spelling of Aneislis (Irish, Gaelic). Stanislas is also a variation of Stanislaus (Slavic): the patron saint of Poland. VARIANTS Stanislaw, Stanislav.", "Natalia Russian Meaning: The name Natalia is a Russian baby name. In Russian the meaning of the name Natalia is: Born at Christmas. American Meaning: The name Natalia is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Natalia is: Born at Christmas.Spanish Meaning: The name Natalia is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Natalia is: Birthday; especially the birthday of Christ.n Russian the meaning of the name Natalia is: Born at Christmas. American Meaning: The name Natalia is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Natalia is: Born at Christmas. Spanish Meaning: The name Natalia is a Spanish baby name.", "Nagisa Nagisa Name Meaning. The meaning of Nagisa is “The seashore”. Keep in mind that many names may have different meanings in other countries and languages, so be careful that the name that you choose doesn’t mean something bad or unpleasant.nstead, we recommend that you pay a greater attention to the origin and meaning of the name Nagisa. Read our baby name articles for useful tips regarding baby names and naming your baby. If you are thinking of giving your baby the beautiful name Nagisa, spread the love and share this with your friends.", "Natasha Greek Meaning: The name Natasha is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Natasha is: Born at Christmas. Russian Meaning: The name Natasha is a Russian baby name. In Russian the meaning of the name Natasha is: Born at Christmas.American Meaning: The name Natasha is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Natasha is: Born at Christmas. Latin Meaning: The name Natasha is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Natasha is: Bom at Christmas.SoulUrge Number: 3. Expression Number: 1. People with this name have a deep inner desire to create and express themselves, often in public speaking, acting, writing or singing.he name Natasha is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Natasha is: Born at Christmas. Latin Meaning: The name Natasha is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Natasha is: Bom at Christmas.", "Find the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree! Origin of the name Anastasia: Feminine form of the Greek Anastasios (of the resurrection), a derivative of anastasis (resurrection). The name was borne by a daughter of Czar Nicholas II. She was supposedly murdered by the Bolsheviks along with the rest of her family in 1918.hare what you know! Personal experiences with the name Anastasia: | Edit. My name was Anastasia Marie Cassella. My parents thought that Anastasia was too hard of a name to learn to print in school for Kindergarten so they called me Marie and because of the Italian in our family it became Maria.", "Daisy The name Daisy is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Daisy is: The day's eye. English Meaning: The name Daisy is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Daisy is: Day's eye, from the old English.Also a flower name.Also a translation of the French Marguerite, and used as a pet form of Margaret.The use of Daisy in the chorus of the song A bicycle built for two made the name Daisy famous.n English the meaning of the name Daisy is: Day's eye, from the old English. Also a flower name. Also a translation of the French Marguerite, and used as a pet form of Margaret.", "Natalya The name Natalya is a baby girl name. The name Natalya is a Russian baby name. In Russian the meaning of the name Natalya is: Birthday; especially the birthday of Christ. The name Natalya is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Natalya is: Birthday; especially the birthday of Christ.", "Natalia The name Natalia is of Italian origin, and is used in more than one countries and different languages of the world, especially English speaking countries, Greek speaking countries, Italian speaking countries, Polish speaking countries, Russian speaking countries, Spanish speaking countries among others.", "- Hebrew name. In Hebrew, the name Nancy means-Grace.. Other origins for the name Nancy include-Hebrew, English, English, French.The name Nancy is most often used as a girl name or female name.Hebrew Name Meaning-Grace.eaning of Nancy. Hebrew name. In Hebrew, the name Nancy means-Grace.. Other origins for the name Nancy include-Hebrew, English, English, French.The name Nancy is most often used as a girl name or female name. Hebrew Name Meaning-Grace.", "- Nathan meaning. The name Nathan doesn't seem to denote something that is given (as NOBSE Study Bible Name List suggests with the meaning of Gift), but rather an active form of the verb: He Will Give. Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names reads Given. | copyright | author | contact | Biblical names | home |.", "Stacy Greek Meaning: The name Stacy is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Stacy is: Fruitful, productive. Famous bearer: St Eustace (Eustachins) was a martyred 2nd century Roman soldier. The name Stacy is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Stacy is: Fruitful, productive. Famous bearer: St Eustace (Eustachins) was a martyred 2nd century Roman soldier. The name Stacy is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Stacy is: Productive.", "- Anastasia (from Greek ἀναστασία Greek pronunciation:; also spelled Anastasiya, Annastasia, Ánnstas, Anastazia, Anastazja, Anastacia or Annastatia) is a name bestowed to women and the feminine equivalent of the male name Anastasius. The name is of Greek origin, coming from the Greek word anastasis (Ancient Greek: ἀνάστασις), meaning resurrection.", "- Basically exampled a lot in my definition, hope it helps to whoever has the name patricia! #tall #gorgeous #stunning #risk-taker #funny #trustworthy #awesome #nice #respectful #unique #sweet #observant #insecure #complicated #needy #indecisive #positive.", "- Meaning of Nancy. English name. In English, the name Nancy means-gracious. Other origins for the name Nancy include-English, Hebrew, French.The name Nancy is most often used as a girl name or female name.English Name Meaning-gracious.nglish name. In English, the name Nancy means-gracious. Other origins for the name Nancy include-English, Hebrew, French.The name Nancy is most often used as a girl name or female name.", "Nancy - Meaning of Nancy [ 2 syll. nan-cy, na-ncy ] The baby girl name Nancy is pronounced as N AE NSiy- †. Nancy is largely used in English and Dutch, and it is derived from Hebrew origins. The name is of uncertain origin.It probably first came into use as a medieval diminutive of Annis, although it has since the 18th century been used as a diminutive of Anna and subsequently as an independent name.n the later part of the 20th century, the name was famous from Nancy Reagan (1921-), the US first lady. The name has however been sliding in popularity since it came into use as a slang term for an effeminate man or a homosexual. Nancy is an English pet form of the name Ann (English and Greek).", "Constance The name Constance is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Constance is: Firm of purpose. Constancy, from the Latin Constantia. The name Constance is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Constance is: Firm of purpose.", "What does Anastasia mean? Anastasia [anas-ta-sia]▲ as a girls' name is pronounced ahn-a-STAH-shah, ahn-a-STAY-zhah. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Anastasia is resurrection. From the word anastasis. Russian feminine form of the Greek male name Anastasios. Popular in Eastern Europe in honor of a fourth-century saint who was martyred at Sirmium in Dalmatia.", "- Meaning of Nancy: Nancy is a nickname of the Medieval English name Annis, which is a variant of the Latin name Agnes, which is a variant of the Greek name Hagne, which is derived from the Greek word hagnos, meaning chaste.ancy is a form of Annis and is generally pronounced like NAAN see . Another meaning of Nancy is Grace, favor . Its origin is English variant of the French name Anne . Nancy is a form of Annis and is generally pronounced like NAAN see . This name is mostly being used as a girls name.", "- English Meaning: The name Christa is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Christa is: Follower of Christ. Latin Meaning: The name Christa is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Christa is: Follower of Christ.", "Nessie Greek Meaning: The name Nessie is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Nessie is: Poor, pure, or chaste. St. Agnes was a 3rd century Christian martyr whose January 21st feast day is described in Keats' poem 'The Eve of St Agnes'. Agnes was popular until the Reformation, then revived in the 19th century.Pure.", "Asteria Latin Meaning: The name Asteria is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Asteria is: Star.SoulUrge Number: 7. Expression Number: 1. People with this name have a deep inner need for quiet, and a desire to understand and analyze the world they live in, and to learn the deeper truths.atin Meaning: The name Asteria is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Asteria is: Star.", "User comments for Natasha Natasha (Russian: ната́ша) is a name of Russian origin. The name is the diminutive form of Natalia, which in turn derives from the Latin Dies Natalies, meaning Natal Day or Birthday in reference to the traditional birth of Jesus.he name is the diminutive form of Natalia, which in turn derives from the Latin Dies Natalies, meaning Natal Day or Birthday in reference to the traditional birth of Jesus.", "Find the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree! -Anastasia Nichole. Anastasia is my first name and I love both my name and its meaning! In my country it's spelled ah-nah-stah-see-yah. But I also love English pronunciation. It means resurrection-the one who will be born again.Everyone tells me my name is adorable when they hear it.Anastasia Nichole. Anastasia is my first name and I love both my name and its meaning! In my country it's spelled ah-nah-stah-see-yah. But I also love English pronunciation. It means resurrection-the one who will be born again.", "- Nessie /nes-sie/ [2 sylls.] as a girls' name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Nessie is lamb . Diminutive of Agnes.", "- English Name Meaning-A jewel name from the English word crystal, referring to crystal glass, based on the Greek krustallos meaning ice. Also a variant of Christiana, meaning Follower of Christ. Origin-English.eaning of Crystal. English name. In English, the name Crystal means-A jewel name from the English word crystal, referring to crystal glass, based on the Greek krustallos meaning ice." ]
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what is a nepa document
[ "Effectively Guide Your NEPA Process! Achieving and managing compliance with requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) requires a thorough understanding of the Act’s intent, its regulatory requirements, and professionally accepted methods for effectively addressing the many difficult elements of the regulation." ]
[ "National Environmental Policy Act FAQ: NEPA Environmental Assessments. An Environmental Assessment (EA) under the National Environmental Policy Act. (NEPA) is a concise public document that provides sufficient evidence and analysis for. determining whether HRSA should issue a Finding of No Significant Environmental. Impact (FONSI) or prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).", "- National Environmental Policy Act Home. Improving the Quality of Environmental Documents Report. This report documents an initiative of transportation practitioners nationwide to improve the quality of Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) and Environmental Assessments (EAs) written to comply with the NEPA.", "- For permission to reproduce part or all of this newsletter for external distribution or use in educational packets, please contact the Copyright Clearance Center at www.copyright.com or 978/750-8400. A provider documents “fluid overload” as a separate. diagnosis but also documents chronic diastolic CHF. The. chest x-ray shows “mild CHF.” The medical record further. shows that the patient’s pro-BNP (B-type natriuretic pep-. tide) is slightly elevated at over 200 and the patient is. being diuresed with Lasix®.", "- Background. Eight years after the end of a Maoist insurgency and abolition of the monarchy, Nepal still has only an interim constitution. In May 2012, the first Constituent Assembly was dissolved after failing to produce a new constitution. Elections were postponed for nearly 18 months.", "Frequently Asked Questions NAEP, or the National Assessment of Educational Progress, is often called the Nation's Report Card. It is the only measure of student achievement in the United States where you can compare the performance of students in your state with the performance of students across the nation or in other states.", "- Register Here for Full Access to Referencing A White Paper In Apa Format. Referencing A White Paper In Apa Format PDF - …. nimabook.me/referencing/referencing-a-white-paper-in-apa-format.pdf. Sep 03, 2016 · Referencing A White Paper In Apa Format This particular Referencing. A White Paper In Apa Format Download PDF start with Introduction, …. Related searches for referencing a white paper in apa f…. Related searches. White Paper APA Format Example. APA Format Paper Reference Page.", "- A: The traditional costume of Nepal is called the Daura Suruwal or Labeda-Suruwal, and consists of a shirt that ends at the knee and fastens at the side with ties, pants, and a kind of shoes called docha. It is worn only by men and can include a coat.", "National Aptitude Test in Architecture National Aptitude Test in Architecture. NATA Logo. The National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA), is conducted by National Institute of Advanced Studies in Architecture (NIASA) which is a body of Council of Architecture, New Delhi in India.", "- its supporting details. Ask students to use the web to outline details about interstate relations, including compacts, Full Faith and Credit, extradition, and privileges and immunities. Teaching TipA template for this graphic organizer can be found in the Section Support Transparencies, Transparency 1. Organizing Information", "- The CNAP is a working document that outlines the jurisdiction’s goals, objectives and action items that align with its nutrition action priorities. The document can be simple or elaborate – that is determined by you and your partners.", "Notes Nepal Type In Nepali. Covert popular Preeti font to Unicode. General fonts are not normally supported in webpages. Unicode is a universal platform font that can be viewed in most of the web pages worldwide.", "Nepal Translation More: English to English translation of Nepal NP. Dictionary source: Internet Domains. More: English to English translation of Nepal. Nepal (; ), officially the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, is a landlocked country located in South Asia. With an area of and a population of approximately 27 million, Nepal is the world's 93rd largest country by area and the 41st most populous country.", "- Two Methods: Sample White Paper Steps. A white paper is a document that describes a given problem and proposes a specific solution to the problem. Originally used to describe government policy, white papers are most common today in corporate settings.", "- Nath (Copyright Dr. Nath, 2009) sent out week 9 in 2009, Page 1 Sloka 7 (Chapter 4) YADA YADA HI DHARMASYA GLANIRBHAVATI BHARATA ABHYUTTANAM ADHARMASYA TADAATMANAAM SRUJAMYAHAM. O Bharata, whenever there is decline of righteousness and rise of evil, I manifest Myself.", "- Nestle. Nestlé. Nestle nestlé read the: Case study nestle nestlé from the end of chapter 4. In your text answer the following questions in A three page; apa style paper include outside sources to. support your answersestle. Nestlé. Nestle nestlé read the: Case study nestle nestlé from the end of chapter 4. In your text answer the following questions in A three page; apa style paper include outside sources to. support your answers", "Q: How do I type in Nepali font ? In the Status bar -> Click on the Language -> Change to “Nepali”. 3. Now you should be able to type in Nepali. Note: Proofing tools will not work in Office 2010 since the Nepali language pack is not available.", "Wikipedia:Featured article candidates/Nil Battey Sannata/archive1 Nil Battey Sannata. This article is about a 2016 Bollywood film, which was an independent production that incidently got the backing of a big distribution house. The article has been listed a GA, and was recently copy-edited by an independent user to ensure neutrality and the prose issues that might have been overlooked earlier.", "LoginAbout APNANews & UpdatesNewsletterAbout Psych NursesVideos about Psych NursingPsych Nursing StoriesProud to be a Psych NurseWelcome to APNAAPNA LeadershipStrategic DirectionBylawsPolicies and ProceduresPrivacy PolicyRefund, Cancellation, and Delivery PolicyFoundationResearch GrantsPreserving our PastAwards & ScholarshipsAPNA Annual AwardsBOD Student ScholarshipVirtual Nursing AcademyAnnual Activity Reports20172016201520142013Press ReleasesAPNA Opens Call for Abstacts for 2018 Annual Conference2017 APNA Annual Awards RecipientsElections Results: Board of Directors and 2018 Nominating Committee2017 APNA Board of Directors Student ScholarsLinda Beeber Appointed to HHS CommitteeMAT Waiver Training for NursesMental Health PolicyAPNA Partners with NASN to Distribute Mental Health EducationCPI Registration 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MenteesVideo Introduction to APNA Mentor MatchBlogsSocial Networking: An IntroductioneAdvertising Opportunities Mindy Cohen, RN, APN, CGP, DRCC, CARN. 2016 Award for Excellence in Practice - APRN. Prior to becoming a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, Mindy Cohen served critical care patients as a Cardiovascular Nurse Practitioner for seven years. Even then, Cohen was drawn to providing emotional support to others afflicted with illness.", "- The cards will be printed at the NADRA headquarters and will be shipped back to the UK. No one other than a select number of NADRA staff will be allowed access to the data of citizens. “NADRA is a catalyst in transforming the ‘e-government’ agenda in Pakistan.", "NACHA File/ACH File Definiton A file formatted to NACHA specifications, which contains instructions for transferring funds between accounts. payroll file that is used to make direct wage deposits to employee accounts. Extended Definition A file created in a NACHA (National Automated Clearing House Association) format is a NACHA file. It is used to transfer funds electronically.", "- Welcome to the Bureau of Land Management's (BLM) national register for Land Use Planning (LUP) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents. The register allows you to review and comment online on BLM NEPA and planning projects.", "- BNA), has launched a biweekly publication designed to meet the needs of professionals affected by the rising number of disability discrimination charges filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).", "- During the Assemble & Document Phase, you prepare and package all related files for the IEPD into a single, self-contained, portable archive file (i.e., a ZIP file).he NIEM Model Package Description (MPD) is the specification that defines how to build, design, and package up schema documents sets and the documentation that goes with them. The purpose of a MPD to make the schema document sets understandable so that others can pick them up, implement, and/or reuse.", "- There is also a list of Exceptions and for your convenience any standard documentation available. All this information and more can also be viewed if you enter the function module name BAPI_DOCUMENT_CHANGE into the relevant SAP transaction such as SE37 or SE80.", "National Archives and Records Administration The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is an independent agency of the United States government charged with preserving and documenting government and historical records and with increasing public access to those documents, which comprise the National Archives.", "Daura-Suruwal The coat was added to the costume by Jang Bahadur Rana, Prime minister of Nepal in the 19th century. Daura is a varient of Kurta and the upper wear and Suruwal is the trouser. Daura Suruwal has several religious beliefs identifying its designs and has remained the same for centuries.", "Type in Nepali You can now type in Type in Nepali in this text area... Hindi Typing Hindi Fonts FREE Hindi Fonts Type Bengali Type Arabic Urdu Typing. Typing Romanized Nepali Words in above box will be converted into Nepali for e.g, Tapai lai kasto chha becomes तपाई लाई कस्तो छ . Use the backspace or click on any words to get more choices on a dropdown menu. Press (Ctrl + G) together to toggle (switch) between English and Nepali.", "- The CFR is prima facie evidence of the origi-. nal documents published in the Federal Register (44 U.S.C. 1510). It is prohibited to use NARA’s official seal and the stylized Code. of Federal Regulations logo on any republication of this material.", "nagana The nagana, or tsetse-fly disease of cattle is the most virulent disease of domestic animals in certain parts of Africa. Handbook of Medical Entomology William Albert Riley. In the course of his work he established beyond question that the nagana and the tsetse-fly disease were identical.", "National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Guidance National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Guidance. The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 (Public Law 90-190; 42 U.S.C. § 4371 et seq.) established a national policy to promote the protection and enhancement of the environment. This policy was in response to the growing concerns about the ecological balance and preservation of wildlife in America while meeting the demands of a growing population." ]
[ 13.171875 ]
[ 16.015625, 13.84375, 2.255859375, 3.626953125, 6.28515625, -0.01042938232421875, 2.7109375, 3.939453125, 0.900390625, 5.51953125, 0.60498046875, 1.8291015625, 4.19140625, -1.744140625, 0.8017578125, 1.1240234375, 0.64794921875, 7.515625, 0.5146484375, 3.57421875, 13.703125, 3.197265625, 4.76171875, 3.443359375, 5.8125, 0.150146484375, -0.50537109375, 3.220703125, 0.18603515625, 13.1640625 ]
is a productive cough good
[ "Productive Cough: What Is It? Productive Cough vs. Dry Coughs. A productive cough is a cough that results in mucus, phlegm or blood being expelled from the lungs or upper airway. In many cases, a productive cough develops during a common ailment such as flu, cold, sinus or respiratory infection." ]
[ "Five ways that chronic cough can damage your health; and how better breathing helps Well it can be – the coughing itself can be exhausting; using all your primary breathing muscles and accessory muscles in your neck and shoulders to lift your rib cage is a lot of effort in itself. Moreover, chronic cough can damage your health by depriving systems throughout the body of their vital oxygen.", "When Is A Cough Serious And Needs Medical Attention? A productive cough, or wet cough, is when there is mucus or sputum expelled with the cough. Sometimes the mucus is not easily expelled but can be heard in the air passages and chest during breathing or coughing. Both a dry and wet cough may be due to a serious disease.", "Coughs, Age 11 and Younger - Topic Overview 1 It is normal to have a productive cough when you have a common cold. 2 Coughing is often triggered by mucus that drains down the back of the throat. 3 Infections. 4 An infection of the lungs or upper airway passages can cause a cough.5 A productive cough may be a symptom of pneumonia, bronchitis, sinusitis, or tuberculosis.here are many causes of a productive cough, such as: 1 Viral illnesses. 2 It is normal to have a productive cough when you have a common cold. 3 Coughing is often triggered by mucus that drains down the back of the throat. 4 Infections.", "What Causes Dry Cough? Some people experience dry coughs in the early stages of a respiratory or viral infection, or when an infection is on the wane. When such infections are at their peak, the cough usually becomes productive, with coughs bringing up sputum, in contrast with a true dry cough, which tends to feel dry and rasping.", "- 1 Grape juice is also a great juice to drink to cure a cough. 2 Mix one teaspoon of honey in a cup of grape juice. 3 Grapes act as an expectorant; expectorants promote the secretion of sputum by the air passages, thus eliminating your cough.", "- A great thing about honey is that one does not need to wait for the bronchitis cough to start to have honey. Honey can be had everyday mixed with a cup of tea and also does a good job of keeping your immune system up and your Bronchitis cough at bay.", "- Revision is very important when writing or speaking about a topic. We had a lot of drafting to do to come to this final product on what can make your lungs hurt. Bronovil kit is a set of three natural products beneficial for anyone suffering from persistent cough. Bronchial Cough Relief Drops is a pharmaceutical grade medicine formulated to gently soothe your cough.", "Is it wise to suppress a productive cough? Some thoughts to consider: 1 Due to the ciliated histology of much of the respiratory tract, there's unfortunately not really a great way for your body to get rid of junk in the lungs other than by coughing it up--put another way, your lungs are like a one-trick pony.", "- Cough: productive or 'wet' cough. A productive (‘wet’ or chesty) cough is when you have a cough that produces mucus or phlegm (sputum). You may feel congested and have a ‘rattly’ or ‘tight’ chest. Symptoms are often worse when waking up from sleep and when talking. The wet cough may be the last symptom left after a common cold infection.", "- A productive cough is a more serious when: 1 It produces sputum from the lungs (not postnasal drainage). 2 The sputum is rust-colored or contains bright red blood. 3 It lasts longer than 10 days. 4 It occurs with other symptoms. 5 Fever and chills. 6 Shortness of breath. 7 Chest pain. 8 Night sweats. 9 Weight loss. 10 You have a known exposure to tuberculosis.", "Learn About Cough We can classify a cough by its duration (how long it lasts) and by other specific features: 1 Acute cough: Sudden onset and lasts up to 3 weeks. 2 Sub-acute cough: Lasts between 3-8 weeks. 3 Chronic cough: Lasts for more than 8 weeks. Productive cough: Cough than brings up 1 phlegm. Dry cough: Cough that does not bring up phlegm.", "Dry Cough Causes of a Persistent, Constant Non-Productive Cough Cause of a Dry Cough. As mentioned, most coughs may initially start off as a non-productive cough (dry cough) but can progress to a productive cough (wet cough) with time. Apart from certain infections, any irritation of the airway as result of allergies, air pollution, cigarette smoking and certain drugs may result in a dry cough. Infectious Causes", "Help to clear mucus (phlegm) for the relief of coughing, soreness and throat congestion Productive Coughs in Children. A common cold virus is usually responsible for causing coughing in children. A 'heavy' type of cough is often caused by mucus and phlegm running down the nose and into the chest. Position children into an upright sleeping position, allowing for easier breathing during sleep.", "- I've been having a dry unproductive cough for the past week. And in the past 24 hours or longer I've been having been experiencing constant stomach cramps.", "- 1 Viral illnesses. 2 It is normal to have a productive cough when you have a common cold. 3 Coughing is often triggered by mucus that drains down the back of the throat. 4 Infections. 5 An infection of the lungs or upper airway passages can cause a cough.", "Coughs â And How to Treat Them Medicines that can be used to treat productive coughs include expectorants and mucolytics. Cough and cold medicines should not be given to children younger than 6 years of age. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about whether cough medicines should be given to children aged 6 to 11 years.", "- One such reflex is a cough. This is typically triggered when the larynx senses that something has penetrated this upper portion of the airway. The cough, then, acts as a protective mechanism, serving to cough out or expel something at risk for being inhaled. There are normal reflexive thresholds or “triggers” that exist in the larynx. When these thresholds are lowered (i.e., more sensitive), less stimulation is required to trigger a cough.", "- Dry cough can be very devastating, it can be painful, leaves you weak to do your daily activities and it leaves your throat sore and your voice horse. It is annoying especially to people around you for example at night when people are trying to sleep.", "Bronchitis - causes, symptoms, treatment This is known as a productive cough – an attempt by the body to clear mucus that is clogging the airways. Recurrent or long-term inflammation, as seen with chronic bronchitis, can result in irreversible (permanent) damage to, and narrowing of, the airways.", "I Feel So Bad, I Could Spit: Coughing Up Sputum A non-productive (dry) cough may turn into a productive one, typically associated with a viral upper respiratory tract infection, such as the common cold. Infection causes the mucous membrane of the bronchial tubes to become inflamed and produce thick, sticky mucus. non-productive (dry) cough may turn into a productive one, typically associated with a viral upper respiratory tract infection, such as the common cold. Infection causes the mucous membrane of the bronchial tubes to become inflamed and produce thick, sticky mucus.", "How do I make a persistent dry cough go away for good? Most Helpful Answer. You are coughing for a reason. Coughing helps clear your airway of mucous, so if you are still coughing, then perhaps you are still having post-nasal drainage. Coughing can irritate the respiratory track, so the more that you cough, the more that you may feel the need to cough.", "Cough! Is it Cancer? Table 11,5 describes coughs that are more likely to be associated with cancer. Coughs related to respiratory cancers may irritate the lungs or windpipe, producing either dry or productive coughs. Numerous other causes can contribute to or aggravate cough in the cancer patient (Table 25).", "Productive Cough: What Is It? What Is a Productive Cough? A productive cough is a cough that results in mucus, phlegm or blood being expelled from the lungs or upper airway. In many cases, a productive cough develops during a common ailment such as flu, cold, sinus or respiratory infection.", "Productive Coughs - Topic Overview Productive Coughs. A productive cough helps clear mucus (sputum) and foreign material from the airways. Mucus may be made in the lungs because of bronchitis, pneumonia, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Colds and allergies may produce mucus that drains down the back of the throat (postnasal drainage).", "Pregnancy, Trying to conceive & Parenting Forum occasional coughing, and some bad coughing wont harm the baby, but bear in mind coughing is the effect of an underlying cause. Coughing is the mechanism whereby the body attempts to clear an obstruction, ie in choking or in clearing mucus from the lungs. If you have a cough you may have an infection.", "- No, not really. Tamiflu is an antiviral medicine that is given to help reduce the duration and lessen the severity of symptoms in influenza and other viral infections. It is n … ot made to be a good cough medicine although it will eventually help you get over the flu and stop coughing. A good medicine for a cough from the flu is called guaifenesin, you will find it in Over The Counter cough medicines like Robitussin (and its generic equivalents).", "Coughs, Age 11 and Younger - Topic Overview 1 Viral illnesses. 2 It is normal to have a productive cough when you have a common cold. 3 Coughing is often triggered by mucus that drains down the back of the throat. 4 Infections. 5 An infection of the lungs or upper airway passages can cause a cough. Infections. 2 An infection of the lungs or upper airway passages can cause a cough. 3 A productive cough may be a symptom of pneumonia, bronchitis, sinusitis, or tuberculosis. 4 Chronic lung disease.", "- Over time, a dry cough can often become a productive cough as the lungs produce more sputum. A dry cough is a symptom of a wide variety of mild to serious diseases, disorders and conditions. A dry cough can result from infection, inflammation, trauma, malignancy, airway obstruction, and other abnormal processes.", "Cough A cough can be non-productive (dry) or productive (when sputum is coughed up). It may occur only at night (then called nocturnal cough), during both night and day, or just during the day. A number of characteristic coughs exist. While these have not been found to be diagnostically useful in adults, they are of use in children.", "Cough A cough is a sudden, explosive exhalation of air; the function of a cough is to clear material from the airways. Coughing, a familiar but complicated reflex, is one way in which the lungs and airways are protected. Along with other mechanisms, coughing helps to protect the lungs from particles that have been inhaled." ]
[ 13.5859375 ]
[ 8.1875, 12.2734375, 13.03125, 10.328125, 6.75390625, 6.5625, 5.046875, 10.0078125, 13.109375, 12.875, 10.6953125, 10.5234375, 10.7734375, 7.4375, 12.4765625, 11.2109375, 7.2578125, 6.90234375, 11.3515625, 10.796875, 8.765625, 9.1484375, 13.84375, 14.5546875, 6.80859375, 8.7265625, 12.0859375, 11.90625, 11.828125, 9.5078125 ]
infliximab cost
[ "Infliximab Infliximab Cost. Like all of the TNF inhibitors, infliximab is an expensive medication, costing about US$1650 for a 100 mg dose, and is covered by almost every medical insurance plan (though caps on many plans make it possible to be covered for only a subset of treatments in the course of a year).ike all of the TNF inhibitors, infliximab is an expensive medication, costing about US$1650 for a 100 mg dose, and is covered by almost every medical insurance plan (though caps on many plans make it possible to be covered for only a subset of treatments in the course of a year)." ]
[ "Invega Prices, Coupons and Patient Assistance Programs Invega Prices. This Invega price guide is based on using the Drugs.com discount card which is accepted at most U.S. pharmacies. The cost for Invega oral tablet, extended release 1.5 mg is around $1,070 for a supply of 30 tablets, depending on the pharmacy you visit. Prices are for cash paying customers only and are not valid with insurance plans. A generic version of Invega is available, see paliperidone prices.", "Generic Lipitor Now At Stores Near You There are incentives and rebates that aren't made public. But you can get a sense of the cost difference from the cash price someone without insurance would pay. My neighborhood CVS said a 30-day supply of the 10 milligram dose of Lipitor would cost $150.99.or the next few months Pfizer is looking to keep people using brand-name Lipitor with subsidized copays. Depending on your insurance, you might get a month's supply for as little as $4 out of your wallet with the Pfizer deal. Without the card, the average copay for the brand is around $25.", "- RESULTS: In the base case, warfarin had the lowest cost of $77 813 (SD, $2223), followed by rivaroxaban 20 mg ($78 738 ± $1852), dabigatran 150 mg ($82 719 ± $1959), and apixaban 5 mg ($85 326 ± $1512).ost-effectiveness of apixaban, dabigatran, rivaroxaban, and warfarin for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation. Harrington AR(1), Armstrong EP, Nolan PE Jr, Malone DC. Author information: (1)Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science, College of Pharmacy, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721-0202, USA.", "Eliquis (apixaban) As a national advocacy program, Prescription Hope can obtain medications from our list of over 1,500 FDA-approved brand-name prescriptions at the set price of $35.00 per month per medication. Learn more about Prescription Hope and apply today to obtain your Eliquis prescription at an affordable price.", "Lamisil Prices, Coupons and Patient Assistance Programs This Lamisil price guide is based on using the Drugs.com discount card which is accepted at most U.S. pharmacies. The cost for Lamisil oral granule 125 mg is around $226 for a supply of 14 granule, depending on the pharmacy you visit. Prices are for cash paying customers only and are not valid with insurance plans. A generic version of Lamisil is available, see terbinafine prices.", "- 1 On average, the cost of Alprazolam 0.5mg is about $8 to $15 for a pack of 90 tablets. 2 The cost of Alprazolam 0.5mg is around $95 to $125 for a pack containing 90 orally disintegrating tabs. 3 The cost of Alprazolam oral solution is about $45 to $70 for one 30ml bottle (1mg/ml).", "Cost-Effectiveness of New Oral Anticoagulants Compared with Warfarin in Preventing Stroke and Other Cardiovascular Events in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation If the cost and disutility associated with major and minor bleeds for dabigatran were 38% higher than estimated, apixaban would be cost-effective. Apixaban would be more cost-effective than dabigatran 150 mg if the price of apixaban was less than $3.01 per tablet. Rivaroxaban would be cost-effective if the price was lowered to $1.10 per tablet.", "Imitrex Prices, Coupons and Patient Assistance Programs The cost for Imitrex oral tablet 25 mg is around $268 for a supply of 9 tablets, depending on the pharmacy you visit. Prices are for cash paying customers only and are not valid with insurance plans. A generic version of Imitrex is available, see sumatriptan prices.", "Febuxostat (Uloric) for Hyperuricemia and Gout A one-month supply of 40-mg febuxostat costs $160. This price far exceeds the cost of allopurinol, which is $14 (brand: $31) for a one-month supply.Febuxostat is available in 40-mg and 80-mg tablets. The initial dosage is 40 mg once per day, increasing to 80 mg once per day if serum uric acid levels remain at 6 mg per dL or higher after two weeks of therapy.Dosage adjustments are unnecessary for mild to moderate renal or hepatic impairment.IMPLICITY. Febuxostat is available in 40-mg and 80-mg tablets. The initial dosage is 40 mg once per day, increasing to 80 mg once per day if serum uric acid levels remain at 6 mg per dL or higher after two weeks of therapy. Dosage adjustments are unnecessary for mild to moderate renal or hepatic impairment.", "Role of Trastuzumab in Adjuvant Therapy for Locally Invasive Breast Cancer Additionally, there is a risk of a life-threatening infusion reaction in all patients, and trastuzumab should be infused with caution, especially with the first dose. The average wholesale price of trastuzumab is $2,928.89 for 440 mg.For a 70-kg woman, each 2-mg/kg dose would cost about $1,000, and a yearly regimen would cost about $50,000.f trastuzumab is to be a standard part of an adjuvant regimen for HER2-positive patients, the cost of treating this population could increase by almost $1 billion for trastuzumab treatment alone. Additional costs for treating heart failure would also be incurred.", "- In DURATION-3, exenatide once weekly produced a 1.5% A1c reduction from baseline compared with a reduction of 1.3% with insulin glargine after 26 weeks. The mean A1c after treatment with exenatide once weekly was 6.8% as compared with 7% for insulin glargine.xenatide costs approximately $8-$9 per day depending on the dose, so it is a bit less expensive than liraglutide. Currently, exenatide is available only as a 5 or 10 mcg twice-daily injection, making liraglutide a more convenient option.", "- Cyclobenzaprine is supported by the strongest body of evidence. Also, it is available in a generic form that costs $8 to $15 for a seven-day course, which makes it one of the least expensive muscle relaxants and significantly less expensive than brand-name ones that can run more than $100.", "Pricey New Blood Thinner Might Be Safer for Leg Clots One drawback of Eliquis is its price. Mail-order pharmacies charge between $250 and $275 for a 30-day supply of the medication in the United States, according to the website pharmacychecker.com. Warfarin, on the other hand, is $4 for a 30-day supply at stores like Target and Walmart.", "The rising price of insulin Insulin was $20 a vial without insurance now Insulin is over three hundred a vial I know prices are uo but that’s ridiculous. I now need 5vials for 90 days. Having to pay for 6 instead of five because can only get one month at a time.With my wife’s insurance its going th o be about $300 every 90 days.he cost was 170$, with my insurance co-pay it was 35$, Due to a change in health insurance I had to buy a bottle of Lantus today and pay the full price of 234$. My three other prescriptions all have generic equivalents, I have been taking insulin for 36 years and there has never been a generic.", "Eliquis (apixaban) Eliquis (apixaban) Receive Eliquis and other prescription medications for the set price of $35.00 per month per medication. Eliquis (apixaban) is prescribed to Americans who suffer from a number of heart situations, including nonvalvular atrial fibrillation.", "- Savings Tips. 1 Manufacturer Coupon: Pay as little as $35 (with insurance) or $75 (paying cash) per fill. 2 Combination Drugs Cost More: Take clindamycin and benzoyl peroxide separately to save.oodRx is not sponsored by or affiliated with any of the pharmacies identified in its price comparisons. All trademarks, brands, logos and copyright images are property of their respective owners and rights holders and are used solely to represent the products of these rights holders.", "- Mobic (Meloxicam) works well for treating pain and causes less upset stomach than other NSAIDs. Price and discounts. (30) 15mg tablet. Cost for (30) 15mg tablets of Mobic (Meloxicam) at pharmacies. Kroger Pharmacy $5.97New price:$4.00Save:33%. $35.68New price:$7.85Save:78%. $31.85New price:$13.06Save:59%.", "- and/or alternatives. Floxin Ear Drops is a brand name for Ofloxacin and is not available. Generic alternatives of Floxin Ear Drops are available below. Brand Name Options. Floxin Ear Drops 0.3% from $40.83 USD/pack.", "- A chart comparing Instaflex to other pain relievers on the market is provided and there is a full, secure ordering section. Instaflex is offered at a cost of $69.99 per bottle and it has a 30-day money back guarantee. However, consumers do have the chance to try Instaflex for 14 days risk free, although by doing so they are automatically enrolled in the company’s auto shipping program.", "Fluoxetine Prices, Coupons and Patient Assistance Programs Brand names for fluoxetine include Prozac, and Sarafem. Fluoxetine Prices. This fluoxetine price guide is based on using the Drugs.com discount card which is accepted at most U.S. pharmacies. The cost for fluoxetine oral capsule 10 mg is around $13 for a supply of 14 capsules, depending on the pharmacy you visit. Prices are for cash paying customers only and are not valid with insurance plans.", "Imitrex Prices, Coupons and Patient Assistance Programs Imitrex Prices. This Imitrex price guide is based on using the Drugs.com discount card which is accepted at most U.S. pharmacies. The cost for Imitrex oral tablet 25 mg is around $268 for a supply of 9 tablets, depending on the pharmacy you visit. Prices are for cash paying customers only and are not valid with insurance plans. A generic version of Imitrex is available, see sumatriptan prices.", "- Most people buy the generic version. A month's supply of the generic Lamisil tablets costs about $30.00. If you buy Brand name Lamisil over the internet from a reputable source such as Drugstore.com or RxUsa.com you can expect to pay about $14.00 per pill or about $4200.00 for each month of treatment.", "Fertility Treatments @Schotzie I also took Follistim with a recent IVF cycle. Not sure if your fertility meds are covered by your insurance, but be aware that it is much more expensive. Clomid is less than $20 each. Follistim is $300 for 300 IU vial. As a point of reference, I used about 7 vials of Follistim during IVF. I'm sure your IUI will be a lot less quantity.", "- For the first few months of treatment, you will be required to have routine blood testing before your prescription can be refilled. The lowest GoodRx price for the most common version of clozapine is around $84.93, 67% off the average retail price of $262.10. Compare atypical antipsychotics.", "- Pricing. There are two versions of Wobenzym available on the market: American and German. The German Wobenzym is considered to be more effective and is slightly costlier (around $50 to $60 for a 200-capsule bottle, as of May 2009).hares & Saves. Save. Wobenzym is an enzyme supplement that was formulated by German scientists in the 1960s. It was primarily meant to be an anti-inflammation agent for the treatment of osteoporosis, but research has shown it to have numerous other health benefits.", "- Mean costs and QALYs derived from the probabilistic sensitivity analysis are presented in the Table. Using a WTP threshold of $50 000 per QALY gained, apixaban 5 mg, dabigatran 150 mg, rivaroxaban 20 mg, and warfarin were cost-effective in 45.1%, 40%, 14.9%, 0% of the simulations, respectively (Figure 3).osts with the most influence on total costs estimated from the model were costs of therapy for apixaban, dabigatran, and rivaroxaban, as well as cost of dyspepsia adverse event for patients receiving dabigatran 150 mg.", "- The cost of 60 mg of prednisone (an average dose) in the form of 20-mg tablets is about 70 cents a day. At these rates, treatment for 30 days with topical clobetasol cream would cost $1,350, as compared with about $21 for the oral prednisone.he authors do not report the number of patients who required such care or the cost of delivery. We do not believe that the main conclusion, that oral corticosteroids are no longer justified for treatment of severe bullous pemphigoid, is correct. Michael R. Ardern-Jones, M.R.C.P.", "- Adipex, the brand name, will cost anywhere from $70 to $75. These are prices for those without insurance. 90 pills of Adipex can cost anywhere from $150 to more than $250. With any medication, the more you purchase at once, the lower the pill price goes down.", "- Not valid in Massachusetts if an AB-rated generic drug is available for the product. TERMS OF USE: Eligible commercially insured patients with a valid prescription for INCRUSE® ELLIPTA® (umeclidinium inhalation powder), who present this savings card at participating pharmacies will pay $10 per 30-day supply.", "- Analysts have put Entresto's eventual price at $7 per day, or about $2,500 per year.5 By contrast, generic enalapril, the drug used as the comparator to Entresto in its trials, can be had for as little as $4 per 30 day supply – less than $50 per year.8." ]
[ 15.890625 ]
[ 1.0615234375, 1.9794921875, 1.431640625, 1.654296875, 1.125, 2.46484375, -0.70166015625, 1.9697265625, 2.8359375, 3.134765625, 2.759765625, 0.8134765625, 1.7138671875, 1.6650390625, 0.66259765625, 2.966796875, 3.009765625, 0.86279296875, -0.353515625, 0.68359375, 1.7080078125, 2.421875, 0.677734375, 2.53125, 0.260498046875, 1.3486328125, 1.8037109375, 1.78125, 1.099609375, 1.5498046875 ]
definition of vastus intermedius
[ "Vastus medialis The vastus medialis (/ˈvæstəs ˌmɛdiˈeɪlᵻs/ or /ˈvæstəs ˌmɛdiˈælᵻs/) (vastus internus or teardrop muscle) is an extensor muscle located medially in the thigh that extends the knee. The vastus medialis is part of the quadriceps muscle group." ]
[ "Wikipedia:Reference desk archive/Humanities/April 2006 Learner's definition of VERSUS. 1. — used to indicate the two people, teams, etc., that are fighting or competing against each other or that are opposed to each other in a legal case. It's Smith versus Jones in the title fight. In 1948, the U.S. presidential election was Dewey versus Truman. I sometimes feel like it's me versus [=against] the rest of the world. the State versus John Smith", "- Definition of CADUCEUS. 1. : the symbolic staff of a herald; specifically: a representation of a staff with two entwined snakes and two wings at the top.2. : an insignia bearing a caduceus and symbolizing a physician.See caduceus defined for kids.efinition of CADUCEUS. 1. : the symbolic staff of a herald; specifically: a representation of a staff with two entwined snakes and two wings at the top. 2.", "- WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2017. im•pet•u•ous (im pech′o̅o̅ əs),USA pronunciation adj. of, pertaining to, or characterized by sudden or rash action, emotion, etc.; impulsive:an impetuous decision; an impetuous person.", "- Medical Definition of SINUS OF VALSALVA. : any one of the pouches of the aorta and pulmonary artery which are located behind the flaps of the semilunar valves and into which the blood in its regurgitation toward the heart enters and thereby closes the valves—called also aortic sinus.", "- misuse or strained use of words, as in a mixed metaphor, occurring either in error or for rhetorical effect. You must listen to the definition of a catachresis:—'A catachresis is the boldest of any trope. It is a sort of quaint alteration or catachresis of Possunt quia posse videntur. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 George Saintsbury It is true that might be taken by catachresis to designate a chamberlain as functionary of the Oriental Court.", "- CORPUS Definition. CORPUS is often confused and misunderstood. The literal meaning of the term corpus is the main part/organ of a body. The term corpus also denotes the sum and substance of an issue/entity. Learn new Accounting Terms. FREIGHT FORWARDER is an individual or firm that provides for the packing and shipping of merchandise.", "Quadriceps Vastus Intermedius Muscle: Thigh Pain and Buckling Knees The vastus intermedius muscle attaches to the thigh bone just under the hip joint and extends down the front of the thigh to connect into the knee and lower leg. The vastus intermedius is one of four quadricep muscles. Straightens the leg at the knee.", "- Definitions: 1. a longitudinal furrow between the posterior median and the posterolateral sulci of the spinal cord in the cervical region, marking the gracile fasciculus from the cuneate fasciculus.Synonyms: sulcus intermedius posterior, dorsal intermediate sulcus, posterior intermediate groove.The definition information for posterior intermediate sulcus is provided by Stedman's.ynonyms: sulcus intermedius posterior, dorsal intermediate sulcus, posterior intermediate groove. The definition information for posterior intermediate sulcus is provided by Stedman's.", "ignis fatuus Define ignis fatuus: a light that sometimes appears in the night over marshy ground and is often attributable to the combustion of gas from… a light that sometimes appears in the night over marshy ground and is often attributable to the combustion of gas from decomposed organic matter…", "hiatus -tus•es, -tus. 1. a break or interruption in the continuity of a work, series, action, etc. 2. a missing part; gap or lacuna. 3. any gap or opening. 4. the coming together, with or without a break or slight pause, of two adjacent vowels in different syllables, as in see easily.", "- (Latin:the most important or greatest entrance/access; pl. aditus maximi) Roman entrance to the orchestra, typically between the cavea and the scaena, one on either side of the orchestra; corresponds to the parodos in the Greek theatre.", "conus conus arterio´sus infundibulum; the anterosuperior portion of the right ventricle of the heart, at the entrance to the pulmonary trunk. conus medulla´ris the cone-shaped lower end of the spinal cord, at the level of the upper lumbar vertebrae.", "posterior median sulcus Medical definition of posterior median sulcus: a shallow groove along the midline of the posterior part of the spinal cord that separates the two… a shallow groove along the midline of the posterior part of the spinal cord that separates the two posterior funiculi and is the external…", "What Muscles Are Included in the Hamstring & Quadriceps? The vastus intermedius is the fourth member of the quadriceps muscle group. It is a wide muscle running down the middle of the thigh and under the rectus femoris. It extends from the femur to the lower leg crossing only the knee joint.", "isthmus of thyroid isthmus of fauces (isthmus fau´cium) the constricted aperture between the cavity of the mouth and the pharynx. isthmus of rhombencephalon the narrow segment of the fetal brain, forming the plane of separation between the rhombencephalon and cerebrum. isthmus of thyroid the band of tissue joining the lobes of the thyroid.", "- Define intermediate: being or occurring at the middle place, stage, or degree or between extremes — intermediate in a sentence being or occurring at the middle place, stage, or degree or between extremes; of or relating to an intermediate school… See the full definition", "invictus “Invictus” definition. A popular poem from the late nineteenth century by the English author William Ernest Henley. Invictus is Latin for “unconquered.” The speaker in the poem proclaims his strength in the face of adversity: My head is bloody, but unbowed....", "Definitions &Translations Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Ventus. Ventus is a 2001 science fiction/fantasy novel by Karl Schroeder. It was Schroeder's debut solo novel, and introduced his concept of thalience. The novel is available for free under the Creative Commons license at Schroeder's website. Its prequel, Lady of Mazes, was published in 2005.", "middle meatus Check your grammar now! : a curved anteroposterior passage in each nasal cavity that is situated below the middle nasal concha and extends along the entire superior border of the inferior nasal concha—compare inferior meatus, superior meatus.", "incus The middle of the three bones of the middle ear. in·cus. Middle of the three ossicles in the middle ear; has a body and two limbs or processes; at tip of long crus is a small knob, the lenticular process, which articulates with head of the stapes. Synonym(s): anvil. the middle of the three ossicles of the ear; called also anvil. See also Table 10.", "- Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: vagus, vagus nerve, nervus vagus, pneumogastric, pneumogastric nerve, tenth cranial nerve, wandering nerve(noun) a mixed nerve that supplies the pharynx and larynx and lungs and heart and esophagus and stomach and most of the abdominal viscera.", "usus VII. 2., note For the use of adverbs...) to be on friendly terms with a person: usu, familiaritate, consuetudine coniunctum esse cum aliquo. to be on friendly terms with a person: est mihi consuetudo, or usus cum aliquo. we have known each other well for several years: vetus usus inter nos intercedit. it is traditional usage: more, usu receptum est.", "Vastus medialis Vastus medialis. The vastus medialis muscle is a part of the quadriceps muscle group, located on the front of the thigh. It is the most medial, or inner, of the quadriceps muscles. It extends the entire length of the thigh. The portion of the muscle that is just above the knee is sometimes referred to as the vastus medialis obliquus, or VMO. This muscle is used to extend the leg at the knee and to stabilize the patella, which is also known as the kneecap.", "Intermediate scrutiny Intermediate scrutiny. Intermediate scrutiny, in U.S. constitutional law, is the second level of deciding issues using judicial review. The other levels are typically referred to as rational basis review (least rigorous) and strict scrutiny (most rigorous).", "- Top definition. ambiguous. When someone describes something loosely, either due to a lack of more descriptive vernacular, or more commonly, they are being vague because they are afraid to confront a person or situation with how they actually feel.", "- Vastus lateralis. -M. Vastus intermedius. The rectus femoris originates at the ilium, it is the only muscle that is participating in both functions; flexion of the hip and extension of the knee. The other three parts are only involved in the extension of the knee.", "ductus arteriosus Definition of DUCTUS ARTERIOSUS. : a short broad vessel in the fetus that connects the pulmonary artery with the aorta and conducts most of the blood directly from the right ventricle to the aorta bypassing the lungs. ADVERTISEMENT.", "- bent or twisted inward; denoting a deformity in which the angulation of the part is toward the midline of the body, as in talipes varus. (va'rŭs), This form of the adjective is used only with masculine nouns (metatarsus varus, plural metatarsi vari.", "Intermediate scrutiny Intermediate scrutiny, in U.S. constitutional law, is the second level of deciding issues using judicial review. The other levels are typically referred to as rational basis review and strict scrutiny. In order to overcome the intermediate scrutiny test, it must be shown that the law or policy being challenged furthers an important government interest by means that are substantially related to that interest. That should be contrasted with strict scrutiny, the higher standard of review that requi", "- Definitions for tuberousˈtu bər əs, ˈtyu-. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word tuberous. Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: tuberous(adj) of or relating to or resembling a tuber. a tuberous root." ]
[ 14.265625 ]
[ 1.2890625, 0.95751953125, -1.1650390625, 2.65234375, -1.958984375, 1.7646484375, 12.8359375, 6.06640625, 1.4111328125, 1.4091796875, 1.3544921875, 2.685546875, 3.16015625, 13.984375, 1.990234375, 3.75390625, -1.3994140625, 1.474609375, 1.708984375, 1.1181640625, 0.939453125, -0.302734375, 12.0546875, 1.560546875, 1.984375, 11.953125, 2.41015625, 2.369140625, 1.0615234375, 0.2186279296875 ]
is soccer a large sport in canada
[ "Moldova About Us. The Canadian Soccer Association (Canada Soccer) is the official governing body for soccer in Canada. In partnership with its members, Canada Soccer promotes the growth and development of soccer in Canada, from grassroots to high performance, and on a national scale. Soccer is the largest participatory sport in Canada and is considered the fastest growing sport in the country. It is estimated that within the next two to three years, the number of registered soccer players in Canada will reach over 1 million." ]
[ "Top Ten Sports In Australia Soccer (football) is the world game played in almost every country around the world. It requires a huge amount of skill much more than what is required in Rugby. Football is more than a sport, it's a religion! Soccer is the most popular sport in the world and it's really fun and enjoyable to play. You need to have really good skills to play soccer. The reason why it's pretty hard to score goal with a goalie standing in front of it, is because more practice and hard work us soccer players put in, the more goals we'll score.", "Soccer in the United States Soccer in the United States is governed by the United States Soccer Federation, commonly known as U.S. Soccer. The organization governs most levels of soccer in the country, including the national teams, professional leagues, and the amateur game with the exception of college and high school soccer.he earliest examples of governance in the sport started in 1884, when the American Football Association (AFA) was incarnated. The AFA sought to standardize rules for the local soccer teams based in the Northeastern United States, particularly in northern New Jersey and southern New York state.", "- 2. Making Soccer ‘Major League’ in the USA and Beyond: Major League Soccer’s First Decade INTRODUCTION By 2006, following its first decade, Major League Soccer (MLS) appeared to have proven American skeptics wrong about the potential for success and the likely fate of the league.", "The Real Reason Americans Call It 'Soccer' Is All England's Fault The word soccer comes from the use of the term association football in Britain and goes back 200 years. In the early 1800s, a bunch of British universities took football — a medieval game — and started playing their own versions of it, all under different rules.", "- Nov 4, 2014. SoulofSkullkid. (8) @timenyart, being american gives you zero excuse. the nhl is an american sports league, and the majority (24/30) of the teams are american... it may be the sport of canada but that has nothing to do with this quiz. 17 = poor. reply.", "- Soccer Match. Soccer is the most played sport worldwide. It is played on every continent in the world. In many countries, the fans are wild and sometimes are very violent and hurt people or break things.The biggest soccer tournament is the World cup. It occurs 1 time every 4 years.occer Match. Soccer is the most played sport worldwide. It is played on every continent in the world. In many countries, the fans are wild and sometimes are very violent and hurt people or break things.", "Major professional sports teams of the United States and Canada The following is a list of teams that play in one of the six major sports leagues in the United States and Canada: the Canadian Football League (CFL), Major League Baseball (MLB), Major League Soccer (MLS), the National Basketball Association (NBA), the National Football League (NFL), and the National Hockey League (NHL).", "Why Americans Call Soccer 'Soccer' The colloquialism soccer caught on in the United States in the first decade of the twentieth century, in part to distinguish the game from American football, a hybrid of Association Football and Rugby Football.", "Soccer Popularity Is On The Rise In The US, But English Football Is Benefiting More Than MLS At the end of the day, the average sports fans should be more interested in the Premier League than Major League Soccer. The Premier League is a better product. But that doesn't mean there won't be any benefit to soccer on this side of the Atlantic.", "- Toronto Argonauts. 2 of 10. Despite being located in Canada's largest city, the Toronto Argonauts have by far the worst fan base in the CFL, often struggling to draw 20,000 people a game as the team competes with three professional sports franchises, along with minor league hockey and MLS soccer.", "- Football or soccer, as many of us call it is the most widely played sport in South Africa, with its traditional support base in the black community.For many South Africans, the country's proudest sporting moment came when we won the African Nations Cup on home turf in 1996.he Premier Soccer League (PSL) has helped raise the standard of club football in South Africa, providing the sport with better media coverage and much-improved revenue through strong sponsorship deals. It has also provided a platform for local players to make their mark and catch the eye of overseas clubs.", "Soccer Scholarships Soccer Scholarships. The popularity of soccer is still growing in the United States, and those with talent in the field may have an easier time landing scholarships than players in the more high-visibility sports of football and basketball.", "What is the salary for a soccer player in Canada? There is no standard national salary for a soccer player in Canada. As with any professional sport in North America, player salaries vary widely based on player skill, the level of play on the pyramid, and so on. Professional soccer in North Ameri...", "Major professional sports leagues in the United States and Canada The most popular sports league in Canada, and widely followed across the northern U.S., the NHL has expanded southward in recent decades to attempt to gain a more national following in the United States, in cities such as Dallas, Miami, Nashville, Phoenix, Raleigh, and Tampa, with varying success.", "- A 2010 study found that basketball is the most popular team participation sport in Canada among youth between the ages of 12 and 17. Additionally, 29 percent of all households in Canada have a household member who participates in basketball. Part of the reason for the sport’s growing participation in Canada in the face of soccer and hockey is its accessibility. ”Basketball is a sport that is easy and inexpensive to play, and a safe sport.", "Data: How does the U.S. womenâs soccer team pay compare to the men? Interestingly, the filing mentioned one instance where the U.S. Soccer Federation paid women and men the same for playing professional soccer: the Olympic Games.", "Major League Soccer The highest professional soccer league in the U.S. in the 1970s and 1980s was the North American Soccer League. Currently it is Major League Soccer, which began play in 1996 with 10 teams, and has grown to 22 teams (19 in the United States and 3 in Canada), with further expansion planned.", "Beyond Sport Sport as microcosm of society February 3, 2006. I have an exam in my SM111 class in a little over a week so I will be posting a lot of notes to help review for my first exam.aradox #3 : “While the nature of sport is competition where ability tells, the reality is that race restricts.” (p7) Sure African Americans are prominent in popular sports like football and basketball both on the college and professional level.", "Major League Soccer The league has a fixed membership, like most sports leagues in the United States and Canada, which makes it one of the world's few soccer leagues that does not use promotion and relegation, a practice that is uncommon in the two countries. MLS headquarters is located in New York City.", "Sport in Russia Beach soccer is a popular sport in Russia since its International Growth in the late 1990s and with the establishment of the FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup by the national teams of the member associations of FIFA. Russia is amongst the most successful and dominant country of the sport along with Brazil, Spain and Portugal.", "Why is soccer not as popular as other sports? Soccer is the most popular sport because- 1) It is played by the whole world(almost) 2) It is the most popular sport in many countries 3) It is the national spo … rt of many countries.occer is the most popular sport because- 1) It is played by the whole world(almost) 2) It is the most popular sport in many countries 3) It is the national spo … rt of many countries.", "Sports as a Microcosm of Society Paradox 3: While the nature of sport is competition where ability tells, the reality is that race restricts.. rarely found in sports...usually provided only in private-and typically racially segregated-clubs; sports such as swimming, golf, skiing, and tennis..ports as a whole do not represent black and white, good or bad, red state or blue state issues. Sports are neither to be defended nor vilified. Instead we need to look at sports for what they are, so we can take apart the disgusting, the beautiful, the ridiculous, and even the radical..", "- I know for one that $50,000 a year for soccer is not worth passing up a scholarshiped college career or $100,000 in another country. Fact is MLS is keeping the Homegrowns that wont get better offers abroad. Thats why new talent in MLS is nonexistent.", "Biggest Global Sports Soccer is the biggest global sport and a top 10 sport in all countries measured, as well as the dominant sport in South America, Europe and Africa. The world cup final is watched by an estimated 600 million people and the annual CL final by more than 300 million.", "Biggest Global Sports Biggest Global Sports A statistics-based analysis of the world's most popular sports Dominant sport in: Germany, France, UK, Italy, Brazil, Russia, Mexico, Spain, Turkey, Netherlands, Nigeria.", "Major professional sports leagues in the United States and Canada Major League Soccer (MLS) is the top-level men's professional soccer league in the United States and Canada. MLS has 20 teams as of 2015–17 in the United States and 3 in Canada. The league began play in 1996, its creation a requirement by FIFA for awarding the United States the right to host the 1994 World Cup.", "Facts About Soccer in France Facts About Soccer in France. Soccer in France is known as football and the national league is one of the most successful international teams in the world. The sport gained popularity in the country after the first World War. Soldiers played the game in the trenches during extended periods of downtime.", "It's Official: Soccer is Bigger than Basketball, Baseball It’s Official: Soccer is Bigger than Basketball, Baseball. Scott Olson—Getty Images Fans gather in Grant Park to watch the U.S. play Portugal in a Group G World Cup soccer match on June 22, 2014 in Chicago. Fans were turned away from the free event after a 10,000-person capacity was reached.", "- 1 Last year we posted over 27,000 sports jobs covering every state in the US, more than any other online source. 2 Our dedicated team ensures every one of our industry leading sports jobs is fresh and accurate. 3 94% of Work in Sports members would recommend our service to a friend!ince 2000, WorkinSports.com has been widely recognized as the #1 source for jobs in the sports industry, but instead of patting ourselves on the back, we've continued to push ourselves even harder to serve you better.", "Beginner Soccer Player Salaries Soccer might be the world's most popular sport, but in the United States, its popularity ranks far behind the big four professional sports: baseball, football, hockey and basketball. The salaries for professional soccer players in Major League Soccer reflect this." ]
[ 17.15625 ]
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is fosamax a bisphosphonate
[ "- Click here. Fosamax is a type of bisphosphonate drug that is used for the purpose of maintaining or improving the volume of minerals and calcium within the bones (bone density). In short, Fosamax is used in order to stave off bone loss, known medically as osteoporosis." ]
[ "Busulfex In the Busulfex (busulfan) Injection allogeneic stem cell transplantation clinical trial, all patients were treated with Busulfex 0.8 mg per kg as a two-hour infusion every six hours for 16 doses over four days, combined with cyclophosphamide 60 mg per kg x2 days.", "Background Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) is thought to be caused by trauma to dentoalveolar structures that have a limited capacity for bone healing due to the effects of bisphosphonate therapy. See the image below. Exposed, necrotic bone in the left anterior maxilla.", "- Side effects of bisphosphonates may include fever, fatigue, stomach problems or even anemia. Bisphosphonates side effects include many flu-like symptoms. Side effects of bisphosphonates may include fever, fatigue, stomach problems or even anemia.", "Bisphosphonate Side Effects Rare, but serious side effects include: Kidney problems; Osteonecrosis of the jaw (damage to the jawbone) Unusual types of bone fractures; Kidney problems have been seen in patients taking intravenously administered bisphosphonates for long periods of time. The risk of kidney problems may be increased in patients who are taking other drugs that affect the kidney (e.g. Thalomid, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs also known as NSAIDs) or have other conditions associated with kidney problems such as hypertension or diabetes mellitus.", "- Lisdexamfetamine dimesylate is a white to off-white powder that is soluble in water (792 mg/mL). VYVANSE capsules contain 10 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 40 mg, 50 mg, 60 mg, and 70 mg of lisdexamfetamine dimesylate. Inactive ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, and magnesium stearate.", "Lisdexamfetamine Dimesylate Full Prescribing Information Lisdexamfetamine dimesylate is a white to off-white powder that is soluble in water (792 mg/mL). Vyvanse™ capsules contain 20 mg, 30 mg, 40 mg, 50 mg, 60 mg, and 70 mg of lisdexamfetamine dimesylate and the following inactive ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, and magnesium stearate.", "How Long Should You Take Certain Osteoporosis Drugs? If you're one of the 44 million Americans at risk for osteoporosis—a disease in which bones become weak and are more likely to break—you may be taking bisphosphonates. This class of drugs has been successfully used since 1995 to slow or inhibit the loss of bone mass.f you're one of the 44 million Americans at risk for osteoporosis—a disease in which bones become weak and are more likely to break—you may be taking bisphosphonates. This class of drugs has been successfully used since 1995 to slow or inhibit the loss of bone mass.", "Issues related to diagnosis and treatment of bisphosphonate-induced osteonecrosis of the jaws The first injectable form of bisphosphonate, pamidronate, was approved for the treatment of bone metastases in 1991, and the more potent zolendronic acid received approval 10 years later. 17 A third injectable agent, ibandronate, was approved for use in osteoporosis patients in 2006.31.he first description of exposed, nonhealing bone in the mouths of patients receiving intravenous (IV) bisphosphonate medication was in a 2002 textbook by Marx and Stern; 12 however, the relationship between bisphosphonate use and bone exposure was not fully appreciated at that time.", "10 Benefits of Drinking Warm Lemon Water in the Morning You take most bisphosphonates by mouth-every day, once or twice a week, or even once a month. Zoledronic acid is given intravenously (IV), usually only once each year. One form of ibandronate is also given intravenously, usually every 3 months.xperts have suggested that taking bisphosphonates for 3 to 5 years may be enough if you are at low risk of fractures. Talk to your doctor about how long you should take these medicines. If you are taking bisphosphonates, your doctor may also recommend that you take calcium and vitamin D supplements.", "- Fosamax is a drug that is designed to prevent osteoporosis. Serious side effects can include permanent jaw bone damage and crippling bone fractures. Intended to prevent and treat certain types of bone loss and bone disease in adults, Fosamax also has been linked to esophageal cancer and chronic irregular heartbeat, among other side effects.", "- The enzyme ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (rubisco) catalyzes the addition of gaseous carbon dioxide to ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP). Product of the reaction are two molecules of 3-phosphoglyceric acid.", "RuBisCO (Redirected from RuBisCo). Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, commonly known by the abbreviation RuBisCO, is an enzyme involved in the first major step of carbon fixation, a process by which atmospheric carbon dioxide is converted by plants to energy-rich molecules such as glucose.uBisCO is usually only active during the day as ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate is not regenerated in the dark. This is due to the regulation of several other enzymes in the Calvin cycle. In addition, the activity of RuBisCO is coordinated with that of the other enzymes of the Calvin cycle in several ways.", "Tamiflu TAMIFLU - oseltamivir phosphate powder, for suspension TAMIFLU - oseltamivir phosphate capsule Hoffmann-La Roche Inc . DESCRIPTION . TAMIFLU (oseltamivir phosphate) is available as capsules containing 30 mg, 45 mg, or 75 mg oseltamivir for oral use, in the form of oseltamivir phosphate, and as a powder for oral suspension, which when constituted with water as directed contains 12 mg/mL", "Glaucoma Medications and their Side Effects Cosopt® is a combination of a beta blocker (timolol) and a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor (dorzolamide) and is available in generic form and also as a preservative-free formulation (Cosopt® PF). Combigan® combines an alpha agonist (brimonidine) with a beta blocker (timolol).", "Osteonecrosis of the Jaw ONJ has not been linked with the routine use of bisphosphonates taken by mouth as treatment for osteoporosis. Thus, people should still use oral bisphosphonates as prescribed. However, when possible, any necessary oral surgery should be done before use of bisphosphonates is begun.", "- Fosfosal/Hydromorphone Hydrochloride 63. The symbol † denotes a preparation no longer actively marketed The symbol ⊗ denotes a substance whose use may be restricted in certain sports (see p.vii) is being investigated in the management of rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis.", "Should you still take Fosamax or Boniva to strengthen bones? We have long advised—and did so again recently—that Fosamax, Boniva, and other drugs in this class, known as bisphosphonates, offer only modest benefits in building bone and preventing fractures. And, they pose some risks: throat or chest pain, difficulty swallowing, and heartburn.", "- Bisphosphonate side effects are usually mild. Common bisphosphonate side effects include: Fever. Fatigue. Flu-like symptoms. Bone / Muscle pain. Stomach problems. Anemia.", "- Bisphosphonates are antiresorptive medicines, which means they slow or stop the natural process that dissolves bone tissue, resulting in maintained or increased bone density and strength. This may prevent the development of osteoporosis.xperts have suggested that taking bisphosphonates for 3 to 5 years may be enough if you are at low risk of fractures. Talk to your doctor about how long you should take these medicines. If you are taking bisphosphonates, your doctor may also recommend that you take calcium and vitamin D supplements.", "Belsomra BELSOMRA tablets contain suvorexant, a highly selective antagonist for orexin receptors OX1R and OX2R. Its empirical formula is C23H3ClN6O2 and the molecular weight is 450.92. Suvorexant is a white to off-white powder that is insoluble in water.", "Denosumab (aka Prolia, Xgeva) â Even Worse than the Bisphosphonates? Like the bisphosphonates, denosumab (trade names Prolia, Xgeva) also prevents osteoclasts from removing old, damaged or worn out bone. It just does so via a different action than the bisphosphonates — an action that may turn out to have even more harmful side-effects.", "Belsomra BELSOMRA tablets contain suvorexant, a highly selective antagonist for orexin receptors OX1R and OX2R. Suvorexant is described chemically as: [(7R)-4-(5-chloro-2-benzoxazolyl) hexahydro-7-methyl-1H-1,4-diazepin-1-yl][5-methyl-2-(2H-1,2,3- triazol-2-yl)phenyl]methanone.", "Denosumab (aka Prolia, Xgeva) â Even Worse than the Bisphosphonates? This week, the Food and Drug Administration in an article in “The New England Journal of Medicine” urged caution about long-term use of so-called bisphosphonates, like Fosamax, Boniva, and Actonel. Long-term use has been linked to rare fractures and side-effects.", "Background Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) is a condition found in patients who have received intravenous and oral forms of bisphosphonate therapy for various bone-related conditions. Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) manifests as exposed, nonvital bone involving the maxillofacial structures.", "Bisphosphonate drug holiday: who, when and how long Bisphosphonates have been widely used in the treatment of osteoporosis with robust data from numerous placebo-controlled trials demonstrating efficacy in fracture risk reduction over 3–5 years of treatment.", "- This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088. Read the Fosamax (alendronate sodium) Side Effects Center for a complete guide to possible side effects.", "bisphosphonate Bisphosphonates are potent inhibitors of bone resorption that bind tightly to the hydroxyapatite crystals, and have therapeutic potential in osteoporosis and in advanced (stage-III) multiple myeloma and Paget’s disease of bone.", "- Zometa is a bisphosphonate medication used for treatment of cancer. As a side effect patients may experience osteonecrosis of the jaw and major joints. Zometa (zoledronate) is a bisphosphonate medication used to treat cancer patients.t is taken intervenously (through an IV). The use of bisphosphonate medications, such as Zometa, Aredia and Fosamax, have been linked to an increased occurrence of osteonecrosis of the jaw, a painful and potentially disfiguring jaw bone condition. Zometa is used in the treatment of: 1 hypercalcemia of malignancy.", "Bisphosphonate Treatment in Osteoporosis: Optimal Duration of Therapy and the Incorporation of a Drug Holiday Bisphosphonates are the most widely used treatment for osteoporosis. They accumulate in the bone for years, and therefore, their inhibitory effects on osteoclasts may persist after drug discontinuation. The ideal duration of therapy remains controversial.", "- TAMIFLU (oseltamivir phosphate) is available as capsules containing 30 mg, 45 mg, or 75 mg oseltamivir for oral use, in the form. of oseltamivir phosphate, and as a powder for oral suspension, which when constituted with water as directed contains 12 mg/mL." ]
[ 16.28125 ]
[ 1.3955078125, 8.0546875, 8.5, 8.3984375, 2.783203125, 1.6669921875, 10.3359375, 7.375, 9.7265625, 9.203125, 3.546875, 4.375, 2.578125, 2.4765625, 9.109375, 2.26953125, 13.90625, 8.984375, 9.7421875, 2.04296875, 8.296875, 1.59375, 13.7421875, 8.8125, 8.5234375, 8.7734375, 9.171875, 11.9296875, 8.46875, 4.0859375 ]
trump hotel las vegas is there a resort fee
[ "Resort Fee at Trump International Hotel Las Vegas Resort Fee at Trump International Hotel Las Vegas. 2000 Fashion Show Drive, Las Vegas NV, 89109. Guests at this hotel may be required to pay the following mandatory fees: Resort fee: $32.63 per room, per night." ]
[ "The Dreaded Resort Fees The Era of no resort fees in Downtown is over. As of August 19, 2013 Golden Gate Hotel and Casino Las Vegas will have a $20 resort fee. You get wi-fi, $10 off the D showroom tickets and local and toll-free phone calls.", "Trump's tower a sore spot on the Strip Reporting from Las Vegas — Speaking to Republican activists here, Donald Trump touted something other than his potential presidential bid and hit reality television show: Trump International Hotel and Tower, a gleaming luxury high-rise and his sole Las Vegas venture.", "As its stock collapsed, Trumpâs firm gave him huge bonuses and paid for his jet Trump was the chairman of Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts in Atlantic City from 1995 to 2009, his only outing as the head of a major public company. During that time, the company lost more than $1 billion, financial records show.", "- Great news! As an email subscriber, you have immediate and exclusive access to our best rates: our Insider Pricing deals. Do a search below to see deals on your dates, then look for the tag. Vegas.com has got the best deals on Las Vegas hotels of every type to help you find the perfect room that will fit your budget.", "The Dreaded Resort Fees MGM Grand Hotel and Casino Las Vegas has a $28/night resort fee which does towards Internet access in the guestrooms, a daily newspaper, local calling, and use of the fitness and business centers. Find some MGM Grand promo codes to get more bang for your buck when you stay here. Learn More", "- Show available rooms for Marriott's Grand Chateau. You can see room offers from our travel partners starting at *, or . There are no rooms available to book this property on TripAdvisor from – . Prices from our travel partners are not available for – . View all Las Vegas hotels with availability or .", "Resort Fees Explained: How to Spot (and Avoid) Them on Your Next Trip A resort fee is a (usually unadvertised) mandatory fee tacked onto a nightly room rate. Fees can be as low as $3.50 per night at the Clarion Inn & Suites at International Drive, Orlando (they call this one a safe fee), to as much as $60 per night for the St. Regis Bahia Beach Resort, Puerto Rico.", "- From Scotland to the Palm Beach, Trump golf courses offer a whole new level of challenge, luxury, service and performance that have become synonymous with the Trump brand experience. Visit the Trump Golf Website for a glimpse into the most extrordinary portfolio of golf courses in the world.", "- Create your dream vacation at one of these distinctive Viva Wyndham resorts where boredom is out of the question. And leave your wallet behind! Viva Wyndham resorts are all-inclusive, so your rooms, meals, drinks, and activities are all included in the price. Book on Hotels.com® and save. Viva Wyndham Fortuna Beach.", "This Site Tracks How Much Trumpâs Mar-A-Lago Trips Are Costing You The website adds to a mounting chorus of criticism around Trump’s visits to Mar-a-Lago. Some have focused on the costs for these trips, while others have noted the need for improved security measures at the resort.", "- Information about the resort fee at Trump International Hotel Las Vegas in Las Vegas, such as the amount and what is included.", "Resort Fee? Which hotels do NOT have them. Which hotels do NOT have them. 09 August 2011, 13:08. When you do your research, compare apples to apples, not apples to oranges. As stated, none of the CET propertie have resort fees, but they do charge a fairly steep price for the amenities covered by resort fees at properties that do charge them.", "World's best hotel beds At the Trump Tower in Vegas, you’ll also snuggle with a thick, Downlite comforter and extra-large pillows. Other hotels with ‘em: The Plaza; The Kahala Hotel and Resort; Trump SoHo New York; The Fairmont San Francisco; Fisher Island Hotel and Resort.", "- Sample hotel prices shown are for select midweek (Sun-Thu) dates. Advertised hotel prices do not include taxes, LasVegas.com fees or resort fees. Sample prices for shows include taxes but do not include per ticket fees. All offers and pricing is based on availability.", "Discount Hotel Reservations for Las Vegas, Nevada. Reviews, Deals, Discounts and Promotions on Over 210 Hotels in Las Vegas. We provide information on the hotels in Las Vegas along with reviews, photos and Strip maps. We offer discount hotel rooms from the cheapest hotels in Vegas to the best hotels in Vegas.i4vegas.com provides the added convenience of our... More.i4vegas.com provides the added convenience of our Las Vegas Hotel Deals page.e provide information on the hotels in Las Vegas along with reviews, photos and Strip maps. We offer discount hotel rooms from the cheapest hotels in Vegas to the best hotels in Vegas.", "- We stayed during the week and even with the resort fee, which every hotel in Las Vegas charges, it was less than $70 a night to be right in the middle of the strip! Room may have been small for some people, but definitely not any less than what we needed, and very quiet and clean. Casino was big with... Report.", "Cheap Vegas Hotels & Best Websites for Deals On this page we’ll talk about cheap Vegas resorts off Strip and which websites you can go to to find great deals for all star ratings hotels in Vegas including the top resorts on the Strip (scrolls down). For a list of cheap Strip resorts, go to Part 1.♥ I also like hotelscombined.com for hotel deals, including Las Vegas, since it provides very quick and efficient list of online deals you can choose from, very much in the style of what the great skyscanner.com website does for flights. Another great site for Vegas hotel deals is Fatwallet.", "- Las Vegas Hotels. Vegas.com has got the best deals on Las Vegas hotels of every type to help you find the perfect room that will fit your budget.", "- The amount of a resort fee is the same if you book directly with the hotel, or through an online travel site. Below is a list of hotel resort fees and what it includes. In addition, there is a 12 percent tax on the fees.", "Trump International Hotel & Tower New York 1 Trump International Hotel & Tower New York is listed in the 2013 Conde Condé Nast Traveler Gold list of the'world s best places to stay and the 2013 + Travel leisure. 500", "- , CEO & Founder, Kill Resort Fees. There is no hotel on the Las Vegas Strip that does not charge a resort fee. From the Super 8 Las Vegas’ resort fee of $14.84 to the Four Seasons Las Vegas at $35.84 per night, there is no escape. All 62,000 rooms on the Strip force customers to pay an additional fee on top of their advertised room rate.", "- TripAdvisor members only. Login for exclusive access to hotel deals up to 40% off. Login to get best prices. *Prices are provided by our partners, and reflect average nightly room rates, including taxes and fees that are fixed, known to our partners, and due at time of booking. Please see our partners for more details.", "Resort The term may be used to identify a hotel property that provides an array of amenities and typically includes entertainment and recreational activities. A hotel is frequently a central feature of a resort, such as the Grand Hotel at Mackinac Island, Michigan.", "Resort Fee at Trump International Hotel Las Vegas Other Fees at Trump International Hotel Las Vegas Unless otherwise stated, these fees are not mandatory. They only apply if guests choose to use these services.", "Hotels in Las Vegas near Las Vegas, NV (LAS-McCarran Intl.) The best hotel deals are here: We have Las Vegas, NV (LAS-McCarran Intl.) hotel deals, Las Vegas, NV (LAS-McCarran Intl.) last minute deals and offers to get you the cheapest Las Vegas, NV (LAS-McCarran Intl.) hotel with our lowest price guarantee.", "- Show available rooms for Palms Casino Resort. You can see room offers from our travel partners starting at *, or . There are no rooms available to book this property on TripAdvisor from – . Prices from our travel partners are not available for – .", "Trump on track to spend exorbitant amount of taxpayer dollars on travels Each trip is different, as each president travels differently, making comparison difficult. Judging the cost of Trump’s trips to Mar-a-Lago as president so far – he is there for a fourth time this weekend – relies, however, on a comparison to a trip Obama made to the Sunshine state in 2013.", "Trip Doctor: What is a Resort Fee, and Do I Really Have to Pay It? Until then, the short answer to your question is: Yes, you likely do have to pay that resort fee. But if you’re not using the services, do it under protest. By the Numbers. 30 percent: The markup on an $84 room at the Red Rock Casino, Resort, & Spa, in Las Vegas, due to the $24.99 resort fee.", "Why Las Vegas Hotels Charge Resort Fees While some hotels in Las Vegas offer great amenities, such as one free alcoholic drink, a ticket for a free amusement game or ride, in return for a resort fee, others use the resort fee for virtually nothing more than to pad their bottom line.", "The Dreaded Resort Fees Thankfully no resort fees at the decidedly non-resort Fremont Hotel downtown Las Vegas. $9.99 plus tax is the resort fee here. You get up to 1 MB of Wi-Fi bandwidth for up to three devices, Local and 800 calls, in room coffee, fitness center access, shuttle service to The Orleans and the Strip, valet and self parking." ]
[ 17.421875 ]
[ 11.3125, 7.91796875, 5.5078125, 4.5625, 11.15625, 4.55078125, 6.78515625, 1.7197265625, -0.384521484375, 3.255859375, 13.7734375, 6.09375, 7.4609375, 8.1484375, 5.14453125, 11.171875, 3.123046875, 4.80078125, 8.21875, 4.4765625, 13.0546875, 6.60546875, 3.619140625, 13.546875, 3.650390625, 3.751953125, 0.87744140625, 9.3359375, 10.3359375, 12.03125 ]
can you get your retirement money early
[ "What if I need the money before I retire? Each plan's rules vary (check yours to be sure), but you may be able take money out of your retirement account penalty-free before age 59 ½ if you use it for expenses after the onset of a sudden disability, or for unreimbursed medical expenses that are more than 7.5% of your adjusted gross income (10% if you’re under age 65)." ]
[ "Early retirement Your pension options. If you take early retirement, you’ll need to decide what to do with your pension fund. If you have a defined contribution pension, you will be able to take as much money as you want out of it. One quarter of what you take out will be tax-free. Ask your employer for an illustration of the pension you will get if you take early retirement. 2 Get a forecast from any other pensions you have (such as a personal pension or one from a previous employer) if you intend to start those early too.", "- But, if you’re younger. than full retirement age, and earn more. than certain amounts, your benefits. will be reduced. The amount that your. benefits are reduced, however, isn’t. truly lost.", "How to retire early â 35 years early But I do encourage people to open their minds to how real and possible an early retirement can be. It isn’t a vague, fluffy concept like, “someday,” “never” or “when I’m 65.” Retirement (or financial independence) simply means that you have your living expenses covered by nonwork income.", "- You can start your Social Security retirement benefits as early as age 62, but the benefit amount you receive will be less than your full retirement benefit amount. If you start your benefits early, they will be reduced based on the number of months you receive benefits before you reach your full retirement age. If your:", "How to Make Early Retirement a Reality Retiring at the minimum or earlier retirement age can pose certain drawbacks. For each year a federal employee is younger than 62 years old, his or her benefits will be reduced by five percent. This is if the employee has given between 10 and 30 years of service. There are different options for early retirement, though these are usually due to an agency restructuring of some kind.", "Early or Late Retirement? How we calculate benefits. Workers planning for their retirement should be aware that retirement benefits depend on age at retirement. If a worker begins receiving benefits before his/her normal (or full) retirement age, the worker will receive a reduced benefit.", "Can a Retired Person Also Collect Social Security Disability? In this sense, Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) can be thought of as a retirement benefit for those who are forced to retire early. If you do collect SSDI disability benefits, they will be converted to retirement benefits when you reach full retirement age.owever, if you were collecting early retirement benefits before Social Security says you were disabled, Social Security will not pay you the difference between your disability payment and the early retirement payment, and you would be paid at a less-than-full retirement rate for the rest of your life.", "Early Retirement Chart At age 59 1/2 you can access any retirement savings accounts, such as IRAs or 401ks. The earliest you can access Social Security retirement benefits is age 62, and at that age the benefit will be lower than the amount you would get at full retirement age.", "Benefits Planner: Retirement If You Retire Early. You can retire at any time between age 62 and full retirement age. However, if you start benefits early, your benefits are reduced a fraction of a percent for each month before your full retirement age.The chart below lists age 62 reduction amounts and includes examples based on an estimated monthly benefit of $1000 at full retirement age.f You Retire Early. You can retire at any time between age 62 and full retirement age. However, if you start benefits early, your benefits are reduced a fraction of a percent for each month before your full retirement age.", "Benefits Planner: Retirement If You Retire Early. You can retire at any time between age 62 and full retirement age. However, if you start benefits early, your benefits are reduced a fraction of a percent for each month before your full retirement age.5.00%. 1 If you were born on January 1st, you should refer to the previous year. 2 If you were born on the 1st of the month, we figure your benefit (and your full retirement age) as if your birthday was in the previous month. 3 You must be at least 62 for the entire month to receive benefits. 4 Percentages are approximate due to rounding. 5 The maximum ...", "- It's not often that you can take money from your traditional IRA or from your earnings in a Roth IRA before age 59 1/2 and avoid the dreaded 10% early withdrawal penalty. But, surprisingly enough, this is one of the tax benefits enacted as part of the 1997 Taxpayer Relief Act to help people become homeowners.", "11 Ways To Tap Retirement Cash Early, Without A 10% Penalty Simple question? Not when Congress, in its wisdom, has seen fit to create more than a dozen different tax-advantaged retirement savings accounts, each with its own rules on contributions, loans, and when you can take money out without paying a 10% “early withdrawal” penalty on the distribution.", "How to Tap Your Retirement Accounts Early retirement. You can take penalty-free withdrawals from a 401(k) if you are at least age 55 in the year you retire and if you leave your money in your former employer's plan. (If you roll the money into an IRA, however, the 59½ age rule kicks back in.) However, not all employers allow this option.", "Getting Your Retirement Money Early -- Without Penalty However, there are a few ways to avoid the penalty. If you take a distribution from your retirement plan early (meaning before the day you turn 59 1/2) you will generally have to pay a 10% early distribution tax above and beyond any regular income taxes you may owe on the money.", "Can I draw early social security retirement and disability at the same time? Lately, a number of my clients have asked me whether they can receive early retirement benefits from Social Security and, at the same time, also receive Social Security Disability Insurance (“SSDI”) benefits. Believe it or not, the answer is “yes” in many cases.", "Getting Your Retirement Money Early -- Without Penalty If you are at least 55 years old when you leave your job, you will not have to pay an early distribution tax on any distribution you receive from your former employer's retirement plan. (You will have to pay income tax on it, however.).f you are at least 55 years old when you leave your job, you will not have to pay an early distribution tax on any distribution you receive from your former employer's retirement plan. (You will have to pay income tax on it, however.).", "7 things to know before you take early withdrawals from your retirement plan For a qualified retirement plan, you may be able to take early withdrawal without penalty for these types of distributions: Distributions after leaving service or after reaching age 55 (age 50 if you are a qualified public safety employee) Distributions as part of series of payments over life expectancy, such as an annuity.", "Types of plan pensions If your active plan membership ends more than 10 years before the normal retirement age and you want to receive your pension before the normal retirement age, you can ask for payment of your deferred pension at any time provided you are no more than 10 years away from the normal retirement age.ou can apply for payment of your pension as early as age 55. 1 If you apply before 65, your pension payment may be less than 1 000 $ a month since you will receive the pension for a longer period of time. 2 If you apply at age 65, you will receive 1 000 $ a month.", "Retired Early? Social Security Disability Eligibility 1 You will get a larger disability benefit, plus your full retirement benefit at full retirement age. 2 The “disability freeze” will limit the effect of zero earnings years. 3 You will get early entitlement to Medicare after 24 months of SSDI payments.", "When can I access money in my IRA? Generally, you may withdraw your contributions to a Roth penalty-free at any time for any reason, as long as you don't withdraw any earnings on your investments (as opposed to the amount you put in) or dollars converted from a traditional IRA before age 59 ½. In that case, you'll get hit with that same 10% penalty.ou can take money out of an IRA whenever you want, but be warned: if you're under age 59 ½, it could cost you. That's because the government wants to discourage you from raiding your IRA until you're retired.", "When can I access money in my IRA? You can take money out of an IRA whenever you want, but be warned: if you're under age 59 ½, it could cost you. That's because the government wants to discourage you from raiding your IRA until you're retired. (It's a retirement account, after all.) If you are under 59 ½: If you withdraw any money from a traditional IRA, you'll be slapped with a 10% penalty on the amount you withdraw. That's in addition to the regular income tax you'll owe on your withdrawal. Bad idea.", "11 Ways To Tap Retirement Cash Early, Without A 10% Penalty 11 Ways To Tap Retirement Cash Early. For retirement advice and tools, whatever your age or assets, visit The Forbes Retirement Guide. Recently, a 50-year-old friend asked me where to put extra cash he wanted to save for retirement, but was worried he might have to use to pay college bills for his high-school age twins. This fellow had been feeding a 401(k) as well as 529 state college savings accounts for his kids.", "Benefits Planner: Retirement If You Retire Early. You can retire at any time between age 62 and full retirement age. However, if you start benefits early, your benefits are reduced a fraction of a percent for each month before your full retirement age.The chart below lists age 62 reduction amounts and includes examples based on an estimated monthly benefit of $1000 at full retirement age.lick on your year of birth to find out how much your benefit will be reduced if you retire between age 62 and full retirement age. Note: If your birthday is on January 1st, we figure your benefit as if your birthday was in the previous year.", "What You Need to Know About Your 457 Plan For a Successful Retirement Early Withdrawals from a 457 Plan. Money saved in a 457 plan is designed for retirement, but unlike 401(k) and 403(b) plans, you can take a withdrawal from the 457 without penalty before you are 59 and a half years old.This is very important rule that often times goes overlooked with the 457 plan.t’s similar to the more widely known 401(k) plan, where you can choose to contribute to the 457 plan through automatic deductions from your paycheck before the taxes are taken out. Also like the 401(k), money grows tax-deferred in a 457 retirement account until you withdraw the money.", "Can I Start Taking Pension Benefits Early? Can I Start Taking Pension Benefits Early? Nope. While you can opt to tap your 401(k) at any time (though you’ll pay a huge penalty to do so before age 59.5), you can’t collect your pension until you’ve reached the retirement age determined by your pension plan. Typically full retirement age 65, though many plans allow an early retirement that could start as soon as age 55.", "Is There a Minimum Monthly Social Security Payment Regardless of Retirement Earnings? Early and Late Retirement. You can begin drawing retirement as early as age 62, but you won't receive a full benefit unless you wait until at least your full retirement age. This varies from 65 to 67 years depending on the year of your birth.", "Can I receive Social Security retirement and disability benefits at the same time? You can begin taking these benefits as early as age 62 or as late as age 70. Delaying taking Social Security benefits can significantly increase your retirement income. Each year you wait to take benefits will increase the amount you receive annually by approximately 7% to 8%, plus possible inflation adjustments.", "When can I access money in my IRA? Generally, you may withdraw your contributions to a Roth penalty-free at any time for any reason, as long as you don't withdraw any earnings on your investments (as opposed to the amount you put in) or dollars converted from a traditional IRA before age 59 ½. In that case, you'll get hit with that same 10% penalty.", "When can I take money from my pension? There are also some circumstances when you may be able to take money from your pension even earlier than 55, such as if you’re in poor health or in a profession where retirement is lower than normal, for example a professional athlete or if you have a protected pension age lower than 55.aking money from your pension. Whether you have a defined benefit or defined contribution pension scheme, you can normally start taking money from the age of 55.", "Early or Late Retirement? If a worker begins receiving benefits before his/her normal (or full) retirement age, the worker will receive a reduced benefit. A worker can choose to retire as early as age 62, but doing so may result in a reduction of as much as 30 percent.Starting to receive benefits after normal retirement age may result in larger benefits. With delayed retirement credits, a person can receive his or her largest benefit by retiring at age 70.Early retirement reduces benefits. In the case of early retirement, a benefit is reduced 5/9 of one percent for each month before normal retirement age, up to 36 months.If the number of months exceeds 36, then the benefit is further reduced 5/12 of one percent per month. worker can choose to retire as early as age 62, but doing so may result in a reduction of as much as 30 percent. Starting to receive benefits after normal retirement age may result in larger benefits. With delayed retirement credits, a person can receive his or her largest benefit by retiring at age 70." ]
[ 13.3828125 ]
[ 12.4140625, 9.6015625, 9.984375, 12.4765625, 10.265625, 10.5546875, 8.484375, 12.765625, 11.4921875, 11.0390625, 10.8984375, 11.796875, 13.921875, 15.0078125, 8.4453125, 13.796875, 13.3359375, 9.390625, 9.578125, 11.0234375, 12.28125, 12.3046875, 10.7890625, 11.4296875, 11.921875, 11.7265625, 11.7109375, 11.6328125, 10.59375, 10.5703125 ]
what ingredients to make moist cake
[ "How to Make Moist Chocolate Cake from Scratch Moist Chocolate Cake Directions: 1 Start by preheating your oven to 350 degrees F. Take a 13×9’’ pan (or 2 9’’ round pans) and grease it, then flour it. 2 In a bowl, sift together the cocoa, baking soda, flour and salt. Take a large mixing bowl and stir together the margarine and sugar, until you have a fluffy mixture." ]
[ "Condensed Milk Coconut Pound Cake In a bowl combine flour, salt and baking powder, set aside. In the bowl of a stand mixer or hand mixer, cream butter sugar until light and fluffy, about 2 minutes. Add sweetened condensed milk and mix for only a few seconds. Add in the dry ingredients, mixing just until the flour is mixed in (don’t over mix). Add eggs, one at a time. Add the extracts and shredded coconut.", "Crab Cakes with Lemon-Dill Sauce The sauce will thicken as it chills. To prepare the crab cakes, melt 1 tablespoon of butter in a heavy skillet over medium heat. Saute the onion, bell pepper, and garlic until the pepper is limp, approximately 3 minutes. Add the cream, mustard, 1 egg, parsley, cayenne pepper and 1/2 cup bread crumbs, to taste, and mix well. Gently fold in the crabmeat.", "- Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Combine flour, balking powder, and salt in a small bowl until well blended. In a large bowl, beat butter and 1 cup of the sugar until creamy and light. Beat in eggs, one at a time and vanilla until well blended.Beat in flour mixture and sour cream, alternately, beginning and ending with the dry ingredients. In a small bowl, combine remaining ¼ cup sugar and the cinnamon.n a medium bowl, cream together the remaining 3 sticks of butter and the confectioners' sugar, until light and fluffy. Remove 1/3 cup of the icing, place in a small bowl, and color it with a few drops of the green food coloring. Put the remaining icing in a pot, add the vanilla.", "- (And FYI – the plural of molasses is, in fact, molasses. I wish it was something with a bit more flourish, like molassi for example, but whatever). After I made that delicious Sweet Pototo Cake with Molasses Buttercream, I got to thinking.", "- Bake cake according to the ... Cool completely. Combine ice cream and lemonade in a mixing ... it a delicate pink. Pack in ice cube ... with ice cream. Whip cream, add sugar and tint ... layers with the whipped cream.", "How to Make a Mickey Cake without a Fancy Pan or Food Colored Frosting Instead I found a way to make a cute Mickey Mouse Cake without the fancy pan or added food coloring. And, as a bonus, it was both easy and delicious. To Make a Mickey Mouse Cake, you will need: an 8 inch round cake pan. 4 inch foil pans from the dollar store. chocolate cake mix. water.", "- Preheat the oven to 300 degrees. In a large bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and sugar. Blend in the melted butter, mixing together until moist. Add 1/4 cup of the buttermilk and combine. In a separate bowl, combine the other 1/4 cup of buttermilk with the eggs and blend into the flour mixture.", "Rhubarb-Wrapped Pineapple Mousse Cake Pineapple mousse 2 tablespoons unflavored powdered gelatin 1/4 cup pineapple juice with pulp 2 cups pineapple puree 3/4 cup sugar 1 1/4 cups heavy whipping cream In a small bowl, sprinkle the powdered gelatin over the pineapple juice. Let stand until the gelatin absorbs the water.", "- You'll score points with a crowd when you stir together these delicious fudge-like treats. They're very moist and rich. The chocolate chips and walnuts make a pretty topping. —Frank Bee, Eugene, Oregon Get Recipe.", "- 40 min. About this recipe: Mazurek, also known as mazurka, is a flat Polish cake made with yeast or nonyeast doughs and topped with any combination of almond paste, preserves, dried fruits, nuts, meringues, and sometimes left plain.The one thing they have in common is they are rarely over 1 inch in height.ethod. 1 Cream together butter and sugar with an electric mixer until light and fluffy. 2 By hand, stir in almonds, zest, flour, making sure to measure flour correctly, and hard-cooked egg yolks. 3 Add raw egg yolk, salt and cinnamon, and mix into a smooth dough. 4 Place dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. 5 Heat oven to 375 6 ... R", "Flavors Every vibrant red cake dances with chocolate chips and is topped with our signature cream cheese frosting. Chocolate bliss. This incredibly moist, decadent chocolate cake is packed with chocolate chips and rich, home-baked flavor that’s certain to earn sighs of delight. Each bite of this light and refreshing cake has the smooth, sweet snap of lemon. Yum. Rich, moist yellow cake swirled with deep, rich chocolate cake.", "- Directions: Melt butter in a large saucepan over low heat and add marshmallows. Stir until they begin to melt, then remove from heat. Whisk in the (dry) cake mix, then stir in cereal so it is completely coated with marshmallow mixture.", "- Polish Lemon Mousse Cheesecake Recipe-Sernik z Musem Cytrynowym. This recipe for Polish Mandarin Orange Mazurka, or Mazurek z Mandarynka, is a flat cake made with a buttery dough that is topped with sweetened and thickened mandarin orange filling and then a top layer of the buttery dough in a lattice design.", "- 1 In a large bowl, dissolve yeast in 1/2 cup of water. 2 Add the remaining water, dry milk, oil, sugar, salt and 3 cups of flour. 3 Beat on medium speed for 3 minutes or until smooth. 4 Stir in enough remaining flour to form a soft dough.", "- Too Much Chocolate Cake. Start with a box of chocolate cake mix and add a few ingredients like sour cream and chocolate chips to make a moist, intensely-flavored chocolate cake that will win you First Prize from your friends and family. Recipe by Denise.", "Mocha Girl Cooks: Rich and Moist Cornbread with Jiffy Mix Ingredients for rich and moist cornbread recipe. 1 1 Box Jiffy Mix. 2 2 eggs. 3 1/4 cup vegetable oil. 1/2 teaspoon 1 salt. 1/2 cup sour cream. a dash of 1 cinnamon. a drop of vanilla flavoring. 3 tablespoons of sugar. 1 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease an 8 inch square or round pan. 2 2. Empty Jiffy mix into large mixing bowl. 3 3. Pour batter into greased pan. 4. Bake in preheated oven for 30 minutes, or until a knife inserted into the center of pan comes out clean.", "Pourable FUDGE Icing 1 I had to make a double batch of fudge icing to get the right thickness of icing for this cake. The icing recipe I used was a combination of 2 different recipes. In saucepan combine all ingredients. Bring to a boil, and cook for 1 minute Remove from heat.", "- Add the other ingredients. Pour into the mixing bowl the other ingredients and stir it in with the cake mix. Add the vinegar, vanilla, and applesauce and mix the ingredients together. 1 Basically, one cup of applesauce per box of cake mix acts as a fair substitute for the required amount of eggs and oil.2 In a typical cake (if you were making this without the box), one cup of applesauce replaces the two eggs usually asked for.. Pour the cake mix into a mixing bowl. Get a medium sized mixing bowl and pour the contents of the cake mix into it. 3. Add the soda. Pour the can of cream soda into the cake mix until the batter is well blended and there are no lumps in the mixture. 1 Note: Do not add any water, just the cream soda.", "7 Surprising Sweet and Savory Recipes That Enlist Sour Cream Whisk in the sour cream (or Greek yogurt) and the vanilla extract. Whisk until smooth. Scrape the batter into the prepared pan and bake until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean, 40 to 45 minutes. Let the cake cool in the pan for 15 minutes and then invert onto a rack. Let cool completely before glazing.", "Caramel Cake with Caramel Frosting {A Scratch Recipe} Directions. 1 In a separate bowl combine the cake flour, baking powder and salt. Whisk at least 30 seconds to blend. 2 In another bowl combine the sour cream, vanilla, oil, and milk. Stir and set aside. 3 In the bowl of your mixer add the butter that is still very cool and cut into 1/2 inch slices.", "Pound Cake with Dried Fruit (Fruitcake) 1 2 tsp almond extract. 2 Add flour mixture and mix briefly with a spatula until dry ingredients become evenly moist.(minimum mixing). 3 In a separate bowl, whip 4 egg whites, adding the remaining 1/4 lb.(112 grams)sugar, until very fluffy but not dry. Fold in 1/4 of the egg white into the batter with a spatula until evenly blended. 2 Add the rest of the egg whites, gently or at low speed until the color becomes even. ( 3 minimum mixing). 4 Fold in dry fruits with little strokes. 5 Pour into a 8-cup pound (about 1900cc)(5x9x3)(13x23x7cm)cake pan.", "Rhubarb-Wrapped Pineapple Mousse Cake The center is so sweet and mild with light pineapple flavor, it really strikes a balance with the slightly tart rhubarb covering. I'll definitely be making it again before fresh rhubarb disappears from the market shelves! Rhubarb-Wrapped Pineapple Mousse Cake [click for printable version] Yields one 8 or 9 inch cake Source: Mousse and crust recipe from the Sprinkle Bakes book, Rhubarb wrap technique by pastry chef Bernd Siefert Prep: 1 hour, total time with chilling about 4 hours Crust 1 1/4 cups fine graham cracker crumbs 4 tablespoons unsalted butter 1/2 tablespoon sugar", "- 4 Ingredient Chocolate Mousse Pie. So guys, remember when I asked you the other day for ideas because I was stocking up on recipes to post while I'm on vacation? Well, here I am, 4000 miles later in the USA, with a bunch of awesome things lined up to show you in the next few weeks.", "- Post # 1. Most homemade cake recipes turn out with a heavy dense texture. I would like to know how to make them light and fluffy like a Duncan Hines Cake mix might be. I noticed that most of the recipes have milk in them and use all purpose flour.ost homemade cake recipes turn out with a heavy dense texture. I would like to know how to make them light and fluffy like a Duncan Hines Cake mix might be.", "Royal Mazurka (Mazurek Krolewski) 1 Spread one cake with jam, cover it with the other cake and spread the icing over the top. 2 Icing:. 3 Stir warm water, lemon juice and confectioner's sugar together until the sugar completely dissolves and the icing is smooth. 4 It should be thick enough to coat the back of a spoon.5 Add more water if necessary.irections. 1 Mazurkas:. 2 Preheat oven to 375°F. 3 Beat eggs with sugar for 10 minutes, until light and fluffy. 4 Mix water with lemon juice, and add to the eggs in a thin stream while beating. 5 Beat 5 more minutes. 6 Add flour, almonds, and butter alternately.", "- Set the oven to about 350 degrees. Make the cake mix first by the recipe on the box. Put margarine in deep large mixing bowl and put it on 20 seconds in the microwave to soften. Add eggs. If recipe calls for water, use pineapple juice instead.", "- Allow the cupcakes to cool on a wire rack. While they are cooling, make the buttercream. Whip 1/2 cup soft butter with 1 1/2 cups confectioners sugar, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract or powder and 2 tablespoons of milk. Keep the frosting white, or add any food dye (powder or liquid) 1/8 teaspoon at a time.", "- 1 Melt the butter, sugar and honey together with the cinnamon and simmer for 2 minutes. 2 stir in the muesli, pumpkin seeds and dried apricots. 3 pack the mixture into a lined baking sheet, cover with foil and bake for 15 minutes. 4 leave in the tin for 10 minutes, then loosen the edges and turn out.ethod. 1 heat the oven to 180C. 2 Melt the butter, sugar and honey together with the cinnamon and simmer for 2 minutes. 3 stir in the muesli, pumpkin seeds and dried apricots.", "\"Joe's \"\"Say Cheese\"\" Cheesecake with Fresh Strawberry Sauce\" For the filling: In a stand mixer, beat the cream cheese together with the sour cream. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add the sugar, cornstarch and vanilla, and beat until smooth. Pour the filling into the prepared crust.", "- Start with a box of chocolate cake mix and add a few ingredients like sour cream and chocolate chips to make a moist, intensely-flavored chocolate cake that will win you First Prize from your friends and family." ]
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vitamin d refill
[ "Vitamin D Vitamin D comes from three sources: the sun, food (e.g., fish, milk, salmon), and dietary supplements. It is a fat-soluble vitamin, and it can accumulate in the body because it is stored in the liver and fat tissues for long periods of time." ]
[ "Vitamin D linked to lung cancer survival, study suggests Researchers are looking at using vitamin D to help prevent lung cancer from returning and spreading after surgery. This new study suggests the possibility of using CYP24A1 levels to personalize this approach to those likely to benefit most.", "Vitamin D Health Benefits and Side Effects Vitamin D supplements are also available as capsules, gummies, liquid, or chewable tablets. Cod liver oil is also still used. Vitamin D in supplements or in enriched foods may be vitamin D2 and D3. Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is the preferred form due to better utilization in the body. In addition to single supplements, multivitamins and calcium supplements provide vitamin D, but the amount varies widely so it's important to read labels.", "Top 5 Vitamin D Rich Foods All kinds of fish are high on Vitamin D. Typically oily or fatty fish contain more Vitamin D than less oily fish. An example of oily fish would be a juicy thick fillet of salmon. Other common options are trout, mackerel, tuna or eel. (More: 10 best fish recipes) 4. Egg", "Calcium/Vitamin D Vitamin D is naturally available in only a few foods, including fatty fish like wild-caught mackerel, salmon and tuna. Vitamin D is also added to milk and to some brands of other dairy products, orange juice, soymilk and cereals. Check the food label to see if vitamin D has been added to a particular product.", "Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D? Vitamin D is naturally present in few foods. Since 1930, virtually all cow's milk in the U.S. has been voluntarily fortified with 100 IU of vitamin D per cup. Food manufacturers are fortifying other foods, such as yogurt, cereal, and orange juice, to help consumers fill the nutrient gap in their diets.deally, vitamin D is added to a food or beverage that contains calcium. Vitamin D is needed for maximum absorption of calcium from the intestine, helping to build strong bones and teeth. Together with calcium, vitamin D can help prevent osteoporosis in older adults.", "- Taking vitamin D supplements to reverse a documented deficiency helped one reader ease pain and forget the extreme fatigue the deficiency caused. The People's Pharmacy April 20, 2015 Default 8 Comments.", "All articles Few foods contain vitamin D naturally. Fortunately, the body can make vitamin D with a little help from the sun. Foods containing vitamin D include vitamin D fortified milk, fortified breakfast cereals, egg yolks, fatty fish and liver. Calcium is one of the most abundant minerals in the body.", "What is a Vitamin D Injection? A vitamin D injection is a physician-administered dose of vitamin D that is injected directly into the bloodstream. Doctors use vitamin D injections to correct deficiencies in patients who, for whatever reason, cannot or do not want to take supplements.", "Vitamin D Testing Vitamin D deficiency testing results in potential impacts: 1 Establishes the need for replacement therapy and guides appropriate treatment, avoiding undermedicating the patient. 2 Detects overtreatment, which is rare—occurring only with long-term replacement at doses of almost 10,000 U/day or more.", "Top 10 Vitamin D Rich Foods Vitamin D is more than a vitamin in that is acts as a pro-hormone and effects hormone balance and immune regulation of the body. Most foods, unless they are fortified, are poor sources of vitamin D and there are only a small amount of vitamin D rich foods to choose from. Vitamin D plays a role in calcium absorption into the bones. A deficiency in vitamin D can result in a softening of the bones called osteomalacia or a bone abnormality called rickets. Some of the biggest vitamin D deficiency symptoms include: Weakened immune system. Seasonal depression. Autoimmune disease. Cancer. Weak bones (osteopenia) Skin issues eczema and psoriasis.", "Vitamin D Very few foods in nature contain vitamin D. The flesh of fatty fish (such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel) and fish liver oils are among the best sources [1,11]. Small amounts of vitamin D are found in beef liver, cheese, and egg yolks. Vitamin D in these foods is primarily in the form of vitamin D3 and its metabolite 25(OH)D3 [12]. Some mushrooms provide vitamin D2 in variable amounts [13,14].", "Vitamin D: Is it a Wonder Pill? Low levels of dietary vitamin D are associated with a greater risk for stroke and heart disease. On the flip side, high levels of vitamin D deficiency can cause toxicity and damage the heart, blood vessels, and kidneys. Talk to your doctor about the right amount of vitamin D for your health needs. Vitamin D: A Factor in Dementia?", "Vitamin D Deficiency and Toxicity: Laboratory Support of Diagnosis and Management Individuals Suitable for Testing. 1 Individuals with suspected vitamin D deficiency (eg, those with persistent, nonspecific musculoskeletal pain; the elderly; housebound individuals, etc.) 2 Individuals with suspected toxicity (eg, those with anemia of obscure origin, unexplained renal disease, etc.)3.", "Vitamin D for Healing Wounds Vitamin D for Healing Wounds. Vitamin D for Healing Wounds. November 14, 2014 by Advanced Tissue 0 1. Vitamin D deficiency can hinder the wound healing process. In order for the body to properly recover, it must have the right balance of vitamins, nutrients and other essential elements.", "Vitamin D Testing Vitamin D is vital for strong bones. It also has important, emerging roles in immune function and cancer prevention. Deficiencies at any stage of life can have devastating consequences. Similarly, vitamin D toxicity resulting from overmedication can cause serious hypercalcemia. Vitamin D consists of two bioequivalent forms:", "Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders Vitamin D deficiency can result from inadequate exposure to sunlight; malabsorption; accelerated catabolism from certain medications; and, in infants, the minimal amount of vitamin D found in breast milk.", "Is vitamin D deficiency casting a shadow over your health? Vitamin D deficiency may be a pervasive problem — one that we treat with specific therapies at our medical practice — but the best way to protect yourself from any deficiency is to build your health from the bottom up and let your body balance itself.", "C: The Blog Hypervitaminosis D is a condition that occurs after taking very high doses of vitamin D. The cause is excess intake of vitamin D. The doses need to be very high, far above what most medical providers normally prescribe. There has been a lot of confusion about vitamin D supplementation. It is extremely unusual for anybody to need more than 2,000 IU of vitamin D a day. For most people, vitamin D toxicity only occurs with Vitamin D doses above 10,000 IU per day. An excess of vitamin D causes abnormally high levels of calcium in the blood (hypercalcemia). This can severely damage the kidneys, soft tissues, and bones over time.", "Vitamin D solved vertigo problem Vitamin D solved vertigo problem. Q. I have been diagnosed with vertigo (BPPV), and it’s the worst. Anytime I move my head, the world spins. I recently found a study linking vitamin D deficiency to BPPV. My level was really low, so I started taking a supplement.", "- 1 Vitamin D is added to cow's milk, some brands of soy and rice milk, and some cereals and margarines. 2 Be sure to check food labels. 3 If you don't eat enough fortified foods and have limited sun exposure, you may need a vitamin D supplement (one derived from plants).", "Overview Vitamin D is necessary for your health. When you don’t get enough, you have a deficiency. This can lead brittle bones, as well as rickets in children. Some research has even tied it to depression, high blood pressure, cancer, type 2 diabetes, asthma, and high cholesterol.here is conflicting information when it comes to the link between cholesterol and vitamin D. Population studies show that people with lower vitamin D levels are more likely to have high cholesterol, although this does not prove a “cause and effect” relationship.", "What is Dry Vitamin D? Dry vitamin D is a supplemental form of vitamin D that is often taken because traditional methods of consuming the nutrient are not sufficient to meet dietary recommendations. Vitamin D is necessary to maintain appropriate levels of calcium and phosphorous in the blood, so if a body does not have access to enough, health problems can ensue.", "Vitamin D The Dietary Guidelines for Americans describes a healthy eating pattern as one that: 1 Includes a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products, and oils. Milk is fortified with vitamin D, as are many ready-to-eat cereals and some brands of yogurt and orange juice.", "Vitamin D deficiency: a worldwide problem with health consequences REFERENCES. ↵ 1 Holick MF. Phylogenetic and evolutionary aspects of vitamin D from phytoplankton to humans. ↵ 2 Holick MF. Vitamin D: A millennium perspective. ↵ 3 Sniadecki J. Jerdrzej Sniadecki (1768–1838) on the cure of rickets. ↵ 4 Holick MF. Resurrection of vitamin D deficiency and rickets. ↵ 5 Hess AF.", "Vitamin D Fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel are among the best sources. Beef liver, cheese, and egg yolks provide small amounts. Mushrooms provide some vitamin D. In some mushrooms that are newly available in stores, the vitamin D content is being boosted by exposing these mushrooms to ultraviolet light.", "Vitamin D Vitamin D deficiency rickets among breastfed infants is rare, but it can occur if an infant does not receive additional vitamin D from a vitamin supplement or from adequate exposure to sunlight. A number of factors decrease the amount of vitamin D a person will synthesize from sunlight.", "- Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is found in eggs and fatty fish such as salmon ad mackerel (and cod liver oil), but your body can also make its own vitamin D after exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun, though this is somewhat dependent on the season and your geographic location.", "- What you can do now. “If you are concerned about vitamin D deficiency, ask your healthcare provider to check your vitamin D level,” says Dr. Su. “If the level is low and your provider starts you on supplements, you need repeat testing in eight to 12 weeks to make sure the level is not too high or too low. “If testing shows your vitamin D level is normal, you need repeat testing every two to three years unless you have major changes in your overall health.”.", "What is a Vitamin D Injection? Vitamin D deficiency can be solved with supplements or injections. A vitamin D injection is a physician-administered dose of vitamin D that is injected directly into the bloodstream.", "- A severe allergic reaction to vitamin D supplements can lead to anaphylaxis, according to Drugs.com. If you develop common anaphylactic shock symptoms, call 911. These symptoms may include chest tightness, shortness of breath, wheezing, facial swelling, hives and dizziness." ]
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name the specfic veins and arteries that feed and drain each chanmber
[ "Heart & Blood Vessels: Your Coronary Arteries The heart receives its own supply of blood from the coronary arteries. Two major coronary arteries branch off from the aorta near the point where the aorta and the left ventricle meet. These arteries and their branches supply all parts of the heart muscle with blood.1 Left Main Coronary Artery.hen the coronary arteries narrow to the point that blood flow to the heart muscle is limited (coronary artery disease), collateral vessels may enlarge and become active." ]
[ "- cephalic vein. Superficial vein of the outer arm emptying into the axillary vein; it also receives blood from the superficial veins of the shoulder. arch of aorta. Second segment of the aorta, which branches into the arteries flowing to the head and upper limbs; with the ascending aorta, it forms the arch of the aorta.", "- This vessel is formed by the confluence of the common iliac veins. Each common iliac vein is in turn formed by the union of the external and internal iliac veins. The external iliac vein is the proximal continuation of the femoral vein which drains the hindleg. The internal iliac vein drains blood from the rectum, urinary bladder and genital organs. More anteriorly, the caudal vena cava also receives blood from the paired renal veins which drain the kidneys. The abdominal organs (other than those of the urogenital system) are drained by a separate series of veins, the portal system.", "- 2.Rectal anastomoses: This is between the inferior rectal vein, which is a tributary of the internal pudendal vein that drains into the internal iliac vein. The internal iliac vein finds its way into the common iliac vein and the into the inferior vena cava (systemic circulation).The anastomoses connect with the superior rectal vein, which is a tributary of the inferior mesenteric vein that drains into the superior mesenteric vein and then to the portal vein.ut there is a communication between the portal circulation and the rest of the systemic circulation in the so-called portocaval anastomoses, because the portal vein joins the inferior vena cava in this circulation. Ordinarily these anastomotic channels are silent, i.e. to say they are not prominent.", "- The pulmonary veins are a set of veins that deliver oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart and the Systemic veins drain the tissues of the body and deliver deoxygenated blood to the heart.", "Large Intestine Anatomy Lymphatics of the large intestine drain into the epicolic (on the intestine), pericolic (next to intestine), intermediate (along branches of vessels), and the main (also named ileocolic, right colic, middle colic, and left colic arteries) lymph nodes.he large intestine's wall and masses in the large intestine can be evaluated with contrast-enhanced (intravenous and rectal contrast) computed tomography (CT) scanning. Reconstruction of CT scans (CT colonography) gives as good an inside view of the colon as does colonoscopy (virtual colonoscopy).", "- Hepatic - Below the diaphragm region the posterior vena cava passes through the sub­. stance of the liver within which it receives the veins which drain the liver, the hepatic veins. Ductus Venosus - Within the body of liver the inferior vena cava then receives the ductus. venosus.", "coronary vein one of the veins of the heart that drain blood from the capillary beds of the myocardium through the coronary sinus into the right atrium. A few small coronary veins that collect blood from a small area in the right ventricle drain directly into the right atrium. (1) Right coronary vein; vena coronaria dextra [NA6]. (2) Left coronary vein; vena coronaria sinistra [NA6]. (3) Left gastric vein; vena gastrica sinistra [NA6].", "- Your veins drain deoxygenated blood from your body tissues and return it to the heart. Small veins converge to form larger and larger veins, which eventually drain into the venae cavae. The venae cavae empties the deoxygenated blood into the right atrium of the heart.The venae cavae has two divisions.The superior vena cava resembles a drain that leads down into the heart.mall veins converge to form larger and larger veins, which eventually drain into the venae cavae. The venae cavae empties the deoxygenated blood into the right atrium of the heart. The venae cavae has two divisions. The superior vena cava resembles a drain that leads down into the heart.", "- Arrangement pattern of the veins of the leaf. 1 The fine lines present on the leaf are called ‘leaf veins’. 2 The single middle prominent vein is known as ‘mid rib’ or the primary vein. The veins other than the primary vein are called ‘secondary veins’.", "- D V blood D V brain D Vintra ventricular CSF 1 D V blood D Vextra ventricular CSF 2 D V Rachidian spaces D V Dural sac CSF 3 CSF Internal carotids + Vertebrals arteries Jugular + Peripheriq périphériq VEINS Csf Oscillations-R R arterial Flow systolic Peak arterial Artérial flow Venous flow Veinous flow Thanks. To.Dr. o baledent", "Heart Anatomy The coronary sinus drains all venous blood from the heart except the blood carried from the anterior cardiac veins. The coronary sinus receives outflow from the great cardiac vein on the left and from the middle and small cardiac veins on the right.", "- Blood drains from the glomerulus by the efferent arteriole. The efferent arterioles than form peritubular capillaries that wrap around the tubules of the nephrons. Blood drains from the kidneys by way of veins that reverse the direction of blood flow into the kidneys in the arteries.lood drains from the glomerulus by the efferent arteriole. The efferent arterioles than form peritubular capillaries that wrap around the tubules of the nephrons. Blood drains from the kidneys by way of veins that reverse the direction of blood flow into the kidneys in the arteries.", "Kidney Anatomy The kidneys receive approximately 20% of the cardiac output. The blood supply to the kidneys arises from the paired renal arteries at the level of L2. They enter into the renal hilum, the passageway into the kidney, with the renal vein anteriorly; the renal artery; and the renal pelvis posteriorly. The first branch off of the renal artery is the inferior suprarenal artery. The renal artery then branches off into 5 segmental branches. The posterior segmental artery supplies most of the posterior kidney, with the exception of the lower pole. The anterior branches are the superior segmental artery, anterior superior segmental artery, anterior inferior segmental artery, and inferior segmental artery.", "The Ventricles of the Brain From the 4th ventricle, the fluid drains into two places: 1 Central spinal canal – Baths the spinal cord. 2 Subarachnoid cisterns – Baths the brain, between arachnoid mater and pia mater. Here the CSF is reabsorbed back into the circulation.", "What is the difference between alveoli and capillaries? capillaries are the fine branches of arteries or veins which supply blood to the bodies extremities, and veins are the thinner tubes carrying the de oxygenated blood bac … k to the heart.", "Spleen Angiogram The splenic artery supplies the spleen and substantial portions of the stomach and pancreas. The splenic artery courses superior and anterior to the splenic vein, along the superior edge of the pancreas.he splenic artery has many branches that supply the pancreatic body and tail. The first large branch is the dorsal pancreatic artery, and the second large branch is the greater pancreatic artery (or arteria pancreatica magna), which arises from the middle segment of the splenic artery.", "- A primary characteristic of the deep veins is that they run alongside the arteries, and as such, often share the same name. Blood flows from the superficial veins into the deep veins. Perforating veins act as communicating veins between the deep and superficial systems. Unique to the veins are venous valves, which permit unidirectional flow toward the heart. WALL STRUCTURE The deep vein wall consists of three layers.", "Name the major arteries and veins that deliver and drain blood to and from the head and neck. Name the major arteries and veins that deliver and drain blood to and from the head and neck. Oxygenated blood enters the neck from the trunk through four major arteries: the left and right vertebral arteries and the... View the full answer.", "- Vascular supply and venous drainage of the chest wall. | Reply More. Vascular supply and venous drainage of the chest wall. The intercostal spaces receive their arterial supply from the anterior and posterior intercostal arteries. • The anterior intercostal arteries are branches of the internal thoracic artery and its terminal branch the musculophrenic artery.", "- The posterior vena cava, also called the caudal vena cava, is the large vein that collects blood from the caudal half of the animal and delivers it to the right atrium. The ca … udal vena cava provides venous drainage to the hind limbs, reproductive tract and digestive tract. In human's ...there ain't none.wo arteries, the pulmonary trunk and the aorta, exit the heart. The pulmonary trunk, arising from the right ventricle, splits into the right and left ventricle, carries blood to the rest of the body.", "Describe the structure of the arteries, veins and capillaries and relate this to their function. Describe the structure of the arteries, veins and capillaries and relate this to their function. figure 7. Arteries. Arteries transport blood away from the heart; there are two types the pulmonary arteries and systemic arteries.Pulmonary arteries carry blood from the heart to the lungs where the blood picks up oxygen.Systemic arteries deliver blood to the rest of the body.rteries transport blood away from the heart; there are two types the pulmonary arteries and systemic arteries. Pulmonary arteries carry blood from the heart to the lungs where the blood picks up oxygen.", "Chapter 13: Vessles and lympatic drainage of the lower limb Venous drainage. 1 The chief superficial veins are the great and small saphenous veins. 2 The superficial lymphatic vessels of the lower limb are arranged as medial trunks, which end in the inguinal nodes, and as a lateral set, which either joins the medial trunks superior to the knee or ends in the popliteal nodes (fig.", "Muscles, Nerves, and Blood Vessels of the Eyes An ophthalmic artery and a central retinal artery (an artery that branches off of the ophthalmic artery) provide blood to each eye. Similarly, ophthalmic veins (vortex veins) and a central retinal vein drain blood from the eye. These blood vessels enter and leave through the back of the eye. Biology of the Eyes", "Lungs: blood supply, lymphatic drainage and nerve supply Abstract. The pulmonary arteries, through their capillary plexus, are entirely concerned with alveolar gaseous exchange, while the nutrient supply of the lung parenchyma is provided by the bronchial arteries.The pulmonary vein tributaries derive partly from the capillaries of the bronchial and the pulmonary arteries.he blood supply to the tissues of the lung, its lymph nodes, bronchi and visceral pleura, comes from the bronchial arteries. The venous drainage of the alveoli and the small bronchi is provided by the pulmonary veins, whereas that of the larger bronchi is via the bronchial veins.", "- The pulmonary veins are large blood vessels that receive oxygenated blood from the lungs and drain into the left atrium of the heart. There are four pulmonary veins, two from each lung. The pulmonary veins are among the few veins that carry oxygenated blood.", "- Venous drainage from the testis and epididymis form a network of 8-12 veins, called the pampiniform venous plexus, lying anterior to the ductus deferens and surrounding the testicular artery in the spermatic cord. The veins converge superiorly, forming a testicular vein, after passing through the deep inguinal ring.", "- This chapter begins with a detailed description of the anatomy of blood vessels. The characteristics of elastic (conducting) arteries and muscular (distributing) arteries as well as arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins, anastomoses and blood distribution are extensively described.", "- Tributaries. 1 hemiazygos vein is a similar structure on the opposite side of the vertebral column and drains into the azygos vein. 2 posterior right intercostal veins. 3 right superior phrenic vein. 4 right superior intercostal vein. 5 tracheal veins. 6 oesophageal veins. 7 bronchial veins. 8 pericardial veins.", "Iliac vein In human anatomy, iliac vein refers to several anatomical structures located in the pelvis 1 : Common iliac vein, formed by the external and internal iliac veins, drains into the inferior vena cava. Deep circumflex iliac vein, formed by the union of the venae comitantes of the deep iliac circumflex artery, and joins the external iliac vein. 2 External iliac vein, terminates at the common iliac vein, drains the femoral vein. 3 Internal iliac vein, terminates at the common iliac vein, drains pelvic organs and perineum.", "Venous Drainage of the Lower Limb The deep vein of the thigh is the other major venous structure. Via perforating veins, it drains blood from the thigh muscles. It then empties into the distal section of the femoral vein. The femoral vein leaves the thigh by running underneath the inguinal ligament, at which point it is known as the external iliac vein." ]
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[ "Opening MDB files MDB stands for Microsoft Database. Files that contain the .mdb file extension are created by the Microsoft Access database application. These files contain database structures and entries. MDB files allow for the creation of data entry forms, database queries, stored procedures, reports and security settings." ]
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Windows Media Player is Microsoft’s free software for playing audio and video files, and it comes with most versions of Windows. You can find plenty of other options. Start in software archive sites that offer ratings and reviews by other users.", "Adobe Acrobat Reader DC About: Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software is the free global standard for reliably viewing, printing, and commenting on PDF documents. And now, it's connected to the Adobe Document Cloud − making it easier than ever to work across computers and mobile devices.", "MDB Viewer Plus by: Download.com staff on September 16, 2014. MDB Viewer Plus is a bare-bones database application. It allows you to view, edit, and search through a Microsoft Access database file without having Access installed on the machine. 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The basic Acrobat Reader, available for several desktop and mobile platforms, is freeware; it supports viewing, printing and annotating of PDF files.", "Opening MSDVD files Try a universal file viewer. In addition to the products listed above, I would suggest that you try a universal file viewer like Free File Viewer. It can open over 200 different types of files-and very likely yours too » Free Download.", "- About the file extension mdb. Our goal is to help you understand what a file with a *.mdb suffix is and how to open it. All file types, file format descriptions, and Mac, Windows, and Linux programs listed on this page have been individually researched and verified by the FileInfo team. We strive for 100% accuracy and do not publish any information we have not been able to verify.", "W-Shadow.com There are several applications that can open .MDF files 1 : Alcohol 120% can mount .mdf files in a virtual CD/DVD drive. 2 MagicISO can open or mount the files. 3 Daemon Tools can also mount .mdf files using a virtual drive. IsoBuster can also open .mdf files.", "Access Password Recovery Tool â Recover Lost MDB Files Password MDB Password Recovery Software is the instant password recovery solution for password protected access database as it is fast, easy to use software and involves only few steps to recover access password. 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Windows 8: Select Use this app for all .pdf files. Click OK (Windows 7).ac OS users. To configure Mac OS X to open PDFs with Reader or Acrobat, do the following: Click the PDF file's icon in the Finder to select it. Click the triangle next to Open With, and choose Adobe Acrobat Reader or Adobe Acrobat from the pop-up list (if your preference is not on the list, choose Other to select it).", "- Windows asks for a program to open the file. If you have Adobe Reader installed but PDF files won't open, you may need to associate Reader with PDF files. Right-click on the PDF file and select Open With. Select Adobe Reader from the list of programs. If Adobe Reader is not listed, you will need to browse for it on your computer. It is usually installed at C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Adobe\\Reader.", "- iTunes is the world's easiest way to organize and add to your digital media collection. We are unable to find iTunes on your computer. 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The mobile version of the popular desktop tool, Foxit Mobile PDF (Android, iOS) is a solid dedicated PDF reader app for your mobile needs. On the display end, Foxit handles normal and password protected PDFs, with support for document and user bookmarks.", "DOWNLOAD Open and view DWG, DXF, and DWF files, perform measurements and export the drawing to CSF format with this simple software application. Free DWG Viewer is a handy and reliable software application designed to open Autodesk native formats such as DWG, DXF and DWF files. Aside from running as a desktop application, it can also be used to open files inside browsers via the included ActiveX control. Free DWG Viewer can also be used to open Informative Graphics legacy formats associated with Brava! Desktop and MYRIAD. In addition to that, the application can publish Autodesk drawings to CSF format, which compresses and encrypts the original CAD file for protecting your intellectual property." ]
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what causes shaking when braking
[ "Why does your steering wheel shake when braking? More often, a steering wheel that shakes when braking is caused by warped rotors, which your mechanic may be able to diagnose with a simple test -- that is, by spinning the rotors by hand to feel for imperfections.", "What Does It Mean When a Car Vibrates When the Brakes Are Applied? Having a car vibrate when the brakes are applied is a common problem for many car owners. Most of the time, this is a result of the front brakes being worn out, which is usually due to warping." ]
[ "How do you fix squeaky brakes? Answer Wiki. Brake noises tend to come in three varieties; Squeak, Squeal, and Grind. Squeaks, upon braking effort, can be anything from rusty, or worn spring and attaching hardware, to dried rubber components. Many DIY'er replace the pads or shoes without thought to the hardware, which should also be replaced.", "Brake Pad Rattle These claw clips are really only for pad install on the production line but do have the affect of preventing pad rattle. Brake rattle can also be caused by a loose disc which would mean a loose wheel and of course this is a serious issue which needs fixing immediately. Basically if you hear any rattling noise from your brakes take the car quickly to a professional mechanic for advice.", "What Causes Squeaking Brakes? 3. Defective Rotor Surface. A brand new rotor is shiny and smooth. Over time this new, shiny, smooth surface gets worn by the brake pads and gets repeatedly heated and cooled by the driver using the brakes. Sometimes this can cause rocks, pieces of the brake pads or other debris to get lodged into the brake rotors.This can cause squealing brakes. The best way to check for this is to remove your tire and inspect the braking surface carefully. Another thing that can cause brake noise is rust buildup on the rotors.. Defective Rotor Surface. A brand new rotor is shiny and smooth. Over time this new, shiny, smooth surface gets worn by the brake pads and gets repeatedly heated and cooled by the driver using the brakes. Sometimes this can cause rocks, pieces of the brake pads or other debris to get lodged into the brake rotors.", "Why is my car shaking and the check engine light flashing? An engine needs three things to run: fuel, air, and spark. If it's shaking, it's likely that the sparks are not happening or happening at the wrong time or intermittently. I think it's less likely that a stutter in combustion pulses is caused by air or fuel problem.", "Four Common Types of Brake Squeaks 1. Disc Brakes Squeak After Car Sits Overnight. Most brakes squeak after sitting overnight. This is usually due to moisture from rain, dew, or condensation that collects on the surface of the rotors. When moisture collects on the brake rotors, it causes a thin layer of rust to form on the rotor surface.", "Car hesitates when accelerating Spark Plugs deliver electric current from the ignition system to the engine to ignite the engine’s fuel and air mixture. Bad spark plugs can cause a car hesitates, jerks, or shakes during acceleration or driving. If the spark plugs are new but you see incomplete electric spark, check on the spark plug wires.", "If My Car Shakes or Vibrates While Driving, How Do I fix It? If your car shakes while driving down the road or the steering wheel vibrates, you're not alone. One of the most common complaints of vehicle owners is vibrations. Whether it from the car tires, bent rim, or the brakes, they can be annoying and if left unattended for a long time, it could cause premature wear and tear on the tires and suspension. Most vehicle owners think that when their car shakes or vibrates, it means they need and alignment, this is not true.", "Why are my brakes squeaking? In addition, it's very possible a completely different problem is causing your brake noise, so have a mechanic make sure it's not a more serious problem before you dismiss it as normal brake noise.. Remember: Brakes are designed to make noises when they're going bad to warn you, so it's actually a good thing.", "Causes of Shaky Hands Adrenaline. Adrenaline on its own can be triggered in many ways. For instance it can be a result of shock, or of a confrontation, and this then causes an increased heart beat, shaking, and racing thoughts. The solution is to try and control your breathing and to remove yourself from the stressful situation.", "What Causes Brakes to Make a Grinding Sound? If the brake grinding is caused by worn down brake pads, immediate repair is vital. Once the brake pads become completely worn down, it can cause brake failure. Driving with worn down brake pads can also cause the caliper, drum or rotor damage which will end in costly repairs for the car owner. Another less common reason for brakes making a grinding noise is something becoming lodged in the caliper.", "Why does your steering wheel shake when braking? However, rotors tend to wear down over time [source: FamilyCar ]. As this happens, the metal may become thinned out or warped in certain spots. When the brake pads grip the rotor at high speeds, these imperfections cause a rumbling in the brake pedal that's then transmitted to the steering wheel. The good news is that there are some simple solutions for fixing the problem, which we'll explore in the next section.", "Why Is My Car Shaking? 1 An off balance wheel can cause lots of vibration. 2 This is a cheap fix if it's your problem. 3 Replace your shock absorbers or struts. 4 Worn struts or shocks can cause an uneven driving condition and can result in shaking, porpoising or bouncy ride. 5 Check and replace your upper strut bearings. Worn struts or shocks can cause an uneven driving condition and can result in shaking, porpoising or bouncy ride. 2 Check and replace your upper strut bearings. 3 These are at the top of your front (and sometimes rear) shock towers and are accessed from under the hood.", "Dealing with car brake noise The obvious first step in the squeal search is to eliminate serious system problems. Brakes do not simply fail – they deteriorate. One element of the system wears and, over time, takes the rest of the system with it. Brake system wear.", "If My Car Shakes or Vibrates While Driving, How Do I fix It? In the video below, you can see who the car shakes or vibrates when applying the brakes. You'll notice that I'm driving about 80 mph, so the shake isn't that bad, but it is noticeable. To fix this problem, either replace the rotors, or have the rotors resurfaced if the're within spec (thick enough).", "Category : Brakes Not so much. If your steering wheel is quivering when you brake, something's likely haywire in your brake system. Learn why your steering wheel may be trembling and what you can do to put a stop to the shivers and shakes! Read More.", "What Are the Causes of Vibration on Trucks? Warped brake rotors are the most common cause of braking vibrations. In addition to a vibration, warped rotors may cause your calipers not to release completely and lead to uneven brake pad wear that will cause your brake pads to need to be replaced sooner than they should.", "- The first step in finding a solution for a steering wheel that vibrates during braking is to determine the cause of the shaking. As we mentioned, this is almost always caused by a problem with the rotors. Other causes of a vibrating steering system would generally cause shaking all the time, not just when braking. With that in mind, we'll focus this section on the most common rotor problems and their solutions.", "Why are my brakes squeaking? The metal rotor that the brake pads squeeze together can sometimes vibrate, causing a squeaking noise. Luckily, there are several ways to fix this: 1 Use a milk spray, lotion or cream on the back of the pads [source: Allen 2 ]. Use sandpaper to sand off surface hardening of the brake pad/shoe surface.n addition, it's very possible a completely different problem is causing your brake noise, so have a mechanic make sure it's not a more serious problem before you dismiss it as normal brake noise.. Remember: Brakes are designed to make noises when they're going bad to warn you, so it's actually a good thing.", "Get Rid of Steering Wheel Shake When Braking. Show All Items. There are common problems that cause your steering wheel to shake when you apply the brakes. In order from least expensive to most, they are: dry guide pins, worn brake pads, and worn rotors. It’s generally recommended if you replace the rotors, you replace the brakes, and grease the guide pins.", "Why does your steering wheel shake when braking? Rotors are discs that your brake pads clamp down on in order to stop your car. In other words, they're pretty important. Why they may cause the steering wheel to shake when braking requires a quick review of how rotors work. Rotors are usually made of metal and function at a specific width, depending on the make and model of your vehicle.", "So I just spent about $400 in front brake repairs at Midas.. $162 to Remove and replace brake rotors ($40 for labor, $122 for parts) At first he told me he would just need to replace my brake pads and then he called me back after taking it apart and told me the back of the rotors are full of rust and they had little dents in them which was probably what caused the shaking.", "- This article is incomplete. (August 2009) Engine braking occurs when the retarding forces within an engine are used to slow a vehicle down, as opposed to using additional external braking mechanisms such as friction brakes or magnetic brakes.", "What Causes a Car to Shake While Driving? A car shakes while driving because of problems with the suspension or wheels that cause these elements to not sit properly and therefore shudder as the vehicle moves forward. Shuddering often intensifies the faster the vehicle moves. Shaking and tremors occur in the steering wheel as vehicles reach higher velocities. Continue Reading.", "What causes a shaky steering wheel? 1 Tires out of balance or the bushings (not sure the technical term) are worn in the steering system. It could be faulty steering dampers. This is a shock that crosses from left to right connecting to tie rod ends. The shock is very firm and you will not be able to actuate it by hand if working properly.", "How much for a brake job Ford Escape? Pulsing is usually caused by out of round rear brake drums or front rotors being out of parallelism; which means the rotor is thinner or thicker in some spots than others. Replacement or machining of the rotors (within limits) and pads would be answer to the problem.", "Engine is shaking, pulsating or vibrating Inspection Service Get your car inspected at your home or office. Engine is shaking, pulsating or vibrating Inspection Service & Cost. Any unusual shaking or vibrating forces coming from the engine is cause for concern. It could be something as simple as old spark plugs producing an uneven power delivery, it could be something serious like worn or broken engine mounts, or it could be even more serious in the case of internal engine damage.", "What Does a Shaking Car Steering Wheel Indicate? According to O'Reilly Auto Parts, the most common cause of a shaking steering wheel is a bent tire wheel, which is the probable cause if the shaking happens at high speeds. To diagnose this, the car needs to be elevated and each wheel spun to check for sideways movement.", "5 Causes of Engine Vibration A loose or disconnected air hose or vacuum hose can cause quite a bit of violent shaking and vibration in your car's engine. To correct the problem, simply look for any loose or disconnected hoses and reattach them and replace them as needed.", "- If temperature cycling is the root cause, one would expect other relays in the car to have this problem as well but only the fuel pump relay has it. Don't know how the relay is mounted in your car but I think the mounting method used in the 92 Civic greatly contributes to mechanical shaking of the relay. The relay is bolted on the far end of a stick-like metal bracket like a baby's rattle and gets shaken like one under normal driving conditions.", "Understand Brake Noise for a Proper Diagnosis When your brakes are making a loud grinding sound when you press on the pedal, this is almost always caused by contact of the rotor disc with part of the caliper. This is usually because of extreme wear to the brake pads or rotors.ost often brake rattle happens when you let up off the pedal. Suddenly you may hear a rattle. Usually it sounds like the rattle made when shaking a can of spray paint. The most common cause of this noise is the pads, and that's ok." ]
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what is an fsb
[ "- The Financial Stability Board (FSB) is an international body that monitors and makes recommendations about the global financial system. Find out about the FSB’s mandate, framework and key standards, as well as who runs it. Learn about its history and find links to its member institutions." ]
[ "- b. Analyze the relationship between the three branches in a system of checks and balances and separation of powers. SSCG5 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the federal system of government described in the United States Constitution. a. Explain the relationship of state governments to the national government. b. Define the difference between enumerated and implied powers. c. Describe the extent to which power is shared.", "- (Redirected from Phosphate buffered saline). Phosphate-buffered saline (abbreviated PBS) is a buffer solution commonly used in biological research. It is a water-based salt solution containing sodium phosphate, sodium chloride and, in some formulations, potassium chloride and potassium phosphate.he simplest way to prepare a PBS solution is to use PBS buffer tablets or pouches. They are formulated to give a ready-to-use PBS solution upon dissolution in a specified quantity of distilled water. They are available in the standard volumes: 100, 200, 500 and 1000 mL, and 10, 25, 50 and 100 L.", "- BSB is used as an identifier consisting of a six digit numerical code that identifies an individual branch of an Australian financial institution. The BSB is normally used in association with the bank account number.", "- Feosol is the brand name of ferrous sulfate, an over-the-counter (OTC) nutritional supplement used to prevent or treat low levels of iron in the blood.Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency in the United States.eosol is the brand name of ferrous sulfate, an over-the-counter (OTC) nutritional supplement used to prevent or treat low levels of iron in the blood.", "FANBOYS in English stand for? FANBOYS are used when fixing fragments and run-on sentences. When using a FANBOY, you must make sure to put a comma in front of them, always.", "Theories of Meaning A theory of reference assigns to subsentential expressions values which explain their contribution to the truth-values of sentences; but to those sentences, it only assigns ‘true’ or ‘false.’ But consider a pair of sentences like. ( 1 9) Mary believes that Barack Obama is the president of the United States.", "Small Fiber Sensory Neuropathy Small fiber sensory neuropathy (SFSN) is a disorder in which only the small sensory cutaneous nerves are affected. The majority of patients experience sensory disturbances that start in the feet and progress upwards.These patients have what is called a length-dependent SFSN.mall fiber sensory neuropathy (SFSN) is a disorder in which only the small sensory cutaneous nerves are affected. The majority of patients experience sensory disturbances that start in the feet and progress upwards.", "- MOst CSF circulates in to______ by passing through 3 tiny openingsin the walls of the_________. Subarachnoid; 4th ventricle. CSF is formed and drained back into the venous blood at the same rate. If its drainage is blocked, a donditionn called______ occurs, which results in increased pressure on the brain.elcome to StudyStack, where users create FlashCards and share them with others. Click on the large flashcard to flip it over. Then click the green, red, or yellow box to move the current card to that box. Below the flashcards are blue buttons for other activities that you can try to study the same information.", "Medical Definition of Fibrosarcoma Fibrosarcoma: A malignant tumor consisting of fibroblasts (connective tissue cells that produce the collagen found in scar tissue) Fibrosarcoma may occur as a mass in the soft tissues or may be found in bone.", "What Is Ferrous Sulfate (Feosol)? Feosol is the brand name of ferrous sulfate, an over-the-counter (OTC) nutritional supplement used to prevent or treat low levels of iron in the blood. Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency in the United States.", "- Flashback in Sonny Blues. Writers often utilize various literary devices in order to enhance, or empower their works. One of the most effective of these devices is flashback. Flashback is commonly used to tell the reader more about the history of the plot, and also the history of the characters within the plot.", "Protect Your Rights Federal Agencies MSPB's vision is A highly qualified, diverse Federal workforce that is fairly and effectively managed, providing excellent service to the American people. MSPB's organizational values are Excellence, Fairness, Timeliness, and Transparency. More about MSPB can obtained from MSPB's Strategic Plan.", "- From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Friends Stand United (FSU) is a national organization in the United States which is classified by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as a street gang, a classification that FSU members deny.rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Friends Stand United (FSU) is a national organization in the United States which is classified by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as a street gang, a classification that FSU members deny.", "Background Fibrosarcoma is a tumor of mesenchymal cell origin that is composed of malignant fibroblasts in a collagen background. It can occur as a soft-tissue mass or as a primary or secondary bone tumor.", "See what students say: An English major sums up FSU: Florida State University is a school where students are asked to uphold the garnet and gold and to live intentionally in the direction of leadership, academics, and service. Student Body. Your average FSU student is a football fan, partier, into academics and community service, [and] passionate.", "Pearson Adult Learning Centre: Weekly Feature What is FANBOYS? First, it is an acronym, a word made up of the first letters of other words. It's a good way to remember seven important coordinating conjunctions, or joining words. They are called coordinating because they join equal word groups, called independent clauses.", "- SBS 2000 / 2003 / 2008 / 2011. If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below.", "High Court Weighs Age-Discrimination Case « U.S. Backs Rulings Requiring More English-Language Learner Aid in Arizona | Main | Protesting Students Were Not Prevailing Parties, Court Rules ». The U.S. Supreme Court took up an age-discrimination case today with potential importance for the employment practices of schools. The issue in Gross v. FBL Financial Services Inc. (Case No. 08-441) is whether a plaintiff suing under the federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act must present direct evidence of bias to obtain a mixed-motive jury instruction.", "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo S = sentence. Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo is a grammatically correct sentence in American English, often presented as an example of how homonyms and homophones can be used to create complicated linguistic constructs.", "- Once approved, log on to HireMason. On the lower right hand corner you will see a link to “Federal Work-Study Positions,” this link will take you directly to all posted FWS positions. To select a job click on the job title.", "FANBOYS in English stand for? FANBOYS is a way to remember all of the conjunctions. The FANBOYS are: ForAndNorButOrYetSoFANBOYS are used when fixing fragments and run-on sentences.", "- Flashback in Sonny Blues 3 Pages. 818 Words. Writers often utilize various literary devices in order to enhance, or empower their works. One of the most effective of these devices is flashback. Flashback is commonly used to tell the reader more about the history of the plot, and also the history of the characters within the plot.", "Fluorosulfuric acid Fluorosulfuric acid (IUPAC name: sulfurofluoridic acid) is the inorganic compound with the chemical formula HSO 3 F. It is one of the strongest acids commercially available.The formula HSO 3 F emphasizes its relationship to sulfuric acid, H 2 SO 4; HSO 3 F is a tetrahedral molecule.luorosulfuric acid is considered to be highly toxic and corrosive. It hydrolyzes to release HF. Addition of water to HSO 3 F can be violent, similar to the addition of water to sulfuric acid but much more violent.", "- 1 Review. Feosol is the brand name of ferrous sulfate, an over-the-counter (OTC) nutritional supplement used to prevent or treat low levels of iron in the blood. Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency in the United States.ommon Side Effects of Ferrous Sulfate. Ferrous sulfate may cause constipation and upset stomach. You should tell your doctor if these side effects become severe or do not go away. The medicine may also turn your stools dark, which is harmless.", "How to Find the F Value in Statistics Find the sum of squares, or SSB, between your data sets. Square the individual sums X and Y, add them together, and divide this result by n. Subtract MC from this result. The formula is SSB = [(X^2 + Y^2)/n] – MC. Find the total sum of squares, or SST. Square all the individual data points, from both set X and set Y, and add them all together.", "First Sergeants Barracks Program UPDATED CONTACT INFORMATION !!! What is the First Sergeants Barracks Program? First Sergeants Barracks Program (FSBP) is part of the Army plan to improve the quality of life for Single Soldiers, and to standardize the management of barracks Army wide.", "verbiage Examples of verbiage in a sentence. NOT the least of the many trials inflicted upon the Boston Red Sox has been a torrent of verbiage. Surely no team in recent memory has been so scrutinized, complained about and then elegized. —Charles McGrath, New York Times Book Review, 13 Aug. 2006.", "Seal & Motto there are exactly 46 leaves in the two branches since there were 46 states in the union when the fbi was founded in 1908 the significance of the red and white parallel stripes lies in their colors red traditionally stands for courage valor strength while white conveys cleanliness light truth and peace", "ARIZONA v. UNITED STATES The syllabus constitutes no part of the opinion of the Court but has been. prepared by the Reporter of Decisions for the convenience of the reader. See United States v. Detroit Timber & Lumber Co., 200 U. S. 321, 337. SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. Syllabus. BRUESEWITZ ET AL. v. WYETH LLC, FKA WYETH, INC.,", "LG GW-L207FLQK SERVICE MANUAL AND REPAIR GUIDE Review C: Kinds of Sentence Structure EXERCISE Rewrite each of the following sentences on the lines provided. Follow the directions in parentheses. Example 1. Television news is faSCinating. Newspapers often provide more in-depth coverage. (Rewrite as a compound sentence. Use the conjunction but.) Television news is fascinating." ]
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how much blood does an average person have
[ "How much blood does each person have? The amount of blood in the human body depends on size. An average man of 150 lbs or 70 kgs will have around 8 pints or 5.2 litres of blood. A woman of 110 lbs (50 kgs) will have about 3.3 litres of blood; about 5 pints. (However, 110 lbs is a petite size!)." ]
[ "Blood Facts Red blood cells, also called erythrocytes, are by far the most abundant cells in the blood. RBCs give blood its characteristic red color. In men, there are an average of 5,200,000 RBCs per cubic millimeter (microliter), and in women there are an average of 4,600,000 RBCs per cubic millimeter.RBCs account for approximately 40 to 45 percent of the blood.BCs give blood its characteristic red color. In men, there are an average of 5,200,000 RBCs per cubic millimeter (microliter), and in women there are an average of 4,600,000 RBCs per cubic millimeter. RBCs account for approximately 40 to 45 percent of the blood.", "How much blood is there in body of an adult human being? How much blood is in a human body? 8-12 pints depending on the size of the person. Actually about 5 litre of blood is present in a normal human body It varies by age and weight, but the standard a…nswer is 6 liters, or about a gallon and a half.", "Blood Blood consists of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets suspended in plasma, a watery, straw-colored fluid. Plasma makes up about 55 percent of the blood, while blood cells and platelets make up the remaining 45 percent. The average adult human body contains about 6 quarts (approximately 5.6 microliters) of blood.", "- 8-12 pints depending on the size of the person. Actually about 5 litre of blood is present in a normal human body It varies by age and weight, but the standard a … nswer is 6 liters, or about a gallon and a half.+ 24 others found this useful.Emily Staley.-12 pints depending on the size of the person. Actually about 5 litre of blood is present in a normal human body It varies by age and weight, but the standard a … nswer is 6 liters, or about a gallon and a half. + 24 others found this useful. Emily Staley.", "Do You Know the Amount of Blood in Human Body The blood volume usually varies from person to person, depending on their body size and their state of hydration. The volume of the cellular elements in the blood will also have an impact on how much blood you have in your lungs, heart, veins, organs and arteries. A typical adult usually has about 5 liters of blood.", "Does the body produce new blood everyday? COMPOSITION OF BLOOD Blood is composed of a yellowish fluid, called plasma, in which are suspended the millions of cells that constitute about 45 per cent by volume of whole blood. It has a characteristic odour and a relative density between 1.056 and 1.066.In an average healthy adult, the volume of blood is one-eleventh of the body weight, or between 4.5 and 6 litres (5 and 6 qt).A great portion of the plasma is composed of water, a medium that facilitates the circulation of the many indispensable factors of which blood is composed.n an average healthy adult, the volume of blood is one-eleventh of the body weight, or between 4.5 and 6 litres (5 and 6 qt).", "Picture of Blood All rights reserved. Blood is a constantly circulating fluid providing the body with nutrition, oxygen, and waste removal. Blood is mostly liquid, with numerous cells and proteins suspended in it, making blood thicker than pure water. The average person has about 5 liters (more than a gallon) of blood. A liquid called plasma makes up about half of the content of blood.", "Blood volume A typical adult has a blood volume of approximately 5 liters, with females generally having less blood volume than males. Blood volume is regulated by the kidneys.Blood volume (BV) can be calculated given the hematocrit (HC; the fraction of blood that is red blood cells) and plasma volume (PV): typical adult has a blood volume of approximately 5 liters, with females generally having less blood volume than males. Blood volume is regulated by the kidneys.", "How much blood does your body make every day? The blood consists of a suspension of special cells in a liquid called plasma. In an adult man, the blood is about 1/12th of the body weight and this corresponds to 5-6 litres. Blood consists of 55 % plasma, and 45 % by cells called formed elements. The blood performs a lot of important functions.", "How much blood does each person have? The amount of blood in the human body depends on size (body mass is more important than height). An average man of 150 lbs or 70 kgs will have around 8 pints or 5.2 litres of blood. A woman of 110 lbs (50 kgs) will have about 3.3 litres of blood ; about 5 pints. (However, 110 lbs is a petite size!).", "- A normal person has an average Hr of 70 bea … ts per minute. The average stroke volume is 5 liters per minute (amount of blood pumps for your heart every minute). If you multiply 5 liters per 60 minutes, you will get 300 liters per hour.If you multiply 300 liters per 24 hours, you will get 7200 liters per day.nswered by The Community. Making the world better, one answer at a time. Your body had five liters of blood, and your body will produce how ever much it needs to make five liters. if you loose none then you make none.", "How much blood does your body make every day? Report Abuse. The blood consists of a suspension of special cells in a liquid called plasma. In an adult man, the blood is about 1/12th of the body weight and this corresponds to 5-6 litres. Blood consists of 55 % plasma, and 45 % by cells called formed elements.The red blood cells are completely replaced in 4-6 weeks.eport Abuse. The blood consists of a suspension of special cells in a liquid called plasma. In an adult man, the blood is about 1/12th of the body weight and this corresponds to 5-6 litres. Blood consists of 55 % plasma, and 45 % by cells called formed elements.", "Blood Basics The blood that runs through the veins, arteries, and capillaries is known as whole blood, a mixture of about 55 percent plasma and 45 percent blood cells. About 7 to 8 percent of your total body weight is blood. An average-sized man has about 12 pints of blood in his body, and an average-sized woman has about nine pints.", "10 Facts On How Much Blood Is In The Human Body How Much Blood is in the Human Body. Generally, men have more blood than women because of their size and weight. An average man weighing between 70-80 kilograms will carry about 8 – 10 pints of blood. While women of average body build of between 60 – 70 kilograms would have about 6 – 7 pints of blood. An average child weighing about 18-20 kilograms will have roughly half the amount of blood as a grown up.", "How much blood is there in body of an adult human being? 8-12 pints depending on the size of the person. Actually about 5 litre of blood is present in a normal human body It varies by age and weight, but the standard a … nswer is 6 liters, or about a gallon and a half. + 24 others found this useful.", "Blood Blood accounts for 7% of the human body weight, with an average density around 1060 kg/m3, very close to pure water's density of 1000 kg/m3. The average adult has a blood volume of roughly 5 litres (11 US pt), which is composed of plasma and several kinds of cells.", "Blood FAQ Although an estimated 38 percent of the U.S. population is eligible to donate blood at any given time, less than 10 percent do so annually. According to studies, the average donor is a college-educated white male, between the ages of 30 and 50, who is married and has an above-average income.", "- Report Abuse. The human body has about 6 liters of blood. Some people have as few as 5, some have as much as 7, and some people may even fall outside that range. But the average is about six. Children have an average of 1.5 liters of blood, and infants have about 300 mililiters of blood.As for how much bloodloss is needed to kill a person, well.... that's rough.eport Abuse. The human body has about 6 liters of blood. Some people have as few as 5, some have as much as 7, and some people may even fall outside that range. But the average is about six. Children have an average of 1.5 liters of blood, and infants have about 300 mililiters of blood.", "- An average adult that weighs approximately 150 pounds will have about 186 ounces of total blood volume. Children that are about 80 pounds will have about 93 ounces, or half the amount of an adult.The amount of blood that the human body contains is about 7 percent of its weight. Keep Learning.", "How Much Is One Unit of Blood? The Canadian Blood Services website states that the average person has five liters of blood in his body. Blood donation is of vital importance to medical treatment of thousands of people every year. Blood products or components are used in treating victims of accidents and during surgery.", "Picture of Blood Blood is a constantly circulating fluid providing the body with nutrition, oxygen, and waste removal. Blood is mostly liquid, with numerous cells and proteins suspended in it, making blood thicker than pure water. The average person has about 5 liters (more than a gallon) of blood. A liquid called plasma makes up about half of the content of blood. Plasma contains proteins that help blood to clot, transport substances through the blood, and perform other functions. Blood plasma also contains glucose and other dissolved nutrients.", "How much blood is there in body of an adult human being? The average adult human has between 4.5 - 5 liters (about 5 quarts) of blood. One rule of thumb is that blood comprises about 8% of total body weight in a healthy adult. B … lood has a slightly higher specific gravity due to salt content.", "How Many Liters of Blood Are in the Human Body? Full Answer. This five-liter average is estimated for a standard adult male weighing 160 pounds. The volume of blood in a person is roughly one-eleventh of his body weight. There is some evidence that people at higher altitudes may have more blood than average to make up for the lack of oxygen in the atmosphere.", "What percentage of body weight is blood? An average adult body with a weight of 150 to 180 pounds will contain approximately 4.7 to 5.5 liters (1.2 to 1.5 gallons) of blood. An average child with a body weight of 80 pounds will have approximately half the amount of blood as an adult.", "- You know what blood is — it's that red stuff that oozes out if you get a paper cut. The average person has about 1 to 1½ gallons (4-6 liters) of it.", "How much blood does each person have? The amount of blood in the human body depends on size (body mass is more important than height). An average man of 150 lbs or 70 kgs will have around 8 pints or 5.2 litres of blood. A woman of 110 lbs (50 kgs) will have about 3.3 litres of blood ; about 5 pints.", "Average adult blood volume what about over weight people? Blood volume is typically about 8% of body weight. An average sized adult has a blood volume of about 5 liters. Blood volume is typically about 8% of body weight. An average sized adult has a blood volume of about 5 liters.", "Blood Blood accounts for 7% of the human body weight, with an average density around 1060 kg/m3, very close to pure water's density of 1000 kg/m3. The average adult has a blood volume of roughly 5 litres (11 US pt), which is composed of plasma and several kinds of cells. These blood cells (which are also called corpuscles or formed elements) consist of erythrocytes (red blood cells, RBCs), leukocytes (white blood cells), and thrombocytes (platelets).", "How Many Pints of Blood Are in the Human Body on Average? The average adult human carries roughly five liters of blood. This number fluctuates depending on height, weight and muscle mass.", "- There are approximately 1.5 gallons of blood in an average human body. + 113 others found this useful." ]
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[ 10.734375, 12.9609375, 13.8671875, 13.125, 14.0234375, 10.765625, 13.6796875, 13.8671875, 11.765625, 15.6171875, 11.53125, 9.9375, 13.8671875, 14.8359375, 12.5859375, 13.7890625, 9.890625, 14.671875, 14.890625, 14.046875, 14.7109375, 14.03125, 12.734375, 14.1015625, 14.875, 15.4609375, 14.625, 14.0703125, 14.0703125, 13.7890625 ]
bipolar medication most commonly prescribed
[ "- Lithium carbonate. In the UK, lithium carbonate (often referred to as just lithium) is the medication most commonly used to treat bipolar disorder. Lithium is a long-term method of treatment for episodes of mania, hypomania and depression.It is usually prescribed for at least six months.ithium carbonate. In the UK, lithium carbonate (often referred to as just lithium) is the medication most commonly used to treat bipolar disorder. Lithium is a long-term method of treatment for episodes of mania, hypomania and depression." ]
[ "- Bipolar II is four times more common than bipolar I. It’s characterized by much less severe manic symptoms (also referred to as hypomanic symptoms). These signs are harder for people to see in themselves, and it's often up to friends or loved ones to encourage them to get help.", "- Considering taking medication to treat Bipolar Disorder? Below is a list of common medications used to treat or reduce the symptoms of Bipolar Disorder. Follow the links to read common uses, side effects, dosage details and read user reviews for the drugs listed below.Your search for Bipolar Disorder returned the following treatments.elow is a list of common medications used to treat or reduce the symptoms of Bipolar Disorder. Follow the links to read common uses, side effects, dosage details and read user reviews for the drugs listed below.", "The Most Commonly Prescribed Drugs in America Uses for the most commonly prescribed drugs. The top drugs are used to treat a variety of ailments — from pain to high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Here’s a breakdown of the use of each drug: Levothyroxine is used to treat hypothyroidism, a condition in which the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone.", "- Treatment for bipolar mania may include lithium, anticonvulsants, antipsychotics, and benzodiazepines. Many people who have bipolar disorder keep taking these medications for years or decades after their last manic episode to stay healthy.This is called maintenance therapy for bipolar disorder.During a period of bipolar depression, you might need other medications. Lithium and other mood stabilizers, certain antipsychotic drugs that treat bipolar depression, and sometimes antidepressants are used to treat bipolar depression.reatment for bipolar mania may include lithium, anticonvulsants, antipsychotics, and benzodiazepines. Many people who have bipolar disorder keep taking these medications for years or decades after their last manic episode to stay healthy.", "Physician-assisted Suicide Drug Information Issues. Currently in Oregon, secobarbital is the medication most commonly prescribed for physician-assisted suicide, followed by pentobarbital. The lethal dose prescribed is typically 9 g of secobarbital in capsules or 10 g of pentobarbital liquid, to be consumed at one time.urrently in Oregon, secobarbital is the medication most commonly prescribed for physician-assisted suicide, followed by pentobarbital.", "Bipolar Medications Medications known as mood stabilizers are usually prescribed to help control bipolar disorder.Several different types of mood stabilizers are available. In general, people with bipolar disorder continue treatment with mood stabilizers for months or even years.edications known as mood stabilizers are usually prescribed to help control bipolar disorder.", "Medications Prescribed to Treat Bipolar Disorder Anticonvulsants, also known as anti-seizure medications, are sometimes used as mood stabilizers in bipolar disorder. Carbamazepine (Atretol, Tegretol, Epitol) Divalproex Sodium (Depakote, Epival) Gabapentin (Neurontin) Lamotrigine (Lamictal) Oxcarbazepine (Trielptal) Topiramate (Topamax)", "Bipolar disorder A number of medications are used to treat bipolar disorder. The medication with the best evidence is lithium, which is effective in treating acute manic episodes and preventing relapses; lithium is also an effective treatment for bipolar depression.ipolar disorder, also known as bipolar affective disorder and manic-depressive illness, is a mental disorder characterized by periods of elevated mood and periods of depression. The elevated mood is significant and is known as mania or hypomania depending on the severity or whether there is psychosis.", "Understanding Bipolar Disorder -- Treatment A. Bipolar disorder is treated with three main classes of medication: mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, and, while their safety and effectiveness for the condition are sometimes controversial, antidepressants.ther antiepileptic drugs, such as gabapentin, oxcarbazepine, or topiramate, are regarded as experimental treatments that are not well-established, but may sometimes have value for symptoms of bipolar disorder or other conditions that often occur with it.", "2762 Surveys show that ______ is a common experience for close to half of all children in the United States Page 1 of 4. Commonly Prescribed Psychotropic Medications. Antipsychotics. (used in the treatment of. schizophrenia and mania) Anti-depressants Anti-obsessive Agents. Typical Antipsychotics Tricyclics. Haldol (haloperidol) *Anafranil (clomipramine) Anafranil (clomipramine)", "Medications for Bipolar Disorder Carbamazepine. This is usually given to people who don’t get on with Lithium. Some doctors believe that it may be better for people who have 'rapid-cycling' bipolar disorder (that is 4 or more episodes of depression and mania within a 12 month period).his leaflet is for anyone who wants to find out about the medications used to help stabilise unhelpful mood swings and to control mania in bipolar disorder.", "- This medication is an Anti-Convulsant usually used to treat seizures. Some of the most prescribed drugs in this class include: Gabapentin (generic); Lyrica; Depakote; Trileptal; Keppra; Phenytoin (generic). The most affordable medications in this class include: Gabapentin (generic)", "- Many medications known as antihypertensives are available by prescription to lower high blood pressure. There are a variety of classes of HBP medications, and they include a number of different drugs.* Some of the major types of commonly prescribed cardiovascular medications are summarized in this section.any medications known as antihypertensives are available by prescription to lower high blood pressure. There are a variety of classes of HBP medications, and they include a number of different drugs.", "Anticonvulsants, also known as anti-seizure medications, are primarily used to treat disorders like epilepsy, but many have been found to be quite effective in regulating the mood swings that come with bipolar disorder. Anticonvulsants commonly used to stabilize mood include valproic acid (considered one of the most effective), carbamazepine, lamotrigine, topiramate, and gabapentin. Anticonvulsants are an effective mood-stabilizing treatment for bipolar disorder.", "Treatment & Prevention The best treatment for bipolar disorder is a combination of medication and counseling. Doctors often treat the mania symptoms associated with bipolar disorder with one set of drugs, and use other drugs to treat depression.Certain drugs are also used for maintenance -- to maintain a steady mood over time.he best treatment for bipolar disorder is a combination of medication and counseling. Doctors often treat the mania symptoms associated with bipolar disorder with one set of drugs, and use other drugs to treat depression.", "Study shows 70 percent of Americans take prescription drugs Researchers from the Mayo Clinic, a non-profit medical and research center, report that antibiotics, antidepressants and painkiller opioids are the most common prescriptions given to Americans. Twenty percent of U.S. patients were also found to be on five or more prescription medications.", "The Best OTC Arthritis Meds Ibuprofen is the most commonly used OTC arthritis medication and is available in non-prescription strength, including tablets and fast release capsules, which may last four to six hours. Naproxen sodium is available non-prescription strength as an over-the-counter remedy for arthritis.everal types of over-the-counter topical treatments for arthritis pain include one of the salicylate-type anti-inflammatory medications, most commonly methylsalicylate.", "Bipolar disorder The medication with the best evidence is lithium, which is effective in treating acute manic episodes and preventing relapses; lithium is also an effective treatment for bipolar depression. Lithium reduces the risk of suicide, self-harm, and death in people with bipolar disorder.", "- They include: 1 Lithium is the main medication used for bipolar disorder and is usually the first drug prescribed. 2 Antiseizure medications used for bipolar disorder treatment include valproic acid (Depakene, generic), divalproex sodium (Depakote, generic), and lamotrigine (Lamictal, generic).ipolar Disorder Symptoms. In bipolar disorder, manic symptoms alternate with depressive symptoms. Manic symptoms include: 1 Exaggerated euphoria. 2 Irritability. 3 Poor concentration. 4 High energy and decreased need for sleep.", "Why you've never heard of the most commonly prescribed drugs in the US The most common prescriptions are for antihypertensives, or blood pressure medications, accounting for 698 million prescriptions in 2013. Mental health drugs were next with 519 million scripts, while pain medications accounted for 477 million. Below are the top five dispensed individual prescription drugs:", "Beyond Prozac: The Most Commonly Prescribed Antidepressants The most common antidepressants prescribed to patients are those belonging to a class called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). SSRIs are antidepressants that work by preventing the reuptake (movement back into the nerve endings) of a neurotransmitter called serotonin.", "- This medication is an Antispasmodic. Some of the most prescribed drugs in this class include: Hyoscyamine (generic). The most affordable medications in this class include: The information provided on DrugPriceInfo.com is intended to supplement, not substitute for, the expertise and judgment of healthcare professionals.", "- Penicillin is one of the most commonly prescribed antibiotics. It is part of a family of antibiotics known as beta lactams, and there are many individual medications in this family: Penicillin G, nafcillin, oxacillin and dicloxacillin, ampicillin, amoxicillin, carbenicillin, ticarcillin, and piperacillin.", "Medications for Bipolar Disorder Many bipolar disorder medications are available, including anticonvulsants, antipsychotics, and antidepressants. Several different medications have been approved to treat bipolar disorder, and many more are used off-label to treat the condition.Some are more useful for treating bipolar mania, while others are best for treating bipolar depression.everal different medications have been approved to treat bipolar disorder, and many more are used off-label to treat the condition. Some are more useful for treating bipolar mania, while others are best for treating bipolar depression.", "- Medications for Depression and Bipolar Disorder. Your health care provider (HCP) might prescribe one or more medications to treat your symptoms. These may include: 1 Mood stabilizers. 2 These medications help even out your highs and lows. 3 Antidepressants. 4 These medications help lift the symptoms of depression. 5 Antipsychotics. 6 These medications are primarily used to treat symptoms of mania.", "- The Prescription Drug List (PDL) contains the most commonly prescribed medications on your pharmacy plan. Drugs are listed by common categories or classes and placed in tiers that represent the cost you pay.This makes it easier for you and your doctor to find other options to help you save money.he Prescription Drug List (PDL) contains the most commonly prescribed medications on your pharmacy plan. Drugs are listed by common categories or classes and placed in tiers that represent the cost you pay. This makes it easier for you and your doctor to find other options to help you save money.", "Medications for Bipolar Disorder Common Medications for Bipolar Disorder. Many different types of medication are used to treat bipolar disorder. Learn more about the doses and side effects of sedatives, mood stabilizers and more. Bipolar Disorder.", "C. This report evaluates prescription medicines called antipsychotics. These. drugs are used primarily to treat people with schizophrenia. But they are. also frequently prescribed to treat people with bipolar disorder (often called. manic-depressive disorder). The term “antipsychotic” refers to the fact that. the drugs are used, in part, to reduce psychotic symptoms such as halluci-. nations, delusions, disorganized thinking, and agitation.", "What types of Medications do they prescribe to people with Bipolar? Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Medications for bipolar disorder are prescribed by psychiatrists—medical doctors (M.D.) with expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders.", "Bipolar Disorder: Top 5 Drugs Topamax: Topamax or topiramate is an anticonvulsant. It is one of the best bipolar disorder drugs available on the market. It acts as a mood stabilizer for those afflicted with manic depression. Other popular bipolar disorder drugs are Seroquel, Paxil, Zyprexa, Abilify, Depakote, and Geodon." ]
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symptoms stds in women
[ "12 Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) In Women The symptoms of an initial infection can include: 1 Fever and flu-like symptoms. 2 Genital itching, burning, or discomfort. 3 Vaginal discharge in women. 4 Swollen lymph nodes. 5 A feeling of pressure in the abdomen." ]
[ "Trichomoniasis The prevalence of trichomoniasis in MSM is low (646,647(https://www.cdc.gov/std/tg2015/references.htm#646)). Some infected men have symptoms of urethritis, epididymitis, or prostatitis, and some infected women have vaginal discharge that might be diffuse, malodorous, or yellow-green with or without vulvar irritation.", "Std Symptoms: Common Stds And Their Symptoms Signs and symptoms may include: 1 Painful urination. 2 Lower abdominal pain. 3 Vaginal discharge in women. Discharge from the penis in 1 men. Pain during sexual intercourse in women. Bleeding between periods in 1 women. Testicular pain in men.", "- What are the signs and symptoms of depression in women? The symptoms of depression vary from mild to severe or major depression and are distinguished by the impact they have on a woman's ability to function. Most depression is mild or moderately disabling and responds well to actions that you can take.", "STDs in women STDs in women. Highlights. HPV is the most common STD in women, and as many as one in five people has genital herpes. Female symptoms of an STD can include vaginal itching, rashes, unusual discharge, and pain, though many women have no symptoms. STDs can lead to fertility problems and an increased risk of cervical cancer if left untreated.", "- List of STDs and Their Symptoms. The most common types of STDs in the UK include chlamydia, genital warts, genital herpes, gonorrhoea, (among the treatable ones), but also hepatitis B&C, syphilis and HIV (among the incurable and/or very severe ones).", "Gonorrhea - CDC Fact Sheet (Detailed Version) Women with gonorrhea are at risk of developing serious complications from the infection, regardless of the presence or severity of symptoms. Symptoms of rectal infection in both men and women may include discharge, anal itching, soreness, bleeding, or painful bowel movements 10. Rectal infection also may be asymptomatic. Pharyngeal infection may cause a sore throat, but usually is asymptomatic 11, 12.", "Candida Symptoms in Women Candida Symptoms in Women. Tagged with: Candida. Posted by DrJames on Saturday, March 19, 2011, 6:06. This news item was posted in C, Mouth, Skin category and has 0 Comments so far. Candidiasis can present a wide variety of symptoms, the exact combination and severity of which are unique to each individual case.", "12 Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) In Women 1 STDs are infections that are transmitted during any type of sexual contact. 2 Many STDs in women do not cause specific symptoms. 3 Common STDs in women include Chlamydia, gonorrhea, HPV, and genital herpes. 4 Antibiotic treatment can cure STDs caused by bacteria, including Chlamydia, syphilis, and gonorrhea.", "8 Common Symptoms of a Yeast Infection Even though yeast infections share similar symptoms to many sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)—vaginal irritation, itching, pain, burning, and thick discharge—a yeast infection is caused by the overgrowth of yeast, called Candida Albicans, within the vagina and vulva.", "- The most common HIV symptoms in women in this stage include: 1 Body rash. 2 Fever. 3 Sore throat. Severe headaches.", "- chlamydia symptoms most common of all stds caused by bacteria cause no symptoms in about 80 % of women and 50 % of men when symptoms are present commonly there is discharge from the vagina or the penis and burning or pain during urinationis transmitted through vaginal oral or anal sexual contactectopic pregnancy and infertility for women are potential serious complicationsymptoms of stds caused by bacteria chancroid symptoms are not common in the united states but common in developing countries symptoms include painful ulcers on the genitals can be confused with syphilis or herpes is treatable with antibiotics", "STD Symptoms in Women Common STD Symptoms in Women: No symptoms. Discharge (thick or thin, milky white, yellow, or green leakage from the vagina) Vaginal itching. Vaginal blisters or blisters in the genital area (the region covered by underwear) Vaginal rash or rash in the genital area.", "STD Symptoms in Women Unusual, Vaginal Pain. STD symptoms in women, as you might imagine, can vary from one woman to the next and from one STD to the next. However, one of the most telling signs, which can occur with many different STDs, is if you have unusual vaginal pain. This pain will often be most noticeable when urinating or when engaging in intercourse.", "Winning the battle against thrush The symptoms of thrush include vaginal itching, a thick, white discharge, swelling of the vulva, pain or soreness during intercourse and the need to urinate more often than usual, while some women also complain of extreme fatigue, feelings of depression and irritability, skin rashes, digestive problems and headaches.", "Pictures and Facts About STDs It can be cured with prescription drugs. Signs and Symptoms in Men: Most men have no obvious symptoms. Some develop a mild discharge or slight burning during urination. Signs and Symptoms in Women: Women may develop a yellow-green discharge with a strong odor, vaginal itching, or pain during sex or urination.ut it often goes unnoticed because symptoms are vague or absent. Chlamydia can also infect the rectum and throat. Symptoms in Men: Burning and itching at the tip of the penis, discharge, painful urination. Symptoms in Women: Vaginal itching, discharge that may have an odor, pain during sex, painful urination.", "Pictures and Facts About STDs Chlamydia is a common STD that can lead to infertility if left untreated. It clears up quickly with antibiotics. But it often goes unnoticed because symptoms are vague or absent. Chlamydia can also infect the rectum and throat. Symptoms in Men: Burning and itching at the tip of the penis, discharge, painful urination. Symptoms in Women: Vaginal itching, discharge that may have an odor, pain during sex, painful urination.", "Know the STD warning signs. Women. 1 Discharge (drip, pus) from the vagina or anus. 2 Bleeding between periods. 3 Burning or pain when urinating. Pain in the lower belly, lower back 1 pain. Anal/rectal pain and itching. Sore throat.", "HIV Symptoms in Women There are varying symptoms of HIV in women depending upon the stage of the disease they are in: Acute HIV stage (new infection stage); asymptomatic stage; and the latest, advanced stage known as AIDS.", "Yeast Infection (in Women and Men) The symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection are similar among affected women, however, they are not all specific. Some women may experience symptoms of yeast infection such as: Pain during sexual intercourse. Pain or burning with urination. Vaginal discharge (whitish-gray, thick, and a consistency similar to cottage cheese)", "Vaginal thrush (female candidiasis) In women, typical symptoms include: 1 vulval itching, soreness and irritation. 2 redness of the vagina and vulva. 3 vaginal discharge, often white (like cottage cheese) and this can be thick or thin but is usually odourless. pain or discomfort during sex or when passing urine.", "- Female Symptoms Of Herpes. Summary: Common symptoms of herpes in women can include itching, redness, blisters, and ulcers of the genital area. There are two forms of the herpes virus. HSV-1 and HSV-2. HSV-2 is the virus associated with genital herpes. This page focuses on HSV-2 genital herpes and how it affects women.Females in the US have a herpes infection rate slightly lower than males-approximately 1 in 4 females compared to 1 in 5 males.emale Symptoms Of Herpes. Summary: Common symptoms of herpes in women can include itching, redness, blisters, and ulcers of the genital area. There are two forms of the herpes virus. HSV-1 and HSV-2. HSV-2 is the virus associated with genital herpes. This page focuses on HSV-2 genital herpes and how it affects women.", "- home > women's health center > women's health a-z list > symptom checker: symptoms & signs a-z list > symptom checker for women. Symptom Checker for Women - Use this list to pinpoint signs and symptoms to determine if you should seek immediate medical attention. Start Over with the Symptom Checker for Women list or the Symptom Checker for Men list. This symptoms and signs guide is not a substitute for a medical opinion.", "- Sometimes, there are no symptoms of STDs. If symptoms are present, they may include one or more of the following: 1 Bumps, sores, or warts near the mouth, anus, penis, or vagina. 2 Swelling or redness near the penis or vagina. 3 Skin rash. 4 Painful urination. 5 Weight loss, loose stools, night sweats. 6 Aches, pains, fever, and chills. 7 Yellowing of the skin (jaundice).", "Textbook of Psychiatry/Mood Disorders Symptoms of depression in women include: Persistent sad, anxious, or empty mood. Loss of interest or pleasure in activities, including sex. Restlessness, irritability, or excessive crying. Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness, hopelessness, pessimism.", "Gonorrhea - CDC Fact Sheet (Detailed Version) The initial symptoms and signs in women include dysuria, increased vaginal discharge, or vaginal bleeding between periods. Women with gonorrhea are at risk of developing serious complications from the infection, regardless of the presence or severity of symptoms.Symptoms of rectal infection in both men and women may include discharge, anal itching, soreness, bleeding, or painful bowel movements. Rectal infection also may be asymptomatic.onorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by infection with the Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacterium. N. gonorrhoeae infects the mucous membranes of the reproductive tract, including the cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes in women, and the urethra in women and men.", "Overview Cardiovascular disease symptoms may be different for men and women. For instance, men are more likely to have chest pain; women are more likely to have symptoms such as shortness of breath, nausea and extreme fatigue.", "- Some women are asymptomatic, but when symptoms are present, they can include: 1 abnormal vaginal bleeding. 2 persistent gray or white vaginal discharge that may have an odor. 3 vaginal pain. 4 pain during intercourse. 5 a feeling of pelvic pressure. 6 backaches.", "Heart disease in women: Understand symptoms and risk factors Heart attack symptoms for women. The most common heart attack symptom in women is some type of pain, pressure or discomfort in the chest. But it is not always severe or even the most prominent symptom, particularly in women. And, sometimes, women may have a heart attack without chest pain. Women are more likely than men to have heart attack symptoms unrelated to chest pain, such as: Neck, jaw, shoulder, upper back or abdominal discomfort.", "Std Symptoms: Common Stds And Their Symptoms When trichomoniasis causes symptoms, they may appear within five to 28 days of exposure and range from mild irritation to severe inflammation. Signs and symptoms may include: Clear, white, greenish or yellowish vaginal discharge", "- Candida Symptoms in Women. This news item was posted in C, Mouth, Skin category and has 0 Comments so far. Candidiasis can present a wide variety of symptoms, the exact combination and severity of which are unique to each individual case." ]
[ 15.609375 ]
[ 11.578125, 15.015625, 4.9296875, 17.09375, 11.65625, 12.40625, 4.18359375, 14.140625, 10.4921875, 11.15625, 12.9296875, 17.046875, 15.9609375, 5.71484375, 13.046875, 13.7421875, 15.40625, 9.0078125, 6.9296875, 7.23046875, 10.359375, 7.09375, 13.28125, 5.49609375, 12.3671875, 5.34375, 12.828125, 5.3671875, 12.46875, 4.390625 ]
what does I.T PAN mean
[ "- Permanent Account Number (PAN) is a code that acts as identification of Indians, especially those who pay Income Tax. IT PAN card is issued under Section 139A of the Income Tax Act. 2 The PAN structure is as follows: AAAPL1234C: First five characters are letters, next four numerals, last character letter. 3 The first three letters are sequence of alphabets from AAA to ZZZ. 4 The fourth character informs about the type of holder of the card." ]
[ "- Pan-Pan is derived from the French word panne, which means failure or breakdown. Pan-Pan most often refers to a mechanical failure or breakdown of some kind. Pan-Pan. The international radio-telephony urgency signal.", "- Timon: Hakuna Matata, what a wonderful phrase! Pumbaa: Hakuna Matata. Pumbaa: If there is no flash in the pan! Timon: It means no worries for the rest of your days.Timon and Pumbaa: It's our problem-free philosophy. Timon: Hakuna Matata! (Instrumental Bridge). Timon: Why, when he was a young warthog ...imon: It means no worries for the rest of your days. Timon and Pumbaa: It's our problem-free philosophy. Timon: Hakuna Matata! (Instrumental Bridge). Timon: Why, when he was a young warthog ...", "What Is an Idiom? (with Examples) More Examples of Idioms Here are some more examples of idioms: He was just a flash in the pan. (The idiom a flash in the pan means something which shows potential at the start but fails thereafter.) He is trying to be a good Samaritan. (A good Samaritan is a person who helps someone in need with no thought of a reward.) Does he have an axe to grind?", "Contents The Inter Tropical Convergence Zone, or ITCZ, is a belt of low pressure which circles the Earth generally near the equator where the trade winds of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres come together. It is characterised by convective activity which generates often vigorous thunderstorms over large areas.", "Paul Ryanâs Irish Amnesia Paul Ryanâs Irish Amnesia What was a tired and untrue trope back then is a tired and untrue trope now. What was a distortion of human nature back then is a distortion now. And what was a misread of history then is a misread now. Ryan boasts of the Gaelic half of his ancestry, on his father’s side.“I come from Irish peasants who came over during the potato famine,” he said last year during a forum on immigration.yan boasts of the Gaelic half of his ancestry, on his father’s side. “I come from Irish peasants who came over during the potato famine,” he said last year during a forum on immigration.", "6LoWPAN The 6LoWPAN group has defined encapsulation and header compression mechanisms that allow IPv6 packets to be sent and received over IEEE 802.15.4 based networks. IPv4 and IPv6 are the work horses for data delivery for local-area networks, metropolitan area networks, and wide-area networks such as the Internet.", "Definitions &Translations Indican (noun) a glucoside obtained from woad (indigo plant) and other plants, as a yellow or light brown sirup. It has a nauseous bitter taste, a decomposes or drying. By the action of acids, ferments, etc., it breaks down into sugar and indigo. It is the source of natural indigo. Indican (noun)", "UTITSL : Apply, Update & Track PAN Card Status Online General Information for Application of PAN card 1. Application for a PAN card should be made on the UTIITSL given form or the form given by the Service Center of IT PAN, or the website: http://www.utiitsl.com.2. Also Rs.106/- worth processing coupon, from any IT PAN Service Center must be affixed to the form. 3.or instance, if the box 7 is checked, which is for communication address, the address would be changed itself, by default, and updated in ITD records. It is important to note that while using PAN card India any ITD change in regards to the information given to ITD, must be notified to them by way of this form.", "\"What does \"\"PAN\"\" stand for in India?\" PAN stands for Presence Across Nation. PAN India Presence simply means when that one is operating at many places in India. To give you an example, if a one company is currently operating from a single place i.e. Gurgaon, but now it is going to start its operations at 10 different locations.", "- Pan Intercultural Arts is a dynamic London-based arts company using intercultural performance work to help facilitate self-expression and promote deeper understanding of our changing cultural identities.", "- Represents the option to highlight the current line. Defines the option to enable the horizontal scroll bar. Represents a text composition generated by the IME processing of the ITextView. The option definition that determines the size (in number of spaces) of an indent.", "- Aspiration means with a puff of air, and is the difference between the sound of the letter p in English pin (aspirated) and spit (unaspirated). In this phrasebook, aspirated sounds are spelled with an h (so English pin would be phin) and unaspirated sounds without it (so spit is still spit).industani is different than what is taught at the literary level and what is used by news programs and the government in India. A striking fact is that, depending on the source, Hindi is listed anywhere from the 2nd-5th most widely spoken language in the world.", "Acronyms & Abbreviations What do the letters tinstaafl stand for and what does the term mean to consumers? it means THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A FREE LUNCH. what the term means to consumers is that nothing is free you have you to buy it.", "PAN (panned, panning) The noun PAN has 4 senses: 1. cooking utensil consisting of a wide metal vessel. 2. (Greek mythology) god of fields and woods and shepherds and flocks; represented as a man with goat's legs and horns and ears; identified with Roman Sylvanus or Faunus. 3. shallow container made of metal.", "Research ManiacsDirectory | Follow | Search That can be frustrating and/or embarrassing, but it's no problem! You came to the right place to find out what TYT means.TYT means: Take Your Time.PS.hat can be frustrating and/or embarrassing, but it's no problem! You came to the right place to find out what TYT means.TYT means: Take Your Time. PS.", "Personal area network Personal area network. A personal area network (PAN) is a computer network used for data transmission amongst devices such as computers, telephones, tablets and personal digital assistants. PANs can be used for communication amongst the personal devices themselves (interpersonal communication), or for connecting to a higher level network and the Internet (an uplink) where one master device takes up the role as internet router.", "What is Teppanyaki? Teppan means iron plate and yaki translates as broiled or fried. Together they create the term teppanyaki, which typically means food grilled on an iron griddle or plate.eppan means iron plate and yaki translates as broiled or fried. Together they create the term teppanyaki, which typically means food grilled on an iron griddle or plate.", "What is PAN and what you need to know about it? PAN helps the tax department to identify the person's transaction include tax payments, TDS/TCS credits, returns of income/wealth/gift/FBT, specified transactions, correspondence, and so on. Let's understand what the alpha numeric combinations in a PAN card stand for. Let's say the PAN card number is AFZPK7190K.", "Permanent account number Permanent Account Number (PAN) is a code that acts as identification of Indians, especially those who pay Income Tax.n example number would be in the form of AAAPL1234C. It is issued by the Indian Income Tax Department under the supervision of the Central Board for Direct Taxes (CBDT) and it also serves as an important proof of identification.", "- 962 - 1214 Mc/s. Tacan stands for Tactical Air Navigation and is a system which, working in the u.h.f. band, between 962 and 1,214 Mc/s, gives to a pilot continuous information as to his range and bearing from a beacon.", "- Figurative Language. Read the text below. Pay attention to the figurative language in this passage. The 1930s was a difficult decade for Americans. Under the cloud of the Great Depression, the average American learned to do without comforts and luxuries.Many had to do without necessities, such as groceries and gasoline.ow let’s figure out what figurative language in the text means. A chart is useful for organizing information as we follow these steps: 1 Identify examples of figurative language by looking for comparisons between two unlike things.", "What is PANS? PANS is the acronym for P ediatric A cute-onset N europsychiatric S yndrome, a more recently defined disorder which encompasses the more familiar medical condition, PAN DAS or P ediatric A utoimmune N europsychiatric D isorder A ssociated with S treptococcal infections.here is a growing number of publications on PANS, with the Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology (JCAP) publishing a special edition on the syndrome in February 2015.", "- 1 Pan-as a prefix (Greek πᾶν, pan, all, of everything, involving all members of a group), e.g.:2 Pan-American.he acronym PAN can refer to: 1 USA-207, a secret American military satellite (sometimes called Palladium At Night or Pick A Name). 2 Permanent account number, (PAN card) India's national identification number for taxpayers. 3 Personal area network, a type of computer network.", "- Share this page. Tin Pan Alley Pop refers to the traditional American popular music of the early 20th century, a time when a song's popularity was determined not by the number of records it sold, but by the number of copies of sheet music.", "Tax Identity Tax Identity. PAN, or permanent account number, is a unique 10-digit alphanumeric identity allotted to each taxpayer by the Income Tax Department under the supervision of the Central Board of Direct Taxes. It also serves as an identity proof.", "-  Uses context to determine the best meaning for a given word (noun)  Uses context to determine the best meaning for a given word (verb) RIT 211. Students: -220:  Analyzes prefixes and context to determine the meaning of a word.  Chooses the appropriate vocabulary word based on the description in a paragraph.", "Non-Standard Takeoff Minimums I understand that the 'T' on an IAP chart signifies Non-Standard Takeoff Minimums apply to that airport or specific runway, or procedure, and that the TPPs should be referenced to obtain textual data concerning the ODP takeoff minimums.n most cases, this is well above the standard minimums for takeoff, even if they don’t apply to my single engine, part 91 flight. It is all a matter or risk tolerance.", "What does pan mean? Pertaining to a person, group, or idea fitting the above descriptions. Derivation: From the greek pan (meaning all) and the english sexual. Alternate forms: pansexuality pansexualism pansexualist pansexualize. Synonyms: omnisexual. XYZ is a pansexual BDSM education and support group.", "- An hour and a half limped heavily away in the thief-and-rascal crowded passages below, even though assisted off with mutton pies and ale. View in context I look at the sunlight coming in at the open door through the porch, and there I see a stray sheep - I don't mean a sinner, but mutton - half making up his mind to come into the church.", "- pan•ta•loon. 1. pantaloons, a man's close-fitting garment for the hips and legs, worn esp. in the 19th century, but varying in form from period to period. 2. (in the modern pantomime) a foolish, vicious old man, the butt and accomplice of the clown.3. (usu. cap.he clown and pantaloon made themselves white with flour from the cook, and red with rouge from some other domestic, who remained (like all true Christian benefactors) anonymous. The Innocence Of Father Brown by Chesterton, Gilbert K. View in context." ]
[ 14.75 ]
[ 9.015625, 4.10546875, 4.7265625, 5.1015625, 1.3017578125, 5.57421875, 1.357421875, 10.4609375, 11.046875, 7.62890625, 3.13671875, -0.340087890625, 5.30078125, 8.9453125, 3.5078125, 13.1875, 2.818359375, 8.90625, 13.7734375, 2.486328125, -2.384765625, 7.2578125, 11.046875, 5.359375, 12.9765625, 2.240234375, 1.537109375, 6.85546875, 1.060546875, 3.623046875 ]
species of bacteria that have a capsule
[ "- However, some gram- positive bacteria may also have capsules. Examples for gram-negative bacteria with capsules: Escherichia …coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Salmonella. Examples for gram-positive bacteria with capsules : Bacillus megaterium, Streptococcus pyogenes, Sterptococcus pneumoniae." ]
[ "- The polysaccharide with the structure -3)-2- O-acetyl-6-deoxy-β-D-manno-heptopyranose-(1- was originally isolated and characterized as an O-PS component of LPS in B. pseudomallei and was designated type I O-PS [ 35 ]. However, our results suggested that this polysaccharide is a capsule rather than an O-PS moiety.", "Capsule (pharmacy) Capsule (pharmacy) Hard-shelled antibiotic capsules. In the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, encapsulation refers to a range of dosage forms—techniques used to enclose medicines—in a relatively stable shell known as a capsule, allowing them to, for example, be taken orally or be used as suppositories. The two main types of capsules are: Hard-shelled capsules, which contain dry, powdered ingredients or miniature pellets made by e.g. processes of extrusion or spheronization. These are made in two halves: a smaller-diameter “body” that is ...", "- Bacillus is a genus of Gram-positive, rod-shaped (bacillus) bacteria and a member of the phylum Firmicutes.Bacillus species can be obligate aerobes (oxygen reliant), or facultative anaerobes (having the ability to be aerobic or anaerobic).wo Bacillus species are considered medically significant: B. anthracis, which causes anthrax, and B. cereus, which causes food poisoning similar to that caused by Staphylococcus. A third species, B. thuringiensis, is an important insect pathogen, and is sometimes used to control insect pests.", "Contractile Vacuole: Definition & Function Examples of cells that contain this contractile vacuole are amoeba, paramecium, and some types of algae. Some sponges (including amoebocytes, pinacocytes, and choanocytes), singled-celled fungi, and hydra also have contractile vacuoles. Some species, like certain types of amoeba, need just one contractile vacuole, while other species have two. Some species, like giant amoeba, have numerous contractile vacuoles. Look at the following image. On the left is a polytoma (single-celled algae) that has two contractile vacuoles. On the right is a euglena (single-celled flagellate protist) that has one contractile vacuole.", "Klebsiella Klebsiella is a genus of nonmotile, Gram-negative, oxidase-negative, rod-shaped bacteria with a prominent polysaccharide-based capsule. It is named after the German microbiologist Edwin Klebs (1834–1913).", "What is a capsule in a prokaryotic cell? Capsule is 0.2µm thick viscus layer firmly attached to the cell wall of some capsulated bacteria. If capsule is too thick it is known as slime. Slime layer are loosely attached to cell wall and can be lost on vigorous washing and on sub culture. Composition of capsule: 98% water and 2% polysaccharide or glycoprotein/ polypeptide or both.", "What is a capsule in a prokaryotic cell? The cell capsule is a very large structure of some prokaryotic cells, such as bacterial cells. A true capsule is a discrete detectable layer of polysaccharides deposited outside the cell wall. A less discrete structure or matrix which embeds the cells is a called a slime layer or a biofilm. The capsule found in bacteria called a glycocalyx. It lies outside the cell envelope of bacteria and is thus deemed part of the outer envelope of a bacterial cell.", "Kingdom Fungi â Types, Characteristics, Examples and Pictures of Fungi Yeasts. Yeasts are unicellular fungi. Examples: 1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae – baker’s or brewer’s yeast. 2 Saccharomyces boulardii is a part of normal intestinal flora; available in pharmacies as probiotic, which can prevent antibiotic associated diarrhea.", "- Classifying Organisms in their Kingdoms. The Kingdom Eubacteria consists of mostly heterotrophic bacteria that come in three main shapes. They are cocci (spherical), bacilli (rod shaped-as shown above), and spirilla (corkscrew shape).This kingdom is one of the two prokaryotic kingdoms.Bacteria in this kingdom have cell walls made without peptidoglycan. It is part of the Domain Bacteria.lassifying Organisms in their Kingdoms. The Kingdom Eubacteria consists of mostly heterotrophic bacteria that come in three main shapes. They are cocci (spherical), bacilli (rod shaped-as shown above), and spirilla (corkscrew shape).", "- Gram-negative bacteria generally have capsules. However, some gram- positive bacteria may also have capsules. Examples for gram-negative bacteria with capsules: Escherichia … coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Salmonella. Examples for gram-positive bacteria with capsules : Bacillus megaterium, Streptococcus pyogenes, Sterptococcus pneumoniae.", "Streptococcus agalactiae S. agalactiae is the species designation for streptococci belonging to the group B of the Rebecca Lancefield classification of streptococci (Lancefield grouping). GBS is surrounded by a bacterial capsule composed of polysaccharides (exopolysaccharides).", "Bacterial cellular morphologies Although Bacillus, capitalized and italicized, specifically refers to the genus, the word bacillus (plural bacilli) may also be used to describe any rod-shaped bacterium, and in this sense, bacilli are found in many different taxonomic groups of bacteria.", "Yersinia Genus of motile and nonmotile, non-spore-forming bacteria containing gram-negative, unencapsulated, ovoid to rod-shaped cells; parasitic on humans and other animals; type species is Y. pestis. [A. Yersinia. a genus of ovoid or rod-shaped, nonencapsulated, gram-negative bacteria in the family Enterobacteriaceae.", "- In order to accommodate former members of the genus Bacillus covered in this chapter, its title has been changed to Gram-positive aerobic or facultative endospore-forming bacteria .", "Bacillus This article is about the bacterial genus. For the bacterial class, see Bacilli. For rod-shaped bacteria in general, see Bacillus (shape) . For the insect genus, see Bacillus (insect) .Gram stain of a Bacillus species. Bacillus is a genus of Gram-positive, rod-shaped (bacillus) bacteria and a member of the phylum Firmicutes. Bacillus species can be obligate aerobes (oxygen reliant), or facultative anaerobes (having the ability to be aerobic or anaerobic).wo Bacillus species are considered medically significant: B. anthracis, which causes anthrax, and B. cereus, which causes food poisoning similar to that caused by Staphylococcus. A third species, B. thuringiensis, is an important insect pathogen, and is sometimes used to control insect pests.", "Contractile Vacuole: Definition & Function Examples of cells that contain this contractile vacuole are amoeba, paramecium, and some types of algae. Some sponges (including amoebocytes, pinacocytes, and choanocytes), singled-celled fungi, and hydra also have contractile vacuoles.", "Eucalyptus The fruit is a woody capsule, a type of dry fruit that opens when mature to release the seeds. The capsule opens by valves. Characteristics of the bark, leaves, flower buds, flowers, and capsules are important for identifying species of Eucalyptus. Eucalyptus globulus.Tree habit, leaves, closer view of oil glands on leaf, flower losing its perianth cap, flower, capsules.he fruit is a woody capsule, a type of dry fruit that opens when mature to release the seeds. The capsule opens by valves. Characteristics of the bark, leaves, flower buds, flowers, and capsules are important for identifying species of Eucalyptus. Eucalyptus globulus.", "- Ampoules. Ampoules are typically small, glass containers that are filled with a concentration of highly active ingredients. Ampoules usually contain botanical extracts, vitamins, and enzymes in various combinations and do not have any preservatives or chemicals due to the airtight packaging.here are several types of ampoules: Gel-Botanical extractives in a light gel formula, which allows for easier absorption into the skin. Best suited for the facial tissues and reach maximum effectiveness when applied with steam and can also be used in conjunction with a mask.", "- Classifying Organisms in their Kingdoms. The Kingdom Eubacteria consists of mostly heterotrophic bacteria that come in three main shapes. They are cocci (spherical), bacilli (rod shaped-as shown above), and spirilla (corkscrew shape).This kingdom is one of the two prokaryotic kingdoms.Bacteria in this kingdom have cell walls made without peptidoglycan. It is part of the Domain Bacteria.hey are cocci (spherical), bacilli (rod shaped-as shown above), and spirilla (corkscrew shape). This kingdom is one of the two prokaryotic kingdoms. Bacteria in this kingdom have cell walls made without peptidoglycan. It is part of the Domain Bacteria.", "- Sphere shaped bacteria such as those shown in the A section of the photo to the right are called coccus (pl. is cocci) bacteria. They usually have coccus in their name like streptococcus. Another group in the shape classification system is the bacillus (bacilli =plural). These bacteria are rod shaped.", "- It infects the host by sticking to the cells of the host using trimeric autotransporter adhesins (TAAs). The genus Yersinia includes 11 species: Y. pestis, Y. pseudotuberculosis, Y. enterocolitica, Y. frederiksenii, Y. intermedia, Y. kristensenii, Y. bercovieri, Y. mollaretii, Y. rohdei, Y. aldovae and Y. ruckeri.ecause Yersinia species are siderophilic (iron-loving) bacteria, people with hereditary hemochromatosis (a disease resulting in high body iron levels) are more susceptible to infection with Yersinia (and other siderophilic bacteria). In fact, the most common contaminant of stored blood is Y. enterocolitica.", "Bacterial Structures and Their Functions A bacterial cell is not smooth like a balloon. Bacteria can be covered with a wide range of structures like pili and capsules that give each species of bacteria different abilities. In this lesson, you will learn about several of these key external structures of bacteria.ne important note on fimbriae: there are some microbiologists that use the terms pili and fimbriae interchangeably. Both structures are similar and perform similar functions, blurring the distinction between the two.", "- Coccus. Coccus can be used to describe any bacterium that has a spherical shape. It is one of the three distinct types of bacteria shapes, the other two being bacillus and spirillum cells. Coccus is an English loanword of a Neolatin noun, which in turn stems from the Greek masculine noun kokkos meaning berry.The term 'coccus' is used in botany to denote a mericarp or 1-seeded segment of a schizocarp.earby & related entries: 1 cocculine. 2 cocculolidine. 3 cocculus. 4 cocculus carolinus. 5 cocculus indicus. 6 coccus hesperidum. 7 coccygeal. 8 coccygeal nerve. 9 coccygeal plexus. 10 coccygeal vertebra.", "Kingdom Fungi â Types, Characteristics, Examples and Pictures of Fungi Yeasts are unicellular fungi. Examples: 1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae – baker’s or brewer’s yeast. 2 Saccharomyces boulardii is a part of normal intestinal flora; available in pharmacies as probiotic, which can prevent antibiotic associated diarrhea.", "- The presence of capsules increase the pathogenicity of the bacteria. The value of a capsule to a bacterium helps the bacteria adhere to the surfaces and resist flushing.", "- There are fourteen different capsule types for bacteria. Some examples are: Bacillus megaterium, Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Streptococcus agalac…tiae.", "Bacteria have different types forms: bacteria are the most abundant group of organisms within the Kingdom Monera. Bacteria have different types of forms: Cocci: spherical bacteria Bacilli: elongated bacteria Vibrio: comma-shaped bacteria spelling Spirilla-bacteria in the form of spring, or coil.acteria have different types of forms: Cocci: spherical bacteria Bacilli: elongated bacteria Vibrio: comma-shaped bacteria spelling Spirilla-bacteria in the form of spring, or coil.", "Bacterial capsule The capsule is found most commonly among Gram-negative bacteria: 1 Escherichia coli (in some strains) 2 Neisseria meningitidis. 3 Klebsiella pneumoniae. 4 Haemophilus influenzae. 5 Pseudomonas aeruginosa. 6 Salmonella.", "- Bacteria have pili, flagella, and a cell capsule (most of them), unlike animal or plant cells. An organism without a nucleus is called a prokaryote. A bacterial cell includes: 1 Basal body-this anchors the base of the flagellum, allowing it to rotate. 2 Capsule-a layer on the outside of the cell wall.", "- 7.7 Breast Abscess A lactating breast, as any other infected tissue, localises infection by forming a barrier ofgranulation tissue around it. This becomes an abscess capsule, which is filled with pus (137).There is a severely painful swollen lump, with redness, heat, and oedema of the overlyingskin." ]
[ 14.0703125 ]
[ 8.7109375, 4.8359375, 7.64453125, 2.3203125, 10.4453125, 8.1953125, 9.671875, 4.2890625, 5.59375, 14.25, 10.25, 6.6015625, 6.48828125, 5.78125, 6.69921875, 1.830078125, 5.859375, 0.18896484375, 5.90234375, 6.6640625, 6.828125, 7.5, 2.794921875, 3.822265625, 9.015625, 13.96875, 6.2109375, 14.5234375, 8.9921875, 6.78515625 ]
is herceptin considered chemotherapy
[ "Herceptin Of patients receiving Herceptin as a single agent for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer, 25% experienced diarrhea. An increased incidence of diarrhea was observed in patients receiving Herceptin in combination with chemotherapy for treatment of metastatic breast cancer." ]
[ "Hydrogen Peroxide Has A Complex Role In Cell Health Potential Therapy to Prevent 'Chemobrain' in Cancer Patients. 1 Apr. 12, 2017 — A compound called 'KU-32' prevents cognitive decline in rats caused by chemotherapy treatment, research shows. KU-32 works by inducing the heat shock response, which protects cells and may counteract ...", "- Median time to progression in chemotherapy (chemo)-naive patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) treated with abiraterone acetate and low-dose prednisone (Pred). J Clin Oncol. 2010;28 suppl:4671.", "NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms lung cancer and cancer of the ovaries and fallopian tubes (which can extend to the lining of surrounding organs such as stomach, liver) in combination with chemotherapy agents. kidney cancer (renal cell cancer) in combination with interferon therapy (ROFERON-A®). AVASTIN contains the active ingredient bevacizumab.", "Trastuzumab (Herceptin®) Abraxane ® is a chemotherapy drug | used to treat breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body | . It may also be used to treat other types of cancer as part of a research trial.This information should ideally be read with our general information about chemotherapy | and your type of cancer | .ossible side effects of abraxane Back to top. We explain the most common side effects of abraxane here. But we don’t include all the rare ones that are unlikely to affect you. You may get some of the side effects we mention but you are very unlikely to get all of them.", "- Davis W. Lamson, MS, ND, and Matthew S. Brignall, ND. Abstract. Quercetin is a flavonoid molecule ubiquitous in nature. A number of its actions make it. a potential anti-cancer agent, including cell cycle regulation, interaction with type II. estrogen binding sites, and tyrosine kinase inhibition. Quercetin appears to be associated.", "Breast Cancer: Treatment Options Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy (chemo) usually refers to the use of medicines or drugs to treat cancer. The thought of having chemotherapy frightens many people.But knowing what chemotherapy is, how it works, and what to expect can often help calm your fears. It can also give you a better sense of control over your cancer treatment.oday, there are many types of chemotherapy (chemo) that can be swallowed as a liquid, tablet, or capsule. Oral chemo is any drug you take by mouth to treat your cancer. Learn more about oral forms of chemo here.", "- CHOP combination chemotherapy is most often used against subtypes of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. These subtypes include chronic lymphocytic leukemia (small lymphocytic lymphoma), AIDS-related B-cell lymphoma, and anaplastic large T-cell lymphoma (ALK+).", "Breast cancer diet during Herceptin treatment Foods that amplify the anti-cancer effects of Herceptin. The following foods are good sources of compounds that have been found to amplify the effects of Herceptin against HER2-overexpressing breast cancer: Olive oil, green tea and cruciferous vegetables have been shown to counteract Herceptin resistance in the laboratory.", "Study Shows Herceptin Offers Long-Lasting Benefits for Early-Stage, HER2-Positive Disease Heart function can recover when Herceptin treatment stops. In this study, women who got Herceptin had a very slight increase in the risk of heart problems: 0.2% of the women who were treated with Herceptin died from heart problems. 0.1% of the women who were treated with chemotherapy alone died from heart problems.", "Chemotherapy for Lung Cancer Not all medications used for lung cancer are considered chemotherapy. Medications such as Tarceva (erlotinib) and Xalkori (crizotinib) are targeted therapy drugs - medications designed to specifically treat cancer cells. A new category of medications, called immunotherapy drugs, is now also being used for lung cancer.", "Herceptin May Benefit Some Women With Early Breast Cancer So for the new study, her team tested a low-intensity chemo regimen -- 12 weeks of a single drug, called paclitaxel -- plus Herceptin for one year. The researchers found that women who received the drugs were highly unlikely to see their breast cancer come back over the next three years.", "Chemotherapy for Colorectal Cancer Several new chemotherapy drugs also are used for the treatment of colorectal cancer that has spread. These include Vectibix, Erbitux, Avastin and Aflibercept and are usually given along with 5-FU, plus Camptosar or Eloxatin, for metastatic colorectal cancer.", "Brentuximab Vedotin Brentuximab vedotin is an anti-cancer (antineoplastic or cytotoxic) chemotherapy drug. This medication is classified as an ­­­­­­­­­antineoplastic agent and a monoclonal antibody.", "Fight HER2+ Breast Cancer with Herceptin Adjuvant Breast Cancer. Herceptin is approved for the treatment of early-stage breast cancer that is Human Epidermal growth factor Receptor 2-positive (HER2+) and has spread into the lymph nodes, or is HER2-positive and has not spread into the lymph nodes.", "Abstract The prognosis of peritoneal sarcomatosis is generally poor and conventional treatments for this disease process are mostly ineffective. The use of cytoreductive surgery (CRS) with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) as an aggressive locoregional treatment option remains controversial.", "Pembrolizumab (Keytruda) Head and Neck Cancer. ​Keytruda is indicated for the treatment of patients with recurrent or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) with disease progression on or after platinum-containing chemotherapy [see Clinical Studies (14.3)].", "Lonsurf It is used in patients who have already been treated with, or who cannot be given, other available treatments including chemotherapy based on medicines called fluoropyrimidines, oxaliplatin or irinotecan and treatment with other cancer medicines known as anti‑VEGF and anti‑EGFR.", "- The drugs traditionally used in intrathecal chemotherapy are methotrexate and cytarabine. Many authors defend the combined use of methotrexate, cytarabine and glucocorticosteroids, which is called triple intrathecal therapy (TIT). One of the most commonly corticosteroids used in TIT chemotherapy is hydrocortisone.", "- The active ingredient in Scheriproct® is a type of cortisone and belongs to the group of medicines called corticosteroids. Scheriproct® is the brand name for agents containing the substances prednisolone hexanoate and cinchocaine hydrochloride.", "Nevirapine Some patients receiving HERCEPTIN for breast cancer had the following side effects: 1 Fever. 2 Feeling sick to your stomach (nausea). 3 Throwing up (vomiting). 4 Infusion reactions. 5 Diarrhea. 6 Infections. 7 Increased cough. 8 Headache. 9 Feeling tired. 10 Shortness of breath. 11 Rash. 12 Low white and red blood cell counts. 13 Muscle pain.", "Herceptin In Study 7, 5.0% of patients in the Herceptin plus chemotherapy arm compared to 1.1% of patients in the chemotherapy alone arm had LVEF value below 50% with a ≥ 10% absolute decrease in LVEF from pretreatment values.", "Recurrent Pancreatic Cancer Herceptin® (trastuzumab): Herceptin is a monoclonal antibody, which is a type of targeted therapy that binds to the HER2 receptor, (a protein on the surface of the cancer cells) in approximately 20% of patients with pancreatic cancer.", "Does anyone know if I can get Herceptin without the other chemotherapy drugs? My cancer was not HER2+ so Herceptin was not a choice for me. However, I had 18 weeks of dense dose Taxotere, Adriamycin and Cytoxan followed by 33 rounds of rads. It was agressive therapy, but I wanted to hit this hard with everything they had. Was it easy--no, but looking back now--not so bad.", "Study: Give Herceptin at Same Time as Chemo Giving Herceptin, Chemo Together Helps Breast Cancer Patients. The study involved 3,133 women with HER2-positive tumors. They were given one of three treatments: three chemo drugs alone; three chemo drugs with Herceptin given at the same time as the third chemo drug; or three chemo drugs followed by Herceptin.", "Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment The chemotherapy treatment plan for lung cancer often consists of a combination of drugs. Among the drugs most commonly used are cisplatin (Platinol) or carboplatin (Paraplatin) plus docetaxel (Taxotere), gemcitabine (Gemzar), paclitaxel (Taxol and others), vinorelbine (Navelbine and others), or pemetrexed (Alimta).", "- The following chemotherapy drugs may be included as part of the treatment regimen depending on the stage of pancreatic cancer: 1 S-1, a new chemotherapy oral agent, may replace gemcitabine (see below) as the most effective chemotherapeutic drug to treat pancreatic cancer.", "A trial looking at lapatinib, Herceptin and an aromatase inhibitor for advanced breast cancer Drugs called aromatase inhibitors are a type of hormone therapy that doctors often use. If breast cancer cells produce large amounts of a protein called HER2, doctors can use biological therapies such as Herceptin, which target HER2.", "- Average Cost of Chemotherapy Treatment. Few chemotherapeutic drugs are reasonably within reach in price, like leucovorin and 5-FU. However, the newly discovered drugs are priced at a higher rate and the cost of chemotherapy drugs is further up when the drugs are used in a combination.", "- In patients with early breast cancer eligible for neoadjuvant-adjuvant treatment, Herceptin should only be used concurrently with anthracyclines in chemotherapy-naive patients and only with low-dose anthracycline regimens, i.e. with maximum cumulative doses of doxorubicin 180 mg/m 2 or epirubicin 360 mg/m 2.erceptin 440 mg multi-dose vials: each pack contains one vial of Herceptin (440 mg trastuzumab) and one 20 mL vial of Bacteriostatic Water for Injection.", "- chemotherapy has not been evaluated with other tumor types, its mechanism of action provides the rationale to. consider this therapy. Although this therapy is preferred in the setting of microscopic disease, this option can be. used to reduce the risk of local, regional, or distant disease progression." ]
[ 13.75 ]
[ 4.5859375, 4.640625, 6.6953125, 10.6171875, 2.48828125, 8.609375, 5.3046875, 6.54296875, 11.7109375, 6.11328125, 11.640625, 5.734375, 5.44921875, 9.8359375, 3.3828125, 4.5234375, 5.87109375, 4.95703125, 2.232421875, 9.3046875, 13.6796875, 10.3046875, 10.953125, 13.8515625, 5.19140625, 5.5859375, 9.96875, 3.93359375, 12.875, 6.0234375 ]
how long does it take to pass out upside down
[ "How long can you stay upside down until you pass out? Best Answer: it depends on a few things~...but the longest time a human can stay upside down is 2 days.. If your heart is reasonably healthy and you aren't restricted, then you shouldn't pass out at all, any more than you would laying down or standing up." ]
[ "- When laparoscopy is used to diagnose a condition, the procedure usually takes 30-60 minutes. It will take longer if the surgeon is treating a condition, depending on the type of surgery being carried out.ser772007 said on 10 May 2013. Hi MissLmi, I had a Laparoscopy last wed and i am still struggling to get about. It can take 10 days for the gas to go away fully and thats where majority of ur pain comes from. Right after ur op make sure u have either peppermint water or mints.", "- LSD has a plasma half-life that lasts 2.5-4 hours. The effects will last 6-8 hours but the LSD stays in your system for much longer. It is broken down and excreted through your urine, making it detectable with drug testing for up to five days. Hair drug testing timelines can be up to 90 days. A urine test for LSD may not be effective as the amounts of the drug in the body are minimal. Also, the body moves it out quickly, usually within a 48-hour period. There is a test that screens blood, urine and stomach content for LSD and its metabolites.", "- Thanks for input, prolisec is taken as once daily dose. its half life is around 24 hours so it takes around 48 hours to get this drug out of your body. In most cases this medicine is prescribed for 14 days if prescribed for more than this it.can cause side effects like. abdominal pains, nausea, vomiting and head ache. Take a peek at this web address for furhter details on this medicine. http://www.drugs.com/prilosec.html. I hope answer was helpful.sk-a-doc Web sites: If you've got a quick question, you can try to get an answer from sites that say they have various specialists on hand to give quick answers... Justanswer.com. JustAnswer.com...has seen a spike since October in legal questions from readers about layoffs, unemployment and severance.", "Dizziness & Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo This nystagmus and perception of vertigo will slow down and cease after 15 to 20 seconds. If the head is not moved, no further symptoms will occur. When the patient sits back up, the dizziness will recur, but for a shorter period of time. Lying down on the opposite side will not cause the vertigo.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: How Long Does It Take To Digest And Pass Food It has been reported that food passes through the stomach and small intestine in 6-8 hours, when it enters the large intestine for further absorption. Then it may take on average 33 hours for men and 47 hours for women to pass, but again, this is variable. Children may take around 33 hours from end to end.", "How much time does it take to knock someone out with a rear naked choke? At full application, somewhere between six and ten seconds will put someone out. After that, the person being choked should get up and be OK after, like, 5 to ten seconds. At full application for 60 seconds or more, a person will die. So, if you put someone out, then keep squeezing full blast for another minute, they'll be dead.", "- • It is probably more common for the disease to remit within 9-18 months, than to continue for a full 2-3 years. • Sometimes, however, the monophasic course extends beyond 3 years. When this happens, remission usually occurs within 3-4 years.", "epileptic seizures However, sometimes seizures do not stop or one seizure follows another without the person recovering in between. If this goes on for 30 minutes or more it is called status epilepticus or ‘status’. Status is not common, but it can happen in any type of seizure and the person may need to see a doctor.", "How Long Does Versed Stay in Your System? This will determine how fast it takes effect. An injection or IV takes effect in 5 to 15 minutes with maximum effect in 15 to 60 minutes and has effects lasting for about 2 hours but with a range of 1 to 6 hours. The amnesia effect lasts for 20 minutes to an hour depending on how it is administered. Taking the syrup, effects in children are seen in 10 to 20 minutes. Midazolam is broken down in the liver to both active and inactive metabolites, so it has two phases of elimination from the body.", "How long should hoarseness last How long should hoarseness last. Premium Questions. the type to panic and just said to keep giving him the medicine.....My question is how long this may take ... a hoarse voice for 3-4 days now and is just starting medication gentian violet and nystatin. I was under ...", "How long does LSD stay in your system? Peak levels and half life of LSD. LSD has a plasma half-life of 2.5-4 hours. The onset of LSD effects is rapid following intravenous administration (10 minutes) and slower when taken orally (20-30 minutes). LSD effects usually peak at 2-4 hours and gradually diminishing over 6-8 hours. Residual effects may last longer but usually resolve within 12 hours of dosing.", "Sound Off: How long does an escrow period last and what can complicate it? There are three other things that determine how quickly escrow closes, and these are on the buyer's side. The loan contingency automatically makes the contract default to 17 days for the loan to go through underwriting and approval.t that point, the buyer can sign off on this contingency, ask for a price reduction or request repairs. So, while a typical escrow is 30 days, they can go from one week to many weeks. Karen Richardson, Alain Pinel Realtors, Orinda, (925)639-3904, [email protected].", "How Long Does Versed Stay in Your System? How Long Does Versed Stay in Your System? The effects of Versed can last for 1 to 2 days and you should plan your schedule so you won't be doing any tasks that require coordination and concentration. How long it persists depends on many factors, including age, liver function, hydration, and any other medications that were administered or you have been taking.", "Licensure - Endorsement Information The examination takes a maximum of two hours in length. If you are not successful in passing the examination or if the system locks up, you may retake the examination again after 24 (twenty-four) hours have elapsed from the previous attempt. The cost of the examination is included in your application fee.", "- @Crystal70940579 so sick of @windstream it never fails our internet service goes down atleast every 3 months. 2017-08-25 18:00:48. @ryanwfrederick seriously, @windstream , you have like 12 hours to figure this outage out, or in switching isps. this is the 21st century.", "Blackout for a few seconds If i stand up or sitdown or move really, i will sometimes have a 5-15 second blackout where i loose all my senses and if im standing have to hold on to something to avoid falling over, which doesn't always work, and i end up falling straight backwards. They happen around 5-10 times a week.", "- This can be especially true when it comes to getting finances back on track and restoring a sense of normalcy to life. You, or someone you know, may be considering filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy but are unsure about how long the filing process takes. Typically, a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case is relatively quick to complete. Your bankruptcy case could be completed and discharged within 3-6 months of filing bankruptcy.", "How long do seizures last? A Discovery Health answered. Most seizures last only a few seconds, or at the most, a few minutes. If a seizure lasts more than 5 minutes that person is said to be entering a state known as status epilectus and needs medical attention.", "How long does it take for risperidone to completely leave the body system after I stop taking it? Now to answer your question: a drug generally leaves the body within 5x it's half life…. So the half life of risperidone is on average 20 hours (so it will most likely be completely out of your body in 100 hours. Views.", "- After you have the car for a good chunk of time, you'll be less upside down as the value stabilizes. You lose say, 30% driving off the lot, but value doesn't continue at that rate of decline over time, your car will decrease in value from the 16k-17k , but gradually.", "- Share on Facebook. May 17, 2016. The average Chapter 7 bankruptcy case will take from four to six months from the time you file to the time that you receive your discharge (the order that officially wipes out your debt). Your case will take longer, however, if any number of things happen.", "- It takes around 62 hours for water to pass through, but if its a slightly thicker, liquid it takes around 46 hours. (The thinner the substance, the longer it takes).", "- User772007 said on 10 May 2013. Hi MissLmi, I had a Laparoscopy last wed and i am still struggling to get about. It can take 10 days for the gas to go away fully and thats where majority of ur pain comes from. Right after ur op make sure u have either peppermint water or mints.hen laparoscopy is used to diagnose a condition, the procedure usually takes 30-60 minutes. It will take longer if the surgeon is treating a condition, depending on the type of surgery being carried out.", "How long does the come down from adderall last? Trending Now. Answers. Best Answer: The crash comedown can last anywhere from a few hours, to up to 12 hours after the medication has peaked. You generally will lose the effects of the mental stimulation and feel mentally fatigued/drained,..", "How Long Does Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Take? The average Chapter 7 bankruptcy case takes about four to six months to complete. The average Chapter 7 bankruptcy case will take from four to six months from the time you file to the time that you receive your discharge (the order that officially wipes out your debt). Your case will take longer, however, if any number of things happen.", "Q&A: How long does vertigo usually last? Most cases of vertigo—dizziness so severe it makes you feel like the room is spinning—last for a few days at most. It can also recur periodically, a condition known as benign positional vertigo.", "casestudies For the most part though, you can count on a run-of-the-mill Chapter 7 bankruptcy case taking four to six months from the time you file to the time you get your discharge (the order that officially wipes out your debts).", "Dizziness and Motion Sickness Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV): Vertigo is experienced after a change in head position such as lying down, turning in bed, looking up, or stooping. It lasts about 30 seconds and ceases when the head is still. It is due to a dislodged otololith crystal entering one of the semicircular balance canals.", "- The Narrows Bottom-Up Hike takes anywhere from 2 to 10 hours, but most people spend 4-6 hours in the river. The Thru-Hike takes one long day (10-14 hours) or two moderate days (8 hours each) to complete.", "- As soon as you start noticing the symptoms of a seizure, it’s important to keep track of time. Most seizures last between one to two minutes. If the person has epilepsy and the seizure lasts longer than three minutes, call 911." ]
[ 15.921875 ]
[ 3.55078125, 8.5546875, 3.96875, 7.6953125, 7.05859375, 7.6171875, 2.888671875, 6.21484375, 6.39453125, 1.2646484375, 6.76171875, 0.366943359375, 4.6796875, 4.54296875, 0.70458984375, 8.3671875, 2.384765625, 3.931640625, 4.5625, 7.40234375, 3.515625, 6.578125, 3.244140625, 3.3125, 3.736328125, 5.63671875, 2.416015625, 7.50390625, 5.125, 5.94921875 ]
what is a informative essay
[ "What Is an Informative Essay? Top 10 facts about the world. An informative essay is a form of writing that teaches the reader about a topic in an unbiased manner. Typically, this type of essay will include an introduction, a few body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The body of the essay generally will contain facts that are well-researched and come from reliable sources." ]
[ "- The Introductory Paragraph. The paragraph that begins an essay causes students the most trouble, yet carries the most importance. Although its precise construction varies from genre to genre (and from essay to essay), good introductory paragraphs generally accomplish the same tasks and follow a few basic patterns.", "- An informative essay educates your reader on a topic. They can have one of several functions: to define a term, compare and contrast something, analyze data or provide a how-to. They do not, however, present an opinion or try to persuade your reader.n your case, a definition essay might simply tell about who Smiley Virus is. You begin to work on a rough draft for a definition-focused informative essay. You know the introduction should contain a thesis along with a compelling way to draw the reader in.", "- It conveys another persons information in detail and explains what is difficult to understand. Without giving any criticism or argument, the writer of the essay elucidates the subject by analyzing it. A good explanatory/expository essay consists of the following: 1 The introductory paragraph clearly states what is to be analyzed or explained. Each subsequent paragraph has a distinct supporting topic.", "Defining an Informative Essay In your case, a definition essay might simply tell about who Smiley Virus is. You begin to work on a rough draft for a definition-focused informative essay. You know the introduction should contain a thesis along with a compelling way to draw the reader in.'As the lights dim, the crowd waits in anticipation.n your case, a definition essay might simply tell about who Smiley Virus is. You begin to work on a rough draft for a definition-focused informative essay. You know the introduction should contain a thesis along with a compelling way to draw the reader in.", "Introductions, Body Paragraphs, and Conclusions for Exploratory Papers Exploratory essays ask questions and gather information that may answer these questions. However, the main point of the exploratory or inquiry essay is not to find definite answers. The main point is to conduct inquiry into a topic, gather information, and share that information with readers.", "The purpose of an outline for an informative essay is to explain the essayâs structure. cite research materials. use effective language. include strong paragraphs. The purpose of an outline for an informative essay is to explain the essay’s structure. cite research materials. use effective language. include strong paragraphs. Follow Report", "History Essay Format & Thesis Statement Body (Supporting Paragraphs). The paragraphs which make up the body of a history essay offers historical evidence to support the thesis statement. Typically, in a high school history essay, there will be as many supporting paragraphs as there are events or topics. The history teacher or assignment outline may ask for a specific number of paragraphs.", "15 Interesting Topics For Creating An Informative Narrative Essay Narrative essays are not typically read to derive information or to be educated; this isn’t to say that they can’t often be informative. If you’ve been asked to write a narrative essay for your class and it has to be educational, you might have a difficult time merging creative subjectivity with objective facts.", "What is argumentative essay? Expository essays are often used for in-class writing exercises or tests, such as the GED or GRE. Argumentative essay assignments generally call for extensive research of literature or previously published material.", "Defining an Informative Essay Informative Essays: Compare and Contrast. Although you think the definition of Smiley Virus, adult pop sensation, could make for a good essay, you also start to ponder some of the ways this performance is similar to other ones you've seen on the same awards show. An informative essay using compare and contrast would fit the bill here.", "- Exploratory essay is different from the majority of other types of academic writing because its very name presupposes that you pass through unknown territory and should find your own way in it. Speaking less metaphorically, you begin writing without knowing to what conclusions you are going to come.", "Types of Essays: End the Confusion 3. Expository Essays: Just the Facts. The expository essay is an informative piece of writing that presents a balanced analysis of a topic. In an expository essay, the writer explains or defines a topic, using facts, statistics, and examples.", "- In general, however, a narrative essay is simply any story from. the writer's life. Writing creative essays is very different from writing informative essays. Creative essays are written to express, render, and. entertain. Therefore, they frequently do not follow a standard structure.", "What is argumentative essay? An argumentative essay is not just having an argument wherein it is usually emotional or heated. It is actually the use of crystal clear thinking - logic- and evidence to convince a person or your audience (the readers) to adopt a particular opinion (most of the time, your opinion) and take action.", "What Is Informative Advertising? 10 most extreme places on Earth. Informative advertising is a sales and marketing approach that focuses on the task of attracting consumers by educating them on the nature and benefits of products, along with identifying the benefits derived from choosing to purchase those products.", "- Helping readers to decide whether they should read the text or not. Includes terms for indexing (e.g. in data bases). Elements The title must be informative: • The title has to include important terms. • It has to indicate that the text is a review article. • It may include the message of the article, not just its. coverage (Gustavii 2003).", "Informative Essay Outline Below is a basic outline for an Informative Essay. Because it illustrates each of the five main paragraphs of the Informative Essay, it should be followed, with the student-writer covering each paragraph’s main points.", "\"\"\"Cause And Effect Football\"\" Essays and Research Papers\" Definition: In this kind of essay, we not only give information but also present an argument with the PROS (supporting ideas) and CONS (opposing ideas) of an argumentative issue. We should clearly take our stand and write as if we are trying to persuade an opposing audience to adopt new beliefs or behavior.", "What Is an Informative Essay? An informative essay is any type of essay that has the goal of informing or educating an audience. By definition, it is not used to persuade or to give one's personal beliefs on a subject.", "Informative Essay Outline The same applies to writing an Informative Essay, which literally (objectively) informs the reader about a particular subject because it is void of the student-writer’s own opinion or point of view of the subject; in this particular kind of essay, the student-writer is not to argue for or against anything.", "Organizing an Exploratory Essay Organizing an Exploratory Essay. Summary: This resource will help you with exploratory/inquiry essay assignments. Contributors: Allen Brizee. Last Edited: 2010-04-17 05:44:38. Exploratory essays are very different from argumentative essays.", "- The Introductory Paragraph. The paragraph that begins an essay causes students the most trouble, yet carries the most importance. Although its precise construction varies from genre to genre (and from essay to essay), good introductory paragraphs generally accomplish the same tasks and follow a few basic patterns. I have listed some of them below, but keep in mind that what follows are guidelines, not immutable templates.", "How to start a reflective essay? For instance, a scientist may write a reflective essay at the completion of an experiment or a student may be asked to write a reflective essay at the end of a course of study or the completion of an individual or class project. However, a reflective essay is not to be confused with an informative essay.While an informative essay relates facts like where you went, what you did, and how much things cost, a reflective essay is an evaluation.his Site Might Help You. RE: How to start a reflective essay? My topic would be how my childhood for me was so immature, hyper, and foolish.Now(Present)I&#39;m all grown up different and mature.", "\"\"\"Expository Essay\"\" Essays and Research Papers\" Guide to Different Kinds of Essay. An essay is a short piece of writing that discusses, describes or analyzes one topic. It can discuss a subject directly or indirectly, seriously or humorously. It can describe personal opinions, or just report information.An essay can be written from any perspective, but essays are most commonly written in the first person (I), or third person (subjects that can be substituted with the he, she, it, or they pronouns). There are many different kinds of essays. the true meaning and importance of honesty; * how the meaning of family goes deeper than just your blood relatives. A definition essay attempts to define a specific term. It could try to pin down the meaning of a specific word, or define an abstract concept.", "- A descriptive essay describes a person, place, idea, culture, event or just about anything as long as it is supported with factual information. This type of exposition is a common school writing assignment. Examples of such assignments include book reports or biographies. When assigned a broad topic, focus your attention on one particular aspect of the topic.", "\"\"\"Essay In Hindi On Jal Pradushan\"\" Essays and Research Papers\" A. How to Write an Introduction. The introduction of a persuasive essay or paper must be substantial. Having finished it, the reader ought to have a very clear idea of the author's purpose in writing.", "speech test 3 Which statement best characterizes how persuasive speaking and informative speaking compare to each other? Informative speaking generally tends to be noncontroversial. In a persuasive presentation, the best represents the listener’s point of view.", "- Informative/explanatory writing conveys information accurately. Writings that exemplify this text type include summaries and instructions. The purpose of informative/explanatory writing is to increase knowledge, explain a procedure, or explore a concept in depth.", "- Narrative essays are creative articles that relate the experience of the writer. There are many specific types of narrative essays, such as travel reports, which relate the writer's traveling experience. In general, however, a narrative essay is simply any story from. the writer's life. Writing creative essays is very different from writing informative essays.", "Informative Essay Writing Help Must do’s when writing an informative essays. 1 Think of an activity, person, place or object that your readers either need or want to know something about. 2 Conduct thorough research on the topic. Read what other people have written about the same subject. 3 Make a list of questions that you think people might have about this subject matter." ]
[ 17.1875 ]
[ 7.6796875, 13.0859375, 9.9921875, 9.5390625, 7.16796875, 9.875, 5.98828125, 8.3984375, 8.609375, 11.0859375, 6.2109375, 11.7890625, 9.6796875, 6.9453125, 6.9375, 4.640625, 10.1875, 8.578125, 17.1875, 13.34375, 4.9296875, 7.23828125, 6.421875, 10.171875, 8.6953125, 6.3671875, 5.98046875, 11.765625, 9.5390625, 10.4609375 ]
meaning of the name rubaiyat
[ "- Rubaiyat may refer to: 1 Ruba'iyat, a collection of Ruba'i (a form of Persian poetry). 2 The best-known example of such a collection is the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, to the extent that Rubaiyat is often used as a short name for this particular collection.3 There are also rubaiyats by Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Balkhi-Rumi. Ruba'iyat, a collection of Ruba'i (a form of Persian poetry). 2 The best-known example of such a collection is the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, to the extent that Rubaiyat is often used as a short name for this particular collection." ]
[ "User comments for Rahab Rahab is mentioned in the Talmud and the Old Testament, and its etymology is given as noise, tumult and arrogance. Rahab is the name of a sea monster in the bible. Possible meanings include ruler of the sea.hile Rahab initially lived a life of sin, she is also a wonderful example of faith and repentance. Because of her courageous acts, God rewarded Rahab by making her one of Jesus' ancestors. It is an unusual name, but has a wonderful story behind it.", "Lubna Name Meaning in Urdu â Lubna meaning ÙبÙÛÙ°, Arabic Girls & Boys Names Ranita is a unique name with impressive meaning. It belongs to Arabic origin. You can find name meaning of Ranita in both English & Urdu, and other languages as well.", "Ruthie Meaning The name Ruthie is of English origin. The meaning of Ruthie is friendship. Ruthie is generally used as a girl's name. It consists of 6 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Ru-thie.", "- Name Meaning —The first part of Rahab—“Ra,” was the name of an Egyptian god. As an Amorite, Rahab belonged to an idolatrous people, and had a name meaning “insolence,” “fierceness,” or “broad,” “spaciousness.”.ame Meaning —The first part of Rahab—“Ra,” was the name of an Egyptian god. As an Amorite, Rahab belonged to an idolatrous people, and had a name meaning “insolence,” “fierceness,” or “broad,” “spaciousness.”.", "Ruth Hebrew Meaning: The name Ruth is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Ruth is: Companion; friend; vision of beauty.In the Bible, Ruth the Moabitess was the great grandmother of King David.SoulUrge Number: 3.he name Ruth is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Ruth is: Companion; friend; vision of beauty. In the Bible, Ruth the Moabitess was the great grandmother of King David. SoulUrge Number: 3.", "Roosevelt The name Roosevelt is a Dutch baby name. In Dutch the meaning of the name Roosevelt is: From the rose field. The name Roosevelt is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Roosevelt is: From the rose field.", "- 1 RASUI: Egyptian name meaning dream.. 2 REMIEL (רעמיאל): Hebrew form of Arabic Ramiel (thunder of God), meaning mercy of God.. 3 In Christian and Islamic tradition, this is the name of a Watcher. 4 He is one of the seven archangels listed in the Book of Enoch.IMOZA: Albanian name meaning mimosa, a tree and plant name. The mimosa is also called the sensitive plant, and sleeping plant. The name derives from the Latin word mimus, meaning to imitate.. It was given this name because of the way it folds its leaves when touched.", "We Love Azeri Music Huseyni is also an Arabic word attributed to the Arabic name Huseyn. Huseyni was one of the 12 maghams in ancient Persian music. Vilayati is an Arabic word coming from the word Vilayat and in Persian language it literally means province and also guardianship.", "- Habib (Arabic: حبيب ‎, translit. ḥabÄ«b; Arabic pronunciation: [ħabiːb ]), sometimes written as Habeeb, is an Arabic masculine given name and occasional surname with the meaning beloved. The name is popular throughout the Muslim World, though particularly in the Middle East and Africa.", "- Means servant of the merciful from Arabic عبد ال ('abd al) servant of the combined with رحمن (rahman) merciful ... [more]. ABD AL-RASHID عبد الرشيد m Arabic. Means servant of the rightly guided from Arabic عبد ال ('abd al) servant of the combined with رشد (rashid) rightly guided.eminine form of HANIF. HANIYAH f Arabic. Variant transcription of HANIYYA. HANIYYA هنيّة f Arabic. Means pleasant in Arabic. HARIS (1) حارث m Bosnian, Pakistani, Urdu, Arabic. Bosnian and Urdu form of HARITH, as well as a variant transcription of the Arabic name.", "- Well, the sense of the word Rasputin in Russian does mean dissolute, and in Grigory Efimovich's case, it seeems apt, though it seems it's the real family name . There's a fair chance that in much earlier generations Rasputin WAS a nickname but became the formal family last name at some later point.", "- Definition: The Italian musical command rubato, which literally means “robbed,” indicates that the performer may take liberties with the articulation, dynamics, or overall expressiveness of a song for dramatic effect.", "Rabia The name Rabia is a Muslim baby name. In Muslim the meaning of the name Rabia is: Fourth. SoulUrge Number: 11. Expression Number: 22. People with this name have a deep inner desire to inspire others in a higher cause, and to share their own strongly held views on spiritual matters.n Muslim the meaning of the name Rabia is: Fourth. SoulUrge Number: 11. Expression Number: 22. People with this name have a deep inner desire to inspire others in a higher cause, and to share their own strongly held views on spiritual matters.", "- Rahab II meaning. For a meaning of this name Rahab, NOBSE Study Bible Name List reads Pride, Arrogance. Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names reads Insolence.here are two completely different names Rahab in the Old Testament that are both usually transliterated into the same name Rahab. We'll call them Rahab I (רחב) and Rahab II (רהב):", "Roosevelt Meaning The name Roosevelt is of Dutch origin. The meaning of Roosevelt is field of roses. Roosevelt is generally used as a boy's name. It consists of 9 letters and 3 syllables and is pronounced Roo-se-velt.", "Riffat Popularity of the Name. The name Riffat is ranked on the 17,152nd position of the most used names. It means that this name is rarely used. We estimate that there are at least 12900 persons in the world having this name which is around 0.001% of the population. The name Riffat has six characters.", "- The meaning of Rawan is somewhat unknown, but the one that is generally attributed to the name is a clean flowing river.. It is thought to be derived from the Arabic verb… rawi, which means to water or give drink to.. It is also the name of a river in heaven.", "Ruqayya It is derived either from Arabic رقى (ruqia) meaning rise, ascent or from رقية (ruqyah) meaning spell, charm, incantation. It also means enchanting, bewitching or of being armed against sorcery. Ruqayyah is the name of a daughter of the Islamic prophet Mo", "User comments for Aaliyah In arabic the name Aaliyah means High as well as Lofty, Sublime which all pretty much means high exalted and great. I wouldn't change her name at all. Although people do spell her name wrong quite often A-A-L-I-Y-A-H is the original form and everything else is an alternate form of spelling.", "Ruth The name Ruth is a baby girl name. The name Ruth comes from the Hebrew origin. In Hebrew The meaning of the name Ruth is: Companion; friend; vision of beauty. In the Bible, Ruth the Moabitess was the great grandmother of King David. Name Information.", "Rashaad Meaning The name Rashaad is of Arabic origin. The meaning of Rashaad is young gazelle. Rashaad is generally used as a boy's name. It consists of 7 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Ra-shaad.", "- The meaning of Ruby has more than one different etymologies. It has same or different meanings in other countries and languages. The different meanings of the name Ruby are: 1 Latin meaning: Red. 2 English meaning: Red, A Ruby Jewel.eep in mind that many names may have different meanings in other countries and languages, so be careful that the name that you choose doesn’t mean something bad or unpleasant. Search comprehensively and find the name meaning of Ruby and its name origin or of any other name in our database.", "- You might have confused the Arabic name with the English. Here are the complete phrase in each language: The Kingdom of ( Saudi (Arabia)): Arabia ia a noun, Saudi is an adjective derived from a proper noun, namely the House of Saud. The adjective-noun pair attached to “Kingdom” with the preposition “of”. ( Al-Mamlakah (Al Arabiyyah (Al Saudiyya)): Mamlakah=Kingdom is a noun. Arabiyyah is an adjective, meaning “Arabian” i.e of the Arabian peninsula. Saudiyyah is also an adjective, also denoting the dynasty of the founding king Saud. The three-time repeated “Al” is the definite article, which in Arabic is repeated for every adjective appended to a noun that is defined by the definite article.", "Rayan Rayan (Arabic: ريان‎‎) is a masculine given name of Arabic origin. A similar name, Rayyan (ريّان), is the name of one of Islam's Heaven gates through which only the observers of Ramadan would enter on the Day of Resurrection.", "Rajeev Meaning The Given Name Rajeev. Rajeev is a variant of Rajiv. See Rajiv for further details. Rajeev is a great choice for parents looking for a more unique name. A name fit for a child full of greatness and spirit, a little explorer. Rajeev has no variant spellings. Rajeev falls into the flower name category.", "RABELAISIAN • RABELAISIAN (adjective). The adjective RABELAISIAN has 1 sense: 1. of or relating to or characteristic of Francois Rabelais or his works. Familiarity information: RABELAISIAN used as an adjective is very rare.", "Rumaisah This is NOT a Quranic name, but Muslims can use it since it doesn't have a bad meaning. Meaning of Rumaisah Rumaisah (spelled رُمَيْسَة in Arabic) is an Arabic name for girls that means “wind that scatters dust and hides tracks and footprints”. If Rumaisah is spelled as رُمَيْثَة in Arabic (more accurately written as Rumaithah in English, but many people would simplify the name to Rumaisah), it becomes another name which according to the Lisan al-Arab dictionary is the name of a place. This name comes from the R-M-TH root, which can be used to rebuild its meaning.", "- raima is an arabic name for girls that means a woman who has strong love and affection for her baby it is not used in the quran directly or indirectly but muslims can use it since its meaning is good r un sm a rt i slam m uslim h u mble r un sm a rt pra yi ng m uslim h u mble as for raina most of the meanings mentioned on islamic sites are incorrect and come from non arabic languages the only arabic word that sounds like this is raainah which means overtaker overpowerer it is written as رائنه in arabic", "Liaqat Name meaning191Likes Liaqat meaning in Indonesian. Liaqat is a Muslim baby Boy name, it is an Arabic originated name. Liaqat name meaning is Fitness. Ability. and the lucky number associated with Liaqat is 1. Find all the relevant details about the Liaqat Meaning, Origin, Lucky Number and Religion from this page. Average rating of Liaqat is 4 stars, based on 5 reviews.", "- The name Inayat is a Muslim Boy given mame. The meaning of name Inayat is Bounty, Kindness, favour..he name Inayat is a Muslim Boy given mame. The meaning of name Inayat is Bounty, Kindness, favour.." ]
[ 14.828125 ]
[ -0.35888671875, 1.4306640625, 1.671875, 3.591796875, 4.1015625, 2.37109375, 4.4765625, 1.8232421875, 3.408203125, 5.03515625, 0.50537109375, 2.412109375, 7.3828125, 0.1453857421875, 1.763671875, 1.5791015625, 3.767578125, 5.8828125, 1.974609375, 2.875, 2.0703125, 6.55078125, 0.64453125, 2.3359375, 0.6337890625, -1.7216796875, 3.498046875, 1.919921875, 2.251953125, 7.77734375 ]
how many credits needed to take cpa exam
[ "Get College Credits While Studying for the CPA Exam Get College Credits Studying for the CPA Exam. The typical bachelor’s degree requires 120 credit hours, but most State Board’s now require you to have 150 credit hours to qualify for the CPA exam. For most people, this means going back to school for another year to gain these additional 30 credit hours.he typical bachelor’s degree requires 120 credit hours, but most State Board’s now require you to have 150 credit hours to qualify for the CPA exam." ]
[ "- However, the trend is toward 150 hours of education to sit for the CPA Exam and for licensure, so if you’re just starting your education, you should be prepared to obtain at least 150 hours as the requirements in these states are likely to change.", "CPA Requirements What It Takes–A Guide to Becoming a CPA. California law gives CPA candidates who passed all four sections of the Uniform CPA Exam prior to Dec. 31, 2013 two additional options for entering the profession: Download First-Time CPA Licensure: A Step-by-Step Guide.", "150 Hour Requirement for Obtaining a CPA License 150 Hour Requirement for Obtaining CPA Certification. Overview. A certified public accountant (CPA) in today's environment must not only have a high level of technical competence and a sense of commitment to service, but must also have good communications and analytical skills, and the ability to work well with people.ow to Meet the 150-Hour Requirement. Many colleges and universities offer bachelor's and master's degree programs in accounting. To obtain 150 semester hours of education, students do not necessarily have to get a master's degree.", "- States Without 150 Hour Education Requirement. As of May 2012, there are just a few jurisdictions that do not currently require 150 hours of education and have not announced a change to their requirements to sit for the CPA Exam and be licensed.", "Table of Contents While having a 120-credit bachelor's degree in accounting was, at one time, enough to qualify a person to sit for the CPA Exam, most states now require that candidates complete a 150-credit college degree program.", "- Contents [hide] 1 1 CPA Exam Scoring Process. 2 2 CPA Exam Structure 2.1 Multiple-Choice Question Scoring. 2.2 Task-Based Simulation Scoring. 3 3 How the CPA Exam is Scored and Weighted 3.1 CPA Score Scale and Passing Scores. 3.2 CPA Exam Score Weights. 4 4 Study Tips on How to Get a Passing Score of 75 4.1 Get a CPA Review Course.", "Also See... 1 Twenty-four semester hours (thirty-six quarter hours) or the equivalent in accounting subjects of which at least fifteen semester hours must be at the upper level or graduate level (an upper level course is defined as a course that frequently carries completion of a lower level course(s) as a prerequisite).e sure to review the Information for First-Time Candidates and complete the Education Evaluation Worksheet to determine if you have met the qualifications to sit for the CPA exam. You must meet the Board's education requirements before you submit an application.", "- Applying to take the CPA Exam; Scheduling your CPA Exam; Taking your CPA Exam; Receiving your score; Exam content; The CPA Exam application process involves submitting forms and transcripts, along with fees, to the state board or its designee. Visit the state requirements to learn more. Learn about state requirements for the CPA Exam—and meet them", "Advanced Placement (AP) You may also earn college credit if you take an AP exam at the end of the course AND earn a score of at least three (3) on a scale of one (1) to five (5).", "Missouri CPA Exam & License Requirements To be eligible to sit for the CPA exam students must first fulfill these qualifications and requirements: 1 Minimum age: 18. 2 U.S. Residency NOT Required. 3 State Residency NOT required.", "- 1 Online courses, and online make-up courses do not qualify. Read our CPE policy. To request CPE credit, fax proof of 100% attendance (stamped attendance sheet) and a completed course evaluation to the CPE Administrator at 866-651-0229.", "California CPA Exam & License Requirements California Exam Fees. The cost to take all four sections of the CPA exam in California is $743 plus the initial $100 application fee. The re-examination application fee is $25 plus the exam fees.", "CPA Exam CPA Exam. The Texas State Board of Public Accountancy (TSBPA) requires candidates for the CPA exam to have a minimum of 150 credit hours of college coursework. Because the Accounting BBA Degree Plan consists of only 120 credit hours, students completing the undergraduate degree must take additional coursework to be eligible to sit for the CPA exam. Additional Coursework to Become CPA Eligible at Texas A&M University.", "Credit Creep There are legitimate academic reasons why some disciplines require more than 60 credits for an associate degree. For example, faculty members and college leaders at some institutions make a case for why 60 credits are not enough for nursing and engineering programs.", "How the CPA Exam Is Scored A behind-the-scenes look at what test takers can expect in today's computer-based environment. Anyone who has taken the Uniform CPA Examination, prepared for it, or been involved in the CPA licensure process knows that the passing score is 75. But very few understand what that 75 means.", "- All candidates for the CPA Exam must have completed at least 150 semester hours of college education, and have a baccalaureate degree with a concentration in accounting (or be within 120 days of obtaining this education) from an educational institution recognized by the Washington State Board of Accountancy.", "CPA for Non Accounting Majors: Issues and Solutions The CPA Exam Requirements. For education, you must have at least a 4-year bachelor degree together with minimum accounting and business credit hours, as well as 150 credit hour of general higher education. For the exam, you need to pass all 4 parts of the Uniform CPA exam. And lastly, for the experience, you’ll be completing 1 to 2 years of experience that is relevant and properly verified. In short, for non-accounting majors, the bottle neck is likely: The minimum accounting credit hours. The 150 credit hour requirement.", "How the CPA Exam Is Scored Anyone who has taken the Uniform CPA Examination, prepared for the Examination, or been involved in. the CPA licensure process knows that the passing score is 75. But very few understand what that 75 means.", "California CPA Exam & License Requirements Also, at least 500 attest hours are required for anyone who wants to sign attest reports. The cost to take all four sections of the CPA exam in California is $743 plus the initial $100 application fee. The re-examination application fee is $25 plus the exam fees.his means they will now be required to fulfill 150 semester hours along with 1 year of work experience to obtain a CPA license (prior to 2o14, 120 semester hours and 2 years work experience was accepted). In order to get a California CPA license you are required to have a social security number.", "How the CPA Exam Is Scored Anyone who has taken the Uniform CPA Examination, prepared for the Exam, or been. involved in the CPA licensure process knows that the passing score is 75. But very few. understand what that 75 means.", "How to Become a CPA The CPA exam consists of four separate exams, which are taken one at a time. Candidates may take the exams in any order; but once you pass the first exam, you must pass the other three within 18 months. 1 Audit and Attestation (AUD): This is the longest section, at 4.0 hours.", "Texas CPA Requirements 2017 (Rules on Exam and Licensing) For Texas CPA requirements, the State Board requires the full 150 credit hours to sit for the exam. After passing the CPA exam, you will need to accumulate 1 year of experience under the direct supervision of an active CPA licensee.or Texas CPA requirements, the State Board requires the full 150 credit hours to sit for the exam. After passing the CPA exam, you will need to accumulate 1 year of experience under the direct supervision of an active CPA licensee.", "How to Become a CPA The Four Sections of the CPA Exam. The CPA exam consists of four separate exams, which are taken one at a time. Candidates may take the exams in any order; but once you pass the first exam, you must pass the other three within 18 months. Audit and Attestation (AUD): This is the longest section, at 4.0 hours.", "CPA Exam Requirements Requirements to Sit for the CPA Exam. Twenty-four (24) semester credit-hours of accounting and auditing, business law, finance or tax subjects covering content satisfactory to Pennsylvania State Board of Accountancy.", "- Scheduling CPA Exam 101. 1 | Passing All 4 parts of the CPA Exam requires a significant time commitment. 2 | When scheduling your classes, take into account the amount of time you have available each week to commit to preparing for the exam. 3 | Sit for one part of the exam immediately after studying for that part.", "5.02: General Preparation and Test Strategies for the CPC Exam Know Your Goals. In order to pass the CPC exam, you need to get a 70% or better on the test. Always keep that in mind when you’re taking the test. The long, multi-part questions that might have you look up three, four, or five codes are worth the same as the general knowledge questions.", "CPA Degree Information | Career Education to Be a CPA Students can complete the bachelor's program after about 120 credit hours, receive a bachelor's degree, then complete an additional year of courses to earn their master's degree in accounting. A high school diploma or equivalent is the minimum requirement for entry into an accounting bachelor's degree program. Most schools have specific grade point average requirements. Schools may also require special permission or a faculty recommendation for students to be considered for a 5-year program.", "CPA Degree Information | Career Education to Be a CPA Aspiring CPAs need to earn at least 150 credit hours in required accountancy courses to sit for the licensure exam. These can be earned through either a 5-year combined bachelor's and master's degree program in accounting or through a bachelor's degree program followed by a master's degree program in accounting. In either case, coursework will cover topics such as accounting systems, business law, and tax accounting.", "- The Board will accept at least 30 passing semester credit hours of accounting courses without repeat from the courses listed below. The courses must meet the board's standards by containing sufficient business knowledge and application to be useful to candidates taking the CPA Examination.", "CPA Requirements The two most important goals to focus on in your quest to become a CPA are passing the Uniform CPA Exam and meeting licensing requirements. 2014: The Year of Change. New education requirements for licensure are in effect. The new licensure requirements are available here. In order to qualify for former Pathways 1 or 2, you must have passed all four sections of the Uniform CPA Exam prior to Dec. 31, 2013. California law gives CPA candidates who passed all four sections of the Uniform CPA Exam prior to Dec. 31, 2013 two additional options for entering the profession:" ]
[ 16.359375 ]
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what color does copper streak
[ "- Malachite often results from weathering of copper ores and is often found together with azurite (Cu 3 (CO 3) 2 (OH) 2), goethite, and calcite. Except for its vibrant green color, the properties of malachite are similar to those of azurite and aggregates of the two minerals occur frequently." ]
[ "Copper Beech copper beech (Fagus sylvatica purpurea) tree. description: The Copper beech is widespread in Europe as a park or garden tree. It is a mutation of Beech, wherein the epidermal layer of the sheet is non-transparent and hence can not be seen, the green color of chlorophyll.eaf: The leaves of the Copper beech are ovate. The color of the leaves can vary from dark red to red-green. In the sprouting leaves are dark red. The leaf margin is slightly serrated.", "Why Does Copper Change Colors Over Time? Copper metal that is required to maintain its color may be treated with an organic coating. Single-strand copper wire for electrical purposes does not usually tarnish enough to warrant special treatment. However, fine, multistranded copper wire is usually wrapped with layers of insulating materials. If the wire is kept wrapped, oxidation is quite low, and its color is maintained.", "- It is slightly harder than the red-brass. This color is the most popular for decorative finishes. White-Brass is copper 60% by wt/zinc 40% by wt and was developed by Ford Motors as an application for plating on car bumpers. It was a substitute for nickel during the Korean War.t is slightly harder than the red-brass. This color is the most popular for decorative finishes. White-Brass is copper 60% by wt/zinc 40% by wt and was developed by Ford Motors as an application for plating on car bumpers. It was a substitute for nickel during the Korean War.", "MINERAL PROPERTIES: STREAK How to test using streak Swipe the mineral against the streak plate, but not hard enough to damage it. The color of the powder that results on the streak plate is the streak color. 1 Mineral Properties. 2 Previous Article (Color) 3 Next Article (Hardness)", "30 Modern Interior Design Ideas, 10 Great Tips to Use Copper Colors in Home Decorating Copper colors include many various bright shades and pastel tones, from rich orange, yellowish pink color shades to soft honey color and dark reddish brown colors, but all copper colors bring warmth and comfort into interior design and decorating. Polished copper surfaces add shine to home decorations and reflect light.", "- The upper surface of its wings is typically bright reddish-orange or purple. • Genus Lycaena, family Lycaenidae: numerous species, including the American copper ( L. phlaeas) of the eastern U.S. and arctic North America.", "- Uploaded on Sep 13, 2008. Using the oxygen acetylene torch to flame color copper. This is just a quick example. With some practice and patience you can create outstanding results.1 Howto & Style.2 Standard YouTube License.sing the oxygen acetylene torch to flame color copper. This is just a quick example. With some practice and patience you can create outstanding results. 1 Howto & Style. 2 Standard YouTube License.", "Makeup Tips and Tricks for Redheads Most reds fall into one of three shades: copper (orange) red, violet red, and red red, or true red. Natural reds, or natural-looking reds, are in the copper category; very dark reds are classified as violet red; and red reds are recognizable by their vibrant, true color. These last two shades do not occur in nature.", "List of copper alloys Main article: Brass. A brass is an alloy of copper with zinc. Brasses are usually yellow in color. The zinc content can vary between few % to about 40%; as long as it is kept under 15%, it does not markedly decrease corrosion resistance of copper. bronze is an alloy of copper and other metals, most often tin, but also aluminium and silicon. 1 Aluminium bronzes are alloys of copper and aluminium. 2 Bell metal. 3 Phosphor bronze. 4 Nickel bronzes, e.g. nickel silver and cupronickel. 5 Speculum metal. 6 UNS C69100.", "A Guide to Identifying Baby Copperhead Snakes In general, copperheads have beige, brown or tan ground colors. On top of their ground color, copperheads have dark brown, lateral markings that are roughly triangular in most subspecies; these triangles sometimes touch along the midline of the back creating an hourglass-like pattern.oving west, Osage copperheads (A. c. phaeogaster) range throughout Missouri, Kansas and parks of Oklahoma. The broad-banded copperhead (A. c. laticinctus) replaces the Osage copperhead to the south of its range. The Trans-Pecos copperhead (A. c. pictigaster) lives only in southwest Texas.", "- Report Abuse. 1 Ooooo, I think the copper and your hair color are just begging for a green such as olive or any green shade with a brownish cast. jidwg · 8 years ago. 2 Erica, I would go with a Silver thread to off set the copper and your red hair. 3 Green, especially with that hair color.", "Thread: How to Identify Brass vs Bronze? Thread: How to Identify Brass vs Bronze? How to Identify Brass vs Bronze? I scrounged some brass or bronze bar mystery metal from a dumpster when they were clearing out a college machine shop 15 yrs ago. But I honestly don't know whether I have brass or bronze. Any way to tell them apart? I have a non-critical part I'd like to make out of bronze. Its a threaded flange. A hand crank will rotate a threaded steel shaft and the shafting thread will push/pull this threaded flange. The oxidation is a dark brown. When I cut into the bar it is a brassy color. just ever so slightly redder than 360 brass.", "- View More. xinem/Flickr. For a copper color, mix burnt sienna and cadmium red light together. For highlights on the copper object, mix some white with cadmium red and cadmium orange. Take a scrap of canvas and experiment with the color mixes so that when you are ready to paint you'll feel relaxed and confident. Tip from: Papaya.", "Jasper Jasper comes in all colors, mostly striped, spotted or flamed. A variety of trade names specify colors, appearance or composition. There is no recommendation for color, although red, caused by traces of iron oxide, is one of the most common colors.Brown and yellow are also commonly occurring colors for jasper. Unicolored stones are extremely rare, but not unheard of. variety of trade names specify colors, appearance or composition. There is no recommendation for color, although red, caused by traces of iron oxide, is one of the most common colors. Brown and yellow are also commonly occurring colors for jasper. Unicolored stones are extremely rare, but not unheard of.", "The facts on copper Copper is a light reddish-brown metallic element with the symbol “Cu” and atomic number 29 on the periodic table of the elements. The name copper is derived from the word Cyprus, the island where the Romans obtained their copper supply. It was the first metal to be widely used by humans.", "Copper Copper is one of the basic chemical elements. In its nearly pure state, copper is a reddish-orange metal known for its high thermal and electrical conductivity. It is commonly used to produce a wide variety of products, including electrical wire, cooking pots and pans, pipes and tubes, automobile radiators, and many others.", "- Copper is a reddish brown color that resembles the metal copper. The first recorded use of copper as a color name in English was in 1594. Copper Country is an area in the northwestern Upper Peninsula of Michigan, an area which at one time was the world's greatest producer of copper. 2 Copper City is a village in Houghton County, Michigan.", "How to Mix a Copper Colored Paint in Oil or Acrylic Metal is never a flat-color and if you simply paint your copper object with an orange-brown paint, it will look like a boring orange-brown pot, not the stunning copper pot you were hoping for. For a true copper color, you will need to create a variety of mixed paints.", "Why do copper water pipes turn blue on the outside? Similar to iron and aluminum, the element copper undergoes the process of oxidation, if it is exposed to air. Copper metal reacts with oxygen, resulting in the formation of copper oxide, which appears green in color. It is to be noted that copper does not react with water.The outer green layer, formed after the oxidation of copper, is known as patina. Unlike other destructive oxidation, patina acts as a protective layer.This is the reason as to why, copper is considered as an important metal, resistant to corrosion.t is to be noted that copper does not react with water. The outer green layer, formed after the oxidation of copper, is known as patina. Unlike other destructive oxidation, patina acts as a protective layer. This is the reason as to why, copper is considered as an important metal, resistant to corrosion.", "Are copper and bronze the same? Copper is a pure metallic element. Bronze is an alloy (an alloy is a mixture of two or more elements) of Copper usually with Tin as the main additive, but sometimes with other elements such as phosphorus, manganese, aluminum, or silicon. Bronze is harder and less malleable than pure metallic copper. No. <br /><br /> Copper is a pure metallic element. <br /><br /> Bronze is an alloy (an alloy is a mixture of two or more elements) of Copper usually with Tin as the main additive, but sometimes with other elements such as phosphorus, manganese, aluminum, or silicon.", "MINERAL PROPERTIES: STREAK A good example is distinguishng Gold (yellow streak), and Chalcopyrite (black streak). Most light colored, non-metallic minerals have a white or colorless streak, as do most silicates, carbonates, and most transparent minerals. The streak test is most useful for identifying dark colored minerals, especially metals. How to use streak as an identification mark. When testing for streak, the mineral must be crushed to determine the color of its powder. The color of the powder is the color of the streak. Instead of actually crushing a mineral to determine the streak, it is much simpler to swipe the mineral across a streak plate.", "- I can list a few that might eliminate it and a few more that might delay it. Vincent attributes to Rhazes the statement that copper is potentially silver, and any one who can eliminate the red colour will bring it to the state of silver, for it is copper in outward appearance, but in its inmost nature silver.", "- Even though the color looks. bronze or black, the streak is gray, black. Bornite has a hardness about. the same as the hardness of a penny. So sometimes it scratches a penny. and sometimes the penny can scratch. it.", "Copper PRICE Copper is the third most consumed metal after iron and aluminium. In its pure state copper is a hard yet easily forged heavy metal with a reddish-orange colour. Because copper has many positive physical, mechanical, chemical and biological properties it is used in a number of industrial sectors and areas of life.", "Copper Natural Weathering Copper Natural Weathering. The natural weathering of copper to the characteristic blue-green or gray-green patina is a direct consequence of the mild corrosive attack of airborne sulfur compounds - principally stemming from the combustion of fossil fuels.", "copper a malleable, ductile, metallic element having a characteristic reddish-brown color: used in large quantities as an electrical conductor and in the manufacture of alloys, as brass and bronze. Symbol: Cu; atomic weight: 63.54; atomic number: 29; specific gravity: 8.92 at 20°C. 2. a metallic reddish brown.", "- Baby copperhead showing its distinctive yellow tail. The Copperhead comes in several color variations, depending on the location, from bright copper and light through to very dark brown shades. Copperheads are usually colorful and strikingly patterned snakes.The background color of the back and sides is tan to pinkish.There are darker, chestnut colored bands across the back and sides. Each hourglass shaped band is of varying width.gkistrodon contortrix. Copperhead snakes are pit vipers or crotalids (family Crotalidae); poisonous snakes that are named for the two heat sensing pits used to locate prey that are positioned between the eyes and the nostrils. The genus Agkistrodon includes 10 species.", "Why Do Pennies Turn Brown? Understanding the properties of copper will also explain why pennies turn brown. Looking Into Copper Oxidation. It is common knowledge to us that iron rusts when you expose it to air or water, which is a process known as oxidation. Oxidation, in layman’s terms, is the process whereby oxygen is added to a compound.ll this discussion on copper oxidation and the formation of patina on copper still doesn’t bring to light why pennies turn brown, since patina is green. The brown tarnish on pennies is a combination of oxidation of copper and copper’s inherent characteristic of attracting minerals.", "- 2. Bury copper in white vinegar. White vinegar can produce a green or blue patina on copper, but requires another material to hold the moisture close to the metal. Let the copper soak in a mixture of white vinegar and salt, or bury it in sawdust or even crushed potato chips, then soak the mixture with vinegar.hite vinegar can produce a green or blue patina on copper, but requires another material to hold the moisture close to the metal. Let the copper soak in a mixture of white vinegar and salt, or bury it in sawdust or even crushed potato chips, then soak the mixture with vinegar.", "How to Identify Different Types of Scrap Metal This metal is very light, non-ferrous and does not rust. Brass or bronze is typically seen in musical instruments, decorative pieces, pipe valves and manifolds. It is a yellowish color and is generally about 50% the value of copper #1, as it is a copper alloy. Copper is seen often in cookware, electronics and wiring.Pure copper is pink, but tarnished copper is usually brown or red. When oxidized, copper turns to green such as we see in the Statue of Liberty.t is a yellowish color and is generally about 50% the value of copper #1, as it is a copper alloy. Copper is seen often in cookware, electronics and wiring. Pure copper is pink, but tarnished copper is usually brown or red. When oxidized, copper turns to green such as we see in the Statue of Liberty." ]
[ 8.7109375 ]
[ 5.97265625, 7.8203125, 5.9765625, 7.56640625, 11.4765625, 5.390625, 6.5703125, 7.03125, 7.3359375, 5.61328125, 7.5703125, 3.8203125, 9.1953125, 5.91796875, 8.1875, 7.98046875, 10.3828125, 9, 7.66796875, 5.53125, 9.84375, 6.8984375, 11.0234375, 6.91015625, 10.171875, 7.2421875, 5.953125, 4.91015625, 7.21484375, 8.8125 ]
how many oz gallon
[ "How do you calculate how many 16.9 oz water bottles equal a gallon? How many ounces in a gallon? How many ounces in a gallon ? If the conversion is from U.S. fluid gallons to ounces then there are 128 ounces in a gallon. The commonly converted numbers and the results can be found in the conversion table at the end of the page but for anything else please use the converter below. 1 Gallon [Fluid, US] = 128 Ounces [Fluid, US] 1 Gallon [UK] = 160 Ounces [UK]" ]
[ "How Many Liters Are in a Gallon? There are 3.79 liters in a U.S. gallon. In the British Imperial system of measurement, which is more prevalent in Canada and the U.K., there are 4.54 liters in a gallon. The imperial gallon is equal... There are 3.79 liters in a U.S. gallon. In the British Imperial system of measurement, which is more prevalent in Canada and the U.K., there are 4.54 liters in a gallon.", "How Many Quarts Are in a Gallon? Each cup holds 8 fluid ounces. Therefore, there are 128 fluid ounces in 1 gallon. The standard advice is to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day, which is equivalent to drinking half a gallon of water per day, because a gallon is equivalent to 64 ounces. A quart is also equal to 4 cups.", "How many ounces are in a half gallon? how many onces in a gallon of water there are 128 fluid onces in a gallon of water 8oz in a cup x 2 cups in a pint x 2 pints in a quart x 4 quarts in a gallon gallon makes 128 ounces and 1 ounce is 0 0078 gallon in u s measure there are 8 ounces in a cup 2 cups in a pint 2 pints in a quart and 4 quarts in a gallon", "Ounces to Gallons Conversion To find out how many gallons in ounces, multiply by the right conversion factor or simply use the converter below. 1 Ounce [Fluid, US] = 0.0078125 (1/128) Gallon [Fluid, US]. Fluid ounce is an imperial and US customary volume measurement unit. Please note that fluid ounce is different than the mass (weight) unit ounce.", "How Many Liters Are There in One Gallon? How many liters are there in one gallon? A: 1 U.S. gallon is equal to 3.79 liters, rounded to the nearest hundredth. In the United Kingdom, Imperial gallons are used.1 Imperial gallon is equal to 4.55 liters, rounded to the nearest hundredth.", "How many ounces make a gallon? In other words: the weight of one US gallon of water is not the same as the weight of one US gallon of gasoline. 1 gallon [US, liquid] = 128 ounce [US, liquid] 1 Imperial gallon = 160 Imperial fluid ounces", "Gallons to Ounces Conversion There are three definitions in current use: the imperial gallon (≈ 4.546 L) which is used in the United Kingdom and semi-officially within Canada, the United States (liquid) gallon (≈ 3.79 L) which is the commonly used, and the lesser used US dry gallon (≈ 4.40 L). Ounces.", "Ounces to Gallons Conversion To find out how many gallons in ounces, multiply by the right conversion factor or simply use the converter below. 1 Ounce [Fluid, US] = 0.0078125 (1/128) Gallon [Fluid, US]. Fluid ounce is an imperial and US customary volume measurement unit.", "How many pounds are in a gallon ? Their are 8pounds in a gallon 128ounces in a gallon wich makes 8 pounds only 128 ounces equals a gallon every one on here is saying how much can fit in a gallon jug that is qubic inches not weight the idiot that says their are 6 pounds of gas in a gallon is stupid 6 pounds of gas is 96 ounces and 96 ounces does not equal a gallon.", "- 1 fl oz = 0.0078125000004244 Gallon Example for 32 Ounces : 32 Ounces = 32 ( Ounces ) 32 Ounces = 32 x ( 0.0078125000004244 Gallon ) 32 Ounces = 0.25000000001358 Gallon Example for 16 Ounces : 16 Ounces = 16 ( Ounces ) 16 Ounces = 16 x ( 0.0078125000004244 Gallon ) 16 Ounces = 0.12500000000679 Gallon Example for 96 Ounces : 96 Ounces = 96 ( Ounces ) ...", "- Converting fluid ounces to gallons To convert from fluid ounces to gallons, divide the volume in ounces by 128 ounces per gallon.", "- 616,402 Contributions. 1 gallon makes 128 ounces and 1 ounce is 0.0078 gallon in U.S measure. There are 8 ounces in a cup, 2 cups in a pint, 2 pints in a quart and 4 quarts in a gallon. That makes 1 … 28 ounces in a gallon US.", "How do you calculate how many 16.9 oz water bottles equal a gallon? If the conversion is from U.S. fluid gallons to ounces then there are 128 ounces in a gallon.The commonly converted numbers and the results can be found in the conversion table at the end of the page but for anything else please use the converter below. 1 Gallon [Fluid, US] = 128 Ounces [Fluid, US].nter a US gallon value that you want to convert into ounces and click on the convert button. Gallon is unit of volume in imperial and U.S. customary systems. After the metric system is adapted, many countries replaced it with liter.", "How Many Ounces In A Gallon | Calculator & Conversions How many glasses of water in a gallon? A gallon equals to 3.8 liter, 4 quarts or 128 oz. So, sixteen 8-ounces glasses of water equal to a gallon of water.", "volume and capacity conversion How many fluid ounces U.K. of volume and capacity system are in 1 gallon liquid US? The answer is: The change of 1 gal (gallon liquid US) unit for a volume and capacity measure equals = into 133.23 fl oz Imperial (fluid ounce U.K.) as per its equivalent volume and capacity unit type measure often used.ow many fluid ounces U.K. of volume and capacity system are in 1 gallon liquid US? The answer is: The change of 1 gal (gallon liquid US) unit for a volume and capacity measure equals = into 133.23 fl oz Imperial (fluid ounce U.K.) as per its equivalent volume and capacity unit type measure often used.", "How do you calculate how many 16.9 oz water bottles equal a gallon? If the conversion is from U.S. fluid gallons to ounces then there are 128 ounces in a gallon. The commonly converted numbers and the results can be found in the conversion table at the end of the page but for anything else please use the converter below.", "How Many Ounces In a Gallon- Facts, Figures And Converter An ounce is a unit of weight which is approximately equal to 28 grams. One gallon is equal to 128 ounces so there are 640 ounces in 5 gallons of water.", "- There are two different kinds of Ounces available- us and uk. Please select a more specific option. A US capacity measure (for dry material) equal to 4 quarts or 4.404 liters. Note also there are different measures of US liquid gallons and UK gallons. This site is owned and maintained by Wight Hat Ltd. ©2003-2017.", "Convert US gallons to L - Volume Conversions A US gallon is a unit of volume in US Customary Units. The symbol for US gallon is US gal. There are 0.26417205 US gallons in a liter. A liter is a unit of volume in the Metric System. The symbol for liter is L. There are 3.785411784 liters in a US gallon. The International spelling is litre.", "One Gallon Equals How Many Ounces? One gallon contains 4 quarts, which is also equivalent to 8 pints or 16 cups of liquid. Other countries use liters over gallons when it comes to liquid measurement. One liter is roughly the equivalent of 1 quart. Thus, 4 liters are approximately the same as 1 U.S. gallon. It is important to note that fluid ounces and weight ounces are not the same. Liquid ounce measurement takes into account the volume of the liquid, as opposed to dry ounce measurement, which records the weight.", "- Aug 31, 2011 Gallons1 and ounces2 are non-metric units of measuring liquid substances. Nowadays they are in use mostly in the USA and Australia. It is rather easy to convert gallons to ounces and vice versa. The question to the answer, “How many OZ are in a gallon?” is that one gallon has 128 ounces. But this answer is correct only if you mean US liquid gallons and US fluid ounces. And there are some other definitions of these units, so you should know the most important of them in order not to get confused.", "Ounces to Gallons There are two different kinds of Ounces available- us and uk. Please select a more specific option. There are several different kinds of Gallons available- us liquid, us dry and uk. Please select a more specific option.", "How do you calculate how many 16.9 oz water bottles equal a gallon? How many ounces in a gallon? How many ounces in a gallon ? If the conversion is from U.S. fluid gallons to ounces then there are 128 ounces in a gallon. The commonly converted numbers and the results can be found in the conversion table at the end of the page but for anything else please use the converter below. 1 Gallon [Fluid, US] = 128 Ounces [Fluid, US]", "US Fluid Ounces to US Gallons (Liquid) US Fluid Ounces to US Gallons (Liquid) (Swap Units) US Gallons (Liquid) to US Fluid Ounces table. A US capacity measure (for liquid) equal to 4 quarts or 3.785 liters. Note also there are different measures of US dry gallons and UK gallons. us fl oz =.", "How do you calculate how many 16.9 oz water bottles equal a gallon? The abbreviation is gal. Fluid ounce is an imperial and U.S. customary volume unit. Fluid ounces are volume units and should not be mistaken with ounces which is mass (weight) unit. The abbreviation is fl oz. 1 Gallon [Fluid, US] = 128 Ounces [Fluid, US] 1 Gallon [UK] = 160 Ounces [UK] How many ounces of water make a gallon? |", "How Many Ounces of Water Make a Gallon? The term ounce has several different meanings. Fluid ounces measure volume, while the term ounce sometimes indicates weight. A gallon of water at 70 degrees Fahrenheit weighs 8.33 pounds or 133.28 ounces. However, the density of water changes due to temperature. Water heated to the boiling point weighs exactly 8 pounds or 128 ounces.", "How many ounces make a gallon? In a US gallon... 128 ounces Both US gallons and Imperial (UK) gallons contain 8 pints-but the US pint is 16 fluid ounces while the Imperial pint is 20 fluid ounces. So if you're working in Imperial gallons the answer is 160 fluid ounces.", "Gallons to Fluid Ounces Conversion 1 Gallon [Dry, US] = 148.946 Ounces [Fluid, US] 1 Gallon [UK] = 160 Ounces [UK] There are 128 ounces in a gallon, because from the largest to the smallest units between gallons and ounces, there are 4 quarts in a gallon, 2 pints in a quart, 2 cups in a pint and 8 ounces in a cup, that makes 4 * 2 * 2 * 8 = 128 ounces in a gallon. Gallon is a US customary and imperial volume unit. US fluid gallon is defined to be 231 cubic inches and US dry gallon is 268.8025 cubic inches. An imperial galon is 277.4 cubic inches. The abbreviation is gal. Fluid ounce is an imperial and US customary volume unit. 1 US fluid ounce equals to 29.5 mL and imperial ounce equals to 28.4 mL.", "How Many Ounces of Water Make a Gallon? Quick Answer. There are 128 fluid ounces in one gallon of water in the system of measurement used by the United States. By definition, a fluid ounce is 1/16 of a pint, and there are eight pints in a gallon. Continue Reading", "How Many Fifths Are in a Half Gallon? Quick Answer. There are 3.79 liters in a U.S. gallon. In the British Imperial system of measurement, which is more prevalent in Canada and the U.K., there are 4.54 liters in a gallon. The imperial gallon is equal to roughly 1.2 U.S. gallons. Continue Reading" ]
[ 15.3671875 ]
[ 9.2421875, 13.9296875, 13.40625, 14.3828125, 8.9296875, 14.9296875, 12.6484375, 14.1484375, 11.359375, 13.3125, 13.859375, 13.8359375, 14.0390625, 14.640625, 12.4296875, 14.7421875, 14.3984375, 10.3203125, 10.6171875, 11.9296875, 16, 9.140625, 15.34375, 12.015625, 14.671875, 13.4765625, 14.75, 14.921875, 14.8046875, 8.1015625 ]
does the skin hurt on the outside of your leg with blood clots?
[ "Lump or bulge, Pain or discomfort, Skin rash and Swelling Osteomyelitis (bone infection) Osteomyelitis is an infection of a bone that causes pain, swelling, and redness. Blood clot in the legs Blood clots in the leg can become very dangerous, symptoms include swelling, redness, tenderness in the leg. Contact dermatitis Contact dermatitis is a rash on the skin that can be itchy, painful, tender swollen and even blistered." ]
[ "Bulging veins, Lump or bulge, Numbness or tingling and Pain or discomfort Blood clot in the legs Blood clots in the leg can become very dangerous, symptoms include swelling, redness, tenderness in the leg. Phlebitis Phlebitis means inflammation of the veins, and can cause redness, itching, irritation, pain, and swelling.", "Water on the Knee Swelling may also be on the outside of the knee joint. Bursitis is a common condition that causes swelling on the outside of the knee joint. Swelling on the back of the knee may be a Bakers cyst. Water on the knee may be an acute or chronic problem.", "Every time I run the outside of my knee begins to hurt, why is this? This pain is actually quite common in runners. What you're experiencing sounds like a condition called runner's knee (or IT-band syndrome). Your IT-band is a large tendonis sheath that runs the length of the outside of your thigh and attaches to the outside of your knee.", "Hot And Burning Leg Skin Is Often Caused By Vein Problems To determine if your hot and burning leg skin sensation is from vein problems, the first step is to schedule a Hot And Burning Leg Skin Consultation with the vein specialists at Mountcastle Vein Centers.", "Skin problems & treatments guide When this condition develops in a vein just under the skin, common symptoms include: 1 Red, swollen, irritated skin and tissue around the area, such as along an affected leg. 2 Painful, warm, tender, or hard sensations in the area. 3 Pain or tenderness which may increase when you put pressure on the affected area.", "- I flew for approx 8 hours on sat. I now have a very swollen, non-painful left leg (twice the size if the right), with very shiny skin. Dr. Emily Altman Dr. Altman. Please go to ER ASAP: Some bloodwork and an ultrasound need to be done to rule out a blood clot (deep venous thrombosis dvt) in the swollen leg.", "What Are Hemorrhoids? External hemorrhoids are under the skin around the anus, where there are many more pain-sensing nerves, so they tend to hurt as well as bleed. Sometimes hemorrhoids prolapse, or get bigger and bulge outside the anal sphincter. Then you may be able to see them as moist bumps that are pinker than the surrounding area.", "How Do I Know if the Lump on my Leg is Cancerous or Not? (photo) How Do I Know if the Lump on my Leg is Cancerous or Not? (photo) I have a hard lump on my shin and it bleeds when I hit it shaving, and sometimes it hurts when I touch it. It's gotten a little bigger and I feel really self conscience about it.", "Definition Sometimes leg swelling may be a sign of a more-serious disorder, such as heart disease or a blood clot. Seek medical care right away when leg swelling occurs for no apparent reason or you also have difficulty breathing, chest pain or other warning signs of a blood clot in your lungs or a serious heart condition.", "Why Does My Ankle Hurt On The Outside? Pain on the outside of your ankle can be caused by a number of problems: arthritis, sports injuries, fractures, sprains, repeat ankle sprains, or tendonitis.", "Knee Problems and Injuries - Check Your Symptoms Call 911 if a bone is poking through the skin. Call a doctor if: 1 The hurt limb or joint looks odd, is a strange shape, or is out of its normal position. 2 The skin over the site of an injury is broken. 3 You have signs of nerve or blood vessel damage, such as:", "\"\"\" Do I have a blood clot if my feet are swollen? \"\"\" Don't know what to do about it. Typically a blood clot that is formed in the lower extremities (also known as a deep vein thrombosis, or DVT) presents with enlargement/swelling of only one leg. It is much more common to have a DVT affecting one leg rather than both at the same time, though it is not impossible.", "What Does a Blood Clot in the Leg Feel Like? Quick Answer. A blood clot in the leg, known as deep vein thrombosis or DVT, makes the leg tender, painful and swollen. It can be hard to walk around on the leg if the blood clot has damaged the vessel's valves, according to WebMD. The leg may be warm to the touch or discolored.", "- READ MORE. I have been having burning pain down the outside of my right leg around the mid-thigh down to my ankle. I've had n o recent injuries and no mobility issues; I am overweight but I have lost 130 lbs and have another 100 to go roughly.", "- Being sunday can't reach dr. 1 doctor responded. Have a lump in outer thigh, hurts and off.having sciatica and my foots number.Does it sound like a nerve or blood more Have a lump in outer thigh, hurts and off.having sciatica and my foots number.Does it sound like a nerve or blood clot. 1 doctor responded.", "Hemorrhoids and what to do about them External hemorrhoids are the most uncomfortable, because the overlying skin becomes irritated and erodes. If a blood clot forms inside an external hemorrhoid, the pain can be sudden and severe. You might feel or see a lump around the anus.", "Overview Occasionally, straining can push an internal hemorrhoid through the anal opening. This is known as a protruding or prolapsed hemorrhoid and can cause pain and irritation. External hemorrhoids are under the skin around your anus. When irritated, external hemorrhoids can itch or bleed.Sometimes blood may pool in an external hemorrhoid and form a clot (thrombus), resulting in severe pain, swelling and inflammation.When to see a doctor. Bleeding during bowel movements is the most common sign of hemorrhoids.ccasionally, straining can push an internal hemorrhoid through the anal opening. This is known as a protruding or prolapsed hemorrhoid and can cause pain and irritation. External hemorrhoids are under the skin around your anus. When irritated, external hemorrhoids can itch or bleed.", "- I am sure getting rid of union scabs is a hot topic that may skate the line of illegality, so that article may be written at a later date. When there is an injury to your first line of defense—your skin—your body responds immediately by clotting the blood and killing infectious organisms.", "- Phlebitis can occur in surface veins (superficial phlebitis) and in this form it can generally be easily treated with medication. However, when it is associated with the formation of blood clots (thrombosis) deep in the veins of the leg, this is called deep vein thrombophlebitis. Phlebitis can cause an obstruction in the veins, blocking blood flow.", "- About Blood Clots. 548,983 discussions. Normally, if you get hurt, your body forms a blood clot to stop the bleeding. Some people get too many clots or their blood clots abnormally. Many conditions can cause the blood to clot too much or prevent blood clots from dissolving properly. Read more on MedlinePlus.gov.", "- 2 Severe swelling in leg and foot with red patches or rash, very painful & painful to touch, skin is shinny, having shortness of breath and I feel bad. Dr. Michael Fisher Dr. Fisher. Swelling: See your internist ASAP.", "Hot And Burning Leg Skin Is Often Caused By Vein Problems A hot and “burning” sensation on the leg’s skin is often the sign of the common but serious vein problem “Venous Reflux.” Hot and burning leg skin is often uncomfortable, painful, and can negatively impact an individual’s quality of life.", "Superficial Thrombophlebitis What is superficial thrombophlebitis (STP)? STP is inflammation of a vein just under your skin (superficial vein). The inflammation causes a blood clot to form in your vein. STP most often happens in your leg but may also happen in your arm. What increases my risk for STP? A condition that affects your blood vessels, such as varicose veins", "- Swelling of the legs can have many causes, and sometimes one leg swells more than the other. ... A blood clot: Swelling is usually the first sign of a blood clot, followed by the leg feeling hot or cold, pain, lack of feeling, tingling, or a numb sensation.... Other: Swelling in the legs ...o you feel any weakness or numbness in your arms or legs? ... He or she may ask you to lie flat and move your legs into various positions to help determine the cause of your pain. ... Occasionally a course of oral steroids may be tried to reduce swelling and inflammation.", "Rash between leg and scrotum Read More. The area between my scrotum and thigh was itching and i scratched it and it left a scar on my scrotum (its been 2 weeks) i just recently noticed the scar and noticed it is above skin level and when i run the scar on my scrotum rubs against my leg and it hurts after.", "Discussions By Condition: I cannot get a diagnosis. Posted In: I cannot get a diagnosis. I hope someone can help me. For the last three years I have had swelling, redness, pain and blisters on my lower legs. The blisters open and fluid comes out that burns my skin and makes more blisters. I am diabetic (controlled), obese, hypertensive (controlled) and have panic attacks. I have been to 5 doctors and none can help.", "- Blood clots can present as red tender lines on the legs or they can develop silently and grow extensively in the deep veins of the leg before being discovered. They are suspected by the physician when there is swelling or pain in just one leg that is not explainable by any other cause such as an injury or other event.", "When Is Massage Dangerous? – August 29, 2011. An inflamed blood clot within a vein, usually in the leg, is called thrombophlebitis. Symptoms include redness, swelling, tenderness and pain along the course of a vein, which may be near the surface of the skin (superficial phlebitis) or deep within a muscle (deep vein thrombosis or DVT).", "- For the past 6 weeks my left foot and ankle have been extremely swollen - exteme edema on the outside ankle and foot. My left calf is starting to get larger than my right..I am a 29 yr old female, 135 ...", "- I have painful enlongated hard lumps all over under my skin if you rub hard and deep you feel them and they feel like a new bruise would feel like, at first I thought it might be varicois veins, which I have some , but these lumps are all over on my upper legs, arms and here and there on main body. some times they ache and burn other times I don't ..." ]
[ 12.1171875 ]
[ 10.703125, 5.64453125, 5.015625, 7.58203125, 9.8828125, 10.578125, 4.8671875, 4.6953125, 9.3984375, 7.109375, 5.95703125, 8.359375, 12.0546875, 7.53125, 9.34375, 8.5625, 7.09375, 4.875, 8.8828125, 7.67578125, 8.21875, 8.2734375, 11.1640625, 8.171875, 4.140625, 6.05859375, 10.8359375, 12.0078125, 9.4609375, 6.63671875 ]
what is bdc
[ "What is a 'Business Development Company - BDC' A BDC is a type of closed-end fund that makes investments in developing companies and firms that are financially distressed. The U.S. Congress created BDCs in 1980 to assist emerging U.S. businesses in raising funds and fuel job growth." ]
[ "- Confidence votes 18.5K. BMC is the rate/rank designation for a Chief Boatswain's Mate (read Boatswain's Mate, Chief). SW is the sailor's Warfare Qualification Designator, in this case, Surface Warfare. Written correctly, it would read BMC(SW) .", "- Dewey Decimal Classification - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11) The Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) is a system for organizing the contents of a library. It is commonly known as the Dewey Decimal System. It helps people find nonfiction books on any subject in the library.", "- BDC usually refers to a call-center staffed with customer service representatives responsible for sales and service at every customer touch-point. This definition was initially pioneered and made famous by the Automotive Industry.", "Domain controller Backup domain controller. In Windows NT 4 domains, the backup domain controller (BDC) is a computer that has a copy of the user accounts database. Unlike the accounts database on the PDC, the BDC database is a read-only copy. When changes are made to the master accounts database on the PDC, the PDC pushes the updates down to the BDCs.", "Boudicca, the Celtic Queen that unleashed fury on the Romans Boudicca, sometimes written Boadicea, was queen of the Iceni tribe, a Celtic clan which united a number of British tribes in revolt against the occupying forces of the Roman Empire in 60-61 AD. While she famously succeeded in defeating the Romans in three great battles, their victories would not last.", "Benzalkonium chloride Benzalkonium chloride. Benzalkonium chloride, also known as BZK, BKC, BAC, alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride and ADBAC, is a type of cationic surfactant. It is an organic salt classified as a quaternary ammonium compound. It has three main categories of use: as a biocide, a cationic surfactant, and as a phase transfer agent.", "- The BDC reticle is designed to compensate for the trajectory of your firearm or crossbow. itself. •Actual Velocity (Ammunition manufactures’ information in regards to muzzle velocity may or may not match the velocity your firearm or crossbow produces. muzzle velocity for your firearm or crossbow is to use a chronograph).", "- Basal cell carcinoma. Basal cell carcinoma is also known as BCC, rodent ulcer and basalioma. It is a form of keratinocytic or non-melanoma skin cancer. Basal cell carcinoma is the most common type of cancer in humans and is particularly prevalent in the Australia and New Zealand.", "- As you said, BC stands for Bhenchod/Behen Chod meaning sister fucker. Apart from this slang, it can be used to express some of the emotions of human behavior. As a NOUN – Woh ek Bhenchod hai. As a VERB – Zyada bhenchody matt kar. As an ADJECTIVE – Bhenchod lauda hai.", "Double Crown Resources Inc. (fka DDCC) The company also holds 100% ownership in the Bateman gold and precious metal mining property located in Ontario, Canada. Business offices for DDCC Marketing Group, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary, are located in Houston, Texas. Please refer to the Properties page of this website for more detailed information.The entire Double Crown Resources management and consultant team has a diverse selection of skills and professional experience.ne of the great advantages of the Translock 2 system is its ability to immediately convert standard flatbed rail cars into sealed, 100 ton aggregate commodity carriers to help relieve rail industry transport backlogs.", "- How is Bangladesh Development Service Center abbreviated? BDSC stands for Bangladesh Development Service Center. BDSC is defined as Bangladesh Development Service Center very rarely. BDSC stands for Bangladesh Development Service Center.", "BidClerk BidClerk Overview. BidClerk is the widely recognized leader in providing construction data in the United States and Canada. For over a decade, our mission has been to connect construction professionals with business opportunities at all stages of the construction process at a value unmatched by ...", "- Method 1: Repair the BCD store by using the Startup Repair option. You can use the Startup Repair option in the Windows Recovery Environment to repair the BCD store. To do this, follow these steps: 1. Put the Windows 7 installation disc in the disc drive, and then start the computer.", "- Thank you for choosing the Nikon BDC reticle riflescope / crossbow scope. The BDC reticle is designed to compensate for the trajectory of your firearm or crossbow. Regardless of the particular style. of BDC reticle you have, the position of the circles are based upon an average trajectory for some of the more popular projectiles and cartridges on the market based upon the intended use of the scope. itself.", "- CBD in the Media. College Baseball Daily spends a ton of time working on this great website. We survive on the donations of our readers and users for the hosting of the website and other various expenses. If you can donate a few bucks for the upkeep of the site please click the above PayPal link or email us if you want to pay by other means.", "- Cannabis innovation, activism, medicine, and compassion. CBD (cannabidiol), a substance found in medical cannabis, will one day be recognized as one of the world’s most valuable medicines.CBD produces many of the medical benefits of cannabis but suppresses—or balances—the psychoactive effects of THC.It is a powerful preventive, curative and holistic medicine for some of the most serious diseases plaguing humankind-diseases like cancer and epilepsy and Alzheimer's.BD produces many of the medical benefits of cannabis but suppresses—or balances—the psychoactive effects of THC. It is a powerful preventive, curative and holistic medicine for some of the most serious diseases plaguing humankind-diseases like cancer and epilepsy and Alzheimer's.", "An Explanation of the Bcc Option Seen in Emails Bcc - Blind Carbon Copy. A Bcc (blind carbon copy; also BCC) is a copy of an email message sent to a recipient whose email address does not appear (as a recipient) in the message. By being hidden, Bcc recipients differ from To and Cc recipients, whose addresses do appear in the respective header lines.", "The Straight Dope on BDC Scopes BDC style reticles can look very different from one scope to the next. The reticle on the left is from a Bushnell 1-4x24mm AR optic and the reticle on the right is a Bushnell proprietary “DOA 600” reticle from one of their 3-9x optics.", "Dulcolax suppositories (bisacodyl) Dulcolax suppositories contain the active ingredient bisacodyl, which is a type of medicine called a stimulant laxative. Bisacodyl works by stimulating the nerve endings in the walls of the large bowel (colon) and rectum.", "American Beech Tree (Fagus grandifolia) There is a lot of research out there on the American beech tree concerning the Beech Bark Disease (BBD). This disease has killed many beech trees across North America (Latty, Canham & Marks 2003).ery good posting regarding the importance of beech and of the impacts of BBD. I especially liked the inclusion of information about how beech trees influence nitrogen cycling and regeneration. Beech is often a “foundation species” in stands in the Great Lakes-St.", "- PELADOW™ DG Calcium Chloride Briquettes act as a calcium chloride desiccant suitable for dehydration of a broad spectrum of hydrocarbon streams, including natural gas, propane, kerosene and diesel fuel.Find material safety data sheets (MSDS) in other languages.ELADOW™ DG Calcium Chloride Briquettes act as a calcium chloride desiccant suitable for dehydration of a broad spectrum of hydrocarbon streams, including natural gas, propane, kerosene and diesel fuel. Find material safety data sheets (MSDS) in other languages.", "What is a 'Business Development Company - BDC' A company must be registered in compliance with Section 54 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 to qualify as a BDC. A major difference between a BDC and a venture capital fund is that BDCs allow smaller, non-accredited investors to invest in startup companies.", "Replication Distribution Agent Specifies the number of bulk copy operations that can be performed in parallel. The maximum number of threads and ODBC connections that exist simultaneously is the lesser of MaxBcpThreads or the number of bulk copy requests that appear in the synchronization transaction in the distribution database.", "FDC FDC, an alternative short name for the Venezuelan boy band Fuera de Clase This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the title FDC. If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article.", "- Barium chloride. Barium chloride is the inorganic compound with the formula BaCl2. It is one of the most common water-soluble salts of barium. Like other barium salts, it is toxic and imparts a yellow-green coloration to a flame. It is also hygroscopic.", "- As you said, BC stands for Bhenchod/Behen Chod meaning sister fucker. Apart from this slang, it can be used to express some of the emotions of human behavior. See some of the uses below -. As a NOUN – Woh ek Bhenchod hai. As a VERB – Zyada bhenchody matt kar. As an ADJECTIVE – Bhenchod lauda hai.", "- Brattice or brattice cloth - Fire-resistant fabric or plastic partition used in a mine passage to confine the air and force it into the working place. Also termed line brattice, line canvas, or line curtain.. Break line - The line that roughly follows the rear edges of coal pillars that are being mined.", "- B2C Jewels is proud to offer Diamond Blueprint on select diamonds. This additional service provides some or all of the following: Actual Image, Aset view, Ideal Scope, Hearts & Arrows Image, Actual Proportions Profile. We hope this service will help you in making a more informed decision with your diamond purchase.", "- This is a brief explanation of different types of fabric used in BDU uniforms and clothing. Nyco is the abbreviated name for nylon cotton. The material composition is 50% nylon, 50% cotton. NYCO promotes good color integrity and superior durability.", "Brodifacoum Brodifacoum is a 4-hydroxycoumarin anticoagulant, with a similar mode of action to its historical predecessors dicoumarol and warfarin. However, due to very high potency and long duration of action (elimination half-life of 20 – 130 days), it is characterised as a second generation or superwarfarin anticoagulant.ompound 1 is the starting ester needed to synthesize brodifacoum. To obtain this starting compound a simple Wittig condensation of ethyl chloroacetate with 4’-bromobiphenylcarboxaldehyde was accomplished." ]
[ 17.328125 ]
[ 2.818359375, 4.9375, 16.453125, 16.375, 5.34375, 6.1640625, 11.46875, 6.984375, 7.08984375, 2.80078125, 6.41796875, 8.671875, 7.50390625, 12.796875, 5.875, 6.0390625, 8.140625, 10.609375, 5.609375, 0.54345703125, 4.48046875, 13.28125, 6.8984375, 4.859375, 7.2421875, 6.859375, 3.474609375, 5.54296875, 1.7841796875, 8.03125 ]
what dose ~ mean
[ "- Look up Dose, Dosis, dosage, doses, or dosis in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Dose means quantity (in units of energy/mass) in the fields of nutrition, medicine, and toxicology.Dosage is the rate of application of a dose but in common parlance it is used as a synonym for the term dose.ook up Dose, Dosis, dosage, doses, or dosis in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Dose means quantity (in units of energy/mass) in the fields of nutrition, medicine, and toxicology." ]
[ "For a Doctor's title -- what does DO mean? Best Answer: DO's are doctors of osteopathic medicine. Their medical school training includes a variety of things more like chiropractic care (spinal manipulation) as well as all the basic anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and pathology that MD medical students get.", "DECLAMATION DECLAMATION Dictionary entry overview: What does declamation mean? • DECLAMATION (noun) The noun DECLAMATION has 2 senses: 1. vehement oratory 2. recitation of a speech from memory with studied gestures and intonation as an exercise in elocution or rhetoric Familiarity information: DECLAMATION used as a noun is rare.", "dose [dōs] the quantity to be administered at one time, as a specified amount of medication or a given quantity of radiation. absorbed dose that amount of energy from ionizing radiations absorbed per unit mass of matter, expressed in rads. air dose the intensity of an x-ray or gamma-ray beam in air, expressed in roentgens.", "- • DEFENCE (noun) The noun DEFENCE has 10 senses: 1. (psychiatry) an unconscious process that tries to reduce the anxiety associated with instinctive desires. 2. (sports) the team that is trying to prevent the other team from scoring. 3. the defendant and his legal advisors collectively.", "- › to have ​control over a ​place or a ​person, or to be the most ​important ​person or thing: [T] It was the ​story that dominated the ​headlines this ​week. [T] The Rams dominated the ​football ​game in ​handing the Eagles ​their second ​loss.", "dosage dosage. 1. in pharmaceutical terms is the determination and regulation of the size, frequency and number of doses. 2. genetically speaking refers to the amount of gene product in each cell.", "Definition of do it Definition of do it. do it. verb. to have sex. Citation from Anatomy of a Murder, Castle (TV, 2010), Season 3 Episode 5 blacked out to resolve Google's penalty against this site. Citation from Meat The Veals, Arrested Development (TV, 2005), Season 2 Episode 16 blacked out to resolve Google's penalty against this site.", "- -·dos or -·does. 1 Astron. the reflecting power of a planet, satellite, or asteroid, expressed as a ratio of reflected light to the total amount falling on the surface. Physics the degree to which a surface reflects subnuclear particles, esp.", "denote denote-have as a meaning; `multi-' denotes `many' . refer. signify, stand for, mean, intend-denote or connote; `maison' means `house' in French; An example sentence would show what this word means. denote-be a sign or indication of; Her smile denoted that she agreed.", "dole Define dole. dole synonyms, dole pronunciation, dole translation, English dictionary definition of dole. n. 1. The distribution by the government of relief payments to the unemployed. 2. A share of money, food, or clothing that has been charitably given:...", "- Does are the females in the deer family of mammals, individually called a doe (pronounced doe as in toe). The plural of doe can also be doe. Does is also the word meaning the … present tense of the verb do.Pronounced duz as opposed to the pronunciation for the female deer. To do something.oes are the females in the deer family of mammals, individually called a doe (pronounced doe as in toe). The plural of doe can also be doe. Does is also the word meaning the … present tense of the verb do.", "Meaning of âmakes no senseâ This makes no sense means that the speaker cannot construct a rational argument as to why the particular situation (whatever this is) should be true or reasonable, and in particular contends that it is false or unreasonable. We'll go tomorrow..f something makes no sense it means it is illogical, nonsensical, and unreasoned. This phrase can be used in situations where the proposal or affirmation appears to be absurd, or even preposterous.", "- Full Definition of DOSAGE. 1. a: the addition of an ingredient or the application of an agent in a measured dose b: the presence and relative representation or strength of a factor or agent. 2.", "What does DOE pay rate mean? Making the world better, one answer at a time. paying by DOE pay rate means that the employer will pay you Depending On Experience (DOE). The more exp you hold with judge the amount of pay they are likely to give you.", "doe Definition of doe. plural. does. or. doe. : the adult female of various mammals (as a deer, rabbit, or kangaroo) of which the male is called buck.", "- -tude definition: indicating state or condition | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples", "- What rhymes with does? Answer Buzz, the slang 'cuz', fuzz, was, because or, if does is the plural of doe, a female deer, then: foes, goes, hoes, toes, ..", "\"What Does It Mean to Be \"\"in the Dock\"\"?\" The phrase “in the dock” is an idiomatic expression that means someone or something is being subjected to examination or trial. It is a British expression, more commonly used in the United Kingdom than in the United States. The origin of the phrase is rooted in the traditional layout of the English courtroom.", "dose median lethal dose. or. mean lethal dose. n. 1. (Medicine) the amount of a drug or other substance that, when administered to a group of experimental animals, will kill 50 per cent of the group in a specified time. 2. (Medicine) the amount of ionizing radiation that will kill 50 per cent of a population in a specified time. Abbreviation: LD50.", "disposition used as a verb The sentence containing disposition is from my friends's note, and we guess it probably has a meaning like deal with or handle. But we could not find a clear explanation of it as a verb depending on the online dictionaries. And then I hope to find help from the forum here. So honestly, I do not have an idea about using it to say something.", "What does DO after a doctors name mean? DO stands for Doctor of Osteopathic medicine, which is an alternate degree to MD in the United States. DOs can evaluate patients, prescribe medications, and perform surgery. T…hey can specialize in any medical or surgical specialty.", "dose dose. 1. a quantity of medicine prescribed to be taken at one time. 2. an intense and often disagreeable experience: a dose of bad luck. 3. an amount of sugar solution added in the production of sparkling wine.ose. 1. a quantity of medicine prescribed to be taken at one time. 2. an intense and often disagreeable experience: a dose of bad luck. 3. an amount of sugar solution added in the production of sparkling wine.", "- Complete the following sentences using do, does or did. Answers 1. Do you know where he is going? 2. Does she understand the importance of working hard? 3. Do they hold all-night parties? 4. Where do they live? 5. How do you operate this washing machine? 6. What did you do then? 7. I did not know that I was playing with fire. 8. Did she say anything when you told her that you were leaving? 9. Samuel does not work. 10. Martha and Samuel do not appreciate the dignity of labor. 11. Peter does not know the answer. 12. We do not like children who do not respect their elders.", "- Salary DOE means that the salary depends on experience of the candidate. A similar term is DOQ which means salary depends on qualification. Be careful with DOE job offers with small companies where they only can fill one position. Every position ...", "RESPONSE Dictionary entry overview: What does response mean? • RESPONSE (noun) The noun RESPONSE has 6 senses: 1. a result 2. a bodily process occurring due to the effect of some foregoing stimulus or agent 3. a statement (either spoken or written) that is made in reply to a question or request or criticism or accusation 4. the manner in which something is greeted", "dose infective dose (ID) that amount of a pathogenic agent that will cause infection in susceptible subjects. See also median infective dose and tissue culture infective dose. lethal dose (LD) that quantity of an agent that will or may be sufficient to cause death.See also median lethal dose and minimum lethal dose.loading dose a dose of medication, often larger than subsequent doses, administered for the purpose of establishing a therapeutic level of the medication.ee also median effective dose. erythema dose that amount of radiation that, when applied to the skin, causes erythema (temporary reddening). fatal dose lethal dose.", "Do or Does? Do and does are used when we want to ask yes/no questions. We use do or does depending on the subject. Below are two sentences with two different subjects, she and you. Does she like sport? Yes, she does. Do you like sport? Yes, I do. Do. We use do when the subject is I, you, we or they. Do I know you? Do you come from England? Do we have to cut the grass? Do they want to come with us? Does. We use does with third person singular pronouns i.e when the subject is he, she or it. Does he work with you? Does she have a car? Does it snow in winter? Past Tense. Did is the past form of both do and does. Did he call you? Did you enjoy it? Negatives. The negative form of do is do not. In spoken English it is common to use the contracted form of do not which is don't. I do not like sport. I don't like sport. The negative form of does is does not. Also, in spoken English we usually use the contracted form of does not which is doesn't. He does not like sport.", "- Do / does - questions . Present simple : questions and short answers with do / does. Free interactive exercises to learn English online.", "- You spelled it right in the question: does. The word does (performs action) is a verb, and the plural of the noun doe (female deer). Many people mix up two similar words: dose… and does. Dose is a noun and is the amount of medication prescribed. Does is a verb, a form of to do.", "What does DPO mean????????? What does DPO mean????????? I have noticed that people mention DPO when they are talking in the pregnancy section mainly in trying to concieve, can anyone tell me what this means. I have guessed it may mean days past ovulation but can someone confirm Thanks." ]
[ 13.2890625 ]
[ 7.640625, 2.046875, 11.3984375, 2.482421875, 5.40234375, 8.859375, 6.3125, 11.046875, 3.6640625, 3.765625, 8.375, 4.30859375, 9.0078125, 4.78515625, 9.1875, 5.203125, 6.01953125, 4.6484375, 11.2890625, 1.423828125, 8.8125, 12.25, 5.72265625, 5.30859375, 3.83984375, 9.234375, 8.5546875, 7.40625, 11.9296875, 5.3203125 ]
what is a cpim
[ "- Save. Certified in Production and Inventory Management, commonly referred to as CPIM, is a program operated by The Association for Operations Management through its APICS (Advancing Productivity, Innovation, and Competitive Success) program. Candidates earn certification by passing all five modules of a test." ]
[ "- 1 Also called : : the Pied Piper of Hamelin (in German legend) a piper who rid the town of Hamelin of rats by luring them away with his music and then, when he was not paid for his services, lured away its children. ( 2 sometimes not capitals) a person who entices others to follow him.xample Sentences Including 'Pied Piper'. From Flensburg I went to Hamelin, the Pied Piper town, still trying to root out war criminals. No chance of her mistaking anyone else for the Pied Piper, though. Other travellers were like the Pied Piper or the UN turning up with a lorry-load of aid.", "- CPY is a file extension, a key that helps to identify the format and contents of a computer file.", "APICS APICS offers several professional designations. cpim The APICS Certified in Production and Inventory Management or APICS CPIM designation is a professional certification offered by APICS.", "- The Continuous Improvement and Monitoring System (CIMS) is the system used by the state to promote positive outcomes and ensure compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004 and the Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education. Welcome to the New System: An update on CIMS redesign for ISD Monitors —August 10, 2015 (PDF | PPT). 2 Welcome to the New System: An update on CIMS redesign and what you need to know about the September 23rd release —August 11, 2015 (PDF | PPT).", "- Order number: 09906. The PIN Drill Guide SI is a re-usable surgical instrument for creation of defined holes on the skull for the fixation pins of the CONCERTO PIN Cochlear Implant. It consists of a PIN Drilling Template made of titanium and a Clamping Handle made of stainless chromate steel. The device is especially recommended for surgeons using a small incision.", "- Pima medical institute is a wonderful school and I'll be proud to graduate from and then return to it, for more education. I would caution anybody that are thinking about going to school here. I one of those that wasted my money and time going to this school.", "- CPIM Review Class Audit. We realize passing a CPIM exam is challenging. To assist our students, we allow individuals who have previously paid for and taken one of our classes to audit that same class for FREE on a space available basis. We will allow one free audit per CPIM course.", "What is a chiasm / chiastic structure in the Bible? Answer: A chiasm (also called a chiasmus) is a literary device in which a sequence of ideas is presented and then repeated in reverse order. The result is a mirror effect as the ideas are reflected back in a passage. Each idea is connected to its reflection by a repeated word, often in a related form.", "Chromium (III) picolinate Chromium (III) picolinate (CrPic 3) is a chemical compound sold as a nutritional supplement to treat type 2 diabetes and promote weight loss.This bright-red coordination compound is derived from chromium (III) and picolinic acid.hromium has been identified to regulate insulin by increasing the sensitivity of the insulin receptor. As such, chromium (III) picolinate has been used as a treatment for type 2 diabetes, although its effectiveness remains controversial due to conflicting and/or poorly carried out clinical studies.", "Chrysler Facing Defective Totally Integrated Power Module (TIPM) Class Action Lawsuit Chrysler Facing Defective Totally Integrated Power Module (TIPM) Class Action Lawsuit. Los Angeles, CA: A defective automotive class action lawsuit has been filed in federal court against Chrysler Group LLC.", "MIPIM MIPIM (Le marche marché international des professionnels de’l) immobilier is an international property event hosted In, Cannes france Each. March it is hosted By REED midem and includes an exhibition, area networking events and conference sessions over a period of 4. dayshe country is named “Country of Honour” and a series of conferences and events are held about it. Germany was named Country of Honour in 2012, Turkey was named as the 2013 Country of Honour, and in 2014, Brazil, Russia and Turkey were recognised as Countries of Honour.", "- The APICS CPIM designation demonstrates professional knowledge and understanding of production and inventory management. It focuses on an organization’s internal operations and provides an in-depth view of materials management, master scheduling, forecasting, production planning, and more. The APICS CSCP designation demonstrates mastery of the extended supply chain, from organizations’ suppliers through to the end customers. It validates professional understanding of supply chain management and the integration of operations across the extended supply chain.", "- By David Hobbs. “Miktam” is a Hebrew word in the Psalms used to describe a special kind of psalm. Used only 6 times, it introduces psalms that recount David’s most harrowing experiences as a God-follower, where his life was in immediate peril and where only a miraculous intervention by God could save him.", "Cost per impression Cost per impression (CPI), or Cost per thousand impressions (CPM), is a term used in traditional advertising media selection, as well as online advertising and marketing related to web traffic.ost per impression, along with cost per click and cost per order, is used to assess the cost effectiveness and profitability of online advertising.", "PARTICIPIAL Hypernyms (participial is a kind of...): verb (a word that serves as the predicate of a sentence). Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of participial): present participle (a participle expressing present action; in English is formed by adding-ing).past participle; perfect participle (a participle that expresses completed action).yponyms (each of the following is a kind of participial): present participle (a participle expressing present action; in English is formed by adding-ing). past participle; perfect participle (a participle that expresses completed action).", "computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) Use 'computer integrated manufacturing (CIM)' in a Sentence. Mario was very excited to begin his new job at a factory that utilized computer integrated manufacturing to build three wheeled buggies.", "What does 'pied' mean? As in the Pied Piper of Hamlin? Decorated or colored in blotches. he Pied Piper of Hamelin is a legend about the abduction of many children from the town of Hamelin (Hameln), Germany.Famous versions of the legend are given by the Brothers Grimm and, in English, by Robert Browning.ecorated or colored in blotches. he Pied Piper of Hamelin is a legend about the abduction of many children from the town of Hamelin (Hameln), Germany.", "- Cricothyroid approximation. Cricothyroid approximation is a procedure designed to mimic the function of one set of your vocal muscles, the cricothyroid muscles.This pair of muscles is one of the groups of muscles that raises your pitch. Specifically they are the muscles that put your voice into falsetto.When they are relaxed your pitch is lower or in the chest register.The surgery typically truncates the lowest pitches.his pair of muscles is one of the groups of muscles that raises your pitch. Specifically they are the muscles that put your voice into falsetto. When they are relaxed your pitch is lower or in the chest register. The surgery typically truncates the lowest pitches.", "Chrysler TIPMs Causing Power Problems “Chrysler’s TIPM is a computer run amuck – owners report that their vehicles act as if possessed and leave them in dangerous situations – stalled vehicles stranded without warning on the highway, fuel pumps that won’t shut off, windows that open and shut, airbags that won’t deploy.", "- MIPIM UK is the UK’s largest exhibition and conference for property professionals. It provides a market place for UK players and international investors to meet, discuss projects and opportunities and do business.IPIM UK is the UK’s largest exhibition and conference for property professionals. It provides a market place for UK players and international investors to meet, discuss projects and opportunities and do business.", "Chromium (III) picolinate Chromium (III) picolinate (CrPic 3) is a chemical compound sold as a nutritional supplement to treat type 2 diabetes and promote weight loss.This bright-red coordination compound is derived from chromium (III) and picolinic acid.he formation constant for Cr 3+ in the C-lobe is 1.41 x 10 10 M −1 and 2.04 x 10 5 M −1 in the N-lobe, which indicates that Cr 3+ preferentially binds the C-lobe. Overall, the formation constant for chromium (III) is lower than that of the ferric ion.", "Chrysler Facing Defective Totally Integrated Power Module (TIPM) Class Action Lawsuit The TIPM is an integral component of many Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep models on the road today, the device controls and distributes power to all of a vehicle's electrical functions.", "How To Fix Capimg.sys Blue Screen Errors (BSOD) Capimg.sys is a type of SYS file associated with Windows 10 Operating System developed by Microsoft Corporation for the Windows Operating System. The latest known version of Capimg.sys is 10.0.10240.16384, which was produced for Windows.", "HIMSS CPHIMS Certification -- What It Can Do For You This administration of the exam is limited to 10 candidates. Only 10 seats are available for testing, so don’t delay. The Exam session will be filled on a first-in/first-confirmed basis. CPHIMS acknowledges and honors the proven expertise and commitment of those who have earned this credential.", "Cost per mille Cost per mille (CPM), also called cost ‰ and cost per thousand (CPT) (in Latin mille means thousand), is a commonly used measurement in advertising. Radio, television, newspaper, magazine, out-of-home advertising, and online advertising can be purchased on the basis of showing the ad to one thousand viewers.ote: Notice how the CPM is $6.25 and not $0.00625, this is because we are looking at cost per thousand. 1 In online advertising, if a website sells banner ads for a $20 CPM, that means it costs $20 to show the banner on 1000 page views.", "Responsiveness of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure The COPM is an outcome measure designed to help clients identify, prioritize, and evaluate important issues they encounter in occupational performance [7]. This individualized outcome measure is used to assess a client's self-perception of actual performance and satisfaction with this performance over time.", "What are CPM Devices? What are CPM Devices? At a glance, CPMs resemble mechanized casts or slings. These sophisticated CPM devices are fitted onto the affected limb or the limb itself fits into the CPM device for therapy. In many cases, the design of the device mimics the part of the body it is meant to move and heal such as, our 6000 Hand CPM device (shown above).", "WhichQualifications?Skip to contentWhich Qualifications CFA CAIA What is ACCA? CPA CIMA vs CFA CIMA PMP Resources The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) qualification is the world’s most prestigious qualification for strategic and financial management. CIMA qualification opens up the success door for you in various fields: commerce, financial services, consultancy, government, the public sector or manufacturing.ccording to the UK NARIC, CIMA’s qualification is equivalent to a Master’s degree. It is a complete education for business in the twenty-first century. CIMA trained people work in industry, commerce, management consultancies, and banks and not for profit and public sector organizations.", "- 1 9mm which is loaded to C.I.P. spec. 2 By western definition, this ammunition is loaded to near +P pressures. 3 9mm +P and 9mm +P+, which are overpressure variants of the 9x19mm cartridge, fires at higher pressures than the SAAMI-spec 9mm Luger.he 9x19mm Parabellum (Parabellum coming from the Latin phrase sa vis pacem para bellum meaning for peace, prepare for war) is a widely used German pistol round.", "What Does CPM Stand for in Advertising? CPM helps you compare advertising choices with different reaches. For example, you use the CPM to compare a newspaper with a circulation of 100,000, a radio station with 500,000 listeners and a website with 2 million visitors." ]
[ 17.125 ]
[ 0.5126953125, 5.34375, 15.65625, 8.359375, 4.5390625, 4.3125, 11, 1.1083984375, 6.859375, 5.2109375, 3.767578125, 13.9921875, -0.37158203125, 14, -2.216796875, 7.78125, -1.0341796875, 3.53515625, 2.826171875, 5.29296875, 5.13671875, 4.49609375, 4.6640625, 4.83984375, 9.2109375, 2.857421875, 6.05078125, 7.1953125, 5.41796875, 6.1640625 ]
what causes facial skin to darken
[ "Dark Spots on Face: Causes and Treatments A dark spot refers to a hyper-pigmentation of the skin commonly occurring in middle aged women. Dark spots, aka pigmentations, occur when a localized patch of melanin produced accumulates on a specific area on the skin. It can be located on the forehead, face or cheek bone area. Some dark spots could mean serious skin problems and thus you should consult a dermatologist if you become suspicious. What are Signs and Symptoms of Dark Spots?" ]
[ "DARK-SKINNED • DARK-SKINNED (adjective). The adjective DARK-SKINNED has 2 senses: 1. having skin rich in melanin pigments. 2. naturally having skin of a dark color. Familiarity information: DARK-SKINNED used as an adjective is rare.", "- My eldest sister and twin sister inherited my father's olive skin tone and my youngest sister and myself inherited my pale mother's skin tone. Since I have been working out or exercising during the Summer. My skin has started to darken like my fathers.", "What Foods Help a Ruddy Complexion? Characteristics. Your ruddy complexion may consist of a light flush to the cheeks, rough patches of redness or inflamed acne-like pustules. The skin disease rosacea is a common cause of ruddy skin and affects approximately 100 million people, according to the website of the International Rosacea Foundation.Rosacea symptoms appear when the blood vessels at the surface of the skin become inflamed or dilated.HARE SHARE TWEET EMAIL. A ruddy complexion may run in your family, or it could be the result of certain medical conditions, acne, prescription medications or too much sun over a long period of time.", "How does the sun affect people with dark complexions? On one hand, dark skin is less likely to get sunburned and less likely to develop skin cancer. On the other hand, because dark skin naturally provides protection from the sun's ultraviolet rays, it prevents dark-skinned people from producing the necessary amount of vitamin D [source: Zelman].", "How To Deal: Hyperpigmentation So settle in kids, let’s talk about hyperpigmentation. First a definition (or a few): hyperpigmentation is caused when melanin (what gives our hair and skin color) is overproduced in certain spots on the skin, causing them to look darker than your natural skin tone.", "How to Make Thin Skin Thicker Skin thinning is one predictable consequence of aging. As people age, their bodies produce less of the components that support skin health and development. But aging is not the only cause of thinning skin, and MayoClinic.com reports that exposure to the sun breaks down collagen and the fibers that provide coherence to skin layers. A number of approaches can be used to thicken skin.", "Melasma Overview Prev Next. Patches of melasma are darker than other areas of skin because they have more pigment. The cells that produce pigment in the skin are called melanocytes. Ultraviolet radiation, or UV rays, from the sun stimulate melanocytes to produce pigment.", "Five Surprising Causes of Hyperpigmentation Dark spots, discoloration, uneven skintone—no matter what you call it, hyperpigmentation is a complexion killer. “It’s a condition caused by increased levels of melanin, the pigment in the body that determines skin color,” says Khalil Khatri, M.D., dermatologist and cosmetic laser surgeon at The Skin and Laser Surgery Center of New England.", "What is the difference between dark skin and light skin? Making the world better, one answer at a time. Darker skins have a higher content of Melanin within the skin cells than lighter skins. Melanin is the component within the skin that gives it it's colour, therefore more melanin makes a darker skin.", "Human skin color Natural skin color can also darken as a result of tanning due to exposure to sunlight. The leading theory is that skin color adapts to intense sunlight irradiation to provide partial protection against the ultraviolet fraction that produces damage and thus mutations in the DNA of the skin cells.", "The top 5 causes of darkened armpits Cause #1: Shaving. When you shave you cut the hairs off at, or just below, the surface of the skin. If your hairs are slightly darker than your skin color, they can give the appearance that your skin has a dark stain when it`s really just sub-surface hair. What To Do About It: Stop shaving and try waxing or plucking instead so you get rid of the hair below the skin surface.", "When Death Nears: Signs and Symptoms Skin of light complexions may look blue, and skin of dark complexions may appear darker. This is called mottling and is caused by slow blood circulation. The underside of the body may become darker. You may notice a bluish-gray color around the mouth, paleness around the mouth or paleness in the face.", "Facial Wrinkles Premature aging and wrinkling of the skin may be accelerated by excessive exposure to the sun and other elements, overactive facial expression muscles, the frequent use of tobacco products, poor nutrition, or skin disorders. “I was a bit frightened to undergo surgery and wanted a less invasive procedure.", "- How to Get Rid of Dark Spots on Your Face. The chemical that gives human skin its color is called melanin, and the production of too much in one area leads to freckles, liver spots, and other patches of darker skin. These dark spots on your face, which are also called hyper-pigmentation. These can be caused by sun exposure, hormonal fluctuations, or as a side effect of certain drugs. It's not a serious medical condition, but if you have dark spots you're probably ready for brighter, clearer skin.", "Cheilitis Also termed solar cheilosis, this condition is the result of chronic over-exposure to ultraviolet radiation in sunlight. It usually occurs on the lower lip, which is dry, scaling, and wrinkled grey-white in appearance. It is especially common in people with light skin types who live in sunny climates (e.g. , Australians of European ancestry), and in persons who spend a lot of time outdoors.", "What Causes Hyperpigmentation? What Is Hyperpigmentation? Hyperpigmentation is a very common condition in which patches of skin get darker in shade compared to the surrounding areas of skin. Contrary to what many people think, people of any race can experience hyperpigmentation. The darkening of certain areas occurs due to an increased production of melanin, which is the brown pigment that is responsible for giving the skin its normal color.", "Dark Spots on Face: Causes and Treatments Skin Diseases That Cause Dark Spots. Melasma: It’s one of the commonest causes of grayish patches on the face. It mostly affects the forehead, cheeks, or the area between your mouth and nose. Surprisingly, it can affect other areas of your skin especially the ones that are frequently exposed to the sun such as shoulders or forearms.", "- Adrenal Insufficiency. Hyperpigmentation, or darkening of the skin, can occur in Addison’s disease, although not in secondary adrenal insufficiency. This darkening is most visible on scars; skin folds; pressure points such as the elbows, knees, knuckles, and toes; lips; and mucous membranes such as the lining of the cheek.", "- Hyperpigmentation is a condition that causes the skin to darken. It can occur in small patches or cover large areas of the body. It can also affect the entire body. Hyperpigmentation is usually not harmful.But it can be a symptom of another medical condition. They are related to excess sun exposure over time. 2 They generally appear as spots of hyperpigmentation on areas frequently exposed to the sun, such as the hands and face. 3 Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is a result of prior injury to the skin (American College of Osteopathic Dermatology).", "- As a result, a substance called homogentisic acid, which is produced as phenylalanine and tyrosine are broken down, accumulates in the body. Excess homogentisic acid and related compounds are deposited in connective tissues, which causes cartilage and skin to darken.", "What Causes Increased Skin Pigmentation? Hyperpigmentation is a condition that causes the skin to darken. It can occur in small patches. And it can cover large areas or affect the entire body. This condition usually isn’t harmful, but it can be a symptom of another medical condition. Read more.", "The African American Woman's Guide to Great Skin Darker skin tends to be more acne-prone because it has larger sebaceous glands that produce more oil. Those with darker skin are more likely to experience post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH), dark spots that linger for weeks or months after acne has healed, caused by the overproduction of melanin.", "The Unblemished Truth About Skin Whiteners and Dark Spot Correctors Dark spots are caused by the deposition of pigment or melanin, created by melanocytes, which are cells found in the top layer of skin. In response to sun exposure, hormones, or other kinds of environmental insults, melanin is produced to protect the skin against the offending agent.", "- Ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet radiation is found naturally in sunlight. We cannot see or feel ultraviolet radiation, but our skin responds to it by turning darker. This happens in an attempt to reduce the amount of ultraviolet radiation that reaches deeper skin tissues.", "Overview Rosacea on dark skin On dark skin, rosacea may be more difficult to distinguish. However, rosacea still causes redness and dilation of small blood vessels on the surface of the skin. Rhinophyma. Rhinophyma Rarely, rosacea can thicken the skin on the nose, causing the nose to appear bulbous (rhinophyma). This occurs more often in men than in women.", "Learn how UpToDate can help you. Hyperpigmentation is the darkening or increase in the natural color of the skin usually due to an increased deposition of melanin (hypermelanosis) in the epidermis and/or dermis.", "- What causes dark skin discoloration under the breast. No itching peeling or pain hey is slowly spread to cover the entire under breasts. Dr. Anatoly Belilovsky Dr. Belilovsky. Any inflammation...: ...Of teh skin (and this is common in skin folds) can cause hyperpigmentation as a consequence.", "How does cigarette smoking affect facial skin? Cigarette smoking ages facial skin. Nicotine in cigarettes restricts blood flow to your skin, so less oxygen and nutrients can get in, causing your skin to become dry, pale and wrinkled. The toxins in cigarette smoke also break down the elasticity of the skin which causes sagging. The more cigarettes you smoke the more you damage your skin.", "Dark skin around lips Share |. Hyperpigmentation is a common, usually harmless condition in which patches of skin become darker in color than the normal surrounding skin. This darkening occurs when an excess of melanin, the brown pigment that produces normal skin color, forms deposits in the skin. Hyperpigmentation can affect the skin color of people of any race.", "Abnormally dark or light skin Skin - abnormally dark or light. Skin that has turned darker or lighter than normal is usually not a sign of a serious medical condition. Normal skin contains cells called melanocytes. These cells produce melanin, the substance that gives skin its color. Skin with too much melanin is called hyperpigmented skin. Skin with too little melanin is called hypopigmented skin. Pale skin areas are due to too little melanin or underactive melanocytes. Darker areas of skin (or an area that tans more easily) occurs when you have more melanin or overactive melanocytes." ]
[ 11.890625 ]
[ 5.140625, 9.109375, 3.8828125, 8.8984375, 11.15625, 4.5390625, 11.046875, 10.9609375, 8.546875, 11.140625, 8.7890625, 9.078125, 5.80078125, 12.25, 5.28125, 11.7109375, 12.8203125, 10.1640625, 12.28125, 10.8515625, 12.5625, 10.859375, 10, 11.4921875, 7.74609375, 11.28125, 7.84765625, 8.2890625, 12.3671875, 11.453125 ]
what county is george iowa in
[ "George, Iowa George, Iowa. George is a city in Lyon County, Iowa, United States, along the Little Rock River. The population was 1,080 at the 2010 census. The ZIP Code for George is 51237." ]
[ "- Cerro Gordo County, Iowa. This township takes its name from the beautiful Clear Lake within its borders. It is bounded on the north by Grant township, on the east by Lake [township], on the south by Union [township], and on the west by Hancock county, and comprises congressional township 96, range 22 west.", "Welcome toGeauga County Welcome to Geauga County. Located just thirty miles east of Cleveland, Geauga County offers a perfect blend of beautiful countryside, interesting culture, captivating history, and unique shopping. or.", "- ALL FEATURES AND DATA ARE PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND PATRICK COUNTY IGIS AND INTERACTIVEGIS, INC. EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY TYPE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED AND INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY REGARDING THE ACCURACY OF THE DATA, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.", "- Monroe is a city in Jasper County, Iowa, United States. The population was 1,808 at the 2000 census. in decimal form are 41.521880, -93.103492. According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 1.7 square miles (4.4 km²), all of it land.", "- The Recorder records or retains on file, documents such as deeds, mortgages, contracts, condemnations, easements, federal and state tax liens, surveys, trade names, UCC filings, Article of Incorporations and military service records. Page County, Iowa - Recorder.", "Iowa State University Extension & Outreach: Franklin County http://www.iowastatefair.org/Iowa State University Extension & Outreach: Franklin County. We are your access to research-based information and services through Iowa State University, helping improve the quality of life in our communities.", "- Roosevelt is located in Kiowa County. The following 7 counties adjoin and form the boundaries of Kiowa County: Beckham, Caddo, Comanche, Greer, Jackson, Tillman & Washita. Our Gazetteer shows that there are 121 communities within 40 miles [64.4 km] of Roosevelt. Of these communities, 104 are located in counties other than Kiowa County.", "McGregor, Iowa McGregor is a city in Clayton County, Iowa, United States. The population was 871 at the 2010 census. McGregor is located on the Mississippi River across from Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. Pike's Peak State Park is located just south of the city.", "About Corydon is located in South Central Iowa in Wayne County. We are a small city of 1585 persons, the largest of 9 cities in the county. Corydon hosts the Wayne County Courthouse on a very charming square in the center of the city. There are two major parks, one with a nine-hole golf course and aquatic center, the other with a 58 acre lake with campgrounds, disc golf course, fishing and a nearby walking trail. Major employers are:", "- About Orange County Irvine John Wayne Airport. Parking at John Wayne Orange County Airport AirportParking.com has you covered for John Wayne Airport parking. All the long term parking lot options make it easy getting to the airport with free airport shuttles, and you can feel safe with 24-security at all locations as well.", "Marion Marion is a city in Linn County, Iowa, United States. The population was 26,294 at the 2000 census and was estimated at 32,172 in 2007. The city is part of the Cedar Rapids Metropolitan Statistical Area. The town was named after Francis Marion, a hero of the Revolutionary War. The site was selected in 1839 to be the first county seat of the newly-organized Linn County, Iowa. After years of debate over moving the county seat to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, it was put to a vote in 1919. The vote was 9,960 in favor of moving the seat and 4,823 not in favor.", "Washington County, Texas Washington County, Iowa. For counties with a similar name, see Washington County (disambiguation). Washington County is a county located in the U.S. state of Iowa. As of the 2010 census, the population was 21,704. The county seat is Washington. Washington County is included in the Iowa, IA Metropolitan Statistical Area.", ". . . about Preston, Iowa Improvements mark the yearly growth of the town, and many valuable buildings have been erected for business purposes. [Owen's Gazetteer and Directory of Jackson County, Iowa, Owen Publishing Company, Davenport, Iowa, 1878.", "Denmark, Iowa On 1/24/1967, a category 3 (max. wind speeds 158-206 mph) tornado killed one person and injured 6 people and caused between $50,000 and $500,000 in damages. Lee County-area historical earthquake activity is near Iowa state average.", "Iowa City, Iowa Johnson County is a county located in the U.S. state of Iowa. As of the 2010 census, the population was 130,882 making it the fifth-most populous county in Iowa. The county seat is Iowa City, home of the University of Iowa.", "Welcome to Marion County! Welcome to Marion County! The Red Rock Area has been growing businesses for over 100 years. Marion County, Iowa ranks 46th out of 3,141 counties in the United States for having the highest percentage of all jobs in manufacturing. We are the corporate headquarters for Pella Corporation, Vermeer Manufacturing Company, Precision Pulley, Van Gorp, Heritage Lace, Five Star Industries, LDJ Manufacturing and many others.", "Iowa City Iowa City, IA. Online Offers. Iowa City is a city in Johnson County, State of Iowa. As of the 2008 Census Bureau estimate, Iowa City had a total population of about 67,830, making it the fifth-largest city in the state. Iowa City is the county seat of Johnson County and home to the University of Iowa.", "ZIP Codes for City of Garden Grove, IA Garden Grove, IA Other Information. 1 Located in DECATUR County, Iowa. 2 Garden Grove, IA is also known as: 3 HIGH POINT, IA. WOODLAND, IA.", "- Poweshiek County Assessor. As Assessor, it is my responsibility to insure that all real property is treated fairly and equitably in accordance with Iowa law. My staff and I are committed to serving you efficiently and professionally in a courteous manner.", "- Keokuk County, Iowa Genealogy. From FamilySearch Wiki. United States Iowa Keokuk County. Guide to Keokuk County, Iowa ancestry, family history, and genealogy birth records, marriage records, death records, census records, family history, and military records.", "Davis County, Iowa: Family History & Genealogy, Census, Birth, Marriage, Death Vital Records & More Projects. 1 Davis County Genealogy and History (Source: Genealogy Trails History Group) 2 Davis County, Iowa Genealogy (Source: Iowa GenWeb Project)", "Interior Rivers Iowa River (Iowa Falls to Marshalltown) Marshall: This stretch is located in Hardin and Marshall County. A popular access is located in Pine Lake State Park, just east of Eldora on County Road S56. 66.00: Iowa River (Marshalltown to Coralville Lake) Iowa: This stretch is located in Marshall, Tama, the SW corner of Benton, Iowa, and Johnson County. A popular access is at the Hwy 21 Access, which is part of the Iowa River Corridor Wildlife Area, just south of Belle Plaine. 104.00: Iowa River (River Junction to Columbus Junction) Louisa", "Boards and Commissions The following is a list of the Boards and Commissions of Johnson County, Iowa. Please click on the name to view more information about that Board or Commission. (Please note that you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view all of the following links. For a free reader see the bottom of this page.)", "Washington County, Iowa Free Public Records Directory Find Public Records in Washington County, Iowa. This page lists public record sources in Washington County, Iowa. Additional resources can be found on our Iowa State Public Records page, on city pages, and on topic pages using the navigation above. Washington County, Iowa - General County Info.", "ALBURNETT, LINN COUNTY, EASTERN, IOWA LAND FOR SALE: 1 - 15 of 16 listings LandWatch.com has thousands of rural properties in Marion County, Iowa, including hunting & fishing properties, cabins, Land for sale and land auctions. Choose from small acreage lots to massive 500+ acre estates. You can also find Marion County, Iowa real estate agents who specialize in land and rural retreats. Sign up for our Marion County, Iowa email alerts and never miss out on a new listing again!", "- The Clarke County Fair is a rich tradition that dates back to the early 1900’s. It has always been a place for families to connect and bond. Its Board places a special emphasis on providing quality education and enrichment opportunities for area youth. The Clarke County Fairgrounds and Event Center has been an exciting, growing venture in South Central Iowa.", "- SHENANDOAH – Iowa Western Community College celebrated the completion of $750,000 in renovations to its Page/Fremont County Center on Monday afternoon.", "Harrison County Jail â Logan, IA Harrison County Jail – Logan, IA. Harrison County Jail is located in Harrison County, Iowa and is the correctional facility for that county. Know someone at Harrison County Jail? This page will tell you about anything you might need to know about Harrison County Jail,such as: How to locate an inmate.", "McGregor, IA Real Estate and Homes for Sale McGregor, Iowa is located in Clayton County. McGregor is a rural community with a population of 724. The median household income is $53,299.", "Kentucky Monroe County, Iowa. Not to be confused with Monroe, Iowa. Monroe County is a county located in the south central part of the U.S. state of Iowa. In the early 20th century, it was a center of bituminous coal mining and in 1910 had a population of more than 25,000. As mining declined, people moved elsewhere for work." ]
[ 18.1875 ]
[ 7.18359375, 1.4697265625, 4.55859375, 7.3671875, 6.99609375, 5.8359375, 2.015625, 7.64453125, 6.23046875, 0.81787109375, 8.4296875, 9.0078125, 5.95703125, 7.4609375, 8.6171875, 7.48046875, 7.54296875, 5.125, 7.859375, 6.41796875, 6.68359375, 5.5625, 7.328125, 7.68359375, 6.67578125, 7.578125, 6.3671875, 5.828125, 6.43359375, 7.0234375 ]
what is a composite chemical
[ "Composite material A Composite material (also called a composition material or shortened to composite, which is the common name) is a material made from two or more constituent materials with significantly different physical or chemical properties that, when combined, produce a material with characteristics different from the individual components." ]
[ "Benzene Benzene is an important organic chemical compound with the chemical formula C 6 H 6. Its molecule is composed of 6 carbon atoms joined in a ring, with 1 hydrogen atom attached to each carbon atom.erivatives of benzene occur sufficiently often as a component of organic molecules that there is a Unicode symbol in the Miscellaneous Technical block with the code U+232C (⌬) to represent it with three double bonds, and U+23E3 (⏣) for a delocalized version.", "What is a compound? chemical compound - (chemistry) a substance formed by chemical union of two or more elements or ingredients in definite proportion by weight.", "combining form combining form. combining form. A modified form of an independent word that occurs only in combination with words, affixes, or other combining forms to form compounds or derivatives, as electro- (from electric) in electromagnet or geo- (from Greek ge&omacron;-, from g&emacron; “earth”) in geochemistry.", "Chemical Reactions A chemical reaction is a process in which one set of chemical substances (reactants) is converted into another (products). It involves making and breaking chemical bonds and the rearrangement of atoms.Chemical reactions are represented by balanced chemical equations, with chemical formulas symbolizing reactants and products. For specific chemical reactants, two questions may be posed about a possible chemical reaction.ombination Reactions. In combination reactions, two substances, either elements or compounds, react to produce a single compound. One type of combination reaction involves two elements. Most metals react with most nonmetals to form ionic compounds.", "Chemical substance A chemical substance is a form of matter that has constant chemical composition and characteristic properties.It cannot be separated into components by physical separation methods, i.e., without breaking chemical bonds. Chemical substances can be chemical elements, chemical compounds, ions or alloys. chemical substance (also called a pure substance) may well be defined as any material with a definite chemical composition in an introductory general chemistry textbook. According to this definition a chemical substance can either be a pure chemical element or a pure chemical compound.", "- Meaning. A compound contains atoms of different elements chemically combined together in a fixed ratio. An element is a pure chemical substance made of same type of atom. Distinguishing Feature. Compounds contain different elements in a fixed ratio arranged in a defined manner through chemical bonds.", "- Water, for example, is a compound composed of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen. Figure 1.5(d) shows a mixture of substances. Mixtures are combinations of two or more substances in which each substance retains its own chemical identity.", "Chemical compound A chemical compound is a chemical formed from atoms of different chemical elements.The different atoms are joined by chemical bonds. The elements stick together so strongly that the compound behaves like one substance. The chemical that is made depends upon what atoms it is made of and how they are joined together. chemical compound is a chemical formed from atoms of different chemical elements.", "compound 1 composed of two or more parts, elements, or ingredients: Soap is a compound substance. 2. having or involving two or more actions or functions: The mouth is a compound organ. 3. Grammar. of or relating to a compound sentence or compound-complex sentence.", "What is a Chemical Formula? - Definition, Types & Examples This information can be gathered from the chemical formula of the substance. A compound is a substance made up of a definite proportion of two or more elements. A chemical formula tells us the number of atoms of each element in a compound.he chemical formula provides a lot of information about a chemical substance-how many atoms and what atoms it is made up of, even the way the atoms are arranged. In this lesson, we will discuss the different types of chemical formulas.", "compound com·pound. Noun. Chemistry A substance made up of two or more elements joined by chemical bonds into a molecule. The elements are combined in a definite ratio. Water, for example, is a compound having two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom in each molecule.Adjective. Composed of more than one part, as a compound eye or leaf.a union; a chemical bonding of elements— Wilkes.ater, for example, is a compound having two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom in each molecule. Adjective. Composed of more than one part, as a compound eye or leaf. a union; a chemical bonding of elements— Wilkes.", "What Is a Chemical Compound? - Definition & Examples But most of the things we encounter and use on a daily basis are chemical compounds. A chemical compound is a chemical combination of two or more elements that can normally be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means and have properties different form those of its component elements. Chemical compounds are formed by elements that bond together. These bonds are typically covalent, ionic, or metallic bonds. Ionic bonds are formed when two or more atoms of an element are joined together when one of the elements gains or loses electrons.", "compound Water, for example, is a compound having two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom in each molecule. Adjective. Composed of more than one part, as a compound eye or leaf. a union; a chemical bonding of elements— Wilkes.", "Investigating rust Another word for rust is 'iron oxide'. An oxide is a compound that contains a metal or a non-metal combined with oxygen. Oxidisation is the chemical process of combining a substance with oxygen. When iron comes into contact with the oxygen in water, a chemical reaction occurs to make a new compound.nother word for rust is 'iron oxide'. An oxide is a compound that contains a metal or a non-metal combined with oxygen. Oxidisation is the chemical process of combining a substance with oxygen. When iron comes into contact with the oxygen in water, a chemical reaction occurs to make a new compound.", "Composite material Originally Answered: What is the difference between an alloy and a composite? A composite material (also called a composition material or shortened to composite) is a material made from two or more constituent materials with significantly different physical or chemical properties that, when combined, produce a material with characteristics different from the individual components.", "- Introduction. I am supposed to do a paper on what chemistry is, and I am supposed to get different perspectives. I am a sophomore in HS, and have never had chemistry or chem. related classes before, so if you could make it kind of basic and easy to understand-that would be great!Heather Buchan. Heather, chem·is·try n., pl.-tries.1. the science that systematically studies the composition, properties, and activity of organic and inorganic substances and various elementary forms of matter. 2. chemical properties, reactions, phenomena, etc.: the chemistry of carbon.hem·is·try n., pl. -tries. 1. the science that systematically studies the composition, properties, and activity of organic and inorganic substances and various elementary forms of matter. 2. chemical properties, reactions, phenomena, etc.: the chemistry of carbon.", "A-level Chemistry/OCR (Salters)/Complexes A complex is a compound in which a central metal atom is surrounded ligands that form dative covalent bonds with it. Complexes are discussed in Chemical Ideas Section 11.6: The d block: complex formation.igands split d orbitals [edit]. Without ligands, all five d orbitals have equal energy. A complex needs ligands to be coloured. Without ligands, all five d orbitals are equal in energy (degenerate is a word often used here — it simply means of the same energy).", "Patents Abstract. A liquid alkali composition for use in fiber reactive dyeing of cotton and cotton blended fabrics or the like. The liquid alkali is a solution of an alkali metal hydroxide and its carbonate formed by reaction of liquid CO 2 with the alkali metal hydroxide solution.", "- Compounds. A compound is a substance formed when two or more elements are chemically joined. Water, salt, and sugar are examples of compounds. When the elements are joined, the atoms lose their individual properties and have different properties from the elements they are composed of. A chemical formula is used a quick way to show the composition of compounds.", "Synthetic 1 Synthetic chemical or synthetic compress, produced by the process of chemical synthesis. 2 Synthetic organic compounds are tens of thousands of synthetic chemical compounds, all containing carbon, that are extremely useful, including medicines, rubbers, plastics, refrigerants, etc.", "Chemical compound A chemical compound is a chemical substance consisting of two or more different chemically bonded chemical elements, with a fixed ratio determining the composition. The ratio of each element is usually expressed by chemical formula. For example, water (H2O) is a compound consisting of two hydrogen atoms bonded to an oxygen atom. The atoms within a compound can be held together by a variety of interactions, ranging from covalent bonds to electrostatic forces in ionic bonds. A continuum of bond polarities exist between the purely covalent bond (as in H2) and ionic bonds. For example H2O is held together by polar covalent bonds. Sodium chloride is an example of an ionic compound.", "Chemistry for Kids Organic chemistry is the study of compounds that contain the element carbon. This is a wide ranging topic that overlaps with other sciences like biochemistry, medicine, and materials science. Organic chemists study the properties, structure, and chemical reactions of organic compounds. lot of these compounds are used for heating and cooking. Other groups of hydrocarbons are alkenes, and alkynes. Other elements. Other elements that carbon combines with to form organic compounds include oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, and boron.", "Composite material Composites are made up of individual materials referred to as constituent materials. There are two main categories of constituent materials: matrix and reinforcement. At least one portion of each type is required.", "chemical 2. a substance composed of chemical elements, or obtained by chemical processes. See also toxin. chemical adjuvant. a chemical added to another to improve its activity. For example, mineral gels added to vaccines. May also be a chemical added to feed to improve digestion, e.g. monensin in ruminants.", "What are Composite Materials? Composite materials for construction, engineering, and other similar applications are formed by combining two or more materials in such a way that the constituents are still distinguishable and not fully blended. One example is concrete, which uses cement as a binding material in combination with aggregate, like gravel, as a reinforcement.", "- A compound is a substance formed when two or more elements are chemically joined. Water, salt, and sugar are examples of compounds. When the elements are joined, the atoms lose their individual properties and have different properties from the elements they are composed of.", "SYNTHETIC chemical compound - (chemistry) a substance formed by chemical union of two or more elements or ingredients in definite proportion by weight. compound. chemical science, chemistry-the science of matter; the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions.", "- (1) Note. A composite piece may include a backing structure that is used to combine the various lesser items; in other words, a sort of backbone or armature. An example would be a pair of earrings assembled on a backing having a clothing piercing member so that the whole could be worn as a pin.", "- There are more carbon compounds than there are compounds of all other elements combined. The study of carbon compounds, both natural and synthetic, is called organic chemistry. Plastics, foods, textiles, and many other common substances contain carbon.", "composite Definition of composite for English Language Learners. : 1 something that is made up of different parts. : 2 a drawing of someone who is wanted by the police that is made using descriptions given by witnesses." ]
[ 13.5078125 ]
[ 3.798828125, 8.578125, 1.197265625, 5.90234375, 8.96875, 7.4140625, 7.25, 9.3125, 6.2578125, 6.76953125, 7.5078125, 9.28125, 6.2890625, 3.970703125, 12.9453125, 4.2265625, 4.72265625, 4.47265625, 8.171875, 6.08984375, 9.109375, 4.7109375, 10.03125, 5.390625, 9.9296875, 8.6953125, 7.5234375, 5.4609375, 6.0546875, 9.359375 ]
alcohol urine test how long in system
[ "How Long Will Alcohol Stay In the System For Urine Tests? With the EtG Urine Alcohol Test, however the presence of EtG in the urine demonstrates that ethanol alcohol was ingested within the past 3 or 4 days, or roughly 80 hours after the ethanol alcohol has been metabolized by the body." ]
[ "How long does alcohol stay in your system? Alcohol stay in your system and can be detected in urine drug tests up to 24 hours after you end a drinking session. So how long does alcohol stay in the body, urine, breath, saliva and blood? We review alcohol metabolism, alcohol detection, alcohol addictive properties, and drug testing principles for alcohol below. Peak levels and half life of alcohol One serving of alcohol is fully absorbed into the blood stream within 30 minutes to 2 hours after intake.", "- With the EtG Urine Alcohol Test, however, the presence of EtG in the urine shows that ethanol alcohol was consumed within the past 3 or 4 days, or roughly 80 hours after the ethanol alcohol has been metabolized by the person's body.", "Drug Testing The EtG test has become known as the “80 hour test” for detecting any amount of consumed ethyl alcohol. This is not totally true. It is true that EtG can be detected in chronic drinkers for 80 hours or even up to 5 days. During this period of chronic use, the EtG level can exceed 100,000 ng/mL.", "How Long Is Alcohol Detectable in Urine? Different tests are capable of detecting the presence of alcohol for different time periods. Here is a list of alcohol drug tests and the answer to how long is alcohol detectable in urine with each test. Breathalyzer Test: 24 hours.Urine Test: 9-13 hours (if traditional method used).Urine Test: 72-96 hours (if done using EGT (Ethyl Gluconoride) metabolite).sually, alcohol would stay within your system for around 24 hours after you have had a few drinks and this would be the time period during which it would be detectable in your urine. However, there are a few special tests which can detect its presence in urine for up to 48 hours.", "How Long Will Alcohol Stay In the System For Urine Tests? any period of time, this test will show that they are not telling the truth. Conclusion: How Long Will Alcohol Stay In the System For Urine Tests. As outlined above, EtG urine alcohol tests can detect alcohol in the urine up to 80 hours after the alcohol has been metabolized by an individual’s liver. Taking this into consideration, the moral of the story is this: if you drink alcohol, if you work for an", "- The presence of EtG in urine indicates that ethanol was ingested within the previous 3 to 4 days, or approximately 80 hours after ethanol is eliminated from the body. Therefore, EtG is a more accurate indicator of the recent injection of alcohol than measuring for the presence of ethanol itself.", "ALCOHOL TEST, EtG (ETHYL GLUCORONIDE) (URINE) DESCRIPTION: The EtG Urine Alcohol Test will detect ingestion of Ethyl Alcohol within the past 80 hours. EtG is a metabolite of Ethyl Alcohol, and can be detected for longer periods of time after ingestion than simply testing for Ethyl Alcohol.This test is not an under the influence test.The specimen will be screened, and if necessary will be tested by GC/MS.tG is a metabolite of Ethyl Alcohol, and can be detected for longer periods of time after ingestion than simply testing for Ethyl Alcohol. This test is not an under the influence test. The specimen will be screened, and if necessary will be tested by GC/MS.", "For how long can alcohol be detected in a urine EtG test? Background: The EtG Urine Alcohol Test measures for Ethyl Glucuronide which is present in the body for about 3 days after alcohol is consumed, so you may wonder why the answer is not Thursday or Friday. Here's why.", "How Long Is Alcohol Detectable in Urine? Usually, alcohol would stay within your system for around 24 hours after you have had a few drinks and this would be the time period during which it would be detectable in your urine. However, there are a few special tests which can detect its presence in urine for up to 48 hours.", "How long does alcohol withdrawal last? Alcohol (EtOh) can be detected up to 1- 1-1/2 days after consumption. EtG, a byproduct produced in our livers after alcohol is metabolized can be detected for up to 3-4 days after the last drink. Also, drugs alcohol can be detected in urine for about 2-3 days. Many factors determine how long a particular drug can be detected in a person, including that person's age, weight, sex, metabolic rate, overall health, amount of drug consumed over what period of time, etc. 7 people found this useful.", "How do you flush cocaine out of system to pass urine test? What helps you flush out your system to pass a urine drug test? Don't do drugs! -------------------------------- Unfortunately (for you) TCH (the active ingredient in marajuana) stays in the system and can be detected (it lodges in the … tissues) for anwhere up to 45 days. That is fine for a DUI test or something similar, but if you want to do a test for an employee…. 2 What You Should Know About Urine Tests for Alcohol Tests that determine alcohol in your urine are beneficial yet problematic.", "- Ethyl glucuronide (EtG) can be detected in the blood for up to 36 hours and in the urine for up to 5 days after heavy alcohol use. A positive finding of EtG in urine of an individual provides strong evidence that the person recently consumed alcohol, even if the alcohol itself is no longer detectable.", "How long does alcohol stay in your system? Actually, alcohol stays in your system up to 3-4 days after your last drink (urine screen). It will not show up using a breathalyzer after a day. If your probation officer is giving you a urine screen, again, it can show up 3-4 days later.I know, because I work as a drug and alcohol counselor. Hope this helps.ou're doing fine, just don't drink the day of your test, and avoid all specifically prohibited drugs. Alcohol doesn't stay in your system long-term, unlike marijuana, and some other drugs which you don't want to have showing up in your urine.", "How Long Does Alcohol Stay in Your System: Urine, Blood & Breath? Ethanol urine tests. When it comes to ethanol urine tests, there’s going to be a bit of a lag as the body filters the alcohol from the blood into the bladder. It can take up to 2 hours for alcohol to show up in your urine. But once it’s there, a single ounce of pure alcohol is detectable for about 1.5 hours.", "How to Pass an Alcohol Urine Test They indicate the presence of alcohol in a person's system, but it takes up to 2 hours for the alcohol to show up in urine. They have a limited window of detection (typically 1 to 5 days). A positive urine test does not necessarily mean the person was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the test.", "How Long Will Alcohol Stay In the System For Urine Tests? Conclusion: How Long Will Alcohol Stay In the System For Urine Tests. As outlined above, EtG urine alcohol tests can detect alcohol in the urine up to 80 hours after the alcohol has been metabolized by an individual’s liver. Taking this into consideration, the moral of the story is this: if you drink alcohol, if you work for an", "- The 80 Hour Alcohol Test? If you’ve heard people speak of an “80 hour alcohol test”, this is in reference to EtG alcohol testing. It gives an indication in regards to how long alcohol stays in urine. Let’s take a closer look at this subject.", "Top 20 Doctor insights on: Can A Urine Test Detect Alcohol Alcohol Detection: The simple answer is yes. New enzyme testing in urine means that alcohol may be detected for several days after use. Of course this also depends on how much one has drunk and what your body's metabolism is like. But, forty eight hours is most like to be too soon.", "How Long Does Alcohol Stay in Your Urine????The ETG test for alcohol is expensive? Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: They will do an EtG test and it is capable of detecting if you drank alcohol up to 80 hours from your last alcoholic drink. But that 80 hours is the maximum time if they are using a urine sample. Much depends on genetics, how much you drank and luck.", "How long does alcohol stay in your system? It can confirm the presence of alcohol in the urine for as long as three to four days after initial consumption, and is a useful tool for monitoring the consumption of those under a “zero tolerance” order from the justice system, or are currently in a rehabilitation program that requires abstinence from alcohol.", "How Long Will Alcohol Stay In the System For Urine Tests? With the EtG Urine Alcohol Test, conversely, the presence of EtG in the urine reveals that ethanol alcohol was ingested within the past 3 or 4 days, or roughly 80 hours after the ethanol alcohol has been metabolized by the person's body.o, the EtG Urine Alcohol Test cannot show how much alcohol a person ingested, but it can, by way of comparison, detect alcohol consumption after the alcohol has been metabolized by the body.", "How long does Alcohol stay in your System, Blood, Urine, Hair and Tests The rate at which Alcohol is metabolized and removed from the system by the human beings is about 0.15 of BAC per hour. Alcohol can be detected in the blood for up to 12 hours following a person’s last drink. The detection window is dependent upon various parameters such as the amount of Alcohol ingested, sex and individual’s metabolic rate.", "How long will alcohol show up in a urine analysis? Best Answer: well, alcohol is a diuretic, causing your body to void urine and flush the system. It's the metabolites of the alcohol that are present in a urine screen for about 12 hours.Which is relevent to the amount of alcohol consumed...the more you drink, 12 hours turns to 24 hours and so on.est Answer: well, alcohol is a diuretic, causing your body to void urine and flush the system. It's the metabolites of the alcohol that are present in a urine screen for about 12 hours.", "Urine Alcohol Tests Types of urine alcohol tests. Health Street offers both a 12 hour Urine Alcohol Test and an 80 hour EtG test. We also offer several combined drug and urine alcohol tests. These tests detect a byproduct, or metabolite, that the body produces when metabolizing alcohol. This byproduct is present in the urine for up to 80 hours.", "- Q.how long does alcohol stay in your system and show up in urine test. A. Only 1-3 days depending on how often you drink. Just drink a lot of water which will help you flush it out of your system easier.", "How Long Will Alcohol Stay In the System For Urine Tests? With the EtG Urine Alcohol Test, however, the presence of EtG in the urine reveals that ethanol alcohol was consumed within the past 80 hours or so which could mean many hours after the ethanol alcohol has been metabolized by the body. Think this through for a moment.", "How long does it take for your body to get rid of the alcohol in one standard drink? a. 10 Minutes b. 20 Minutes c. 1 hour d. 2 hours How Long Is Alcohol Detectable In Breath? Alcohol can be detected in a breathalyzer test for up to 24 hours. Alcohol can be detected in urine for 3-5 days via Ethyl Gluconoride (EGT) metabolite or 10-12 hours via traditional method. Alcohol can show up in a blood test up to 12 hours.", "ALCOHOL TEST, EtG (ETHYL GLUCORONIDE) (URINE) The detection period is generally up to 80 hours after ingestion. *Price may vary by location – contact your local ANY LAB TEST NOW. Test results are generally available within 48 – 72 hours after your specimen is collected. The EtG Urine Alcohol Test will detect ingestion of Ethyl Alcohol within the past 80 hours. EtG is a metabolite of Ethyl Alcohol, and can be detected for longer periods of time after ingestion than simply testing for Ethyl Alcohol. This test is not an under the influence test.", "How Long Does Alcohol Stay In Your System How Long It Stays In Your Urine. A urine test for alcohol cannot test how much it was actually consumed or ingested by the body in total. Some tests can detect that the drinking has been consumed and metabolized by the body up to as long as 70 to 90 hours after it has been metabolized by the body.Alcohol is on average still present in the urine 24 hours after consumption, testing the urine is not reliable to determine how much has been consumed.ome tests can detect that the drinking has been consumed and metabolized by the body up to as long as 70 to 90 hours after it has been metabolized by the body. Alcohol is on average still present in the urine 24 hours after consumption, testing the urine is not reliable to determine how much has been consumed.", "How Does an Alcohol Urine Test Work? Even though the level of alcohol can be measured approximately two days after consumption, the level of ethylene glucuronide can be detected in the urine approximately four days after consuming alcohol. Another way in how does an alcohol urine test work would be to compare the urine alcohol test to the blood alcohol test. Usually the urine test will show a better detection of alcohol, because the body tries to quickly filter it from the blood." ]
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weather to date colorado springs
[ "- Colorado Springs, CO ~ Weather Station Elevation is 6,791ft. Today is Thursday, Apr 20, 2017. Updated: 20-Apr-2017 5:30pm. Temperature: 40.8°F -7.2°F/hr Humidity: 81% Dew Point: 35.4°F Wind: E 12.4 mph Gust: 10 mph Barometer: 30.146 inHg Rising slowly Rain/ Snow Melt Today: 0.00 in UV Index: 0.0 None." ]
[ "- Today’s and tonight’s Palm Springs, CA weather forecast, weather conditions and Doppler radar from The Weather Channel and Weather.com Today’s and tonight’s Palm Springs, CA weather forecast, weather conditions and Doppler radar from The Weather Channel and Weather.com Connection restored! Show me the weather in... city, zip, or place", "Citrus Springs, FL Current Weather and Forecast Citrus Springs, FL Weather Forecast. 9:44 AM EST TUE DEC 3 2013. REST OF TODAY - Partly cloudy. Highs in the upper 70s. Southeast winds around 5 mph becoming south in the afternoon. TONIGHT - Mostly clear. Areas of fog after midnight. Lows in the upper 50s.", "- The weather in Colorado Springs is mild. Light snowfall in winter usually melts quickly since temperatures tend to stay above freezing. Summer temperatures rarely reach the '90s. Rapidly changing weather and four distinct seasons also characterize the region.", "- With a mild climate, the Colorado Springs average temperature information provided below, gives an accurate picture of seasonal temperature changes throughout the year.", "- Coral Springs Average Weather. 1 In the event that the weather data was unavailable for this city, estimates based upon nearby cities were used. 2 In the event that the air quality/pollution data was unavailable for this city, estimates based upon nearby cities were used.", "Yelp Colorado Springs 2. What is the weather like in Colorado Springs during that time? (March 21-28). I checked online and it says March is the snowiest month, blizzards, low 20's - low 50's. Is this accurate? I apologize if my inquiry is quite long. But I appreciate in advance for the help. Thanks!", "- Weather for Palm Springs, California, USA. Current weather in Palm Springs, California, USA and forecast for today, tomorrow, and next 14 days. ... Current Time: Aug 18, 2017 at 9:44:14 pm. www.timeanddate.com", "- Tomorrow: A mix of clouds/sun is expected through the first half of Thursday. Through the afternoon the wind will really pick up and storms will begin to spread across the state. Storms will, again, be capable of producing heavy rain - so flooding will be a big concern in southern Colorado. High temperatures will warm into the 80s and 90s for the lower elevations, but cooler air moves in late on Thursday! A cold front is expected to pass through Thursday night, keeping clouds and spotty showers in the forecast through early Friday. Extended: Temperatures will fall into the 60s around the mountains and 70s/80s for the lower elevations behind Thursday night's cold front.", "- Average Summer Temperatures -- Colorado Springs, CO. The 30 Year Average for summer temperature = 69.0. The All-Time Average for summer temperature = 67.6. Records are incomplete for 1903, 1918, 1946, and 1947, and are not included.", "Average Weather in August in Colorado Springs Colorado, United States Over the course of August in Colorado Springs, the length of the day is rapidly decreasing. From the start to the end of the month, the length of the day decreases by 1 hour, 6 minutes, implying an average daily decrease of 2 minutes, 12 seconds, and weekly decrease of 15 minutes, 27 seconds.", "- Hover over a location for current weather conditions. This page is updated hourly. Last update: Wednesday October 21, 2015 22:17 AKDT. Data from these stations are from various networks, including the Automated Surface Observing Systems (ASOS), Automated Weather Observing Systems (AWOS), and buoys.", "Average Weather in Colorado Springs Colorado, United States Average Weather in Colorado Springs Colorado, United States. In Colorado Springs, the summers are warm; the winters are chilly, dry, and windy; and it is partly cloudy year round. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 20°F to 84°F and is rarely below 4°F or above 92°F.", "WSDOT Seasonal weather reports have ended for this winter. Traditionally weather is reported on this page from November 1 to April 1. Should adverse weather or other incidents occur that will impact travel, updates will be provided as information is available.", "- Get Colorado Springs, CO 80903 typical January Weather including average and record temperatures from AccuWeather.com my recent locations °f Colorado Springs, CO 64° New York, NY 43° Miami, FL 75° Los Angeles, CA 60° Browse for your location", "- CO Road Conditions; Colorado Avalanche Watches/Warnings; NWS Pueblo Spotter's Page; Submit a Storm Report; Local Storm Reports Map; Decision Support Info; Text Product Page; Weather Preparedness Weeks Page; Impact Events Archive; NOAA Weather Radio Page; Climate; Severe Weather; Lightning; SKYWARN Weather Spotter Training; Social Dashboard; Drought; Daily Snowfall Map", "- 1 The lowest monthly average temperature in Colorado Springs for December is 28 degrees. 2 The most monthly precipitation in Colorado Springs occurs in August with 2.9 inches. The air quality index in Colorado Springs is 11% better than the national average.", "- Directions are in the direction the wind is coming from. Arrows point in the direction the wind is blowing towards. Forecast is valid from 6:00 pm to 1:00 am (PST), 21st day of this month.", "Average Weather in June in Colorado Springs Colorado, United States The month of June in Colorado Springs experiences gradually decreasing cloud cover, with the percentage of time that the sky is overcast or mostly cloudy decreasing from 36% to 28%. The lowest chance of overcast or mostly cloudy conditions is 28% on June 22.", "Colorado fall colors guide 2015: Where and when to find the most beautiful changing leaves And here is Mike Nelson's list of his top 22 locations for fall colors: 1 Steamboat Springs, Elk River country north on County Road 129. Also check the view on Rabbit Ears Pass and Buffalo Pass east. 2 Colorado 14 through the Poudre Canyon west of Fort Collins. 3 Trail Ridge Road (US 34) through Rocky Mountain National Park.", "Colorado Weather and When to Go Colorado weather essentials. Colorado weather can change drastically over a day, and can see all weather conditions throughout the year. It's not uncommon to have wide temperature swings from one day to the next (40 degrees F!) or even in a summer day (a thunderstorm can drop the temperature30 degrees in 15 minutes).", "Colorado Weather and When to Go Colorado weather essentials. Colorado weather can change drastically over a day, and can see all weather conditions throughout the year. It's not uncommon to have wide temperature swings from one day to the next (40 degrees F!) or even in a summer day (a thunderstorm can drop the temperature30 degrees in 15 minutes). Colorado is a high desert, and typically sees less moisture as a result.", "- Source: The Coral Springs, FL weather data displayed above is derived from the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric). Air quality and pollution data is derived from the EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency).", "Average Weather in Colorado Springs Colorado, United States The windier part of the year lasts for 6.8 months, from October 25 to May 18, with average wind speeds of more than 4.3 miles per hour. The windiest day of the year is February 24, with an average hourly wind speed of 5.1 miles per hour. The calmer time of year lasts for 5.2 months, from May 18 to October 25.", "Best Times to Visit Colorado Springs Warm weather and exciting festivals mark Colorado Springs' peak tourist season. Average temperatures hover in the high 70s and low 80s — ideal for travelers hoping to spend their days outside.However, bear in mind that you aren't the only one looking to take advantage of the Colorado summer.pring is the best time for adventure-seekers to visit Colorado Springs: Average high temperatures range from the low 50s to the high 60s, making for ideal hiking conditions, and the melting snow quickens nearby streams for whitewater rafters.", "- 60º / 20's. Ben's Weather Forecast Updated: Wednesday, Apr 19 @ 04:30pm. A weak trough along the west coast will hold temperatures at bay through Thursday; a surface ridge of high pressure will expand into the region over the weekend for warmer, even summer-like weather out there.", "Where to go, and when, for fall colors in Colorado The first day of fall is this week but the leaves have already started turning. Many people are wondering where to go to see the best colors, so 7NEWS Chief Meteorologist Mike Nelson has created a fall colors calendar for Colorado. From Sept. 15-Sept.", "Colorado Weather with 300 days of annual sunshine mild temperatures and record snowfalls there s never a bad time to come to colorado here s some helpful colorado weather information to help you when planning your next colorado adventure updated 4 4 2016 300 days of sunshine more than 300 inches of snow at the mountain resorts an average of 16 5 inches of precipitation 8 at lower elevations and 23 at higher elevations 33 percent average humidity first snow usually arrives in september though it usually snows somewhere in the state every month except maybe august", "- February 10, 2017 is the warmest February day ever in Colorado Springs. Colorado Springs, Pueblo, and Denver all set records for the highest February temperature ever recorded.", "- CLIMATE OVERVIEW. Steamboat Springs, Colorado, gets 24 inches of rain per year. The US average is 39. Snowfall is 175 inches. The average US city gets 26 inches of snow per year. The number of days with any measurable precipitation is 78.", "- Worldwide Local Weather 2-Week Forecast Hour-by-Hour Past Week Home Weather Colorado Springs Past weeks Past Weather in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA — Yesterday and Last 2 Weeks" ]
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greek meaning of the word phobos
[ "Phobos (mythology) Phobos (Ancient Greek: φόβος, pronounced [pʰóbos], meaning fear) is the personification of fear in Greek mythology. He is the offspring of Aphrodite and Ares." ]
[ "- The Greek word for the word agony is αγωνία/ αγωνια and the meaning is exactly the same. This is the root-word of the English word agony. Actually it is like this: The Greek word αγωνία/ αγωνια actually stands for: suspense.The English word agony is the equivalent of the Gr….", "What does Phoebe mean? Phoebe /phoe-be/ [2 sylls.] as a girls' name is pronounced FEE-bee. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Phoebe is bright, radiant.Biblical: a Christian woman who aided Paul and others. Greek mythology: a reference to Phoebus Apollo, the god of light.ame of the first flycatcher to migrate to Wisconsin each spring. The bird gets its name from its call which is a sharp Phoebe!. The name became more common in the 18th century and is familiar in modern times due to the fictional character Phoebe Buffay on the Friends TV series. Singers Phoebe Legere, Phoebe Snow.", "xenophobia Xenophobia has its roots in fear — literally. Phobia comes from the Greek word meaning fear. Given that the fear in question is of strangers, it makes sense that xeno- comes from the Greek word for — you guessed it — stranger, foreigner.. In the case of xenophobia, the fear is irrational.", "Fear of Heights Phobia â Acrophobia What is Acrophobia or the fear of heights? Fear of heights or Acrophobia is a debilitating anxiety disorder that affects nearly 1 in every 20 adults. The word is derived from the Greek word “Acron” meaning heights and “phobos” meaning fear. Individuals having the fear of heights generally avoid tall buildings, Ferris wheels, roller coasters, skiing or even standing on high hills or balconies. Acrophobia generally affects the recreational activities one can enjoy.", "phatic It probably won't surprise you, then, to learn that phatic derives from the Greek phatos, a form of the verb phanai, meaning to speak.", "English words of Greek origin English words of Greek origin - Inflectional endings and plurals. 1 Though many English words derived from Greek through the literary route drop the inflectional endings (tripod, zoology, pentagon) or use Latin endings (papyrus, mausoleum), some preserve the Greek endings: lexicon, schema (-∅), topos, climax (-s), agape, crisis, kudos.", "- Xenophobia denotes a phobic attitude toward strangers or of the unknown and comes from the Greek words ξένος (xenos), meaning foreigner, stranger, and φόβος (phobos), meaning fear.. The term is typically used to describe fear or dislike of foreigners or in general of people different from one's self.", "sarcophagus Greek sarkophagos was borrowed into Latin as sarcophagus and used in the phrase lapis (stone) sarcophagus to refer to the same stone as in Greek. In Latin, too, sarcophagus came to be used as a noun meaning coffin made of any material.. The first known attestation of the word sarcophagus in English dates from 1601 and occurs in a translation of Pliny's description of the stone. Later, sarcophagus begins to be used in English with the meaning stone coffin, especially in descriptions of sarcophagi from antiquity.", "Glossophobia Glossophobia Definition. It refers to the fear or apprehension of speaking in public or of speaking on a general level. It is also referred to as speech anxiety. The term “Glossophobia” is derived from the Greek word “glōssa”, which means tongue and “phobos”, meaning fear or dread. A lot of people are only plagued by this fear, while there are others who also experience other social anxiety disorder or other social phobias.", "I need a male name meaning or related to evil and sorry to all you guys who answered this already.? CERBERUS: Latin form of Greek Kerberos, meaning demon of the pit.. In mythology, this is the name of the three-headed dog that guards the entrance to Hades. CHAOS: From the vocabulary word meaning 1) confusion; disorder; unpredictability; 2) an abyss; a chasm.", "- Word Origin and History for pathos Expand. n. quality that arouses pity or sorrow, 1660s, from Greek pathos suffering, feeling, emotion, calamity, literally what befalls one, related to paskhein to suffer, and penthos grief, sorrow; from PIE root *kwent(h)- to suffer, endure (cf.", "Find the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree! Origin of the name Phoebe: Feminine form of the Greek Phoibos (bright one), which is derived from phoibos (bright). Phoebe is found in Greek mythology as a name for Artemis, the goddess of the moon.In poetry, Phoebe is the moon personified. From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman.rigin of the name Phoebe: Feminine form of the Greek Phoibos (bright one), which is derived from phoibos (bright). Phoebe is found in Greek mythology as a name for Artemis, the goddess of the moon.", "What does the name bubonic plague mean? Bubo comes from the Greek wor … d Boubon which means either the groin or a swelling in the groin. Origin for the Bubonic Plague Name Bubonic plague is named because of the symptoms. The bacterial infection produces a painful swelling of the lymph nodes. These are called buboes. Often the first swelling is evident in the groin.", "- a combining form meaning “fear,” occurring in loanwords from Greek (hydrophobia); on this model, used in the names of mental disorders that have the general sense “dread of, aversion toward” that specified by the initial element: agoraphobia.", "- Meaning: Fear Greek Myth: Phobos is the Greek word for fear, but originally Phobos was a son of Ares who was, indeed, the representation of fear, essentially in battles.", "Mysophobia The term mysophobia comes from the Greek μύσος musos, uncleanness and φόβος phobos, fear.he term mysophobia comes from the Greek μύσος musos, uncleanness and φόβος phobos, fear.", "What phobia is the fear of robots? It is Latin for fear (usually irrational) and is a suffix for some Latin words and phrases. For example claustrophobia is the fear of enclosed/small spaces. Work in progress.", "Phoebe - Meaning of Phoebe [ 2 syll. (p)hoe-be, ph-o- ebe ] The baby girl name Phoebe is pronounced as F IY-Biy in English †. Phoebe is largely used in the English and German languages. Its origin is Old Greek. A biblical name, it is from the word 'phoibos' meaning bright, pure.The name is derived from Phoebus (Latin) and ultimately Phoibe (Old Greek). It was borne in Greek mythology by the sister of Phoebus; her parents were Uranus and Gaia.n addition, Phoebe is an English diminutive of the name Euphemia (English and German). The name Phoebe is used to a great extent; it has 24 variant transcriptions that are used in English and other languages.", "Genophobia Genophobia or coitophobia is the physical or psychological fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse. The word comes from the Greek nouns γένος genos, meaning offspring, and φόβος phobos, meaning fear. This word is also formed from the Greek noun phobos and the term coitus, referring to the act of copulation in which a male reproductive organ penetrates a female reproductive tract. The term erotophobia can also be used when describing genophobia. It comes from the name of ...", "- Popular Pages. 1 Phobia means irrational fear. 2 Philo,phil,phila & phile are the root-words for many other words. 3 Pseudo is the root-word for many other words. 4 Pro is the root-word for many other words. 5 Poly is the root-word for many other words.", "- Pathos is a Greek word meaning 'suffering' or 'experience,' and it appeals to the reader's emotions, utilizing story, sensory-based details and vivid language. Pathos appeals bring human experience into the argument. While logos may touch the mind, pathos touches the heart.", "Pathos Pathos (/ˈpeɪθɒs/, US /ˈpeɪθoʊs/; plural: pathea; Greek: πάθος, for suffering or experience; adjectival form: 'pathetic' from παθητικός) represents an appeal to the emotions of the audience, and elicits feelings that already reside in them.", "Medical Definition of Gynephobia Gynephobia: An abnormal, irrational and persistent fear of women. Sufferers experience anxiety even though they realize they face no threat.Gynephobia is derived from the Greek gyne (woman) and phobos (fear). Alternate spelling: gynaephobia..The prefix gyne- (or gyn-, gyno-, gynec-, gyneco-, gynaec-, or gynaeco-) enters into a number of biomedical terms such as, for examples, gynecology, gynecomastia (breast development in a male), and a gynecoid pelvis (a pelvis shaped like a woman's).ynephobia: An abnormal, irrational and persistent fear of women. Sufferers experience anxiety even though they realize they face no threat.", "Find the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree! Origin of the name Phoebe: Feminine form of the Greek Phoibos (bright one), which is derived from phoibos (bright). Phoebe is found in Greek mythology as a name for Artemis, the goddess of the moon.In poetry, Phoebe is the moon personified. From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman.eminine form of the Greek Phoibos (bright one), which is derived from phoibos (bright). Phoebe is found in Greek mythology as a name for Artemis, the goddess of the moon.", "- uk ​ /ˈfəʊ.bi.ə/ us ​ /ˈfoʊ.bi.ə/. › an extreme fear or dislike of a particular thing or situation, especially one that cannot be reasonably explained: I've got a phobia about/of worms. Thesaurus: synonyms and related words. Fear & phobias. acrophobia.", "Pogonophobia The term pogonophobia is derived from the Greek words pogon (πώγων) for beard and phobos (φόβος) for fear. Its antonym would be pogonophilia, that is the love of beards or bearded persons. The term is generally meant to be taken in a jocular vein.", "Pogonophobia Pogonophobia is the fear of beards. The origin of the word pogono is Greek (meaning beard) and phobia is Greek (meaning fear). Pogonophobia is considered to be a specific phobia, which is discussed on the home page.", "Phobos (mythology) Phobos (Ancient Greek: φόβος, pronounced [pʰóbos], meaning fear) is the personification of fear in Greek mythology. He is the offspring of Aphrodite and Ares. He was known for accompanying Ares into battle along with the ancient war goddess Enyo, the goddess of discord Eris (both sisters of Ares), and Phobos' twin brother Deimos (terror).", "List of phobias The English suffixes -phobia, -phobic, -phobe (from Greek φόβος phobos, fear) occur in technical usage in psychiatry to construct words that describe irrational, abnormal, unwarranted, persistent, or disabling fear as a mental disorder (e.g. agoraphobia), in chemistry to describe chemical aversions (e.g. hydrophobic), in biology to describe ...", "- Answers.com® is making the world better one answer at a time. Arachnophobia, the abnormal fear of spiders derives from the Greek words arakhne, meaning spider and phobos meaning fear." ]
[ 16.34375 ]
[ 4.69921875, 6.77734375, 9.2265625, 12.8515625, 2.783203125, 4.3515625, 12.671875, 3.5, 12.1015625, 4.73828125, 3.5234375, 9.453125, 3.857421875, 7.765625, 16.328125, 11.5703125, 4.62109375, 10.2890625, 14, 5.91796875, 3.626953125, 2.580078125, 11.4140625, 9.4921875, 7.421875, 11.7265625, 8.0859375, 16.4375, 12.6328125, 12.484375 ]
what causes dwarfism in humans
[ "What Causes Dwarfism in Humans Dwarfism can be caused by more than 200 different conditions, but there are two causes that are most commonly seen in humans. The first main cause is achondroplasia, which accounts for about 70% of drawfism cases." ]
[ "Overview Causes. Thalassemia is caused by mutations in the DNA of cells that make hemoglobin — the substance in your red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout your body. The mutations associated with thalassemia are passed from parents to children.", "- When xeroderma pigmentosum is caused by XPA gene mutations, it is often associated with progressive neurological abnormalities. These nervous system problems include hearing loss, poor coordination, difficulty walking, movement problems, loss of intellectual function, difficulty swallowing and talking, and seizures.NA can be damaged by ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun and by toxic chemicals, radiation, and unstable molecules called free radicals. DNA damage occurs frequently, but normal cells are usually able to fix it before it can cause problems.", "- It has given way to short person or little person. Dwarf refers to a person with one of several varieties of a specific genetic condition called dwarfism. A dwarf has disproportion of body parts. This is generally caused by a genetic or nutritional disability. Any adult human below the height of 4'10 (147 cm) is considered a dwarf.", "Dwarfism Skeletal dysplasias are conditions of abnormal bone growth that cause disproportionate dwarfism. They include: Achondroplasia. The most common form of dwarfism, achondroplasia occurs in about one out of 26,000 to 40,000 babies and is evident at birth. People with achondroplasia have a relatively long trunk and shortened upper parts of their arms and legs. Other features of achondroplasia include: 1 a large head with a prominent forehead.", "- The disease is caused by the filarial worm, which is transmitted form human to human via the female mosquito when it takes a blood meal. The parasite grows into an adult worm that lives in the lymphatic system of humans. Elephantiasis of leg due to filariasis.", "- Print. Marfan syndrome in humans is caused by an abnormality of the connective tissue protein fibrillin. Patients are usually very tall and thin, with long spindly fingers, curvature of the spine, sometimes weakened arterial walls, and sometimes ocular problems, such as lens dislocation.rint. Marfan syndrome in humans is caused by an abnormality of the connective tissue protein fibrillin. Patients are usually very tall and thin, with long spindly fingers, curvature of the spine, sometimes weakened arterial walls, and sometimes ocular problems, such as lens dislocation.", "Symptoms The most common cause of dwarfism is a disorder called achondroplasia, which causes disproportionately short stature. This disorder usually results in the following: 1 An average-size trunk.", "Achondroplasia Location on Chromosome Achondroplasia (from the Greek for without cartilage growth) is a condition that results in dwarfism. It is caused by a mutation in the FGFR3 (fibroblast growth factor receptor 3) gene.The FGFR3 gene is located on the short arm of chromosome 4 at position 16.3.Click FGFR3 Gene for more detailed information on how a defect in this gene can lead to achondroplasia. This article also discusses the role of FGFR3 in other conditions, such as bladder cancer.).", "2018 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code E34.3 A dwarf is a person of short stature - under 4' 10 as an adult. More than 200 different conditions can cause dwarfism. A single type, called achondroplasia, causes about 70 percent of all dwarfism. Achondroplasia is a genetic condition that affects about 1 in 15,000 to 1 in 40,000 people. It makes your arms and legs short in comparison to your head and trunk. Other genetic conditions, kidney disease and problems with metabolism or hormones can also cause short stature. Dwarfism itself is not a disease.", "Medical Relevance Most of the flavivirus species have tissue tropism to neural tissue. This explains their most debilitating effects on humans, such as encephalitis. There are over 50 various flavivirus species, but not all of them are known to cause human disease1.", "- Dwarfism occurs when an organism is short in stature from a medical condition that caused slow growth. In humans, dwarfism is sometimes defined as an adult height of less than 4 feet 10 inches (58 in; 147 cm). Dwarfism can be caused by more than 300 medical conditions, such that the symptoms of individuals with dwarfism vary greatly.", "Achondroplasia Achondroplasia is a bone growth disorder that causes disproportionate dwarfism. Dwarfism is defined as a condition of short stature as an adult. People with achondroplasia are short in stature with a normal sized torso and short limbs. It is the most common type of disproportionate dwarfism.ormally, most cartilage converts to bone. However, in people with dwarfism, a lot of the cartilage does not convert. This is caused by mutations in the FGFR3 gene. The FGFR3 gene instructs the body to make a protein necessary for bone growth and maintenance.", "Common causes of Hyperactive deep tendon reflexes Causes of Hyperactive deep tendon reflexes that are very rare. The following causes of Hyperactive deep tendon reflexes appear in the population at a rate of substantially less than 200,000 people per year in the USA:1 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. 2 Brain tumor.auses of Hyperactive deep tendon reflexes that are very rare. The following causes of Hyperactive deep tendon reflexes appear in the population at a rate of substantially less than 200,000 people per year in the USA: 1 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. 2 Brain tumor.", "- Astigmatism is caused by irregularity in the curvature of the cornea, or lens, of the eye. It causes vision to be blurred, and can be easily corrected with prescription glasse … s or contacts. 3 people found this useful.", "Overview Other causes of dwarfism include other genetic disorders, deficiencies in other hormones or poor nutrition. Sometimes the cause is unknown. Complications. Complications of dwarfism-related disorders can vary greatly, but some complications are common to a number of conditions. Disproportionate dwarfism The characteristic features of the skull, spine and limbs shared by most forms of disproportionate dwarfism result in some common problems:", "Symptoms Most people with dwarfism have disorders that cause disproportionately short stature. Usually, this means that a person has an average-size trunk and very short limbs, but some people may have a very short trunk and shortened (but disproportionately large) limbs.", "Dwarf vs. Midget A dwarf is a person who has a medical condition known as dwarfism. People with this condition are shorter than is normal for their age, and they have disproportionate body parts.The cause of this condition is thought to be either a genetic disorder or nutritional deficiency. dwarf is a person who has a medical condition known as dwarfism. People with this condition are shorter than is normal for their age, and they have disproportionate body parts.", "- Overview. Dwarfism is a condition that is characterized by short stature, usually resulting in an adult height of 4'10 or shorter. Dwarfism can and most often does occur in families where both parents are of average height.It can be caused by any one of more than 300 conditions, most of which are genetic. The most common type, accounting for 70% of all cases of short stature, is called achondroplasia.Other genetic conditions, kidney disease and problems with metabolism or hormones can also cause short stature. Dwarfism itself is not a disease; however, there is a greater risk of some health problems.verview. Dwarfism is a condition that is characterized by short stature, usually resulting in an adult height of 4'10 or shorter. Dwarfism can and most often does occur in families where both parents are of average height.", "- Dwarfism (UK : /ˈdwɔːfɪsəm/ ; US : /ˈdwɔrfɪzəm/) occurs when an individual person or animal is short in stature resulting from a medical condition caused by slow growth. In humans, dwarfism is sometimes defined as an adult height of less than 4 feet 10 inches (58 in; 147 cm).n humans, dwarfism is sometimes defined as an adult height of less than 4 feet 10 inches (58 in; 147 cm).", "Primordial dwarfism Most cases of short stature are caused by skeletal or endocrine disorders. The five subtypes of primordial dwarfism are among the most severe forms of the 200 types of dwarfism, and it is estimated that there are only 100 individuals in the world with the disorder.t is rare for individuals affected by primordial dwarfism to live past the age of 30. In the case of microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism (MOPD) type II there can be increased risk of vascular problems, which may cause premature death.", "Overview Definition. Dwarfism is short stature that results from a genetic or medical condition. Dwarfism is generally defined as an adult height of 4 feet 10 inches (147 centimeters) or less. The average adult height among people with dwarfism is 4 feet (122 cm).Many different medical conditions cause dwarfism.In general, the disorders are divided into two broad categories: 1 Disproportionate dwarfism.warfism is generally defined as an adult height of 4 feet 10 inches (147 centimeters) or less. The average adult height among people with dwarfism is 4 feet (122 cm). Many different medical conditions cause dwarfism. In general, the disorders are divided into two broad categories: 1 Disproportionate dwarfism.", "Dwarfism The most common types of dwarfism, known as skeletal dysplasias, are genetic. Skeletal dysplasias are conditions of abnormal bone growth that cause disproportionate dwarfism. They include: Achondroplasia.The most common form of dwarfism, achondroplasia occurs in about one out of 26,000 to 40,000 babies and is evident at birth.People with achondroplasia have a relatively long trunk and shortened upper parts of their arms and legs.chondroplasia. The most common form of dwarfism, achondroplasia occurs in about one out of 26,000 to 40,000 babies and is evident at birth. People with achondroplasia have a relatively long trunk and shortened upper parts of their arms and legs.", "Filariasis Filariasis is caused by different species of microscopic parasitic * roundworms that are passed to people through the bites of insects, most commonly mosquitoes.Several strains * of these worms, known as filariae (fih-LAIR-e-e), can infect humans, including Wuchereria bancrofti (vooker-E-re-ah ban-CROFT-e).ymphatic filariasis, which can progress to a condition called elephantiasis * , is the most serious form of the disease. It begins when an infected female mosquito injects worm larvae * into a person's blood while feeding.", "- Causes. Most dwarfism-related conditions are genetic disorders, but the causes of some disorders are unknown. Most occurrences of dwarfism result from a random genetic mutation in either the father's sperm or the mother's egg rather than from either parent's complete genetic makeup. person with achondroplasia and with two average-size parents received one mutated copy of the gene associated with the disorder and one normal copy of the gene. A person with the disorder may pass along either a mutated or normal copy to his or her own children.", "- How to Use This Exploration. Cystic fibrosis is a fatal inherited disease of humans. Those who suffer from it secrete a thick mucus that clogs the passages of the lungs, pancreas, and liver.The result, when untreated, is fatal. Studying the disease, scientists have learned that the buildup of mucus is caused by a disruption of water balance in the body's cells.A mutation in the so-called cf gene (cf stands for cystic fibrosis) is the culprit, causing mucus buildup by preventing chloride ions from entering the cells.Chloride ions must pas through chloride channels in the cell membrane, channels which remain closed in individuals with cystic fibrosis.ow to Use This Exploration. Cystic fibrosis is a fatal inherited disease of humans. Those who suffer from it secrete a thick mucus that clogs the passages of the lungs, pancreas, and liver.", "Achondroplasia 1 Achondroplasia is the cause of the most common type of dwarfism (short-limbed disproportionate dwarfism). 2 Achondroplasia is the most common cause of short stature with disproportionately short limbs.3 The appearance of the person with achondroplasia is characteristic.4 Intelligence is normal in people with achondroplasia. Achondroplasia is the cause of the most common type of dwarfism (short-limbed disproportionate dwarfism). 2 Achondroplasia is the most common cause of short stature with disproportionately short limbs.", "Dwarfism Skeletal dysplasias are conditions of abnormal bone growth that cause disproportionate dwarfism. They include: Achondroplasia. The most common form of dwarfism, achondroplasia occurs in about one out of 26,000 to 40,000 babies and is evident at birth.People with achondroplasia have a relatively long trunk and shortened upper parts of their arms and legs.Other features of achondroplasia include: 1 a large head with a prominent forehead.keletal dysplasias are conditions of abnormal bone growth that cause disproportionate dwarfism. They include: Achondroplasia. The most common form of dwarfism, achondroplasia occurs in about one out of 26,000 to 40,000 babies and is evident at birth.", "Ivory vertebral body from prostate cancer metastasis On the other hand, Paget disease usually causes an expansion of the contour of the vertebral body, which sometimes takes it outside of the definition of ivory vertebral body. You may also see reactive bone formation that occurs in response to stress leading to the appearance of an ivory vertebral body.", "Common causes of Hyperactive deep tendon reflexes The following list of conditions have ' Hyperactive deep tendon reflexes ' or similar listed as a symptom in our database. This computer-generated list may be inaccurate or incomplete. Always seek prompt professional medical advice about the cause of any symptom.auses of Hyperactive deep tendon reflexes that are very rare. The following causes of Hyperactive deep tendon reflexes appear in the population at a rate of substantially less than 200,000 people per year in the USA: 1 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. 2 Brain tumor.", "What Causes Achondroplasia? In most cases, this common type of short-limbed dwarfism is related to a genetic mutation in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 gene. There are two possible causes of achondroplasia. One possible cause is a genetic mutation in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) gene located on chromosome 4.The other possible cause is that the condition can be inherited from a parent with achondroplasia.chondroplasia can also be inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern, which means that one copy of the altered gene in each cell is sufficient to cause the disorder. In these cases, one of the parents with achondroplasia passes on the FGFR3 gene to the child." ]
[ 16.296875 ]
[ 4.96875, 2.91796875, 13.921875, 13.6953125, 3.6328125, 6.828125, 14.7578125, 12.8671875, 14.2109375, 3.220703125, 15.59375, 13.734375, 1.373046875, 3.94140625, 14.25, 13.15625, 11.90625, 14.4140625, 14.984375, 11.671875, 13.7421875, 13.5078125, 2.578125, 14.921875, 3.951171875, 13.234375, 13.2109375, 2.5859375, 1.8349609375, 14.15625 ]
definition of hospital-based
[ "Hospital-based Clinics The UK HealthCare system contains clinics that are actually part of the University of Kentucky Hospital, more commonly known as UK Albert B. Chandler Hospital. These clinics are referred to as hospital-based clinics. “Hospital-based” refers to the relationship between the hospital and its clinic. Usually, the hospital-based clinic is not located in the hospital. The relationship allows the hospital and the clinic to share costs and revenue. This is a national model of practice for large integrated health care delivery systems like UK HealthCare." ]
[ "hospital corpsman Definition of hospital corpsman. : a petty officer of the U.S. Navy performing general medical duties, giving first aid, and serving as a technician and assistant to the medical officer.", "Evidence-based Healthcare and Public Health Evidence-based Healthcare and Public Health. As of 2007, no longer published by Elsevier. Evidence-based Healthcare and Public Health provides health managers and policy makers with the best evidence available about the financing, organization and management of healthcare.", "Overbed Tables Over-bed tables (often referred to as hospital tables) are designed for patients who will be limited to their bed for long stretches of time. Typically, these tables have a four-wheeled base that slides beneath the bed, and a rectangular table-top, both of which attach to the bracket-shaped frame. Whether it’s for your loved one, or yourself, an overbed table is a great way to provide convenience and support during trying times.", "- By definition, a nonprofit hospital is one that exists to serve the healthcare needs of the. community. Many nonprofit hospitals are mission-driven, culturally rich organizations with. century-old beginnings. While some are rooted in religious values and follow directives from.", "Freestanding Emergency Departments There are two distinct types of FSEDs: a hospital outpatient department (HOPD), also referred to as an off-site hospital-based or satellite emergency department (ED), and independent freestanding emergency centers (IFECs).", "Inpatient Hospital Services Law and Legal Definition Covered Services. 1 the use of hospital facilities. 2 medical social services. 3 drugs and biologicals for use in the hospital. 4 supplies, appliances and equipment for use in the hospital. 5 other diagnostic or therapeutic items or services not specifically listed but which are ordinarily furnished to inpatients.", "Place of Service Codes (CMS1500 box 24b) A hospital is an institution primarily engaged in providing, by or under the supervision of physicians, inpatient diagnostic and therapeutic services or rehabilitation services. Critical access hospitals are certified under separate standards.", "About University Hospitals’ goal is to provide comprehensive primary and community-based care—the kind of health care people need most—as well as access to the highest quality specialty care when necessary. Share this page.", "- A hospital-based physician is subject to all of the same MIPS rules as a physician practicing in other settings except that. he or she is not scored on the Advancing Care Information (ACI) category. Instead, hospital-based physician’s MIPS score. will be based on Quality and Improvement Activities (IA) in 2017.", "Definition of Basic life support Basic life support Definition from Encyclopedia Dictionaries & Glossaries. Wikipedia Dictionaries. English Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia. Basic life support (BLS) is a level of medical care which is used for victims of life-threatening illnesses or injuries until they can be given full medical care at a hospital. It can be provided by trained medical personnel, including emergency medical technicians, paramedics, and by qualified bystanders.", "Evidence-Based Nursing Definition of Evidence-Based Medicine. Evidence based medicine (EBM) was originally defined as the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients.", "U.S. National Library of Medicine Evaluation of the necessity, appropriateness, and efficiency of the use of health care services, procedures, and facilities. In a hospital, this includes review of the appropriateness of admissions, services ordered and provided, length of a stay, and discharge practices, both on a concurrent and retrospective basis.", "- Definition of HOSPITAL INCOME INSURANCE: Insurance that gives income for the insured in the hospital. It pays weekly or monthly and can be used for a medical expense or anything the insured wants. The Law Dictionary Featuring Black's Law Dictionary Free Online Legal Dictionary 2nd Ed.", "Hospital corpsman A hospital corpsman (HM) /ˈkɔərmən/ is an enlisted medical specialist of the United States Navy who serves with U.S. Navy and who may be assigned temporary duty with the United States Marine Corps or Fleet Marine Force. They are the only enlisted corps in the United States Navy.", "- Hospitals document provides an overview of. the role, scope and contribution of social work. in hospitals, focusing on in-patient, or bed-. based, practice. The aim of this document is to highlight in a. concise, accessible and informative manner the. crucial role and services that hospital social. workers provide and that employers and. patients can expect. The social work profession. The social work profession is committed to. maximising the wellbeing of individuals,", "basis on the basis of based on, because of, due to, thanks to, going by, owing to, on account of, by reason of Our conclusions were drawn on the basis of these medical reports.", "- Hospital: A place for receiving medical or surgical care, usually as an inpatient (resident). An ill person in the US may be 'in the hospital,' and his ailing UK counterpart would say he is 'in hospital.'.", "Hospital-Based Outpatient Clinics Hospital-Based Outpatient Clinics. Many Wake Forest Baptist Health patient care locations are considered part of the hospital even if they are located miles away from the main hospital campus. These clinics are called hospital-based outpatient clinics.", "Definitions &Translations Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: A medical orderly, is a hospital attendant whose job consists of assisting medical and/or nursing staff with various nursing and/or medical interventions. These duties are classified as routine tasks involving no risk for the patient.", "- Teaching Hospitals. Teaching hospitals educate and train future medical professionals, conduct state of the art research, care for the nation's poor and uninsured people, and stand ready to provide highly specialized clinical care to the most severely ill and injured.", "Module 1: Healthcare Systems Module 1: Healthcare Systems. Hospital Systems. A hospital system is a group of hospitals or facilities that work together to deliver services to their communities. Different types of hospital systems have different types of ownership and financial goals. Public hospitals are funded and owned by local, state or federal governments and receives money from the government.", "Management of health facilities: Hospitals The role of hospitals. The Role of the District Hospital in the DHS. Configuring the Hospital in the 21st Century. The role of the hospital in a changing environment. Report On Reducing The Impact Of Disasters On Health Facilities.", "district hospital service district hospital service. district hospital service. Any of the routine hospital services that cover most of the health needs (e.g., podiatry, cardiac rehabilitation, physiotherapy) of a particular patient demographic.", "- day hospital. Type:Term. Definitions. 1. a special facility, or an arrangement within a hospital setting, that enables the patient to come to the hospital for treatment during the day and return home or to another facility at night.", "AHRQ Releases Standardized Hospital Bed Definitions Hospital bed definitions that can provide uniform terminology for organizations tracking the availability of beds in the aftermath of a public health emergency or bioterrorist event have been released by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). Staffed beds include those that are occupied and those that are vacant. 2 Unstaffed Beds: Beds that are licensed and physically available and have no current staff on hand to attend to a patient who would occupy the bed.", "- The reason is a relatively new trend in the care of hospitalized patients. Hospitalist is the term used for doctors who are specialized in the care of patients in the hospital. This movement was initiated about a decade ago and has evolved due to many factors. These factors include: convenience,", "Individual Hospital Statistics for Indiana Statistics for non-federal, short-term, acute care hospitals. Data are based on each hospital's most recent cost report and other sources / Definitions.", "History of Hospitals The hospital was characterized by a spirit of learning and research. The European and Latin American tradition of charity hospitals. . Again. Elizabeth Blackwell and her sister. based on love of God and neighbors and the conviction that the government owed a responsibility to helpless citizens was never a part of the US hospital traditions.", "Provider-Based FAQs Provider Based status is a status sanctioned by Medicare for hospitals and clinics. It is a national model of practice for integrated healthcare delivery systems like Carle that includes hospital and physician offices. Simply put, it means that physician offices are considered to be departments of the hospital.One of the benefits of having Provider-Based status is the opportunity to participate in the Federal 340B Drug Purchasing Program.imply put, it means that physician offices are considered to be departments of the hospital. One of the benefits of having Provider-Based status is the opportunity to participate in the Federal 340B Drug Purchasing Program.", "Hospital-Based Outpatient Clinics When you see a physician or receive services in a hospital-based outpatient clinic, you are being treated within the hospital rather than the physician’s office. At a private physician office, all services and expenses are bundled in a single charge." ]
[ 16.265625 ]
[ 5.5625, 6.9609375, 5.68359375, 6.296875, 11.9609375, 7.57421875, 9.640625, 7.0703125, 12.75, 5.1875, 8.3359375, 8.0078125, 6.765625, 5.1015625, 8.625, 5.0234375, 10.65625, 12.6015625, 5.69921875, 6.59765625, 7.6640625, 5.1953125, 6.05078125, 9.265625, 7.33203125, 6.6171875, 7.46484375, 6.4296875, 10.7109375, 12.375 ]
what is a compost toilet
[ "Composting toilet Composting toilet at Activism Festival 2010 in the mountains outside Jerusalem. A composting toilet is a type of dry toilet that uses a predominantly aerobic processing system to treat human excreta, by composting or managed aerobic decomposition.These toilets generally use little to no water and may be used as an alternative to flush toilets.he term composting toilet is used quite loosely, and its meaning may vary by country. For example, in English-speaking countries, the term anaerobic composting (equivalent to anaerobic decomposition) is used. In Germany and Scandinavian countries, composting always refers to a predominantly aerobic process." ]
[ "Making and Using Compost Diagnosing composting problems. The pile is producing a bad odor. The pile may be too wet, too tight, or both. Turn it to loosen and allow better air exchange in the pile. If the pile is too wet, add dry new materials as you turn it. Odors also may indicate that animal products are in the compost pile.", "- Composting toilets are toilet systems which treat human waste by composting and dehydration to produce a useable end-product that is a valuable soil additive.", "What is the Best Marijuana Fertilizer? Composting is nature's process of recycling decomposed organic materials into a rich soil known as compost. Anything that was once living will decompose. Basically, backyard composting is an acceleration of the same process nature uses. By composting your organic waste you are returning nutrients back into the soil in order for the cycle of life to continue. Finished compost looks like soil–dark brown, crumbly and smells like a forest floor.", "How to Compost With a Garbage Can Instead of filling your garbage can with trash destined for landfills, consider using it for a more earth-friendly form of trash disposal -- composting. Composting with a garbage can allows you to produce traditional compost from yard and kitchen waste in a portable, affordable container. Compost with a metal or a plastic trash can of any size, but a plastic one typically lasts longer; a metal can may rust and disintegrate from excess moisture.", "- Compost is a key ingredient in organic farming. At the simplest level, the process of composting simply requires making a heap of wetted organic matter known as green waste (leaves, food waste) and waiting for the materials to break down into humus after a period of weeks or months.t is used in gardens, landscaping, horticulture, and agriculture. The compost itself is beneficial for the land in many ways, including as a soil conditioner, a fertilizer, addition of vital humus or humic acids, and as a natural pesticide for soil.", "\"Chemical Toilets - How to Use & Maintain a Chemical Toilet or \"\"Porta Potty\"\" - 8 Steps to successful use of a portapotty\" (i) Chemical toilets provide a toilet seat located directly above a vault containing a chemical to disinfect and remove odors from the wastewater. Recirculating toilets use chemicals as the toilet flush fluid. The wastes are separated from the fluid, wastes discharged to an internal holding tank, and the fluid reused.", "Why Does My Compost Pile Smell Bad? Add more browns.. Browns are the carbon-rich materials we add to a compost pile, and they tend to be much drier in nature than greens.. Some good browns to add include straw, dried leaves, or shredded newspaper. Mix it in well, and your pile should start smelling better. Cover your pile.", "Vermicomposting (or composting with worms) Worm composting or vermicomposting is a suitable composting option for apartment dwellers and homes with no yard space, and is also a great classroom activity. The worms stay in the bin and eat household food scraps, and the bin has no odor if properly maintained. large bin with 7 square feet of surface area will accommodate up to 7 pounds of redworms and process about 3 1/2 pounds of food waste daily. Bins can be started with a smaller amount of worms and numbers will build up within a few months. For a 2 foot by 2 foot bin, add 1 pound of Eisenia fetida.", "Compost Materials Compost Materials. Almost any organic material is suitable for composting. Your composter or compost pile needs a proper ratio of carbon-rich materials, or “browns,” and nitrogen-rich materials, or “greens.” Among the brown materials are dried leaves, straw, and wood chips. Nitrogen materials are fresh or green, such as grass clippings and kitchen scraps.", "Compost Compost. Our compostable products will break down into organic material in a commercial compost facility where they compost municipal solid waste, yard waste or mixed municipal solid waste.ompost. Our compostable products will break down into organic material in a commercial compost facility where they compost municipal solid waste, yard waste or mixed municipal solid waste.", "Composting toilet The term composting toilet is used quite loosely, and its meaning may vary by country. For example, in English-speaking countries, the term anaerobic composting (equivalent to anaerobic decomposition) is used. In Germany and Scandinavian countries, composting always refers to a predominantly aerobic process.", "How Do Composting Toilets Work? NSF (The National Sanitation Foundation) is the only organization which certifies composting toilets as acceptable for use, under their standard 41. Sun-Mar is the only company with an official NSF certification for a small-scale composting toilet. Here are a few of the areas at which Sun-Mar excelled in the tests: Ease of Mixing In order to mix the compost, you turn a handle which turns the drum. Nothing can stick or break.", "- Top Definition. dual-flush toilet. A dual-flush toilet is a water-saving loo designed by eco-conscious Aussies. Unlike American toilets, which fill the bowl after flushing, Aussie loos have a cistern (tank) which fills instead. A half flush uses half the water in the cistern, a full flush uses all the water in the cistern.", "- Without a doubt, the following materials are safe for your compost pile: 1 Grass clippings. 2 Tree leaves. 3 Vegetable food scraps (coffee grounds, lettuce, potato peels, banana peels, avocado skins, etc.) 4 Black and white newspaper. Printer 1 paper. Most disease free yard waste. Cardboard.", "- When the process is unbalanced in some way, other gases begin to be produced, some of which have objectionable odours. Odour management, then, is one of the primary motivators for optimizing our composting process.Key Concepts Unlike a mechanical process, the breakdown of organic materials is very difficult to stop.he potential for odour increases if the material has a high moisture content, has been kept in an anaerobic state for a number of days, and/or has been subjected to high temperature and direct sunlight. (E.g. grass clippings, fresh plant material, wet leaves).", "- On Site Waste Treatment Plants. Composting toilets are toilet systems which treat human waste by composting and dehydration to produce a useable end-product that is a valuable soil additive.They come in a variety of models and brand names as well as different shapes and designs to enhance the natural composting process.ONTINUAL PROCESS SYSTEMS. These systems are in a constant state of composting. Waste enters the system, composting reduces the volume and moves it downward where it is harvested after 6-12 months as fully composted material.", "Toilet Disposal and Recycling Figure 1: Toilets can be recycled into concrete or road bed. If there is not a place to recycle your old toilet, you may need to call your solid waste service provider and find out the appropriate method of disposal.Find out if you need to bring it to a specific facility or if they provide curbside pick-up.igure 1: Toilets can be recycled into concrete or road bed. If there is not a place to recycle your old toilet, you may need to call your solid waste service provider and find out the appropriate method of disposal.", "Chapter 3, Composting Structures The type of structure or method you choose to make compost is really a matter of personal preference. If you are the do-it-yourself type, you may want to build your own structure using materials like wood, welded wire, concrete blocks or wooden pallets.Pre-fabricated ready-built bins and drum turning units are also available from local building supply stores and garden centers or through mail-order catalogs.ike holding units, each bin of a three-bin turning unit should be approximately 3 ft. X 3 ft. X 3 ft. in size to provide good aeration throughout the composting organics. The following are detailed plans for do-it-yourself construction of some commonly used turning units.", "- Organic materials used for compost should include a mixture of brown organic material (dead leaves, twigs, manure) and green organic material (lawn clippings, fruit rinds, etc.). Brown materials supply carbon, while green materials supply nitrogen. The best ratio is 1 part green to 1 part brown material.", "The Composting Process Compost is decomposed organic material. Compost is made with material such as leaves, shredded twigs, and kitchen scraps from plants. To gardeners, compost is considered black gold because of its many benefits in the garden. Compost is a great material for garden soil. Adding compost to clay soils makes them easier to work and plant.", "How My Composting Toilet ACTUALLY Works â A Review There is no special toilet paper you have to use, it all breaks down. About 2-3 times a week you have to throw in about a cup of compost mixture (of a mixture of peat moss (40%) and Sawdust (60%), I have a ton of sawdust I saved from my build, I will be set for years on this!).", "Nature's Head Dry Composting Toilet with Standard Crank Handle May 6-7, 2017. 1301 Fanning Bridge Rd. The Nature’s Head Composting toilet is the most innovative design, offers the best value and the most reliable solution for personal sanitation requirements of any product in the field. The toilet is self-contained, urine diverting and the waterless operation allows for ease of use for many applications. Also called a dry toilet, the Nature’s Head is lightweight, odorless and compact making it a perfect fit for your home, cabin, tiny house, RV, workshop, boat and survival application.", "- Prepare the bedding for your worms. The bedding is the natural habitat of the worm that you're trying to replicate in your compost bin. Fill your bin with thin strips of unbleached corrugated cardboard or shredded newspaper, straw, dry grass, or some similar material.", "What Are Composting Toilets? If it is overloaded or not taken care of, a composting toilet can also draw flies or smell bad. If designed and operated properly, composting toilets are clean, odor-free and will kill the pathogens in human excrement that spread disease while creating fertilizer and saving a lot of water.nother benefit of composting toilets is that they use little or no water. By comparison, a normal toilet adds up to 5 gallons of pure drinking water to an ounce or so of waste so it can be flushed into an expensive septic or sewer system, where it is treated.", "- Fruit and vegetable scraps, plus food wastes such as coffee grounds, tea bags, and eggs shells, can be composted. To keep animals and odors out of your pile, do not add meat, bones, fatty food wastes (such as cheese, grease and oils), dog and cat litter, and diseased plants.", "What Are Composting Toilets? A composting toilet is a miniature ecosystem designed to recycle human excrement safely by containing it while microorganisms convert it to humus. Returning that humus to the soil is one important ecological benefit. Another benefit of composting toilets is that they use little or no water.", "- Tip. 1 Instead of disposing of your old toilet, re-purpose it into something useful like a decorative planter. 2 Both the bowl and tank can be used to plant decorative flowers and placed in a garden. 3 If you have employed a licensed plumber to replace your toilet, he should be able to dispose of your old toilet for you.. Contact a local charity such as Habitat for Humanity, that accepts used, working building materials, such as toilets. To get rid of your old toilet, contact your local Habitat for Humanity ReStore to find out where to drop off your old toilet.", "3 Types Of Composting Toilets - Which Is Best For You? The other type of central composting toilet system requires no water. The Air Flow version features a Sun-Mar dry toilet in the bathroom connected by a 10 diameter pipe to a Centrex A/F composting unit directly beneath the toilet.", "- A toilet is a sanitation fixture used for the storing or disposal of human urine and feces. In developed countries, different forms of porcelain flush toilets are common: seats are usually used in the West while squat toilets are common in East Asia. These are connected to a sewer system in most urban areas and to septic tanks in less built-up areas.", "3 Types Of Composting Toilets - Which Is Best For You? Sun-Mar has two different types of central composting toilet systems: 1 Pint Flush. The most popular type is the 1 Pint Flush. Because of the flushing liquid and the toilet's water seal, many view this arrangement as being most like a traditional toilet. A handsome Sealand 1 pint toilet in the bathroom is connected to a Centrex composting unit which should be placed below and within 15 to 20 feet of the toilet. A regular 3 plumbing pipe is used to connect the toilet to the composter. Rough-in Specs For 1 Pint Flush Central Composting Toilet Systems." ]
[ 18.734375 ]
[ 5.6171875, 17.078125, 8.609375, 5.015625, 8.40625, 5.1328125, 4.26171875, 5.61328125, 6.421875, 7.07421875, 12.7578125, 10.9140625, 3.775390625, 6.13671875, 5.63671875, 17.015625, 4.80859375, 5.15625, 7.76953125, 7.9765625, 8.9453125, 12.03125, 4.4765625, 13.9453125, 7.859375, 17.875, 3.09765625, 11.078125, 9.09375, 11.1875 ]
how long does it take for a severe sunburn to heal
[ "How long does it take for your sunburns to go? Sun exposure to the burn also affects healing time. It depends on the severity, a mild one could heal as fast as 24 hours, while a bad one could take up to 2 weeks. Sun exposure to the burn also affects healing time. But they will stop hurting log before that, usually in 3-4 days. It depends on the severity, a mild one could heal as fast as 24 hours, while a bad one could take up to 2 weeks. Sun exposure to the burn also affects healing time. It depends on the severity, a mild one could heal as fast as 24 hours, while a bad one could take up to 2 weeks." ]
[ "10 Ways to Make a Sunburn Go Away ASAP The good news: What you do after sunburn can play a large role in how fast you heal, according to Dr. Lipner, who estimates that burns can take anywhere between three days and a week to heal, depending on severity (the amount of skin that has been burned and how badly).", "How long does it take for radiation burn skin to heal? How long does it take for radiation burn skin to heal? Asked by Lilly on Friday, April 25, 2014 How long does it take for radiation burn skin to heal? I have finished radiation treatment a week ago. Skin started to peel on last day of treatment. A week later now, skin is in its worst state.", "Burns: Types, Treatments, and More This also helps the burn heal quicker. Some second-degree burns take longer than three weeks to heal, but most heal within two to three weeks. The worse the blisters are, the longer the burn will take to heal. In some severe cases, skin grafting is required to fix the subsequent damage.", "How long does it take for sunburn to go away? Usually around 3 to a max of 1 week. Depending on how bad you got sunburnt, the longer it will take. Just apply lots of sunburn cream and aloe vera spray to it. It helps alot. … Try not to peel off your skin.", "How to Heal a Sunburn In Less Than 24 Hours If you want to know how to heal a sunburn in just under 24 hours, I’ve got a trick for you. All it takes is two simple, real foods. In fact, because of this trick, I rarely even admit to having a sunburn. That’s because our skin never peels, and instead our “sunburns” fade to nice tans.", "- The healing time it takes for a scab on the face to heal depends on many factors including the length and depth of the wound. Most facial scabs take anywhere from 3-10 day … s to heal.sually around 3 to a max of 1 week. Depending on how bad you got sunburnt, the longer it will take. Just apply lots of sunburn cream and aloe vera spray to it.", "Are Second Degree Burn Scars Permanent? Burns take a long time to heal, especially severe burns. Most scars take 1-2 years, so you are still in the beginning stages. Aside from the discoloration, you should be doing something to soften those burn scars so that they do not become contracture scars (inflexible.)", "- It depends on the severity, a mild one could heal as fast as 24 hours, while a bad one could take up to 2 weeks.Sun exposure to the burn also affects healing time. But they will stop hurting log before that, usually in 3-4 days.sually around 3 to a max of 1 week. Depending on how bad you got sunburnt, the longer it will take. Just apply lots of sunburn cream and aloe vera spray to it.", "How long does it take for your sunburns to go? It depends on the severity, a mild one could heal as fast as 24 hours, while a bad one could take up to 2 weeks. Sun exposure to the burn also affects healing time. It depends on the severity, a mild one could heal as fast as 24 hours, while a bad one could take up to 2 weeks. Sun exposure to the burn also affects healing time. But they will stop hurting log before that, usually in 3-4 days. It depends on the severity, a mild one could heal as fast as 24 hours, while a bad one could take up to 2 weeks.", "How long do burns take to heal? Usually second-degree burns produce scarring. Second degree burns may take from one to three weeks to heal but are considered minor if they cover no more than 15% of the total body area in adults and 10% body area in children.These burns require medical attention and medication to heal properly.econd degree burns may take from one to three weeks to heal but are considered minor if they cover no more than 15% of the total body area in adults and 10% body area in children.", "Sunburn Symptoms of sunburn are usually temporary. But the damage to skin cells is often permanent, which can have serious long-term effects, including skin cancer. By the time the skin starts to become painful and red, the damage has been done. Pain is worst between 6 to 48 hours after sun exposure.", "How long does it take for a burn to heal? 1 Most burns that occur in children younger than age 5 are scald burns from hot liquids. 2 Over half of all burns occur in the 18- to 64-year-old age group. 3 Older adults are at a higher risk for burns, mostly scald burns from hot liquids. 4 Men are twice as likely to have burn injuries as women.", "NCLEX Style Practice Questions Burns Correct Answer: 1 Rationale: The wound described is a deep partial-thickness burn. Deep partial-thickness wounds will take more than three weeks to heal. A superficial burn is bright red and moist, and might appear glistening with blister formation. The healing time for this type of wound is within 21 days.", "- Hand Burns 325 Estimating the depth of the burn is important to approximate time to healing. First- and superficial second-degree burns should heal within 2 weeks, whereas deep second- and third-degree burns can take 3–4 weeks or longer to heal. If the burns do not show significant evidence of healing after 7–10 days", "- It depends on how large the burned skin surface is, and the severity of the burn. 1st Degree Burns, characterized by pain, redness and sometimes swelling, tend to fade within … 5 to 7 days, with pain receding gradually over that time.", "How long does burn pain last? A Sharecare Ad Target User , Administration, answered. Burn pain can last anywhere from minutes to months, depending on the burn that is causing it. A minor burn may cause only fleeting burn pain that goes away within an hour. Most burn pain should dissipate within days to weeks. With more severe burns, the burn pain can be extensive and take months to heal.", "- you voted. The healing time for 3rd degree burns can vary depending on each individual's ability to heal, taking care of the burn properly, and the size of the burn. Small burns may take anywhere from one week to a couple of months to fully heal. Larger burns may take several months.", "How long does it take for sunburn to heal? Best Answer: Normally its takes one week. But, I have a cure which will heal it within 1-3 days: One of the best treatments I have found for treating sunburn is to use natural straight from the source aloe. Cut the top of an aloe leaf from the plant and squeeze a generous amount of the natural aloe plant liquid onto the sunburn and rub it thoroughly into the skin.", "How long does a sunburn last? Generally depending on your skin complexion and severity of the burn the pain will last 2-4 days, less if the burn is minor, more if the burn is severe(in which ca … se seeing a doctor is not a bad idea).", "- The burn will heal in about 7 to 14 days. PARTIAL DEEP BURNS The superficial and part of second layer of skin are damaged in partial deep burns and the skin might struggle to heal on its own.", "How long does it take for a 2nd degree burn to heal? Treatments. Second degree burns can be treated at home if they are small and do not cover the face, hands, genitals or a major joint. Burns in these areas or any burn greater than two inches in diameter should be treated by a doctor to shorten healing time and minimize complications.According to Penn State University Medical Center, second degree burns can take 10 days to three weeks to heal.However, the healed skin can remain sensitive to sunlight for up to a year. Taking supplements such as zinc and vitamins C and E may promote healing.reatments. Second degree burns can be treated at home if they are small and do not cover the face, hands, genitals or a major joint. Burns in these areas or any burn greater than two inches in diameter should be treated by a doctor to shorten healing time and minimize complications.", "How long does it take for a second degree burn to stop hurting due from boiling water? A first degree burn is the least serious type of burn, with damage to the superficial epithelial cells only. The pain should subside within 24 hours, although contact of any f … orm (including exposure to heat or cold) may cause the pain to temporarily return. 9 people found this useful.", "Third degree burn healing timeMelvinG Mar 30, 2010 Second degree burns take atleast 2-3 weeks to heal and third degree burns take a long time to heal. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor.", "How Often Should a Duoerm Dressing Be Changed? Second degree sunburns can last anywhere from 10 to 21 days. The exact length of time varies depending on the person and the medical treatment used.", "- how bad is your sunburn? If the only spot that's borthering you is the part that got sunburn then it might be just a moderate one, which lasts up to 7 days. If you're feeling sick then that's not good, those can last more than 10 days. i hope you get better since a lot fo people go to weddings :sweatingbullets:", "How long does it take for a burn to heal? Read and follow any warning on the label. When a first-degree burn or minor second-degree burn is 2 to 3 days old, using the juice from an aloe leaf can help the burn heal and feel better. Applying the aloe juice may sting at first contact.It is important to protect a burn while it is healing.ead and follow any warning on the label. When a first-degree burn or minor second-degree burn is 2 to 3 days old, using the juice from an aloe leaf can help the burn heal and feel better. Applying the aloe juice may sting at first contact.", "- Your Sunburn lasts depends on your condition. here are several type of Sunburn discussed below based on that you will identify your recovery period. Mild sunburn. A mild sunburn may only last for three to four days. You may experience a few mild symptoms of sunburn such as redness and pain on the affected areas.", "How to Heal a Sunburn In Less Than 24 Hours If you want to know how to heal a sunburn in just under 24 hours, I’ve got a trick for you. All it takes is two simple, real foods. In fact, because of this trick, I rarely even admit to having a sunburn. In my family, we now call it “turning pink.”.", "How long does it take a burn to heal? If a small burn has been surgically closed with skin grafts, it may heal quickly. But larger wounds or more serious burns take up to three months or longer to heal. Again, burns may have varying depths, depending on the cause of the burn or the damage. One part of the burn injury may be a first or second-degree burn.", "Sunburn Sunburn is skin damage caused by ultraviolet (UV) rays. It usually causes the skin to become red, sore, warm, tender and occasionally itchy for about a week. The skin will normally start to flake and peel after a few days and will usually fully heal within seven days." ]
[ 14.515625 ]
[ 13.640625, 6.0859375, 12.59375, 12.390625, 11.1796875, 9.78125, 10.359375, 15.2890625, 14.6953125, 11.234375, 10.5625, 8.0390625, 8.4921875, 11.8515625, 11.828125, 9.90625, 11.4140625, 13.3984375, 12.140625, 11.453125, 10.4375, 7.85546875, 9.2109375, 13.640625, 10.4140625, 10.75, 12.0546875, 11.234375, 11.34375, 12.875 ]
symptoms of blood clot in bend of leg
[ "What Are The Symptoms of Blood Clots in The Leg? Swelling in one or both legs are symptoms of a blood clot. Swelling that is a symptom of a blood clot in the leg can be sudden or chronic. A blood clot in the leg might produce no symptoms at all unless the clot dislodges and travels to another part of the body and blocks blood flow. A blood clot that travels through the leg veins to the lungs can kill within a matter of hours, warns the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons." ]
[ "Symptoms Chest pain and shortness of breath if blood clots form in the blood vessels in your lungs and heart. Pain, redness, warmth, and swelling in the lower leg if blood clots form in the deep veins of your leg. Headaches, speech changes, paralysis (an inability to move), dizziness, and trouble speaking and understanding if blood clots form in the blood vessels in your brain. These signs and symptoms may indicate a stroke.", "Overview When to see a doctor. 1 Have signs or symptoms of a pulmonary embolism, such as chest pain or discomfort. 2 Have signs or symptoms of deep vein thrombosis, such as leg pain and swelling. Have a family history of blood clots or if family members have factor V Leiden.", "Blood Clots 1 When blood clots occur in a vein, symptoms may include. 2 pain, 3 swelling, 4 warmth, and. 5 redness. 6 If a forms in a vein in a leg or arm breaks; breaks off and travels to the lung a pulmonary embolus can occur.", "DVT (Blood Clot in the Leg, Deep Vein Thrombosis) There are a variety of causes of blood clots. Signs and symptoms of a blood clot depend on the location, and may include: Blood clot in the leg (DVT): Pain, redness, and swelling in the area around the blood clot; Blood clot in the lung (pulmonary embolism): Shortness of breath, chest pain, and rapid pulse and breathing ; Blood clot in the brain (stroke): Loss of vision and speech, and weakness on one side of the body", "- Blood clot in the leg or arm. The most common place for a blood clot to occur is in your lower leg, says Akram Alashari, M.D., a trauma surgeon and critical care physician at Grand Strand Regional Medical Center. A blood clot in your leg or arm can have various symptoms, including: swelling.", "Blood Clots: Causes & Symptoms + 8 Natural Remedies Pulmonary Embolism (PE) (blood clot in the lungs). You can have a PE without any symptoms of a DVT. Symptoms of a PE can include: 1 Difficulty breathing. 2 Faster than normal or irregular heartbeat. 3 Chest pain or discomfort, which usually worsens with a deep breath or coughing. 4 Anxiety.5 Coughing up blood.6 Lightheadedness, or fainting.eep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (blood clot in the leg, arm, or other deep vein). About half of people with DVT have no symptoms at all. The following are the most common symptoms of DVT that occur in the affected part of the body (usually the leg or arm): 1 Swelling of your leg or arm.", "- About half of people with blood clots have no symptoms until a clot blocks a major vein. When clots block blood flow, symptoms may include: 1 Swelling, redness, or warmth in the calf, ankle, foot, or thigh. 2 Pain in the leg. 3 Chest pain. 4 Shortness of breath. 5 Seizures or sudden weakness. 6 Severe abdominal pain with vomiting or diarrhea. 7 Bluish color of the skin on the leg or toes.", "Blood Clots (Arterial & Venous) Symptoms of a DVT. When a blood clot forms, it can either partially or totally block the flow of blood in the vein. Smaller blood clots that partially block blood flow may cause only mild symptoms or none at all. Larger blood clots that block blood flow usually cause: 1 leg swelling.", "- The most common place for a blood clot to occur is in your lower leg, says Akram Alashari, M.D., a trauma surgeon and critical care physician at Grand Strand Regional Medical Center in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. A blood clot in your leg can have various symptoms, including: 1 swelling. 2 pain. 3 tenderness. 4 a warm sensation. 5 pain in your calf when you stretch your toes upward.", "- Signs and Symptoms of Blood Clots: Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs when a blood clot forms in one of the deep veins of your body, usually in your legs, but sometimes in your arm. The signs and symptoms of a DVT include: Swelling, usually in one leg (or arm)", "Treatment Options for Blocked Veins Chronic or long-term DVT can also cause problems locally. Though not life threatening, these complications can be painful and debilitating. Early symptoms of DVT include swelling, pain, warmth and redness in the involved leg. The location of the blood clot in the body determines how we treat the problem. Blockage below the knee When the clot or blockage is limited to the blood vessels below the knee (the tibial veins), your body repairs itself in 90 percent of all cases.", "Quick Guide DVT in Pictures: Symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis, Beyond Leg Pain and More 1 Symptoms of blood clots in specific body locations are as follows: 2 Symptoms of blood clots in legs (deep vein thrombosis (DVT) are pain, redness, and swelling. Symptoms of an arterial blood clot in the leg are painful and the leg is cool and pale.", "- Signs of a blood clot in the leg to pay attention to include: - Reddish skin on the leg - Discoloration of the skin on the leg - Excess warmth on a certain part of the leg - Pain or tenderness - Swelling in the leg or along a specific vein If you notice any of these symptoms of DVT, seek ...", "Symptoms of a Blood Clot in the Legs Symptoms of a Blood Clot in the Legs. Many women suffer from varicose veins in the legs, a condition that is not only unsightly, but also dangerous. We should never ignore the condition of varicose veins.", "Leg swelling Seek emergency medical care if you have leg swelling and any of the following signs or symptoms, which may indicate a blood clot in your lungs or a serious heart condition: Chest pain. Difficulty breathing. Shortness of breath with exertion or lying flat in bed.", "- 1 Signs of a blood clot depend on their location in the body. 2 Blood clots can cause heart attack or stroke; or pain, swelling, redness and tenderness in the area of the clot.", "Blood clots in legs (deep vein thrombosis): Symptoms, causes, and treatment Blood clots in legs (deep vein thrombosis): Symptoms, causes, and treatment. A blood clot in the leg—known as deep vein thrombosis—can pose serious health risks. Deep vein thrombosis occurs deep within the body and the blood clot is often gelatinous and solid. Deep vein thrombosis commonly occurs in the lower leg or thigh but can occur elsewhere in the body.", "Symptoms, Risk Factors and Prevention The classic symptoms of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism are listed below. Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT): A clot that most commonly occurs in one leg, but can also occur in the arm, abdomen or around the brain. Symptoms may involve the foot, ankle, calf, whole leg or arm. • Pain • Swinell g", "Blood Clots In a leg or arm, a blood clot in a vein (deep venous thrombosis) can act as a dam and block blood from returning to the heart. This may cause inflammation of the vein, or thrombophlebitis. Common symptoms include swelling, redness or discoloration, warmth, and pain.", "Blood Clots Legs and arms: Symptoms of blood clots in the legs and arms vary and may include pain or cramping, swelling, tenderness, warmth to the touch and bluish- or red-colored skin. Clots that occur in larger veins are called deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Blood clots can also occur in smaller, more superficial (closer to the skin) veins. Heart: Common symptoms for blood clots in the heart include pain in the chest and left arm, sweating and difficulty breathing.", "Signs and Symptoms of Blood Clots Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs when a blood clot forms in one of the deep veins of your body, usually in your legs, but sometimes in your arm. The signs and symptoms of a DVT include: 1 Swelling, usually in one leg (or arm) Leg pain or tenderness often described as a cramp or Charley horse.", "Blood Clots Venous clots typically form slowly over a period of. time. Symptoms of venous clots gradually become more noticeable. Blood clots can occur in many different parts of the body, each area having different symptoms: Legs and arms: Symptoms of blood clots in the legs and arms vary and may include pain or. Blood Clots Page 1 of 3. Copyright© 2016, RadiologyInfo.org Reviewed: Apr-11-2016.", "Blood Clot Symptoms in Your Body Swelling.This can happen in the exact spot where the blood clot forms, or you may puff up on your entire limb. Change in color. You might notice that your arm or leg takes on a red or blue tinge, or gets warm or itchy. Pain. As the clot gets worse, you may hurt or get sore.", "Symptoms of Blood Clot in Leg The congestion of blood and the swelling basically mean that the pressure in the veins is higher and that is exerted on the tissue compartments within the leg. This is why symptoms of blood clot in leg include leg pain and tenderness. Cramping. For the same reason that leg pain and tenderness are symptoms of blood clot in leg, cramping can occur.", "Blood Clot in Arm: Symptoms, Treatment, Home Remedies, Exercises Swelling: One of the symptoms of blood clot in arm is that of swelling. The affected part in your arm will start swelling when there is a blood clot occurring in any of the vein in your arm. At times the entire arm may begin to swell because of inflammation of a vein in the arm.", "Signs and Symptoms of a Blood Clot Signs and Symptoms of a Blood Clot The signs and symptoms of a blood clot vary with the location of the clot—whether it's in a vein or artery—and size. The severity of symptoms also varies widely, ranging from a stroke to leg pain.", "- Signs and symptoms of a venous clot include: 1 Warmth in the area of the clot. 2 Swelling. 3 Tenderness. 4 Mild to moderate pain that increases over hours or days.", "- 1 Deep vein thrombosis, which is a blood clot in a deeper vein. 2 It can cause a “pulling” feeling in the calf, pain, warmth, redness, and swelling. 3 However, sometimes it causes no significant symptoms. 4 If the blood clot travels to the lungs, it can be fatal.aricose (VAR-i-kos) veins are enlarged veins that can be blue, red, or flesh-colored. They often look like cords and appear twisted and bulging. They can be swollen and raised above the surface of the skin. Varicose veins are often found on the thighs, backs of the calves, or the inside of the leg.", "Signs and Symptoms of Blood Clots Deep Vein Thrombosis: Signs and Symptoms. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs when a blood clot forms in one of the deep veins of your body, usually in your legs, but sometimes in your arm. The signs and symptoms of a DVT include: Swelling, usually in one leg (or arm) Leg pain or tenderness often described as a cramp or Charley horse.", "Tips to Avoid Blood Clots While Traveling Your risk of a blood clot can also be increased if you smoke or are overweight. Symptoms of having a blood clot include skin redness, swelling in only one leg, swelling or bruising behind the knee, localized soreness or pain, or having a warm spot on your leg. If the clot moves to the lungs you may experience shortness of breath, chest pains, a fast heartbeat, mild fever, or fainting spells." ]
[ 12.71875 ]
[ 11.6640625, 10.515625, 10.921875, 12.2734375, 12.0703125, 10.203125, 11.8828125, 10.6953125, 13.1796875, 11.5703125, 10.25, 12.2578125, 12.203125, 10.6171875, 10.1171875, 10.1328125, 10.1953125, 10.734375, 11.6171875, 11.7890625, 11.9609375, 10.3125, 10.359375, 12.6015625, 7.48046875, 10.796875, 10.8046875, 9.453125, 12.0234375, 11.1796875 ]
what does the western meadowlark eat
[ "Western meadowlark Range of S. neglecta Breeding range Year-round range Wintering range. The western meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta) is a medium-sized icterid bird, about 8.5 in (22 cm) in length. It nests on the ground in open grasslands across western and central North America. It feeds mostly on insects, but will also feed on seeds and berries." ]
[ "Northern Saw-whet Owl Click the range map to learn more about the distribution of Northern Saw-whet Owls in Washington. Diet: Northern Saw-whet Owls eat deer mice. They also eat shrews, voles, young squirrels, small birds, and large insects. Nesting: Northern Saw-whet Owl males choose and defend territories and call to attract females.", "Pavement ant Older workers hunt and defend the colony. They will eat almost anything, including insects, seeds, honeydew, honey, bread, meats, nuts, ice cream and cheese. The pavement ant serves as host to the ectoparasitic Teleutomyrmex schneideri.", "Did You Hear About The White Tailed Deer? What a white tailed deer eats depends on the environment in which it lives. Deer are mainly herbivores, eating various twigs, shrubs, fruits, and nuts. They eat up to three times a day when food is available. On this site, kids may learn about the white tailed deer and see close up pictures of the white tailed deer. 2 Some things that children could learn from this page are where deer live, what they eat, and a few other characteristics about deer.", "- Bearded dragons eat grasshoppers and crickets whilst young, and as they become an adult they eat locusts and large mealworms along with the normal large crickets or large hoppers. They can also eat salads on the side but do NOT give them water lettuce as they don't like too much water.", "Opisthocomus hoazin hoatzin The leaves of tropical legume plants are an example of a leaf that Hoatzins commonly feed on. Other foods that are sometimes included in the diet of Hoatzins include some flowers and fruits. Opisthocomus hoazin have developed a special system that allows them to feed on leaves.", "Eastern carpenter bee Eastern carpenter bee. Xylocopa virginica, more commonly known as the eastern carpenter bee, extends through the Eastern United States and into Canada. They nest in various types of wood and eat pollen and nectar.", "- Color and size variations occur between species, but all toucans are frugivores, eating fleshy fruits such as papaya, cecropia, berries and palm. They typically forage in the middle and canopy layers of the forest and occasionally supplement their diet with eggs, small reptiles, insects and bird hatchlings.", "- The maned wolf also differs from true North American wolves in diet and temperament. These gentle and very timid wolves are solitary by nature. Only during the breeding season would you generally see more than one at a time. The maned wolf is omnivorous, eating a combination of fruits, vegetables and meat. It often preys on small birds, rodents and frogs, and favors fruits such as bananas, apples and avocados. Why maned wolves are threatened.", "Are Woodpeckers Carnivores, Herbivores, or Omnivores? Overall, these birds are very flexible in their diet and most species are omnivorous or opportunistic. They especially love to find bugs inside of tree trunks or in the rotted wood or crevices of a tree. Some of their favorite treats include ants, termites, beetles, grubs, caterpillars and spiders.", "Distribution and Diet of Pacific Coast White Sharks At a length of 2 to 3 meters the White Shark's diet expands to include pelagic fishes, such as tunas and mackerels. After attaining a length of 3 meters, the sub-adult White Shark is now capable of capturing marine mammal prey, like Harbor Seals (Phoca vitulina) and California Sea Lions (Zalophus californianus) .", "Western Meadowlark Western Meadowlarks nest on the ground, often in small dips or hollows, such as those created by cow footprints. Nests are typically under dense vegetation and can be very difficult to find. Western Meadowlarks are polygynous. Successful males generally mate with two females at a time.", "- White-tailed Deer are herbivores, but they eat a wide variety of foods, including green plants in the Summer; acorns, fruits and nuts in the Fall; and twigs in the Winter. They also eat fungi when they can get it.", "Ring Tailed Lemurs What Ring Tailed Lemurs Look Like Diet Of A Ring-tailed Lemur Here Is A Diagram Of A Ring Tailed Lemur White Ring Tailed Lemurs are herbivores and eat mostly fruit. They also eat flowers, tree bark, sap, and leaves. Communication Ring tailed lemurs communicate by a variety of different sounds including barks, howls, clicks, meows, mews, purrs, shrieks, spat calls, squeals, twitters, and yips.", "Burrowing Owl Behavior: Burrowing owls mainly eat insects, especially grasshoppers and beetles. They can be of special benefit in urban settings since they also consume roaches and mole crickets. Other important foods are small lizards, frogs, snakes, birds, and rodents.", "What Do Woodpeckers Eat? Woodpeckers are very hearty eaters whose diet varies depending on the season. They are known to eat several different things and the exact foods preferred by each species vary however some of the most popular food sources include: Insects such as wood boring beetles, carpenter ants, termites, grub. Tree sap or insects trapped within or attracted to the sap. Nuts. Seeds.", "Whitetail 101: What Do Deer Eat? As spring winds down and summer begins, deer shift to browse plants, particularly the 1st choice plants. Mid and late summer sees a shift in what deer eat to 2nd choice browse plants and early fruits, such as grapes and berries. As fall approaches, whitetails must find and consume large quantities of carbohydrate rich foods such as acorns, chestnuts, apples and pears.", "What Do Wooly Bear Caterpillars Eat? Quick Answer. Wooly bear caterpillars eat clover, grasses, dandelions and weeds. As a generalist species, the wooly bear caterpillar feeds on a variety of forbs and herbs, but it does not typically harm vegetables or ornamental plants. Continue Reading.", "What do lizards eat in their natural environment Knowing what species your lizard is is a vital first step for ensuring its proper nutrition. For example, bearded dragons are omnivorous. A good diet for a bearded dragon will include plenty of leafy greens as well as crickets and even mice. Geckos like to hunt down insects, but also love sweet fruits. One treat gecko owners have discovered is baby food made from fruits.", "- They eat mostly small rodents such as rats and mice. Adult Eastern Diamondback rattlesnakes prefer rabbit's. As a wildlife caretaker for a local wildlife rescue group I have cared for a number of species, including nearly every species and subspecies of rattlesnake in North America.", "goatwisdom our goats eat the cedar tree bark also. If they aren't eating it, they are polishing it to a fine make something out of it texture.I agree with the minerals -- needs to be loose. We also use the Sweetlix Meat maker 16:8 and our goats still eat the trees. The boys do more so than the girls and boredom probably does play a role in it.f they aren't eating it, they are polishing it to a fine make something out of it texture. I agree with the minerals -- needs to be loose. We also use the Sweetlix Meat maker 16:8 and our goats still eat the trees. The boys do more so than the girls and boredom probably does play a role in it.", "What Do Woodpeckers Eat? The most popular foods for woodpeckers at backyard feeders include: Suet, especially nut, insect or fruit blends. Fruit, including oranges, grapes and apples. Sunflower seeds, either whole or hulled. Peanuts, either whole or shelled. Peanut butter or peanut butter blends.", "- The White Lion. Evan Young. • The white lion eats wildebeests and zebras, but if they cant find those they will eat hares and tortoises.• The white lion gets it's food by stalking it and when they are close enough they chase it down.", "Eastern carpenter bee Xylocopa virginica, more commonly known as the eastern carpenter bee, extends through the Eastern United States and into Canada. They nest in various types of wood and eat pollen and nectar.", "What kind of food did the eastern woodland Indians eat? What kind of food did Eastern Woodland native Americans eat? They eat corn,squash,rice,and beans.They hunt and eat buffalo,elk,rabbits,deer,bears,moose,birds,and fish.The girls gather,berries,nuts, and crops. What foods did native Americans grow? the right answer is nuts,berries,corn,squash,beans and wild rice.", "- Toucans primarily eat fruit, however, they also eat insects and small lizards. Toucans have also been known to plunder the nests of smaller birds, eating the eggs and nestl … ings. + 199 others found this useful.", "Is the ringneck snake venomous? What does a Florida ringneck snake eat? they eat earthworms... they also eat frogs and very small lizards depending on their size Ring-neck snakes eat smaller salamanders, worms and slugs, occasionally they'll …sometimes eat lizards, frogs, and some juvenile snakes of other species. Ring-neck snakes like earthworms and salamanders.", "- Eastern screech owls are, in turn, preyed upon by a wide range of other species including larger owls and hawks. Nestlings and eggs may be eaten by weasels, mink, raccoons, skunks, snakes, opossums, crows, and blue jays. Humans are also significant causes of eastern screech owl mortality.ange. The eastern screech owl can live in a wide range of both natural and human-modified habitats. They are found in hardwood and coniferous forests, in meadow and field edge ecotones, in parks, and in rural and suburban woodlots and yards throughout the United States east of the Rocky Mountains.", "Gorilla Diet Western Lowland Gorilla Diet Western lowland gorillas inhabit swampy forests and tropical forests below 5,300 feet in elevation in western Africa. Like the eastern lowland gorillas, the western group also eats a variety of plants. However, their habitat usually provides fruit year-round and gorillas in this group eat aquatic vegetation. They also eat termites, ants and caterpillars.", "Diet: What Do Voles Eat? Diet: What Do Voles Eat? Diet Overview. Voles, also known as meadow mice, are herbivores that feed on grasses, tree bark, roots, tubers, and vegetable crops. The rodents generally prefer to live in moist areas with plenty of grass and groundcover where they can scavenge for food without being spotted by predators.", "What did the dodo bird eat? What did the dodo bird eat? The dodo bird ate mostly fruits and seeds. Occasionally it would swallow pebbles to help it digest the seeds. It did eat fruits from the Calvaria tree, also known as the …dodo tree, or the tambalacoque. Right now this tree is going extinct." ]
[ 14.8203125 ]
[ 3.0078125, 3.66796875, 0.76171875, 1.7099609375, -0.56005859375, 0.92333984375, 1.5322265625, 1.158203125, 2.30078125, 0.42529296875, 10.6640625, 3.71484375, -0.1368408203125, 4.29296875, 2.33984375, 1.310546875, 0.98388671875, -0.1767578125, 2.87890625, 2.525390625, 3.177734375, 1.63671875, 2.185546875, 1.619140625, 3.34765625, 2.408203125, 2.279296875, 3.73046875, 3.123046875, 2.61328125 ]
leading causes of death for children in the us
[ "Top 10 Causes of Death in the U.S. Heart disease was the leading cause of death for men and women, and cancer was the second leading cause for both sexes. Accidents were the third leading cause for men and the sixth for women. When analyzed by age, accidents were the top cause of death for children and adults under 44 years old. Cancer (30.5%) and heart disease (25.5%) were the leading causes for those 45 to 64 and 65 years and older, respectively." ]
[ "Health Care Facts: Why We Need Health Care Reform The top 10 leading causes of death in the US. Nearly 75% of all deaths in the US are attributed to just 10 causes, with the top 3 of these accounting for over 50% of all deaths.", "Preventable causes of death Leading preventable causes of death in the United States. Note: This data is outdated and was in fact significantly revised in subsequent reports of the leading causes of deaths, especially for obesity-related diseases.", "TOP 15 CAUSES OF DEATH BY COUNTY: USA HeartCancerStrokeLungAccidentsDiabetesAlzheimer'sInfluenzaKidneyBlood PoisoningSuicideHypertensionLiverParkinson'sHomicide. Use these powerful cause of death maps to compare The Top 15 Causes Of Death in the USA down to the county level. Note the changes as you click on cause buttons and mouse over maps for data. The legend is directly above the maps. Citation at bottom of page.", "The top 10 leading causes of death in the United States Heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the U.S., accounting for almost 1 in every 4 deaths, and affecting significantly more men than women. Annually there are around 2,626,418 deaths registered in the U.S. with the leading top 10 causes accounting for nearly 75 percent of all deaths. The top 10 leading causes of death in the U.S.: Heart disease", "CDC National Health Report: Leading Causes of Morbidity and Mortality and Associated Behavioral Risk and Protective FactorsâUnited States, 2005â2013 The top 10 leading causes of death in the United States. Nearly 75 percent of all deaths in the United States are attributed to just 10 causes, with the top three of these accounting for over 50 percent of all deaths. Over the last 5 years, the main causes of death in the U.S. have remained fairly consistent.", "- United States. The three most common preventable causes of death in the population of the United States are smoking, high blood pressure, and being overweight. Leading preventable causes of death in the United States in the year 2000.", "Suicide Suicide is a Leading Cause of Death in the United States According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2015: Suicide was the tenth leading cause of death overall in the United States, claiming the lives of more than 44,000 people.", "Suicide 1 Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S.,20 the 3rd leading cause of death for people aged 10–2421 and the 2nd leading cause of death for people aged 15–24.22. More than 90% of children who die by suicide have a mental health condition.23.", "Researchers: Medical errors now third leading cause of death in United States Their analysis, published in the BMJ on Tuesday, shows that “medical errors” in hospitals and other health-care facilities are incredibly common and may now be the third-leading cause of death in the United States — claiming 251,000 lives every year, more than respiratory disease, accidents, stroke and Alzheimer’s.", "The top 10 leading causes of death in the U.S. Suicide is the nation's 10th leading cause of death, and the number of cases has been on the rise. The rate of suicide has gone up nearly steadily since 1999, Sally Curtin, a statistician with the National Center for Health Statistics at the CDC, said when the latest figures were released this spring.", "Do I Know This ? Fires, drownings, car crashes and other mishaps are the fifth-leading cause of death in the U.S. Here are the top 5 causes of accidental deaths in the U.S.", "CDC: 5 things cause two-thirds of U.S. deaths Tobacco remains the leading preventable cause of death in this country and in the world. Tobacco use is a major factor in four out of the five leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, lung disease and stroke. It causes about a third of heart disease and cancer, and most emphysema.", "- U.S. Statistics. 1 Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the United States. 2 More than 140,000 people die each year from stroke in the United States. 3 Stroke is the leading cause of serious, long-term disability in the United States. Stroke is the leading cause of serious, long-term disability in the United States. 2 Each year, approximately 795,000 people suffer a stroke. 3 About 600,000 of these are first attacks, and 185,000 are recurrent attacks. 4 Nearly three-quarters of all strokes occur in people over the age of 65.", "Medical Errors Are Third Leading Cause of Death in the U.S. Getty Images. Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the U.S., after heart disease and cancer, causing at least 250,000 deaths every year, according to an analysis out Tuesday indicating that patient safety efforts fall far short.", "Heart Disease and Stroke - An Overview of Our Nation's Leading Killers Sources: American Heart Association. Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics - 2009 Update; CDC, Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Addressing the Nation's Leading Killers, At A Glance, 2011. Heart disease and stroke are the first and fourth leading causes of death in the United States.", "The top 10 leading causes of death in the United States 1: Heart disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the U.S. and also the leading cause of death worldwide. More than half of the deaths that occur as a result of heart disease are in men.", "Traffic Accidents Top Cause Of Fatal Child Injuries 1. Road crashes: Kill 260,000 children a year and injure about 10 million. They are the leading cause of death among youths ages 10 to 19, and a leading cause of child disability.2. Drowning: Kills more than 175,000 children annually. Up to 3 million children each year survive a drowning incident.. Road crashes: Kill 260,000 children a year and injure about 10 million. They are the leading cause of death among youths ages 10 to 19, and a leading cause of child disability.", "- Leading Causes of Death Ages 18 – 65 in the U.S. The chart below shows the top 10 leading causes of death in the United States in 2007 for adults ages 18 to 65. Suicide is the 4th leading cause of death in the United States for adults in this age range, surpassing other causes including diabetes, stroke, and homicide. The data are based on death certificate information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) National Vital Statistics System .", "What causes pediatric injury? Drowning Drowning is the most common cause of death from injury in children ages 1 to 4. Three children die every day from drowning. Poisoning Two children die every day from poisoning. Each day, more than 300 children ages 0 to 19 in the United States go to emergency departments because of poisoning.", "Leading Causes of Death Age Groups. 1 The leading causes of death for children in the youngest age group were perinatal conditions and birth defects (Fig. 3.8). 2 The leading cause of death for both girls and boys aged 11 to 19 was motor vehicle collisions (Fig. 3.8).", "The top 10 leading causes of death in the U.S. Heart disease and cancer still top the list as the leading causes of death in the United States, but the gap is closing between the two. A new report out from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention looks at the shifting trends in Americans' health and mortality, and the conditions most likely to take lives.", "The top 10 leading causes of death in the United States Heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the U.S., accounting for almost 1 in every 4 deaths, and affecting significantly more men than women. Annually there are around 2,626,418 deaths registered in the U.S. with the leading top 10 causes accounting for nearly 75 percent of all deaths.", "- Injury and Violence Cause Most Deaths. The three leading causes of death for Americans in their 20s are tied to risky behavior and are largely preventable: accidents (unintentional injuries), homicide, and suicide.", "Top 5 Causes of Accidental Death in the United States Accidents happen — and they also kill enough people to rank as the No. 1 cause of death for those ages 1 to 42, according to the National Safety Council. Accidents are the fifth-leading cause of death across all age groups, topped only by a spate of illnesses that include heart disease and cancer.", "Top 10 Leading Causes of Death Here are the top 10 leading causes of death in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The data are based on deaths in 2007, the most recent year for which statistics are available. Description: While some might harbor fears of dying from a lightning strike or shark attack, the cause of your ultimate demise is likely to be much less conspicuous. He} DUPipeline_QISnippet_FirstGoodLong_Snippet_v1: {},{-1|-1|1|Intro.", "Top 10 Causes of Death in Men Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and is a major cause of disability. Almost 700,000 people die of heart disease in the U.S. each year. That is about 29% of all U.S. deaths. Heart disease is a term that includes several more specific heart conditions. The most common heart disease in the United States is coronary heart disease, which can lead to heart attack.", "- The leading cause of mortality among youth in the United. States is unintentional injuries (48%) with motor vehicle. 3).9 Other leading causes include homicide (13%) and suicide. (11%).9 Racial and ethnic disparities are also apparent within.", "Leading causes of death for children In the age group 1 to 9 years, cancer was the second leading cause of death, accounting for 11.8% of deaths, followed by congenital malformations (10.1%), homicide (7.5%), heart disease (3.4%), and influenza/pneumonia (1.9%).", "Americaâs 10 Deadliest Diseases The deadliest diseases in the United States range from heart disease, which caused 611,105 deaths in 2013, to liver disease, which directly resulted in 36,427 deaths. Heart disease is by far the most common cause of death in the United States. In an interview with 24/7 Wall St., Dr. Baxter Allen, Chief Resident in Neurology at Weill Cornell Medicine, New York Presbyterian Hospital, explained why heart disease is such a common killer.", "Leading causes of death for children The leading causes of death for infants were birth defects, accounting for one-fifth (20.8%) of infant deaths, and low birth weight (16.9%), followed by sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) (8.4%), maternal complications from pregnancy (6.3%), and accidental injuries (4.5%)." ]
[ 13.4296875 ]
[ 8.296875, 8.1796875, 8.0390625, 9.5234375, 8.9296875, 9.4453125, 9.21875, 11.8515625, 8.84375, 9.171875, 9.09375, 9.4453125, 8.4296875, 9.796875, 8.7734375, 10.0859375, 11.3671875, 9.34375, 11.8984375, 13.5546875, 10.1640625, 9.5703125, 10.03125, 9.7890625, 6.54296875, 9.265625, 11.96875, 13.2578125, 7.33203125, 13.7109375 ]
average bail of hay per acre in michigan
[ "Michigan hay markets beginning to show signs of price relief But prices have moderated slightly on the lower quality first cut alfalfa/grass mixed hays. Those hays in round bale packages are bringing $120 - $180 per ton. In big and small square bale packages this same type of hay is bringing $135 - $245 per ton.The high-quality alfalfa hays are still in very short supply and are bringing $200 - $320 per ton with not much price difference between the round and square bales.n big and small square bale packages this same type of hay is bringing $135 - $245 per ton. The high-quality alfalfa hays are still in very short supply and are bringing $200 - $320 per ton with not much price difference between the round and square bales." ]
[ "- That is as little as $10.00 to $15.00 for mix grass baled in 1,000 to 1,200 round hay bales. The going price in my area to cut, rake, and bale this hay in 1,000 to 1,200 pound rolls is $10.00 per bale. Wow! Kentucky farmers are making a killing, if they sell these round hay bales for $10.00.", "- Total Cash Cost per Acre $32.20 $17.14 $17.14 $17.14 $17.14. * Total costs for each pasture system and hay have been calculated to include ownership costs of machinery and land. (including a return on investment) as well as a charge for labor. In the case where machinery and land are owned and.", "Farmland Values for Missouri Counties The first is simple interpolation, using two known values to estimate the unknown value. For example, land in Adair County was worth $168 per acre in 1969 and $299 per acre in 1974, for an increase of $131 during this five-year period, or an average increase of $26.20 per year.", "For The Period October 28 to November 3, 2014 On irrigated land, the estimated average hay yields are 2.2 tons per acre (alfalfa hay), 1.6 tons per acre (alfalfa/brome hay), 1.7 tons per acre (other tame hay), 2.3 tons per acre (wild hay) and 2.7 tons per acre (greenfeed). Cattle producers have indicated that they have adequate to surplus winter feed supplies.", "- Variation exists in yields from year to year, with Iowa corn grain yields increasing an average of 2.1 bushels per acre. The state yield for Iowa in 2008 was 171 bushels per acre.ariation exists in yields from year to year, with Iowa corn grain yields increasing an average of 2.1 bushels per acre. The state yield for Iowa in 2008 was 171 bushels per acre.", "- Michigan's hay production was estimated at 5.8 million tons in 1993, up 25% from 1992. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures accounted for 87% of all hay produced. Harvested acres increased 100,000 acres from the previous year, to 1.5 million.The average all hay yield was 3.86 tons per acre, up 0.55 tons from 1992.Value of the hay crop was $388.3 million, up 8% from a year earlier, while the average price per ton decreased to $68.00 from $77.50 in 1992.Hay, which includes dried forage crops like alfalfa, clover and other legumes and grasses, is an important part of the dairy cow's diet.alue of the hay crop was $388.3 million, up 8% from a year earlier, while the average price per ton decreased to $68.00 from $77.50 in 1992. Hay, which includes dried forage crops like alfalfa, clover and other legumes and grasses, is an important part of the dairy cow's diet.", "What is the average yield per acre of sweet corn, and what is the latest... Excellent yield on irrigated land 1400-1500 dozen (seed rate 20-21,000) per acre, , average 1200 dozen and fair yield 1000 dozen. Yield will decrease 100-200 dozen per acre due to insect pressure later in season. Price is another variable. Wholesale 3-4 dollars per dozen at first, It could drop in late July and August to 2.75-3.50 per dozen.", "How Much Does a Bale of Hay Cost? 1 UWEX keeps up with the weekly hay market demand, as well as what the price report is for the upper Midwest area. 2 In March of 2011, a small square of prime hay was $179 on average, a small grade 1 hay bale is $90 per ton, and a small grade 2 hay bale averaged $62 per ton. For a larger, round bale of hay, the average hay price is going to vary anywhere from $60 to $200. 2 Generally, the more that is purchased in bulk, the more you’re going to be able to save with your purchase.", "Cash Rents Reflect Rising Farmland Prices Nearly 1,200 farmers and ranchers across the country reported the highest cash rent they pay; results were then averaged by state. The states with the highest average cash rent per acre are: Idaho at $428; Washington at $346; Iowa at $289; Illinois at $256; and Minnesota at $233.early 1,200 farmers and ranchers across the country reported the highest cash rent they pay; results were then averaged by state. The states with the highest average cash rent per acre are: Idaho at $428; Washington at $346; Iowa at $289; Illinois at $256; and Minnesota at $233.", "HOW MANY BALES PER ACRE??? He may be in an area of nice rain. Typically that field would yield only 150 bales per acre. All of Indiana had a great hay crop last year due to a really wet spring, then it got really hot. Perfect for the first cut which we did in the last week of June.Field temp was 100 plus in the sun. Ol Red didn't like that at all.an we break this down into a standard unit of measurement, such as tons to the acre. I live in Northern Utah and am from Southeastern Idaho. Bale size varies widely, usually from 80lbs to over a ton. The long distances we ship hay, make it necessary to bale heavy and large sometimes.", "Chili Pepper Yields: In any given year yields vary considerably. Average crop yields in Coachella Valley from 1986 to 1995 are shown to range from 530 to 900 boxes per acres (Tables A & B) . In this study, a yield of 875 boxes per acre, the most common yield obtained from participant growers is used as the basis for our analysis.ypically farm equipment in the Coachella Valley is purchased used. In this study, the current purchase price for new equipment is reduced by 40% to indicate a mix of new and used equipment. Annual equipment and investment costs are shown in Lettuce-Table 1 and Lettuce-Table 4.", "- 1 UWEX keeps up with the weekly hay market demand, as well as what the price report is for the upper Midwest area. 2 In March of 2011, a small square of prime hay was $179 on average, a small grade 1 hay bale is $90 per ton, and a small grade 2 hay bale averaged $62 per ton. Larger bales can weight more than 1,000 pounds. 2 UWEX keeps up with the weekly hay market demand, as well as what the price report is for the upper Midwest area. 3 In March of 2011, a small square of prime hay was $179 on average, a small grade 1 hay bale is $90 per ton, and a small grade 2 hay bale averaged $62 per ton.", "- The greater the yield, the higher the harvesting costs. Total costs were $148 per acre for a 3,400-pound yield. They ranged up to $195 for a 9,000-pound yield. Records show that the average grower puts in about 50 hours of his own labor per acre year.The going rate of labor today is $1.00 per hour.he greater the yield, the higher the harvesting costs. Total costs were $148 per acre for a 3,400-pound yield. They ranged up to $195 for a 9,000-pound yield. Records show that the average grower puts in about 50 hours of his own labor per acre year.", "Haying FAQ Typical prices are $10.00-20.00/acre to mow and rake hay; $7.50-10.00/bale for round-baling, depending on the size of bales and whether the bales are twine or net-wrapped; $.50-1.00/bale for square-baling; $1.00/bale to move and stack round bales.", "Computing a Pasture Rental Rate For example, let’s assume the pasture is brome (tallgrass) pasture. Also, assume the average grass hay price during the summer is $100 per ton. The rental rate per AUM is $20 ($100 x .20). If 10, 000 1,000-pound cows with a calf by their side are pastured for three months, 30 AUMs of pasture are used during the summer.", "- According to data from the USDA, the average value of farmland in Illinois increased by 16.4 percent to $7,800 per acre from 2012 to 2013. This is the third straight year of land value increases exceeding 15 percent in Illinois.and Values and Rental Rates The 2013 land values report from the USDA listed the average value of Illinois farmland at $7,800 per acre, an increase of 16.4 percent from the average value of $6,700 per acre in 2012.", "How many bales per acre per year? Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: OK, you can figure to make around 10 tons/acre of alfalfa hay. that would be 20,000 lbs of hay and say you had a bale size of 80 lbs that would give you 250 bales of hay per year.Source(s): john h · 8 years ago.Thumbs up.ating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: OK, you can figure to make around 10 tons/acre of alfalfa hay. that would be 20,000 lbs of hay and say you had a bale size of 80 lbs that would give you 250 bales of hay per year.", "How many square bails can you get out of an acre of hay? In the 2-4 years, after the hay has been established, the first cutting is the largest and can produce anywhere from 75-100 bales of hay per acre. The second cutting usually yields 50-75 bales, and it continues to decrease from there.n a good growing season, around 50 to 100 bales. However this all depends on your location, moisture content, time of harvest, climate, forage quality, etc. that determines h … ow many bales per acre you will get. Another caveat to this answer: A lot depends on the stand of hay.", "Cereal Rye Bennett figures the rye saves him $15 to $30 per acre in material costs and fieldwork, compared with conventional no-till systems for soybeans. Rye doesn’t hurt his bean yields, either. Usually at or above county average, his yields range from 45 to 63 bushels per acre, depending on rainfall, says Bennett.f planting with clovers, seed rye at a slightly higher rate, about 56 lb. per acre. For transplanting tomatoes into hilly, erosion-prone soil, Steve Groff fall-seeds a per-acre mix of 30 pounds rye, 25 pounds hairy vetch and 10 pounds crimson clover.", "# of Bales a Cutting Page 1 of 5 - # of Bales a Cutting - posted in Alfalfa/Hay: So I was talking to my grandfather about how many bales you can yield per a cutting. He told me that the average is 12 bales a cutting per an acre.", "- $ 4 00 $ 4 00 fence maintenance 1 hr 8 00 8 00 total labor $ 12 00 $ 12 00 land charge cash rent equivalent $ 40 00 $ 46 00 fixed variable fixed variabletotal annual cost per acre $ 58 54 $ 32 20 $ 63 60 $ 17 14 these are average rates and may vary with soil test and the level of management on a particular fieldstimated costs ofpasture and hay production this report summarizes estimated costs of improvingpasture by five different systems for each system boththe initial cost per acre and the annual maintenance costper acre are presented", "- Cash rent is $290 per acre, roughly the average cash rent level in 2014 and 2015 in central Illinois. The five highest costs are cash rent ($290 per acre), fertilizer ($148 per acre), seed ($124 per acre), machinery depreciation ($69 per acre), and pesticides ($60 per acre).Cash rent plus these four non-land costs account for 80% of total costs.Significant cost reductions will not occur if these items are not reduced.ash rent is $290 per acre, roughly the average cash rent level in 2014 and 2015 in central Illinois. The five highest costs are cash rent ($290 per acre), fertilizer ($148 per acre), seed ($124 per acre), machinery depreciation ($69 per acre), and pesticides ($60 per acre).", "Genetically modified food controversies Iowa's average corn yield was 166 bu/acre in 2006, which is just slightly above the 30-year trend line. Our highest average yield was 181 bu/acre in 2004. Iowa is increasing yield at approximately 2 bushels per acre per year; more than 60 years will be necessary to have a state average of 300 bu/acre.", "- Also, assume the average grass hay price during the summer is $100 per ton. The rental rate per AUM is $20 ($100 x .20). If 10, 000 1,000-pound cows with a calf by their side are pastured for three months, 30 AUMs of pasture are used during the summer.", "- The average returns, based on an average yield of 1,276 pounds per acre at an. average farm price of 9.23 cents per pound was $117.78 per acre. The higher income. group averaged $306.60 per acre, and the low income group averaged $27.85 per acre.", "Hey, how much hay? Hey, how much hay? How many bales of grass hay per acre from the average pasture? Each field is different and it depends on many factors such as forage species, fertilization program, plant stage when cut, bale weight (how tightly packed),etc. Should also measure quality of the hay, not just quantity. 1 Production of 2 Tons/acre and the bales weigh 65 lb. 14,000 lb./ 85 lb. per bale = 165 bales.", "- Information from these transfer returns is the source for this analysis. The average Wisconsin agricultural land values were essentially unchanged state-wide in 2013. The state-wide weighted average sale price was $3,586 per acre – compared to $3620 per acre in 2012.", "Michigan hay markets beginning to show signs of price relief Hay prices in Michigan are currently experiencing a wide range of prices as some buyers have drought phobia and are willing to pay as much as they did last winter for hay. But prices have moderated slightly on the lower quality first cut alfalfa/grass mixed hays.ay prices in Michigan are currently experiencing a wide range of prices as some buyers have drought phobia and are willing to pay as much as they did last winter for hay. But prices have moderated slightly on the lower quality first cut alfalfa/grass mixed hays.", "- Economical production costs per unit. 4. Efficient marketing and distribution. The average yield of avocados for 1938 was only 1,276 pounds per acre as compared. with 2,474 pounds per acre, the average yield for the bearing Orange County orchards. reporting over a nine-year period to the Farm Advisor's office.", "Starting a hay farm? Viability of a hay farm Here was the thought, on 50 acres you would get 100 square bales per acre, which is a conservative number. If we do the math, that works out to be. 100 bales x 50 acres = 5000 bales of hay for 50 acres of land. At a price of $4.50 that would be: 5000 bales x $4.50 = $22,500. That isn’t a huge amount of money, but remember that is a conservative number on the number of bales you would get per acre." ]
[ 10.890625 ]
[ 8.328125, 9.0625, 4.09375, 10.0859375, 5.671875, 14.3515625, 4.13671875, 8.0703125, 7.49609375, 9.3359375, 2.26171875, 8.2265625, 8.9765625, 9.890625, 7.67578125, 6.6875, 8.5078125, 9.796875, 5.6640625, 9.484375, 8.9765625, 7.6875, 4.96484375, 7.35546875, 8.359375, 8.84375, 6.55078125, 8.65625, 3.498046875, 9.9765625 ]
define wool
[ "Wool Dictionaries - Easton's Bible Dictionary - Wool. Wool [N] [S] one of the first material used for making woven cloth ( Leviticus 13:47 Leviticus 13:48 Leviticus 13:52 Leviticus 13:59 ; 19:19 ). The first-fruit of wool was to be offered to the priests ( Deuteronomy 18:4 )." ]
[ "veil Definition of veil for Students. 1 1 : a piece of cloth or net worn usually by women over the head and shoulders and sometimes over the face. 2 2 : something that covers or hides like a veil a veil of secrecy Her hazel eyes, under their veil of long lashes, had a greenish flash to them. — Esther Forbes, Johnny Tremain.", "Definitions &Translations Editors Contribution(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: voile. A type of fabric create and designed in various colors, shapes, sizes and styles. Voile is a beautiful fabric for curtains and is used for a variety of purposes.", "textile 1. (Textiles) any fabric or cloth, esp woven. 2. (Textiles) raw material suitable to be made into cloth; fibre or yarn. 3. a non-nudist, as described by nudists; one who wears clothes. adj. (Textiles) of or relating to fabrics or the making of fabrics.", "- Example sentences containing 'woven'. 1 The floor was carpeted a deep maroon, small vases woven into the pattern, each vase with a bouquet of curling flowers. 2 He'd counted them out and tossed three and four stacks at a time into a woven plastic bushel basket Francine used for laundry.", "- [count]. Nylon is a very strong man-made fiber. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. [noncount]. The police examined hair and bits of fiber found in the victim's car. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. 3. [count] : a long, thin piece of material that forms a type of tissue in your body. muscle/nerve fibers.", "- Definition of cloth for English Language Learners. : 1 material that is made by weaving together threads of cotton, wool, nylon, etc., and that is used to make clothes, sheets, etc. : 2 a piece of cloth that is used for a particular purpose (such as cleaning things) 3 the cloth : Christian priests and ministers.", "Difference Between Yarn And Wool Wool means soft hair derived from the fleece of sheep or other animals. Wool is a type of yarn. Yarn generally refers to long continuous interlocked fibers that may be used for textiles, knitting, weaving, etc. Yarn may be of different materials including cotton, animal fleece, synthetic, etc. Cotton or synthetic yarn would generally be used to produce textiles or fabric.", "wool 1. fleece, hair, coat These shawls are made from the wool of mountain goats. 2. yarn a ball of wool. dyed in the wool hardened, confirmed, settled, fixed, uncompromising, inflexible, diehard, inveterate, unshakable, unchangeable He is a dyed-in-the-wool socialist.", "fibre fibre. n. 1. (Textiles) a natural or synthetic filament that may be spun into yarn, such as cotton or nylon. 2. (Textiles) cloth or other material made from such yarn. 3. a long fine continuous thread or filament.", "wool 1. the fine, soft, curly hair that forms the fleece of sheep and certain other animals. 2. yarn made of such wool. 3. a fabric or garment of such wool. 4. any finely fibrous or filamentous matter suggestive of the wool of sheep: steel wool. 5. any coating of short, fine hairs or hairlike processes, as on a caterpillar or a plant; pubescence.", "Cowl Cowl. The cowl is an item of clothing consisting of a long, hooded garment with wide sleeves. Originally it may have referred simply to the hooded portion of a cloak.In contemporary usage, however, it is distinguished from a cloak or cape by the fact that it refers to an entire closed garment.he cowl is an item of clothing consisting of a long, hooded garment with wide sleeves. Originally it may have referred simply to the hooded portion of a cloak.", "- Use sew in a sentence. LINK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. verb. A young man sewing with a sewing machine. A young man sewing with a sewing machine. Sew is defined as to join or repair with a needle and thread. An example of sew is to patch up a hole in a pair of jeans.", "- Boll definition: the fruit of such plants as flax and cotton , consisting of a rounded capsule containing... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples English Dictionary | Thesaurus | Translator | Grammar | Scrabble | Blog", "Definitions &Translations Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: wool (Noun). The hair of the sheep, llama and some other ruminants. wool (Noun). A cloth or yarn made from the wool of sheep. wool (Noun). Anything with a texture like that of wool. wool (Adjective). Made of wool. Put on a woolly jumper and turn down the thermostat.", "Wool wool (tsemer; erion): Wool and flax were the fibers most used by the ancient weavers. Wool was used principally for the outside garments (Leviticus 13:48; Proverbs 31:13; Ezekiel 34:3; Hosea 2:5,9).", "- Wool is the hair coat of sheep and some other animals such as the alpaca. Different types of sheep produce different types of wool. Some wool is a high quality and can e … asily be spun into yarns, while some wools are best made into felt. Wool fabric is made from wool yarns that have been twisted into yarns.", "Apparel Search Weft Definition-Definitions for the Clothing & Fabric Industry. Weft Feeders Yarn Directory Yarn Definition Textile List Fashion Industry News Fashion Fabric Search. Weft is the term for the yarn which is shuttled back and forth across the warp to create a woven fabric. It can also be referred to as woof or fill. The weft is a thread or yarn of spun fibre. The original fibre was wool, flax or cotton. Nowadays man-made fibres are used in weaving. Because the weft does not have to be stretched in the way that the warp is, it can generally be less strong. The weft is threaded through the warp using a shuttle.", "rep rep. n. 1. (Textiles) a silk, wool, rayon, or cotton fabric with a transversely corded surface. [C19: from French reps, perhaps from English ribs; see rib 1 ].", "mull Medical Definition of mull. 1 1: a soft fine sheer fabric of cotton, silk, or rayon. 2 2: an ointment of high melting point intended to be spread on muslin or mull and used like a plaster zinc mull.", "poplin 1. 1 a strong fabric, usually of cotton, in plain weave with fine ribbing, used for dresses, children's wear, etc. ( 2 as modifier): a poplin shirt.", "felt 1 (fɛlt) n. 1. a nonwoven fabric of wool, fur, or hair, matted together by heat, moisture, and great pressure. 2. an article made of this fabric. 3. any matted fabric or material, as of asbestos fibers or old paper, used for insulation and in construction. 4. a heavily fulled woven fabric of cotton or wool in which the weave is virtually indiscernible.", "Meaning of âbaleâ in the English Dictionary › a large amount of something such as paper, wool, or cloth that has been tied tightly together: A bale of alfalfa that usually would sell for about $3.50 could cost as much as $10 this year. a bale of cotton.", "cotton wool clouds meaning, cotton wool clouds definition | English Cobuild dictionary 1 n-mass Cotton is a type of cloth made from soft fibres from a particular plant. oft N n. ...a cotton shirt. 2 n-uncount Cotton is a plant which is grown in warm countries and which produces soft fibres used in making cotton cloth. ...a large cotton plantation in Tennessee.", "Definitions &Translations Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Pulp is a lignocellulosic fibrous material prepared by chemically or mechanically separating cellulose fibres from wood, fibre crops or waste paper. Wood provides about 90 % of the basis for pulp production, while about 10 % originates from annual plants. Pulp is one of the most abundant raw materials world wide.", "Woolen vs. woollen Woolen vs. woollen. For the adjective meaning made of wool, woolen is the preferred spelling in American English, though woollen appears about a tenth of the time. In the main varieties of English from outside North America, woollen prevails by a large margin. Both spellings are common in Canadian writing.", "felt Noun [edit]. Wikipedia has an article on: Felt. Wikipedia. felt ‎(uncountable). 1 A cloth or stuff made of matted fibres of wool, or wool and fur, fulled or wrought into a compact substance by rolling and pressure, with lees or size, without spinning or weaving.", "woolpack a coarse fabric, usually of jute, in which raw wool is packed for transport. 2. the package in which raw wool is done up for transport. 3. something resembling such a package, as a fleecy cloud. 4. Meteorology. a cumulus cloud of fleecy appearance with a horizontal base. Origin of woolpack.", "pulp Examples of pulp in a sentence. 1 The fruit has sweet, juicy pulp and hard, black seeds. 2 the pulp of an orange. 3 I like to strain the pulp out of my orange juice. The grain was mashed into 1 pulp. The boxes will be turned back into pulp and be made into newspapers. This paper is made from inexpensive wood pulp.", "Velvet Velvet: Velvet,, in textiles, fabric having a short, dense pile, used in clothing and upholstery. The term derives from the Middle French velu, “shaggy.” Velvet is made in the pile", "foil Foil wrapped food on a grill. Foil wrapped food on a grill. Foil is defined as a thin piece of metal, or a sword used in fencing. 1 An example of foil is aluminum foil, a thin metal sheet used to cover food before you put it in the freezer. 2 An example of foil is a long, thin sword used in sword fighting." ]
[ 14.5390625 ]
[ 1.8544921875, 2.1484375, 10.515625, 1.0576171875, 3.373046875, 8.3125, 11.9140625, 12.5, 6.66796875, 14.8125, 3.025390625, 2.791015625, 1.7158203125, 16.125, 11.1171875, 12.5234375, 4.9921875, 5.890625, 3.806640625, 5.921875, 8.7421875, 6.40234375, 8.5703125, 3.1796875, 8.265625, 8.171875, 8.3046875, 0.984375, 3.80078125, 1.4599609375 ]
what are synthetic drugs
[ "- Synthetic drugs are products containing chemical substances artificially developed to mimic the effects of illegal drugs like cannabis, cocaine and methamphetamine.They come in the form of powders, pills and dried herbs that have been soaked in synthetic chemicals.ynthetic drugs and the law. In September 2013 the NSW Goverment introduced changes to the Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act 1985 to prohibit the manufacture, supply and advertising of psychoactive substances (colloquially known as synthetic drugs)." ]
[ "- Points to Remember. 1 Synthetic cathinones, more commonly known as bath salts, are drugs that contain one or more synthetic (human-made) chemicals related to cathinone. Cathinone is a stimulant found in the khat plant.", "- Ecstasy is a synthetic, psychoactive drug similar to the methamphetamine and mescaline. Includes Ecstasy side effects, interactions and indications", "- BRAND NAME: Duragesic. DRUG CLASS AND MECHANISM: Fentanyl is a potent synthetic (man-made) narcotic. A 100 µg dose of fentanyl is approximately equal to 10 mg of morphine. Fentanyl stimulates receptors on nerves in the brain to increase the threshold to pain (the amount of discomfort that a person must feel in order to be perceived as painful) and reduce the perception of pain (the perceived importance of the pain).", "Opiates Heroin (diacetylmorphine) is a synthetic opiate made from morphine and is rarely detectable in body fluids. It has a half-life of a few minutes. Illicit heroin often contains small amounts of acetylcodeine. The presence of both codeine and morphine in urine does not rule out the use of heroin.", "Sympathomimetic drug Sympathomimetic drug. Chemical structures of the catecholamines. Sympathomimetic drugs (also known as adrenergic drugs and adrenergic amines) are stimulant compounds which mimic the effects of endogenous agonists of the sympathetic nervous system.", "List of the 9 GREATEST Synthetic Steroids For Bodybuilding Synthetic anabolic steroids are man-made drugs that mimic the body’s own processes to enhance the growth of muscles. The synthetic steroids definition includes anabolic steroids that successfully recreate the effects of estrogen and testosterone. These hormones are naturally produced in the adrenal glands.", "- Entactogenic drugs ecstasy (MDMA), eve (MDE) and other ring-substituted methamphetamine derivatives. he widely used recreational drugs 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, Ecstasy) and 3,4-methylenedioxyethamphetamine (MDE, Eve) occupy an intermediate position between stimulants and hallucinogens.ervenarzt 1996 May; 67(5):369-80 ABSTRACT The widely used recreational drugs 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, Ecstasy) and 3,4-methylenedioxyethamphetamine (MDE, Eve) occupy an intermediate position between stimulants and hallucinogens.", "Effects of Synthetics There’s “bath salts,” there’s synthetic marijuana and there’s drugs that used to be called “designer drugs.” Now all these classes of drugs are starting to be grouped together with the designation “synthetics.”. Synthetic marijuana is sold as Spice or K2 or one of a dozen other names.he adverse effects of these drugs go far beyond the idea of the overdose, suppressed breathing or slowed heart rate of more common drugs. The effects of these synthetics can be so violent as to take out not only the drug user himself (or herself) but also children or adults in the vicinity.", "What is analogy? Synthetic refers to any material made from non natural sources. This means that a product such as cloth is made from a chemical source rather than the fibers produced by natur…e. Cotton, linen, and rubber are natural sources for clothing production.", "- Interactions with other drugs—whether prescribed or illegal—make side effects more serious and difficult to treat. “It’s difficult to sort out the medical and psychological impact of synthetic drugs when they are mixed with other drugs and alcohol,” he adds.ducation about synthetic drugs should focus not only on the harmful effects but also on positive reasons to be drug free, such as staying healthy and having good self-esteem, and helping teens and young adults develop a plan for coping with situations where drug use may occur, Ryan suggests.", "- Recent interest in the role of serotonin (5-HT) in antipsychotic drug action is based mainly upon the fact that antipsychotic drugs such as clozapine, olanzapine, quetiapine, risperidone, sertindole, and ziprasidone are potent 5-HT2a receptor antagonists and relatively weaker dopamine D2 antagonists.", "- Synthetic drugs that act as opiates like opium derivatives do not actually contain any opium in them. These drugs are actually created in laboratories and although they may have similar effects as opium and they may cause similar side effects, they do not contain any derivatives of the poppy plant or opium in them.", "List of the 9 GREATEST Synthetic Steroids For Bodybuilding Synthetic anabolic steroids are man-made drugs that mimic the body's own processes to enhance the growth of muscles. Are steroids synthetic or natural? The answer is both. There are organic compounds called steroid hormones already present in the human body.", "- Ecstasy. Ecstasy is a semi synthetic member of the amphetamine class of psychoactive drugs, a subclass of the phenethylamines. Ecstasy also falls under many other broad categories of substances, including stimulants, psychedelics, and the empathogenic-entactogens.It is considered unusual for its tendency to produce a sense of intimacy with others and diminished feelings of fear and anxiety.ppearance: Ecstasy comes in a tablet form that is often branded as a synthetic, psychoactive drug chemically similar to the stimulant methamphetamine and the hallucinogen mescaline. Short Term Effects: Effects start about a half hour after ingestion.", "- The term is also applied to synthetic substances which have structures similar to plant alkaloids, such as procaine. Please contribute to this project, if you have more information about this term feel free to edit this page. This page was last modified on 3 October 2005, at 21:16.This page has been accessed 20,420 times. What links here | Related changes | Permanent link.", "Synthetic Drugs: An Emerging, Evolving Threat With the heroin crisis raging, there is a reluctance to put too great a focus on synthetic drugs. But a few states are beginning to address the issue before it blows up into a major crisis. Synthetic drugs began with the best of intentions, as an attempt to create a safe, medicinal and legal form of marijuana.", "Synthetic cannabinoids Synthetic cannabinoids. Synthetic cannabinoids are a class of chemicals that are different from the cannabinoids found in cannabis but which also bind to cannabinoid receptors. They are often marketed as designer drugs or sold in products with claims that they give the effects of cannabis.", "- synthetic heroin-synthetic narcotic drug similar to morphine but less habit-forming; used in narcotic detoxification and maintenance of heroin addiction.", "Synthetic Narcotics List Synthetic Narcotics List. The illegal drug market, while still active, is quickly being outpaced by the rise in synthetic drug use. Drugs, such as cocaine and heroin, though illegal, are nonetheless plant-based organic concoctions while synthetic varieties consist of any number and mixture of chemical compounds.s drugs on the synthetic narcotics list, synthetic cannabinoids effects on the brain mimic the active THC ingredient found in marijuana, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Likewise, these designer drugs act as central nervous system depressants just as marijuana does.", "- A2, MC, RD, WI. Table 3 - A listing of representative types of narcotic pain medications. In general all of these medications includes a natural or synthetic analog of the opium substance from the opium poppy. All of these mimic a natural body chemical called an endorphin.", "- Ecstasy. Ecstasy is a semi synthetic member of the amphetamine class of psychoactive drugs, a subclass of the phenethylamines. Ecstasy also falls under many other broad categories of substances, including stimulants, psychedelics, and the empathogenic-entactogens.", "- Some synthetic opiates or opioids with a different chemical structure but similar effects on the body and brain are propoxyphene (Darvon), meperidine (Demerol), and methadone. Physicians use many of these drugs to treat pain.ome synthetic opiates or opioids with a different chemical structure but similar effects on the body and brain are propoxyphene (Darvon), meperidine (Demerol), and methadone. Physicians use many of these drugs to treat pain.", "- A synthetic analog is a: synthetically created compound that differs from the Natural compound. Both in it's structure and function. Although probably very similar to the original compound.", "Synthetic Opiates List â Drugs that Derive from Opium Most prescription pain relief medications exist as synthesized versions of natural opiate drugs like opium, morphine and heroin. These medications make up the majority of drugs appearing on a synthetic opiates list. Opiates, also known as analgesics, have become one of the most commonly abused drugs on the market.", "Narcotics List Narcotics are typically those drugs which are either directly taken from the opium poppy such as heroin or morphine as well as the long list of opioids that are either synthetic or semi-synthetic which means that all or a portion of the drug is created in a laboratory setting.", "Effects of Synthetics Effects of Synthetics. The new synthetic drugs that are making the rounds of drug-using markets are some of the most destructive drugs available today.he adverse effects of these drugs go far beyond the idea of the overdose, suppressed breathing or slowed heart rate of more common drugs. The effects of these synthetics can be so violent as to take out not only the drug user himself (or herself) but also children or adults in the vicinity.", "- Since 2011 all 50 states have banned two types of the synthetic drugs­—cannabinoids (a.k.a. “synthetic marijuana”, “Spice” or “K2”) and cathinones (a.k.a. “bath salts”) —with the majority doing so via legislation. Initially, state legislative action targeted specific versions of these drugs with individual bans.", "- Opiates (heroin, morphine, etc.). The human body naturally produces its own opiate-like substances and uses them as neurotransmitters. These substances include endorphins, enkephalins, and dynorphin, often collectively known as endogenous opioids. Endogenous opioids modulate our reactions to painful stimuli.", "Synthetic cannabinoids Synthetic cannabis is claimed by the manufacturers to contain a mixture of traditionally used medicinal herbs, each of which producing mild effects, with the overall blend resulting in the cannabis-like intoxication produced by the product.", "- LSD. LSD (D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) is a synthetic hallucigenic drug, although it doesn't produce hallucinations but more severe distortions of the senses and thinking. It was synthized By Albert Hoffman from Ergotamine which is found in the deadly poisonous Ergot Fungus that used to grow on crops.SD. LSD (D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) is a synthetic hallucigenic drug, although it doesn't produce hallucinations but more severe distortions of the senses and thinking. It was synthized By Albert Hoffman from Ergotamine which is found in the deadly poisonous Ergot Fungus that used to grow on crops." ]
[ 17.953125 ]
[ 11.78125, 8.8359375, 7.953125, 9.140625, 4.78515625, 10.453125, 5.421875, 9.5703125, 7.5, 9.234375, 3.814453125, 11.25, 9.953125, 8.6796875, 7.4609375, 12.3359375, 12.3671875, 10.359375, 10.703125, 5.7265625, 9.9609375, 9.6015625, 7.8828125, 9.375, 8.328125, 10.7421875, 11.5859375, 6.8515625, 10.921875, 8.953125 ]
how many calories does banana contain
[ "Which Fruit Contains the Most Calories? Bananas take the lead of fruits with the highest number of calories. Bananas vary in size, but average 110 to 120 per fruit, which doubles the calorie content of most other fruits. Despite their higher calorie content, bananas pack plenty of nutrition, including several important vitamins and minerals such as potassium, Vitamin A, niacin and riboflavin." ]
[ "- tips for mom. Nutrients and Calories in a Banana Chiquita bananas are a smart, convenient addition to a healthy lifestyle. With 110 nutrient-dense calories per serving (126 grams, or one medium-sized banana) it is deliciously easy to add Chiquita bananas to your family's routine.", "- One medium banana contains 1.29 grams of protein, 105 calories and 3.1 grams of dietary fiber.", "- a banana of 6 inches or fewer has about 72 calories according to the u s department of agriculture national nutrient database a 6 5 inch banana has 90 calories while a 7 5 inch banana has 105 calories a banana that measures 8 5 inches has 121 calories while a fruit longer than 9 inches has 135 calories", "Calories in a Banana Banana bread calories. 1 In a 2.4 oz serving of banana nut bread there are approximately 161 cal. 2 In 1 oz of banana nut bread there are approximately 67 cal. 3 In 100 g of banana nut bread there are approximately 237 cal. banana that is over nine inches in length (approximately 182 g) is deemed to be an extra-large banana and contains 135 calories. Please note that the above calories in banana lists are only approximations as we cannot be exact as no two bananas are exactly the same.", "How Many Calories and Carbs Are in a Banana? If you're unsure about the size of your banana, you can estimate that an average-sized banana contains about 100 calories. 93% of a banana's calories come from carbs, 4% from protein and 3% from fat. Bottom Line: The calorie contents of bananas range from 72–135 calories.", "- Bananas are a nutritious snack option at about 100 calories a serving. But, they’ve got much more than that going for them. The average banana contains three grams of fiber, much more than the 0.9 grams in a plum and the 0.6 grams in a cup of sliced watermelon.With all that fiber, bananas will help you feel full and keep cravings at bay.his research was supported by an Indian study which found eating just two bananas a day reduces blood pressure by 10 percent in as little as a week. Bananas are low in sodium and high in potassium, so they’re perfect for 67 million Americans suffering the condition. 9.", "Can You Eat Bananas If You Want to Lose Weight? clocking in at 121 calories for a large banana 105 calories for a medium banana and 90 calories for a small banana these convenient to eat fruits are nutrient dense giving you a lot of nutritional bang for your buck in addition to energy just one provides you with ample fiber potassium and vitamin b6", "Calories in a Banana you have seen how many calories is in a banana and there are relatively few there is also next barely any fat in a banana with an even smaller proportion being the saturated fat that you want to be avoiding in foods", "Can You Eat Bananas If You Want to Lose Weight? One large banana is equal to one cup. Photo Credit Tatiana Volgutova/iStock/Getty Images. At 121 calories, one large banana is a mere 6 percent of a 2,000-calorie diet, but it also provides 3.5 grams of dietary fiber, which can help you achieve your weight-loss goals by keeping you feeling full longer.", "How Many Calories Are in a Banana Smoothie? Use 4 ounces of plain, low-fat yogurt, a cup of skim milk and a medium banana, and your smoothie will have 259 calories.Swap the skim milk for almond milk, and you'll save 23 calories. But if you use whole milk, the calories in your smoothie increase by 66.epending on the ingredients, they can also be high in calories. You can make a basic banana smoothie with yogurt, milk and banana, or add other ingredients to increase the nutrient content and vary the flavor. Choose low-fat versions of dairy products to limit the saturated fat and calories in your smoothie.", "Bananas Fat Calories Fat calories in bananas. Size Weight Fat calories Calories Fat Small 80 g 2.7 kcal 72 kcal 0.3 g Medium 118 g 3.6 kcal 105 kcal 0.4 g Large 136 g 4.5 kcal 121 kcal 0.5 g.Fortunately for all consumers of this wonderful fruit, from the standpoint of bananas fat calories it is an ideal food option.ize Weight Fat calories Calories Fat Small 80 g 2.7 kcal 72 kcal 0.3 g Medium 118 g 3.6 kcal 105 kcal 0.4 g Large 136 g 4.5 kcal 121 kcal 0.5 g. Fortunately for all consumers of this wonderful fruit, from the standpoint of bananas fat calories it is an ideal food option.", "Banana Nutrition Facts: Calories and Health Benefits A medium banana is about 7-8 inches long. But many of the bananas that you find in the local grocery store are larger than that. And you probably don't get out a tape measure and measure your fruit, so a safe estimate is that your banana contains 90-120 calories depending on its size.", "- Bananas are high in potassium. Bananas provide several key nutrients for everyday health. They are low in calories -- providing about 90 calories for a 6-inch banana -- high in fiber and offer several vitamins and minerals. If you are bored with plain bananas, find other ways to incorporate them into your diet. banana packs nearly 3 grams of fiber into your diet if you eat a 6-inch piece of the fruit. Most of the fiber in bananas is insoluble. This is the type of fiber that pushes out waste and makes your stools easier for you to pass.", "Calories in a Banana The lists are also for raw bananas only, and calories will vary should the banana be cooked or fried for example. Remember, when we are thinking about the total number of calories in 1 banana, it is important to remember that these totals are not a great deal in relation to your total daily calorie requirements. banana that is over nine inches in length (approximately 182 g) is deemed to be an extra-large banana and contains 135 calories. Please note that the above calories in banana lists are only approximations as we cannot be exact as no two bananas are exactly the same.", "Can You Eat Bananas If You Want to Lose Weight? Clocking in at 121 calories for a large banana, 105 calories for a medium banana and 90 calories for a small banana, these convenient-to-eat fruits are nutrient dense, giving you a lot of nutritional bang for your buck.In addition to energy, just one provides you with ample fiber, potassium and vitamin B6.ne small banana contains 90 calories, 23 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of protein, 2.6 grams of fiber and less than 1 gram of fat.", "Can Eating Bananas Really Help You Lose Weight? But does that include high-carb fruits like bananas? The short answer is yes! One medium banana has a mere 105 calories, 27 grams of carbs, 3 grams of satiating fiber and just 14 grams of naturally occurring sugar—not to mention a host of healthy flat belly nutrients. But beware: Compared to other fruits, bananas are slightly higher in calories and carbs, so no monkey business: stick to one five-inch portion a day.", "Calories in a Banana A banana that is over nine inches in length (approximately 182 g) is deemed to be an extra-large banana and contains 135 calories. Please note that the above calories in banana lists are only approximations as we cannot be exact as no two bananas are exactly the same.", "- There are 105 calories in 1 medium Banana. Calorie breakdown: 3% fat, 93% carbs, 4% protein.", "- Calories in Large Banana. *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs. Some of these foods were entered by users and are subject to error.", "Banana Nutrition, Concerns, Benefits & Recipes Bananas are low in calories with only about 100-110 calories for one medium size banana. Compared to many other processed or high calorie snack choices, bananas make a great healthy snack because they are pre-portioned and full of nutrients and fiber.. Helps Improve Digestive Health. Each banana contains about 3 grams of fiber, which is roughly 10% of the daily fiber you should be consuming. The fiber in bananas helps to prevent constipation, bloating, and other unwanted digestive symptoms.", "RocketSwag.com While a small banana would contain about 12 grams of sugar, a medium one would contain around 14 grams, a large one would contain about 17 grams, and an extra large banana would contain about 19 grams of sugar.But this does not mean that diabetics cannot eat bananas.his is because the starch in the bananas converts into sugar only upon ripening. Usually once the banana starts ripening, it may have a sugar content of about 20 percent, while an unripe banana may have a sugar content of only 2 percent.", "- • Banana bread can be quite high in fat if made with higher amounts of whole eggs, oil, or nuts. • The average slice of banana bread contains about 160 calories. Calories From Fiber In a Banana. • There are about three grams of fiber in an average sized banana.================================. What To Do Now: Step 1: If you enjoyed the video please give it a like, leave your comment below and share this link with your friends: http://youtu.be/EhZIQ7xc6vY.earning the calories in a banana will help make sure that you add it into your diet correctly, enjoying the taste and reaping the nutritional benefits it has to offer. ================================. TEST YOUR FITNESS KNOWLEDGE: http://fitness-quiz.com/.", "5 Myths About Corn You Should Stop Believing You don't steer clear of bananas because you think they're high in sugar, do you? Then why should you do the same for corn? A banana contains about the same amount of calories as an ear of corn -- around 110 -- yet it has two to three times the amount of sugar. A cob of corn has around 6 to 8 grams of sugar, while a banana has about 15.", "How Many Carbohydrates Are in a Banana That Weighs 3.7 Ounces? Once small banana weighing about 3.7 ounces contains 23 grams of total carbohydrates, according to the USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory. The Institute of Medicine recommends you obtain 45 to 65 percent of your calorie intake from carbohydrates.", "How many calories in an average banana? Depends on the kind of banana and size...but somewhere between 80 and the higher one hundreds. Take a look here http://www.healthyweightforum.org/eng/ca... http://www.weightlossforall.com/calories...http://www.dietbites.com/calories/calori...To know how many in the banana's you eat, look up calories on the maker's website (such as Chiquita).epends on the kind of banana and size...but somewhere between 80 and the higher one hundreds. Take a look here http://www.healthyweightforum.org/eng/ca... http://www.weightlossforall.com/calories...", "Calories & Protein in a Banana A banana contains between 1.1 gram and 1.66 grams of protein, depending on its size. A medium banana provides 34 percent of the recommended dietary allowance of vitamin B-6, 18 percent for vitamin C, 13 percent for potassium and 11 percent for fiber.", "Banana Nutrition Facts: Calories and Health Benefits Many of the bananas that you find in the local grocery store are larger than that. Since you probably don't get out a tape measure for your fruit, a safe estimate is that the average banana contains 90 to 120 calories, depending on its size.", "Are the Calories in Bananas Worth the Bite? Many nutrition experts and trainers talk back and forth about whether bananas are a food to savor or skip. But don't fret — if you love bananas, it's still totally fine to enjoy. One medium-size banana contains 105 calories with 27 grams of carbs, similar numbers per serving as apples and pears.And though they sometimes are maligned due to the higher amounts of sugar, don't be intimidated.hile bananas are not the lowest-calorie fruit available, there's no harm in enjoying the creamy treat in a smoothie or as part of a delicious dessert; the key is moderation.", "How Many Carbs in a Banana & How Many Calories in a Banana Are There? An average-sized banana is usually about 100 calories, but like all foods, portions matter. Here is a banana chart to get a better idea of how many calories and how many carbs in a banana there are: Extra small (less than 6 inches, 81 grams): 72 calories, 19 carbohydrates Small (6–7 inches, 101 grams): 90 calories, 23 carbohydrates", "Banana Nutrition Facts: Calories and Health Benefits Berries are generally lowest in calories. A half cup of raspberries provide just 32 calories and a half cup of blueberries provides about 41 calories. Many dieters eat half a banana to stay on the safe side and keep their calorie count in control. Half a banana would only provide 45-60 calories." ]
[ 13.140625 ]
[ 12.953125, 13.5625, 14.09375, 12.5390625, 15.046875, 11.9296875, 12.453125, 8.8515625, 12.6796875, 9.40625, 10.7109375, 14.453125, 10.3828125, 12.8671875, 13.1484375, 12.7421875, 14.046875, 14.3125, 10.15625, 12.9453125, 8.390625, 11.03125, 9.921875, 9.3828125, 10.8671875, 10.4296875, 14.6171875, 13.921875, 14.5546875, 12.6640625 ]
what causes white calcium in ear
[ "Myringosclerosis and Tympanosclerosis: Hardening of the Ear Drum Myringosclerosis and tympanosclerosis are similar conditions which affect the middle ear, causing the ear drum to appear bright white. The whiteness is due to calcium deposits which form on the tympanic membrane, which is more commonly called the ear drum. The only difference between myringosclerosis and tympanosclerosis is that in myringosclerosis the calcium deposits, the calcium only deposits on the ear drum. 1 Myringosclerosis does not have any symptoms like in tympanosclerosis, where the calcium deposits not only on the ear drum but also onto the structures of the middle ear. Tympanosclerosis can cause symptoms such as hearing loss. While scar tissue can have a similar appearance to these conditions, it is not the same." ]
[ "- Cause: 1 Copper corrosion in the water line supplying the refrigerator causes blue or green ice. 2 Calcium deposits in water cause white flecks in ice cubes especially as it melts. 3 When water freezes and thaws, the minerals in it concentrate and the thaw cycle contributes to this.", "What are ear crystals? Cause. The dizziness is caused by dislodged calcium crystals (salt crystals) in the fluid of the inner ear. The calcium crystals move through the fluid of the inner ear during certain head movements of motion or dizziness (vertigo).The following are the most common reasons for dislodgment of calcium crystals in the inner ear: 1. Head trauma or whiplash injury. 2.Aging of the inner ear. 3.he calcium crystals move through the fluid of the inner ear during certain head movements of motion or dizziness (vertigo). The following are the most common reasons for dislodgment of calcium crystals in the inner ear: 1. Head trauma or whiplash injury. 2. Aging of the inner ear. 3.", "Plugged ears The patient may say that he feels a sensation of fullness in the ears. It can be a real mechanical obstruction, such as in a case of a plug made of cerumen (ear wax), fluids in the middle ear, infection or cholesteatoma in the middle ear, poor functioning of the Eustachian tube, or a retro-cochlear cause.", "Raynaud's Disease Raynaud's Disease. The Facts. Raynaud's disease occurs when the small arteries (arterioles) that serve the fingers, toes, ears, or nose go into spasm. When arterioles go into spasm, they cut off blood supply and cause digits (fingers and toes) or the tips of the ears or nose to turn white or blue and lose feeling.", "- Tympanosclerosis: This is a condition where the eardrum has calcium plaques which form as a result of old infections. It is of no significance unless the plaques bind the malleus (the ear bone which attaches to the eardrum) with the ear canal, thus preventing the drum from vibrating.The tube that leads from the ear to the back of the nose no longer lets enough air into the middle ear .) Even short term negative pressure can cause clear fluid to build up behind the eardrum. The eardrum is often retracted or pulled into the middle ear. The patient usually has a hearing loss.", "- Since ionized calcium is the active form of calcium, this drop in ionized calcium can result in reversible symptoms of hypocalcemia. Of note, non-reversible causes of hypocalcemia include hypoparathyroidism, acute pancreatitis, medullary thyroid cancer, hypomagnesemia, hypovitaminosis D, and blood transfusions.", "- The X-ray beam is attenuated to a higher degree. by calcium, therefore less photons pass through. bone to the detectors, resulting in its ‘white’. appearance on CT. White matter is less cellular, contains myelinated. axons (fat), and has a higher water content than. gray matter, resulting in slightly lower.", "Cholesteatoma As the cholesteatoma pouch or sac enlarges, it can cause a full feeling or pressure in the ear, along with hearing loss. (An ache behind or in the ear, especially at night, may cause significant discomfort.) Dizziness, or muscle weakness on one side of the face (the side of the infected ear) can also occur.", "Why do most of the MMA fighters have disfigured ears? This includes hematomas (a hematoma is a collection of blood, that is usually the result of blunt trauma, such as in boxing, wrestling, martial arts, etc) and infections. A rare cause of cauliflower ear is relapsing polychondritis, an inflammatory connective tissue disease.", "Inner Ear 'Rock Slides' Lead To Vertigo Ear rocks are small crystals of calcium carbonate called otoconia, which collect in the inner ear. If they fall out of place into the ear canal, they can cause vertigo.Experts who treat dizziness estimate that about 20 percent of all dizziness is due to loose crystals — or ear rocks — in the inner ear.f they fall out of place into the ear canal, they can cause vertigo. Experts who treat dizziness estimate that about 20 percent of all dizziness is due to loose crystals — or ear rocks — in the inner ear.", "Imaging of the opacified middle ear Middle ear opacification on imaging studies performed in a non-traumatic setting mostly reflects chronic inflammatory/infectious disease. In some of these patients an underlying cholesteatoma will be found.he diagnosis of fibrous tissue fixation on HRCT appearance alone is impossible because of the similar density of the fibrosis with other middle ear substances (fluid, cholesteatoma) and because the fixation cannot be determined on imaging (Fig. 5). Fig.", "- The exact cause of intracardiac echogenic foci remains unclear; however, they appear to be caused by small deposits of calcium in the papillary muscle of the fetal heart.", "Swimmer's ear It may occur with a middle ear infection or a respiratory infection such as a cold. Swimming in unclean water can lead to swimmer's ear. Bacteria commonly often found in water can cause ear infections. Rarely, the infection may be caused by a fungus.", "Cholesteatoma A cholesteatoma usually occurs because of poor eustachian tube function as well as infection in the middle ear. The eustachian tube conveys air from the back of the nose into the middle ear to equalize ear pressure (clear the ears).", "Vertigo Acute labyrinthitis, also called vestibular neuritis — This is an inflammation of the balance apparatus of the inner ear, probably caused by a viral infection. Ménière's disease — This causes repeat episodes of dizziness, usually with ringing in the ear and progressive low-frequency hearing loss.", "When Does Ear Congestion Become Dangerous? Otolaryngologist Güzin Akkuzu lists the 8 factors that cause ear congestion: Ear Wax Build-Up: This is one of the most frequently encountered causes of ear congestion. Sometimes, the ear wax builds up in the external auditory canal due to hypersecretion or the inadequacy of the external auditory canal’s width. The build-up does not cause any disturbance until it fills the canal completely but leads to a sudden feeling of blockage once it fully clogs the canal. Foreign Objects in the External Auditory Canal: Foreign objects may cause ear congestion if they block the canal entirely. External Ear Infection: External auditory canal infections generally arise when the canal remains damp for a long time due to trapping of water in ears in the pool, sea or shower. The water retention in the external auditory canal causes pain as well as ear congestion for patients. Middle Ear Infection: The middle ear consists of a hollow space filled with air in which three ossicles serve to transmit sounds.", "Cholesteatoma Cholesteatoma is a serious but treatable ear condition, which can be diagnosed only by medical examination. Bone erosion can cause the infection to spread into the surrounding areas, including the inner ear and brain. Causes. A cholesteatoma usually occurs because of poor eustachian tube function as well as infection in the middle ear.", "- Tympanosclerosis: This is a condition where the eardrum has calcium plaques which form as a result of old infections. It is of no significance unless the plaques bind the malleus (the ear bone which attaches to the eardrum) with the ear canal, thus preventing the drum from vibrating.", "Ear Cancer Symptoms In case of a white or yellow discharge from the ear, cancer can be diagnosed, since it signals a rupture in the eardrum. It can be caused by loud noise, foreign objects inside the ear, ear trauma, or difference in the pressure between the inside and outside of the eardrum.", "My Doctor Online The Permanente Medical Group This can occur when you ride in a boat, airplane, car, or even on an amusement park ride. Nausea and vomiting are common with motion sickness. Benign positional vertigo. Calcium deposits in the back part of the inner ear, also known as the semicircular canals, cause benign positional vertigo.", "What Are the Symptoms of and Treatment for Crystals in the Inner Ear? Calcium chloride crystals dislodge inside the inner ear due to injuries involving sudden motion, aging and disease. In many patients with this condition, the doctor labels the cause as idiopathic, or of unknown cause, reports Michigan Ear Institute.", "Is there any cure for calcium build-up on optic nerve? Answer: Two forms of calcium build-up on the optic nerve (back of eye) that can create problems include optic disk drusen (yellow, fatty deposits under retina), as you mentioned, and calcification within an optic nerve sheath meningioma. Drusen are the most common findings and involve protein and calcium deposits that mimic optic nerve swelling.", "Overview Causes of a Cholesteatoma. A cholesteatoma is most commonly caused by a poorly functioning eustachian tube—the tube that leads from the back of the nose to the middle of the ear, allowing air to flow and equalizing ear pressure.The eustachian tube may not work properly due to chronic ear infections, sinus infections, colds, or allergies.ymptoms of a Cholesteatoma. Typically, the symptoms of a cholesteatoma start out mild. They become more severe as the cyst grows larger and begins to cause problems within your ear. Initially, you may experience fluids draining from the ear accompanied by an unpleasant odor.", "Types of Vestibular Disorders An acoustic neuroma is a benign tumor on the vestibular portion of the eighth cranial nerve, which connects the inner ear to the brain. An acoustic neuroma may cause vertigo (spinning), unsteadiness, imbalance, or lightheadedness in addition to hearing loss and/or ringing in the affected ear. Most acoustic neuromas are removed by surgery. Other options, including various types of radiation therapy (often called radiosurgery), are available.", "Leukoaraiosis White matter hyperintensities can be caused by a variety of factors including ischemia, micro-hemorrhages, gliosis, damage to small blood vessel walls, breaches of the barrier between the cerebrospinal fluid and the brain, or loss and deformation of the myelin sheath.", "- Tinnitus: people with tinnitus hear a constant ringing or roaring sound. The cause of this ringing cannot always be found. Some cases of tinnitus are caused by ear wax, ear infections or a reaction to antibiotics, but there are many other possible causes of this disorder.", "- Moreover, white matter is classically considered less vulnerable than gray matter to the ischemic injury initiated by a large-artery occlusion. 6 However, ischemia may primarily involve white matter (“capsular infarcts”), sometimes in an isolated fashion.bstract. Background and Purpose The effects of ischemia on the cerebral white matter structure seldom have been studied, possibly because white matter is generally considered less vulnerable to ischemia than gray matter.", "What is Ear Collapse? Ear collapse is a condition which can be caused by the infection of a cartilage piercing. Although this condition is unusual, especially when a piercing is properly cared for, it is extremely serious, and it requires prompt medical attention.", "Ear wax 1 The ear canal cleans itself with a waxy secretion called cerumen. 2 Sometimes, the wax builds up and causes symptoms, including mild deafness and a sensation of fullness inside the ear. This condition is harmless and easily treated.", "Summit Medical Group Web Site Small crystals of calcium float in the fluid in the inner ear. These crystals can get into the semicircular canals and cause vertigo. When you change the position of your head, they then strike against nerve endings in the semicircular canals and cause the feelings of spinning." ]
[ 13.9296875 ]
[ 5.94921875, 11.6640625, 5.35546875, 6.26171875, 9.7734375, 5.17578125, 4.83203125, 7.54296875, 2.77734375, 9.671875, 4.27734375, 3.28515625, 7.48828125, 7.70703125, 6.51953125, 3.13671875, 6.74609375, 12.3046875, 8.234375, 9.7734375, 12.09375, 4.2578125, 6.37109375, 6.25, 2.951171875, 6.015625, -0.2484130859375, 3.501953125, 7.625, 10.2734375 ]
how much is judo class
[ "- The current cost, on a per-class basis, is $3.00 per person, or $5.00 per family. Dues are only required for nights that you actually participate.In addition, all participants in Judo will require membership in one of the national Judo federations." ]
[ "- The $110 application fee is nonrefundable (the fee for applicants to the B-C-J Exchange only is $35). Make check or money order payable to The Juilliard School. All checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank and must be received by December 1, 2015.", "How Much Do Boxing Lessons Cost? “Boxing” (CC BY 2.0) by maxintosh. The cost of boxing lessons will depend on the trainer, the level, duration of lessons, how many are paid up front and geographical location. For boxing lessons, plan on spending $25 to as much as $100 per hour.", "- 45 minute session, drop-in price $12.00 or $120.00 for 10 classes. This class is kept to a maximum of 10 people. Due to the small class size, if you are not a regular member of class and would like to attend, please call first to make sure there is room.", "Tokyo: 10 Things to Do General admission tickets for Ryogoku Kokugikan are sold as same-day seats on tournament days: $20 for adults, $2 for children ages 4 to 15 (kids under 4 get in free); tickets are cash only. The box office opens at 8 a.m., and competition begins at 9 a.m. and lasts into the evening.", "- 1. Depending on the class I teach, it's $22.50 or $25.00. Also a free membership, and I don't have to pay for CPR and AED. For mandatory meetings and similar stuff, there is an established hourly rate which is around $19.00.", "How much does gymnastics class cost? And gyms do classes by sessions. so like from june to august is the 'summer session' and that's 20 weeks long. That means your are paying about $200 for 20 classes. [20 hours.] But, you have to find a cheer/gymnastics gym nearest to you and see how much it costs for you.", "How much does self-defense classes cost? Some schools are 40 to 100 a month!! I wouldnt pay no more than 60!!! If i was in cal and dan inosanto wanted 200 a month and i could pay that i would!ha If you can pay top dollar do it if there good!!", "What is Judo? Judo gives its students a code of ethics, a way of living, and a way of being. Practiced today by more than 20 millions of individuals, judo is undoubtedly the most popular combat sport in the world. In terms of sheer numbers of participants, judo is the second most popular sport of any sport, soccer being number one.", "Colorado Technical University There are nine classroom sessions and the final exam. Students are required to attend 80%, or 8 out of 9, classes to be eligible for certification. Cost is $100 per person. Classes cover topics including wildlife, geology, trees, and the human impact on our natural resources.", "- The costs vary through out different parts of the country, but I think they only vary by a few dollars: Joining fee-$35 (online$25) seniors-62 years and students 22 years old-$20. weekly fee-traditional fee-$13.", "CNN Ranks Yoga Instructor in Top 100 Careers with âBig Growth, Great Payâ But Forgets One Thing By the way, we’re not saying $62k a year is a great wealth of money. That amount hovers around the comfortable livability range for a single person and would be a decent chunk of cash for a two-income middle class household. But it sure isn’t a comfort zone we’re familiar with seeing when it comes to yoga teachers.", "How Much do English Teachers Make in Brazil? Sao Paulo is unique in how much students will pay for English class, and you’ll have a harder time charging R$150 an hour to students in other cities. For major cities like Rio De Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Salvador, Curitiba and Florianopolis, charging R$40-50 an hour for private classes is the norm.ao Paulo is unique in how much students will pay for English class, and you’ll have a harder time charging R$150 an hour to students in other cities. For major cities like Rio De Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Salvador, Curitiba and Florianopolis, charging R$40-50 an hour for private classes is the norm.", "The Average Adjunct Pay at Community Colleges Average adjunct faculty instructor pay varies by community college. A 2006 report by the Modern Language Association noted that community college average adjunct faculty instructor pay ranged from about $1,397 to about $3,000 per course.", "- 1 The average monthly fee for taekwondo classes is anywhere from $50 to $300 per month. 2 This entails the regular class, which means that you have to take the training up to three times per week.", "Martial Arts Classes Cost 1 Some dojos charge as much as $250 in promotion fees for each test, usually highest for the top ranking of black belt. 2 Martial Arts Mart often sells sparring gear and clearance uniforms online at a discount. Some branches of the YMCA offer karate classes for $50 a month or less for adult members.", "So You Think You Want to Be a Yoga Teacher If January treats you well and you average 12 students per class at a rate of $4.50 per student (this is fairly generous for a newer teacher, but let’s go for it), you will total $540 per week. Multiplied by four weeks and you’ve grossed $2,160 for your commission-based classes. Not too shabby.", "How much does gymnastics class cost? They are available at most gymnastics gyms ! Also, tumbling classes are cheaper than gymnastics. & yuck, who actually WANTS to wear a leotard. MY Tumbling classes are about $100 a month. but gyms vary. It depends how many times a week too. I only do it once a week for 1 hour. Some people tumble 2 times a week.And gyms do classes by sessions. so like from june to august is the 'summer session' and that's 20 weeks long. That means your are paying about $200 for 20 classes. [20 hours.] But, you have to find a cheer/gymnastics gym nearest to you and see how much it costs for you.hey are available at most gymnastics gyms ! Also, tumbling classes are cheaper than gymnastics. & yuck, who actually WANTS to wear a leotard. MY Tumbling classes are about $100 a month. but gyms vary. It depends how many times a week too. I only do it once a week for 1 hour. Some people tumble 2 times a week.", "- 8 We estimate the material costs of classroom training at $50per participant per training session. As noted in Table 7.2, this analysis assumes thatthe training occurs at a military facility that would otherwise have been unused.", "How to Do Judo Find your local Judo class. Look to make sure there are people there of your own size and weight. You can learn the most by training with people who are a similar size to yourself. But make sure that the coach is a Black (or Red) Belt (the highest rank, depending on your country), especially above 1st degree.", "IN RUSTIC MAINE, 'FAMILY' SCHOOL FOR THE TROUBLED; NORTH EDGECOMB, Me. ''I used that money to buy our encyclopedia.'' Although the tuition at the Deck House is not low - $2,300 for the fall term and $1,700 each for the winter and spring terms - it is far less than at other schools specializing in youngsters with disciplinary problems, according to Mr. Hall.", "- The early history of judo is inseparable from its founder, Japanese polymath and educator Jigoro Kano (嘉納 治五郎, Kanō Jigorō, 1860–1938) , born Shinnosuke Kano (嘉納 新之助, Kanō Shinnosuke) . Kano was born into a relatively affluent family.", "Competition FAQs There is an entrance fee for each competition. Group numbers generally cost about $40-50 per student per competition. Duo/trio dances usually cost about $50-60 per student to enter, and solos are around $90-100. Besides competition fees, each student will be required to purchase specified dance jewelry.The jewelry is inexpensive (usually less than $20 for a choker necklace, and somewhere around $10 for rhinestone earrings).uo/trio dances usually cost about $50-60 per student to enter, and solos are around $90-100. Besides competition fees, each student will be required to purchase specified dance jewelry.", "How Much Do Boxing Lessons Cost? This can often include one to three lessons a week for anywhere from $110 to $300 per month. Again, this will depend on the gym, credentials of the trainer, and age of the person being trained. BoxingGyms.com states that the cost of boxing lessons can vary anywhere from $15 to as much as $100 per hour.", "Martial Arts Classes Cost 1 Judo uniforms cost $30 to $50. 2 For sparring gear, it is often less expensive to buy protective items by the set for $55 to $90, which includes headgear, gloves and leg guards and a mouthpiece. Some dojos charge as much as $250 in promotion fees for each test, usually highest for the top ranking of black belt.", "How much does a judo or tae kwon do class usually cost? Are they typically once a week or twice a week? varies greatly depending on the size of the gym, amount of students, whether the instruction is in it for teaching or for money, location etc....i see things range from $50/month-$100 range, but there are some more. i pay $90/month for muay thai but its open almost all day 6days a week and i can train anytime its open.y granddaughter just took a trial in Tae Kwon Do. Now they want $390.00 for the First and Last Month then it's $130.00 a month. Any you are tied in for a year. Does this sound right to or is it over expensive.", "- My Zumba teacher gets 1/2 of tuition for the classes. They pay $10 for a class and she gets $5. so if only one person comes she makes $5 that hour another week 20 come and she makes $50. At other Gyms she gets paid $10 per person in the room. have a Zumba instructor at my studio who currently gets paid $50 for an hr class. He wants an increase in pay every time more students sign up. I said I would do $60 if we get 7 students but he wants to keep going up. In my opinion thats a ton of money for an hour.", "- JEFFERSON CITY schools will charge $700-a-year tuition for all new out-of-district students entering or transferring to Jefferson Middle School next year. Jefferson Middle School has exceeded “base-size” and is expected to stay above base-size 2011-2012.", "- Misconceptions. Some yoga students may think all instructors make the same amount of money. In fact, instructors make different amounts of money for teaching the same class. One instructor with more experience may earn $10 or $20 more each hour for teaching a class.In some studios, instructors are paid on a per-student basis.he average salary for a full-time yoga instructor nationwide is approximately $45,000. However, this number can vary substantially based on several factors including where the instructor is located, how often the instructor works and how much the instructor has built an independent business.", "Gun Review: Mosin-Nagant M91/30 Yen to U.S moneyI cant exactly tell you what a dollar is worth in yen, but I can tell you that 200 yen is $1.80 in the U.S. and 100 yen would be about 90 cents in the U.S. I h … ope that help you understand what a U.S dollar is worth when it comes to yen..^ One dollar equals about 100.77 yen, but the Japanese system doesn't do fractions of money like the American system does. One American dollar equals about 100.77 yen.", "Expenses All students enrolled in online courses are assessed a $100 fee per class (this fee is non-refundable after census date). Languages and Culture. Students enrolled in lab courses, and certain other language instruction courses, will be assessed a $10 fee per course." ]
[ 13.765625 ]
[ 2.59765625, 4.4375, 9.59375, 5.859375, 6.24609375, 4.3359375, 6.11328125, 6.0546875, 3.169921875, 9.5703125, 0.537109375, 3.236328125, 1.01953125, 8.90625, 9.1171875, 5.03125, 4.140625, 4.82421875, 6.93359375, -2.140625, 5.9609375, 3.951171875, 6.203125, 12.734375, 11.34375, 3.61328125, 0.94384765625, 4.93359375, 3.9453125, 4.4453125 ]
what is hpw for sugar gliders
[ "HPW Sugar Glider Diet The HPW diet has a calcium to phosphorous ratio of 1.29:1. Sugar glider diets should always maintain a calcium:phosphorous ratio of 1.5-2 calcium:1 phosphorous. This is not to say you cannot feed anything that doesn't have this ratio, but do maintain the proper overall ratio with all the combined foods you feed.his diet is purchased as a powder mixture and meant to be mixed with water, treated honey and scrambled eggs (depending on the mixture, you may or may not need to add Australian Bee Pollen since some formulas come pre-made with it). The HPW mixture is then frozen and lasts about 3-4 months for one sugar glider." ]
[ "High-fructose corn syrup vs. sugar Q: What’s the difference between sugar (white granulated sugar) and high-fructose corn syrup? Should I limit one more than the other for health reasons? A: High-fructose corn syrup is a corn-based sweetener. It’s about an equal blend of glucose and fructose and can be bought only by food manufacturers. Its use increased greatly around 1975 because of its low cost, and in the ensuing years it has replaced sucrose as the primary sweetener in processed foods.", "Sugar glider The sugar glider (Petaurus breviceps) is a small, omnivorous, arboreal, and nocturnal gliding possum belonging to the marsupial infraclass. The common name refers to its preference for sugary nectarous foods and ability to glide through the air, much like a flying squirrel.ike all arboreal, nocturnal marsupials, sugar gliders are active at night, and shelter in tree hollows lined with leafy twigs during the day. The average home range of sugar gliders is 0.5 hectares, and is largely related to the abundance of food sources; density ranges from 2-6 individuals per hectare.", "- A sugar crash or glucose crash is the fatigue after consuming a large quantity of carbohydrates, also known as reactive hypoglycemia.ymptoms associated with sugar crashes are similar to those experienced during periods of hypoglycemia, though not as severe. This is because the difference between usual and post-meal blood glucose levels is not as large as in diabetic cases of hypoglycemia.", "High-fructose corn syrup 1 HFCS 42 (≈42% fructose if water were removed) is used in beverages, processed foods, cereals, and baked goods. 2 HFCS 55 is mostly used in soft drinks. 3 HFCS 65 is used in soft drinks dispensed by Coca-Cola Freestyle machines. HFCS 90 has some niche uses but mainly mixed with HFCS 42 to make HFCS 55.", "What Is the Difference Between Caster and Icing Sugar? Powdered sugar has different names in different countries. In the United Kingdom, it is referred to as “icing sugar” and in France, “sucre glace.” Powdered sugar is granulated sugar which has been ground so fine that it resembles powder rather than granules.", "- Feed 1/4 teaspoon of this mix per two gliders each night. We supplement only one course in the nightly meal, either by a quick shake from a cheese shaker or you can use a 1/4 teaspoon measure.his supplement can also be used to gut load or dust insects prior to feeding. One container of Rep-Cal will last for 1/2 year with two sugar gliders depending on your feeding plan.", "How can you substitute powdered sugar for granulated sugar? Powdered Sugar will be acceptable as a one-for-one substitute for ordinary granulated sugar in cooking, with nearly equivalent sweetness for the same volume or weight.", "What is a Sugar Glider & Where did they come from? They got the name Sugar Gliders because they: 1 like to eat almost anything that is sweet, especially fresh fruit & vegetables, and. 2 they have a gliding membrane (similar to a flying squirrel) that stretches from their wrist to their ankles, allowing them to glide - not fly - from tree to tree.", "What Is Horehound Candy? Identification. Horehound candy is sugar coated and has a bittersweet taste. The candies are lozenge-sized and are typically placed in the mouth and sucked on to extract the taste.", "- as my interests are far and wide. In their natural state, introduced species such as foxes and even common cats and dogs are the most common enemies of sugar gliders. Native animals, particularly arboreal ones such as such as kookaburras, quokkas, owls and goannas will readily prey on sugar gliders.Snakes also prey on sugar gliders.ugar gliders should not eat foods with a high amount of sugar. Please don't add it to their food. Sugar gliders have a preference for natural sugars found in foods such as … fruits, nectar and saps, although these are not the only things they eat. In their native habitat, they do not eat sugar cane sugar.", "Sugar Substitutes: How to Substitute Sweeteners 2. When substituting a liquid for a granulated sweetener (e.g. using honey when the recipe calls for sucanat or brown sugar), for every 1 cup of honey, subtract 1/4 cup of liquid from the recipe (that means also, for every 1/4 cup of honey, subtract 1 Tbsp of liquid). 3.. Since maple syrup and honey are somewhat acidic, when baking, you will need to add 1/4 – 1/2 tsp baking soda per cup of honey or maple syrup to the batter so it will rise. 6. If you’d like to use stevia in your baking and cooking, check out Stevia-What It Is and How to Use It for helpful tips.", "- 1 Buying a baby sugar glider, or joey, aged eight to twelve weeks, costs between $200 and $500, depending on the region and the pet's personality and other attributes. Older sugar gliders cost less, between $100 to $150 because they'll be harder to train and are therefore less desirable.", "- Finally available ... an easy way to offer the popular HPW Sugar Glider Diet plan at a low cost. Your Sugar Glider will absolutely LOVE the pure vanilla bean flavor of HPW (both Instant & Ready to Feed) .Contains all of the ingredients in the original HPW Diet including Honey, Eggs, Original ZooPro High Protein Supplement, Bee Pollen, Flax Seed Oil & Omega 6 & 3 Fatty Acids.our Sugar Glider will absolutely LOVE the pure vanilla bean flavor of HPW (both Instant & Ready to Feed) . Contains all of the ingredients in the original HPW Diet including Honey, Eggs, Original ZooPro High Protein Supplement, Bee Pollen, Flax Seed Oil & Omega 6 & 3 Fatty Acids.", "Polyglycerol Polyricinoleate Polyglycerol polyricinoleate (PGPR) is described as a yellowish glutinous liquid, used in low-quality chocolate brands such as Hershey's, Nestle, and Mars. It's made of polyglycerol esters from castor beans.GPR primarily has a good water-binding property. It is insoluble in ethanol and cold water, but is soluble in hot grease. Pros and Cons of PGPR. The role of PGPR is to replace cocoa butter and still have the same taste of chocolate, however some of the flavor is lost.", "High Fructose Corn Syrup More Damaging to Teeth October 17, 2013 By Rothfus Dental Leave a Comment. High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is advertised as being the same thing as sugar. Calorie-wise, this is true. Both table sugar and HFCS contain the same number of calories and the human body absorbs them in the same way.There are some important differences between regular sugar and high fructose corn syrup – mainly the way our body reacts.alorie-wise, this is true. Both table sugar and HFCS contain the same number of calories and the human body absorbs them in the same way. There are some important differences between regular sugar and high fructose corn syrup – mainly the way our body reacts.", "Sugary Sweet Emergency Recipe Substitutions Honey is sweeter than granulated sugar. Or, instead of 1 cup granulated sugar use 1 1/2 cups molasses plus 1/4 tsp baking soda and reduce the liquid in the recipe by 1/4 cup. 1 pound (package) granulated sugar = about 2 1/4 cups granulated sugar. Powdered Sugar - Superfine or powdered sugar is granulated sugar that has been spun into a powder.", "COMPOSITION HFCS: Made to Be Sweet As Sugar. The two main types of high fructose corn syrup are HFCS-55 and HFCS-42. When HFCS-55 was developed, it was specifically formulated to provide sweetness equivalent to table sugar so that consumers would not perceive a difference in product sweetness and taste.FCS: Made to Be Sweet As Sugar. The two main types of high fructose corn syrup are HFCS-55 and HFCS-42. When HFCS-55 was developed, it was specifically formulated to provide sweetness equivalent to table sugar so that consumers would not perceive a difference in product sweetness and taste.", "- Practice Problem 2: Glucose and fructose have the same formula: C6H12O6. Glucose is the sugar with the highest concentration in the bloodstream; fructose is found in fruit and honey. Use the Fischer projections in the figure of common monosaccharides to explain the difference between the structures of these compounds.", "High Fructose Corn Syrup vs. Sugar These facts aren’t sugar-coated. High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is found in various products ranging from cookies, sodas, crackers, to cereals, which makes it hard to avoid when consuming processed foods and drinks.", "- Check out some of these facts about the Australian sugar glider. Latin Name for Sugar Gliders. Petaurus breviceps is the Latin name for a sugar glider which means short-headed rope-dancer. Life Span of Sugar Gliders. Sugar gliders live about 10-15 years in captivity so they are long term pets!", "- Fructose is also known as a monosaccharide. High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is also a sweetener and is used to sweeten foods and beverages. However, HFCS is not the same as fructose. HFCS is a mixture of fructose and glucose, made by an enzymatic process from glucose syrup from corn.", "- Video Transcript. Today we are talking about sugar gliders and the cost of purchasing the sugar glider and then their upkeep for about one annual year. The starting price for getting a sugar glider if you are getting a young animal is about $150. It can go up from there. This is a normal gray sugar glider who is about two years old and he would cost about $150 either at a pet store or from a breeder. Pet stores sometimes are a little bit more expensive.", "- Fructose, fruit sugar (C6H12O6) or ketohexose It is exist in abundance in fruits and therefore is named fruit sugar. It is as well present in cane sugar and honey with glucose in mixture form. The polysaccharide inulin is a polymer of fructose and provides just fructose on hydrolysis.", "- Please do more research on any company that tells you sugar gliders are easy to care for, can be fed only packaged food and vitamins, or claim that everyone else on the Internet is wrong about their care. Often these folks refer to sugar gliders as sugar bears.", "- Sugar Gliders (. Petaurus breviceps. = tight rope walker, short head. ) are one of the newest. additions to the world of fad pets. Published information on Sugar Gliders is sparse, but. more is coming available as we continue to see them as pets/patients.", "- UK – www.werthers-original.co.uk. Sugar Free Butter Candies have the smooth and rich caramel taste of regular Butter Candies but in a completely sugar free sweet. With less than 9 calories and suitable for diabetics, they are a delicious treat for anyone looking for all the taste without any of the sugar.", "- Fructose and glucose are monosaccharides, that is, simple sugars. Sucrose, which is composed of fructose and glucose linked together, is a disaccharide; it comprises a little over 1% of the composition of honey.", "- Structural formulae of fructose (left) and glucose (right) High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) (also called glucose-fructose, isoglucose and glucose-fructose syrup) is a sweetener made from corn starch that has been processed by glucose isomerase to convert some of its glucose into fructose.", "Toxic Foods for Sugar Gliders Any food with refined sugar, such as canned fruit or candy, is dangerous for the sugar glider. Like other pets, sugar gliders cannot eat chocolate. Because they are so small, even the tiniest amount can be fatal. Coffee, tea, soda and other human beverages are also toxic to sugar gliders, especially those drinks that contain caffeine.", "- To whom it may concern, Your calories and grams of sugar with respect to Capri Sun Pacific Cooler are correct. Your reference to High Fructose Corn Syrup is not. There is no HFCS in Capri Sun as we reformulated the brand well over a year ago, moving to sugar and with 25% fewer grams than previously existed of HFCS.veryone knows that soda is packed with sugar. We stacked up the sugar in some average sized bottles, plus 7-Eleven's super-sized line of Gulp beverages. Most people add at least some ice to their fountain drinks. We figured in enough ice to account for 15% of the cup's volume." ]
[ 15.7578125 ]
[ 4.9765625, 12.5703125, 5.10546875, 2.568359375, 4.56640625, 9.90625, 4.75390625, 10.234375, 0.67822265625, 7.4765625, 4.09375, 10.84375, 14.3828125, -0.62646484375, 3.95703125, 4.265625, 3.669921875, 2.751953125, 3.2578125, 10.34375, 3.541015625, 11.484375, 2.86328125, 8.7109375, 10.0546875, 1.6298828125, 3.955078125, 3.849609375, 10.1484375, 1.845703125 ]
local tax levy definition
[ "- Definition of a Property Tax Levy. A number of taxes go along with property ownership. As a property owner, you should understand what a property tax levy is and its use in your community. The tax levy is the amount of money that a community brings in through personal and property taxes. The property tax levy is money raised solely from property owners in the community; it is in no way related to the income taxes paid to state and federal governments." ]
[ "Return to CHAPTER 25 A garnishment or levy is used to capture all or a portion of earnings or personal property owed by a state agency to an employee, vendor, or third party. Personal property can include, but is not limited to, wages, leave buyout, vendor payments, commissions, bonuses, or prize money.", "Taxes Where both the city and county levy an occupational license tax, a credit may be given, at the option of the local governments, for the amount paid to the city against the occupational license tax of the county. (Consult local jurisdictions for further details.)", "Department of Local Government Finance The amount each unit is allowed to collect each year is based on the unit's maximum levy, which is based on the amount of property taxes raised by the unit last year. Additionally, state law allows a unit of government to raise more levy than in the previous year.", "regressive tax Taxation that takes a larger percentage of a lower-income and a smaller percentage of a higher income. For example, a tax on the basic necessities (which form a larger percentage of the expenditure of the lower income population) is a regressive tax. See also progressive tax.", "-  1.2 percent of assessed value (calculated as the original value, less a discount of between 10 to 30 percent, as. determined by the local government); or.  12 percent of rentals in the case of leased property. The tax is imposed on an annual basis and collected periodically as determined by local government.", "Land value tax An aspect of fiscal policy. A land/location value tax (LVT), also called a site valuation tax, split rate tax, or site-value rating, is an ad valorem levy on the unimproved value of land. Unlike property taxes, it disregards the value of buildings, personal property and other improvements to real estate.", "- The special tobacco leaf tax (20 percent of the. procuring price), a form of local tax revenue, is a. pervasive incentive for local authorities to increase the. production of tobacco leaf, resulting in an oversupply. of tobacco leaf as well as a lower tobacco leaf price.", "- The Assessor is concerned with value, not taxes. Taxing jurisdictions such as schools, cities and county, adopt budgets after public hearings. This determines the tax levy, which is the rate of taxation required to raise the money budgeted.", "Definitions &Translations Definitions for millage tax. This page provides all possible meanings and translations of the word millage tax. Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: millage tax(Noun) property tax; used especially where the tax rate for property is determined in mills.", "Tax A property tax (or millage tax) is an ad valorem tax levy on the value of property that the owner of the property is required to pay to a government in which the property is situated. Multiple jurisdictions may tax the same property.", "local government local government rate. It may be defined as government at the grassroot. It is a unit of government below the central and state government set up by law to exercise political authority within a defined area. The local government is a creation of the state government, so it is subordinate.", "- IRS levy rules provide for exemption of reasonable basic living expenses. If your wage is levied by the IRS, the entire wage will not be levied. You will be allowed to receive a portion of you wage which the IRS considers as reasonable basic living expenses.", "excise duty excise duty. 1. A percentage levied on manufacture, sale, or use of locally produced goods (such as alcoholic drinks or tobacco products). 2. A percentage tax levied on a company's revenue, instead of (like income tax) on the company's income. 3. A fixed tax levied on an activity or occupation, such as the license fee charged from attorneys, doctors, and other professionals. Also called excise tax. quality", "- All goods and services are subject to the levy unless they are exempt. The Levy is charged at a rate of two and one half per cent (15%) on the VAT-excusive selling price of the goods supplied or services rendered.", "General Tax Law and Legal Definition General tax refers to a general levy by a government that offers no special benefit to the taxpayer, but only a support to governmental programs that benefit all. It is a source of public revenue. USLegal Home", "- The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has broad powers to seize the property of a taxpayer who has neglected, failed, or refused to pay tax obligations as they became due. This legal seizure of a taxpayer’s property or assets to satisfy a tax debt by the IRS is referred to as a levy.", "Part 5. Collecting Process (09-26-2014) Unlike other levies, a levy on a taxpayer's wages and salary has a continuous effect. It attaches to future payments, until the levy is released. Wages and salary include fees, bonuses, commissions, and similar items.", "regressive tax Definition of regressive tax: A tax that takes a larger percentage of the income of low-income people than of high-income people. Definition of regressive tax: A tax that takes a larger percentage of the income of low-income people than of high-income people. Use regressive tax in a sentence “ You may find that you are dealing with a regressive tax and should try to use that to your advantage.", "- Definition of 'tax burden'. tax burden (tæks ˈbɜːdən) the amount of tax paid by a person, company, or country in a specified period considered as a proportion of total income in that period. Multinationals can also shift profits to reduce their total tax burden; they can show larger profits in countries with lower tax rates.", "- a sum of money demanded by a government for its support or for specific facilities or services, levied upon incomes, property, sales, etc. a burdensome charge, obligation, duty, or demand.", "- Local Tax is the general term for sales and use taxes imposed under the Bradley-Burns Uniform Sales and Use Tax Law. The basic statewide sales and use tax rate is 7.50% and is divided as follows: 1 6.50% State.", "levy 1. Impose or collect an amount (such as a tax) by compulsion or legal authority. 2. The amount so collected. 3. Appropriation or seizure of a debtor's specific asset or property through a lawful process, or in satisfaction of a judgment, for the payment of a debt or claim.", "- According to law, levy can be made only when the property to be levied on is possessed by the U.S. Government, such as unpaid wages and salaries of U.S. employees (6331(a)) or property that has been seized (6502(b)).", "Local Check Law and Legal Definition Local Check Law & Legal Definition. A local check is a check payable by, at, or through a bank in the same check processing region.It is the location of the branch of the depository bank. The depository bank is the bank into which the check is deposited.An example is a credit union share draft payable through a commercial bank. Usually the check routing symbol on the check states whether the check is paid through a local bank.t is the location of the branch of the depository bank. The depository bank is the bank into which the check is deposited. An example is a credit union share draft payable through a commercial bank.", "What is Exempt From a IRS Tax Levy? Effective for levies issued after July 22, 1998, the date of enactment, the Code now exempts from collection (1) fuel, provisions, furniture and personal effects valued up to $6,250 (previously $2,500) and (2) books and tools of the taxpayer’s trade, business or profession valued up to $3,125 (previously $1,250).", "IRS Tax Lien Help | Remove (Federal Tax) or State Tax Lien â Principal Tax Group Liens are different than levies. Some people use the words “lien” and “levy” interchangeably. A tax lien is a document filed by the IRS to protect the government’s ability to collect money. A levy is the forced collection of tax, for example by confiscating money directly out of a bank account or paycheck. A tax lien can be one of the worst items to appear on your credit report.", "- /ˈloʊkəl/. noun. plural locals. Learner's definition of LOCAL. [count]. 1. : a person who lives in a particular area, city, or town: a local person — usually plural. The restaurant is popular with (the) locals. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples.2. : a train or bus that makes all of the stops along its route — compare express.3.ˈloʊkəl/. noun. plural locals. Learner's definition of LOCAL. [count]. 1. : a person who lives in a particular area, city, or town: a local person — usually plural. The restaurant is popular with (the) locals. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples.", "12b. Financing State and Local Government States generally do not allow local governments to levy income taxes, but some municipalities impose a payroll tax on people that work within their borders. Property taxes provide the chief source of income for local governments today. Taxes are levied on land, buildings, and personal dwellings.", "- Definition of ad valorem tax: Charge levied as a percentage of value of the item it is imposed on, and not on the item's quantity, size, weight, or other such factor. Value added tax (VAT) and, generally, import duties are ad ...", "- Tax definition, a sum of money demanded by a government for its support or for specific facilities or services, levied upon incomes, property, sales, etc. See more." ]
[ 13.0234375 ]
[ 6.27734375, 8.1171875, 9.453125, 5.24609375, 7.15234375, 8.890625, 5.578125, 10.0390625, 4.66015625, 9.8125, 5.546875, 5.40234375, 6.02734375, 6.08203125, 10.09375, 8.8828125, 6.04296875, 2.251953125, 4.375, 9, 8.796875, 9.3203125, 5.7734375, 4.453125, 5.13671875, 6.75, 4.5859375, 8.984375, 6.4765625, 9.015625 ]
linea alba definition
[ "Linea alba (abdomen)update The linea alba is a fibrous structure that runs down the midline of the abdomen in humans and other vertebrates. In human linea alba runs from xiphoid process to pubic symphysis. The name means white line and the linea alba is indeed white, being composed mostly of collagen connective tissue. It is formed by the fusion of the aponeuroses of the abdominal muscles, and it separates the left and right rectus abdominis muscles." ]
[ "- Click to read more below. The fibula is the long, thin and lateral bone of the lower leg. It runs parallel to the tibia, or shin bone, and plays a significant role in stabilizing the ankle and supporting the muscles of the lower leg.", "lamina of vertebral arch lamina den´sa an electron-dense layer of the basal lamina, consisting mainly of collagen fibrils and proteoglycans; it closely follows the plasma membrane of the basal aspect of the adjacent cell layer, from which it is separated by the lamina lucida (or the lamina rara in the renal glomerulus and pulmonary alveolus).", "- Linea Nigra. Linea nigra, a dark vertical line that appears in the middle of the belly is one of many pregnancy-related skin changes you may experience during your pregnancy.", "Basella alba Basella alba is native to the Indian Subcontinent, southeast Asia and New Guinea. It is reportedly naturalized in the China, tropical Africa, Brazil, Belize, Colombia, the West Indies, Fiji and French Polynesia.escription [edit]. Basella alba is a fast-growing, soft-stemmed vine, reaching 10 metres (33 ft) in length. Its thick, semi-succulent, heart-shaped leaves have a mild flavour and mucilaginous texture. The stem of the cultivar Basella alba 'Rubra' is reddish-purple.", "- Full Definition of BOLOGNA. : a large smoked sausage of beef, veal, and pork; also: a sausage made (as of turkey) to resemble bologna. See bologna defined for English-language learners.See bologna defined for kids.ull Definition of BOLOGNA. : a large smoked sausage of beef, veal, and pork; also: a sausage made (as of turkey) to resemble bologna. See bologna defined for English-language learners.", "Fibula The fibula is the long, thin and lateral bone of the lower leg. It runs parallel to the tibia, or shin bone, and plays a significant role in stabilizing the ankle and supporting the muscles of the lower leg. Compared to the tibia, the fibula is about the same length, but is considerably thinner. The difference in thickness corresponds to the varying roles of the two bones; the tibia bears the body’s weight from the knees to the ankles, while the fibula merely functions as a support for the tibia....", "lunula Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia. lunula. a small, crescentic or moon-shaped area or structure, e.g., the white area at the base of the nail of a finger or toe, or one of the segments of the semilunar valves of the heart.", "inter alia inter alia. (in-tur eh-lee-ah) prep. Latin for among other things.. This phrase is often found in legal pleadings and writings to specify one example out of many possibilities.Example: The judge said, inter alia, that the time to file the action had passed..INTER ALIA.Among other things; as, the said premises, which inter alia, Titius granted to Caius..his phrase is often found in legal pleadings and writings to specify one example out of many possibilities. Example: The judge said, inter alia, that the time to file the action had passed.. INTER ALIA.", "- Confidence votes 14. Alba is the Scots Gaelic name for Scotland. Originally an Indo-European word for white used in Ptolemy's texts, the word came to be used to describe the kingdoms of the Picts north of the Firth of Forth and the Firth of Clyde, traditionally regarded to have been conquered by Kenneth MacAlpin. 5 Fantastic Jessica Alba Movies It is hard to find anyone who doesn't have an infatuation with Jessica Alba. 2 Not only is her beauty unparalleled, she has a radiant personality that draws you in. 3 It is easy 4 …. Alba Longa, Rome's Antecessor Alba Longa was an ancient city of the Latium region in Italy.", "Definition of 'ancilla' Use ancilla in a sentence. an aid for use as in understanding or accomplishing something; often, specif., a handbook, or manual. Origin of ancilla. see ancillary.", "bursa bursa. bursa of Achilles tendon one between the calcaneal tendon and the back of the calcaneus. anserine bursa one between the tendons of the sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus muscles, and the tibial collateral ligaments. Calori's bursa one between the trachea and the arch of the aorta.", "Albina Latin Meaning: The name Albina is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Albina is: From the Latin Albinus, meaning white. From Albanus meaning 'of Alba', the ancient Latin city Alba Longa, whose name derives from albus meaning white.American Meaning:n American the meaning of the name Albina is: From the Latin Albinus, meaning white. From Albanus meaning 'of Alba', the ancient Latin city Alba Longa, whose name derives from albus meaning white. English Meaning: The name Albina is an English baby name.", "mind Noun. 1. tabula rasa-a young mind not yet affected by experience (according to John Locke). mind, psyche, nous, brain, head-that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason; his mind wandered; I couldn't get his words out of my head.", "- linea alba linea al·ba (āl'bə) n. A fibrous band that runs vertically along the center of the anterior abdominal wall and receives the attachments of the oblique and transverse abdominal muscles. Also called white line.", "bursa bursa of Achilles tendon one between the calcaneal tendon and the back of the calcaneus. anserine bursa one between the tendons of the sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus muscles, and the tibial collateral ligaments.", "- Medical Definition of algia. algia: Word ending indicating pain, as in arthralgia (joint pain), cephalgia (headache), fibromyalgia, mastalgia (breast pain), myalgia (muscle pain), and neuralgia (nerve pain). Derived from the Greek algos meaning pain.", "\"What does the Italian phrase \"\"La Bella Donna\"\" mean exactly?\" Atropa belladonna or Atropa bella-donna, commonly known as belladonna or deadly nightshade, is a perennial herbaceous plant in the family Solanaceae, native to Europe, North Africa, Western Asia, and some parts of Canada and the United States. The foliage and berries are extremely toxic, containing tropane alkaloids.", "- The Media Luna or Media Luna Ampliada refers to a group of four departments – Santa Cruz, Beni, Pando, and Tarija – in Bolivia which became the geographic area of opposition to the national government led by Evo Morales and the Movement for Socialism. Printed dictionaries and other books with definitions for Media luna", "- parabola in British English. See all translations. parabolanoun [ C ] uk ​ /pəˈræb.əl.ə/ us ​ /pəˈræb.əl.ə/ specialized. › a type of curve such as that made by an object that is thrown up in the air and falls to the ground in a different place. Thesaurus: synonyms and related words. Geometry: bends, loops & curves. anfractuous.", "Bologna sausage Bologna sausage (Italian pronunciation /boˈloɲɲa/ or Anglicized to /bəˈloʊni/) is an American sausage derived from and somewhat similar to the Italian mortadella (a finely hashed/ground pork sausage containing cubes of lard that originated in the Italian city of Bologna).", "- On the surface, human life may appear futile, but the speaker contends that it is actually this sense of hopelessness - and not human life itself - that is the illusion. Lines 5-8 Longfellow uses the second stanza to build on the ideas of the first. Because the soul lives eternally, the speaker reasons, life must be real. Note that in the first line there is a caesura, or break, after the word real.. This caesura forces the reader to pause, thereby emphasizing the idea that life is real. These lines are an allusion to the Bible's book of Genesis, where God says to the fallen Adam, dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return..", "Definitions &Translations Definitions for corsica paoli Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word corsica paoli. The Nuttall Encyclopedia (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: Corsica Paoli. a native of Corsica, who vainly struggled to achieve the independence of his country, and took refuge in England, where he enjoyed the society of the Johnson circle, and was much esteemed. See Paoli.", "copula copula - an equating verb (such as `be' or `become') that links the subject with the complement of a sentence. copulative, linking verb. verb - a content word that denotes an action, occurrence, or state of existence. Translations.", "alba First attested in 1821; from the Occitan alba, ultimately from the Latin albus ‎(“white”); compare the Spanish alba ‎(“dawn”). alba ‎(plural albas) A type of lyrical poetry, traditionally Provençal, about lovers who must part at dawn.", "- Translation of Michela e le sue amiche from the Collins Italian to English Dictionary The colon ( : ) The colon indicates a break between two main clauses which is stronger than a comma but weaker than a full stop.", "- noun. failing to communicate due to the fact of disorder in the CNS. A type which is not quite as serious is known as dyslogia. ALOGIA: Kristal's alogia occurred as a result of her bipolar disorder.. No related posts.", "Parabola Definition of Parabola. A parabola is the set of all points in a plane that are equidistant from the focus and the directrix of the parabola. The graph of any quadratic equation is a parabola.", "Aluta Continua...! Aluta Continua...! Aluta Continua is a Portuguese expression meaning The Struggle continues.. The full wording of the phrase is actually Aluta Continua Victoria Acerta which has the full meaning: The struggle continues, victory is certain.. Taking into cognisance the intent of the phrase, it is justifiable to ask the question as to whether our victory is truly certain, sure and attainable.", "- Hyperbola describes a family of curves. Together with ellipse and parabola, they make up the conic sections. Hyperbola is two-branched open curve produced by the intersection of a circular cone and a plane that cuts both nappes (see Figure 2.) of a cone. of a cone.", "- Medical Definition of LAMINA PROPRIA. : a highly vascular layer of connective tissue under the basement membrane lining a layer of epithelium.ADVERTISEMENT. New Latin, literally, proper lamina. a highly vascular layer of connective tissue under the basement membrane lining a layer of epithelium. ADVERTISEMENT." ]
[ 16.046875 ]
[ 2.55078125, 3.341796875, 7.8125, 4.51171875, 0.580078125, 2.53125, 0.0169677734375, -2.32421875, 4.171875, -2.05078125, 2.3671875, 1.552734375, 0.2958984375, 17.21875, 4.7578125, 0.146484375, 0.521484375, -0.87255859375, -0.79345703125, 1.1884765625, -1.8798828125, -2.37890625, -1.7021484375, 7.16015625, -0.849609375, 1.302734375, 0.254150390625, -3.115234375, -2.357421875, 3.220703125 ]
jamocha shake calories
[ "- There are 440 calories in a 1 shake serving of Arby's Jamocha Shake (Small). Calorie breakdown: 24% fat, 66% carbs, 10% protein." ]
[ "- Personalized health review for McDonald's McCafe Small Vanilla Shake. There are 490 calories in McDonald's McCafe Small Vanilla Shake. Get all the ingredients, nutrition facts, and allergy information for McDonald's McCafe Small Vanilla Shake and more than 300,000 other foods in FoodFacts.com food database. search", "Calories in Blue Bell Ice Cream Related Searches: 1 Calories, Fat, Protein, Fiber, & Carbs In Arbys Shake Jamocha. 2 Calories, Fat, Protein, Fiber, & Carbs In Arbys Shake Jamocha Oreo. 3 Calories, Fat, Protein, Fiber, & Carbs In Arbys Shake Chocolate. Calories, Fat, Protein, Fiber, & Carbs In Arbys Shake Vanilla. Calories Burned For SparkPeople 28 Day Bootcamp (Boot Camp) DVD: 22-Minute Tone & Burn Workout. Calories Burned For SparkPeople 28 Day Bootcamp (Boot Camp) DVD: 30-Minute Total Body Challenge Workout.", "McDonald's calorie shockers and some surprising alternatives Leaves a Bad Taste: Large Vanilla McCafe Shake: 820 calories. A large (22 oz) vanilla milkshake from the McCafe will set you back 820 calories. That's about two-thirds of a whole day's calorie content of 1,500, recommend for weight loss. A medium (16 oz) shake has 670 calories, while the small (12 oz) vanilla milkshake has 530 calories.", "Healthy Recipes Using Matcha Green Tea Serves: 4. Nutrition: 350 calories, 14.5 g fat, 1.9 g sat fat, 47.1 g carbs, 4.2 g fiber, 5.9 g sugar, 10.8 g protein (calculated with 1 Tbsp honey) Dipping your toe into the wide world of match is easy with this recipe.", "Nutrition Information on Jicama Macronutrients and Calories. One cup of jicama, amounting to about 4.6 ounces, contains just 49 calories and virtually no fat. Jicama are mostly carbohydrates--offering 11.47 grams per cup. Jicama is not a significant source of protein, with just 0.94 grams of protein per cup.", "- Show full nutrition information. Calories In Chocolate strawberry milkshake Calories: 214, Fat: 3g, Carbs: 42g, Protein: 9g, Fiber: 5g. Calories In After School Banana Strawberry Milkshake Calories: 87, Fat: 3g, Carbs: 13g, Protein: 5g, Fiber: 2g.", "- There are 160 calories in 1 serving, 21 pieces (1 oz) of Cheetos Flamin' Hot Crunchy Cheese Snack. You'd need to walk 42 minutes to burn 160 calories. Visit CalorieKing to see calorie count and nutrient data for all portion sizes.", "- Calories in a Large Strawberry Shake w/ Whipped Topping There are 1120 calories in a Large Strawberry Shake w/ Whipped Topping from Jack in the Box. Most of those calories come from fat (44%) and carbohydrates (50%).", "Calories in Starbucks skinny mocha syrup http://news.starbucks.com/uploads/documents/nutrition.pdf. Can't see a skinny mocha syrup, however I remember reading for the skinny mocha they use the mocha drizzle, which is 5 calories. It's a mystery! March 22, 2015 10:04PM 0. slaite1 Posts: 1,307Member Member Posts: 1,307Member Member. Starbucks syrups (the ones they pump) have a standard amount they use based on size.", "Meatless Spinach Quiche There are 342 calories in 1 piece of Meatless Spinach Quiche. Calorie breakdown: 68% fat, 19% carbs, 13% protein.", "- The 44 calories in one serving of shiitake mushrooms are equivalent to the calories burned while: Running (6 mph) for 3 minutes; Stationary rowing for 7 minutes; Chopping wood for 5 minutes; Sleeping for 38 minutes (Calculations are based on a 150-lb person.)", "- Calories in a Small Strawberry McCafé Shake. There are 510 calories in a Small Strawberry McCafé Shake from McDonald's. Most of those calories come from fat and carbohydrates.", "- There are 130 calories in 1 package (0.9 oz) of Ghirardelli Squares, 60% Cacao Dark Chocolate. You'd need to walk 34 minutes to burn 130 calories. Visit CalorieKing to see calorie count and nutrient data for all portion sizes. apps Tools & More help Support", "- The 260 calories in one serving of McDonald's Caramel McCafe Iced Coffee are equivalent to the calories burned while: Running (6 mph) for 22 minutes; Stationary rowing for 45 minutes; Chopping wood for 34 minutes; Sleeping for 3 hours and 49 minutes (Calculations are based on a 150-lb person.)", "- Measuring the Mix. Use 4 ounces of plain, low-fat yogurt, a cup of skim milk and a medium banana, and your smoothie will have 259 calories. Swap the skim milk for almond milk, and you'll save 23 calories. But if you use whole milk, the calories in your smoothie increase by 66.epending on the ingredients, they can also be high in calories. You can make a basic banana smoothie with yogurt, milk and banana, or add other ingredients to increase the nutrient content and vary the flavor. Choose low-fat versions of dairy products to limit the saturated fat and calories in your smoothie.", "- Calories in a Grilled Pico Guacamole Chicken Sandwich. There are 520 calories in a Grilled Pico Guacamole Chicken Sandwich from McDonald's. Most of those calories come from carbohydrates (38%).", "Isagenix IsaLean Shake Review: Does it Work? There are a few things I like about the Isagenix IsaLean Shake. First, I like that it has 240 calories. While this is a bit more calories than in other shakes—like Shakeology—I think this is probably closer to what people typically eat for a snack. I also like that the IsaLean Shake has more fiber.", "- Calories in Arbys Shake Jamocha. Calories in Restaurant - Arbys - Shake - Jamocha. *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs. Some of these foods were entered by users and are subject to error.", "- 10 Delicious Homemade Weight Gain Shake Recipes With 800+ Calories. 1 10 amazing weight gainer shake options for those of you who are having a tough time packing on size. Try these 800 calorie plus shakes and let us know what you think!", "Spinach Protein Shake Recipes Spinach Protein Shake. It sounds odd to add spinach, but you can't taste it and you get the added benefits for only 13 calories. Good for someone who doesn't like fruit added to smoothies, and really good after a hard work out.Submitted by: NOIMOSYNI. CALORIES 308 FAT 17 PROTEIN 25 CARBS 16 FIBER 4.", "- Nutrition summary: There are 81 calories in 1 serving (2-3 heaping teaspoons) of Cocoa (or Chocolate) Flavored Beverage Powder with Sugar (Dry Mix). Calorie breakdown: 6% fat, 90% carbs, 4% protein.", "- There are 171 calories in 1 cup of Mango Shake. Calorie Breakdown: 7% fat, 85% carbs, 8% prot.", "Sonic Drive-In Shakes Calories Each of the company's shakes is available in four sizes -- mini, small, medium and large. A vanilla shake in the four sizes contains 480, 540, 690 and 1,090 calories, respectively. In the same four sizes, chocolate shakes have 570, 670, 850 and 1,410 calories, respectively.", "- 1 Calories In Guacamole - Homemade. 117 calories, 10g fat, 8g carbs, 2g protein, 5g fiber. 2 Calories Burned For Running or jogging: 5 mph (12 minutes per mile) Calories Burned For Running or jogging: 5.5 mph (11 minutes per mile)", "- A McDonald's Mocha Frappe has 140 carbohydrates. It has 560 calories with drizzled chocolate and whipped cream. Each carbohydrate is 4 calories. 560 calories divided by 4 carb…ohydrates = 140 carbohydrates.", "- Smoothies Under 250 Calories. Smoothie joints can pack 400 calories in a 20-ounce cup. Here's how to downsize while getting lots of fresh fruit and flavor. By Sidney Fry, MS, RD.he recommended goal is 2 cups of fruit a day, and these 12-ounce blends go a long way toward that; some have a few veggies, too. If someone's a picky eater, well, he or she doesn't need to know you mixed beets in with the berries—until after they serve up a big smile.", "12 Fast Food Drinks That Arenât Worth the Calories Nutrition Facts: A large (22 oz) contains 820 calories, 23 g fat (15 g saturated fat), 115 g sugar and 18 g protein. It only happens once a year, and we can count our lucky stars for that. A large McDonald’s Shamrock Shake packs a chilling 820 calories and 115 grams of sugar.", "- Leaves a Bad Taste: Strawberry McCafé Shake (16 oz): 700 calories. It's a given that milkshakes are going to be high in calories. A medium (16 oz) strawberry shake has 700 calories. That's more than a Double Cheeseburger that clocks in at 440 calories. If you are counting calories, one milkshake equals a small iced non-fat caramel mocha (200 calories) plus a large order of french fries (500 calories).", "- FAT FACTS: for 1 (16 oz) Mc Donald’s Shamrock Shake 550 calories, 13g fat, 13g protein, 96g carbs, 0g fiber, 180mg sodium, 82g sugar.", "- There are 196 calories in a 2 Scoops serving of True Results Chocolate Meal Replacement Shake. Calorie breakdown: 23% fat, 27% carbs, 50% protein." ]
[ 18.375 ]
[ 6.09765625, 10.3359375, 5.9765625, 1.478515625, 0.77685546875, 5.63671875, 2.564453125, 4.6875, 4.71484375, 2.892578125, 1.2158203125, 5.33203125, 5.10546875, 5.5078125, 5.2578125, 3.4609375, 3.623046875, 12.7890625, 5.83203125, 3.6640625, 6.59765625, 4.02734375, 7.078125, 4.55078125, 7.1640625, 4.8984375, 6.98828125, 8.0078125, 6.30078125, 4.953125 ]
idea definition of intellectual disability
[ "- Definition of Intellectual Disability. Intellectual disability is a disability characterized by significant limitations in both intellectual functioning and in adaptive behavior, which covers many everyday social and practical skills. This disability originates before the age of 18." ]
[ "Causes and Prevention of Intellectual Disability Intellectual disability can be caused by any condition that impairs development of the brain before birth, during birth or in the childhood years. Several hundred causes have been discovered, but in about one-third of the people affected, the cause remains unknown.", "Intellectual disability Intellectual disability affects about 2–3% of the general population. 75–90% of the affected people have mild intellectual disability. Non-syndromic or idiopathic ID accounts for 30–50% of cases. About a quarter of cases are caused by a genetic disorder.", "Intellectual disability Intellectual disability (ID), also called intellectual development disorder (IDD) or general learning disability, and formerly known as mental retardation (MR), is a generalized neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by significantly impaired intellectual and adaptive functioning.ntellectual disability can be distinguished in many ways from mental illness, such as schizophrenia or depression. Currently, there is no cure for an established disability, though with appropriate support and teaching, most individuals can learn to do many things.", "Intellectual Disability Intellectual disability is a term used when a person has certain limitations in mental functioning and in skills such as communicating, taking care of him or herself, and social skills. These limitations will cause a child to learn and develop more slowly than a typical child.o identify an intellectual disability, professionals look at the person’s mental abilities (IQ) and his or her adaptive skills. Both of these are highlighted in the definition of this disability within our nation’s special education law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).", "Fourth Periodic Report of the United States of America to the United Nations Committee on Human Rights Concerning the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a law ensuring services to children with disabilities throughout the nation. IDEA governs how states and public agencies provide early intervention, special education and related services to more than 6.5 million eligible infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities.", "Intellectual Functioning Definition of Intellectual Disability. Intellectual disability is a disability characterized by significant limitations in both intellectual functioning and in adaptive behavior, which covers many everyday social and practical skills.", "Intellectual Disability Intellectual disability is a term used when a person has certain limitations in mental functioning and in skills such as communicating, taking care of him or herself, and social skills. These limitations will cause a child to learn and develop more slowly than a typical child.t is anticipated that the term Cognitive Disability will be formally replaced with the Intellectual Disability when the current Operating Standards are revised. The current definition is specified in §3301-51-01(B)(10)(d)(ii) as cited below:", "- Intellectual Disability is not a single, isolated disorder. An intellectual disability originates before the. age of 18 and is characterized by significant limitations both in intellectual functioning and in. adaptive behavior.", "Definitions of Learning Disabilities Definitions of Learning Disabilities. The 1977 U.S. Office of Education (Federal Definition in the IDEA Statute), the term specific learning disability means a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding.", "Frequently Asked Questions The Arc’s vision is that every individual and family affected by intellectual disability in the United States has access to the information, advocacy, and skills they need to participate as active citizens of our democracy and active members of their community.", "Intellectual Disability Intellectual disability (ID), once called mental retardation, is characterized by below-average intelligence or mental ability and a lack of skills necessary for day-to-day living. People with intellectual disabilities can and do learn new skills, but they learn them more slowly.", "- Intellectual disability encompasses the “cognitive” part of this definition, that is, a disability that is broadly related to thought processes. Because intellectual and other developmental disabilities often co-occur, intellectual disability professionals often work with people who have both types of disabilities.", "Causes and Prevention of Intellectual Disability Intellectual disability can be caused by any condition that impairs development of the brain before birth, during birth or in the childhood years. Several hundred causes have been discovered, but in about one-third of the people affected, the cause remains unknown. The three major known causes of intellectual disability are Down syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and Fragile X syndrome. The causes can be categorized as follows:", "Intellectual Disability There are many causes of intellectual disability, factors include physical, genetic and/or social. The most common syndromes associated with intellectual disability are autism, Down syndrome, Fragile X syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).", "- [34 C.F.R § 300.8(c)(6)] Intellectual disability does. not include conditions primarily due to a sensory or physical impairment, traumatic brain injury, autism spectrum disorders, severe multiple impairments, cultural influences or a history of. inconsistent and/or inadequate educational programming.", "Questions & Answers about Persons with Intellectual Disabilities in the Workplace and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Sometimes intellectual disability is also referred to as developmental disability which is a broader term that includes ASD (autism spectrum disorders), epilepsy, cerebral palsy, developmental delay, fetal alcohol syndrome (or FASD) and other disorders that occur during the developmental period (birth to age 18).", "What is intellectual disability? Sociological definition of intellectual disability. A more constructive and pragmatic definition is to define intellectual disability in terms of the support. needs of an individual. This approach sees the effect of the disability as something that will vary and can.", "Intellectual Disability To diagnose an intellectual disability, professionals look at the person’s mental abilities (IQ) and his or her adaptive skills. Both of these are highlighted in the definition of this disability within our nation’s special education law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) .pproximately 6.5 million people in the United States have an intellectual disability. More than 545,000 children (ages 6-21) have some level of intellectual disability and receive special education services in public school under this category in IDEA, the nation’s special education law.", "Intellectual Disability Intellectual disability is a below-average cognitive ability with three (3) characteristics: 1 Intelligent quotient (or I.Q.) is between 70-75 or below. 2 Significant limitations in adaptive behaviors (the ability to adapt and carry on everyday life activities such as self-care, socializing, communicating, etc.).ometimes intellectual disability is also referred to as developmental disability which is a broader term that includes ASD (autism spectrum disorders), epilepsy, cerebral palsy, developmental delay, fetal alcohol syndrome (or FASD) and other disorders that occur during the developmental period (birth to age 18).", "- IDD Services What is an intellectual and/or developmental disability? An intellectual disability is characterized by limitations in intellectual functioning and difficulties in a variety of everyday social and practical skills. A developmental disability is attributed to a cognitive or physical impairment that results in limitations in areas such as self-care, language, and mobility. The term IDD covers a broad range of disorders and syndromes, many of which are misunderstood by the general public. What help is available? DMH is responsible for the development and implementation of services to meet the needs of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.", "disability Define disability: a physical, mental, cognitive, or developmental condition that impairs, interferes with, or limits a… — disability in a sentence a physical, mental, cognitive, or developmental condition that impairs, interferes with, or limits a person's ability to engage in certain tasks …", "Intellectual Disabilities While the term ‘ intellectual disability ’ has referred to individuals with cognitive impairments and difficulties with day-to-day adaptation, individuals with intellectual disability are often at risk for showing other behavior problems beyond those captured in this definition.", "Definition The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) governs how SSD provides special education. IDEA is the most comprehensive federal law regarding special education. According to this law, students with disabilities have a number of basic rights. The most significant rights are: The right to a free and appropriate public education.", "What Is IDEA? The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) ensures that all children with disabilities are entitled to a free appropriate public education to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living.", "Intellectual Disability To identify an intellectual disability, professionals look at the person’s mental abilities (IQ) and his or her adaptive skills. Both of these are highlighted in the definition of this disability within our nation’s special education law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).he State of Ohio most recently utilized the term Cognitive Disability to identify this category. It is anticipated that the term Cognitive Disability will be formally replaced with the Intellectual Disability when the current Operating Standards are revised.", "Intellectual Disability Back to Top Causes. Intellectual disability affects about 1% to 3% of the population. There are many causes of intellectual disability, but doctors find a specific reason in only 25% of cases. Risk factors are related to the causes. Causes of intellectual disability can include: 1 Infections (present at birth or occurring after birth). 2 Chromosomal abnormalities (such as Down syndrome). 3 Environmental. 4 Metabolic (such as hyperbilirubinemia, very high bilirubin levels in babies). 5 Nutritional (such as malnutrition).", "What is intellectual disability? It does not view intellectual disability as an unchangeable characteristic of the individual. The effect of the disability or the capacity of the person is a function not only of the disability but also a function of their environment and the support they receive. Adjusting the environment and the support to meet the person’s needs can increase the person’s capacity and reduce the effect of the disability.", "Understanding the Criteria for an Intellectual Disability However, to be diagnosed with an intellectual disability, a child needs to meet certain criteria for an intellectual disability such as the one outlined by the DSM-IV-TR. As part of the diagnosis for an intellectual disability, the clinician will evaluate the child's functional capacity.", "Frequently Asked Questions on Intellectual Disability Definition of Intellectual Disability. Intellectual disability is a disability characterized by significant limitations in both intellectual functioning and in adaptive behavior, which covers many everyday social and practical skills. This disability originates before the age of 18. Intellectual Functioning", "What is intellectual disability? In clinical terms intellectual disability is often defined in terms of the severity of the condition: The use of the word “MILD” suggests a disability of little consequence. This is far from accurate. A person with mild intellectual disability will have significant difficulty managing their lives effectively without support and training." ]
[ 14.5703125 ]
[ 8.8828125, 8.8984375, 13.1484375, 13.0859375, 11.59375, 14.2734375, 12.09375, 10.3046875, 10.15625, 8.5546875, 12.1875, 11.96875, 8.546875, 8.859375, 8.3984375, 10.1328125, 11.3125, 11.546875, 10.7109375, 10.7578125, 7.55078125, 12.0859375, 10.484375, 11.671875, 11.5234375, 8.0390625, 9.15625, 8.3984375, 14.1328125, 10.828125 ]
what enzymes are needed to break down fat
[ "How Lipases Helps Break Down Fats Fats, such as the fats in milk, need to be digested by your body. They are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol by an enzyme called lipase. Gastric lipase, secreted by the stomach lining, has a pH value for optimal activity around neutrality and would appear, therefore, to be essentially inactive in the strongly acid environment of the stomach." ]
[ "Enzymes 1 Enzymes present in the viruses are for infecting cell. 2 Enzymes play a important role in the digestive activity of the enzymes. 3 Amylases and proteases are enzyme sthat breakdown large molecules into absorbable molecules. 4 Variuos enzymes owrk together in a order forming metabolic pathways. 5 Example: Glycolysis.", "- Digestive enzyme. Digestive enzymes are enzymes that break down polymeric macromolecules into their smaller building blocks, in order to facilitate their absorption by the body.", "Human Physiology/Print Version How does the body breakdown and store fat as fat? Lipase is the main enzyme that breaks down lipids (fats) into fatty acids and Glycerol. Glycerol is converted into Glucose in the Liver, which then distributes it around the b…ody where it's deposited into our tissues and stored as what we call fat. Glucose is then broken down during exercise to supply energy to respiring tissues. Hope this helps!", "What are some examples of enzymes? All enzymes themselves are proteins that consist of amino acids just like all other proteins. Enzymes That Work on Specific Food Types or Compounds. Specific enzymes work on specific foods. You need the right type of enzyme for the foods you want it to break down.Think of the foods you have problems with and then choose a product that contains at least those types of enzymes. Here is a list of the common enzyme types and foods they act on.Digestive enzymes are enzymes that break down food into usable material.hink of the foods you have problems with and then choose a product that contains at least those types of enzymes. Here is a list of the common enzyme types and foods they act on. Digestive enzymes are enzymes that break down food into usable material.", "- Pepsin-protein digesting enzyme in the stomach • pancreatin-an animal-derived enzyme, breaks down protein and fats • pancrelipase-an animal-derived e … nzyme, breaks down protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Answered. In Carbohydrates and Low-Carb Diets.", "Digestive ENZYME This medication contains digestive enzymes, which are natural substances needed by the body to help break down and digest food. It is used when the pancreas cannot make or does not release enough digestive enzymes into the gut to digest the food.his medication contains digestive enzymes, which are natural substances needed by the body to help break down and digest food. It is used when the pancreas cannot make or does not release enough digestive enzymes into the gut to digest the food.", "What does the enzymes lipase do? They are an essential part of nearly all living organisms. In the human body, pancreatic lipase is a dietary enzyme that acts in the intestine to break down fats and oils into forms that the body can metabolize.", "Why Enzymes? Our bodies make digestive enzymes as well, mainly in the pancreas, the stomach, the small intestine, and the mouth. There are 22 known digestive enzymes with names that end on-ase such as: ~ Amylase (digests carbohydrates); ~ Lipase (digests fats); ~ Protease (digests proteins); ~ Disaccharides (digest sugars).nzymes are special proteins. They are essential for every chemical reaction in the body and for the normal activity of the cells, tissues, fluids, and organs. Vitamins, minerals, hormones, and all the food we eat can do nothing without enzymes.", "What Enzymes Are Used to Break Down Carbohydrates? Though carbohydrate digestion starts in the mouth, most of the actual work takes place in the small intestine. With the work of three different enzymes, carbs get broken down from polysaccharides to shorter glucose chains and disaccharides. Enzymes in the outer membrane of the intestinal cell perform the final dismantling of the carbohydrates. These enzymes are maltase, which breaks down maltose into glucose; sucrase, which breaks down sucrose into glucose and fructose; and lactase, which breaks down lactose into glucose and galactose.", "Enzymes Enzymes are specialized proteins that assist in chemical reactions. They are like a key that unlocks a process and allows it to take place. Certain enzymes help the body break down food into smaller particles so they can be better digested and utilized for maximum energy. Food Enzymes (120 Caps)", "- There are several categories of food enzymes: Lipase, breaks down fats that are found in most dairy products, nuts, oils, and meat. Lactase, breaks down lactose (milk sugars). Protease, breaks down proteins that are found in meats, nuts, eggs, and cheese.Amylase, breaks down carbohydrates, starches, and sugars, prevalent in potatoes,fruits, vegetables, and many snack foods.he enzymes involved in food decomposition and in the digestive process are hydrolases. They break down proteins (proteases), carbohydrates (carbohydrases or amylases), and fats (lipases).", "Welcome to the Enzymedica FAQs page. Here you will find a wealth of information about enzymes, their purposes and uses. Protease breaks down protein, amylase breaks down carbohydrate and starch, and lipase breaks down fat. These three enzymes break down the majority of the common food groups. Other enzymes include lactase (breaks down lactose-dairy), maltase & sucrase (break down food sugars), and cellulase (break down cellulose).rotease breaks down protein, amylase breaks down carbohydrate and starch, and lipase breaks down fat. These three enzymes break down the majority of the common food groups. Other enzymes include lactase (breaks down lactose-dairy), maltase & sucrase (break down food sugars), and cellulase (break down cellulose).", "How to Cure Candida The enzymes in the stomach, for instance, ensure that food is cut into tiny particles that can be converted into energy in the body. Wherever one substance needs to be transformed into another, nature uses enzymes to speed up the process. Top Enzymes break down your food Enzymes are the workhorses of the body.When you eat, enzymes break down the food into tiny particles which can be converted into energy in the body. The process starts in the mouth, where an enzyme called amylase attacks all incoming food particles.nzymes break down your food. Enzymes are the workhorses of the body. When you eat, enzymes break down the food into tiny particles which can be converted into energy in the body. The process starts in the mouth, where an enzyme called amylase attacks all incoming food particles.", "All articles Another class of antioxidants are the antioxidant enzymes; catalase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase. These have a very unique function. The enzyme catalase splits hydrogen peroxide into water and a free oxygen atom; 2H2O2 = 2H2O + O2¯.nother class of antioxidants are the antioxidant enzymes; catalase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase. These have a very unique function. The enzyme catalase splits hydrogen peroxide into water and a free oxygen atom; 2H2O2 = 2H2O + O2¯.", "Enzymes- The Breakdown • pancrelipase – an animal-derived enzyme, breaks down protein, fats, and carbohydrates • pectinase – breaks down the pectin in fruit • phytase – digests phytic acid, allows minerals such as calcium, zinc, copper, manganese, etc. to be more available by the body, but does not break down any food proteins", "Why doesn't saliva contain enzymes to break down other food molecules? Saliva does contain an enzyme that breaks down lipids (fats), but this enzyme will not become very active until it reaches the stomach. Amylase, which breaks down starch, works well in the conditions of the saliva, so it is sensible to introduce it here.", "- To this point in the digestive system, we have not come across an enzyme that digests fats. However, pancreatic juice contains an enzyme that breaks down dietary fat molecules called pancreatic lipase. Fat digestion is a little different than the digestion of carbohydrates and proteins.", "Enzymes For Fibrin Control Among them, Serrapeptase and Nattokinase are the essential Fibrinolytic enzymes, which act to break down excess fibrin in the body. These enzymes fight inflammation, fibrosis (scar tissues), and viruses; modulate the immune system; and cleanse the blood.", "- Enzymes in your intestines, meanwhile, are responsible for breaking apart all of your food, whether fat, protein or carb. A Basic Understanding of Enzymes. These digestive enzymes are what allow your food to be broken down, and the nutrients absorbed by your bloodstream. The ideal way to add enzymes to your diet is simply by eating more raw foods.", "- Lipase enzymes break down fat into fatty acids and glycerol. Digestion of fat in the small intestine is helped by bile, made in the liver. Bile breaks the fat into small droplets that are easier for the lipase enzymes to work on.", "ENZYMES: DIGESTIVE & ANTI-INFLAMMATORY Plant, or food, enzymes are essential in the proper digestion of food. Present in all raw plants (and also available as supplements), plant enzymes include protease (digests protein), amylase (digests carbohydrates), lipase (digests fat), disaccharidases (digest sugar), and cellulase (digests fiber).ne systemic oral enzyme preparation is the No. 1 non-aspirin, over-the-counter medicine for pain and inflammation and the ninth-leading natural medicine among all medical drugs in Germany. In the United States, systemic oral enzymes have been overlooked by most physicians and consumers, but this trend is changing.", "Lipase & Fat Digestion These enzymes help break down the different components of the food you consume into smaller molecules that can be absorbed by your small intestine. Every digestive enzyme in your body acts on a specific component of food. Lipase is the enzyme your body uses to break down the fats in the food you eat.hese enzymes help break down the different components of the food you consume into smaller molecules that can be absorbed by your small intestine. Every digestive enzyme in your body acts on a specific component of food. Lipase is the enzyme your body uses to break down the fats in the food you eat.", "- Some of the important Systemic enzymes include Fibrinolytic enzymes, Proteases, and Catalases. Among them, Serrapeptase and Nattokinase are the essential Fibrinolytic enzymes, which act to break down excess fibrin in the body.", "BioSET Enzyme Therapy Each enzyme is specific to a particular compound, which it can break down or synthesize. The three most important enzymes for digestion are protease, amylase, and lipase. They digest protein, carbohydrate, and fat, respectively.ach enzyme is specific to a particular compound, which it can break down or synthesize. The three most important enzymes for digestion are protease, amylase, and lipase. They digest protein, carbohydrate, and fat, respectively.", "- There are several categories of food enzymes: Lipase, breaks down fats that are found in most dairy products, nuts, oils, and meat. Lactase, breaks down lactose (milk sugars). Protease, breaks down proteins that are found in meats, nuts, eggs, and cheese.", "- Chemical digestion. The most important function of physical digestion is to increase the surface area of the food you eat. This makes it easier for enzymes to act on the large insoluble food molecules and break them down into small soluble ones.An enzyme is a protein molecule.Each type of enzyme catalyses a particular reaction or type of reaction.nzymes in the digestive system speed up the breakdown of the food. Enzymes are made in many places along the digestive system. 1 Carbohydrases-enzymes which break down carbohydrates into simple sugars. 2 Proteases-enzymes which break down proteins, ending up with amino acids.", "Enzymes & the Digestive System Enzymes are specific and so more than one enzyme is needed to break down a large molecule. One enzyme splits a large molecule into sections, and these sections are hydrolysed further into smaller molecules by one or more extra enzymes.", "Enzymes For Fibrin Control Amylase, Pepsin, and Lactase are the most common digestive enzymes, which break down starches, proteins and fats respectively. Similarly, Systemic enzymes, also called metabolic enzymes works inside the blood, tissues, and cell of the body system.", "Enzymes and Digestion Enzymes and Digestion. As we know enzymes are important molecules, they are particularly important in digestion as they help break down large, insoluble food molecules into small, soluble molecules which can be easily absorbed. Enzymes work best at their optimum pH.o for example if the stomach does not produce enough HCl, the enzyme, pepsin, will not work properly, (remember the optimum pH for pepsin is 2). There are 3 main types of enzymes in our gut: Protease, Carbohydrase, and Lipase.", "What Are the Functions of Amylase, Protease and Lipase Digestive Enzymes Lipase. Lipase is an enzyme that breaks down dietary fats into smaller molecules called fatty acids and glycerol. A small amount of lipase, called gastric lipase, is made by cells in your stomach.This enzyme specifically digests butter fat in your food.ny enzyme that breaks down protein into its building blocks, amino acids, is called a protease, which is a general term. Your digestive tract produces a number of these enzymes, but the three main proteases are pepsin, trypsin and chymotrypsin." ]
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[ 7.12890625, 9.90625, 12.2265625, 8.5859375, 11.2265625, 9.953125, 11.90625, 9.4375, 9.3359375, 8.34375, 12.9453125, 13.7265625, 9.7265625, 4.89453125, 12.3515625, 10.8671875, 12.7890625, 6.453125, 10.6640625, 14.3984375, 9.203125, 12.4921875, 7.99609375, 12.015625, 13.1796875, 9.0859375, 10.3125, 12.203125, 9.734375, 12.4453125 ]
emc support contact number
[ "- EMC Customer Service Phone Number Phone Number of EMC is +1 508-435-1000. EMC originally EMC Corporation is an internet company that is pioneered in offering several web services." ]
[ "- Contact Merrimack County Extension office: 603-796-2151. (Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.) 1 Find out what's new in Merrimack County 4-H! Follow Merrimack County 4-H on Facebook!", "- To find a doctor or make an appointment, call. 1-800-533-UPMC between. 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, or schedule an appointment online. For help in finding a doctor or health service that suits your needs, call the UPMC Referral Service at 412-647-UPMC (8762) or 1-800-533-UPMC (8762). Select option 1.", "Sign up now to easily manage your health care online. > New Features: UPMC is pleased to announce enhancements to MyUPMC.com. These enhancements will allow us to better serve you and includes an overall new look and feel and mobile browsing capabilities. If you have any questions or issues with MyUPMC.com please call the MyUPMC Support Line 24/7 at 1-866-884-8579. All medical information and doctor communications are kept secure using industry standard encryption technology.", "- MyLLC is committed to assisting you in this process but you must contact us today! Call us toll free at 888.88.MYLLC or fill out the contact form so one of our experts can help you. Order Now Modal Popup", "Frequently Asked Questions Tutoring is also available and a popular service for many students. Tutoring takes place in the tutoring office with a student mentor or part-time staff member in a small group setting. Visit their web pages at nmc.edu/student-services/tutoring-support/support-services.html or contact their office at (231) 995-1138.", "HMRC phone number â contact 0843 538 5230 If you need to contact the HMRC phone number, call them now on 0843 538 5230. HRMC have a lot of different phone numbers, many of which are premium rate and cost a lot to call, particularly from a mobile.", "- Have Municipal Credit Union (MCU) call you insteadCall Municipal Credit Union (MCU) using our web-phoneDial 212-693-4900 now. If you're already on the phone with Municipal Credit Union (MCU), you may want to look over any tips we have for getting better results.", "Contact Us Please note that we currently do not have an MPF inquiry service, you can visit MPFA's website or contact them directly at 2918 0102. Alternatively, you can also visit our website to look at the sponsor list and contact your MPF provider(s) for assistance.ontact Us. MPFexpress.com welcomes any enquiry or feedback regarding our magazine and website. For an easy and quick way to find what you're looking for, please take a look at our FAQs.", "Birth and Death Records If you have questions about your state certification/license status, you may contact us at [email protected]; 512-834-6700 (phone); or 512-834-6714 (fax). Written correspondence can be mailed to: Department of State Health Services, Attn: EMS, MC2003, PO Box 149347, Austin, Texas 78714-9347.", "- If you have questions or need enrollment information in another language or a format (like Braille), please call a Medicare consultant at 952-992-2345 or toll free at 1-800-906-5432 (TTY: 711), 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Central, seven days a week. Access to representatives may be limited at times.", "- We recognize this may be a challenging time for you. If you have questions, or need help preparing your claim, call us at 1-800-MET-5000 (1-800-638-5000). Our Customer Service Center is open Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. EST.", "- USAREC message for guidance. To provide a referral, visit www.usarec.army. mil/smart or call 1 (800) 223-3735, ext. 6-0473. For more information on how to support Army. recruiting, visit www.2k.army.mil.", "- MDC SERVICE-LEARNING COLLEGE-WIDE PLACEMENT SITE INDEX. EDUCATION FUNDATION , 6713 Main Street, Ste. 240, Miami Lakes, FL 33014. CONTACT: Deborah LaBelle, Director of Communications & Grants 305-558-4544 x116; Stacey de le Grana Program Director, 305-558-4544 x108; Fax: 305-558-4964; E-mail: [email protected];[email protected].", "Emergency Contact Numbers All calls for Police, Fire or EMS must go through Metro Communications at 304-348-8111 or 9-1-1. If you are having, think you may be having or witnessing an incident that may require Emergency Services, please call Metro when this is occurring, not several hours or days later. Town Hall. 304-548-4192.", "Moncler Customer Service Phone Number Moncler Customer Support Service Phone Number. The customer support phone number of Moncler is 39 02 422041 (Click phone number to call). Moncler Customer Service Phone Number. The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Moncler Service Center and Moncler customer service phone number is given below.", "- Phone: 361-825-7024 or 1-800-4-TAMUCC (1-800-482-6822) Email: [email protected]", "Microsoft Toll Free 1 800 Number below is a list of phone numbers for microsoft customers united states support center contact 1 800 426 9400 welcome to the microsoft sales and partner information line to help us improve our quality of service this call may be recorded or monitored please note our menu options have recently changed", "Contact CDC CDC-INFO Contact Center: Use the online form or call 800-232-4636 (800-CDC-INFO) Monday-Friday, from 8:00 am ET to 8:00 pm ET, to request information on immunization. This is an integrated CDC hotline service. Callers to this number are given several options, one of which is immunization. This line will accommodate English and Spanish.", "- this service is currently unavailable if you need immediate assistance please contact the client service center at 1 888 454 3965 24 hours a day 7 days a week if you are outside the united states please call collect at 1 801 617 9150 thank you for visiting morgan stanley online you have successfully logged out", "- CONTACT US. Thank you for contacting the United States Marine Corps. The fastest way to get your questions or concerns answered is through the use of our Frequently Asked Questions. You can also get help from your nearest public affairs shop - all listed below in the public affairs directory. Technical support questions for Marines.mil please contact the Marines.mil Help Desk.", "- united states support center contact 1 800 426 9400 welcome to the microsoft sales and partner information line to help us improve our quality of service this call may be recorded or monitored to get started please tell me what type of customer you are", "Microsoft Support : Phone Number, Live Chat, Email ID, Useful Links Microsoft Support Phone Number. You can contact Microsoft Customer Service and Support on the following telephone numbers, Monday through Friday, 5:00 AM – 9:00 PM Pacific Time and Saturday and Sunday, 6:00 AM – 3:00 PM Pacific Time: In the USA, (800) MICROSOFT (642-7676) In Canada, call (877)568-2495.", "- ACMC Hospital Customer Support Service Phone Number The customer support phone number of ACMC Hospital is +1 440-997-2262 / 866.213.2262 (Click phone number to call).", "Sussex County Customer service representatives are eager to assist you in-person at local motor vehicle agencies. To reach MVC by phone call (609) 292-6500.", "Customer Service If you are having trouble contacting the Emerging Markets Customer Relationships Center from your cellular phone, the center can also be reached via email [email protected] or try the same phone number from a landline.", "McDonaldâs Contact Number: 0370 524 4622 McDonald’s Contact Number: 0370 524 4622. Contact McDonald’s customer services by calling their main telephone number 0370 524 4622, where you can complain about a specific fast food order and get detailed nutritional information for their menu. McDonald’s is officially the largest fast-food restaurant chain in the world and they have over 1200 franchised stores in the UK alone.", "DACA If you do not have access to either, you may contact us at 1-877-982-4273 on Monday to Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 a.m. (Midnight) EST or on Saturday and Sunday between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. EST.", "Athletics For the latest news about UMBC athletics, call the Retriever Sports Hotline at 410-455-2129 or visit www.umbcretrievers.com.", "- Contact Merrimack County Extension office: 603-796-2151. (Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.) Find out what's new in Merrimack County 4-H!", "- Emc LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/emc. Customer can subscribe to Emc social media links for latest updates and services offered to customer. The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of EMC Service Center and EMC customer service number is given below. The helpline of EMC customer service number may or may not be toll free." ]
[ 17.03125 ]
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what is a ear blockage
[ "Home Remedies for Ear Blockage What is Ear Blockage? Ear blockage refers to the feeling of stuffiness or congestion which is most likely to occur either due to inflammation or a blockage in the eustachian tubes (tubes that connect the middle ear to the back of the throat) of the ear." ]
[ "Bronchial obstruction Bronchial obstruction: Introduction. Bronchial obstruction: Obstruction of the airway and the alveoli. See detailed information below for a list of 25 causes of Bronchial obstruction, Symptom Checker, including diseases and drug side effect causes. » Review Causes of Bronchial obstruction: Causes | Symptom Checker ».", "Ophthalmoplegia Ophthalmoplegia is the paralysis or weakness of the eye muscles. It can affect one or more of the six muscles that hold the eye in place and control its movement. There are two types of ophthalmoplegia: chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia and internal ophthalmoplegia.", "Otosclerosis & Stapedectomy The stapes rests in the small groove, the oval window, in intimate contact with the inner ear fluids. Anything that interferes with its motion results in a conductive hearing impairment. This type of impairment is called stapedial otosclerosis and is usually correctable by surgery.", "- Top 10 facts about the world. The cricoid cartilage is a ring-shaped structure that forms the lowermost portion of the larynx, which is commonly known as the voice box. Cartilage is a very tough connective tissue that covers the joint ends of bones and acts as a surface for articulation, allowing the joints to move smoothly.", "- Bones of the Ear. The bones of the ear, also known as the auditory ossicles, are the three smallest bones in the human body. These bones play an important role in the sense of hearing by transmitting sounds to the inner ear. Anatomy. The three auditory ossicles – the malleus, incus, and stapes – are tiny bones found in the middle ear. Stapes means stirrup.", "- Odynophagia is usually associated with Candida oesophagitis or an oesophageal ulcer. Arytenoid subluxation is a rare laryngeal injury that may follow instrumentation of the airway and present as hoarseness (1), vocal fatigue (1), stridor (2), dysphagia (1), odynophagia (3) and sore throat (1).", "Echocardiogram The most common type of contrast echo is referred to as a bubble echocardiogram or bubble study. It is often used to evaluate patients who have had a stroke (see stroke in women) and checks communications between the left and right side of the heart.", "Med 100 A condition where Spongy bone forms around the junction of the stapes and oval window,preventing the stapes from conducting the sound vibrations to the inner ear that causes loss of hearing.", "Home Remedies for Earaches Most are due to ear infection and fluid buildup in the middle ear. Other causes include the common cold, wax in the ear, blockage in the nasal passage, physical damage to the inside of the ear, an increase in air pressure and so on. Earaches occur more commonly among small children than adults.", "- ear image by Connfetti from Fotolia.com. Blocked or congestion ears are typical with a head cold due to the excess amount of mucus in the body. Mucus can settle in the nose, throat, chest and ears, and the accumulation tends to disappear as a head cold improves.", "- 3) This might have been a manifestation of tympanosclerosis rather than congenital fixation of the stapes. Tympanosclerosis is the hyalinization and calcification of the connective tissue in the middle ear, including the tympanic membrane. Tympanosclerosis at the site of a previous ventilation tube placement was also seen.", "Chapter 11 Special Senses: Eyes and Ears also known as the CHOROID COAT, is the opaque middle layer of the eyeball that contains many blood vessels and provides the blood supply fro the entire eye, OPAQUE means that light cannot pass through this substance.lso known as FARSIGHTEDNESS, is a defect in which light rays focus beyond the retina. This condition can occur in childhood, but usually causes difficulty after age 40. Hyperopia is the opposite of myopia.", "Eardrum An unintentional perforated eardrum (rupture) has been described in blast injuries during conflict and air travel, usually when the congestion of an upper respiratory infection has prevented equalization of pressure in the middle ear.", "- The bowel, or intestine, is the part of the digestive tract that absorbs nutrients from foods we eat. The residue of digested food passes through the bowel and is excreted during elimination, the final stage of digestion. This process can be interrupted or halted by the presence of a bowel obstruction, a blockage that prevents the passage of intestinal contents, such as feces and fluid. Paralytic ileus is the occurrence of intestinal blockage in the absence of an actual physical obstruction. This type of blockage is caused by a malfunction in the nerves and muscles in the intestine that impairs digestive movement.", "obstruction Blockage, clogging, or impeded flow, for example, by occlusion or stenosis. obstruction. 1. the act of blocking or clogging. obstruction. 1 something that blocks or clogs. 2 the act of blocking or preventing passage. 3 the condition of being obstructed or clogged. obstruct, v., obstructive, adj.", "Nasal Obstructions A nasal obstruction is anything that impedes the flow of air into and out of the nose. The obstruction may block one or both of the nasal passages.Most cases of nasal obstruction are temporary, caused by sinusitis, allergies, birth control medication, or overuse of nasal sprays.f the nasal obstruction appears to coincide with a certain time of year, it may be caused by an allergy, such as to pollen. If the blockage appears to be on only one side of the nose, then an anatomical cause is more likely. Snoring is often a symptom of an anatomical cause for a nasal obstruction.", "What is Ear Collapse? Ear collapse is a condition which can be caused by the infection of a cartilage piercing. Although this condition is unusual, especially when a piercing is properly cared for, it is extremely serious, and it requires prompt medical attention.", "Ear Congestion â Causes and Treatment for Congested Ears Ear congestion typically occurs when the Eustachian tube, located between the ear and throat, becomes blocked. A variety of medical conditions (allergies, viruses, colds and upper respiratory infections) can cause fluid to collect in the Eustachian tube and/or middle ear, leading to congested ears.Ear congestion symptoms may include: muffled hearing, pain, inflammation, discharge, swelling and/or itching.arm Towel. Ear congestion relief can be as simple as applying a warm towel to the face and/or ears. Warm a towel or washcloth may reduce ear congestion. This method is especially soothing if the ear congestion is accompanied by pain.", "- Sometimes, the eustachian tube may malfunction. For example, when someone has a cold or an allergy affecting the nasal passages, the eustachian tube may become blocked by congestion in its lining or by mucus within the tube. This blockage will allow fluid to build up within the normally air-filled middle ear.", "Otosclerosis The exact cause of otosclerosis is unknown. It may be passed down through families. People who have otosclerosis have an abnormal sponge-like bone growing in the middle ear. This growth prevents the ear bones from vibrating in response to sound waves. These vibrations are needed in order for you to hear. Otosclerosis is the most common cause of middle ear hearing loss in young adults. It typically begins in early to mid-adulthood. It is more common in women than in men. The condition may affect one or both ears. Risks for this condition include pregnancy and a family history of hearing loss.", "Insight into the proper care of the ears Wax blockage is one of the most common causes of hearing loss. This is often caused by attempts to clean the ear with cotton swabs. Most cleaning attempts merely push the wax deeper into the ear canal, causing a blockage.", "Overview Bundle branch block is a condition in which there's a delay or obstruction along the pathway that electrical impulses travel to make your heart beat.The delay or blockage may occur on the pathway that sends electrical impulses to the left or the right side of the bottom chambers (ventricles) of your heart.undle branch block is a condition in which there's a delay or obstruction along the pathway that electrical impulses travel to make your heart beat.", "- A heart blockage (also called atrioventricular) is a bradycardio, or a heartbeat that is too slow. The heart is stimulated by electrical signals, and when the electrical signals are blocked either partially or totally between the upper and lower chambers of the heart, severe side effects may occur.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: What Does It Mean To Have An Incomplete Right Bundle Branch Block Not much: It is a benign EKG finding related to a slight delay in the conduction system (like electrical wiring) of the heart. It is more common in those with an atrial septal defect (hole between left and right heart) but in general is benign, nothing to worry about. Bundle Branch Block (Definition) There are 2 main branches of the heart's electrical system within the ventricles, the right bundle branch and the left bundle branch. Additionally, the left bundle branch has two sub-branches, the antero-superior fascicle and the posteroinferior fascicle.", "- Bundle Branch Block. I found this great article written by Richard N. Fogoros, M.D., About.com Guide, November 26, 2003, that I reprint here: Causes, significance, and treatment. Bundle branch block (BBB) is a relatively frequent finding on the electrocardiogram (ECG). Sometimes BBB itself needs to be treated; sometimes it indicates significant underlying cardiac disease that needs to be treated; and sometimes it has so little significance that no treatment is necessary at all.", "- Coarctation of the aorta is a narrowing of the aorta between the upper body branches and the lower body branches. It's typically in an isolated location just after the arch of the aorta. The blockage can increase blood pressure in your arms and head, yet reduce pressure in your legs.", "- Hoarseness is common after interscalene block due to recurrent laryngeal nerve blockade. Small pupil, unilateral fascial anhydrosis, and ptosis can all result from cervical sympathetic nerve blockade.", "What is Lung Atelectasis & What is its Pathophysiology? Obstructive lung atelectasis also known as Resorptive lung atelectasis as a result of a blocked airway. Air retained far from the obstruction is reabsorbed from the air sacs without air resulting in the collapse of the affected regions due to lack of gas.", "- Tympanosclerosis: This is a condition where the eardrum has calcium plaques which form as a result of old infections. It is of no significance unless the plaques bind the malleus (the ear bone which attaches to the eardrum) with the ear canal, thus preventing the drum from vibrating.", "How to Unblock Blocked Ears Normally the Eustachian tube is closed, but it can open to allow air through. If the Eustachian tube gets blocked, air cannot get in and out of the middle ear. The resulting pressure imbalance causes the feeling of a blocked ear. There are a variety of reasons why the Eustachian tube can become blocked or obstructed.locked ear sensation is the result of the air pressure on either side of your ear drum not being equal. Blocked ears arise when air is unable to move through the Eustachian tube to equalise the pressure." ]
[ 16.765625 ]
[ 2.19140625, 2.568359375, 4.57421875, 0.521484375, 6.3515625, 1.373046875, 2.263671875, 7.75390625, 8.8046875, 11.0390625, 4.98046875, 1.978515625, 5.9765625, 4.8828125, 6.33203125, 4.68359375, 6.08203125, 9.7421875, 10.578125, 6.71484375, 10.859375, 5.95703125, 6.62890625, 0.8173828125, 2.490234375, 4.8203125, 3.13671875, 0.927734375, 8.515625, 10.3359375 ]
what is epididymitis
[ "Epididymitis Epididymitis is swelling (inflammation) of the tube that connects the testicle with the vas deferens. The tube is called the epididymis. Epididymitis is most common in young men ages 19 to 35. It is most often caused by the spread of a bacterial infection. Infection often begins in the urethra, the prostate, or the bladder. Gonorrhea and chlamydia infections are most often the cause the problem in young heterosexual men." ]
[ "Epididymis Epididymotomy is the placing of an incision into the epididymis and is sometimes considered as a treatment option for acute suppurating epididymitis. Epididymectomy is the surgical removal of the epididymis sometimes performed for post-vasectomy pain syndrome and for refractory cases of epididymitis.", "Staphylococcus epidermis S. epidermidis is a true opportunistic pathogen; it is harmless to a healthy person but debilitates a person whose immune system has been weakened by a disease or drug treatment. The most susceptible to the infection are newborns, elderly, intravenous drug users and people with catheters.", "Epididymis The epididymis (/ɛpɨˈdɪdɨmɪs/ ; plural: epididymides /ɛpɨdɨˈdɪmədiːz/ or /ɛpɨˈdɪdəmɪdiːz/) is a tube that connects a testicle to a vas deferens in the male reproductive system. It is present in all male reptiles, birds, and mammals.he epididymis (/ɛpɨˈdɪdɨmɪs/ ; plural: epididymides /ɛpɨdɨˈdɪmədiːz/ or /ɛpɨˈdɪdəmɪdiːz/) is a tube that connects a testicle to a vas deferens in the male reproductive system. It is present in all male reptiles, birds, and mammals.", "- Appendicitis means inflammation of the appendix. The appendix is a small pouch that comes off the gut wall at the start of the large intestine. Appendicitis is common. Typical symptoms include tummy (abdominal) pain and being sick (vomiting). These symptoms gradually get worse over 6-24 hours.", "Epididymitis (Testicle Infection Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment) Epididymitis is infection or less frequently, inflammation of the epididymis (the coiled tube on the back of the testicle). The majority of men that develop epididymitis develop it because of a bacterial infection. Although males of any age can develop epididymitis, it occurs most frequently between ages of 20 to 39.", "- Appendicitis is an irritation, inflammation, and infection of the appendix (a narrow, hollow tube that branches off the large intestine). The appendix functions as a part of the immune system during the first few years of life.", "- Late Middle English (in the sense 'pull up by the roots'): from Latin eradicat- 'torn up by the roots', from the verb eradicare, from e- (variant of ex-) 'out' + radix, radic- 'root'. A significant characteristic of eradicants is their ability to penetrate plant tissues, most being systemic. 2 Use of Ridomil in this manner (as an eradicant) will probably lead to a rapid buildup of Ridomil-resistant strains of the downy mildew fungus in your vineyard.", "Epididymitis Things to remember. 1 Epididymitis is an infection that causes inflammation of the epididymis, which is a series of small tubes attached to the back of each testicle that collects and stores sperm. Most cases of epididymitis are caused by bacterial infection from a urinary tract infection or a sexually transmissible infection (STI) such as gonorrhoea or chlamydia.", "What are Epididymitis and Orchitis? Pain in the scrotum or testicle (“teste”) might be from epididymitis, orchitis or both. Epididymitis is swelling or pain in the back of the testicle in the coiled tube (epididymis) that stores and carries sperm. Orchitis is swelling or pain in one or both testicles, usually from an infection or virus.", "Edomite adjective. noun. Edomite is defined as something related to an ancient region of the Dead Sea called Edom. Something related to the region of Edom is an example of something described as Edomite.The definition of an Edomite is a person who lived in Edom during biblical times.A woman in biblical times who lived in Edom is an example of an Edomite.djective. noun. Edomite is defined as something related to an ancient region of the Dead Sea called Edom. Something related to the region of Edom is an example of something described as Edomite.", "Coccidioidomycosis Coccidioidomycosis is a pulmonary or hematogenously spread disseminated disease caused by the fungi Coccidioides immitis and C. posadasii; it usually occurs as an acute benign asymptomatic or self-limited respiratory infection. The organism occasionally disseminates to cause focal lesions in other tissues.", "- The suffix -itisitis means inflammation, so appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix. Appendicitis occurs when mucus, stool, or a combination of the two blocks the opening of the appendix that leads to the cecum. Bacteria proliferate in the trapped space and infect the lining of the appendix.ne of the first symptoms of appendicitis is abdominal pain that is hard to localize. People with appendicitis typically experience pain in the central part of the abdomen. Loss of appetite is another early symptom of appendicitis.", "Scrotal Lumps, Pain and Swelling Epididymo-orchitis is an inflammation of the epididymis and/or testis. It is usually due to infection, most commonly from a urine infection or a sexually transmitted infection. A course of antibiotic medicine will usually clear the infection.", "- Definition. Endophthalmitis is a term that describes an inflammation of the intraocular spaces that is usually caused by infection. Endophthalmitis can be exogenous or endogenous. The most common type of exogenous endophthalmitis is post-operative, such as after a cataract surgery.efinition. Endophthalmitis is a term that describes an inflammation of the intraocular spaces that is usually caused by infection. Endophthalmitis can be exogenous or endogenous. The most common type of exogenous endophthalmitis is post-operative, such as after a cataract surgery.", "Epiglottic entrapment Epiglottic entrapment is a less common cause of respiratory noise and exercise intolerance. In this condition, the aryepiglottic fold completely envelops the apex and lateral margins of the epiglottis.The general shape of the epiglottis is visible, and the position (dorsal to the soft palate) is appropriate.owever, the distinct serrated margins of the epiglottis and the dorsal epiglottic vascular pattern are obscured by a fold of aryepiglottic mucosa. Clinical signs of epiglottic entrapment include inspiratory and expiratory respiratory noise during exercise and poor exercise performance.", "- Pseudogout is a form of arthritis that causes sudden attacks of joint pain and swelling. The prefix pseudo means appearing like something else; the term “pseudogout” is commonly used because the symptoms of the disorder are very similar to those caused by gout.", "- Epididymitis is defined as inflammation of the epididymis, the tightly coiled segment of the spermatic duct that connects the efferent duct from the posterior aspect of each testicle to its respective vas deferens.", "Appendicitis Appendicitis (also called epityphlitis) is inflammation of the appendix. Appendicitis commonly presents with right iliac fossa abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and decreased appetite.However, one third to a half of persons do not have these typical signs and symptoms.ppendicitis is caused by a blockage of the hollow portion of the appendix, most commonly by a calcified stone made of feces.", "- The suffix -itisitis means inflammation, so appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix. Appendicitis occurs when mucus, stool, or a combination of the two blocks the opening of the appendix that leads to the cecum.Bacteria proliferate in the trapped space and infect the lining of the appendix.he appendix is a small, pouch-like sac of tissue that is located in the first part of the colon (cecum) in the lower-right abdomen.", "What are Epididymitis and Orchitis? Chronic epididymitis typically is a duller pain, develops slowly and is a longer-term problem. Symptoms of chronic epididymitis can get better, but may not go away fully with treatment and may come and go. Most cases of epididymitis are seen in adults. Orchitis is swelling of the teste alone is uncommon.", "Epididymitis (Testicle Infection Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment) What Is Epididymitis (Testicle Infection)? Epididymitis is infection or less frequently, inflammation of the epididymis (the coiled tube on the back of the testicle). The majority of men that develop epididymitis develop it because of a bacterial infection.", "Epididymis The epididymis (/ɛpɨˈdɪdɨmɪs/ ; plural: epididymides /ɛpɨdɨˈdɪmədiːz/ or /ɛpɨˈdɪdəmɪdiːz/) is a tube that connects a testicle to a vas deferens in the male reproductive system. It is present in all male reptiles, birds, and mammals.permatozoa formed in the testis enter the caput epididymis, progress to the corpus, and finally reach the cauda region, where they are stored. Sperm entering the caput epididymis are incomplete—they lack the ability to swim forward (motility) and to fertilize an egg.", "Definitions &Translations Epididymitis is a medical condition characterized by discomfort or pain of the epididymis, a curved structure at the back of the testicle in which sperm matures and is stored.", "Endophthalmitis Endophthalmitis. Endophthalmitis is inflammation involving the entire eye, meaning that both the front and back portions of the eye are affected. Although the inflammation can be due to various causes, it is generally used to describe an extremely severe infection that has spread throughout the whole eyeball.xogenous endophthalmitis: This is the infection of the eye by microorganisms that were directly introduced into the eye either from trauma or from eye surgery.", "Epididymitis - Treatment and Remedies Natural Epididymitis Remedies. While epididymitis is often a painful condition, known treatments can fairly quickly remedy the condition. Natural epididymitis treatments include hamamelis viginica, colloidal silver and turmeric.", "- Epididymitis Overview. The epididymis is a long, tightly coiled tube located behind each testicle that connects the testicle to the ductus deferens and stores sperm. Acute epididymitis is inflammation of the epididymis, causing pain and swelling of the scrotum. Most cases are caused by sexually transmitted bacterial infections occurring in men age 19 to 35 years old. Chronic epididymitis refers to inflammation characterized by persistent testicular pain in the absence of scrotal swelling.", "Zygomycota Basidiomycota /bəˌsɪdi.ɵmaɪˈkoʊtə/ is one of two large phyla that, together with the Ascomycota, constitute the subkingdom Dikarya (often referred to as the higher fungi) within the kingdom Fungi.asidiomycota that reproduce asexually (discussed below) can be recognized as members of this phylum by gross similarity to others, by the formation of a distinctive anatomical feature (the clamp connection-see below), cell wall components, and definitively by phylogenetic molecular analysis of DNA sequence data.", "- Epididymitis is usually caused by a bacterial infection that starts in the urethra, bladder, or prostate and ultimately spreads to the epididymis. Depending on the patient’s age, the most common causes of epididymitis are sexually transmitted infection, an enlarged prostate gland, or urinary tract infections.", "Epididymitis (Testicle Infection Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment) Epididymitis is infection or less frequently, inflammation of the epididymis (the coiled tube on the back of the testicle). The majority of men that develop epididymitis develop it because of a bacterial infection. Although males of any age can develop epididymitis, it occurs most frequently between ages of 20 to 39. When it develops in children, it is usually due to inflammation caused by trauma.", "Echinococcosis Echinococcosis, also called hydatid disease, hydatidosis, or echinococcal disease, is a parasitic disease of tapeworms of the Echinococcus type.The two main types of the disease are cystic echinococcosis and alveolar echinococcosis. Less common forms include polycystic echinococcosis and unicystic echinococcosis.he disease is spread when food or water that contains the eggs of the parasite is eaten or by close contact with an infected animal. The eggs are released in the stool of meat-eating animals that are infected by the parasite. Commonly infected animals include dogs, foxes and wolves." ]
[ 16.734375 ]
[ 11.140625, 5.0390625, 14.1171875, 5.5703125, 16.078125, 5.8359375, -2.607421875, 15.9453125, 15.09375, -0.26318359375, 4.51953125, 4.73046875, 12.2890625, 3.73828125, -1.2451171875, 5.69921875, 16.1875, 5.1484375, 4.5, 12.2421875, 16.21875, 14.015625, 16.53125, 1.81640625, 11.6171875, 15.21875, 2.119140625, 13.890625, 16.125, 2.22265625 ]
us census bureau number
[ "- The phone number (888) 817-2153 is indeed a telephone number for the U.S. Census Bureau of the U.S. Department of Commerce. The number will reach one of their telephone facilities in Hagerstown, MD, Jeffersonville, IN, or Tucson, AZ." ]
[ "United States Passports If you were born in Onondaga County you may obtain a copy of your birth certificate by contacting the Bureau of Vital Statistics, 435-3241. Passports for those under the age of 16 Rules governing the issuance of passports to children under the age of 16 were recently revised by the U.S. Department of State.", "- Our Mission. The Census Bureau's mission is to serve as the leading source of quality data about the nation's people and economy. We honor privacy, protect confidentiality, share our expertise globally, and conduct our work openly.he Census Bureau's mission is to serve as the leading source of quality data about the nation's people and economy.", "U.S. Census Bureau (Census) The Census Bureau's mission is to serve as the leading source of quality data about the nation's people and economy. .", "- The Census Bureau collects data through surveys and conducts statistical analysis of the results to be used in policy-making decisions by the U.S. government. The mission and operations of the U.S. Census Bureau are laid out in Title 13 of the United States Code.", "How the Census Works In 2010, the census recorded 308.7 million people, a 9.7 percent population increase from 2000, or roughly 79 times as many residents as 1790 [source: U.S. Census Bureau ]. The main purpose of the census is to figure out how many seats each state receives in the House of Representatives. Since 1911, there have been 435 seats in the House, and each state is guaranteed at least one [source: U.S. House of Representatives ].", "Martin Luther Descendants in US ?????> 1910 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2006.Original data: Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910 (NARA microfilm publication T624, 1,178 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29.", "- Income is the gauge many use to determine the well-being of the U.S. population. Survey and census questions cover poverty, income, and wealth. The U.S. Census Bureau is the official source for U.S. export and import statistics and regulations governing the reporting of exports from the U.S. The U.S. Census Bureau provides data for the Federal, state and local governments as well as voting, redistricting, apportionment and congressional affairs. Geography is central to the work of the Bureau, providing the framework for survey design, sample selection, data collection, tabulation, and dissemination.", "United States Census Bureau The United States Census Bureau (USCB; officially the Bureau of the Census, as defined in Title ) is a principal agency of the U.S. Federal Statistical System, responsible for producing data about the American people and economy.", "Site Archive for Monday, 12 Jul 2010 103.1. Source: U.S Bureau of the Census. For further information please contact us by e-mail [email protected] or mail at The Department of Economic and Community Development, 505 Hudson Street, Hartford, CT 06106 Attention: Research.", "City of Centennial Career Opportunities City of Centennial, 13133 East Arapahoe Road, Centennial, CO 80112 Phone: (303) 325-8000 Web Site: www.centennialco.gov. You can now apply online by clicking on the job title you are interested in and clicking on the Apply link!If this is the first time you are applying using our online job application, you will need to create an account and select a Username and Password.ou can now apply online by clicking on the job title you are interested in and clicking on the Apply link! If this is the first time you are applying using our online job application, you will need to create an account and select a Username and Password.", "Count Me Out When a census form is not returned, the Census Bureau sends workers to follow up in person. They will return as many as six times to the same residence. That information can be referred to the Justice Department as the basis for prosecution. Not all prosecutions go smoothly for the government, however.", "- Credit Bureau Of Imperial County. 1122 W State St # B El Centro, CA 92243. (760) 352-7222. Rooms & Rates ». Credit Reporting Agencies. Directions More Info.", "- 1 Content provided by the US Census bureau for the years 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015. 2 The Census Bureau can also provide statisics and demographics cor the years 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 on their website.", "- Because the census has been around for almost 240 years, its results have been important in decision-making for the United States government since the nation was founded. In 2020 the U.S. Census Bureau will take the 24th decennial census. As nominal director, Thomas Jefferson oversaw the first census in 1790.", "Is this Survey Legitimate? Any request for survey information from the Census Bureau will be clearly identified on the envelope as coming from the U.S. Census Bureau and as OFFICIAL BUSINESS of the United States. It is a Federal offense for anyone to pretend they represent the Census Bureau, or any other office of the United States Government.", "NYS Workers' Compensation Board Individuals seeking to serve legal papers on the Board should file their papers with the Office of the Secretary at 328 State Street, Schenectady, NY 12305. For questions, please call 518-402-6070.", "- The U.S. Census Bureau is the official source for U.S. export and import statistics and regulations governing the reporting of exports from the U.S. The U.S. Census Bureau provides data for the Federal, state and local governments as well as voting, redistricting, apportionment and congressional affairs.", "EEI Filing Assistance Contact our Regulations, Outreach and Education Branch (ROEB) via telephone at 800-549-0595 (Menu option 3) or via e-mail at [email protected]. AES Data Element Reference Table Power of Attorney and Written Authorization", "Conducting the 2010 Census So we have a lot of geographers who worry about that spatial integrity. On Jan. 21, 2010, the Pew Research Center hosted a conversation about the 2010 Decennial Census with Director of the U.S. Bureau of the Census Robert Groves and a panel of experts.", "- Content provided by the US Census bureau for the years 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015, 2016.", "- In 1903 the bureau was transferred to the Department of Commerce. The Bureau of the Census is responsible for providing statistics about the population and economy of the nation and for collecting, tabulating, and publishing a wide variety of statistical data for government and private users.", "United States Census The United States Census is a decennial census mandated by Article I, Section 2 of the United States Constitution, which states: Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States ... according to their respective Numbers ...", "Civics Vocab 1. the permeant size of the house is 435 unless congress passes legislation to change it. 2. following each census the census bureau is to determine the number of seats each state is entitled to in the house.", "Del Norte County Tax Records The Assessor’s Office maintains current data on the value of all property in the jurisdiction, including ownership information, maps of property lines, and property tax records. Many Assessor’s Offices also provide online access to property assessments and tax records. Del Norte County Assessor's Office Crescent CA 981 H Street 95531 707-464-7200 Del Norte County Clerk Office Clerks file important documents and preserve records in order to maintain a public archive for their municipality.", "Economics & Statistics Administration Our Mission. The Census Bureau's mission is to serve as the leading source of quality data about the nation's people and economy. We honor privacy, protect confidentiality, share our expertise globally, and conduct our work openly.", "- The U.S. Census Bureau releases census information to the public after 72 years. So, census forms from 1790 to 1930 are now available.You can find them on microfilm for research at the United States National Archives in Washington, DC, at some libraries, and at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-d….", "- © 2018 Von Braun Center. 700 Monroe Street | Huntsville, Alabama 35801 | voice 256.533.1953 | fax 256.551.2203 | [email protected]", "US Census Bureau Interview Questions I interviewed at US Census Bureau (Suitland, MD) in September 2016. Interview. The interview process was quick and easy. The 2 people I interview with made me feel at ease, which made it better to interview. The questions that were ask pretty easy and very simple to answer.", "- this location is a full service and shared branching office to find over 4300 locations of shared branching service centers across the nation click here or call 1 800 919 cusc", "United States Census For years between the decennial censuses, the Census Bureau issues estimates made using surveys and statistical models, in particular, the American Community Survey. Title 13 of the United States Code governs how the Census is conducted and how its data is handled. Information is confidential as per 13 U.S.C. § 9." ]
[ 17.046875 ]
[ 5.69921875, 8.65625, 8.234375, 8.046875, 7.4609375, 6.3671875, 7.95703125, 10.046875, 7.7109375, 2.990234375, 5.7578125, 3.833984375, 6.94921875, 7.4921875, 7.84375, 3.03515625, 8.7890625, 10.1484375, 6.59765625, 7.12890625, 8.6796875, 7.52734375, 5.6171875, 4.3828125, 8.875, 7.01171875, 2.12890625, 6.01953125, 1.0986328125, 7.52734375 ]
what county is lincoln park nj
[ "Lincoln Park, New Jersey Lincoln Park is a borough in Morris County, New Jersey, United States. As of the 2010 United States Census, the borough's population was 10,521, reflecting a decline of 409 (-3.7%) from the 10,930 counted in the 2000 Census, which had in turn declined by 48 (-0.4%) from the 10,978 counted in the 1990 Census." ]
[ "Madison Park, New Jersey Madison Park, New Jersey. (Redirected from Madison Park, NJ) Madison Park is an unincorporated community and census-designated place (CDP) located within Old Bridge Township, in Middlesex County, New Jersey, United States. As of the 2010 United States Census, the CDP's population was 7,144.", "- POSTED ON: July 15, 2016. YES!!!! In 2016, the Lincoln County Fair is working with two LOCAL photographers taking pictures of all of the sights, sounds, awards, entertainment and more! ADI Photography handled all photography work at the Queen Pageant and at the Thursday Livestock … Continue reading.", "Franklin Park, New Jersey Franklin Park is located in Somerset County, NJ. The population is 13,397, making Franklin Park the 3rd largest city in Somerset County. There are 1 public schools in Franklin Park with an average Homefacts rating of B. The total crime rate for Franklin Park is very low, and there are 0 registered sex offenders residing in the city.", "- One of the oldest boroughs in Montgomery County, Jenkintown brims with historical interest and secret finds. In this residential community, visitors find National Landmarks, an active arts scene and shops and restaurants that are not just along the main drag. Settled by William Jenkins in 1697, Jenkintown was incorporated in 1874.", "- Hotels near Lincoln Park, New Jersey on TripAdvisor: Find traveler reviews, candid photos, and prices for hotels near Lincoln Park, NJ.", "- Highland Park, New Jersey (Sending Flowers) A borough that sits in Middlesex County in New Jersey is Highland Park. It’s name derived from its location, it sat upon “park like” land on high banks of the Raritan River. This community is home to several parks and an environmental center.", "Highland Park Highland Park rests in a beautiful setting of hills and valleys created from glacial deposits. Best known as the home of Rochester's famous Lilac Festival, Highland Park has a history as colorful as its 500 varieties of flowering shrubs. The Lilac Festival, held in May each year, draws visitors from all over the world to see Highland Park's collection of lilacs in full bloom. While located in the City of Rochester's southeast quadrant, Monroe County Parks maintains Highland Park and is in charge of reserving amenities, festivals, and summer theatre series. Click here to see Monroe County's Highland Park page. Olmsted-designed", "- Lincoln County Men. at Kings Mountain. Men essential to the Kings Mountain victory, 7 October 1780. Copyright © 2009–2015 by William Lee Anderson III. All rights reserved. Lincoln County Men at Kings Mountain. Synopsis. The Battle of Kings Mountain was a decisive Patriot victory during the American Revolution.", "Welcome Click Here. Lincoln County, located in southeastern South Dakota, was incorporated December 30, 1867. It includes an area of 576 square miles and population of 44,828 at last census. Lincoln County, the fastest growing county in South Dakota, now ranks as the third largest county.", "- Resource Center. Contact Information. It is the mission of the Lincoln County Sheriff's Office to safeguard the lives and property of the people we serve, to reduce the incidence and fear of crime, and to enhance public safety while working in partnership with our citizens to improve their quality of life.", "- Start your search by typing in the business name below. Baldwin Park County Of Los Angeles. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "Sanilac County Lexington Park Sanilac County Lexington Park. Description. This 27-acre parcel is located three miles north of Lexington along M-25 and features a picnic area, tennis courts, a swimming beach, playground equipment, restroom and showers, pavilion and horseshoes. Scenic wooden bridge connects north and south portions of the park.", "- Highland Park, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA real estate prices overview. 1 Searching homes for sale in Highland Park, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA has never been more convenient. With Point2 Homes, you can easily browse through Highland Park, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA single family homes for sale, townhouses, condos and commercial properties, and quickly get a general perspective on the real estate prices.", "Woodland Park, New Jersey Woodland Park (formerly West Paterson) is a borough in Passaic County, New Jersey, United States. As of the 2010 United States Census, the borough's population was 11,819, reflecting an increase of 832 (+7.6%) from the 10,987 counted in the 2000 Census, which had in turn increased by 5 (+0.0%) from the 10,982 counted in the 1990 Census.", "- Start your search by typing in the business name below. Florham Park, NJ County Clerk. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "- The owners of Bushkill Park are working hard to repair the damage that has been done by the floods and other means. Please continue checking back to this website for opening dates of the park, Fascination Station and the Roller Skating Rink. Bushkill Park has served the community since 1902 as a family entertainment center and amusement park for families, companies and organizations of the Lehigh Valley, in PA and Warren County, NJ. With magnificent large trees offering summer shade to the nine pavilion areas and kiddy land, Bushkill Park is a refuge of quiet excitement with a family environment.", "Franklin, New Jersey Franklin, New Jersey. Franklin is a borough in Sussex County, New Jersey, United States. As of the 2010 United States Census, the borough's population was 5,045 reflecting a decline of 115 (-2.2%) from the 5,160 counted in the 2000 Census, which had in turn increased by 183 (+3.7%) from the 4,977 counted in the 1990 Census.", "Huntington Beach Every year, the Orange County Great Park Balloon dons a smiling jack-o-lantern mask, marking the unofficial start of fall in Orange County.", "- Lamington is an unincorporated community located within Bedminster Township, in Somerset County, New Jersey, United States. It contains the Lamington Presbyterian Church Cemetery and the Lamington Black Cemetery.", "- Ridgefield Park, New Jersey. Ridgefield Park is a village in Bergen County, New Jersey, United States. as of the 2010 United States Census, the village's population was 12,729, reflecting a decline of 144 (-1.1%) from the 12,873 counted in the 2000 Census, which had in turn increased by 419 (+3.4%) from the 12,454 counted in the 1990 Census.", "Lamington, New Jersey Lamington, New Jersey. Lamington is an unincorporated community located within Bedminster Township, in Somerset County, New Jersey, United States.[1] It contains the Lamington Presbyterian Church Cemetery and the Lamington Black Cemetery.", "- Linden is a city in southeastern Union County, New Jersey, United States. It is part of the New York Metropolitan Area, being about 13 miles (21 km) southwest of Manhattan, and bordering Staten Island, a borough of New York City.", "- Description. Linden is a city in southeastern Union County, New Jersey, United States. It is part of the New York Metropolitan Area, being about 13 miles (21 km) southwest of Manhattan, and bordering Staten Island, a borough of New York City. As of the 2010 United States Census, the city's population was 40,499.", "- Lincoln County District 1. Other Links. http://lincoln.oklahoma.usassessor.com. http://lincolncountyco.us. Categories County & Parish Government, Government Offices COUPONS & DEALS. No coupons available. Gallery. Be the first to add a photo!", "Overpeck County Park Overpeck County Park. Overpeck County Park is an 811-acre (3.28 km2) county park in Bergen County, New Jersey, with major sections in Leonia, Palisades Park, Ridgefield Park, and Teaneck, surrounding Overpeck Creek, a tributary of the Hackensack River. The Overpeck Creek flows to the west of the Henry Hoebel Area and the South Area of the park.", "Lincoln Park, Michigan Lincoln Park is a city in Wayne County in the U.S. state of Michigan. It lies in an area of cities and communities known as Downriver. The population was 38,144 at the 2010 census.", "Lincoln County, Colorado Lincoln County. Lincoln County is part of the 18th Judicial District. Lincoln County was added to the 18th Judicial District in 1969. The 18th Judicial District also includes Arapahoe, Douglas and Elbert Counties. Lincoln District/County Court Forms.", "Welcome Welcome to the Essex County Government Center website. The world-famous, picturesque mountain village of Lake Placid, nestled in the scenic High Peaks of the Adirondacks and the shores of Mirror Lake in Essex County, is the proud site of legendary performances in two Winter Olympics.", "- Highland Park County Jail. About Search Results. About Search Results. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "- Start your search by typing in the business name below. Fern Park County Clerk. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria." ]
[ 18.40625 ]
[ 8.390625, 3.982421875, 8.8125, -1.099609375, 8.5234375, 7.8828125, 3.45703125, 1.830078125, 4.48828125, 4.171875, 0.67138671875, 1.7705078125, 1.3583984375, 9.59375, 4.46875, 6.94140625, 5.8359375, 1.853515625, 5.34765625, 8.2421875, 4.0234375, 7.16796875, 7.5546875, 3.08984375, 10.2578125, 11.984375, 3.875, 5.76171875, 4.06640625, 0.9228515625 ]
what are education credit limits
[ "2016-2017 American Opportunity Education Tax Credit (AOTC) Extension â Eligibility, Income and Phase-out Limits The AOTC allows parents and students to receive a tax credit of up to $2,500 for college expenses, based on certain income limits, and replaced the smaller Hope credit (which would have been the only credit available had the fiscal cliff deal failed)." ]
[ "Amount of Tax Credit for Adult Dependents The Lifetime Learning credit is a tax credit of up to $2,000. If your adult child or relative qualifies as a dependent and you pay qualifying education expenses for the dependent to attend college, you might qualify for one of the education credits.he rules to claim a dependent who is disabled differ from a typical adult dependent. You can claim an adult who is disabled as long as the person lives in your home for at least half the year. There are no age requirements for claiming tax credits for a dependent who is disabled.", "The Lowdown on Education Tax Breaks The new credit is currently available through 2017. The American Opportunity credit equals 100% of the first $2,000 of a student’s qualified education expenses plus 25% of the next $2,000. The maximum annual credit is $2,500.", "- A lot, as it turns out. The federal tuition tax credit amounts to 15 per cent of the tuition and other eligible fees paid. Add to that the education tax credit, which is a claim of $400 for each month of full-time attendance ($120 a month for part-timers).", "credit limit The maximum amount for which a particular borrower is approved is known as the credit limit. Banks and financial services company do not extend loans past the credit limit. For example, one may have a credit card with a credit limit of $2,000; if one attempts to put $2,100 on the card, the bank will decline payment.", "- You can take 20 percent of your educational expenses as a credit on your taxes up to a total of $10,000 in eligable educational costs. So, if you have $5,000 in expenses, the credit is worth $1,000. Job search costs.", "Salad Master cookware question During the boom years of last decade (you know, when you could buy a $400,000 house with a “liar loan” using stated income) it was extremely easy to get credit limits of $10,000, and sometimes even up to absurd levels like $50,000 with only an average income.Unfortunately, times have radically changed since then.tep 2: Since my credit limit on the new card was higher than I needed for it, I called up Chase to transfer $8,000 of the credit limit to my Chase Freedom which had a $12,600 limit.", "Credit Card Glossary: Terms and Definitions Credit limit. A credit limit is the amount of money that can be charged to a credit card. The size of a credit limit, and how much of it has been borrowed, have a large influence on consumer credit scores. Low credit utilization -- that is, a credit limit on which little has been borrowed -- leads to a higher credit score.", "Publication 970 - Introductory Material Education Related Updates: 1 Hope Scholarship Credit. The Hope Scholarship Credit for 2015 will be an amount equal to 100% of qualified tuition and related expenses not in excess of $2,000 plus 25% of those expenses in excess of $2,000 but not in excess of $4,000. 2 Lifetime Learning Credit.", "- One of two tax credits available to offset costs of higher education by. reducing the amount of income tax. The Lifetime Learning credit is a nonrefundable credit of up to. $2,000 for qualified education expenses for students enrolled in eligible educational institutions.", "- Credits that reduce the amount of tax due and are based on qualified education. expenses that the taxpayer paid during the tax year. Lifetime Learning Credit: One of two tax credits available to offset costs of higher education by. reducing the amount of income tax.", "What is 'Credit Limit' Credit Limit. What is 'Credit Limit'. Credit limit refers to the maximum amount of credit a financial institution extends to a client through a line of credit as well as the maximum amount a credit card company allows a borrower to spend on a single card. Lenders usually set credit limits based on information in the application of the person seeking credit.", "- Education Credits: Credits that reduce the amount of tax due and are based on qualified education. expenses that the taxpayer paid during the tax year. reducing the amount of income tax. $2,000 for qualified education expenses for students enrolled in eligible educational institutions. skills.", "The U.S. Department of Education offers low-interest loans to eligible students to help cover the cost of college or career school. The following chart shows the annual and aggregate limits for subsidized and unsubsidized loans. $5,500—No more than $3,500 of this amount may be in subsidized loans. $9,500—No more than $3,500 of this amount may be in subsidized loans. $6,500—No more than $4,500 of this amount may be in subsidized loans.", "credit limit A revolving line of credit might have a credit limit of $50,000.Banks have limits on the amount of credit they can extend to single borrowers, based on the size of the bank, and limits on the credit they can extend to officers and directors.", "Take Advantage of Two Education Tax Credits The Lifetime Learning credit covers up to $2,000 of undergraduate and graduate school costs. The rules for the Lifetime Learning credit are unchanged from prior years. As before, the credit is 20% of up to $10,000 of qualified education expenses. So the maximum credit for 2014 is $2,000 before any phase-outs.", "- Credit Card Limit Information. As mentioned before, credit card limits are based on credit history. The rule of thumb is any credit limit below $2,500 says that your credit history is average. If the only credit limit you can get is below $500, this says that you have poor credit.", "Minimum Income for the Earned Income Credit Income Limits. The earned income credit has maximum income limits for those who wish to claim it. The minimum income for claiming an earned income credit is $1, although you obviously do not receive much in the way of a credit at the minimum income. The maximum income credit for individuals filing single ranges from $13,440 for no children up to $43,279 for individuals with three children.", "The 2017 Earned Income Tax Credit Income Limitations. You must have earned income to qualify for the credit, but you can't have too much. Earned income means wages and net profits from self-employment. Wages are reported on Form W-2. Self-employment income is generally reported on Form 1099-MISC.", "Learn About the Lifetime Learning Tax Credit Updated April 07, 2017. The Lifetime Learning Credit is a tax credit for any person who takes college classes. It provides a tax credit of 20% of tuition expenses, with a maximum of $2,000 in tax credits on the first $10,000 of college tuition expenses.", "What Are Education Tax Credits? This credit is of particular value to those students attending postgraduate programs. As of 2014, the maximum benefit of the credit is $2,000. However, the lifetime learning credit is nonrefundable if it exceeds your tax bill for the year.", "VA Educational Benefits Programs For money, there are annual tuition limits that can be paid to you within a VA fiscal year (this amounts resets every year on Aug. 1). The limit for the Post 9/11 GI Bill beginning Aug. 1, 2017 is 22, 805.34. The limit for Yellow Ribbon (added after the Post 9/11 limit is reached) at USD in 17-18 is around 15,000 (split between the VA and USD). You must be using months/days of your benefit to receive Yellow Ribbon Funds.", "Tax Credits and Benefits The amount of the credit is 20 percent of the first $10,000 of qualified education expenses or a maximum of $2,000 per taxpayer. The LLC is not refundable. So, you can use the credit to pay any tax you owe but you won’t receive any of the credit back as a refund.", "2016 Earned Income Credit Amount This will have a big impact on the amount of the credit that you will receive. Be careful to note that the numbers are slightly different than the 2015 earned income credit. Very important to make sure you are claiming the 2016 earned income tax credit for your 2016 federal income taxes. Restrictions on 2016 Earned Income Tax Credit (2016 EIC) For taxable years beginning in 2016, the earned income tax credit is not allowed if the aggregate amount of certain investment income exceeds $3,400.", "How issuers determine credit card limits The process is similar to how issuers figure out the interest rate on your credit card, says Bill McCracken, CEO of Synergistics Research Corp., a market research firm that focuses on financial institutions. For example, a specific credit card offer may come with a credit limit between $1,000 and $5,000.", "Form 8863 Education Credits Form 8863 Education Credits. Share Share 0 Tweet 0 +1 0 Share 0. INSTRUCTIONS: EDUCATION CREDITS (AMERICAN OPPORTUNITY AND LIFETIME LEARNING CREDITS) (Form 8863). For college students, as well as those who are paying for the education of dependents, some tax credits can be taken.hose applying for a Lifetime Learning Credit should complete part II. Both types of credits require you to fill out part IV. Education Credits (American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning Credits) 8863 Step 2: Enter your name and Social Security Number at the top of the form.", "Tax Credits and Benefits The amount of the credit is 20 percent of the first $10,000 of qualified education expenses or a maximum of $2,000 per taxpayer. The LLC is not refundable.So, you can use the credit to pay any tax you owe but you won’t receive any of the credit back as a refund. Return to Education Credits home page.he amount of the credit is 20 percent of the first $10,000 of qualified education expenses or a maximum of $2,000 per taxpayer. The LLC is not refundable.", "12 CFR 32.3 - Lending limits. (c) Loans not subject to the lending limits. The following loans or extensions of credit are not subject to the lending limits of 12 U.S.C. 84, or 12 U.S.C. 1464(u), as applicable, of this part. (1) Loans arising from the discount of commercial or business paper.", "List of 16 Commonly Overlooked Personal Tax Deductions & Credits for Individuals For purposes of the lifetime learning credit, qualified education expenses are tuition and certain related expenses required for enrollment in a course at an eligible educational institution. The course must be either part of a postsecondary degree program or taken by the student to acquire or improve job skills.", "- Good news! You may qualify for the following education deductions and credits: TurboTax will help you figure out which of the following will save you the most on your tax return. Per student, you may be able to claim an education credit of up to... This education deduction may be worth up to... Per tax return, you may be able to claim a credit up to...", "Tax Credits and Benefits The amount of the credit is 20 percent of the first $10,000 of qualified education expenses or a maximum of $2,000 per return. The LLC is not refundable. So, you can use the credit to pay any tax you owe but you won’t receive any of the credit back as a refund. Return to Education Credits home page" ]
[ 12.4765625 ]
[ 9.0625, 12.046875, 9.78125, 8.7578125, 10.2890625, 7.40234375, 10.2734375, 10.921875, 10.4921875, 9.9609375, 10.8515625, 11.6875, 9.0546875, 8.4453125, 12.140625, 8.9375, 8.765625, 8.640625, 10.671875, 11.5625, 7.6640625, 11.3046875, 8.4765625, 7.296875, 9.109375, 11.546875, 4.56640625, 8.890625, 8.65625, 11.609375 ]
most average height of a newborn
[ "- Normal Height for Girls (range: 3% to 97%) 1 Birth: 18.5-21.1 inches, mean: 50 cm (20 in) 2 Age 1 years: 27-31 inches, mean: 73 cm (29 in) 3 Age 2 years: 32-37 inches, mean: 85 cm (34 in) Age 3 years: 35-40 inches, mean: 95 cm (38 in)" ]
[ "- 15 to 21 inches The average height of the newborn baby depends on his or her gender. To compute for your baby's height percentile, you need to mention the birth date, gender … and your baby's height, so you can have an accurate findings based on WHO Growth Chart.ou can get charts from the CDC United States:National Center for health Stastics. The average length of a newborn baby is 50cm.", "Infant A newborn's shoulders and hips are wide, the abdomen protrudes slightly, and the arms and legs are relatively long with respect to the rest of their body. In first world nations, the average total body length of newborns are 35.6–50.8 cm (14.0–20.0 in), although premature newborns may be much smaller. The Apgar score is a measure of a newborn's transition from the uterus during the first minutes after birth.", "What Is the Average Height and Weight for Babies? Average Weight and Height for Newborn and Infants. At every regular checkup, your child’s doctor will measure and weigh him and let you know which percentiles he fits into. If you are concerned about your child’s height or weight, talk to your doctor about it. Birth. Girls. Boys. Height. 18.9 to 19.8 inches.", "Physical Growth in Newborns In the first month, the typical newborn gains about 0.7 oz (20 g) a day, or about 4 oz (110 g) to 8 oz (226.8 g) a week. The average length of full-term babies at birth is 20 in. (50 cm) , although the normal range is 18 in. (45.7 cm) to 22 in.n the first month, the typical newborn gains about 0.7 oz (20 g) a day, or about 4 oz (110 g) to 8 oz (226.8 g) a week. The average length of full-term babies at birth is 20 in. (50 cm) , although the normal range is 18 in. (45.7 cm) to 22 in.", "Average Infant Growth from Birth to One Year Average Height of a Baby in First Year. In general, during the first six months, a baby grows about one inch per month. Between 6 months and one year, it slows down a bit to about a ½ inch per month. The average height of a child at six months is approximately 25 ½ inches (65 cm), and the average height of 1 year old is around 29 inches (74 cm). Weight Loss and Gain in Babies. As mentioned above, it's normal for a newborn to lose weight during the first few days of life.", "Birth Weight and Your Baby What is a Normal Birth Weight? Most full-term newborns (born at between 37 and 40 weeks) will weigh between 6 lbs, 2 oz (2,812 grams) and 9 lbs, 2 oz (4,173 grams), and be anywhere from 19 to 21 inches long (48 to 53 cm). Most babies will lose a small amount of weight soon after birth.", "The Average Length and Weight of Newborns Most babies born at 40 weeks gestation weigh an average of 7.63 pounds, according to BabyCenter.com. A baby who isn't born until 41 weeks gestation weighs an average of 7.93 pounds, and one who makes it to 42 weeks gestation weighs an average of 8.12 pounds.A baby born at 38 weeks, on the other hand, weighs an average of 6.8 pounds, BabyCenter.com notes. The averages are smaller for babies who are born prematurely.he Long and Short of It. Babies delivered at the standard 40-week mark measure an average of 20.16 inches long, according to BabyCenter.com. A baby born at 41 weeks gestation measures an average of 20.35 inches. A baby delivered between 38 and 39 weeks measures an average of between 19.61 inches and 19.96 inches.", "The Average Length and Weight of Newborns Most babies born at 40 weeks gestation weigh an average of 7.63 pounds, according to BabyCenter.com. A baby who isn't born until 41 weeks gestation weighs an average of 7.93 pounds, and one who makes it to 42 weeks gestation weighs an average of 8.12 pounds. A baby born at 38 weeks, on the other hand, weighs an average of 6.8 pounds, BabyCenter.com notes. The averages are smaller for babies who are born prematurely.", "Human height The people of the Dinaric Alps (South Slavs) are on record as being the tallest in the world, with a male average height of 185.6 cm (6 ft 1.1 in) and female average height of 170.9 cm (5 ft 7.3 in).", "- The average height for men is 5 foot, 10 inches. There’s more on the height and weight charts. A common search ‘average height for men’, is more common than ‘average weight’.And ‘tall men’ is more searched than ‘short men’.’m not paying for this. By Dr. Halls. The average height for men is 5 foot, 10 inches. There’s more on the height and weight charts. A common search ‘average height for men’, is more common than ‘average weight’. And ‘tall men’ is more searched than ‘short men’.", "Your child's size and growth timeline Lots of parents wonder whether their child is bigger or smaller than other kids the same age. (In the United States, the average baby weighs about 7½ pounds at birth.) To give you a benchmark, here are the values from the 25th percentile to the 75th percentile for weight and height – meaning that half of kids fall within these ranges. A quarter of kids fall above these numbers and a quarter of kids below them.", "- Share. The average newborn weight is about 3.4 kilograms (kg) / 7 pounds (lb) 8 ounces (oz). Babies weighing more than 4.5kg/ 9lb 15oz at birth are considered much larger than average or macrosomic, which literally means of large body.It's very difficult to determine whether a baby is truly macrosomic while still in the uterus (womb) - only the post-birth weight confirms this.abies weighing more than 4.5kg/ 9lb 15oz at birth are considered much larger than average or macrosomic, which literally means of large body. It's very difficult to determine whether a baby is truly macrosomic while still in the uterus (womb) - only the post-birth weight confirms this.", "Mass of a Newborn Baby The average weight for a baby at birth is approximately 3.4 kilograms. Newborns range in weight from 2.5 kilograms to 4 kilograms. This average weight is typical for a normal full-term Caucasian newborn.", "First Month: Physical Appearance and Growth The bones in your baby’s skull are still growing together, and the skull is growing faster during the first four months than at any other time in her life. The average newborn’s head circumference measures about 13 3⁄4 inches (35 cm), growing to about 15 inches (38 cm) by one month.he bones in your baby’s skull are still growing together, and the skull is growing faster during the first four months than at any other time in her life. The average newborn’s head circumference measures about 13 3⁄4 inches (35 cm), growing to about 15 inches (38 cm) by one month.", "- The average newborn is 19.5 inches long and weighs 7.25 pounds. Boys have a head circumference of about 13.5 inches and girls measure in at 13.3 inches, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. Baby Growth Charts: Calculate Height and Weight.", "See How Your Baby Grows: Age-by-Age Growth Chart for Children Birth. The average newborn is 19.5 inches long and weighs 7.25 pounds. Boys have a head circumference of about 13.5 inches and girls measure in at 13.3 inches, according to the National Center for Health Statistics.1 Baby Growth Charts: Calculate Height and Weight.2 Charting Baby's Development.irth. The average newborn is 19.5 inches long and weighs 7.25 pounds. Boys have a head circumference of about 13.5 inches and girls measure in at 13.3 inches, according to the National Center for Health Statistics.", "Physical Growth in Newborns Newborns often lose around 8 oz (226.8 g) in the first 4 to 5 days after birth but regain it by about 10 to 12 days of age. In the first month, the typical newborn gains about 0.7 oz (20 g) a day, or about 4 oz (110 g) to 8 oz (226.8 g) a week. The average length of full-term babies at birth is 20 in.(50 cm) , although the normal range is 18 in.(45.7 cm) to 22 in.n the first month, the typical newborn gains about 0.7 oz (20 g) a day, or about 4 oz (110 g) to 8 oz (226.8 g) a week. The average length of full-term babies at birth is 20 in.", "- The average newborn is 19.5 inches long and weighs 7.25 pounds. Boys have a head circumference of about 13.5 inches and girls measure in at 13.3 inches, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. Baby Growth Charts: Calculate Height and Weight. Charting Baby's Development.", "How much does an average newborn weigh at birth? The average baby could weigh any where from 6 to 8 lbs. Most people have babies weighing in a 6 1/2 to 7 1/2 pounds. However, small (or large) babies can and do run in families. MY smallest was pre-term at 2 1/2 lbs., my largest was 9 lbs.", "- 37.5 - 44.7 pounds. Notes: The information about average weight and height for babies is based on the World Health Organization’s data for children younger than two years old and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s data for those over two. Getting Pregnant How to Get Pregnant. Fertility & Conception.", "- The average male height varies from country to country. The estimated average height for the human male across the world is approximately 5ft 8 1/2in (1.73 m.) According to John Komlos of the University of Munich, North Americans were the tallest people on the planet from about the American Revolution to World War II.", "Human height The people of the Dinaric Alps (South Slavs) are on record as being the tallest in the world, with a male average height of 185.6 cm (6 ft 1.1 in) and female average height of 170.9 cm (5 ft 7.3 in).uman height or stature is the distance from the bottom of the feet to the top of the head in a human body, standing erect. It is measured using a stadiometer, usually in centimetres when using the metric system, or feet and inches when using the imperial system.", "Human height The people of the Dinaric Alps (South Slavs) are on record as being the tallest in the world, with a male average height of 185.6 cm (6 ft 1.1 in) and female average height of 170.9 cm (5 ft 7.3 in).ccording to a study by J.W. Drukker and Vincent Tassenaar, the average height of Dutch decreased from 1830 to 1857, even while Dutch real GNP per capita was growing at an average rate of more than 0.5 percent per year. The worst decline were in urban areas that in 1847, the urban height penalty was 2.5cms (1 in).", "Average Weight and Length of a Newborn Baby Average body length of newborn – 14’’-20’’ (35.6cms – 50.8cms). There is a little difference in length and weight of boy baby and girl baby. Average length of male baby is 50.6 cms. and that of female baby is 50.1cms. 4% babies are born below 46 cms of length.", "Human height The average height of 19-year-old Dutch orphans in 1865 was 160 cm (5 ft 3 in). According to a study by J.W. Drukker and Vincent Tassenaar, the average height of Dutch decreased from 1830 to 1857, even while Dutch real GNP per capita was growing at an average rate of more than 0.5 percent per year.he people of the Dinaric Alps (South Slavs) are on record as being the tallest in the world, with a male average height of 185.6 cm (6 ft 1.1 in) and female average height of 170.9 cm (5 ft 7.3 in).", "- However, any birth weight of a term newborn between 5 lbs, 8 oz and 8 lbs, 13 oz is considered to be normal. In 2013, there were: 1 55,947 births at 1499g or less (3.3 pounds or less) 2 61,992 births from 1500g to 1999g (3.3 to 4.4 pounds) 200,908 births from 2000g to 2499g (4.4 to 5.5 pounds)", "Physical Growth in Newborns The average birth weight for babies is around 3.5 kg (7.5 lb), although between 2.5 kg (5.5 lb) and 4.5 kg (10 lb) is considered normal. In general: Boys are usually a little heavier than girls. First babies are usually lighter than later siblings.", "Understanding Newborn Characteristics and Development Most babies weigh between 5 1/2 and 10 pounds. The average length of a newborn is 20 inches (50 centimeters), with a range of 18 to 22 inches. The average head circumference (the distance around the head) is 14 inches (35 centimeters). At each visit, your doctor charts your child's growth.", "- A healthy newborn is expected to lose 7% to 10% of the birth weight, but should regain that weight within the first 2 weeks or so after birth. During their first month, most newborns gain weight at a rate of about 1 ounce (30 grams) per day. They generally grow in height about 1 to 1½ inches (2.54 to 3.81 centimeters) during the first month. Many newborns go through a period of rapid growth when they are 7 to 10 days old and again at 3 and 6 weeks.", "Human height According to a study by economist John Komlos and Francesco Cinnirella, in the first half of the 18th century, the average height of an English male was 165 cm (5 ft 5 in), and the average height of an Irish male was 168 cm (5 ft 6 in).ata derived from burials show that before 1850, the mean stature of males and females in Leiden, Netherlands was respectively 166.7 cm (5 ft 5.6 in) and 156.7 cm (5 ft 1.7 in). The average height of 19-year-old Dutch orphans in 1865 was 160 cm (5 ft 3 in)." ]
[ 12.6953125 ]
[ 13.8828125, 14.59375, 14.2421875, 13.8671875, 13.6796875, 13.1484375, 12.8828125, 12.1640625, 8.1171875, 7.0078125, 11.4375, 9.9453125, 10.359375, 11.6328125, 14.6796875, 14.703125, 13.59375, 14.625, 9.53125, 10.9296875, 7.87890625, 8.1875, 7.9140625, 14.7421875, 7.7421875, 8.6171875, 11.7734375, 15.046875, 13.265625, 8.21875 ]
normal cost to have a lawn redone
[ "How Much Does It Cost To Replace A Lawn? For a better quality lawn replacement of the same yard, the total cost of lawn replacement would be between $1,221 and $1,670, which includes $295 to $423 worth of materials and $926 to $1,246 worth of labor.or a better quality lawn replacement of the same yard, the total cost of lawn replacement would be between $1,221 and $1,670, which includes $295 to $423 worth of materials and $926 to $1,246 worth of labor." ]
[ "What Should You Pay For Lawncare? While there is no set in stone average cost of lawn care services in the U. S. $30 a week is a good starting point to consider and you can get a better idea by shopping around locally for your specific area.", "- The average cost to seed a lawn is $1,302. The lowest amount paid to reseed a lawn was $50, while the highest amount was $3,700. Clearly, that is a wide range.his could be grass in the backyard, a few bushes and even a tree or two. Nevertheless, we have to start with the basics. According to our landscaping installation cost estimator, the average price to install landscaping is $3,538. This assumes no foundation has been laid and includes both the front and backyard.", "- Lawn care prices vary if you want the service by the hour, week or month. Some price ranges are $100 to $200 per month so if you want to find a good price, we recommend getting a few estimates.1 Mowing ($270) - Mowing the lawn is traditionally a DIY project, but it's an easy area to neglect and worth the cost to outsource.t can be anywhere from $50 to $100, and it also depends on whether you hire an individual or a professional company. There might be a flat fee whether its per project or ongoing care. Hiring a gardener to maintain your plants can be expensive, so prolong calling one by planting seeds.", "- The average cost to cut a lawn is between $20 and $40. Determine a base price for small, medium and large-sized properties. For example, you may only charge $20 to cut the front and back of a small property that only takes 30 to 60 minutes, but charge $40 for a property that takes twice as long to complete. Step 2.", "How Much Does Lawn Care Cost? Lawn Care Prices. 1 A reasonable price for lawn care is $25-$35 per week, or $100-$140 per month. 2 By the hour, this works out to $20-$25 per hour, or $40-$50 for half acre lawns. 3 Most landscapers will include basic lawn maintenance such as lawn mowing and edging.4 Larger lawns cost more. By the hour, this works out to $20-$25 per hour, or $40-$50 for half acre lawns. 2 Most landscapers will include basic lawn maintenance such as lawn mowing and edging. 3 Larger lawns cost more. 4 The local cost of gasoline will affect the price.", "Tree Maintenance Cost Insect attack and disease can be problem for shrubs and trees. To protect their health, they need periodic fertilization, special soil additives and pest control sprays. Professional lawn care providers will cost between $70 to $290 per year, depending on the climate, soil conditions and the bug threats in your area.nsect attack and disease can be problem for shrubs and trees. To protect their health, they need periodic fertilization, special soil additives and pest control sprays. Professional lawn care providers will cost between $70 to $290 per year, depending on the climate, soil conditions and the bug threats in your area.", "Garden Service Cost Gardening services vary from only mowing, to caring for hedges, shrubs and flower beds. Some lawn companies also provide application of fertilizer and weed control products. Typical costs: Mowing an average-sized residential lawns costs from $20-$40.", "- Lawn Care Prices. 1 A reasonable price for lawn care is $25-$35 per week, or $100-$140 per month. 2 By the hour, this works out to $20-$25 per hour, or $40-$50 for half acre lawns. 3 Most landscapers will include basic lawn maintenance such as lawn mowing and edging. 4 Larger lawns cost more. By the hour, this works out to $20-$25 per hour, or $40-$50 for half acre lawns. 2 Most landscapers will include basic lawn maintenance such as lawn mowing and edging. 3 Larger lawns cost more. 4 The local cost of gasoline will affect the price.", "How Much Does It Cost To Mow And Maintain A Lawn? Average lawn mowing prices range from about $30 to $80 per visit, depending on square footage, and large cutting projects can cost more as a result.ethatching or power raking moves away dead grass, excess grass and putting holes in the ground and is considered another method of aeration that costs less. It can cost between $100 and $200 depending on the size of your lawn. See how much lawn aeration costs if you have it done professionally.", "- Author: Brian Eckert. 1 A reasonable price for lawn care is $25-$35 per week, or $100-$140 per month. 2 By the hour, this works out to $20-$25 per hour, or $40-$50 for half acre lawns.", "- 1 Mowing an average-sized residential lawns costs from $20-$40. 2 Mowing a large one-acre lot starts at $40 each visit and goes up according to access and condition. 3 The price for weekly mowing, leaf blowing, hedging and shrub trimming (as needed) runs $65-$90.", "How Much Does It Cost To Mow And Maintain A Lawn? Dethatching or power raking moves away dead grass, excess grass and putting holes in the ground and is considered another method of aeration that costs less. It can cost between $100 and $200 depending on the size of your lawn.See how much lawn aeration costs if you have it done professionally.n average, homeowners spend about $165 on lawn services although that varies based on the types of treatments a lawn needs. Here are some cost considerations when youre looking at services. The national average estimate for lawn mowing and maintenance is between $214 and $322.", "How Much Does It Cost To Mow And Maintain A Lawn? The national average estimate for lawn mowing and maintenance is between $214 and $322. It will often include a cut, weeding, trimming and pesticide treatment. Some services will price individually, while others will have monthly or weekly packages.", "How Much Does Lawn Care Cost? 1 By the hour, this works out to $20-$25 per hour, or $40-$50 for half acre lawns. 2 Most landscapers will include basic lawn maintenance such as lawn mowing and edging. 3 Larger lawns cost more. 4 The local cost of gasoline will affect the price.uthor: Brian Eckert. 1 A reasonable price for lawn care is $25-$35 per week, or $100-$140 per month. 2 By the hour, this works out to $20-$25 per hour, or $40-$50 for half acre lawns.", "- 1 By the hour, this works out to $20-$25 per hour, or $40-$50 for half acre lawns. 2 Most landscapers will include basic lawn maintenance such as lawn mowing and edging. 3 Larger lawns cost more.4 The local cost of gasoline will affect the price. By the hour, this works out to $20-$25 per hour, or $40-$50 for half acre lawns. 2 Most landscapers will include basic lawn maintenance such as lawn mowing and edging. 3 Larger lawns cost more.", "Landscaping Costs The average cost to seed a lawn will rely heavily on the size of your lawn. However, you can save a lot of money by seeding the lawn yourself. Other than materials, the only expense that comes with DIY seeding is time. If you hire a professional landscaper, expect to pay roughly $1,300 to seed a lawn.", "How Much Does It Cost To Mow And Maintain A Lawn? Average lawn mowing prices range from about $30 to $80 per visit, depending on square footage, and large cutting projects can cost more as a result. Most lawn care services charge a flat rate per visit for lawn cutting and additional fees for extra services like edging, leaf-blowing or seasonal cleanup visits.", "- The average cost for a lawn mower repair specialist is $60. You are likely to spend between $40 and $85 total. Exact price may vary depending on your area and project details. Updated April 1st, 2017.", "Lawn & Garden Price Guides: How Much Does Lawn Care Cost? Some price ranges are $100 to $200 per month so if you want to find a good price, we recommend getting a few estimates. 1 Mowing ($270) - Mowing the lawn is traditionally a DIY project, but it's an easy area to neglect and worth the cost to outsource.ome price ranges are $100 to $200 per month so if you want to find a good price, we recommend getting a few estimates. 1 Mowing ($270) - Mowing the lawn is traditionally a DIY project, but it's an easy area to neglect and worth the cost to outsource.", "How much to cut a lawn? If pushed on giving an “average price” without first viewing the lawn in question, I would suggest as a ball park figure only that £15 to £17 for regular mowing of an average sized lawn (approx. 80 square metres).This would include all labour and materials and disposal of the grass cutting.f pushed on giving an “average price” without first viewing the lawn in question, I would suggest as a ball park figure only that £15 to £17 for regular mowing of an average sized lawn (approx. 80 square metres).This would include all labour and materials and disposal of the grass cutting.", "How Much Does Lawn Care Cost? 1 A reasonable price for lawn care is $25-$35 per week, or $100-$140 per month. By the hour, this works out to $20-$25 per hour, or $40-$50 for half acre lawns. Most landscapers will include basic lawn maintenance such as lawn mowing and edging.", "How to estimate (quote) a residential yard for a lawn care service business. The lawn care estimating calculator tells us the total time for this job is 39 minutes. At $50/hour plus the difficulty index, that gives a price quote of $35.00. Estimating residential jobs is easy once you know how to work the numbers.he lawn care estimating calculator tells us the total time for this job is 39 minutes. At $50/hour plus the difficulty index, that gives a price quote of $35.00. Estimating residential jobs is easy once you know how to work the numbers.", "Garden Service Cost 1 Chemical lawn services apply fertilizers and weed prevention chemicals every four to six weeks to promote healthy lawns, which averages $40 per application or $280-$700 per year. 2 Tip: To spruce up a lawn, aerate the soil so water and nutrients can reach the roots, according to Garden.com.", "Gardener Cost 1 For example, mowing an average-sized residential lawn typically costs $20-$40, while a weekly garden service can cost $65-$90 for mowing, leaf blowing, hedging and shrub trimming as needed. For example, mowing an average-sized residential lawn typically costs $20-$40, while a weekly garden service can cost $65-$90 for mowing, leaf blowing, hedging and shrub trimming as needed.", "Compare Cost of Hiring a Yard Cleanup Service vs DIY The cost of a professional yard cleanup depends on the size of your property, the number of trees, and whether the leaves and debris can be left curbside or must be hauled away. For a half-acre lawn with a fair amount of trees, budget anywhere from $200 to $500.he cost of a professional yard cleanup depends on the size of your property, the number of trees, and whether the leaves and debris can be left curbside or must be hauled away. For a half-acre lawn with a fair amount of trees, budget anywhere from $200 to $500.", "How Much Does Lawn Care Cost? Author: Brian Eckert. 1 A reasonable price for lawn care is $25-$35 per week, or $100-$140 per month. 2 By the hour, this works out to $20-$25 per hour, or $40-$50 for half acre lawns.uthor: Brian Eckert. 1 A reasonable price for lawn care is $25-$35 per week, or $100-$140 per month. 2 By the hour, this works out to $20-$25 per hour, or $40-$50 for half acre lawns.", "- Grass cutting rates will also vary depending on the frequency of mowing. If you have your lawn trimmed too infrequently, it will be more difficult to maintain. They are also based on square footage, though there is a minimum cost.n average, homeowners spend about $165 on lawn services although that varies based on the types of treatments a lawn needs. Here are some cost considerations when youre looking at services. The national average estimate for lawn mowing and maintenance is between $214 and $322.", "Lawn & Garden Price Guides: How Much Does Lawn Care Cost? Mowing ($270) - Mowing the lawn is traditionally a DIY project, but it's an easy area to neglect and worth the cost to outsource. Fertilizing ($350) - Lawn fertilization ensures soil stability and plant health. Use the right fertilizer to avoid any diseases or additional repairs.", "- 1 Mowing ($270) - Mowing the lawn is traditionally a DIY project, but it's an easy area to neglect and worth the cost to outsource. 2 Fertilizing ($350) - Lawn fertilization ensures soil stability and plant health.3 Use the right fertilizer to avoid any diseases or additional repairs. Mowing ($270) - Mowing the lawn is traditionally a DIY project, but it's an easy area to neglect and worth the cost to outsource. 2 Fertilizing ($350) - Lawn fertilization ensures soil stability and plant health.", "- 1 Mowing an average-sized residential lawns costs from $20-$40. 2 Mowing a large one-acre lot starts at $40 each visit and goes up according to access and condition. 3 The price for weekly mowing, leaf blowing, hedging and shrub trimming (as needed) runs $65-$90. The price for weekly mowing, leaf blowing, hedging and shrub trimming (as needed) runs $65-$90. 2 For mowing your own lawn, a rotary mower typically runs $100-$700. 3 For large parcels more than a half acre, riding mowers run $1,100-$6,500." ]
[ 14.171875 ]
[ 9.5078125, 11.3828125, 8.6796875, 9.5, 10.3515625, 7.109375, 9.5234375, 10.2265625, 9.671875, 10.5078125, 9.7734375, 9.5859375, 9.65625, 9.2890625, 9.6875, 10.703125, 9.46875, 7.16015625, 9.34375, 6.76953125, 10.875, 9.2109375, 9.7421875, 9.3515625, 9.546875, 9.9453125, 9.1484375, 9.3828125, 10.203125, 9.234375 ]
what is a wall fistula
[ "Vesicovaginal and Ureterovaginal Fistula Problem. A fistula is defined as a communication between 2 organ sites. Vesicovaginal fistula is a free communication between the urinary bladder and the vagina. The urine from the bladder freely flows into the vaginal vault, leading to total or continuous incontinence. Ureterovaginal fistula is a communication between the distal ureter and the vagina." ]
[ "Vascular Surgery Vascular Surgery AV Fistula An arteriovenous (AV) fistula is an abnormal connection between an artery and a vein, which bypasses some capillaries carrying blood to tissues.", "What is a Fistula? Fistulas are generally the result of a disease condition, but artificial fistulas may also be surgically created for therapy. A fistula is an abnormal, tube-like connection that forms between two organs or vessels that are lined with epithelial cells. Fistulas are generally the result of a disease condition, but artificial fistulas may also be surgically created for therapy. Examples of naturally occurring fistulas are those that form between the end of the bowel and skin near the anus (anal fistula) or between the intestine and the vagina (enterovaginal fistula). Fistulas may also form between the rectum and the vagina and this is called a rectovaginal fistula.", "Rectovaginal fistula Rectovaginal fistula may be extremely debilitating. If the opening between the rectum and vagina is wide it will allow both flatulence and feces to escape through the vagina, leading to fecal incontinence. There is an association with recurrent urinary and vaginal infections.", "Tracheoesophageal fistula Congenital TEF can arise due to failed fusion of the tracheoesophageal ridges during the third week of embryological development. A fistula, from the Latin meaning ‘a pipe,’ is an abnormal connection running either between two tubes or between a tube and a surface. In tracheo-esophageal fistula it runs between the trachea and the esophagus.", "- However, the most likely disorder you're referring to is spontanious scrotal faecal fistula which is found in young babies (neonates). It is caused by the neglect of a inguinal hernia-a projection of bowel through the abdominal wall.", "Fistulas A fistula is an abnormal connection between two parts inside of the body. Fistulas may develop between different organs, such as between the esophagus and the windpipe or the bowel and the vagina. They can also develop between two blood vessels, such as between an artery and a vein or between two arteries. Some people are born with a fistula. Other common causes of fistulas include. Complications from surgery; Injury; Infection", "- A vesicocolic fistula means that a connection has formed between the urinary bladder and the colon. Sometimes an edema, an accumulation of fluid beneath the skin, can form on the base of the bladder. When air bubbles are released from the middle of the edema, they can show up in the urine.", "Tin whistle The tin whistle, also called the penny whistle, English flageolet, Scottish penny whistle, tin flageolet, Irish whistle, feadog feadóg (stain stáin or) simply Feadog Feadóg And clarke london flageolet, is-a simple six. holed woodwind instrumentue to its affordability the tin whistle was a popular household instrument, as ubiquitous as the harmonica. In the second half of the 19th century, some flute manufacturers such as Barnett Samuel and Joseph Wallis also sold whistles. These had a cylindrical brass tube.", "Anal fistula Anal fistulae originate from the anal glands, which are located between the internal and external anal sphincter and drain into the anal canal. If the outlet of these glands becomes blocked, an abscess can form which can eventually extend to the skin surface. The tract formed by this process is a fistula.", "Background A fistula-in-ano is an abnormal hollow tract or cavity that is lined with granulation tissue and that connects a primary opening inside the anal canal to a secondary opening in the perianal skin; secondary tracts may be multiple and can extend from the same primary opening.", "Arteriovenous fistula An arteriovenous fistula is an abnormal connection or passageway between an artery and a vein. It may be congenital, surgically created for hemodialysis treatments, or acquired due to pathologic process, such as trauma or erosion of an arterial aneurysm.n arteriovenous fistula is an abnormal connection or passageway between an artery and a vein. It may be congenital, surgically created for hemodialysis treatments, or acquired due to pathologic process, such as trauma or erosion of an arterial aneurysm.", "Abscess and Fistula Expanded Information An anal fistula (also commonly called fistula-in-ano) is frequently the result of a previous or current anal abscess. This occurs in up to 50% of patients with abscesses. Normal anatomy includes small glands just inside the anus. The fistula is the tunnel that forms under the skin and connects the clogged infected glands to an abscess. A fistula can be present with or without an abscess and may connect just to the skin of the buttocks near the anal opening.", "- A fistula that has formed in the wall of the vagina is called a vaginal fistula. 1 A vaginal fistula that opens into the urinary tract is called a vesicovaginal fistula. 2 A vaginal fistula that opens into the rectum is called a rectovaginal fistula. A vaginal fistula that opens into the rectum is called a rectovaginal fistula. 2 A vaginal fistula that opens into the colon is called a colovaginal fistula. 3 A vaginal fistula that opens into the small bowel is called a enterovaginal fistula.", "fistula enterocutaneous fistula see enterocutaneous fistula. enterovesical fistula one connecting some part of the intestine with the urinary bladder; called also vesicoenteric f. fecal fistula one between the colon and the external surface of the body, discharging feces. gastric fistula. 1. one communicating between the stomach and some other body part.", "- A tracheo-esophageal fistula (TEF) is an abnormal pathway between the trachea, or windpipe, and the esophagus, which connects the throat with the stomach. There are two forms of TEF: Primary TEF - this form is present from birth (congenital) and almost exclusively diagnosed in infants and children.", "- Vesicocutaneous Fistula. Vesicocutaneous Fistula. A fistula is defined as an abnormal connection or passageway between two organs or one organ and the body's exterior. A vesicocutaneous fistula, therefore, is an abnormally formed connection between the bladder (vesico-) and the exterior surface of the body (-cutaneous).", "- Anal fistula (plural fistulae), or fistula-in-ano, is a chronic abnormal communication between the epithelialised surface of the anal canal and (usually) the perianal skin. An anal fistula can be described as a narrow tunnel with its internal opening in the anal canal and its external opening in the skin near the anus. Anal fistulae commonly occur in people with a history of anal abscesses.", "vesicointestinal fistula anal fistula (fistula in a´no) one opening on the cutaneous surface near the anus, which may or may not communicate with the rectum. arteriovenous fistula one between an artery and a vein, either pathologic (such as a varicose aneurysm) or surgically created to ensure an access site for hemodialysis.", "- A bronchopleural fistula is a communication between the bronchial tree and pleural space. Clinically, it may be best described as a persistent air leak or a failure to re-inflate the lung despite chest tube drainage for 24 h.", "What Is Fistula - Rectovaginal* What Is Rectovaginal Fistula*. A rectovaginal fistula is a fistula (pathway or hole) that forms a tunnel between the vagina and rectum. Obviously, as you can have feces leaking into the vagina, rectovaginal fistula symptoms can be very distressing. A rectovaginal fistula may occur as a complication of Crohn's disease or other inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), or from injury during childbirth.", "Chapters VâVI He compares the glowing flint to the crack in the walls of a prison. Equality 7-2521 realizes the meaning of the lightbulb—that he can provide clean and bright light for all the cities in the world—and he determines that his discovery is too important not to be shared with the world.", "arteriovenous fistula An arteriovenous fistula is a disruption of the normal blood flow pattern. Normally, oxygenated blood flows to the tissue through arteries and capillaries.Following the release of oxygen in the tissues, the blood returns to the heart in veins. An arteriovenous fistula is an abnormal connection of an artery and a vein.The blood bypasses the capillaries and tissues, and returns to the heart.ormally, oxygenated blood flows to the tissue through arteries and capillaries. Following the release of oxygen in the tissues, the blood returns to the heart in veins. An arteriovenous fistula is an abnormal connection of an artery and a vein.", "- The connection between fester and fistula is no accident - both descend from Latin fistula, which has the same meaning as the English word but can also mean pipe or tube or a kind of ulcer. Fester made the trip from Latin to English by way of Anglo-French.", "Laparoscopic Management Of Chronic Gastrocutaneous Fistula. A gastrocutaneous fistula (GCF) represents a fistula. connecting the stomach and the skin. By definition, it. consists of an internal orifice (gastric outlet), an external. orifice (cutaneous outlet) and a tract (usually covered by. epithelium). A GCF is a rare and difficult to treat complication.", "Anal fistula: Intraoperative difficulties and unexpected findings Anal fistula surgery is a commonly performed procedure. The diverse anatomy of anal fistulae and their proximity to anal sphincters make accurate preoperative diagnosis essential to avoid recurrence and fecal incontinence.", "Definition & Facts for Diverticular Disease A fistula is an abnormal passage, or tunnel, between two organs or between an organ and the outside of your body. The most common types of fistula with diverticulitis occur between the colon and the bladder or between the colon and the vagina in women.", "- Background. A fistula (a term derived from the Latin word for pipe) is an abnormal connection between 2 epithelialized surfaces that usually involves the gut and another hollow organ, such as the bladder, urethra, vagina, or other regions of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.", "âCarotid Cavernous Fistula (Cavernous Sinus Fistulas) Carotid cavernous fistulas (CCFs) are abnormal connections between the blood vessels that take blood to and from the brain: 1 Internal carotid artery. 2 External carotid artery. Cavernous sinus or its dura (the thin membrane that covers the cavernous sinus)", "Perilymphatic fistula Perilymphatic fistula. Perilymphatic fistula: Introduction. Perilymphatic fistula: An abnormal opening between the fluid-filled inner ear and air-filled middle ear. It generally causes sudden or fluctuating hearing loss. More detailed information about the symptoms, causes, and treatments of Perilymphatic fistula is available below.", "- A fistula is an abnormal connection between an organ, vessel, or intestine and another structure. Fistulas are usually the result of injury or surgery. It can also result from infection or inflammation." ]
[ 9.1484375 ]
[ 10.2890625, 10.2734375, 8.1953125, 6, 9.6796875, 9.9765625, 6.3671875, -0.3916015625, 9.5, 10.8125, 11.1015625, 9.140625, 13.703125, 6.5859375, 6.24609375, 9.109375, 11.3984375, 7.90234375, 5.74609375, 9.7109375, -1.9150390625, 10.1171875, 4.48828125, 6.92578125, 8.9453125, 9.375, 10.0859375, 7.2578125, 9.140625, 10.78125 ]
define: teetotaler
[ "Teetotalism Teetotalism is the practice or promotion of complete personal abstinence from alcoholic beverages. A person who practices (and possibly advocates) teetotalism is called a teetotaler (also spelled teetotaller; plural teetotalers or teetotallers) or is simply said to be teetotal. The teetotalism movement was first started in Preston, England, in the early 19th century." ]
[ "raconteur Word Origin and History for raconteur. n. storyteller, person skilled in relating anecdotes, 1828, from French raconteur, from raconter to recount, tell, narrate, from re- (see re-) + Old French aconter to count, render account (see account (v.); and cf. recount (v.1)).", "Definition of 'theodolite' Definition of 'theodolite'. Word Frequency. theodolite (θɪˈɒdəˌlaɪt ) noun. a surveying instrument for measuring horizontal and vertical angles, consisting of a small tripod-mounted telescope that is free to move in both the horizontal and vertical planes.", "etiolated- definition and synonyms Contribute to our Open Dictionary. 1 1. literary someone who is etiolated is pale and weak Synonyms and related words. 2 2. biology an etiolated plant has pale leaves and a pale stem because it does not receive enough light from the sun Synonyms and related words.", "- Definition of tideland from the Collins English Dictionary The demonstrative pronouns The demonstrative pronouns are used instead of a noun phrase to indicate distance in time or space in relation to the speaker.", "Definitions &Translations Freebase (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: Floater. Floaters are deposits of various size, shape, consistency, refractive index, and motility within the eye’s vitreous humour, which is normally transparent. At a young age, the vitreous is transparent, but as one ages, imperfections gradually develop.", "LEGATEE Where it appears clearly to be a testator's meaning to provide for a class of individuals living at the date of his will and he provides against a lapse by the death of any of them in his lifetime by the substitution of their issue; in such case, although the word will include all the descendants of the designated legatees, yet if any person who would have answered the description of an original legatee when the will was made be then dead leaving issue, that issue will be excluded, because ...", "- teratoma. [ter′ətō′mə] pl. teratomas, teratomata. a tumor composed of different kinds of tissue, none of which normally occurs together or at the site of the tumor. Teratomas are most common in the ovaries or testes.", "Where did the name teetotaler come from? Best Answer: teetotaler is a corrupted spelling of tea totaler, meaning that, in colonial times when liquid beverage options were much more limited, one either drank tea (a drink so popular that colonists revolted when the British imposed a tax on tea imports leading to what we call the Boston Tea Party) or drank wine and other alcoholic beverages ...", "- negotiatornoun [ C ] uk ​ /nɪˈɡəʊ.ʃi.eɪ.tər/ us ​ /nɪˈɡoʊ.ʃi.eɪ.t̬ɚ/. › someone who tries to help two groups who disagree to reach an agreement with each other, usually as a job: Some very skilful negotiators will be needed to settle this dispute.", "- floater. A floater is a social mastermind who wavers between members of one particular clique or between multiple cliques in general, pitting people against one another and leeching out information without seeming like a threat.", "- Lise meitner is a relatively long word / phrase with multiple syllables. It could be especially difficult to pronounce and use given that it has at least one diphthong and consonant group. We are building a video-based pronunciation dictionary and usage API to help you learn how to pronounce and use lise meitner, along with tens of thousands of other English words and phrases. Our service extends existing pronunciation dictionaries by adding visual and situational context. Extras", "tetrad Use tetrad in a sentence. 1 a group or set of four. 2 Bot. a group of four cells formed by division within a spore mother cell during meiosis. Chem. an atom, radical, or element that is tetravalent.", "List of teetotalers 1 John Diefenbaker, Prime Minister of Canada (1957–1963); told UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill, upon being offered an alcoholic drink, I'm a teetotaler; I don't drink hard liquor. (One Canada: An Autobiography).", "- Define retaliatory. retaliatory synonyms, retaliatory pronunciation, retaliatory translation, English dictionary definition of retaliatory. v. re·tal·i·at·ed , re·tal·i·at·ing , re·tal·i·ates v. intr. To do something in response to an action done to oneself or an associate, especially to attack...", "- b. (as adjective): a tortoiseshell decor. décor. (7) modifier made of: tortoiseshell a tortoiseshell. (comb ˈtɔr). təsˌʃɛl. N, also′tor toise`. shell", "terbutaline Terbutaline is a bronchodilator, a medication that dilates (expands) air passages in the lungs. It attaches to beta adrenergic receptors on muscles surrounding the air passages, causing the muscles to relax and dilate the air passages.", "tautomer tautomer (tô`təmər), one of two or more structural isomers isomer , in chemistry, one of two or more compounds having the same molecular formula but different structures (arrangements of atoms in the molecule).", "- WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2016. re•it•er•ate /riˈɪtəˌreɪt/USA pronunciation v., -at•ed, -at•ing. to say or do over again or repeatedly; repeat: [~ + object]The accounting department reiterated its earlier proposals.[no object]To reiterate, here once again are the main points.", "etiolate verb (used with object), etiolated, etiolating. 1. to cause (a plant) to whiten or grow pale by excluding light: to etiolate celery. 2. to cause to become weakened or sickly; drain of color or vigor. verb (used without object), etiolated, etiolating.", "tartar noun. 1 Dentistry A hard yellowish deposit on the teeth, consisting of organic secretions and food particles deposited in various salts, such as calcium carbonate. A reddish acid compound, chiefly potassium bitartrate, found in the juice of grapes and deposited on the sides of casks during winemaking.", "- 1. tootle-the sound of casual playing on a musical instrument; he enjoyed hearing the tootles of their horns as the musicians warmed up. sound-the sudden occurrence of an audible event; the sound awakened them.", "floater floater, n one or more spots that appear to drift in front of the eye, caused by a shadow cast on the retina by vitreous debris.", "Telomeres: Definition & Function Telomeres are short tandem repeats of nucleotides at the ends of chromosomes. Let's break this definition down a bit. Nucleotides are the building blocks of DNA, which is the carrier of genetic information. A tandem arrangement is when things are placed one behind another.", "tetany tetany. 1. continuous tonic spasm of a muscle; steady contraction of a muscle without distinct twitching. 2. a syndrome manifested by sharp flexion of the wrist and ankle joints (carpopedal spasm), muscle twitchings, cramps, and convulsions, sometimes with attacks of stridor.", "jongleurs jongleurs. (zhong-zhông`) , gloer glör itinerant entertainers Of The middle Ages in France And. Norman england their repertoire, included, dancing, conjuring acrobatics the feats of the, modern, juggler singing. And storytelling many were skilled in playing. musical instruments", "- Tantalizingly definition, having or exhibiting something that provokes or arouses expectation, interest, or desire, especially that which remains unobtainable or beyond one's reach: a tantalizing taste of success. Origin of tantalizing.", "cetera a cetera (third-person singular present ceteră, past participle ceterat) 1st conj. ( 1 regional, popular, Transylvania) to play the fiddle or violin. ( 2 regional, popular, Moldavia, figuratively) to annoy, bother, importune, molest, trouble.", "- tab·u·late (tăb′yə-lāt′) tr.v. tab·u·lat·ed, tab·u·lat·ing, tab·u·lates 1. To arrange in tabular form; condense and list. 2. To cut or form with a plane surface. adj. (tăb′yə-lĭt, -lāt′) Having a plane surface. [Latin tabula, writing + -ate.] tab′u·la′tion n. tabulate vb (tr) 1.", "Poetaster For the hip-hop group, see Rhymester (group). For the Elizabethan play, see Poetaster (play). Poetaster /poʊɪtæstər/, like rhymester or versifier, is a derogatory term applied to bad or inferior poets. Specifically, poetaster has implications of unwarranted pretentions to artistic value. The word was coined in Latin by Erasmus in 1521.", "leotard Leotard definition, a skintight, one-piece garment for the torso, having a high or low neck, long or short sleeves, and a lower portion resembling either briefs or tights, worn by acrobats, dancers, etc. See more." ]
[ 16.4375 ]
[ 0.11468505859375, 2.91796875, 0.8525390625, 1.1875, 0.70556640625, 0.48388671875, 2.9609375, 11.6171875, 2.6171875, 1.6201171875, -1.0986328125, 3.068359375, 9.71875, -1.3681640625, 2.34375, 3.322265625, 3.5703125, 1.5927734375, 1.501953125, 5.09765625, 5.74609375, 3.708984375, 1.99609375, 4.22265625, 0.044708251953125, 1.1845703125, -0.0016536712646484375, 2.216796875, 0.90380859375, 2.744140625 ]
what county is willard nm in?
[ "Willard, New Mexico Willard is a village in Torrance County, New Mexico, United States. The population was 240 at the 2000 census. It is part of the Albuquerque Metropolitan Statistical Area. The village is not experiencing the same extreme growth that towns farther north in the state are." ]
[ "Welland Welland (2011 population 50,631) is a city in the Regional Municipality of Niagara in Southern Ontario, Canada.", "Wallace, North Carolina Wallace is a town in Duplin and Pender Counties in the U.S. state of North Carolina. The population was 3,880 at the 2010 census. The Pender County portion of Wallace is part of the Wilmington Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "- prev next. 1 gerald rosebud. 2 gerald rosebud. 3 owensville. gasconade county. Affidavits, search 1 warrants... Drivers cited in DWI crash. Memorial service 1 scheduled ... Cary Parker elected Gerald’...", "Cass County Jail Inmate Search On this page, you will find the Cass County inmate search, inmate lists, inmate roster, arrest reports and/or booking information for the Cass County Jail in the city of Walker, Cass County in the state of Minnesota. With a minimal amount of information about the inmate and some patience, on jailexchange.com you can:", "- Marshall in Madison County (one of twenty-nine counties on the trails) is the geographic epicenter of the Trails. Two of the stops on the trails in Marshall are Zuma Coffee where there is a free bluegrass jam every Thursday evening and The Depot where traditional musicians play every Friday night.", "KANDIYOHI COUNTY DISTRICT COURT I need... The Kandiyohi County Courthouse is located in Willmar, MN. This district court has original jurisdiction in all civil, family, probate, juvenile, criminal, and traffic cases filed in Kandiyohi County. This court is part of the Eighth Judicial District.", "Waldorf, Maryland Waldorf, Maryland. Waldorf is an unincorporated community and census-designated place in Charles County, Maryland, United States. It is 23 miles (37 km) south-southeast of Washington, D.C. The population of the census-designated area (now including the large planned community of St. Charles) was 67,752 at the 2010 census.", "Newark Valley Historical Society The Newark Valley Historical Society preserves and interprets the past of Newark Valley, Northern Tioga County and New York. The Bement-Billings Farmstead is a living history museum which interprets domestic life, agricultural practices, and the natural environment of the early 1800's.", "- Welcome. This site is dedicated to the descendants of Everet Wallace (c1770-c1845) of Moore County, NC and contains thousands of related and allied families who lived nearby in upper Moore County.", "WILLARD, PENDER COUNTY, COAST, NORTH CAROLINA LAND FOR SALE: 1 - 15 of 27 listings REDUCED! Heavily wooded quiet lot in the country!Located on Horse Branch Road near Willard in Pender County, North Carolina, these two lots sold together at one low price will allow you to build your dream home in the country with plenty of room for a garden, barn and...", "- North Laurel is located in the southern corner of Howard County at 39°8′4″N 76°51′46″W / 39.13444°N 76.86278°W / 39.13444; -76.86278 (39.134343, -76.862690).", "Wilson, North Carolina Wilson is a city in and the county seat of Wilson County, North Carolina, United States. Situated in the heart of eastern North Carolina, around 40 miles east of the capital city of Raleigh, it lies at the interchange of Interstate 95 and U.S. Route 264 in the state's Coastal Plain region.", "Virtual Nebraska Elwood's 5th and 6th grade classes, September 1924. Building used until the new high school/elementary schools were built in the 1960s. Proud promoters of Elwood's successful campaign for the county seat standing in front of the Gosper County Courthouse. Pictured include: Mr. Thomas, H.A.Willard, (unknown), Mr.Brand, Mr. Montgomery, Judge Lewis, Carrie Reynolds, Walter Tilden, O.E.Bozarth, (unknown), and George Burt.", "FRANCHISE DISCLOSURE DOCUMENT March 27, 2009 WALTON - The milk of human kindness will not exist at the Delaware County Fair this year. According to Delaware Valley Agricultural Society President Ed Rossley, after many years of shipping milk from the fair to creamery, this year, it will not be possible.", "- Please be advised, Ellicott City continues to recover from the flooding that occurred on Saturday, July 30. Howard County is the perfect combination of historic and hip. Located in the central of Maryland it’s convenient to explore both the rural and urban settings nearby. Whether you’re attending a special event, going on a shopping spree or indulging in the best cuisine, you’re sure to enjoy the picturesque scenery and freshness of the area.", "Browse Obituaries and Death Records in Willard, North Carolina Browse Obituaries and Death Records in Willard, North Carolina. This page shows only the 20 most recent obituaries in Willard, North Carolina. If you don't see the obituary or death record that you are looking for, use this form to search our entire database. We are constantly trying to improve our data and make the search for obituaries as easy as possible.", "Verndale, Minnesota Verndale, Minnesota. Verndale is a city in Wadena County, Minnesota, United States. The population was 602 at the 2010 census.", "- 1 maintains a searchable database of recorded documents, including deeds, at our offices at the Broward County Governmental Center, 115 S. Andrews Ave., Fort Lauderdale. 2 You can also view an index and images of recorded deeds online.", "- Historian F. W. Beers, in his Early History of Cumberland County, said, About two miles from Newville, in Mifflin Township, lived William Denning, an artificer in the army during the Revolution. He is the only man who ever made a successful attempt to manufacture a wrought iron cannon..", "WAELDER, TX WAELDER, TX. WAELDER, TEXAS. Waelder is on State Highway 90, two miles north of Interstate Highway 10, eighteen miles north of Gonzales in northern Gonzales County. It was named for Jacob Waelder, a prominent San Antonio attorney.", "Land for sale in Willard North Carolina 3649 Horse Branch Rd, Willard, NC 28478 - Pender County 17 acres Willard, NC The perfect country house located on 17.38 acres of private land with no restrictions.", "- 1 places or “records” official documents, such as deeds, into the Official Record. 2 maintains a searchable database of recorded documents, including deeds, at our offices at the Broward County Governmental Center, 115 S. Andrews Ave., Fort Lauderdale.", "Willard, North Carolina Willard, North Carolina. Willard is an unincorporated community in Pender County, North Carolina, United States. The community is located on North Carolina Highway 11 3.3 miles (5.3 km) south-southeast of Wallace. Willard has a post office with ZIP code 28478.", "- Waynesville / St. Robert / Fort Leonard Wood. Pulaski County, Missouri. Demographic Profile. A place for opportunity and growth. Located just outside the two main gates of Fort Leonard. Wood are Waynesville and St. Robert, Missouri. Both are. dynamic and fast growing cities in Pulaski County. The. county is Intersected by Interstate 44 and with rail service. to the north, Pulaski County is the fifth fastest growing. county in Missouri with sixty percent of military retirees.", "- The former Franklin Elementary School site is being transformed into a neighborhood park. Through funding from The Van Wert County Foundation, Scott & Nikki Niswonger, and Van Wert City Parks...", "Hurst Municipal Court Other Courts in Tarrant County: Fort Worth Municipal Court; Tarrant County Court - Criminal Court; Arlington Municipal Court; Tarrant County District Court; Bedford Municipal Court; Edgecliff Village Court; Fort Worth District Court - Downtown; Hurst Municipal Court; Lake Worth Municipal Court; Lakeside Municipal Court; Mansfield Municipal County; North Fort Worth District Court; North Richland Hills Municipal Court; Pantego Municipal Court; Richland Hills Municipal Court; River Oaks ...", "- Have your wedding or family reunion on the beautiful grounds of Waterloo County Park. There are three covered shelters and one picnic area to choose from. Shelters include electricity and water. The large gazebo has a $200.00 non-refundable reservation fee.", "National Register of Historic Places listings in northern New Castle County, Delaware National Register of Historic Places listings in northern New Castle County, Delaware. This is a list of the National Register of Historic Places listings in northern New Castle County, Delaware. This is intended to be a complete list of the properties and districts on National Register of Historic Places in New Castle County, Delaware north of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, excluding the city of Wilmington.", "- Help Dr. Camarata get his Medicaid license back. If you and/or your family use Dr. Camarata’s family practice in Nederland, and especially if…. Sustainability Implementation Plan in Ward. In 2015 the Town of Ward received a grant from Boulder County for building a….", "- Click to print (Opens in new window) In one of the longest running divorce cases in Orange County, Carol Rosendale is still fighting over spousal support from ex-husband Warren. The case made news in 2004 when an appelate court made a ruling regarding pre-nuptual agreements and disposable spouses.." ]
[ 18.78125 ]
[ 0.04534912109375, 1.6650390625, 1.2041015625, 0.5732421875, 3.69140625, 1.2578125, 0.9189453125, -1.61328125, -0.490966796875, 9.875, 2.03125, 0.9609375, 8.5390625, 0.2607421875, -1.74609375, 7.90234375, 0.6064453125, 1.158203125, -0.6611328125, 0.172607421875, 11.796875, 1.3662109375, 13.0546875, -1.04296875, 1.1875, 1.1435546875, 3.224609375, 0.97607421875, 1.3056640625, 0.6728515625 ]
what is buprenorphine drug test
[ "- Qty: What is Buprenorphine and how is detected in a single drug tests Buprenorhine-Buprenorphine, is the active ingredient of suboxone or subutex, is a semi-synthetic opioid derived from the baine, an alkaloid of the poppy Papaver somniferum. Buprenorphine is an opioid partial agonist." ]
[ "- Buspirone is an anxiolytic drug with a clinical potency similar to that of diazepam, but it lacks. affinity for diazepam of y-aminobutyric acid (GABA) binding sites. Because previous reports. suggested that buspirone may possess dopamine (DA) agonist activity, buspirone was tested for. effects on DA neurotransmission.", "- Buprenorphine has also helped change the mindset of many community treatment providers in this country, who for the most part have been unwilling to consider the use of medications to treat drug addiction. Some of these programs now use buprenorphine to assist in opiate detoxification.", "Bunavail These products. are classified as Schedule III controlled substances. Buprenorphine is a partial opioid agonist at the μ-. opioid receptor (associated with analgesia and dependence) and an antagonist at the κ-opioid. receptor (related to dysphoria). 1-3. Compared to full opioid agonists, partial agonists bind to the μ-.", "- The hypothesis tested is that 8 mg sublingual buprenorphine is equipotent to 100 mg of oral morphine, representing an equivalent drug ratio of 1 mg to 12.5 mg. The authors have no conflicts of interest or disclosures to make regarding this poster presentation.", "- The buprenorphine Drug Test Card is a one-step solution for on-site urine drug testing. With 99% accurate results, our single panel drug test is one of the best alternatives for the detection of the active ingredient of suboxone or subutex.", "Buprenorphine Unlike methadone treatment, which must be performed in a highly structured clinic, buprenorphine is the first medication to treat opioid dependency that is permitted to be prescribed or dispensed in physician offices, significantly increasing treatment access.", "Suboxone DRUG DESCRIPTION. SUBOXONE (buprenorphine and naloxone) sublingual tablet is an an uncoated hexagonal orange tablet, imprinted with a sword logo on one side and an alphanumeric imprint identifying the product and strength.all your doctor at once or seek emergency medical attention if you have: 1 extreme drowsiness; 2 loss of coordination, weakness or limp feeling; 3 blurred vision, slurred speech, thinking problems; 4 weak or shallow breathing; 5 nausea, upper...", "- BUPRENORPHINE; NALOXONE (byoo pre NOR feen; nal OX one) is used to treat certain types of drug dependence. Similar Brand Name Drugs : Zubsolv: Sublingual tablet.", "Vivitrol Suboxone contains a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone. Buprenorphine is an opioid medication, sometimes called a narcotic. Naloxone blocks the effects of opioid medication, including pain relief or feelings of well-being that can lead to opioid abuse. Suboxone is used to treat narcotic (opiate) addiction. Suboxone is not for use as a pain medication.", "Does Suboxone show up on drug tests? Buprenorphine and naloxone, the active ingredients in Suboxone, can be detected, but only if tested specifically. Neither component will appear as an opiate on standard testing for opiates. However, buprenorphine may be detected up to 4 days after ingestion.", "Suboxone Drug Test - Buprenorphine Drug Test -Drug Testing Innovacon Suboxone Drug Test-is a one step lateral flow chromatographic immunoassay for the detection of Buprenorphine in human urine at a cut off concentration of 10 ng/mL. FDA Cleared and CLIA Classified as Moderately Complex.", "Buprenorphine A: Suboxone (buprenorphine/naloxone) is used to treat opiate addiction. Buprenorphine is an opioid medication that is similar to other opioids, but produces less of a euphoric effect. Naloxone blocks the effects of opioids. Suboxone may alter the menstrual cycle of females who use this medication.t's used to treat opioid addiction. (Heroin and narcotic painkillers are common opioid drugs.). Buprenorphine belongs to a class of drugs called opioid partial agonists, which help relieve symptoms of opiate withdrawal. Naloxone is in a class of drugs called opioid antagonists, which reverse the effects of narcotics.", "How Long Does Suboxone Withdrawal Last? Suboxone, an addiction treatment, can become an addiction itself. Photo Credit flying high image by forca from Fotolia.com. Suboxone, also known as buprenorphine, is a drug used to treat opioid addiction. Suboxone is known as an opioid agonist/antagonist that works to prevent withdrawal symptoms when an individual stops taking opioid drugs by inducing similar effects, notes MedlinePlus.", "- buprenorphine (Subutex) and buprenorphine/naloxone (Suboxone) sublingual tablets. (hereafter collectively termed „buprenorphine‟) in office-based practices. Buprenorphine has been shown to be a safe and effective treatment of opioid dependence in. non-specialized, outpatient, office-based settings, including VA environments.", "- Buprenorphine is the most common narcotics addiction treatment method used. As a medication for narcotics addiction treatment, Buprenorphine helps relieve withdrawal symptoms by mimicking the effects narcotics have on the body.s a medication for narcotics addiction treatment, Buprenorphine helps relieve withdrawal symptoms by mimicking the effects narcotics have on the body.", "How long does Suboxone stay in your system? Currently, no precise test is commercially sold to measure the buprenorphine levels in Suboxone, although buprenorphine can be detected in urine, blood, or hair by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in urine.", "Bunavail Film, Medicated This medication contains 2 medicines: buprenorphine and naloxone. It is used to treat opioid (narcotic) dependence/addiction. Buprenorphine belongs to a class of drugs called mixed opioid agonist-antagonists. Buprenorphine helps prevent withdrawal symptoms caused by stopping other opioids.", "- Uses. Buprenorphine is used to treat dependence/addiction to narcotics (opioids). Buprenorphine belongs to a class of drugs called mixed narcotic agonist-antagonists. It helps prevent withdrawal symptoms caused by stopping other opiate-type narcotics.It is used as part of a complete treatment program for drug abuse (such as compliance monitoring, counseling, behavioral contract, lifestyle changes).uprenorphine is used to treat dependence/addiction to narcotics (opioids). Buprenorphine belongs to a class of drugs called mixed narcotic agonist-antagonists.", "Buprenorphine Drug Information Buprenorphine Drug Information. Classification. Buprenorphine (Suboxone, Subutex) is a semi-synthetic thebaine derivative that has both analgesic and opioid antagonist properties. As an analgesic, buprenorphine is approximately 25 to 40 times more potent than morphine and as an opioid antagonist it is roughly equivalent to naltrexone.", "- A: Suboxone (buprenorphine/naloxone) is used to treat opiate addiction. Buprenorphine is an opioid medication that is similar to other opioids, but produces less of a euphoric effect. Naloxone blocks the effects of opioids. Suboxone may alter the menstrual cycle of females who use this medication.: Suboxone (buprenorphine and naloxone) is an opioid analgesic used to treat opioid dependence. The most common side effects with Suboxone are chills, constipation, diarrhea, dizziness, drowsiness, flushing, headache, nausea, insomnia, sweating and weakness.", "Buprenorphine Drug Information Like methadone when buprenorphine is taken by an individual who is addicted to heroin or other opioid, buprenorphine reduces craving and helps the person remain drug-free. Because of its opioid effects, buprenorphine can also be abused, particularly by individuals who are not physically dependent on opioids.", "- Buprenorphine can be detected in the urine for 1-3 days. There is no data currently available on blood testing for buprenorphine. A saliva test can detect Buprenorphine for up to 1-3 days. Buprenorphine, like like many other drugs, can be detected with a hair follicle drug test for up to 90 days. Buprenorphine is in a class of medications called opioid partial agonist-antagonists.", "Is Suboxone a narcotic? By most definitions, buprenorphine is a narcotic (including tablet or sublingual buprenorphine used for opioid dependence). However, by some definitions buprenorphine is a ‘medication’ when used appropriately, and a ‘narcotic’ when diverted or used outside of appropriate medical care.uprenorphine is a narcotic. In sum by most definitions, buprenorphine is a narcotic. By some definitions buprenorphine is a ‘medication’ when used appropriately, and a ‘narcotic’ when diverted or used outside of appropriate medical care. Trusted Helpline.", "buprenorphine - sublingual, Subutex Uses. Buprenorphine is used to treat dependence/addiction to narcotics (opioids). Buprenorphine belongs to a class of drugs called mixed narcotic agonist-antagonists. It helps prevent withdrawal symptoms caused by stopping other opiate-type narcotics.It is used as part of a complete treatment program for drug abuse (such as compliance monitoring, counseling, behavioral contract, lifestyle changes).our doctor will then switch you to the combination buprenorphine/ naloxone medication for maintenance treatment. The combination with naloxone works the same way as buprenorphine alone to prevent withdrawal symptoms. It is combined with naloxone to prevent misuse (injection) of the medication.", "- Being at risk is called “Being In The Drug Detection Window“. This window varies greatly depending on the drug test and the drug being detected. Your drug test detec­tion window has two com­po­nents. How long after you con­sume the buprenorphine will it begin to show for detec­tion.", "Buprenorphine narcotic Suboxone contains a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone. Buprenorphine is an opioid medication. Buprenorphine is similar to other opioids such as morphine, codeine, and heroin however, it produces less euphoric (high) effects and therefore may be easier to stop taking. Naloxone blocks the effects of opioids such as morphine, codeine, and heroin. If Suboxone is injected, naloxone will block the effects of buprenorphine and lead to withdrawal symptoms in a person with an opioid addiction. When administered under the tongue as directed, naloxone will not affect the actions of buprenorphine.", "- Buprenorphine is used to treat opioid addiction. Buprenorphine is an opioid partial agonist medication used for the treatment of opioid addiction. Opioid. partial agonists are drugs that activate opioid receptors but to a lesser degree than opioid agonists like. heroin or methadone. Buprenorphine has a strong affinity to opioid receptors and displaces other opioids.", "What Is Suboxone (Buprenorphine and Naloxone)? Suboxone is a prescription medication that combines buprenorphine and naloxone. It's used to treat opioid addiction. (Heroin and narcotic painkillers are common opioid drugs.) Buprenorphine belongs to a class of drugs called opioid partial agonists, which help relieve symptoms of opiate withdrawal. Naloxone is in a class of drugs called opioid antagonists, which reverse the effects of narcotics.", "What Is Suboxone (Buprenorphine and Naloxone)? Suboxone is a prescription medication that combines buprenorphine and naloxone. It's used to treat opioid addiction. (Heroin and narcotic painkillers are common opioid drugs.). Buprenorphine belongs to a class of drugs called opioid partial agonists, which help relieve symptoms of opiate withdrawal. Naloxone is in a class of drugs called opioid antagonists, which reverse the effects of narcotics.", "Buprenorphine for addiction treatment Prefibin, Subutex About buprenorphine for the treatment of addiction. Buprenorphine is used to help you come off street drugs such as heroin. It can prevent or reduce the unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when you stop using such drugs. It is a medicine that is similar to heroin and works as a replacement treatment." ]
[ 15.8359375 ]
[ 3.201171875, 10.0078125, 10.4296875, 10.5078125, 17.5625, 11.03125, 9.7890625, 10.4375, 11.7890625, 13.3671875, 16.125, 11.2734375, 10.5859375, 9.4609375, 11.3515625, 13.4921875, 9.765625, 11.328125, 12.9609375, 10.8671875, 11.2734375, 15.4765625, 8.734375, 10.1015625, 10.7890625, 11.1328125, 12.203125, 11.6171875, 11.5703125, 10.4140625 ]
what is google pinyin input
[ "Google Pinyin Input The Google Pinyin Input is an input method (IME) optimized for typing Chinese on Android. The app offers a variety of methods for fast and easy input of Chinese characters. The app supports both simplified and traditional Chinese characters, as well as punctuation, emoticons, Latin characters and digits." ]
[ "- What you see is pinyin, literally 'spell out the sound'. It's a system for romanizing Chinese ideograms, used in mainland China for Mandarin, a.k.a. putonghua. Different systems are used in Hong Kong,Taiwan, and Singapore, where the following is not applicable.", "Pinyin Romanization to Learn Mandarin Pinyin is a Romanization system used to learn Mandarin. It transcribes the sounds of Mandarin using the western (Roman) alphabet. Pinyin is most commonly used in Mainland China for teaching school children to read and it is also widely used in teaching materials designed for Westerners who wish to learn Mandarin.", "Bing is 'stupid' and 'rubbish', says Bing Bing is 'stupid' and 'rubbish', says Bing. Auto-complete honesty hits the decision engine. Microsoft's Bing may be way behind Google when it comes to search dominance, but this doesn't mean it should go on a campaign of self-loathing. Unfortunately that's exactly what seems to have happened if the site's auto-complete is anything to go by.", "reverse image search Reverse image search is a search engine technology that takes an image file as input query and returns results related to the image. Search engines that offer reverse image capability include Google and TinEye.", "Pinyin input method In the most basic form, the pinyin method allows a user to input Chinese characters by entering the pinyin of a Chinese character and then presenting the user with a list of possible characters with that pronunciation.", "- Step 3. Tap on the name of the keyboard-in this case Google Keyboard and you will see all the available settings. To turn off predictive text, tap Text correction and then at the bottom of the next screen, turn off Next-word suggestions.", "- If you cannot use Chinese charactes, it is preferable to use the Pinyin with tones. Only use the Pinyin without tones if there's no other option (e.g. writing a text message from/to a mobile phone that doesn't support special characters such as ā, i, í, ŏ). u ù. Chinese Pinyin example sentence with è´µ (gui / gui) ⓘGuì writing PinyinBefore pinyinbefore using This pinyin example, sentence consider That chinese characters should always be your first choice in written. Communication if you cannot Use chinese, charactes it is preferable to use The pinyin with. tones", "Abacus Chinese Translation Services Chinese Pinyin Translation. Chinese Phonetic Translation. English to Chinese Pinyin Translation. English to Pinyin Translation. We are one of the few firms that provide English to Pinyin translation services. Translating from English to Pinyin is fairly quick and accurate, and we can do that with a quick turnaround time. However, if you are requesting translation service from Pinyin into English, then please contact us to see if it is doable.", "- Pinyin Translation Instructions: 1 Type in Pinyin or paste in Pinyin text from an electronic document. The free Pinyin Translation (with tones) can translate up to 800 characters per translation. 2 Select appropriate input and output options by clicking on the Show Options button.", "- If you're using Google Voice with a non-Google number: Your PIN gives you access to Google Voice settings and voicemail from the phones you've registered in the Phones tab of your Google Voice Settings.", "Googol Kasner then extended the term to the larger googolplex.. It should be noted that googol is indeed the correct spelling of the term, so the spelling Google refers to the internet search engine, not one with 100 zeros. The residues of googol (mod ) for , 2, ... are 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 4, 4, 0, 1, 0, ...", "- Sharing Google content with a class enables your students to view the shared content in Blackboard and to be able to view or edit this content from their Google Apps at Princeton accounts. Bb Google Integration automatically shares documents, forms and sites with all Princeton students in your course.ou can add links to embed Documents and Sites in your Blackboard course site. The links enable you to organize your course site to your specifications and to integrate Google content with your other class materials.", "- Cantonese Pinyin ( Chinese : 常用字廣州話讀音表 : 拼音方案 , also known as 教院式拼音方案 ) is a romanization system for Cantonese developed by Yu Bingzhao ( 余秉昭 ) in 1971 , and subsequently modified by the Education Department ( merged into the Education and Manpower Bureau since 2003 ) of Hong Kong and Prof. Zhan Bohui ( 詹伯慧 ) of the Chinese Dialects Research Centre ...", "- Chinese Numbers: Numerical Chinese Characters The following is a way to quickly look up Chinese numerical characters and get their actual meaning and value. To make it easy for pronunciation of Chinese Characters, PinYin is used for Chinese romanization.", "Ping Science and Technology. Ping, a pulse of sound in active sonar. Pinging, the noise indicative of improper combustion in internal combustion engines. Ping (unit), the Chinese equivalent of pyeong (坪), a Korean unit of area. Ping project, a project of the European Molecular Biology network (EMBnet)", "Insert Citations in Multiple Formats Easily with Google Docs Google Docs is a great free writing tool with a ton of great hidden features, including the research tool. You can save yourself some time and use the research sidebar to automatically insert the appropriate citations you need for your paper.", "- If you're calling from a non-registered number, you'll need to enter your number as well for security purposes. To change your PIN, sign in to Google Voice and click the gear icon at the top right of the page. Click Settings, and select the Voicemail tab.", "- Pinyin Translation On Other Language: Pinyin, or Hanyu Pinyin, is the official phonetic system for transcribing the Mandarin pronunciations of Chinese characters into the Latin alphabet in mainland China, Taiwan and Singapore.", "- Hanyu Pinyin Romanization (simplified Chinese: 汉语拼音; traditional Chinese: 漢語拼音; literally: Han Chinese spelling of sounds), often abbreviated to pinyin, is the official romanization system for Standard Chinese in mainland China and to some extent in Taiwan.", "FREE - Pinyin Translation Area - miÇnfèi pÄ«nyÄ«n fÄnyì - åè´¹æ¼é³ç¿»è¯ The free Pinyin Translation (with tones) can translate up to 800 characters per translation. Select appropriate input and output options by clicking on the Show Options button. Such as removing certain characters to clean up the input for translation.", "pinyin Definition of pinyin. : a system for romanizing Chinese ideograms in which tones are indicated by diacritics and unaspirated consonants are transcribed as voiced — compare wade-giles.", "- Your PIN gives you access to Google Voice settings and voicemail from multiple phones. If you're using Google Voice with a Google number: Dial your Google number from any phone. During the voicemail greeting, press * , enter your PIN, and press # .", "Now You Can Edit Google Docs by Speaking To enable voice typing and editing, launch or open a Google doc. Click Tools on the nav bar, select “voice typing,” and click the large microphone icon that pops up. Then start gabbing. In my tests, the feature lived up to the excellent precedent of Google’s voice features in Google Now and Android TV.", "- How to Use This Site. For Chinese-learning newbies, this site shows Chinese characters (Hanzi) and their alphabet-based pronunciation (Pinyin). Use the Blog Archive (on the left sidebar) to navigate to the different lessons. Note: Your first lesson in speaking Chinese should be Tones (click here) .", "- noun, Pinyin. 1. (in traditional Chinese medicine and philosophy) the vital life force that flows through the body and is supposedly regulated by acupuncture.", "Pidgin Sign English Pid·gin Sign Eng·lish. A system of communication that is a manual representation of English in which American Sign Language signs are used in English word order; there are no inflectional signs, and finger spelling is used for proper names.", "1019 Publications Machine Intelligence. Research at Google is at the forefront of innovation in Machine Intelligence, with active research exploring virtually all aspects of machine learning, including deep learning and more classical algorithms.", "The Chinese word gui - è´µ - guì ( expensive in Chinese) If you cannot use Chinese charactes, it is preferable to use the Pinyin with tones. Only use the Pinyin without tones if there's no other option (e.g. writing a text message from/to a mobile phone that doesn't support special characters such as ā, i, í, ŏ). u ù", "- Pinyin means “spell the way it sounds.” Because many Chinese. sounds are difficult to pronounce in English, the pronunciation guide offers close approximations for additional help. From at least 1766BCE to the twentieth century. of the Common Era China was ruled by dynasties.", "- I see names like 'Qin', 'Xu', 'Zhu', and I am not sure how to say Chinese names like these. What you see is pinyin, literally 'spell out the sound'. It's a system for romanizing Chinese ideograms, used in mainland China for Mandarin, a.k.a. putonghua.Different systems are used in Hong Kong,Taiwan, and Singapore, where the following is not applicable.es, there are 4 or 5 tones depending on how you count them. The proper form for tones is as diacritics (-, /, v, \\, .) above the first vowel (in most cases). Obviously it's not easy to type tones with an English keyboard! So sometimes tones are written as a number after pinyin, like xiao3 jin3 zhu1." ]
[ 20.0625 ]
[ 10.7734375, 11.6171875, -1.6953125, 2.435546875, 14.7265625, 5.140625, 6.3203125, 5.75390625, 8.6328125, 4.05078125, 0.513671875, 1.17578125, 8.0546875, 4.64453125, 3.55859375, 0.98046875, 3.525390625, 11.453125, 11.171875, 9.0078125, 10.4140625, 4.4296875, 2.89453125, 6.640625, 8.9921875, 2.896484375, 2.501953125, 5.1640625, 8.2890625, 6.39453125 ]
hydrogen is it a solid liquid or gas
[ "- Hydrogen gas has the molecular formula H 2. At room temperature and under standard pressure conditions, hydrogen is a gas that is tasteless, odorless and colorless. Hydrogen can exist as a liquid under high pressure and an extremely low temperature of 20.28 kelvin (−252.87°C, −423.17 °F). Hydrogen is often stored in this way as liquid hydrogen takes up less space than hydrogen in its normal gas form. Liquid hydrogen is also used as a rocket fuel." ]
[ "- Key Concept: Ice is solid water, the familiar form. of water is a liquid, and the water vapor in the air is. a gas. •. Water is the only substance on Earth that commonly. exists in all three different states of matter—as a gas, a. liquid, and a solid.", "- Gas to Liquid: Water change from a gas (water vapor) to a liquid through the process of condensation. The gas cools and loses energy which forces the particles-hydrogen and oxygen in the case of water-to change state from a gas to a liquid.Liquid to Solid: When water as a liquid turns to water as a solid (ice) it goes through the process of freezing. The liquid cools below the freezing point and loses energy.ydrogen and oxygen are elements. What that really means is that when an atom, the fundamental unit that makes up everything, has 1 proton (a positively charged sub-atomic particle) it is a hydrogen atom, and when it has 8 protons, it is an oxygen atom. Hydrogen gas is two hydrogen atoms bonded together, H 2.", "Wikijunior:The Elements/Hydrogen Hydrogen is the absolute smallest of all elements, so small that four billion, laid end to end, could fit on the head of one pin! At room temperature hydrogen is a clear gas. Hydrogen gas (H 2) is a molecule made of two hydrogen atoms bonded together.", "- Hydrogen atoms are in a constant state of agitation, colliding at very great speeds. The natural electrostatic repulsion that exists between the positive charges of their nuclei is overcome, and the atoms fuse. The fusion of light hydrogen atoms (H-H) produces a heavier element, helium.", "Hydrogen Hydrogen will have a chemical reaction when mixed with most other elements. It has no color or smell. Pure hydrogen is very uncommon in the Earth 's atmosphere. In nature, it is usually in water.", "- This is why hydrogen as a gas (H2) is not found by itself on earth. It is found only in compound form with other elements. Hydrogen combined with oxygen, is water (H2O). Hydrogen combined with carbon, forms different compounds such as methane (CH4), coal, and petroleum.Hydrogen is also found in all growing things—biomass.t is found only in compound form with other elements. Hydrogen combined with oxygen, is water (H2O). Hydrogen combined with carbon, forms different compounds such as methane (CH4), coal, and petroleum. Hydrogen is also found in all growing things—biomass.", "hydrogen The lightest chemical element; its symbol is H. Hydrogen normally consists of a single electron in orbit around a nucleus made up of a single proton. It is usually found as a gas and has several uses as a fuel.", "- Like electricity, hydrogen is an energy carrier and must be produced from another substance. Hydrogen is not widely used today but it has great potential as an energy carrier in the future. Hydrogen can be produced from a variety of resources (water, fossil fuels, biomass) and is a byproduct of other chemical processes.Unlike electricity, large quantities of hydrogen can be easily stored to be used in the future. Hydrogen can also be used in places where it’s hard to use electricity.t is found only in compound form with other elements. Hydrogen combined with oxygen, is water (H2O). Hydrogen combined with carbon, forms different compounds such as methane (CH4), coal, and petroleum. Hydrogen is also found in all growing things—biomass.", "- Hydrogen is a liquid at -253 degree C and it is very near to absolute zero which is known as -273 degree C. Edit. Share to: 1 The Periodic Table of Elements Life is sustained by a number of chemical elements. 2 They are responsible for the birth of planets and the evolution of cells to complex organisms.", "General Chemistry/Print version Hydrogen is the simplest element known to exist. An atom of hydrogen. has one proton and one electron. Hydrogen has the highest energy. content of any common fuel by weight, but the lowest energy content. by volume. It is the lightest element and a gas at normal temperature. and pressure.", "Is hydrogen a solid liquid or gas? Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Hydrogen, like water, can exist in 3 states....Solid, Liquid and Gas Its temperature as a solid is −259.14 °C' Hydrogen melts to liquid at −252.87 °C. It boils and vaporises at -252.125 °C Just cooling or compressing Hydrogen won't liquefy or freeze it.", "Definitions &Translations Hydrogen is a chemical element with chemical symbol H and atomic number 1. With an atomic weight of 7000100794000000000♠1.00794 u, hydrogen is the lightest element on the periodic table. Its monatomic form (H) is the most abundant chemical substance in the Universe, constituting roughly 75% of all baryonic mass. Non-remnant stars are mainly composed of hydrogen in the plasma state.", "- The gas cools and loses energy which forces the particles-hydrogen and oxygen in the case of water-to change state from a gas to a liquid. Liquid to Solid: When water as a liquid turns to water as a solid (ice) it goes through the process of freezing. The liquid cools below the freezing point and loses energy.", "Where can hydrogen be found? As hydrogen is the lightest gas known,it is not found in free state in nature.so,it is found in combined state in water,sugar,cellulose,acids,proteins,fats & hydrocarbon.s hydrogen is the lightest gas known,it is not found in free state in nature.so,it is found in combined state in water,sugar,cellulose,acids,proteins,fats & hydrocarbon.", "- Hydrogen is, in fact, the lightest gas ever found. Hydrogen has no color, no smell and no taste. The hydrogen atom is so simple and small, it is hard to believe that hydrogen is the most important and abundant substance in the universe. Hydrogen atoms are the building blocks of other atoms.ydrogen has no color, no smell and no taste. The hydrogen atom is so simple and small, it is hard to believe that hydrogen is the most important and abundant substance in the universe. Hydrogen atoms are the building blocks of other atoms.", "Solids, Liquids, and Gases The atoms and molecules don't change, but the way they move about does. Water, for example, is always made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. However, it can take the state of liquid, solid (ice), and gas (steam). Matter changes state when more energy gets added to it. Energy is often added in the form of heat or pressure.", "- Hydrocarbons- substance made of hydrogen and carbon (among other elements) Grade through three states of matter: gases, liquids and solids. Petroleum exploration largely concerned with the fluids (gases and liquids).", "- Hydrogen is oxidized by elements that are more electronegative to form compounds in which it has an oxidation number of +1. Hydrogen is reduced by elements that are less electronegative to form compounds in which its oxidation number is -1.Properties and Formation of Hydrogen. At room temperature, hydrogen is a colorless, odorless gas with a density only one-fourteenth the density of air.roperties and Formation of Hydrogen. Hydrides. Hydrogen combines with every element in the periodic table except the nonmetals in Group VIIIA (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, and Rn). Although it is often stated that more compounds contain carbon than any other element, this is not necessarily true.", "Atoms and elements Hydrogen occurs as a gas that you can’t see and can’t smell. It is about 14 times lighter than air. When you combine two atoms of hydrogen with one atom of oxygen you get a water molecule H 2O. Like nitrogen, hydrogen can also be condensed to a liquid that freezes at – 259°C (-434°F) and boils at -252°C (-423°F). Hydrogen is one of the most common elements in our universe. The sun and many stars are made of hydrogen.", "It's Elemental Composed of a single proton and a single electron, hydrogen is the simplest and most abundant element in the universe. It is estimated that 90% of the visible universe is composed of hydrogen. Hydrogen is the raw fuel that most stars 'burn' to produce energy. The same process, known as fusion, is being studied as a possible power source for use on earth. The sun's supply of hydrogen is expected to last another 5 billion years. Hydrogen is a commercially important element. Large amounts of hydrogen are combined with nitrogen from the air to produce ammonia (NH3) through a process called the Haber process. Hydrogen is also added to fats and oils, such as peanut oil, through a process called hydrogenation.", "Hydrogen fuel Hydrogen fuel. In a flame of pure hydrogen gas, burning in air, the hydrogen (H 2) reacts with oxygen (O 2) to form water (H 2 O) and heat.It does not produce other chemical by-products, except for a small amount of nitrogen oxides.n a flame of pure hydrogen gas, burning in air, the hydrogen (H 2) reacts with oxygen (O 2) to form water (H 2 O) and heat.", "- Liquid hydrocarbons- commonly known as oil, or crude oil, to distinguish it from refined hydrocarbon products. Plastic hydrocarbons- asphalt. Solid hydrocarbons- coal and kerogen- (kerogen strictly defined is dessimenated organic matter in sediments that is insoluble in normal petroleum solvents. Gas hydrates- Solids composed of water molecules surrounding gas molecules, usually methane, but also H2S, CO2, and other less common gases.", "Wikijunior:The Elements/Hydrogen Hydrogen is an atom that contains an electron and a single proton. It is found at the very upper left of the periodic chart. The symbol for Hydrogen is the letter H. Hydrogen is both the lightest and most abundant element in the universe. Here are some data:", "Forms of Hydrogen What is Hydrogen? Hydrogen gas has been shown to have a therapeutic effect on over 150 human diseases, 1 but what is Hydrogen? Hydrogen is the lightest and simplest element with the symbol H. It consists of only one electron and one proton and, under normal conditions, it exists primarily in its diatomic form as molecular hydrogen (H 2 gas). It is what powers the sun by fusion to produce helium.", "Hydrogen Hydrogen is the lightest and most abundant element in the universe. The hydrogen-helium abundance ratio is an important clue to the cosmological process. The nucleus of ordinary hydrogen consists of a single proton, but it also occurs as deuterium with a proton and a neutron.ydrogen burns in oxygen or air with an almost colorless flame and has potential as a fuel. Since it requires energy to separate hycrogen, its real potential is as a storage medium for energy; processes like electrolysis of water can produce hydrogen for storage as a fuel.", "Silane Hydrogen (H), a colourless, odourless, tasteless, flammable gaseous substance that is the simplest member of the family of chemical elements. The hydrogen atom has a nucleus consisting of a proton bearing one unit of positive electrical charge; an electron, bearing one unit of negative electrical charge, is also associated with this nucleus.", "What are some examples of liquid solutions, solid solutions and gas solutions? If the solvent is a solid, then gases, liquids and solids can be dissolved. 1 Gas in solids: 2 Hydrogen dissolves rather well in metals, especially in palladium; this is studied as a means of hydrogen storage.3 Liquid in solid: 4 Mercury in gold, forming an amalgam. 5 Water in solid salt or sugar, forming moist solids. 6 Hexane in paraffin wax. 7 Solid in 8 ... Sf the solvent is a solid, then gases, liquids and solids can be dissolved. 1 Gas in solids: 2 Hydrogen dissolves rather well in metals, especially in palladium; this is studied as a means of hydrogen storage.", "What Is Urea Nitrate? The universal emergence of atomic hydrogen first occurred during the recombination epoch . At standard temperature and pressure , hydrogen is a colorless , odorless , tasteless , non-toxic, nonmetallic , highly combustible diatomic gas with the molecular formula H2. Since hydrogen readily forms covalent compounds with most nonmetallic elements, most of the hydrogen on Earth exists in molecular forms such as water or organic compounds", "New Solid Form of Hydrogen Discovered at Extreme Pressures The measurements show that solid hydrogen under such extreme conditions is an unusual hybrid solid, on the border of being a semiconductor, like silicon, and a semi-metal, like graphite. The results, researchers say, disprove the claims that hydrogen forms a dense atomic metal under extreme atmospheric conditions.", "What is Metallic Hydrogen? Hydrogen is the simplest and most abundant of elements. Composed of one proton and one electron, it makes up 90% of our universe (by number of atoms). Hydrogen, the most common element in the universe, is normally an insulating gas, but at high pressures it may turn into a superconductor." ]
[ 14.625 ]
[ 7.37109375, 12, 12.6796875, 8.1328125, 7.65625, 10.0390625, 11.078125, 6.90625, 13.3828125, 11.4140625, 15.4140625, 7.78515625, 10.7109375, 8.4765625, 11.40625, 12.109375, 8.8984375, 9.40625, 12.953125, 8.1953125, 9.7734375, 6.2578125, 6.9296875, 11.984375, 7.91796875, 11.2578125, 8.4296875, 11.5703125, 13.234375, 10.703125 ]
what causes you to get the pink eye and it's systems
[ "- Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, is inflammation of the outermost layer of the white part of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelid.[3] It makes the eye appear pink or reddish. There may also be pain, burning, scratchiness, or itchiness. The affected eye may have increased tears or be stuck shut in the morning. Swelling of the white part of the eye may also occur. Itching of the eye is more common in cases due to allergies. Conjunctivitis can affect one or both eyes." ]
[ "10 Tips to Relieve Red, Bloodshot Eyes Technically called conjunctivitis, pink eye is an infection or inflammation of the top covering of the eye area, known as the conjuctiva. The eye becomes weepy, itchy, (sometimes unbearably so) and swollen, not just red and bloodshot. Conjunctivitis can be caused by allergies, bacteria, viruses, or toxic substances.", "ICD-10-CM Code H10.31Unspecified acute conjunctivitis, right eye (May 2012). Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye is inflammation of the conjunctiva (the outermost layer of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelids). It is commonly due to an infection (usually viral, but sometimes bacterial or parasitic), or an allergic reaction.", "Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis) Symptoms, Treatments And Prevention This is what causes red, bloodshot eyes. Conjunctivitis can have several causes (see below), but many eye doctors use the term pink eye to refer only to viral conjunctivitis, a highly contagious infection caused by a variety of viruses.", "- Red eye. Red eye is a more general term that includes not only pinkeye but also many other problems that cause redness on or around the eye, not just the lining. Pinkeye is the main cause of red eye. Red eye has other causes, including: Foreign bodies, such as metal or insects. For more information, see the topic Objects in the Eye.", "What are other diseases that have similar symptoms to Pink Eye? Bacterial conjunctivitis causes the rapid onset of conjunctival redness, swelling of the eyelid, and mucopurulent discharge. Typically, symptoms develop first in one eye, but may spread to the other eye within 2–5 days.", "ICD-10-CM Code H10.31Unspecified acute conjunctivitis, right eye Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye is inflammation of the conjunctiva (the outermost layer of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelids). It is commonly due to an infection (usually viral, but sometimes bacterial or parasitic), or an allergic reaction.", "Conjunctivitis (Pinkeye) Conjunctivitis (Pinkeye) Conjunctivitis, also known as pinkeye, is an inflammation of the conjunctiva. The conjunctiva is the thin clear tissue that lies over the white part of the eye and lines the inside of the eyelid. Pinkeye has a number of different causes, including:", "- Pink eye (conjunctivitis) Pink eye (conjunctivitis) is the inflammation or infection of the transparent membrane that lines your eyelid and eyeball. It's characterized by redness and a gritty sensation in your eye, along with itching.", "Dental/Raynaud's Disease Connection Raynaud's phenomenon - Causes. Causes of Raynaud's. Raynaud's phenomenon is the result of over-sensitive blood vessels in the body's extremities. In many cases, no cause is identified, although it's sometimes linked to other health conditions. When your body is exposed to cold temperatures, the extremities, such as your fingers and toes, lose heat.", "- Pink eye is an inflammation of the conjunctiva (the covering of the eyeball and inside of the eyelid). This inflammation may lead to redness, tearing, discharge, itching, and pain. Pinkeye is also called conjunctivitis.", "10 Signs You have Pink Eye Pink eye is the name for the medical condition officially known as conjunctivitis. Pink eye is highly contagious and it can affect one or both eyes. Several things can cause this condition, including viral and bacterial infections. It’s important to note that there are a variety of symptoms associated with pink eye.", "Pink Eye: A Complete Guide to Conjunctivitis Viral and bacterial conjunctivitis are the most common types of pink eye. The viral form is caused by the same virus as the common cold, and usually improves on its own over the course of seven to ten days. For the first ten days (or as long as there are symptoms), viral conjunctivitis is very contagious.", "- Conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye, is an inflammation of the membrane (conjunctiva) that covers the eye and lines the inner surface of the eyelid. There are four main causes of conjunctivitis.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Chronic Pink Eye In Adults Hand Hygiene: If it is really recurrent pink eye you should see an eye doctor. Most likely however it is allergic conjunctivitis and may respond to eye drops like patanol (olopatadine). A chronic tear duct infection may also be the issue and it may need probing.", "Conjunctivitis (Pinkeye) Conjunctivitis, also known as pinkeye, is an inflammation of the conjunctiva. The conjunctiva is the thin clear tissue that lies over the white part of the eye and lines the inside of the eyelid.", "Does Pink Eye cause cold symptoms? can a cold cause pink eye? If you get a virus that is particularly strong (cold/flu, etc.) it can cause pink eye. If you even think you might be beginning to get pink eye, I suggest you get to a doctor immediately!! The longer you wait, the more miserable and difficult it is to get rid of.", "I have strep thraot but also I got pink eye in both eyes. The germ that causes strep throat and that which causes pink eye or conjunctivitis is not the same. Pink eye is caused by a virus or bacteria. The viral kind does not respond to an antibiotic for the eye, whereas a bacterial cause does. Commonly, the bacterial kind of pink eye causes matting of the eyelids and drainage. Please see your doctor for an evaluation and proper treatment.", "10 Signs You have Pink Eye Pink eye is the name for the medical condition officially known as conjunctivitis. Pink eye is highly contagious and it can affect one or both eyes. Several things can cause this condition, including viral and bacterial infections. It’s important to note that there are a variety of symptoms associated with pink eye. Some individuals may have most of them while others may have only a few. Some of the symptoms may also be signs of other infections as well. Pink eye often resolves itself withing a few days without any treatment required, but many go to the doctor just in case. If the eye issue is due to an allergic reaction, then the physician will likely treat it with antihistamines.", "Introduction What causes Raynaud's? Raynaud’s is usually triggered by cold temperatures, anxiety or stress. The condition occurs because your blood vessels go into a temporary spasm, which blocks the flow of blood. This causes the affected area to change colour to white, then blue and then red, as the bloodflow returns. You may also experience numbness, pain, and pins and needles. Symptoms of Raynaud's can last from a few minutes to several hours.", "10 Symptoms of Pink Eye Pink eye, an eye condition medically referred to as Conjunctivitis, is caused by an inflammation of the membrane covering the inner part of the eyelids and the white of the eyes, called the conjunctiva. When inflamed, the vessels contained in the conjunctiva become dilated which makes them more visible and gives the red/pink appearance to […]", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: How Fast Does Pink Eye Show Up Pink eye!: Lots of reasons for pink eye or red eye. Infections, both viral & bacterial, are common causes of conjunctivitis. Patients typically complain of an irritation, sometimes gritty, sometimes burning, often w/purulent discharge such that their lids are glued shut in the morning & crusted over. Visual acuity should not be affected.", "Conjunctivitis For other uses, see Pinkeye (disambiguation). Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, is inflammation of the outermost layer of the white part of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelid. It makes the eye appear pink or reddish. There may also be pain, burning, scratchiness, or itchiness. The affected eye may have increased tears or be stuck shut in the morning.", "Conjunctivitis Conjunctivitis (kon-jung-tih-VY-tis), often called pinkeye, is an inflammation of the conjunctiva (kon-jung-TIE-vuh), the thin membrane that lines the inside of the eyelids and covers the surface of the eyeball. Conjunctivitis can be caused by viruses, bacteria, allergies, or chemical irritation.", "Jaundice Jaundice (JAWN-dis) is a yellowish discoloration of the skin and of the whites of the eyes. It is caused by accumulation in the body of a bile pigment called bilirubin (bil-e-ROO-bin). Jaundice is not itself a disease, but it is a sign of several disorders that affect the liver, the blood, the gallbladder, or bile, which is a fluid secreted by the liver to aid in the digestion of fats.", "Episcleritis Episcleritis refers to inflammation of your episclera, which is a clear layer on top of the white part of your eye, called the sclera. There’s another clear layer outside of the episclera called the conjunctiva. This inflammation causes your eye to look red and irritated. Episcleritis often looks like pink eye, but", "10 Signs You have Pink Eye 10 Signs You have Pink Eye. Pink eye is the name for the medical condition officially known as conjunctivitis. Pink eye is highly contagious and it can affect one or both eyes. Several things can cause this condition, including viral and bacterial infections. It’s important to note that there are a variety of symptoms associated with pink eye. Some individuals may have most of them while others may have only a few.", "- Here’s the skinny: 1 According to the CDC, pink eye has many causes… one of which is getting fecal matter in your eyes. 2 According to my doctor, pink eye is one of the most common ailments passed between parents and children.", "Can Viral Eye Infections Impair Your Vision? Most pink eye infections are either viral or allergic reactions. With this eye infection, the inflammation causes small blood vessels in the eye membranes to become more prominent, making the eyes pink or red according to the severity of the infection. Stye is an infection of a gland of the eyelids.", "9 Itchy, Scratchy, Uncomfortable Symptoms of Pink Eye A pink eye infection can occur when the eyes are rubbed with dirty hands—typically spreading the bacteria and germs from an allergy or influenza infection into the eyes or by using dirty contact lenses. Here are the nine most common itchy-scratchy symptoms of pink eye…. Redness is one of the primary and most telling symptoms of pink eye.", "Symptoms of Eye Problems & Diseases in Cats Eye Infection (Conjunctivitis). Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, is an inflammation or infection of the clear membrane that covers the outer layer of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelids. The eye often appears very red and swollen with discharge. There are many possible causes of conjunctivitis, including chemical irritants (cleaners, pesticides); allergens (dust, molds, grasses); trauma or injury to the eye; fungal, viral, or bacterial infections; and upper respiratory viruses." ]
[ 12.25 ]
[ 10.5390625, 10.9453125, 12.2421875, 11.1953125, 12.1875, 10.796875, 12.171875, 12.3125, 4.08984375, 11.828125, 13.46875, 12.8984375, 11.9453125, 9.7890625, 12.25, 13.2265625, 11.3359375, 13.21875, 5.453125, 12.5625, 11.0625, 12.484375, 12.8984375, 7.77734375, 9.4453125, 13.8203125, 11.8046875, 11.09375, 12.3125, 12.125 ]
mouth hurts when i swallow and tongue presses on roof of mouth
[ "Pain in the Roof of Mouth: Causes and Treatments Canker Sore-Canker sores can develop on the roof of the mouth. These can be caused by exposure to bacteria or when the tissue becomes damaged due to a scratch or burn. Canker sores will begin as a red mark on the roof of the mouth, but will slowly fill in with white or yellow pus." ]
[ "What Causes the Sensation of Burning on Your Tongue? Causes of Burning Sensation on Tongue Medical conditions. Oral Thrush - This is most likely the case if the sensation is accompanied with white oral sores. These sores are painful and will manifest usually on your inner cheeks or tongue, but may be on the roof of your mouth, gums, tonsils, or even on the back of your throat.", "Roof Of Mouth Hurts â Pain, Sore and Swollen Palate? Causes of palate pain and how to treat it. 1. Some people find that the roof of the mouth hurts after they have had a scalding cup of coffee or some really hot and spicy food. Since the roof of your mouth is sensitive, it can easily be damaged if you eat or drink something too hot.", "What causes mouth sores? A Dr. Saloumeh Kashani, DDS , Dentist, answered. MOUTH SORES and ULCERS, the most common type of sore is a traumatic one that can result from BITING your lip, cheek, or tongue. Sometime a burn can also cause a sore on the roof of your mouth, i.e. “a pizza burn”. COLD SORES, also called fever blisters, usually appear on lips and around the mouth.", "Discussions By Condition: Mouth conditions for the past week part of my tongue and part of the roof of my mouth have constantly felt cold, at times like a cold burning sensation and it really bothers me :(there's no pain or change in color in the area and it's not my entire tongue or roof of my mouth, it's just sort of in the middle.", "Why does the roof of my mouth hurt when I eat? Aggravation of the roof the mouth could be caused by the appearance of sores, which sometimes appear in the palate and develop a burning sensation. The pain could be more obvious when you just woke up since your mouth is drier, eating spicy food and even snoring.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Bump On Roof Of Mouth That Hurts Had a pimple-like bump on roof of mouth for a month. 5. Get help from a doctor now ›. Gum fistula: is a sign that there is chronic painless infection and your body is draining it out. Unlike some other types of infection, a chronic gum abscess will not get better on its own.", "Roof Of Mouth Hurts â Pain, Sore and Swollen Palate? If you feel alarmed that the roof of the mouth hurts, it is actually a pretty common condition. Usually the pain is accompanied by inflammation or sores on roof of the mouth. The pain is likely to be at its peak when you wake up from sleeping and snoring only aggravates it.n most patients roof of the mouth hurts but the cause of the disease is unknown. It occurs mostly in postmenopausal women. Research has found that use of Alpha-lipoic acid, an antioxidant found in spinach, broccoli and potatoes has led to significant improvement in symptoms. 6.", "Sore On The Roof Of Your Mouth? Four Possible Causes Sores on the roof of your mouth can sometimes be a symptom of oral cancer. And if you have a sore on the roof of your mouth that hasn't healed after two weeks, you need to see your dentist as soon as you can for an evaluation.", "- melvina902. 1 For the last week the inside of my mouth has been feeling really raw to the point where i can't taste food or eat it because it hurts so bad and i also have these bumps on my tongue that really hurt and they are not white they are red.", "Why Roof Of Mouth Hurts: Pain In Roof Of Mouth Causes And Treatment In most cases the cause for pain in roof of mouth is not of serious origin, but if it is neglected the condition may linger and invite more trouble. Following are some of the frequent reasons for pain in roof of mouth. Pain due to burns: The roof of mouth is extremely delicate and sensitive.", "Why Does My Tooth Hurt After A Filling? This Comment. It could be an infection in the mouth spreading, and you may need a root canal. I got a very sore bump in the roof of my mouth along with painful teeth, so I went to my dentist. I had a root canal done but it was never quite finished.", "Why Roof Of Mouth Hurts: Pain In Roof Of Mouth Causes And Treatment The back portion of the roof of mouth is composed of soft tissue and it is called soft palate. The roof of mouth may hurt due to many reasons, in most cases there is burning sensation. Pain in roof of mouth is a common condition.Eating spicy food or drinking extremely hot tea or coffee, may hurt and burn the roof of mouth.ollowing are some of the frequent reasons for pain in roof of mouth. Pain due to burns: The roof of mouth is extremely delicate and sensitive. Burns on the roof of mouth while eating is very common, it may cause significant pain and soreness which may prolong for several days.", "Pain in the Roof of Mouth: Causes and Treatments Canker Sore-Canker sores can develop on the roof of the mouth. These can be caused by exposure to bacteria or when the tissue becomes damaged due to a scratch or burn. Canker sores will begin as a red mark on the roof of the mouth, but will slowly fill in with white or yellow pus.urning the Tissue-Drinking excessively hot beverages can scald the roof of the mouth. Eating excessively hot or spicy foods may also irritate the flesh on the roof of the mouth. Afterward the palate may feel sensitive to the touch or a blister may form on the area that was burned.", "Bump on the Roof of Mouth Bump on the Roof of Mouth. The mouth is one of the most complicated parts of our bodies and the hard palate does not make an exception from that rule. If you feel a bump on the roof of your mouth, then you have to make sure it is a sign of disease. For example, we all have the incisive papilla that is situated behind our front teeth and that is completely normal. However, this can become enlarged or irritated and that will require treatment.", "Pain in the Roof of Mouth: Causes and Treatments Making note of your symptoms can help you determine how to treat your discomfort. The roof of the mouth or the palate can easily become disturbed. The mouth is a sensitive part of the body which frequently comes into contact with foreign substances which can cause a negative reaction in the body. The palate can become sore or it can develop a burning sensation.", "- +1 vote! The reason your tongue and roof of your mouth feels weird may be from a sore on your tongue or roof of mouth. This comes from not brushing your teeth or cleaning your mouth. The feeling may also come from allergies. The allergies can react with the senses in your mouth causing a sore throat or roof of mouth.", "Why Roof Of Mouth Hurts: Pain In Roof Of Mouth Causes And Treatment In most cases the cause for pain in roof of mouth is not of serious origin, but if it is neglected the condition may linger and invite more trouble. Following are some of the frequent reasons for pain in roof of mouth. Pain due to burns: The roof of mouth is extremely delicate and sensitive. Burns on the roof of mouth while eating is very common, it may cause significant pain and soreness which may prolong for several days.", "What Causes the Sensation of Burning on Your Tongue? Medical conditions. 1 Oral Thrush - This is most likely the case if the sensation is accompanied with white oral sores. These sores are painful and will manifest usually on your inner cheeks or tongue, but may be on the roof of your mouth, gums, tonsils, or even on the back of your throat.", "- 1 A painful sore or sores inside your mouth, on the tongue, soft palate (the back portion of the roof of your mouth), or inside your cheeks. Sores in your mouth that are round, white, or grey in colour, with a red edge or border.", "Understanding Burning Mouth and Tongue When experiencing burning mouth syndrome, a painful burning sensation is usually focused on the tongue, but may affect other parts of the mouth. The pain may range from moderate to severe, even disrupting daily life or sleep.Most patients report a gradual increase in intensity throughout the day.ollow us. Burning mouth and tongue is a painful condition characterized by a burning sensation or soreness of the tongue, but may also include the gums, lips, inside of the cheeks, or the roof of the mouth.", "- It hurts everytime a swallow. 1. Get help from a doctor now ›. Home remedies: You can gargle w aloe vera juice a couple of times per day. A mix of chamomile tea w honey; a small amt of lemon juice helps. For significantly sore throat w swollen tonsils / lymph nodes – see physician; get a strep throat test; culture.", "WebMD ® Ear, Nose & Throat Community have the exact same symptoms. started out by going to the dentist thinking there was something wrong there, but the gland to the right of the top of my throat is swollen and i have waves of intense pain, mostly in my jaw but that spot on my neck all the way up to my ear are effected and a headache to boot that comes with it. sometimes it is fine, and otherwise i feel fine.. but when it decides to hurt.. it does so with gusto.", "Sore Palate (Roof of the Mouth Pain) Causes Sore Palate (Roof of the Mouth Pain) Causes. Pain in the mouth is common and can affect the entire mouth in which case it is referred to as stomatitis or only certain parts like the tongue, cheeks or palate. While the causes of pain in certain parts of the mouth may be overlap, sometimes there are specific causes that only affect a single area.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Stiff Neck Hurts To Swallow 1 I've had pain on the right side of my neck just below my jaw, hurts to swallow, tender to touch, causes headaches, stiff neck, no fever, any ideas? Possible infection: It is impossible to tell for sure, but you might want to check with a dentist to rule out any type of infection or change in the bone in that area. You also have salivary glands in that area and you want to rule out any type of infection. ...Read more.", "The blog was created by Itzhak Brook MD a physician and a laryngectomee. Dr. Brook is a Professor of Pediatrics at Georgetown University. The blog contains information about head and neck cancer, life as a laryngectomee, and manuscripts and videos about Dr. Brook's personal experience as a patient with throat cancer. These sores, called mucositis, can cause pain and infections, making it difficult to eat, drink and swallow. Before starting treatment, talk to your health care team about mouth sores and your oral health. Symptoms of Mouth Sores. Gums appear to be swollen and red; Throat and mouth feel sore or tender; Small ulcers; Discomfort in the throat or mouth, especially when eating hot or cold foods; A change in the amount of mucus in the mouth; The Importance of Maintaining Oral Health", "Gum pain in the back of my mouth, behind the last tooth..? 1 Your jaw may not be large enough for them, and they may become impacted and unable to break through your gums. Your wisdom teeth may break partway through your gums, causing a flap of gum tissue to grow over them. Food and germs can get trapped under the flap and cause your gums to become red, swollen, and painful.", "Roof of Mouth Sore, Burn, Hurts, Bruised, Painful, Causes, Remedies, Treatment Canker sores on roof of mouth. Canker sores appear in the mouth as small ulcers on the inner cheeks surface, lips, tongue and on the roof of the mouth. They can cause difficulty in feeding and drinking in most patients. Canker sore and cold sore or fever blister are not the same.", "Discussions By Condition: Ears, Nose, Mouth & Throat conditions I, just like most of you, have a swollen tender spot on the roof of my mouth. I had little white patches on my tonsils and they were swollen and painful too. I have had a pretty rough cold/sinus issue for 7 days now. The lump on the roof of my mouth started 3 days ago.", "- A. There are many things that can make your tongue sore or cause painful tongue bumps to form, including: 1 Trauma. 2 Accidentally biting your tongue or scalding it on something straight out of the oven can result in a sore tongue until the damage heals.. sore tongue, swollen, sores on the side of my mouth and tongue, tongue sores white in color. The opinions expressed here are solely those of the User. The opinions expressed here are solely those of the User.User-generated content areas are not reviewed by a WebMD physician.", "Why is it that every time I swallow my ear hurts? It means that you probably have a little throat or ear inflammation, or allergy, or infection that is affecting your Eustachian tube. Every time you swallow the Eustachian tube, which is connected to your ear and to your throat, is trying to open but cannot open. So the ear hurts." ]
[ 9.7734375 ]
[ 9.1015625, 9.9765625, 9.015625, 10.1015625, 9.8984375, 7.5703125, 10.421875, 9.4921875, 6.8828125, 9.0390625, 6.390625, 10.15625, 9.21875, 7.52734375, 8.28125, 12.1875, 9.6015625, 9.390625, 9.53125, 9.3515625, 7.54296875, 5.67578125, 10.3359375, 6.50390625, 6.9453125, 6.46875, 10.625, 7.4140625, 6.625, 6.40234375 ]
is sodium carbonate soluble
[ "- Sodium Carbonate. Sodium carbonate is a sodium salt of carbonic acid and a strong base. It is supplied as a white, odorless powder that is hygroscopic and very soluble in water producing a strong alkaline solution." ]
[ "- It is found naturally in limestone and in seashells. … vCalcium carbonate reacts with acids, releasing carbon dioxide: v vCalcium carbonate will react with water that is saturated with carbon dioxide to form the soluble calcium bicarbonate. To solve this, you have to be aware that this is a acid-base reaction, and that HCl is a gas, that usually is not applied in this form. However: Hydrochloric acid reac … ts with the calcium salt of carbonic acid, to form calcium chloride, water and (volatile) carbon dioxide.", "Solubility Rules =. soluble. ammonium phosphate, (NH 4) 3 PO 4, is soluble. +. any other cation. =. low solubility (insoluble). magnesium carbonate, MgCO 3, is insoluble. 1 All compounds of the ammonium ion (NH 4 +), and of Alkali metal (Group IA) cations, are soluble. 2 All nitrates and acetates (ethanoates) are soluble. 3 All chlorides, bromides and iodides are soluble EXCEPT those of silver, lead and mercury(I).", "Calcium (Ca) and water Ca (s) + 2H 2 2 (aq) + H 2 (g). This reaction forms calcium hydroxide that dissolves in water as a soda, and hydrogen gas. Other important calcium reaction mechanisms are erosion reactions. These usually occur when carbon dioxide is present. Under normal conditions calcium carbonate is water insoluble. When carbon dioxide is present carbonic acid is formed, affecting calcium compounds.", "Zinc carbonate 364 pages on this wiki. Zinc carbonate is a white, insoluble, zinc salt with chemical formula Zn CO3. With it, most simple zinc salts can be made by reaction with the corresponding proportions of sulfate. Zinc carbonate occurs in nature as the mineral Smithsonite aka zinc spar.", "Sodium diuranate [show article only]hover over links in text for more info Sodium Sulfite is a White crystalline or powder; readily soluble in water, decomposes on heating. It is prepared from s ulfur dioxide and sodium carbonate or caustic soda. It is a strong reducing agent and reacts with oxidants.It is primarily used in pulp and paper industry.t is used in the production of sodium thiosulfate. It is use in other applications include ore flotation, oil recovery, food preservative, making dyes, and detergent. It forms a bisulfite adduct with aldehyde and with ketones to a sulfonic acid. It is used to purify or isolate aldehydes and ketones.", "Which sodium compounds are soluble in water ?? However, a Google search on insoluble sodium compounds turns up a passage of Wikipedia: In chemistry, most sodium compounds are considered soluble but nature provides examples of many insoluble sodium compounds such as the feldspars.ll sodium salts that I know are water soluble (some more than others, but all will dissolve). Sodium salts are white in colour (with maybe 1 or 2 exceptions). I'm 99% sure of these.", "- Sodium chloride is insoluble in organic solvents This is also typical of ionic solids. The attractions between the solvent molecules and the ions aren't big enough to overcome the attractions holding the crystal together.ompounds like this consist of a giant (endlessly repeating) lattice of ions. So sodium chloride (and any other ionic compound) is described as having a giant ionic structure. You should be clear that giant in this context doesn't just mean very large.", "- Hydrochloric Acid and Sodium Carbonate. Several cm 3 of hydrochloric acid (1M) was added to a 10 cm 3 solution of sodium metal carbonate-the mixture immediately began to effervesce.ydrochloric Acid and Sodium Carbonate. Several cm 3 of hydrochloric acid (1M) was added to a 10 cm 3 solution of sodium metal carbonate-the mixture immediately began to effervesce.", "Why doesn't calcium carbonate dissolve in water even though it is an ionic compound? Calcium carbonate, in nature, also commonly dissolves. It's just not as immediate as dissolution of the more soluble ionic compounds. You are probably familiar with this phenomenon: This forms because calcium carbonate dissolves. The rock is limestone, which is usually composed of pure calcium carbonate.Acidic water greatly enhances the solubility of calcium carbonate, and it doesn't even need to be highly acidic.o note that solubility of ionic compounds are not absolute. In fact, solubility in water is often given as a value in g/L of water. However, generally, we define solubility as: 1 Soluble substances can form a 0.1M solution at 25 °C. 2 Insoluble substances cannot form a 0.1M solution at 25 °C.", "- Sodium carbonate [Na2CO3] SOLUBILITY: acetone [(CH3)2CO]: solventless. water [H2O]: 7 (0°), 12,2 (10°), 21,8 (20°), 29,4 (25°), 39,7 (30°), 48,8 (40°), 47,3 (50°), 46,4 (60°), 45,1 (80°), 44,7 (100°), 42,7 (120°), 39,3 (140°) glycerol [HOCH2CH(OH)CH2OH]: 98,3 (15°) propanol [(CH3)2CHOH] 50%: 1,2 (20°) carbon disulfide [CS2]: solventless.", "Sodium chlorate Sodium chlorate is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula NaClO3. It is a white crystalline powder that is readily soluble in water. It is hygroscopic. It decomposes above 300 °C to release oxygen and leave sodium chloride.", "Carbonate Although the carbonate salts of most metals are insoluble in water, the same is not true of the bicarbonate salts. In solution this equilibrium between carbonate, bicarbonate, carbon dioxide and carbonic acid changes consonant to changing temperature and pressure conditions. carbonate salt forms when a positively charged ion, M+ , M2+ , or M3+ , attaches to the negatively charged oxygen atoms of the ion, forming an ionic compound : Most carbonate salts are insoluble in water at standard temperature and pressure, with solubility constants of less than 1×10 −8.", "Sodium percarbonate Sodium percarbonate is a chemical, an adduct of sodium carbonate and hydrogen peroxide (a perhydrate), with formula 2Na 2 CO 3 · 3H 2 O 2. It is a colorless, crystalline, hygroscopic and water-soluble solid. It is used in some eco-friendly cleaning products and as a laboratory source of anhydrous hydrogen peroxide.", "Sodium bicarbonate NaHCO 3 is mainly prepared by the Solvay process, which is the reaction of sodium chloride, ammonia, and carbon dioxide in water. Calcium carbonate is used as the source of CO 2 and the resultant calcium oxide is used to recover the ammonia from the ammonium chloride. The product shows a low purity (75%).Pure product is obtained from sodium carbonate, water and carbon dioxide as reported in one of the following reactions.odium bicarbonate. Sodium bicarbonate (IUPAC name: sodium hydrogen carbonate) is a chemical compound with the formula Na HCO3. Sodium bicarbonate is a white solid that is crystalline but often appears as a fine powder. It has a slightly salty, alkaline taste resembling that of washing soda (sodium carbonate).", "- The citric acid makes the sodium bicarbonate more soluble in water. Old chemistry trick, still used in a lot of detergents. Alka-Selter works because it contains aspirin imho. Citric acid is also used in cheesemaking.", "Sodium carbonate Sodium carbonate. Sodium carbonate (also known as washing soda, soda ash and soda crystals, and in the monohydrate form as crystal carbonate), Na2CO3, is the water-soluble sodium salt of carbonic acid. It most commonly occurs as a crystalline decahydrate, which readily effloresces to form a white powder, the monohydrate.", "- Sodium bicarbonate (IUPAC name: sodium hydrogen carbonate) is a chemical compound with the formula Na HCO3. Sodium bicarbonate is a white solid that is crystalline but often appears as a fine powder.It has a slightly salty, alkaline taste resembling that of washing soda (sodium carbonate).aHCO 3 is mainly prepared by the Solvay process, which is the reaction of sodium chloride, ammonia, and carbon dioxide in water. Calcium carbonate is used as the source of CO 2 and the resultant calcium oxide is used to recover the ammonia from the ammonium chloride. The product shows a low purity (75%).", "- It most commonly occurs as a crystalline heptahydrate, which readily effloresces to form a white powder, the monohydrate. Pure sodium carbonate is a white, odourless powder that is hygroscopic (absorbs moisture from the air), has an alkaline taste, and forms a strongly alkaline water solution.t most commonly occurs as a crystalline heptahydrate, which readily effloresces to form a white powder, the monohydrate. Pure sodium carbonate is a white, odourless powder that is hygroscopic (absorbs moisture from the air), has an alkaline taste, and forms a strongly alkaline water solution.", "Why doesn't calcium carbonate dissolve in water even though it is an ionic compound? Do note that solubility of ionic compounds are not absolute. In fact, solubility in water is often given as a value in g/L of water. However, generally, we define solubility as: 1 Soluble substances can form a 0.1M solution at 25 °C. 2 Insoluble substances cannot form a 0.1M solution at 25 °C.t's just not as immediate as dissolution of the more soluble ionic compounds. You are probably familiar with this phenomenon: This forms because calcium carbonate dissolves. The rock is limestone, which is usually composed of pure calcium carbonate.", "- Soluble sodium borate includes natural boron ore and boric acid ore extracted from salt lake brines. And natural boron ore is mostly used in the industries. 1.Refinement of natural sodium borate ore: Crushing the natural ores into small particles. Then only through water dissolution, filtration, crystallization, separation and dehydration, we could get the borax penta hydrate and borax deca hydrate.", "- Sodium sulfate is widely distributed in nature... is present in almost all fresh and salt waters and sulfate as such is normally present in almost all natural foodstuffs. Both sodium and sulfate ions are among the most common ions found in all living organisms.(1).", "- Contrary to expectations, the reaction is gentle and a precipitate of sodium chloride (sparingly soluble in concentrated hydrochloric acid) is formed. The sodium sits on top of this, hissing gently. Potassium A small cube of potassium is placed in a test tube of concentrated hydrochloric acid.", "Is carbonic acid (H2CO3) soluble? And yes, carbonic acid is soluble. it's dissolved in soda, hence the carbonation when you open the bottle and releases the pressure. More Questions and Answers: The answers post by the user, for information only, FunQA.com does not guarantee the right.nd yes, carbonic acid is soluble. it's dissolved in soda, hence the carbonation when you open the bottle and releases the pressure. More Questions and Answers: The answers post by the user, for information only, FunQA.com does not guarantee the right.", "Sodium bicarbonate The modern chemical formulas of these compounds express their precise chemical compositions (which were unknown when the names sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate were coined) and show the same ratio the other way around: There is half as much sodium per carbonate in NaHCO 3 as in Na 2 CO 3 (Na versus Na 2).", "- Licensed from Columbia University Press. sodium carbonate, chemical compound, Na 2 CO 3, soluble in water and very slightly soluble in alcohol. Pure sodium carbonate is a white, odorless powder that absorbs moisture from the air, has an alkaline taste, and forms a strongly alkaline water solution.It is one of the most basic industrial chemicals.odium carbonate decahydrate, Na 2 CO 3 ·10H 2 O, is a colorless, transparent crystalline compound commonly called sal soda or washing soda. Because seaweed ashes were an early source of sodium carbonate, it is often called soda ash or, simply, soda. The Solvay process provides most sodium carbonate for industrial use.", "Carbonate A carbonate is a salt of carbonic acid. The carbonate anion consits of one carbon atom and three oxygen atoms, and carries a negative two charge. Sodium and Potassium Carbonates are soluble in water.Other carbonate salts are not soluble in water. carbonate is a salt of carbonic acid. The carbonate anion consits of one carbon atom and three oxygen atoms, and carries a negative two charge. Sodium and Potassium Carbonates are soluble in water.", "chemistry chp 4 Sample Exercise 4.2 (p. 118) Classify the following ionic compounds as soluble or insoluble in water: a) sodium carbonate (Na2SO4) b) lead sulfate (PbSO4).", "Sodium + Chlorine: Pass the Salt, Please Sodium + Chlorine: Pass the Salt, Please . Sodium is a silver-colored metal which is soft enough to cut with a knife. It is an extremely reactive metal, and is always found naturally in ionic compounds, not in its pure metallic form. Pure sodium metal reacts violently (and sometimes explosively) with water, producing sodium hydroxide, hydrogen gas, and heat:", "- Sodium Carbonate. Sodium carbonate, also known as soda ash, is a compound with chemical formula Na2CO3. It is most commonly found as the colourless crystalline heptahydrate, though it also occurs in other forms.It effloresces in air to form the monohydrate and decomposes at 34 degrees Celsius.odium carbonate, also known as soda ash, is a compound with chemical formula Na2CO3. It is most commonly found as the colourless crystalline heptahydrate, though it also occurs in other forms.", "- Description: When calcium carbonate is added to water, it is practically insoluble. When added to acid it dissolves producing carbon dioxide. carbon dioxide gas in less time). 4.3 (or produced prior to this demo) is reacted with hydrochloric acid (HCl)." ]
[ 15.21875 ]
[ 6.1484375, 8.5546875, 5.55859375, 5.9609375, 9.78125, 11.59375, 7.31640625, 9.1640625, 7.51171875, 13.5859375, 7.81640625, 8.578125, 12.4609375, 9.109375, 9.609375, 15.625, 9.9609375, 11.0390625, 7.45703125, 5.05078125, 5.4609375, 7.92578125, 7.1484375, 8, 15.953125, 13.515625, 11.203125, 5.0390625, 10.0546875, 7.2890625 ]
bumfuzzled definition
[ "bumfuzzle To confuse: The American people must be totally bumfuzzled; [we] keep announcing surpluses and we keep having budget fights (Bill Clinton). [Probably bum- (alteration, perhaps influenced by bum, of bamboozle) + fuzzle (perhaps blend of fuddle fuzzy).]" ]
[ "- Historical Examples. 1 There is a continual jostling, and crowding, and buzzing, and striving to get promotion. A Dish Of Orts George MacDonald. 2 There, buzzing in the air at the tip of his nose, was a lone mosquito. White Fang Jack London. 3 My lacqueys flitted about him buzzing and insistent as bees about a rose.", "frazzled frazzled ‎(comparative more frazzled, superlative most frazzled) 1 frayed at the edges. ( 2 colloquial) stressed and exhausted either physically or emotionally.", "disorder bollixed up Thrown into disorder or confusion; chaotic, topsy-turvy; messed up, bungled, flubbed. Ballocks ‘testes’ dates from 1000 and its variant bollocks from 1744. Bollix is close in pronunciation and related in meaning to bollocks although the former is used as a verb and the latter only as a noun.", "- Princeton's WordNet(2.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: baffle, baffle board(verb) a flat plate that controls or directs the flow of fluid or energy. perplex, vex, stick, get, puzzle, mystify, baffle, beat, pose, bewilder, flummox, stupefy, nonplus, gravel, amaze, dumbfound(verb) be a mystery or bewildering to.", "confound 1. to perplex or amaze; bewilder; confuse. 2. to throw into confusion or disorder. 3. to throw into increased confusion or disorder. 4. to treat or regard erroneously as identical; mix or associate by mistake: truth confounded with error. 5. to mingle so that the elements cannot be distinguished or separated.", "- causing embarrassment an embarrassing failure of memory inauspiciously marked my first appearance as an actor Synonyms discomfiting, disconcerting, disturbing, awkward, flustering, uncomfortableRelated Words confusing, difficult, disagreeable, impossible, inconvenient, intolerable, troublesome, unpleasant, unwieldy; unsettling; debasing, degrading, ...", "perplex confound implies temporary mental paralysis caused by astonishment or profound abasement. the tragic news confounded us all; dumbfound suggests intense but momentary confounding; often the idea of astonishment is so stressed that it becomes a near synonym of astound. was at first too dumbfounded to reply", "- Define bustling. bustling synonyms, bustling pronunciation, bustling translation, English dictionary definition of bustling. intr. & tr.v. bus·tled , bus·tling , bus·tles To move or cause to move energetically and busily. n. Excited and often noisy activity; a stir. n. 1.", "Why are the police called cops, pigs, or the fuzz? Evan Morris suggests the word arose as a term of contempt for police based on the use of 'fuzz' or 'fuzzy' in other items of derogatory criminal slang of the period. To be 'fuzzy' was to be unmanly, incompetent and soft. That explanation seems as good as any, and better than most.", "Definitions &Translations perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment; obviously bemused by his questions; bewildered and confused; a cloudy and confounded philosopher; just a mixed-up kid; she felt lost on the first day of school.", "- Definition of confused. 1 1a : being perplexed or disconcerted the confused studentsb : disoriented with regard to one's sense of time, place, or identity The patient became confused. 2 2 : indistinguishable a zigzag, crisscross, confused trail — Harry Hervey. 3 3 : being disordered or mixed up a contradictory and often confused story.", "Definition of confused in English: Definition of confused - (of a person) unable to think clearly; bewildered, lacking order and so difficult to understand Definition of confused - (of a person) unable to think clearly; bewildered, lacking order and so difficult to understand", "OBFUSCATION obfuscation - confusion resulting from failure to understand. bafflement, befuddlement, bemusement, bewilderment, mystification, puzzlement. confusedness, disarray, mental confusion, muddiness, confusion - a mental state characterized by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behavior; a confusion of impressions.", "- Word Origin & History. confuse c.1550, in literal sense mix or mingle things so as to render the elements indistinguishable; attested from mid-18c. in active, figurative sense of discomfit in mind or feeling; not in general use until 19c., taking over senses formerly belonging to confound, dumbfound, flabbergast etc.", "\"What is the meaning of the word \"\"fugazy\"\"?\" Fugazy (or Fugazi) is a slang word which refers to something that is fake or damaged beyond repair. Despite a popular belief that this is an Italian slang word, the etymology is completely unknown.", "- Adj. 1. woozy-having or causing a whirling sensation; liable to falling; had a dizzy spell; a dizzy pinnacle; had a headache and felt giddy; a giddy precipice; feeling woozy from the blow on his head; a vertiginous climb up the face of the cliff. dizzy, giddy, vertiginous.", "- Definition of boondoggle. 2 : a wasteful or impractical project or activity often involving graft The project is a complete boondoggle—over budget, behind schedule, and unnecessary.", "Taking ADvantageThe Power of Words: Advertising Tricks of the Trade Part One of a Two Part Series Fuzzy words are those that have no concrete referents, for which there is no object that can be pointed at to clarify what the speaker means. Fuzzy words can mean whatever you think they mean, and thus can mean different things to different people. For example, one fuzzy word is beauty..", "confusing adjective bewildering, complicated, puzzling, misleading, unclear, baffling, muddling, contradictory, ambiguous, inconsistent, perplexing, clear as mud (informal) The statement they issued was highly confusing.", "muddle 6. to think or act in a confused or aimless fashion: muddling along, waiting for a big break. 7. muddle through, to make progress or reach a goal despite lack of knowledge, skill, or direction. n. 8. the state of being muddled, esp. a confused mental state. 9. a confused or disordered state of affairs; mess.", "fugazi fugazi definition: Adjective 1. (slang, chiefly military, especially during the Vietnam era) Fucked up; broken, damaged beyond repair.Origin Unknown.Various unlikely theories derive it from fucked up, got ambushed, zipped in [a body bag] (if this...", "BAFFLED Dictionary entry overview: What does baffled mean? • BAFFLED (noun) The noun BAFFLED has 1 sense: 1. people who are frustrated and perplexed Familiarity information: BAFFLED used as a noun is very rare. • BAFFLED (adjective) The adjective BAFFLED has 1 sense: 1. perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment Familiarity information: BAFFLED used as an adjective is very rare.", "- uk ​ /ˈmʌm.bəl/ us ​ /ˈmʌm.bəl/. B2 to speak quietly and in a way that is not clear so that the words are difficult to understand: She mumbled something about being too busy. [ + speech ] I'm sorry, he mumbled. Thesaurus: synonyms and related words.", "- Definition of fluster. flustered. ; flustering. play \\ˈflə-st(ə-)riŋ\\. transitive verb. 1 : to make tipsy. 2 : to put into a state of agitated confusion : upset The speaker was obviously flustered by the interruption. intransitive verb. : to move or behave in an agitated or confused manner The annoyed woman flustered out of the room.", "buzz 1 buzz1. 1 a low, vibrating, humming sound, as of bees, machinery, or people talking. 2 a rumor or report. 3 Informal. a phone call: When I find out, I'll give you a buzz. 4 Slang. a feeling of intense enthusiasm, excitement, or exhilaration: I got a terrific buzz from those Pacific sunsets. a feeling of slight intoxication. to make a low, vibrating, humming sound. to speak or murmur with such a sound. to be filled with the sound of buzzing or whispering: The room buzzed.", "confusion Confusion. The combination or mixture of two things; the process of commingling. Confusion has been used synonymously with merger, meaning a union of two separate entities that eliminates clear boundaries.Confusion of rights, for example, is a combination of the rights of debtor and creditor in the same individual.ssociated concepts: confusion of goods, confusion of issues, confusion of rights. (Commotion), noun chaos, dilemma, disturbance, embroilment, entanglement, havoc, irregularity, medley, muddle, pandemonium, shambles, snarl, tangle, turmoil.", "Definition of buzzed adjective. 1 mild to moderately intoxicated from drugs or alcohol. 2 See more words with the same meaning: under the influence of alcohol, drunk. 3 See more words with the same meaning: under the influence of drugs.", "- The definition of baffle is confuse. An example of baffle is when a teacher confuses a student with a complicated math problem. -·fled, -·fling. to confuse so as to keep from understanding or solving; puzzle; confound.", "- frazzled - definition and synonyms. What are red words? 90% of the time, speakers of English use just 7,500 words in speech and writing. These words appear in red, and are graded with stars. One-star words are frequent, two-star words are more frequent, and three-star words are the most frequent.", "confused The definition of confused is a person who cannot think clearly, or is something that is jumbled or without order. If you are sitting in a math class and don't understand math at all, this is an example of when you would be described as confused. A jumble of instructions delivered out-of-order and that do not make any sense are an example of confused information." ]
[ 13.0390625 ]
[ 2.23828125, 7.1640625, 4.90625, 4.3203125, 6.37890625, 7.53125, 4.55859375, 3.310546875, 4.55078125, 7.87890625, 5.90625, 5.8984375, 5.015625, 4.8203125, 1.30078125, 3.904296875, 3.08984375, 4.47265625, 4.125, 6.70703125, 2.59375, 5.3828125, 3.8125, 5.890625, 4.91015625, 4.28515625, 5.7734375, 5.86328125, 3.91015625, 5.1484375 ]
what is caps mean
[ "cap Definition of cap. 1 1a : a head covering especially with a visor and no brimb : a distinctive head covering emblematic of a position or office: such as (1) : a cardinal's biretta (2) : mortarboard." ]
[ "- Related AS and A Level United States essays. 1 Evaluate the claim that the Senate is far more powerful than the House of 2 ... Using examples, explain the limitations on the Supreme Courts powers.How do Presidents veto legislation, ... 3 Assess the power and significance of congress. This means that the president needs to keep the Senate fully informed throughout treaty negotiations, to avoid concluding treaties that the Senate is unlikely to ratify. After the House has impeached someone, the senate is also responsible to try that case of impeachment.", "- Definition. noun, plural: capsids. (1) (virology) The protein coat surrounding the nucleic acid of a virus. (2) (entomology) A leaf bug from the insect family Miridae. Supplement. Word origin: Latin capsa, box. Synonym(s): 1 protein coat (virology). 2 mirid bug (entomology).", "cape 1 cape1. 1 a sleeveless garment of various lengths, fastened around the neck and falling loosely from the shoulders, worn separately or attached to a coat or other outer garment. 2 the capa of a bullfighter. ( 3 of a matador or capeador during a bullfight) to induce and guide the charge of (a bull) by flourishing a capa.", "- A - Remember that a passage designed to convince you to accept a conclusion, with at least one premise to support that conclusion, is an argument. The building blocks of arguments are propositions (or statements or claims). A proposition (statement or claim) is a sentence that is either true or false.", "context context(Noun) The text in which a word or passage appears and which helps ascertain its meaning. context(Noun) The surroundings and environment in which an artifact is found and which may provide important clues about the artifact's function and/or cultural meaning. context(Noun) The trama or flesh of a mushroom.", "CARPAL • CARPAL (noun) The noun CARPAL has 1 sense: 1. any of the eight small bones of the wrist of primates. Familiarity information: CARPAL used as a noun is very rare. • CARPAL (adjective) The adjective CARPAL has 1 sense: 1. of or relating to the wrist. Familiarity information: CARPAL used as an adjective is very rare.", "⢠onomatopoeia ⢠Part of Speech: Noun, mass. Meaning: The status of a word whose pronunciation imitates its meaning, e.g. buzz, crack, clink, clank, clang, fizz, thump, hiss, sizzle, slurp. Notes: English has few words with four vowels in a row.", "trope A trope is a word used in a nonliteral sense to create a powerful image. If you say, Chicago's worker bees buzz around the streets, you're using a trope. Workers aren't literally bees, but it suggests how fast they move. Trope refers to different types of figures of speech, such as puns, metaphors, and similes. Each has its own particular structure, but in each case the actual meaning is different from the literal, dictionary sense.", "- This is the British English definition of paradox. View American English definition of paradox. Change your default dictionary to American English. View the pronunciation for paradox. CamelCase a way of writing compound words or phrases in which there are no spaces between words and a capital letter is used at the start of each new word", "sentence case (titles) Sentence case is the conventional way of using capital letters in a sentence--that is, capitalizing only the first word and any proper nouns. (Contrast with title case.) In most newspapers in the U.S. (and in virtually all publications in the U.K.), sentence case (also known as down style and reference style) is the standard form for headlines.", "- In this case, look for the word or phrase in the passage that means nearly the same as the word or phrase in the stem. *Some questions will simply ask you to identify the statement that is true or accurate among the answer options.", "CAPTION • CAPTION (noun) The noun CAPTION has 3 senses: 1. taking exception; especially an quibble based on a captious argument. 2. translation of foreign dialogue of a movie or TV program; usually displayed at the bottom of the screen. 3. brief description accompanying an illustration. Familiarity information: CAPTION used as a noun is uncommon. • CAPTION (verb) The verb CAPTION has 1 sense: 1. provide with a caption, as of a photograph or a drawing. Familiarity information: CAPTION used as a verb is very rare.", "Caps lock Caps Lock is a button on a computer keyboard that, when pressed, causes all letters to be generated in capitals until deactivated. It is located in the position of a similar Shift lock key (and sometimes a Ctrl key) found in some other keyboard layouts. It is usually a toggle key: each press reverses its action.", "paragraph Learner's definition of PARAGRAPH. [count]. : a part of a piece of writing that usually deals with one subject, that begins on a new line, and that is made up of one or more sentences. In the second paragraph from the bottom, you've misspelled “their” as “thier.”. Please refer to section 2, paragraph 4 for the appropriate information.", "CLASP • CLASP (noun) The noun CLASP has 2 senses: 1. a fastener (as a buckle or hook) that is used to hold two things together. 2. the act of grasping. Familiarity information: CLASP used as a noun is rare.", "- 1 (often cap.) of or pertaining to the East in the U.S.:an eastern Congressman. 2 Religion(cap.) of or pertaining to the Eastern Church or to any of the churches comprising it. ( 3 usually cap.) Oriental. 4 Government(usually cap.) (formerly) of or pertaining to the Soviet Union and its allies.", "- TROPES -- Tropes are figures of speech with an unexpected twist in the meaning of words, as opposed to schemes, which only deal with patterns of words.*. * The examples below come from multiple sources. The first is an informal compilation given to me by Dr. Jerri Williams of West Texas State University.", "Essay body paragraphs After the introduction come the body paragraphs. They usually take up most of the essay. Paragraphs contain three main sections: 1 Main point: the topic sentence, which describes the focus of the paragraph. 2 Support: explanations, evidence, and examples that reinforce the main point. 3 Transitions: connections between this paragraph and.", "writing The noun PARAGRAPH has 1 sense: 1. one of several distinct subdivisions of a text intended to separate ideas; the beginning is usually marked by a new indented line. Familiarity information: PARAGRAPH used as a noun is very rare.", "CAPE • CAPE (noun) The noun CAPE has 2 senses: 1. a strip of land projecting into a body of water. 2. a sleeveless garment like a cloak but shorter. Familiarity information: CAPE used as a noun is rare.", "Caper story The verb to caper means to leap in a frolicsome way, and probably derives from capriole, which derives from the Latin for goat (Capra). The noun caper, means a frolicsome leap, a capricious escapade or an illegal or questionable act.", "- See also main entry: reduce CamelCase a way of writing compound words or phrases in which there are no spaces between words and a capital letter is used at the start of each new word", "Definition Without adverb clauses, sentences are definitely less interesting. In order to understand the adverb clause, we need to break it down a bit and define what the words 'adverb' and 'clause' mean. An adverb does what it sounds like - it adds information to the verb, adjective or another adverb in a sentence. An adverb tells us when, where, why, and/or how something happens in the sentence. A clause is a group of words that has both a subject and a verb.", "COMPASS ® Writing Placement Assessment Review Some questions refer to underlined portions of the passage and offer several alternatives to the underlined portion. You decide which choice is most appropriate in the context of the passage. Some questions ask about an underlined portion, a section of the passage, or the passage as a whole. You decide which choice best answers the question posed. Many questions offer “NO CHANGE” to the passage as one of the choices.", "- Use capsule in a sentence. 1 Obs. a small case or sheath. 2 a small, soluble gelatin container for encasing a dose of medicine, etc. a dose of medicine, vitamin supplement, etc. so encased. 3 an ejectable airplane cockpit. 4 Anat. any sac or membrane enclosing an organ or part.", "Clauses: the Essential Building-Blocks A clause is a group of related words containing a subject and a verb A clause can be usefully distinguished from a phrase, which is a group of related words that does not contain a subject-verb relationship, such as in the morning or running down the street or having grown used to this harassment..", "Complaint Caption and Heading - lists name, address and telephone number of the filing attorney or self-representing litigant at the top of the complaint. The case caption usually also indicates the court in which the case originates, names of the parties and a brief description of the document.", "definition paragraphs definition paragraphs. Page history last edited by PBworks 9 years, 10 months ago. A definition paragraph is a paragraph explaining a term or subject, so your audience comprehends the topic of the paragraph. This can be done in three different ways: Synonym, Class, and Negation.Synonym is explaining the term by using the words that mean the same thing. EXAMPLE: To procrastinate is to slack.age history last edited by PBworks 9 years, 10 months ago. A definition paragraph is a paragraph explaining a term or subject, so your audience comprehends the topic of the paragraph. This can be done in three different ways: Synonym, Class, and Negation.", "CONTEXT! CONTEXT! CONTEXT! The context of a verse is, of course, more complex than a jigsaw puzzle, but in both cases the parts are correctly understood only within the whole. This is true for words, sentences, paragraphs, sections, and whole books. The word “trunk,” for example, has several possible meanings. It needs to be understood within the context of a sentence to know whether it refers to the nose of an elephant, the main stem of a tree, the storage compartment in a car, or a piece of luggage. Sometimes even a sentence is not enough context.", "Rasta Slang Dictionary of Phrases A - C COTTA: a roll of cloth or vegetation placed on top of the head to cushion the skull from the weight of a head load. CRAB: aside from it's usual meaning, it is a verb meaning to scratch or claw. CRAVEN: greedy. CRIS: crisp; popularly used for anything brand-new, slick-looking." ]
[ 13.0234375 ]
[ 2.45703125, 8.4921875, 7.46875, 4.5234375, 3.525390625, 1.8427734375, 3.318359375, 1.2119140625, 3.943359375, 6.5703125, 5.3203125, 4.9609375, 11.375, 1.8466796875, 2.36328125, 10.359375, 2.5625, 2.85546875, 2.94140625, 7.7890625, 6.48046875, 7.78125, 1.646484375, 4.2265625, 9.6953125, 2.759765625, 5.375, 1.177734375, 1.3994140625, 4.9140625 ]
meaning of an earthquake in a dream
[ "Earthquake Dream Meaning and Interpretations Alternatively, an earthquake dream could indicate insecurity in your life’s current circumstances, rather than an impending change. Alternatively, to dream about an earthquake, where the ground in shaking violently and building as falling down, can be signs that you should not get too comfortable in you waking life." ]
[ "iPhone 6 Battery Replacement The dream came to you and you have within yourself the best ability to understand what those particular elements mean. There are classic common dream symbols but they may not fit your dream and you shouldn't try to force them. Interpret out of your own well of understanding before going to standard symbol meanings.", "What is the meaning of dreams about my teeth breaking/ falling out? There are various interpretations of these dreams which include. 1 Anxiety/Insecurity - This might be due to helplessness, vulnerability, insecurity or lack of control over one's life. 2 Compromises and loss - This usually happens when one has to take hard decisions, be it related to career, relationship or family.", "What does wind symbolize? Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: To dream that the wind is blowing, symbolizes your life force, energy, and vigor. It reflects changes in your life. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you need to speed up toward achieving your goals or solving some lingering problem. To dream of strong or gusty winds, represents turmoil and trouble in your life. You are experiencing much stress in some waking situation. Got that from a dream dictionary, which basicly tells you what different things symbolize.", "Dreams About Tornadoes Tornadoes are dynamic and indeed destructive, but while they sweep away whatever is in front of their path, what is left behind is potential for a fresh start or new life. Dreams about tornadoes can therefore also represent some rapid or sudden change taking place in your life.", "What Do Dreams About Tornadoes Mean? The first symbolism of dreams about tornadoes, emotional upheaval, represents powerful emotions brewing within a person that have not yet been expressed. The tornado is a destructive force, and the person who experiences the dream may throw a temper tantrum or outbreak in order to get issues and feelings off his chest.", "Dreams Symbols Dictionary - Colors Dreams Symbols Dictionary-Colors. Interpreting Dreams. Colors. To dream in color or a color to stand out in a dream symbolizes different characters of the Lord. Many of the colors you can see in heaven and their symbolism are the same.Colors can represent different moods of God or His outlook on your position.A few colors could mean a visitation from the Lord.ink – When dreaming of the color pink this could symbolize a blending of colors such as white for purity and red for the blood of Jesus. This color could also represent in a dream being sensual or sensuous.", "- To dream of quarters symbolizes activation or the start of something. Certain beliefs or life situations are beginning, or being put into motion. You may also be listening to new ideas, or experimenting with something new. Feeling just enough value in something to keep believing it matters.", "SNAKE DREAM INTERPRETATION A snake coming out of its hole in a dream represents a son. A snake leaving one's house in a dream means its destruction or demolition. Killing a snake in a dream means marriage. Tapeworms or other intestinal worms in a dream represent one's relatives and their children.", "Garlic Bread Dream Interpretation - Dreams Meanings Crumbs Dream Interpretation and Meaning: Dreaming of crumbs of bread on the table of your kitchen is expressed the possibility of being very satisfied with something simple but of sentimental great...", "BAMBOO BAMBOO - Dream interpretation, Dream meaning of BAMBOO: To dream of bamboo is indicative that the dreamer, like the plant, is resilient under pressure. BAMBOO - Dream interpretation, Dream meaning of BAMBOO: To dream of bamboo is indicative that the dreamer, like the plant, is resilient under pressure.", "- To see a symbol of a bandage in a dream symbolizes an injury that is felt physically, spiritually, or emotionally in the waking world. A bandage can also express mistakes you make in relationships with other people. It can be a negative sign, but is also a positive sign of your ability to repair issues in relationships with others. Seeing yourself in bandages in a dream indicates that you need some relaxation in your life.", "Leaves in Dreams Leaves in Dreams. Red, brown, and orange leaves laid sprawled on the ground as the last glimmers of fall faded away with the nearing of winter. They fall in order to make room for period of barrenness and eventually, the period of rebirth. Thus, dreaming about leaves may symbolize that change is near and you seek advancement in life.", "Earthquake Facts & Earthquake Fantasy An earthquake is the ground shaking caused by a sudden slip on a fault. Stresses in the earth's outer layer push the sides of the fault together. Stress builds up and the rocks slip suddenly, releasing energy in waves that travel through the earth's crust and cause the shaking that we feel during an earthquake.hey mostly occur within 1-2 fault lengths of the mainshock. For the largest earthquakes, this is a long distance; it is thought that the 1906 San Francisco earthquake triggered events in southern California, western Nevada, southern central Oregon, and western Arizona, all within 2 days of the mainshock.", "Dreamtime The term is based on a rendition of the indigenous (Arandic) word alcheringa, used by the Aranda (Arunta, Arrernte) people of Central Australia, although it appears that it is based on a misunderstanding or mistranslation, and the word has a meaning closer to eternal, uncreated .he term Dreaming is directly based on the term Altjira (Alchera), the name of a spirit or entity in the mythology of the Aranda. Related entities are known as Mura-mura by the Dieri, and as Tjukurpa in Pitjantjatjara.", "- Spider dream interpretations. Spider Dream Explanation — In a dream, a spider represents a malicious woman, or a weak, perfidious and a distant man. A spider in a dream also represents a weaver, an ascetic or a monk. If one sees a spider in his dream, it may mean that he will meet a pious and a religious man. Weaving a web in a dream means becoming weak. A spider in a dream also could represent a pleasing wife. If one sees a spider hanging down from the ceiling in a dream, it indicates a severe winter in that area. (Also see Tarantula)", "Heart attack dream meaning Heart attack dream meaning. Suffering a heart attack in a dream indicates that you will be criticized by your closed relatives. If you see another person having a heart attack, this is a sign that you will soon depart on a long trip. (read all at source)", "Electrocution Dream Symbol Electrocution Dream Symbol. Electrocution – Electricity is a dream symbol of energy and power. It can be a very positive symbol, but the dream about electrocution is a danger signal that this power can destroy you as well. If the electrocution symbol is connected to a life event, then it is advisable that you proceed with caution to make sure you do not get burned.", "Scarab dream meaning Scarab dream meaning. In ancient Egypt, the scarab beetle symbolized rebirth, cleansing and protection from evil, so a dream about a scarab beetle, or about jewelry in the shape of a scarab, can represent the beginning of something new in your life as well as your cleansing yourself of negative influences. (read all at source)", "- To dream of a ring represents commitment. Commitment to a relationship or to a new endeavor. Promises made. A reflection of your loyalty to your ideals, responsibilities, beliefs, or other people. Alternatively, a ring may also reflect your desire for commitment.", "- About 3 or 4 months ago I had some really significant dreams about snakes. One of them, oddly enough, involved Pinocchio. I finally connected to my personal meaning of the snake in the second dream that involved a snake coiling itself backwards in an outbuilding on our property.his person cannot be trusted. To see a baby snake in your dream means that you are underestimating some threat in your waking life. -Shark: To see a shark in your dream indicates feelings of anger, hostility, and fierceness.", "- The dream is telling you that you have power to control the direction and path of your own life. Scroll To see a scroll in your dream represents your hidden knowledge or ultimate potential. Scrubs To wear scrubs in your dream refers to your caring, supportive and giving nature.", "- Tornado. To dream of a tornado in your represents an emotionally volatile or sensitive situation. An emotional storm. A sudden argument, conflict or unsettling experience. Something that has the potential to get a lot worse, cause emotional outbursts, temper tantrums, or make you very upset.", "Earthquake Dream Meaning and Interpretations Earthquake dreams are usually not foretelling dreams designed to warn you about a real earthquake. The world in your dream represents your stability and security around you. Seeing everything being shaking to the core by the earth moving rapidly is a sign that no matter how strong everything is you should never become over confident.", "What's Behind Your Recurring Dreams In general, recurring dreams indicate the presence of an unresolved and persistent conflict in an individual’s life, and the theme or Central Image of the dream provides a stage for this conflict to play out. The cessation of a recurrent dream may indicate that the conflict has been successfully resolved.", "- Results: 'chaos' - Page: 1 of 1 | 3+ symbols found.. To dream that you are tumbling denotes clumsiness. To see others tumbling means that the failure of others may spell your success. To dream that you are confused implies that you really possess this feeling in real life. Pay attention to what you are confused about and try to determine the significance of that item or occurrence.", "- Dream incorporation is a phenomenon whereby an actual sensation, such as environmental sounds, is incorporated into dreams, such as hearing a phone ringing in a dream while it is ringing in reality or dreaming of urination while wetting the bed.", "What Does It Mean When You Dream About Someone You Like? When you have a dream that your crush likes you back, kisses or hugs you, then it reflects your attraction or infatuation, and inner hopes and desires to be with that person. It can also represent your optimistic outlook about how that person may feel about you.. If you find yourself thinking about your crush frequently or see them on a daily basis then this can cause you to dream of that person during the night. The frequent dreams about your crush may also be a subconscious desire to let this person know your true inner feelings, especially if the dreams are positive.", "What do dreams about death mean? 3. Dreams of death may also represent fears you have about things not going right in some part of your waking life. For example, relationship issues could be a situation in your life that may cause you to have this dream.", "Air Dreams use air in two ways. The first depicts the sort of feelings we have if we have ever struggled to breathe through illness or danger. So the lack of air could show a struggle you are having to survive in the present situation. Air is the tangible opposite to physical life.", "dream- definition and synonyms would not dream of doing something phrase. 1. something that you experience in your mind while you are sleeping. A dream in which frightening things happen is called a bad dream or a nightmare have a dream: I had a strange dream last night. in a dream: The idea came to him in a dream. Synonyms and related words. Something or someone that is good or very good:masterpiece, inspiration, miracle... Explore Thesaurus. a. [only before noun] used about things that are the best you can imagine a dream job/holiday/home." ]
[ 17 ]
[ 6.875, 6.5390625, 2.623046875, 4.98046875, 5.765625, 2.46484375, 5.39453125, 2.890625, 1.8447265625, 2.69140625, 3.46484375, -0.15625, 6.96875, 0.83056640625, 3.2109375, 4.5390625, 2.169921875, 1.3759765625, 3.814453125, 3.857421875, 5.71484375, 6.17578125, 16.4375, 6.64453125, 4.671875, 4.48046875, 2.7109375, 3.69921875, 2.1328125, 3.638671875 ]
What can you use a deferred prosecution on
[ "Deferred prosecution A deferred prosecution agreement (DPA), which is very similar to a non-prosecution agreement (NPA), is a voluntary alternative to adjudication in which a prosecutor agrees to grant amnesty in exchange for the defendant agreeing to fulfill certain requirements. case of corporate fraud, for instance, might be settled by means of a deferred-prosecution agreement in which the defendant agrees to pay fines, implement corporate reforms, and fully cooperate with the investigation. Fulfillment of the specified requirements will then result in dismissal of the charges." ]
[ "Deferred Judgments A deferred judgment is the only way to expunge a criminal charge in Iowa (aside from PAULA and Public Intoxication charges, for which the legislature has made a special exception). Therefore, it is very important that you receive a deferred judgment at the time of sentencing. We have negotiated hundreds of deferred judgments for my clients’ cases. Mr. Thompson will work to keep the terms of the probation as simple as possible, as short as possible, and with as few restrictions as possible.", "Deferred Adjudication / Pretrial Diversion Deferred adjudication begins after a defendant has pleaded guilty or nolo contendere. In this way, it resembles probation, but in most other respects a deferred adjudication proceeds similarly to a pretrial diversion. In addition to deferred adjudication, this sort of program is also known as a stay of adjudication.", "Deferred Compensation: Another Source of Retirement Income What Does Deferred Compensation Mean For Me? Deferring income from your paychecks may mean you have less money to spend in the short-term but, in the big picture, you’re planning ahead for your financial future. You can enroll in a deferred compensation plan even if you’re approaching retirement or if you just started working.", "How many times can a case be postponed before its thrown⦠Expert: CrimDefense replied 6 years ago. A case can be postponed or continued, for as many time as needed, if good cause can be established by the moving party. While the case will not be thrown out, the Judge may set the case for trial and the reason for the requested delay, may effect the outcome of the case.CrimDefense, CriminalDefenseAtty. case can be postponed or continued, for as many time as needed, if good cause can be established by the moving party. While the case will not be thrown out, the Judge may set the case for trial and the reason for the requested delay, may effect the outcome of the case. CrimDefense, CriminalDefenseAtty.", "How much does it cost to get your misdemeanor theft expunged in Texas? 2 Answers as of January 26, 2011 First, I want to advise there is a difference between expunging a record and sealing a record. You can have a record expunged if you are found not guilty at trial. Otherwise, and this applies to a deferred adjudication, you file what is called a Petition for Non-Disclosure. This is same thing as sealing the record. Think of it this way, if we expunge, at least in theory, we destroy all the record of it ever taking place.", "escheatment Use escheatment in a sentence. “ 1 You should try and figure out how to use any escheatment to your advantage to get profit from it if you can. “ 2 The escheatment process was underway and we gave a lot of stuff to the state because of the recent death of a man.", "- 1 Answer from Attorneys. Basically it is a motion to revoke someone's deferred adjudication type of probation. Under a deferred adjudication, a judge accepts a defendant's plea but defers finding the person guilty until the end of a probationary period.", "457 Deferred Compensation Plans A 457 deferred compensation plan allows you to save and invest money for retirement with tax benefits. Contributions are made to an account in your name for the exclusive benefit of you and your beneficiaries. The value of the account is based on the contributions made and the investment performance over time. A 457 plan is designed to supplement your retirement income.", "DUI Probation and Deferred Sentencing The same thought process applies to first time DUI and DWI offenders. For employment purposes, a deferred sentence is usually a better option than a strait probation in the long run. Keep in mind, however, that some states do not allow deferred sentencing for DUI offenses.", "6 Things You Need to Know About Deferred Action and DREAM Act Students Deferred action is a type of prosecutorial discretion available to the president as part of routine immigration law. It allows the president to stop or suspend the deportation of an individual and to grant that person work authorization. Presidents from both parties have used deferred action frequently since 1971.", "Deferred Prosecution Law and Legal Definition Deferred Prosecution Law & Legal Definition. Deferred Prosecutions are basically informal agreements between the defense lawyer, the defendant, and the prosecutor to dismiss a case up front, that is, in advance of the accused agreeing to some concessions.eferred Prosecutions are basically informal agreements between the defense lawyer, the defendant, and the prosecutor to dismiss a case up front, that is, in advance of the accused agreeing to some concessions.", "deformation Use 'deformation' in a Sentence The deformation of the material was really cool to see in class, because I had never seen anything like it before. 19 people found this helpful", "deleverage Use deleverage in a sentence. “ 1 You should try and figure out a way to deleverage a company before you start to negotiate with them in the future. ”. “ 2 It is of the utmost importance for small businesses to keep on top of their deleverage practices to ensure they do not default on any debts. ”.", "Deferred Prosecution Agreement Related Legal Terms and Definitions: 1 Deferred Debt Deferred debt in Law EnforcementMain Entry: Law Enforcement in the Legal Dictionary. Notice of Intended Prosecution Notice of intended prosecution in Law EnforcementMain Entry: Law Enforcement in the Legal Dictionary.", "delayverb More examples. 1 The new treatment can delay the onset of the disease by several years. 2 This decision may delay the process of European unification. 3 The legal to-ings and fro-ings could delay the start of the trial for up to six months. The project has been delayed by innumerable problems.", "- If you request Discovery, this alsopostpones your eviction trial for two weeks. But your trial will be postponedONLY if the Discovery request is received by the court and your landlord whenyour Answer is due. If you want to request Discovery, use Booklet 4: Discovery. Youcan also contact your local legal services program and ask for Booklet 4: Discovery.", "Understanding The Deferred Prosecution Alternative In Florida Criminal Misdemeanor Cases Does One Need A Criminal Defense Attorney To Secure A Deferred Prosecution Agreement? While it may be possible to secure a deferred prosecution agreement without hiring a criminal defense lawyer, there are many advantages to securing an attorney to communicate with the prosecutor on your behalf.", "tax deferral Use tax deferral in a sentence. “ 1 You should try to make sure that you know exactly how much of a tax deferral there will be so you can plan for it. “ 2 The tax deferral benefits of the trade made the new security more attractive for the tax conscious investor who joined our team.", "- Clifford Clendenin & O'Hale, LLP | Locke T. Clifford. 1 A deferred prosecution or deferred dismissal generally means a person was put on a first offender's program, given some conditions or things to do as part of the program, then told that if they complete the conditions, then the charge would be dismissed.", "7 Things You Need to Know About the Statutes of Limitation for Debt It is not uncommon at all for consumers to be sued for time-barred debts. If you are sued for an old debt and the statute of limitation has expired, you can raise the expired statute of limitation as a defense against the lawsuit (here are some other debt collection defenses you can use, too).", "Understanding The Deferred Prosecution Alternative In Florida Criminal Misdemeanor Cases The decision to allow the entry of a deferred prosecution rests solely with the prosecutor. In rare circumstances, a deferred prosecution agreement may be permitted for a person with some other minor criminal history.", "- A deferred sentence is a period of incarceration in jail or prison, deferred to a future date. Usually, if the accused does everything he is ordered to do by the court, the sentence is vacated before he serves the time.However, if he goofs up, he will serve the time the court ordered originally. deferred prosecution or deferred dismissal generally means a person was put on a first offender's program, given some conditions or things to do as part of the program, then told that if they complete the conditions, then the charge would be dismissed.", "- Deferment. Certain conditions may make you eligible to apply for a deferment of your Federal Perkins Loan. Deferment options include: 1 In-school Deferment. 2 Graduate Fellowship Deferment. 3 Rehabilitation Training. 4 Seeking Full-time Employment Deferment. 5 Economic Hardship Deferment. 6 Concurrent Deferment.", "- If USCIS has deferred action in your case under the deferred action for childhood arrivals process after you have been ordered deported or removed, you may still request advance parole if you meet the guidelines for advance parole described above.", "Deferred Prosecution Agreements and Cookie-Cutter Justice Deferred and nonprosecution agreements allow for a more nuanced approach that extracts a penalty and imposes conditions on a company that are similar to the punishment it would receive from a conviction, but without all of the collateral consequences.", "- Deferred adjudication and employment criminal background checks. Unless you obtain an order of non-disclosure on a deferred adjudication, your employer can find it in a background check. Deferred adjudication probation and probation appear in public records. Both require you to enter a guilty plea or no contest plea. You can have deferred adjudication of a class C misdemeanor expunged; but most other deferred adjudication seals by an order of non-disclosure.", "- Examples of delay in a Sentence. 1 The doctor wants to delay surgery for a few weeks. 2 She's planning to delay her retirement. 3 He delayed too long, and now it's too late. “ 4 Don't delay! Sale ends Saturday.”. 5 Production problems delayed the introduction of the new model by several months.", "A deferment or forbearance allows you to temporarily stop making your federal student loan payments or to temporarily reduce the amount you pay. Under certain circumstances, you can receive a deferment or forbearance that allows you to temporarily postpone or reduce your federal student loan payments. Postponing or reducing your payments may help you avoid default. You’ll need to work with your loan servicer to apply for deferment or forbearance; and be sure to keep making payments on your loan until the deferment or forbearance is in place.", "What is a Deferred Prosecution? What a Deferred Prosecution involves is that the individual petitions the court to attend and complete a prescribed treatment program (2 year program for a Washington State DUI) in lieu of challenging the allegation in a trial. (3) drug addiction (length of program depends upon treatment provider).", "457 Deferred Compensation Plans A 457 deferred compensation plan allows you to save and invest money for retirement with tax benefits. Contributions | Investments | Withdrawals | Survivor Benefits Contributions are made to an account in your name for the exclusive benefit of you and your beneficiaries." ]
[ 13.5625 ]
[ 8.3203125, 8.015625, 4.8984375, 2.791015625, 5.56640625, -0.5068359375, 7.015625, 5.59765625, 8.4609375, 9.6328125, 12.3203125, 1.29296875, -0.9853515625, 7.6171875, 0.880859375, 4.00390625, 11.0078125, 4.109375, 12.0546875, 4.06640625, 12.6953125, 11.0625, 4.078125, 7.23046875, 12.2421875, 8.7890625, 0.0777587890625, 5.46875, 12.8515625, 5.234375 ]
meaning of seeing a wild turkey
[ "Turkey Symbolism If Turkey has come into your Dream; Seeing turkeys in a dream may signify an abundant gain in business, and favorable crops to the farmer. It could also mean that you are being foolish and not thinking clearly. To see them dressed for the market, denotes improvement in your financial affairs." ]
[ "Turkey (bird) The turkey is a large bird in the genus Meleagris, which is native to the Americas. One species, Meleagris gallopavo (commonly known as the wild turkey or domestic turkey), is native to the forests of North America, mainly Mexico and the United States. The other living species is Meleagris ocellata or the ocellated turkey, native to the forests of the Yucatan Yucatán. peninsula", "Wildlife Directory 1 The eastern wild turkey is one of six recognized subspecies of turkey in the United States, but is the only subspecies found in Illinois. 2 Habitat loss and over hunting eliminated wild turkey from Illinois by 1910, but they were successfully reintroduced.ild turkeys eat a variety of foods including, but not limited to, acorns, beechnuts, hickory nuts, wild grapes, crabapple, black cherry, several species of berries and grasses, waste grain, grasshoppers, crickets, and beetles. Wild turkeys are very social birds and congregate in flocks during winter.", "- Youth Spring Wild Turkey Season. Two opportunities exist for young hunters to participate in the spring wild turkey hunting season. A youth wild turkey season will be offered Saturday and Sunday, April 22 and 23, 2017 immediately prior to the regular wild turkey season. Hours are 30 minutes before sunrise to sunset.", "Wild turkey (Redirected from Wild Turkey) The wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) is an upland ground bird native to North America and is the heaviest member of the diverse Galliformes. It is the same species as the domestic turkey, which was originally derived from a southern Mexican subspecies of wild turkey (not the related ocellated turkey).", "What does the song take a walk on the wild side mean? To take a walk on the wild side refers to doing something dangerous, something society would consider deviant behavior.", "The Beauty of Buzzards The turkey buzzard, the common term applied by us Ozarkians to the turkey vulture, is a frequent sight on Ozark farms and woodlands. Gently soaring for hours in its graceful flight, rarely flapping its wings, the turkey buzzard adds to the beauty of our skies.", "Wild Turkey Wildlife Note Turkeys have long been important to humans in North America. Native Americans hunted them for food, and some natives even domesticated the big birds. Later, the wild turkey became a steady food source for settlers. It earned a symbolic role as the main course of the Thanksgiving meal, which epitomized the successful harvest.", "Turkey Calls A place where you and the turkey can see for at least 50 yards. In this type of location, a bird can not sneak up on you without being seen. An area that is too open, such as a small clump of trees in the middle of a field, can be too open, causing a tom to hang up because he can see everything.", "Wild turkey Attempts to introduce the wild turkey to Britain as a game bird in the 18th century were not successful. George II is said to have had a flock of a few thousand in Richmond Park near London, but they were too easy for local poachers to destroy, and the fights with poachers became too dangerous for the gamekeepers.", "- Wild Turkeys were here long before Europeans colonized America. They also should not be confused with their cousins, domestic turkeys (the ones you eat for Thanksgiving). Wild Turkeys are thinner than domestic turkeys, and their tails are tipped with brown, not white. Male Wild Turkeys grow to about four feet long.ild Turkeys travel in small flocks. For most of the year, they are single-sex flocks. Females are with females, males with males. Young turkeys follow their mothers. Wild Turkeys have good eyesight and hearing, and they are very fast runners.", "TURKEY The noun TURKEY has 5 senses: 1. large gallinaceous bird with fan-shaped tail; widely domesticated for food. 2. a Eurasian republic in Asia Minor and the Balkans; achieved independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1923. 3. a person who does something thoughtless or annoying.", "- Wild turkeys do not mate for life. They do not even maintain a pair bond for one season. Breeding is promiscuous and the gobblers (adult males) will breed with as many hens as possible during the mating period.lthough the wild turkey, as a species, had nothing to do with the country of Turkey, it is certain that the word turkey derives from that land. In the Middle Ages and thereafter, Turkey, in the broad sense, was a source of all things exotic-- spices, dyes, rare linens, and strange animals.", "- Hens do not change their coloration. with the season, retaining a bluish-gray head and light pink caruncles year-round. 17. Wild turkeys are generally thought to have a lifespan of 10-13 years, 18 although few wild birds live out their full. potential life span. Many young poults succumb to predators. 19. Habitat. Wild turkeys are highly adaptable, able to survive in warm environments as well as those regularly blanketed. with snow.", "Definitions &Translations Webster Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 Wilderness(verb) a tract of land, or a region, uncultivated and uninhabited by human beings, whether a forest or a wide, barren plain; a wild; a waste; a desert; a pathless waste of any kind. 2 Wilderness(verb) a disorderly or neglected place.", "Wild child A wild child is a young person who is considered high spirited and fearlessly reckless, likely to behave spontaneously, often doing things they might later regret.This is different from a feral child, which is a child who has lived in isolation from human contact from a very young age.Wild child may also refer to: Wild Child (comics) , a Marvel Comics character first appearing in 1983. 2 Wild Child (Recess episode) , a 1998 episode of Recess television series. 3 Wild Child: The Story of Feral Children, an episode of Body Shock documentary series. 4 Wild Child (film) , a 2008 teen romantic dramedy film starring Emma Roberts.", "20 Fun Facts About Wild Turkeys The average lifespan of a wild turkey is 3-5 years, and the oldest known wild turkey lived to be at least 13 years old. Domestic birds bred for food only live a few months. In the wild, turkeys range from 5-20 pounds.", "Definitions &Translations Webster Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Wilderness(verb) a tract of land, or a region, uncultivated and uninhabited by human beings, whether a forest or a wide, barren plain; a wild; a waste; a desert; a pathless waste of any kind.", "Turkey (bird) Turkey (bird) The turkey is a large bird in the genus Meleagris, which is native to the Americas. One species, Meleagris gallopavo (commonly known as the domestic turkey or wild turkey), is native to the forests of North America, from Mexico, throughout the midwest and eastern United States, and into southeastern Canada.", "- In fact, wild turkeys now inhabit every state except Alaska. There are five subspecies of wild turkey in North America, including the eastern, Florida, Merriam's, Rio Grande, and Gould's wild turkey. The eastern wild turkey is the most numerous and widely distributed subspecies.", "Turkey vulture The turkey vulture is a scavenger and feeds almost exclusively on carrion. It finds its food using its keen eyes and sense of smell, flying low enough to detect the gases produced by the beginnings of the process of decay in dead animals.", "WILD CARD Dictionary entry overview: What does wild card mean? • WILD CARD (noun) The noun WILD CARD has 2 senses: 1. an unpredictable factor 2. a playing card whose value can be determined by the person who holds it Familiarity information: WILD CARD used as a noun is rare.", "Twelve Unusual and Fascinating Facts About Wild Turkeys Most folks know that the turkeys we eat are a domesticated version of the wild birds we sometimes see or hear in the wild so this got me wondering about wild turkeys. I found a number of interesting things about wild turkeys I didn’t actually know. Fish and Wildlife Service.", "Turkey The ocellated turkey has a narrow body and long legs, and the males have featherless necks and heads which can be red or blue in colour and are often more subtle than the those of the male wild turkeys. The turkey is an omnivorous animal meaning that it eats both plants and plant matter, and other animals.The turkey primarily eats nuts, seeds, fruits, berries and insects which is often finds whilst scratching around on the forest floor.he wild turkey is a large, round looking bird that has long, thin legs with three toes on each foot to help with balance and for scratching around in the dirt. The male wild turkey has a red, featherless head and throat which has small growths on it known as caruncles.", "- Most North American kids learn turkey identification early, by tracing outlines of their hands to make Thanksgiving cards. These big, spectacular birds are an increasingly common sight the rest of the year, too, as flocks stride around woods and clearings like miniature dinosaurs.", "10 tips for using wildcard characters in Microsoft Access criteria expressions A wildcard is a special character that can represent one or more characters in a text value. You can use wildcards to find many records with similar, but not exactly the same, information. You can also use them to look for a specific record when you can't remember enough information to retrieve just that one record.", "- Confidence votes 172K. There are three kinds of answers: ones that are mostly right, ones that are mostly wrong, and those that once were right but now are wrong. The word wild can mean undomesticated, as an animal (wildlife), or natural, primitive, or uncivilized conditions (wilderness).It can also mean uncontrolled (gone wild), or undisciplined (as in wild behavior).n the Wild Card Races in sports what does 'wild card' mean? There is one wild card per league (1 for the NL and 1 for the AL) these are the teams with the best record that did not win either the west, central, or east.", "- 1 From the American phrase talk turkey meaning to speak bluntly with little preparation. 2 Some believe the derivation is from the comparison of a cold turkey carcass and the state of a withdrawing addict — most notably, the cold sweats, goose bumps.", "Critter Catalog Wild turkeys are large birds with long legs, long necks and large fan-shaped tails. They have short, rounded wings. Male wild turkeys have dark, metallic feathers. Their wing feathers are black with brown and white stripes. Males have a red wattle (a piece of skin that hangs down under the chin), a knob on their forehead (called a caruncle) and a blackish tuft of feathers on the front of their breast.", "The American Turkey Domestic or tame turkeys weigh twice what a wild turkey does and are raised on farms for profit. Most domestic turkeys are so heavy they are unable to fly. Wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) live in woods in parts of North America and are the largest game birds found in this part of the world.They spend their days foraging for food like acorns, seeds, small insects and wild berries.n fact, Benjamin Franklin wanted to make the wild turkey, not the Bald Eagle, the national bird of the United States! The turkey's popularity comes from the American people's love of eating the bird for special occasions like Thanksgiving and Christmas.", "- Not sure where you got your range map, but wild turkeys are very much present in Eastern PA. This map is more inclusive http://www.nwtf.org/NAWTMP/GIS.html and it differentiates between the different subspecies that are native to various areas of the U.S., including the far West." ]
[ 13.421875 ]
[ 9.7734375, 8.859375, 6.69140625, 12.21875, 1.9111328125, 3.609375, 9.09375, 7.3515625, 7.2734375, 8.6796875, 8.46875, 8.0625, 7.89453125, 2.138671875, 2.513671875, 7.9140625, 2.234375, 9.5859375, 7.50390625, 5.42578125, 1.669921875, 8.34375, 10.4140625, 6.4765625, 0.8642578125, 5.18359375, 5.140625, 10.1171875, 8.296875, 5.71484375 ]
define irritable bowel syndrome (ibs
[ "irritable bowel syndrome irritable bowel syndrome (ĭr'ĭ-tə-bəl) A gastrointestinal disorder without demonstrable organic pathology, characterized by abdominal cramping, constipation, diarrhea, and mucus in the stool." ]
[ "IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) Triggers and Prevention Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a GI (gastrointestinal) disorder with signs and symptoms of abdominal pain, bloating, increased...learn more ». In This Article. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Article. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) facts.", "Crohnâs Disease Symptoms, Risk Factors + How to Treat The signs and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome can vary widely from person to person and often resemble those of other diseases. For most people, IBS is a chronic condition, although there will likely be times when the signs and symptoms are worse and times when they improve or even disappear completely. Although as many as 1 in 5 American adults has signs and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, fewer than 1 in 5 who have symptoms seek medical help.", "IBS and IBD: Two Very Different Disorders Different intestinal disorders can produce similar symptoms. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a condition that produces some symptoms similar to those of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), but they are not the same condition, and they involve very different treatments. Therefore, getting an accurate diagnosis is essential to managing your condition properly.", "Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBS is a mix of belly discomfort or pain and trouble with bowel habits: either going more or less often than normal (diarrhea or constipation) or having a different kind of stool (thin, hard, or soft and liquid).", "INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE irritable bowel syndrome - recurrent abdominal pain and diarrhea (often alternating with periods of constipation); often associated with emotional stress. mucous colitis, spastic colon. colitis, inflammatory bowel disease - inflammation of the colon.", "SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) IBS is a chronic condition. Symptoms can be continuous or vary over months, years, or even decades. While irritable bowel syndrome is not life-threatening, symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome can have a major impact on a person's quality of life and even can be debilitating. For example, a patient with diarrhea after meals may avoid eating out.", "- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), known as an irritable colon, is a very common reason for visits to primary care physicians or gastro-intestinal specialists. IBS causes great distress to patients. It is an idiopathic, functional, gastrointestinal disorder characterized by abdominal pain and altered bowel habits, including diarrhea, constipation, alternating diarrhea and constipation, distension, bloating, nausea, and sensation of incomplete evacuation.", "An Overview of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) What Is IBS? IBS is a digestive disorder in which people experience recurrent bouts of abdominal pain, alongside significant changes to their experience of bowel movements. People who have IBS may experience chronic constipation, episodes of urgent diarrhea, or flip-flop back and forth between the two extremes.", "- inflammatory bowel disease ibd is a condition that involves chronic inflammation in all or part of the digestive tract often painful and debilitating ibd can lead to life threatening complications as well as increase the risk for colon cancerith ibd the intestines small large and bowels become inflamed including redness and swelling related symptoms which can range from mild or severe include severe or chronic abdominal pain diarrhea often bloody sudden weight loss", "- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is common in the general population and has a significant medical and socioeconomic impact. Its pathophysiology is still not entirely clear, and the diagnosis and management can be challenging.", "- Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) refers to those conditions that cause chronic irritation, redness, and swelling (inflammation) of the gastrointestinal tract. This type of inflammation is associated with a disorder in the body’s immune system.", "Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Test, Symptoms, Diet, and Treatments 1 Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic gastrointestinal disorder also called spastic colon, functional bowel disease, and mucous colitis, though it is not a true colitis. 2 Symptoms of IBS include abdominal cramping or pain, bloating and gassiness, and altered bowel habits. Irritable bowel syndrome has also been called spastic colon, functional bowel disease, and mucous colitis. 2 However, IBS is not a true colitis.. 3 The term colitis refers to a different group of conditions known as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).", "Everyday Tips for Living With IBS Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a problem that affects mainly the bowel, the part of the digestive system that makes and stores stool. IBS has several symptoms, such as cramping, bloating, gas, diarrhea, and constipation, and can be very painful.", "IBS â 20 Foods to Avoid IBS – 20 Foods to Avoid. IBS – 20 Foods to Avoid. IBS, short for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, is a functional gastrointestinal disorder that causes abnormalities in bowel function. There is no known organic cause for this condition and it may occur in the aftermath of an infection, traumatic life event or some dysfunction in the gut’s flora.", "IBS Herbs - irritable bowel syndrome treatment IBS Herbs - irritable bowel syndrome treatment. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), is a debilitating disorder of the intestines that comes with abdominal pain, cramps,gas and bloating, and irregular bowel movements. Bulk Herbs.", "- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is marked by abnormal digestive function and the symptoms can vary in severity and frequency from person to person. Common symptoms include constipation, diarrhea, cramps, gas and bloating, mucus in the stool and feeling like you cannot fully empty your bowel.", "Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBS Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) usually causes symptoms long-term and often stays with you for the rest of your life. However, the symptoms tend to come and go. You may have long spells without any symptoms, or may have only mild symptoms.", "Irritable Bowel Syndrome What is irritable bowel syndrome? Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a fairly common gastrointestinal disorder. It is a chronic condition that can reoccur and interfere with your lifestyle. Typical symptoms include abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, and changes in bowel habits from sudden onset diarrhea to constipation.", "Anxiety In-Depth Report Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common problem with the intestines. The cause is unknown, but it may have to do with the movement of the intestines, sensitivity of the intestine to pain or nerve signals, or changes in the bacteria that live in the gut. IBS usually begins around age 20 and is more common in women.", "- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic condition that affects the large intestine and causes many uncomfortable symptoms, such as bloating, gas, cramping, diarrhea, constipation, and pain.", "Irritable bowel syndrome Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder that affects the large intestine. Signs and symptoms include cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhea or constipation, or both. IBS is a chronic condition that you'll need to manage long term.", "Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS, is a GI disorder with symptoms and signs of constipation, abdominal cramping and pain, bloating, gas, and abdominal discomfort. IBS treatment and management includes medications, diet that includes low FODMAP foods, and lifestyle changes.", "Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Frequently Asked Questions Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is part of a spectrum of diseases known as Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders which include diseases such as noncardiac chest pain, nonulcer dyspepsia, and chronic constipation or diarrhea.", "Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a broad term that describes conditions with chronic or recurring immune response and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. The two most common inflammatory bowel diseases are ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.", "Cannabinoids (CBD/THC) Treat Symptoms of IBS, By Patient, Brian Kogan Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or spastic colon is a symptom-based diagnosis. It is characterized by chronic abdominal pain, discomfort, bloating, and alteration of bowel habits. Diarrhea or constipation may predominate, or they may alternate (classified as IBS-D, IBS-C, or IBS-A, respectively).", "Management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a benign, chronic symptom complex of altered bowel habits and abdominal pain. It is considered a functional type of bowel disorder.", "irritability ir·ri·ta·ble. adj. 1. Easily irritated or annoyed. 2. Medicine Abnormally or excessively sensitive to a stimulus: irritable bladder. 3. Capable of responding to a stimulus.", "10 Signs & Symptoms of IBS 10 Signs & Symptoms of IBS. A condition that alters the functioning of your intestines, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can be quite painful, cause embarrassing gas, and can create bowel habits that resemble a rollercoaster.", "- Nearly one in five American adults have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). IBS is characterized by abdominal pain or cramping and changes in bowel function, including bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, and fecal incontinence. It's not known exactly what causes IBS.", "- Irritable Bowel Disease ». Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional GI disorder characterized by abdominal pain and altered bowel habits in the absence of specific and unique organic pathology." ]
[ 15.96875 ]
[ 12.640625, 11.5859375, 12.8125, 13.25, 13.921875, 12.5859375, 13.953125, 13.5078125, 8.1796875, 13.1953125, 8.4765625, 13.359375, 13.765625, 10.8125, 11.3671875, 13.6953125, 11.7578125, 14.453125, 13.921875, 14.5625, 15.25, 14.4921875, 13.5234375, 8.4921875, 13.546875, 14.0078125, 7.21484375, 11.3828125, 12.8984375, 14.578125 ]
what health problems are associated with childhood obesity?
[ "Major Health Problems Associated With Childhood Obesity Major Health Problems Associated with Childhood ObesityCauses of obesity in children: Physical Activity: Lack of physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle are major contributors to obesity. Low physical activity in children may also be associated with a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease." ]
[ "Obesity The current generation of American children will be the first in two centuries to have a lower life expectancy than their parents. What are some medical complications of obesity? -Cancer (breast, uterus, cervix, esophagus, pancreas, kidney, prostate) -Pulmonary Disease (abnormal function, obstructive sleep apnea, hypoventilation syndrome) -Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (steatosis, steatohepatitis, cirrhosis) -Gynecologic Abnormalities (abnormal menses, infertility, PCOS)", "- Increased television viewing, which may be a marker of an increasingly sedentary lifestyle, is now widely recognized as a risk factor for childhood obesity (Dietz and Gortmaker 1985). Obesity in the 21st century", "\"\"\"Hcs 549 Program Evaluation\"\" Essays and Research Papers\" Healthy Schools. Childhood Obesity Facts. Overview. Obesity is defined as having excess body fat.3 Overweight is defined as having excess body weight for a particular height from fat, muscle, bone, water, or a combination of these factors.3 Body mass index, or BMI, is a widely used screening tool for measuring both overweight and obesity.", "Why Childhood Obesity is a Concern This article will give you more insight as to why childhood obesity is a concern and why it can’t be ignored. Some effects of obesity. Obesity has reached such an epidemic proportion that world health officials have decided that they need to take a more aggressive approach.", "Chapter 42 - Heat and Cold Child Obesity. Childhood obesity is a medical condition that. affects children. It is characterized by a. weight well above the mean for their height. and age and a body mass index well above the. norm. Childhood obesity is considered by. many to be an epidemic in the United.", "- The health risks associated with obesity include: 1 breathing disorders (e.g., sleep apnea, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) 2 certain types of cancers (e.g., prostate and bowel cancer in men, breast and uterine cancer in women) 3 coronary artery (heart) disease. 4 depression. 5 diabetes. 6 gallbladder or liver disease.", "What Are The Causes Of Childhood Obesity Health Essay Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have a negative effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems.", "Causes and consequences of childhood obesity Reducing childhood obesity will take a comprehensive effort. To begin with, we need a better understanding of the scope and nature of childhood obesity; this will require ongoing surveillance of the incidence of childhood obesity and its predisposing factors. Without this, we do not have a firm evidence base to which interventions can be applied.", "Causes and consequences of childhood obesity Causes and consequences of childhood obesity. Overweight and obesity in children and youth are increasing at an astounding rate throughout the world. In Canada, according to estimates from the Canadian Community Health Survey, rates of overweight and obesity have risen sharply in the last two decades.", "Obesity Other conditions can also cause secondary obesity. Childhood obesity occurs when children and adolescents are above the normal body weight for their age and height. Obese children are at risk for long-term problems such as diabetes, hypertension, thyroid problems, and high cholesterol.", "Childhood obesity rates level off in California, L.A. County The modest improvement shows that California may be turning the corner in attacking childhood obesity, a problem that is having a tremendous impact on the state's physical and financial health, according to the report by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research and the California Center for Public Health Advocacy.", "Get Informed 1 Now with the rise in childhood obesity, there is a dramatic rise in the number of children suffering from type 2 diabetes. Untreated, this can be a life-threatening condition. Asthma: Extra weight can make it harder to breathe and can inflame the respiratory tract.", "Defining overweight and obesity in children Defining overweight and obesity - children. Obesity means having too much body fat. It is not the same as overweight, which means weighing too much. Obesity is becoming much more common in childhood. Most often, it begins between the ages of 5 and 6 and in adolescence. Child health experts recommend that children be screened for obesity at age 2.", "Childhood obesity more likely to affect children in poorer neighborhoods Childhood obesity is a significant public health issue, with 31.7 percent of children ages 2-19 overweight or obese, and there is much to be learned about how communities influence the epidemic, Denney said.", "Influence of Race, Ethnicity, and Culture on Childhood Obesity: Implications for Prevention and Treatment A consensus statement of Shaping America's Health and the Obesity Society. Obesity may be thought of as a body weight that conveys significant risk for adverse health outcomes. In children, obesity is defined as a BMI at or above the 95th percentile for age and sex, based on population data from the 1970s (1,2).", "Childhood Obesity About 17% of adolescents (12-19 years of age) and children (6-11 years of age) are obese in the United States according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. These numbers have continued to increase since at least the early 1990s. Pediatric obesity represents one of our greatest health challenges.", "- In this essay, we document trends in. children’s obesity and examine the under-. lying causes of the obesity epidemic. We begin by discussing definitions of over-. weight and obesity, noting some potential. problems. We document trends in adult. and childhood obesity, both worldwide and. in the United States, over the past three. decades, paying particular attention to the. timing of the increase in obesity.", "The Big Issue of Obesity No doubt you've heard the scary news reports: The number of overweight children is three times higher today than it was 25 years ago; more than 15 percent of school-age kids are too heavy; weight-related childhood diabetes has skyrocketed; and the risk of other health problems continues to climb.", "Obesity in Children One third of children in the U. S. is overweight or obese, and this number is continuing to rise. Children have fewer weight-related health and medical problems than adults. However, overweight children are at high risk of becoming overweight adolescents and adults, placing them at risk of developing chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes later in life. They are also more prone to develop stress, sadness, and low self-esteem.", "- B) The FTC has determined that it is primarily marketers' fault that childhood obesity has increased. C) Over the decades that childhood obesity has increased, so too has the amount of advertising. D) Marketers are doing nothing to curb this problem. E) all of the above. Answer: C Page: 717 Difficulty: moderate.", "The Emotional Toll of Obesity Well, as comforting as they might be, particularly if your own child is heavy, they may be more myth than reality in most children’s lives. Not only are there health costs associated with childhood obesity, but your child’s weight problem is also intimately entangled in his emotional world.", "Causes and consequences of childhood obesity Exposure to gestational diabetes or maternal obesity, high birth weight, and intrauterine growth retardation with rapid catch-up growth are all associated with obesity later on. By contrast, breastfeeding in infancy may reduce the risk of obesity, as may other health practices like getting enough sleep and eating in response to appetite cues.", "Standards of Medical Care in Diabetesâ2014 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) Data. Consequences of Childhood Overweight. Both the short term and long term effects of overweight on health are of concern because of the negative psychological and health consequences in childhood.", "- Published: 23, March 2015. Throughout the years, obesity has been a very important topic in our society and has risen exponentially among children and many researchers have wondered what are the causes of childhood obesity. There are many components which contribute to the causes of child obesity.", "Is Obesity The Government's Business? Read A Transcript (PDF). Obesity is associated with an increased risk of serious health problems, including diabetes, heart disease and cancer — adding costs to the nation's health care system. Despite that, others argue against government intrusion into people's personal habits.", "- Price tag for childhood obesity: $19,000 per kid. Over a lifetime, the medical costs associated with childhood obesity total about $19,000 per child compared with those for a child of normal weight, a new analysis shows.", "Childhood obesity Childhood obesity. For the medical journal, see Childhood Obesity (journal). Childhood obesity is a condition where excess body fat negatively affects a child's health or well-being. As methods to determine body fat directly are difficult, the diagnosis of obesity is often based on BMI.", "Childhood Obesity Overweight and obesity in children are significant public health problems in the United States. The number of adolescents who are overweight has tripled since 1980 and the prevalence among younger children has more than doubled. According to the 1999-2002 NHANES survey, 16 percent of children age 6-19 years are overweight (see Figure 1).", "Prevention of Pediatric Overweight and Obesity Obesity is associated with significant health prob-. lems in the pediatric age group and is an important. early risk factor for much of adult morbidity and. mortality.15,16 Medical problems are common in. obese children and adolescents and can affect cardio-. vascular health (hypercholesterolemia and dyslipi-.", "Childhood Obesity The document provides an overview of the research literature on causes of childhood obesity. This research brief is available on the Internet at: http://aspe.hhs.gov/health/reports/child_obesity/index.cfm. Overweight and obesity in children are significant public health problems in the United States. The number of adolescents who are overweight has tripled since 1980 and the prevalence among younger children has more than doubled." ]
[ 17.0625 ]
[ 11.28125, 9.1640625, 10.203125, 8.875, 9.484375, 13.03125, 11.734375, 7.90625, 10.1015625, 14.5625, 10.796875, 13.765625, 10.390625, 10.4453125, 10.2265625, 10.0234375, 8.4375, 12.40625, 14.53125, 4.7109375, 12.5546875, 13.25, 11.1484375, 7.3125, 11.078125, 10.6875, 12.03125, 13.03125, 13.71875, 12.8203125 ]
what is a deviated septum
[ "deviated septum atrioventricular septum the part of the membranous portion of the interventricular septum between the left ventricle and the right atrium. deviated septum an injury or malformation of the nasal septum so that one part of the nasal cavity is smaller than the other; this is fairly common and seldom causes complications." ]
[ "- Often, narrow nasal passages are the result of problems with the nasal septum and turbinates. The nasal septum and the turbinates are normal parts of the nose. The nasal septum is the structure that divides your nasal passages into the right and left sides. A deviated septum refers to a septum that is crooked. The turbinates are also inside the nose, near the septum.", "- The septum is made up of bone and cartilage. When this cartilage or bone is off-center (deviated to one side) or crooked, it is referred to as a deviated septum.", "Deviated Septum Repair (septoplasty) The nasal septum is the wall between the nostrils that separates the two nasal passages. It supports the nose and directs airflow. The septum is made of thin bone in the back and cartilage in the front. A deviated septum occurs when the cartilage or bone is not straight. A crooked septum can make breathing difficult.", "Deviated Septum Understanding A Deviated Septum. The septum is a thin barrier that is made up of cartilage that separates the two nostrils. Generally the septum is thought to be located midway between the two areas, dividing them equally. A deviated septum occurs when this partition is off-center, shifting prominently to one side.", "Deviated Septum The most common symptom of a deviated septum is nasal congestion, with one side of the nose being more congested than the other, along with difficulty breathing. Recurrent or repeated sinus infections can also be a sign of a deviated septum. Other symptoms include frequent:", "What is a Deviated Septum? In many cases, a deviated septum is the result of either a growing defect or some sort of facial injury. Allergies can be treated with common medications where a deviated septum can only be corrected through surgical procedures. A deviated septum does not cause allergies, allergens trigger allergy attacks.", "septum oblique septum. a partition which divides the lower part of the bird's body cavity; the part of the cavity cranial to this septum contains the thoracic air sacs and the thoracic parts of the cervical and clavicular air sacs.l. septa [L.] a wall or partition dividing a body space or cavity. Some septa are membranous, some are composed of bone, and some of cartilage. The wall separating the atria of the heart, for instance, is called the interatrial septum.", "Deviated Septum The shape of your nasal cavity could be the cause of chronic sinusitis. The nasal septum is the wall dividing the nasal cavity into halves; it is composed of a central supporting skeleton covered on each side by mucous membrane.", "- References. Atrial septal defects are a group of congenital heart diseases that enables communication between atria of the heart due to a deficiency in the interatrial septum. The inter-atrial septum is the tissue that separates the right and left atria from each other.eferences. Atrial septal defects are a group of congenital heart diseases that enables communication between atria of the heart due to a deficiency in the interatrial septum. The inter-atrial septum is the tissue that separates the right and left atria from each other.", "Animal Surgical Center of Michigan Pectus excavatum is an unusual deformity of the breast bone, which results in compression of the heart and lungs. Early treatment is ideal. An assessment of x-rays of the chest are needed to determine if the deformity needs to be corrected. Prognosis is fairly good.", "Pectus Excavatum Paddington : 3367 0011. Clayfield : 3357 9902. Pectus Excavatum. Pectus excavatum is a congenital malformation of the sternum and costochondral cartilages resulting in a ventral dorsal narrowing of the chest or a depression of the sternum into the chest cavity. This deformity reduces effective pulmonary function and may also interfere with cardiac function.", "- A deviated septum is a common condition that involves a displacement of the septum, the wall that separates the nostrils, to one side of the nose. In adults, the septum is made of cartilage and bone, and helps to support the nose and its mucous membranes, and enables regular air flow.", "Deviated septum A deviated septum occurs when the thin wall (nasal septum) between your nasal passages is displaced to one side. In many people, the nasal septum is displaced — or deviated — making one nasal passage smaller.", "Runny Nose: Symptoms & Signs Deviated Septum Symptoms. Is nasal congestion a symptom of a deviated septum? Nasal congestion, or stuffy nose, is a term that refers to the obstruction to the flow of air in and out of the nose. In contrast, the term runny nose refers to a discharge (fluid) coming from the nasal passages.", "- My hearing has also gotten worse..which coincidentally has been a genetic thing in my family.....so is the deviated septum..... I have problems with fluid in my ears as well as what they say is neural hearing loss based on my hearing tests..", "- The surgery used to correct a deviated septum is called a septoplasty, which consists of correcting the nose with a minor surgical procedure. The process is performed by having the surgeon enter through the nostril and cut the obtruding matter.The price for deviated septum surgery depends on the location where the surgery will be performed as well as the fee of the surgeon.he process is performed by having the surgeon enter through the nostril and cut the obtruding matter. The price for deviated septum surgery depends on the location where the surgery will be performed as well as the fee of the surgeon.", "Trouble Breathing Through my Nose - Do or Don't Need Rhinoplasty? In other words, some people can have a slightly deviated septum and complain profusely of their difficulty breathing, while other people are completely obstructed on one side of the nose without ever even realizing they have a problem. So if you have trouble breathing through your nose, it is important to let us do a thorough evaluation. It is true that oftentimes nasal obstruction is due to: A Deviated Septum- where the midline cartilage and/or bone that separates the two sides of your nose is crooked", "What is a Deviated Septum? There are some distinct differences between allergies and the symptoms of a deviated septum. Allergies occur when the immune system becomes overactive. When this occurs, the body exhibits symptoms like a runny nose, sinus pressure, nasal congestion, or postnasal drip.", "- Repair of a Deviated Septum (Septoplasty) Repair of a Deviated Septum (Septoplasty) Repair of a Deviated Septum (Septoplasty) The nasal septum is the wall between the nostrils that separates the two nasal passages. It supports the nose and directs airflow. The septum is made of thin bone in the back and cartilage in the front.", "Ventricular septal defect A ventricular septal defect (VSD) is a defect in the ventricular septum, the wall dividing the left and right ventricles of the heart. The ventricular septum consists of an inferior muscular and superior membranous portion and is extensively innervated with conducting cardiomyocytes.The membranous portion, which is close to the atrioventricular node, is most commonly affected in adults and older children in the United States.entricular septal defect. Figure A shows the structure and blood flow in the interior of a normal heart. Figure B shows two common locations for a ventricular septal defect. The defect allows oxygen-rich blood from the left ventricle to mix with oxygen-poor blood in the right ventricle.", "Deviated Septum Some people are born with a deviated septum. Other people develop a deviated septum after injury or trauma to the nose. Deviated Septum Symptoms. The most common symptom of a deviated septum is nasal congestion, with one side of the nose being more congested than the other, along with difficulty breathing.", "History Of Septum Piercing History Of Septum Piercing. The septum is the piece of cartilage that separates the nostrils, though it is often used as a blanket term to refer to the entirety of the space between them, including the skin and other tissues.", "- It also helps to keep the inside of the nose moist. When the septum is deviated, one or both sides of the nose can become blocked. In these instances, surgery can help correct the deviation and improve airflow. The CT scan and picture of the nose shown below demonstrate show examples of a deviated nasal septum.", "Ventricular septal defect A ventricular septal defect (VSD) is a defect in the ventricular septum, the wall dividing the left and right ventricles of the heart. The ventricular septum consists of an inferior muscular and superior membranous portion and is extensively innervated with conducting cardiomyocytes. ventricular septal defect (VSD) is a defect in the ventricular septum, the wall dividing the left and right ventricles of the heart. The ventricular septum consists of an inferior muscular and superior membranous portion and is extensively innervated with conducting cardiomyocytes.", "Overview If you have a severely deviated septum causing nasal obstruction, it can lead to: 1 Dry mouth, due to chronic mouth breathing. 2 A feeling of pressure or congestion in your nasal passages. 3 Disturbed sleep, due to the unpleasantness of not being able to breathe comfortably through the nose at night.", "Does a deviated septum affect how the nose looks to others? I dont know about the skin......but i know that a deviated septum can make the bridge of your nose have a bump...and with the surgery that bumps goes away +, of course, you start breathing a lot better.", "Apnea Deviated Septum: The Linkage between Sleep Apnea and Deviated Septum There are several causes of sleep apnea to happen and, interestingly…. deviated septum is one of them. Considering that deviated septum is a fairly common phenomena amongst the population in this country, chances are that you could be suffering from apnea deviated septum.", "Septum Interatrial septum, the wall of tissue that is a sectional part of the left and right atria of the heart; Interventricular septum, the wall separating the left and right ventricles of the heart; Lingual septum, a vertical layer of fibrous tissue that separates the halves of the tongue; Nasal septum: the cartilage wall separating the nostrils of the nose", "Septum pellucidum Septum pellucidum. The septum pellucidum (translucent hedge) is a thin, triangular, vertical double membrane separating the anterior horns of the left and right lateral ventricles of the brain. It runs as a sheet from the corpus callosum down to the fornix.", "Deviated septum surgery uk • A defect or injury in the cartilage of the nose, called a deviated septum, can cause chronic blockage in the nasal area. This may be corrected by surgery. • Other irritants can inflame the nasal passages, such as air pollution, cigarette smoke, cigar smoke, and perfumes made from synthetic ingredients.ead More. My chronic runny nose began in 2004, about 2 years after surgery for a deviated septum. I think that is what triggered my vasomotor rhinitis, but since it was 2 years after the surgery, I cannot be sure on that." ]
[ 14.5546875 ]
[ 13.3203125, 13.6640625, 13.4609375, 15.4609375, 11.828125, 14.7109375, 6.9921875, 11.140625, 5.34375, 4.21484375, 1.5322265625, 17.078125, 15.0234375, 11.1875, 7.73046875, 9.2421875, 10.703125, 10.6328125, 12.3828125, 7.02734375, 11.6953125, 8.5, 11.8828125, 7.41796875, 10.7734375, 9.2578125, 10.3203125, 7.78125, 8.1015625, 10.8671875 ]
is diabetes genetic
[ "- But there is also a genetic basis. In general, if you have type 2 diabetes, the risk of your child getting diabetes is 1 in 7 if you were diagnosed before age 50 and 1 in 13 if you were diagnosed after age 50. Some scientists believe that a child's risk is greater when the parent with type 2 diabetes is the mother." ]
[ "Diabetes Mellitus: Diagnosis and Screening The risk of diabetes is increased in close relatives suggesting a genetic predisposition, although no direct genetic link has been identified. 7 Type 1 diabetes accounts for 5 to 10 percent of persons with diabetes 6 and is characterized by insulin deficiency that is typically an autoimmune-mediated condition.", "Clinical and Laboratory ObservationThe Association between Adiponectin/Leptin Ratio and Diabetes Type: The SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study We tested the association of adiponectin/leptin ratio with diabetes type after adjusting for multiple factors in 1156 youths with newly diagnosed diabetes in the SEARCH study. Although adiponectin/leptin ratio is associated with diabetes type in youth, it is due to differences in adiponectin, but not leptin levels.", "Patterns of Inheritance When nephrogenic diabetes insipidus results from mutations in the AVPR2 gene, the condition has an X-linked recessive pattern of inheritance. The AVPR2 gene is located on the X chromosome, which is one of the two sex chromosomes.", "Steroid Induced Diabetes 1 Those that are overweight. 2 If you have one or more close family members with type 2 diabetes. 3 If you have had gestational diabetes. 4 If you have polycystic ovary syndrome. 5 If you are over 40 and of caucasian origin. If you are over 25 and are of South Asian, African-Caribbean or Middle Eastern origin.", "Monogenic Diabetes Monogenic diabetes is a rare condition resulting from mutations (changes) in a single gene. In contrast, the most common types of diabetes—type 1 and type 2—are caused by multiple genes (and in type 2 diabetes, lifestyle factors such as obesity).Most cases of monogenic diabetes are inherited.n most forms of the disease, the body is less able to make insulin, a hormone that helps the body use glucose (sugar) for energy. Rarely, the problem is severe insulin resistance, a condition in which the body cannot use insulin properly. A correct diagnosis can help people get the right treatment.", "Is Hypoglycemia a Genetic Disorder? 2. take to much of the insulin. 3. continue to decrease blood sugar level. Hypoglycemia occurs when the level of sugar in the blood is to low and is commonly associated with diabetes. Diabetes is a health problem weras hypoglycemia is a condition.Hypoglycemia is a result of not increasing blood sugar level even after realization of diabetes of because of other dietary needs such as completely cutting out carbohydrates from diet. ** They are both dealing with a low blood sugar level.iabetes is a health problem weras hypoglycemia is a condition. Hypoglycemia is a result of not increasing blood sugar level even after realization of diabetes of because of other dietary needs such as completely cutting out carbohydrates from diet.", "- Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is a genetic disorder characterized by high cholesterol levels, specifically very high levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL, bad cholesterol), in the blood and early cardiovascular disease.", "Diabetes: Symptoms, causes, and treatments Diabetes (diabetes mellitus) is classed as a metabolism disorder. Metabolism refers to the way our bodies use digested food for energy and growth. Most of what we eat is broken down into glucose.Glucose is a form of sugar in the blood-it is the principal source of fuel for our bodies. Gestational Diabetes-this type affects females during pregnancy. 2 The most common diabetes symptoms include frequent urination, intense thirst and hunger, weight gain, unusual weight loss, fatigue, cuts and bruises that do not heal, male sexual dysfunction, numbness and tingling in hands and feet.", "Is Cholesterol Hereditary? This problem is caused by a specific gene defect which means the individuals have a measurable lack of LDL receptors in the blood. These are designed to remove LDL from the blood, and this then means that there is an unusually high about of LDL in the body. The condition is usually treated with medication and diet.", "syndrome X The basis for the syndrome is genetic, and insulin resistance is considered the primary metabolic defect. There is considerable overlap between genetic pools of those with metabolic syndrome and of those with type 2 DM.", "Parkinson disease, genetic types Parkinson disease, genetic types: Introduction. Parkinson disease, genetic types: A type of Parkinson disease that results from a genetic anomaly. There are a more than ten different genes that can cause Parkinson disease.", "What Is Cystic Fibrosis? Diagnosis and Genetics. Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease. People with CF have inherited two copies of the defective CF gene -- one copy from each parent. Both parents must have at least one copy of the defective gene.", "Understanding P/P Not by anything. Pemphigus and pemphigoid are not genetic. Pemphigus and pemphigoid are rare, autoimmune diseases that affect a very small percentage of the population. There are many different autoimmune diseases, and they can each affect the body in different ways.Pemphigus vulgaris, the most common of the pemphigus diseases, affects the skin and mucous membranes.emphigus and pemphigoid are rare, autoimmune diseases that affect a very small percentage of the population. There are many different autoimmune diseases, and they can each affect the body in different ways.", "Corticosteroids Systemic (Oral and Injectable) Genetic Disease Related Diseases & Conditions. Medical conditions are often related to other diseases and conditions. Our doctors have compiled a list of ailments related to the topic of Genetic Disease.These conditions may be a cause or symptom of Genetic Disease or be a condition for which you may be at increased risk.Anemia Anemia is the condition of having less than the normal number of red blood cells or less than the normal quantity of hemoglobin...learn more ».eigh's Disease (Leigh's Syndrome) Leigh's disease (Leigh's syndrome) is a rare genetic neurometabolic disorder. The symptoms of Leigh's disease include loss of...learn more ».", "Spina Bifida Hereditary and Genetics A study looking at the DNA of 1500 children with the condition and their parents found that a group of genes involved in glucose metabolism seem to have some sort of link to those who are born with spina bifida.", "- Low-Carb Diets. I am prediabetic. In my case, this means that when my fasting blood glucose was tested in a lab, it was over 100mg/dl (it can also refer to results on a glucose tolerance test). My body, which has a genetic predisposition for diabetes, has progressed along that path.", "What is glucokinase congenital hyperinsulinism? Congenital hyperinsulinism (HI) is a genetic disorder in which the insulin cells of the pancreas, called beta cells, secrete too much insulin. Excess insulin causes low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). Ordinarily, beta cells secrete just enough insulin to keep the blood sugar in the normal range.", "- The cause of type 2 diabetes is largely unknown, but genetics and lifestyle clearly play roles. Type 2 diabetes has been linked to obesity, genetic risk factors, and inactivity. Some racial and ethnic groups are at higher risk for type 2 diabetes.auses of Type 1 Diabetes. In type 1 diabetes, the body no longer makes insulin because the body's own immune system has attacked and destroyed the cells where insulin is made.", "Genetic clue to irritable bowel syndrome found Genetic clue to irritable bowel syndrome found. FULL STORY. Is irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) caused by genetics, diet, past trauma, anxiety? All are thought to play a role, but now, for the first time, researchers have reported a defined genetic defect that causes a subset of IBS. The research was published in the journal Gastroenterology.", "PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS OF RECOMBINANT DNA TECHNOLOGY: AN OVERVIEW Patients with type 1 diabetes depend on external insulin (most commonly injected subcutaneously) for their survival because the hormone is no longer produced internally. Patients with type 2 diabetes are often insulin resistant and, because of such resistance, may suffer from a relative insulin deficiency.", "- Although type 1 diabetes is not an inherited disease, there is some genetic factor. A first-degree relative (sister, brother, son, daughter) of someone with type 1 diabetes has about a 6 in 100 chance of developing type 1 diabetes. This is higher than the chance of the general population, which is about 1 in 300.his is because in type 2 diabetes you still make insulin (unlike type 1 diabetes). However, you either do not make enough for your body's needs, and/or the cells in your body are not able to use insulin properly. This is called insulin resistance.", "Major Depression and Genetics Some diseases are caused by a single defective gene. Cystic fibrosis, several kinds of muscular dystrophy, and Huntington’s disease are examples. These are usually rare diseases. But many common disorders like depression, diabetes and high blood pressure are also influenced by genes.", "Genetic clue to irritable bowel syndrome found Is irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) caused by genetics, diet, past trauma, anxiety? All are thought to play a role, but now, for the first time, researchers have reported a defined genetic defect that causes a subset of IBS. Researchers estimate that approximately 15 to 20 percent of the Western world has IBS.", "Diabetes (Type 2) This is a summary of the full Type 2 Diabetes article which can be found here. The full article explains in more depth, the various aspects of Type 2 Diabetes, including reference to research studies, further discussion on the actions of various foods and nutrients and the history and causes of the condition.", "Is Hypoglycemia a Genetic Disorder? Hypoglycemia is not a health condition like diabetes but actually is a condition that is connected with diabetes because it is a reaction from a continuing blood level decrease. They can both be severe risks.insulin shock is also another phrase for a hypoglycemic reaction to having a severe blood sugar level.iabetes is a health problem weras hypoglycemia is a condition. Hypoglycemia is a result of not increasing blood sugar level even after realization of diabetes of because of other dietary needs such as completely cutting out carbohydrates from diet.", "Is High Cholesterol Hereditary? Dr-Hibberd. High cholesterol is a familial disorder and does have a genetic component.high, cholesterol, genetic.r. Hibberd's answer: Yes, high cholesterol is a familial disorder and does have a genetic component.", "Why We are Different But not all genes follow this dominant/recessive model. For example, the gene for blood type is codominant; if you get a gene for type A blood from one parent and type B blood from the other, neither dominates. Instead, you wind up with type AB blood.", "- Cystic fibrosis is a fatal genetic disorder that affects more than 30,000 Americans. Although CF is not yet curable, the situation is not hopeless. Every day since the CF gene was discovered in 1989, the pace of CF research has greatly accelerated. Today, nearly half of the CF population is over the age of 18.", "- 2013). In a review of how environmental chemicals can affect gene expression, Edwards and Myers (2007) point out that chemically induced changes in gene expression are associated with a variety of diseases, including diabetes.", "- A. Yes, anemia may be genetic. Hereditary disorders can shorten the lifespan of the red blood cell and lead to anemia (for example, sickle cell anemia).Hereditary disorders can also cause anemia by impairing the production of hemoglobin (for example, alpha thalassemia and beta thalassemia).90 Followers. A. Yes, anemia may be genetic. Hereditary disorders can shorten the lifespan of the red blood cell and lead to anemia (for example, sickle cell anemia). Hereditary disorders can also cause anemia by impairing the production of hemoglobin (for example, alpha thalassemia and beta thalassemia)." ]
[ 14.2890625 ]
[ 12.4609375, 5.75390625, 10.5390625, 10.2265625, 11.75, 8.546875, 5.07421875, 8.578125, 4.6328125, 9.515625, 3.916015625, 6.953125, 3.787109375, 6.703125, 5.515625, 10.5078125, 9.2265625, 12.84375, 3.298828125, 9.9296875, 14.71875, 9.8515625, 3.185546875, 6.3203125, 8.203125, 5.78515625, 6.28515625, 4.9375, 9.5390625, 6.23046875 ]
what county is beech island sc in
[ "- Beech Island, South Carolina is located in Aiken County. Zip codes in Beech Island, SC include 29842, and 29841." ]
[ "Town of Beech Island Visit Site Visit Website. One of the oldest settlements in South Carolina, Beech Island is a community located along the Savannah River in Aiken County. Beech Island began in the 1680s as Savano Town settlement, an important trade center and “jumping-off” point to the Western wilderness.", "- Daily Open/Closed Status of Shellfish Harvest Areas for the Southern Gulf: From Boca Ciega Bay in Pinellas County to Ten Thousand Islands in Collier County . This table of open/closed status was published at 4:57 AM EST February 13, 2018 and will remain in effect until there is a change in status.", "- Region 1. Scroll left-right to view all of the map. The Upstate of South Carolina, including Abbeville, Anderson, Cherokee, Chester, Greenville, Laurens, Oconee, Pickens, Spartanburg, Union, and York Counties.", "- Maps of Richland County, South Carolina. South Carolina SC Maps SC County Maps Richland County Map. Map of Richland County. Our map of Richland County documents the roads, highways, towns, and boundaries in and near Columbia. A great overview map for the Columbia area, including local landmarks like Blythewood, Fort Jackson, Irmo, Lake Murray, etc.", "Branchville Sponsored Topics. Branchville is a town in Orangeburg County, South Carolina, United States. The population was 1,083 at the 2000 census. When the train depot (now a museum) was in use, three presidents stopped by the depot: William H. Taft, William McKinley, and Teddy Roosevelt.[citation needed]", "- Located on the coastline of beautiful Bon Secour Bay in Baldwin County, this town has a rich history and some of the best fishing around. Originally a fishing village in the late 19th century, Bon Secour still provides a variety of seafood to customers near and far.", "- The Blue Ridge Highlander suggests you follow the parkway from its entrance at Cherokee and follow along the western and southern edge of Haywood County to the city of Asheville in neighboring Buncombe County, which is on the eastern fringes of Haywood County.", "- Brays Island Plantation - Brays Island Beaufort County South Carolina SC. Location – Pocotaligo River, Brays Island, Prince William Parish, Beaufort County Located south of US 21 on Brays Island Drive. Origin of name – Though no official record exists, it was perhaps named for William Bray, an Indian trader in the area as early as 1704.", "- The Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office is actively seeking an individual who is wanted in connection to a homicide that occurred at 35 RC Cole Lane. The call for service came in as a gunshot wound to the head at 2:45 am this morning, with deputies arriving on-scene at 2:56 am.", "Harbor Island, South Carolina Harbor Island, South Carolina. South Carolina Beaufort County Harbor Island Nestled between St. Helena and Hunting islands in Beaufort County, Harbor Island is a 1,400-acre private community on the Harbor River. A small group of people call the island home year-round.", "Beech Island News Local news for Beech Island, SC continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.", "- Seneca, South Carolina: U.S. Building Innovations Relocating from Pickens (0 replies) Seneca/Oconeee County is ranked 8th top performing micropolitan in the country (4 replies) Latest news from Seneca, SC collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations.", "Welcome! Thank you for your interest in career opportunities with Buncombe County Schools. Set deep in the majestic Appalachian Mountains and surrounding beautiful Asheville, North Carolina, Buncombe County Schools is a place of natural beauty and educational excellence. Current vacancies are listed on the left side of this page. Please start an application for employment by clicking the link below.", "- Located on St. Simons Island, our licensed REALTORS® offer services to the entire Golden Isles community including St. Simons Island, Sea Island, Jekyll Island, and all the mainland areas of Glynn County and beyond.", "Bee County Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Center 181 in our county with the close proximity to I-37, the connector between San Antonio and Corpus Christi. Bee County is made up of the City of Beeville, as well as the unincorporated communities of Mineral, Pettus and Skidmore. The county is a community of 32,083 people and growing. The median age is 32.", "Class Notes Archive â In Memoriam So far, Pawleys Island Lumber, Pawleys Island Pharmacy and New South Brewery have each made significant contributions. Beth Goodale, Director of Georgetown County’s Parks and Recreation department, said she is very impressed with their work.", "Peachtree City Fax Number: Email Address: In the 1950s, a group of real estate developers amassed more than 12,000 acres in Fayette County to build a planned community. This community, Peachtree City, earned its charter on March 9, 1959. City planners thought to develop Peachtree City as interconnected villages, each with its own shopping areas, recreational facilities, and elementary schools. The city's current villages are Aberdeen, Braelinn, Glenloch, Kedron, and West.", "Beech Grove, Indiana Beech Grove is an excluded city in Marion County, Indiana, United States. As of the 2010 census, the city's population is 14,192. The city is located within the Indianapolis metropolitan area.", "Asheville, North Carolina The city of Asheville is based in both North Carolina's 10th congressional district and North Carolina's 11th congressional district, represented by Patrick McHenry (R-Gaston County) and Mark Meadows (R-Jackson County), respectively.", "- Also use Route 31 to connect with Routes 16 – Beech Grove, 22 – Shelby and Access Johnson County which provides public transit to Johnson County residents.", "- Applications offered vary by jurisdiction. Participating jurisdictions include: Bellevue, Bothell, Burien, Issaquah, Kenmore, Kirkland, Mercer Island, Mill Creek, Newcastle, Renton, Sammamish, Snohomish County, Snoqualmie, and Woodinville. Contact the specific jurisdiction for questions regarding requirements or available applications.", "Kiawah Island in Charleston County SC Kiawah Island - Physical Feature (Island) in Charleston County. Kiawah Island is a physical feature (island) in Charleston County. The primary coordinates for Kiawah Island places it within the SC 29455 ZIP Code delivery area. In the Maps and Aerial Photos section below, you'll find links to: (1) Local area photos around Kiawah Island, (2) A listing of the nearest hotels to Kiawah Island and (3) Driving Directions to Kiawah Island from almost anywhere. The location of Kiawah Island is marked on an interactive map.", "Chesterfield County, South Carolina Chesterfield County, South Carolina. Chesterfield County is a county located in the U.S. state of South Carolina. As of the 2010 census, its population was 46,734. Its county seat is Chesterfield. The county was formed in 1785, but was part of the Cheraws District until 1800, at which time Chesterfield became a district.", "- Vote for your Favorite Renville County Town (8 in the running: City of Bird Island, MN, Buffalo Lake, Minnesota, Fairfax, Minnesota, Danube, Minnesota, Hector, Minnesota, City of Olivia, City of Renville and City of Sacred Heart, Minnesota) Send donations to RCHS Attn.", "- There are currently 431 for sale listings in Charleston County SC zip codes, including condos, bank owned homes, short sales, townhomes, duplexes, land and luxury listings. If you're looking to rent in Kiawah Island SC, check out our extensive list of luxury apartments and townhomes. We make it easy to find your dream home by filtering home types, price and size. Filtering with keyword search is also possible, like waterfront or beach views homes in Kiawah Island.", "Cheraw Cheraw ( /tʃərɔː/ chə-raw, local /ʃərɔː/ shə-raw)[citation needed] is a town on the Pee Dee River in Chesterfield County, South Carolina, United States. The population was 5,524 at the 2000 census and center of an urban cluster with a total population of 9,069. It has been nicknamed The Prettiest Town in Dixie..", "Pickens County, South Carolina Reproduces with permission from the author. Pickens County was Cherokee Indian Territory until the American Revolution. The Cherokees sided with the British, suffered defeat, and surrendered their South Carolina lands. This former Cherokee territory was included in the Ninety-Six Judicial District.", "- One instance of noncompliance material to the financial statements of .. McCulloch County was disclosed during the audit. 4. There were no significant deficiencies in internal control over major federal or state award programs disclosed during the audit. - 5.", "- In 1974, Broward County unveiled an elaborate plan for the island that included dockage for a hundred boats, 275 campsites, a biking path, and areas for swimming and canoeing - within the island, not in its surrounding waterways. Once again, the plan came to nothing.", "- Call: Take a virtual apartment tour of the apartments at Beech Island Apartments in South Carolina. Get a first look at your new apartment at ApartmentGuide.com.ake a virtual apartment tour of the apartments at Beech Island Apartments in South Carolina." ]
[ 17.5 ]
[ 16.75, 1.2939453125, 5.63671875, 5.0546875, 6.00390625, -0.349609375, -0.60546875, 5.09375, 2.837890625, 4.77734375, 9.1796875, 1.896484375, -0.061126708984375, 1.017578125, 3.056640625, 3.986328125, -0.66796875, 6.63671875, 0.302978515625, 3.5625, 0.180419921875, 3.353515625, 5.81640625, -0.67236328125, 3.775390625, 4.38671875, 3.677734375, 1.0888671875, 2.224609375, 8.859375 ]
what is a synapse in writing
[ "synapse Definition of synapse. : the point at which a nervous impulse passes from one neuron to another." ]
[ "- Write x y as a sentence. Solution: The conditional x y represents, If Gisele has a math assignment, then David owns a car.. In the following examples, we are given the truth values of the hypothesis and the conclusion and asked to determine the truth value of the conditional.", "- Definition of the Writing Process. : Usually, the writing process is described in the following stages. Most students view this process linearly, but you now know that this process can be recursive and circular.", "Figurative Language Stories for Close Reading ~ FREE Complete Week 1! This includes Week 1 of my Figurative Language Stories for Close Reading. Purchase the full product here. Full Product Description: 6 original reading passages for teaching and reviewing figurative language: simile, metaphor, hyperbole, personification, alliteration, onomatopoeia, idiom, and allusion.Each of the 6 passages includes 4 activities. original reading passages for teaching and reviewing figurative language: simile, metaphor, hyperbole, personification, alliteration, onomatopoeia, idiom, and allusion.", "synopsis Noun [edit]. synopsis ‎(plural synopses). 1 A brief summary of the major points of a written work, either as prose or as a table; an abridgment or condensation of a work. ( 2 Orthodoxy) A prayer book for use by the laity of the church.", "- Lesson Summary. In literature, mimesis is the process by which the work reflects and reinterprets the world around it. Derived from a Greek verb meaning 'to imitate,' the philosopher Aristotle adapted the term to fit his idea that art mimics whom and what we observe in the real world.ne form, visual mimesis, is difficult to fit in a literary context, since it involves artistic portrayals of real-life images, such as Egyptian columns carved in the shapes of palm trees, or landscape paintings. This type of mimesis is found throughout visual art.", "Epistrophe Epistrophe (Greek: ἐπιστροφή, return) is the repetition of the same word or words at the end of successive phrases, clauses or sentences.It is also known as epiphora and occasionally as antistrophe. It is a figure of speech and the counterpart of anaphora.reek Epistrophe: a word coined by Plato as a goal of philosophical education and the term adopted by early Christians for conversion..", "A Synapse Happens When Psychology Essay This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by our professional essay writers. A synapse happens when the electrical activity in the pre-synaptic neuron influences the post-synaptic neuron. There are two types of synapses in the body, the electrical (gap junctions) and chemical. Electrical synapses occur in pre and post synaptic neurons that are joined via gap junctions.", "- Coherence allows the reader to move easily throughout the essay from one idea to the. next, from one sentence to the next, and from one paragraph to the next. Following are several. methods that can be used to achieve coherence in writing: Use Repetition to Link Ideas, Sentences, and Paragraphs. Repeating key words or phrases helps connect and focus idea(s) throughout the essay. Repetition also helps the reader remain focused and headed in the right direction.", "UNIT 4: Poetry Writers use the repetition of sounds, words and phrases to create mood or develop characters. Consonance is the repetition of consonant sounds in words that are close to one another in a piece of text, as in 'Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers'. Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds, sometimes creating end rhymes. Finally, repetition of words and phrases is a literary device used by authors with varying effects depending on the type and placement of the repetition.", "Essay A reflective essay is an analytical piece of writing in which the writer describes a real or imaginary scene, event, interaction, passing thought, memory, or form — adding a personal reflection on the meaning of the topic in the author's life.", "- Conclusion. The synapse is an important communication point between neurons and the cells they stimulate. Through this structure, the nervous system can employ billions of cells to control the functions of other systems within the body.", "- Synthesis Based on a reading and summary of related articles/texts, synthesis is your observation(s) of all the related texts, usually with a specific focus Synthesis often appears as the topic sentence in a longer paper, overviewing the specific content of a paragraph.", "synapse synapse. the junction between the processes of two neurons or between a neuron and an effector organ, where neural impulses are transmitted by chemical means. The impulse causes the release of a neurotransmitter (e.g. acetylcholine or norepinephrine) from the presynaptic membrane of the axon terminal.ynapse. SYNAPSE: Axon terminal synapse. The space between the junction of two neurons in a neural pathway, where the termination of the axon of one neuron comes into close proximity with the cell body or dendrites of another.", "Welcome to the Purdue OWL A paraphrase is... your own rendition of essential information and ideas expressed by someone else, presented in a new form. one legitimate way (when accompanied by accurate documentation) to borrow from a source. a more detailed restatement than a summary, which focuses concisely on a single main idea. Paraphrasing is a valuable skill because... 1 it is better than quoting information from an undistinguished passage. 2 it helps you control the temptation to quote too much. 3 the mental process required for successful paraphrasing helps you to grasp the full meaning of the original.", "- Synthesis means putting ideas from many sources together in one essay or presentation. Learning to write a synthesis paper is a critical skill, crucial to organizing and presenting information is academic and non-academic settings.", "- If it is a simile, underline the simile in one color and write “simile” after it. If it is a metaphor, underline the metaphor in another color, and write “metaphor” after it. Finally, under each sentence, write what the simile or metaphor means.f it is a simile, underline the simile in one color and write “simile” after it. If it is a metaphor, underline the metaphor in another color, and write “metaphor” after it. Finally, under each sentence, write what the simile or metaphor means.", "Strategies for Synthesis Writing A synthesis is a piece of writing that combines information from two or more sources. If a writer is explaining a concept or event, research from different sources can be synthesized to offer a well-rounded explanation of it.", "- paraphrase. 1 a restatement of a text or passage giving the meaning in another form, as for clearness; rewording. 2 the act or process of restating or rewording. 3 to render the meaning of in a paraphrase: to paraphrase a technical paper for lay readers. 4 to make a paraphrase or paraphrases.", "Synopsis A synopsis is a brief summary of the major points of a subject or written work or story, either as prose or as a table; an abridgment or condensation of a work. Synopsis or synopsys may refer to: Kievan Synopsis, a historical work, first published in Kiev in 1676.", "- Teach your students to recognize narrative writing. This is writing which conveys a story and is the form most often read for pleasure. It is commonly used as an exercise to increase literacy skills. Examples of narrative writing include novels, biographies, history, and newspaper articles.", "- 1 In other words, think of a synthetic paper as two topics: A and B. The thinking and writing task is not just to regurgitate information or summarize A and then B but to also describe the CONNECTIONS between the two phenomena.", "- Style Like your screenplay, your synopsis should be written in third person, present tense. Tell your story, don’t explain it. Start at the beginning and keep going until you reach the end. Relate the narrative in terms of time, place, character and action as a series of (hopefully) connected scenes and sequences. Unlike a full screenplay, a synopsis does not contain scene slugs or cinematic transitions.", "- Paraphrasing is generally used when you wish to refer to sentences or phrases in the source text. It is particularly useful when you are dealing with facts and definitions. Paraphrasing involves rewriting a short section from the source text in different words whilst keeping the same meaning.", "- required to write and use with my class. Student 2 (reflective writing). In my nursing assignment, my appendices were used to supplement the information in my essay. Firstly, we had to demonstrate our knowledge of the human skeletal system.", "parenthesis Grammar. a qualifying, explanatory, or appositive word, phrase, clause, or sentence that interrupts a syntactic construction without otherwise affecting it, having often a characteristic intonation and indicated in writing by commas, parentheses, or dashes, as in William Smith—you must know him—is coming tonight.", "- Text FeaturesThis is a procedural text. It is a recipe for banana bread and contains step by step instructions on the 'procedure' for making banana bread and a 'list' of the ingredients required.xplain that some writing involves telling the reader how to do something. Brainstorm a list of texts that tell the reader how to do something e.g. instructions, recipes, rules for games, how-to-guides. Explain that a procedure contains step-by-step instructions for a specific task.", "Ellipsis Depending on their context and placement in a sentence, ellipses can indicate an unfinished thought, a leading statement, a slight pause, an echoing voice, or a nervous or awkward silence. Aposiopesis is the use of an ellipsis to trail off into silence—for example: But I thought he was .", "How to Write a Synthesis Essay: Definition & Example Instructor: Frances Smith. This is a lesson about how to write a synthesis essay, which is an advanced type of writing whereby the writer chooses a topic, asserts a claim, selects and combines sources, then constructs an original, well-written essay. A quiz will follow.", "Book Blurb vs. Synopsis â Whatâs the Difference? To start with, a book blurb and a synopsis are not the same thing. Let me give you a quick breakdown that shows why it’s important for writers and readers to know the difference. Here’s the definition of a synopsis: a condensed statement giving a general overview of a subject; a brief summary of the plot of a novel, motion picture, play, etc. A synopsis is primarily used by an author when submitting a new project to an agent or publisher, as most require an overview of what the work is about. A synopsis needs to convey the feel of the story to readers. If the story is a romance, then the synopsis should be romantic. If it’s a comedy, then your synopsis needs to be funny. When writing a synopsis you must include several major components.", "- Prose connotes spoken or written discourse that is not patterned into metric or free verse. To put it simply, prose is writing or speech that is not poetry. Prose exists on a variety of different levels. For instance, at one end of the spectrum is ordinary, colloquial speech.In contrast, at the other end is distinguished written discourse, or what John Dryden called “that other harmony of prose.”.here are a variety of different types of prose. These include: 1 Nonfictional Prose: A piece of writing based on fact. 2 Examples include autobiographies, biographies, and non-fiction essays. 3 Fictional Prose: Imaginative writing. 4 Examples include novels, parables, short stories, and most drama." ]
[ 12.6484375 ]
[ 1.701171875, 5.3359375, 3.373046875, 10.6171875, 2.201171875, 1.865234375, 13.2109375, 4.953125, 2.78125, 3.724609375, 10.5703125, 5.8046875, 11.46875, 4.3515625, 7.9453125, 5.83984375, 9.53125, 4.25, 10.8984375, 3.85546875, 5.1484375, 7.859375, 3.99609375, 3.404296875, 6.11328125, 3.51171875, 3.876953125, 8.734375, 10.5859375, 4.35546875 ]
what causes your leg to spasms
[ "What Are the Causes of Leg Spasms? The compression of nerves after they leave the spinal cord can cause leg spasms. Spinal nerve compression can create conditions that affect the spinal column, such as osteoarthritis, spinal tumors and herniated disks, according to MayoClinic.com." ]
[ "- Discover what’s behind this painful cramp, and treat it so you can get back to sleep quicker. The dreaded charley horse: No one really knows how it got its name, but up to 60 percent of adults experience the occasional nocturnal leg cramp, which can feel like a painful spasm, tightening, or twinge. Charley horses develop when the nerves that carry signals to your muscles fire off too many messages at once. This causes your muscles to contract in an uncomfortable way, says Scott Garrison, M.D., Ph.D., director of the department of family medicine at the University of Alberta. You may unsubscribe at any time.", "Leg numbness The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Leg numbness. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms. Leg paresthesias. Nerve entrapment. Nerve compression. Wallet pressing on a nerve - if you are sitting on your wallet it may induce leg numbness.", "- Leg numbness is an abnormal condition in which you feel a loss of sensation in the legs. You can have numbness of one (unilateral) or both (bilateral leg numbness) legs. Numbness in the legs may also extend to your toes. Leg numbness is usually due to a lack of blood supply to an area or nerve damage. Leg numbness can also result from infection, inflammation, trauma, and other abnormal processes. Most cases of leg numbness are not due to life-threatening disorders, but it does occur with stroke and tumors. Search Now.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Prednisone And Leg Cramps Muscle cramps are a common and painful condition;this article outlines some possible underlying causes and suggestions to help. Muscles cramps are caused by prolonged spasms, or involuntary contraction of a muscle. Muscle cramps, especially those of the legs, are extremely common, more so in the elderly. Although not dangerous to health, in some cases they may be symptoms of an underlying problem.", "Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) (Shin), Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) (Foot (top)) and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) (Toes) Leg cramps Leg cramps, when a muscle in the leg tightens and doesn't loosen up, causes pain and bulging in the leg. Low potassium (hypokalemia) If the level of potassium in your blood drops below normal, it may cause low energy, leg cramps, and more.", "Why Is My Leg Numb? -- Causes and Top 10 Natural Remedies However, it is possible that numb legs can be caused by a spinal tumor or a brain tumor. (Read about other unusual signs of a brain tumor.) A spinal tumor is a growth that develops in or near to your spinal cord and a brain tumor takes root in your brain - both can cause loss of sensation and numbness in the leg or legs.", "\"Doctors have multiple treatment options for \"\"twitchy\"\" legs\" A: From your description, restless legs syndrome could be the cause of your symptoms. The condition can cause a number of vague and unusual sensations in the legs at night. People often describe it as burning, tingling, crawling or pressure. The cause is not known. There's often an overwhelming urge to move or stretch the legs.", "Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) (Leg), Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) (Shin), Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) (Calf) and Muscle wasting Leg cramps Leg cramps, when a muscle in the leg tightens and doesn't loosen up, causes pain and bulging in the leg. Low potassium (hypokalemia) If the level of potassium in your blood drops below normal, it may cause low energy, leg cramps, and more. Muscle strain Muscle strain occurs when muscles are stressed, overworked, or injured due to physical activity or labor.", "- Treating leg cramps. If the cause of your leg cramps is known, it may be possible to treat the underlying cause. For example, secondary leg cramps that are related to liver disease are caused by high levels of toxins in the blood which trigger muscles spasms.xercises during cramps. During an episode of leg cramp, stretch and massage the affected muscle. For example, if the cramp is in your calf muscle: 1 Straighten your leg and lift your foot upwards, bending it at the ankle so that your toes point towards your shin.", "What Causes Leg Tremors? There are also some things that may not cause tremors in person's legs but may make existing tremors worse. For example, a person may be more prone to tremors while fatigued or dealing with stress. The over-consumption of caffeine and withdrawal from alcohol may also stimulate tremors or make them more noticeable.", "Why Are My Legs Always Cramping? Failure to follow this advice has left many people on dialysis, sometimes with limb loss, as a result of untreated complications of underlying conditions such as diabetes or vascular diseases. This is not to say all causes of leg cramps are serious, but you owe it to yourself to know the cause of your condition.", "Leg Pain A primary cause of leg pain is a muscle cramp or spasm that’s often known as “a charley horse.” A cramp usually triggers sudden, sharp pain as the leg muscles contract. The tightening muscles often form a visible, hard lump beneath the skin. There may be some redness and swelling in the surrounding area.", "Scientists Explain 4 Things That Cause Leg Cramps (And How to Fix It) If you experience leg cramps that wake you in the middle of the night often, then read on to find out the causes and solutions so that you can get a restful sleep, pain-free. If You Get Leg Cramps Often, This May Be Why… A “charley horse,” or leg cramp, is a painful muscle spasm in your calf, thigh, or foot, according to WebMD. If you’ve ever wondered why people call it a “charley horse,” try to think of how you’d feel if a horse kicked you in the calf or thigh.", "- And 40% develop sleep-related leg cramps. ... Nobody knows what causes restless leg syndrome — a powerful urge to move your legs that can disrupt your sleep. ... Also, ask if any medications you are taking could trigger restless leg syndrome.", "- Leg cramps are common. The cause is not known in most cases. However, some medications and diseases sometimes cause leg cramps. Regular calf stretching exercises may prevent leg cramps. Quinine tablets may be advised as a last resort if you have cramps regularly. A leg cramp is a pain that comes from a leg muscle. It is due to a muscle spasm, which is when a muscle contracts too hard. It usually occurs in a calf muscle, below and behind a knee. The small muscles of the feet are sometimes affected.", "Severe muscle spasms and pain Severe muscle spasms and pain. Can you briefly explain the mechanism by which lyme causes muscle spasms? I know that low magnesium, calcium or potassium could cause spasms, but I know that there are other factors at work as well.", "Does wine cause leg cramps at night when we sleep? Report Abuse. Well, alcohol is dehydratining which can cause legs cramp. Try drink electrolyte water (Gator aid etc,) even eating banana, which high in potassium may help. You running low on electrolytes.", "Finger spasm Finger spasm: Introduction. Finger spasm: Sudden involuntary contraction of the muscles in the fingers. See detailed information below for a list of 18 causes of Finger spasm, Symptom Checker, including diseases and drug side effect causes.» Review Causes of Finger spasm: Causes | Symptom Checker ».he following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Finger spasm. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms. 1 Muscle injury. 2 Nerve irritation. 3 Nummular eczema. 4 Nerve compression. 5 Hypocalcaemia. 6 Electrolyte abnormality. 7 Spinal damage.", "Diseases that Cause Muscle Spasms Diseases Causing Muscle Spasms. Muscle spasms or muscle twitching occurs when a muscle forcibly undergoes contraction and is unable to relax. When muscle or even few muscle fibers contract involuntarily, it causes a spasm. When these spasms are sustained for long, it results in a muscle cramp.", "Is Tramadol a narcotic? When your legs are tired and you stretch your calf muscles the leg cramps can suddenly hit you. It's the muscle's way of telling you : Buddy, I had enough for today. Sure, maybe tomorrow, certainly the day after, but NO MORE today !.", "What Causes Leg Cramps and How Can You Stop Them? Leg cramps can be caused by many conditions, ranging simply from dehydration to something much more serious such as kidney disease. Cramps often result from vigorous exercise, trauma to the muscle, or keeping the leg in an awkward position for too long, such as sitting in a crowded theater.", "- Other things can raise the likelihood of leg cramps, including: 1 Diabetes. 2 Parkinson’s disease. 3 Alcoholism. Low blood sugar. Some hormone disorders, such as 1 hypothyroidism. Imbalances in chemicals in your body, such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Flat feet.", "- Causes of Back Muscle Spasms Video. Muscle spasms in the back can be caused by a muscle strain, a sprained muscle, or an underlying condition. Treatment for Back Pain Flare-Ups Video. Learn about treatments for low back pain, including proper methods for controlling inflammation, strength training, medications and more.he first step to getting to the bottom of what your back is telling you and to feeling better is to determine the cause of your back muscle spasm. Muscles spasms occur: 1 As a result of the muscles trying to protect themselves from a muscle strain or sprain or. 2 In response to an underlying condition.", "Hand or foot spasms Causes. Cramps or spasms in the muscles often have no clear cause. Possible causes of hand or foot spasms include: 1 Abnormal levels of electrolytes or minerals in the body. 2 Brain disorders, such as. , , 3 dystonia, and. 4 Parkinson disease. 5 multiple sclerosis. 6 Huntington disease.", "What Are the Causes of Leg Spasms? Poorly conditioned muscles may contribute to leg spasms, reports the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Although researchers do not understand the exact cause of leg spasms, they believe that out-of-shape and weak muscles are more likely to cause muscle spasms.", "Night leg cramps Causes. Most of the time, night leg cramps occur for no known reason, and they're usually harmless. In general, night leg cramps are likely to be related to muscle fatigue and nerve problems. The risk of having night leg cramps increases with age.Pregnant women also have a higher likelihood of experiencing night leg cramps.estless legs syndrome (RLS) is sometimes confused with night leg cramps, but it's a separate condition. In general, pain is not a main feature of RLS, but RLS could be the cause of night leg cramps.", "- Leg numbness is an abnormal condition in which you feel a loss of sensation in the legs. You can have numbness of one (unilateral) or both (bilateral leg numbness) legs. Numbness in the legs may also extend to your toes. Leg numbness is usually due to a lack of blood supply to an area or nerve damage.", "What Is Your Back Muscle Spasm Telling You? Causes of muscle spasm. The first step to getting to the bottom of what your back is telling you and to feeling better is to determine the cause of your back muscle spasm.Muscles spasms occur: 1 As a result of the muscles trying to protect themselves from a muscle strain or sprain or. 2 In response to an underlying condition.auses of muscle spasm. The first step to getting to the bottom of what your back is telling you and to feeling better is to determine the cause of your back muscle spasm.", "Hand or Foot Spasms Back to Top Causes. Cramps or spasms in the muscles often have no clear cause. Possible causes of hand or foot spasms include: 1 Brain disorders, such as parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, dystonia, and Huntington's disease.2 Chronic kidney disease and dialysis.3 Damage to a single nerve or nerve group (mononeuropathy) or multiple nerves (polyneuropathy) that are connected to muscles.ack to Top Causes. Cramps or spasms in the muscles often have no clear cause. Possible causes of hand or foot spasms include: 1 Brain disorders, such as parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, dystonia, and Huntington's disease.", "Causes of Mid-Back Spasms Understanding Mid Back Cramps and Spasms. Spasms, also known as cramps essentially refer to the same thing – abnormal activity of the muscles which causes an abrupt, painful contraction. In the majority of cases, back spasms are accompanied by muscle stiffness even at a relaxed state and very slow relaxation of muscles." ]
[ 15.7265625 ]
[ 11.921875, 7.1484375, 8.25, 10.90625, 12.5859375, 7.359375, 9.546875, 12.7421875, 10.859375, 10.4375, 10.5234375, 11.1953125, 11.2578125, 10.578125, 12.171875, 10.0078125, 9.5078125, 7.21875, 11.8515625, 11.171875, 12.34375, 12.515625, 9.0390625, 11.8828125, 14.7578125, 11.0859375, 8.78125, 9.703125, 11.2578125, 8.6328125 ]
is yahoo a search engine?
[ "Yahoo Part of the Internet applications glossary: Yahoo! is an Internet portal that incorporates a search engine and a directory of World Wide Web sites organized in a hierarchy of topic categories." ]
[ "Looking for a Lesson in Googleâs Perks Yahoo employees should be so lucky. Whatever else might be said about Yahoo’s workplace, it’s a long way from Google’s, as I discovered this week when I dropped in at Google’s East Coast headquarters, a vast former Port Authority shipping complex that occupies a full city block in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan.", "Browser apps By bringing content and advertising to you that is relevant and tailored to your interests, Yahoo provides a more compelling online experience. Learn More about relevant advertising. Manage your interest-based categories, or opt-out of all categories, from the Yahoo! Ad Interest Manager.", "Force Cortana to use Google instead of Bing Install Chrometana. Once you've made Google Chrome your default browser, open up Google Chrome and install the Chrome extension Chrometana. After you add Chrometana to Chrome, you'll see a page asking you to pick your preferred search engine: Google, DuckDuckGo or Yahoo. Click the search engine (Google) you want to use. To return to this page at any time, you can open the Settings menu in Chrome and go to Extensions > Chrometana > Options.", "- Find out which are the top 10 search engines in the World today! A shocking surprise for many but Google is not the only search engine on the Internet! Updated 2018.", "Yahoo Search Set Or, you can uninstall Yahoo Search Set from your computer by using the Add/Remove Program feature in the Window's Control Panel. 1 Windows Vista/7/8: Click Uninstall a Program. 2 Windows XP: Click Add or Remove Programs. Windows Vista/7/8: Click Uninstall.", "Which search engine giant was originally named âJerryâs Guide to the World Wideâ? Which search engine giant was originally named “Jerry’s Guide to the World Wide”? – Google – Yahoo – Bing – AOL Answer: Co-founded in 1994 by Jerry Yang and David Filo while they were PhD students at Stanford, the company that would become a leading search engine and pioneer of the internet used to go by a much lesser known name. The search engine giant began as Jerry’s Guide to the World Wide Web, but by 1995 the founders realized they’d need something a bit more concise, so they renamed the company Yahoo! — an acronym for “Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle.”", "Is Yahoo having problems today? Report Abuse. I've been having problems with Yahoo also. Links on Yahoo Home, do not work. Been using Yahoo for years with no problems until recently. Got in touch with them and they make it sound like it is my computer but in this house there are two computers and two tablets that work great except no Yahoo. am experiencing continual problems with Yahoo, bot on the Home page and in Mail. The Mail is very slow and typing a message is totally erratic. In both screens the page goes Blank / Black with annoying regularity.", "- so i rush into my settings chrome settings and change the default search engine to google com and delete all of the others there but here s the problem if i close the chrome window and start a new one the new window has yahoo com set as the default search engineo i rush into my settings chrome settings and change the default search engine to google com and delete all of the others there but here s the problem if i close the chrome window and start a new one the new window has yahoo com set as the default search engine", "Remove Yahoo Search and search.yahoo.com redirect (Uninstall Guide) For example, when you install vPlay, you will also agree to change your default browser home page and default search engine to search.yahoo.com, and install the Yahoo Toolbar. However, when you uninstall vPlay from your computer, your web browser’s default settings will not be restored.", "How to Set Google or Any Other Service as Search Engine for the Taskbar in Windows 10 But in the nightly build, you get to choose the default browser for Windows also. Put a check on the option Use this search engine for searched from Windows. You can also set Yahoo or Duck Duck Go as your default search engine.", "Yahoo to replace Google as default search engine on Firefox in US Yahoo to replace Google as default search engine on Firefox in US. Mozilla is ending its decade-old partnership with Google in the US, and making Yahoo its default search engine. Yahoo is replacing Google as the default search engine for the Mozilla Firefox web browser on mobile and desktop in the United States, the company has announced. The switchover will take place in the US in December, putting an end to a decade-old partnership between Google and the Mozilla Foundation.", "Google Site Search Enterprise Search. Google Search Appliance. Unlock your data with the power and relevance of Google Search, customized and secured in an appliance for use inside your business. Google Site Search. Add the power of Google.com technology to your website’s search box, helping customers quickly find what they’re looking for.", "- As of February 2015, it is the second largest search engine in the US with a query volume at 19.8%, while Yahoo Search, which Bing powers, has 12.8%. Its competitor Google is at 64.5%.", "Yahoo! Yahoo! is a web services provider, wholly owned by Verizon Communications through Oath Inc.[7][8] and headquartered in Sunnyvale, California.", "- How to remove Yahoo as Firefox's default search engine. Firefox has kicked Google to the curb and run into the arms of Yahoo as its default search engine. Learn how to switch your default back to Google, and about a new search feature.o get rid of Yahoo search, open Firefox's Preferences and click on the Search tab. (You can also head directly to the search tab in Preferences by typing a letter in Firefox's search bar to call up the search window before clicking Change Search Settings at the bottom of said window.).", "Yahoo! Search Yahoo Search is a web search engine owned by Yahoo. As of February 2015 it is the third largest search engine in the US by the query volume at 12.8%, after its competitors Google at 64.5% and Bing at 19.8%. Originally, Yahoo Search referred to a Yahoo-provided interface that sent queries to a searchable index of pages supplemented with its directory of websites.", "- JI. This is a follow up from :http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/ie/forum/ie10-windows_8/windows-8ie10-why-is-yahoo-default-search-engine/b292429f-8232-4b40-883f-354f16186220. Yahoo is NOT one of my search providers, I only have Google and it is set as the default.However, when I type anything in the URl bar and hit enter to search, Yahoo Search is what comes up. I have looked through the registry to see if I could find the keys responsible but cannot. It is not in the IE10 settings.ight side of address bar there is small search box,click on y sign and change to Google, For each search provider you add, a button is displayed in the drop-down list from the Address bar.", "- How to remove Yahoo as Firefox's default search engine. Firefox has kicked Google to the curb and run into the arms of Yahoo as its default search engine. Learn how to switch your default back to Google, and about a new search feature.rom the search tab in Preferences, you'll see Yahoo is selected in the Default Search Engine area. Use the pulldown menu to return it to Google or select one of the other search providers.", "- In fact, there are more people than you think that use Yahoo. Yahoo has been around longer than Google. For those of us that have been using the internet since the '90s Yahoo is usually the search engine of choice. For the younger crowd, I would agree that they use mostly Google.", "- Mozilla has dumped Google in favor of Yahoo as Firefox's default search engine in the US. If you've been using and enjoying Google search, the previous default, in Firefox then you'll need to dig into settings to change it back.o get rid of Yahoo search, open Firefox's Preferences and click on the Search tab. (You can also head directly to the search tab in Preferences by typing a letter in Firefox's search bar to call up the search window before clicking Change Search Settings at the bottom of said window.).", "- The search engine giant began as Jerry’s Guide to the World Wide Web, but by 1995 the founders realized they’d need something a bit more concise, so they renamed the company Yahoo! — an acronym for “Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle.” According to Filo, the exclamation point was added for “pure marketing hype.” Yahoo", "Yahoo! Yahoo! is a web services provider that is wholly owned by Verizon Communications through Oath Inc. and headquartered in Sunnyvale, California. The original Yahoo! company was founded by Jerry Yang and David Filo in January 1994 and was incorporated on March 2, 1995. Yahoo was one of the pioneers of the early Internet era in the 1990s. Marissa Mayer, a former Google executive, served as CEO and President of Yahoo until June 2017. It was globally known for its Web portal, search engine Yahoo! Sear", "Contents: Google vs Yahoo Google vs. Yahoo. Yahoo and Google are two major players in the Internet and computer software industry with continued history of rivalry.", "Contents: Google vs Yahoo Google is well-known for its web search service. As of August 2007, Google was the most used search engine on the web with a 53.6% market share, ahead of Yahoo! (19.9%) and Live Search (12.9%). Google indexes billions of Web pages, so that users can search for the information they desire, through the use of keywords and operators.", "search engine search engine. An alternative to using a search engine is to explore a structured directory of topics. Yahoo, which also lets you use its search engine, is the most widely-used directory on the Web. A number of Web portal sites offer both the search engine and directory approaches to finding information.", "What is a Search Engine? Search Engine. A search engine is a web site that collects and organizes content from all over the internet. Those wishing to locate something would enter a query about what they'd like to find and the engine provides links to content that matches what they want. Google.com has become the most widely used search engine on the Internet.", "Can Firefox make a dent in mobile? Yahoo is replacing Google as the default search engine for Mozilla's Firefox browser, the companies announced late Wednesday. With 10% of the market, it is the Internet's third most popular search engine, behind Google's Chrome and Microsoft's (MSFT, Tech30) Bing (which powers Yahoo searches).", "Yahoo! search has somehow hijacked my chrome browser, and is setting itself up as the default search engine I have gone to settings and changed the default browser to Google many times over, even removed Yahoo and Bing from the list of available search engines. However every time I restart Chrome, or restart my PC, Yahoo is back as the default browser.", "History of Yahoo! The word Yahoo had previously been trademarked for barbecue sauce, knives (by EBSCO Industries) and human propelled watercraft (by Old Town Canoe Co.). Therefore, in order to get control of the trademark, Yang and Filo added the exclamation mark to the name.", "- Save time! Install Yahoo Toolbar to get Yahoo Search available at the top of your browser. Verified for version 36. 1 Click the Tools icon | select Options. 2 Click the Search tab. Under Default Search Engine, select Yahoo from the drop-down." ]
[ 15.5078125 ]
[ 5.0859375, 8.1796875, 9.3046875, 6.24609375, 10.7734375, 8.796875, 2.302734375, 9.9296875, 10.7578125, 10.65625, 15.1640625, 5.3125, 12.796875, 10.6640625, 9.2734375, 17.046875, 10.8984375, 10.5703125, 13.6484375, 9.1640625, 12.3125, 13.5078125, 8.4296875, 11.7421875, 13.4921875, 8.0078125, 13.796875, 11.6796875, 7.26953125, 11.4765625 ]
do squamous cell carcinomas hurt
[ "Treatment of Squamous Cell Carcinoma Treatment of Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Squamous cell carcinoma is the second most common skin cancer and is increasing at an alarming rate, particularly in the elderly.Squamous cell carcinoma without question is related directly to sun exposure and also to age.here are superficial forms of squamous cell carcinoma which are called in situ or Bowen’s disease (SCC in situ). There is a specialized form of squamous cell carcinoma in situ that can occur on the genitalia called Bowenoid papulosis which is induced by the wart virus, not by sun exposure." ]
[ "Squamous Cell Carcinoma In this article. Font Size. A. A. A. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most common form of skin cancer. It’s usually found on areas of the body damaged by UV rays from the sun or tanning beds. Sun-exposed skin includes the head, neck, ears, lips, arms, legs, and hands.SCC is a fairly slow-growing skin cancer.ont Size. A. A. A. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most common form of skin cancer. It’s usually found on areas of the body damaged by UV rays from the sun or tanning beds. Sun-exposed skin includes the head, neck, ears, lips, arms, legs, and hands. SCC is a fairly slow-growing skin cancer.", "Rapid Review Pathology Treatments for non‐metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the skin. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the skin is the second most common skin cancer in people of white origin, most frequently occurring on sun‐exposed areas of the body.People with fair skin and those with certain genetic conditions or an impaired immune system are at greater risk of developing SCC of the skin.he most common types are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, which are nonmelanoma skin cancers. Nonmelanoma skin cancers rarely spread to other parts of the body.", "The Causes of Squamous Cell Carcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma, or SCC, is a common form of skin cancer. This type of skin cancer is a tumor that affects the middle layer of the skin. Squamous cells are cells that compose most of the epidermis. An abnormal growth of these cells is known as a squamous cell carcinoma. How does it form? Squamous cell cancer results when cells in the middle part of the skin start to change. The changes may begin in normal skin or in skin that has been injured or inflamed. Most skin cancers occur on skin that is regularly exposed to sunlight or other ultraviolet radiation. It is most often seen in those over age 50. Over 90% of skin cancers occur on areas of the skin that are regularly exposed to sunlight or other ultraviolet radiation; this is considered the primary cause of all skin cancers.", "- A: While patients seem to know that melanomas are dangerous skin cancers, the same often isn't true with respect to the nonmelanoma skin cancers basal and squamous cell carcinoma (BCC and SCC). All dermatologists sooner or later are asked by patients whether they can forgo surgery for these cancers.", "- Squamous Cell Carcinoma Directory. Squamous cell skin carcinoma is a type of skin cancer that develops in the flat cells in the upper layers of the skin. These cells are called squamous cells. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most common type of skin cancer.", "- Squamous-cell carcinoma or squamous-cell cancer (SCC or SqCC) is a cancer of a kind of epithelial cell, the squamous cell.These cells are the main part of the epidermis of the skin, and this cancer is one of the major forms of skin cancer. Unlike basal-cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous-cell carcinoma (SCC) has a substantial risk of metastasis. 2 Risk of metastasis is higher in SCC arising in scars, on the lower lips or mucosa, and occurring in immunosuppressed patients.", "Cytopathology - Female Reproductive Tract Some poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinomas are indistinguishable from endometrial cells. How to tell the difference between squamous cell carcinoma and exfoliated (normal) endometrial cells.", "- Font Size. A. A. A. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most common form of skin cancer. It’s usually found on areas of the body damaged by UV rays from the sun or tanning beds. Sun-exposed skin includes the head, neck, ears, lips, arms, legs, and hands. SCC is a fairly slow-growing skin cancer.ont Size. A. A. A. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most common form of skin cancer. It’s usually found on areas of the body damaged by UV rays from the sun or tanning beds. Sun-exposed skin includes the head, neck, ears, lips, arms, legs, and hands. SCC is a fairly slow-growing skin cancer.", "Skin carcinomas linked to increased risk of other cancers Melanomas are the most dangerous form of skin cancer but only account for fewer than 2% of all skin cancers. There are two main types of non-melanoma skin cancers: basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Both arise from the epidermis, the upper layer of the skin and appear as a flesh-coloured nodule on the skin or a sore that fails to heal. As their names suggest, BCCs come from the basal cells and SCCs from squamous cells.", "Squamous cell skin cancer Most squamous cell cancers occur on skin that is regularly exposed to sunlight or other ultraviolet radiation. The earliest form of squamous cell cancer is called Bowen disease (or squamous cell carcinoma in situ). This type does not spread to nearby tissues because it is still in the outermost layer of the skin. Actinic keratosis is a precancerous skin lesion that may become a squamous cell cancer. (A lesion is a problem area of the skin.) Risks of squamous cell cancer include: Having light-colored skin, blue or green eyes, or blond or red hair.", "- Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most common form of skin cancer. It’s usually found on areas of the body damaged by UV rays from the sun or tanning beds. Sun-exposed skin includes the head, neck, ears, lips, arms, legs, and hands. SCC is a fairly slow-growing skin cancer.", "Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) SCC is generally a slow growing tumor that tends to grow without physical symptoms. However, some forms of this cancer may be fast growing and painful, especially when the lesions are large. They may become irritated and bleed.", "Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment (PDQ®)âPatient Version Get the Latest health and medical information delivered direct to your inbox! Squamous cell carcinoma: Cancer that begins in squamous cells -- thin, flat cells that look under the microscope like fish scales.Squamous cells are found in the tissue that forms the surface of the skin, the lining of hollow organs of the body, and the passages of the respiratory and digestive tracts.et the Latest health and medical information delivered direct to your inbox! Squamous cell carcinoma: Cancer that begins in squamous cells -- thin, flat cells that look under the microscope like fish scales.", "Rapid Review Pathology Treatments for non‐metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the skin. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the skin is the second most common skin cancer in people of white origin, most frequently occurring on sun‐exposed areas of the body.People with fair skin and those with certain genetic conditions or an impaired immune system are at greater risk of developing SCC of the skin.bout Squamous Cell Skin Cancer. There are different types of cancer that start in the skin. The most common types are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, which are nonmelanoma skin cancers. Nonmelanoma skin cancers rarely spread to other parts of the body.", "Skin cancer â basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma Like basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma is not among the most dangerous cancers, but it can become dangerous if it is not treated in time. Sunlight is a contributing factor in 90 per cent of the cases. The disease itself is usually triggered by damage to the skin caused by sun rays.", "Diagnosis and Treatment of Basal Cell and Squamous Cell Carcinoma Nonmelanoma skin cancer, which includes basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, is the most common cancer in the United States. Approximately 80 percent of nonmelanoma skin cancers are basal cell carcinoma and 20 percent are squamous cell carcinoma.asal cell carcinoma most commonly appears as a pearly white, dome-shaped papule with prominent telangiectatic surface vessels. Squamous cell carcinoma most commonly appears as a firm, smooth, or hyperkeratotic papule or plaque, often with central ulceration.", "Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) 1 After this, there is no pain or discomfort. 2 The squamous cell carcinoma and a small amount of surrounding normal skin is cut with a scalpel and removed. 3 As the area is numb from the anesthetic, this process is not painful. 4 Stitches are used to close the opening.", "Painful, Itchy Patches Could Be Sign of Skin Cancer Many people reported that their lesions were both painful and itchy. Melanoma lesions were the least likely to be painful or itchy. Other skin cancers, especially basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, were more likely to be itchy or painful, the findings showed. Melanoma is much less common than basal cell and squamous cell skin cancers, but it is far more dangerous, according to the American Cancer Society.", "- (See Patient information: Management of a cervical biopsy with precancerous cells (Beyond the Basics) .). SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA. Squamous cell carcinoma is the medical term for the most common type of cervical cancer.A finding of cells that are cancerous (rather than precancerous) on a Pap test is rare, occurring in only 4.5 per 100,000 Pap tests [ 1 ].he outer surface of the cervix and vagina are lined by cells called squamous cells (picture 1). The canal of the cervix is lined by cells called glandular cells.", "Squamous Cells - Potentially Affected by HPV Most people only become familiar with the term squamous cell when they are diagnosed with a squamous cell carcinoma. This is a type of cancer that affects the squamous layers of the epithelium. Squamous cell carcinomas are the most common cancer of the oral cavity.", "Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) SCC is the second most common form of skin cancer and is mainly seen in individuals with chronic exposure to the sun. It is important to be able to recognize this form of skin cancer because it has the potential to spread to other parts of the body and can be locally destructive.", "Overview Signs and symptoms of squamous cell carcinoma of the skin include: 1 A firm, red nodule. 2 A flat sore with a scaly crust. 3 A new sore or raised area on an old scar or ulcer. A rough, scaly patch on your lip that may evolve to an open 1 sore. A red sore or rough patch inside your mouth.", "Chimney sweeps' carcinoma Chimney sweeps' carcinoma is a squamous cell carcinoma of the skin of the scrotum. Warts caused by the irritation from soot particles, if not excised, developed into a scrotal cancer. This then invaded the dartos, enlarged the testicle, and proceeded up the spermatic cord into the abdomen where it proved fatal.", "Types of cancer Squamous cell carcinoma starts in squamous cells. These are the flat, surface covering cells found in areas such as the skin or the lining of the throat or food pipe (oesophagus).", "- Carcinoma, Squamous Cell. Carcinoma and Maybe Others. By Dr. J. Rozencwajg, NMD. cancer. 64 The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine: February - May 2013 www.naturalmedicine.net.nz The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine: February - May 2013 www.naturalmedicine.net.nz 65. Note the rest of the scalp has apparently. cleared.", "Overview Squamous cell carcinoma signs and symptoms. Most often, squamous cell carcinoma occurs on sun-exposed areas of your body, such as your face, ears and hands. People with darker skin are more likely to develop squamous cell carcinoma on areas that aren't often exposed to the sun. Squamous cell carcinoma may appear as:", "- Squamous cell carcinoma. Squamous cell carcinoma can develop in the cells lining the vagina, most often in the area closest to the cervix. Squamous cell carcinoma makes up 85% to 90% of vaginal cancers.", "Skin cancer types Squamous cell carcinoma. This type of skin cancer is not as dangerous as melanoma but may spread to other parts of the body if not treated. It grows over some months and appears on skin most often exposed to the sun. It can be a thickened, red, scaly spot that may bleed easily, crust or ulcerate.", "Signs and Symptoms of Basal and Squamous Cell Skin Cancers Squamous cell carcinomas. Squamous cell cancers tend to occur on sun-exposed areas of the body such as the face, ear, neck, lip, and back of the hands. Less often, they form in the skin of the genital area. They can also develop in scars or skin sores elsewhere.", "Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma Practice Essentials. Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) is the second most common skin cancer, after basal cell carcinomas. Although cSCC is not often fatal, many of these lesions occur in the head and neck region, where surgery for advanced-stage disease can be disfiguring.y convention, the term head-and-neck squamous cell carcinoma typically refers to SCC of the mucosal linings of the head and neck rather than to cSCC. Although conjunctival SCC also involves mucosa rather than skin, it is briefly considered in the Clinical Presentation and Treatment sections." ]
[ 9.2109375 ]
[ 9.9453125, 8.9453125, 9.1796875, 8.03125, 8.96875, 9.8828125, 5.44140625, 9.9765625, 9.3984375, 9.640625, 9.5546875, 12.75, 8.796875, 9.21875, 9.0859375, 9.4140625, 13.5078125, 13.2734375, 8.109375, 8.1015625, 9.0390625, 11.5234375, 6.8828125, 8.4921875, 6.98828125, 9.84375, 8.859375, 9.1640625, 10.1953125, 9.3046875 ]
what is chipotle chili powder
[ "Chipotle Chile Powder Chipotle chile powder is made up purely of dried and ground chipotle chiles (as opposed to standard chili powder, which is actually a mix of ground chiles with several spices like oregano, garlic powder, and cumin).It has a moderate heat level with fruity undertones.hipotle chile powder is made up purely of dried and ground chipotle chiles (as opposed to standard chili powder, which is actually a mix of ground chiles with several spices like oregano, garlic powder, and cumin)." ]
[ "Chipotle Most chipotle chilis are produced in the northern Mexican state of Chihuahua. This variety of chipotle is known as a morita (Spanish for small mulberry). In central and southern Mexico, chipotle chilis are known as chile meco, chile ahumado, or tipico. típicot the end of the growing season, jalapenos jalapeños naturally ripen and turn bright. Red In mexico and The United, states there is a market for ripe red. Jalapenos jalapeños they are kept on the bush as long. As possible when they are deep red and have lost much of, their moisture they are picked to be made. into chipotles", "- The dark chili powder is an excellent replacement for chipotle chili powder and is so reasonably priced!", "What is chipotle chile en adobo? Report Abuse. You can buy chipotle in adobo at any grocery store, usually in the same aisle that has salsa. It's a smoked jalapeno in adobo sauce, which is a vinegary sauce. So, for your recipe, just take out one pepper from the can and add some sauce.Super good, but super hot.eport Abuse. You can buy chipotle in adobo at any grocery store, usually in the same aisle that has salsa. It's a smoked jalapeno in adobo sauce, which is a vinegary sauce. So, for your recipe, just take out one pepper from the can and add some sauce.", "- Many recipes, ranging from chili to salmon dishes, list chipotle powder as an ingredient. The spicy, smoky flavor of chipotle powder comes from grinding up a whole dried chipotle chili. Created by smoking jalapeno peppers until they reach a reddish-brown color, chipotles make up nearly 20 percent of the jalapenos grown in Mexico. Chipotle powder is a common form of the chipotle found in the United States.", "Poblano The poblano (Capsicum annuum) is a mild chili pepper originating in the state of Puebla, Mexico.Dried, it is called ancho or chile ancho, from the Mexican Spanish name ancho (wide) or chile ancho (wide chile).n immature poblano is dark purplish green in color, but the mature fruits eventually turn a red so dark as to be nearly black. Poblanos grow in zones 10–12 and do best with a soil pH between 7.0 and 8.5.", "- Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. (/tʃɨˈpoʊtleɪ/) is a chain of restaurants in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, and France, specializing in Mission burritos and tacos.he company has released a mission statement called Food with Integrity, which highlights its efforts in using organic ingredients, and serves more naturally raised meat than any other restaurant chain. Chipotle is one of the first chains of fast casual dining establishments.", "- Product Summary. No artificial colours or preservatives.With bags of Latino flare, the sweet and spicy flavour of Roquito®Chilli Pepper Pearls gives you a wonderful balance of taste and heat.Perfect on pizzas or adding a fiery kick to fajitas, subs, burgers or salsas.o artificial colours or preservatives.With bags of Latino flare, the sweet and spicy flavour of Roquito®Chilli Pepper Pearls gives you a wonderful balance of taste and heat.", "Piccalilli - Pickling Piccalilli. [pickalilly; piccalile]. A PICKLE composed of a mixture of chopped vegetables and hot SPICES, one of which is invariably the TURMERIC that gives its distinctive colour. Piccalilli was also known as INDIAN PICKLE and ENGLISH chow chow [Simmonds (1906)]; [Tradecards (18c.)].Mason and Brown suggest that this pickle was introduced in the middle of the eighteenth century, and that its name was probably a play on 'pickle' [Mason and Brown (1999)].pickling pott; pickle water and spichet pots; pickle pott]. A POT or JAR with a relatively wide mouth to facilitate access to the contents. Martha Bradley advised that 'nothing but Stone or Glass will hold Pickles, for the Vinegar and Salt used in preparing them, eat through anything else.", "Making Your Own Chipotle Peppers From Jalapenoâs Use as you would any chili powder for a spicy, smoky flavor. Chipotle in Adobo Sauce. Normally canned with a sauce made of spices, vinegar, tomato sauce and sometimes other chilies. You can use the chilies, the sauce, or both in common recipes.Chipotle Chili Salt. The salt is a combination of chipotle chili powder and table salt.Use on meats or vegetables for a light smoky flavor. Chipotle Dip. Chilies are dehydrated and blended into a paste. Use the dip for chicken fingers, wraps and on veggies or chips. Chipolte Peppers ready to come out of the smoker.hipotle in Adobo Sauce. Normally canned with a sauce made of spices, vinegar, tomato sauce and sometimes other chilies. You can use the chilies, the sauce, or both in common recipes. Chipotle Chili Salt. The salt is a combination of chipotle chili powder and table salt.", "- Dark and Spicy Mexican Hot Chocolate Chile ancho powder is a versatile spice derived from dry Mexican ancho chiles. How Top Chefs Stay Thin Rachel Syme December 14, 2009.", "Pasilla The pasilla chile or chile negro is the dried form of the chilaca chili pepper, a long and narrow member of species Capsicum annuum.Named for its dark, wrinkled skin and pronounced pah-SEE-yah (literally little raisin), it is a mild to medium-hot, rich-flavored chile.he pasilla chile or chile negro is the dried form of the chilaca chili pepper, a long and narrow member of species Capsicum annuum.", "- Chili paste is remarkably similar in appearance to ketchup, but filled with heat and great pepper aroma. Chili paste is made with a variety of dried. that are ground and mixed with liquid.It is used as a table condiment or as an addition to numerous ethnic dishes as well as soups and stews.Many recipes, such as. , can also be livened up with chili paste.hili paste is remarkably similar in appearance to ketchup, but filled with heat and great pepper aroma. Chili paste is made with a variety of dried. that are ground and mixed with liquid.", "Poblano The poblano (Capsicum annuum) is a mild chili pepper originating in the state of Puebla, Mexico. Dried, it is called ancho or chile ancho, from the Mexican Spanish name ancho (wide) or chile ancho (wide chile). Stuffed fresh and roasted it is popular in chile rellenos poblanos. While poblanos tend to have a mild flavor, occasionally and unpredictably they can have significant heat. Different peppers from the same plant have been reported to vary substantially in heat intensity. The ripened red poblano is significantly hotter and more flavorful than the less ripe, green poblano.", "- From Cook's Thesarus: chile paste = Asian chile paste = chili paste = chilli paste Notes: This is a blend of hot chile peppers, garlic, oil, and salt that's commonly used in Asian cuisine.an't find Srichicha sauce either. If a recipe calls for the Chili Paste with Garlic and I substitute hot sauce or red pepper flakes, say in a tenderloin recipe (thinking of the Fig Glazed tenderloin), should I add some minced garlic or garlic powder, too?", "- A chipotle (/tʃɨˈpoʊtleɪ/ , chi-POHT-lay; [tʃiˈpotle]), or chilpotle, which comes from the Nahuatl word chilpoctli (meaning smoked chili), is a smoke-dried jalapeno. jalapeñotʃiˈpotle]), or chilpotle, which comes from the Nahuatl word chilpoctli (meaning smoked chili), is a smoke-dried jalapeno. Jalapeño it is a chili used primarily In mexican And-mexican inspired, cuisines such As-Mexican, American-Tex, mex and southwestern. dishes", "What Is Chipotle Seasoning? Cooking With Chipotle. Every chile contains some capsaicin, a compound that accounts for the heat of the chile. Smoking does not reduce the heat level. Be careful about adding too much chipotle seasoning to any dish. Adding and tasting in stages is recommended.", "THE DRIED-CHILE ENCYCLOPEDIA / A guide to buying and cooking with dried chiles THE CHILE CHART Common varieties of dried chiles CHIPOTLE -- Heat and flavor: 1,500-2,500 Scoville units; dark red and richly flavored, with nutlike, medium heat -- Heat and flavor: 150,000-300,000 Scoville units, hottest in the world; lacks some of the fruitiness of the fresh -- substitute: chile de arbol or cayenne ANCHO -- Heat and flavor: 1,000-1,500 Scoville units; mild heat, delicate flavor -- Description: -- Heat and flavor: 1,500 Scoville units; slight acidic bite to heat ...", "- Cayenne are peppers. They are really hot and cayenne powder is ground dried cayenne pepper. Chili Powder is a mix of chili pepper powder and other spices like cumin and garlic powder and sometimes other spices like cinnamon or nutmeg (no lie).But chili powder can be really hot depending on the ratio and kind of chiles to other ingredients in the mix.hili Powder is a mix of chili pepper powder and other spices like cumin and garlic powder and sometimes other spices like cinnamon or nutmeg (no lie).", "- Chili powder is a blend of powdered chili peppers and other ingredients, usually including cumin, garlic, and oregano.he Spice House carries a deliciously flavorful salt-free chili powder, which comes in 3 heat levels (regular mild, medium, and hot) to suit every palate.", "Substituting chipotle chile powder for chili powder Substituting chipotle chile powder for chili powder. Can chipotle chile powder be used as a substitute 1:1 for chili powder or would there be more heat? I know chipotle powder will provide a more smoky flavor, but I am curious about the heat as well. Thanks in advance. No need to email me as additional answers are added to this question.", "Chile or Chili? Chili Powder. Chili Powder is a spice blend usually made from chile pepper, garlic and onion powder, salt and other herbs and spices. Chili powder is used in Texas chili and a variety of chili con carne dishes. At times, chili powder can be used as a substitute for chile powder, but not always.ome Texas chili recipes use chili powder as the seasoning, while others use chiles with herbs and spices. New Mexico has a chile con carne made with dried, red New Mexico chiles or chile powder, herbs and spices. As far as how it is spelled, I’ve seen it spelled both as chili con carne and chile con carne.", "A âFood Babe Investigatesâ Win â Chipotle Posts Ingredients Chipotle’s burrito and flour taco shells have partially hydrogenated vegetable oils (a.k.a. trans fat). “A 40-calorie-per-day increase in trans fat intake can lead to a 23% higher risk of heart disease .” 40 calories is a mere 2% of a typical 2000 calorie per day diet.ome of the original results of my investigation still hold true – but Chipotle made a major oil switch in some of their products like the black beans that don’t use GMO oil any longer and has made a fanastic committment to eliminate the transfat, preservatives and other GMO ingredients in the future.", "Red Chili Powder Recent Review. This is not a Chili Powder recipe, it is a Chile Powder recipe. Chile Powder consists purely of the dried and ground fruit (chile peppers) of flowering plants in the genus capsicum. Chili Powder is a seasoning mix consisting primarily of chile powder, ground oregano, ground cumin, and garlic powder.hile Powder consists purely of the dried and ground fruit (chile peppers) of flowering plants in the genus capsicum. Chili Powder is a seasoning mix consisting primarily of chile powder, ground oregano, ground cumin, and garlic powder.", "Chili Powder Chili powder is the perfect spice to any dish requiring a little more heat. Kick it up another octave with this tasty chili powder. Our chili powder is a tantalizing blend of ground dried chili peppers, cumin, oregano, and garlic. It adds incredible richness, flavor, and color to your dishes. Use it as a meat rub, or to liven up enchiladas and tacos.", "- Chili Powder - Ingredients. 1 2 tablespoons paprika. 2 2 teaspoons oregano. 3 1 1/2 teaspoons cumin. 4 1 1/2 teaspoons garlic powder. 5 3/4 teaspoon onion powder. 6 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper, or to taste (optional)", "Ancho Chipotle Chicken Panini Ancho Chipotle Chicken Panini We slow cook shredded chicken breast in warm spices, then add a thick ancho-chipotle sauce, fire-roasted poblano peppers, red onion and three-chili gouda cheese. Top this off with spicy cilantro pesto and serve it on an artisan-style ciabatta bread, and you're ready to savor a taste of the southwest.", "- Chipotle peppers are rich, smoky and fairly hot. Add whole or chopped to chili, beans, sauce. Ground Chipotle Pepper is an attractive, coarse red powder, a tasty all-purpose tabletop shaker.hipotle peppers are rich, smoky and fairly hot. Add whole or chopped to chili, beans, sauce. Ground Chipotle Pepper is an attractive, coarse red powder, a tasty all-purpose tabletop shaker.", "Chipotle Peppers Chipotle peppers are made primarily in Chihuahua, Mexico, although they are produced in much of Mexico and in the US today. Chipotle Morita is the name given to the peppers produced in Chihuahua. Chipotle peppers are smoked dried jalapeno peppers. 2 Jalapeno peppers turn red if left to ripen long enough. 3 Chipotle peppers are dried red jalapenos. 4 Not all chipotle peppers are alike. 5 Chipotle morita is the most popular variety and is deep red in color.", "Culinary Dictionary â A Anchos are mild to moderately hot and often soaked and ground for use in sauces. Ancho Powder is ground ancho (pablano) chile peppers. In other words, it is a chile powder. Ancho Chili is a dark Smokey chili with a deep rich flavor and mild to medium heat. Their flavor is somewhat sweet and a little raisin like.", "New snack product - Mr. Cheese O's You're right--it's the cheese that is the sweet chili. I got a package of Chipotle flavored chickpeas that I haven't tried yet, but obviously they're on my mind! Maybe I'll give those a try this eve. :D. Jen" ]
[ 17.171875 ]
[ 10.6796875, 11.78125, 8.0234375, 15.46875, 5.93359375, 9.140625, 4.328125, -2.484375, 11.96875, 6.76953125, 4.859375, 4.51953125, 5.35546875, 2.75390625, 13.4609375, 9.8984375, 8.1328125, 9.3671875, 11.34375, 12.6484375, 10.7578125, 4.0078125, 9.7421875, 10.6015625, 8.0625, 6.0859375, 13.6640625, 9.90625, 7.546875, 4.39453125 ]
what county is seymour wi in?
[ "Seymour Seymour, WI. Seymour is a city in Outagamie County, Wisconsin, United States. The population was 3,451 at the 2010 census. The city is located within the Town of Seymour and the Town of Osborn. The City of Seymour was founded in 1868 and named after Governor Horatio Seymour of the state of New York. Seymour is said to have once been called Squeedunk, which means little settlement or village. Seymour's centennial was in 1968. William and John Ausbourne were the first settlers in Seymour. They had traveled from western Outagamie County on the Wolf River during the summer of 1857 and made their way to the mouth of the Shioc River." ]
[ "Seymour, Indiana Seymour, Indiana. Seymour is a city in Jackson County, Indiana, United States. The population was 17,503 at the 2010 census. Seymour is called the Crossroads of America because the north/south and east/west railroads intersect in downtown.", "Jefferson, Jefferson County, Wisconsin Jefferson, Jefferson County, Wisconsin. Jefferson is a town in Jefferson County, Wisconsin, United States. The population was 2,178 at the 2010 census. The city of Jefferson is located partially within the town. The census-designated place of Helenville is also located in the town.", "- Wausau Marathon County. About Search Results. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "- Plymouth is Wisconsin's Mural Capital! Located in Sheboygan County, Plymouth is nestled in the gently rolling hills of the Kettle Moraine. Conveniently located seven minutes from Elkhart Lake, one hour north of Milwaukee; one hour south of Green Bay; and two hours north of Chicago, Plymouth is an ideal place for you to rest, relax, and rejuvenate.", "Jefferson County, Wisconsin Jefferson County is a county located in the U.S. state of Wisconsin. As of the 2010 census, the population was 83,686. Its county seat is Jefferson. Jefferson County comprises the Watertown-Fort Atkinson, WI Micropolitan Statistical Area, which is also included in the Milwaukee-Racine-Waukesha, WI Combined Statistical Area.", "- The Portage County Obituary Index is now a part of the Central Wisconsin Genealogy Index . Full text obituaries from The Wisconsin Pinery (1853-1890) and The Plover Times (1866-1881) can be found on the Stevens Point Area Genealogical Society's website.", "Welcome ... This site provides access to information, offices, documents, and instructions of various activities. Sumner County is located in south-central Kansas and, in 2003, was designated within the greater Wichita Metropolitan Service Area. Our county seat is in Wellington. Sumner County is comprised of 30 townships and 11 incorporated cities, Argonia, Belle Plaine, Caldwell, Conway Springs, Geuda Springs, Hunnewell, Mayfield, Milan, Oxford, South Haven, and Wellington. A portion of the City of Mulvane also lies in Sumner County.", "Menomonie, Wisconsin The Mabel Tainter Center for the Arts originally named The Mabel Tainter Memorial Building. Menomonie is a city in and the county seat of Dunn County in the western part of the U.S. state of Wisconsin. The city's population was 16,264 as of the 2010 census.", "- Wage Distribution. The closest comparable wage GINI for Wyndmoor, PA is from Montgomery County (South Central) PUMA, PA. The salary inequality in 2015 for Montgomery County (South Central) PUMA, PA was 0.481, based on the GINI calculation of the wage distribution.", "- Amongst the information you will find is details on N7155 County Road C property records, Seymour public records, and Wisconsin property tax records. And not only is our content freely available, it also reflects our high standards for quality.", "Spooner, Wisconsin Spooner, Wisconsin. Spooner is a city in Washburn County, Wisconsin, United States. The population was 2,682 at the 2010 census. The city is located mostly within the southwest corner of the Town of Spooner, with a small portion extending into the Town of Beaver Brook on the south, the Town of Bashaw on the southwest, and the Town of Evergreen on the west.", "ZIP Codes for City of Salem, WI Salem, WI Other Information. 1 Located in KENOSHA County, Wisconsin. 2 Salem, WI is also known as: 3 PADDOCK LAKE, WI.", "Sumner Sumner, located in northeast Dawson County along the Wood River Valley. ca: 1920-30s. The WCTU ladies fought to keep saloons out of their newly organized town, but lost. Sumner's main street, ca. 1920s [Gust Karlberg]", "Cameron, Wisconsin Cameron, Wisconsin. Homefacts City Report. Cameron is located in Barron County, WI. The population is 1,875, making Cameron the 5th largest city in Barron County. There are 5 public schools in Cameron with an average Homefacts rating of B. The total crime rate for Cameron is very low, and there are 15 registered sex offenders residing in the city.", "Seymour, Connecticut Seymour, Connecticut. Seymour is a town located in western New Haven County, Connecticut, United States. The population was 16,540 at the 2010 census. Seymour is surrounded by the communities of Ansonia and Derby to the southeast, Beacon Falls to the north, Woodbridge to the east, and Shelton and Oxford to the west. Contents.", "- Borough of Sewickley. Allegheny County. Welcome to the Borough of Sewickley Sewickley is an Indian word for Sweet Water and has a history that dates back to the mid 1700's, with the first written mention of Sewickley dated December 31, 1767.", "- Located in south central Wisconsin, Green County has sixteen towns, six villages, and two cities, the county seat is Monroe. The land area is 593 square miles, the population, as of the 2010 census, is 36,842. Green County is divided into thirty one supervisory districts and each district has a representative on the Board of Supervisors. The Green County Official Directory is available on line.", "- Search for Waterloo, WI registered criminal or sex offenders in Jefferson County. View sex offender registry info and criminal records for Waterloo, WI registered offenders. Toggle navigation", "- Washington County, Wisconsin. Washington County, created in 1836 as a territorial county, is named after George Washington. Located in southeast Wisconsin, the county seat is West Bend. Land Area", "Welcome to Town of Pound Welcome to Town of Pound. Welcome to the web site for the Town of Pound in Marinette County, Wisconsin! The Town of Pound was named in honor of Thaddeus Coleman Pound (1833 - 1914). He was a member of the Wisconsin State Assembly, Wisconsin State Senate, Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin and a member of the United States House of Representatives from Wisconsin.", "- Civil Court records (includes Divorce records) are available from 1942 to present. Criminal records from 1942 to 1983, outside of the City of Detroit but within Wayne County are available. For Criminal records within the City of Detroit or after 1983, contact Frank Murphy Hall of Justice records.", "Clearinghouse for Missing & Exploited Children & Adults Anyone having information should contact: Walworth County Sheriff’s Office: Captain Dana Nigbor (262)741-4421. The victim’s skeletal remains were located in a corn field near the Village of East Troy in Walworth County, Wisconsin. The remains were badly decomposed and have not been identified.", "Welcome to Zilwaukee Welcome to Zilwaukee. The City of Zilwaukee encompasses 2.34 square miles or 1,497 acres and is located along the Saginaw River in Northern Saginaw County. The City is bordered on the East by the Saginaw River, Carrollton Township to the South, Kochville Township to the West, and Zilwaukee Township to the North.", "Washington County, Idaho Washington County is a county in the U.S. state of Idaho. As of the 2010 census, the population was 10,198. The county seat and largest city is Weiser, with over half of the county's population. The county was established in 1879 when Idaho was a territory and named after U.S. president George Washington.", "- While sitting on the beach today I couldn't help but wish I could just light up a grill and stay a while longer. Although we can't do that in Horry County, it occurred to me that we are just a hop, skip and a jump from the Horry/Georgetown boarder on S Waccamaw.", "- Kenmore, Washington. (Redirected from Kenmore, WA) Kenmore (sometimes referred to as Kenmore by the Lake) is a city in King County, Washington, United States, along the northernmost shores of Lake Washington.", "- Water Quality Resources. WSU Grays Harbor County Extension programs connect the people and communities of Grays Harbor County with the knowledge base of Washington State University to promote quality of life and advance economic well-being through fostering inquiry, learning, and the application of research.", "Kenmore, Washington Kenmore, WA. {{::location.tagLine.value.text}}. Sponsored Topics. Kenmore (sometimes referred to as Kenmore by the Lake) is a city in King County, Washington, United States, along the northernmost shores of Lake Washington.", "- Cameron, Barron County, Wisconsin - Demographics. 1 As of the census [2] of 2010, there were 1,783 people, 744 households, and 488 families residing in the village.", "Somerset, Wisconsin Somerset, Wisconsin. This article is about the village. For the adjacent town, see Somerset (town), Wisconsin. Somerset is a village in St. Croix County, Wisconsin, along the Apple River. The population was 2,635 at the 2010 census. The village is located within the Town of Somerset." ]
[ 17.8125 ]
[ 11.546875, 8.71875, 3.35546875, 5.703125, 9.7421875, 6.359375, 0.338623046875, 5.14453125, -0.45166015625, 11.5625, 4.7421875, 5.61328125, 2.689453125, 3.80078125, 10.828125, 0.1739501953125, 9.015625, 5.15234375, 7.828125, 3.62890625, 1.2939453125, 6.359375, 0.06549072265625, 2.5078125, -0.482177734375, 0.388916015625, 0.042572021484375, 0.043670654296875, 5.75, 6.375 ]
how many carbs does a baked potato have
[ "Carbs in Baked Potatoes Carbs in Baked Potatoes. The favorite choice for the term Baked Potatoes is 1 medium Baked Potato (Peel Eaten) which has about 37 grams of carbohydrate. The total carbohyrate, sugar, fiber and estimated net carbs (non-fiber carbs) for a variety of types and serving sizes of Baked Potatoes is shown below. Popular Sizes of Plain Baked Potato." ]
[ "How many carbs in a medium size baked potato? 1 Approx 30- 4 carbs in 1 medium size (2¼ - 3¼ diameter) red baked potato with skin.or the carbohydrate content of vegetables, and a v egetable carbohydrate chart, which you may use as a daily guide, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions. Carbs in a medium size baked potato.", "Are Sweet Potatoes Good for Diabetics? By that reckoning, sweet potatoes pose a challenge: One large baked sweet potato provides over 37 grams of carbs, which represents most of your allowance for that meal. By that measure, incorporating a sweet potato can sharply limit what else goes onto your plate.", "Calories in Baked Potatoes They are low in fat and protein content and can be cooked in a variety of ways, from the popular fried fries to the baked potatoes. The number of calories in baked potato depends on their size. One medium sized baked potato measuring three inches in diameter will contain about 150 calories.There are several nutrients in baked potato including fiber and important minerals.Get to know about nutritional composition of potato.he number of calories in a medium sized baked potato will be higher if you add cream, butter or other toppings. Wrapping the potato in aluminum foil before baking it will help to retain its moisture; else you will create a crisp skin. Cooking over coals without first wrapping it will burn the skin.", "How Many Calories Does a Baked Potato Have? Condiments. Adding 1 tbsp. of butter or margarine to your baked potato adds about 100 calories. Top it with 1 tbsp. of sour cream and you add about 23 more calories. Adding 1 oz. of cheese adds another 70 to 100 calories, depending on the type of cheese you use. A baked potato can be part of a healthy, nutritious diet.", "Calories in a Baked Potato With Butter & Sour Cream You can better control the calories in your baked potato with butter and sour cream if you make it yourself. A small 2.5-inch baked russet potato, which weighs about 5 ounces, contains 134 calories, the same-sized white baked potato contains 130 calories and a small red-skinned potato contains 123 calories.", "Are Potatoes Good Carbs? The glycemic rating of potatoes indicates that their high starch content makes them a bad carb. Any score over 70 is high, indicating the food causes a rapid spike in blood sugar. A baked potato has a glycemic score of 111. Boiled white potatoes are rated 82, while sweet potatoes have a score of 70.he glycemic rating of potatoes indicates that their high starch content makes them a bad carb. Any score over 70 is high, indicating the food causes a rapid spike in blood sugar. A baked potato has a glycemic score of 111. Boiled white potatoes are rated 82, while sweet potatoes have a score of 70.", "Calories in Baked Potatoes Food database and calorie counter. The favorite choice for the term Baked Potatoes is 1 medium Baked Potato (Peel Eaten) which has about 190 calories. Calorie and nutritional information for a variety of types and serving sizes of Baked Potatoes is shown below.", "Are Potatoes Good Carbs? Total Carbohydrates. The amount of total carbohydrates includes all of the sugar, starch and fiber found in a potato. The total carbohydrates in a medium-sized potato range from 27 grams in red and white potatoes to 34 grams in sweet potatoes and 36.5 grams in russet potatoes.Adults should consume 130 grams of total carbohydrates daily, so eating one potato supplies 21 to 28 percent of your entire day’s carbohydrates.he glycemic rating of potatoes indicates that their high starch content makes them a bad carb. Any score over 70 is high, indicating the food causes a rapid spike in blood sugar. A baked potato has a glycemic score of 111. Boiled white potatoes are rated 82, while sweet potatoes have a score of 70.", "Amount of Fiber in Baked Potato With Skin According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, a small baked potato with skin supplies about 130 calories and 3.4 grams of fiber, or 14 percent of the daily value. Larger potatoes are especially high in fiber. For just under 300 calories, a large baked potato with skin delivers nearly 7 grams of fiber, or 28 percent of the daily value.", "Calories in Baked Potatoes The number of calories in one small baked potato that measures two inches in diameter will be about 130 calories. Potatoes are a rich source of potassium, having an even higher concentration of this essential mineral than bananas. Potassium is essential for cell maintenance and growth.", "The Number of Carbs in Potatoes White and Red Potatoes. White and red varieties of potato, which are easy to find in many supermarkets, have a similar number of carbohydrates per serving. One cup of diced white potatoes, including their skin, contains 23.6 grams of carbs.The same size serving of diced red potatoes, including their skin, has 23.9 grams of carbs.Many consumers prefer the convenience of prepared potato products, such as frozen hash browns, dehydrated potato granules and canned potatoes.ne cup of diced white potatoes, including their skin, contains 23.6 grams of carbs. The same size serving of diced red potatoes, including their skin, has 23.9 grams of carbs.", "How Many Calories Are in a Baked Potato? According to Calorie Count, one medium-sized plain baked potato (about three inches in diameter) has about 150 calories. That same potato has about five grams of fiber, which is essential for a healthy digestive tract.", "How many calories in baked potato and butter? On average there will be before the butter is added: 1 approx 128 calories in one small (4.9 oz or 138g) baked potato with skin. 2 approx 161 calories in one medium (6.1 oz or 173g) baked potato with skin. 3 approx 278 calories in one large (10.5 oz or 299g) baked potato with skin.", "Calories in a Baked Potato With Butter & Sour Cream Making Your Own. You can better control the calories in your baked potato with butter and sour cream if you make it yourself. A small 2.5-inch baked russet potato, which weighs about 5 ounces, contains 134 calories, the same-sized white baked potato contains 130 calories and a small red-skinned potato contains 123 calories.", "- Baked Potato Soup. Per 1 cup - Calories: 380kcal | Fat: 23.37g | Carbs: 27.71g | Protein: 15.76g. Other sizes: 1 serving - 380kcal , 100 g - 156kcal , 1 oz - 44kcal , more... Nutrition Facts - Similar.", "- The total carbohydrates in a medium-sized potato range from 27 grams in red and white potatoes to 34 grams in sweet potatoes and 36.5 grams in russet potatoes. Adults should consume 130 grams of total carbohydrates daily, so eating one potato supplies 21 to 28 percent of your entire day’s carbohydrates.", "- How much fiber does a baked potato have? 3-5 grams, depending on the size of the potato, and how old the potato is (the longer it's spend underground, the thicker the skin, where the fibre is). 6 people found this useful. Edit.", "How Many Calories in Potato Baked Calorie and Nutrition Values for 100g of Potato Baked. Quickly find the calories and nutrition info in all the foods and drinks you consume. Take a free trial with Weight Loss Resources and for 24 hours you get unlimited access to the UK's largest food and drink database.", "- HOW MANY CALORIES IN A MEDIUM BAKED POTATO. Baked, including skin, nothing yet added: 1 161 calories in 1 average medium size, plain, baked potato (6.1 ounces, or 173g) 278 calories in 1 medium to large size, plain, baked potato (10.5 ounces, or 299g)", "How Many Calories Are in One Baked Sweet Potato? Photo Credit Elena Schweitzer/iStock/Getty Images. Sweet potatoes are the edible, underground root of the sweet potato vine, with a tan-colored skin and sweet-tasting, bright orange flesh. Baking is a popular method of preparing them. Low in fat, a baked sweet potato is a healthy source of calories and nutrients.One medium-sized, baked sweet potato is approximately 2 inches in diameter and 5 inches long. It weighs 114 grams and provides a total of 103 calories.weet potatoes are the edible, underground root of the sweet potato vine, with a tan-colored skin and sweet-tasting, bright orange flesh. Baking is a popular method of preparing them.", "Number of Carbohydrates in One Medium Red Potato A review published in a 2005 edition of the journal “Nutrition,” reports that fiber helps prevent obesity, and is associated with decreased body weight and body fat. According to the USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory, one medium baked red potato with the skin provides about 3 grams of dietary fiber.According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010, you should aim to consume 14 grams of fiber for each 1,000 calories you eat, or 25 grams of fiber for women and 38 grams for men.ed potatoes are rich in carbohydrates and other beneficial nutrients. Although eating too many carbs leads to unwanted weight gain, carbohydrates are your body’s main source of fuel—especially if you exercise regularly.", "- The amount of total carbohydrates includes all of the sugar, starch and fiber found in a potato. The total carbohydrates in a medium-sized potato range from 27 grams in red and white potatoes to 34 grams in sweet potatoes and 36.5 grams in russet potatoes.", "Calories in Baked Sweet Potato Here are the foods from our food nutrition database that were used for the nutrition calculations of this recipe. Calories per serving of Baked Sweet Potato. 103 calories of Sweet potato, cooked, baked in skin, without salt, (1 medium (2 dia, 5 long, raw)).50 calories of Smart Balance, Smart Balance Light Buttery Spread, 1 Tbsp, (1 serving). 18 calories of Cinnamon, ground, (1 tbsp).17 calories of Brown Sugar, (1 tsp packed).03 calories of Sweet potato, cooked, baked in skin, without salt, (1 medium (2 dia, 5 long, raw)). 50 calories of Smart Balance, Smart Balance Light Buttery Spread, 1 Tbsp, (1 serving). 18 calories of Cinnamon, ground, (1 tbsp). 17 calories of Brown Sugar, (1 tsp packed).", "Nutrient Facts for a Baked Potato With Butter A medium baked potato contains 161 calories, 4.3 grams of protein, 0.2 grams of fat and 36.6 grams of carbohydrates, including 3.8 grams of fiber.", "- 1 54 calories in one small baked sweet potato (2 ounces, or 57.7g) 2 105-108 calories in one medium baked sweet potato (4 ounces, or 113.4) 156-162 calories in one average large baked sweet potato (6 ounces, or 170.1g)", "Fat in Baked Potatoes Fat in Baked Potatoes. The favorite choice for the term Baked Potatoes is 1 medium Baked Potato (Peel Eaten) which has about 3.9 grams of fat. The total fat, saturated fat and other fats for a variety of types and serving sizes of Baked Potatoes is shown below. View other nutritional values (such as Calories or Carbs) using the filter below:", "Calories in a Baked Potato With Butter & Sour Cream Fast Food and Restaurant Baked Potatoes. If you order a 6-ounce potato topped with about 3 tablespoons of sour cream and 1 tablespoon of chives at your favorite restaurant, you'll be consuming around 250 calories. A larger fast-food baked potato with sour cream and chives weighing about 10.5 ounces contains about 393 calories.", "Carbohydrates in Sweet Potatoes Vs. White Potatoes Potatoes pack a big carb punch, as a 1/2- cup serving of baked sweet or white potato has around 21 grams of carbs. When you count carbs on a low-carb diet, you might be more interested in net carbs, which are the digestible carbs. Net carbs are calculated by subtracting the fiber from the total carb count.", "- Carbs in Potatoes. The favorite choice for the term Potatoes is 1 medium White Potato (Flesh and Skin) which has about 33 grams of carbohydrate. The total carbohyrate, sugar, fiber and estimated net carbs (non-fiber carbs) for a variety of types and serving sizes of Potatoes is shown below.", "How Many Calories Are in a Baked Potato? One medium-sized plain baked potato (about three inches in diameter) has about 150 calories. That same potato has about five grams of fiber, which is essential for a healthy digestive tract. It's also a healthy source of vitamins and minerals. Potatoes range in size, of course, so the calorie count differs. A small baked potato (about 2 inches in diameter) has about 130 calories while a large baked potato (up to 4 inches in diameter) can have about 275 calories. There's more than one way to prepare and serve baked potatoes. Toppings such as butter, sour cream, and cheese will add more (sometimes a lot more) calories." ]
[ 16.890625 ]
[ 15.09375, 11.9296875, 6.76171875, 8.9375, 9.1328125, 10.59375, 9.46875, 13.0234375, 9.9609375, 8.953125, 11.1875, 10.265625, 9.28125, 9.09375, 11.515625, 12.1015625, 10.84375, 7.4375, 9.59375, 7.96484375, 11.125, 11.9140625, 7.78125, 14.6875, 10.359375, 11.4296875, 9.0546875, 13.984375, 12.390625, 10.1328125 ]
vgenx dividend
[ "VGENX, FSNGX, GAGEX: Top Dividend-Paying Energy Mutual Funds VGENX, FSNGX, GAGEX: Top Dividend-Paying Energy Mutual Funds. The global energy market is responsible for 10% of the world's annual gross domestic product (GDP). Learn more about three of the highest dividend-paying, energy-focused mutual funds that do not have any sales load associated with them." ]
[ "10 Highest Dividend Paying Stocks Today For example, if General Electric (GE) paid out $0.17 per share during the most recent quarter, the forward annual dividend would be $0.68 ($0.17 times four). If General Electric's stock price was $19.42, its dividend yield would be 3.5% ($0.68 divided by $19.42).", "Wendy's declares $0.07 dividend Wendy's (NYSE:WEN) declares $0.07/share quarterly dividend, in line with previous. Forward yield 1.84% Payable Dec. 15; for shareholders of record Dec. 1; ex-div Nov. 30.", "- DEFINITION of 'Dividend'. A dividend is a distribution of a portion of a company's earnings, decided by the board of directors, to a class of its shareholders. Dividends can be issued as cash payments, as shares of stock, or other property.", "- Tuesday, 15 Sep 2015 08:00am EDT. CanWel Building Materials Group Ltd:Announces that its Board of Directors has declared a quarterly dividend of $0.14 per share that will be paid on Oct. 15, to shareholders of record on Sept. 30.", "FSC - Fifth Street Finance Corp DEFINITION of 'Dividend' A dividend is a distribution of a portion of a company's earnings, decided by the board of directors, to a class of its shareholders. Dividends can be issued as cash payments, as shares of stock, or other property.", "- Dividend Decision. Dividend. Meaning: Dividend is that part of the profits of a company which is distributed amongst its shareholders. Definition: According to ICAI, Dividend is a distribution to shareholders out of profits or reserves available for this purpose.. Nature of Dividend Decision.", "Best Dividend Stocks Best Dividend Stocks. The Best Dividend Stocks List features Dividend.com’s top rated dividend stocks, geared toward traditional long-term, buy-and-hold investors. All stocks on this list hold Dividend.com DARS™ Ratings of 3.5 or higher, thus earning “Recommended” ratings as the best dividend stocks to buy right now. Recommendations for April 20, 2017.", "- Dividend Stocks. #25. Genuine Parts Co. (NYSE:GPC) — 3.04% Yield. Genuine Parts is a service organization engaged in the distribution of automotive replacement parts, industrial replacement parts, office products and electrical/electronic materials. Co.'s Automotive Parts Group distributes automotive parts and accessory items.", "Valeant Viewed As An LBO The market continues to see value in Valeant's equity unlike many bears. What might the market be seeing in VRX's equity that bears are not? As a highly leveraged firm, it is more appropriate to value VRX's equity as an LBO, as Bill Miller recently suggested, or as a leveraged equity stub. Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc. (NYSE:VRX) is a company that sharply divides opinion.", "- GE's dividend yield sits at 3% today, perhaps not high enough for those living off dividends in retirement but it comes with solid long-term growth potential. For starters, the GE's dividend is very safe.", "GBX 21.90-0.20 (-0.90 %) (As of 04/6/2018 04:00 PM ET)Previous Close GBX 21.90Today's Range GBX 21.06 - GBX 22.3252-Week Range GBX 25.46 - GBX 55.60Volume 6.00 million shsAverage Volume 3.85 million shsMarket Capitalization £328.81 millionP/E Ratio N/ADividend Yield N/ABeta N/A Debenhams Plc trades on the London Stock Exchange (LON) under the ticker symbol DEB.. Debenhams Plc announced a dividend on Thursday, October 27th. Shareholders of record on Thursday, December 8th will be paid a dividend of GBX 2.40 per share on Tuesday, January 24th.", "- Versum Materials, Inc. , a leading global specialty materials supplier to the semiconductor industry, announced that its Board of Directors has declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.05 per share of common stock.", "FSC - Fifth Street Finance Corp A dividend is a distribution of a portion of a company's earnings, decided by the board of directors, to a class of its shareholders. Dividends can be issued as cash payments, as shares of stock, or other property. A dividend yield indicates how much a company pays out in dividends each year relative to its share price.", "Stockholders' Equity (Explanation) Cash Dividends on Common Stock. Cash dividends (usually referred to as dividends) are a distribution of the corporation's net income. Dividends are analogous to draws/withdrawals by the owner of a sole proprietorship. As such, dividends are not expenses and do not appear on the corporation's income statement.", "Vainglory VAINGLORY [ISBE] VAINGLORY-van-glo'-ri (kenodoxia): Vainglory is the translation of kenodoxia, empty glory or pride, nearly akin to vanity in the modern sense (Phil 2:3).", "How to Figure the Qualified Dividends on a Tax Return Step 2. Treat qualified dividends (found in box 1b of your 1099-DIV) as ordinary dividends, which are subject to the zero to 15 percent tax rate that applies to capital gains. Subject qualified dividends to the 15 percent tax rate if the regular tax rate that would normally apply is 25 percent or more.", "Is Chevron Corporationâs (NYSE:CVX) Dividend Yield Safe? Chevron’s dividend yield is in the range of 5.52%, which sounds healthy until you realize that it’s mostly based on the CVX stock price plummeting by nearly 40% in the last year.", "- Invesco Diversified Dividend R6 (M:LCEFX) quote, charts, historical data. Invesco Diversified Dividend R6 is a equity fund managed by Invesco that tracks the S&P 500 TR USD index and has 7.254B USD assets under management. It has an forecasted dividend yield of 3....", "Versum Materials Declares Quarterly Cash Dividend and Date of 2018 Stockholder Meeting VSM Versum Materials, Inc. Versum Materials Declares Quarterly Cash Dividend and Date of 2018 Stockholder Meeting Versum Materials, Inc. (NYSE:VSM), a leading global specialty materials supplier to the semiconductor industry, announced that its Board of Directors has declared a quarterly cash divide...", "Vanguard Capital Opportunity Inv VHCOX Price Pillar:Positive. This fund's Investor shares have an expense ratio of 0.45% as of the Sept. 30, 2016, annual report, among the lowest of any major actively managed fund except sibling Vanguard Primecap VPMCX, which costs Read more.", "- Our proprietary dividend stock rating system is called DARS™, or Dividend Advantage Rating System. We’ve used the DARS™ method to research, review, rate, and rank nearly 1,600 dividend-paying stocks. These proprietary dividend stock ratings are exclusively available to Dividend.com Premium members.)", "- A dividend is a distribution of a portion of a company's earnings, usually quoted in terms of the dollar amount each share receives (such as 25 cents per share). The indicated yield is often used as a forecasting technique to estimate a stock's annual dividend yield or the yearly earnings investors can expect for a particular stock.", "- General Electric raised its quarterly dividend in the fourth quarter of 2016. It declared a 4.0% rise to $0.24 per share from $0.23 per share in 3Q16. GE has ~8.7 billion outstanding equity shares. The quarterly dividend of $0.24 per share translates to a cash dividend of around $2.1 billion.", "- The hike is significantly higher than the delivery giant’s past two dividend increases. Last June, FedEx raised its quarterly dividend by 25% to 25 cents a share. Before that, the company boosted its dividend by 33% to 20 cents in June 2014. The delivery giant’s...", "FRANCHISE DISCLOSURE DOCUMENT March 27, 2009 FDX | FedEx Corp | Dividend History | Dividend Channel | www.DividendChannel.com | Copyright © 2010 - 2017, All Rights Reserved. Nothing in Dividend Channel is intended to be investment advice, nor does it represent the opinion of, counsel from, or recommendations by BNK Invest Inc. or any of its affiliates, subsidiaries or partners.", "- Daily Dividend Report: VET, ISCA, AES, AOS, VVC. Energy Stock Channel - Thursday, April 13, 12:53 PM. Vermilion Energy is pleased to announce a cash dividend of $0.215 CDN per share payable on May 15, 2017 to all shareholders of record on April 24, 2017. The ex-dividend date for this payment is April 20, 2017.", "- XXX. Debit 3. Cash dividends are shareholders' portion of earnings (their return on investment) distributed in cash (rather than in stock or other assets). The distribution is debited to Retained Earnings and credited to Cash.", "V.F. Corporation (VFC): A Beaten Down Dividend Aristocrat With Strong Brands As seen below, VFC’s dividend has compounded at a 17% annual rate over the company’s last 10 fiscal years. VFC targets a 40% payout ratio, which the company is slightly above today. In other words, dividend growth over the next few years will likely track earnings growth.", "stock dividend Use stock dividend in a sentence. “ 1 The stock dividend was good to go and I went to my friend, who knew everything about stocks and how they operated. “ 2 The stock dividend was substantial and I think that, psychologically, the dividend recipients greatly appreciate the timely receipt of the funds.", "- Vector Group declared dividends. Vector Group has declared a regular quarterly cash dividend of $0.40 per share on its common stock and declared an annual stock dividend of 5%. The dividends will be paid on September 29, 2016, to shareholders of record as of September 21, 2016. Performance of Vector Group in 2Q16." ]
[ 14.90625 ]
[ 5.2890625, 3.494140625, 7.046875, 4.55859375, 6.2890625, 4.7890625, 5.28125, 4.2734375, 2.73046875, 3.7578125, 3.177734375, 6.1640625, 7.05078125, 4.73046875, -2.75, 3.548828125, 2.322265625, 3.900390625, 5.0859375, 1.345703125, 5.79296875, 6.70703125, 4.796875, 3.748046875, 3.66015625, 6.88671875, 4.1640625, 3.5703125, 3.224609375, 7.91015625 ]