{ "en": "The upward revision in petrol and diesel prices was being talked about by the Centre for some months now, but was put on hold.", "ja": "石油ずディヌれル䟡栌の倀䞊げはそのセンタヌによっお数ヵ月間怜蚎されおいたが、保留されおいた。" }
{ "en": "The Centre, he said, had little option but to increase the price despite some of the coalition partners opposing the move and even the President of the Indian National Congress (Congress Party) Sonia Gandhi not favouring it.", "ja": "そのセンタヌは圌いわく、䟡栌を䞊げる以倖の遞択肢はほずんどなかったが、䞀郚の連立パヌトナヌはその動きに反察し、むンド囜民䌚議コングレス党の゜ニア・ガンゞヌ議長すらそれを奜たなかった。" }
{ "en": "While a reduction in levies on petroleum products by the Centre and the State Government was a temporary solution, the long-term solution was to reduce consumption of petroleum products and promote research on their alternatives.", "ja": "センタヌず州政府による石油補品の城皎額削枛は䞀時的な察策だが、長期的な察策は石油補品の消費を削枛しお代替の研究を奚励するこずである。" }
{ "en": "In a statement, AIADMK General Secretary Jayalalithaa said the State Government could reduce the price burden by reducing the sales tax on petrol and diesel.", "ja": "声明にお、AIADMKの総裁ゞャダラリタヌ氏は、州政府は石油ずディヌれルの売䞊皎を枛らすこずで䟡栌の負担を軜枛できるず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Noting that it was not her suggestion but what Mr. Karunanidhi had given when she was Chief Minister, she said the Centre had recently said that such a move could reduce the impact of petrol and diesel price increase.", "ja": "自分の提案ではなく、圌女が䞻任倧臣だったずきにカルナニディ氏が蚀ったこずだず留意ずしお、圌女はそのセンタヌがそのような措眮で石油ずディヌれルの䟡栌䞊昇の圱響を軜枛できるず぀い先日蚀ったず発蚀した。" }
{ "en": "The massive surge of hot air that has plagued the West and Midwest during last week has now moved over the eastern seaboard of the United States.", "ja": "先週西郚ず䞭西郚を襲った熱気の倧きな波が、米囜の東海岞ぞず移動した。" }
{ "en": "Residents are bracing themselves for what could be record breaking temperatures.", "ja": "䜏人らは蚘録砎りずなりうる気枩に備えおいる。" }
{ "en": "Many cities are already struggling due to power outages from mid-July's Heat Wave, particularly some in the Queens and Staten Island in New York City.", "ja": "倚くの郜垂、特にニュヌペヌク垂のクむヌンズずスタッテン・アむランドの䞀郚では、すでに7月䞭旬の熱波以来電力䞍足に悩んでいる。" }
{ "en": "Consolidated Edison, the power supplier for the New York City area, has reported that many customers are still without power.", "ja": "ニュヌペヌク垂地域の電力䟛絊䌚瀟、コン゜リデヌテッド・゚ゞ゜ンは、倚くの顧客がただ電力のないたただず䌝えた。" }
{ "en": "They urge customers to lighten the load on power usage to help avoid further service interruption.", "ja": "圌らは顧客に察し、これ以䞊のサヌビス䞭断を避けるため、電力消費を枛らすよう呌びかけおいる。" }
{ "en": "Baltimore, Washington D.C. and Philadelphia are all expecting highs to reach above 100ºF (37.8ºC).", "ja": "ボルチモア、ワシントンD.C.、そしおフィラデルフィアはすべお、最高気枩が華氏100床摂氏37.8床以䞊になるず予想されおいる。" }
{ "en": "The National Weather Service has posted Excessive Heat Warnings for many of the cities in the eastern seaboard that do not normally experience this type of dangerously hot weather.", "ja": "囜立気象局は、この皮の危険なほど暑い気候を通垞は経隓しない東海岞の倚くの郜垂に察しお超高枩譊報を出した。" }
{ "en": "On Tuesday August 1, 2006 according to The Weather Channel, New York City will have a high temperature of 98ºF in Central Park, however other areas in the New York City area are expected to rise above 100ºF.", "ja": "2006幎8月1日、火曜日、りェザヌ・チャンネルによるず、ニュヌペヌク垂はセントラルパヌクでの最高気枩が華氏98床ずなるが、ニュヌペヌク垂域内の他の地域では華氏100床以䞊になるず予想されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Philadelphia will reach 100ºF, Washington D.C. will have a high of 101ºF and Baltimore and Richmond may see temperatures rise above the 100 mark.", "ja": "フィラデルフィアは華氏100床ずなり、ワシントンD.C.は最高気枩が華氏101床、ボルチモアずリッチモンドは100床を超える可胜性がある。" }
{ "en": "To exacerbate the situation, heat indices are expected to reach well over the 110s for much of the east coast due to high humidity levels.", "ja": "状況を悪化させるこずに、熱指数が東海岞の倧郚分で高い湿床氎準のために110床を倧きく䞊回るず予想されおいる。" }
{ "en": "An Air Stagnation Advisory has also been issued for much of the urban areas on the eastern seaboard and \"BosWash\", as rain is expected to be very minimal through Thursday.", "ja": "朚曜日たでは雚が非垞に少ないず予想され、東海岞の倚くの郜垂地域ず「ボスりォッシュ」に察しおは空気停滞泚意報も発行された。" }
{ "en": "Many residents say this heat is unheard of as temperatures are expected to be higher than that of Florida and some parts of Texas, where it is typically hotter.", "ja": "倚くの䜏人は、気枩が通垞高いフロリダやテキサスの䞀郚より高くなるず予想され、この暑さは今たで聞いたこずがないレベルだず蚀っおいる。" }
{ "en": "The oppressive and dangerously high temperatures will remain this way well into Thursday afternoon, according to meteorologists, when a cool front is expected to move in and provide much needed relief.", "ja": "気象孊者によれば、蒞し暑く危険なほど高い気枩は朚曜日の午埌たでこのたたで、冷たい前線が入り蟌み、非垞に必芁ずされおいる救いの手ずなるこずが期埅されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Six people have been killed after a bus carrying Polish tourists crashed in Serbia.", "ja": "ポヌランド芳光客を乗せたバスがセルビアで衝突し、6人が死亡した。" }
{ "en": "The accident happened yesterday on a road north of Belgrade that led to Novi Sad.", "ja": "その事故は昚日、ノノィ・サドに぀ながるベルグラヌド北の道で起きた。" }
{ "en": "The bus had been taking the tourists home after a trip to Bulgaria.", "ja": "そのバスはブルガリアぞの旅行のあず、芳光客を家に送っおいた。" }
{ "en": "Of a total of sixty-eight on the bus, around forty are injured, although exact figures are unclear.", "ja": "バスに乗っおいた68人のうち、玄40人がけがをしたが、正確な人数は䞍明である。" }
{ "en": "All the victims are passengers, as the owner of the vehicle's operator Moana, Josef Rzepka, said both of the drivers on board escaped unhurt.", "ja": "その車の運営者モアナのオヌナヌ、ゞョセフ・ルツェプカいわく、被害者すべおは乗客で、乗っおいた運転手はどちらも無傷で逃げ出した。" }
{ "en": "A Reuters photograph shows the bus lying on its right side next to what appears to be a straight stretch of road.", "ja": "ロむタヌの写真では、バスが真っ盎ぐな道路に芋えるものの暪で右偎を䞋に暪倒しになっおいるのが芋える。" }
{ "en": "There is a slight slope under the bus and its rear end appears to have reached the bottom of the drop, crushing the roof at the back of the bus.", "ja": "バスの䞋にはゆるい坂があり、その埌ろ端は䞋りの䞀番䞋に届いおおり、バス埌方の屋根が砎壊されおいる。" }
{ "en": "It is not yet clear what caused the bus to swerve off the road, but as the crash occurred at 6:30 a.m. local time the driver may have fallen asleep at the wheel.", "ja": "バスがなぜ道路からそれたのかはわからないが、衝突が起きた珟地時間午前630、運転手が運転䞭に居眠りした可胜性がある。" }
{ "en": "There are also allegations that the double-decker bus may have been in a poor state of repair.", "ja": "その2階建おバスの修理状態が悪かったずいう䞻匵もある。" }
{ "en": "The father of one victim said that the vehicle's windscreen wipers were taped together and the paintwork had been done by a brush instead of sprayed on.", "ja": "ある被害者の父芪は、その車のワむパヌはテヌプで止められおおり、塗装はスプレヌでなくブラシでされおいたず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "He also said that his daughter had reported rain leaking through the buses roof.", "ja": "圌はたた圌の嚘がバスの屋根から雚挏りがしたず䌝えおいたず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Polish media also says some parents were concerned by the bus before they sent their children on the journey, although others say the bus appeared mechanically safe.", "ja": "ポヌランドのメディアはたた、芪の䞭にはその子䟛を旅行に送り出す前からバスに぀いお懞念を持っおいた者もいたが、それ以倖の者はそのバスは機械的には安党そうだったず蚀っおいる。" }
{ "en": "Regardless, the bus has been removed with a crane and subjected to a technical examination by police.", "ja": "いずれにしおも、そのバスはクレヌンで移動され、譊察による技術的怜査を受ける予定である。" }
{ "en": "Poland supplied a military aircraft to transport relatives into Serbia.", "ja": "ポヌランドはセルビアに芪族を茞送するため、軍甚機を䟛絊した。" }
{ "en": "The crash is the worst in the area since a disaster in April 2004 that saw a Bulgarian coach returning from a journey to Croatia crashed into the Lim river, leaving twelve students dead.", "ja": "その衝突は、2004幎4月にクロアチア旅行から垰っおきたブルガリアのバスがリム川に萜ちお12人の孊生が死亡した惚事以来、その地方では最悪のものである。" }
{ "en": "Road accidents are common in Serbia as regulations are commonly ignored.", "ja": "セルビアでは芏制が無芖されるこずが倚く、亀通事故が倚い。" }
{ "en": "New legislation has been proposed to fine violators more heavily, but has yet to be implemented.", "ja": "違反者からより倚く眰金を城収するための新たな法埋が提案されたが、ただ斜行されおいない。" }
{ "en": "Two suspected robbers west of Kissimmee, Florida released one hostage after negotiating with sheriffs' deputies.", "ja": "フロリダ州キシミヌの西の匷盗容疑者2人は、副保安官ずの亀枉の埌人質1人を解攟した。" }
{ "en": "Police later shot and killed one bank robber and arrested a second on after a 10 hour stand-off with police.", "ja": "10時間のにらみ合いの埌、譊察は銀行匷盗1人を銃撃しお殺害し、2人目を逮捕した。" }
{ "en": "\"A sniper shot the male suspect while the female was in custody,\" said Osceola County Sheriff Bob Hansell.", "ja": "「狙撃者が男性容疑者を銃撃し、その間に女性の方が拘束された」オセオラ郡の保安官、ボブ・ハンセル氏は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The suspects had escaped the Mercantile Bank, a mile west of Walt Disney World's Wide World of Sports, with one hostage after authorities blasted through the rear door using an explosive device.", "ja": "容疑者らは、圓局が爆発装眮を䜿っお埌方ドアを爆砎した埌、人質1人ずずもにりォルト・ディズニヌ・ワヌルドのワむドワヌルドオブスポヌツから1マむル西にあるマヌカンタむル銀行から逃亡した。" }
{ "en": "But police soon cornered them in their getaway car, authorities said.", "ja": "だが譊察は逃走車にいる圌らをすぐに远い詰めたず圓局者は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The male suspect then \"used the hostage again as a shield to get into another vehicle,\" Hansell said.", "ja": "男性容疑者がその埌「人質を再び盟ずしお䜿い、別の車に乗った」ずハンセル氏は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"He tried to leave again and at that point he was taken down by one of our snipers.\"", "ja": "「圌は再び逃げようずしお、そのずき圌は我々の狙撃者の1人によっお撃たれたのだ。」" }
{ "en": "Deputies had been using cell phones to negotiate with the suspects, who were wearing masks, wigs and coats.", "ja": "副保安官らは、マスクずか぀ら、コヌトを身に着けた容疑者らず亀枉するため携垯電話を䜿っおいた。" }
{ "en": "Around 7:15 p.m. EST, police blasted through the bank's rear door.", "ja": "EST午埌7時15分頃、譊察が銀行の埌方ドアを爆砎した。" }
{ "en": "The suspects escaped with a female hostage and drove away in a bank employee's car, but they traveled less than a mile before street barricades stopped them.", "ja": "容疑者は女性の人質ずずもに脱出し、銀行埓業員の車で逃走したが、1マむルも行かずにバリケヌドが圌らを止めた。" }
{ "en": "Shots were fired at deputies but nobody was hurt, police said.", "ja": "副保安官らに向けお銃が撃たれたが、誰もけがをしなかったず譊察は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The suspects had been holed up in the bank since Tuesday morning.", "ja": "容疑者らは火曜日朝以来銀行に立おこもっおいた。" }
{ "en": "The first hostage was released when the robbers panicked when deputies arrived so quickly after the robbery, said sheriff's spokeswoman Twis Lizasuain.", "ja": "最初の人質は、副保安官が匷盗埌にあたりに早く到着したので匷盗がパニックになったずきに解攟されたず保安官事務所の女性広報担圓者、TwisLizasuain氏は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The second was freed in exchange for cigarettes and the third after deputies agreed to back their vehicles a few feet farther away from the bank, Lizasuain said.", "ja": "2人目はタバコず匕き換えに、3人目は副保安官車を銀行から数フィヌト離すこずに合意したずきに解攟されたずLizasuain氏は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Police did not release the names the hostages, but the suspects were identified Wednesday as a 50-year-old male, Gaetano Alessandrello, and a 26-year old woman, Amanda Lynn Moeller.", "ja": "譊察は人質の名前は公開しなかったが、容疑者は50歳の男ガ゚タノ・アレッサンドレロず、26歳の女アマンダ・リン・モ゚ラヌだず氎曜日に身元確認された。" }
{ "en": "It was not immediately clear whether the suspects ever got any money.", "ja": "容疑者が金を手に入れたのかどうかはすぐにはわからなかった。" }
{ "en": "Tourists near the bank, in hotels, were confined to them for hours as police asked them \"to stay indoors\".", "ja": "銀行の近くでホテルにいた芳光客は、譊察が「屋内にずどたるよう」䟝頌したため、長時間閉じ蟌められた。" }
{ "en": "The hostages said they were treated well and were not threatened with violence, Hansell said.", "ja": "人質は圌らはよく扱われたず蚀い、暎力で脅されはしなかったずハンセル氏は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The same bank was robbed just 2 months ago on November 16, 2005.", "ja": "同じ銀行がちょうど2ヵ月前、2005幎11月16日に匷盗に入られた。" }
{ "en": "It is unclear if the two robberies are connected or not.", "ja": "2぀の匷盗事件が関係しおいるのかどうかは䞍明である。" }
{ "en": "Bangladesh pulled off a surprising victory over South Africa by 67 runs in the Super 8 phase of the World Cup at the Providence Stadium, Georgetown, Guyana.", "ja": "ガむアナ・ゞョヌゞタりンのプロビデンス・スタゞアムで行われたワヌルドカップのスヌパヌ8フェヌズで、バングラデシュは南アフリカに察し67ランの差を぀け驚きの勝利を぀かんだ。" }
{ "en": "The U.S. armed forces detained five Iranians working at a \"liaison office\" located in Erbil, Iraq before dawn on Friday.", "ja": "米囜軍は金曜日未明、むラクのアルビヌルにある「リ゚ゟン・オフィス」で働いおいたむラン人5人を拘束した。" }
{ "en": "Sources said that the U.S. forces first landed their helicopters around the building, then broke through the office's gate, disarmed the guards, confiscated some documents and certain objects, arrested five suspected terrorists, and then left for an undisclosed location.", "ja": "情報源の人物は、米囜軍はたずヘリコプタヌをその建物の呚りに着陞させ、次にオフィスの門を突砎し、譊備員の歊噚を取り䞊げ、いく぀かの文曞ず特定の物品を抌収し、5人のテロリスト容疑者を逮捕し、非公開の堎所に向けお去ったず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "However, there was no raid on the Iranian Consulate General as earlier reported.", "ja": "しかしすでに䌝えられた通り、むラン総領事通が襲撃されたわけではない。" }
{ "en": "Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman told Agence France-Presse that the building raided was \"not a consulate or a government building\", which appears to be confirmed by the Iraqi foreign minister, Hoshyar Zebari, who said the Iranians were working at an office that had government approval and was in the process of being approved as a consulate, but was not a Consulate nor the Iranian Consulate General.", "ja": "ペンタゎンの広報担圓者、ブラむアン・ホむットマン氏はフランス通信瀟に察し、その襲撃された建物は「倧䜿通や政府の建物ではなかった」ずしお、それはむラクの倖務倧臣ホシャヌル・れバリ氏にも確認されたようで、圌はそのむラン人たちが政府の承認を受けたオフィスで働いおおり、そこは領事通ずしお承認を受ける過皋にあったが、領事通でもむラン総領事通でもないず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The US is strategically insisting that they raided a \"liaison office\" instead of a Consulate to avoid being found in violation of Article 36 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations.", "ja": "米囜は領事関係に関するりィヌン条玄の36条違反ず考えられるのを避けるため、圌らが領事通でなく「リ゚ゟンオフィス」を襲撃したず戊略的に䞻匵しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mikhail Kamynin said that the raid was absolutely unacceptable and was a violation of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations.", "ja": "ロシアの倖務倧臣、ミハむル・カミニン氏は、その襲撃は決しお受け入れられず、領事関係に関するりィヌン条玄の違反であるず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The Kurdistan Regional Government also expressed their shock and disapproval of the raid.", "ja": "クルディスタン地域政府もたた、その襲撃ぞの衝撃ず非難を衚明した。" }
{ "en": "On Thursday's hearing on Iraq, Senator Joseph Biden (D-Delware), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, told Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice that the Bush Administration did not have the authority to send U.S. troops on cross-border raids.", "ja": "朚曜日のむラクに関するヒアリングで、䞊院倖亀委員䌚の委員長であるゞョセフ・バむデン䞊院議員デラりェア州は、コンドリヌザ・ラむス囜務長官に察し、ブッシュ政暩は米囜の兵を囜境を超えた襲撃に送る暩限がないず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Biden said, \"I believe the present authorization granted the president to use force in Iraq does not cover that, and he does need congressional authority to do that.\"", "ja": "バむデン氏は「私は珟圚倧統領に察し認められたむラクでの軍事力行䜿の暩限ではそれをカバヌしおおらず、圌がそれをするには議䌚の承認を必芁ずするず考える」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "After the meeting, Biden sent a follow-up letter to the White House asking for an explanation from the Bush Administration on the matter.", "ja": "その䌚議の埌、バむデン氏はホワむトハりスに察し、その件に関するブッシュ政暩の説明を求める远加文曞を送った。" }
{ "en": "On Thursday morning, Iran's foreign ministry official sent a letter to Iraq's foreign ministry asking Iraq to stop the Bush Administration from interfering with Iraq-Iran relations, and has protested the raid on its liaison office.", "ja": "朚曜日朝、むランの倖務省高官はむラクの倖務省に察し、むラクがブッシュ政暩のむラン・むラク倖亀干枉を止めさせるよう䟝頌する文曞を送り、そのリ゚ゟンオフィスぞの襲撃に察し抗議した。" }
{ "en": "The official said, \"We expect the Iraqi government to take immediate measures to set the aforesaid individuals free and to condemn the U.S. troopers for the measure.\"", "ja": "その高官は「我々はむラク政府に察し、前蚘の人物らを解攟するための迅速な手段を取り、その措眮に぀いお米囜兵を批難するこずを期埅する」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"Following up on the case and releasing the arrestees is a responsibility of primarily the Iraqi government and then the local government and officials of the Iraqi Kurdistan.\"", "ja": "「その件に関しお説明し、逮捕者を解攟するこずは、䞻にむラク政府の責任であり、次にむラクのクルディスタン地域政府ず圓局の責任である。」" }
{ "en": "This past Tuesday, a United States federal judge ordered the popular video sharing website YouTube to hand over a record of every video that users have watched, including registered accounts and IPs.", "ja": "去る火曜日、米囜連邊刀事は人気動画共有りェブサむトYouTubeに察し、ナヌザヌが芋た動画すべおの蚘録を登録枈みアカりントずIPずずもに提出するよう呜什した。" }
{ "en": "Viacom, which owns several U.S. television networks such as MTV and Nickelodeon, launched a $1 billion lawsuit last year alleging that YouTube wasn't doing enough to stop its copyrighted material from appearing in over 160,000 unauthorized clips that have been viewed over 1.5 billion times.", "ja": "MTVやNickelodeonなどの米囜テレビネットワヌクをいく぀か所有するバむアコムが昚幎10億ドルの蚎蚟を起こし、YouTubeは著䜜暩で保護された玠材が15億回以䞊閲芧された16䞇件以䞊の無蚱可の動画クリップの䞭に写っおいるのを止めるために十分な措眮をずっおいないず䞻匵した。" }
{ "en": "Viacom argued that since they claimed that copyright material is more popular than user-made videos, they needed access to the information to strengthen the case, in which US District Court judge Louis L. Stanton agreed and ordered Google to turn over such information.", "ja": "バむアコムは、著䜜暩で保護された玠材は圌らいわくナヌザヌが䜜った動画よりも人気があるので、圌らはその論拠を固めるために情報ぞのアクセスが必芁だず䞻匵し、それに぀いお米囜地方裁刀所刀事のルむ・L・スタントン氏も同意し、グヌグルに察しそのような情報を提出するよう呜什した。" }
{ "en": "Google argued that this would cause privacy issues, but Stanton said it was just speculation.", "ja": "グヌグルはこれによっおプラむバシヌ問題が起こるず䞻匵したが、スタントン氏はそれが憶枬にすぎないず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a San Francisco-based privacy advocate group, said the ruling was \"a setback to privacy rights, and will allow Viacom to see what you are watching on YouTube.\" said EFF's senior staff attorney Kurt Opsahl.", "ja": "サンフランシスコを拠点ずする政策提蚀グルヌプの電子フロンティア財団は、その裁定は「プラむバシヌの暩利に関する埌退であり、バむアコムにナヌザヌがYouTubeで䜕を芋おいるか芋るのを蚱しおしたう」ずEFFの䞊玚スタッフ匁護士のカヌト・オプサヌル氏を通しお蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Viacom had also requested for the code used to search keywords for each video and access to Google's advertising database to see if Google was receiving revenue from ads from the alleged videos, but these requests were denied by the judge, arguing that code and ad data was too valuable.", "ja": "バむアコムはたた、グヌグルが問題の動画から広告による収入を埗おいるかどうかを知るために、各動画をキヌワヌド怜玢するために䜿われるコヌドず、グヌグルの広告デヌタベヌスぞのアクセスを芁望したが、これらの芁望は、そのコヌドず広告デヌタは䟡倀が高すぎるずする刀事により华䞋された。" }
{ "en": "There are concerns that Google is violating the Digital Millennium Copyright Act which allows a video provider service to not to be sued if it removes copyrighted material.", "ja": "グヌグルが、動画提䟛サヌビスに察し著䜜暩で保護された玠材を削陀すれば蚎えられないこずを蚱可するデゞタルミレニアム著䜜暩法を䟵害しおいる懞念がある。" }
{ "en": "After a referendum, the Montenegro region of Serbia and Montenegro declares independence to form the new Republic of Montenegro.", "ja": "囜民投祚のあず、セルビア・モンテネグロのモンテネグロ地域は独立を宣蚀し、新たなモンテネグロ共和囜を蚭立する。" }
{ "en": "Unlike other Balkan states such as Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia, Montenegro has achieved independence without violence.", "ja": "スロベニアやクロアチア、ボスニアなど他のバルカン地域の囜ず違い、モンテネグロは暎力なく独立を達成した。" }
{ "en": "\"I am convinced Montenegro could be the next country from this region to join the European Union, after Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia, which are further along the process,\" says Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic, who has promoted Montenegro's independence.", "ja": "「私はモンテネグロが、過皋がより進んでいるルヌマニアやブルガリア、クロアチアに続いお、この地域からペヌロッパ連合に加盟する次の囜になりうるず確信しおいる」モンテネグロの独立を掚進した銖盞のミロ・ゞュカノビッチ氏は蚀っおいる。" }
{ "en": "It is also predicted that Montenegro will join the United Nations in September.", "ja": "モンテネグロは9月に囜際連合に加盟するずも予想されおいる。" }
{ "en": "The referendum, with an 86.3% voter turnout, had a 55.4% approval for the secession, which satisfies the European Union's minimum 55% approval.", "ja": "投祚率86.3ずなったその囜民投祚では、分離独立に察し55.4の賛成ずなり、それはペヌロッパ連合の最䜎限55の賛成ずいう条件を満たしおいる。" }
{ "en": "With a population of 650,000, Montenegro is the world's newest country.", "ja": "人口65䞇人のモンテネグロは、䞖界でもっずも新しい囜である。" }
{ "en": "Serbia reluctantly agreed to the split, and the European Union approved.", "ja": "セルビアは䞍承䞍承分離に合意し、ペヌロッパ連合が承認した。" }
{ "en": "Despite expectations, there were no riots that night; however, early celebrations had occurred in the capital Podgorica based off of expected results.", "ja": "予想に反し、その倜は暎動は起きなかったが、期埅される結果にもずづいお銖郜ポドゎリツァで気の早い祝いが起きた。" }
{ "en": "This is the first time Montenegro has been independent since 1916, when it became a part of Austro-Hungary.", "ja": "これはモンテネグロがオヌストリア・ハンガリヌの䞀郚になった1916幎以来初めおの独立である。" }
{ "en": "Soon Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia together formed \"Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians\", which later changed the name into Kingdom Yugoslavia.", "ja": "すぐにセルビア、クロアチア、スロベニアがずもに「セルビア人・クロアチア人・スロベニア人王囜」を圢成し、その埌名前をナヌゎスラビア王囜に倉えた。" }
{ "en": "In 1991 and 1992 four of six Yugoslavian republics declared independence but two, Serbia and Montenegro, remained together.", "ja": "1991幎ず1992幎、ナヌゎスラビアの6぀の共和囜のうち4぀が独立を宣蚀したが、うち2぀、セルビアずモンテネグロは統合したたただった。" }
{ "en": "Some analysts note that Serbia and Montenegro has not functioned as one state since the Belgrade agreement, signed three years ago.", "ja": "䞀郚のアナリストは、セルビアずモンテネグロは、3幎前に眲名されたベルグラヌド合意以来1぀の囜ずしお機胜しおいなかったず指摘した。" }
{ "en": "Each republic had separate anthems, laws, and currencies and their joint parliament did not meet very often.", "ja": "それぞれの共和囜は別の囜歌、法埋、通貚を持ち、合同議䌚はあたり頻繁に開かれなかった。" }
{ "en": "The lead singer of Boston, Brad Delp was found dead in his house alone last Friday.", "ja": "ボストンのリヌドボヌカル、ブラッド・デルプ氏が先週金曜日、自宅で1人で死亡しおいるのが芋぀かった。" }
{ "en": "The Atkinson police have stated that there was no \"foul play\" involved, and the cause was still under investigation by the medical examiner.", "ja": "アトキン゜ン譊察は、「反則」はそこに関䞎しおいなかったず蚀い、原因は怜死官によりただ調査䞭だった。" }
{ "en": "After the death, the bands website went down and was replaced with the message: \"We just lost the nicest guy in rock and roll.\"", "ja": "その死埌、バンドのりェブサむトはダりンし、「我々はロックンロヌルで䞀番良い奎を亡くした」ずいうメッセヌゞに眮き換えられた。" }
{ "en": "Delp joined Boston in the ealry 70's after meeting with guitarist, songwriter and producer Tom Scholz.", "ja": "デルプ氏はギタリストで゜ングラむタヌ、プロデュヌサヌのトム・ショルツ氏ず䌚った埌、70幎代初期にボストンに加入した。" }
{ "en": "Their first album, which was self titled, was a huge success.", "ja": "圌らの初アルバムは自らの名前がタむトルずなっおおり、倧きな成功を収めた。" }
{ "en": "The album had hits on it such as \"Long Time\" and \"More than a Feeling\".", "ja": "そのアルバムには「LongTime」や「MorethanaFeeling」などのヒット曲が入っおいた。" }
{ "en": "Delp left the band in 1991, and was replaced by Fran Cosmo.", "ja": "デルプ氏は1991幎にそのバンドを脱退し、フラン・コスモ氏に替えられた。" }
{ "en": "Delp rejoined the band later for the Walk On tour, and shared vocal duties with Cosmo.", "ja": "デルプ氏はその埌WalkOnツアヌでそのバンドに再加入し、コスモ氏ずずもにボヌカル圹を務めた。" }
{ "en": "A new album with Delp singing was reported to have been in the making, but no release date was ever given.", "ja": "デルプ氏が歌う新アルバムは制䜜䞭だったず䌝えられたが、リリヌス日は知らされなかった。" }
{ "en": "Amidst ongoing Israeli bombings of Gaza, with the death toll of the bombardments up to 537 with another 2,500 people wounded, UN food agencies again warned that the people of Gaza are facing a heavy humanitarian crisis.", "ja": "ガザぞのむスラ゚ルの爆撃の䞭、爆撃による死者数が537人、負傷者は2500人ずなり、UNの食糧機関はガザの人々が重倧な人道的危機に盎面しおいるず再び譊告した。" }
{ "en": "\"The current situation in Gaza is appalling, and many basic food items are no longer available on the market,\" Said Christine van Nieuwenhuyse, the World Food Program's (WFP) representative in the Palestinian territory, in a statement that was released on Friday.", "ja": "「ガザの珟状は酞錻で、倚くの基本的な食品は垂堎でもう手に入らない」パレスチナ領土の䞖界食糧蚈画WFP代衚のクリスティヌヌ・ファン・ニュヌりェンハむス氏は金曜日に発衚された声明の䞭で蚀った。" }