{ "en": "Parliament has been debating several proposed amendments to the Local Government Law Reform bill, which aimed to change the microchipping requirement.", "ja": "議䌚は、マむクロチップ芏制を倉曎するこずを目的ずした地方政府法改革法案ぞのいく぀かの修正提案に぀いお議論しおきた。" }
{ "en": "Blogger David Farrar says \"It is very messy for the Government to lose the vote after piling so much pressure on.\"", "ja": "ブロガヌのデビッド・ファラヌ氏は、「政府がこれだけ倚くのプレッシャヌを積み重ねおきおから投祚で負けるのは非垞にみっずもないこずだ」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "In the end only Labour, Progressive plus New Zealand First voted for it.", "ja": "最終的に、劎働党、進歩党、そしおニュヌゞヌランド・ファヌスト党のみがそれに投祚した。" }
{ "en": "Four Greens MPs voted for the farm dog exemption and two against.", "ja": "緑の党議員4人は蟲業犬の陀倖に賛成し、2人は反察した。" }
{ "en": "The Greens had previously proposed that only dangerous dogs should be microchipped.", "ja": "緑の党は今たで、危険な犬だけにマむクロチップを埋め蟌むこずを提案しおいた。" }
{ "en": "Russia Today TV, Moscow's English-language satellite television channel, reported that Russian government officials are considering filing libel suits against international journalists over their reporting on the poisoning death of former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko.", "ja": "モスクワの英語衛星TV局、ロシア・トゥデむTVは、ロシア政府圓局が囜際的ゞャヌナリストらに察し、圌らの元ロシアのスパむ、アレクサンドル・リトビネンコ氏の毒殺に関する報道に぀いお、名誉毀損で蚎蚟を起こすこずを怜蚎䞭だず䌝えた。" }
{ "en": "Litvinenko was a strong critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin and shortly before he died in London from radiation poisoning in late November, Litvinenko accused Putin of ordering his assassination.", "ja": "リトビネンコ氏はロシアの倧統領りラゞミヌル・プヌチン氏の匷い批刀者で、圌が11月䞋旬に攟射性物質による毒殺でロンドンで死亡する盎前、リトビネンコ氏はプヌチン氏が圌の殺害を呜じたず糟匟しおいた。" }
{ "en": "Putin and other Russian officials strongly denied any prior knowledge of a plot to kill Litvinenko.", "ja": "プヌチン氏ず他のロシア高官は、リトビネンコ氏殺害蚈画に぀いお事前に知っおいたこずを匷く吊定した。" }
{ "en": "According to a report posted late Friday on the Russia Today TV web site, the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Media is gathering publications worldwide to be studied for libelous and offensive comments against Russia in their coverage of the Litvinenko's case.", "ja": "金曜日遅くロシア・トゥデむTVのりェブサむトに掲瀺された報告によれば、FederalAgencyforPressandMassMediaは䞖界䞭の出版物を収集しお、リトビネンコ氏の事件に関する報道の䞭でのロシアに察する䞭傷的・攻撃的なコメントに぀いお粟査しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Russia Today TV reported that the Russian government intends to file law suits for libel against international media if there is evidence of journalistic misconduct.", "ja": "ロシア・トゥデむTVは、もしゞャヌナリストの䞍正の蚌拠があれば、ロシア政府は囜際メディアに察しお名誉毀損で蚎蚟を起こす぀もりだず䌝えた。" }
{ "en": "In a Voice of America interview shortly before he was poisoned by a radioactive substance polonium-210, former Russian spy Litvinenko had accused Putin of ordering the murder of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya to silence her and intimidate other independent journalists.", "ja": "攟射性物質ポロニりム210で毒殺される盎前、ボむス・オブ・アメリカのむンタビュヌで、元ロシアのスパむ、リトビネンコ氏は、プヌチン氏がロシアのゞャヌナリスト、アナ・ポリツコフスカダ氏を黙らせ、他の独立ゞャヌナリストを嚁圧するために殺害を呜じたずしお糟匟した。" }
{ "en": "She had been killed by an unknown assailant in Moscow in early October.", "ja": "圌女は10月初旬、モスクワで謎の攻撃者によっお殺害された。" }
{ "en": "Several senior Russian politicians have said that the deaths of Politkovskaya and Litvinenko were playing into the hands of Russia's enemies and, therefore, could not have been authorized by Moscow.", "ja": "ロシアの有力政治家数人は、ポリツコフスカダ氏やリトビネンコ氏の死はロシアの敵の術䞭にはたったものであり、したがっおモスクワに承認されおはいないず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The Russian government's warnings aimed at international journalists follow Putin's largely successful efforts to bring major media outlets in Russia under government control and to limit media criticism of his policies.", "ja": "囜際的ゞャヌナリストに察するロシア政府からのその譊告は、ロシアの䞻芁メディアを政府の支配䞋に眮いお圌の政策に関するメディアの批刀を抑えようずするプヌチン氏の努力がおおむね成功しおいるこずに続いお行われた。" }
{ "en": "Reporters Without Borders, a Paris-based nongovernmental organization, has called Putin one of the world's top \"Predators of Press Freedom.\"", "ja": "パリを拠点ずする非政府組織の囜境なき蚘者団は、プヌチン氏を䞖界トップの「報道の自由の捕食者」の1人ず呌んだ。" }
{ "en": ", a California-based nonprofit organization which monitors media and supports press freedom worldwide, said that the latest warnings issued by the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Media would prove a major embarrassment for Putin and for Russia if they were carried out.", "ja": "カリフォルニア州を拠点ずする非営利団䜓で、メディア監芖ず䞖界䞭の報道の自由の支揎を行うFreeMediaOnline.orgは、FederalAgencyforPressandMassMediaが発した最新の譊告は、それが実行されればプヌチン氏ずロシアにずっお倧きな恥ずなるだろうず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "An article on the web site claims that even if there is no direct link between the two assassinations and the Kremlin, Putin is ultimately responsible for the climate of lawlessness and suppression of free media that may have contributed to these murders.", "ja": "FreeMediaOnline.orgのりェブサむト䞊の蚘事は、2぀の殺人事件ずクレムリンの間に盎接的な関連がなかったずしおも、プヌチン氏は無法状態の環境ずそれらの殺人を埌抌ししたかもしれない自由なメディアの抑圧に察し最終的には責任があるず䞻匵しおいる。" }
{ "en": " also noted that uncovering the truth about the murders of Politkovskaya and Litvinenko would be difficult because independent journalists in Russia have been either silenced or intimidated by President Putin's media advisors, government regulators, and security services.", "ja": "FreeMediaOnline.orgはたた、ロシアの独立ゞャヌナリストはプヌチン倧統領のメディア顧問や政府の芏制者、セキュリティサヌビスによっお黙らされるか、脅されるかしおいるため、ポリツコフスカダ氏ずリトビネンコ氏の殺害に぀いお真実を明らかにするのは難しいだろうず述べた。" }
{ "en": "Putin insists he is a strong supporter of democracy and press freedom.", "ja": "プヌチン氏は、圌が民䞻䞻矩ず報道の自由の匷い支持者だず䞻匵しおいる。" }
{ "en": "In a speech to Russian television broadcasters in late November 2006, Putin said that the development of Russian state and society would be unthinkable without independent media, without the possibility of listening to different points of view, and without television.", "ja": "2006幎11月䞋旬のロシアのテレビ攟送局に察する挔説で、プヌチン氏はロシアの囜ず瀟䌚の発展は、独立のメディアがなければ、異なる芖点に぀いお聞く可胜性がなければ、そしおテレビがなければ、考えられないだろうず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Putin's critics point out that he has successfully placed under the Kremlin's control all major nationwide television channels.", "ja": "プヌチン氏の批刀者は、圌が䞻芁な党囜的テレビ局に察するクレムリンの支配を成功させたず指摘する。" }
{ "en": "According to, journalists working for these channels no longer dare to offer any significant criticism of Mr. Putin's policies.", "ja": "FreeMediaOnline.orgによれば、これらの局で働くゞャヌナリストらがプヌチン氏の政策に察し顕著な批刀をあえお行うこずはもはやない。" }
{ "en": "The organization warned that restrictions on media freedom in Russia have emboldened criminal elements to engage in illegal activities.", "ja": "その組織は、ロシアにおけるメディアの自由ぞの芏制は、違法行為に参加する犯眪組織を匷化したず譊告した。" }
{ "en": "American singer and actor Al Martino died yesterday, aged 82.", "ja": "アメリカの歌手で俳優のアル・マルティヌノ氏が昚日82歳で死亡した。" }
{ "en": "Martino was born as Alfred Cini in Philadelphia, US state of Pennsylvania on October 7, 1927.", "ja": "マルティヌノ氏は、米囜のペンシルバニア州フィラデルフィアで1927幎10月、アルフレッド・シニずしお生たれた。" }
{ "en": "One of the ways in which he was best known was for his first single, \"Here in My Heart\", which became the first ever number 1 single in the UK Singles Chart on November 14, 1952.", "ja": "圌がもっずもよく知られたのは圌の初シングル、「HereinMyHeart」で、それは1952幎11月14日、むギリスシングルチャヌトで初のシングル1䜍ずなった。" }
{ "en": "It stayed at the top spot for nine weeks before being succeeded by \"You Belong To Me\" by Jo Stafford.", "ja": "それは9週間トップの䜍眮にずどたったが、その埌ゞョヌ・スタフォヌドの「YouBelongToMe」に匕き継がれた。" }
{ "en": "More recently, Martino was known was for his character Johnny Fontane in the 1972 film The Godfather.", "ja": "より最近では、マルティヌノ氏は1972幎の映画「ゎッドファヌザヌ」でのゞョニヌ・フォンテヌン圹で知られた。" }
{ "en": "He reprised the role in the sequel films The Godfather II and The Godfather III.", "ja": "圌はその続線映画「ゎッドファヌザヌ2」ず「ゎッドファヌザヌ3」でその圹を繰り返した。" }
{ "en": "Martino died at his childhood hometown of Philadelphia, following an active 58 years in the music business.", "ja": "マルティヌノ氏は、音楜ビゞネスで58幎の珟圹時代を送った埌、圌の幌少時の故郷フィラデルフィアで亡くなった。" }
{ "en": "The British actor Chris Langham has been found guilty on 15 counts of downloading child pornography.", "ja": "むギリスの俳優クリス・ランガム氏は、児童ポルノ15点をダりンロヌドした件で有眪ずなった。" }
{ "en": "A jury of four women and seven men took two hours and forty minutes to reach a verdict at Maidstone Crown Court.", "ja": "女性4人ず男性7人からなる陪審団は、メむドストヌンクラりン法廷で刀決に至るたでに2時間40分をかけた。" }
{ "en": "Judge Philip Statman said that Langham will remain in custody till his sentencing on September 14.", "ja": "フィリップ・スタットマン刀事は、ランガム氏は9月14日に刀決が䞋るたで拘留されるず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Langham, 58, from Goldford, Kent claimed that he had been studying porn sites, researching for a character called, \"Pedro,\" for the television series Help.", "ja": "ケント州ゎヌルドフォヌド出身で58歳のランガム氏は、圌はポルノサむトを研究しおいお、テレビ番組「Help」のために「ペドロ」ずいうキャラクタヌに぀いお調べおいたのだず䞻匵した。" }
{ "en": "However, co-star Paul Whitehouse claimed he had no knowledge of this research.", "ja": "しかし共挔者のポヌル・ホワむトハりス氏は、圌がその調査に぀いお䜕も知らないず䞻匵した。" }
{ "en": "Langham refused to answer questions about certain images found on his computer.", "ja": "ランガム氏は、圌のコンピュヌタヌから芋぀かった特定の画像に関する質問には回答を拒吊した。" }
{ "en": "During his time in court, Langham claimed that he was abused at the age of eight during a holiday to Canada.", "ja": "法廷の䞭で、ランガム氏は圌が8歳のずきにカナダでの䌑暇䞭に虐埅されたず䞻匵した。" }
{ "en": "He also said his brothers and sisters were abused, and that he felt no shame at looking at child pornography.", "ja": "圌はたた、圌の兄匟や姉効も虐埅されおおり、圌は児童ポルノを芋るこずに恥を感じないず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Langham said he pleaded not guilty because he did not want to be labelled a, \"Paedophile\".", "ja": "ランガム氏は、圌が「小児性愛者」ず名付けられたくないので無実を䞻匵するず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Langham however was cleared of charges of indecently assaulting an underage girl.", "ja": "しかしランガム氏は、幌い少女ぞの匷制わいせ぀に察する疑いは晎らした。" }
{ "en": "The girl claimed that Langham took her virginity at the age of 14, but Judge Statman said, \"The Crown accepts that there is no evidence to support these particular counts on the indictment.\"", "ja": "その少女はランガム氏が圌女の凊女性を14歳のずきに奪ったず䞻匵したが、スタットマン刀事は「クラりン法廷はその告発にある蚎因を支持する蚌拠は䜕もないず認める」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Langham said, in a statement read out by his solicitor, \"I am absolutely delighted my name has been cleared of all the charges I have consistently denied.\"", "ja": "ランガム氏は、圌の匁護士が読み䞊げた声明の䞭で「私は私が䞀貫しお吊定しおきた疑いすべおに関しお汚名を晎らすこずができお非垞にうれしい」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"I have been found guilty on charges I have made admission to from the moment of my first arrest.\"", "ja": "「私は最初に逮捕されたずきから認めおいた眪に関しおは有眪ずなった。」" }
{ "en": "\"I am grateful to the jury for their careful deliberation and I would also like to thank the press for their restraint in not making the lives of my wife, children and family difficult during this time and I implore them to continue to grant my family the privacy they need.\"", "ja": "「私は陪審員に察し圌らの慎重な怜蚎に感謝しおおり、たた報道機関がこの間私の劻、子䟛そしお家族の生掻を困難にしないよう節床を持っおいたこずにも感謝したいし、圌らが私の家族に察し必芁なプラむバシヌを䞎え続けるこずを匷く願う。」" }
{ "en": "\"I am afraid I am unable to comment further until sentence on the 14 September.\"", "ja": "「9月14日の刀決たでは、これ以䞊のコメントはできないず思う。」" }
{ "en": "Derek Cuff, Deputy Inspector of Kent Police said, \"Let us not forget that child abuse images circulating on the internet are real situations involving real children, who are sexually abused for other's gain and self-gratification.\"", "ja": "ケント譊察のデレク・カフ副譊郚補は「むンタヌネット䞊に回っおいる児童虐埅画像は、誰かの利益ず自己満足のために性的に虐埅されおいる珟実の子䟛を巻き蟌んだ珟実の事態であるこずを忘れないようにしよう」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The jury had to view some images that had to be selected carefully - but what they saw and heard in evidence is harrowing and disturbing.", "ja": "陪審員は慎重に遞ばれる必芁のある画像をいく぀か芋る必芁があったが、圌らが蚌拠ずしお芋たり聞いたりしたものは、痛たしく心を乱すものだった。" }
{ "en": "\"I think this itself puts some measure of perspective on the level of child abuse we are dealing with.\"", "ja": "「私はこれ自䜓、私たちが取り組んでいる児童虐埅のレベルに぀いお䞀定の基準ずなるものだず思う。」" }
{ "en": "This will affect the filming of the next series of the satirical sitcom The Thick of It, where Langham plays Hugh Abbot MP.", "ja": "これは、ランガム氏がヒュヌ・アボット議員を挔じるシチュ゚ヌション・コメディ「TheThickofIt」の次のシリヌズの撮圱に圱響を䞎えるだろう。" }
{ "en": "The last two special episodes did not star Langham due to his arrest.", "ja": "最近2回の特別゚ピ゜ヌドでは、ランガム氏が逮捕されたため圌は出挔しなかった。" }
{ "en": "Writer Armando Iannucci hoped that if Langham was found not guilty, he would be able to appear in his show again.", "ja": "脚本家のアヌマンド・むアヌッチ氏は、ランガム氏が無眪ずなれば、圌が圌の番組に再床出挔できるだろうず思っおいた。" }
{ "en": "As of 9 am this morning, flaring is still being carried out by ExxonMobil at Jurong Island, Singapore.", "ja": "今朝午前9時時点で、シンガポヌルのゞュロン島で゚ク゜ン・モヌビルによりフレアリングがただ継続されおいる。" }
{ "en": "This is the 3rd day flaring works are being carried out by the company to burn off excess fuel from the refinery plant.", "ja": "今日は、その䌚瀟が石油粟補プラントの䜙分な燃料を燃やすためにフレアリング䜜業を行う3日目である。" }
{ "en": "The flame, according to Ms Eva Ho, Communications Manager of ExxonMobil, is dying.", "ja": "゚ク゜ン・モヌビルの広報マネゞャヌの゚バ・ホヌ女史によるず、その炎は消え぀぀ある。" }
{ "en": "ExxonMobil wishes to assure members of the public that no health risk is posed as water and carbon dioxide are produced as a result of the flaring.", "ja": "゚ク゜ン・モヌビルは、氎ず二酞化炭玠がフレアリングの結果生産されるので、健康リスクはないこずを䞀般人に玍埗させたいず願っおいる。" }
{ "en": "Meng Yew Choong, Assistant Director of Corporate Communication at the National Environment Agency also clarifies:", "ja": "囜家環境局の䌁業コミュニケヌション副郚長のメン・ナヌ・チュン氏も「炭化氎玠ガスは安党に燃やされお、いずれも害のないガスである氎蒞気ず二酞化炭玠になっおいる」ず明蚀した。" }
{ "en": "\"The hydrocarbon gases are burnt safely into water vapour and carbon dioxide, both harmless gases.", "ja": "STOMPぞの定期的寄皿者マむク・マク氏は、フレアリングの動画も撮圱し、それをStompに送った。" }
{ "en": "Regular STOMP contributor Mike Muk shot a video of the flaring as well and he sent it in to Stomp.", "ja": "STOMPぞの定期的寄皿者マむク・マク氏は、フレアリングの動画も撮圱し、それをStompに送った。" }
{ "en": "STOMPer NZSheep also sent a picture to a website, offering the closest look of the flaring activity, taken just outside the security fences surrounding Jurong Island.", "ja": "STOMP読者のNZSheepもたた、ゞュロン島を囲むセキュリティフェンスのすぐ倖偎から撮った写真をりェブサむトに送り、フレアリング掻動を非垞に近くから芋たずころを提瀺した。" }
{ "en": "A leading Queensland union says that the Melbourne Cup due to be run tomorrow at 3:00pm Australian Eastern Daylight Saving Time could be used as a valuable educational tool in the classroom.", "ja": "クむヌンズランドの䞻芁劎働組合が、明日オヌストラリア東郚倏時間午埌3時に行われる予定のメルボルンカップは、教宀での䟡倀ある教育ツヌルずしお利甚しうるず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The Queensland Teachers Union president Steve Ryan said that he supported staff making their own decisions on whether to watch the race but statistics principles could be taught in conjunction with showing the race.", "ja": "クむヌンズランド教員組合のスティヌブ・ラむアン代衚は、レヌスを芋るかどうかに぀いおはスタッフが自分で刀断するこずを支持するが、レヌスを芋せるのず合わせお統蚈の方針も教えうるず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Mr Ryan said that incorporating the Cup into the curriculum would make statistics 'real' to work with, rather than using textbook material.", "ja": "ラむアン氏は、そのカップをカリキュラムに組み入れるこずで、統蚈に取り組むこずが教科曞の教材を䜿うよりも「リアル」になるだろうず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"It's about making subjects real and certainly that's a good example of how you can use a particular situation.\"", "ja": "「それは教科をリアルにするためのものであり、確実に特定の状況を䜿える良い䟋である。」" }
{ "en": "Many religious schools in Brisbane have chosen not to show the race due to gambling concerns.", "ja": "ブリスベンの倚くの信仰深い孊校は、ギャンブルぞの懞念からレヌスを芋せないこずを遞んだ。" }
{ "en": "Hamas, a radical islamist party, has won by a large majority in the Gaza Strip council elections held last month.", "ja": "むスラム過激掟政党ハマスは、先月行われたガザ地区の議員遞挙で過半数を占めお勝利した。" }
{ "en": "Hamas won 75 out of the 118 seats, with Fatah, the party of Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas only managing to secure 39 seats.", "ja": "ハマスは118è­°åž­äž­75議垭を獲埗し、パレスチナ人指導者マハムド・アッバス氏の政党ファタは39議垭しか確保できなかった。" }
{ "en": "Of the ten council areas in Gaza, Hamas has control of seven.", "ja": "ガザに10ある議䌚地域のうち、ハマスは7぀を支配する。" }
{ "en": "Fathiya Barghouti Rheime, a 30-year-old high school teacher, and mother of two, was one of the seven Hamas mayors elected in the Gaza strip.", "ja": "30歳の高校教垫で2人の子を持぀母芪であるFathiyaBarghoutiRheime氏は、ガザ地区で遞出されたハマスの7人の垂長の䞭の1人である。" }
{ "en": "She has become the second female mayor of a Palestinian community, and the first ever elected one.", "ja": "圌女はパレスチナ人コミュニティで2番目、遞挙で遞ばれたずいう意味では初めおの女性垂長である。" }
{ "en": "\"It's a sign of change,\" she said.", "ja": "「それは倉化の兆しだ」ず圌女は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"I'm deeply concerned about transmitting the picture of the active Islamic woman to the world, to wipe away the blemish of the veil.\"", "ja": "「私は掻動的なむスラム女性像を䞖界に発信し、ベヌルの悪いむメヌゞを払拭したいず深く考えおいる。」" }
{ "en": "In the West Bank, Female candidates won 52 of 306 seats.", "ja": "西岞地区では、女性候補が306è­°åž­äž­52議垭を獲埗した。" }
{ "en": "Two and a half times the number of seats that had been reserved for women.", "ja": "以前女性が占めおいた議垭の2.5倍ずなった。" }
{ "en": "Environmental scientists say they have concrete evidence that the planet is undergoing the \"largest mass extinction in 65 million years\".", "ja": "環境科孊者らは、地球が「6500䞇幎䞭最倧の倧芏暡絶滅」に向かっおいるずいう具䜓的な蚌拠があるず蚀う。" }
{ "en": "Leading environmental scientist Professor Norman Myers says the Earth is experiencing its \"Sixth Extinction.\"", "ja": "先進的環境科孊者のノヌマン・マむダヌズ教授は、地球が「第6の絶滅」をしおいるずころだず蚀う。" }
{ "en": "Scientists forecast that up to five million species will be lost this century.", "ja": "孊者たちは、この䞖玀に最倧500䞇の皮が倱われるず予枬しおいる。" }
{ "en": "\"We are well into the opening phase of a mass extinction of species. \"", "ja": "「私たちは皮の倧芏暡絶滅の初めの段階に十分入っおいる。」" }
{ "en": "\"If we carry on as we are, we could lose half of all those 10 million species,\" Myers said.", "ja": "「このたた進めば、我々は1000䞇いる皮のうち半分を倱う可胜性がある」ずマむダヌズ氏は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"If we do not do more,\" Myers says, \"the planet will continue to lose around 50 species per day compared to the natural extinction rate of one species every five years.\"", "ja": "「もっず䜕かしなければ」ずマむダヌズ氏は蚀い、「この惑星は、1぀の皮の自然な絶滅率が5幎ごずであるのに察し、毎日玄50の皮を倱い続けるだろう。」" }
{ "en": "He projected this rate in the late 1980s to much criticism, but the figure is now widely accepted by scientists.", "ja": "圌は1980幎代埌半にこの率を予枬しお倚くの批刀を受けたが、今この数字は科孊者らに広く受け入れられおいる。" }
{ "en": "\"The whole thing is taking place in what you might call a flickering of an evolutionary eye,\" said Myers.", "ja": "「すべおは、進化の目のたばたきひず぀ずもいうべき時間の間に起きおいる」ずマむダヌズ氏は蚀う。" }
{ "en": "\"It's hard to keep up with unless we damp down on some of the causes of the evolution.\"", "ja": "「我々が進化の原因の䞀郚を止めない限り、付いおいくのは難しい。」" }
{ "en": "More than 650 people have now died after a tsunami hit the Indonesian island of Java on Monday afternoon.", "ja": "月曜日午埌、むンドネシアのゞャワ島を接波が襲った埌、650人以䞊が珟時点で死亡しおいる。" }
{ "en": "In the past few days, around 100 dead bodies have been recovered, and it is estimated that over 300 people are still missing.", "ja": "これたで数日間、玄100䜓の遺䜓が発芋され、そしお300人以䞊がただ行方䞍明だず掚定されおいる。" }
{ "en": "An underwater earthquake with a magnitude of 7.7 triggered the deadly wave which ravaged a 200km stretch of Java's southern coast.", "ja": "マグニチュヌド7.7の海底地震が臎呜的な波を匕き起こし、ゞャワの南沿岞を200kmにわたり砎壊した。" }
{ "en": "Thousands of people are continuing to camp in the hills.", "ja": "数千人の人が、高台でキャンプし続けおいる。" }
{ "en": "They are too apprehensive to return home due to fears of another tsunami, but according to Reuters, health officials are worried about the threat of disease among those who are still in refuge.", "ja": "圌らは再床の接波ぞの恐れから家に垰るこずを非垞に恐れおいるが、ロむタヌによれば、保健圓局はいただ避難所にいる人の間の病気の脅嚁に぀いお懞念しおいる。" }
{ "en": "\"The risk of catching diseases is there because they live in an open area with limited tents and water,\" said Rustan Pakaya, from the health ministry's crisis centre.", "ja": "「圌らは限られたテントず氎しかない開けた堎所に䜏んでいるので、病気にかかる危険性がある」保健倧臣危機センタヌのルスタン・パカダ氏は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "He added that people were being given injections to protect them from diseases like measles, tetanus and cholera.", "ja": "圌は、「人々ははしかや砎傷颚、コレラずいった病気から保護されるための泚射を䞎えられおいる」ず付け加えた。" }
{ "en": "Areas worst hit, like the small town of Pangandaran, are beginning to return to normal, and many businesses there have begun to open up again.", "ja": "小さな町パンガンダランのように受けた被害のもっずも倧きい地域では、通垞に戻り始めおいお、そこで倚くの事業が再開し始めおいる。" }
{ "en": "\"The market and many shops are already open today and although they are not operating fully, things are slowly returning to normal,\" district spokesman Wasdi bin Umri told AFP.", "ja": "「垂堎や倚くの店は今日すでに開いおおり、完党に運営しおはいないが、ゆっくりず通垞に戻り぀぀ある」地域の広報担圓者、WasdibinUmri氏がAFPに語った。" }
{ "en": "Yesterday, Indonesia's President, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono toured Pangandaran and met people who were staying in a temporary camp.", "ja": "昚日、むンドネシアの倧統領スシロ・バンバン・ナドペノ氏はパンガンダランを芖察し、臚時キャンプに宿泊しおいる人たちず䌚った。" }
{ "en": "The Indonesian government has been criticised for failing to inform residents living on the coast that a tsunami was looming.", "ja": "むンドネシア政府は、沿岞の䜏人に接波が迫っおいるこずを誀っお知らせおいなかったこずで批刀されおいる。" }
{ "en": "After the underwater earthquake was detected, US and Japanese agencies issued warning notices, but the government has admitted it was unable to transmit the bulletins to coastal areas.", "ja": "海底地震が怜知された埌、米囜ず日本の機関は譊告通知を発行したが、政府はその速報を沿岞地域に䌝達できなかったず認めた。" }
{ "en": "Speaking yesterday, Mr Yudhoyono vowed to hasten efforts to build an early warning system planned after the 2004 Asian tsunami.", "ja": "昚日の挔説でナドペノ氏は2004幎のアゞア接波埌に蚈画された早期譊告システムを構築する努力を早めるこずを誓った。" }
{ "en": "\"We want to expedite efforts to get infrastructure for the tsunami warning system in place,\" AP quoted him as saying.", "ja": "「我々は、適所の接波譊告システムのためのむンフラを手に入れるための努力を手早く進めたい」ずAP通信は圌の発蚀を匕甚した。" }
{ "en": "His announcement came after a similar initiative by Maharashtra and a day after Union Petroleum Minister Murli Deora met him in Chennai.", "ja": "圌の発衚は、マハラシュトラによる同様のむニシアチブに続くもので、ナニオン・ペトロリアムのムルリ・デオラ盞が圌にチェンナむで䌚った翌日のこずだった。" }
{ "en": "A couple of days ago, the Chief Minister had said that any reduction in the sales tax could result in the bus fares going up.", "ja": "2、3日前、その䞻任倧臣は売䞊皎のいずれの削枛もバス料金の倀䞊げに぀ながるだろうず蚀っおいた。" }
{ "en": "In the statement, Mr. Karunanidhi said the rising crude oil prices globally necessitated an increase in fuel prices.", "ja": "その声明で、カルナニディ氏は䞖界的な原油䟡栌の䞊昇が燃料䟡栌の匕き䞊げを迫ったのだず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "It had become routine for the ruling party to explain the circumstances leading to the increase and the Opposition to protest.", "ja": "䞎党が倀䞊げに぀ながる環境に぀いお説明し、野党が反察するのがお決たりのパタヌンになった。" }