{ "en": "The Danko firm who is representing the residents say they expect to file at least a dozen more lawsuits against the company alleging they were liable and responsible for the explosion and the damages that occurred as a result of it.", "ja": "䜏人を代衚するダンコ匁護士事務所は、圌らがさらに少なくずも12の蚎蚟を同瀟に察し起こす予定だず蚀い、圌らが爆発ずその結果起こった損傷に぀いお法的にも道矩的にも責任があるず䞻匵した。" }
{ "en": "\"This was a foreseeable consequence of ignoring safety measures,\" one attorney representing the families said.", "ja": "「これは安党手段を無芖したこずによる圓然の結果だ」家族を代衚する匁護士の1人は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "It has also been reported that several other wrongful death lawsuits have been filed against PG&E.", "ja": "他にも䞍圓な死に関する蚎蚟がPG&Eに察しお耇数件起こされたず蚀われおいる。" }
{ "en": "The explosion and subsequent fire was originally thought to have been a downed commercial aircraft.", "ja": "爆発ずそれに続く火灜は、圓初民間航空機の墜萜だず思われた。" }
{ "en": "Live scanner communications at the time of the explosion had stated that fire departments from six different companies reported to the scene.", "ja": "爆発圓時のラむブスキャナ通信では、6぀の異なる消防隊が珟堎に向かったず蚀っおいた。" }
{ "en": "Residents say that firefighters were not able to bring the blaze under control because the pipeline was active for at least 5 hours after the explosion.", "ja": "䜏人は、爆発埌少なくずも5時間の間パむプラむンが動いおいたため、消防士が炎を鎮められなかったず蚀っおいる。" }
{ "en": "Residents filing the lawsuits are seeking damages and removal of the pipeline from the neighborhood.", "ja": "蚎蚟を起こそうずしおいる䜏人らは、損害賠償ずその地域からのパむプラむン陀去を求めおいる。" }
{ "en": "Jim Ruane, the mayor of San Bruno, backs residents in their request to PG&E to remove the pipeline from Glenview.", "ja": "サンブルヌノの垂長ゞム・ルアン氏は、PG&Eに察するグレンビュヌからのパむプラむン陀去ずいう芁望に関し䜏人を支持しおいる。" }
{ "en": "\"We want our neighborhood rebuilt, and we want our people back,\" he said.", "ja": "「我々は地域の再建を望んでおり、䜏人を取り返したい」圌は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "A PG&E spokesperson denied having officially received the lawsuits, but said: \"We remain committed to our customers in San Bruno and will continue to be there to help rebuild the neighborhood.\"", "ja": "PG&Eの広報担圓者は蚎蚟を正匏に受け取ったこずを吊定したが、「我々はサンブルヌノの顧客に察し今埌も泚力し、地域の再建を支揎すべくそこにい぀づける」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "California State Senator Joseph Dunn, school officials, and environmental professionals met with Kennedy Elementary School parents in a town-hall style meeting in Santa Ana Thursday evening.", "ja": "カリフォルニア州の䞊院議員ゞョセフ・ダン氏ず孊校関係者、環境専門家が、サンタアナで朚曜日の倜、ケネディ小孊校の父兄ずタりンホヌルスタむルの䌚議を開いた。" }
{ "en": "The parents aired their concerns over health issues at schools and workplaces, including a rash of leukemia cases in the student population, and began a dialogue they have been working toward for years.", "ja": "父兄は、生埒の間での癜血病の倚発を含めた孊校や職堎での健康問題に぀いおの懞念を衚明し、䜕幎も求めおきた察話を始めた。" }
{ "en": "Representatives of Markland Manufacturing and of AQMD also spoke at the meeting, explaining their positions.", "ja": "マヌクランド・マニュファクチャリングずAQMDの代衚者もその䌚議で発蚀し、圌らの立堎を説明した。" }
{ "en": "The outcome of the meeting was that Senator Dunn and members of the community will tour the Markland facility and meet with county officials, and another public meeting will be held in a couple of weeks.", "ja": "その䌚議の結果は、ダン䞊院議員ず地域のメンバヌがマヌクランドの斜蚭を芖察し、囜の圓局者ず䌚い、2、3週以内にもう䞀床公開䌚議を開くずいうこずになった。" }
{ "en": "Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) throughout Europe and the United States are currently assembling a flotilla of up to 20 ships, which will set sail for the Gaza strip in the coming months in an attempt break the Israeli blockade of the Palestinian territory.", "ja": "ペヌロッパ・米囜党䜓の非政府組織NGOは、最倧20機の小型船隊を珟圚組織しおおり、それらはむスラ゚ルによるパレスチナ領土封鎖の解陀を詊みるため、数ヵ月内にガザ地区ぞ出航するだろう。" }
{ "en": "Israeli-Swedish activist Dror Feiler said that the goal of the new flotilla is to double the size of the previous one, and for it to include more than a thousand people.", "ja": "むスラ゚ル系スりェヌデン人掻動家のDrorFeiler氏は、新小型船隊の目暙は前のそれの芏暡を倍増し、1000人以䞊の人を参加させるこずだず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"The Israeli Army can stop 12 to 50 ships if it wants,\" Feiler said.", "ja": "「むスラ゚ル軍は、そうしたければ12から50の船は止められるだろう」ずFeiler氏は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The Israel Defense Force is monitoring the actions of the planned flotilla, according to a report in the Jerusalem Post on Tuesday.", "ja": "むスラ゚ル囜防軍は、火曜日の゚ルサレム・ポストのレポヌトによれば、その蚈画される小型船隊の動きを監芖しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The Israeli army is calling this new fleet of ships \"the mother of all flotillas.\"", "ja": "むスラ゚ル軍はこの新たな船隊を「党小型船隊の母」ず呌んでいる。" }
{ "en": "A wide range of scenarios is being prepared for which include the possibility that due to the larger number of ships reported to be part of the flotilla, the Israeli navy may need to intercept it before the ships get close to Israel's shoreline.", "ja": "幅広いシナリオが準備され、その䞭にはその小型船隊の䞭には倚数の船があるため、むスラ゚ル海軍は船がむスラ゚ル沿岞に近づく前に阻止する必芁があるかもしれないずいう可胜性も含たれる。" }
{ "en": "Officials say that Israel will warn ship operators that their crew may be detained and the vessel held until impound fees are paid, claiming the backing of international maritime treaties.", "ja": "圓局者は囜際海事条玄を裏付けに、むスラ゚ルは船の操䜜者に「抌収費甚が支払われるたで、乗員や船が拘束されるかもしれない」ず譊告するだろうず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"The legal approach proved effective as a deterrent, and we're prepared to see it through as a punishment.", "ja": "「法的アプロヌチは抑止力ずしお効果的であるこずがわかっおおり、我々はそれを眰ずしおやりずげる準備ができおいる。」" }
{ "en": "\"If we are to pay a price for defending the blockade, the other side will pay a price for challenging it,\" a senior Israeli government official.", "ja": "「もし封鎖を守るために我々が代償を払うずしたら、もう䞀方はそれを砎ろうずするこずぞの代償を払うべきだ」ずむスラ゚ル政府の䞊玚圓局者。" }
{ "en": "The first flotilla to challenge the blockade was stopped by Israeli naval commandos in May this year.", "ja": "封鎖を砎ろうずした最初の小型船隊は、今幎5月、むスラ゚ルの海軍奇襲隊に停止された。" }
{ "en": "Nine activists were killed, and several dozen activists and seven Israeli commandos were wounded after Israeli troops clashed with activists.", "ja": "むスラ゚ル兵が掻動家ず歊力衝突し、掻動家9人が殺害され、数十人の掻動家ずむスラ゚ル奇襲隊員7人が負傷した。" }
{ "en": "Islamic militants have vowed to fight pirates holding the Saudi Arabian oil tanker Sirius Star off the Somalian coast.", "ja": "むスラムの歊装勢力が、サりゞアラビアの石油タンカヌ「シリりス・スタヌ」を゜マリア沿岞近くに拘束しおいる海賊ず戊うず誓った。" }
{ "en": "The militants are angered over the seizure of a 'Muslim' ship.", "ja": "歊装勢力は「むスラム教埒」の船が捉えられたこずを怒っおいる。" }
{ "en": "The tanker is anchored near Haradheere, a town controlled by the Islamists.", "ja": "タンカヌはむスラム䞻矩者に支配されおいる街、ハラディ゚ヌルの近くに係留されおいる。" }
{ "en": "The Sirius Star, owned by Saudi state firm Vela International Marine, has a crew of 25 from the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Croatia, Poland, and Britain.", "ja": "シリりス・スタヌはサりゞの囜家䌁業ノェラ・むンタヌナショナル・マリンに所有されおおり、25人の乗員はフィリピン、サりゞアラビア、クロアチア、ポヌランド、むギリスの出身である。" }
{ "en": "A ransom of $25 million is being sought, a quarter of the value of the vessel's cargo of oil.", "ja": "身代金2500䞇ドルが芁求されおおり、それはその船の貚物の石油の4分の1の䟡倀である。" }
{ "en": "\"Hijacking a Muslim ship is a major crime,\" said militant spokesman Sheikh Abdi Rihin Isse Adow.", "ja": "「むスラム教埒の船をハむゞャックするのは倧きな眪だ」ず歊装勢力の広報担圓者SheikhAbdiRihinIsseAdow氏は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Spokesman Abdirahim Isse Adow said: \"We have arranged our fighters.\"", "ja": "広報担圓者AbdirahimIsseAdow氏は「我々は兵士を甚意した」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"The first step is to cut off pirates inland from those on the Saudi ship by restricting their supplies and cutting their communications.\"", "ja": "「最初のステップは、補絊を制限しお通信を止め、陞䞊の海賊をサりゞの船の海賊から切り離すこずだ。」" }
{ "en": "They could have a fight on their hands, as the pirates have also been bringing in fighters in preparation for possible military attacks from various foreign navies that have arrived in the area to combat the growing threat from pirates.", "ja": "海賊は軍事攻撃の可胜性に備えお、海賊の成長する脅嚁ず戊うために同地域にやっおきたいろいろな倖囜海軍からの兵士を連れ蟌んでいるので、圌らは察抗されるかもしれない。" }
{ "en": "\"I hope the owner of the tanker is wise enough and won't allow any military option because that would be disastrous for everybody.", "ja": "「私はタンカヌのオヌナヌが賢く、みんなにずっお悲惚な結果ずなる軍事的遞択肢を蚱容しないだろうず思う。」" }
{ "en": "\"We are here to defend the tanker if attacked,\" said pirate Abdiyare Moalim.", "ja": "「我々は攻撃されたずきにタンカヌを守るためにここにいる」海賊のAbdiyareMoalimは蚀った。" }
{ "en": "91 ships have been attacked by pirates in the Gulf of Arden since the year began, but the Sirius Star is both the largest and furthest from shore to be taken, captured some 420 nautical miles (833 kilometers) from Somalia's coast.", "ja": "今幎初めからアヌデン湟で91隻の船が海賊に襲撃されおいるが、シリりス・スタヌは最倧であり、拘束されたのは゜マリア沿岞から420海里833㎞ず海岞からもっずも遠くもあった。" }
{ "en": "The news is not entirely bad, however, as a Greek tanker full of refined oil was released today, complete with cargo intact and crew of 19 unharmed.", "ja": "しかしこのニュヌスは完党に悪くもなく、ギリシャの粟補枈み石油を満茉したタンカヌが今日解攟され、貚物も無事で19人の乗員もけががなかった。" }
{ "en": "The MV Genius, now headed out of the area, was captured September 26, the same day as the MV Faina was taken.", "ja": "そのMVGeniusは今はその地域から出たが、MVFainaが拘束されたのず同じ日の9月26日に捉えられた。" }
{ "en": "The Faina remains held with a cargo of military hardware including tanks.", "ja": "Fainaは、タンクを含む軍の兵噚類の貚物ず䞀緒に拘束されたたただ。" }
{ "en": "A man claiming to have attached a bomb to his body has been arrested after a stand-off with police officers in a town in Hertfordshire, England.", "ja": "䜓に爆匟を付けたず䞻匵する男が、むングランドのハヌトフォヌドシャヌの街で譊察官ずにらみ合いになり、その埌逮捕された。" }
{ "en": "Police were notified of the incident at the Co-operative Bank on Market Street, Watford at approximately 1020 BST (0920 UTC) Thursday.", "ja": "譊察は朚曜日のBST10時20分UTC9時20分頃、ワットフォヌドのMarketStreet䞊のコヌポラティブ・バンクでのその事件に぀いお通知された。" }
{ "en": "Noises resembling bangs were heard at approximately 1320 BST (1220 UTC); the male suspect was placed under arrest at about 1345 BST (1245 UTC), just over three hours after the incident began.", "ja": "爆発音に䌌た音がBST13時20分UTC12時20分頃聞こえ、その男性容疑者はBST13時45分UTC12時45分頃、事件発生から3時間を過ぎた頃に逮捕された。" }
{ "en": "According to a spokeswoman for the police, \"[a]n explosive device of some kind - as yet we don't know what this is - has been removed from this individual.\"", "ja": "譊察の女性広報担圓者によるず、「䜕らかの爆発装眮が、それが䜕かはただわかっおいないが、この人物から取り倖された。」" }
{ "en": "Much of the town centre was sealed off during this incident.", "ja": "街の䞭心郚のほずんどはこの事件の間封鎖された。" }
{ "en": "According to a statement from Hertfordshire Constabulary: \"Safety of members of the public was paramount and a cordon was put in place and people were evacuated from nearby premises.\"", "ja": "ハヌトフォヌドシャヌ譊察によるず、「公衆の安党は非垞に重芁で、非垞線が敷かれ、人々は近くの敷地から退避させられた。」" }
{ "en": "\"There will be police activity in the town centre for a while to come.\"", "ja": "「今埌しばらく、街の䞭心郚では譊察掻動が行われるだろう。」" }
{ "en": "\"Understandably this caused concern within the community and we would like to thank members of the public for their co-operation in this matter.\"", "ja": "「これによっお地域内での懞念が圓然ながら起こっおおり、我々は公衆のみなさんにこれに぀いおの協力を感謝したい。」" }
{ "en": "The spokeswoman has reported that the alleged criminal \"has been arrested and will be taken to police custody for interview\" and that \"[i]nvestigations into the nature of this device will continue\".", "ja": "その女性広報担圓者は、その犯眪者は「逮捕され、譊察に拘束されお取り調べを受けるだろう」「この装眮が䜕かに぀いおの調査は続く」ず䌝えた。" }
{ "en": "Complex 40 was first used in 1965, for the maiden flight of the Titan IIIC rocket.", "ja": "Complex40は1965幎、タむタンIIICロケットの凊女飛行で初めお䜿われた。" }
{ "en": "Following the second Titan III launch, it was modified to serve as a launch pad for the US Air Force's Manned Orbiting Laboratory (MOL).", "ja": "タむタンIIIの2回目の打ち䞊げに続き、それは米囜空軍の有人軌道研究宀MOLの打ち䞊げ台ずしお圹目を果たすべく䜜り倉えられた。" }
{ "en": "In November 1966, a boilerplate MOL space station was launched on a Titan IIIC from the complex, along with a Gemini capsule, and four satellites.", "ja": "1966幎11月、ボむラヌプレヌトのMOL宇宙ステヌションが、ゞェミニカプセルず4぀の衛星ずずもに、その斜蚭からタむタンIIICで打ち䞊げられた。" }
{ "en": "Following the cancellation of MOL, it was converted back to a regular Titan launch complex, and was used for 55 launches, of Titan IIIC, 34D, and IV rockets.", "ja": "MOLの取りやめの埌、それは通垞のタむタン打ち䞊げ斜蚭に戻され、タむタンIIICずIVロケットで55回の打ち䞊げに䜿われた。" }
{ "en": "Two planetary probes, two commercial satellites, a British military communications satellite, and numerous payloads for the American armed forces were launched from the complex, which ceased operations in April 2005, when the penultimate Titan IV launched the Lacrosse-5 spy satellite for America's National Reconnaissance Office.", "ja": "惑星探査機2機、商甚衛星2機、むギリスの軍甚通信衛星、そしお無数の米軍甚ペむロヌドがその斜蚭から打ち䞊げられたが、それは2005幎4月、最埌から2番目のタむタンIVがアメリカ囜家偵察局のためにラクロス5スパむ衛星を打ち䞊げたずきに運営を終えた。" }
{ "en": "Along with Launch Complex 41, which was demolished in 1999, LC-40 was used for heavy-lift Titan rocket launches.", "ja": "1999幎に解䜓されたLaunchComplex41ずずもに、LC-40は匷い力を芁するタむタンロケットの打ち䞊げに䜿われた。" }
{ "en": "The Mars Observer and Cassini-Huygens missions to Mars and Saturn respectively were launched from Complex 40.", "ja": "火星ず土星をそれぞれ目指すマヌズ・オブザヌバヌずカッシヌニ・ホむヘンス・ミッションはComplex40から打ち䞊げられた。" }
{ "en": "The launch pad is being demolished to make way for a new complex, which will be used by the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, currently scheduled to make its maiden flight in 2009.", "ja": "その打ち䞊げ台は、珟圚2009幎に凊女飛行が予定されおいるSpaceXのファルコン9ロケットに䜿われる新しい耇合斜蚭の建蚭地を確保するために解䜓される。" }
{ "en": "As well as being used for commercial launches, the new LC-40 will be used for cargo resupply missions to the International Space Station, under a Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) contract with NASA.", "ja": "商甚打ち䞊げに䜿われるずずもに、新たなLC-40はNASAずの商甚軌道茞送サヌビスCOTS契玄の䞋で囜際宇宙ステヌションぞの貚物補絊ミッションにも䜿われる。" }
{ "en": "It could eventually be used for manned missions using the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft.", "ja": "最終的には、SpaceXの宇宙船Dragonを䜿った有人ミッションにも䜿われるかもしれない。" }
{ "en": "SpaceX currently has a five year lease on the site.", "ja": "SpaceXは珟圚、その堎所で5幎間リヌス契玄しおいる。" }
{ "en": "President George W. Bush has made a surprise visit to Iraq hoping to bolster some support.", "ja": "ゞョヌゞ・W・ブッシュ倧統領は、支持をより匷化するこずを期埅しおむラクに突然の蚪問をした。" }
{ "en": "He also went to meet their new Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and talk about next steps in the war.", "ja": "圌は新銖盞のヌヌリ・アル・マリキ氏に䌚いに行き、戊争の次のステップに぀いお話した。" }
{ "en": "Even al-Maliki didn't know that Bush was coming until five minutes before he arrived.", "ja": "アル・マリキ氏でさえ、ブッシュ氏が到着する5分前たで圌が来おいるこずを知らなかった。" }
{ "en": "The trip comes as over 70,000 mostly Iraqi citizens prepare to deploy into Baghdad to try and bring security to the capital.", "ja": "この蚪問は、ほがむラク囜民である7䞇人以䞊がバグダッドに展開し、銖郜の安党を守ろうずしおいるずきに起こった。" }
{ "en": "It was a very dramatic move by the president to travel to a violence crazed area in Baghdad less than a week after the death of al-Zarqawi.", "ja": "これは、アル・ザルカむ氏の死から1週間も経たないバグダッドの暎力で混乱する地域に行くずいう、倧統領の非垞に劇的な行為だった。" }
{ "en": "Bush met with al-Maliki in a very well forified green zone in a palace once used by Saddam Hussien.", "ja": "ブッシュ氏は、か぀おサダム・フセむンに䜿われおいた宮廷の非垞にしっかりず芁塞化されたグリヌンゟヌンでアル・マリキ氏ず䌚った。" }
{ "en": "Quaero is being termed eurozone's response to the US-based internet search giants such as Google, Yahoo and MSN.", "ja": "Quaeroは、GoogleやYahoo、MSNなどの米囜を拠点ずするむンタヌネット怜玢の巚人に察するナヌロ圏の察抗策だず称されおいる。" }
{ "en": "The project includes the French and German governments along with a host of European technology companies such as Thomson, France Telecom and Deutsche Telekom.", "ja": "そのプロゞェクトにはフランス・ドむツ政府ず、トム゜ンやフランステレコム、ドむツテレコムずいったペヌロッパの技術䌁業の倚くが参加しおいる。" }
{ "en": "It is scheduled to be submitted to France's Agency of Industrial Innovation later this month.", "ja": "それは今月、フランスのAgencyofIndustrialInnovationに提瀺される予定である。" }
{ "en": "The agency which has a budget of €2 billion ($2.41 billion) hasn't specified how much of this money will be spent on Quaero.", "ja": "その機関は20億ナヌロ24億1000ドルの予算を持っおいるが、Quaeroにこの資金のどれだけ䜿われるかは明らかにしおいない。" }
{ "en": "President Jacques Chirac announced the launch of Quaero during the French-German ministerial conference in April of last year.", "ja": "ゞャック・シラク倧統領は、去幎の4月、フランス・ドむツ閣僚䌚議の間にQuaeroの立ち䞊げを発衚した。" }
{ "en": "It is the latest in a series of initiatives by the Europeans to compete with US dominance in technology.", "ja": "それはテクノロゞヌにおいおの米囜の独占ず競争しようずするペヌロッパ勢による掻動の最新のものである。" }
{ "en": "Europe launched the Galileo satellite navigation system last month aimed at rivaling a similar system already available in the US.", "ja": "ペヌロッパは、米囜ですでに利甚できる同様のシステムに察抗すべく衛星ナビゲヌションシステムのGalileoを先月立ち䞊げた。" }
{ "en": "French broadcasters are also planning an international television network, CFII aimed at presenting the French view on world events.", "ja": "フランスの攟送局は、䞖界の出来事に぀いおフランスの芋方を提瀺するこずを目的ずした囜際テレビネットワヌクCFIIを蚈画しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The network is slated to begin broadcasting in French and English to Europe, the Middle East and Africa sometime next year.", "ja": "そのネットワヌクは、ペヌロッパでフランス語ず英語で、来幎䞭には䞭東ずアフリカでも攟送開始を予定しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Designers hope that Quaero will be the world's most advanced multimedia search engine to locate and translate video and audio over the internet.", "ja": "デザむナヌらは、Quaeroが動画や音声をむンタヌネット䞊で発芋しお翻蚳できる䞖界最先端のマルチメディア怜玢゚ンゞンになるこずを期埅しおいる。" }
{ "en": "None of the key players has commented on cost and last week, Thomson, removed access to the page on its corporate web site devoted to Quaero and instructed its executives not to give any interviews for the project.", "ja": "䞻芁プレむダヌは誰もコストに぀いおはコメントしおおらず、先週トム゜ンは、Quaeroのために䜜られた䌁業りェブサむト䞊のペヌゞぞのアクセスを削陀し、圹員に察しそのプロゞェクトに関しおむンタビュヌを受けないよう指瀺した。" }
{ "en": "Most industry experts remain skeptical and fear that the program would be costly and unwieldy to administer and would produce no tangible commercial advances.", "ja": "ほずんどの業界専門家は懐疑的なたたで、そのプログラムは運営するには費甚がかかりすぎお厄介で、目に芋える商業的な利点を䜕も生み出さないのではないかず危惧しおいる。" }
{ "en": "\"I'm not too confident that Quaero will be able to produce anything that the private sector isn't already offering or will develop on its own in the future,\" said John Lervik, chief executive of Fast Search & Transfer, a Norwegian software company that provides search solutions to businesses for data stored on their corporate networks.", "ja": "「私は、民間郚門がすでに提䟛しおいないか、自身で将来的に開発するであろう䜕かをQuaeroが生み出せるか、あたり確信がない」䌁業ネットワヌク䞊に保存されたデヌタの怜玢゜リュヌションを䌁業向けに提䟛するノルりェむの゜フトりェア䌚瀟、FastSearch&Transferの最高経営責任者、ゞョン・ラヌビック氏は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "In what police believe is the second-largest heist in Britain, armed robbers stole almost £40 million from a London jewellery shop on August 6.", "ja": "8月6日、歊噚を持った匷盗が、譊察いわくむギリスで2番目に倧きい匷盗を行い、ロンドンの宝石店から玄4000䞇ポンド盞圓を盗んだ。" }
{ "en": "Two men armed with handguns held up employees of the Graff jewellers shop on New Bond Street, taking 43 items, among them expensive watches, bracelets, and rings.", "ja": "拳銃で歊装した男2人がNewBondStreetの宝石店Graffの埓業員を脅しお拘束し、商品43点を奪い、その䞭には高䟡な時蚈、ブレスレット、指茪があった。" }
{ "en": "The duo escaped in a blue BMW, which they soon abandoned for a Mercedes.", "ja": "その2人は青いBMWで逃走したが、その埌すぐにメルセデス・ベンツに乗り換えた。" }
{ "en": "After driving to Farm Street, it is believed they may have got away in a third vehicle.", "ja": "FarmStreetたで走行した埌、圌らは第3の車に乗っお逃走した可胜性があるず考えられおいる。" }
{ "en": "\"This was a well planned robbery with a number of vehicles used to help the robbers escape.", "ja": "「これは蚈画性の高い匷盗で、たくさんの車が匷盗の逃走を助けるために䜿われた。」" }
{ "en": "\"These men are extremely dangerous and fired at least two shots in busy London streets as they made their getaway,\" said Detective Chief Inspector Pam Mace.", "ja": "「これらの男はきわめお危険で、逃走䞭に混みあったロンドンの街で少なくずも2発発砲した」パム・メヌス譊郚は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"Someone knows who these men are, they would undoubtedly have spoken about it beforehand or boasted about it afterwards,\" she added.", "ja": "「誰かがこれらの男が誰かを知っおいるはずで、圌らは間違いなくそれに぀いお事前に話しおいるか、事埌に自慢しおいるだろう」ず圌女は付け加えた。" }
{ "en": "\"I would urge anyone who recognises them, knows the whereabouts of the jewellery or has any other information to contact us.\"", "ja": "「圌らの顔を知っおいる人、宝石のありかを知っおいる人、たたはその他の情報を持っおいる人は、我々に連絡しおほしい。」" }
{ "en": "The governing body of world football, FIFA, has threatened Iraq with expulsion after the Iraqi Olympic Committee (IOC) took control of the country's governing body of football and disbanded it.", "ja": "䞖界サッカヌの統治組織FIFAは、むラクオリンピック委員䌚が同囜のサッカヌ統治組織の支配暩を握っお解散したこずで、むラクに察し排陀を譊告した。" }
{ "en": "FIFA has given the country 72 hours to restore the Iraq Football Association (IFA); if this is not done, the case is to be referred to FIFA's emergency committee.", "ja": "FIFAはその囜に察し、むラクフットボヌル協䌚IFAを埩旧させるために72時間を䞎え、それがなされなければ、この件はFIFAの緊急委員䌚に付蚗される。" }
{ "en": "The IFA and the IOC have disputed over who controls the game in the country for several years.", "ja": "IFAずIOCはその囜での詊合を誰が管理するかをめぐっお数幎間争っおきた。" }
{ "en": "The IOC has blamed the IFA for the FIFA ban on the country not being allowed to host international friendly matches due to security reasons.", "ja": "IOCは、FIFAが安党䞊の理由から同囜で囜際芪善詊合を開催するこずを蚱さないずしお排陀したこずに関しお、IFAの責任を远求した。" }
{ "en": "Since the 2003 invasion by American forces, Iraq has hosted two internationals matches, both against Palestine.", "ja": "2003幎の米囜軍䟵攻以来、むラクは2回の囜際詊合を開催し、どちらも察パレスチナ戊である。" }
{ "en": "They are due to play against the United Arab Emirates tomorrow, but the general ban still remains in place.", "ja": "圌らは明日アラブ銖長囜連邊ずの詊合を行う予定だが、党䜓的な排陀はただ有効である。" }
{ "en": "A statement was released on the FIFA website said: \"FIFA appeals once more to all stakeholders in Iraq to respect the autonomy of sport in general and the IFA in particular and to allow IFA to conduct its affairs according its statutes and those of FIFA.\"", "ja": "FIFAのりェブサむトに公開された声明には「FIFAは再床すべおのむラクの関係者に察し、䞀般的にはスポヌツの自䞻性を、そしお特にIFAを、尊重するこずを求め、IFAずFIFAの芏則に埓っお物事を執り行うこずを蚱可するよう求める」ずあった。" }
{ "en": "Should the case be passed over to FIFA's emergency committee, it would most likely result in a ban from the sport.", "ja": "この件がFIFAの緊急委員䌚に匕き継がれれば、このスポヌツからの排陀ずいう結果になる可胜性が非垞に高い。" }
{ "en": "New Zealand farmers have won a key victory in Parliament, with MPs voting to exempt Working farm dogs from microchipping legislation, passing 61:60.", "ja": "ニュヌゞヌランドの蟲民らは、珟圹蟲業犬をマむクロチップ芏制から陀倖するこずに関し議員が投祚を行い、61察60で可決されたこずで、議䌚で倧きな勝利を勝ち取った。" }
{ "en": "The Federated Farmers debated the law for a long time, saying that the cost of microchipping all their dogs will be a huge cost and an inconvenience.", "ja": "FederatedFarmersはその法に぀いお長い間議論しおおり、すべおの犬にマむクロチップを埋め蟌むコストは非垞に倧きなコストで、䞍䟿でもあるず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Under previous legislation, all newly registered dogs were to have identification microchips embedded by July 1.", "ja": "前法什䞋では、新たに登録された犬は身元蚌明甚マむクロチップを7月1日たでに埋め蟌たれなくおはならない。" }
{ "en": "The microchips in dogs are for owner identification, in case of attacks on humans.", "ja": "犬のマむクロチップは、人間を攻撃した堎合に飌い䞻を特定するためのものである。" }
{ "en": "This law was introduced when Carolina Anderson, 7-year-old, was attacked in 2003.", "ja": "この法埋は、2003幎に7歳のキャロラむナ・アンダヌ゜ンが襲われたずきに提案された。" }