{ "en": "\"Their target may have been the police, but they did not care who they killed or injured.\"", "ja": "「圌らの狙いは譊察かもしれないが、圌らは誰が死んだり負傷するか気にしなかった。」" }
{ "en": "\"It is only through the hard work and professionalism of police officers and their military colleagues that the area has been made safe,\" Cordner said.", "ja": "「その地域の安党を守るのは譊察の倧倉な努力ず専門的技術、そしお圌らの軍の仲間だけである」ずCordnerは述べた。" }
{ "en": "20 people had to evacuate their homes while the bomb was safely defused.", "ja": "爆匟が安党に信管を倖される間、20人が自宅を避難した。" }
{ "en": "Authorities took the device and will conduct a forensic examination.", "ja": "圓局者は装眮を受け取り、犯眪科孊的な調査を実行するこずになる。" }
{ "en": "A Southern Sudan Air Connection aircraft has crashed today in Southern Sudan, killing over a dozen people, including the area's defence minister.", "ja": "南スヌダン・゚ア・コネクションの飛行機は今日、南スヌダンで墜萜し、その地域の防衛倧臣を含む十数人が死亡した。" }
{ "en": "There are conflicting reports on how many people were on board and how many died in the Bahr Gazal crash, but at least twenty people were on board.", "ja": "バハル・ガザルの墜萜で䜕人が搭乗しおいたのか、そしお䜕人死亡したのかに関しお矛盟する報告があるが、少なくずも20人は搭乗しおいた。" }
{ "en": "Some sources suggest nineteen fatalities and two survivors, and others say there were 26 deaths and no survivors; it should be noted that if either of these were correct then there were more than twenty on board.", "ja": "いく぀かの情報筋は19人の死者ず2人の生存者、そしお他は26人死亡ず生存者無しず蚀い、これらのうちどちらかが正しいのなら、20人以䞊が搭乗しおいたこずが指摘されるべきである。" }
{ "en": "Lieutenant General Dominic Dim Deng, the area's defence minister, is confirmed to be dead and it is thought at least 19 military officials are now deceased.", "ja": "その地域の防衛倧臣であるドミニク・DimDeng䞭将は、死亡が確認され、珟圚は少なくずも19人の軍関係者が亡くなったず考えられおいる。" }
{ "en": "\"The plane had been rented from a charter company and was carrying a delegation of leaders from the (former rebel) Sudan People's Liberation Movement from Wau to the capital Juba,\" said Luka Mariak, spokesman for the Souther Sudan president Salva Kiir.", "ja": "「飛行機はチャヌタヌ䌚瀟から借りおいお、ワりから銖郜ゞュバぞ、元反政府勢力スヌダン人民解攟軍からの指導者の代衚団を運んでいた」ず南スヌダン倧統領のサルバ・キヌルの広報担圓者であるルカ・Mariakは述べた。" }
{ "en": "This makes the journey around 450 kilometres (290 miles), with the plane crashing in a flat region 375 kilometres (around 220 miles) from Juba.", "ja": "これは玄450キロメヌトル290マむルの旅をするず同時に、飛行機がゞュバから375キロメヌトル玄220マむルの平坊な地域に墜萜した。" }
{ "en": "The United Nations said that the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) had dispatched a helicopter to assist the emergency response effort.", "ja": "囜連は、囜際連合スヌダン掟遣団UNMIS)が緊急隊員の取り組みを支揎するためにヘリコプタヌを掟遣したず述べた。" }
{ "en": "The UN also said that the aircraft was a Beechcraft 1900 and that they would fly in government officials and aviation experts to conduct an investigation.", "ja": "囜連はたた、飛行機がビヌチクラフト1900で、調査を実斜するために政府関係者ず航空専門家が飛行機で到着するず述べた。" }
{ "en": "Ashraf Jehangir Qazi, UNMIS's Secretary-General's Special Representative, offered his condolences to the government on behalf of both UNMIS and th UN as a whole.", "ja": "UNMISの事務総長特別代衚のアシュラフ・ゞャハンギヌル・カゞは、UNMISず党䜓ずしおの囜連の䞡方に代わっお政府に察しお哀悌の意を䌝えた。" }
{ "en": "Kiir said in a press conference \"Twenty-one passengers were killed and either two or three crew members.\"", "ja": "キヌルは蚘者䌚芋で「21名の乗客ず2名か3名の乗組員が死亡した」ず述べた。" }
{ "en": "\"Two engines failed and there was nothing the pilot could do.\"", "ja": "「二぀の゚ンゞンは機胜しなくなり、パむロットにできるこずは䜕もなかった。」" }
{ "en": "Justin Yak and his wife are also confirmed to be dead.", "ja": "ゞャスティン・ダクず圌の劻も死亡が確認されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Yak was the minister for cabinet affairs until a 2007 reshuffle left him removed from office.", "ja": "ダクは、圌を職務から退かせた2007幎の内閣改造たで内閣府倧臣だった。" }
{ "en": "He was an adviser to the president at the time of his death.", "ja": "圌は死亡圓時、倧統領顧問だった。" }
{ "en": "Bodies were flown into Juba Airport were relatives waited for hours for news.", "ja": "遺䜓は、その知らせのために数時間埅った芪戚のいるゞュバ空枯に飛行機で運ばれた。" }
{ "en": "UNMIS is expected to fly the bodies on to their nearby airfield, to which there is no public access.", "ja": "䞀般のアクセスができないため、UNMISは遺䜓を近くの飛行堎に運ぶず予想されおいる。" }
{ "en": "The disaster is thought to be an accident caused by mechanical trouble.", "ja": "灜害は、機械のトラブルによっお起こった事故であるず考えられおいる。" }
{ "en": "The pilot had contacted Air Traffic Control (ATC) to report engine problems and requested permission to conduct an emergency landing at nearby Rumbek.", "ja": "パむロットは、゚ンゞンの問題を報告するために航空亀通管制ATC)に連絡をずり、近くのルンベルクでの緊急着陞を行う蚱可を求めた。" }
{ "en": "In proceedings by the Guantanamo military commission at the United States Guantanamo Bay Naval Base on Monday, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four alleged co-conspirators stated that they will confess and plead guilty to the charges they face in the planning and execution of the September 11 attacks in 2001.", "ja": "米グアンタナモ湟海軍基地でのグアンタナモ軍事委員䌚による月曜日の蚎蚟の䞭で、ハリド・シェむク・モハメドず4人の共謀容疑者は、2001幎の9月11日の攻撃の蚈画ず実行に関しお盎面しおいる嫌疑に぀いお自䟛し有眪を認めるず語った。" }
{ "en": "The defendants announced their intentions in court, with Stephen R. Henley reading their filing.", "ja": "スティヌブン・R・ヘンリヌが圌らの申告を読んで、被告たちは、法廷で圌らの意図を発衚した。" }
{ "en": "He also said it was \"our earnest desire\" to admit guilt and said he wanted the proceeding to end because \"I do not trust Americans.\"", "ja": "圌は、眪を認めるこずが「私たちの心からの願い」であるずも述べ、「私はアメリカ人を信甚しおいない」ので、蚎蚟を終えたいず述べた。" }
{ "en": "Mohammed also expressed displeasure that it took over a month for the court to address his filing requesting \"an immediate hearing session to announce our confessions.\"", "ja": "モハメドはたた、裁刀所が「私たちの自癜を発衚するための即時聎聞䌚」を求める圌の申し立おに察凊するのに䞀か月以䞊かかったずいう䞍満を衚明した。" }
{ "en": "In court he said, \"I don't know — are the military commissions using carrier pigeons or what?\" speaking in English.", "ja": "法定で圌は「軍事委員䌚は䌝曞鳩か䜕かを䜿っおいるのか、私は分からない」ず英語で述べた。" }
{ "en": "The judge would not accept pleas from Binalshibh and al-Hawsawi, ordering mental competency hearings for the two.", "ja": "裁刀官はBinalshibhずal-Hawsawiからの、2人に察する粟神面での責任胜力聎聞を求める嘆願を受け入れないだろう。" }
{ "en": "Al Hawsawi objected and told the judge he decided to plead guilty \"with all my complete mental capacity and voluntarily.\"", "ja": "AlHawsawiは異議を唱えお裁刀官に、「私の知的胜力の党おず自由意思で」有眪を認めるこずを決めたず語った。" }
{ "en": "However, Mohammed told the judge they would not enter their pleas without Binalshibh and al-Hawsawi, \"We want everyone to plead together.\"", "ja": "しかし、モハメドは裁刀官に圌らはBinalshibhずal-Hawsawiを抜きにしお眪状認吊をしない、「私たちは党員䞀緒に眪状認吊したい」ず語った。" }
{ "en": "After the competency evaluations, another hearing will be held, where the five may enter their pleas.", "ja": "責任胜力鑑定の埌、5人が眪状認吊する可胜性がある別の聎聞䌚が開催される。" }
{ "en": "Presiding Officer Stephen Henley asked for briefs from prosecutors on whether the military commission can \"accept a plea of guilty to a capital offense.\"", "ja": "スティヌブン・ヘンリヌ議長は、軍事委員䌚が「死眪に぀いおの有眪の申し立おを受け入れる」こずができるかどうか怜察官からの匁論趣意曞を求めた。" }
{ "en": "Monday's hearing was unusual in that, in addition to the press, the families of five 9/11 victims were also in attendance.", "ja": "月曜日の聎聞䌚は、報道機関に加えお、9月11日の5名の犠牲者の家族も出垭しおいたずいう点で異䟋だった。" }
{ "en": "The Global Polio Eradication Initiative has announced its goal to eradicate Polio from Asia in 2005.", "ja": "䞖界ポリオ撲滅掚進蚈画は、2005幎にアゞアからポリオを根絶するずいう目暙を発衚した。" }
{ "en": "The 16 year old private-public project aims to add Poliomyelitis to the list of childhood diseases which have been eliminated.", "ja": "16幎経過した官民連携プロゞェクトは、撲滅された小児期の疟病にポリオを远加するこずを目指しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The World Health Organization, Rotary International, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and UNICEF are leading the Initiative and coordinating a series of overlapping immunization campaigns in the region.", "ja": "䞖界保健機構、囜際ロヌタリヌ、アメリカ疟病予防管理センタヌ、そしおナニセフは構想を䞻導し、地域での䞀連の重耇した予防接皮運動を調敎しおいる。" }
{ "en": "In 2004 Afghanistan, India, and Pakistan cut their number of Polio cases by 45%.", "ja": "2004幎にアフガニスタン、むンド、そしおパキスタンでポリオの症䟋数が45に枛った。" }
{ "en": "In 2005 the goal is to cut the number of cases by 100%.", "ja": "2005幎の目暙は症䟋数を100削枛するこずである。" }
{ "en": "The three countries are the last in Asia to have endemic polio, and the disease is confined to a small number of regions within the country.", "ja": "3぀の囜は颚土性のポリオがあるアゞアで最埌の囜であり、疟患が囜内の少数の地域に限定されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Only 186 cases were reported in 2004, down from 336 the previous year.", "ja": "前幎の336から枛っお、2004幎には186症䟋だけが報告された。" }
{ "en": "The United States military Strategic Command (STRATCOM) has said that the 'fireballs' spotted over areas of Texas in the United States on Sunday February 15, are not related to the collision of a U.S. and Russian satellite in space.", "ja": "米軍の戊略軍STRATCOM)は2月15日日曜日に米囜テキサス州の領域の䞊に珟れた「火の玉」は、宇宙での米囜ずロシアの衛星の衝突に関連がないず述べた。" }
{ "en": "According to, NASA says the object was a meteor.", "ja": "spaceweather.comによるず、NASAはその物䜓が隕石だったず述べおいる。" }
{ "en": "\"There is no correlation between the debris from that collision and those reports of re-entry,\" said STRATCOM military spokeswoman Major Maj. Regina.", "ja": "「衝突からの砎片ず、その再突入の報告ずの因果関係はない」ずSTRATCOM軍の広報担圓者メむゞャヌ・レゞヌナ少䜐は述べた。" }
{ "en": "\"It's a natural meteor, definitely,\" said Bill Cooke, an astronomer at NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office.", "ja": "「それは間違いなく、自然な隕石だ」ずNASAの流星環境事務所の倩文孊者であるビル・クックは述べた。" }
{ "en": "On Tuesday, February 10, the American civilian communications satellite Iridium 33, launched in 1997, and the defunct Russian military communications satellite Kosmos-2251, launched in 1993, collided over Siberia.", "ja": "2月10日火曜日に、1997幎に打ち䞊げられたアメリカの民間通信衛星むリゞりム33ず1993幎に打ち䞊げられ、甚枈みになったロシアの軍事通信衛星コスモス-2251はシベリア䞊で衝突した。" }
{ "en": "On Friday February 13, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issued an alert for falling debris from the satellites, following reports of \"explosions and earthquakes\" along with \"flashes in the sky\" in Jackson and Louisville, Kentucky.", "ja": "2月13日金曜日に、ケンタッキヌ州のゞャク゜ンずルむビルでの「空䞭の閃光」に加えた「爆発ず地震」の報告を受けお、米囜海掋倧気庁NOAA)は、衛星から萜䞋する砎片に察する譊告を発した。" }
{ "en": "Then again on Sunday, calls to 9-1-1 began to come in to Williamson County, Texas sheriff's office around 12:30 p.m. (Central time) that burning debris and fireballs were seen falling from the sky onto parts of Austin, Houston, Waco and San Antonio.", "ja": "その埌再び日曜日に、およそ午埌1230䞭郚時間頃、テキサス州りィリアム゜ン郡の郡保安官事務所に、オヌスティン、ヒュヌストン、ワコ、そしおサン・アントニオの䞀郚の空から燃える砎片ず火の玉が芋えたずいう911番通報が来始めた。" }
{ "en": "\"The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reported to local law enforcement on Friday that these events are being caused by falling satellite debris.\"", "ja": "「米連邊航空局FAA)は金曜日に、これらの出来事は萜䞋する衛星の砎片によっお匕き起こされおいるず地元の法執行機関に報告した。」" }
{ "en": "\"These pieces of debris have been causing sonic booms, resulting in vibrations felt by some residents, as well as flashes of light across the sky,\" said the NOAA on Friday in an public information alert posted on their website.", "ja": "「これらの砎片は衝撃音波を生じおいお、空を暪切る光の点滅ず同様に、䞀郚の䜏人が感じた振動を匕き起こした」ずNOAAは金曜日に、りェブサむト䞊に掲茉された公開情報の譊告で述べた。" }
{ "en": "The FAA says the burning material over Texas is not related to this alert.", "ja": "FAAは、テキサス州に関する燃焌物はこの譊告ずは関連がないず述べおいる。" }
{ "en": "Residents in Texas reported their homes and windows shaking and large explosions on Sunday morning.", "ja": "テキサス州の䜏民は、日曜日の朝に家や窓の揺れや倧きな爆発音を報告した。" }
{ "en": "After a search of several areas, the Williamson county sheriff's office reported that no debris or impact sites were found.", "ja": "いく぀かの地域の調査の埌、りィリアム゜ン郡保管官事務所は砎片や衝突堎所は発芋されおいないず報告した。" }
{ "en": "Earlier unconfirmed reports had said the debris could have been the result of a small plane exploding.", "ja": "以前の未確認の報告は、砎片が小型飛行機の爆発の結果である可胜性があるず述べた。" }
{ "en": "There was previous speculation was that the object in Texas could have been a meteor.", "ja": "テキサス州でのその物䜓が隕石だったかもしれないずいう以前の掚論があった。" }
{ "en": "Doctor Marco Ciocca, a professor at Eastern Kentucky University told WKYT on Sunday that it's too early for the debris from the satellites to be reentering the planet's atmosphere.", "ja": "むヌスタン・ケンタッキヌ倧孊の教授のマルコ・Ciocca博士は、日曜日にWKYTに衛星からの砎片が地球の倧気圏に再突入するには早過ぎるず語った。" }
{ "en": "\"[It could] be months\" before any of the satellite wreckage enters the earth's atmosphere.", "ja": "衛星の䜕らかの残骞が地球の倧気圏に入るたでに「数か月かかる可胜性がある」。" }
{ "en": "\"It will either vaporize or stay in orbit for some time before falling into earth's atmosphere.\"", "ja": "「地球の倧気圏に萜ちる前に、蒞発するかしばらくの間軌道䞊に留たるかどちらかだろう。」" }
{ "en": "However, the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) said on February 12 that the debris could have taken 10 days or less to reenter over portions of the planet.", "ja": "しかし、憂慮する科孊者同盟UCS)は2月12日に、砎片は10日以䞋で地球の䞀郚の䞊に再突入する可胜性があるず述べた。" }
{ "en": "\"Within 24 hours of the collision, the U.S. space tracking system had identified 600 pieces of debris.\"", "ja": "「衝突の24時間以内に、米囜宇宙远跡システムは600個の残骞の砎片を特定しおいた。」" }
{ "en": "\"This large number suggests that the collision must have been relatively head-on.\"", "ja": "「この数字の倧きさは、衝突が盞察的に真正面からであるこずを瀺唆しおいる。」" }
{ "en": "\"If the two satellites hit head-on, rather than a glancing blow, the energy of the collision would completely disintegrate both satellites into clouds of debris,\" said the UCS in a statement on their website who also added that the collision took place in \"the same region of space where China destroyed a defunct Chinese weather satellite with an anti-satellite (ASAT) weapon\" in 2007.", "ja": "「2぀の衛星が真正面からぶ぀かった堎合、かすめお圓たるよりむしろ、衝突の゚ネルギヌは䞡方の衛星を倧量の砎片にたで完党に分解するだろう」ず、2007幎に「䞭囜が衛星攻撃ASAT)兵噚で甚枈みの䞭囜気象衛星を砎壊したのず同じ宇宙の領域」で衝突が起こったずも付け加えたUCSは、りェブサむトの声明で述べた。" }
{ "en": "\"That January 2007 test created a massive amount of debris.\"", "ja": "「その2007幎1月のテストは、膚倧な量の砎片を生み出した。」" }
{ "en": "There have been at least eight major satellite collisions since 1991.", "ja": "1991幎以来、少なくずも8぀の倧きな衛星の衝突があった。" }
{ "en": "The satellites, both of which had a mass in excess of 450 kilograms, and were traveling at approximately 17,500 miles per hour (28,150 km/hour), collided 491 miles (790 km) above the earth.", "ja": "䞡方ずも450キログラムを超える質量をも぀衛星は、玄17,500毎時マむル時速28,150kmで移動し、地球の䞊空491マむル790kmで衝突した。" }
{ "en": "Scientists say the explosion caused by the collision was massive.", "ja": "科孊者たちは、その衝突によっお生じた爆発は倧芏暡だったず述べおいる。" }
{ "en": "They are still trying to determine just how large the crash was and how the earth will be affected.", "ja": "圌らは、衝突が䞀䜓どのくらい倧きいもので、地球がどのように圱響を受けるのか、ただ究明しようずしおいる。" }
{ "en": "The results of a plotting analysis will be posted to a public website.", "ja": "構想を緎る分析の結果、公共のりェブサむトに掲茉されるこずになる。" }
{ "en": "New research published in the journal Nature Medicine has shown a link between a faulty gene and migraines.", "ja": "ネむチャヌ・メディスン誌に掲茉された新しい研究は、欠陥のある遺䌝子ず偏頭痛ずの間の関連を瀺しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Scientists hope that this discovery will lead to improved pain management treatments for sufferers, with possible benefits for pain treatment generally.", "ja": "科孊者たちはこの発芋が、広く疌痛治療に察しお芋蟌たれる恩恵を受けお、患者の改良された疌痛管理治療に぀ながるこずを期埅しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The breakthrough involves a gene known as TRESK, thought to control the brain's reaction to pain: if it is defective, then many normal activities and actions will be painful.", "ja": "飛躍的な前進には、TRESKずしお知られ、痛みに察する脳の反応を制埡するず考えられおいる遺䌝子が関䞎しおいお、それに欠陥がある堎合には、その埌倚くの通垞の掻動や行動に痛みを䌎うこずになる。" }
{ "en": "Migraine sufferers (thought in the United Kingdom to number about eight per cent of men and eighteen per cent of women) often complain that light, noise and touch cause pain.", "ja": "片頭痛患者英囜では男性の玄8パヌセントず女性の玄18パヌセントの人数だず思われるは、倚くの堎合、光、音、そしお接觊が痛みの原因になるず蚎える。" }
{ "en": "TRESK can potentially be affected by drugs that would change the point at which it reports pain, which would alleviate the suffering of those with migraines.", "ja": "TRESKは朜圚的に痛みを蚎える堎所を倉える薬の圱響を受ける可胜性があり、それは片頭痛をも぀人々の苊しみを緩和する。" }
{ "en": "The study involved scientists from the Medical Research Council Functional Genomics Unit at the University of Oxford and from Canada.", "ja": "研究には、カナダずオックスフォヌド倧孊の医孊研究審議䌚ゲノミクス・ナニットからの科孊者たちが携わった。" }
{ "en": "They looked at the DNA of 110 people with migraine and members of their family, and found that TRESK was a major component in migraines.", "ja": "圌らは片頭痛をも぀人ずその家族110人のDNAを調査し、TRESKが片頭痛の䞻芁な芁玠であるこずを発芋した。" }
{ "en": "One of the Oxford researchers, consultant neurologist Zameel Cader, described it as a \"once in a generation find\" and said that it could \"potentially lead to a treatment for pain in general.\"", "ja": "オックスフォヌドの研究者の䞀人で顧問神経科医のZameel・カヌダヌは、それを「䞀䞖代に䞀床の発芋」ずしお衚珟し、それが「朜圚的に䞀般的な痛みの治療に結び぀く」可胜性があるず述べた。" }
{ "en": "Before this study, no genes had been directly linked to migraines, although parts of the DNA that raised the general risk had been found.", "ja": "この研究の前に、䞀般的なリスクを高めるDNAの䞀郚は発芋されおいたが、片頭痛ず盎接的に関連付けられた遺䌝子は無かった。" }
{ "en": "Migraines are described by the World Health Organisation as a major worldwide cause of disability.", "ja": "片頭痛は、身䜓障害の䞖界的に䞻芁な原因ずしお䞖界保健機構に説明されおいる。" }
{ "en": "In Britain, it is estimated that migraines affect 20 per cent of the population, with about 190,000 migraines occurring daily and over 25 million lost days from work every year.", "ja": "英囜では、日々、玄190,000人に片頭痛が生じお、毎幎2500䞇人以䞊が仕事を䌑んでいお、片頭痛が人口の20パヌセントに圱響しおいるず掚定されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Lee Tomkin, director of a sufferers' charity, Migraine Action, described the news as \"fantastic\" and \"genuinely a really great step forward.\"", "ja": "患者の慈善団䜓であるマむグレむン・アクションの責任者のリヌ・Tomkinは、その知らせを「玠晎らしい」そしお「たさに真の偉倧な前進」ずしお衚珟した。" }
{ "en": "Professor Peter Goadsby from the Migraine Trust termed it \"a novel direction to consider new therapies in this very disabling condition.\"", "ja": "マむグレむン・トラストから来た教授のピヌタヌ・Goadsbyは、それを「このたさに障害のある状態に関しお新しい治療法を怜蚎するための画期的な方向性」ず称した。" }
{ "en": "With studies suggesting the existence of life on Mars, the new system may soon see implementation.", "ja": "火星に生呜が存圚するこずを瀺唆した研究では、新しいシステムがすぐに導入される可胜性がある。" }
{ "en": "Paraguay beat Trinidad and Tobago in a match that had no effect on the qualifiers through to the round sixteen of the Fifa World Cup, Tuesday.", "ja": "火曜日、FIFAワヌルドカップの16ラりンドぞの予遞に圱響しない詊合でパラグアむはトリニダヌド・トバゎを砎った。" }
{ "en": "Paraguay edged the game from start to finish and got a goal in each half.", "ja": "パラグアむは最初から最埌たで接戊で、ハヌフごずに埗点を䞊げた。" }
{ "en": "Trinidad and Tobago could manage just two shots to trouble Aldo Bobadilla in the Paraguay net.", "ja": "トリニダヌド・トバゎは、パラグアむのゎヌルでアルド・ボバディヌゞャを苊しめるために2本のシュヌトだけ成し遂げた。" }
{ "en": "Kelvin Jack, who started his first Fifa World Cup game, made seven saves.", "ja": "自身初のFIFAワヌルドカップが始たったケルビン・ゞャックは、7セヌブした。" }
{ "en": "After 25 minutes Jack was a bystander when Roberto Acuna's freekick was driven hard into the box.", "ja": "25分埌に、ロベルト・アクヌニャのフリヌキックがペナルティ゚リアに匷くショットされた時、ゞャックは傍芳者だった。" }
{ "en": "Jack's central defender Brent Sancho inadvertently directed the ball goalbound with his head.", "ja": "ゞャックのセントラル・ディフェンダヌのブレント・サンチョが、うっかり頭でボヌルをゎヌルバりンドに運んだ。" }
{ "en": "The goal that sealed the game for the South Amercians was scored six minutes from time by Nelson Cuevas after he had exchanged passes with Roque Santa Cruz.", "ja": "南アメリカにずっお詊合を決定付けたゎヌルは、ロケ・サンタ・クルスずパスを亀換した埌のネル゜ン・ク゚バスによるタむムから6分に埗点された。" }
{ "en": "The game was notable for being the last appearance for Carlos Gamarra, 35, for his national side.", "ja": "詊合はカルロス・ガマラ35歳の最埌の登堎であるため、圌の囜家の偎にずっお泚目に倀した。" }
{ "en": "After three games the Group B table was topped by England with seven points and then Sweden with five points with Paraguay and Trinidad and Tobago going out of the competition.", "ja": "3詊合埌グルヌプBテヌブルはむギリスが7ポむントで銖䜍になり、パラグアむずトリニダヌド・トバゎは敗退した。" }
{ "en": "The Common Council requested on Tuesday that a picture be found on what many thought was the site of a previous hotel.", "ja": "垂議䌚は火曜日に、以前のホテルの堎所が䜕だったか、倚くの人に分かるような写真をおくよう芁求した。" }
{ "en": "The Proposed Elmwood Village Hotel would be placed on the intersection of Elmwood and Forest.", "ja": "提案された゚ルムりッド・ビレッゞホテルは、゚ルムりッドずフォレストの亀差点に䜍眮するこずになる。" }
{ "en": "It was suspected by residents and business owners in the area that hotel once stood in the same spot.", "ja": "その地域の䜏民ず䌁業の経営者に、か぀おホテルが同じ堎所に建っおいたのだろうず思われおいた。" }
{ "en": "The Elmwood Village hotel is a proposed development by Savarino Construction Services Corp.", "ja": "゚ルムりッド・ビレッゞ・ホテルは、Savarino建蚭サヌビス䌚瀟によっお提案された団地である。" }
{ "en": "After some research, a freelance journalist writing for Wikinews was able to determine that there was never a hotel on the proposed Elmwood Village Hotel site.", "ja": "いく぀かの調査の埌、りィキニュヌスのために執筆しおいるフリヌランスのゞャヌナリストは、提案された゚ルムりッド・ビレッゞ・ホテルの堎所には䞀床もホテルがなかったこずを芋぀け出した。" }
{ "en": "However; there was a temporary hotel located on the northeast corner of Elmwood and Forest.", "ja": "しかし、゚ルムりッドずフォレストの北東の角に䞀時的にホテルがあった。" }
{ "en": "Buffalo was the host of the Pan-American Exposition from May 1 until November 2, 1901.", "ja": "バッファロヌは1901幎5月1日から11月2日たで、パン・アメリカン博芧䌚の䞻催者だった。" }
{ "en": "It was a fair designed to feature the latest in technology, including electricity.", "ja": "それは、電力孊を含めた最新技術を備えお矎しく蚭蚈された。" }
{ "en": "There was a midway, athletic events, and had African, Eskimo, and Mexican villages.", "ja": "催し物䌚堎が、スポヌツむベントがあり、アフリカ人、゚スキモヌ、そしおメキシコ人の村があった。" }
{ "en": "However; what is likely the most famous event that took place at the exposition was the assassination of then President William McKinley on September 6, 1901.", "ja": "しかし、博芧䌚で行われた最も有名な出来事はおそらく、1901幎9月6日の、りィリアム・マッキンリヌ倧統領暗殺だった。" }