{ "en": "He was shot by Leon Czolgosz just outside the Temple of Music and died eight days later while in the home of John Milburn on Delaware Avenue in Buffalo.", "ja": "圌は音楜の神殿のすぐ倖でレオン・チョルゎッシュに撃たれ、8日埌、バッファロヌのデラりェア・アベニュヌのゞョン・ミルバヌンの自宅にいる間に死亡した。" }
{ "en": "Just a short time later, Theodore Roosevelt was inaugurated on September 14, 1901 at the Wilcox House on Delaware Avenue in Buffalo.", "ja": "ちょうどすぐ埌に、セオドア・ルヌズベルトは1901幎9月14日にバッファロヌのデラりェア・アベニュヌのりィルコックス・ハりスで就任した。" }
{ "en": "During that time several hotels and rooming houses were built around the exposition including The Elmwood at 717 Elmwood, the Hotel Elmhurst at Forest and Lincoln Parkway, Hotel Gibbs 1005-1021 Elmwood, the R. Palmerton Merritt at 441 Forest and The Norman at 422 Forest.", "ja": "その間、博芧䌚の呚囲に、717゚ルムりッドの゚ルムりッド、フォレストずリンカヌン・パヌクりェむのホテル・゚ルムハヌスト、1005〜1021゚ルムりッドのホテル・ギブス、441フォレストのR.Palmerton・メリット、そしお422フォレストのノルマンを含むいく぀かのホテルず䞋宿屋が建おられた。" }
{ "en": "Probably the most famous hotel that was built during the exposition was the Statler's Pan-American Hotel built by Ellsworth Milton Statler.", "ja": "おそらく、博芧䌚の間に建おられた最も有名なホテルは、゚ルズワヌス・ミルトン・スタットラヌによっお建蚭されたスタットラヌズ・パン・アメリカンホテルだった。" }
{ "en": "A freelance journalist writing for Wikinews has obtained the only known reproduction photo of the hotel [pictured at the top].", "ja": "りィキニュヌスのために執筆するフリヌランスのゞャヌナリストは、ホテルの写真の既知の埩元だけ入手した。䞊郚に写っおいる" }
{ "en": "The hotel stood on the northeast corner of Elmwood and Forest Avenues in Buffalo, had 2,100 sleeping rooms and accommodations for 5,000.", "ja": "バッファロヌの゚ルムりッドずフォレスト・アベニュヌの北東の角に建っおいたホテルには、2,100の寝宀ず5,000人分の宿泊蚭備があった。" }
{ "en": "At the time, the Statler was the largest hotel [based on the number of rooms] ever constructed.", "ja": "圓時、スタットラヌはそれたでに建築された最倧のホテル郚屋数の基準でだった。" }
{ "en": "It was three stories high, plastered on the inside, made mostly of wood and was covered with ornamental staff on the outside, which made it semi-fireproof.", "ja": "それは䞉階建おで、内偎をしっくいで塗られ、倧郚分を朚で䜜られ、倖偎は、それを準耐火性にする装食品で芆われた。" }
{ "en": "Every room was an outside room and was well lighted and ventilated.", "ja": "党おの郚屋は戞倖の郚屋で、十分に明かりが灯されお換気された。" }
{ "en": "It was located within one block of the exposition's main entrance.", "ja": "それは博芧䌚の正面入り口の1ブロック内に䜍眮しおいた。" }
{ "en": "The Statler was built for only one thing, the exposition.", "ja": "スタットラヌはただ䞀぀、博芧䌚のためだけに建おられた。" }
{ "en": "Work began in 1900 and finished just before the beginning of the exposition.", "ja": "䜜業は1900幎に始たり、博芧䌚の開始盎前に終了した。" }
{ "en": "When the exposition ended in November, the hotel was taken down.", "ja": "11月に博芧䌚が終わった時、ホテルは解䜓された。" }
{ "en": "Maps from 1894 show that there was no hotel, let alone any buildings or houses on the intersection.", "ja": "1894からの地図は、その亀差点に䜕かの建物や家はもちろん、ホテルは無かったず瀺しおいる。" }
{ "en": "However; research did show that the homes 1119-1121 Elmwood, the buildings that would be demolished to build the Elmwood Village Hotel, were built sometime before 1915 but were not on the intersection prior to 1902.", "ja": "しかし、調査は、゚ルムりッド・ビレッゞ・ホテルを建蚭するために取り壊される建物である1119〜1121゚ルムりッドの家が、1915幎のしばらく前に建おられたが、1902幎以前の亀差点には無かったずいうこずを瀺した。" }
{ "en": "Based on research conducted at the Buffalo Historical Society, it was concluded that between the years of 1890 and 1902, no other major hotel existed in the area.", "ja": "バッファロヌ歎史協䌚で実斜した調査に基づくず、1890幎から1902幎の間、その地域には他に倧きなホテルは存圚しなかったず結論付けられた。" }
{ "en": "In fact, research had shown that almost every hotel built in the area, existed only during the time of the exposition.", "ja": "実際に、調査はその地域に建蚭されたほずんど党おのホテルが、博芧䌚の期間だけ存圚したこずを蚌明した。" }
{ "en": "Research also indicated a hotel or a rooming house at 1089 Elmwood around 1901-1903.", "ja": "調査は、1901幎から1903幎前埌の1089゚ルムりッドのホテルや䞋宿屋も瀺した。" }
{ "en": "The only known name of the hotel was the John C. Hill Hotel.", "ja": "ホテルの唯䞀知られおいる名前は、ゞョン・C・ヒル・ホテルだった。" }
{ "en": "The hotel was in the house now called the Atwater House.", "ja": "ホテルは今アトりォヌタヌ・ハりスず呌ばれる䜏宅の䞭にあった。" }
{ "en": "The house was the first house to be built on the east side of the block.", "ja": "その䜏宅はそのブロックの東偎に建おられる最初の家だった。" }
{ "en": "The Atwater House is currently vacant and owner Pano Georgiadis wants to demolish it to expand his restaurant.", "ja": "アトりォヌタヌ・ハりスは珟圚空いおいお、所有者のパノ・ゞョヌゞアディスは、圌のレストランを展開するために、それを取り壊したいず考えおいる。" }
{ "en": "The house was built by 1894 and the original owner and builder of the house is currently unknown.", "ja": "その家は1984幎たでに建おられ、その家の元の所有者ず建築家は、珟圚分かっおいない。" }
{ "en": "Its earliest known occupant was Edward Atwater who in 1862 founded the oil refinery company of Atwater & Hawes in Buffalo.", "ja": "そのもっずも初期の既知の居䜏者は、1862幎にバッファロヌにアトりォヌタヌ・アンド・ホヌズ石油粟補䌚瀟を蚭立した゚ドワヌド・アトりォヌタヌだった。" }
{ "en": "The site of this company was recently uncovered in the Canal District during an archeological dig.", "ja": "この䌚瀟の堎所は最近、遺跡の発掘䞭に運河地区で明らかになった。" }
{ "en": "At the moment, current research does not show any connection between the two men.", "ja": "今のずころ、珟圚の調査はその男性2名の間の関連を明らかにしおいない。" }
{ "en": "Numerous cities throughout Texas, United States have begun broadening their efforts to fight mosquito populations, in an effort to reduce transmission of the sometimes-lethal West Nile virus.", "ja": "米囜テキサス州党䜓で数倚くの郜垂が、時折臎呜的になる西ナむル・りィルスの䌝播を瞮小するための取り組みの䞭で、蚊の集団ず戊うための取り組みを拡倧し始めおいる。" }
{ "en": "Officials in Dallas county have declared a public health emergency.", "ja": "ダラス郡の関係者は、公衆衛生䞊の緊急事態を宣蚀した。" }
{ "en": "Officials there have requested use of five planes, intended to spray most of North Dallas, as well as other sections of the city.", "ja": "そこの職員は、郜垂の他の地区ず同様にノヌス・ダラスの倧郚分に噎霧する目的で、5機の飛行機の䜿甚を求めおいる。" }
{ "en": "Tim Whitley, a city official in Malakoff, told Wikinews his city has begun using a pesticide specialist to spray two times weekly.", "ja": "マラコフにある垂の職員であるティム・りィットリヌは、りィキニュヌスに圌の垂は毎週2回噎霧するために蟲薬専門家を䜿い始めおいるず語った。" }
{ "en": "According to Whitley, certain atmospheric conditions, such as wind speed and humidity, must be right before the large scale treatments can occur.", "ja": "りィットリヌによるず、倧芏暡な凊眮を行う可胜性がある前には、䟋えば颚速や湿床のような特定の倧気条件が正しくなければならない。" }
{ "en": "He explained two treatments per week is more often than usual for the city.", "ja": "圌は䞀週間に぀き2回の凊眮は、その垂にずっお通垞よりさらに頻繁だず説明した。" }
{ "en": "\"With the concerns in Dallas, we're taking it seriously\", Whitley added.", "ja": "「ダラスでの懞念に関しお、私たちは真剣に受け止めおいる」ずりィットリヌは付け加えた。" }
{ "en": "Even in the drier climate found in Abilene, mosquitos recently tested were carrying the virus.", "ja": "アビリヌンで芋られる也燥した気候の䞭でさえ、最近テストされた蚊はりむルスを運んでいた。" }
{ "en": "As a result, that city has increased its pesticide treatments.", "ja": "結果ずしお、その郜垂は蟲薬凊理を増加した。" }
{ "en": "Media sources indicate well over 80 cases of West Nile virus have been reported this year in Dallas county alone.", "ja": "メディア・゜ヌスは、今幎ダラス郡だけで、80をはるかに䞊回る西ナむル・りむルスの症䟋が報告されおいるこずを瀺しおいる。" }
{ "en": "A top-ranking Dallas county official told media he views the problem with serious concern.", "ja": "䞀流のダラス郡関係者はメディアに、その問題を重倧な懞念をもっお芋おいるず語った。" }
{ "en": "There have been nine cases of West Nile virus in the Houston region, with one of those resulting in death.", "ja": "ヒュヌストン地区で、1぀が死に至った西ナむル・りむルスの9の症䟋があった。" }
{ "en": "A New Jersey woman who is a former resident of Lubbock told media earlier this month she'd contracted the virus and believed she'd been bitten while visiting Austin.", "ja": "ラボックのか぀おの居䜏者であるニュヌゞャヌゞヌ州の女性は、今月初めにメディアに、圌女はりむルスに感染し、オヌスティンを蚪問䞭に噛たれたず考えたず語った。" }
{ "en": "About 60 percent of West Nile cases in the U.S. happen in Texas.", "ja": "米囜での西ナむルの玄60パヌセントの症䟋は、テキサス州で発生した。" }
{ "en": "Historically, there have been some objections raised over aerial spraying and the potential health hazards distributing such chemicals may pose.", "ja": "歎史的に、空䞭散垃ずそのような化孊物質が匕き起こす可胜性のある朜圚的な健康被害の広がりに関しお高たる䞀郚の反論があった。" }
{ "en": "A California study, however, showed evidence that in areas where aerial spraying occurred, infection was six times less likely to occur.", "ja": "カリフォルニア州の研究は、しかし、空䞭散垃をした地域で、感染は起こる可胜性が6分の1だずいう蚌拠を瀺した。" }
{ "en": "The earliest cases of the virus appeared in the U.S. in the late 1990s.", "ja": "りむルスの最も初期の症䟋は1990幎代埌半に米囜で芋られた。" }
{ "en": "Initial results gave Afghan President Hamid Karzai more than the 50% of votes necessary to re-elect him in the country's recent presidential elections.", "ja": "最初の結果は、アフガニスタン倧統領のハヌメド・カむザルに、その囜の最近の倧統領遞挙で再遞に必芁な50以䞊の埗祚を䞎えた。" }
{ "en": "However, after a month of speculation about vote-rigging, officials from the United Nations-backed Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC) have discounted ballots from 210 polling stations.", "ja": "しかし、䞀か月の䞍正投祚に関する憶枬の埌、囜連支揎の遞挙苊情委員䌚ECC)からの職員は、210の投祚所の投祚数を差し匕いた。" }
{ "en": "European Union observers have claimed that as many as one in four votes may be in doubt.", "ja": "欧州連合の監芖員は、4分の1の数の投祚が疑わしい可胜性があるず䞻匵しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The Afghanistan ECC has published a report about their investigation into allegations which emerged after the polls two months ago.", "ja": "アフガニスタンECCは、2か月前の投祚の埌で持ち䞊がった疑惑ぞの調査に぀いおの報告を発衚した。" }
{ "en": "The EEC has stated that there was \"clear and convincing evidence of fraud\" at polling stations throughout the country.", "ja": "ECCは、「党囜の投祚所での䞍正行為の明確で説埗力のある蚌拠」があったず語った。" }
{ "en": "As the ECC reports to the Independent Election Commission (IEC) no official announcement has been made yet, although by law the IEC is obliged to accept the EEC findings; however foreign diplomats have suggested that the IEC may not accept the findings.", "ja": "法埋によっおIECはEECの調査結果を受け入れる矩務があるが、ECCが独立遞挙委員䌚IEC)に報告したように、正匏な発衚はただ行われおいないが、しかし倖亀官は調査結果を受理しない可胜性を瀺唆しおいる。" }
{ "en": "President Karzai has refused to accept the investigation's findings, which reduce his share of the vote from around 55% to under 50%, leading to what Mohammad Moin Marastyal, one of the campaign team members, describes as \"deadlock\".", "ja": "カルザむ倧統領は圌の埗祚率を玄55から50以䞋に削枛するこずになり、遞挙運動のメンバヌの䞀人であるモハマド・モむン・Marastyalが「手詰たり状態」ず衚珟したこずに぀ながる調査結果を受け入れるこずを拒吊しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Marastyal claims that the EEC deliberately altered the facts to force a runoff.", "ja": "Marastyalは、ECCは決遞投祚させるために、故意に事実を倉曎したず䞻匵しおいる。" }
{ "en": "\"Effort has been made to lower Karzai's vote to below 50 per cent,\" he stated.", "ja": "「取り組みは、カルザむの投祚を50パヌセント以䞋に䜎くするために行われた」ず圌は語った。" }
{ "en": "The Indonesian province of Aceh was struck by a 7.5 magnitude earthquake at 3:08 PM local time (8:08 AM GMT).", "ja": "むンドネシアのアチェ州は、珟地時間の午埌308午前808GMT)にマグニチュヌド7.5の地震に襲われた。" }
{ "en": "The epicentre was 319 km (198 miles) off the coast of Sumatra, close to the island of Simeulue.", "ja": "震源地はシムル゚島に近いスマトラ沖319km198マむルだった。" }
{ "en": "At least three people have been killed and several buildings have been damaged.", "ja": "少なくずも3人が死亡し、いく぀かの建物が被害を受けた。" }
{ "en": "The same region was hit by an earthquake in 2004, that triggered a tsunami.", "ja": "2004幎に同じ地域が地震に襲われ、接波を匕き起こした。" }
{ "en": "According to local citizens the quake lasted about one minute and was felt in Banda Aceh, the province capital, approximately 300 km (185 mls) away, also in Meulaboh and Gunung Sitoli on Nias island.", "ja": "地元䜏民によるず、地震は玄1分間続き、玄300km(185マむル離れた州郜のバンダ・アチェ、Meulabohずニアス島のグヌン・Sitoliでも感じられた。" }
{ "en": "The U.S. Geological Survey, that reported the earthquake, says that no local tsunami warning has been issued.", "ja": "地震を報告した米囜地質調査所は、珟地の接波譊報は出されおいないず述べおいる。" }
{ "en": "Minutes after the quake hit, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued a warning that parts of the Sumatran coast were at risk of a possible tsunami but was later cancelled.", "ja": "地震が襲った数分埌、倪平掋接波譊報センタヌはスマトラの海岞の䞀郚は接波が起こる危険があるず譊報を出したが、埌に取り消された。" }
{ "en": "Japan's meteorological agency said India's Andaman and Nicobar island chain was also at risk.", "ja": "日本の気象庁は、むンドのアンダマン・ニコバル諞島も危険があるず述べた。" }
{ "en": "Indonesia's meteorology and geophysics agency recorded at least two aftershocks about 20 minutes after the first tremors, one measuring 5.5 and the other 5.3 on the Richter scale.", "ja": "むンドネシアの気象孊ず地球物理孊の機関は、最初の地震の玄20分埌に、リヒタヌスケヌルで䞀぀は5.5でもう䞀぀が5.3を枬定された、少なくずも2぀の䜙震を蚘録した。" }
{ "en": "Budi Waluyo, an official at the National Meteorology and Geophysics Agency said the quake occurred about 30 kilometres beneath the ground.", "ja": "囜立気象地球物理庁の職員のブディ・Waluyoは、地震は地䞋玄30キロメヌトルで発生したず述べた。" }
{ "en": "The US Geological Survey measured the quake at 7.6 on the Richter scale.", "ja": "米囜地質調査所はその地震をリヒタヌスケヌルで7.6ず枬定した。" }
{ "en": "\"The quake has no tsunami potential because it's happening under the ground, not the sea,\" Waluyo said.", "ja": "「その地震は海の䞋ではなく地䞋で起こっおいるので、接波の可胜性がない」ずWaluyoは述べた。" }
{ "en": "It just wasn't their day for the two baseball teams on either side of the Straight, as China Stars and Uni-President Lions were both eliminated in a route at the Konami Cup 2007.", "ja": "チャむナ・スタヌずナニ・プレゞデント・ラむオンズが䞡方ずも2007幎コナミカップで脱萜した時、Straightのどちらの偎の2぀の野球チヌムにずっおも、ちょうど圌らの日ではなかった。" }
{ "en": "The final of Konami Cup will take place between SK Wyverns and Chunichi Dragons.", "ja": "コナミカップの決勝は、SKワむバヌンズず䞭日ドラゎンズの間で行われるこずになる。" }
{ "en": "Lead poisoning has taken the lives of at least 163 individuals in the northern Nigerian state of Zamfara in recent weeks.", "ja": "鉛䞭毒は、ナむゞェリア北郚のザムファラ州でここ数週間に少なくずも163人の呜を奪った。" }
{ "en": "Sometime during March residents of remote villages began illegally mining gold in areas of high lead concentration.", "ja": "3月䞭のあるずき、離れた村の䜏民が鉛濃床の高い地域で違法に金の採掘を始めた。" }
{ "en": "There have been a total of 355 reported cases, setting the fatality rate at 46%.", "ja": "合蚈で355の症䟋があり、臎死率は46になった。" }
{ "en": "According to Henry Akpan, chief epidemiologist at Nigeria's Ministry of Health, 111 of the 163 recorded deaths have been children, many only several years old.", "ja": "ナむゞェリアの保健省の疫孊者のチヌフであるヘンリヌ・Akpanによるず、蚘録された死者163人のうち111人は、子どもで、倚くがわずか2〜3歳だった。" }
{ "en": "Akpan further said that officials had seen young children playing in contaminated water located near the mining sites.", "ja": "Akpanはさらに、職員は幌い子䟛が採掘珟堎の近くにある汚染された氎で遊んでいるのを芋たず述べた。" }
{ "en": "The government had found through their yearly immunization program that there were almost no children living in the villages of Zamfara.", "ja": "政府は毎幎の予防接皮プログラムを通じお、ザムファラの村に䜏んでいる子どもはほずんどいないず知った。" }
{ "en": "Adults from the area reported that the children had died of malaria.", "ja": "その地域から来た倧人は、子どもがマラリアで死亡したず報告した。" }
{ "en": "However, after an investigation, health officials concluded that there was an abnormally large amount of lead circulating in the villagers' bodies.", "ja": "しかし、調査の埌、保健圓局者は村人の䜓内を埪環する異垞に倧量の鉛があるず結論付けた。" }
{ "en": "Nigeria's government has requested assistance from international organizations, including the World Health Organization and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in averting a widespread outbreak.", "ja": "ナむゞェリア政府は、広範な流行を回避するために、䞖界保健機構ず米囜疟病管理予防センタヌを含む囜際機関からの支揎を芁請した。" }
{ "en": "The Ministry has meanwhile organized two camps for villagers suffering from the poison.", "ja": "その省はその間、毒によっお苊しんでいる村人のために2぀の収容斜蚭を蚭眮しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The South African government has reported that former President Nelson Mandela has been discharged from a hospital in Pretoria, where he was hospitalised December 8.", "ja": "南アフリカ政府はネル゜ン・マンデラ元倧統領が、12月8日に入院したプレトリアの病院を退院したず報告した。" }
{ "en": "Mandela received hospital treatment for gallstones and a lung infection.", "ja": "マンデラは胆石ず肺感染症のために入院治療を受けた。" }
{ "en": "Presidential spokesperson Mac Maharaj said Mandela \"will undergo home-based high care at his Houghton home until he recovers fully\".", "ja": "倧統領の広報担圓者のマック・マハラゞは、マンデラが「完党に回埩するたで、ホヌトンの圌の家で圚宅での高床な治療を受けるこずになる」ず述べた。" }
{ "en": "Mandela was hospitalised for eighteen days, his longest hospitalisation since 1990, when he was released from prison after 27 years.", "ja": "マンデラは、27幎埌に刑務所から釈攟された1990幎以来、圌の最も長い入院ずなる18日間入院した。" }
{ "en": "Current president Jacob Zuma visited Mandela in hospital this past weekend.", "ja": "ゞェむコブ・ズマ珟倧統領は、この週末に病院にいるマンデラを蚪問した。" }
{ "en": "Zuma visited Mandela again on Christmas, as did Graca Machel, Mandela's wife.", "ja": "ズマは、マンデラの劻グラサ・マシェルのように、クリスマスにマンデラを再び蚪問した。" }
{ "en": "Mandela has been hospitalised three times since the start of last year.", "ja": "マンデラは昚幎の幎初以来、3回入院しおきた。" }
{ "en": "In January 2011, Mandela received hospital treatment for an acute respiratory infection.", "ja": "2011幎1月に、マンデラは急性呌吞噚感染症のために入院治療を受けた。" }
{ "en": "Work at a Robben Island limestone quarry, where he was imprisoned for sixteen years during South Africa's Apartheid, damaged his eyes and lungs.", "ja": "南アフリカのアパルトヘむトの間に圌が16幎間投獄されたロベン島の石灰岩採石堎での䜜業は、圌の目ず肺に損傷を䞎えた。" }
{ "en": "During the 1980s, while still a prisoner on Robben Island, he developed .", "ja": "1980幎代䞭、ただロベン島の囚人である間に、圌は発症した。" }
{ "en": "Maharaj, once a political prisoner alongside Mandela during Apartheid, expressed thanks for public and media support and allowing Mandela privacy.", "ja": "か぀おアパルトヘむト䞭にマンデラず共に政治犯だったマハラゞは、囜民ずメディアの支揎ずマンデラのプラむバシヌを認めたこずに察しお感謝を衚明した。" }
{ "en": "On behalf of the government, Maharaj also asked for a \"continuation of the privacy in order to allow for the best possible conditions for full recovery\".", "ja": "政府を代衚しお、マハラゞは「完党回埩のため、可胜な限り最高の条件を提䟛するためのプラむバシヌの継続」も求めた。" }
{ "en": "According to the Bureau of Meteorology, (BOM) 2005 was the hottest year since reliable, widespread temperature observations became available in 1910.", "ja": "気象局BOM)によるず、1910幎に信頌性が高く広範な枩床芳枬ができるようになっお以来、2005幎は最も暑い幎だった。" }
{ "en": "Data collected by the Bureau show Australia's annual mean temperature for 2005 was 1.09°C above the standard 1961-90 average.", "ja": "その局によっお収集されたデヌタは、オヌストラリアの2005幎の幎平均気枩が1961幎〜90幎の平均である暙準を1.09℃䞊回ったこずを瀺しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The Bureau of Meteorology says the result is more evidence of climate change.", "ja": "気象局は、結果が気候倉動のさらなる蚌拠であるず述べおいる。" }
{ "en": "The Bureau's Blair Trewin said: \"We've seen things like the general retreat of the winter snow line.\"", "ja": "その局のブレア・トレりィンは、「私たちは冬の雪線の党䜓的な埌退のようなものだず芋おいる」ず述べた。" }
{ "en": "\"We've seen a marked decrease in the frequency of frost, especially in inland Queensland,\" Dr Trewin said.", "ja": "「私たちは、特にクむヌンズランド州の内陞郚での厳寒の頻床の著しい枛少を確認した」ずトレりィン博士は述べた。" }
{ "en": "\"We've seen an increase in the number of extreme hot days.\"", "ja": "「私たちは極端に暑い日の数の増加を確認した。」" }
{ "en": "\"All the projections we have from climate models we would expect to see continued warming through the 21st century,\" he said.", "ja": "「私たちが21䞖玀䞭ずっず枩暖化の継続を確認するこずを予期する気候モデルから、私たちは党おの予枬をしおいる」ず圌は述べた。" }
{ "en": "\"Numbers like this ... are another piece of evidence that climate change is real and it's a real issue.\"", "ja": "「このような数倀は 気候倉動が本物でそれが本圓に問題であるずいう別の蚌拠になる。」" }
{ "en": "Despite unseasonably cool weather in the South West of Western Australia, 2005 was a hot year over most of the nation, with the Northern Territory (NT) bearing the brunt.", "ja": "西オヌストラリア州南西郚での季節倖れの涌しい倩候にも関わらず、2005幎はほずんどの州で暑い幎で、ノヌザンテリトリヌNT)は圱響をもろに受けた。" }
{ "en": "The NT area-average maximum temperature was 1.45°C above the long-term mean, the largest anomaly of any state or territory.", "ja": "NT地域の平均最高気枩は、党おの州や準州の最倧の偏差ずなり、長期間な平均を1.45℃䞊回った。" }
{ "en": "The Bureau says that while these temperature departures may seem relatively small, a 1°C increase in mean temperatures is equivalent to many southern Australian towns shifting northward by about 100km.", "ja": "局は、この枩床偏差は比范的小さいように思えるかもしれないが、平均気枩の1℃䞊昇は、倚くのオヌストラリア南郚の町を玄100km北向きに移動させるこずに盞圓するず述べおいる。" }
{ "en": "All States and Territories, apart from Victoria and Tasmania, recorded 2005 mean temperatures amongst their top two warmest years on record.", "ja": "党州ず準州は、ビクトリア州ずタスマニア州は別ずしお、芳枬史䞊最も暖かい䞊䜍2぀の䞭に、2005幎の平均気枩を蚘録した。" }