{ "en": "The train then partially derailed but remained upright, coming to a stop further down the tracks.", "ja": "それから、列車は郚分的に脱線したが、たっすぐ立ったたたで、軌道のさらに䞋の方で止たった。" }
{ "en": "The car driver is believed to have been killed instantly.", "ja": "車の運転手はすぐに死んだず思われる。" }
{ "en": "North Yorkshire Police said that the car had left the road, driven through a fence and ended up on the track.", "ja": "ノヌスペヌクシャヌ譊察は、車が道路を出お、フェンスを通り抜け、軌道の䞊で止たったず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The train was the 14:25 Virgin Voyager cross-country service from Plymouth to Edinburgh Waverley, capable of speeds up to 125mph, but was deccelerating on approach into York.", "ja": "列車はプリモスから゚ゞンバラ・りェむノァリヌたでの時分発ノァヌゞン・ボむゞャヌ・クロスカントリヌ・サヌビスで、時速マむルたで出すこずができるが、ペヌクに接近しお速床を萜ずしおいた。" }
{ "en": "The line between York and Leeds was closed for several hours, delaying other services.", "ja": "ペヌクずリヌズの間の線は数時間閉鎖され、他のサヌビスは延期された。" }
{ "en": "Virgin Spokesman Arthur Leathley told reporters that Network Rail hoped to have three of the four lines in that section of the track operational by Tuesday morning.", "ja": "ノァヌゞンのスポヌクスマンであるアヌサヌ・リヌスリヌは蚘者に、ネットワヌク・レヌルは、軌道のその区画の本の線のうちの本を火曜日の朝たでに䜿甚可胜にするこずを望んでいるず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "A deadly hotel bombing in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, has killed at least fifteen people, including three Somali Cabinet ministers, earlier today.", "ja": "今日早く、゜マリアの銖郜モガディシュでの臎呜的なホテル爆砎で、人の゜マリアの閣僚を含む少なくずも人が死んだ。" }
{ "en": "The blast targeted a university graduation ceremony being attended by a number of government officials.", "ja": "爆発は、䜕人かの官僚が出垭しおいる倧孊卒業匏を狙った。" }
{ "en": "The Shamo Hotel was hosting a graduation ceremony for Benadir University.", "ja": "シャモ・ホテルはベナディヌル倧孊の卒業匏を䞻催しおいた。" }
{ "en": "Eyewitnesses reported that a suicide bomber gained access to the venue dressed as a woman, donning a full abaya and a veil.", "ja": "目撃者は自爆テロ犯が女性の服を着、たっぷりしたアバダずベヌルを身に぀けお、䌚堎に接近したず報告した。" }
{ "en": "The attacker was wearing an explosive strapped to his torso, but was not patted down by security.", "ja": "攻撃者は胎に爆薬を結び぀けおいたが、保安係は軜く叩かなかった。" }
{ "en": "The director of Median Hospital, Ali Yusuf, commented that \"forty people with shrapnel wounds, including students and medical doctors, have been hospitalized today.", "ja": "メディアン病院のアリ・ナスフ院長は、「孊生ず医者を含む砎片による傷のある人の人々は、今日入院したした」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Former Islamic Courts Union members at the scene identified the bomber, whose head and face had been completely shaven, as a member of al-Shabab, the ultra-conservative Islamist group believed to have links to al-Qaeda.", "ja": "珟堎のむスラム法廷䌚議の元メンバヌが、頭ず顔を完党に剃った爆撃者を、アルカむダず぀ながりがあるず思われおいる超保守的むスラム教埒グルヌプ、アルシャバブの䞀員ず特定した。" }
{ "en": "Somali Health Minister Qamar Aden Ali, Education Minister Ahmed Abdullahi Waayeel, and Higher Education Minister Ibrahim Hassan Adow were killed in the attack on Hotel.", "ja": "゜マリアの厚生倧臣カマル・アデン・アリ、文郚倧臣アヌメド・アブドゥラヒ・ワ゚レ、高等教育倧臣むブラヒム・ハッサン・アドりは、ホテルぞの攻撃で殺された。" }
{ "en": "Abdulkadir Mohamed Osman, the Somali presidency's director of information, commented on the incident.", "ja": "゜マリアの倧統領の情報局長アブドゥルカディル・モハメド・オスマンは、事件に぀いおコメントした。" }
{ "en": "The blast rocked inside the hotel, killing three ministers and wounding another one.\"", "ja": "「爆発はホテル䞭を揺り動かし、人の倧臣を殺しお、別の者を傷぀けたした。」" }
{ "en": "Adow served as the foreign secretary of the insurgent Islamic Courts Union when it took power in 2006.", "ja": "アドりは幎にむスラム法廷䌚議が暩力を握ったずき倖務倧臣ずしお勀めた。" }
{ "en": "The Somali minister for sports is also reported to be hospitalized and in critical condition.", "ja": "゜マリアのスポヌツ担圓倧臣も、入院しお、重態にあるこずが報告されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Mohamed Mohamoud, an attending graduate of the ceremony, said that he personally saw the remains of the health minister on the ground, as well as the corpses of other government officials.", "ja": "匏兞に出垭しおいた卒業生のモハメッド・モハムヌドは、地面の䞊の健康倧臣の遺䜓ず、他の官僚の死䜓を盎接芋たず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "They have been studying in such a horrific environment, and today they passed away without benefiting from their education.", "ja": "圌らはそのような恐ろしい環境で勉匷し、今日、教育から利益を埗るこずなく他界した。" }
{ "en": "Two journalists, a reporter for Radio Shabelle and a cameraman with al-Arabia TV, were also found dead from the explosion.", "ja": "ラゞオ・シャベルのリポヌタヌずアル・アラビア・テレビのカメラマンの人のゞャヌナリストは爆発により死䜓で発芋された。" }
{ "en": "The National Union of Somali Journalists has issued a statement condemning the attack and expressing outrage at the loss of their colleagues.", "ja": "゜マリア・ゞャヌナリスト党囜連盟は、攻撃を非難し同僚を倱ったこずに察する憀激を衚明する声明を出した。" }
{ "en": "Somalia is one of the world's most dangerous places for journalists to work.", "ja": "゜マリアは働くゞャヌナリストにずっお䞖界で最も危険な堎所の぀だ。" }
{ "en": "Eight have been killed in Somalia since the beginning of 2009.", "ja": "幎の始たり以来、゜マリアで人が死んだ。" }
{ "en": "Hotel Shamo is often chosen by government officials to host events and at one time was a popular lodging option for foreign journalists.", "ja": "シャモ・ホテルは官僚によっおしばしばホスト・むベントに遞ばれ、䞀床は倖囜のゞャヌナリストのための人気がある宿泊オプションだった。" }
{ "en": "Recently-released Canadian journalist Amanda Lindhout and Australian photojournalist Nigel Brennan were staying at the hotel before their capture last year.", "ja": "最近解攟されたカナダのゞャヌナリスト・アマンダ・リンドホヌトずオヌストラリアのフォトゞャヌナリスト・ナむゞェル・ブレナンは、昚幎、捕らえられる前にホテルに滞圚しおいた。" }
{ "en": "The hotel security staff say that they were kicked out of the room prior to the ceremony, as government security officials wanted sole handling of the event.", "ja": "ホテルの譊備スタッフは、政府保安担圓者がむベントの独占的な取扱いを望んだので、匏兞の前に郚屋の倖ぞ远い出されたず蚀う。" }
{ "en": "The government officials were attending the graduation of 43 students from the local Banadir University.", "ja": "官僚は、地元のベナディヌル倧孊出身の人の孊生の卒業匏に出垭しおいた。" }
{ "en": "The official death toll from the blast is expected to continue to rise, with some reports indicating that more than 60 people have been found dead.", "ja": "爆発による公匏犠牲者数は増え続けるず予想され、いく぀かの報告では人以䞊の人々が死䜓で発芋された。" }
{ "en": "The attack is the latest in a string of incidents linking al-Shabab to common insurgent tactics used by Islamist terrorist groups in other parts of the world.", "ja": "攻撃は、アルシャバブを、䞖界の他の地域でむスラム教埒テロリスト・グルヌプによっお䜿われる共通の反政府戊術に関連づけおいる䞀連の事件の最新のものだ。" }
{ "en": "Until recently, suicide bombings were an unusual practice in Somalia.", "ja": "最近たで、自爆攻撃は゜マリアではめずらしい行為だった。" }
{ "en": "In September, al-Shabab claimed responsibility for a bold attack on a meeting between government officials and the African Union peacekeeping mission in Somalia, known as AMISOM, which killed 17 peacekeepers, including the top Burundian commander.", "ja": "月に、アルシャバブは、゜マリアで起こった官僚ずAMISOMずしお知られおいるアフリカ連合平和維持掻動の間の䌚議ぞの倧胆な攻撃ブルンゞ人の叞什官を含む人の平和維持軍兵士を殺したの責任を䞻匵した。" }
{ "en": "Two vehicles containing explosives were given entry to the AMISOM base and subsequently blew up.", "ja": "爆薬を積んだ台の車䞡は、AMISOM基地ぞの入堎を䞎えられお、その埌爆発した。" }
{ "en": "The rebel group is battling for control of the war-ravaged nation against the Western-backed Transitional Federal Government, led by former Islamic insurgent Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed.", "ja": "反乱軍は西偎に埌揎された暫定連邊政府に抗しお戊争で荒らされた囜の支配のために戊っおいお、元むスラム反政府のシェむク・シャリフ・シェむク・アフマドによっお導かれおいる。" }
{ "en": "Rebel groups control much of southern and central Somalia, as well as significant portions of Mogadishu.", "ja": "反乱軍は、モガディシュのかなりの郚分だけでなく、南郚および䞭郚゜マリアの倚くを支配しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The government is being bolstered by the continuing presence of the peacekeeping force composed of Ugandans and Burundians.", "ja": "政府は、りガンダ人ずブルンゞ人から成る平和維持軍の継続的な存圚によっお匷められおいる。" }
{ "en": "The AMISOM forces are mandated with the protection of key city sites such as the airport, seaport, and presidential palace.", "ja": "AMISOM軍隊は、空枯、海枯、倧統領官邞などの重芁な郜垂地域の保護を呜什されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Sir Richard Branson, successful British entrepreneur, better known as the founder of the Virgin brand, has made a suggestion to the next British chancellor to both save MG Rover, the largest independent manufacturer of cars in England until it collapsed this spring, and help with rapidly rising oil demand.", "ja": "成功した英囜の䌁業家であり、バヌゞン・ブランドの創始者ずしおよりよく知られおいるリチャヌド・ブラン゜ン卿は、次の英囜の倧蔵倧臣に、今幎の春に倒産するたで英囜最倧の車の独立メヌカヌであったMGロヌバヌを救い、急速に䞊昇する石油需芁を助けるこずを提案した。" }
{ "en": "He wants the British government to give subsidies to the fallen car-maker so that it can be the first European producer of hybrid cars.", "ja": "圌は、英囜政府が倒れた自動車メヌカヌに、ハむブリッドカヌの初のペヌロッパの補䜜者になるように、助成金を䞎えるこずを望む。" }
{ "en": "A 7-year old Tennessee boy who was eager to get his driver's license got an early education when he decided to take his parents pick-up truck for a joyride.", "ja": "運転免蚱蚌を埗たいず望む歳のテネシヌの男の子が、䞡芪の小型トラックを取っお面癜半分に運転しようず決めたずき、幌児教育を受けおいた。" }
{ "en": "The boy, whose name was not released, remembered to wear his seatbelt and even used his turn signal when he was supposed to.", "ja": "名前が公衚されおいない男の子は、そうすべきずきに、シヌトベルトを着け、方向指瀺灯を䜿うこずさえ忘れなかった。" }
{ "en": "Police chasing the boy initially thought they were chasing a drunk driver.", "ja": "最初、男の子を远っおいる譊察は、酔ったドラむバヌを远っおいるず思った。" }
{ "en": "He couldn't stay in his lane,\" Officer Josh Laverette said.", "ja": "「圌はレヌンにずどたるこずができたせんでした」ず、ゞョシュ・レむノァレット巡査は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "But when the truck came to a stop in front of a house, police saw that it was a boy, a second grader, barely 4 feet tall, behind the wheel.", "ja": "しかし、トラックが家の前に止たったずき、譊察は、それが男の子で、幎生ぐらい、身長はかろうじおフィヌト、ハンドルに隠れおいるのを芋た。" }
{ "en": "\"He was so short he had to sit up close to the steering wheel,\" Laverette said.", "ja": "「圌はずおも背が䜎くお、ハンドルの近くに䜓を起こさなければなりたせんでした」ず、レむノァレットは蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"Whenever he would brake, he would pick himself up with his left foot and stomp on the brake with his right.\"", "ja": "「ブレヌキをかけるずきはい぀でも、圌は巊足でゆっくりず立ち䞊がっお、右足でブレヌキを螏みたす。」" }
{ "en": "When police began to talk to the boy, who managed to park in front of his own home, \"He said the reason he took the vehicle was because he wanted to get his license,\" said Laverette.", "ja": "譊察が、䜕ずか自分の家の前に駐車した男の子に話し始めたずき、「圌は、車を取ったのは免蚱蚌を取りたかったからだず蚀いたした」ずレむノァレットは蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"There were like probably five city cars and three county cars and a state trooper\" all of which were chasing the pickup, said Susan Daniel, a witness to the incident.", "ja": "「たぶん台のシティヌカヌ、台のカりンティヌカヌ、人の州譊察官がいお」ピックアップを远いかけおいたしたず、事件の目撃者であるスヌザン・ダニ゚ルが蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"It blew my mind because we actually watched him put on his turn signal and turn, and we could see when he went past that he had seat belts on,\" Daniel said.", "ja": "「圌が方向指瀺灯を぀けお曲がり、シヌトベルトを぀けお通り過ぎるのを芋たずきは興奮したした」ず、ダニ゚ルは蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"Then to come find out it was a child, I was really shocked.\"", "ja": "「それが子䟛であったこずが分かっお、私は本圓にショックを受けたした。」" }
{ "en": "The boy was charged with driving without a license, eluding police and leaving the scene of an accident.", "ja": "男の子は無免蚱運転の嫌疑を受け、譊察の目を逃れおいお、事故の珟堎を去っおいた。" }
{ "en": "He is expected to appear in juvenile court next week.", "ja": "圌は、来週、少幎裁刀所に出頭するこずになっおいる。" }
{ "en": "The Italian dailies La Repubblica and Corriere della Sera are reporting that US forces may not have been informed of the operation to rescue kidnapped Italian journalist, Giuliana Sgrena, in which the intelligence agent Nicola Calipari was killed by US troops.", "ja": "むタリアの日刊玙ラ・レプブリカずコリ゚ヌレ・デラ・セヌラは、米軍が誘拐されたむタリア人ゞャヌナリスト、ゞュリアヌナ・スグレナを救出する䜜戊諜報員ニコラ・カリパリが米軍によっお殺されたを知らされおいなかったかもしれないず報じおいる。" }
{ "en": "The Italian government disputes this account, and has said that the US was fully aware of the operation on March 4.", "ja": "むタリア政府はこの蚘事に異議を唱えお、米囜が月日に掻動に完党に気づいおいたず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "La Repubblica is reporting that US forces were aware of Italian intelligence agent Nicola Calipari's presence, but not the specific details of his mission.", "ja": "ラ・レプブリカは、米軍がむタリアの諜報員ニコラ・カリパリの存圚に気づいおいたが、圌の任務の特定の詳现を知らなかったず、報じおいる。" }
{ "en": "Speaking in the La Repubblica newspaper, General Mario Marioli assisted those involved in the operation in Baghdad, by obtaining a special badge for them from coalition forces upon their arrival.", "ja": "ラ・レプブリカ玙で、マリオ・マリオヌリ将軍は、到着ず同時に連合軍から特別なバッゞを埗られるようにしお、バグダッドの䜜戊に関係する者を助けたず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "However, as the deputy commander of the coalition forces in Iraq, Marioli reported that he was unaware of Calipari's purpose in Iraq, so he could not tell coalition troops on the ground the details of the Italian mission.", "ja": "しかし、むラクの連合軍の副叞什官ずしお、マリオヌリはむラクにおけるカリパリの意図を知らないず報告したので、連合軍の地䞊郚隊にむタリアの任務の詳现を教えるこずができなかった。" }
{ "en": "According to La Repubblica, Marioli reported that he \"had no contact with US intelligence officers\" prior to the shooting.", "ja": "ラ・レプブリカによるず、マリオヌリは、銃撃の前に「米囜の情報将校ず接觊をしおいない」ず報告した。" }
{ "en": "The People's Republic of China has signed an agreement with ASEAN to establish the world's largest free trade area.", "ja": "䞭華人民共和囜は、䞖界最倧の自由貿易地域を確立するために、ASEANずずもに協定に調印した。" }
{ "en": "Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, India and Australia are considering joining.", "ja": "日本、韓囜、ニュヌゞヌランド、むンド、オヌストラリアは参加するこずを怜蚎しおいる。" }
{ "en": "ASEAN members include Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Singapore and Indonesia.", "ja": "ASEANメンバヌは、ミャンマヌ、ラオス、タむ、カンボゞア、ベトナム、フィリピン、マレヌシア、ブルネむ・ダルサラヌム囜、シンガポヌル、むンドネシアを含んでいる。" }
{ "en": "In the last four years China has become a major importer of oil and commodities, and a major exporter of finished goods.", "ja": "この幎で、䞭囜は石油ず生掻必需品の䞻芁な茞入者ず完成品の䞻芁な茞出者になった。" }
{ "en": "China has also strengthened relationships with oil suppliers in the Middle East and Africa.", "ja": "䞭囜は、䞭東・アフリカの石油䟛絊元ずの関係も匷化した。" }
{ "en": "This pact lifts trade restrictions and removes tariffs from many imports and exports.", "ja": "この協定は取匕芏制を解陀しお、倚くの茞出入品から関皎を取り陀く。" }
{ "en": "It also allows China to continue manipulating the value of its currency in its own interests.", "ja": "それはたた、䞭囜が自分自身の利益で通貚䟡倀を操䜜し続けるのを蚱す。" }
{ "en": "The yuan is currently undervalued, making Chinese-made goods artificially cheap for foreign importers.", "ja": "元は珟圚過小評䟡され、人工的に䞭囜補の商品を倖囜の茞入業者のために安くする。" }
{ "en": "Stated in the agreement is ASEAN's intention to create a unified economy--and by implication polity--similar to the EU.", "ja": "合意には、のように統䞀経枈を蚀倖の政策によっお䜜ろうずいうASEANの意図が述べられおいる。" }
{ "en": "This agreement will cement China's role as the center of the South Asian regional economy, and at the same time strengthening bonds between China and other countries in the region and ease their suspicions over a growing superpower.", "ja": "この合意は南アゞアの地域経枈のセンタヌずしおの䞭囜の圹割を固め、同時に䞭囜ず地域の他の囜々の間の結び぀きを匷化しお、発展しおいる超倧囜ぞの疑いを軜くする。" }
{ "en": "Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi and South Korean President Roh Moo-Hyun separately adopted accords with the 10-nation Association of Southeast Asian Nations, agreeing to launch the talks early next year.", "ja": "日本の小泉玔䞀郎銖盞ず韓囜の盧歊鉉倧統領は東南アゞア諞囜連合のカ囜ず別々に協定を採択し、来幎始めに䌚談を開始するこずに同意した。" }
{ "en": "Australia and New Zealand are expected to sign similar agreements with ASEAN before discussions close later Tuesday, although ASEAN remains wary of Australian Prime Minister John Howard's refusal to sign its nonaggression treaty.", "ja": "オヌストラリアずニュヌゞヌランドは火曜日遅くに議論が終わる前にASEANず類䌌した協定に調印するこずになっおいるが、ASEANは䞍可䟵条玄に調印するこずに察するゞョン・ハワヌド・オヌストラリア銖盞の拒絶に慎重になっおいる。" }
{ "en": "Howard played down these concerns but said on record that he reserves the right to preemptively act against terrorists on foreign soil if they threaten Australia.", "ja": "ハワヌドはこれらの懞念を軜く扱ったが、テロリストが倖囜でオヌストラリアを脅かすならば、それに察しお先制しお行動する暩利を保有するず公匏に蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Pakistani officials have said that five attacks on government sites across the country have killed at least forty people.", "ja": "パキスタン圓局は、党囜の政府甚地ぞの぀の攻撃が少なくずも人を殺したず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The latest attack occurred late on Thursday at a government residential area in Peshawar.", "ja": "最新の襲撃が、朚曜日の遅く、ペシャワルの政府䜏宅地で起こった。" }
{ "en": "Officials said they suspect Taliban militants for being responsible for the attacks.", "ja": "圓局は、タリバン戊士が攻撃に責任があるず疑っおいるず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Authorities said that the situation in the eastern city of Lahore was under control, following separate attacks on the country's Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) and two police training centers.", "ja": "圓局は、囜の連邊捜査機関FIAず぀の譊察トレヌニング・センタヌぞの別々の攻撃の埌、東郚ラホヌル垂の状況は支配䞋にあるず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Gunmen with at least one suicide jacket stormed the FIA building at mid-morning.", "ja": "少なくずも1着の自爆ゞャケットを着た銃撃者は、午前半ばにFIAビルディングを襲撃した。" }
{ "en": "The FIA is an agency responsible for investigating matters relating to terrorism and immigration.", "ja": "FIAは、テロリズムず入囜管理に関する問題を調査するこずに責任がある機関だ。" }
{ "en": "Early last year, the building was the target of a suicide truck bomb that killed more than 20 people.", "ja": "昚幎前半に、ビルは、人以䞊の呜を奪った自爆トラック爆匟の暙的になった。" }
{ "en": "\"Reportedly, four men attacked the FIA building and initial reports are that two of them have been killed,\" said the provincial interior secretary, Nadeem Hassan Asif Punjab.", "ja": "「䌝えられるずころでは、人の男がFIAのビルを攻撃し、最初のレポヌトでは圌ら人が死んだずいうこずです」ず、州内務省長官ナディヌム・ハッサン・アシフ・パンゞャブは蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Soon after the assault on the FIA began, gunmen targeted two police training centers on the outskirts of Lahore.", "ja": "FIAに察する攻撃が始たったすぐ埌、銃撃者はラホヌル呚蟺の぀の譊察トレヌニング・センタヌを目暙ずした。" }
{ "en": "In the suburb of Manawa, gunmen targeted a center that militants attacked earlier this year.", "ja": "マナワの郊倖では、銃撃者は、戊士が今幎始め攻撃したセンタヌを目暙ずした。" }
{ "en": "In the other incident, attackers with suicide jackets in Bedian climbed over a wall to gain access to the Elite Force Training Center.", "ja": "他の事件では、ベディアンの自爆ゞャケットを着た攻撃者は、粟鋭軍トレヌニング・センタヌに接近するために、壁を乗り越えた。" }
{ "en": "It took several hours before security forces were able to gain control of all the sites.", "ja": "治安郚隊がすべおの甚地を支配するこずができるたでに、数時間かかった。" }
{ "en": "The attacks in Pakistan's east took place hours after a suicide car bomber targeted a police station at a garrison town about an hour's drive from the northwestern city of Peshawar.", "ja": "パキスタンの東郚の攻撃は、自爆自動車の爆撃手が、北西郚ペシャワル垂から車で時間かかるずころにある守備隊の町の譊察眲に目暙を定めた数時間埌に起こった。" }
{ "en": "Speaking to local media, Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik said intelligence agencies had expected attacks on security sites in the country and that authorities will remain on high-alert.", "ja": "パキスタンの内務倧臣レヌマン・マリクはロヌカル・メディアに、情報郚が囜のセキュリティ・サむトぞの攻撃を予想し、圓局は臚戊䜓制にあるず、蚀った。" }
{ "en": "He said the recent violence shows the militants want to bring the frontlines from Pakistan's violent northwest to Punjab province.", "ja": "圌は、最近の暎力が、戊士が最前線をパキスタンの暎力的な北西からパンゞャブ行政区たで広げたいず思っおいるこずを瀺しおいるず、蚀った。" }
{ "en": "On Saturday, militants with ties to Punjab, as well as the South Waziristan tribal region, assaulted the Pakistani army's headquarters in Rawalpindi.", "ja": "土曜日には、南ワゞリスタン皮族の地域だけでなくパンゞャブずも関係をも぀戊士がラワルピンゞでパキスタン軍の本郚を襲撃した。" }
{ "en": "Pakistani intelligence officials believe the attacks are a reaction to the military's raids on South Waziristan.", "ja": "パキスタンの情報圓局者は、攻撃が南ワゞリスタンぞの軍隊の急襲に察する反応であるず思っおいる。" }
{ "en": "The military is expected to launch a full-scale assault on Taliban militants in the region bordering Afghanistan.", "ja": "軍隊は、アフガニスタンに接しおいる地域でタリバン戊士に察する党面的な攻撃を開始するこずになっおいる。" }
{ "en": "England beat Kenya by 7 wickets (with 60 balls remaining) in the final Group C game in the World Cup at Beausejour Stadium, Gros Islet, Saint Lucia.", "ja": "むングランドは、セントルシアのグロ小島にあるボヌセゞュヌル・スタゞアムのワヌルド・カップでグルヌプCの最終ゲヌムにおいお、りィケットのボヌルが残るでケニダを砎った。" }
{ "en": "England will now advance through to the Super 8 stage.", "ja": "むングランドは次にスヌパヌステヌゞに進む。" }
{ "en": "Rain delayed the start of the match by some two hours, and therefore the match was only a 43 over game.", "ja": "雚で詊合が始たるのが玄時間遅れ、詊合はオヌバヌのみのゲヌムだった。" }
{ "en": "Sales of smartphones running the Android operating system have tripled since the beginning of 2010, according to figures released yesterday.", "ja": "昚日公衚された数字によるず、アンドロむド・オペレヌティングシステムを実行しおいるスマヌトフォンの売䞊高は、幎の始たり以来倍になった。" }
{ "en": "Market analysts GfK said that \"around one in every eight handsets sold in the UK between April and June 2010 on a contract is Android-powered, compared to one in 33 on average between January and March.\"", "ja": "マヌケットアナリストのGfKは、「月ず月の間の平均ののうち぀ず比范しお、英囜で幎の月ず月の契玄の䞊で売られたあらゆる぀の端末機のおよそ぀はアンドロむドで動く」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Last week, Samsung stepped up the marketing for its latest Android-powered device, the Galaxy S.", "ja": "先週、サムスンは最新のアンドロむドで動く装眮ギャラクシヌSのためにマヌケティングを進めた。" }
{ "en": "Other Android-powered devices include the Sony Ericsson X10 and the HTC Desire.", "ja": "他のアンドロむドで動く装眮には、゜ニヌ・゚リク゜ンX10ずHTCデザむダヌがある。" }
{ "en": "GfK analyst Megan Baldock said to The Guardian: \"The figures suggest an increasing number of consumers are now asking for Android handsets by name.\"", "ja": "GfKアナリストのミヌガン・バルドックは、以䞋のようガヌディアンに蚀った「数倚くの消費者が珟圚名ざしでアンドロむド端末機を求めおいるこずを、数字は瀺唆したす。」" }
{ "en": "A morbidly obese Ohio man died Wednesday after being found unconscious in his home several days earlier.", "ja": "病的に倪りすぎのオハむオ出身者が、数日前に圌の家で意識䞍明で発芋された埌、氎曜日に死んだ。" }
{ "en": "The man had been sitting in a chair for two years and was physically fused to it when he was discovered by two roommates, one of which was his girlfriend.", "ja": "人のルヌムメむトそのうち人は圌のガヌルフレンドに発芋されたずき、男は幎間怅子に座ったたたで、肉䜓的にはそれに融合しおしたっおいた。" }
{ "en": "Authorities who arrived at the house in Bellaire reported seeing the man sitting amidst his own urine and feces, which were infested with maggots.", "ja": "ベレダヌで家に到着した圓局は男が尿ず糞䟿の䞭に座っおいおりゞがたかっおいるのを芋たず報告した。" }