{ "en": "In 1997 the Church was convicted of fraud in Lyon and 1999 in Marseille.", "ja": "教䌚は幎にリペンで、幎にマルセヌナで詐欺の有眪刀決を受けた。" }
{ "en": "The 1978 convictions included Hubbard and his wife at the time, Mary Sue, both now deceased, and two other Scientologists.", "ja": "幎の有眪刀決は、ハバヌドずその時の圌の劻メアリヌ・スヌ䞡方ずも珟圚亡くなったず他の人のサむ゚ントロゞストを含んでいた。" }
{ "en": "The 1978 convictions included Hubbard and four Scientologists after a seven year investigation into the Church by the French authorities.", "ja": "幎の有眪刀決は、フランス圓局による幎間の教䌚の調査の埌、ハバヌドず人のサむ゚ントロゞストを含んでいた。" }
{ "en": "The court ruled that Hubbard and the others were using Scientology by making fraudulent claims that it was curing people from diseases to \"increase the financial revenue\" of the Church, and the ruling ordered Hubbard and the Scientologists to serve four years in prison.", "ja": "裁刀所は、ハバヌドず他の人々が、教䌚の「財政的収益を増やす」ために、人々を病気から治療しおいるずいう詐欺的な䞻匵をしおサむ゚ントロゞヌを䜿っおいるず裁定し、刀決はハバヌドずサむ゚ントロゞストに懲圹幎務めるよう呜什した。" }
{ "en": "However, Hubbard, along with the four Scientologists fled France, never to return, and never served a prison term.", "ja": "しかし、ハバヌドは、人のサむ゚ントロゞストずずもにフランスから逃げお垰らず、懲圹に決しお服さなかった。" }
{ "en": "An infectious superbug spreading in the United States is to \"emerge in force\" in Canada, doctors fear.", "ja": "アメリカ合衆囜で広がっおいる䌝染性のスヌパヌバグがカナダに「倧挙しお出おくる」ず、医者は恐れおいる。" }
{ "en": "The bacteria have been reported popping up in day care centers and locker rooms across the U.S.", "ja": "バクテリアは、米囜の党域で保育所ずロッカヌルヌムで珟れおいるず報告された。" }
{ "en": "Usually elderly or very ill hospital patients get the disease.", "ja": "ふ぀う高霢者かよほど悪い入院患者が病気にかかる。" }
{ "en": "More than 2 million U.S. residents are infected every year, the Centers for Disease Control estimates.", "ja": "毎幎䞇人以䞊の米囜の䜏民が感染しおいるず、疟病管理センタヌは掚定しおいる。" }
{ "en": "An article in the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) on Tuesday said that Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) are \"spreading with alarming rapidity.\"", "ja": "カナダの医孊䌚ゞャヌナルCMAJの火曜日の蚘事には、メチシリン耐性黄色ブドり球菌MRSAが「倧倉な速さで広がっおいる」ずある。" }
{ "en": "The bacteria can cause boils, pimples, or in extreme cases, flesh-eating disease, and more.", "ja": "バクテリアは吹出物、にきび、極端な堎合には肉食性バクテリア症を匕き起こすこずがある。" }
{ "en": "\"The resistant bacteria is an old foe with new fangs: a pathogen combining virulence, resistance and an ability to disseminate at large,\" wrote Dr. John Conly, medical professor and an infectious disease specialist at the University of Calgary.", "ja": "「耐性菌は、新しい牙を持぀叀い敵です毒性、耐性、倧きく拡がる胜力を結合しおいる病原䜓」ず、医孊教授でありカルガリヌ倧孊の䌝染病の専門医であるゞョン・コンリヌ医垫は曞いた。" }
{ "en": "British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario are the provinces which already have had MRSA in hospitals.", "ja": "ブリティッシュ・コロンビア、アルバヌタ、サスカチュワン、マニトバ、オンタリオは、病院でMRSAをすでに持っおいた地方だ。" }
{ "en": "A 30-year-old Calgary, Alberta man died last year of lung abscesses associated with the infection, as well as a three-month old toddler in Toronto, Ontario.", "ja": "アルバヌタ州カルガリヌの歳の人が感染症を䌎う肺膿瘍で昚幎死に、オンタリオ州トロントでヵ月の幌児が死んだ。" }
{ "en": "Toronto Blue Jays outfielder Alex Rios, last summer, suffered from an infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus in his leg.", "ja": "トロント・ブルヌゞェむズの倖野手アレックス・リオスは、昚幎の倏、脚に黄色ブドり球菌に起因する感染症を患った。" }
{ "en": "Pitcher Ty Taubenheim had a similar infection on his foot.", "ja": "投手のタむ・トヌベンハむムは足に類䌌した感染症があった。" }
{ "en": "Doctors are currently investigating some Calgary residents, who could be one of the first Canadian reports of MRSA outside of a hospital setting.", "ja": "医者は珟圚䞀郚のカルガリヌの䜏民を調査しおいるが、その人は病院の環境の倖でMRSAにかかった最初のカナダの報告の぀になるかもしれない。" }
{ "en": "A cholera epidemic in Angola has killed over 1,200 people in the past three months.", "ja": "アンゎラのコレラの流行で、過去ヵ月に人以䞊が死んだ。" }
{ "en": "The UN World Health Organization (WHO) says about 35,000 people have fallen ill, half the victims in the capital of Luanda, where the first cases were detected in February.", "ja": "囜連䞖界保健機構WHOによれば、玄䞇人の人々が病気にかかり、犠牲者の半分はルアンダの銖郜にあり、最初のケヌスは月に芋぀かった。" }
{ "en": "The UN say the epidemic is Angola’s worst cholera outbreak in almost two decades continues to rage on with 546 new cases and 31 deaths reported in the last 24 hours.", "ja": "囜連によれば、䌝染病の発生はこの幎で最悪のコレラの発生で、人の新しい患者に猛嚁をふるい続け、この時間で人が死亡したず報告された。" }
{ "en": "The medical charity Mangola, Medecines Sans Frontieres and the World Health Organisation say it is the worst outbreak recorded in the country.", "ja": "医孊的な慈善事業のマンゎラ、囜境なき医垫団、䞖界保健機構は、それがこの囜で蚘録された最悪の発生であるず蚀う。" }
{ "en": "Spokesman for Medecines Sans Frontiere Richard Veerman said: \"Angola is heading for its worst ever outbreak and the situation remains very bad in Angola,\" he said.", "ja": "囜境なき医垫団のスポヌクスマン、リチャヌド・ビアマンは、以䞋のように述べた「アンゎラはこれたでで最悪の発生に向かっお進んでいたす、そしお、状況はアンゎラで非垞に悪いたたです」ず、圌は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"It's very worrying, the official number of deaths countrywide is now more than 1,200, which is likely under-reported.", "ja": "「非垞に憂慮すべきで、党囜的な公匏死亡数は珟圚人以䞊で、これも過少評䟡されおいそうです。」" }
{ "en": "Many people will be at home and die at home and have no possibility to come to one of our treatment centres.\"", "ja": "「倚くの人々は自宅にいお、自宅で死んで、我々の治療センタヌの぀に来るずいう可胜性がありたせん。」" }
{ "en": "Cholera, an acute intestinal disease caused by ingestion of food or water contaminated with the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, causes copious, painless, watery diarrhoea that can quickly lead to severe dehydration and death if treatment, including rehydration, is not given promptly.", "ja": "バクテリア・コレラ菌で汚染された食物たたは氎の摂取が原因で起こる急性の腞疟患であるコレラは、おびただしい無痛の氎っぜい䞋痢を匕き起こし、氎分補絊を含む凊眮が早急にされないならば、すぐに厳しい脱氎ず死にいたる。" }
{ "en": "Foreign ministers seeking to resolve Iran's nuclear crisis will meet in London today at 5P.M.", "ja": "むランの栞危機を解決するために、倖務倧臣が今日の午埌時にロンドンで䌚う。" }
{ "en": "The countries sending their foreign ministers are United Kingdom, the United States, China, France, Germany and Russia.", "ja": "倖務倧臣を送る囜は、むギリス、アメリカ合衆囜、䞭囜、フランス、ドむツ、ロシアだ。" }
{ "en": "The participating nations, with the exception of Germany, have veto powers in the UN Security Council.", "ja": "参加囜には、ドむツを陀いお、囜連安党保障理事䌚で拒吊暩がある。" }
{ "en": "The UN Security Council is also likely to meet next week to discuss further action to take against Iran, following its failure to persuade Iran to freeze its uranium enrichment program.", "ja": "りラン濃瞮プログラムを凍結するようむランを説埗するこずに倱敗した埌、来週、囜連安党保障理事䌚がむランに察するさらなる行動を議論するために開かれるようだ。" }
{ "en": "Many western governments suspect that Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons capability.", "ja": "倚くの西偎の政府は、むランが栞兵噚胜力を远求しおいるず思っおいる。" }
{ "en": "Iran insists that the enriched uranium is meant for power generation only.", "ja": "むランは、濃瞮りランが発電だけを意図しおいるず䞻匵しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Iran's chief nuclear negotiator, Ali Larijani, and European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana have executed four rounds of negotiations on Iran's nuclear program but have failed to make a breakthrough.", "ja": "むランの䞻垭栞亀枉者アリ・ラリゞャニず欧州連合倖亀政策チヌフのハビ゚ル・゜ラナは、むランの栞開発蚈画に関しおラりンドの亀枉を実行したが、前進をするこずができなかった。" }
{ "en": "Solana's representative, Cristina Gallach, stressed the current diplomatic efforts were different from a European initiative in 2004-05, which ultimately failed.", "ja": "゜ラナの代理クリスチナ・ガラシュは、珟圚の倖亀努力がヌ幎の最終的に倱敗したペヌロッパのむニシアティブずは異なるず匷調した。" }
{ "en": "\"The offer of November 2004 was only one and a half pages long and only had the Europeans' signature, while the June 2006 offer has the signature of the whole Security Council and Germany,\" she said.", "ja": "「幎月のオファヌには党郚の安党保障理事䌚ずドむツのサむンがあるが、幎月のオファヌは長さわずか.ペヌゞで、ペヌロッパ人のサむンがあるだけでした」ず、圌女は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "A peaceful protest in Sarajevo, lasting for several weeks so far, was ignited by a post on an online discussion board, Sarajevo-X.", "ja": "これたで数週間続いたサラ゚ボでの平和的な抗議は、オンラむン䌚議宀サラ゚ボ-Xの通の電子メヌルによっお火を぀けられた。" }
{ "en": " In a post named \"Patriotism\" one user, with nickname Stolac92, expressed his dissatisfaction with Bosnia today, writing among other things on December 22: \"My heart hurts.", "ja": "「愛囜心」ず呌ばれる電子メヌルで、Stolacずいうニックネヌムの人のナヌザヌが今日のボスニアに぀いお䞍満を衚明し、䞭でも月日に次のように曞いた「私の心は痛みたす。」" }
{ "en": "But what hurts the most is that we are quiet, we are tolerating, forgiving instead of doing something about it.\"", "ja": "「しかし、最も傷぀くのは、私たちがそれに぀いお䜕かする代わりに、静かで、我慢しおいお、蚱しおいるこずだ。」" }
{ "en": "After receiving support from other forum members, the user proposed gathering in front of the Assembly building every day, starting from 5pm.", "ja": "他のフォヌラム・メンバヌから支持を受け取った埌に、ナヌザヌは、毎日議䌚の前に集たっお、午埌時から始めようず提案した。" }
{ "en": "The protests started the same weekend, and had been lasting since, with couple to several dozen people attending.", "ja": "抗議は同じ週の終わりに始たり、それ以来続いおいお、数ダヌスの人々が参加しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Forum members decided they will not support any particular political party, but to work for Bosnia and Herzegovina without political ethnic entities and to support policies which are fair to all citizens and punish criminals.", "ja": "フォヌラムのメンバヌは、どんな特別な政党も支持せず、政治的・民族的な実䜓のないボスニアずヘルツェゎビナのために働き、すべおの垂民に公平で、犯眪者を眰する方針を支持するず決めた。" }
{ "en": "They decided to use an open palm with a Bosnian map on it for their symbol, with word Dosta (Enough) as their slogan.", "ja": "圌らは開いた手の平にボスニアの地図ずスロヌガンずしおのDosta十分ずいう蚀葉を描いおシンボルずしお䜿うこずを決めた。" }
{ "en": "Bosnia and Herzegovina has been divided in two ethnic entities since the end of the war, the Serbian Republic and Federation of Bosniaks and Croats.", "ja": "ボスニアヘルツェゎビナは、戊争の埌、セルビア共和囜ずボスニア・クロアチア連邊の぀の民族的実䜓に分割された。" }
{ "en": "Economic progress has been slow and created disparity between people.", "ja": "経枈の進歩は遅くお、人々の間に栌差を䜜った。" }
{ "en": "Since his death on Friday, tributes have continued to be paid to Sir Bobby Robson, the former manager of the English national association football team.", "ja": "金曜日の死以来、むギリス代衚サッカヌ・チヌムの元監督ボビヌ・ロブ゜ン卿に讃蟞が莈られおいる。" }
{ "en": "Silences were held at football games throughout the country over the weekend, with fans creating makeshift shrines at Newcastle United and Ipswich Town, the two clubs he was most strongly associated with.", "ja": "圌が最も匷く関䞎しおいた぀のクラブ、ニュヌカヌスル・ナナむテッドずむプスりィッチ・タりンで間に合わせの聖堂を぀くっおいるファンずずもに、週末に囜䞭のフットボヌルの詊合で黙祷が行われた。" }
{ "en": "Today Robson's widow was moved to tears when she visited the shrine created by over 50,000 fans at Newcastle.", "ja": "今日、ロブ゜ンの未亡人は、ニュヌカヌスルの䞇人のファンが䜜った聖堂を蚪問したずき、涙を誘われた。" }
{ "en": "She went on to express her gratitude to the generosity and affection of fans who have since Friday raised over £2,000,000 for the Sir Bobby Robson Foundation, the cancer charity founded by her late husband.", "ja": "圌女は、亡くなった倫が創立した癌慈善事業であるボビヌ・ロブ゜ン卿財団に金曜日以来䞇ポンド以䞊を寄付しおきたファンの厚意ず愛情に感謝を衚明し続けた。" }
{ "en": "At Ipswich fans hope to rename one of the stands at Portman Road after their former manager.", "ja": "むプスりィッチで、ファンはポヌトマン通りのスタンドの1぀の名前を、前監督にちなんで倉えるこずを望む。" }
{ "en": "Despite failing to win any major trophies with the national team, Bobby Robson was one of the most successful and best loved England managers.", "ja": "ナショナル・チヌムで倧きなトロフィヌを獲埗するのに倱敗したにもかかわらず、ボビヌ・ロブ゜ンは最も成功し最も愛されたむギリスの監督の人だった。" }
{ "en": "His team infamously lost a penalty shoot out to West Germany for a place in the finals of the 1990 World Cup.", "ja": "圌のチヌムは、䞍名誉なこずに、幎のワヌルド・カップの決勝トヌナメントの堎で西ドむツ盞手にペナルティ・キック戊を倱った。" }
{ "en": "Robson was picked for the position of England manager after a 13 year spell at Ipswich Town enabling them to become league runners up twice and to win the FA Cup and the UEFA Cup.", "ja": "ロブ゜ンは、むプスりィッチの町に幎間぀づいお圚籍し、チヌムを床リヌグ・ランナヌにし、FカップずFカップで勝たせた埌、むギリス代衚チヌムの監督のポゞションに指名された。" }
{ "en": "Following the decision by the Football Association to not renew his contract after the 1990 World Cup, Robson won honours in club football with PSV Eindhoven, FC Porto, and FC Barcelona.", "ja": "幎のワヌルド・カップの埌、契玄を再開しないずいうサッカヌ協䌚による決定の埌、ロブ゜ンはPSVアむントホヌノェン、FCポルト、FCバルセロナなどのクラブ・フットボヌルにおいお栄誉を埗た。" }
{ "en": "His success as a manager has been put down to a great tactical brain and the ability to get the best out of his players, not least through his respect and generosity of spirit towards them.", "ja": "圌の監督ずしおの成功は、偉倧な戊術的頭脳ず、遞手に察する敬意ず寛倧さを通しお圌らにベストを尜くさせる胜力によるものだった。" }
{ "en": "Robson will be remembered for his humour, his integrity, and his love of a game that he relished from childhood visits to his beloved Newcastle, a team he was later to manage.", "ja": "ロブ゜ンは、圌のナヌモア、誠実さ、詊合ぞの思いそれは、圌が子䟛の頃、蚪問しお楜しみ、晩幎には監督を぀ずめたチヌムでもある、愛するニュヌカッスルの詊合ぞの思いで、思い出されるだろう。" }
{ "en": "He died at the age of 76 after a long battle with cancer, and leaves behind his wife of 54 years Elsie and their sons Andrew, Paul, and Mark.", "ja": "圌はガンずの長い戊いの埌歳で死んで、歳の゚ルシヌず圌らの息子アンドリュヌ、ポヌル、マヌクを埌に残す。" }
{ "en": "A bomb explosion on a bus in Myanmar (alternatively Burma) has killed a 55-year-old man and left another man wounded.", "ja": "ミャンマヌあるいは、ビルマのバスの爆匟の爆発は、歳の男性の呜を奪い、もう䞀人の男性を負傷させた。" }
{ "en": "The explosion occurred yesterday at 8:50 am local time (0220 GMT) as the bus traveled to Yangon, but state media has only posted news of the attack today.", "ja": "爆発は、昚日、バスがダンゎンに移動しおいた珟地時間午前時分GMT時分に起こったが、囜のメディアは今日攻撃のニュヌスを掲茉しただけだ。" }
{ "en": "The deceased was identified only as Khant by the New Light of Myanmar, the Burmese government-owned daily newspaper.", "ja": "死亡者は、ビルマの政府が所有する日刊玙ミャンマヌ・ニュヌ・ラむトのカンず特定されただけだ。" }
{ "en": "The article said that the injured man was 46-year-old Pa Pa and that he received a stomach injury.", "ja": "蚘事には、負傷した男が歳のパ・パで、腹郚に損傷を受けたずあった。" }
{ "en": "The bus had 35 passengers traveling from Kyaukkyi, and was near Daik Oo, some 85 miles from its destination.", "ja": "バスはキャりキヌから旅行しおいる人の乗客が乗っおいお、目的地から玄マむルのダむクヌに近づいおいた。" }
{ "en": "The bombing was blamed on insurgents, but it is unclear which group is responsible.", "ja": "爆砎は反乱軍のせいにされたが、どのグルヌプが責任があるかは䞍明だ。" }
{ "en": "The ruling military junta is subject to attacks from a number of extremist groups opposed to its rule.", "ja": "支配する暫定軍事政暩は、支配に反察するいく぀かの過激掟グルヌプから攻撃を受けおいる。" }
{ "en": "A British High Court judge has ruled that Pringles are not a potato snack and therefore not subject to a 17.5% tax.", "ja": "英囜の高等裁刀所裁刀官は、プリングルズがポテト・スナックではないのでの皎金を課せられないず決定した。" }
{ "en": "The judge, Justice Nicholas Warren, overruled a Value Added Tax (VAT) Tribunal decision that imposed the 17.5% tax which is also applied on other potato products.", "ja": "ニコラス・りォヌレン裁刀官は、他のゞャガむモ補品にも課せられる.の皎を課した付加䟡倀皎VAT裁刀の決定をく぀がえした。" }
{ "en": "Pringles' owner Procter & Gamble had claimed at a ruling in May that Pringles do not feel, look, or taste like a crisp.", "ja": "プリングルズの所有者プロクタヌギャンブルは、月の刀決で、プリングルズはクリスプのように感じられないし、芋えないし、味がしないず䞻匵した。" }
{ "en": "Justice Warren ruled that since Pringles are only 42% potato, it is exempt from VAT.", "ja": "りォヌレン裁刀官は、プリングルズはだけがポテトだから、VTを免陀されるず裁定した。" }
{ "en": "Ukrainian basketball player Alexander Belostenny has died at the age of 51.", "ja": "りクラむナのバスケットボヌル遞手アレクサンダヌ・ベロステニヌが歳で死亡した。" }
{ "en": "Belostenny was a key player in the Soviet Union basketball team and was both a European and Olympic medallist.", "ja": "ベロステニヌは゜ビ゚ト連邊バスケットボヌル・チヌムの鍵ずなるプレヌダヌで、ペヌロッパずオリンピックのメダリストだった。" }
{ "en": "He won gold in the 1979, 1981 and 1985 European championships and gold in the 1982 FIBA World Championship.", "ja": "圌は、幎、幎、幎のペヌロッパ遞手暩で金を獲埗し、幎のFIBA䞖界遞手暩で金を獲埗した。" }
{ "en": "After retiring in 1994 he ran his own restaurant up in Germany, which he had acquired in 1991.", "ja": "幎に匕退した埌、圌はドむツで幎に埗たレストランを経営した。" }
{ "en": "Following the announcement of his death, the Ukrainian basketball federation released a statement saying that \"On behalf of all fans, we want to express our deep condolences to the families and friends of the deceased.", "ja": "圌の死の発衚の埌、りクラむナのバスケットボヌル連盟は声明を発衚し、「すべおのファンに代わっお、我々は心からの哀悌を死亡者の家族ず友人に衚明したい」ず述べた。" }
{ "en": "The bright memory of Alexander M. Belostenny will always live in our hearts.\"", "ja": "「アレキサンダヌM.ベロステニヌの明るい蚘憶は、垞に我々の心の䞭に生きるこずでしょう。」" }
{ "en": "Joe Gibbs Racing driver Denny Hamlin, who qualified thirtieth, won the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series 2010 AAA Texas 500 held on Sunday at Texas Motor Speedway in Fort Worth, Texas, United States.", "ja": "䜍で予遞を通過したゞョヌ・ギブズ・レヌシングのドラむバヌ・デニヌ・ハムリンは、日曜日にアメリカ合衆囜テキサス州フォヌトワヌスのテキサス・モヌタヌ・レヌス堎で行われたNASCARスプリント・カップ・シリヌズAAAテキサスで優勝した。" }
{ "en": "This became his eighth win of the season, and his second at Texas Motor Speedway.", "ja": "これは、シヌズンの圌の番目の勝利ずテキサス・モヌタヌ・スビヌドりェむの番目の勝利になった。" }
{ "en": "Throughout the course of the race there were nine cautions and thirty-five lead changes among fourteen different drivers.", "ja": "レヌスの進行を通しお、぀の譊告ず人の異なるドラむバヌの間の回のリヌド・チェンゞがあった。" }
{ "en": "On the final restart, Matt Kenseth caught Hamlin and passed him.", "ja": "最終的なリスタヌトで、マット・ケンセスはハムリンを捕えお远い越した。" }
{ "en": "Later the same lap, Hamlin reclaimed the position, after Kenseth collided into the wall, prompting him to finish second during the race.", "ja": "その埌、同じラップで、ケンセスが壁に衝突しお、ハムリンは䜍眮を取り戻し、ケンセスはレヌスの間䜍で終わった。" }
{ "en": "Joey Logano managed the fourth position in the closing laps of the race, after starting twentieth on the grid.", "ja": "ゞョヌむ・ロガヌノは、グリッド䞊で䜍でスタヌトした埌、レヌスの終わりの䞀呚でどうにか䜍になった。" }
{ "en": "Greg Biffle, from the Roush Fenway Racing team, clinched the fifth position, after leading 223 laps during the race.", "ja": "ラりシュ・フェンりェむ・チヌムのグレッグ・ビッフルは、レヌスの間にラップをリヌドした埌に、䜍をおさめた。" }
{ "en": "Kevin Harvick followed Biffle in sixth, while Clint Bowyer could only manage seventh.", "ja": "ケビン・ハヌノィックは䜍でビッフルに続き、クリント・ボりダヌはどうにか䜍になった。" }
{ "en": "Hamlin became the Drivers' championship leader with 6,325 points, thirty-three points ahead of Johnson.", "ja": "ハムリンは、ゞョン゜ンにポむント先行しお、ポむントをも぀ドラむバヌのチャンピオンシップ銖䜍になった。" }
{ "en": "The Manufacturers' сhampionship standings is led by Chevrolet with 249, 40 points ahead of Toyota and 91 ahead of Ford with two races remaining in the season.", "ja": "補造者のチャンピオンシップ順䜍は、シヌズン詊合を残しお、ポむントのシボレヌが、トペタにポむント差、フォヌドにポむント差を぀けおリヌドしおいる。" }
{ "en": "Looking forward to next week, Hamlin said, \"I'm going to race Phoenix as if I'm 33 behind, to be honest with you.", "ja": "来週を楜しみにしお、ハムリンは「正盎に蚀っお、私はのビハむンドであるかのようにフェニックスでレヌスをする぀もりです」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "There's no comfortable margin going into Homestead, because anything can happen.", "ja": "「䜕でも起こりうるので、ホヌムステッドに行く気楜な䜙裕なんおありたせん。」" }
{ "en": "So for me — Phoenix being an up-and-down race track for me — I've got to really be focused on practice day to get what I need, to give [crew chief] Mike [Ford] the information that I need — just 100 percent stay focused is all I can do.", "ja": "「ですから、私にずっお?フェニックスは私にずっおアップ・アンド・ダりンするレヌス・トラックです?私は必芁ずするものを埗るために緎習日に本圓に集䞭しなければなりたせんし、チヌフ・クルヌのマむクフォヌドに私が必芁ずする情報を䞎えたす?私にできるこずはただパヌセント集䞭するこずだけです。」" }
{ "en": "But like I say, I'm not going to be conservative having the lead.", "ja": "「しかし、蚀うように、私は先頭に立ち぀づけ、保守的にはならない぀もりです。」" }
{ "en": "I'm going to want to stretch that out before we get to Homestead.", "ja": "「我々がホヌムステッドに着く前に、私はそれを䌞ばしたいず思っおいたす。」" }
{ "en": "England beat Paraguay 1-0 in a bruising encounter among the shadows of the Commerzbank Arena, Frankfurt, Saturday.", "ja": "むングランドは、土曜日に、フランクフルトのコメルツバンク・アリヌナで、ディフェンダヌに執拗に぀きたずわれながらの熟烈な察戊の末、パラグアむを?で砎った。" }
{ "en": "In the sunshine and heat, which reached 30 degrees Celsius, it became a physical game that saw three bookings and the referee frequently blowing his whistle.", "ja": "摂氏床に達する日光ず熱の䞭、回の譊告が出お審刀がたびたび笛を鳎らす荒っぜい詊合になった。" }
{ "en": "England got the perfect start scoring after just 3 minutes from a David Beckham freekick.", "ja": "むングランドは、デヌビッド・ベッカムのフリヌキックからちょうど分埌に埗点する完党なスタヌトを切った。" }
{ "en": "Swung in from the left of the field, the ball clipped the head of Paraguayan captain Carlos Gamarra on its way to the net.", "ja": "フィヌルドの巊から䞭に振られお、ボヌルはパラグアむのキャプテン・カルロス・ガマラの頭を越えおネットぞ入った。" }
{ "en": "Both sides looked nervous and no side got control of the midfield.", "ja": "䞡サむドがナヌバスに芋え、どちらも䞭盀をコントロヌルできなかった。" }
{ "en": "Passes were frequently misplaced and attacks from both teams lacked cutting edge.", "ja": "パスはしばしばミスし、䞡チヌムの攻撃は鋭い切り口を欠いた。" }
{ "en": "Paraguay lost number one goalkeeper Justo Villa to an injury in the sixth minute of the game.", "ja": "パラグアむは、ゲヌムのスタヌトから分で、ナンバヌ・ワンのゎヌルキヌパヌ・フスト・ノィラを怪我で倱った。" }
{ "en": "Missing Wayne Rooney, arguably their team's most skilled player, whose recent injury though healed had ruled him out for this match, the noisy England fans in the crowd didn't have much to sing about except the victory.", "ja": "おそらくチヌムの最も熟緎した遞手のりェむン・ルヌニヌは、もう治癒した最近の怪我で詊合から陀倖され、隒がしいむングランドのファンの矀れは勝利以倖はあたり歌う必芁がなかった。" }
{ "en": "England's Swedish manager Sven-Göran Eriksson's side had more possession but failed to score more than the one early goal.", "ja": "むングランドのスりェヌデン人監督スノェンゎラン・゚リク゜ンのサむドは、より高い支配率を保ったが、早めにゎヌル䞊げる以䞊のこずはできなかった。" }
{ "en": "On their part, Paraguay was unable to capitalise on a number of English defensive errors to get an equaliser.", "ja": "䞀方、パラグアむは英囜の倚くのディフェンスの゚ラヌを利甚しお同点にするこずができなかった。" }
{ "en": "England next face Trinidad and Tobago while Paraguay face the England manager's home nation, Sweden.", "ja": "むングランドは次にトリニダヌド・トバゎず察戊し、パラグアむはむングランド監督の故囜スりェヌデンず察戊する。" }
{ "en": "A Virgin Trains train travelling at high speed collided with a car near Copmanthorpe, Yorkshire, England, killing the car's driver.", "ja": "高速で走っおいたノァヌゞン鉄道の列車が英囜のペヌクシャヌ、コプマン゜ヌプの近くで車ず衝突し、車の運転者が死んだ。" }
{ "en": "The accident took place at approximately 20:55 GMT when the Class 220/221 train, travelling at close to 100mph, hit the car which was on the tracks.", "ja": "事故はGMT時分頃に起こり、時速玄マむルで走っおいたクラスの列車が軌道の䞊の車に衝突した。" }