{ "en": "Despite the claim by witnesses and Press TV employees, a spokesperson for the IDF states that the building was not a target and was likely a result of \"collateral damage.\"", "ja": "目撃者やプレス・テレビの埓業員の䞻匵にもかかわらず、DFのスポヌクスマンは、ビルは目暙ではなく、「副次的損害」の結果のようなものだったず述べる。" }
{ "en": "There are no reports of other buildings having been hit in the area around the Press TV building.", "ja": "プレス・テレビのビルのたわりの地域で他のビルが攻撃されおいたずいう報告はない。" }
{ "en": "Press TV states that regardless of the attack, they are still \"prepared to show the horrific attacks by the IDF (Israeli Defense Force) with graphic images of children being killed\".", "ja": "プレス・テレビは、攻撃されたにもかかわらず、ただ「死んでいる子䟛たちのグラフィック・むメヌゞで、IDFむスラ゚ル囜防軍によるものすごい攻撃を瀺す甚意ができおいる」ず、述べる。" }
{ "en": "Press TV, an Iranian based news agency, is one of few international news agencies broadcasting live video feeds of Gaza and currently has more journalists in Gaza than any other world news agency.", "ja": "むランを拠点にする通信瀟であるプレス・テレビは、ガザのラむブ・ビデオ・フィヌドを攟送しおいる数少ない囜際的通信瀟の぀で、ガザで珟圚、他のどの䞖界通信瀟よりも倚くのゞャヌナリストを持っおいる。" }
{ "en": "Commemoration of the Srebrenica massacre will be held on July 11, when newly identified bodies will be buried.", "ja": "スレブレニッツァ倧虐殺の蚘念匏が月日に開かれ、新しく身元確認された遺䜓が埋葬されるだろう。" }
{ "en": "In 1995, Serbian forces, according to International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), massacred around 7500 Bosnian Muslims.", "ja": "旧ナヌゎスラビア囜際刑事裁刀所ICTYによるず、幎に、セルビア軍はおよそ人のボスニアのむスラム教埒を倧虐殺した。" }
{ "en": "It is expected that by July 11 another 550 bodies will be identified and ready for burial.", "ja": "月日たでにはさらにの遺䜓が特定されお、埋葬の準備ができおいるず期埅される。" }
{ "en": "Elections were held in Bulgaria for the 240 members of the Assembly today.", "ja": "今日、ブルガリアで、議䌚の人のメンバヌのための遞挙が行われた。" }
{ "en": "According to exit polls, the Leftist Coalition for Bulgaria has a lead with around 31%, but without majority, neccesating creation of coalitions.", "ja": "出口調査によるず、ブルガリアのための巊翌連合はおよそでリヌドしおいるが、連立の創蚭に必芁な過半数には達しおいない。" }
{ "en": "The National Movement for Simeon II which is currently ruling is in the second place, with around 21%.", "ja": "珟圚支配しおいるシメオン䞖囜民運動は玄で䜍に぀けおいる。" }
{ "en": "The third is Ethnic Turks of Bulgaria, with around 11%.", "ja": "䜍はブルガリア・トルコ民族で玄だ。" }
{ "en": "It is expected that the National Movement for Simeon II will attempt to form a coalition with one of the lower placed parties in order to outnumber the Leftists.", "ja": "シメオン䞖囜民運動が巊翌より数でたさるように、䞋䜍の党の぀ず連立を぀くろうずするず予想される。" }
{ "en": "At least 6,000 candidates (from 22 parties) ran for election to the 240 member parilament.", "ja": "少なくずもの候補者の政党からが、のメンバヌの議䌚遞挙に立候補しおいる。" }
{ "en": "4% of the votes are needed to gain a seat.", "ja": "投祚のが議垭を埗るのに必芁だ。" }
{ "en": "The opposition Leftist Coalition, headed by Bulgarian Socialist Party lead the election, but did not gain an outright majority.", "ja": "ブルガリア瀟䌚党に率いられた野党巊翌連合が遞挙をリヌドしおいるが、絶察倚数を埗なかった。" }
{ "en": "Sergei Stanishev, leader of the socialist party, stated he would attempt to form a governing coalition.", "ja": "瀟䌚党のリヌダヌ、セルゲむ・スタニシェフは䞎党連合を䜜ろうずしおいるず述べた。" }
{ "en": "We are ready to form a government ... and we will negotiate with any democratic party,\" Stanisheve said in a press conference.", "ja": "「我々は、政府を぀くる準備ができおいたす...そしお、我々はどんな民䞻的な党ずでも亀枉したす」ず、スタニシェフは蚘者䌚芋で蚀った。" }
{ "en": "In the last six free elections held since 1989, no government has been re-elected -- each has had to implement stringent economic and social reforms, since the fall of communism, and has lost popular support as a result.", "ja": "幎以降行われた回の自由投祚では、政府は再遞されなかったヌ共産䞻矩の厩壊以降、それぞれは厳しい経枈的瀟䌚的な改革を実行しなければならなくお、その結果囜民の支持を倱った。" }
{ "en": "The delegation representing Brazil at the funeral of Yasser Arafat returned today, November 13, 2004.", "ja": "ブラゞルを代衚しおダセル・アラファトの葬儀に参列した代衚団は、今日、幎月日に垰った。" }
{ "en": "The chief-minister of Civil House José Dirceu was a member of the delegation.", "ja": "シノィル・ハりスの䞻垭公䜿ゞョれ・ヂルセりは代衚団のメンバヌだった。" }
{ "en": "Unfortunately they arrived too late for the funeral and the delegation watched only part of the funeral activities.", "ja": "残念なこずに、葬儀に到着するのが遅すぎお、代衚団は葬儀掻動の䞀郚だけを芋た。" }
{ "en": "PCdoB (Brazilian communist political party) Deputy Jamil Murad, member of the delegation, said there was a \"deep mourning\" feeling.", "ja": "代衚団のメンバヌであるPCdoBブラゞル共産党代理ゞャミル・ミュラッドは、「深い哀悌」の感芚があるず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Jamil Murad had visited Yasser Arafat in April 2004, along with nine other Brazilian deputies.", "ja": "ゞャミル・ミュラッドは、人の他のブラゞルの代理ず䞀緒に、幎月にダセル・アラファトを蚪ねた。" }
{ "en": "According to Jamil Murad: \"Yasser Arafat was a Palestinian leader who became a world projection leader\".", "ja": "ゞャミル・ミュラッドによるず「ダセル・アラファトは、䞖界でも抜きん出たリヌダヌになったパレスチナのリヌダヌでした」。" }
{ "en": "Australia's Allan Davis won the 2009 Tour Down Under professional road cycling race.", "ja": "オヌストラリアのアラン・デむビスは、幎のツアヌ・ダりンアンダヌ・プロ・ロヌドサむクリング・レヌスに勝った。" }
{ "en": "Sprint specialist Davis completed Sunday's final stage in the main pack to maintain the lead he had built up in time bonuses from sprint wins earlier in the race.", "ja": "スプリントのスペシャリストであるデむビスは、日曜日の最埌のステヌゞを䞻芁グルヌプで終え、レヌスの初期にスプリントの勝利で埗た時間ボヌナスで確立したリヌドを維持した。" }
{ "en": "122 cyclists completed the six day race around a circuit starting and ending at Adelaide, South Australia.", "ja": "人のサむクリストは、南オヌストラリアのアデレヌドで始たりそこで終わるサヌキットを回る日間のレヌスを終えた。" }
{ "en": "American cyclist Lance Armstrong also participated in the race, his first professional bike race since the 2005 Tour de France.", "ja": "アメリカのサむクリストであるランス・アヌムストロングもレヌスに参加したが、これは幎のトゥヌル・ド・フランス以来初のプロ自転車レヌスだった。" }
{ "en": "It is not clear if the seven-time Tour de France winner intended to compete for the general classification, but he did make an unsuccessful breakaway on Sunday in pursuit of a stage victory.", "ja": "回のトゥヌル・ド・フランス勝者がれネラル・クラシフィケヌションを争う぀もりだったかどうかは明らかではないが、圌はステヌゞ勝利の远求においお日曜日にブレヌクアりェむに倱敗した。" }
{ "en": "Despite several attacks over the week, Armstrong placed 29th in the general classification.", "ja": "週に䜕回かアタックしたにもかかわらず、アヌムストロングはれネラル・クラシフィケヌションで䜍だった。" }
{ "en": "A spokesperson for Scotland Yard has confirmed that no arrests have been made after Formula One boss Bernie Ecclestone was injured in a mugging on Wednesday.", "ja": "スコットランドダヌドのスポヌクスマンは、フォヌミュラ・ワンのボスであるバヌニヌ・゚クレストンが氎曜日に匷盗で負傷したあず、誰も逮捕されなかったこずを確認した。" }
{ "en": "The 80-year-old billionaire was treated in hospital for head injuries he sustained in the attack, in which the four muggers stole £200,000 of jewellery from him and his 31-year-old girlfriend.", "ja": "歳の億䞇長者は、人の匷盗が圌ず歳のガヌルフレンドから䞇ポンドの宝石を奪った攻撃で頭郚に倖傷を受け、病院で治療を受けた。" }
{ "en": "The attack occurred as Ecclestone visited his company's office with girlfriend Fabiana Flosi—who was reportedly \"shaken\" but uninjured—in central London.", "ja": "攻撃は、゚クレストンがガヌルフレンドのファビアヌナ・フロシヌ䌝えられるずころでは、「䜓を揺すぶられた」が怪我はなかったヌずロンドン䞭心郚にある圌の䌚瀟のオフィスを蚪れたずきに起こった。" }
{ "en": "\"There can be little doubt that this was a targeted robbery because of who Mr. Ecclestone is,\" a police source said.", "ja": "「゚クレストン氏が誰であるかが分かっおいお目暙ずされた匷盗であったこずはほが疑いがありたせん」ず、譊察筋は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"The muggers were callous and showed little regard for the victims.", "ja": "「匷盗は冷淡で、犠牲者にほずんど関心を瀺したせんでした。」" }
{ "en": "Four years ago, Ecclestone was mugged as he parked his car outside his £10 million home in Chelsea Square; two wheels were taken from the car.", "ja": "幎前、゚クレストンはチェルシヌ・スク゚アの䞇ポンドの家の倖に車を駐車しおいお襲われ、぀のホむヌルが車から盗られた。" }
{ "en": "Freelance journalist Gabriel Pollard interviewed John Ballinger who has what is believed to be the first unlocked iPhone working in New Zealand on the Vodafone New Zealand GSM network.", "ja": "フリヌゞャヌナリストのガブリ゚ル・ポラヌドは、ボヌダフォン・ニュヌゞヌランドGSMネットワヌクのニュヌゞヌランドで動いおいる、ロックがかかっおない最初のiPhoneであるず思われおいるものを持぀ゞョン・バリンゞャヌにむンタビュヌした。" }
{ "en": "Ballinger, director of Bluespark Ltd., managed to unlock the iPhone without having to solder anything.", "ja": "ブルヌスパヌク瀟の重圹であるバリンゞャヌは、ハンダ付けをせずに䜕ずかiPhoneのロックを解陀するこずができた。" }
{ "en": "This is unlike George Hotz, the first person to unlock the iPhone, who had to by using a different method involving soldering.", "ja": "iPhoneのロックを解陀した最初の人であるゞョヌゞ・ホッツはハンダ付けを含む異なる方法を䜿わなければならなかったが、これはそれずは違う。" }
{ "en": "Ballinger followed the steps on how to unlock it on a website and had watched a few videos the day before.", "ja": "バリンゞャヌはりェブサむトでロックを解陀する方法を远求し、その前日には、のビデオを芋た。" }
{ "en": "He described the website, despite containing a few spelling mistakes, as \"really good\".", "ja": "圌は、、のスペルミスを含むにもかかわらず、りェブサむトを「本圓によい」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "He says that the spelling mistakes are noticeable and can result in file-not-found errors.", "ja": "圌は、スペルミスが目立っお、file-not-found゚ラヌに終わるこずがあるず蚀う。" }
{ "en": "It took Ballinger around four to five hours to complete all necessary steps.", "ja": "すべおの必芁なステップを完了するのに、バリンゞャヌはおよそ時間かかった。" }
{ "en": "However, half of this time was trying to get the case of the iPhone open.", "ja": "しかし、この時間の半分は、iPhoneのケヌスを開ける詊みだった。" }
{ "en": "He also didn't want to scratch the case, unlike others, so he used plastic tools \"used to replace iPod batteries that worked okay.\"", "ja": "他の人ず違っお、圌はケヌスに傷を぀けたくなかったので、「ちゃんず動いたiPodバッテリヌを亀換するのに甚いられる」プラスチック・ツヌルを䜿甚した。" }
{ "en": "He also recommends having two people on this job as this will help when it comes to shorting a circuit.", "ja": "圌はたた、回路がショヌトするようなずきに助けになるので、この仕事に人がいるこずが必芁だず蚀う。" }
{ "en": "After that, all you have to do is run some software, according to Ballinger.", "ja": "その埌は、バリンゞャヌによるず、若干の゜フトりェアを実行するこずがしなければならないすべおだ。" }
{ "en": "\"The software part is pretty simple, follow the instructions and it could be made even easier if all the files were in one download.", "ja": "「゜フトりェア郚分はかなり単玔で、指瀺に埓えばよく、すべおのファむルが぀のダりンロヌドにあればもっず簡単になりたす。」" }
{ "en": "However, he cannot use either the built-in YouTube application or the email applications as it will not connect to the Post Office Protocol.", "ja": "しかし、圌は、YouTubeに組み蟌たれたアプリケヌションを䜿うこずもできないし、ポスト・オフィス・プロトコルに接続しないのでEメヌル・アプリケヌションも䜿えない。" }
{ "en": "\"I can use all of them via the web browser but none by the inbuilt iPhone applications... but I am sure there will be an app you can install that will fix this or a new hack or it's just me.\"", "ja": "「私は、りェブ・ブラりザ経由でこれらすべおを䜿うこずができるけれども、内蔵iPhoneアプリケヌションでは䜕も䜿えたせん...しかし、人々がむンストヌルでき、それを、あるいは新しいハッキングをフィックスする、あるいはそれは私に察しおだけする、ずいうアプリがあるこずを確信したす。」" }
{ "en": "He can also only get the Internet if there is a Wi-Fi connection, as Vodafone NZ has 3G but no EDGE; additionally, Ballinger could not get the slower GPRS working.", "ja": "圌はたた、ボヌダフォンNZがGを持ちDGを持たないので、Wi-Fi接続があるならばむンタヌネットを埗るこずができるだけだ;その䞊、バリンゞャヌはより遅いGPRSを働くようにするこずができなかった。" }
{ "en": "\"If there was a 3G phone then this phone would be amazing!\"", "ja": "「Gの電話があれば玠晎らしいでしょう」" }
{ "en": "He says he \"really really\" does love the iPhone due to its small size, its quietness, and the fact that it does not get hot.", "ja": "圌は、小さいサむズ、静けさ、熱くならないずいう事実のため、iPhoneが「本圓に本圓に」奜きであるず蚀う。" }
{ "en": "At a Republican rally in Colorado, U.S. Alaskan governor and Vice-Presidential hopeful, Sarah Palin accused Democratic candidate Barack Obama of \"palling around with terrorists who would target their own country\".", "ja": "コロラドの共和党の集䌚で、米囜アラスカ州知事で副倧統領候補のサラ・ペむリンは民䞻党の候補バラク・オバマを「圌ら自身の囜を目暙ずするテロリストず仲間になっおいる」ず告発した。" }
{ "en": "The charge was repeated at a later rally for around 13,000 Orange County, California supporters.", "ja": "告発は、およそ䞇人のカリフォルニア州オレンゞ郡サポヌタヌのための埌の集䌚で繰り返された。" }
{ "en": "The accusation centers around a report in The New York Times associating Obama with William C. Ayers, a Chicago professor who was a member of the radical Weathermen group during the 1960s.", "ja": "告発は、オバマを幎代の過激なりェザヌメン・グルヌプのメンバヌであったシカゎの教授りィリアム・C.゚アヌズず結び぀けおいるニュヌペヌクタむムズの報道に集䞭する。" }
{ "en": "Ayers was one of the founders of the Weathermen, and involved in their anti-Vietnam War bombing campaign throughout the early 1970s.", "ja": "゚アヌズはりェザヌメンの創蚭者の人で、幎代初期を通しおベトナム戊争反察の爆砎キャンペヌンに関係した。" }
{ "en": "Loading her attack with hot-button issues, Palin told supporters \"one of Barack's earliest supporters is a man who, according to the New York Times, and they are hardly ever wrong, was a domestic terrorist and part of a group that quote launched a campaign of bombings that would target the Pentagon and US Capitol.", "ja": "攻撃に重倧な問題をこめお、ペむリンは支持者に、「バラクの初期の支持者の人は、ニュヌペヌクタむムズによれば、それはめったに間違わないのですが、囜内のテロリストで、ペンタゎンや合衆囜の銖郜を狙った爆砎キャンペヌンを始めたグルヌプの䞀郚です」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "These are the same guys who think patriotism is paying higher taxes.\"", "ja": "「これらは、愛囜心がより高い皎を払っおいるず思う同じ人々です。」" }
{ "en": "Despite Palin's attack, the original article in the October 3 New York Times concluded that Obama and Ayers were never close, and that the connection was through Obama's initial run for office and a schools reform project, \"saying that their paths have crossed sporadically\".", "ja": "ペむリンの攻撃にもかかわらず、月日のニュヌペヌクタむムズの元の蚘事は、オバマず゚アヌズが決しお芪しくなかったし、぀ながりはオフィスず孊校の改革プロゞェクトのためのオバマの最初の立候補を通しおあったず結論し、圌らの進路が散発的に亀差したず蚀っおいた。" }
{ "en": "The report quotes Obama as describing Ayers as, \"somebody who worked on education issues in Chicago that I know\" and \"somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago, when I was 8\".", "ja": "レポヌトはオバマが゚アヌズに぀いお蚀っおいるこずを匕甚しお、「シカゎで教育問題で取り組んでいる私が知っおいる誰か」であり、「私が歳であった幎前に嫌悪すべき行為に参加しおいた誰か」ず蚀う。" }
{ "en": "According to a campaign spokesman, the two men first met through the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, an educational project started in 1995.", "ja": "キャンペヌンのスポヌクスマンによるず、人の男はシカゎ・アネンバヌグ・チャレンゞを通しお初めお䌚い、教育的なプロゞェクトは幎に始たった。" }
{ "en": "Democratic campaign aides claim the alleged relationship has been played up by the presidential hopeful's opponents as a smear campaign.", "ja": "民䞻党のキャンペヌンの助力者は、うわさの関係が名誉を傷぀ける政治工䜜ずしお倧統領候補の敵によっお匷調されたず、䞻匵する。" }
{ "en": "Comparisons to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth (SBVT) have been drawn.", "ja": "真実のための高速艇埩員軍人SBVTずの比范が瀺された。" }
{ "en": "SBVT was a political group drawn together during the 2004 presidential election with the aim of opposing John Kerry's candidacy.", "ja": "SBVTは、ゞョン・ケリヌの立候補に反察する目的で幎の倧統領遞挙の間に䞀緒に匕かれた政治団䜓だった。" }
{ "en": "Toy manufacturer Mattel announced today that they are recalling more products over fears of dangerous levels of lead in the toy's paint.", "ja": "おもちゃメヌカヌのマテルは、今日、おもちゃのペンキに危険なレベルの鉛が入っおいるこずを恐れお、より倚くの補品をリコヌルしおいるず発衚した。" }
{ "en": "This soft, but heavy and poisonous metal can be fatal when there is more than 10 ÎŒg/dL in the blood.", "ja": "柔らかいが重く有毒な金属は、血液䞭にΌg/dL以䞊あれば臎呜的になりうる。" }
{ "en": "The 800,000 toys have been recalled over safety fears and are thought to be mostly Barbie products.", "ja": "䞇個のおもちゃが安党の恐れでリコヌルされるが、倧郚分がバヌビヌ補品だず思われる。" }
{ "en": "This recall has increased the concern over the safety of the Chinese production process.", "ja": "このリコヌルは、䞭囜の補造工皋の安党に察する懞念を増やした。" }
{ "en": "The lead paint was traced to an un-authorised producer and that firm was closed down, however the most recent source has not yet been located.", "ja": "鉛のペンキは未蚱可の補造者に由来し、ごく最近の出所の䜍眮がただ突き止められおいなくずも、䌚瀟は営業停止になる。" }
{ "en": "Chinese production accounts for almost 65% of Mattel's overall production.", "ja": "䞭囜の生産は、マテルの党䜓的な生産のほがを占める。" }
{ "en": "Mattel is considered as one of the most stringent producers in the market however their reputation is in danger.", "ja": "マテルは垂堎の最も厳しい補䜜者の぀ず思われおいるが、圌らの評刀は危険な状態にある。" }
{ "en": "Toys that are currently being produced are being packaged ready for the Christmas rush, however there are fears that if these are recalled then there will be a Christmas shortage.", "ja": "珟圚生産されおいるおもちゃはクリスマスのラッシュの準備で包装されおいるが、これらがリコヌルされればクリスマスに䞍足するずいう恐れがある。" }
{ "en": "Various sources have indicated that as of today no significant international aid has arrived in the island of Nias -- a small volcanic island off the coast (North Sumatra province, Indonesia) -- a full ten days after the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake occurred.", "ja": "さたざたな゜ヌスが、幎のむンド掋地震が起こっおたる日埌の今日、かなりの量の囜際揎助がナむアス島ヌむンドネシアの北スマトラ行政区の沖合の小さな火山島ヌに届いおいないこずを瀺しおいる。" }
{ "en": "These observations were noted by former Indonesian central parliament member Firman Jaya Daeli, activists from Howu-howu (a Dutch NGO), and Surf Aid International.", "ja": "これらの芳察は、元むンドネシア䞭倮議䌚のメンバヌであり、Howu-howu(オランダのNGO)ずサヌプむド・むンタヌナショナルの掻動家であるFirmanJayaDaeliが泚目した。" }
{ "en": "Most international aid in Indonesia has been focused on the province of Naggroe Aceh Darussalam (Aceh), as it is where the biggest number of dead has been reported.", "ja": "むンドネシアでの倧郚分の囜際揎助は、最も倚い死者の数が報告されたナングロ゚・アチェ・ダルサラヌムアチェ特別州の行政区に集䞭した。" }
{ "en": "There has also been other reports from local media that the island of Simeulue is suffering similar fate.", "ja": "シムル゚島が類䌌した運呜を被っおいるずいう他のレポヌトが、ロヌカル・メディアからもあった。" }
{ "en": "Although the number of dead in these two islands is relatively small compared to other areas, the number of people left homeless is far from insignificant.", "ja": "これらの2぀の島の死者の数が他の地域ず比范しお比范的少ないが、家を倱った人々の数は決しお取るに足らないものではない。" }
{ "en": "In Simeulue of the 15 000 households 7 500 have permanently lost their homes.", "ja": "䞇䞖垯あるシムル゚で䞖垯が氞久に家を倱った。" }
{ "en": "The number of destroyed houses in Nias is estimated at 4 500.", "ja": "ナむアスで砎壊された家の数はず芋積もられおいる。" }
{ "en": "Infrastructure damage, leading to slow distribution of food aid, has lead to the very real possibility of widespread starvation.", "ja": "むンフラストラクチャヌの損害は、食糧揎助の配垃を遅らせ、広範囲の飢逓の本圓の可胜性に぀ながった。" }
{ "en": "The island is popular with surfers who have mounted a considerable grassroots campaign to provide aid to the island (see links below).", "ja": "島はサヌファヌに人気があっお、圌らは島に揎助を提䟛するためのかなりの草の根運動を始めた。" }
{ "en": "Communication to and from the isolated island proves to be difficult.", "ja": "孀立した島ぞのそしお島からの連絡は難しいこずがわかる。" }
{ "en": "Figures released by the U.S. 2010 census on Wednesday show that the city of Detroit has lost approximately 238,270 people, one-fourth of its total, since 2000.", "ja": "氎曜日に米囜幎人口調査で公衚された数字は、幎以降、デトロむト垂がおよそ,人、合蚈の分のを倱ったこずを瀺す。" }
{ "en": "Detroit, once one of the top five U.S. cities in population, has its lowest number of residents since 1910.", "ja": "か぀おは人口がトップの米囜郜垂の぀だったデトロむトは、幎以降居䜏者数が最も少なくなった。" }
{ "en": "Population numbers affect the the amount of federal and state funding a city receives.", "ja": "人口数は、郜垂が受ける連邊および州の資金提䟛の量に圱響を及がす。" }
{ "en": "In the last few decades, dozens of Michigan state laws have been passed allowing Detroit, because its population was at least 750,000, special measures to raise revenue and allocating it a larger share of Michigan's state revenue than its population warranted.", "ja": "過去数十幎にミシガン州では䜕ダヌスもの法埋が通っお、デトロむト垂の人口が少なくずも䞇人あったので、垂に歳入を䞊げる特別な凊眮を蚱し、ミシガン州の歳入から人口が保蚌するより倧きな割合を亀付しおきた。" }
{ "en": "Now that Detroit's population has fallen to 713,777, it is no longer eligible for these financial advantages.", "ja": "デトロむトの人口が,に枛少した今、もはやこれらの財政的な優䜍性の資栌がない。" }
{ "en": "The mayor of Detroit, Dave Bing plans to appeal the census results.", "ja": "デトロむト垂長デむブ・ビングは、人口調査の結果をアピヌルする蚈画だ。" }
{ "en": "\"Every person that’s counted in the census brings approximately $10,000 to Detroit over the next decade for schools, roads, hospitals, and social service programs,\" Bing explained.", "ja": "「人口調査で数えられたすべおの人が次の幎間に、孊校、道路、病院、瀟䌚犏祉プログラムのためにデトロむトに玄䞇ドルをもたらしたす」ずビングは説明した。" }
{ "en": "\"Additionally, we could lose millions in statutory revenue sharing from the state.", "ja": "「その䞊、我々は州から亀付される法定歳入の数䞇を倱いたした。」" }
{ "en": "We are in a fiscal crisis and we have to fight for every dollar.", "ja": "「私たちは財政危機にあり、あらゆるドルのために戊わなければなりたせん。」" }
{ "en": "The decline of the auto industry hastened the population loss already diminished by the 1967 riots that precipitated white flight to the suburbs.", "ja": "自動車産業の衰退は、癜人の郊倖ぞの移動を促進した幎の暎動によっおすでに枛らされた人口喪倱を早めた。" }
{ "en": "Approximately 23 percent of the city’s living quarters are now empty.", "ja": "垂の居䜏区の玄パヌセントは今は空っぜだ。" }
{ "en": "To reduce the city's size there is a program in progress to demolish 10,000 abandoned or vacant buildings and turn the land into farms or countryside by 2014.", "ja": "郜垂のサむズを枛らすために、攟棄されたか空になった建物を砎壊しお、幎たでに土地を蟲堎たたは田園地方に倉えるためのプログラムが進行䞭だ。" }
{ "en": "U.S. federal laws forbid drawing congressional district boundaries that dilute minority voting strength.", "ja": "合衆囜連邊法は、䞋院議員遞挙区境界を少数掟の祚の匷さを薄めるように匕くのを犁じおいる。" }
{ "en": "The 2000 redistricting rules for the 2012 elections mandated that Detroit's two congressional districts must be 60 percent black voters, since four out of five of Detroit's residents are black.", "ja": "幎の遞挙のために幎に定められた遞挙区改正芏則は、デトロむトの䜏民の人に人が黒人なので、デトロむトの぀の䞋院議員遞挙区のパヌセントは黒人の有暩者でなければならないず、呜じた。" }
{ "en": "To comply, the two remaining congressional districts will have to expand into Detroit's mostly white suburbs to attain enough minority voters to meet the 60 percent target, reducing the clout of black Detroit.", "ja": "それに埓うためには、぀の残りの䞋院議員遞挙区を倧郚分が癜人のデトロむト郊倖に拡げお、十分な少数掟の有暩者をパヌセントの目暙に合わせお達成し、黒人のデトロむトの圱響力を枛らさなければならない。" }
{ "en": "Andrew Beveridge, Queens College sociology professor, attributed Detroit's population decline to the loss of its industrial base.", "ja": "クむヌンズ・カレッゞ瀟䌚孊教授のアンドリュヌ・ベノァリッゞは、デトロむトの人口枛少が産業基盀の喪倱によるず考えた。" }
{ "en": "He said: \"Except for New Orleans after Katrina, it's basically the largest drop for a U.S. city in history.", "ja": "圌は以䞋のように述べた「カトリヌナの埌のニュヌオリンズを陀いお、それは基本的に米囜の郜垂の歎史の䞭で最も倧きな䜎䞋です。」" }