884 values
Ethinyl estradiol / levonorgestrel
Birth Control
"I was on YAZ for about a year and it was a horror trip. After lots of internet research and talking to my doctor I switch to Lybrel. This pill is THE BEST I've ever been on. My mood swings are gone and I have not had any noticeable side effects. Thank you Wyeth for this great product!!!!"
February 18, 2010
"58 year old male 6 foot 235 pounds high blood pressure,and cholesterol. Three months experience 22 pounds and feeling fine. Sill want to lose 30 -35 more but need to get off the couch and exercise. My problem as the diet part is easily managed now. Thanks for the help and sending me on my way."
May 6, 2014
Ankylosing Spondylitis
"I started using Enbrel two years ago. I can still remember the first night I tried the medication. I woke up the next morning feeling like 25 lbs was lifted off me. I suffered since age 27 and now I am 40 and feel great! Remember to have your blood checked regularly to be sure all is normal."
November 5, 2009
Sodium oxybate
"I am 57 years old and have had some version of narcolepsy since age 30 or 35. I tried Nuvigil and then added Adderal but still had breakthrough narcolepsy and cataplexy. The cataplexy broke my foot a year ago and my wrist six months ago. This is the most amazing medication! I would go to bed at midnight and awaken at 10 or 11 in the morning. I would fall asleep for a cumulative 2 to 3 more hours during the day. I awaken between seven and 8 o'clock bright eyed and bushy tail to use my parents phrase. I am fully alert and have no further problems with sleepiness throughout the day. I am still experiencing occasional morning nausea and inappropriate diaphoresis or sweating for no reason. An ice pack at the back of my neck will break it."
July 5, 2016
"A suggestion for people that have insomnia problems with Pristiq--take it in the morning. The first week I was on this I took it at night and there was no sleeping to be had. I've been on it for 8 months now and ever since I switched to mornings and I've been sleeping just fine."
November 17, 2009
Ethinyl estradiol / levonorgestrel
Birth Control
"Loved this birth control, had to change because changed insurance and new insurance would not pay for it. I began taking this my freshman year of college (did gain the freshman 15- well, 17) but I assumed the weight gain was due to stress and eating Taco Bell and drinking. The first few months I had some problems but eventually got on some anxiety medicine and been fine ever since! I loved having my period only every 3 months. No acne. Great birth control! Would recommend to anyone."
November 1, 2015
"This product has changed my life. I can wear whatever I like now and not feel self conscious. I am on ADHD medication and that is something that causes excessive sweating. (research it thoroughly if you do not believe that)I thought that I would have to sacrifice focusing for the problem of sweating. No more. I do not have the redness and itching side effects. The only regret I have is not finding a provider who would prescribe this for me sooner."
November 21, 2013
Overactive Bladde
"Worked well, but had to stop due to conscription, blurred vision, and energy."
January 27, 2016
Crohn's Disease, Maintenance
"I take Pentasa much in the way people take Rolaids. As soon as I feel like my intestines are reacting poorly I will take 2 pentasa.500mg and my stomach calms down within 10 minutes. I have no idea why it works for me, a Crohns patient for 10 years in this way. I do not ever take it as a preventative medicine. As a topical way to calm intestine discomfort, it just seems to be miraculous."
March 5, 2017
"Wife wasted money on it. Like she says, " I'm still fat""
September 23, 2016
"I have been taking Limitrol for 30 years. I would not be able to exist if it weren't for Limitrol. I had anxiety attacks and bad depression. I take 3 pills at bedtime and sleep like a baby and wake up feeling great. I am 76 yrs old and the only side effect I have is dry mouth. I can handle that. It is a shame my medicare and TexansPlus insurance will not except this medicine."
May 9, 2011
High Blood Pressure
"Used it for 7 years, no side effects, works great to reduce my Blood Pressure."
May 30, 2008
"Wonderful drug. I have been on it for over six months and it has remained consistent. I used to be on Concerta, which was ok, but I felt as if it lost its potency. Vyvanse allows me to focus and maintain concentration. It also gives me a boost of energy. At times when I have missed a dose and left the house for the day I have felt tired and disinterested in the activities I was involved in. I have no side effects from it but I rarely have side effects to any drug. I have read that you are not supposed to have vitamin C while on it because it can interfere with the drug's ability to metabolize in one's system. I avoid vitamin C during the day and take some at night. Take it around 8 or 9 so you can sleep at night."
February 21, 2016
Bupropion / naltrexone
"Naltrexone alone can cause nausea. Wellbutrin alone causes nausea and in some cases permanent ringing in the ears. I highly recommend everyone listen to your body. Nausea is the body's natural reaction to try to rid itself of something bad (viruses, foods, drugs) whatever it may be. This drug is NOT the answer. Sure you will lose weight, but at what expense....nausea, ringing in the ears, vertigo and dependence on the drug which is very expensive?"
January 5, 2017
"I've been taking this for nearly a year now, and I can honestly say I've been heartburn-free since the day after I started taking it. I can eat all the things that I love but used to keep me up all night (tomato sauce, bananas and peanut butter were the worst). It is quite expensive, about a $1 a pill with insurance, but worth every penny. It's can also be a hassle because I have to wait to eat in the morning after I take it, but I am able to get something at work. I took Tagamet for a while, then Zantac (75 and then 150), and both those stopped working after a few months. Tums, Rolaids and all the other chewables, and liquids like Mylanta all quit working years ago. My doctor decided to step it up and prescribe this to me and my life changed."
September 8, 2008
"I have been taking nuvigil since 2012 started on provigil built a tolerance against it in 2 months. I take 250 mg a day but I split the pill and take each half at specific times usually between 6-9 am the other at 3pm to 6pm (depends when I took the first one) seems to help me stay awake a little more that way. It lasts for about 1-2 hours on me with each half."
February 28, 2017
"Good medicine"
January 23, 2011
"It does what it says, so 3 stars. If you like orange oil coming out your butt, missing work, and fryer grease farts, then you'll like Alli. I'm thinking, if you don't have a lot of fat in your food, then it might be tolerable, but I'm not willing to find out. "
May 9, 2016
Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
"This works within 30 mins. After the first pill my legs stopped burning and tingling one of the only medicines I ever found that worked so fast."
September 19, 2012
Birth Control
"When I first got Implanon I was really excited about the positive potential it could have. I had been on the pill and wanted something I didn't have to think about taking as well as the possibility of not having such a heavy cycle. The insertion wasn't painful, although for a few days after my arm was really sore with a pretty large bruise. I had the Implanon put in mid November and my cycle didn't stop. My sex drive decreased and after having my period for months I started to get depressed. I know for some people this birth control. I have now started Loestrin 24FE and I have nothing but good things to say."
April 25, 2011
"My experience with Effexor was absolutely terrible. I was prescibed this for my depression (3rd medication I tried) The reason I gave it 2/10 was because I didn't feel any worse mentally on this (did not feel the slightest bit better either), but if it wasn't for that I would have given it a 0/10 if possible. The side effects and withdrawal was absolutely terrible. The head "zaps" started to cause unbearable migraines, I had no appetite, and my vision was blurred some days. The withdrawal was something I've never experienced before and I hope that I will never have to go through it again. I was completely bed ridden due to the unbearable migraines, sweating, and vomiting. Everyone is different, but this did not work out for me."
July 20, 2015
"I began sertraline 50 mg approximately four weeks ago. I wasn%u2019t sure weather to take it at night or in the morning so I experimented with both. I found that during the day I would become very lethargic and yawn constantly with little energy but would then wake up in the middle of the night stimulated regardless of the time I took it. This frustrated me as I have always had a good sleep schedule and am an active person during the day, but I had read that others had experienced similar side effects and the effects eventually ceased. I felt better for several days%u2014not as downcast, brooding, heavy. After three weeks of taking it, the effect seemed to even out and I found myself struggling with feelings of hopelessness and doubt again. I felt better, certainly, just still struggling%u2014I don't expect a pill to %u201Ccure%u201D me of negative thoughts. I know I have control over my own thoughts, but it was that feeling of heaviness that tends to settle upon me%u2014like a dark cloud. When I went back to my doctor for the follow up, he increased it to 100 mg. I said let%u2019s try 75 mg first. He agreed. Within a couple weeks of taking 75 mg I still yawned a lot but I wasn%u2019t having trouble with lethargy and sleep issues as much. My attitude was much better. For example, I found that I really am a funny and silly person! I forgot that I was funny being under depression. I didn%u2019t realize how serious I had become, how reclusive. I also found my creativity really opened up. I had forgotten how creative I was. I also have been going to the gym and eating well. I try and smile and interact with people more%u2014even if I don%u2019t feel like it. I may just greet people or hold the door for them but it%u2019s better than me avoiding people like I used to. Some days are harder than others, but I can say that overall my experience with sertraline has been positive."
May 13, 2015
Generalized Anxiety Disorde
"Hi I have been on pregabalin for over a year. Started at 75 mgs and thought it was going to work but it only lasted 1 day. I got up to 150 mgs twice a day with no positive effect. I am now down to 100 mgs twice a day. I have had no weight gain. I am on a few other meds but I still suffer daily with this awful anxiety. I am trying transcranial magnetic simulation right now and have about 3 weeks of treatments left, it hasn't helped me yet. The only thing that works for me is benzodiazepines and I become tolerant very quickly."
May 26, 2017
"I started on Diethylpropion 75 mg once a day about a week ago. I've lost 5 pounds and feel good. Lot's of energy without the jitters. I highly recommend this medication for weight loss."
February 16, 2010
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
"Med works but the side effect is horrible. After taking it, the pain and soreness in Prostate is gone in a few hours. But I got Nasal congestion and a severe headache! I only took it once."
October 9, 2017
Drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol
Birth Control
"I started this bc pill to regulate my period and then used as a birth control option. I always use a condom too so I can't give an honest opinion on how well it worked in that department. My shoulders and back had some mild acne but it's all cleared up by now, and I've been on the pill for 6 months. My face still get the occasional bump or two, but nothing nearly as bad. My body synced up to the pill and my period is light and only 3 days long. The worst side effects are nausea and the mood swings. I cry a lot easier now and seem irritable. The spotting stopped within the first two months of taking the pill."
March 29, 2017
Birth Control
"I've had it for 2, almost 3 years now and I'm debating if I should get another implant when the time comes. I haven't had a period the entire time, so that's a plus I guess. My side effects change every month. (Ex: oily face / back which lead to acne one month, random cramps no blood the next month, constant headaches and moodiness the next, and so on). My depression actually worsened while on it. I also noticed I began having panic attacks a month after getting the implant. All of these don't really compare to what really bugs me about this form of birth control. I've gained almost 40 pounds since being on Nexplanon. I've been on diets and everything. It just gets worse. But at least I'm not pregnant right?"
April 8, 2016
Emergency Contraception
"I felt I needed to add one of these, it was the only thing making me feel better when I went through it. But basically I had sex with this guy (not my boyfriend, which sucked because I felt like I was alone in this) and we didn't use a condom (stupid, I know). The next day I used an ovulation calendar and found I was in my prime that week (great). I went to buy the pill but it was sold out at all the stores I kept going to, and I had plans that day so I couldn' t get one until that night. I was stressing because I know the sooner, the better. Well it was almost 24 hours and I took it. Next few weeks were SCARY and my period was late a few days (I was freaking) but it came! Never so happy to wake up to that! So hang in there, it works"
October 15, 2015
Bactrim DS
Urinary Tract Infection
"I would not recommend this to ANYONE. I have had bleeding in my urine for over two weeks and the doctors associated it with a UTI. After being given macrobid, and symptoms persisting they gave me septa. I took it for two days twice a day with food was fine, on the third day not so much. I began shaking uncontrollably, dry mouth, I was incoherent to the point I couldn't even understand what people were saying to me, heart was racing, I was dizzy, and extremely nauseous. It literally felt like I had been roofied (drugged up) . I don't even remember half the night and I had horrible insomnia. I don't even understand how this is on the market. Would never EVER take this again."
February 3, 2017
High Blood Pressure
"Gave me a dry cough so I stopped using it."
September 12, 2009
Birth Control
"All I can say if you don't mind bleeding this is good for you!!!! I've had it for 5 months after I had my daughter ,and it's been none stop bleeding!!!! Come Monday I'm calling my doctor to see when I can get mine taken out!!! I'm tired and tired of bleeding I love to have sex but since I've had this I don't!!! Again I bleed so much I think it's something wrong this is a no go for me... true you won't get pregnant, but the side effects make you not want to do the things to get you pregnant!!!"
February 19, 2017
"I have been ill for 40 of my 52 years with my rare condition called Autonomic Nerve Dysfunction(POTS). The pain I suffer from this condition is so bad I roll around the bed in pain , cannot walk and am bedridden at times and am unable to think straight. I started Oxycodone 3 years ago because my pain level reached 10 at times. I take 40mg of slow release every 24 hours (plus other drugs) since another tumor was found. I've added 20mg at night because I cannot lay on my arm until sorted. I DO NOT drive with this in my system, but other than this I've had no side effects. This drug gave me back my life and I can actually smile again."
September 13, 2008
Buprenorphine / naloxone
Opiate Dependence
"Suboxone is a "MIRACLE" and has saved my life from abusing prescription painkillers for 3 years. I was taking up to twelve 10mg Percocets everyday for those 3 years and thought I could never escape the "percs". I finally found the BEST doctor in the world who actually listens and cares about my situation and started me on Suboxone and now I've been clean for over a year and never had cravings for Percocets while taking Suboxone. Suboxone lets me live my life feeling not "high" but normal. Now 10/9/10 there is Suboxone Film and its outstanding. Works so much better than the orange tablets. "
October 9, 2010
"I have been taking Concerta 54mg for 10 years now. In early 2002, I was put on Adderall 10mg. The first day of the 10mg, I came home from school and said, "I'm never taking this again." Twice I tried to pick a fight with my classmates. Concerta was like a miracle. I could focus on my work (instead of splitting my attention between my work and drawings or books or video games), and I didn't feel any major side effects. A couple years after starting it, the difference, minor at first, was remarkable between the days I would and would not take it. I've had increasing depression for the past 5 years, though, and I'm wondering if it's because of the Concerta..."
February 12, 2012
"After 3 1/2 months of using Limbrel I became vilolently ill. I had extreme nausea, vomiting, feverish, chills, achy. My primary doctor ran blood work and it came back that I was anemic with liver problems. After 15 days of feeling like I had food poisoning, I searched online and found that there were dozens of people with the same symptoms and some even went to the hospital. I stopped taking the Limbrel right away and started feeling better within 48 hrs. After 7-8 days I was back to 100%."
January 6, 2011
"I suffer from hypochondria and panic disorder. I was so afraid to take medication. After 2 years I finally took Cipralex. It has made my anxiety a lot more tolerable. I've had a few major panic attacks but overall good experience. I've been on 20mg for 2 years."
December 10, 2013
Urinary Tract Infection
"On first day severe nausea headache and vomiting. Couldn't get out of bed and had to stop taking."
April 2, 2015
"I am taking this drug for an arrhythmia and have been since July 2016. I didn't even know I had any condition until I passed out and ended in hospital, I am now 39. I have found that I get off balance from doing to much or if walking around for to long i need to take "breaks". The last week I've started getting major headaches, going to Dr this week about those. I am interested in knowing if anyone has continued their usual workouts? Or if they have been on scary rides at theme parks or even rock climbing etc. will be asking Dr if ok etc but I have been so scared to do too much because of this new condition that my life is not the same and I want my life back!!! "
October 22, 2016
"After going to the dentist and starting on my meds from a root canal, I experienced severe pain. I was taking Tylenol 3 and Motrin with an antibiotic and could not bare the pain any longer. Went to ER and the Doc gave me a shot of Toradol and it was able to settle the pain till I see the dentist in the morning. A miracle pain medicine."
January 30, 2015
Primary Ovarian Failure
"Worked great for many months. Then I started noticing my hair falling out, bladder irritation, and then the dark spots that were staying put while the rest of my summer tan was fading. It was great while it lasted though."
September 17, 2012
Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone
Birth Control
"Worst birth control ever. My pharmacy randomly switched me to this 6 months ago after I had been on Microgestin for 2 1/2 years. Since being on Blisovi, I have gained 10 lbs, fainted twice, have horrible headaches and dizzy spells, nauseous constantly, no appetite, very sad, and get angry very easily. I also have barely any sex drive whatsoever. I barely have energy to want to do anything. I could sleep all day if I let myself. I've never felt so horrible in my entire life. After getting sick of gaining weight and fainting, I am finally stopping the pill. It is not worth it. BC is literal poison to the body. This brand just happens to be the worst one."
October 5, 2017
Birth Control
"I have been using Sronyx for just about 3 months now and I am definitely not too fond of it. It makes me extremely moody. I get mad easily and at times I feel like I just want to cry for just about anything. Because of this, it messed up my relationship quite a bit and I have absolutely no desire to keep taking it. I'm going to keep at it for a little while longer to see if I get any better and to see if the side effects go away."
September 27, 2011
"Was not hungry for hours, worked the same as Percocet 10 or Vicodin 10. Did give me bossy attitude."
April 24, 2014
Psoriatic Arthritis
"Been taking Otezla for 3 weeks. The first week I had a mild but persistent headache, bad heartburn and nausea, bloating, and muscle cramps in my legs. By the second week the headache was gone and down to slight nausea for a few hours after taking a dose. PsA is much improved, lesions are slightly better. By the 3rd week I am having very slight nausea but the PsA is almost gone. My knees, back and hands and feet feel almost normal. Lesions are still improving but very slowly. I'm still using steriod topicals and an occasional dose of Naproxen for joint pain."
August 13, 2016
Smoking Cessation
"This medicine is amazing. I was a smoker for about 13yrs I wasn't really excited about quitting didn't really want to to be honest but when I had my 32nd birthday and started having heart murmurs, trouble breathing and lots of nagging from my boyfriend (a non smoker) that I stink, I thought I better make some changes. I'm very glad I did. I started the pills on November 10th 2009 continued to smoke that week, had minor dizziness and nausea that first week and cut down a lot on cigarettes. I was 1/2 a pack a day to about 1/2 a cigarette twice a day on the eighth day. Nov 17th 2009 I was completely done, the smell makes me nauseous to this day and currently I am on the 7th day of being smoke free and loving it. Overall since taking the medication I have had minor nausea which lasts like 5 min, cravings off and on but only for like 10 min or so and they go away I haven't had any scary dreams just vivid ones mostly enjoyable ones it seems for me as the days go by with the help of what I refer to as the "miracle drug" the days are getting easier and easier. My blood pressure has gone down a lot, my taste and smell has improved as well my best wishes go out to everyone who along with myself who is on this difficult journey or thinking of quitting continue to be strong and be smoke free for good."
November 23, 2009
"I've only been on Paxil for about two weeks, but I can already tell a significant difference. I'm feeling much more optimistic, and much more motivated than I was before going on the medication. That being said, my sex drive has dropped and I also have trouble urinating sometimes."
June 2, 2009
"Does not work for me. I have nerve damage due to back surgery."
November 30, 2008
Asthma, Maintenance
"My 3-yr old had severe, rare behavioral side effects to all the other asthma controller meds; they changed him from a shy, sweet boy into an angry and aggressive one. With Alvesco he is a LOT more himself and only slightly angrier and energetic. I recommend trying this medicine to see if it works better for you, too. It has kept our child out of the hospital and we are thankful for that."
January 10, 2012
Microgestin Fe 1 / 20
"After 2 1/2 years of horrible acne, during which I was on antibiotics & topicals that never ended up working, my dermatologist and Dr. suggested I should try birth control. I went to Planned Parenthood and was put on Microgestin Fe 1/20. After about 6 months on this pill, I actually lost weight (due to nausea at first), breasts grew, lighter periods every month, and no change in everything else. As for my acne, it probably got better about 40%, but still had at least 3-5 pimples/cysts all the time and no reduction in face oiliness. Trial and error, now trying Ortho Tri Cyclen."
May 16, 2013
"I was late being diagnosed with ADHD, (late 40s) I was diagnosed Bipolar in 1992, but never felt this was the correct diagnosis as my meds never helped me with all the different thoughts going on in my head. As soon as I started concerta, I felt more relaxed, my concentration improved greatly and I could sleep peacefully without any benzodiazepines. I am currently (for over 4 years) on a dose of 72mg, it still is as effective as when I started and luckily I haven't any of the listed side effects. I think if anybody feels they have ADHD they should seek Psychiatric help to do the relevant tests."
May 13, 2017
"I started yesterday 8/2 after reading review for about 2 weeks.. I think I scared myself! So last night no sleep thinking I was going to have nightmares! But I was tossing and turning I think I did that to myself.. But pills make me feel a little dizzy but my start weight is 230! So I'll keep you guys update! But I definitely donot feel hungry at all! Only starting with one pill a day not two"
August 3, 2016
Amphetamine / dextroamphetamine
"I have been taking adderall for quite some time but this month I went to CVS and got my normal 10mg, took them and felt NOTHING by the end of day I had taken 60mg, way more than normal and felt NOTHING but a headache. Got my dr to switch the script to 20mg went back and got a faded looking orange pill with U30 on it, first of all it was all crumbly then it was BITTER instead of the normal sweet taste, I have taken 60mg again and I'm about to fall asleep!!! CVS must know they are selling rubbish!!! Next month I won't fill unless I make sure its not from these people!!"
September 15, 2017
Amphetamine / dextroamphetamine
"I was diagnosed with ADHD in 06 and I found out in order to have ADHD as an adult you had to have it as a child so I look back on my childhood in Real Life 4 did have ADHD as kid but never got treatment for it because my mom didn't believe any mental illness so I didn't start treatment with the ADHD until 2006 I was placed on Ritalin but I found it to be ineffective and then I stopped treatment and I started treatment up again a few months ago and I was giving our all and I found it to be very effective working but with 2 major side effect keeps me awake and constipation , but outside of those two it works wonderfully."
November 13, 2016
Diabetes, Type 2
"worst yeast infection ever! Running to the bathroom all the time, didn't make it a few times, glad that happened at home."
October 27, 2015
Weight Loss
"Always been 80 lbs since high school. No appetite, always ate in small portions. Taken this medication before but the 1st time I took in 2011 I gained weigh but also gained esophagus spasms from all the gorging I did so it's now permanently a side effect, yay. I started taking it again Feb 22, 2017 weighed in at 80.6 lbs, as of today, March 23, 2017, I'm weighing in at 100.4. I haven't taken it in 3 days to see if I can keep the appetite and use when needed. It's a great weight gain but there are side effects. Mine include no period, no sex drive, severe cold night sweats, hot flashes, the esophagus spasms, & swelling of arms & legs when active. These are the pros that some may consider cons- constantly hyper."
March 24, 2017
Birth Control
"I have just finished my Second month on Sronyx. First of all I had clear skin before I started taking this birth control pill, right after I began to take the pills my forehead started to breakout in pimples. I was very unhappy about that but my doctor told me to wait it out for the first 3 months in order for my body to adjust to the hormones. While on my second month I broke out BAD the week before my period but it was due to my period coming up. My only side effect is me breaking out, if it weren't for that I would be giving it a 10! I have no other side effects or mood swings which I love and it actually helps me control my hunger I don't feel as hungry as I did before which has helped me lose about 8 lbs!"
June 7, 2013
"Significant weight gain experienced within a few months. VERY tough on the libido. Extremely difficult to get off this medication without significant side effects - dizziness, nausea. I was taking Celexa before and would definitely go back. For the purposes of banishing depression/anxiety, it worked, but not without side effects that make me want to stop taking it each day."
March 10, 2009
Bladder Infection
"I suffer from recurrent uni's, this is by far the worst one I have had 3 weeks of anti b's and still have the infection, I hate Nitrofurantoin, makes me feel sick, tired lack of energy and at the moment I have loss of appetite and a headache and loose and frequent bowel movements. I personally feel I can developed a tolerance for the anti-biotics. Even though my symptoms to go for a few days, I don't feel any better within myself as the antibiotics pose more problems."
November 17, 2015
Magnesium sulfate / potassium sulfate / sodium sulfate
Bowel Preparation
"Tastes awful. Better to drink it all down in one go rather than taking small sips. Shat myself a little later cause I thought it was only gas. Spent the next 45 minutes shitting liquid."
September 6, 2016
Plan B One-Step
Emergency Contraception
"This pill works. My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex and he did not pull out in time and came in me complete. I freaked out and I took plan b within a half hour and got my period 4 days later. It was such a relief. For any girl out there freaking out just relax and take a deep breath. It works!"
September 4, 2015
"I have always experienced small bouts of anxiety and depression before but nothing that ever really stuck around. A few months ago something caused me to become anxious, which lead to a panic attack which then lead to depression, and no matter what I did I just couldn't shake it. I couldn't eat, sleep, no desire to do anything, always anxious. I went to my doctor who put me on Lexapro. It immediately helped with my anxiety, and within a few days my depression lifted. I have now been on Lexapro for over 2 months and feel back to my normal self. Initial side effects: Very sleepy for about 3 days, nausea for a couple of nights. I still experience: Vivid dreams and low sex drive. I never experienced: Weight gain or insomnia. Overall very happy."
February 6, 2015
"I did not feel any great improvement to asthma. Side effects were numerous to me but the ones that were more to disturb the stomach and abdominal pain and diarrhea,"
February 7, 2016
Birth Control
"I've been on the pill for almost a month, no break through bleeding, but light cramps and headaches but not severe. I guess I can say that's good compared to some others comments but I'm getting off the pill today because I just got on it because I wanted fewer periods but I absolutely hate cramps and headaches. Hope it works for you."
December 30, 2010
Cold Sores
"I have been suffering with cold sores for 20 years now, they usually happen once a year. I am so horrified when they happen, I take work off, and basically live in my house for 2 weeks. I came across a YouTube video after feeling a bump coming on and that's when I came across Zovirax. I thought what the heck I've tried everything else. I went to my doctor same day (thank god I got in). It cost me about 90$ but it was worth it. This stuff is a god send! My cold sore was already at the blister stage so it was day 2. Applied the cream all day for 2 days, you can't even tell I have a cold sore! There is nothing! I wish I knew about this stuff years ago. Would have saved me a lot of agony."
November 22, 2015
"I have been on this drug for over a year now and it's safe to say mirtazapine saved my life I was having really bad anxiety for 3 to 4 month and that brought on the depression it got that bad I was running into the wall to try stop the feeling. After the doctors seen me they put me on Mirtazapine on 15mg for 6 week. I dramatically seen a difference in the anxiety but still was feeling really down so the doctors put in up to 30mg and have been on since. I can go to my job with no problems. But every now and then the anxiety still comes back but I'm learning to deal with the issue that bring the anxiety on"
July 30, 2017
"I have had three episodes of Diverticulitus in the last five years. Because I had pretty rough experiences with Flagyl / Cipro combination in my previous episodes, I asked for the pharmacist to advise me, with my prior history in mind. I really wanted this time to be different. He said the most important advice is DO NOT USE ALCOHOL, which sounds like common sense; but that includes mouthwash. (you might swallow a bit) It's a slow recovery; absolutely. I live in So Cal and this was during a heat wave, but I slept day and night the first few days with a heating pad on my lower adbomen. The pharmacy confirmed Tylenol is okay pain, also. It's not a walk in the park, but I did better this time, even with other minor side effects."
July 16, 2017
Birth Control
"I absolutely loved it at first then all of the sudden NON STOP bleeding, literally non STOP for the past 4 months. Clots of blood at this point. I am getting this removed immediately."
June 28, 2016
mance Anxiety
"I have always had the fear of speeches. Everyday I would play a scene in my head whereby im asked to present in front of the team and this was my worst nightmare. It influenced many choices I have made (what courses to take, whether to apply for jobs with presentations etc). I had tried meditation, been on public speaking courses, I even used alcohol to get through some. Eventually I went to the doctors and prescribed propanolol, I took 10mg 2 hours and then 10mg 30 mins before a presentation. Today I managed to present in front of 50 people for the first time. I was hesitant just before... but once up there I was cool and calm. It was AMAZING. No shaky voice or hands, I just did it. One of the most significant days of my life."
May 25, 2016
Plaque Psoriasis
"I have had severe plaque psoriasis on my scalp for 5 years and up until this medication literally nothing had helped me. I did every topical, several drugs and even a uv light to treat it. Once it spread to my body I had had enough and was put on this medication. It has almost cleared up my psoriasis completely, and it works fast. However the side effects for me have been horrific. I am terribly nausous and have diahrea literally every time I take it, this subsides within the hour and I can carry on with my day. Yes it's horrible and I've considered stopping the medication; however the fact that I haven't should be proof of just how well it works."
July 30, 2015
Acetaminophen / aspirin / caffeine
"Awesome stuff. I'm a nursing assistant in a nursing home and ended up getting a migraine in the middle of my shift. Nothing usually helps my migraines, let alone gets ride of them completely. But my migraine was 100% gone within ten minutes of taking Excedrin Extra Strength. It was amazing! Never gonna need anything else for my migraines."
September 4, 2016
"Was put on 10mg Lexapro for general anxiety. I was on it for 5 days and just had to stop. Horrible anxiety, feelings of depression I have never had before, absolutely no appetite, migraine, bad dreams, falling asleep at work while getting more than enough sleep at night, forgetful in my everyday tasks, overall hazy and strange feeling. Will go back to Ativan and will never take an SSRI for my anxiety again-not worth it."
July 28, 2011
"I've been taking Celexa for a few weeks now. I've gained alot of weight.. so much in fact we thought I was pregnant! AND I'M NOT! I've been feeling nauseous, and having cramps. I dont want to have sex anymore and when we do I can't have an orgasm. My period is down to just barely anything (I have an IUD that I've had for 3 years). Celexa does make me a happier person. I'm playing with my kids now, which before I wouldn't. I just wanted to be left alone and wanted to play my computer. Now I do things with my family, I feel happier. "
March 3, 2012
Overactive Bladde
"I took one dosage, and it made me ill."
November 5, 2013
"I was on zenzedi for about 6 months. I loved it! I have only tried Ritalin for my ADD and it made me psychotic, and once I stopped taking it I was too scared to take anything else. Well 10 years later, and sick of my ADD, I was prescribed this medication and it worked! I also had no beginning side effects. The only complaint I have is how quickly it wore off, but it could be my own metabolism and anyone else could be different. However, due to my new insurance I am switching to Adderall XR, I'll write an comparison opinion when I begin taking it."
December 19, 2016
Ethinyl estradiol / levonorgestrel
Birth Control
"18 years old. 4th month. Some symptoms: sickness (worse right after taking the pill and more around 1-4am), migraines, bad cramps (on and off period), nausea (I still haven't vomited but there are times where I think it'll be more satisfying then feeling like it), my stomach sticks out like a balloon, I've been pretty emotional (I get really sad and have no idea why), I fainted twice and get dizzy often, my body feels weak and I bruise easily, both knees cramp up, but my period is regular and light and my acne has went down.. also I'm not pregnant so that's good too."
August 18, 2016
Emergency Contraception
"I'm known to be a little paranoid, but everything turned out just fine. Took the pill about 7 hours after sexual intercourse, experienced side effects such as headaches, dizziness, and spotting a week later. After 8 days of experiencing the side effects, I finally got my period. Definitely recommend it!"
March 6, 2016
Birth Control
"I have Implanon for about 5 months, no bleeding, only spotting. I had my period only once. I don't have any mood swings, I am more relaxed, no PMS. Sometimes light headache, but goes away in few minutes. It doesn't cost me any trouble and save on pads (usually used all package heavy ones and half package light ones). So far no problem."
August 29, 2011
Schizoaffective Disorde
"This medicine made me gain about 15-20 lbs when I was staying at the hospital when I was 13. I'm now 22. I started taking Geodon a few weeks ago and I'm feeling much better. No more paranoia in the night at all anymore. No thoughts that there's a serial killer watching me or a serial killer in a room in my house or on a chair in the room I'm in. I'm on Risperdal, I'm trying to get off of it completely because it also made me gain a lot of weight also. I'm 166 right now and 5'8'. I used to always be slim and have no hunger. I'm also on Paxil which hasn't helped me with my depression at all, just a terrible medicine and I'm on Lamictal which has helped keep stable - I have the manic type."
August 2, 2010
"Works great. Side affects made me not take it anymore"
July 30, 2016
Major Depressive Disorde
"I had less GI problems starting this than I did with Zoloft and other drugs like it. I haven't gotten nausea or diarrhea. My appetite is lower which is good since the other meds made me gain weight. I actually noticed myself feeling pretty good after about a month on 10mg. My doctor then increased me to 20mg. At the dose I had no problem with my social anxiety and my general anxiety was close to zero. It also worked amazingly for my depression."
January 6, 2016
"I've been taking bupropion for 5 weeks now and I am SO thankful! Teaching high school was becoming almost impossible. Try dealing with a room full of teenagers all day long when you are depressed, have no energy, no motivation and can't think straight. And I'd come home too tired and achy to exercise. I didn't even know how bad it was till I started feeling normal again. Now I can think straight, I have energy, faith in myself and no more muscle aches. And NO side effects. (well one little one- less appetite so I don't bother to cook dinner for myself regularly anymore). I just feel like me again! I am so grateful!"
May 11, 2012
"Worked at first to bring heartburn/acid re-flux under control, however I had to stop taking it because it started causing severe stomach & abdominal pain. Now control through diet & Tums EX. The pain from the Protonix side effect was terrible when it started happening."
March 31, 2012
Birth Control
"I'm not even done with my first pack yet, just got to the white pills. My cramps are worse than they have ever been, I'm constantly feeling sick and it didn't not lighten my flow at all and clotting has gotten worse. I'm sure this BC works for some but if definitely does not work for me."
December 3, 2017
"This medication was prescribed to me for appetite suppression. I have been on it for 6 days now and have had no real side effects. I feel I may have had some depression issues I was not completely aware of, as I feel a bit more positive and in better spirits. I think it's too soon to tell overall how well this medication works. As of now, I have not experienced appetite suppression."
February 26, 2009
Phosphorated carbohydrate solution
"I was vomiting for over a day. I was ready to go to the hospital for an IV because I was so dehydrated. As a last ditch effort, I asked my husband to go to the drug store and ask the pharmacist if there was something OTC that could help... they recommended this. I took it, and it was all I needed. No more vomiting after the dose... a God send!"
June 23, 2017
"Was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia at the start of the year having suffered with severe neck and upper back pain. The deep pain especially in the upper back right in between the shoulder blades was unbearable most of the time. I had the symptoms for over 2 years before the diagnosis and had almost 80 sessions of treatment with 11 different therapists. Anyway started taking duloxetine, gabapentin and Cocodamol in January. Started gabapentin at 300 mg a day and built up to 1800mg a day by the end of March. Over the last few weeks I feel that I am starting to get my life back. Not totally pain free but I now have spells where the pain is bearable. So if you have just started on this, be patient and fingers crossed you will get relief."
May 26, 2014
Influenza virus vaccine, live, trivalent
Influenza Prophylaxis
"This was very simple to use. I thought it would be great. My 3 year old has vomiting as a side effect. My 6 year old and I seem to have no side effects."
November 12, 2008
"Absolutely ineffective for my GAD....stuck with it for a year based on pdoc advice. Now I have to deal with tapering. What a mistake that has been. Additionally, I have tried several other ssri's as well as a few ssri's all to no avail. Suicidal thoughts, intolerable side effects, lack of any efficacy. Without Benzodiazepan's I would not be here now."
August 16, 2015
"This has helped better than anything else I have tried."
July 28, 2009
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
"In my opinion, there are a lot of pros and cons for this medication. I took it for a while with no ill effect, but something must have changed, and it made me feel extremely ill (dizziness, heart palpitations, nausea, headache.) I stopped taking it because of this and definitely noticed a difference. I think that taking a half a pill every few hours has eliminated my problems with the medication and works to keep me awake and focused for longer."
November 7, 2011
Gout, Acute
"I experience gout in my big toe (right usually I believe). I had a flare at night while on vacation (for hiking, walking) and walked quite bit the following day (with a good deal of pain). Three days later it was as bad as it's ever been. Red, hot, swollen and inflamed. I was in Maui with my wife. What caused it was 2 meals with healthy servings of Ahi, a 10 hour plane ride with little water and alcohol - wine, a beer, martinis. I overflowed the purine bucket. I called my Dr. Daughter and she wrote me a script. I took the entire first row as soon as I got it (per her directions). Within 2-3 hours, the gnawing pain subsided, I was able to sleep all night and walk (hobble) in the AM. I'm 75% better after 24 hours, but can't go on walk."
February 24, 2015
Bupropion / naltrexone
"I began Contrave in early 2015, and as of July I have lost 25 pounds. This is significant because I was not very big to begin with, and I stopped taking the medicine for a few months in the middle. I began as recommended, and the side effects hit me immediately. I was nauseous, constantly tired, had abdominal pain, lack of focus, and I became sick any time I put any food in my mouth. I guess it was a great way to lose weight, but not the way I wanted to do it. I was miserable. So I quit for a while, but decided to give it a second chance. I did not increase my dosage as quickly, and I only went up to 2 pills a day. I still have occasional loss of concentration and fatigue, but it is no where near as bad, and I'm losing weight."
July 20, 2015
Constipation, Chronic
"I have been experiencing IBS constipation for over 30 years because of hypothyroidism. My doctor first prescribed Linzess 145 mcg which at first was working for a day or 2 but once my body got used to it I was back again not having a bowel movement. I have to take my thyroid medicine in the morning with my Linzess, both say take on an empty stomach. So I started taking 145 mcg once in the morning and then once at 5 pm in the afternoon when I got home from work. It helped some but not much as I needed to take smooth move tea at night to help it along. Then my doctor prescribed 290 once in the morning. Well I've had not luck even with the smooth move tea and it's been almost 2 weeks without a bowel movement. Don't know where to go for help."
October 23, 2016
Birth Control
"I had Implanon put in December 2009, now 2 years in. I've had lots of medical problems and not sure the cause. A few months in started getting bad mood swings, could have been postpartum depression. But thyroid actually was way off. I'm still on antidepressant and taking medicine for thyroid. I am still on going to lots of doctor visits to find out cause of hormonal problems, no doctor has been able to help me."
October 24, 2011
Birth Control
"I just had it last month and so far so good, I have not had any major side effect except for a little mood swing and I have not had my period since am exclusively breastfeeding my 4 month old. so am just learning a lot from the reviews"
September 3, 2015
Motion Sickness
"Works excellent. Went on. Whale watch with family. Took it 1 hour before boat trip and it worked awesome. I Even was able to have food on the boat with no nausea."
August 28, 2016
Bipolar Disorde
"I get the shot of Invega Sustenna 156mg once every 4 weeks. I am 62 and have tried everything in every research hospital in Indiana and Illinois. I use it as monotherapy along with counseling and it has revolutionalized my life. I have no side effects. I work full time as a school teacher and I am working on my master's degree and expect to graduate soon. I finally found my own miracle in this medicine. I am so grateful to my new doctor, nurse, and therapist and now to you who are reading this. "
July 15, 2013
"Started the trial exactly 2 weeks ago. Weighed in at 305, 5'9" I am at my heaviest weight, even heavier (20#!!) Than being 9 months pregnant. First week I lost 8#, it makes me super tired, a little crabby, and I get a small headache. This week I went down to 1 pill a day hoping it wouldn't make me exhausted. Still tired and only lost 2.5# but also on my monthly this week. Ugh. Trial is up and I am not sure I want to fork over the $75 each refill. I'm conflicted. So yes it helps curb appetite and helped me lose over 10#! But I'm also drinking a ton of water and working out 3 days a week."
April 18, 2015
"Had my third shot today; bi-lateral. I have to say I have seen a major improvement in both knees. I would wake up at night and go to turn over, my lower leg would not move and my upper leg (above the knee) would pop and grind on the joint. When this happens now I can feel the upper and lower joints cushioned by the Orthovisc. I felt relief about 3 weeks after the first set of shots. I am confident that after the 3rd set of shots I will have the pain relief I am looking for. I would recommend to anyone give this a try before you have total knee replacement."
July 8, 2016
Ethinyl estradiol / norgestimate
Birth Control
"I started Trinessa a month and a half ago after being on Ortho Tri cyclen Lo for a year. So far it's been great with helping my painful periods, clearing up acne, and preventing pregnancy. The only complaint I have is the slight nausea every now and then along with feeling fatigued, I assume this should go away the more I use it so right now it's a waiting game. Other than that I like it."
May 17, 2016