884 values
Seborrheic Dermatitis
"First impression: Just got recommended this by the dermatologist and used it tonight. So far it seems fine, just annoying to apply as a lotion on my scalp since my hair is thick and my seb. derm. is all over in different places on my head it took like 20 minutes. I might use it as a rinse depending if I got in on all the way or not by applying it as a lotion. It definitely calms the itching but feels a little stingy which is common and normal I just have to adjust to it. The smell is not really noticeable it smells a lot better than Tgel. It feels more like a oil than a lotion. We will see if this works! Fingers crossed in the mean time I'll hide in my french beret hat hoping that my head will clear up."
August 19, 2017
Birth Control
"Okay I'm writing this review for all of the young ladies who are afraid to get the skyla. I got it today and IT DOESN'T HURT at all. It's all of a 10 minute process, if that long . They give you a medicine to take the night before and as long as you take that you're good to go . I also took something for cramps about 30 minutes before the appointment. When inserted you only feel MILD cramps , just as if you were getting your cycle. It's not painful and trust me I don't take pain well. I'm 19 and this is definitely the best decision for girls our age . Not having to worry about any surprises for three years is something we need !"
January 5, 2016
"I was given a prescription of 30mg Restoril by my GP doctor to help combat recurring bouts of insomnia. While it did nothing to help me fall asleep, it did help me in a couple of other ways. I frequently suffer from tension headaches and noticed after 15 minutes of my first dose the headache was completely eradicated which lead me to believe that it does well as a muscle relaxer . Another property of the drug which I found helpful was a significant decrease in anxiety and made me more comfortable in social situations . I never felt "high" just an increased desire to interact with my fellow peers. So while I can't give it a glowing review for the reason it was prescribed, other effects outweighed the uselessness of the intended treatment."
May 25, 2016
"I had Shingles in March and was given two meds - one was an antiviral and the other for pain. The pain pill they gave me didn't mix with my meds. I went without the pain med. Then the beginning of April the pain came. It got worse and worse. April, May, June, July ever increasing pain around the shingles area. Went to my family doctor in Jul and she prescribed Doloxtine 30mg. Well I read the pill first. I read and wanted to avoid ALL Side affects. So I continued without the pill and took tramadol and a local ointment. The pain was constant and intense. Aug 3 back to my family Doc. She insisted I try the Doloxtine about 3 days later almost no pain. Yesterday she increased it to 60mg. So far so good, I shouldn't be so stubborn."
August 30, 2017
"Was on Serzone for 10 years. The best antidepressant ever and I have been on most of them since my tour in Vietnam. No sexual side effects on like SSRI`s or SNRI`s. Then they took it off the market. Just recently went back to nefazodone. Serzone works so good."
July 23, 2012
Suprep Bowel Prep Kit
Bowel Preparation
"Tomorrow will be my 3rd colonoscopy in a 2 year period. I have never done a liquid prep before. I took 2 Dulcolax, then about 2 and 1/2 hours later, I went into the bathroom with the Suprep mix. To me, the taste was dreadful. I had to gulp it down and chase it with some clear juice. I had it all gone on less than a minute. It worked very quick. Within 5-10 minutes of taking it. No pain at all. But I have a feeling I may be on the toilet all night. My bottom is very sore as well, but that is to be expected. I have been going roughly every 10 minutes for the last 7 hours. All in all, this does its job pretty effectively!"
December 29, 2014
Obsessive Compulsive Disorde
"I went years without getting help until about 8 months ago when I finally broke down, saw a doctor, and was prescribed Zoloft. This pill has given me my life back. I was diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, specifically intrusive/disturbing thoughts and obsessions. This disorder occupied all of my time and energy, to the point where life was unbearable and hopeless. About two weeks after starting Zoloft there were noticeable improvements. After 6 weeks, I was a different person. Anxiety-0, OCD, still there but more of a minor in convenience than life consuming. Side effects were typical at first: nausea, diarrhea, lightheaded, and insomnia. All of which subsided after a few weeks. I highly recommend that if you diagnosed, ask for Zoloft."
August 18, 2013
Desogestrel / ethinyl estradiol
Birth Control
"I've been taking Velivet for about a year now because I started to have periods that lasted all month which resulted in anemia. My only complaint is that the cramps are quite bad, but it's done its job for me, so I can't complain!"
June 17, 2017
Agitated State
"My 10-yr old son has been taking 1 mg Abilify in the morning for the past 4 months. He used to be prone to loud shouting, hitting, spitting, etc. at home, but now little things don't bother him as much and he's easier to reason with. No side effects from this dose seem apparent so far. He's also taking 36 mg Concerta for ADD symptoms which would otherwise keep him from functioning for more than a couple of hours in the classroom. He's also taking Depakote for seizure control. He's been seizure-free for 2.5 years now, and we are gradually reducing that dose to zero. Eventually, we hope to reduce all these drugs to zero, one at a time."
January 4, 2010
Biaxin XL
"Being asthmatic, I often suffer bronchial infections. I had borderline pneumonia a few months ago - a one week course of Biaxin XL cleared it up. I am now taking Biaxin XL again because I have bronchitis and after two days am breathing much better - it is also clearing up my ear infection. Only downside to this medication is the metallic taste in the mouth and some wild dreams. I recommend drinking plenty of water to keep you hydrated while on Biaxin XL."
June 10, 2009
Heart Failure
"My dad uses this medication for 3 years now, after he was staying in the hospital with heart failure for almost 10 days. He never had that situation repeated since that..."
October 7, 2009
Urinary Tract Infection
"This drug is fine for me. It makes me feel foggy, tired and just out of sorts for a few hours but i can still function. The headaches are the worst part. I'm on day 4 so I'm sticking it out!"
July 26, 2016
"I just started Adderal 20mg about a week now. Before I was on 10 mg, not extended release, just tabs for (2) months. I'm always so tired. The higher dose helps me stay awake and function through my days. Glad something works, so far no side effects noted."
April 1, 2015
Birth Control
"This pill is honestly so terrible. The first week I began taking it, I started to break out all over my face with extremely painful cystic acne. It was uncontrollable. As soon as I started to take the inert pills, my face cleared up. Also this has caused me to form a fibroadenoma in my breast, and I have an extremely extensive family history of breast cancer in young women. I'm only 20 years old and I have fibrocystic breast disease, and I've been on just about every birth control on the market. If you have this condition as well STAY AWAY from this drug at all costs."
June 30, 2016
Ortho Cyclen
Birth Control
"I've been on it for 3 months now & I love it , period is much lighter ."
August 11, 2015
Lorcet 10 / 650
Back Pain
"This is the best back pain medication on the market. I have taken it since 1993 with no problems."
October 14, 2012
Minastrin 24 Fe
Birth Control
"I was on Loestrin before it was discontinued and have been on minastrin for a little over a year now. Immediately starting, I stopped getting any sort of bleeding and started getting cyst zits around my second week of the pill each month (I never had any acne when I was a teen). This was tolerable until about nine months into the pill when I started getting large white heads all around my nose and chin. Bye bye minastrin!"
September 4, 2015
"With peri menopause leading to menopause...came an overwhelming sadness, emotional ups and downs, anger, the black dog visited often for no apparent reason. After seeing doctor who offered blood tests acknowledged menopause was occurring, he prescribed pristiq 50 mg. one a day. I had negative pre conceived ideas about taking anti depressants due to incorrect information but thought I'd give it a try. It's now nearly three years since I began treatment....yes ...they work....side effects :can numb emotions, but not to the point that I can't feel..loss of libido..that's a small price to pay compared to how I felt when the black dog visited. I tried to stop taking pristiq only to have old symptoms return"
January 29, 2016
"Terrible, terrible antibiotic. I took Z pack for my sinus infection, which usually helps but didn't this time so my doc put me on cefdinir. No problems until the 3rd day I woke up with the most terrible diarrhea I've ever had. Same the following day. It's almost 3 weeks later and I still have the diarrhea and have gone to the ER once for iv fluids to help with my dehydration. I would NOT recommend."
December 14, 2015
"I am 24 years old and my terrible cystic acne has returned worse than ever. (I was on Accutane several years ago which cleared it up nicely, but do not want to go back on it because of depression and irritable bowel syndrome). My dermatologist put me on doxycycline about 3 weeks ago. I started to notice a little improvement - the pimples seemed to be smaller and less painful, but now it's that time of the month and I'm having a huge breakout again. I'm also on birth control (Tri-Nessa) and a topical cream (Epiduo). I'm hoping that the results will be much more noticeable in month 2."
April 5, 2013
Breast Cancer, Adjuvant
"I was so pleased to read all of the reviews about Letrozole. Now I know that I'm not alone. Hot flashes worse than menopause. Always off balance. Won't do stairs without a railing or holding on to person anymore after quite a few falls. Don't get dizzy, but never know when a stumble or fall is coming. Very dry mouth (other meds also cause dry mouth/thirst). This is extremely hard to deal with as chemo put my kidneys in failure and on dialysis am limited to 1.5 liters of liquid a day. Headaches, bone pain, fatigued constantly, muscle pain especially in legs, lack of appetite, foods don't taste the same. Ran out about a week ago, starting to come out of the fog! Feel like I'm 100, not 57, sigh."
July 27, 2014
Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone
Birth Control
"I was given Gildesse to help control my ovarian cysts. BIG MISTAKE! I have gained wieght, feel depressed and tired and when I do have periods now they are horrible, painful,and really heavy. They will last indefinitely too. I have bled for over 30 days. I thought this was just my perimenopause but after reading everyone's reviews I felt I had the same symptoms as them and felt obligated to share."
September 12, 2016
Cobicistat / elvitegravir / emtricitabine / tenofovir
HIV Infection
"Began in April with viral over 1 million CD4 was 109. As of May viral load 606 and CD4 is 265. I've got ways to go. No side effects at first but only side effects to complain of now are slight nausea, headache and slight diarrhea."
July 7, 2013
"I have been taking Buspar for 8 days now. It was prescribed for irritability and anxiety. I walk around feeling nauseous and frequently have chest pain, palpitations and just constant worry. So Started out taking 7.5 mg morning and night and just increased it to 15mg morning and night. I noticed a difference with the irritability almost right away. I'm definitely able to enjoy things more since I don't feel like screaming at everyone I meet! Side Effects- I've experienced some mild to moderate dizziness. But the weird thing that I've had is a fuzzy tingling sensation that goes through my whole body. It lasts for maybe 2-3 seconds but happens every few minutes for about 30 minutes after I take a dose. It's worth it though."
December 25, 2010
"It works without side effects."
October 16, 2012
Cold Sores
"I would say it works pretty good if you catch them in the beginning,if not it could take longer to heal. I have had cold sores for at least 20 years and the best stuff I ever used for them was a product called licrogel in a little white jar which was made from scientific botanicals which I just found out today is out of business. I think the good ole FDA had something to do with it because it was a natural homeopathic product. It soothed instantly and healed fast. It used to come in a 1/2 ounce jar for about 10 bucks but in recent years it was a full ounce jar for like 20-25 dollars...but you could get several outbreaks out of the one ounce jar."
May 18, 2015
Birth Control
"I have had this for two months. I am still breast feeding my youngest so my period has yet to return. There has been no pain or spotting or bleeding whatsoever. The only difference so far is increased in vaginal dryness but that could be attributed to the breastfeeding and getting older. My family doctor said to get the IUD replaced after five years because the wires may disintegrate in the acidic environment of the vagina making the removal process difficult. Even if the copper IUD says 10 years."
October 23, 2016
Armour Thyroid
Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal
"Took Synthroid for about 15 years and although I never felt it was working for me my doctor would only say "well, your labs look good." I read about Armour and had my doctor change me. Armour was amazing. I felt great after 2-3 months. Weight dropped, dry skin and hair improved and my energy level significantly improved. Then all of a sudden I developed a terrible rash on my hands. Doctors tested for contact dermatitis, other allergies, all came back negative. The only new addition to my routine was the Armour. I read other reviews that discussed the fact the Forrest Phar. had been sold and apparently Armour was reformulated with possibly other fillers. Stopped Armour and the rash disappeared. Miss its benefits."
April 5, 2016
"LOVE IT. I took Strattera for 4 yrs but switched because of terrible nausea and anxiety. The first 3 months I had terrible migraines, lack of appitite & trouble sleeping. Keep taking it daily to give body time to adjust. No side effects now and huge HUGE improvement in work, concentration and motivation."
February 5, 2015
"Was sick with the worst sinus infection in my life for at least 3 weeks. It began to turn into pneumonia. Amoxil wasn't working. 2 doses of Ceftin so far and I'm feeling much better. "
November 19, 2013
Ethinyl estradiol / levonorgestrel
Birth Control
"I was on this Birth control for 6 months, and started noticing a lot of side effects. I was losing more hair, my skin was getting drier and I was also so sad, and cried and got mad over anything. I went to my doctor and he ran me for some blood tests and came back to find out that my estrogen levels dropped immensely. I have switched to the Nuva ring - a low dose birth control. Other then that - I had no problems. If you have these symptoms I urge you to get tested for estrogen levels."
March 24, 2013
"Switched from Zoloft, after the initial first week and withdraws from the zoloft, I noticed that my irritability never went away and seemed to get worse. I was yelling at my kids 3 days straight and realized this just isn't me. It's treated my depression but the irritability and agitation along with the other effects just are not worth it. Have a hard time sleeping due to the dreams that I have that only started once I started taking it. Hallucinations started as well. It seems some days I have a hard time with what's real and what's not only when just relaxing my mind seems to jump all over. Will be switching ASAP this drug isn't for me. I would rather have the weight gain from the zoloft. Expensive even with insurance."
March 3, 2016
Birth Control
"I've been on my period for over 5 months.. it sucks. Sometimes I'm light or spotting and then randomly I'll get heavy. I haven't stopped bleeding since I got it. And I hear it takes months to end the bleeding but it seems like it'll never end. Ita not what I thought it would be."
September 16, 2016
"I have been diagnosed with extreme acid reflux (more to come later on), Approximately 1 1/2 years ago my bad acid went out of control and started to come up in my mouth walking/sitting/laying down. I went to see my gastroenterologist and he sent me off to see a surgeon. The surgeon says I need a operation that amounts to be a gastric bypass. I did not like the diagnosis, About that time my gastroenterologist decided to drop all his medicare patients. I went to another hospital/gastro guy and he wanted me to stop all my ant-acid meds (2 ACIPHEX 2 RANITIDINE and 2 Omeprazole) for a week, After one days I was asking him to allow me to stay on For some reason the site is not allowing me to enter more details."
March 7, 2017
Opiate Withdrawal
"In the summer of 2009 I found out I was pregnant, yay.....No I was addicted to heroin and a large amount of it daily, I could not continue this as long as another life was growing inside of me. Methadone maintenance was my only option. I had my child on methadone and began detoxing right away small amounts at a time like 2 mg per week. It's been 5 years and I went from 95 mgs to 15 mgs there were months at a time I just chose to linger on a dose just out of fear of being completely off. I am doing fine I'm a happy mom who lives a normal life and looking at me would never see any hints of my past. I'm a completely different person and ready to be done. There is only 15 mg between my life now and the life I used to lead. It works"
June 22, 2015
Panic Disorde
"This drug is saving my life right now. Its a shame the people who abuse it ruin it for those of us who get relief from debilitating issues from it, because many doctors just don't want to prescribe it now. I say what's the point of having a drug if you can't use it to help people who need it."
August 14, 2017
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
"I have had 4 back surgeries ( pins, screws, plates, etc.) and both of my hips replaced, all before turning 43. Before this, I earned a Ph.D., became a Prof. in Accounting was rewarded multitudes of student-awarded, colleague-awarded, and superiors-rewarded accollades. Then, with all the narcotics, opiods, hospitalizations, etc, tenure was literally jerked from my grasp, and I have been forced out of three other universities since. The depression of repeated recoveries from surgery and then med withdrawals and job losses drove me into extreme depression. Got the pain under control but it got to where I was in bed 6 of 7 days full-time. I was taking Cymbalta, but when my Dr. tried Nuvigil, it brought me back to the happiness I had known before."
March 8, 2013
"Hi my Dr started me on this today. I have mood swings, low energy & depression. I am scared too death of medicine. I read the reviews & that has helped ease some anxiety...but I am still a little scared. Thank you"
April 3, 2017
Opiate Dependence
"I was addicted to pain killers for some time and was spending a tremendous amount of money on them. My life became consumed by pain killers to the point where they were almost all I thought about. I tried Suboxone when I couldn't get anything else, to keep me from going into withdrawals. They were great. I had no desire to take anything else. I found a doctor and was put on 8mg. Suboxone 2x a day. I agree that they WILL help you get off opiates, BUT I feel it's substituting one drug for another. I feel normal, not high, when I'm on them."
September 12, 2009
"I'm 15 years old and before being on this I was a MESS. I was so anxious all the time I left school and it was just so bad I didn't hang out with friends for months but after being on it I can't even begin to explain how great I feel. I never feel nervous or anxious for ANYTHING I'm back at school , going to football games , hanging with friends everyday , and making new ones . This is the BEST. I have felt in so so long , probably ever! I'm so thankful for this medication ! It takes about 3 months for it to actually work but I HIGHLY suggest it!!!!!"
August 29, 2015
High Blood Pressure
"I have been on Acebutolol (Sectral) for 2 years now and my BP is pretty controlled. I am also on it for an elevated heart rate not related to mitral valve prolapse. My heart rate is usually in the 80s now. :)"
November 4, 2013
Emergency Contraception
"I am 255lbs/5'1 height and 33 years old. I say this because I read many reviews and doctor's explanation that the pill sometimes does not work on obese or overweight people. It worked for me. I took it within 4 hours of being intimate with my boyfriend. You feel like you are pregnant because for at least 5 days I felt like activity was going on in my uterus, and the day before my period arrived I had really bad cramps, when I have not had cramps since I was in high school, at 120lbs and a size 2. Yes, it throws off your period. I was not due to have my period for another 2.5 weeks. However, my period came 7 days after being intimate and taking the pill, immediately. So, it works! You might be a little paranoid and feel like your pregnant because of cramps and what feels like activity going on in your uterus, but it works!"
November 16, 2016
"Did not work that well."
September 19, 2009
Birth Control
"I was terrified to get this, but made the decision after I could no longer stand being on my birth control pills anymore due to severe migraines and upper lip pigmentation! The process to get this is quick and painless. However, it was very sore and painful the first few days and it did not fully heal, for me, until about a month. I was nervous about the constant bleeding, as a lot of people reported, but only had a period for ten days than nothing since then. No headaches, weight gain, bloating... The only thing is I find I'm more sensitive and moody, but I don't know for sure. That could just be because I moved across the country at the same time! I can feel the rod and have a tiny bit of pain once in a great while, but nothing bad. I recommend trying."
September 5, 2014
Schizoaffective Disorde
"It's a miracle for someone else to feel better (which I'm happy they do) but it does not work to me. I feel empty these days with lack of motivation to do anything. My hallucinations and voices don't go away that easy. I still find myself seeing shadows and hearing voices telling me words that aren't real. I'm not worried about the weight gain I just want the hallucinations and hearing voices to go away. I am diagnosed with schizoaffective which now make me doubt about it. My mood is stable (how others see on the outside) normal to everyone but it like putting myself to sleep and becomes even slow. aripiprazole was bad for me as it made me feel restless and suicidal."
December 25, 2016
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
"I'm 55 and was having soft erections and losing erection as well as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Asked the doc about the medical options and he prescribed 5 mg Cialis daily, or as needed, approx 1 hour before sex. Have just started but WOW this medicine has really worked for me. Easily aroused and strong, long lasting erections. I wasn't used to being so hard and lasting so long, so had a little trouble ejaculating but when I did it was like it was in my 20's. The one side effect has been pain in my back side. Eli Lilly offers a coupon for a free 30 day supply - what a great country!"
April 12, 2013
"Overall I've had good luck. I went on it to treat my acne. For the first 2 weeks my skin on my face and back got SO bad. Everything was inflamed to the point where sitting & leaning up against something was painful. Also, for the first month (my hormones where out of whack trying to adjust) so I was having intense mood swings. I was annoyed/ easily irritated by everything and had no patience causing me to snap at times uncontrollably. When it got to this point I wanted nothing more than to get off the medicines. But I'm so glad I stayed on it. After a month things got better. My body adjusted. No more severe mood swings & my acne is clear. I occasionally get breakouts the week before my period. No pregnancy & no weight gain either. Definitely try it!"
November 12, 2012
Diabetes, Type 2
"I started Trulicity about a year ago because the medication I was on kept crystalizing and was hard to inject. I have lost weight about 22 pounds over the course of a year. The biggest things to get used to were the nausea and the diarrhea but after giving 4 weeks to adjust to the medication my blood sugar does not spike like it used to and I felt better. I don't have my usual cravings for anything bad for me but I do have an appetite. I tell anyone who needs to lose a few pounds and lower blood sugar to stick with it. It will get better. I can't complain about the medication. All anti-diabetic agents cause the stomach issues. Hang in there."
November 3, 2015
Weight Loss
"I have lost 38 pounds on this since September, 2013. I am on a diabetic diet and a fitness program also. This medication has helped me a lot! Taken the edge off the hunger and helped me get my glucose levels under control. There are some side effects, but many of them went away by week 3. Metal taste in my mouth, headaches, constipation (has not gone away), and dry mouth/bad breath. This is not a miracle pill. You will have to work hard, and make good choices. My Doctor is helping me learn how to make better choices and make healthy living a part of my life. I plan on being on this medicine ONLY until I can successfully learn how to control my glucose levels and follow a plan consistently."
January 27, 2014
Birth Control
"I'm 25 single mother to 8 year old twins an IUD was my choice of birth control I've had paragard over 5 years already and I can say it's perfect haven't gotten pregnant, period lasts about 3 days, no mood swings, no pain, no heavy period. I love it and I'm happy I chose paragard I had used other birth control methods & hated them if you're not planning to have kids soon this is the best method to avoid having any lol"
March 31, 2017
Vaginal Yeast Infection
"I never use Monstat 7 before and I use it for the first time it made me burn and itching like crazy I will not recommend this product to any one . I had to flush it out with warm water to ease the burning this is the worst experience I have had with this product."
September 18, 2017
Anxiety and Stress
"Help with in two days- still helping after 4 years. Some side effects."
January 20, 2013
Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone
Birth Control
"This pill does not work. It gave me just enough pregnancy symptoms to where I didn't notice that I WAS pregnant until I started showing."
August 16, 2015
Birth Control
"I use to be on Yaz until the price got so high. I switched to a different one for a few months had awful side effects so my year check up came and my doctor recommended Beyaz. I have been on it for almost a year. And my sex drive is almost completely gone and I'm more moody on the pill than off. It's crazy. But I don't have any headaches anymore. Had no weight gain and no cramping or back aches on my period."
March 9, 2012
Generalized Anxiety Disorde
"I took 20 mg of generic Lexapro for GAD and depression. The side effects were bad. I felt really jittery, nauseous, very alert of everything around me, got headaches and drowsy. I took it for three years but it made my depression worse so I got off of it."
September 1, 2015
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
"My normal periods involved changing a super plus tampon hourly/wearing an overnight pad for 3 days, then 2 medium flow days, severe diarrhea, vomiting and extreme bloating and very paining cramps, heavy cloting. I decided to try this and the first two weeks were great, no bleeding or pain, then I got my period and it was very light with minimal cramps for one day! I was soooo happy I cried. One month later I'm still bleeding! It's super light and I only see light pink blood when I wipe. I hope it ends soon going to give it time and a few more shots. I don't think anyone should get this shot unless they were in my position with an abnormal heavy/painful period. I rather have light spotting for months than one week of extreme pain."
September 11, 2015
Birth Control
"Was on this pill for two years. Gained about 15 pounds, had cystic acne around my periods, and my mood swings were unbelievable. I would find myself getting so angry and irritated at everyone and everything for absolutely no reason. Perks were I didn't get pregnant and my periods were short and light, with no cramping. This was my 6th pill I tried and after this I gave up and switched to an IUD. Couldn't be happier."
August 30, 2016
Belladonna / opium
Overactive Bladde
"I have been operated on for Bladder cancer. My Doctor tried many pain medications to alleviate the pain from Bladder spasms as a result of the removal of the cancer from my bladder. B&O 16 is the only medicine that gave me relief from the spasms. Thank goodness it was available. I use it only as needed for the spasms, and it is not long term, however it has taken care of the problem and let me recover without the pain."
August 22, 2011
Bipolar Disorde
"Tried it for over 4 weeks. I didn't feel any different and seemed to get sicker the longer I was on it. Never got the rash but had pain all over my body (bones, arms, legs, stomach, etc). It was so bad I couldn't get out of bed without crying and being in severe pain. Wound up in the hospital and after being off of it for just over 2 days I was back to normal!"
September 12, 2009
Birth Control
"I would not recommend for anyone. What the doctors fail to mention is the constant pain and discomfort. They will also make excuses when asked to have it removed telling you to wait. After 5 years of pain, no sex life as the cramping is not worth it. finally i was granted my wish to have it removed. Unfortunately it was surgically as it had went into my uterine wall. The doctors fail to mention this product can ruin lives as im not sure if i can have children. Threads were still visible and had regular checks too. 3 days it has been gone and my headaces, cramps, pain down my leg gone with it. Yes it stops pregnancy but at the cost of it being potentally permanent and also the lack of sex drive. My advice please avoid."
November 21, 2015
"I have been taking this for about 6 months. I have anxiety and depression, and can't fall asleep because my mind is constantly going like a video recorder. I love it. No side effects, feel good waking up, sleep like a baby all night long. Look forward to going to bed at night knowing I will sleep through the night."
October 4, 2013
Overactive Bladde
"My Doctor put me on Flomax. I took it for 2 days and don't like it. I dream all night and still get up and pee 3 times during night, also my heart rate went up. Not for me."
March 4, 2010
My Way
Emergency Contraception
"*Ladies this is a real experience. I had unprotected sex around the time I was ovulating. So the chances of me getting pregnant was pretty high. I took the pill 24 hours later with my dinner and I was worried it wouldn't work. At first I didn't get any symptoms then a couple days to a week go by and I started to experience early pregnancy like symptoms. Today, I got my my period on time so relax it works . "
January 19, 2016
"This medication worked great for me to get rid of my headache. When I take it before I feel a bad migraine coming on, it alleviates it before it gets bad. My only complaint about this medication is I get really bad heart burn and I really do not sleep that well while I am on it. I guess you can%u2019t have everything."
March 11, 2010
"I had 1 injection less than a month ago and recently started having the following symptoms: intense fatigue herpes outbreak painful joints in hands and knees neck pain cough sore throat depression"
August 4, 2017
"I am on my third day of taking 50mg of Pristiq after 12 years of taking 150mg of EffexorXR every morning. I have had my depression and anxiety under control for the last 11 1/2 years because of therapy, family support and the EffexorXR. My main reason for trying Pristiq, which is very similar to Effexor, is to try to lessen the amount of time it takes to achieve orgasm. "It takes forever!" My doctor seems to think this will help. We'll see."
December 13, 2010
Amphetamine / dextroamphetamine
"Many doctors seem to be convinced that if you have an AD disorder, you simply can't get high on stimulant medications. This is NOT the case at all. First off, stimulant medications in general work well... very very well. The first day I took adderall I was at school. About an hour after I took my dose of 20mgs I started to feel this awake, alert, energetic feeling inside. I liked, a lot. For the next 5 hours all of my boring subjects became very interesting and I became a very social person. After about a month, those effects started to go away. I went to the doc and asked for a dose increase. Without any hesitation, he DOUBLED my dose to 40mg. I quickly found my self abusing adderall. 1 year later and I'm now in rehab for drug abuse."
February 19, 2016
Urinary Tract Infection
"I'm having an allergic reaction to this right now. I thought I was coming down with the flu but it has to be this medication. I took my last pill two hours ago and waiting for it to get out of my system."
September 30, 2012
Acetaminophen / butalbital / caffeine
"I have taken Fioricet for 20 plus years. This is the only medication that takes care of your pain. I am 63 years old and I take approx 8 tablets daily. My liver function tests always come back normal. Does anyone else have a situation like mine?"
March 24, 2013
"I've been on Lexapro for maybe 1.5 years, and this drug has worked pretty well in reducing my anxiety and depression. I started on 10mg which may have helped a tiny bit, but I still felt awful. A month or two after having my dose increased to 20mg, I started to feel better. Lexapro helped me lift myself out of my ~6 month long period of anxiety and depression, but I wasn't "cured." I still have mental issues which I need to work on. In terms of side effects, there were almost none. I got headaches right when I started and also after going on 20mg, but they only lasted a few days. I also find my long-term memory is a bit worse, and time seems to fly by faster. Oh, and it's super cheap if you can get the generic version."
June 15, 2017
Birth Control
"First of all, the other commenters are right on; it HURT. I took 800mg Ibruprofen an hour before and it still really hurt, like the most painful cramp ever. The bright side was that it only lasted about 40 seconds total and then the cramps calmed down. I was pretty okay a few minutes after, however, I didn't leave the doctors office until a half hour later. I almost passed out while walking through the waiting room, they noticed me & rushed 3 nurses out to me with a cold rag, juice, and a wheelchair. I guess I was sweating and turned blue, my body was like what is this thing!? 8 Days later and I still have moderate cramps, hoping they subside soon. A few days I've had no cramps at all, and other days I'm woken up at 3am! Hope it's worth it!"
March 16, 2017
"The pharmacist said the only side effect was vivid dreams. It is going down the Alice in Wonderland's rabbit hole. It is supposed to get better after a week. Here's hoping the pharmacist is right."
March 23, 2015
Endometrial Hyperplasia, Prophylaxis
"I was diagnosed 5 months ago with hyperplasia. I had experienced extreme periods with clotting and 7-10 bleeding for over 5 years. I thought this was normal for women approaching menopause, it is NOT. I was also 30-40 Lbs. over weight. My gynecologist put me on progesterone pills and a few months later she did a D&C. She told me my hyperplasia was gone and the best benefit is that i have no periods. I can't say enough about this pill. I am beyond child baring years so no periods is such a bonus!"
July 24, 2016
"I've only been using this gel for a few days and I can see a major difference. I have very sensitive skin so when I saw the reviews I got a little nervous, so when I tried it I was ready for red skin and rashes, but nothing happened. Within the next few days I saw a major improvement, which shocked me! I've used a lot of acne treatments and none of them worked, but within the first couple of days I could see my pimples going away! I don't think this is supposed to help with blackheads or whiteheads, but this is still totally worth it! And who knows maybe if I keep using it, it will help with them. I highly recommend this product to anyone with acne problems!"
October 6, 2017
"Diagnosed with narcolepsy and had frequent daily cataplexy. Nothing else worked, prior to getting diagnosed, hours and hours of sleep mixed with coffee, energy drinks and abuse of workout stimulants. After adjusting to the jitters and slight nausea, I've never felt better. Every now and then I will need a small nap, but I am sleeping deeper and sleep walking much less. I went from several cataplexy a day to only three in the last month. Those three only happened because I hadn't gotten enough sleep that night. This drug works the best for me when I get more than 6 hours of sleep, ideally 7 or 8 hours though. I am very happy overall, but it is ridiculously expensive if you aren't on an insurance plan, like me (just switched jobs)."
February 12, 2016
Migraine Prevention
"Works great to control my migraines it cut the frequency in half. Before starting this medication I would suffer migraines 3-4x/week. And the days that I didn't have a migraine, I still felt "foggy". However after only 6 weeks on it I gained 30 lbs, had urinary retention."
April 21, 2013
Birth Control
"I've had my implant for a little over a year. I got it late November 2015. Although I haven't gotten pregnant, I've had some things occur that lead me to believe it my implant. I started gaining weight in March of 2016, but most of it came on during the summer of this year 2016. I've gained 50 pounds withing the time span of having this. My daily routines have remained the same, and throughout most of my life, I've been the same weight or around it. This weight gain is rediculously dramatic. I've also had migraines pretty bad for 5+ years that Only last for about 10 hours at most. I've had a constant migraine, dizziness, blurry eyes, etc for a week and a half straight. It's never been like this so I believe it's my implant."
December 21, 2016
Bipolar Disorde
"After 40 years I finally found a medicine that works. I take it with Seroquel."
May 1, 2009
Chronic Pain
"short-term OK for pain would not want to take long term I am a cancer survivor and my most of my body hurts all the time I have yet to find a pain medicine that is safe and effective and non-addictive that helps with this side effect of massive amounts of chemo it's been 6 years and I've been living in pain everyday I understand why Colorado and California legalize marijuana I don't smoke pot I used to. but if someone comes over with a joint I may take a hit and I will say that marijuana does help the pain I would not want to use as a recreational drug but it does help the pain better than any opiate that I've ever taken"
August 20, 2016
Cold Sores
"Like so many others here, I've had cold sore outbreaks here and there since I was a little kid. It was Always a source of anxiety for me, either when I had one, or just worrying about when the next one was coming. I'm in my 30s now. About 2 years ago, I had my dentist call in a prescription when I had felt one coming on for a few hours ( the bump was forming ) not knowing what would happen. He called it in. I took my first dose within an hour. It never really formed, just stayed a bump for a half day or so and then flattened out and healed quickly. Since then I've always made sure to keep it on hand at home at my office. I've taken it several times since at the first signal and its been all clear. Cannot recommend enough!!"
December 26, 2015
"Took severe pain away. Hand and neck arthritis. Take with 2 Tylenol or ibuprofen every other dose for best relief. Brand name ultram 50 mg every 5-6 hrs if needed. For me, took most pain away! Better than vicodin and not sure why but so happy I have it. Cons: occasional nausea and big time constipation-take with laxative or colace. I started pill slowly- two 25mg per day over period of a week and worked up to 50 3 x per day over 3 weeks."
March 24, 2017
"I have no problem falling asleep, but wake in the night and sometimes cannot fall back to sleep. I take one half tablet 12.5 mg of Phenergen and even if my sleep is disturbed I fall back to sleep easily, and wake up refreshed."
February 19, 2015
Birth Control
"So I decided to try nexplanon BC you don't have to remember to take any pills... Well problem is I have been on my period for 3 months straight and its still going strong. I have had to take more migraine meds these past 3 months than I have in my lifetime (I'm 28). I went through more pads and tampons than I ever imagined possible. Men always joke and say how could a woman bleed for 7 days and still be alive. Well I have now been bleeding for over 90 days and I feel like I'm dying. I haven't removed it BC it cost so much to get put in and I really don't want to get pregnant. :( I have felt depressed. I am so emotional to the point where if I wake up tomorrow and still bleeding, I might just cry. Lol Lost 15 pounds though :)"
October 13, 2015
Fentanyl Transdermal System
Chronic Pain
"I was on the Fentanyl Patches for approx. 3 months. The 1st month was good, though no patch ever lasted 3 days. My doc updated my script to changing them every 48 hrs. By the third month, no patch was lasting more than 30hrs, and I was going through withdrawals so bad on the 2nd day that I have been switched to methadone pills for pain. I also had trouble with the patches staying on during showers. "
September 12, 2012
"It works very well for pain..it gives seniors energy to function and the side effects are very mild, if any. "
January 8, 2014
Muscle Spasm
"My doctor has me on FLexeril 10 mg 3 times a day but it doesn't work for me. I have been taking it for 2 weeks now he wants to up my dose. To 20 mg 3 times a day that sounds like a lot to me."
December 10, 2014
Buprenorphine / naloxone
Opiate Dependence
"Found this medication to be very effective in the betterment of my quality of life. No impairment whatsoever, during work or study. My sincere experience. Sincerely. Junior, from Dan Juan ,Puerto Rico. Thankyou"
November 6, 2016
Birth Control
"I've been taking this medication for about 1.5 years now. I had chronic migraines for over a year before I started taking this, with no explanation as to why I was having such awful headaches every single day. Ob-Gyn recommended me on birth control, and I haven't had a migraine for 1.5 years now! I don't have any bad side affects from this birth control (that I've noticed yet). Only having a period 4 times a year is definitely a plus!"
July 30, 2017
"I switched to Wellbutrin after a year of Zoloft mostly due to weight gain (I'd gained about 20 lbs. in a year). I started taking Wellbutrin 2x a day with a plan to eventually increase to extended release but the meds kept me up all night. I got maybe 4 hours of sleep a night even with Zzzquil. My sleep was extremely restless and I woke up about every hour. I called my doctor and asked if I could switch to the extended release version but she said it would probably be the same situation. I did like how the meds made me feel. Very little depression and I felt super energized and productive. Honestly I was almost too wired; I was very jittery and almost a bit manic."
June 14, 2017
Anxiety and Stress
"Eight months ago, I had a severe anxiety attack after cutting myself badly while cooking. One second I was fine, the next my heart was racing, dizzy, felt like running, felt I was losing control. After an hour I somewhat calmed down, but after thinking about the anxiety, I got nervous and another came on, and from that point on, for the next week, from the moment I woke up, until the moment I fell asleep (never more than 3 hours a night), I was having total anxiety attacks. Finally I called a psych, who told me to go to a clinic, and they gave me Xanax, which helped to bring down the anxiety, but it recurred after few hours. Finally they put me on Celexa and after 2 weeks, symptoms disappeared. It has kept me normal, no side effects. Good medicine."
October 27, 2009
"Horrific side effects and incredibly difficult to wean off of as well because of the withdrawal symptoms. When I first started taking it, I felt some relief but it didn't last very long. I'd taken Lexapro and Zoloft in the past and felt that, over time, they were no longer helpful in treating my depression which is why my doctor put me on Effexor. It took me a while to realize this medication was worsening my depression symptoms and I didn't realize it until after a botched suicide attempt. I don't recommend this medication to ANYONE for any reason. Worst of the worst as far as I'm concerned. It'll trick your brain for a little while into thinking you're improving but the depression and anxiety will come back and hit you ten times worse!"
May 12, 2016
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
"Now 61, for four years I have suffered a reduction of urinary flow and an increased urge to urinate due to BPH. Frequently, this would result in near sleepless nights as I arose every hour to urinate. Also, each urination would be accompanied by some pain or burning. Doctor encourages homeopathic remedies and for a few months, I got some relief from taking SAW PALMETTO. However, this effect was short lived and soon all my symptoms returned. Doctor next recommended Flomax (tamsulosin). This failed due to two side effects; headache and loss of erections. We finally tried a 5mg dose of daily Cialis. What a difference! My urinary problems have nearly vanished while experiencing only minor acceptable side effects."
August 15, 2015
"I was extremely against Xanax because of knowing people who abused it, and being someone who will try homeopathic cures before using prescriptions. That said, it really helps me. I have anxiety I would describe as anywhere from mild- severe depending on the day, and week. But sometimes I get in these intensely anxious thought patterns, where I cannot let go, its terrible.Taking medication during these periods is a god-send. It allows me to return back to my normal non-anxious self. I rarely have noticed sleepiness as an effect of the medication- only when I was already sleepy before taking it. If you don't abuse your dose, it shouldn't cause you to feel out of it or have memory loss, if you truly suffer from anxiety. That's my experience"
June 7, 2017
"The cadilac of ADD medications! Little to no side effects. Only one that truly helped me."
March 10, 2008
Multiple Sclerosis
"I was diagnosed relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis MS April 2016. August 2016 and February 2017 the MRI showed minimal activity. My neurologist advised me to start using Copaxone, 3 times a week - 40 mg. I've been injecting myself without the auto injector and so far so good. I only inject in my belly and legs (in the evening). When injecting in my belly I experience a burning/itchy feeling. This fades away after an hour. It's an awkward feeling but not a big deal. When injecting my legs I experience stiffness of my leg muscle. After a few hours it is gone. The stiffness is a nuisance but not a big deal. Next morning, no more itchy sensations or muscle stiffness. All gone. Because I am only using it for 2 weeks I don't know if it helps but so far I am very happy"
March 17, 2017
Urinary Tract Infection
"I got a UTI maybe a couple days after my cycle ended and was trying to do home remedies, but my boss told me it's better to get antibiotics so I don't end up in the ER. I am on my third day of Macrobid and the only thing it really does is make me feel better, aside from using my energy to help me get better. So I really only feel fatigue, but I drink lots of water or things with Vitamin C, to help as well, and I take the capsule with bread. Other than the fatigue, it's dealing with my UTI so I can't complain."
February 26, 2016
Bacterial Infection
"Literally I feel like the this is the worst medication I've ever been on. Surgeon put me on this for an oral abscess.... been dying for like 5 days and two more to go. Can't sleep but I'm so tired eat, look at light, worst headache ever. Stomach hurts but this headache makes me forget about that. All in all, I feel horrible."
August 7, 2017
"Currently taking 16mg of Medrol once a day as part of undergoing IVF, although I've taken it in the past at smaller doses to help with my chronic, moderately-severe asthma, which worsens in winter. While I love prednisone for what it does in helping me breathe (and hopefully in successfully helping me achieve motherhood), I hate its side effects. For me, the biggest problem is the anxiety (though weight gain isn't fun). I already have an underlying anxiety disorder, but taking this, especially in higher doses makes me feel truly "crazy." Panic at unbearable levels, insomnia, sweaty, clammy hands and feet, racing heart, irrational/inconsolable....the whole nine yards. I use it strictly as a last (or only) resort and not without caution."
December 16, 2015
Chlamydia Infection
"Just after taking the 4 pills around two hours ago, half an hour after taking them I started feeling really sick and had the worst cramps in my stomach. I went asleep for an hour but it didn't help, still feeling extremely sick and crampy. The doctor never warned me about these side affects and sounds like they're pretty common. No more sex for me, not going through this again."
March 2, 2016
Anxiety and Stress
"I tried several other anti-depressants before being prescribed fluoxetine. It has really made a huge difference in my life. I used to suffer from constant anxiety, racing thoughts, depression, and suicidal thoughts. I couldn't drive a car, go grocery shopping, order fast food, leave my house, or even talk to friends and family without having a mental breakdown. Eventually, I was completely dysfunctional and hopeless. In combination with DBT therapy, I have greatly improved. I still have sad days, but my anxiety is pretty much non-existent. Life is not a constant struggle. When I first started fluoxetine, I was very nauseous and could not orgasm. After a few days, the nausea wore off, and with practice, my sex life returned to normal."
September 27, 2013