884 values
Rheumatoid Arthritis
"I have been using Aleve for about 6 months. This medicine helps relieve all my aches and pains. I'm 68 and working in food industry. Although I experience severe body and joint pains on a daily basis I take one Aleve on the days I work and can put in 4 to 6 hours pain free. I have not suffered any side effects so far. So far none of the other medicines I have tried have been as effective as Aleve."
August 29, 2009
"Has anyone gained weight on this"
February 9, 2017
Ulcerative Colitis, Active
"My doctor switched me from Asacol (which was working very well) to Lialda and the results were horrible. When I started having bad flare ups my gastroenterologist had no clue what do do. She put me on Remicade over 16 months with no results and I was miserable. When I suggested that perhaps it was the Lialda that was causing the problems she stated that that was "not likely". Well, after about two years of misery and being back on steroids, I switched doctors - a guy who came highly recommended. After a heart to heart consultation with him, he stated he had some patients who did not do well with Lialda and decided to take me off that medication immediately. Within three weeks I was off steroids, back to using Asacol and life is now okay."
October 27, 2011
Rheumatoid Arthritis
"I have been on diclofenac 75mg twice a day for 5 years. The first year I took it 2 X each day. After the methotrexate began to kick in, I now only take it when needed when I get a flare up. At the most, only about once per week, sometimes less. It has made a big difference in helping me manage the pain of rheumatoid arthritis."
July 18, 2009
Vaginal Yeast Infection
"Personally, thus drug gives me a fixed drug eruption in the form of a huge, round rash on one of my breasts that is intensively itchy and burns. It feels like a horrible sunburn. Therefore, I am clearly not a fan."
November 8, 2015
"Prozac really worked for me. It kept my depression under control along with my anxiety. Only side affects is you can forget about sex!!! I also experienced short term memory loss."
October 29, 2013
"This Migraine Med is a must have if you expereince regular Migraines..no side effects!"
March 3, 2008
"I absolutely loved Pristiq - great energy - great sex - felt good. I unfortunately suffered a side effect that I couldn't empty my bladder all the way. So that meant sleep deprivation. My MD thought it was a UTI, but getting off the medicine and seeing a urologist cleared up the symptoms. The urologist said it was a very common side effect of Pristiq. He put me on Flomax for a couple of weeks... Loved Pristiq, hate that I can't take it."
October 10, 2009
"This is a terrible pill and I wouldn't recommend anybody to start this med unless you are ready for the bad side effects of coming off of this med when it doesn't work . This med cause me to lose about 3 years of memory lose and almost my marriage."
January 8, 2016
Suprep Bowel Prep Kit
Bowel Preparation
"Took my first dose 2 hours ago. I smelled it and thought to myself "this won't be too bad.. It smells like cough syrup!" Well, two sips in I was gagging like no other. It took about a half hour to choke it down. Instantly, cramps and the worst nausea I've ever experienced. Slowly a headache added to my problems and I've been miserable since. First movement just happened and yeah, faucet-butt that won't shut off! It definitely works. But I'm scared that I won't be able to get my second dose down."
June 30, 2017
"19 years old. I experienced acne since 12 on chest, face, neck, and extending to my entire back. Beginning my third month of Claravis and I have ENTIRELY been cured of my acne. I no longer have any pimples and I don't wear makeup anymore. It's incredible. Side effects: chapped lips. First month: Fatigue"
July 1, 2012
Weight Loss
"I have been on Belviq for about 1.5 years - I initially started taking it to lose weight before my wedding last year. From the time I began taking Belviq (August 2015), I started feeling results - although slow - within about a month. I had several fittings and such before the big day and the seamstress had to keep taking my dress in. I had lost about 20 lbs in ~4 months! I was amazed! So here we are two months after my wedding anniversary, and I am currently down ~75lbs. I started at about 245 - and the last time I weighed myself I was at 170. I have gone from a size 18/20 to a size 12. I would still like to lose another ~20 lbs, and I have no doubt I'll get there with Belviq."
January 4, 2017
Budesonide / formoterol
"The medicine worked right off the bat, after 30 minutes or so, could breathe much better, and as a smoker, helped my wheezing go away, and not as tired with more energy. NOW the BAD part. I have had a heart attack and have 3 stents. For 3 years, my bp has been perfect at 110/65 with a pulse of 58 to 65 even drinking caffiene and smoking. Since starting this, BP has increased a little, but pulse no matter what stays above 110 24/7, SO, can't take it for that reason only..."
November 20, 2016
"It works well for depression. Even stopped nerve pain that I didn't know I had since I had lived with it all my life. I just thought it was normal to have pins and needle feeling in my nerve endings. Lifted the depression. Was okay on anxiety, but still had to take Valium for true panic attacks. Warning though - getting off this medication can give hard withdrawals. You have to slowly wean yourself off. If not, you will get brain freezes or shivers which are freaky and scary. Also, extremely irritable coming off of it."
June 17, 2013
Upper Respiratory Tract Infection
"Works great for strep infection."
September 20, 2011
"Severe leg pain , cramping in legs and feet, bruising. Not a good med for me."
February 3, 2016
"Today I received the results of my bone density test after being on Boniva for two years. I am delighted to say that there is a reversal of my osteoporosis. Thank you, Boniva!"
June 19, 2009
Motion Sickness
"I've had terrible motion sickness, and nothing has worked until I used this medication. It worked PERFECT the first few times. I took it everytime I traveled in a plane. However, I've noticed the more I use the patch, the worse the side effects have become. After using the patch, I now experience extremely dry throat/eyes/nose, blurred vision, and even nausea. Although it has successfully kept me from becoming sick while traveling up until this point, I'm not sure if this effect will always hold true."
August 31, 2010
Head Lice
"2nd time in 14 month my daughter has lice. Used rid. Day 2 small live lice appeared. Possibly hatched overnight. Called pediatrician and day 2 got a script for Sklice. With coupon & insurance, paid $10. I was so hopeful this was the answer to our prayers. My daughter has very long hair & takes hours to nit pick. I even use a magnifier lamp light to check her head which I highly recommend! Sklice is supposed to kill nits. My older daughter has a microscope &did a little science experiment:out of about 15 nits, 6 were still alive. I have checked her hair daily for 7 days since using Sklice and vacuumed & laundered everything (more than once) & day 7 found a live louse on her head! Retreated with rid and cleaned again! Disappointed w/sklice."
August 20, 2016
Birth Control
"New to IUD, never had kids. Easy insertion, NO cramping, NO heavy flow -- I wish I'd gotten a ParaGard IUD sooner!"
April 15, 2017
mance Anxiety
"Like most people on here, I have super bad public speaking anxiety. I'll freak out months, weeks, days before and essentially just shut down when I have to get up and talk. In the past, I've had terrible voice shaking, felt my body go weak and no longer able to stand, my eyes go fuzzy and I can't see anything. I've only used this for one group presentation so far, but it was actually amazing what it did for me. I had a pit in my stomach before I went up because I was unsure if it would kick in or not, but I actually was able to talk! I was articulate and actually able to get through the whole thing really well. Absolutely get it if you're struggling!"
December 5, 2017
Vaginal Yeast Infection
"This is the meanest diabolical cream. Not sure what sick experiment this is. Do not believe good review, probably someone from drug company. I had instant cramping, burnt the inside of me and the outside. Did not work!! Report to health Canada, the company itself or FDA. Needs to go!!!"
December 12, 2017
"I take it often since I have anxiety a lot at school but now I have been very itchy and have had loss of appetite.. It doesn't work that well for anxiety and these side effects are horrible. (It's an as needed)"
December 25, 2015
"After 3 days of taking this medication I was suffering from constant gastrointestinal issues, which is something I have never experienced on antibiotics before even with probiotics. On day 4 I began with severe itching, burning, and hives and returned to the doctor. This antibiotic also seemed to have little affect on my original illness. I am now on a Z pack and feel much better. Now I have to be on a long course of Prednisone for my allergic reaction which has yet to subside. This by far has been the worst antibiotic I have ever taken in my life. Never ever again!"
March 1, 2016
Bipolar Disorde
"It saved my life and lives of others I came in contact with at times."
March 7, 2009
Birth Control
"26 years old with previously regular periods, lasting 5 days. Cramped, but normal. I dealt with cystic acne during my cycle. I had sklya inserted April 2015, so 6 month now. It was extremely painful. The cramps/pain/bleeding did not stop. It would come on suddenly/severely that it totally had me hit the floor in agony. MRI showed a cyst burst; I never had cysts prior to this. I continued to have horrible cramping/spotting throughout the months and especially during my period. Cystic acne increased to a level I have never experienced before. 6 months later, still horrible acne, period last @2 wks,with bad cramping, 2 weeks in between, and then the period begins again. It is coming out! I waiting the 6 months, but this is not acceptable."
October 27, 2015
Pseudotumor Cerebri
"I was diagnosed back in 2011. I am 22 years old, about to start college and found out that I had psudotumor cerebri, it took the doctors 3 days and 2 nights to figure out what was wrong with me, I went on toprimate, diamox, and for the migraines I was also on Fioricet. I have been through many, many doctors. Moved down to KY with my family in 2013, been here for two years. I have learned to live with the pain and the headaches, I finally was able to find neurologist, and he put me on diamox. I have lost 8 IBS being on it already, tingling in the fingers, and around my lips. I no longer drink pop anymore at all, it works."
April 29, 2015
Clinpro 5000
Prevention of Dental Caries
"I have had a perfect check up, for four years in a row, using Clinpro toothpaste. It has saved me alot of money, & improved my gums. I am very satisfied with this product. I would recommend everyone to invest in it. My Dentist is one of the top 500 Dentists in America, located in Fort Smith, Arkansas, who recommended me to start using this great product. I have all the faith in my Dentist. Just brush with Clinpro, floss daily, & have regular check ups, and I believe you will be happy as I am with this toothpaste. It has more fluoride & calcium than any toothpaste over the counter. I encourage everyone to try this toothpaste."
July 22, 2015
Ethinyl estradiol / norgestimate
"I've been on this birth control for six months and I love it. I had acne all over my back and very few on my face. Within the first month my face cleared up and some on my back. Im now going on my seventh month and my whole back is clear. Ladies with acne definitely need to try this and Give it time to work"
March 21, 2014
Birth Control
"I had it implanted in October of 2013. I didn't have a period at all for the first year and then the week of the one year mark I got one. Totally normal about 5 days just like my periods before getting pregnant. From then (oct 2014 to now June of 2015 I've had a period about every 3-4 months. They are totally normal or very light. That part has been GREAT! The negative side effects I've seen have been some break outs on my face, mild mood swings and irritability. But it hasn't ever gotten bad enough to make me want to get it removed. I have sex regularly and it has done its job. No babies. And I also started losing weight after being on it. I would say this is a great choice if you don't wanna worry about taking a pill every day!"
June 23, 2015
Bupropion / naltrexone
"I have lost 26lbs during the past six months. I didn't work out consistently, I am going to to continue to take it as I still have more I want to lose."
December 7, 2015
"This medication has pretty much saved my sanity. Got diagnosed with migraine 2 years ago after having one so bad doctor thought I was having a stroke. Started off getting migraines at 4 or 5 a month but am now up to 9 in a 13 day period so am being investigated for triggers etc but zolmitriptan has been amazing every time. Guess I'm the lucky one not getting side effects per se but I already suffer from CFS/ME so wouldn't notice extra fatigue anyway. I get this on a UK prescription at 12 tablets each time so maybe £UK18.00 per month."
June 11, 2016
Magnesium sulfate / potassium sulfate / sodium sulfate
Bowel Preparation
"Overall experience is ok. My mix: refrigerated suprep, slightly chilled water, ginger ale. Drink as fast as you can. After gulping down as much as you can simply suck on a lemon to get rid of the taste. Continue process and it'll be over quickly. The second bottle in the morning is tougher. Might be because your stomach is not expanded and chugging the solution plus two more 16oz bottles of water is really filling. It started working for me 20min after drinking. Be sure to get wet wipes. BTW there's no pain with the bathroom part of it, not like an upset stomach, it takes surprisingly little effort for the bowel movement. Good luck"
July 23, 2015
High Cholesterol
"My doctor prescribed Lopid after my triglyceride levels were out of control. I feel great! No side effects and with Lopid and fish oil they are much better. From 1900 a year ago to 160."
October 15, 2009
"I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS DRUG! I like many of you really from what I have read had a great experience AT FIRST. I am 26 years old and do sales for a living. I was on cloud nine towards the beginning trail of this prescription. I was able to concentrate more than I had in months and was more motivated to go out and look for new leads for my company. I found that I would get dizzy or a tab nauseous but I found that staying hydrated and always having a water bottle with me helped out. I developed a problem where I would know what I wanted to say but when I went to speak it didn't come out right and literally made me sound like I was high or drunk. VERY SCARY!"
May 11, 2015
Smoking Cessation
"A smoker for 30 years and decided to try Champix after several failed atempts at quiting, three days into course I hated the taste of smoking. That was 14 months ago, take Champix with food to stop the sicky feeling, don't give up give them a chance, they work."
October 29, 2014
Plan B
Emergency Contraception
"Took the Plan B pill 1 hour after intercourse. I took it on an empty stomach, which you should NOT do. I felt crazy symptoms for about 1 month. It felt as if I were pregnant. I have been nauseous, tired, mood swings. Horrible feeling, and it lasted quite a while. 1 week after I had taken the pill, I got some spotting that lasted 3 days. I took 7 home pregnancy tests (all negative) because of all the worry. But I just received my period today, which I am so happy about. "
July 12, 2013
Birth Control
"I got my Implanon inserted on June 30th of this year, on the last day of my period. I may have spotted for 2 days after about 15 days of having it. However, it is now October 20th and I have not gotten my period yet, no bleeding or nothing, and I am not pregnant. I may have gained about 5 pounds, but I won't blame the Implanon, I have been bad with my eating habits. I have not gotten acne, or cramps, or moods or anything, although I may have a little headache once in a while, but nothing else."
October 20, 2009
Birth Control
"I have tried all methods if birth control except the shot and nothing was right for me. I always experienced headaches, terrible mood swings, nausea, weight gain and actually forgetting (the pill). I heard about the IUD, but was so afraid to give it a try because of all of the horrible reviews that I have read. After realizing that everyone is different, and not remembering to take the pill daily I thought what the heck. I spoke to my doctor and I had the Mirena inserted yesterday. Although it was very uncomfortable, not as painful as some of the postings. I did feel a pinch and cramped slightly, but the process was not that day. Today (day 2) I am cramping, but nothing that a few ibuprofen couldn't handle. I am spotting and have on a pantyliner."
November 20, 2009
Adapalene / benzoyl peroxide
"Its funny to read how many get "burned and dry/ flaky skin". The first thing my doctor told me was, EASE into it! use a VERY light layer and ONLY at night - not in the morning as well. A pea sized amount is enough. Put it on your finger and dot it around your face and then massage them out. He also told me that if it starts to burn/hurt, STOP using it for a few days. You should NEVER EVER keep using it when your face is in pain, obviously. Plus you need a very good, heavy moisturiser. This stuff is made from peroxide and retinoid, so it will sting a little the first times you use it, but if you use common sense it will go away within weeks. I feel bad that people use it the wrong way and then blame the product. Works great for me"
August 22, 2014
"Tried ambien but it lost it effect around 10 months. Lunesta tasted like I sucked on a roll of pennies all night. Trazodone just wasn't really effective. I take 30mg of restoril about 20 mins before I need to be in bed. Otherwise I've awaken in different parts of house. I also take a .75mg give or take .25mg of Xanax as a kicker. I would have problems staying asleep. Sometimes no more sleep that night sometimes the crappy toss n turn sleep till you get mad n get up. Then drag ass all day. Occasionally I still get one of those nights but they are once in a long while. It works for me and I recommend (but does not for a friend) If you've tried the others give it a try it's cheap nothing to loose."
May 7, 2015
Birth Control
"Its been 5 months since I got the implant and I have already gained more than 15 pounds. The first 2 months was constantly having headache which I never had before and soreness in my breast. I have mood swings. Sometimes I snap for no reason. Definitely easily irritated. My sex libido also decreased. The only good thing about this birth control is that you don't get your period anymore. A little spotting but not bleeding. I'm taking it out for sure."
July 13, 2016
Period Pain
"Cataflam is a life saver but it takes about an hour after swallowing to start working. I take 2 at a 6 hr interval and can take up to six at the end of the day, but that's only for the first day of the period. "
July 17, 2013
Ethinyl estradiol / norgestimate
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
"I was on microgestin 1.5 for almost a year but hated the way it made me feel bloated and uncomfortable all the time. I take birth control to help with my horrible cramps that leave me bed ridden if not controlled. My Dr. Switched me to triNessna and at first it was great. No side effects...no bloating...slight change in my sex drive. But it didn't help with the cramps...as a matter of fact I would cramp longer during my period on it than I would without it. I thought since I had just stared it I would give it some time. I've been on it for 6 months now and I have been bleeding/spotting on and off throughout the day for 4 days now and I'm in the middle of the pack. I'm making him switch to something else."
December 5, 2017
Ethinyl estradiol / norgestimate
Birth Control
"I have been on this birth control for 3 months now. Since starting I have been nothing but sick. Every time I eat I've been sick afterwards. I haven't gained weight, my breasts have increased in size but are tender. I stopped taking it. "
October 4, 2011
Birth Control
"I will make 3 years of being on Skyla April 2018. So far I have had a miserable experience on Skyla. When I first got it inserted I cramped and bleed for 2 months straight. I went back in for checkups during those two months and the doctor said it was normal. And that my body was just adjusting. The bleeding stopped after the 3rd month, but started back immediately after having sex. And from that point on it was a constant cycle or stopping, sex, bleeding back on. I would say out of an entire month I only had like 10 days (if that) of not bleeding. My cycles were not heavy, and I didn't really experience any cramps, but bleeding constantly gets to be annoying. I would probably not get a new one inserted after my 3 years is over."
July 25, 2017
Ethinyl estradiol / levonorgestrel
Birth Control
"I started taking Aviane because of horrible PMS while on Mircette and did the three month continuous route. It kind of helped alleviate PMS but for some reason my body wouldn't listen to the pill and continued to have a monthly period well into the second three month span along with spotting. The breaking point was when I had a total PMS episode complete with migraine and heavy period about a month and a half into the second three months. I am switching to Yaz, and hoping things improve!"
April 11, 2012
High Blood Pressure
"Taking the slow release, 120 mg version. I take it at night about 30 minutes before bedtime. Averts any dizziness since I am going to bed to sleep. BP has been good 125/80 generally. resting pulse of about 60. Thankfully I am optimal weight and I exercise 4 to 5 times weekly, mostly a 2 mile walk each time and about 50 situps. Drinking lots of water to stay hydrated. mild constipation so I eat a cup of yogurt at least every other day."
March 24, 2016
Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo
Birth Control
"I have been taking Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo for about five weeks now. I had some back pain the first week. When my period came it was very heavy and lasted longer. Now in week five I am having terrible low back pains, slight nausea and I'm a bit emotional at night...not sure if I should wait for the hormones to balance out in the next couple of months or talk to the doctor about other options?"
August 20, 2012
Birth Control
"I was on Skyla for about 2 years and had an okay experience. The pros- insertion and removal were quick and easy, just a pinch. I had some cramping following both but in both cases it didn't last longer than a day. Not having to worry about taking the pill. This was the entire reason I got on. It was nice not to worry about it. The cons- Irregular bleeding. Some months I had the heaviest flow which would last 10 days and others I had light sporting for 2 days. It was very frustrating to be inconsistent. Also, body acne. I started breaking out on my back, shoulders, chest, and neck all places I had never had before. Anxiousness during sex, I know the Dr says it can't be moved, but I felt pain/fear when a partner went too deep. Hope I helped!"
May 29, 2015
Parkinson's Disease
"I had to stop taking Zelapar because I was having an operation. After a couple of days the operation was postponed and I forgot that I had stopped taking Zelapar. Anyway mid-day one afternoon I was having a horrible time because it seemed all movement had stopped, the next day the same, a couple of more days went by and I figured my good luck was up and it was time for either new medicines or a D.B.S. Then I remembered that I was not taking the Zelapar, well I went back to my daily dose and I am almost my old moving self. Thanks."
January 19, 2009
Ethinyl estradiol / norgestrel
Birth Control
"I've been on this pill about 8 months now. It's my 3rd birth control. Tricyclics give me bad migraines and I was on minastrin before this. Minastrin always made me really sad for no reason, too nauseous to eat, very moody and depressed and had no period. Cryselle was such a big turnaround for me. I'm back to my normal happy self, periods only last 1-2 days rarely any cramping. Only thing I noticed was a little bit of weight gain but that could also be from switching as the last birth control made me too sick to eat half the time."
January 5, 2016
"Works within 2 hours but my migraine always returns the next day. I take the medication the next day - headache goes away within two hours - comes back the next day again. Medication works but I feel extremely tired and depressed for the three days. Insurance companies also limit me to 9 pills a month which adds to my stress."
January 8, 2016
Smoking Cessation
"I've been smoking a pack a day for 15 yrs and been trying to quit since my first child was born 10 yrs ago but it never happen. I started taking Chantix 16 Aug 2012 through smoke cessation class and continued to smoke until my 9th day which is 25 Aug 2012. Ever since I'm smoke free for almost over a month now. Chantix give me a second life. My experience while on Chantix are; headaches on the first week, can't concentrate, a little bit emotional irritability, having vivid dreams, peeing in the middle of the night but after your first week you should be able to cope up with the side effects. I highly recommend it though. I stopped taking it after 50 days I felt that I no longer need it. I been smoke free ever since."
September 30, 2012
Seroquel XR
Bipolar Disorde
"Been on Quetiapine MR for around 9 months. 300mg at night. Found it far less sedating than Olanzapine. Its been a miracle for my Bipolar, absolutely no depression and no manic episodes. Yeah I put on weight but the effects on my mood and mental health have been incredible."
March 23, 2016
Urinary Tract Infection
"When taking macrobid I felt slightly nauseous and had a headache for a few hours. My advice is to eat a light meal with it. I didn't hence I felt sick. After 5 days symptoms improved though. Glad I stuck through it the last 4-5 days :)"
July 2, 2016
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
"34 year old suffering from swollen prostate medicine worked good but had to stop taking it do to back pain that spread to my legs."
August 17, 2016
"Psoriasis since 16 now 26 and tried everything! Humira was great it changed my life for better and with no major issues. If anything it made me lose weight. It lasted like almost 3 years. Obviously it's like any other treatments."
August 25, 2016
"I was prescribed Linzess for my Irritable Bowel Syndrome and the constipation that comes with it. After taking it daily for a week with good results, I got bad diarrhea. My doctor told me to only take it when needed instead of every day. I feel a lot better now that I'm not taking it every day. My only gripes are the diarrhea if I'm not careful and the very specific time of day I have to take it (in the morning at least 30 minutes before my first meal... kind of a pain for a busy working person). It's also pretty expensive, which gives me another reason to be glad I'm no longer taking it every day. Besides that, it's a huge relief to finally have regular bowel movements that aren't a strain to pass."
July 23, 2014
"While effective in decreasing my depression, I developed almost every side effect listed, (including anxiety, muscle soreness, unbearable joint pain, excessive sweating, severe memory loss, GERD, dysuria, brain shivers, hypothyroidism, loss of menstruation) and found myself on medications to treat each of them, ultimately using 19 prescription medications to deal with the side effects. If I could have anticipated the side effects, and the expected difficulty of weaning off this, I would have continued to search for a better alternative. "
March 1, 2012
Birth Control
"I had the Implanon Implant put in October 2009 and have felt it has been the best choice for me. My period is irregular, I never know when I'm going to get it but so far that is the worst part I have experienced, my weight has stayed steady and have had no pregnancy scares, since my period has become irregular and sometimes spaced out by 5-6 weeks I will sometimes take a pregnancy test to make sure it is indeed working and so far so good, thumbs up from me."
June 29, 2010
Constipation, Chronic
"I have been on this medicine for about a month. I was given samples of a higher mg than what I am prescribed and those seemed to work the best. Then, I couldn't afford to get the medicine from the pharmacy for about a week and had no bm during that time. Yesterday, I took the medicine and still nothing but stomach pain. Today, I am taking it again with the hopes of having some relief."
October 16, 2016
Diabetes, Type 2
"I couldn't tolerate metformin at all. Moving to Januvia was wonderful. I've been on it for a year and a half and have had no side effects whatsoever. Blood glucose numbers and A1c (5.7!) have been good, but I also exercise and closely watch my diet."
July 13, 2009
Bipolar Disorde
"I was deeply suicidal for 15 years with repetitive suicidal thoughts on a daily basis. I was at the end of my rope close to killing myself and my doctor suggested latuda. I started at 80 mg 1x a day at bed time. Suicidal thoughts and constant thoughts of my 15 year old cat constantly dying largely diminished. I have a down episode once every 6 days about where I am hopeless and negative thinking again, but that lasts only a day or two. I am not missing work any more and have no problem waking up. I can only sleep 3 hours a night though after 3 months and my doctor upped me to 120 mg. Bad decision still sleepless. Going to try to go down to 40mg to help sleep will report back with results. Xanax and unisom help sleep. Well after 6 months on"
December 25, 2015
Otitis Media
"I have been given this for otitis media and upper respiratory infections. It is a good "kick start" but the full effect is only achieved after a three-day course of injections. It works but is quite painful, especially for pediatric patients."
October 31, 2011
"Within a week I felt an immediate change. I no longer obsess over tiny little details or let opportunities pass me by because of my anxiety. I feel like a normal person. Give it a chance!!!"
March 9, 2015
"During a recent stretch of terrible anxiety which crept up very slowly, I suddenly became incapacitated. I was in fear of everything and I couldn't function- AT ALL. I went to my doctor and explained the symptoms and he recommended Lexapro 10 mg. with Klonopin .5 mg. as needed. I took both medications and the Klonopin erased all the startup side effects of the Lexapro such as increased nervousness, insomnia, and poor appetite. As soon as the Lexapro kicked in, ( about three weeks) I was able to step off the Klonopin and have felt great ever since. Anxiety has been wiped out and sleep has improved. I feel 100% better. Don't give up, this medication WORKS !!"
December 19, 2014
Vaginal Yeast Infection
"Omg! I am going crazy... Im glad to see im not the only one... I put the cream in around 10pm and almost immediately it started itching... Its now 12am and it has not let up at all.. I wish I could scratch my insides it itches so bad.. I got the 3 day but there is no way I am going to put myself through another night of this... I'm thinking a nice hose down of my insides might make me feel better... Wish me luck"
March 2, 2016
"I was prescribed 5mg of Abilify as a 'booster' to the Wellbutrin 200mg I have been taking for over 5 years. The combination is great! I felt like myself in only a few days and it has continued to be effective over the past 18 months that I've been on the combination. I would highly recommend talking to your doctor about this, it has changed my life!"
August 28, 2013
Birth Control
"I've been on the Nuvaring for about 5 years and it has been awesome! I had no side effects, normal periods. Although my boyfriend could feel it sometimes while we were having sex but it wasn't painful for either of us so it wasn't a big deal. I like it too because when my boyfriend was deployed for months at a time I could stay off it and put a ring in a few weeks before he was coming back. I would highly recommend it!"
January 10, 2013
Birth Control
"i saw negative reviews on Orsythia but decided to try it anyway, but I wish I hadnt. I was so anxious and had the worst mood swings. I would get so angry over little things I wouldn't give a second thought to normally. I snapped at my boyfriend, friends and family practically once in every conversation when I used to be so calm and light-hearted. I eventually thought enough is enough and switched to Junal Fe and finally back to my normal self. Orsythia also made me completely repulsed by food, so I lost about 12 pounds, but I'm barely 5 foot 2 so 12 pounds is a huge difference. Only positive is that I didnt get pregnant."
August 26, 2016
Zoledronic acid
"Do not use this drug or any bisphosphonate. The first year I used it 3 of my fingernails had lifted off their nail bed. The 2nd year I got osteonecrosis of my left lower jaw. I loss 3 teeth, cannot have implants due to poor bone quality. The 3rd year my doctor had decided not to give it to me. I still suffered side effects of this drug. I was standing in one place ironing a shirt when I heard a pop in my leg and could feel my femur moving over. That was 2 years ago and my femur is still fractured. I just had my 4th surgery and hoping this heals my fracture."
May 20, 2017
"I had pretty bad breakouts when I first started using this product, but now that I use it my face is so much clearer! Any time I'm having a breakout, I put some Epiduo on it at night and it's already better in the morning. The only bad thing with using this is it dries out your skin. So I have to use plenty of moisturizer! But it's great!"
February 12, 2014
Breast Cancer, Metastatic
"I've been on the generic anastrozole for 2 months with no side effects. I also take Zoladex every 3 months as I was pre-menopausal when I had breast cancer."
March 4, 2011
Bupropion / naltrexone
Weight Loss
"I started Contrave 3.5 weeks ago. At the end of week two I started with the headaches, and progressed into being so dizzy I couldn't make it to work. Even the traffic was making me throw up, by the movement. Into week 3, I was out of work several days because of the migraine headaches, and dizzy spells. No relief in sight, even while taking 2 to 3 800mg ibuproprin a day. I finally had to stop the medication, while trying to wean myself off at one pill in the am a day, I'm still sick all day. I think I'm one that just can't take this medication, and wish I could, because I need the lose this weight. I'm 210lbs, 5'3, at 58 yrs old, help!"
September 7, 2016
Birth Control
"I can go another 2 years with this. I haven't gained any weight but my appetite goes back and forth for one day. I can eat once a day or some days I eat four times a day. My sex drive has stayed the same, my hair also broke off in the middle. But since I am a college student and I didn't want any mishaps that's why I got it. One thing I can say is that is really does work if you don't want kids. But the doctor can never tell you how many changes your body can go through. "
May 27, 2010
Allergic Rhinitis
"I took my first Clarinex 5mg 3 hours ago. I'm nauseous, lightheaded, shaky and tired. I'm calling my Doctor to tell him I can't take it. I can't wait for it to be out of my system."
July 28, 2011
"After years of suffering a Rheumatologist finally diagnosed fibromyalgia. He prescribed Flexeril 5 mg. at bedtime. I had forgotten what it feels like to actually be rested in the morning! MUCH less pain the next day as well as not waking up to spasms during the night. The only problem I have with it is constipation, but I started Forteo injections for osteoporosis at the same time which can also be constipating, so I can't blame the Flexeril entirely."
November 20, 2013
"I am 75 years old and have been taking trazodone for sleep for about ten years. I take 150 mg. It is a miracle for insomnia. I sleep 8 hours a night straight though. Yes, you do feel groggy in the morning when you first start taking it, but it goes away with time, so don't give up too soon when you start it because of grogginess. I have never heard of taking it with food as one person said. It is non addictive and I feel so rested that I do not feel the need for naps that I always used to take before trazodone."
July 1, 2014
Generalized Anxiety Disorde
"THis is the third time I am on Cit. this time its 30 mg. The first time was 10 mg and then 20 mg and now 30 mg. I am very sensitive to the side effect. Anxiety increases (both mental and physical symptoms). Now after 7.5 weeks (5 weeks on 20 mg and 2.5 weeks on 30 mg) feeling a lot better. The physical symptoms are close to gone. The enthusiasm to do all the chores, office work is slowly (very slowly) coming back. Waiting to feel my old self again."
December 14, 2016
Herpes Simplex
"I felt the very 1st symptoms. . . Tingling mostly. I went to the pharmacy at 2am. Spoke to the pharmacist with a handful of treatment options from the shelf. The pharmacist chose Abreva explaining that the others were just for pain relief. Since I addressed the problem immediately & consistently, I never broke out in what I dreaded. A cold sore. I am so thankful!!"
August 18, 2015
"Tylenol is the only thing that helps my pain right now. Cannot function otherwise. Cannot sleep either. Even prescribed pain meds did not work as well."
March 24, 2017
"I use the gel and it may take a little time to work (about 30-45 minutes), but the effect is pretty good. It will take my pain from a 9 down to a 5 (that's pretty good for me)."
June 13, 2011
"Chaparral is a 10. My boyfriend was diagnosed with colon cancer. He was unable to have a bowel motion due to the size of the growth was blocking the colon. In the time between the announcement that surgery was the only option and the day of the surgery, the tumor shrank enough to have normal bowel motion by the day of the surgery (2 weeks!). He had the surgery and continues to use Chaparral to keep cancer cell growth at bay. I began taking it as a preventive measure. "
June 28, 2011
"Gave me my life back. 150mg"
February 22, 2016
Smoking Cessation
"I started Chantix 2 and a half weeks ago and so far so good! During the first week I went from a half a pack a day down to 3-5 cigarettes a day and easily quit by my quit day. Since then, I have been around smokers quite frequently and have not had even the temptation to smoke. My only problem is extreme nausea about 20 minutes after taking a dose which lasts for a few hours. I did find that taking it with milk really helps keep it to a minimum and in some cases didnt have nausea at all. Good luck to others on their journey!!"
September 18, 2009
Codeine / guaifenesin
"Works great! Quiets a hacking cough, no matter how bad. Works the best & when other products don't work. Does cause drowsiness though but that's not bad if it's night time or you're convalescing at home anyway from being sick. Great stuff!"
November 1, 2012
High Blood Pressure
"I have taken Inderal and Inderal LA for the past 30 years with very few side effects. It helps both my arrhythmia and my high blood pressure. I felt slightly weaker and more tired in the beginning, but now I just feel normal. I have been able to live a relatively normal life and have always been able to do whatever physical activity I needed to do."
July 17, 2009
"Pain in joints,,nausea,abd. Pain"
November 7, 2016
Sjogren's Syndrome
"This saved my life. I am bipolar and take a dozen medicines, the dentist told me dry mouth like mine would cause permanent damage and tooth lose. I bugged and bugged doctors until they prescribed Evoxac. I went to my next dental check up and the dentist wanted the name of the drug. Sure sometimes I drool in my sleep but I think I will go to my grave with the choppers GOD gave me and I thank him every single day for the person who invented Evoxac."
February 6, 2010
"I am beginning my fourth week on 20mg Fluoxetine taken each morning. I am recovering from a long term abusive relationship with a Narcissist. I have a head injury that predisposes me to fatigue. I asked the doctor to help me with my energy levels. I did not admit it but the underlying feeling I had was that 'everything was too much' and 'nothing matters anyway'. But nobody would have guessed how hopeless I had become. And had been for at least 10 years. Initially I experienced all of the symptoms people warn about in the first few weeks. Insomnia and occassional extreme anxiety were the worst. Now I feel enthused about taking things one at a time and am enjoying the process. I have begun to sleep normally again. So far, so good."
January 15, 2016
Polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes
Bowel Preparation
"I had read a lot of negative reviews about Moviprep and was terrified of the stuff. In reality it was straight-forward to use, fairly palatable (better than soluble aspirin) and the results were not as unpleasant as my chronic IBS symptoms. I recommend mixing the solution with a cordial (ginger worked well) and drinking through a straw. Do not take large mouthfuls of it. The first dose might take between 3-4 hours to take effect. Don't worry - it will! Just make sure you take the sedation for your procedure. I did not and it was incredibly painful. Curiously, for a few weeks after the Moviprep and colonoscopy I experienced no IBS symptoms - it has been 6 weeks now and they've returned, unfortunately."
November 22, 2017
"Scared to death of taking it but broke tabs in half to 5mg in order to increase dose slowly. I have developed a bit of chronic tooth pain so taking it for pain. Took it at 7 pm and felt mildly sedated by 11pm. Actually didn't sleep well but I think I was on high alert for the side effects which didn't happen. A bit groggy in morning but nothing special that I can't deal with. I think the way to go is to build up if you are scared of meds like me. I wrote this to encourage others to try the medicine because I am as scared as anyone to take drugs like this. I"
February 26, 2017
Bipolar Disorde
"I take 80 mg of Geodon in the evening for Bipolar I with psychotic features. It really helps to cut down the visual and auditory hallucinations though it sometimes makes me pretty tired in the morning. Sometimes I have a hard time driving first thing in the morning. It is worth it to straighten out my mind."
August 3, 2015
Mestranol / norethindrone
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
"I was bleeding heavily for 3 months straight. I would be off my period a week then 3 more months of bleeding. This went on over a year while I tried just about every other type of bc pill. Also extreme nausea causing bad weight loss and severe abdominal pain. On this pill my period lasts 5 days once a month and is much lighter. Cramps are much better. Nausea was worse at first but went away after about a week. No crazy mood swings. I'm back up to a healthy weight. The only bad thing is it made me exhausted, especially when I first started taking it. I would literally sleep 15 hours a day if off work. Wouldn't even get up to eat. It has eased up a lot but still not back to normal energy."
June 17, 2015
"Had my gallbladder removed and they gave me morphine which didn't really help much but then I ended up with a bile leak due to complications and they put me on dilaudid and every ounce of pain vanished seconds after it was put into my iv. It made me really sleepy but not nauseous at all. Very addictive but works amazing to relieve extreme pain."
October 22, 2017
"This is the first ADD medication I have tried. In May started at 25mg 1x before bed and worked my way up to 80mg over a month. Initially, I had horrible headaches in the PM, so my Dr told me to take it in the AM; this made them disappear. I started a new research job in June and Strattera worked WONDERS helping me multitask as I moved from floor to floor. That being said, I felt like I lost my creativity, and it became difficult to hold a conversation with new coworkers/friends; I didn't feel myself. I stopped the meds in Aug to form better relationships as I adjusted to a new place. I just started at 80mg today and that was a mistake. Dizziness, chills, racing heart. It feels like taking Sudafed. Do not start this medication suddenly!"
October 1, 2015
Birth Control
"I like Implanon for the most part. I have been on it for about a year and a half. I have gained about 5 lbs or so and I continue to have periods. They last for about 8 to 10 days but they are light and I get them every couple of months. I have noticed that my breasts are very tender and I haven't seen others talk about that. Anyone else have that problem?"
July 6, 2012
"My boyfriend passed away...very unexpectantly.We had a wonderful, beautiful relationship...I simply adored him and overnight he's gone. The next day my little brother had open heart surgery, my sister passed away last March after living and taking care of my father with dementia, my mother passed away after a 3 year long battle with cancer. I wanted to stay in bed all day curled up in the fetal position and pray that death would take me just so the pain would stop. But I didn't have that luxury...someone had to pay the bills. I hated to go out in public because I never knew what would trigger a crying jag...I had a true sense of hopelessness. 75 mgs of Effexor saved my life. I'm happy again and laughing and going out and celebrating my life."
November 3, 2011
Ethinyl estradiol / levonorgestrel
Birth Control
"I just started my 3rd week of active pills yesterday and so far so good. Before Aviane, I was on the Depo shot for a little over 2 years and I had so many problems and was miserable. So far, I've had nothing serious. A little bit of breast tenderness, few cramps. My sex drive has definitely increased from what it used to be. I take my pill at night but haven't really had an nausea. Going on my 3rd week, I sort of feel like PMS symptoms but it could also be stress. Hard to tell. Overall, I'm happy with this pill."
November 16, 2010