884 values
"My son is in his early 20'and has schitsoaffective dissorder.He has been on at least five different medications for his illness. And nothing seem to help or if it did it lasted only for a little while or he had severe allergic reactions. So he started clozapine/clozaril around a month ago. And it has made a big difference .The voices gradually are going away. He can actually sit and watch TV and have a conversation. He is enjoying things again. We do go for blood work every week which he does not mind. This medicine is working and I'm hoping his blood work comes back good every week, Because to see him getting better is such a relief . And I am hopeful for a happy productive life for him. Things are looking up."
January 19, 2016
Seasonal Allergic Conjunctivitis
"This medication helped with my allergies greatly! The only problem is that it stung a little when first using it."
July 17, 2009
"For those of you having trouble paying for lyrica, my doctor recommended I use the prescription card they offer on their website. . Hope this helps!"
January 26, 2016
"I took Cipro for a sinus infection along with bronchitis. It worked very well but I didn't like the fact that I had to avoid dairy and take my multivitamin at a small window of opportunity during the day. Cipro made me very tired and weak, also a little fuzzy. Plus side was I slept great at night and it cured my infections."
June 6, 2015
Bipolar Disorde
"Latuda has been a lifesaver. I've been battling crippling depression, suicide attempts and extreme mania. I have been through it all, tons of money and success to literally living out of a van. Latuda has completely equalized me and has allowed me to live a normal life. Bad akathesia as a side effect but if I take it at night I'm ok. Make sure to take this drug with food, that's vital! Give it a try it may save your life :)"
October 25, 2015
Urinary Tract Infection
"I suffer from an eye inflamation disorder, and am on doxy for life, so when i had a UTI recently I just upped the dosage - Thought I would share a few of the more common side effects with you. 1st is Nausea - if you shock your system with it (Doxy is a VERY powerful broad spectrum antibiotic) by taking too much too quickly you are likely to get lightheaded and nauseous about an hour after taking it - symptoms persist for another hour or so, and then goes away - best bet is spread it out but with a lower dose - 50mg 4 x a day is just as effective as 100mg twice a day, but causes MUCH fewer symptoms. Secondly - this WILL destroy your natural gastrointestinal flaura and after 3 days or so you will get looser stools and your gas will be BAD"
March 28, 2016
"I have had diverticulitis attacks 2 times/year for several years and have been successful treating it with Keflex or Cipro. For whatever reason my gastro MD added metronidazole in combo with Keflex this time. After 4 days I'm stoping the metronidazole because of side effects. Metronidazole did not ease the diverticulitis pain faster (still took 3 days for pain to subside) and it has made me tired, lethargic to the point of not even getting dressed. Pressure in my head and severe cramps. Im a high energy upbeat person and this droopy soul doesn't suit me. I'll stick to the Cipro, change up my probiotic and avoid flagyl in the future"
May 22, 2016
Birth Control
"Have been on depo for probably around 2 years since I was 21. I chose the injection for convience and to help with my periods as they are heavy and extremely painful often making me vomit from excessive pain. First year of being on depo was ok would still always spot and would always get a period before my 3months was up. I swapped backw to the pill for two months then went back to the depo because I was forgetting to take my pill and did want to risk pregnancy. Going back onto the injection was the worst decision I could have made. I have been back on it for at least 12 months and I bleed after 2months for about 2weeks and currently I have been bleeding for over 1 1/2 months. Never getting this shot again!!!"
November 11, 2015
Narcan Injection
Opioid Overdose
"I took a fatal dose of Heroin in February 2016 and was given 2 shots of Narcan and it saved my life!"
June 11, 2016
Overactive Bladde
"I started Myrbetriq about three weeks ago. What a difference it has made in my life. The doctor gave me samples for 25 mg and I noticed a positive change the first day and even more after a few days. When my two week supply of samples ran out, I requested to try the 50 mg and this level has almost completely alleviated all the symptoms I was having. Now I'm battling with my insurance company to approve the medicine. Hopefully they will come through for me because this medication is working great."
March 25, 2014
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
"I had only had a mild SLE flare about 30 years ago. I had plenty of the discoid lupus symptoms, but they were easily controlled with avoiding the sun and using sunscreens,especially in the last 20 years. I developed another auto-immune problem about 15 years ago.(gluten intolerance or or possible CD.) I ate the "gluten-free" Cheerios when they hit the shelves about 6 months ago, and almost killed myself, as they were not gluten free. This touched off a SLE flare of unbelievable proportions! Practically every joint in my body was hurting SO badly,and I had fever and fatigue and did not respond to NSAIDs. Placquenil has been my lifesaver! Adhering to an anti-inflammatory diet for a month helped, also. The price-worth it."
January 23, 2016
Wellbutrin SR
"I have never been on medicines for ADD. My parents refused, as an adult I found life to be difficult with this disorder. After taking Wellbutrin. Feel like my true self. Like a "normal" adult. I have focus and can complete tasks. I don't feel the need to stay in bed to avoid the world. This medicine has been a blessing."
May 6, 2011
Bupropion / naltrexone
Weight Loss
"After reading all the reviews I was kind of skeptical about taking contrave but decided to try them anyways hoping for a positive experience. I started them on Monday August 21 and felt fine the whole morning then about 1pm that day it went nothing but downhill. I had nausea,vomiting, headaches, flulike symptoms, light headed and ears ringing. I could not do anything but lay in bed I felt so bad. This is day 3 and I still have the headache and not feeling 100%. Some of the reviews said to try and stick it out at least a week but after the reaction I had these pills are going in the trash, I just hate the fact that my insurance didn't cover so I am out of $99!!"
August 24, 2017
Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone
Birth Control
"I've been on LoLo since July (8 months) and I only have positive things to say about this pill. I began this rx because I wanted something super low dosage and to help mediate the horrendous pain associated with my periods. Well, I haven't had a period since August, which is so wonderful for me! No weight gain, no break outs, but I have noticed lately that each month, about a week before my inactive pills, I'll experience some major breast tenderness and soreness. Am I alone in feeling that?"
March 7, 2016
Monistat 7-Day Combination Pack
Vaginal Yeast Infection
"This is horrible. Never in my life I felt like this ever. I think I am going to die. mMy goodness!!!!"
May 12, 2017
Urinary Tract Infection
"I was prescribed Nitrofurantoin 100mg for treatment of a urinary tract infection, 4 times daily with food. I started taking them and after the second tablet I felt so nauseous that I couldn't move. I continued taking the tablets even though I was aware they were causing the nausea, however the nausea became so bad I ended up vomiting and been taken to A&E."
December 22, 2013
Ulcerative Colitis
"This ended up being the end of my relationship with my GI. He wouldn't accept that it was making me very ill. He told me to just keep taking it. This was 6 months in. I decided to quit it and him at the same time. My GI was a narcissist, anyways.."
March 14, 2017
Birth Control
"I can say I've had nothing but great experiences since having it placed last June. I was on the pill for 3 years before finding out about the implant. On the pill I gained about 30lbs but thought it was my only option. I decided to get the implant as I had been forgetting to take the pills, and my Dr said it was the most effective form of birthcontrol around right now. The placing of the implant was painless, just a little uncomfortable. I got regular period the two months after the insertion, and have not had a period since, which I love. I really haven't had any side affects, except for losing about 20lbs (back to my normal weight prior to the pill) so I'm not complaining. Uncomfortable at times (if I sleep on my arm), but I rarely notice it there"
April 5, 2017
Plan B One-Step
Emergency Contraception
"The condom came off during sex, he came outside of me and some landed on the outside of my vagina. I was panicking so about three hours later went to target, got the pill, and took it. The 1st day I had no side effect. I didn't have any side effects for another two days. I was freaking out at that point cause I wanted the side effects to know it was working. Monday got a bit heated with the making out .After that I felt a bit nauseous and had some minor cramps. Went home and applied a heat pack and still got some cramps and a bit nauseous still. Tuesday I had some bad cramps like they were painful and around third period I got my period which is a week early. So just relax and let the pill do its work!!!"
October 25, 2016
"I have recently been put on Tramadol for chronic migraines, in conjunction with a daily preventive medicine. I did not experience any euphoria, nor do I have any problems when I don't take it. The problem is, I don't receive any pain relief from my migraines when I do take it. I've tried so many different medicines and was hoping this might be the answer. I was wrong."
November 10, 2011
Diabetes, Type 2
"I have been on it 8-9 weeks? Only side effect I have had outside the last two days is loss of appetite which is wonderful for a binge eater like myself. You not only get full sooner, you almost feel sick. I don't mind, reminds me I need to keep myself in check. Until the last two days, I have not had the nausea and vomiting others seem to have. I don't know why it decided to start. Vomited two days in a row now. Hope it doesn't continue, I otherwise love it."
August 26, 2017
"I've had acne for 10 years and this is the only thing that has worked. I've been on a few other prescription medications and they didn't have the same results. My skin does get dry but I just use a non-comodegenic moisturizer (Cetaphil) and it helps immensely. My skin is clear and it feels smooth. Don't let the other reviews about redness and irritation scare you off. You should just reduce your usage to every other day instead of every day and it still works. Also the claims that it causes more acne is unlikely since it has TWO acne-killing medicines in it. If you use it correctly and how it best fits your needs, I promise you won't be let down."
October 8, 2014
High Blood Pressure
"I took Diovan for two months to reduce blood pressure. It appears to be working, with no apparent side effects, other than COST. It is not available as a generic and even with a good prescription benefit it was costing me $60/month."
March 22, 2009
"Took for lower back pain. Definitely made me drowsy, dry mouth and throat. It did not relax me. I found myself tightening the muscles all over my body to compensate for feeling so tired and weak to be able to move, stand and walk with the pain. Did nothing for the pain and was so drowsy I had difficulty focusing through it to function. I did lay down to try to relax and breath through and ended up passing out for over 4 hours. I guess it was good to get some rest but not having a choice about it...very uncomfortable with that idea."
November 12, 2013
Conjunctivitis, Bacterial
"I have difficulties using prescription eyedrops because most contain a preservative called benzalkonium chloride that I'm allergic too - my eyes get red, irritated and burn. This eye drop does not have the preservative. It was a life saver for my conjunctivitis! Within 2 days it started to clear up - the drops were easily tolerated."
January 30, 2017
Bacterial Vaginitis
"I am on it now day 2 and the symptoms are subsiding... No side effects so far."
April 7, 2015
"I started Saxenda on 2/19 weighing 247.6 lbs, 6 weeks later I'm at 228, 19.4 lbs gone. I lost the first 10 like in 2 weeks, then lost about 2.5 lbs a week after which is good to me! I try to stay within 1200-1400 calorie daily intake and I have gone over that amount a couple of times. Side effects were minimal, mostly heartburn, especially if I eat late, so now I just don't eat late, easy fix to that. I pay $30 per box with insurance and the Saxenda coupon, i would recommend this to anyone struggling to lose weight."
April 2, 2016
Loestrin 24 Fe
Birth Control
"I have been using Loestrin since I gave birth to my 3rd child in August 2010. Before then I was using OrthoEvra, not my fave but I got free samples from my ObGyn so I wasn't complaining. Let me just say this, I am horrible at remembering to take pills, and although I do miss taking them, A LOT, I can honestly say this has got to be a super birth control because there were times I've done things with my husband and I still havent gotten pregnant (crosses fingers) from forgetting to take the pill. At first, I experienced a little bloating and cramping, my periods were really heavy and lasted for 7 days for the 1st three months, but now they last 3 days and that's it. I am definitely OK with that!"
February 28, 2012
Anxiety and Stress
"18 months ago I was given prozac for depression and anxiety, which made me feel like a zombie, so the doctor changed to citalopram. I looked online and read that it would be very likely that I would feel worse before I feel better. I was given 20mg and felt terrible for about 3 weeks but knew I had to see it through as I had been on the verge of suicide previously. After about a month I suddenly felt like there was hope. This lasted a few weeks but then I felt the depression/ anxiety returning. Over the next couple of months my dosage was put up to 40 mg and this turned out to be the right dose for me.I specifically just waking up one day and feeling different, like my head was just free from worry and I was thinking happy thoughts."
May 19, 2016
Post Traumatic Stress Disorde
"I have had severe insomnia since my mom died in 2011. Sometimes I would be awake and watching Netflix for days. I was too sluggish to go out or even do work in my home. I couldn't take one more sleepless night, and then my doctor gave me samples of Saphris. After the first pill and first night of sleep (falling asleep in about 10 minutes), I drove back and demanded a prescription and more samples. Its a VERY expensive medicine. However, my doctor had a coupon that offers 5 months for free ($13500/month value) and that's 60 count 10mg tablets, and I only need one for sleep, so this is a great deal! It has helped my mood as well, but having no insomnia saved my job. I give this medicine 10/10!"
May 1, 2017
"I began taking 5 mg of lexapro 10 days ago, for postpartum depression/anxiety. It has been a lifesaver. The initial side effects faded within a week. I take it in the morning, because I knew that it would possibly make me jittery at first. I had tiredness in the afternoon and evening and a loss of appetite for the first 5 days, but those have faded completely. I searched and searched for positive reviews on this drug for postpartum depression/anxiety and could not find any. If anyone is on the fence about taking medication for postpartum depression, please consider it for a temporary aid in getting you past it."
March 24, 2017
Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone
Birth Control
"I've taken this for well over a year now and I haven't experienced any problems at all! Light spotting in the first 3 months which is a side effect but then never again after that. My period is very regular and has began to lighten up drastically from what it use to be. No weight, skin, or mood changes. To those who it doesn't work for, everyone reacts differently. For me it's been awesome and I plan on staying with it!"
December 31, 2012
Urinary Tract Infection
"This medication definitely was effective in taking away the symptoms of urgency after I had a urinary procedure done. It worked pretty fast within 30min. However the side effect if "fluttering heart" was very negative for me as I have an anxiety disorder so the heart palpitations triggered me to get very panicky. The side effect starting after an hour of taking it and subsided about 2-3 hrs afterwards. Overall I would recommend this medication because the effectiveness was excellent."
May 2, 2013
Penicillin VK
Bacterial Infection
"This is my first time taking such a high dosage of this medicine, which was usual for me but I had abad tooth ache. I have taken penicillin before but at a lower dosage, however this new med has a higher dosage and the side effects are bothersome. I do not truly feel it is worth continuing to take. I'm consulting the doctor that prescribed the med to me from our local hospital's ER."
April 17, 2017
Panic Disorde
"Xanax got me through a year or so of acute anxiety and debilitating panic attacks. I got rather attached to those pretty lavender pills. I called them "my darling little Easter eggs," they were so precious in relieving the terror that developed into agoraphobia. At max dose I was so sedated I started calling it "Zombinal." It had stopped working its magic, and under the care of a naturopath I simply stopped taking it. Amazingly, after a couple of shaky days, my anxiety diminished and panic attacks were history. I later learned that between depleted receptors and mini-withdrawls, Xanax was actually causing my symptoms. No more Xanax, no more panic, not even the slightest anxiety. I guess I got cured."
October 27, 2009
Birth Control
"I've been on Nexplanon for about 3-4 months now. After about two weeks I started bleeding pretty much non-stop for about a month. I've never had regular periods and they always been light or moderate with only minimal cramping. The month long bleeding I had was definitely light, but steady and a nuisance. However, now I hardly bleed at all. I said I don't have any periods but occasionally I'll have a couple days of light bleeding. I haven't gotten pregnant, and have had no weight gain. I'm sorry to hear others experience has been less satisfactory but I would definitely recommend Nexplannon. I love that I don't have to worry about getting pregnant or taking a pill regularly. If it matters, I'm 19."
November 4, 2015
Ethinyl estradiol / etonogestrel
Birth Control
"I have been on the ring for 2 years, but I am now realizing that my mood swings, hair loss and zero sex drive is from this birth control. I was to put the ring in yesterday but I'm didn't. "
March 24, 2012
Bupropion / naltrexone
Weight Loss
"I have been on Contrave for a little over a month now and I have lost 7 pounds. Not gonna lie, I almost stopped taking it. The first 2 weeks I had severe stomach pains, each time lasting about 10 minutes, after the end of week 2, the pains stopped. I have no had the urge to drink coffee anymore, used to drink 3 cups a day. I am not eating as much, I used to eat a footlong sandwich from Subway, now I'm lucky if I finish half. This is not a medication for people looking for rapid results. I am taking it day by day and so far I am happy with my results."
February 13, 2017
"For my periods, the first few days are usually absolutely unbearable. I would be hugging the toilet from the moment I woke up until I went to bed for almost 3 days straight. My mom, being a doctor, set me up with Zofran and seriously it is the most incredible pill I have ever taken. Within 10 minutes, my stomach has settled and I'm ready to take on the day."
March 16, 2011
"I am taking 70 mg of Vyvanse and also taking Contrave (which contains Wellbutrin). I was feeling ok, but multiple tragedies kept me in a severe state of depression, anxiety and overwhelming sense of apathy. every day I wanted to die. The dr gave me some samples of this med to take with current meds, and last night was the first time I took it. I did feel nauseous, but my doc had told me to take it at night and with food, so that helped since I went to bed once I started feeling sick. I woke up with so much energy. I actually sprung out of bed ready to take on the day, and looked forward to it. I was shocked that it had such a fast effect, but so happy because it's been a really long time since I've felt this good. Hoping it will last."
August 26, 2016
Birth Control
"It made my breasts huge (well a half size or so bigger). I'll take anything at this point. I'm less crazy hormonally."
June 11, 2009
Ethinyl estradiol / etonogestrel
Birth Control
"I am a 20 year old college student and Nuvaring is the first hormonal birth control I've tried. It's now the second month I've been using the ring and I am feeling great with no side effects! If you are trying Nuvaring for the first time, there will be a lot of breakthrough bleeding the first month until your body adjusts to the hormones. After the first month the bleeding stopped and everything's back to normal. I recommend this birth control for extremely busy women who want convenience and simplicity, and Nuvaring has both. This is great birth control, I would encourage any woman to try it!"
October 15, 2012
"Don't start this drug for sleep or anxiety!! It's the most addicting drug on the face of this earth. It's more addicting than heroin. I was given this drug and OMG it made everything so much better. Sleep, no anxiety then WHAM it quit working. I had to up the dose from .5 mg to 2 mg then when 2 mg was no longer working my psyche Rx me seraquel bc I couldn't sleep. BIG mistake now I'm dependent on yet another drug that quit working last year ( after 10 years) now I'm on disability for IBS, IC and pelvic floor dysfunction bc I took these drugs. Oh did I add I had to be put on another drug to help sleep so I'm polydrugged. What I'd do to have my life back. Don't ruin your life. Klonopin is poison! "
January 4, 2016
Suprep Bowel Prep Kit
Bowel Preparation
"Just plain awful tasting, and after all the pain and suffering, it did not clean me out well enough and so the doctor said I have to have the colonoscopy redone in six months!"
June 25, 2015
"I has suffer from mild acne since 14yrs old. At age 19 I was diagnosed with Rosacea on top of the acne. I have tried EVERYTHING out there. So far, I am 30yrs old now, Accutane and Rhofade have had the best results for me. After my 3rd course of Accutane for 5 months, which makes my face look like porcelain, I started to break out again, my dermatologies gave me 2 little samples of Rhofade and with first application my face was clear again from redness & what looks like ezcema. I have used it 2 days so far and it is wonderful. I do feel some sensation on my cheeks but it is worth it."
September 16, 2017
Dry Skin
"Have suffered from eczema all over face, neck, upper body. Nothing worked, and I had to moisturize every 15-30 mins throughout the day. 2 yrs ago, I stopped using topical steroids and had a serious rebound effect of worsening eczema. Since then, it's been manageable, but has never improved. I've tried changing my diet, going organic, different moisturizers, bleach baths, Bactroban, etc. It was hard to get the prescription as this is a product that not many Drs are familiar with. In 2 weeks, I almost finished the 90g tube, but my skin improved so much! My face is baby-smooth. I could go for 8 hrs without moisturizer! I finally have hope again. It still itches, but the skin quality has drastically improved. No side effects. And no more steroids!"
February 4, 2014
Ethinyl estradiol / norgestimate
Birth Control
"I'd been using Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo for about 6 years, but today I switched to a generic brand. I can only say negative about this - migraines, weight gain and tiredness. Not to mention the price. My insurance did not cover it so it cost about $50 a month. Hopefully my new pills will work out better for me."
November 3, 2009
Ledipasvir / sofosbuvir
Hepatitis C
"Have now taken Harvoni for 32 days & had some fatigue the 1st two weeks. Now I have no side effects at all."
April 10, 2015
"For the past 3 years I have been dealing with nerve pain left from shingles in my neck. I have tried EVERYTHING for this pain including injections and narcotics. Nothing really helped unless I was a zombie. I am allergic to a lot of medications including Tegretol and Neurontin. So when my neurologist suggested I try this medication I was VERY skeptical. I have been on this medicaton for a week now. I started on 25mg twice a day and felt some relief. I thought it was in my head. Now I am on 50mg twice a day and I can't believe the difference. I am relieved I can finally get my life back. I am a mother of 2. I did not realize how much the pain had taken over my life until now."
January 29, 2009
"First of my symptoms was sensitive to light I can't see have to wear Sun glasses in my house and outside saying that I can't not drive long distance vision way to blurry and legs give out not safe anymore... I had a convulsion affter feeling not needing air my legs gave out on me and I blacked out!!! I've had many other episodes where my vision goes blurry then I can't see and my legs gave out needing assistance in getting to a couch!!! I'm having trouble swallowing anything thinking chunky, I just went through esophagus xrays and testing they say it may be the medicine I can't eat rarely eat in dehydrated but don't wanna go back to Dr again."
March 12, 2016
Vaginal Yeast Infection
"I had a little burning was very minor I put the anti itch cream on the outside like I was instructed to do and I had no problem with itching any further....... I used the 3 day one and the second day I have absolutely no additional symptoms"
September 6, 2015
Ethinyl estradiol / levonorgestrel
Birth Control
"I've been taking this for 7 days and I can feel it changes me. I feel somewhat depressed, breakout and angry all the time I hate it need to change it for something else ugh again!!!"
January 29, 2017
Shift Work Sleep Disorde
"I have been using Nuvigil for one week now. It was working great in the beginning but after around the third day I got extremely tired around 12pm and all I wanted to do was take a nap. I continue to take it thinking that this will change. I only take 150mg, maybe I should ask the doctor to up the dose."
August 27, 2010
Birth Control
"Hey ya'll! I wanted to share my experience since I looked at these religiously prior to going. I got Skyla yesterday around 2 o'clock. I took 800 mg of ibuprofen around 1:15, prior to my appointment. When I went in the entire experience was an absolute breeze. She walked in, told me the risks, set up, and inserted Skyla, all within 7 minutes. I felt a slight period type cramp when she used the sound to measure my uterus, and then a another cramp when she inserted Skyla. The cramp on both occasions did not last longer than thirty seconds. I felt absolutely fine after and even went out to dinner and to a professional baseball game! Everyone is different but don't worry too much - you'll do great!"
May 20, 2016
Cold Sores
"At the first sign of a cold sore, I have taken 2 g of valacyclovir (once at first sign then again 12 hours later) and managed to prevent them from forming. As soon as I notice the tingle, I take it. Sometimes I get a little bit of a stomachache from it, but eating a moderate amount with it seems to prevent that. The mild stomachache is much more tolerable than cold sores though. Overall, I have been very happy with valacyclovir."
July 19, 2013
"I started this med after I found out my husband had affair. I was lost, didn't want to live. All I wanted to do was cry. Been on this medicine for around 3 months, 10 mg to start w/ now up to 20mg. This medicine has been a lifesaver for me. It has even helped save my marriage. I have Been the happiest I have been in awhile! I really love this medication, I finally got myself out of the darker place I was in, the place I hope to never go back to. I'm feeling much stronger day by day. Still have a few moments where I think about what he did but I can deal with it, we deal with it. My depression is about completely gone, my work at my job has improved, I can socialize with others now with no problem. Life is looking better."
September 16, 2016
Phentermine / topiramate
Weight Loss
"I tried this medicine for 2 months, I lost 9 lbs. It was hard falling asleep at night, most nights I couldn't fall asleep until 4 or 5 am. It also made me feel depressed."
August 2, 2013
Migraine Prevention
"I was in a car accident with a head injury. I had intractable migraine and other headaches that came and went daily on top of that and three months after the accident my neurologist offered Topamax. It's been 9 months. I lost a lot of hair; I have the soda is flat thing; the pins and needles; and I have lost weight. I think the brain fog was not noticable because of the brain injury. It took care of my headaches immediately. I didn't mind the side effects. I ran out of it once and on day two had a seizure. I tried to titrate off recently and the migraine returned with a vengeance so I am still going to be taking it. I don't mind the side effects in comparison to the headache. Also-I use hypnosis for some of the side effects."
February 2, 2017
Birth Control
"I have had Implanon for two and a half years. The first three months were bliss: no period, no weight gain. Around four months I started to get acne, something I never had in high school and my periods came randomly. Some months I bled for 3 weeks on and off. Other months I would have 2 four day periods about a week apart. I never knew when I would start or stop. At two years I decided the irregular periods were too much and went to my gynecologist. She prescribed me low doses of estrogen. Since starting the estrogen my period have become more regular. All in all Implanon has done it's job; I am not and have never been pregnant, and the side effects are worth being kid-free for three years."
November 14, 2011
"I just started taking this medication 30mgs at bed time and it works great, but I also take 2mgs of Xanax in the morning and 2mgs at night so it really works well."
January 29, 2012
Overactive Bladde
"I've tried the others that dry your eyes and mouth, blurr your vision and even paralyze your muscles so that you can't urinate without concentrating on it. This one is the winner. It cuts incontinence and overactive bladder with no side effects. I love it."
February 10, 2009
Birth Control
"I got my Kyleena put in March 15th. The insertion was very uncomfortable but quick. I have only had very light spotting off and on since I had it placed. I have had a lot of cramping. I just hope that this birth control gets rid of my heavy periods and clots."
March 27, 2017
Acetaminophen / aspirin / caffeine
"My Migraine headache starts with what they call Aura, which is blind spots in eyesight (eyesight will be blurry when this happens) and followed by the worst headache ever. From my experience, the Excedrin Migraine doesn't work when you take it after the headache starts. But when you take it in early stage (which is for me, immediately after experiencing Aura), its very effective. Don't expect you will be relieved from pain 100 percent, but at least it helps relieving 70 percent of pain. I would highly recommend to take it in very early stage when the migraine starts."
December 28, 2015
Overactive Bladde
"helped a little but still have a problem with urgency"
January 11, 2016
Birth Control
"I've had it since my 2 week exam afterI had my baby on May 24,2017. A week after insertion I started heavy bleeding. Two weeks later I'm still bleeding!!! I call my Dr. and nurse tells me I should have done research!! I'm so upset with myself. She told me I could bleed for up to SIX months STRAIGHT! I wish Dr. would have said this to me! I want it out. My husband and I are ready to mess around too and we aren't the type to do anything if I'm bleeding so yea, its gonna be a problem if I'm like this for so long. I DO NOT recommend it. "
July 26, 2017
Obstructive Sleep Apnea/Hypopnea Syndrome
"Nuvigil was a blessing when I started it 18 months ago. I was alert and focused, not depressed, AND retained my creativity! I think I've become dependent upon it since I feel awful without it. This week the doctor wants me to try going to 250mg since I've been a bit down with shorter days and less focused. Due to cardiac conditions, amphetamines are not really a safe option. All said, at age 51, it's been pretty much a wonder drug treating multiple conditions."
October 23, 2010
Ortho Evra
Birth Control
"This is my first time to use BC and I knew the patch was the only thing for me (cannot remember to take pills).... This is my second month and I've noticed my boobs are staying sore, I'm like crazy emotional and I'm so sleepy.... But no weight gain, no acne breakouts, no red bumps, no nausea..... I was told it could take 3 months to get in your system and I'm hoping that all this will go away next month.... The only thing that worries me is that I have no energy.... Is this a side effect????"
August 19, 2015
Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone
Birth Control
"I have been taking this pill for about 6 months, to prevent pregnancy. I've had regularly light periods and my appetite has drastically decreased, but I haven't been losing weight. It slowed my sex drive down in the first few months of use, but my drive is back to normal now. I am also very moody, lethargic, and constipated. However, I like it since it is preventing me from getting pregnant and it's free."
March 31, 2014
Hepatitis C
"Took for the twelve weeks and was cleared of virus that I have had for almost 20 years. My viral load was in the 2 million range and no side effects at all. It has been 4 months now and still clear. My Doctor chose this treatment over others because I was treated in the early years with the interferon/ ribarvarin, and it did not work for me."
September 27, 2017
"Took Cipro for a sinus infection. Six days in I couldn't rotate my forearms. 3 years later, numerous doctors, two surgeries and my arms are practically useless. FDA black box warning on it people. Google the drug. Do not ever take, fluoroquinolones are poison. They were originally developed to give to soldiers exposed to Anthrax. And try to never take generic. US Supreme Court says if you do you are not allowed to sue the original drug manufacturer OR the generic company you used. This drug ruined my life."
October 15, 2016
Emergency Contraception
"OK DONT FREAK OUT! Bc if you're reading these reviews you're probably freaking out hoping there's a way out of the stupid decision you made to have unprotected sex OR begging god for mercy bc your condom broke! Well this stuff works! I had protected sex and at he ended, the condom snapped! OH NO! I'm very fertile I have a little already...so the very next morning I drove to Walmart and bought it. Took it asap and now exactly 6 days later I GOT MY PERIOD!! A week early thank you thank you!"
June 17, 2017
Multiple Sclerosis
"On Ampyra for over a year with no real benefit."
July 23, 2012
Migraine Prevention
"Tried everything before Botox. This was miraculous!"
April 11, 2014
Birth Control
"wow the side effects! I have never experienced acne like this before....I seriously break out all the time and I'm 31 years old I wanted the 5 year plan but I'm breaking out like I remember 7th grade"
February 6, 2017
Desogestrel / ethinyl estradiol
Birth Control
"I used Apri for 2 yrs but with a gap of a few months in between. When I got on it the second time my symptoms were different than the first time. For the first month I was always nauseous or on the verge of throwing up within literally 30min-1hr of taking the pill [I learned that eating right after helped a lot] But I decided to give it a go until the second month. After that first month I was fine. I did go through a few months of increased appetite but thank goodness I didn't gain weight some how. Periods are not as painful, long or heavy. My minor acne decreased. my hair is longer and stronger then its ever been. My chest did get bigger now that I think about it. Overall I like Apri especially since it only cost me $9."
March 24, 2011
Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone
Birth Control
"I have been taking my first pack of Lo Loestrin Fe and I must say it really works for me. I was a little nervous at first because this is my first time taking birth control and I've heard all the negative side effects of taking birth control. I have had spotting [brown-ish color] for three weeks after my period, but that's normal for the first month. I have breast tenderness and mood swings every now and then, then again it's expected for the first few months. I have not yet experienced any weight gain. So far I am satisfied, but I wish it wasn't so expensive."
February 1, 2012
Ethinyl estradiol / norgestimate
Birth Control
"Works pretty well as birth control but I take it mainly for period regulation. It does well with that too. I don't mind the weight gain or the fact that I am constantly eating/snacking since I'm pretty active and my metabolism surprisingly keeps up w/my cravings. the most interesting thing I noticed was actually an increase in my sex drive. usually the opposite right? But this stuff makes me want to do it all the time! I stopped it for a month because it was making me way too emotional, I would cry literally every morning at work. But then I noticed a decrease in sexual desire and extreme difficulty getting an orgasm (w my boyfriend AND by myself). needless to say I went right back to taking them. small price to pay for an amazing sex-life."
April 29, 2015
Doxylamine / pyridoxine
Nausea/Vomiting of Pregnancy
"I want to throw a ticker tape parade for the manufacturers of this medicine. It changed my life. I'm 13 weeks and was flat on my back gagging all day every day. I tried all the tricks and nothing worked until I tried this. I am back in the land of the living and hoping to regain the 10 lbs I lost in the 1st trimester. I did A LOT of research and there is nothing that indicates that this medicine causes any problems whatsoever for baby. It is probably the best researched medicine on the market to date. Emily Oster's book Expecting Better has a nice explanation for why it was pulled in the US (but not UK or Canada) for 30 yrs."
March 24, 2015
Saliva substitutes
"Great product. Company paid the co-pay too. "
July 21, 2012
Birth Control
"If you haven't taken Estarylla before, I'd recommend giving it a try. I've had pretty much no negative side effects other than a mild nausea after the first few pills in a new pack, and it's helped a lot with my acne. My periods are also significantly shorter and less severe than they were with no medication/other birth control. Looking at other reviews, this definitely doesn't work well for some people, but its been really effective for me."
November 18, 2017
"I've been on gabapentin for several yrs & it was originally for back pain. I had my L4/5 disc fused then 6 years later had a spinal cord stimulator put in. 4 surgeries later NO RELIEF AT ALL. I've been on 300 MG 3x's a day. But recently my neurologyst decided that I should actually take 600 MG 3x's a day because I've been suffering from migraines since age 7. The thing that I've noticed is that my memory is off. I will be in a drive thru & have a list of items that I want off the menu & as soon as they ask me what I want, I draw a blank & look at my son like "HELP" At first I didn't think anything of it but now it's becoming habit. Why??"
September 26, 2015
Amoxicillin / clarithromycin / lansoprazole
Helicobacter Pylori Infection
"Given Prevpac for H. Pylori. Within 48 hrs of ending the full course of medication I experienced an anaphylactic reaction. Large, round, flat hives formed on the soft of my arms and inner thighs. My hands began to swell, and then I felt my face begin to swell. The swelling moved from left to right across my face, and it eventually began to close my throat and enlarge my tongue. My husband drove me to an urgent care center where I received a shot of Kenalog and a Medrol dose pack. I always list Prevpac as a medicine of which I am allergic."
November 15, 2017
"I take this medicine for weight loss only. I am not a diabetic...lost about 20lbs in about four months. The first month saw the most weight loss. I now lose about 4-6 lbs a month. I am happy that I am still losing weight...the only side effect I have had is a random headache but that started when I upped my dosage to 1.8. Yes, the medicine came with some side effects, all drugs do...but you need to take it so see what side effects you may have since everybody is difference. Then you need to out weigh the pros and cons. For me I will put up with the random headache to keep losing the weight."
October 6, 2011
"I had this drug given to me when I was hit by a car as I walked across the street. I couldn’t take meds I was given due to side effects. My pain was so severe I was given a shot of Toradol. What relief! It worked extremely well for me. Four years later I had sciatic nerve pain. I asked my doctor for a shot of Toradol. After three days and nights of extreme pain and discomfort, the Toradol shot took it all away. I am so relieved. No side effects- just good old pain relief!"
November 14, 2017
Birth Control
"I just got it today 4/27/17 and the pain is unbearable. My fiance held me the second time after my doctor took it out because I was in tears the first time. I have a 0 pain tolerance. Took 1600mg (2 800mg morning and afternoon) of ibuprofen it does help but so does a heating pad. If anyone has advice for skyla please let me know."
April 28, 2017
Buprenorphine / naloxone
Opiate Dependence
"I was addicted to oxys in Anchorage for 3 years, buying them off the street. I dropped out of college, lost several jobs, and hurt every person I cared for just to get high. I moved away hoping to get away from the drugs, and just ended up at a methadone clinic for another 3 years. I finally made the choice to start suboxone, it's only been a week but I feel a hundred times better."
June 9, 2008
Stomach Ulce
"I just started using this and find it really works."
January 8, 2009
Smoking Cessation
"Bupropion is a miracle! I still had some cravings, a little irritability, a few depressing nightmares- but I quit! I smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for a decade. I have not had a cigarette in over a month, and live with people that smoke in the house. No patches, no gimmicks, just plugging through it with bupropion. I would recommend giving this a go to anyone."
November 2, 2012
Post Traumatic Stress Disorde
"I started having graphic, vivid nightmares and wasn't able to tell the difference between being awake and asleep. The doctor told me I had PTSD and gave me Prazosin. I was taking 1mg. I'm pretty drug sensitive so I could barely move or get up for hours after waking up the next day BUT it immediately stopped my nightmares. Now when I do have nightmares I don't react to them and I take .5mg as needed when I am feeling anxious. I get a little weak for a few hours but it's manageable. Side effects are totally worth it to not have to live through being terrorized every night not even knowing when I'm awake or alseep."
July 8, 2015
Desogestrel / ethinyl estradiol
Birth Control
"I switched to this birth control from Gildess fe 1/20 (It made me depressed intensified my anxiety and I was having two periods a month). At first I was skeptical from initial water retention and moodiness but after the first month was over all those initial issues disappeared."
January 19, 2017
Bacterial Infection
"I have been battling a C diff infection for a couple months now. I tried a 10 day (500mg x3) course of Flagyl which didn't seem to help much. The Flagyl seemed to increase my nausea while only slightly reducing the waves of stomach pain and didn't seem to improve the diarrhea much at all. A couple days after ending the Flagyl, I was experiencing the worst symptoms of C diff. I immediately went on Vancomycin. I just finished a 14 day course (500mgx4) of Vancomycin yesterday, which seems to have cleared up the symptoms. Vancomycin is extremely expensive (my portion was nearly $2k after insurance picked up the bulk of the cost), but after Flagyl failed, I was glad the Vancomycin seems to have worked with no noticeable side effects."
October 11, 2011
Naproxen / sumatriptan
"This medication really works for me, I wouldn't know what I would do without it. However, it does upset my stomach a bit."
October 26, 2009
Weight Loss
"I just started using Fastin and I like it better than other diet pills I've tried such as Hydroxycut because it doesn't make me feel sick/ nauseous. BUT it definitely makes my heart rate skyrocket, so for the first couple days I would only take half a pill at a time. A full pill makes my hands tremble and I can hear my pulse in my brain."
February 27, 2014
Stomach Ulce
"Works so well I forget I have a problem until I forget to take it, then I'm reminded the next day...ugh!"
May 25, 2013
Bazedoxifene / conjugated estrogens
Hot Flashes
"Fantastic! No bloating or weight gain!! Yippee!!! Hot flashes are gone, helped the first week, would have a few here and their but they were mild and by the second month- they are totally gone and sleeping so much better- the feeling of anxiety is gone- life grand again! Immmmmm soooo happy!"
August 18, 2016
Weight Loss
"Ok sooo I started taking Belviq on July 11,2015. I took 1 pill at 9a I started feeling like I was intoxicated, dizzy & very tired for like a 1/2 an hour. Then my muscles began to feel alil achy in both arms,my cheeks on my face started feeling achy like I had been smiling for 2hrs &lil lower back pain. It all was just alil discomfort nothing too alarming that I needed any pain meds for. After a couple hours it had passed & so did my appetite. Once I noticed the time it was 7p so I made myself eat a salad & took the 2nd pill. I didnt like the 2nd dosage because it made me feel dizzy & like I just came from a bar. So I only take 1am pill a day. July 11-July18 288lb to 282lb 7 days lost 6lbs & feeln good."
July 18, 2015
Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone
Birth Control
"I personally like these birth control pills. I have only been on them for a month but I used to get horrible period pains where I had to stay home from school, couldn't eat or keep down anything, and had to lay in bed and now with these pills I am getting my period very light with little to no pain. It is a relief! I did get some migraines and sore chest but I got those when I wasn't on the pill as well. I would recommend birth control if you are having such bad cramps because it really helped me."
September 28, 2016
"I've been to the ER for migraines too many times to count and have been given every kind of drug that can be given. I woke up this morning with a horrific migraine and vomiting and off I went. They gave me the Reglan/Benadryl combo and within less than a minute the pain was gone. I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT! I've never had anything to work so well and so fast. I went home and slept for four hours afterwards. I'm so glad they decided to try this with me."
July 16, 2017
Erectile Dysfunction
"Well, I took it for the first time on a Thursday, felt an erection like old days after seeing a hottie. I've been getting about 90% hard prior to Cialis. By Friday, I was going all night. And again Saturday and Sunday morning. It is awesome. My Dr said it might be mental anyway. And the Cialis might just be enough to get me back on track."
September 6, 2015
Chloral hydrate
"Helped with my insomnia 100% until they pulled it off the market. Many thanks to the manufacturer! I had used this medicine for such a long time. I never could sleep before taking this and I still now watch the time go by. "
January 18, 2013