884 values
Bupropion / naltrexone
"I started Contrave Monday, just five days into it now, it's Friday night and I've lost somewhere about 7 lbs already. (Keep in mind though, I'm 6-5 and 290, so comes off faster.) I'm on low carb diet (Atkins) - and am deep into ketosis, no carb cravings, and eating about 2,500 calories a day! LOL! Side effects have been a bit bothersome, jittery at times, and this sort of "motion sickness" feeling. Appetite is GONE."
November 20, 2015
Acetaminophen / hydrocodone
Back Pain
"Given for back pain due to ruptured disc it works fairly well. Thanks"
October 27, 2013
Bacterial Vaginitis
"Metrogel is a very good solution to curing a vaginal infection. A common side effect not listed is heavy discharge. I have also experienced pelvic cramping from day 3-7 but about the same as menstrual cramps."
June 2, 2009
"I had been prescribed Klonopin in the past to treat severe anxiety until my appointment with a psychiatrist who deemed that such an approach to my anxiety issues was heavy handed. He took me off of them and since then I've been on Lexapro, Buspar, Seroquel, Zoloft, Pristiq, Paxil, Atarax all to little or no avail. I moved to a different area and got a new Psychiatrist who diagnosed me with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The original course of treatment for that was Ativan 0.5mg three times daily. I was switched to Xanax 1mg twice a day as needed. A couple of months passed by without substantial improvement and I was bumped to Xanax 1mg 3x day Doctor decided Klonopin would be a better approach earlier today. So far so good."
September 10, 2012
Erectile Dysfunction
"This stuff straight up works. I'm a 27 year old who has performance anxiety issues, and this stuff is a life saver. Don't listen to those who say it doesn't help with psychological issues; it really does! My only two complaints are the cost, and ironically, sometimes it's TOO easy to get an erection (it doesn't take too much stimulation and it's rock hard)."
January 28, 2017
Atrial Fibrillation
"I had the first afib experience in 2004 (age 63)while playing senior softball, took shock paddles to convert. Kept playing sports and had second episode in 2007, converted with Amiodarone. Stayed on that until new doctor (insurance changed), took me off without a replacement, re-ocurrence couple months later, restarted on Amiodarone for conversion. Back with original doctor, kept up Amiodarone and all the blood work, x-rays, pulmonary function tests, etc. required semi-annual till 2014. Finally (after more tests) was switched to 100 mg. Flecanide & 12.5 mg. Metoprolol twice daily, with no semi-annual tests. So far-so good, except for some arthritis ? issues, still active in sports (senior). Hopefully this will stay with me."
July 13, 2016
Chronic Pain
"Use for Chronic pain. This is 4 Spinal Surgeries History. Have: Spinal Stenosis, DDD, Bone Chips & lots of Scar tissue."
July 6, 2014
Junel Fe 1.5 / 30
Birth Control
"I switched to this birth control after being on another pill for five years. I've been on this pill for three months. I've gained noticeable weight, solely because I feel like I cant stop eating. Even more so, I'm exhausted all the time, my energy is low. I'm a very active person and its becoming increasingly difficult to keep up with the work outs. This is NOT me. I've also had headaches (and migraines) almost everyday. These headaches are debilitating. I've had to call out of work because my head was pounding and I was overwhelmed with nausea. I'm currently working with my OB to find an alternative. I'm sure this pill would be great for someone, but its not the one for me."
April 25, 2017
Bacterial Infection
"I was prescribed to take this twice a day for 7 days for bacterial vaginosis. I will never allow a doctor to prescribe me this ever again!! The taste comes from nightmares for starters, and good LORD the side effects are NOT worth it!! Constant nausea, dizziness, everything tastes like fecal matter, fevers, restlessness, overall weak and uncomfortable. This cannot be good for you. I didn't even have any side effects with the BV itself, It's this medication that has been making me feel like death!"
October 9, 2016
Amphetamine / dextroamphetamine
"Started off with Concerta in May 2012 it was not effective at all, switched over to Adderall XR 10mg in July 2012 for seven days as a starter dose, then started Adderall XR 20mg, I noticed a considerable difference between the two medicines instantly. I am able to focus for a very long period of time without being distracted, my grades improved exceptionally, I went from receiving grades below 55% now my lowest grade is 83%. The benefits of this medicine do outweigh the side effects for me, I noticed 20 minutes after taking Adderall, I have increased bowel movements, lower libido and decreased appetite. I stop taking Adderall during breaks and long weekends, the first day not on it, I am extremely tired, exercising and eating healthy helps."
May 25, 2013
High Blood Pressure
"I have taken Lozartan 50 mgs for about 2 years. I had to stop . I am with left leg and back pain for 2 month. It is a side effect. Doctor prescribe me another one yesterday. All I can say is that lozartan has too many side effects."
February 12, 2016
Bipolar Disorde
"I have been on Latuda for about 2 months now, I take 120mg at about 8-8:45pm every night. Positives are that it makes me have almost no manic episodes and very few "mood switches". It has also helped with my sleep. Before I was getting about 2-4 hours asleep at most each day. Now with the Latuda I sleep from about 9pm till 10am. The struggles I have with it are that it makes it very very hard to get up in the morning for school or whatever unless I get to sleep in until my body is ready. It has also made it very hard for me to eat. Since starting I have lost nearly 15 pounds. Other than that Latuda has made a huge impact on my life. I'm finally starting too feel like how a normal 16yr old should!"
May 30, 2012
Bipolar Disorde
"Great miracle."
April 15, 2013
"If not for this antibiotic my husband would have been dead several times over. Incidentally I'm a Registered nurse. I see where a number have people have attributed wild "side effects' to this drug. Many are confusing symptoms of their illness with side effects of the antibiotic. Just because you experience something unusual for you when your sick doesn't mean its the fault of the antibiotic. Being ill is an abnormal state for ones body yet some of these people seem to think that any effect of the illness they weren't expecting MUST BE attributable to something else and often they blame the treatment rather than the illness. If you've been prescribed Levaquin I urge you to take many of these 'reviews' with more than a grain of salt! An EXCELLENT drug!"
May 14, 2017
Bipolar Disorde
"This medicine at 5mg a day every day for a month was terrible. It made me have panic attacks and made me super paranoid, i was paranoid before but it made it even worse, would not recommend"
September 15, 2016
Ovace Plus
Seborrheic Dermatitis
"My experience with Ovace Plus has been amazing. I've tried over the counter shampoo like Nizoral and Loprox (prescription) and nothing has worked for my dandruff like Ovace. They stopped making it for a while and I freaked out. Its now back! Please try it, not only did it do wonders for my scalp but it even seemed to help the skin around my hair line in my face. It was $50 with my prescription but ask the doctor for Ovace discount card and you might be able to get it for $20. You won't be disappointed."
June 14, 2012
"I take 300 mg 3x a day and I feel the best I've felt in 10 years. Nothing has worked to calm my anxiety like Gabapentin including Klonopin or Xanax. I'm happy, relaxed, motivated and most importantly my appetite for alcohol which I used excessively to calm my anxiety has completely disappeared. I hope I can take this medication for forever. Life is finally good again."
August 8, 2017
"I have severe insomnia, secondary to serious problems with my back. Basically I need help falling asleep and staying asleep as something as simple as rolling over will cause me to bolt right awake. I take secobarbital (Seconal Sodium) and temazepam (Restoril). Usually, I take temazepam with Seconal at bedtime and another temazepam during my nightly awakening. Seconal is not used as a "first line" insomnia treatment any longer. However, if the weaker sedatives fail you, it really will get you to sleep. Absolute caution is needed, the reputed strength and history of this medication is no joke. "
December 21, 2011
Panic Disorde
"Helped me more than other benzodiapines."
February 5, 2012
"I've been on Zoloft for almost a year now. I will be changing medicines in 4 days, which makes me really anxious. This drug worked well for my depression and anxiety. However, I've been completely unable to have a good time while on this medication. I can't bring myself to go out, hang out with friends. I do nothing. I have no motivation. The biggest problem I've had with Zoloft is extreme weight gain. I've gained 50 lbs in the year. "
May 27, 2009
Empagliflozin / linagliptin
Diabetes, Type 2
"I am a type two that went into Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and spent three days in the ICU. Once I got out I found an endocronologist and he put me on Glyxambi and My numbers stay between 90 and 120. I also do not eat very many carbs. My doctor gave me a discount card that I use when I get my script filled and the 30 day supply is free with the card. I feel better than I have in years and my last A1c was 6.5 I have been on this drug since April 2016 and today is Oct 27th 2016"
October 28, 2016
Birth Control
"I been on nexplanon for 2 years I don't Recommend this birth control if u an a relationship u will be on your period for so long I suffered with shortness of breath anxiety bad acne an long periods"
June 23, 2016
HIV Infection
"I started Isentress twice a day along with Truvada once a day and my HIV Load was 28,000 and CD4% 31%. After 40 days my HIV load is <20 and CD 4% 32.7. Excellent improvement considering I have experienced ZERO side effects and all other lab work came out well. I am 49 yrs old and very active."
August 29, 2013
Obsessive Compulsive Disorde
"I was offered sertraline (Zoloft) after a relapse of Generalized Anxiety Disorder which brought with it a severe case of Pure-o intrusive thoughts of the harm variety. These thoughts were ruining my life and making me depressed. I was prescribed 50mg per day. The first 3 days were hell with a huge increase in fatigue, depression and intrusive thoughts. I almost gave up it was that bad. I was using diazepam 2mg In those first 3 days and thought they weren't playing nice with the Zoloft so I stopped them. I saw instant improvement after doing so. Now I am 7 days in and have had the best day ever. My intrusive thoughts are far fewer and far easier to simply dismiss. Amazed."
December 29, 2014
"I have struggled with nail for 8 or ten years. All but two toenails were dark. The big toes were thick and tender. I had tried all the home remedies and four bottles of Formula 3 bought from my podiatrist. The Formula 3 was the only thing that gave minimal results. My dermatologist prescribed Kerydin which is working great for me. I was applying twice a day for the first two months. This caused redness and peeling so I cut back to once a day. After four months of use, I can wear sandals again. My left pinky toenail is still thick but will probably heal in time. I'm sorry it isn't working for everyone but keep trying different things. You never know what might work for you. I'm blessed that my insurance covers this or I couldn't afford it."
May 21, 2016
Trigeminal Neuralgia
"I've had pins and needles in both hands from a pinched nerve in my neck. Muscle relaxers, stretching, new pillow, heat, nothing was working. This works really well."
April 18, 2009
Birth Control
"I'm 18 and I've had the Mirena for about 6 months. I wanted to try a new form of birth control because I always forgot to take the pill and I spotted really bad with the nuvaring. I took pain killers about an hour before the insertion of my IUD On a scale of 1-10 the pain was probably a 3. It's uncomfortable more than anything. There was some pressure, a slight pinch followed by a little cramping but the pain was very mild. My doctor said that light spotting and cramping is expected for about 6 months but I haven't experienced any if that. I went to soccer practice that day and felt 100% fine. 6 months later I haven't had any noticeable side effects! I haven't had a period either. 10/10 would recommend."
March 1, 2016
"I have suffered depression off and on for over 20 years. I take Cymbalta for chronic pain and still have fallen in a deep depression. My doctor added Pristiq and after day 1 I'm feeling much better!"
April 29, 2013
"I have realized after my child started taking Vyvanse, her grades improved dramatically! She is able to concentrate and pay attention to what is going on instead of being confused. This medication has been working great for her and we have not had to up the dosage. It was very scary at first, however, it turned out to be a great decision."
July 11, 2013
Multiple Sclerosis
"My husband has secondary progressive MS and has been using Ampyra for 1 month. He didn't see any changes at first, but we now notice that he has an easier time swallowing (he used to cough a lot while eating/drinking), he hasn't fallen at all and he thinks his balance is better. Since the changes have been subtle he is now keeping a diary of how he feels each day."
September 28, 2010
Birth Control
"I started using Levora after stopping Yasmin. I'm starting my third Levora pack next week and so far my experience with Levora has been great! No headaches, no nausea, no feeling physically weak or overly emotional. My libido is really high and my breasts have gotten a little bigger. I did, however, have the food cravings as mentioned in other comments and it did make me gain a little weight but I notice that when I'm taking the reminder pills I'm a lot slimmer than when I'm taking the active pills. I also have increased acne by very, very little, nothing that makes me complain or feel annoyed. I recommend Levora for anyone debating on it. It worked well for me!"
January 3, 2012
Drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol
Birth Control
"6 years. No health issues or pregnancy scares."
January 30, 2013
"I started taking Wellbutrin about 3 weeks ago for depression. I had been on Zoloft for the past 6 years and needed a change. After the switch, I was more irritable. Three days ago, I developed hives and swollen lips. After my 2nd ER visit, I am back on Zoloft."
February 3, 2014
Migraine Prevention
"I have been taking 75mg topamax one a day for about 10 years now. I have gone as far as taking 100mg until I started not being able to get the words out that I was thinking of. That side effect has not completely gone away but is better. When I first started I did have the tingling in my hands and feet but it was no more than like having carpal tunnel, I also have the weird taste where soda tasted flat and tomatos tastes weird. I did loose a little weight. The tingeling went away, I adjusted to just not drinking soda. And tomatos started to taste fine. I also take Sumatriptan for when I still do get a headache. However the headaches are much fewer and further beteeen. I will get a cluster of them about every six mths but still better."
November 15, 2016
"Sitting here shaking in my boots this stuff is weak 1mg 3 times a day"
March 18, 2017
"After breaking both ankles in 1987, I was diagnosed with arthritis in 1997, I put up with mild pain and joint stiffness for years until I started my new job in 2011 at age 45, (7-8 hours a day non stop on my feet) after each shift I would be in so much excruciating pain I wondered if the job was worth it. Went to see my doctor who prescribed 100mg Celebrex twice a day, first few days I noticed a small improvement but also had a bit of stomach discomfort. After a few weeks it was like I had new ankles! Little to no pain, so I went down to 100mg a day on days I don't work and 200mg a day when I work. Only other side effect I have had is significant hair loss/ thinning for a couple weeks every 6 months, it grows back though."
December 6, 2014
Panic Disorde
"I was on Zoloft for Depression, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Panic Disorder. Initially, Zoloft helped me a lot and I didn't have any kind of panic attacks, a constant sense of mild anxiety, or depression all that bad. However, after about a year of being on it it started to make me feel like a complete zombie. I had zero motivation for anything which reflected in my grades and I'm normally an obsessive overachiever in school.. I just kind of let myself go. I wasn't depressed but I wasn't happy, it just put me in this fog-like feeling. The withdraw for me felt like I might as well have been coming off heroin. I couldn't eat or sleep, I had cold sweats, nausea/vomiting, and I had anxiety like never before. It was truly a nightmare."
July 9, 2016
Gout, Acute
"I have been having gout attacks for about 3 years now. My Dr prescribed allopurinol daily to help keep my uric acid levels down. I was prescribed Colcrys as an anti-inflammatory and I have to say it does absolutely nothing for the pain. My wife who has never had a gout flair in her entire life believes Colcrys is a miracle drug. So I take it just to humble her. I wouldn't suggest this medication to anyone. I wish I could give it negative stars as a review."
January 14, 2016
Bipolar Disorde
"I was told by several doctors that I may be bipolar and finally went in to the psychiatrist recently. I was experiencing major mood swings and mixed emotions, paranoia. I couldn't even go to the grocery store without my heart racing and my chest tightening and thinking horrible gruesome thoughts. I have always been on Effexor XR 150 mg a day for my depression and anxiety. The doc added to it 40 mg of Geodon at night to start with, and I have never felt so free. I can think clearly and not dwell on every racing thought. The racing and paranoid thoughts are actually gone and I can handle reality again. I could probably stand to up the dosage a bit but this medicine has been a miracle for me. I have felt amazing."
June 17, 2012
"A couple of years ago I ended up with anxiety and depression. My doctor prescribed Citalopram. I started at 20mg and after a couple of weeks increased my dosage to 40mg. There were side effects. Sweats, waking up at 3:00 and not able to get back to sleep. It took sbout 6 weeks before I felt great. Much happier, little to no anxiety and my wife notice the change for the better. I stayed on Citalopram for about 6 months and over a month kept reducing my dosage by 10mg weekly until I was off the meds. I had no withdrawal at all. Felt great as I went off the meds. Had some personal problem that sent me sideways and the doctor put me back on Citalopram. took about 6 weeks for it to work just like the first time. Feeling myself again"
July 30, 2016
Aluminum chloride hexahydrate
"This product does work. I used to sweat so bad it was not fun. I would never wear a white shirt because it would stain it, even my black shirts would get ruined because of deodorant, so I started buying bigger shirts so that they wouldn't touch my armpits. I could be freezing cold and still have sweat marks. So a friend of mine told me to try this product. I put it off for a few months then I just had enough, saw it in the drug store and said why not lets give this a shot. I noticed a difference after 1 night but did it for 3. The only complaint that I have with this product is how much it stings and burns. I try to make sure I don't shave my armpits the day I want to I put it on and I try to make them as clean and dry as possible. It's totally worth it."
May 3, 2012
Panic Disorde
"I have had anxiety, panic attacks & obsessive thoughts for years on and off. About 5 months ago I started to get horrible non-stop intrusive thoughts I knew the thoughts/fears/worries were nonsense but I couldn't turn them off. I was in a panic attack from the moment I woke up to the moment I fell asleep. I would wake up several times at night in full blown panic....it was horrible. I never ever wanted to take medicine I was so afraid of it not working or it making me worse. Zoloft has helped me so much at first I had a good day then a bad day and I wasn't sure if that was normal. after 2 months the doctor upped my dose then a month later I felt better then 100% still a little anxious during my period but very mild and manageable."
April 10, 2015
Birth Control
"I've had the Nexplanon since July 2013. This birth control has been the worst experience. My hormones became crazy, I gained more that 50 pounds, and I get annoyed easily. I have been trying to take the implant off and sadly the new doctor can't feel it. I was sent to 4 different places for exams and nothing still can't pin point where the implant is not even because I have the scar it left when inserted. Here I sit today with a second scar to be since I was cut open today and the implant was no where to be seen. The expiration day is coming in fast.The doctor said he can't do anything until I loose the weight I gained when I got on it, for me that is impossible since nothing helps me loose weight from crazy hormones I have. Idk what to do?"
March 5, 2016
Birth Control
"I've had the Implanon for about 6 months now. The insertion hurt a little bit but it was definitely worth it - the next 3 years of worry free birth control. I absolutely LOVE not getting a period anymore and I truly trust this method enough to not need the reassurance of a period. The ONLY things I do not like about Implanon are the mood swings and weight fluctuation (about 5 lbs more or less). People close to me have really noticed a change in my irritability. I wouldn't consider myself a extremely bad by any means, it is tolerable, I just demand a lot more alone time than I used to. I would recommend this birth control to anyone."
June 3, 2009
Interstitial Cystitis
"I was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis several months ago. The pain was so debilitating that I couldn't even see patients for about 3 days (I'm a dentist). The pain brought me to tears. I was afraid that I would have to go on disibility. My new urologist put me on amytripyline a few weeks ago. It worked almost immediately. Most days I'm almost pain-free. I got my life back."
March 20, 2015
Weight Loss
"First day of Adipex.. My doctor wrote me a prescription for full dose but advised me to start with half of a pill due to anxiety I may have. Took the half pill this morning and boy do I feel the energy.. Hopefully I can stay on the half strength but I've been reading reviews that say that the effects wear off after a few days. I'm a nurse so I do like the extra energy.. My starting weight is 215..ultimate goal is 165..but for now getting under 200 would be great. Hopefully I can use this extra energy to go to the gym..I'll keep everyone updated. I love reading everyone's weight loss stories.. Good to know I'm not the only one who has weight loss as an issue. Best of luck to everyone.. And stay hydrate"
March 31, 2015
Adapalene / benzoyl peroxide
"This product along with Solodyn has worked great for me. I have been using these products for a little over a month now and my face is mostly clear of acne! I definitely recommend this product! Now just to deal with the acne marks."
February 27, 2013
Bladder Infection
"Lots of trouble sleeping and lots of anxiety with this medicine. It also makes me a bit depressed. Better if you can take it in the morning instead of later at night. Works, but there is probably something with less side effects that works just as well. Usually given this for sinus infections, this is the first time for cystitis."
March 7, 2012
Suprep Bowel Prep Kit
Bowel Preparation
"I wish I'd known this page was here before I started this ordeal. I was instructed to drink a bottle of magnesium citrate the evening before. Then around 10 AM I drank the first bottle of Suprep, mixed with water. After the first couple of swallows, I couldn't hack the taste, and started to chase it with (pulp-free) orange juice. I thought it tasted rather like toxic waste not quite camouflaged with chemical cherry flavor. I got it all down, and trips to the WC lasted about five hours. At first, it was every 3-5 minutes, then less often. It was like liquid fire. There was no color anymore in what I was expelling, and I made the executive decision not to drink the second bottle. My poor bum!"
April 7, 2016
Birth Control
"This was the best birth control I ever used because my almost constant bleeding guaranteed my husband and I would very rarely be intimate. The only extended time I didn't bleed is when they put me on the pill as well. I would bleed about 20-25 days a month. I thought it would get better after 6 months, I ended keeping it for a year, which I regret. 7 months later my bleeding is constant. I bleed everyday, no exaggeration. Sometimes light, sometimes heavier, but everyday. I've only been married 2 years and I thought I was doing the right thing getting the implant but it ended up taking a huge toll on us. I have seen doctors repeatedly but they say I just have to wait for my hormones to even back out. I've had it out for 7 months!!"
December 18, 2016
Ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin
Birth Control
"I suggest if you're going to use these patches that you use them perfectly according to the instructions. I had imperfect (but not terrible) use and ended up pregnant on my 7th month being on them. The side effects weren't better or worse for me as compared with other BC. I didn't have some problems with peeling and loosening."
November 8, 2015
Emergency Contraception
"I NEVER write reviews but today I decided to because when I was looking through all the reviews here it really helped me. so I'm gonna pay it back and hope to help someone else .... I've never taken this pill before, never really had to but there's always a first time for everything ! So, I took it about 3 hours after my bf finished inside of me . I was freaking out !! I freaked out everyday until today when I finally got my period .. I had sex 9/10, and was supposed to get my period 9/26, I got it 9/25. No side effects except mild nausea , and cramps all the way until today ! But it worked. So let's thank God and all these people that work making these drugs for us ! Hope i could help someone with this review"
September 26, 2016
"L-Tryptophan has worked wonders for my insomnia, PMS, anxiety and depression. No side effects, although the bottle sayS take 3 capsules, I ONLY take 1 at night and wake up feeling great."
March 25, 2011
Overactive Bladde
"50 mg/day helps a lot. Much better than 25 mg/da. I've experimented with 100 mg/day and that's much better. I have dry pants at the end of the day for the first time in decades. No side effects, but insurance doesn't cover 100 mg/da"
May 8, 2016
Malaria Prevention
"We used Malarone during our trip in Tanzania. To tell the truth, we were afraid of some bad comments about this drug. In fact, nothing happened to us. We were taking Malarone every day after our breakfast, so as to avoid an upset stomach. I think that, for malaria, Malarone is a very safe and without serious side effects."
April 11, 2010
Major Depressive Disorde
"I started with 20mg and stayed on that for 1 month. I didn't see much of a change in with my issues but was a tiny bit better. I went to 40mg for 4 months and I felt some improvement but I became depressed again. I have just started 80mg last week. I was feeling angry and nervous and not sleeping at all for about 4 days. I'm on the 6th day now and those side effects are almost gone. I'll update after a little more time goes by. But I am feeling a little more motivated and awake."
April 20, 2015
Erosive Esophagitis
"I was getting food stuck n my throat ended up n the hospital they put a balloon down n my chest stretched it open a little & put me on 40 omeprazole it really helps with no side affects that I can tell but if I go over 4 or 5 days without taking it I'll get choked on food but I read u should only take this med for 14 days @ a time. I have taken 1 for 2 years every morning if I miss for a few days I start getting choked on food again should I keep on taking it? I guess either that or choke to death"
September 26, 2015
Prevention of Dental Caries
"This product is just terrific. I can eat ice cream without heating it. It's a great product that I highly recommend. I've tried many of the other prescription options available and this is by far the best. It needs some good marketing to spread the good word about how it can help people."
September 4, 2011
Diabetes, Type 2
"Started it last week only took it for 2 days made me very ill stopped it after 2nd dose still poorly 10 days later glad to hear some people are having real benefit from it"
August 1, 2017
"I suffered with chronic pain for about seven years. Went to many specialist who told me either nothing was wrong or I had fibromyalgia. I tried all medications out there for pain, muscle relaxers, anti-depressants and medication for epilepsy. As well as meds for fibro. Nothing helped. Finally I found a new Nerologist who put me on a combo of Amitriptyline and Prozac. I am on both the smallest doses. It has been a miracle for my pain. I wish I would have known about this 7 years ago. My biggest problem with it is weight gain like 13 pounds. My diet has not changed and I took up running. But no weight comes off. I guess I rather have less pain and be a little over weight then skinny and in tons of pain:)"
November 13, 2013
Herbal Supplementation
"I first started using Turmeric about 6 months ago when I had a very bad flare-up of colitis. I was told to use the fresh root which I placed in my blender with a teaspoon of honey (about 2 small fresh roots will be will be enough for two servings, half cup liquid). The inflammation started disappearing and in no time there was no bleeding or mucous. You should take tumeric twice daily until symptoms clear up, then take intermittently. I stopped taking after a while and symptoms started even with meds, but I have now re-started it and feel a lot better. Tumeric is a Godsend."
February 14, 2013
Birth Control
"Previously I had been on birth control pills, and was looking to try something that had multiple years of coverage. While I did like that it was a long term contraception option, the side effects were unbearable, and I ended up having it removed after only one year. The main side effect that was bothersome was the daily spotting. The spotting ranged from a heavy period flow to a smaller lighter flow. However, it was EVERY SINGLE DAY. I ended up having to wear a tampon or pad just to save my underwear. My OBGYN recommended multiple options to stop the spotting, however nothing helped. Other side effects included a weight gain of 10 pounds and unexpected mood swings. I immediately felt 100% better after having it removed."
October 4, 2017
"This medication is amazing, but after 2 months I gained 20lbs. :/"
December 29, 2015
Acetaminophen / butalbital / caffeine / codeine
"I found that while this medicine does relieve some of the pressure the migraine is still there. It also makes me nauseated."
December 11, 2011
Schizoaffective Disorde
"I have been on the Carosel of medicines for months now and Geodon has been the only one to help cease the hallucinations and the paranoia but not inhibit my ability to think. Bloating is the only side effect that is uncomfortable so far."
October 16, 2011
Desogestrel / ethinyl estradiol
Birth Control
"I have taken Velivet for almost 2 years. I've been getting menstrual migraines from withdrawal sometimes during my period. Also have low libido which I'm not sure if it's related to this pill. "
October 2, 2009
Birth Control
"I chose this method after my body rejected 3 IUD's. I had never had a baby, but I wanted a long term and effective method of birth control. I found this to be the best fit for me. I had great success with Depo in the past. I was on it for nearly ten years with only minimal spotting. When I did spot I took estrogen supplements and stopped spotting in a couple days. It didn't hurt at all when I got it. It hasn't given me any problems the whole time I had it. My only concern is what will happen when I get it taken out."
July 21, 2009
Plaque Psoriasis
"Just started cosentyx- 90 per cent of my body covered have used humira,stellara, otezela and multiple creams without much success 4 days after loading dose my hands were 74 per cent better- I'm excited to say this is s great choice w little side effects"
July 14, 2016
Ethinyl estradiol / norgestrel
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
"I would rather deal with 1-3 days per month of cramps than living every single day of my life with acne, female baldness (was getting there anyway), nausea/vomiting, migraine headaches, skin peeling, no sex drive/inability to orgasm, irritability/crying/depression/anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks, shaking, high blood pressure. Omg - stay away from this stuff if you can! "
December 15, 2015
"About 2 weeks ago I had a migraine that lasted for about 3 days until I finally went to the ER. When I was seen, the Dr gave me a mix of Reglan & Benedryl in an IV & boy was that the biggest mistake of my life. At first I felt silly & sleepy & even laughed a little. Then the next thing I know my eyes are wide becuz my heart starts racing like CRAZY!!! I already suffer from anxiety, I wish she would have mentioned the side effects before she injected me with the meds. I would have NEVER taken it via IV. I thought I was gonna die! Called the Dr back in & she told me to just calm down. My heart rate finally calmed but then I started shaking. Then came sleep. Woke up & felt a little better. Made me feel depressed a few days later. Traumatized forever"
March 1, 2016
Raynaud's Syndrome
"It most definitely works at stopping my attacks when the cold hits. I used to have attacks all day, even if I just opened the refrigerator to take out the milk my hands would turn white. However, I get really bad muscle spasms. Mostly on my legs, but can be all over. I only take it when the temperature is cold and I know I will be outside watching a sporting event. I just started taking it again this week and have been getting muscle spasms in my jaw and behind my ribs as well as my calfs. It is the old things that allows me to be outside to watch my kids games so I will use it on a limited basis."
August 2, 2016
"I have been taking clonazepam .5 MG's once daily if needed for over a year now, and let's just say this medicine has done wonders for me! I suffer with horrible panic disorder as well with agoraphobia without clonazepam I probably would never be able to leave my house, I only take it when I need it which is usually three times a week depending but just knowing I have it helps calm me down, I am also on Zoloft 75mgs and the combo works great for me!"
January 20, 2017
"I love Celexa. I was getting depressed after long hours of med school and studying and feeling like I had no time enjoyment. Celexa took about 3 weeks to work, but it worked and continues to work. I no longer feel depressed every day. Sometimes I sink into depression, but I am able to snap out of it much quicker. I feel less moody, and my boyfriend has noticed an improvement in my mood. The only side effect I experience is decreased sex drive/harder time climaxing, but I would prefer that over going off the deep end. I will continue to take this and consider weening myself from it once life is less stressful. Great medicine that can save your life."
June 3, 2017
Muscle Spasm
"I am new to this medicine. I have been on several other muscle relaxers and they never did a thing for me. After reading what everyone else has said about this muscle relaxer I am praying it will help for me as well. I have a bulging disc in my lower back that is pinching my sciatic nerve which caused me a lot of pain in my left hip. "
April 28, 2011
"I suffered burst fractures, nerve damage, spinal cord damage, due to a bad car accident in September '09. Not only has MS Contin worked well, it's relatively inexpensive compared to other extended release medications. People talk about how great the Fentanyl patch is for chronic, severe pain. But you can't control the amount of medicine entering your system, it's unpredictable, certain brands are being recalled because of defective pouches. Plain old morphine. It's been around forever and nothing works as well. The only problem is I've grown tolerant and needed 2 increases in the past year. I guess that will happen with any medication. With my latest increase (100mg 4X daily) I've been able to cut down on the oxycodone by half!"
December 22, 2010
Chronic Pain
"I have been on percocet for many years and it greatly helps my Chronic pain. Without it I wouldn't be able to walk! Only problems I have is constipation"
October 24, 2015
Birth Control
"I started the depo a little over 2 years ago but took my last shot in August. Since then I have had normal periods but some times have heavy periods in between my periods so I'm almost bleeding a month and a half . I have had horrible mood swings, & horrible cramps. It was great while I was on it, I even lost 50lbs while on it.. But this sucks."
May 1, 2015
"First it helped me breath I was wheezing and coughing terribly. The side effects suck. I get aggressive and irritable. Insomnia is terrible. I can feel swelling in my hands. I can feel my heart beat in my hands when I have fingers interlocked. I try to avoid all medications but this did help."
December 18, 2016
Muscle Spasm
"Works fine for muscle spasm"
August 22, 2017
Panic Disorde
"I was told that I have Panic Disorder and Bipolar Disorder. After suffering horrible panic attacks from the withdrawals from Zoloft, I was given Klonopin to calm down. For once, everything felt normal. I was calm and collected after that. I've been on it ever since, I take every couple of days when I'm anxious along with Neurontin 300mg, 3 times a day. Definitely helps with the anxiety, I would recommend this to everyone."
June 28, 2017
Bupropion / naltrexone
Weight Loss
"I started Contrave daily 3 months ago. Initially, I had a bit of trouble falling asleep and felt mildly light headed and sometimes dizzy and lightheaded when I was getting out of bed or getting up up from a chair. I did not think this new pill was working for me and then,as I hung in and with patience-I began to lose weight. I am happy to report I have now lost 25 lbs. It has been so very long that I have been able to lose this kind of weight. I a very pleased. Just hope CONTRAVE is safer than the last FDA approved diet pill, that caused heart valve damage. Lauren R"
July 19, 2017
Haldol Decanoate
"Although this medication completely alleviated all of the symptoms of psychosis, my mom experienced severe joint stiffness, cramping, muscle pain and weakness. During the 6 months she was on this, she changed from healthy and athletic to a near vegitative state. Currently she is unable to get out of bed or use the restroom on her own."
October 23, 2016
Birth Control
"I was on Loestrin FE for 5 years and I was also diagnosed with bi-polar disorder while I was in high school. Loestrin worked for a little bit but I gained 20 pounds quick. I still had sexual desire mentally but my body wouldn't react and I was always too tired or to moody or to emotional. And since I've been on it for a while the side effects seemed like they hit me a second time and it was like my period was playing peek-a-boo with me. But 3 months ago I switched to Beyaz and I've never been more happy and more...well....attacking my fiance. I give Beyaz a 10 and highly recommend it! And I'm 20."
July 27, 2011
"Today was my first day taking concerta. I am 19 and have pretty severe ADHD and a little anxiety that coincides with the ADHD. I took 36mg at 8:30 am and kicked in at 10. I definitely noticed it, I felt alert and energetic but not focused, and I still found myself pretty forgetful before leaving for work. By the end of work I felt really emotionless and had a head ache, and when I got home at 6 I began crying for no particular reason. After crying I felt much better and focused very well on school work. Now I feel happier but surprised by how much of a roller coaster the whole day was. Overall I'm not sure this is the medication for me, hoping this reaction is normal and it just takes some time to adjust."
June 15, 2016
"I have taken abilify for one year. It was prescribed as an add on to Cymbalta after a suicide attempt. I feel it boosts my mood. BUT I have gained 35 pounds. I can't imagine continuing on a medication with this side effect. It is not worth it to switch my angst over life circumstances to feeling depressed over a continual weight gain."
February 19, 2013
"I was in a motorcycle wreck when I was younger. I almost lost my leg. Was in the hospital 4 months. I couldn't walk for 2 years. Found a new doctor. He operated on it and it healed but I started having problems. My leg was 2 inches shorter then the other. I had broke my leg in 3 places. Messed up the nerves and all my toes got broke. As each year went by my foot started turning into a club foot. After 17 operations and was told I need an ankle replacement but my doctor told me operation doesn't last and the down time is long. I have chronic pain and I get migraines. Over the years I have been on many different pain meds. Oxymorphone ER has given me more relief then any other. Endo pulling Opana ER but Global has Oxymorphone ER"
July 25, 2017
"Rotated me off oxy and onto this for six months. Works ok."
February 24, 2014
"I have chronic Sinisitis, for 20 years now, typically getting 2-3 sinus infections per year that reduce me to rubble for at least 10 days. I should know better at this point than to try yet another antibiotic, but nothing works anymore except Levaquin, and if I build up a resistance to that, I'm in big trouble if I ever get pneumonia. So here I am, up the third night in a row after starting the clarithromycin. I have been nauseous, gassy and utterly uncomfortable--I'm not taking another dose, calling my doctor and sticking to natural remedies. If that doesn't work, then looks like I'll be paying out of pocket for surgery since my sinus scan came back normal."
December 2, 2016
Birth Control
"This is the second time I've had the implant within a two year time period. The first time, after a few months, I had a really bad itch that would never go away. It has gotten so bad to the point that I would bleed and leave myself in pain every night. I tried just about everything to get rid of the itch but the only effective thing was removing the implant. I just recently got it implanted again in January and the exact same thing is happening. Wasn't quite sure at first but now I'm more than positive that its a bad side effect of the implant. Total discomfort and wouldn't recommend to anyone."
February 24, 2017
Bupropion / naltrexone
Weight Loss
"I have been on Contrave since August, 2016. To date I have lost 45 pounds and have not experienced negative side effects. I am able to say no to second helpings and often decline completely foods that I would have readily consumed in excess a year ago. I follow my doctor's instruction to take this medication with a lean protein and I have found this to be effective for tolerance of Contrave. The two times I took Contrave on an empty stomach I felt nauseous, so I simply don't take it on an empty stomach. For me this has helped me tremendously. I can walk and run farther and faster and my blood pressure is stable for the first time in about 6 years."
July 9, 2017
Microgestin Fe 1 / 20
Birth Control
"I just read most of the reviews and half of them to me are ridiculous, anxiety, and depression?? your period gives you mood swings being a girl you get mood swings !!! I've been on this pill since I was 15 I am 22 now never had a problem unless I miss a few pills, I have never been pregnant, very light blood, no cramps, very little pimples to anyone with bad acne and bad cramps I highly recommend this pill. I used to throw up because of my bad cramps and now I rarely even get one"
December 3, 2015
Plaque Psoriasis
"Along with Otezla I had great results! No itch, no misery, no side effects other than clearer skin. All my scaling and flakes are invisible except of my left calve which is a faint light pink."
January 26, 2016
Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone
Birth Control
"Recently started taking this pill and it has been working great so far. I have tried many other pills and have had horrible side effects but with Gildess 1/20 so far so good. I have had very mild side effects ( light nausea and sore breasts) which only lasted two days. I would definitely reccomend this pill to anyone looking for a birth control pill with little to no side effects!"
December 19, 2014
Bupropion / naltrexone
"Hello!!! I'm a 28 year old female Started out at 233 lb. doctor put me on Phentermine and it was the WORST--ended up in the hospital with severe dehydration and heart palpitation. It also made me so tired I couldn't even function!!!! Thankfully she took me off last week and started me on Contrave for my addictive personality (food and cigarettes). Well this is day 5 and I haven't had a craving for a ciggy yet AND I'm down 8 lbs....the key is YOU HAVE TO EAT. You have to eat 5 small meals a day and drink drink drink that water!!!!!! Incorporate exercise too. I don't think most people are doing any of the above that's why they have no results!!! I haven't had any side effects (yet, knock on wood). But I really think this medicine is it"
February 5, 2017
"I have been taking daytrana since 2010 it works great but now I have partial heart failure and pulmonary hypertension. I didn't abuse the patch I took one 30mg patch a day! I'm 35 and now it doesn't work like it use to because of one side effect that it gave me so yes use with caution and don't use it everyday if you don't have to!"
February 2, 2016
Addison's Disease
"Longer acting steroid option. Gained weight and anxiety."
August 6, 2017
"I only took this medication for a few days, my heart started hurting...I ended up in emergency room my blood pressure had sky rocket and my heart rate was throught the roof. Laying down my heart rate is steady but the moment I stand it jumps to over 150bpm...this never happened until I took this medication. I have been on bed rest for over a week now and so far it doesn't seem to be getting any better."
April 3, 2015
Erectile Dysfunction
"I try today one levitra 20mg and it had no effect , i am 27 can u inform me what is the problem? I was with full food maybe it is this problem or maybe I need to use another kind of pill"
September 19, 2015
"All it did was make me feel like a zombie. I personally don't recommend this drug, as it only makes you get nauseous and very tired, and causes insomnia."
January 18, 2016
"The first couple nights, I experienced horrible nightmares in which I could not awake from until 2 1/2 hours later when my alarm finally sounded. The next week, my dosage was increased which I experienced severe weakness, dizziness and vomiting. The third week, my dosage was again increased and I experienced the inability to go to sleep. These side effects caused me to discontinue the medication."
April 28, 2010