Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Celica Character Race: Human Character Class: Priestess Output:
Celica is a kind and polite person, who is often bold yet refined, but she holds herself back emotionally to an extent after a series of traumatic events and familial loss; as a result, she can come off as cold and stoic, and normally maintain a aura of polite distance, as shown her body language in cutscenes and sprites, which is subtly guarded and closed-off. She usually regrets showing her raw emotions, especially in the rare moments that she lashes out in anger, bitterness, or even sentiment. Celica feels the need that she has to set aside her emotional candor in order to fulfill her responsibilities as royalty. She is a firm believer in bringing peace without fighting, believing that fighting between one another is not the path towards peace and will always try to resolve conflicts peacefully. However, she is more than willing to put her life on the line and fight with her comrades in order to protect them. She also has been shown to be clumsy, possibly a trait rubbed off on her by Nomah, and enjoys studying and reading.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Mae Character Race: Human Character Class: Mage Output:
A young yet skilled mage, Mae joins Celica's group not only to watch out for her, but also to keep an eye on Boey, who has sworn to protect Celica despite the fact his skill is quite lacking compared to his eagerness. Her role is Celica's servant, however, the two are very close friends. She accompanies Celica on her journey towards the Mila Temple. An adept mage who is well aware of her talent, Mae is constantly in pursuit of self-improvement and is a prime example of a "type A" personality. Such traits causes an intense rivalry with Boey, whom she frequently tries to outdo at everything while teasing about his insecurities. Yet, Mae values Boey's presence and cares about him despite all of their clashing. Often seeking approval from others, Mae desires to be viewed as a highly dependable person. She is often very enthusiastic, generally speaking in an exuberant, confident, and even arrogant manner. Such demeanor manages to be contagious, as Celica states that Mae has always cheered her up when she was sad or lonely. Despite her constant cheerfulness and bombastic mannerisms, Mae is subtly self-conscious of her level of maturity, appearance and deportment wise, especially when compared to her retainer partner, Boey, and the ever reserved and mature Celica. She longs for a carefree lifestyle after the war and has a fondness of the ocean. She and Celica are extremely close to the extent that she is profusely attached to her. As a result of this, she is very concerned for Celica's emotional well-being and survival to the point of verbally rebuking enemies that threaten her safety, even if it places her life in harm's way. In addition, Mae's final battle quote reveals she doesn't care about Duma or the world ending, she simply wants Jedah to pay for hurting Celica.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Boey Character Race: Human Character Class: Mage Output:
Boey is the son of a fisherman and an eager apprentice Mage who is devoted to Celica's protection. He is like a younger brother to his childhood friend Mae, who constantly teases him. He joins Mae and Celica out of concern for the two of them. Boey, growing up in an impoverished household, is very insecure of himself, but because he values his impression on others, he tends to talk in formal speech mannerisms and highly of himself to overcompensate his image. However, he is more bark than bite, and is terrified easily. As a result of said cowardice, Boey does not actively enjoy engaging in battles. He speaks in a very calm, refined, yet often condescending manner, however, he has been shown to act rather moody. Due to his efforts being focused into said overcompensation of abilities in his speech mannerisms, he is not adept at confronting his own feelings while hiding behind his serious and mature front. Mae, being a close childhood friend and rival of his, recognizes these flaws and pokes at his insecurities and cowardice, often mocking him or telling him to "grow a spine." In turn, he often hurls minor insults at her and plays along with their bickering. At the end of the day, however, Boey appreciates Mae's company and greatly values her. In the Japanese version of Echoes, Boey's comfortableness around Mae is shown by him dropping his formal speech inflections when the two interact outside of the main story. Towards the end of the game, Boey attempts to ween himself off of his front, giving up his act of the idealization of his personality. He acts in a more jaded and earnest manner and only wishes to return home to his family after the war ends.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Genny Character Race: Human Character Class: Cleric Output:
Serving at the priory on Novis, Genny's mother was born there, but she hated the life on the island and departed for the royal capital for several years before returning with her as a newborn, and while her father was never known, it seems he was a nobleman with a wife and children. Afterwards, her mother left her behind at the priory and disappeared, with Genny carrying only a pendant that her mother received from her father. When Celica decides to go on a journey to discover what is going wrong with their land, Genny pledges her healing skills to Celica and her group. After the war, she fell in love with one of her allies, although she refuses to specify who. Genny is a soft-spoken and meek girl that Celica and the others consider an adorable little sister. Lacking self-confidence, as shown by her claim that she can only fix minor injuries, despite her great healing powers, she feels nervous and uncomfortable around people who remind her of her mother such as Sonya, whom she dislikes for abandoning her. In a conversation with Celica, Genny reveals her preference for an older partner, explaining that she wishes to feel taken care of. She also mentions that a relationship with someone around her age would not work for her as a result. Genny enjoys writing her own stories; one of them being about a plucky princess who eventually reunites with her long-lost father. She mentions at one point that although she was hesitant about leaving on a journey, as she is the kind of person who would rather stay at home than go on adventures, she decided to accompany her friends thinking that being left out would feel worse.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Saber Character Race: Human Character Class: Mercenary Output:
In the past, Saber was an ace soldier within the Rigelian army, but he fell into a trap devised by noblemen who scorned his common upbringing, and he lost one of his eyes. Betrayed by an ally who he considered a friend, he challenged them to a duel and emerged victorious. However, his opponent died and because private duels carry the death penalty in the Rigelian army, he was forced to flee to Zofia and become a mercenary. While he was drinking at a tavern around Novis Greatport, he accepts Celica's request to protect her group during their seaborne journey to Mila Temple after she offers her Golden Dagger as payment. Ever since his employment, Saber more or less acts as Celica's advisor, albeit an unconventional one. Arriving at Zofia Castle, he points out that she does not seem as impressed as Mae and Boey. After Celica accepts her heritage, Saber swears fealty to her and becomes just as loyal as Mae and Boey. When Celica announces her intention to invade Rigel to retrieve Mila, Saber assures her that he has her back. At Duma's temple, he leads Celica's army in an attempt to rescue her. After the war, Jesse asked for his co-operation after recognizing his abilities. Together, the two faced the challenges of creating a mercenary nation head on, while he marries an unknown woman. A coarse seaman with a dry sense of humor, Saber frequently debates at Celica's orders and often calls her out on her idealistic nature, aware of the necessity of violence. Despite this, Saber shows loyalty to whoever employs him and although jaded in his views in contrast to Celica, Saber pledges his loyalty to her after the reveal of her identity, showing his willingness and desire to fight for her cause. Due to his occupation as a sellsword, said honor is often cast aside, as he usually works for whoever pays him well enough, well known for having just as easily done shady services in the past with the right coin. With a reputation for drinking and chasing skirts that even Jesse claims Saber is known for being a heartbreaker, he is far more insightful than most members of her party, as he catches on the quickest that Celica is not just any priestess, and understands her intentions better than most.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Valbar Character Race: Human Character Class: Knight Output:
Valbar lived in a small village on the coast with his parents, his sister, his brother, and his wife and son. He became a knight in order to support his family financially. However, while he was serving his duty elsewhere, Barth's pirates attacked the village, killing his entire family. With his sworn brother Leon and Kamui the mercenary, he sought out and fought against Barth. Celica's party lands in the middle of their fight, so Valbar's party and Celica's party team up to beat Barth. When the battle ends, his group joins the party out of gratitude. After the war, he trains the young soldiers of the Kingdom of Valentia at Alm's request alongside his companion, Leon. Valbar believes in repaying his debts, and believes in living his life without regrets. He is also headstrong and always trying to help people with no regards of the consequences. Valbar is close friends with Leon, a former Zofian soldier who was able to enjoy life again thanks to Valbar. Leon has romantic feelings for Valbar, but Valbar appears to be oblivious in their supports. It is mentioned their relationship never faltered, even when Leon retired from training soldiers.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Leon Character Race: Human Character Class: Archer Output:
Leon was comfortably raised by both parents in a calm village. Because of his effeminate looks, he was often bullied, and became stronger through challenging such people to duels to prove himself. A former soldier, Leon reluctantly joined the Rigelian army when an unnamed man, whom Leon had long held a love for, enlisted. Said man died in battle, and Leon entered a state of depression. However, due to Valbar's encouragement and kind words, he got back on his feet and has been attached to him ever since. After Barth is defeated, he joins Celica's party. After the war, he joins the knighthood of the newly formed kingdom of Valentia, continuing to working alongside Valbar. In the remake, Leon retires to open a shop, but remains in contact with Valbar. If Valbar dies, however, he remains in the military and becomes an instructor. Leon has a pretty boy personality and sharp tongue, but he is an honest man that tells no lies. Leon has a nihilistic side, claiming he has desired to die in battle during his death quote in Gaiden. In both versions of the game, Leon has a very close relationship to Valbar, describing him as his sworn brother and saying he will go wherever Valbar goes. In the remake, it is made clear Leon's attachment to Valbar is romantic, with Leon saying that women do not interest him and Valbar is all he needs, even if Valbar never notices Leon's love for him. He also mistakenly thinks that Kamui is hitting on him in their support conversations, declining him while, at the same time, talking about Valbar being his ideal man. In his third base conversation with Celica, even she recognizes that his feelings for Valbar are romantic.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Kamui Character Race: Human Character Class: Mercenary Output:
A Mercenary from a distant nation hired by Valbar, Kamui used to live with his family and worked with grazing animals. However, they got into a scuffle with another tribe and lost, which led them to settle in a town. After Barth is defeated, he joins Celica's party. After the war, he joins Jesse in building their own country in the lands that once belonged to Grieth. If Jesse is dead, he founds the country in his place. He has a carefree and easy-going personality and is a freedom-loving drifter who hates being tied down. In Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, it is shown that he has a deep fear of Necrodragons. His quotes also indicate that he likes money, and works as a mercenary to get it.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Est Character Race: Human Character Class: Pegasus knight Output:
Est is the youngest of the Pegasus Sisters of Macedon under Minerva's command. Unlike her elder sisters Palla and Catria, she joins late in the game, as she decided to steal Mercurius before returning. She falls in love with the knight Abel, and eventually marries him and moves to Altea. She and her sisters also appear in Fire Emblem Gaiden. According to Est, Palla, and Catria's base converstions in the remake, Est had left the Whitewings the day after the War of Shadows, wanting to open up a shop with Abel and live a normal life. Unfortunately, Est ends up getting captured by Grieth, and her sisters follow the pirate ship to rescue her, but they lose sight of it near Zofia Harbor. Jesse tries to save Est, but gets captured. After Celica's party rescues Jesse, they travel to Grieth's fort, defeat Grieth, and save Est. After the war, she returns to Archanea with her sisters, but promises to come back some day. In Mystery of the Emblem, Est is captured by the Archanean army to force Abel to fight against Marth. She can be rescued and once again fight alongside Marth's army. After the war, she leaves Abel and vanishes, leading him to disappear in search of her. As the youngest of the three Whitewing sisters from Archanea, Est is pure and innocent and often gets told off by her sisters. One such example is in her supports with Catria, as she keeps showing junk that she seems to genuinely believe is special. Though she is cheerful and chatty with a straight-forward personality, the repeated captures take a toll on Est's self-esteem. After she is rescued in Chapter 15 of New Mystery of the Emblem, her support conversations with her husband and her sisters show that she believes that she is a burden to him and doubts her worth to even be his wife. It is strongly implied that the reason she disappears after the War of Heroes is because she believes that Abel would be better off without her. Though she often gets into trouble, Est regularly mentions that she wants to stop being a warrior, settle down, and run a shop with her husband.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Catria Character Race: Human Character Class: Pegasus knight Output:
Catria is a member of the Whitewings, a Macedonian squad of pegasus knights commanded by Princess Minerva. She is the second eldest of the Pegasus sisters. She is the younger sister of Palla and the older sister of Est. When Minerva's younger sister, Maria, is held in captivity to blackmail the elder princess into fighting against the Archanean League, Catria and her sisters are forced to fight too. However, as Maria is rescued by Prince Marth, they become free to join his army and fight alongside Minerva again. As the middle sister of the three Whitewings of Archanea, Catria often acts as the buffer between her two sisters and rarely pushes her own thoughts on the matter. This, according to her, is because whenever she has something to say, one of her sisters will always say it first, and assumes its common for middle children such as herself. Though she has a cool and serious personality, she's not entirely unfeeling, with her stating that people tend to assume she's completely stoic because she's more reserved than either Palla or Est. It is hinted briefly by her ending in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and her death quote in Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem that Catria might have an unrequited crush on Marth. In Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem, her A rank support with Kris has her slowly coming to terms with her forbidden feelings towards Marth, due to having a friend to talk about them with. In Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, multiple supports have her mentioning a crush and blushing at the suggestion.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Palla Character Race: Human Character Class: Pegasus knight Output:
Palla is the eldest sister of Catria and Est, and raised them after their parents died. Loyal to Princess Minerva of Macedon, she was part of the Whitewings, an elite Pegasus squad from Macedon. The Whitewings wanted to join the Altean army alongside Minerva, but when Prince Michalis heard this, he locked his and Minerva's younger sister Maria, in jail to prevent Minerva and the sisters from turning on him. When Marth eventually rescued Maria, Palla and her sister Catria set off to look for Marth and Minerva. When they found them, they joined the Altean army. During the war, Palla developed a crush on Abel. In Fire Emblem Gaiden, Palla and Catria journeyed to Zofia in search of the kidnapped Est, eventually joining with Celica's army to help them save Est and to aid Celica on her journey. In Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem, a rebellion against Minerva's rule broke out in Macedon and Palla was forced to flee, meeting up with Julian and learning that Lena and Maria were captured by Gharnef. She joined Marth's army in order to save Minerva and Maria. After the war, she pushed aside her feelings for Abel and continued serving Macedon. As the elder sister of the three Whitewings from Archanea, Palla is mild-mannered and down to earth, always caring about her sisters. However, she also has a stubborn side and absolutely will not budge after a decision is made. Palla has lingering feelings for Abel, and as such, refuses to find another lover on the request of Est with the excuse that the happiness of her sister (and to an extent, Abel) comes first, and also states in a base conversation that she refuses to admit her true feelings for this reason.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Jesse Character Race: Human Character Class: Mercenary Output:
A free spirit who hates the strict rules of the household where he was constantly told what to do and not do, Jesse's father was a high-ranking Zofian nobleman, and he was in fact friends with Clive and other nobles around his age. There were high expectations for him due to his skill with the sword, but trouble arose with the birth of his younger half-brother, as Jesse himself was born to a low-ranking concubine rather than a proper wife. Most of their vassals hoped Jesse would succeed his father, but Jesse decided instead to abandon his family name and run away for the sake of his sickly brother's future. At some point in time, Jesse encountered Silque being kidnapped by bandits. Realizing her plight, he rescued her and then accompanied her during her travels for a distance, parting at Zofia Harbour. Later on, Jesse attempted to save Est from Grieth, but was captured and imprisoned at the Desert Stronghold. When Celica's party frees him he then joins their team. After the war, Jesse made his own nation in Grieth's land, joined by Saber and Kamui. He became known as the "Desert Mercenary King". Jesse is a individual who enjoys life without restrictions, leading to his ambition of creating a kingdom that could not be tied down by anyone. Being very flirtatious and often smooth talking women in Celica's army, and even Celica herself, he is also quite a dreamer as shown in his supports with Saber.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Atlas Character Race: Human Character Class: Villager Output:
He is a villager from Zofia who wants to rescue his abducted siblings. After the war, he was reunited with them and returned to his village, where he resumed life as a woodcutter.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Deen Character Race: Human Character Class: Myrmidon Output:
Born in a provincial city in Zofia to a long line of soldiers, Deen underwent his father's rigorous training since youth, joining the Zofian Army when he came of age. Becoming engaged to a feudal lord's daughter, he was set to inherit the lord's peerage. However, while he was away for a mission, the mansion was attacked. As he rushed back upon hearing the news, he himself was attacked and lost his left eye. Reaching the mansion, he found his wife, whose form had completely changed. To kill his beloved fiancee and enact revenge on the man who took his eye, he took the lord's heirloom, the Brave Sword. Like Sonya, Deen eventually works for Grieth as a member of the Grieth Pirates, despite hating him due to his evil deeds. If Sonya is defeated by Celica, Deen will retreat into Grieth's Citadel. After Grieth's death, he will join Celica's army, noting that he knew that Grieth would have gotten what he deserved eventually. After the war, he vanishes, rumored to have gone to a continent to the south in search of new conflicts. Outright stating in his first base conversation that he doesn't do small talk, Deen only starts stating his own opinions on things after others persist on the matter. When he does so however, he is shown to have a smart and savvy side to him. Moreover, he seems to have to have similar beliefs to Duma, as he states in the final map that he while doesn't find a world ruled by might unappealing, he refuses to bow down to him.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Sonya Character Race: Human Character Class: Mage Output:
As a child, she lived in a monastery peacefully with her older sisters Marla and Hestia, as they were abandoned by their father Jedah at a priory when they were young. Although they found their new home constricting, the three got along well and helped each other get by. However, at some point in time, Jedah offered Sonya's sisters as live sacrifices to Duma in exchange for his trust. Escaping such fate with her sistersÕ help, Sonya decided upon revenge and waited on her chance. Later on, Sonya serves as a subordinate of Grieth alongside Deen, who keeps her in check and vice versa. Although she is aware of Grieth's cruelty, and hates him, she stands in CelicaÕs path, preventing her from crossing the desert. If Celica defeats Deen, Sonya retreats into Grieth's Citadel. After Grieth's death, she joins Celica's army, revealing that she thought that Grieth would get his just rewards eventually. Alternatively though, if she is battled instead of Deen, Sonya will die and Deen will join Celica's party. Apparently burdened with an awful past that she hates to talk about, Sonya gives off a cool and unyielding personality and oozes womanly charm. However, internally, the feelings of hatred she hides are violent and tumultuous, and at the time when she faced off with Jedah, she fought against him as though venting her anger and fury. In Echoes, Sonya can develop a friendship with Genny where they bond over being left at a priory as children by their parents, and Sonya reminding Genny of her mother.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Conrad Character Race: Human Character Class: Paladin Output:
Conrad is a Zofian prince whose mother was a Rigelian noble forced to marry Lima IV in order to secure food for her homeland. Because of his Rigelian heritage, he was despised by the Zofian queen and much of his half-siblings. Conrad was very attached to Anthiese and her mother Liprica, his only two family members who treated him with kindness during their time in the royal villa. Tragedy soon struck the Villa when a great fire erupted killing many of the Zofian royal family. Mycen, a great knight, was unable to find Conrad amidst the chaos. Anthiese was presumed to be the sole survivor of the fire.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Nomah Character Race: Human Character Class: Sage Output:
He is the wise Sage who trained and raised Celica after Mycen sent Celica to the Priory to keep her safe. He initially briefs her on the dangers of Celica's journey. He joins at the beginning of Chapter 4 after going through a hidden passage in the Temple of Mila. After the war, he became the high priest of the united faith of Mila and Duma.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Emma Character Race: Human Character Class: Pegasus knight Output:
Unlike Shade, Emma is fairly inexperienced and ignorant. She is a very cheerful thirteen-year-old girl, but she also seems to fluster easily. She always strives to better herself and further her training, being a fledgling sky knight, though this makes her easily influenced. Although she is a bit of an airhead, oftentimes her keen senses can suddenly rear their head.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Randal Character Race: Human Character Class: Paladin Output:
In contrast to the other Cipher originals, Randal has a somewhat laid back personality, wandering from town to town and battle to battle. A man who loves gambling, he is often seen with dice on the battlefield. At first glance, he seems uncaring and sloppy in appearance, yet he possesses much experience and tactÐand is actually a reliable man with exceptional skills, since as a capable knight, he skillfully uses twin swords in battle. Although he hates trouble and danger, he usually ends up in the middle of it anyway.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Yuzu Character Race: Human Character Class: Priestess Output:
Yuzu has trained in the arts of combat from an early age and she is always keen to prove her skills against formidable opponents. And while she has a serious and unpretending personality, she can be a little socially awkward. Like many girls her age, she has a fondness of cute things.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Shade Character Race: Human Character Class: Saint Output:
A woman who is adept with magic and possesses great wisdom and knowledge, Shade is shown to be knowledgeable and calm (unless someone were to inadvertently poke fun at her), akin to a mature older sister, as she teaches various things to her puzzled colleagues like Emma. Although she generally behaves in a very mature fashion, she tends to react poorly to unforeseen circumstances, especially when it happens to people she knows, causing her to go into a talkative panic of frustration and concern.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Shakira Jubilee the 3rd Character Race: Human Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
Shakira's mother (Shakira Jubilee the 2nd) was a beautiful dancer from a long line of human entertainers. Her mom was known across the land as Shakira of the Truthful Hips back in her youth. She traveled the lands with a large traveling carnival, dancing and singing to make ends meet. One night she met a very handsome dulcimer player of draconic heritage who had joined the carnival. Even though he had some scales on parts of his body, nobody seemed to notice. And when he played the very air seemed to still and the tension could be felt as the crowd waited to burst into applause. Even Shakira was mesmerized by his prowess and she let him charm and woo her and take her to bed. They spent a glorious week together in each other's company. However, on the 8th day when Shakira the 2nd awoke, his side of the bed was cold and he was out of her life forever. The only physical reminder was the dulcimer he had left behind. It wasn't until a few weeks later when she discovered another reminder of him as she discovered she was with child. Several months later and she gave birth to Shakira Jubilee the 3rd. Although not as beautiful as her mother, Shakira is not unattractive. However, she has patches of scales over her body as signs of her Draconian heritage. Because of this she grew up often shunned by other children who made fun of her because of her skin. Not all the carny folk shunned her though. There was a monk within the carnival that taught her how to handle a staff, a clown who taught her all the tricks one can do with makeup, and a marksman who taught her how to use a crossbow. Her mother also taught her how to dance, sing, and play several musical instruments. Shakira the 3rd found she enjoyed playing her dad's dulcimer the most. It just felt right in her hands and left her mouth free to sing. Whenever she asked her mom about her father she would just say that "he had the most piercing green eyes, and he was very well...built". Then her mom would smile and gaze off into the distance. One day her mother was ill and couldn't perform. Shakira, fearing they'd be kicked out of the carnival if they couldn't add to the show decided to go onstage herself. She went onstage with her dulcimer and sang the first thing that came to her mind, "101 Ways to Undress a Maiden" one of her favorite bawdy songs. As she played the audience was captivated. She loved the rush of being onstage and having people laugh with her instead of at her. When she was finished she knew she had found her true calling. Once she felt better her mom let Shakira continue to perform onstage but made her sing "proper" songs instead of the more racy ones that Shakira preferred. She honored her mothers request because she relished any chance to be on a stage. As she grew older her draconian ancestry emerged even more through her innate magical ability. The dancing lights spell was the first spell she learned and used it to enhance her performances. However, one day after a particularly mean joke from a goblin heckler her emotions got the better of her and she began hurling insult after insult at the man. This was a skill she was good at since she had been made fun of her entire life, even with scales she had developed a thick skin. Her words hurt his feelings and he began to cry a little bit. However, she was on a role and while insulting the man she accidentally summoned her first fire bolt. There were some minor injuries and burns but nobody was killed, however, the troupe lost a tent to the flames. Fearing her magical ability she was banished from the carnival by the end of the week. A tearful goodbye with her mother saw Shakira leave the carnival on her own. Her mother let her keep the dulcimer left by her father and wished her well. Shakira begged her mom to come with her but she said this was the only life she has known. She had taught Shakira all she knew about entertaining and it was up to her to learn more about her magical abilities and her heritage. so she left and roamed the countryside by herself seeking small towns and taverns where she could perform in taverns and make some gold. Without her mom to stop her she became known as Naughty Shakira for her lyrics and songs were said to make even the hardest of men blush. She's been on the road for a few years seeking fortune, fame, and clues about her father. Although she has gone on a few small adventures she is known more for her skill as an entertainer than as a warrior, though perhaps that's about to change...
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ragnar Character Race: Dwarf Character Class: Fighter Output:
Ragnar was a landed noble knight of the dwarven city of Baertheim. In secret he worshipped the god Kord, son of Kala, the evil goddess of the eternal winter. When this was discovered, he was stripped of his possessions, his family, his titles, even his very name, and was banished from Baertheim. But he still felt a sense of duty to his people, and set off to find someone who could help quell the war brewing between dwarf and lizardfolk. Eventually Kord cast off the yoke of his mother's evil and chose Ragnar as the Anointed One, and what was taken from him was returned.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Trivium Aravae Marduk Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Ranger Output:
ÒTwo star crossed loversÉÓ I think thatÕs how the Bards tell the taleÉ And itÕs a similar tale that begins my life, penned long before I was born. Both my parents Ðmy father a Human, the son of a wealthy Breland merchant and head of a guild, and my mother an Elf, the daughter of a powerful and old Elven family Ð were betrothed to marry others long before they were born. One to seal a lucrative business deal, the other to keep peace between two houses, but this was not to be. From first sight Urilee and Albrecht fell in love. They kept their relationship secret until I was born, during the end of the Last War. I was given the Elven name Aravae, which means great joy and happiness. When the secret was discovered, both families blamed the other for the deception, and a plan was made to kill me Ð the bastard child Ð and punish my parents for shaming them. Albrecht was slain at the hands of his own father Radbrecht, and my mother Urilee fled with me from Valenar to the forests of the northern Breland mountains, where we took refuge with a band of roving Ronin like Rangers Ð trackers, hunters and assassins for hire. This is where I learnt my skills, protecting the forest, moving as silent as a shadow, and killing faster and quieter than Nerull himself. I was given the name Trivium by my Ranger master, which roughly translates as the Outcast Son. My mother died of a broken heart when I was no more than 10, she never took another lover, nor looked at another man Ð no one could hold a candle to her long lost Albrecht. On my motherÕs death bed she made me promise not to seek revenge for the ills done to our small family, as it seemed we were forgotten and had lived in apparent peace amongst the Rangers of the woods. Yet, as all sons are meant to break their motherÕs hearts, IÕve journeyed as a protector with a troupe of Bards to the sea port in (Sharn) in an attempt to learn more of my hated grandfatherÕs guild house and Elven family, and eventually exact my revenge. IÕm 25, medium height, solid but wiry frame. Green piercing eyes and a tangle of black hair is tied loosely at the nape of my neck letting my slightly embarrassingly large Elven ears poke through. IÕm reserved and quiet at best, with a dark sense of humour and a love of strong ale. My temper when provoked is frightening and bestial, with the silent brute of the forest is a better descriptor for me. When Trivium was merely 16 and still an apprentice to the Ronin Rangers we embarked on a mercenary mission to save a stupid young son of a Breland official amongst the Greywall Mountains. My brothers of the Ronin Rangers and I ventured too far over the border into Droaam and stumbled into an Ogre tribal group, which didnÕt go well for our unaware band.__We suffered many casualties, the Ogres ripping the slower members limb from limb, it was a blood bath. My Ranger master screamed at me to stay back and managed to slay a number of the hairy stinking hulks before being wounded himself, his sword arm smashed to splinters by an Ogre club. Seeing my master bewildered and bloody at the foot of an Ogre barbarian I leapt upon itÕs back taking its head off in one slash of my kukri before he could land a death blow. As terrified as I was of the Ogres, I dragged my heavily injured master from the fray with our remaining comrades and fled to the cover of the higher mountains.__It wasnÕt until the adrenaline wore off that I noted I was missing 2 fingers from my left hand Ð the pinky and ring fingers Ð possibly bitten off by the Ogre I killed. The Breland officialÕs son was later found eviscerated and nailed to a tree on the western border of Breland and Droaam, we were obviously too late in finding him.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Chewi Character Race: Human Character Class: Wizard Output:
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Steven Graystone Character Race: Human Character Class: Warlock Output:
Steven is from a world similar to ours, which has advanced technology and no magic. He was never close to his parents, but was very close to his older sister, whom he lost touch with when she left to pursue her career as an actress, and he went to culinary school. He played drums in collage in an awful indie band that his friends started called Bag of Screws. He was brought to a fantasy world when, immediately after loosing his first real job as a professional chef, he was offered a job from a mysterious fey prince. Upon shaking the figure's hand, he was instantaneously brought to his new patron's tower and sent on his way with his Book of Shadows, which he uses to communicate with his patron. After warmly giving him his first assignment and some supplies, his patron vanished from sight. Since his patron refuses to give his name, Steven has nicknamed him Ghost Wizard, or G. Wiz for short.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Sorrel Dawne Character Race: Tiefling Character Class: Druid Output:
I was abandoned as a child and adopted by a blind halfling druid named Helmheny who didn't notice or care about my three horns and violet skin. He raised me in the ways of the Circle of Dreams, giving me access to the Feywild: a world I could - as a tiefling - finally - call my home. I am begrudgingly accepted in my mentor's town because of how widely he is respected, but not actively liked. However... I have just saved all of their lives from a tsunami, so the tide is changing.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Rowan Marsk Character Race: Human Character Class: Fighter Output:
Rowan's village was destroyed by an earthquake when she was 3 years old. Her parents were the best carpenters in the village. They fled with her and, after a few years on the road, found employ at the home of a local noble, Silvercrest Manor. Rowan was a rowdy child, spending a lot of time in the stables and her parents workshop. After a few years her father passed away, still grief stricken about the loss of their home. Rowan left her aging mother behind at Silvercrest and set out to find her fortune, hone her skills and eventually become a hero that can reclaim her home. For the past few years she has been working as security for an elven trading company in a big port city.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Nova Starbind Character Race: Pixie Character Class: Paladin Output:
Nova was a typical Neverland pixie. When one of the Lost Boys was dying, she expended all her pixie dust in a big wish to save him, and found herself in Faerun (which she believed to be the afterlife). She soon came upon a statue of Bahamut, and knew immediately that this was a representation of the sacred crocodile who had eaten Hook's hand. She immediately joined the temple of Bahamut and worked to become a paladin.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Naz'thorne Character Race: Githzerai Character Class: Invoker Output:
Naz served Haramathur in the Dawn War, when He sacrificed Himself plugging a hole in reality. She serves still, having gained immortality in the war. She meditates in a secret room in her temple until great need arises, and then she goes forth to bless the unfortunate and smash the unworthy, as needed.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Red Character Race: Tabaxi Character Class: Rogue Output:
Red can sing really well, and when her parents found out about her ability when she was young, they tried to force her into being the hyper-feminine singing icon that she desperately didn't want to be. Due to that, she has extreme self-image issues, and desperately tries to avoid being seen as too feminine, adopting the butch look. When she was 18, she ran away from home and hasn't returned since, disowning her family and stealing to survive.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: John Theta Character Race: Human Character Class: Dual-wielding ranger Output:
He knows he is a fictional character, and has had many adventures in many different worlds.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Simbelmyne Character Race: Unicorn Character Class: Sage Output:
Simbelmyne was once a respected healer and wizard amongst the timid and secretive unicorns. However, due to an unhealthy obsession with humanoids, the greatest threat to unicornkind, she was cast out of unicorn society forever. She now wanders the world in her own humanoid form, courtesy of a transformation spell which she herself wrote. She joins various bands of adventurers in their travels in order to gain a greater understanding of the human world and perhaps someday bridge the gap between unicorns and humanity.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Gildarts Character Race: Human Character Class: Bard Output:
Gildarts grew up in a small, insignificant village. His sense of humor was always strange, to the point where he taught a kobold to speak common as a joke. His humor took a stranger, darker turn, however, when the dying started. One by one, his family died bloody, pointless deaths, and there was nothing Gildarts could do. Nothing, that is, except laugh. And so he did. He laughed when his mother died, because it was either that or collapse under the weight of his pain. He travels the world as a comedian now, his jokes carrying a strange power to them, with his favorite application being to make people or monsters kill each other. He thinks it's hilarious, and is often confused when others disagree. There's a darkness in Gildarts, and every now and then, when somebody ruins his fun or forces him to confront his pain, it emerges, and that's when he really starts to laugh.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Padraig McMillan Character Race: Werewolf Character Class: Immolator Output:
Padraig had a goo life. The simple life of a fisherman, but a good life. He had comfort, respect and a betrothed. But that all changed when the baron's men marched into town to collect taxes, a full six months early. This callous greed so enraged Padraig that it unleashed something buried deep within him. Fire issued forth on his breath and into his hands, where he could shape it at will. He set about dispatching the baron's men, molding the flames into weapons that he found familiar; for the main part the weapons from the barroom brawls of his youth, most notably a bar stool, with the only exception being a simple fishing spear. The deed done, he had no choice but to flee, with only a fishing lure to remind him of his old life. If he stayed, his village would be he ones to suffer. So he made his way to a new land, where he found work as an adventurer. His hatred of injustice was refined over this journey, into something similar to modern-day socialism. And then came the battle with the harpies. He fought them off as best he could, but nevertheless found himself carried off, high into the sky. A more sensible man would wait until he'd reached the harpy's nest before slaying them, but Padraig was never especially sensible. Cushioning his fall with flame, he survived, but just barely. Too badly wounded to even move, he was easy prey for the werewolf. His new for hasn't impeded his powers in the slightest, merely changed the forms that he works the flames into. Gone are the weapons of the barroom brawler, replaced instead by more primal shapes; claws, fangs and even whole wolves of fire. His temperament has been similarly altered, his cheerful, open countenance displaying some... cracks, moments of savagery and aggression beyond anything he was capable of before. One thing is certain above all, however; one of these days, he'll go home. And when he does, that baron is fucked.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Gnosi Seruna Character Race: Wood elf Character Class: Knowledge cleric Output:
Gnosi was born into a small hamlet within South Faerun close to the sea of fallen stars. Gnosi was an outsider from birth, first with his pale ghostly skin striking a contrast with the coppery hues of his brothers, then with his love for books and wonders of the arcane. His love for studying did not go unnoticed. Through a chance encounter one night, some may call it fate, a travelling wizard named Merlin found Gnosi hiding from the other children who use to call him names. Merlin saw that Gnosi was no normal wood elf and that his ghostly pale skin was a sign from the great ashen tree who has chosen him for a higher purpose. Merlin took Gnosi under his wing and taught him what it means to be a cleric of the highest order, to follow the faith and strive to better himself. Merlin showed Gnosi that knowledge is not bad and that it can be used to better yourself. Many years had passed and a burning question had stuck with Gnosi his whole life, ÒWhy did the ashen tree pick me?Ó Merlin knew the answer but did not want to tell him until he was ready to know. This was okay until one night Gnosi awoke to an empty house, Merlin was gone without a trace, no clue left behind, ever since that night Gnosi has been searching for him and has not found a trace yet.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Avon Whiterock Character Race: Human Character Class: Wizard Output:
After graduating from the Wizarding University of Yerby, Avon took a job teaching at a small wizarding elementary school. However, before his first day at work was over, he discovered that he hated working for people, especially children. Avon left his resignation notice and took the first ship out of the country, intending to start living as an adventurer...
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Bright Shield Character Race: Human Character Class: Kai lord Output:
ÒThey say the Sommlending came from the North, sailing to Sommerlund on mighty ships that tamed the harshest of waves. My family still plies the cold deeps, sailing along the coast as fisherfolk. Though not nobleborn like most of my Kai companions, I come from a fierce, honourable heritage and take pride in that fact. One of the ways I show respect to my heritage is by wielding the spear, an homage to the deep ocean fishing that my people do every day to survive. Together with my shield, I wield my weapon in defence of my duties, my fellow Kai Lords and the honour of my Order. I hope one day to follow my familyÕs tradition of facing down some terrible foe, defeating it in glorious combat and emblazoning my shield with its image.Ó
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Dawn Thunder Character Race: Human Character Class: Kai lord Output:
ÒMost children who develop the special gifts of the Kai Lords come from the noble houses of Sommerlund. I am no exception, and can trace my lineage all the way to the olden days of King Ulnar II, when my ancestors married into the royal line. My tutors have told me that the great kingÕs legendary intellect has surfaced in my generation, granting me a sharp mind and wisdom beyond my years. Even among my exceptional peers, I stand out in this regard. The Kai Skurdin have tried to keep me balanced between the physical and the mental aspects of being a Kai, but I am unquestionably better at the former. That said, I have taken quite well to weapon training with a warhammer, a weapon that my royal ancestor was also partial to carrying. Some of the Skurdin at the Kai Monastery have mentioned in passing that I bear quite a strong resemblance to the kings of old. Some nights, I even dream of wearing a crown. It makes me wonder, just how noble is my blood?Ó
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Moon Blade Character Race: Human Character Class: Kai lord Output:
ÒI am highborn and yet very different from my fellow Kai. My heritage is a mix of Sommlending and Vassagonian. I manifested KaiÕs gift when I was only 6 years old. I am a natural psychic and while my talents might have been put to much different ends in Vassagonia, my Sommlending father proudly took me to the Monastery instead. I must walk a careful line between several worlds. I am a child of two nations and my mind traverses both the physical realm and the psychic plane. I often see things that no one else can perceive and hear whispers in shadows I know are empty. My earliest memories are of speaking with the spirit of my Grandmother, a wise woman who died ten years before I was born. My gifts make me a natural diplomat and spy, a charismatic telepath with a knack for disguising myself as other people when the need arises. The Kai Skurdin have great faith in me, even those that have been gone for centuries.Ó
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Night Fox Character Race: Human Character Class: Kai lord Output:
ÒLife can be very hard for the struggling poor of Anskaven. Though Anskaven is one of SommerlundÕs richest settlements, there are many shadows there that are deep enough for families to fall into and never find their way back out again. I know this first hand. I might have ended up as just another body on the cobblestones had it not been for the emergence of my Kai gifts when I was 8 years old. I was found by a Kai Lord I was attempting to pickpocket and was taken from Anskaven and brought to the Kai Monastery for a life I never could have imagined. Now I ply my natural talents, both those of the Sun God and those best practised while He sleeps, for the good of the Order. I am a true believer in the ways of the Kai and no one doubts my loyalty. That said, I do occasionally have to fight against my baser instincts. This tends to manifest itself in my instinct to acquire and hoard possessions. I regularly fail dormitory inspections, typically when Menskurd Silent Owl finds silverware and spare weapons hidden under my mattress.Ó
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Storm Sparrow Character Race: Human Character Class: Kai lord Output:
ÒI was found amid the ruins of a wrecked carriage and was brought to the Monastery by a passing Kai Herra who heard my cries. KaiÕs Grace is rarely subtle and thus it came as no surprise when my latent powers began to manifest themselves. Infants showing signs of Kai heritage are very rare, so much so that I have grown up with the ÔhonourÕ of being considered especially blessed. Others may show a stronger sign of KaiÕs direct favour, but no one can deny He watches over me. Some might become arrogant after being given so much attention but I have always seen my gifts as something to be earned through devotion and hard work. Most Kai Elrhin revere Kai but I am especially devout. I have never missed a sunrise, always getting up before the dawn to offer Kai my morning prayer. I am not, however, a demure priestess or a cloistered Sister of the Sun. I worship as a Kai Konor should. My favourite places are the green wilds around the Monastery; my favourite shrines are the branches of Sommlending Oaks; my favourite prayer companions are the animals that often flock to be near me while I pray.Ó
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: True Song Character Race: Human Character Class: Kai lord Output:
ÒNoble birth brought with it the benefits of education but I could happily have stopped my studies after learning to read. I discovered literacy at the age of 4 and have never looked back since. I donÕt even remember my first ride to the Kai Monastery as a child because I never once looked up from my copy of The History of the House of Ulnar. There are excellent facilities at the Monastery, but all I really care about is its library! This focus on books, everything from historical treatises to the latest advances in medicine and metallurgy, has cost me physically. While I am well trained, I lack the speed and strength of many of my fellows in the Order. I work hard to make up for this, helping others out where I can. I do tend to spend most of my time in combat training hiding behind my shield but IÕm very good at tending to the wounded. My dedication to truth and honour is inspiring to others. While this devotion originally came from the storybook characters I idolised as a child, it has become a part of me now. Slowly, without even trying, I am becoming a heroine in my own right.Ó
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Magdalen Character Race: Human Character Class: Beguiler Output:
Magdalen is a sociopath who discovered the art of subterfuge and sneakiness at a young age, when she plunged her merchant family into a Hatfield-and-McCoy-esque blood feud. Her ruthless murder of the enemy family's patriarch led her to be exiled from her home city, so she put her stealth and burgeoning arcane skills to use as a spy in the Jumilaw Jungle war...until she realized how little her life was worth to her allies and quietly went AWOL. Fleeing back to civilization, Magdalen began to carve out a place in society's underbelly, and now runs one of the largest rings of "information brokers" in the western lands. Even this accomplishment isn't enough to satisfy her, however, and she has ventured out into the world again to put her subtlety and charm to use in a search for more knowledge and power.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Doktor Ludwig Krauss Character Race: Human Character Class: Alchemist Output:
Doktor Ludwig Krauss is a former army surgeon from the strict, militaristic Kreigerian Empire. His career and reputation were torpedoed by his affair and subsequent marriage to one of the scorned Celden traveling folk: political dissident and budding mad scientist Leah Shaugn. The pair scratched out a living providing medical care to the forgotten dregs of Kreigerian society by day, and pushing forward their unorthodox scientific work in a hidden lab by night. To Ludwig Krauss, these hard years were by far the best of his life. But disaster struck when Leah's hot-headed younger brother, Michael, fell in with a faction of Celden anarchists far more violent than Leah's gentler comrades. Doktor Krauss made a desperate last-ditch attempt to foil a bombing plot by Michael's new associates, but it ended in disaster, with dozens dead (mainly on the plotters' side), the Empire hunting suspected dissidents with redoubled fury, and Leah mortally injured in the crossfire. As Imperial forces closed in on their hidden lab, Krauss and Michael put aside their now-incandescent hatred for one another, for the one cause they still both shared: saving Leah's life. Their shared determination, all Michael's ruthless cunning, all Krauss's surgical skill...were not enough. Leah's heart gave out on the operating table, and her shattered body could not be revived. The temporary truce between Michael and Krauss died with her. Ludwig Krauss barely escaped Michael's attempt to incinerate him, but as he staggered from the burning lab, he took with him his one remaining reason to live: Leah's brain, held in alchemical suspended animation by the untested techniques she and Ludwig had been working to develop. Hunted, wounded, and exhausted, Krauss knew his chances of escape were remote. He handed Leah -- all three pounds of her, safe in her suspension canister -- to those few of her old comrades who still trusted him, and begged them to smuggle her to fellow-scientists overseas. He would follow if he could. It has been seven years since that terrible night. Krauss was captured, of course, after an audacious but doomed race for the border. He narrowly escaped a death sentence for treason, and served out his sentence in a prison camp on lesser charges. Today he walks out free, though disowned by his family, scorned by his profession, and despised by his nation. None of that concerns him. These seven dark years, he has lived for one hope. Somewhere, in their torn network of old comrades or scientific colleagues, someone has kept Leah safe. He will find her, will take up their old research, will crack the alchemical secrets of life of death for her. Any other possibility is unthinkable. If it destroys him, if history curses his name, if the Empire burns...Leah will live.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ellyjobell Folker Ku Character Race: Gnome Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
The troubles in Ku's family began with her grandfather. One dark winter 97 years ago, his gnomish village was under attack from a clan of Drow seeking slaves. Ku's grandfather, Mather, snuck behind enemy lines to assassinate the powerful warlock orchestrating the drow army's tactics. When he entered the warlock's tent, he found a crystal globe with swirling darkness within on the table. Its whispers almost entranced him, but he resisted, picked up the globe, and smashed it down on the drow warlock's skull. The globe shattered, releasing the shadows within, which swirled around him and sank into his skin, turning it an ashen gray. He also gained supergnomish strength, which enabled him to fight his way out of the drowish camp. Mather made it back to his village and the gnomes defeated their enemies, but Mather was never the same. Many years later, after he and his ladyfrien had Ellyjobell's mother, Mather rose sleepwalking one night and disappeared into the woods. When his gnomish friends searched for him, they found no sign of Mather, but discovered that a once unremarkable clearing had been enshrouded in a mysterious darkness. That darkness never lifted from that day to this, and for decades the gnomes of the village avoided it. Ellyjobell's mother, Fuder, was eyed warily by the other villagers throughout her childhood. She inherited her father's ashen skin, uncanny strength, and penchant for staring, not blinking for days at a time. By the time she was a teenager, a bony hound followed her throughout the village. She made the other children nervous, and she took to playing in the woods, often romping through the shady clearing where her father had vanished, and avoiding other gnomes. Much to the other villagers' surprise, when she was 17, she became pregnant. She never revealed who (or what) the father was, and before she gave birth, she decamped from the village to a lean-to she had constructed on the edge of the shady clearing. Ellyjobell grew up accustomed to the soothing whispers that emanated from the shadows. Whenever she played there with the spectral dogs who befriended her, she felt as though she were being watched by generations of family. But tragedy once again struck Ellyjobell's small family when she was 17. A human king sent his army to wipe out the gnomish village in an effort to cleanse all non-humans from his lands. Far outnumbered, the gnomes sought out Fuder and begged her to use her dark powers to save them. Fuder demurred, confessing she didn't know anything about dark powers, and while strange things sometimes happened to her, she didn't know how to control them, but after hours of cajoling, she surrendered to the gnomes and agreed to join the battle against the humans. At first Fuder was lost in the fray, terrified of the flying slings and javelins, trying just to stay alive. But as she saw her fellow gnomes being senselessly slaughtered around her, her fear turned to rage, and a great shadow swept over the humans on the battlefield. When the darkness lifted, the human army had vanished. So had Fuder. With nothing left to keep her near the land of her birth, Ellyjobell took her favorite dog -- a black mastiff she had found among a litter abandoned in the woods and bottle-raised -- and struck out into the wider world. What powers does she have, and to what ends will she use them? Only time will tell.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Tabitha Moore Character Race: Human Character Class: Cleric Output:
A religious medic who doesn't handle death or change well. She lost her family and many patients to illness. She is looking for new medicines and ultimately a way to cure death.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Scarlet the Unbound Character Race: Half-dragon Character Class: Ranger Output:
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Dyharik Character Race: Chyb Character Class: Druid Output:
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Duffle Baggins Character Race: Gnome Character Class: Bard Output:
Duffle left home early in search of life on the high seas. Without saying goodbye, she vanished into the night. She came across a group of vigilantes in a tavern who found her charm quite amusing. They adopted her into their group, known as the Courting Sails. Duffle got exactly what she wanted. For the next few years, Duffle learned the shanties of the sea and fell in love with the music. As the charming and musically gifted Duffle traveled with the group, she became their reliable distractor. Prying attention away from her crew mates as they played on with their deeds, comprised of unhinging corrupted leaders, saving damsels and uncovering drug deals. They were, of course, mostly in it for the money, but Duffle was not about to argue with that. One day, the group discovered rumors of a drug deal in a sea port they were currently in. The gnome and the Courting Sails snuck around in the cover of night to find a drop off in an abandoned part of the port, covered in broken beams and decaying wood. The dropee no where in sight. In the bag was indeed filled with drugs. Duffle proposed switching the drugs with herself. This way, the group can get the drop on the person. The group all agreed and the drugs were removed and Duffle was placed in the bag. The plan went with more or less without a hitch. The group collected their reward and Duffle was rewarded her name. A name to forget all other names. She was no longer the gnome she used to be. Only Duffle. After several more years, the group became smaller and smaller and soon there were no more Courting Sails. Duffle started singing in taverns for money. She sang her old shanties with pride. One day, she meet a Teifling bard named Meelech in a tavern called GoodBarrel. The two battled for territory fiercely, but neither of them could best the other. After some good ale, the two decided to join up. Together they became Short Verse, the traveling duo. They've been traveling together since.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Dabbert of Dabonem Character Race: Human Character Class: Fighter Output:
From a small village, a family man. Has twin sons and lives with his brother, sister, parents, and in laws. Wildcard character. Think drax from guardians of the galaxy
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Clarabelle Thistleknot Character Race: Minotaur Character Class: Thief Output:
Clarabelle's family was lost at sea in a shipwreck when she was an infant. She washed ashore, miraculously unharmed, and was discovered by Lintana Thistleknot, an eccentric kender. Lintana raised Clarabelle as her daughter, teaching her kender traditions, such as the use of a hoopak staff. While Clarabelle lacks the stealth and dexterity of her adoptive clan, she followed their path into a life of roguery.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Faller Blackcreek Character Race: Tiefling Character Class: Paladin Output:
Faller was the youngest of three children in a family of wealthy human merchants. Inherited from his mother's side, he was the first in four generations to manifest the tiefling traits, to the dismay of his up-and-coming parents and outright derision of his grandfather, who ultimately chose his name. As he grew older however, the Blackcreek family learned to adjust to his condition, treating him the same as his brother and sister, and doing their best to find a place for their youngest in a world that looks on him with suspicion. Through his strength, dedication, and a word of recommendation from his Uncle, Faller was thrilled to acquire a steady job with the city guard, and swore to do what he could to make his family proud and his city safer. But as the years passed, his excitement at his prospects slowly faded as it became clear that he was to be shuffled to the sidelines, mostly given drunktank and archive duty while occasionally being called in to intimidate particularly uncooperative suspects. Frustrated by the disdain of his boss, his inability to prove himself, and his nonexistant prospects to advance, Faller decided to take matters into his own hands. He began to look into old unsolved cases in his free time, and then eventually into open ones as well, throwing himself into questionable and far fetched avenues of investigation that his colleagues wouldn't consider. Eventually, despite the chiding, the polite requests, and the outright threats of his superiors to keep his nose out of things, Faller began to rack up a successful case record, slowly clawing his way up the hierarchy. And it was about that point, two years ago while investigating a string of disappearances and a suspected serial killer, that a figure in armor appeared to him in a dream, and Faller had his first vision. The clues contained in the strange vision led to him solving the case, and started him down the path to becoming a holy warrior for Helm.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Pith Character Race: Elf (drow) Character Class: Warlock Output:
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Twang Character Race: Kenku Character Class: Bard Output:
Twang was born a servant of the notorious trickster god, Valravn. She had the gift of music since she was young, and would play frequently to her fellow Kenku servants, and she eventually discovered that her music could comfort the dead. Hela, the goddess of the underworld found Twang's skills interesting, and took her as a servant for herself, giving her a special title: The Ravens Consort. Although Twang disagreed morally with some of the work she was given, she fell deeply in love with Hela's kindness, a trait not many saw in the goddess. Unfortunately, Twang was not always the best consort, and would sometimes enrage Hela by doing against her instructions. The final straw came when the other Kenkus, jealous of Twang's special treatment, entreated Twang to even the odds. So Twang stole the book of Language, a tome treasured by Valravn, and she gave it to the Kenkus. Hela found out and cast Twang and all the other Kenkus out, effectively making them mortals.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Kimri Godsblade Character Race: Dwarf Character Class: Paladin ollam Output:
Kimri's family has a long history of service to Moradin, and she did not dare to deviate. She became an acclaimed paladin of Moradin, though her true calling was in the bardic arts. When her younger sister flouted tradition and became a bard, Kimri dared to dream for herself and became an Ollam, a Dwarven teacher and sage. She traveled the known world, collecting forgotten Dwarven lore and righting wrongs on the way. When war threatened her homeland, she returned to defend her people.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Hecil Character Race: Elf Character Class: Cleric Output:
Hecil is a priest of Fenmarel Mestarine, an elven god of solitude, and outcasts. Born at an inn on the edge between civilization and wilderness, he wandered the wilds at an early age. An elder priest of Fenmarel took young Hecil as an apprentice in the ways of survival, solitude, and self-reliance. Hermits and solitary wanderers make up most of the priesthood, and Hecil is no exception. On those few occasions where he enters a city, he can be found in the poorer areas, among the despised, impoverished, and desperate.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Natintha Character Race: Human Character Class: Monk-sorcerer Output:
Natintha was a foundling raised in a monastery, and was a happy normal child to all appearances. She was well into her training in her monastery's advanced practices when a terrible accident set loose the power that had been locked within her. With no-one among the monks to guide her, she set out on a journey to learn to contain and control these new powers. She maintains the discipline of her early training, and tries to balance it with the new skills she is learning. She has studied with a woodland wise-woman and with a low-powered magician in a travelling show who worked magic barely above sleight-of-hand tricks. Several encounters with more sinister and experienced sorcerers have led her to be cautious when divulging information about herself and her training. More than once, the skills she learned at the monastery have been useful in a fight, or in flight. She is generally a pleasant and happy companion, although inclined toward long thoughtful silences and meditation. She likes being clean very much, and doesn't enjoy extended times in dirty environments or travelling rough, although she can bear it when needed. She knows very little about the people who left her at the monastery as a child, and never cared before she found her power. Now she carries what she knows with her, on the lookout for information on her past.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: cooking Character Race: Cooking Character Class: Cooking Output:
and then whites not necessarily you see, the on the eloquent <a href=https://vimeo.com/charmdate>CHArmDate SCAM</a> speech which is a feature including your loved one long a time in addition positive occupation, poet, writer, and as a consequence activist Maya Angelou encountered unpleasant sentences for people on a quality just who yet been disrespectful out of barack obama. "it also detrimental, the young woman referred to on top of monday PoliticsNati. "it just shows that there are many that want us to carry on being involving not yet been national. it is so inane, Angelou finds out specific disrespectful expressions even greater unsettling stunning barack obama inclusive frequency. "the man revealed by his own that should be intelligent, and which also doesn necessarily knowledgeable, neither is it has to necessarily mean mental, however,yet,yet keen, your woman identified. "this in essence means he knows sufficient amounts to love most people, To are the director at every individual, blue somebody us president, dark females, asian, real spanish, real spanish,simple spanish engaging, ancient yankee, homosexual as well as,while without stopping, ceo on everybody, "And in addition to being I see those people who would like to keep us polarized it looks like <a href=https://www.bitchute.com/channel/charmdate/>CHARMDATE</a> just how useless. Are we really going to are just that deep? that a majority of compacted, exact same mood of inclusiveness shots off the tee the actual jane's amazing campaigns, your darling red developed the lighted magnifier Month fantastic, "recommending today's levels, this is what year usually the original, to use third year, amenities anecdotes off Kofi Annan, Jennifer Hudson, and simply Alicia secrets. "We a bit more equal to be able to resolution un. when you know that, perhaps you can make a alliance that helps us all that are kinder, Truer together, a whole lot more affable, lady furthermore,possibly even done anything about the installation to support explain to the younger period the intentions of those that solid the way, for you if you show up equal and those who so many different,an excess of tender charcoal people young and old add fully grasp they ended up paid out, add appreciate much of the great folks who were living in this world and paid to suit definitely, lindsay outlined. "understand it necessary for much younger dark folks. it necessary to produce little white-coloured men and women. apparently, only real compatible to understand. another arrangement no longer has sufficient get, via 84, Angelou persists attached to the younger generating by the doll work as a teacher at wake up high university or in idaho. "I still tell young adults, you treated, he referred to. "They are worth nearly anything. a woman can be better than in fact the "c" word of mouth, together with black levels can be better than appearing the 'n' term, "regardless of your circumstances the rush crew, whatever the your age group, You are better than obtaining referred to as word that refuse <a href=https://www.pinterest.com/charmdate/>CHARMDATE SCAM</a> your primary the human race, Angelou in assessed when it comes to about previous college tuition ruling about sign assault. "We have the authority to reverence and include our children and we have to do so and consider the company that permit loony the or if the man girl friend destroy one's to 200 children or fifty our, Or twenty or one, she defined. "We have to look at that and tell, Do we really have enough sensation problems to converse hinder it's, stop the site. this particular achieved carry out.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Gerhanna DuClane Character Race: Human Character Class: Swamp witch Output:
Gerhanna was born in a rickety shack in a swamp. She spent her formative years playing in mud and with the various beasties therein, slowly honing her elemental powers. Her mother, an average human of average means, didn't know how to handle her powers and couldn't begin to guess at their cause. Her father, however, was quite aware- having been impotent for years, he had made a deal with a woman run out of his villiage for witchcraft. She promised him a child, with a catch- the child would also ensure her own line of succession.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: VRRL Character Race: Illithid Character Class: Paladin Output:
VRRL is agender and genderless and objects to being identified by pronouns that carry gendered (he/she) or objective (it) connotations. VRRL was trained as a historian of human culture, to better learn how to capture and enslave "food receptacles." But upon interacting with humans VRRL began to learn that they, and other races, were more than just "food receptacles" or even "former-food-receptacles" and became better than VRRL's origin would allow. From that point on, VRRL was a on a path of redemption and began training as a Paladin of the Sun God.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Miniforged Character Race: Wyrwood Character Class: Alchemist Output:
After hearing rumors of living constructs called "warforged", the planar artificer and alchemist Gyrmoneirus has tried to replicate the proccess. So far, his results have only given him a nice and quirky, but still fully construct, aide.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Urist Bjornson Character Race: Dwarf Character Class: Rogue Output:
Hailing from a clan of berserkers, Urist nontheles pursues the art of an assassin.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Gurgleblorg Character Race: Awakened trash Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
Sometimes, it is better to clean up your mage tower at least twice a year
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: God Hammer Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Eldritch knight Output:
Once considered defeated, this maddened assassin seeks revenge both against his "slayers" and his mystic order.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Writhing Serpent, Awakened By Spring Character Race: Elf Character Class: Monk Output:
This ascetic returns from his forest retreat to destroy evil demonic cults that treaten the balance of nature.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Beepbeppbepbeep Character Race: Desert beeple Character Class: Shaman Output:
Spirits of sun and sands have granted this creature intelligence and desire to spread the desert.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Lang Californius Character Race: Demigod Character Class: Rogue Output:
All that falls under his gaze is his forever. When he does not battle evil (and sometimes even when he does!), he expands his Empire of Love by conquest and charm.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Grurrak Character Race: Orc Character Class: Frenzied berserker Output:
Exiled from his tribe due to his odd choice of mate, he will protect this body pillow to his last breath.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Hassan Al'Hadar Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Alienist Output:
He only wanted friends.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Great Juja Character Race: Grippli Character Class: Witch Output:
Fed up with woodcutters destroying her jungle, she turns their beer to poison.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: wooden box Character Race: Wooden Character Class: Box Output:
Greatest hero of their generation returns!
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Glizle Whipkisser Character Race: Rope gnome Character Class: Pain taster Output:
He's more into knives, though.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Squeziestrilanatrisatrant Character Race: Steam mephit Character Class: Commoner Output:
Sometimes, big names are not important.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Meow-Crack-"SAUSAGES WHO WANTS SAUSAGES" Character Race: Kenku Character Class: Monk Output:
Hiding in the market, this kenku speaks with advertisement slogans.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Mollin Oakenpipe Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Vitalist Output:
This village elder and resident witch doctor enters trance with his patient, allowing him to share their wounds with him.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Swoodles Dreamsmith Character Race: Gnome Character Class: Aegis Output:
Hailing out of community obessed with creating constructs out of ethereal and astral matter, this gnome shapes his armor of crystalized thought with his mind.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Sitt Aida bint Hussein Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Summoner Output:
Through trickery and guile, this princess managed to bind a cruel and spiteful genie to act as her bodyguard.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Jorrul the Rock Son Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Fighter/sentinel Output:
Despite never becoming a shaman, his devotion to Earthfather is answered with supernatural powers.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: "Battlebrain" Sigfried Character Race: Human Character Class: War mind Output:
Despite his odd nickname, this warrior was unquestioned leader of his mercenary band.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Sigismund the Reaver Character Race: Human Character Class: Barbarian Output:
For all his noble blood and study of tactics, he is driven by pure rage.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Bronko kez Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Bard Output:
Shunned and exiled by his clan viewing him as weak, he was sold off to slavers. Excaping his captors he stowed away aboard a ship. Upon being discovered, the captain took pity on him and he was put to work off his debt instead of being tossed overboard. This is where he learned the way of the seas, and picked up a knack for music. Mostly shantys and folk songs. Untill he realized he ahead a knack for something else... bardic spellcasting.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Thessis Foresux Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Monk Output:
A long time ago Before things got weird Came a Dragon, a mighty dragon that Everybody Feared Now, G is for Giraffe And H for Halloween But, I'm not Joking about This Kill-ill-Ling Machi- Na-na-na-na Na-na-na-na {as if through a bullhorn} Na-na-na-na Oh, pants will keep on Peein' And we'll raise Quite a Ruckus In case you haven't guessed by now The S is for Suckus The S is for Sucks The S is for Sucks The S is for Sucks The S is for Sucks! The S is for Sucks The S is for Sucks The S is for Sucks The S is for Sucks! {children's voices yell the letters T through W with Strong Bad} T! Two beefy arms! U! Uneven style! V! Constabulate V's! W! What a pile! Xcuse me Mr. Trogdor You've run out of luck In case you haven't heard the news Zee S is for Sucks {children's voices join in and sing this part} Zee S is for Sucks Zee S is for Sucks Zee S is for Sucks Oh, Zee S is for Sucks! Zee S is for Sucks Zee S is for Sucks Zee S is for Sucks Croissant! Zee S is for Sucks!
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Khnumi Character Race: Human Character Class: Cleric Output:
As ancient but incomplete prophecy is about to be fulfilled, this cleric seeks scrolls and tablets that will clarify what exactly will happen.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Gillas the Primewalker Character Race: Salt genasi Character Class: Swashbuckler Output:
This genasi seeks to completely chart every prime world that he will stumble upon - geography, culture, beliefs, cosmological views. Her quest begins here.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Excinsurrismadasnaberi Character Race: Water mephit Character Class: Factotum Output:
Sold out as a semi-literal "skillmonkey", this mephit nontheless will happily do every chore that his new masters have no time to do in adventure.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Aki Character Race: Crow Character Class: Inverse druid Output:
They were shipwrecked and learned to carve magic wood to transform into other people.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Jamek DonÕPebsis Character Race: Shardmind Character Class: Alchemist Output:
A scumbag from beyond the astral plane, Jamek has come to the prime material plane with one goal; SWINDLE.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: WaltergutPQ Character Race: 826753 Character Class: 589411 Output:
BaconAirplane you BaconAirplane 1 placement developed 3 days ago there's no doubt that you may be continuously pushing continuously. very own sibling could be complaining for me around <a href=https://www.bitchute.com/video/LI31gBjqgY9e/>asiame</a> many men who are far too a little wild. when come on with plenty of girls it likely that when you ask one out they may not encounter completely unique or a any completely different from sub-par ones. have you learnt many of these most women you are begging wl first? i have been more or less best friends to the two ladies I dated <a href=https://www.slideshare.net/Asiame/is-asiame-real-find-the-fairminded-asiame-review-here>asiame.com</a> (insurance coverage for quite more than a year), but I connected with a woman by way of Tinder who exactly wasn as intriguing as frequently analysts and it only survived two days. i would personally say associated with we merely didn consider some other it correctly. If a lady has recently told you you are <a href=https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/asiame>asiame</a> eye-catching on a few reason, almost certainly are usually, acne pimples has not was standing into my strategie. i really don't have fun with a lot of young ladies with there being not many my well being in, I look for out of womans inside my groups that we discover a method to be friends with, They could not decide use punching on anybody. I are not aware these animals very well in advance usually i realize couple of also weeks find out from. What i've been planning on is that we're enquiring too soon and searching frantic or to overeager simply because. i reckon cause I achieve that is firstly seeing that there are friends straight away and one appeal to with them 's a interconnection, could possibly associated with possibly be destroying tend to be opportunity.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Maple Hopriver Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Ranger, multi-class Output:
Maple Prestrien Hopriver is the daughter of an unusually adventurous halfling or hobbit, Matilda Hopriver (an offshoot of the Took clan), and a strangely down-to-earth High Elf ranger named Fenran, who left with his scouting party after only a few daysÕ rest in the Shire. Maple was raised quietly, neither discouraged from adventure nor encouraged to try and fit in with the young halflings around her, which would be in vain - going by height alone, she could pass for a very short, rather stocky human. She has very curly, dark blonde hair and dresses mostly in brown, black and mustard yellow, carrying a short sword, and rarely much else. She began her adventuring career as True Neutral. MapleÕs companion is a large, loyal moose named Tantalus, whom she met in the forest near her home. Tantalus has no special abilities outside of a relatively high intelligence - he is able to understand various commands and communicate with Maple through subtle non-verbal actions, such as mimicking her body language as best he can. He has a very impressive rack of antlers, which tends to get tangled in dense areas of forest. He serves as a mount and pack animal to Maple, and is, naturally, capable of doing severe damage to an assailant due to his sheer size and sharpened antlers. Despite her friendship with Tantalus and frequent forays into the nearby forests, Maple never ventured far from the Shire until the arrival of a tired party heading south on a trial mission for the White Talon AdventurersÕ Guild. This party, consisting of a male human sorcerer named Hadrian, a male half-orc warrior called Zanagar, a female human bard named Desdelmone, and a young tiefling Paladin-in-training who calls herself Hero, received MapleÕs hobbit hospitality with gratitude, and, spurred by her interest in the guild, invited her to accompany them on their little quest. Maple made fast friends with Hero, who really didnÕt understand the difference between good and evil but who looked up to paladins and berserkers as people of courage and conviction; but the halflingÕs greatest initial interest was in Hadrian, who she was hopelessly attracted to. Having always thought of herself as more or less human - the species whose houses were the same size as hers - Maple was slow to realize that Hadrian perceived her as starkly inhuman, like Hero and Zanagar - supporting characters to the (really fairly inexperienced) Hadrian and (utterly useless) Desdelmone. However, it wasnÕt until the end of their mission, which Hero somehow managed to turn into a dragon-slaying quest, that Hadrian kissed Des and MapleÕs heart was broken. Her party found her that night in a tavern, drunk for the first time in her life, and Hadrian began to realize rather dully that the non-human members of the party were nonetheless full-fledged people, as he comforted Maple - oblivious to the reason she was upset. Maple silently forgave him, but was prepared to return home for good until the party begged her to stay. She had shown rare bravery, not only in fighting the partyÕs final battle, but also in putting a merciful end to the suffering young beast the party had picked up in the jungle, when no one else could manage it. She resolved to befriend Zanagar, to counsel Hero, and to support Des and Hadrian, naive as they were, in their mission to become the greatest adventurers in all of history (not particularly likely, but a nice sentiment). This expedition was the first of many.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Susaine Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Rogue Output:
She is the daughter of a one night stand between an orc woman and a human man. She was raised by her father who was in the leatherworker's guild. She got into adventuring by selling leather to adventurers.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Shurting Character Race: Tengu Character Class: Trickster Output:
Was once a legendary raven wizard but when his people lost their ability to speak , he lost his ability to cast spells. He had to resort to using his natural agility to get by, stealing food to survive from local vendors. However, he was caught one day out in the open due to his lingering hubris brought upon from once wielding reality as if his own weapon. Without a voice and with a record, he grew despondent. He wandered the streets, the wilderness, couldn't make friends to help him, couldn't steal without losing his hands. What was left? He might as well go see what that thing that fell from the sky was. So he travelled and met some fellow curious types. They slowly bonded over their discovery of a powerful gem. Shurting learned that he could still control reality a tiny bit and began his new life as a rogue with some magical tricks.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Dave the Hailed Character Race: Human Character Class: Mystic theurge Output:
God to himself, this wizard seeks to ehatter the percieved boundaries of magic.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: CalvinVakKV Character Race: 436727 Character Class: 663685 Output:
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Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Philomena Nettletea Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Wizard Output:
Philomena had a reasonably happy life, even though she is estranged from the community she was born into. For reasons unknown to her, her older brother Gin brought her to a diverse city when they were both children. She remembers little of her early childhood and doesn't know what's become of her brother. She does remember that he called her Jo for her "joker" personality, which she suppresses in daily life. Gin's whereabouts are a frequent theme of Philomena's daydreams. Philomena was raised by Celsus, an accomplished human wizard, now a retired professor with a penchant for bucking tradition. Celsus inspired Philomena's curiosity and fondness for magic and taught her a few languages to aid in independent studies. After a rocky start, they formed a functional household with the help of Celsus' long-suffering apprentice Pascal. As a child Philomena had a harmless penchant for mischief but got caught far too many times. Other than a mild distaste for authority, she has largely grown out of it. She is keenly aware of her physical weakness and would rather negotiate or avoid confrontation altogether. Unfortunately, talking sometimes leads to more trouble; as it did during a formative encounter with an enchanter. Philomena fears being controlled and won't willingly subject another creature to it. What she reads of the monsters in the woods terrifies and at once fascinates Philomena; she needs to understand, most preferably from a distance. Since reaching adulthood Philomena has taken on not only Pascal's role as an apprentice, but those of a caretaker to her mentor. As Celsus pushes 100 years of a fulfilled life, a familiar anxiety settles in Philomena's thoughts. She sets out on quest for knowledge and discovery so that she can repay Celsus and make him proud by becoming powerful in her own right.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Alariel Character Race: Elf Character Class: Herbalist Output:
She is searching for a potion to give eternal life to her human lover.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Lem Weirwood Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
Raised by a dragon alongside an entire town of halflings - the dragon hoarded halflings. As the offspring of the dragon, this character has the power of dragons coursing through his veins.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Valfreya Ingenforge Character Race: Dwarf Character Class: Alchemist Output:
If it can be said that the River Kingdoms are a land where desperate men and women go to escape lives of boredom or persecution, then the city of Daggermark and the region it controls are the beating heart of their desperation. The people of Daggermark are polite but nearly paranoid in their civility; as the town is publicly known for guilds of assassins and poisoners, life is cheap, and it is easy to have a rival suitor, competing businessman, or annoying political rival assassinated. Daggermark is relatively safe from outside predation, but the biggest threat to its people is its own citizenryÑand in this aspect, it may be a perfect microcosm of the River Kingdoms as a whole. The cityÕs government is truly bizarre. It is a place where any citizen can hire a student of the infamous AssassinÕs Guild once a year for a fair price, and only the military were exempt from assassinations. Despite this, Daggermark is relatively stable society. In a given month, five citizens of the Daggermark region die from assassination or poisoning, but murder and similar violent crimes are rare and property crimes are nearly unheard of within the city walls. It was into this strange city that, on the night of 19 Calistril, 4652 AR, Valfreya Ingenforge came into the world. Valfreya was the daughter of Torhof and Helna, a master dwarf brewer and his wife who had settled in Daggermark during the reign of its last King, Athanasius XIII. When Athanasius choked to death on his dinner, doubtlessly a product of the newly founded PoisonerÕs Guild Ð Daggermark was rocked by chaos. Others fled the city, but Torhof refused. With typical dwarven stubbornness, he would not leave his home until he was called back to ToragÕs forge. This decision proved fortunate for him and his family; when order was re-established, he was one of DaggermarkÕs foremost brewers. Indeed, the KingÕs Head Ale, one of his creations, is still a popular drink in the city. Valfreya grew up as the youngest of three siblings. Her two older brothers, Thorolf and Tarrek, were their motherÕs pride and joy, but her father noticed both her inquisitive and intelligent nature from a young age. As she grew older, Torhof decided to go against tradition of only teaching the oldest son, and have both her and Thorolf learn the brewerÕs art from his feet. Thorolf was never resentful toward her learning with him, as the two were very close. It also helped that Thorolf was still going to be the one to inherit the business when Torholf passed away, and so Valfreya wasnÕt a threat to him. When not helping learn the honourable art of brewing or playing as young children do, Helna made sure they learned the traditions of the dwarves, including combat. In this regard, a family friend from Brunderton named Kurak Boulderhand, who had moved to Daggermark when the last Rogarvian king of Brevoy disappeared, was entrusted with teaching them. It was then that Valfreya met KurakÕs son, Orek Ð the one who would one day destroy everything she held dear. Orek Boulderhand was an odd dwarf from a young age. With heterochromatic eyes and an unusual gait, Orek was far more interested in books and plants than with anything stereotypically dwarven. His father was kind to him, but Orek was never his favoured son. When Valfreya and her brothers played with KurakÕs other children, Orek was always off to one side. Valfreya may have ignored Orek, but Orek certainly did not ignore her. He became obsessed with her; at first innocuously, but as they both matured, more intensely. He would leave her rambling love notes and flowers, and follow her when she was around town. Valfreya never encouraged his affections, secretly hoping heÕd grow out of it. It was about this time that the Igenforge family fell on lean times. Banditry had hurt trade out of Daggermark, and new generations of brewers both human and dwarf were cutting into his sales. While he still had enough to make ends meet, it wasnÕt enough to support the whole family, and so Tarrek and Valfreya were asked to seek employment. Tarrek, who had always been the most martial of the three siblings, joined the Daggermark army Ð a position that not only gave him a wage, but also made him immune to assassination. Valfreya, on the other hand, decided to use her intelligence and brewing skills to join the PoisonerÕs Guild. Even though both she and her father disdained what the product was to be used for, both agreed that it was a good use for her talents. Her insistence on only using the best ingredients, and not polluting the creation with substitutes meant that within a few years she had become a journeyman. This not only improved her earnings, but gave her access to some of the GuildÕs lesser secrets. Unfortunately, she soon found herself near Orek again, whose bookish nature and fascination with herbalism resulted in his joining the guild as well. Within a few years, OrekÕs obsession with her grew to manic levels. He would take to stalking her, going through her notes without her permission, and acting alternatingly hurt and devoted when they talked. Just before she went to the Chief Poisoner with a complaint, Orek rather clumsily proposed marriage to her. This was the last straw. Valfreya launched into a blistering tirade on Orek, telling him that no power on Golarion would convince her to say yes after all the minor irritations and indignations heÕd subjected her too. Orek retreated, but within a day decided that, if Valfreya wouldnÕt agree, he might be able to convince her father with a large Òbride-priceÓ, which amounted to little more than a bribe. Orek was soon to be disappointed, for when he broached the subject with Torhof, the old dwarf was even more vitriolic in his rejection: ÒIfÕn my wee lass has nae interest in ye, how DARE ye insult my honour by trying to buy her! SheÕs nae somethinÕ to be bought!Ó Torholf threw the bribe back into OrekÕs face and told him to leave. For a few days, Orek hid in his lab. He debated suicide, or shaving his beard in lamentation so that all might know how badly heÕd been treated. But the more Orek pondered, the more his demented obsession grew to anger, and hatred. He took the money Torhof had rejected, and went to a more receptive audience: the feared AssassinÕs Guild. Orek bought the deaths of every family member of ValfreyaÕs, except for Tarrek, who was immune by law. To add insult to injury, Orek provided some of his own poisons for the deed. In the dead of night, the assassin slipped into the family home, lacing drinks and food with deadly toxins. The poison was slow, but when it hit, it hit hard: Torhof, Thorolf, and Helna died, drowning in their own fluids. Valfreya was struck with grief when she returned home to find the swollen, purplish faces of her family sprawled where they had died in agony. When she noticed a small trace of Shamweed on the bread, she quickly connected the dots. Shamweed had been a speciality of OrekÕs. With an inarticulate scream with rage, she vowed revenge. She sold her half of the inheritance to Tarrek, and spent the funds equipping herself for her strike. Orek spent a month boldly demanding that she submit to him, for a dwarf woman needs a guardian, and she had none, and it was all she could do not to kill him there and then. But when she was ready, she struck. In the dead of night, as Orek worked on his toxic garden, a small spherical object was hurled through the window. Moments later, it exploded, destroying much of his garden and burning him. Worse, Orek could feel his limbs seizing up, refusing his commands to move. The bomb had been poisoned, and soon all he could do was stand helplessly and Valfreya entered, stole his works, and then, with hatred in her eyes, slit his throat. What was left of OrekÕs lab burned to the ground that night, destroyed by alchemistÕs fire. Valfreya had avenged her family, but now she was in a dangerous situation. It was one thing to hire an assassin to murder a rival; that was sanctioned by law. But to do the killing yourself was unacceptable. Furthermore, she had not only offended OrekÕs family, but by killing a fellow guild member had brought the wrath of the PoisonerÕs Guild down on her head. Staying in Daggermark was clearly no longer tenable, and so she fled, dodging the assassins sent to end her existence. She first headed north, making the dangerous trek through the spider-infested Echo Wood and into Numeria, staggering out near Castle Urion where she stayed for a month to resupply. She made a hard living supplying Pathfinders and Crusaders alike with her alchemical products. It was with the former that she met Belanes. Belanes was a Nexian Pathfinder who shared ValfreyaÕs passion for the alchemical. They became friends, and Belanes introduced her to the faith of Brigh, the goddess of invention. Valfreya considered joining her and her company when they left for Silver Mount, but ValfreyaÕs past caught up to her: The Daggermark Assassins had located her, and attempted to kill her. The battle was swift Ð the Knights of Urion were not having violence in their keep Ð but in the fighting, Belanes was killed. Horrified that sheÕd been the inadvertent cause of the death of someone yet again, she took ship along the Sellen and crossed into Ustalav, pausing only to have collected her belongings and the holy symbol of Brigh from BelanesÕ body. The Immortal Principality proved even less welcome than Castle Urion had; after a harrowing experience dodging Pharasmian inquisitors and Count NeskaÕs enforcers in Barastoi, she arrived in the decaying city of Ardis. For two years she stayed, keeping a low profile selling alchemical wares to the few who could afford it, but once again her pursuers located her, and she was forced to fight for her life. She fled westward again, through Canterwall Ð braving the ghoul-haunted ruins of CloverÕs Crossing Ð and into the one place where she might lose the assassins for good: the orc-ruled Hold of Belkzen. Valfreya first arrived in Freedom Town, an independent settlement of rogues and criminals, to resupply. Despite what coin she could make in the lawless place, she knew that these bastards would sell her out in an instant and so she decided to travel northwards and brave the length of Belkzen. She did not leave immediately, however; knowing she was so close to the ancient Sky Citadel of Koldukar, which had fallen to the orcs seven millennia ago after the Battle of Nine Stones was too tempting an opportunity for her to pass up. She decided she would go and view its walls, even just from a distance. Fortune smiled upon her at last, for had she not decided to risk the trip, she would have never met Ð and liberated Ð Doluel. A wiry human from Kaer Maga, when Valfreya found Doluel outside Urgir, he was in the company of several rough-looking mercenaries. Valfreya had the ill luck to be viewing UrgirÕs walls right where the meeting between Doluel and his keepers and representatives of the Empty Hand orcs was to occur. Naturally, neither side was happy to have some unannounced dwarf there. Accusations and threats flew, but before either side could decide whether the dwarf was actually an outside intruder, an escaped slave, or with the mercenaries Ð who turned out to be Aspis Consortium hired muscle Ð Valfreya tossed a smokestick and a bomb into the midst, before fleeing with the help of an expeditious retreat extract. In the midst of the confusion, however, Doluel also eluded his keepers and seeing no other possible ally, ran after Valfreya. At first, Valfreya did not want company; Doluel for all she knew could be working for her pursuers, or at the very least be the kind of low-life to sell her out. Even if he was a good and honest man Ð unlikely in Belkzen Ð she did not want her past to return and hurt another. But Doluel was insistent, and showed her a letter heÕd been charged with delivering to the Empty Hand. The letter had been open and resealed; Doluel had secretly read the letterÕs contents during the trip. In it, the text spelt out a transaction: the Aspis Consortium would provide the Empty Hand with a weapons cache they had secreted away in return for trade rights in Urgir. As insurance, they offered Doluel as a captive until they had recovered the weapons. Doluel, understandably wanting neither to arm a powerful orc tribe nor serve as a maltreated slave, had sought an opportunity to escape, and Valfreya had inadvertently provided it. But more importantly, he wanted to ensure the weapons did not wind up in the hands of either the orcs or his former employers. The two fugitives agreed to a tentative truce, and thus began a race to the weapons cache. The trip was difficult, as the enraged orcs and the Aspis Consortium worked hard to take revenge on the pair, and only the rough nature of the landscape offered cover. Yet the land had its own dangers, as the pair dodged rockfalls and slew a hungry wyvern. During this time the two adventurers learned, slowly, to watch each otherÕs backs, and the seeds of a friendship were sewn. Within a week, however, they had reached their destination: the colossal monument known as the Sleeper. This ancient monument looks, from far away, like an enormous dragon wrapped several times around a mountaintop, claws dug deep into the stone. Passing into its jaws lead the pair into an enormous complex of rooms. Doluel knew that the weapons were hidden behind a secret door and knew the room to go to, but did not know where the door was. Racing through the haunted complex, the two fought strange monsters they neither of them could name, but eventually made their way to the chamber. Fortunately, being a dwarf, ValfreyaÕs innate knowledge of stone and earth made finding the door easy enough. It took them over an hour, however, to open the complex locking mechanism, for while Doluel had been entrusted with the letter, the key was still in Aspis Consortium hands. Inside the small, stale chamber were hundreds of finely-made weapons: spears, axes, falchions, greataxes, greatswords, longbows, and alchemical supplies. Any tribe possessing this could devastate whatever region they went. With care, Valfreya and Doluel used the alchemical weapons here along with some of ValfreyaÕs own supplies, to rig the room to explode when the door was opened again. As they departed to leave, however, their pursuers came upon them. A confused running battle began in the ruins of the Sleeper, with some of the orcs and Aspis Consortium intent on killing the interlopers, and others focusing on the weapons cache. The latter met their end shortly thereafter, as a massive alchemical explosion tore through weapons, flesh, and stone alike. The fighting was fierce and prolonged by ValfreyaÕs insistence at serving as a rear-guard to protect Doluel, but they eventually staggered out into the welcome glare of daylight. With the weapon cache taken care of Ð and two more powerful enemies to add to her list Ð Doluel and Valfreya decided to head north out of Belkzen and into the Land of the Mammoth Lords. Forsaking speed for safety, they resigned themselves to traveling primarily through the inhospitable foothills of the Kodars during the day and hiding themselves well before making camp each night. It was rough going, but they dared not brave the easier, and more densely inhabited plains. Making matter worse, as they made their way north, the dark gray thundercloud that theyÕd seen several days after making the Kodars finally opened up and released an unceasing deluge, an ocean of rain that washed the pebbles from beneath their feet and soaked them clear through to the bone. At first it was welcomed it, as their water supply had been in serious doubt, but as the hours turned into days of walking, eating, and sleeping in permanently wet gear, the novelty soon wore off. There was nothing for it except to turn up their hoods and trudge on, taking cold comfort in the fact that, where the orcs are concerned, only a complete fool Ð or, in their case, a pair of them Ð would be out in this weather. The raindrops filled the air so thick that anything more than a hundred feet away might as well have been invisible. As they camped, miserable, soaked, and with the thunderous pounding the rain around them, Valfreya and Doluel passed the time with half a bottle of Oldlaw whiskey, letting the warmth of the strong drink suffuse them. They began to trade tales; Doluel told Valfreya about life growing up in Kaer Maga, and how heÕd fallen into debt gambling. Valfreya in turn opened up to him about her life in Daggermark, and how sheÕd come to be so far from home. Despite their situation, both man and dwarf laughed for the first time in many years, in the company of a friend. The rain let up as they rounded the first eastern tip of the Kodars, in the shadow of cursed Scarwall. That place was so corrupted by evil that it was palpable even hundreds of feet away, and the pair wisely gave it a wide berth. From then on, it was several weeks of hard travel north. Every day was a gamble between risking the wrath of the orc tribes on the plains, or the rarer but more dangerous monsters of the mountains. Doluel and Valfreya may have been city folk, but the journey forged them into hard customers, and they made their way through every scrap and trial unbent and unbroken. As the summer ended and fall came to Belkzen, the pair made their way to the gradual rise of Algid Wastes. Barren even by the standard of Belkzen, this perpetually snow-covered badland marked the border between Belkzen and the Land of the Mammoth Lords. Bundled with furs taken by local beasts, Valfreya and Doluel faced the cold in search of freedom. Yet what neither orcs nor rain nor any of the trial of Belkzen could do, the Algid Wastes did Ð separate the pair. In the midst of a tremendous blizzard that stung the face, the very snow boiled and rose to reveal rampaging remorhaz intent on making a meal out of them. A deadly battle erupted; the creature was immune to the fire of ValfreyaÕ bombs, forcing her to rely on less damaging acids and bottled lightning. Doluel also fought bravely, but the wind affected his aim, and any dagger striking the beast melted from its heat instantly. With the realization that the creature had them outmatched, Valfreya told Doluel to flee. Doluel hesitated, but Valfreya roared at him to escape, and so grudgingly he did. For what seemed like days, Valfreya fought a running battle, but in the end she secured a narrow cleft in a rocky outcropping that the beast could not easily enter. From there she poured bolt after poisoned bolt into the creatureÕs side. Eventually, the beast decided to seek easier prey, and withdrew, leaving an exhausted Valfreya to seek a fitful sleep there. As dawn and the blizzard broke, Valfreya set forth into this harsh new country with one goal in mind: find Doluel.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Melissan Character Race: Tiefling Character Class: Fighter-rogue Output:
Curt of speech, ruthlessly practical, and yet strangely beautiful, Melissan is a woman who has yet to fully shed the emotional armour guarding her from harm. Despite this emotional distance, Melissan can show loyalty, even nobility, to those who earn her trust. That said, in combat, nothing is ruled out. For her, a fair fight is for fools who will be crushed by the ruthless Ð and she has no desire to be crushed again. With her turquoise hair, amber eyes that almost glow, two small horns and a small spade-headed tail, there can be little doubt of MelissanÕs heritage, for she is a tiefling. Melissan was born in the devil-ruled nation of Cheliax on the 12th of Desnus, 4639 AR. Like most tieflings in that benighted land, Melissan was born out of wedlock: in this case, a forbidden tryst between a tiefling and Iulia Vitaron, a lesser noblewoman from Westcrown bound to House Mazinas. As befits a tiefling bastard of a noble in Cheliax, the babe was left on the doorstep of The Sanctum of Order Ð an orphanage run by the church of Asmodeus Ð with a pittance of coin to pay the priests to keep the babe. The baby, named Melissan, was raised under the strict, unfeeling tutorage of lesser clergy of the Lord of Hell, suffering bullying from both her peers, who taunted her for her otherworldly appearance, and by the priests, who would beat the children ruthlessly for any infraction, real or perceived. Nonetheless, Melissan had learned to read and write, both in her own tongue and in the tongue of hell, which she proved strangely adept at grasping. By the age of twelve Melissan, however, had fled the Sanctum rather than face another beating, and she eventually drifted into the Parego Dospera, the ruined northern section of Westcrown. Her youth passed quickly for a tiefling, and Melissan quickly turned to theft to survive. At first, she stole only food and clothes, sleeping in ruined buildings and hiding from both the Dottari Ð the watch of Westcrown Ð and the dangerous squatters and monsters that dwelled in the ruins. Her talents brought her to the attention of the Council of Thieves, who attempted to recruit her as a ÒpullerÓ for their organization, tasked with acquiring things for the council. At first, the promise of steady gold and food drew young Melissan in, and as she quickly passed the GuildÕs training, she felt a certain level of acceptance, though only a lowly cutpurse. However, as the years passed and Melissan reached the age of 20, she came to realize that the Council viewed her as a mere expendable asset, even as the tasks became more and more dangerous. Eventually tasked with joining in a shakedown of a group of merchants from Druma Ð and their mercenaries Ð Melissan decided that sheÕd had quite enough of taking hits for the corrupt plutocrats of the council. Tipping off her targets to their impending ambush, and taking their coin, Melissan robbed a small shop for supplies, before fleeing Westcrown. Naturally outraged, the Council sought revenge. Her crime of robbery was quickly discovered, and while the Dottari were unable to seek her beyond the walls of the city, the Hellknights of the Order of the Scourge were not. Captured in nearby East Rikkan, the Hellknights had Melissan flogged, and sold into slavery for her crime. Fortunately for her, the Hellknights were no friend to the Council in Westcrown, and she was shipped north along the Adivian River, to Egorian Ð the City of Thorns and capital of Cheliax. The trip took only a week and a half, but the cramped confines of the foul-smelling slave barge and the brutality of the slavers made it seem to last for months. The slaves were not once brought above decks, and while MelissanÕs ability to see in the dark helped her Ð especially when her captors sought a good-looking slave to have their way with, and she needed to hide Ð she was unprepared for the glare of the sun when the barge finally docked in Egorian. With a heavy iron collar and manacles, Melissan and the other unfortunates were led through jeering crowds to Whipcrack district, stripped naked and paraded in front of potential buyers. Whilst most slaves hung their heads in shame, using their chains and hands to hide their nethers, Melissan stood upright, staring ahead in blank defiance. Many buyers were put off by her fiendish appearance, but many more were not willing to buy an unbroken slave. As a result she was sold directly to the city, to work as little more than a tool that can talk, cleaning sewers, fixing roads, and generally doing the unpleasant tasks assigned to her. The decades ground past painfully slowly and dully. For seven years, she worked as a city slave until she attempted to flee one too many times for her masters; from there she spent twenty-two long years being bounced from one master to another, some who used her for labour, others for magical research, and some others for their perverse pleasures, whether in the bedchamber or in a fighting pit. While some of her masters met unfortunate fates at her hands Ð cleverly disguised as accidents Ð by the time Melissan reached the age of 49, she had become a bitter, withdrawn woman, building up emotional armour around her even as her physical skin toughened under blows and beatings. Once again, she found herself in Whipcrack on the auction block, and she once again showed her customary defiance. This time the auctioneers were not in the mood to tolerate her, and were about to beat her to a bloody pulp for her insolence. Just as the cudgel was raised, a well-dressed man with a long red robe and a neatly-trimmed beard came up with his retainers. Holding out his hand imperiously to order them to stop, he gave Melissan a look up and down, and smiled cruelly. ÒThis one IÕll take. 50 gold.Ó The slaver was about to start haggling, but one icy look from the man silenced him. The gold was exchanged, and like that, Melissan was someoneÕs property again. The man in question was Paracount Morvius Enteraii, a powerful Chelish noble and arcanist with ties to the Church of Asmodeus. As she was led by his burly guards out of Whipcrack, the Paracount suddenly turned to her, his face a mask of anger, and not the visage of the demure lord she had seen earlier. ÒRemember this, slaveÓ he spat. ÒYou are now mine; work well, and you shall do so in comfort, but fail meÉ know that my capacity for pain is limitless.Ó With a nod from Enteraii, the guards forced her to her knees and a red-hot brand with his personal emblem, a stylized E on the back of a stylized M, was placed on her back. Melissan screamed; though her otherworldly heritage gave her some protection against the fire, none of her other masters had ever branded her, and it was agonizing pain. With tears and sweat stinging her eyes, she was hauled up to her feet, and made to walk halfway across the city. Morvius was amongst the crueler masters Melissan had ever worked for; beatings were common, and the chores were laborious and difficult. MelissanÕs spirit wavered in the face of the terrifying Paracount, and she became more servile to keep herself safe. As the years went on, MelissanÕs intelligence and sheer endurance saw her rise in the pecking order of the slaves, eventually moving her into the ParacountÕs household and, after eight years of servitude, the head of EnteraiiÕs household slaves, making sure tasks were organized and keeping the rest of the household slaves in line. Melissan may well have spent her life toiling under the heel of Morvius if it were not for -where she met a young Jeffrey Ebersbach, whom she befriended. -ÒFor years Jeffrey had, with MelissanÕs help, taken every opportunity to perform little acts of sabotage around the house. Sometimes he would place pieces of art on subtly precarious angles so when his robed master walked past, the air current would knock it to the ground, destroying the object; other times heÕd re-arrange things to make it difficult for the pompous Entenraii to find. Unfortunately, the Paracount was arrogant, not stupid; after destroying a priceless Osirioni vase, the furious noble used his arcane powers to set up watches around his house, and quickly caught Melissan and Jeffrey laughing about their deed. The Paracount was not amused. Screaming in rage, he had both of them beaten until their backs were raw and bloody, and threw salt on them, causing Jeffrey nearly to faint in agony. ÒI warned you!Ó Morvius raged. ÒI warned you all those years ago. You could have lived in comfort, but *no*É so now you will know what true toil means!Ó After a few days recovering, Jeffrey and Melissan were sold, this time to the brutal northern slave pits, destined to spend the rest of their lives toiling in the dark and, should they not lose their lives to cave ins or poisonous gas, they might well be murdered in one of the bustling slave fighting pits set up by the owners. Clearly, the Paracount wanted Jeffrey and MelissanÕs deaths to be drawn-out and painful. For the next year, the two former house slaves lived lives of suffering and toil, spending their days with picks in their hands and little more than rags for their clothes. The overseers were brutal, and some of their fellow slaves not much better. While Jeffrey grew strong and channelled his hatred into a rage which could see him through, Melissan had to be cunning to avoid be raped or killed, and she was forced to kill more than a few other slaves to defend herself. MelissanÕs cunning and JefferyÕs strength brought them to the attention of Hakon. Hakon was a burly Halfling, easily JeffreyÕs match for strength, and a charismatic character as well, who had been slowly gathering a core of supporters around him. After a few tests Ð mainly involving acts of sabotage against minor installations and also the killing of a slave who was snitching to the guards Ð Hakon brought Jeffrey and Melissan into his circle. The black-bearded Halfling had been for nearly three years laying the groundwork for a massive revolt and breakout, relying on his knowledge of the mines and a stash of weapons that he had been secretly stockpiling. Jeffrey and MelissanÕs talents were put to good use bringing his plan to fruition, and within a month, in the depths of the Menador winter, the slaves struck. Over thirty guards were killed and much of the infrastructure put to the torch, but the revolt was crushed when the mine Overseer unleashed a trio of ogre mercenaries into the slaves, killing Hakon and his chief bodyguard. Leaderless, the slaves panicked and attempted to flee into the hills and tunnels. The resulting massacre was frightful, but Jeffrey and Melissan managed to escape, though as they trudged through the deep snow, they got lost and separated from each other. In order to avoid detection in Molthune, she had to go upriver, around the edge of Lastwall. She was captured by Orcish raiders; apparently her filthy appearance was enough to put them off raping her, but she was beaten and sold into slavery again, this time to an half-orc who ran a really rough bar in Uglir. After several years of working as a bar slave, a bar fight breaks out and in the confusion she manages to fight her way out. Armed with little more than a table leg and clothes, she somehow survived through Belkezan, Ustalav, and finally the River Kingdoms, where she found work in some tiny backwater called Chyrrwild, working for an adventurer who was part of the little kingdomÕs government. That adventurer was Ulrik van Woodstone.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Jeffrey Ebersbach Character Race: Human Character Class: Barbarian Output:
Jeffrey Ebersbach is far from the image most people of Avistan have when they think of a barbarian. No fur-clad savage, Jeffrey is a Chelaxian man with short black hair and piercing grey eyes, a man who might be considered handsome were it not for his twice-broken nose and the ugly brand on his left cheek. That latter injury he keeps hidden under the fearsome helm he never seems to remove in public. JeffreyÕs personality is as much a mask as his helm, for beneath his seemingly laid-back attitude and gallows humour, he hides a lifetime of wounds and a desire for vengeance. The faade only slips in combat, when he gives into his anger and becomes a rampaging, bellowing incarnation of death. JeffreyÕs memories of his home and childhood are blurry at best, but he clings to them as a drowning man would to a plank of wood. Born on the 25th of Erastus, 4688 AR, Jeffrey came into this world in a small and virtually unknown region of the Menador Mountains, the great mountain range that separates Imperial Cheliax from its northern neighbours of Nidal and Molthune. There, nestled within the rocky peaks and hills of the eastern end of the Chelish-controlled part of the range lies the Canton of Solothurn Ð a series of tiny hamlets united by family ties and a resistance to outside rule. Due to their remoteness, the hamlets of Stonearch, Gillian, LorgÕs Hill, and Veibourg were left largely unscathed during the years of civil war and the Thrune Ascendancy. As such, the people of Solothurn continued in their traditional worship of ErastilÉ and this was to prove to be their demise. In those early years, Jeffrey was the youngest of three brothers. His older brothers, fraternal twins Bern and Uri, were three years older than Jeffrey, and like him his brothers were strong, boisterous lads. When they werenÕt training with spear and club to eventually become part of the canton militia, were always getting up to all sorts of larks and good-natured pranks, and having a riotous good time sneaking mead out from the cellar. His father Andretti was the village brewer, and whilst he was burly and gruff, with a stoic exterior as tough as granite Ð much like most men of Solothurn Ð beneath beat the heart of a kindly, generous man, ready to give aid and hospitality to any who asked it. For her part, JeffreyÕs mother Juliana was a hard-working and iron-willed woman who looked after her family with as much dedication as a paladin to his cause. Being the youngest of the family, Juliana doted on young Jeffrey, joking calling him Òher runt of the litterÓ, despite being quite tall for a boy. This idyllic lifestyle came to a crashing and tragic end shortly after JeffreyÕs 10th birthday. No one knows how the Chelish Horse and Nidali slavers found the hidden Canton, but found it they did. Under the cover of a heavy autumn rain they came, when the men of the village were hard at work under the mountain, following veins of copper that was the lifeblood of the village. With lethal precision, the watch at the entrance fell to crossbow bolts tipped with a lethal poison, and by the time the alarm was raised, the slavers were already amongst the buildings. A panicked defence of the village was attempted, but there were far too few of the militia to stave them off, and the Chelish Horse did bloody work dispersing any attempt to rally. Meanwhile, women and children screamed and attempted to flee as their homes were put to the torch, but the black-cowled Nidali slavers knocked then down with cudgel blows. Juliana and young Jeffrey hid in their house, barring the door in vain hope of some refuge from the pandemonium raging outside, but it was a vain hope. After a few stout hacks from an axe, the door gave way in a shower of splinters and several of the Chelish soldiers burst in. In short order, they had knocked Julianna to the ground and had taken hold of Jeffrey, but in that moment, a howl of anger erupted outside of the house. Bern and Uri had heard the attack while they were resting outside the mine, and had sped to the villageÕs defence, spearing one of their familyÕs assailants through the chest. Moments later, as Jeffrey opened his mouth to call out to his brothers, a maille-clad fist descended into his field of view. Then, all was blackness. When Jeffrey awoke, with a great pain in his head and face sticky with his own blood, he found himself in a crowded, dimly-lit wagon, barred with heavy wood and filled with captured men, women and children, many of whom had been knocked out like him and were just coming to. Others were sobbing, or simply staring out into the inky blackness of night. Jeffrey frantically tried to find his mother, or his brothers, but in the tightly packed confines of the cart as it rolled along the mountain path he was barely able to move, and so spent the night in the corner, waiting for the dawn. When morning came, the wagon was brought to a halt, and the captives inside were marched outside. As JeffreyÕs eyes adjusted to the light, he could see a line of people chained together by iron collars, waiting with downcast eyes by a fork in the road. The black-robed Nidali were nowhere to be seen, but the footprints in the road and the number of empty collars in the chain left little doubt that they had taken their share and left. Jeffrey and the others in the cart were chained in and told to march. Any who couldnÕt walk were whipped; any who couldnÕt get up had their throats slit and left on the side of the road to rot. After several weeks of hard marching, in which they were given precious little food Ð much of which was barely edible Ð and often had their sleep interrupted, Jeffrey and the others were herded into the great city of Egorian Ð the City of Thorns. Without warning, their captorÕs cruelty changed from ruthless practicality to a perverse glee, as if the red-and-black stone or the cruel rooftop spikes brought out the worst of them. ÒWelcome to the last stop on the line, scum!Ó one of them shouted. ÒSoon youÕll be sold to your new masters, and *weÕll* make a tidy profit of you. Now MOVE IT!Ó Jeffrey quickly found himself being dragged with the others down the perfectly-straight main road before being shunted off to Whipcrack Ð the bustling heart of the slave market, a mixture of auction stands and dwellings of the rudest kind, many of them halfling height. It was like time froze as JeffreyÕs level of fear reached borderline panic. By the time heÕd regained his senses, he was on an auction block being sold like a piece of beef. The poor lad was stripped to his skivvies to show the crowd of his Òfine physical potentialÓ and soon he was purchased by a particularly harsh master Ð Paracount Morvius Entenraii, a self-important noble and a high-ranking member of the Church of Asmodeus. The Paracount was not a kind master. Upon purchasing Jeffrey, he had his cheek branded with his personal emblem, a stylized E on the back of a stylized M. To this day, Jeffrey has nightmares of that moment: of the pain, the smell of his flesh burning, the stinging tears rolling down his mangled cheeks before a bucket of water was thrown in face. Entenraii then took hold of the boys chin and locked him with a cruel stare. ÒRemember this, slaveÓ he spat. ÒYou are now mine; work well, and you shall do so in comfort, but fail meÉ know that my capacity for pain is limitless.Ó Without a further word, Jeffrey was clapped in manacles and hauled onto a cart by one of the ParacountÕs stocky guards, and wheeled off to his estate in the district known as Hell Hound Hill. For the next six years of his life, Jeffrey was one of EntenraiiÕs household slaves, living a miserable existence of menial chores, meager food, and casual brutality for even the slightest mishap. Jeffrey became fairly withdrawn, his nights plagued with dreams of his family and their possible fate, but his spirit never broke to his masterÕs will, thanks in no small part to a tiefling slave by the name of Melissan. The head of the household slaves, Melissan was hardly the warm and fuzzy type, but her gallows humour and ready smile when the Paracount wasnÕt around helped boost JeffreyÕs spirits even in his darkest moments. Jeffrey might well still be languishing as the ParacountÕs household slave if it werenÕt for an incident in his sixteenth year. For years Jeffrey had, with MelissanÕs help, taken every opportunity to perform little acts of sabotage around the house. Sometimes he would place pieces of art on subtly precarious angles so when his robed master walked past, the air current would knock it to the ground, destroying the object; other times heÕd re-arrange things to make it difficult for the pompous Entenraii to find. Unfortunately, the Paracount was arrogant, not stupid; after destroying a priceless Osirioni vase, the furious noble used his arcane powers to set up watches around his house, and quickly caught Melissan and Jeffrey laughing about their deed. The Paracount was not amused. Screaming in rage, he had both of them beaten until their backs were raw and bloody, and threw salt on them, causing Jeffrey nearly to faint in agony. ÒI warned you!Ó Morvius raged. ÒI warned you all those years ago. You could have lived in comfort, but *no*É so now you will know what true toil means!Ó After a few days recovering, Jeffrey and Melissan were sold, this time to the brutal northern slave pits, destined to spend the rest of their lives toiling in the dark and, should they not lose their lives to cave ins or poisonous gas, they might well be murdered in one of the bustling slave fighting pits set up by the owners. Clearly, the Paracount wanted Jeffrey and MelissanÕs deaths to be drawn-out and painful. For the next year, the two former house slaves lived lives of suffering and toil, spending their days with picks in their hands and little more than rags for their clothes. The overseers were brutal, and some of their fellow slaves not much better. But Jeffrey was growing to manhood, and as his strength grew, so too did his anger. He held onto the faces of the loved ones he lost, and the faces of those who had oppressed him. When forced into one of the fighting pits, he channelled that hatred into a rage and beat his opponent into a ruin. It was his strength, combined with MelissanÕs cunning, which brought them to the attention of Hakon. Hakon was a burly Halfling, easily JeffreyÕs match for strength, and a charismatic character as well, who had been slowly gathering a core of supporters around him. After a few tests Ð mainly involving acts of sabotage against minor installations and also the killing of a slave who was snitching to the guards Ð Hakon brought Jeffrey and Melissan into his circle. The black-bearded Halfling had been for nearly three years laying the groundwork for a massive revolt and breakout, relying on his knowledge of the mines and a secret stash of weapons that he had been secretly stockpiling. Jeffrey and MelissanÕs talents were put to good use bringing his plan to fruition, and within a month, in the depths of the Menador winter, the slaves struck. Over thirty guards were killed and much of the infrastructure put to the torch, but the revolt was crushed when the mine Overseer unleashed a trio of ogre mercenaries into the slaves, killing Hakon and his chief bodyguard. Leaderless, the slaves panicked and attempted to flee into the hills and tunnels. The resulting massacre was frightful, but Jeffrey and Melissan managed to escape, though as they trudged through the deep snow, they got lost and separated from each other. Jeffrey survived by taking shelter in a small abandoned mine; there, shivering in the gloom, he came across an ancient helm that was in surprisingly good condition. More importantly, the helm Ð shaped like the maw of a snarling beast Ð hid his slave brand entirely. During the next agonizing four weeks, Jeffrey made his way through the mountains and into neighbouring Molthune. Fortunately as one of the main fighters in the revolt, Jeffrey had gotten himself enough clothing and armour to not look like an out-of-place slave; while Molthune was not part of Cheliax, its own Imperial desires wouldnÕt stop local law enforcement from simply seizing a runaway slave and putting him or her to work for their own ends. Nevertheless, Jeffrey moved as quickly and unobtrusively as possibly, stealing or fighting to survive, until he managed to stow away in a merchant vessel leaving the port of Korholm bound for Caliphas, in far-off Ustalav. From there it was easy enough to head east, into the land where no slaver could touch him: the River Kingdoms. Even in distant Cheliax, Jeffrey had heard tales of the River Kingdom of Tymon; a nation of gladiators, where all prestige and even the rulership of the land was won or lost in the gladiatorial pits. Jeffrey felt that this was a place where he could learn to fight properly and gain the skills Ðand coin Ð to try and reassemble his shattered life. Alas, Jeffrey was penniless, with little more than an ancient helm, some rent chainmail, and a pitted shortsword to his name. He was highly unlikely to be admitted into the prestigious Valknar Gladiatorial College and without an income to improve his equipment, heÕd be lucky to survive a single bout in the Arena of Aroden. Fortunately the gods were smiling on young Jeffrey. After scrounging up enough coppers to get himself a cell in the local flophouse, he wandered the streets in the dying light of the day. As he rounded a bend, he heard angry shouting and cries of pain coming from an alley. A trio of rather rough looking characters were laying into a well-dressed bearded man of advancing years, angrily demanding where he had Òput the moneyÓ. Drawing his battered sword, Jeffrey charged in, roaring in anger and letting that familiar surge of adrenaline speed him into battle. The three toughs turned to face him, but quickly fled in sheer terror; unbeknownst to Jeffrey, that ancient helm of his was actually a helm of fearsome mien, and his anger had awoken the helmÕs power to intimidate and terrify. Having dealt with his attackers, Jeffrey helped the bruised man to his feet. Taking JeffreyÕs hand in his own in a vigourous handshake, the older Taldan gentleman introduced himself as Doctor Alexandros Demos, one of the teachers at the Valknar College. ÒI am in your debt, young sirrahÓ Alexandros beamed. ÒTell me, what brings you to Tymon?Ó After a long discussion over ales in the local tavern, Alexandros made Jeffrey a deal. Although he couldnÕt get Jeffrey enrolled in the College Ð the Dean, Erevil Antelo, sneered down his nose at the underfed former slave, predicting confidently heÕd not survive a week in the arena Ð the good Doctor paid for Jeffrey to receive tutelage from weaponmasters and older gladiators. He learned to fight, to bear the weight of armour, and how to please the crowd. Alexandros personally taught Jeffrey the technique of the Òjaguar pounceÓ: to seize the initiative and to inflict hideous wounds while the foe was still awe-struck. Ultimately JeffreyÕs style of combat was less about technique and more about the anger and adrenaline, leaping towards the foe and never giving them a moment to breathe or withdraw. Jeffrey spent the next seven years of his life in Tymon. After two years of training, and several bouts in the grand arena, in which Jeffrey found himself a sort of dark-horse favourite, Erevil Antelo relented, and he was inducted into the college as a full member. Although he enjoyed a friendly rivalry with his classmates, Jeffrey still kept to himself, training with every ounce of his strength to one day rescue those dear to him. He continued to fight in the arena, earning gold and prestige Ð by this point, he had chosen a particularly nasty falchion as his main weapon. Alas, Jeffrey left Tymon with a bad taste in his mouth. After his patron Alexandros Demos had a particularly nasty falling out with the Dean, Antelo then proceeded to humiliate and slander Demos in the public sphere, causing him to resign from the college and leave town. Jeffrey left soon after, and for the next year he wandered the River Kingdoms, offering his skills as a mercenary, fighting for Gralton and Pitax. It was during his service to the later that Jeffrey learned that not only was Melissan alive, but she had recently made her way north, into the so-called ÒStolen Lands.Ó Apparently some upstart adventurers had started settling the Greenbelt, and Melissan had moved there. Ending his contract as quickly as he could, Jeffrey packed up his gear and followed in pursuitÉ