Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Phoebe Graves Character Race: Human Character Class: Gunslinger Output:
She was possessed by a demon at a young age, and wrecked havoc in her hometown killing many innocents. The sheriff captured her, and attempted to burn her at the stake; however, the demon she was carrying stopped her from dying. The near-death experience drove it dormant inside her, and she was cast out in fear by the villagers. Now, she wanders the wastelands, hunting down demons and other foul creatures of darkness herself all while still battling the demon within.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Lander Brightwood Character Race: Human Character Class: Wizard Output:
The youngest son of two nobles of ancient houses, Lander is the failure who went into the useless profession of wizardry rather than the politically powerful clergy. He seeks out his discredited, heretical, mentor who was exiled years ago due to a mistake Lander made.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Aukan Character Race: Goliath Character Class: Barbarian Output:
Aukan was born the hope to a dying tribe. Tribe Thuliaga was a small tribe of Goliath, eking out a lonely existence in The Iron-Wyrm Peaks (translated into Common from Giant), with at most 35 members, mainly the descendants of an ancient and heroic and Goliath warlord. There had not been a new child born in 13 years Ð Aukan and his twin sister, Vaunea were a glimmer of hope. AukanÕs mother died in childbirth. Aukan was a dutiful child, working hard to support his tribe as best he could. As a nimble youth he scouted and snuck, hunting for food. At the tender age of 12 he killed a bear whilst hunting alone in the lowlands, earning the nickname of ÒBearkillerÓ from his chieftain. Vaunea however broke under the pressure, as much as a goliath can at least. Vaunea left the tribe at the age of 15, running away during the tribes visit to a low-land temple-town to trade. The chieftain declared her exiled and forbade mention of her name. She was the second death Aukan knew. Over the next 12 years AukanÕs tribe died around him. Hunts went poorly, and starvation begun to set in. Disease took the old. His father died in an avalanche. Some tribesmen went off to seek glorious death and found it. Others died in odd accidents Ð bridges breaking, cliffs collapsing. The clan chief spoke of a curse, and took with her the last seven other goliaths, to fight the Iron-Wyrm who ruled these peaks, convinced that the beast was responsible for the curse. She begged Aukan to come, to remove the dishonour his sister had brought. Aukan remained. And then there was one. The last of his tribe, Aukan went to the lowlands seeking his long lost sister. Instead he found a strange land with strange customs. Aukan learnt the common tongue from a dwarf clan, and set out into the world to find himself, and bring honour to his tribe. And thus he found himself on the road to Brinesridge.
Wizlor was once a wizard of phenomenal cosmic might, suffused with astral power. Roaming the planes, putting fiends in their place, doing crazy magic experiments. But he was born the son of nameless dirt farmers in a forgotten corner of the world. He lived his dreary life day by day, until one of those days when he was still very young, an old man came to his home seeking shelter. He was welcomed in, and offered a place to sleep. Come morning, the young Wizlor (birth name unknown) found the man dead where he slept, and found something in the old man's possessions: a strange book. At first he thought it the ramblings of a madman, or perhaps a coded journal, but with nothing else to do and an inquiring mind, he set himself to uncover the secrets of this tome. After whatever time of studying, he finally deciphered some of the runes and scribbles, tirelessly working to reverse engineer the process that laid them down on the page. Muttering the old words and miming the gestures to no effect for hours, he almost lost hope when, in the wee hours of the night, a spark flung from his fingertips. This spark ignited another in the boy, and he took even more feverishly to his studies. Perhaps too much so, because he was soon caught in the act by his parents. Accused of devilry, he was cast from his home and set on a long journey that would take him farther than he could ever imagine. His journey learning magic is largely unparticulared, but on the way, I assure you, many zany things happened. I want to flesh this part out but haven't yet. At some point he was discovered by the man who would become his mentor. Or perhaps he already was, for this man was the sage Alcaran, Archmage of Time and the only practitioner of chronomancy known to the world. After some no doubt impressive stunt, Alcaran took Wizlor (who had likely taken that name on by that point) to the wizard nation of Are Lyvinzia. Almost entirely populated by wizards, and warded from outside detection and invasion by uncountable wards, Are Lyvinzia was a mage's paradise. There, Wizlor enrolled in the Academa Vinificta, where wizards of all schools toiled to further the arcane science, and where many wacky things happened. He met his roommate Yeran, the grumpy scholar with a penchant for excessive sexual experimentation, took part in many goofy pranks, and also important school stuff. And let's not forget the names. Ever since he had taken off to see the world Wizlor had been adding titles and names to his own. He was maybe a little self-absorbed. Then, after perhaps 20 years spent in Are Lyvinzia, something happened that was not in the slightest goofy or zany. Archmage Alcaran disappeared, along with his tower. Nobody knew exactly how or why, but they figured it had to do with his studies. Alcaran was known to appear and reappear in multiple occasions at varying ages. Chronomancy is an inherently unstable practice, it turns out. He was said to have been working on something especially risky when he disappeared, but what exactly isn't known Distraught at his mentor's disappearance, Wizlor almost immediately set out to find him, and so began his second sojourn. He searched for a long, long, long time, had so many adventures along the way, enough for multiple lifetimes. But no matter all the friends and enemies he made, all the people saved or ruined, he could never find the man who made him who he was. Only once was Alcaran ever spotted, in the desert land of Salkhoro, by another Archmage. Eventually, even Wizlor gave up hope of finding him. He found meaning in his life through his own adventures. He grew to be a powerful wizard in his own right. Roaming the planes for new sights, righting cosmic wrongs, when he came into contact with a Pit Fiend by the name of Guziel. Wizlor thought this just another villain to vanquish, cocky he had become. But as Wizlor thought he had the upper hand, that he had tricked the fiend, Guziel pulled the rug out from under him. He struck the wizard down, and stole everything from him. His spellbook, his names, his powers. Wizlor was left wandering, aimless, trying to figure out what had gone wrong. Some time after he had regained a measure of power, he joined forces with Die Arschloch (the party) to stop the Dead God Izhothu's shards from being brought together and ending the world. A quest more closely tied to him than he could have thought, he would soon find out, when Alcaran appeared to him, seemingly having found a way to temporarily return to this world or timeline.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Lucrezia Violante del Faustina Character Race: Human Character Class: Warlock Output:
The 3rd daughter of the 2nd cousin of a wealthy noble, Lucrezia expected not to inherit the title. Indeed, upon her 18th birthday, she was thrust upon the world with nothing but her good name.... and two thousand gold pieces as capital. Using her cunning business sense, she soon built up a powerful trade and customs network in the port city of Athkatla, and within ten years she was one of the most prominent shakers and movers in the kingdom. One may not hold Lucrezia well, but one never forgot to invite her to their social functions. Little did anyone know (but, later, little was anyone surprised) that Lucrezia was spending her wealth on dark research, and against city law she made a pact with a Deep One. If she could build such power on wealth alone, why, imagine what she could build with the secrets of those pretending to be gods - would she not triumph over them all and become one herself? However, her dark dealings also set her upon a path of paranoia and secrets, so that by the time the courts came to arrest Lucrezia for embezzlement, she shocked them all by burning down her mansion, setting curses upon anyone who'd dare touch her, and generally being a nuisance until a team of specialized wizards successfully captured her. She has since, in a fit of nervous breakdowns, cut her hair, renounced her name to become Violante, and plotted her ascension to godhood with more fervor than ever.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Peatrice Boddynocks Character Race: Gnome Character Class: Monk Output:
Peatrice was surrendered to a monastery because her parents had seven other children and she was the loudest. Perhaps, they thought as they walked away with not a little trepidation, a monastery would raise her to be a child of meditation and peace. They were wrong. Though the abbot tried his best to rein in her rowdiness by assigning several more hours of deep meditation than other monks, all it did was foster a sense of injustice and indignation in the young girl. Eventually, it was discovered that the child did actually settle down in learning to brew beer, and Peat threw herself into learning all the workings of the monastery's tradition. However, a very small incident involving a young rival boy, three of the monastery's stills, and the last head of cheese from the season caused the abbot to realise that perhaps the best life's course for the young gnome would be to send her upon a quest to discover better beer ingredients - and become someone *else's* problem.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Millward C.P.A Character Race: Dwarf Character Class: Paladin Output:
After working as a civil servant for over 200 years and never taking a vacation day, the city's policy changed, forcing Millward to take all his vacation days at once.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Salveck Character Race: Lizardfolk Character Class: Ranger Output:
His tribe was visited by a wise man who told Salvecks people to go out in the world and find their purpose. This was interpreted by their lizard brains as "porpoise". Ever since that day, Salveck, like the rest of his tribe, scours the globe in search of a certain marine mammal to call his own.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Vauthu Character Race: Goliath Character Class: Rogue Output:
Vauthu gained fame among her tribe when she was younger by saving some children from a rampaging owlbear. She was celebrated for a time, and her village thought of her as a hero. Then, some time later, she caught the eye of the chief's son. He tried to force himself on her, and she killed him. She's been wandering the world since, trying to keep as much distance between herself and her people as possible.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ithisk Character Race: Lizardfolk Character Class: Wizard Output:
Ithisk grow up in tribe. Tribe was good. Ithisk find dead human in swamp. Ithisk eat dead human. Dead human have book. Ithisk try to eat book, but book taste bad. Ithisk read book. Book have magic. Ithisk try magic, and magic do stuff. Magic help Ithisk hunt big food for tribe. Book was good. Ithisk read book more and learn more magic. Ithisk not learn enough magic. Ithisk ask her tribe, tribe say warmbloods have more magic. Ithisk leave tribe and go to warmblood town to ask warmbloods about magic. Warmbloods mostly run. Ithisk go to human city. Warmbloods in armor stop Ithisk, ask Ithisk why Ithisk in warmblood city. Ithisk say Ithisk want to learn about magic. Warmbloods ask why. Ithisk say magic help Ithisk hunt food. If Ithisk learn more magic, Ithisk get more food. Warmbloods not argue with Ithisk logic, bring Ithisk to warmblood wizard. Wizard confused, but wizard give Ithisk book. Wizard give Ithisk lessons. After Ithisk pass test by burning down barn, wizard say Ithisk is real wizard, and must go seek adventure to learn more. Says Ithisk go far, far away for experiences, and Ithisk learn more. Wizard make sure to say "far away" a lot. Ithisk go, and now Ithisk here.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Alyzara Character Race: Dark elf Character Class: Warlock Output:
Alyzara's parents were from Menzoberranzan, but went into self-exile on the surface world, as they were followers of Eilistraee. They ended up settling down in Waterdeep, where Alyzara was born. She noticed that she and her parents were treated with distrust and hostility, and that sparked a desire to do good for people rejected by society, and started looking into tomes of dark secrets for that purpose. That would be when she was approached by her patron, an angel, and given her powers. She then spent a long time traveling with an adventuring party, but as the rest of the party were all shorter-lived folk, they reached the age where they had to retire, and Alyzara decided to retire as well. During those adventuring days, she met a human woman named Clara, a farmer, after the party saved her village from gnolls. The two hit it off instantly and Alyzara made a lot of excuses to visit her when the party had any downtime. After retiring, she and Clara were married, and lived together on Clara's farm, with their two adopted children. After about ten years, though, a new crisis appeared in the world, and Alyzara's patron asked her to help deal with it, so she's now adventuring once more (though she mostly just wants to get things over with so she can go back home).
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Flashing Steel Character Race: Tabaxi Character Class: Fighter Output:
Presenting the one, the only, Flashing Steel (Steel to my friends), star of stages and scourge of evildoers across Toril. Thank you, thank you, no need for applause, you're too kind, really. I was born from humble beginnings in a village in Maztica, where nobody but I knew how truly great I would one day be. But! I soon proved my skill on the stage, entertaining travelers from all over. I knew then that my destiny was to bring my spectacular talent to the world at large, so that all would be able to experience it for themselves. I'm magnanimous like that. Of course, I knew I couldn't just wander around unprotected, so I took up the sword and the bow, and honed them in the jungles of my homeland, slaying savage beasts that would threaten the innocent. When I had made my prowess in combat equal to my talents upon the stage, I hopped on the first boat going anywhere else, and would go on to spend years seeing the world, leaving a trail of broken hearts, sold-out theaters, and vanquished monsters in my wake. How very fortunate for you to make my wondrous acquaintance.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Scottie McMurphy Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Bard Output:
He was raised in taverns for most of his younger life, and enjoyed watching entertainers when they came through town with their music, stories, and feats of dexterity. He soon became a prolific performer who mesmerizes his audiences with his bagpipes and his lute that sounds of lightning. Now he seeks a set of magical bagpipes that he heard about in legends as a boy.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Alton Hightower Character Race: Human Character Class: Lancer Output:
Used to be a soldier that realised that the kingdom was corrupt. Left in search of ways to save his hometown from dragons. Trained to become a proficient dragon Slayer.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Mayrita Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Rogue Output:
Born to traveling entertainers, Mayrita was a contortionist and acrobat as a child. After her caravan was attacked by orcs and her parents killed, she was rescued by a mysterious woman named Lynorin who was a master rogue and trained Mayrita in the arts.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Magdalena Muffins Character Race: Human Character Class: Rogue Output:
Magdalena was born to a pair of travelling salespeople. Her parents were famous for their wares, Muffin's Pies, the best pies to be found in all the land. Their side business was less famous but equally popular; they were dealers of every drug under the sun. But the life of a travelling drug dealer is neither safe nor long, and Mr and Mrs Muffins were brutally murdered as she hid beneath the pie cart. But she, a plucky and enterprising eight-year-old, decided to keep up the family business(es). She has wandered from town to town, a ward of no-one, selling her family's special recipe pies while yelling "MUFFINS" at inhumanely loud volumes, for most of a year now. Many of her parents's old contacts know her name and face, and her side hustle has done well for her too - she has traveled the world and her mind with a certain childish impunity.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Quill/Koten/Quote Spellsong /Panati/Silverfond Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Bard Output:
Legends tell us of a bard unrivaled, who sang colors to the blind and danced sound to the deaf. Who could spread a lie quicker than the flames of NeverwinterÕs volcanoes, and unveil the truth truer than any scholar known to man. Who could break a heart with the trailing of music off and away, or mend it with poems of bittersweet elegance and romantic rhymes reviving. Who could tell stories that would make a strong man cry, and cure sorrow with a celestial smile of white. This was a bard with knowledge of the stars and the skies. The trees and the plants. The poor and the rich. The locked and the free. A bard who knew the secrets of metals and stones, of oceans and seas. Who could unleash the might of thunder and channel the powers of fire. Who could summon the wind by name and conjure up celestial lights. An arcane musician whose notes echoes a cross the ethereal. Quill Spellsong was his name, and it is a name highly known around the forgotten realms. Famous and infamous. He had patrons among the wealthy, and hosts among kings. He had lovers and admirers, fans, and friends. His knowledge unbounding, there wasnÕt a university that hadnÕt hosted his habits. But he also had enemies among nobles he satirized, and kings he threatened. He had infuriated professors, angered scholars, and insulted musicians with his quick wit and silver tongue. For these people, Quill was a bard of renown, and the only person known to ever successfully perform the entirety of more than a few difficult songs. He was the man they feared and the man they craved. However, Quill had a history unwritten in his lore. A history of death, bloodshed, and sorrow. A broken heart and an injured pride. But that asideÉ Koten Panati was raised a farmer. She helped around here and there, while always studying her music on the side. She had a simple and innocent life. At the age of 12, she discovered something that would change that life. The fact that this wasnÕt her first. While the Panati was visiting the shores and caves nearby to their farm, celebrating the farmÕs success that year and the money they had acquired, Koten, always the curious girl, delved deep and deeper into the shoreline caverns. Her parents and siblings lost in the moment, did not notice her slip off into the damp darkness. Within the caves, Panati bravely trekked further into the looming darkness, playing her lute all the while. She played mindlessly as she wandered, until she tripped over something sticking out of the ground. It was a lute case buried in the moist dirt. For a long time it had been forgotten, lost, and neglected. Unzipping the case, Panati found herself holding a shabby luteÉ but one that had been cared for into a state of magnificence. Just gazing upon it, she could feel the heart and soul that had been imparted into the lute. Perhaps, because it called her. It resonated within her. Feeling the lute, she knew it had been carefully cared for, delicately treated like a fragile flower. When her hands glazed along the strings Ð the only fancy piece of the simple instrument was one singular mithral string in the middle of the seven total Ð she could hear the songs it once played without every plucking a note. Setting her lute aside, she held the mithral-stringed lute in her hands, her spirit growing in confidence. Something inside of her struggled to get free. An irresistible desire to connect with the instrument. And so she did. She played until she drifted out of focus and of consciousness into a dissonant sleep. Memories flashed through her mind. Memories of a past life. Of past love. The lute in her hands. The music it played. Her DEATH. Koten opened her eyes and plucked the final notes of the ethereal tune, a song she had never known before Ð in this life at least. Koten opened her eyes, different than she once was. For now she remembered who she was and would be again. Quill Spellsong. Something within the deeper tunnels trembled and tremored. An ethereal light from deeper still came to vision and slowly crept its way closer. There were shadows of horrid elder creatures emerging from shadows below. Koten, on instinct, fled the caverns as soon as the void beasts piled out of the darkness like terrifying scarabs and roaches. Chasing her out of the tunnels, an ethereal and dissonant song followed her wherever she went. The music rattling in her head like a taunting attack. It was not the music of Quill Spellsong or herself or any other bard she knew. It was the song she had played instinctively on the mithral-string lute. The lute still in her hands. As she gazed upon its abandoned condition, and the singular shiny string of mithral, she noticed arcana sparking off the strings like lightning. The strings acting as conducts to the electricity of the musicianÕs touch. Distracted, she tripped over a stone. Ahead, the light of the setting sun. So close, but yet so far. The voidlings drew closer. Swarmed towards her. She wanted to cower in a corner and hide like the little girl she was. Hide behind her valiant father, in her motherÕs caring arms. She wanted to be anywhere but here. Luckily for Koten, she wasnÕt alone in her mind. The instincts of her past life pushing through, her fingers began to strike chords. The pace of the music increasing in parallel to her rushing heartbeat. The voidlings drew closer, the music more intense. One of the disfigured elder beasts lunged forward, and she struck the final note, her fingers now laced in the arcing arcana energy. A wave of thunder washed from the lute extending into the dark caverns below. The voidlings were blown back and stunned. Some were even killed by the electric discharge of the blast. Bravery kicking in, she thrust to her feet and dashed out of the caves as they collapsed behind her from the thunderous wave. Emerging to the shoreline, she found it burning. Her parentsÕ corpses strewn about and viciously torn. Partially eaten by some ferocious beast. Scattering away from the bloody scene, were void beasts slipping into shadows and crevices in the rocky wall behind and around her. In shock, Koten stayed there for hours. Playing sorrow goodbyes on her new lute, her old one lost forever in the shadows. Returning to her familyÕs farm, hoping to grab things of value before hitting the road, she stumbled upon a group of mercenaries smashing apart the building, seeking for someone and something. She need not know any more. She heard the words pass their lips. ÒWhat are we still doing here? Do you really think weÕre going to stumble upon Quill Spellsong on a peasantÕs farm?Ó ÒDonÕt forget the girl. What was her name? Cotton?Ó ÒKoten. The little Panati girl.Ó ÒWe find her, we find Quill, and we find what weÕve been paid to find. TheyÕll probably come back shortly. ItÕs getting late. WeÕll be here when they do.Ó Koten ran away, her mind melding with that of Quills. Logic persisting, knowledge returning, and wisdom flowing. Koten knew what she needed to do. What songs she needed to play. What notes would ring truths and lies and guide her where she need go. What masks she would need to wear. Koten joined the first caravan she came across, playing music for the merchants and travelers every night in exchange for a ride. She adopted the name Quote Silverfond, and with it, she spent three years chasing down secrets of her past life, her new life, and the ethereal song of the void. In her first town, Quote was stricken poor. She had no money. No food or water. She played as an entertainer at a local inn for many tenday. But there came a time when people began to ask too many questions, and throw too many curious eyes her way. Quote embarked on a trip to Phandelin, hoping to have better luck in that small but growing town. Upon arriving, she was quickly dissuaded from her choice of stay. Her face tenday there, someone was murdered. Shortly following that, these gigantic beasts of the ocean fell from the sky and crushed the mayorÕs manor house. Many crazy things happened in Phandelin, and she decided it best to move on to Luskan. Besides, there was too much competition there already between a lute bard like herself and a short gnome with chocolates and a recorder. The gnome was surprisingly good, and only unleashing her true potential as Quill could she best him. Now was not the time to reveal her identity. In Luskan, the rebuilding port city, Quote managed to live a poor musicianÕs life. The history of Luskan rich in the arcane, she attempted to seek knowledge in the few libraries remaining from before that Lich blew up half the town. Rebuilding her skills, Quote could enthrall an audience and put them to sleep with arcane lullabies. Sharpening her tongue, QuoteÕs wit could diffuse intense bar fights, lift moods, and allure money from nobles and patrons. By the time she turned 14, the mercenaries finally caught up to her. Confronting her in an alley, they pulled knives on her. They wanted to know where Quill Spellsong was. They didnÕt know that she was Quill Spellsong. Good, she thought; theyÕll underestimate my capabilities. Grabbing her lute, Quote let the spirit and mind of Quill Spellsong take control. Striking her chords, and channeling her arcana, Quote unleashed chords of thunder at her enemies. The streets of Luskan shook under her power. Disarming a thug, Quote took his dagger and stabbed at one of the others. Soon, all the mercenaries lay dead before her. Bleeding out of her leg, for she had been cut during the fight, Quote looted the corpses for daggers and gold. Knowing there would be more, she patched herself up roughly; sheÕd have a limp for a few days, but the scar would heal. Quote purchased armor, for if someone was truly trying to kill her, sheÕd need it. Wearing her leather and cloak, lute strapped around her back, Quote set forth back to Neverwinter, the city that loomed over her familyÕs farm. There she would seek real answers. In the colleges of Neverwinter, the streets, and the inns, Quote would begin her journey. (At this point, Quote has remembered the talents she once had, and must reconnect with. She remembers vaguely the songs and plays she had performed to wondrous appeal. Slowly these memories return as she performs. Quote knows that she was Quill and Koten before. She remembers dying in a burst of ethereal light. She remembers that the basics of the knowledge she once held as Quill. Perhaps most importantly, she remembers the lute in her hands and holds brief flashes of pleasing memories, the story of the Mithral String. The lute was all Quill could afford, and its nostalgia remained with him even when he could have purchased another instrument far more beautiful. Instead he spent his money on a set of silver strings for the lute of his lover, Destiny Fatespeaker. All Quote remembers of her is the love she felt towards Destiny. She cannot remember her face, touch, or smell. The sound of her voice or instrument. Only the purest feelings of the heart. And the fact that of the seven strings of mithral Quill ÒwastedÓ her lifes savings on and thus gifted to her lover, Destiny had only taken six. One of the seven strings was the middle string laced between Quotes lute. The ethereal song that Koten had played in the caverns continues to taunt her. Its dissonant terror a mocking call of the void.)
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Epiphany Placeholder Character Race: Tiefling Character Class: Cleric Output:
Epiphany was left on an orphanage doorstep as a child. At a young age, she ran away from said Dickensian establishment and joined a gang of petty thieves- pickpockets and burglars, mostly. Her small size made her ideal for second-story work. One icy night, she fell from a roof during a heist gone wrong. As she lay in an alleyway, abandoned by her fleeing companions, a cleric of Bahamut found and rescued her. She then became a temple acolyte out of gratitude. Epiphany is vaguely ashamed of being a tiefling, and makes haphazard attempts to pass as human.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Jandar Na•lo Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Warlock Output:
Jandar had a realitivly peaceful childhood with his human mother and elf father. His insatiable lust for knowledge, however, drove him to travel to a nearby college, and eventually make a pact with Ethict-thosh, a mysterious secret keeper from beyond what is typically considered reality.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Wynnlynn Bryx Character Race: Gnome Character Class: Warlock Output:
Wynnlynn Bryx was content with the way her life was going. An aimless, idle tinker's apprentice, she spent her days drinking, philandering, cheating at dice, and maybe on occasion doing a little bit of work, although few would believe it. 'Til one day, Wynn, along with the girl she was seeing at the time, inadvertently stumbled into a cave where a petrified but still living archfey was imprisoned and driven to near madness in its isolation. With dumb luck on her side, she recognized the language it screamed in, Sylvan, which she had learned a smattering of, if only to recite poetry and pick up chicks at the bar. Her grammar wasn't perfect, but the accent was pretty spot on, and she managed to talk the fey being down. She escaped with her life but her life alone, and only in exchange for her service. Her senses were enchanted, allowing her to become the archfey's eyes and legs in the world, and she was compelled, rather against her will, to travel and seek out new experiences so the creature could partake in the world beyond its prison, and perhaps discover means of freeing it. She has only been on the road a little while, but she's already seen quite a bit as the archfey doesn't allow her to sit still for too long.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Gnat Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Eldritch knight Output:
Abandoned by her elven mother as a child, the young half-orc was perhaps fortunate to be discovered and taken in by a roaming pack of orcs. They gave her a home, something like a family, and a name. Gnat. She soon learned that disdain for her elven heritage would never be far away. Gnat worked hard to ensure she could keep up with her peers and deserve her place among the warriors, but she always had interests that lay beyond those of the pack. During raids, she would often find books and spend hours delving into them. Then one day, while ransacking a wizard's home, she found herself blown away by the contents of the books she found there. Literally. In awe of the power contained in those words, she took it as a sign to finally part ways with a tribe that had only ever tolerated her, and ÒconvincedÓ the wizard to take her on as a student. She stayed with him over a year, but eventually grew bored with his lethargic way of life and frustrated by her own lack of progress with magic. Grabbing her notes and ripping a few pages out of her favorite tomes, she took off, seeking adventure and magic elsewhere.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: James (JA-M35) Character Race: Warforged Character Class: Bard/rogue Output:
Built as a labor robot and powered by mage coal, James discovered himself through music. With his newfound desire to be his own "person" and find a meaningful place in life he began secretly making modifications to his mechanical body and taking odd jobs in the inner city, working for underground factions as a messenger and informant.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Karlos Character Race: Tiefling Character Class: Monk Output:
Karlos grew up with the younger members of his tiefling community -- the adults of his family were rarely around, for reasons he never knew. At a young age his village was besieged by demons and he was found, presumed orphaned, by members of a nearby monastery. Raised as a monk with little exposure to other social circles, Karlos has grown distant from his roots, in a sense "a tiefling who doesn't know he's a tiefling."
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Mistevious "Misty" Visions Character Race: Tiefling Character Class: Monk/rogue Output:
Tutored by another tiefling monk, Misty is told he can be seen as a good person despite others' prejudices against tieflings, but soon becomes disillusioned by society. Wanting to truly make a change in the world instead of worrying about how others see him, and beings acting as a spy for a rebellious guild
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Morbash Character Race: Orc Character Class: Ranger Output:
After being forced to kill his own mother, to save her from elvish torture, Morbash is supporting the Orcish freedom movement to rescue enslaved orcs from the Elven empire.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Morbash Character Race: Orc Character Class: Ranger Output:
My story begins the way it usually does: Following the trail of blood to dash out the wounded animal at the end. The other hunters were off checking in their own directions. They couldn't read their prey like I could. But it helped that I knew Bugdal. He was 19 years old, surely having the physique of a man at this point but without the experience to consider important details of his actions like the gorge half a mile in front of him. Then I hear a loud splash about 20 yards in front of me. My prey is near. Running across branches I catch up close enough to see his maniked form clutching his wounded side and clawing to get as much ground as he could. I jump down toward him and spring off his his soldiers, enforcing a strong face plant. When fighting an orc, itÕs always important to go for a hard knock to the head first. An orc with a concussion is far more pleasant than an angry orc. Knowing your prey is the difference between victory and defeat. Bugdal drags himself up and swivels his head around to look at his attacker. A certain spark lights in his eyes and in an instant I was no longer looking at a wounded soldier but instead at a full-size tiger. HeÕs a Druid! With the high density of our wood elf captors in the region nature never chooses an orc as its champion. Suddenly his actions seem significantly more brave as the tree-huggers would have slashed his throat simply for having innate magic capabilities. Selective breeding I suppose. I grip my machete in my right arm as my left slowly reached for the wooden pike strapped to my back. All at once the large cat sprang forward with its wide set of teeth and claws on full display. I quickly respond by ripping the spear loose from its harness and directing it toward the oncoming predator. The spearÕs end connects with the beastÕs sternum. Using all my strength I swing it over me and pin it to the ground. The hunt was over. The tiger howled in pain as it made vain attempts to escape my weaponÕs grasp. While it struggled their I began to admire the beast. The proud orange fur that announced itÕs presence with vigor, the powerful claws used to chase its prey and easily finish it, and its absolute yellow eyes that would never blink in the face of its enemies. Eventually Bugdal stopped struggling and I stepped forward and placed my blade against his neck. Without moving his head he simply looked up at me with his fluorescent eyes. Not with anger. Not with hate. Not with feat. But with sorrow. The sorrow of a boy whom was not allowed to live. I closed my eyes and quickly pulled the knife. I looked down at myself. The cut must have spurted because my leather armor was soaked in blood. Orc blood. This was perverse. How could I allow myself to slaughter my brethren while my worst enemies loomed above me laughing? In that moment something lit in me that I had never known before. I returned to the encampment with the polymorphed form slung over my shoulder a few hours later. Waiting for me on the edge of the camp was the elven ranger commander Rinlor and at least a dozen of the encampment soldiers waiting with bows. Here the four other orc rangers were waiting for me to return while, as the rules dictate, holding heavy crates above their heads until their last member returned. I stop about 20 yards in front of the group. Rinlor sneered. ÒDecided to skip the mission to go big game hunting, have we? Ona ta a'aminÓ. I donÕt speak Elvish but IÕve seen enough orcs make mistakes before to know what it meant. At once another leaf licker stepped out from the tent leading an orc woman by her leash and shackles. The woman that taught me everything I know today. One of the only orcs capable of showing more technique and skill than any elf on camp. The only leverage that the elves have over me. My mother. The elf knocked her to the ground in front of Rinlor. I said ÒHe was a druid. He took this form then I killed him.Ó ÒWhat, you think I havenÕt heard that story before? Come on, Morbash, at least try something new.Ó His eyes examined my mother in detail ÒNow, if memory serves the punishment for returning late is enduring two days in the chamber and with the lie you just told thatÕll be a total of five days. But IÕm in a good mood so IÕll go easy on you this time. Instead of staying in that hell hole IÕll let her reside in comfort of my own personal quarters.Ó The carcass fell at my side and my gaze was unbreakably fixed onto Rinlor. I gripped my knife. ÒOh struck a nerve have I?Ó He forces her to her feet with one hand and draws a knife that he keeps cleaner than even his silverware and held it up to her neck. My mother was getting older and was heavily bound so she didnÕt even make an attempt to resist his actions. Shame was painted on her face. Shame that she was powerless now. Shame that her very life was such a burden on her son. Shame that this is the legacy as the greatest Orc ranger to date, her legacy, is living out her days either being tortured or waiting to be tortured. ÒMaybe next time youÕll actually catch the damned grey skinned bastar-Ó. SKKNT! All thirteen wood elves now stare in awe at the knife protruding from the womanÕs chest. It was not the dainty blade that Rinlor held that ended my motherÕs life. It was her own dagger that did it, a dagger that was passed down to me. ÒLook! Over here, momma! I found a big furry snake stuck in a bear trap!Ó I called to my mother. She casually strode over and frowned when she saw what I was pointing at. ÒDamned daisy biters. Using cruel traps in place of real skill.Ó She got down low so as to look at her six year old son in the eye. ÒThatÕs not a snake, thatÕs a foxÕs leg. When smart foxes get their leg stuck in a bear trap, they bite their leg off. Remember traps like these should be used on large animals only.Ó I laugh from my belly. ÒWhy donÕt the foxes want their legs anymore, Momma?Ó She had already walked over to the trap and started deconstructing it. ÒYou see if the fox had decided to keep its leg then after suffering for a few days the hunter would return and kill the fox, meaning that the fox would not only lose its leg, but the rest of itÕs body too. Only the weak foxes wait for the hunter to return.Ó ÒOh,Ó I stared at the pieces of the trap on the ground. ÒHere take this,Ó I looked up to my mother who was holding out one of the foxÕs claws. ÒSo you never forget to be the smart fox.Ó Now a 6 months have past since the incident back at the encampment. IÕve been living out of the jungle. I now wear the tigerÕs tooth around my neck along with my foxÕs claw. The elves want me for 1000 gold for the murder of thirteen elves and the destruction of property, namely my mother. IÕve put down two bounty hunters so far and I expect more. To the orcs IÕve become a symbol of revolution. They call me The Tiger. The elves continue to propagate my story as that of a lunatic to prevent further revolt, but the orcs know what really happened. My story's even began spreading to other encampments and mining colonies. Orc revolts have reached an all-time high and a few other select individuals have escaped and began looking for me to join my efforts against the elvish reign of terror. Eventually I will seek them out to free our people once and for all but for now I must gather intel and prepare myself to call for revolution.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Tentoria Chikara Character Race: Human Character Class: Warlock Output:
Tentoria grew up on a family farm in the small northwestern village of Frick. The village had little to offer in the way of variety. At age 13, inspired by the local alchemist's tales of travel, Tentoria decided it was time to set out. On her travels she got to see many things of many natures. She heard the greats speak of their knowledge. She read books written by the highest scholars. She learned the history of the lands she lived in, and treasured every piece of information she gained. By age 16, she attracted the attention of The Elder Eye. She was offered greater knowledge beyond her reach. In exchange, she would bring destruction to parts of the world. She reluctantly accepted. With her newfound knowledge and abilities, Tentoria doubled down on her wont for travel. She began descending into caves containing nasty creatures. She broke into abandoned places in search of forgotten knowledge. And she began searching for lost artefacts that could expand the reach of her knowledge even further.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Elet Pren Character Race: Human Character Class: Tie-fighter pilot Output:
The daughter of a force-sensitive Imperial pilot, Elet followed her father's footsteps. Her miserable performance in the simulators almost led her to washing completely out of training but then, during the in-space practicals, she demonstrated extraordinary skill ability. Behold! As it turns out, she was Force-Sensitive to an extent that allowed her a profound knowledge of objects in space and their motion, and a near-term clairvoyant ability that allowed her to accurately predict near-future events. After the destruction of Alderaan, she began to turn away from the Empire and its methods, but did not join the Rebels, either, as she viewed them as More of the Same, Just Smaller.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Elet Pren Character Race: Dark elf Character Class: Fighter/magic-user Output:
Elet was always fascinated by non-Dark elves, genuinely interested. So when the exclusive and hoity-toity ways of her people got to be too much for her, she struck out into the overlands so that she could, essentially, people-watch. "Fighter/Anthropologist" might have been a better title for her. Adventuring is a bonus, and, alas, sometimes her desire to observe gets in the way of party survival. For science!
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Gorm Axemate Character Race: Goblin Character Class: Barbarian Output:
Born an orphan and raised as an outcast, he sought to create a family of his own. Being not that smart, he found the loving embrace of a battleaxe he stole. Nowadays, he has two sparkling little hand-axe children, and is looking to have even more. He hopes to one day raise them to be the battle-hardened killing machines they deserve to be.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Yen Ose Character Race: Human Character Class: Wizard Output:
Yen Ose grew up in a small tribal village in the far North, the daughter of a local medicine woman. She'd never met her father, and she knew only that he was dead and from another place. Yen had a natural talent for magic, and a prodigious mind for numbers, which led her to an apprenticeship at the College of Axis. There she learnt powerful elemental magic, but during her final test to become a full mage, a terrible accident occurred. A great magical explosion took the lives of 23 of her peers, and one of her teachers, as well as her right arm, leg, and much of her body. Maimed, rejected, and traumatized, she found her way back to her village. Under the guidance of her uncle, a talented brass-smith, she learned to fashion complex mechanisms out of metal, and eventually created an advanced prosthesis for her missing limbs. Among her things, she found a journal of her father, Tief, revealing that he had been some sort of powerful wizard, and had hidden a powerful artifact in the far South. Yen took the journal, one of her closest friends, and a modified crossbow, and set out to the South to find her birthright.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Armen Eforhild Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Rouge Output:
Raised by stuffy academic parents. When she came of age, she left to join her aunt's traveling circus. While there, she learned how to steal. She left the circus and became a thief, and a drunkard before finally meeting her adventuring party.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Drazi Linec Character Race: Human Character Class: Oracle Output:
I don't remember much from before, just flashes here and there. Laughter. Sunrises. The smell of rain in the air. Smiling faces. I had a happy childhood. That all changed one day. I recall hearing shouting and screaming. I remember blood. All I know for sure is that I was found under an overturned wagon, half starved, the only survivor of a group of eighteen. My "uncle" took care of me from then on. We're Varisian, and of the same clan, so we're probably related somehow. But he wasn't like other Varisians. He wasn't exactly Scarzni, but he wasn't far from them, either. I remember him clearly that day, looking at me straight in the eyes, but somehow through me as well, not behind me, but somewhere else my eyes led. He took me with him to Magnimar. I stayed with him under the Irespan, that colossal remnant of a bridge that stretches out into the sea. On a clear afternoon, you could get maybe an hour of sunlight as the sun slipped from the bridge above into the ocean. For five years I lived there. I learned how to stay sharp, always on my toes. My eyesight even improved to the point that I could see as well under the bridge as I could on the rare occassions I was allowed to leave its cover. Uncle Vikram hosted an odd assortment of travelers now and again. Many wore hoods and other clothing of concealment, to hide their bestial, reptilian features. Others wouldn't care, clacking clawed fingers on a table while staring at me, waiting for me to react. Often they would talk in a strange language that I slowly began to learn in secret. But mostly they would gather in a room upstairs. I wasn't allowed in, but I could hear their chanting voices sometimes. And every once in a while, the crackle of fire. One day, when I was thirteen, everything ended. I was eating with Uncle Vikram and a couple of his friends, when he announced today was a special day, and he handed me a cup of wine. His friends nodded and smiled. I took a drink, and it didn't taste like wine (I had secretly gotten ahold of some the year prior and woke up on the seashore, half freezing from the cold water, missing my money and my shoes), but I finished the small cup. And then started to feel sleepy. As I collapsed to the floor, I heard Vikram say, "He's only a copper, but that's good enough for us." Then blackness took me. I woke up in pain. I was tied facedown to a table, my arms and legs tied separately, forming my body into an X. I was stripped to the waist, and the pain was coming from my back in sharp strokes. "Flip him over," someone said, and my bounds were loosened. I tried to fight them, but they eaily overpowered me and tied me back down on my back. My uncle came forward with a bloody knife and began carving into my chest, and I realized he must have done to same to my back. I screamed until my uncle stopped for a moment to make a strange gesture, and my screams disappeared in an instant. I could feel myself screaming, but no sound could come out. After a minute or two (I could not tell) he stopped and stepped back. A ring formed around me of thirteen people, all in various states of transformation. Even my uncle has started to grow scales on his neck and arms. They chanted in unison, and flames appeared in a circle around us. Then something went wrong. I couldn't tell what, but the men's voices became panicked. My uncle came forward with the knife held high above his head, ready to plunge it into my chest. Then everything went crazy. There was an explosion, I was later told, wrecking an entire block of the Underbridge. I remember being pushed by a great force, then falling, then everything went black. Father Abstalar Zantus pulled me from the rubble. I was bloody, bruised, and my arm and leg were broken. I kept passing out from the pain, but he took me to a healer somewhere in the Summit (the rich part of Magnimar) and had my bones mended and my injuries healed. But they couldn't fix everything. They found they could do nothing to erase the jagged scars my late uncle gave me. But there were other problems of a non-physical nature manifesting. I was hearing things. Voices. Some curious. Some scared. Some angry. Spirits of people who had died in the explosion. They frightened and fascinated me. But what was even more strange was my hair. I hadn't had a good look at myself in ages, and my hair had changed from the dark brown it used to be into a striking mix of copper brown. Was this what my uncle meant by "a copper"? I do not know. The priest and I took slow walks around the Capital District while I recuperated, showing me the important buildings around me. He was also very interested in my birthmark, which by then was nearly fully formed. He told me about how it's the symbol of Desna, the goddess he worshipped. He was even the first person to tell me about Oracles. I think he suspected what I was. What I was becoming. After a week, he brought me to my new family. By luck, a group of Varisians were passing through the city, and one of the elders was my actual uncle, Ogdred. I saw my father in his face, and his brother in mine. It felt wrong to call him my uncle, though. That word had become sinister to me. But he, my aunt and my cousins all understood. I thanked the professor profusely, hugging him. It was the last time I ever saw him. When we left the city, I finally felt like I was home again. But it was different somehow. My cousins seemed to have deeper wells of joy. Even when the musicians played the rowdiest tune and the dancers moved in the most energetic way, it never realy stirred something in me. I could remember delighting in that kind of thing when I was little, but now, not so much. I wasn't unhappy, far from it. I just wasn't moved. My birthmark was a thing to be celebrated. They taught me how to use an actual starknife. Though I never really did well at the dancing, I was pretty good with the ways of the bladed scarf and the starknife itself. They would prod me to perform in their traveling show, tossing the starknife into simple targets, showing off my birthmark. Slowly, I grew in confidence. Things went on like that for the next couple of years. I grew into my body and my powers. I discovered that my aunt, a fortune-teller, could speak the strange language of my "uncle". She told me it was the language of dragons, and I learned more of it from her. It was in my sixteenth summer that I began to get tattooed. I decided to leave the jagged scars from Vikram's knife alone, and instead asked for a vine to wrap my body, with seventeen closed buds to represent the family I lost. I added a blue swallowtail butterfly for Desna, and a seven-pointed star for strength and magic, for I was growing in both. Though the angrier spirits still pushed my things around when I wasn't looking, or made strange noises in the dark, I found I could harness a few of the others and get them to move small things around or make specific noises on command. Our group shed some families and picked up others. The newer people seemed less okay with me and my spirits than the others who had been there when I first joined them. I started to wonder if I should break off on my own. When I was seventeen, Ogdred presented me with our family scarf, a symbol of passage into adulthood. It was purple, as both fortune-tellers and oracles ran strong in our family. I cried to see the branch where only I remained, and I thanked him profusely. Soon after, I felt it was time to strike out on my own, at least for a while. We were near Sandpoint, where Father Zantus now lived. I said my goodbyes to my cousins and the other families in our group, and I headed off to visit him, and for their Swallowtail Release.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Lenora "Lylah" Dellius Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Rogue Output:
Abducted by cultist monks before having her mind wiped at age 10 and living on the street as an urchin child
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ennis Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Druid Output:
Ennis was once the youngest and most talented hunter in her village. One day, she decided to test her skills against the local giant eagle, Stanley. When she woke up several hours later, bleeding and with many broken bones in the forest, she had no idea where she was. During the several weeks she lay there healing, she got to know the animals who lived in the forest, especially the baby bear who came by to lick her wounds. She also had many strange dreams about a goat faced god watching her. Eventually, she came to care for the animals she used to hunt and renounced her old ways to live in the forest. For several years, she and the bear (who she named Huggins) lived and hunted together, roaming through the woods living in harmony with nature. However, half elves live much longer than bears. The night after Huggins died, Ennis had another dream about the goat faced god. When she woke up, she found herself many miles away, among the followers of the goat faced god, who they called Pickles. Pickles was a god of nature, and when he deemed his followers were trained enough in the druidic arts, he sent them to the part of the forest that was in most need of healing. After several years with the Followers of Pickles, Ennis woke up in a strange part of the forest. Few animals lived there due to overhunting, and she used her skills to protect the animals that remained, by hiding them and scaring off poachers with her magic. Eventually, the legend in the local village grew that there was a witch who punished anyone who hurt her forest, and the overhunting stopped. Ennis still doesn't know exactly where she is, or if her work is done yet, so she stays close to the village to keep an eye on hunting parties and every once in a while, she sneaks into the village for a cheese platter.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: The Mad Hatter Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Used to be a druid... Output:
Like many half-elves, Mad Hatter's parents took one look at her, and cast her off into the wild. It was only by a stroke of luck that she became an honorary member of the Wizard's Guild. However, no matter what she did, she could never stop people "looking" at her. You know, the "look." So, her and her cleric friend developed a shared interest in... torture! Their rooms were littered with deadly traps and the most gruesome of books. Not to mention painful inventions, and "unfortunate" circumstances. And she's taken away one thing from all this: what should she do for people that have never bothered to look at her like a real person, only a product of happenstance.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Bex Darrowmide Character Race: Drow Character Class: Sorceress Output:
An idiot klutz, she was sent away by her House to spare them embarrassment. The hope is she'll either die, or grow strong enough to actually be an asset when she returns.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Iggy (short for Ignition) Character Race: Kenku Character Class: Wizard Output:
Got distracted reading a spellbook he was supposed to steal and managed to cast a simple spell. He was taken in by the book's kindly owner, and set out adventuring to continue learning, make her proud, and bring her back shiny things.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Juan Teey Character Race: Human Character Class: Druid Output:
DEFINITELY NOT SECRETLY A SNERSON. (Snake-person. Plural is Sneeple.)
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Josaya Ji'Rasi Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Rogue Output:
Josaya has lived in the streets all his life, seeing firsthand the corruption of the city and its inhabitants. He does whatever he can to get what he wants, whether it be honest work or petty thievery. However, he would like to see justice, but this is more a quest of vengeance than one guided by morals. A local crime lord has always pestered Josaya and his friends, or temporary allies, as he would call them. Josaya hopes one day to take down this thug himself, but he doesn't know what he would do after that.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Jeff the delicious Character Race: Slime Character Class: Death knight Output:
He was a ham sandwhich which a elder lich tripped over and zapped with lightning by accident to turn him into a slime with the magical powers and strength of a death knight and he was give the title Jeff the delicious cuz every time he is eaten his enemies die horrible deaths saying he tasted like apple jello and now he is set to be the new leader of the undead hordes to rule the world
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Rum the ankle biter Character Race: Half orc Character Class: Oath of redemption paladin Output:
Rum is the illegitimate son of Grina the Earbiter, a mob enforcer and bar bouncer notorious for biting off and collecting the ears of anyone who crosses her. She named Rum after her favorite drink. He began running errands for mobsters at a young age, graduating to become an enforcer and a robber. He was eventually forced to go on the run and, after murdering an old man in a robbery and several other crimes, eventually reconsidered his life and chose the path of redemption.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Taranith Greyfoot Character Race: Dwarf Character Class: Cleric Output:
Her mother, a restless and independent misfit, fled their clan when Taer was 2. They spent many years with a band of nomadic humans on the steppes (horse warriors? you betcha!). After traveling a long way to find a new home, her mother is now settled in [city] with her own jewelry repair business (plus a few under-the-table ventures) and a community of expat dwarves. Though her mother is a vital and charismatic attention-monger, Taer likes to think that she is very different from her mom. She affects a stoic demeanor, but can't always keep calm when provoked. Taer is mature for a teenager, but still moody and a little unpredictable. Because she was different, she spent a lot of time alone, and particularly enjoyed watching epic storms stretching across the plains. Caught in a bad storm, she stumbled into worship of a half-forgotten god... Due to her nomadic upbringing, Taer is comfortable with change and the fact that some things are beyond our control. Like her mother, she has a strong drive to find her own way in the world, and she lives entirely in the moment. Pricked by wanderlust and a nudge from her mysterious god, she seeks out an adventuring group in the city.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ianto Glasbrint Character Race: Human Character Class: Gunslinger Output:
Raised in a family of cultists of an evil god of creation, Ianto was a prodigy of invention. Rebelling against his families system of submiting all of their ideas to their dark god, Ianto left in the dead of night.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Kresz Character Race: Lizardfolk Character Class: Witch Output:
When her egg was found by a couple members of an insular little kith down by the yondabakari, she was already marked as an outsider. This was the beginning of the end. Growing up, she was different from her clutch-siblings. She couldn't swim, her body was a different shape, and her scales a different color. They mostly stopped talking to her by the time she was ten. Because of the kith's structure, she didn't have any specific parents. Adult members disclaimed responsibility for her. She was held accountable as an adult at fourteen. At sixteen, she was sweet on a boy who didn't care for the rigid social reactions the rest of the kith had. Where others had shunned her, Rhoxl had smiled at her poor social skills, and began to bring her fish when he realized she couldn't swim. At seventeen, they became mates. The kith reacted poorly, but she didn't care. He didn't care. It was as if only the two of them existed. He made her smile, and her ferocity kept the worst of their critics at bay. At eighteen, she found a patch of dry land in the Mushfens. It became her private space, a home away from home. Herbs that grew there were nowhere else to be found, and she began to tinker and experiment, making poultices and unguents. When Rhoxl came home injured from a hunting party, a gash on his side from a crocodiles jaws, she tended to him. The wound healed and grew over with brilliant golden scales. At nineteen, she laid an egg. It was placed, as is tradition, in the clutch-cave with the others. She was so happy. Finally, acceptance. She returned to her private place, her hidden Grove, only to find it ransacked. The herbs were pulled up, the soil waterlogged. Her dry Earth in this wretched swamp was destroyed, one of only three things she had. At twenty, her egg had still not hatched. It was time for the next batch of eggs to enter the clutch-cave. She took it for herself, and nurtured it in her dwelling with Rhoxl. His lightheartedness ceased to bring her cheer. His silliness could not hatch her unhatchable egg. Several of her clutch-siblings, now adults, came to her door and asked for the egg, that it might be fed back to nature, as is tradition for those seeds which do not sprout. Her refusal sparked a huge argument which would be the end of her life as she knew it. Kresz could not hear her own thoughts above the shouts of her former family. She rocked back and forth silently, the egg in her lap. The cold winter wind blew through the room, raising hackles and tensions. Kith members were surrounding her now, grabbing for one of only two things she had. She snapped. In an instant, K'shar, her clutch-sibling and the kith's strongest hunter, was ablaze. Her right arm, wreathed in flame, was coated in a slick iridescent substance whose pattern burned itself into her scales. As she ran from her burning home, she took one last pleading look back, and locked eyes with Rhoxl, her love, her only joy in this wretched, waterlogged realm. He simply shook his head, his eyes full of sorrow. She lost the last thing she had. At twenty, she was wandering the Cinderlands. She had traveled far to see the land that they say she came from, but it was as unfamiliar as the yondabakari to her. Her pack was stuffed full of everything she could carry from place to place, and small fetishes of bone and sinew hung from its sides, clacking together as she walked. Kneeling down in the sand and grit, she took out her only true possession - her egg. It still had not hatched. A hairline crack ran from the top of the egg halfway down the side, sustained when her dwelling in the kith had burned. As she stared at the egg, it began to wobble in her hands. Startled, she dropped it into the sand, where it landed with a soft pff. It wiggled under the hot summer sun just long enough for her to put it together. Heat! It was the warmth of the fire, of the sun, that had allowed it to begin hatching. Hesitantly, she reached out her right arm to touch the egg. She had become more skilled since her exile, and wreathed her hand in low, flickering flames. Warming the egg, she watched as it split open to reveal a small, scaly form. Her eyes widened. This was the beginning.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Felicius Cornelius Character Race: Human Character Class: Cleric Output:
He was born into a well off family in the countryside who called him Felix. From an early age he developed a taste for gambling and soon after that, cheating. For the most part he mananged to wiggle out of trouble, but one terrible night he cheated the local baron out of a handsome amount of coin and failed to wiggle out of trouble. He fled to his house, but the baron followed with a pack of hounds and several surly henchmen. So Felix fled again, this time into the black and tangled forest bordering the wheat fields, and leaving his family to the baron. The baron soon pulled the information out of Felix's younger brother and set off after the runaway. In the forest, the hounds hot on his trail, Felix ducked into a cave, hoping to dissuade the hounds. But he was not alone in that cave. A shadowy creature rose from the ground and spoke to him, telling him that it could make his pursuers forget him... for a price. And Felix, gambler that he is, accepted, without even asking the price. Just like that, the hollering hounds fell to confused yips and yowls as the hounds and the people all forgot why they were out and who they were hunting. The shadowy thing began to fade as Felix watched, but before it disappeared completely, it hissed, "you're dying..." Felix tried to press the fading creature for answers, but his words dissolved into a coughing fit, blood spattering his fingers. He returned in the morning to his family, only to find his father dead and his mother and brother beaten half to death. His brother lit into him and for the third time, Felix fled. He fled to a neighboring town, changing his name to Felicius. His health deteriorated, slowly but surely Felicius tried all manner of things, trying to cure whatever was wrong with him. All failed. Eventually he turned to the life of a cleric, ultimately hoping to earn favor with his god and ask for a cure.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Roland Rotjaw Character Race: Gnoll Character Class: Bard Output:
An orphan found by adventurers and later inspired to song by a gentle half-elf. He currently plays funeral dirges
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Starberry Character Race: Pixie Character Class: Sorceress Output:
Starberry grew up in a secluded woodland village. All the pixies had magic, so she wasn't unique there. She had a talent for baking - Cookies, muffins, cakes, all decorated painstakingly with edible dyes and treats gathered from the forest. She wanted to learn more and left her village to explore and learn new recipes. She made new friends along the way and ended up adventuring with them, utterly surprised they valued her magic skills more than her culinary ones. But if she had to pay her way with magic to learn new baking skills, so be it!
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Mar’a de Tambor’n y Xarra Character Race: Pig kobold Character Class: Cleric Output:
Mar’a de Tambor’n y Xarra took her name from human catholic sources. She learn to cast spells as a human christian cleric, but she uses her own, twisted versions of them. Researching many Magic-User's spellbooks, she concluded she would be able to summon Jesus Christ himself, and she succeeded. The pig kobolds she commands, took put Jesus Christ to a dungeon, and she has the weirdest idea: What would happen if I summon him again? She put his idea to practice and, surprisingly, she succeeded again, now being two Jesus Christs in the world. She continued on and when there were 666 Jesus Christs, the fabric or reality tried to repair itself by merging all the different Jesus Christs into one only (after all, he claimed he was three people in one, including his daddy and a ghost-bird). The result was an amorphous mass of tissue which sprouts randomly, producing heads, hands, voices, legs. This Jesus-thing was put into a dungeon, where it crawls mindlessly, killing those who venture into the dark depths and resurrecting them, also turning leaking water into wine. Mar’a de Tambor’n y Xarra is happy with this outcome.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Braith Mosswyck Character Race: Gnome Character Class: Barbarian Output:
Braith learned to value generosity and hospitality as the heir to Urien the Greathearted of Brockhall Manor. He and his best friend Benedict the Hare spent many hours working in the kitchens as punishment for constantly nicking food, and there Braith learned to both cook and eat well. Despite being adopted Braith started exhibiting the family trait of "debilitating fits of rage" and was sent off into the world to gain the inner peace and wisdom necessary to control himself.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Darge Silverstone Character Race: Dwarf Character Class: Ranger Output:
Young worker in the silver mine turned runaway when one of his parents died and the other's expectations became too great. Roughed it in the forest for a long time and is now trying to make a living independent of his past catching and slaying monsters for a town. Is always getting into troublesome situations.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Varis Blackridge Shaaresh Character Race: Half elf (shadar-kai) Character Class: Paladin / warlock Output:
Varis was born near Gloomwrought to the Shadar-kai warrior Kree Shaaresh. His father was Trevor Blackridge, a human adventurer and mercenary sellsword who returned to the natural world after a tryst with Kree, before she discovered she was pregnant. As an infant, Varis was sickly and weak. His human half was poorly adapted to the malign atmosphere of the Shadowfell, which drained what little strength he had. It was soon clear he would not live to see his first birthday. Kree prayed to the Raven Queen to spare her child, and was answered by the Sorrowsworn Yllivayne Shaaresh, in life the founder of Kree's clan, who offered to spare Varis if his mother would give him over to the Raven Queen's service. Kree agreed, and Yllivayne took her child to a temple in the natural world. There the infant's condition improved and he began to thrive, and the priests trained the boy as an Acolyte and Paladin. Every few years, his mother would visit him, teaching Varis about his Shadar-kai heritage, telling him stories of her battles, of his father, and of his ancestor and the debt he owed. When he reached adulthood, Yllivayne appeared to Varis in a dream where the young man reaffirmed the bargain his mother had made, sealing a Warlock's pact with his Sorrowsworn ancester. He then set out into the world in search of whatever greater purpose the Raven Queen had in store for him, and hoping to one day find his human father as well.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Donkey Club Character Race: Elf Character Class: Monk Output:
Blind, caused by parents pouring acid over her eyes when she was a young child for a religious ritual
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Wolfgang Demara Character Race: Human Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
Wolfgang Demara (born Bentley Fensler, Benny to his friends) comes from the area around the capital of Andor, born to a family that used to be rather wealthy. However, due to his ancestorsÕ exorbitant spending habits combined with their lack of business sense and tact, their money had been dwindling even by the time he was born. He was an only child, and for the first few years of his life he was kept to a rigid schedule of education and magical training. This included reading on the subject of the family history, which has quite a bit on demonsÐit is said within the family that their fates were once entwined with that of a fiend, and may be again, so they all are to learn and prepare for that eventuality, though until recently he thought that was rubbish and never payed it much mind. After a particularly harsh year (when Benny was about eight), things changed. All of his parentsÕ coin and more was going to keeping up the appearance that they were still rich, so they couldnÕt afford to continue his education, and they were always too busy to pay any attention to him. Except to reprimand him for taking too much food, or dirtying his clothes, or growing out of his old shoes, donÕt you know these things cost money, Bentley! Benny took to spending most of his time away from home, with other youngsters of his age, particularly those richer than him. Whenever possible, he subtly ensured that he was never the one paying for anything, and would even lie and steal from themÐnot that they missed a few dozen gold here and there. He used the coin to stockpile his own meals (which he kept hidden from his parents lest they confiscate it or his hidden cash) and fund a wardrobe so his parents wouldnÕt scold him for needing them to pay for it. He and his friends all took to playing cards together often, for real stakes, and he won often. He never told them about his familyÕs troubles, and he was good at cardsÐbut the other children were trained for politics too, so he was never quite sure if they knew. The two he was with most often when not at home, elf twins Mason and Cecilia, Benny knew were better than him, and yet never quite seemed to come out victorious when Benny had a chance left. He wasnÕt sure he minded. As he got to be around eighteen, BennyÕs parents started noticing him a little more. More specifically, they started noticing his marriage prospects. Ought a charming, handsome young lad like their Bentley not be able to find a goodÐby which they meant wealthyÐwife? Against his wishes, they began arranging a wedding with a girl of around his age, Jane. Benny hated this idea. For one thing, he and Jane were acquainted, and not in a good way. But more importantly, it was the principle of the thing; why should he want to help his family out of their troubles, when they never cared about him? And of course, Benny already had a boyfriend, though he hadn't told his parents--Mason. This clarified for Benny what he had felt for a while: he had to leave. So he did. It wasnÕt even hardÐhe often went days or weeks without really seeing his parents, they likely wouldnÕt notice for some time if he just walked out. His friends would, though, so before he left he met with Mason and Cecilia one last time. They talked for a while, then embraced (Benny would later find one or the other of them had slipped a small pouch of gold and gems into his pocket, and a wooden ring that Mason, amateur woodcarver, had clearly hand-made with his initials, B.F., carved into it, and the twins would each find a playing card in theirs, as Benny had little else to give). After that point, he left his old life behind and started going by new names. Wolfgang was not his first, just his latest. Wolfgang traveled the continent hiding his magic and acting as a con artist, mostly for the thrill of it once he had enough funds to get by, though his card-playing made it tough to keep a lot stocked up at any one timeÐhis win rate was noticeably lower than when he played with his friends when he was younger. He took on jobs with no training to see if he could do them by cramming (with mixed success), but mostly kept to small cons so he wouldnÕt draw too much attention. He keeps detailed notes on almost everything, written in Abyssal and transliterated into Elvish script, then encrypted with a keyed rotational cipher. The Empire arrived when he was 20, but he kept out of the fighting and it didnÕt change his life particularlyÐlies are lies no matter whoÕs in charge. He wonders sometimes if his friends, and on particular days his parents, survived the war, but he hasnÕt sought them out. Recently, as he was posing as the invented persona Anrar Nidisc, refurbishment auditor at a library (which has since burnt down, not that Wolfgang knows that yet) and enjoying free access to ancient texts while waiting to see if theyÕd realize that refurbishment auditor isnÕt a real position, he came across an old scroll written in Abyssal. It is mostly unreadable, but he was able to make out a few words clearly, including the name ÒFenslerÓ. After the initial shock of finding the name he hadnÕt associated with in nearly four years, in a demonic script, essentially confirming the family stories heÕd thought were nonsense, he asked about any texts related to this one. He was told that there were none there, but he might be able to find one in Northgate. After tying up the identity of Anrar so he could return as him later if necessary, he took the scroll (without asking) and set out.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Dordmuin Woodwasp Character Race: Gnome Character Class: Warrior Output:
Bored with my family clan's chosen profession of woodcutters, I left my father in the middle of felling a tree to wander. I was assaulted by a couple of thieves and was saved by a Dwarfish fighter named Torjun. He noted my raw talent with the axe and decided to train me in combat. I joined him and his friends, became an apprentice member of the local beast hunter's guild, and learned everything you know about combat.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Mack Character Race: Human Character Class: Bard Output:
Chosen one with a harem of sexy ladies all wanting to sleep with him, because the DM loves writing harem anime. Ended up with seven pregnant wives after conquering the neighboring kingdom.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Barb Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Thief/sorceror Output:
Orphaned young, Barb survives on the tough streets of Sewall by picking pockets and making fake charms. She leads a small gang of other magic-using rogue-ish youngsters. When Governor Morris starts to crack down on crime, Barb discovers a horrifying truth.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Emperor Sebastian Steer Character Race: Quarter-goblin Character Class: Evil overlord Output:
Born on a Goblin farm, the future-Emperor Sebastian Steer saved up to buy a golden magic ring. When he managed to do so, he apprenticed himself to a wizard, the Dark Lord of Fremnia, Lord Reydthe. Lord Reydthe taught his apprentice everything he knew about Magic, Dark Magic, and Darkness in general, and once Steer was confident he knew it all, he began trying to assassinate his Master to take his place. I say he began trying, because it took thirty-seven attempts over the span of three months. While planning out the 38th, Steer neglected his health, fell ill, and accidentally contaminated his Master, who died in two days while Sebastian clung to life by a thread. Claiming he had successfully murdered Reydthe, Steer then took over Fremnia, which he proclaimed the capital of his Empire. Despite his lack of subtlelty and general bumblings, Emperor Steer turned out to be an incredibly powerful sorcerer, and his raw magical power was enough to drive an army of Wights forward to expand his empire. Within ten years, the entire Known World was now part of the "Evil Empire". Fortunately, after ten years of tyranny, the world breathed a sigh of discombobulated relief when Steer's bed was found empty one morning. The mad emperor was gone. Poof. Just like that. It is assumed the massive amounts of magical power coursing through his body caused some reaction in Steer's sleep that obliterated him to the last atom, or, perhaps, that he merely fell into a random plothole from which he never emerged. Though of course, conspiracy theorists talkÉ
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Musia Baguinette Character Race: Nymph Character Class: Warmongering farmer Output:
A Wood Nymph from France, Musia Baguinette fell in love with a human boy, a farmer's son, though she could never officially him. After he died, she took over the farm, which she soon made into a haven for other magical beings who worked the land together in harmony. Nearby human communities did not take kindly to this "den of inhumans" and tried to raze it, leading to Baguinette adding "warmongering" to her class.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Goruza N'Guru Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Druid Output:
A child of two Gozran priests, Goruza's human father vanished suddenly one day, leaving Goruza, their mother and soon thereafter their sister Seahrah alone. Spending years dividing their time between their younger sister and their training to be a druid priest of the nature god, Goruza eventually left their home to search for their missing father.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Erin Ryoka Solstice Character Race: Human Character Class: Innkeeper Output:
Erin R. Solstice, a prized chess enthusiast, was accidentally teleported infinitely far from her comfortable home. She found an abandoned inn which she made her home, more-or-less-unwittingly taking the Innkeeper Class, and has since become famous for her Blue Fruit Juice, pasta, innovative cooking, singing, and her controversial "No killing Goblins" policy.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Tilda Forgeborn Character Race: Dwarf Character Class: Druid Output:
Sole survivor after warring tribes wiped each other out. Devoted her life to finding balance between natural forces to atone for the death of her people.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Darius Russdale Character Race: Human Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
When Darius was a small boy, his isolated fishing village was attacked by gnolls. After making examples of the few villagers who took up arms, the gnolls made their demands: the village would give them whatever valuables and food they had and, if it was sufficient, the gnolls would not supplement their rations with the tender meat of the village's children. The village complied, and the gnolls left. They came back a month later, with the same demand. This went on for more than a year, and though they never supplemented the tribute, it was a year of fear and hunger in the village. It only ended when a band of adventurers arrived and destroyed the gnolls. Of course, they didn't return one coin of the villager's stolen property, but young Darius saw how grateful his parents were. That's when he knew this was his destiny, to wander the lands saving people and growing rich thereby. As soon as he found one of the gnoll's weapons that had been too common and cheap for the adventurers to cart off as booty, he began training in the sword. When his powers as a sorcerer awakened soon thereafter, his path became even clearer, and he set out into the world. Little did he know that the power in his blood was tied to the dark secret that brought the adventurers to his little village, all those years ago...
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Xenophon Gorgias Character Race: Human Character Class: Warlock Output:
Xenophon as a young man served as a soldier in a mercenary troupe in the failed military campaign against [neighboring country]. He lost his good friend and leader of the troupe, when it was revealed that they had been hired under false pretenses and were used as expendable bait for the enemy army. He became disillusioned and bitter, but on his return encountered Proxenus the man who would become his mentor and, unwilling to return to the field of battle, studied the political system he felt had betrayed him. In time, he joined a group of philosophers who were dedicated to reforming the corrupt politics of the city and informing the next generation of nobility.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Mornaven Denegrede Character Race: Human Character Class: Paladin Output:
loyal servant of a lawful-good conservative religion turned powerful Messianic figure for people's rights
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Avi Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Paladin Output:
Avi was orphaned on the steps of a temple, and so raised as an acolyte. However, the religion itself was never really his calling. He appreciated and learned about it, but (as half-elves are wont to do) only loosely associated with it. Still, he was surrounded by people with strong opinions of moral right and wrong, so despite his general ambivalence towards faith, he did end up with a perhaps idealized concept of and desire to do good. His adoptive father, Serge, was a former monk and adventurer from outside the city, so from a young age he taught Avi to fight and defend himself. It was, of course, more theoretical than actually going out and fighting things. Serge does feel rather fatherly towards Avi, but heÕs also got a sort of tough-love approach: seeing that though Avi spent his free time reading and studying he wasnÕt likely to become a religious professional, he essentially kicked Avi out of the temple and told him to go figure out what he is going to do with his life. Avi very much admires and respects Serge, but is also kind of terrified of him, since he has a gruff personality, so he dutifully went out into the city. He quickly decided that the best way he could help people and still earn some money for food (since heÕs doing his best to stay away from the temple in the hours Serge is awake, which is also the times when they serve food) is to work as a mercenary of sorts. HeÕsÉ not been doing too well at that, since heÕs a very nervous kid, and not comfortable with charging people. One of his early customers was Ela Sade, an old woman from an Eshuetin district, whoÕs own son is a Kruzidier agitator too busy with politics to really care for her. Her son sends her money to make sure she can eat and not lose her home, but she doesnÕt have any other income, and is only really connected to some of her neighbors who either donÕt know that her son is infamous for causing trouble or donÕt care. Avi, therefore, worries about her, and tries to help her out as much as possible. She thinks heÕs a very nice young manÉ. Especially since her mode of paying him is usually to give him fresh bread or some of whatever food sheÕs cooking, and despite that he was raised with the privilege of an acolyte, he never complains. Not everyone who Avi runs into outside of the temple likes him so much, however. Shay, for example, is unimpressed by his regular appearance in the Eshuetin district. HeÕs a street kid, who sees Avi as an outsider who must have grown up pampered, with life in the temple. He gives Avi trouble whenever he sees him, harassing him verbally, stealing his breadÑand Avi doesnÕt know what to do about it when he just wants to find work and get paid. He could reasonably try to turn Shay over to the guard, but most of the people who live in the district like him, so Avi thinks there must be some good him. And ShayÕs assessment is not entirely wrong. AviÕs life in the temple was comfortable. He had one good friend: Aubrey, a Halfling now training as a healer in the temple. She was, in truth, more like an older sister or cousin, a bit overbearing and practical wherever Avi is idealistic, but fiercely loyal and protective. Elana Skylark, the head of the temple Avi lives at, was even mildly fond of Avi, and if Avi wasnÕt so nervous he couldnÕt have a proper conversation with her she would help him find a place in the city using her connections beyond the temple. Of course, not all of it was good, either; most of the acolytes disliked him, and some outright bullied him. Booker Redhat, one of the temple scholars, a Gnome and the cook, disliked Avi as a rule of thumb, since when he was being taught as young child he would always ask questions rather than just accept what Booker said as fact. On the whole, he lived where he never wanted for anything; he had food, a place to sleep, and plenty of books. Now, he is trying to figure out how to make this mercenary thing worksÑwhich is why he takes the first job.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Sanctity Character Race: Tiefling Character Class: Paladin Output:
An orphan who was starving and wandering through the woods when a divine light showed her the way to a church. She was raised by the people of the church and trained to be a divine warrior.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Phantomwhip Character Race: Lizardman Character Class: Bard Output:
After getting into a tragic accident at a coal mine, Phantomwhip took heavy trauma to the head leaving him with a very low intelligence score. Despite this, he has traveled the land playing music in taverns for several years.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ori Character Race: Tiefling/drow Character Class: Warlock Output:
Born of the union between unknown parties, Ori was abandoned at birth in a town near the Drow border, along with his twin brother, Any. Likely due to their gender, compounded by the large curling horns that marked them as devilborn. Found by a street gang, Ori was reared by a harsh taskmaster and leader of said gang, Alcoss, who demanded loyalty and used Ori's and Anu's size and natural dexterity to the advantage of his theives' gang. For any involved with his organization, disobedience was met with Swift and deliberate punishment, and for many, the only way out was death. For Ori and his brother, respite came in their companionship and a pet mouse rescued from strays, named Nix. Along with forays into the city Library, and long talks with a sympathetic librarian, Molly. Unfortunately,, if discovered, both boys faced whippings. Ori, however, had the added complications of whispered voices only half heard, shadowy figures at the edge of vision, and flares of power that he didn't understand. Although his brother tried to help and comfort Ori, the problem only grew worse the longer they tried to hide it. The tipping point came on the day of the brothers' 16th birthday, when Anu made an attempt to steal a few sweetcakes for celebration, but instead was discovered and tossed into prison. Refused rescue by their gang leader, Ori freed his brother himself, and returned to the hideout to lay low. Furious by their disobedience, and terrified to be discovered by law enforcement, Alcoss proceeded to chain both up, and beat then half to death. In a last desperate move, Ori began speaking to those whispery voices, offering a deal - save him and his brother, and he would do their bidding. As soon as the deal was struck, dark, shadowy tentacles erupted from Ori's body, breaking the shackles, and destroying walls. Fleeing the collapsing building, Ori and Anu ran back into Alcoss. In the ensuing battle, Ori lost control and smashed his brother into the side of a nearby building, bringing it down on top of both Anu and Alcoss. Distraught by the belief that he had killed his brother, Anu fled the destruction as first responders arrived. Pledging to save people in memory of his brother, and doing his best to refuse the maddening influence of his otherworldly benefactors.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Spaghetti Creature Timmy Character Race: Shoebox Character Class: Cleric Output:
He infinitely creates spaghetti inside of his shoebox body and you can eat it to heal yourself.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Tenzin Dolma Character Race: Half-elf Character Class: Mystic Output:
Born in the mountains of Tabot, tucked away within the continent of Kara-Tur, he was raised at a monastery dedicated to the Path of Dust. There, he honed his natural psionic powers, and eventually he was sent off to journey the world in search of enlightenment. His elven blood stems from the mysterious Maraloi elves, and may be why he's particularly talented with psionics.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Crackles Character Race: Kenku Character Class: Druid Output:
Crackles decided to seek training under a senior druid when she saw that the druid was capeable of turning into a bird. She wanted to be able to fly. However her teacher passed away from old age before her training was complete. Now Crackles goes adveturing to seek out more Druidic knowledge.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Shau Ogar Character Race: Half orc Character Class: Cleric Output:
Shau was born into a tribe of seafaring piratical orcs. He was chosen to become a cleric after he survived being struck by lightning at the age of eight because this was taken as a sign that he was favored by the storm god, Rushan. At 18, after many years of training he struck out his own. Per the traditions of his clan, to counted as an adult he must go alone to seek out some new treasure to add to the clanÕs wealth and may not return until he has brought back something worthy.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Kaw'Stik the Poisoner Character Race: Half-orc Character Class: Alchemist Output:
The Muk orcs hail from the swamps deep within the heart of the Blackwood. It is a terrain that punishes the typical Orcish virtues of belligerent strength and blind rage, instead rewarding those able to avoid or endure hazards both venomous and poisonous. As such, Mukal orcs are less brutish and more cunning than their plains-roaming kin. Kaw'Stik was raised as an apprentice to his mother, the chef of the Blackwood Muk, a taxing but honored position as there is so little edible matter to be found. Instead he found that while he had an aptitude for combining plants and animals, what came out was seldom a food so much as a concoction, earning him his tribal title. When a more suitable apprentice was determined, he left the Blackwood to find his father, a human merchant who (so the stories from his mother had gone) was last seen on the way to Desaya to seek his fortune. He made a traveling wage selling salves, regeants, and toxins to passers-by, and finally found himself in the great city itself.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Karushiri (Rush) Character Race: Tiefling Character Class: Sorcerer Output:
Our rooms above my motherÕs spice shop were the only home I remember growing up. I was Shiri to my mother, but Rush was the name IÕd hear as I made my way quickly through the city on errands for the shop. I learned to avoid the local children when I was young, their stares and whispers following me as I passed. On bad days, with bad people, theyÕd be accompanied by threats and taunts about my heritage - an incentive to find the quieter routes through the city, the less-frequented back alleys and little-known shortcuts. I knew nothing of my father other than that he must have been a tiefling Ð I certainly didnÕt inherit my horns or tail from my human mother. Whenever I asked about him, my mother put me off with an ÒIÕll tell you when youÕre olderÓ, and changed the subject or sent me out on a delivery. I have always been able to do small magical tricks Ð nothing fancy, slamming doors shut, or causing flames to flicker, another inheritance from my father, IÕm guessing Ð but adolescence brought with it more powerful magic, a wild magic that I struggled to control. Over time I learned to focus this magic, finding practical applications around the house, hiding my distinctive looks for a short while, and placating or defending myself from the bullies when needed. With the help of my motherÕs herbal knowledge, we created concoctions that lessened the unpredictable surges of wild magic that were often a side effect of my new powers. Learning the uses of the herbs and spices we sold was a pleasant pastime we shared I was 17 when everything changed. Walking one of my usual back routes through the city, I spotted light reflecting off a small object, half-hidden under the rubbish in the alley. It was a small egg-shaped stone, pale green and mottled, slightly warm to the touch, and sent a tingling sensation up my arm when I touched it, which was somehow oddly comforting. I put it in my pocket to look at when I got home and continued with my deliveries. As chance had it, I took the same route back home, but when I turned the corner to the alley, I immediately drew back: two rough looking individuals were clearly searching for something. I heard them muttering angrily at each other, each blaming the other. ÒWe canÕt go back without it. Erakos will have our hide.Ó Then one of them looked up and caught me watching. I didnÕt wait to find out what would happen, but turned and ran. I knew other routes home, well enough to make sure I wasnÕt followed. Or at least, thatÕs what I thought. Returning from my errands the next day, I found the shop in disarray, clear signs of a struggle and my mother nowhere to be found; the pendant she always wore lying in a pile of broken spice pots. In the midst of my panic my fingers found the egg, still in my pocket, and a surge of wild magic more powerful than any IÕd felt before swept through me in a whirlwind. When I found my feet again I was on a mountainside, far away from any civilisation. It took me months to make my way back to the city. I survived on what I could forage, grateful of my motherÕs teachings about herbs and which plants were edible or poisonous. During this time I learned that the orb focuses and strengthens my spells, but I will never entirely trust it. When I did finally make it back to the shop, it was boarded up and any hope of a trail to lead me to my mother had long disappeared. Since then IÕve made my own way through the world, scraping a living where I could with my knowledge of herbs and poisons, and with my magical abilities. I am always on the lookout for clues that could lead me to my mother. I am always looking over my shoulder for those that took her.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Prime Guide Character Race: Tabaxi Character Class: Ranger Output:
Growing up he had a growing interest in other cultures. He did his best to find remnants of past societies and current ones. He eventually sought after his passion when he was of age to leave his home. He traveled across the lands studying culture and studying local cultures.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Milton Wolf Character Race: Cyborg Character Class: Private investigator Output:
got in a car crash. lost limbs, got em replaced, This is the Cold War and not D&D
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Edytha "Eddie" Muse Character Race: Aasimar Character Class: Bard Output:
Raised by strict druidic parents who criticized her theatre kid lifestyle, Eddie ran away and created a new identity as a professional singer. She took the stage name of an Aasimar opera singer who performed several hundred years earlier. As the circumstances of this singer's death are unknown, Eddie claims to actually be this woman and that the whims of the failing economy are why she now performs as a tavern cabaret singer instead of an opera star. A local mob boss sponsors her limited success, and the two are involved in a romantic relationship. It's very gay.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Avalhae Aed'ara Character Race: Tiefling Character Class: Paladin Output:
Born into a life of slavery, Avalhae was eventually smuggled out and sold to the church where she learned to become a priest. Shortly after she began training to become a paladin of Pelor in the Order of the Ironwrought. Many tough trials ensued over the next decade as a paladin, not least the death of her adoptive father Aead, and a crushing defeat at the hands of orc slavers. Avalhae was blamed for the death of Captain Kyran Bassu, leader of the Order of the Ironwrought and was exiled from the city. With few other options, Avalhae set off into the unknown, beginning her life as an adventurer.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Leif Character Race: Dwarf Character Class: Paladin Output:
Leif was born in a dwarven village deep in the mountains. She grew up in her mother's smithy, in between the firesmoke and the clanging of the anvil. When she was of age, she joined the Dwarven Lord's Guard to work as a smith. But, it turned out her true talents lay elsewhere. As her first assignment, she was posted to a garrison in a remote village, not far from the border of the land. Undermanned and mismanaged, the garrison took constant hits from raiding parties. It was clear that leadership was lacking, so Leif rose to fill the position. She quickly advanced through the ranks, and was eventually trusted with managing the garrison in this remote outpost. There, she befriended a priest of Gorm Gulthyn, who showed her the strength of faith and the power gained through it, and taught her the ways of his god: watchfulness, vigilance, defense, protection of the dwarven people. As her faith grew stronger, so did her friendship with the cleric, Angal. Until one day, when her world was turned upside down. A duergar raiding party, catching the garrison completely by surprise, massacred the population of the village and captured the few high-ranking individuals residing there, torturing them to extract information, killing them when they were done. Leif was taken aside to be questioned, discovering that the one who betrayed the garrison was her friend, the priest. Instead of taking her life, he let her go. That day, she swore an oath in the name of her god - not Angal's god anymore, as he had clearly betrayed him too. An oath of vengeance: in Gorm Gulthyn's name she would find and strike down those that dared defile it, and dared threaten the safety of the dwarven people.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Irian Venkiir Character Race: Dragonborn Character Class: Paladin Output:
Born in Djerad Thymar, capital city of Tymanther, she was cast out of clan Delmirev at the age of 10 (along with her mother Savathžn and her sister Yevaud) for the crime of worshipping Bahamut. Her mother (formerly a soldier in the Lance Defenders) chose to leave Tymanther for Chessenta, and she and Yevaud joined the Brotherhood of the Griffin, a mercenary company based in Luthcheq. Yevaud abandoned the family when she was 19 and Irian was 12, returning to Tymanther, and ceased communication entirely when Irian was 14. Irian joined the Brotherhood aged 15, and stayed with them until she turned 20, when she returned to Djerad Thymar and joined the Platinum Cadre becoming a paladin under the tutelage of her aunt Vishva. She attempted to reconnect with Yevaud, but was rebuffed, as Yevaud had renounced her faith and family in order to rejoin clan Delmirev, and would not acknowledge Irian's existence unless Irian did the same. Heartbroken and furious, Irian left Tymanther for the second time and journeyed north, and then east, eventually coming to the Sword Coast (then aged 25). She has spent the past two years adventuring up and down the Sword Coast. 'Home' is Waterdeep, where there is a small temple dedicated to Bahamut. She is particularly concerned with rooting out worshippers of the evil dragon god Tiamat, due to Bahamut and Tiamat's unending war, and Bahamut's commitment to opposing all Tiamat's schemes.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Zvezda Character Race: Bronze dragonborn Character Class: Cleric Output:
Born of the forge, makes weapons and heals people
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Beau Barkley Character Race: Fey corgi Character Class: Bard Output:
Beau grew up in the Eladrin Court of Elsei where his mother worked as a bard. He had four siblings, but out of them all he was the one who followed in his mother's footsteps and became a bard. He got along with all of his siblings except for his brother Edmund, who resented him for his musical talent. Beau had a comfortable and privileged life until an evil Eladrin killed the queen and became the king of Elsei. The evil king abused his servants. One morning, Beau's mother woke him up early and told him that he had to flee, and that he would be executed if he was caught. He hesitated at the gate, wanting to stay with his family, but when the royal guards arrived his mother urged him to run. She held the guards back just long enough for Beau to get away. Since that day, Beau has been on his own, working as a musician to raise funds and training and making alliances to raise an army so he can return and kill the evil king. He has no idea whether or not his family is alive, but he feels like he must get vengeance for the abuse they all suffered even if saving his family is not possible.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Monty Prince Character Race: Vampire Character Class: Ninja Output:
Monty was a nerdy kid lusted after by an ugly vampire. One night she turned him into a vampire with a single bite. During the transformation, Monty became just as ugly then ran far away. Over the years he developed an ability to remain unseen, while using his preternatural strength for protection and earning coin on the side. He acquired a magical katana during one of his many adventures, facing off against a sentient owlbear who lived in a place like Stonehenge, winning it in a game of riddles rather than physical strength. Monty does work with other adventurers but works hard to ensure they know nothing of his nature lest they turn him or expose him to sunlight for a laugh and his hard-earned treasure.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Marilas Character Race: Wood elf Character Class: Rogue Output:
Marilas was a burglar in the city of Neverwinter until her brother, a wizard, started dabbling in extremely risky dark magic, so she stole and destroyed his project and ran the heck out of the city with the hopes of never being confronted about it. Along the way, she got caught in a giant trap and was saved by a mysterious dragonborn, who she now tags along with out of curiosity and maybe even gratitude.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Tinder Character Race: Elf Character Class: Arcane trickster Output:
Rebellious trickster with a noble upbringing
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Garrick Character Race: Human Character Class: Warrior Output:
Disgraced and lazy soldier who seeks power and control over others
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Grenma Character Race: Dward Character Class: Druid Output:
Druidic hermit who has been living in the wild for most of her life
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Thomas the Tank Character Race: Human Character Class: Barrbarian Output:
A former slaver, Thomas found himself after he was beaten, robbed, and chased into the mountains by hyenas. Naked and without any supplies, he realized he must kill or live, so he turned on the hyenas, skinned them for clothing and ate them, losing his arm in the process. He stayed in the mountains for 3 years.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Ruth Farber Character Race: Human Character Class: Rapport psychic Output:
The year is 2016 and Ruth Farber is a middle-aged woman from Iowa. When she was younger she was fascinated by psychics and the occult. She got a lot of flack about it but her fascination never wained. She has been working as a TV celebrity for a decade on local television as a pet psychic. The psychic television show format had proven relatively successful, and who doesn't love puppies!? She wasn't convinced she was a psychic but after several years she had already committed so much it would be too much to just drop the act. The turning point of her career was when she had a show about the curing power that love and compassion can have. On this controversial episode, she found a local suburban home where their dog was getting really sick. "Place your hands. Like this. Firmly there between Chomper's shoulders." Ruth and the mother of the house gently touched Chomper's back. "Now feel all the love you can feel! Feel the love I feel. Feel the love you have for Chompers, your kids, your husband!" The mother looked to her children who were standing a distance crying, and looked back at the dog. After but a moment Ruth's hand glowed an almost imperceptible divine light. Chomper's health had improved! He lifted his little chihuahua snout and wagged his tail lying there on the doggy bed. The religiously inclined condemned the show, but the controversy brought in a wider audience, and with it more supporters. She continued to do shows like this, until she caught the attention of the Shroud of Colors. A group whose goal is recruit people with magical powers to help keep dangerous magical beings, including the incoming Rakshasa threat, under wraps.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Nemar Pot Character Race: Sea elf Character Class: Monk Output:
Zen Fisherwoman.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Cadence Character Race: Tiefling Character Class: Warlock Output:
He woke up with amnesia, before finding out he had become the god of chaos and music. He then joined a party, and later summoned one thousand grim reapers.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Lady Perceval Firewind III Character Race: Elf Character Class: Wizard Output:
A rogue princess from a faraway realm on a personal quest to find a stolen royal jewel so that her coronation crown may be complete.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Taako Taaco Character Race: Elf Character Class: Wizard Output:
A traveling TV superstar, known from Sizzle It Up With Taako, a traveling cooking show, taking up odd jobs with other adventurers after a mishap with his transmutation magic killed his sidekick
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Edhelan Xiloscient Character Race: Elf Character Class: Ranger Output:
Edhelan grew up fascinated by dragons, so fascinated that he spent most of his early days studying their kind. He read every book he could get ahold of and whenever any form of dragonkin was within view his sketchbook was immediately in his hand. He's since spent his life compiling the ultimate knowledge source about them, listening in on interrogation of dragon cult members and going as far to hunt them so he could sketch them. Recently he heard his childhood friend had been kidnapped by the cult of Tiamat and went off to save her. And steal any tomes of knowledge the cult had in their possession.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Slippy Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Rogue Output:
Missed his son's upbringing after a five-year jail term for stealing from the Duke.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Bruce Wayne Character Race: Human Character Class: Monk/ranger Output:
As a child, Bruce witnessed the murder of his parents, Dr. Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne, which ultimately led him to craft the Batman persona and seek justice against criminals. He resides on the outskirts of Gotham City in his personal residence, Wayne Manor. Wayne averts suspicion by acting the part of a superficial playboy idly living off his family's fortune and the profits of Wayne Enterprises, his inherited conglomerate.[72][73] He supports philanthropic causes through his nonprofit Wayne Foundation, but is more widely known as a celebrity socialite.[74] In public, he frequently appears in the company of high-status women, which encourages tabloid gossip. Although Bruce Wayne leads an active romantic life, his vigilante activities as Batman account for most of his time.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Osborn Goodbarrel Character Race: Halfling Character Class: Barbarian Output:
Osborn is the best ale brewer in his village of Grenblin. Anyone who talks about his ale poorly or makes him mad some other way gets a facefull of his flail.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Tizris Onyxarm the Honest Character Race: Dwarf Character Class: Cleric Output:
Low tolerance for people. Searching for the recipe to a magic ale.
Generate Backstory based on following information Character Name: Rennick Character Race: Human Character Class: Fighter Output:
Rennick grew up in a large rough and tumble family in a small town, and he and his brothers and cousins eventually moved to the city to find work. Being a strong and fearless young man, he joined the City Watch. With his large stature, strength, and weapons ability, he was able to take odd jobs as bodyguard. Eventually he made a career as an armed guard for travelers and merchants on the road.