You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"All right," Steven said cheerfully as he followed Rai to where they were going. He did note with interest that they were going to the water tower. Steven remembered Rai saying she liked to go there. They first went there after the school dance. Steven admitted, he felt uncomfortable at the dance too. Granted, it wasn't at Beach City, but in a larger city nearby.So they ended up going to the water tower... and they fused to become Stevaiden or Stevai for short. It reminded him of whenever he fused with Connie before she moved. He was stil friends with her, but didn't have the same sort of feelings he had toward her like he used to. In fact, those feelings were for someone else..."Hey it's the water tower. Why are we here?" Steven asked her as he looked at the sunset with her.Diego smiled and shook her hand. "It's nice to meet you, Miss Pearl," Diego told her with a smile. The woman was interesting to say the least and she seemed nice.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai sighed while smiling and looking at the sunset. "People have always thought that since Adrien, Eridan, Andrei, Darien, and I have been together since before birth that we must be super close, but we're not. Adrien and Eridan are identical and Andrew and Darien are identical, then there's me. I've always been the odd out, even the doctors didn't know I existed until I was born. I was the smallest, the last one to come home from the hospital, the last one to walk, and I've always just felt... alone." She turned to face Steven. "Then my dad moved us here and I met you. And for the first time in my life I felt like a found somewhere I could fit in and just be myself. No matter how horrible my day has been, I know that when I hang out with you and the Gems I'm gonna have fun. That's why I've been so against telling you something. I didn't want it to ruin our friendship because once I say it out loud things will never be the same! But I can't take it anymore." She paused and took a deep breathe before continuing. "Steven, I have feelings for you, and I like you as more than just a friend. When you smile my heart skips a beat, when we touch it feels like electricity, and when we're together it's like nothing else in the world matters.""I have to go cook." Pearl stated somewhat nervously. "Welcome to Beach City, maybe we'll see each other around."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven was listening to everything Rai said. She was his confidant and vice versa, especially when it dealt with close issues like these sort of stuff. He smiled back at her as they talked about the memories. His heart began beating faster, but he didn't know why. He watched her pause, his heart telling him to pay attention.She... she liked him? Like, like like him? Steven's face turned red as he listened to what she said yet he couldn't help but blush a bit about everything that she said. He took a moment to absorb everything that she said and he realized, that he did like her too."Rai... I... I like you too. Like, like that," Steven said blushing intensely. "Like, when we first fused, it felt... amazing. You always had my back and you mean alot to me," Steven said with his own smile, his hand going over to hold Rai's."Yeah, see your around Miss Pearl!" Diego told her with a smile before he finished looking around and heading home. He was looking back. The woman looked different and she got nervous around him. He wondered why. However, she would remain in his thoughts because of just how she stood out. Her voice lovely and hear appearance shining.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai ignored his hand and threw her arms around his neck. She was so relieved to get that out and for him to feel the same. "Just don't tell my dad about the whole fusing thing." She laughed. "He won't understand it and will assume we're using a code or something."Pearl paid for the food and headed back to the house. Walking inside she noticed Rai and Steven were gone. "Where's Steven and Rai?""I don't know, probably making out somewhere." Amethyst said"What?!" Pearl yelled.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven was surprised, but he hugged her back, his arms around her. He didn't say anything, but he just began laughing in mirth, savoring the intense rush of emotions. "We should probably tell the Gems though. Maybe show them Stevrai?" Steven suggested to her with a smile as he rested his forehead on hers."It appears the two are going to upgrade in their friendship," Garnet said with a smile as she appeared to the two. She then smirked at Pearl. "Speaking of, you look a bit nervous, Pearl. Was there something that happened in the grocery store?" she asked Pearl.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Does your name have to be first?" Rai asked. "Because I think a cool name would Raiven. And let's wait to show them for when it's actually useful like on a mission or something." She moved her faced and placed her lips on Steven's as she held him tighter. "We could stay up here for awhile longer, just the two of us.""What? No! No of coarse not!" Pearl said somewhat stuttering, clearly being defensive. "I just hope they get back soon." It was clear she was trying to change the subject.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Well, that's what the fusion named... themselves?" Steven explained. Stevrai was their fusion and it was an accident, and it was what they called themselves. He did laugh at their Raiven name. "That sounds like some sort of anti hero name," he said jokingly. However, his face turned really red and in surprised when she gave him his first kiss. "I If you want," Steven said with a smile after the kiss."Oooooooh, what is Pearl hiding?" Amethyst said in a sing songy voice. Garnet herself was interested with what Pearl was hiding.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai had to stop herself from going farther. It was easy for her to get caught up in the moment and something she'd regret, like moving to fast. She turned her body around so she could see what was left of the sunset and rapped an arms Steven placing her head on his shoulder.Pearl simply began cooking. Eventually if she ignored Amethyst long enough, she'd get bored and move on.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven embraced Rai as she rested her head on his shoulders. "We do have to show the Gems soon," Steven told her after a little while as they just watched the sunset together. It was a slow and calm moment, yet he savored every second of being with her.Before Amethyst could say anything on the door, there was a knock on the door. Diego was there at the Gems' house. Apaprently, when Diego went back to the grocery store to get a snack, the storeowner told him that Pearl forgot her change and after a few people were asked, he made his way over to the house to give Pearl the change.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I know, but I did tell Garnet that we fused so she knows." Rai said with a laugh. "I swear I almost had a heart attack when she said she needed to talk to me. I don't think I've ever even been that scared when my dad calls me by my full name.""Can someone get the door? My hands are full." Pearl said about to put the fish down in a pan to cook.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Yeah, but none of the other Gems have seen our fused form. So we gotta show them all. I wonder who's gonna be the most surprised. Peridot said she'd change her outfit if she saw a fusion of us," Steven noted with a smile. "Yeah, but Garnet does it because she cares. She's really cool and mature like that," he added as he saw the sun set down and dusk was approaching. "We should be heading back so we don't worry your parents," he told her as he held her hand with a smile.Garnet went over to open the door and she found a human with glasses there. "So you're the new person in town," Garnet noted. Diego was a bit surprised, but as he looked around, he saw Pearl there. "Oh, hi Miss Pearl. I just came here because you forgot your change over at the grocery store," Diego told her as he took out the money for her. Garnet and Amethyst looked at Diego before looking at Pearl.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Please my dad's still at work, but we should go, Pearl might be done cooking soon." Rai let go of Steven and started to go down the ladder. Snickering she added, "I'll race you."Pearl froze when she heard Diego's voice. She washed her hands of the raw fish and went over to grab the change. "Thank you." She was trying not to blush but it wasn't working.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven laughs as he floats on down, all while making sure she gets down safely. He does hug her before he begins racing her down back to the house. All while laughing merrily, feeling a new sense of elatedness.Amethyst got a large mischievous smile on her face while Garnet was getting a smirk on her face, both of them watchin the scene with Pearl interacting with this new human. Diego noticed her blush and couldn't help but smile. "Have a nice day. Oh! Who are your friends?" he asked, regarding Garnet and Amythest.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"No fair!" Rai yelled, as she placed her hands on either side of the ladder and moved her feet so she slips down. "You know I'm a normal human, so you can't use your gem powers."Pearl shot Amethyst a quick glare before answering Diego's question. "This is Amethyst and Garnet. Amethyst, Garnet this is Diego."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Well, I was also making sure you didn't sleep down on the ladder and if you did, I could float by to catch you," Steven explained to her. Once they were both on the ground, he smiled affectionately at her before he began running toward the house, big goofy grin on his face."It's a pleasure to meet the both of you. Have a nice evening, Miss Pearl," Diego said to her with a smile before he was going off."Looks like Pearl has someone special " Amethyst said in a sing songy voice when Diego was gone, looking at the blue blush on Pearl's face, "He's a nice human," Garnet added with a smile of her face.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"That's sweet." She said kissing him on the cheek before running, "but I'm still gonna beat you!"Pearl glared at Amethyst, before returning to cooking.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven smiled and laughed before he raced her. It was pretty much neck and neck throughout the whole time. Steven did grow during those years, but it was still notable that he had some growing left to do. Despite that, he remained the same good ol Steven, though a bit wiser, still as optimistic. "I'm gonna beat you," he said cheerfully as now took the lead."Hey P, you know its only in good fun. Besides, you know we all want you to be happy. Me, Garnet, Steven, Peridot, Lapis and Greg, we all want you to be happy," Amethyt said in a moment of uncharacteristic seriousness but caring.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Over the next few weeks, not much had changed. Steven and Rai had started actually dating. More importantly Rai had told her father, something she had been dreading. He was pretty strict about that kind of stuff ever since Dennis had knocked up his girlfriend. Rai had to swear that she and Steven would never be left alone and if she was caught breaking this rule, Chris would start chaperoning their dates.Today Rai woke up earlier as it was the first day of summer break. The only bad thing was she had promised to babysit her nephew and Steven had promised to help his dad, so they figured they'd meet at the car wash. So after getting dressed so ran over to Dennis and his girlfriend's apartment to pick up, Mason. Next was a stop to at a coffee and then to meet Steven."Good morning, Mr. Universe." She said sweetly, pushing Mason's stroller up to the metal table and folding chairs. "Is Steven here yet?" She placed three cups and a bag on the table. "I got you some coffee. I didn't know what you liked so I just got you a black coffee but I have tons of cream and sugar, if you want it." While taking she gave Mason a soppy cup and pulled out a chocolate chip muffin and croissant breakfast sandwich. She pinched off a piece of the muffin and handed to Mason, who in turn happily put it in his mouth.Mason was about a year old and looked just like Dennis, dark eyes and a head full of dark brown hair. He was dressed in overall with a dump truck on it.Back at the beach house, Pearl was reading a book that she'd bought from the new bookstore, which she had been frequenting a lot lately.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven wasn't intimidated at all in the slighest when he talked to Rai's father. In fact, when the Gems were told, they along with Greg gave a similar sort of explanation, but were more trusting. Hilariously, it was Steven's uncle Andy who snarkily pointed out that Steven was perhaps more trusting than Chris was. However, Steven enjoyed his dates with Rai and getting to know her better. He even promised that maybe they could have a double date with Connie and her boyfriend, Dipper.However, it was the beginning of summer break and Steven was helping his dad, Greg Universe at the carwash, especially since with Greg having bought the carwish to own with the money he got and investing it. "Morning Rai, how are you?" Greg said as he was sitting on a folding chair. "Yeah, I'll take some cream and sugar," Gre said nicely. "Hi Rai!" Steven said from inside the carwash as he was stepping out. "How's Mason doing?" he said as he looked over at Rai's babby nephew."New book, P?" Amethyst told her as she looked over Pearl's shoulder to see the new book. Pearl had been going to the new bookstore and all the Gems knew why. "These human stories are so fascinating, especially the one with pictures," Peridot said as she was devotedly reading a comic book with Lapis reading over her shoulder. "Greg said he's surprised on why you're going to the new store. I wonder if I should tell him," Amethyst teased Pearl.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I'm doin' good, and you?" Rai smiled pulling a smaller paper bag, filled with small packets of sugar and various flavored creams, out of the larger one. "He's got a few teeth coming in so he's a bit cranky." She said between bites of her sandwich and handing Mason bits of muffin. "And he's gonna a bunch of people visiting him soon." She said focusing on Mason before turning her attention to Steven. "Dennis is finally gonna get him baptized so we have a bunch of family coming in." She rolled her eyes a bit. "Don't get me wrong I love them but both sets of my grandparents are from Greece and it's a different culture over there. In Greece, Dennis being a father at 18 is considered normal and his girlfriend being a mom at at the same age is considered odd because usually a girl has her first when she's like my age. And if you think I'm kidding, I was literally on the phone with my grandmother last week and she said 'I heard you have boyfriend.' So I told I did and no joke she didn't ask how long have you been dating, what's his name, how'd you meet. No, her response was to ask and I quote 'will he make a good husband and father?' I reminded her I'm only 15 and she reminded me I'm not getting any younger and I'm loosing eggs by the second.' I wanted to tell that our dad's would so happy to find out they're going to be grandfathers.""Tell Greg what?" Pearl asked paying more attention to her book than anything else. "That I've been talking to a human? That is hardly seems worth sharing."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Thanks!" Greg said happily before puting cream and sugar in his coffee while looking over to Mason and Rai. Steven went over to sit down on the other chair to see what Rai was doing. He was listening over to everything she was saying in regards over to her famly and so on. "Well, love takes time and effort so you two go at the pace both of you feel comfortable at," Greg explains over to both Rai and Steven. "Thanks, Dad," Steven says happily while he sees Mason eating the muffin piece."What are your plans for the summer, Rai?" Steven asked her, wondering if she had any plans outsides of their dates and hanging out with their circle of friends. "Also, I noticed that Pearl had been going to the bookstore alot, though it's only at certain times. Has your sister ever seen her?" Steven says as he was thinking on what was going on.Amethyst sighed before Garnet came in. "Pearl. I am wondering. Are you serious on potentially courting Diego?" she asked her in her rather blunt way. Both Lapis and Peridot did a double take as they looked at Pearl. "Greg would be the best to talk to as he would be happy to help you like he would. He did help you out when you spent time with that woman who looked like Rose Quartz," Garnet said to Pearl.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Don't worry." Rai said. "I plan to take the route of my parents get married at least after high school and wait on having kids until after college. Especially seeing how stressed Dennis is trying to provide for his girlfriend and Mason. As far as the summer, my dad's in the middle of buying a restaurant that he plans on turning into a bakery so I'm planning on helping him set that up.""I'd be lying if I said I wasn't giving it serious consideration." Pearl stated. "I'm not going to jump into anything."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven blushed a bit when Rai talked about marriage and Greg chuckled a bit regarding that. "Well, good for Dennis doing his best to take care of his family. It's the mark of a real man," Greg pointed out. "A bakery huh? That'd be cool, since we don't have one. Which space? Is it that blank one that Peedee pointed out a few days back?" Steven asked Rai while he was making funny faces for Mason."I can't speak all that much regarding this," Lapis said suddenly, surprising the group. "Because I don't know all of you as well or have experience with this, but alot can change in such a short period of time and you never know when something could happen so you should do what you need to. We live a long time... but he doesn't. And, I guess with what Steven and Greg said, we have to apprciate every moment," she said."I agree with Lapis here. From all that I've read and seen, you have to make your own opportunities. Analyze yoru target and then you go and ensnare them... in this case, ensnare his heart," Peridot added.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"He has bids on a few properties, but that is one of them." Rai said reaching into the diaper bag, pulling out a wipe, and washing Mason's face once he was done eating. "And I think it's my dad's favorite, it's definitely mine. Good location, it has most of the necessary utilities, and needs minimal work. If he gets it, he should be able to open in a couple of months.""Okay," Pearl sighed, "I'll ask him out." She closed the book and stood up. She smoothed her skirt and started making her way to the bookstore.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Well I hope you get it. We need a good bakery here," Greg said with a smile. "Yeah, all sorts of really delicious thing could be sold there. Who else is gonna be working there besides your dad?" Steven asked her as he helped Rai out with cleaning Mason."Go Pearl!" Amethyst said with cheer. Garnet did go to Pearl. "Pearl, good luck. And you have our support. No doubt Greg will also provide his support as well," she said as she took off her glasses and looked at Pearl with a smile.Meanwhile, Diego has been working at the bookstore for a while now and enjoying it. It was fun getting people to read and come in. Furthermore, he could choose which books to bring in and he always had his own recommendations out for anyone who wanted to. Like Pearl...Nearly every day, the pale pearled woman had come in for a new book and to talk. Diego liked that. He was never good at making friends and having someone to talk to was nice and her love of reading was wonderful. She was quite different, but he didn't know what. He did get some messeges from owner business folk regarding insurance, especially when the Crystal Gems got involved. He wasn't sure who they were, but he suspected Pearl might be connected.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Probably me and my siblings until he can get some real staff." Rai put the wipe in an empty bag and gave Mason a toy. "My dad's talking about giving me and the other quints jobs there. Normally we would have to wait until we were sixteen but since the business would be owned by our Dad it's fine."Pearl stopped in front of the door to the bookstore, took a deep breath, and entered.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Well, at least you'll be able to get some money," Steven told her with a smile as he looked to Mason. "I hope the others won't cause trouble though," he added as he knew that the younger ones could be a handful. Granted, they were nowhere as bad as Onion was when he was their age. He grew up and calmed down considerably, even going out more with his dad in regards to the fishing business."Thanks again for helping out this morning, Steven. Hey Rai, what do you wanna do when you go to college?" Greg asked Rai."Hi Pearl! How are you doing? Coming for a new book today?" Diego asked her with a smile when he saw her come in. Seeing her smile always brightened his day and she had the cutest blush and laugh. He didn't know why, but he felt very comfortable around her.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Not with money involved." Rai chuckled. "The way some of them act you'd never guess I'm the baby of the family." She crossed her legs and leaned back in the chair. "I have honestly haven't decided yet, but I have been thinking about doing something with cold cases. Like maybe unsolved murders or missing people. I've always been pretty good at solving mysteries.""Um, no." Pearl said visibly nervous. "I was wondering if you would like to go do something... together... just the two of us?"
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Rai's really smart and we could always use more police to help us out in Beach City, or were you thinking of somewhere else?" Steven asked Rai while he went over to hug her from behind. He was a very affectionate guy and he liked to hug people, especially his girlfriend. "Well, there's different sort of colleges and it's all up to you what you wanna do," Greg told Rai with an encouraging smile.Diego looked at her nervousness and wondered what Pearl wa snervous about. He then blushed when she asked if they wanted to do something together. She was asking him out."I I would love to," Diego said with an adorable smile and a blush on his own. "What would you like to do and what time?" he asked her.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai placed her hands over Steven's and turned her head to kiss him. "You're the only reason I'd leave. If you stay in Beach City, I'll stay in Beach City." She said smiling."We could see a movie." Pearl suggested. She wanted to avoid a restaurant or anything with food as Gems didn't need it.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven blushed a bit as he returned the kiss. He was happy being able to do all sort of these things with Rai and he was good at the pace they were going. "Yeah, I don't think I'll leave Beach City. Like, we might go to Oregon to visit Dipper and Connie, but Beach City is my home," Steven said with a smile. "Well, there's not much crime here though there might be in the bigger cities," Greg added, recalling how Empire City could be."I would love to. Maybe we could do so tomorrow night. We could meet at the movie theater at 7 in the evening," Diego says with a smile. "Any movies in particular that you like?" he asked her.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"That's the only things stopping me from going into that field." Rai said. "But I do have a few years to think about it. And maybe we'll go to Oregon for your birthday.""Sounds good." Pearl smiled. "I don't have a preference for the movie."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Well, whatever you do, remember to stay on the course and remmeber the important things. And that sometimes, life has a way of giving you different approaches," Greg says. Steven smiles, knowing what his father is referring to. Back when Jumpstarter first appeared, Steven used to advertise his dad's songs and it helped relaunch Greg's music career. Granted, Greg doesn't do concerts, but alot of people love his songs and the merchandise, which has been a big help with finances.Diego smiled back. He never went on a date before, and so all of this was exciting and wonderful for him. "All right, I'll choose it then. See you tomorrow at 7 in the evening in front of the movie theater then," Diego told her with a smile.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Thanks, Mr. Universe. I'll keep that in mind." Rai smiled. She always enjoyed spending time with Greg. He was a lot more chill than her dad and she probably saw more of him than her dad. Rai knew her dad loved her and all her siblings, but he worked a lot.Pearl smiled, "I'll be there!" She waved as she left.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"So, what are you planning on doing with Mason for the day?" Greg asked as he himself made a funny face to the baby. "Yeah, I mean, I'm only around to help dad for a bit mroe before I'm done with the day, though i could always come back if needed," Steven said before he turned around and noticed Pearl havng left the bookstore."Hey Pearl, any new books today?" Steven asked he, knwoing that she would always go to the bookstore, though at specific time. "Hey, has your sister ever seen Pearl in the bookstore," he asked Rai.Diego watched her go fof and when she left, he went out back and he let himself indulge in excitement. He was asked on a date! He felt overwhelmed with emotion! He blushed intensely as well of all of this. He began looking through to see what sort of movies that he could watch for hr.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I was thinking maybe head over to the beach house. I don't think Lapis or Peridot has seen a baby so I was hoping they'd think Mason was interesting and maybe playing with them will get his lazy butt walking." Rai sighed. "He is so much like his daddy, Dennis didn't walk until Alice started walking so if we can get him before he's a year and a half that'll be an improvement."Pearl walked over. "Uh, no. I was asking Diego out on a date."Rai gasped, "Oh my goodness, you have to let me do a makeover! And I have no idea Steven, Alice And Lars are dating again and you know well that goes. I honestly haven't seen her in days." That was the routine for the two they'd be dating and completely smitten spending all their possible time together, then break up over something stupid, go a few weeks hating eachother, and then start the whole process all over again."That can not be healthy." Pearl said."Nope," Rai sighed, "they're both just too stubborn to admit it."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Yea, they would like that. THough we have to be careful snce they may not know how to handle a baby," Steven noted. While Lapis and Peridot did integrate better into human society over time, they still weren't as apt as the Crystal Gems were. THey were trying though. "Well, it wouldn't hurt to try though," Greg pointed out before he waved at Pearl for them to see.Greg and Steven both looked absolutely surprised by the fact that Pearl, yes Pearl, asked a human out on a date. Now, Pearl had been warming up more and more to humanity as Steven and Greg to attest andshe was slowly moving on from Rose, but this was quite a surprise to say the least."Oh Wow, Pearl! That's amazing! I mean, this so cool," Steven said so excitedly over the revelation of what Pearl was doing. "Wow Pearl, that's incredible," Greg congratulated her before he noticed a certain look. "Hey, I'll be right back, I gotta talk to Pearl about something," he said before he went off around the corner, leading Pearl. "Look, I'm happy for you about this, but I'm guessing you're alot more nervous about this than you're letting on," he said. Given their connection to Rose and just how Pearl would end up spending time with Greg whenever Amythest was by herself or with Vidalia while Garnet, was well Garnet and Steven was out on his own, he came to view her as a sister and he knew well enough regarding insecurities.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Okay, were probably gonna head out then." Rai said as she cleaned up the small mess that she'd made. "See you the beach house Pearl." The two exchanged waves before Rai unlatched the brakes on Mason's stroller and began walking towards the beach house.Pearl sighed, "I am beyond nervous. We're going to see a movie tomorrow."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"See you back at the house, Pearl!" Steven said to her before he was walking alongside Rai to the barn where Peridot and Lapis made their home. His hand subconsciously went to hold hers and he looked at her with a smile. "What would be some other things you would wanna do besides being a police officer?" Steven asked her while holding her hand and walking to the farm."I know its hard, Pearl, epsecially for you. It's why I supported your decisions with all this," Greg began as he gave Pearl a comforting smile. "We all want you to be happy and do what you need to achieve that. I don't know how far you want to go with this potential relationship, but you know we're all here for you," Greg told her comfortingly.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I do run a youtube channel with the other quints, so I guess I'd just keep doing that until I figure something else out." Rai smiled back at Steven. "It's pretty cool and we're decently popular but it's not gonna stay that way forever.""I know." Pearl sighed. "Normally I go into everything with a plan but I don't really have one for this sort of thing."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Well, sometimes you could find something that you didn't know that you would like," Steven told her with a smile as he began thinking more about what she could do. "Well, what would be some stuff you'd like to do?" Steven asked her with a smile."You can't always plan for everything, Pearl," Greg told her. "But, you always been good at executing plans. So just find out what is it you want and you go and do what you gotta do," he told her in a comforting big brother sort of way.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I'll figure it out, Steven." She told him reassuringly. "And again I have a couple years.""I know." Pearl sighed. "Having a plan just helps me feel like I have control."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"That's true, though we all just wanna help you," Steven told Rai with a smile before they arrived at the barn that Lapis and Peridot called home. Both have gotten more used to earth customs and affairs. "Hi Lapis! Hi Peridot! How are the both of you doing?" he said as he opened the barn door for Rai and the baby."Well, then just make a bunch of small flexible plans and those could be your stepping stones," Greg helpfully suggested to Pearl. "You can do it, Pearl. That's the beautiful thing here on Earth. You can be whomever you wanted to be. Rose understood that better than alot of us did," he added with a melancholic smile.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I know, but it's something I gotta figure out for myself." She said kissing him on the cheek. "We brought someone new for you to meet!" She walked in pushing the stroller."I never thought of it like that." Pearl said rubbing her chin, "it does make sense though." She was never good with emotions so she just patted Greg on the back.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"What is this?" Peridot said as she went over to look at the baby with Lapis also going forward to examine. "It's a baby. It's how all humans start out when they're born," Steven explained. He knew the Gems sometimes had trouble udnerstanding this, namely becuase they were born from the ground with a purpose and fully formed. Granted, the Crystal Gems have been able to grasp and understand this better over time though Steven still knew that Lapis and Peridot sometimes had trouble regarding this."Even I was a baby once," Steven reminded them.Greg just looked at Pearl with a smile. He knew that Pearl still often had trouble communicating her emotions. "If you ever need a hug Pearl, it's all right," he reassured his friend.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Well Mason is a year old so he's grown a bit." Rai said,"he's my brother's kid."Mason looked at the two new gems with a serious look before smiling and laughing while kicking and waving his arms.Rai went around the stroller, unbuckling his seat belt and pulling him out. "I think he likes you guys." She placed him on his feet and only took him a second to plop back onto his butt.Pearl retracted her hand and simply said, "No, No I'm fine."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Be careful. Babies are fragile," Steven told the two gems as he saw Rai go and unbuckle Mason. "So... no real knowledge? No skills? Nothing? Just blank..." Peridot said as she squatted to see the baby Mason. It reminded her of her creations, of what humans called artwork. How there was a blank surface, and yet Peridot saw the potential to make whatever she want. Here, humanity was the same. Born without purpose yet free to do what they want to do."I guess its amazing how someone so small could become a whole different person," Lapis said as she looked down on the baby as well.Greg just chuckled. "Well, you know we're all here for you," Greg told her with a smile. "What would be the ideal end goal for you though?" he asked her.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Nope, he can't walk or even use the toilet." Rai smiled. "He can, however, take people's glasses, pull hair, put most things he finds in his mouth, and make his mom worry because he's not walking.""What are the normal goals for a romantic relationship?" Pearl asked.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Well, Gems don't display that sort of behavior when they fist appear. At least, not that I am aware of," Peridot began saying before she thought back on how Amethyst was apaprently, a bit more immature back when the Gems first met Greg, at least that was how Pearl said it."Is it uncommon for human babies to not walk?" Lapis asked as she placed her hand on Mason's head."Well, that all depends on the pace. But ti's about trust, compassion and communication. You have to trust one another, spend time and learn one another. I mean, Ruby and Sapphire became Garnet while with Rose and I... well, it ended with Steven," Greg explained to her though he didn't know how Pearl wound handle sex, if she ever got to that point.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai laughed, "Its not just common, it's a given. Babies don't start walking until their a year old but it's not unheard of for a baby start walking at 9 months or even a year and a half. Dennis didn't start walking until he was a year and a half and he only started walking because Alice did and he couldn't keep up while crawling. Adrien was eleven months, Eridan was two days later, Andrei was on our first birthday, Darien was a week after our birthday, and I was nearly two but that's because I was so underdeveloped and small when I was born that I was developmentally delayed.""Was it hard... trying to relate to Rose?" Pearl asked. "With her being a gem and you being human."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I suppose lte development is something to be cautious," Peridot mentioned as she kept looking at the baby with fascination and interest. "I didn't know that. I dont think there's been instances of Gems having popped up... incomplete. I mean, there are those who stood in the ground too long, but I suppose as long as they survive they can endure," she added,"Can... Can I pick him up?" Lapis asked as she looked at Mason."Well, fusion was hard, but life is life. We both feel, we both lvoe. We all feel happiness and sadness. We may not always understand one another, but we have to try and not give up," Greg advised her with a smile.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai picked Mason up and handed him to Lapis. "Keep one arm under his butt and the other hand on his back." Mason looked up at her and reached for her hair. "Mason, no! That's not nice." Rai grabbed his hand, "you do not grab people's hair." He shot his aunt a glare. "Did you learn that from Aunt Alice? Hmm?" Rai tickled him causing him to laugh and bury his face into the crook of Lapis' neck. "Now you're in a better mood and without pulling hair.""Thanks." Pearl said smiling.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Lapis gingerly picked up the baby, listening to what Rai was saying. She smiled akwardly and even giggled when Mason tried to tug her hair. Her smile did become genuine when the baby laughed and buried his face in the crook of her neck. "Humans are so different, but it isn't a bad thing," Lapis noted as Peridot went over to check, keeping her eyes."Yeah, but we're all different when you think about it," Steven noted as he gently squeezed Rai's hand."Good luck, Pearl! I'm sure you will do fine," Greg told her before he saw he needed to go back to work. "I need to head back to work. You should probably check on some of the other Gems," he said.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"And just think there was a time a when my dad had five of him at once, plus two older kids." Rai laughed. "I still don't know how he managed it and with his sanity intact.""You're probably right." Pearl said. "I will see you later." Pearl left to return to the beach house.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Wait, what is the usualy size for family units?" Peridot asked her as she kept looking at the baby with an analytical look. Lapis herself had been holding the baby while smiling. She felt an odd sense of sereneness and protection with Mason."I don't know. I guess it depends the type of family, but it's usually the parents and two kids for immediate family and then extended family members," Steven told them."Have a nice day, Pearl!" Greg told her with a smile before going back to work. When Pearl would arrive at the temple, she saw Amethyst just chilling. "Hey P, how it'd go?" Amethyst askd her with a smile.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Unless you're Greek then there's more than two kids." Rai chuckled. "Seriously none of my aunts or uncles have less than four kids and the most kids belong to my dad's youngest brother who has twelve and one of his sisters has eleven kids. Both sides combined I have 88 cousins and that's not including their spouses or kids.""We're going to the movies tomorrow night at 7." Pearl stated. "And Raiden already said she's giving me a makeover beforehand."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Yeah, but I think that is a Greek thing. I mean, the Pizza family and Peedee's family isn't all that big," Steven said, still surprised at how big her family was. "That's... that's absurd," Peridot managed to say. She couldn't beleive that much. While she was still somewhat naive to human ways, her cultural binging through television and later the internet did help establish some baseline knowledhe."Wow... that's something. Have you met all of them?" Lapis asked, surprsied herself."Wow! Go Pearl! You gonna go and net your own human," Amethyst said in wild voice before becoming a bit more serious. "JUst... good luck okay? You're gonna do well," she said.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"It's definitely a Greek thing, I have yet to see one with less than fifty members." Rai laughed. "Of coarse I've met all of them! In fact I see most of them on a yearly basis. And a bunch are gonna come to Beach City for Mason's baptism.""Luck will have nothing to do with it." Pearl stated faking confidence.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Oh man, that's gonna be crazy! Dad says alot of the business owners are planning for alot regardung this. He does say this will get the new hotel alot of business," Steven says, laughing alongside with Rai."What's a baptism?" Peridot asked with Lapis also looking interested in it. Steven looked to Rai for her to explain it."Yeah sure, Pearl," Amethyst says before Garnet appears once more. "Just be yourself, Pearl. Do not be afraid to take risks," she says.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Oh yeah, I mean my grandparents are gonna stay at our house but most of them are staying hotel." Rai stated. "And I think Dennis is gonna propose so that they can get married while our family's in town. Typically our family tries to fit as many things into a visit as possible because if we did everything whenever we'd probably traveling several times a month. I actually think my cousin's daughter is gonna be baptized with Mason, but I'm not entirely sure. A baptism is a religious ceremony where either a baby has holy water placed on them by a priest as like an initiations into the religion or a teenager or adult is dunked in water by a priest as an act of dedication to the religion. I was baptized twice, when I was six months old and again when I was fourteen.""I took a risk asking him out didn't I?" Pearl asked.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Ho boy, that's gonna be even more nuts!" Steven said before he began laughing at how everything was. "Wait, is she all right with Mason being baptized?" Steven asked Rai regarding Dennis' girlfriend and the baby. Lapis and Peridot looked further confused at the concept of religion and so on that was being explained. Steven really didn't know how to explain religion to the Gems. The Crystal Gems at least knew enough of it because of their extensive time on Earth, even if he ddn't know their thoughts on it."Yes, but not that you are on the path, you need to continue. Also, I feel as if there is more bothering you," Garnet said to Peark as she sat down and Amethyst actually sat up to hear if Pearl would say anything on the matter.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"She's fine with it. She knows how much this means to Dennis and our family." Rai smiled gently poking Mason's belly. "Plus for Mason to take part in the epiphany he has to be a basptized member of the Greek Orthodox Church, but that won't be until he's a teenager." She kissed his forehead. "Are you gonna get the cross when goth get bigger?"Pearl sighed, "you're right. I've never been on a real date before. What if I do something wrong?"
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Why is this 'baptisim' thing so important?" Peridot asked. She could understand human culture after a while of thinkign and understanding, but this one seemed to be unexplored territory for her and Lapis. "You're probably gonna have to explain in bits and pieces," Steven told Rai. He looked at his watch. It would be time to do some other stuff soon."Just be yourself, Pearl. Just go and have fun, P," Amethyst advised her with a smile.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Well humans have this thing called religion and there are hundreds of them and even more variations of those." Rai began to explain. "By definition religion a set of beliefs concerning the creation of the universe by some divine power or powers. Religion usually involves a moral code that people live and traditions they follow. My family is Christian which means we follow the religion of Christianity and the teachings of the Bible. We believe in a singular deity that is called God and we believe he created everything in existence, including humans which he made in his image. And around 2000 years ago, he used his divine power to send his son, Jesus Christ, to Earth via a virgin. Eventually Jesus was executed on the cross to save humanity from sin. That's actually where we get the phrase BC, Before Christ, and AD, Anno Domini which is Latin for Year of our Lord. But honestly I don't completely agree with everything Christianity and the Bible says, like gays are going to hell. To me that's complete bull! I've been taught my entire life that God loves everyone so the idea of him damning someone over something they have no control over is ridiculous." She smiled. "That being said part of religion is prayer, which is a spiritual communion with a deity or deities expressing gratitude, confessions, or needs. I've actually prayed for you guys before.""That's easy for you to say," Pearl complained, "humans always think you're fun."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Peridot and Lapis looked with a mix of fascinaton and confusion as Rai tried to explain to them the concept of religion to them. "That.. doesn't sound very logical," Peridot says as she was still trying to process everything. "It kinda reminds me of how rigid Homeworld society is," Lapis ntoed as she too was trying to process everything."Dont worry, guys. I really don't understand much of it too. Dad says he was never really into it. He did say the DeMayo family used to be Catholic so I guess that's all I know," Steven says as he shrugs his shoulder."Pearl, you are a wonderful person with much to offer. Just be open with communicating with Diego. The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step after all," Garnet tells Pearl sagely.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"It isn't logical, but it helps people. And it's not always rigid. I mean there are people who throw themselves into it but not everyone does. I have family members who fast and go to church several times a week, and I'm sitting her like, I ain't skipping meals to show my devotion and I barely want to go to church once a week." Rai said before turning to Steven. "You need to thank him then, Catholics are pretty extreme. Their priests can't marry which results in sexual frustration that often leads to sexual abuse which in turn is usually covered up by the church, if you die before you're baptized you can't gain access to heaven and are left in purgatory which includes stillborn babies, you have to do confession, and they even tell you what foods you can and can't eat. Like I'm not gonna not eat meat because it's freaking Lent. Imma eat meat whenever I want, I'll wake in the middle of the night and eat a gyro, I don't care."Pearl took a deep breath and said, "Yiure right, I'm just overthinking things."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven just listened to what Rai said with a bit of a raised eyebrow. "That's kinda a bad assumption to make, Rai," Steven said as he rubbed the back of his head in confusion. "Then again, I never really got into that stuff," Steven adds."It does sound like a rather strange custom," Peridot murmurs. "What can these gods do exactly?" Lapis asks as she keeps holding Mason."You got this, P!" Amethyst told her with a confident smile.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Well it is based on what the like five Catholics I've known have told me." Rai stated shrugging. "They're gods, they can do anything they wants.""I just need a pep talk before." Pearl sighed.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Well, we should probably heard out, Rai. I promised Peedee I'd help unload some stuff for the store," Steven told her with a smile after looking at his watch. "Also, I'm remembering we still need to try and find him a girlfriend," he reminded her with a smile as he gently took Mason from Lapis' arms."Well, perhaps next time you could always as Greg for suggestions for dates," Garnet reminded Pearl.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Okay, no problem. It'll let me give this stinker back to his mom." Rai said picking up the diaper bag. "Well, you're in luck, I'm the only quint in a relationship. However Eridan is gay, and so is Andrei, which could be good, I don't really know which team Peedee bats for.""Or Deigo could pick." Pearl suggested.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Peedee likes girls, though he's always too shy to go and really talk to them to ask for dates and stuff," Steven clairifed to Rai as he kept holding Mason. "Want me to hold him or you want me to hold the diaper bag?" he asked her, nothing that it shoudln't take long to go and see Mason's mom."Maybe, though I know that Steven talked to him before. From what Steven said, he hasn't really dated either," Amethyst pointed out.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Just making sure. Actually Adrien goes for the shy type, she calls them 'adorable'." Rai said, before teasingly saying, "You can hold him, it's good practice for when we have a baby.""We'll figure it out together then." Pearl said a bit relieved that she wouldn't have much to be compared to.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Well, that's something to keep in mind," Steven said when she mentioned Adrien and began wondering if they could work. Granted, he initally hedged his bets with Peedee with one of the Pizza family girls. He then blushed brightl when Rai mentioned the baby thing. He did smile and chuckle while blushing though."We got your back, P," Amythest said as she and Garnet gave a supporting smile.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I'm just messing with you, I won't be ready for a baby for at least another decade." Rai kissed his cheek. "Though I will admit you look very responsible.""I know." Pearl said with a smile.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven blushed before he smiling and he leaned over to kiss Rai back on the cheek. "And I know you'll be really responsible too," Steven told her with a smile as headed back to Peedee's place to help out. When they arrived, Steven handed Mason to Rai. "Well, what do you want to do tomorrow? I know that Pearl will be going on her date," Steven asked her with a smile."I have a feeling everything will be all rght," Garnet said before she got a mischievous smile. "Maybe you should consider what happens should you want to fuse with him," she said though her tone indicated something otherwise.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"We could go on a date ourselves." Rai suggested resting Mason on her hip. "We haven't one for awhile now, maybe we could go to the arcade and I could kick your butt. Or we could hang out at your place, watch a movie, and order pizza."Pearl blushed deeply before saying, "You know that isn't possible. Humans and Gems can't fuse, Rose and Greg tried and failed, numerous times."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Yeah, that could be fun either way. No matter what we do, as long as we do it together, that's what makes it important," Steven told her with a smile as he held her hand while carrying the diaper bag with the other hand."Come in, P. You know what's she talking about," Amethyst said with a smirk of her own. The Crystal Gems got some understanding of human reproduction and intimacy when they found some rather interesting literature that Rose read, something she had in common with Greg.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai moved her hand so their fingers were intertwined. "I have an idea." Rai said with a smirk. "How do you feel about disguises?"Pearl's blush grew deeper before she turned and began walking away, saying, "And we're done with this conversation."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"What are you thinking?" Steven asked her as he got a curious look on her face.The Next Day, Evening...Diego was standing outside the movie theaters. He ended up meeting up with Steven once more, who had given some advice and suggestions on the date with Pearl. Diego chose to wear something nice. He found some nice clithes that fit him well... or rather Greg had let him borrow some from a formal event since the two had somewhat the same body frame. He was standing outside awaiting Pearl.Steven meanwhile was behind a nearby building, waiting for Rai to come along with their disguises.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Every time my siblings or I are on a first date at least one of the others dresses in a disguise and sits nearby for moral support and back up if the dates goes terrible." Rai said. "I did it for Dennis on his first date with Sadie, Adrien and Eridan did it for Alice and Lars first date, and Dennis did it for our first date. I really helps the nerves knowing someone's got your back, and we could tots do that for Pearl."The next day, Rai brought her makeup case, a large wheeling professional case, to the beach house along with a dress. As soon as she got there she went to work. Rai surprising had a large array of makeup including various "odd" shades that she used as foundation and a blue eyeshadow she used as blush. She used some dark blue eyeliner to match Pearl's, added some mascara, and finished the makeup off with some pale blue lipstick. Then was the hair, Rai straightened it and then styled it into soft curls before putting a sophisticated looking barrette on one side and adding some matching clip on earrings. The dress was a light that would cover her "clothes" with a skirt that went to her knees. By the time they were done, they had just enough time to get to the theater."Now remember, Steven and I will be a couple rows behind the whole time." Rai reminded Pearl as they approached where Steven was hiding. "If you get nervous, just excuse yourself and I'll meet you in the women's restroom. We got your back!""Thank you, both of you." Pearl smiled. "How do I look?""You look amazing!" Rai smiled.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven also smiled and agreed, having stars in his eyes before spying and seeing DiegoDiego was standing around looking a bit nervous about all of this. However, his nervousness was not needed when he saw Pearl appear. However, he was completely stunned and awed at seeing the beautiful Pearl appear so lovely and just... his breath taken away. His mind did manage to reboot when she came up. Based on Pearl's expression, he realized she was nervous too."You... you like sublime... perfect," Diego managed to say with a shy and nervous smile on his face."This is gonna be amazing!" Steven told Rai with an excited smile
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Thank you." Pearl smiled. "I don't normally look like this ever, but Raiden insisted. I couldn't say no especially when she said she had hand sewn this dress. And you look very handsome." Pearl could recognize that it was Greg's clothes, the man did only own one nice sweater so it wasn't hard to remember."Yup," Rai pulled off her backpack. She pulled out a fake mustache before sticking it to her upper lip. "Steven, I mustache you a question."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven took the mustache from her face before also smiling and sticking it in. "No Thanks, shave it for later," he said before he began laughing."I don t normally dress up like this either. Thank you very much. I got us two tickets for a fascinating documentary about Earth," Diego told her with a smile before he offered his arm."Shall we?" he said with a smile.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai laughed too, as she finished pulling out the rest of their disguises. "Okay we have to see what theater they go into and then get tickets for that movie." She pulled her pants off to reveal a miniskirt and fishnet stockings, and yanked her shirt over her head to show a middrift before she put a leather jacket on. "Do I look like Alice?" Rai asked. She handed Steven a black shirt and leather jacket. One thing Steven no doubtedly saw was that Rai had a silver piercing in her belly button. Last time he had seen her stomach was last summer when she wore a bikini, so this was either fake or had been done in the last year."That sounds delightful." Pearl said linking her arm to Diego's. "We shall."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I suppose so," Steven said when she asked if she rememvered Alice. However, he did blush a bit when he saw her in her minishhirt and stocks as well as to pull her shirt up to show her midriff and her silver piercing. "When did you get that?" he asked her with a slight blush. Steven was probaly the mroe innocent of the two, at least when it came to these sort of matters.Diego walked Pearl into the movie theater and into their seats. It was pretty quiet so it was just the two of them watching the documentary this evening, well besides steven and Rai who would be in disguise and in spying on them. "Is this your first date?" Diego couldn't help but ask.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"The belly button ring?" She asked looking down. "Alice did it a couple weeks ago. She got herself a piercing gun, so she's been doing piercings like crazy. She's got like two eyebrow piercings, a nose ring, lip ring, and belly button ring. Our dad was so pissed, she ended up moving out so she's living with Lars now." She put her clothes in her backpack. "And you better enjoy the miniskirt coz I will probably never wear one again.""I've been on a few dates before but they were all with a woman." Pearl said. "She always choose the place."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven nodded before chuckling at everything that Alice was doing with everything right now. "Well, I don't want you to wear anything you're not comfortable," Steven said as he blushed a bit more at what she said. He did get the tickets for them and followed Diego and Pearl quietly into their theater, going into the back in the disguises."That's pretty interesting. To be honest, I never really went on a date either. I wasn't that popular when I was a kid," Diego cofnessed as he rubbed the back of his head embarassingly.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I'm just not a fan of skirts or dressses in general." Rai said quietly taking a seat next to Steven. "I'm much more comfortable in shorts and pants. I don't wanna have to worry about accidently showing off my panties.""I was never a kid." Pearl stated. "When I was had finished forming I came out exactly the same as I am today."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Just wear what you wanna wear. It's all about you beign comfortable," Steven reassured her with a big smile and a hug. He wanted her to be happy and content with herself. Of course, he was also careful to say everything quietly as to not draw attention to themselves."Oh wow! How is that like?" DIego asked her as the rpevaiews played. He looked in awe and in interest on how she was.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I normally do, but this is a disguise so I went a little crazy." She said as she stood up. "I'm gonna go grab us some snacks, want anything?""It's similar to humans, except I was formed in the ground and came out of the ground already completely formed with a purpose."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Well, maybe some Cookie Cat Bites," Steven suggested before he gave her a bti of cash to help her with. "After that, you decide what we should have," Steven told her quietly with a smile."Wow... that's amazing. I mean, to think you and your friends were here protecting us and all for these past centuries. All I can say is thank you," Diego told her with a smile before looking at the last trailer. "I guess it's interesting being formed with a purpose, but I guess it means that it must be harder to deal with change," Diego noted.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Got it." Rai said as she went to grab some snacks, returning a few minutes later with the bites, a soda, and some popcorn."Your welcome." Pearl smiled. "Some Gems have had trouble but I was made to be a servant, so I didn't have much hesitation going against that."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven was being quiet and enjoying a bit of the documentary while keeping an eye and ear on how Diego and Pearl's date was going. It was going all right so far from what he could tell."Wait, what? This is... wow. Like, this is incredible. But still, thanks for staying," DIego told her befor ethe documentary began to start. "What did you think of Earth?" he asked her.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai tried to stay interested in the documentary but eventually lost interest and began texting quietly."I can't go back to Homeworld, I'm a traitor." Pearl stated. "It took some getting used to but I enjoy it here."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven was watching the documentary with interest, learning alot about some stuff about the Earth. It was pretty peaceful and easy to enjoy in watching."Why, what happened?" Diego asked her. He turned to her. He wanted to know. He wanted to know everything about her. Each answer he got raised more questions and he wanted to her.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai nudged Steven and showed him her phone. On the screen was a message from Andrei and was a picture taken from a distance of Dennis on one knee holding a small box in his hand in front of Sadie. Under the picture were the words, "I think she said yes.""They wanted us to destroy Earth and kill its inhabitants." Pearl stated. "There was a large of amount of us that fought against them, most of them were shattered."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven looked away from the screen to see what Rai had recieved. He had to cover his mouth to contain whatever noise would come out because of the excitement because of these exciting news. It was going to be a big exciting event in regards to all of this. He also knew that it would be a big event for Beach City since he remembered what Rai said about her family coming."Wait, what?! How, why?! What would they gain from that?" Diego asked her shocked. Like, he was now fully letting it snk in she was an extraterrastial, but there were growing amounts of questions and he knew that she would not be able to answer all of them tonight.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
She brought her phone and typed on it and showed it to Steven. She had pulled the notes app up and had typed, "When we were watching Mason, Dennis went over to ask Barb if he could ask Sadie to marry him. I told him 'she ain't gonna say you can't marry her daughter, y'all got a kid'.""Resources." She sighed. "They wanted to drain the planet of its resources before moving on to the next one."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven began reading and just chuckled softly. "When is the wedding?" Steven whispered in Rai's ear. He was very excited about the whole thing and it would be alot of fun. He even wondered if maybe the Gems would go. He smiled seeing Diego and Pearl talking down below.Diego looked pretruebd though also not that surprised. "That sounds... short sighted. Like, that is no way to live," Diego commented while looking at the documentary. "The Earth has so much beauty and life and alot to offer," he said while smiling.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai typed something again and showed Steven, "No idea, soon probably so our family can be there.""Which is exactly why I and so many others rebelled." Pearl sighed. "They couldn't see the good in Earth, only what they could get from it."