Heat, Bonding, Changing (DeepBlue, UnicornHorn)
Gotham City is indeed Batman's turf, and it is one of those night where he has to deal with his various rogues. This time it is Killer Croc doing a bank heist, almost got away, but the caped crusader caught him and put an end to his destructive getaway. The police arrives at the scene, and getting him into custody."Excellent work as ever, Batman. We will take it from here." He nods, and turns when he sees Superman floating right there. This isn't new, sometimes he wold fly all the way here to his city if it was important."Not at all, I am just about done here." He said, turning to the cops. They seems to have everything under control here, now he has to talk to Superman. Batman used his grapling hook to swing away from the scene, he doesn't wish to ask him to fly him up on the rooftop, he has an image to keep. He jumps on the nearest empty roof, and he scans the scene before speaking. "What are you doing here? Did something happen?"
Heat, Bonding, Changing (DeepBlue, UnicornHorn)
He followed Batman to a secluded rooftop before touching down. He leaned his large body against the roof access door and regarded the other man. "Nothing is wrong, per se." He sighed. "You know that I've taken some time off work...and the Daily Planet? Well, let me give you a brief Kryptonian biology lesson. When a Kryptonian reaches their sexual peak, they undergo something akin to a second puberty or a very peculiar estrus. During this period, their body and subconscious mind go over the sexually compatible people they know until they fixate on a single individual. This individual is then the lifemate of the person undergoing the change. That's what's been happening to me the past few days."He shrugged. "I had thought that my mate would end up being someone like Lois or Diana, but it seems that my subconscious has chosen you. So, Bruce, you should consider me in the running for your heart. I know I've got rivals, Catwoman, for one, but I doubt they can compare. Well, assuming you're not entirely straight." He chuckled, seemingly completely at ease with what should have been a painfully awkward conversation. "So that's the situation. Thoughts?"
Heat, Bonding, Changing (DeepBlue, UnicornHorn)
He nods, deciding to hear him out. It has been a couple of weeks since they have last seen each other and Clark was fine. His raise an eyebrow as he is told a lesson on Kryptionian biology. "I see, so you need someone to pair with." Wait, if that was the case, then why is he here telling him this? Then it hit him that Clark actually want him to be a lifemate? This is certainly a surprise, but Bruce is bisexual, he just kept that hidden."So you want me as a mate?" This is a lot to take in, but Bruce still have to have more information. "How long does this last? What happens to you if you go without someone to mate?" He has to ask these questions, if Clark has this peak, then he wants to know exactly everything there is to know.
Heat, Bonding, Changing (DeepBlue, UnicornHorn)
"It's permanent. Kryptonians mate for life, so it's essentially you or nobody. Life would go on, but it would be up to Kara to continue the bloodline of the House of El, as I will be unable to procreate." He looked in to Bruce's eyes. "I'll be able to have sex, but you would be on my mind, so it would be purely for pleasure." He stepped away from the door an hovered. "You don't have to answer now, I wouldn't expect you to. Just know that being my lifemate, up to you whether we got married in the human tradition, would be some benefits. For instance, if you're into that, I am the best hung among all the members of the League." He laughed and tapped his temple. "X ray vision. Think about it." And with that, he was gone, moving at speeds even a bullet couldn't match toward his home city.
Heat, Bonding, Changing (DeepBlue, UnicornHorn)
Bruce stared at him, or course they wouldn't be able to procreated! Unless Clark has something up his sleeve, anything is possible from what he has seen. "Just go, i'll answer when I have everything figured out." He grumbles as he watches him fly off. What on Earth is going on? Out of everyone in the entire universe, Clark choose him? He already have a bunch of thoughts floating around, too many what if. He went home that night, deep in thought as he is staring out the window. Alfred has been asking him what is troubling him, but how could he tell him?The next day, he almost forgotten that he has a plane to catch. Now, he has to play as representative for his company and is flying over to Metropolis for business. He is still in thought for the whole ride, maybe he would give his answer earlier than he though. He has his own penthouse in the city of course, so he is staying there. Bruce is on the balcony, does he even know that he is here in the city?
Heat, Bonding, Changing (DeepBlue, UnicornHorn)
Without warning, he was there, hovering by the balcony. His arms were crossed across his burly chest, and he looked at his friend with concern. "Good evening, Bruce. Are you alright? You look lost in thought." He touched down on the balcony, his boots soft enough to muffle most of the sound. "I've found myself glancing at your Metropolis penthouse periodically, waiting for you to arrive. Your schedule is pretty widely known, so I knew you had business in Metropolis today. May I come in?"He entered and sat down on the couch. "So, have you given any thought to our conversation last night? There's no rush, but I just wanted to see if you'd come to some kind of decision." He crossed his right leg over his left and draped his left arm over the back of the expensive furniture.
Heat, Bonding, Changing (DeepBlue, UnicornHorn)
"Hm, you showed up quickly." He grunts, and gives the signal that he can come in, he rather get this over with. Bruce sighs, pouring a glass of mineral water and offers Clark if he is thirsty. "I have, but my mind is wandering into other things." He said, there is no way of saying this, but there is no reason as to why Clark wants him of all people."Clark, I just want to know is did you pick me. There has to be others that would be a better fit, I am not really the right partner." Bruce hasn't had the best track record when it comes to dating, they do not tend to last long in his case.
Heat, Bonding, Changing (DeepBlue, UnicornHorn)
The Man of Steel paused, thinking over his words. "It's not a conscious choice, Bruce, it's my subconscious mind and hormones. So while I didn't make the decision myself, I can't fault the decision at all.". He smiled "Let's start with the personal side of things. You're reliable, I've known you for years, we're friends and you're not presently in a relationship. Then we get the biological side. You have great genetics, you're in your sexual prime, you're in peak human physical condition so you've got great chances of carrying a pregnancy to term and, last but not least, you're extremely attractive."He brightened and reached in to a small storage compartment on his outfit, pulling out a crystal vial containing a single, large, glowing capsule. "If you accept, you will need to take this at some point before we have sex. If you want to take things slow, you won't need it right away, but I don't think you'll survive intercourse with me as you are. It's difficult to control one's strength in the throes of passion, and I can tow the Earth. In addition, my ejaculation is comparable in force to a shotgun blast harmless to a Kryptonian, but lethal to a human. The pill is a very rare substance created by my father for a situation like this. It will make you, in essence, half Kryptonian. You won't be as strong or fast as myself or Kara, maybe closer to Arthur or J'onn. I think you'll be able to fly, but you'll probably lack some of my other powers. Finally, you'll have near Kryptonian resilience, and a change to your internal biology would allow me to impregnate you." He held the vial gingerly between his index finger and thumb, shaking it once to cause to pill to rattle around
Heat, Bonding, Changing (DeepBlue, UnicornHorn)
Bruce turns to look at Clark, its kind of weird to have him praise him like this. "That sure does make me feel special." A bit of dry humor on his part. How would he get pregnant? Clark has the answer for that, as there is this pill he would have to take if he agree to this. If he decides to go through with all of this and become his husband, than what would the future hold? He is sure that most of their friends and other heroes wouldn't mind, but he is a hero himself. There are so many possibilities, and he would have to plan ahead. " No need to rush into things, I want to take things slowly." If anything, Bruce Wayne is a cautious man, he needs to consider all possibilities before moving forward. "What would the others think about this?" He mostly said that to himself.
Heat, Bonding, Changing (DeepBlue, UnicornHorn)
He chuckled, a deep rumbling sound from deep in his chest. "You wouldn't be you if you didn't consider every angle. I've already spoken to Kara, both of them." He mentioned, referring to Supergirl and the aged up alternate universe version of her, Power Girl. "And they're both happy about it. I think they're just looking forward to babies. I also talked to Lois, and explained things. She was less than ecstatic, but supportive. I'm sure most of the others will follow one of those 2 examples. Some of the more conservative minded members, like Hal or Ted, might have some issues with it, but I doubt there will be much of a fuss made." He put away the pill "We can take things as slow as you like. How about a date?"
Heat, Bonding, Changing (DeepBlue, UnicornHorn)
Bruce nods. "Very well, we can go out for dinner or something else. I am in town for two days until I return to Gotham. I'll have to do some work before anything else but I should be free tonight." He actually have to do some work, to keep his company running, then the fun can begin. He doesn't really want to spend his time at a fancy place, he doesn't mind something low key. it has been a while since he had a good burger. He maybe a billionaire, but a lot of people doesn't know his face outside of his city, he could blend in with normal clothing if he has to. "If we do decide to take things further, i am sure most would be pleased." That is probably not the right word for it, they might ask a lot of questions.
Heat, Bonding, Changing (DeepBlue, UnicornHorn)
He placed his hand on Bruce's shoulder and nodded. "I'll pick up as Clark at 7. I'll see you then." With a blur and a whoosh he was gone. The intercom buzzed exactly at 7, and the individual showing through the camera was not entirely identifiable as Superman. Clark Kent was wearing a crisp, button down shirt and khakis, both a size or two too large, and slouching some to hide his size. The thick rimmed glasses drew attention away from his handsome face and his customary spit curl had been wrangled in to obedience with the rest of his hair. He gave a slightly dorky wave to the camera and gestured his head to the street.When Bruce came down, Clark led the way down the street. "Your penthouse is in a safer part of Metropolis, so I thought we could walk, enjoy the night. There's a great little diner near here that I think you'll like. If you're looking for simple fare, then I can safely say the only place I could point you to that's better is Ma's place, back home in Smallville." The place he led to in the setting sun was a small corner diner, straight out of Nighthawks. The bell announced their entry and the woman behind the counter smiled and snapped her bubble gum. "Hiya, Clark. You and your friend have a seat anywhere there's space, I'll be with you in a moment." He took a window booth, sliding in to the red seating."So, we've spent time together, but I've never gotten to know much about Bruce Wayne." The waitress brought menus and he read it over at super speed, something that only Batman's perception would notice, then pretended he was still reading it. "Of course your romantic exploits with the opposite sex are legendary and everyone knows your business and all that." He paused for a moment. "Er. How's Alfred doing?"
Heat, Bonding, Changing (DeepBlue, UnicornHorn)
"Great, i'll see you then." Bruce blinks as Clark was gone in a flash. He sighs, arranging his tie as he has to focus on the morning before the night when he actually have to go on a date. Thankfully, the day has been smooth enough that time just seem to pass by, and he made it to his pent house just in time to put on something more casual before he looks at the security camera. Oh boy, he looks very silly, but that is part of his charm. Bruce took the elevator down and meet up with Clark. "Alright, take me there and we shall see." A diner doesn't seem all that bad, plus its not that far from his place.He doesn't say anything when they entered, very cozy indeed. "Thats because I like to keep things secret." Bruce looks at the menu. "Legendary, you say. I guess that is be true, but i'm rarely on the dating scene these days. This is my first date in a long while..." He notice that Clark seems to scan the items already. "He is doing fine, but I have no idea how to break it to him about this."
Nine Ships, Seven Stones, and One White Tree (Shiva x Darkest Nightmare)
Sweetheart, are you ready yet? Lady Ad ninzilcalled as she stepped into her daughter's lavish chambers. The various handmaid surrounding the young lady immediately parted at the elder one's entrance, revealing the tall, red haired form ofLachielstanding before a mirror, dressed in a silvery gray formal gown with the slightly flared skirt and unfashionably long bell sleeves.Lachiel knew her mother disproved of it as soon as her eyes fell on the richly embroidered silks, but the maiden held her head high anyway. I'm nearly ready, Emel. Aglaril's just gone to fetch my slippers, she replied, knowing the elvish term of endearment would earn a flash from Ad ninzil's hazel eyes. That's rather old fashioned, isn't it? the brunette replied, stepping up beside her daughter until both of their reflections were in the mirror. Her own bronze colored gown was sleeveless and much more close fitting to her stately frame, as was the current style in Armenelos. She'd also adorned herself with just enough jewelry to be tasteful, while also showing off the considerable wealth and regard her family had amassed over the years. Lachiel's father excluded, of course. You mean it's ratherelvish? the redhead whispered in mock horror, bursting into giggles at the scowl that twisted Ad ninzil's otherwise lovely face.One of her mother's white hands gripped her shoulders with surprising strength, forcing Lachiel's piercing green eyes to stare directly into hers. This is no joke, r zil, the dark haired woman hissed, using the name that still felt foreign to both of them even after three years of use. You are not in And ni anymore. For your family's sake, if not your own, please hold your tongue tonight. Youknowwhat happens to those who displease the King. Lachiel's expression immediately sobered, and she took a step back from her mother. I could always stay home, she offered hopefully. The social gatherings of Armenelos held little interest for her these days, and she would have much preferred a quiet evening at home in the garden, working on a bit of needlework or reading, possibly even singing quietly to herself if she was sure no one would be around to hear.Ad ninzil seemed to seriously consider this idea for a moment, then shook her head. No, the entire family needs to go. As a show of support for your grandfather, and for the King and his great undertaking. You and I least of all can afford to be missed it would raise far too many questions. I know you understand that, dearest one, she murmured, giving her daughter a gentle kiss on the forehead. Now have you any other gown? As it turned out, Lachiel did not, at least none that could be ready before the party needed to depart for the great palace on the highest hill of the city. No one will pay much attention to my gown anyway, the redhead assured as the family gathered in front of the house. She looked over at the gaggle of her female cousins, each dressed more garishly and scandalously than the last, and with a raised eyebrow gave a sideways glance towards Ad ninzil. I think if the King even looks our way, his attention will surely be drawn elsewhere. Mother and daughter had both laughed at that, and arm in arm walked up the long paved road that lead to the King's House. On the great mountain behind it, the ruined golden temple looked something like a broken crown on top of the palace, but it wouldn't remain that way for long. Lachiel's grandfather, walking at the head of the column of his children and grandchildren, had been chosen to lead the repairs that would restore the great dome to its original splendor, although some whispered the task was more of a punishment than an honor. And it was certainly a risk to even go near the place, not just because of what went on inside, but out of fear for those cursed clouds that had come smiting down on the roof last winter, sent by the wicked beings across the sea no doubt.The sun was just beginning to set as the family entered the elegant courtyard of the palace, which was already well populated with some of the oldest and most respected clans in the city. The young people were quick to scatter among their friends to secure dancing partners for later, while the older ones found their friends and joined them in light gossip, sipping from golden cups of new wine and nibbling at the efforts of this year's harvest off golden platters.It would be some time before the King made his appearance yet, and Lachiel saw no harm in slipping off to some quiet spot, away from the noise and the chatter that sounded so ugly to one who'd been brought up speaking the now forbidden elvish tongue. The gardens seemed a likely enough escape, although when the young woman reached them she found most of the flowers dead and the trees sadly barren. She could hear the sound of a far off fountain though, and thought perhaps that might prove a prettier sight than death or decadence.So it was with the sound of harps and flutes growing ever fainter behind her, the redhead slipped into the King's Court, barren and desolate now with the King ready to make his war in the west. The only sound was that of the fountain, still bubbling away merrily as it had in happier times before things had started to go so wrong. Sighing softly, Lachiel spread her skirts on the stone edge of the great pool in the center of the court, trailing her fingers through the cool water and wishing for the thousandth time that things had gone differently.Just beyond the fountain, she noticed a strange bare patch of earth in the center of all the smooth black paving stones. At first she wondered if perhaps some of them had broken, but a passing leaf caught on the autumn wind, dancing before her eyes, suddenly made her smile.That's where the tree wasshe realized, recalling the story that had turned And ni on its head when she was no more than a child. Before Nimloth had been burned the brave and noble Isildur had gallantly stolen into this very court under the dead of night to take a fruit from the White Tree, carrying it all the way back to his father's stronghold as a symbol of the Faithful's resistance. Lachiel's father had made a song of it that very day, much to the amusement of the Lord and his family, and her older brother Brenion had pledged his life's service to the man who'd been dubbed a thief by their corrupt and arrogant king.Lachiel's smile faded, and she let out a sigh. Three years since she'd seen Brenion, longer since she'd seen Isildur. And her father...she would never see him again, she knew that. When he boarded the ship with Lord Amandil, he as much as told her so, and she had cried like a baby in his arms. She'd cried again when her mother said she was returning to her father's house in Armenelos, and when Brenion called her a traitor for doing so. Both had begged Lachiel to remain with them, and while she longed to continue the happy life she'd known in the city by the sea she had always loved, she remembered the promise she had made to her father before he left.I will not let anything happen to Emel.So she turned her back on And ni and came to the capital, where the rich pretended not to know about the horrible things that happened in the golden temple, and where everyone cheered the King's idiotic plans to make a war on the gods. Brenion probably hated her now, all the Faithful probably did. Lachiel did suspect there might be a few of their number still in Armenelos, but if they voiced their sympathies openly there was no question that they would be going up the mountain, and never coming back. In her heart, she even believed Ad ninzil still revered the elves and the Valar, although she was still angry at both for taking the love of her life from her side. After all, Ad ninzil had originally been called Tiriel, before things got bad.Lost in these thoughts, Lachiel continued to sit by the fountain, staring up at the sky as the stars began to peek through a thin layer of clouds. Without realizing it, she began to hum softly under her breath, the very song her father had written about Isildur and the theft of Nimloth's fruit. Although she didn't sing the words, even just the melody in a place like this would have been enough to send her to the temple if she'd been caught.Luckily, her years in Armenelos had sharpened her reflexes enough that she immediately fell silent when she heard footsteps on the cobbled path leading from the gardens. Rising to her feet, she stepped into the shadow of one of the pillars surrounding the court, praying whoever was approaching hadn't seen her and cursing the pale color of her dress that would do almost nothing to hide her body, let alone the flaming waves of her hair in the evening breeze.
Nine Ships, Seven Stones, and One White Tree (Shiva x Darkest Nightmare)
Thavron, Himel s voice spat his name out, but her annoyance wasn t at his stubborn insistence on using his Elvish name, at least tonight, but rather at his apolitical tardiness. Everyone is waiting! Yes, I m coming, my meleth. He heard her snort from the other room, but whether at his Elvish term of endearment, or at the platitude she d heard a thousand times by now, this timeThavron Tar kmag ncouldn t tell. At leastyoudon t mind when I work, he murmured as he reached down to rub the neck of Huan, the graying wolfhound that was sprawled in its usual spot, the thick rug under his drafting table. Huan was the most recent of five dogs he'd owned with the same name, spread over the last one hundred years, but unfortunately he knew that, sooner than he preferred to acknowledge, he'd have to get another puppy given the difficulty Huan s hips were giving him. At least old Huan would have the gift of death, but a replacement, well, he wondered if it was even moral to raise another puppy in these troubled times.Himel was worried about being late to the King s party, but Thavron was more worried about being late in rebuilding the King s damned temple, or more accurately, Zig r's damned temple. The complex plans were on his table, marked and remarked into a cryptic explosion of glyphs, while he struggled to solve yet another engineering issue that the grander dome Zig r demanded seemed to pose. Of course, Thavron knew he was the only builder still alive in N menor suitable to tackle the project, but the irony of him being tasked to rebuild a temple to Melkor that had been smote down by the Valar themselves was certainly not lost on him.Of all the wonderful and grand palaces, towers, and monuments he had built, was Thavron s legacy to be the infamous Faithful builder of Melkor s greatest Temple in all of Arda?Eru Il vatar forgive me for this evil I give life to.As a builder, of course, the technical challenge of the construction was tempting, but while he publicly had accepted the honor with grace and enthusiasm, the reality was that only fear for his family had forced his hand. For himself, he would gladly take death rather than glorify Melkor, but as a Grandfather, and likely soon Great Grandfather, he had others to think of, many of whom waited downstairs for him right now. While he was of the Faithful still, one of few openly so that lived in Armenelos, not all of his descendants shared his beliefs, and even those that were supporters of Ar Pharaz n, or even Zig r, would not be safe from retribution if he turned down the King s commission.And these days, retribution might even mean being sacrificed, like a savage might an animal, on the very altar of the temple Thavron was rebuilding.And so, like his tardiness to attend this grand party tonight for Ar Pharaz n's folly of picking a war with the gods, all Thavron could do to protest his duties was to take his time, be thoughtful, and for lack of a better world, stall. With any luck, Ar Pharaz n could be dead and Zig r ousted before the final sheet of gold was hammered onto the new dome, and Thavron could gleefully oversee the demolition of his finest work. Thavron! I m coming, came his tired reply. He patted Huan again, and murmured. I envy you, old hound, for your suffering in this world will soon be over. The weight of the burden he felt was even heavier as he led the column of his family down the lit up streets of Armenelos to the Palace, with a beaming Himel at his side while getting him up to date on the latest Court gossip. So many of the people he worried about were now behind him, his children, their spouses, their children, more spouses, nephews, nieces, and now even grown grandchildren. Add to that all the relations through marriage that had decided tonight to follow the famous Builder Tar kmag n, one known to be personal friends with the Queen, now that his ignoble duty repairing the temple made him no longer a pariah. Meanwhile, his stomach roiled and he had to force a smile upon his bearded face.All of them depend upon me.Himel was in her element once inside the courtyard, and Thavron let her lead him from table to table while reciting tired greetings and giving practiced replies to all the usual questions on his work. He d married well, as her King s Men family had both high rank as well as numerous connections that had helped his career blossom almost two hundred years ago. Without her, he d likely be building simple houses in And ni , not summer palaces for Queen Miriel herself, and he wondered again if that would not have been a better life. Despite his fame, the last twenty years had seen the harshest persecution of the Faithful in his lifetime, and he knew his distinctive soaring style was suddenly derided as being too Elvish in its classical beauty, while the new trend was towards ugly, heavy and overbearing architecture that supposedly showed the power of Men.At some point, Himel had been captured by some of her Ladies and led aside, and Thavron gleefully took the opportunity to find some quiet solace. He had little time, as Himel would find him to ensure that he'd greet Queen Miriel and likely the King as well. With any luck, Zig r would have more important people to talk with so feigning civility to that abomination could be avoided. His feet led him by memory to the King s Court, that one spot of comfort he had always enjoyed on the palace grounds, but too late he remembered that Nimloth was gone, another tragedy of Zig r s desire to sunder all symbols that linked N menor to the Valar and the Elves. He almost turned back, as the sight of that burnt stump, if even that still remained, was too painful to bear, but the soft sound of singing, of all things, made him pause.In the starlight, a woman sat alone on the ground by the fountain. Thavron hesitated, worried about intruding upon her privacy while also still seeking to find his own, but as she lifted her arm he saw the great bell sleeves of her dress, an unmistakably Elvish style, and curiosity led him closer. When he saw her face, his tensed body relaxed and he gave her a relieved smile. l s la erin l e govaned v n, Sell Neth It felt good to speak Elvish again and bid his granddaughter a greetings under starlight in what was otherwise such a dark place. Do not rise, Lachiel, Thavron said, reaching down to touch her shoulder. He settled down next to her himself, crosslegged, and glanced at the black patch of earth nearby. Even now, while I miss Nimloth dearly, I also find comfort in its memory. He paused and looked at her, before adding quietly, And the hope that it grows again. Despite the fact that Tiriel and Lachiel had been living in his household, Thavron s duties at the Temple had consumed him, and he realized with some chagrin that he had barely talked with his granddaughter, who must be feeling very alone in Armenelos if that was the gown she chose to wear tonight. He heart twinged as he thought of what she must have endured, both moving here with his daughter, but also the loss of her father who had not been heard from since volunteering to go with Amandil to give warning to the Valar of Ar Pharaz n's hubris. Tell me, myneth. How are you faring in this cruel city? Thavron s hazel eyes caught some starlight and seemed to sparkle again after being dark and brooding at the main party. He reached out and took her hand, giving it a strong squeeze. Even in a desert, one can find a spring, and I hope you have found beauty somehow in what has become a city of stone and steel.
Nine Ships, Seven Stones, and One White Tree (Shiva x Darkest Nightmare)
Lachiel immediately let out a sigh of relief as she recognized the warm voice of her grandfather. Bowing her head respectfully, she turned her gaze back towards the bare patch of earth and laid her head on Thavron's broad shoulder. When she'd first come to the city she never would have dared such an intimate gesture towards her tall, rather grim faced grandfather, but over the past three years she'd realized his were the friendliest eyes and the kindest heart she could rely on in Armenelos, even moreso than her mother at times. As far as Lachiel had seen, Thavron had much more courage than his dark haired daughter, or if not courage he at least masked his fears much better than Ad ninzil did. He could probably afford to, given his reputation as a Builder and his close relationship with Tar M riel that had protected his extended family from going up the mountain so far. But Thavron was still only one man in this strange city."I saw the urn where they planted it. The fruit Isildur took," the redhead whispered, feeling as though the words themselves were hanging like an axe over their heads. "In Elendil's house in And ni . Adar always believed it would sprout when the Faithful were on the throne again, but..." It seemed impossible such a thing would ever happen again. The official gossip among the citizens of the capital was that M riel was barren, although the more daring voices said it was because she'd married her cousin that there was no current heir to the throne. Before she'd come to the city, the general consensus among the Faithful was that it was Ar Pharaz n himself who was sterile, another warning from the Valar that that he was overstepping in his ambitions.Thavron hardly seemed concerned with the legacy of his King, however, and seemed much more worried about his granddaughter's happiness. What little happiness there was, at least. The kindness in his eyes was enough to make the redhead's mouth quirk in a small smile, and she returned the squeeze of his hand. "Well enough, Iarwain. Emel seems happier though, and that's what matters most. She's reconnected with some of her friends from her youth, and I think that keeps her mind off things. I..." Lachiel had tasted a lie on the tip of her tongue, but decided to swallow rather than speak it. She had no friends left in this city, at least none that she knew of. The sons and daughters of the Faithful she had played with as a child had had all fled to either R menna or And ni , and her cousins all preferred gossip and gowns to songs and poetry, which were Lachiel's primary interests these days."I keep busy in your library," the redhead finished, thinking fondly of her grandfather's extensive collection of books and scrolls, many of which had been spared the great burnings of the the past but had to be enjoyed in utmost secret. An idea occurred to her then, and a hopeful light filled her bright green eyes. "Perhaps tomorrow if you're not too busy, you could read to me a bit, the way you used to when Brenion and I were little? Or if you like, I could read to you, although I always remembered you did such wonderful voices when you read the story of Tuor Eladar. I think even Adar was jealous of you when you read that one," she laughed mischievously as she clasped his hand tightly between both of hers. "Oh please, Iarwain, it would be so lovely. Unless...are you needed on the mountain?"Her face fell a little at the sheer mention of it, and Lachiel was glad that in the darkness she couldn't see the looming spire that always seemed so dreadful to her now, although she could remember in her earliest years when it hadn't been so terrible, when a kinder king was on the throne and everyone expected the fair princess Tar M riel to take his place after him.As the queen's name crossed her mind, as if by magic a servant dressed in the soft purple livery of Ar Zimraphel's household appeared, curtsying deeply to Thavron. "My apologies for interrupting, Builder Tar kmag n," the maiden apologized in the tongue of men . "But the Queen is requesting your presence. She says she has some questions for you, regarding herbalcony." There was a strange emphasis on this last word that made Lachiel raise a confused brow, but her grandfather seemed utterly unfazed by it and rose to accept the summons.To her own surprise, Lachiel too got to her feet, gripping his arm gently. "May I come with you, grandfather?" she asked, switching to the proper language now that they were no longer alone. "I'd like to pay the Queen my own respects, if it's all right." If not, she could at least return to the main hall with him. Without Thavron sitting beside her, the King's Court suddenly seemed much colder and emptier, and she had no desire to stay.***** Some time before the festivities had begun, one person was trying very hard to solve the problem of Ar Pharaz n's lack of heir. It wasn't his wife, the quiet and gentle Ar Zimraphel that had once been called Tar M riel that good lady was busy sewing clothes for the poor with her ladies at the far end of the palace. No, the brave and determined young woman who was determined to save her kingdom from losing its king was theLady Abraz ph l, and she was doing her part by being bent over a desk with her skirts flipped over her head, and Ar Pharaz n himself thrusting balls deep into her tight young pussy."Oh yes, My King! More, more please!" the blonde gasped, her long, sharp nails digging into the wood at the edge of the desk as the Lord of the West's hips smacked loudly against her generous behind. There was a bit more emphasis in her voice than was probably necessary truth be told the King was far from an excellent lover, but hewasthe King, and Abraz ph l had no doubt that whoever might be able to give him a son or even a daughter, if it came to that would rise to a position that could never be taken away in these uncertain times. Other women had tried similar tactics of course, but none were as beautiful as the tall woman with the long blonde hair and eyes blue as the sea, and they certainly didn't have the extensive relations or a father as rich as hers. Ar Pharaz n already relied on Abraz ph l's family to oversee the building of his ships, the growing of his food, and the spinning of cloth for his rich garments, and sooner or later his other trysts would always find themselves replaced yet again by the Pharazan , as the King's mistress liked to style herself.But the Golden Lady was practically indistinguishable from the common whore on the street after less than a minute had passed and she felt her King's seed spurting deep into her womb.Well, at least there was thatshe consoled herself, hoping that this time, finally, he might have gotten her pregnant. These final days were her last chance at securing her position, after all. Ar Pharaz n would be sailing for Aman in less than a week, and while Abraz ph l outwardly expressed confidence he would return the valiant conqueror, inside she had her doubts. If it should happen that the King never returned to N menor, who then would sit upon the throne? Ar Zimraphel, that empty headed bitch with the vacant smile and eyes like a cow? That sneaking Zig r, with his simpering voice and scheming mind? No, the Pharazan would never allow such a thing from either of them. Shewouldget Ar Pharaz n's heir if she had to follow him around naked for the next three days. Then after he sailed away she could announce her pregnancy with the heir to the throne, and be queen in all but name. Once the child was born though? Well, "Queen Dowager" did have a certain elegance to it...These thoughts were immediately interrupted by the feeling of the King's cock pulling out of her with a grunt, and while Abraz ph l took her time in sitting up she did smooth her skirts back down and roll onto her side so she could face him. The low cut gown still revealed a fair amount of her creamy white breasts, and she'd assumed a position that was intended to be seductive enough to coax him into another round, but alas, Ar Pharazon was already pulling up his trousers."You aren't going already, My King?" Abraz ph l whimpered, her painted lips coming together in an overpronounced pout. "Have I not pleased you?"Ar Pharazon grunted, but did lean over to kiss his mistress on her forehead. In truth he would have liked to spend the rest of his afternoon fucking the slut in every manner he could think of, but even this short tryst had made his heart race at an alarming rate and made the breath fight in his chest. Abraz ph lwasbeautiful, there was no denying that, and he couldn't think of a single woman on the island more clever . But Abraz ph l made him feelold, and the King hated her for it, even as he desired her for her youth. Whatever his mistress' personal ambitions might have been though, they wouldn't matter after he returned from conquering Aman, and forced the gods to give him the same eternal life as the cursed elves.Thenhe'd spend a whole week fucking the shit out of Abraz ph l's smug little face, and toss her out on her perfect ass and replace her with an even younger woman.Of course, Ar Pharazon didn't say any of this to her now. He was still planning on fucking her ass after the party, and he wanted to make sure she stayed in a good mood. "I have matters to discuss with Zig r. I'll come to you again tonight." Giving her another firm slap on the rump, the King departed without another word, leaving his concubine feeling both disappointed and annoyed."Fucking bastard," Abraz ph l grunted as she rang for a servant, and immediately cursed the poor girl out in demand for a hot bath and someone to help her dress for the banquet. Her mood did not improve even as she changed into a fresh gown and had a terrified valet arrange her hair , and by the time she descended into the heart of the party the Pharazan looked more like a soldier storming a battlefield than a noblewoman entering a ballroom.With a rich goblet of wine in one hand, Abraz ph l's cold eyes scanned the room, looking for anyone to give her an excuse to show her claws. She finally found not one, buttwovictims in the corner, chatting quietly amongst themselves under the guard of some watchful footmen in pale purple. But these quickly parted way at the approach of the Pharazan , and the blonde woman noticed that a third member of the party, a garish looking redhead, was quick to slip away unexcused."My Lady," the king's mistress sneered towards Ar Zimraphel, offering her the shallowest curtsy that public company would allow. Abraz ph l's eyes slowly shifted from the queen to the Master Builder, although she didn't bother to acknowledge him beyond a stare for the moment. Turning back to the dark haired woman in the soft purple gown, she offered Ar Zimraphel a smile as sweet as poison. "It would appear Builder Tar kmag n can amuse you to the point that you smile on the eve of Our King's departure. It is almost enough to make one doubt the sentiments of Our Queen's heart."M riel, having become used to Abraz ph l's taunts over the years, was unfazed. "My husband has always known the sentiment of my heart, mistress. And if it his wish that we should send off the fleet with joy and hope in our hearts, than joy and hope I shall have." Although whether that joy and hope was for Ar Pharaz n's departure or return was up for debate.Abraz ph l's smile had instantly melted at the use of the term Mistress. Technically the Queen was within her rights to use it, considering she outranked the blonde both by birth and marriage, but that didn't mean the concubine had to like it. "And you, Builder Tar kmag n? You must be quite devoted to Our King to abandon your post on Meneltarma to enjoy the revels of the nobility. But were you not instructed to have the repairs on the temple completed before His Majesty made his departure?" An impossible task of course, considering the damage that had been done to the structure months earlier, but the Pharazan herself had imposed the deadline .Raising her glass slightly, the King's mistress gave it a thoughtful swirl. "Are you quite sure you ought to be seen here, Builder Tar kmag n? I'd hate for His Majesty's celebration to be ruined because he learned you've let the progress on the temple fall so far behind. If you wish to leave, I'm sure I can forget I ever saw you. You're quite forgettable, you know," Abraz ph l added with a laugh as she took a long sip of the wine.
Nine Ships, Seven Stones, and One White Tree (Shiva x Darkest Nightmare)
Thavron studied Lachiel as she spoke. A pleasant smile wrinkled his bearded face, but his blue eyes were thoughtful. His granddaughter resembled her mother so much at the same age, at least outwardly, but he wondered now of her soul. Tiriel, as he would always call her no matter that she preferred Ad ninzil these days, had always been conflicted growing up in Armenelos, surrounded by King s Men families and with his wife s own beliefs as an alternative to Thavron s religion. She d never really embraced being a Faithful despite all of his efforts. He d sent her to And ni during summers, and even for entire years, but it was only her husband, Maethon, handsome, wealthy, and very much noble despite being a Faithful, that had caused her to embrace Thavron s beliefs. But that faith, it appeared, had only been an act, as since Maethon s departure she d done a complete reversal and now, over a year later, Thavron feared this new image of being Lady Ad ninzil was a permanent change.But Lachiel, on the other hand, seemed true to her beliefs, at least for now. She d been raised in And ni and R menna, surrounded by the Faithful, and Armenelos would likely seem alien and strange, with the guttural Andunaic tongue being the norm and Elvish only spoken in private. How would her faith fare in this cruel city without friends and only a busy grandfather to worship with? Careful, Thavron answered when Lachiel mentioned the sapling of Nimroth. The hand on her arm gave a gentle squeeze as he glanced around the vacant courtyard. To speak openly of such things in this palace, of all places, was foolish. Of course, Thavron had already heard what had happened to the sapling and of Isildur s bravery in stealing a cutting, but it was good that word had spread to others as well. The Faithful needed hope more than ever in this time of persecution, and Isildur s act had steeled the resolve of many of them. You have been blessed to see such things, but do not talk of such matters in public, especially in this city. Thavron could read between Lachiel s words, and he knew his granddaughter was lonely, and bored. A woman her age shouldn t be in his musty library, she should be out with friends and enjoying her youth. She should be happy, carefree, and searching for a husband, or at least a lover. All things that seemed impossible for Thavron to imagine for a woman of her beliefs in the current political environment of Armenelos.Was it a mistake for her to have come here with Tiriel? I will gladly read to you, replied Thavron, a smile reappearing on his bearded face. I ve been forced to work hard on this damned Temple, but perhaps after supper tomorrow. He looked at her clothing and smiled. While I love your taste in dresses, may I give some advice? It is a dangerous time in our country and especially in Armenelos for the Faithful. It may pain you, but I urge you to try to fit in and not stand out. What matters is what is inside, not the clothes you wear or the name you use. People talk, and while you are my granddaughter, I may not offer much protection in future days. Sooner rather than later, he feared all Faithful would have to hide and feign conversion to Zig r s corrupt worship of Melkor. He hesitated as he considered his next question. Was it too much to ask of her, too risky for a girl to be involved? He would never put her in a position of danger, but there were rumors swirling about Elendil s plans with Ar Pharazon s fleet sailing. The King s Men feared a Faithful rebellion with the army gone, the Faithful whispered about a secret fleet being readied by Elendil, and then there were widespread rumors that the Valar would attack N menor itself and lay waste to Armenelos with more than lightning and Eagle shaped clouds. If you please, I would ask you to keep me informed of what you hear of Elendil s plans, and perhaps take messages from me at times to certain friends I have. I am watched, I know that now, so many of the Faithful dare not approach me directly with news. Hide yourself in dress and name to not arouse suspicion, but keep faith inEru Il vatar. Be my eyes and ears, myneth. The interruption by the messenger was unwelcome and Thavron did not relish the idea of greeting the Queen, or any of her entourage, without Himel at his side to expertly guide the conversation and prevent any miscues. He also could sense Lachiel was genuinely excited at the prospect of meeting Miriel, or Ar Zimraphel as she was called now. Despite Ar Pharazon s heinous acts against the Faithful, including the families of some of the Lachiel s friends, there was sympathy for Miriel as the Queen amongst the Faithful. Her hand had been forced by the King years ago when he seized the throne and it was a widely known secret that she bore little love for him. As reluctant as Thavron was to expose such an innocent child as Lachiel to the evils of court intrigue, he knew meeting Miriel would be a thrill for his granddaughter, and he reluctantly agreed to let her attend with him.It had been a fine meeting, at first, worthy of Lachiel s attendance. Ar Pharazon was not with his Queen, and Miriel was as gracious and courteous as ever. She had been his patron, and he d built many a stunning and fanciful palace for her across N menor. They were all escapes, places of quiet respite from the brutal and savage man that had taken her as his wife against her will. Thavron had spent weeks, even months with her while building her flights of fancy, and jealous tongues whispered they were more than friends. After Miriel greeted Lachiel sweetly and praised her dress and appearance, Thavron found himself quickly discussing an addition Miriel desired for a seaside manor that faced the West, both a beautiful spot for watching sunsets and a politically advantageous location to wait piously for her husband s return. With Zig r's power in the city growing ever stronger, Miriel disliked Armenelos and he doubted she d spend much time in the capital while Ar Pharazon was gone.Who then would hold Zig r in check?Lady Abraz ph l's arrival ruined the mood and turned the conversation sour immediately. Thavron was fortunate to see her coming, over Miriel s shoulder, and warned the Queen so she could be prepared. With a subtle nod, he motioned for Lachiel to leave, which the clever girl did without protest.The sparring between Miriel and Ar Pharazon s Mistress was as nasty as Thavron had expected, but Abraz ph l seemed to be in a particularly foul mood tonight. Perhaps the imminent departure of the King, without a baby in Abraz ph l's womb, was bothering her? This was her last chance as Thavron doubted she was truly pious enough to believe Ar Pharazon would succeed in his war against the gods. Thavron had decided years ago that Abraz ph l cared about power and power alone, and she likely viewed Ar Pharazon s foolish invasion as now a hindrance to her own plans, for if he died before she had an heir, all her years of fucking the graying King would be for naught. I would be at my new post at the Temple, if not for the need to wish Ar Pharazon well in his grand endeavor, replied Thavron cooly. Mentioning Meneltarma was a stinging blow, as Ar Pharazon had made it illegal under pain of death to visit that sacred mountain, a core pilgrimage act for the Faithful. I m sure you are just as sad as all of us to see him go, with how much time you ve been fortunate to spend with him. All unforgettable memories, I m sure. Thavron took a gulp of his own goblet of wine. Treating with this snake never sat well and the bold red vintage soothed his tongue from saying something more vulgar. The construction, as you must know, is only slow due to Zig r's never ending desire to expand the dome to greater size and scope. The technical complexity is formidable, and the sacrifice to the timeline to achieve his grandeur was one that had to be made. For now, at least, Zig r and by extension Abraz ph l needed him, as no one else could oversee this complex of a build, but he felt like the clock was ticking on his usefulness in Armenolos. And with Miriel likely leaving the capital, and Ar Pharazon sailing to his demise, he doubted there would be anyone to save his neck once the Temple was complete. Rest assured, we make as fast progress on it as possible. A sapling does not sprout from one watering, nor a child be made from desiring it to be done, wouldn t you agree, Lady Abraz ph l? He gave the woman a thin smile at his allusion. Gods he despised her and her barely concealed hatred of Miriel, who handled this ambitious woman s pettiness with enviable grace and regal disdain. And I apologize, as I forget, what willyoube doing now that Ar Pharazon is leaving? Or who will you be working with to help the Kingdom function? I m sure there must be one or two members of the council you think will be most active? asked Thavron. Ar Pharazon had announced a council to govern in his absence, Miriel was the figurehead for it, but a handful of his most loyal nobles, and Zig r of course, were to rule in his absence. While outwardly, everyone acted as if they truly believed that Ar Pharazon would prevail and return victorious, most people viewed the new council as the likely crop of contenders for the throne. Behind it all, Thavron assumed Zig r was pulling many strings, as although he couldn t be King, he d likely become the top advisor to the next one again. Abraz ph l must undoubtably have her own opinion by now, although he doubted she would tell him. How are duties delegated? Who will supervise my work on the Temple, for instance? A shiver of dread ran through him at the idea that Zig r himself might become more involved. That evil snake had, of course, been vocal in his demands, but had thankfully been too busy in recent months to do more than stop by the Temple grounds and make veiled threats at Thavron to voice his displeasure.
Nine Ships, Seven Stones, and One White Tree (Shiva x Darkest Nightmare)
Lachiel felt something sinking in her heart when her grandfather mentioned Elendil. Her mother had made it clear that she was never,neverto speak the names of their friends in And ni . The city was still strong and so far the King that hadn't dared to make a move against it or the people there, but when the King was gone...the woman shuddered. It would be made official tonight, but everyone fully expected Ar Pharaz n would leave that cursed Zig r to rule the island in his place, possibly with some oversight from the lesser lords and ladies who were no less bloodthirsty than the King's Advisor. Some of the Faithful had wisely removed to R menna, and Lachiel believed her brother among them. But she'd heard so little from any of them in the past three years how could Thavron possibly expect her to be of any use?"I can try, Iarwain...I mean, Tar kmag n," she added with a slightly mischievous gleam in her eye. Her grandfather was quite aware of what she thought of the language in the capital, and his harsh mouthful of a name in it. "I suppose I'll need to see about having some new gowns made though, most of mine were all made in And ni . I suppose that'll keep Emel occupied for a while at least. I know she's been anxious for me to make more acquaintances in the city as well." For a moment, Lachiel wondered if Thavron's 'friends' might overlap with the circles where her mother was trying to get her established, but with a shake of the head she realized it was impossible. And ninzil never spoke Sindarin if she could help it, and her daughter couldn't remember the last time she'd seen her pray. On the surface, she was every bit as loyal to the King as Ar Pharaz n could hope, but beyond the sad shadows in her mother's eyes it was hard to read her thoughts.Regardless, it seemed safest of all not to mention this particular conversation with Thavron to And ninzil, and by the time he had led her back into the main hall, she felt a new flutter of fear rising in her chest. She had seen Tar M riel from a distance in the past, but since her arrival in Armenelos Lachiel had never been formally introduced. After only a few moments of conversation though, the younger woman visibly relaxed. The Queen was much kinder than she had expected, and reminded her a great deal of Arodis, albeit if she was being honest M riel seemed to lack some of the proud confidence of Elendil's wife. Still, she seemed pleased at Lachiel's dress and spoke to Thavron like an old friend, and the redhead was just about to accept an offered glass of wine from one of M riel's ladies when she saw a brief, but pointed look from her grandfather. Her brows knit together in confusion, and a moment later she paled as she saw what was coming.One could not spend even the shortest amount of time in Armenelos without knowing about Lady Abraz ph l, and while Lachiel had never been formally introduced to the woman she still knew enough to wish to avoid her and her legendary temper. Slinking away around the corner, she was still within earshot, and could hear the Pharazan 's sharp voice immediately cutting both into the Queen and Thavron. Lachiel scowled in the corner, and for a moment was tempted to step forward and snap back with a jibe of her own. Then it occurred to her that she couldn't think of one, and deciding it would be better to remain out of sight for the moment, she continued to listen in.For her part, Abraz ph l hadnotappreciated Tar kmag n's attempt to shift the blame onto Zig r. He wasn't wrong, technically, and she had her own frustrations at the advisor constantly demanding new wings and statuary and holding cells for the sacrifices. But even the Pharazan didn't speak against the King's favored advisor, so she was quick to turn the Builder's complaints back on himself. "Perhaps Our Queen was mistaken when she recommended you for this undertaking, Builder Tar kmag n. The way Ar Zimraphel spoke of your skill led me to believe there was nothing you could not accomplish if you wished. But then again, you always did have such simple tastes, My Lady," Abraz ph l said sweetly, althought her eyes had a predatory light in them as she shifted her gaze back to Thavron. "Or perhaps...the Builder does not wish to rebuild our beautiful Temple?"But the Builder seemed utterly unfazed by her veiled threat. Rest assured, we make as fast progress on it as possible. A sapling does not sprout from one watering, nor a child be made from desiring it to be done, wouldn t you agree, Lady Abraz ph l? The Pharazan 's pale cheeks flushed crimson at the remark, not only at Thavron's words but at Ar Zimraphel's placid smile and the wicked giggle that came from...well, it was one of the ladies in the vicinity, she was sure, but she could pick out which one.All of them will be remanded to the Templeshe cursed in her mind as her plus lips twisted into a sneer.That traitorous bastard too, when the work is done."There is a matter of time to be considered, surely," Abraz ph l eventually managed to sputter out as she tried to regain her composure. "It would be unacceptable for our glorious King to return from his battle in the west to find the Temple still unfinished. Knowing what a mighty warrior Ar Pharaz n is, I have little doubt he will return to us in no time. Then again, I don't think my loyalty to the King hasever been questioned." She paused a moment, then pretended to think. "Is it not true, Builder Tar kmag n, that one of your daughters recently returned from And ni ? I hear she was quite the favorite of Arodis, and her husband had ties to that traitor Amandil." A wicked smile crossed the tall woman's face. "How...forgiving of you to take such a troublesome child back into your home. It certainly sayssomethingabout your character."She tossed her head proudly as Tar kmag n continued to press her about her plans. "I shall still be overseeing the progress at the Temple, you needn't worry," Abraz ph l replied. "And until you get matters in hand on that particular project, I see no need to burden you with the additional goings on of the island. Though if you want a bit of advice, and I think you do, I can give you this: have more faith in Ar Pharaz n. He will choose the very best people to protect the island in his stead and manage its affairs while he is fighting for our rights in the West. And if you believe otherwise, well...that wouldn't be very faithful of you, would it?"Convinced she had won the argument, the Pharazan offered the shallowest of curtsies to her Queen, then with a whirl of skirts turned her back on the party. Damn it, where was that foolish old bastard when you needed him? Although Abraz ph l's face had regained its cool composure, inside her emotions were roaring like an inferno, and she knew from experience the only way to quiet them would be to drown them in wine or find someone to fuck. Ar Pharaz n would have been preferable of course, but the woman doubted he would have been able to keep up with the temper inside her at the moment. As she ascended the stairs to the shadowy galleries overlooking the main hall, her cold blue eyes washed over the faces, landing momentarily here and there on the visage of a likely looking courtier who might be able to keep their mouth shut.Then she stopped as she saw someone she hadn't expected to see. A slow smile crossed her lips as the Pharazan locked eyes with the handsome young man, and with an ever so subtle curl of her finger, she gestured for him to join her in the darkness of the second floor. There was more he could offer her than a few minutes of pleasure, she knew, and he was hardly in a position to refuse her.
Nine Ships, Seven Stones, and One White Tree (Shiva x Darkest Nightmare)
Abraz ph l was relentless, an attack dog dressed in a lap dog s body.Perhaps it hadn t been a good idea to tilt at her so directly, but Thavron was beginning to lose his patience on this project. While he courted wealth and power easily as those kinds of people were his clients, he never truly respected them. For all their affectations, and drivel about what they d like built, ultimately, he came up with the designs and they always listened to him, for a building at least. So, even though the stake s were high with this Temple and Zig r was ordering ideas personally, Thavron had maintained a reckless disdain towards any criticism of the project s timeline. Those were complaints he d heard for a hundred years that were always silenced by the beauty of his completed project.This was, however, a little different of a scenario. He swallowed as Abra made her not so veiled threat about Tiriel, while he kept a casual grin on his face. A normal client couldn t potentially kill him, or his family, if he was building too slowly, or not to their satisfaction. Perhaps his typical arrogance might be better tempered, at least until he was more certain of the risk to those he loved. Most of his relatives in Armenelos were actually King s Men, thanks to Himel s influence. While it pained him, the pragmatic part of his brain had always realized that trying to convert people this close to Ar Pharaz n s center of power would be both difficult, and politically harmful.He was tolerated, somewhat, as an artistic type whose love of Elves had befuddled his brain, but also given him great gifts as an architect through his obsessive study of their craft and the resultant ability to manifest their elegant beauty. If he were to go around actively recruiting people to the King s Men, that tolerance might quickly turn to suspicion, and he d studiously avoided causing political controversy while remaining otherwise unfashionably pious in his dress and manners. It was a delicate balance that had allowed him to pursue his passion as a builder, while at least keeping his own faith and beliefs that inspired the vision in his work.Of course he d tried with Himel, for she was his wife, but she d been equally pragmatic in her response, which was simply that she wasn t a religious person at all. Therefore, her converting would be a dangerous risk for them as a couple, one that would destroy his career and deny him access to all the contacts her very noble parents had bestowed upon him when he d started as a builder two hundred years ago. Secretly, he liked to think she had faith, after all she d spent many years with him in And ni and amongst his Faithful friends and family. Those had been the times he d tried hardest to convince her, begging her to at least to worship in secret with him if she wanted to outwardly follow her family and fit into the political landscape. You have my hearthervenn. It does not belong to any other god. Isn t that enough? had been Himel s response which had ended his more overt attempts at conversion. Her heart was enough, at least then, but times had darkened since. She knew, and talked to him, of all the horrible thing s done in Ar Pharaz n s name and at the bequest of Zig r, but it was always couched as a political issue that would improve when Ar Pharaz n died, which was hopefully soon. The evil of Zig r s heretical worship of Melkor and the darkness of Ar Pharaz n s persecution Himel refused to admit was a lingering taint on N menorean society that was leading them to an evil place, one from which there might be no recovery.What if Ar Pharaz n s successor was worse than the King? What if persecution became genocide?Himel was safe, at least, as her extended family ran deep within Ar Pharaz n s trusted circle, many of them warriors and captains on the ships that had been sailing every day for the last week. Their children, however, were definitely another matter as the Faithful and those not zealously part of the King's Men had been targeted and executed for treason in the last several years. Would even Himel have enough sway through her contacts to save Tiriel, or their other children who were away from the capitol, but never really safeanywhereon N menor these days? Rest assured, the Temple will be finished before Ar Pharaz n s glorious return, said Thavron, giving Abra a reassuring nod and hoping his carefully chosen words did not reveal his desire that Ar Pharaz n s death would make the whole thing moot. Time to do a little acting as well, so he gave Abra a pained expression of a heart broken father. Yes, Lady Ad ninzil, as she goes by now, has returned. Unfortunately, she appears to have become her mother s daughter again. He knew that Abra would notice his implication that Himel s extended family had welcomed her back and therefore given her some protection. Hurting him, if unreasonably, might also damage some of the political clout she sought to curry in whatever power play she planned. While I m disappointed, she s unfortunately recanted her beliefs and is quite sincere in returning to her former allegiances, it seems, and has abandoned her marriage with Maethon. He didn t point out that as the reigning Lord of And ni , Amandil wasn t technically a traitor as it had never been confirmed that he d gone to warn the Valar. Abra was one of the primary agitators of that rumor designed to frame Elendil and the rest of their House as traitors as well.All things considered, Thavron was relieved when Abra left, even if she preened during her departure like she'd won some cockfight. He couldn t control his tongue in her presence, and he knew waving a red flag at her would only bring him trouble. Even Miriel, always polite and kind, offered limited protection in these dark days, and perhaps, for the first time ever, Himel s own family wasn t enough either. No, it would be best to learn some new tactics for dealing with people like Abra, before a too glib quip caused real pain amongst his loved ones. Z inab n Abatt riktook a sip from the goblet of red wine he nursed while walking around the outskirts of Ar Pharaz n s celebration party.This was the most important feast to which he d been personally invited, an invitation that had taken much wrangling to receive, and he d dressed in his finest court clothes to celebrate. A rich, dark blue, silk tunic, with embroidered silver hems, was paired with matching trousers that tucked loosely into calf high, immaculately polished black boots, the combination carefully chosen to highlight his dark hair and blue eyes. The outfit had also been newly tailored to emphasize his broad shoulders and lean body. While he wasn t a warrior, and had never held a sword except for the mandatory training all youths partook in, Z in had a rangy build that didn t look like it belonged to a bookworm who d spent the better part of the last eight years studying at the College to be a builder.The problem Z in faced was that none of his regular group of friends, recent graduates at the College, had been invited, nor any of his immediate family, so he was facing the growing realization that he knew no one at the party. It was an important event, and he d hoped it would be a excellent chance to meet well connected nobles and tradesmen, the cream of Ar Pharaz n s inner circle, but instead of hobnobbing with the influential, he found himself circling the party, drinking far too much wine, and trying to find a friendly, or even just slightly familiar face, with whom to talk.Not that wandering was such a bad thing, as it gave him plenty of time to admire all the beautiful ladies in their finest gowns. In fact, there were more ladies than men in attendance as so many of the men had already set sail in Ar Pharaz n s Armament. The opportunity was not lost on Z in, both for romantic reasons, but also for personal gain. With so many competitors for hearts and political favors away, this was a great opportunity for Z in to finally make a name for himself and his family.It wasn t that his family had no name, they were solidly low noble and dutifully King s Men, except for his mother of course, but he didn t talk about that and she outwardly appeared normal, the problem was that they had been in the working class of the nobility for generations. House Abatt rik was unambitious, dependable, and good for producing lots of soldiers, merchants, and occasional artists, but as a family, they d done nothing noteworthy in the three hundred years since his deceased great grandfather was raised to Lordship, and frankly there wasn t much likelihood that they would ever move up in Armenolos competitive social scene.Z in knew, however, that it took only one exceptional person to elevate an entire House s fortunes. He d seen it time and time again just amongst the many illustrious Houses present here tonight. House Arnuz r, whose family had a premiere table by the musicians' stage that proudly displayed their coat of arms of a stag leaping under the stars, had been nobodies until the great grandfather had shown his worth as a general, ultimately commanding the grand army that had sailed to defeat the then called Sauron. Too old to sail to war against the Valar, Arnuz r was now part of the Council that would govern in Ar Pharaz n s absence. Near Arnuz r was House Sakalth r, whose dolphin coat of arms hinted at the family s shipping prowess. Again, their patriarch, who had recently passed away, had elevated a family that wasn t even noble, just cunning merchants, into one of the wealthiest and most noble families in N menor that had just led the construction of the Armament s fleet. The patriarch s son, also an old man, was another member of the Council and one of Ar Pharaz n s most trusted advisors.The fantasy that he could be thatexceptionalperson to take House Abatt rik to the lofty heights that House Arnuz r and Sakalth r had reached wasn t actually Z in s plan, he was far too pragmatic for that kind of nonsense, but he hoped to dosomethingto break the cycle and at least make his House known, versus the blank stare he d likely receive were he to introduce himself to anyone tonight. He had a just received a good start to his career, getting appointed to be an apprentice builder on the Temple project. It was a high profile job, and one that would give him credibility with clients, something to build on it least, but he was still a nobody. It was a start, but not enough. He didn t want to be on the outskirts of a party, like he was tonight, but instead be mixing freely, knowing the right people, and all while being hailed for his famous constructions rather than just his good looks.Not that good looks were a thing to be unhappy about having. Z in had caught more than one young lady stealing glances at him, and he d already decided that he was going to leverage at least that gift he was born with to have a conversation with someone. It might not be the politically savvy connection he hoped to score, but a pretty lady was never a waste of time, and who knew who s daughter she might turn out to be.Then, to Z in s surprise, he finally saw a familiar face. The blonde haired beauty was, in fact, a familiar face for everyone at the party, and was also arguably the most politically powerful woman at the event, and by extension all of N menor. In fact, many would say she was even more powerful than the Queen herself. He d only met her a couple times and he was acutely worried she wouldn t remember him, but she was alone and, while the expression on her face was intimidating, it seemed like an opportunistic time to for him to try and reintroduce himself.This is your big chance, don't let it go to waste. Lady Abraz ph l', Z in greeted as the Pharazan crested the top of the steps and entered the dark upper gallery in which he'd been surveying the party.She had been talking with Thavron Tar kmag n, he realized with a start, as he d seen the man below with Ar Zimraphel earlier and noticed a blonde joining them, but with her faced turned away from him. Thavron was effectively his new boss, although he hadn t met the man yet as he was starting at the Temple tomorrow. A legend in the architecture community, Z in was eager to learn under his tutelage, even if his apprenticeship was politically motivated. Someone had asked the College to provide an apprentice or two as Thavron had claimed the work was too overwhelming. It was odd that Thavron hadn t interviewed the candidates himself, but as the top ranked graduating builder at the College, Z in had campaigned and won the coveted honor. It was no surprise that someone of Thavron s stature would know the Pharazani and Z in filed that connection away to be used in conversation if needed. Z inab n Abatt rik, at your service, Z in pronounced, giving her a wry smile and a sweeping bow. To prevent any awkwardness as he guessed she likely didn't remember who he was, even if the name rang a bell, he added, My Uncle, Lord Abrazimir, is your father s Lord of the Horse. We ve met, most recently when you went to see the new foals just this summer. There had been some other meetings as well as he d begged uncle Abrazimir, arguably his family s most ranking member, to drag him along to events that Abraz ph l s family had attended. Their stables were a complex operation, with thousands of animals that were exhaustively trained for battle, especially with the Armament happening, and an extensive trading operation that Abrazimir ran to ensure a hefty profit for Abraz ph l s father. One of Z in s summer jobs as a youth had been traveling around N menor inspecting horses for stock acquisition, and with his mother s relatives in And ni as frequent summer hosts, he d been able to procure some prize stallions and mares from the Western shore to send back to Armenolos that had greatly improved the stable bloodlines. He d once ridden a new stallion once for Abraz ph l and her father, and still remembered feeling more nervous before her blue eyes than her father s wrinkled and critical gaze. What a wonderful celebration for our glorious King, Z in continued, then flashed her a smile. I m not sailing with the fleet as I m a builder, not a soldier, but hope to serve Ar Pharaz n as best I can in N menor while he is gone.
Nine Ships, Seven Stones, and One White Tree (Shiva x Darkest Nightmare)
Although Abraz ph l smiled as Z inab n approached, there was little warmth in it. Rather, she looked more like a cat blessed with the fortune of having a mouse walking straight into her mouth a very handsome mouse indeed. The Pharazan was hardly alone in appreciating the young man's looks most of the women in Armenelos were quite infatuated with the young student, regardless of his familial origins, and if he was in want of a wife he could certainly have had his pick of all the beauties in the capital. But the Masters at the College had whispered about Z inab n's ambitions more often than his pretty face, and looking into his dark eyes now Abraz ph l could see they hadn't been wrong.She recalled a particular meeting with one of the Masters a few weeks earlier, during which he had suggested that the heir of House Abbat rik be included among those scholars chosen to assist with the Temple repairs. Abraz ph l had agreed, mostly out of the chance she might see the man's well formed body hard at work during her occasional visits to monitor the construction process, but after that nasty conversation with Thavron new ideas were beginning to cycle in her mind. Smiling sweetly, the Pharazan laid a hand lightly on Z inab n's shoulder, leaning forward just enough to give him a generous view of her deep cleavage."One can hardly forget an individual as remarkable as yourself, Master Z inab n," the Pharazan purred, letting her fingers drift slowly down the scholar's arm until they just brushed the back of his hand. "I still recall the way you handled Agann lu during that visit. I must confess, my heart was in my throat the entire time I watched you, I was so sure that wicked thing was going to throw you off then trample you to bits. But I've since heard you're quite good at riding dangerous things." A little flicker of lusty fire sparkled in her eyes as she spoke, and stepping away from him she settled onto a comfortable couch tucked into a secluded alcove.Perhaps when the King is goneshe mused, letting her eyes linger on the well sculpted form beneath the rich clothes. Abraz ph l knew better than to lay with another man in Armenelos, with Ar Pharaz n right there and ready to send her to the Temple at the first sign of disloyalty. But on occasion, when she simply couldn't resist, she had engaged in the occasional tryst while visiting friends and family, swearing that if the man ever spoke of such a matter she would make it known he had taken her against her will and find himself in the fire before he could know what had happened. Those men had all been pretty courtiers or stupid laborers though, with none of the hunger she now saw in Z inab n's dark eyes.Abraz ph l knew that hunger well the unending desire tobesomething and win either the regard or fear of others. In her case she wanted to be the mother of the next King of N men r, but that wasn't the question at hand. No, the question was, what didZ inab nwant? And even more importantly, what would he be willing to do to get it?"Will you sit with me a while?" the Pharazan asked, patting the spot on the couch beside her as she brushed a loose lock of hair over her white shoulder. "It seems Our Glorious King is still busy with preparations, and may not the revels for some time yet. And I..." She forced a blush with all the practice of an accomplished actress. "I feel quite alone in crowds like the one down below. There are so many who doubt my love for Ar Pharaz n, and see me as nothing more than an interloper between our King and his noble wife. I would even go so far as to suspect that many of them actuallyhateme, although I have done nothing wrong besides perhaps loving my King too much." Abraz phel paused, glancing hesitantly in her companion's direction. "Indeed," she continued slowly. "I fear Ar Zimraphel and her followers hate me more than anyone. I suppose she has a right, being the queen and all, but it doesn't seem fair, considering how little affection she shows to him. I've often wondered if she loves him at all, if I must speak the truth." The blond woman sighed. "But rather than trying to make Ar Pharaz n happy, she'd rather spend her efforts making me miserable. Why, when the King departs on his righteous quest, I truly fear, I but no. I should not speak of such things."Abraz ph l smiled again, but this time there was sadness in her eyes that she was obviously trying to hide . "Let us speak of brighter matters, shall we? I understand you have been chosen to assist with the reconstruction of the Temple! Your family must be so proud of you," she beamed, patting his hand gently. "I fully expect this to be just the beginning of an illustrious career for you, Master Z inab n. The project will give you the opportunity to work with some of the very best engineers in the empire. I understand Master rp n is overseeing the goldsmiths for the dome, and Azulz r is painting the frescoes." She made a strategic pause, then dropped the final name, the most important one. "And of course, Builder Tar kmag n is heading the project as a whole."The woman shut her eyes a moment as a shudder ran through her body. When she opened them again, she looked up and down the gallery, making sure no one no one was within earshot. When she was convinced, she leaned closer to Z inab n, almost brushing her lips against his ear as the heady scent of her perfume no doubt engulfed him. "I wonder if I may share a secret with you, Master Z inab n," she breathed, taking his hand in both of hers and squeezing softly. "Tonight I know I am beloved by the King, but I dread his going. He has been the one to keep me safe all this time, but when he sails away, I fear he takes my only protection with me. I am sorely in need of friends, Z inab n. You and I are not as well acquainted as I would wish, but our families have known one another for ages, and I would ask for your help out of respect for those ancient bonds, rather than any new ones we might form."The pressure on his hand tightened. "And I do wish to forge new bonds with you, my friend. Imust. My very very life depends on it." Tears were filling her blue eyes now, and her lower lip began to tremble. "Here is my secret, Z inab n do with it as you will. I fear that when Ar Pharaz n sails to the West, Ar Zimraphel will seize power in his absence. She has many friends, among elves and men alike, and I do not think she will sit quietly by while her husband stakes his rightful claim against her gods. At the very least," Abraz ph l took a shuddery breath. "At the very least she will want revenge onme. I truly think she will try to kill me, Z inab n, and I have no way to stop her. Not unless you can help me."A single tear slipped out of her eye, and the Pharazan wiped it quickly away before looking back at him. "You will be working alongside Builder Tar kmag n at the Temple. He is one of Ar Zimraphel's closest confidantes. And he too has always been jealous of my family for their swift rise in power, compared to how long it took his own house to establish itself. I do not think he would be greatly troubled by my death either, which is why I am begging you to learn all you can of his plans with the queen, then tell me when he plans to make his move." Abraz ph l took a shuddery breath, as if trying to still a heart that might have been pounding in her breast. "If I find out in time, I can escape to Pelargir if needed. But I would not leave N men r at all in my King's absence if I could help it. Here is where I have loved him most, and here is where I wish to stay."Rising to her feet, the Pharazan began to pace slowly back and forth in front of the dark haired man. "You are surely clever enough to win your way into his confidence," she murmured, looking hopefully down at Z inab n's handsome face. "And I understand Tar kmag n is fond of those students who wish to learn from him. It should not be difficult to win his trust, and then once you do, you and I shall meet occasionally to exchange information. That is all I would ask of you, my friend. It would be a very small thing, in exchange for endless gratitude and the life of a poor woman. And..."She dropped to her knees in front of him, her face almost close enough to kiss. "If there were any way I could repay you, of course I would do it," Abraz ph l whispered. "Gold...a position...a wife of your choice...or even just a woman in your bed. Save me, and I can give you all of them." Reaching up, she laid one soft hand aside his smooth cheek, her rounded thumb teasing across those sensual lips of his. "Only say you will help me, and all of it is yours..."***** Lachiel hadn't always hated parties, she really hadn't. She could remember festivals back in And ni where she'd spent half the night dancing on the sandy beach under the moon, or watching mummers performing heroic tales of old in the jasmine scented courtyards of Amandil's great house. Tonight though, all she felt like doing was lurking in corners, trying hard not to be seen. At first she'd tried to stay close to her mother, but she hated the patronizing tones of the other city matrons who clearly disproved of her dress and the elvish tones in her voice. Then a few of her cousins had tried to foist her onto their cast off beaus, creating discomfort for all parties involved while the girls giggled incessantly behind their fans. The redhead was almost ready to walk back to her grandfather's house entirely when her cousin Azruzil let out a squeal of delight."Oh look! Z inab n is here!" she gasped, pointing her fan at a dark haired figure retreating to the second floor gallery."Oooooh are you going to ask him to dance?" another one of the girls teased, making Azruzil blush."Of course not, it's not ladylike. But hopefully he'll ask me later.""What do you suppose he's doing up there? Should we go after him?""No, didn't you see The Royal Rab go up there?" someone teased, sending another burst of giggles through the crowd. "I hope he doesn't go getting involved with her. It'd be a shame for Ar Pharaz n to put that handsome face of his on a pike."Their cousin was only half listening to the gossip, but her gaze too had followed the stranger up the stairs. Lachiel hadn't caught sight of his face, but something about the darkness of his hair and the way he carried himself seemed strangely familiar.He reminds me of Telionshe realized with a blush, thinking back to the dark eyed boy who'd convinced her to sneak down to the seaside in the dead of night and swim naked together under the moon. She could still feel all of those stolen kisses in alleyways and corridors, the warmth of his embrace as they hid together from her scolding mother, the way he filled her entirely and moved inside her when she'd finally surrendered her maidenhead to him.I miss himshe thought, not for the first time since leaving And ni . When she'd first come to the capital Lachiel had asked her mother if any of Telion's family had remained in the city, but And ninzil wasn't sure, and she wasn't inclined to ask after acquaintances she'd made in Amandil's house. So the redhead had given him up as lost to her forever, and yet...the way Z inab n had moved on the stairs. Well, it couldn't hurt to at least speak to him, could it? Wasn't that the reason her family had insisted Lachiel come to this stupid party in the first place? Other than embarrassment, which she'd already grown immune to through the course of the evening, what else was there to risk?The second floor gallery was accessible by a second staircase on the far side of the hall, sparsely populated except for a few servants making their ways to and from the kitchen. Lachiel had no trouble slipping past them unnoticed, and was pleased to see that the gallery was completely unoccupied as far as she could see. There was a hallway branching off the far side though, and she suspected the dark haired man had probably slipped off that way. Not wanting to seem overeager or suspicious in her wanderings, the young woman slowly made her way around the gallery, ostensibly watching the party below her until she reached the head of the corridor. But before she could look down it, the music down below began to swell as the King's presence was announced."Shit," she whispered to herself, glad to be alone at the moment lest her rough language should ruin her reputation all the more, and as Ar Pharazon swept into the crowd below, Lachiel pressed her back firmly against the wall, hoping to stay out of sight of everyone.
Dancing Lights (Musashi x Stray Cat)
An energetic blend of sounds filled the high ceiling grand ballroom that celebratory night. Many attendees, spanning all walks of the citizenry, joyously conversed about the recently won peace and safety for the kingdom. Talented musicians operated a variety of instruments to create a series of waltzes and foxtrots befitting the formal, elegant atmosphere, inviting the cacophony of dance steps that echoed to the music count. The people in attendance were the invited guests of King Stefan for a ball held in the honor of many heroes, and included warriors from within his great kingdom and allies from other worlds who, having seen Heartless invasions in other worlds, swore to remove them from all worlds.Leon, now wearing the same formal uniform he generally wore to SeeD galas back in his training days, looked about the castle's prime function space. The black blazer was connected by a concealed zipper and a small belt like fastener, and it was adorned with silver and black shoulder pads, while the entire uniform featured a gold colored trim outline. He still had a stoic look about him, but there was a kindness in his blue eyes, showing that beyond his stern sense of protective duty rested a man who once reluctantly reveled in soirees such as this one. He looked about the room and saw several of his comrades having the times of their lives, including Aerith, Sora, Kairi, Yuffie, Alice, Belle, Cid, Cloud, Tifa, Aladdin, Jasmine, and several more. His mind drifted to an event from his past he knew he would never forget, but that also carried a bittersweet mix of joy and sadness for what it reminded him of.
Dancing Lights (Musashi x Jezebel)
An energetic blend of sounds filled the high ceiling grand ballroom that celebratory night. Many attendees, spanning all walks of the citizenry, joyously conversed about the recently won peace and safety for the kingdom. Talented musicians operated a variety of instruments to create a series of waltzes and foxtrots befitting the formal, elegant atmosphere, inviting the cacophony of dance steps that echoed to the music count. The people in attendance were the invited guests of King Stefan for a ball held in the honor of many heroes, and included warriors from within his great kingdom and allies from other worlds who, having seen Heartless invasions in other worlds, swore to remove them from all worlds.Leon, now wearing the same formal uniform he generally wore to SeeD galas back in his training days, looked about the castle's prime function space. He still had a stoic look about him, but there was a kindness in his eyes, showing that beyond his stern sense of protective duty rested a man who once reluctantly reveled in soirees such as this one. He looked about the room and saw several of his comrades having the times of their lives, including Aerith, Sora, Kairi, Yuffie, Alice, Belle, Cid, Cloud, Tifa, Aladdin, Jasmine, and several more. His mind drifted to an event from his past he knew he would never forget, but that also carried a bittersweet mix of joy and sadness for what it reminded him of.
Dancing Lights (Musashi x Jezebel)
Aurora was finding difficulty getting involved in the revelry as she took a break from the parade of smiles and 'I'm sorry for your loss' that seemed to be the theme of her night. She had been without Philip longer than most could account for, but for the first time, people had a chance to tell her about their remorse. She just... Needed a break away from it. Going out on the balcony, she leaned forward against the banister. It was finally quiet... Peaceful among the stars.
Dancing Lights (Musashi x Jezebel)
Leon observed the merriment continue with a silent sigh. He thought, "Who could blame them this sure beats everyone dying in a mess of monsters, blood, and fire." He was genuinely happy this world did not suffer the same fate his did, but something about the scene just hit close to home with him in complex emotional ways. He thought it best that he stay at the event as it was a very generous invitation from King Stefan and Queen Leah, but also assumed no one would be upset if he stepped outside briefly.Walking past the hardwood dance floors and back onto the stone platforms of the castle's solid floor, Leon headed for the balcony overlooking the healthy tree filled forests, which even at night looked vibrant as a small smattering of fireflies brought a little glow to them. As he exited the grand ballroom, he saw that he was not the only one taking a break from the festive party. Remembering her name from their meeting in the castle called 'Hollow Bastion' at the time, the tall warrior greeted, "Princess Aurora? May I ask how your night fares?"
Dancing Lights (Musashi x Jezebel)
She considered briefly if she should simply answer as a princess should. She knew expressing her own problems probably wasn't the best route, and honestly, she folding in a bit as she thought about it. "I'm fairing as well as everyone else, I'm certain, " She said simply, unsure what the best answer would have been outside of an outright lie. "And you?" She asked politely.
Dancing Lights (Musashi x Jezebel)
Leon breathed a slow silent sigh as he shared, "I..I'm's just..well, being at a royal ball like this one, hearing this was very generous of your parents the King and Queen and host this's just..kind of a bittersweet experience after what I've been though." Feeling bold, and sensing that he may well be in the presence of another lovelorn heart, he offered, "It's a bit heavy, but care to hear my story?"
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
Cracked roads, weary old walls and a poorly groomed architecture to crowd the territory gothic ambience of Gotham certainly displayed a major divergence from the city that housed the iconic T shaped building where the titans operated from. A less intruding city for sure. And a lack of sunlight at these later hours of the night wasn t enough to hide this large town s infamous corruption. Even the mere act of walking through its shady alleys made the young heroine feel dirty. Although she could be considered to be foreign to Gotham, the young woman was acquainted with crime and misdeed, which this place had a dark reputation for offering plenty. Appearance wise, the pale titan, who paid the city a hopefully short term visit, did actually fit Gotham s dark nights rather well. Distinct moodiness that accompanied her presence blended in with the musky environment as if the 20 year old crime fighter belonged here.Especially long after dusk, the smart move would have been to stay away from suspicious dark corners of the town. A good advice the titan, who travelled alone, didn t necessarily need to follow. She wasn t scared to venture deep. After all, she was no ordinary citizen, or human for that matter. A demonic heritage to crawl under her skin, Raven packed a surprisingly hard punch. Not in a literal sense perhaps, since her petite frame imposed no real physical threat, but the powerful magic she possessed made her a considerable opponent. Thanks to the mystical abilities she had, the blue haired demon hybrid would consider herself to be the strongest among her own band of heroes. Plenty of arrogance came with her powers. Enough reason to make her think that any lowly outlaw who ran wild in this place was just out of her league.Her pale legs shined out in darkness, giving the night some contrast whenever she took a step forward. Muddy water splashed under one of her boots as Raven stepped on a small puddle. Wonderful She paused to look down for a second. Her costume didn t hinder her motion as the blue haired heroine kept moving. A dark leotard hugged her form closely and left her pretty legs bare. Tight fabric of her costume took the shape of her alluring frame, following her soft curves to define her assets rather well. They were not open to a bystander s admiration though. A hooded cloak draped over her shoulders and curtained the pleasant view of her lithe body.In this shady part of the city, where the narrow alleyways formed a complex maze, it was easy to get lost. Every buildingRavenwalked by looked like the next. They all looked very similar to each other in fact. Her immediate mission was to uncover a villain s malignant plans. An evil project that could spread beyond Gotham s borders. A side objective would be making one of the villain s goons talk. Unlike others, the young heroine didn t opt to use a map or a technological gizmo to find her way around. She trusted her senses, and liked to follow her instincts. Tonight too, they wouldn t let her down. Her violet eyes examined a distinct figure in the distance. Interesting. The young heroine talked to herself. Under the moonlight, she began to follow him, not feeling the need to hide her presence behind the man. Unhurried steps of the woman led her to a dead end where her target stood. Isn't it past your bedtime? Soft thuds of her boots stopped a few feet away from the figure. Want me to tell you a story? Although the heroine didn t stand tall, her confidence made up for that, almost.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
It took a while for him to find it, but after fumbling around the darkness of the alley, he finally felt the mark on the wall signifying the drop was here. Crouching down, he coughed into his hands before feeling the brick around mark.Two bricks left, one brick down.He repeated the code to himself in his head, his fingers tracing to the left, feeling the edge of the next brick, then the next.Two bricks left, one brick down.Moving his fingers down on brick, he felt it shift as he pressed against it. Yes, this was it. Pushing it in, he felt a contraption click and a small hatch beneath his fingers opened. Inside was the package his boss wanted.After carefully placing it into his duffle bag,Sethplaced the brick back into place. He wore a black jacket over his brown t shirt. He disliked the typical hooded jacket the other henchmen went for, as he thought it made them look obviously shady. At least he could pretend to look good and normal instead of like a street thug. Looking behind him, he saw nothing, met with only the dark silence of the alley. Good. Sighing in relief, he breathed heavily for a few seconds before going back up and towards the main streets. He had to make it back as soon as possible, but he didn't want to attract any attention running around the backalleys at this time of the night. He had an important package on him, one that could secure his promotion once he delivered it back safely. It had taken him months to get to this rank within the organisation, and he wasn't going to let a small or stupid mistake cost him all the hard work he had done.He only got one step forward when the figure appeared in front of him.Wha Who the hell was this?He was surprised at the feminine voice that rang out. He looked up to see hooded figure, her womanly outline clear even in the darkness.Oh no, was this one of them superheroes the boss always talked about?"Wha what do you mean, I was just heading back home." His body was unconsciously shrinking in her presence. There was something mysterious and dangerous about her that he really didn't want to find out about. No normal woman would dress like that with a leotard and cape. As he looked down to avoid her eyes, he glimpsed her smooth, pale legs. Mesmerised by them, he stared for a few seconds before blinking away."Did you want something from me?" He asked. He was going to play off his innocence. He didn't see and hear anyone when he entered the alley, so he was sure she didn't know what he was up to. She probably stopped him just because he was acting shady in the middle of the night. "I couldn't sleep so I just came out for some fresh air."
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
While lazing around, taking her time confronting the suspect, Raven had missed the small riddle the man had to solve before he could take whatever hidden in the wall. Still, she didn t need to see it to conclude there was something quite suspicious about this young man. A distinct nervousness accompanied his presence before the experienced heroine. While mastering how to control hers, the blue haired titan had become quite competent in reading people s emotions. And the ones she observed upon Seth called for an investigation. She was actually glad that she hadn t needed to wander around the city too long before she found a lead. Grinding her boots against Gotham s filthy streets, she wasn t very fond of that. Hopefully, what she had here was something more than just a boring drug trafficking.Unimpressed half closed eyes inspected the anxious looking young man before her. Uh huh. An unconvinced nod responded to Seth s claims. Maybe not the bravest soul out there, but he looked to be her type of guy. She could even say he was somewhat cute. Sharp gaze of the heroine remained on him, while he too did an eying of his own. In her team, it was admittedly Starfire who tended to attract such admiring glances. In this case, shady alleyways of Gotham had accentuated the gothic heroine s appeal. I m up here Although the attention her smooth legs managed to draw didn t fail to stroke the attention seeking goth within her, she still scolded the suspicious individual before her. In addition to emphasizing her pale appendages, her rather modest costume gave away that she was no official law enforcer.One slender finger pointed at the bag the man held. And I m sure this is your gym laundry. In comparison to a certain bat problem the criminals in this town seemed to suffer from, her methods were less brute and more magical as she would soon demonstrate. Petite digits of her other hand gracefully wriggled in the air while Raven spelled a faint incantation. Mere words summoned an ordinary chair behind the man, glowing brightly in purple. The confident heroine took a step forward to close the distance between the two. Do you mind if I take a peek? Without waiting for a response, she placed her hand against Seth s stomach to push him down on the chair that was erected by her magic. When his butt rested on the furniture, Raven raised one of her legs and put her boot on the seat, filling the gap between his legs. Who do you work for? A direct question came through the heroine s soft lips as her unyielding gaze penetrated the man s eyes.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
Damn, she seemed unconvinced. He couldn't really think of a good excuse, he was obviously shady, sneaking around in the middle of the night. Maybe if he admitted to some other crime like delivering weapons or drugs, he could get away with revealing who he really worked for. Problem was he didn't have any drugs or weapons on him. "Uh yes! Sorry ma'am." He responded quickly, as her scolding tone gave him a shock, not realising he might have offended her by staring too long at her legs. They did look wonderful in her dark leotard though, paired with the darkness of the alley and the low lighting from the moon, they looked almost perfect."Uh umm yeah..." Seth was at a loss for words. He had been caught, by a superhero no less, and he had no idea what she would do to him or how he would get out of this situation alive. The worst thing was that she even looked a bit evil in her dark outfit, not a cheerful superhero like Supergirl, who would probably just throw him in jail. With this woman, anything could happen. His eyes darted to her hands as they moved, his heart pounding in his chest. Was she going to vaporise him? Teleport him into space? He almost winced as he felt her magic materialise. Wait, what did she do? So worried about her magic, he didn't have the time to react to her stepping up in front of him and pushing him back into a chair?He looked around frantically, so she just summoned a normal chair?He gulped as she put her foot up between his legs, his legs automatically widening to avoid his crotch being trampled as he sat back, fearful eyes looking back at the heroine. "I I don't work for anyone. I was just here to pick up some drugs." His mouth spoke before his brain, going to his default excuse of drugs. Fuck, why did he do that? Now she was going to know that he was a liar as well. He quickly shut his mouth, feeling like he would just be digging his grave deeper if he said anymore.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
Grimness of Gotham, walking its shady alleys, on top of the gloomy feelings it brought to the young heroine, it also tended to make her think she could get away with more here. As if the shady backstreets of the city gave her the right to stretch the limits of justice, as if the criminals here deserved a harsher treatment than the others. Regardless of the dark aura that surrounded her gentle form, Raven of course wouldn t have just started killing or injuring lawless thugs. However, her suspect didn t need to know this. He seemed to be frightened of her presence, his uneasy demeanor quite easy to read. Being addressed as ma am, it didn t feel bad. On the contrary, such imposed courtesy managed to rub the pale crime fighter the right way. Miss Raven Still, the exotic heroine corrected after the young man.Looking down at him as he sat, Raven watched him speak like a hawk. Being a powerful magic wielder, she hadn t really had to enhance her detective skills throughout her crime fighting career. Running errands for a drug lord actually sounded to be a reasonable claim in this case. A crime that called for a penalty, but she wasn t here for that. Still, her instincts told the woman that there was more to this young man. Above the chair, Raven bent her leg, her lovely knee now filling the dangerous gap between Seth s parted legs. Her chilling fingers held the man by his chin. Tilting his face from side to side, she inspected the man s rather handsome visage. You don t look like you re doing drugs. Raven suggested, her bare knee now subtly pressing against the guy s manhood.Just like how the moonlight emphasized the appeal of her smooth legs, gravity too worked to improve the volume of her firm breasts when she leaned forward. Her inspective eyes shifted from the man s face to her own frame. You know After taking a brief glance at her own form, her gaze returned to the uneasy henchman. I can predict future. The moody heroine suggested. She actually had no such power, but the man didn t seem to know who she was and what she was capable of doing anyway. Her knee advanced a little forward. Hence, Hands Off The petite heroine spelled the words clearly. More words came out of her lips next, in a different, ancient tongue this time. With that, an invisible force pulled on Seth s arms, pairing his hands together behind the chair.Leaning down to the side, Raven grabbed the man s bag. Let s see. She dropped it into his lap. Two slender digits were quick to pinch the pull tab. If I find nothing interesting here, you re free to go. She squinted at him. Otherwise If not, the demon hybrid could have a little fun with this little criminal. rrrRRR! Top of the bag screeched sharply as Raven unzipped it at one swoop, almost as fast as whenever she undid someone s pants. Just above his lap, her dominant hand slid through the opening, meddling with the contents of the bag.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
From the expression on her face, it seemed like she was enjoying this, and it made him all the more nervous. Sitting back on the chair that had magically appeared, Seth tried his best not to move, even as her knee edged in between his legs. As she inspected his face he tried to keep his eyes on her, but the view of her chest and legs below constantly drifted into his peripheral vision. He could not help himself as his eyes occasionally darted down to appreciate her well formed breasts or her smooth pale legs. They were just so alluring.It wasn't until her knee was pressed up against his crotch did he realise he had a slight bulge in his pants. One that she would have clearly felt pressing back against her knee. "Aah no! Sorry Ma Miss Raven! I don't mean to " He quickly babbled off his apology, frightened that she was reading his mind or seeing his inner thoughts. The thoughts of her legs rubbing against his manhood, of her beautiful breasts up against his face blocking his vision and restricting his airflow. His thoughts stopped as he felt her knee push forward even more, pressing almost painfully against his bulge which was increasing in size. "I just " He attempted to defend himself but suddenly felt his arms being pulled behind him. He instinctively tried to struggle, but he was just an ordinary human, no match against whatever magic she was using.He groaned as his bag was tossed onto his lap. It did hide his boner from her sight, but no doubt she already felt and knew about it long before. He gulped, the sound of the zipper opening causing his boner to push out in his pants, yearning for freedom. She really knew what she was doing, as he was already feeling so conflicted and tormented and a mixture of fear and lust. He almost gasped as she reached into the bag, his bulge craving some form of contact which it did not get as she was only shuffling through the items in the bag.Unfortunately for Seth, there was nothing in the bag to help his cover story. Only a few stacks of cash and the package was in there, making it obvious what the interesting item inside was. Seth had no idea what was actually inside the package, except that it was quite light and the boss had stressed multiple times this was an item he needed to have at all costs. That was yet another of Seth's concerns. Even if he somehow made it out of here alive and free, the boss was going to kill him for failing to deliver that package.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
Even amongst her best friends, Raven could be considered quite withdrawn. Not necessarily sharing the same level of cheerfulness some of the other members of her small superhero gang displayed. Despite being quite a young lady, she liked to act mature. Friends and strangers alike, she was someone who preferred to keep people at arm s length. Her moody personality wasn t easily impressed as the heroine tended to remain aloof. Like any young woman however, there were times where she adored admiration, albeit not openly, enjoyed coy eyes silently complimenting on her distinct appeal. Tonight too, she didn t mind to be checked by a good looking little criminal. In a way, Seth was welcome to keep his glances on the assets he seemed to like. If he was also willing to go along with the consequences, that is.Inside the bag, Raven s arm twisted and turned. Her fingers browsed through the contents as she blindly searched for a certain package she hoped to find in there. On the bottom of the bag, she found a different kind of package. Neither the gusset that sat on the bottom of the container, nor the multiple layers of clothing prevented the young heroine from feeling the distinct outline of the man s stiff organ. Her expressive eyes next found Seth s. Look at that She questioned her suspect s hardness. Being busted turns you on, little criminal? Raven asked, but offered no smile. The same strict image painted her cute face. Her inspective fingers didn t linger in the bag any further. As she pulled her hand out, a curious package was in her light grasp. A small examination confirmed that it was in fact what she had been looking for. Secret plans of an ill willed villain. Only, they were no longer a secret. I ll be keeping this. The pale skinned goth set the package aside for now. Currently, some other package promised more fun to her. She quickly get rid of the bag as well, sliding it off the man s lap. Another time, the heroine leaned her boot against the edge of the chair. What is your name anyway? Raven asked, since she couldn t just keep addressing him as the little criminal. An orb of shadow appeared around her left hand, fingertips glowing brightly. Her index finger drew a circle in the air. With her magic, his belt came to life. Its end curled back and ran out of the respective loops. The prong slipped free of the hole as Raven s magic unbuckled the belt. Leaning down, she removed the accessory through a harsh pull herself. Miss Raven! I don t want to go to jail. The heroine imitated a man s voice, and not a great one at that. Still holding it, she began to swing Seth s belt next to her fit figure. Its motion came to an abrupt stop in mid air. Sharply, Raven lashed the belt against the ground instead. Well, you are not. A mild smile blossomed across her tender lips.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
Try as he might to focus on her face or look away, his eyes became glued to her chest as she was leaning and reaching into the bag on his lap. Her expression told him nothing. While she seemed to be playing with him with her suggestive actions, her eyes and lips remained stoic. He had a feeling she knew exactly where he was looking and how he felt, but he had no idea how she was going to react to it. Was she toying and teasing him for her own fun, or using this as a sadistic way to punish him more? Maybe it was both. The uncertainty was what really drove his feeling of dread and arousal up at the same time.As her arm searched around the bag, his worst fears came truth, her hands finding his bulge. He instinctively pushed back against her hand, his mouth slightly open. Just that searching touch felt so good, and he felt like his length was going to burst out of his pants. He quickly held back his groan, stammering as she addressed it directly. "Uh um no, Miss Raven! No..." He could only deny it, scared of what might happen if he told her the truth. She could easily kill him with a swipe of her hand for his perversion. Even he didn't believe his own words, but what could he say? Tell her that he was turned on by her smooth pale legs and ample bosom? That his cock was craving for her touch? No, that would be suicide.His heart sank as she found and took the package. Somehow, he was hoping that something might happen where he could get out of here with the package and deliver it back to his boss. Now, that slim hope was diminished to nothing. Just when he thought it couldn't get any worse, the bag was taken off his lap. His bulge was clear as day between his legs, pressed right up against his pants, a clear outline was visible. "Seth, my name is Seth." He answered quickly. His eyes moved from her chest to his bulge, then to her hand as she used her magic again.He was speechless, ready to accept his fate as her fingertips glowed with magic. What she did shocked him even more, as his belt became undone on his waist and she easily pulled it away from him. He flinched as it cracked against the ground, the smile on her lips worrying him further. "Wha... what do you mean?" She wasn't going to just let him go, so what did she have planned, if she wasn't taking him to jail. His eyes were wide with fear of the unknown. He leaned back on the chair, trying to put any distance he could between them.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
Although carefully picked words spoken by her suspect denied an increased arousal, his bulging member told the moody heroine a different tale. She perhaps was a strict and rigorous woman, but actually it would have been a disappointment if the man s pants lacked an excitement. Raven was part demon after all. Half of the woman held a carnal flame. Something she had learned to control by now, but it still needed to be unleashed time to time. And currently, Seth s meaningful glances fanned the said flame. He could make a good candidate to blow off some steam. Maybe, victim would be the more fitting term here as not everyone possessed the vigor necessary to satisfy a demoness. Regardless, she liked to play hard to get, enjoyed being femme fatal. It was surely a smart move, for nameless thugs like Seth to be careful in the presence of a powerful demoness as Raven could indeed be quite dangerous.Admittedly, Gotham was not short on birds of prey. Although the blue haired heroine was no local siren, Raven was a night bird of her own. Subjectively more gifted than a cat burglar in tights or a geeky feminine bat. Seth She repeated her victim s name. Taking a step back, the young heroine crossed her arms under her firm bust. So you're telling me that you don t like me? The woman narrowed her eyes at the man. It could have sounded like she was impossible to please. And it would have been an accurate statement as well. The belt slipped off her relaxed fingers and dropped to the ground like a dead snake, whereas Seth s excited member seemed to be quite lively. Her pale fingers rose up to her head. At each side, they pointed up to mimic two pointy ears above her blue hair. They could belong to a cat or a bat, not very clear. Were you expecting someone else? Raven asked.Shaking her head, the woman lowered her small hands. Her violet brows frowned, her pupils disappeared as her eyes began to glow white. As she suggested, someone else appeared behind the seated man. Raven split her soul self to project it as a copy of herself behind the chair. A semitransparent, ghostly image of herself, still able to interact with the world. Without any sound, her copy s face appeared above the man s shoulder. Two translucent hands slid down his upper body. In short, they unbuttoned the man s pants. R r r RRR! This time, the zipping sound came from his garment. Glowing white eyes stared at the man as Raven drew herself closer again. I ll be straight. She placed her cold hands on his knees. I ll strip you and fuck you. Her palms glided down as she blurted out her intentions. Grasping the hems of his pants, Raven swiftly pulled the garment off his legs.Behind the chair, her copy wrapped an arm around Seth s neck. Until you tell me everything you know. Raven clutched his package over his underwear, her grasp on the man s rod quite firm. Do you understand? Giving it a squeeze, the heroine tucked her fingers into the waistband. Harshly pulling the fabric down, the dark heroine released his member to check how strong her influence was over his partner.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
"N no I don't mean that." He shook his head, scared that he had offended her in some way. He found it really hard to read her expressions, not knowing if she was flirting and having fun with him. While she seemed to remain stoic, even stern, there was clearly something suggestive behind her words. He looked away again as she crossed her arms, knowing he would stare at her chest if he looked at her. "No... I wasn't expecting anyone..." He looked back briefly to see her fingers on her head, wondering what she meant by that. Expecting another superhero? He did fancy some of the heroines he saw in the newspapers, with their shining costumes and beautiful faces. Raven seemed like a stark contrast to those heroines.Seth leaned back on the chair again, struggling lightly as the dark heroine in front of him began to channel her magic again. He felt a presence behind him and as he turned around he saw Raven again behind him in a ghostly form. "Wha how..." Why was he even questioning this, she was a heroine with magic powers. He swallowed nervously as the copy ran her hands down his body towards his pants to undo them. "No wait!" He yelled out, but it was too late. His bulge was revealed in his full glory, the clear penis shaped outline poking out in his underwear, straining at the clothing that bound it. His legs could feel the cool night breeze flowing past them, his hairs standing on their ends from the cold and nervousness. He was still only semi hard, as his fear kept of her discovering his arousal held him back. But now that everything was out in the open, his arousal only grew, the underwear forming a bigger tent in front of her eyes.He was left with his mouth open, not knowing how to respond as she told him exactly what she wanted. This was almost like a dream come true, having sex with a beautiful heroine. The only difference was he usually imagined himself in control with the heroine begging for his cock, not the other way around.He took a short breath, almost gasping for air when the Raven behind him put her arm around his neck. He tried to struggle but nothing came of it. He was a mere mortal human against her magic. "Auah ahh yes! Understood!" He groaned as she applied pressure around his bulge. It felt so good, but so scarily wrong at the same time. "Aaahh..." He struggled to contain his moan as she reached down to pull the last of his clothing off.His bare manhood was revealed to her in all its pathetic glory. His size had grown from when she stripped his pants off, but he was still not at full mast as his length drooped down slightly, twitching in anticipation for more. As turned on as he was, he was really craving for physical contact but didn't dare say a word. He was still getting bigger by the second, especially now that he was exposed and at her mercy, with her copy's arm in a position to choke him if she wanted to. However, he had a limit that he couldn't break without contact, and the head of his member was trembling waiting for it.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
A little timid, or maybe just scared, in either case, Seth seemed to be a fun asset to toy with. In a random dark alleyway, Raven too was willing to play the part of a menacing antihero. She no longer felt the need to conceal the sexual urges that ran through her veins. Whatever happened in Gotham stayed in Gotham, it was a slaphappy mindset to drive her questionable intentions. After finding what she sought, a small distraction from her superhero duties to reward herself. Superhero or not, she had her own needs after all. Desires that were not easy to satisfy. Immorality of using her mystical powers to achieve such lustful goals didn t bother the young heroine. Powers that required a fair bit of training and daily meditation to master. Using her gifted spiritual abilities still necessitated a lot of focus. When she was in control however, it was admittedly easier to practice them.When her curious gaze fell upon the manhood she had just revealed, this essential part of the man seemed to be bowing down to the blue haired demoness. A courtesy Raven wouldn't have minded not having in this case. She would like it better if that thing shared the same level of assurance she herself had, confident and upright. Seth s coy rod still looked promising though, just seemed to be in need of a little more encouraging. As Raven straightened herself in front of the petty criminal, her copy unwrapped her arm as well. You ll have a funny story to tell your boss. Ghostly arms held his shoulders, beginning to squeeze and massage them. More like your former boss. Raven corrected herself. Her copy circled around the chair and walked past the man. Instead, she relocated herself behind Raven. Reaching for her neck, she removed the girl s cape. If you could make it out alive. Raven exaggerated the difficulty of going through with her intimacy. It surely was a difficult task however, pleasing the half demoness. From behind, her copy hugged her agile frame. One hand gently cupped her breast, the other brushing her side. I don t want to hear any questions Surely an odd display of her powers that could make anyone question how she used her abilities behind closed doors. The ghostly presence s one hand slid down the heroine s side, following the gentle contour of her form. The other drifted away from her bust and slowly ran down her body. Only replies. Both hands curled in over her pale thighs to rub Raven s sex. While his hands were restrained, something he could not do.As she leaned down in front of the man, her copy silently vanished. Raven s own hands held the criminal s knees. Her eyes returned to normal as well. Open up. She parted Seth s legs, making some room for herself between them. Pretty sight of her shapely legs left the young man s point of view when Raven sunk to her lovely knees. Soft but chilling fingers closed around the base of his cock. Who do you work for? The heroine questioned. Her clenched fingers began to move up and down on his member, to give it the encouragement it seemed to need.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
Seth breathed heavily as the ghostly Raven moved her arm off his neck and began to massage his shoulders. It actually felt quite good, all the sexual tension aside. Working hard and rough in a criminal organisation took its toll on his body, and Seth had never found the time to relax. He moved and stretched his shoulders with her hands, sighing at the relaxing feeling it brought, almost making hm forget where he was and the situation he was currently in.Disappointed when the ghostly apparition stopped, he looked curious as it walked back towards the real Raven. That was when things started getting more heated. He watched nervously as her cape was removed, then the figure hugged and cupped the heroine from behind. He registered her implied threat of his doom if he didn't comply, but that doom was seemingly arousing him further. His bare cock twitched, once when she mentioned making it out alive, and once again when he saw her ghost's hands feel its way across Raven's body and breast. He was imagining himself in the ghost's position, how the heroine's breasts might feel in his own hands.He nodded quietly, happy to enjoy the little show she was putting on, but starting to get a little frustration at his helplessness, unable to touch or feel her body the way her copy was doing. His eyes were glued to the ghostly form's hands, following their every move from how they traced along her bust, to how they rubbed at the leotard costume right between her legs. His feet shifted in the chair, his shaft slowly growing bigger and straighter as he continued to watch her essentially play with herself. It felt like he would tell her anything she wanted to know, as long as she continued to give him a show, continued to play and tease with me.Seth was pushed back into reality when her copy vanished. He looked down as she knelt in front of him, his cock quivering in her face as she was there between his legs, her fingers finally on his sensitive cock. It felt so good, even better than he imagined. Her cool hands were like heaven for his cock as it rose immediately to her touch, throbbing and trembling for her, precum starting to leak from the tip."Aaah please... I can't say, I really can't..." The first rule he was given when he joined: Under no circumstances will you reveal who you work for. Now that rule was in direct conflict with Raven's question, a question he desperately wanted to answer, knowing it would please her, which in turn would please him. But he just couldn't do it... the consequences, it would be too much for him.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
Neither the prettiest, nor the sexiest woman among the superhero community, Raven still had a distinct charm of her own. Seduction tactics wasn t this fussy goth s strong suit. However, she liked playing the bad girl, the rebellious soul who imposed her understanding of justice. Frankly, it was quite satisfying to be the little demon who made the deserving criminal s skin crawl. The moody heroine was certainly hard to please, but still enjoyed having some influence on others, that she could make a stranger s cock stiff at will. However, tonight wasn t just about flattering her own ego. She indeed was willing to learn the villain behind this secret operation. And the confident heroine was sure that a name will be given to her eventually.Pale fingers held the man s shivering member firmly, stroking it up and down in an unhurried fashion to make the veins on the shaft swell in excitement. Uh huh. She didn t take him seriously, that he could actually manage to keep his boss identity to himself. One way or another, she would make him talk. A final stroke brought her clenched digits to the tip of his upright member. Her free hand slid on the seat like a little shovel and slipped under the man s package. Clutching his balls from below, she pulled those orbs closer to herself, eager to make them heavier. Right now, he might have thought Raven s teasing was amusing, but without a relief, things could get uncomfortable really fast. She gave Seth s balls a tender squeeze, just to emphasize her current ownership on them. Do you want me to make them as blue as my hair? Half closed eyes of the demoness looked up at the young criminal, his stiff member casting a subtle shadow on her cute face. She couldn t be considered a talkative girl. Also, didn t have a big mouth either. After her question, her lips parted, her mouth slowly opening behind the man s cock. She pulled her hand away from the man s balls, instead placing it over one of his knees for extra support. Her other hand remained around his shaft, slowly sliding down to the base. It surely felt quite rigid in her soft hand, but she didn t need to bend it too much to align the tip with her mouth either. Slightly tilting his erect member towards herself, Raven drew her parted lips closer to its thick head.Compared to the cold night, her breath was warm. Her pink tongue stepped out of her mouth for a small guidance. Subtle shimmering of his precum didn t make her look down as she kept her squinted eyes on her victim s handsome face. Above her violet eyes, her thin brows moved down. Soon, a sinister smirk stretched her mouth as well. Her lips closed, however not squeezing the man s cock between them. What? You thought I was gonna suck you? Instead, she pulled her face back, leaving the shade of her cock. You wouldn t last a minute Raven assuredly claimed. Her fingers snapped next to her. A magical construct appeared with her command, purple in color and translucent like her now absent copy. It enclosed Seth s quite eager looking member like a makeshift condom, however lacked the thinness of one, hence wouldn t make him feel much if one were to touch it.A second time Raven opened her mouth. This time, her lips found the target. She let his cock enter her mouth, albeit while being in a sealed envelope of her magic. Her head began to move up and down on his cock, her tongue sampling the rather tasteless magical construct around his skin. Too bad that he couldn t feel the texture of her tongue, or softness of her lips.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
Why did it have to be tonight, under these circumstances? The thoughts raced through his head as the heroine in front of him was gently stroking his shaft. Under any other circumstances, he would have blabbed about anything she wanted to know. The fact that she said she would fuck him as long as he spoke was music to his ears, and he truly would tell her anything and everything. But tonight, this was the most important task of his short criminal career so far, one he could not fail no matter what. Yet here he was, restrained and being jerked off by a mysterious gothic heroine, feeling hot and aroused, but conflicted. He didn't want to jeopardise the mission he had already failed even more by revealing his boss, but her cool hands felt so good on him, and he had a feeling she was going to get angry if he didn't answer her questions.His cock stood straight up at her, aroused to full from her simple touch. It quivered as her fingers trailed up to the tip, ready for more. Seth gasped, half in pain and half in pleasure as she got a hold of his balls. He really was just a worthless thug, being humiliated by the girl in front of him, unable to fight back against her magic and finding himself wanting more. "No... please..." He was almost begging her as it began to feel uncomfortable with her grip on his balls. Then, to his relief and surprise she left his balls go, leaning in with her mouth open right on top of his cock. It throbbed with excitement as he could almost feel her warm breath and lips close in around his shaft. He closed his eyes, ready for the feeling of her lips around his shaft, and her warm wet mouth surrounding his cock...Fuck. She stopped. He opened his eyes to look at her, seeing the teasing, devilish look in her eyes. She wasn't wrong, he would probably erupt within a few seconds of her lips and tongue making contact.He was about to protest when she used her magic again, this time the purple energy surrounding his length. Though he could see the magic, he couldn't feel it around his shaft. There was no coolness or tightness from the magic condom, no feeling of something wrapping around, there was just... nothing. Like a sexual nightmare, she began to suck and lick on his cock over the magic condom, and he could feel nothing. He could see her head bobbing up and down, her tongue running around the edges of the magic, her lips surrounding his cock. But he could feel none of it. His cock stood hard and rigid, throbbing as his hips moved, hoping he could feel some kind of contact."Please Miss Raven, please!" He begged. It was unbearable. His arousal had made him rock hard and ready, but this tortuous magic condom was ruining it all. His body was conflicted, not knowing what to feel. He struggled in the chair, getting more desperate for her touch. It was so tantalisingly close, yet it was so far.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
Although the magic didn t alter the size or stiffness of his shaft, it surely blocked his fun. Raven too would have preferred a more direct contact, but the little demon within her also liked to torment. Her cheeks caved in as her lips slid up and down on his zealous member. The surface she sucked was rather smooth in comparison to the veined texture it covered. It tasted like plastic and wax combined, certainly lacking the essence of an eager boy s authentic excitement. Her eyes closed, she wandered her pursed lips along the length of his member, the lips he sadly could not feel against her rigid skin. Mhm.. mhmm Seemingly not caring the isolation of her magic, her head bobbed up and down on his cock, sucking the newfound purple finish of his manhood in a cum hungry fashion.While the young heroine practiced her cock sucking skills on the poor criminal, pitiful complaints of her victim opened her violet eyes. They were drawn up as the teasing goth looked up at him. Small digits of the girl held the man s cock from its root. A thorough stroke moved her enclosed lips up the shaft as she drew her mouth off his member. Pop. Instead, she stuck her tongue out, lapping his poor cock, from the balls up to the tip. What s wrong? Raven asked with a smirk she didn t try to hide. I thought you liked me. Tip of her index finger pressed on the tip of his cock, twirling it in a small circle. A considerable resistance accompanied her finger, probably enough to make his girlfriend jealous, if he had one that is. Regardless, Raven doubted she could compete with her anyway.Pretty eyes of the heroine momentarily glowed white. No verbal incantations were needed for small spells. Thus, she didn t need to say anything as her magic released one of his hands. Put your hand on my hair. Raven ordered the young man. A small task to do while she resumed performing her interrogation tactics. If he had been a good little criminal, perhaps she could allow him to put his hand on other places as well. For now however, base of his cock once again grasped by her cool fingers, Raven lips formed a wide 'O' around the thick shaft. Once on the rails, Raven s stretched mouth ran along his shaft. Up and down, up and down her lips grazed his encased member. This time, more aggressively as well, swift enough to add a mild sway to her breasts. Like a chocolate covered ice cream bar, she continued to suck him. Each stroke made her purple magic a little thinner. Since it wasn t quite thick to begin with, the change was imperceptible to the naked eye, but he surely could feel the diminishing of the purple layer. Eager strokes of Raven s lips eventually melted the annoying magical sleeve. Her lips now firm on her bare skin, her saliva greased his cock. Up and down, up and down Before long however, Raven s treatment came to an irritating stop. The heroine removed her tender lips from his cock, not before slurping the head of his member a last time though. Her tongue ran across her lips to wipe off the excess precum. She got to her feet soon. Holding his shoulders, Raven put her knee between his legs as she leaned in closer to make him see the lips that used to suck his cock better. Name! The blue haired heroine asked, grinding her knee against his package.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
Seth was bucking his hips to her head's movements, hoping maybe if he pushed up against her mouth he would be able to feel something. But the magic sheath held his cock hostage, letting him grow but not letting him feel her touch. He could see her tongue and lips running along the purple shaft. His arms were pulling harder against the magic that bound them, trying to take control of the situation so satisfy the need that the gothic heroine was denying him. He knew deep down she was doing this on purpose to torment him, but his desire and lust clouded his rational thoughts as he was giving in to her, likely playing exactly into her hands.He gulped seeing her lips pop off his length. Even without the touch, the sight and sound of it was so satisfying, he just wanted her to go back to sucking him off. "I I do!" He didn't want to offend her. Perhaps he didn't really like her, but he was definitely enjoying her teasing, as it was considerably more kinky than the mindless sex he had had with various prostitutes. Just her teasing had awoken a deeper, base arousal within in he had never felt before. And like an addict, he needed more.Fearful of her wrath, he winced and leaned back afraid as she chanted some magic. He found one hand free after her incantation, which confused him until she ordered him. He gladly obliged, putting his hand on her head to feel the silky touch of her dark hair. This time, her teasing blowjob felt even better, as he felt the illusion of control, like he was making her suck him off while guiding her head with his hand. In reality, he was afraid to do anything outside of what she said, but that didn't stop his horny mind imagining the fantasy situation. What's more, the magic condom on his shaft was slowly disappearing, building his hype up more as he could see his cock clearer with every stroke. He could almost feel her too, the warmth of her breath, the wetness of her lips... the magic had gone! He was really feeling her mouth around his member, her lips and her tongue running along it, covering it with her saliva. "Aaaahh yyess ahhh." He moaned with her movements, his hand applying pressure against her head as he felt himself finally starting to build up to a climax.No! She stopped abruptly, making him look down in frustration and fear. Did he do something wrong? His hand came off her head, dropping by his side. His eyes were glued to her lips, clearly wet from the saliva and precum. He was still staring when she leaned in against him, gasping as her knee found his crotch."Its Shizi! Shizi Kozhin! The Black Curtain!" It was too late now, he said it, even the gang name. He was just so desperate, he needed more of her, and while his lust was clouding his judgement, he didn't care what he said.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
It appeared to be that the man behind the curtain was another curtain. Despite not being a renowned seductress unlike some of the other big players in Gotham, her little interrogation proved to be a success in the end. Raven chose to stay silent for a moment, quietly keeping her skeptical gaze upon him. The name given to her by this low level criminal turned informer didn t sound familiar. However, she doubted the man would make it up as well. He appeared to be afraid of the consequences of snitching on his boss, but also didn t seem to be lying at the same time. I believe you. The heroine nodded in confirmation. Doesn t ring a bell though. She snapped her fingers, freeing the man s other hand as well. Her bare knee left the close proximity of his excited package as the blue haired girl put her boot back to the floor.This small visit to Gotham turned out to be a quite fruitful operation. Next to the villainous plans she had come here to search for, Raven now had a name to link to it as well. Of course, the information she had just extracted might have led to an unfortunate end to Seth s underworld career, but this wasn t her concern. At least, like any other man with a hardened cock, things other than the potential end of his young criminal life seemed to interest him more at the moment. Next to the chair, the heroine reached down to grab the package he was sent to retrieve. You don t even know what s in here, do you? Holding it up, the experienced heroine made a guess. It didn t feel abnormally heavy, but it wasn t that big anyway. Wrapped in paper bag, a string was tied around the box shaped object. Hold it up for me. Raven lifted one of his arms and put the package on his palm. As she turned around, pleasant view of her shapely rear came to the view. Deliberately leaning down a little, the gothic heroine lowered her hips, sitting on his lap. Like the package she handed over, her body didn t weigh much. It would have been cruel to force his stiff cock to bend under her bottom. So she didn t disturb it, instead allowing his member to keep towering just behind her body and against her close fitting leotard. A rough estimate of how far it would go if Raven were to take it inside. Let s hope it s not a bomb. Raven coldly suggested. Since he was the one holding it, this indeed wouldn t have been nice. Above the package, two pale digits pinched the string, slowly pulling it up to undo the makeshift ribbon.Once unpacked, the unwrapped package appeared to be just a book. Hmm She opened the hard cover, flipping the pages. The middle section was carved out, hiding a small device that looked like a thumb drive. It could have been encrypted, but she thankfully had a tech savvy teammate who could deal with that. Raising her firm butt, the heroine got to her feet to face the criminal again. Now that it s out of the way The blue haired woman started. She lightly kicked one of the legs of the chair. The magical construct collapsed, no longer supporting the weight of the man. Her fingers danced in the air to create another object instead. Magical words summoned a purple collar around Seth s neck, which Raven tucked a finger into. She didn t feel the need to finish her last sentence, but it would have included something about fucking. She tugged at the ghostly collar, intended to lead him into one of the many abandoned houses alongside the dark alleyway.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
Seth was sweating profusely as she looked at him quietly after he gave his answer. Was she not pleased with it? What else could he say? He opened his mouth to try and salvage the situation, but she cut him off.I believe you. He sighed in relief, his free hand wiping the sweat off his brow as she freed his other hand. Was that it? Was she letting him go now? Her knee left his crotch and he sat back in a more relaxed manner, glad that the potentially deadly ordeal may be over. His excited cock was still bouncing up as she stepped away. He looked down embarrassed but made no move to cover himself. She didn't seem to mind his member pointing straight up at her, so he wasn't going to do anything until she spoke.He shook his head while she found the other, less excitable package. He gulped as he held the small package, his eyes glued onto Raven's ass, his legs almost trembling as she sat on his lap. He longed to press his cock between her cheek, feel the smooth flesh surrounding it. But he didn't dare move, sitting still while she opened the package. He was entirely focused on not offending her with his perversion which he was sure she knew about. It seemed the worst was over, but she could turn around and snap his life away at any time, so he wasn't going to take any risks. He kept quiet as she opened it to find a book and began thumbing through it. He didn't want to know what was in it, just in case he was miraculously allowed back into the gang, he didn't want to be exposed for reading the boss' secrets."Wha wha!?" There was little time to react as the heroine stood up from his lap and dissolved the chair he sat on. He fell downwards but was stopped as she found a finger into the new purple collar around this throat. It felt like the complete humiliation, being collared like a slave for this girl. Yet at the same time, Seth could not think of something more satisfying than to please her, and in turn be pleased by her."Where are we going?" He asked, quickly following along as she dragged him away into the darkness of an abandoned house, hobbling after her with his cock still out in the open. He had grown slightly softer now, but it still held a rigid shape and stuck out larger than it normally would be when it was flaccid.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
Not feeling the need to keep one digit tucked into the man s collar, Raven chose just to walk in front of her surprise company. There was only one direction he could take in this alley, while the other led to a dead end. In this chilling night, the heroine s legs shined out like two short lampposts. The one piece garment that covered her form from the crotch to the shoulder stretched across her shapely hips with each step the woman took. Closefitting fabric hugging two round cheeks: it constituted an intriguing source of motivation to chase them without really knowing where they would lead, if the mere hope of fucking the subjectively strongest titan wasn t enough of an encouragement in its own right. She had done questioning the nameless criminal by now, however he seemed to have something to ask.Upon hearing the man s fair inquiry, the heroine stopped moving. She sharply turned around to face him instead. One index finger poked him in the chest. Nowhere. The woman replied. She had always been a woman who valued privacy and liked seclusion. Tonight too, she wouldn t have minded if this intimate occupation remained a small secret. Similarly, she assumed Seth wouldn t be willing to hear the rumors of a henchman ratting out his boss either. We ll go nowhere, and do nothing. She repeated again. In this shady region of the city, amongst the worn buildings, it wouldn t have been entirely inaccurate to claim they were in the middle of nowhere anyway.Ready to pick a random door now, Raven cast a simple spell. No flash of light appeared, no magical erected from the ground. Instead, a chain of clicks were heard along the alleyway as the doors unlocked themselves upon the demoness wish. This way. Admirable hips of the moody heroine swayed in the alley again. Her pale fingers curled around a randomly picked door handle. The door creaked as she cracked it open. It opened to a rather modest room. It certainly lacked the comfort of her home, or anyone s dwelling place for that matter. The walls were weathered, the floor dusty. An old single bed pathetically lay at one side, a broken cabinet barely stood in the opposite corner. Hardly a luxury suite, but Raven sometimes liked it dirty.After glancing around the room for a while, her violet eyes once again found her unexpected partner. Her brows moved down with her gaze, disappointed that the man s exposed member didn t look as stiff at the time. What is this? She swiftly clutched his package, slender fingers groped him. Huh? As the bossy heroine squeezed his promising manhood a few times, an unseen force slammed the door shut behind the man. Her cool fingers didn t linger on his cock, however. Raven took a step back. Start rubbing it. The blue haired woman ordered, crossing her arms below her nicely defined bust. Pale legs slightly parted, she began tapping her boot against the floor, waiting for his cock to reach the desired length and hardness.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
Following along behind the heroine, Seth felt like he was only half conscious. He couldn't quite process all that had just happened, from losing his precious package to getting a blowjob by the beautiful heroine. He was still stuck in a state of disbelief, blindly following after her with his eyes glued to the majestic thighs and legs that stood out against her dark outfit. They were like beacons of light in the darkness of the alley, drawing him in."Nothing?" He was confused, but continued to walk after her in the hopes of something. She was a mysterious woman, and the unknown allure of her drew him in, in the hopes of getting more. He had a faint idea of what she had in store for the two of them, but could not tell from her body language or her answer. She could just leave him trapped in some abandoned house for the cops, or she could bring him away just to dispose of him as a witness. There was nothing he could do about it but hope, rather ironic for criminals like him, who gave up on such abstract and frankly delusional concepts when he joined the gang.He wasn't surprised anymore as she easily unlocked a random door and brought him into the room. It was dark, dusty and clearly abandoned. Was she going to just leave him here? Or was she going to reward him for his information on his boss?"H haah ahh! I'm sorry!" Seth yelped, groaning as her hand found his semi hard member. It felt good under her cool touch and it slowly came back to life, getting bigger, uncurling from his balls as blood flowed through once again. His hips moved with her fingers and he was found groaning in a begging fashion as her fingers left after that brief moment. "Yes ma'am." He quickly got to work under her orders, his own hands stroking his length to bring it up. It felt nowhere near as good as her slender fingers, as Seth was used to his rough hand on his cock. In fact, it felt worse as he was rubbing it himself.He looked back at the heroine, absorbing her entire figure. The tight fitting leotard, the dark hair, the pale complexion, the bosum chest under her arms, the shining thighs, the sound of her boots against the floor. He used it all to fuel his imagination, imagining her hands, her chest, her wet pussy rubbing against his cock. He quickly got to full length, growing stiffer with each stroke as he imagined all the lewd things she would do to him while his hands stroked himself furiously to emulate those actions.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
Not entirely sure if her gothic presence accelerated things down there for the man, but she watched his cock grow in size and stand upright before her. The heroine trained her eyes on his manhood, impatiently waiting for it to erect into its full glory again. Faster. She was almost sure that the progress would have been a lot quicker if she had wandered her own hands on his cock instead of instructing him to rub it himself. Still, it didn t take long before Seth s eager rod confidently pointed to her like a loaded gun. A weapon that didn t threaten the assured heroine, but made her curious. She was definitely a hard woman to please. One boot tapping still, she didn t fail to find an excuse to scold him. Alright. I didn t say jerk off to me. Just make it hard. Making that thing sing: that was her job after all.Other than fighting crime, magic could make some everyday tasks a lot easier as well. However, Raven wasn t lazy enough to use it for everything. There was a reason she had ordered the man to stroke himself. She had other things to do first. Her hands were paired on her waist. Quickly undoing her golden belt, the young titan got rid of the said fancy accessory. One of her hands rose up next, stretching the neck of her one piece garment out. Her opposite arm wriggled and buckled as she pulled it out through the neck hole. Thankfully, her relatively petite frame made wearing such a tight costume easier. And also, taking it off. Similarly, she slipped her other arm out of the garment as well. Keep going! Raven demanded as she rolled the fabric down to her waist, which revealed a rather simple t shirt bra. The black undergarment cupped her orbs and emphasized a pale cleavage. Stooping over, the flexible fabric of her leotard ran down her shapely legs to puddle at her feet. Narrow straps of a black thong modestly covered her essential parts. In the back, the fabric disappearing between her pale cheeks.Once out of her costume, Raven stepped forward again. What? You thought I didn t wear anything under it? She guessed the question in his head. Now that she was done stripping, mostly at least, Seth could stop playing with his cock. Instead of his own hand, Raven s soft fingers encircled the man s rigid member. The easiest way to stir a man, holding the handle between his legs. Move! The blue haired heroine walked him in the room. A few steps were enough to bring him in front of the only armchair in this long abandoned place. The furniture was old and tattered, but wide enough to host two. Down. She pushed him onto the seat, letting his hips meet the ragged cushion. Her own moved soon after. The half naked heroine herself climbed onto the furniture. Her parted knees pressed on the seat at each side, sole of her boots pointing towards the wall behind her. It s Miss Raven. The demoness corrected him. Don t make me repeat it again. Her hands slid up his chest and held him by the shoulders. Her delightful hips swayed back and forth. Raven began to grind her panty clad pussy against his rigid cock, stimulating him, and she herself as well. As the armchair squeaked with the rhythmic sway of her waist, Raven demanded an additional support from behind. Hold by butt.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
His hands moved faster on her orders, stroking up and down his manhood. He wanted to please her, and if that meant jerking off as she watched, so be it. He groaned as he actually felt himself slowly building up to an orgasm. Was she waiting for him to finish in front of her? He kept going until she told him to stop, stopping abruptly when she scolded him. Did he go too far?He looked at her, hard cock in hand as she stripped in front of him. He was glued to her pale skin as more and more of it was revealed in front of him. Just the sight of it got him harder than his own stroking. Her body looked gorgeous. He stood with his mouth open as her costume came off. Her beautiful perfect breasts were just inches away from him, with one small layer of fabric surrounding them. His eyes darted from her chest to her crotch, unsure of where to look at. Her cleavage and womanhood were equally tempting to him. Seth quickly got back to stroking as she spoke up again, worried about disappointing her. He was so close to feeling that naked body press up against his, he would obey any of her orders just for more of a glimpse and more of a touch."Uh no I " Seth stammered, his hands falling to his sides as she reached down, letting her take over his cock. It felt so much better than his own hands. Just the touch of her soft fingers nearly sent him into an orgasm as he held himself back, following her towards the chair and planting himself down on it. It felt old, dusty, and filthy. His bare hips made contact with the cushion as a small cloud of dust was blown away from the impact. However, he didn't care about the state of the armchair or his skin. With Raven climbing on top of it after he sat down, nothing else mattered."Yes Miss Raven." He moaned, his arms coming up from behind to support her. "Aahh ahh...yes..." He was getting overwhelmed by the situation as the thin fabric of her thong rubbed up against his hard cock, now at full mast and ready to burst at the seams. His eyes were drawn to the cleavage in front of him, getting lost between her bosom globes. Her hands held onto her butt, timidly squeezing the flesh between his fingers. He didn't want to anger her, but he couldn't help himself. He had no idea if he was going to be able to last under this tortuous teasing, his cock throbbing and ready to burst at any moment.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
Although most of her daily workout consisted of mental training rather than physical practices, next to her meditation sessions, the heroine took good care of her body. She had a rather fit form, as Seth could now verify. And given how long and rigid his cock had grown to be before the woman s pale frame, he seemed to like it as well. By now, he must have accumulated a generous supply of lust in his balls. And Raven was willing to drain them, put it to good use. Reward his throbbing member for the man s compliance. Or maybe, more than anything else, it was just a selfish desire to satisfy her own needs. Criminal or not, she could use a competent cock deep into her folds. That is, if an insignificant thug could handle a half demon.Grinding herself against the man s excited cock certainly didn t feel bad. A pair of hands to hold them from behind, she danced her hips on his lap. Seth s fingers felt warm on her cool rear, while her womanhood began to heat up. Saturating her modest panties, some of her excitement leaked to smear on the man s firm shaft. Sure she was getting wet, but she could also keep rubbing her pussy on his cock for a long time, whilst he couldn t last that long. And it kind of would have been a waste if she let his cock sing right now. Instead of swaying back and forth in a dance of tease, Raven s pale hips stopped moving. She reached back, patting on his one hand. Ok. Hands off. Raven asked. I want to go down. As told, the blue haired heroine climbed off his lap. Another time this evening, she dropped to her lovely knees in front of him. One by one, petite digits closed around the base of the thug s shaft. Her other hand move up as the young crime fighter patted her own head, not feeling the need to vocalize her demand. Inside her mouth, the woman s tongue wriggled and curled. Soon, a stream of saliva flowed down from her pouted lips. After landing upon the tip of his rigid cock, it ran down the side of his member. Eyes on me! She tucked her shoulder length hair strands behind her ear, while her own violet eyes stared up at him.Magenta lips squeezed the man s shaft, not all of it so that her tongue could be mobile. Below the cold stare of her eyes, Raven began sucking him. The poor little criminal seemed to be already on the edge. The heroine knew he was close, but didn t know how many strokes would eventually make him surrender. Maybe 10 or 9? Her slippery tongue twirled around the head of his cock. Or would it be more like an 8? Tip of her tongue flicked against his hard member, collecting some precum out of the tip. 7 was a good number as well, pretty lucky. Her head bobbing up and down, soft lips rubbed against the stiff skin. Perhaps 6, it sounded like sex after all. Raven slurped his cock, enjoying the taste and texture of it. 5 4 Sealed lips imprisoned his member within her mouth. Her head bobbed up and down a few more time. 3, 2 and 1.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
Seth's breathing came rapidly as his cock throbbed against her lower lips. He could feel the moisture leaking out of her panties as he tried to host himself back. He really wanted more, and knew it might all be over if he came. Given how hot and sexy the situation was with the heroine, he could probably build up another load after an orgasm. It wouldn't nearly be as much as the first climax, and he didn't know if she would have the patience for that, worried she would be finished with him once she made him cum."Oh yes, of course." He complied quickly, taking his hands off as she got off his lap. While he was scared that he had offended her in some way, she didn't seem particularly angry as she knelt down in front of him, his rigid shaft directly in front of her face. Seth held back his moan when her fingers first found his shaft. His hips were already shifting to buck against her fingers. Without missing a beat, he put both his hands on her head, lightly pushing down on her blue hair as her saliva warmed and lubed up his length. He stared right back at her, his eyes not leaving her face. He shuddered at the sight of her, kneeling down half naked in front of him, hands on his cock with her lips coming down to his tip. This was as close to heaven as he was going to get.His moans came out quickly once her warm mouth surrounded his length. He began to push harder against the back of her head while her tongue swirled around his tip. "Aah ah Miss Raven! I'm gonna..." It was too much to handle. He gripped onto her hair aggressively as his body took over the final steps leading up to his climax. He pushed her head into his crotch, letting his cock slam deeper into her mouth. One more. Yes. Just one more. As her head bobbed up again, he slammed her head down, thrusting forward with his hips while his cock throbbed and quivered for a second as it hit the back of her throat.It exploded a split second later, accompanied by a loud groan of pleasure. He coated her mouth in his cum as he shot all his pent up load inside. The frustration from her teasing must have had a tremendous effect on him, as he had never cum this much before. He felt like every ounce of cum he had was being drained and shot out of him as he came, wave after wave. He held her head down he pumped out the rest of his orgasm, breathing heavily even as he finished.Looking down at the heroine, he quickly let go of her hair in a panic, thinking he might have gone too far as his sexual urges had taken over. "Sorry Miss Raven! I'm sorry!" He pleaded, hoping to appease her with an apology.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
In the end of so much tease, an instinctual urge of finishing the session in a long awaited, satisfactory climax couldn t really considered an unacceptable crime or a daring impudence. Her somewhat docile partner s suddenly peaked boldness still managed to surprise the confident heroine. Or rather, the sudden thrust that delved his member deeper into her mouth, the hasty pull that pulled her head onto his cock caught the pale skinned woman by surprise. Although possessing great magical potential, she was hardly a physically imposing individual, not really difficult to move around. Whilst sucking it at her own pace, the criminal s stiff rod grazed past the roof of her mouth, soon jumping down her throat. Glug! Pretty eyes of the heroine widened as her jaw stretched farther down below the root of the man s cock.The foreign object that plugged her mouth took away the ability of speech from the moody titan. Sloppy gargles and half distressed grunts accompanied the thorough penetration of her mouth. Gag! Ack Guck. Blue hair strands sticking out between keen fingers, two hands firmly glued her face to the man s crotch. Through its profound intrusion, her dexterous tongue was made to lie flat under the shaft. Running down her mouth, Seth s eager cock pounded the back of her throat. Its base pulsed in excitement between the heroine s rounded lips as she was tasked with swallowing the entire thing. Not every petty criminal could enjoy the distinct pleasure of fucking a renowned heroine s mouth, and he seemed to relish this rare opportunity quite well.The airflow to her lungs disturbed by a thick rod, Raven choked on the man s cock, while the lucky owner of the said eager member cried upon reaching an inevitable climax. She grabbed onto his lower legs as he began to dump the payload. Despite the generous amount of lust he apparently managed to gather up by now, already dirty room floor was spared from a mess as his member was rather confined. A thick stream of fresh seed ran down her throat. Like a campaign bottle shoved into her mouth, an uninterrupted current of cream moved down to her stomach. Gug Gug Gug With further throbs against her throat, the half naked heroine swallowed whatever the man dumped inside. Her lips spread around the thick member, one of her blue eyebrows rose up. Surprised, and a little distressed by the sheer amount of thick substance she was made to eat.Once her mouth was unplugged, Raven leaned back and sat on her grey butt. An audible gasp heaved her chest out. Wha Repeated coughs interrupted her words. Before continuing, she gulped down to further clear her throat. What the fuck? The woman questioned how much cum he managed to spurt. Her expression carried a surprise rather than anger or disgust. After such an outburst, his cock understandably might have lost its vigour. Hers was still strong, however. Without giving him a break, Raven grabbed him by the ankles, pulling Seth off the chair to lay him on the floor. My cough my turn. She got to her feet.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
The sounds of her throat gargling and choking on his cock had sent Seth's body into overdrive and he immediately regretted his decision and lack of control as she coughed and swallowed his load. He couldn't stop himself until he finished, but the horrified look remained on his face as he leaned back on the chair, hoping to put a bit of distance between him and the heroine, in case she decided to lunge out and destroy his existence.It had been a natural reaction, but he knew he should have controlled himself better. He had never had a sexual encounter where he wasn't in charge, so the idea of not being able to fuck and cum when he pleased was foreign to him. His normal encounters with paid prostitutes allowed him to dominate all of it, as the girls would do whatever he said or asked of them as long as they were paid. They never complained even when he was rough, as he paid them well. But here with Raven, with her powers that could snap the life out of him in an instant, he had no idea how she was respond to his sudden actions and could only beg and plead for forgiveness."I'm so sorry Miss Raven, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He continued to blabber on, watching her cough and swallow what remained of the semen he deposited in her mouth. Was she going to kill him now? Wretch the life from him with her magic, tear the soul away from his body? He sat as time seemed to slow to a crawl, all the possibilities of his doom flashing before his eyes as she recovered and regained her composure. "Auh ahh!" He cried out as she pulled him down, feeling the cold, dusty floor under him. "Please don't kill me Miss Raven! Please!" He pleaded, not quite listening to her words while she stood up over him. He remained lying there on the ground, his body frozen in fear, unable to move, only able to watch in fear for what she might do to punish his grave mistake, forgetting about the burning lust of the heroine.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
A prominent sour taste was still present in the young crime fighter s mouth. Given the generous load she was made to swallow, it was a flavour likely to linger for a while too. The offender of the crime, he seemed to know he was in trouble, his regret as deep as his cock was a few moments ago. Apparently, Seth was a little misinformed about how the hero business worked, enough to assume this one would murder him, right there, right now. Raven still played along. Squinted eyes frowned down upon the man. I believe I saw a few dumpsters outside that I can fit you in. The heroine crossed her arms across her chest. Not that I can t put you in smaller ones, but still She glanced around the small room they were in. Dark, shady and abandoned. Why would I bother though. Right? It s not like anyone can find your body in here. A small smirk perked the corner of the girl s mouth.As the demon s concerned partner lay on the cold floor, tip of the woman s one boot give his package a light nudge. If you ever come again Compared to how it throbbed in her throat a moment ago, his cock looked a lot tamer now. Raven was, of course, willing to change that. Right now, however, she actually didn t necessarily need that thing hard and stiff. The magical collar around his neck hugged him stronger. Without my permission Her smooth legs drew an upside down V as she glared at the man who lay below them. It may not end well for you. Got it? Her feet switched places as she faced the opposite direction. While her own violet eyes got to stare at a bland wall, he could admire the tempting sight of a half demon s pale buttocks, confirm how little skin her thong covered on her hips.Slender digits held the sides of the woman s underwear. It was infinitely easier to remove than her leotard, although that didn t mean she had to do it in a hurry. In a small demonstration of her flexibility, Raven slowly bent down, but her legs remained straight. The dark fabric stretched across her bottom, gently sliding down on her grey skin with the unhurried pull of her hands. After the full exposure of her butt crack, her bare pussy too revealed itself. The waistband of the dark undergarment brushed the girl s legs as Raven pulled it down to her ankles. Stripping her panties off her feet, blue haired woman straightened her back. Tongue out She instructed, one step taken backwards aligned her pussy with his head. Her hips moved down to obstruct his sight as she sat on his face, for the obvious purpose.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
The fear remained in his eyes as she spoke, only seeming to make his worst nightmares true as she described how she could dispose of his body. He realised he was just a nobody to her, someone that could go missing and no one would go looking. He nodded slowly, understanding the situation he was in, now his lust had briefly calmed down after his orgasm. His cock twitched under her boot. Though it was softer now, it still responded to her touch. "I won't do it again!" Now Seth knew he had to right his wrong. The collar tugged against his throat as an instant reminder for him. The heroine was merciful enough not to wretch the life from him, so he would obey her every word, and make sure not to lose control of himself again.As the was lying down on the floor, the sight of Raven standing above him stirred his desire once again. He had lost sight of her body when she was sucking him off, lost in the warmth of her mouth and lost in his own lust when he forcibly came down her throat. Now he could see her body in all its glory again, standing right above him, her pale legs coming down on either side of his vision with the firm and round ass right in front of his face. He could almost see under her thong given how thin it was. He was tempted, but didn't dare move his head to get a better view. He sat unmoving on the ground as the thin underwear slowly went down her legs and off, exposing the rest of the bottom and pussy to his eyes.Seth quickly stuck his tongue out on command, raising his wet organ out of his mouth towards her as her hips came down on top of his face. He had an idea of what she wanted and timidly swirled his tongue into her womanhood. He wanted to please her, to show her his worth. But at the same time, he didn't want to risk offending her by going too far without her command. So he licked softly and slowly, making sure not to go too fast, only the tip of his tongue reaching into her folds as he licked his tongue around her entrance, hoping it would lead to a positive response.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
Demon or not, like any other woman, a diligent tongue between her pale thighs, it was a weakness for the gifted heroine as well. Sitting on the little criminal s face was slightly uncomfortable. However, that was the point really, to have a little spike between her parted legs to stimulate her flower. Her lowerlips to press onto his mouth, Raven was willing to test how talented he was with his tongue, if he could use it as efficiently as he uttered his rather pathetic pleads. That being said, when she was in a state of horniness, when her folds were already damp, it wasn t necessarily very difficult to ignite an excitation between the heroine s legs. Gentle treatment of the man s tongue did its job, teasing the moody titan and tickling her womanhood. As usual, her glances were cold and serious, her mouth, however, began to stretch in an awkward smile as an insignificant henchman worked below her pale form. Not bad The blue haired goth gave her approval. Just because her pussy was already moist before he started licking it didn t mean she couldn t get any wetter than that. Hence, consistent strokes made her sex leak more in the process. When he thought the other option to be untimely annihilation, it was no surprise he made a good job at eating her. Mmm Keep going. Raven insisted, initiating a small dance atop his face to smear her nectar over him. Your cold, pantless body would have made a great example to the other criminals, you know. When he couldn t talk, she fanned the flames of his pussy licking motivations with more fabricated threats. After all, if she could still form such long sentences, that meant Seth had to work more vigorously. Further stimulation loosened Raven s knitted brows, moving them up her face instead.A little pale finger drew a vertical line in the air, tracing a circle at the end of its travel. The young heroine s magic took the form of a rope, one end attached to the ceiling, the other wrapping the man s ankles like an animated snake. Oh yes A subtle cry expressed the joy of her twinkling folds. With the flick of her wrist, the magical rope pulled on his feet, lifting Seth s legs up to stretch the young man s appendages out towards the worn ceiling. Stick it in! Yeah One of her hands twirled as she summoned her demonic powers again. A purple paddle appeared before the criminal s raised hips. Oh Faster! With each flap of her hand, the magical instrument planted a motivational smack across the handsome criminal s bum. Faster! Faster! Raven barked, waving her hand still. U uh Faster! Sharp swings of the magical construct accompanied the woman s repeated orders. Umm Yea! Faster!.. Fast!
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
With the heroine's hips on top of his face, Seth couldn't see much of her body or expression. All he had to go on was her words and the movement of her body against his face. She could be preparing a spell to end him for all he knew, using these last moments to humiliate him before tossing him aside. He knew he'd have to please her to have a chance. Unfortunately, he had little experience in eating out a woman. All of his sexual experiences before were from paying woman to please him. He didn't know what he was doing, but pressed on as best he could.As his tongue moved slowly into her folds, he tasted the juices that flowed out. He licked and sucked them out in low slurping noises, his own lips meeting her lower lips as he pushed his tongue further inwards. Sharp breaths came in and out of his nose as he tried to breathe under her, getting more nervous with every word she said. It really seemed like she was just using this to toy with him before ending it. He swirled his tongue in and out, going faster to stimulate her more. His hands reached up to grab her bottom, massaging the pale flash in a circular motion while his tongue did the same, swirling in a circle inside of her.He gasped in shock and horror as he felt the rope on his ankles pulling his legs upwards. He went faster as she ordered, doubling down on sticking his tongue in as deep as possible, wiggling it around while his lips kissed and surrounded the folds around them. He licked quickly, using his hands to pull her bottom down harder on his face while he stretched to push himself upwards, pushing his wet organ as far as it could go, curling it up and pulling back. He repeated this over and over again, going as fast as he could. The whole ordeal was slowly bringing life back to his cock, but he didn't have time to worry about that at the moment.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
For a frightened criminal who feared succumbing to the cold hands of a most unfortunate death, he had a rather mobile tongue, working hard to appeal to the half demon s lust by performing a dance of lasciviousness to stimulate the young heroine s folds. It admittedly didn t require much expertise to tickle her senses when she point blank rested her sex on his face. When he might find the opportunity to breathe however, it was his problem and not hers. To spare himself a trouble in breathing, he just had to lick away. Given the quickly escalating wave of pleasure that hardened her breasts, the man wasn t doing a bad job at slurping her folds either. As the eager tongue within her love tunnel attended to the carnal needs of her pussy, firm hips of the blue haired crime fighter sprang up and down atop his face as if capering about would improve the somewhat limited range of the man s tongue. Oh O oh Deep voice of the moody titan cracked into pitched squeaks of pleasure. Her light weight was enough to glue her hips to the man s face, to imprison his tongue in the wetness of her pussy. Her knees slid on the floor as her thighs squeezed in. Faster! Fas Fas Uhh. Little tremors shook her pale cheeks. Her magic required concentration, it demanded focus, which was a bit difficult to maintain for the gifted heroine at the moment. The paddle that flew in the air, ropes that lifted Seth s legs, the collar around the man s neck all purple constructs of her magic collapsed in turn. First audibly shattered, then evaporated into mere dust. As muscles in her body began to give in also, Raven put her chill palms on the man s chest to support herself. It took some time for her parted lips to close, for her thighs to relax wider. However, she was indeed done. For now.Once gathered, Raven eventually raised her pale cheeks, allowing his partner s world to consist of more than just her damp folds again. Instead of her moans, soft thuds of her boots filled the room as the naked heroine walked alongside the man s legs. Her hands reached back, fingers pairing with each other in the back to unhook her dark bra. When she turned back to face the criminal, the undergarment lay on the dusty floor, her pale breasts looking luminous in the dimly lit room. Her sharp gaze swept his lain body, finally settling on his manhood. Lift it up. Raven ordered. After all, she had promised to fuck him, and she intended to deliver on it, when the size and stiffness of his cock met the heroine s standards, however.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
The faster and deeper Seth licked and sucked away at the folds on his face, the heavier and tighter her bottom felt. And the tighter the heroine tried to squeeze her pussy and thighs on his head, the harder it was to breathe. From her body's eagerness and her squeals of her pleasure, he knew he was doing the right thing to please her. The question was whether he could finish the job before he ran out of air. In a panic, his tongue swept across her folds as fast as possible, plunging and swirling around the wet crevice like a starving bear looking for honey. Each breath felt shorter than the last, and he wondered if this was her cruel way of disposing him. Forcing him to please her while he slowly but surely ran out of oxygen.The sudden shattering of her magic jolted the criminal back to reality. He had lost himself in a trance under her, and the sudden sound, then gush of her orgasm brought it back. He lapped and swallowed any overflowing juices, feeling more relaxed as her thighs moved to allow some air back into his system. Despite his near death from asphyxiation, his cock was standing strong, having grown bigger and harder while he was struggling for air.Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Raven lifted herself up and off his face. His eyes had been adjusted to the darkness of her folds, and could now see the room around them clearly. They did not miss the sight of the titan walking down in her boots, and were soon glued to the hands that reached around and released her bra. His vision darted straight to her free breasts. The shape of how they hung on her chest, the perked up nipples in the center of them. He could not pull his eyes away and his cock grew before her orders were even given. "Yes Miss Raven." He replied automatically without thinking. He didn't know what she had in store for him next, but his member was already upright and trembling with excitement.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
Judging violet eyes measured the current thickness and length of a certain body part of the sprawling criminal. She was a picky woman, who didn t deem every cock that winked at her worthy of her time, no matter how eager the individual who happened to possess it might look. In this case, however, Seth s manhood met her requirements. It seemed to be at least, as there was only one way to really make sure it did. Assuming it had reached its full potential, that hardened rod only needed something to glide into. Independent of the size of the man s package though, half closed eyes of the young heroine painted an unimpressed expression on her pale face, like they always did, really. Hopefully, after dumping a generous amount of his seed down her throat not too long ago, he still had what it would take to handle a demon.While the charming sight of the young heroine s bare form served as a vivid motivator factor, her delusive threats darkened the mood in a game of intimidation. Do you think garbage truck visits this part of the town? With her legs spread, Raven towered above his waist. It was no longer the man s face what she intended to straddle. To pick up the trash, I mean. Her shapely legs bent as she started to draw her naked form downwards. Within the walls of a randomly picked room, the young heroine lowered her form. One of her hands reached down to blindly grip the base of the handsome criminal s cock, to establish a proper alignment with her bare sex. I prefer to be on top, if you don t mind. Raven steered the man s shaft in the necessary direction. When that thing firmly stood upright however, she didn t need to do much other than moving her cute hips down.Lowerlips of the heroine parted around the curvy tip of Seth s cock. Raven s pussy was not as big as her apparent ego or self assurance. However, a rather successful pussy licking session had done its job, greased her folds for a relatively smooth penetration. The young titan stabbed herself with her partner s stiff cock, letting the shaft slid through her opening. U u uh Her knees touched the floor as the man s solid organ disappeared into her love tunnel. Agh Her face twisted in a subtle grimace of pain as the blue haired heroine sat onto his upstanding member. At least, she now made sure it was indeed worthy of her time. Bend your knees up. Raven ordered. I want to lean back.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
The morbid feeling that this intimate act may be his last seemed only to excite the lowly criminal further. It felt like a forbidden taboo, for someone like him to be fucking a heroine like Raven, and he would have to pay the ultimate price for it. He lay unmoving on the ground except for his rigid member, mixed feelings of dread and arousal in an exhilarating combination as the heroine spread her legs above his shaft and began to lower herself onto him. Seth suppressed the moans from his mouth as he could feel her warmth just above his tip, holding himself back to stop himself thrusting aggressively into her.He could hear his every breath and every beat of his heart as her walls finally came down to surround his cock. The wetness and warmth that he felt with his tongue a moment ago now was overwhelming the sensations on his cock. He did what he could to stop himself thrusting, but could no longer hold back his moans, groaning softly with her as the tightness gripped him. He nodded at her words, raising his knees up to support her body. His thighs brushed along her curvy bottom and he experimentally raised his arms to her waist in an effort to hold her in place.Internally, he was screaming to fuck her, wanting to pump her body up and down while he ravaged her pussy, molested her breasts with his hands, and invaded her mouth with his tongue. He wanted to make her scream as he filled her with his seed, and for her to beg for more. But in reality, he kept quiet and still, only moving slowly to test the waters, or doing what she asked immediately. He knew he had no power over her, and now that he was inside of her sex, he did not want to do anything stupid that would abruptly end this moment.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
It was a tight hole what the lucky criminal had been requested to fill. At that, an intimate request, he didn t seem to mind fulfilling as the soothing moans he failed to keep to himself implied. Raven, of course, held the ability to meddle with the intensity of his partner s cries. An advantage of having the top position, to fuck him at her own pace. The heroine could bestow a mild pleasure upon his buried cock. Or, she could have overwhelmed him with hastier self inflicted stabs. It was surely him who did the penetration, but she was to decide how fast his embedded member grazed the walls of her little sanctuary. It should have been quite clear by now, that like any other demon, Raven too liked to tease her so called victims.Leaning back against the man s erected thighs, she straddled him, turning the bottomless criminal into a makeshift throne of flesh. U uuh With a little more exertion from the young heroine, her pale hips slid farther down on his lap, entirety of his member disappearing into the woman. Brushing past her firm breasts, her gaze found the hands that took her waist. Did I tell you to touch me? The demoness coldly asked. Her back rubbed against the man s thighs as she moved her hips up and down on him in a slow but rhythmical dance. Imprisoned within her, the heroine s walls scratched his shaft. One fourth of his cock alternated between being on the inside and outside of the young titan s pleasant folds.The more she sprang on his solid cock, the smoother his organ slid in her hole. Unhurried pace of the demoness wasn t enough to slake her lust, however. She assumed the same could be said about her partner as well, that he would have preferred a rather more ravishing session. Once again, subtle motion of her firm hips ceased as Raven sat still on the blunt spike that dug into her moist flower. Her eyes measured the pleasure of his partner who lay between her legs. What, you want more? It was pretty secure within the grasp of her tunnel. Twisting her waist, she twirled the man s member with her body. Uugh Her chill fingers placed just below his chest, the heroine leaned forward. Her clenched pussy lips slid up on his shaft, freeing the bottom portion of his cock. Pushing herself up and down, Raven fucked the criminal faster, allowing his cock to pound her tunnel like a fast moving piston. Ah AH! AH! The demon s cries got louder, and more frequent, as her pale body bounced on him. Up and down. Faster and harder. After she hammered down her hips one last time, Raven stopped. Tell me how you want it. Instead, the heroine leaned back again. No Raising his butt a little, she pushed herself down. Beg me for more.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
As tight, wet and perfect the inside of the heroine felt, it just wasn't enough. She wasn't going slowly, but it wasn't fast enough for Seth to really get off. His shaft was pulsing along with his heartbeat, ready to explode. It was just waiting for that trigger, that pace that would rub it the right way and send him over the edge. At the moment it just wasn't it. It felt like his cock was being strangled and pinned, unable to explode despite how good it felt. With Raven on top, he struggled to push his hips up to speed up the pace, as the heroine could move her hips accordingly.Seth took a quick breath and immediately moved his hands off her body. She was clearly offended by his touch. He lay his arms by his sides, unmoving even as they twitched with eagerness to hold and feel the heroine's soft skin. He knew better than to offend her again, especially while she was in control of his pleasure and his precious penis was buried inside her folds. Now he was afraid to make any more moves, not even attempting to thrust his hips up to meet hers. It pained him to lay there immobile while his body was begging him to go further."Hhu...ahh..?" He was in disbelief as she stopped, his building pleasure deflating for a split second before she got into motion again. He was almost about to apologise again, as he was simply desperate to continue their current intercourse. Thankfully, she continued, and with greater vigour than before. His warm body heated up even more as the cool hands landed on his chest. The sight of the heroine leaning into him as her hips fucked him was breathtaking. "Aah Yeah! Uaghh!" His moans sounded out along with hers. His hips started thrusting in motion as her hips went up and down, slamming the end of his shaft as deep as he could go. Yes. This was it. This was exactly what he needed..."No PLEASE!" He begged even before she told him to. He didn't want it to stop, he was so close, just a little more. "Please Miss Raven! Keep fucking me! However you want!" He was so on edge that he knew a slightly breeze or further teasing would send him over in a ruined state. He wanted to release and shoot his seed deep inside of her, not cum in a slobbering mess. While he was safe inside of her for now, he knew his orgasm was close and that the pleasure was seeping away with every second that she wasn't moving her hips.
Fluctuations in Crime Fighting (Wave and Doc 3FM)
All the spiritual powers the half demon possessed, they didn t feed off of her victim s pain. Distressing them was more of a hobby for Raven, a twisted source of entertainment. During her heroic quest in Gotham, it was a cute victim whom she found. A strong one, in a way. After all, not everyone had the strength to put up with her teasing. Only, he didn t really do a very good job at it. Pleading and quivering, helpless and needy, just the way Raven liked her partners really. Sometimes, it felt good to play the villain, the torturer of overzealous cocks. And the particular one that pierced her pale lowerlips, that hefty thing reflected the man s happy desperation quite well. While his thick rod gave her a more direct sensation, his begging stroked her senses in a subtler manner. That was a terrible begging. The cunning titan claimed. Grey hips of the heroine began to grind on top of the criminal again. At this point, she doubted any action that didn t make her pale breasts bounce all around would be enough to satisfy the eager cock that stood firm within her. I m a demon, did you know that? She asked, although it should have been quite obvious she was no regular human. A white glow filled her eyes, her lips uttering the faint words of an unintelligible incantation. You may want to hold me. Once her demonic eyes returned to normal, Raven advised. Her round breasts slightly wobbled by an unseen force. A small creaking noise came from the nearby couch, and a bigger one from the old cabinets in the room. The single lightbulb that hung from the ceiling tilted backwards. As if the room itself came to life, every furniture shrieked against the floor.Mystical powers of the half demon changed the orientation of the whole room, slowly rotating it ninety degrees, like a ship turned on its side by a fierce Wave. Worn cabinets, dirty bed, old couch, tipped over chairs, basically anything that wasn t bolted down started to slide down to pile up on the wall behind the heroine as it was now the floor. Seth s feet too would soon meet the ground. He wouldn t be lying down on the floor, but standing up against the floor, or the wall, depending on one s perspective. His solid tool was embedded deep within Raven s pussy, but her body still needed the support of a pair of hands to keep her up, assuming he was strong enough to carry the weight of her naked frame. You wanted it hard? Raven put her own hands on the man s shoulders. Go for it then.
Dragon Ball: Legend of the Biomechanical Dragon (BreezinBy/Cylian997)
Something was making its way towards Earth, some shooting star bursting towards Earth. It was something the planet had seen before, about three times at this point. And much like last time, it'd bring something that would change the world. Yet, at this moment it broke the atmosphere, burning in it but yet not decreasing in size, it was no shooting star or asteroid, it was something quite familiar to a few on Earth, though not on the section of the planet where it would land. As it tore through the air, anyone looking through would see it, the fireball that then made a collision into the woods on the lower part of the continent, setting fire to the immediate surroundings. The object had caused a wide crater to exist in the forest, sending several trees on fire and setting most of them ablaze, thankfully the fire seemed somewhat localized to that area. And in the center of the crater, there was a ball of metal with one glass window. It only took a few moments for air to start to vent out of the pod as it opened up, covering up whoever would come out of it. All that was clear was that they were humanoid.This was Riipa, a mid level Saiyan warrior, though you wouldn't say that to her face. She was a dark skinned Saiyan woman with strong arms and scars all across her body, even extending to her face. It was clear that she had seen quite a fair bit of battle. She was fairly tall too, probably nearing about six feet tall. She was wearing the standard issue armor and scouter, looking quite like the other Saiyans that previously landed on this planet, though not on this continent. She didn't know, she was sleepy, she didn't know when she fell asleep but all she knew was that she was sent on a mission by her commanding officer to wipe out a planet in a nearby system. It wasn't an order from King Vegeta or Freeza, though, thankfully her team wasn't one that had to deal too much with Freeza's attention and King Vegeta seemed uninterested in them beyond occasionally sending them out as hitmen. They were supposed to be here on this mission, this wasn't a solo mission at all. If it was, she wouldn't have been sent on it, seeing as she was known for being wild. She didn't care about that label, however, she even approved of it seeing as it allowed her to have a reputation amongst the Saiyans of similar rank. for any power levels that were worth it. She wasn't having any luck at this point, seems like perhaps the planet was wiped out long ago? She scratched her head as she looked towards the burning forest. Where the hell was her team? And what planet was this? This clearly wasn't Planet Torwameln. This troubled her...
Dragon Ball: Legend of the Biomechanical Dragon (BreezinBy/Cylian997)
"What was that..." A pair of eyes stared off into the distance as they saw this massive woman step out from some weird pod. The man tilted his head to the side as he gently batted away a little fire from his clothing. "I know the doctor said for me to not get lost doing nonsense, but is this really nonsense? Why is there an amazon in a pod?" Android 39 thought to himself, he had been stuck in a mission before as he tried to deal with another android. While he remembered nothing of his past, the one thing he knew he wished to do was help people. What about this woman? Wait, was it a woman? She was nearly as tall as he was! As he scratched his hair, he seemed rather stuck on the situation. What if she was lost? Sure, it was like no car he had ever seen and those scars only showed off just how dangerous she was, but was she? "Well, no time like the present 39."The biomechanical man inched towards the woman in question as his mix matched eyes gazed upon her. She looked even more intensely muscled than any man he had seen. The good doctor had told 39 to find someone to teach him more martial arts but... his curiosity had been tickled by this woman. Cautiously, the man came towards her. "Uh... hello. Are you ok? I see you kind of destroyed this whole forest but it should grow back in several years. At least no one was around to get hurt." 39 thought it might have been a good idea to quell the flames, no one wanted a forest fire. "I really am no good at conversation with... women?" The man was obviously confused if Riipa happened to be a woman or not. He had no idea women could get so muscle bound. It made him feel a little ashamed at his lack of size, while he had certainly looked athletic, Riipa totally beat him in the muscle size department. He had only hoped that this person was not out to murder him for something. Wait! Maybe this was a bad idea! What if she wanted to hurt him? "So... you are ok, right? You can call me Android 39." A good introduction was the best step forward for a meeting. 39 extended his hand to shake hers.
Dragon Ball: Legend of the Biomechanical Dragon (BreezinBy/Cylian997)
Riipa looked at this...being? What the hell did he call himself? An Android? What did that evenmean?And did he just question if she was a woman? Clearly, this was a planet of idiots and she'd have to teach this one a lesson. She was clearly a woman, what was this shrimp on about? She looked at his hand reached out to give her a handshake and she didn't know what exactly he was doing. Was he offering to fight her? Or was he trying to say that she was weak and not worth his time? Oh, if that's what that little bastard was saying, she had something for him. She wasn't just gonna let him get away with disrespecting a Saiyan middle class warrior. She was fairly close to being an elite class. Yet, when she looked at his power level in the scouter it seemed as though it couldn't read him. Was he so weak that it couldn't pick it up? Wow, the creatures on whatever planet this was must be pretty weak then. She grinned at him, letting her fanged teeth show. She took his hand.And then flung him into the nearest tree, not caring about things like if it was burning or not. She enjoyed seeing him crash through the tree, but she had to be sure he was dead. She pointed her hand in the general direction of her opponent and started to fire off ki blasts in his general direction, letting out a loud laugh as she did so. Her tail swished in excitement, she was elated that she got to destroysomethingon this planet. Seems like this "Android" would do. As the fires raged on she continued to laugh, being proud of herself for doing so.
Dragon Ball: Legend of the Biomechanical Dragon (BreezinBy/Cylian997)
At leas this person had a decent attitude, that was what 39 thought when the person took his hand. As he was easily flung over and tossed through a tree. His body quickly crashed through the wood as he held his back and saw what was something a bit surprising. This beast of a person quickly charged up ki blasts. It was something that shocked 39 as only some of the higher enemies he had faced had ever shot such blasts at him. The brilliant light charged towards him as the dust piled itself on and the explosions began to fill the land with reckless sound."Ten no Kiba!"As 39's voice filled the air, his right arm was stretched out as all of her energy had flew towards him and was some how swallowed all of her energy. There was a bright blue glow as the energy coursed into his system. As he felt it recharge his body, there were only a handful of people who managed to get him so charged up so quickly. "H hey!!" She heard his voice slip out as he dusted himself off quite casually, as if nothing had happened at all. "You are really powerful! Maybe you can help me out?" In all truth, 39 hoped to not fight someone so powerful and hoped that he could've calmed her down. He offered her a kind smile as his fists tightened into a ball as he waited for her. "You still didn't introduce yourself yet. I am sure a... dude like yourself would want to be cool with other dudes?" He chuckled nervously as he hoped he was correct this time. Maybe he had offended her?
Dragon Ball: Legend of the Biomechanical Dragon (BreezinBy/Cylian997)
It was at this moment that Riipa was even more enraged at this idiot misgendering her, how the hell was he this dense. She rushed towards the android and started to wildly fail at him with her fists, knowing that he'd try to dodge and block them all. She was quite impressed that he was able to keep up with her and simultaneously pissed that her scouter seemed to be broken, there was no way this guy was as weak as it was suggesting. Growling, and laughing, her voice clearly feminine, if not a bit husky and gravelly, she threw a punch at her opponent full powered, knocking him back.She then used her speed to slam him into the ground, elbowing him down as she met him where he was flying towards. She knew that this idiot had something that was blocking her ki attacks, whatever the hell it was, she wasn't gonna fall for it again. Seemed like this bastard had to be taken out the old fashioned way, which was more than fine with her. She loved getting her hands dirty. "You better stay down or I'm gonna keep kicking your ass, boy."
Dragon Ball: Legend of the Biomechanical Dragon (BreezinBy/Cylian997)
While 39 had done his best to block, Riipa was bit more intense than what he had anticipated. Not to mention he felt the shock from her blows decently enough. He hadn't chosen to attack yet as he was still adapting to her. 39 had never been trained in any sort of martial art before. He follows the natural rhythm of his body to fight. But that growl and that last hit made it painfully clear that this was a woman and as he was slammed down and hit with that sharp elbow. 39 coughed as he looked up to Riipa and only smiled casually at her."You can sound like a girl when you want too. But you gave me a present and I didn't give you something." 39 stretched out his left arm swiftly as his eyes sharpened for a moment, he was finally a bit more serious. "Jigoku no Kiba!" At point blank range, 39 shot a powerful blast that ripped through the air at Riipa. He hoped that it would at least slow her down.
Dragon Ball: Legend of the Biomechanical Dragon (BreezinBy/Cylian997)
The blast had done more than that, it had sent the Saiyan careening through several trees, causing more destruction than she intended. She was more scuffed up than anything else but that caused her Saiyan spirit to rise up. A toothy grin appeared on her face before transitioning into a hearty laugh. She hadn't had a fight like this in long time and she welcomed the challenge. Rising to her feet and dusting off the dirt on her, the Saiyan was ready to fight this being. She wanted to crush this human so bad. She smirked and wrapped her tail around her body, realizing that she couldn't let him find out about that weakness so soon. She then felt her face, noticing a line of blood on her face. She wiped it off and spat out, flashing a smile once more.Bending her knees for a moment, waiting for the right moment, she pounced towards her opponent. She then went in for a solid punch, putting in most of her strength into it. She wasn't about to let this weakling decided what she was going to do. Riipa's heart was pounding and the blood was pumping, the Saiyan fighting spirit inside of her building up. She wanted this man dead, of course, but she had to have her fun first.
Dragon Ball: Legend of the Biomechanical Dragon (BreezinBy/Cylian997)
That was something that almost shook 39 to his core he was no fighter, he had not been trained through the crucible of battle and he had never really had experience. He always wondered why he was changed and his battle with another andoid made it painfully clear that he needed to work on himself. This woman endured the shot and almost seemed to relish in the pain. While he had mostly ignored the tail he remained without any actual proper fighting stance as he glared down at his adversary. He had used a little bit too much of her energy and now he wished he had some to spare, if he had to use that.Or rather when.As Riipa dashed forward, 39 prepared himself for a possible attack. As her punch came forth the android used his elbow to block her attack as he tried to return a sharp upper cut to her. Even if the sensation of pain had mostly been removed from him, he still felt his entire body shake from the wild force of her punch. He needed to keep a cool head because he was worried that she could easily handle him.
Dragon Ball: Legend of the Biomechanical Dragon (BreezinBy/Cylian997)
The uppercut landed true and drew blood. She staggered back from the blow, taking a few steps back to regain her balance. She had only just barely kept herself from flying off the ground, this bastard was packing quite a punch. She had to think about what her next move was going to be. The Saiyan knew that this wouldn't be a fight where she could just roll over her opponent, this had to be a fight where she thought about fighting beyond smashing things. She hadn't had a tactical battle in quite a while and she was welcoming the challenge of taking down a fighter like this. She also had noticed this man wasn't a fighter, at least not a trained one. And Riipa was someone trained at birth for combat, forged in the fires of conquest and war. Fires, the forest around them was burning, she could still the glow of the flames around them. She had to think about her next move but she had an idea of what it would be. She wasn't a part of the Saiyan Elite, that was King Vegeta, his son and his most loyal guards but she had a reputation. This fool was going to be in the ground before he even knew what was going on, her fanged grin curling up onto her face. "You just won't stay down, will ya? Guess I'm gonna have to bury ya myself."And with that, she made the leap towards her opponent. He could see that in her hand she was charging a blast of ki in her hand, glowing a fiery red itself. She charged towards her opponent, laughing as she did so. When she neared the five range range from the fighter, Riipa let off the blast right at the Android's feet. She was banking on the force from the blast damaging him in a way he couldn't absorbandgiving her some cover in the smoke.
Dragon Ball: Legend of the Biomechanical Dragon (BreezinBy/Cylian997)
A steady defensive stance, that was how he remembered how to fight. There was no place for him to connect that thought too as far as he could recollect, but that piece of advice had only been broken one time before and so far it was working. Even if his uppercut landed, there was something odd about this person. They felt so heavy, not in the sense of weight as she easily out weighed him, but in the denseness of her muscles and the strength of her chin. He was unable to slow her down and that forced him to think of a new plan. Any such thoughts were dashed as she charged a hand with power, that was exactly what he needed at this very moment! What he didn't need was the dust storm that followed. As the dirt flew through the air freely, the young man was now trapped in a world of itchy darkness.He sucked his teeth as he was forced to reach out and grope around. His eyes had not been adjusted yet to withstand the cavalcade of the elements. The cloud of dust reached high into the air and paired with the smoke from the fire they became a combination of annoyances that he needed to be on guard. His arms were set against his sides as he guarded himself like a turtle as he was forced to close his eyes. He needed her to get closer in order to try and find a way to slow her down.
Dragon Ball: Legend of the Biomechanical Dragon (BreezinBy/Cylian997)
And where she came from was from the front still, able to hear him in the darkness. Her clenched fist slammed into his chest before going for an open palm with the other hand to the face. She wanted this boy to be face first into the ground and gasping for air. Or not breathing at all, that one would be preferable but all she wanted is to win against the Android. She growled as she thought about how next to strike him, knowing that he'd catch on and the dust would settle eventually. It had to be something else she did. Thinking on it, her tail still wrapped around her body, she looked onwards at the silhouette of her opponent, scoffing."You might as well stand down now. At least die with dignity instead of being a coward." She grunted. Riipa played tough but knew this opponent rivaled her in strength. She just had to act tougher than him.
Dragon Ball: Legend of the Biomechanical Dragon (BreezinBy/Cylian997)
As 39 was launched off and his body pushed through the ground, he had felt something he was not used to, pain. The man stood up as he took in a deep breath, he barely had enough battery for it, maybe for about 2 minutes he could be "complete". 39 cleaned his lips as there was some blood across them, it turned out he could have bled after all. " I guess you are going to make me use everything. If I would have known this, I would have kept your energy." 39 stood up as, for the first time, he got himself into an open stance. Like how a dragon would've stood if they were about to go onto an all out attack."Amatsu Karada..." 39's eyes glowed intensely as he dashed forward and released a varied wave of punches at Riipa. He was a different man how, the timid boy who hid behind his defensive skill gave way to brave fighter who seemed intent to give as well as he could take.
Wild Worlds Await (Musashi x Kimbra)
Padded wooden weapons bounced off each other with wild speeds as 2 warriors continued their duel. One had blue hair, wore a white karate uniform, and had crazy blue hair worn in a spiky tail, and wielded a pair of padded staves. The second had her black hair tied back in small tail, wore an orange mini dress, and wielded 2 smaller weapons, both padded for safety. The clashes continued until their weapons and hands were caught together an odd knot. The first warrior, grabbed his female opponent by the forearm and slammed her overhead on her back, though he appeared to be holding back his immeasurable strength. The prone female looked up her attacker and snapped a finger on her free hand, causing a flash of light to blind him. She hopped back up, grabbed him by the shoulders and buckled his leg, causing him to fall on his back while his eyes slowly recovered from the sudden light flash. She was about to pretend to impale the young man until he piped up, "Aunt Kaede, you know I can't use Ninpo you call that a fair duel?"Kaede, a seasoned kunoichi, advised her student, "Musashi, your enemies are going to have powers you don't. If you really plan on carrying on our noble purpose you'll have to accept that. And practice against it in training."Musashi realized, "Oh yeah.."An older samurai walked out into the yards behind the great pagoda and summoned, "Hate to break up your little sparring session but it's happening again!" Hearing of his omens, Musashi and Kaede dropped their practice weapons and briskly returned to the home to convene in a chamber underneath the ground floor. On the way, they passed by a series of paintings in which they themselves were depicted in settings about their home. Also portrayed in the images was a boy, who, when drawn next to Musashi, looked about 4 years older.In the center of the lantern lit basement stood a small box resting upon a pillar. Inside the box, a white flame danced around in ways atypical of natural fire. The elder samurai rested a hand atop the box, and his family members soon did the same, allowing a surreal vision to fill their heads. Musashi's curiosity soon turned to horror as he heard the screams of suffering and saw odd images of human soldiers turning into glowing eyed, skeletal swordsmen. After another minute, the visions cleared, returning the viewers to reality."There's an Oni in that world..." Musashi realized. His longtime caretakers nodded as Musashi continued, "..we have to go there and catch it before any of those things we saw happen! Okay dad, you ready?"Musashi's adoptive father shook his head lightly, "Actually,'s your time."Musashi looked shocked. "You're..not coming? We always hunt these evil monsters together!" Hoping for backup, he turned to his honorary aunt and longtime mother figure, "Aunt Kaede?"Kaede looked to her veteran partner as she checked, "Samanousuke? It's your knee isn't it?"Samanousuke nodded, "It's still ailing from crushing blow I suffered last time we fought an Oni mutated warlord. If I take another hit like that in the next month, it could suffer permanent damage."Kaede also lamented, "And I can't go with you either there's reports of unrest in neighboring kingdoms. If I don't keep the youth in our town up on their training, we will all be danger!" She then encouraged, "Besides, Musashi: you're over 20 now. You have it in you to succeed without your father or me supervising you."Samanousuke added, "She's right, son I'm getting older. I can still swing a sword for now once my knee has healed, but I won't always be here when Oni threaten the outer worlds. You are the future of the realms!""Alright," Musashi agreed, feeling odd about his first intentional solo mission, but also feeling his natural bravery and love of battle start to take over. "I better get there before..whoever that Oni found starts to realize how dangerous his new powers are!" he declared. He hugged his aunt, gave his father a light, one armed shoulder hug, then walked outside the family pagoda, pulled out a little yellow recorder, and played a 6 note song with it. Moments later, a little whirlwind, not much taller than Musashi himself, started spinning in front of him. He jumped into it, at which point the tiny tornado vanished, and Musashi with it.The bright yellow sun shined high in the deep blue sky, sharing its warm light upon the busy city as its many finely dressed inhabitants walked, shopped, conversed, and entertained in a variety of unique ways. Just barely noticing that he had come upon a city was a strong, oddly dressed young man with a long, spiky, blue ponytail and bright eyes in a lighter shade of blue. He wore a white martial arts uniform decorated in red and yellow, his solid chest muscles slightly visible where the lapels crossed. He had 2 swords on him, both in their sheathes: 1 was slim and curved, its scabbard affixed to his white belt, the other heavy and straight, stored on his back. He occasionally looked up to see where he was going, taking care not to bump into any of the busy people, but much of his attention was focused on a yellow and red armlet he wore.Reaching a fountain near the center of the opulent town, the samurai stepped around the 4 different sides of the flowing fountain and tapped his wristband once each time. When he did, the article would squeeze his wrist with varying degrees of strength, as well as tug his hand in another direction, each of the 4 attempts seeming to converge upon one particular path. Finally, emitting a slight, "Hmm," he sat upon the stone bench encircling the watery decoration and took a moment to look around. Observing the people about, who were likely oblivious to the impending threat upon their whole land, Musashi felt the pressure of his job's demands weigh on him.
Obsession (Chevalier & Spark)
"lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" Fire Emblem: Three Houses Fan Fiction Written by: Chevalier amp Spark The reception hall had been transformed, the massiveness of the room starkly obvious as the tables and benches traditionally available as a place for the students to study and socialize were cleared away for the Garreg Mach Ball. The event was widely anticipated by the students, who no doubt needed a break from the dark reality of the day. The magic of a formal affair brought an energy of levity: even the candles upon the chandeliers seemed to burn brighter than usual, the flicker of the flames glimmering upon the expanse of freshly polished marble tiles. Two hundred officer's academy students socialized and drank champagne, their mass comfortably lining the walls without encroaching upon the dance floor that was the center of the room. Tonight, the student body collectively managed to forget the lurking dangers of their unknown enemy. Tonight there would be music, and dancing, and drinks... Tonight, Remire Village was forgotten.Byleth remained a casual observer of the event, easily assuming the chaperone role that was expected of a professor. She watched with mild interest as the stringed instruments began to play ballroom music, queuing a minority of the young men present to bravely invite their favored lady to dance. The former mercenary couldn't claim to know most of the students in attendance: as she watched those gracefully moving about the center of the room, she was only able to identify Edelgard and Dimitri: both of whom danced with strangers, so far as the professor could tell. Her gaze could not help but attach to the two of several dozen she could recognize.Her attention was suddenly brought back to her immediate surroundings, Claude approaching with an easy smile upon his lips. He winked as he reached out and grabbed the hand of the Blue Lion's professor. She was unable to resist as he led her to the dance floor: once arrived, the charming and confident house leader showed great talent, managing to successfully lead Byleth in a graceful dance despite her lack for previous instruction on the ritual. It was easy enough to enjoy Claude's company, but... After their dance, Byleth thanked him in her usual monotonous way, unceremoniously taking her leave thereafter. She stepped away from the crowds, out the double door that opened out to the courtyard.The crisp night air filled her lungs and she held a breath for a moment before giving and long and slow exhalation. Sea blue eyes scanned the exterior of the building, taking note of the presence of several lingering students, none of them known to her. Her interest and attention waned, her feet taking to wander as her mind strayed.Byleth was pleasantly surprised to find Ashe within the goddess tower, her aimless walk yielding great reward. Professor!"he greeted her brightly. "Did you come up here for a rest too? That s right, she agreed, offering an affirmative nod. I guess we think along the same lines,"Ashe mused."I was feeling kind of worn out. Everyone else seems used to this kind of thing, but I ve never been to anything like it before, the archer admitted humbly. My friends did teach me a bit about proper manners and how to dance," he continued. "But I still feel out of place. Stepping on girls feet, messing up the pretty floral decorations "His laugh was endearing, even as it was the self depreciative sort."I ve been a bit of a disaster. Sometimes I wonder if it s even right for someone like me to be in a place like this. Byleth was regretful to have not witnessed Ashe klutzing about the ball, consoling herself with an imagination of his delightful brand of innocence and awkward. I feel that way sometimes too, she confessed to his latter remark. It was true that a large part of her bond with the student was precisely because of the fact. They were both outsiders to their house. While the Blue Lions treated both of them with respect and affection, it remained that neither of them had grown up as the close friends of the crowned prince of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, nor had they attended a prodigious magic school. Byleth felt an immediate attraction to the common born archer: even as her demeanor might make it less obvious, the woman began to show a preference of his company fairly early in her career at the monastery. Really? You do? That s kind of reassuring! She smiled lightly at the stress upon the pronoun. Could it be that he really revered her so? Have you heard the stories about the Goddess Tower?"he asked causally.Of course she had, but she didn't say as much. She preferred to listen to Ashe speak: the young man could be reading the dictionary and she'd remain absolutely enthralled. His voice poured from his lips like honey, while his speech had a sort of hopeful optimism that Byleth found to be as rare as it was inspiring."They say if a man and woman make a wish together here, the goddess will make it come true, Ashe continued.Byleth considered briefly. Let s make a wish together, then, she suggested. My thoughts exactly!"he chimed happily."Do you have anything in particular you d like to wish for? My wish is the professor trailed off. It wasn't that she couldn't identify her wish in that moment: it was simply that her desire wasn'tappropriateand it involved present company. Your wish is? Ashe inquired sweetly. For your wish to come true, Ashe, Byleth decided. What? My wish? W well, um let me think, he turned the facing of his body, looking away from his professor as he considered for moment. All right, I ve got it. I wish for my brother and sister back home to be able to live out their lives in peace. That s just like you, Byleth remarked with a soft smile upturning the corners of her lips.His gaze shifted back to his professor. This kind of thing is pretty embarrassing, huh?" The you man's cheeks reddened lightly.Byleth showed no outwards reaction but inwardly sheswooned. Ashe's blush was easily the most alluring sight she'd ever witnessed: it always caused for a rush ofwant, and the impulses were getting harder to resist by the day."Maybe I should be heading back,"Ashe continued after a pause."I ll never get better at fancy social events like this if I keep running away from them, right?"Understandably, he didn't seem particularly excited about the prospect. "I guess I should ask another girl to dance," he decided."Oh, but I d better make sure I go over the steps again first. You could dance with me, Byleth offered. The invitation was given with a soft smile, otherwise remaining devoid of emotion. Her level tone and unnatural calmness was often misunderstood to be an adherence to professionalism: at present, though, that particular impression would be wrong. So very wrong. Really? You d do that?"His voice was grateful, inspiring his professor to hope that he considered the invitation to be significant."Wow, that d be great! ...Just promise not to laugh if I mess it up, okay? Byleth didn't verbally respond, inclining her head by a single degree as she studied the young man. Her generally stoic expression had given way to a unique blend of amusement and affection. She smiled good naturedly, her regard of him warm, even if the heat couldn't be felt outside of her own chest. Come on. Let s head back, he insisted.Byleth accepted Ashe's invitation, walking abreast the archer as their steps carried them towards the reception hall. In thoughtful silence for several long moments, Byleth experienced an undeniable swell at having the young archer at her side. She didn't feel a particular guilt at taking such a pleasure: even as the eighteen year old man was at least a decade younger than herself , the woman had long ago morally muddled through thereasons why she shouldn't. The list was considerable: the first item, of course, being that professors were forbidden from taking sexual advantage of their students. Balanced against her selfish desires and fixation... Well. So far she'd managed to keep her hands off of him, despite a draw that was so intense that it was oftentimes painful. Byleth would try to fill the void of his light, habitually taking Ashe to dinner with another classmate present every time the team took their break day in the monastery. She cooked with him, took him to tea, gave him gifts... Admittedly, the professor was good to all the students of her house, and so likely it didn't seem to be entirely unbecoming behavior. But the reality of it...Her gaze shifted to the handsome silver haired archer.He wouldn't stop you, she told herself with confidence.All you need to do is initiate...As they neared their destination, Byleth hooked her arm around the bend of Ashe's elbow, in the style of one being escorted. Her body swept nearer to his over the span of a couple steps, the entanglement of her wrapped arm tightening briefly in a subtle hug like squeeze."I'm excited to dance with you,"she admitted as she loosened her grip to something more casual. Her attention focused intently upon his face."And not just because you're so exceptionally handsome,"she added with an uncharacteristic playfulness.
Obsession (Chevalier & Spark)
Underneath the gaze of the moon's solemn light, two silhouettes walked closely together. Ashe had never expected to find himself in his present situation, the tempo in his heart rising with each, successive step. To be walking with the Professor alone was already enough to make the awkward Garreg Mach Ball a pleasant experience, but to have the chance to dance with her? That was a fantasy that he had never expected to become true. As they moved across through the darkened courtyards that led back to the reception hall, Ashe had to sneakily pinch himself to make sure that he was in fact, not dreaming. Ashe was practically lost in his own thoughts when the Professor suddenly gravitated closer, grasping at his arm. Her unexpected touch was enough to cause a gash of red to singe the boy's otherwise pale cheeks. "Ah! Likewise Professor... I'll admit, I'm very nervous about dancing, but if it's with you, I think I won't have much to worry about." He didn't have the opportunity to say anything more when his eyes caught the Professor's gaze staring up at his own. Even though she was his professor, it was very difficult for Ashe to resist the woman's charm, her sapphire gemstones often pervading his thoughts. He found himself staring back into them with his own, vibrant shades of emerald, unable to look away from her captivating features. "P Professor!" Ashe's face was burning red, surprised by the Professor's sudden playfulness. While it wasn't the first time she had ever teased him, she certainly had never said anything like that to him before. "You can't just say those sort of things..." He whined, "People might get the wrong idea if they hear you say that... and I don't want you to get in trouble," Deep down, the boy wanted to requite the Professor's feelings, to tell her how he truly felt about her. But he was also scared, unsure of whether or not she would ever feel the same way about him. Ever since she comforted him about the death of his adopted father, he had harbored an ever growing crush on his professor. She stubbornly beautiful and smart, but even more importantly, she never looked down upon him like some of the other nobles did. He was a boy of simple common birth and yet, the Professor always made him feel like he was much more than that. "I... I... think you look beautiful too, Professor," he attempted to whisper underneath his breath, as if speaking a forbidden spell. As he spoke, he made sure to turn his face away so that his softly spoken words would be barely audible to the woman walking beside him. Before she could point out his embarrassing statement, the boy turned back towards his Professor, "Shall we head inside? I'm not sure how much longer the dancing will last for... and I'm not quite confident enough to dance without music." He allowed an embarrassed smile to draw across his face before leading her into the reception hall, where the festivities were taking place. The reception hall was vibrant and lively, dense congregations of budding students intermingling with one another as they occupied the outer ring of the luxuriously furnished hallway. At the center of the room, the nobles danced gracefully to the gentle hymns of live violins, a lavish spectacle for a boy that had been born with nothing. From within the crowd, many familiar faces could be found, with many figures dancing with such confident decorum. Ashe felt completely out of place in such a setting... and yet, he would not lose this opportunity to dance with the woman he adored. "Ah, I think we can step in now!" He smiled, grabbing the Professor by the hand as he led her through the crowd and into the center of the room. Several of the nobles shot the boy strange looks, as it was abundantly clear that a commoner had no place in the waltz. "This kid is just going to embarrass himself." One of the students from another house remarked, "Shh! He's dancing with Professor Byleth. If she hears you saying such things, we could get in trouble." "Tch. Poor Professor. I actually feel bad for her. She's probably only dancing with him because nobody else will." Ashe pretended not to hear the vitriol that was slung from the corner of his ear. "S sorry, Professor, you might have to lead a little at first," A faux, slightly pained smile made its way across the boy's normally cheerful face. Although he always tried his best to remain positive, he knew that Byleth was becoming good at picking out his true emotions. Eventually, the music started... and the nobles each began moving with practiced expertise. He waited patiently for Byleth to lead, awkwardly taking his first, few steps as he temporarily allowed nervous emotions to get the better of him. Ashe found himself looking down at the ground in an attempt to focus on his sloppy footwork, which helped little and eventually, the boy found himself stepping on the toe of the Professor's boot. "I'm... I'm sorry!" He squeaked, keeping his voice as low as possible as to not bring any more embarrassment to the woman he cared for. He tried his best to recover, changing his strategy so that he was looking up at the Professor's eyes instead of his feet. "Haha. Do you see this idiot? He actually stepped on her foot..." "Yikes, that's so embarrassing... do you think the Professor is okay? I'd be so embarrassed to be in her shoes..." Ashe sighed, his signature smile making its way across his face. He needed to stop caring about what other people were saying. He felt that this was his chance to impress the Professor... and he was squandering it by letting his nerves gain the better of him. After focusing for a few moments, he realized that the dance was in fact, much more simple than he originally anticipated... many of the moves being repeated several times over the course of the dance. He was quite adept with his feet and hands, having been a thief in his youth and an archer in school so such a dance wasn't nearly as difficult as he thought. Over the course of several moments, his footwork hastily improved, until everyone began to notice he was on par with the other nobles around him. "Oh hey, look at him, he actually looks pretty good!" "Yeah... and he's pretty handsome too. Do you think he'll let me dance with him after?" Handsome? Ashe blushed, he continued to dance admirably, but found himself blushing at the notion. He remembered what the Professor had said to him before they began dancing... and wondered if it meant more than it seemed. Eventually, the dancing came to a close, the final festivities being wrapped up by the church as the students all prepared to return to their rooms for the night. The Professor and Ashe were separated when Byleth had to assist the other Professors with some of the other affairs for the night, but instead of going home, Ashe decided to wait in the halls for her to be free once again. "Professor!" Ashe waved to the Professor as he caught her leaving the building. He moved towards her, his radiant smile practically glowing underneath the moon's light. "I'm so glad that I caught you. I just wanted to say thank you for dancing with me... I know I wasn't very good, but you kept your promise and didn't laugh at me." He chuckled, "Even though you probably should have..." He added, crossing his hands nervously behind his back, "Hey, would it be alright if I walked you home? Call me old fashioned, but I don't think it'd be proper for me to let you walk home by yourself when it's so dark out." He paused, his face blushing slightly at his own offer. "What do you say?"
Obsession (Chevalier & Spark)
Ah, thatblush. Byleth s smile widened at the sight: even as the archer chastised her for the potential of other people hearing her words as she meant them certainly something shecouldget in trouble for she couldn t help but hold the happy expression. It was tempting to compliment Ashe again, or further hint at her interest, if only to see exactly how flustered she could make him. But now wasn t the time to press. Too hard. I m only speaking the truth, she offered sincerely. As they approached the reception hall, the woman simply let the warmth linger, giving the young man a break from her adoring gaze and remarks as she looked up at the stars.She nearly missed the archer s returned compliment. As she turned her attention to him, she had no intention of putting him on the spot about it, but her pleased smile no doubt proved that she had, indeed, heard. Ashe quickly invited her inside the reception hall, following with an embarrassed smile that made the professormelt inside.But handsome as he was, with such mesmerizing mannerisms and an angelic voice: it washim that attracted Byleth. The young man was the embodiment ofgood. He was always offering his time and energy to help his friends and peers, demonstrated a strong moral compass, and was an all around great person with an amazing optimistic energy. He genuinely took it upon himself to give compassion and goodness to the world: the former mercenary had never met someone so selflessly righteous andpure. Byleth wasfascinatedwith him.She followed him to the dance floor, of course, finding more satisfaction than she should at the young man taking her hand to lead her there. On their way to their destination, she heard the sideline remarks from the students just as well as Ashe had. She ignored them, as well there was no reason to cause a scene over such petty insults but as she turned to face her dancing partner she offered a bright smile, the radiance of which he d never seen before. The professor had gradually learned to express some emotion in the nine months that she d been at the academy while the whole team had helped in bringing some expressions of humanity to formally the stone faced mercenary, it was Ashe that made her smile the most. I don t mind, she responded gently to his mention of her needing to lead him a little at first. The professor gave a subtle smirk as her thoughts drifted in to inappropriate territory.Admittedly, Byleth didn t know the waltz nearly so well as most of those in attendance, but her dance with Claude had given a her enough of an idea to not make an idiot of herself. The woman was graceful, in general: and so was Ashe, even if his fluster threw him off at the beginning. The archer excelled on physical grace and dexterity on the battlefield, matched only by Felix: it made the nerves and sloppy footwork of the moment especially endearing. Don t apologize, the professor spoke softly. She watched as the young man raised his eyes to look in to her own. You re amazing, she remarked matter of factly. And there is no one I d rather dance with. Her left hand, placed lightly upon Ashe s shoulder, offered a brief tightening as she moved her body closer to his. They didn t quite touch, but the proximity of her would prevent Ashe from looking at his feet if he happened to fall back to such. The nearness also allowed the professor great leverage in directing her partner s movements, the hand intertwined with Ashe s need only lightly press or pull to remind the archer which way their feet should be moving. It wasn t long before the young man no longer needed her to lead, quickly memorizing the pattern of footwork. Byleth smiled at him as his improvement was enough to draw pleasant remarks from his peers.For the remainder of their dance, Byleth simply soaked in the moment. Her mind found a temporary quiet that allowed her to enjoy herself without the acknowledgement of underlying concerns or desires. Again? she asked hopefully as the music lulled, allowing pairs of dancers to come and go for the next dance. Ashe didn t refuse, and so the professor lingered a little longer in her enjoyments.It seemed the end of the event came rather abruptly. Byleth tried not to show her disappointment when it was time for her to take leave of her student so as to fulfill her professor related after party duties. Thank you for the dances, Ashe. I really enjoyed our time together. Her mind wandered as completed her tasks. She thought back to when she d first arrived, trying to remember the exact moment that she realized she was hopelessly enamored with the archer. She d liked him immediately, of course, but After his adoptive father was executed, just months within the professor s arrival, the mildly interested woman had ample excuse to get to know the young man better. She couldn t claim that she was particularly comforting: she was there, though, quietly and constantly . Even as Ashe climbed out from under his sadness, the light and energy returning to him, the professor just didn t cease her attentions towards him. Their relationship remained painfully platonic, however.You can wait for him to graduate the officers academy, she told herself, as she often did.When she was finished with her work for the evening, the professor had managed to regain some of her sense. It was probably for the best that she wasn t able toleave the Garreg Mach Ball with Ashe, as the rush of having him so close, witnessing his blushes in a more intimate way than ever before Could she have resisted?The call of his voice caused her breath to catch in her throat. She turned towards him, her expression softening in the moment that her sapphire eyes caught his smile. She listened as he spoke, giving a light nod as he thanked her for dancing with him. I loved it, she remarked simply in response to his doubt of how skillfully he danced. If I do ever laugh, I m sure that you ll be the cause, she commented. But only for all the right reasons. Ashe offered to walk her to her room. Not entirely a surprise, given the man s chivalrous nature. Byleth couldn t help but being caught off guard, however, with the offer being made in conjunction with a light flush to Ashe s features. In the dim beneath the stars and moon, it seemed all the more forbidden to her.She smiled brightly. Wordlessly she approached him, wrapping her arm around his as she had before. Once settled at his side she spoke. You re such a gentleman, she complimented appreciatively.It wasn t in Byleth to make small talk as the pair walked towards the dormitories. She was deep in thought, her mind struggling to decide and justify just exactly what she d do when they made it to her doorstep.You can t, she told herself.At least not now. It would be the definition of taking advantage if you She glanced in his direction.He was so irresistibly handsome. And sweet. Byleth knew she had to have him and she wasn t so sure that she could wait until his graduation.When they arrived at her room, Byleth disentangling herself as Ashe stopped near the door. She took a couple of steps away before turning to face her escort.Goddess, she wanted to kiss him.So badly. But Good night, Ashe, she spoke, even as it pained her to say it. Thank you, again, for such a wonderful evening. Her expression barely masked her remorse as she heard his good byes. As the archer turned to leave, however Ashe, wait Byleth suddenly spoke. She knew that it was wrong, and yet she couldn t stop herself. As soon as the handsome archer's emerald eyes returned to her she dared a question. ...Would you come in? she asked innocently, as if she might have anyother reason to invite him in to her room. As she asked the question, she took a few backwards steps towards her door, her hand reaching back to turn the handle, so as to keep her sight on the archer throughout. She stepped aside as the door swung over the threshold, motioning subtly for him to enter ahead of her.
Obsession (Chevalier & Spark)
A melancholic feeling touched the young archer as the pair ended their walk in front of the Professor's room. Although he longed to spend more time with his beautiful Professor, he knew that he could only make up so many excuses to be around her. Upon reaching the door, Ashe's signature smile took the handsome features of his face once again."Ah, I guess this is it."He crossed his hands behind his back as he prepared to say his goodbye. "It was quite the pleasure dancing with you. Thank you for teaching me,"His fingers twirled behind his back as his gaze shifted away from Byleth's captivating eyes."I'm sorry that I struggled a bit at first... It must have been embarrassing having to lead. But thanks to you, I won't have to be nervous dancing anymore." Glancing towards the door, Ashe knew that their night had come to an end."Good night, Professor. I'll see you in class tomorrow." The boy turned away from the Professor, taking only a single step before he heard her voice stop him once more. He paused, turning back towards the woman that had called out to him. "Yes Professor? Is something wrong?"The Archer paused, wondering if he had forgotten something important. Instead, the Archer was taken by surprise when Byleth extended an offer for him to come inside."Inside?"Even the aloof boy knew the implications of entering a woman's home at night, but despite his instincts giving away the Professor's intentions, he figured that it was unlikely that the Professor favored him in such a way."Ah, sure. Now that I think about it, I've never seen the inside of your room."Ashe chuckled,"If it's not too late for you, I wouldn't mind coming inside."He waited for the Professor to unlock the door, before stepping into the room after her. Upon entering the room, Ashe wasn't surprised by how tidy her home was, but at the same time, the boy noticed that Byleth didn't keep many belongings."You have a nice place, Professor." Ashe mused, unsure of what to with himself given the situation. It felt strange being in the Professor's home, but it also felt comforting."It's much more spacious than the student dorms, that much is for sure."Ashe averted his emerald gemstones away from his surroundings and towards the Professor."What would you like to do? If you're hungry, I'd be happy to make you something to eat."He smiled, unsure of what else to suggest in the present moment."Let me take care of you. It's the least I can do after embarrassing you with my dancing."
Obsession (Chevalier & Spark)
Truth be told, none of the students or other professors, or even Jeralt had seen the inside of Byleth s humble abode. It wasn t a fact the woman cared to share as Ashe mused about howhe d never seen her room. He accepted the invitation and didn t seem to suspect her motives: it would be better that he not know just how bold her invitation really was.Once they were inside her room, Byleth shut the door behind them and led towards the center of the space. She turned to watch Ashe as he spoke: he complimented her place, asked what she d like to do, and offered to make her something to eat. The professor smiled gently as he expressed an interest in taking care of her, claiming he owed her as much. She d argue the latter point but He was simply irresistible. Oh, Ashe, Byleth swooned. She focused her gaze upon his as she casually approached, the distance between their bodies requiring only a few steps to close the gap. Once the professor stood directly before her student a hand drew upwards: her fingertips were first to caress the archer s skin, her touch lightly brushing his cheek, reaching towards his temple. The movement drew her palm to cup his jawline. You are so good and sweet. A naturally bright smile lit up the professor s face as she reverently spoke of his qualities.Ashe would only briefly be able to witness the expression: after speaking, Byleth offered no hesitation as she brought her lips to his. Her approach was deliberately gentle, her sapphire eyes staring in to his as she leaned in to kiss him, allowing Ashe an ample moment to process what was happeningbefore it happened. As her lips pressed tenderly and confidently against his, the position of her hand shifted, her fingertips combing through his silver hair.Her first kiss was relatively brief. Smoothly withdrawing her lips, Byleth intently soaked in details of the moment, her senses and mind devoted to committing the memory to long term. Be mine, Ashe. Let me take care of you, she reflected his earlier offer with suggestive purr. She d linger a moment, eager to witness the man s response.Her mouth returned to his, lips parting against his moments after contact. She brushed her tongue lightly along his lips, urging him to grant her further explorations. Her hand continued to run through the man s hair in the moment that their kiss deepened, her fingers curled to take a gentle grip of his silver strands at the back of his skull. Her attentions remained tender though a certain possessive quality was quickly becoming apparent: she kissed him deeper, with more intensity, and used her grip to pull his mouth harder against hers. Her alternate hand slid along the bend of Ashe s side, snaking around his waist to draw him closer in the same moment as she pressed herself against him.To say the moment was euphoric for the former mercenary would be an understatement. The woman felt a blissful satisfaction that coupled oddly with an immediate rush of desire formore: Byleth could hardly make sense of what she felt in the moment, but she at least understood the gratifications that would allow her to greedily prolong her state of ecstasy. Slowly she led Ashe towards her bed, guiding him to walk backwards half a dozen steps, refusing to take her lips or hands off of him in the meantime. He'd find the mattress suddenly halt his progress, blocking his legs from mid thigh downwards. Byleth continued to press, however, aiming to buckle the archer into a seated position. If he didn t resist she d climb on to his lap, continuing to kiss him hungrily. Her hand left his back, tracing the curve of his waist as her touch sought to explore his chest through his clothing. As her roaming hand neared his collarbone it pressed in to him lightly: Byleth used the grounding to push herself away, forcing her lips and tongue to take their leave of him.Her breathing was deeper than usual, causing her chest to rise and fall dramatically, and her face wore an uncharacteristic flush. Her sapphire eyes watched her lover to be with absolute and obvious adoration. Ashe, she spoke his name endearingly. Her touch trailed down his shoulders and arms, taking a hold of the back of both his hands. I want to teach you how to make love. She moved his hands, pressing his palms against the curve of her hips. Encouraging him to caress upwards, Byleth shot a playful smile. Her hips gyrated against his lap and her back arched lightly as their hands approached her chest. Her lips parted as she teasingly grazed the sides of her breasts on their upwards progress ultimately, she guided his hands to the lapels of her long coat. Hooking his thumbs beneath the material, Byleth s touch dropped from him as she lowered her arms. Take off my jacket. She followed the request with another eager kiss. The lingering of her lips upon his was short lived, the woman s affectionate kisses trailing towards his throat.
Obsession (Chevalier & Spark)
Ashe hadn't been in the Professor's dwelling for very long until she began making her move, casually moving towards him so that she could begin caressing him with her feminine digits. The boy was surprised by Byleth's sudden advance, blushing profoundly as fingers trailed the silhouette of his portrait."Th thanks... but I'm really not anything special, Professor."He remarked candidly, the boy still unable to ascertain the Professor's flirtatious intentions. As her fingers moved to his jawline, Ashe couldn't help but feel entranced by the beauty of his Professor, unable to look away from her captivating gaze as her sweet words touched his ears. But the confusion would only be extended when her face migrated dangerously close to his."P Profess " before Ashe could finish his sentence, soft lips crashed against his in a heated, passionate kiss. The surprised boy had never kissed a woman before, his first kiss causing his body to practically react in shock. He was entirely stunned and overwhelmed, unable to move as a hand moved through his silvery hair. While he knew what he was doing was wrong, he couldn't bring himself to pull away from her, merely holding his lips against the Professor's until she would finally pull away. Be mine, Ashe. Let me take care of you,"Confusion plagued the boy's thoughts, who wanted to pinch himself to make sure that he wasn't dreaming. For a long time now, Ashe had been dreaming of quite unpleasant thoughts about his Professor, but he had never once realized that the feelings could possibly mutual."I Is that appropriate, Professor?"He wanted to say yes so badly, but he worried for the Professor's reputation and job should such a scandal spread among the Monastery. Even the aloof boy knew that it was taboo for a teacher to foster a romantic relationship with her student."I mean... I want to... but the last thing I want is for you to get in trouble on my behalf..."He was about to reject her advance when her seductive lips suddenly fell upon his own once again. As her lips moved across his own, Ashe could feel his resistance beginning to slip with alarming speed."Mm!"He moaned into Byleth's mouth as she pulled him closer towards her, not expecting the Professor to be so aggressive in her pursuit. He closed his eyes as her tongue slipped between his own, unable to resist as tongues danced vividly with one another. It wouldn't be long until he was losing himself in the moment, not realizing what was happening as the Professor began to press him towards her mattress. Clumsily, he fell against the side of the bed, almost falling backwards if not for the Professor's hands keeping him steady."P Professor."He moaned between bated breaths as she called out his name, unable to say anything more as the beautiful woman climbed into his lap. He sat in blushing awe as her hands showed his own to the golden buttons around her neck, unsure of how to respond when the Professor spoke of teaching him how to make love."I... I want you to teach me..."He replied softly, his voice barely audible between his nervous breathing. As his fingers touched the Professor's lapel, his anxiousness caused his mind to struggle with what he was supposed to do next. Under normal circumstances, it was quite obvious that all he had to do was undo the two golden buttons to remove the Professor's coat. But Ashe was inexperienced... and more importantly, he wasnervous. Unsure of what he was supposed to do, the boy grabbed the Professor's collar with both hands, before suddenly pulling them apart in opposite directions. The sound of tearing fabric echoed throughout the Professor's confined bedroom, the boy displaying a sudden flash of aggression as he ripped the fabric apart so easily.As Byleth's coat fell to the floor behind her, Ashe continued to kiss the Professor, waiting for her lead on what to do next. As their lips pressed against one another, Ashe could feel heat beginning to swell inside of his chest and below his waist, he could feel his arousal beginning to grow in size. Forming a noticeable bump underneath the hem of his pants, Ashe couldn't help but begin moving his waist against his Professor, the grinding sensation doing little to alleviate the pressure that was building within. "Professor, please teach me how to make love to you."
Obsession (Chevalier & Spark)
At the sound of tearing fabric Byleth s lips took their leave of Ashe s throat, her graceful brows lifting ever so slightly as her gaze lifted towards the handsome archer s face. She wasn t startled, but she d be a liar if she claimed she wasn t surprised: she knew the archer possessed the strength to carry out such brutish action but she hadn t expected him to make such an aggressive display of removing the article of clothing. It conflicted wonderfully with the inexperienced male s vibrant blush. A pleased smile came to the professor s lips as she felt the material of her jacket slip down her arms, the coat unceremoniously puddling upon the floor at Ashe s feet.Her mouth returned to his with a heated and lustful kiss. All the tenderness had melted away, replaced with a primal and desperateneed. The professor wanted to defile her student in the most wonderful of ways: to take his innocence, to claim him ashers. She wanted to possess him as badly as she wanted him to return the favor. She knew, in time, that the young man would blossom in to a confident lover something she looked forward to, certainly, but an inevitability that made her focus and cherish his current innocence all the more attentively. Their kiss broke just long enough for the student to reaffirm his acceptance of Byleth s desire to instruct him in this unconventional subject."Professor, please teach me how to make love to you."She resumed their kiss as her hands returned to him. For several moments, she cradled the sides of his face, her mouth working against his in a way that could only be described asdevouring. Quite obviously emblazoned by his response, the woman s attentions continued to intensify as an approving moan emitted from her throat. Byleth was blissfully aware of the buck of his hips beneath her, the press of his arousal through their combined clothing causing a light shudder of anticipation to wash through her body.Goddess, she wanted to feel him inside of her. It took all of her self discipline not to rush their first time: so easily she could free him from the confines his pants, remove or simply move aside her shorts and panties Her hands stroked downwards, fingertips lightly dancing over the flesh of his throat as her touch made her way to the buckle of his chest strap. Deftly the belt was undone, eagerly pulled from his body, and tossed aside. The leather and metal band clattered insignificantly in the distance. Byleth s fingers quickly found their way to the buttons of his uniform, undoing them just as dexterously as she had the previous barrier. She made quick work of the series of black fastens, feeding them through the golden material of his uniform s front flap. Once completed, she impatiently peeled the fabric from his body, pressing the garment back as she shimmied the material from his shoulders and arms. She discarded the article just as carelessly as the one the proceeded it. The remaining obstruction the hoodie Ashe wore beneath his officer s academy uniform necessitated that the professor break their kiss as she grasped at the bottom hem and enthusiastically lifted the garment up and over his head.Her sapphire eyes soaked in the sight of the young man s naked chest. Ashe was exactly her type, physically: he was slender, his lean and lightly toned body betraying to the eye as to how much strength he possessed. A hand returned to him, lovingly caressing his newly exposed skin. An appreciative purr escaped her throat.Her gaze rose to meet his. The lust was evident in her eyes, as if her fervent kisses and hasty disrobing hadn t been enough of an indication. Your first lesson, she whispered desirously, is foreplay. She leaned forward once again, her lips finding purchase upon his throat. She trailed tender kisses downwards and along the bend of his collar bone. If you want to learn to make love to me, she continued between the press of her lips, you should know that I m a terrible tease. Her hands had made their way to his breast, and a thumb and pointer finger pinched lightly at a nipple. And I appreciate such attentions, in return. She lowered her face, her lips finding the opposite side of his chest, her tongue flicking against his alternate nipple before taking the fleshy nub into her mouth. She suckled affectionately for some moments before offering a playful nip. As she withdrew, she blew lightly upon the saliva slickened flesh. She offered a full handed grope of his chest as she straightened her position. I want you to explore my body learn to make me beg for more She had continued to move her hips alluringly over his lap throughout, but as she reached back to unfasten the hooks of her top she doubled her efforts. She bit down upon her lower lip as the motion of her grinding caused the tip of his arousal to brush against her clit, a shameless moan announcing her pleasure in response. With a dexterity matching that of her efforts on Ashe s clothing, she quickly removed and cast aside her semi armored shirt. The possessive garment had offered ample support, the woman s generous endowment lacking for any additional covering. Byleth arched her back, unwilling to lift her position upon his lap to level her chest with his face, but allowing him the space to explore her perfectly rounded and youthfully firm and perky breasts. My body is yours, Ashe she assured him lustfully."Show me what you'll do with it."
Obsession (Chevalier & Spark)
Ashe couldn't believe that this was actually happening...The inexperienced, young man had always harbored affectionate thoughts for his Professor and while the majority of his fantasies wereinnocent,many of them teased at his more...masculine desires. He would always feel so guilty about the restless nights where he stroked himself to the thought of claiming the Professor for his own... the things that he would do to her if the opportunity ever presented itself. But he never once believed that it would actually happen... and he often worried about the consequences of such actions. He would never want the Professor to get in trouble for taking his love and affection.But whatever reservations Ashe held were quickly dispelled as he felt the Professor's lips befall his once again, mouths crashing together and making out passionately as tongues danced together just like the pair had several hours ago. When he felt her moan reverberate between his lips, he couldn't help but desperately thrust his hips upwards in unrestrained desire. The eager bulge that began to press into his ever tightening pants encouraging him to move his hips against the Professor with greater vigor, spurred on by the gentle caress upon both sides of his face."Professor... I can you please tell me... am I dreaming?"The aroused male bit at his lower lip as the Professor helped him with his top, first unbuttoning his school uniform before removing the layers underneath. She moved her hands with so much skill and confidence, whereas Ashe's normally skilled fingers were held back by his shy inexperience. Once his upper body was made bare, the Professor's passionate, almost desperate kisses caused a gasp to escape the boy's lips, which only grew louder as her lips trailed from his neck downwards towards his exposed chest."Ahn P professor!"He moaned, biting at his lower lip as the Professor began to pay extra attention to the archer's sensitive nipples. The way that her lips moved so skillfully across his body made the boy quiver in delight, but the sweet words of encouragement that dribbled from her lips slightly frightened him as well. She was so good at this... and hewasn't... what if the woman he cared for was left unsatisfied? The very thought plagued Ashe's anxiety, but as the Professor's own, well endowed chest was bared and she let out a lascivious moan, Ashe would find himself lost to his natural, almost blinding lust."My body is yours, Ashe Show me what you'll do with it."Almost as soon as the words befell Ashe's ears, he couldn't hold himself back any longer. His slender arms reached underneath the Professor's thighs, dexterous fingers firmly grabbing her legs before effortlessly standing up and lifting Byleth in a surprising show of strength. He spun around, dropping the Professor backwards against the bed, so that her mane of darkened blue pooled behind her portrait and spread out across her duvet. With the back of her legs pressed up against his chest, Ashe wasted no time sliding her tall, leather boots free from her feet, tossing them to the side before reaching down to grab at her waist. It wasn't long after her shorts were pulled free from her body that his fingers moved to the waistband of his own pants, undoing the buttons so that his hardened arousal could finally be relieved of the tightening bulge forming between his legs."Nn P please Professor... I I need this so badly..."he gasped, moving his hips against his Professor so that his hot length could grind up against her entrance through the fabric of her undergarments. His hips bucked shyly at first, moving slowly so that the bulbous head of his throbbing masculinity would tease her entrance before being directed upwards, poking over her legs and into her visage as the underside of his shaft pressed firmly against her delectable folds. For a slender man of his stature, Ashe was well endowed: larger than average but not frighteningly so, with a slight bend in his shaft that caused his arousal to curve ever so slightly upwards. Of course, he was well groomed down there... shaven and clean, with perhaps not a single hair in sight.As he moved against her, his hands paid special attention to her exposed chest, reaching down so that he could carefully fondle the sides of her breasts before giving the blessed mounds a firm, more aggressive squeeze. His hips began thrusting more desperately to match his sudden, almost primal aggression, as if teasing her with his vigorous and eager technique. As much as he wanted to brush her panties to the side and begin ravaging her, the inexperienced boy wanted his Professor's approval. He wanted her to be good enough to make her beg for him, just like she had instructed him.
Obsession (Chevalier & Spark)
To witness the young archer s expression in the wake of her wildly open invitation wasintoxicating. More aptly, Byleth was mesmerized by the way her studentlooked at herin that moment, drunk on the lustful gaze that ignited his beautiful emerald eyes. He was visibly well beyond being able to resist her temptations and while she hadn t feared that he d deny her at any point this evening it was immensely gratifying to watch as his reservations were consumed by the flame of desire, his concerns of a potentialscandaldrifting away like smoke in the wind.Ashe shifted beneath her, slipping his hands under his professor s thighs. His touch continued to advance, his fingers curling around the outer curves of her legs, taking a firm grip in the moment before he lifted their forms from the bed. With her weight balanced upon her student s arms, Byleth couldn t help but be impressed by howeffortlesslythe archer hefted her into the air she had known that he wasstrong, of course, but the effort hadn t even elicited agrunt from the young man. The professor flashed him a smile as she steadied her position, placing her hands lightly upon his shoulders as she leaned forward to offer him a quick series of affectionate kisses. He reversed their relative positions to the bed, dexterously executing a half spin Byleth loosened her grip of him as he stopped moving, ever so willingly leaning back as he dropped her on to the mattress. A playful giggle bubbled from her lips, her enjoyment in the moment so overwhelming that she failed to acknowledge that she d realized an earlier assumption: that Ashewas the first person to make her laugh, and that the jubilant expression had been anything but at his expense.As he deftly removed her boots Byleth was unable but to marvel at Ashe s sudden initiative. She was pleasantly surprised to find her student so easily taking control of their intimate circumstances he was circumventing herlesson plan, so to speak, but the professor had no complaints in that regard. She watched the silver haired man in awe, the smile upon her lips remaining warm as she lifted her hips from the bed to assist Ashe in the removal of her shorts. And then A breath caught in her throat as Ashe started to undo the buttons of his pants. If she had a beating heart, no doubt it would have increased its tempo as it was, she simply ceased to breathe for some moments, her teeth biting down on her lower lip in anticipation."Nn P please Professor... I I need this so badly..."It wasn t until she felt his length press against her panties that she realized how positivelydrenched she was, no doubt her level of arousal immediately apparent to her soon to be lover. The bite upon her lower lip loosened and she released her held breath in a ragged, lustful exhalation as Ashe teased the idea of penetration.Oh fuck, you have no idea Byleth responded to the young man s words within her own thoughts.He shifted the angle of his thrust, causing for the underside of his impressive manhood to rub against her wanting slit through the material of her panties. The professor gave an approving moan as he teased her so, her sapphire eyes drifting from his face as she sought to witness a glimpse of the marvelous cock that brought her such pleasures. Never had she coveted with suchintensity: SheneededAshe, desiring nothing so much in the world as to possess every aspect of him. In the moment, she was fixated on the primal want to be claimed by him, though even in being possessed by wild lust she knew she wantedmuch, much more than that.He leaned downwards slightly, further pinning Byleth s body beneath his own as his hands sought to gently fondle her breasts. The buck of his hips increased in their fervor as he fondled his professor, whose gaze returned to the handsome man s face. Oooh, Ashe she purred, her heels digging lightly into his shoulders as she used the leverage to increase the press of her womanhood against his teasing member. Byleth s cheeks took on an uncharacteristic flush, her lips remaining parted as a shameless moan followed his name. Her hands had fallen away from him when she was dropped upon the mattress now they gathered the material of her blanket as she grasped for some physical anchor against the levity that was quickly dissolving her ability tothink.His teasing was amazingly effective. Byleth was unable to resist she quickly became unwilling to eventry and within several moments she was reduced to pleading for satisfaction. Please, she begged sweetly, her gaze staring into his own. Please, Ashe I want I need to feel you inside of me, Byleth admitted without a shred of shame. Sapphire eyes remained focused on the student, the professor s expression desperate and affectionate and lustful all at once. I m yours, she continued as her hands released their hold on the blanket, their attention redirecting to her panties. Her fingers locked a secure grip upon the bottom hem of her right leg, tearing the lacey fabric apart with a fervor that suggested the barrier was an enemy that deserved to be torn asunder. Once half of the garment was peeled from her flesh, the other side was ripped away by a single hand in a violent jerk away from her body. The removal of the fabric revealed that the professor was well groomed and freshly so as if she might have premeditated a reason to shave herself completely. Claim me, she pleaded eagerly, her hips bucking against him suggestively. The motion of his thrusts quickly became morefluid, Byleth's excessive arousal drenching the underside of his cock with each stroke over her womanly folds."Please, Ashe..."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai, whose real name was Raiden, had moved to Beach City a number of years earlier with her widowed father and six older siblings.Chris and Molly had intended on having a lot of kids as both had come from large families. What they didn't intend was Molly's third pregnancy resulting in a set of quintuplets. The couple had a three year old son, Dennis, and a two year old daughter, Alice, when the quints were born three girls and two boys that they'd named, Adrien, Eriden, Andrei, Darien, and Raiden. Less than a week after the delivery, Molly died of an infection brought on by a surgical sponge from the c section being left in her.It wasn't until the kids were older that Chris moved the family to Beach City. While the six older kids made friends with kids at their school, Rai didn't. Although it didn't take long for her to make friends. Two weeks after moving, a boy that she'd seen around town , introduced himself and the two were fast friends. That was almost five years ago and Rai and Steven were still extremely close.Rai was still a bit on the short side, being the size of a twelve year old despite being fifteen. Although she did have curves, being a bit thick with a dramatic hourglass figure and long legs. She had blonde hair styled so the right side being shoulder length and the left being super short. Her ears were pierced four times, she always had matching earrings in them.After school Rai raced home as usual to change from her school uniform. She quickly stripped and replaced her clothes with a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a blue plaid shirt. She pushed her feet into black converse and trained her chocolate brown eyes the laces. "Tell Dad I'm hanging out with Steven." She called to her siblings as she ran out.About ten minutes later she was knocking on the door. Pearl answered the door, "Hello, Rai.""Hey, Pearl, is Steven here?" She asked."He's watching TV." Pearl replied allowing her to enter the house.Rai quietly sneaked up behind and dangled a gift bag in front of him. "I brought you something."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven had been watching the newest episode of a new show he was introduced to. It has been years since he officially went on more Crystal Gem adventures and alot has changed. First was Connie having to move. Despite how painful it was, her dad needed to go for the new job and the two still kept in contact. Of course, there was a fair bit of disappointment among Steven's parental figures, the Crystal Gems, not to mention his dad, Greg as well, since the distance meant that Connie and Steven couldn't function as a romantic couple, though they remained close friends. Steven was happy that Connie did find her special someone it was someone over in California. He actually got to meet him. Him and his twin sister were both very nice.The second change came with the arrivals of his new friend, Rai. She moved in a few weeks after Connie had left. She was a few years younger than he was. Despite that, it was really cool getting a new friend. He even helped her make new friends, like Peedee. However, what was really the awesome part was when she joined him and the Gems in protecting Beach City. She found out within a couple of days about his responsablity as a Gem and she was okay with it. In fact, she ended up helping out alot with his missions. She still did in fact."Hi Rai! What is it that you got me?" Steven told her with a smile and his cheerful tone. He grabbed the gift bag and gingerly took out the fift. "You didn't have to get me anything," he said with a smile. He grew a bit since those years ago. he was now almost his dad's size when he was his age. Granted, according to Greg, but also his uncle, the guys in the family tended to be late bloomers, but when they finally finish growing, they tend to be quite tall.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai smiled, and plopped next to him. "It's nothing really. Alice found a recipe online for those cookie cat ice sandwich things and I remembered you mentioned you liked them." She said. "So I made a couple. Alice helped since I practically burn water and we enjoy having a house to live in." It wasn't a secret that Rai wasn't a skilled cook but she could make a few things.Inside the bag were a two ice cream sandwiches carefully wrapped in parchment with black marker written on it. One read, "THIS IS FOR STEVEN. I SWEAR ON MY LIFE IF YOU PEOPLE EAT THESE I WILL DESTROY YOU." and the other "THIS IS ALSO STEVEN'S. IF YOU GUYS TOUCH IT YOU WILL DIE SCREAMING!""Ignore the threats." She said. "With six older siblings, I either have to threaten death or they take my stuff." It didn't help that Rai was the runt of the litter. She always was having been born half the size of her siblings.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"WOW!" Steven said, with stars in his eye as he held the homemade Cookie Cats in his hand. He had a massive smile on his face before he leaned over to hug her. It meant alot to him that she made this. He did look at the text on the bags and smiled jokingly. He wasn't big on black comedy, but he could still apprecaite how much she was doing it to care."Well, maybe you can talk to them. I could care," Steven told her with a smile before he got a text from Peedee. "Hey, a messege from Peedee! He says that we're getting someone new in town. According to what he heard, he's gonna be working at the new bookstore," Steven told her. "Let's head over to the entrance to give him a Beach City welcome!" he said to her.A young scholarly looking man stepped down from the bus, with two suitcases along with three duffel bags attached to them behind him. He looked at Beach City and took a breath. He was dressed over with a t shirt along with some jeans and comfortable shoes. His new life awaited. He heard alot of itneresting things of Beach City and it would be a nice play to write his stories and maybe explore some mysteries.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai blushed a bit when Steven hugged her. For a few months now, she'd been seriously crushing on him but didn't want to say anything for fear of ruining their friendship if the feelings weren't mutual."Really?" She asked. "No one really moves here... well at least no one has since my family showed up. It'd probably be best to let him get settled in, besides it'll give me an excuse to check out the new bookstore." She remembered her family moving and people showing up at her house to introduce themselves. It was nice but Rai couldn't quite figure out if they were being neighborly, were curious about a new family , or wanted to see if the rumors of the family having quints was true.Pearl grabbed a list that was on the fridge. "Raiden, are you staying for dinner?" She asked."If it's not a bother I guess." She said.Pearl nodded and headed out to grab a few groceries.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven went downstairs and over to the kitchen table to leave a note. Amethyst was spending the day with Vidalia while Garnet was another solo mission, so it was just him and Pearl here for part of the day. Of course, now that Rai was here, things were fun. He was thinking alot about her recently. He blused a bit. He knew part of it was because of his how he was growing up. He remembered how weird it was when his dad gave him "The Talk." He was just grateful that the Gems were there or it would've been even more awkward. He sighed as he was dealing with these complicated sort of feelings."Bye Pearl! See you home soon!" Steven said before he stepped out, grabbing Raiden's hand while running out to the bookstore.Diego looked up over to his new house. It was pretty close by to the bookstore. He already moved in more or less his possessions. He wasn't gonna unpack anything until later. He locked thw e house and decided to check out the bookstore that he was now the co owner of. He was admiring the scenary while looking around before he arrived at his bookstore."Hi! Welcome to Beach City!" a happy voice said. Diego looked a bit startled as he tured around and saw a happy looking teenager with his friend whom he was holding hands with. "Um hi. Thanks for the welcome," he said as he scratched the back of his head embarassingly."My name is Diego. Nice to meet you," Diego said. "I'm Steven. Steven Univese!" Steven said as he shook Diego's hand.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I'm " Rai started to"Raiden Jasmine Kostas!" A female voiced called sternly. They turned to see Alice, Rai's oldest sister. "I'm sorry, sir." She said to Diego. "My younger siblings enjoy annoying me at work, and unless Raiden and her boyfriend are going to buy something should leave.""You do realize I'm literally never here when you're working and it's the four others that annoy you, right?" Rai said. "I literally avoid you as much as possible. Also Steven is not my boyfriend, he's my friend that happens to be a boy."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Diego turned to see a young woman, looking like Rai. Diego's eyebrow raised at her rather annoyed coment. "I take it your older sister works here, Rai?" Diego says as he crossed his arms. "Besides, I'm not bothered by them coming. It's always good to see the young interested in boosk," Diego said with a smile as he looked at them. Steven looked to Alice and gave her a friendly wave though he did blush very slightly at being alled Rai's girlfriend."I'm wondering if you have any new books by the guy who made the No Home Boys," Steven asked Diego. "Um, sure. I just got here, but I can check for you," Diego told him before he checked the shelves and pointed them out for Steven. "And it sounds like you have a vbig family, Rai?" Diego told her with interest.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Yeah, there's seven of us." Rai responded with a sigh. "Alice is number two and I'm number seven. You'll no doubt meet them because they actually do come in here solely to annoy Alice. I imagine they'll stop next year when we turn sixteen and can actually get jobs."Alice waved to be polite and went to the crash register to check them out when they were done.Alice's comment about Steven being her boyfriend did make Rai think. She decided she would confess her feeling when the two got back to Steven's house.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Diego smiled humorously at what Rai said regarding their pretty bg family. "It sounds like they annoy you too," Diego told her with a cheeky grin before he saw Alice go and check them out and such. "You need to relax a bit," Diego told his co worker as well."I imagine you'll close up since I actually don't officially begin my shift until the day after tomorrow," Diego explained to Alice. "I'm probably gonna finish taking a tour of the town, so you see in a couple days," Diego told his future co worker before he headed out. He decided he would check out the grocery store so he could make a mental note of everything before he would officially go for groceries tomorrow. He entered the grocery store, liking the local feel of the place.Meanwhile, when Steven arrived home, he saw that Garnet and Amethyst were already there. "Hey Garnet, hey Amythest," Steven told them. "Hey Steven! I got some interesting stuff I wanna show ya," Amythest said before Steven followed her."Don't go. We actually need to talk," Garnet said to Rai before sitting down on the table and remainign quiet until Steven disappeared into Amethyst's room. "Are you preparing to try and confess your feelings to Steven?" Garnet said in her maternaly yet serious voice.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Yes, sir." Alice said with a nod.Rai sat down at the table in front of Garnet with clear apprehension. She looked a bit confused before realizing as how Garnet knew that. "I always forget you can do that." She said sighing. "Why do you ask? Is me telling him going to ruin our friendship?"Pearl stood in front of the deli section trying to decide between three different types of fish.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I know you care for Steven and that he cares about you too. He's been having a bit of trouble dealing with this," Garnet began. Even after a bit more with humans, it was sometimes hard always being able to explain what was needed to be said. "You're a good person and I trust you. My advice is to just take it one step at a time. Love takes time and love takes effort. But I can see you're willing to make that effort and I know Steven will too," Garnet advised her."Although I am curious about something. Have you ever fused with him?" Garnet asked her. She recalled that back when Connie was in town, she could fuse with Steven. Steven fusing with either Gems or humans was a great power. Besides Connie, he has fused with Amethyst and recently, his brotherly bond with Peedee allowed them to form Stevdee.Diego was walking around the grocery store before he accidentally bumped into a pale woman at the deli section. "Oh, I'm really sorry," Diego said as he blushed a bit, acicdentally bumping into Pearl.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Yeah, we have a couple of times. I'm the really a big fan of it though," Rai said, "it's just kinda weird. I guess it's just something I gotta get used to." She stood up and walked around the table. "Thanks for the advice though." She wrapped her arms around Garnet's shoulders for a few seconds before heading off to find Steven.Pearl had been so preoccupied trying to decide that she hadn't notice Diego. "Don't be," she said, "I should have been paying better attention, I just decide between these fish."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I suppose its interesting neither Pearl, Amethyst or myself have seen you fuse," Garnet commented on it though she did smile at Rai. From what she saw, Rai's feelings for Steven are genuine and he wanted Steven to be happy. He was surprised by Rai's hug but he did go down and hug her back. "I recommend you tell Steven in a meaningful place to the both of you," Garnet advised as Steven had come back from Amethyst's room, having looked at the new paintings she got from Vidalia. "Hey Rai, what do you wanna do now?" he asked her."Uh, I recommend that one. I'm new here. Pleasure to meet you, I'm Diego. I just moved here," Diego said before he got a good look at Pearl. She was literally unlike any woman he met before and it was quite surprising.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I thought we could go for a walk." Rai said knowing the perfect place to go, the water tower. She had asked Steven to go to her school's homecoming dance months prior and the two ended up leaving half an hour into the two and a half hour event. Rai attended a private school so when there was a dance the other students got pretty wild, and she just didn't feel comfortable with all the twerking and the couples grinding on each other. When the two left, Rai had had the idea of climbing the water tower, which they did. Steven asked why she wanted to leave and when she explained Steven suggested that they have one dance there so she could say she did dance. That was the first time the two fused."Thank you." Pearl said putting the fish in the basket on her arm, before sticking her hand out to shake his. "I'm Pearl. It's nice to meet you."