You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven was gazing at Rai lovingly, their nude bodies touching and sweating from just the intimate foreplay alone. He kept kissing her, even doing some tongue while he was holding onto her tight. "Are your ready?" he asked her as he felt his dick grinding her pussy. He wanted her to be sure and comfortable.Diego was quiet as he listened to everything that Pearl was saying. He heard bits of pieces from Amethyst and Pearl on the subject matter, especially on giving the body, though when he asked if the Gem died, Garnet confessed they had no idea or if Rose was actually dead."...Pearl, I didn't exactly have much of a life before I met you. Even if we can't have kids... I still wanna be with you. You mean alot to me... but Garnet and Amethyst did mention on how it felt when Rose left ya'll, and I'm wondering... do you still wanna be with me even though you'll outlive me?" Diego asked her quietly.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Yes, I'm sure." Rai said moaning. She felt Steven grinding against her and it was driving her wild, making her even wetter. "Just go slow at first so I can get used to your size."Pearl was quiet for awhile before she answered, saying, "Either way I'm going to lose you, at least I can make the most of our time together if we keep seeing one another."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Oka," Steven told her breathily before he leaned in to kiss her intensely as he slowly entered inside of her. He groaned out loud as he lost his virginity to the girl that he loved. He took several moments so he could get used to being inside of her. "O oh goodness, this is wonderful," he said as he held onto her tight.Diego let out a breath before he gave Pearl a tight hug, savoring the nice embrace. "Likewise... but when I look at it. We never really lose the ones we care about. They may not be here with us physically, but they live on in hopes, dreams and hearts... EVen when I am not around to be with you, I'll aways be with you," Diego told her sagely while he kept the embrace with her.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
""Steven," Rai moaned, "don't start thrusting." She was still trying to get used to Steven's size. Being s girl that wasn't fond of tampons, she'd never actually had anything inside her so this was a big adjustment.Pearl hugged back, resting her head on his shoulder again. "Spoken like a true philosopher."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven remained still, just holdng on to Rai and letting her get used to his girth. He did bring her in closer to hug her closer, feeling her chest on his and kissing her once more. "You okay?" he asked her quietly, the room bathed in moonlight and starlight."Regardless, every moment with you is beautiful and eternal," Diego told her as he kept slow dancing with her. Ruby and Sapphire had finished dancing and fused back to the table as Garnet. "I wondeed what they've been talking about," Greg asked Garnet. "I think they're going to be okay," was all Garnet said.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Yeah, I've just never had anything in there before." Rai said with a half smile. "It's really weird, but it's a good weird." After a few more seconds, Rai kissed Steven on the lips and without parting whispered, "You can start thrusting, I'm ready.""That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me." Pearl said, smiling.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven just kissed back, content on holding onto Rai and savorONG their connection. They were connected in a passionate and primal way. When Rai told him that she was ready, Steven nodded before he kissed her neck and he began to slowly thrust. It was a very unique and unforgettable experience and new sensations began flooding through him.Diego just smiled back before losing Pearl again and walking them back to the seat. "Wow, good job, Pearl," Amethyst said in a good natured manner as they saw the moon high in the sky.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai moaned as she felt Steven begin his thrusting. "What did I tell you?" She asked with a smile. "Just do what comes natural, and it feels great." She was moaning and enjoying the feeling of being so close to Steven."What did I do?" Pearl asked.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven started out slow to get used to the new sensations. He leaned in front to kiss her once more. He sat up so he could look at her better while thrusting slowly. "This is wonderful. I'm glad it's with you," he whispered in her ear lovingly while holding her.Amethyst made a kissy face at Pearl and Diego before she chuckled at Diego blushing from her teasing. "Well, I'm glad that the two of you are making ot work. It takes alot of work, but it's worth it," Greg told them both with a smile.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Me too." Rai moaned. "I feel like I've waited for this forever, and it was so worth it." She threw her head back in pleasure as she began to bounce up and down trying to make each stroke more enjoyable.Pearl shot Amethyst an annoyed look.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven wanted to draw this out and savor every subtle sensation and movement so he kept going slow and steady. However, he did notice that Rai was picking up the pace as she was bouncing out. "I love you Rai," he told her lovingly as he embraced her, warm bodies touching and shimmering from sweat in the moonlight."Well, I am happy for the both of you. Treasure each moment," Garent said in her mirthful yet sageful tone. "Yeah though with Rose doing it and now Pearl, looks like settling with a human would be fun," Amethyst said in thought.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai smiled but kept going, she did want to savor the pleasure but she also wanted to finish before anyone came looking for them. "I love you too, Steven.""Thank you, Garnet." Pearl with a smile before teasing Amethyst, "Eridan's right over there."Eridan sat at a nearby table bouncing Mason on her lap while Sadie and Dennis danced.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven was also going a bit faster while he was holding her. "I think I might cum soon," Steven said. They were both virgins so Steven did figure they probably would not last that long, but he wanted every moment to last. He hugged her tigher as he rested his forehead on hers before kissing her once more."Yeah, but I don't I'm ready yet. It is interesting Peedee found someone. I told Steven that if Peedee was still looking, Petidot was available," Amethyst said with a cheek smile. Greg laugh good naturedly while Garnet smirked."So tomorrow we have dinner with Rai and her grandparents. Rai informed me she informed her grandparents to accomodate us," Garnet expained.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Me too." Rai moaned. She wasn't worried knowing that Steven was wearing a condom and she was on the pill. While she would love to make Steven a father, she knew the two of them were still too young and there was still so much she wanted to get done before having kids."Amethyst, I'm pretty sure Peridot is," Pearl cleared her throat, "'involved' with Lapis." She listened to Garnet before adding, "Raiden told me that her grandmother can be overbearing."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I'm still going to pull out to be safe," Steven told her as he went a bit faster and harder just to push them over the edge. He kissed her a final time, more intensely and passionately before he pulled out just as he came. The condom was filled with Steven's cum beofre Steven shivered as he also felt some of Rai's cum. "That... that was amazing," he said in a haze of pleasure as he held her while she rested on him."Maybe...? I mean, they do spend alot of time, but they spend too much of it bickering," Amethyst said as she shrugged her shoulders. "Admittingly, I think that while they could advance into that form of relationship, neither are ready for it," Garnet added after some thought. "Well, I am sure we can hanfle it," Greg said confidently.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai's body tensed as she let out a loud moan. Once her body relaxed, she practically collapsed from exhaustion, panting. "Wow." She said. "I can't believe how good that felt." Her head was resting on Steven's shoulder, her left hand resting on his chest, and her right hand playing with his curly hair."I'm just worried about of the things she may ask." Pearl said knowing their "family" wasn't exactly normal. What if Rai's grandparents disapproved, would Rai be forced to break up with Steven?
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven just embraced Rainas she collapsed on top of him. He leaned over to kiss her as she rested her head on his shoulder. "Yeah, it was amazing. And I'm glad it was with you," Steven told Rainwith a smile as he stroked her hair. "We should probably shower in a little bit," he said to her while holding her."Well, things went well back when we met Connie's parents years ago and Steven and Rai are old enough to make their own decisions," Greg states. "I'm sure everything will be fine. Steven has a way with people," Diego added with a smile.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"We should probably do it now before someone decides to come in." Rai rested her head and rested her chin on his chest."Yes but Steven and Connie were just friends. Steven and Raiden are dating, that's a whole new ball game." Pearl said. "And Raiden's made jokes that most of her family members have married their first boyfriend or girlfriend. I don't think her grandparents will be coming into this thinking of Steven as Raiden's boyfriend, I think they'll be seeing him as a possible husband for her."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven nodded before he carefully got the condom off of him. "Do we throw this away in any special way?" Steven said, referring to the cum filled condom. Once that was taken care of, Steven led Rai to the shower so they culd get clean and get the scent of sex off of them."I love you, Rai," Steven told her as he turned on the hot shower form them to relax.Diego was listening and trying to figure out what to do. While he was friends with Steven, he wasn't invited as he wasn't part of the family. He did note that Pearl was getting more used to living on Earth given her growing usage of idioms and expressions. "Well, it is ultimately up to them and I doubt that anyone could hate Steven," Diego added. "If it's the job thing, I don't think they have much to worry about. Steven's been doing a good job saving money and he's also been planning to release his own music online," Greg added.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I don't know." Rai said looking at it. "I think you tie it to keep the cum inside, and just throw it away I guess." She followed him to the bathroom. "I love you too.""I'm sure they'll love Steven," Pearl explained, "I'm talking about us. Raiden's family is traditional Christians and even when someone in her family has had a child out of marriage, they still end up marrying the other person. When we show up tomorrow, they're going to see one adult man with five women known of which are Steven's mother."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven tied the cndom and threw it deep in the bathroom trash bin. "We should also change into our pajamas that we have in the duffel bag in the closet," Steven explained to her while enjoying the hot water running down their bodies. "I think Pearl's been worried about meeting your gradparents tomorrow," he told Rai."Yeah, but they sound kinda like how Greg's cousin, Andy, was," Amethyst added in regards to the surprise when Greg's family finally came around. While Greg talked more to them from time to time, it was still not by that much though Greg did figure something. "Ho boy, when Steven gets married, it'llbe nuts seeing everyone again," Greg said as he facepalmed.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
That's makes two of us." Rai chuckled. "The good thing is my siblings aren't going to be there so they won't be there to make it more awkward.""When Steven gets married? Dennis is the first of seven kids to get married, chances are Beach City is gonna have to deal with this six more times, not to mention all of these 'baptisms' when they start popping out babies." Pearl said.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Why, what would be the problem? Steven asked Rai as he was holding her in the shower, hugging her from behind. He passed her the small bag that had her shampoo and soap in it for her to use so they could get cleaned."Rai's family is connected though, Pearl. With Steven and mine's family, we haven't really talked to any of them in years outside of Andy," Greg explained to Pearl. "Then again, I have talked with some of Rai's family and at least half of them are planning to moving out of Beach City for college at the very least so perhaps not as many," Diego said. Being in the bookstore where Rai's sister was a cok worker, he saw them often.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I told my grandparents your mom died in childbirth, but I'm afraid if you show up with everyone, my grandparents will just assume your dad is married to one of them." Rai sighed. "Or that he's married to all of them. I mean their youngest son does have three wives, so that probably will be a legitimate thing they guess." She turned to him with a serious look on her face. "I'm just afraid my grandparents will say something to offend you or your family and it'll change how you guys see me.""True." Pearl said.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven stood there and listened to Rai's concerns over what her grandparents could percieve regarding him and his family. "Rai, I love you for you and Dad and the Gems like you for who you are," Steven told her comfortingly with a smile. "Besides, everything went good when you meat Uncle Andy," he told her with a smile, reminding her of how Greg somewhat felt with her meeting Andy DeMayo."I think everything will go okay. We have to look at it with a positive attitude," Greg told them all with a smile. "I think we should be getting ready to leave soon though given how the town wants to help clean up, we should do our part," Diego pointed out.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai smiled and kissed Steven, wrapping her arms around his neck. "How do you always know what to say to make me feel better?"Pearl sighed, "We can only hope!"
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven just laughed at her words before he kissed her back. "We should probably finish up and head to bed. We have a big day tomorrow and Dad and the Gems will be back soon since they said they would be staying behind to help clean up," Steven mentioned to her as he kissed her forehead."Well then we should get going," Garnet said as she saw that most of the people were packing up though they were also helping in putting everything away. Being Gems, they were able to do plenty of heavy lifting witout any problem and Diego was helping out as well. "You wanna meet up tomorrow after your breakfast with Rai's grandparents, Pearl?" Diego asked her.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Okay," Rai grabbed her clothes and put them on before heading out of the bathroom to sit on the couch."We should meet up before," Pearl said, "we're having dinner with her grandparents."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven finished washing them up before he turned the shower. Rai was the first to finish drying herself bfore she grabbed her duffel bag and got dressed in her pajamas. Steven finished drying soon after and slipped on his pajamas before sitting on the couch and enveloping his arms around her. "How are you feeling?" he asked her.Diego nodded while he finished in putting away some of the stuff in container areas. The professional movers would arrive in the early morning to take the stuff away. "I would love to meet up in the morning," Diego told her with a smile. "Yeah, we're finished here. We should probably head back," Amethyst told them as she shapeshifted from the Purple Puma back into normal.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai pajamas were a spaghetti string tank top and a pair of short basketball short. When Steven sat next to her, Rai shifted her weight to lean against Steven. "I feel great!" She said with a smile.Pearl kissed Diego on the lips, and said, "Great, I'll see you tomorrow."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven leaned a bit against Rai while he smiled back at her. "I have no regrets, I'm glad it was you," Steven told her with a smile as he kissed her forehead. "Though we probably shouldn't tell the Gems," he added. He guessed Garnet would figure it out, but he wasn't sure of the others.Diego blushed along with Pearl when she kissed him on the lips. He did smile back and kissed her back before hugging her back. "See you tomorrow," he said dreamily. "Glad you're happy," Garnet told Pearl.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Definitely don't tell our dads." Rai chuckled. "Mine would straight come here with a shotgun. He did that with Lars, that boy's tough guy persona disappears real quick when he's staring down a twelve gauge shotgun. I have literally never seen someone shit themselves from fear until then."Pearl waved at him as she walked away. "Yeah, me too." She smiled. "I told him that I couldn't have a child without giving up my physical form, and he was completely okay with it."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I don't think the Gems would like that at all," Steven chuckled back. However, Steven dodnfigure that his shield would be enough to stand up to firearms at least though he didn't want to try it. "So it'll be our secret," Steven told her with a smile."Well, that and I don't think you'd be able to handle being able to do that," Amethyst said with a smirk. She knew better than almost anyone that despite loosening up a bit, Pearl was still very prim and proper and lewd comments and behavior always flustered Pearl still right now.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Okay." Rai agreed kissing Steven on the lips, before laughing, "and I think you mean it'll be our secrets coz we are definitely doing that again.""And just what is that supposed to mean?" Pearl asked growing angry. She assumed that Amethyst meant she wouldn't be able to handle being pregnant.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Yeah though we will have to be careful and not get caught. I don't wanna have to explain it to the Gems," Steven told her before he kissed her back with a smile. He did yawn before he got a text messege from his Dad. "Dad says he's gonna be staying the night here and everyone is heading here for a good night so we probably should get ready to sleep," Steven said before he yawned."Well, first off, it be kinda funny trying to picture you pregnant, but Rose didn't seem to change much..." Amethyst said before she tried and remember. "Rose's behavior did not change much if at all though whether it's because f the modifed physiology or because it was Rose is difficult to tell," Garnet elaborated. "But I also meant you not being able to go to the step before that," Amethyst said before she did a certain gesture with her fingers signaling to Pearl exactly what she meant.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Kay." She stood up pulling her shorts down a bit. "I wonder how excited Sadie and Dennis are right now?" She laughed. "Alice, the other quints, and I pooled our money together and paid for their honeymoon."Pearl blushed, and said, "I'm sure I could, but I wouldn't tell you because I have class."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Well, when they are heading out for it?" Steven asked her as he laughed with her before he prepped the sofa for his dad to sleep on. "That is really cool and I hope they all have alot of fun," he added with a smile before he yawned. He held her hand before going to his bed and sitting on it. "Where are they going?" he asked.Amethyst and Garnet couldn't help but smile at Pearl's intense blush and flusterness. "Pearl, you get flushed when anyone just mntions a naughty word," Amethyst couldn't help but tease before shapeshifting into Amethyst. "I am a prim and proper lady lewd behavior? me? why how absurd!" Amethyst said though her imitation was devoid of malice. "Like we all could as Gems, but would yo want to?" she asked her."It is something to ponder about, Pearl. Everyone has needs, physical, mental and emotional. From what I udnerstand, beyond reproduction, it tends to be considered an intimate and passionate exchange, much like fusion is and hence those that abuse it are considered disdained," Garnet added.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"After dinner tomorrow, and I get to babysit Mason all weekend." Rai said as she followed Steven and pulled the covers down on his bed. "They're going to the city of love, Paris.""Amethyst!" Pearl yelled blushing deeper before regaining her composure. She cleared her throat before continuing to speak, "I understand quite a bit about that, and I would be willing to at least give it a chance. I can't guarantee I'll do it more than once."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Wow, hope they take lots of pictures," Steven said as he wrapped an arm around her before he snuggled up to her under the covers. "I'll help you take care of Mason," Steven told her with a soft smile."Pearl, I'm gonna stop joking and be real. You sure you want to? Like, have you even shapeshfited into that sort of human form and such?" Amethyst said as she got a slightly more serious tone as she crossed her arms. SHe wanted Pearlt o be happy, but she didn't want Pearl to get into something she wasn't ready for. "And how would you even know what to do?" she added."The best person to talk to would probably be Greg, if only because he could probably explain how Rose did it," Garnet added.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I know." Rai said with a smile kissing Steven. "I was planning on coming back here after dinner with him.""Raiden did joke about learning about that kind of stuff from the internet." Pearl said thinking before her eyes big and she had a look of disgust. "I'm not sure we want him to explain how Rose did it... and honestly I think I'd be more comfortable talking to a female about it."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"All right, that'll work and Dad could help us if we need it," Steven told her before he yawned once more and snuggled up closer to Rai. "Good night, Rai, I love you," Steven told her softly before he kissed her forehead and he was on the trail to fall asleep.Greg went up ahead to unlock the beach house while the Gems were still talking. "Yeah, but would you even know what to search?" Amethyst said as she raised her eyebrow. "I am not sure who you could talk about that," Garnet confessed before Greg got the door open for them to ebter and get some well earned sleep.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I love you too." Rai said as she snuggled closer to Steven."A search engine would be a good start." Pearl stayed.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven fell asleep holding Rai in his arms and with a smile on his face."Looks like they've already fallen asleep," Greg told the Gems in a hushed whisper as he saw them asleep. "I'm gonna change and then head to asleep as well," he told them before he went to the bathroom and changed into some pajamas before heading to sleep in the couch that Steven had prepped up for them."Well, god luck, Pearl," Amethyst told her with a smile. Score she and Garnet went to bed as well.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
The next day went by pretty fast, Rai made breakfast before heading home to help get ready for dinner. Eventually evening came, and Steven and everyone else made their way to the Kostas house. It was a small farmhouse with a large yard located just outside of town. There was a chicken coop with probably five chickens, a couple of goats roaming around the yard, and a large white dog with brown spots was sleeping on the porch that wrapped around the house.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
The rest of the day came by quickly and Diego could not spend time with Pearl because he had to come into work. His co worker calle din because of a nasty hangover so he just stood voer the bookstore and managed the whole place, it was a quiet place."Is everyone ready?" Steven asked everyone. Greg looked confident that everything will go all right. Garnet just smiled and nodded while Amethyst gave a thumbs up. "Are Lapis and Peridot just running late?" Greg asked.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Pearl did stop by the bookstore to bring Diego lunch and spend sometime with him. She did have to leave to go back to the beach house to meet up with everyone.She walked into the house in the time to hear Greg's question. "They said they'd meet us there." She said.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
However, Diego was happy to see that Pearkl did come visit him for some quality tiem together and she even brought him lunch. They spent some time talking about various topics and just enjoying one another's company. Pearl brought him some pizza from the Pizza family for lunch and he eventually waved her good bye.Greg held open the door for Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst to step in while Steven walked in alongside Rai. "Good evening," Greg told them cheerfully, going to make a good first impression.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai met them at the door to let them in. The door opened up to a small platform with two sets of stair one leading to the second floor and the other to the adjoining living room. Chris, a man looking like an older Chris, and a third man that was significantly paler than the other two sat on the couches watching football. They all stood up when seeing the guest. "Everyone these are my grandfathers, Chris Senior and Giorgios." Rai said. Two women walked out of the kitchen. "This are my grandmothers, Tula and Haris. And this is my boyfriend, Steven, and his family Greg, Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven led Greg and the Gems through the house and following Rai up to where the grandparents were. "It's a pleasure to meet you," Greg said with a smile as he presented his hand for them to shake. Amethyst just waved while Garnet just nodded. "It's nice to meet you all," Steven told them with a big smile on his face.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Well dinner is almost ready." Tula said. She was slightly tan with dark grey hair and was clearly Rai's paternal grandmother. "If you ladies would set the table." She was referring to the Gems."Rai go get Greg a beer while you're in the kitchen." Chris Sr said."Yes, sir." Rai said as she went to retrieve the beer.Pearl and the other Gems followed her so they could seat the table, seeing Lapis and Peridot already there. Lapis was stirring a pot and Peridot was standing on a stool cutting vegetables.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Um, Rai wait, I don't really drink beer or any alcohol really," Greg told her so she wouldn't have to go and do so. Both Steven and Greg took note of how traditional everything was, though it didn't look like there would be much issue... yet anyway."When did you guys get here?" Amerhyst asked Lapis and Peridot when they were in the kitchen. "Shouldn't we go and help?" Steven asked Rai's grandparents.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai returned to the living room with two cans, saying, "That's why I got you a soda, Mr. Universe." She handed one can to Greg and the other to Steven.Chris Sr raised an eyebrow at her. "Calling your boyfriend's father by his last name Rai?" He asked."Yes sir." Rai said before returning to the kitchen.Chris Sr nudged his son, saying, "Keep your eyes on those two or you might be a grandpa again."Giorgios chuckled at Steven's question, "If we were having barbecue then we'd be working the grill but since we're not, the food is the women's job.""About ten minutes ago." Lapis said.Pearl went to the counter that had a stack of plates, utensils, and cups on it. She grabbed the plates and handed them to Amethyst. "Put one out for everyone." She instructed before grabbing the silverware so she could go behind Amethyst and place the silverware in its spot.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Thanks, Rai," Greg saidnwith a smile before he and Steven looked to Chris Sr."i don't mind. Not a lot of people call me Mr. Universe nowadays," Greg said with a smile before Steven also chuckled. "That doesn't make sense though," Steven said with a frown as he looked at them.Amethyst just shrugged and nodded before she went and put the plates. "So far, these guys aren't like Andy, least not as much back then," Amethyst noted to Pearl.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Before she was dating your son did she call you by your first name?" Chris Sr asked."Yeah." Greg responded in a questioning tone."That's because to our community, you call your friends' parents by their first names but if you're dating someone and things are pretty serious, you call their parents by their last name as a sign of respect." Chris Sr responded. "Rai calling you by your last name is our communities way of her saying that she wants you to know that she respects you as her possible future father in law. Molly did the same with me and my son did the same with her parents."Rai started putting food on plates, telling Amethyst, "That's because dinner hasn't started. When everyone is together they'll start being embarrassing."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Well, I mean she can still call me Greg. It doesn't bother me," Greg explains to Chris Sr. "I'm gonna go help out," Steven said, not really comfortable just standing there when he could go out and help with the cooking. "I imagine that you'll be heading back to Greece within a few days since the wedding ended," Greg wondered out loud. "Beach City's never really had such a large group of people here before," he noted."Well, I'm sure it won't be that bad," Amethyst said in a reassuring tone. Garnet just placing a comforting hand on Rai's shoulder.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
The two older men laughed. "We live in Florida." Chris Sr said. "As does most of our family.""I just wanna apologize in advance for anything they say." Rai said quietly so only the Gems would hear."Okay dinners ready!" Tula called.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Greg and Steven turned to Tula and proceeded to head to the table. "I helped ut," Steven said as he is carrying several large dishe and placing them on the table so everyone could help themselves. "Oh wow, this looks really nice," Greg complimented before he pulled the seat for Pearl, Steven for Rai while Garnet and Amethyst sat themselves."Did Rai explain do you about Gems and eating?" Steven asked curiously.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Everyone took their seats. "Rai would you say grace?" Tula asked."Yes, ma'am." Rai said as she folded her hands and bowed her head. "Thank you, Lord, for the food you have given us and for another day so that we may follow your word. I pray that you bless everyone at this table, amen."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven and Greg just folded their hands while also bowing their heads. They were not believed though. Both Greg and Steven were agnostic and in fact Steven never gave much thought on that given that Beach City was never religious, even lacking a church. The Gems just followed to be respectful, but they didn't seem to believe in a fed, the closest formally being the Diamond Authority, though they've long stopped believing in them.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
After the prayer everyone who wanted to eat began to. "So is Steven an only child?" Tula asked.Rai took a deep breath and closed her eyes knowing this was just the beginning of the questions."Yes, he isn't pearl said politely."And you all never considered adding more children?" Tula continued to ask.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Gems normally can't have kids. Steven's mother, Rose, shapeshifted to give herself a womb and when she gave birth, she well, she gave up her form so Steven could exist. Besides, the Gem are like my sisters, so it would be awkward anyway," Greg explained to the family while Steven just rubbed Rai's back to comfort her.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"That's a shame. The tall one over here," Tula said pointing to Garnet, "got some birthin' hips on her."Rai face palmed, muttering under her breath, "I knew it.""I am sorry for your lose." Tula said with a compassionate smile. "I know hard it was for my son to lose his wife and raise Rai and her siblings."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"My name is Garnet," Garnet said in her usual neutral tone to Tula. Steven just patted Rai on the shoulder to comfort and support her. "As for Peridot and Lapis, well, they're more like cousins or younger sisters," Greg explained. He and Steven have alot of patience with Lapis and Peridot and while they have adopted better, they could still be somewhat aggravating sometimes."How was your family life growing up?" Steven asked them all.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I'm sorry, Garnet." Tula said."Busy," Chris Sr said in regards to Steven's question, "all four of us come from large families ourselves, so it's no surprise we had large families."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Her name is Pearl and she is Amethyst," Garnet said as she introduced her other comrades to the family. "That must've been really cool! But I guess it was also really hard, especially since taking care of kids isn't easy nor is having them," Steven remarked on the family coming from large families of their own."Well, I mean families influence how we raise our own for the most part. I haven't seen much of my own family in years, the exception being a cousin who used to live here and visits every now and then," Greg explained to them. "How would you feel in them raising their kids in a different way?" he asked.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Chris is raising his kids differently than how we raised him." Tula said. "We were much stricter with him and his siblings they went to a school through our church, spoke fluent Greek, all my daughter's could cook full meals by their twelfth birthdays, we went to church several times a week, and we used corporal punishment. Those are all things Chris has not done with his children, yet he raised good kids, even if his daughter's can't cook."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I never really used that sort of stuff on Steven, but he never really needed it. Then again, I guess it can be hard to tell what kids need to be their best. They all need love, care and attention, but the ways of showing it and the details are just as different as they for each child," Greg explained sagely. Steven nodded along with him."There's nothing wrong with not being able to cook. Sure, everyone may have to do know to make something, but not everyone can be a chef. Though I can't say much with school. I was homeschooled, but I did go to school for a couple days and I did all right," Steven mentioned.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"When you have ten plus kids it gets pretty hard to keep track of who's in time out and who lost their tv privileges." Chris Sr explained. "A smack on the bottom or putting soap or hot sauce in their mouths was what was best for us.""And it's not like we hit them with belts or any of that." Tula added. "Hell my mom had a wooden paddle hanging up in our living room she used to spank us.""To say I've never laid a hand on my children is a lie." Chris stated. "When Dennis was eight and Alice was seven, Dennis got mad at Alice and punched her in the stomach, so I slapped him across the face."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Greg and Steven looked at one another. Neither of them were sure of what to make of it. Greg never really got corporal punishment before though he didn't think much of his family since he left."Sheesh, sounds kinda nuts," Amethyst noted with a raised eyebrow. "Maybe ya'll are just too rowdy bck then," Amethyst said with her usual tone. "What did everyone do for a living? I imagine it must have been a bunch of sort of different stuff," Greg asked, wanting to change the subject.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Tula pointed to Chris, saying, "I'd come home to find that this one put baby alligators in our bathtubs because he wanted pets."Rai laughed, "I swear Dad did so much as a kid. One time my dad wanted to prank one of his sisters so him and my uncle, Steven, climbed on the roof and my dad held my uncle by the ankles so my uncle could use the garden hose to spray my aunt through the bathroom window. In high school, he spent three years pretending to be my uncle during lunch so he could off campus. Another to ""We get it, Raiden Jasmine," Chris said sternly, "I did a lot of hilarious things when I was younger."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven, Greg and Amethysr couldn't help but laugh good heartedly at the antics that Rai's father did back in his youth. "It's one of the important gongs in being a orent thoufh. Letting your kids know you're not perfect. No one is, and we're all just as capable of making mistakes and acting silly, back when we were their age and even now as adults," Greg told Chris."I believe Greg did ask about the nature of everyone's careers. I imagine it must have been difficult since a large family would mean transportation was a hurdle," Garnet said.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Other than owning a bus it wasn't hard for transportation. I was and still am a teacher at the school my kids went to and it's kindergarten through twelfth grade, so I just packed all the kids up and brought them in with me." Tula explained. "The only problem was making sure everyone was on the bus because my kids always wanted to bring friends.""I own my own jewelry store." Chris Sr said proudly.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Wow, how did you get a bus? Wasnitnthrough the school or something?" Greg asked. During his time as a rockstar, he considered getting a bus when he was older though Marty said it was a bad idea, saying the gas costs would be too much for they were back then. Augh, Marty. He wasn't fond of thinking of his sleazy former manager."What kind of jewels?" Steven asked Chris Sr, curious about it. It was pretty interesting everyone's career choices. In the meanwhile, he also reassured Rai it would be okay.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"It wasn't a school bus, so it was actually pretty easy to get." Tula said."I buy most of my jewels from dealers but the town we live in has a lot of oysters in the its bay so we mostly sell pearl jewelry since that's what's most available." Chris Sr explained.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Wow, that's neat. Dad and I usually travel in the van that he lived in back when he was a rock star," Steven exclaimed to them with a smile. "What about yourselves?" Greg asked the other pair of grandparents at the table. He was seeing that everything was going well so far though he also knew that some opinions may be not as respected or such.Amethyst just dove into the food, her and Garnet content on listening for now.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"I stay home." Haris said."I'm an attorney." Giorgios said.Rai shot Steven and Greg a look that said to drop it. "Grandmother, would you like to me to run your bath?""Yes, and bring the bottle of wine I brought and a wine glass." Haris stood up and left to the upstairs.Rai stood up and took her grandparents' plates to the sink before she grabbed a bottle of wine from the ridge, a cork screw, and a wine glass.Giorgio's stood up, and said, "Make that two, Raiden," before he left to go upstairs. Raiden grabbed a second glasses and followed Giorgio's.Once the three were gone, Tula rolled her eyes, "I see they're as friendly as ever.""Mother," Chris sighed, "Dennis wanted them here and they are your grandchildren's other grandparents."Tula gave him a dirty look, asking, "And you let them stay here?""Mother, we have guest and I do not want to discuss this. You can bitch about them all you want once Raiden is out of this house but I will not allow you to bad mouth them infront of their grandchildren." Chris said.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Greg and Steven looked a bit worried when Rai shot them a look to tell them to be quiet. The two along with the Gems watched the randparents interact as they went up."Wait, I don't understand. What is the problem?" Greg asked, taking the opportunity to try and see whats the matter while Rai is upstairs with her other grandparents. Steven stayed quiet, biding his time to see what would be said.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Let's just say they've never been fond of me," Chris explained with a sigh, "and that only got worse after Molly passed.""That's the understatement of the year." Tula scoffed. "They were constantly telling Molly she could do better and they always tried setting her up with new men. When she died, her parents started trying to get custody of the kids. They started accusing Chris of anything and everything they could: child abuse, neglect, alcoholism, dealing drugs, being a gang leader, anything you can think of they accused Chris of."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Greg raised his eyebrow before he and Steven faced Tula to hear what she said in regards to that. Both of them grimaced in regards to the large levels of disdain witnhin the family and even Amethyst and Garnet looked a little disturbed by it."Then why hve them stay here? They sound like total jerks," Amethyst commented in her blunt method. Steven wasn't sure what to say. "Why do they hate you so much?" Steven couldn't help but ask Chris.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"They are, but they're Molly's parents." Chris sighed. "I know she wouldn't be happy with how they're acting but I know she'd want the kids to have a relationship with them. They always told Molly she could have done better than me and when she died, they blamed me. But my guess for them acting this way is that they don't approve of Steven.""They didn't even talk to him." Pearl said"They don't have to. Steven isn't Greek, that's enough for them." Chris said turning to Tula. "Mom of Rai's not done in three minutes can you go up and check on her? Haris is probably up there trying to talk Rai into dating some Greek boy."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Greg just sighed as he rubbed his face, becoming more than a bit uncomfortable at everything that was being said. He did become also a bit upset at the rudeness though he wasn't sure what to do for here. He did know that there was something that needed to be done. Amethyst and Garnet looked at one another, also with unhappy expressions on their faces."Maybe I should try and go to talke to them," Steven suggested. Even with the rather unpolite treatment, he still wanted to try and make a good impression with all of this.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai walked back in the room, and went behind Steven, hugging him. "You don't have to, Dennis is the only one of us that actually has a relationship with them. He's the only one that actually remembers them before our mom died, the rest of us only remember them how they are now. I really don't give a damn what they think." She kissed his cheek before she sat back down. "If you're lucky you'll never see them again, and don't let them get you down, they don't like Sadie either... or Lars.""Well, we like you." Tula said trying to lighten the mood. "You seem like a nice boy and I'm happy Rai has someone she cares about."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Steven smiled and relaxed when he felt Rai hug him before he got up to hug her back. "Thanks Rai," he told her before he pulled the seat for her to sit. "It's kinda messed up though. I know wanting what's best for your kids, but ultimately, they get to decide that, not the parents. They have to live their own lives, not the lives that parents say they have to live," Greg commented on."Yeah, I guess it's kinda the same as what we did, but nowhere near as crazy," Amethyst said, using the Gem Civil War as a metaphor to the conflict.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"So you haven't told us about yourselves past your names." Chris Sr said with a smile."Does anyone want dessert?" Tula asked getting up and pulling a cake from the fridge."No thanks, Yaya." Rai said followed by Pearl and Lapis turning it down to.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Well, I had kinda normal life when I was a kid. We came from a pretty normal family though only my grandparents could remember our Italian hertiage. Of course, I wasn't like the rest of my family. When I was old enough, I had enough of community college. It didn't make me happy or fulfilled so I went to follow my dream to become a rock star. Then my new dream was to settle down with Rose. I had Steven and the Gems became my new family," Greg explained with a smile.Garnet couldn't help but smile at the somewhat touching thing Greg said. "We love you too, Greg," Amethyst said with a smirk."I grew up with the Gems and Dad. I knew they did stuff to protect Beach City and stuff, but as I grew up, I knew what they did and I got more involved. The universe is a big place and I learned more," Steven added as well.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Tula returned to the table with a slice of cake for everyone who wanted it. "You must keep yourselves very busy then." She said with a smile as she sat down."Italians and Greeks are actually pretty similar." Chris Sr said. "And there's a lot of crossover with the food. Moussaka is essentially Greek lasagna, Italians have a version of Pita bread, both heavily use olives and olive oil, and anisette and ouzo are pretty much the same thing."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Well, it's been pretty quiet around here recently, but that's all right," Steven commented before he passed around the slices of cake around for everyone before having his own right in front of him. Greg just nodded in agreement with everything that Chris Sr said about the similarities of their culture."For the lost part, we have just been defending the city from potential threats while researching how to help our friends," Garnet explained to the family. "Yeah, it's been pretty chill for a while now," Amethyst noted.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Everyone does need a break every once in awhile." Tula said."Not for the next three days," Rai chuckled, "Steven and I are babysitting Mason while the newly weds are on their honeymoon.""It was so sweet of you kids to pay for your brother's honeymoon." Tula said appearing to be proud of her grandchildren.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Yeah, though we're not sure how long it will last," Steven confessed to her while shrugging his shoulder. "Yeah, but I'm sure we'll do a good job taking care of Mason," he added with a smile. "And I'll come by every now and then to lend a hand," Greg added with a smile."And we'll help too whenever we can," Amethyst added before she continued to wolf down on her cake.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Dennis already said that Barb will take him if he gets too much for us, but I doubt that'll happen." Rai said"You've handled worse." Tula joked. "Remember when you ended up watching the quads?""Unfortunately yes. I was literally chasing four toddlers around trying to stop them from destroying everything." Rai shook her head before looking at her watch. "We should hurry up though we have to pick mason up in twenty minutes."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Oh man, that sounds crazy," Steven said as he couldn't help but laugh at picturing young Rai trying to keep track of 4 toddlers around the area. "Thank you for having us over for a wonderful dinner," Steven and Greg ended up saying at the same time. "We had a wonderful time," Garnet added with a smile."Yeah, sorry we didn't talk much, but we're kinda private that way," Amethyst confessed to the grandparents and such.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"It's our pleasure," Tula said also smiling, "maybe next time we won't have the other grandparents."Rai hugged her grandparents and dad before leaving with everyone and once they were all in the van, Rai pulled some envelopes out of her bag. "Before we actually leave, I have something for... most of you. Sorry Peridot and Lapis, I didn't know you were coming until yesterday.""It's fine." Lapis said."I got food so I'm happy." Peridot replied.Rai handed an envelope to Steven, Greg, Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl. "Just heads up, I got some tissues in my purse if you need them.""I doubt we'll need tissues for something in an envelope, Raiden." Pearl opening her's. Inside was a card and when Pearl opened her's, she looked shocked. "How did you do this?""Dennis is really good at photoshop. I gave him pics and he worked his magic." Rai said."This is so sweet!" Pearl said as she hugged Rai.When Garnet and Amethyst opened their envelopes they would find a fairly recent photos of themselves with Rose photoshopped into them. Steven's picture was of him as a baby being held by Rose and Greg's was a picture of him and Rose holding Steven as a toddler.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Greg had gotten in the van, but before he could start it, he saw Rai pull out some envelopes. "What is it?" Greg said as he got his and Steven's envelopes before giving Steven's to him. Both of them opened it up at the same time and the sight filled them with plenty of emotion to say the least.Steven saw his baby picture having been modified so she was there. Rose Quartz, his mother. Steven had long since come to terms regarding the relationship with his mother, but it was still an emotional subject at times. He looked at the picture and smiled. He felt many different things, but what he could identify was gratitude. He turned to Rai and held her tightly, even giving her a kiss to show just how much the whole thing it meant to him.Greg also felt the same, in terms of gratitude. "Thanks Rai," he said with a smile as he wiped away the tears, When Steven finished giving her the hug and the kiss, Greg hugged her.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Rai hugged them both, saying, "I thought you guys might need cheering up after dinner, so I figured this would be perfect."Dennis had photoshopped a picture of their mother holding Rai, something that hadn't happened in real life due to Molly's death and Rai's being in an incubator. This was something that had weighed heavily on Rai as the other quints had pictures of their mother holding them but the most Rai had was a picture of Molly reaching her hand in Rai's incubator and Rai holding Molly's finger, so the picture meant a lot to her, despite it not being real.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
Amythest smiled before she joined in the group hug and even Garnet joined in in hugging Rai along with Steven and Greg. "That's really awesome, the surprise," Amethyst told Rai with a big smile. "We should do definitely frame them up and put them in the house," Greg told them before he aprted so he could drive them to where they needed to go."So where is Mason staying right now?" he asks.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Mason is at Dennis and Sadie's apartment," Rai said, "and I'm gonna need help because there's gonna be a lot of stuff.""How much could he need?" Pearl asked."Well, it's three days worth of clothes, diapers, toiletries, snacks, and milk along with his stroller, car seat, pack and play, and toys." Rai said. "Luckily he's starting to eat more things, so we're only gonna need six bottles."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Well, I'll help carry the stuff in the van and I know what it's like," Greg told ehr as he was driving her to the Beach City Complex, the set of apartments build in Beach City a few years ago. While among the taller buildings there, it still fit in perfectly with the rest of Beach City."Steven had practice in babysitting babies before," Greg said, recalling Steven doing babyitting around the area to help earn some money. "The both of you will do fine," he told them."What food does he like?" Steven asked Rai.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"One major difference is that you probably gave Steven formula, the two bottles Mason drinks everyday is still Sadie's breast milk. I tease her for it saying that kid's gonna be in high school still drinking that stuff, but she's insisting that he keeps drinking it until he's two." Rai explained. "Other than that he like mac n cheese, turkey, cheerios, and most fruits.""Breast milk?" Pearl asked."It's like cow milk but instead of coming from cow's udders, it comes from human boobs." Rai explained. "Some women keep breasting until the kid makes a decision to stop which honestly I find weird, and others choose not to at all.""Does it hurt?" Pearl asked, getting weirded."It can," Rai said, "but it mostly just takes a lot of dedication, which is why a lot of women have pumps and then put it in a bottle. What's even weirder is women who nurse other women's babies.""That happens?" Pearl asked again."Yup. In fact Rosemary's mom had just finished nursing her twins when my mom had us quints and she nursed all five of us after our mom died." Rai chuckled. "Then almost immediately after she finished nursing us she found out she was pregnant for Rosemary."
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Yeah, didn't know anyone that could help with that," Greg said, chuckling. He and Steven couldn't help but smirk at Peark asking about breast milk and such. Even with all the time Gems have spended on here, they still have plenty of moments of weirdness with humanity."Well, we have plenty of fruit thanks to Lapis and Peridot and the others we already have," Steven told Rai as they saw they were approaching the apartment. "Guess you'll be staying over too, Rai?" he asked her.
You are My Universe (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)
"Of coarse," Rai said with a laugh, "Dennis would have a panic attack if I just left Mason with you."Once they'd reached the building, Rai got out and lead the way to Dennis and Sadie's apartment, where she rang the doorbell. Dennis answered the door, saying, "Come on in, Sadie is just changing Mason' diaper." The apartment was pretty simply furnished, not too fancy but it looked welcoming enough. Off to the side of the door there was a pile of thing for Mason.