{ "zh": "梵盾吉普(FANDUN JEEP)服饰有限公司是一家集研发设计、加工生产、营销贸易为一体的服装企业,主要生产男士户外休闲服饰,是一家正在蓬勃发展的年轻企业。", "en": "The Van Dun JEEP (FANDUN JEEP) Clothing Co, Ltd is a clothing company that combines R&D, design, processing, production, marketing, and trade, Men's outdoor leisure clothes is what it primarily manufactures, It is a new company that is growing quickly." }
{ "zh": "中新财经记者 夏宾", "en": "Xia Bin, a reporter with China New Finance and Economics" }
{ "zh": "亚马逊发货问题", "en": "Shipping issues with Amazon" }
{ "zh": "芳芳靠着煲汤视频让更多人爱上“老广的味道”,一场直播最多卖出30万件滋补食材,挽救了家里濒临倒闭的老店。", "en": "Through creating soup films, Fangfang encouraged more people to fall in love with the \"Taste of Laoguang\", She managed to save her family's old store that was in danger of going out of business by selling up to 300,000 pieces of healthy ingredients during one live broadcast." }
{ "zh": "欧洲Euractiv网站称,欧盟官员承认,难民接收过程每一步都存在瓶颈,有限的接收能力和成员国不堪重负的移民当局无法阻止难民在欧盟各国提交“无数”庇护申请,欧盟的难民接收系统处于近乎“永久性的危机”中。", "en": "EU authorities acknowledge that there are bottlenecks at every stage of the refugee admission procedure, according to the European Euractiv website, a \"Permanent Crisis.\"" }
{ "zh": "页面明确标注自营,实际上由供应商配送,售后由供应商负责,出问题自行联系供货商。", "en": "The self-operated label on the page is very obvious, In actuality, the provider delivers it, and the supplier is in charge of after-sales, make your own contact with the supplier if there is an issue." }
{ "zh": "都有美码,日码混标的情况出现。", "en": "Both have a mixed label scenario with American and Japanese codes." }
{ "zh": "从薪酬看,海归优先职位的平均招聘薪酬连续三年走高,2022年达14680元/月(人民币,下同),比2021年的13719元/月增加961元,增长7%。", "en": "In terms of pay, the normal enlisting wage for returnee need posts has been expanding for three a long time in a push, it'll develop by 961 yuan or 7% to 14,680 yuan/month (RMB, the same underneath) in 2022 from 13,719 yuan/month in 2021." }
{ "zh": "健身房属于服务行业,其本质是坚持“用户导向”,要紧紧围绕用户需求,把经营重心放在服务提质升级上。", "en": "The essence of the service sector, which includes the gyms, is to uphold \"user orientation,\" pay special attention to customer needs, and improve service quality." }
{ "zh": "台“中央大学”经济系教授吴大任分析,出口衰退可能造成出口制造业厂商现金流出现问题,债务违约风险上升。", "en": "Agreeing to Wu Daren, an financial matters teacher at Taiwan's \"Central College,\" the drop in sends out might influence send out fabricating companies' cash stream and raise their chance of defaulting on obligation." }
{ "zh": "用于政务服务和公共服务的产品应满足实现级卉 3 的要求。", "en": "Things utilized for open and administrative administrations must follow to level 3 determinations." }
{ "zh": "待机时间 : 约 150小时", "en": "150 hours or so on standby" }
{ "zh": "2022年6月,新加坡旅游局举办了首届健康养生节,为公众提供了130多项各类健康活动和体验。", "en": "In June 2022, the Singapore Tourism Board organized the first Health and Wellness Festival, offering the public over 130 different health activities and experiences." }
{ "zh": "瓶子底部一角凹陷的厉害,应该是经历过强烈的撞击才能导致的,从外包装袋看,感觉蹂躏的程度让人揪心,毕竟是食物类的包装太简单了,而且还是属于国际购的,还有没看到什么明显的防伪标识标志,开瓶非常轻松,关键是盖内的一层蜂蜜直接从里面冒出来了,有开口几乎是没有什么粘连性,外国产品都是这样的吗?", "en": "The bottle's bottom corner is substantially dented, which should be the result of a powerful hit, from the outer packaging bag, it is alarming to see the extent of the damage, after all, despite the food's overly basic packaging, it is nevertheless sold abroad, have you noticed any blatant counterfeit prevention signs? The bottle is really simple to open, the crucial feature is that the honey layer in the top spills out right away, when there is an opening, adhesion is essentially nonexistent, are all imported goods the same?" }
{ "zh": "在2017年与吸毒病症有关的估计167,000例死亡中,有66%是这类物质造成的,在据信为吸毒导致的残疾或过早死亡而损失的2,100万年寿命中,有50%是这类物质造成的。", "en": "50 percent of the 21 million years of life thought to have been lost to drug-related disability or premature death in 2017 and 66 percent of the projected 167,000 deaths from drug use disorders were attributed to substances, Resulting from chemicals." }
{ "zh": "可以告诉我订单号了么?", "en": "Could you let me know the order number?" }
{ "zh": "至于电量的详细说明,一般人看着心里会发虚。", "en": "The majority of individuals will feel guilty after reading the in-depth description of the power." }
{ "zh": "索尼的这种低端机,设计感依旧十足,而且价格便宜,屏幕够大,续航力一级棒,给老人使用很合适。", "en": "Sony's entry-level phone still has a solid sense of design, is reasonably priced, has a sizable screen, and has exceptional battery life, the elderly will benefit much from it." }
{ "zh": "第二次购买。", "en": "Second acquisition." }
{ "zh": "赵春山分析,这与前几次参与的会议感受不同。", "en": "Zhao Chunshan analyzed that this meeting was different from previous ones in terms of the perceptions and experiences involved." }
{ "zh": "其他未占用的四字节码位为保留区, 留符未来文件扩展使用。", "en": "Future file extensions will use more code points." }
{ "zh": "Adelkhah 否认了这些指控。", "en": "Adelkhah has denied the allegations." }
{ "zh": "不退货是因为作为头带功能不错。", "en": "It is not being returned because it makes a good headband." }
{ "zh": "司警局呼吁市民,如接获类似手机短讯须提高警惕,切勿登入短讯所载网站连结或提供任何个人资料;若被要求提供信用卡资料、帐户交易密码、交易验证码,更要加倍谨慎,防止信用卡被盗刷。", "en": "The SFPD urges the public to be vigilant if they receive similar cell phone text messages and not to access the website links contained in the text messages or provide any personal information; if they are asked to provide credit card information, account transaction passwords, transaction verification codes, they should be doubly cautious to prevent credit card theft." }
{ "zh": "07 非保修条例", "en": "07 Non-warranty regulations" }
{ "zh": "中新网2月11日电 据“深圳工信”微信公众号10日消息,深圳市工业和信息化局近日印发《深圳市极速先锋城市建设行动计划》。", "en": "Beijing News, February 11, the Shenzhen Civil Bureau of Industry and Data Innovation has discharged the \"Shenzhen Quick Pioneer City Building Activity Arrange,\" concurring to news from the \"Shenzhen Gongxin\" WeChat open account on October 10." }
{ "zh": "关机", "en": "Shutdown" }
{ "zh": "结果竟然中午12点就直接上门送了,也不事先电话告知。", "en": "Surprisingly, the outcome is delivered without prior telephone communication at 12:00 noon, immediately to the door." }
{ "zh": "现在好多人外出吃饭都是带个手机就好,商家也因为银行流水太高的原因,弃用银联了。", "en": "Because the book was written earlier, it does not include information about Alipay and WeChat's subsidy war to shape user habits, the third-party payment share in use today is most likely not as low as the book claimed." }
{ "zh": "还行吧", "en": "Not bad at all" }
{ "zh": "循道而行,方能致远。", "en": "Adhering to the right path is crucial for achieving long-term success." }
{ "zh": "一个顾客的告白", "en": "A client's admission" }
{ "zh": "图片质量实在不能接受", "en": "The visual quality is quite poor" }
{ "zh": "算我倒霉,懒得为了个200块的东西被你们折腾。", "en": "I'm unfortunate because I'm too lazy to be hurled by you for 200 yuan stuff." }
{ "zh": "但是有海外科学家估计,这场地震可能造成至少65万人死亡。", "en": "However, some overseas scientists have estimated that the earthquake may have caused at least 650,000 deaths." }
{ "zh": "疑为伪劣商品,请亚马逊严格审核", "en": "Please conduct a thorough review, of suspected counterfeit goods by Amazon" }
{ "zh": "D.1 调整后的代码对应关系〈 续 )", "en": "D.1 Balanced Code Correspondence <Proceeded)" }
{ "zh": "害得我,从外地驱车200公里赶回来取货!", "en": "Caused me to travel 200 kilometers from the field to pick up the supplies!" }
{ "zh": "经过编码的汉字称为CJK 统一汉字 CCJK Unified Ideographs,其中 CJK 表示中国、日本、韩国。", "en": "CJK stands for China, Japan, and Korea, and the encoded Chinese characters are referred to as CJK unified Chinese characters or CCJK Unified Ideographs." }
{ "zh": "一位卡赫拉曼马拉什的男子抱着他刚刚获救的猫", "en": "A man from Kahramanmarash holds his newly rescued cat" }
{ "zh": "主角婚姻的破裂来源于那些原因?", "en": "What led to the marriage of the main character's failure?" }
{ "zh": "剩余一只新发产品是“邮银财富添颐·鸿锦最短持有1095 天 1 号 ” , 也是固定收益类产品,2月10日开始募集,2月19日结束募集,风险等级为二级。", "en": "Post Bank Fortune Tianyi Hongjin Most limited Holding 1095 Days number 1, which is additionally a fixed-income item, is the as it were other as of late propelled thing, between February 10 and February 19, cash was raised, level 2 chance is show." }
{ "zh": "版权合作请致电:【010-60910566-1260】。", "en": "For copyright cooperation, please call: [010-60910566-1260]." }
{ "zh": "说明亚马逊根本就不重视服务反馈这一块,和国内的京东、天猫等差太远了。", "en": "It demonstrates how poorly Amazon responds to customer complaints and how far behind domestic rivals JD dot com and Tmall it is." }
{ "zh": "他说,大约有 80,000 人在医院接受治疗,而 105 万人因地震而无家可归,他们挤在临时避难所里。", "en": "About 80,000 people are being treated in hospitals, he said, while 105 million people have been rendered homeless by the quake and are huddled in temporary shelters." }
{ "zh": "总之,这本书作为理论入门是个不错的选择,但对于已经从事销售工作想要提高销售水平的人就不太适用了。", "en": "In essence, while this book is a fantastic introduction to theory, it is not appropriate for individuals who are currently in sales and want to enhance their sales level." }
{ "zh": "2018年,所有可供医疗消费的药用类阿片中,90%以上在高收入国家。", "en": "In 2018, high-income countries accounted for more than 90% of all medicine opioids that were accessible for therapeutic utilize." }
{ "zh": "马马虎虎的产品,和期望有差距", "en": "A gap exists between expectations and shoddy products" }
{ "zh": "朝鲜官媒9日公布影片,金主爱依偎在父亲身边,数次温情对视、讲悄悄话,她用双手轻捧老爸的脸颊,甚至摸著父亲胸口,父女互动画面播送至举国上下。", "en": "The official media of the DPRK released a video on the 9th, the main love of Kim nestled next to her father, several times warm look at each other, whispering, she gently cupped her father's cheeks with both hands, and even touched his chest, father-daughter interaction images broadcast to the whole country." }
{ "zh": "报告指出,自2020年以来,在中国国内求职的海归数量明显增长,回国求职的应届留学生数量增多。", "en": "The overview famous that since 2020, both the number of later graduates returning to China to hunt for work and the number of returnees searching for work in China have enormously expanded." }
{ "zh": "电商套路深,有时间还是去超市买了。", "en": "Since e-commerce processes are complex, I still go to the grocery store to make purchases when I have time." }
{ "zh": "河南省规范整合口腔种植医疗服务价格-中新网", "en": "Dental embed restorative benefit estimating are standardized and coordinates in Henan territory, agreeing to Chinanews com" }
{ "zh": "你好歹告诉一声,到底是好的还是坏的啊!", "en": "Tell me at least whether it's nice or awful!" }
{ "zh": "新冠肺炎对毒品市场的影响", "en": "COVID-19's impacts on the pharmaceutical showcase" }
{ "zh": "以后电子产品在亚马逊上买还是要小心。", "en": "Future electronic product purchases on Amazon should be cautious." }
{ "zh": "1949 年,即东德成立的那一年,他回国后找到了一份机械师的工作,并继续学习社会科学和经济学,并获得了博士学位。", "en": "In 1949, the year the GDR was founded, he returned home and found a job as a mechanic and continued his studies in social sciences and economics, earning a doctorate." }
{ "zh": "这或许也是为什么全职没有什么令人讨厌的角色。", "en": "There might not be any unpleasant full-time jobs for this reason." }
{ "zh": "直播带货发展初期,直播间往往用低价折扣吸引用户,价格优势似乎成了当时的唯一卖点。", "en": "The price advantage appeared to be the only selling factor in the early days of live streaming when live broadcast rooms frequently employed low-price promotions to draw members." }
{ "zh": "确实,对于国人来说,大部分是“爱你在心口难开”,即便是怀有爱、感激与赞赏也是默默放在心里不会说出来。", "en": "In fact, the majority of Chinese people are \"I love you hard to express\" people who will keep their feelings of adoration, thanks, and appreciation to themselves and refrain from expressing them out loud." }
{ "zh": "支持星冠,支持胜牌,对车有效保护。", "en": "Support the winning card, the star crown, and successfully defend the vehicle." }
{ "zh": "撇开网文这个文化现象不谈,全职不失为一本不错的书。", "en": "Full-time is still a terrific book even when the cultural phenomena of internet writing is disregarded." }
{ "zh": "特别是上面提到有关预处理器的内容, 但是不包括 `-traditional' 选项的其他效应.", "en": "Especially, the preprocessor demonstrated over, but not the other results of the \"-conventional\" alternative." }
{ "zh": "增加了本文件适用对象(见第 1 章),", "en": "The related objects of this record have been included (see Chapter 1)," }
{ "zh": "上海一家中大型公募基金客服人员向经济观察网记者提供了一个6位数的邀请码,并告诉记者,“APP试运行阶段,中国结算提供给每个基金管理人一定数量的邀请码,投资者电话过来获取,我们都会提供。", "en": "A medium to large public fund customer service staff in Shanghai provided a 6-digit invitation code to the Economic Observer reporter, and told the reporter, \"APP trial run phase, China Settlement provides each fund manager a certain number of invitation codes, when investors call over to get, we will provide." }
{ "zh": "用的时候一定要等所有水过滤完再倒出!", "en": "When using, make sure to let the water finish filtering completely before emptying it!" }
{ "zh": "结果,第二天打电话问,发货了吗?", "en": "I called the following day to inquire as a result: Has it been shipped?" }
{ "zh": "气球事件更擦亮美国眼睛?", "en": "Will the balloon incident brighten the eyes of the United States?" }
{ "zh": "各种机器都有自己缺省的 char 类型. 既可能是 unsigned char 也可能是 signed char.", "en": "Each machine features a one of a kind default char sort. It may well be either marked or unsigned char." }
{ "zh": "其次,这个鞋子品控真的不敢恭维,一只鞋底胶有破损,另外一只鞋面有各种擦痕还有个针眼,鞋面与鞋底连接处胶条错位,明摆着的以次充好!", "en": "Second, this shoe's quality control is actually not admirable, the rubber on one sole has been damaged, while the other sole's upper has numerous scratches and a pinhole, the rubber strip between the top and the sole is not where it should be!" }
{ "zh": "实现级别 2 包含实现级别 1。", "en": "Level 2 execution incorporates Level 1 usage." }
{ "zh": "(德国之声中文网)距离土耳其和叙利亚部分地区发生地震已经过去数日,找到幸存者的希望日渐渺茫,然而在周六获救的一家五口却令搜救人员感到无比欣慰。", "en": "((Deutsche Welle Chinese) Days have passed since the earthquake struck parts of Turkey and Syria, and hopes of finding survivors are fading, but the family of five rescued on Saturday was a great relief to searchers." }
{ "zh": "5 请勿使用酒精或其他挥发性液体擦拭本产品;", "en": "5 Avoid wiping the product with alcohol or other flammable liquids;" }
{ "zh": "看来其他牌子的吸管杯把吸管做的倾斜还是有道理的,小孩子的东西,真的就是在乎安全和舒适。", "en": "Other manufacturers of straw cups appear to tilt the straw, which makes sense, children's items are very concerned with safety and comfort." }
{ "zh": "近期市场预期表明,国际社会普遍看好中国未来发展。", "en": "Current showcase desires illustrate that there's far reaching good faith approximately China's future advancement among the worldwide community." }
{ "zh": "以后应该不会继续购买了!", "en": "Should not make further purchases in the future!" }
{ "zh": "不信邪又开了一片同款的,没有那么重的味道了,现在正在敷。", "en": "Another slice of the same kind, which doesn't have a strong smell and is currently being applied, was opened by Buxinxie." }
{ "zh": "目前找不到亚马逊官方反馈渠道,所以只能在商品评价里反馈", "en": "I am limited to providing comments in product reviews because there isn't currently an official Amazon feedback route" }
{ "zh": "-fexternal-—templates 为模板声明 (template declaration) 产生较小的代码 (仅限于 c++),方法是对于每个模板函数 (template function),只在 定义他们的地方生成一个副本.", "en": "-fexternal—templates Decrease the estimate of format affirmations (as it were in C++) by replicating each layout work as it were where it is characterized." }
{ "zh": "先赞一下天天快递吧,航空件,超迅速,服务态度也很好!", "en": "First off, kudos to the Daily Express, air components, delivered incredibly quickly, also excellent customer care!" }
{ "zh": "杉杉股份2月10日在投资者互动平台表示,本公司高级管理人员与本公司实际控制人不存在亲属关系。", "en": "Suning Corporation stated on February 10 on the investor interaction platform that there is no familial relationship between the senior management personnel and the actual controller of the company." }
{ "zh": "充电时间: 约 2 小时", "en": "2 hours or so for charging" }
{ "zh": "其实都一样好吧,所以海淘。", "en": "They are actually all the same, so international shopping." }
{ "zh": "第三天上午我又打,问货发出去了吗?", "en": "I contacted once more on the morning of the third day and enquired as to whether the things had been dispatched?" }
{ "zh": "2022年新加坡旅游市场逐步重新启动和恢复。", "en": "In 2022, the Singapore tourism market will gradually restart and recover." }
{ "zh": "另外,贴身穿是不舒服的。", "en": "In addition, wearing it so close to your body is uncomfortable." }
{ "zh": "推进中国式现代化,要增强战略的前瞻性,以科学的战略预见未来、引领未来;要增强战略的全局性,着眼于解决事关党和国家事业兴衰成败、牵一发而动全身的重大问题;要增强战略的稳定性,战略一经形成,就要长期坚持、一抓到底、善作善成。", "en": "\"To promote China's style of modernization, we need to enhance the strategic foresight, scientifically anticipate and lead the future; we need to enhance the strategic comprehensiveness, focusing on addressing major issues that are crucial to the success or failure of the Party and the country; we need to enhance the strategic stability, once a strategy is formulated, it should be adhered to for the long term, implemented consistently, and achieved with excellence.\"" }
{ "zh": "短期内,暴力的存在和程度与其说取决于贩运的数量,不如说取决于造成有组织犯罪集团之间力量平衡不稳定的某些变化,例如非法市场规模的变化,知名罪犯的死亡或监禁,以及使一个集团弱于另一个集团的执法措施。", "en": "Within the brief term, the nearness and concentrated of viciousness are less subordinate on the sum of trafficking than they are on certain changes that disturbed the pecking order of organized crime, such as shifts within the estimate of the dark showcase, high-profile criminals' downfall or imprisonment, and authorization activities that make one gather more helpless than another." }
{ "zh": "伊朗纪念革命周年 支持抗议的黑客骇了总统电视讲话", "en": "Pro-protest hackers hack president's televised address as Iran marks revolution anniversary" }
{ "zh": "再说,你8cm为什么放在7c和9c中间,明明最小的尺码,你放那里算什么意思。", "en": "In addition, why do you place 8 cm between 7 cm and 9 cm when it is definitely the smallest size." }
{ "zh": "非国际管制物质的出现情况稳定,但有潜在危害的新型类阿片正在增多毒品市场正日趋复杂。", "en": "Whereas the sum of chemicals not subject to worldwide control is unfaltering, the presentation of unused, possibly perilous opioids is on the rise, the pharmaceutical industry is getting trickier to explore." }
{ "zh": "路透社报道,广州天海翔航空科技有限公司的一名员工表示对制裁并不知情,并拒绝进一步评论。", "en": "Reuters reported that an employee of Guangzhou Tianhaixiang Aviation Technology Co said he was unaware of the sanctions and declined to comment further." }
{ "zh": "FYI", "en": "FYI" }
{ "zh": "做活动280块买到的,这个价格买到亚瑟士相当划算,当然看评论还有更低的价格。", "en": "I paid 280 yuan for it for an event, purchasing ASICS at this pricing is a steal, of course, lower pricing can be found in the comments." }
{ "zh": "Q:请问重阳投资,如何看待美国1月非农就业数据大超预期及未来趋势?", "en": "Q: May I ask Chongyang Investment, what do you think of the US non-agricultural employment data in January exceeding expectations and the future trend?" }
{ "zh": "应该是正品吧?", "en": "It ought to be authentic, right?" }
{ "zh": "商品五星,物流一星,平均三星。", "en": "Three-star average, one-star logistics, five-star product." }
{ "zh": "单字记部分字符按照 GB/I 11383 一 1989 中相应字符的顺序排列 。", "en": "Certain characters in single-character remarks are organized in the same sequence as their GB/I 11383-1989 counterparts." }
{ "zh": "之前一开始还担心相机的包装,这次还好,里面有充气包,相机三码一致,也能在官网注册,快门次数0,其余的就只能等时间检验了 。", "en": "Initially, I was concerned about the camera's packaging, but this time everything was fine, the camera comes with an inflatable bag, it comes in the same three sizes, it can be registered on the official website, the number of shutter times is 0, and the remaining features can only be tested over time." }
{ "zh": "产品特价的时候购买,价格不低,看评论也是很不错的产品。", "en": "After reading the reviews, I decided to get it when it was on sale even though the price is not cheap and the product is also quite good." }
{ "zh": "战略方向确定后,杉杉开始寻找合作,那时候鞍山热能院为鞍钢配套的炭素研究所在做国家863课题,科研经费不够,于是杉杉和鞍山热能院碳素研究所签署合作协议,共同推动国家863课题“中间相炭微球”项目产业化,从事负极材料的研发、生产和销售,在国内实现负极材料的商用推广。", "en": "After the strategic direction was determined, Sugo started to look for cooperation, and at that time, the Carbon Research Institute of Anshan Thermal Energy Institute was doing the national 863 project for Anshan Iron and Steel, and the research funds were not enough, so Sugo and the Carbon Research Institute of Anshan Thermal Energy Institute signed a cooperation agreement to jointly promote the industrialization of the national 863 project \"intermediate phase carbon microspheres\" and engage in the research and development, production and sales of negative electrode materials, so as to realize the commercial promotion of negative electrode materials in China." }