{ "zh": "在拥有滨海湾花园、滨海堤坝的滨海南区开发一个健康养生景点,有望为新加坡的旅游业和经济作出贡献,让游客在新加坡消费并逗留更久。", "en": "The development of a health and wellness attraction in Marina South, with its Marina Bay Gardens and Marina Barrage, is expected to contribute to Singapore's tourism and economy, allowing visitors to spend and stay longer in Singapore." }
{ "zh": "在访问两国期间,范明政总理都安排时间走访和聆听旅居当地越南人社群的心思和愿望。", "en": "During the visit to both countries, Prime Minister Phan Minh Chinh made time to visit and listen to the thoughts and aspirations of the local Vietnamese community residing there." }
{ "zh": "新闻周刊说,怀疑这个物体是UFO的不止是梅杰一人。", "en": "According to Newsweek, Major was not the only person who thinks the object was a UFO." }
{ "zh": "也有购房者认为,由于信息不对称,销售时不排除给出额外的让利,买家“维权”的难度不小。", "en": "A few buyers too think that it is troublesome for them to \"protect their rights\" since of information asymmetry, which extra concessions may be made amid the exchange." }
{ "zh": "亚马逊中文客服不就是方便了我们海淘的这些人吗?", "en": "Isn't Amazon's Chinese customer service simply more practical for those of us who shop from abroad?" }
{ "zh": "赵春山指出,两岸兵凶战危,中国大陆盼能透过国民党转达改善关系的意向。", "en": "Zhao Chunshan pointed out that the two sides of the strait are fighting fiercely, and mainland China hopes to convey its intention to improve relations through the Kuomintang." }
{ "zh": "如果连接失败, 将耳机放回充电盒. 重复上述动作。", "en": "Reinstall the headset in the charging case if the connection is lost. Repeat the previous action." }
{ "zh": "但阿片类药物的相关危害却因使用者较少而受到忽视。", "en": "Few opioid users, unnoticed risks." }
{ "zh": "遗憾的是版型属于瘦型的,更适合年轻人。", "en": "Sadly, the version is lacking in substance and would be better suited for young individuals." }
{ "zh": "1. 多关注网络安全资讯,提高个人防范意识;", "en": "1. Pay more attention to network security information and improve personal awareness of prevention;" }
{ "zh": "生产烂货,出售烂货,结果烂货服务,买了六块手表送孩子的,其中的一快数字显示不完全,六块的时间都不一致,相差十几个小时不等。", "en": "This was the outcome of the production of defective goods, sale of defective goods, and service of defective goods, six timepieces were purchased to be given to the children, but one of them showed partial numerals, and the time on all six watches varied by more than ten hours." }
{ "zh": "另外,还要积极探索多元业态。", "en": "Also, we need to actively investigate other business forms." }
{ "zh": "黑五的时候下的单,结果等了好久都没收到,后面一查询,包裹早已被签收,问了身边的同事都说没有帮签收,赶紧联系快递公司,却说要寄件方才能发起查询,联系了亚马逊客服,又等了十多天,终于搞清楚是快递被误投给别人了,又几番周转才终于取回快递,外包装已经被拆,商品还算是完整,也不知道被用过没有,总之挺糟心的", "en": "I ordered on Black Friday, but despite waiting a long time, I never got the item, the box had already been signed for when I checked it later, my coworkers denied signing for it when I questioned them about it, I called the courier service right away, but they told the sender should make the inquiry, over ten days passed after I contacted Amazon customer service, the messenger was inadvertently sent to someone else, I finally realized, I eventually recovered the courier after a few rounds, the product is still intact despite the removal of the outer packing, I'm not sure if it was ever used, No, it's still fairly horrible" }
{ "zh": "(本报马德里电)", "en": "(Our daily paper, Madrid)" }
{ "zh": "使用产品前请仔细阅读本说明书,并妥善保管。", "en": "Before using the product, please carefully read this manual and treat it with care." }
{ "zh": "产品介绍", "en": "Merchandise Description" }
{ "zh": "范明政总理祝愿文莱大学不断向前发展,为文莱的教育事业贡献越来越大的力量,并且与越南各所教育培训机构开展更深更广的合作。", "en": "Prime Minister Pham Minh Triet wished the University of Brunei to move forward and contribute more and more to the education of Brunei, and to develop deeper and wider cooperation with various educational and training institutions in Vietnam." }
{ "zh": "救援队医疗人员每天为队员提供体检服务,加强重点人员医疗保障,目前救援队全员身体健康,开展营区消杀。", "en": "The medical personnel of the rescue team provide daily physical examinations for team members, strengthen medical support for key personnel, also, all members of the rescue team are in good health, and disinfection and sanitation measures are being carried out in the base camp." }
{ "zh": "促成这两地危机的是制造简单和生产成本低,此外还有对曲马多和许多芬太尼类似物或其前体缺乏国际监管。", "en": "The ease of production, low cost, and absence of international regulation of tramadol and several fentanyl analogs or their forerunners all contribute to the situation in both places." }
{ "zh": "福岛核事故导致在全世界都测量到微量辐射性物质,包括碘-131、铯-137(半衰期为30年)在内。", "en": "The Fukushima nuclear accident resulted in trace amounts of radioactive substances being detected worldwide, including iodine-131 and cesium-137 (with a half-life of 30 years)." }
{ "zh": "回左下包围结构", "en": "Go back to the walled in area on the lower cleared out" }
{ "zh": "A:2月3日美国劳工部公布2023年1月非农就业数据,新增非农就业51.7万人,大幅高于市场预期的18.9万人;失业率降至3.4%,为近50年以来的最低位;时薪同比增速4.4%,环比增速0.3%,略有放缓。", "en": "A: On February 3, the U.S. Department of Labor released January 2023 nonfarm payrolls data, adding 517,000 new nonfarm jobs, significantly higher than market expectations of 189,000; the unemployment rate fell to 3.4%, the lowest in nearly 50 years; hourly earnings grew at a slightly slower rate of 4.4% year-over-year and 0.3% year-over-year." }
{ "zh": "在野党,尤其是以激进左翼为首的在野党团递交了无数修正提案,以至于审议进程推动十分缓慢。", "en": "The opposition parties, especially the ones led by the radical left, have submitted numerous amendment proposals, which have slowed down the deliberation process significantly." }
{ "zh": "双字节部分收录了 GB/T 2312 一 1980 中的全部图形字符 GB/T 13000 中的CJK 统一汉字以及部分图形字符。", "en": "All of the graphic characters in GB/T 2312-1980, CJK unified Chinese characters, and portions of the graphic characters in GB/T 13000 are included in the double-byte component." }
{ "zh": "而梅萨米获释一周前,支持者警告说,他因绝食抗议而面临死亡风险。", "en": "Just a week before his release, supporters had warned that Mesami was at risk of death due to his hunger strike protest." }
{ "zh": "关闭任何对语种的明确说明, 因此依据文件名后级处理后面的文件 RE AS E ` -x' 选项).", "en": "To guarantee that taking after records are handled in agreement with the record title RE AS E \"-x\" choice, cripple any express dialect determination." }
{ "zh": "”里奥斯说,当前中国正全力推动科技创新,为经济社会发展注入新动力,“资金投入、人才培养、政策激励,这让中国在新的五年规划中继续充满活力”。", "en": "\"Budgetary speculation, ability preparing, and arrangement motivations will make China proceed to be full of vigor within the unused five-year arrange,\" expressed Rios, including that China is presently making each exertion to empower specialized development and deliver modern force to financial and social advancement." }
{ "zh": "(来源:环球时报 作者:牛瑞飞)", "en": "(Source: Global Times; Niu Ruifei, author)" }
{ "zh": "具体原因简单说就是因为快递小哥把两个单号弄反了,好在件没丢也就算了。", "en": "The item is fortunately not lost, but specifically because the courier brother just switched the two tracking numbers." }
{ "zh": "最后爷爷给粘上的!", "en": "Grandpa finally cemented it in place!" }
{ "zh": "同时,内容成为电商发展新阶段的根本和抓手,知识付费、专业性知识、KOL(关键意见领袖)等PGC内容开始在电商直播中成为标配。", "en": "At the same time, PGC content such knowledge payments, professional knowledge, and KOL (Key Opinion Leader) has started to become the norm in e-commerce live broadcasts, serving as the cornerstone and launch point of the future stage of e-commerce development." }
{ "zh": "1城市化是当前和未来毒品市场的一个驱动因素", "en": "One figure driving both the show and future pharmaceutical markets is urbanization" }
{ "zh": "天眼查显示,郑永刚持有杉杉控股有限公司的总股权比例是40.1 % 。", "en": "According to the SkyEye search, Zheng Yonggang holds 40.1 % of the total equity of Sugo Holdings Co." }
{ "zh": "中国云南省人类精子库9日发出宣传,征求大专以上学历者或在校生捐精,成功捐赠8至12次可获人民币4500元补贴。", "en": "On the 9th, the Human Sperm Bank in Yunnan Province, China, issued a promotion seeking individuals with a college degree or above, or current students, to donate sperm. It stated that individuals who successfully donate sperm 8 to 12 times would receive a subsidy of 4,500 yuan" }
{ "zh": "石泰峰、李干杰、李书磊、陈文清、刘金国、王小洪出席结业式,陈希主持结业式。", "en": "Shi Taifeng, Li Ganjie, Li Shulei, Chen Wenqing, Liu Jinguo, and Wang Xiaohong attended the graduation ceremony, with Chen Xi presiding over the ceremony." }
{ "zh": "假货?", "en": "Counterfeit goods?" }
{ "zh": "效果还是有的,但感觉是否明显,就看个人咯,或是心理作用。", "en": "The influence is still present, but depending on the person or the psychological effect, the emotion may or may not be noticeable." }
{ "zh": "所以呢,就当个电视吧,再外加电视盒之类的用吧。", "en": "So, just utilize it as a TV, and use a TV box or something similar." }
{ "zh": "在北美,芬太尼等合成类阿片的使用导致了20年来类阿片过量致死人数增加。", "en": "A rise in opioid overdose mortality of 20 years has been attributed to the use of synthetic opioids like fentanyl in North America." }
{ "zh": "包装很完整,里面加了充气袋,没有网上评论的只有光秃秃一个产品的样子。", "en": "There are no internet reviews, merely a bare product, and the packaging is very thorough, with an air bag inside." }
{ "zh": "新加坡政府和旅游业对中国市场寄予厚望。", "en": "The Singapore government and tourism industry have high hopes for the Chinese market." }
{ "zh": "瓶子外包装上还有一层塑料膜像图片上描述的一样,快递也很快,拍下第二天就来了。", "en": "There is still a coating of plastic film on the bottle's outside packing, as shown in the photograph, and the express shipping is also very swift, arriving the next day after I took the photo." }
{ "zh": "不知道是不是东西便宜了就没有,很困惑。", "en": "I'm perplexed, I'm not sure if it's because products are so inexpensive." }
{ "zh": "双字节部分的码位安排分为 0x8140~ 一 0xFE7E 和 0x8180 一 0xFEFE 两部分, 共 23940 个码位。", "en": "The double-byte part's code bit layout is split into two sections with a combined 23940 code bits each: 0x8140-0xFE7E and 0x8180-0xFEFE." }
{ "zh": "买完发现海外购美亚上还有一只另一个牌子很类似的,才不到两百块。", "en": "After purchasing it, I discovered that another brand that is nearly identical is available on Overseas Buy Meiya for less than 200 yuan." }
{ "zh": "ICC鑫椤资讯发布2022年负极数据显示,杉杉负极2022年出货量突破20万吨,同比增幅100 % , 市场份额达16 % , 人造石墨负极材料出货量蝉联榜首。", "en": "ICC Xinfern information released 2022 negative electrode data shows that the shipment of Sugo negative electrode in 2022 exceeded 200,000 tons, with a year-on-year increase of 100 % and a market share of 16 %, and the shipment of artificial graphite negative electrode material topped the list." }
{ "zh": "第一次在亚马逊买东西,分别感受有几点,先来说下用完商品的感受吧,第一确实是无痛,也没有刺激味道的东西,总体来说很不错的,静等8分钟左右一擦就掉了,只是会有少量的汗毛渣在上面,不细看是看不出来的,所以说总体是不错的,至于之后都就用一次还要继续观察,继续用才会知道。", "en": "I made my first Amazon purchase with this one, I have some relevant experience, first, let me discuss how it feels to finish a product, the first benefit is that it has no unpleasant taste or sensation, Overall, it's excellent, observe for 8 minutes, overall, it is good because after using it once, you need to continue observing, and you will know if you continue to use it, wipe it left and right and it will come off, but there will be a small amount of hair residue on it, which cannot be seen until you look closely." }
{ "zh": "结业式上,研讨班10名代表发言,汇报交流了学习收获。", "en": "At the closing ceremony, 10 representatives from the seminar delivered speeches, sharing their learning achievements and experiences." }
{ "zh": "新加坡旅游业复苏强劲 入境旅客比2021年增长19倍", "en": "Singapore tourism recovers strongly, arrivals up 19 times compared to 2021" }
{ "zh": "换油的师傅说油品清亮,确实是好油 。", "en": "The oil was changed by the master, who claimed that it was clean and good oil." }
{ "zh": "这条背带设计得比较科学,挂双肩,实用,而且胸前是用软材料固定及保护相机,不像其他快枪手那样用螺丝固定底部伤相机,而且取下摄影也很方便。", "en": "In contrast to other fast gunners, which use screws to fix the bottom to harm the camera, this strap is more scientifically constructed, hanging from the shoulders, practical, and the chest is fixed and protected with soft material, It is also extremely easy to remove the camera from this strap." }
{ "zh": "3 使用设备指示灯时, 请避开儿童或动物的眼睛;", "en": "3 Please keep children and animals out of your eyes when using the device's indication light;" }
{ "zh": "三颗星是怪自己马虎没看清楚商品规格,你卖M码电商版我没意见,你货不对版是几个意思?", "en": "I only gave it three stars because I was careless and didn't carefully read the product details, I have no issue with you offering the M-size online version for sale, what does it signify that the edition of your product is incorrect?" }
{ "zh": "同时派出2个搜索评估组,对沃达巴什大街15栋建筑进行评估排查。", "en": "At the same time, two search and assessment teams were dispatched to conduct an assessment and investigation of 15 buildings on Vodabash Street." }
{ "zh": "估计很少有人看到这里,但是我也要稍微说一下。", "en": "Although it is believed that few people would view this, I still want to add a little." }
{ "zh": "杉杉创始人郑永刚因突发心脏疾病过世 曾带领中国服装第一股转型 - 经济观察网 - 专业财经新闻网站", "en": "\"Founder of Sugo Zheng Yonggang passed away due to sudden heart disease, once led the transformation of China's first garment stock - Economic Observation Network - Professional financial news website”" }
{ "zh": "如此范围的灾难所造成的罹难人数以及经济损失无法精确得知。", "en": "The exact number of casualties and economic losses caused by such a widespread disaster cannot be accurately determined." }
{ "zh": "产品名称 :Redmi AirDots 2 真无线蓝牙耳机", "en": "Product name: Redmi AirDots 2 Wireless Headphones" }
{ "zh": "要不断扩大高水平对外开放,深度参与全球产业分工和合作,用好国内国际两种资源,拓展中国式现代化的发展空间,在互利共赢中共享发展机遇、共创美好未来。", "en": "We must continuously expand high-level opening-up, actively participate in global industrial division and cooperation, make good use of both domestic and international resources, broaden the development space of China's modernization, and share development opportunities and create a better future through mutual benefit and win-win cooperation." }
{ "zh": "性价比很高的作品集", "en": "Portfolio that is economical" }
{ "zh": "救援人员仍然在借助热成像仪来探寻废墟之下的生命迹象。", "en": "Rescue workers are still using thermal imaging devices to search for signs of life beneath the rubble." }
{ "zh": "文/本报记者 程婕 统筹/池海波", "en": "Cheng Jie, Content; Chi Haibo, Facilitator" }
{ "zh": "最近发现接通电源时,不充电,需要用手左右扶几下充电器和线的连接处,才能充上电。", "en": "Recently, it was discovered that it was not charging when the power was turned on, To charge it, you had to repeatedly hold the charger's cable connection in place with your hands." }
{ "zh": "很一般", "en": "Extremely average" }
{ "zh": "我们认为,在不经过衰退的情况下美国就业市场的供需紧张难以改善。", "en": "We believe that the tight supply and demand in the US job market will hardly improve without going through a recession." }
{ "zh": "O: 表示该有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在 GB/T 26572 规定的限量要求以下。", "en": "O: Denotes that the amount of the hazardous substance is below the limit set out in GB/T 26572 in all homogenous materials of the part." }
{ "zh": "2、表说明书有严重使用褶皱。", "en": "2, The watch's instruction manual has significant use wrinkles." }
{ "zh": "办公室试用了1天,搞的全屋子都是这种塑胶味道。", "en": "I gave it a try for 1 day in the office, and the entire place smelled like plastic." }
{ "zh": "制造商: 重庆市前行科技有限公司", "en": "Manufactural: Chongqing Qianxing Tech Co, Ltd" }
{ "zh": "以后的书,都转移阵地到这里买了。", "en": "Future books will now be available for purchase here." }
{ "zh": "虽然新型精神活性物质的总体数量已经稳定下来,但比例发生了变化。", "en": "NPS numbers have stabilized for the most part, but the proportions have moved." }
{ "zh": "想要成功使用这个选项, 你必须在所有使用模板的文件中,标记`#pragma implementatio'(定义)或 `#Pragma interface'(声明).", "en": "For this choice to work, all template-using records must be checked with \"#pragma implementatio\" (definition) or \"#Pragma interface\" (announcement)." }
{ "zh": "另外,本书感觉像是拼凑而成。", "en": "Furthermore, the book feels like a patchwork." }
{ "zh": "仅仅在叙利亚,就有多达530万人因为地震而失去家园。", "en": "In Syria alone, as many as 530 million people lost their homes because of the earthquake." }
{ "zh": "较贫穷的人患吸毒病症的风险更大2018年约有3,560万人患有吸毒病症。", "en": "A substance utilize clutter is more likely to develop in those who are less well off, In 2018, 35,600 thousand individuals were influenced by a substance utilize issue." }
{ "zh": "比如当下流行的互联网健身房模式,实现用户按次付费和场地自选。", "en": "For instance, the current and widely used Internet gym model allows consumers to pay per view and select their own locations." }
{ "zh": "非常完美的一次购物!", "en": "A fantastic buying experience!" }
{ "zh": "按照计划,新加坡将于2023年年内制定会议、会展与奖励旅游业可持续发展的相关行业标准,并着重改善废物处理和碳排放两大方面的问题,进一步优化旅游环境。", "en": "According to the plan, Singapore will develop industry standards for the sustainable development of meetings, conventions and incentives tourism in 2023, and focus on improving two major aspects of waste disposal and carbon emissions to further optimize the tourism environment." }
{ "zh": "买之前心里真的没底,直到打开一看包装就感觉很正!", "en": "I was pretty apprehensive before I bought it, but after I cracked open the box, I was certain!" }
{ "zh": "难道是我运气不好?", "en": "Is it my misfortune?" }
{ "zh": "我联系厂家问手表在入库有核对时间吗?他们回复说“有”,既然有,那为啥时间相差那么多,那肯定是手表没有精确度,简单地说就是水货产品,不是我说的难听,看嘛,很明显的质量问题(数字显示不完全)都拿出来卖,是不是垃圾货。", "en": "I contacted the manufacturer and asked if there was a time check on the watch in the warehouse, they replied \"yes\", since there is, so then why is the time difference so much? That must be because the watch is not accurate, simply put, it is a water product, not what I said, look well, as there are very obvious quality problems (digital display is not complete) and are taken out to sell, are not junk goods." }
{ "zh": "有一点不太好的,就是金色的线,本来设计出来是觉得好看,但实际上,这个金线会掉色,往车上一放,如果拿动几次,手上,和车上,会有一些金粉。", "en": "The gold thread is one item that is not ideal, although the gold thread was intended to appear attractive, it will eventually deteriorate, there will be some issues in your hands and on the car if you put it on the car and hold it a few times, a little gold dust." }
{ "zh": "1.单字市部分的码位分配", "en": "1. The single-character city part's code point allocation" }
{ "zh": "任何本文件适用的产品均应满足实现级别 1 的要求。", "en": "Each item to which this record relates must follow to the Execution Level 1 details." }
{ "zh": "亚马逊,我如何再爱你?", "en": "How am I supposed to love you again, Amazon?" }
{ "zh": "据路透社今天报道称,伊朗纪念革命周年,黑客中断国家电视台报道。", "en": "According to a report by Reuters today, during the commemoration of the anniversary of the Iranian Revolution, hackers interrupted the national television broadcast." }
{ "zh": "在各场会见和谈会上,范明政总理同新加坡和文莱领导人都一致同意通过高级代表团互访、有效开展各项双边合作机制和各项重要合作协议等方式不断增强与越南的政治互信。", "en": "Strengthening the relationship with Singapore and Brunei is a mutual need for both countries, aiming to enhance the well-being of their respective peoples and contribute to regional and global peace, stability, and development." }
{ "zh": "PS颜值不错", "en": "PS appears fine" }
{ "zh": "“今天是什么日子了?", "en": "\"What day is it today?\"" }
{ "zh": "当时正值圣诞节的旅游旺季,受灾地区聚集了大量的旅客和本地居民,导致许多在沙滩上享受假期的旅客和在海边工作的当地人被海啸卷到海底,使这次地震不少人成为失踪者。", "en": "It was the peak of the Christmas tourist season, and the affected areas gathered a large number of tourists and local residents, resulting in many tourists enjoying their holidays on the beach and locals working on the beach being swept to the bottom of the sea by the tsunami, making many people missing from this earthquake." }
{ "zh": "但是,地震造成的死亡人数攀升达 24,150 人。", "en": "However, the death toll from the earthquake has risen to 24,150 people." }
{ "zh": "据台媒今天报道称,该讯息当日冲上微博热搜,并引发浙江、陕西、湖北、山东与北京等许多省市跟进倡议。", "en": "According to Taiwanese media reports today, the message quickly became popular on Weibo and sparked similar initiatives in many provinces and cities such as Zhejiang, Shaanxi, Hubei, Shandong, and Beijing." }
{ "zh": "经济观察网 记者 陈姗 基金购买渠道繁杂导致账户信息归集不易?", "en": "Economic Observer reporter Chen Shan, Is it difficult to collect account information due to the complicated purchase channels of funds?" }
{ "zh": "“基金 E 账户”所显示的数据日期一般为用户进行查询的日期(T日)往前推三个交易日。", "en": "The data displayed on the \"Fund E-account\" is typically three trading days prior to the date (T-day) of the user's query." }
{ "zh": "2023-02-11 13:07:20 [来源:新华社] [责编:李絮枫] 字体:【大 中 小】", "en": "2023-02-11 13:07:20 [Source:Xinhua] [Editor:Li Shuofeng] Font:[Large Medium Small]" }
{ "zh": "三百多的机器要一百多的税确实比较高,看现在再六百多心里平衡多了。", "en": "It is true that a machine costing more than three hundred will pay a tax of over one hundred, observing that it is now over six hundred and so more balanced." }
{ "zh": "中华民族是守正创新的民族。", "en": "The Chinese nation is a nation that upholds tradition while pursuing innovation." }
{ "zh": "对新型精神活性物质的监管似乎有遏制作用在国内对新型精神活性物质的监管效果仍然很难评估。", "en": "NPS control shows up to have a dissuasive impact, it is still challenging to assess the household control of NPS." }
{ "zh": "按着这个剧情来说,整本书都是比较轻松愉快的,前部分叶修还在网游里的时候,即使是公会之间勾心斗角,也因为往往被叶神狗血,搞得一点也不沉重。", "en": "This premise makes it seem like the entire book is rather carefree and joyful, because of Ye Xiu's blood in the first half, while Ye Xiu was still playing the online game, even the guild intrigue was not overly intense." }
{ "zh": "海地政府公布的确认死亡人数超过20万。", "en": "The Haitian government has confirmed the death toll at more than 200,000." }
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