{ "zh": "”里奥斯表示,期待共建“一带一路”合作继续发挥其改善各国基础设施水平、加强各领域互联互通的重要作用,继续释放更大动能。", "en": "\"Rios said he expects the \"Belt and Street\" cooperation's joint development proceeding to play a noteworthy part in upgrading network in various businesses and raising the standard of foundation in different countries, as well as proceeding to pick up more footing." }
{ "zh": "亚洲 – 2月9日,菲律宾总统小马科斯(Bongbong Marcos)造访日本,与首相岸田文雄会谈。", "en": "\"Asia - On February 9, Philippine President Bongbong Marcos visited Japan and held talks with Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.\"" }
{ "zh": "因为大家都会去考虑,我花了那么多钱,我得去派人管对吧,这是通常会做的一个行为 ” , 然而郑永刚则不同,杉杉收购成功的那一天,郑永刚就到杉金光电当众宣布,杉杉作为杉金的大股东,决定实施一企两制,除了郑永刚担任董事长,杉杉企业的人不派到杉金,采取授权经营的方式,原有的分配制度、企业文化、各项管理等模式不变。", "en": "Because everyone will go to consider, I spent so much money, I have to send people to manage, right, which is usually done an act \", however, Zheng Yonggang is different, the day of the successful acquisition of Sugo, Zheng Yonggang went to Sugo Gold Optoelectronics announced in public, Sugo as the majority shareholder of Sugo Gold, decided to implement a two-enterprise system, in addition to Zheng Yonggang as chairman, Sugo enterprise people are not sent to Sugo Gold, to adopt the way of authorized operation, the original distribution system, corporate culture, the management model remains unchanged." }
{ "zh": "后面的处理简直无语,基本都是我说一步,客服才接着操作一下。", "en": "After that, I'm just at a loss for words, in essence, I say do this action, and customer service will continue to operate." }
{ "zh": "1990 年莫德罗成为东德事实上的领导人,担任最高国家职务。", "en": "In 1990, Modrow became the de facto leader of East Germany, assuming the highest national position." }
{ "zh": "万年历功能倒是蛮不错,计时功能有点鸡肋,基本用不到,偶尔会误触进入计时模式。", "en": "While the timing function is a bit bland and hardly ever utilized, the perpetual calendar function is pretty wonderful, on occasion, it will unintentionally switch to timing mode." }
{ "zh": "我瞬间震惊了!", "en": "I was startled right away!" }
{ "zh": "GB 18030 一 2022", "en": "GB 18030-2022" }
{ "zh": "2月10日,中国理财网发布首批个人养老金理财产品名单,工银理财、农银理财和中邮理财的7只个人养老金理财产品正式发售。", "en": "China Budgetary Organize distributed a list of the beginning bunch of individual annuity riches administration items on February 10, ICBC Riches Administration, Rural Bank of China Riches Administration, and China Post Riches Administration all authoritatively propelled seven individual annuity riches administration items." }
{ "zh": "东西不错", "en": "Nice things" }
{ "zh": "拼装的过程挺有趣,我来拼,5岁儿子来玩,挺好。", "en": "Putting everything together is a fascinating process, my 5 year old son will join me in playing if I do it, very well done." }
{ "zh": "2023年底前,升级接入AP总量不少于2万个。", "en": "There will be at slightest 20,000 upgraded get to APs generally by the conclusion of 2023." }
{ "zh": "本月初,菲律宾与美国签署协议,同意对美军开放更多基地,保障南海安全。", "en": "\"At the beginning of this month, the Philippines signed an agreement with the United States, agreeing to open more bases to the US military to ensure security in the South China Sea.\"" }
{ "zh": "发货速度也快。", "en": "Additionally, shipping happens quickly." }
{ "zh": "GB/T 2312 一 1980 ”信息交换用汉字编码字符集 ”基本集", "en": "Chinese character coded character set for information exchange, basic set, GB/T 2312-1980" }
{ "zh": "8 部分字符和代码的说明", "en": "Chars & Codes Explained" }
{ "zh": "来自墨西哥的证据表明,这已经成为 现实:据报告,2020年3月,从东亚进口的甲基苯丙胺前体短缺促使墨西哥和美国的甲基苯丙胺价格上涨。", "en": "Information from Mexico infers that this is often as of now the case: in Walk 2020, Mexico and the Joined together States detailed cost rises for methamphetamine due to deficiencies of forerunners provided from East Asia." }
{ "zh": "高二的时候看的这本书当时只是抱着无聊看看玩的心态,感觉这样的书自己应该不会沉迷吧,毕竟起点的网文以往还是不太吸引我的。", "en": "In my sophomore year of high school, I read this novel, to pass the time, I read and played games, I believe that I shouldn't be so dependent on a book, after all, I had previously found Qidian's web articles to be somewhat unappealing." }
{ "zh": "中新网2月11日电 据应急管理部网站11日消息,2月10日,正在土耳其搜救的中国救援队派出3个行动分队、45名救援队员,营救出1名被困人员。", "en": "According to the website of the Ministry of Emergency Management, on February 10th, three task forces and 45 rescue team members from the Chinese rescue teams deployed in Turkey successfully rescued one trapped individual." }
{ "zh": "用了很久,除了低音出不来,总体还不错。", "en": "Though the bass does not come through, other than that, it has been in use for a while, and the entirety is not poor." }
{ "zh": "其他官媒画面也显示,金主爱与金正恩坐在室内沙发椅上时,用手不断摸著父亲的脸;她与父亲挽著手走路时,一边用手摸在金正恩的胸口。", "en": "Other official media footage also shows Kim Jong-ae touching her father's face with her hand while sitting on a sofa chair in the room with Kim Jong-un; she touches her hand on Kim Jong-un's chest while walking arm-in-arm with her father." }
{ "zh": "台“主计总处”专门委员曹志弘坦言,菜价涨幅确实超乎预期,排除春节因素,今年1月和2月平均CPI应接近去年12月的2.71%,通胀压力还是存在,且仍在高点。", "en": "A part of Taiwan's \"Common Office of Bookkeeping\" extraordinary committee named Cao Zhihong expressed straightforwardly that the increment in vegetable costs has past desires, the normal CPI in January and February of this year ought to be very comparable to 2.71% in December of final year, barring the Spring Celebration impact, the level of inflationary weight remains exceptionally solid." }
{ "zh": "展望2023年旅游市场,新加坡旅游局充满信心,认为全球经济只要不出现显著衰退影响公众收入,以及不再有新的大面积致命疫情暴发等情况出现,旅游业复苏步伐将快于预期。", "en": "Looking ahead to 2023, the Singapore Tourism Board is confident that tourism will recover at a faster than expected pace as long as the global economy does not experience a significant recession that affects public revenues, and as long as there are no new outbreaks of widespread deadly epidemics." }
{ "zh": "其中,蔬菜价格飞涨28.25%,创17个月新高。", "en": "Among them, the cost of vegetables expanded by 28.25%, coming to a 17-month tall." }
{ "zh": "据华尔街日报今天报道称,气球事件后,美国准备进一步收紧对华技术出口。", "en": "According to The Wall Street Journal's report today, following the balloon incident, the United States is preparing to further tighten technology exports to China." }
{ "zh": "随后红和白灯恢六. 左右囊如自过串联 .", "en": "The red and white lights return to six at that point. A network of connections connects the left and right capsules." }
{ "zh": "但不得不说的是亚马逊平台之官僚依旧,与几年前我发誓绝对不用的时候没有改进,你永远查不到实际物流状况,信息永远是几个星期以后送到,永远不能投诉,就是这么官僚!", "en": "But I must remark that the Amazon platform's bureaucracy remains unchanged, it hasn't improved since I said I'd never use it again a couple years ago, you will never learn the true logistical situation, you can never complain because the information is always supplied after a few weeks, that's all there is to it: bureaucracy!" }
{ "zh": "充电时间: 约 1.5小时 HFP/A2DP/ HSP/AVRCP", "en": "Charging time: about 1.5 hours HFP/A2DP/ HSP/AVRCP" }
{ "zh": "不会再在卓越上花一毛钱。", "en": "No more money will be spent on Excellence." }
{ "zh": "买到别人拆开过的", "en": "Purchase the unwrapped products of others" }
{ "zh": "近日,第19批援中非中国医疗队的11名队员给习近平总书记写信,汇报学习贯彻党的二十大精神、为当地民众提供医疗服务等情况,表达为推动构建人类卫生健康共同体贡献力量的决心。", "en": "Recently, 11 members of the 19th batch of Chinese medical teams to aid China and Africa wrote a letter to General Secretary Xi Jinping, reporting on studying and implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, providing medical services for local people, and expressing their contribution to promoting the construction of a human health community determination of strength." }
{ "zh": "全职对人物和感情线的描写让人十分惊艳,有的人物只是偶尔带过,也会给人留下很深的影响,像比较重点描写的角色叶修黄少天苏沐橙都有大量的粉丝,而不在写作中心的角色例如江波涛楚云秀等等也十分找人喜欢,在一个电竞的爽文中竟然让人找不到一个让人讨厌至极的人物,这是全职在人物描写上的成功。", "en": "The character and emotional lines described in Full-time are truly wonderful, Some characters, who are only sporadically introduced, have a profound effect on the audience, for instance, Ye Xiu, Huang Shaotian, and Su Mucheng have a lot of followers since they are more concentrated characters, even the characters that are not part of the writing core, such Jiang Botao and Chu Yunxiu, are endearing, nobody can discover a particularly grating character in a cool piece on e-sports, this character description is a complete success." }
{ "zh": "希望重视包裹的运输保护", "en": "Hope to be mindful of package shipment protection" }
{ "zh": "赞!", "en": "Praise!" }
{ "zh": "由于无法直接联系卖家,只能再次致电客服。", "en": "I can only phone customer service since I can't get in touch with the merchant directly." }
{ "zh": "会员国的国内市场每年约有500种新型活性物质。", "en": "On the residential showcase of Part States, around 500 modern dynamic chemicals are presented each year." }
{ "zh": "而比较差的产品,我绝对不会偷懒到复制粘贴评价,这样其他消费者在购买的时候会作为参考,而商家也会因此改进商品质量。", "en": "If a product is subpar, I will never be so lazy to copy and paste reviews so that future customers can use them as a guide when making a purchase and the seller can raise the standard of the product as a result." }
{ "zh": "在大部分的地区这场地震持续了3分钟到5分钟。", "en": "The earthquake in most areas lasted 3 minutes to 5 minutes." }
{ "zh": "据信,多达 19,763 名抗议者被捕。", "en": "It is believed that up to 19,763 protesters have been arrested." }
{ "zh": "金正恩在主席台上数次与女儿对望,两人脸上的笑容从未退去,还互相在耳边讲悄悄话,金主爱一度以双手捧起老爸的两颊,金正恩也以灿笑回应。", "en": "Kim Jong-un looked at his daughter several times on the podium, the smiles on their faces never faded, and they whispered in each other's ears at one point, Kim Joo-ae cupped his father's cheeks with both hands, and Kim Jong-un responded with a bright smile." }
{ "zh": "单字节码位分配见图 2。", "en": "The distribution of single-byte code points is shown in Figure 2." }
{ "zh": "首字节 0xA8~0xA9 双字节 5 区 : 192 码 位", "en": "The first byte 0xA8~0xA9 double-byte area 5: 192 yards" }
{ "zh": "现在裹上保鲜膜继续用,不知能用多久?", "en": "Now wrapped in plastic wrap to be used again, I'm not sure how long it can be used for?" }
{ "zh": "解释了很多销售理论是什么、为什么,但在怎么办方面却很薄弱,只是指出了方向但是没有给出具体的做法。", "en": "It provides an explanation of what and why numerous sales philosophies exist, However, it is lacking in practical advice, it does not offer any concrete solutions; it only indicates the direction." }
{ "zh": "PS:轮子感觉确实挺好的", "en": "PS: The wheels are really comfortable" }
{ "zh": "一长按约 5 秒", "en": "5 seconds of prolonged pressing" }
{ "zh": "真的很难以置信,本身衣物发错并不是我的问题,作为一个消费者我要求获得我应获得的商品,并没有提出什么很夸张的要求,亚马逊却改名字,说无库存。", "en": "That wearing the wrong clothes is not a concern for me is very unbelievable, I make reasonable requests as a consumer and don't make any inflated demands, Amazon claims it's out of stock and alters the name." }
{ "zh": "不过因为我的Z2下放了,所以这台手机也完成了使命。", "en": "But as my Z2 is decentralized, this phone's task has also been accomplished." }
{ "zh": "2022年回国求职应届留学生留学国前10 图源:《2022中国海归就业调查报告》", "en": "The best 10 universal understudies seeking out for work in China in 2022, concurring to the \"2022 Chinese Returnee Business Study Report\"" }
{ "zh": "而朝野之间的争辩也日趋激烈尖锐。", "en": "The debates between the ruling party and the opposition have become increasingly fierce and contentious." }
{ "zh": "据相关文件介绍,“基金E账户”APP 是中国结算经中国证监会批准开发建设的公募基金行业门户手机应用,可为投资者提供全市场公募基金产品场外份额持有情况的一站式查询。", "en": "According to relevant documents, the \"Fund E-account\" app is a mobile application developed and constructed by China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited (ChinaClear) with the approval of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)." }
{ "zh": "(上帝是最伟大的!)”。", "en": "(God is the greatest!). \"" }
{ "zh": "部分字符和代码的说明", "en": "Different characters and codes clarified" }
{ "zh": "视频图像显示,急救人员还带走了他的母亲,她在担架上头晕目眩,脸色苍白,但神志清醒。", "en": "Video footage shows that the paramedics also carried away his mother, who appeared dizzy and pale on the stretcher, but conscious and alert." }
{ "zh": "美国官方对这个物体的描述大致可以归纳为:大小相当于一辆小汽车,没有操纵杆,没有悬挂装置,飞行高度为一万米左右。", "en": "This object's official US description can be summed up roughly as follows: The flying height is around 10,000 meters, the size is comparable to a compact automobile, there is no joystick, and there is no suspension system." }
{ "zh": "05 注意事项", "en": "05 Precautions" }
{ "zh": "本来应该是非常流畅的线条。", "en": "The lines ought to have been very slick." }
{ "zh": "在会见企业领导,座谈会或出席经济论坛期间,范明政总理强调越南欢迎并为新加坡和文莱企业在越南的数字化转型、绿色能源、高科技、创新创意等领域扩大投资范围创造便利条件。", "en": "During meetings with business leaders, roundtable discussions, and participation in economic forums, Prime Minister Phan Minh Chinh emphasized Vietnam's welcoming stance and commitment to creating favorable conditions for Singaporean and Bruneian companies to expand their investment scope in Vietnam, particularly in areas such as digital transformation, green energy, high technology, innovation, and creative sectors." }
{ "zh": "考察团于昨今两天分组参观世界遗产“澳门历史城区”、体验澳门大赛车博物馆、“时空穿梭‧游历三巴” —— 大三巴牌坊沉浸式数字体验展、澳品荟、氹仔旧城区,以及多个大型度假村酒店及设施:上葡京、The Karl Lagerfeld、永利皇宫、美狮美高梅、摩珀斯、澳门伦敦人、澳门银河、新濠天地的Artelli多维艺术空间及澳门威尼斯人的teamLab超自然空间等。", "en": "The delegation visited the World Heritage Site \"Historic Centre of Macau\", the Macau Grand Prix Museum, the \"Time Warp\" - an immersive digital experience at the Ruins of St. Paul's, the Ao Pinhe, the Taipa Old Town, as well as several major resorts and facilities: Grand Lisboa, The Karl Lagerfeld, Wynn Palace, MGM MACAU, The Mopars, The Londoner, Galaxy Macau, Artelli Multi-Dimensional Art Space at City of Dreams and teamLab Supernatural Space at The Venetian Macau" }
{ "zh": "D.1 调整过的 18 个GB/T 13000 代码位置", "en": "18 GB/T 13000 code places were balanced in D.1" }
{ "zh": ".ii 预处理后的 c++ 文件;编译,汇编", "en": "preprocessed.ii record for c++; compile and gather" }
{ "zh": "6,如果你没有给予承诺的把握,请不要做出承诺。", "en": "6, If you are unsure whether to make a promise, don't make one." }
{ "zh": "现任和前任安全官员表示,上述气球事件突显了中国构成的国家安全威胁,并将为加强美国技术保护争取更多政治支持。", "en": "Current and former security officials have stated that the aforementioned balloon incident highlights the national security threat posed by China, and they will seek more political support to strengthen technology protection in the United States." }
{ "zh": "不值这个价。", "en": "Cost is not justified." }
{ "zh": "22号早上查物流终于到福州了,准备开开心心收货,结果,晚上在没收到任何电话、短信的情况下,一查物流,竟然中午就被签收了,还显示的本人签收!", "en": "I verified the logistics early on February 22nd and eventually made it to Fuzhou, I was happy and prepared to accept the gifts, So without getting any calls or texts, I reviewed the logistics at night!" }
{ "zh": "在出访新加坡和文莱的三天之内,范明政总理共参加了30多项不同的活动。", "en": "During the three-day visit to Singapore and Brunei, Prime Minister Phan Minh Chinh participated in over 30 different activities." }
{ "zh": "质量很好,不管是正面还是背面,都挺软的,睡眠很舒服,躺在上面很快就睡着了。", "en": "I immediately fell asleep while lying on it since the quality is excellent, the sleep is quite nice, and it is pretty soft whether it is the front or the back." }
{ "zh": "周六,政府电视台播出了全国各州官方集会的现场录像。", "en": "On Saturday, the government television broadcasted live footage of official gatherings held in various states across the country." }
{ "zh": "推进中国式现代化涉及经济、政治、文化、社会、生态文明等各个领域,关系治党治国治军、内政外交国防等方方面面,既要做好系统谋划,又要勇于改革创新,不断实现整体推进。", "en": "Promoting Chinese-style modernization involves economic, political, cultural, social, ecological civilization and other fields, this is related to all aspects of governing the party, the state, the military, domestic and foreign affairs and national defense, It is necessary to do a good job of systematic planning, but also the courage to reform and innovation, and constantly achieve overall advancement." }
{ "zh": "1.走时不准,突然变成1月1号,时间归零了。", "en": "1. The journey time is incorrect; then, all of a sudden, it is January 1st, and the time resets to zero." }
{ "zh": "同时,推进海上5G网络深度覆盖、构建产业创新发展生态、支持举办顶级赛事和活动。", "en": "Advance the broad 5G organize scope whereas at ocean, make an environment for mechanical development and development, and help within the organization of chief occasions and exercises." }
{ "zh": "乘着通关复常的契机,旅游局铺开了香港市场的宣传攻势及推出各项优惠,其中包括推出了往返港澳交通票务优惠,以崭新的宣传片于线上线下平台投放广告等。", "en": "Taking advantage of the return of customs clearance, MGTO launched a promotional campaign in the Hong Kong market and launched various discounts, including discounts on round-trip transportation tickets to Hong Kong and Macau, and advertising on online and offline platforms with brand-new promotional videos." }
{ "zh": "回下包围结构", "en": "Returning to the quick environment" }
{ "zh": "但是这次购买L号的尿布,一箱里面有2包分开包装,打开后就觉得纸张比较松,跟进口帮宝适有明显区别,给宝宝用了之后,还算可以,没有漏尿也没有红疹等迹象。", "en": "However, I purchased L-size diapers this time, 2 packs, each packed separately, are contained in a box, When I opened it, the paper felt loose, which is certainly not the case with imported Pampers, red rash and further symptoms." }
{ "zh": "产品防伪标识在哪里", "en": "Where is the security seal for the product" }
{ "zh": "用第二片的时候选的毛孔细致的,但是一打开就一股怪味,以为是正常的,因为没用过这款,然后往脸上贴的时候就整个受不了了,非常冲的味道,无法形容,熏到立马咳嗽了出来,眼睛也很痛,流眼泪,马上摘了去洗脸。", "en": "The pores on the second piece were fine when I used it, but there was an odd smell when I opened it, I hadn't used this one before, so I assumed it was typical, but when I placed it on my face, I couldn't tolerate it, it has a strong fragrance, I pulled it off right away to wash my face since it is so unbelievable smokey that I immediately coughed out, my eyes stung, and tears started to pour." }
{ "zh": "台湾中国国民党副主席夏立言今次访中先后会见中国国台办主任宋涛与中共中央政治局常委王沪宁。", "en": "Xia Liyan, the Vice Chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang (KMT) from Taiwan, met with Song Tao, the Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Communist Party of China (CPC), and Wang Huning, a member of the CPC Central Committee's Political Bureau, during his visit to China." }
{ "zh": "3.顶盖比较薄,我的变压器那边还凹下去了,不得已开箱用手恢复,顶盖和前面板结合松动。", "en": "3. The side of my transformer was buried, and the top cover is comparatively thin, It needed to be manually opened up and restored, the top cover and front panel were not tightly fastened together." }
{ "zh": "这次事故在国际核事件分级表(INES)中被分类为最严重的7级。", "en": "This accident was classified as the highest level, level 7, on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES)." }
{ "zh": "2008年经济危机后,一些吸毒者开始寻找更便宜的合成物质,使用模式转向注射毒品。", "en": "A few sedate clients begun searching for less costly manufactured drugs amid the 2008 budgetary emergency, and their drug-using propensities changed to sedate infusion." }
{ "zh": "趁此机会,范明政总理还通过视频方式与正在岘港市FPT-UBD全球中心学习英语的越南学生进行交流,了解他们特别是在疫情期间的学习情况。", "en": "Taking this opportunity, PM Pham Minh Triet also communicated via video with Vietnamese students who are studying English at the FPT-UBD Global Center in Da Nang to learn about their studies, especially during the epidemic." }
{ "zh": "随着中国放宽边境政策,预计今年中国游客人次可恢复至2019年的三成至六成。", "en": "With China easing its border policies, it is expected that the number of Chinese tourist arrivals this year will recover to around 30% to 60% of the levels seen in 2019." }
{ "zh": "包装箱不大,直接用的是Vitamix 的原包装,亚马逊也不怕漂洋过海的摔坏了!", "en": "Amazon is not worried, about breaking the Vitamix original packaging when it is hurled across the ocean, because the packaging box is not large and is being utilized directly!" }
{ "zh": "7,实际上,我非常在意商家做出的承诺。", "en": "7, In reality, I am cautious about merchants' promises." }
{ "zh": "家机构的7只产品可选 最短可只持有360天", "en": "The most limited time can as it were be held for 360 days and there are 7 items from domestic educate that are discretionary" }
{ "zh": "在亚马逊积累了很多未评价的订单,所以我统一用复制的一段话作为评价内容。", "en": "I have a ton of unreviewed orders on Amazon, so I use a paraphrased passage as the evaluation content." }
{ "zh": "多少次一看到三星这个手机,脑海就想起她,那种痛苦就随之而来灌满全身,我从没舍得用过超过2千元的手机,可是买给她的时候,却毫不犹豫,对一个人再好,可是有天当她变心了,所有的山盟海誓也就烟消云散了。", "en": "How many times have I seen a Samsung mobile phone and thought about her, and the agony has filled my entire body? I was never willing to use a phone worth more than 2,000 yuan, but I didn't hesitate when I bought it for her, no matter how nice you are to someone, when she changes her mind one day, all the promises will disappear." }
{ "zh": "贩毒和暴力之间的联系是多方面的。", "en": "Viciousness and medicate trafficking are closely related on numerous levels." }
{ "zh": "短短十分钟内,瓦尔迪维亚整座城市变为废墟。", "en": "In just ten minutes, the entire city of Waldivia became ruins." }
{ "zh": "其实想要买齐这套书很久了,碍于永远钱包不够厚都没狠下心下手,然后想要买的时候就发现,tb上简直是假货猖獗,其实全职最近出了另一个版本,封面图吧我自己是蛮喜欢的,但还是打算先买老的版本,所以就在亚马逊上看了看,一次性买下来了一套。", "en": "In fact, I've wanted to acquire this collection of books for a while, but I've put it off since my wallet isn't thick enough, then, when I went to purchase it, I discovered that there were many fakes on tb, in truth, the cover image was just released in a different version by the full-time, I visited Amazon and ordered a set all at once because I personally really enjoy it but still intend to purchase the older version first." }
{ "zh": "新加坡旅游业的复苏加快了航空业复苏。", "en": "The recovery of Singapore's tourism industry has accelerated the recovery of the aviation industry." }
{ "zh": "8,所以,我打了低分。", "en": "8, As a result, my grade was dismal." }
{ "zh": "同时希望该中心的学生在学习中取得更大的进步,为越文两国友好合作关系作出积极的贡献。", "en": "He also expressed his hope for the students at the center to make greater progress in their studies and contribute actively to the friendly cooperation between Vietnam and Brunei." }
{ "zh": "且成书时间较早,后来的支付宝微信借补贴大战培养用户习惯的内容还没提及,如今的第三方支付份额只怕已不是书中所说的占比这么小了吧。", "en": "Because the book was written earlier, it does not include information about Alipay and WeChat's subsidy war to shape user habits, the third-party payment share in use today is most likely not as low as the book claimed." }
{ "zh": "这是一款设计风格非常简洁的产品。", "en": "This product has a fairly straightforward design." }
{ "zh": "了无法充电。", "en": "Cannot charge." }
{ "zh": "一些证据表明,欧洲也有注射新型精神活性物质兴奋剂的现象:一项对欧洲六个城市废弃注射器残留物的研宄发现,许多注射器都沾有产生兴奋作用的新型精神活性物质》", "en": "There's a few sign that NPS stimulants are infused in Europe as well: Much of the remains from utilized syringes are recolored with NPS, which can deliver stimulants, agreeing to a ponder done on them in six European cities" }
{ "zh": "但店家还是不错的,积极配合催促快递及时退款,但是这个全峰快递实在的工作是做的相当让人愤怒,拖拉半个月左右才退款,这种合作伙伴是要拖亚马逊的后腿的,工作效率差,没有服务意识!", "en": "However, the store is still nice, actively helping to urge the express to refund promptly, however, Quanfeng Express' actual work is rather frustrating, and the reimbursement is delayed by approximately a month, such a partner would slow down Amazon, yes, ineffective work practices and a lack of service spirit!" }
{ "zh": "质量很好5星,物流很差", "en": "Excellent quality, 5 stars but very subpar logistics" }
{ "zh": "5.机器发热大,看场电影用的两声道2个小时左右顶盖用手摸一下得有40-50℃,不知道是不是变压器太大发热量大。", "en": "5. The machine produces a lot of heat, and when you touch the top cover of the two-channel movie for around 2 hours, it's between 40 and 50 degrees Celsius, I'm not sure if the transformer produces a lot of heat or if it's just too big." }