'cause someone ordered veal
I should not even try
To hide the surprise that
I can_t control anything so
I sit and I sing
Ring bells that can bring
Me back to myself I
Can_t control anything you can_t
Control anything we can_t control
Anything at all you can_t
Carry me through do what
You must do but this
Is my fight we may
Someday be free from this
Scheme and that would be
I_m going to the rapture, i_m
Going to the rapture, i_m
Going to the rapture, i_m
Going to the rap-tap-tap, the rap-tappy-tappy, the rap-tap-tap,
The rap-tappy-tappy, the rap-tap-tap, i_m
Going to the rapture May
21, 2011, all God_s children
Go to heaven aint no
Sadness, ain_t no fair but
I_m jewish so i_m staying
And the four horseman coming
From God_s kingdom Jesus in
Knows you_re naughty and he knows you_re nice,
He said the rapture, the rapture, the rapture,
The rapture i_m going to
The rap-tap-tap, the rap-tappy-tappy, the rap-tap-tap,
The rap-tappy-tappy, the rap-tap-tap, i_m
Going to the rapture well now feel the
Rumbling in the ground here are the angels,
Trumpet sounds see the light from on up
Above, Jesus touches you with
Love Jesus touches, Jesus hugs,
Til you_ve had enough taste
The cookies, taste the clouds now
We_re all well endowed I said the rapture,
The rapture, the rapture, the rapture
Oh goddamn it another day
On this planet I gotta
Ride my bike to see
The doc of cardiology because
Any minute I could drop
Dead dammit I gotta ride
My bike to see if
My ticker is faulty do
I got a bum heart
Where do I even start
I_m lost in WalMart and
I really gotta pee is
My ticker working right will
I live through tonight I
Gonna be alright when the
End comes for me oh
No now what i_m a
Heavy ball shot put I
Gotta ride my bike to see
What the world will say to me
You_re only as strong as
The moons many phases I
Gotta ride my bike to see
Another chance at tranquility r
Pick up the pieces pick
Up the pieces listen to
What they have to teach us
I know that you don_t understand
But it_s a whole lot better than following some dumb plan
Follow the fire follow the
Fire sing with me in
A beggars choir the sound
Will make the city rise on up
And everybody will suddenly be in love
Hold your horses hold your
Horses if you_re thinking about
Death and divorces just remember
To whom you_ve pledged your time
She may be saying yours, you_re saying mine
Forget the future forget the
Future It_s all simulation in
A computer the program has
Been running off the charts
It_s tied in to our lungs and to our hearts
Say how you_re living say
How you_re living make one
Final decision make a stand
And when you do stand firm
Don_t be like that squiggly wiggly worm
Walk taller walk taller don_t
That_s the way we build a better now
Forget what anyone says any way or how
I was born lost and