Anybody anybody anybody anybody if
It's just too big you
Never find it it's just
Too big just too even
I sit here and try to think all about it
My brain explodes and I
I go oh no it's
Just too big it's just
Too big it's nice I
What does it say on it
And I will and another
It's just too big whoa
Whoa it's just too big
My mom is a bit of a klutz
Especially when it comes to food
Sometimes i think she should eat with a bib
Crumbs and sauce and cheese fondue
This won't be the last time she stains
It happens every day but
She's a really cool woman, believe me
And so on behalf of her i'll now say
You_re lying in bed so safe and warm
The day melts away forgetting all that came
Before and just as you_re
About to drift asleep That_s
When you_ve got to pee so
You get out of bed Tip
Toe the floor is cold Sleepy
In your head to the
Bathroom you got to go back
Under the covers ah that_s
Better, no more pee warm
Sleepy snuggles now it_s time
To go to sleep emily
Joline hinchey: oh or that
Moment you get all comfy
And warm in bed and then your bladder's
Like 'NOPE' and so you have to get
Out of bed into the cold air to
Go to the bathroom :c
Elon musk is torturing monkeys
Elon musk is torturing monkeys
He wants to put a wire up in your brain
So you can be part man and part machine
He_ll say its for the greater good
Cuz ai will destroy us if it could
So elon musk has got to torture monkeys
Turn their brains into liquid jelly
Fry their synapses while he
Tries to find the wires that he needs
To turn you into a machiney
Monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys
I think about the cows and the piggies
Living in horrendous conditions we
Humans really love to subjugate
The less we know about it that_s great
So what_s it matter just a bunch of monkeys
In the name of science and new interfacey
Just be quiet for once in your life
In a few minutes be loud as you like
But for now forget what
You_re going to say do
You feel that in the
Stillness It_s who you are
In your chest the pain expands
You feel heat radiate in your hands
And your eyes are filling
Up with tears you are
Not incomplete you are stronger
And you belong here you
May not be remembered but
Be replaced you are more
Than the sum of your parts
Hear the drip drop of the melting snow
Tick tock goes the watch you feel the seconds glow
And the sun is banging
Down your door time is
Constant it will outlast you
Roll right past you they
Do your bidding but you
Have to feel them even
When it sucks all the
Bad things you ever did
Every single ancestor that ever lived
And they_re all forgiving you
Right here they know what
You can make mistakes all
Is not lost then you
May not be remembered but
Be replaced